#debating on if the colors will be brighter when completed..
dazzelmethat · 7 months
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Hmmmm color/composition wip, and sketch/anatomy wip. For my bug guy, igg.
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yandere-daydreams · 2 years
You've always known Kamisato Ayaka as a young lady of great artistic talent.
While she might not share her older brother's tolerance for self-propitiating debate or her housekeeper's ability to, well, make a meal that fails to leave you bedridden, no one quite share's your Ayaka's affinity for anything and everything that involves creating something beautiful out of little more than ink and paper and her own talents. It seeps into everything she does, from her unwavering poise to her melodic voice to her bladework - swift and precise and vicious, a perfected dance her opponent can attempt to follow, but never completely overtake. Everything she does is perfect, really, even if you know she hates it when you make her sound like some flawless, ephemeral goddess.
Everything she does is beautiful, and you can't help but admire... well, everything she does.
Her calligraphy, for one. It's far from something she practices often, and you know it's more of a party trick to the children of noble clans than anything she'd consider a proper form of art, but it really is a thing of beauty - the practiced confidence of her brushstrokes, how effortlessly she scrawls out proverbs and haikus to appease to expectations of her better-of guests. She indulges you, occasionally, guides your hand as she shows you how to write your name in neat, tapering kanji. You're always too flustered to pay attention, and your improvised lessons have yet to result in any improvement, but she doesn't seem to mind retreading old ground. You count yourself lucky to have such a patient teacher, of course.
She has a little more fondness for painting. You're always happy to see her, sitting cross-legged on the cliffsides that outline the Kamisato Estate, a cloth canvas in her lap and a few jars of water-color paint scattered around her. She always seems just a little brighter than she usually is when you interrupt her sessions to bring her tea, to offer to fetch a few more brushes or a proper easel, but she never lets you stray far once you've come to her - always urging you sit and model before returning to your duties, insisting that she can only paint landscapes for so long. You do wish she'd actually let you see some of the finished pieces, but Ayaka's always been so humble, so quick to brush off praise. You can understand why she'd be so shy about something she only considers a pastime.
Admittedly, there are aspects of her talents that manage to go over your head. Her poetry is beautiful, her prose evocative and romantic, but the subject she describes so charmingly sometimes escapes you, her stanzas often breaking down into (what you can only seem to understand as) rambling, meaningless nothings - lovely nothings, sure, but still nothings. You adore her kindness, and but her frequent gifts occasionally feel overly intimate, considering your relationship as master and servant - chains of folded cranes and silver hairpins sometimes turning into necklaces of braided ribbon, vases of flowers you don't recall telling her you have a soft spot for, rings with her clan's insignia carved into the surface. You're not entirely sure what any of it means, but...
But, everything Ayaka does is beautiful.
So, you're sure that whatever her intentions are with you, the end result will be beautiful, too.
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antvnger · 5 months
So, I'm watching educational videos on nukes and radiation for fun, and aside from greed and fear of others just as volatile as ourselves, the only thing more dangerous in our short history of using radioactive materials... Is curiosity.
We never stop to think of the consequences of our search for knowledge or, in the case of the Goiania incident, the consequences of taking a blue glowing powder like substance out of a shiney lead can that they took out of an abandoned machine from an abandoned cancer research building.
Cesium 137 glows a ghostly blue color in the dark, and without proper knowledge of radioactive materials is easily mistaken for some pretty rock or dust because other than the glow it looks entirely harmless.
A debated theory in biology is that of an evolutionary trap, the concept that something evolved to help a species survive can rapidly become their downfall in a swiftly changing environment. Something like sea turtles following the light of the moon at night after hatching to become sea turtles getting lost headed towards a much brighter street lamp, or beetles seeing a discarded beer bottle the same color as them and trying to mate with it. For humans, it's curiosity. We were curious enough to invent and survive, and now we're curious enough to kill and destroy even unintentionally. Just as a sea turtle never stops to wonder if that street lamp will lead it to its death, we never stop to wonder how what we create may lead to hundreds of deaths within the span of a single year.
Bikini atol was fear, therac 25 was greed, and Goiania was curiosity. Really makes you wonder how much longer we can make it before one or more of these traits plummets the world into complete darkness before our species is expected to die out naturally.
Change is inevitable and the world is growing darker, but eventually it just might glow like cesium 137 and we might just come back from it all better than ever.
This isn't depression or meant to bring anyone down, btw, I'm just noticing a pattern in human ingenuity and genuinely wondering how much longer our species will last when shit like the bikini atol and Chernobyl happen and people still claim nukes are fake simultaneously, like we cannot possibly be the leading species on this planet and still be this stupid, we created fusion bombs and can't use them because they're too powerful, we created fission bombs and turned them into power plants! We have solid evidence for our nuclear experiments! People have died and yet they still claim it's not real! They laugh in the face of our very nature to create and destroy and I can't stand it!
This rant is brought on by stupidity I heard at work yesterday, from old people with wrinkles and starch white hair, who's parents very well could have been involved in the creation of the nukes they claim aren't real for all I know.
Sir Anon
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I kinda need to like…let this marinate in my brain for a bit because I have no words right now.
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nachtwaechterin · 10 months
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO SETTLE ON ONE? so i guess that means fave moments compilation!!!
Bitten by the Lonely (But I'm Not The Only), Chapter 1:
Dust particles flaked from Peter’s body and got picked up by the wind until they mixed of those from Star-Lord and Mantis and Drax and Doctor Strange. Tony leaned his forehead into Peter’s chest, holding his hands tight, but it wasn’t enough to keep them from dissolving from under his touch. No. No. Nonononononono. Not him, not Peter. They’ve only just started getting close, he couldn’t just lose him like this. Not now, not after everything they’ve gone through together. Just two years ago, Spider-Man was just a faceless smudge on a screen, a maybe. A maybe he’ll be of use one day, a maybe I’ll recruit him, a maybe I’ll even give him an internship. He hadn’t even seen his face back then, hadn’t known just how damn young he was. Hadn’t known the trouble his puppy eyes would get Tony into, how he’d turn his world upside down and color it brighter than it’s ever been. Only now that he was turning to dust, Tony realized just how much of a son Peter was for him. And now? Now he was gone, and he didn’t even know how much he meant to Tony because he was too emotionally stunted to notice, let alone tell him.
Same chapter:
“Peter?” The boy’s head snapped up, and he stared at Mr. Stark with wide eyes. Mr. Stark, whose expression was full of wonder. “Mr. Stark?” Peter asked back, and his voice broke, quiet and hoarse, as though he hadn’t used it in days. Something fond, something soft and squishy with relief entered Mr. Stark’s eyes. “Bambino,” he whispered almost reverently, and they could only stare each other, drinking each other in, eyes alight with awe that the other was alright, alive.
This entire scene from (When You're Ready) Come and Get It, Chapter 2:
Harley’s gaze flicked away then, and they leaned away from Peter as they picked up the remote and turned on the TV. “What movie are we fancyin’ tonight?” Peter blinked at the choice of words and immediately latched onto it to distract himself from the weirdness of it all. “Fancying?” he snorted, incredulous. “What, did you eat a dictionary as an appetizer?” Harley looked back at him with raised eyebrows, watching him for a few seconds, and fuck, was that too much? He didn’t even know it, whether it would take that as an insult— But then a crooked grin appeared on faer face, revealing a dimple in faer cheek. “What if I did, huh?” [...]
Desperate Situations Call For Desperate Measures snippets under the cut bc i havent posted them yet
Chapter 4:
The seconds after the knock probably were the longest in Harley’s life. She debated turning around about a hundred times, but then she could hear footsteps and the door opened to reveal Penny. Penny, who still looked incredibly beautiful despite the redness in her face from crying, despite the tears in her eyes and her mussed up hair. But after a moment, her face lit up as though the sun had just risen after a long, dark night, and a snort escaped her. “What happened to you?” Harley grasped Penny’s hands, holding them in between them. “You’re in love with me.” Penny’s expression flickered from genuine surprise to embarrassment to confusion. “What?” “You’re in love with me,” Harley repeated, and then the confusion shifted to horror. Penny pulled her hands out of Harley’s grasp and stepped back to slam the door shut, but she must have noticed the foot Harley put in the door in the last moment because she slowed the door enough that Harley’s food would probably only retain a couple of bruises. She winced at the impact, but that didn’t matter right now. What mattered was only that Penny’s reaction told her that she was right.
Chapter 5 (the alternate ending):
“No, it’s not,” Harley protested and pushed her away. “I shouldn’t have offered to be your fake girlfriend, that was wrong and just completely unfair of me, and I should have told you that I couldn’t do it, but then you already told MJ and I couldn’t tell you that I wanted to stop without telling you that I like you—” “Harley,” Penny interrupted gently and stepped closer, but Harley took another step back. “—and then you would hate me, so I just couldn’t tell you and I took advantage of you and I’m so sorry, and now you’re gonna hate me and—” “Princess,” Penny insisted and stepped closer yet again, placing her hands on Harley’s shoulders. “I don’t hate you, I promise.” Harley’s lower lip was trembling as she looked at Penny with teary eyes. “You don’t?” Penny shook her head with a soft smile. “I don’t.” She licked her lip nervously. “Quite the opposite actually.”
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honeysuckle-venom · 1 year
I’m curious about 13 and 14? 💜 really value your education on this topic!!
Thank you so very much for the questions and kind words Felis!
13. Which symptoms of your psychotic disorder impair you the most?
Oh this is a difficult one. Honestly a lot of them cause pretty significant impairment, and there are debates to be had about whether to prioritize the symptoms that impair functioning or the ones that impair well-being, because they're not always the same. In terms of overall functioning, probably the symptom that impairs me the most is avolition, especially when it comes to daily functioning and taking care of myself. To quote Psych Central, "Avolition is a term used to describe a significant or severe lack of motivation or a pronounced inability to complete purposeful tasks." For me it feels much more like the second part of that definition, an inability to do tasks, rather than just a lack of motivation. I often really want to do the task, at least intellectually speaking, but I feel almost paralyzed and completely unable to. And I'm not talking about hard tasks, I'm talking about spending two hours desperately having to go to the bathroom and being unable to get up to do it, or being hungry and knowing I need to eat dinner but taking four hours before I at last manage to grab some nuts from the cabinet. I have some days where it's barely an issue, and others where doing anything at all feels completely impossible, but most days it's in the middle. There's at least some level of avolition present pretty much every day and it makes it very hard to function in life and is a big part of why I'm currently on disability and why I get so much help from my father with daily life tasks. If left to my own devices there have been times when I would have ended up just completely not doing essential tasks like eating or drinking for dangerously long periods due to avolition.
The other symptom that impairs me the most is the extreme level of fear and paranoia I experience. The terrifying delusional and/or paranoid episodes I have are completely overwhelming and emotionally excruciating, and they destroy my ability to function, to leave the house, to trust people, sometimes to stay physically safe. My serious psychotic episodes come along with a level of terror that is nearly unbearable, and is definitely the most unpleasant aspect of my disorder. I'd take being hungry bc of avolition over extreme terror any day. The fear and delusions also impair me more severely than anything else when they do occur, usually leaving me literally catatonic and/or impulse self harming and/or crying and screaming hysterically. They're less frequent/less of an every day impairment than negative symptoms like avolition, though.
14. Do you usually have some insight when you're actively psychotic?
Oh what a great question! I do now, but it's absolutely a skill I gained over time with the help of therapy. When I had my first break at 15 I had no idea I was psychotic, and looking back on it when I was 16-19 I was pretty heavily psychotic almost all the time and had just no clue. Heck, when I was 16 I made my friend memorize a code phrase that would tell me it was really her in case she was replaced by an imposter and that was just...a normal thing to do to me lmao. I had no idea that that was bizarre and alarming and based in my lifelong struggles with the Capgras delusion. I've worked very hard in therapy though at recognizing delusional thoughts, and at identifying signs that I'm in a psychotic state, such as noticing the colors around me getting brighter, seeing things morph slightly as I look at them, feeling like the world and/or people around me are unreal or imposters, extreme and irrational feelings of fear, physical tics and decline in motor control, becoming easily confused, trouble processing language, etc. When I start to notice these things I know I'm entering a psychotic episode. Also, I mainly deal with the same few recurring delusions, with slight variations, so I recognize them when they show up. And even when I have new ones, my delusions tend to fall pretty far along on the "bizarre" spectrum, so since I'm very aware of my own psychosis and of psychotic disorders in general at this point they're not hard to recognize. That said, even though I have insight now it doesn't mean I'm not just as delusional. I can know that something is a delusion and be 100% convinced that it's true at the exact same time, which is very frustrating honestly. It's progress, and it can make it easier to come out of a delusional state, but it in no way counteracts the psychosis or makes me not believe my delusions even when I know intellectually that they're complete nonsense.
Thank you again for the wonderful questions!
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lovelyartquest · 24 days
Understanding Color Combinations
Colors and their schemes are one of the most useful concepts to learn in painting. Colors, for example, can appear vastly different when placed adjacent to one another; as demonstrated below, a beige color is sandwiched between grey and neon yellow. However, when examining the image, there is an optical illusion in which the square in the grey appears brighter while the square in the neon yellow appears completely different. A fantastic example of this is the dress, in which people debated whether it was blue and black or white and gold. When choosing colors next to each other it can change the theme of your painting or just makes it look off. Another important aspect of color theory is understanding how colors interact with one another. Using similar or complementary colors in your artwork can make it far more visually appealing than, say, a blazing red and a dingy purple. These colors have the potential to make the painting appear unfinished and messy.
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zv5x · 2 years
Hey lovely im back!!! So I was wondering if I could request another yandere dano! riddler fic/headcannons where him and the reader are the exact opposite kinda like this
Feel free to ignore this if you're still busy and thanks in advance <333
🧸 Yan!Riddler • Reader (Scenero HCs)
tw : use of the yandere trope, femininely dressing reader (gender neutral reader, however), toxic mindsets and relationships , violence , etc Never too busy to write for Edward! I love getting requests for him! Also the reference image for the request was literally so cute. Like promised in a previous post, here is a photo my my riddler enjoying tea time at his nice home on my shelf
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📼 The contrast of the two of you is honestly astonishing. But, Edward is so desperate to spoil you that it would be incredibly common to see a tiny little My Melody pin right in the middle of his cork board detailing future crimes and such. He buys you so much, anything to match how cute he sees you as. Spoiling you rotten was always something he prided himself on, despite how humble he knows you are
❔ His possessive nature would be turned up by a very grand amount. Something as insignificant as a personal aesthetic wouldn't usually affect most people to this extent, but Edward is far from most people. He would already have seen you as the only other uncorrupt person in the city, but to see you dressed so cutely in such a dark and dreary place? It would only heighten that delusion he holds.
📼 Those who gaze at you for even just a second are first given the gift of Edward considering their intentions before proceeding. Alleged opposers of your appearance choices are met with extreme consequences, while those who you are able to convince him of just simply giving a passing glance are reluctantly spared.
❔ Edward would have already loved to see you wearing his clothes, but layering his dark colored coats against your more brighter colored clothing is more than simply heart warming, it's enough to have him pull you in his arms and squeeze you in that same instant. Seeing as you're so cute from his view, it's only fair to him that his affectionate nature is pushed to the center of his personality when around you.
