#hes a lesbian breaker
jinglepopp · 1 year
Not my art
Anyways, what yalls opinion about this guy?
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beanghostprincess · 7 days
Takiishi: What will you do if you lose?
Umemiya: Sorry!! I can't hear you over the sound of me beating the shit out of you
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papay0 · 4 months
People saying laios is unfuckable/not husband material YOU’RE NOT SEEING THE VISIOOOON
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luuxxart · 1 year
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running a guild type D&D series of one-shots irl; this is the leader and leader’s apprentice of the Daybreak Guild ☀️🗡️
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trillscienceofficer · 1 month
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from Cinefantastique Vol 28 #4/5, November 1996
TABOO BREAKER: Another Trill gender bender, “Rejoined” echoes TREK's legacy of exploring the nature of love.
By Dale Kutzera
Thirty years ago STAR TREK broke a long-standing television taboo by presenting the first interracial kiss—a fact Gene Roddenberry often boasted about. Early in DS9’s fourth season a similar taboo fell. Though not the first lesbian kiss—LA LAW and ROSEANNE have done it, as did PICKET FENCES (albeit with the lights out)—it was certainly the most passionate. For 15 incredible seconds, Jadzia Dax and the wife of a former host kissed. And not a closed-mouth kiss, turned away from the camera as between Kirk and Uhura. This was passion.
The writers did not set out to create a “gay” show with “Rejoined.” The original story involved a male lover of one of Dax’s previous hosts and how their renewed attraction broke a Trill taboo against relationships with lovers from past lives. “We had talked for a long time about doing the show about Dax and a former spouse,” said staff writer/producer Robert Hewitt Wolfe, “and we always suspected that was a Trill cultural taboo. But how do you make the audience understand that even though Dax is doing something they would find acceptable, it’s against the norms of social behavior for her society? The story came before the decision to do the same sex couple. It was always an analogy to the way homosexual relationships are treated in our society. Trills have no reason to be against same sex couples, but what a better way to show that they are a totally different, alien society than to see them reacting in self-righteous indignation just because they were lovers in a previous life? That society should dictate who you should and should not love is a sad thing and that’s what the show is about. We didn't sit down and say ‘Lets do a gay show.”
Credit Ron Moore with taking Rene Echevarria's story and re-shaping it by making the past lover a woman. “Initially it was a man, she was a woman, and here they are,” said Moore. “I remember reading the story and thinking about it. Literally, I was on my way home and started to think this would be a much stronger story—it would really be a stand-out episode of the series—If this was a woman. Play it as a woman and really go for it. I called Ira from my car and he was receptive and the next day we just dumped it on the staff. It got batted around and there were reservations here and there and then everybody signed on board.”
“Ron is the one that made it happen," said Echevarria. “People had talked about doing a so-called lesbian angle in other contexts. Ron is the one who brought it together and said this is the show. The taboo was Michael Piller’s idea and Ron merged it, saw how they tracked and said, ‘We will do the show and never even mention the fact that these are two women. This taboo tracks with our own taboos or many audience members’ taboos about homosexuality and the argument will track straight down the line and it will be great.”’
Realizing that, as in any story of rejoined lovers, it would inevitably lead to a passionate kiss, Moore wrote a memo to Ira Behr and Rick Berman justifying what could be DS9’s most controversial episode. “We knew it was going to be a controversial episode if we went for it, so we clearly had to go to Rick and the studio,” said Moore. “Rick questioned us. He wanted to make sure we knew what we were doing and why. He focused in on it and then he went to the studio and their reaction was the same: “Why? How is this going to work? How are you going to handle it? Is this going to be just salacious? Is this going to be tasteful? And how far are you going to go?’”
The studio was concerned that some viewers may infer that the two women were having sex, and worried that some affiliate stations would not air the episode. “It really boiled down to how far are you going to go and how are you going to handle it?" continued Moore. “The fact that this show was not known as NYPD BLUE and was this shocking the audience and taking them by surprise? I think we pushed it in the kiss scene. That is a powerful, amazing scene. You can’t get around that. That is the show stopper. It was not a gratuitous scene—I thought I would have done it if that character had been a man. So I didn’t think we were doing it to grab attention. It was the right thing to do in the story and it’s going to hit you in a more powerful way. One of the arguments we used was this is part of our franchise legacy. The original series prided itself on TV’s first interracial kiss. We've been priding ourselves on that for 30 years, so why not take the next step and be true to our ideals and convictions. STAR TREK has a point of view, a not completely middle-of-the-road view of the future. This is part of our view.”
Before proceeding, the general premise was run past actress Terry Farrell. “Ira called me last summer to say Michael [Dorn] was on the show and would I mind kissing a woman?" said Farrell. “At the time I said, ‘As long as she’s beautiful.’ I was just being silly. Then I thought as soon as you get the script I want to see it, because if it is anything sensationalized or a joke I don’t want to do it. [Ira said], ‘No it will be a love story with integrity.’ And I thought it was.”
With the green light given, Moore and Echevarria began work on the script. “This was a love story and the trick was to write it as a love story and forget the fact that she was a woman,” said Moore. “The backstory helped in that they were married once. They were husband and wife—write them that way. Two people who really shared something. One of them died. They never got to say good-bye and years later, in different bodies, they run into each other again and play that out. The thing with the Trill taboo was a perfect metaphor for issues of sexual tolerance and intolerance and we played that taboo without really playing our taboo."
The writers tried not to focus on the fact that both lovers were women, and simply wrote the story as a straight romance. “It’s easy to do on paper because the name Lenara is not one you really associate with women anyway,’’ Moore said. “We made it up. So on paper it’s easy to forget and just write this love story and this taboo is what we’re dealing with. It’s not until you’re sitting in the room watching casting sessions that you got two women playing these scenes and you go, ‘Wow, this is really going to hit you in a different way when you see it.’ But we tried to stay true to just telling the story and not going for the easy shots.”
“I was excited, because they were brave,” said Farrell of the writers. “If I were to change the names to Frank and Sara I totally believed that love story. It didn’t matter what the names were, these two people were in love with each other. I was so happy that I was the one who was willing to fight for the love. I knew people would relate to me. And at the end I was so sad. No matter what anybody else says, it made me really proud.”
