#demigods being demigods
Jasipercabeth Power Headcannons so I can straighten my fic out
Jason Grace
-when he gets really excited, his skin buzzes with static electricity
-his hair is less styled and more frizz from the energy he radiates. like a stuck-his-finger-in-an-outlet style instead of i-spent-20-minutes-styling-this-quiff
-unlike Percy, Jason has control over the rain
-is his own fog machine
-was discouraged against using his powers at camp Jupiter but is encouraged at camp halfblood and learns all kinds of new things or relearns things that Lupa taught him
-doesn't fight in a more greek or roman way, is more wolf than human, wants to fight ferociously and tear rather than stab
-sometimes, percy will let him spar like he was raised (on all fours and with his teeth) because surprisingly, percy is the only one to understand how he was raised by wolves
-has little lightning bolts in his eyes if he gets really excited
-you can tell he’s getting mad when thunder starts to rumble. it gets louder and louder the angrier her gets.
-has lightning bolts coming off of him when he's really pissed
-is oddly respected by birds, they think he's just a giant pigeon, will bring him shiny things
-will start to fly if he’s not paying attention and usually walks on air for about an hour before he notices
-warning: will start to fly if incredibly excited
-sometimes, he’ll forget to breathe and the wind will punch him in the gut
Lesser known child of Jupiter powers:
-can tell if someone is guilty or innocent just by looking at them
-knows all of the old Roman laws by heart without ever learning them
Piper McLean
-charmspeak, obviously
-feels everything on a much higher level than normal people. like her emotions are turned up to 11 all the time and she has to be incredibly in tune with herself or else she’ll lose her mind trying to ignore her feelings or, in one instance, she’ll make herself physically sick
-amazing at hair of all types and is really good at cutting and styling despite never learning or teaching herself
-is really good at reading people and assessing personalities and vibes
-is really good at matchmaking because she’s really good at reading people
-can tell when a couple is soulmates. she can’t see a line connecting people to their soulmates or an aura or anything like that but if she meets a couple who are soulmates she can physically see that they were meant to be on a cosmic level
-her advice about relationships is never wrong, even when her advice is to dump your boyfriend of five years and get off birth control
-can turn her charm on and off but if it’s on, everyone and I mean everyone will fall in love with her. she didn’t even realize the first time she was doing it, just playfully flirting with Annabeth during archery practice and found Chiron offering her flowers while the rest of the cabins showered her with compliments and marriage proposals.
-knows which clothes will flatter someone based on body type, size and palette after looking at them once
-smells like whatever you love. Percy thinks she smells like candy and salt, Jason thinks she smells like rain and dirt, Annabeth claims she smells like books and coffee.
Annabeth Chase
-is like a LEGO Master Builder, can see what went into building a building just by looking at it
-actually has a mind palace like Sherlock except it’s less palace and more amphitheater but still contains all of the information she could ever want
-can see battlegrounds like maps and soldiers like game pieces in order to win
-she always wins
-is a master at weaving and can make a basket in 2 minutes flat
-is constantly coming up with new inventions that are amazing and actually work and she can tell you exactly how to build it but she’s not great at the actual building part
-can turn her head 270 degrees like an owl and has incredible night vision
-photographic and eidetic memory which wouldn’t be a power technically but because every single child of Athena has this, it’s a god given power
Not powers but head cannons:
-is a master at the connect two unconnected things in a minute game
-like, percy says tomato and jason says subsection 13 of section 7C from the American Book of Law, published in 2002 by Penguin House and she connects them within a minute and a half
Perseus Jackson
-anything, and I mean anything, with the slightest hint of water is considered his jurisdiction and he can manipulate the shit out of it
-is like a walking humidifier, any water within a fifty yard radius is drawn to him
-can literally feel the water running under cities and knows exactly which knob to turn to do the most damage
-when he sneezes, water bottles nearby will explode
-one time, he had a cold, and the entire water system at camp exploded before he was given ambrosia and meds
-has a sort of radio in his mind that is always on and is tuned to whatever even mildly aquatic creatures or horses are in the area
-can see latitude and longitude laid out before him like how annabeth sees battlefields
-his eyes glow a brilliant green when he’s in the darker parts of the oceans so he can see
-sometimes they glow when he’s excited and water will start to run (sinks and showers turn on, tea kettles boil in seconds, fountains start to rock a bit)
-when he starts to get mad, the ocean starts to get a little more aggressive and then it gets choppy and then it’s just raging the madder he gets
-is a natural at the ukulele because Poseidon claimed it as his instrument. it annoys Apollo to no end
-place him upside down in the deepest, darkest part of the ocean and he can tell you exactly where he is and which way is up
-if he steps in a puddle, even on accident, he simply absorbs all of the water without noticing
-the more time he has to train and chill out at camp half-blood, the more he taps into his earth shaker powers
-eventually, when he understands how to focus and call it to his will, he can just tap the ground with his big toe and a boulder will split in half
-he does a little tap dance and a minor earthquake knocks his opponents on their asses
-one time, gets uber pissed, screams, opens a brand new fault line so deep it creates a trench
-scientists are baffled
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arggghhhsstuff · 10 months
forever obsessed with percy being weird. off-putting. strange even. a cryptid maybe. an urban legend if I may. my boy is the son of one of the oldest, most powerful gods, has been in FBI's records since the age of twelve, fought and won two wars against immortal beings, went to hell and back. I think he's allowed to be a little odd.
