#date rape mention
just-antithings · 1 year
I don't think anyone's mentioned these, so here's a few more!
First up, a pair of stalker songs. An Unhealthy Obsession by The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra, and Mx. Sinister by I Don't Know How But They Found Me.
Next, uh... I'm not entirely sure. It's From The Gallows, also by I Don't Know How But They Found Me. The lyrics are basically someone saying they love their S/O so much they're willing to kill themselves for them. Their S/O is also described as "sinister", "vile", "evil" and "downright vicious" so take that however you will.
Another one from I Don't Know How But They Found Me: Bleed Magic. The singer sings as though the subject of their song is just a toy for them to play with. Honestly, with the lines like "potions, pills and medicine to circumvent your brain" and "nobody believes you now", one can look at it as being about date rape.
Tove Lo's Like Em Young. It is exactly what it says on the can: the singer chases after men younger than her. Polar opposite of Hey Violet's Guys My Age.
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the-badger-mole · 8 months
The Villain and Hero Switch...🙄
On my Maleficent salt again. If anyone ever wants help understanding my hesitance to give live action remakes a shot, look no further. I honestly did want to like the movie at first, but them just taking the story and switching the villain and non-villain roles felt like a cheap cop out.
The fairies thing really pissed me off. In the first film, they were immortal magical beings who had trouble doing things the mortal way. Did that make them imperfect guardians? Sure! But they did their best successfully for just under SIXTEEN YEARS. Then the curse caught up with them, because of course it did. It had to. There wouldn't be a story otherwise. That wasn't a good enough reason to make them criminally negligent in the live action version in order to make Maleficent look like a hero by comparison. I love the fairies from the original movie. They made mistakes, yes, but all good heroes do. AND they SAVED THE DAY!!! Phillip would've frikin died without them, and so would've Aurora!
...huh...I think I'm realizing that maybe my hesitance to give remakes, live action or otherwise, of my animated faves might have a root cause...
Anyway, I do understand that adaptations should change some things in order to justify their existence. After all, a shot for shot remake is also lazy and boring. However, a lot of the time, the remakes just make lazy choices. Like Maleficent being turned into a thinly veiled date-rape allegory and switching the hero and villain roles instead of...I don't know... giving Maleficent a deeper motive for her villainy besides being snubbed for a party invite while still letting her be the fabulous villain we all love. Or instead of focusing on Maleficent at all, they could have focused on giving Aurora more of a story. Maybe showing us how out of place she felt growing up, and what finding out who her real parents are meant to her. Also expanding on her relationship with her "aunts". Have the fairies learning to be mortal a more pivotal part of their experience. Making Maleficent a hero at the expense of villainizing King Stephen, making Queen Leah even less of a character, and Flanderizing the fairies feels...well, lazy. Aurora was one of the few Disney Princesses with two loving parents. Why remove that distinction instead of expanding on their story? They had to give up their only child in order to save her life. Not only is there conflict for them as her parents, there's conflict for them as monarchs. I think a good writer could have made that a compelling story. But no...they just had to make King Stephen evil, for...reasons...
Look, it's not even like I'm against taking the villain of an original story and turning them into the hero. I just want there to be a good reason for it. For example, I love the story of Wicked. I think making Elphaba the hero worked really well, because in the original movie (I didn't actually read the books...sorry. But in my defense, I feel like most Wicked/Wizard of Oz fans probably haven't either? We're all Judy Garland trash) In the original movie the titular Wizard is enough of a morally grey character that you could argue that he could have been a villain actually, and the Wicked Witch of the West was such a one dimensional character that you could take her in so many directions and keep her recognizable (btw, I'm not saying it's bad the 3W is one dimensional. It worked for the story, but it gave the fanfics author something to build on). Also, I feel like Wicked the novel doesn't remove all the moral greyness from Elphaba's character, and it makes her interesting. There's a story to tell there! I can dig it! It's when adaptations completely switch the role of hero and villain so completely and abruptly that I get annoyed.
What they did was less a retelling than making up a completely different story altogether. Stephan and Leah were minor characters in the original story, yes. But they could've remained loving parents to Aurora, and Maleficent could've remained the villain and still been part of a great, expanded story.
Then maybe Maleficent could've still turned into a dragon instead of giving her stupid pet bird that moment.
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ciderjacks · 3 months
Sending this to you because you'd understand. I am just so sick and tired of these powerful men who use that power to be creeps while hiding under a nice, friendly mask. It pisses me off so damn bad that I can do next to nothing about it.
no srsly, it’s at the point where I’m really just done with any male celebrity. Like I’m so close to just not supporting any of them anymore. Which sucks but MAN. SRSLY. They ALL end up this way, because apparently men are just incapable of having any position of power without inevitably using it to abuse young women.
