#dd mild
coffee-in-veins · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Darkest Dungeon (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Crusader/Highwayman (Darkest Dungeon), Reymas Characters: Crusader (Darkest Dungeon), Highwayman (Darkest Dungeon), Collected Highwayman (Darkest Dungeon) Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Darkest Dungeon 2023 zine entry, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Mental Instability, Bittersweet, part of a bigger fanfic, Survivor Guilt, dubious coping mechanisms, Mutual pinning if you squint, i'm in reymas hell and it's cozy in here Series: Part 5 of Nowhereland’s Apocrypha Summary:
Proud to finally be able to show you my contribution to the Darkest Dungeon 2023 fanzine! You can check the zine here: https://www.ddzine2023.com/
Reynauld is trying to rebuild his relationship with his dearest companion... to the horror of the rest of Hamlet, who see this as his slow but steady decline into madness.
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solipseismic · 3 months
lovingly and affectionately curating a beautiful dashboard experience for my beloved followers by going further up the rb chain to reblog a post without that annoying fucking addition
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simikae · 2 years
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vayu HRAUGHHH! noise dot mp4
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milimeters-morales · 2 years
imagine you get caught stealing by team red and they’re like “kid! shock em!!! show em who’s boss!!” and you look over to the kid in question and he’s like this in the corner
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kaiserin-erzsebet · 1 year
Quincey @ Jack 🤝 Mina @ van Helsing - you are coming with us to eat
People who recognize that sometimes other people need to be told rather than asked.
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arosebyan0thername · 2 years
God gives his transgenderest battles to his squiggliest spined soldiers 😔
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earth2rin · 6 months
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bakugo x fem!reader college au
2.1k words
warnings: mild cursing, slightly suggestive, alcohol use
friends not answering your calls? ubers not available? guess it’s time for your last resort.
“fuck” you slur as your screen reads that iida had not answered your phone. you called jirou, then momo, then izuku, todoroki, sero and kiri, but no answer.
you were drunk. absolutely hammered and the clock on your phone currently reads 2:37 in the morning. there were no ubers available and you were in desperate need of a ride home back to your apartment from the college frat party you and your friends decided to go to.
you originally had a DD, but ochako ended up leaving early, something about deku getting home earlier than expected from his trip in the states. you told her to go and see her man, and how she better fill you in on all the deets or else you were never going to cover for her whenever she and deku “mysteriously” disappear from functions.
so here you sat on the couch in some random fraternity house, pouting about how you had no idea of how you were gonna get home. the music was loud and your body was buzzing, all the loud conversations going on around you didn’t help brighten your mood. you were tired, and your feet hurt from the heels you were wearing. you wanted to go home. you contemplated just crashing on the couch and waking up super early to leave, but the skirt you were wearing would ride up every 5 minutes and you were sure if you slept on the couch someone would get a show when they would wake up in the morning. you also thought about walking home but for obvious reasons you decided against it, walking 7 miles in the middle of the night in a miniskirt was an absolute no!
then an idea popped into your head. you had absolutely no faith, but it was your last chance to get home before you started walking. you chewed on your lip, anxiety making you ponder if you really should go through with it, it wasn’t like you had any other choice!
biting the inside of your cheek, you wait as you hear the familiar sound of your phone ringing, hoping the call will go through. your nerves grew as the ringing had continued in your ears.
“hello?” a gruff voice answers on the other end of the line.
“bakugo! oh my god i’m surprised you answered!” you say excitedly, smile extending from ear to ear.
“the fuck are you calling me for? it’s 3 in the god damn morning” he mumbles, you bite on your lip from being chewed out at.
“listen, i’m reeeeally sorry, but i’m really drunk and i need a ride home.” you whine and the desperation in your voice makes you cringe but you really meant it.
“so fucking call some one else, don’t bother me!” he sounds angry and your eyes begin to well with tears.
“i did! but no one wants to answer me and i’m really tired and want to go home, but my feet hurt and i can’t walk home and i’m hungry and there’s no food here, and i really want to go home.” you babble as the tears start pouring and the people around you give you stares but you’re too drunk to care right now.
“alright alright i’ll come get you! jus’ quit your crying already” you manage to get out a broken and whiny ‘okay’ before he asks you to send your location hangs up
even though you know you’ll regret it in the morning, you take 3 more shots and wander out into the front yard. the grass is cool, dewy from the 3am air and the leaves in the trees sway from the light breeze. the moon is out, and you can’t help but stare, mesmerized by its beauty. you find yourself lying in the grass, staring at the sky, hoping the nauseous feeling and pounding headache would go away soon.
your eyes begin to flutter shut, but soon you hear a voice speak up.
“what are you doing on the ground?” you flutter your eyes open and there standing at your feet was bakugo katsuki.
“oh heyyy. ‘m jus a little tired” you smile.
he stares at you and sighs
“well c’mon, get your ass up and let’s get you home.” you shake your head and pout.
“don’t wanna. ‘m so comfy. i think i'll throw up if i stand.” your brows furrow as you adjust your head, turning it to your side.
he groans, dragging and his hand down his face.
“alright, c’mon, up and attem” he lifts you up, throwing you over his shoulder (making sure to cover your ass from anyone seeing your baby pink underwear) and you groan.
“oh god, you’re making me nauseous!” your cheeks bubble up, trying to hold back your barf as you see the ground move from underneath you.
rolling his eyes, he replies “oh buck up, we’re almost at my car.”
you stare for a little, speaking up to drunkenly say, “you have a nice ass” and he pinches your arm, making you squeal and giggle.
you feel him stop, and hear the sound of a car door opening. he gently puts you in the seat and squats down.
“what are you doin?” you hum, eyes closed.
“give me your foot” he mumbles.
you make a confused face to which he replies, “just give me your damn foot!” you comply, sticking out your foot and frowning for being scolded.
he gently unclasps your heels and sets them underneath your seat, repeating the motions for your other foot. he then sets your feet in the car and leans over you, buckling your seatbelt for you.
you catch a whiff of his cologne and you internally sigh, he smelt absolutely heavenly. it didn’t help that he was wearing a wifebeater and his biceps were bulging right in front of your eyes. you wanted to bite him. he was ethereal, a sight to behold, an angel in front of you. why couldn’t he like you?
closing the door, he makes his way to the driver seat and hops in, tying himself in.
“ ‘m cold” you whine, and he turns around to his backseat and grabs a blanket, placing it in your lap.
you unfold it and wrap yourself in it, secretly taking a whiff and hiding your smile in the blanket.
“thanks” you quietly say, he nods in acknowledgment.
the ride to your apartment is comfortable. the radio playing music quietly, leaving you both to your thoughts. you had known bakugo since high school. you had been close friends with deku, and you knew his infamous bully. you tried to help deku and even defended him, but all izuku would say was that it was okay and that you didn’t need to fight for him. so you let izuku handle it, next thing you know you’re all at the same college. your class had all been relatively close, almost everyone was friends. but for some reason bakugo could just not stand you. you tried to figure out why, but you never really had interactions with him so there was nothing that tipped the scale.
you decided to not let it bother you, which was hard because you unfortunately found him ridiculously attractive. you couldn’t help but think about what it would be like to be friends, but you never acted upon your thoughts, settling in the belief that ignorance is bliss.
“you hungry?” you turn your head and blink.
“no ‘m okay, thanks.” you turn your head back to the window and he chuckles.
“alright but you’ll regret it in the morning.”
your eyes widen and you snap your head back to him.
“wait! i am hungry!” he rolls his eyes and says ‘okay’, pulling into a taco bell.
you feel giddy as he hands you your burrito, immediately unwrapping and chowing down on the warm heaven sent food.
“thanks!” you say with a smile and a full mouth, to which he slightly grimaces and says that you owe him one, which you decide to ignore.
shortly after, you arrive at your apartment and he parks, getting out to open your door.
“i don’t wanna go im barefoot! that means i’ll have to walk across the dirty concrete!” you whine and he tries his best not to show his frustration, but the vein popping out on his forehead says otherwise.
“c’mon, i came all this way AND bought you taco bell and you can’t even walk to the door?” you pout and he groans, tossing you over his shoulder again.
he grabs your heels and your purse, beginning his tread up the stairs.
“wait a minute, how do ya know where i live, hmm?”
he rolls his eyes, which he knows you can’t see and responds, “you had a party for ochako remember?”
you gasp and giggle, “oh yeah! and then they left early so they could fu-“
“and we’re here!” he cuts you off, digging through your purse for your keys.
once in your apartment, he asks where your bedroom is, finding the room he sets you down on your bed and puts your heels by your closet. he leaves the room, heading to your kitchen. you frown due to the lack of his company, but he returns with a glass of water and a bottle of tylenol.
“here, take this for your feet and headache.” you grab the two pills he’d taken out the bottle and swallow them, chugging the water shortly after. the tension is thick as you both stare at each other.
you get up, walk to your dresser and look through your drawers, he stands awkwardly behind you trying hard not to stare at your ass as you bend over to look for pajamas. you began stripping and before you can get your tube top over your head he blurts out.
“where’s your bathroom?” you turn your head and blink at him.
“i have an en suite, it’s the door to your left,” he nods and quickly rushes inside the room.
after changing into your pajamas you make yourself comfortable in your sheets, waiting for bakugo to exit your bathroom. your eyes begin to shut until you hear the click of the door opening.
he had assumed you’d fallen asleep and began to exit your room.
“why don’t you like me?” you mutter. he freezes, he feels like a deer caught in headlights.
“what are you talking about?” he plays dumb but you don’t falter.
“why don’t you like me?” you repeat, this time more confidently.
he swallows thickly and turns to look at you, you sit up and look at him.
“i never said i didn’t like you.” he says as if it’s a matter of fact.
“well you sure as hell make it seem like i’m the last person on earth you’d rather be with.” you chuckle bitterly, the alcohol coursing through your veins giving you the courage to say what you’ve always wondered.
“it’s a shame really, i thought we could be good friends, i find you quite charming, dashing even. i wouldn’t have minded if things went further then just being friends as well.” you sigh falling back into your sheets, snuggling into your comforter.
“that makes two of us.” he mumbles and he thinks you didn’t hear it, but you remove your blankets and make your way towards him.
“well maybe when you give up the act of thinking i’m insufferable you could give me a call, yeah?”
he’s at a loss for words, you’re standing awfully too close to him, he can feel the heat radiating off of your body and it sends shivers down his spine. he swallows, examining your face and he licks his lips.
“you're drunk, you don’t know what you’re saying” he tries to rationalize, more to himself than you.
“oh i’m perfectly aware of what i’m saying” you send him a small coy smile and he feels butterflies as you stare into his eyes.
“if i call you sometime will you go to bed already?” he takes a small step closer and you smile at him.
“anything you’d like.”
“i’ll call you then.”
you nod like a school girl, and head back to your bed.
“night.” you say as he slips through your door.
the next morning you woke up with a horrendous headache, making your way to the kitchen for some water. a bottle of vitamin c gummies, a free pizza coupon and the blanket you had last night folded up were sitting on your counter top. on the bottle of vitamin c there was a sticky note attached.
for the hangover. call you tonight?
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alcinaslittlemaid · 4 months
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Naughty Little Lamb~
Pennywise 2017xFem!reader
•Warnings: Smutty smut, degradation, spanking (a lot), angry sex.. and much much more, Mild DD/LG (tiny bit) uses of pet names
(I’m not great at writing buts it’s the red hour 😳🌶️)
Come join the clown~
The hour was very late, you had struggled to get to sleep and Pennywise had gone out hunting. You felt a familiar throbbing in your underwear, by god you were missing him so much, your hand slipped down between your silky thighs and coating your fingers were your own sinuous juices.
You smirked and began pleasuring yourself, grabbing your vibrator imagining penny’s long slippery tongue slurping your insides out, your toes began to curl as you bucked your hips in submission, your mind travelling further, now imagining how smaller tentacles would slither out, gripping your thighs to keep you in place, long slimy tentacles restricting your movement, as his long, hard alien-like tentacle is forcible pushed into your tight hole, the ridges of his length hitting your clit as he completely ruins you.
Trying to get his entire length inside your tight, little cunt, you were getting close, finally going to be rid of your need for him (until tomorrow that is) you were almost riding your vibrator with pleasure
“Dooonnnt youuuu Dareeee~” that taunting voice in your head rang out like a bell you had recognised all too well
“Fuck…” you whined “Watch your mouth little slut” the voice growled, it’s raspy voice grunted in your ear as you slowly peeked up at the darkened side of your room, there…two golden orbs stared back at you, dark red circles rimmed it’s golden stare
“Oh my~ look at the filthy mess you’ve made, you dirty little slut” pennywise barked, stepping towards you “my! Dirty little sewer slut” he grinned before sitting down
“Come” he snapped patting his lap “But you said I couldn’t-“ you attempted a joke, but the state he gave you was stern, cold and deadly
“I said…COME!” He snapped, before dragging you roughly over his knee, your ass now presented to him like his next meal on a silver platter “Ah! Ow your hurting me! Penny what the fu-“ you were soon cut off by his to clawed fingers “Good little girls should be seen and not heard” his fingers were almost in your throat, you hadn’t a clue what was happening.
“You’ve been such a naughty, filthy little lamb Y/N” he teased before hiking your skirt up higher, his tentacles keeping you tightly in place as his hand slowly lifted behind your rear
“Now, we’re gonna play a little game~” he began, you shook your head at his silly games, but he was having none of it
“your gonna count every time I spank that little ass” he continued “and if you mess up or miss a number, they’re gonna restart and be even harsher…got it?” He hissed, you squealed and tried to squirm out of his grasp
“Ohhhh you wanna play hide and seek? Okay! If hide and I don’t find you in under 2 minutes I won’t punish you! We can doooo whatever you want~” he had crossed his fingers behind his back while saying that. You nodded and took off running, trying to find a hiding place he hasn’t seen yet, meanwhile the clown began to the countdown to your demise
“Shit” you winced
“Fuck fuck fuck!”
You finally found a spot, sliding into it and shutting the door behind you ever so silently, you sunk beneath the piles of sheets and bedding
“10! Ready or not little bunny! Mr wolf is coming to find you hahahah” He cackled maniacally and began searching for you, his boots thudding against the ground in desperation. This was horrifying, he could do anything to you…you could hear doors opening and the disappointed sigh when you weren’t there “Oh my little lamb you are clever..” He then opened the door to your linen cupboard “but not clever enough- oh! Oh fuck where on earth is that little girl?” He slammed the door shut and began walking away…or so you thought
As soon as you heard a door downstairs creak open, you poked your head out and began sneaking back to your bedroom thinking you had won.
You were suddenly pinned to the ground by his clawed glove “You! You are so gullible…you think I couldn’t smell that throbbing, aching slit? Hahaha oh little one, you fell for the oldest trick in the book! You are a fly in my spider web” he giggled maniacally in pure pleasure, before dragging you back to the bedroom, a thread of drool trailing behind and a sinful, sadistic look in his eye.
End of part 1🎈
Lemme know what y’all think and I’ll write the next part!!
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The Look
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summary: its awards season. meaning glits, glam, and harry looking like a total snack at events.
word count: 8.8K (i got carried away 😬)
read time: 37 min
content warning ⚠️: D/s dynamics, MAJOR DADDY KINK, subspace, dom space, dd/lg (if you squint), (filthy) dirty talk, mild & sweet degradation, pet names (love, lovie, baby, baby girl, good girl, baby love), possessive!harry (if you squint), anal play (plugs), nipple clamps, light bondage (if you squint), spanking, paddling, (mention of flogging/ a flogger), fingering, ring kink (is this a thing? sure.), hand kink, light choking, manhandling (kind of), unprotected sex (and the mess that comes with it), (slight) hair pulling. If I messed something let me know!
a/n: I saw this picture of Rihanna looking at A$AP Rocky like she was about to suck the soul out of that man in front of all those people….and then I wrote this. and I'll do it again lol. Enjoy! 😉
You were bored, and beyond ready to go home. You hated award season, selfishly. You knew what it meant for Harry, and you were always so proud of him, and his accomplishments. But dammit did you hate all that came along with it. Dressing up and cameras, let alone the interviews. You’d only ever get a question or two thrown at you,but regardless, you were not built for it.
