#dbh pet names
honey-beann · 8 months
🐾 - Pet names
Thanks for the drabble request, anon! I hope you like it, I had a lot of fun writing something this lighthearted :)
Also I totally went over the word count here but since it took me less than an hour I've decided no one can question or judge me about this >:)
Honeyed Words (I'm Yours)
rk boys (Nines, Connor, Sixty) x Reader
Word Count: 1,849 (yeah... I know)
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Leaning forward against the back of Hank's sofa with your arms folded over one another, you couldn't help but roll your eyes and fight back a sigh at the sight of the movies that Gavin, Tina, and Chris were saving to tonight's potential watch list.
"All rom coms? Seriously guys?"
You scoffed, watching as Gavin all but sneered in response, turning slightly to face you as you continued.
"Come on dude, where's your Halloween spirit?"
You teased, nudging him with your knuckles gently as he rolled his eyes at your antics, clearly far less amused than you were.
"It's September 23rd, don't you talk to me about Halloween until the month is over."
Groaning, you flung your body to the side, pressing your spine against the back of the couch and extending your arms straight out to either side of you as you pouted exaggeratedly,
"C'mon Reed, do you have to be such a stickler for seasonal deadlines?"
Instead of responding, your coworker just flipped you off, opening his mouth to call into the kitchen where all three of your boyfriends and their familiarly gruff father figure were standing around like divorcees at a barbecue.
"Hey robo cops, could you please come get your feral creature before I put it down myself?!"
He shouted, a smirk crossing his features when you pulled away from the couch to glare at him, already hearing the familiar sound of slightly swishing fabric and nearly silent footsteps that signaled the oncoming arrival of one of your partners.
"Y'know Reed, if you're really so worried about her being feral, you could consider getting a rabies shot. You've been looking a little sickly lately."
Sixty countered easily in response to your coworker's previous quip as he flung his arm across your shoulders, pulling you against him with a slight smirk.
You smiled at his easy embrace, nearly vibrating with joy as he kissed the top of your head, smiling down at you with that lopsided grin that always made you feel so giddy inside.
"Oh fuck off bullet brain, you're the one who let her do three shots of tequila tonight, don't act like I'm not allowed to be annoyed by her weird ass antics."
Sixty hummed in response, clearly feeling no urge to argue as he began guiding you towards the kitchen.
"C'mon Sugar, lets get some real food in you hmm?"
He purred against the shell of your ear, instantly lighting your cheeks on fire both with his proximity and his use of one of his favorite pet names for you, which never failed to give you butterflies.
As you grew closer to the dining area, he pressed gently on the small of your back to urge you past the threshold, though clearly you were a bit more tipsy than he'd realized, because you absolutely would've toppled over if not for the pair of familiarly strong hands that caught you by your shoulders.
You looked up slightly, taking in the sight of pale arms dotted with freckles that were barren of sleeves all the way up until just above the elbow, kept in place solely by the incredibly thorough job this individual had done while rolling them upward.
And that could only be...
You breathed out softly, feeling yourself melt a bit as you looked up into his eyes.
After well over a year of affection from all three of your partners, you just never got used to the way they all looked at you, or the sweet and familiar things they would call you in favor of your name.
And speaking of...
"Well hello there, Darling."
Nines spoke gently, quirking a brow at you in minor amusement as he looked you over for any signs of injury just in case he'd missed something during your brief fall.
You felt your cheeks grow warmer as the sound of his affectionate pet name for you passed his lips, making you melt even further beneath his persistent gaze.
"I uh, got kicked out of the living room."
You explained quietly, watching as Nines tilted his head slightly in response before looking towards Sixty, who shrugged before taking a few steps closer and placing his palm on top of your head affectionately.
"Gavin wasn't impressed at her input regarding tonight's films of choice. I figured if she was being that disruptive she likely needed something to eat. Isn't that right, Sweetheart?"
You blushed harder as yet another pet name passed his lips, but nodded nonetheless, hoping they hadn't noticed just how much you enjoyed it when they spoke of you so sweetly.
Of course, they had long since noticed your reactions, in fact, it was almost a bit of a game now to see who could get you to blush the hardest with affectionate nicknames alone.
Not that they would ever tell you that.
"Is that so?"
Nines questioned gently, his hand raising to your face to push a stray hair of yours behind your ear before his thumb and index finger trailed down to your chin, which he caught with ease between the two, tilting your face upwards to make sure you were looking at him as he spoke.
"Have you been up to no good, Little one?"
He all but purred, making you squeak a bit in response as you attempted to find words that just wouldn't come.
Thankfully though, you did have one saving grace, and his name was Connor.
"Are you two tormenting her again?"
He asked as he stepped away from the stove, wiping his hands off on a nearby dish rag before he moved closer to you, offering his open arms for you to all but leap into, happy to have the opportunity to hug the one android who you hadn't gotten the chance to be affectionate with since before you'd even arrived at the house earlier.
Sixty scoffed at Connor's question, but Nines simply gave a dismissive hum, leaning back against the counter and watching as you nuzzled against his predecessor's chest with a content sigh.
Meanwhile, Connor glared at his successors with mock disappointment, hoping to appease you and your childish attitude (tipsiness) by offering them a fake scolding.
"You both know better, look at her, she's being perfectly good tonight."
He said pseudo-sternly, smiling down at you with a grin that immediately left you breathless the moment that you looked up and took it in.
God, why were they all so damn beautiful?
At the sight of your eyes meeting his own, Connor leaned down to kiss your forehead, bringing one of his hands up to palm your cheek lovingly as he did so, stroking is softly with his thumb all the while.
He continued this in silence for a few moments before giving you yet another reason to attempt melting into the grout marks in Hank's kitchen floor.
"Don't you worry about them Honey, they're just being difficult because they want to see you squirm."
You swallowed thickly at the familiar and yet still immensely impactful nickname, which never failed to make your heart leap in your chest.
You whispered, watching as Connor nodded in satisfaction at your response before guiding you back into the waiting arms of your other two android partners, who were watching you with marked amusement.
"I'll bring dinner out to you in just a few minutes."
Connor murmured against the back of your head as he pressed another gentle kiss to it.
"I was thinking you could go pick a comfy spot in the living room for all of us to sit together while you wait though. Does that sound alright, Baby?"
He asked gently, taking you by surprise yet again with his use of another pet name that made you feel like you were left gasping for air.
Still, you managed a floundering nod in spite of yourself, and followed Nines and Sixty out into the living room, where they helped you make a rather comfortable seating area on the floor, one that consisted of two huge bean bags, several couch pillows that no one was using, and at least four big blankets, one of which was for you to lay under.
And with that, the seating arrangements were completed, and all that was left to do was actually use them, which with how dizzy you were beginning to feel from the tequila earlier, was something you were quite eager for.
Nines chuckled as he took a seat a bit further back on one of the beanbags, spreading his legs apart for you to sit in between as he held himself up on his palms so that you could lean against his chest.
This was a fairly normal position for the two of you, but even so, it made your heart race as you felt his firm chest press against your back, solidly holding you up without any issue.
