#delena married
barbiesmuse · 6 months
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָsimon riley + fem!reader
summary: in which simon riley decides to message you after a year of no contact!
tags: angst, romance-ish, talk of abusive parents, simon's an asshole, slight age gap (27 - 30!), cursing, very slight body image issues, simon is a wreck, not proofread oopsie! talia talks: this is my first post!! this account is inspired by @audisive, much love to this blog! if this does well a part two will be out soon!
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One year. Today officially marks one year since Simon left without any warning. He didn't even leave a note. You were a wreck. No one was able to get in contact with you for a month. Simon was your first everything. You questioned yourself over and over. You often find yourself looking in the mirror. You studied your appearance in the mirror. Was it the way you looked? Was it your age?
It took almost two months for you to even begin working again. It wasn't as if Simon was your world, but he was a very important part of it. After you got yourself back on your feet life was beginning to get better. You moved to a new city, got a new job, found new friends, and left your old self behind. A change of pass, at least that's what you wanted. 
No matter how much you wanted to forget the day he left you couldn't. He was always there in the back of your mind. The sound of his voice replaying over and over again. You would catch yourself staring into space, thinking of what life would be like if he was here now. How would he touch you? Simon left a large wound, and you felt as if it wouldn't heal anytime soon. You wondered if would you be engaged or married. Simon left like you were nothing to him, but it was quite the opposite.
Leaving you was the hardest thing Simon had ever done. Simon wasn't one for crying, he despised it. Yet as he took one last look at your once-shared home he felt a singular tear slip down his cheek. The salty liquid traced the curve of his face and slipped into his mouth. The taste of his tears brought him back to himself. Crying? Pathetic.
Simon Riley grew up in a rough house. His father was either absent or drunk. His mother died when Simon was young. He grew up hardened by abuse and war, but when he saw you it all went away. You were the light of his life. He often got lost in the darkness, thoughts of trauma and PTSD clouding his thoughts. You, you were the one thing that stopped him from destroying himself. Now that he didn't have you, he told himself he had nothing to lose.
Simon had stopped going to work, he had stopped eating, and he had stopped speaking. It was as if he wasn't living anymore, like his heart stopped. Simon was staying with his godmother, she was the only constant thing in his life now. He stayed in his room, only coming out once a week to eat. His godmother, Delena worried about him. She had known Simon since he was a child. She watched him grow up, and this was not like him.
Today was the day that marked a year, and you and Simon were both a mess. You wanted nothing more than a warm embrace from Simon. You imagine the creaking in the floorboards was his large boots trudging up the stairs. You imagined he had just come back from deployment, you would smile as he walked into your once-shared room. The sound of your phone “ding!” brought you out of your daydream.
As Delena knocked softly on Simon's door she heard the sound of Simon's heavy breathing. Delena didn't wait for confirmation to walk in. She found Simon on his bathroom floor. A bottle of Disaronno lay by his side. His phone was cracked and his balaclava was nowhere to be found. His eyes were red, his lips were chapped, and his hands were shaking. He looked up at Delena with tired glossy eyes. He stayed away for a reason, he was going to ruin you. He wasn't healthy, no part of him was healthy. He was toxic, the only good part about him was you. But he didn't have you anymore.
Simon looked at Delena as she sat down next to him, her back sliding against the wall until she hit the ground. She chuckles softly and his lips curl into a tight grin. “I texted her,” Simon says, he picks up his cracked phone and shows it to his godmother. She gives him a sympathetic look and rubs his back. She knew that you were going to text back. She wished deep down you wouldn't. He had left you, who's to say he won't do it again? But she could never say that to her godson. 
“Well, that was very brave of you, Si.” The older woman says. Her hair was a gorgeous silver color. Her nails were painted a dark red. Simon liked the way she carried herself, with class and elegance. Simon, on the other hand, was a mess. She sighed as she realized there was a slight chance he might never get better. Delena wasn't sure if she was okay with that. She was getting too old.
Your breath hitched as you read the text. Simon had texted you? Why? You didn't want to respond, you hated him. He left you, he never called or texted. Not even a letter, so why should you respond to his text? Yet as you open the message, your heart drops.
Simon. I miss you, love.
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talia talks: this was fun to write!! part two will be on it's way soon! xoxo!
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viking-hel · 2 months
This latest moment in the show proves why saying Jace, Luke and Joff are Rhaenyra’s sons isn’t enough to give them legitimacy.
For so long, the defining trait of Valyrian supremacy has been the ability to ‘control’ dragons. It was partly ‘dulled’ when Alicent’s half Andal children bonded and/or hatched with dragons. Even Rhaenyra herself being part Andal per her maternal Arryn grandfather. The argument was already losing out.
But for those three boys, who so clearly do NOT look like the Velaryons nor the Baratheons, it doesn’t matter how much the king says otherwise, they don’t look Targaryen. They really look like that sworn shield over there.
And their last shred of Valyrian-ness has been taken away by their own mother.
It doesn’t matter if Rhaenyra and Laenor agreed. The fact is, by doing this act means vows have been broken in the eyes of everyone else. She has endangered herself, her claim and her children.
Men in Westeros can father bastards and come away with little scorn- it’s patriarchal after all - but most of them don’t parade their bastards around. Not even Ned did and Catelyn hated that Jon looked so Stark-like over Robb. Bringing Jon as a Snow was bad enough in her eyes for legitimate reasons. A Lord may recognise their bastards. That gives them no legitimacy.
Noble ladies have had them too. See Delena Florent who had Edric Storm in the books. She was married off; not the nicest thing I’d wager but again, their world their rules.
But Rhaenyra is doing something Lords don’t even do. Claim her clearly bastard sons as true born over those who truly are.
This, amongst other reasons, is why she isn’t fit to rule. If she can break these vows, what else will she do?
But no, it’s all because she’s a woman.
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hysteriaww · 9 months
You get kai and bonnie so much together and individually everything you say fits them in canon so well it's too bad the writers really fumbled with them because when kai showed up he was a breath of fresh air and the best part about him is he's all about bonnie that was new and realistic bonkai was their last shot at getting the vampire diaries interest back up again
AH thank you so much for this lovely message, you're so sweet!! Yes, it really is such a shame the writers fumbled Bonkai bc it rly did seem like they had some great ideas there in the beginning, but the execution fell flat :( I feel like Kai was a breath of fresh air not just for us fans but also the cast & crew! U could rly feel their spark of new excitement for a dying show when kai showed up bc i think they all sensed that he was unique and different from the tired, recycled plotlines they'd had since S4.
Ian in particular seemed much more interested in his scenes when Kai was around (and much more lifeless when he wasn't) and Bonnie ofc was *given* much more interesting scenes when Kai was around, compared to prior seasons. Even Alaric & Jo, who started S6 as rick's new boring romance of the season, became relevant, layered and interesting bc of their links to Kai. Like rick loved to play the hero & act like damon was morally beneath him in S6 but his need to protect Jo from Kai brought out a selfish streak that made him go behind Jo & her fam's back to make shady deals w Damon & Kai as long as it kept Jo safe! Even Jo was revealed to be quite crafty considering her backstory of how she tricked & betrayed Kai in 1994, which made her much more interesting than her early role as rick's bland gf.
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Even Liv & Luke were (im sorry) SO BORING in S5 but 1000x more interesting in S6 once their story got linked to Kai. His existence single-handedly linked so many disjointed characters & plotlines from previous seasons (like why'd they even bring Rick back after dying in S3? His relationship w Jo (and by extension, Kai) was the only thing that made him relevant for the rest of the goddamn show)! Even the Heretics were introduced to the show through KAI & the gemini/siphoner lore and fully lost steam as soon as Kai wasn't there to make 'em interesting!