But Harry, he was a natural born star. He didn’t love the attention all of the time, but you knew him well enough to know that he did get a bit of a kick out of the attention. And he knew how to handle it far better than you ever could. It made you feel all the more guilty when all you wanted to do was stay home, cook a nice meal together and watch your shows. But you were nothing if not supportive, always taking one for the team, even if the team was just Harry. “It’s just a few hours,” you’d tell yourself. “Just a few hours and then I can have him all to myself the rest of the night.”And that’s what you told yourself, and that's how you ended up here, at some after party, in a dress, vacuum sealed to your body in heels that feel like stilts, and a little too tipsy from the free-flowing champagne.
Harry had just gotten off the small stage,giving a speech about…something. And while you were so proud of him, and how he commanded a room, you hadn’t heard a word he said. You were too busy gawking at your charming, devilishly handsome boyfriend.
Harry works his way through the crowd, eyes locked on you and dimples popped as he tries his best to make it to your side. He’s stopped a few times, gives some pleasantries before he’s by your side again, kissing your temple.
“You, alright?” he asks. You nod with a hum, looking up at him over your champagne flute.
“Why are you looking at me like that,” Harry smirks, wrapping his arm around your waist pulling you in. Harry knows the look, it's a look you only ever give him when you're in one of your moods. And it usually precedes you sucking the soul out of him.
“Like what?” you ask, earnestly.
“Right,” He chuckles, eyes looking down at your lip tucked between your teeth.
“What? I’m not looking at you like anything!” You defend, leaning up to kiss his cheek. And then it dawns on him.
You don’t even realize just how you’d been looking at him. All pout, and doe eyes, begging to be fucked and taken care of like you deserve.
“Nothing, honey.” He places a hand on your cheek smirking before leaning and kissing your forehead. “Let’s head out, hm? You look tired.”
“I’m fine! We can stay.” you lie, grateful that he’s suggested you head out early.
“Baby,” he says with a smile, but his tone is the one that makes your legs feel like Jell-O, “We’re going home. I did my obligation. I’ll go get the car. You meet me out front, after you’ve said your goodbye to everyone alright?” He asks, but it’s more like a demand.
You nod with a smile, finishing your drink. He kisses the top of your head, and you watch him make his exit.
“You sounded great up there, Har.” You smile reaching for his hand resting on the shift. He laces your fingers together, kissing by the back of your hand.
“Thanks, Baby Love.” he says with a gentle smile. He pulls up to a red light, looking over at you. “You looked gorgeous tonight baby.”
“You’ve said that already.” you giggle, feeling your cheeks warm up. You lean your head back against the headrest, nibbling at your bottom lip, “A few times actually.”
“And I meant it every time I said it. And I mean it now.” he smirks.
“You look good too.” you smirk.You reach your hand up to his hair at the name of his neck, playing with the curls there. “Your hair looks nice like this. It’s very 90’s Leo.” You giggle and he smirks.
“Yeah? ‘S that a good thing?”
“Mmhmm,” you nod, “and I like this.” You say reaching over tugging on the shirt he’s wearing. It’s a black semi sheer top, with some lace detail. It’s simple, but paired with the jewelry and the fact that you can see his tattoos peeking through…you were more than pleased with tonight's outfit.
“I thought you might.” He turns his head to kiss your palm that’s made it to his cheek, giving it two spongy kisses.
The light turns and his attention is back on the road, so you watch the side of his face instead. Watch his dimple poke as he smiles. “It was written all over your face.” He chuckles after a few moments.
“What was?” You ask brows furrowed
“Those filthy thoughts of yours.” You don’t say a word, just clear your throat, nibbling on your bottom lip and turning your head looking forward. Harry looks over, eyes boring into the side of your face with a smirk. “Tell me.”
“Tell you what?”
“Tell me what filthy thoughts were going on in that pretty head of yours. Hmm?”
“Noth-” you start.
“Don’t lie to me, you know what happens when you do.” You swallow thickly looking over at him. For the second time tonight he’s used that tone. That dominant tone that only ever comes out when you ///play/// together. And it’s got you feeling all out of sorts. You squeeze your thighs together trying to soothe the ache that's sprung up between your thighs. “Tell me.” He presses once more.
“Just….thinking about playing with your hair….while you’re between my legs.” you whisper nervously.
You’d been with Harry for a while now. And you've never been shy about discussing intimacy. But when he put on that voice, and with his hand heavy on your thigh, it always seemed to make you bashful.
“And?” he prompts. Harry knows there's more, there's always more with you. “My little minx” Harry always joked.
Really he just wanted to work you up. Get you as frustrated, and hot and bothered as he could, because he had plans for tonight. Harry was finally going to reward you for being such a good girl, for him. Not just tonight and stomaching yet another event, but for all of awards season. You’ve always hated the cameras and parties. You’ve hated sharing him with the world. Selfish yes, but he felt the same about you. He couldn’t fathom how you felt every year around this time when he had to be ‘Harry Styles’ and not just your Harry, being ‘on’ all the time and away from you. But, you’ve been so good, and he knows he hasn’t been as attentive as he should be these last few months, so he was finally going to give you all the attention he’s deprived from you lately. All the attention you’ve been too shy, or scared to ask for.
“Your rings.” you finally blurt out.
“What about them?”
“I was thinking….” you pause trying to figure out the least crude way to phrase it,“About feeling them on my ass. I like when you spank me with them, and I like feeling them when…when you finger me too. It's nice.”
“You want me to spank you baby?”Harry asks cautiously. You nod your head slowly. “Why?” he asks, brows furrowed, with only a bit of concern “Did you do something to earn you a spanking?”
You and Harry were no strangers to spanking, or playing rough. But they were usually only reserved for your punishments, or ‘punishments’ as you so dubbed them, as you quite liked the feeling of Harry’s hands on you.
“Maybe.” you purred.
Now he’s intrigued. This was about teasing you before you got home. But now? This was about playing the game. His favorite game, yours too. He snaps his head toward you as you approach another red light.
“Maybe?” he quips, “You either broke a rule, or you didn't, baby? Which is it?”
You take a moment, trying to figure out which way to play it, which way would get you what you wanted most. You could continue to play coy, could lie, or you could be honest.
You chose the latter.
“I did.” you coo, biting your bottom lip.
“Hmm,” He hums, leaning over the center console to get a better look at you. Your eyes were a bit glassy already, a look you only ever got when the two of you played. When you were feeling submissive. “And what rule would that be?”
You look down at his hand that found its way from your thigh to become tangled with yours, twirling the ‘H’ and ‘S’ rings on his fingers. “No panties.” You mumbled.
He heard you, but he really enjoyed making you repeat things, especially if he knew that you were a little embarrassed. “Louder baby. And look at me.” he demands softly.
“I’m not wearing any panties.”
“No?” He mocks. You shake your head as the light turns green. Harry smirks at you, before, slowly pressing the accelerator, eyes back to the road.
“Why would you do that, baby? Go to such an important event, a room full of people with no panties on?” he asks. He knows why, or at least he suspects. But he wants to hear you say it. Likes to tease you, yes, maybe humiliate you a little for being his perfect little slut.
“I was thinking about the last time. Last week and how we…snuck away.”
He smirks looking over at you, with lust filled eyes he lifts your hand to his lips and kisses the back of your hand again. He remembers it fondly, as one of the best quickies you’ve had. Definitely the riskiest you’ve ever been, and he’s not stopped thinking about it since. And apparently neither have you.
“You didn’t wear any panties so it would be easier for me to fuck you in the bathroom again? Is that it?” he probed.
“Yes,” you squeak.
Harry stops at another red light. Cursing the fact that it seems they’ve not made a single one on your ride back. He looks over at you, dimples out, eyes dark with lust. “You like being a slut in public baby?” You nod. Chewing on your bottom lip. He reaches up, and pulls it from your teeth, running his thumb over it. “Why didn’t you ask, hmm? You know how to ask for what you want?” You shrug and squeeze your thighs tighter together. Harry takes notice and presses further, “Instead you were looking at me like a cock drunk whore.” he tuts, “In front of all those people. If I saw it, you know everyone else did too. Don’t you,sweetheart?”
“I didn’t - I don’t know.” You pouts
“It’s okay baby.” he chuckles, “I’ll take care of you when we get home okay. We’re almost there.
“Yes Sir.” you say, with a dopey grin. The honorific just slipped out, before you realized. You may have been slightly embarrassed if it weren't for the promise of what’s to come later tonight.
“Good girl.” He praises, leaning over the consol. He kisses you once, twice, and then a third time before you hear honking behind you.
Harry pulls away from your kiss, seeing the lights turned. There’s another impatient honk before Harry pulls off muttering an “asshole” under his breath, looking in the rear view mirror. You look out your window. Trying to keep yourself from moving around too much as Harry’s hand rested on your thigh, lightly massaging it.
The ride is quiet for a while, as you try to focus on not squirming, and imagining what’s in store for the night before Harry speaks again, voice all rough and authority,“You are getting punished first. You know that, don’t you baby?”
You look at him and nod your head, “Mhmm.” you hum.
Once you’ve finally pulled into the drive at home, Harry has pretty much fully entered his own Dom space and you're slipping deeper and deeper by the second into subspace. When you enter the house, he stops you at the bottom of the stairs reaching for your hand to turn you around. He cradles your face in his hands, stroking your cheeks, “I’m gonna grab some things for the night, and lock up the rest of the house. I want you on the bed in position, in nothing but this,” he says playing with the gold pendant ‘H’ around your neck “and then we’ll start. Okay?.”
You smile up at him, a warm rush going through your body, and nod. “Words, please. And repeat the instructions, for me.” he encourages.
“Go upstairs, sit in a position with only my necklace.”
“Good girl.” He smirks, grabbing your chin and kissing you deeply. He pulls away, you chasing after his lips, “No,” he tuts playfully, “Upstairs. Go.” he nods behind you towards the stairs behind you. You turn, Harry giving a light tap to your ass as you scurry up the staircase.
You’re quick to rid yourself of the uncomfortable costume of ‘celebrity girlfriend’, stripping down to nothing other than the gold necklace as promised. You sit center of the bed on your calves, hands resting on your thighs as you wait for Harry to join you.
He does as per his routine, locking up the house, and grabbing a your nightly water bottle for when you wake in the middle of the night. He does the extra task of grabbing you a snack and a few extra water bottles for the night.
When he passes the threshold of your bedroom his heart skips a beat at the sight of you, naked in the center of your bed, kneeling so pretty for him. But he doesn’t let it show. In fact he ignores you, as he enters the room, not giving you anything more than a glance. Your eyes remained trained on him as he moved through the room.
First to his side of the bed, placing the items he’d brought up with him, before heading over to your dresser, taking off his watch, and setting it in the little dish there. But you note that his rings you love so much remain on. He saunters into your walk-in closet and stays there for far too long in your opinion. Taking his time to get into his unofficial uniform for nights like this. He emerges in nothing but the same pair of relaxed fit dark denim wash jeans, that hug in all the right places, and his rings. Your favorite small velvet red box in one hand. And a leather paddle in the other.
Finally, after waiting what feels like forever, Harry strides over to you, standing at the end of the bed, placing the box on the corner of it. It had only a few things in it by the sound of it, but you still were tingling with anticipation. Without saying a word he jesters for you to come closer to him, with his finger. You knee walk your way over, sitting back on your calves with your hands resting on your thighs. You look at him with a pout, and he smiles.
“Hi baby.”
“Daddy -” you whine, resisting the urge to reach out and touch him. You were already getting a punishment, you didn’t want to make it worse.
“Oh, Baby Love,” Harry coos, and you whimper just happy to finally have his attention on you. He cradles your face in his hands, and you lean into his touch. “I’m right here.” He strokes your cheeks with his thumb, and places kisses on your forehead, each cheek, tip of your nose, and finally your lips. You whine into the kiss, and attempt to deepen the kiss, but he pulls away with a tisk. “Nuh uh,no. Punishment, remember.” He smirks, hand traveling down to your neck, stroking the side of it with his thumb.
“Yes Daddy,” you pout.
He reaches over, taking the lid off the velvety box and you peek inside.Inside isn’t your entire collection,not by a long shot. The box is nothing more than the ‘goodie bag’ he makes, everytime you play. Picking up a few things from the big red chest from the back of your closet that held everything ropes, to plugs, to clamps, and lube.
Tonight seemed to be quite the selection, and your pussy was clenching at the sight of the items. You watch him lay a few things beside you. Some nipple clamps with a chain connecting the two. He loved to pull on those while he railed you, and a pink glass plug with a rose on the end, and lastly some lube.
He puts a finger under your chin forcing him to look up at him.
“You know why you're getting a punishment tonight?” he asks.
“Tell Daddy, then.”
“Because I didn’t wear any panties.” .
“And?” he probed, eyebrows quirked up.
“And I ….” your mouth opens and closes a few times, trying to get the words out, but nerves taking over.
“Go on,” he chuckles, amused. He loved watching you get all worked up. But seeing just how worked up you are without him hardly touching you had him realize just how badly you needed him.
“I didn’t ask for you to take care of me when I was needy….I’m sorry.”
He shakes his head kissing your cheek, “It’s okay baby. I’m not mad, but I still gotta punish you, okay?” You nod your head, lip tucked between your teeth, “And you know your words if it becomes too much?”
“Red or watermelon to stop, and yellow if I need you to slow down, or if I need to talk to you about something.” you say quietly, and he smiles proudly. .
“Good girl.” he praises, one hand on your neck, the other caressing your cheek, “And your color right now?”
“Green.” You rush out leaning into his touch.
“Very good baby.” He reaches down and picks up the nipple clamps, “We’re gonna start with these, okay?”
“Wait! You gasp, eyes wide.
“You, okay?”
“Yeah. I just - can I touch you. Please?” you asked, and Harry smirks.
“What do you mean baby?”
“Can I kiss you, please?” you whisper. He nods, a little taking hold of your hands, bringing your arms around his neck, as he rests his hands on your waist and kisses you. He allows the make out session for a while, your hands tangled in his hair, while he gropes your ass, and massages your tits, pulling at your nipples, preparing them for the clamps. You moan into the kiss, pushing your hips into his. He allows it once but the second time he pulls away from the kiss making you moan.
“That’s enough baby. Be good, you’re already getting punished, hm?”
“Okay.” you pout.
Harry picks up one of the clamps, leaning down sucking your right nipple into his mouth before he places the clamp. You hiss at the sensation and the combination of the look in your eye, and the sounds you make, make his cock twitch in his jeans. “Good?” he questions.
“Yes.” you sigh with a nod. He leans over to your left breasts, bringing it to his mouth and doing the same as he did with the left. Once the clamps were in place, he lightly pulled on the chain dangling in the center, enjoying the little noises that you make as Harry kisses back up your chest to your neck.
“Feelin’ okay, Lovie?”
“Mhmm” you hum. Harry could tell it was getting more difficult for you to find words, you were slipping further and further into subspace and he couldn’t be happier.
“Good.” he states with a smirk, “Good, baby.”
He sits down next to you on the edge of the bed and pats his thigh, “Across my lap,” He purrs, and you do as your told, laying across his lap, your nipples hard and clamped brushing against the softness of the duvet. The sensation made you whimper, and squirm in Harry’s lap.
Harry takes a handful of your ass, squeezing it in warning. “No squirming. You know the rules. Unless you want more spanks, be still.”
“Sorry, Daddy..” You mumble looking up at him over your shoulder.
“Good girl” with your eyes on him still he reaches to the other side of him getting a tube from the box and picking up the pink plug. “We’re doing your plug tonight, okay?” You nod, biting your lip.
The plug is a relatively new addition to your play time, but it was quickly becoming a favorite of yours, and Harry’s too. He knew how much you enjoyed it, and while so far none of this seemed to be much of a punishment, he had plans for you.
“Green.” you stuttered.
“Good. Head down, relax for me okay?” he commanded.
You rest your head on your folded hands in front of you, your head to the side as you take in a shaking breath feeling his hands massage your ass, before slipping a hand between your thighs.
“Messy already baby?”
“Sorry,” you whimper, a little embarrassed at just how wet you were already, from nothing more than nipple clamps, and making out.
“That’s okay,” he coos, “you can’t help it. Can you, baby?” He leans down, placing a kiss on your right cheek.
“No.” You shake your head, “It’s the clamps, and…you looked really good tonight.” you admit shyly.
