#depending on how i feel i did during the test
harmoonix · 9 days
Evening Astrology💜
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✨️If everyone feels fucked up these days, an eclipse is coming very soon and at this point eclipses are more annoying than Mercury Retrogade. So things will go crazy ✨️ xd
Mercury in the 12th house natives can understand things that others don't, and that makes them more authentic
Mercury in Libra or Cancer can really understand how it feels to be the neddy of a person and, at the same time, trying to understand how relationships work
Because Venus is the most lustful planet, Venus in the 5th/7th/12th houses tend to really expose their desires pretty early in a relationship
Lacking earth placements in a chart can be an indicator for lacking stability, in all topics. I know how it is so bad, my only earth placement in my chart is my Capricorn Sun..Because planets are rarely in earth signs during January, so yeah, it makes sense 😭😭
Let's also talk about how Aquarius Risings can't do a proper 7th house persona chart since their 7th house is ruled by the Sun, which does not have its own persona chart. But it's fine because persona charts are something only pop astrologers use, we are safe from that shit
Have you guys seen that every time you have planets in transit with your 6th house, you tend to get sick or feel unwell? Especially if Mars transits your 6th house
Venus in the 10th house also Scorpio/Taurus/Libra in the 10th house tend to be sexualized a lot..at work, in the public...by strangers
Gemini Moons/Venus,are so good to hang out with like they have that type of good humor but also that chill in them. Appreciation to them
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Mars is so harsh - talking in Gemini, since Mars is a violent planet and Gemini rules over the talking and communication can really create natives with more anger in their talk and may have a tendency to scream a lot same to Mars in the 3rd house
Sun/Moon/Rising in Taurus can be prone to be good financially , but if they are harsh - aspecting, they can get greedy about money
Sometimes, Sagittarius Placements will know the truth about a situation and will hide it from you until you see it with your own eyes. Well, unless Sagittarius Mars shows up
Lilith in your 10th house or Capricorn can have lots of family trauma especially with the father, I know some of them that have even been bullied or judged by their fathers
Cancer/Moon in the 7th house placements are so good if you are into those more sensible/soft/romantic/quiet partners applying to both genders
Gemini and Sagittarius will make their presence known in a group by talking the loudest 😭 especially screaming in your face!! I did hear youuuu
Mercury in Air signs, in my opinion, type messages so fast. Like you send them a message, they reply the next second.. I love faster replies too
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Aquarius Venus,in a way like to maintain their relationship healthy/good because they don't really have time for all the drama
Venus in the 6th house can give a busy partner/overworking, you can feel like you spend less time together because of the work you do
Mercury trine/sextile/conjuct Sun opens the creative side of the native more easily when in square or opposite gives a stressful time for the native to find their creative side
You may not get along with people who have their LIlith sign in the same house as your SUN (Tested this for me is 100% true) Makes you total enemies, fighting to death
In a trio of friendship won't work if someone between you 3 has bad aspects to their 11th house ruler can be an indictor that may feel out of that friendship
Jupiter in the 1st house makes you to improve your knowledge over things, makes you wiser with the age, spiritual, empath (really depends on the Jupiter sign)
Sabrina Carpenter has a Libra mars, a good indicator that she can be really impatient with her lovers and relationships, she may also try to be the dominant one but may fail to do that
Neptune/Chiron/Saturn in the 1st house natives can often have skin issues, allergies, maybe even different skin conditions, sensitive skin placements
Mercury in the Aries/Sagittarius/Virgo/Scorpio/Capricorn tend to talk dirty a lot, especially if Mercury sits in their 3rd/7th or 11th houses of communication
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North Node in your 1st house is such a self - discovery placement. You really need to discover who you really are. Without falling for what others say or think about you
Pluto in the 1st house natives these natives may often struggle with the control, even with taking control in their lives sometimes
Pluto in the 11th house, talks about really intense relationships with people within your friends group or whenever you meet someone. You just feel intense
I don't like how people talk about Sagittarius Venus, I heard people saying that is a bad Venus sign?? Well, it is ruled by Jupiter, so i do not consider this Venus specifically being bad, just like Pisces Venus.
Something very funny about Virgo Venus is that they won't show that they're in love unless the other person shows that. Is like they wait for the other person to say 'I love you' first
Mercury in the 6th/11th houses can be good activists/using their voice to help others, this like a collective helping placement
If you have your ascendant ruler in the sign of Pisces, you really tend to be an empath. This lover energy surrounding you
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Harsh aspects between Lilith and Moon or Venus can indicate that the native may struggle to feel compassion/feelings/emotions sometimes
Sun in the 8th house can talk about knowing other's people secrets/privately knowing something good or bad about a specific person
Having North Node in the 3rd house can talk about having the power to adapt and change, and mental growth is important for them
Sagittarius Risings can sometimes be lucky without even realizing that. As a sign of them not paying attention to their luck
Ascendant square Venus can have a hard time to love themselves, which is totally fine because self-love should be learned step by step, not overnight
Having Neptune close to your Sun or Ascendant can make you to ignore your beauty/to make illsuions about it, soemtimes to create a dislike feeling. Everyone is beautiful in their own ways x Neptune is messing up with the mind sometimes
Having little to no aspects to your Midheaven can indicate struggling to find a career or a good job for you. Being indecisive about it.
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🤎🍂 Hope you all have a beautiful evening x🤎
~Harmoonix 🤎🤎🤎
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nohoney · 1 year
“What’s my favorite bread?” You ask your boyfriend during early morning cuddles. It’s warm inside the blanket and Bakugou’s hand is idly petting your hair.
“Croissants. Specifically almond and only from that bakery that’s 20 minutes from the house.” Bakugou answers without a beat of hesitation. “That and brioche. French bread only when you wanna have that gross balsamic dip.”
“How do I like my tea?” You fire off another question, waiting for him to see if he’ll get it right.
“Depends on the tea. Green tea, you’ll only do lemon and honey. Early grey and black tea, a little bit of vanilla creamer and some sugar. Oolong tea, you’ll have it plain.” Once again Bakugou answers your question without fumbling over any of his words.
It makes your heart fond over him but you still want to ask more questions. “What’s my favorite kind of chair?”
“Rocking. Baby, what’s with all the questions?” Bakugou asks gruffly but with no particular annoyance in his voice either. His hand still pets over your head and his eyes look up to the ceiling. Sunshine pours through the window and he sees particles of dust float in the air. “Feels like you’re testing me or somethin’ about if I know you.”
You shrug your shoulders and answer him, “Just wanna see if you pay attention to the things I like. Y’know the last guy I was with, I was with him for more than six months and he didn’t remember when my birthday was even though his and mine were literally a week apart. And then one time he got me flowers and he got me the ones that literally break me out in a rash even though I said a million times what to never get me.”
Bakugou’s hand stops petting your head and he starts to sit up in bed. You follow his movement, sitting back a little and finding the expression on your boyfriend’s face amusing. “What exactly did this loser know about you then? Since he was forgetting all the important things.”
“He knew my go to order for McDonald’s.” You answer as you pull your knees up to your chest and pull the blanket more towards you to cover yourself. “Medium fries and ten pieces nuggets.”
“That’s wrong because it’s actually large fries and twenty piece nuggets.” Bakugou corrects you and you laugh a little knowing that he got you. “And everyone likes nuggets and fries from McDonald’s, that’s hardly anything intimate.”
It makes you laugh that he calls you out but for Bakugou, he frowns a little that you had wasted your time with a guy that didn’t bother to know you at all. He leans back against the headboard and asks you, “What about me? How do I take my coffee?”
“At the agency, you’ll just have plain black coffee. When you go to coffee shops though, you’ll have a dirty chai with soy milk.” You answer him, remembering the first time you and him had coffee together.
He nods his head and asks, “What’s my least favorite vegetable?”
“Brussels sprouts. They’re basically mini cabbages and you hate cabbage too.” The answer comes out easily and as fast as he answered you too.
“Books? What do I like?” He asks, thinking this one might trip you up.
“Sci-fi books, but I know that you’re a sucker for classics literature. I see the Jane Austen books on your shelf.” You tell him.
Bakugou nods his head, equally impressed with your knowledge about him. Then he shoots back, “What’s my McDonald’s order?”
“Spicy deluxe McCrispy with two orders of medium fries. Bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit with three hash browns when you’re hungover.”
He smiles at you, reaching his hand out to ruffle your hair and chuckling when you smack his hand away. “I could take all this info and leak it, you know? Pro Hero Dynamight’s McDonald’s order: this is what he eats!” You laugh at your stupid joke, “Imagine the brand deal that comes your way.”
“First of all, that’s only for you to know.” Bakugou tuts and starts to leave the bed, reaching down onto the floor for his underwear he flung off his body when the two of you got frisky last night, “Second, the last guy you were with was a dipshit for not learning anything about you.”
“Yeah well, I was an even bigger idiot for staying with him for more than half a year.” You sigh as you also move to leave the bed as well. Bakugou’s shirt is found right on your side of the bed so you end up wearing it instead of finding your own sleeping top you intended to sleep in the night before.
Bakugou snorts and you round your way up over to him, giving him a big smile and bumping your hip against him, “Good thing I traded up.”
He leans down to kiss you, smiling into the kiss and not even bothering to hide how you stroked his ego just a little bit.
“My favorite breakfast?” You ask him,
“Aside from my dick?” Bakugou pretends to be hurt when you punch his arm before giving the correct answer, “Overnight oats and waffles.”
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organize your week like this to be closer to the best version of yourself
i interpret the process of becoming our best version as climbing a ladder, on each step, we learn something new that serves us, and the next we complement it with something new, and so on until we reach the end and after many small habits we have become that version we wanted to be. little by little we are learning and although sometimes it is complicated to climb because of the adversities that may arise we can always take up the path again and put into practice what we have learned. that said, today i want to share a method that i have created to organize our habits and thus fulfill them more effectively and feel motivated. in this post i will only present some examples, you have to apply it to your own situation and my recommendation is to start now even with small habits that will be the ones that will lead you to success. i recommend that you try it for this week and write down your results, if it has worked for you keep using this "organization method" and adding new habits or increasing its time.
organize by categories.
create groups to categorize the habits you want to implement in your life, for example like this (the habits are examples, use your own)
🌿 health (body and nutrition)
10 minutes of exercise every day
30 minutes of walking every day
drink a lot more water
start eating consciously
one self-care day a week, for example on friday. we can take this day more relaxed and take more care of ourselves, dedicate more time to our personal and mental care.
do massage with the quartz roller and gua sha
make an appointment for nails, hairdresser, spa, eyelashes or even go to a coffee shop with yourself.
use a face mask and hair mask
🌿 personal growth
read 10 pages a day
listen to personal growth podcasts or audiobooks (choose one and listen to it all week long)
choose an affirmation and write it down every day
record in a diary or an app your mood and what you did during the day.
create a to-do list of what you will do for the day (the night before)
choose a video of affirmations and listen to it every day at a time that suits you best
🌿 studies
study about what you are studying or training for.
dedicate e.g. 20-30 minutes each day to study or review.
study a new language, 15 minutes a day, 5 days a week.
🌿 hobbies
1 - 2 hours to what you enjoy doing (depends on the day and your schedule)
you can write down in a notebook the groups you want to choose for yourself and then the habits you are going to implement, even if they are very small, for example 5 minutes of daily exercise, that is a good start.
to stay focused and not fall into old habits we can also replace the old habits with new ones that we want to implement in this way.
old habit: too much time on instagram new habit: reading or listening to an audiobook while i take a walk. or even just 15 minutes of social media a day.
other examples:
drinking soda or alcoholic beverages > drinking a lot more water and starting to drink natural juices.
watch a lot of series on netflix (or any streaming platform) > read or listen to podcasts/audiobooks that nourish my mind.
overthinking, worrying > meditating for about 5 minutes
lying in bed without doing anything > organizing my room
think in negative > think about the things you would like to happen to you
other tips to connect with your best version
write in your diary how you would act, be and what habits your best version would have. this will give you clarity about what you want and you will feel closer to that because you will know how to act.
establish small habits to start with and take it as a kind of game or test during this week. don't push yourself too hard.
at times when you don't know how to act or react, think about how your best version would act and what it would do.
write down things you are proud of or would like to be proud of.
if you are easily distracted or do not know what to do at any given moment, set alarms to know what to do at that moment.
if you use social media a lot, set a limit of use.
choose habits that you know you will be able to do easily, that will make you gain confidence and little by little establish those habits in which you have procrastinated or which are more difficult for you.
think big, open yourself to the possibilities that life offers you every day and keep a positive attitude towards any situation.
apps i recommend: habit: it serves to keep track of your habits and also get organized, it's a kind of to-do list. daylio: you can record your mood, what you did during the day and your habits, it also allows you to write and add photos. it is very complete, it can be used as a digital diary. notion: to get organized.
duolingo: if you want to learn a language a few minutes a day will be enough. i learned a lot of grammar in english thanks to this, which works if you practice daily.
and as always my blog is about this and there will be many more related posts in addition to the existing ones, all to be our best version 🤍 in fact if you try it i would love to know your results.
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brucewaynehater101 · 1 month
Tim with hannaki disease
spending his childhood choking on flowers
Barely able to breathe rejection after rejection
Jason is attacking him at the tower and he can’t stop coughing out flowers
when dick gives Damian Robin, Tim leaves the cave spitting out petals
imagine if he died of suffocation during the Bruce quest
Fuck. I love hanahaki disease.
Tw: death, blood, asphyxiation, fictional disease, dead body description, gore
For those of y'all unaware, it's a completely fictional disease where having unrequited love results in the person growing flowers in their chest. It's usually romantic, but I prefer the platonic versons (especially child-parent angst, holy fuck).
I've seen two types of hanahaki:
The love is actually unrequited
The person only perceives the love as being unrequited
Either way, the progression is as follows:
Person coughs up one petal
They start coughing up more and usually blood
They cough up an entire blossom
They die trying to cough up the entire flower (blossom and stem)
There are four outcomes to hanahaki disease, depending on what rules you are working with:
Love becomes requited
Person dies
They have a surgery to remove their ability to have feelings
They lose (voluntarily or not) their memories about their unrequited love
Some people play with flower meanings of the petals being coughed up. I fucking love those versions so much.
Let's get into the AU! The timeline is mine to fuck around with, so excuse any non-canon progressions.
Tim has chronic hanahaki disease from his parents. They visit often enough to quell the worst symptoms and mitigate the damage, but they don't stick around enough (or show enough constant attention) for the petals to go away.
Janet once asked Tim if he'd like to get the surgery. Tim said no. Janet respected that choice and never asked again even though Tim was like nine at the time. It also becomes a fear of his. He wakes up in cold sweat at the phantom idea of just not being able to love anyone. It terrifies him, even if the feeling of asphyxiation is the only other option.
When Janet dies and Tim becomes Robin, he does his best to hide his condition from Bruce. It worsens, from the way Tim adores and loves the Bats, but Tim manages.
It's a rough few years, but slowly, the ice begins to melt. The Waynes show Tim more and more affection. YJ also shower him in so much care to the point that Tim has days of uninterrupted breathing.
It's a novel but welcome feeling.
Jack waking up from the coma complicates shit. His condition worsens again, but it's manageable.
Until Tim's sixteenth birthday.
The teen will never admit, but that test nearly fucking killed him. Bruce never finds out how close he was to killing his Robin, but Tim knows. He'll never forget how thorns scraped along his throat at the idea that he can't trust anyone. He'll never rid himself of the intimate knowledge of how blossoms taste in his mouth and the sickly sweet smell of blood mixed with flower petals.
Tim has to quit Robin, for his safety, health, and as a "fuck you" to Bruce, but realizes he can't keep in contact with Dick, Alfred, or Barbara without it. He can't contact his team.
He has to go back, so he does.