📼 With a sick mind comes sick actions to match, and Edward is always looking for ways to honor your very existence. Whether this be via sticking your cutest stickers on the corpses of his latest victim or by simply buying you more to add to your collection like mentioned before, it all depends on his mood and whether or not he's out as the Riddler.
❔ Edward is most likely to carry your clothes in his pockets, especially in his Riddler costume as they're rather deep and can carry a lot more than his traditional jacket pocket, and witnesses of bright or pastel shades of pink sticking out for the sight of his followers are either met with complete denial or are seen as the perfect opportunity to gush and brag about his partner, whether this is to his follower's delight or confusion is up for debate, as Edward is more likely to spit out facts and loving comments about you at random rather than formally explaining the nature of your relationship. Out of desperation to get the word of your purity out to the general public, formality and logic is thrown out the window in favor of what he sees as best
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electrosuite · 2 years
i believe i may be ur first request 👀 n e ways, i was wondering if you could possibly do something where you're spider-woman in your universe and as you go to tackle a bad guy the portal opens up and you jump through it and tackle andrew's spider-man and you're stunned bc he's in his suit
wind in your suit
warnings: none
word count: 826
a/n: you’d be correct about being my first request! and i rlly love this idea. also this is set before nwh, so it’s the first time he’s seen one of these.
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You had him. It may have taken you days to catch him, but you had him. A string of gas station robberies were all orchestrated by him, and you had him. Sure, he may have been inhumanly fast, but you’d dealt with worse.
And you could now say you’d done a stake out. You’d kept guard at a gas station in the general area of recent robberies, and tonight, this one was the target tonight.
And he’d spotted you right before entering. You were perched atop a house across the street and slung your web to the roof over the gas pumps when he took off. His legs moved so fast you could barely make them out, sort of like in a cartoon.
He weaved in and out of traffic, but you were gaining on him. Slowly but surely, the distance between the two of you closed. Your heart was pounding and you could feel the wind through your head-to-toe red and blue suit.
You were within a foot of him, your hand almost touching him, when suddenly a large, glowing yellow portal opened up and you flew through, crashing into another person.
The two of you barrel rolled across the roof of a tall building before stopping, you on top of them. Their hands instinctively gripped your sides and they looked up at you, and you returned the gaze.
Neither of you moved. Whether that was out of confusion or amazement was up for debate.
Below you was someone in an almost identical suit, down to the web pattern and colors. Their eyes widened and you jumped off of them, taking a few steps backwards.
“What the hell?” you whispered, turning around to see the portal quickly closing and then disappearing completely, right before your eyes. You turned back around to the stranger, repeating, “What the hell?” Only this time louder.
He held his hands up in a ‘I’m not going to hurt you’ gesture, but it didn’t calm your nerves. To lighten the tension, he pulled his mask off, revealing a young boy, probably in his early twenties. He had wavy and sweaty brown hair and freckles littered his face. He had kind eyes and smiled a bit to make you more comfortable.
“I’m guessing you got bit by a spider?” he said, and you slowly nodded. “Who are you?”
“You first.”
“Peter. Peter Parker.”
You reluctantly pulled your mask off, your hair now flowing freely. He didn’t expect you to be a woman, and he was a bit blown away.
“Petra Parker.”
He blinked and chuckled. “Petra. Like the female version of Peter.”
“I guess so.” Your tone was filled with confusion. “Where am I?”
“New York City.”
“What? No, this isn’t New York City.” You looked around. The architecture was slightly different than your New York City — it was so much brighter and louder. But the buildings were all the same. You could see the Empire State Building and Koreatown and 33rd Street from this roof. “What the hell?” you said for the third time.
“Your guess is as good as mine.”
“I’m dreaming.”
“This is a dream. None of this is real.”
He patted himself in an almost comical way. “Oh, I’m very much real.”
You took a deep breath before letting out a hefty sigh. “Okay.” You began pacing back and forth, pushing your hair behind your ear. He was watching you, looking at your suit. They really were exactly the same. “I think... I went through an interdimensional portal.”
“An interdimensional portal?”
“Yeah, a portal that acts as a... wormhole of sorts. It can create a gateway between two locations in space and time.” You looked at him for a brief second and his expression was one of awe. Like hearing nerdy-talk gave him butterflies. “They can take you to parallel universes. That could explain the names, the suit, the New York. I mean, I’ve read all about them, but I didn’t think they were real.”
“No, trust me, I know what interdimensional portals are.”
“Great. So you know there’s a way to reopen one.”
“Do you know how?”
He raised his eyebrows and pulled his lips tight. “What, me? Uh... No, no I don’t. Sorry.”
You groaned. “Then I need to find someone who does.” You slipped your mask back over your head and adjusted your hair before walking over to the edge of the rooftop.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” You looked back at him. “How are you gonna do that? Maybe you should come up with a plan. I could help.”
You chuckled at his not-so-subtle attempt to keep you there, clearly enamored by you.
“If I need help, I’ll find you.”
“And if you don’t?”
“Then it was good to meet you, Peter.”
He smirked. “Yeah, right back at you, Petra.”
And with that, your web flung across the street onto another building and you jumped, feeling the wind through your suit once again.
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ppersonna · 4 years
good for me | ksj - m
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“ stay on the ground until your knees hurt. no more praying baby, imma be your preacher ” - church, chase atlantic
✹ summary- You’ve forgotten something very important and your husband, Seokjin, makes sure you never forget it again.
✹ rating- explicit/18+/nsfw
✹ pairing- kim seokjin x reader
✹ word count- 2.3k
✹ genre- smut, pwp, no plot, you’d have to DIG for a plot, like............. thats all there is to it. there is nothing else.
✹ warnings- hard dom!seokjin, oral sex (m receiving), spanking, degredation, dirty talk, shower sex, established relationship, 
✹ a/n- this has been in the drafts for some time. i debated posting it because it literally has no substance LMAOOOOO but hey fuck it. here’s some hard dom jin because 🥵 i needed it. thank u to @chimoona​ for her help and for my ladies @xjoonchildx​ @ladyartemesia​ @untaemedqueen​ always giving me the hype.
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The best part of exercising is the shower afterwards. 
Sure, you enjoy the benefits of cardio and weight training, but nothing ever feels as good as a hot steamy shower after you’re drenched in sweat.  
It’s what you’re looking forward to as you climb out of your car and trudge your weary body to the front door. 
It’s late in the evening now—Seokjin’s car is in the driveway next to yours, and you figure he must have returned home sometime while you were gone. You open the door and call out to your husband, alerting him to your return as you drop your keys onto the entryway table and kick off your gym shoes. 
It’s quiet in the house, not a single reply from Seokjin, but you quickly dismiss it. He’s likely busy, or stepped outside to the backyard for a phone call. 
It’s no matter. All you can think about is turning on the shower and stepping into the spray and allowing the shower to soothe away tension and wash away the slick. 
Your body is sticky with sweat and the bra and legging combo you wore is an unattractive darker color from the moisture.  You’re peeling off the clothes as you make your way upstairs towards your shared bedroom.  The clothes land somewhere near the laundry basket—you don’t care where—and you’re completely naked by the time your feet touch the marble of the bathroom floor. 
The muscles in your body relax the instant you turn the knobs of the shower to hot, as hot as you can make it. It takes a moment to warm up, and you generously use the time to roll out your sore muscles and gaze at your figure in the mirror. 
There are still marks on your body from your last playtime with Jin. 
Some nights, you have sex with him like a normal, married couple. Missionary, soft and gentle, plenty of emotion and sweet whispered words. 
Other nights, however, you willingly allow the sadist in him to gratify the masochist in you. He takes control, demands submission, and you freely give. 
Your time with your husband last night was the latter. He bent you over the bed and paddled your ass until you cried, and your pussy drooled onto the floor below you. He was relentless, powerful, and it made you putty in his hands. There was no one else on the earth you trusted more than Seokjin. You knew he would never intentionally hurt you in a way that didn’t bring you pleasure. And it made your desire for him burn even brighter. 
The bathroom is steamy by the time you’ve finished checking out the delicious marks your husband left on you, and you slip into the shower with a grateful sigh.  The pressure feels incredible on your muscles and you allow your eyes to close as you bask in the steam and heat. 
The cascading water and intoxicating heat clouds your mind and you never notice the bathroom door open or the sound of clothing being removed. You’re so distracted that you never hear the glass door of the shower open. 
And it’s too late now. 
You’re instantly being pressed up against the cold tile of the bathroom, a hot and hard body behind you making you squeak in surprise. 
Jin has joined you in the shower, and he’s pressed your chest to the cool wall and tangles his hands in your hair. 
“Look what we have here,” he tuts. “Nice to see you showed up.”
You furrow your brow, confused on what he’s talking about. He plays with your hair as he continues to hold you against the wall, cheek turned and flat against the tile. 
“Jin, wha—,” he cuts you off before you can finish. 
“That’s not my name, baby doll.” 
His voice is distinct from his usual.
This one radiates power. It oozes danger. And your cunt is already squeezing around nothing at the sound. 
“S-sir,” you gasp. Your breathing is heavy, body overcome with desire. 
“That’s a good girl,” he praises. He lets a free hand travel down your wet back towards your ass, where he cups a cheek in his hand delicately. 
“Now, can my good girl tell me what she did wrong today?” 
His hands rub the globe gently, and you shiver. His hands feel so strong, so ready to deliver the firm swats or gentle caresses you crave the most. 
You’re racking your rattled brain as hard as you can, desperate to figure out what you’ve done wrong. 
“I—I can’t remember,” you murmur. 
He tsks, upset at your answer. 
“You better start remembering, little one.”  
His hand rubs at the skin of your ass once more, before he’s lifting his hand and bringing it back down onto your cheeks with a crack. Your body jolts in reply and the stinging of your buttocks travels straight to your core. A low whimper leaves your lips—a sound of brewing desire more than despair. 
“Don’t you want to be my good girl?” He asks as he rubs the reddening mark. “Tell me what you’ve done wrong and you won’t be punished.” 
You puff out a breath in frustration, unable to remember what you’ve done. 
Jin notices and delivers another slap to your ass, this time on the opposite cheek, and you yelp. 
“I-I,” you stutter, brain spinning desperately to remember what it is you’ve missed.  
“If you’ve forgotten how to use your voice, then please, let’s put that mouth to use.”
He turns your body, your back now pressed against the tile where your tits once were. Your eyes widen. He looks like a fucking god. He’s wet and dripping from the spray of the shower, and his eyes burn like coals, stoked by his desire for you. He steps back from you, allows you to drink in his image pridefully. 
His cock is rock hard, straining and thick against his abdomen. He doesn’t bother to touch it, doesn’t stroke or grasp it. His eyes are drilling holes into your own with intensity and you can feel your submissive nature begging you to kneel. It’s what he wants.
He knows you—knows you better than you likely know yourself.  You’re lowering on to your knees with no thought, eyes fixated on his like he likes. 
“No hands,” he speaks gently. “Dirty fucking whores don’t get to use their hands.”
His powerful hands grip your damp hair, gathering a bunch and bringing your face to the tip of his cock.
“You wanna suck daddy’s cock?” He asks, tone almost teasing. He rubs the head against your plump lips, allowing them to collect the generous pre-cum at the tip.  
You nod, big simpering eyes peering up at him.
“Please, daddy,” you beg. “Let me suck your cock.”
He rubs your lips a few moments more, before grasping your jaw in his hands and prying your mouth open.
His hips thrust forward and suddenly your mouth fills with his length.  You almost gag, almost, but you squeeze your fists tight and will it away. Jin smirks as he sees the tears build in your eyes from the pressure and continues forward until his cock fills your entire throat.
“Oh fuck,” he sighs. “Look at you take it all like a practiced whore.”
He pulls out slowly, torturously calculated and measured, before he’s slamming his length back into your throat and starting a pace.
Your mouth becomes a simple vessel for him and his pleasure. You tuck your teeth in as best as you can as he fucks your throat, cheeks hollowing as you attempt to tighten the space in your mouth, and lave your tongue over any inch of his cock you can find.  
He keeps his hand on your head, grip tightening steadily on your hair.  
“Shit,” he puffs a breath. “Best fucking cocksleeve.”
His head tips back as he enjoys the slurping, sloppy sounds your mouth is making. Saliva is sliding down the corners of your mouth where it gathers and drips to the wet marble floor below.  
Jin delights in the way you submit to him. He feels powerful, feels like a god. He loves you, every single aspect of you in the bedroom and outside of it. And he absolutely loves it when you’re on your knees, begging like a good girl. So good for him, even when you fuck up.
He peers back down at you, pushing more hair out of your face tenderly while he fucks your willing mouth.
“Mm, this is where you belong, isn’t it? This is what this hot little mouth is meant for.”
He punctuates his sentences with quicker, rougher snaps of his hips that force his cock to the very back of your throat. Your eyes spill over with tears and your throat tightens in reaction, squeezing the head of Jin’s cock.
“Ah, fuck yes, choke on it.”
He’s absolutely enamored by the way you work harder, mouth bobbing along with his thrusts.  You get off on this just as much as he does—you love to be degraded and treated like a whore in the bedroom while he treats you like the queen you are outside of it.
His queen, bowing in front of him to give him pleasure through her submission.
It’s one of the many reasons he loves you so fucking much.
He can feel his stomach tightening, core clenching as his orgasm builds. Simply watching your tears, mixed with the shower water slip down your face has his balls and heart yearning.
“You ready to swallow my cum, doll?” He asks, fully knowing the answer.  
Your impossibly beautiful and big eyes widen even further and Jin stifles a groan at the sight of you, the definition of submission personified. 
“Mm, I know you are.” He pumps harder into your gaping mouth, groaning at how wet and hot it is despite your aching jaw. “You love swallowing cum. It’s your favorite meal of the day.”
He’s gritting his teeth as his orgasm becomes more and more apparent and you bob your head earnestly to bring him off. You easily accommodate him without your hands, and he swells with pride at how good you are for him.
“That’s my perfect little slut,” he grits. He’s staving off the orgasm as long as he can, wants to soak in every moment of you gagging on his length. 
Your hand seeks purchase on Jin’s thick thighs, holding on for balance as your head bobs quickly and your throat works overtime to accommodate his length. Another quick glance up to him is all it takes for him to fall to pieces. He can never resist the way you look at him with a mouth full of cock.
His cock pulses with each groan and you whine cutely as he fills your mouth with his seed. You slow your movements and stay put, staring at him as his cock twitches.
He gently pulls his spent cock from your lips, panting as he attempts to right himself.
“Open up,” he demands in a gentle voice.
You’re compliant—mouth opening to display Seokjin’s thick cum pooled on your tongue. It makes him grin. 
“Nasty,” he winks. “Swallow, my love.” 
He rests a hand on your throat, wants to feel as you swallow his seed down. It makes his cock twitch back to life, ready to go again and again. It doesn’t matter how long he’s been married to you—he’ll always find the stamina for a round two.
“Are you ready to discuss what happened today?”
Jin holds out his hand for you, which you take gratefully to stand up inside the shower.
“Yes, please.”
Jin wraps his arms around you and pulls you under the spray of the shower. He places gentle and soft kisses up and down your neck as his hands slither up and down your wet body.
“What’s the date today?” He whispers as he kisses the shell of your ear.
“It’s the eighth--,” you start, before your eyes wide. “Oh, my god.”
He smiles and pulls back to look into your eyes.
“It is the eighth, yes, and?”
“It’s our wedding anniversary.”