“So did you, Baby Love.” he smiles, “too bad you were being naughty. I was going to reward you for being so patient the last few months,” he taunts as he rubs up and down your pussy with one hand, massaging your ass with the other. “But now I have to punish you.” He brings some of your wetness to your tighter hole with his thumb massaging the ring of muscle making you moan out. You grip the sheets to keep you from squirming.
He leans down, spitting right at the puckered hole making you cry out. He smears the saliva around slowly prodding at your hole with his thumb while his fingers danced over your leaking pussy.
He hears you moan but ignores it, continuing his work. “You know why I love punishing you baby?”
“Because…it means I get to play with this cute little ass of yours.” He punctuates the sentence with a light spank to your left cheek with his free hand, as he slipped his thumb into your tightest hole.
“Shhh baby. I’m right here.” he coos, his hand up your back, comfortingly gripping the back of your neck as he plays with your clit and hole. Pumping his thumb slowly. After feeling you clench around the digit a few times, and your pussy pulse, he removes his thumb, while continuing to rub up and down your folds. He reaches for the lube, opening it.
“This is gonna be a little cold, okay, baby?”
“Okay,” you murmur
He squeezed a rather large dollop onto your hole rubbing it around, before rubbing the pink glass plug up and down your hole.
“Relax for me, and breathe, okay.”
No matter how much you’ve thought you’ve trained your asshole, it was always a stretch. But when Harry did it, he always made sure you were comfortable and there wasn’t any discomfort.
As he slowly works the plug in. Just a bit. Then out again. Then in a little bit more than out. It was maddening. The teasing. You can’t help but squirm. Feeling his erection against you didn’t help either.
“Daddy.” You moan, and Harry spanked you once, but hard.
“Baby,” he warns. “I’m trying to be patient but you’re only going to make this punishment worse. Be good, okay? Take what I give you.”
You know you shouldn’t be enjoying this half as much as you are. This is a punishment, afterall. But he’s finally giving you the attention you’ve been craving for weeks, and you can’t help but to make your request anyway. “More, please.” you squeaked
“More?” He teases. All you wanted was to feel the stretch of the plug, but he was taking things so painfully slowly.“You want to be filled up, Baby Love?”
“Yes.” you moan, “please.”and you jump as another spank lands onto your ass. The mix of pain and pleasure was almost maddening as it was becoming more difficult to focus on coming up with words, as your whole body was a light with pleasure.
“Be patient.” Harry tuts, “We gotta work it in baby, you want Daddy’s cock in there one day don’t you?”
The thought alone makes you squirm, and whine in Harry’s lap.“Yes” you moan.
“Then we have to go slow. You can barely fit this little guy, how do you expect to take Daddy’s big cock without any practice?” He reaches up, tangling his fingers in the hair at the back of your head, forcing you to look at him. “Answer me baby”
“I don’t know.” you whimper, nibbling at your bottom lip.
You were deep into subspace now, and he knew answering was getting more and more difficult for you. All the more reason to tease you. Harry smiles devilishly, caressing your face, “I know baby. That’s okay. But I need you to take what I give you, and stop complaining. Or your spanking is going to be worse. Do you want the flogger?”
You actually wouldn’t mind the flogger. You loved the thud of the heavy leather strips striking your back, but you shake your head, deciding it’s in your best interest to do as Harry says.
“Alright then, if you want to be full you have to be patient.”
You lay your head back down on your folded hands, and let out a deep breath, closing your eyes in an attempt to focus on the feeling of the plug teasing your ass. It was only a few more in’s and out’s before your ass accepted the plug, sucking it in allowing you to let out a sigh of relief at the feeling of being so deliciously full.
“There you go sweetheart,” Harry smiles tapping the rose at the end of the plug, the vibrations it sent through you making you let out a deep groan. “What do we say?” he prompts, spanking each of your cheeks.
“Thank you, Daddy,” you whine.
He massages your ass for a moment before a hand travels back down to your folds. “Even messier now, baby.” He leans down kissing your ass, teeth sinking into the flesh. “Such a good fucking girl. And so pretty, all plugged up.”
“Thank you, Daddy.”
“You’re welcome baby.” Harry chuckled darkly. He picks up rubbing the smooth leather across each cheek very lightly tapping it on each one. Just to prepare you for the sensation.
“You remember the rules about the paddle?” Harry asks, running it over your ass lightly. You nod your head, looking over your shoulder at him, “Tell me.”
“Count each one, and say thank you after.” you
“Good girl.” He smiles proudly. “How many do you think you deserve?”
“Ummm -” you nibble on your lip, trying your hardest to think straight. “Ten?”
“That’s adorable, baby…You’re getting twenty.”
You groan, burrowing your face into the sheets. Squirming in his lap, earning another harsh spank.
“Twenty-five.” Harry amends sternly.
“Wha - why?!” you mumble
“Ten for not wearing panties. Ten for not telling me how needy your greedy little pussy was tonight. And five because you won’t stop squirming after I’ve already warned you twice, Lovie.”
You let out a little moan but nod your head. It seemed fair, but it was gonna push your limits, as it’s five more than you’ve ever done. But you could do it, and you’ll probably enjoy it more than you should.
“Got it?”
“Yes, Daddy.” you confirm.
“Good girl. What’s your color?”
“I’m Green.”
“Alright. I’m going to start, now okay?” Harry warns, and you give him a nod.
The first one lands on your right cheek hard. Harder than you anticipated, and it makes you cross your legs.
“One! Thank you.” you wince.
“No,no.” He says prying your legs open open again, landing a light spank onto your drenched folds. “Keep them open.” Harry warns, massaging the warmth of your cheek before giving you the next strike.
“Two. Thank you.”
The strikes continue just like that. The paddle makes contact, alternating between cheeks, you count and give thanks. While he massages between each one. Some come in quick succession. Some are spaced out, making you moan in anticipation. There’s no real pattern and it keeps you on edge in the best way.
“Twenty. Thank you sir” you whimper, looking over your shoulder. Hoping maybe he’d forget about the last five if he saw you. There’s a few tears now, not so much from the pain of the paddle, just…everything. With each strike of the paddle, the plug jiggles giving you a pleasure so deep you can’t describe. You're desperate and so floaty, deep in subspace and more than anything you just really want to cum!. You just want it to get to the reward part of the night. But you are a good girl, so you stayed still, took your punishment, opting for a tight grip on the sheets rather than squirming around in Harry’s lap.
“Good girl. Baby. You're doing such a good job taking your punishment. So good for me, baby.” He praises, soothing the warm skin with his large palm. “What’s your color?” He checks in, when he sees your eyes glass and teary.
“I’m still green,” you whisper
“Okay. Turn around, we’re almost done.”
He doles out the rest of your spanks quickly, not giving you much time to count. But you try your best anyway.
“Twenty five. Thank you sir.” you sigh, letting out a deep breath
“Good girl!” He praises. He tosses the paddle to the side, pulling you up to have you sitting in his lap, knees on either side of his hips. He places a hand protectively at the back of your neck making you look up at him. He’s smiling like an idiot, so proud of you and you can’t help but crack a smile just as proud of yourself for taking your punishment so well.
He nods between you towards his right thigh “Look at that baby.” you look down seeing a dark spot on his jeans. Your brows knit together, before your eyes meet Harry’s again, “That’s you, baby.”
“Oh.” you mumble a little embarrassed. “Sorry.” You whisper trying to bury yourself into his neck but he stops squeezing your cheeks together with one hand, forcing your eyes on his.
“Nothing to be sorry about. You just need Daddy to make the aching go away, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” you pout trying to grind your hips down into him, but Harry stops you, with a firm hand on your hip.
“Yeah, I know.” he takes the hand squishing your cheeks, snaking it down between the two of you pinching your already clamped nipple once before his fingers finally - finally make contact with your folds. You moan out. Resting your head on Harry’s shoulder, burying your face in his neck, as his hand travels up and down your folds, spreading your wetness.His free arm, secured around your waist, holding you upright.
Harry turns his head, lips pressed against your ear,“There you go baby. That feels so good hm? You like my fingers on your clit.” his fingers slow to a stop, not satisfied with your lack of response, subspace or not, “Talk to Daddy, Love.”
“Yes! So much. It’s so good -”
“Eyes on me,” he demanded, pulling your face out of his neck, trying your best to keep your eyes open, as he worked his magic on your clit. As soon as your eyes meet his, he sinks his middle finger inside. The coolness of his rings against your folds makes you shiver. He works it in for a moment before selfishly adding his ring finger into the mix. You both groan as your pussy greedily accepts a second finger. “Fuck baby, you’re suckin’ me in.” He leans forward sucking on your neck. Nibbling on your ear as he pumps faster. Curling them just right, “that feel good?”
“Mhmm. Oh, fuck,” you wine gripping ong his shoulder a hand in his hair tugging the way you know he likes. The way you’ve been craving all night.
You’re already so full. The plug was still firmly placed in ass, sitting heavy as you sat straddling him, his thumb working on your clit…it was almost too much! You were right on the edge of ecstasy when Harry inserted yet a third finger, methodically working on your G-spot.
“Shit! Daddy, I’m -” you cry out, looking down at his fingers going in and out of you, and the sight alone is enough to send you over the edge. Everything was catching up to you now, Harry’s fingers stuffing your pussy, the plug snug in your ass, the clamps tight on your nipples. You just needed one more thing.
“I want you to cum on my fingers baby,okay? Be good and show me how good it feels, and fucking come on my fingers.” The groan you let out is almost too raw, one of pure ecstasy. Then he says the thing that just about sends you over the edge. “Come on, my rings baby.”
“Daddy….” you whine,you were so close. So so close but you didn’t want it like this. You want to feel Harry. All of him. “No.” You whimper, causing him to pull away slightly, to get a good look at you.
“No? You don’t want to come baby? Since when does my greedy girl not want to cum?” He doesn’t slow his fingers, while his eyes bore into you. Not at all. They speed up, and curl them even more, stroking and prodigy at your G-spot, coaxing you closer and closer.
“Want….cock. Wanna cum on your cock.” You pout trying so hard not to come. And surprisingly you were doing a good job at it. You were historically terrible at holding your orgasms, but tonight seemed to be all about pushing your limits.
Harry smirks, leaning forward sucking your bottom lip in his mouth nibbling on it hard. He’s so hungry for you. Desperate almost. He has to see you come. He craves it.
“You will. Don’t worry.” He gives you another quick peck, “I’ll let you come on my cock. But you gotta give me what I want first. Okay? Gotta be good and come on my fingers first, then I’ll give you what you want.” You whine some more, leaning forward wrapping your arms around Harry tighter, still holding back. He can feel how tense you are, you’ve always been a stubborn girl, even when it’s not in your own best interests, it makes him smirk, a bit before he doubles his efforts on your clit.
“I promise. Baby Girl. Just let go. Show me your a good girl, come on.” He pulls you out of his neck again, hand on your cheek forcing you to look at him. “Let go. I got you. I got you-“ and just like that you're coming in a bright white light, ringing in your ears, and gushing all over Harry’s fingers, with those emerald eyes looking deep into your soul. He feels it too, feels your pussy convulses and gushes around his fingers. Your body tightens up before going completely lax in his lap. “Good fucking girl. There she is. Oh baby there you go so good for me.” You let out a groan unlike anything you’ve ever done before. Gripping at his hair and grinding down on his fingers and your pussy convulses and gushes, around his fingers.He slows them down before slowly withdrawing, tapping your clit softly a few times, for good measure. He brings his hands up to his lips, making a show of licking his fingers clean, before his hand goes back down between your legs, cupping your pussy, reveling in the feeling of it still pulsating with aftershocks as you try to catch your breath.
“Than-thank you Daddy” you hiccup. Kissing his neck.
“Your welcome, baby. You okay?” he asks, and you nod against his shoulder. “Look at me, please baby.” you do as you're told, though finding it difficult to keep your eyes open. “Good baby.” He leans forward kissing you, allowing you to taste yourself on his lips, and it drives you mad. “Hold onto me.” He demands sweetly. You adjust yourself, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. Harry stands up and turns. Setting you back on your feet allows the back of your knees to hit the mattress.
“Lay back on the pillows, for me?” he asks sweetly, with a kiss on your forehead. You nod eagerly, crawling up on the bed, laying out knees bent and feet flat.
Harry’s cock twitches in his jeans at the sight of you. He knee walks his way up the bed. Laying on his stomach, his face level with your pussy, kissing down your thighs, making your breath hitch. You roll your hips up at his hot breath fanning over your wet sensitive lips and Harry smiles.
“Need something?” he chuckles. You open your mouth,closing it quickly, debating on if you want to reveal just how greedy you’re feeling. “Baby…” he prompts, and you give in.
“Mouth. Please?” you whisper, giving your best doe eyes.
“I thought you wanted my cock? Begged for it.”
“That too!” you rush out with a pout.
“I’m only teasing,Lovie,” Harry chuckles, “My greedy girl. Got my fingers now you want both my mouth and cock.” You cover your face, and attempt to close your legs, but fail. Harry kisses up your body, removing your hands from your face, placing a sloppy kiss to your cheek. “Don’t worry baby. I’m gonna give them to you. Punishment is all over. Now I just wanna play with my girl. Give you everything you want. Do you know why?”
“Because I deserve it.” you recite with a smile, like you’ve done so many times before.
“That’s right. You deserve,” Harry kisses your right right cheek, “all the praise,” he kisses your left cheek, “and all the orgasms,” he kisses the tip of your nose, “because your my Good Girl.” he smile before finally locking his lips to yours in a deep kiss, letting out a groan when you get brave and dip your tongue into his mouth.
It’s always been the simple things with Harry that gets to you the most. The way he dresses, how gentle he was with you. The way his lips felt on yours, the way they worked down your neck, not to mention the little noises he makes when you make out with him, and grind up into his hips. It all drove you wild. Just as much as it drove him mad. He craved you like you did him. It was almost like you fed off of one another, the neediness, the pure carnal want for one another. You were perfect together.
Slowly Harry pulls away, kissing down your body, nibbling playfully as he goes until he is situated back between your thighs. Harry reaches for one of your hands at your side, placing your hand in his hair, lacing the other with his. He kisses each thigh, before kissing the top of your mound. He taps on the plug reminding you it’s still there.
“Are you still okay with this in? It’s not uncomfortable?” he asks,and you shake your head.
“No.” you mumble, shaking your hand, “I like it. Feel full.”
“I know.” He leans in lightly kissing your clit. “You have the prettiest pussy baby. You know that? ‘S gorgeous. Could live right here. Between your beautiful thick thighs.”
You let out a whine rolling your hips up impatiently, and Harry jerks his head away, giving you a knowing look, “Sorry. I’ll be still I’m sorry.”
“Good girl.” Harry smiles, kissing your clit lightly once more before finally - finally delving in. Like a starved man, Harry is lapping at your folds up and down the length of your pussy before he sucks your clit into his mouth. Creating a light suction, almost pulsating it, and flicking over it gently with his tongue.
You were in complete bliss, with the way he was eating you out, you’d come in no time, much to Harry’s delight.
“Oh god -” you sigh out, gripping his hair tighter, pulling his face closer to you by the back of his head. “More - please.” If you weren’t feeling as amazing as you were you’d be embarrassed by how desperate you sound.
“That’s my girl!” He moans against you. “Take what you need,Love.” His free hand moves to the plug, slowly pulling it out a tad before pushing it back it fucking you with the toy. All while his mouth kept a vacuum seal around your pussy.
“Come on my tongue baby.” He encourages. “Come on baby. Show me how good it feels sweetheart.” He groans right into your pussy as you pull at his scalp, he shakes his head back and forth, the friction and vibration, driving you wild.
It’s filthy and messy and it feels unreal. Before you have a chance to savor the feeling, you're coming in a rush, the coil in your lower belly snapping as you come on Harry’s tongue as requested, body tingling from the sensation.
Harry brings his licks to a slow stop, giving your pussy one final peck, making you shiver. He kisses his way up your body, and you're quick to bring him right back up to your face tasting yourself on his lips.
“Good girl, lovie.” He growls against your lips, “Fuck.” He pins the hand that he’s kept intertwined with his above your head, taking a hold of your other one and doing the same. He works his way down your neck nibbling and sucking on your favorite spot.
When he finally finishes his assault on your neck, he looks down at you to see. Your eyes have gone glassy again, this time, with tears brimming your eyes. He always seems to manage to bring you to tears. It only happens when you’ve been particularly needed, and he makes you feel especially good, but he’s always proud of himself when he can make it happen.