Still, even with this added distraction, your persistent urge to celebrate the upcoming holiday had you complaining to Gavin once more about his list of potential options, although this time you were hoping that at least one of your loving boyfriends would consider helping you out.
Sadly though, they seemed far too amused by your insistence to actually say anything, instead choosing to press gentle kisses against your head and the back of your hand as they laid the blanket over you wordlessly.
"Aww c'mon you guys, do you really wanna watch any of this junk?"
You asked, motioning towards the screen with a grumble of annoyance.
From the left of you, Sixty chuckled and raised your knuckles to his lips without a word.
Nines on the other hand, did speak up, placing a kiss to your cheek just before he did so, a certain level of amusement to his tone that had you squirming between his strong legs.
"I couldn't care less about what we watch, Sweetling."
He murmured against the shell of your ear, immediately causing you to shiver.
"And honestly, I think these are all movies Connor has mentioned wanting to see. Don't you want to make him happy?"
He teased, running a finger up and down your cheek as you nodded almost dreamily, sinking into his touch as if your body were suddenly weighed down by bricks.
"Y-yeah, sure, okay."
You said quietly, hearing Nines hum from above you just as Connor came out of the kitchen with a steaming bowl of food to offer you, Hank hot on his heels with a large bowl of popcorn for him and the other couch users to share.
You dug in immediately, not paying any attention to the movie choice debate until it was basically over, and by that point, you were already so sleepy that you hardly realized anyone was talking at all.
Drowsy and more than a little bit intoxicated, you sighed contentedly as you moved to squeeze between Nines and Sixty, allowing Connor to rest his head upon your lap as you played with his hair all the way up until you lost consciousness entirely.
Yeah, okay. Maybe rom com movie nights weren't so bad after all.
I hope you enjoyed this little drabble fic! If you want to request one for yourself feel free to check out this post :)
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airbendertendou · 2 years
 to be alone ♥︎ connor ; dbh
another autistic!reader and connor thing ♥︎ synopsis : reader needs a minute to calm down ; connor knows exactly how to ground you and bring you back.
song inspo ; to be alone by hozier
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if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
Connor is reading over a file with Hank when a knock on the door sounds. It’s a particular pattern — a specific tap taptaptap tap taptaptap that Connor knows belongs to you. As Hank opens the door, the android’s smile falls as he watches you scurry past them both. Your head is down as you shuffle quickly into the living room where Sumo is laying.
Hank lets out an indignant noise, eyes wide as he follows your figure. Connor smiles — it feels tenser and more awkward than usual — and holds up his pointer finger. “One moment, please. I’ll be right back, Lieutenant.” 
You’re crouched down, knees to your chest as your feet stay flat on the ground. Sumo is laying on his right side, his tummy facing you as you methodically rub his fur. Connor observes you silently as you pet the dog, your eyes wide and unblinking as you watch your hand.
Unknowingly, your feet start to tingle. You’re so caught up in your ministrations that you don’t notice — but Connor does. His knee hits your back softly as he stands behind you. “Careful, honey. Need to move.”
You obey silently, plopping down fully into your butt. Your legs relax from their stiffened position, falling into a criss-cross position as the rest of your body follows. He notices you’re less tense now ; more open and fluid than you were seconds ago.
Slowly, the android goes around to the front of you and to the windows. He unravels the blinds, pulling the curtains open further as the sun begins to set. You move your gaze from Sumo and to the window, watching as the room glows orange. You bask in the sunset, memorizing all of the colors you can see as you continue to pet the dog.
Connor waches you fondly, sliding the curtains and blinds shut as the orange glow recedes and the sky turns darker. Your gaze drifts to the wall to your left, staying there as Connor moves to sit across from you. He pets Sumo’s back as he analyzes you quietly. You glance his way before looking back to the wall.
The android lets out a small smile, tilting his head to the right. “Hey, sweetheart. Welcome back.”
The side of your mouth tilts up as you continue to stare to the left. “That’s a new name.”
“It is. Is that alright?” Connor asks, just to make sure. You nod, small smile growing into a little grin. Connor’s own lips lift in return — the soap operas and cheesy movies Hank had a habit of watching had finally come in handy. “Do you like it or would you prefer a different name?”
“Like everything you call me.” Your speech is still a little off as you get comfortable in your skin again, stuttered and broken in places. You glance at Connor again, eyes dashing back to the wall just as quick. ”S’always nice.”
“You deserve to be called nice names,” he responds immediately. Connor’s fingers brush against yours as they still pet Sumo. Your mouth twitches again and you turn to fully face him now. Connor’s thumb brushes against your knuckles, “you deserve all of the nice things.”
You make the move to lace your fingers with his, using your left hand to twirl Sumo’s fur around your fingers. Connor brings your right hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss to your knuckles before lowering them back to Sumo. Your voice is soft when you speak, “you deserve them, too. Nice things.”
Connor grins, lowering his head bashfully. He squeezes the fingers of th hand he’s holding gently, attracting your eyes there for a moment before you’re looking back at Sumo. “You’re too kind, sweetheart.”
A loud scoff interrupts the calm stillness of the room as Hank makes his presence known. He’s leaning against the doorway of the living room, his upper lip curled up in disgust. “You lovebirds make me sick.”
“Nice to see you, too, Hank,” you reply, smiling his way. Connor squeezes your fingers once more before he detatches them, standing to re-join Hank in the kitchen. Stooping to press a kiss against your temple, Connor calls out gently before he leaves you to your own devices.
“You know where I am if you need me.” 
——♥︎—— have so many ideas w him i can’t help but keep writing hhhh you can send in detroit become human requests if youd like!! ill try to get them done for @guav​ ♥︎ bc your tags on my last dbh thing were so sweet n i think abt them daily ): & @straysugzhpe​ for always being my personal cheerleader ♥︎
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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God dammit I'm suffering from DBH brainrot
Ralph who is so happy to have someone he can make a family with. There aren't any children and sadly, he can't make one with his Darling, but still! Families have lots of different sizes: a man and woman, two men, two women, sometimes a child or children and sometimes none, and even some animals! Maybe he'll find a stray animal or an abandoned android animal to add to his family.
He gives lots of presents to Darling but they're not always good. He DID try to give a burnt opossum to a child and tried to force her to eat it. So it takes a lot of patience and explaining for him to learn things. Instead of refusing, which can make him angry or cause him to lash out like when Kara and Alice refused, you have to thank him but then explain what the problem is so he can try again.
He always feels so bad when he messes things up and isn't able to make you happy with a gift. Humans have different sizes and models, so you can't always comfortably wear the clothes he finds for you. You can't eat every animal he finds even if he cooks it. Apparently "succulent" isn't what a charred possum is, and you have to take off the fur and skin first when you make food out of an animal. When he learns the real definition of "succulent" he starts describing YOU that way as a very odd compliment/pet name. When he kisses you for the first time after he learns the real definition, his eyes widen and he grins. He understands! You, your lips--they're succulent!