As for Kai's links to Bonnie, ya i agree she rly was their last chance to make things interesting bc they'd already given Elena & Caroline "dark" romances that fans were too attached to to accept anything else (see: Delena being forced to stay together; Steroline forever being overshadowed in most fans' minds by Klaroline) so giving Elena & Caroline new pairings would've disappointed fans, whereas Bonnie was a blank slate they could've gone WILD with bc none of her canon pairings had strongly attached fans... yet they gave Elena & Caroline new romances anyway and scrapped Bon's romance with Kai :)))
That is what felt malicious. In S6 alone, they gave Elena who ALREADY HAD DAMON the new guy Liam, then gave Caroline the same guy Liam, Enzo (briefly) AND Stefan, whereas Bon *almost* got Kai & *fully* lost Jeremy in S6. ??? Any writer who paid half as much attention to her fans as Plague did (considering how much ott fan-service she wrote into tvd & how many twitter fights she got into w fans whose ships she disapproved of) HAD to have known her fans wouldn't accept Caroline/Enzo, Care/Stef, Care/Liam or Elena/Liam as much as they loved Care/Klaus & Elena/Damon. Yet she did it anyway bc she preferred LOSING FANS to giving Bonnie someone interesting!
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She even planned Kai to be Bon's love interest in S6 bc she thought he wouldn't be popular w fans & instantly torpedoed that once she noticed fans' love for him bc, as I said before, Plague PAID ATTENTION to her fans' reactions. So fans having lukewarm feelings about Steroline was enough to get 'em married, but fans LIKING Kai was enough to get Bonkai axed. It's a common joke that Plague saw Caroline as her self-insert (neurotic, hyper-organized blonde control-freak) which is why she dated more men than even Elena. But I think a large chunk of tvd's white teen girl fans saw Care as a self-insert too (bc w each subsequent season, Caroline was increasingly written & designed that way, which is why fans turned on tvd's original self-insert, Elena, & worshipped Care instead).
Her "im never the one, im not perfect like elena" insecurities made her a blank canvas for (white) girls to see themselves in, which is why she wins Miss Mystic Falls, why she's a privileged Founding Fam member, why she gets to dress fancy & go to Mikaelson balls that have nothing to do w her, why she gets ALL the men, why she becomes the 1st vampire to be pregnant, why she gets to marry Stefan (then instantly lose him so she can go kiss Klaus in the spin-off), why she gets to be tvd's last vampire standing, why she repeatedly gets to have her cake and eat it too. By presenting Elena as "perfect/ideal" & Caroline as an "underdog," fans naturally sympathized more with Care's "struggle" (even tho she repeatedly got EVERYTHING!) Based on this, Plague refused to let ppl like Klaus date Bonnie (which would've made sense) but shoved him w Caroline (which didn't make narrative sense) bc that gave her & white fans the chance to see themselves in Care & feel like THEY were dating Klaus.
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(Btw I wanna add that I actually do like & enjoy Caroline! This is a critique of the shadiness that went into *writing* Caroline, not a critique of Caroline herself)
Similarly, Kai was allowed to want Bonnie as long as fans didn't like him, but once he got popular, Plague killed Bonkai bc she believed that she & her (white) fans wouldn't be able to see themselves in Bonnie and feel like THEY were the ones dating Kai. But Kai was not Klaus, Stefan, Damon, Enzo or Kol. His character was CONCEIVED w Bonnie in mind to the point that erasing his obsession w her would make him not even feel like KAI anymore. And that wouldn't work bc fans wanted gucci kai, not walmart kai. Also, his general personality quirks were just not the type that would vibe w Caroline. Chris Wood said it himself, "Kai likes to be the one who talks, he doesn't like to listen, so I think Caroline might make him wanna snap her neck & move on" bc Caroline ALSO likes to talk. So writing him w Care would change Kai too much & writing him w Elena was not an option bc Delena was set in stone & Nina was leaving. So, how'd plague have her cake & eat it too? She refused to let Bon have Kai, and bc there was no other white girl who made sense for him, she kept Kai eternally single so white fans could eternally imagine themselves w him.
And uk what's the worst part? I don't believe all white fans would've necessarily struggled to see themselves in Bonnie if she'd dated Kai. I think Bonnie being the ACTUAL underdog struggler of the show made her very relatable to people, regardless of what your race is (esp bc tvd rarely addressed her race or centered any plotlines on it). I think Plague's own subconscious biases just made it impossible for her to fathom seeing herself in a PoC character, which is why she wrongly assumed all her majority white fans worked the same way & letting Bonkai happen would've disappointed them & made them stop watching. (But that being said, even if it was just a "business decision" to her... isn't it funny how disappointing masses of white klaroline fans didn't stop her from tossing Care at stef, enzo, whoever she wanted, but ONLY stopped her when it came to Bonnie's ships (bc she was looking for excuses to scrap 'em anyway)? Oh plagueee ur biases are showing, girlieee)
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brekker-by-brekkerr · 6 months
tag game
List five canon things you dislike so much you've decided they aren't real (so they can't hurt you)
(spoilers ahead for hunger games, vampire diaries, marvel, and gilmore girls)
Finnick's ending in THG. Him and Annie are happily together with their child.
Toy Story 4. I love how Toy Story is a perfect trilogy and they knew Toy Story 3 was a perfect ending so they could leave it there :D
Delena endgame. I love that Stefan and Elena found their way back to each other and are living their best life.
Steve's ending in Avengers: Endgame. I loved that he stayed in the present with Sharon and him and Bucky and Nat and Sam are all besties. (Basically most of Endgame and everything post-Endgame is not real to me).
The ending of Gilmore Girls and the A Year in The Life reboot. It makes me so happy that Rory and Logan are happily together, Lorelai didn't wait years to finally marry Luke, Jackson never lied to Sookie about the vasectomy, and Dave Rygalski and Lane got married and toured the world as successful musicians.
no pressure tagging: @bouquet-of-wilting-violets @backgroundagent3 @heartandflowerball @vrakali @thstarsofsilver @nightskyye @daydreaming-optimist @burning-daylight @galactic-gamora @kanerallels @colored-pins @5omebody-else and anyone else who sees this and wants in!
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hyperactivewhore · 9 months
I never thought about it before, but now that the idea is in front of me, I think Klena would have been absolutely WILD had it happened, and it would have made a lot sense for Klaus's character. He's been waiting for a thousand years to break this curse, and suddenly Elena comes, and easily gives him everything he's wanted, she doesn’t die like Tatia, she doesn’t run like Katherine, and she's also the key to making his hybrids. I also think Elena could have been a compelling character had the writers treated her as one. She is smart, she has daggersd two Originals after all, I think she could have empowered Klaus in ways that others maybe couldn't, because he can't kill her since he needs her, and while she's physically not strong, she can be pretty manipulative sometimes. It would have been INSANE if they had a thing, they would have been absolutely toxic but a great dynamic for a show like the vampire diaries.
I like toxic ships, I won't lie, but only if they're well executed, have a solid reason as to why the people dating even got interested in each other (this is why I like klaurora and enjoy the dynamic delena has, but don't like klaroline or bonkai) and I do feel Elena and Klaus would fall into this category. They had potential for a relationship, just not a healthy one.