Your heart sinks. In the hustle and bustle of the day, it slipped from your mind of your anniversary. He had planned an entire evening to spend together, and you had forgotten all about it, abandoned the plans for a night at the gym.
“Oh, my god, Jin, I am so sorry. I totally forgot.”
Jin kisses at your face, cupping your cheeks with his hands.
“Baby, it's okay,” he assures as he kisses your shower-slick lips. “I’m not mad. The steaks are a little cold, but…”
You cling harder to your husband. 
“God, I’m an idiot. I owe you!”
He chuckles in your ear as he wraps his arms tight around you. Anniversary or not, Seokjin is in love with you. And he can forgive a simple mistake. Especially when you make up for it so sweetly.
“You’re not an idiot, baby. You can show me how sorry you are tonight when you’re tied up to the bed and taking my cock, hm?”
You lick your lips, already excited for the delicious punishments Jin must have planned for you.
“I love you,” you murmur, standing on tip-toes to press another kiss to his full lips.
“Mmm, and I love you,” he replies. “And you’re going to be good for me tonight, aren’t you baby?”
Jin is turning off the shower as you nod.
He gathers a towel and steps out, drying every inch of your body before guiding you to the bedroom.
“Show me.”
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© ppersonna - 2021 - do not repost on any site, or translate without express permission from author. 
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darkveracity · 3 years
something about how everyone colors get brighter when they go to dark world except noelle whose get more muted. what does it mean. help
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Yeah let's take a look at this!
Susie and Berdly both get much more saturated with brighter skin colors and clothes
It's kind of debatable but Kris' dark world outfit actually looks cooler and less colorful to me. They go from bright yellows and greens to cool blues and blacks with a single splash of color in the cape on their shoulder
Noelle gets completely desaturated. Everything about her dark world appearance is paler than in the light world (she even loses her smile!)
I think this is connected to the ways the dark world functions as different types of escapism for different characters. For Susie and Berdly it's an almost entirely positive experience, one where they get to be straightforward heroes. The violence the dark world lets them engage in is silly and consequence-free; a fun power fantasy. For Kris and Noelle, it's a much scarier and more complicated experience where it's hard to say if they're really heroes. In contrast to Susie punching random puzzle guys or Berdly throwing tornadoes at his friends, the violence the dark world lets Kris and Noelle engage in is very real and has lasting traumatic consequences.
Tying this back to their color palettes then, the characters with happy and heroic dark world experiences have bright saturated colors reflecting the way it's an elevated fantasy experience for them. The characters with complex and unpleasant dark world experiences on the other hand have cooler and more muted colors reflecting the way the dark world functions as something closer to horror for them
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maverick-werewolf · 4 years
Modern Dragon Designs - Where they came from
Your regularly scheduled werewolf facts will return soon. For now, we provide this special, because you may not realize this, but I love dragons. There’s a reason one of my protagonists is basically obsessed with dragons.
Once upon a time, there was a movie - I don’t see anyone talk about it, I’m not even sure how many people are familiar with it...
It’s called Reign of Fire.
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This movie shaped the modern Hollywoodian concept of dragons. Seriously, it did. Hear me out.
Released in 2002, Reign of Fire was a movie about - essentially - dragons as that age-old trope of “let’s take one monster and turn them into an overpopulated zombie plague so we can use them to tell a story about humans and make the monster just this brainless evil locust swarm backdrop.” This has happened to a lot of monsters by now.
But wait, these dragons aren’t like the dragons you might be used to: these dragons were completely redesigned from the ground up by the filmmaker(s) in order to make a more “realistic” and “animalistic” dragon that was acceptable by Hollywood, who generally views “dragon movies” (like so many other fantasy things...) as cheesy and silly. Market your movie as a film about dragons and you probably won’t get a deal. Well, turns out, coming up with your own gritty dragon designs worked!
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Doesn’t this remind you of every other dragon you’ve seen in a movie for the last, you know, 18 years? Although it actually looks quite a bit cooler than those other ones that came after it
Please note that while I may sound sarcastic, jaded, and often maybe a bit scathing, I mean nothing against the creators of Reign of Fire or director Rob Bowman. I watched the movie in theaters when it released. I applaud Bowman for coming up with unique and interesting dragon designs, in order to have a different take on the creatures, so that they fit the story he wanted to tell, instead of doing what so many people do and completely co-opting concepts without trying to alter them to fit anything and... yeah... okay, I’m not going to talk about werewolf things in this post. Getting back on track:
What I don’t applaud is everyone ripping off Reign of Fire for their own dragons, doubly so because most of these people didn’t even take into account the reasons why it was designed that way. They should have left his dragons alone and come up with their own thing, but at least I guess Bowman can go down in history as the man who designed every Hollywood dragon for over a decade to come - with no signs of stopping - even down to the tail shape.
On Vice, you can find an article and interview with Rob Bowman, the director of Reign of Fire, discussing how he came up with this dragon design and how influential it has become. I highly recommend giving it a read.
Please note the Vice article is clearly written with the bias of someone who “can’t take dragons seriously,” so it’s also a good look at the Hollywood mindset about dragons and how much Hollywood treats fantasy in general like garbage (jerks).
It’s impossible to pretend this movie didn’t basically reshape modern dragons. Let’s get to the details...
Animalistic Design
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Dragons in popular culture are generally - or at least they were generally - assumed to be powerful, intelligent creatures, often of a higher nature than humans and other mere mortals. They may be good or evil, but one can’t understate that traditional fantasy dragons are regal and majestic either way.
Reign of Fire wanted to usurp the majestic, intelligent dragon image, creating a smaller, hunched, knuckle-dragging sort of dragon that looks more like an animal - like a pteranodon. This is because the dragons in Reign of Fire are not exceptionally intelligent, noble beings that speak and hoard gold and have the wisdom of the ages. They are brutal hunters that set things on fire and eat everything smaller than them. So this design choice was a conscious one and a smart one.
The dragons in Reign of Fire are meant to be more scientific, more plausible, and also simpler, in a manner of speaking. They are not colorful, magical, ancient fantasy dragons...
Trouble is, everyone took cues from this design for their talking wise noble fantasy dragons, and it... doesn’t really work, at least if you ask me.
The dragon design in Reign of Fire looks like an ancestral throwback, an evolutionary ancestor to the intelligent, talking fantasy dragon, although they are smaller. They’re hunched, they haven’t evolved forelegs independent of their wings... you get the idea. Take a look at the “proto-drakes” in World of Warcraft versus the ordinary drakes, which have tiny dangly T-rex forelegs that haven’t fully developed yet, so they walk like the Reign of Fire dragons.
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A proto-drake in World of Warcraft - also say hi to my worgen warrior
So many things taking this design for their intelligent, “higher being” dragons seems kind of... odd to me, to say the least. Unfortunately, Hollywood decided that’s the only way moviegoers can “take dragons seriously,” so here we are.
“Wyvern” - Two Legs vs Four
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Municipal arms of Stjørdal, Norway
In medieval heraldry, there came to be a creature called a wyvern. Now, the etymology on the term “wyvern” is a little shaky. It originally didn’t specifically refer to a “two-legged dragon.” It is thought to mean/be derived from words meaning anything ranging from “asp” to “light javelin,” and essentially boils down to a flying serpent. It is noteworthy, of course, that the word “dragon” basically just means “serpent” too.
In heraldry, though, “wyvern” came to refer to a two-legged dragon - at least, if you ask the English, Scottish, and Irish; elsewhere in Europe, they may not be so picky. And now, in modern pop culture (such as Dungeons and Dragons), we often use it in the same sense.
Wyverns weren’t really a “thing” in folklore, just as dragons in folklore didn’t look like our modern idea of a dragon. It’s debatable whether the father of our modern concept of dragons, Fafnir (from whom Tolkien drew inspiration for Smaug), even had wings at all; he was essentially a serpent, perhaps with legs. Point is, wyverns come from heraldry, especially the specificity of two legs versus four.
So now you know why you might see a lot of people (myself included) referring to this design as a “wyvern design” for a dragon.
Dull Coloration - Grey and Brown over Red, Blue, Green...
There’s something else - something very important - that Hollywood took from Reign of Fire... the concept that dragons aren’t pretty colors and are, in fact, various hues of grey and brown, and any more contrasting colors are just vague indications instead of bright red scales.
Now, Reign of Fire obviously did this because - again - they were going for the more animalistic, natural look as opposed to the mysterious majestic magical being look. Okay, that’s fine. But then Hollywood decided that fantasy, too, has to be devoid of dragons with bright colors.
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The green dragon in Game of Thrones
There are countless examples of this in modern media. Any dragon that was previously brightly colored has been dulled pretty much to an extreme. Sometimes you might catch a fleeting glimpse of them looking like a brighter shade, but it was probably just a trick of the light. Why? Because all dragons are desaturated to the point of being almost indistinguishable by color.
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The golden dragon in The Witcher Netflix series
This is also why you see so many mods on the Skyrim Nexus called things like “true red dragon.”
There are plenty more examples of this - I’m sure you can see the difference when you look at those dragons and other modern film dragons over, say, something like this...
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Red dragon in D&D
And now we move on to...
The Fire Breathing - Chemicals, not Magic
Bowman insisted on ditching traditional fire breathing (you don't want the audience wondering whether the dragon's mouth is being burnt up with every flame) and again looked to the animal kingdom for inspiration. The king cobra, once again, was a great starting point. It doesn't spray fire, but it can spit its venom. Even more useful was the bombardier beetle, which shoots two chemicals from its abdomen that, once mixed, create a hot, burning spray. Bowman used these real-world examples to inspire his own dragons. They don't breathe fire exactly, but rather spit chemicals from two different sacks in their mouths that, when combined, ignite. "That's anatomy. That's already been designed, so we're going to draw from there," he said.
(quoted from the Vice article linked to earlier in this post)
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The Hungarian Horntail in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - fire is streaming from two separate organs in the mouth, but they aren’t chemicals mixing together like in Reign of Fire...
The director of Reign of Fire wanted his dragons to be more natural in that they breathe fire through organic means, based on chemical reactions, instead of the usual dragon magic. But lots of people loved this “mouth flap”/”mouth organ” design with “streams” of fire coming from the mouth instead of fire flowing directly from the dragon’s throat, so now you see it pretty dang often.
Horns? Brow Ridges!
Another thing that is basically out now in dragon designs is the real horns of many traditional dragons, like Spyro, and like the dragons in Dungeons & Dragons used to have.
These days, it’s all about brow ridges and big spiny scales that aren’t separate horns, they’re just big pointed scales or piles of scales or bone ridges - and they aren’t a different color than the dragon’s scales, either, pretty often. And, in general, dragon’s horns have become much smaller and far more numerous, and more like spines/ridges, as opposed to the great, sweeping horns of classical dragons.
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Firkraag, the red dragon, in the D&D video game Baldur’s Gate II, from 2000
Firkraag is a very traditional dragon. Now, while Dungeons & Dragons has generally kept more traditional dragons (yay!), they did fall into the brow ridge horn thing - although they, thankfully, didn’t make the horns smaller and subtler and more numerous little spikes, like so many other modern dragon designs. They also went with the brow ridge horns for tieflings (once humans with demon blood, then some weird thing in 4E, and now I think they’re humans with demon blood again), as opposed to the ordinary horns of the tieflings in previous editions of D&D.
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Skyrim dragon head concept art
The Desolation of Smaug(’s design)
Here is... a big one. Here, we’ll talk some about the production of The Hobbit films over time, so we’re going behind the scenes.
Alright, so we all know Smaug, probably, by pop culture osmosis if nothing else. He is the quintessential dragon. He’s basically the founder of all Western dragon concepts: he’s big, he’s red, he hoards gold, he’s extremely intelligent and talks, etc. You get the picture. Every dragon that we have borrowed at least something from Smaug. And, in turn, he was inspired by Fafnir, the father of all our dragon concepts, from Norse mythology - but Tolkien took it all a step further and created the concept of dragons that we have today. Or, well, the not Reign of Fire ones. The fantasy ones.
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A map drawn by Tolkien: notice the winged, four-legged Smaug over his mountain
During the first Hobbit movie, An Unexpected Journey, we see Smaug attack the Lonely Mountain...
In this clip, you can plainly see that Smaug has four legs. This was actually edited slightly for later editions of the movie, or so I’ve heard (I haven’t watched any later editions).
I can tell you for certain that when I saw the theatrical release, it was like this, too. It is apparent throughout the scene that Smaug has four legs and wings, separately. I know because I was paying very, very close attention, because I was going to be very upset if Hollywood turned Smaug into a wyvern.
Well, they did - later.
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Smaug the wyvern looking like just another slightly different take on the bog-standard Hollywood dragon
Apparently, some studio exec decided that having a traditional fantasy dragon, even if this dragon happens to be frelling Smaug himself, would not be okay in this modern Hollywood world. So we ended up with a dull reddish spiney hunching knuckle-dragging wyvern with an angler mouth (I’m sorry; I really am sorry if you like the design, that’s totally fine, it’s a fine design, I am glad you enjoyed it, but Smaug shouldn’t have looked that way IMO and forgive me but I am still in pain over it) in place of a more traditional dragon that held more to things like, I dunno, how Tolkien himself drew Smaug. Smaug’s movie design flies right in the face of that and destroyed our chance to finally see a proper traditional dragon done justice on the big screen.
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Tolkien’s art of Smaug - note the position of the forelegs, separate from the wings, like in the earlier map
This is all just one big example why we should be thankful that The Lord of the Rings films were all shot in one go, so no one could alter important things like the design of the fantasy genre’s father of all dragons, in the middle of production. Of course, the production on The Hobbit movies was a nightmare at best, as you can read about in assorted other articles, and Peter Jackson was very unhappy with what the studio had him do to the series. All of that is just another story, I suppose.
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Dragons Redesigned by Reign of Fire: Example List
Now that we’ve gone over just a few of the talking points about Reign of Fire’s dragon designs (although I didn’t even get into the flat, spaded tail look in detail), here’s an undoubtedly incomplete list of several examples that have either entirely taken the design and/or were massively influenced by it...
(please note that not everything in this list held entirely to Reign of Fire’s design, obviously; some have the fire, some don’t; some have horns, some have head/brow ridges; but all of them are wyverns and most are darkly-colored)
Skyrim - Obvious influence with the general design, skin/scales and ridges design, as well as coloration; however, it is noteworthy that the Elder Scrolls has had dragons with no forelegs since at least 1998, in the game Redguard - though that dragon was also very brightly-colored (also of note: Peryite, while technically a Daedric prince and not a dragon, had four legs at least as far back as Daggerfall in 1996)
The Hobbit films, specifically The Desolation of Smaug onward - as mentioned before
Harry Potter movies - Wholesale. Two streams of fire from mouth flaps in Goblet of Fire, generally dull greyish and/or brownish colorations, no forelegs, short/simple horns that are mostly ridges...
Gods of Egypt - The giant fire-breathing cobras have the mouth flaps
Game of Thrones - This one’s pretty obvious too.
Disney’s Maleficent - In the new live action Disney movie(s), the dragon falls right into this design (though the fire doesn’t come from mouth flaps)
Netflix Witcher series - Villentretenmerth is very much a wyvern design and a dull shade, and he in fact has no horns at all, even though dragons weren’t portrayed this way in any previous Witcher adaptations
Stargate SG1 (season 10) - In the episode series “The Quest,” a dragon appears and... well, it looks just like all those other dragons, though the fire does come from its throat.
