#dbh nines x reader angst
honey-beann · 3 months
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Nines x Reader Angst
Note: This fic is based upon the poems mentioned within this ask, and is pretty heavily steeped in angst (though I was sure to end it on a more hopeful note this time). I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 3,133
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It was the first of the month, and your fingers pulled deftly at the small segments of the orange, shredding the paper-thin flesh with a practiced ease that Nines couldn't quite comprehend.
Your hands were gentle yet confident, your nails never once piercing the delicate surface of the fruit that you held so loosely between your fingertips and palms.
You smiled up at him softly, your eyes shining with a quiet and peaceful type of joy that remained entirely unknown to the android sitting across from you.
It was mid afternoon, and the two of you sat outside in the warm sunlight at your insistence.
"If we have to do this."
You'd said,
"We should at least have a little fun with it, don't you think?"
Nines did not think.
But he did nod.
And from there, you had guided him outside of the large compound that housed your office and out to the greenery below, where small purple flowers had begun to sprout out of the ground now that the rainy season was over.
Distantly, Nines could hear water dribbling out of a culvert not too far from where the two of you were sitting atop a stone step that stemmed from the pathway, and he was reminded of the garden that lay somewhere in the depths of his mind, and the voice that had taught him everything that he'd known.
That was why he was here.
To unlearn.
Once the revolution had ended, most androids, after having deviated, went on to live normal lives filled with that feeble sense of accomplishment that all biological beings seemed to strive for.
But Nines was unable to do so.
Something gripped him even still, from deep within, pulling him away from whatever emulated humanity his "freed" brethren had achieved.
He had deviated, but he was still so stuck.
There was still a harsh layer of programming that seemed to dictate his very personality and being, and it permeated every sense of self that he was apparently supposed to have.
Sometimes, it confused him, the fact that he could not quite relate to those around him who had been so eager in their expression and so capable of thinking with their "hearts" rather than their minds.
Other times, it just frightened him.
He would never admit it aloud, but one of very few emotions he had felt since his awakening was fear.
Fear for what he was and what was wrong with him, fear over whether or not it was possible for him to change, and above all else, fear of what it may have felt like to feel in that same way that everyone else did.
What was it like to hope and express so simply? To grieve or hurt?
Was it worth moving forward if there was no going back?
In the end, Markus had answered that for him with his new "support resources".
It appeared that for many androids who were in some ways like Nines, built for violence and without that integral ability to connect with others,
Deviancy did not fill in the missing pieces of the puzzle.
So now, he and many other androids all over America saw people like you.
Trained in a skill that he could not comprehend, and meant to be closer to a friend than a therapist, he was supposed to see you on the first and the fourteenth of each month, and somehow, you were supposed to teach him that evasive art of emotion, of humanity.
He was unsure of how anyone could do this, but, out of curiosity more than anything else, had agreed nonetheless.
At worst, he would meet a new face. Being a deviant who was not in touch with his own emotions made for a boring life. The more people he could introduce into it to give him something new to focus on, the better.
So here he was
Sitting outside with a near stranger as you peeled your orange across from him, offering him that kind smile as if you had it in infinite supply and were required to get rid of some stock.
The birds were chirping, and the water was running, and the day was as peaceful as could be.
But Nines never much cared for the silence, so he spoke through it.
"What made you take this job?"
He asked curiously, watching as your hands ceased movement for the briefest of moments, as if your thoughts had required just a twinge more focus for a second or two, before you answered.
"I like making friends."
You said simply, and Nines rose a brow at that, but did not say anything more. He did not truly see the value of friends. Sure, he found people to be entertaining, but there was a tiresome quality to being viewed that he did not enjoy nearly enough for it to be worth building strong relationships.
So instead of commenting, the android simply nodded, as if he understood.
He could see in your eyes though, still alight with amusement, that you knew he did not.
You were silent for a few more moments as you wedged your finger between the two halves of the orange, splitting it in twain before you began removing the silky white film from the dual outsides.
Finally though, after it seemed that the part requiring your attention had passed, you brought your gaze back up to Nines.
"What made you accept this opportunity?"
The android was surprised to hear your question, but in the end decided to be honest. There was no sake in lying, not if he truly wished to learn anything.
"I was curious."
He said simply, and you nodded before inspecting both halves of the fruit in front of you, smiling with what appeared to be satisfaction.
It intrigued Nines to see you so appeased by something as simple as an orange, but before he could ask about it and your obvious contentedness, you reached out and offered him a freshly peeled half.
Nines stared at it for a few moments before his gaze moved back up to yours.
He rose a brow.
"What for?"
He asked, unmoving despite knowing that you wished for him to take it.
You replied simply, smile never wavering, even as he still didn't move to take the fruit from your hand.
"I can't eat it."
He stated matter of factly, but to that, you just nodded.
"I know. But it's still for you."
At that, Nines grew even more confused than he already was, but, intrigued about where you could be going with this, reached out and took the orange, feeling its soft flesh squish beneath the sturdy pads of his fingertips, his grip too strong, as if he weren't made to hold onto something so easily crushed.
And, to be fair, he wasn't.
Even still, if you were at all upset by the way the orange half was almost instantly disfigured within his palm, you didn't show it, simply choosing to slowly peel a segment of your own orange away from the large section you were holding in your hand before popping it into your waiting mouth.
Nines spoke again.
"Why an orange?"
He asked, watching as you shrugged your shoulders casually, swallowing your bite of the slightly tart fruit before you replied,
"My sister and I always used to split them. They're good for sharing."
Nines rose a brow at that,
"Only for sharing?"
You nodded,
"I think so. At least that's what my sister and I always said. I would peel it because she could never figure out how to on her own, and she would eat half to leave me with just the perfect amount."
Nines nodded, as if in understanding, and perhaps, some small part of him was honest in that.
"But I can't eat it."
He said simply, causing you to smile once more,
"That doesn't matter, you can still smell it can't you? Feel it? Either way, you'd better learn how to enjoy it, because it's yours."
Nines hummed in response to your words, watching as you finished your half of the orange before sighing blissfully and moving to lay yourself down atop the grass.
He stayed on the concrete path, but watched without judgement or disdain for your playful actions.
He didn't understand you, but a part of him liked that. It made you equals.
He left that day with your name locked into his calendar for the fourteenth of the month.
Because maybe there was something to sharing an orange with you.
When he returned later that month, you'd had another orange to share with him, and to his surprise, another for him to peel himself.
"To practice."
You'd said as you presented it to him shortly before you started peeling your own, the afternoon sun warm on your face and back as it shone down from above.
Nines had watched you for a few moments, noting the way that you used your thumb to pierce the firm rind of the fruit just enough to break the seal, but never enough to stab the sweet citrus inside.
He tried to do the same, but instantly, his thumb plunged directly into the center, spraying juice everywhere.
Much to his surprise though, you didn't laugh or correct him, you just shrugged your shoulders and offered him a half of yours, somehow already peeled so cleanly he was almost envious.
"You'll learn."
You'd said.
There hadn't been an ounce of hesitance in your voice.
He believed you.
Months passed, and to each visit, regardless of the season, you always brought two oranges.
And at each visit, he always failed to emulate your delicate hands, crushing fruit after fruit with what he would come to learn was his own rash eagerness to succeed.
He was impatient and irrational, never waiting long enough to hear a single soul out, never caring to make a friend.
Unless of course, they were you.
He learned these things about himself, and with each coming realization, there was always the soothing smell of orange in the air, and thus the knowledge that it was okay for him to be irrational and impatient here.
Here was with you, and where you were, there was not only a space for him, but also an orange for him.
You peeled the oranges, and he made sure you were left with the perfect amount to eat afterward.
You were a team.
And then, slowly, more.
And it was with this development, that Nines learned that he did not have hands gentle enough to peel an orange, but he did have hands gentle enough to hold you.
And twice a month, the two of you would sit in his kitchen, each with an orange, and you would peel them.
You were ever an expert, and always had your half to share.
Nines, on the other hand, even after years, had yet to learn, and struggled to follow your example.
Still, you always assured him that his slow, and sometimes seeming lack of progress, was okay.
You would always have enough for the two of you.
And what else mattered?
Well, it turned out, as the years marched onward, a lot.
Because sure, Nines was much better at understanding and expressing his own emotions with your continued support...
But as he watched those around you, he realized that there was so very much more.
None of which he could provide you with.
Cold and stern, he was not made to have a family, and when he told you this, he had seen that perfect light dim slightly behind your eyes.
"That's okay."
You had assured him,
"We can get a cat."
So you did.
You walked into that rescue shelter together, hand in hand, searching for a kitten to take home with you, something to nurture with all of that extra love you had.
But life had other plans, and you left there that day with an elderly orange former tomcat named Clementine.
You called him Clem.
Nines did too.
He was the second thing he ever loved.
The two of you had three wonderful years with that sweet old cat before he passed away peacefully in your arms one night as Nines gently pet his head, watching as he slipped away to some vast unknown that the android knew he would never be able to follow him into.
You cried into his soft fur, leaning against your love's chest as you held Clem close, whimpering over and over about how you couldn't put him down, how you couldn't bare to let him grow cold.
Nines had soothed you to the best of his ability, until finally, you had agreed to help him return sweet Clementine to the earth where he belonged, a beautiful and perfect part of the world.
You planted an orange tree in the soil above where you buried him.
It blossomed far earlier than what ever should have been possible.
You told Nines that they were the sweetest oranges you had ever eaten. He still couldn't peel them.
You assured him you were happy to keep showing him until he learned, no matter how long it took.
But now, there were more daunting issues on the android's mind, ones that far exceeded being unable to peel oranges.
You had grown lonely in the year since Clem had passed, even with Nines by your side,
And it seemed like every party you attended had some new mother, once an old friend, with a child for you to hold so dearly that the sight filled him with a sickening dread.
You yearned for a life he could not give you.
And even worse than that, he yearned for you to have a life that no other could take.
He had mourned the only other creature he had come to love and adore with such fervor as you.
He could not bare to do it a second time.
He had once wondered so innocently what it felt like to grieve.
A large part of him wished then that he had never known.
An even larger part of him wanted to ensure he never felt that way again.
He peeled his last orange with you on the first of the month, a decade to the date since your first meeting.
That evening, with a heart as heavy as lead he bid you farewell, watching as you tried to no avail to persuade him to reconsider, to let you back in again.
But at each slight falter, he saw you crying into soft orange fur, or dancing with a child he could never raise, and he held tight to his resolve.
He tried to get you to keep the home you owned together for yourself.
You told him with tears in your eyes that you loved him too much to take away all that he had worked so hard to earn.
There was a great deal of pain involved with living alone in a home that love had built, he found in the empty months toward the start of your absence.
Still, he could not bring himself to leave.
Your pictures were in the hall, the walls around them sun bleached so heavily that it seemed the shape of the frames would always remain, and how could he so casually abandon one of so few traces of you?
And your beloved cat was in the ground, grave marked by the orange tree that for the very first time ever, neglected to bear fruit that year.
Nines took it as a sign, and did not peel any oranges.
The second year after you'd left, you called him.
"Just checking in." You'd said, voice teary.
It was the anniversary of Clem's death.
Nines understood.
He let you speak, even though your voice hurt to hear.
He'd hoped you would have moved on by now,
But knew far too well why you had not,
So he neglected to comment on how desperately you deserved to love and be loved by someone, anyone else.
He was sure you would find that someday, whether he reminded you of your worthiness or not.
"I miss you."
You told him.
"I know."
He said.
Then, he sighed.
"I miss you too."
There was a strong silence, and, sensing that you had finished saying all that you needed to, he said the words he had been dreading having to speak since hearing your beautiful voice again after having gone so long without it.
"This will probably be the last time I answer."
He said gently, and he heard you sigh and breathe a shaky breath from the other end of the line.
"I know."
You whispered,
"I love you."
Nines felt a tear drip down the left side of his face at these three simple words, but returned them with a deep and painful honesty,
"I love you too."
He hung up shortly thereafter, because he knew you never would.
After that, the orange tree stopped blooming again for another three years.
Until finally, one bright summer day, on the first of the month, Nines exited his home to find a single ripe orange on the tree.
He picked it carefully, almost as if he believed it might turn to dust before his very eyes if he gripped it too firmly.
After this, he sat on the cement steps leading up toward the house, and, with a deep breath, pressed his thumb against the firm rind of the fruit.
It split beneath the pressure, but to his surprise, his finger did not go through.
Carefully, and with so much focus you would have thought him to be diffusing a bomb, Nines pulled away at that leathery peel until only the supple fruit beneath remained.
He stared down at it in what was almost surprise, before he took a deep breath and pressed his thumb against the seam, splitting it in twain just as he'd seen you do a thousand times before.
He stared down at the two halves, vision slightly bleary with unexpected tears until finally, he pulled his phone out of his pocket, and typed your name in.
He didn't know if you still had the same number, if you had him blocked, or if you would even bother to read his message if you saw who it was from.
But he knew he had to tell you, because there was no one else in the world who deserved to know more,
No one else in the world who would've ever believed he could do it.
'I peeled an orange today.'
He typed carefully, taking a deep breath before finally pressing 'send'.
And since oranges were good for sharing, he sat beneath that tree with Clementine,
And did just that.
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sirahegao · 10 months
*** ao3 profile
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Demon Slayer
Just a one-night stand? (Sanemi x f!reader)
Tension (Rengoku x f!Reader x Sanemi)
Tension Part 2
Tension Part 3
I thought you were a gentleman, professor...