Don't bring up that it would be ooc for Elena to fall in love with Klaus after he murdered Jenna: she's married to Damon, who raped her best friend and who literally killed her brother, so let's skip this unneeded discussion, because tvdu writers are always retconning their characters for ships/the narrative. I've talked and recommended her fanfic a thousand times, but Fairytale Ending by @livlepretre really, really touches what I think would be canon klena. They're toxic, screwed up and yet they love each other in their own fucked up way. It's so good written too, and it makes Klaus look even more fucked up than in canon which I just love.
Despite how tvd made her look, Elena is clever and resourceful and she also looks like Tatia, who was Klaus’s first heartbreak, and knowing how obsessive and screwed up he is with the women he loves romantically it's strange he didn't try to do anything physical or romantic with her. Just imagine Klaus and Elijah repeating history with Elena by falling in love with her, just because she shares the face of the two women they both wanted at one point. It would be so twisted yet such an interesting dynamic to watch, at least for me.
It obviously wouldn't be healthy, but it would be so ironic to have Klaus falling for the girl he's supposed to kill. If they had met in different circumstances, then maybe they wouldn't be as toxic, but I do get the appeal of klena and why people ship them.
And personally, ships where the other person stresses the fuck out of Klaus will always be my favorite.
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goodqueenaly · 1 year
In your opinion, would it have been a good option to solve Saera's scandal, for her parents to solve the problem by marrying her to Braxton Beesbury?
In the end, it seems to me that making her Lady of Bessbury was a better option for her so that her children could inherit Honeyholt.
Good for whom?
As an aristocratic Westerosi daughter (and the daughter of Jaehaerys I - more on him in a moment), Saera had neither the agency nor the liberty to choose her romantic/sexual partners in the ordinary course of events. While she answered, somewhat blithely, that she would likely be married to one of her lovers once her parents discovered her relationships (we'll put aside her comment on marrying all three), it does not appear that Saera had a deep interest in marrying any of them, Beesbury included. Rather, what Saera seems to have wanted was the freedom to do as she liked with her sexuality - a choice fundamentally incompatible with Westerosi marriage, where not only would Saera be cut off from the possibility of any romantic/sexual relationships beyond that with her husband, but also where she would have been required to be available to that husband for sex whenever he decided.
Jaehaerys, for his part, was not simply a patriarchal Westerosi father, but a particularly violent misogynist, one whose love for his children (and his female relations generally) seems to have been not only limited but defined by those biases. If there is some precedent in Westeros for aristocratic fathers covering up their daughters' sexual scandals (as Westerosi society sees them, anyway) through quick marriages - see, say, Delena Florent's marriage to Hosman Norcross, or Amerei Frey's marriage to Ser Pate of the Blue Fork - I don't believe Jaehaerys had any interest in such a marriage for Saera following the revelation of the affair. To marry Saera to Braxton might imply, in the king's mind I think, that Jaehaerys almost post facto approved of their sexual relationship. To satisfy that violent misogyny, Jaehaerys would instead redefine both parties in a way which both absolved him of blame and allowed him to channel his fury: Braxton became the criminal knight who had "seduced and despoiled" a royal maiden - who had, in effect, taken from Jaehaerys the ownership of Saera's virginity and sexuality - while, simultaneously, Saera was retroactively defined as a "whore", to be punished and shamed as Westerosi society so often does sex workers.
And all of this is in the context of a king (and queen) who seem to have cared little if at all for the political advantages any of their children's marriages might have brought. Indeed, Jaehaerys' pleasure that "[t]hey would not need to scour the realm to find a match for Saera, when three such promising young men were here at hand" speaks to how little Jaehaerys contemplated the diplomatic alliance Saera's marriage might have represented: Braxton was the heir to an old but relatively minor family of Hightower vassal lords, hardly as high-ranking as Saera herself (and in fact, perhaps not even of the same rank as his two fellow suitors, both of whom were the lords or heirs to seats directly sworn to the crown's paramount vassals). Any good, in a purely geopolitical sense, that might have come from the marriage of Saera and Braxton Beesbury would have been at best speculative and limited by lack of power, ability, and influence on the parts of both House Beesbury and Braxton personally.
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userlaylivia · 4 months
tagged by @raisy, @laylakeating and @eloisephillip (sorry if anyone else has my mind is all over the place lol)
last song: exile by taylor swift
last film: the duff
favorite color: blue
currently reading: nothing atm
currently watching: riverdale (S4), wildfire (S3), supergirl (s2), revenge (s2), sons of anarchy (s2)
spicy/savory/sweet: sweet and that's bad because I'm a diabetic lmao
relationship status: married since 2015!!
current obsession: watching youtube everyday, delena, semma, jordayla, spelivia, and my besties: @clubglee, @laylakeating, @miriammaisel, @kayascodelorio, @maya-matlin, and many other besties but tumblr only allows me to tag 5 people lol
tagging: @makeyouminemp3, @tophsazulas, @james-beaufort, @zweigpatrick, @gretaonieogou and whoever else wants to do it <3
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girl-intrigued · 4 months
Alerie Florent -
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House Florent of Brightwater Keep is a noble house from Brightwater Keep in the Reach, one of the main houses sworn to House Tyrell of Highgarden.Their sigil is a red fox's head encircled by blue flowers on ermine.
Selyse Florent wed Stannis Baratheon, Lord of Dragonstone and the brother of King Robert I Baratheon. Her cousin, Delena Florent, was despoiled by the king during the wedding feast. Lord Tywin Lannister offered his dwarf son, Tyrion, for marriage to Delena, but her father, Ser Colin Florent, instead married her to one of his knights, Hosman Norcross.Delena gave birth to Edric Storm.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
lmao no Robert guaranteed knew the reader was fucking his wife and just didn’t care. but the funny thing is that no one knows until Ned pulls up with that letter after he dies and reveals that Robert named the reader his heir and the letter not might outright say that he knew but the tone is there for the Baratheon brothers to pick up on. absolutely no one is willing to argue with Ned or the letter. if anything Cersei backs Ned up alongside Renly and Stannis even if pisses Tywin off but Tywin begrudgingly accepts it because the reader has claimed Robert’s eldest child as his heir ontop of promising to marry Cersei to maintain the Baratheon/Lannister alliance and goes as far to offer to release Jaime from the Kingsguard but that’s just cause he doesn’t want any golden children coming out.
Robert pulling the ultimate plot twist after his death. The Reader and Cersei had thought they were keeping it on the real down low meanwhile Robert was the very first to know and it didn’t bother him much, if at all. Hey, he’s got his own bastards so it’s expected that his brother would have bastards too, even if those bastards were with Robert’s own wife. Honestly, Robert was probably grateful that the Reader would keep Cersei occupied so he could whore around more and be left to his own devices without her nagging and berating.
I could even see Robert finding it amusing that his younger brother was able to swindle his own wife away from him. Dare I say he has a sense of pride towards the Reader for it. Kind of like how Robert deflowered and bed Delena Florent on Stannis’ wedding night and even did it in the newlyweds bed, but the Reader ended up one upping him by bedding Robert’s own wife in his own bed and fathered Robert’s ‘children’.
As absurd as it is, I like to think that Robert leaves behind a letter strictly for the Reader basically all in good fun, telling them that he’s not mad at the Reader and doesn’t really hold anything against them and that they basically won Robert at his own game of whoring around and having bastards.