For Farrell the episode also offered her an opportunity to express on film her off-screen respect for Avery Brooks. In a moment of critical decision, as Dax contemplates breaking the Trill taboo and throwing her future into chaos, Sisko advises her against the hasty decision, but vows to stand by her whatever her choice may be. “I didn’t even need to do homework on that scene. I just used my relationship with Avery. The first year was very difficult to adjust to the dialog. People got impatient with me, other directors and other actors. I was 28 years old. but I felt like I was 18. I lost my confidence. I must have driven them nuts, but Avery was always very supportive and strong. He really helped me build my confidence. He’s strong and silent. I don’t know anything about him personally, but he’s been incredibly giving to me emotionally. We cried a lot on that scene. A lot more than you saw. It felt weird not crying too hard, but holding back. It helped to have a director [Brooks] you trust. I needed his opinion on that.”
Director Brooks had Farrell and gueststar Susanna Thompson (who earned thepraise of everyone involved in the show) rehearse the critical scene up to the momentof the kiss. The actual description of the scene in the script was general, leaving it up to the actors and director to stage. “I said it was a kiss they have been waiting a hundred years for. It’s a powerful moment, let them do their magic on the set,” said Moore. “Avery and the two actresses staged it and pretty much it was left as Avery, Terry, and Susanna wanted it.”
“It described I was touching her face and whispered in her ear—her husband said it turned her on,” said Farrell. “We rehearsed up to the kiss then stopped. I thought it was great Avery directed it. because he was really into being honest and telling the truth, trying to pretend we’re not aliens in outer space, and being honest in the emotions. Avery talked about being passionate and sensuous. What was really hard for me was it starts out in my close-up, then a two-shot and the kiss. She said one word, then gotcha. We wouldn’t dissect this. If I were kissing a man we would say, ‘No tongues? Okay, no tongues.’ Avery didn't want them to cut it down too much. We wanted to make sure that didn't happen. You don't go through telling that kind of story and then say, ‘We can’t be very brave.’”
The writers and cast were pleased and a bit surprised that the kiss was kept almost intact through the editing process. “We saw the kiss and thought, ‘Boy how is Rick going to edit this,” said Echevarria. “We were just so gratified and thrilled to see that he did not pull back on the emotion of the moment. He allowed it to happen. It's by far the most passionate gay kiss I've ever seen on television.”
The reaction to the episode was predictably mixed. Some affiliates did not air the episode. Others excised the scene with the kiss. Mail to the writing staff was heavier than for any other episode they had been involved in, and much of it negative. "My idea that sci-fi fans are socially far-thinking, that they are in many ways liberal, leftist, humanist, whatever, was totally blown apart by some of the incredible comments we received,” said Behr. “There’s a strong conservative strain in the American soul and maybe it’s there in sci-fi, too. I don’t think we were saying anything that was that extraordinarily out of line, but maybe we were and that's pretty sad.”
Not all the mail was negative, however, as Echevarria remembered. “I would say it was ten-to-one pro—saying thank you very much and you don’t know how important this was. Letters from teachers, counselors, groups that counsel gay teens—saying how important something like this is. My mother was just scandalized. For the first time ever she culled me and said, ‘I can't believe you did that. It's so bad and so bad for the children of America.’ I couldn't have been happier.”
“It was a challenge emotionally for me to have a relationship with a woman,” said Farrell. "It wasn't anything I ever thought I’d want to do in my career. I've taken jobs to pay the rent. It was a great feeling to get to do a show that was that special as an actress. A lot of people go through their whole career and don’t get to do something that controversial or with that artistic integrity. I’m very proud of that.”
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soleminisanction · 1 year
I've always really liked DC's in-house choice of referring to their various superhero groupings as "families," but it has gotten a little frustrating recently with people both in canon and in fandom seeming to forget that families aren't just a parental-unit-and-kids formation. They're complicated, and a lot of the DC families are too messy to fit into that neat little nuclear family mode.
Which is to say... here's some scattered thoughts/summaries about how these families are actually structured in canon, because I think it's interesting:
Supers -- The smaller, more traditional Superfamily (Clark, Lois, Kara, Kon, etc.) is a pretty traditional Midwestern nuclear family, with Jimmy Olsen filling the role of close family friend/goofy neighbor sidekick (in the Silver Age, he was Kara's would-be suitor) and Steel feeling more like part of Clark's personal circle of friends. The recent line up, though, with Jon, the twins, Kong and Nat? Starts to feel more like some old dynasty or noble house, complete with fostered foundlings and the Steels acting almost like knights under a noble's banner, possibly reflective of what the House of El would have been on Krypton.
Arrows -- Might currently be the closet to a traditional nuclear family structure. You've got Ollie and Dinah, their younger sisters, Ollie's adopted and biological children, and Ollie's granddaughter through Roy, plus by some counts Roy's co-parent and her sister as "in-laws." Bonnie and Cissie King-Jones are adjacent to but not technically "part" of the family, though I believe it's implied at one point that Ollie might also be Cissie's bio-dad. Pretty straightforward, these guys are actually family and they act like it, for good and ill.
Shazam Family -- Also a literal, actual family. Not originally, the original golden age "Marvel Family" was considerably more complicated and only Billy and Mary were full siblings, but nowadays the whole point of the modern Shazam family is that they're foster siblings united by familial love and that's fantastic. Meanwhile your average Black Adam story is 75% angsty family drama, 25% Egyptian mythology references.
Flashes -- Technically closer to three nuclear families (the Allens, the Wests and the Garricks; four if you include the Quicks), two of whom are united by marriage and all of whom are bound by the Speedforce, which, given its semi-spiritual connections to things like Speedster afterlives, can act almost like a religious force that connects them to the additional members like Avery, Circuit Breaker and Max as Bart's foster-dad. They're a big, sprawling tree with more cousins than siblings, the kind of family that functionally has a reunion every Christmas and Thanksgiving.
Lanterns -- Now these guys are the exception that proves my point about the whole 'family' thing not being straightforward. The lanterns aren't a family, they're a corps. Soldiers. Space cops. Comrades-in-arms. They respect each other, have each other's backs, might even like or care about each other, but those last two are optional, and they don't have the same kind of assumed obligations towards each other that a family would have. They're friends and co-workers, not family, but that doesn't mean their relationships are less significant, they're just different.
Wonders -- Roughly half of them are either one of Hippolyta's daughters (Diana, Donna, Nubia pre-Crisis) or related to them through the gods (Cassie), and the other half (Artemis, Yara, modern-age Nubia) use sister as a term of endearment more in a utopian lesbian commune kind of way. I think they brought Steve Trevor back recently? He's basically the Ken in this equation and perfectly fine with that role. None of which should be surprising if you've seen Professor Marston and the Wonder Women.