Beowulf (2008) - I try not to ever talk about or think about this film, but I have to just throw out there that the dragon is very much Reign of Fire, especially with that wyvern design.
Seventh Son - If you can call Malkin a dragon  - she was called one, I think - she definitely also has the same kind of dull-colored wyvern design.
Sucker Punch (movie)
Lots and lots of B-movies and direct to DVD/streaming films - Dawn of the Dragonslayer, Dragon (2006), Dragon Crusaders...
Something to note, also, is that cartoons, anime, and other non-film media is mostly - but not entirely - free from this influence. Cartoons especially are free from it, partially because they aren’t influenced by Hollywood producers who want “serious” and “realistic” dragons. Cartoons are allowed to have magical, colorful, four-legged dragons. Unfortunately, we are deprived of those in live action film and television, by and large.
There are still other exceptions - most notably things that were created before this influence, like Dragonheart and its spinoffs and sequels, which have thankfully kept their dragon designs consistent instead of erasing their forelegs.
Of course, why dragons are depicted as four-legged and winged in the first place - and when this depiction arose - is another topic entirely. I’m not going into that right now, seeing as how this post is already preposterously long.
Long story short, I was rewatching the movie Gods of Egypt and, when I saw the giant cobra monsters breathe fire, I was possessed to write this article. Because Reign of Fire’s influence is something I have always noticed ever since its release, and something my brother and I talk about a lot (and everyone who knows me has surely heard me talk about it, too) - because, frankly, it’s always bothered me. My favorite dragons are traditional dragons: four legs, bright colors, wings, horns, breathing fire, the works.
So, although the original creator of these design ideas did something cool and different because he wanted to do his own take on dragons, Hollywood decided that these design cues should be taken to dumb down all dragons forever, the same way that Hollywood has dumbed down so many monster designs so that the only acceptable ones just a bunch of near-replicas of each other, including werewolves.
I think it’s very sad that film producers think you can’t take something like dragons or werewolves seriously unless they are dull, nontraditional, and ugly. And I say ugly in the sense of these are not pretty, majestic fantasy designs - they are, many of them, intended to be ugly. Though I personally also hold the opinion that most of them are ugly regardless of if they are intended to be ugly.
So - now you know! If you haven’t seen Reign of Fire, go check it out to meet the father of modern dragon designs, from the color of their hides to the shape of their bodies, the smaller horns, and - sometimes - even their tails.
(Special thanks to everyone on my discord who helped me compile this list, as well as of course my brother and all our ranting at/with each other on this topic over many years)
If you like this post, maybe you’ll enjoy the rest of my blog, where I post a lot about folklore and all kinds of monsters (especially werewolves)!
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weafurry · 2 years
Random Hollow Knight headcanons, go! /lh
The first one is a Pale Nightmare one because this ship has rotted my brain beyond repair.
The dreamers, Divine, Brumm, And WL, all placed bets on exactly how long it would take the two to realize their feelings for each other and act on them because it was getting to the point that sheer levels of obliviousness were just painful to watch.
Grimm and Radi are siblings (so original Ikr no one has eeeever come up with that one before/s)
The way void essentially operates when in a liquid form is it absorbs all light around it so like, think images of vantablack. This applies to the room it's in too. Depending on the quantity and the length of time it's in there, it will make the room around it progressively darker. A way you could describe it is being extremely cold (the cold enough to burn kind of cold) but that's not exactly it, it's a little different than that, and I haven't yet found a way to describe the way it is in my head. Depending on how it's handled it can be safe enough to touch for an extremely short period. Like keeping it at bay with light. But it REALLY isn't a good idea. I'm looking at you PK, You fucking idiot./lh
The parts of the vessel's bodies that are made of void start soft and squishy when they're young. The younger they are the more liquid the void is (Toxic danger babies lol) and the older they get the more the void hardens. The more solid it is the less dangerous it becomes. They can still turn it less solid at will though. (Like we see in the pure vessel fight.)
also while I was writing that and thinking about it in a liquid and more solid form, my brain supplied me with the words "Void Gas" and I simultaneously want to think about that because holy shit that's terrifying, and also don't want to think about that because holy shit that's terrifying.
Wyrms are completely blind except for some light perception. They all have vestigial wings that glow and are all sparkly and iridescent. It's used as a thing to attract other wyrms. Kind of like what you see in birds and other animals where the males often have much brighter colors, except with wyrms that applies to all of them, since all wyrms are intersex. I still haven't decided whether Pks wings are still vestigial or it was a matter of the size of the wyrms to the size of wings.
Alongside having limbs, Actually having sight was something that took Pk a long while to get used to
Also fuck canon saying it didn't start raining in The City of Tears till after the kingdom fell, I like the idea that it was always rainy there.
also for some reason despite being anosmic, I have headcanons on what some of the characters smell like.
All the vessels just smell like nothing.
Grimm smells like cinnamon and wood burning in a fireplace.
Radi's smell ranges from a soft honey scent to overwhelmingly sickly sweet.
WL just generally smells like different flowers. I wanna say she smells like magnolias because I'm debating naming her that.
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polonium-snap · 3 years
The Beauty & the Deku chp.3
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Summary: Izuku and Katsuki somehow get trapped in a book of fairy tales, to get out of it they decide to play their part in the stories. How far are they willing to go to fulfill the romantic plotlines? Will Katsuki be able to play the role of a fairy tale princess?
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The ceiling was pinkish brown and wooden, comfortable heat embraced the slowly waking up body of a gorgeous blonde-haired man. Birds tweeted loudly outside his window, as they usually did these days, man fuck those birds, he thought, not only were they disrupting his sleep but they were also a sign he was still trapped in a never-ending nightmare.
“Fine, fine, I’ll get up.” Katsuki sat up on the bed. “You can stop yapping.” His only comfort was knowing at least the damn animals weren’t talking.
As the previous times, he woke up in an unfamiliar room, though this time it seemed more lively, and even if it was still quite far from his own room back at home, it was quieter. Katsuki sighed and stood up, leaving the warmth of his bed to face what was his reality as for now, he changed into some better clothes, noticing with relief that they were comfortable enough.
He went down the stairs where he found the idiots he calls friends making a ruckus and giggling for some reason.
“Let’s make it red.” Kirishima’s voice could be heard.
“No, no, pink.” Mina said authoritatively.
“Isn’t that the same color?” Now that was dunce face.
Katsuki could only thank the sky that they weren’t animals this time. “What are you idiots doing?” The blonde makes his presence known.
They jump to the table, trying to obstruct his view of whatever they were hiding behind and stuttering in a less than conspicuous way.
“We want you to pick some berries.” Kirishima said, handing him a basket.
“Yes, exactly!” Kaminari said, further cementing the fact they are hiding something from Bakugou.
The logic of Katsuki’s new approach to finding a way out of this hellhole would say he refuses to do anything they ask of him, but he thinks he knows what story they are in now, he knew it as soon as Bakugou saw three of his friends in ridiculous color-coded outfits that brought more childhood memories, he was in Sleeping Beauty. He had to go to the forest to supposedly look for berries so he would find his stupid childhood friend, Deku, who for some reason was always prince charming in these stories, while Katsuki was stuck in uncomfortable dresses.
“Yeah, whatever, I’ll go.” He rolled his eyes because showing disdain was the only thing that was not censored in this shitty world. He takes the basket and pretends he doesn’t know the three idiots are planning for a birthday party or something like that.
Katsuki would never admit it, but he had missed his friends, and seeing them in animal form did not count as actually interacting with them, seeing them in their usual antics was a breath of fresh air the blonde needed.
He makes his way out of the house and walks straight to the forest, fuming, because he is still mad at Deku and since they are done with the follow-the-story bullshit he can kick the green-haired menace as much as he wants. Katsuki ignores the animals that follow him around, only lightly greeting them, as he has accepted their permanent existence next to him.
“DEKUUUUU!!!” Katsuki bellows as hard as his vocal cords allow. “Where are you? You useless bastard!!!” He screams some more.
After some minutes of yelling, the little fucked decides to answer. “Kacchan?” Izuku says, appearing seemingly from nowhere with a white horse.
“Deku.” Bakugou grins maniacally. “Prepare to die, nerd.” He impulsed himself toward Izuku, whose eyes widened in panic and surprise.
“Wait, wait! Kacchan!” Izuku flailed his hands around, but the blond did not stop, tackling him to the ground. “Uff!” Deku said as they hit the ground and felt the weight of his friend crash into him.
“I’m still incredibly angry at the stunt you pulled off in the last story.” Katsuki explained. “You literally had ONE job, while I slaved around cleaning that crappy house, and you managed to mess it up!” He growled. “So don’t complain too much while I kill you.” The angry straddled Izuku and raised his hand.
“No, wait!” Izuku cried. “I-IthinkIknowhowtogetoutofhere!” He said quickly, making the other stop on his tracks.
He wasn’t actually going to punch Deku, not that the little twerp needed to know that. “What did you say?” Bakugou raised an eyebrow and took his fist away from the other teen’s face.
“I think I know how to get out of here.” Izuku stated.
“Do tell.” Kasuki said, still sitting down on Deku’s lap, which didn’t escape the notice of the green-eyed man, who blushed profusely.
“Let’s stand up first, Kacchan.” Izuku said, trying very hard not to stare at the cleavage that was so close to his face, enhanced by the loose clothing the blonde wore.
Katsuki blustered and stood up, wordlessly offering a hand to Izuku, which he took just as silently since he knew better than to point them out.
They started to walk through the forest. “Why didn’t you do what you were supposed to in the last story?” The taller man asked. “Did you hate kissing me that much?” Katsuki snorted, but he was unsure why an affirmative answer would hurt him so much.
“I-I didn’t- I d-d-don’t! I j-j-just!” Izuku stuttered, unable to explain himself. How was he supposed to tell his longtime crush that one of the reasons he didn’t want to kiss him was that he liked it too much and it hurt knowing it meant nothing? “I just couldn’t do it while you were unconscious!” It wasn’t a lie. “I felt disgusting.” Also, not a lie, kissing Kacchan while he was asleep felt like Izuku was forcing himself on someone that clearly didn’t like him that way.
“You are so stupid.” Katsuki said, somewhat relieved, Deku had said he didn’t hate it. “But it’s whatever, Deku.”
They continued walking until they reached a clearing, where Katsuki sat down on a nearby rock and rested his arms on a bigger one near it, smirking at Izuku. “So you said you know how to get out of here?” He said, thinking the other had just said that to get the other to abstain from hitting him. “It better not be your way of trying to convince me to go along with the story again.”
“I-it’s not.” Izuku said, blushing at how the other man looked and his new idea of a way out of this nightmare. “I was just thinking…”
“Dangerous.” Katsuki interrupted, continuing with his teasing. “Each time you do that we end up in an even more forked up situation than with what we started.” He never stopped smirking.
“Shut up!” Izuku continued to blush. “If you don’t want to hear my idea, that’s fine.” He turned away from his friend's hot smile.
Katsuki laughed. “Sorry nerd, it’s just that your last idea didn’t exactly work.” He said. “Besides, you said that if it didn’t work you would let me do my idea next, that’s just doing the opposite from what the story said.”
Izuku huffed. “How would that even work?” He crossed his arms.
The blonde rolled his eyes. “What is your new idea anyway?”
The shorter teen looked away, his cheeks slightly burning, originally he wasn’t actually going to say what he had been thinking about, he had said it on impulse, even though he knew Kacchan wouldn’t actually hit him.
“Well?” Katsuki insisted. “Aren’t you going to enlighten me with your amazing ideas?” He continued sarcastically.
“I-it’s just…” Izuku breathed, debating telling the other what he was thinking. “Y-you know how the last two stories only ended because we k-k-kissed?”
Bakugou’s eyes widened, immediately catching on to what Deku was trying to say, the worst was it did make sense, the last two stories had ended when they kissed, well. When Katsuki had kissed Izuku since the other hadn’t had the chance either of the times to kiss back.
“M-m-m-maybe i-if we did it again, we could move onto the next story?” Izuku finished explaining.
Katsuki fought a blush. “S-say we do t-t-that, what do we do once we get to the next story?” He asked
“I g-gu-guess we could continue to k-k-k-kiss until there are no more fairy tales?” Izuku said, though he completely expected the idea to be rejected.
“It could...work.” Katsuki admitted with an uncharacteristically quiet, pink dusting his cheeks, which he hid by turning away from Izuku.
There was a deafening silence, so much so he could feel the sparks of tension between them, pushing and pulling simultaneously. Red eyes lock on green, triggering even more the thick air between them as the color of their eyes shone even brighter with indescribable emotions.
“...Good, cool, cool, cool, cool.” Izuku muttered, unsure of what to do next, does he get closer to the other teen, or should he wait for the blond to initiate. “Should we...try it now?”
“Yeal,” Katsuki said breathlessly. “I mean, the faster we do this the sooner we’ll know if it works, right?” He tentatively stepped forward, not one to be a coward. “Or did you lie and you actually hate kissing me?” He teased as he was unsure of what to do with himself.
“No!” Deku replied too fast, blushing instantly. “I mean, no, it wasn’t bad, I guess.” He tried to be nonchalant. “I was just making sure you were ready.” He followed the knee-jerking response he had to Kacchan of accepting every challenge the blond implied.
Slowly they got closer.
Unlike last time, they weren’t rushed, didn’t feel the frustration to be done with the story as they had previously, this time they were obligated to look into each other and watch as luscious plump lips closed the heated distance between them.
Izuku couldn’t breathe, mesmerized by the sight in front of him and the warm breath that heated further his cheeks and tickled his nose.
Their lips met softly, making a complete contrast to their previous kisses, Katsuki lightly touched Izuku’s cheek with his hand, and Deku couldn’t help the need to place his hands on the blond’s hips. The kiss seemed to short, only serving to make Izuku crave more.
“...So...it didn’t work.” Katsuki said, not yet removing his hand.
“Y-Yeah.” Izuku mumbled back, also not taking his hands away.
Katsuki seemed to react first, slightly jumping away from Deku. “I-I think I need to go back to the three idiots cabin.”
Izuku jumps away too, as soon as his brain is able to process what had happened to a passable degree. “Oh, yeah! Of course! See you later, K-Kacchan!”
The blond turns away and starts walking away before stopping suddenly. “By the way, you can kiss me whenever.”
Izuku’s mouth snapped shut, the redness from his cheeks that just barely had seemed to calm down returned in full force.
“I-I mean! If it’s to get out of the story.” Bakugou amends, uncharacteristically embarrassed.
Deku almost is unable to contain the disappointment that spreads through him. “Of course…”
Katsuki berated himself all the way back to the house, what even was that back there with Deku? Why was he, Lord Explosion Murder, who is never embarrassed stuttering and tripping over his words? Not to mention the kiss, he definitely enjoyed it more than he should, prolonged it more than he should have.
Who would have known Deku was such a good kisser? It had to be that, right? That was the only possible reason he liked the kiss so much.
He needed to get out of his head, and thankfully taking care of his extras was exactly what could do so.
“There he is!” Said Kaminari, glad to see him, as Kirishima and Ashido turned to look at him too.
“Happy Birthday, bro!” Kirishima said, shoving a cake onto his face, while Mina presented him with a beautifully crafted outfit; a blue dress-inspired shirt with a wide cleavage with same-colored pants and a darker shade cape.