I definitely see Robert choosing the Reader as his heir over Renly and Stannis because he thinks Renly is too immature and undeserving of it and just plainly to spite Stannis. Not to mention I stand by Robert having more of a relationship with the Reader than any of his other brothers which adds to it. Not to mention the Reader already had Cersei and the kids so why not also give him the throne. If anyone should get it it should be the Reader. Also, Ned would be there too to help out and continue being Hand unless the Reader stated otherwise.
Also with the Reader in the picture the Starks wouldn’t die out and the war between them and the Lannisters wouldn’t happen. They’d get a much better happy ending. Besides, the Reader would probably be a much better father to Joffrey so he wouldn’t turn into a little bratty psychotic weirdo and Sansa mad he might end up in a much more normal and healthy courtship. But if Joffrey is far from saving and still ends up the way he is then the Reader wouldn’t allow Sansa to be forced into being with him. Not to mention he’s not going to do Ned and his family dirty like that either.
I really love the idea of Stannis and Renly being on pretty good terms with the Reader and being loyal them. Like, sure they would have betrayed Robert and usurp him if they had the chance but they know the Reader will do good enough by them. Not to mention they like the Reader better, especially Stannis. Imagine the Reader being the only one to get Stannis to laugh or let up a bit at the very least? Renly doesn’t know how he does it but he finds it fascinating. Also, the Reader totally knows about Renly’s taste in men and is fine with it. He keeps it under lock and key and has even been a wingman for his little brother on occasion. The Reader would also be pretty protective of Renly if anyone were to bring it up to tarnish his image.
Overall, Baratheon!Reader is a pretty likable person who can make friends and allies easy but will not hesitate to fuck anyone’s shit up. Not to mention he’s much more capable as a king then Robert ever was. Cersei certainly couldn’t be happier with the life she has now, thank the gods she took Robert’s life when she did. Hell, she should have done it sooner if things were going to be this good.
Imagine if Robert actually thought that Cersei was unworthy of being with the Redaer though? Like, not even as a consort. Hell, he doesn’t even think she’s deserving of birthing his brother’s bastards either. He totally thinks that his brother could do so much better than Cersei and may have even been trying to form betrothals behind the Reader and Cersei’s backs to get his brother to be with someone more worthwhile. Just yet another thing to add to the list of reasons why Cersei wanted him dead.
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paintedwithwords · 2 months
Hey... it's me again. I hope things are going well for you. And if it isn't it's okay. You''ll get through it. I was just thinking... have you ever thought about the prison world scene in a different way? Like... Elena and Damon both died together and only Elena were able to come back. That's how Damon and Bonnie got stuck together, right? What if Elena also weren't able to come back? What if Luke stopped Liv's spell before Elena could get back? What if it was the 3 of them to get stuck in the prison world? Would Damon and Bonnie still had become best friends? Would damon and elena spending time together in a forced proximity for so long would have made them both realize that hot sexual chemistry alone is all they have and they are not meant for a long happily married life? Is this too stupid?
Okay, it's not a bad starting point for a long fic, it's just that it would imply I'd have to focus a lot on delena, and their shallow relationship to show its faults, and it would take time. Plus, I believe, because Bonnie is loyal to a fault she would self-eliminate from the equation, and would reject Damon's "friendship" because she'd feel guilty taking his attention away from Elena. She'd probably start by taking Elena's side even when she thinks she's wrong just because she's Elena, and he's Damon, then as she'd start to see through Damon more she'd feel guilty for not being blindly on Elena's side. Damon would not be able to admit to himself he's "switching loyalties" so he'd insist in trying to have things work with Elena, and Bonnie would pretend nothing has changed, and she can't stand Damon and Elena is the best thing since sliced bread. They would have to wait 'til they are back from the other side to realize that something's off, because that's the moment when they can actually choose, and they would start to realize they both can have their normalcy with Elena, but they want to be with the other person instead. Which would lead to Damon pestering Bonnie through excuses, Bonnie being scared of her own feelings, and both of them feeling like they are one step away from having an affair because Damon doesn't know yet how to tell himself (and Elena) that his epic love was nothing else but an empty illusion, and Bonnie cannot fathom the idea that with all the people on earth she's falling for her best friend's boyfriend. So they would probably deny it all until it exploded in their face, probably because of some sort of jealousy/frustration. Like Bonnie start seeing someone just so she can tell herself she feels nothing for Damon, and he's frustrated and jealous because she won't admit she cares for him (and what if she truly doesn't? isn't that his personal curse to love someone that can never love him back? She's even 100 times better and purer than Elena), and he would kiss her out of frustration and jealousy and she would not be able to deny him even if she wished she could, and they would end up breathing hard against a wall, looking straight in each other's eyes with this thing staring them directly in the face. They would put some space between them, perfectly aware of how easy it would be to just give in, but telling thimselves this was an accident when they both know they are doomed for good. They would avoid each other, but whenever they are left alone with each other the tension would be umbareable. Damon would act strange around Elena because he would now be more and more aware of what he feels for Bonnie, and doesn't feel for Elena, but he would know know what to do because he doesn't want to hurt her, and doesn't want Bonnie to get angry at him for hurting Elena, so he would try to stick around and pretend everything is fine. Bonnie would feel guilty, and would probalby cry the next time Damon tries to kiss her because she wants to give in but can't let herself. She'd lock him out of her doorm as he tried to explain his feelings (telling her he's dumped Elena so it is too late for her to push him away if she's her only reason to do that), but she would find him still there the day after, when she opened the door to go to lesson , and that what would make her cave into letting him kiss her again. And she wouldn't make it to class. To any of her classes for that day, or that week.
See? That's too long of a fanfiction to even try and write it.
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andreal831 · 7 months
Hello, just a fellow The Originals fan here. Do you think Jackson could have been a better character if the writers decided to make him part of Hayley's biological family, instead of a love interest?
I think as a brother, or even as a cousin, he would have worked better. He being so protective of her as a wolf in season 1 would make more sense, he would want to protect his long lost sister and unborn niece, instead of following her just because she's his fiancée.
Jackson would care more for Hope as he did her stepfather, maybe seeing her as a second chance, after not being able to protect Hayley in the past. Having lost his entire family as a child, he would relate to Hayley losing her child in some kind of way and definitly would not abandon her. After Hope's return, I could see him working with Elijah to make the wolves of the bayou their personal army (to avoid the wedding plot, maybe Davina o Freya could find a loophole and resolve the situation as such).
So... Sorry for possible grammar mistakes, this is not my first language, and... well, I'm waiting for your response
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Hi love! Thanks for asking!
I absolutely wish we could have seen Hayley have actual family. She searched her whole life for her family and even sacrificed 12 of her friends for their location. Only to find them and essentially be rejected by them, except for when she has something to offer. I love found families, which is why I love her connection to the Mikaelsons, but I would have loved for her to build that connection with her pack. She began to have it with Eve, but after Eve was killed, we don't really see her build that bond with anyone else.
This is where the show failed to develop a love triangle. I don't like love triangles, but especially this one. Even when I don't like both ships, I can usually see why people are torn. But in order to make the audience torn, you have to make the character torn as well. We don't really see that from Hayley. She isn't torn between two men, rather torn between a man she loves and the simple life she wants. She likes the idea of marrying Jackson because he represents the life she could have had if her parents hadn't been murdered. And this is only after she is forced to even consider it in order to save her daughter. They didn't have to completely remove him as a love interest to make them have a better relationship. They simply needed to invest in the character/ relationship.