Bats -- This is the one that people get really wrong when they try to force it into a traditional family structure. Don't let WFA fool you, the Bats are and have always been way more a snarled mess of tangled interpersonal relationships than they've ever been a cohesive family. Whether Dick is Bruce's son or his brother depends on what era you're talking about, and the former reading is much more recent than you think -- as in "started cropping up in the early 2000s" recent. Barbara is both Cassandra's sister and her mother. Duke and Steph both have living parents and neither of them want or would ever dream of treating Bruce like their dad; Tim was the same way until his dad died. None of the Robins ever lived in the mansion together, nor did Cass. Babs considered Jean-Paul Valley her brother and Huntress is so close to Tim she once hallucinated him calling her Big Sister. They're a beautiful mess of people finding places where their broken edges fit together into something that works for them and trying to reduce it down to a cozy nuclear family is just so goddamn reductive and lazy.
Blue Beetles -- Are only tangentially related to each other. Seriously, they never even get direct mentoring, each one just takes over when the previous one dies and works on completely different rules from the other two. They're complete strangers bound by a legacy and that's honestly pretty fun.
Zataras -- There's only three of them and they're literally a father, daughter and cousin.
Martians -- Not really a family because there's only the two of them, but an interesting case where the two survivors of what was functionally a war of mutually assured destruction came together in an attempt to find some peace in the aftermath of what they'd lost.
Titans -- The JLA and JSA aren't really in the "family" category, but the Titans lean into it hard, mostly because they're a textbook found family. They don't mirror a nuclear family structure, they're simply a group of people who came together to form a mutual support network. They're the idealized college friends you grew into your own with, some of them childhood companions and others you only met once you leave home for the first time, but all of them friends that you manage to maintain contact with for life, with everyone coming back together even as you scatter and do your own things.
Young Justice -- Meanwhile, this team is the chaotic group of misfits you hung out with when you were a teenager, especially when you were just starting to be allowed to act without adult supervision. You drive each other crazy, none of you know you're all queer as fuck, and you'd fight a bear for any of them even if they asked you not to. They'd probably be insulted if you tried to call them a family. They come out here to get away from their families, thank you very much.
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eldritch-nightmare · 1 year
do they have deal breakers?
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a/n: idk i just thought this would be an interesting thing to write.
synopsis: what are some deal breakers for them? what can they not tolerate?
includes: slenderman, jeff the killer, eyeless jack, laughing jack, jane the killer, nina the killer, the bloody painter, candy pop, the doll maker, jason the toymaker, dr smiley, nurse ann, the puppeteer, clockwork, zalgo, hobo heart, ticci toby, zero, kagekao, nathan the nobody, homicidal liu + sully, tim wright, brian thomas, jay merrick, jessica locke, and alex kralie.
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SLENDERMAN doesn't have a lot of deal breakers, to be quite honest. it doesn't have any preferences when it comes to romance. i suppose if it had to pick something, it would say that it would rather avoid dating people with a disdain towards nature. it literally lives in nature, so... it would also probably avoid people who have children in their life, be it a parent or a teacher.
JEFF THE KILLER has a two off the top of his head. firstly, he will never date a Fangirl capital 'F'. if he even gets the slightest inkling that someone might be a fan of his, it's an immediate no and that person very well may lose their life. and secondly, he refuses to date anyone who hates his brother. yeah, he and liu don't get along and liu wants him dead but in his mind, liu is still the most important person in jeff's life. people who commit arson are on thin fucking ice.
EYELESS JACK is fairly lax when it comes to 'deal breakers'. he doesn't have anything he dislikes, and there isn't any type of behavior that he necessarily avoids either. people who aren't fond of cannibalism would be difficult to date, he supposes. he doesn't really like people who may try keeping his as a pet either. and... maybe people who are in cults...
LAUGHING JACK is one sick and twisted bastard so deal breakers are very unlikely. realistically, his partner being around kids should probably be a deal breaker but that's... literally the only way to meet him. he's incredibly complex so he really won't know his own deal breakers until he's like... in the situation, y'know?
JANE THE KILLER has one immediate deal breaker. if you like jeff the killer, she immediately feels immense disdain toward you and she will never even acknowledge your existence, not unless she's forced to. jane richardson is also lesbian, so men are an immediate no.
NINA THE KILLER has one immediate deal breaker as well. if you dislike jeff the killer, she will not get along with you. she and jeff have a love-hate relationship but at the end of the day, he's still her idol and she looks up to him a lot, so.
THE BLOODY PAINTER barely interacts with people to really know if he has any deal breakers. perhaps people who dislike art? though, he can't really fault someone for not seeing the beauty held within the multitudes of art all around the world.
CANDY POP isn't the biggest fan of people he deems to be annoying or boring. now, i know what you're thinking, candy pop literally finds joy in annoying people, so wouldn't he be delighted to have a partner who behaves the same way? absolutely not. he likes to be the one terrorizing people; he does not want to be terrorized.
THE DOLL MAKER is immediately hesitant around older men, so if you are a guy and you're older than him then just know he'll avoid you like the plague. also, due to his pyrophobia, arsonists and people fascinated by fire get an immediate no from him. anyone who may poke fun at the dolls he creates aren't welcome either, and he'll probably end up turning them into a doll.
JASON THE TOYMAKER has one goal only and it is to find 'the one for him' so like... not many deal breakers here. just fall in love with him and never ever reject him and everything will be good! you'll be turned into a wax doll, otherwise, and that's a terrible fate to suffer.
DR SMILEY also rarely interacts with people, though he's not the biggest fan of people who so desperately cling to life and believe that death is something to be afraid of.
NURSE ANN just doesn't like people in general and only has like... three people she enjoys being around so the likelihood of her growing to like someone is small. that being said, something that immediately makes her dislike a person is when they mock her for not speaking often.
THE PUPPETEER has major disdain for people he cannot control. unless he's already grown attached to (ex. emra) or reliant on them (ex. zachary), then disobedience is not something he can tolerate. he's also not the biggest fan of super-duper cheerful people, though that's only because it makes killing them harder.
CLOCKWORK by default cannot stand anyone who reminds her of her past. she wants nothing more than to forget the pain and hell she went through, so to find a person who reminds her of all that trauma? yeah, no, they gotta go.