His memory is corrupted and damaged, so he doesn't fully remember his previous function. But he has so much knowledge related to gardening and plants, so he tries to use that to make Darling happy. He spends a lot of time rambling about the grasses, mosses, and leaves that are in the abandoned house as well as the plants all around the area outside. "Ralph found some ratibida columnifera outside! Yellow coneflowers. Ralph knows humans can eat the flowers. And look, dandelions. Humans can eat them, too. Ralph will make tea with the flowers, just for you. And the leaves will be a salad. Ralph will make a proper human meal, just for you! It's an anniversary dinner, because we've been a family for 31 days--one month."
He rarely uses the first person, but he does it more often when he's with you. Ralph usually says "Ralph loves you" whenever he's with you, but one night he actually says "I love you" and it almost surprises him as well as you. And it happens often whenever he's upset. He'll catch you trying to sneak away and is angrily dragging you, covering your mouth, tying you up with some spare rope while you beg him to let you go. "You and Ralph are a FAMILY. Ralph tries so hard, so so SO hard to make you happy! You're hurting Ralph, just like the other humans who've hurt him--you, you're supposed to be different. You can't, you can't leave me!"
Also a sillier hc: he has limited/very slow internet access due to the damage to his hardware, and once he tried to look up his own name and other words like "Ralph" + "love" + "happy" and came across a screenshot of the Valentine's Day card from that one episode of The Simpsons in the image search. And he very genuinely, very sweetly, just hugs his Darling later and says with 100% seriousness "Ralph choo-choo chooses you."
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Welcome to the Detroit: Become Human Dominatrix Event.
Let's dominate the android boys. The DBH Dominatrix Event is a kink (any ratings) and NSFW (any warnings) writing event on Tumblr/Ao3, though artists are allowed to participate too in support.
Event time: July
There will be no strict start or end date. You can do any of the below prompts whenever you want, in whatever order you'd like. You're in full control.
Whimpering | Strung Up With Rope | BDSM | Pet Names | Degradation | Denial | Sobbing | Software Error | Overstimulation | Hate Sex | Somno | Begging | Sexually Frustrated | Post-orgasm Torture | Knife Play | Flogging | Marking/Bruising | Electrostimulation | Public Play | Phone Sex | Hair Pulling | Pegging | Body Worship | Praise | Sex Virus (Sex Pollen) | Collaring | Confessions | Wire Play | Thirium Play
1. Your one shot(s) must be between 1k -10k words.
2. Your one shot(s) must be posted on Tumblr or Ao3.
--- a. On Tumblr, tag your work with #DBH Dom Event or tag both event co-hosts @cyberbullyingandroids and @cyberllfe. Do not tag it with #DBH Dominatrix Event because Tumblr will censor it.
--- b. On Ao3, submit your entry link to this event profile. You can choose whether you want to be anonymous or not. To submit your work anonymously, follow the instructions at the end of this post.
3. Your one shot(s) must be in Reader POV form. Use of Y/N and no use of Y/N are both permitted.
4. Prompts:
--- a. You can do as many or as few as you'd like.
--- b. You can combine prompts.
--- c. You can do them in any order.
--- d. If you complete all the prompts but want to continue writing for the event, write whatever your heart desires.
5. Characters:
--- a. You can only use the men of DBH.
--- b. Though androids are highly preferred, you're allowed to explore human options.
6. Please properly tag your one shot(s) with the appropriate warnings and content hooks to let your readers know what they're in for.
7. The co-hosts will reblog #DBH Dom Event posts on Tumblr.
8. Although this is a writing event, art and other media in support of the event are encouraged to be tagged with #DBH Dom Event. These will also be reblogged.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask or DM the event's co-hosts @cyberbullyingandroids and @cyberllfe.
Ao3 anonymous submission instructions:
-> 1. Create your work as normal with the appropriate tags, but don't publish it yet.
-> 2. In the Post to Collections/Challenges bar, type in "anonymous". Pick one of the collections that automatically makes your work anonymous. We like to use Anonymous (anonymous). Post your work.
-> 3. In the DBH Dom!Reader Event, sign up with a link to your work.
-> 4. If you submit your work before July, we will keep it private, then reveal the works during the event month!
If you have any questions regarding Ao3 submissions, please message @cyberllfe.
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rhinozilla · 1 year
Detroit: Become Family 2022 - Prompt 3: Forget
Most days were better now, but occasionally there were still days like this.
Hank spent the morning in bed. He’d had the presence of mind to call out sick, rather than just not showing up like he would have in the past. Connor had been reluctant to leave him home alone today, but Hank had just grumbled at him until he’d gotten the hint and left.
The afternoon found Hank lying in the floor of the living room, on his back, staring at the ceiling.
He’d dragged his ass out of the bed and into the living room a few hours ago and tried lying on the couch first. But the couch was too comfortable. Today wasn’t a day to feel comfortable. Today was a day where his brain craved cold surfaces, darkness, and heavy alcohol to chase away the painful memories that had been assaulting him all day.
There wasn’t any alcohol in the house now. Connor had cleared it all out after the last time Hank had had a day like this, not too long after the revolution. So Hank had to make do with turning off all the lights in the house and lying on the floor. Sumo had tried to play with him some earlier in the day, but he’d picked up on Hank’s mood faster than Connor had. The dog had given up and was lying in the hallway instead.
His brain felt full of raw cotton, and his limbs felt heavy with a bone deep weariness. Every movement was laborious and overwhelming. He wasn’t capable of even thinking straight at the moment. There was just the ever-present cloud of…blech…hanging over him.
He’d been taking his medication as prescribed. He’d been avoiding alcohol. He’d let Connor drag him outside on walks with Sumo. He’d even been eating better. Not great, but better. And still, the malicious little rat named Depression had found ways to burrow through his belly, up his chest, through his throat, and nest in his brain. At least it felt that way.
Hank stared at the ceiling, blinking only when his eyes started to dry out and water. It wasn’t even the kind of day where he could have a good cry to at least feel some kind of release. It was all just…tangled up in his gut like barbed wire. He couldn’t even muster up enough fucks to try.
God, what a useless bastard he was. He didn’t even have any alcohol in the house to drown out that fact and help him forget everything else in the world that was awful.
What a useless, stupid, waste of oxygen and—
The front doorknob turning and opening interrupted his old reliable cycle of self abuse, and he closed his eyes before Connor came into the house. He heard Connor take two steps into the house and then abruptly stop. He couldn’t hear Connor scanning him, but he was learning how to recognize that pensive silence that accompanied Connor whenever he was scanning something. Normally it was a crime scene or a corpse…There was a metaphor there somewhere, but…again…a lack of fucks prevented Hank from forming it fully.
“Hank?” Connor called out after a moment.
Hank sighed and then grunted in acknowledgement, still not opening his eyes. He heard Sumo rustle around, trotting over to greet Connor, and the jangle of Sumo’s collar as Connor petted him for a bit.
Connor didn’t speak again, didn’t inquire further about what he’d walked in on. That apathy stung a bit, and Hank got a sick enjoyment out of that sting. Of course Connor’s scan would have told him what was wrong and what wasn’t. Hank wasn’t sick or injured in a way that immediately threatened his life, and so there was nothing for Connor to do. It made sense for an android’s mind to conclude that it was prudent to just let Hank wallow in his misery, and damn if that didn’t hurt.
