#daughter and father bond <33
zuiz41 · 11 months
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Just a smol continuation : P
Decades of Hidden Feelings. [Story Draft idea]
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deadbeatbug · 5 months
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doodle dump :3
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I'm currently watching "Nimona" and OH THE FEELS!!!! *cries loudly* IT'S SO GOOD AHHHH!!!
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the-fiction-witch · 28 days
Little Knight
Media - House Of The Dragon Character - Gwayne Hightower Couple - Gwayne X Reader Reader - Visenya Hightower (Daughter of Rhaenyra and Wife of Gwayne) Rating - 15 Word Count - 1715
Requested -
Hello Miss Witch, me again! Can I request again in your “Boys Yet To Have Books” please? I really love the Oscar Tully I requested, how you write it is simply divine! But now I’d like to request a Gwayne Hightower story. Wherein he is married to Rhaenyra’s sister named “Visenya” (many years after Alicent’s marriage to Viserys) to have a stronger bond between Hightower and Targaryen. But the thing is that they both resided in Old Town. They both had their first child, a girl the same age as Daeron and now expecting another one. No spice please, just Gwayne being the best husband and father ever, being really clingy and touchy, showering sweet words and kisses to his wife exactly like a simp haha. I am a million times grateful if you do this request, thank you! <33
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Gwayne rides into the stables, pulling up and dismounting his horse bag slung over his shoulder. He tries to hurry his way inside fast and easy but finds the Maester pestering him as he walks
"Ser, Ser, A raven from your sister," The short man bobbles about following Gawyne around the yard,
Gwayne lets out a sigh, “What does my sister want?”
"She requests for you to take coach and begin the road to king's landing, Ser."
Gwayne grumbles, rubbing his forehead. “By the gods do I need to spell it out for her… no. I am not going to Kings Landing.”
"But Ser-" He began,
Gwayne held up his hand, stopping the man there. “What part of “no” are you unable to comprehend? I will not be going to that viper’s nest, I do not care for how much my sister begs and nags, nothing she can say will change my mind.” Gawyne sighed once more, "I will not risk such a movement, I will not do it. Visenya could begin her labours any day I will not risk taking her on the road in her condition much less to Kings Landing just to please my sister. Visenya will remain here, in our bed-chamber, with her maids and maesters while we wait for the baby. and I will be here. By her side."
The Maester began to argue more but at this,
“Do. Not. Push. Me.” Gwayne turned to face him, a growl upon his lips.
the Maester froze like a deer in the headlights at this, his legs going still and his lip quivering slightly as he nodded his head. The maester grumbled but relented, knowing he was not going to get any further than that, “Very well, ser, I shall inform your sister… again.”
Gwayne let out a scoff, running a hand through his hair in a bout of frustration. “I would not waste your birds on my sister… I’m certain she has a mind to flay you alive if you say “no” once more.” Gwayne heads inside the Hightower, heading up the many stairs to his chambers, already he felt a giddy smile as he opened the door.
The balcony doors open letting a soft breeze blow in from the sunset sea, the sweet canopy bed shaded by wooden screens. And there she lay Visenya his beloved wife. Long hair messy from her rest, wearing only her long white nightgown and her socks, her baby bump ripe and ready to pop any day. She hums softly as she slowly sews little baby clothes.
Gwayne stood in the doorway for a moment, watching her with a soft smile. He thanked the gods she was his, and questioned whatever luck he had been given for the brief time just to call her his own. He could have watched her forever, until Oldtown and the Hightower sank into the sea. But he moved further into the room, closing the doors behind him. He sets his bag down beside the bed, walking over and sitting on the edge. He looks at her sewing before his eyes move up to her face, his smile only growing. He presses a kiss to the top of her head, then her forehead, then her nose, then her lips, then her jaw, then her collar, then her chest, then her bump, where he finally stops. He reaches out, resting his hand on her belly, rubbing it softly with a gentle smile. “Are you working on the clothes again, my love?”
she nodded "Mhm, I made our little knight some little socks to warm his tiny toes,"
Gwayne chuckled softly, grinning at the thought of their child and their tiny little toes ripe for kisses and tickles, “How shall our little night shall be to have such tiny socks, why I could fit the whole knight in my sock,”
“And poison the poor lad,” she joked,
“You are cruel to me my love,” he teased giving her another kiss, “You know not yet if it is a boy or girl, love…”
"No, we shall have to be surprised."
Gwayne smiled softly, taking her hand in one of his and intertwining their fingers. “Indeed, though regardless, I’m certain they will be a gorgeous and strong child. They have us as parents, after all…”
she nodded with a giggle in agreement,
“And I spent the day in the Old Town gardens and I gathered you enough Moonblooms for a whole batch of soap.” He cooed glancing to his bag, “As soon as your hungry let me know and I will make it myself for you,”
“Thank you darling,” she cooed, "What did the maester want, he came looking for you earlier"
Gwayne let out a sigh, he laid down resting his head on her bump in such a way he could still look at her face, “Ummm have I ever told you how beautiful you are,”
“Yes you have,” she smiled, “Maseter… wanted… what?” She reminds,
“You know just staggeringly beautiful,”
“Gwayne!” she complained, “Don’t just avoid the topic,” She warns, “You are causing me distress,” She teased rubbing her belly,
“More ravens from my sister, demanding my presence in Kings’ Landing… I once again refused, I will not take you on the road with you in your current state. It is not fair to you, nor the babe.”
"You know she will not stop her asking until she feels the babe in her arms"
He let out another sigh, “I do not care how many ravens she sends, I will continue to refuse her. I will not risk you or our baby for my sister’s whims.” he explained, “It is three months ride to kings landing, swiftly and you are in no condition to travel for that long, let along be on any swift movements. Our babe will be born by the time we arrive and I will not risk you and our baby’s health to have your labours in the back of a coach. No. You will be here. With all the citadel’s maesters to aid you, all your handmaidens. And I by your side. In your own bed, with your own views, Visenya,” he took her hand in his holding it to his chest,
"But don't you want to take your beautiful wife, swollen heavy with your babe to court to show off?" she teased
Gwayne chuckled, bringing the back of her hand to his lips to press a kiss to the back of it.
“While seeing you in court would be wonderful, you are more important then any lords, ladies or my sister. You are my wife, my love, my Visenya.”
He shifted once more so he was lying partially on top of her, his body mostly on her side, his head now against her torso. He wrapped his arms around her waist, He listened to the sound of her breathing, the steady beat of her heart, and most importantly the sound of the little pitter-patter of their child’s own delicate little heartbeat. Everything was perfect, here in this moment in his mind, often he whispered sweet cooes to her and peppered her with kisses telling her and their baby how much he adores them,
Suddenly the door to the chamber flies open
"Did I miss it!" Lianna yelled in panic, standing at the door in her green gown, fresh from her library session with her cousin Daeron,
Gwayne nearly jumped out of his skin at the sudden shout from the doorway, not expecting his daughter’s sudden appearance. The surprise was soon replaced with a sigh and a chuckled at the girl’s question. “Miss what, Lianna?”
"My baby brother!" She bolted over jumping onto their bed with excitement
Gwayne chuckled, shaking his head, his hands going to her little arms to prevent her from accidentally moving the bed too hard, knowing Visenya needed to be on her back most of the time these days. “Lianna, you’ve asked this every day for two months, and it’s always the same answer. Your brother has not arrived yet.”
"Why not?"
Gwayne sighed, smiling at his impatient, and at times, irritatingly stubborn daughter. “Because these things take time, sweetling. Give it another month or two, you’ll have your baby brother to dote on and bother all the time.”
lianna nodded, and pulled a bundle of flowers from her back "For you mama," She offered the flowers to Visenya,
"Awww thank you my sweet girl," she cooed taking the flowers from her, setting them in a vase beside the bed with the flowers’ Lianna brought her yesterday, but keeping one out to rub on her belly to soothe the little baby within,
Gwayne scooted over, The sight made him smile. Lianna was so sweet, though a handful at times. “Those are beautiful Lianna, you did well with them,”
“Lianna, would you like to feel your sibling move? I can feel our little knight right now…”
Lianna immediately came to rest her hands on Visenya's belly "I feel him! I feel him!"
Gwayne chuckled softly, watching Lianna rest her hands on her mother’s belly, a smile upon her face. He reached out, gently resting his own hand over Visenya’s stomach, smiling at the feeling of their child moving around in there. He could practically feel Lianna’s excitement, and he smiled softly at their daughter’s enthusiasm for the little one.
Visenya chuckled, placing her own hand over her Gwaynes, both of them now resting on her stomach.
“See? He’s a little knight indeed. He has been very active lately, moving around in there quite a lot.”
“Umm, I think he is almost ready to join us,” He smiled,
“I think so too,” 
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deebris · 4 months
The Fractured Bonds
Nolan Grayson x daughter reader (platonic!)
Mark Grayson x sister reader (platonic!)
Synopsis: Mark finds himself facing an unexpected threat to his family when Angstrom Levy decides to hold his mother and sister hostage. Despite the family turmoil they've endured and Nolan's departure, he returns to rescue his daughter.
Warnings: Contains scenes of violence, emotional distress and it mentions that the reader was murdered in other realities. The reader is 5 years old. This is just an idea I had a long time ago and kept it stored. This scenario was inspired by Chapter 33 of the "Invincible" comics in portuguese.
Word count: 3.6k
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As soon as Mark flew into the house through the window, his heart stopped when he saw you and his mother clinging to each other, as if your lives depended on that embrace. When Eve told him that Debbie had called, but the voice on the phone was a man's, he couldn't help but rush back to you two and imagine that something was wrong, and indeed it was.