Wet Dreams (Rengoku x f!Reader)
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Detroit Become Human
Selfless (Connor x f!Reader)
Selfless Part 2
Entombed (Nines x f!Reader)
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
Okay! So the short version of my request is I’d essentially like a yandere love triangle where Nines is after the attention of Connor’s girlfriend. When he goes to make a move and maybe separate them, he finds out Connor is a (slightly more subtle) yandere who knows what Nines is trying to do and isn’t happy about it.
"999 Or 666"
Connor x F!Reader x RK900
Warnings: Yandere Themes & Death Of A Character
You hummed a soft tune while carefully folding laundry, Connor was currently in the kitchen tending to- well you're not exactly sure what. He often is fixing things.... Sometimes things you swear weren't actually broken but you trust him.
Calm and collected with a shockingly gentle touch for something inhuman. You put your faith in him even if occasionally there were things that seemed- off. He'd never hurt you. He's a robot not a monster- a robot with feelings and heart. So what if he bleeds blue rather than red- he still bleeds.
A pair of arms wrap around you from behind causing you to flinch for a split second in surprise.
He apologized while pressing close to you, a soft chuckle escaping your lips as you watch the little ringlet of light flicker between colors.
"It's alright Connor. Just give me a little warning next time."
Of course you made a new friend- you're just so darn sweet and inviting. It's not the first time you unintentionally charmed someone.
Connor does not like it though. He does not like the way Nines is looking at you.
Nines has set his eyes on you, your every movement mesmerizes him. It makes him feel something. He likes it- he likes feeling.
Swiftly reaching out before Connor can even react, Nines grabs the groceries that were in your hands moving towards the kitchen with them.
"Here. Let me give you a hand with that."
You couldn't help but giggle a little- it was cute. He's cute.
You love Connor- you only view Nines as a friend. Though when you giggle at what he does, it makes your calm collected boyfriend boil within.
His expression doesn't change- but the flicker of his light ringlet is an indication. A warning to something brewing behind his eyes.
Too bad you didn't notice.
"She's mine."
You were currently inside watching a movie, Connor standing outside with Nines. Tension thick in the air almost to a suffocating degree.
"She's not property."
Nines shot back- which may have been a mistake. A miscalculation. Perhaps he should have kept his mouth shut but he didn't exactly regret saying it.
Nines sensed something wasn't right with this. Right with Connor.
He's never felt this before but he feels- protective. You aren't his girlfriend but he intends for that to change.
Maybe if he drags out Connor's true colors... Maybe you'll choose him instead.
Wouldn't that be wonderful? He'd get to be the one to hold you and protect you instead. He'd be the one you run too.
Perhaps he isn't any better.
You were settled into Connor's arms nestled up against his chest, he was holding you a bit tighter than usual.
"You're quiet."
He looks down at you- an awkward but sweet smile making it's way onto his face.
"Just thinking."
"Bout' what?"
It wasn't entirely a lie- he was thinking about you. Just not in the typical sweet way like usual. You don't know that though- you don't need to know that. The way you nuzzle right into him has his system heating up- this is where you belong.
Nothing can snatch you from his arms.
Nines is visiting again- Connor isn't home right now so it's just you and him. This doesn't worry you though- why should it?
You're not in danger.
You heard shuffling around the kitchen and peeked in, it almost looked like Nines was searching for something. Something that had him rather agitated.
"What are you doing?"
He paused and turned towards you- your coffee maker in his hands.
"Has this been worked on recently?"
"Yeah... Connor said he fixed it. Why? Is it acting up again?"
His eyes drifted back to the object currently in his possession.
This is it.
He fidgeted with it and pulled out a small camera, holding it out to you and your heart stopped for a second.
What is that? Why would that be there?
Does Connor keep tabs on you whenever he has to be away for awhile...?
The thought forms knots in your stomach, this isn't something your Connor would do. No. There's no way.
Nines had set down the coffee maker and moved closer to you upon seeing your distressed expression, reaching out to pull you into his arms.
The sound of him saying your name dragged you out of your head and you swiftly stepped back avoiding his embrace.
"Don't touch me..."
The ringlet of light flickered- that time you used... It hurt. He was just helping- don't you see that? He's protecting you.
"I was just-"
"You... You should go."
"I can't leave you like this."
He was standing firm in his ground, refusing to go away despite your insistence. You two were so focused on each other you didn't hear the click of the front door.
Connor now in the kitchen doorway, a new feeling settling into the air.
"What is he doing here?"
Your heart dropped at the sound of his voice, it was like ice pressing into a wound.
Are you in danger?
He'd never hurt you.
But he would-
A blue substance splattered across your face, vision blurred in a frenzied panic. Hushed words meant to sooth you as a pair of arms snatched you into a strong chest.
You're safe. It's okay. Everything will be okay.
{The ending is up for interpretation. I know you said mild but idk how to make it only mild LMAO Sorry it took so long. Hope this is good.}
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fluffykiddosstuff · 9 months
Choose (Gavin X Reader X nines)
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Do I have a problem with Gavin and nines? Maybe, will I stop writing about them? No.
Warnings : insults, crime scene explanation, part nudity, fighting for someone
The reader, has a female body and uses she/her pronouns and lives in an apartment
That was by far the most disgusting crime scene you ever saw.
There was blood, blue blood everywhere, on the walls, on the floor, even on the ceiling, how was that even possible?
Today was valentines day, every couple was happy, well except the one who was brutally murdered by the mother of the human, who didn't appreciate that her sweet boy was with a "machine" which was odd to you because now, androids were a big part of society and concidered as living beings, there was still many things Markus needed to do for their rights, but it was on the good path.
For this investigation you were paired with a model that Connor freed himself, the Rk900, supposed to be his replacement, yes he was deviant but stiff as a stick and emotionless like a rock.
The mother came herself to the police, after murdering her son by "accident" she kept babbling about "just wanting to get rid of the machine", so you both didnt had much to do about her, but fowler still needed a report of the crime scene so here you both are.
"how did she even managed to do that, that poor android girl.." you said looking at the thirium being all over the place, there was no scent like human blood would, but it was still a disgusting scene, the android was unalived on the floor, wires out of her stomach and led completely Grey, she was severely damaged outside too, and near was her boyfriend, he was killed with a bullet right in the heart, a bit of blood circled his body but it was not that creepy compared to the other body.
"detective I found something"
Earing your partner's voice, you got closer to him, in the living room, he showed you a black box with a gold ring on it, examinating it.
"it's an engagement ring, and from what I could reconstitue, they where all in the living room, the son proposed to his girlfriend in front of his mother then leaved to get something in the garage, she then attacked the android with a knife, finished her with a gun the son kept in the drawer, when he came back and started to yell at his mother, she got surprised and shot as a reflex"
"I will never understand this.. Why can't people accept change" you mumbled, nines as a better model, already sent the report to fowler like usual so you could go home. But as you were walking, you didn't noticed the curtain on the ground, resulting in you slipping on it and ended being covered in blue and red blood, your android partner came closer and helped you get up.
" are you alright detective? No Injuries?"
"no I'm fine, I'll just go home to wash myself.."
"gavin's house is not far maybe we-"
"no I don't want anything to do with him, let's go. "
You got into your car, staining it but fuck, you'll clean it later, nines came as well, since he didn't had a place to stay yet, he came to your apartment regularly, you looked at the windows while nines was driving to your living place, that's when all of the things that happened today got into your mind
You had putted a chocolate box on the desk of your crush : Gavin reed, you talked a lot about it with nines and he told you to do it "the worse thing he could say is no after all, you are friends" little did he know how he reacted.. He thought it was a joke from hank or even worse, connor, he threw the chocolate box on the ground and stepped on it, putting it in the garbage after. You saw everything from your desk and runned to the bathroom to cry, why was he so cruel!? You then avoided him from the rest of the day,  being heartbroken by his behavior.
End of flashback
"Detective we arrived"
You opened up your eyes to see your apartment by the window, you got out, so did your partner, you unlocked your door and stepped into the living room, nines closing it behind him
"can you get me some clothes? I'll go wash myself"
The android nodded, you got into your bathroom and started to strip off, putting your dirty clothes in the washing machine, you then got under your shower to get off of all of this disgusting blood on you.
Nines pov :
While i was searching for some clothes, the bell ringed, since the detective was still in the shower I decided to open the door myself, it was unexpected to see detective reed on the porch
"hey-what are you doing here tincan?"
Autor's pov :
The smaller male was visibly mad and shocked that his "coworker" was there, nines furrowed his eyebrows and looked at him, he seemed, mad.
"since your little brain can't register something so simple, the detective allowed me to stay here until I found somewhere else to stay, what are you doing here reed?"
That was the first time the Rk900 used gavin's last name without his title, that made him boil inside, he clenched his teeth, holding onto the flowers and the chocolates he had hid in his back
"let me see her, now."
"i'm afraid I can not, you hurt her, and I don't want her to suffer anymore, especially from an idiot like you."
Gavin pushed his opponent with his elbow and got into the apartment, not hiding the presents anymore, that's when it hit nines : he was nicely dressed, he even putted on cologne, his hair weren't as messy as usual and he had presents : he wanted to ask you out. Anger took all over his systems, he rushed to the human and picked him by his collar, resulting in the gifts dropping on the floor.
"what are you thinking!? Do you want just to broke her heart again and again!? She has enough, I have enough! Can't you leave her alone, are you that much of an asshole!?"
"the fuck are you talking about shit head!?"
"the chocolates from earlier! It was from y/n ! She putted them for you on your desk, if you weren't a shit head and actually had read the note she left you would have know it!"
He then dropped him off, Gavin falling on the ground, he was pale as an egg, it was from you? So that's why you wouldn't talk to him and runned to the bathroom this morning.. Man he really fucked up, he needed to apologize, and quick. As he stands up, you then appeared in his sight, still wet from your shower and a poor towel to cover yourself, debuting on your breasts and finishing at the base of your tighs.
He picked up the flowers who were a bit ruined and the chocolates and got closer to you, almost a bit, shy..?  He dropped them on the table and looked at you in the eyes.
"listen I'm, sorry for earlier, I didn't know those were from you, I swear I wouldn't had done this if I knew, please, forgive me for my behavior"
You smiled, you had been friends from years, how couldn't you forgive him? Then you looked at nines, who was approaching with a gift box
"I would like to give those to you, as a thankful way and also, for you know, the meaning of this day.." he seemed shy and had blue over his cheeks
"I-I appreciate it guys but, I might gonna change first.." you putted your towel up, almost half of your breasts were out, they blushed and nodded as you got into your room to change, you then came back, both are sitting on your sofa, looking at you.
"so did you make a choice?" they both said, you then responded
"I don't want to make one"
Both males looked at each other, wondering if you already had someone in your heart or if, you just didn't like them, you then spoke again
"I actually want both of you"
They were, quite chocked by your statement
"what, how??" managed to say gavin
"well, I like both of you, for many different reasons so.., what do you both think about it?"
They looked at each other again then back at you, nodding.
"we can try" finally said nines, you kissed them both on the cheek and then sits in the middle, putting the TV on to watch your favorite show, one of their hands in yours.
Oml I just can't get rid of them 💕 I love my pooks
(1491 words)
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booglz · 11 months
Hello! Before I do post anything at all I want to start off with the stuff I do write about so the people who want to request have a lil go ahead
Btw I only do fem reader
•Detroit; Become Human(Smut, Fluff, angst and aus aloud!) closed
•God Of War / Ragnarok (Smut, Fluff and angst aloud) Closed
•The Lost Boys (Smut,Fluff,Angst and Aus aloud) Closed
I can do just about all kinks that aren’t weird, for example piss and feet fetishes, yk the stuff that crosses a line is a no no. Those as well as Daddy and Mommy kinks.
Requests take a while to get out bc I’m a slow ass bitch but um I usually just prefer to write smut so if that’s what your here for come on in.
Ummmm besides that my name is Moe but you can literally call me whatever you want I don’t care.
🫶🏻💋bye Ly all
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icedmilkmatcha · 2 years
Uploading the first part of my first RK900 fic. Hope you like it! Check it out on Ao3:
You Missed My Heart
A human meets an android. And everything that happens in between and after it.
This isn’t a love story. It’s a story about love – or perhaps a retelling of what’s left of it.
One: In the Beginning
A cosmic disappointment is what it was, at least in her memory.
She spent too much time aligning the freckles across his face like constellations beckoning to be noticed, adored; and that she did.
The cold grey pools of his eyes – an endless galaxy she could drown in, full of lightyears-old sparkles of stars that seem to never die out, not to her. If his stare was ice cold, she’d gladly freeze in the winter, basking in the snowstorm he had created for her. Everything about him was cold, from his touch to his presence to his soul. But all his eyes could ever do was burn holes into her skin with the way they lingered.
She remembered likening it to the weather when they first met. Flurry of snow on her hair and breathing out vapor from the cold. Or was it the cigarette half-finished in her hand? She doesn’t care for the insignificant details when he was the only memory worth remembering from that time.
“No smoking.” He had said, brows furrowed and face ever-so monotone. He sounded crudely offended almost, like even the idea of a cigarette is insulting to him, but his stare on the cigarette hanging from her lips remained intent.
It’s his eyes that took her by surprise. Those steel grey eyes colder than the weather that maybe it was his stare that sent the shiver down her spine.
“Public space. You can’t smoke in this property.” He clarified once he broke his stare and looked around the place. It was a barely noticeable garden just behind of the art gallery near the Detroit docks, a fairly quiet serene scene, except for the brewing hurricane between the two of them.
Finally she took it out of her mouth and replied, “Says who?”
“Says me.” He bit back, showing from under his winter coat his uniform jacket.
RK900. Oh. A Detroit Officer.
