#dawns laboratory
ask-narratordoe · 2 years
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omg wow thanks dad -Mod Doe <3 @whirlwindflux @temper-temper @dawns-laboratory @cosmalumi @ask-summer-epos
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teashle · 1 year
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As is the title of the fan art- the characters name shown above is named "Lea" and may be found here and who's mod blog is @dawns-laboratory, I would be very surprised if one hasn't yet seen the art in either of the mentioned places, but if one hasn't yet seen it I would highly recommend doing so! I would add thoughts but I'll save text walls for future posts haha, cheers!
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jennyyy007 · 3 months
RAT 💉 pt. 2
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Lovely Lady
Cw: lab whump, male whumpee, male whumper, multiple whumpers, multiple whumpees, female caretaker, experiments, violence, cruel whumper, defiant whumpee, obedient whumpee, captivity
Fuck his head hurts… Oliver shifts uncomfortably in his bed before he opens his eyes.
He’s in his cell again… and… great.
He sits up, groaning a little as his back hurts from sleeping on the cold floor.
They took his bed privileges away…
Not like it makes a good difference anyways. The bed is basically just a small iron frame that has a small air mattress on top. No blanket and only a small… again, air filled pillow with the thought of feathers.
There’s a small table in the corner with a single chair. On top of that table is… hard to tell… something that you would only imagine a clogged drain would smell like.
Oliver gets up from the floor, taking slow steps over to his little desk, trying to ignore the two guards standing outside his cell, watching every move the guy is making.
He sits down and observes the still compact “food” in front of him. Even after being knocked out for almost six hours, the food stayed exactly the same.. ugh..
The boy raises his arms up, observing his new arm for a bit. It really is the exact same.. there’s not even a scar where they cut it just grew back entirely. It looks a bit odd. His left arm completely covered in scars. And his right arm healed entirely.
They didn’t give him cutlery so he just uses his rather dirty hands to start eating.
The boy almost gags when he shoves the disgusting goop down his throat.
He can’t. He can’t eat this again.
“I want something else.”
He demands as he gets up from his chair and walks over to hold the plate through the little window where he usually gets his food through.
“Sure why don’t we give you some filet mignon with blue cheese mashed potatoes”
The man tells him mockingly, rolling his eyes a little before taking the plate and dumping the nutriloaf in a nearby trashcan.
Oliver just rolls his eyes before he sits back down in the corner where his bed used to be. Leaning his head against the wall.
“Alright I’ll go home shift is over”
One of the guards says, checking his watch before the other one nods at him.
“See ya tomorrow then.”
He says in a rather tired tone of voice, obviously not very fond of needing to do night shift.
Oliver doesn’t care. He just decides to lay down on the floor and rest his eyes for a bit. The headaches after getting emergency knocked out are the worst. They last for hours…
“Hey… hey buddy…”
Oliver quickly opens his eyes, feeling a little startled. He must have fallen asleep again. Oh…
“Hey nurse Dawn…”
Oliver smiles a bit as he sees the woman crouched down in front of his cell. Nurse dawn is so sweet.. she’s basically his caregiver. Taking him for showers, giving him small toys to play with sometimes. And even…
“I got something for you”
She says in her usual gentle tone, knowing how frightened most experiments are.
The lady reaches into her coats pocket before pulling out a small sandwich, wrapping in plastic foil before sliding it through the window.
Oliver smiles at her before quickly taking the sandwich, unwrapping it before starting to eat it. He knows Dawn isn’t allowed to provide him with most things but she still does… and that makes her very dear to him.
The lady is in her early thirties. She’s sweet and caring and has the most beautiful long brown hair. She reminds him of his mama… when he says he would kill all of them he definitely doesn’t mean nurse Dawn.
“Thank you nurse Dawn”
Oliver says quietly between chews. He can see the guard having fallen asleep on the chair behind the woman.
“You’re welcome sweetheart.”
She says, taking the wrapper back from the bot and stuffing it in her pocket.
Oliver can’t really die of starvation but he will still loose a lot of weight and feel the pain in his stomach.
“I’ll get you more tomorrow okay? Do you want ham or cream cheese? Or both?”
She says smiling softly as she gets up again.
“Both please!”
Oliver says as she smiles back at the lady and she makes a quick nod.
She whispers before taking a step back, trying her best to cheer up the boy even tho she could cry every time she sees those experiments patients. The job pays very well. Way better than for nurses at a hospital… and now that she took the job she can’t go back. The government needs to hide the anomalies from society. They can’t have people know that there’s monsters among us.
“I’ll have to go now okay? But I’ll see you tomorrow for bath time”
She smiles before waving at the boy and he waves back, giggling a little. Watching after the lady.
Yeah… he definitely wouldn’t kill her
Nurse Dawns picrew
@a-living-canvas @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees
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faith3i3 · 8 months
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featherisderp · 11 months
So for whatever reason, I've decided that Tiff (in every one of our AU's) loves axolotls. They're her favorite animal. Now in most AU's, she has a normal way to obsess over them. She'll read books on them and stuff like that.
DNS Tiff, however
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Also every Tiff has a small blue axolotl plush named Wave. Meta Knight gave it to her on her birthday after Nightmare's death.
Fluffy Tiff obsesses over then randomly. She'll doodle them and talk about them endlessly.
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splungecoyote · 2 months
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Attack of @dawns-laboratory's Midnight!
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doeblossom · 2 years
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listen. i just wanted to stake my claim as first. i panicked and couldnt think of how to word my REAL question <3
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a-regular-ol-pill · 2 years
A Start.
Pill’s back, and they have concluded to start a warm-up post to try and get back their writing motivation. Pills has an imagine they’d like you to- well, imagine, and they wish for you to take this as an apology gift for lost time. 