At first, he ignored the hideous figure holding you both hostage, but made a point to glare at him with hatred now. His head was larger than that of an ordinary person and the shape of his brain was imprinted around the skull; moreover, the expression on the stranger's face was manic and as furious as Mark's, but there was a kind of excitement shining through.
"Who are you and what do you want?" Your brother's voice was deeper than usual; an attempt to sound more authoritative and intimidating.
"He wanted me to bring you here..." Debbie suddenly began to speak "I-I didn't know where you were. I remembered that Eve had called, I thought maybe she knew." Her voice was faltering, full of pauses between words due to nervousness. And it was while his mother was speaking that Mark noticed her bruised face, with a bleeding nose and purple patches on her arms as she held your small body as protected as possible.
You seemed to be in better physical condition than her, but your injured knee did not go unnoticed, as a thin trail of blood had formed around your calf. In an adult, the wound wouldn't have been a big deal, but your delicate skin stung with the cut, and he knew it hurt because of your sniffles. "I'm sorry, I didn't know what else to do. H-he hurt me, he was going to hurt my baby." She said the last part with regret, referring to you, while holding you closer and running her fingers through your hair.
"In fact, I think your son was talking to me." Interrupting his mother, finally that man had spoken, and his tone was cynical, too unconcerned for the taste of the furious Mark glaring at him. As if that weren't enough, he dared to touch Debbie's shoulder, acting as if he had every right to do so.
"Let them go now." Mark ordered him with dangerously calm voice, although the expression on his face was one of pure disgust.
"Not yet." He opened a diabolical smile as he began his ridiculous speech: "I've learned a lot about you, Mark Grayson. Many things. I know how violent you can get when you're angry, like now..." He paused dramatically, as if he needed to emphasize what he was about to say next, and it was only irritating Mark's impatient. "I know you got it from your father."
The scowl on Mark's face deepened as you tried to peek out from your mother's arms to try to understand what was going on, but she pulled you closer to her embrace. "Stay here with mommy, sweetheart."
Both she and your brother hadn't had the courage to tell you what had happened to Nolan; you were still too young, maybe you wouldn't even understand. They both spent the last few months avoiding mentioning your father at home, and when they did, it was in whispers so that you wouldn't start asking questions they wouldn't know how to answer. No child should know that their own father was a superhero killer, let alone that he had abandoned his own family out of sheer moral caprice.
"Did you know that your identity is public in almost forty percent of the realities where you exist, Mark?" The villain continued his taunts, wanting to get to some point. "That's almost half. And that means you're careless."
"Get to the point already." Mark asked, or rather demanded. If this continued, he was sure he would snap. This dialogue was irritating him, but as long as his mother and sister were witnessing everything, he would need to hold himself together until he found a way to get him away from here.
"You see this?" He pointed to himself, referring to his own appearance "I'm a freak... A deformed freak. So I guess it's understandable that you don't recognize me." Then he wrapped you and your mother around his arm in threat, and the grip was painful. "When you saw me before, when you did this to me, I looked much more normal!"
"Oh, god... You're that guy." Realization struck him, widening his eyes as he remembered the past.
"That guy? Is that all you remember of me? That I was that guy?" If that man's temperament was bad before, now it must have risen about twenty degrees with the lack of importance his sworn enemy had given him. "I'm Angstrom Levy! The next time you forget my name, it will be because you'll be dead!"
He was certainly furious, pouring out hatred and continuing to blame Mark for interrupting his inter-dimensional goals, blaming him for his current deformed appearance, repeating that he would always be a freak, even though he had sought out the best surgeons to reconstruct his shattered body.
"The greatest minds in a dozen realities couldn't find a way to fix my brain!" His hands clenched into heavy, tense fists, ready to crush something "And it's all because of you!"
After that, he exploded and everything happened too quickly for Debbie to stop him, and even if she were quick, she wouldn't have had the strength. In moments, you were ripped from your mother, who had taken a punch to the face. Levy held you and stretched one of your arms with the free hand. You hadn't acquired powers yet and were nothing but a child; you couldn't defend yourself alone.
Mark took a step forward, but Levy raised your arm in a strange position, ready to break it. You cried and sobbed desperately due to the intense pain. "Mommy, make him stop! Mark!" You pleaded as he twisted your arm, and irrationally shouted for your brother repeatedly, seeking someone who could come to your rescue.
"Let her go!" Mark was no longer the Invincible, even in his superhero costume. He was just a man trying to protect his family, and he felt so useless and powerless that it was agonizing. Without thinking, he lunged at the hideous villain in front of him, ready to confront him in physical combat at that very moment.
"That's right. I'm right here. Come get me!" And he did, but Mark was taken aback to find himself in a completely strange place. He was no longer in his home; Angstrom Levy had sent him through one of his portals to another dimension.
He watched in shock the weird jungle he found himself in, with mutant dinosaur-like creatures devouring the carcass of another beast as large as they were right beside him. The animals noticed Mark, and suddenly they... Spoke? He heard the beasts mention that it had been a long time since they had seen any Homo Sapiens, obsessed with devouring him. Apparently, he was in some apocalyptic dimension where humans had been extinct by these beasts. He could have ended these animals in seconds, but still couldn't help but feel fear, not for himself, but for you. How would he return to help you?
At home, Debbie had to plead with Levy to return you to her, and with some pity for your cries after he broke the arm, he returned you, allowing you to be comforted by your mother. But he kept you two close to him, with a firm grip on the older woman's shoulder, so he could use you against Mark at any moment.
"It's okay. It's going to be okay," she repeated comforting words as she wiped away your tears and rubbed your back gently. Debbie had seen and heard of many cruel villains thanks to her life as the wife of a "hero," but how insensitive would a human being need to be to break a 5-year-old's arm like this? Of course, she knew that even more horrendous things had happened to children in this world, but you were her daughter, and it hit her deeply.
Debbie felt you faint in her lap and panicked. She shouldn't have shaken you the way she did, but in the midst of desperation, the last thing she wanted was to see you silent, with your eyes closed. You passed out from the pain. It's normal, she's aware of that, but it was still terrifying. She was only taken out of her stupor when she heard his disgusting voice again:
"I can't believe you're going to lie to her like that." He drew attention to himself. "What kind of mother are you? How can you say that to her? You're not sure about that." Debbie ignored him, and he took it as a challenge. "I bet you're not even listening to me. Blocking me from your mind, aren't you?" He insisted. "Are you sure you don't want to talk? I could use your company."
He tried once more, but still received no response from the woman. Levy shifted his gaze from Debbie to carefully observe you. He knew the pain must be intense; he should have given up injuring you as soon as Mark passed through the portal, but he preferred to do it as a reminder. A warning for when his brother returned. If he returned. "Let's check on your son. Let's see how well Mark managed to survive this reality."
Extending his hands to summon a portal that glowed green, a figure in his yellow superhero uniform passed through the colorful circle.
"You were going to hurt my sister?" The boy shouted as soon as he saw he was back home, numb with a sense of vengeance.
"Not only was I going to, but I did." The statement made Mark's blood run cold.
"Mark?" Debbie called him desperately to show your state. She couldn't bear to see you suffer. Mark held his mother's gaze, interrupting only to finally notice you, who were motionless. Your arm was in such a unusual and swollen position. Your face, which was once red from crying, now had turned pale, and if it weren't for your shallow breathing, he would have thought you were dead.
"What have you done?" He asked furiously.
Levy made no move to respond, taking you from Debbie's arms once again. "No! Let go of my daughter!" She shouted angrily, completely abandoning her earlier fearful expression. She refused to allow that horrendous creature to take you away from her a second time. Debbie had felt how cold and clammy your skin was, and the more she looked at you, the paler your face became.
"Welcome back, Mark Grayson." Levy said after observing the hysterical scene of the woman beside him unfold with some indifference. "Your little sister here is really cute; I personally adore this chubby face of hers." Mark's throat tightened at the sight of you in the arms of that despicable man, scared with force, and seeing his broken mother in the corner of the bed only made his heart beat harder. "You know, I've encountered her in other realities." His tone was perverse, too cynical. "But unfortunately, those versions of her didn't get to advance much in age compared to this one. Isn't that interesting?"
"You bastard!" It didn't take much intelligence to understand what he meant, and it made Mark's nostrils flare with fury.
"That also makes me wonder what must have happened differently for her to survive longer in this dimension." Debbie moved from where she was on the bed and carefully reached for the bedside lampshade while Angstrom Levy was distracted, but a brief glance at her son made her abandon the idea. Mark discreetly shook his head negatively, implying that she shouldn't do that. "Or maybe I am the trigger for this event here," he pointed out with a smile.
"If you hurt her more, I swear-" Mark said with hatred and tense body, but he was interrupted.
"What? You'll kill me? Of course, you will." The villain stared at him seriously, with some skepticism. "Don't worry. However, her well-being really only depends on you. After all, it was you who let Anissa kill her once, and Conquest, and Thragg... Although the latter was more your father's fault," he stated matter-of-factly while scratching his chin.
He seemed like had finished speaking, but decided that the hero needed to hear more upon seeing the boy's shocked face at the mention of those peculiar names, yours assassins, curiously, all Viltrumites. Levy wasn't sure if Mark was already aware of these people, but what really mattered to him was to disturb the boy. "But it's you whom I want to hurt. I want to hurt you so, so much... Your little sister is very safe, as long as I determine that the only way to hurt you is by hurting her."
Then suddenly he lifted your unconscious body in his arms as he prepared to throw you into a portal. Debbie's heart was in combustion, beating faster than ever as she suppressed a scream. But your brother's temper finally snapped, completely determined to kill him once and for all.