Bakugou smiled despite himself, it wasn’t anywhere near his birthday, though the praise of his (thankfully human-looking) friends was certainly but secretly appreciated. “How did you idiots even manage to make this cake and not set the house on fire?”
“Uhhhh…about that.” Denki looked at his friends less than subtly, at which they returned the unease with equally inconspicuous looks. “We have something very important to tell you.”
“Oh, yeah.” Kirishima confirmed.
“You should sit for this honey,” Mina said, suddenly serious.
The blond teen rolled his eyes, honestly, he should have started to do whatever the fuck he wanted long ago, but he strangely decided to humor his friends, NOT because he liked them and missed them, not at all, Katsuki was just in a generous mood.
“We,” Kirishima started and pointed to himself and the other two extras. “Are fairies, we were tasked by the king to take care of you until you turned 16, due to a sleeping curse that is to end today.”
Katsuki acted shocked just because he could. “Oh, word?”
“Now you need to get ready sweetie, you are going to marry a prince and we have to prepare.” Mina said, grabbing the newly made outfit with the intention of dressing Bakugou.
“Yes, yes, prince Izuku this, prince Izuku that.” Katsuki rolled his eyes at the thought of the nerd.
The three fairies shared a confused look. “Who is Izuku?” Kaminari asked.
“We were talking about Prince Philip.” Said Kirishima.
“WHat?” Katsuki yelled. “Who on Earth is that? I’m not marrying some random extra!” He protested.
“Why not?” Mina asked.
“There’s already someone I…” Katsuki paused, realizing what he was just about to say. “I would rather marry someone I know rather than some dude I just met…”
“You met someone?” Kirishima asked, surprised.
“NO, yes, maybe.” Katsuki stuttered. “In the forest, there was this guy, a total dumb nerd, but I guess he is torelable enough, kind of funny, and stubborn, anyways, he is definitely better than some Prince Philip.”
Ashido looks at him with something like sorrow. “Sorry hun, you’ve been betrothed to him since you were born, you have to marry him or there will literally be a war”
While Katsuki was well aware he was trying to purposefully change the story, he did not want to deal with a war at the moment. It never occurred to him that the prince might not be Izuku, it never seemed like a possibility, and he couldn’t quite understand why it was so upsetting.
He wondered who the prince would end up being.
۵⚜-The Beauty and the Deku-⚜۵
Izuku went back to the castle he had woken up in, finding out All Might was once again his father for the tale, which he was in part very happy about, but at the same time sad he didn’t exactly count on the time to enjoy.
“Al- Dad!” Deku said once he saw the oddly dressed Toshinori.
“Oh, my boy!” All Might said. “Where have you been all morning? We have so much to prepare for your wedding to the prince.”
“I’m sorry I’m late, but I’m just...uhm...exited?” Izuku said. “I mean, at first I wasn’t sure, but now I’m glad I’m marrying him.”
“My boy Izuku,” All Might smiled. “I’m so glad you have come around, I knew prince Aurelio would be a good match for you.”
“Wait, who?!” Izuku’s eyes widened.
“Prince Aurelio, the one you have been betrothed to since you were children.” All Might raised an eyebrow.
“No no no, I’m going to marry prince Katsuki!” the young man said, unnerved by the newfound information.
Toshinori paused for a moment. “There is no prince on this side of the world named Katsuki.” He said slowly, looking at increasingly more nerve-wracked Izuku with worry.
That’s right, Kacchan and him being both the main leads in every story was never a hard-cold fact. That thought didn’t help Izuku at all, they had just started to figure things out when again there were new issues to deal with?! He had to marry some random prince he didn’t know, and for what? Kacchan wasn’t even following the story currently, which right about now sounded very appealing to Izuku who while was more than ok kissing his childhood friend definitely did not feel the same way about some prince who was probably way older than he was.
He needed to speak with Kacchan.
“Look, you don’t have to marry prince Aurelio if you have someone you actually love.” All Might assured, patting the back of his panicked son in a loving manner. “I’ll just have to talk to the king and everything will be alright.”
Izuku bit his lip, he had been an advocate for following the story so far, but now he had his doubts. “I-I already have someone I want to marry, and it’s not prince Aurelio.”
“Alright, my boy.” All Might smiled, but then he sighed. “Your mother won’t be happy, you know? She is good friends with the queen.”
“My mom?” Izuku muttered, missing her dearly. “You mean my mom Inko?” He said making sure he was talking about her and not some woman who was supposed to be his mother in the story.
“Who else?” All might said, besotted with the mention of the green-haired woman.
Huh. Izuku thought this was the second time All Might and Inko were his parents and apparently married, happily. He was aware this world took real elements from his reality, which made him wonder if this relationship between his mom and his mentor held some truth to it.
“Who is this Katsuki you want to marry anyway?” Toshinori asked, curious as to who had captured his son’s heart.
“Oh, about that.” Izuku remembered his intention to go look for Kacchan in order to talk about the current situation. “I have to go find him, I mean, I have to introduce you to him.”
All Might laughed and side hugged Izuku in a way that mitigated some of the unease the green-haired teen had been feeling for a while. Izuku found himself very happy to see All Might so carefree, apparently devoid of any injury and restored to his old self. “All right, you go do that, I’ll talk the king out of a war, although now that I think about it, it might be the queen who I will have to talk to.”
“See you later All M- dad!” Izuku said, the taller man had looked hurt when Izuku apparently called him by the nickname All Might had gained in a war, instead of calling him dad, so Izuku had caved and called the man so only because he knew that it wasn’t the real Toshinori.
Deku mounted his horse and started to go on his way to the cabin Katsuki had mention waking up, they needed to talk.
۵⚜-The Beauty and the Deku-⚜۵
The castle was bigger than the one Katsuki had seen in Cinderella and Snow White, the atmosphere also looked brighter. As soon as he figured he was in Sleeping Beauty Katsuki had been determined to just not fall asleep, after biting the apple Shigaraki had given him in the last story he had had weird dreams he remembered nothing about. Besides, he had always wondered why Aurora went and got herself prickled with the fucking spinning wheel.
Anyway, that was not going to him, he strengthened his resolve as he entered the castle, rolling his eyes as he was told that his parents in this story wanted to see him just after his wedding to, ugh, Prince Philip.
“So they don’t see me for 16 years and the first time they want to marry me off to some weirdo, that’s nice.” He said sarcastically.
“People say he is very handsome, you know.” Kaminari said, now in what Katsuki supposed was his fairy outfit.
“Who cares if the sun shines out of his ass.” Cool, ass itself was not a swear word, praise the gods. “I don’t want to marry him, and I’ll be such a jerk he won’t either.”
“Wow, you really must be in love with the guy you met in the forest.” Mina commented in awe, in a pretty pink outfit.
Katsuki spluttered, turning red. “I DO NOT LIKE DEKU!!” He screeched. “H-he is a lame nerd, we could never be together.” He turned to look outside the window. He and Izuku were friends, now that Katsuki had gotten his head out of his ass and stopped having his superiority complex triggered by his childhood friend, but years of miscommunication and misguided aggression could be easily ignored.
Ashido, Kirishima, and Kaminari guided him to his room and fixed him up in a blue outfit they had made for him, although Mina and Eijiro still argued over the color.
“We’ll be right back!” Kirishima said as he and the other two went out to do who knows what.
Katsuki sighed and looked at his reflection, he didn’t know why on earth he was still entertaining this stupidity his friends had told him to, he had said he would fuck shit up in this story because he was tired of going along with it, why exactly had he been doing exactly the opposite? Either way, there was no way he was going to ever marry some random dude, even if it was what got him out of here, he and Deku would figure out another way.
Suddenly he felt like he was underwater, he couldn’t think or feel.
He was an outsider of his own body as he stood up, slowly walking in an unknown direction through the swirling stairs and hallways. His senses were asleep and his mind seemed submerged in a thick substance that forbade him from controlling himself.
Abruptly he was vaguely aware of the door in front of him and as Katsuki opened it he was overwhelmed by green, but not the calm deep forest green he had come to like through the years, but a toxic acidic green burning his eyes with its power, although he felt nothing but nausea.
There was no pain as his finger touched the sharp end of the needle, just the acid spreading through his body as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell unconscious.
۵⚜-The Beauty and the Deku-⚜۵
It had happened again, and really Katsuki should have expected it. Every Time he's out there doing god’s work and saving people, the world decides to fuck him over, he is actually fine with it, he has come to expect it. Katsuki is cursed and he knows it, the problem is that Deku is fucking cursed too, even more than he is for some goddam reason, and one would think bad luck plus bad luck would cancel each other out because that is the logical thing, right? Well, logic flies out when it concerns Katsuki and Izuku.
It is his bad karma making him repent, Katsuki recons.
At first, Katsuki would be offended Aizawa-sensei called him problem child #2, but honestly now with all the bullshit Katsuki goes through every single time he inexplicably sees himself end up involved in some villain’s conspiracy he can’t even deny it.
Which all of this is a roundabout way to say he and Deku got themselves in another fight with older more experienced villains when they are barely in their third year of high school.
They were supposed to do a simple patrol, it was supposed to be easy, but of course, Deku being Deku he had snooped around the agency and recalled the face of some suspected criminal who just happened to walk past them.
“I swear Kacchan, I saw him on the file Hawks was looking at when he welcomed us,” Deku insisted. “We need to follow him.”
“Ok, first of all you can’t call me that fucking kiddie name when we are in costume,” Katsuki scolded, though Izuku at least had the decency to look sorry. “Second, Aizawa specifically told us to only report suspicious activity and not to engage.”
“K- uh, Dynamyght, Aizawa-sensei said that to everybody.”
Katsuki looked at him with a blunt expression. “He said and I quote ‘I swear to god if you get in trouble I’ll expell you, problem children’ while looking at us.”
“Yeah, ok, but Kacchan he’s going to get away.” Izuku said, as they inconspicuously followed the presumed villain as they had yet to come to a decision. “Do you know what he is suspected of doing? They think he is the one that collects children and gives them to All for One!”
The blonde hesitated. “Fine, we’ll call back up.” The other boy frowned, knowing how long backup might take, moreover when it was not even a confirmed sighting.
“Think of the children!” Deku hissed, determined. “Besides, this will look amazing on our record, and may even help us climb ranks when we graduate!”
Dynamyght was nothing if not ambitious, also the children. “God damn it stupid Deku!” He hissed back. “This better not end in a disaster.”
Deku beamed and Katsuki scowled, as was his trained response to that disarming smile.
They carefully followed the suspect; tall with, black hair, yellow eyes, and a weird tattoo on his left eye. Silence trailed them too, even with the considerable amount of people on the street. The presumed villain turns the corner to an alley, where Katsuki and Deku follow several seconds later.
“Shouldn't have followed, mini heroes.” The man said, without even turning around.
Katsuki is about to tell him to shut the fuck up and fight when a hand appears behind him and covers his mouth and nose with a handkerchief. He struggles and is vaguely aware Deku is in a similar situation. Strength escapes the blonde and staying awake is harder as seconds pass by, his head swims and all he can do is muster his best glare as he topples to the ground.
“There’s a quirk I’ve been dying to try.” The man, who looks to be about thirty, smirks.
Katsuki blacks out.
He wakes up tied up and unable to use his quirk, whether it is because of the remnants of the chloroform or because of anti-quirk restraints is unclear. He looks around dazedly, he spots Deku slouched on the floor, no doubt still knocked out and a little girl in the fetal position sobbing in one corner of the dirty basement they were trapped in.
“Hey, you ok, kid?” Katsuki calls and hopes his speech is not too slurred.
The girl sobbed harder. He groaned lowly in frustration and slowly with the little strength he had recovered since he woke up he struggles his way to the small kid, about seven years old.
“We’re gonna get you out of here, you know.” Bakugou had never been good with comforting people, but he tried. “Me and him are actually heroes in training.”
“...Really?” The little girl lifted up her tear-stained face, she had light purple shoulder-length hair and blazing orange eyes.
“Yes really.” He assures her. “Even if we can’t get you out, there will be people looking for us, so don’t give those assholes what they want and keep strong.”
A determined look courses through the girl's face. “Allright, mister hero!”
“Call me Dynamight.” Katsuki corrects as gently as he can.
“My name is Lily.” She says he notices she has a thick book she clutches with all her might.
“Nice to meet you, or whatever.” The book bothers him, why would kidnappers ever let the kid keep anything? “What do you have there, Lily?”
“Oh, this is my favorite book! My mom always reads it to me before sleeping.” She smiles slightly, which Katsuki is glad to see, as this must be a stressful situation for a kid like her. “It’s got all my favorite fairy tales from the movies!”
Katsuki smiles lightly at her. “That is amazing, kid.”
A loud groan from the floor diverted their attention.
Deku lifted his head from the floor, though his tied hands made it difficult to rise from the ground. “K-Kacchan…” He whined.
“Finally up, you piece of sh-trash.” Katsuki amended.
“Where are we?” Izuku asked, clearly still fighting the effects of the drug the villains used to put them unconscious.
“Fu- Hell if I know.”
Deku turned to Lily. “Hi sweety, what is your name?”
She introduced herself timidly and Deku did the same, offering her a smile. Katsuki was glad the other boy had awakened, as he was better at dealing with people than the blonde was, though he still made one or two comments to the conversation they maintained, the little girl coaxing the answers out of him.
The relative pleasantness of the conversation disappeared when the basement’s door opened, revealing the man from earlier, along with his henchmen.
“Take them upstairs.” The black-haired man said.
“Yes, boss.” His henchmen replied in unison, bypassing their leader and lifting up the two teenagers and the girl.
“LET ME GO YOU FUCKERS, LET’S FIGHT LIKE REAL MEN!” Katsuki struggled as hard as he could, and Deku tried to do the same.
I was ultimately useless, and they were dropped in the ground of the upper floor, which was still very much disgusting. They sat the girl on a chair and the leader approached her, with the fairy tale book in his hands, he dropped it carelessly on the floor, where it landed open.
“Show us what you can do.” He smirked at the girl and the heroes in training.
Katsuki growled and Deku glared, Lily predictably was sobbing.
“I don’t have time to waste, little girl.” The leader growled when Lily didn’t immediately use her quirk, and he yanked the poor girl's hair, making Izuku and Katsuki trash harder on their binds. “If you don’t want to die, use your quirk on those two useless heroes.”
The girl cried harder, shaking her head. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”, she said as she raised her hands, probably to use her quirk.
Izuku shook his head, smiling sadly at the girl. “It’s not your fault Lily, the pro heroes will save us soon enough.”
Katsuki gave a short nod in agreement, if anyone was at fault it was these stupid asshole villains.
The girl’s eyes and hands glowed a reddish-orange that started to permeate the room to the point Katsuki had to close his eyes at the strong light as darkness overtakes him. He promptly loses consciousness.
۵⚜-The Beauty and the Deku-⚜۵
Izuku gets to the cabin a few hours later, although it seems no one answers when he knocks on the door. He opens it, just to be sure Kacchan is not there and to have a clue as to where he might have gone. He enters with tentative steps into the darkness of the place, where a sinister laugh greets him.
Hundreds of minions attack him before he can even defend himself as they tie him up and gag him, holding him in place in front of a black figure.
It looks like Kurogiri is the Maleficent in this story, which Izuku guesses is fitting enough, although he notes the usual purpleness of the villain has turned to a sour green.