Okay, all formalities aside. I’ll try to post bit by bit-- or just dump my about-to-be-started-on-and-finished-old-requests on my blog. To get my post saga going again- or something. Absolutely rip my label out if you don’t understand because I don’t either, but thank you all for being patient. I’m going back on sail and will be raising the flag soon when I’m feeling ready to start posting fully again. Anyways, I’m gonna stop here. Again, thank you for being patient and I promise to start posting full time again soon! 
/Side note; If what I’ve recently said doesn’t line up with what I said previously, that’s me being dumb and delusional.
Perhaps you'd want to imagine yourself with the Laboratory 1718 Creations?
Or may you be more interested in the Erudito Folk?
Well, if you're here, are you a masochist needing to be able to imagine yourself with the Abyss Demons, or the ones who've been cursed by them?
Maybe you want to meet the people who live in the Cadia Riverlands?
Mayhaps you're interested in the cold winterland of the Northern Vale? Maybe even the nearby residents that are fighting for the Aurora Heart?
Are you urging to be part of the people who are protecting the Twilight Orb? Be side by side with the person gifted by the Gods?
You're a very hard to please, but very perfect human. Search away for more, my dear~, there is so much to see.
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lordprettyflackotara · 5 months
Till Dawn || Eyeless Jack || part two
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SMUT 18+, tw: unrealistic demon sex (sorry not sorry, MASSIVE breeding kink, mentions of eating organs (duh, it’s ej), some blood but nothing too crazy, size kink, all the things you’d expect from a fic with ej tbh
part three is here
EJ avoided you like you had the black plague.
It’s not because he wanted to, not by any means.
In a perfect world he would be tangled in your bed sheets right now, not standing in his bedroom at the mansion.
One hand was keeping him steady from falling over, his hair sticking to his forehead from sweat. His breathing was jagged, from trying to ignore what he knew to be happening.
He tried to avoid the overwhelming feeling, the craving.
Because EJ knew without a shade of a doubt, he was in heat.
EJ’s heats came once a year, right around the beginning of summer. The first time it happened he thought he might explode, his urges almost landing him with a knife in his hand.
(Note to self: don’t try to fuck Jane).
The second summer he as more adjusted, the third even more so. He had grown accustomed of what was going to happen, to the extent where the members of mansion set up precautions for him.
Typically he would stock up on food, then lock himself into his medical lab as if he were a rabid dog.
The slightest movement or sound could make him go feral, the demon unable to control himself.
Every year this had worked, his heat dying down after about maybe a month.
But this year, was different. All because of you.
In previous years he had never had a mate, nor had he truly considered getting one. He thought humans to be too fragile. Not to mention the fact he didn’t know if it was scientifically possible to procreate with one. Which was exactly what his body was screaming at him to do.
You invaded every inch of his mind, his heat refusing to subside for even five minutes to allow him some peace.
EJ knew that if he were to allow himself to enter your town, it would be game over.
That he would be buried inside of you in mere minutes, not caring where you were. If everyone had to see him mate with you, so fucking be it. Logically, however, EJ knew these thoughts were absurd and insane. If he was going to ever see you again, he could not allow himself to see you during his heat.
Yet, he knew where you lived. He knew your schedule like the back of his hand. When you’d be at work, when you’d be at the gym, when you’d be home. In bed. Curled up into an adorable, fuckable ball. The thought sent a shiver down his spine.
A knock on the laboratory door snapped him out of his thoughts, the demon trudging towards the door. He unlocked it, staring down at his fellow resident, Jeff the killer. “Hey fuckface, Ben told me you were running low on food. Consider this a favor,” He said dryly. He held up a brown paper bag, oozing with blood and other unidentified bodily liquids. With one sniff EJ knew that inside of the bag was a heart. Not his favorite, but it’d do.
EJ lifted his arm slowly to grab it from him, muttering a thank you. He acted as if he were afraid to hurt Jeff, unsure of what he would do if the two interacted any way out of the ordinary. “Fuck dude, you don’t look good,” Jeff commented. Jacks hand flew to his face, realizing his mask had been discarded during one of his meltdowns. Out of instinct Jack bared his teeth, a low growl rumbling in his throat. His pale roommate raised his hands, signaling he didn’t mean harm.
“Not trying to get your panties in a wad, you just look worse for some reason this year,” Jeff explained. Truthfully his dark gray skin did look paler, his hair ruffled and sticking to his forehead from sweat. The last person on the face of this planet Jack wanted to admitted this to stood right in front of him. “There’s a girl,” Jack managed to huff out, his voice several octaves deeper then normal.
Jeff’s permanent smile curled even further upwards, producing a genuine one. “Well i’ll be damned, my Jacky boy has finally found a woman. Did you lose your v card yet?” Jeff asked. EJ would’ve rolled his eyes if he had them.
“Okay okay alright, well you’re in heat right? Why don’t you go see her?” The pale killer questioned. Millions of scenarios ran through EJ’s head, almost all of them ending with your organs in his hands. It wasn’t just breaking you that he was afraid of, but it was the unavoidable hunger that washed over him after fulfilling his filthy desires. “Human,” EJ managed to choke out, his mouth running dry. The word was something that his fellow residents cringed at, Jeff’s eyes going wide.
“Demon boy is entangled with a human? I must be in the twilight zone,” Jeff muttered. Out of all of the residents in the mansion, Jack was the most likely to break a humans bone by mistake. His strength was incomprehensible, EJ unaware of how harsh his touch could be. Jeff eyed his roommate carefully, evaluating his condition. He usually didn’t care to get involved in Jacks life, the demon preferring to live solo.
Yet, it was disheartening even for him to see EJ like this.