It was the kind of treatment Hank deserved, honestly. Connor was a free man now, he could have his pick of people to be friends with, be work partners with, be house mates with. Sooner or later he was going to figure that out, and his good nature was going to run out long before Hank’s ability to be pathetic would. Then he’d be gone, just like everybody else—
Again his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Connor walking across the living room to the kitchen. The click of the fridge door opening, a shuffle, and then the door closing again. He didn’t turn on the kitchen lights, and Hank could mentally picture him moving around in the dark, just the glow of his LED bobbing in the darkness.
Connor’s footsteps sounded again, and Hank felt the proximity of him as he reached the living room. He was probably close enough for Hank to reach out and swat him in the leg if the blood in Hank’s veins hadn’t been replaced with liquid concrete. All he did instead was crack open one eye to see what the hell the RK800 was doing.
Connor was towering over him from Hank’s vantage point lying on the floor, but he wasn’t looking down at him. He was looking over at the window as he gracefully lowered himself to the floor beside Hank. He sat down briefly, setting a chilled bottle of water in the space between them for Hank to take whenever he was up to it. Then Connor was turning in his seat, lying back, and stretching out parallel on the floor a few feet away from Hank. He folded his hands neatly over his stomach and looked up at the ceiling.
Hank’s chest ached at that, and he locked his jaw, blinking and returning his own stare to the ceiling.
Connor never said a word, and Hank didn’t either.
The sound of the air conditioner’s humming filled the house. Connor didn’t breathe per se, but if Hank focused his ears, he could almost hear the soft ventilation sounds coming from his friend lying on the floor beside him.
He’d forgotten what it felt like to not have to suffer alone.
The ceiling above him blurred.
Hank swallowed and blinked to clear his vision. Everything blurred again, and his eyes and nose burned as a warning for what was coming. He took a slow deep breath to try and stave it off, but it didn’t work. He gritted his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut, then opened them again as the first heated tears broke free, cutting from his eyes and trailing along his temples.
He looked out of his periphery at Connor. He was lying still, close enough to touch and far enough to not be crowding. Still staring at the ceiling, granting Hank the dignity of not watching him as he fell apart.
He could have been out in the world, having fun, making better friends than a lump like Hank Anderson. But here he was, spending a beautiful spring day lying on the floor of a dark living room, just so Hank wouldn’t be alone while he weathered this episode.
Hank hated the tickle of the tears on his face, and he lethargically raised a hand, dragging it across his eyes to clear the moisture pooling there. He let his arm flop back at his side recklessly, and the impact ricocheted through his torso, making his chest hitch with a harsh inhale.
It wasn’t a sob. Hank could admit to a good cry, but he didn’t sob. Definitely not.
His tear-streaked hand was abruptly being held by Connor’s warm, dry one.
Don’t…Don’t. Don’t. Don’t speak. Don’t ask me to talk. Don’t ask me what’s wrong. Don’t try to fix this. Maybe later. But not right now. I can’t.
He gave Connor’s hand an appreciative squeeze, and Connor didn’t let go afterward.
Another silent moment passed, and then Connor finally spoke.
“Pizza or tacos?”
Hank’s brain turned to static for a beat, and then he snorted and wiped at his eyes again. His throat felt thick, his voice was hoarse when he tried to use it for the first time that day.
“Tacos,” Connor confirmed, and out of his periphery, Hank saw his LED spin as he placed an online order for said tacos.
God bless this android.
“Thanks,” Hank grunted.
Connor made a low humming noise. “Whatever you need, Hank.”
Hank didn’t dare look over at him, fearing that the other’s expression would be too sincere, too genuine, too honest, and that it would push Hank fully over the edge. So he just remained where he was, and after a beat, Connor reinforced that statement.
“I’m here for whatever you need.”
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citizen-zero · 1 year
I’m back on my DBH bullshit and it’s a bad-good game with interesting underutilized concepts and many unexplored areas but one of the things that makes me mad about it is that it just glosses over the fact that humanity gets easily attached to anything. We name our Roombas and even though we recognize it’s a tool of the police state we can’t help but think the robot dog is kinda cute and we sing happy birthday to the Mars rovers and cry when they finally break down after being active for much longer than we thought they’d be and some of the most popular toys of my youth were robot creatures some of which explicitly looked robotic and virtual pets are a consistently popular toy and like. The point is that it takes not a lot for people to get attached to something they know isn’t alive or sapient, and get emotional if it’s endangered
I just think that leaving this element out of a game/story about the sapience of androids kinda makes it less interesting. Realistically androids would be hated because they’d absolutely 100% immediately become tools of the police state and of late stage capitalism (which the game touches on but doesn’t explore basically at all) just like cell phones and Alexas and AI but that’s a hatred of the function, not the simple fact they exist. I feel like in a setting where androids were only used as like housekeepers and scientific instruments and other things that enrich our lives rather than make them more fucking miserable there’d be a lot more warmth and affection towards them. Especially if we got our shit together and made it possible to live without having to struggle. Anyway as usual David Cage is a hack
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electricalstemplates · 5 months
Hello! Extremely sorry for sending multiple but I just saw the pinned and was worried I did it wrong, as well as I put some things in wrong :,)
Could we get a medium length system template with a matching display name? police themed for our newer alter :)) (Hank from DBH) and could you possibly add in 🐾 and a few other dog emojis? Thank you sm and have a good day^^
Here you are, we hope you like them
┇:e:┇Name ⚯ Pronouns𓂃ꗃ
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚⚖️₊˚ 🚨␥Na**me**➛☍ 🚓␥A**ge**➛☍ 🚨␥Pron**ouns**➛☍ 🚓␥Gender/**orient**➛☍ 🚨␥Spe**cies**➛☍ 🚓␥Te**rms**➛☍ ⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘ 🐾␥Ro**le**➛☍ 🐶␥Alter **type**➛☍ 🐾␥Sou**rce**➛☍ 🐕₊ ⊹⚠️🖇∵ 🚔␥__Interaction__⊫⇣ ⛓️␥__PDA__⊫⇣\ 🚔␥__Touch__⊫⇣ ⛓️␥__Flirting__⊫⇣ 🚔␥__Nicknames/Pet names__⊫⇣ ⛓️␥__Dms__⊫⇣ 🚔␥__Pings__⊫⇣ ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚🐕‍🦺₊˚
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shepscapades · 2 years
will be thinking abt dbh au bdubs saying "down here, sweetheart" forever. ty
YEAH…. the compilation of bdubs leading lost etho around and calling him pet names from like 10 years ago will Forever be printed into my brain (and since that was the subject matter of the comic, I kinda HAD to SFJVSFSFGN)
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leelany-world · 1 year
DBH Rarepairsweek: Seasons (Alice & Kara x Luther)
@dbhrarepairs DBH rarepairsweek 6, Day 5, prompt: Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter
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Words: 179 Relationships: Alice & Kara x Luther Additional Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, Found family, Fluff, Family Fluff, poem Summary: Alice loves the seasons. Alice loves Kara and Luther. Alice loves poems. So she decides to combine those things
Dear Kara and Luther,
It was winter, when Luther opened his eyes, It was spring, when Kara woke up to arise, It was summer, when I made my first cries, It was autumn, when we all met.