We can compare this to the other love triangle in this fandom. I liked early Stelena and can't stand Delena, but I can see why people ship them. People were shipping Delena since season 1, even when it seemed that Stelena was endgame. This is a successful love triangle. But people shipped them because we saw moments between Delena where he was vulnerable and she felt like she was the only one who could fix him. We could see them begin to develop feelings, even just familial ones. We don't get scenes like that with Jayley.
Every moment of vulnerability we see from Hayley is with Elijah or even Klaus. For Jayley to be a competitive ship, I needed to see moments where Hayley was opening up or Jackson was being vulnerable. I needed to see some connection between them other than just being from the same pack or being betrothed. I also needed to see Jackson understand that Hayley wasn't Andrea. He was so busy trying to "save" her from the Mikaelsons that he never realized how similar to them she was. They could have had her tell him about how she helped get 12 wolves killed and have him have to process/understand that, understand who she became because his grandfather killed her parents. They had a complex history and really could have been a complex ship. But we never get to see them share anything personal and develop that complexity.
Which brings me to your point. If Jackson had been related, it would have really changed the dynamic. Hayley would still feel torn between her family and the Mikaelsons but it wouldn't have been so difficult. We don't really see Hayley taking Jackson's romantic interest in her into consideration in season 1 at all. She really only mentions it to push Elijah to act. Other than that, we don't see any romantic connection. They basically were just family. But the real shift would be the hierarchy of the pack.
One thing I've mentioned that I hate about the Crescent pack is the confusing hierarchy. Part of this is due to the fact that the pack actually split in two and developed two different "royal" families. My other issue is the monarchy aspect. Packs are meant to be led by the strongest members, members who are chosen or earn it, it doesn't matter what family they come from. This is something they seemed to ignore in TO because they wanted to position Hayley and Klaus and King and Queen. I hated this. Hayley was always referred to as a queen, even having the pack kneel for her (ew), while Jackson is referred to as the alpha, not the king.
If they were related, theoretically, one of them would have a better claim to the pack rather than being from rival families. To me, Hayley or Aiden should have been alpha. We don't see Jackson ever step up for the pack the way we see Aiden and Hayley. In a normal pack, if the alpha runs off and someone else steps up, they would challenge that position. But here, Jackson just comes back and resumes his position. I would have liked to see a challenge. This is why monarchies are bad. They are allowed to rule no matter what they do, they don't have to improve or even try.
You're definitely right about the protective as a wolf thing though. I was always confused by what level of understanding the pack had as wolves. We are told in TVD that the wolves don't remember when they turn and don't have control. This is what makes hybrids different. But the Crescent Wolves seemed to remember their time as wolves and even control it. Maybe this is due to the curse or just one of many plot holes, who knows. But we already know that the wolves naturally are drawn to family. Ansel was drawn to Klaus as a child and then to Hope in his wolf form. That would have made sense for Jackson to be drawn to Hayley as his family and his wolf being protective. I don't think it would make sense to say his wolf was protective simply because of an arranged marriage.
It also would have shifted Jackson's motivations. To me, it felt like every interaction between Jackson and Hayley was motivated by Jackson's desire to fulfil his childhood dream of marrying his lost Andrea. It broke my heart for Hayley that the first chance she gets to meet her family, Jackson tells her he is disappointed by it and the rest of her family just ignores her. I would have loved Jackson to hold off on the obligations and just get to know Hayley. Maybe ask how she's feeling about being pregnant or offer her some stories about her (their) family. If he was biologically related to her, this would have been more of her focus. And to your point, he would have been more interested in the baby since it was his family. It would have been more impactful to see them bond over losing their family, of being forced out of their homes. They really did have a lot they could have bonded over but the show just didn't let them.
It would have made him take Hayley more seriously as a political leader of the pack, rather than just a potential wife. The pack was terrible at politics and part of this could have been because they lived most of their lives as wolves. They should have welcomed Hayley's experience and intelligence and even her connection to the Mikaelsons. Ironically, the pack had the arranged marriage because they understood it could help create peace between the warring packs. You would think they would understand Hayley's connection to the Mikaelsons could do the same thing. Hayley even bonds with Davina and could have gotten the witches on their side. They could have worked with the Mikaelsons and even the witches to come up with a better solution.
Another issue I have is that the unification ceremony gives the pack the power of the alphas, but why wouldn't Hayley just taking over the pack and them swearing their allegiance to her give them her power? The magic just felt so forced. There seemed to be a lot of better options.
Essentially, he didn't need another story line to be a better character. He needed better writing or more time.
Sorry this was so long but I hope I answered it all!
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atopvisenyashill · 4 months
do you think baelor the blessed would've done something to aegon iv if daena had told everyone it was aegon who knocked her up? like, there should probably be a severe punishment against a man who knocked up a royal princess, especially one in the maidenvault, but the man in question is also a prince and baelor's own cousin. but then again, baelor is a misogynist so maybe he would've pinned all the blame on daena for being a seductress and events would've played out the same?
i think part of why daena refuses to name anyone at all is because she knows there's going to be extreme consequences for the father, herself, and daemon if she does say who it is or even lies about it to protect the father. taking a a noble born maiden's virginity is no small thing and taking a princess's virginity is even more so a problem, regardless of who is doing it. look at the saera problem - jaehaerys has her ladies marry the men they had sex with, has connington tortured and executed. the man who knocked up coryanne wylde is sent to the wall. the boy who consensually felt up baela would have gotten his hand cut off if she hadn't begged for them to spare the boy. robert deflowering delena florent may not have had technical consequences for robert himself because he's the king, but robert has to claim edric as his specifically because of delena's high birth, and tywin offers tyrion as a husband for delena specifically because delena is seen as ~lesser~ now, on par with a disabled son.
so i think it's very likely that baelor would have been aghast at this whole thing if daena were to name aegon or aegon were to say he was the father. baelor phrases locking his sisters up as "protecting them" as well as protecting the men of the court from "carnal thoughts" so i do think it's likely he would see this as aegon being overcome by daena's beauty - not quite her fault, not even quite aegon's fault, more so giving "lust" personhood as a corrupting force that made them fuck. i think it's likely the maidenvault gets more restrictive. i think it's likely the girls are forced to go through religious torture to cleanse them of sin. i think it's likely he starts segregating the court by gender to ensure there's no sin. probably he forces all three of them to wear chastity belts 24/7 with scheduled times to relieve themselves, and locks them away with no contact but a septa when they get their periods. as for aegon's consequences - can i choose a cop out answer and say i'm kind of unsure but it's probably not pleasant lol. part of that is we don't know how aware baelor is of the line of succession - it's possible he was treating viserys as his heir, and aegon as viserys' heir, and that might give him some pause. however, i'm also not sure he would be able to settle for just exiling aegon to essos for a bit, like they do to deal with naerys' health. i think aegon would be made to live as a peasant the way baelor does, made to pray, made to eat simply, made to fast, etc. but i do wonder if he would go for something more severe, especially since daeron has already been born and seems healthy? as in, forces him into the faith somehow, sends him to the wall, permanently exiles and cuts him out of the line of succession, etc.
anyways, while i do agree it's probably likely daena gets the worst of it, aegon probably wouldn't escape - but that's assuming baelor just doesn't freak out and shut himself up to fast, then dies, which is what happens in canon. if baelor doesn't manage to decree anything, i do imagine there's a bit of a controversy over this, but it blows over. but if baelor sends out decrees while fasting himself to death over it, aegon is getting some sort of punishment to ~wash his carnal thoughts away~ and it's not gonna be pleasant. at this point, baelor is taking advice from random street urchins, ya know. who knows what he would have done. maybe he just straight has a heart attack lol.