“Look there’s no point in wallowing in misery. There’s no guarantee you’d kill her,” Jeff said. His attempt to comfort EJ was poor, one that made Jack furrow his eyebrows. “Your heat is going to be fucking miserable if you don’t at least try dude, don’t be a pussy,” He stated bluntly. EJ furrowed his eyebrows, before nodding. He had to know. Could he control himself? Would you have him?
He could do it. He could find the will to focus on the lust and not the hunger. He could do it. For you.
EJ huffed in response, grabbing his shirt from a nearby dresser. Jeff put a hand up, stopping the demon in his tracks.
“Dude, take a shower.”
Jack couldn’t get to you fast enough. He took several shortcuts to your house, even venturing as far as to run across several popular roads. He had to see you, to feel you. His body was engulfed in open flames, yours being the only way tame the fire. By the time he got to your house he was out of breath, unsure of how to approach you.
Faintly he could hear your heartbeat, the noise alone making him swallow. He had eaten the gift Jeff had given him before he left, ensuring to scrub every last bit of his mouth with a toothbrush once he was done. But the hunger that haunted EJ needed more than just an organ to be satisfied. Questions circled his mind, unsure of how to approach you. Should he knock on the door? Break in?
His gaze landed on the tree he had previously climbed, the large branch still conveniently in front of your window. Jack decided on the old fashioned way, climbing up the old oak tree. He got an odd sense of deja vu, warmth spreading through out his body at the sight of you. You were in bed, reading a book beside your nightstand lamp. You looked so peaceful, your attention completely engulfed.
EJ considered leaving, letting you continue your peaceful human life. That was, until he realized you were wearing his hoodie. Your legs were curled to the side, your chest concealed by the familiar cotton EJ wore everyday. Maybe it was for comfort? No, you missed him. You needed him. Maybe as badly as he needed you. It was in that moment he decided to be selfish, knocking on the glass.
Your eyes darted up, brightening at the sight of the demon crouching in front of your window. You tossed your book aside, running over to let him in. Your legs were bare, your soft skin exposed to him. There you stood, completely exposed to a six foot demon. And you dared to smile.
EJ struggled to form any words, slipping into your room. He knew his presence alone was incredibly selfish. You were so small, his body towering over you without even trying. Your eyebrows furrowed, your head tilting to the side. “Jack? Are you okay?” You asked, your voice sounding so small. So soft. EJ couldn’t barely find it in himself to look at you, afraid of the urges that soared through his body.
“I’m in heat,” He managed to say, his voice sounding strained. You hesitantly grabbed his hand, guiding him to the bed. EJ sat down on the edge, purposefully holding his gaze to the floor. You sat down beside him, studying his intense posture. He was breathing deeply, veins poking out of his arms. “You’re… In heat? Like an animal?” You asked, seeking clarification. EJ nodded nervously, ashamed of the lewd confession.
It was as if he had never fucked you, with how embarrassed he felt.
“Okay so, what does that mean, um, exactly?”
Your words were so innocent.
He had to see your face.
He had to admire you.
From the moment he lifted his head, he was on you. In a swift motion he had pinned you to the bed, hovering over you. You smelled so fucking good, it was practically intoxicating. “I can’t control myself, I, I mean, I need-” EJ panted, struggling to find the words to explain his situation. He hadn’t needed to explain his heats to anyone in years, nevertheless a human girl. “You need to fuck something, right? And to cum?” You questioned.
Jack swallowed hard, your legs on either side of his waist. He could practically feel your core throbbing for him, his shaft growing harder in his pants. The sensation made him let out a low growl, before trying to swallow the sounds back down his throat. You had the gist of it, but he didn’t think you truly understood the danger you were in.
“I need to breed,” Jack stated, emphasizing the last word. Your small fingers curled under his mask, lifting it and tossing it aside. Your fingertips traced his jawline, the simple affection making his heart begin to race.
“So breed me then.”
Your words had sealed your fate.
His mouth was on your lips before you could process it, the tension growing hot and heavy within seconds. Jacks large hands trailed up your body, shoving your hoodie over your head. Your bare chest was exposed to him, your nipples hardening exposed to the cool night air. “No bra? You filthy bitch,” EJ grumbled. His lips strayed from yours, his body desperate for release. He tried to remember to be careful with you, to take the time to stretch you out.
He barely fit the first time, nevertheless if he didn’t take the time to do some foreplay. EJ didn’t want to hurt you, even if it meant putting himself through agony. His lips strayed to your neck, sucking harshly at the skin. He had to make a conscious effort to not bite, his teeth grazing your skin ever so slightly. He ensured to avoid any crucial arteries, just in case he cut skin. You whined under him, the smell of your arousal filling his nostrils. But as Jack inhaled, he smelled something else familiar.
“J-Jack?” You whispered, the warm feeling of blood trickling down your neck alerting you. Jack leaned back, taking in the damage. It was a thin line of blood, the crimson red paint staining your soft skin. He swallowed as he leaned back, panting. “No we can’t do this, i’m going to lose control,” He said, speaking a full sentence for the first time in weeks. Jack backed away from you, panting as his boner continued to rage on.
The smell of your arousal, fear, and blood, was enough to make EJ hump a pillow to get off. He put his hand over his face, covering his nose. “What? Jack i’m fine,” You argued. The demon shook his head no, trying to restrain himself. The blood dripped down your neck onto your collarbone, the sight alone mouthwatering. He pressed his back flat against the wall, shaking his head no. You didn’t have any idea how badly he wanted you. The fact that you didn’t only made the situation more dangerous. You placed your hand over your small cut, the wound evident that EJ wasn’t careful enough with you.
