#day 14 Red
leaderpinhead · 11 months
Idia - Livestream
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Idia was the very first to admit he was a total social hermit. From his noise canceling headphones to his anxious sputtering, Idia knew the reality of his status. He didn’t go around trying to deny it either. He was all doom and gloom—nerdy with a hearty dose of spazz. If he could see himself in the wild, he’d probably suffer a full-body cringe. 
Gloomurai, on the other hand, was an absolute legend. 
Which was why it was easy for Idia to put a bit more energy behind his voice when he was sure that red circle on the screen was glowing and his tablet pinged with a message Gloomurai had gone live on Spasm. “What’s up, all my Gloomys? Y’all hyped for today’s stream?” 
The number in the corner of his screen gradually rose, already breaking the thousands thanks to the post he’d made on his official Gloomurai Magicam account. The chat picked up speed quickly until the only thing he could make out was the custom blue flame emojis Ortho had designed. His adrenaline started kicking in just like it always did at the start of a livestream. The feeling was still fairly new since he had only started streaming at the beginning of the school year. One of his few online buddies had suggested it after he’d invited Gloomurai to his 3 AM livestream. Apparently, the internet was as weird as Idia knew and loved it to be, and people loved a sarcastic, gloomy personality. 
It still boggled his mind, but hey, it was extra cash for his gaming pleasure. 
Idia checked his setup on his spare monitor, making sure the window for the game he had planned to play was streaming at the right ratios. He’d learned his first few streams that his audience wouldn’t hesitate to point out any flaw. Best to get it done now instead of halfway through a match. “Everything looking good...is the sound good?” 
After a few seconds of delay, a wall of thumbs-ups buried everything else in his chat. Idia leaned back in his chair to glance at Ortho. The thumbs-up Ortho gave him was the only one he trusted. “Sweet. So we’re changing it up a bit today. You guys know Red isn’t big on the shooting co-ops, but I’ve been on a Towernoon streak lately. So as promised at the end of my last stream, I'm gonna be hitting up trios.” 
His eyes skimmed over the chat. In the midst of the hype, one username popped up for being benched for ten seconds. He never saw the comment that had benched the guy, but he could imagine they’d said something negative about Muscle Red. Those—and the real toxic mess—were the only comments Ortho immediately dealt with as his mod. 
“First up.” Idia paused to flip through his character customization. He grinned at the comments speeding through the chat about his suspense making. “I’d like you guys to welcome back one of your favorites.” 
The chat freaked out when Ortho’s preferred skin—one of the anthropomorphic monsters—popped up behind Idia in the game lobby. Ortho giggled into his mic at the wall of hearts filling the chat. “Hi, everyone! It’s good to be back!” 
The chat was nothing but hearts and Little Gloomy!!!! Even new viewers would know Ortho’s gamer tag because of the reputation he had built as Idia’s mod. When he wasn’t deleting the haters, he was chitchatting with the regulars. When Idia had to throw up an animated screensaver for some downtime, he’d give the mic over to Ortho to shoot the breeze. For all the incessant DMs and comments he received for a face reveal, Ortho was getting just as much—if not more—demands for the same. 
“Okay,” Idia said, absently checking his settings again, “now we just gotta wait for the other to get online.” 
Idia’s eyes flicked to the Hermes app opened in a different window. Some viewers were already getting impatient for him to start. He typed out a quick message and hoped she’d be near enough to her computer to hear the ping. His subscribers liked his doom and gloom, but they could only be distracted for so long. 
The green dot lit up next to Yuu’s name. Idia breathed a sigh of relief. He had only briefly mentioned her joining the livestream the last time they’d played together, which had already been two days ago. She was already so busy running around the campus with everyone else. It wasn’t very farfetched for him to imagine she would find someone else to hang out with. 
“Am I late?” Yuu’s voice sounded slightly muffled. The chat started whizzing by almost too quick for Idia to read it. “I know you said six, but I completely lost track of time.” 
Ortho cheerfully greeted the prefect by her gamer tag. Idia responded, “You’re fine. It’s cool that you made it either way.” 
That was Gloomurai’s smooth response. Idia’s internal response was actually, Thank the King of the Underworld she made it, and she chose gaming with me over a full body massage in Pomefiore! It would have been awkward having to fill in a third person at random. 
Yuu’s player model appeared in the lobby shortly after Idia sent the party invite to her. Despite him gifting her the current and previous season passes, she still stuck with the default skin, the only exception being the colorful butterfly wings he had bought her after she downloaded the game. Nothing else “spoke” to her was her excuse when he made fun of her. 