Tim's not sure if it's better or worse that Bruce didn't know about the hanahaki. If the man did, would he still have done the test? Due to him never showing remorse or guilt for his actions, the teen doesn't know.
The question pesters him even when his dad finds out about Robin.
It plagues him through Steph becoming Robin and dying.
It festers into his bones when, while wearing those same damn colors, he hears his father die.
That is one or many reasons "Uncle Eddie" was created.
Tim can't quite trust Bruce, but he finds himself still loving the father-like figure in his life. He finds himself forgiving him. He leans into the hair ruffles, shoulder pats, and gruff words of affection. He lets himself be loved.
Then, an undead asshole in a gleaming red bucket comes to kick Tim's ass. The teen can't help but laugh at the way his life bounces between breathing and dying at the drop of a hat.
He's just barely able to hide the flowers from both Red Hood and the Titans.
A little assassin appears, and each attack brings a petal.
Each new death hampers Tim's ability to breathe. Tim tries, but it's so fucking hard. How is he supposed to live without them?
With the ticklish scrape of petals, Tim doesn't think he's supposed to.
Bruce isn't dead. Tim knows, with every fiber of his being, that Bruce can't be dead. Tim won't survive if he is.
Even if Tim loses everything, even if these damn fucking flowers consume him, at least his death will have a purpose.
That's what he tells himself as he lies in a pool of blood beneath the stars. The sand at his back is soft in comparison to the stem piercing his throat and tongue. The sound of his choking is joined by the bubbling wheezing of Pru.
Ra's peers down at the body already set with rigor mortis. Tim's jaw is pried apart by a bouquet of yellow carnations dripping in blood.
The demon head hums at the sight, a dangerous gleam to his eyes. With the flick of a hand, two assassins grab the young detective's corpse. The other three bodies are taken as well.
Tim's eyes fling open as the teen gasps for air.
It's wrong. It's wrong. It's all wrong. He's empty.
He's surrounded in green.
Oh fuck.
For awhile, Tim just soaks in the soft expansion of his lungs. He marvels at their capability.
He can't remember a time when he's been able to breathe so easily. It's enchanting and allots the teen a giddy sort of relief.
Through the destruction of both the Spiders and the LoA, he finds himself taking small moments to just breathe. It's a simple joy he can't help but partake in.
Tim logically knows there's a price. His breaths cost him, though he doesn't know their price. He should be dead and buried within the flowers.
He is neither.
He is alive. He is free (from the petals. It takes him a little bit to become free of Ra's).
Tim brushes aside these valid and alarming concerns to focus on his goals: escape, take down Ra's, and derail whatever retaliation occurs.
So that's what Tim does. He ignores the insistent sense of wrongness and focuses on the task at hand. He coordinates his friends and family. He faces down Ra's. He gets kicked out of a window.
With a grim smile, his body goes lax and his eyes flutter shut
He's done.
When Tim springs up from unconsciousness, Steph's voice reassures him he's safe. She tells him he's in the batcave.
The tension to bleeds from his body as Damian mutters a demand. Tim's eyes dart from Robin to Batgirl to Batman (Dick) to Alfred.
That sinking feeling of wrongness returns.
Dick's eyes are trained on the teen as he asks Tim, "How did you know I'll be there to save you?"
It's obvious the man is worried. It's obvious he's so fucking glad he caught his younger brother.
The lie falls from Tim's lips as smooth as any truth, "You're my brother, Dick. You'll always be there for me."
Dick's face brightens with fond relief.
Tim watches. He observes the reactions of his older brother. He catalogs the effect of his words on the man he's admired and loved for thirteen years.
He notes all of this.
And he feels nothing.
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dreameralive · 3 months
i think one of the most noteworthy things about Blaise that i haven't really seen anyone discuss is his tendency to liken others to children, his weaponization of it, its relation to him being a child abuser, and its relation to his defeat.
one of his first lines of dialogue, before he even introduces himself, is him humiliating Franziska by calling her 'little von Karma', and then bringing up something retroactively embarrassing she did as a little girl.
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he frames this as genuine nostalgia, but to me, it's pretty clear this was a purposeful, and almost sadistic, powerplay.
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there's also these lines. these aren't too strange, out of context - "let's all play nice" is a relatively common phrase, and in the second screenshot where he's discussing Kay and Edgeworth's friendship, they are literally youths (well, compared to him). but in context, it's clear that this is part of him attempting to assert his dominance over everyone else.
he wants to let everyone know that he is the adult here, and all they are is children - and thereby, they are completely powerless to his end-all authority, so they shouldn't even bother attempting to resist. this is further emphasized during his logic chess segment.
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he calls Edgeworth 'my boy', he reminds him that he is his 'senior in life', he tells him he's being naïve. he threatens to never give back his prosecutors badge if he doesn't stop trying to question his authority. he asks him, mockingly, if he's scared. then, while grinning, he tells him that there is nothing he can do, and he should give up already.
he once again, more blatantly this time, is attempting to force someone else into accepting that they are the weaker party and that he could do anything he pleased to them, and once again, he is weaponizing the societal power imbalance between a child and an adult to do so.
i could go on and on for a while with more examples of this, but then that would make this post really long and rambly. so, instead, i'm going to discuss what his behavior ultimately results in.
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this is probably one of the most disturbing interactions in Ace Attorney.
he does this purely so Sebastian will feel humiliated and ashamed in front of his colleagues, people he respects and who in turn are supposed to respect him. he does this to remind Sebastian that he is his father, and Sebastian is his child. to Blaise, that means he has complete control over him. and until this point? he actually does.
he has controlled every aspect of Sebastian's life to be exactly how he wants it. his path in life, his school, his tests - even Sebastian's constant usage of his surname serves as a reminder that Sebastian's only purpose to his father is to be an extension of him, a tool to feed into his ego. an object. something he owns.
note how, in their sprites, Sebastian is typically tilting his head slightly downwards, and in his crying sprites, he's leaning down. meanwhile Blaise stands high, and in his grinning sprites, his head is tilted up, as to literally look down on the person he's talking to.
but in the end, right before Blaise is convicted, right as Blaise tells him he should just remain his idiot son, Sebastian is looking up as he tells him goodbye. a way of saying that he's not beneath him, and he won't let him act like it anymore.
Blaise is immediately infuriated by this, and says all you've ever been able to do is depend on me. he screams Sebastian's name in anger - but it's cut off.
in fact, there is no more dialogue from Blaise after this. because he has no more authority, no more ability to scare Sebastian or anyone else into submission. in the end, Sebastian has finally taken back his autonomy that Blaise has robbed him of. so has Kay. so has Simon. all of them are children he has mistreated, threatened, and jerked around for his own selfish gain, but ultimately, they all still have more power over their own lives than he ever will again.
there's a lot more i could say on this, but these are all my thoughts i could organize. thanks for reading.
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kyuuviix · 4 months
NSFW Alphabet
Laios Touden from Dungeon Meshi / Delicious in Dungeon
let's go lol
afab reader guys
A - Aftercare. what're they like after sex?
- this man is so fucking sweet with you. whether you were the one taking control or you were the one on the bottom, he's quick to comfort you. he has an entire mental checklist for after you two are done.
one, he immediately starts cleaning you up, whether it's with his tongue or with an actual wash cloth. regardless, you two are going in the shower.
he cleans you up, asks if you want to eat anything, (you usually say no out of wanting to sleep- but either way he'll be stirring something up in the kitchen after massaging you down and crooning you to sleep.)
B - Body part. their favorite part of you and themselves.
- laios loves literally ANYTHING about you. he holds all parts of you dearly to his heart and to memory. though, he loves sliding his hands up your shirt to cup your tits if his hands are cold.
bonus points if that turns into something more.
he often finds himself tweaking with your nipples as well, as if testing their perkiness with a light flick. they're so warm and sensitive, he just can't help it.
same thing with your ass or your stomach, though. he'll rest his hands over your abdomen, letting his fingertips delve under the waistband of your panties. he doesn't mean to tease- usually. he just loves how warm you are.
oh and before i forget- he really likes thigh jobs.
his favorite part about himself is probably his hands. he likes how agile they can be, and with some time and practice, he knows how to make you tick easily with just a couple of fingers.
C - Cum. literally anything to do with cum in general. what's the taste and consistency of theirs, do they like the taste of yours? this one's free game.
- it really depends on what position you guys are in or what you two just engaged in.
doggystyle? he's busting all over your back, sorry bout it. missionary? he's glossing it all over your sloppy clit if it's not already drilled into you.
if, in the scenario that he ends up face fucking you, he'll softly grab your head by your hair, his other hand holding his cock as he smears it allll over your face. he loves how it looks.
his cum tastes REALLLL salty. it melts over your tongue when you lap it off of him, and he cums a fair bit. not too much, not too little.
yours usually gets everywhere. he likes burying his head against the pudge on your stomach and scissoring it out of you with his fingers- just to see how wet you've gotten.
he's proud of himself for pushing you over the edge as many times as he did.
also, since we all know this man is a professional pussy eater, he enjoys the taste too.
D - Dirty Secret. what's something dirty that they've done that'll come to light during sex?
- laios is an open book. everything that comes to light during sex is usually expected.
what can he say? he's a simple man.
E - Experience. how experienced are they?
- he's inexperienced. no experience, like at all. it's not like he hasn't been exposed to it and that he's clueless about everything- but he hadn't done it with anyone before. he often fantasized about losing his first time to you, though.
luckily he did.
F - Favorite Position. how do they like to take you?
- he's not picky. any position really works, but prone bone is probably his favorite. (eugh the name sounds so unappealing.). it's something about the way he's pressed up so tightly against you, how your legs kick up and flail while he humps his hips down against your ass.
he can't help it- you sound so cute getting pumped full in this position! he can't be mean to you through his words, he's too soft for you, but damn, he'll express it through his thrusts. you can tell he's close when his hips are dragging against your bruised ass, his heavy torso slabbed on your back.
he starts whining a lot, a free hand parting your hair out of your face as he starts incoherently rambling about how good you feel.
he loves that position a little too much.
(bonus! he also adores the cowgirl position, only when he's sitting up though so he can shove his head in your tits.)
G - Goofy. are they more serious in the moment, or more relaxed and humorous?
- laios is such a big goofball and uses humor often in his day to day life when things get a bit serious.
when you two are doing it, that doesn't really change much. he finds himself falling into it though, he's so lovey dovey that he can't help it.
he talks a lot throughout it, whether he's in that headspace where he's so into it that everything's just pooling out of him, or whether he's chuckling at the way you frown at his fingers moving a bit too slow for you.
tldr; he's a bit goofy.
H - Hair. how well groomed are they?
- he does trim it up a bit here and there, but he never just shaves it all off. it's there for a reason, right? plus, don't think he doesn't notice how your eyes trail down the light dusting of hair that disappears under the band of his boxers.
he's been walking around shirtless way more since he last caught that.
I - Intimacy. what're they like during it? romantically.
- he's so sweet. when he's really deep in, his palms meet your face and your eyes meet his. they're so foggy- but so full of love, if he had a tail, it would be wagging.
he can only nuzzle into your neck and trail sloppy kisses all over you, can only murmur and pant into your ear about how much he loves you, how kind you are and how pretty you look.
he's shamelessly rutting into you, parted lips coated with drool as he huffed into your ear.
"s-ooo pretty..."
he's a lover boy <3
J - Jack off. masturbation hcs.
- he hates it when you're away for long. having you in his vicinity is enough for his needs to go back to normal. but when you're away, he gets incredibly lonely sometimes, and eventually- horny.
he doesn't use your panties to masturbate. he uses that one shirt of his that you basically stole from his closet. he finds it so attractive when you wear his clothes, especially if you wear nothing underneath 'em.
if you're around and he gets the occasional bulge in his pants, he'll just nestle up besides you and press his nose against the shell of your ear, a hand on your hip and the other on your inner thigh.
"can i...get a little bit of help?"
K - Kink. what are they into? what kinks do they have alongside the skeletons in their closet?
- okay, we all already know he has a food kink, that's common knowledge. honey, frosting, whip-cream, maybe melted chocolate, just pour it all over. not too much though, he might need it later.
he likes it when you cry, though, as weirdly out of character that might sound.
in the sense that you're crying out of pure pleasure. it's so much that tears are slipping out of your eyes and running down your face. you're not crying because you're upset, or that something bad happened, you're just crying because you're being stuffed so good right now.
also...okay, maybe a slight breeding kink. very slight. he's kept it from you, but he's obsessed with the idea of having kids with you. he wants to be the best father there is, in comparison to how shit his father treated him. and he sees you as the perfect match for it.
he always did want his own family, so if you'll allow a creampie here and there- he'll be the happiest man in the world.
L - Location. favorite places to get down n dirty???
- he's not a public place typa guy, you'll have to get him REALLY excited for him to get horny enough to fuck you somewhere even semi-public.
the comfort of your house or his is the best in his eyes- though, one time you guys were out on a date in a wide, open field. the sundress you had on was a bit too tempting, and...
spring showers are always nice, right?
M - Motivation. what turns him on? what gets him going?
- over in the jack off section i noted that he loves it when you wear his clothes, right? well, yeah. pull on one of his shirts, unbutton it down a little and wear nothing else, that's the cheat code.
he also likes it when you dote on him here n there, fussing over him and coddling. it just shows that you care a lot for him. also shows that you'll be a perfect mother but whatever.
a quick makeout session never fails to rile him up either, the feel of your hands running through his hair, the way your thighs straddle over the fat on his stomach, god, you're perfect.
oh, also, invite him into the shower. he'll DEFINITELY enjoy that.
N - NO. something they wouldn't do.
- okay, he's obviously against literally anything outlandish, like scat play or piss play or whatever. one thing he can't really stomach is the idea of hurting you during it. like, if you ask him to slap you or something. he'll definitely be against the idea for a while until you convince him to try it after more reassurance.
he's also somewhat against gags, he just loves being able to hear you- if you're coherent enough in the first place. he wants to kiss you, slip his tongue in your mouth, hear your moans and pleas, and a gag stops all of that.
O - Oral. do they prefer giving, receiving, what's their skill?
- he's absolutely obsessed with eating you out. the way you hump upwards into his lips, the way your walls clamp and squeeze around his fingers and tongue. even the perspective he's looking at you from is absolutely delightful.
your slickness usually ends up coating a whole lot of his face, from the nose down- and he's hooked. you make the ranking on his top ten favorite things to eat.
sit on this man's face, please. he'll praise you for doing so, especially when you take control and start mindlessly riding and humping down on his lips. get lost in it, truly, he loves it.
he prefers eating you out, but when you decide to go down on him and suck him off, it's almost unfair to pit them against each other- your mouth is amazing.
you do this thing where you lull your tongue over the veins around his frenulum, suckling slowly as you progress down to his balls, taking one into your mouth.
your hands simultaneously jerk at him as you play tricks with your tongue.
the obscene noises clicking out of his throat tells you enough about how he's liking it.
P - Pace. are they fast n rough, or slow and sensual?
- it always depends on how needy either of you get. he likes taking time with you, and will start out slow and and sensual, after all- he doesn't want to hurt you.
but sometimes he finds himself getting a bit too excited. maybe specifically after finding something or experimenting with a flower that's sex pollen adjacent, he'll be all on you the moment he comes home.
if he's been away from home for a while? he's all over you.
and he's usually way faster. instead of being handsy with you and dragging the foreplay out, he's desperate, thumbing your panties to the side and sinking himself into you quickly.
Q - Quickie. how often? how do they feel about them?
- he's not against them, but the only time you guys do quickies is if he's going somewhere soon or you're going somewhere soon. he wants to spend his time with you during sex.
R - Risk. do they like experimenting, or taking risks?
- at first, yeah, he's down. he needs to know what you like to please you, right? he's happy to know what excites you and turns you on. one of the things he's definitely willing to try out is bondage.
he thinks it'd be fun- not just in the sexual aspect.
S - Stamina. how many rounds can he last? what's his stamina like?