“I can handle it, just-” You began. You struggled to find the right words, to convince him to take you. To breed you right there and then. “Just clean it,” You say, unsure if you even said the right thing. EJ’s eyebrows raised curiously, his prey asking him to clean her wound. “Are you sure?” Jack said, his words almost entirely muffled by his hand. You yanked away his wrist, forcing him to fully inhale the overwhelming scent of your blood.
“What did you say?”
Jack licked his lips, tilting his head to the side.
“I said, are you sure?”
You removed your blood stained hand from your wound, nodding.
“I can take it, whatever you give me.”
In the blink of an eye EJ flipped positions, your back being shoved against the wall behind you. His three tongues emerging from his lips. They assaulted your neck, lapping at the wound. He refused to let any drop of your precious blood go to waste. Once he was done cleaning your neck his focus shifted to your hand, licking your palm clean.
“I forgot you had three tongues,” You admitted. Your words reminded EJ of what was happening. That you weren’t a meal, but his mate. Jack allowed himself to smile, chuckling. “Yeah? Do you remember what they feel like?” He asked curiously. Playing along, you shrugged. “I don’t think so, maybe you’ll just have to remind me,” You replied.
Jack had never sank to his knees quicker.
He ripped your panties in half, discarding the fabric across the room. He nudged your knees apart, forcing you to lean against the wall for support. You were practically dripping, the sight only fueling Jacks heat even more. “It’s taking everything in me to take my time with you, little human,” Jack panted. He brought himself to your cunt, his three tongues finally making a grand appearance. Two of them decided to enter you, your walls spasming under the odd sensation. The third stayed focused on your clit, flicking your sensitive bud as if his life depended on it.
EJ’s hand held your legs harshly. As your legs began to tremble, you slowly began to lose your balance. He took this opportunity to pick you up, holding your legs in his arms as his tongues abused your cunt. Your hands tugged at his hair as he held you in mid air, your thighs trembling in his hands. Each tug you pulled only made him fuck into you rougher, his tongues almost seemingly having a mind of their own. “Fuck- right there, please, right fucking there,” You pleaded, your sinful pleas bouncing throughout the hollow house.
With one final flick of your cunt you came on his tongues, each of them lapping up your juices with pride. Jack needed more, he needed something, anything, to prevent him from fucking you on the floor. “On your knees, now,” He growled as he set you down. With how wobbly your legs were you nearly fell anyways, landing on your knees on the hard wooden floor. EJ felt as hot as a heater, his skin radiating unnatural warmth. You stuck out your tongue, maintaining his gaze as he unbuckled his pants.
“You filthy filthy girl,” EJ muttered. He mockingly traced your jawline, shoving his pants and boxers down to his ankles. You had almost forgotten how large his cock was, his length alone enough to break you. “Awe, what’s wrong? Am I bigger than the human boys you play with?” Jack asked teasingly. He tapped the head of his cock against your tongue, shuddering at the warmth of your mouth.
You took his tip in stride, swirling your tongue around it as the demon before you groaned. EJ began shoving his cock into your mouth further, his tip scraping the back of your throat.
He wasn’t even in half way yet.
“You may want to loosen your jaw,” EJ recommended. How far could the human jaw physically extend? You forced your jaw to go slack, struggling to accommodate to Jacks girth as he pushed himself in further. Jack gritted his teeth out of frustration, fuck, this wasn’t fucking working.
Fuck it.
Fuck this.
His large hand snaked down to your hair, yanking you off of him. He dragged you onto your feet with ease, as if you were as light as a feather. “I changed my mind, I want you now,” Jack mumbled. He roughly brought his lips to yours, dragging you back over to the bed. The only thing he needed in the world right now were your ankles dangling over his shoulders. You were struggling to keep up, your heartbeat racing faster and faster.
The sound made Jack’s ears twitch, his desire to fuck you the only thing that kept him from tearing you apart.
You stared up at him curiously, EJ realizing he was staring at you blankly.
The demon swallowed, trying to hold himself back. His body was practically vibrating, every fiber in him screaming to breed your pretty little cunt, then to swallow your organs whole. Starting with your precious heart. You didn’t know what he ate, right? Or did you? EJ began to rack his brain, his mind spinning. Were you afraid? You didn’t smell afraid. But to be fair though, all Jack could smell was your arousal.
Your concern made him snap out of his haze, the realization that he was oddly panting above you hitting him like a brick. He licked his dry lips, trying to form coherent sentences. “You don’t want this, you don’t want to be my mate. You-” Jack began. He knew what it would be mean if he did what he wanted, what every fiber in his being was screaming at him to do. “Deserve a nice human life, with a human man,” He rambled.
Your next action caught him off guard, it being something he hadn’t even fantasized about. It was so shocking to Jack, that he hadn’t even theorized it to be possible. Your eyelids fluttered shut as you dragged him down to you, planting your lips onto his. As you kissed him, your small hand reached down to his throbbing cock, running the tip up and down your folds. EJ growled as he pushed you down against the mattress.
“You’ve done it now,” He snarled. EJ swatted your hand away, pumping his length. Teasingly he brushed the head of his cock against your clit, the overstimulation making you squirm. Jack tried his hardest to be slow once he entered you. Honest. But your walls sucked him in your body screaming that you were almost as desperate as he was. This. This was what he had imaged all of those sleepless nights as he pumped his cock, daydreaming of the disgusting things he’d do to you.
And here you were, withering under him as he shoved his cock inside of your cunt. “Such a good whore for me, such a good hole for me to use,” EJ grunted. He could feel his mind going numb, his ability to maintain composure fading away as he bottomed out. He could feel your walls squeezing him, begging him to let you adjust. His cock was visible through your stomach, the outline only fueling the fire further.