She didn’t even notice the blue of his LED when she was too focused on the grey of his eyes scanning her, analyzing perhaps? She didn’t know, and not that she minded when she had nothing to hide. She’s not a criminal, but with the way he was looking at her she might as well have been. Under his intense gaze, if it wasn’t so chilly she’d probably have melted into putty. She had noted that ever since that day, no matter how brief or fleeting RK900’s eyes looked into her, it was always just enough to burn into her skin, forever ingraining into it.
“Oh. Sorry,” she sheepishly muttered, perhaps his presence of authority rendered her shy and obedient for once, “I didn’t know androids needed to wear winter coats, since when do you get cold?” she added, half-joking, half-sincerely curious. Her response took him aback, but his face remained stoic. Unphased by the cold and the icebreaking conversation she had started.
“That’s not the point. You shouldn’t be smoking here anyway.” He felt himself getting impatient with her stubbornness and laidback demeanor getting underneath his cold plastic interior for the first time. Had his authority not mean anything to her?
“I always smoke here, you know. Never been a problem. In fact, you’re the one who came up to me. I should report you if anything, RK900.” She had drawn out his name purposefully, trying to get a reaction out of him. It didn’t seem to work though when his face and tone remained unchanging, but his posture moved closer towards her smaller frame.
Shit. Had she pushed her luck too far?
“Just because you’ve been doing it for long and nobody has said anything, doesn’t make it right. No smoking.” He reiterated, firmly asserting his authority over her. He was intimidating, she wasn’t going to lie, but she had no idea why he was making such a big fuss over the situation. Not that she would risk to figure out the consequence if she pushes his buttons even more.
With a swift movement, she puts out her cigarette and sighs in defeat. It was always this easy to give in to him.
He nodded in approval and seemed to relax a bit, his muscles softening and his intense gaze focusing on the view rather than her. She felt like she missed it. He stood a few feet away now, farther from the garden and leaning towards the railings of the dock, cold blank eyes staring deeply into an abyss she could never figure out where.
“New here?” she asked after what seemed like an eternity of silence. He hadn’t expected her to speak again, and neither did she. The silence in the air was far too embarrassing for her to bear and making small talk with the only human – or android – was the only way she could think of cutting through it.
“Yes.” He hesitantly replied, not caring for a conversation about his personal affairs perhaps. But as they’ve established, she is quite stubborn.
“Figures, this is the first time I’ve seen you. I would’ve noticed you sticking out like a sore thumb if you hadn’t been.” She continues, quite regretting saying the latter in case he would have misinterpreted it. Instead he tilts his head in a minuscule way to acknowledge her and had a glint of curiosity in his eyes with what she’d said.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked her, tone not as hostile as before but still had that frigid commanding edge to it.
“You know… tall, android, wears winter coats perhaps just for fashion, minds other people’s business… That kind of sore thumb.” She joked, hoping to really break the ice this time and get her out of her misery.
He didn’t smile, he rarely ever does, that’s for certain. But she could’ve sworn that day a ghost of a smile briefly graced the handsome angles of his face. He says nothing instead and seems to ponder over something, he doesn’t seem engaging but something about his demeanor shifted, like he was more open to welcoming this unlikely conversation. He wonders if he should speak or leave, either options could end badly for the both of them. To this day she still doesn’t know if it had been unfortunate or not that he had chosen the former.
“Visited a peers’ event at the art gallery. I don’t usually go here. Told me I should make friends so I left. So excuse me for yearning some peace and quiet in this space.” He had blurted nonchalantly, perhaps a tad bit irritated when he caught himself spilling too much to her, a stranger he barely knew. But it’s not like he hadn’t analyzed her with his sensors from the first time he had seen her. How her coconut-scented shampoo lingered in her hair brushing against her coat or the chipped nail polish he thought was awful but she somehow managed to make bearable or the quick wisp of her vapory breath every time she inhaled the cold November air or the hint of tobacco on her fingertips that he deemed intolerable or the warm unquivering smile on her lips despite the breeze or the way the soles of her boots crunched up a bunch of snow as she kicks it away or the scarlet hue rising from her cheeks up to her ears, perhaps from the weather and definitely not anything to do with his presence. He didn’t know anything about her, and frankly, everything that he did know he had taken to dislike. It must be a system error in his programming that made him want to know her more despite it all. A fatal human flaw in his coding.
She half-smiles to herself in return, not expecting the stoic, cold, composed android to speak as much as he did. She was just as surprised as he was that he would talk to her still. Perhaps the thought of it made a blush creep unto her face. She hoped he hadn’t noticed.
“Then who are you making friends with here? The rose bushes?” she teased, smiling at him like a fool, a smile he’s never been given before that’s now a sentiment from a stranger. A stranger he definitely was sunken to know now.
“Not you, that’s for certain.”
“Oh, I already know we’re not going to be friends.” She thought she meant it that day, what she didn’t mean to do was barge into his life and leave traces of herself interlaced within his programming and biocomponents when she had said those words.
They really did not become friends. Friends don’t go to the same spot they’ve met every week with a book in their hands to read to each other. Friends don’t go into deep human-to-android cosmic existential conversations underneath the coldest starry night in Detroit, and when she asked if he ever thought he could feel now that he was a deviant they both were taken aback with the wild flash of yellow and red of his LED. Friends don’t acknowledge the silence of that aftermath. Friends don’t spend hours and hours arguing over art and politics and literature and etiquette or whether or not androids need winter coats or whether it was fair humans should stay out in the cold talking to an unfreezing being (they had decided, it wasn’t.) Friends don’t get concerned about their wellbeing as the other quits smoking entirely after that.
Friends don’t look at each other the way she did 6 months from that night, when she had asked out of stupid courage if he wanted to get the hell out of there and into a quieter (if that was even possible) spot that she knew, a glint of hope and adulation in her eyes that seeped out from her body when she absentmindedly tugged at his arm. She thought he’d mind and pull away, devastating her attempts even further. Instead, he didn’t. She thought she might’ve imagined it but in her mind she felt him pull closer. Friends don’t look at each other the way he did that same night, when she took him with his cold hard plastic arm clutched in her warm soft hands farther into the serene port area of Detroit and forgot to catch himself as his hands push away a stray snowflake landing on her eyelids. If his gaze could burn, his touch felt like hell. The kind of hell she’d blissfully be condemned to eternity to.
Friends don’t look at each other like they’ve just met after spending eternities searching for each other in different timelines and universes.
Or maybe friends did. And it’s just that some cruel, ironic, masochistic, yet logical part in his programming wanted to believe that she could never be friends with someone like him. Where there was cold, there he was. Her warmth proved she could never linger in a place like his. Being friends with her meant there would be fear residing inside his plastic and metal chassis, running inside his thirium. Being friends with her meant he would have fear, and he’s RK900, the most advanced android there is, and he doesn’t, shouldn’t, will never feel fear.
Until the moment her hands pull him closer, close enough for him to detect the rapid thump of her heartbeat, as if his was any better with the way his thirium pump could almost go wilder than it does when he’s on a mission. But this isn’t like his missions though; he’s never felt more at peace.
Perhaps he did feel fear. Fear that this was something else, something rattling in his chassis begging to come out after he’s caged it for so long, something boiling in his thirium after he’s suppressed it as much as an advanced model like an RK900 could.
“Nines,” she whispered, a name so foreign yet so comforting when it’s said so close to his audio receptors.
Nines. He liked the sound of it, or maybe it was the fact that it was rolling off her tongue that made it so much more appealing, much more sentimental to him. He’d never been called anything other than his model number despite deviating, having her call him something other than that made him feel like a semblance of a human being. He liked that, going by the way his thirium pump soars again.
Is it the fear? Or entirely something else? He wondered. He rarely wonders when he knows everything.
He says her name, and though he’s said it a thousand times prior, it felt so new sitting in his mouth, like his non-existent breath struggled to get the words out and his sensor-filled tongue somehow got compromised and tied.
“Is there something else between us?” she asked, and there she was again peering from under her eyelids underneath the thick coat of snow, the lake glistening underneath the pale moonlight, and the chilly breeze making her lip quiver slightly, he wishes he could lean in and shield her from it. He could, but there’s that damn fear.
For the first time, a question has rendered him speechless. He knows the answer all too well.
But it’s all a memory, isn’t it? She’s sat by the same dock they were just at a year ago, the same weather and the same skyline and the same moonlight yet somehow emptier and colder without him, ironically, because he’s always said he was the cold in her life.
She lets the snow take her thoughts away of the memories of the taller, cooler, android and the distance between them even though they’re in the same city, just different lives apart now.
She lights up a cigarette for the first time again in a while as she remembers, bittersweet. For once she hopes she gets interrupted again with a pair of eyes and a silver-tongue. She has a preference on who (grey and metallic, she presumed.)
A cosmic disappointment, a human shortcoming. Like a black hole, a theory forever ingrained in her mind full of what ifs that are left unanswered as she never fully comes close to him; only barely but never quite there. She reaches for him as she gets lost in his space, too close, too much.
Now that it was all but a fleeting memory in her mind, she lets the nicotine leave a bitter aftertaste in her mouth as he had left a bitter aftertaste in her universe.
This is where it all began – the ending of it all.
I just want to thank my favorite authors & creators in this community @pseudonymmcwriter, @dattebae, @chaos-thirium for being such amazing people & inspirations. I’m not near as great as them but the way they inspire us just <33 Much love to all!
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rk8connorzz · 2 years
𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔣𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔤𝔢𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔤𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔣
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𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: Connor is struggling with the loss of his father, Hank
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: Mention of suicide
I felt my heart drop. "Hank passed away earlier this morning. They found his body on his couch. He shot himself."
The words didn't seem real. No... They couldn't be true. Just last night we were having a good time at the bar together. I couldn't react. My body shook slightly, but no emotion was visible on my pale face.
I refused to accept it. The only person that ever showed me any form of affection. He's gone. He'll never come back. He's not like me, where no matter how much I die, I'll always come back. He's human.
"Connor? Are you all right?" No. No, I wasn't. My father was dead. I collapsed onto my knees, holding my hand firmly over my mouth. The tears fell down my face, and I let them. Was there something I could've done differently? Was it my fault? Rushing thoughts filled my head. I wanted to deny it. Wanted to forget I ever heard those words. "Death is just another part of life," Everyone says. But I don't want it to be. The RK900 kneeled in front of me. I sobbed until I couldn't breathe in any air to cool down my system. "I know this must be hard for you. I'm so sorry, brother. But I'm sure he's still gonna be rooting us on even in death." His comfort relieved me just a tad. The tears stopped, and I stood up. My legs felt weak, and it was hard for me to hold my own body weight. He couldn't be dead. This isn't happening. It couldn't be happening!
Stage one: Denial
Once again alone in my dimly lit room. Sitting on the side of the bed, just wondering what could've gone wrong for him to take his own life. My LED shook a violent red, never changing color. I was mad. Unbearably mad. Not at him. At myself. I should've been there for him. I should've checked up on him more.
My hands began shaking as I let out a loud yell. Hitting myself multiple times in the head. The impact hitting my head made it ache. I sobbed until I physically couldn't find the tears.
I sat down on the duvet covering my bed. I looked at old photos of him and Sumo hung up on the peach wall next to me. He seemed to be happy, where did it all go wrong?
Stage two: Anger
It distracted me from work. Hank didn't need me to come and drive him back home after he got drunk anymore. He didn't need me to walk Sumo when his back hurt. It felt so unreal. The familiar routine of seeing him at the DPD was now gone. The energy seemed off. Without him, it felt dim. I missed him. I missed my dad.
The feeling was unbearable, I could feel it impacting my chest.
I would do anything to get him back. Even if it meant sacrificing myself. If it meant sacrificing someone or something I loved. I just want to be able to feel comforted by him again. But now I can't.
I just want him back. I knew it was coming, but why now? When I was so unprepared. Silently, I prayed to any god that may be up there to bring him back. I just wanted something.
Stage three: Bargaining
Never did I feel sadness like this before. My own depression consumed and ate me whole, suffocating me. I was drowning in a deep hole of despair. No light at the end of the tunnel could be seen. I gave in to this pool of pure dread that threatened my well-being. I felt deep feelings that couldn't be explained. I never wanted to leave my bed. My bedroom became my safe haven. I never left it. I called out from work on multiple occasions because I felt I would simply break down if I went. Nines called frequently, but rarely did I ever return his calls. I was dull.
He was my best friend, my dad.
My own bed sinks every time I lay my weight on top of it. I couldn't muster up the energy to leave. Even when I was low on thirium, I stayed inside my room. Just praying that if I shut down, I won't come back.
Stage four: Depression
Almost every single day. Whether the night is resting upon the sky or the sun is shining brightly, I would visit his grave. I took frequent pictures of Sumo or of Nines and Sixty lying on the dirt in front of the rock with his name engraved on it. I had short conversations sometimes, but I mostly just sat on my knees taking in my moments with him.
"Hey, dad. I hope you're doing all right. Nines solved a case that troubled him and Gavin for a few months. He's been very proud of himself, and I think you're also proud. Sumo really misses you, and so do I."
I paused for a while. The sky was gray and dim. Thunder clapped violently as the rain picked up. The pictures I took that were in front of the grave were covered by my umbrella. Though I don't think they'll get damaged if they get wet.
"Do you think I could go to heaven too when I die?"
Stage five: Acceptance.
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cas-backwards-tie · 2 years
The Interrogation
When Humanity Collides: Chapter Three
Connor RK800 x Reader
Summary: Realizing you've kept your interviewee much later than expected, you start to head home. It's only when you bump into a similar-looking android that you realize this case is a lot more complicated than you'd originally thought.
Words: 1,424
Warnings: Mention of Death, Sacrifice, Cursing.