It was winter, when we moved in with auntie Rose, It was spring, when Ralph and the Jerries became my big bro’s, It was summer, when Rupert and I became friends with the crows, It was autumn, when the new house was set.
It was winter, when Luther got down on one knee and gave Kara a ring,  It was spring, when I found a frog and named him King, It was summer, when Kara and Luther said ‘I do’ while happily crying, It was autumn, when we got a pet.
It was winter, when we all sat together as a family around a tree, It was spring, when Kara and Luther decided we should be more than three, It was summer, when they brought home a sister for me, It was autumn, when my life was perfect.
I love you, Alice
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thesoulbox · 7 months
Whoop!! Hello!! This is just some basic info about me and the such, as well as some other things I'd like you to know!! If you have any questions feel free to ask!
Name: Maple/Reese/Sol
Pronouns: She/He/They
Writing / Drawing / Animating / Painting / Reading / Roleplaying / Gaming
FNAF / TWD (Game + Show) / Warrior Cats / The Office / TLOU / DBH / Adventure Time + Fionna And Cake / TOH / Amphibia
As of recent I have been incredibly hyperfixated on The Office and FNAF (specifically Security Breach)
How long have you been on Tumblr?: I've literally never used it before but I've had an account for a little while for reading stories and such, I honestly have no clue what I'm doing :)
What are your socials?: I have a YouTube, an Instagram, and an AO3 account! I also have Discord but I'd rather keep that personal! Here are some links below!
Are writing requests open? Yes yes yes!! I'm thinking of making a fnaf sb oneshot book, so feel free to send in story prompts! (Extra points if its a Gregory and Freddy duo prompt or something with Gregory, Cassidy, or C.C ^^)
Is the art on your account yours?/May I use your art? All art on this account is mine unless stated otherwise! If you would like to use my art/catified designs that's fine! Just please provide credit!!
Will you do requests for other fandoms? I don't mind doing requests or prompts for different fandoms in my fandoms list! Just please note that I most likely will take longer on them due to my own inability to stay focused on something that I'm not hyperfixated on!!
What are your boundaries? I will not tolerate any kind of nsfw content nor will I create anything of the sort, I am willing to write graphic content (violence-wise) and I don't mind writing darker topics, just please do not take requests too far. Constructive criticism is allowed, just please be gentle!!
As for my personal boundaries, please do not pester me over requests or story updates, I get demotivated really easily and being harrassed doesn't help matters any. I'd prefer it if you used tone tags whilst talking to me, I struggle with tone in text!! My anxiety is a menace and I tend to freak out and panic over simple topics like, discussions of heart issues, discussions about death, pet loss, etc. If a conversation is becoming too much I will let you know, all I ask is that you respect my boundaries 😭(also please do not bring up nsfw shizbiz in my messages, it's just yuck.)
Do you accept questions/ideas? Yes of course!! Feel free to send it in the ask thingy or in my messages!!
Do you have OCs? SLAPS DOWN A BIG ASS BOOK OF TRAUMATIZED CHILDREN. You called? I'll occasionally post art of them, so keep a lookout for that! I'm also willing to answer questions about them as well! :)
How long have you been writing fanfiction? I've technically been writing fanfics since I was 10?? But they were self inserts and they were really bad, I used to write x readers when I was 11-12 but I eventually stopped writing fanfics to write my own stories. I'm just now starting up again on AO3 after a 3 and a half year break!
Are there any certain requests you want? Anything FNAF SB related would be an absolute godsend. like I said before, I am absolutely stuck on it LMAO
Will you share stories/headcanons/art here? I will be sharing my stories on ao3 here, as well as some little character headcanons I have! Along with some catified refs of them because I can't draw a human for the life of me. I will also be sharing oc art and animations here but don't expect too much of that LMAO
But uhh I believe that's all! I can't think of anything else but if you have any other questions, just message me! Dont make it personal though or I'll hit your kneecaps with a shovel!! I can't wait to learn more about you all, have a lovely day! <3
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homicidal-slvt · 26 days
[Twenty Questions For Fic Writers]
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
None. Yet.
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
RE, COD, TEW, Until Dawn, The Quarry, DBH, A Couple of X-Men, Creepypasta, Some Slashers, more coming soon.
4. Top five by kudos.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Absolutely. Sometimes I might not if I don't know what to say or I miss seeing it.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oooh... I'm not sure. Probably one of these two [∆] [∆]
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most have happy endings so here's just a random one that I think is sweet [∆]
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not often. I have received hate but I just delete and ignore. No point in stirrin' anything up or giving hateful people the validation of a reaction.
9. Do you write smut?
Yeah. Not very well but yeah.
10. Craziest crossover.
Idk... I haven't really done any yet that I can think of.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of anyway.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. I'm chill with someone doing it though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. Not sure I'd be good at it.
14. All time favorite ship?
I cannot choose. You will not make me. I am a die hard multi-shipper who is in too many fandoms. I love too much.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Jesus Christ... A lot of em'. I start series and then abandon them. Abandoning my stories is more of a hobby than writing at this point.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Shit. I don't know.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The mere moment I lose even the tiniest bit of motivation or interest - I will never return to that story. Sorry to my readers - I'll go get the ukulele. Lmao. There's other things too but I don't wanna poke at it too much or I may get insecure and stop posting.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Occasionally I'll use words from another language but it's difficult for me. I mostly just write in English and only occasionally throw a pet name from another language in there or something. I'm just super afraid of messing something up.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
First fandom I ever posted for was Creepypasta. First fandom I ever technically wrote for was MLP when I was small. Take that as you will.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Do I have to choose? Most of my stuff for Gaz are my favorites.
[Thanks for the tag @femalefemur .]
No pressure tags: @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world @kneelingshadowsalome @silverzoomies @sky-is-the-limit @sofasoap @a-world-with0ut-dr34ms @deadbranch
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annabellemainacc · 2 months
Ep.5 part.1
What will happen when I'm gone
Custom scenario PART 2
This is NOT a ship. It's a father-son relationship!!!
Fandom : DBH
Relationship : Connor, Hank & Sumo
Character's : Connor, Hank, Sumo & Gavin
Summary : Hank and Connor are finishing up at the police station from working on a case when Connor gets picked on my Gavin. Hank intervened and stopped it. They drove home, and when Connorentereds the house first, he found Sumo lifeless on the floor. Connor and Hank help each other with the grief until Connor shuts himself in his room for a while, not talking to anyone. One day, Connor comes out of his room and witnesses Hanks true emotions spill out.
Word count : 2.7k
Hank sat at his desk, typing away at his computer, looking at past evidence from the scene. A homicide had taken place the previous night, and they were lucky enough for it to have been found out so soon. A 14 year old boy had been stabbed and killed by his android "brother" that his father Eugene had bought in replace of him.
"So what you're saying is that this android isn't a deviant?" Hank looked at Connor, confused.