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isefyres-archive · 5 months
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𝔰𝔬𝔪𝔢 𝔞𝔡𝔡𝔢𝔡 𝔟𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔰 (𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔟𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔰)
Princess Shireen Baratheon: Shireen Baratheon is a noblewoman of House Baratheon of Dragonstone, and is the daughter and only child of Lord Stannis Baratheon and Lady Selyse Florent. Greyscale has left half of her left cheek and most of her neck covered in cracked and flaking, grey and black stony skin. She has suffered from nightmares since infancy. Stannis's army and retinue travels from Dragonstone to the Wall to respond to the wildling threat. At the Wall, he leaves Shireen at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea with her mother, while his army marches to Castle Black. After her father's death, she remains in the North under The North care and request to be send to Dorne to her cousin, wanting to refute her father's claims about Myrcella. Canon. Song Era.
Lord Edric Dayne: Edric Dayne, also known as Ned, is the Lord of Starfall and the head of House Dayne. His father, Gwayne Dayne is the elder brother of Ser Arthur, Lady Ashara, and Lady Allyria Dayne. Edric serves as the squire of Beric Dondarrion, Lord of Blackhaven. Edric's mother did not have enough milk for him when he was born, so he was nursed by Wylla, a servant at Starfall. At some point, Edric was told that Wylla was the mother of Jon Snow, the bastard of Lord Eddard Stark. Edric attempts to befriend a wary Arya during the brotherhood's travels, and her friend Gendry is scornful of their interactions. Ned tells Arya more about his family, and he is surprised that her father never spoke of Edric's aunt Ashara committing suicide over her broken heart. Ned hesitantly tells Arya that his aunt Allyria told him that Ashara and Eddard fell in love at the tourney at Harrenhal. Edric is back in Dorne. Canon. Song Era.
Edric Storm: Edric Storm is the bastard son of King Robert I Baratheon and Delena Florent. Edric is a sturdily attractive youth, with jet-black hair and deep blue eyes. He resembles his father, King Robert I, and has the characteristic hair, eyes, jaw, and cheekbones of House Baratheon. Edric also has the large ears common to House Florent. Edric was conceived by King Robert I Baratheon and Delena on the wedding night of Lord Stannis Baratheon to Selyse Florent, Delena's cousin, in the couple's wedding bed. Stannis saw this as an insult to his honor, so he sent Edric to Storm's End to foster with the boy's other uncle, Renly Baratheon. As Delena was a noblewoman, Edric was acknowledged by his father. Edric sails across the narrow sea past the Stepstones to Essos on the Mad Prendos with Andrew and other protectors. He is hiding in Lys. Canon. Song Era.
Mya Stone: Mya Stone is a young woman serving House Royce of the Gates of the Moon. She is the eldest of King Robert I Baratheon's bastards. Mya serves as a guide on the treacherous rocky climb from the Vale to the Eyrie, leading trains of mules, such as Whitey. She also transports foodstuffs from the foot of the Giant's Lance to the Eyrie. Mya is somewhat openly known to be the bastard daughter of the king, although she was not acknowledged by her father. She has vague memories of him, as a big strong man tossing her in the air and catching her. Myranda Royce reveals to "Alayne Stone" that Mya lost her virginity to Mychel. Mya still hoped for marriage, till the newly-knighted Mychel was ordered by his father, Lord Horton Redfort, to marry Ysilla Royce, daughter of Lord Yohn Royce of Runestone. Canon. Song Era.
Gendry Baratheon: Gendry is a blacksmith apprentice for Master Tobho Mott in King's Landing. He does not know he is a bastard son of King Robert I Baratheon until later when captured by Melisandre and the truth is revealed, his blood used in a ritual. Gendry looks like a young Renly Baratheon, albeit with a squarer jaw, bushier brows, and tangled hair. He has since been legitimized and inherited all titles held by his father before Robert became king, and appointed the new Warden of the South. Gendry is not the eldest of the bastards and by all means, he supports his "sister" Myrcella for lady of Storm's End but he also reclaims his sibligns as his own, rebuilding House Baratheon under a new sigil, changing the colors to the inverted ones, considering the house is now mostly bastards. Canon. Song Era.
Joy Hill: She is the bastard daughter of Gerion Lannister. According to her cousin Jaime, Joy is a sweet child, but a lonely one since her father Gerion disappeared. As part of the pact between Lord Tywin Lannister and Lord Walder Frey concerning the betrayal of Robb Stark in the Red Wedding, Joy is to wed a natural son of Walder from House Frey once she is older. After the siege of Riverrun, Lady Sybell Spicer mentions to Ser Jaime Lannister that his late father, Tywin, had promised a bride from Casterly Rock for her eldest son, Ser Raynald Westerling. Because Sybell mentions "joy", Jaime thinks Tywin intended for Joy Hill to marry Raynald. Sybell is angered at the idea of her son marrying a bastard. Joy would prefer the handsom Raynald as a husband. Eventually, Joy is send to Dorne alongside Myrcella new sworn sword so she would become less gloom and safety. Canon. Song Era.
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cancerian-woman · 1 year
getting into more Bonnie things it’s so nerve wrecking when fans of other ships claim Kat lacks chemistry with actors or Bonnie just couldn’t do what Elena/Caroline does because of her “morality”
Many fans not all of them but majority don’t want to admit that because they can’t self-insert into Bonnie or Kat they find all Bonnie’s non-canon/canon things nonsensical. Bonnie “deserves” more but these fans will never expand on that meaning either. “Yeah, her love life sucks but I could never pair Bonnie with Damon/Enzo/Klaus/Kol or Kai because….” then you ask them their favorite ships and it’s always Kai/Katherine/Kolvina/Delena/Klaroline. One thing that’s massively agreed on about Caroline/Candice as well as Nina/Elena is that they have great chemistry with everyone. Not saying that they don’t have any at all, but those women aren’t limited in the series and always on the screen.
Morality arguments only apply to Bonnie by the fandom. Morality didn’t stop Elena from dating Damon or Stefan. It doesn’t stop Caroline from fucking Klaus and ignoring her boundaries in her relationship with Tyler. Matt HATED the supernaturals yet fucked Rebekah+Nadia at the same time. Where was his morals? Kol sliced Davina’s neck wide open and they were married by the time Davina was in her 20s. Morality didn’t exist when Freya had her future wife choked up in chains? What can you say from a fandom that was led by that cockroach Julie? Why would you want strong, beautiful Bonnie with murderous Kol….then in the year following we get Kolvina swaying and remarks about how beautiful and strong Davina is. Plenty of fans will keep Bonnie’s dislike of vampires from season1-2 and place that as her personality for the rest of the series.
One last comment to make on this subject for now. A lot of tvdu fans won’t admit this either. They don’t find Kat or Bonnie as attractive as the other white women in the series. Attractiveness is subjective (sure) but they’ll make plenty of lists and comments about the women and how pretty they are. Yet Kat/Bonnie will always be the at the last or if ever mentioned. Uh huh. Someone on here was playing some ask game were they literally mentioned how the prettiest girls in tvd was just Caroline/Elena. Yall asses KNOW what you be doing.
“Bonnie ships don’t make sense because…” but one of the biggest ships in this fandom, doesn’t even have a single scene that explains where Klaus fell so deeply in love with Caroline.
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haletwfic · 2 years
New Life
Derek Hale x Reader
Inspired from Teen Wolf Movie Teaser Trailer.