- alright, this is where it gets a bit tricky. his stamina is finicky, it depends on how needy he is- so maybe a good 2-3 rounds?
he usually tries his best to keep up with your sex drive, so if you want more, you'll get more.
if he hadn't seen you for like months, expect a solid night of passion, so maybe around 4 rounds?
T - Toys. is he game to use toys? does he own any, does he use them on you?
- he ORIGINALLY didn't have any... the ones he does have are because of you- not that he bought them, but you bought some FOR him.
you will never forget how rosy his cheeks burned when you waved around a strap-on with a smirk on your face.
he'll admit, he was curious. so you two tried it.
best thing ever.
his brain is melting as your hips meet the curve of his ass yet again, the silicone material angling against that weakened spot in his walls.
he clenches his teeth once more, oh, it hurts but it feels like heaven.
he's got an elbow propped up against the mattress, his dominant hand pumping his runny cock with another weak cry.
"wowww, you're dripping everywhere. you really like this, don't you?"
he can only respond with a dry huff, spit dribbling over the plump skin on his bottom lip.
"f-feels soo goooood..."
laios' voice is breaking with each word, poor thing sounds like he's nearly crying.
it brings a new high of excitement to the both of you...and something (laios) tells you this isn't gonna be the last time you use this.
U - Unfair. how often do they tease you?
- often. this is like, one of his favorite things to do. around the house, in the shower, it's insane how badly this man wants you.
while you guys are watching something, he'll pull you onto his lap and let his hands play with you, and sometimes you'll feel a weird poking sensation against your ass and then you connect the dots.
while relaxing, he'll sink his teeth into the soft fat of your thighs- just for fun! he likes biting you, just because you're so warm and any part of you feels perfect against his teeth.
while you're doing anything, he'll wrap his arms over your shoulders and pepper kisses over your head. he just loves touching you, sometimes he means to tease, other times he doesn't.
V - Volume. how loud are they?
- whether he's on bottom or top, he makes quite the bit of noise. let's say that there's a line for volume, like a TV. the middle of the bar, 50, is his normal talking voice. 0 is when he's being silent, and 100 is screaming at the top of his lungs.
if he's on top, he's usually like a 40-45. on bottom? easily a 55-60.
now, if you're pegging him, put his head in a pillow and pray. he's so weak to it, he loses his voice sometimes.
this also depends on where you guys are. is his party around? you'll do whatever you can to muffle his moans, because sometimes he just forgets.
in the safety of your house, though??? yeah, that's a wrap.
W - Wild card. any random head cannon?
- he loves it when you play with his nipples while milking him dry, he effectively turns to mush at the feeling of you tweaking and playing with them whilst sloppily jerking him off or playing with his prostate.
oh, especially if you're sucking on them. he's all yours to play with and he's happy to announce that.
same thing with a blowjob, but when you do this thing where you flicker your tongue against his v-line. it sets him on fire.
X - X-ray. what's going on in those pants?
- his cock is pretty girthy. give or take, maybe 3 inches in circumference? 5 inches soft and 6.5-7.5 inches hard?
it leans to the right a little bit and curves upwards when erect.
hey, it's up to your personal interpretation. 😞
Y - Yearning. how high is their sex drive?
usually not high at all. when you're around, the need for such things can dissipate- for a short amount of time. he doesn't know why, but it's probably because your relationship with him is perfect, there's not much of a need for it.
buuuut, that said, he does enjoy it...a lot.
Z - ZZZ. how quickly do they fall asleep?
- if he successfully satiates your sexual needs and follows through with the usual aftercare, he's out like a log. when you go down on him and he finally cums, he's already dozing off.
on the occasion that you both are lazy and just wanna go to sleep after, he flexes his biceps around you tightly and holds you to his chest whilst rubbing soothing patterns on your back. and you two fall into slumber immediately.
sometimes he finds himself still on top of you and tries to roll off, hoping he wasn't bothering you.
but your body protests. you're quick to pull him back over you, mumbling a lazy 'nuh uh, stay.'
a dopey smile spreads over his lower jaw.
yeah, he's gonna be staying for a loooong time.
i really like this one lol ngl lol, uhhh sorry if this is like yk ooc to any of you???
if i read back on this and see any spelling errors i WILL be deleting my entire blog /j
edit: i forgot y. hitting the delete button as we speak
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formula-nyoom · 5 months
Rookie Reflections | LS2
Platonic! Logan Sargent x Rookie!Reader
Summary: Being the only new addition to the grid, it may seem intimidating to try and introduce yourself to the other drivers. Logan remembers exactly what it's like to be the new rookie and doesn't want a repeat of what happened to him to happen to anyone else.
A/N: Pronouns weren’t specified so I tried to keep this as gender neutral as possible. I still haven’t decided if I want to write in 2nd or 3rd person, it really depends on the fic/request. Previous reader inserts I have written have been done in 2nd person so I defaulted to that with this fic, but do let me know which one you prefer. Logan, my favorite driver, I’m glad my first request is for him. Also I have no hate towards Daniel, it just made a lot more sense to me for the reader to take his seat. 
Silly season didn’t come with a lot of shake ups like people expected it to. The only team to switch up their driver line up for the upcoming season was RB, with Daniel being replaced by the newest Formula 2 champion after not delivering the results Red Bull had wanted from him.
You had met Yuki for the first time during the car launch before pre-season testing, but with all the cameras, interviews, and excitement surrounding the new car launch, you were unable to find the time to properly get to know each other. You had hoped to get a chance to maybe sit down with Yuki and get to know your new teammate, but now in Bahrain with all the drivers in one place it seemed that all of them had already split off into their pre-established friend groups that had been built up over years of racing alongside each other, Yuki included. 
That’s the thing with being the only new driver for the season: All the other drivers already knew each other well enough that you felt too intimidated to approach any of them. Going to Formula 2 where you knew almost all the drivers to Formula 1 where you knew no one, it was like being the new kid at school. And that seemed even more evident during the pre-season photoshoot. 
Yuki still had some last bits of data to go over with his engineer so you arrived at the photoshoot without your teammate. While you did arrive early, most of the drivers were already there, either talking with each other or members of their team. A few gave you curious glances, maybe an awkward smile or two, but none felt the need to approach. Not wanting to risk bothering anyone, you decided to find a spot secluded from the various groups of people while you waited for either Yuki to show up or for the photoshoot to start. Maybe when the photographer started to position people for the photos, you could possibly strike up a conversation with whoever was placed near you. But for now, you felt content standing off to the side where no one would really approach you. Or so you thought.
Logan had forgotten something in the Williams garage, making him arrive at the photoshoot after Alex. And while he could have walked over to his teammate, who was currently chatting with George, he noticed you standing off to the side. You were away from everyone to where you wouldn’t get in the way as you scrolled through your phone.
Logan knows that move. He did it many times during his rookie season because of how out of place he felt. But he also wasn’t the only rookie during his season, unlike you who was the only new person to the grid. He can probably guess how nervous or out of place you may seem. Logan knows that feeling. He hates that feeling and wouldn’t wish it on anyone. 
Maybe that’s why he had decided to approach you. Or maybe it was because he didn’t have anyone else to talk to since Alex was busy talking to George, and Oscar was busy talking to Lando. Either way, he thought it was a good idea to introduce himself.
 “Hey,” Logan said, getting your attention. “You’re the new RB driver, right?”
Logan already knew the answer to that question, but he thought that was a better question to ask than pointing out the fact that you’re the new rookie. 
 “Yea, I am.” You said. Guess you were wrong about people not approaching you as you looked at the man standing before you.  
“I’m Logan.” He said, holding out his hand for you to shake. You already knew his name before he introduced himself. Hell, you knew all drivers names on the grid but that was another intimidating reason why you hadn’t tried to approach anyone. 
 “I’m (Y/N).” You said, shaking Logan’s hand. 
“So, are you excited for the upcoming season?” Logan asked. 
 “Yea. The car seems to be a good contender with the testing we’ve done so far. Hopefully I’ll be able to score some points by the end of the season.”
 “What makes you think you won’t get points at the beginning?” Logan asked.
“Well I am the rookie this season. I’m still getting used to the car, it’s a huge difference from the F2 car I was driving last year. Plus everyone else has been racing longer than I have. It's gonna take me a while to catch up.” You explained.
 “Oh come on, don’t doubt yourself this early. Trust me, it doesn’t help.” Logan said. You shrugged.
“I guess you’re right. I mean, I’m gonna try my best no matter what, but the highest I can see myself getting for the first race is P15.” You told him.
 “That’s a good start. “ Logan said. He smiled and you couldn’t help but smile as well. The two of you ended up talking about what you both did over the winter break and your expectations for the season until the photographer called for the photoshoot to start. You hadn’t even realized Yuki had arrived until the photographer positioned you two next to each other.
 “I saw you and Logan talking earlier. I hope it was a good conversation.” He whispered as you waited for the photographer to take a picture.
“He was just introducing himself. We talked about our expectations for the season.” You told him. Yuki smiled a bit.
 “Logan’s always been nice. I’m glad you’re getting to know some of the other drivers.”
“Come on Yuki, pick up!” You mumbled as the call went to voicemail again. After pre-season testing had wrapped up, you had finally managed to get to know Yuki by going out to get dinner together with the rest of the team. He had promised that the two of you would walk together through the paddock on the first day of the season, but after arriving at the entrance you saw no sign of your teammate. And the fact that he wasn’t answering his phone didn’t help either. But looking around towards all the cars pulling in towards the entrance, you did however see Logan arriving.
 “Logan!” You quickly walked over to him as he got closer to the entrance.
“Hey. What are you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be with your team?” He asked, noticing the lack of anyone from RB with you.
 “Well me and Yuki were supposed to walk in together, but I can’t find him anywhere and he’s not answering my calls.” You said. You looked past the turnstiles at the entrance to the paddock. “I don’t really want to walk in by myself.”
 “Do you want me to walk in with you?” Logan asked. You looked back at him.
“If it’s not too much to ask.” You said. Logan just shook his head and smiled.
 “It’s no bother.” He said. He gently ushered you towards the entrance and the two of you walked through. It was an understatement to say that you were nervous to greet the cheering fans that stood by the barriers with things to sign. But knowing that Logan was right next you signing things as well and taking pictures with fans made you less nervous. You even got to take some pictures with him and fans as well. 
 “If I wore all these friendship bracelets in the car, I think I would add an extra pound.” You joked as the two of you walked past the various team garages.
“Soon you’re gonna end up having a full storage closet at your house just full of stuff that fans have given you.” Logan said. You smiled at that idea.
 “Hopefully I won’t develop carpal tunnel from all the stuff I’m gonna have to sign over the year.” Good thing being a Formula 1 driver consists more of driving cars than signing things.” 
 “You say that now, but just wait until the RB merchandise team sits you down in a room filled with driver cards you have to sign. Your wrist is going to be so sore afterwards.” Logan said. You let out a chuckle. 
 “(Y/N)!” You turned to see Yuki, coming from the RB hospitality, running over to the two of you. “(Y/N), I’m so sorry. They put me in the press conference at the last minute. I had to come early.” Yuki explained.
 “It’s ok Yuki. Logan walked in with me.” You said. You turned back to Logan. “Thank you, by the way. I should probably go see my team.”
“Like I said, it was no bother. I’d be happy to walk the paddock with you anytime.” He said. “I’ll see you two on the track.”
He waved goodbye and then headed to the William’s garage as you headed with Yuki back to the RB hospitality to get ready for the upcoming practice sessions. 
“Ok (Y/N). We’ve been knocked out of Q1. You are P17.” Your race engineer said through the radio as the qualifying session ended and you slowed your car down for a cool down lap. 
 “Not the result I had hoped for, but it’s something I can improve upon. Did Yuki make it to Q2?” You asked, making your way into the pit lane.
 “Yes, Yuki did make it into Q2.” Your engineer said. 
“That’s good. Hope he can make it into Q3.” You pulled into your designated pitlane and flipped up your visor to let some air into your helmet as the pit crew pulled your car into the garage. 
After changing out of your race suit and fireproofs, you put on a pair of headphones and joined the crew in watching Q2. You were happy to see that Logan made it into Q2 as well, and was secretly hoping he would make it into Q3 along with Yuki. Both of them did good laps during Q2 but Yuki unfortunately was only able to place P11. Logan barely managed to get by into Q3, but couldn’t place any higher and ended up in front of your teammate, placing P10 for tomorrow’s race. After congratulating Yuki on his placement, you left the RB garage to go look for Logan to do the same thing. You didn’t have to look far, as the American driver was exiting the William’s garage as you approached.
“Hey, nice driving today!” You said, giving Logan’s shoulder a congratulatory pat. 
 “Thanks. I’m shocked I was able to make it into Q3. I thought I was going to get knocked out in Q2, I didn’t expect Lance to get his lap time deleted.” Logan said. “Where’d you place?”
 “P17. I wasn’t able to gain enough speed on my last lap to get myself to a higher placement.” You said. “But that’s ok. I just need to overtake the 7 cars in front of me to get to P10 and get into the points. How hard can that be?”
You laughed, your last sentence meaning to be a joke. Logan let out a small chuckle, but he was taking what you said seriously.
 “I think you can do it. But only do it after I’ve overtaken a couple cars myself. I’d also like to get some points during the race.” He said.
It was officially race day and your nerves seemed to be bouncing as fast as the cars that would be on track soon. You had felt confident throughout the week, being on the track and going over data with the team. But with the race starting in a couple hours, the fact that you were about to debut in your first Formula One race was starting to become very real. 
 “You squeeze that water bottle any tighter, it’s gonna explode.” You were brought out of your spiraling thoughts by Logan as he approached you from the side. Looking down, you did see that the water bottle you were holding was almost ready to burst from the steel grip you had on it.
 “Sorry, I’m just thinking about the race today.” You said, loosening your grip on the bottle.
 In a similar scenario to pre-season testing, the two of you were waiting to start the drivers parade.
 “It’s ok to be nervous about your first race. Every driver is.” He said.
“What if I crash the car?” You asked. Logan shook his head.
 “You won’t.”
“What if I can’t overtake any cars and finish last?”
 “You won’t finish last.”
“What if-”
 “Hey.” Logan placed his hands on your shoulders and made you look at him. “You’re going to be fine. You drove well during testing and practice. You can overtake the cars in front of you. And even if you finish last, so what? It’s your first race. You’re going to make mistakes and that’s ok.” Logan said. His hands on your shoulder and the speech he just gave you seemed to steel your nervous a bit as you took in what he said. 
 “Just try to have fun. Can you promise me that?” Logan asked. He held up his pinkie and you almost laughed at the childlike implications. But the serious look on Logan’s face stopped you.  You linked your pinkie with his and nodded.
 “I promise.”
The two of you ended up staying next to each other during the drivers parade, waving to fans as the truck drove by. Interviews were also happening during the parade, and with you being the new rookie, you had to be interviewed.
“So (Y/N), you're about to make your Formula 1 debut in your first Formula 1 race. How are you feeling?” The interviewer asked.
 “I’m both very nervous and very excited. I’m starting at the back of the grid, but I’m gonna try to do my best.” You said.
“I know, with being the newest addition to the grid, you may feel like you stand out. Besides your teammate Yuki, have there been any other drivers that you’ve gotten to know during pre-season testing or this weekend?”.
 “Logan actually introduced himself to me during pre-season testing and we’ve gotten to know each other a bit.” You told the interviewer. “It feels a bit intimidating being surrounded by these great drivers that I’ve always hoped to have a chance to drive alongside, so I’m really grateful to Logan for being someone on the grid that I can talk to and get to know, besides Yuki of course.”
 “Have you guys talked about anything in particular? Any expectations for your first race?”
“Logan actually gave me a really good pep talk before the drivers parade. It really helped calm my nerves down a bit. I’m gonna take Logan’s advice and try to have fun.” You said with a smile. The interviewer thanked you for your time and moved on to interview a different driver as you made your way back over to Logan. After waving to a bunch of fans, the parade concluded and you and the rest of the drivers got off the truck.