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fisshbones · 1 year
Everytime i see someone genuinely say that they 100% think Asmo would SA Mc I loose 5 years off my lifespan. Like did we play the same games??? He would NEVER do that.
“he’s the avatar of lust, his sin would force him to r-word mc”
Idc if you wanna make dc for him, but when you tell other ppl he would do that and that’s WHY YOU Don’t like him, it just drives me crazy. Like how can you mischaracterize someone so badly
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louisfruit · 1 year
So because of the Fandom discourse around Amso's charm powers and consent I've been going back to reread all informationn I could find in Canon about how Asmo's powers work
So obviously the first mention of Asmo's powers are early in the first season
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The next mention is during the Lucifer/Satan bodyswap arc
Basically Satan hypnotizes humans into not arresting them for murder and then explains it like this:
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So Asmo's charm is even more powerful than the hypnosis we just witnessed giving Satan full control over some humans. That must mean his ability is incredibly strong and that makes sense because can charm not just humans but also Animals, inanimate objects and (probably) demons
That scene is also interesting because it reveals that
All demons take advantage of humans via those powers
So you can't hate ONLY Asmo
Random side information in this chapter
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Asmo tried to charm Solomon but it didn't work so Solomon is immune too just like mc
Next mention is in season two when MC and Levi are going around granting people's wishes
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So Asmo pretty much admits here that he WOULD use his charm ability to get intimacy and possibly s3x from someone
Anyways that's all I found
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ishipmyotp · 3 months
So I was looking on here to see what people were saying about the rape accusations against Neil Gaiman, and there were quite a few posts that were like "*deep breath* listen good omens fandom, we can get through this. Stay strong". And while I get people feeling confused and upset over heavy accusations against someone they like, but read the room. Be adults. There are rape accusations, maybe you don't need to be "we can stay strong *fandom*!" I know this is tumblr, the piss on the poor website, but I would like to imagine some people on here understand that they don't need to be reminded that they can still like good omens while Neil Gaiman is being accused of rape
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bottom-slut-unionizer · 4 months
Not to sound emotionally damagee, but my first ex did literally cheat on me 4 times to get back at me for trying to have a conversation with him in order to set up boundaries with our polyamory. N later left me for a guy he was seeing on the side (but the guy didn't want him lol)
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sydmarch · 1 year
still can't get over that time I accidentally went on a first date at a bitcoin bar
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digital-corruption · 2 years
Yes, it's a new part. I hope I didn't give you too much of a shock.
Unrecognisable Part 44
When I woke up the next day, I felt like I had been over by a train after being trampled on by a stampede of rhinoceros, to put it lightly. I sat up on the couch and stared at my surroundings for a good ten minutes just trying to remember where I was and how I got to be there. I only had vague memories of the night before, but I knew it involved alcohol.
Glancing over at the desk, I noticed a glass of water and a couple of tablets waiting for me. Somehow Jake knew I was going to wake up to the worst hangover ever. I stood up slowly just so I could reach the glass and medicine, then promptly sat back down. Wasting no time, I downed the pills and washed them down. I spaced out again and stared at the flaking paint on the wall until my head felt relatively better. Only then did I feel confident enough to venture out of the room.
To my surprise, Jake wasn't at his desk. In fact, he wasn't even in the building, which I confirmed by checking every nook and cranny. Heading back upstairs confused, I noticed the laptop we had acquired the night before open on the desk beside Jake’s. I walked over to take a look. That’s when I found the handwritten note on the keyboard.
'Going out to purchase supplies. Your laptop is ready.'
Nice and vague, but what else could I expect from Jake? I hoped supplies was going to at least include caffeine and food. Preferably something greasy and horribly unhealthy. However, there was no guarantee that supplies would include comfort foods, or any type of edible food. I just knew if he returned with granola bars again, I was going to lose my shit.
I pushed the note aside and turned my laptop on cautiously. It felt weird to see the screen light up and bring up my old wallpaper when just yesterday it was owned by a lunatic drug dealer. The computer prompted me for my password. I paused for a moment, then entered my old computer's password. As I thought, Jake even kept that the same. I wasn’t even shocked to see my old desktop when it loaded. If anything I would be more shocked if it was different. However, as I opened the menu I realised it was superficial. He had only recovered what was backed up to my cloud drive, such as documents, photos and videos. Applications that were not installed with the operating system were missing. Still, I was grateful that he did recover what he could in that short amount of time.