Idia hesitantly glanced at the chat again. It had fallen back to a moderate enough speed for him to quickly skim, but so far, the only complaints were a couple of obnoxious viewers asking if LadyKnight was really a girl. Idia rolled his eyes. It wasn’t like Yuu was the first girl to play Towernoon. The top streamer on Spasm was a chick who practically played it 24/7. 
Idia made a slashing motion with one hand while his other hand clicked the key to ready up for the match. “Okay, okay. Everybody chill. LadyKnight is practically noob status right now, so don’t be so hard on her. Me and Little Gloomy will pick up all the slack.” 
Ortho giggled, which spawned nothing but dazed hearts in the chat. “I’ll keep everyone safe!” 
“Do they still have the bows in the game?” Yuu asked. Idia wasn’t sure if she had heard him talking to the audience or simply ignored his insult. She might have become so used to being referred to as a noob that it didn’t register anymore. “I liked setting the builds on fire with the fire bow. I couldn’t find one the last time we played though.” 
“They’re still in-game,” Ortho helpfully answered. His player model started dancing to copyrighted music, which made Idia automatically mute the game audio. “They’re just a little rarer since the new weekly quests don’t require them.” 
“So that’s why I leveled up so quickly last week.” 
“How many things did you set on fire?” 
“I burned down every location Gloom and I visited.” 
A sudden snicker almost made Idia choke on the energy drink he sipped. He wiped his chin and totally ignored the chat for the first time since the stream started. “She’d rig up any car we came across so she could mow down the buildings too!” 
“It’s the fastest way to get ammo.” 
“I’ll let you have the fire bow if I find one!” Ortho promised. The text above his avatar switched from the red Not Ready to green Ready. “Ready up!” 
Yuu’s status flipped over at the same time. While they waited for the server to drop them into a match, Idia quickly skimmed over the chat. He frowned at some of the messages he had received from the viewers who donated through the widget he designed. 
They weren’t necessarily...bad. Idia could tell the instant everyone had logged on based on the donations. A few had welcomed him with a single thaumark donation, probably hoping he’d acknowledge their usernames despite being transparent that he only read off the messages for the big donations. Ortho’s arrival brought a few more fangirls/boys, and Idia would leave those for Ortho to respond to later. Yuu’s arrival had sparked the biggest donation pool of single thaumarks Idia had ever seen. 
Is she really a girl? 
Does she stream too?  
Is she your sister? 
Those seemed to be the most repeated questions. Idia scrolled through the long list of repetitive donations until he landed on one for five thaumarks. His audible choke made Ortho reach for his shoulder IRL. “Are you okay? 
Idia sputtered slightly before recovering enough to sputter, “Where are we dropping?” 
“Ice mountain.” 
The lack of inflection in Yuu’s voice bordered no arguments. Ortho happily agreed. Idia rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. He knew which location she referred to, but he couldn’t temper his own sarcasm. “There’s three mountains on the map.” 
“That’s why I said ice,” Yuu persisted. The shock that had sent his heart hammering in his chest moments ago gradually slowed with a snicker. “There’s broke mountain, city mountain, and ice mountain.” 
“Cluttered Cliffs, Metro Mountain, and Pike’s Peak,” Idia listed. 
“That’s what I said. Broke mountain, city mountain, and ice mountain. The one with ice is where I want to land.” 
Idia snickered into his hand. Since they had started playing, she had never once referred to the locations in the game by their actual names. After he had to explain why some of the names changed after the holiday event and how they would likely change again at the beginning of the next season pass, she had responded, “So what’s the point of me actually learning these names?” 
Her lack of care in the gimicky names was like an inside joke at this point. Whenever Idia would name a location, she would reiterate with her own classification. The fact that she knew how to describe each place was enough to let Idia know she was fully aware of the map’s layout, so it had never bothered him. 
He glanced at the chat while they waited to drop into the match. He frowned at two usernames that had been benched for five minutes. “You know, the fire bows don’t always spawn in that area.” 
“But I’ve found one in the matches we played before.” 
His monitor flashed, and they were floating across the map in a hot air balloon. Idia waited until the last second before nose diving down into the small research station on the mountain. He could tell Yuu dropped with him when her username appeared on the screen. Ortho’s was last. “We’re gonna win this! Just let me know when you need help.” 
Cue the happy swoons in the chat. Everybody loved Hero Boy Ortho. Almost as much as they loved Giggle Slayer Ortho. Nothing entertained them more than a squeaker running around headshotting other players while giggling and offering strategical advice. 
Idia sighed. “Hear that, Lady?” 
“I prefer Knight if we’re shortening it.” 