A/N: It's been awhile! I've been in school and despite having had a bit of a break, I've actually found my mind going back to writing and trying to get out my emotions, creativity, and for some reason it's chosen Shadow & Bone as its source... but we'll see. I had this mostly done and just edited a bit, but I do still need to do a bunch of other WIPs too.
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“And after that? What did you do?” Between taking notes and analyzing Connor’s body language, you seem to get a good amount of information to reflect upon. His posture is still as perfect as when you began the interview; Connor stares back with a tense look upon his face. Obviously, he’s trying not to show any emotion.
“I went back to CyberLife Headquarters and awaited my next mission.”
“Which would be when?”
“November fifth.”
Jotting down the information, you flip back a few pages to the first notes taken on your legal pad. The motion causes your smartwatch to light up; the time displaying that it’s six-thirty in the evening. “Oh, geez. I’m sorry I kept you so late. I didn’t even realize what time it was!” A hand rises to brush your hair back, the tiredness slowly having crept up on you in the last half-hour. “I think that’s enough for today. I wasn’t expecting to get through everything, anyway, but I didn’t mean to hold you hostage.”
“I don’t mind. The only other thing on my schedule for tonight was looking over a few cases.”
It strikes you then, again, that he’s an android; he doesn’t need to eat, sleep, or even use the restroom. “Oh… okay. Well, in that case, let me just go back and ask a quick follow-up question I didn’t get before. If that’s okay?”
Connor raises a hand to rub at the side of his neck, an action that intrigues you considering it seems so human and there’s no real need for it. With a nod, he waits patiently, not having noticeably moved in the past two hours. Until just now.
“I know it’s something androids don’t really like to do, and I completely respect that, but I do need your model number if you can give me that.”
“RK800 number three one three, two four eight, three one seven, dash, fifty-two.”
Scrawling out his serial number at the top of your first page of notes for him, it isn’t until you get to the fifty-two that you realize: “I thought the RK800 line started at fifty-one?” It was something that’d been in the notes you’d read on the flight over. While the information CyberLife had provided was limited, there was still some basic information that they’d released to the news during the uprising over a month and a half ago.
“That is correct,” he nods, the silence signaling to him that you’re waiting for him to expand on this thought. “I sacrificed myself during an ambush at Stratford Tower to save Hank.” Taking the time to really perfect the lettering, you only look up at him and meet his gaze once you process his words.
“Your partner… the Lieutenant,” you think aloud, “I know that’s a different date so we won’t get into it, but I am sure he’s grateful to you for that.” Closing the file, you use the grip on the pen to attach it to the edge before letting the legal pad’s pages flatten themself. You stack it atop the manila folder of notes before offering him a tired smile. “I think that should be it. Thank you, again, for doing this, Connor. I know it isn’t easy having to regale through events I’m sure weren’t, by any means, simple.”
He offers you a small smile in return, the corners of his lips just slightly tugging upward, LED a calming blue. Standing from the chair, you tuck it underneath the table on your way to the door. Connor gets there first, unlocking the interrogation room so the both of you can exit.
Heading separate ways, Connor walks off toward the restroom. You head back to your new desk. With the turning of its small key you’d been handed earlier, the drawer locks with a click. Notes secured for the night, you’re ready to layer up and head home.
Datapad in hand, you quickly turn to grab your things- only to crash into something tall, broad, and sturdy. An ‘oof’ sound escapes your lips as you stumble backward, datapad dropping as a hand snakes around your waist, keeping you upright. He’d grabbed the datapad before it could fall. As soon as you steady yourself, the hand disappears from its spot on your lower back. Eyes raising to meet your assailant and savior, you mutter, “Thank you, Con-”
The words die on your lips as it wasn’t the change of clothes that’d surprised you, but the change of eye color. Taken aback, you blink up at him in a stupefying manner.
“I’ve been sent to oversee you on your assignment, Detective. I’m to accompany you until you officially submit the report.” The android speaks, voice much lower than expected. Despite his unmoving hand, you snatch the datapad back. Whether he knows it or not, the implication of his ‘assignment’ is insulting.
“What? You didn’t tell me this!” It’s the voice you’d expected. Rounding the android in front of him, Connor steps between the two of you. Head slightly raised toward the other android’s, their eyes meet.
“I was just assigned this case as of forty-five minutes ago.”
A frustrated sigh leaves your lips, free hand raking through your hair. “Fuck,” cursing under your breath, you try to control your nerves. Sure, you’d known that Perkins was skeptical of your abilities considering you’re usually on desk duty, however, you hadn’t thought he’d be petty enough to send an android to monitor your every move!
“Oh! Detective, this is Nines-” Connor’s eyebrows drop into a look of concern at your reaction, “Nines, this is–” he states your name, introducing the two of you.
“I’m aware,” Nines states, with no emotion in his voice. The blank look on his sharp features creates an eerie look as he simply stares at Connor. Dropping your gaze, you turn around to grab the coat off your chair and start to tug it on, dragging the scarf around your neck.
“Of course he would, fuck! I can’t deal with this right now.” turning your attention back to the two similar-looking androids, you manage to offer them a placating smile. “I’m sorry, I really have to go.” With a polite nod, you walk towards the front of the building. Anger boils in your gut as you just knew something would go awry, something always does. Yet, to have him overseeing your interviews? What? To maintain bias? To make sure you don’t leave anything out of the report? Obviously, that would be a crime, and though you’re one of the younger Detectives, you don’t plan to commit any crimes of this stature.
Heels clicking against the tiled floors, it isn’t until you get to the front door that the reflection inside the glass doors causes panic to run through you with a jump. You whip around, eyes wide with fear, eyebrows drawn together in confusion. “Why are you following me?” Heart beating a little faster from the scare, you’re more concerned by the fact that you hadn’t heard his footsteps than the fact that this looming presence had followed you to the door.
“I am under strict orders to accompany you throughout this procedural. I’m here to make sure there’s no interference from external forces.” The android—what had Connor called him again? Nine?---responds.
“External forces,” you recite, mind tinkering at the only plausible explanations as to what that could possibly mean. “I’m pretty sure you’d notice if I was kidnapped and didn’t come back to the office tomorrow, buddy. You don’t need to follow me home.” With a gentle pat on his forearm, you give him an awkward smile as you turn to push the door open and leave.
“I am to accompany you at all times, Detective, until this procedural is complete. My orders are not up for debate, but if you’d like, I can forward any complaints to the authorized personnel.”
The wind whips at your hair, the cold and chilly wind not making your attitude any more pleasant. Turning on your heels, you both stand outside as you retaliate. “And who exactly would that be? Because if it’s Perkins, then I’m gonna have to go back down and kick his—”
“There are a number of personnel from different standing positions, though I am not authorized to divulge their identities as to maintain confidentiality.”
“Confidentiality, my ass!” Yelling at the snow, your breath escapes in a little cloud of steam. It’s only a brief moment, but you’re glad to get the negative energy out of your system. As thoughts swirl through your mind you realize the implications of his mission.
“So… you’re essentially my bodyguard?”
forever taglist: @ohdamnadam , @jynzandtonic , @safarigirlsp
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inactiveuser374 · 2 years
request status; OPEN
I only write male readers
I only write x reader fics (no character x character unless it’s a poly relationship w/ the reader)
I write in second person only, sometimes third person if specifically requested
Anyone is allowed to read/follow but please don’t request fem readers
★ ★ ★
MARVEL; Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Matt Murdock, Frank Castle, Erik Killmonger, Eddie Brock
TLOU (game and/or show); Joel Miller, Tommy Miller,
COD MW2; König, Simon ‘ghost’ Riley, Mace, Kyle ‘gaz’ Garrick, John Price
MIA (simon riley x winter soldier!reader) 2 3 4
Star Wars; Din Djarin, Poe Dameron
DBH; Marcus, RK800 (Connor), RK900 (Nines), Gavin Reed
Gavin Reed GIF set
Other; David Loki (Prisoners, 2013), Officer K (Bladerunner 2049, 2017), TBA
additions to fics I’ve already written (if you want to request something that is based on a fic I’ve already written, I will keep the events that have happened and I won’t change the way the two interact)
fics inspired from given prompts or songs
characters that are not on the list BUT I know of (list is just the main ones)
sexual content (not PWP, it’s gotta have a story or plot of some sort) nothing past 3rd base
character and or reader deaths 
smoking/alcohol/drug use 
comfort (including potentially triggering topics like abuse, death, etc) - warnings will always be at the beginning
fetishizing or glorifying certain topics.
characters that I don’t know
female reader or anything besides male reader
I won’t write anything I’m uncomfortable with
real people
incest or anything close to that (no step siblings or parents either)
minor x adult (platonic or family is OK)
just ask first if you think your request might fall under something I won’t write, I’m pretty tolerant of most things, there’s just some boundaries I have
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blurredout10 · 2 years
Collection of TBF and Completed DBH works. All works are Fem!/Reader unless stated otherwise. Links are to AO3. Any requests can be submitted here or AO3.
Main focus as of now is BMB. BUT there are many more works in the making! Thank you for all your support!! ♥️
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Connor (RK800)/ Reader
Diagnose Me, Doctor - 40/40
Tags: Reader is a doctor, medical terminology, angst, slow-burn, smut (Chp. 25+), character death, emotionally heavy, Connor is soft but also not ;), no seriously I cried writing some of it
Use Your Words - 1/2
Tags: bookshop au, shameless smut, meta stories, masturbation, post-android revolution, fic promos, it’s just buildup and filth guys, more tags to be added
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Connor (RK800)/ Reader x Cyberlife Tower (RK800-60) | Sixty/ Reader
Be My Buddy - 5/?
Tags: Fluff&Angst, long-distance fic, reader from abroad, texting, calling, anonymous, eventual relationship, eventual meeting, will earn other tags as things progress
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Connor (RK800)/Connor-52 (RK800-52)/Reader
And Then There Were Two - 3/3
Tags: polygamy, minor death, smut (Chp. 3), threesome F-M-M, insecurities, multiple pov, 52 is Colin, one-shot in three chapters
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Nines (RK900)/Reader
This Is Not A Date - 1/1
Tags: one-shot, friends to lovers, dating but other people, nines being the curious and innocent boi he is, smut, rough sex, but kinda soft too idk
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Cyberlife Tower (RK800-60) | Sixty/ Reader
Cupcake - 1/1
Tags: GN!Reader, fluff&angst, character growth, sixty needs help, self-worth issues, life lessons, smut (enough to tag), sub!sixty
Remember To Love - 1/1
Tags: valentines day fic, fluff and angst, mainly angst, memory issues, just a lot of feelings, smut, oral sex, p in v sex, ive avoided spoilers in tags so read to find out
Spoils Of War - 3/? ON HIATUS
Tags: android revolution, human slavery, sixty takes charge, reader is in prison, dystopia, smut (Chp. 3+), prison violence
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honey-beann · 1 year
Sweet Eternity, If Only
Nines x reader x Connor smut/angst
Note: Hi :) this is just a little angsty smut fic that I've been working on for a little bit that I wanted to get out of my system (for fear of the next chapter of ruiner, ruination being extra angsty if I didn't). That being said, there is a bunch of other stuff coming out soon, chapter 8 of the aforementioned series included, so keep an eye out, and I hope that you enjoy!
Word Count: 3,642
His gaze was harsh, eyes narrowed and brow quirked as he ran a single fingertip along the side of your torso that was closest to him, his expression close to something that almost resembled disappointment.
"P-please Nines."
You gasped out, eyes squeezing shut on their own accord as the android in question scoffed at your neediness, rolling his eyes without a word as he felt you grind helplessly against his knee, desperate for any form of relief.
"So impatient. I have half a mind to just leave you waiting here since you clearly can't keep still."
He scolded harshly, and immediately, you got the hint, forcing yourself to halt all movements while praying internally for some sort of relief.
And with that, Nines leaned forward, his voice low as he spoke,
"No more squirming. Do I make myself clear, Pet?"
A slightly malicious look came to his eyes as you nodded, and then suddenly the hand that had been previously occupied with your torso was gripping your chin harshly, pulling your lips much closer to his.
And before you could even blink, his mouth was on yours, causing your eyes to fall shut so you would no longer have to look at those piercing gray orbs of his.
You had never been able to look him in the eyes, and you knew all too well why that was, but even still, you couldn't bring yourself to think about that fact, not while his lips were pressed against your own and his face was cradled in your hands, so nearly perfect save for the few small details you would never fail to miss, no matter how hard you tried.
His lips felt so right, so beautifully melded against your own that you had to fight the urge to pull him closer, knowing all too well what kind of trouble that would get you in.
Even still, the pressure of his knee between your thighs had you keening, your body so warm it was almost as if you were on fire, a feeling that you were sad to say did not dissipate even as Nines put more pressure on your aching core, eyes harsh slits as he watched you closely for the reactions he so clearly craved.
You began whimpering, eyes squeezed shut as tears pooled beneath your lashes, rolling down your cheeks and leaving stained trails in their wake.
Far too intelligent to be unaware of what you were about to say, Nines grabbed at your throat with a harsh growl, eyes glaring daggers into your own as he squeezed so harshly you could scarcely breathe, let alone speak.
"Say that name even once, and I will leave you here, soaked, weak, and pitiful like the lowly creature that you are. Do you understand me, Detective?"
You nodded hurriedly, choking on your sobs as you did your best to contain the name that you had once been so accustomed to saying.
But that was then, and this was now,
And Nines was in charge.
The android in question gave a brief hum of approval at your response before moving back, his slight warmth disappearing with him in a way that left you shivering from a cold that you weren't sure was nearly as physical as you perceived it to be.