Mark moved forward to stop him, but within seconds, the roof of the house was pierced and him felt something, or rather, someone push him away. He couldn't see much, but he followed his mother's pleas and embraced her, protecting her from the wreckage. His throat tightened at not seeing you, not knowing what was happening, but soon part of the dust began to settle.
Struggling a bit, the boy managed to see his father's back, apparently holding the man, who moments ago was about to send you away, in the air by the neck. He relaxed a little more when he saw traces of his hair resting on Nolan's broad shoulder, finally free from the dangerous clutches. Despite the disturbing events regarding his father, Mark knew he wouldn't let anyone harm you under his protection.
Levy felt himself losing breath, his brain throbbing from the blow he received from a piece of wood fallen from the ceiling. An intense pain hit him as Omni-Man began to bash his head repeatedly against the wall. His skull was now partly mashed into the concrete, and the red liquid that was his blood flowed to the ground.
"If my left fist weren't busy, I'd make you suffer much more," Nolan's thunderous and deep voice sounded intimidatingly throughout the room. "Despicable trash like you should keep your filthy hands to yourself."
Nolan struck one last time as he whispered in a chilling whisper the last words that man would hear before having his skull pushed against the wall slowly, until it crushed like gelatin: "I'll ensure that every version of you that dares to appear here on this Earth, or anywhere in this Universe, has a slow and painful death before laying a finger on my daughter again."
And as the Viltrumite increased the grip on Levy's neck and continued pressing his head against the wall, it seemed like his eyes were about to pop out. The skin that was once brown now split between purple and pink in some spots due to the continuous pressure while him was dying.
Observing the man coldly, Nolan withdrew his hand and took care not to stain you with the blood dripping from his fingers, portraying a much gentler grimace as he observed your sleeping figure. He always found it adorable to see how incredibly tiny you looked in his arms, It awakened an intense feeling of protection. But upon noticing that you were injured, his eyebrows furrowed, carefully examining your broken arm while wondering how Mark had let this happen.
"Father, what-" Mark broke free from his mother, finally finding words amidst the shock, but was interrupted.
"Your sister needs to go to the hospital." His voice was distant, almost emotionless, successfully masking the concern.
Debbie honestly wasn't ready to face the man she had been deceived by so soon, but she couldn't care less when the only thing she had wanted for hours was just to keep you safe and close to her. She avoided his eyes as she anxiously waited for an opportunity to have you back in her arms, and her ex-husband seemed to have noticed. As hesitant as he was, he walked over to her carefully, avoiding showing a more human side of himself to his family, but also not being hostile in his gestures. He surrendered to the act and pressed his lips to one of her temples before putting you in her arms.
"Take good care of her." He stared at his son with some severity. "I can't always be here, I'm entrusting her life to you, Mark."
The boy looked at him with some indignation, as if his father doubted that he would do everything to protect you, but he knew he had been too careless, as Angstrom Levy said he was. Even though he had the strength to defend his little sister, he still found himself vulnerable tonight, almost incapable.
"You don't need to ask for that." Mark was firm, and Nolan nodded satisfactorily. He thought about saying something more, even though he didn't understand why, the last thing he should want is to speak to his father again. Perhaps it was to unload the disgust he still felt, but the health of both of you was a more important matter to him now.
"Go away." Debbie's voice surprised them. She was obviously defeated, too tired for all this, but still found the energy to stand while holding you. "It was the necklace, wasn't it? Are you spying on us?"
Nolan's gaze was hard, trying to hide how his ex-wife's contempt affected him. The months of bitterness he spent in space had changed his demeanor a bit, but he thought it would be less painful for both of them not to hear his regret after all the harm he had caused. He didn't consider himself worthy of his family's pity, although now they considered him a stranger. He knew that Mark and Debbie still harbored a monstrous image of the person he was, and perhaps he really was.
"Aren't you going to admit it?" She asked him again with indignation, seeing that the man didn't make a single move to leave.
The object she referred to was a gift from both of them to you, or rather, from Nolan. He was the one who had the idea of ​​putting the necklace around your neck with the excuse of keeping you safe. He wanted to know where you were and who you were talking to, and the way he found to do that was by projecting this piece with the help of his planet's technology. "I hope every time you hear this little girl mention your name, you wriggle with remorse and agony, if you still have any kind of heart. You were better off away."
She still remembers when he told you: 'Whenever you want to talk to me, just hold your necklace close. That way I'll always be with you.' At the time, it was something so beautiful, something they hadn't thought of doing with Mark, but now it could be different. In your childish mind, it was as if it were magical and a piece of your father would really be with you all the time. But now it stirred disgust in her, she wanted to destroy it.
"Don't take it off, Debbie. Please." Nolan's imposing voice had become softer, almost frightened, and he had finally shown some kind of weakness after so long. "Please." He repeated the plea.
"Mom, maybe it's a good idea to let her keep wearing it. At least sometimes." Mark interfered not for his father, but thinking of you. If Nolan had been able to appear today to save you, he could come to your rescue more often, although the idea of ​​you being in danger again gave him chills.
Debbie hesitated, giving up tearing the necklace off your neck. Knowing that Nolan would be able to experience their day-to-day life bothered her, but she would deal with it later, remembering that you needed medical care. She was very hurt, but her own condition didn't matter to herself as long as she saw you awake and well again. "Mark. Hospital." she announced hurriedly ignoring the fourth person in the room and the bloody scene beside her.
Nolan sighed in relief for a moment, looking one last time at you and Mark, ashamed, but adopting the stone-cold expression he had previously. "Mark, don't let her take it off." He didn't want to sound like that, but the tone of his voice carried a threat. The boy cared little about giving him any kind of response, returning a grim expression to his father as he departed at a thunderous speed through the now-open roof, just as he had come, raising the dust once again.
"Let's go," Mark said gently to his mother, lifting her delicately since you were in her arms.
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xo-cod · 1 year
You know what I think would be cute? If one of the 141 were watching Beauty and the Beast with his child and during the scenes where they're bonding and dancing, the child gasps and says, "That's you and Mommy!" And they're all excited because it shows that their parents are truly in love and they just find it adorable 🥰
141 men being all soft and cute dads makes my heart melt omg <33 this is so cute babe :(( 🤍
price: "is that right, honey?" he chuckles softly, an eyebrow raised in amusement. he actually hadn't given much thought to it, he didn't really think children were even for him. but then there you came, tilting his world on its axis. how you managed to fall in love with him, he hadn't the faintest clue. he couldn't ever fathom why you'd choose him but he's so incredibly grateful nonetheless. he didn't know what good thing he had done to receive either one but he counted his blessings every day for it. he holds his little girl in the crook of his arm as they both cuddle close on the sofa, his deep chuckle echoing in the room everytime his little kiddo eagerly pointed out the scene on the tv. his heart was practically swimming in his chest as he cuddles her close pressing gentle kisses all over her cheeks to make her giggle <3
simon: "me an' mama, huh?" he chuckles fondly, his heart fluttering inside his chest. he didn't much care for disney movies but since having his daughter, he'd been forced to watch them all back to back with her. not that he minded so much, he would've done anything to keep that grin on her little face. it makes his heart ache with so much joy when his little girl had said that, after all he grew up in a world of pain. some days, he was so scared of ever accidentally inflicting the same scars his father had left behind on his baby and you. and so it almost makes him teary eyed when his child points out the tenderness between belle and beast to you and him. he was the best dad anyone could ever ask for, it was just taking him a little longer in believing that <3
gaz: "shall we dance then, my love?" he humours them, raising his hand out for them to take. his heart was practically bursting at the seams when his baby pointed it out, he didn't think he could ever have this privilege in his life. and he cherished every single moment with you and his bundle of joy, both of you meaning more to him than life itself. and as the dancing scene takes place with belle and the beast, gaz and his baby also dance along to the music, with the exaggerated hum from gaz just to hear his little one giggle madly. his small girl dancing happily in his arms and gaz wrapping a strong arm around her, keeping her safe and close was a sight he could never tire from <3
soap: "and you're our little teacup, aren't you sunshine?" the scot laughs heartily as he scoops his baby in his warm arm, blowing soft raspberries on their stomach. johnny really didn't think he would ever be in this beautiful position of finally being a dad to his baby, a baby that you had gifted him. everyday he makes sure to let you know how thankful he is to have you and his child in his life, he would never be able to find the words to express it. so he chooses actions instead. as he tickles his little baby their shrieks of delight and giggles makes him all warm inside, he truly was the luckiest person ever. <3
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luffyvace · 6 months
HEYYYY!! how are you?? i hope you’re doing well ❤️❤️
i was wondering if you could do a headcanon/story where reader is like the daughter of Dracule Mihawk but like she(or gender neutral) never met her mom, so when she was growing up Boa Hancock was like their cool auntie that she learned how to be a woman (doing makeup,painting nails, finding her style ect.)
i do female reader dw!! I’ll be using she/her as well, for reference
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Awhh dadhawk <33
Of course it’s alright honey! Alsooo TYSM!! I’m so glad you enjoy 😭💓💓
Being mihawk’s daughter has a lot of perks and literally no down slides. actually I half way take that back. The only down slide is that there’s a target on your head for those who are crazy enough to come for you. But that’s like a mere 00.1% and even then just because they come for you doesn’t mean they’ll get to you 🤡
especially since your the NUMBER ONE swordsman’s daughter.