Idia snickered at Yuu’s quick response. He landed on the roof and started pilfering the few chests in the area. She came floating down beside him as he sorted his inventory to his preferred lineup. Ortho’s username landed a little farther from them, but Idia wasn’t worried about that. He spotted another trio landing near him and Yuu. “I could call you 800815 since that’s actually part of your name too.” 
“You might as well call it what it is,” she fired back. He peeked over the edge and focused his crosshairs on her shuffling two guns in and out of her inventory. One of the players on the other team was slowly heading in their direction. “We’re all mature enough to handle it.” 
Idia snorted. Ortho’s giggles took on a slightly different pitch. Maybe they weren’t as mature as she tried to claim. He couldn’t picture Yuu saying the same thing IRL, which was probably why he found it so funny. The anonymity of online gaming brought out the pervert in them all. 
Another username flashed by in the stream chat, the status saying they had been benched for ten minutes. Idia frowned and made a mental note to ask Ortho later what the message had said. The lengthy times were getting a little outrageous. “Have you found a bow yet?” 
Yuu’s aggrieved huff was answer enough. “No. I’m pretty sure you cursed me. I’m only finding rapid fire guns.” 
“At least we don’t have to worry about you aiming to hit anything then,” Idia countered. 
Ortho’s giggling was nearly non-stop now as his name kept popping up in the in-game log. The Squeaker Destroyer was leaving a trail of death in his wake, and his viewers were loving it even if they weren’t watching Ortho’s perspective. Yuu made a small noise. “Good job, Or—Little Gloomy!” 
“Thank you!” 
The entire time they had been chatting, Idia had his eye on the player approaching Yuu. He toggled to a rifle with a scope. He poised the crosshairs on the player’s head but didn’t pull the trigger. “Did you check the chest behind you?” 
“What chest?” Yuu’s character jerkily spun around. Her yip of surprise made Idia snicker. Her panicked spray sent him cackling. “How long has he been there!” 
When she cursed at a forced reload, Idia took his sweet time landing a direct headshot that sent the opposing player crawling for shelter. He swung his scope towards the building he had seen the player’s team vanish into. Another player stood frozen in front of a window. Idia took pity on him and downed him with another headshot. Turns out the guy wasn’t as AFK as he appeared when he started crawling for shelter too. Whoops. 
“I found my bow!” 
Idia immediately made a mad dash off the roof. He had just landed on the ground when parts of the building caught on fire. He huffed and circled around to where he had last seen Yuu. “I was on top of that roof, thank you very much.” 
“Whoops.” There was zero remorse in Yuu’s voice. “My hand slipped.” 
Idia rolled his eyes at his screen. He shuffled through his inventory and pulled out a green keg he found while looting ammo boxes. He tossed the keg at her and stepped into the bio-hazard green spray to build their shields. “I should have just let that scrub pick you off.” 
“Spare me your wrath, almighty Gloomurai.” 
Idia’s snicker was cut short by Ortho’s pause on his killing spree. “Hey, do you mind if I answer a question that keeps being repeated in the chat and donations, big brother?” 
“Huh?” Idia asked distractedly. He zoomed in and out with his scope, searching for the last player of the opposing trio. “Sure. Go ahead.” 
“Okay!” Ortho’s hum was like background noise. “No worries, chat! Little Gloomy can keep up with you guys and slay some baddies all at the same time. Since you guys seem really curious about it, I’ll just come out and say it. My big brother and LadyKnight aren’t dating. At least not at the moment.” 
Idia’s arm jerked. It caught on the energy drink he had been drinking earlier, spilling all across his desk. Idia sputtered and lurched forward to dab the spill with a nearby box of tissues. He only managed to knock over the plate of pizza he planned on eating between matches, sending pepperoni and cheese across his keyboard. 
Ortho was quick to react. “Oh, no! We’ve got a pizza emergency!” 
“What happened?” Idia vaguely heard Yuu’s voice coming from his headphones, which he had instinctively knocked off his ears and now dangled around his neck. “Is everything all right?” 
“Minor technical difficulties,” Idia answered. He wanted to strangle himself when his voice cracked. “Just keep us alive.” 
Yuu hummed. While Idia and Ortho quickly cleaned his keyboard, Idia watched her circle him on the screen in jerky motions. She paused and pulled out her bow again. “I think I see the other guy over there.” 
Idia dabbed at his desk faster. Ortho picked strings of cheese from between the keys of his keyboard. “Just let them—.” 
“I’m gonna set him on fire.” 
Idia only saw Yuu fire a flaming arrow because of the way his character was angled. She fired two more before clicking her tongue. “I ran out of arrows.” 
Idia threw away the empty can of energy drink and fixed his headphones over his ears again. “He’s probably had enough time to pick up his other teammates.” 