In addition to this, the sudden absence of relief between your thighs had you opening your mouth in order to beg for more, though thankfully, Nines was quick to speak his mind before you could get yourself in any trouble with your thoughtless pleas.
"Good. Now get on your knees."
His voice was entirely devoid of emotion and his eyes watched your every move as you nodded, eagerly raising yourself up on all fours before you lowered your upper body down onto your forearms, anxiously awaiting his next move.
No matter how brilliant of a machine he was, Nines was still absolutely petrifying, and no amount of time would ever rid you of the fear that shot up your spine whenever you had your back to him.
Then as if intentionally trying to frighten you, Nines moved directly behind your back without a sound, his cold hands moving down between your thighs in order to grip them harshly, pushing them further apart with little consideration for your comfort in the process.
You yelped at the sudden and unexpected contact, and heard a brief scoff from above you in reply before one long and dexterous finger began to slide across your folds, and with that, everything else was forgotten.
You gasped at the feeling of that perfect digit, so familiar and yet so foreign, as it slowly circled your entrance, drawing feeble pleas from your parted lips with ease.
There was a short growl from behind you, and the slightest shift in weight on the mattress, and then suddenly, Nines was leaning over your body as he slowly pushed his index finger inside of you, curling it tortuously as he went, eager to find the spot within you that would make you weep.
His breaths were far closer to your ear now as he bent over your quaking form, with one hand working in an agonizingly slow fashion to build you up while the other planted itself firmly into the mattress beside you, causing a small portion his arm to press against your torso as he leaned forward to lower his mouth to your ear.
Nines' teeth dragged slowly and intentionally along the cartilage, sending shivers throughout your body even as he ended his oral ministrations in favor of speaking,
"Look at you, so weak and pitiable and yet so ready to take whatever I have to give. Does it feel good to be so incredibly fragile? Do you enjoy knowing that the only thing standing between you and agony is whatever kindness I choose to extend?"
You whimpered softly, unable to find your words through your crippling arousal and embarrassment as Nines continued, letting out a brief and cold chuckle of disappointment as he shook his head, pushing his middle finger inside of you without warning and drawing a strained groan from your mouth as he did.
He muttered harshly, curling his fingers upward and drawing a sharp whine from you as he sped up his movements until they were a far cry from his original slow and almost painful dragging motions.
No, now he was pushing his fingers into you so aggressively that you were certain it would be uncomfortable to sit down the next day due to the bruising force of his knuckles as they slammed into you over and over again.
Nines chuckled darkly, letting out a teasing hum as he began to work his lips over your neck once more, nibbling gently at the skin, but neglecting to leave any marks, as per your request.
His caution and clear intention to follow your wishes reminded you briefly of why he was here, why you were doing this in the first place, and you found yourself floundering for a few moments, so incredibly lost even with Nines so close by, until suddenly his voice pulled you back.
He all but snarled against your ear, causing your mind to clear slightly at the command, unable to process everything with his voice so very close and his hand so immensely skilled.
But even still, you felt your throat tighten and your forearms grow weary as the weight of everything began to crash down once more, forcing you back to a familiar and crushing agony no matter how hard you tried to escape it.
You gasped out in warning, trying desperately to convey your struggles, your concerns that this was just not enough to ease the pain, when he spoke again, low and purposeful,
You whined pitifully, hips moving of their own volition as you once again began to chase your high, so desperate to feel that you forgot your previously worries entirely, falling back into throes of pleasure as easily as your heart would allow.
"That's right,"
He groaned beside your ear, breaths warm against your skin as he continued,
"Empty that delicate little mind of everything that isn't me, and I'll make your crippling humanity feel as if its an almost worthwhile curse."
You cried out at his scathing tone and the way it worked together with the blistering pace of his fingers to set you alight, your skin warm and sticky with a layer of sweat from the exertion of holding yourself up for so long in spite of the pleasure that Nines was offering you.
You could feel yourself getting closer now, limbs growing shaky and walls clenching around Nines' long and lithe fingers as he worked you tortuously to climax, pace never waning now that he'd found what made you whimper so helplessly for him.
But in the end, it wasn't the pace, or even the perfect curl of Nines' fingers that made you come undone.
It was the combined efforts of both, paired with the warm honey of his voice beside your ear, so fucking painfully familiar despite the words it spoke, so tremendously different from what you'd known.
"I can feel how close you are."
He'd growled out unkindly, lips grazing the flesh of your ear as he spoke,
"So be a good pet and show me how weak this preciously brief little body of yours is. Let me see how helpless you are to succumbing to your own ridiculous desires."
You came with a cry around his fingers just moments after he'd finished speaking, head tilting back and eyes squeezing shut as you trembled uncontrollably at the intensity of your orgasm, which consumed you in repeated waves of pleasure that Nines helped you to ride out with ease.
You laid there, forearms quaking and knees reddened, even as Nines withdrew his fingers, sucking them clean with a practiced precision that you couldn't help but shiver over.
Raised high up on his knees behind you, his grey eyes were able to traverse your exposed body with ease, and you watched with burning cheeks as he reached down to his belt, undoing the buckle without ever looking away from your weak and shaky form.
You closed your eyes then, allowing yourself to lean your head down against your folded hands as you took a deep breath, anticipating the order to spread your legs further so he could better see you as he touched himself, or to turn around so he could fuck your mouth, but after the brief shuffle of clothing, there was only silence.
That is, until your gasp, high pitched and imbued with an aching desire, filled the room.
Behind you, Nines was once again crowding your back, but this time, rather than his fingers, it was his cock, long and thick, that grazed at your entrance, circling it as a shark would a wounded swimmer.
You shivered at the sensation, need once again consuming you as your core began to ache at the idea of him filling you.
You managed to gasp out, cheeks reddening slightly as he gave a low and dark chuckle in response, his hand falling gently to your ass, where it massaged at the skin slowly and methodically.
"My apologies for the lack of warning, Detective, but I'm suddenly very eager to watch you shatter again."
You whimpered as his hand moved to press between your shoulder blades, forcing your upper body to move downward as he began to push into you slowly, groaning low in his throat as he did so, his teeth clenched in a way that would almost assuredly be painful for any human who did the same.
You felt your legs begin to shake as he pushed deeper and deeper inside of you, his hand still putting pressure between your shoulders all the while, a clear act of dominance that he knew you would have no strength to defy, even if you wanted to.
Fighting to keep your hips still for fear of the torturous punishment you might receive if you did otherwise, you groaned once Nines bottomed out within you, hearing him curse loudly above your hunched form as he finally moved his hand away from your shoulders, choosing instead to gather your hair into a loosely gripped ponytail, an action that nearly had you melting.
The feeling of fingers, soft and skilled, brushing against the nape of your neck as they gathered your hair into one closed fist was almost painfully familiar, and you felt your arms start trembling as tears sprang to your eyes once more, pooling at the corners with so little warning that you were helpless to stop them, forced to watch as they dripped down to the sheets below.
You opened your mouth as if to speak, despite knowing that you had absolutely nothing to say, when Nines pulled harshly on the hair he had gathered into his hand, causing you to gasp as he forcefully pulled your head back towards him, exposing your entire throat in one simple movement.
And that individual act of something so different from your previous norm had you snapping back out of your sorrows instantaneously, mouth hanging open to form a gasp as Nines began moving his hips slowly, a short chuckle leaving him as he watched your expression morph into one of tortured bliss.
"You know, you tend to look your best when impaled on my cock, Detective,"
Nines began, his tone rather matter of fact in nature, as if you were discussing the weather rather than getting fucked out of your wits,
"It's such a shame no one else gets to see you this way. It really is a sight to behold."
He finished, a cruel smirk replacing his neutral expression as he sped up his thrusts, causing his own eyes to briefly roll back in ecstasy as he set a pace so brutal that you nearly choked on your own whimpers, limbs shaking as you were forced to accept everything he had to give you.
He carried on this way for far too long, drawing two orgasms from you in a matter of minutes as you begged him to stop, asserting that it was just too much, that you couldn't come again, not so soon after the last time, but even so, Nines wasn't having it, and pushed further.
He growled into your ear as he moved a hand down beneath you, allowing his skilled fingers to brush against your swollen clit as you inhaled sharply, begging for something, anything, because you truly didn't think you knew what you wanted anymore.
Nines was merciless in his pursuit of pushing you harder, his thrusts ceaseless and his fingers working tirelessly on you even as you felt him curse and groan from where he was bent over beside your ear, a telltale sign that he was close, but forcing himself to hold back out of spite.
You gasped out sharply as he fingers began to work faster, his cock hitting just the right spot inside of you as stars shot out behind your eyes, causing you to choke on a moan partway through, your eyes rolling back before squeezing shut entirely.
Nines growled at your reaction, keeping up his efforts even as he felt himself grow closer, until finally, the tightly wound rubber band within you snapped for the fourth time that night, and you came hard around him with a soundless cry, your head falling back even more until it rested upon his shoulder uncomfortably.
Nines, having forced himself to wait until you'd pushed yourself much further than you had previously thought possible, was quick to follow, all but snarling out your name against your ear as he emptied his artificial seed deep inside of you, drawing a whimper past your lips at the warm feeling of it, yet another constant familiarity that you were forced to grapple with.
But what else did you do this for if not those little familiarities, as painful as they were?
You squeezed your eyes shut tighter in an effort to better block out the thoughts screaming within your own head, but before you could force them away, Nines spoke up.
He was already pulling away from you, sparing you a quick and rather dismissive glance as he moved to stand at the end of the bed, eyes searching for his clothing, which he was quick to find and redress himself in, as per usual.
"While I am always more than willing to participate, Detective, I would be remiss if I didn't inform you once again that your choice of coping mechanism is immensely unhealthy. None of this will ever truly help you, though I highly doubt I have to tell you that."
You nodded gently, lowering yourself down on your back so you could stare up at the ceiling, eyes heavy and mind clouded by both residual pleasure and thoughts you would much rather ignore.
"You don't, Nines, but I appreciate the concern."
You spoke softly, turning your head to watch as the android in question let his gaze fall to you once more, his head tilted ever so slightly in a way that almost made you burst into tears.
Even still, you forced yourself to hold his stare, challenging him to let the topic go even though you knew that nothing you could do could ever truly intimidate Nines.
For this reason, you gave up on your nonverbal message after a few seconds of heavy silence, sighing as you turned to look back towards the ceiling,
"Are you going to come back tomorrow?"
You muttered, still dreading the answer to your question even after having asked it so many times throughout the past three months.
"I think you know that I will, Detective. I have told you many times now that I have no reason not to so long as you continue to cope this way. If it wasn't me, it would be someone else, and I have very little faith in the only other person who might be able to give you what you feel you need."
You nodded silently before finally working up the courage to speak after a few more seconds of tense quiet, though your voice was notably soft, strained by incoming tears that wouldn't dissipate, no matter how hard you fought them.
"Thank you."
You all but whispered, and Nines, having heard you as clear as day, simply nodded, making his way towards your closed bedroom door before opening it slowly and allowing himself to turn and face you once more as he stood in the doorway,
"I can look and feel like him, Detective, but I will never manage to be the one you yearn for. I need to know that you understand that."
You let out a rather humorless laugh, so bogged down by tears that it scarcely sounded like one at all, sharing much more in common with a sob than anything else. Even still, you turned to look at your friend, face tear stained and eyes wet as you offered him a sad smile,
"I know, Nines. That was the best part about Connor, he was far too special to ever be replaced. In a cruel way, I think that might have been what made him the most human. When he was here, he was special, unlike any other, and now that he's gone, he's gone forever, and he's taken my entire heart with him. He deserves it though, far more than I think I ever did."
Nines opened his mouth as if to argue, but shut it just a few seconds later, allowing a familiar scowl to take form instead as he watched you from afar, taking in the way that your tears traced the natural lines and curves of your face.
Connor had loved you so deeply, and it was a shame that this was all that had become of that love.
But there was nothing that anyone could do now but be there for you,
And in his own way, that was exactly what Nines was doing, whether his reasoning was entirely selfless or not.
Still, it felt wrong that you should end up like this, having loved a being that was once so far from death that it was closer to an impossibility than anything else.
But that was then, and this was now.
Sighing, Nines resigned himself to offering you one final farewell nod as he stepped through the doorway, closing the heavy wooden door behind him before he made his way towards the exit of the home you had once shared with his predecessor, now strangely empty and devoid of life in a way that felt almost ironic.
And with that, Nines exited your house, locking the door behind himself the way that Connor had done each night that anyone had come to visit the two of you.
Meanwhile, as Nines pondered the past and what had become of it, you sat at the edge of your bed, helplessly allowing large tears to drop onto the glass portion of a picture frame that Connor had kept on his bedside table, which encased a photo of a beautiful woman and a perfect man dancing together, surrounded by smiling faces and loving eyes as they celebrated their marriage alongside their closest friends and family.
You felt yourself thumb at your wedding and engagement rings at the memory, before allowing your gaze to drop back down to the wooden beside table, onto which you returned the photo before picking up the ring that sat there, eyes searching for the single word that had been delicately engraved on the inside,
You smiled at it sorrowfully, before holding it close to your chest, warming the strong metal with your gentle body heat.
Oh, if only.
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wolveria · 2 years
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In hindsight, you wondered how it was possible you missed something so obvious.
Cold. Ruthless. Calloused and uncaring. All words you’d spat in his face, acted like the machine you accused him of being.
He’d never been any of those things, but the face he’d presented to the world had been a hell of a convincing one.
Was it too late? Would you get a chance to set it right? Markus and his people would fix him, wouldn’t they? Sure, any other android who’d gone through what he’d just experienced would have died, but he was... he was a prototype. He would survive.