“I set a trap for a peasant and look here, I caught a prince.” He laughs when Izuku glares at him as the gag and ties prevent anything else.
Izuku is dragged to Kurogiri’s run-down castle, they put him in a cell and shackle his hands and feet. If he had his quirk he could have easily broken the bounds, but not having it does not stop him from struggling against the iron chains.
The green-haired prince sighs and throws himself at the bench, wondering how Katsuki is.
However there is not enough time to lament his situation, as out of nowhere fairy sized Kirishima, Ashido, and Kaminari appear.
“Prince Philip!” Kirishima said as he starts shooting red magic off his wand into breaking the shackles that keep him bound.
“Who?” Izuku said, confused. “My name is Izuku.” He said.
The three fairies gasp. “You are the one prince Aurelio met in the forest.”
“No no, I have never met Aurelio.” Izuku reassured them. “But never mind that, where is Kac-Katsuki?”
Kaminari laughed as he broke the lock of the door. “Katsuki is Aurelio, we had to change his name so he wouldn’t get recognized.”
“Oh.” Izuku said, remembering princess Aurora had gone by Rose the first part of the movie.
Ashido spoke then, interrupting his thoughts. “Guys, we don’t have the time for this, we need to go!” She rushed them.
Izuku immediately straightened up, only half hearing Kirishima’s explanation as he was given a shield and a sword. They speed out the room, not without alerting Kurogiri’s ugly crow, which immediately started squawking in alert. The stairs were full of minions throwing all types of weapons at Izuku, but he skillfully deflected them and somehow they were able to make it out of the castle where the incessant attacks continued as Izuku tried to get to his horse in order to escape.
Rocks and arrows rained from the sky, but thankfully Kirishima, Ashido, and Kaminari turned them into bubbles and flowers with magic, which Izuku thought was pretty neat.
The dashing prince managed to get atop his horse and raced to the castle and with outstanding strength was able to cut all the spiky vines that barricaded the place Katsuki was trapped in asleep.
Upon cutting his way through the vines, Kurogiri teleports in front of him, furious. Then he turns into a dragon, at which Izuku looks for a more open area where he won’t be burnt to flames, swinging his sword at the reptile as it shoots green fire out his mouth.
In the process he somehow manages to break one of his left-hand fingers and lose his shield, he hissed in pain as he stared down the abyss. The dragon seemingly laughs, thinking they have won, but the three fairies hover over Izuku, overloading the sword with so much magic it shines. In a last-ditch effort to win, Izuku throws the sword with all his remaining strength and lets out a sigh of relief when it pierces right through the dragon’s heart.
Kurogiri stumbled into the abyss, where Izuku once the threat has been eliminated does not even bother looking back as he sprints toward the castle, bypassing the sleeping peasants, the guards, and even All Might and Kacchan’s parents, who appear just as unconscious as the rest.
Finally, he arrives at Katsuki’s room, where the blonde lies, his face slack with sleep, unmoving but still beautiful.
Izuku breathes in, Katsuki had given him permission to kiss him, even if it only was to get out of a story.
He leaned in and kissed his childhood friend, whose lips were as soft as they had been earlier in the day.
Katsuki’s red eyes slowly opened, blinking away the sleep. “You idiot.” He said, because what else would the explosive boy say? “You were Prince Philip?”
Izuku laughed. “I guess.”
He was about to tell the other teen they needed to go downstairs to greet their parents, but the world started to turn white again, as it did every time a new story was about to start.
Izuku braced himself.
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evienyx · 3 years
DSMP Citizens POV- Part 1
I've seen a lot of the memes going around, but I'm not funny enough to write that, so here's my addition to the trend :p
This is part one, because I had a lot of fun with this and want to do it more.
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DSMP Citizen POV Masterlist
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Sometimes, it was odd for the residents of the Dream SMP to be reminded of the fact that the constant state of chaos that their server was in was not, in fact, reflective of every server.
"Why did we move here?" One woman in Snowchester whispers to another as the sirens go off for yet another nuke test and they duck down into their bunker.
The other shrugs. She doesn't have an answer. No one does.
Things started out all right, the people supposed. There weren't any wars, at least. Some of those who lived on the server before the Revolution could remember back far enough to tell you about the first true conflict, between Dream, the creator of their home, and TommyInnit, a sixteen-year-old who could yell shockingly loud, even for a teenager. Dream fought against Tommy and Tubbo (yet another teenager), and it seemed to all be in good fun.
Some will tell you now, though, that the signs of tension were already there, and when Wilbur Soot joined, those tensions only escalated.
One moment, things on the server were normal, the next, there was a Revolution.
"Did anyone else hear Dream shouting about 'white flags' this morning?" One person would ask their friends, and receive nods in return. "Anyone know what it's about?"
"A Revolution," one would respond. "Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are starting a new country."
"Oh," the first would hum. "How long until they get completely crushed?"
"Eh, I give 'em a week."
It was only a week, but it did not end the way anyone thought it would. Instead, L'Manburg gained its independence after TommyInnit gave up his discs once he lost a duel with Dream.
"Is the L'Manburg cabinet missing someone?"
"No, I don't think so. Anyway, did you hear that Dream just declared that Eret is to be crowned king?"
"...Can he do that?"
"He's Dream. He can do whatever he wants."
After the Revolution, when the server finally had more than one ruling faction, more than one place to live, things seemed to pick up a bit. President Soot, with Vice President Innit (VP Tommy, the people called him), ruled over L'Manburg, and called it a place of freedom. When word spread to other servers, people came to see for themselves.
And often, they stayed.
It was peaceful, for a while.
"President Soot announced he's holding an election," one man said to his wife one day.
"Yeah. Said it was for democracy." The man snorted. "He and Innit are the only party running, though. Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me."
"Darling, I know you're still salty about losing the war, but there's no reason to talk bad about a child," his wife said.
The man wrinkled his nose. "Still."
It was peaceful during the campaign.
For a while.
Then, though, Quackity announced that he was running for president, with GeorgeNotFound, best friend of Dream himself, as his running mate.
"This feels like a sitcom," one girl says as she watches the debate reruns with her friends.
"At least it's entertaining," her friend replies, shoving popcorn into his mouth.
And, for the people of the Dream SMP, from both L'Manburg and the Greater SMP, it was entertaining.
Until the election results came in, Schlatt was declared the winner, and President Soot and VP Tommy were banished.
"Dude, dude!" One teen says to their friends, running up to meet them on the Prime Path.
"What is it?"
"I just saw Technoblade join the server!"
The arrival of the Blood God shifted something in the people of the Dream SMP. When he joined Pogtopia, the rebellion being led by the two ex-leaders of the country, the people felt something settle within themselves.
All of a sudden, choosing sides wasn't as simple as where you live.
It was what you care about.
As the son of the ex-president burned down the old flag, the people of the Dream SMP, of (L')Manburg and of the Greater SMP, realized suddenly that they had to make a choice.
Without even wanting to, without doing anything to deserve it, they would have to fight.
Some people went to Pogtopia, some stayed in Manburg, some in the Greater SMP. Those in the latter two stayed where they were because they wanted to stay out of it.
It didn't change anything, in the end.
In Manburg, they watched their president (Emperor) fall further and further into alcohol, yelling at his cabinet and talking of expanding into territory that they had no right to.
In the Greater SMP, murmurs of King Eret's attempts to assist the Pogtopia rebels filled the alleyways.
In Pogtopia, people sat and watched the decline of the man that they had all once believed in. As Wilbur Soot slowly devolved until he was no longer recognizable as the man who had once led people to freedom, the residents of Pogtopia ate potatoes farmed by a man famous for his bloodlust and pretended that they were sleeping somewhere warm.
The day of the Manburg Festival, though, things felt better. Other than ex-president Soot and ex-VP Tommy (Wilbur and Tommy, the two insisted. No one listened), everyone, even the rebels in Pogtopia, were invited to attend. The people wandered through the stalls playing games, watching as Soot's son attempted (in vain) to drown Technoblade, buying food, and chatting with people from other factions, friends and family that they hadn't spoken to in weeks.
When the time came for the speeches, before the true festivities were set to begin, everyone was feeling good about the day. People congratulated Secretary Tubbo for a successful event, and offered him small words of encouragement for his speech coming up. The teenager would grin at all who spoke to him, and looked (rightfully) proud of how well he organized and decorated the festival.
Secretary Tubbo gave his speech, and people clapped, and then fell silent as President (Emperor) Schlatt laughed, asked for his Vice-President's assistance, and encased the teenager in a cage of concrete.
And then he called Technoblade to the stage.
And then, in front of the people of the Dream SMP, a teenager was executed in a spray of color that shot toward the sky.
Fireworks rained down on the people in the stands, then, and, regardless of where they were from, the people of the Dream SMP ran.
The Pogtopia ranks grew that day, and a nineteen-year-old who claimed to be a doctor without showing any credentials forced four other people to help her heal VP Tommy after he fought Technoblade in a pit, egged on by a man who once might have called himself his brother.
"How is this kid not dead yet?" One of the helpers asked, looking at the unconscious teenager's face.
"Pure spite?"
The first hummed. "Sounds about right."
One day, a bit after the festival, the people of Pogtopia woke to find Vice President Quackity walking through the ravine as if he owned the place.
One resident was noted to rub his eyes, blink three times, and then say, "It's too early for this shit," before heading back to bed.
A surprising number of people followed his lead.
Finally, the day of November 16th came, when Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit vowed to take their country back.
"I heard President Soot is planning to blow up L'Manburg," one Pogtopian woman mentioned to her friend as they suited up and prepared to fight, as they had signed up to be part of the forces.
"That's stupid," her friend replied.
"Bet you ten diamonds he blows something up."
As the country of L'Manburg blew sky-high, one woman was seen following another, screaming that she wanted her diamonds.
When Pogtopia won the war, the forces from both sides sat outside of the remains of the van as President Soot, VP Tommy, Secretary Tubbo, Dream, Technoblade, and many more, all piled inside to confront Emperor Schlatt.
They emerged fifteen minutes later, and Dream announced to the crowd that Schlatt was dead.
There was no time for the news to sink in, as they played hot potato with the presidency, going from VP Tommy to Wilbur Soot to Secretary Tubbo.
"President Soot is leaving, do you see that?"
"Probably going to the river to celebrate the win, if you know what I mean."
"Literally shut up. Never speak again. I hate you."
As the newly-inaugurated President Tubbo finished his speech, the people felt a wave of relief wash over them. Maybe the server could finally be peaceful once more.
Then, there was the tell-tale hiss of explosives under their feet, and the people ran as the ground beneath them fell away.
Stories of what happened next are conflicting, to say the least.
Words of President Soot dying in the explosion, of him turning the blade on himself, of another man killing him.
"He had wings," people who saw the man said. "Blonde hair, a green hat and robes. He stabbed Soot with the guy's own sword."
Technoblade apparently gave an incredible speech, and anyone who was there to witness it lamented that they hadn't recorded it.
Then, two Withers flew through the sky, and blood ran down the newly-exposed stones, and people who had never experienced death on the server before finally knew what it was like to die.
Afterward, though, when the anarchist had fled and the ex-President lay dead, President Tubbo, with VP Tommy by his side, stood and addressed the people, and made promises of a brighter future, and the hope and determination in his eyes was enough for the people to hope that maybe he was right.
("Whoa, cool wings, dude," a resident of L'Manburg said to their newest neighbor, a man in green with wings, burned across all the feathers, sprouting from his back. "Wait, what happened to them?"
"Oh, I was protecting my son from the explosion," the new resident replied.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Is your son all right at least?"
"No, he died just a few minutes afterward. His last life, too." The man sighed. "As much as I hate to admit it, he probably deserved it."
A beat. "What did he do?"
"Well, you may have heard of him. Wilbur Soot? He was the president here before Schlatt, I believe."
"...Holy shit, you're the bird man that killed President Soot!"
"Yeah, mate, that's me."
"...He was your son?"
"...What the fuck is wrong with your family?")
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lightsovermonaco · 3 years
His Good Sweater: Chapter 4
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Thank you as always to my best friend and Beta reader @acollectionofficsandshit​ for putting up with me and my ramblings ♥
Word Count: 3.8k
Recommended song: "ily (I love you baby)" by Surf Mesa and Emilee
You'd never been more thankful that you kept a change of clothes in your car than you were after the race at Silverstone. You'd showered again, changing back into the sweaty tee and leggings. The clean emergency hoodie and jeans were a blessing, and casual enough for a night on the town.
Most of the crew had left, only a few poor souls pouring over race data or packing up essentials. James let you into the trailer yard this time without hesitation. "We really should just get you a key," He teases, "Sure would make my life easier."
Rolling your eyes, you give the tower of muscle a pitiful shove. He doesn't move an inch. "Thanks James. I'll ask Pierre to look into it."
A sudden wave of tiredness washes over you when you make it back to the trailer. You flip through the channels on the tiny television, settling on an analysis of the day’s race.
“And a brilliant drive from young Pierre Gasly, wasn’t it John?”
“I completely agree Martin. Gasly took advantage of every slip up by Mercedes and Red Bull and he has to be commended for that. Max made some rare mistakes and…”
You smile to yourself, their praise washing over you. Yawning, you curl up on Pierre's bed, the familiar smell of cedar lulling you into a light sleep in minutes.
A gentle touch to your cheek wakes you some hours later. You crack your eyes open, greeted by a smile brighter than the stars in the night sky. You taste eternal sunshine on his lips when you kiss him, your soul sparking in response to his light.
"Good morning," He murmurs, thumb rubbing along your jaw. "Sleep well?"
You snuggle closer to him, eyes closing once more as you soak up the warmth. "Is it time to go out already?"
"It is. But we can stay here if you want to." He brushes a stray hair off your face. The gesture is so tender, if you didn’t know any better you’d never guess he could turn into the seasoned, take-no-shit racer you’d seen hours before. 
You shake your head. You couldn't let him miss out on celebrating his victory with his closest friends. Besides, you hadn't seen any of them for a span of time longer than a few minutes in months, and truth be told, you missed them all. 
Those boys had a knack for turning the simplest of outings into unforgettable adventures. You had been sworn to secrecy on numerous occasions after Pierre recounted drunken escapades that usually ended with Max sleeping somewhere preposterous, like a claw-footed bathtub in a fancy suite.
“Where are we going?” You ask sleepily. “Somewhere nearby?”
Pierre tugs you up until you’re sitting. He pulls you back against his chest, arms wrapping around you as he sets his chin on your shoulder. “Yeah. Maybe ten minutes away.”
You lean your full weight against him, admiring how perfectly your bodies slot together. “Can I leave my car here?”
“As long as you’re okay with it staying here until tomorrow, that’s fine.” He coaxes you to stand and presses a kiss to your temple as a reward. Your limbs are still heavy and uncooperative. Pierre winds an arm around your waist, supporting you and assuming the position of your rock as he always did.
"You don't sleep here," You state simply, looking at him for confirmation. He shakes his head.
"Wouldn't be enough room for two anyway." He gestures to the tiny twin sized bed and shrugs.
Your brow furrows. “Am I staying with you tonight?” You honestly had not considered it. The jet usually left early and you had assumed he would want to get as much rest as possible. But now that you had experienced waking up next to him, you realize how much you want his face to be the first thing you see when you open your eyes each morning.