Also this is really random but you probably meet zoro eventually, perona as well, they obviously stay with you for some time so perona and you likely get close. I imagine you would introduce her to boa and the three of you become a trio. You and Perona are her adorable nieces and boa is your doting, beautiful and totally awesome auntie :3
don’t get me wrong mihawk is a awesome father. He seems like a very responsible man and that he would not leave you out in the cold at the cost of his own life. He spoils you just as equally as boa does and although he’s not the most trusting man on earth, he wouldn’t dare break the bond you two have when he can’t replace it with your actual mother. At this point not that you wanted to.
Never meeting your mom may have taken a toll on your mental health at first, but not to worry! Awesome aunt boa to the rescue!!
The chances of you meeting boa we’re actually very slim, whether you know it or not. As I said Mihawk doesn’t easily trust plus you probably met at a warlord meeting where he has to take you along for one reason or another.
You saw boa and naturally, thought she was very pretty. Mihawk is rather reserved too so you probably don’t see people often in general (til you get older). Therefore, seeing such a ethereal woman made you instantly admire her. You immediately wanted to get to know her—and, luckily for you, she took an interest in the girl who’s mihawk’s daughter!
now idk what you did but she started the conversation, and whatever you replied made her think you weren’t so bad! You two chatted some more and after figuring out you had no mother figure she took it upon herself to raise a cute girl such as yourself to be a good woman. She didn’t exactly want to be viewed as your mother..that would relate her too closely to mihawk, a man, for her liking. So! She’ll be the cool and classy wine aunt instead! 🍷💋
you love your dad, he does his best to raise you as a single father and pirate/warlord/worlds best swordsman. And you truly do appreciate him! But when Boa bashes him for being a man her insults are low key so funny you can’t help but laugh 🗿 (hc that Boa would be good at roasting people on the spot :3)
boa being the coolest aunt she is, she takes you to lavish places (that she rented so she wouldn’t have to bear being in the presence of those indisputable critters society calls men), gets you the most high quality makeup (that her tribe handcrafts—yes they make they’re own it’s a hc of mine), does monthly over the phone (in person when you can) mental check ins (because you love your dad but again, he’s a man, and there’s some things about women men won’t get—vice versa too of course <3)
womanly hour!~ well more like hours, you spend the whole day with boa whenever you can, she’s makes a magnificent aunt and literally never says no to you. She’s like to you how she is to luffy but less delusional platonic <3 you two go shopping and pick out clothes together, her tribe of course also gifts you all the cute clothes you could ever want (again, handcrafted) because boa adores you and they adore boa!—which means they adore you! 💕 You and the Kuja 100% get along and see eye to eye on how spectacular Hancock-Sama is~ 🥰
when your older you probably go over to visit her more often and maybe even on your own! Mihawk trusts that by then he’s trained you enough, plus i think he would have his certain set of rules but not be too strict of a dad.
teaching you how to be a proper woman with Boa 101 ;} only if you want to tho! She’ll ensure your not out here acting like some monkey—surely your not! (unless you are 🤷‍♀️) Still, she teaches you basic lady manners. :) More than anything she knows women is NOT the problem, so instead of going “keep your legs closed ☝️🤓” she says “If a man looks at you lower than your stomach, kick him in that area 😉😘” - Boa Hancock (the woman we trust💪)
AND you already know she’s gonna teach you how to kick as hard a she can 😤😮‍💨👌 which ngl by the time your older your sure to be a master in many Haki’s. You may even have conquer’s 🤷‍♀️ I wouldn’t doubt it you got Mihawk blood in you :P
Growing up Boa has constantly been warning you of men and they’re vile ways. When you become of age she’ll tell you what happened to her (that’s how much she trusts you 💗💗) and you’ll know what she means right away. She will always look out for you but gives you tips on things just in case, and if you ever feel unsafe, don’t hesitate to call her or take a trip to the island of women! The entirety of the Kuja tribe will lay down they’re lives in an instant for Hancock-sama’s lovable little niece <33
I’ve been mentioning this throughout but her taking you to the island of women definitely happens. You love it there and everyone loves you. You have so many Aunts and sisters there it’s not even funny. 😃 You adore each and everyone of them though, just as they do you. You get only the finest of treatment from them and you might as well be one of the Boa sisters. You get all you can eat premium food, the most elegant clothes tailored to your exact size and tastes, you even have your very OWN room in the Palace! Sandersonia and Marigold dote on you just as much as Hancock does the four of you very much do spend a lot of time together. 😊
The Boa sisters/the Kuja tribe teaches you the kuja tribe/survival skills personally. They start with bow and arrow and eventually moving on to haki and hand to hand combat. Now, Mihawk might have already covered this but they’re going over it again 😄 why? He might’ve missed something! He’s a man! (Btw the Kuja girls 100% ask you questions about men no holding back) Anywho, I’m sure you’d do it again even if you know it already because 1) practice 😋 and 2) who wouldn’t want to spend more time with the Kuja pirates?!
These girls are seriously awesome 💓 (this low key became a Mihawk diss track written by Hancock but he’ll live- LOL 😂😂🗿)
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lixzey · 2 months
a leo valdez x child of dionysus!reader story/headcannons would cure my depression rn🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️(maybe best friends to lovers ? )
sorry for being so vague but there just isn’t enough appreciation for leo i need anything 😭😭
thank u i love your works btw
i wanna teach you how forever feels !
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leo valdez x daughter of dionysus!reader headcannons <333 friends to lovers
leo valdez x dionysus!reader headcannons <33
a/n: so sorry if this is too long 😭 i got carried away 🫣 i hope you like it!
• you and leo met the day after his quest to save hera along with jason and piper. you had just came back to camp after spending a dreadful christmas back at your mortal relatives' place, and you weren't in the mood to deal with anyone's bullshit. but you bump into him, walking back to cabin nine from spending most of the day at bunker nine. leo starts apologizing again and again, keeping his head down for the duration of it. the holidays were really not the best times for him, having spent most of them alone. you forgive him, of course. it was the holidays after all, and you were pretty sure that he didn't need you being mean and all on the day he felt he most alone
• after that little interaction, you went to go look for him at cabin nine or bunker nine. he was shocked, to say the least.
• “what are you doing here miss...?” he asks all awkward, almost hitting himself in the face with his hammer bcs he was twirling it in his hand trying to act normal.
• you laugh at him, which makes him blush so bad to the point that he could compete with a strawberry down at the patches. he thinks that you sound so angelic, not knowing your other side yet
• speaking of that other side,
• the moment he found out who your godly parent was, he nearly lit the whole bunker ablaze. you were mr d's kid, oh he thought that he would be in so much trouble for being so close to, his only daughter
• it was a recipe for disaster, honestly
• but who was leo without a little disaster here and there?
• you and leo grow close over time
• because you literally hung out at bunker nine almost every day, helping him out even though you didn't know shit about building a literal war ship.
• and if you aren't there, leo would look for you so the two of you could hang out for a bit before going back to your respective camp duties
• the two of you bonded over fire, suprisingly
• you've been drawn to fire since you were young, something about flames dancing just fascinates you
• leo opens up about how his mother passed, which you felt bad for but he assures you that it's okay and it's not your fault, it's his. you glare at him at that and pretty sure he saw flames in your eyes, which shut him up real quick. leo now knows better than to talk poorly of himself around you.
• through the six months of building the argo II, you managed to get leo to rest from time to time
• let's be fr, that boy would not rest until you threaten to drag his ass back to his own cabin for him to sleep
• after a while, you manage convince leo to let loose. you invited him, jason, piper, and a few others to a party at your cabin
• since you practically live alone inside of it, why not forget all of the bullshit surrounding you guys for a while? you made sure that you'd be drinking grape juice, upon piper's insistence (much to leo's disappointment, but at least he had you-)
• watching you dance and laugh at the party made leo feel something weird, something he's never felt before. in his eyes, you look like a freaking goddess under the light, and from the corner of your eyes, you see leo smiling, which makes you feel giddy and warm inside
• the day before they were scheduled to leave for the other camp (jupiter) to go get percy, your father informs you that you, his only daughter, is a part of the quest
• you were mad as FUCK
• because why the hell would they tell you last fucking minute???? you literally had no clue about the said prophecy of eight, which apparently included you.
• the only one who managed to calm you down was leo.
• which was definitely a surprise to everyone who knows you, since your temper is definitely something, a force to be reckoned with, really
• so the next day you, leo, piper, jason, and annabeth set sail for who knows where because you literally had no idea
• leo tries his best to cheer you up by asking you to help him man the ship with him. teaching you morse code the way his mother taught him
• oh, how leo wishes that he could see that smile of yours every day
• and your laugh? angelic as if angels personally came down from heaven above
• when leo got possessed by those dumb eidolons, you stood up for him when octavian was talking shit about you and your friends.
• clocking octavian hard in the jaw
• needless to say, everyone was surprised
• but leo? bro thought you looked (even though he didn't see it personally) hotter than literal fire itself
• you may or may not have flooded camp jupiter with diet coke as you and your friends escape to buy you guys some time
• when percy was giving leo grief, you snapped at him
• “he bombed them, y/n!”
• “sit your ass back down perseus,” you hiss at percy, eyes ablaze with a purple flame your father always has. “before i smack the living daylights out of your sorry ass. and no, annabeth can't stop me.”
• annabeth, in fact, can't stop you
• but leo can
• “calm down, mi vida,” leo places a hand on your shoulder, somehow instantly calming you down.
• annabeth looks at leo, realizing what he had called you
• mi vida, or my life in english
• funnily enough, neither you or leo realized that
• secret glances between the two of you, like a glimpse of each other's smile would def make yours and his day a 100 percent better.