“I can take him.” 
The words had barely made it through his headphones when his character dropped to the ground from a single headshot. Yuu hummed when he cursed. “That’s unfortun—.” 
Yuu yelped before she was crawling on the ground with him. “I made a miscalculation.” LadyKnight’s name appeared in the game’s log for claiming a kill. “I take that back. I regret nothing.” 
“Got it!” Idia’s keyboard clacked back onto the desk. Ortho skipped back over to his area, picking up his tablet. “I’ll hurry over to pick you two up.” 
Idia grunted. He spun his mouse until he faced Yuu. “What even was your plan? Take random shots and pray they’re bigger noobs than you?” 
“My plan was to burn my enemies and claim at least one kill this session.” Yuu hobbled away from him towards the burnt building. “And I have been successful. I think that means I've leveled up.” 
Idia rolled his eyes. “That’s like saying a baby leveled up because he figured out how to roll over.” 
The poor imitation of a baby cry flipped his mood with a genuine snort of laughter. Giving up on Ortho picking him up before he fully died—Ortho had landed farther away than he thought—Idia turned his attention to his chat. There was some good-natured back and forth between most of his usual viewers. A wall of spam dominated the chat before it disappeared, the user being benched for thirty minutes. Idia’s eyes widened at the amount of time. That was extreme even for him. 
An angry huff from Ortho made him glance at his younger brother. He glared at the screen of his tablet, and the fringes of his fiery hair had turned a light red. “If I see anyone say anything negative about LadyKnight again, I’m gonna permaban them from the chat. This is casual games night, and we’re all here to have fun.” 
Idia paid closer attention to his chat. Most of them seemed to agree with Ortho, some of them even thanking him for banning the spammer. There were a few snide comments in the mix, most of them calling LadyKnight a fake gamer. Idia snorted. “Fake gamer? Chill out already. I literally already told all of you she was a noob. She just started playing over the winter break. And no one even said she was a gamer. She just agreed to play because Red didn’t want to.” 
“I have fun playing too,” Yuu added. She didn’t sound upset or anything, but her voice still startled Idia a bit. Her not being in the room had made him think she hadn’t heard him for some reason. “I don’t know what I'm doing half the time, but it’s still fun.” 
“We like playing with you too!” Ortho agreed. He glowered down at his screen like he was watching the chat for any naysayers. Which he probably was, in all honesty. “So be nice to her, so she comes back to play again.” 
It was hard for his viewers to argue with Ortho, considering they were nearing cult level status when it came to their love for him. Idia watched the chat for a moment longer, ignoring the prompt on his screen to return to the lobby. His face felt a little warm now, but he wasn’t about to roll over for his chat. If he had physically been in a crowd with all of them, then he no doubt would have. But this was the internet—Gloomurai was cool, and slick, and in control. 
“By the way, I’m in another match, and I don’t see either one of you.” 
Ortho made a small noise. “You went into another match? I haven’t even died yet!” 
“The game asked if I wanted to go into another match, so I said yes.” The faint crinkle of a chip bag came through Yuu’s mic. It was obvious she still had a mouthful of chips when she next spoke. “Gloom always gets on to me for going back to the lobby for no reason.” 
Idia sighed and backed out of the match into the lobby. “The one time you actually listen to me...” 
“Nine times out of ten, I block you out,” Yuu admitted. The chip bag crinkled again. “You just get really haughty when I go back to the lobby, and I don’t want to listen to your cranky mumbles.” 
Idia snickered and ignored Ortho telling the chat—again—that he and Yuu weren’t dating.
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shinobufied · 2 years
imagine the confussion it would cause for the villains in gotham if during halloween night the entire batfamily would dress up as each other during patrol.
Youre some guy robbing the bank or whatever and see nightwing pulling up and feel relief bc "oh, thats not too bad, could be worse, ive fought him before and should know his moves by now!" and suddenly he pulls out a glock.
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14dayswithyou · 2 months
Ren owes me money. I'm being so serious right now.
If Angel asked Ren/Redacted to dye their hair however he likes for them. Which color(s) would he dye their hair as?
✦゜ANSWERED: aaa somethin similar has been answered here, but I think Ren would want to lowkey match hair colours with Angel ^^ If they wanted to dye their hair, say... green or blue, then he'd likely get something subtle like a matching streak or ombre effect!!
As for the actual colour though?? I'm sure everyone is tired of me saying this, but Ren would honestly pick whatever colour Angel prefers. If they had a certain colour in mind already, then I'm sure he'd try his best to convince Angel to go through with it (whether it's by paying for the hair products, helping Angel dye their hair at home, sitting in the salon as moral support, etc.)!