“Of course you’re staying with me. I’m taking every second of your time that I can get.”
You bite your lip and lay your head on his shoulder. The idea of falling asleep in his arms was enough to shake any lingering sleepiness. “Okay.” Confident that you could hold yourself up, you step out of his grasp. “Ready.”
The few mechanics roaming about the grounds are enough to keep you cautious. You walk through the paddock a hair's breadth apart, although every nerve screams for you to touch him. Every time your arm grazes his, electricity ripples across your skin. All you want to do is hold his hand, but there’s enough prying eyes that you restrain the impulse.
You can tell he feels it too by the way his fingers curl and uncurl at his sides. And he's biting his cheek, you notice. A nervous habit of his and a clear indicator that he'd retreated inside his own head, likely contemplating if he'd truly deserved to win today or not.
Every few months his doubts crept in, the devil on his shoulder reminding him that Horner hadn't deemed him good enough to keep his seat at Red Bull after only a handful of races.
You'll never be as talented as them, is what you'd imagined it whispered. They're only here because they pity you. What makes you think you deserve a seat?
It couldn't be farther from the truth. Deep down, Pierre knew that. Driving in Formula 1 meant being under constant scrutiny from the public and sportscasters. Making an error meant debates about whether you were good enough and rumors about seat security.
There were no such errors today. You'd heard the commentary after the race; everyone was raving about his performance. Not one person had dared say he didn't deserve it.
Not wanting him to suffer alone, you subtly wrap your pinky finger around his. "You're okay," You say softly, his head whipping to you. "You deserved that trophy today. It was some of the best driving I've ever seen, everyone agrees. You deserve a trophy every time you get in that car. You'll always be my champion, even if the world tells you otherwise."
It takes a moment for it to sink in, but he nods and releases your pinkie. "You're my grounding rod," He says, lips curling in a knowing smile, and you can't hold back your laugh.
"Leave it to you to turn a romantic moment into a cheesy one." Instead of saying you're my rock like any normal person, he had to bring up the time you'd embarrassed yourself at the bar a year or so ago. He'd let you prattle on to poor Dan about building grounding rods of all things, and how you'd thought your professor's way of designing such a system was flawed. Pierre would never let you live that down, it seemed.
Max spots the two of you first, waving from where the boys had gathered outside Red Bull. “About time you showed up! We’ve been waiting for ten minutes!”
“She fell asleep,” Pierre says simply, his confidence back. “Takes her awhile to wake up.”
“Whatever, I’m just glad you’re here,” Daniel says, throwing an arm around your shoulders and tucking you tight to his side. You couldn’t help the broad smile creeping onto your face, twin to the aussie’s as you hug him back. 
“We missed you,” Charles says, falling into step beside you. “I never hear from you anymore!”
You grimace. It was true, while the three boys had texted you quite frequently the past few months, you had barely responded to them. You felt guilty about it, knowing they were taking time out of their packed schedules to catch up. But uni had been kicking your ass and the only one you’d found time for was Pierre. Looking back, you were glad he had been the exception.
“Yeah, sorry about that,” You say. “Lots of projects.”
“And that new internship,” Max points out. Your eyebrows flick up, gaze flicking to Pierre. You had been awarded an internship a month or so ago at a local engineering firm in London. It was only part time work, a few hours a week, but it was enough. The only one you had told was Pierre.
Pierre grins, the gesture a silent apology. “I may have spilled the beans.” 
You cut him a glare, the others laughing at your attempt at being intimidating. But you couldn’t turn away from him, not when he was looking at you with the same pride you had felt when he’d won earlier that day. 
“Uber’s here,” Charles announces, checking his phone.
“Where?” Daniel asks, and Charles indicates a black SUV parked at the curb. Daniel and Max exchange a look, shouting “Shotgun!” at the same time. Both boys break into a full sprint, feet pounding on the pavement. Daniel wins - barely, leaving Max and Charles to squeeze into the back seat.
Pierre follows you into the third row of seats, his hand immediately engulfing yours. Your stomach flips, glancing up to find a reassuring smile on his face. You could barely focus on what was said for the first half of the ride, hyperaware of the callouses rubbing your skin. The world around you erupts into color at the touch, completing the part of you that you’d never realized was missing. 
The remainder of the drive is filled with laughter, jokes, and plenty of selfies with the driver. It wasn’t every day one could brag about having four world class drivers in your car; you couldn’t blame the man for being excited.
By the time you arrive at the bar, your sides are already splitting with laughter. “First round is on you, Ricciardo,” Charles says, wagging a finger at him. “Punishment for bringing up the Abu Dhabi incident again!”
“Jokes on you, I was already planning on it!” He glances at you and winks. “Gotta congratulate the winner somehow, right?” Little did the Australian know, you had already congratulated Pierre a few hours ago, and you doubted that a few shots would outshine that performance. You hope the pink tinge that rises to your cheeks with the memory isn't obvious and you duck your head just in case.
A blast of air conditioning hits you as you all stumble into the bar. All eyes fell to you and the ragtag group of drivers when you entered, silence blanketing the patrons. The bartender slams a fist on the wooden bartop, rattling glasses and making you flinch.
“Been wonderin’ when you lot were gonna show your ugly mugs!”
Daniel, Max and Charles erupt into friendly laughter, shaking the man’s hand and making small talk. You look to Pierre for an explanation.
“Tradition,” He murmurs. The noise returned to a normal level around you, though you could feel the glances thrown your way. “We come here every year, but only if one of us wins at Silverstone. Been awhile since that happened.”
"Ah," You say, nodding dramatically. "Yes, very long time." Pierre grins, shaking his head.
"Who won this year?" The man - William, Pierre informs you- asks. He towered over you when you sat on the sticky bar stool, tall and lanky but well muscled and certainly not someone you would expect patrons to try disrespecting. He was already pouring five shots of a fine Irish Whiskey, waving Daniel off when he tried to start a tab. “My treat.”
Max claps a hand on Pierre's shoulder. "This one claimed the crown, for once!"
"Wey hey!" William says, passing out the shots. "Everyone else crash out or what?"
"You should watch the replay," You say, knocking Pierre's shoulder with your own. "It was amazing. The move he used to get past Max-" you bring your pinched fingers to your lips in a chef's kiss. "Gorgeous."
"Much to Max's despair," Charles adds, raising his shot. "To the underdog!"
You all echo the sentiment, the boys knocking back the strong alcohol with practiced ease. It didn't go down as smooth for you, burning your throat and making you wince.
Daniel laughs. "Not used to drinking with us anymore, huh?"
"Must have lost my edge," You say, the woody taste lingering in your mouth. "I'm sure it'll hit me hard in a half hour or so, too."
Well, you weren't wrong about the alcohol hitting you like a punch to the gut. Two shots later and you were swaying like a sailor on his first excursion out to sea, Pierre's shoulder the only thing keeping you from toppling off the bar stool. 
Pierre's eyes were bright as the others poked fun at him, William joining in with a witty remark now and then. His laugh wrapped around you like a warm blanket, keeping you content and grounded.
"Hey Pierre," Daniel says at one point, "Don't look now but that table of girls has been obsessed with you all night."
Pierre, blitzed as he was, pays no attention to Dan's warning and turns around. A loopy grin was plastered on his face, turning back and shaking his head.
You may not have been able to think straight, but your stomach lurches. Instantly sobering slightly, you follow Dan's gaze to the indicated table to your left. Three beautiful women sat there, whispering behind their hands and clearly speaking about Pierre. One bit her lip and caught your eye, giggling. Her looks were universally attractive enough that she would be anyone’s type, Pierre included. The possessiveness in the gaze she raked over his body set your blood boiling. 
This… was not a scenario you wanted to play out. You didn't know if Pierre was ready to tell his friends about your relationship yet. You knew he wouldn't let any of those girls have the light of day, but he might let them fawn over him a little, just to protect your secret. And it would kill you, but you would have no choice but to let it happen.
"I'm good," Pierre says, sipping the beer he had been nursing all night.
"Come on mate," Max pushes, a wicked grin on his flushed face, "That blonde is so your type."
No she isn't.
You’re already staring up at Pierre when he turns to you. You have always worn your emotions on your sleeve for anyone to see, and it only got worse when mixed with alcohol. Pierre smiles softly, taking mercy on you. Slowly, he takes your hand and threads your fingers together before turning back to the boys.
"One of you can tell them I’m not interested. I already have my girl." 
Heart beating wildly, you scan your friends faces. They were all wide eyed and slack jawed, staring at your joined hands. Pierre gives your hand a gentle squeeze, reminding you to breathe. He read you like an open book, offering reassurance when you needed it most.
"It's about fucking time!" Daniel roars, breaking the tense silence. Your shoulders relax, grinning along with the others. Pierre beams at you, knocking your shoulder to say I told you so. 
"Does this mean I get a break from listening to you obsess over her every weekend?" Max asks, giving you a meaningful look. 
"Likely not," Pierre answers. "I'm still just as obsessed as before. Maybe more." Max pretends to gag, earning him a playful punch from Charles. God, it was so freeing for your relationship to be more open, even if it was just between your closest friends. 
"I'd just like to point out that I told you two this would happen years ago," Charles says matter of factly, pointing at Max and Dan. "Should've taken you up on that bet."
Your mouth hung open. "You were going to bet on us being a couple?"
"Oh come on," Max says, rolling his eyes. "We all knew it was coming eventually. We just didn't know when!"
Pink stains your cheeks, but Pierre laughs and leans in to kiss you. Remembering the girls behind you, you press a little closer to him. Under the guise of placing a kiss to his cheek, you meet the blonde's eyes and smile sweetly.
The woman preens, mouth twisting. Good. Pierre was yours, and now that he'd admitted it, you could let those girls know it. His hand slips to your thigh, squeezing hard. A clear warning that you were venturing into dangerous territory. You didn't care.
The alcohol in your veins makes you bold, and you want to drive your point home. They could look all they wanted, but he was coming home with you. You push the boundary farther and bite the soft skin of his neck just hard enough to leave a mark. Pierre's hiss finally makes you pull back and look up at him innocently.
"Get a room," Daniel teases with a wink. You smile at him, mumbling an insincere apology. Your point had been made. The arrogant smirk had been wiped from the woman’s face, replaced with a grimace. 
"I think it is time for us to get going," Pierre says, annoyance flashing across his face. Oh, you had stoked the fire and now you would have to face the consequences. 
"We're just getting started," Charles complains. Pierre slaps a few bills on the counter and gets up without responding. 
"Bye guys!" You call over your shoulder as Pierre drags you towards the door. They all wave back, Max's lower lip jutting out in a pout. Your eyes slid one more time to the blonde, who had her arms crossed over her chest. You give her a wicked, taunting grin and return her earlier wink.
Pierre halts so quickly that you run into him. “Why are we leaving?”
“You know why,” He growls, flagging down a cab. “You didn't like how she was looking at me, so you did something about it. You might not have noticed, but every man in that bar had their eyes on you. So I’m following your example and doing something about it.”
Your brow furrows. Pierre won’t meet your gaze, and your eyes fall to the purple mark on his neck. You didn’t like his tone; it bordered dangerously on anger. “Are you… Are you mad that I did that?”
Tears threaten to spill when he finally looks at you. God, you were a blubbering drunk.  When your lip wobbles, his anger fades and he sighs. “I’m not mad. I just… I didn’t think you’d want me flaunting our relationship yet. When you did this-” He gestures to his neck- “I could barely keep my hands off you. Not when I saw the guy walking up to you.”
You sniff, trying to conjure the image of the bar. “I didn’t notice anyone.”
“Yeah, cause I dragged you out here before he could say anything.” Pierre pulls his hood up and sighs. “Trying to catch a cab here is harder than overtaking Hamilton.”
You laugh harder than you should at the off-hand remark, following after him as he trudges down the sidewalk. “Why are you not drunk? I feel like you should be drunk. You won a race. They were feeding you shots one after another.”
“One of us had to be responsible and make sure we got home okay.” He smiles over his shoulder at you. “And I knew as soon as you had that first shot it would have to be me. Didn’t you notice me handing the shots to the other guys?”
“No,” You say, rubbing your eyes. “What about the boys? How are they gonna get home?” Pierre stops, forcing you to do the same. He tugs your hood up, makes sure his is secure enough to hide his face, and grabs your hand.
“I already told Seb to come round them up in an hour or so. They’ll be fine.”
You don’t respond, too busy trying to put one foot in front of the other and not fall on your face. It doesn’t help that your vision is a tad blurry. Finally you give up and whine, “How much further?”
“It’s right there,” He says, pointing at a towering glass building just across the street. “In five minutes, you can be tucked into a cozy, fluffy suite and you can rest all you want, my love.”
You hum at the words, warmth flooding your veins from more than the liquor. “I like that.”
“What, the building?” He asks, amused. He helps you cross the empty street, making sure you’re paying attention to where you’re going.
“Noooo, what you said,” You clarify, leaning on him as you try to navigate the handful of steps leading to the hotel.
He’s quiet until you reach the elevator. “My love,” He murmurs, and you grin up at him.
“Mon… mon coeur,” You manage to say, somehow pulling the French phrase out of the dregs of your memory. The words are slurred and you know that you absolutely botch the pronunciation, but the intent is clear. You may have lived in France since you were 18, but learning the language wasn’t a requirement when almost everyone knew english as well. But the two of you had spent many hours watching Pierre’s favorite french films over the years; some of it must have unintentionally rubbed off on you.
A disbelieving smile tugs at his lips. “How do you even know what that means?”
You shrug. “Just do.” The elevator doors open and you step out, Pierre following. You halt, not knowing which hall to take. You glance up at your companion for help, only to find him staring back at you. “What?”
He shakes his head and leads you down the corridor to his room. It's a spacious corner suite, with huge windows facing Silverstone that give him a perfect view of the track. You make for the window but Pierre’s hand on your wrist stops you.
“I don’t think so, it’s time for you to sleep.”
“But I just wanna see,” You protest weakly.
“Nice try. I know you. You’ll sit in front of that window for hours if I let you.”
You give in only because he was right. Cityscapes of any kind drew your attention like a moth to a flame. You pouted anyway, but let him take you to the bedroom. Gentle pressure on your shoulders had you sinking into the plush mattress, groaning at the luxurious softness. Pierre laughs as he helps you out of your shoes and jeans, leaving the hoodie.
Eyelids drooping, you climb under the covers Pierre had pulled back for you. He tucks you in and kisses your temple. You grab for him, tugging on his shirt until he stoops down and gives you a proper kiss. When he steps out of your grasp, you panic.
“Stay,” You mumble, fear bubbling in your chest. He had to stay, he couldn’t leave, not when you only had this one night left-
“I’m just taking off my shoes,” He assures you, his weight sliding in behind you to settle against your back. You sigh, moulding yourself to him as best you could. Being in his arms was somehow familiar, even if he’d never held you like this. It felt like home.
“I love you.”
Pillowy soft lips press to the nape of your neck. “I love you too, mon coeur.”
Tagging: @flashcal
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oingo233 · 4 years
Rapture is a Boy (7)
Summary: Remus and you have always had a playful, loving relationship but his behavior around the full moon leads you to assume the worst. A huge fight ends with the two of you heartbroken. Will Remus reveal the truth behind his behavior?  And will you still love him afterwards or has he truly lost you forever?