ZALGO literally hates everything and everyone but on the very slight chance that someone manages to worm their way into the essence of his being, then so long as they don't mind humanity's downfall then they're fine. bonus points if they're good with kids because holy shit he doesn't know how to be a dad. and if they dislike kids then like... that's fine, i guess, but he'll be a bit bitter.
HOBO HEART is fairly hesitant when it comes to love. the one time he fell in love, she threw his heart away. he's hesitant to fall in love again, but he could never fall for anyone who would so willingly leave him behind. he's not the biggest fan of liars either. simply put, he could never love someone who doesn't value their own heart.
TICCI TOBY already keeps people at a distance, but it's an immediate deal breaker when someone starts making fun of him. if someone makes a bad comment about lyra or his mother, then that's also an immediate no. anyone who heavily drinks alcohol is a no. anyone who 'teases' him about his tourette's is a no. anyone who doesn't take his CIPA seriously is a no.
ZERO could never be in a relationship with someone with the mindset of 'i can fix her' because she doesn't need to be fixed. honestly, you should consider yourself lucky that she's somehow managed to grow an attachment to you considering her disregard for everyone around her. do something to make her hate you and you'll regret it.
KAGEKAO is gay, first and foremost, so if you're a woman then it just won't work out. he's fluent in english as well so you don't necessarily have to know japanese, though he'd love for you to learn. people who make comments about his wine habits or tell him to cut back on drinking wine will be disposed of immediately. he also isn't fond of boring people.
NATHAN THE NOBODY tends to believe that most people are in the organization that took away his sister, so by default, it's an immediate no if he comes to believe that someone is in the organization. he can't come to terms with his sister's death, so he'll get rid of anyone who tries to make him see that she's dead.
HOMICIDAL LIU hardly ever gives romance any thought because he's so caught up in his goal of trying to kill jeff that it rarely ever crosses his mind, so deal breakers aren't something he's given much thought. people who aren't fond of arson probably won't like liu, so they're a no. anyone who thinks he should forgive jeff is an immediate no. anyone who is a fangirl of jeff or idolizes him the way nina does is also an immediate no. people who aren't fond of smoking most certainly won't like him so they're also a no. anyone who sees no harm in mocking and bullying other people is a no.
SULLY has deal breakers relatively similar to liu. if you're a jeff groupie then he honestly wants nothing to do with you. if you are a threat to liu in any way shape or form, then he's already planning a way to dispose of you. other than that, he's pretty laid back with this sort of stuff.
TIM WRIGHT has a habit of smoking so people who can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke should probably avoid him. he isn't close to a lot of people so when someone betrays his trust, it really hits him hard so people with a habit of lying are an immediate no.
BRIAN THOMAS is a bros before hoes sorta guy in the sense that if his partner doesn't like his friends then suddenly he doesn't have a partner anymore. he can't date someone who dislikes the people he's closest to, it just doesn't work that way. especially if they dislike tim, like... that's his best friend there, dude.
JAY MERRICK is a gay man so if you are a woman, then... yeah. it won't work. you stand no chance with jay if you don't believe him when he tells you that something is seriously wrong. he doesn't like people who avoid telling him about an issue because it stresses him out a lot so he would rather prefer people who can openly tell him if something is wrong.
JESSICA LOCKE is lesbian, so men simply just do not have a chance with her. she doesn't really have many deal breakers though, to be honest. at least none that come to the top of her head. she'd probably have to experience something to decide whether or not that's a deal breaker for her, y'know?
ALEX KRALIE is like... deeply unhinged in every way possible and will try killing his partner no matter what, so. let's just use the alex before all the operator stuff happened! he can't be with anyone who doesn't support him or his passion project, marble hornets. and in the midst of marble hornets, he will try to kill his partner. there's no avoiding that. he, himself, is a deal breaker, gotta be honest here.
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nqueso-emergency · 1 month
From a writer’s perspective, I just don’t see Buddie happening for the same reason I don’t see Eddie finding a LI that lasts anytime soon. Let me know if you agree.
To me, if the whole main cast is already paired up, it can get boring for the GA. There are so many sls you can do with a couple, much less if you have a main cast made only of couples. Having Buddie would, also, change the 118’s dynamic in a way I don’t think would be good.
Up until now Buck was the one they could play as the attractive bachelor, but I think it got old and the GA wanted him to find happiness and a solid partner for once and finally. I haven’t seen that sentiment towards Eddie (so far). Therefore - find Buck his happiness (Tommy) and have Eddie take on the role of bachelor of the 118.
I’ve been thinking this since the end of the season, but marketing pushing RG has made me think I could be somewhat right
You are right but a little wrong.
With the way Eddie's storyline was left at the end of season 7, it is obvious that the last thing Eddie needs is another LI. He's got issues with his past he will need to address before they even think of giving him a new LI.
You are correct in saying that about the main pairings and the way Buddie would change the dynamics. There are real firefighters and regulation managers on set. Sure, they understand it's television and certain belief must be suspended. However, they are sticklers for the rules.
This could be countered with the Bobby/Athena relationship. Just keep in mind that Athena is a Sargent and Bobby is a Captain so disobeying orders wouldn't be met with as much force as it would for two basic firefighters under the same house.
If Eddie or Buck got hurt, the other one would not be able to take part in helping them. They would be pulled off shift and then the 118 would be down two men.
They would have to separate them and then people would bitch about that too.
They part you're wrong about is Buck being a bachelor is boring to the general audience.
Buck, constantly struggling in relationships, was becoming boring for Oliver. He was dying to have Buck experienced domestic scenes and allowing his character to grow through a mature relationship that wasn't one-sided, like in season 1.
Something I'd like everyone to understand and keep in mind is this:
Yes, this is a procedural on network television. You are not going to get six year slow burns or the characters suddenly saying "fuck it" to protocol. (A secret relationship would be grounds for termination.)
Saying that, Tim and the writers are really drawn to representing their general audience and so far, they have.
Hen and Karen: Hen pursuing college after 40. Karen being a genius yet down to earth person. Lesbians. Cheating. Struggling with having children. Foster system. Adoption.
Maddie and Chim: Domestic violence. Second chance. Chim not thinking he's enough in previous relationships. Medical emergencies. Pregnancy. Therapy. Post-partum depression. New mom fears. Marriage. Miscommunication.
Bobby and Athena: Divorce. Betrayal. Alcoholic. Traumatic pasts. Lost fiancé. Lost family. Accepting love again. Support. Found family. House fire. Co-parenting. Recovery.