But as for [REDACTED] specifically; if they're at that stage where they feel comfortable enough to share their own thoughts and opinions, then he'd likely suggest going red, black, or dark blue. Maybe even pink to feed into Angel's interest in Haruko lmao
At the end of the day, it's Angel's decision — which is something he's more than willing to support ^^
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leedangryu · 7 months
May all blessings find their way to you, I'm wishing it🖤🎉
生まれた祝福を あなたへ
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lipglossuser · 7 months
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meadowmallow · 4 months
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Haven't posted in a while so here's a FF wip! 🐰 new Mallow art coming soon. You'll never guess what my new main job is
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jevilowo · 1 month
As a wee egg-yet-to-crack child, Engie was hideously socially inept. This comes with autism being a Conagher Family Heirloom™ (someone said that in a reblog once and it has lived in my mind since).
Alas, being socially inept and a "girl" in early 1930s small-town Texas was Not It, and so every evening for a year Engie's mother sat down with him for a couple hours to go through Social Ettequite, even though he would really rather have spent the time tinkering in Fred's workshop.
This had the opposite effect as intended. To this day, Engie is the image of a Polite Southern Man to a genuinely creepy extent. Every polite smile of his is the smile of a barely restrained madman, and his eyes... you've probably seen the "meet the engineer without goggles" video. Every handshake and kind word comes across as carefully calculated (because they are) and almost uncanny valley.
And of course theres the fact that no amount of social conditioning can disguise the fact he's deranged, which is the other Conagher Family Heirloom™ .
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f1archives · 8 days
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Max Verstappen in the garage on Saturday - Baku, September 2024
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lylethewaterguy · 6 months
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Archers on the couch 3.0
2022 & 2023:
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14dayswithyou · 2 months
Meowdy Saint ^^ In a VERY surprising turn of events, I'm sure, I'm here yet again to ask about Conan 🫶 What are some NSFW bits about him? What does he like? Turn offs? Turn ons?
✦゜ANSWERED: Sin, we are quite literally seated in a courtroom right now 🧍 /silly
🔞 NSFW talk under the cut!! 🔞
Prefers to top, but wouldn't mind letting his partner have their way with him as well
At first glance, Conan might not seem all that adventurous in the bedroom; greatly preferring the good ol' missionary position while he lovingly looks into your eyes...
But once he gets more comfortable, his actual kinks will start to show. He's very into sensory play, impact play, restraining/tying his partner up, and has a massive breeding kink.
...Also a slight lactation kink for those this can apply to
If you're into it, Conan is more than happy to turn your work scoldings into a pleasurable experience instead. Knocked over a stack of important paperwork? You have five minutes to visit his office and bend over his desk. Logged the wrong book into the system? The quicker you spread yourself across his lap, the easier your punishment will be. Did a shoddy job at covering some of the books? That's a spanking for each ruined book.
But despite the roughness of some of his kinks, Conan is very into the soft, romantic stuff as well. He'll light candles, praise you for doing such a good job at work today, and lavish your body with all the love and attention it deserves.
Imagine his stubble lightly scratching your thighs :) That's it, send tweet
Now imagine Conan with his hair splayed out across the pillows while you entwine hands together and ride him :) I fear I am not ok
As for turn offs, he's not into things like DDLG/LB/LP or age play (for obvious reasons), nor is he into anything that would draw blood. Cuckolding is also a big no to him.
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dukeofthomas · 18 days
My understanding of Jason Todd's age;
Jason dies when he's 15, 4 months before his 16th birthday. He is dead for any number of time; it doesn't count towards his age.
He's resurrected; he is in a coma for 1 year, then catatonic for another. He is then put into a Lazarus Pit. (These 2 years are practically useless, as he doesn't remember them and they contribute very little to the story. They could be condensed to 2 months and it would change basically nothing.)
He trains for about a year. You can then give him 1-12 months of prep and planning time before his debut as the Red Hood, and the story of UT(R)H, at which point he would be mentally 16-17, physically 18-19, and it would be (--) years after his birth.
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triforce-of-mischief · 7 months
Febuwhump Day 14: Blood-stained Tiles
warnings: blood, arrow wound, decapitation, death
this is a followup to day 11 (alt 8): killing game
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leedangryu · 6 months
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just drew it because I wanted to see redacted playing basketball
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f1archives · 4 days
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Max Verstappen & Alex Albon in the paddock on Saturday - Baku, September 2024 (📷 verstappencom)
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Day 14, Seance🔮
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Valerie- Why do I want to do this alone? Uh, I just don’t want anyone freaking out or try to stop it….When I blast Phantom on the spot if this works.
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