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muppetfreak · 9 months
Mr. Riordan, it is truly a pleasure getting to experience your second draft.
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demigods-posts · 1 month
now is a great time to remind all of us of how noble a hero percy jackson is. because he refused to harm the demigods who fought beside luke. as much as he hated the fighting them, he understood why the were fighting. he recognized the gods failed them too. and to not acknowledge that in the aftermath of the war would be disingenuous to the lives lost on either side. and not only that. but he was the only demigod brave enough to tell gods how it is when they offered him immortality. he told the gods to their face that their faults in leadership and parenthood are what lead to their near demise. that they must swallow their pride and nurture the things they create, or the threat of a revolt will follow them. and his ass used his gods-given wish to make them promise to give their children a fair chance at a better life. no one was doing it like him. happy birthday, man.
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wra1th-k1ng · 10 months
They say the average demigod at camp half-blood curses the gods 13 times a year. It is actually closer to once per year. Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, and Nico DiAngelo all curse the gods 200 times a year individually, and should not be counted as they are statistical outliers
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fortunatefires · 10 months
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 month
the dynamic of demigods thinking which other demigod is the most powerful is always amusing to me because. like, we know the big 3 kids are all the most powerful. That's just a fact of their universe. And then we know nearly every character views Percy as the strongest demigod, and most people are very rightfully intimidated by him.
and you look at the powers of the Big 3 kids and there's Percy, but then you realize Nico is just kind of objectively more powerful than him but simply chooses to hang out in Percy's shadow like he's Percy's scary dog privileges. Like, the two of them are pretty equally capable of causing multiple different apocalypses. Nico just also has like four different instakill powers and it's not like he doesn't use them. He very much uses them! Not infrequently, even! And they don't seem to take a significant amount of energy from him! And other demigods are pretty intimidated by both of them! But Nico makes a conscious point to keep his cards close to his chest and not let on exactly how dangerous and scary he can be if he wants to. People are already scared enough of him without knowing anything about him and he doesn't like that. Percy doesn't think about that nearly as much, and so usually just goes in guns blazing and that's part of why he's considered a wildcard. And then Nico himself puts Percy on a pedestal, so those who do know more about Nico's abilities then presume Nico knows something they don't about Percy that implies Percy is even stronger than him.
And even on a meta level Nico's narrative role requires him to be functionally more powerful than Percy, because he very often serves the purpose of getting Percy out of situations he can't handle on his own. That's just part of his function as a character! But also narratively he can't overshadow Percy so he just takes a backseat of his own accord and that's very amusing to me.