“Oh baby,” He sighs, leaning his weight on your hips grinding into yours. “That felt so good didn’t it?”
“Yeah,” you nod.
“I know, baby. Your body’s just so sensitive, huh?” He punctuates it with a pull of the nipple clamp chain you’d nearly forgotten about..
“Yeah Daddy, so sensitive. It’s -I-”
“Shhh I know baby it’s a lot. I’m here tho okay. You're safe. Your okay.” He leans down, kissing you again, not as deep, trying to bring you back up a bit before he continues. He ends the kiss, resting his forehead against yours, rubbing his nose against yours. “What’s your color baby?” he asks.
“Green.” you smile at him, rolling your hips up into his.
“You still want to come on my cock?”
“Yes please Daddy please please please,” you beg, only a little embarrassed.
“Okay. I’ll give it to you. You’ve been so patient.” So have I. Harry thinks.
He lets your wrist go and they instantly tangle in his curls once more, forcing his lips down onto yours. You snake a hand down and attempt to fumble with the buckle of his jeans. “Off. Feel” you mumble between kisses.
“You wanna feel me against you?” he asks, and you nod your head fervently. You loved the feeling of being skin to skin with Harry, you’d never feel closer to him than when you were skin to skin. He manuvores his jeans down and you're happily met with the feeling of him pressed against your folds. Making you both groan out.
“That Better?” he smirks and you smile
“Much.” you smile. Harry reaches for the plug, and begins to tug at it. But you stop him with a whine in protest, “No. Wanna be full.”
“You wanna be fucked with the plug?” He double checks. But by the pout on your lips, he knows you mean it. “Filthy girl.” he smirks, “Alright. I’ll leave it okay?” He’s never fucked you with the plug in, the thought’s been floating around your head for a while, and with how needy you were, you figured tonight would be the perfect night to try.
Harry leans down kissing you with his hard leaking cock in one hand the other cradling your cheek in the other, as he runs the head up and down your folds a few times. He revels in the feeling for as long as you let him, before breaching just the tip inside of your pussy. It’s a tighter fit than usual with the plug still inside, and it takes both of you back. You gasp, a good gasp but he feels you tighten even more.
“Shhh baby relax,” he kisses you all over your face. “You gotta breathe for me, okay?” You nod and let out a breath as he slowly enters you, until he’s fully inside. “Oh good girl. Shit baby. You’re so full, huh?” He groans, kissing your cheek.
“Yeah you squeak oh, so. I’ve never -”
“I know, baby. Oh fuck. I’m just gonna stay like this till you tell me to move okay.” He says as he moves into your neck, kissing and nibbling at the skin there.
After a few moments of Harry sucking onto your neck, you begin to roll your hips up into his, grinding down on his cock, drawing out deep groans from the both of you. He takes it as a sign that you're ready, that you can take him and so he begins to rock his hips with deep shallow thrusts. It allows you to and you relish at the fullness of both Harry’s cock and the pink rose plug. The pleasure is almost too much, it’s got your whole body tingling, and warm.
“Good girl baby. Taking it so well. Fuck.” he growls, leaning his forhead on yours. He slowly draws his hip back further and further before diving back in.
“Harder.” you whine, and Harry grants your request, fucking you harder into the materss, holding onto your hips tight as he pounded into you.
“You feel so good baby, you know that? Do you know how good you make Daddy feel, baby?” he urges. “Your pussy’s like heaven to me baby.” He groans looking, with nothing but love and adoration.
“Gonna come Daddy!”
He picks up his pace, fucking you hard, and fast. The only thing in the room being heard is the sound of skin against wet skin, and your carnal moans. Your fingers in his hair, pulling at the strands as you get closer and closer to the edge once more, before your coming undone again, convulsing under him.
“Atta Girl! Good job baby,"Harry smiles, kissing you passionately, “give me one more.”
“Can’t,” you moan. You’re so sensitive, you feel amazing, but you have no idea how much more you can take. But as Harry grinds down into you, a hand snaking down to your clit, you can feel yourself, getting closer and closer. You don’t think you can stop it. “Can’t Daddy. I- oh god.” Your whole body was a light, as you felt your peak approaching again quickly, gripping onto Harry’s shoulders, holding him to you as you buried yourself in his neck.
“Yes you can,” Harry groans, “Can feel you squeezing me, your pussy’s begging for it. Come for me baby. Come on my cock, like you wanted to,” he caresses your face in one hand, getting your attention, your eyes open to look right at him, “Show me.”
You open your mouth trying to speak, but the words escape you, too wrapped up in the pleasure, But Harry, ever the attentive boyfriend, knows what you were trying to say. to speak but can’t get the words out but he knows what you were trying to say. “You can do it, Baby Girl. Come for me. Give me one more, and let Daddy fill up your pretty pussy. Give it to me baby, so I can give you your come.”
///Your/// come. Yours. That’s what does it for you. It’s what always does it for both of you. The ownership. Because he was just as much yours and you were his. Including orgasms. And just like that you come in a bright white light, ringing in your ears, and tears in your eyes. Loud, and hard, whining in Harry’s ear, writhing underneath him, holding onto him with all your might.
“Good fucking girl. Oh fuck. There you go.” He growls into your ear, before crashing his lips down to yours. “Fuck, baby. You’re going to make me come.”
“Please” you whine holding his face, looking at him deep in those emerald eyes. “ Give it to me, please.” And he’s a goner. Eyes rolled back, body tensing, and thrust going sloppy as he spurts white ropes, painting your walls. And you relish the feeling.
Harry collapses on top of you, burying his face into your neck, kissing and nibbling, giving you praise as you both tried to catch your breath. When he feels that your heart has stopped beating as fast, and he feels himself softening inside of you is when he decides it’s time to pull out. But you resist, tightening your legs around his hips, the hand that’s made its way into his hair tightening.
“Not yet please.” you request with a pout.
“Okay. Okay I’ll stay.” He whispers kissing across your collarbone. “Just a bit longer.”
After enough time has passed, Harry looks up at you, “You with me?” he asks. You hum, eyes closed dopey grin on your lips and he can tell that you’re still in that floaty place, maybe not as deep but you definitely weren’t fully present.
“Daddy…” you whine just above a whisper.
“S’ just Harry baby. Just me.” You pout. You didn’t want to be done, but a look at the clock on your nightstand tells you you've been at it for a while so you try and tell yourself to come back to earth. “You’re okay. I’m here. Hey look at me.” he urges, bringing a hand to your face, “Your safe okay. I’m gonna pull out now and take out the plug and then we’ll get all cleaned up okay?”
“Okay.” you smile. You whine when he pulls out but he soothes you with a kiss to your forehead and a promise of returning soon.
He’s back in a flash with a warm damp cloth and some tissues. “You still feelin’ a little floaty huh, baby?” He smirks as he cleans you up.
“That’s okay. Just let me take care of you okay?” you nod and he goes to work on cleaning the mess between your legs. “You did so well tonight baby. Took everything so well. You're my best girl, aren’t you?”
“That’s right. He reaches for the plug.
“You gotta relax for me. Gotta get this guy out of ya. Take a break out for me.” he instructs, taking it out slowly before placing it on the nightstand on the tissue. He kisses your inner thigh before kissing his way up your body. “Wrap around me.” he instructs, and you do as you're told, wrapping your arms around him, as he lifts you up and walks you to the bathroom, sitting you on the toilet. “Go on. You know the drill.” he chuckles when you look at him shyly. He turns to the bath, giving you privacy to pee, as he runs the bath. Adding all your smell, good scents and bubbles.
By the type you're all bathed, dried and back in bed, you seem much more like yourself.
“You feeling good?” He asks.
“So good.” you chuckle, “Thank you Harry. I really needed that.”
Harry laughs and kisses your temple, “I could tell. But you never have to thank me for giving you pleasure. It’s an honor to give it to you.”
You feel your face heat up, as you shake your head and burrow yourself into the softness of his chest.”
“Still. I- you always make me feel good and idk I want you to know I love you and I appreciate you making me feel good. Even when I’m getting punished.”
“Love you too, Baby Love.”
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xzaddyzanakinx · 7 months
| So, So, Right | final part
Stepbro! Anakin × innocent reader
18+ MDNI
Warnings: smut, inappropriate relationships, oral sex, public/semi-public, demeaning/condescending words toward reader, fingering, dom/sub dynamics, dd/lg dynamics (implied), daddy kink, unprotected PIV
Info: Modern AU, Anakin is whipped, Anakin literally worships the ground you walk on, reader is accidentally a brat, reader has oral fixation
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Those words tumbled out of Anakin’s mouth in a way you thought impossible, the possessive tone in his voice was almost enough to have you cum all over again. You buffered, unsure of how to answer, unsure if you could actually speak right now. All you could do was nod aggressively and hope that was answer enough for him.
He let loose a wicked smile, soaking in the powerful feeling from the way your body responded to him. Your eyes dilated beyond belief, your bottom lip tucked behind your top row of teeth, your hips rolling that tight little cunt against him.
“Alright, c’mon puppy don’t beg.” He chuckled, making fun of the way you struggled to tell him YES.
Achingly slow he plunged one thick finger back into your warm heat, sucking air through his teeth as if he were the one getting pleasured. Languidly thrusting before gently introducing another finger. You whimpered at the slight stretch, your legs involuntarily try to push you away from him. Once the weight of him settled into you he rocked his hand back and forth, watching every movement his hand made between your legs.
“This okay babydoll?” He looked up to you, mild concern on his face.
“Hurts Ani.” You whined, gasping as he put pressure against - that - spot deep within you.
“Gotta relax,” he whispered, lowering himself back between your legs.
You expected him to reintroduce his tongue to work in tandem with his fingers, but he didn’t. Instead he used his free hand to apply much needed friction on your clit with his calloused thumb. Immediately causing you to flutter around his fingers, drawing out a whimper from his throat.
“Patient, patient, - fuck -“ he moaned, feeling you clamp down harder this time, seemingly telling himself to have patience, not you.
“Feelin’ good aren’t you princess?” He asked, looking up at you from between your plush thighs.
“Uh huh.” You sniffled, bringing both hands up to hide your face. “Please, Ani I need more please.”
“Think you can take it baby girl?” He rose to his knees, dragging his fingers out of your cunt with a scissoring motion.
“I can! I can do it!” Your hands reach out to him, and he gladly takes both of them into his one large palm, lovingly squeezing them for your comfort.
“Just a little bit more, just one more,” when his fingers re-entered, he had added another.
Sucking air through your teeth you dug your nails into his palm. Fighting the urge to close your thighs around his hand, stopping him from completing his slow descent into your pussy.
“I know princess, I’m sorry.” He whined, coming down to hold you close to him.
Releasing your hands so he could pull you against his chest, securing you in place. One leg trapped between two of his to prevent you from squirming out of reach. Your whimpers made his cock throb against your abdomen, shooting a jolt of lightning straight to your cunt and giving you just a second of relief.
Anakin watched as your face flickered from hurt to pleasure, leaning in to lick your tears away. After giving you a moment to adjust he pumped his thick digits back and forth in your wet heat, lewd slick sounds echoing in the room along with your panting breath. He took note of the way you were sucking on your bottom lip, and wanted to give you a better option.
“Here, you just bite down on my shoulder.” He encouraged you, “need something to keep that mouth busy don’t you darlin’?”
You whined a soft “Yes.” Into the crook of his neck before sinking your teeth into the muscles flesh.
He groaned, bucking against your hip in search of friction. Anakin was in pain, not from your teeth, but from his weeping cock. Precum had leaked out continuously, leaving a wet spot on his checkered boxers. Without even looking he knew that his cock was an angry red, he wouldn’t last long when he finally was able to seat himself to the hilt inside the velvet walls of your perfect cunt.
Your whimpers had turned to pleasurable moans just moments ago, and Anakin’s selfish need for release made him ask for more.
“Baby?” He whispered making you release your death grip on his shoulder.
“Ani?” You questioned, furrowing your eyebrows when his fingertips brushed against a particularly sensitive area.
“Do you think you can take me?” His head dropping to your chest, nuzzling against your hardened nipple.
“I- I don’t know.” You responded, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
“I can’t wait any more babydoll, s’hurting me.” He groaned, reluctantly breaking your embrace to kneel between your legs.
He kept up his movements to caress your gummy insides while pulling down his boxers, allowing his angry and swollen cock to slap against his stomach.
“Oh Ani-“ you gasped, he was huge, thick and veiny. “I can’t. It’s too much.”
His eyes flickered between his hand cupping your cunt and your shocked expression.
“I’ll be so gentle,” he cooed, “it’ll only hurt for minute.”
He lined himself up with your entrance, slowing his hand’s movement. You were torn between your need to please him, and self preservation, he was going to split you in half. But, he was your Ani, your favourite person in the world, if he said it’s gonna be okay, then it’ll be okay.
“Oh-okay, I can do it.” You nodded, hands gripping the sheets in preparation.
He traded his fingers for the very tip of his cock so quickly you’d think he would die if he waited much longer. The groan he let out was almost pained, his teeth clenched and his eyebrows knitted together, as if it were more painful for him than it was for you.
The creamy coating of your waiting cunt wet the head of his angry cock. You could not only feel the way each breath he took made his dick pulse, but you could also feel just how warm he was. A pant of guilt washed over you, knowing it was your fault he was hurting so badly.
“Deep breath dollface,” he warned, “just breathe.” Planting a caring kiss on your forehead as the tip breached your entrance.
His forearms resting on either side of you allowed you to claw at his biceps, holding on for dear life and he split you wide open. Tears flowed down your cheeks and you sniffled to keep more at bay.
“That’s my good girl,” whimpering encouragement for you. “Doing so good, so so good f’me babydoll.”
“Wa-wanna be good for you daddy.” You hiccuped.
“Fuckin’ shit.” His hips went slack for a second causing him to accidentally push deeper and quicker than he meant to.
You let out a choked sob that pulled at his heartstrings.
“So sorry darlin’, M’sorry.” He cooed, stilling his movement completely. He quickly cupped your burning hot cheek in his palm.
“Too much.” You cried.
“I know, I’m sorry.” He panted, clearly struggling to keep still. “Hold on, I’ll stop.”
He whimpered, trying to ease back out of your abused walls. Your left leg quickly hooking around his waist, holding him still. A look of pure confusion washed over Anakin, he wasn’t sure how to respond. Should he continue? Should he stop? He certainly didn’t want to hurt you, but it’s different if you’re - asking - him too.
“Jus’ try.” You whispered, “I can take it.”
He nodded, eagerly resuming his struggle to fully sheath himself in you, he was barely halfway. He left his position over you in favor of kneeling between your legs, knowing he’d be less likely to repeat his mistake this way. His eyes glued to the spot where his thick cock was being enveloped by your poor little cunt.
He left one hand to roam the expanse of your trembling body, the other hesitant to block his view of your body’s connection. He sighed, stilling again momentarily to spit on your red and puffy pussy. The act made you forget the pain for minute as your cunt contracted around him, a wave of slick coating his dick.
His thumb gently circled your clit, adding extra stimulation to make it easier for you. He was keeping completely still save for the involuntary twitch of his greedy cock.
“Gonna move now okay babydoll?” He whimpered, pulling his hips back.
“M’kay.” You sniffled, finding his hand that palmed at your tits so you could squeeze your small fingers around his.
Torturously slow Anakin drew his hips back and forth, fucking into you just halfway. What had felt like a terrible ripping of tissue began to fade into something pleasurable. Keening at his touch you made contact with his glassy eyes and nodded, silently telling him you were ready for more.
He sped up his ministrations on your sensitive bundle of nerves while gently pushing farther into your pussy. His thighs tense against the plush flesh of your own, while you no longer felt pain it seemed that Anakin was struggling to stay sane.
“So fuckin’ tight.” He whimpered, “I can’t.”
His hips stuttered and you watched in awe of the way he closed his eyes and held his breath, composing himself to the best of his ability before continuing. Applying pressure to your nub to distract you from the way he bullied his cock into your folds.
“Just a little more.” he said, almost chanting the words.
You whined at the burning stretch, your pussy fluttering in an attempt to push him out even though you so badly wanted him buried inside you.
“Fuck!” He stopped again, “don’t do that baby, shit.”
“M’sorry Ani.” You moaned.
“S’okay darlin’.” His head dropping so that his chin met his chest.