I leaned back and sighed. I finally had my own computer again, but what do I even do with it? There was a temptation to head to my old haunts online, but I knew that was out of the question. Out of curiosity, I opened the browser I searched my name on Google. In the past that always led to embarrassing results, but I wondered what I would find now that I was an internationally wanted criminal. What was my family back home seeing of our exploits? At first all I found were rather generic news articles referring to Nym-0s' activities. I barely received a mention other than the fact I was the unknown individual seen accompanying him. The latest few articles reported that we shot up a harmless rave the other night. Classy reporting as always. There was one article on the second page of results from my local news though that caught my attention.
<<Terrorist in our Community: How Did We Miss the Signs?>>
Say what now? All logic told me to ignore the opinion piece, but I opened it anyway. I couldn’t believe my eyes as this so-called reporter ripped apart my life and had me painted as an anti-social loner, ripe for the picking for a cyber terrorist to brainwash into joining his anti-establishment cause. I suddenly understood completely how Jake felt about the news. While reading it, I argued to the screen out loud, as if I could defend my case. Of course I knew it was a hopeless cause. There was no way I could convince people like this writer that I wasn’t hellspawn. The part that bothered me the most though was the quotes they gathered from neighbours and co-workers. Some I barely even spoke to in the past. Others were absolute assholes whom I slighted in the past for good reason. Then there was the quote from my ex-finance, which was the icing on the cake.
<<I don't think anyone was more surprised than I was, but when I took a step back, I realised all the signs were there. She was very argumentative, antagonistic towards authority and government bodies on many occasions. Dare I say nasty even? I am disappointed by how blinded by love I was. I wish I had heeded the advice of my friends and stayed away from her.>>
“Oh, you don’t even know the meaning!” I snapped out loud. “Wait until Jake gets back! I’ll show you nasty!”
I glanced at the clock. It was the middle of the afternoon, but it occurred to me that I had no idea how long Jake had been gone for and how soon I should expect him back. Realising my vengeance would have to wait, I sighed and left the page to check the email we set up for my pseudonym for communicating with the psychiatrist. I wasn’t expecting much, but lo and behold, there was a response sitting in the inbox!
<<Hi Ms. Chase,
My clinic hours are 9 am until 7 pm, Tuesday through Thursday. However, the never-ending pile of paperwork usually keeps me in the office until 10 most nights. You are welcome to stop by for a visit anytime during those hours.
I hear the weather in Duskwood is beautiful this time of year. Have you visited before?
Dr. Richard Cumming>>
I did a double take when I read the last line of the doctor’s email. I had hoped I was better at hiding our identities than that, but apparently the good doctor was onto us. Still, I was grateful that he made it clear he knew who we were while continuing to play along in case someone else read the email. Jake was against visiting his office, but perhaps I could convince him to visit outside his standard hours. At least we shouldn’t be seen by any other staff or patients. The doctor left it in our hands to decide when to visit. Surely that would make setting up a trap difficult. I leant back in my chair and thought about what I was going to say to Jake to get him to agree to this arrangement. Just as I was running chat scenarios in my head, a black window appeared on my screen with white text.
> Don’t panic.
> It is me.
> Can’t talk. Need you to go to my computer and enter a few prompts for me.
I stared at my screen confused for a few moments, unsure if what I was seeing was even real.
> Hello? Are you there?
> Did you leave your laptop open and walk away?
Cautiously I typed a response and hit enter.
> What happened to buying supplies?
> I will explain later.
> Please go to my computer and open it.
> I don't know the password.
> Yes, you do. The PIN is the day I first reached out to you.
> Year first.
> How do I know you’re you?
There was a long delay before the next response.
> Ghostbusters.
> Sorry, I cannot say more. I don't know how much is being monitored right now.
> What the hell Jake!?
> What is going on!?
> Please trust me, ok?
> I will get back to you as soon as possible.
> And if you don't?
> If you need to run, run.
> I will catch up to you.
> Remember I can always find you.
> Please, open my computer and unlock it using the PIN I mentioned earlier.
> Go to the command window and enter: $ sudo ufw allow 22
> That’s all you need to do. I will handle the rest.
> Give me a minute.
I sighed and rubbed my head while glancing over at Jake’s laptop. I had no idea what was happening on his end, but my gut told me it wasn't good. From what I could gather, he needed something from his laptop and whatever he was having me type was going to allow him access to it. What did he get himself into that he couldn't just come get his laptop? And he needed remote access to his computer?