“So sorry, I can’t hold back any longer- Have to- Need to breed you,” Jack panted, moving his hips. You bit your bottom lip as he began to fuck you, the pain almost too much. You had taken him before, sure, but he wasn’t this rough with you. He let out low growls as he fucked you, the pain slowly subsiding into pleasure. Jack couldn’t help but nuzzle himself into the side of your neck, inhaling your scent.
Your hands had grabbed his hair, tugging at it as he mercilessly pounded into you. Your moans were mixtures of pleas and incoherent babbles, his name mixed in there somewhere. You couldn’t think straight, Jacks hips having a mind of their own. “Fuck, i’m gonna breed you, you’re going to be mine,” Jack huffed. He licked the side of your neck, the sweat coating your skin flooding his tastebuds.
He could hear your heartbeat speed up even faster, your body struggling to keep up with Jack as he fucked you. “You’re gonna be my mate, you understand? My personal cumdump,” He snarled. The degrading words were the most he had spoken in weeks, his mind screaming at him to cum inside of you. He needed it like he needed air. He needed to see your cunt red and puffy, leaking his cum.
EJ managed to leave the comfort of your neck, watching the outline of his cock slide in and out of you as he abused your cervix. “You’re gonna be such a good mother, gonna take you back to the mansion,” Jack groaned, his words slipping out mindlessly. He grabbed your legs, forcing them to spread wider. You whined as he grabbed your tender flesh, pounding into you. He grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him.
“You’re mine, my mate to breed, you’re gonna carry my kids, over and over and over,” EJ growled. You could feel yourself getting close, your eyes practically seeing stars. “J-Jack, i’m getting close-” You warned. Jack grinned, his thrust not letting up for a second. “Go on mate, cum for me so I can mark you as mine,” EJ ordered, his words almost muffled by his animalistic growls. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you came, your orgasm only making Jack fuck you harder.
He grabbed your limp body, pounding into you through your orgasm until he found his own high. Loud moans exited his throat as he came inside of you, your cunt now full of the demons sperm. He panted as his heart rate began to settle, his stomach beginning to growl. His eye sockets widened as he realized he could still hear your heartbeat, the sound coming back into focus. He swallowed, your smell making his desire shift to raw hunger.
Jack pulled out of you quickly, relieved to see that you were relatively dazed. Your eyes were closed, your focus on slowing your body back down to normal. As calmly as he could he slid off of the bed, redressing himself. He knew if he alerted you he would owe you an explanation. It would put him at a dangerous crossroad. He would either have to tell the brutal truth, or a painful lie that would no doubt put your relationship in jeopardy.
EJ grabbed his mask, sliding back onto his face as he pulled down the sleeves of his hoodie. He watched his cum ooze out of your cunt and onto the sheets, the sight almost enough to overrule his painful hunger.
Jack slipped out of your window quickly, running to the next heartbeat he could hear.
An odd satisfaction washed over him as he ran into the night, knowing you were now his.
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ask-narratordoe · 2 years
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... let's not talk about the hetalia phase, thanks...
the things i do for you gremlins
might offer these as commissions. and peep the new art style! :D -Mod Doe <3
@temper-temper @whirlwindflux @flashtheponyofwind @ask-summer-epos @flash's sister (she does not have tumblr as far as im aware) @dawns-laboratory @randomgurustuffs
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lillaluna · 9 months
morning with genshin men
Pairing: Neuvillette, Kaeya, Tighnari, Childe, Dottore, Zhongli, Wriothesley, Pantalone x f!Reader
He is not new to getting up early in the morning, and most likely has trouble sleeping at night because of his constant thoughts of court proceedings. He is often plagued by questions about fate and justice, even though he is the personification of justice in Fontaine.
If Neuvillette had a sleepless night, there will be a glass of cool water with lemon waiting for you when you wake up early in the morning, and a light breakfast he just picked up at your favourite restaurant.
And if the Chief Justice managed to fall asleep and sleep through the night, you'll wake up in his strong arms. And this is a definite disadvantage for you, because such a morning is a real test of courage, which begins the moment you make sluggish attempts to leave that warm maelstrom of Neuvillette's loving arms.
Occasionally, you manage to coax Judex into helping you comb his long hair and gather his ponytail. Neuvillette actually likes it when you touch his head and his hair in particular, but he says it makes him too relaxed and sleepy, so he doesn't often allow himself the luxury of your gentle touch before work, leaving it for the evening.
Mornings with Childe are always unpredictable. Firstly, you don't know if you'll wake up with him or if he's already gone. If he's gone, is he already at work or did he just go for a drink of water? But none of that compares to when you both manage to wake up together, because avoiding his hugs and kisses is just as incredibly hard as getting out of them afterwards.
Ajax hates making breakfast. He'd rather be a silent spectator, watching you scurry around the kitchen, than a direct participant, unless, of course, he disturbs you with his kisses on your neck and his unmistakable hints to spend the morning on something more invigorating, in his opinion.
Childe literally makes you walk around the house in his shirt. It started the day you had your first sleepover, and he had to give you his clothes out of necessity, but the moment you came out of the bathroom, embarrassed, in his white shirt, enveloped in his scent, Ajax decided for himself that you should only wear it at home. Forgive him his little oddities, it's only because of his great and fervent feeling for you.
A morning with Dottore often begins in his laboratory, where you enter with a cup of freshly brewed coffee. This is usually followed by a question from the man asking you what time it is and you smilingly reply that it's morning and he's lost track of time again. And how you adore these moments, when he settles all his affairs, sits down in his black armchair at the desk and you can approach him from behind to stretch his tense shoulders with your gentle fingers. You can't think of a more intimate moment for you, because you alone have the opportunity to see Dottore's moment of fatigue, to stand behind him and see his relaxed silhouette, to see his tired eyes and hear his voice hoarse from long silence.