“What are you going to do during this race?” Logan asked you before the two of you departed to get ready for the race.
 “Have fun!” You said. 
“That’s right.” He gave your shoulder a reassuring pat and left for the William’s garage while you headed back to RB, your nerves seemingly having lessened. 
Logan’s pep talk seemed to be exactly what you needed. You ended up finishing the race in P11, just out of the points but only two spots behind Yuki. 
 “(Y/N) that was a fantastic first race! Well done!” Your engineer's voice came through the radio as you waved while driving around the track.
 “Oh my god! Thank you so much! That was so much fun! I couldn’t have done it without you or the team!” You said enthusiastically as you pulled into parc ferme. You sat in the car for a couple seconds, taking in the feeling of making it through your first Formula One race. Then, you took the wheel out and stepped out of the car.
Some of the pit crew workers gave you pats on the back or the shoulder, congratulating you on making it through your first race. As your eyes scanned the pit lane, looking for your team, they landed on the familiar America-decorated helmet of Logan.
 “Logan!” You called as you jogged over to him. His eyes lit up at your approach and met you halfway.
 “Nice one champ! P11 on debut!” He said, raising his hand for a high five before bringing you in for a brief congratulatory hug. 
 “I was so close to getting into points but I couldn’t catch up. You drove amazingly though! Congrats on P5!” You told him.
 “Hey, don’t put yourself down for being “just” out of the points. Next race, you and I are going to be in the top 10.” He said. “Did you have fun?”
 “Yea!” You exclaimed. Both your smiles seemed to grow.
“I told you! Come on, let’s go get weighed and you can tell me everything about the race.” Logan slung his arm over your shoulder as he led you over to the weigh stations. 
The two of you spent the rest of the night recounting each of your guys' events of the race, every overtake and every mistake either of you made. Eventually exhaustion started to hit both of you and the two of you decided to head back to your hotel rooms.
“Thank you.” You said to Logan as you stood infront of your room after Logan offered to walk you back.
 “For what?” He asked. 
“For introducing yourself to me during pre-season testing. I honestly didn’t think I would be able to get to know anyone on the grid this season. All the other drivers seem to know each other really well or are just really intimidating.” You said, fidgeting with your fingers for a bit before looking back up at him “But I’m really glad to say that you're the first friend I’ve made on the grid.”
Logan’s smile seemed to lower and you grew concerned. But he noticed this and quickly change his expression to reassurance.
 “I know how hard it is to make friends in this sport and I also know how isolating it can be. I didn’t want what happened in my rookie season to happen to you.” He told you. “I’m glad that you’re my friend too.”
You smiled, touched by what he said and happy that he considered you a friend as well. You held up your pinkie towards him.
 “Promise that we’ll both be in the points next race?”
He linked your pinkie with his and matched your smile.
 “I promise.”
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tiredsmashbros · 6 days
oh boy... i know a bunch of folks are hyped for this comic... and boy oh boy are ya'll's prayers going to be heard... kind of... butt for the celebration milestone, and granted majority are from this comic, i thought it was best to give EVERYTHING that i have currently.
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starting off STRONG with what you freaks most want: the completed pages. andddd yep that's it that all that i have done LMAO. i've been fixated on my own smg4 oc: tsb, and during the end of my summer was unfortunately fucked over by some personal issues that fortunately got resolved last minute good grief the anxiety prevented me from drawing the gays sigh... aNYWAYS LINEART WIPS!!!!
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here are linearts i have completed / in the progress of!! want to aim like i did in the past by finishing up lineart first, and then speed through with color + minor rendering. the reason i have a few colored is to test out what it would look polished and my god... i have improved A LOT. THESE GAY PEOPLE GIVE POWER I AM NOT KIDDING BELIEVE ME IM NOT CRAY- anyways onto wip pages!
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jumpscare: tsb stickman sketches. oh yeah. this is how i sketch and i blame sensei eiichiro oda /j. and in case anyone is unable to understand it {i don't blame u LMAO}, smg4 wakes up from the dream and is startled to see mario by his bed. they have a short convo before mario leaves, and we get a job to smg4 in the bathroom trying to put up a brave face. until the moment he leaves he's stunned due to seeing smg3 at his front door. will i elaborate more on specifics or unwritten dialogue? NOPE! gotta keep secrets to make it even more enjoyable at the end!!
currently at 13 sketched pages total, but this is probably gonna be reaching towards 20-ish pages, surpassing part two, but it will depend on how i come up with how to end it. additionally to confirm there will be a PART FOUR / chapter 3, to end this story. my goal is to have it done before i finish my senior year, or at least during the summer after i graduate bc good lord who knows whats gonna happen.
and lastly, before i end this crazy update, SCRAPPED PAGESSS!!!!!
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oh boy... dont draw comics while sleep-deprived at 6am... idek what i was even aiming with this ngl other than just for fun, but i scrapped it due to not being what i had in mind for the story. if it doesn't serve a purpose or narrative, its bye bye YEAH BYE BYE THIS IS THE CLOSEST NSFW UR GONNA GET FROM ME HAHAHAHAHA- i say that despite writing a nsfw jojo wattpad smh im only confident doing it in words good lord. btw not watermarking these bc i gen don't care since they're legit scrapped {left top part was kept and completed} so idk what to do with these. im just throwing it and walkin away
now to end with this update, i can hear your question, "when will this be done?" and to answer that question: i'm not entirely sure due to my heavy focus on my smg4 oc: tsb, but my best chance is postponing my oc lore a bit and complete this before november UOIYGJDSIUHJKDWSXYUGHJKCS but we shall have too see...
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ignore below if you're not from the tsb birthday partydddjdhdhdjd
thurs: smg34 is canon in the tsb universe / au. though most of their encounters are platonic or best-friendy-way, they eventually express their feelings to one another and start dating 3/4’s way of the tsb storyline arc. tsb is a supporter of his friend's relationship and admires and takes inspiration from their relationship heavily to input his future love life. yearning to be in a similar position... to learn what is to really love someone... or what it's truly like to be loved...
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mountainsandmayhem · 5 months
Aisle Amore
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Pairing: Marcus Pike x Female Reader Summary: You truly never know who you might meet in the grocery store. CW: no smut, all fluff. Flirting, mention of divorce, talks of food, more adorable flirting. Word Count: 3.4k AN: I've gone soft!! I couldn't stop thinking about how the couple in Wonderful Tonight and Netflix & Chill met and even though no one asked, this is exactly how they met. I worked in a grocery store for almost 15 years and I can tell you right now that I would to SPRINTING to the pasta aisle. Special thank you to @mermaidgirl30 for beta reading and both her and @littlevenicebitch69 for helping me come up with a title. Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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To you, there’s nothing worse than asking for help. You’ve been fiercely independent your entire life, and these snapped ligaments have been testing you. Your friends say they don’t mind helping, but YOU mind them helping. The pain in your ankle has finally subsided enough that you can put a little weight on it and only use one crutch.
You shut your laptop at 6 pm, change into something that isn’t pyjama pants and begrudgingly put on a bra. The first stop on your newly found freedom tour is the grocery store. Thirteen year old you would be appalled at how excited you are over this. You jot down all the ingredients you’ll need to make homemade pasta, marinara sauce and meatballs. 
Living in downtown DC has lots of perks, one of them being you can walk to the grocery store that’s just around the block. After gingerly testing your ankles a few times you decide you can walk there. Your dad’s voice echoes through your head, “This family doesn’t cry, take care of yourself, don’t depend on anyone but you”. 
The walk there is easy, it feels good to be out in the summer evening sun, soaking in the vitamin D that you’ve been missing out on the last few weeks. You grab one of those small baskets with wheels and head into the store. It might be dramatic, but it’s been almost three weeks since you’ve been out on your own and you feel that same hyped elation you had at 16 when you got your license and your parents allowed you to go out on your own the first time. Except at 16 you picked up your friends and went to the record store, you were much cooler in your youth. 
“Stick to the list,” you say to yourself, realizing you’re slowly becoming just like your mother. That’s fucking depressing. 
The first items are olive oil and flour, you crutch along, the sounds of metal clicking and the rubber bottom squeaking following you as you move along the shiny white tile floor. A song you vaguely remember hearing during your childhood plays overhead, Eric Clapton singing about a woman looking lovely. The bakery must have fresh bread, and the delicious scent of it makes your mouth water. 
As you turn down the pasta aisle, you brush past a man in a suit who’s looking at the canned pasta sauces, poor sap, and stop about ten feet away from him. The small bag of flour you need is on an easily accessible shelf but of course, there’s only one left and it’s all the way at the back. 
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Marcus holds up a jar of canned marinara, silently humming along to Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton. He swears he hears his grandmother on his mother’s side rolling in her grave. She wasn’t Italian, but owned a restaurant and was definitely looking down at him ashamed that he was BUYING something she taught him to make.
Sorry grams, he thinks, just as someone hobbles past him, vanilla wafting behind her, temporarily replacing the scent of the fresh bread he’s also going to pick up. His grandmother might come back just to slap him for this dinner tonight. Granted, he did just return from seeing his ex and her new boyfriend so maybe she’d take pity on him. Bake him those gooey chocolate chip cookies he loved so much. 
As he turns to head toward the pasta he sees a woman who quite frankly takes his breath away. She’s so beautiful that he almost can’t take her all in at once. Her bare legs are toned and tanned, wrapped in long black biker shorts, paired with a plain grey t-shirt and unzipped black hoodie. One high top converse laced up on one foot, the other in an uncomfortable looking boot. Her hair is in a low messy bun with almost too perfectly placed pieces along her neck and face. She seems to invade every ounce of him, until all he can see is her and all he can smell is warm vanilla. His mouth goes dry, and his heartbeat fills his ears. 
This next bit happens so quickly that he doesn’t have time to even think about it. But you would later describe it as not one of your finest moments, and he would describe it as the moment that changed his life. 
He watches as you reach above your head, raising up on the tippy toe of your good foot. As you lean forward, your hollow aluminum crutch slips out from underneath you and falls to the ground. An echoing tinny bang startles you and you stumble, putting too much pressure on your broken foot. The sweetest sounding “Ouch! Motherfucker,” leaves your pouty pink lips as Marcus rushes to catch you. 
“Whoa,” he says as he reaches out to steady you, one hand wrapping around your hip, the other cupping your elbow, helping you off your injured leg. “Are you ok?” 
Your cheeks flush as you look up at him. “Sorry, thank you.” 
Your bright blue eyes wash over him, and something tugs behind his heart. Eric Clapton singing "Oh my darling, you are wonderful tonight" as he stands there temporarily stunned, unsure of where he is or what is name is. It's just you.
It doesn’t make any sense, you could be married for all he knows, but something about you draws him in. He didn’t think he’d feel this way again for a very long time, but he needs to find a way to keep talking to you. 
“Let me get that for you,” he says, his hand moving from your elbow, reaching up and easily plucking the flour off the shelf. 
“Thanks, I could have gotten it.” You say and he fights to stop from laughing. He can tell that you’re not someone who asks for help. No, you’re independent and strong willed. And fuck if that doesn’t just make that tug behind his heart pull that much harder. 
“I know you can, you just scared me.” He looks down at you softly as you stare up at him. 
He’s suddenly very aware that he still has one hand on your hip. Your shirt had ridden up as you wobbled, and the skin of your hip is soft and warm against his palm. He finds himself wondering if the rest of you is just as comforting. Just as an inviting. The light scent of your vanilla perfume fills the small space between the two of you. 
“Look,” he says, finding it inside himself to peel his hand off you now that you’re steady, placing your flour in your basket and bending to grab your crutch. “My grandma is already cursing me from heaven for buying canned sauce and boxed pasta. Can you please let me help you?” 
You open your mouth and then close it, almost like you’re trying to come up with a reason to not let him, so he quickly adds, “For my sake.” 
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You laugh through your nose, shaking your head and taking your crutch from this incredibly handsome stranger. 
Please don’t be married. Or a total creep. 
“Smooth,” you say teasingly. 
He tugs at his white button up shirt collar. “Is it hot in here?" He fakes a dramatic cough, "I swear - she’s watching me.” 
You look up at the white painted ceiling of the grocery store. “OK, grandma. Chill. I’ll let him help me.” 
When you look back at him he’s smiling from ear to ear, and if you thought he was handsome before; well, fuck, there’s not even a word to describe how unbelievably charming he looks right now. 
He looks down at your basket before saying, “Do you have a big list?” 
“Umm,” you say holding out the special lined paper you have to make grocery lists. “I have a few things, ya.” 
His thick fingers brush lightly against yours as he takes the list. You can’t help but notice that he’s not wearing a wedding ring, score, his nails are trimmed short and his cuticles are nicely manicured. You assume he must have some sort of fancy office job, like a lawyer or an accountant. He seems to radiate stability and you didn't realize you could be so aroused by fingers.
“Are you making pasta? And sauce?” He asks as his brown doe eyes scan your list. 
“I am,” you say proudly. You might not be a world famous chef, but you take pride in your cooking abilities. 
He smiles back at you again. “Stay here,” he says softly, “I’m gonna grab a cart.” 
As he turns to walk away, taking your basket and his sauce with him, you notice the way his grey suit jacket clings to his broad shoulders. Accountant by day, muscle model by night? Muscle model? Great, he’s broken your brain. 
It doesn’t take long before you hear the distinct rumbling of the plastic wheels of a shopping cart heading your way. Just as your handsome stranger comes back into the aisle “At Last” by Etta James starts to play. 
“I’m Marcus, by the way,” he says, grabbing a box of pasta on the shelf and sitting it next to his sauce in the top part of the cart. 
You say your name and notice the tiniest glint in his eye as the sound of it wraps around him. “Well then, we’d better get going on this list.” 
He moves slowly, allowing you to set the walking pace. He’s taken your list and the entire thing feels almost too domestic, like you can envision yourself doing this every weekend with him for the rest of your lives. Maybe there would even be a kid in that little part where he puts his boxed pasta and canned sauce. 
“Alright, so we covered names and who grew up where. So, what do you do for a living?” You ask, snatching a bottle of olive oil off the shelf. 
“I - uh - I work in law enforcement,” he says. 
You look at him, then his tie, then back at him. With a hint of amusement in your voice you say, “Pretty fancy dress code. What are you? Like FBI or something.” 
“Yes, actually. And now that you know that, I miiiight have to kill you.” 
You laugh, “Sure know how to put a girl at ease, Agent Pike.” 
The way you say agent, all teasing and flirty, goes straight to his cock. He’s been called Agent Pike thousands of times over his career but it’s never sent a shiver down his body like that before. 
He runs a hand over his patchy scruff. “I’m kidding. About the killing part, not the FBI part.” 
“Thanks for clarifying,” you laugh.
Whitney Houston’s voice floats across the store, singing about dancing with someone who loves her. 
Neither of you is particularly paying attention to your list or what aisle you’re in. You snake up and down each aisle, both of you occasionally grabbing something you need. 
“What about you?” He asks. Something about the way he asks a question seems different. It’s like when Marcus asks something he’s genuinely asking, not just trying to force conversation. With every answer you give his eyes focus on yours, he nods and seems curious and excited to hear what you have to say. 
The bar is truly in hell if I’m turned on by a man who’s just treating me like a human. 
“I run a small online store for my, umm, for my designs.” This part is always awkward, men change how they treat you once they find out what you do for a living. You avoid his eyes, he’s so goddamn handsome and you’re already disappointed that he’ll soon give you an ick with how he’ll respond to your career, how all men respond. 
“Your designs? Are you an artist?” His eyes light up and he stands a little taller when he asks, he must love art. He’s going to be thrilled to find out your best friend owns a gallery, and probably even more thrilled when he learns you hurt your ankle falling off a step ladder she had you posing on as she painted you, and yes, you were completely nude. 