• you kinda despised hazel for a while because of the sammy thing. you tried to hide it, but if there's one thing that leo's picked up on you, it was your facial expressions.
• it's like you had built in subtitles, as leo put it.
• “i try not to think,” leo admitted. “it interferes with being nuts.” take a guess where leo got this
• you, his amazingly deranged pretty girl....friend
• when the argo II got yk attacked by big 'ol shrimpy monster, leo was terrified as fuck when he woke up in camp fish blood without you there
• bro practically had a panic attack
• if frank and hazel hadn't assured him that you were safe (probably, hazel just hoped that you were), he would have swam back up to the surface despite the risks
• my bro literally ran towards you as soon as he stepped foot on the ship
• “holy hephaestus! gracias a dioses estas a salvo, estaba tan asustada, mi vida!”
• you honestly had no clue about what he said, but you were honestly so relieved that he's alright
• coach hedge had to pry leo off of you
• but bro refused to leave your side
• leo tapped “meet me at the stables later,” on your arm in morse code
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snitchcrimsonwrites · 5 months
Maybe pt. 5
Pairing: Norm MacLean X Female Reader or OC if you squint
Former friends to a relationship?
Life is pretty easy in Vault 33 until you're trying to rekindle a former friendship and Raiders attack. Now, our main characters are trying to navigate newfound feelings, all while undercovering the mysteries of Vault 33. Stay tuned. Follows the main storyline of season 1; some events may be reordered for plot.
Something seems off with these dwellers from 32, what's their deal? Time for our favorite couple to find out.
Part 1 Here Part 7 Here Part 12 Here
Part 2 Here Part 8 Here
Part 3 Here Part 9 Here
Part 4 Here Part 10 Here
Part 6 Here Part 11 Here
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Norm knew why he was sitting alone at a table of mainly residents from Vault 32, but that didn’t mean he had to like it. He’d much rather be conversing with his family or (Y/N). Hell, he’d take even Chet, who he was sure would go on about his infatuation with his sister. He’d prefer that level of awkwardness to the awkwardness associated with playing host because he was the Overseer’s son. He wasn’t cut out for this. 
He looks up from the table and across the atrium to see your eyes locked on him, he offers back a wave to break your concentration on him. You return the gesture with a beaming smile. His heart thumps a little quicker. You’ve had that effect on him lately. He’s not quite sure when his feelings evolved past friendship-maybe back then, maybe in the last couple of weeks- but there’s no denying them now. He was hopeful that you felt the same; some of your interactions with him seemed more than friendly, flirty even. He just couldn’t be sure he wasn’t projecting his desires onto these situations. 
His dad steps up to the stage to deliver his remarks. Thank Goodness. He was eager for any excuse to leave his assigned table. 
“Good evening, and welcome to the proud denizens of Vault 32. We are bonded not just as neighbors but by a shared duty. To keep the candle of civilization lit. While the rest of the world has been cast into darkness.”
Norm can’t help but turn his attention from his father to the Overseer at his table; her intense focus on his dad’s words seemed out of place. What was her deal? 
 “Soon, if our measurements are correct, radiation levels on the surface are dropping fast enough that the next generation, Lucy and Monty’s children, will be able to recolonize.” 
The atrium fills with cheers and applause from those in Vault 33 jumpsuits. The 32s seem less enthusiastic about the concept of recolonization. Was he reading too much into this? He feared the surface; maybe these people did, too. Perhaps he’d fit in better if he were in Vault 32. 
“After 200 years, we don’t know much about what’s up there: desperation, violence, lawlessness. These survivors will need to be shown a better way. I’ll admit sometimes I’m afraid that mean old world will change us instead. But then I look at my daughter, who’s such a beautiful bride, and her new husband. And I am not afraid. I feel hope. To Lucy MacLean. And to this marriage. And to hope!”
The actual celebration could begin with the closing of his father’s remark. The music started, and everyone was soon captivated by the sweetness of the father-daughter dance. His dad and Lucy swayed back and forth to the sounds of “Some Enchanted Evening” emitting from the jukebox on stage. After a few moments, the two broke away. Norm knew what was coming next; this was typical of his family. His dad and sister plead for him to join them on the dancefloor. He begrudgingly concedes it was his sister’s wedding day after all. 
Now, the three embraced and rocked back and forth on the dancefloor. At this moment, Norm was grateful for the bond he shared with his family. Through all the teasing between siblings and the disapproving glances from his father, they loved each other very genuinely, and moments like this one were the manifestation of that. 
As they broke apart, Lucy went to tousle his hair affectionately. He noticed her eyes widen at something across the room as she did. Lucy motioned at someone, and Norm followed her gaze. Please no. But it was already too late. Lucy was closing the distance towards (Y/N). The two excitedly embraced. Hopefully, they were just exchanging congratulations. They were friends, after all. Norm watches as Lucy whispers something to you, and suddenly, the pair is heading back in his direction. Lucy, what did you say? Norm thinks as he puts his hand up his forehead while his dad nudges him with his elbow. 
“I saw (Y/N) by herself on the edge of the dancefloor and thought someone might like to invite her to dance.” That someone was him, apparently, as Lucy offered (Y/N)’s hand to Norm. 
“I’d be happy to,” he replies. Norm was frustrated that his sister had to be one to ask you but wasn’t about to lose the opportunity to dance with you. With a surge of confidence, he takes hold of your hand to lead you onto the dance floor, making a little show of pulling you into position in his arms. He was hoping it impressed you.   
“Sorry about that,” he confesses to you after a few moments, shooting his sister a steely glance as he does. She didn’t need to confirm that he was too chicken to ask a girl to dance. “You know how she can be when she gets an idea in her head—unrelenting.” 
“I don’t mind; I was actually hoping you’d ask. Your sister just guaranteed the odds.” 
Norm smiles, looking up into your eyes. You wanted to be here with him. That was enough. He eases into the moment, focusing on his dance steps and trying to burn every aspect of this into his memory. The way your perfume lingered in his nose, how your body felt leaning into his, the beating of your heart in rhythm with the music—he wants to remember it all. 
The sound of a throat clearing behind him brings Norm back to reality. Please don’t let it be someone else wanting to cut in. Turning around, it was just his father, but he did come bringing bad news. “Sorry, I will need to steal Norm away for a second,” the Overseer states as he places a hand on Norm’s shoulder. “Just one family photo, and I’ll give him back,” he reassures (Y/N) with a wink. 
“Not a problem,” you reply. Norm believes he can detect disappointment in your tone. 
“Find you after.” Norm declares, keeping a loose grasp on your hand as the two of you pull away. He wasn’t ready to let go just yet. 
You set up camp by the main stage to people-watch and wait for Norm to return from his family obligations. Initially, you hoped to catch some laughable moments from your neighbors of Vault 33. There was just something about weddings that brought out peoples’ impulsive natures. Still, it was the behaviors of the residents of Vault 32 you couldn’t look away from. 
Not even Norm’s presence back in the main ceremony space shifted your attention. Soon, he was slotted into the spot next to you on stage. You assumed he must have picked up on your body language and noticed precisely who you were observing because, without any prompting, he spoke up and asked, “Is it just me, or are the Vault 32 dwellers just a little  …” 
“Off?” you offer, not giving him a chance to finish. 
“I noticed it first while my dad was giving his remarks; their Overseer seemed to be picking apart every word,” he said, replaying the interactions in his mind. 
Without warning, he hops down to his feet from the stage and turns to you, offering his hand. “Come on.” 
You take hold without a second thought. “Where are we going?” 
“I think we need to explore how the other side lives.”
The two of you set off in the same direction you returned from hours ago, trying to act inconspicuously. Hopefully, the sight of two young people walking off holding hands gave a different impression than the reality of snooping around Vault 32. 
Hands still interlocked, you make your way down the vault corridor, the sounds of the party in the atrium fading into the background, faintly echoing down the metal hallway. As you approach the end of the hallway, the vault door welcoming you to 32 is still open and rolled off to the side. There are no guards; all seems completely ordinary. You look to Norm and nod, confirming your commitment to enter and cross the threshold hand in hand. 
The sight that greets you immediately sets off alarm bells. A breathless “Whoa” was all you could manage. Norm stays quiet, taking it in, only offering a squeeze of your hand as reassurance.  
 Vault 32’s primary outdoor space appears before you in stark contrast to 33’s. The Vault’s wheat crop is laid out across the atrium as a sea of decayed brown, brittle, and rotting wheat. Their Overseer mentioned a blight that had wiped out their supply, but seeing the scene before you was chilling. How did these people survive? 
Continuing further into Vault 32’s atrium, you have to watch your step to avoid pieces of furniture grouped together in small huddles. The lack of lighting makes this task more difficult. Was there no power? Norm provides a steady arm as you two navigate the miniature obstacle course before you. 
“Something isn’t right,” he vocalizes as he helps you avoid the plastic lawn chairs and bedding blocking the small opening to the remainder of the living area of the Vault. You’ve now moved both hands to grasp onto his bicep and forearm as you walked, nervous about the potential jump-scare awaiting around every corner. 
The Vault’s living area seemed worse than the atrium, with equipment and furniture strewn haphazardly into the hallways, tables overturned, and trash littering the floor. Yet you continued. Curiosity drove each step forward while the heartbeat creeping up into your throat signaled to turn back. 
“Hello?” Norm calls out as the two round a corner into one of the disheveled nursery rooms. 
Panic strikes you when you realize he was calling out to what looks to be a person occupying a chair in a room ahead of you. What are they still doing in here?  Panic then turns to horror when you get a better look at the occupant in the chair. The sight of the rotten, decayed skin leaves no room for interpretation, sending you and Norm scurrying to get back to Vault 33 in a hurry. 