This is just for fun. My grammar is very bad bcs english is not my language.
Everything went great right after you graduated from high school. You applied job at local restaurant, Stiles became an FBI agent, Scott worked full time at Deaton’s animal clinic, Lydia went to college alongside with Malia. Derek? He moved to New York before you graduated. Actually the last time you saw him when you all at Mexico. He left with Braeden and leave you without a goodbye.
Oh, you still lived with Noah, Stiles’ father. You felt you owe him everything right after your parents death, he took care of you and let you live with him and Stiles. And you working instead of went to college so you could gave him some money as a gratitude for everything he did for you.
Everything hasn’t the same. You barely hang out with Scott, almost lost contact with everyone, but still manage to call your cousin to check him out. And it’s been three years.
You closed the restaurant because it’s already 9 PM. You walked out and you found Scott stood beside his motorcycle.
“YN!” He looked so happy when he saw you. He approached you and wanted to hug you. You smiled and hugged him immediately.
You pulled the hug. “How’s Deaton?”
He frowned. “I came far away from clinic just to get to you and that was your first question?”
You laughed and so did he. “I know you’re doing good. How’s your parents doing?”
He smirked. “Felt so different having my dad living in my mom’s but I’m happy they’re back together again. What about you and Noah?”
You sighed. “He’s getting old you know. He’s missing Stiles so bad. And that’s why i still live there so he wouldn’t be lonely. At least his nephew got some spark on that house.” “You got something to say to me? Because I’m going home and I’m bringing my car.” You glanced at your car.
“Oh about that…,” he looked so nervous. “Derek is back to town.” He paused. “He still live on that loft, in case you want to know. Alright, see ya YNN!” He left you, and you walked to your car. Damn. Derek is in Beacon Hills?
You immediately drove your car to the haunted building that Derek lived in. You didn’t know why you wanted to get there. What if he lived there with Braeden? You might look fooled if you saw both of them. But you didn’t care. You just want to make sure that Scott wasn’t messing with you. You need to see Derek so bad.
You arrived at his door. Very heavy sliding door. You knocked it softly and he must have known you’re here since he could sense you.
He opened it and kinda startled when he saw you. “YN?” He stood there and made eye contact with you for like a minute. “Come in.” He finally let you in. You notice his loft much brighter than before. And smell fresh like he put some perfume. And also you hadn’t seen any sign of Braeden here.
“How are you?” You asked him a very basic question. Of course you didn’t want asked him about him and Braeden. Stop thinking about her.
“I’m good, what about you?” He asked and gave you the sweetest smile.
You rolled your eyes. “3 years you have been away from Beacon Hill and now you’re back and asking me how am i doing?” You didn’t answer his question and hugged him. “Are you married with Braeden?” That question just came out from your stupid mouth.
Derek laughed. “It’s not funny.” You said it with a flat face. “Because the last time i saw you, you ran away with her.”
“I’m not… married to anyone.” You sighed in relieved.
When you and him were silenced, there was a sound of someone crying. “Who is that? Is there a someone here? Are you watching a movie with someone and there’s a scene?”
Derek didn’t answer and run upstair immediately and you followed him. You shocked when you saw him hold a toddler. “Am i seeing you with a kid or it just a doll?”
He came approached you. “This is Eli, my son.” Your eyes widened when he mention ‘son’ word. “Not with Braeden. I had a girlfriend, Delena, but she died on childbirth.” He definitely could read your mind. But your heart kinda break when he mention he had a girlfriend. “You know where i could find a babysitter?”
You punched his arm. “You just back to your hometown just to asked me where to find a babysitter?” And then you both laughed.
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hyperactivewhore · 1 year
Ships in The Vampire Diaries that make absolutely no sense and shouldn't have happened:
1. Elena and Damon - Julie Plec, what were you smoking when you decided to make them a couple? Damon killed Elena's brother, abused one of her best friends, almost killed her other best friend, attempted to kill her multiple times, and nearly caused her to become a vampire by forcing his blood down her throat. Julie literally had to change Elena's personality in the later seasons because she knows that it would be totally out of character for her to fall in love with Damon. Elena and Damon have one of the most toxic relationships on the show, and I am so mad that they ended up presumably getting married and having children after the show ended.
2. Caroline and Matt - Matt was still in love with Elena and constantly compared Caroline to Elena. I'm not blaming Elena because it wasn't her fault that her ex-boyfriend was still not over here even though they've been broken up for MONTHS and she was in a committed and happy relationship with another guy. Matt was also a hypocrite. The reason he broke up with Caroline was because she's a vampire, but in the third season, he becomes attracted to Rebekah, who is also vampire. So, he never actually liked Caroline and just needed an excuse to break up with her.
3. Bonnie and Jeremy - I love Bonnie and Jeremy. They're amazing characters (more so the former), but I DESPISED their relationship. It just sorta came out of nowhere. They had cute moments, but I just wasn't feeling it. And then the writers had Jeremy cheat on Bonnie with Anna, who'd been dead since the first season. Like, why? Why couldn't the writers just allow Bonnie to be happy? And then they got back together briefly, and I was like, 'Bonnie, girl, did Grams not teach you anything about self-worth and self-love?' So, yeah, that ship shouldn't have existed.
4. Elena and Klaus - So, I don't understand this ship at all, but lots of TVD fans love the idea of this relationship happening. Elena and Klaus wouldn't have fallen in love with each other. Yeah, the actors had amazing chemistry, but the relationship their characters would have had wouldn't have made any sense. Elena murdered Klaus' brother and attempted to kill him and his siblings. Klaus murdered Elena's aunt, killed her, used her as a human blood bag, terrorized her and her friends, and was partially responsible for her brother becoming a hunter. Their relationship (if it had happened) would've been more toxic than Delena.
5. Caroline and Klaus - I never understood this ship. Klaus falling in love with a baby vampire? Huh? He's been alive for over a thousand years. You're telling me he's never encountered another baby vampire with blonde hair and blue eyes and who has a similar personality to Caroline? And the writers dumbed Klaus down in the third season by having him constantly fall for Caroline's tricks. He was so smart in the second season, and his intelligence, cleverness, and ruthlessness made him so scary. In the third and fourth seasons, he's showing remorse to Caroline, a girl who has attempted to kill him and his family multiple times, a girl he hasn't known for very long but seems to be so obsessed with for literally no reason. I just wished the writers could have given a reason for Klaus' interest in Caroline. What made her so appealing to him? What caused him to 'fall in love' with her? Don't give me that 'you're beautiful, you're full of light' crap.
6. Elena and Tyler - Uh... no? Elena and Tyler are friends. Just friends.
7. Bonnie and Kol - I like the idea of this ship. Bonnie is a witch, and it's been confirmed in both The Vampire Diaries and The Originals that Kol loves witches because he'd been one just before his mother turned him into a vampire. But Bonnie and Kol have never really interacted. Their only interaction was a 5-second glance in the hallway. But I love reading fanfictions about them, though.
8. Klaus and Hayley - No. Klaus and Hayley had a one night stand, and if it wasn't for Hope, they'd never speak to each other again. Klaus and Hayley initially disliked one another during the first season of The Originals, but towards the end of the series, they have become family, best friends, and incredible co-parents. Klaus and Hayley love each other, not romantically, but platonically. And that is a better relationship than a romantic one. I guess The Originals taught a lot of people that just because two people have a child together doesn't mean they have to end up with that person. Klaus 'fell in love' with Camille, and Hayley fell in love with Elijah.