Young Remus Lupin x Reader(neutral)
Warning: cussing, some school taunting/bulling?(very brief and not anything super bad, like under the cut), ABBA mania/silliness
Authors Note: For best experience I have linked the song in the song title so you can listen while you read. I wrote this in a haze of excitement, it is just so silly but I have no trouble believing the Marauders would completely embarrass themselves like this for someone they love.  Enjoy!
Word Count: 3.2k
Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight
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                                                    Part Seven
                                       ****Take A Chance On Me****
The great hall was silent, I had to actively keep my eyes off of the boys just a couple seats down.  Lily was trying her hardest not to stare with longing and regret too.  I placed my hand within hers and squeezed as if to say I’m here for you, and though it isn’t my fault, I’m sorry.  She squeezed my hand back, returning the sentiments, and bounced back with a smile, pretending to be happier than she was.  I wanted to roll my eyes at her change of mood but instead I appreciate the attempt to brighten the morning.  You can always count on Lily Evans to empathize and surprise in every situation.
We heard it before we saw it.  Loud, pulsing sound.  As it got closer I couldn’t help the gasp that fell embarrassingly loud from my mouth.  It was one of our favorite muggle bands, Abba, their song was blasting through corridors Take a Chance on Me, but there was no lyrics yet, just the background music as if waiting for the performers. Just like it had countless times before on karaoke nights with the marauders.
Suddenly, the great hall doors were slammed open by two large flying speakers, obviously charmed.  A feeling of knowing washed over me and I whip my head towards the boys. Just in time to watch as they climb onto the table, their faces adorned with a beautiful blue color, Remus in gold. 
Lily sucked in a deep breath beside me while watching James standing tall despite the spouts of laughter. Sirius throws off his robe, it lands on the head of a flabbergasted Gryffindor, Sirius is revealed to be wearing bright blue bell bottom sparkly pants, his white school button up is tucked underneath. 
 Remus was right after him, throwing off his robes and ripping off his shirt.  Buttons flew onto the people around them but no one paid them any mind.  All eyes were on the infamous Marauders, because Remus was now wearing a sparkly blue jumpsuit just like the ones ABBA preform in, with flare pants as to match the rest of the boys  His gold lips sparkled and I had to stop myself from wanting to kiss him senseless. His eyes seemed even brighter under the gold hue of his makeup, he was golden.
 Nothing was more attractive then the confidence and savvy of the boys before us(didn’t help that I had a fat crush on David Bowie and ABBA).  Nothing sweeter than the way they stood and smiled at Lily and I while everyone around us laughed, pointed, whispered and some even smiling themselves.
Sirius picked up a cup by his foot, while James threw off his own robes, wearing an ABBA band shirt Lily bought him ages ago, he was wearing swaying bell bottoms too.  Peter flipped his robe inside out to reveal the other side as bright blue with obviously badly glued on glitter, clusters of glitter fell on the table very time he nervously tapped his foot.  
Remus brought his wand to his lips, as if a microphone and somehow the lanterns around us dimmed.
Dumbledore cleared his throat, getting over the shock much faster than everyone else, but whatever he was going to say was cut off as the music started to play from the very beginning and this time the voices of four boys joined in, singing the lyrics.
The lights flashed as James sang first, his voice cracking and in the fleeting light you could see him blush. Lily slapped my arm in shock and excitement. Then light flashes again like lightning, as Sirius joined in, singing much louder, he always said he’d like to be a rock star just once (granted this is much different, but he will no doubt pretend there is no difference at all).  The next light cued in Peter who sang with his eyes closed, his voice shaking with nerves but he new every line.
It wasn’t until the second verse that their voices died down and the lanterns illuminated the great hall completely again as Remus’s voice rang out strong and clear.  His eyes on me. His voice took my breath away, he sounded both awful and yet beautiful.
“If you’re all alone,” he sings, “When the pretty birds have flown,” gasps join in with the music as hundreds of paper doves fly in through the doors, whizzing past me and putting my hair in array, then soaring way over my head, circling up in the ceiling. I could hear Professor McGonagall stifle both her surprise and joy.  Everyone was laughing and cheering, but then silence fell again to listen.  I could not take my eyes off of Remus, who in turn, would not take his eyes off of me.
“Honey, I’m still free, Take a chance on me...” He must have finished his solo part because the boys start to sing along after that and they all begin to strut down the table towards us like a cat walk. Remus stops just short of us and hops, on beat, off of the table.
Peter, James and Sirius walk right towards me. Sirius slitting his eyes and stooping low, pointing at me with one hand as he sings into the cup with the other.  They all stand in front of Lily and I, hips shaking to the beat and James has eyes for Lily only. All the boys sang to us in union.
“If you need me, let me know, gonna be around,” Sirius eye’s turning oddly soft as they sang, “If you've got no place to go, if you're feeling down.“
Then they quickly turn towards the crowd again, but I felt it. I felt their hidden apology. For the first time in days I felt some of my anger and sadness slip from me, with every lyric, and every bright, bashful smile.  My anger left me as they sang and embarrassed themselves for the sake of a grand apology.
 Lily started to laugh. She doubled over and tried to hide her smile with a hand but it was just too ridiculous, all of it really was. James did a double-take when he saw this, then he broke out into the biggest smile I’ve ever seen, and his voice no longer sounded so shy. I start giggling myself as Sirius jumps off the table like a rock n roller and dances over to Minnie and Dumbledore, their foot tapping did not go unnoticed by him.
James waltz over to Lily and bows low before her, extending his arm, he sings “We can go dancing,” Lily giggled and takes his hand, she surprises everyone and joins in 
“We can go walking,” She sings. James smirks and carries on with a raised brow.
“As long as we’re together...” Then he runs with her past the table, his pants waving and tossing, Lily’s laughing uncontrollably by his side, joining in indefinitely for the song.  Remus’s voice still rang loudest over the boys, my eyes searching for him in the room, I seem to have lost him in the commotion of others jumping up and dancing, and the sweet moment between James and Lily.
Then their voices left the serenade and once more it was just Remus.  He sounded so close to me, I turned around and my heart did a back flip. He was right behind me, smiling sadly as he say...
“When I dream I'm alone with you, it's magic You want me to leave it there Afraid of a love affair But I think you know that I can't let go” Remus sings, everyone falling quite again as the lights dim once more and a single light is glowing above us. It was in the shape of a white butterfly, and a shooting star darting around it.  The great hall grew silent once more.  Dumbledore’s voice was heard quietly singing the song, for the music has died down, Minnie hit him and watched us anxiously.  
She only grew tenser as Remus sang without music, he looked so vulnerable under the soft white glow and under the eyes of everyone in the room.  But above that, he was being vulnerable to me, his voice more of a plead than song. 
“If you change your mind, I'm the first in line Honey I'm still free, take a chance on me If you need me, let me know, gonna be around If you've got no place to go, if you're feeling down,” He finished with baited breath, despite his lungs begging for more, he was too focused on what I would do next. I take a deep breath and stop fighting the feelings inside of me. I smile brightly up at him, using my own wand, I bring it up to my lips like a microphone too.
“If you’re all alone, when the pretty birds have flown.  Honey, I’m still free, take a chance on me.” I sing. Remus’s face lights up with bubbling laughter and pure joy.  He takes me in his arms and spins me around, while we embrace the music and lights are back on and everyone in the great hall is singing.  Minnie and Dumbledore included, she is smiling at us.
Remus stops spinning and is just standing before me now, very still, as if he was debating whether this is all a dream or not.  His glittering eyes boring into mine with such strong emotions I felt trapped, utterly entranced. The words of the song rush through me like the wind, he grabbed my hand softly, and led us both on top of the table.
 “Let me tell you now.  My love is strong enough, To last when things get rough, it’s magic.” As he sings those sweet words, magic fireworks erupt above us in little cheesy hearts of red. Students around us are overjoyed, up themselves and twirling around, dancing.  Many gasped and awed at the fireworks, but nothing was more astonishing than what happened next.
Now, was what happens next petty?  Yes.  Did it land all of the Marauder detention?  Yes.  Did any of us enjoy the scene any less? Not at fucking all...
All the birds swooped down in a cloud of white, their paper wings rustling against one another.  They moved like the wind, swooping as one to the right side of the room and then drifting swiftly to the left until they got lower and lower.  Until they were right over Lucy Diamond.
I stopped dancing with Remus and stood still, along with most of the students and teachers I was watching the birds.  But Remus was still singling softly into my ear, his voice dripped with mischief, the other boys still sang as well, sounding just as suspicious, but otherwise unbothered.
Then the birds broke formation and with every hit of the drum a bird flew down over the top of Lucy’s head, and very quickly shits something atop her head.  Each one falls softly, it does not hurt her, but upon impact they break open and release the most god awful smell. Lucy can’t stop screaming, she tries to get up and run but the birds follow her out the door.
Stink bomb after stink bomb was dropped atop her head.  The Great Hall was alive with laughter, but perhaps the loudest of all, was my own.  Remus was stilling humming in my ear, highly amused he let himself watch too until Lucy was gone from sight.
“Oh, Remus,” I say, laughing loudly, “That is evil.” He laughs too, looking down at me he shrugs. We look at each other and nod, “She deserves it.” We say in union before laughing again.
But then the music screeched to a halt, silence overtook us in waves and drowned us as Dumbledore stood up, his wand being tucked back into his robes.   
“Mr.Remus Lupin,” he starts slowly, his low voice gathering everyone’s attention, “Mr.Sirius Black.  Mr.James Potter and Mr.Peter Pettigrew.  I assume this is of your doing?” He inquires, though the answer is obvious.  The boys swallow thickly, nodding their heads.  I squeeze Remus’s hand and he shoots me a quick, lopsided smile.  Everyone was feeling a bit uneasy, maybe even guilty.
“mmmh,” He nods, “Thought so.  Though I always appreciate a dance number, the stink bombs are what concern me most.  The four of you will have detention this afternoon, and whatever else Professor McGonagall deems appropriate.” He sits back down, and the student body are unsure of where the look.  At Dumbledore, Minnie, or the boys in trouble.
“Yes, Professor.” They all say at once.  After a while of the stiff silence everyone goes back to their seats.  It wasn’t long before everyone was talking animatedly about what just happened.
“I’ve never seen a thing like it...”One says.
“The makeup’s nice, innit?”
“Yeah, but the pants are god awful.”  “Nonesense, have you ever even seen ABBA?’’
Lily and I find ourselves sitting next to the boys again, stupefied by the whole event.  I felt overjoyed and confused and surely surprised.  I never thought in all my life, I’d be lucky enough to see the Marauders perform ABBA in such attire, at Hogwarts nonetheless.
“So..whatcha’ think?  Think I’ll make a good rock star, huh?  I knew it was for me.” Sirius starts, flaunting his bandana and not bothering to put his robe back on.  
“I didn’t know I had it in me.  Merlin, did ya see me shaking, Remus?” Peter says excitedly.  Remus turns to him with a bright smile, nodding his head.
“All of ya were just great. Peter memorized the footwork better, though.” Remus says, James wacks his arm.
“Did not, I worked hard on that. Lily liked it.  Didn’t cha?” James turns to Lily, who much like me, is still blushing mad.  She can only nod. We were still trying to process our shock, and Remus’s golden lips and glowing eyes weren’t making it any easier for me.  I’m sure the blue on James had the same affect on Lily.
“But..uhm,” Remus clears his throat, looking rather nervous he turns to me now, “What did you think of it?” He fidgets while I looked for my answer, smiling at the mere memory of minutes ago.
“I thought it was...grand!  Shocked me half to death ya did!” I can’t help my voice raising and contorting with my waves of emotions, happy, surprised, impressed and underneath it all, discontent. I lean into Remus, he leans into me, so his ear is close to my mouth, just like when we’d whisper in class. The others talk around us, but we fall into our own world. 
“But I need more than just a song, Remus.  I need answers.  A real conversation, ya know?” I ask, nervous he’ll take it wrong.  His actions proved how much he wanted me back, hell he was willing to tarnish his reputation and mortify himself in front of everyone for me.  I wanted to make it work just as much, so I hoped he understands that for this to work, we need honesty.  He nods eagerly behind me, turning to me with a soft smile.
“I know.  You deserve nothing less than the whole truth.  Because you’re right, I’ve never cheated on you once,” I nod at him, I’ve gathered that much from Sirius and James’s comments, but my heart still felt lighter at the confession, “But I have been lying to you.” My heart sank at his words and I sat in silence, waiting for more.  He took in my reaction and rushes out the rest, as if scared I’ll leave him again. “But I plan on never lying to you again, starting with tonight.  After my detention. And (y/n)... I am so sorry for everything that has happened between us.” The intensity in his eyes glue me in place even as the bell chimes, signifying the end of breakfast.
“Here, take this.” He slips a note into my hand, kissing me on the cheek. “It has everything you need to know for my...full apology.”  He glances uneasily at the staring students and we both turn to the sound of James’s voice calling for Remus.  Remus gives him a thumbs up and turns towards me again.
“I’ve got to go...er change out of this.” He says, shaking his leg as the pants float and toss around his ankles, I throw my head back and laugh.  Taking him in fully, his chest hair poke out from the v-neck and the suit covered the rest of him tightly.  He looked both hot and ridicules.  
“Yes, please do.” I say, but take his hand and twirl him.  He twirls with a blush, doing a little dance with his shoulders as he does.  He stumbles slightly and I steady him, low and behold he was wearing platforms too. I can’t help but laugh once more. “But keep the get up, yeah?  Not too shabby, Mr.Remus Lupin.” I take on the tone of Dumbledore at the end and he laughs.  
“See you in first period?” He asks, anxiety slipping through his voice again.  It was still weird for us to be talking again, yet all too natural.
“Of course not, when have I ever seen you in the class we share together?” He rolls his eyes at my sarcasm, but doesn’t bother to fight his huge smile, the same one that hasn’t left his face since we danced atop the table. 
“I embarrass myself in front of the whole bloody school and ya still have all that sass. Guess we’ll have to fix that later then.” He says, suggestively winking.  I laugh and push him towards the great hall doors, we were some of the few people still there.
“Don’t try and seduce me dressed as Benny Andersson, and especially when I’m still mad at you.  Cause I am still mad at you, ya know?” I say, our moods sobering slightly.  He smiles sadly.
“I know,’ He says, sighing he glances back at boys who are already walking up the stairs, ready to change and beyond waiting with how many people are taking pictures and laughing. “But I will make it up to you, I promise.”  He gives me one last smile before turning around and racing up the stairs.
I smile to myself and shake my head, re-playing the events in my mind and reminding myself to ask for some of those moving pictures of the boys.  I meet up with Lily and together we walk to class, we can’t shut up about what happened. 
 Several times we’ve recounted it to one another and made so many jokes we were crying with laughter by the time we reached class.  She left me by the door, to make her way to her class not too far from mine.  While I waited for Remus and the other boys to walk through the door I pulled out the note Remus gave me and read the contents.
Dear (y/n),
At 8 tonight make your way over to Hagrid’s hut.  He’s always had an abundance of creature around there.  
All my love to you,
I tucked the note away with curiosity bubbling all throughout me until I had to bounce my leg in an attempt to calm myself down.  I’ve went through far to much emotion in this short morning.  This day will go by slowly I take it.
Suddenly, Minnie walks through the door to personally inform our teacher that Remus, Sirius and James will not be attending this morning.  Part of their punishment requires them elsewhere. I sigh and slump in my chair, a long day indeed. 
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