“Stay close,” Norm shouted over his shoulder from his position slightly ahead of you. As you returned down the hallway to get out the way you came, you heard the distant sounds of alarms, screams, and gunshots echoing into Vault 32. Something serious had happened since the two had left. 
Norm speeds up and passes the last intersecting hallway before exiting the Vault; however, your escape becomes blocked as a knife-wielding Vault 32 dweller lunges out of the hallway junction in the space separating you from Norm. You react by putting your arms up in defense as the momentum from your body sends you crashing into your attacker, the backs of your forearms making contact with the large knife. 
Your scream stops Norm dead in his tracks. He spins around frantically to see the cause of your distress, seeing you bloodied and wrestling to escape your attacker. He starts back down the hallway to intervene, but the appearance of two more 32s stops him. 
“Get after him. I’ve got this,” your attacker encourages, causing the two newcomers to rush down the hallway after Norm. 
“Keep going. Don’t look back!” you shout, hoping to prompt Norm to flee as you writhe free, creating space between you and your assailant. Your words have the intended effect as your friend springs to action, taking the additional aggressors out of the corridor with him. 
Escaping your attacker's hold, you now need a plan to save your life. Think you need to come up with something, anything! You urge your brain in desperation. 
The man comes at you again, lunging through the space between you, trying to make contact with his weapon. You narrowly dodge in time, ungracefully slide rolling to connect with maintenance equipment piled in the hallway's corner, the contact with the floor winding you slightly. 
The clanging of metal tools falling on the floor draws your attention and will hopefully give you a chance. You pick up the nearest object, a pipe wrench, you think, and position yourself as your attacker comes at you again. From the ground, you lunge at their legs, knocking them off balance, and, using your body weight, pin them to the floor. It all happened so quickly that they had no time to react. The pipe wrench does the rest of the work. With a two-handed grip, the wrench rises over your head, comes back down, and connects. One. Two. Three. Four times. That was all it took to turn a human head into a bloody pulp.
 You breathe out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, and your body relaxes as the adrenaline leaves. You wince, now realizing how bad the damage to your arms was. The gashes were deep and still oozing blood; you had enough medical knowledge to know you needed to treat these wounds ASAP lest you be able to use your arms again. One of the hallway storerooms was your best bet. 
Norm can’t believe he took off down the hallway without a second thought. You were in trouble and needed help, but now he was in trouble sprinting down the connecting corridor with two, who he would assume were raiders hot on his tail. Maybe he could shake these guys and bring back reinforcements. At that thought, he urged his legs to give him more speed. 
Thankfully, he was quick, leaving the raiders scrambling to catch up as he exited the corridor and hid low amongst the corn stalks. Upon seeing the chaos in the atrium, that was his new plan. The raiders had descended on anyone in a Vault 33 jumpsuit, killing them indiscriminately and with a level of violence he thought was unimaginable until now. 
Norm realizes his best chance at survival is escaping the atrium and hiding somewhere deeper in the vault. He just hoped you were able to do the same. He stays low among the corn and vegetable garden, paying attention to opportunities to make a break. He makes it to the central open space, ducking for cover under a picnic table, hoping for one more chance to clear the room. He has no such luck. A female raider spies him under the table and grabs his legs, pulling him out into the open. This is how I die. The raider pulls Norm up to his knees, intending to silt his throat, and Norm fights back with all the strength he can muster. It’s not going to be enough. Then, suddenly, the raider goes limp, and he can push her body off to the side as she comes crashing down. He didn’t realize what had happened until he was embraced in his sister's arms. Lucy saved him. And now it was Lucy ushering him across the lawn and assisting him into the safety of the bunker. Norm climbs down into the claustrophobic space and turns to do the same for Lucy; at least he can save her. She simply shakes her head–no. She’s not coming down without Dad. She helps Norm shut the bunker door and heads back into the fray.
Norm dwells on one thought in the confided pitch-blackness of the bunker against the backdrop of commotion from above. I let them all down.
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titan-senpai · 2 years
The Pearl of my life
A/N; Since i'm taking a break of Neteyam i figured it was time to give Ao’nung more love <33 Okay no Angst this time , might make this into a mini series tho- ( I have an headcanon that if a na'vi asks a navi to be their mate they go on one knee kinda like proposing..and alot more buy yall are going to see it obvi loll) Maybe a few spelling mistakes loll
Ao’nung x Metkayina F pregnant reader
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~ Y/N a Quiet girl who didnt like drama and avoided any drama and guy who asked for her hand… How did she end up with the Olo’eyktans son? You ask me lolll.
Years ago Ao’nung noticed a girl sitting by the water while his group laughed and played with a group of Kids.. That girl stood out. A lot of people knew her as the odd quiet one, But they did notice her beauty and so did a lot of young warriors.. but she rejected every one she came by.. till she finally faced Ao’nung years later… At age 15 they connected like soulmates even though Y/N didn't like to talk a lot to strangers. Surprisingly she was talkative and nice. She was just shy with new people.. but soon with the help of Ao’nung she started talking more.
years later Ao’nung asked for Y/N hand to be her mate..She said yes in a heartbeat… at 19~ let’s see how the lovely young couple is doing.
~Year 2174.. 
“Will You be my mate?” He asked Going down on one knee, holding her hand on his forehead, Closing his eyes, waiting for an Answer. “Oh.. Nung.. Yes..” Moving her hand to cup his face.
As he stood up Putting their foreheads together “Always..” Y/N smiled as tears fled down her cheeks.
The news broke through the clans even through some neighboring clans, “You sure you want him??” Lo’ak Laughed about it “Shush child I’m happy to have another daughter” Ronal patted Lo’ak on his shoulders ``it will be your turn soon” Y/N smiled Pointing at Tsireya and Lo’ak as they both blushed in union. “Who knows in the future but let’s focus on you two now shall we.” Tonowari said glaring at Lo’ak with a protective father look.
~A month later Ronal Convinced her son to mate with Y/N tonight.. The moon was perfect, everything was calculated by her and tonight was it. you were going to be his.. and he was going to be yours
Like the Omatcaya have the tree of voices the metkayina have a Cave of Voices, covered in Colorful corals and crystals, symbols on the inside of the cave with some glowing crystals.. as you made the bond for the first time everything felt new and it felt out of this world.. that was the night when 2 souls danced as 1 for the first time..
~9 Months passed quickly now holding a Baby navi boy that you just gave birth to 10 mins ago
ronal said hello to her first Grandson.. "He looks exacly like ao'nung when i had him.." She smiled waving her finger around so that he would hold her finger in his tiny hands " He is pretty cute, let's just hope he wont end up having his personality.." I smiled as she laughed at my comment "I'm sure he wont" as she stood up from the bed "I'll let him in now goodluck." She smiled opening the door "You can go see her now" before she could say anything Aonung flew by his mother to see his child. "Shush dont make so much noise." i placed a finger over my lips shushing him. as he gulpted and sat down next to me. "Meet your father.." I handed him over to Ao'nung helping him hold the baby.. " Hello there son, Ive been waiting for you for a while now.. cant believe how strong your mother is.." he said smiling as he played with him. soon the rest followed Tsireya,Tonowari, Roxto, and the sully's oh and aonung's now 4/5 year old baby brother Zani't ( Random name)
everyone said hello and had some time with the precious baby, but soon everyone left and it was just the 2 of you or should i say 3 of you "You got a name yet? " I smiled looking down at the baby peacefully sleeping in my arms "Ao'nung Jr?" He joked " I wil not call our child ao'nung Jr, No way " I slapped him on his neck "Ow-owh okay okay how about..Käioe?" "Käioe? I like it." i smiled as he kissed my cheek "Käioe it is"
"Our little family was finally starting..."
More of my avatar content?? check it out &lt;;33
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alespov · 1 year
Never set you free.- A.Wesker 18+
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Tw: wesker is a toxic baby daddy, kinda yandere, possessive, swearing, fade to black sex,
a/n hope you enjoy loves <33 feedback is highly appreciated! For my follower special, I decided I was doing comfort character letters, which will be linked to my ko-fi. I had a post talking about it, had to take it down because some people asked me to include cod characters, which I will. But if you want one from Resident Evil, just go to my ko-fi. 🫶🏻 If you have questions please reach out!
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Hmm, quite a step-down, isn't it? But I suppose it's the best one could expect from you." He stood nonchalantly against the doorframe, observing as you hurriedly packed your daughter's bag for her stay at her father's house and her cheerleading practice session. 
"Excuse me? What are you trying to imply?" Whirling around too quickly, you accidentally knocked the neatly folded clothes onto the floor. With an exasperated sigh, you bent down to pick them up.
The man smirked and responded with a biting, sarcastic tone. "I'm merely stating the truth – he's no match for me. And eventually, believe me, you will realize your mistake and come crawling back." 
You were going to reply, but you heard light footsteps and decided against your statement.
“Daddy!” You heard your daughter scream while running into her dad's arms. He picked her up easily and gave her a tight hug.  He sat her down gently, and she ran to you and gave you a tight hug. You smiled and kissed her forehead. She let you go and you grabbed her bag and handed it to her. 
“Have fun at practice sweetheart and make sure you behave for your dad. She skipped out with her dad, and you fell on your bed exhausted. Wishing it didn’t have to be like this. 
There are many things you could say about Albert Wesker, starting with his questionable morals and his overall manipulative personality. Despite the character flaws, he was the best dad, he’s always been there for Wren. 
Your phone buzzes and you reach over and grabbed it. 