9. Klaus and Camille - Doesn't make any sense. At least Caroline was a vampire when Klaus met her. Camille is a human, and Klaus has said it himself that he doesn't really care about humans. So, his relationship with Camille came out of nowhere. I don't see Camille as a carbon copy of Caroline because the characters are different besides their blonde hair and their names having the same first two letters. I just don't understand the appeal.
10. Hope and Lizzie - Hope and Lizzie have a great rivalry and friendship, but Lizzie isn't in love with Hope. Many fans like to point out that the reason Lizzie is sired to Hope is because she had feelings for her while she was a siphoner witch, but those same fans have never watched the last season of The Originals because it was explained that any person Hope turns with her blood will be sired to her. She's the daughter of the original hybrid, after all. And Josie was the one who had a crush on Hope. She even admitted it in an episode to Hope, so...
11. Caroline and Damon - No. God, no. I don't even have to explain why this doesn't make any sense.
12. Rebekah and Matt - Rebekah was infatuated with Matt, but she was never actually in love with him. Rebekah has always wanted to be human and have a normal life for centuries, and she meets Matt, who is the only human in the Mystic Falls gang. She becomes infatuated with him and the idea of normalcy. If Rebekah was truly in love with Matt, she wouldn't have caused his car to drive off of Wickery Bridge with both Matt and Elena inside the vehicle. She'd hesitate and have second thoughts. After she sleeps with him, she never talks about him again and moves on quickly to Marcel, which brings me to the final ship on my list.
13. Rebekah and Marcel - I don't care if the two aren't blood related and that Klaus didn't actually adopt Marcel. Rebekah met him when he was 10 years old and watched him grow up. If Marcel was like a son to Klaus, then I understand why he was so against their relationship. It almost seems like Rebekah was grooming Marcel, and that is just so fucked up and creepy.
14. Stefan and Caroline - I lied. This is the actual last ship I'll discuss. Stefan and Caroline had an amazing platonic relationship. She reminded him of Lexi, which almost brought tears to my eyes. But then Julie Plec had to fuck all of that up and have Stefan and Caroline start dating, get married, only to have Stefan sacrifice himself for Elena. Like, what the actual fuck? Again, they should've just stayed friends.
15. Caroline and Alaric - I lied again. This is the last ship, I promise! Caroline was Alaric's student, and he was like a father figure to Elena and Jeremy. Her becoming pregnant with his children was already weird, but to have them be in a relationship is just disgusting. TVD fans have to remember that Alaric is not a vampire. Stefan and Damon are over a hundred years old, but they look physically young and have the mentality of the ages they were when they turned. For example, Stefan was turned at 17 and still thinks and acts like a teenager! Alaric is in his mid-40s or something, and Caroline was in her early 20s. That's not cool! And having her be in a relationship with Alaric for the sake of the twins is also fucked up because she's not in love with Alaric but is forcing herself to marry him for his children! No!
I'm done.
Damn. I love your opinions anon, this is certainly gonna be interesting.
Damon and Elena: they're a popular ship, I'll give them that, but they're totally an ick for me. Damon killed her brother just because he thought she didn't love him any longer, and he smiled while hearing her cry about it. Not to talk about the fact that he spend three seasons trying to get her to fall in love with him, and once she did, it was in the most disgusting way ever: he literally took advantage of the fact that Stefan was away saving the three of them, to try to make his vulnerable ex girlfriend love him. It's disgusting, and Elena deserved better.
Matt and Caroline: to this day, I still don't know how the hell he managed to pull the most gorgeous girls ever: like seriously, Rebekah, Nadia and Caroline? But yeah, Matt was clearly not over Elena which just made Caroline's insecurities worse. He def shouldn't have dated her at all, seeing he was still hung up in his ex girlfriend.
Jeremy and Bonnie: Jeremy made me so fucking mad by cheating on Bonnie with a literal ghost. Their relationship came out of nowhere, and it was weird as hell. He was still in love with Anna and Bonnie deserved a lot better than him. The way they had them be back together for like two episodes I think was so weird. The writers hatred towards Bonnie is just disgusting.
Klaus and Elena: I actually do see where the shippers are coming from with this ship, even if they realistically wouldn't have lasted at all. He was once in love with Tatia, and I do headcanon he fucked Katherine to make her like him back in her human ages because it would be in character for him, so I can picture him trying to seduce Elena or something similar out of boredom or to spit someone and etc. Fairytale Ending by @livlepretre kinda touches this, and it's a really good dark romance book so I recommend it to everyone!
Klaus and Caroline: eww. This shouldn't even be considered a ship: Caroline said she was terrified of him and was never herself when spending time together, and Klaus literally started obsessing over her out of nowhere. Their dynamic reminds me of that one line Rebekah said to Caroline "I'm only interested in yours (life). Your spunk, your popularity. Maybe even your boyfriend". Klaus having a crush on Caroline was just his way of spiting Tyler. They wouldn't have worked at all.
Tyler and Elena: I wasn't even aware they were a ship.
Bonnie and Kol: I actually like them both, even if I'm more of a klonnie fan myself. Kol would have treated her a thousand times better than any of her ex lovers and with his love for witches, they would have made a great couple.
Klaus and Hayley: Klaus would have without a doubt killed Hayley if she hadn't become Hope's mother. They're family and best friends, but that's all. They do have sexual tension sometimes, but Joseph and Phoebe have chemistry with almost every person on set so.
Klaus and Cami: I do agree that Klaus falling in love with a human is strange, but not totally. His relationship with Camille was toxic at its beginning, and then the famous forced proximity trope became canon for them. Then he fell in love with her, sending her away for her own safety and etc. Like Cami said, Klaus only spend time with immortals to avoid grief, but he was in a sense forced to spend time with her for having her write his memories and he ended up falling for her and etc, but I do get your point.
Hope and Lizzie: People get so obssesed over Lizzie saying a platonic "I love you" to Hope and over hosie canonically liking each other for like a week in their childhoods. I don't think any of those ships could have worked out, if I'm being honest: Hope loved Landon and the girls had their own love problems.
Damon and Caroline: this is... actually a thing??? Wtf.
Matt and Rebekah: yep, Bex couldn't have cared less about him. Matt was everything she couldn't be any longer: human, happy, with mortal preoccupations and able to procreate. But once she slept with him, she literally left him in the dust and never even bothered to call (Klaus and Caroline I'm opposite gender lmao).
Marcel and Rebekah: Charles and Claire had amazing chemistry, but the ship is a big no. Rebekah groomed him, and she was throwing tantrums 24/7 about Marcel loving New Orleans more as if she didn't fall in love with Stefan two years later after his supposed death and well, she saw him grow up and still was attracted to him. This is the only time Klaus was right for daggering her, outside his own reasons.
Stefan and Caroline: I do think it was clear/obvious in the writers plan they were gonna make steroline a couple at some point, but not make them endgame. If I'm not wrong, because people love lying in this fandom, stelena was gonna be endgame but Nina left and etc, so they couldn't do what they wanted and instead steroline and delena were the remaining couples. I can't really tell you what I think of this ship, as I haven't rewatched tvd outside s3/s4 since 2018. But it is pretty funny to me that Stefan died to get out of his relationship, as some people say.
Caroline and Alaric: this is just a big no. Caroline was basically forced to carry his kids, she was turned into a walking incubator without her consent and then Alaric acted as if he did all the job, as if she hadn't raised and loved the twins as if they were her own flesh and blood. And he was literally her teacher once, so just no. They are a complete ick.
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