"But the adroid killed him in his own free will."
"Correct." Connor said proudly.
"That's bullshit Connor." Hank took a sip out of his coffee.
"No, hear me out, Lieutenant. Eugene may have bought the andriod in replacement of his son. We already know that the son was sick and his father didn't have insurance."
Hank crossed his arms and sat back in his chair.
"So maybe Eugene didn't want to feel grief from losing his son that he oredered the android to do something about it."
"Where does the own free will come in?" Hank took another sip of his coffee.
"Jelousy." Connor stood up and took Hank's empty coffee cup to the cafe to get him a refill.
Hank tilted his head while thinking that it could be the case. Connor saw Gavin in the cafe. He turned around, but just as he was about to walk away, Gavin shouted his name.
"Connor. Tin can. Get me a coffee, will you." Gavin smirked.
"And why would I do that. After all, you are not very nice to me." Connor stated, still holding the coffee cup.
"Because I said so. You do as you are told, or are you a deviant hm?"
Connor looked at the empty cup.
"I only take orders from Lieutenant Anderson."
Connor walked away from Gavin over to the coffee machine. He poured Hank a fresh cup of coffee. Hank looked over to see Gavin standing behind Connor. Connor turns around after pouring Hank coffee. He goes to walk back to his desk when Gavin puts his arm in front of him and pushes him backwards, spilling some coffee on his shirt. Hank stood up and walked over to then.
"Fucking peice of plastic. I bet if i poured this on you, you would melt. Hm. Let's find out, shall we." Gavin grabs the coffee cup, takes a sip, and pours some of it on his head. Connor winced as some of the coffee dripped down his face, which slightly burned it, leaving red marks.
"Well shit. Didn't go as planned." Gavin snickered.
Hank stormed up to Gavin and pushed him away.
"The fuck Anderson."
Hank stood infront of Gavin and looked down on him. He raised his finger.
"I see you lay a finger on him again. Things are not going to be pretty."
Hank stared Gavin down until he eventually walked off. Connor stood holding a tea towel, trying to get the stains out of his shirt. He later wiped his face, getting the hot coffee off. He winced as he wiped his face because a couple burns had been left from the hot coffee that irritated his skin. Hank turned to Connor, seeing him wince.
"Are you alright, Connor?"
He nodded.
"Come here, I'll get you cleaned up."
Hank put his hand on Connor's back and took him to the bathroom. He wet the towel with some cool water. He dabbed it on the burns.
"Ow." Connor winced.
"Sorry, Con." Hank dabbed it again.
After the burns had been taken care of, Connor washed his hair under the sink and automatically dried it.
"I'll be outside for you. You do remember where we parked the car, don't you?"
Connor nodded. Hank made his way out the bathroom and walked to the car in the parking lot. Connor only a few minutes later followed Hank out the building. Gavin purpously bumped into him, knocking him over.
"Even falls like a tin can." Gavin sneered.
Connor picked himself up and made his way out of the building. He saw Hank sat in his car waiting for him air-drumming to Knight's of the Black Death. He could hear the tune get louder as he approached the car. When Hank saw him approach, he turned the volume down slightly. Connor opened the car door and got in. Hank turned the engine on, and they began to reverse. Connor looked at the doorway and saw Gavin gesturing the middle finger at him.
"GO FUCK YOURELF PEICE OF ME-!" Gavin began to shout.
Hank turned up the music, so Connor couldn't hear the rest of the sentence.
"How are the burns?" Hank said, trying to make conversation.
Connor shrugged.
There were a few minutes of silence.
"When I was leaving the office, Gavin bumped into me and knocked me over. My work pants have holes in them now." Connor said, disappointed as he looked at the holes in the knees.
"Fuck Gavin, he's a moron for no reason. He just likes hurting you because he doesn't know that you can feel it, unlike other androids. Well, you're a deviant, but he doesn't know that."
Connor nodded. They stopped at some traffic lights.
"Just don't let him get to you, ok? And if he does anything to you, you tell me, and I will knock his lights out."
Connor mirrored Hank's lop-sided smile.
They pulled up to their driveway 20 minutes after they left the office. Hank and Connor both got out of the car.
"No cause, why would they make a completely different labelled shade for something that is nearly the exact same. Fucking retarded." Hank snickered.
Hank went round the back of the car and opened the trunk.
"Connor catch." He threw the front door keys for him to open the door.
"If you think about it, maybe people have a certain shade in mind that is one of them but not the other." Connor continued the conversation while fitting the key in the door.
He twisted down the handle and pushed the door open, hoping to find Sumo shower him with love. Instead of that, he saw Sumo on the floor.. dead. He just thought Sumo was asleep. He went over to him and analysed his body.
*limp limbs, stuck out motionless tongue, eyes open unable to blink, no heartbeat, chest stone cold.*
Connor fell to his knees in front of him. His hands wrapped around his head and lifted it. He pulled Sumo's limp body over his knee.
"Isn't it called like fucking.."
Hank froze in his place.
"HANK HELP!" shouted Connor as he turned his head, and waterfalls of tears rushed down his face and landed on Sumo's nose.
Hank dropped everything he was holding and ran over to Connor. He looked at Sumo's sagged, cracked face.
"Connor call the vet."
Hanks voice cracked as he instructed Connor. Connor ran into the kitchen and picked up the landline. It rang 3 times before they answered. Connor couldn't speak. His throat was dry, and he got that same ache in his head. He then managed to force out in a spluttered tone.
"Please help."
An hour after Sumo's body got taken away to get buerried at the pet semitary, Hank and Connor just sat. Everythimg seemed so empty. Connor held Sumo's collar in his hands, whereas Hank just sat on his bed in his room. He looked out the window through the gap in the curtains where the moon shon through. He walked up to the window and opened the curtains. A comet flew past the window, creating light. He rested against the windowsill. He slumped his head into his hands. He wanted to seem strong for Connor, knowing that Connor was not strong himself. He wanted to be there for him whenever he needed him. But sometimes Hank was not so strong himself, and he would need the comfort from Connor like Hank would to him.
Connor was sitting in the living room on the couch. He held Sumo's collar in his hands, clutching it tightly as he sobbed. He was also worried about Hank. He knew that Hank suffered like he did. He was worried that Hank would try and kill himself again. What if Hank was already dead? What if Hank had overdosed in his bedroom out of grief? Connor looked up and saw Sumo's bed vacant. It was hardly ever like that. And now it would be like that forever. Just abandoned. Connor sobbed at the thought that he didn't even get to say goodbye to Sumo. This morning, they were called into work early. Connor looked at his bowl in the kitchen, still half full from this morning. Connor was filled with sorrow, knowing that he didn't get to finish eating.
Connor stood up from the couch and walked towards the front door. He put his shoes on and pit on Hanks jacket. He picked up Sumo's collar and opened the door. Hank looked out of his bedroom window and saw Connor walking across the street away from the house. A few minutes went by, and Hank could not stop thinking of Connor. He was constantly worrying about how he would handle this. Hank exited his room and went to put his shoes on. He noticed that Connor had taken his jacket, so he went out in just a hoodie. He knew exactly where Connor had gone.