“No,” you laugh. “I design clothing. Sort of.” You continue avoiding his eyes and chew on the inside of your cheek as you grab some dried oregano and place it in the basket. 
“Hey,” he says softly, stopping by the spices, “You don’t have to tell me something you don’t want me to know.” 
“It’s not that. It’s just,” you stop, glancing up at his warm chocolate brown eyes. His Adam’s Apple bobs as he swallows, and you have the sudden urge to sink your teeth into his neck. “Men just usually treat me differently once they know.” 
He narrows his eyes at you and his lips curl into a tight lipped and curious smile. “That’s clickbait. Now you have to tell me.” 
“Or you’ll kill me?” You laugh. 
“Yes, FBI remember,” he says sarcastically. 
You take a deep breath through your nose before you begin. “Ok, I design and sell lingerie.” You try to sound as casual as possible, smiling sweetly at him before you start walking again. 
Marcus doesn’t follow along so you look over your shoulder at him. Is he blushing? 
“Well,” he says, clearing his throat and avoiding your eyes. “I don’t see how that would make someone treat you differently.” 
“Then why are you blushing, Pike?” You flutter your lashes at him as he catches up to you in the aisle. 
The pink of his cheeks deepened, “I’m not blushing. Pretty sure I got a sunburn when I grabbed the cart.” 
“Ah, yes. I’ve heard that being indoors during sunset is a very dangerous UV time.” You joke. 
He laughs, “You’d be shocked how many people don’t believe it.” 
You both laugh as you head towards the produce department for your tomatoes and onions. Elvis’s ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love’ comes over the speakers, and even though other people are shopping, it feels like it’s being targeted at just the two of you. You pluck a few tomatoes from the shelf and he opens the little plastic bag for you to place them in. 
He takes a breath to start speaking and you brace yourself for the inevitable. All men do it. They all either ask what your company is called so they can look up your Instagram later or they’re bold and flat out ask you to model some of your designs for them. 
“Where’d you learn to make pasta?” He asks, his voice quivering at the closeness of your body to his. 
“Umm, I sort of did an Eat, Pray, Love thing recently.” You say quietly, smiling up at him. It’s the tiniest movement, but you swear his eyes flick to your lips as your hand brushes against his while you reach into the bag. Your heart is pounding behind your ribs, it’s almost unfair how handsome he looks under these fluorescent lights. 
“Oh? Like you went to Italy?” His voice is low and nervous as he watches you picking up tomatoes, squeezing them gently and smelling them. Carefully choosing the best ones. 
“Yes. Without spilling my whole life story, I got married young and then divorced a few years ago. I just kind of needed a hard reset on myself.” You drop two more tomatoes in the bag and then side step, or more more like side hobble, to the onions. 
“Huh,” he says, “I can honestly say that I know exactly what you mean by that.” 
You both smile at each other, you swear you can see his pulse flutter in his neck before he says, “Unfortunately, I think we have everything on your list,” he finishes off his sentence by saying your name and it sends an explosion of butterflies in your lower belly. You don’t know if you’ve ever met someone who makes you feel like you have somehow known them for your whole life but is also brand new. 
“Sorry. You probably have places to be and I’m -“ Your voice trails off when he slowly steps even further into your space. 
“That’s not what I meant,” he says softly, his fingertips brushing against yours causing a buzzing up your arm. Just then ‘I knew I loved you’ by Savage Garden rains down from the speakers. Marcus laughs gently and continues, “Is it just me or has the music been interesting in here tonight?” 
You move your pointer finger just a hair so it brushes against his, “ya, sounds like the crab from The Little Mermaid is in charge.”
A laugh from his stomach passes his lips, it’s joyous and melodic and even though you’ve just met him, you want to make him laugh like that for the rest of your life. He’s smiling so big that you can see all his straight white teeth. His head tips forward slightly and the skin around his eyes crinkles. You’re both so close, he smells like mint and a new book and everything around you seems to fall away, blurring around the edges. It’s overwhelming. Dizzying even. He’s the one. You can’t explain it, but you were meant to be in this grocery, with this annoying boot and crutch. 
“That’s not quite the comparison I would have used, but yes.” His eyes dance around yours, still laced with amusement and happiness. “Is he a crab or lobster?” 
“I think he’s a crab,” you say, pulling your hand back from his to stop yourself from leaping off that cliff and into his arms.
“I think he’s a lobster,” he counters, stepping back but never breaking the connection of his eyes with yours. 
As you head towards the checkout you glance towards the shopping cart nervously, remembering that you walked here. 
Both of you pay for your groceries in a comfortable silence and he scolds you teasingly for trying to grab your bags. “Grandma is still watching.” 
The two of you head for the exit. “Did you park somewhere?” 
“No. I can take them from here,” you’re not going to let this man drive you somewhere or walk you home. That’s ridiculous. You are strong and you’ve already impeded his life enough. 
He lifts his eyebrow suspiciously and turns just a touch so you can’t reach your bags. “You walked here, didn’t you?” 
“It’s really fine, Marcus. It’s not far. Thank you for your help. You didn’t need to do that.” 
“I have an apartment that way,” he says, nodding his head in the same direction you need to go.
“Oh that’s very forward of you, but I know better than to go to a secondary location with a stranger.” And he does it again, that beautiful, happy laugh. “I’m in the same direction.” 
You walk down the quiet street. People always say they wouldn’t want to live downtown because it’s too noisy, but truthfully, after the work crowd disperses for the evening and the dinner rush parts, it’s quite peaceful. 
“How sure are you that he’s a lobster? Willing to make a bet?” 
He looks over at you cautiously. “Alright. I’ll play along. I’m 100% sure he’s a lobster. What’s the bet?” 
“Wow. Marcus Pike, does the FBI know you’re such a risk taker?” 
He says your last name and follows it with, “Quit stalling, what’s the bet.” 
“Ok ok. Once I’m off all the painkillers. If he’s a crab, I make you REAL pasta. If he’s a lobster, you take me out for real pasta.” 
You both stop at the same time in front of the same building, “This is me. So is it a bet?”
Marcus pulls a key fob out of his pocket, “This is also me. And yes, we have a bet.” 
You cross the lobby together, you select your floors and exchange phone numbers on the way up and then he finally gives you your bags. 
“Thank you,” you say, smiling at him sweetly as the elevator approaches your floor. “I appreciate you using your grandma to help me.” 
He covers his heart with his hand. “I would never!” 
As the elevator comes to a halt he glances up at you sheepishly and your heart almost breaks open right then and there at how devastatingly handsome and heart meltingly adorable he is all at the same time. 
You smile like a damn fool the moment you’re out of that elevator. Of all the ways you thought your night was going to go, it did not involve a very charming stranger making you all nervous and delusional. 
The second you get inside your apartment you fight the urge to prove yourself right and cash in on our dinner, but you already miss him, so you text him. 
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Tag list:
@corazondebeskar @hiddenbabynyc @rainstorms-library @smutsmutslut  @sullyrocky44 
@keylimebeag @pimosworld @casa-boiardi @pedritoferg @paleidiot
@lorilane33 @pansexual-potatoes @jessthebaker @jasminedragoon @koshkaj-blog
@pedroswife69 @strawberri-blonde  @none-of-this-makes-any-sense @iloveenya
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@iluvurfather @ashleyfilm @mermaidgirl30 @untamedheart81 @littlevenicebitch69
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lyriumcoloredskies · 10 months
Shaken Up Hearts
Pairing: Sanji x Reader, Zoro x Reader, Zoro x Sanji, Zoro x Reader x Sanji WC: 10k Summary: Sanji's brain short-circuits. What? Did he hear that correctly? You both wanted him? “Don’t over think this.” Zoro murmurs into his ear, hot breath fanning over the sensitive skin. CW: 18+ MDNI, alcohol consumption, misunderstanding, idiots in love, porn with way too many feelings, angst, jealousy, pining, PIV, anal sex, oral, threesome, guy on guy, girl on guy, bisexual sanji, bisexual zoro, reader is described as AFAB, polyamory, happy ending AN: *taps cigarette on the ashtray* look idk what to say, this was supposed to be a 5k word mindless smut but it turned into this because I am incapable of writing smut without feels it seems.
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Faithfulness and resoluteness.
You and Zoro.
The two of you are held in high regard as the oldest crew members, with you joining only a few days after Zoro. Dependable and resilient, should any troubles find them on the seas, the crew knew they could always rely on you two. The sentiment is shared between you and Zoro. Time and time again, Zoro proved himself worthy of the mantle of first mate, making agonizing decisions for the betterment of the crew when even Luffy couldn’t. He was a surprising voice of pragmatism in the hardest of times, something you appreciated him for.
Zoro’s opinion of you ran deep as well. Steadfast, you were a beacon in the darkest times, an outstretched hand always offered to any nakama in need. Without hesitation, you always had the right words to breathe new life into the resolves of those around you.
It’s a deep respect that’s built off watching each other defeat every obstacle to persevere despite the difficult nature of having such large dreams in a vast ocean that only knows to crush the people that enter its waters. It’s something primal as you watch in titillation as Zoro dominates his adversaries with his iron will, something Zoro reciprocates with a voracious gleam in his eyes any time he fought alongside you.
That respect for each other would sometimes turn into something mischievous. Two tigers testing the limits of each other’s boundaries, teeth bared at the anticipation of gaining ground. Friendly competition the two of you called it – the crew called it anything but. The two of you were people who, once you set your mind to something, would chase the ends of the world for it. This included winning childish competitions. It was impossible to break the two of you apart when you decided to sink your teethes into each other like snarling pups. The point was proven early into your journey, during the banquet at Vivi’s castle, an incident that would aptly be named the Drinking Contest Incident of Alabasta, where the two of you were goaded by Usopp into seeing how many barrels of alcohol each of you could consume.
'Surely they won’t go too far' Usopp thought.
He was proven wrong when both you and Zoro neared the bottom of the second barrels, only taking a break to puke in the Royal Alabastan Gardens before going back to drinking – health be damned. The night ended in you and Zoro out cold, laid out on your sides as to not choke on your own vomit while Chopper flittered about, panicking that the two morons might actually die in his care. After seeing Chopper’s visage overcome hysterics, face streaked with tears and snot, Nami beat the both of you over the head the next day. She sternly put her foot down on any future y/n and Zoro competitions. The rest of the crew dutifully agreed that you and Zoro were not to be trusted. It only took two more incidents for you and Zoro to admit they were right. It was purely out of self-preservation, lest the two of you not even survive to see your dreams fulfilled. Occasionally the competitiveness would rear up, but time had tempered the two of you. The both of you found less and less things worth fighting over, no longer did you fight over bottles of wine and sake, instead choosing to share.
Life was funny in that way.
You were on your 5th bottle of wine and Zoro on his 7th, not that you were counting.
Of course not.
The warm embrace of alcohol has long since settled in your flesh, the balmy air adding to the flush of your cheeks. You found yourself swaying to the beat of the Shandorian drums, beat thrumming in your veins. Drunken eyes watched as your crewmates and the Skypeians dance around the bonfire, care thrown to the wind. You glaze over the figure of Usopp surrounded by a group of children, no doubt enthralling them with a legendary tale of Captain Usopp, commander of 8000 troops.
A mixture of the wine and altitude have you searching for a place to sit, wanting to not fall on your ass in spectacular fashion. Your head swivels about, you see Robin in deep discussion with Gan Fall and rule that out. Another turn a few degrees to the left and you spy Zoro sitting alone. Fueled by bad ideas and Skypeian wine, you grab another bottle before settling on the log next to Zoro, leaving a comfortable distance in between. The rich tannins of the wine dance delightfully on your tongue, and you decide to take another pull before you offer the bottle to Zoro. He accepts, your fingers minutely brushing against each other at the pass. He takes a moment to read the label before taking a swig, throwing his head back, the prominent veins of his neck highlighted by the firelight. Traitorous eyes linger for too long at the bob of his adams apple. The two of you sit in comfortable silence, passing the bottle back and forth, watching the silly antics of your crew as they celebrate this hard earned win.
Zoro is the first to break the lazy pattern of back and forth with the wine. Your outstretched arm aches as you hold the bottle out for a mite too long. The confused look you offer him goes unanswered as well, the swordsman a million miles away. Your eyes follow his gaze and you can’t help the feeling that settles into your stomach with the wine.
It’s Sanji.
He’s staring at Sanji.
Sanji, who is bathed in orange glow from the bonfire, his porcelain skin flushed with pink like an angel dusted it over his cheeks. Emotions well inside of you, flooding into an ugly feeling that you found yourself wadding in. Not wanting to bother with the messiness of it all, you brashly decide to down the rest of the bottle, hoping that the burn of the alcohol would drown everything out. To hell with feeling bad on a night as good as this.
Unfortunately, like a whore on the day that the rent is due, the feelings don’t stop bothering you, nagging constantly in the inner cogs of your mind. Inhibited by the mind meddling nature of wine, your mouth opens and words you don’t recognize tumble out.
“Got a crush?”
Your fishing attempt snags you a gaping, sputtering Zoro. Fuck, now you wish you hadn’t said anything at all. Zoro’s hilarious dumbfounded expression only soothes your heart a tiny bit.
Unrestrained, a loud cackle rips out of you, another cheap cover to hide the hurt radiating through you. It seems to further Zoro’s embarrassment, the man’s cheeks flushing a pretty red. In an attempt to get even, he snatches the bottle from you only to realize it was empty.
The only response he gets from you is another cackle. It takes a few moments for you to settle down, letting the silence envelope the two of you again.
“If you like him so much, why don’t you tell him?”
You pick at the skin near your nails, an ugly habit.
“Tch. It’s not that simple.”
You roll your eyes, of course it was simple. Zoro was just an idiot. Irritation lingers like a fog in your mind as the wine fails to numb your pesky feelings. Quickly, you lose yourself, letting various fleeting thoughts pull you in every direction. Zoro doesn’t comment on your sudden silence, keeping you company while you think.
“What if I like him too?”
Two heads turn and eyes lock. Zoro’s eyes are dark and indecipherable to you as the firelight danced on them. Seconds tick by but neither of you drop your gaze.
“Marimo! Y/n-swan! Try these!”
Two pairs of eyes break their battle, swinging over to catch the sight of Sanji walking over, an excited wide grin gracing his delicate features. His signature cigarette firmly between his white teeth and in each hand he holds a skewers of meat and vegetables.
The blond thrusts a skewer to the both of you before sitting between the two of you. You examine the skewer, it’s comprised of some sort of marinated red meat and vegetables that look like mushrooms and leeks. Steam wafts upward and with it the smell of something peppery and tangy.
“The flavors are something I’ve never tried before! I asked them and they say that they use a combination of pink peppercorns and a citrus called the hand of god” Sanji prattles on, his enthusiasm palpable. You and Zoro watch him, engrossed in the boyish wonder on his face. Pairs of eyes meet again in a fragile moment. You have no words for Zoro and he has none for you, yet you know that the two of you understand each other. He studies you intensely before offering you a solid nod, one that you reciprocate. The cook chatters on, inhibitions lowered by the alcohol, oblivious to what was happening only a few inches from him.
The next few islands pass by uneventfully, both you and Zoro hesitant to make a move. It ends up an awkward dance around each other and Sanji, a weird tango of frustration whose steps involve having enough nerve to track down the blond but suffering from cold feet when it came to talking with him. It’s only after the events of Water 7 that you decide to muster up the gumption to try. Life was too short for you to shy away from the things you wanted, and you could tell Zoro decided the same.
The cook’s ears perk up at the melodic notes of your voice, heart stirring. He turns his attention from the prep work in front of him, meeting your face with a playboy smile.
“Yes, my sweet angel?”
“Do you mind if I watch you cook lunch?” you ask, the innocent tilt of your head making Sanji’s heart palpate. You wanted to watch him cook?
“O-of course my angel!”