Eddie: PTSD. Army medic. Parent to special needs child. Single father. Repressed grief. Straight man unable to connect with woman. Anger issues.
Buck: Abandonment issues. Needs companship. Looking for happiness. Jealousy. Young. Sex addict. Rule breaker. Realized he was bisexual at 32.
Tommy: Came out late in life. Mysterious. Kind. Sarcastic. Defense mechanisms. Was forced to play a part of something he hates for most of his life. Army pilot.
It's important that the audience can see themselves in the characters they love.
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cherryredstars · 2 months
could you write something for simon with an asexual partner please :)
luv ya have a nice day<3
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Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Asexual!reader
Warnings: Fluff, Indirect Mentions of Simon's SA
A/N: I hope your day is amazing, lovely anon! Haven't written for Si in AGES!
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It's a whole conversation. You have to really take time to sit him down and talk about it and what it means/how it will play a part in the relationship. The discussion is like two hours long. He truly just doesn't understand. Not in a 'wtf are you on, humans are made to want to have sex' way, but in a 'I'm literally an old man and I've been too busy trying to not die in foreign territories' way. (Let's be real, this man does not know any LGBTQ identities besides gay and lesbian and has no idea the f slur refers to anything other than a smoke).
He honestly thought you were telling him you were 'a sexual' when you said it to him. He just blinked at you slowly in confusion because he had genuinely no idea if this was your way of demanding sexual intimacy or like some weird foreplay. Like are you demanding him to treat you like an animal in heat or is this some weird test? And his way of asking for clarification?: "...like Johnny?" (A man who has no-filtered talked about wanting to pound into the first person he got his hands on at the nearby bar over lunch at your dining table).
Please be patient as you're explaining it to him, I beg you. He's repeatedly asking the same questions over and over again and repeating everything you say back because he's actually trying to understand and he doesn't want to mess anything up. Every other sentence he's nodding his head slowly and then just going, "so...basically-?" insert thing you just said but reworded. Please just explain it to him like he's a five year old, he really does feel like one right now.
Totally respects your choice and feelings around sex. He doesn't really go jumping for joy or is in the constant need for a release with everything he experienced in the past, so sex isn't a deal breaker for him in a relationship. You want zero sex because you just don't feel the need for it or simply don't like it? That's a-okay with him, he wasn't having sex before he met you and he doesn't see a reason why that needs to change now that you're together. You're okay with having sex but only under certain conditions and with a few boundaries in place? Can you wait just a moment while he goes to get something to write it all down on so he can make sure he doesn't accidentally overlook something in the future? You wouldn't mind him adding a few boundaries too, right? He doesn't object to anything you say, just asks for clarification from time to time and writes down notes on the side.
He's your number one defender when friends or family or nosy strangers ask about the intimacy aspects of your relationship. Shuts them up real fast when they start to show a hint of judgement towards the choices the two of you made or tries to insinuate you're 'depriving him' of something. Gives them the nastiest glare and bluntly asks them why they care so much about people's sex lives or asks them really uncomfortable questions about their sex life with a straight face until they awkwardly excuse themselves.
This man just loves you for you and reminds you everyday that you're his luvie and he wouldn't have it any other way.
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a-queer-seminarian · 10 months
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In the latest ep of Blessed Are the Binary Breakers, I sit down with public historian Emma Cieslik (she/her) to hear all about her Queer and Catholic Oral History Project, supported by the Pacific School of Religion.
For Emma, the word catholic is truly "universal" — she's interviewed Roman Catholics and folk Catholics, ex-Catholics and "it's complicated" Catholics, queer religious and lay folk. In documenting these diverse perspectives, Emma is preserving the beautiful breadth of queer Catholic stories and gifts so that no one can claim they don't exist.
Listen wherever you get podcasts, or click here for direct links + the episode transcript.
Image descriptions are under the readmore + in the alt text.
ID: Images are three infographics with cream colored backgrounds. First says "Documenting Queer Catholic Experiences with Emma Cieslik; Ep 77 of Blessed Are the Binary Breakers, a multifaith podcast of trans stories." A photo of Emma shows a smiling white person with long light brown hair, glasses, and a colorful pastel shirt.
Image two has a quote from Emma reading,
“There is an assumption, walking into the conversations that I have...that what I'm going to encounter is unspeakable trauma and harm. And don't get me wrong, those things are incredibly true and incredibly valid. The Catholic Church has hurt a lot of LGBTQ+ people; it continues to hurt them to this day. But [I also found that] there are many people who are finding spiritual joy and finding spiritual wellness and meaning within Catholicism —within the entire umbrella, the diverse menagerie, smorgasbord if you will, of Catholicism and Catholic practices. So for me, that was my biggest takeaway... coming to understand how being queer and being Catholic could coexist — and not just could coexist, but could also be mutually beneficial to one another.”
Image 3 has a final quote from Emma reading, “This past June I spoke at the Outreach Conference; it's held by Father James Martin. ...He reached out [to invite me to join] a panel on the lesbian experience. ...[Our] big takeaway from the panel was, like, ‘I think this is great, but this is the first time at the conference we're talking about queer Catholic women and we're uplifting those narratives that... often are not uplifted or understood, or seen as important to understand, within in the Church.’ ” A photo shows Emma smiling and posing with Father James Martin in a church. / end ID
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frostyreturns · 3 months
"Getting the ick" is the newest psy op to keep young men and women apart. Keep people focussed on minutia they don't like, get them looking for excuses to be turned off, create new deal breakers nobody could possible be without and spread them. Look at this shit.
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This is the algorithm trying to get you to stop reproducing. Oh gross he....took out his wallet...better switch to lesbianism or buy 3 cats.
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trappedinafantasy37 · 2 months
Now that we've got the Bhaal upgrades, time to resume ignoring the main quest until we reach max level.
Ran into this loser outside the Nerd Hub. He very much remembers Shadowheart knocking his lights out. Greatest piece of irony is that he also got beat up by the goblin horde that Minthara was once in charge of. He just keeps taking L's from these evil lesbians.
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This man is an example as to why Minthara uses the word wizard like it's a slur. If you flipped open the dictionary to look up the definition of the word "douchebag", you'll find this fuckers face.