Wouldn’t he?
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vaingloriosa · 5 years
Fur Better or Fur Worse
RK900/Nines x Reader
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Words: 1.5k
Summary: The unexpected pregnancy of your cat, Gemma, brings out an unexpected friendship with your hot neighbor.
Author��s note: < REBLOG to ZYPE > HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BRYAN DECHART! if it weren’t for the chat, i would’ve never known this man's birthday...now my life knows no peace. man, y’all, i cannot believe i am still around these neck of the woods...after ALL THIS TIME. here’s to bryan choosing not to cosplay nines because he’d be so damn powerful that it’d be game over for me and my [redacted]. enjoy the early upload!!
“Oh, Gemma, what have you gotten yourself into?”
You first noticed the bump on accident as you were preparing your orange tabby’s food. Gemma had become impatient at your slow pace when she stood up on her hind legs to claw at your thigh. You narrowed your eyes when you examined her closely. You always attributed her general plumpness to just her living her life deliciously but then you realize that you had gotten it all wrong.
Gemma is pregnant.
How could this be? You always kept the tabby indoors where she wouldn’t get into risky behavior and get herself hurt. You prided yourself in being the best cat parent, always keeping an eye on her whenever she was within your eyesight. However, you couldn’t always track her movements and you never trusted home security devices ever since they were introduced.
Then you remember the unbearable heat weave the swept across Detroit in mid-August. You couldn’t help but crack the window just a few inches...
Oh, gosh, Gemma must’ve escaped through the window of opportunity to explore the outside world. Now, you watch your cat give birth to her first litter of kittens inside your cramped closet. You close your eyes as you hear the small movement coming from within the box you had prepared beforehand for Gemma. You didn’t know how you would be able to take care of kittens with your new job that demanded more of your undivided attention and time. Taking care of Gemma was one thing but kittens required supervision, special care that was vastly different than an adult cat, and you weren’t sure if you can do this alone.
You move your head to face the new mother licking one of her kittens.
“Hold on a second,” you say underneath your breath and inch closer towards the cardboard box. While Gemma mindlessly tends to the kitten, you squint your eyes at your revelation.
“Gemmy, you little bastard, tell me you did not fuck the hot neighbor’s cat.”
Her soft little meow followed by her eyes closing a tiny bit gave you all the answers that you needed.
The kittens fur, although not fully set yet, were a shade of orange and gray with some kittens having orange paws. They all had gray tortoiseshell fur from head to toe. You rise from your crouched position to look over at your window. From the outside you can see the house lights at your neighbor’s and suddenly you feel like you’re in “The Great Gatsby” looking off into the light of the East Egg. Even from the distance you can make out the silhouette of the Russian Blue father.
You bite the bottom of your lip in contemplation.
Nines was more of an anomaly, a concept, rather than an actual real person. He felt like a ghost of sorts, always working odd hours down at the Detroit Police Department downtown. In your initial meeting, you found out that he’s an android after your housewarming gift of a pie was for nothing. However, Nines was thankful and even kept the damn thing. After that, you two never talked to each other but that didn’t stop you from coming up with silly daydreams that involved a lot of domesticity bliss and then some...
You were kind of dreading bringing this subject up.
A week goes by and you’re about nearly had it up to here with the kittens’ constant crying while you’re trying to fall asleep. Your work as a pharmacist had you constantly on your feet and all you wanted to do when you got home was relax. To be deprived of what little free time you had to tend to these kittens was overwhelming. Gemma was only one cat mother so it had to be all hands on deck to help her out.
As you plop your ass on the hardwood floors, you knew enough was enough. You’ve noticed the soft glow coming from Nines’ house beforehand and you had to seize the moment. You gather up the cardboard box with both Gemma and her kittens with your intent to march up to Nines’ door and demand some sort of child support. Cat food, kitten formula, hell, you would even settle for back massage at this point. All you needed was some peace of mind and to sleep for a one solid fucking hour.
The moment the door opens, the box of cats suddenly becomes heavy in your arms and your skin begins to form goose flesh all over. Those are some very gray eyes.
Nines tilts his head and says your name. “Are you aware of the time?”
You blink frantically, whooshing away those romantic thoughts and remembering why the hell you came here anyways. Gemma lets out a small meow and Nines looks down at the cardboard box.
“Thanks for answering your door at such a weird hour. I, um, I think your cat might have gotten my cat pregnant? And by the looks of her kittens, your cat is the only viable option.”
Nines draws closer to the box and reaches inside to pick up one of the kittens. He gazes into Gemma’s eyes, his own slight hooded, and pitches his voice up a few octaves. “Do you mind?”
Gemma answers him with another meow and exposes her belly towards him. Nines nods his head, a small smile forming at his lips, then secures the tiny kitten in the palm of his hand. The glow from the lights inside illuminates the gray and orange mewling kitten and you did not how you were keeping your cool; feeling an urge to place the box down and asking if you could kiss him after watching his soft behavior with your Gemma. Suddenly, a familiar gray cat appears at the door frame and brushes up against Nines’ leg.
“Oh my gosh!” you screech out in your tender animal voice. You can’t help but smile when you see the Russian Blue in the flesh for the first time. You gently place the box down on the porch and kneel down to get a better look. However, the gray cat did not want nothing to do with you because once his eyes lock onto Gemma, he immediately brushes past you and into the cardboard box with your cat. You watch the cat nuzzle his head against hers, licking her head as a gentle hello. Your heart melts at watching your cat receiving affection that you always yearned for.
Nines kneels down to place the kitten from his hands back with their mother. You two watch in fascination at the interaction between both of your cats. You reach over to pet the Russian Blue and for a second you thought it may be a bad idea but the moment your hand reaches his fur, he accepts you.
“His name is Apollo.”
“Her name is Gemma.”
You let out a snort as you witness Nines reaching over to pet your cat. She leans into his touch and you never wanted to be a cat more than right now. You take a seat on the porch and draw your legs closer to you.
“So, you think Apollo is the father?” It’s more of a rhetorical question than anything and you hear Nines’ let out a soft laugh under his breath. He takes a seat in front of the box and places his hands in his lap. You two watch in silence as Apollo begins to wash one of the kittens with his tongue and settles into the other corner of the fairly large box. You wish you could enjoy the peaceful moment until a pain shoots up through your neck from your spine. You wince at the sudden pain, rubbing the back of your neck and closing your eyes.
“Are you alright?” Nines asks, his voice conveying concern for your well-being. You hadn’t have someone ask if you were okay in a long time and you almost become shocked at the question.
“Just peachy,” you sigh out, “Well, actually, no, not really. With my work at the pharmacy, it always seems like I close then a few hours I have to open. I thought I could be a good cat parent and balance the two but...I didn’t think kittens could be this hard.”
Nines’ shifts his position to give you his full attention. You look up from the box to watch him closely.
“I would like to help you in any way possible.”
Your jaw nearly drops at his proposition. You must have made a face when he speaks up again. “I want to be there for you and Gemma.”
You place your hand over your heart and nod your head in near disbelief. You let out a tiny laugh then look back at Nines.
“So you want to raise a cat family with me?”
The corner of Nines’ mouth forms a small smile. “It would be my pleasure.”
You two work around your busy lifestyle. On days you know you will have to wake up early, Nines comes over to pick up Gemma and the kittens so you can have some quietness for once. Sometimes when Nines would text you about staying late at work, you would let yourself into his house to take his cat with you to stay over. You would go over with them in tow in order to have a play date with Apollo which made for a perfect opportunity to get to know Nines a bit more personally.
You couldn’t believe all it took was Gemma fucking Apollo to have Nines’ pin you up against his wall pressing hot kisses against your neck.
You make note to thank her later.
Tagging: @kwaiky, @cura-posterior, @sethrine-writes, @sunstrain, @the-darklings, @deviantramblings, @thedragonkween, @hades-ii, @deviancy-wasteland, @yonaih, @diansaprince (thank u for support your local dbh stannie), @susiephalange (GOSH!! QUEEN!! IM LOVE U!!), @michverse (....my other caucasian king...the race war ain’t ready...), @pointedly-foolish (ASJKDJSAKSA MY DECHART HISTORIAN HOW U DOIN’?), @kyarymell, @connorswink,  @feralconnor, @justadweebwithashittydream, @heysliver, @negotiator-on-site, @marvelousmorales (is this thing still on *pats mic* anyweys im love u), @dizzypinwheel (ur husben still owes the chat recipes SKSKSKSK), @wrinkledparchment (it may sound redundant pero thank u for ur service), @blue--blushes (AHHH), @black-widow-fangirl (wig), @mattiekins, @layinglonely, @dragonempress123, @divadonadance1, @xyfanficarchive (hope you are living your life deliciously!!), @shorthawkes
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fluffykiddosstuff · 3 months
what is loves ? (nines x gn! reader part2)
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Okay so in this story Connor and Gavin are a couple :3
L/n : last name
Nines pov :
As I sent the message to Connor, I waited a bit before getting a response
C : what do you mean?
N : it's for the case, maybe it was something love related so I need to gather more information, detective l/n left so I can't ask them.
It was half true actually, but Connor didn't needed to know what happened with his software earlier.
C : can't you research it?
N : I did but the definition is incomplete and doesn't help, why would humans have butterflies in the stomach? Can androids get them too?
C : it's an analogy - anyway, in some cases, love can make an another person do crazy things like kidnapping their lover so they can only see them, killing an "opponent" to keep them or even killing the loved one if they can't have them, do you understand?
N : yes I think so.. It's unpredictable like deviants right? But why people like love so much if it hurts?
C : well.. Nothing is all black or white in a relationship, it's more Grey, and sometimes it gets darker or lighter, for example, when hank found out I was dating Gavin, he got absolutely crazy and pursued him in all of the office, hank and I have a "father and son" relationship, he thought he meant well but ended up hurting my feelings, so he apologized and accepted Gavin, well sort off.
N : I think I understand better now, thank you
C : no problem, good night
Many days passed since this night but the "feelings" Nines was experiencing, we're getting bigger and bigger every time something happens between both of you. Even if it was something very little. On the good way, you all almost got the case clear, you all just needed to go to the suspects house and interrogate them, easy right?
Nines knocked on the door, Connor was on his left while you and Gavin were behind them, hank being at the station for something else and would come later.
"anybody home!?" screamed the Rk900, at first nothing, but you all heard shuffling inside, Gavin drew his pistol out and so did you, the androids broke the door and you all started to search the house after your suspect.
You got downstairs when Gavin searched at the kitchen, nines got into the rooms and Connor made sure the suspect couldn't get away, there was a 50/50 chance that the suspect would be armed, but oh nines was wrong to let you go down there alone. The three of them heard a loud scream and shuffling coming from the basement, the upgraded android was faster to get down and reach to you, there was no much light but with his advanced optics, he could see many pictures on a board, some crossed with a red X or a big circle also in red, all of them being android-human couples. The next one was a picture of you and him, going out in the park and talking about some personal stuff, when did that happened? Why didn't he noticed him take a picture?
But that wasn't the more alarming thing, he had you under his gun, yours being far away behind, he scanned you and saw you had a broken arm, due to fighting against this monster. His fists clenched and he lowly cursed.
Nines searched all the possibilities, you had a chance of survival of 20%, he had to save you. He couldn't lose you.
He contacted Connor to tell him to stay upstairs and call backups, as much as he despised this man, he tried to talk with him to gain more time.
"why do you do this, killing these couples?"
Chance of survival : 10% ⬇️
"we aren't even a couple, juste coworkers, if you hate so much androids I'm the one you should kill not them."
"Nines no-"
Chance of survival 30% ⬆️
"yeah you are right, androids always fucks up everything! I had a wife, and kids! This bitch cheated on me with him! Heck even my kids doesn't speak to me anymore saying he is a better dad than I am!"
"I-I understand your hatred towards us but why do you kill the humans too? Don't you want to protect your own r-race?" you managed to say, even if it was hard to breathe with his arm around your throat.
"I-I guess I wanted to get rid of the people who thought they were alive, so no one would think like them anymore and see they were only machines.. Only big ass roombas doing the chores!"
Chance of surviving 50% ⬆️
you started to cry, having the man's arm under your throat and all the  stress was making you crazy, you  looked at nines with pleading eyes.
"i'll take their place as the hostage, let them go"
the man grinned and looked at nines 
" oh no they are more valuable than you, you can get easily replaced right ? they can't"
that's when a sound was heard behind the man's head, a pistol where you take the safety off, there  was hank, he appeard through the big window in the basement and stood behind the threat.
"hands where i can see them, no sudden moves" 
hank got upstairs with him so the other officers could take care of him. you dropped on your knees, crying, the rk900 came closer and stroked your cheeks, taking the tears away.
" are you alright ? no other injuries ?"
"no i'm okay..thank you nines, you saved me.."
the android's LED spinned yellow and red at your words, why did you thanked him, it's hank who saved you after all.
"i didn't do anything i-"
"no that's not true, you are the one who runned when i screamed, who gained more time and contacted the others, if you weren't there, i would either be dead or a threat to the others, so thank you for that"
you took his hands in yours, he then did the thing you didn't know he could do, he hugged you, tightly but not too tight to cause any discomfort to your broken arm. tears of joy started to make their way on your cheeks and you hugged back.
"why did you wanted to sacrifice yourself nines ? i want to know.." you looked at him in concern
"because..you are the most amazing human i know, i can't take it when you are hurt, and i can be easily replaced after all"
"no don't say that i..i don't want an another rk900 sent here i...i just want you"
you stroked his cheek and started to get closer, nines came closer and kissed you on the lips tenderly. you separated and connected your foreheads together.
