#demisexual aziraphale
Hello dears, thank you for this service you provide for the fandom. It really makes finding fics so much easier!
I am not in search of a particular fic, but I do have a theme.
See, I love Good Omens fics that explore more so the mentality and personal intricacies of Crowley and Aziraphale as they fall in love. Physical attraction in a relationship is important, yes, but it seems that all I can find is smut with a bit of story. I want to read something that shows they falling in love with the others mind.
If you have anything of the sort, please do tell me. I hope you have a lovely day!
Hi! General tags on AO3 or this blog you will want to check out for fics like this are #demisexual aziraphale, #demisexual crowley, and #falling in love (you can also exclude explicit fics from the AO3 search if you want to avoid smut completely). Here are some to start you off...
Sudden and Surprising Moments of Overwhelming Affection by darcylindbergh (G)
Aziraphale has not shut up in thirty-four minutes. Crowley’s been counting.
Dearest Diary (The History of an Angel an a Demon) by MadisonAvenue (G)
Entries from Aziraphale's personal diary that recounts his relationship with the Demon Crowley and how it's changed overtime.
heaven is not fit to house a love like you and I by stellarpoint (T)
While Crowley set about getting drunk, Aziraphale’s eyes drifted over to the newly-engaged couple, now embracing. The woman dabbed at her tears with a napkin and the man watched her, utterly smitten despite her smudged eyeliner. Crowley followed Aziraphale’s line of sight just in time to see the man kiss the woman. Crowley wrinkled his nose. “‘s a weird custom, isn’t it?” “Hm?” “The whole—” Crowley gestured at the couple, “—kissing business. It’s a bit weird, isn’t it?” Aziraphale frowned. “I don’t know about that.” Crowley was feeling a little tipsy and a lot philosophical—narrowly averting the apocalypse will do that to a demon—and decided to press the point. “Like, what is it about mouths that makes it so nice? Mouths are weird. Humans don’t even have forked tongues. They can’t even do anything fun.” He looked at Aziraphale. Aziraphale looked back, his cheeks faintly pink. Or: Five times Crowley thinks about kissing, and one time he thinks about kissing Aziraphale.
As Time Goes By by EdosianOrchids901 (T)
As their feelings for each other grow, Crowley and Aziraphale both want to kiss. Unfortunately, all their attempts at kissing are thwarted by inconvenient things like stab wounds. Will they finally get what they want? Or: Five time Crowley or Aziraphale tried to kiss the other, and one time they did.
These fragments I have shored against my ruins by HolRose (T)
At the Tadfield air base, as the threatened End of Days looms over them, the Principality Aziraphale considers his relationship with touch. Or how an angel left on Earth for over six millennia copes with an increasingly human-like need for sensory stimulation, and alongside this, his growing attachment to his hereditary enemy.
love like yours (will surely come my way) by CCs_World (T)
Dr Zira Fell is a new professor of theology at St Beryl's University. His first day there he meets the mysterious and enchanting Dr AJ Crowley, an art history professor and a painter. They almost immediately become friends, and spend most of their time getting lunch together, talking, drinking wine, making art, and falling slowly in love with one another. Featuring cameos of everyone's favorite (and least favorite) characters, gratuitous descriptions of paintings, long text messaging conversations, and one cranky cat.
- Mod D
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phantomram-b00 · 8 months
Hey remember this poll I did? Well I thought or others like thumbnails before I continued. What do you guys think? (It still the same thing as the wip but I wonder if another like pose would be better)
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abbybubbls · 2 years
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Demisexual Aziraphale and demisexual Crowley rights
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brainwormcity · 10 months
I like to think of Crowley as a demisexual virgin. Like, obviously he appears on the surface to be sex on legs. He's the epitome of tall, dark and handsome. Plus, he's got that goddamn walk... And you know he's definitely had occasion. It would be nearly impossible for him to not have been propositioned at least once in 6,000 years, given his job.
Most of his existence has been spent in places where 'sin' breeds. Bars, bathhouses and brothels, just for a start, and we've seen that (at the very least) human women are attracted to him. (I.e. Nazi spy lady and also Mrs. Sandwich) But absolutely nothing can convince me that he has ever even considered sleeping with anyone who has propositioned him.