Your body arched into his touch, his fingers working double time to rub your clit. His cock throbbed within you, causing another involuntary clench of your pussy. Anakin sucked in a breath that sounded more like a hiss.
“Told you not to do that princess.” His voice was calm but spoke in a warning despite the tiny tremble of his lips.
“Sorry Ani, I can’t help it.” You whined, “I’m sorry, don’t stop again please.”
“Shh, shh stop.” He whined, his eyes clamped shut at the sudden pulsing of your walls, his face scrunched in a way that looked painful.
“I’m sorry!” You babbled, your cheeks hot and tear streaked, “M’sorry Daddy, so sorry.”
“God you’ve fuckin’- you,” he slurred, dropping from his kneeling position with both arms now securely under your body, holding you forcefully to his chest.
He groaned, mumbling to himself, his chest heaving with pained shallow breath. “Can’t say that to me right now darlin’ I can’t-“ he moaned again, cutting off his words as you arched into his touch.
“Please don’t stop, feels good now Ani.” You whined, “keep going Daddy please, I’ll be good.”
“Shit you’ve Fuckin’ done it now.” He groaned and you felt his muscles tense, both of his hands flying to your hips to squeeze in a grounding grip. “Gonna cum, I’m-“
He whined, sheathing fully into your abused cunt, “Shit. Good girl, good girl baby. God you’re just so tight, fuck.”
As rope after rope of sticky cum spilled into your throbbing pussy, he fucked his cum into you gently, barely moving at all while he babbled apologies into your neck.
“Oh,” you moaned, enjoying the way his hot seed coated your insides, “oh Ani, oh I love it.”
“What?” He choked out.
“More, I want more.” You whined, wrapping your legs around his hips. “Need your cum.”
The way his eyes widened with awe at your reaction told you he wasn’t at all expecting that to be your response to his little accident. His mouth descended on yours in an aggressive battle for more, more, more.
What was once tiny and tentative strokes gave way to faster, shallow thrusts. Anakin’s lips suctioned to the crook of your neck like he meant to rip your skin and dive into it. The longer he went on, the more pleasurable it became. The better it felt, the easier it was for you to relax and let loose, Anakin felt absolutely exhilarated watching you discover this new side of yourself.
“You like this?” He whispered, nipping your neck.
“Yes.” You trailed off, high pitched whines following as your nails dug into his shoulders.
“Talk to me baby, tell me what you want.” He growled.
“I want-wanna cum.” You whispered.
He grunted, bringing his hand to your chin. You blushed, gasping as he hit a particularly sensitive spot deep within you. “Fuck!” Hands palming his back sporadically as though you were trying not to drown.
“Language baby.” He panted, placing chaste kisses across your cheeks. “Not so innocent anymore are you?”
“Mmm-no.” You shook your head, starting to rock your hips to meet his.
“Look at you, cursing, asking for my cum-shit- wanting me to fuck you full of it huh?” Each thrust getting more aggressive.
“Please, Anakin, I do.”
“Such a fuckin’ dirty girl aren’t you?” He laughed.
“N-no I’m not.” You said, hiccuping.
“Say it.” He demanded, his gaze blazing into your own.
“But-but you said… you wanted me to be good.” You shook your head, confused.
“I know what I said.” He shot back, deepening his strokes. “So be a good girl and tell me how fucking nasty you are.”
“I-I’m dirty.” You whispered.
“Not good enough babydoll.”
“Ani!” You whined, embarrassment creeping in as you tried to hide your face.
He was quick to redirect your gaze back at him, “Don’t you look away from me.”
“M’sorry.” You whimpered, choking back a sob as he drilled into you at a new angle. His large hands splayed across your abdomen, pushing down on your lower stomach.
“See that?” He gripped the hair at the top of your head, forcing you to look at the space beneath his other hand.
“Uh huh.” You choked out.
“Touch it.” He said, not asking as he released your hair only to take your hand in his and press it into the softness of your lower stomach.
The movement of his cock deep within you could be felt from right there under your palm. The world seemed to fade farther and farther away with each time you felt his balls slap your ass.
“You like the way my cock feels don’t you?” He asked, taunting you.
“Y-yes.” You nodded, eyebrows knitted together as the bed shook.
“You like the way it feels when I fucked my cum in you?” He grinned.
“Yes!” You whined louder, pussy clenching down on him.
“You wanna cum on my cock and make me proud don’t you pretty girl?”
“Yes! Yes!” You nodded, the white hot coil in your stomach growing tighter and tighter with every demeaning syllable from his plump lips.
“So make Daddy proud, and tell me you’re a dirty little cumslut. Okay?” He growled.
“I’m-“ you sniffled, the humiliation so deliciously mean, “I’m a dirty cumsult.”
“See? Good girls listen, and good girls get what they want.” He laughed, bringing his fingers to your clit to furiously roll between his pointer finger and thumb.
Your back arched off the bed, hands tangling in his hair as you fought to breathe. Your vision blurring and the sounds of the room turning to white noise as lightening shot through you. A scream ripped from your throat, and you were too out of it to even comprehend that Anakin had shoved his fingers into your mouth to quiet you.
A hot liquid dribbled down your inner thighs, the next audible words you could hear were praises from Anakin.
“Oh look at you baby,” he cooed watching your bruised lips suck his fingers while your eyes rolled back in your head. “Taking Ani’s big cock so well.”
He moaned, rolling his hips against your mound, letting his dick soak up your cum.
“So proud of you princess, you did so good.” His voice soft and sweet as he brushed your hair from your face.
“Y’know I don’t mean those things right?” He whispered. “I just like to make you blush.” He nipped your nose.
“I k-know” you hiccuped.
“Did I hurt you too much?” He asked, still gently rocking into you.
“No Ani. It felt good.” You admit, wrapping your arms around his shoulders you felt his muscles twitch under your soft skin.
He laughed softly, catching your lips between his, whispering, “Want me to do it again?”
You blushed hiding your face in his neck, nodding against his sweaty skin. He held his hips flush to yours, rolling them in circles and creating a new sensation for you, his pubic hairs brushing over your clit every so often.
“Can I- um.” You giggled in his ear, “can I try?”
“You?” He pulled back, surprised you’d ask. “You want to try riding me?”
“Can I?” You asked sweetly.
“Where’d you learn that?” He squeaked, laughing. “I’m calling Ashley.”
“No!” You giggled, smacking his shoulders before leaning in to whisper, “I read it in Cosmo.”
He let out a gasp, “That’s it! I’m screening everything you read and watch from now on.”
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“Look what I got in the mail!” You waved a thick envelope in front of Anakin’s face, watching him try not to choke on his lunch.
“Did you open it yet?” He mumbled through a mouth full of food.
“I was waiting for you,” you grinned, slipping your finger under the seam and ripping the envelope open.
You eagerly took out the papers, scanning them for the one line of words that could make or break your happy attitude.
“Oh my god.” A smile gripping your cheeks, “oh my god look! Look right here! I got in!”
You pointed to the acceptance letter and Anakin tossed aside your papers, leaning over the car console to tug you into his arms. He squeezed and peppered your cheeks with kisses, and as he pulled back you could’ve sworn you saw a little tear escape down his face.
“I’m so proud of you, see? I knew you’d get in.” He held his arms out as if he were presenting you to a crowd, “Now all we gotta do is find an apartment.”
He leaned in, catching your lips on a passionate kiss while his hands cupped your face.
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You giggled as Anakin packed you across the threshold of your brand new apartment, a cute little shared space near his -and now your-college campus. He watched as you excitedly touched and inspected everything in sight.
Anakin had some of his lacrosse friends help him move everything in a few days prior. He had said ‘I’m not letting you sleep on a mattress on the floor. Don’t pout, I’ll have everything set up soon and then I’ll come get you okay doll face?’
No one knew of your less than normal step-sibling status here, you were free to do as you pleased. You didn’t have to worry about pop-ins from Obi-Wan or your mother seeing as how the campus was three hours away from your hometown. They didn’t even bat an eye when they were told you had switched schools and were planning on living together, they even seemed excited, glad that you would keep each other out of trouble.
Anakin came up behind you, snaking his arms around your waist and resting his chin atop your head. Swaying your body against his to a silent song, leaning down to plant a sloppy kiss on your exposed neck.
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Anakin held both your hands in his, looking out over the pier he’d brought you to for a late afternoon date.
“Listen, I know things won’t always be easy. I know that it will be painful to pretend we’re something else when we visit back home.”
He turned back to you, “But most importantly, I know that I love you.”
He slowly lowered himself to one knee, pulling a tiny velvet box from his jacket pocket. A tearful grin on his sun kissed cheeks.
“We might never get a real wedding, but that’s not gonna stop me from asking,�� he opened the box to reveal a teeny tiny pendant, one you’d seen before not so long ago.
“Will you marry me?”
Tears clouded your eyes as you vigorously agreed, throwing yourself down and into his arms.
You giggled as he placed the dainty necklace across your skin, fumbling with the little clasp on the chain. Once it was secured he pressed a small kiss to the nape of your neck.
“This was my moms wedding band. I had it melted down and re-shaped about a week or so after we met.” He blushed, embarrassed.
“It’s gorgeous.” You gasped, running your fingers over where it sat in the dip at the bottom of your throat.
“You’re gorgeous.” He whispered, pulling you into his chest.
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littlefreya · 24 days
Hi Freya! If you have the time, I was wondering if you had any recommendations for some August Walker fics, whether by you or another writer, it doesn’t matter to me. Most of the fics I’m finding recently make him out to be rough, animalistic, and cruel (which makes sense cause he was the villain after all lol). But they also include non-con, degradation, etc, which I’m not comfortable with. Don’t get me wrong! Stories with those elements are fine! It’s just not my cup of tea, personally. And I do like rough August, but I guess it’s more in the sense of him being rough to his enemies and being soft, sweet, and super protective of his sweet and innocent girl. Does that make sense? I’m sorry if it doesn’t, and for the rambling, to this day I still get nervous and panicky whenever I write an ask. 😅 Hope you have a great day! 🥰
Hey love, no need to be nervous about sending an ask. We are all just humans here :) 💖
I have several August stories where August is a pure softy - smut and non smut included.
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List below the cut
Smut 🔥🔥🔥
Velvet Chains - Soft!August x Reader (smut. August Walker as a sex-worker, sexual intercourse, unprotected sex, loss of virginity, a depiction of bodily fluids, soft!August themes, a tinge of angst and August’s monster c… ) - For a generous fee, August Walker is yours. A man devout to pleasure, who will worship you for an entire night and make sure your first time is more than memorable. 
Whiskers and Wet Silk - August comes home to find his princess watching Shadow and Bone and simping for the General and gets a bit insecure…
A Perfect Day - August Walker x Reader (smut to heavy fluff. Mentions of oral sex performed on a woman, male masturbation, and bodily fluids.) A perfect day in rural italy with the most dangerous CIA agent on earth. 
Pink Umbrella - August x Reader (Fluff to smut, soft!August Walker, DD/LG, thigh riding, gloves fetish (it’s a thing now), dirty talk, a tint of angst and slight twist ending.) August is on a mission in beautiful Paris and had you join the ride, but while he wants you to stay safe at the hotel, you have other ideas.
Gentle Monsters - August x Reader (smut, vaginal fingering, groping, grinding, cock grabbing, virginity. SoftDom vibes. August is the big bad wolf, but he can be soft for the right woman) It’s your first date with agent Walker, and things get a little too raunchy, but you are not ready to go all the way… 
One more touch before we die August x OFC (Explicit smut, romance) Set in a cabin on the mountain, August and his woman make passionate, desperate love. Sense Challange - Touch
Bourbon and Candy August x OFC (Explicit Smut, size kink, daddy kink) After a frustrating day at work, August just wants to sit down and enjoy his princess, in any way possible.
Poison Honey - August Walker x Reader ( Passion, romance, sexual innuendo, a “thrill of the chase” if this may trigger anyone and mild alcohol use.) Everyone around you is too busy getting drunk and making out, while you are just dying for this dreadful Christmas party to be over. But just as you plan to leave, you catch the eye of a very hungry August Walker. 
Fluff 🌈🍧🧁
Kiss it Better - August Walker x OFC (3rd person POV Fluffy, sticky, gooey fluff and floof with a tint of naughty suggestion)  August takes care of his girl after she fell
Monster August Walker x OFC (Romance) They call him a monster, but he is your monster    
Eivor - August Walker x ofc (Fluff)   August Walker wore many masks and had done horrible things but never in his life he imagined he would become someone’s father.
Shelter - August x Reader (Strictly soft sticky fluff) Lazy morning cuddles with August 
Something Wicked - August Walker x Reader (Fluff) August sleeps tightly and you decide to exploit the situation. 
Angel, can you hold me? - Soft!August x ofc (Angst to fluff) Bad guys need to be held as well
No More Tears - August Walker x OFC (August’s POV, Angst) On a cold autumn night, August muses over the girl he lost.
Behind Blue Eyes - August Walker x OFC (August’s POV,  angst, bad language, mentions of sex, mentions of alcohol, mentions of a breakup, longing, love, heartache. August being poetic AF and August being a prick and stealing candy. ) Beaten and broken, August Walker walks the streets of an unnamed city while he is taken by sudden longing.
Some drabbles
August doesn’t like it when his princess is sad (fluff)
Soft Tender August - August x Reader (Fluff, aftercare)
August singing Sinatra to you - August x Reader (Fluff)
Watching porn with August - August x Reader (mutual masturbation)
Forever Yours - August loves his cuddly princess
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lazyjellyfish300 · 5 months
DD Part 7
Fem reader x Miguel O'Hara
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DD art I commissioned from ejpuki on Instagram, please support the artist. 🖤
Synopsis: fem reader drinks too much and the bartender calls a random Uber for her which happens to be Miguel O'Hara himself. Her friends suck and ditch her. There's a lot of tension on the ride home...inspired by the original comic
Part 1 (contains links to all prior chapters)
TW: MINORS DO. NOT. INTERACT. SMUT THE ENTIRE CHAPTER (P IN V, ORAL M AND F RECEIVING ,breeding kink, praise, spanking) age gap (reader is 26 Miguel is 34), body insecurity
Word count: 3.3k
@mysteris-things @averagefloydlover @roserfz27
You're no longer concerned about cleanliness as you start to makeout with Miguel's neck, a sexy trail of passion leading into your bedroom. Miguel's mind and senses are being torn in three directions between carrying you quickly into your room, his raging hard on, and the intoxicating feel of your mouth on his skin causing his mind to conjure up a wide variety of filth he wishes to unleash on you tonight and into the morning if he doesn't leave you too fucked out to take him again. 
You already have your mind made up when he sits you gently on the edge of your bed and your hands travel to the large outline of his dick tenting out from his sweatpants. He clenches his teeth, hard. 
"Can I suck your cock, baby?" you ask, voice packed with lust, massaging and rubbing him through his sweats. 
His breath hitches. He looks down at you, impossibly turned on, not expecting you to be so forward with him. 
You increase the pressure of your hand on his dick a little more to tease him.
"I wanna make you feel good, sweetheart..." you purr sweetly, eyelashes winking up at him while your hands run along that glorious toned tummy of his and tug at his waistline, adding a teasing flick of your tongue. 
He exhales slowly. "Fuck yes, baby. Yes please..."
With that, he pulls down his sweatpants and boxers and peels off his hoodie, letting you see him in all his beauty stand before you. His heart skips a beat as you roam over the sight of his naked body with heated cheeks, the mild faint light coming from your bedside lamp illuminating perfectly against the warm sepia tone of his skin. 
Your knees would have buckled had you been standing on your feet when he blessed you with this gorgeous vision. 
"You're..... so fucking perfect, Miguel," you whisper as you begin to stroke his cock, your breath escaping you once more when you realize your hand can't wrap around it fully. You can't believe your luck that this beautiful being before you is just as in love with you as you are with him. 
Miguel bites his lip and grazes his fingertips across your cheeks, gathering your hair into a ponytail with his fist. "That's you, baby..." 
Your face burns angrily with want and you lock your mouth around his dick, moaning prettily with each bob of your head, using one hand to stroke him and one hand clenched in a fist in an effort to ward off your gag reflex, as his length is almost too much for your mouth to handle. When you gain control, you move your free hand to cup his balls, caressing and stroking them in toe-curling motions.