Another way to start your day might be when Dottore himself returns at dawn to your shared bed. You lie under a warm blanket, hearing the bedroom door close quietly, for the boy thinks you are sound asleep. You hear the sound of his clothes being thrown on the floor somewhere, and then he sneaks under the covers and cuddles your warm, sleepy body. Normally, Dottore is cold, after the lowered temperature in the lab, so you wait patiently while his cold limbs soak up the warmth of your skin as his cold nose burrows into the curve of your neck, noisily sucking in your scent as if it warms him from the inside out.
It's rare, very rare that you get to spend the day together, but when you do, you don't get out of bed for a long time.
What could be more beautiful than waking up every day on soft, cool silk sheets in the arms of a man you love, who can afford to linger in your arms for as long as he sees fit? You love to wake up before Pantalone, and lie there studying his features until they are relaxed and have that duty smile that you hate with all your heart and often ask him not to smile at you "like that".
But now you blink sleepily as you watch his chest rise and fall slowly, as a few dark curls fall across his face, contrasting mesmerisingly with his snow-white skin. You reach up with your fingers to brush the hair off his face, but Pantalone intercepts your hand, gently squeezing your wrist. He opens one eye, then draws your hand to his lips, and kisses the inside groan of your palm with a light kiss. He lowers your hand to his chest and places it where his heart beats, and usually to this measured pace you fall asleep.
Speaking of breakfast, it's usually something pompous where you get to choose exactly what you want to eat today.
These slow morning rituals, it's your whim, because if Pantalone leaves the house, it's until late afternoon, or deep into the night.
Lying in bed isn't exactly Zhongli's thing. No, he lets you do it, but alone, preferring to go to cook for you tomorrow, to brew one of his, and your, favourite teas. Sometimes, you like to come into the kitchen and watch your man fiddling with the household utensils, especially when he's just come out of his morning shower wrapped in just a towel around his hips.
Making Zhongli's breakfast serves as the perfect excuse for you to enjoy the sight of the always so put together Zhongli walking around your kitchen with loose, half-wet hair. The way water droplets drip down his strong, sculpted body while he purrs something under his breath as he brews flavoured tea for the both of you.
On rare days, often weekends, you manage to coax Zhongli to stay in bed longer to bask in each other's arms.
Despite Duke Meropid's irregular work schedule, he makes every effort to spend every morning with you, saying it's the best possible start to the day. If Wriothesley does manage to start the morning with you, he'll try his best to keep you from getting dressed for longer, to keep you from cooking tomorrow, to make sure he's the only one paying attention to you. Of course you jokingly resist, saying that you have to take care of him, that cooking breakfast is a very important morning routine, but you quickly give in under the pressure of the duke's charm, who at some point just throws you on his shoulder and carries you out of the kitchen back to the bedroom.
Sometimes when you don't get to be together for very long, due to Wriothesley's busy schedule, you stay at his place of work, even if it's for a few days. He usually works long hours sitting at his desk filling out tonnes of paperwork while you sleep on the sofa next to him, covered in his warm coat. You wouldn't know it of course, but his work would go a lot more smoothly if he wasn't distracted by your sweet sleeping face.
Mornings with the Captain are a lot like mornings with Childe, when you open your eyes in the morning you don't know if you'll find your man around. But there is one situation that is your favourite, secretly from Kaeya of course, and for extra convincing you always swear at him nicely. There are days when the captain comes home early in the morning, while you're still lounging in bed. He's cold, wet, and dirty from the road, but Kaeya unceremoniously piles into your shared bed, hugging you tightly and trying to inhale your scent as deep into your lungs as possible. This awakening of yours usually leads you both into the shared bath, where you happily rub your beloved captain's back, hugging your legs around his waist. You love fiddling with his long hair, insisting that he wear it loose as often as possible when he's at home, and preferably without a shirt on!
If you manage to start the morning together, it's always a long, sweetly torturous effort to leave the bed, even if only for a simple drink of water, let alone a proper breakfast, which will probably carry over to lunch.
Needless to say, sleeping with Tighnari is very hot? Despite the fact that he often moves closer to you for a hug in his sleep, you have to move his arms, legs or tail away from you, because sleeping in such heat is unbearable. Even with all your love! But to start your day with morning hugs and kisses, you don't mind at all and you are happy to bury your face in Tighnari's neck or touch his plush ears, while he is peacefully sleeping and in half-sleep puts his head to you for caressing.
The forest guardian takes the first meal seriously, so he has happily taken it upon himself to prepare something tasty and healthy for the both of you.
Sometimes, Tighnari goes on long expeditions, or on forest patrols, and then you have to sleep alone, and as strange as it sounds, you cover yourself with two blankets at those times, just to feel the warmth, just to feel Tighnari's presence a little stronger.
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jennyyy007 · 3 months
RAT 💉 pt. 3
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Cw: lab whump, male whumpee, male whumper, multiple whumpers, multiple whumpees, experiments, violence, cruel whumper, defiant whumpee, obedient whumpee
“Andddd all clean!”
Dawn says as she smiles at the boy, gently wrapping a towel around him.
“Let’s get you back to your cell yeah?”
Oliver smiles before making a small nod. It feels good being completely clean again. He’s just worried for how long this will last…
The woman gently takes his hand before walking back to the cell with him. They both enter the main hallway, a few other doctors and nurses walking past them and the lady politely nods at them, greeting her colleagues.
“Mrs. Dawn. Would you be so kind to escort 187 to room 14 in quarter 3. We need him for another experiment.”
A doctor says, stopping them. Making Oliver frowns a bit. Again? But today is shower day… he doesn’t usually get experimented on on shower day…
“Oliver had a shower just now. He doesn’t get experimented on when he just took a shower Sir.”