We all know he has a secret very romantic streak and I think that for him sensuality is likely very tied into that. The one person he's ever loved has been sitting to his right for millennia and if you think for one second that he'd want that sort of intimacy with anyone else, I'd say you're wrong. Who needs a one night stand when you can spend the evening drinking wine with your angel? However, if things between he and Aziraphale were to heat up, I'm certain that the eroticism that has eluded him for his entire existence would hit him and vavoom, it would all start to make sense. Also, this look?
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p4nishers · 1 year
lets not forget, it was crowley's first kiss too. his very first fucking kiss ever.
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inhonoredglory · 6 months
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Happy Ace Day to the love story 6000 years in the making!! 🖤🤍💜
"I wouldn't exclude the ideas that they are ace, or aromantic, or trans." –Neil Gaiman (source)
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black-ak9 · 4 months
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Oooooh love, ooooh lover boooy~
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freebagels · 1 year
Crowley and Aziraphale are just like me cuz I also would not care much if I stayed a virgin for over 6000 years
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suzypfonne · 11 months
Crowley is Azisexual
Aziraphale is Crowleysexual
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Ok so hear me out...
Angels are angels*, not humans. But when they go down/up to earth they are issued human bodies. Fully functional** human bodies. They don't age, they don't get sick, they don't need to eat, drink, or sleep. But they CAN do all these things. They can even get drunk, though with the option to sober up on command.***
They don't feel hunger, but their taste buds are working normally, as evidenced by Aziraphale when introduced to the taste of the ox.
Now imagine... Aziraphale and Crowley in their shared South Downs cottage. Their relationship romantic, but not sexual. Because they love each other, but neither of them has ever felt sexual attraction or sexual desire.****
But what if...
What if, one day, Aziraphale decides he'd like to try it. (Oh come on, we all know that HE would be the one.) Just to see how it feels. And then he feels it, and he likes it, he likes it very much, and we all know once he's got the taste he's gonna devour Crowley the same way he devoured the ox.
And what if Crowley just goes along with it, not because he wants or needs it, but because there's nothing he likes more than to indulge his hedonistic angel. And then he gets his mind blown. He never knew that there was something that could make you feel so good.
And suddenly they both know that it's worth making an effort.
What then, hm? What then?
*= including fallen angels a. k. a. demons
**= to quote Data
***= Also, I am a 100% convinced that even though they eat & drink all the time, neither of them has ever had to use the bathroom.
****= Queerplatonic Crowley & Aziraphale are valid.
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aziraphales-library · 4 months
Hello there! Happy Spring! I’ve spent almost the last year working on a Good Omens AU and was hoping to share it here. I also wanted to shout about how wonderful the readers have been. This fandom is amazing. Thanks for what you do to keep everyone informed of the great stories out there.
The fic is finally complete. It’s a fake marriage fic with Aziraphale as a romance author and Crowley as his gardener. Crowley is demisexual.
Congratulations! I do hope you are proud of yourself!
and now all of my garden is grown in lavender by ilikeblue for the_moonmoth [Rated E, 72K words]
Popular queer romance author, A.Z. Fell, has been lying about having a husband and a happy marriage for years. Longing to escape a string of failed relationships and looking for a fresh start, Aziraphale moves into the cottage left to him by his Great Aunt Agnes. When a TV adaptation of one of his books leads to sudden popularity and throws him into the limelight, his fans (and the press) are eager to catch a glimpse of Aziraphale's own mysterious leading man. Unfortunately, he still has to cast someone for that role. Enter the handsome gardener…
Under Crowley's meticulous care the cottage's neglected garden slowly comes back to life, and Aziraphale finds himself writing the most important love story he'll ever write: his own
-Mod AB
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lonlylook · 4 months
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crowley is demisexual guys he told me so
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mad-aims · 4 months
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Together. 💛
Happy Pride! 🌈
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hivemindofevilbats · 6 months
I keep seeing posts that are like "crowley is azirasexual" "aziraphale is crowleysexual"...
You guys know this is a thing right? Demisexuality exists, you know that? Right? RIGHT?
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phantomram-b00 · 8 months
I’m curious. Should I finish this WIP? (Does it count as participating in the smut war???) either way it kinda grew on me, so I wonder:
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