Miguel lets out a deep moan and gradually rolls his head back, closing his eyes, his fist still holding your hair back in a ponytail above your head. Your eyes dart up to look at him with his ab muscles tensed, his nipples on his large pecks starting to poke out a little as goosebumps dot his areolas, his Adam's apple throbbing in his neck as he gently bucks his hips into the delicious warm wetness of your mouth. 
"Mmmm..." you hum as you taste him, savoring everything he's giving you right now, basking in the way you have him melting and groaning at your mercy as he fucks into your throat.
"Carajo(fuck)...whatever you just did with your tongue, please keep doing that..." he whimpers, his fingers tightening around your hair, closer to your roots. 
You swirl your tongue around his tip and flicker it gently into his small hole. "Like that, baby?" 
"Oh..." he makes a sharp intake of air between his teeth. "Just like that baby, fffuck." 
Your stomach flips at the sound of his moans. Dizzy with how fucking hot and raw they sound. You keep sucking his dick, letting your tongue lap him up, slobbering all along the length, writing a love letter on his cock with your saliva. 
Miguel realizes if he stays like this, he won't get a chance to taste your pussy before he leaves his load trickling down your throat instead of inside of you. He pulls your mouth off his dick with a wet schlurp and you look up at him, your innocent pretty face shiny with drool. 
He crumbles at the sight of your puffy lips, evidence of your passionate efforts to spoil his cock. He rubs your cheeks with his thumbs in quiet appreciation. "Need to see you too, beautiful." 
You realize you haven't even undressed yourself yet. You feel the shyness creep up, but you give a nod of your head, wanting to grant his wish. You stand up, your height overpowered by Miguel's. You start by taking off your booty shorts, underwear and socks. You take a deep breath as you go to remove your sweatshirt that conceals the part of you from him you're not as secure about. 
Miguel wets his lips and assists you with pulling your sweatshirt over your head. When it's off, you stand there naked in front of him for the first time, the beating of your heart starting to echo a bit in your eardrums as you hope that he's not disappointed in what he sees. You bring your forearms across your belly, averting your gaze from his when the silent intensity of his stare becomes too much for you to face dead on. 
Miguel notices you covering yourself and his face falls a little bit. He brings a hand to your chin and lays the other on the small of your bare back, causing you to jump a little.
"There's no need to hide yourself, baby..." he coaxes you gently. His voice a caress against the uneasiness in your soul. 
"Please let me see you?" he begs, his fingers stroking your chin and tucking stray hairs behind your ear, his hands taking care of your face. 
The heat in your face increases but you slowly move your arms away, lowering your guard.
 "I don't really like my stomach," you murmur, a bit of shame tinged in your voice. 
Miguel's eyes flood with sympathy as he studies your sullen expression. He needs to take some time with you. A sensitive topic he's begun to understand all too well with his appearance changing overnight with the transformation forced upon him by Tyler Stone and Aaron Delgado. 
He pulls you into an embrace, sighing as your bare bodies press together. The sensitivity of both of your skin feeding off one another. A tingly feeling causing your thighs to clench when you feel his cock rest against your tummy. 
He holds you for a moment, letting the strength of his hug banish all worries from your mind. His skin on yours a sensation you discover you never want to grow tried of feeling. 
 "I know there's things you don't like about yourself baby....But, I want you to know, you'll always be safe to share them with me," he hums, each word he utters causing your affection for him to multiply tenfold. "I don't care what you look like. Although, I always thought you were absolutely ravishing..." 
He keeps holding you, but allows his fingers to dance up and down your spine. 
"Could you let me get a good look at you, baby? I wanna lay eyes on what's mine..." his voice soft and gentle, excruciatingly persuasive when he affirms you're all his.
You close your eyes and nod feebly into his chest, peeling yourself away, daring to look up and face the fire of his gaze. Your eyes droop with lust when you lock onto his crimson pupils and realize they're lined with utter desire for you, bleeding with worship and adoration of your body. 
"Vaya, mírate.." (wow, look at you) Miguel whispers, getting on his knees, his lips peppering soft wet kisses into your tummy as he backs you up against the edge of your bed again, guiding you to sit back down. 
"Miguel?" your lips part and then fall open when he starts moving his huge hands in soft caresses around both your ankles, then sliiiide their way up your legs slowly until they come to rest at your inner thighs. You help him out by pushing yourself further up the bed, allowing space for him to rest his body while he licks up your pussy to his heart's content. 
His sharp canines graze his bottom lip as he watches you cooperate for him. So obedient without him having to tell you what to do. He holds your legs  and starts with your left one, licking the inner part of your knee, then trailing down the length of your thigh, until he stops just to the side of your outer labia, eyes staring up at you the whole time, greedily  feasting on your desperate reaction.
You roll your hips upward to ride his nose but he lifts his head with a teasing smirk, dangling your desperate want for friction on your now glistening pussy just out of reach. 
"Please, baby," you groan, pushing your head further into the mattress and gathering the sheets into your fists. 
"Please... what?" Miguel taunts as he mirrors the movement on your right thigh, starting at your knee again and licking a stripe downwards, halting so his nose is inches away from your spread pussy, his fingertips turning white as they grip and knead the plush meat of your thighs. 
"Need your cock inside me, Mig...," your turn to whimper now. 
Miguel's cock is throbbing for the inside of you too, but he knows it needs to wait. "Ten paciencia. Necesito degusto..." (Be patient, I need to taste...) 
Miguel curls his strong arms around your upper thighs, locking you in place as he encircles his soft lips around your throbbing clit. His tongue swirls and fucks into you, expert movements sending mind numbing pulses of pleasure all throughout your body, causing it to build and swell on itself, to the point where it becomes nearly too much. You melt like ice cream in his hands.
"Fffuck...feels so fucking good...
Miguel....oh my fucking God..."
The inner corners of your eyebrows turn upwards, proof that he's hitting you just right with his tongue all over your face in a beautiful expression that causes Miguel to leak more drool from his mouth into your wet hole.
"Soo fucking perfect..." Miguel whispers as he collects more of your arousal on his tongue. You feel yourself dripping and will your body to relax and lend itself directly to him in his open mouth, his own lips becoming pink and puffy from all the special attention he's giving you. 
"You taste even better than I thought...So good...getting all nice and wet for me" He praises you and starts to roughly grind his hips into the mattress, his cock hungry for friction as well.
You watch his ass move up, and down, and ripple against your bed, feeling yourself drip even more into his pretty mouth as you envision those divine hips of his drilling into your starving pussy. 
He decides to eat you a little longer, the brushes of his tongue switching between torturous teasing kitten licks to your puffy clit, and long, luscious laps of his large pad up and down and all across your folds and the whole length of your pussy, leaving none of it untouched by his tongue. 
You feel your mouth growing dry as you suck in breath after breath, Miguel's tongue not relenting, his weight pinning you down, rendering you helpless with no choice but to give in to the pleasure and climb higher and higher to the peaks of arousal, your climax just within reach. 
"I need your cock, Miguel." you whine.
"Mmm yeah?" He groans, still drunk on your pussy. 
"Not convinced you're ready to be fucked just yet, cariño..."
"PLEASE..." you're losing it now, your vision getting fuzzy, your breaths sharp and increasing in pitch, your hands strangling his dark brown locks. 
Miguel doubles down, his elbows pressing harder into you, holding you down, surely leaving bruises by now. But, the soul numbing pleasure he's injecting into your pussy with his tongue counteracts it. 
"Cum in my mouth..." Miguel commands.
And you do, violently. Spazzing and shaking underneath his immovable grasp, painting his gorgeous face with your arousal. Sweat is trickling down the valley of your breasts as you pant and gasp, looking upwards at the ceiling, reeling from the orgasm he solicited from you from just his tongue.
Miguel moans at the sight, not wasting a drop you've produced just for him. 
"Now, I think you're ready for my cock..." Miguel says with a smirk, climbing up and resting his back against your pillows and headboard, his long powerful legs outstretched in front of him, pulling your still speechless body into his lap, his dick sitting tall and painfully hard, the tip already shiny with his own pre-arousal. 
You barely start to collect your thoughts and come back to Earth as you straddle him with a knee on either side of his waist, his hands finding settlement on your hips, easing you gently down onto his length. 
You gasp and wince as he brings you down on his cock as it stretches you out, your already overstimulated pussy struggling to take his giant length. 
"Baby I can't..." 
"It's okay, it's okay. Relájate(relax), mírame(look at me)..." 
He lifts you by your ribs, being careful around where he accidentally cut you earlier and brings you back up so you're just resting on the tip, gently bobbing you up and down, testing the waters and easing you open to be able to take the rest of him.  
You moan at the sight of his pretty face staring lovestruck back into yours as he continues to bounce you lightly on the tip of his cock, groaning as he feels you start to slip down easier and easier.  Your tits jiggle with every movement, your nipples begging to be in his mouth. 
He lets gravity do the work and you sliiide down his length, you both moan in unison.
"Much better..." He breathes and traces the curve of your ass with his fingers then spanks you hard, the sound of his smack sharp and flooding the room. 
"Miguel!" You yelp at the spank but can't deny the shockwaves of pleasure it sends through you. 
Miguel grunts and smiles at your reaction, continuing to fuck up into you, despite your pussy being already full to the brim of him.
"Sorry baby, need to let your neighbors know I'm the one that fucks you the best. Gonna let them hear me making you dumb for this cock." 
"Ugh, Miguel...God." you roll your eyes back in their sockets and let your head fall back, your hair sliding off your shoulders leaving your tits unprotected. 
Miguel leans in closer to you, bringing you forward a bit with his hand on your back and locks his mouth around your left tit, moaning as he moves his tongue in maddening circles around your nipple, feeling it harden and the bud poking out, the bumpy texture of your areolas making him salivate, a little bit of drool escaping the suction of his latch and dribbling down your tummy.
He switches to your right tit, giving it some attention as well, still thrusting his dick upwards into you intermittently. After he's marked both of your breasts with his saliva to his liking, he moves his head back to look at you still impaled on his cock, and focus on his strokes instead. 
He sighs and his hands find residence back on your hips, moving you up and down, his breaths haggard but his energy not spent thanks to his inhuman stamina. 
While fucking you, his jaw inches open a tiny bit as he grips onto the soft flesh of your sides.
"Eres tan hermosa..." (You're so beautiful) He breathes. "You're everything...your pussy is everything..."
He clenches his jaw. "Such a goddess...sitting so divine on my cock..." 
"Ohhh yes,...yes...baby" You close your eyes, biting your lip, his praise smoldering through your whole body. "Keep going baby, that's so fucking hot...you're making me so wet..." 
His lips curl into a smile as he realizes he can make you fall apart with just his words. He continues, the lust practically dripping out of his voice, making his mouth water.
"Your yummy tits... God, your perfect ass...the way my cock fits in your pussy just right..." He lands another smack on your ass again, turning it red and making you yelp. 
"So fucking sweet...yet so naughty just for me." He snaps his hips, harsh and sudden, causing a flash of light to interrupt your vision, making you squeal. 
"Baby!" You cry out, your nails leaving red crescent moon indents on his chest.
"Let's finish together, baby. I think you're close too..." Miguel's face is gorgeous, shiny and covered in sweat. "Where do you want my cum, princesa?" 
You moan, still trying to steady yourself as you continue to ride him, angling yourself so that tried and true spot inside of you is getting brushed each time with Miguel's tantalizing cock.
"I want it in my pussy baby." You know you're on birth control but you decide to say something that might send him over the edge. 
"Put your load in me. Get me pregnant with that cock." 
Miguel's eyes flutter and struggle to stay open. 
"Baby......shit!!" He grabs your face and kisses you hard as he spills his love into you, and you gush over him, quaking with a couple of tiny thrusts into you for good measure to make sure it doesn't drip out.
He pants into your mouth for a moment, lost in this beautiful moment you two shared together. The adoration you felt for each other spilling over and flooding the love nest you two just built on top of your bed.
Life changing, mind altering, the first time you and Miguel gave your bodies to one another was better than you ever could have imagined. The sacredness of your bond now taking the form of something much, much more permanent.
Something that would transcend this night and many others to come when you two would lay together in the home you two built together. Hearts stirring in rhythm alongside one another. 
You feel electrified as you swim in the red pools of his eyes. Ruby, scarlet, crimson, bleeding with love-lined pupils as they clash into yours, equally as paralyzed by the gaze of your lovely eyes. 
"I love you." you speak at last. Your words a tender interruption most fitting for the precious intimacy of the moment. 
Miguel blesses you with that signature dazzling smile of his. "And I love you."
He pauses. 
"Um... But did you really happen to mean...?" 
"I'm on birth control," you smile shyly. "I kinda got lost in the moment there. I'm sorry...but I mean I'm not COMPLETELY opposed....in the future maybe."
Miguel can't help but laugh. The sound of it is sweet, just another thing about him to add to the neverending list of qualities about him you adored. 
"That's okay. It was pretty damn hot of you to do that. I'm not complaining either. And the thought of us really doing that one day...I actually love that so much." He places a hand on your belly, rubbing circles with his thumb. 
"Me too, baby..." you sigh, feeling your heart sliding deeper and farther in love until you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, you couldn't climb back out. 
"Round two?" You suggest slyly with a wink. 
Miguel scoffs but a smirk appears across his face, happy to rise to the occasion, not ready for this sexy night to end just yet. 
"Round two" he affirms, laying you backwards onto the pillows once more. 
Part 8
130 notes · View notes
hansensgirl · 2 years
୨୧ 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 ୨୧
summary. | you just wanted to go for a stroll down the road—but he wants you to take a walk on the wild side.
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warnings. | non/dubcon (noncon turns to dubcon), dd/lg, dark themes, manipulation, gaslighting, lying, forced drinking (water), dark kinky urges (choking, groping), taking advantage, perversion, mean!chris, forced watersports (forced-peeing yourself, he pees on you), Daddy kink, smut, rough sex, vaginal sex, dacryphilia, sadist!chris, pet names (little one, baby), heavy degradation, heavy dumbification, humiliation, praise, lack of prep, slapping, creampie kink (reader/talking), cum marking, size kink (reader is shorter/he’s much taller), “punishment” (he pretends), one (1) orgasm denied, and more. 18+ MINORS DNI!
pairing. | dark!daddy/caregiver!Chris Evans x naive!little!fem!reader.
word count. | 4.6k
author’s note. | happy birthday to my most bestest girl @sweetlilbambi!! i love you so so much!! hope you enjoy this! thank you so much for everything, i’m so glad you’re my friend! dm’ing you that one time was the best decision ever! have a great birthday baby!! i love you to the moon and back!! unbeta’d, so all mistakes are my own. please no kinkshaming :) this is an au! i obviously don’t think chris is capable of doing this. MINORS DNI! 18+ ONLY!
my taglist. @hansensfics (please go follow!).
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“C’mon, drink up, little one. You don’t want Daddy to be upset, do you?” Chris coaxes, his dominant hand holding your sippy cup as he tilts it for you. You clutch your stuffed animal to your torso—a Le Mutt that Chris managed to snag from eBay. 
With quick gulps, you finish the cup filled with water. 
Chris stands up and looks down, smiling at you, “good girl.” The praise makes you feel all warm and mushy. You’d do anything he asks because of those two promised words. Good girl. You’re Daddy’s good girl. 
“Daddy, are we gonna stay home today?” you question, noticing that he’s been pacing around non-stop, yet you’re wearing your little girl panties. When Daddy takes you somewhere, he puts big girl panties on you. “No, little one. Why’d you ask? Hm?” Chris questions, a piece of his hair falling from the pile that rests on his head.
“Nothin’... Saw you doin’ a bunch of stuff, Daddy. Got curious,” you sheepishly explain, tilting forward and leaning on his legs. Rubbing your cheek on his pants, you mildly wince at the cramp in your stomach. 
Whatever—you’ve been sitting in the same odd position for far too long.
“Really? You spyin’ on me now? I’m just getting some stuff sorted. Do you wanna go out?” 
“Mmm… Yes? Please? Not too long, though. Or too far. Maybe just the park? And we can take Dodgy with us too! Wait, where’s Dodgy, Daddy?” you suddenly shriek, realising you haven’t heard from the dog at all. “Aw, baby. I took him to my mom’s! She missed him a whole lot—way more than you do when I’m gone filming!”