I shook my head and pushed my chair over to his desk. Gingerly I opened his laptop and entered the fateful date five years ago - 20220521. Sure enough, it worked. After opening the command window, I went back and forth between the two computers to make sure I typed the command correctly. Once I confirmed it was correct, I decisively hit enter. I received a response confirming port 22 was opened, but then nothing. I wasn't sure what I was expecting though.
I went back to my laptop to let Jake know I had done it, but the screen was gone. I picked up my phone and checked it for any notifications, but there were none. Just to be sure though, I called Jake’s phone. It rang and rang. I half expected it to go to his default voicemail greeting, but it didn’t.
"Good afternoon, Fräulein!"
My blood ran cold.
"Cyan!? What the fuck? Where's Jake!?" I shouted.
"Ah, he's a bit preoccupied at the moment, but I assure you he is fine," he responded all too cheerfully.
"Like fuck he's fine! Don't think I have forgotten what you did to him the other night!" I snapped.
"And I certainly haven't forgotten what you two did to my men last night either," he said coldly. "You two cost me a lot of money. Nym is simply getting me what I am owed back. Once he is done, you can have your boy toy back."
That's what this was all about? Cyan somehow got a hold of Jake and was forcing him to give him money? I could only assume he wasn't getting the funds legally. I gritted my teeth and tried to remain calm.
"Unharmed. Return him unharmed," I insisted.
"Mmmmh, sure. If everyone does as they are told, he will not receive further harm. If you two try anything, all deals are off the table," Cyan responded firmly.
"All deals?" I questioned.
I realised Jake and Cyan must’ve cut their own deal. What did Cyan threaten Jake with to get him to comply? I could only imagine the worst. The truth is, reality far exceeded what my mind could up with.
"One last thing. After this is done, Jake is out. For good. He doesn't owe you anything," I pushed.
"You know you’re awfully quick to accept this situation. I would’ve expected more protest from you over the news. It’s almost as if you already knew when you called that I had Nym working on this for me," Cyan thought out loud.
"I don't know what you're talking about," I lied terribly.
"Yes you do. He has been in communication with you, hasn't he?" Cyan laughed. "That son of a bitch. Martinez! I thought I told you to monitor his activity!"
I couldn’t quite make out the conversation on the other end, but I did pick up the word 'encrypted'. I sighed with relief. Jake was already trying to circumvent them. I just wished there was something I could do from my end to help him.
“A little smartass, isn’t he?” Cyan humoured. “Hey, Nym! Guess who I have on the phone here! I bet she’d love to hear the stories of the good ol’ days!”
“You think I would believe anything you have to say?” I rolled my eyes.
I could’ve hung up on him there, but I strained my ears to try to pick up Jake’s voice on the other side. I just wanted to hear him and hear his tone so I could determine whether he was ok or not. I needed that comfort of knowing.
“It’s up to you whether you want to believe me or not. Let’s see, where do I begin? Oh how about how Nym would get his girls high as a kite, borrowed my playroom, and kept them down there for days. God knows what happened in that room, but by the time he let us in, they were completely mind broken nymphs. His best work was on our rival’s fiancé,” Cyan rambled on. “The funny thing is, she reminds me of you.”
“Shut the fuck up!” I heard Jake shout on the other side.
“See? Did he deny it? No, he didn’t, fräulein,” Cyan mused. “The playroom is still available. I might be inclined to let you use it again if you wanted to do some training with MC.”
I heard Jake say something spitefully in German on the other side of the line.
“Oh, MC! You should’ve seen the look on his face as the thought of you in the stocks crossed his mind,” Cyan chuckled.
“Why don’t you turn the camera on and show me?” I tried my hardest to stomach the situation so I could seize the opportunity to get proof of life out of Cyan.
“Ha! Smooth, real smooth, MC. I’ll tell you what, I’m feeling generous right now so yeah, I’ll let you get a look at him,” Cyan paused as he fumbled with the phone.
I pulled my phone away from my ear just as the camera turned on. The room was dark, but I could see Jake’s face illuminated by the computer screens in front of him. He was fully concentrating on his work and didn’t notice Cyan had the camera on him. Even in the dim light I could see his cut lip and swollen eye. Whatever happened earlier, he clearly didn’t go willingly to Cyan.
“Say hi, Nym! Your girl misses you!” Cyan mocked.
Jake glanced over, glaring at Cyan and at the camera, “I thought you needed the money tonight. Quit wasting my time.”
“Well it’s not my life on the line,” Cyan teased. “I could keep her company for you. You know, like the old days.”
Jake spat something in German again, which had Cyan laughing maniacally.