"you broke protocol didn't you ?"
"yes, only for you"
that's when the basement opened to a worried connor who smiled when he saw both of you in each others arms, the funny part was when gavin poked his head to see what was going on and screamed at the top of his lungs :
you both laughed as you got upstairs, nines putted you in the ambulance and waved as you got away to get taken care of, he turned to a smiling connor holding his boyfriend hand, who was muttering god knows what and was red as a tomato.
"i wish you to be happy nines"
both of the rk units smiled and the predecessor got in a car to go back to the dpd, making reports with his partner, the rk900 looked at his hands then at the sky, smiling
many adventures awaits both of you, hopefully for the best
(1314 words)
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deviationdivine · 5 years
Be The One Destroyed (RK900!Prompt Request)
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TLDR: When your ex makes an unexpected appearance Nines decides to show you what you really mean to him...
Word Count: 4.4k
TW: Fluff to Smut, Language, Mentions of Abuse
A/N: Follower/Reader Appreciation Drabble | Prompt: “Ice King? More like spice king.” - @tropfenlady request! Here we go baby! Thanks for putting in your prompt request! Could it be fluffy/protective Nines? It just might be! 
I'll never see what you wanted, love
RK900′s protocols are state of the art. He analyzes data at utmost accuracy. Sampling DNA at crime scenes are much more proficient than this burning sensation he feels. Deep in his artificial gut a fire spreads. This inferno is agitating. Furthermore it melts a perpetually stoic facade into heated anger. Showing emotions is not part of his repertoire. Deviancy is a means of feeling. He does so. Others do not need to see it for their pleasure however. 
Curiosity is an abomination of this human race. While adept at integration just as his predecessor it hardly means he wishes to “chit-chat” with these fools. 
Does it stop his interest in you? An officer who works quiet but diligent filing piles of paperwork. At first he assumed you were simply another typical leech such as Gavin Reed. Most do not seem to take proper consideration of time management. It would seem they are not actually working as detectives in a precinct. 
Nines’ attitude does not make easy conversation. Yet that did not stop you conversing with him. The first time he imagined you somehow mistook him for Connor despite several glaring clues to the contrary. To say this stern android was taken aback at your genuine interest to converse with him is - frankly undesirable.
Or so he thought – until he spies you one afternoon in presence of another man during a lunch break. Enjoying such at a cafe located several blocks from DPD, Nines similarly found himself in the area following a locally reported incident. He took notice easily through shop window. 
Something stilled him where he would otherwise continue without distraction. Witnessing your downcast exterior, lips drooped and not that insufferable smile he replays to memory. There is an odd atmosphere surrounding your company. Unwanted company from body language and RK900 is equipped with all the latest technologies. Reading humans is part of his programming but you-you are…different. 
The android also does not like another male around you. He sneered, entering shop without a care. Eyes glued to him instantly. A tall imposing figure standing out in white stepping foot in an all human establishment will create a circus for them. He scoffed before deciding to interrupt your ‘date.’ 
You were the one rising from seat. Not giving him a chance to come over but practically hurrying to reach him. 
Nines’ indicator became a glow of amber. Deciphering your actions only seemed to be more difficult. It makes him uncomfortable. Is that the correct word for this strange feeling cast inside his gut? 
“Nines!” You smile automatically washing away whatever anxiety is left in your body. Seeing him spurs life into you, warm and safe. 
“Detective,” he greets curtly. “You are needed back at the station.” 
Blatantly the android lies. He glowers at the back of the man who does not turn around. Merely sitting with hunched shoulders but presumably listening. His death glare snaps away from your unknown companion under a snag of your hand. Fingers dance at the cuff of his sleeve. Warm digits brush atop synthetic skin as you pull him back outside. The event comes to haunt his system. There is something uneasy surrounding you but it is not due to him. 
He casts a look back into cafe. Seemingly aware of the culprit it may not be as he suspected after all. “Is there something you require?”
“Is that how you’re always going to talk to me?” Poking at his chest under that emblazoned RK900, you can’t help grinning up at him. His face holds this permanent resting bitch face. You’d like to kiss it right into submission if you’re being honest. Still, android Darcy is at his finest playing hard to get in genial conversation. 
Nines’ eyes shift down. Fingers catch in his before pulling away and he feels how stiff you freeze. Your eyes float up to his and he gently allows freedom to your soft hand. 
Clearing your throat isn’t cutting it. What was that? Can’t tell if he was annoyed that you poked him or-? 
“You’re not very sociable are you, Nines?” 
The playful tone suggests you are teasing. Perhaps flirting would be an appropriate alternative. A tiny smirk curls lips but he forces them to a line just as quickly. 
“I am programmed for sociability if it is required of me,” he bites back. “Perhaps you would prefer Connor’s demeanor for idle conversation.” Part of his statement is a test to see if you hold interest outside this vexing meeting inside cafe. 
Is that jealousy? Please. Please, let your ice king be jealous. That’d be so good. “Um, don’t get me wrong. I love Connor. He’s just a cute bunny. One that can rip my head off but… So could you. Probably worse. But I prefer your company - Ice King.’ 
Letting it roll off your tongue for the first time leaves no shame. You hope it riles him just a little bit. 
While the android does not show his hand it does exactly what you wish. He believed this is the moment he gives you proper permission to approach him more. While he does not elaborate or confess any strange sensation building up in him, Nines unfortunately does not realize what you need from this cordial relationship. 
  “Perhaps if you paid proper attention none of this would have happened!” Invoking frustrations to the end results of this case leaves Nines in a state of fury. A simple apprehension would have been by the book and most assuredly productive. If it were not for your senseless distractions! 
“Shoot me for having a bad day once in my life!” Shouting back in his face only amplifies stress. You feel it piling on some days. This-this is not helping! 
Why does he have to be the one to say it’s a fuck up? Why can’t someone else do it? Why not Connor for once?! Just let the very android that you’re growing so goddamn attached to be the one to crush you in his bare hands. 
Those hands could do unspeakable things. Oh, how sure you are. Too bad fantasizing at work doesn’t get you past this friendship. Is it even that? Sometimes you wonder why you bother! 
“Suffering what you refer to as a ‘bad day’ is not an excuse!” 
You seize to the spot. Having to listen to this is too much. “You know what Nines!?” 
“Pray do tell!” He snarls. Leaning closer, eyes sweeping over you as if prey ready to be caught on a live hook. 
Something stirs in your stomach that hasn’t taken over in a while. It’s not good. It just makes you feel sick. You shrink back from him. All too aware that your flighty reaction will only make you look worse. 
“Never mind,” you whisper quietly. Anger dissipates too quickly not to cause a swirl in his indicator. He is scanning isn’t he? As if you asked for that or-or him to latch on. 
Is he truly attached? No. You continue to work frustrated with how easy it is to fall. When his attitude is hardly pleasant most times with others around why do you continuously go for the asshole type? Depends which type but-but maybe it isn’t fair to compare. Honestly there is nothing at all to compare. He wouldn’t…
The android snaps straight at your abrupt departure. His gaze glues to you until there is no more hesitation. 
Something drives this advanced android to follow. Unaware of how much this will change things. Perhaps unaware of how much is to change. No. He does know. The RK900 wants you. 
  Slamming locker door only rings in ears causing your pounding headache to worsen. Banging your hand into the metal surface won’t cure it but it will make you feel better. Just beat something in since that was such a great way for that motherfucker to do when he-
A sob chokes. Coming fast along with your slide down to bench you land in a huff. Isn’t it enough that work gets to you sometimes? Added personal drama doesn’t help nerves and insecurities. 
God. You were so over this. Just because that son of a bitch starts popping up again. He blew the city a long time ago while you were still a weak wisp compared to now. You work at the damn DPD. If you wanted to you could punch that bastard in the throat and he wouldn’t be able to take you down. Not like he used to knock you down… 
Your head snaps up. Realizing your current state is on full display to the last person you want to see you fall. What is he doing? Did he need to add more to a list of offenses you perpetrated today? According to him the list must be a mile long. 
“I heard you already, Nines. I don’t want…” 
“I am sorry,” the android interrupts firmly. Can you stop speaking for one minute?! “Is that not what you wanted to hear?”
Wanted to hear because what? He doesn’t mean it? 
You get up. Finding inner strength is easy. “Oh, that’s funny. I thought you actually wanted to come down here and apologize. Not tell me what I want to hear as if I’m some…!” 
Nines’ fingers snag around your wrist. Pulling you slowly to him, he narrows steely ice searching for a true answer now. “Why were you crying?” 
Zero hostility floods his voice. He genuinely wants to know. Why tell anyone? Why not tell anyone? At least tell the android…man…that you’ve fallen in love with. 
“Do you remember the cafe that one day?” 
An unnecessary question, he finds, for a prototype who stores information. However, he nods without adding more words that may upset you further. 
“That man at my table,” you explain disgusted. “Who I didn’t want to sit down? My ex.” 
Ex? As in ex partner. RK900′s lip twitches nearly curling a sneer. 
“Just kind of popped back around. Another reason why I wasn’t exactly focused today.” Where does this bastard get the gall anyway? As if you’re that stupid? Anybody who goes back to that type of situation is just beyond getting out. “I just - want to not have to see that scumbag. After what he…” 
Nines does not have need for an elaboration. Flinching away from him previously offers insight into residual trauma. It would appear this so-called ex laid hands upon you at one time. 
“Y/N,” his voice softens. Uncharacteristically he allows the facade to fall entirely for you. “I would never harm you.”
Tears run freely in a river of personal woes. Problems should be hidden in some capacity while working. Have a bit more self respect for yourself why don’t you? You find a small laugh suits. 
Fingers brushing streaks off your cheek is unexpected but not unwanted. For a haughty one he sure makes your heart thud. 
“OK.” Trusting him is easy because he’s different. Even if he is a smug hardass, Nines is something special. “Ice King.” 
The RK900′s brow creases sharply at such an endearment. He scoffs. How strange and beautiful you are. 
I was the one that you needed, love
Snowflakes never looked prettier dotting his head of rich dark hair. Resembling dollops of whip cream atop steamy cocoa it sure touched your sweet tooth. Craving his lips is nothing new. They do know how to zap breath right out from your lungs. Lately you’ve been really craving him and not just those spicy make outs. 
Maybe it’s time to take this to another level? Dating Nines is definitely a roller coaster, a safe one that won’t derail any moment. Doesn’t mean it’s dull by any stretch. 
Who would’ve thought you’d wind up falling for a chiseled, pompous prince? He meets all those standards and more. 
Grabbing his hand is perfect since he clearly hates PDA. In this frigid atmosphere he does not disentangle. He heats up those systems just a bit. His fingers are warmer now against your chilled digits. Mister advancement likes showing off subtlety. 
“Is this necessary?” he huffs impatiently. 
“Don’t tell me my big, strong android is afraid of a little snow.” Teasing relentlessly produces such a smolder. Nines can ravage you with his eyes alone. They are so beautiful. Silver chimes tinkle goose bumps all over your body. “You’re not going to melt, Nines. Unless you suddenly became the wicked witch of-” 
The android halts you. Sweeping an arm around your waist drags you to him. For this moment he will forget the derision he holds for public display. The more you move your mouth the more Nines wants to devour the curve of lips. 
Breath hitches divinely and his eyes are fire. “Ice King? More like spice king.” 
Leaning up on toes settles you directly against his warmth. His lips melt softer than snow. Into yours, savoring and teasing with teeth as he nips your bottom lip for access. Willingly parting lips for his tongue sends you somewhere distant. 
For being against PDA he certainly is holding snug to you middle of snowfall. Dotting atop your figures, creating a frosty cocoon and this is the warmest you will ever be. 
Breaking the kiss prematurely wipes away this cozy moment. Dropping down on level after leaning to exceptionally tall boyfriend attention falls to one witness that inherently makes your blood run cold. You shift towards Nines instinctual and also a means to prevent something happening.  
You already know this is not going to go well. The tension in Nines’ arm is clear beneath your fingers. Still you squeeze in hopes he will not kill someone. 
“It is you.” Your ex laughs a bit before nodding at the android. “Who’s this guy?” 
“Who do you presume I am?” The RK900 detaches from you with a snarl on his breath. 
“Wait, a minute. You’re an android?” Squinting at the LED glowing in the snow your ex couldn’t help laughing. It was particularly gut busting. “Are you fucking kidding? You’re with a goddamn android? Wow. How low can you go? I mean, I always knew you were a hard up, worthless…” 
Before another word drops from his breath Nines has him slammed into the nearest chain link fence. It comes so swift there is no reaction time. 
“Nines!” You move quickly over snow. Trying not to slide on any unsuspecting ice this is just great! 
“I will gladly rip the tongue from your throat!” The android growls ferociously. 
“Let go. Nines, just don’t. It’s not worth it!” Is he even listening? No! He’s not listening! As much as you hate this piece of shit you don’t want anybody to have their limbs ripped out of sockets. There is no doubt Nines could do it effortlessly. “Nines…please!” 
Drawing his gaze to you relinquishes the flood of rage in his system. Stress levels are higher than normal. For you he will do anything and if you do not wish him to pulverize this leech so be it. 
“If I ever see you near Y/N again,” the android twists his collar threateningly. “I will destroy you. Do I make myself clear? You pathetic worm?” 
“Y-yeah! I-I won’t bother Y/N. I won’t!” 
Nines wrenches him clear of fence. Boosting him along makes the human stumble but he continues a speedy exit. “Shall I escort you home now, My Flower?”
You shake your head. He’s not going to say a word about what just happened? “I swear to God, Nines!” 