#pjo#percy jackson#riordanverse#nico di angelo#i will also note it is implied though we never see that Hazel has the exact same powers as Nico#and Hazel has trained with her powers way longer than Nico has plus is older so theoretically is more powerful already#she killed a giant all by herself. sank a small island. and successfully subdued Gaea for like another 60 years#so given that + her also having Nico's powers then *Hazel* is theoretically the strongest demigod no contest#Jason and Thalia end up kind of nerfed by the plot in that neither is allowed to overshadow Percy either#but they dont play the same roles that characters like Nico do - Nico keeps getting stupid abilities just for convenience factor#and Bianca never got the opportunity to use many powers besides astral projection/dream manipulation and similarly hades kid illusion stuff#and general ghost stuff. and she does all that as a ghost really. her killing the skeleton wasnt even her powers that was just a normal sta#and it was just by virtue of her being a hades kid and fulfilling the ''can kill these skeletons'' requirement that it blew up#technically she also showcases underworld immunity with the lethe stuff wearing off but that's very subtle#Hazel also doesnt play the same role as Nico and so doesnt get to showcase all that#plus is similarly nerfed with the ''cant be cooler than Percy'' constraint and so never gets to really do anything#even though logistically she is the most powerful and should showcase the full extent of her abilities to the same degree as Percy and Nico#Jason at least gets a little bit more wiggle room than Thalia being a main protagonist#Nico just gets the most wiggle room out of both not being a protagonist and being functionally a dues ex machina most of the time#versus Thalia or Bianca who are only ever secondary or supporting characters
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Throughout the years, Danny and Ra's get into fights. Unfortunately for Ra's, Danny's a biter. Unfortunately for Danny, biting immortals are never a good idea. Especially when your own DNA is beyond messed up
Imagine the look on Ra's face when they guy he likes fighting shows up with a baby in hand and says, "congratulations, you're a father"
Repeat it two more times because Danny just doesn't learn
Ohohoho, now this is quite fun. And this could be completely new children, or, this could be the three Al Ghul children. Which if it is? Is hilarious. And hey, Dusan even has Danny's white hair and green eyes!
But seriously I love this. Logically, Danny should learn to not bite, in fact? He knows how to fight, and can do so without biting. He's just also a petty little shit who will go feral when fighting this one asshole [insert relationship here].
Even more hilarious if Danny shows up throughout time too. And it's not like they exactly explain to anyone on the outside of their [insert relationship here], which definitely leads to so many misunderstandings and rumors.
Love the idea if this is even a semi-normal ghost thing. Just, usually the mixing of ecto is done on purpose, and not usually having to be worried about happening via blood. But Danny? Is a halfa, meaning that he is half human. And if he bit anyone else, it would probably have no effect, except for the fact that the human mouth carries quite a bit of bacteria and en ecto-contaminated one more so. So for anyone else, biting is an actual good option, but Ras? Also ecto-contaminated via Lazarus Pit.
Which is a different type of ectoplasm, like comparing saltwater to freshwater, but is still ectoplasm. If anyone else bit anyone else, it wouldn't happen. But no, Danny just has to have the habit of biting his immortal sparring asshole of a rival-buddy. And said buddy better be fine with co-parenting otherwise he's taking child support.
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poisonpercy · 9 months
crying in the club thinking about how charlie died at sea and percy couldn’t save him. one of your best friends die in proximity to the one thing that you are a part of, that your life force feeds off of, and despite all of that, he still dies in the place where he should have been the most protected. like not even the son of the sea god could protect against one of his best friends dying at sea. percy’s guilt is unfathomable
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mkarchin713 · 1 year
Legacy of Chronos: Daughter of the Unknown God
Through her travels around the world/Infinite Realms, Ellie stumbles on Camp Halfblood and is mistaken for a demigod. She is determined to be a legacy of Cronus (Clockwork) and the child of an unknown god with a DP symbol (Danny).
Cue everyone mistaking Chronos for Kronos and thinking that the mystery god is a child of Kronos born sometime while he was in Tartarus. This misunderstanding is not helped by the fact that the Underworld is part of the Infinite Realms and portals to the Ghost Zone where often mistaken for portals to Tartarus.
Now Zeus is freaking out and wants to use Ellie as leverage against her father who obviously wants to take over Olympus. Percy/Thalia/Nico/Lester/whoever is now trying to keep Ellie out of Zeus’s paranoid clutches and get her back to Tartarus before her father goes looking for her.
(Ellie is so happy she made new friends, they’re even going to take her on a road trip to LA. Sure they seemed really nervous when she mentioned Danny would come looking for her if she didn’t check in soon, how was she supposed to know Hellhounds are cellphones anyway)
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satoshy12 · 3 months
I love Eldritch Percy AUs.
+ Normal People who saw Percy or were around him developed intense thalassophobia, freezing up in terror at the sight of any aquatic creature. Poseidon and his wife Amphitrite told Sally that till he can control it they should stay with them in Atlantis. It was only later that they discovered the side effects Percy had on people.
++ As Percy was born, he was in an eldritch (monster) form that was visible even as a newborn. His cries had an irresistible effect, compelling anyone who heard them to move toward him. Fortunately, Poseidon was present at his birth. So as none of the doctors could truly touch him, except for Sally, who held her son and told Poseidon his name would be "Percy," Upon hearing this, Percy transformed back into a human form, shedding his tentacled, otherworldly appearance.
Poseidon looking at the baby: "He seems to still have them, just hidden under the skin. I don't remember the last kid who had this."