Unknown Number : 
“Remember what I said dearheart, you’ll come crawling back to me. Besides I’m not so fond of another man raising our daughter… 
Frustrated, you forcefully tossed your phone onto the plush bedspread. Thoughts raced through your mind – who did he believe himself to be? 
Patrick had proven to be an attentive and caring boyfriend, always treating you with the utmost respect and demonstrating a strong bond with Wren. 
Wesker, on the other hand, could take a hike; ultimately, his own arrogance led to the downfall of your relationship. His perpetual absence and inflated pride were insufferable.
You inhaled deeply, striving to regain composure and evict thoughts of Wesker from your mind. 
After all, you had a romantic evening arranged with Patrick – a far more deserving focus for your attention.
You simply had to effortlessly slip into your elegant dress and step out of the comfort of your home. With a sense of anticipation, you gracefully slid your feet into your stylish shoes and draped a coat over your shoulders. The destination Patrick had chosen was a charming restaurant nestled an hour away, allowing for a pleasant drive filled with anticipation.
Until your phone started ringing, you sighed and pulled your car over. You glanced down at your phone and sighed. ‘Unknown Number’ 
You clicked the accept button hastily and brought the phone to your ear. 
“Hello?” you asked annoyed, you already knew who it was. 
“Dearheart? Where are you?” He demanded 
You scoffed and groaned “Seriously Wesker, I'm heading to my date.” He made a noise and added. 
“Well looks like you'll have to cancel. Our dear Wren is missing her mommy.” 
“Albert for god's sake, be her dad. Besides Wren is eight, and I highly doubt she misses me. You’re fucking jealous. I've had it with your remarks.” you shouted at him, you quickly clicked off the call and resumed driving to the restaurant.
Once you arrived, you parked your car and made your way to the modern restaurant. You noticed Patrick was waiting outside for you. You smiled and rushed up to you, with roses. 
"Hey, dear" he whispered into your ear as he pulled you into a warm embrace, causing an uneasy feeling to grow in the pit of your stomach. Perceptive as always, he noticed your reluctance and gently inquired about your discomfort. "Oh, it's nothing major, darling. It's just that I'm not particularly fond of that nickname." His eyebrows furrowed as he glanced at you with a mixture of surprise and annoyance. "Seriously?" he grumbled, "But it's just fine when your baby daddy calls you that, huh?"
‘Patrick what the hell is up with you.” You distanced yourself from him. “You know what it doesn't fucking matter. I didn't want his sloppy seconds anyhow. 
As tears welled up in your eyes, you hastily wiped them away. "Where on earth did this come from?" you inquired in a hushed tone. The air around you seemed to thicken with tension. ” You asked quietly. “Oh? Your daddy baby has been bragging about how you and him are getting back together.”
“That's crazy, we’re not.” you cried out. Without listening to you Patrick stormed off.
Rushing to your car with a heavy heart, tears streaming down your face, you contemplated dialing Wesker and unleashing your fury. But deep down, you knew it wouldn't change anything. So, you gripped the steering wheel tight and navigated the lonely roads back home, accompanied by nothing but the deafening silence.
Exhausted from the day, you parked your car and trudged towards your front door, unlocking it with a feeling of relief. The moment you stepped inside, you kicked off your tight, uncomfortable heels and carelessly tossed your bag onto the couch. With a heavy heart, you made your way towards the bedroom, needing nothing more than to let out a good cry while indulging in some sweets or even that tempting fruit platter you had picked up earlier.
Entering the kitchen to gather your comfort snacks, an eerie sensation washed over you – as if someone was watching your every move. You noticed someone in the shadows moving and you shakily called out. 
“Who’s there?” your voice trembled and you grabbed the closest object to you; which happened to be a can of Lysol. Which caused you to roll your eyes.
“No need for that dearheart, it's just me.” Wesker emerged from the corner of the room and you gasped annoyed, yet thankful. 
“Get out!” 
“You don't mean that, I was just checking in on you after all. I suppose your date wasn't man enough for you.” Wesker explained. 
“Where Wren? “ you asked impatiently 
“Such a good mommy, she's with grandma.” He cooed at you while walking toward you. He grabbed your hips and pulled you closer to him. “Now c’mon dear, you know as well as I do, we haven't lost feelings for each other.” 
He began kissing your neck, tenderly. You tilted your neck giving him full access. He began to leave love bites and pressed you up on the counter. “Don’t worry dear I haven't forgotten what you liked.” 
He picked you up carried you to your bedroom, and laid you on the bed. 
sorry for the cliffhanger, will be part two :)
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
Gemini Runaway
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"Being a twin of the Gemini Coven is a curse to never have children."
Raelyn Primrose Lane is on the run from her own family. She isn't trusting of anyone she comes in contact with all because she was forced to kill her twin sibling recently. Raelyn stumbles into the town of Mystic Falls and starts making friends. Alongside catching the eye of the original hybrid Klaus Mikaelson. Will Raelyn let Klaus in her heart or will her family manage to catch their traitor of a daughter
1 - Vow to never have Children
2 - Getting to know Him
3 - Original Vampires
4 - Blonde Friends
5 - A Hybrid's Offer
6 - Homecoming
7 - Abominations
8 - Date with an Original Hybrid
9 - Haunting Vengeance
10 - The Original Coffins
11 - Intense Family Reunion
12 - My First Friend
13 - The Mikaelson Ball
14 - Gemini Business
15 - Esther's Ritual
16 - You Only Live Once
17 - My Cousin Jo
18 - Tricky Witches Spells
19 - My Life Or Theirs
20 - One Last Hurrah
21 - The Ultimate Hunter
22 - Three Words Longed For
23 - The Bonds of Family
24 - The Sights of New Orleans
25 - A Dangerous Encounter
26 - A Coven’s Leader
27 - Dead or Alive
28 - The Miracle…Baby
29 - Sweet Vampire-Witch
30 - What's Wrong With Raelyn?
31 - Raelyn Let Loose
32 - Bringing Her Humanity Back
33 - Kol's Downfall
34 - Who Makes Him Human
35 - Finding the Cure
36 - Evening in the French Quarter
37 - A Harvest Ritual
38 - Davina - The Attic Witch
39 - Impatient Witches
40 - The Fate of Three Children
41 - Blood of Enemies
42 - Never Truly Gone
43 - A Magical Favor
44 - Papa Original and Confind Spaces
45 - Babies and a Ring
46 - Big Milestone and Mysterious Woman
47 - Proper Family Meeting
48 - Official Wedding Planner
49 - Uniting Friendships
50 - I Forever, I Do
51 - Our Secret Weapons
52 - Betrayal Can Come From Anywhere
53 - Dahlia's Offer
54 - Getting What They Deserve
55 - Vampires to a Witch Fight
56 - The Magical Border
57 - The Gemini Portland House
58 - Message For The Sire
59 - Red Head From His Past
60 - Sisterly Trio
61 - A Mikaelson Thanksgiving
62 - To Getting Rebekah Back
63 - Aurora's Revenge
64 - A Christmas Hex
65 - Vampire Camille
66 - Rescuing Klaus
67 - A Caring Vamp Sire
68 - King and Queen
69 - The Trial of Klaus Mikaelson
70 - Fighting the Magical Border
71 - Mikaelson’s before Gemini
72 - Kai's Message
73 - We're Screwed
74 - Gemini Fights and Supernatural Fates
75 - I Will Rescue You
76 - Moment of Peace
77 - The Horrific Merge
78 - Finally a Family Reunion
79 - A Long Awaited Evening
80 - One Day of Peace
81 - Gemini Downfall Wedding
82 - Finding the Heretics
83 - Heretics in Mystic Falls
84 - Meeting one of the Heretics
85 - Another Vampire Pregnancy
86 - Calling Us Home
87 - What's the Hollow
88 - Bloodline Deals
89 - The Last Remaining Gemini
90 - Parker/Lane Family Reunion
91 - A Family Dessert War
92 - Bye bye Hollow
93 - The End of Always and Forever
94 - Anything For Our Children- Flashback
95 - Running the School
96 - Family Troubles
97 - Unexpected Visitor
98 - The Family Falling Out
99 - Missing Coffins
100 - Not Little Girls Anymore
101 - Red Roses and Blood
102 - Owner of the Golden Coin
103 - A Rescuing Price
104 - Working through Changes
105 - Alina Mikaelson - Keener
106 - Changes under the Moon
107 - To Getting Elijah Back
108 - Like Father Like Daughters
109 - Always and Forever Lives On
---------- read part 100 to get the link to the next parts (you can only link 100 parts) 😢
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tag list ask to be added @dragonixfrye @secretdreamlandmentality @ocappreciation @ocappreciationtag @kmc1989 @tallrock35
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crownrots · 3 months
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🐉 PRINCESS RHAELA TARGARYEN (75 AC - 108 AC) (template by @kanos)
↳ Rhaela Targaryen was born in 75 AC to Prince Aemon Targaryen and his wife, Jocelyn Baratheon. She is the younger twin sister of Princess Raenessa Targaryen, and youngest sibling to Princess Rhaenys Targaryen.
Not so affectionally dubbed 'The Wild Targaryen' in her youth, Rhaela was always a wealth of energy and trouble. Her antics were felt far and wide, yet, all who had the fortune (or misfortune, to some) of being in her presence found her zest for life and revelry to be infectious.
In 87 AC, at the age of 12, she took the war dragon once ridden by her ancestor ,Daegon Targaryen, to mount. She and Rovni were inseparable, wreaking havoc in the Stormlands during her hosted stays by her mother's family. Though, a slow acting illness grounded her for the last years of her life, she and the dragon were remembered for their unshakable bond and shared, fierce spirit.