The woman says. She wants Oliver to enjoy his free day.
“The experiment won’t include any physical damage. We want him to talk to Siren.”
Siren?… Who’s that? Oliver doesn’t see the other subjects often. And he obviously doesn’t talk to them… most of them are pretty intimidating.
Nurse Dawn sighs before nodding.
“Alright… I’ll escort him there.”
She says before gently pulling Oliver with her. Holding one of his cuffed hands as she smiles gently at the boy.
“It’s okay… Siren isn’t.. scary”
The lady talks gently as they make their way over to another room before opening the door. As they both enter it they see a girl, sitting on a chair in the middle of it, in front of an empty one.
She’s really pretty. The girl has long blonde almost white straight hair and beautiful aqua blue eyes. Her skin is extremely pale. And her mouth is stuffed with a gag.
Another caretaker is standing next to her, watching her every move.
Nurse dawn motions for the boy to sit down and Oliver follows her order. Sitting on the chair. He can see a red dot pointing right at her face. It’s a gun, aimed at her.
Sirens caregiver moves to take off the mask before him and nurse dawn leave both of them in the room.
“Subject SIREN. You may speak”
A voice coming from a speaker calls out.
The girl smiles at oliver, holding her slim hand out for him to shake. Which oliver does quickly.
“Hello. I am Siren. Or.. Vanessa.”
Her voice is just as beautiful as her face. It sounds like honey… or caramel.
“I’m Oliver… most people here call me 187”
He says, feeling a little nervous. Not understanding what the purpose of this is.
“What is your oddity?”
She asks softly as she tilts her head, observing the boy.
“Oh- I’m immortal. And you?”
Siren smiles before giggling quickly. Her cheeks flushing a bit red. It’s in her nature to act this way. She’s born to attract men…
“I am just what my given name is silly. I make men attracted to me! Byyy singing!”
She says in a singy song like voice. Slightly rocking in her chair.
“And that’s exactly what we want you to do subject SIREN. So please. Go ahead”
The girl rolls her eyes a bit before she opens her mouth, starting to sing a soft, beautiful tune. It’s truthfully mesmerizing. The doctors turned off the microphone of the room so they wouldn’t be in danger.
After the song was over Siren giggles again before looking at Oliver.
“So? How did you like it?”
She asks. Knowing that he’s totally obsessed with her now.
“It’s.. um.. beautiful really”
Although… he wasn’t… No man that’s heard Siren sing was this awkward after. They usually just stare at her. Almost unable to respond to anything she says.
“You’re not affected by me… that’s special…”
She says giggling again as oliver just looks at her. Rather confused.
“Should I.. act or… feel differently now?”
He asks her and she chuckles as she nods quickly.
“Of course! You should be absolutely obsessssssed with me!”
Oliver isn’t obsessed with her is he?… no… he feels exactly the same. Maybe because getting hypnotized by a siren means death sooner or later… and he can’t die so it wouldn’t make a lot of sense.
“You’re fun wanna be friends Oliver?”
She says smiling at him, ripping him out of his thoughts. She doesn’t seem upset that he’s not mesmerized by her power. But more amused and interested in him now.
“Sure. Let’s be friends”
Siren picrew
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thedeafprophet · 5 days
Starter Guide On Where To Find The Calender Council In Game
Alright, so here i've put together a little intro guide on where to find information/interact with The Calender Council in Fallen London proper, since most of their lore and experience is scattered throughout the game
This is not a summary of these characters, rather, where people can go to experience the content and read things for themselves. I'm also not gonna mention every single little mention, this is just a starter guide.
There will be mild spoilers here, by the nature of knowing where these characters are involved
Obliatory reference to [Fate] The Calender Code, this ES has some brief overview to all CC members, and introduces the concept of most CC members being tied to a quirk.
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January is primarily found in the Railway Questline.
In order to have her on the board and experience her inclusion, you must first recruit September, supported the liberationist tracklayers twice, and have 7 Revolutionary Favours
She can be a City Leader and has extra text in the City in Silver
(I recommend recruiting her as early on as possible to experience full text, especially before the initial Creditor plotline)
She is connected to the Discordance
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Rival during the Cave of The Nadir Expedition
Cameos briefly in nemesis if you choose to try and reach out to revolutionary connections
[Fate] Scene in the Revolutionary option during Sackmas
[Fate] Appears briefly in Lost In Reflections
[Fate] Involved in the marriage of September text
Now removed from the game, February was involved in Knife and Candle
The previous March is no longer active, we have minimal information about the new March
Old march was John Cassell, RPF moment.
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April is a significant character in the Bag A Legend ambition
BaL players can have her as a laboratory assistant
BaL Players can also recruit April to the Railway Board
(Yea unfortunately she's pretty much entierly restricted to having played Bag A Legend )
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May is The Manager Of The Royal Bethlehem. This was confirmed out of universe years ago . As such, theres a fair amount connected to him by nature of The Manager being a major npc.
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The Manager is a significant character in the Heart's Desire Ambition
The Manager appears in a later part of The Railway, with a significant extra contribution for Heart's Desire players
[Fate] The Bloody Wallpaper is a great ES where he is a focus
Nightmares is increasing...
Very little is known about June.
She is referenced briefly in the Red Feathers Pin renown raising, "Bury the Council's Secrets"
Out of universe text confirms her as the archictect of the dawn machine
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[Fate] July is the featured character in the "Lost In Reflections" ES
[Fate] She can be a companion and a Railway Board member with minimal extra dialogue, purchased from Mr Chime's lost and found
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August of the Calendar Council is the Jovial Contrarian. He appears substaintially throughout the game.