+ Sally as his mom is save from the side effects of her baby, not like most other humans or even Demigods.
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sonnyaavce · 4 months
Martian Manhunter always felt an strong and uncanny thelepatic connection to his allies and family. More-so their emotions; those that are unconsciously too loud to him, he blocks them to not hurt them involuntarily. So it wasn’t a surprise when he felt a subtle spark of content and joy coming from the small child-like spirit resting in her colleague arms.
“The small tuttelage is waking up” John monotonesly says as he floats closer to Dianna, who instead changes her embrace and slowly cradles the white strands of hair out of his face. 
The rest of the members surround the amazonian in a small murmur, the small spirit slowly blinks awake, his green luminous eyes slowly scan and roam around the group, as to ponder who are they. But seeing to many people surrounding him makes him panic; whimpering in reaction, a soft thing, barely even a noise. His left hand grips harder onto her, but his right hand claws at his own abdomen, as if to cut himself off. As if to it hurt. As if he knows what would happen if he moved. As if he knew something wasn’t allowed to be.
“Don’t”  Dianna gently pries his hand away, achingly, painfully, finger by finger and starts caressing his hair making him relax a bit. The small one whimpers, looking over to Dianna in worry, John understands these feelings. The fear and uncertainty is clear in his eyes, so he telepathically sends the small spirit a warm welcome and tells him that he’s safe and no longer in danger. To not fear them. As they will protect him.
“Martian!” exclaims the spirit in wonder awe, as he looks for him, the small child shines when he founds him, his face glows in a mix of freckles that shine a luminescent glow.
“Martian!” It exclaimed again, in broken up english. The small child tried to sit up but ends up slipping down, huffing tiredly in the arms of the amazonian “tired” it murmured. A small pout, John pities the small sprit. Putting his hand in a friendly manner that has the kid meeting with his own softly speaks.
“Yes, friend” John clarifies.
Dianna smiles at his friend, adjusting herself, letting Danny lay his head on her chest, gaining his attention back.
“All of us are friends, you are to be safe here with us” says the Amazonian, rubbing a hand up and down his back as she watches him over. 
John already starts talking to the small sprite as if they were long time friends. Superman and the Flash coming closer as to talk to the small sprite as well. She begins to sing a lullaby, a lilting of Themyscira old stories and myth, just for him. As to welcome him.
‘She’s safe and nice’  Danny wonders ‘she’s mom, she’s safe and protection, am I loved? Loved and cared?’ 
The small child hums at the rhythm. His core barely purring at it. A soft hum. A welcoming. A warm embrace, Home. 
‘I’m at home, safe and loved and ProtectedPROTECTEDsafe!Home…’ 
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sodamnbored · 1 month
Arguing about the death prophecy again:
Jason, finally: No arguing. This time - it’s gonna be me.
Leo, rolling his eyes: Okay, okay. You don’t need to get all NSYNC about it.
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demigods-posts · 3 months
luke fumbling in recruiting percy has to be one of his greatest failures. a beautiful thing the show does regarding luke and percy's relationship is building rapport between them through shared moments like settling into camp, eating meals together, but especially through swordfighting lessons. the swordfighting scene at the beginning of episode 8 not only reveals that percy and luke already share similar beliefs about the fear-based system the gods have cultivated, but it's clear the conversation stays with percy when he fights ares and later calls out zeus on his waning skills as a father and a king. however, luke's plan fell through the moment percy learned that the winged-shoes were meant to drag him to tartarus. not only that, but the shoes nearly killed grover, a friend percy cared for deeply. if nourishing loyalty and trust was the key to ensuring a partnership with percy, then it was luke's faulty planning, arrogance, and impatience that cost him the greatest ally he could ask for.
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pbnmj · 1 year
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i deserve a spider-woman nepal..... miles doesn't have to be the only teen spider with a terrible bisexual mentor (enter my own sketches of the world's most annoying spiderperson, who i fling towards pavitr, complete with a design that's subject to change)
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olderthanthegods · 2 years
Annabeth Chase ran away on her own at seven. Annabeth Chase offered to stay in the underworld so her friend she had only known for a month could save his mom. Annabeth Chase held up the literal sky. Annabeth Chase led a quest knowing she was going to lose someone, but knowing the quest had to happen to save her camp. Annabeth Chase held Kronos, the king of the Titans, at a standstill with a knife. Annabeth Chase took a knife that would’ve killed Percy, purely on instinct. Annabeth Chase survived Tartarus. Put some respect on Annabeth Chase’s name 👏🏼
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