You pout despite the genuinity of Chris’s explanation. Dodger is your best friend—you love playing with him when Daddy is busy. “When’s he comin’ back?” you inquire, unknowingly digging your chin into the hard skin of his leg. “Hm… I think the day after tomorrow, little one. That’s Thursday! But don’t worry, it’s gonna go by so quick, it’ll be like he wasn’t even gone!” your Daddy exclaims.
“And plus,” he starts, “we’ll have so much fun together.”
Eventually, you eagerly nod your head and giggle. Chris lets out a chuckle at your sweet reaction, adoring how cute you are. 
Sometimes, he has the urge to just hurt you because you rot his teeth far too much. Worse than cotton candy or those blue raspberry jolly ranchers that get stuck in his molars. Strong hands are ready to squeeze you—your face, your torso, your throat, your ass.
“Like when we go on our walk! We goin’ to the park, right, Daddy?” 
You sit up on your knees, wincing as the liquid in your stomach sloshes. There’s a mild pressure there as well, but you ignore it. You just drank your water too soon. 
“Hm… We won’t go to the park, little one. We’ll walk down the road to the forest, okay?” he offers, knowing there’s no point in going to the park when Dodger isn’t here.
As Chris awaits your answers, he shakes one of his hands. A small fidget, and now he realises he’s a bit nervous. He shouldn’t be.
This isn’t like the first time he was caught by the paparazzi or when he had an emotionally trying scene to film. It’s not the first movie premiere honouring him, and it certainly isn’t his first photo shoot. 
Just a small nudge in the right direction for you. Chris knows you’ll say no, and he can’t take rejection lightly. 
“Oh, yes, please, Daddy! I love goin’ there. Not much people and we can draw on the ground,” you cheer, pushing your white stuffed animal closer to your face. “You wanna bring your chalk, baby? We can draw some animals! Remember we said we’d draw sheepies next time?” Chris recalls for you, unable to hide his smile. 
You let out a tiny, quiet squeal at the memory. “Mhm! Daddy, ‘m so excited! Wait, we go now or later?” you ask, bringing the stuffed animal down to your knees. “Do you wanna go right now?” he asks, still at full height. “...Yes, please, Daddy…”
The sheepishness of your attitude makes Chris as hard as a rock. Beneath his trousers and boxers, his cock leaks with want—with need. But you’re too oblivious to notice the bulge that begs to be taken care of. 
Fortunately, you don’t have any toys out of their designated boxes. You’ve simply been watching your Daddy and bouncing Le Mutt around with fantastical stories being acted out. Unlike your significant other, you’re no actress. 
“You don’t have to change your clothes, baby. Let me get our adventure bag ready, and then we’ll go,” he tells you, and when you say okay, Daddy, he leaves you in your playroom. The door shuts behind the older man, and there’s a thin-lipped smile on his face. 
Chris unscrews the cap of your bottle and presses the edge of it against the lever on the fridge. 
The pink plastic is filled with water at your preferred temperature in just a few seconds. He doesn't plan on giving it to you just yet—it’s only for added measure.
He pulls open the drawer and grabs the pastel backpack. Each leather section is a different colour, and the pattern is symmetrical. Blue, green, purple. You’re the one who chose it and winced at the three-digit price.
Chris told you that he has a special discount—another lie. They leave his mouth in a practically rehearsed manner. 
Carefully, he places both items on the marble countertop behind him and follows his footsteps back to your room. He pushes the door open with ease and finds that you’ve fixed up your appearance a little bit. It’s too bad it’ll all get ruined in just a few moments.
“Daddy? Can you help me put on my shoes, please?” you politely request, holding up a pair of sneakers with flowers embroidered on the sides. “Of course, little one. But you gotta do your checklist first, remember?” Chris tells you, gesturing to the small poster he helped you draw a while ago.
“Okay… Uhm… I got my shoes, I’m dressed for the weather, Daddy has the baggie, I have Daddy… And that’s it?” you check before gasping. “Oh! And I don’t have to pee, so I won’t have an accident!” 
Hook, line, sinker.
“You sure, princess? Did you already go to the bathroom? You know the rules,” your Daddy hums, referencing rule #5. Always tell Daddy you’re going to the bathroom. “Nuh-uh! Don’t break rules, Daddy. I just don’t have to pee,” you smile, ignoring the ache in your stomach. 
It may be uncomfortable, but in your eyes, going for your walk is more of a priority. “Baby, you’re supposed to go to the bathroom even if you don’t have the urge. When we get out there, we’re gonna have to cut our walk short because you’ll want to pee then,” he explains in faux exasperation. 
You pout at Chris’s tone. Being his good girl is your forte. Rarely are you ever a brat. The occasional whining laces with your words, but you apologise for it before he can start his countdown from 10 to 1. 
“No, Daddy! I promise. Can we go now, please?” you question, standing up and grabbing his sweater. You always keep a hand on him. “I’m sorry, baby, but we’re not going anywhere just yet. You’re using the bathroom before we leave. Don’t make me punish you,” Chris warns.
Head tilting back, you fight a wail that desperately wants to leave your mouth. “Please, Daddy! I promise, I don’t have to go at all!” you try to convince him, even though your full bladder begs to differ. Chris raises one of his eyebrows slightly, and his jaw clenches.
“One… Two…” he begins, resting his hands on his hips. “Go. Now,” he interrupts before continuing his counting. “Three, four, five…” You shake your head rapidly and squeeze your thighs, spewing gibberish pleas to your caregiver. “D– Daddy!” you whisper-cry, arms coming up to Chris’ shoulders.
Eventually, the pain becomes too much, and you start nodding to try and convey your surrender. “Well, you better pee now, princess. It’s gonna get warmer and warmer out there, and your walk won’t be as nice,” Chris warns. You turn on your heel and leave the room, skipping before limping to the nearest bathroom.
It’s next door and near your playroom—the one full of filthy and scandalous toys. In an overlap, it’s painted in the same colour scheme as your other playroom. Pink and white walls with a sort of sunset-feel to them. 
But as you reach for the doorknob, strong hands grab you and nudge you into the almost-fictional room. For fans and gossip mongers, it’s a rumour. For you and your Daddy, it’s very much real. 
You nearly fall to the ground with the strength you’re pushed with. A call for your Daddy comes from you on instinct, but the shushing he gives you isn’t from afar. No, Chris is right behind you—hot on your tail. 
“Careful, baby. You’re gonna hurt yourself,” your Daddy coos, grabbing you by the elbow and pulling you up. He makes you stand in front of him even though you desperately need to relieve yourself. “Daddy, please? Can I go to the bathroom? I– I’ll make it quick! And ‘m never gonna be a brat again. ‘M sorry—please?” you beg.
Chris’s eyes rake up and down your body, lingering at your exposed legs. Your knees touch as you try to fight back the urge to go right there and then. The pinched look on your face is adorable, and so is the pout you’re sporting. You’re oblivious to your expression while your caregiver soaks it all in.
Your lips part in a bid to beg once more, but the older man is quicker than you. “Shh…” Chris shushes, dragging out his soothing sound and tightening his grip on you. 
Letting out a sob, you can’t hold it anymore. Tears leak down your cheeks as the dam inside you breaks. Your panties and skirt are ruined, soaked in your piss—and it’s all your fault. If you had listened to Chris at first, this never would’ve happened. You should’ve trusted your Daddy. 
“Oh, poor baby…” he coos, still not letting go. In fact, he pulls you closer, wrapping an arm around your delicate frame as you make a mess. The drips patter on the floors, and you’re covered in your liability. That ache in your abdomen dissipates when your streams come to a slow stop. “Shh… You’re okay, now, princess.”
Sobs wrack your chest as you push your face into Chris’s warmth. “Look at what happens when you don’t listen to Daddy, baby. You made a mess everywhere! And now we can’t go on our walk,” he gently scolds you, pulling you away although your clutch his shirt within your hands. 
You nod and look down, still sniffling and wallowing in both regret and shame. With Chris, there was no need for embarrassment. But now, you’re riddled with humiliation and have half a mind to get on your soiled knees and start grovelling. 
“‘M sorry, Daddy… I’m so sorry!” you exclaim through your weeping. “It’s okay, princess,” he reassures, further pushing his stiff member into your stomach. 
You notice Chris’s largeness, sparking curiosity inside your fuzzy mind, but you choose to ignore it. 
“But you know you have to be punished, princess. Remember rule #3? Whenever you make a mess, you need to take your punishment,” Chris tells you, nudging you in the right direction. 
You’ve left things in shambles and ruins so much that your Daddy had to create an absolute rule to get you to stop. “Mhm… I’ll take my punishment, Daddy… You’re not mad?” 
Hope riddles your words, and you crane your neck to look up at the older man. “I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed, baby. But it’s okay. Your punishment will fix it all up,” Chris hums, leaning down to rub his nose against yours.
The soothing action makes you smile, though it’s wobbly from your sadness. “Uh-huh, uh-huh! Will take punishment like a good girl, Daddy! Pinky promise,” you tell him, going to extend your tiny finger out before Chris manhandles you with the same roughness from before.
Suddenly, you’re bent over the bench he reserves for his more impact play-related repercussions. Spankings are painful, but you’d rather take those than your caregiver’s wrath. You await your hits patiently, holding onto the edge of the seat. 
What comes isn’t a swat from a belt or a slap from Chris’s hands. No, instead, his voice is low, and the abruptness of it makes you flinch. “Fuck, you made me so damn hard, baby. I oughta treat you like a whore for that. It was so damn sexy,” he mumbles, and you’re now more lost than ever.
You desperately want to ask the older man what his words mean, but you’re worried you’ll upset him more. The mere thought makes your heart ache immensely. 
Rough hands flip your wet skirt up, and they squeeze the plump flesh of your ass. Chris gropes you roughly, his harsh touches making your cunt clench in anticipation. Fingers hook into the waistband of your underwear, and he pulls them down. 
Cool air hits your folds, leaving you even more vulnerable than you already are. Your eyes flutter shut as you wait for the first spank, but it never comes. Rustling is heard behind you, and you want to look at Chris badly.
Your caregiver fumbles with the buttons and zipper on his pants. His cock begs to be released and shoved inside your tight, warm, wet channel. The memories of you wetting yourself in front of him replay in his mind over and over—making his member twitch under the confines.
Rather than stinging, you feel the leaky, mushroom tip of your Daddy’s cock. It presses against your fuckhole, and the realisation has you clenching on instinct. “Look at that tiny pussy, baby. Daddy’s cock always abuses this little hole, hm? Poor thing…” 
You whimper at his words, the filth never failing to leave you weak. Chris rubs his engorged cock between your folds that are soaked with different fluids. The pre-cum that rolls in beads mixes with your mess, and he hisses from the friction. 
Each time the older man’s member rubs on your clit, you bite back a whine. You’re not sure what your penalty is, but you take whatever Chris gives you. “I wish I could stretch this cunt out, princess, but Daddy needs to punish you, so you’re just gonna handle it like a big girl, okay?” he tells you.
But he doesn’t wait for your response. He simply lines up with your entrance and pushes in roughly, bottoming out in one strugglesome stroke. “Shit, you’re so tight, baby. Even after I’ve pounded this fuckhole, you still feel like a fucking vice,” Chris groans, his balls touching your wet clit. 
His cock is so deep inside you that it’s overwhelming. Your varying emotions burn into each other and leave you a blur. A few seconds pass, and while you still haven't adjusted fully, the stretch isn’t as bad as it was at first. 
Short breaths leave your mouth as you soothe yourself. “You better take this dick like a good girl, princess. Or else Daddy’s gonna have to punish you even more,” Chris husks, his voice full of darkness and capability. 
“‘M gonna take your cock like a good girl, Daddy! I promise!” you whisper-shout cheerfully. He hums in delight, looking at your face in the mirror's reflection. It’s squished as you’ve pressed your head against your folded arms, keeping yourself low as you’re ashamed. “Good girl.”
Chris can read you like a picture book—the easiest task he’ll ever be handed.
Eventually, he pulls his hips back until just his mushroom head remains inside your cunt. He already shines with your wetness. Then, he sheathes himself once again and begins to fuck you. His pace is moderate, but his thrusts are rough.
It’s almost as if your cervix bruises with each push and pull. Occasionally, your Daddy’s cock kisses your sweet spot and leaves you shuddering with pleasure. You gnaw on the skin of your arm as you try your best to not whine. 
The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room, your wet squelches and pathetic moans following. “Such a dirty little whore, hm? Making a mess everywhere, and you still want Daddy to fuck you,” Chris spits, and you hum as best as possible. 
You angle your eyes to the mirror, and watch as your fully-clothed boyfriend fucks into you. The hair piled on his head falls just a bit as he looks down, watching your cunt stretching around his thick cock. 
Suddenly, one of the hands that grip your waist tightly comes up to your head, grabbing the back of your skull. Chris leans forward, his chest pressed against your back as his head slots between the crook of your neck. He looks at the mirror and locks gazes with you, his thrust halting as his hand approaches your face.
Thick fingers rest against your cheek, and you give your Daddy a shy smile. He returns it before pulling his palm away. You barely have time to let out a sound of confusion when he lands a smack on your skin. Chris does so continuously, slapping you until your skin stings and numbs. 
At the same time, the older man grinds his cock inside you. The friction is delicious and contrasts the pain that blooms in your face. He groans right in your ear, and you let out whimpers that sound like sobs mixed with moans. 
His balls rub against your clit as his cock tortures both your spongey spot inside you and your cervix. Your skin feels raw once Chris is done abusing it, waiting for the next blow even though it doesn’t come. His touch is like a phantom—you still feel it. 
“Messy little girl… It’s a good thing you have Daddy here to clean up after you,” he coos, kissing your other cheek before he resumes his thrusting. “T– Thank you, Daddy,” you obediently tell Chris, the coarse hairs of his beard scraping your right cheek. It almost balances the pain in your visage.
“You made me do this, baby. This is all your fault. See what happens when you don’t do what Daddy says? You become a disgusting little thing,” Chris grunts, his words mean but true. His thrusts move with such ease—your arousal is more than obvious now. “But it’s okay. Daddy loves nasty little girls like you.”
He presses chaste kisses to the side of your face, tongue trailing along where your tears streaked. Your caregiver laps up the remaining saltiness on your skin. “You’re just leaking everywhere, aren't you, princess? From those little doe eyes to that tight cunt of yours,” Chris moans, picking up the pace and roughness of his thrusts again.
You cry out as a different pressure builds inside you. It’s not as painful as the previous one but just as demanding. Flames lick at your insides as you cry out, a signal for your Daddy. 
“Awe, is my little girl gonna come already? Hm? Gonna make another mess?” the older man taunts, nipping at your ear. “Uh-huh, uh-huh,” you moan, your thighs squeezing together, and your breathing quickens.
“I think you’ve done enough begging for the day, baby. Go ahead, cream Daddy’s cock and then I’ll forgive you,” Chris tells you, and the bargain is more than enough for your core to clench around his cock. You squeeze him tightly, crying out, Daddy. “Yeah, that’s right. I’m your Daddy, and you better listen to me all the time.”
You nod your head as your slick coats his red member. Creaminess spills out of your sweet cunt, and Chris groans at the sight. The tightness around his cock is addictive, the very thing he has to fantasise about when he’s away from home. 
“Shit, look at all that cream, baby. Such a good little slut for me—squeezing my cock with that dirty fuckhole a’ yours,” he seethes, an arm wrapping around your shoulders and pressing you close to his chest. “Mmm… Th– Thank you, Daddy!” you squeal, each punch of Chris’s hips pushing a moan out of your throat.
He groans against your skin, taking in the scent of you that is simply unforgettable. While the older man is musk and cologne, you’re sweet lotion and sweat—tears and fear, too. 
You can barely breathe steadily with the way your boyfriend is fucking you. He abuses your sopping hole and leaves no room for you to catch a break. Your cream soaks his cock and drips down his heavy, swollen balls. The sacks slap against your clit and send jolts of pleasure up your spine. 
“Stupid slut, pissing everywhere like you’re a little baby. But you are, aren’t you? A stupid little baby who can’t live without her Daddy,” Chris groans, remembering the fear in your eyes and the mildly tinted stream that flowed down your legs and onto the floor. “See what happens when you don’t listen to your Daddy? You become a mess that even you can’t clean up.”
Nodding your eyes, his words sink in like sharp blades on soft skin—skin stained with pee because you just had to be a dumb baby. 