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Minthara really wants me to go snitch to Dame Aylin. She is on a personal mission to beat up every wizard she can find. I like to think that, in her youth, she used to go out of her way just to harass and bully any wizard in the Baenre House for fun. Let's be honest, she could kick their asses easily. It's even funnier to consider she's directly related to Gromph Baenre (more than likely her uncle) and that man is totally the foundation of her opinion on wizards.
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Did as babygorl asked, Shadowheart snitched. I now have two (2) paladins who are interested in beating up a wizard.
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You know, if Lorroakan wasn't such a colossal fuck nut, this would actually be kind of intimidating.
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Behold! The ultimate back breaker!
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Uh, oh! It would appear that Aylin's oath has been broken. Too bad she can't just give her mommy some money to reinstate it. No, she has to abide by DnD rules while Minthara gets a shortcut. Sucks to be her!
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Minthara's mission was a success! Beat up a wizard AND got a paladin to break their oath. What a great day for our evil murder kitten!
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As much as I hate the wizard, this fight was actually really hard with just Shadowheart and Minthara. But we managed! We also did not hesitate to sneak into his vault and rob him. What was he gonna do? Stop us?
<Bhaal Stuff | Speedrun >
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sophiaforevs · 11 months
Between the early cancellation of Discovery, Seven/Raffi and Mariner/Jenn being erased in their respective shows, and SNW having queer coded characters but not confirming anything on screen, I'm really afraid that we're entering another "No Gays in Trek" era.
For those who don't know, 90s era star trek featured so few queer characters b/c Rick Berman largely held a policy of not wanting any homosexuality in his shows. And yes, we all remember the handful of episodes that slipped through that addressed it but the fact remains that there were no canonically queer main cast members before Into Darkness in 2016 gave us a five second shot that could be cut when whoever was showing the movie found the idea of two men in a loving relationship disgusting.
Then we got Discovery with multiple queer characters that allowed people to feel seen. And people never stopped bitching about them. The amount of times that I've had to listen to people complain that Adira's only character trait is that they're non-binary despite that literally being a single thirty second scene and never brought up again makes me understand that they very likely don't want to like the queer characters in that show. And it's not that there aren't criticisms to be made about the queer representation in Disco: Discovery Buries it's Gays before the end of the first season. Making your trans characters aliens who already have a history of gender fuckery is problematic b/c it somewhat plays into the idea that queerness is unnatural for human beings. But I never hear those complaints. Only the pronouns. Only the "We get it you're gay but don't shove it down our throats." But I don't want to get too off topic.
Now Discovery is being canceled early. And by early I mean, the writers weren't given proper notice that their show was ending. They were halfway through production and allowed to adjust the end episodes of the season to try to give a satisfying ending.
In Picard and Lower Decks, we got two sapphic relationships ("sapphic" meaning a romantic or sexual relationship between two women who aren't necessarily strictly lesbians) and they were pretty good. People had been asking for Seven to be queer and Jeri Ryan had been playing her as such since her introduction (see again: Rick Berman) and to see her finally get to express that was really healing. Mariner got off to rocky feet when the creators tried to pull a "Dumbledore is gay" where they said she was bi but didn't commit to it, but they she actually got a fairly satisfying relationship in season 3.
But in their most recent seasons, both were completely written out. Seven/Raffi gave us no explanation beyond that they "broke up." They went out of their way to keep them from being on screen together for most of the season. Mattis said in a Reddit AMA that he wanted Seven to be captain and Raffi to be first officer at the end of the season and that Starfleet would have regulations against relationships between the two despite the biggest reason Seven was promoted to captain was that she was a rule breaker. We didn't even get that much for Mariner/Jennifer. Jenn just wasn't in this season except for two background appearances.
And in Strange New Worlds there's just… nothing. SNW is the most recent new show and there's no queer representation. They code Ortegas as gay but don't actually confirm it on screen. There's just… nothing.
And this is how you loose the culture war. The bigots make enough noise that the show that is supposed to be a beacon of diversity doesn't necessarily side with them but they just kinda bow out of the conversation. They decide that it's easier to not bother than to take a stand. And so I and many many queer star trek fans are left wondering:
Does the franchise even want us any more?
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mrsvalbaker · 14 days
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{{{{Emily Halliwell
Emily Serena Halliwell
Mother, Monica Halliwell (nee Chandler) is an American pure-blood witch from Ipswich, Massachusetts. She was born in a matriarchal witch family, the Chandlers are Salem descendants, her mother Hazel Chandler is a pure-blood heiress, an aurologist and owns a luxury crystal business for non-maj and magical community, and a travelling socialite. She is very independent and never desired marriage but children, and chose her lover, a curse-breaker pure-blood, Spellman Goldstein, cousins to Tina and Queenie Goldstein. He is adventurous man who travels all over and loves women and liquor, he's good natured but never desired to be a husband or father, but he's in love with the spirited and independent, Hazel Chandler and agreed to giving her three children. Together they had Monica, Lorelei, and Amanda. He gives them money and gifts and sometimes shows up, but lisn't much of a father, just how Hazel likes it.
Monica was a Thunderbird at Ilvermorny and top of her class, she excelled at every subject.
After graduation she went to no-maj second education, getting a bachelor's in Anthropology at Harvard University, then went to Oxford University to get a bachelor's in Arts and Humanities, she lived with her Great Aunt Zelda who was always busy so she had the townhouse to herself. She took ballet classes as well as acting, she loved the muggle world and had to know everything about everything. Her Humanities professor, the handsome and popular, Dr. Darren Halliwell was intrigued by the mysterious American beauty, he's a viscount of Cotswolds as well, and tried to ignore how he felt about his favorite student, but eventually late nights happened and they couldn't resist each other.
They were serious for years and moved in together after dating for two years, after two years she told him she's a witch and he still loved her, when she was 34 and he was 44 they married despite his family being against it, and she became the Viscountess of Cotswolds.
She became a potioneer, alchemist, and Magical physician. They lived together at his manor in Cotswolds, she opened up a new age shop called The Bell, Booke, and Candle, for muggles, and for the wizarding community, in Diagon Alley, she opened up a sort of an apothecary called The White Cauldron.
They eventually had their daughter Emily.
At their home, Monica has a black goat called Lucifer, her own familiar a black cat named Grimalkin, her screech owl Lilith, a jackalope called Hy-Brasil, Darren has his white bavarian shepherd named Mayerling they all love and protects the home.
Emily has a black and red fox, named Salem, a vampire bat called Pyewacket, and a two white bunnies named, Lancelot and Tristan.