You beam and it makes his heart beat rapidly. With gentle footsteps you pad into the kitchen. The two of you fall into a comfortable silence, the sounds of Sanji’s knifework taking over the small space. After a few minutes, his curiosity picks up and he peeks out of his periphery to see you standing a mere few inches from him, leaning close enough to touch his arm. He works on autopilot, hands relying on muscle memory as he prepped the vegetables for lunch. Your hands are clasped behind your back in your usual pose. For anyone else, Sanji would preen like a peacock, ready to show off his honed skills, but under the lens of your inscrutable eye, he feels so exposed. Trying to stave off sudden uncomfortableness of the silence his mouth opens, and he finds himself rambling about cooking techniques. Ever patient, you nod and comment in all the right places.
While Sanji loved every lady on the ship, in the deepest crevices of his heart, he would readily admit that you were his favorite. Your soft smiles of encouragement, the way you entertained his foolish notions, all of it made Sanji’s heart turn into goo in his chest.
Gods, you had managed to carve out your place in his heart so early, the memory often rewinding and replaying in his head. It hadn’t been long since he left Baratie to make his home on Merry Go, back when Luffy still had the habit of picking out the vegetables in all his dishes. You chided the boyish captain on his behalf. The first bits of kindness he received from someone who wasn’t Zeff or the Baratie cooks.
“Luffy, Sanji worked hard to cook us this food. Don’t disrespect his efforts by being picky.”
After dinner that you offered him an earnest smile, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
“In case anyone hasn’t told you yet, you’re doing a wonderful job Sanji. Dinner was lovely.”
It made him feel like the same little boy stuck in the North Blue watching his mother eat his food for the first time. The grip you had on him had only tightened since then.
“You know Sanji, every time you cook, I find myself understanding you a bit more.”
Hands plating an intricate dish pause.
“A-ah why do you say that y/n-swan?”
Sanji’s heart seizes as you take one of his hands into yours, fingertips running over callouses and burn scars. An action so tender that for just a moment, Sanji could fool himself into thinking it was the touch of a lover. Your heated gaze focuses on his hands with a look of fondness, it causes him to reel, mind spinning with possibilities of what this could all mean. Did you want this just as much as he did? Did you spend your nights staring at the ceiling and thinking of him like he did with you?
“I understand why you don’t want to fight with your hands. When you cook it’s like a symphony, every movement you take, every dish you make, it’s all meant to nourish and heal. You’re built to love Sanji, not destroy.”
The lump in his throat grows until it’s too painful for him to swallow, edges of his vision blur with tears, threatening to fall. Was he so transparent that you could read him so well? A few words and you had flayed open his very existence, his heart and soul. The words you say mean more than you’ll ever know. His ocean eyes search yours hoping to find an answer to his lingering questions.
He jumps, the two of you breaking apart at the loud noise, any tension in the room dissipating.
Luffy catapult himself at Sanji, wrapping his limbs around him like an unruly octopus, much to the ire of the chef. Sanji tries to wrestle himself out of Luffy’s grasp, angrily yelling at him.
The loud noise startles you, your heart pounding a mile a minute in your chest. You marinate in the sudden surge of adrenaline for too long before you feel a hand on your wrist. Eyes trace it back to its owner – Zoro. He assesses you for a few seconds.
“You alright?”
Thud. Thud. Thud. Your pulse pounds in every inch of you and your lungs greedily swallow air and hold it in an attempt to calm down. Your thoughts race and you feel the distinct feeling of regret. Regret that you didn’t make a bolder move.
A wobbly smile is the answer Zoro gets, one that makes him frown ever so slightly. The sight makes him rub circles on your wrist with his thumb. The contact soothes you and you’re grateful that you had the swordsman as such an understanding friend. You settle a free hand on his, offering him a brighter smile, hoping to lessen his worries.
“I am.”
The two of you unaware of the pair of eyes that witnessed the scene.
Sanji stares from the railing of the Thousand Sunny, the light of the setting sun casts an ethereal rosy light over the glimmering ocean. Pinks, reds, and blues mashing into a myriad of colors that all swirl like glittering gems.
From the upper deck, it isn’t the sun or the ocean that Zoro admires. It’s the glow of the sun on Sanji’s face. His eyes trace the elegant slope of his nose, drinking up the way the sun dyes his fair hair into a strawberry blond. His mouth goes dry, his palms becoming sweatier by the minute. Plucking up some courage, Zoro crosses the distance of the Sunny, stopping next to the object of his desires.
“The sunset is beautiful isn’t it.”
Zoro wants to cut out his tongue. What a lame comment. Sanji deserved better. Someone who could weave him a beautiful tapestry of words, words which don’t even exist in Zoro. After all he is a man of action and not platitudes.
Sanji hums out in agreement, never moving his eyes from the beauty of the scene in front of them.
They don’t talk much, but there’s an easiness to the quiet between them as they watch the sun inch closer into the horizon. The Sunny lurches at a particularly big wave and Sanji is caught off guard, wobbling a little. He’s steadied by a hand on the small of his back.
“Ah, thanks Marimo.”
“No problem, Sanji.”
His name on the swordsman’s lips gives him pause. Zoro almost never calls him by his name. Then he becomes acutely aware that Zoro hasn’t moved his hand, his palm is large and warm on Sanji’s clothed back. The contact is like lightning in his spine and for reasons unknown his heart stutters. He mildly wonders if he should say something, unsure of what the contact means for the two of them.
Deciding his brain feels too stuffed with cotton, Sanji fishes out his lighter and cigarette from his suit jacket pocket, hoping for some clarity in the nicotine. Stupidly, he holds the pack out for Zoro offering him a cigarette, despite knowing the swordsman doesn’t smoke. Before he can rescind the gesture, Zoro’s free hand takes a cigarette from him. Their eyes meet and he finds Zoro’s are unreadable as always. The other man brings the cigarette closer to his face, rolling it in his fingers as he examines the tobacco stick. A laugh huffs out of Sanji’s mouth as he lights his cigarette. He inhales precious smoke, and in the haze of his exhale, his eyes linger a little too long at the sight of the cigarette loosely held in between Zoro’s chapped lips.
“Here let me light it for you.”
Sanji holds the lit lighter out, only for the wind to snuff it. He tries again, flicking the flint a few more times. Each time the wind picks up, extinguishing the flame. A scowl overcomes Sanji’s face.
“Here, we can just-”
Sanji looks up from the lighter at the sound of Zoro’s voice. The other man pulls his hand from Sanji’s lower back and Sanji becomes conscious of the fact that the action leaves him sad at the loss of contact. That’s when he feels the green haired man’s large palm on the back of his neck, searing into his skin as he steadies him. Zoro leans in closer bringing his cigarette to the tip of Sanji’s.
A cigarette kiss.
Sanji’s brain is a mess. ‘It’s just the damn Marimo’ he tries to reason with himself, but he feels heat lick at the apples of his cheeks.
He’s blushing. At Zoro.
The man’s actions have flustered him to his core, tongue too heavy to form words. His eyes soak in the sight of Zoro slowly sucking in – ‘holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, what the fuck?!’ his mind screams at him.
The man offers Sanji no reprieve, continuing his hold on Sanji as he made sure the of his cigarette is lit before breaking apart. Sanji’s world is tilted on its axis, heart pounding so furiously he feels it in his fingertips. He half expects it to burst through his sternum.
Zoro gives an experimental breath before hacking out a loud cough, sound reminiscent of a dying walrus. The scene is so jarring, how the man could go from turning Sanji’s brain into mush to coughing out a lung. It makes him laugh so hard he’s clutching his stomach, abs cramping as he tries to greedily swallow in more air.
It was so Zoro.
Through the tears of laughter, Sanji can see pink dusting Zoro’s face, clearly embarrassed by his lack of experience.
“Take slow inhales, mix it in with some fresh air, it gets easier after a while.”
Sanji’s smile is so wide it hurts his cheeks. He watches Zoro attempt again, the man’s body tensing in an effort to not cough out all the smoke.
“This is horrible Sanji. I don’t know how you do this every day.”
All Sanji can offer the man is a chuckle. He takes in the sight of the swordsman, bathed in the dying light of the sunset, shadows accentuating the strong lines of his face. He’s about to respond when he hears Nami’s voice calling for him.
“Sanji, the bathroom is free if you want to shower!”
He turns, giving her his undivided attention.
“Thank you Nami-chwan! You look especially beautiful after your bath!”
When Sanji turns back, Zoro is no longer facing him instead looking out into the ocean where the last glimmers of the sun fade into the horizon.
“Go ahead and take your bath, cook.”
Sanji manages a nod, feeling odd at the sudden change in attitude. Things had felt so great between them, so what happened? His feet feel heavy as he walks towards the bathroom. Halfway, he doesn’t know why but he spins on his heel, wanting to confront the man.
He wishes he didn’t.
He sees you with Zoro, again.
The two of you huddled close, your hand caressing the swordsman’s cheek. The both of you bathed in the beginnings of moonlight. Sanji’s heart clenches painfully.
It was just like before – Vinsmoke Sanji always comes in last.
Things progress at a snail’s pace. Both you and Zoro are seemingly thwarted at every turn whether it be Sanji rejecting your advances or being interrupted in the most inopportune times. A silver lining for Zoro comes in the form of you. Despite being his rival in love, you’re there to pick up the pieces of him, little pep talks flowing from your lips. He hopes that he’s done the same for you. The best of his efforts goes into repairing the shaky smiles on your face, splitting bottles of wine with you as the two of you gripe about love. It’s an odd routine, but one that Zoro finds himself not minding. There is comfort and familiarity in your company.
That was until the crew step foot on Sabaody Archipelago. Everything came to a grinding halt at Sabaody. It was an utter disaster. Not even a foot into the New World and the Grand Line had chewed the crew up and spat them back out.
Panic sets Zoro’s bones the minute he wakes up. Thoughts of his nakama rushing through his brain at breakneck speed. Were you all safe? Did you guys make it off Sabaody? Zoro keenly feels the loss of his crew, guilt seeping into every crack in his heart. If only he had been stronger - strong enough to defeat Bartholomew Kuma on Thriller Bark, strong enough to carry everyone’s dreams on his back.
He spends two days lost in the maze of a castle that weird Ghost Girl brought him to, trying desperately to find his swords. He squashes down the invasive thoughts attempting to claw its way into his mind – were you all even still alive? It doesn’t help that the girl, Perona he finds out is her name, keeps giving him directions that seem to get him lost even further. Frustration bubbles under his skin. He is wholly useless, a feeling that is reaffirmed when he is defeated by the humandrills, his only hope of reaching his friends dashed by his own inadequacy.
When he feels like things couldn’t get worse, he hears about Ace. Zoro wants to scream, to dig his fingers into his chest and rip out his own beating heart. Frustration, fury, despair – it all whirls inside of him for Luffy. How could things have gone so wrong?
Zoro tries hard not to wallow in his sadness. He beats down his pride and grovels to Mihawk, begging the man he wants to defeat one day to teach him, to make him into a man worthy of being called Luffy’s nakama.
Time flows, and slowly but surely, Zoro adapts to his life on the deserted island. Mihawk is a fair teacher and his brutal teaching methods have Zoro progressing faster than even he could admit. Although the lack of alcohol grates on his nerves. Though he would never admit it out loud, Perona isn’t too bad either when she isn’t annoying him.
He spends his days training, eating, and sleeping, a routine that isn’t unfamiliar to him, but his mind remains plagued by the brewing thoughts of you and Sanji.
His mind goes in cycles, starting with hopes that you two are alright. Surely you’re safe, Zoro’s mind doesn’t want to can’t think of the alternative. He wonders if Sanji has found himself on an island with enough food, cold fear nestled in his heart at the idea of the cook going without. He hopes you have extra blankets at night, his mind supplying him images of your shivering body on Drum Island, lips tinged blue.
The months gruel onward and late at night, when the world is silent and his body aches from the brutal beatings from Mihawk, Zoro imagines your soft touches, a comforting hand on his shoulder when things went wrong. He dreams of the bottle of sake he desperately wants to split between you two, talking about any and everything. He wants to see your smile.
On days where the sun blisters in the sky and Mihawk forces him to help with the farming, Zoro wonders if Sanji would be impressed. Would he give Zoro that smug grin of his, telling him to till the farm with appreciation for the food it grew? Would he be brave enough to commandeer Mihawk’s kitchen, lecturing to Zoro the entire time he cooks about how he needs to eat the right macronutrients to gain muscle. Zoro luxuriates in what-if’s and could-be’s, day in and day out.
He spends the hours of sundown to sunrise, staring at the cold grey stone ceiling of the castle pondering in a mire of his own doing. He wanted both of you but was desperate to hold onto what you and him had together, while craving every potential what-if with Sanji.
He stews in his feelings for months, unable to take himself out of his own head.
On a day where Mihawk is away on business, Zoro finds himself in the dining room, sun barely rising into the sky. Perona was nice enough to fix breakfast for the two of them but it only puts Zoro in a worse mood. His body is gripped in nostalgia, heart aching to wake up to the sound of Luffy and Chopper’s chatter in the morning, to pass by a sleep drunk Usopp and Franky grumbling out good mornings, and to make his way to the kitchen and have a plate be handed to him by the star of half his dreams. Increasingly lost in his own thoughts, he’s oblivious to Perona’s pouting.
“Ugh! You’re such a jerk!”
Perona waits a few seconds, giving the mosshead time to come to his senses and apologize but minutes tick by and she finds herself empty handed. In childish anger, her hands slam on the table.
“What the hell? Aren’t you going to thank me for breakfast??”
She is only given a wave, the gesture vaguely dismissal.
“Okay you idiot, what is it? What could possibly be so important that you forget to thank the person who saved your life?”
The question gives Zoro pause. He deliberates in his head a bit, uneasiness mashing in the pit of his stomach. To let someone know about his problems felt too vulnerable, but against his will the words of his dilemma spill out of him like an ugly fountain with fat babies on it, like the ones he saw plastered all over Water 7.
Perona regards him for a few minutes before rolling her eyes.
“You’re not very smart, are you?”
“The fuck?”
“You’re a pirate idiot. Being a pirate means you take what you want, you don’t need to share. So have both, duh. Who says you can’t have a boyfriend and a girlfriend?”
Whiplash. His brain rattles in his skull at Perona’s words. How ridiculous. This is what he gets for telling her his problems. He opens his mouth to tell her off but then the words sink into him.
Both? He could have both?
They were both strong enough to protect themselves, their bounties reflecting their skill, determined enough to pursue their own goals. They, more than anyone on the ship, knew the stakes of his dreams, not once had they ever discouraged him. Plus, the thought of the two of them tangled in a mess of naked limbs beckoning Zoro to join was a particularly tasty thought.
Perona shoots him a smug smile.
“You’re welcome~”
Nerves rattle through your body as you disembark from the small sailboat, steered by the kind martial arts master that found you two years ago. The elderly woman pats your hand in reassurance.
“Don’t worry dearie, I’m sure your boys are waiting for you. Now you make sure you stay safe and don’t forget to always pack a scarf.”
You give her a bright smile.
“Thank you so much, for everything. I’ve learned so much! Please make sure you tell everyone I got here alright.”
The woman matches your smile before waving you off. Excited feet don’t hesitate to quickly wander down Sabaody, taking you down semi familiar paths. You count the grove numbers in your head, excitement gripping your stomach as you finally arrive.
Grove 13.
The sight of the wooden sign of Shakky’s Rip-Off Bar shoots fresh nerves into your veins, anticipation ripe in your head. You take a deep breath, steeling your nerves before you push open the door to the bar.
Your eyes skim over the empty chairs and booths, finally settling on a green clad figure at the bar. Time slows and your heart threatens to burst out of your sternum, you can feel your pulse in your ear, not even hearing his name tumble out of your lips. The sight of him makes tears sting the corners of your eyes.