Scandals seemed to follow the wild and spirited woman wherever she went, one such occurring in 94 AC when she fell pregnant with her first and only child. The father was unknown to most, and kept secret by a few, though, many whispered that the aforementioned parent may have been her older sister's husband, Lord Corlys Velaryon; his name was just one whispered among many.
Motherhood did little to dampen the wild sprit of hers, the new mother determined for her daughter, Eraesella, to live just as freely and fearlessly as she had. As her illness worsened over the years, Rhaela and her young daughter were offered space in High Tide by her sister, Rhaenys, giving the young bastard a chance to grow up with a privilege few received.
By the start of of 106 AC, Rhaela and her young daughter had found themselves in King's Landing as guests of her cousin King Viserys I. He had appointed the best healers in all the realm to ensure that his "favorite cousins" comfort was prioritized.
In 108 AC, at the age of 33, The Wild Targaryen took her last flight upon her beloved dragon, flanked by her sisters and her fourteen year old daughter, mounted upon their own dragons.
Those closest to her and those lucky enough to have found themselves in her presence wept for days after her death. It is said by many that her dragon let loose a roar so sorrowful and powerful that it shook the very ground they stood upon as her funeral pyre was lit. The great dragon, Rovni, would not be seen for years after that, some believing he went into hiding to mourn the loss of yet another rider.
Rhaela Targaryen's untamable spirit lives on in those she touched so deeply, especially her daughter, Eraesella Storm.
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dramioneasks · 6 months
Hey. Thanks for all the work you do for the fandom! Do you know any fics where Draco helps Hermione realize the flaws of the golden trio/griffindors/order? In a "c'mon, you're too smart to believe their shit" wat?
Riddle This By: CJRed - M, 47 chapters, Words: 177,707 - Everything Hermione knows about the war, herself, and the wizarding world is a lie. Friends become enemies, enemies become friends, and Dumbledore is not a leader of justice and light. With Snape as her mentor and a father she never expected, Hermione will ensure Harry’s survival and kick it to the ministry. Dramione. Lemons. Character deaths. Weasley Bashing. Updates weekly. (M)
Reverse - By: Lady Moonglow - M, WIP - At war’s end, Hermione is swept into the intrigue of an alternate world of opposites where Dumbledore rules as Dark Lord and Muggle technology and Dark Magic have revolutionized Britain. Light families who attempted resistance under Tom Riddle’s leadership have been left to a nightmarish fate. Can Hermione fix another shattered world - and still get back to her own? HG/DM
Thorns & Snakes - Elle_m2 - M, WIP - In the wake of their fourth year at Hogwarts, the Tri Wizards Tournament chooses Harry Potter as a champion, and life changes irrevocably for two members of the Golden Trio as Hermione finally sees her opportunity. A change of House, an hidden identity revealed, a secret powerful soul bond discovered, and Old Rituals awakening…What would have happened to the Wizarding World if Hermione Granger wasn’t who everyone thought she was?
Daughter and Son By: ekrichards - K+, 33 chapters - A new law is enacted forcing any able wizard or witch to take in muggle born students to protect them against a possible rise of the Dark Lord and his gang of Death Eaters. Warning: Manipulative Dumbledore, Dark Hermione, Harry, and Severus. Mentions of abuse.
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Full Name: Lars Armas Pääkkönen
Date of Birth: March 13th, 1935. Lapland, Finland
Nationality: Finnish-American
Occupation: United States Marine Corps; CIA
Rank(s): Staff Sergeant
-Black Ops 1: 26-33
-Cold War: 46
-Black Ops 2: 52-90
-Black Ops 6: 56
Family / Relatives:
-Gunnar Pääkkönen - Father (Deceased)
-Svetlana Attila - Mother (Deceased)
-Katariina Pirhonen - Wife (Alive)
-Svetlana 'Sveta' Pääkkönen - Daughter (Alive)
-Aleksi Pääkkönen - Son (Alive)
*Hair color: Sandy blonde
*Eye color: Ice blue
*Height: 6'8 / 203 cm
*Scars/Beauty marks/blemishes: A jagged scar across the bridge of his nose, and another sliced into his right brow, giving him an angry look.
*Faceclaim: Chris Hemsworth
-Alex Mason
-Frank Woods
-Joseph Bowman
-Grigori Weaver
-Jason Hudson
-Russell Adler
-Helen Park
-Lazar Azoulay
-Lawrence Simmons
-Lydia Graves
-Oscar Yamaha ( @piouswolf )
Due to his socially awkward and off-standish attitude, Lars often struggles to make friends long term. Although it is unintentional, Lars comes off as incredibly unsettling to those who first meet him, due to his stature and overall appearance. However, he is protective of the friends that he has, and will ensure that your back is covered in a firefight. Earning his friendship is in itself an accomplishment, but do something to break his trust and he will never forgive, no forget.
Lars was born in Lapland, Finland on March 13th, 1935 to Gunnar and Svetlana Pääkkönen, being their only child. By the time of his birth, the shadow of the second World War had already been looming over Europe, and in 1939 kick-started the Winter War when the Soviets invaded Finland, with Gunnar leaving to answer the call to defend his country. Lars would not see his father again until four years later.
In 1945, when the war officially ended in Europe, Gunnar returned home, but as a broken, scarred shell of a man who eventually turned to alcohol to cope with the trauma and grief. In 1947, Lars watched as his father eventually succumbed to his demons and drank himself to death to an early grave. Left with nothing but bad memories, a disheartened Svetlana left with the then 9 year old Lars, both departing from Finland and immigrating to the United States to start anew. Adjusting to life in the States had not been easy.
At the age of 18 after graduating high school, Lars signed onto the Marine Corps, which led him to meeting three men he would eventually form a close bond with: Alex Mason, Frank Woods, and Joseph Bowman.
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thequiver · 2 years
Who is Roy Harper? - A Reading Guide
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Roy Harper is a DC Comics legacy character introduced in the Golden Age as the protégé/son of Green Arrow (Oliver Queen). Roy was the original Speedy and had an extremely close relationship with his adoptive father Oliver Queen throughout the Golden and Silver Ages. In 1971, DC released the "Snowbirds Don't Fly" storyline in response to Nixon's announced War on Drugs. This storyline was a PSA designed to show what not to do when a loved one (particularly a young adult child) is struggling with addiction. This story would change the trajectory of Roy's story and cemented his role as a recovered addict, a part of his character that has unfortunately come to be his defining quality rather than being part of his larger story. Roy is a single father to Lian Harper (his daughter with the assassin Jade Nguyen/Cheshire), and has a sibling bond with family members Connor Hawke, Mia Dearden, and Emiko Queen. Roy's origins have always been connected to America's Indigenous Peoples and later comics have cemented their role in his life with his having been adopted by the Diné/Navajo as a young child before being adopted by Ollie in his teenaged years. Roy has had multiple mantles over the years, from Speedy, to Arsenal, to joining the Justice League of America as Red Arrow - but in every iteration is he the very image of a hero.
Reading list (with totally legal links) under the cut!
This reading list begins in the Golden Age and will take you through Pre-52 comics, and then end with the Green Arrow 80th Anniversary Super Spectacular! New 52 is left out because that is not Roy Harper, and Rebirth and more current comics are being left out for a lot of reasons that I won't list here.
If multiple issues are listed for one run at a time, only the first issue will be linked, the assumption is that you will be able to navigate to the following issues from there.
Golden Age:
More Fun Comics #78, 81-82, 89, 91-92
World's Finest Comics #7, 57, 70
Adventure Comics #121, 133, 137, 151, 155, 164, 166, 179, 184, 189, 196
Silver Age and Beyond:
Adventure Comics #233
World's Finest Comics #88
Adventure Comics #246, 256, 260-263
Teen Titans Vol 1 #4, 11, 19-43
The next story on this list is "Snowbirds Don't Fly" - it is HEAVILY RECOMMENDED to read the above stories BEFORE reading Snowbirds as they should be considered required context for the storyline as they are the context the story is building from. Don't be a Judd Winick- do your reading kids.
Green Lantern Vol 2 #85-86
Action Comics #436
Teen Titans Vol 1 #44-52
Green Lantern Vol 2 #100
Teen Titans Vol 1 #53
World's Finest Vol 1 #251
Best of DC #18
New Teen Titans Vol 1 #27, 29-32
Tales of the Teen Titans #50
New Teen Titans Vol 2 #19-21
Action Comics Vol 1 #613-618, 627-634, 636-640
Secret Origins Vol 2 #38
New Titans Vol 1 #60-69, 97
Green Arrow Vol 2 #75
New Titans Vol 1 #99-114
Showcase '94 #7
New Titans Vol 1 #0, 115-130, Annual #11
Green Arrow Vol 2 #97-101 * these issues should be read with the understanding that the writer, Chuck Dixon, is a vocal hater of Oliver Queen and did his best to ruin the character's image before and during the character's death as soon as he took over the run
Showcase '95 #8
Batman + Arsenal #1
JLA/Titans Vol 1 #1-3
Arsenal #1-4
The Titans Vol 1 #1-50 Annual #1
Green Arrow Vol 3 #1-15*, 16-21 - *(most Roy centered issues are 1, 5-6, and 8-9)
Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day #1-3
Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files/Origins Vol 1 (2003)
Outsiders Vol 3 #1-33
Green Arrow Vol 3 #32, 44-50
DC Special Return of Donna Troy #1-4
Outsiders Vol 3 #44-46, Annual #1
Justice League of America Vol 2 #1-31
Titans Vol 2 #1-14, 17-19
Justice League: Cry for Justice
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