Emily is very good with creatures magical and non magical, same for plants.
She also has a knack for potions and divination is strong with her, she's a very traditional witch.
Emily can speak to animals
She's also good at wandcraft she made her own out of a jackalope horn given to her by her grandfather Spellman Goldstein, from a pet jackalope of his that passed, she used the nail of a werewolf for the core given to her by her Aunt Mandy who had a female werewolf love that gave it to her, and it's twelve inches, carved pagan symbols and vines into the wood and sprinkled crushed dust from Amethyst in it. The wand is best at healing, divination, curses, and jinxes.
She's a Hufflepuff but was almost a ravenclaw
She celebrates the pagan holidays
She worships the goddesses
Emily brings muggle things to school like her phone and airpods and hides them behind her hair
It drives Theo crazy when he calls her name and she can't hear him and he blames the muggles for it
Despite her blood status and house, Emily's friends are mainly in Slytherin.
In third year, Lavender Brown was teasing Pansy for being a lesbian, and Emily told Lavender off, and she snapped and gave her a burning jinx which she got detention for and house points deductions, but she didn't regret it and showed no remorse. She told Pansy that her aunt is a lesbian and told her she has her back, Pansy and her became best friends instantly.
The Slytherin boys shockingly took to Emily quickly learning she defended her quickly, despite everything. They liked that Emily didn't judge them.
Theodore was practically in love with Emily since first year, he doesn't have a good reason just that she intrigues him and she's beautiful, and the more he watched her the more he loved her, and when Cedric Diggory tried to cheat on Cho with Emily in fourth year, he sent him off the Astronomy Tower...he almost died....almost.
Emily always had a crush on Theodore Nott, who wouldn't? He's hot as fuck, she heard he's half Italian and fluent, and when she became apart of the snake pit she found out it was true, he's also brooding and has a hard time to open up like some romantic character from the books she reads. He's like Heathcliff.
He doesn't ever take to anyone new, but he took to her as soon as Pansy introduced her, they found that they could talk about anything together, he listened to her random ramblings about selkies, or new "movies" and "tv shows", she shared her music with him and because he doesn't speak much and she speaks a lot, it was just perfect.
When he started calling her Italian terms of endearment, she was a definite goner and no man could compare, she wanted Theodore Dante Nott more than anyone in the word.
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that-stone-butch · 1 year
Hey I hope you're well. Sorry to bother you with this but I was hoping you or one of your followers could help - I'm a lesbian and my partner has just come out as a trans man. I've never dated or been attracted to someone who isn't a woman. I'm very in love with him but I'm scared as I come to see him as a man I'll fall out of love. I want to talk to him about it but this is the happiest I've ever seen him and I don't want to ruin it for him. Have you got any advice for how I can handle this or anywhere I can go for advice?
hey! i've never been in your situation but i'm really proud of you for being so supportive of your partner. you're already creating an environment of support for him that a lot of trans people don't have, and that's fantastic.
you're asking me how to handle this, and so my answer is going to take both of you into account.
i'm going to be honest with you, it may very well be that you fall out of romantic/sexual love with him as he explores his relationship with gender. you may very well break up. but that's okay. the nature of people's relationships changes over time, and you both owe it to yourselves and to each other to be honest about that fact. this is a big change in both of your lives, and while it's a good one, it does mean things are going to change. that's okay, and you can be open and navigate that together.
i can't tell you what's going to happen between the two of you, romantically. you may do some soul-searching and find that you do still want to be with this guy, and as such may want to explore a different label for your sexuality. that's okay. otherwise, you may find that you are very much a lesbian, and his being a man is a total deal-breaker, in terms of a romantic relationship. that's equally okay. it may be that in his soul-searching, he finds that he doesn't want to continue a romantic relationship with you. that's also okay.
you mentioned that you're scared you'll fall out of love with him. i don't think that's entirely true; yeah you may fall out of romantic love with him, but i doubt you'll stop caring about him and wanting to see him happy. from the way you talk about him, i'd say that even if you two break up, it would be possible to maintain a very rewarding friendship with someone who means a lot to you.
but i want to make something clear: you wouldn't do yourself any favors by not enforcing and communicating your boundaries with him. you certainly wouldn't do him any favors, either.
when i came out, my bumbling stepmother bought my spouse (then partner) an autobiography of a lesbian whose partner came out as a trans man. the actual contents of the book are complete trash; they stay together and she complains all the time about her husband being a man and makes several comments about the fact that they probably wouldn't be together if she hadn't dated him when he was living life as a woman (YIKES). the main body of the book is that she suffers in silence, low-key resenting this guy but wanting to see him happy and putting it all into this book. if i was her husband, i'd be fucking mortified by this behavior.
this is doubly wild because 1. i am not a trans man (my step-mom seemed unable to grasp this) and 2. my partner is trans, and has been out as trans since looong before we ever started dating. they helped me come out. there's a reason i don't have a relationship with my stepmother. furthermore, the book is not a decent analogue for my experiences or my partner's, and it won't be for you either.
because whether or not you stay with your partner, please take my advice and talk to him about how you feel. if you can't stay together as a couple, that is not your fault and you gotta be honest with him. if you do stay with him, you've gotta be in it for the both of you, not just him. do some soul-searching, and if that means you need a little space, make that clear.
if i have any parting advice, it's that while you don't owe anyone a romantic relationship regardless of the circumstances, i'd ask that you not turn your back on him as a person, especially while he's going through this big change in his life. a lot of people in the lesbian community turn their backs on trans men once they come out, and a lot of trans men find themselves without any community. when you sit down with him to talk about your feelings on this, please make it clear that your support isn't going anywhere, even if you have to break up.
you've got this! i know that your partner is in a good place full of love, even if what that means ends up changing. if you want to talk more about this, feel free to hop in my inbox or send another ask.