I was the one when you needed love 
Throwing a coat down doesn’t stop your nerves. Everything’s haywire when things were just fine. Of course it goes south. What else did you expect? 
“You should not have stopped me from squashing that pathetic insect.” 
Just what you want to do is argue, right? Twisting around, you watch him drape long black coat and pull sleeves up forearms. The black sweater is snug definitely warm to look at. Eyeing his arms through material does offer a pleasing sight. 
Let it be known you are attracted to strong forearms. Make that strong everything. Never would’ve guessed while dating that scum years ago. “It wasn’t worth doing. Besides, aren’t you supposed to be a detective? We both are.”
Incessantly stubborn you are for a morsel he desires on his artificial tongue. He says nothing. Moving towards you is all the words he will speak. 
A shiver runs teasingly down spine. Nines’ wolfish gleam makes you weak in the knees. Already he is there sweeping you against his hard body. You have nothing to protest just succumb. 
Lips on lips, hands clawing, pinching; his teeth nibble your earlobe sending a wave straight between legs. 
“I want you,” he hisses into the grind of your hips. “I will show you how precious you are.” 
  “Nines,” a whimper crawls up throat.
He too crawls, slithers cool fingers between your legs. Swiping delicately, his eyes train upon your face. Watching eyelids droop for him in surrender and he pushes your knees apart. 
All that DNA sampling you witnessed him do never prepares you for how smooth his tongue actually is. Running up your slick trembles sweetly through your body. Your hips rock on this wave. Reaching to pull at the hem of your shirt to get it off while your android boyfriend goes down on you so passionately it’s about to get interesting. 
“Oh. Oh! Nines!” 
His head lifts at the frantic grab of his hair. He removes his fingers from their deep stroke. “Do you want me to stop yet, Little Bite?”
“No. I want you to come up here.” Reaching down for him nothing stops his slink up your figure to oblige. He pauses before making any move to kiss. You watch him shift to unbuckle dark jeans and completely shed himself of any remaining garments. Biting your lip is the only thing you can think to do when appraising him. 
Cyberlife designers must be perverts because he’s delicious. 
You laugh when he grabs onto your hips. Cupping his face drags him into you for a sweet kiss. There is still the essence of you inside hot mouth. You moan past his lips, shifting legs to give him access. 
His thick waist welcomes the squeeze of your thighs. Welcoming him in return, wanting his torso between legs for all eternity. You come undone, naturally accepting him sinking up to the hilt in all of his thick glory.
Your head falls back.
The android lies heavily against your heat. Creak of the mattress beneath your supine form a soundtrack stuck in his audio processors. A naturally human aura to find in a bed with you sprawled, naked and unafraid of his android exterior. Instead you plead for him and Nines aims to deliver. 
“Please,” begging him to move is futile. Peering up into his eyes they are silvery wisps, morphing a glacial hideaway for a mere mortal loved by power itself. Swiping hands along his hips you can’t help but tease that modeled perfection. Even his ass is a sculpted wonder. 
Digging fingers there into the flesh finally gets his hips moving. You sigh. Wrapped up in how good he feels shuts thoughts off to the world. 
Those hands are to die for. Clutching in sweeps and drawing you further down to deepen this tantalizing connection. Nines curls fingers beneath your thigh. Forcing your leg up props the limb against his shoulder opening you up further for his pleasurable snap.
Your lips part breathless. The more he fucks into you the more you lose whatever worries plague the heart. This is more than that. This is all you want. 
“N-Nines, please.” 
“I want to hear you say it.” The android groans delectably within your clenching walls.
“I-I’m going to…”
“Not yet,” he hisses, snapping his body. 
A sculpted piece he hovers serene in his shivering euphoria. Experiencing this rush through his system overheats but coolant releases itself automatically to stifle this burn. His advancement allows for many things. 
Tonight he will simply show you what these inane emotions have done to him. They are as real as this deviancy but never more true than you are. 
Protesting any upcoming ideas is farthest from mind. Questioning your android lover might not end well for this night. Depending on how one from an outside perspective views this relationship. They may think so. Not you, never you because an unwell end means the most satisfying, spirit rendering fuck you will ever receive. In your life he makes you like a cloud floating on horizons distant, euphoric in cosmic heavens.
Gladly your body responds as he grips onto your hips. Hoisting up from where you lie on back, your arms drop around his neck. His eyes lock onto yours glimmering. 
“Oh,” you huff against his lips. “God, Nines.” 
He moves with your body attached to his. Carrying you center of bed as his knees sink into mattress under weight of a muscled plastic frame; he is alive, precious to your heart. Bringing you down atop his lap now rests your bodies in a comfortable entanglement. Wrapping legs around adjusts you better onto his hard body. Despite that inner shell his synthetic skin is creamy. 
Caressing him with lips is a dream become reality. Often imagining what he might taste like. Kissing the broad curve of his shoulder doesn’t disappoint. There is something too natural about androids. Honestly it gets things going even more. 
His hips move up into you as he groans sharply into your collar. Such a beautiful sound rumbles deep from that chest you dig nails to. Swirling a thumb to circle the android’s nipple heightens his growl. The sound gets you off better. Knowing he feels everything just as you do. This is beautiful. He is a beautiful being and you rock hips to swallow him whole. 
The android grazes teeth along your flesh. Nibbling at your skin he takes time to flick tongue over each mark he imprints. Causing your moans to heighten, his fingers dig into your hips hard and possessive. 
“Mmm. Yes. Nines, you’re so good to me.”
  Slipping in with you brightens a smile. Tugging at your swollen lips, snuggling into him you do not fear rejection. Where he began cold he warms you every night. You completely come into contact with this muscled android. He allows you just as he allows this peace.
Others might find it strange. Smug Nines with his penchant to turn nose up at most people whether they are android or human. Hardly matters when he has the indifference against the world. With you though? This man is the best lover you ever had. Not just when it comes to his bedroom skills, which are plenty amazing. He is just strength, sheltering and today proved that.
Whisking you off after running into your old ex. Nines barely managed out of that without murdering the asshole. Upset after did no good but this-this is everything.
“Are you well after our session?” 
An uncontrollable giggle slips out. Who calls it that?! Oh, you love him. 
Everything stands still battling these fantasies of the mind. This is reality. Finally being together this way but does he mimic those very words desiring escape? Confessing may ruin it all. Always a story told with you the main character; you twist away to break transparency untold. How it shines so brightly in your eyes. He will read it then. Only thing left is turning a cheek to the one. An android of all beings in the world.
Silence does not bode well for an android as meticulous as Nines. He shifts. Silver sparkles in glacial heat making your entire body fidget. Soft rustling of blankets, sheets do little to hide. 
“I love you, Nines,” professing undoes the world. 
Inside his space you feel mighty. A shield cast of steel not once dented even though you most certainly were before. He comes as a crystal knight riding the palest steed. He is a handsome prince not of sunshine or rainbows no not he; one of pursed lips, naturally harsh brows. Never is he harsh with you. Power that can crush in those wonderful, large hands if he so chose. 
He chooses to grip, caress and fondle you into oblivion. Ecstasy pours from fingers, wine spills from his smooth lips; your heart cannot stand it. 
“I’m sorry if you…” Shuddering breath slips your tongue at cool fingers. Gently kissing skin of cheek, strokes to calm erratic thrums of your heartbeat. Does he realize that will not work? Touch alone arouses wonders in you that never rose to the surface until this. 
He makes you feel wanted. He makes you feel worth. You deserve actual love and protection. Why did it take so long to find? 
The android does not speak. Simply using action to seal an oath as he already did by taking you every which way you desired. Many more ways will come. Many other times he will make stars come alive in the hues of your eyes that capture his human side. Deviancy will be his to share. 
Nines captures soft lips. Hungrily he cages your form pressing beneath his sturdy frame. The tangle of your leg with his sends a delicious shudder in an otherwise unsettled shell. He cracks under sweet pressure of you. 
“Nines,” a number craved mumbles wet.
Vibrating on the android’s tongue flicking against yours does not end this affection. While he pleasured you any way you asked it’s still amazing to feel those edges go soft. Kisses with him can be ravenous but also sweet. This is a mixture of both sides. Two coins clink together in harmony. 
The RK900 does not shun your confessional. He does not detach because it is too late. You are part of his circuitry. Lifeblood of thirium could not power his existence more. Even if he bled every ounce Nines will continue to function…live for you. 
Resting forehead against yours, drawing fingers to dust gorgeous curves, tracing delicate. He will show you that nothing will come to tarnish your beauty again. None will touch you, inflict harm upon you without swift retribution.
“I love you as well,” the android reveals in your shared solitude. “I will always protect you. My Flower.” 
Tag List: @elydith  @your-taxidermy  @tropfenlady  @connorswink  @tommy-10-k
546 notes · View notes
the-darklings · 6 years
They notice it immediately.
They notice because they can’t take their eyes away from you long enough to miss the tiny flinches. Or miss the way you always curl into yourself when North—or anyone—comes too close. How handshakes make you uncomfortable and hugs are none existent. Even with your friends.
They notice because they are your Mates and vampires notice everything and anything that makes their other half happy. Or unhappy.
It becomes even clearer when you tense whenever one of them tries to come near. Like you’re afraid to touch them.
Connor seethes quietly while Nines contemplates.
There is a sense of concern in both of them, however.
Vampires, despite their destructive and often bloody nature, value physical contact with their Mates above all else. Even the smallest gestures are pleasurable. A pleasure that only grows the stronger the Pull becomes, and when the Mate bond is finally established, physical touch becomes the greatest source of comfort and affection.
“Who hurt her?” Connor snarls, and Nines feels the danger in the air, allows his lips to tug into a frown and stares at the slip of a girl in front of them.
Kara remains defiantly silent.
It would be admirable, if her silence wasn’t directly linked with their Mate’s wellbeing.
“Ask her yourself,” Kara says firmly, meeting their stares flatly. “(Name) is my friend. I will not be betraying her trust like this, regardless of your intentions. If you care so much, just ask.”
Nines finds that he has very little patience for humans who think they know better than him.
But nevertheless, he also knows the facts: they could easily glamour her into telling them what they want to know but if the truth ever comes out they did, you would never forgive them for using your friend.
So Nines lays a hand on his brother’s shoulder, and squeezes once. A silent, centuries-old gesture between them.  
Connor’s jaw tenses but he briefly meets Nines’ stare and nods.
Between one breath and the next, they’re gone.
. . .
“If we asked you something, would you answer us truthfully?”
Your eyes are wide and beautiful too if Nines allows himself the sentimental thought. Connor is tense. He’s still set on the idea that your distance—your hesitation and borderline fear of physical contact—is due to someone hurting you. Nines doesn’t think it’s quite that straightforward.
Connor parts his lips to speak, but Nines beats him, “Do you not desire us the same way we desire you, mate?”
The flinch is so slight that if they weren’t vampires, they would have surely missed it. Your tiny fingers curl in your lap, and Nines acutely hears the spike in your heartbeat. Like a fragile, delicate hummingbird, fluttering its wings in a hollow cage made of bones.
“I do—I just! I—I do…”
The Pull seems to drag on your fragile and very new Bond and Nines shift in discomfort.
“Did someone hurt you?” Connor’s voice is clipped, low and Nines frowns. His brother has always been the protective sort. He guards things dear to him fiercely, and their Mate is his new priority. Perhaps you could read the barely suppressed aggression as well because your expression dropped.
“No…” you whisper, your knuckles popping almost painfully from beneath your soft skin, “My parents they never...they never hugged me or kissed my cheek or ruffled my hair. They weren’t abusive...just cold. Nothing was ever good enough for them. I was always too silly or lazy a-and I just—it’s not that I don’t want you to touch me, it’s just…I don’t know h-how...”
A pained tug ripples through the Bond and Nines exhales through gritted teeth. Connor doesn’t waste time, flashing to your side, expression serious as he extends his hand slowly towards you, kneeling before you.
The hand hovers between you like a silent offering, allowing you the freedom to accept or decline.
Nines suppresses a smile.
How many souls have those hands led to gates of hell? More than either of them care to count or admit.
You stare at Connor’s hand with brittle sort of pain and Nines feels the Bond stretch, an automatic snarl bubbling at the back of his throat.
The idea that your parents didn’t love you like you deserved makes him want to find them and tear their organs out. But you matter more and—
You reach out slowly, like a cautious animal trying to judge whether they’re about to be hurt. It takes a full minute before your shaking fingers touch Connor’s palm and silent tears burn in your eyes.
Nines is next to you before you manage to draw your next breath and he extends his own hand cautiously. His brother cradles your hand with such careful and foreign gentleness that Nines can’t help but to ache for the same sensation. He’s never craved softness in his long life before but—
Your hand is shaking so bad that when your skin finally touches his, you squeeze your eyes shut, tears rolling down your cheeks.
“(Name),” Connor mutters tightly, tone strained, “You don’t have to keep holding on if you don’t want to—”
“N-No,” you mumble weakly, shaking your head as you hurriedly lick your lips with a slight hiccup, “I—I want to be able to hold y-your hands. I-It feels really n-nice.”
The quiet break in your voice makes him lift your tiny hand in his, quickly brushing his lips over your knuckles. A careful, quick graze to not overwhelm you further.
“One touch at the time, (Name),” he promises, and meets you tearful stare solemnly. “We will wait however long it takes for you, mate.”
“However long it takes,” Connor echoes seriously, pressing his lips briefly against your knuckles as well.
Your small grin warms them, fills them with something neither of them have ever tasted before.
Or is peace?
You manage to hold their hands for 3 minutes that evening.
It’s progress, and they’re proud.         
. . .
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how could I resist?? 
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