His signature three swords are still affixed to his side, hilts glinting in the low light of the establishment. A head turn makes the three golden strands of his earrings collide into each other. He stands tall and proud, two years of effort reflected in his new silhouette. You run to him, finding half of everything you had missed in the last two years in his hug. Tears run down your cheeks, absorbed by the green of his outfit, staining the fabric dark. You can’t bring yourself to care.
He still smells like steel and sea salt.
He presses a kiss to your hair, his large hands rubbing circles on your back as he pulls you closer to his chest. After seconds that feel too short, you part from him. You soak in the sight of his familiar features. Your eyes trace over the new scar over his eye, the strong line of his jaw, the slight bump in his nose. Hands wander up his biceps and you can’t help but ghost your fingertips over the newly acquired scars present on exposed skin. Fingers smooth over every part of him, his wide chest, his corded arms, all of it – desperate to memorize him after these years apart.
Lost in the moment, you miss the way Rayleigh and Shakky sharing a knowing smile.
Fingers interlaced, you let Zoro lead you to his room at a small bed and breakfast in Grove 17. You aren’t even mad when he gets lost twice, taking you down a winding path to Grove 7 instead. You missed this, the idiosyncrasies that come with living with someone, spending every waking hour together.
Once in the room you let your small bucket bag tumble to the floor. You wait patiently until Zoro has a chance to take off his katanas before you throw yourself into his arms again, the two of you tumbling into the small bed. His entire presence offers you a familiar comfort. He felt like home. You can tell he feels the same, the way he holds you tightly, as if you would disappear from his arms at any moment. He buries his nose into your hair and his chest moves from under you as he inhales. The two of you stay like that for several minutes, the silence finally being broken by Zoro.
“Y/n, I don’t want to be without you.”
Shivers shoot down your spine.
“What about Sanji?”
“Him too. We’re pirates y/n, we take what we want.”
You bury your face deeper into his muscular chest, heart fluttering in your own chest.
“Good, I don’t know what I’d do without my two boy toys.”, your words come out muffled and you can feel the vibrations as Zoro chuckles.
Lifting your head, you give him a lascivious grin. His eyes are as intense as ever, but you find that this time around you can pin down the emotions within because they’re the same as yours.
Your lips meet his in a kiss that he doesn’t hesitate to accept. His lips are warm and chapped, a combination you quickly find yourself addicted to. Your arms move on their own, snaking around his neck as his wrap around your waist, bringing you in closer to him. The both of you move feverishly, desperate to make sure this moment didn’t evaporate into the ether. His kiss is hungry, ferocity over taking you before he seems to rein it back in. He coaxes out a whimper from you as his hands wander to your bottom before pulling your hips in close to his, letting you straddle his waist. You let out a gasp as you feel his hardness grinding on the sensitive flesh of your inner thigh. Utilizing the last braincell that isn’t drenched in hormones, you place a placating hand on his chest.
“Patience. Not without Sanji.”
To your surprise he is in agreeance with you, but he gives you a devilish grin all the same.
“Doesn’t mean I don’t get to kiss what’s mine.”
Laughter peels out of you, as Zoro smashes his lips into the crook of your neck, biting and sucking the sensitive flesh in a manner that was both ticklish and sensual.
“You’re right, it doesn’t.”
Sanji doesn’t know what to think. Reality was, he saw this was coming, the signs glaring at him two years ago.
You and Zoro were together.
The whole crew seemed to know it too.
“Yohohoho! They’re quite a handsome couple, don’t you agree Miss. Robin?”
“They do complement each other quite well.”
Everyone has seen the two of you look at each other, shooting puppy eyes at the dinner table, and of course Sanji is distinctly aware of the way Zoro takes your small hands into his, a rogue thumb tracing idle circles into your smooth skin. It’s all too intimate for two people who are “just crewmates”.
Sanji’s heart is broken, shattered into a million tiny pieces and he doesn’t know where to begin to put it all back together. He was an utter fool for having clung onto hope for two years, spending his days daydreaming about how the pieces would all fall into place, the two of you accepting his confessions of undying love.
Stupid, stupid Sanji.
The voices of his past mock him. How could anyone love stupid Sanji. How silly of you to even dream. Nestled in the sicker part of his brain, he wonders who he’s more jealous of – you or Zoro.
It should be him, his jealousy addled self whispers to him in the dead of night but Sanji knows it’s his fault for even daring to dream. The two of you were better off together. So, every day, he wakes up, chokes down the feelings that threaten to well up inside of him, and continue as if nothing was wrong.
He had been doing it well enough for the last twenty odd years, what’s the harm in a few more?
It doesn’t take long for an opportunity to present itself to you and Zoro.
The Sunny docks on a small island to restock on basic supplies and through divine intervention the stars align. Zoro catches the last vestiges of Sanji’s conversation with Nami, picking up the tidbit that he would come back to the ship immediately after he procured fresh meat and produce. Taking his chance, he offers himself and you up for guard duty, a move that garners no protest or suspicion.
After the crew clears out, the anxiety builds in your chest, your head spins and your palms feel clammy as the minutes pass by. Zoro doesn’t say it, but you could tell he felt the same, his rough fingers constantly flitting over the hilt of his katanas. You and Zoro split a bottle of sake for liquid courage, downing it like teenagers instead of passing it along at your usual leisurely pace. The sake helps a bit, dulling down the feelings.
The two of you are on the upper deck when you hear the click of expensive dress shoes on wood. Peeking, you spy Sanji’s golden hair as he reboards the ship. You signal Zoro with a nod of your head. The two of you break, Zoro to the kitchen to fetch Sanji and you to the women’s dormitory. Long strides quickly lead you to where you need to be, settling down on the blue comforter of your bed.  
In the midst of fiddling with a loose thread on one of your sheets, you hear the door open. Nerves tingle through your body as you see Sanji’s figure enter.
“A-ah y/n-swan! Marimo said you needed help with something?”
He takes a few strides, standing at the foot of the bed you were sitting on. The door clicks as Zoro shuts it behind him. Sanji sucks in a breath, suddenly feeling trapped in this confined space, anxiety pooling in his stomach.
“O-oh! Well Sanji you see… Um, w-well we..”
You bite your lips, fingers picking at the skin near your nails, something Sanji picks up on. He can’t help the prickling of curiosity in the back of his brain. What got you, the very definition of calm and collected, so nervous?
“We want you, Sanji.”
It’s Zoro this time, the timber of his voice nearly reverberating in his bones as he becomes aware of how close the man stands behind him. You nod in agreeance.
Sanji’s brain short-circuits.
Did he hear that right? You both wanted him?
Sanji searches your face for any inkling of deception but your cheeks are flush and you avoid his eyes out of nervousness.
“Don’t over think this.” Zoro murmurs into his ear, hot breath fanning over the sensitive skin. The other man’s large hands come from behind him and roam on his chest, going over the silky fabric of his suit. The action pulls him in closer to Zoro, sending shivers up his spine. It doesn’t take long for Sanji to make up his mind.
So be it.
He’ll take whatever scraps you have to offer him. Maybe if he gets a taste, it’ll be out of his system, and he’ll be free to pursue all the beautiful men and women he encounters in his travels. Maybe if he closes his eyes, he can imagine that this is something more than just sex.
He continues to feed himself the shallow lies.
“Yeah, let’s do it.”
At his affirmation, Sanji feels hand on his head, turning him into a hungry kiss. Chapped lips meet his and Sanji can faintly taste the sweetness of sake on Zoro’s breath. It’s everything Sanji has dreamed of. In the midst of their kiss, Sanji feels your hands undoing his tie, and unbuttoning his jacket and dress shirt. An impatient tongue spears into his mouth, coaxing his own tongue into a dance, drawing a moan from the blond man. A hot tongue presses into his neck and he can’t help the gasp that rises to his lips. In contrast to Zoro, your lips are soft and silky. You stamp fire into his skin with every kiss, setting his body into flames.
Breathless, he breaks the kiss with Zoro only to have you pull him into another one, gentler but no less voracious.
He’s aware of Zoro helping him shed his shirt and jacket, but his head feels stuffed with cotton, not quite to registering any of it. A soft tongue mingles with Sanji’s and delicate hands caress the bare skin of his chest, each movement leaving gooseflesh in its wake. The light flicks to his nipples have him groaning into your mouth. The kiss breaks with a soft sigh from you, and Zoro surges forward to capture you a playful kiss, sandwiching Sanji between the two of you. The friction of the two bodies, one soft and one sturdy, melts his mind, his pants feeling tighter by the moment.
A larger rougher set of hands replace the soft ones on his chest as you kneel in front of Sanji, making quick work of his belt. You lavish his abs with floaty kisses and occasional playful nibbles, following down the trail of soft downy hair until you reach his boxers. You make quick work of that too, freeing his erection.
You nearly drool of the sight Sanji’s cock slapping against his belly, marking a spot on his belly with shiny precum. His cock is picturesque, like the men of the dirty magazines you used to buy as a teenager, a few shades darker than his porcelain skin leading into a dusky pink tip oozing slick. You give an experimental lick up the shaft before engulfing the tip in your mouth, making circles over it with your tongue. Sanji throws his head back, gracing you with a breathy pretty groan.
The salty taste of his precum ignites a fire deep in you, a need to taste more overcomes every sense. Driven by your baser instincts, you press down further, taking as much as you could until you feel him hit the back of your throat, eyes welling with tears as you try to stave off your gag reflex. His delicate fingers tangle into your hair, hands resting on your head. Pressed so close to Sanji his pubic hair tickles your lips and you can smell the clean rich sandalwood of his soap. You set a slow pace, looking up through dark lashes to observe Sanji’s expressions as he loses himself in the feeling of your mouth. Each circle of your tongue over the tip has him whimpering, his cheeks and chest flushed pink.
Not to be left out, Zoro joins you, kneeling in front of the blond man. You release his cock with a pop and stroke it lightly.
“Want a taste?”
Zoro gives a devilish smirk, coming in closer. He gives the tip kitten licks before slowly taking more of the length in his mouth.
“Tastes good doesn’t it?”
A muffled response has you grinning. You take a few moments take your own clothes off, only stopping to appreciate the sight of Zoro pouring his attention to Sanji’s cock. The contrast of the two men bubbles excitement in you, a longing finally quenched. Zoro is all muscle, posture and stance reflecting power and brutality, but Sanji’s is refined elegance, fluid even while motionless, muscles seemingly sculpted by a maestro.
Kneeling back down, you throw yourself into the fray of saliva and skin, taking one of Sanji’s balls into your mouth, earning a loud groan from the man. The two males’ intermingling musk cloying in your head, fogging up any thought you could muster. Sanji’s hips buck and Zoro gags, pulling another moan from the blond. You slowly suckle, running circles on the surface of his ball sack with your tongue before releasing it to lick up the shaft. Zoro meets you in a messy kiss with Sanji’s cock in the middle of two pairs of lips. Your tongues dance over the veiny surface of Sanji’s dick, occasionally skimming each other.
Sanji wants to throw his head back, to lose himself in the sensation of two mouths lavishing him with attention but he’s caught up in the sight of you and Zoro, your tongues fighting on his cock, hoping to find more skin to lick and suck at. The two of you work in synch, soon moving upward to suckle at the reddened tip of his cock.
“S-stop or I’ll cum” Sanji whines out, making you and Zoro share a laugh, shifting away from his sensitive cock to find each other in a kiss.
Feeling emboldened by the sexually charged energy, you saunter over to the bed, sitting and spreading your legs wide open. Sanji practically drools at the sight, stumbling over the clothes on the floor to get in closer.
Sanji slots himself between your legs, moving closer to kiss you. His lips are soft, and the hints of lingering tobacco pull you in for more. Sanji’s tender affection is a deluge you drown in, heart full you reciprocate keenly. He peppers kisses down your jawline before interspersing tender open mouth kisses on your neck. A hot tongue trails down further before capturing a nipple between his teeth. His actions are delicate, but they draw whimpers out of you, heat pooling between your thighs at the teasing. Sanji’s strong hands cup your breasts, massaging softly as his tongue runs circles around your hard nipples, dousing them in messy suckles.
He offers the same treatment to your other breast before trailing more kisses down until his head is settled between your thighs. You can feel his hot breath, a gossamer on your sensitive skin. The flat of his tongue licks a stripe through your folds and your back arches at the contact.
“Fuck angel, you’re so wet” he murmurs before diving back in, tongue working through your folds before encircling your clit.
“Mm fuck Sanji”, moans pour out of you endlessly, your hands tangling themselves in the golden silk of his hair.
His strong hands hold your hips steady as he begins to suckle at your clit, giving occasional kitten licks, as anticipated, the action has you bucking your hips, thighs tightening around his head as he tightens the coil in your loins, nerves dancing on fire.
Zoro’s calloused hands run over Sanji’s torso, earning a shiver from the man. His fingertips take time to appreciate the valley of muscles before moving to his hips, propping them up into position. Sanji is a mess of gooseflesh as rough fingers part his cheeks, exposing him to the other man. A hot tongue presses on his hole and Sanji lets out a gasp that’s muffled in your skin. The sensation is foreign as the tongue wriggles against his tight hole, but pleasure quickly finds him. Zoro’s tongue circles around his puckered hole, massaging and working the muscle, each move deliberate in driving Sanji further into a chasm of pleasure until he’s relaxed. Zoro intersperses it with licks from the flat of his tongue, the contrast drawing out whimpering moans from the blond. When he pulls away, Sanji whines.
“Get these wet for me.”
Sanji complies, taking his head out from your cunt to take Zoro’s digits in his mouth, tongue running over each individual one. Zoro grins at the sight of Sanji desperately sucking on his fingers while his goatee shines with your slick.
A whine from you has Zoro withdrawing his fingers from the other man’s hot mouth, allowing him to return to your needy hole.
Sanji returns to lavishing your clit with licks, before plunging a tongue deep in you hoping to taste more of your essence. Pressure against his puckered hole pauses him in the middle of his pussy eating. Your thighs tighten around him as you buck desperately against his mouth, hoping to find more friction despite his lack of action.
The breech of a large finger pulls a sound out of him, a mixture of a moan and a scream. You offer your own moan at the vibrations of Sanji’s on your clit.
Zoro presses kisses onto the skin of his buttocks, rubbing soothing circles on his skin as Sanji adjusts to the foreign intrusion. Slowly, he begins to rock his finger back and forth, occasionally stopping to spit on Sanji’s hole, an action that has the man’s dick twitching.
“Don’t worry Sanji he’ll be gentle. Won’t you marimo?” you tease, tone breathy from your own arousal at seeing Zoro knuckle deep in Sanji.
“We’ll see about that.”
Sanji turns to tell Zoro off, but the aforementioned man’s free hand grabs his head, shoving him back into your cunt, earning a squeal from you.
“Focus Sanji” Zoro gravels out, voice thick with lust. You snake your legs around Sanji’s head, heels resting on his mid back.
“He’s right Sanji, wanna cum so bad”
As if to demonstrate your need, your hips buck into his open mouth, hoping to find a tongue to grind into. Ever the gentleman, Sanji grants your request, eating you out with renewed vigor.
Zoro continues to work his fingers into him, one finger becomes two, pumping becomes scissoring, and soon Sanji feels more stretched out than possible. Sanji lets out loud moan after moan into your clit when he feels the man continuously brush his prostate. His mouth is messy with saliva and your slick, jaw aching as he continues to devour you. You reward him with looks from dark lashes glimmering with tears, your soft skin flushed by his ministrations. Pretty whines of his name spill out from your lips, urging him on as you chase your high. Your fingers clench onto his hair, the pain from the pulling mixing with the shockwaves that Zoro’s fingers provide him.
“A-ah right there S-sanji!”