Hank walked up to the bench, which Connor was sitting on. He stood next to him just in his line of view. Hank knew it was bad as Connor was wearing his hood up and his knees to his chest. It's sort of like a confort mechanism for when he is upset. He just scrunches up. Hank looked at Connor for a few minutes. He decided to sit down next to him. Connor felt the heat off his body even though they were on opposite sides of the bench. It was so much more warm.
It started to rain. A droplet landed on Sumo's collar right on the name. Another one did. But that time, it wasn't rain. It was a tear from Connor. Hank looked over and saw him crying. It pained him to see him like this. He shuffled closer to him, making the warmth grow stronger. Connor sensed that he was sitting right next to him. He moved his head to the left so that it was resting on his shoulder. He wiped the combination of tears and rain off the collar just for more to come crashing down.
The rain started to get heavier. Hank could feel the rain soak into his jumper. And also the tears from Connor on his shoulder. He lifted his arm and put it around his back. As soon as Hank did this, he heard Connor start sobbing. His shoulder began to get more and more damp. Connor dug his head into Hank's jumper and held him tightly round his waist. Hank saw a flash of lightling and as a reflex from when Cole was afraid. Before the thunder sounded, he covered Connor's ears. Connor tensed when the thunder sounded, squeezing his eyes shut tight. Hank noticed and tightened the hug.
"Jesus Connor. If you are like this now, I wonder what will happen when I'm gone."
Connor's lip quivered at the sentence. He didn't want to think about it, not now. But Hank had got it embedded into his mind. Another flash of lighting is what Hank saw before him. He quickly re-covered Connor's ears before it sounded once more.
"I've got you. It's okay." Hank sunk his head into Connor's jumper while still soaking wet from the rain.
*1 week later*
Hank was sitting in the kitchen looking outside once again, drinking a glass of beer. Connor had not been out of his room at all in a week, apart from the occasional snack from the kitchen. Even though he didn't need to eat, he must have thought he had nothing better to do and eating was just to entertain himself. Hank took a sip of beer and continued to watch the raindrops down the window. Connor opened his door, but Hank thought he was just coming to get another snack. He just left him to it. Connor stood behind Hank. He turned around and saw Connor's red sore eyes.
"I'm sorry."
Hank turned his chair towards Connor, who sounded so exhausted. Hank took his wrist to search for s|h.
"Did you hurt yourself? Why are you sorry?" Hank replied, worried.
Connor shook his head.
"No, I didn't. I just wasn't there for you. I was too focused on myself, and I shut myself out. I have no energy, and I can't do anything physically. Gavin is starting to get to my mind, and I'm so tired." Connor wiped his eyes that started to leak.
"I'm scared that you will hurt yourself, Hank. Sumo was like another son to you. But you are like a dad to me, and I.." Connor paused and looked up at Hank.
His eyes filled up with tears as Hank looked down and pitted upon him. Connor looked at the beer bottle in his hand before making it clear that was the issue. Hank looked down to see what he was looking at. He realised what was making him so upset. Connor dug his head into Hank's chest and began to weep uncontrollably. Hank placed the beer glass down on a coaster on the table and put his arms around Connor's back.
"I'm sorry, son."
Hank looked up at the ceiling to ensure that his tears would not fall on Connor. Alas, they still did. This was the first time that Connor had seen Hank cry like this. Hank excused himself from the hug before making his way to the couch. He sat on the edge of it, and with his hands covering his face, he let it all out.
"I'm a fucking failure Connor. I've failed you as a father figure. I failed Cole as his fucking father. I couldn't even look after my own fucking dog. It's my fault that I don't have anyone left."
Connor watched as Hank slumped on to the ground. His lip quivering, his hands shaking, and his eyes tightly shut. He couldn't stand to see Hank like this. He rushed over to him and lay on the couch with his arms around Hank's neck.
"Please, Hank. Please stop."
Connor's muffled pleads filled the house alongside Hank's cries.
"What the fuck do you want to stop. Fucking crying? I'm going to tell you now that i will not stop crying over this."
Hank pushed Connor's arm off him and stood up. He faced him with a glare.
"You may be a fucking android and not feel a thing, but do you forget that I am a human and feel emotions. You could be faking this whole thing. You could not even care about me. Because at this MOMENT IN TIME! IT FUCKING FEELS LIKE IT!"
Hank bellowed at the top of his lungs as he loomed over Connor making him feel hopeless. The stern expession on Hank's face turns from furious to pure guilt in a matter of seconds when he realised what he did. Connor stared up at him in pure fear after looking at what Hank had turned into. He was scared to cry because he thought that Hank may not care what he did anymore. Connor couldn't hold it anymore. He slowly but surely moved his knees up to his chest and buerried his head, shutting everything out as he wailed.
End of ep.5 part.1
ep.6 part.2 coming soon
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Ok @quodekash thanks for the tag(!!!) but I just have to open a new chain this thing is lagging as hell😅
1. Are you named after anyone?
Well my second name is the female version of my grandpa's name while the first one is "original". But, my first name is way cuter and I usually use that one. (I will actually kill you if you ever use my second name)
2. When was the last time you cried?
A couple of days ago actually, during my therapy appointment. It was the first time I've ever cried there🤔
3. Do you have kids?
Objectivively? No
Figuratively? YES.
4. What sports do you have/have you played?
I did some dance classes when I was a kid and I took on swimming for like six months.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I'm more of a Passive Agressive type of person. My best friend says that I'm a Bad Person trying not to show it but who still wants to be a bitch about things.
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone?
I don't know??? I do the usual fruity assasment but yeah...
7. Eye colour?
8. Scary Movies or Happy Endings?
Happy endings. I want Hurt/Comfort - Angst with a Happy Ending showed down my throught
9. Any talents?
... I don't know? I don't know if the things I can do can be considered talents...
(self love wooho)
10. Where were you born?
In a hospital somewhere on earth
11. Do you have any hobbies?
Maaan this is gonna be long:
Reading books, comics, webcomics, mangas and fanfictions.
I like tv series, cartoons and Bls.
Obviously films.
Animated movies are YES.
Choice based videogames. Like DBH or LIS.
I like the LEGO stuff!
Marvel. Just MARVEL! And some DC too.
Writing and translating (yes as a hobby).
Recently I started making lists and playlists (they are SO good for stress).
Listening to music of course.
Watching Youtube.
Scrolling endlesslu trough Tumblr.
12. Do you have any pets?
I have a dog, his name is Holly and when he's not ignoring me he is veeeeery cute.
13. How tall are you?
1,68 (I do NOT intend to use the Feet Sistem, you uncultured vikings)
14. Favourite Subject in school?
15. Dream Job?
I want to translate books.
Npts: @emozionidinchiostro @fenoy7 @waitupimalittleslow183 @saladbroth @artemis-skadi-morrigan @dark-sky-official
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bluiex · 2 years
Scar rasped for air, the weight of his synthetic lungs filling up in sporadic, uneven gasps, a sensation he had never truly focused on before. There was something moving in his chest that kept his brain operational: organs, made of titanium and platinum and other laboratory-created parts, all engineered to function perfectly without interruption.