Can be a railway board member
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September can be met in Balmoral at the Kirk during the Railway Storyline. He has a storyline there, and can become a railway board member.
[Fate] September can become a companion at the Feast of The Rose, and is a marriage candidate.
There's extra text at the Burrow station but we all know my bone to pick with the Burrow
You meet October in the Heart's Desire Ambition
'The Peace of October' is an option for calvary in The Parabolan War
[Fate] The Shallows has a deep insight into October's Actions
[Fate] October briefly cameos in The Bloody Wallpaper
The results of October's actions are seen in Nemesis Ambition, but she is not directly mentioned
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[Fate] Appears in A Little Pandemonium (I have not played this)
[Fate] A Feast Of The Rose Companion
For this one, if you really want information I recommend playing Sunless Skies. There is a lot more information on them there.
Theres a few bits of text here or there, in the GCO, Evolution, and a Jewlled Future Destiny text, but nothing particularly substaintial in Fallen London proper.
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galedekarios · 7 months
Hello, big fan of your Gale content um I just saw this post on X that really annoyed me that was a graphic saying Gale would use 3 in 1 shampoo implying he is lazy with his hygiene and that another character was more like that and it had like 6k likes and I just wonder why everyone mischaracterizes our best wizard so much? Generic male expectations? Justice for Gale. He deserved that lavender bath.
thank you for your message and kind words! 🖤
i haven't seen the post you're referring to so i can't say too much about it, but if we talk about the general concept of hygiene and personal care, in my heart i know the following truth:
gale loves his little indulgences and that includes the finer things in life, like taking long baths, perfumes, massages, and the like.
once he feels better again and has the spoons to fully appreciate it, he would have a ridiculously elaborate 13 step self-care routine, beard oils and all of that.
(we know his year of isolation likely led to him neglecting himself, given tara's repeated lines about not eating enough, as well as gale letting his beard growing out.)
in early access, he had this dialogue with the protag, about dreaming of a nice lavender scented bath:
Gale: Time is a precious gift. With time, we may even reach Baldur's Gate, a city rife with magic, wizards, scholars, and perhaps: solutions.  Player: In that case I share your optimism. Here's to the journey ahead.  Gale: And here's to your company.  Gale: Oh, I can picture it now: academies, libraries, laboratories – the assembled knowledge of centuries that may just set us free. Better yet: soft beds, home cooked meals, and all the other little luxuries this wilderness so brashly denies us. Gods, I'd pay a king's ransom for a hot, lavender-scented bath – minstrels serenading as I close my eyes and let the water's warmth dissolve all woes. Plenty to look forward to.
this was sadly cut.
i also seem to recall another line of dialogue in early access where a companion commented on gale using a waterdhavian scent/perfume, which had woody undertones. if i can find it, i'll be sure to post about it.
but still, he still has similar lines in the full release version, like in this banter with shadowheart:
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Gale: I must tell you, Shadowheart, the bathing waters here leave much to be desired. devnote: A bit know it all Gale: The ablutions offered at the Temple of Beauty in Waterdeep are far superior. And they have the most excellent soaps. devnote: A bit know it all Shadowheart: Hmm. I was wondering why you always smelled like a wealthy dowager. devnote: Teasing
bathing waters, excellent soaps and ablutions at the temple of beauty in waterdeep. the temple of beauty is a temple to the goddess sune, the goddess of beauty and passion.
"Her temples usually held social salons and displayed mirrors for use by lay parishioners. Some of them even had public baths for the local populace. Her shrines often stood on the corner of busy city streets. They would have a small ornate overhanging roof with a mirror underneath. They were used to check one's appearance while honoring Sune with prayer. Some shrines even held perfume and cosmetic items for those who could not afford such luxuries themselves." [x]
volo's waterdeep enchiridion says this in particular about the temple of beauty in waterdeep:
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"If you need to refresh yourself during your travels, or perhaps to primp before an important meeting or a night out, visit Sune’s faithful at the Temple of Beauty. Its marbled public baths and mirrored salons are open from before dawn to after dusk. There’s no fee for these services, or for the advice and aid of the temple’s many pleasant attendants, but donations are encouraged."
there are some other banters & lines of dialogue in the same vein:
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Player: I want to be with Gale. I'm sorry. Shadowheart: Don't be. He's charming enough, well-read and well-groomed.
there are more banters and comments like this from other companions as well (including minthara, for example), so yes, i think it's safe to say that gale is not a 3-in-1 shampoo type.
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featherisderp · 1 year
Sleepy child. Meta prefers it when she's quiet, she's usually loud and full of energy. Poor orb.
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"What do you mean this doesn't count as a hat??"
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badjokesbyjeff · 2 years
A rabbit is captured and taken to a medical laboratory to be used for experiments . . .
There, he befriends a rabbit who was born and raised in the lab. One day, he notices that the researchers didn't latch his cage properly and he decides to make a break for it. He tells the lab rabbit how great it is on the outside and convinces him to come along.
First, the wild rabbit takes the lab rabbit to a field of lettuce and the two munch on lettuce to their hearts' content.
Wild rabbit then says "Let me take you to an even better field" and heads to a field of carrots where they munch contentedly on all the carrots they want.
Then wild rabbit says "Now let me take you to the best field of all" and takes lab rabbit to a field full of female rabbits. The rabbits enter the field and (you know what they say about rabbits) proceed to have sex all night long.
At dawn the rabbits are exhausted and content and lab rabbit announces "Well, I'm heading back to the lab"
Wild rabbit says "Why??!!? I showed you the field of lettuce, the field of carrots and the field where you can have as much sex as you want!"
Lab rabbit says "Yeah, that was all great, but I'm dying for a cigarette"
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