Another orgasm shines past the horizon, slowly peeking and ready to blend with the intensity of the night that once was. “Ah—Daddy– Gonna come again. Can I come, please? Please? ‘S so good…” you plead, words dragging into a pathetic moan. “Already, baby? Oh, you’re such a dirty girl. Good thing Daddy knows how whores should get treated. Go ahead, come on my cock since you just can’t help it.”
On his order, the elastic inside you snaps quickly, and you flood Chris’s cock with your slick once more. The room smells of filthy things—sex, sweat, spit, and urine. 
“Good girl,” Chris grunts in your ear as you squeeze him tightly. “Such a good fucking girl.”
You babble like the baby you are, making your caregiver laugh. His chuckle is a low baritone that makes you even wetter. Squelching sounds join your moans and a ring of creaminess forms at the base of his cock. It stains Chris’s flushed skin and the trimmed hairs there. 
“T– Thank you, Daddy. Thank you s– so much…” you pant, riding your high as your boyfriend fucks you through the euphoria. His thrusts haven’t relented and keep that same rough, punishing pace. Repeatedly, he attacks either your sweet spot or your cervix, causing you to wince and whine. “You’re welcome, princess.”
Helpless, you try to slump down. Your body gives out, and you give all your weight to Chris. He holds you up with his incredible strength before tutting. “Uh-uh, already fucked out, baby? How pathetic. It’s okay. Daddy’s got you. Just give up,” he snarls, and you nod your head. He’s rendered you wordless—stupid, really. 
“You feel good and stupid, hm? Letting Daddy’s fat cock fill you up inside of some thoughts. Dumb, cock-hungry whore,” he groans, chest and muscles all flexing as you clench down. 
Wet walls squeeze Chris so tightly—almost as if you’re just to fight him, trying to push his cock out of your cunt. But don’t you know? You were made to take his dick—moulded like his custom-made fleshlight. 
The dresser’s mirror bounces against the wall each time Chris thrusts forward, pounding your little cunt. Your lips itch for something, either a passionate kiss or your pacifier. But you’re being punished right now, and the last thing you want to do is upset your Daddy. 
His roughness is practically terrifying. It’s like the one who has sworn to protect you is bullying you and your poor little pussy. You lie there helpless, taking Chris’s cock because it’s what he wants you to do. 
Loud grunts, groans, and moans are in your ear, the volume hurting you so badly. But the sounds themselves are gorgeous. 
Your Daddy’s impressive shaft pulls high-pitched sounds and your wetness out of you. He drips in your cream, soaking the area surrounding the connection. “So wet for Daddy even though he’s just so mean to you, huh? I think you’re enjoying this a little too much, baby,” Chris notes.
You’re too far gone to understand what he’s saying. It’s kind of like when he’s in his meetings, and he uses those big words that you never hear of until then. You get hung up on his pronunciation, replaying it over and over until it sounds like absolute nonsense. 
A third climax claws its way through your body, leaving pleasurable wounds in its wake. “O– Oh my! D– Daddy, can I come again?” you politely request, hoping he’s let you. This one is so intense that you’re sure you’ll make another mess that, fortunately, won’t be as humiliating as your earlier one. “Again? You’re joking, right?”
The harshness of his tone makes you whimper, but you still nod your head. “No, no, you don’t get to come, baby. What a fucking slut,” Chris spits, and just as you’re about to squirt all over his member, he pulls out.
You’re left sobbing and gaping, fuckhole stretched wide open and repeatedly clenching around nothing. The sudden emptiness is almost unbearable. Your clit throbs, and you try to rub your thighs to alleviate the ache, but Chris doesn’t let you. 
Your pussy is coated in shininess. The sparkle and gleam of your juices make the older man want to fuck his fist so badly, but he can’t. 
“P– Please, Daddy!”
He stands back, his hold leaving and causing you to fall forward. Your chest heaves, and your heart clamours. Chris holds his cock in his dominant hand and pulls your skirt up even more. 
“Shhh, shhh. Stay there—just like that,” he shushes. Suddenly, warm liquid coats your skin. It sprays on your back, your ass, your thighs, and drips down to the hardwood floors. You let out a sound of confusion that echoes like a sob. 
Turning your head, you look back in horror and watch as your Daddy pisses on you. He’s called you his plaything, his doll, his fleshlight—what’s next? His personal urinal?
“Aww… How sweet. You and your pussy are crying, little one,” Chris coos. “Shh… No, no, it’s okay. It’s just your punishment, baby! I had to do it. You’re taking it so well. See? Daddy made a mess, too!” 
His consolation works—the older man knows that. He watches as the tiny, pink, useless gears in your head turn before you nod your head and smile at him. Chris can feel himself getting harder in his hand.
Eventually, the stream stops, and he uses your wetness as lube. He jerks himself off in expert, quick strokes. He steps closer and aims for your cunt this time, watching as it adjusts to not having himself inside. 
“W– Wait, D– Daddy! P– Please—Inside? Want you to fill me up with your cum, Daddy! Please! I won’t be a brat ever again! A– And I’ll clean up the messes, too!” you bargain, but Chris simply ignores you.
With a deep groan, he hits his climax. Ropes of cum land on your swollen folds wasted on marking you when you could’ve been filled up with his spunk. Instead of a cumdump, you’re now his little cumrag. 
“Poor thing… You’re so messy. I guess Daddy’s gonna have to teach you how to clean up after yourself. I think you’d look cute in a maid’s outfit, baby. What do you think?”
You’re not sure what to say—expected. Dirty, dumb little girls like you don’t think. Daddy has to do everything for you. 
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ccycloneblogging · 22 days
Why does your toon logic!dogday harm himself? Is it because of trauma?
Oh! Friend, that's a combination of so much self-loathing, denial, and trauma mixed together. I eventually want to go in depth over it - but here's a fun fact about Toon DD.
The more cinched his belt is, the worse he's doing mentally. If it's too tight, and he stops being able to breathe from the combination of pain and panic.
I briefly touch over this too in the fanfiction I made right here too.
In the meantime, here's another image of Toon yanking on his belt! Under the cut - just in case.
TW: Mild self harm
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cutielights · 9 months
heyaa!! I read your Donnie with a transmasc reader and as also a transmasc I loved it :DD, so if it's not an issue can I request the same but for the rest of the turtles, btw I love your writing and your aesthetic, hope you have a nice day <33
Mhm! Absolutely <3
Tw: Dysphoria comfort, Leo fist fighting unsupportive family members
Rise! Boys x Transmasc Reader
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Goes clothes shopping with you
You’re gonna look so cool
Defends your identity with his life
He’s not above fist fighting a few unsupportive family members
Honestly these turtles only really get April and the internet to tell them about life outside the sewers, so it doesn’t particularly phase him
You didn’t have to come out to him, or, if you did anyway, it was a very short and sweet exchange
Probably the best with injections other than Donnie for hormonal related things
Helps out a lot, just in general
Helps you hang up the flag in your room if it’s safe to do so
He is THE safe space
Reminds you to take off the binder if you’re short of breath or going to sleep
Reminds you that you’re perfect
“I don’t exactly feel perfect, Raph.”
“Then let me help you feel perfect.”
Gentle touches for comfort
Perfectly accepting, even if he didn’t know what you were talking about at first
You had to explain it
*Cautiously waiting for a response*
“Do you need help with your uh, anything?”
I’ve already done this!
Helps you with any sort dysphoria, sesh’s with Dr. Feelings are common for general relationship things, but also dysphoria if you have any
Social dysphoria?
He’s already next to you
Physical dysphoria?
He’s already kissing you
Doesn’t matter how mild or severe it may be, he’s still there
Helps out with any hormone sprays or injections you may use, but is nervous about doing them himself, so he’s there for moral support
Paints little flags on various things of his, and yours with permission ofc
Generally supportive and accepting! Wouldn’t bother him why would it?
Mikey was by far the easiest to write for this but that’s probably because he’s my favourite <3
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md-confessions · 17 days
Sorry if I sound rambly, but
For the story Liam wanted to tell, he needed N and V's relationship, also, Nuzi was the plan by episode 3 at the latest, the pilot/heartbeat at the earliest. V's treatment of N is required to why N and Uzi connected so much, both N and Uzi were disliked by pretty much everyone in their lives (especially J and Khan in the lives of the Disassembly Drone and the Worker Drone, the former is straight up an Abuser, both physically and emotionally, it's hard to deny it, while Khan says Uzi is a disappointment in public tv like it's nothing, which is kinda abusive IMO. Not even when N was a worker he was free of abuse, the Elliots and other humans aside from Tessa treated him like he was nothing but mere scrap) and they found comfort in each other.
While she cared for N and didn't wanna have him hurt, much less wanting him to remember how his life went downhill, she did it in the worst way she could, she pushed and neglected N for at least 2 decades if we're presuming the DDs were in Copper-9 back when Uzi was a pill baby. (Uzi is canonically 18-19, maybe 20)
V was a stepping stone in N's development, not only as a character but also his relationships, he originally was a traumatized man that was scared to stand up for others, I'd argue his feelings for V were partly due to him still having faint memories of the Manor days but also the fact V didn't abuse him physically like J did, it's sorta like an abused child. They might flock to their "less abusive" parent.
This changed when he met Uzi Doorman, a Worker Drone who had gotten into the corpse spire, while he thought he was some sort of Disassembly/Worker Drone hybrid thing made to blend in with the Workers, but when they got to talking, she wasn't like J or V, she showed him kindness and he showed her kindness back, it's something both have not had for pretty much their entire lives, we also get to see the scene with the heart gun during the V and N/J and Uzi fight, another example of how N still had feelings for V at this point. By the end of the pilot, N hasn't developed his personality much, but he at least has someone to rely on, Uzi.
In episode 2 we get to see N try to keep Uzi and V from fighting during the intro, with the scene where N drags Uzi behind him after V accuses Uzi of her backstory being bullshit, also with later context, V was the liar, she probably knows why the Solver sent them there yet she hid it, trying to act all cool and stuff.
By the end of the episode Uzi becomes scared of N, which causes N to become worried he might have lost his only friend, V just says she hates him normally but this is worse, the only concern is in her face, and it's mild concern. V looks at the broken chain, which leads to the next episode.
And episode 3 is a major part of their relationship, it is where it's revealed V still cares for N and her treatment of him was a way of trying to protect him from the solver stuff, she has a reason and justification for her actions now, it's not just "I don't care about him" V's role in this episode is as its secondary antagonist (just behind Doll) This episode has a very important moment for their relationship, At the start, V demanded N to get her and him suits for the Prom, and get Uzi to let them in and kill all the Workers, V makes fun of Uzi by saying she doesn't have any friends, and then shoot her in the head, N is against this plan, already a sign he's starting to learn to stand up for himself by refusing to free V for "Prom Murder" and he starts talking about his dreams, talking about how they possibly grew up in a haunted mansion, V shows actual concern for N (for the first time in the show, at least directly), asking him and Uzi to stop prying into the Solver business.
She tries to barter with N to free her, she promises she'll only kill if necessary, though she says "You and Me, N" implying she'll still kill Uzi. Before V flies off to go commit mass murder, N tries to get her to talk about her past and work together with him, though she decapitates him, she says she knows what's best for him, even if he hates her for it. This moment outright confirms that V definitely cares for N and just doesn't want him getting hurt, even if it means she has to do it by extreme means.
And then the whole main episode happens, Uzi discovers the plan, Uzi and N reconcile, Uzi's feelings for N probably blossomed here, yadda yadda yadda, Lizzy says V is hot, yadda yadda yadda, Doll fight, yadda yadda yadda, Chica-bow V shoots Doll.
Later while exploring Doll's home, the two Disassembly Drones find the corpses of Yeva and Adam (fan name for Doll's father, I am not calling him Doll's father everytime I mention him) and when V sees the corpses, after Doll used her powers to remind her of her actions, she doesn't care much and the most she says is "they didn't taste good" which leads to N saying "V, you kinda suck" this is something N would have never said in the pilot.
N finally starts to doubt his feelings for V, at this point he doesn't have his memories of the manor, so to him, he's pretty much only ever had those feelings due to the fact she was the least abusive to him, and she literally cut his damn head off, I get why he'd be doubting if he even actually loved V at all.
Episode 4 is also important, it's where N's completely learns to stand up for himself, pretty much part of the reason why Uzi went freaky deaky is because V pretty much gaslighted and antagonize Uzi into thinking N didn't care about her and how if she died he wouldn't care. (Something she for a fact knows isn't true, as seen with N between Heartbeat and The Promening and Uzi didn't even die, imagine if she did) V is still trying to keep Uzi and N away, since from last episode, V knows that Uzi has the solver and she's scared N might get killed by Uzi due to it.
At a later point Uzi turns an arrow into some weird fleshy homunculus and V for a second looked panic, she immediately drew her weapons as she saw that. V went to go chase after Uzi while N tried to stop V, the two argue, at this argument, N finally is honest about this whole thing where V is hiding shit from N and Uzi, it's scaring him, V uses cryptic language to refer to a certain "thing" that will leave them alone, N then finally stands up to V, he berates her about her treatment of him, asking what she's so afraid of, he explains how V keeping him in the dark about this is scaring him and Uzi, N reminds V that Uzi is a kid, like them, to him, V has no reason to fear Uzi. N doesn't know about Cyn and the Solver and stuff due to the Solver wiping his and J's memories.
This argument comes to halt when N asks "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" V's face goes from anger to worry, N tells V to look after the campers as he goes investigate what's going on with Uzi.
After Uzi murders 2/3rds of her whole class V comes into put down Uzi, the Solver Drone pleads with the Dissasembly Drone to let her live, V refers to Uzi as "Cyn" saying "New Body, same Horrors?" in V's point of view, Cyn is the one behind this, not the solver, for all she knows Cyn IS the solver itself. Uzi pleads with V, asking if she can talk with N, the only person that could calm her down, and as shown later, if V had allowed N to come and comfort Uzi, things probably wouldn't have gone as bad, some campers might still have died but V still got her ass kicked.
V gets her ass kicked by Uzi Yadda, Yadda, Yadda, N comes to the rescue and after Uzi stabs him with the nanite tail she goes back to normal, N throws her into the sky and the two Dissasembly Drones talk, N tells her "what did I tell you about antagonizing her" before he goes comfort Uzi, telling her they'll take baby steps, together. After V sees N and Uzi hugging, she goes from being on edge to calming down slightly, at this point she notices maybe N doesn't need her anymore, maybe he's fine with just Uzi supporting him.
At the end she looks at Uzi and N, worried, a lot of people think she's jealous but I don't think so, I think she's still got that worry that Uzi go haywire again and get N killed, but it could also be due to N and Uzi now looking into the Solver, together.
Episode 5 is mostly a flashback episode (technically) and it shows that N and V, at one point in the past had mutual feelings for each other, as throughout most of that episode N and V are their past selves, they're silly little teenagers who got a mutual crush on each other, I'd argue this is the closest eNVy ever got to being canon. The solver uses V to do weird robot surgery on N and turn him into a Dissasembly Drone, and N gives V back her glasses so she could grab the scalpel, V hesitates and slowly recites the Golden Retrievers have gentle mouths thing, cute moment, sadly the Solver decides to ruin this moment by slamming V into the wall and trying to give N a lobotomy.
Episode 6 is V's (presumable final episode) in this episode V seems to care for both Uzi and N, though there isn't a big V and N moment before the big one (there's more Uzi and V in this episode before the big one)
Ok now lets talk about the big one, AKA: V's sacrifice at the end of the episode, so pretty much throughout the entire episode the reason why V defended Uzi so much against the sentinels, Alice and Beau is because she noticed how much she mattered to N, and it's part of the reason for the sacrifice in my eyes, I wouldn't say she did it exclusively for that though, I feel like you could read it as a form of suicide (I know this took a dark turn but) V has pretty much lived a horrible life, form conception down to this moment, as said before, she has noticed that N needs Uzi, and from V's POV, she has done her purpose, she finally trusts Uzi, the reason she didn't get in the elevator wasn't just because she couldn't, it's because she didn't want to.
I think The Genius page on Eternal Dream is not only an amazing Breakdown of V's character but also the song itself.
N and V never directly do anything in episode 7 (as V doesn't appear herself aside from the Solver posing as her), when Nori tells him to hide the fact she's actually alive, N refuses, saying she won't hide anything from Uzi anymore. Not only is he hiding the fact "Tessa" wants him to kill her, but also, he doesn't want to do the same mistakes V did when trying to protect him.
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