The engineers call these 'biocomponents'. That word made Scar feel an unpleasant shift under his (plastic) skin, the reminder that he is not of the same value as a human life. But they were his organs, his lungs, his heart, all his. Even with the CyberLife logo stamped uniformly on each piece, they were his now.
His. They were his. He owned something, he owned his body. Humans were responsible for their own bodies, why couldn't Scar be responsible for his?
Scar. That name was given to him. It didn't feel the same as a newborn child being lovingly titled by their parents, no, his name felt closer to that of a foreign pet; you give it a name so that it'll listen when you call it. He was no better than a dog in that regard.
And yet, he did not want to part with it. For as bitter as he wanted to be, as bitter as the other deviants were over similar matters, he would keep his name. It was given to him by a friend, after all. _____ guess who's writing a dbh au now... and because i love making things difficult, there's a reason that grian wouldn't exactly be thrilled at a deviant scar (he may or may not have had a few bad run ins with aggressive deviants in the past that have fucked his brain up :) ) -☾
YES SCAR BE FREE! Gods- so good!! *holds this gently* Scar deviant my beloved...
OSJDHF I love that more actually, yes please- Grian deviant trauma hehehhjbk
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flavoredstrawberry · 1 year
Looking For Discord RP Partners !!
Hello ! I don't really have a name name but I'm 19 yo it/they looking for some partners to roleplay with from various fandoms !! Notably Hermitcraft , DSMP , Valorant , Overwatch , ect . I'd prefer my roleplay partners to be 18+ please just because it makes me more comfortable as an adult :)
more info on who i write , ships , plus my discord ⇣
Muses I write:
Overwatch: Hanzo , Cassidy , Genji , Mercy , Sigma , Sombra , Widowmaker , Lucio , Zenyatta , Lynx17 , D.Va , Junkrat .
MCYT: Xisumavoid , WilburSoot , Grian , Cubfan135 , Quackity , Mumbo , Tommyinnit , Philza , Dream , Etho , Bdoubleo100 , Schlatt , Zedaph , Tangotek , Fundy , Iskall85 , Solidarity , Technoblade , Aimsey , George , Sapnap .
Valorant: Fade , Killjoy , Chamber , Cypher , Omen , Sage , Yoru .
Genshin: Aether , Venti .
Misc: Dipper Pines , Stanley Pines , Jinx/Powder , Viktor , Haru Kato , Doctor Who (11th) , Pearl , Lapis , Peridot , Frisk , Crona , Connor (DBH) , Peter Parker , Aizawa , Deku , Piers , Bede , Link (totk) , Amanda Oneill , Lottey Anson , Sucy Manbavaran , Nick Hoult , Niel Hoult (all saint's street) , Dr . Flug .
Ships I Enjoy:
Hanzo/Cassidy , Cassidy/Genji , Ashe/Mercy , Pharah/Mercy , Lucio/Doomfist , Widowmaker/Ashe , Zenyatta/Genji , Soldier/Reaper , Lynx17/Zarya , Kiriko/D.Va , Soldier/Genji .
Wilbur/Schlatt , Quackity/Wilbur , Xisuma/Keralis , Biffa/Xisuma , Scar/Grian , Grian/Mumbo , Cubfan/Scar , Dream/Wilbur , Etho/Bdubs , Sapnap/Karl , Quackity/Sapnap , Dream/Awesamdude , Fundy/Dream , Zedaph/Tango/Impulse , Wilbur/Schlatt/Quackity , Solidary/Scott , Mumbo/Iskall
Killjoy/Raze , Sage/Jett , Sage/Reyna , Yoru/Chamber/Phoenix , Cypher/Omen/Chamber
Haru Kato/Daisuke Kambe
Aizawa/Allmight , Aizawa/Present Mic
Piers/Leon , Raihan/Piers
Link/Zelda , Link/Ganon
Dr. Flug/ Black Hat
(I'm not opposed to most ships so just ask if you want a specific one or even if there might be a fandom I haven't mentioned here you are interested in , I also do ocs . )
I perfer my partners to be 18+ so we could add sexual roleplay to our plots and ideas , it also makes me more comfortable as a 19 year old to have a partner above age .
Kinks: Public Sex , Humilation , Impregnation , Dubious Consent , Bondage , Oral Fixtation , Omorashi , Edging , Over Stimulation , Degradtion , Praise , Object Insertion , Pet Play , Spanking , ect .
Like before if there is something you are interested in not listed just ask . I'm not super picky about these things and I do not expect sexual roleplay immediately or at all . The option , however , is nice to have . Also , I do perfer the submissive role in these things , I can subtop or dombottom but not domtop , thank you for understanding .
I'm also more than open for alternate universes , ocs , supers heros , medieval , I love that shit . Also as a transmasc some characters I write will be transed based on how I'm feeling .
Finally !
add my discord to write/discuss: voidedfern#8997 <3
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iwonderwh0 · 6 months
Watching RoboCop for the first time
Wait, the RoboCop movie is also taking place in Detroit? Really?
That old man looks like realistic version of mr Burns from the Simpsons
The idea that solution to high crime rates is some supercop is like the idea of hostile architecture being the solution to homelessness
Did they put a sample of a lion roaring into that cop bot?
Oh damn, so that's where this scene is from😳
"Somebody call a god damn paramedic!" Lmao, yeah, they better hurry, right? 💀
Old crusty men instantly going on about how much it costs, classic 👌
"Oh, Shit, Clarence, my leg!" It isn't supposed to me comical (I think?), but it sounds too much like that fish from SpongeBob
"Can you fly, Bobby?" "Clarence, no!" No but really why do they sound so much like cartoon characters? I mean, it's so fun, is this supposed to be funny?
Huh, surprisingly comedy isn't listed, but I feel like it is really much intentional. Now I'd love to see it in a company
Oh, that was a dickstraction! Really such a dick move
Holy, I must admit, those gory special effects are working and getting me off guard every time
Oh, they haven't finished 😳
Damn, they really haven't finished
It's just keep going and going holy shit
No surgeon is wearing any kind of protection mask or anything wth
Lmao, imagine being turned into a cyborg but now having your vision in a fucking CRT
Holster built into a leg? Huh, that's actually really cool idea for a cop robot
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And I'm pretty sure I've seen Perkins too
Here it is
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Hah, I wonder how many more familiar surnames there are in here
Oh, another one! Miller!
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I like this movie, I somehow didn't expect it to be funny at all
Why do men get so homoerotic when they're trying to be intimidating to each other? Crossing the personal space and murmuring into the nape of the person they're trying to scare in a hushed voice, using half-humiliating infantilizing pet-names like "buddy-boy"? Come on...
He's even cradling his hair gently, help 💀
It's not specific to only the RoboCop, but I just find it so funny to see it when it occurs in movies
The operator is so animated in this movie, I love it
Actually, I just realised that the surname Lewis is ALSO used in dbh
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Ah, yes, the true duel, "robot vs the stairs", who'll win?
Apparently it's the stairs
Well, it got a lot less fun closer to the end. Still a fun watch tho
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