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country-n-sassy · 5 months
1. Would you rather be blindfolded or blindfold?
2. Would you rather orgasm while performing oral or during intercourse?
3. What was your high school sex fantasy?
4. What’s your favorite position?
5.  Which part of your body do you consider the most sexy?
6.  Do you like to swallow?
7.  Who do you fantasize about when you’re alone?
8. Your last sexual encounter; good or bad and why?
9. Where is one place you would never have sex?
10. Top or bottom?
11.  Best sexual complement you ever got?
12. When was the first time you masturbated?
13.  Have/would you ever have sex outside?
14. Who gave you your last kiss? Did it mean anything?
15.  Do you sleep in pajamas, underwear, or nothing at all?
16.  If you had a sexual “to-do” list, what would be on top of the list?
17. Is a weird “sex face/orgasm face” a total deal breaker?
18. Do you have a gag reflex?
19. Is your sex life award-winning or a total flop?
20. Are piercings sexy?
21. Can/Have you ever squirted before?
22. List your kinks.
23. How did you discover you were kinky?
24. What was your first kinky sexual experience?
25. Any unexpected ways kink has improved your life?  If so, what are they?
26. What do you think is important in keeping a BDSM relationship healthy?
27. Something that never fails to make you horny:
28. Where is one place you would never have sex?
29. The most awkward moment during a sexual experience was when:
30. Whats the best way to sexually bind someone? (handcuffs, ropes, etc.)
31. Whats the fastest way to make you horny?
32. Something that you have hidden in your room that you don’t want anyone to find:
33. Two things you like/dislike about oral sex:
34. How big is too big?
35. One sexual thing you would never do:
36. Three spots that drive you insane:
37. Do you like it when your sexual partner moans?
38. Is it good sex even if you don’t cum?
39. Do you watch gay/lesbian porn? Why/Why not?
40.  If a child was born on the occasion of the last time you had sex, how old would that child be now?
41. Do you like giving head? Why/why not?
42. Do you own any sex toys? If so, how long have you had them?
43. Do you watch porn?
44. Have you had sex in your parents bed? (Would you?)
45. How would you react if you found out your parents had sex on your bed?
46. Spanking: turn on or turn off?
47.  What is one random object you’ve used to masturbate?
48. Biggest sexual fantasy?
49. Kitchen counter, couch, or on top of the dryer?
50. Thoughts on period sex?
Wow... that's a lot.
1. I'm ok with either, although I haven't played much with blindfolds. I'm more about spontaneous sex than a planned activity.
2. No preference, an orgasm is always great.
3. I'm not sure I gave sexual fantasies much thought in HS... or anything else for that matter 🤣🤣
4. Any position with a partner is my favorite!!! Spontaneous and passionate are always the best!
5. I don't think I'm sexy, but I would say my eyes or my smile. Maybe my ass 🤷‍♀️
6. Yes.
7. I usually fantasize about a man I can't have, but it is what it is.
8. My last sexual encounter was great, for the most part. It was risky and naughty, and I shouldn't have done it, but I wanted it sooooo bad!!! I wish I had done some things differently. As I'm sure we always do.
9. Never say never....
10. Top or bottom depends on my mood, I enjoy both and wouldn't say I have a preference.
11. The best sexual comment I've ever gotten was from my ex, he told me one time that I was so good at sucking dick, that even if we broke up his dick would still want me because nobody else would compare.
12. Fuck I'm old! I don't remember the first time I masturbated??? Probably younger than I'd like to admit.
13. Outside sex is amazing!! Yes/Yes.... and YES!!!!
14. The last guy who kissed me was amazing, but it didn't mean to him what it meant to me.
15. I sleep very naked. Lol
16. The top of my sexual "to do" list would be to have sex! Lol
17. What kind of question is that? The "O" face isn't a deal breaker unless he's the only one having one....
18. I do have a gag reflex and it pisses me off because I love sucking dick and it gets in my way of being as good as I want sometimes.
19. When I had a sex life, it was award winning, but I guess it's a total flop at the moment - aka non-existent.
20. Depends, sometimes I think they are, and sometimes I think it makes the person look like they're trying too hard to be someone they aren't. Piercings definitely rely on the person's personality to be sexy or not. To be clear, I'm talking about being a genuine bad boy... sorry, I like what I like.
Wait, there's MORE?
21. I haven't ever squirted before, I've tried several times, but I can't get myself to relax enough. I'm too self-conscious.
22. I don't have kinks.
23. Tumblr helped me discover that I'm NOT kinky, I'm just fun.
24. No kinky experiences, just spontaneous, passionate, and consensual, wild sex.
25. As we've discussed, not kinky, so no life altering revelations....
26. No comment
27. Effort. Effort will always make me horny, even if the effort is something not sexyally related. If a man did something for me, as simple as bringing me coffee cause he knew I was having a rough day - instantly horny (after thanking him with a passionate kiss and probably ass grabbing, of course). And if the effort involves him taking the time to listen to me.... hold on!!
28. Never say never....
29. Awkward moments during sex are expected when learning each other. If you can't laugh, talk about it and learn from it... how do you get better? One of my favorite things is seeing my man smile during sex over something cute or fun or new... love, love, love it!!
30. I'm not into bondage.
Still going....
31. Depends on my mood, but if you get to know me and pay attention, you'll find out quickly. Kissing is always a great place to start.
32. Nothing. If you're snooping in my room, that's on you. You can't unsee things 🤷‍♀️🤣
33. I prefer to give oral sex rather than receive. Receiving oral is very intimate to me, and I need to trust and care for you a lot. But I'll suck your dick in the car on the way to our second date 😬
34. Great question, I haven't been with anyone I've considered too big, but when I went to the sex store.... WTF?! Hard pass on the cock that's bigger than my arm.
35. Never say never. There are a lot of things I'm not interested in, but I might try for the right man, who knows 🤷‍♀️
37. Moaning is the best way for me to know I'm doing the right thing. It is sexy as FUCK!! Also makes me horny as fuck!
38. I've had sex several times when I didn't cum, but it was amazing!!
39. I have watched gay porn and I'm not telling you why.
40. I'd rather not disclose how long it's been since I had sex.... but it's been a hot minute.
Are we done yet?
41. In case it isn't clear yet, yes, I love giving head. Pleasing him makes me feel sexy.
42. I have a lot of sex toys. I probably started getting sex toys about 10 years ago to spice things up.
43. Yeah, I watch porn sometimes.
44. My parents were divorced growing up, so... no. And no.
45. I guess I'm old enough to know that we haven't always been "parents." We were all young once.
46. A spontaneous smack on the ass during sex? Hell yeah!! A bend me over your knee like a 5 year old "spanking"? Fuck off
47. Oh I'm definitely NOT telling!
48. My sexual fantasy is to be loved for who I am. The sexual fantasies I would make come true for that man are UNREAL!
49. Wait... I can only choose one? All of the above!
50. Period sex is ok, as long as it's in the shower. Lol.
Well, if you're still with me, you should give yourself a 🌟. That's TMI, for sure!
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