“Oh, MC, let me translate this smartass for you! He said, ‘You still can’t get any action without using my women?’ Ha! I have had plenty of successes since you’ve been gone!” Cyan boasted. “Yeah, that’s right, no speaking in Deutsch to hide things from her. She deserves the full truth from you. Honestly though, he’s worried that you’ll find me more enjoyable. That has been known to happen.”
“I highly doubt that,” I sneered.
Cyan swapped to the front facing camera. I ignored him and tried to catch things in the background to see if I could determine anything that would give up their location, but it was just a generic, abandoned warehouse. Those were really a dime a dozen.
“I could have my men pick you up and we could find out,” Cyan grinned. “All you need to know is let me know where you are and I will handle the rest. Aren’t you feeling lonely there?”
The way he said those last words made my stomach churn. I immediately ended the call and tossed my phone on the desk. I didn’t manage to get anything that would help me reveal Jake’s location and instead only succeeded in making myself feel sick. There were heaps of abandoned warehouses in the area. I wanted to believe that Jake could handle it, but what if he couldn’t? Cyan said a life was on the line. Did he mean Jake’s? Would he kill Jake if he couldn’t get the money in time?
I stood up from my desk and started pacing around the room. Was I really reduced to sitting here and waiting for news? My hands started to shake at the thought of history repeating itself. No, I couldn’t handle radio silence. Not again. Not ever again. I had to do something. Something was better than nothing. But what? I didn’t even know where to begin! Damnit, I hated feeling so useless.
I turned around and noticed several windows opened on Jake’s laptop. I jumped over to it to have a closer look.
<<Tutorial: How to Connect and Operate Your CCTV System Remotely>>
The other window was just a simple text file.
<< admin s&ja#eH$g12>>
I smiled confidently, “Don’t worry, I’ll find you.”
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Merope really r*ped Tom Riddle Sr. didn’t she
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feely-touchy · 1 year
I've hoped they were like beestings
That part of them would die
So the pain was in me alone
It was my fault for stirring up the nest
For having a taste for honey cereal
For smelling of flowers
I pull out the stinger
But it regrows like an arrowhead in me
Something is wrong here
Reading about hornets yesterday—
I couldn't breathe
The word, "Swarm" hung in my throat like anaphylaxis
It felt like when I first learned what a serial killer was
The words, "Victim" and "Survivor" changing meaning
It was hearing about what happened to Kitty Genovese from the perspective of the corner street
Except now I have a phantom pain talking to me called compassion
Asking, "What if they weren't just beestings?"
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cauldronofmorning · 1 year
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I swear to god this guy intentionally looks like a hotter version of Dennis
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shouta-edits · 2 years
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"can you make a moodboard for Mahoro Shimano/bakugo katsuki with themes of grooming,rape,kidcore,traumacore,secretly dating and age gap?" -anon requested
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biitchofthewild · 3 months
just remembered again that the age of majority in my state is 19 which means my mom is even more of an accidental groomer as well as being a side chick early on (she didn't realize until later that he already had a girlfriend when he started pursuing her and publicly broke up with the girl at her (my mom's) job... but honestly she shouldn't have been surprised given he serially cheated on her)...
she was 20 when she started dating my dad who was 17 (she didn't want to go out with him at all, her friends pushed her to, this was my knowledge of the extent of the "accidental kinda-but-not-really-grooming"), she said they never did anything until after he was 18, she got pregnant with my sibling when he was 18 (she was 21), and they got married in august 1998, a month after he turned 19 (and my mom turned 22, they're exactly 3 years apart)
she didn't know the age of majority here was 19 until last year when I told her and she was disgusted with herself when she realized she had slept with and gotten pregnant by a minor. I even think she cried about it (she had experienced CSA for way too much of her childhood, and I know she would rather slit her own wrists than do that to a child, so learning she unknowingly did kinda broke her for a bit)
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zumurruds · 5 months
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Stay informed. Spread awareness. Donate. Organizations/People to Donate to:
Help Children To Orphanages & Provide Aid to Goma
Emergency Relief for displaced children in DRCongo
Help the Busimba Family Rebuild their lives
For Displaced People in North Kivu, DR Congo
For Displaced women in DRC
To create a fund and mutual aid chain to help orphans move to safer areas
Donate to FocusCongo
Donate to CongoFriends (PayPal)
Action Against Hunger
Eastern Congo Initiative
Resources to Learn About the DRC:
Thread to multiple books to understand what is happening in the DRC
Raising Consciousness About the Challenge of the Congo
A thread from 2019 talking about the situation in the DRC
A list created by trinityy777 to keep yourself up to date on what’s happening in the DRC
City of Joy Documentary (Content warning: mentions of rape and violence)
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