Your tighten your legs around Sanji, a loud wail escaping you, hands fisting the blankets underneath as the coil in your belly snaps. Your orgasm wracks your body, vision going dark and heartbeat in your ear. Sanji’s tongue doesn’t stop, sending pins and needles through your nerves. Tears dot the corners of your eyes as he eats your overstimulated pussy out until you’re crying his name, begging him to stop. When he relents, you pull him into a kiss, tasting your own salty juices on his lips. You swipe your fingers over his messy slick shined lips and chin, offering them to Zoro who sucks on them with enthusiasm before letting go with a pop of his mouth.
You shimmy out from under Sanji, the blond pushing himself to all fours to offer you more space. Moving off to the side, you take in the sight of Zoro greedily pumping three fingers into Sanji who’s offering himself up like a dog in heat, whimpers pouring out of his mouth. Sanji’s dick is standing tall, precum dribbling out from the tip and onto the bedsheets where you can already spy a dark wet stain forming. You wrap a hand around his cock, thumb smearing the precum as you begin to pump up and down at a torturous pace. Sanji’s head buries into the bed as he lets out a string of expletives. You and Zoro share a naughty grin.
It doesn’t take long for Sanji to start moving his hips, desperately fucking himself into Zoro’s fingers trying to plunge deeper.
Zoro pulls out of him, and you take your hand off of his cock, Sanji is left whining at the loss of contact.
He isn’t left alone for long as Zoro pushes him into the bed before flipping him around so he’s on his back. Zoro devours the sight of Sanji’s hair pooling around him in a radiant halo, his cheeks flushed pink and dick twitching for attention. You come back and pass Zoro a bottle, lowering yourself to take the man’s dick in your mouth. Sanji’s eyes are glued to the sight of you bobbing your head along the impressive length of the swordsman. He watches as Zoro’s eye closes, clearly enjoying the way you’re taking all of him in. It isn’t long before the swordsman pulls you up and into a kiss.
Jealousy grips Sanji’s heart. Brook was right, the two of you were a beautiful couple.
You take the bottle from Zoro and pour out a viscous liquid onto your fingers, soaking them in it before wrapping it around Zoro’s cock, wetting him with long strokes.
“Fuc-k babe that feels good”
You offer Zoro one final kiss, a mischievous hand coming to smack the swordsman’s bottom sending him on his way to Sanji.
Zoro slots himself between Sanji’s legs, wrapping his hands around his ankles before yanking him, moving him closer to the edge of the bed. For the first time Sanji’s cock presses into Zoro’s and it twitches in excitement, the blond shudders at the contact. Zoro captures his lips into a kiss and Sanji loses himself in it. Sea salt and steel invade his senses, wiping his mind blank of every thought. Rough hands find their way to his slender hips, rubbing circles along the bone. Slim smaller fingers press against his hole, taking time to slather him in the same viscous liquid.
When Zoro breaks the kiss, Sanji opens his eyes, taking in the sight of the swordsman on top of him.
“You ready?”
He isn’t, but Sanji nods.
The blunt tip of Zoro’s cock on his hole startles him, and for the first time he begins to wonder how in the fuck he’s supposed to take all of it inside of him.
Then the push comes, a groan is ripped from his chest as Zoro breaches his tight hole for the first time. Sanji feels panic well inside of him. He’s going to be torn in two, there’s no doubt about it. The blond squirms in discomfort, and you’re quick to notice, kissing his tears away, interlacing your fingers with his.
“Shhh, it’s okay baby. You’re doing so good, such a good boy for us”
Zoro takes it at Sanji’s pace, allowing the blond to adjust to the stretch. One hand steadies his hip and the other strokes his calf, bringing it closer so the green haired man can press kisses into the pale skin.
Through the pain and panic, Sanji finds himself delusional. With his eyes closed and brain shut off, he imagines this is what it would be like to be loved by the both of you, drowning him in sweet nothings, soft kisses, and praises of what a good boy he is.
It takes a deliberate amount of self-control for Zoro to inch in slowly, the sight of Sanji’s greedy hole swallowing his shaft has anticipation pumping through his veins. He finds himself resisting the urge to pin the blond down and ravage him right there, to stretch his hole out so fully that it molds itself to the shape of Zoro’s cock and his alone. It isn’t long before he finds himself full sheathed, Sanji clenching around his dick, sending mind numbing pleasure into Zoro.  
He holds him there, offering more time to adjust as he holds the blond’s hips steady. Letting go of Sanji’s hand, you happily move into the mix of bodies, sitting on top of Sanji, a hand guiding his length into you. As the tip of his dick enters you, Sanji throws his head back, wailing into his fist as he tries to quiet himself. Slowly, you sink into his length, engulfing him with tight searing heat. You’re tighter than he expected. You lean back, pressing your back into Zoro’s muscle bound chest as you turn to give him a kiss. He moans into your mouth as your tongues meld into each other.
In need of friction, you start a slow pace, moving up and down on Sanji’s length.
“F-fuck, oh my fucking g-god, feels ‘sgood” Sanji slurs out, tongue lolling and mind blank.
Zoro pulls from your kiss to start pumping into Sanji, ever impatient he fucks the blond with aggression. Unabashedly, the swordsman lets out a groan at the feeling, Sanji gripping his cock like a vise.
“Yer so fucking tight for me babe”
The blond isn’t shy about making noises, screams and moans mixing together as they leave his mouth. Zoro’s finger’s dig into the man’s hips to gain more purchase as he thrusts particularly deep, punching the air out of Sanji’s lungs, his legs spasming as Zoro jabs into his prostate. His body seizes, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he babbles out nonsense.
Sanji can’t think, he can barely breath with Zoro’s cock bullying him out of air only for your tight pussy to greedily clench, only allowing him short gasps of breath. He loses himself entirely in the feeling of being thoroughly used by the two of you, drool leaking out of the side of his mouth as eyes stare unfocused.
Sanji’s dick curves and hits the most sensitive parts of you, brushing along your g-spot as you bounce up and down on him, desperately chasing your own high.
“S-sanji, your cock f-feels so good baby”
Your words begin to slur as you feel the beginnings of an orgasm gather in your loins.
Sanji is the first to cum, letting out a loud wail as he bucks his hips upward, shooting his cum deep inside of you. The feeling of his warm cum flooding you makes your eyes roll to the back of your head, you keep riding him through his orgasm, oversensitive cock still hard as you grind down on it, losing yourself in the pleasure of his spongy dick tip grinding into your cervix. Zoro’s hand snakes around your hips, fingers pinching and rolling your clit, sending fireworks of pleasure into your spine, you hold onto Sanji, nails digging deep. Zoro’s thrusts get deeper, rocking you and Sanji. His breathing is choppy, moans spilling out of his lips as Zoro chases his own high.
Fireworks burst behind your eyelids as you feel the orgasm wrack your body, tears gathering in your eyes as your moan stutters in your throat. Sanji whimpers as your pussy milks his oversensitive cock for more cum. Zoro’s arm wraps around your waist and the other on Sanji’s thigh as he pulls both of you closer, the coil buried deep in his belly threatening to snap. He picks up the pace, relentlessly hammering inside of Sanji, the movement causing Sanji’s dick to rub the sensitive tissue of your cervix, gushing out the cum deep inside of you. The tight friction of Sanji’s hole is delicious as Zoro gives the last few pumps before burying himself as deep as possible in the blond, head resting on the crook of your neck as he came. His loud groan is muffled in your skin, stars shoot across his vision as he paints Sanji’s walls white, belly clenching as he slowly rocks the last vestiges of his orgasm out.
The three of you fall on the bed in a mess of limbs, sweat, and body fluids. You’re out of it until you feel an arm wrapping around you, hazily recognizing it as Zoro’s, bringing you and Sanji closer to him. You press yourself into his side, craving the comfort of his embrace. Your head rests on his wide chest listening to the pounding heartbeat as he presses a kiss into your sweaty hairline.
Zoro’s heart feels full as he watches his two lovers, fully sated and thoroughly fucked, resting in his arms, the trust they put in him is implicit.
The peace is broken when Sanji breaks out of the embrace, getting out of the bed picking up pieces of various strewn about clothing. The action startles you and Zoro out of your post orgasm glow, the two of you sharing a confused look.
“Where the fuck are you going?”
Zoro’s voice cuts through Sanji’s soul. Steeling himself, he looks up at the two of you, still wrapped around each other, clearly comfortable - a comfort Sanji can’t indulge in lest he lose more of his heart.
“Ah. Well, I figured you guys had your fun, right?” he weakly chuckles.
The silence is deafening.
“No need for me to linger while you tw-“
“Sanji when we said we wanted you we meant all of you. You mean more to us than just sex, we adore you.”
His body tenses in surprise, the shock written all over his face.
Zoro leans forward, grabbing Sanji’s hand to pull him back into the mess of limbs.
“C’mere and cuddle us Sanji.”
Sanji sinks into the cuddle, hungry heart full for the first time in a long time.
©2023 lyriumcoloredskies do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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thinkingotherwise · 4 months
Hello! I read your post about Sugishita with a talkative reader. So, could you write for Hayato Suo with a reader who's talkative? Like, she's so passionate about talking that she explains every little detail perfectly. (I'm the chatterbox of my class and I've gotten scolded many times but I'm shameless.)
With that, the reader is also stubborn af so she needs a reasonable argument otherwise she ain't gonna be convinced.
The reader loves fairness. She can't stand if anything unreasonable is happening in front of her.
Oh well actually, if you want the reader can be gender neutral. I just asked like three requests at once. 💀 If you want you don't have to do it all! <3
As an introvert, I'm in awe of every person who is talkative, or as you called them a "chatterbox" - I know I could never.
Hayato is just so fucking majestic.
Hayato Suou x Talkative! reader
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You were a very passionate person, who couldn't stay in silence for longer than a few minutes. The words had just always easily flown out of your mouth and it sometimes could get you in trouble. However, your words also helped to get you and others out with their problems. Growing up it was tricky to find the perfect balance of your talkativeness and the patience of your classmates, teachers, or even neighbours.
It was a little hard to find a person that could keep up with you, or at least didn't mind your ramblings. Hayato was perfect for that. Not only did he humour you during your rant sessions, but he also effortlessly kept up with your heated discussions.
You could spend hours upon hours talking about something and when he caught the wind of those times he would prepare some tea and snacks. That would make your discussions more comfortable and you would feel like your passion for talking was encouraged.
Hayato didn't mind your ramblings finding them amusing and informative. He couldn't also fathom how you could talk so much that during your logorrhea (stream of words), you'd change topics so much. Once, you started talking about the dinner with your friends you had the day before, going through the dilemma of whether pineapple should be on pizza, and finishing with sudden fun facts about different types of paint, with many more in between. It was still a mystery how you ended up completely detached from the first thoughts you shared.
When Hayato had his agility and martial arts skills to back up his testing words, you depended only on your phrases. You were an expert, and could easily out-talk anyone that started an argument with you. Your boyfriend thought it was pretty amazing how you could stand up to anyone with only words.
You used your talent for talking also to stand up for others, not being fond of some people putting down others thinking they were above them. "Excuse me, but it's not what I wanted." You heard a voice from your side from a woman, that previously stood in front of you in the queue. You were in the cafe with Hayato in the middle of ordering some desserts for yourself when she cut in and pushed you to the side. "I'm sorry, but that's what you ordered, Miss." The cashier said trying to be calm about the situation. "No, I wanted it with more milk and not this poor excuse of milk but the oat milk." She articulate it even more smashing the cup on the counter and spilling it. "I'm sorry Miss but you didn't inform us about it when taking the order, we confirmed it with you and you didn't say anything about the different type of milk you'd like to use. If you want we can-" The cashier said starting to get nervous as she fiddled with her fingers.
Your eyes widened when the fussing woman cut off not even listening to the barista. You were boiling all over and Hayato seeing that placed his hand around your waist and moved it in circles trying to calm you down before you could join the argument. "Of course, I did, you're just not listening to me. If you can't do your job correctly, then I don't know why you're still working here." The woman continued pushing the cup over the counter and into the cashier. "Miss, please listen-" "I'm not listening to someone so incompetent like-" She cut off the employee again and you had enough.
You pushed away from Hayato and heard him sighing in amusement as he knew what was about to happen. "Okay, that's enough." Your voice cut in firmly and the woman looked at you scowling. "Miss, you're clearly out of it, if you think you can be mean like that to someone who's working harder than you." "What? You're such disrespectful little-" You didn't let her finish just like she did with the cashier and continued on your own. "It's a fact that I can tell even without knowing more about you than what you've just shown everyone here. I was after you in the queue, I heard what you ordered, and now that told the barista she got your order wrong, and even doing such a thing." You motioned to the employee who tried to wipe the counter and her uniform from the spilled drink.
"You're the more disrespectful one. And I beseech you to shut your mouth and think twice before trying to make someone's life miserable just because your is." You finished with fire in your eyes making the woman frown and gasp at your rant. "OMG! I can't stand someone like that." She said waving her arms around before turning away and leaving the place. You sighed and felt Hayato moving towards you and moving his arms around you trying to calm you down. You showed your claws and he had a wide grin on his face, proud of you for standing up for someone else.
Tags: @misticbullet
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thinking about book 6 battle simulations
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I was thinking a lot about book 6 lately! (Not for any particular reason, I was just ruminating, haha...)
During the examination segment, Riddle, Azul, and Vil were put into one group and Jamil and Leona were put in the other group. Idia then put them into VR simulations in which (simulated) Trey, Jade, Rook, Kalim, and Ruggie approached the subjects to upset them. This is for the purposes of STYX to gauge their combative capabilities and blot accumulation. What I noticed on another read of these parts was that Idia makes sure to inform all the subjects they are about to enter a VR simulation BEFORE they dive in... and yet despite this, group 1 (Riddle, Azul, Vil) was still caught off-guard when Trey, Jade, and Rook attacked them. Meanwhile, Jamil in group 2 automatically defers to Kalim but Leona is the one who notices something is fishy about the situation. Now, now... this is interesting 👁️ Why might this be, I wonder~ (You bet I'm going to analyze the heck out of these small details!)
***Main story spoilers up to book 6!!***
First thing to consider: it's possible that perhaps the characters don't fully understand what "VR simulation" is, as most of them did take a while to come to their senses. Of the 5 subjects, Riddle is the most likely to fall into this category. He seems to be slightly confused by the concept of a "virtual space" when Idia explains the examination to them (which likely conflicts with Riddle's very traditional understanding of "tests"). Furthermore, Riddle has expressed in Endless Halloween Night that his mother did not allow him to play video games or to watch TV so he'd usually do crosswords or solve other puzzles for fun. He's not completely technologically inept (like Malleus), but Riddle does have a somewhat limited scope of how items and procedures are to be used, especially if it lies beyond its normal means. It's likely that he has not thought of VR simulation being used in the scenario in which he finds himself in now.
The other 4 subjects, however, most likely understand what VR is and shouldn't be confused by the simulation. Azul is very savvy and keeps up with trends, which can factor into his business(es). He even brings up streaming as a potential source of revenue in book 6; man has his fingers on the pulse of pop culture to know what will sell. Vil, being a celebrity and the leader of the Film Research Club, must have an understanding of various technologies used to achieve certain effects (especially as director of his own projects). Jamil constantly deals with Kalim's requests and, being in Kalim's social bubble, must get exposure to all kinds of crazy technologies. Leona, being a knowledgeable prince, surely must understand the concept of VR simulation.
Okay, so... why did they (mostly) still get "tricked" by the simulation anyway? The key words today would be "trust" and "dependence".
Thinking about it, there's one thing that separates group 1 from 2: the boys in group 1 have a tendency to rely on others for support and validation whereas the boys in group 2 are consistently shown to be more independent than their peers (even if they, too, seek validation). Let's go through them one by one!
Riddle is presented as a tyrant that rules with an iron fist, particularly in book 1 where he stars as the main antagonist. However, it's also pretty blatant that Riddle has become increasingly aggressive due in part to others enabling him. Ace specifically calls out Trey for this, saying that his failure to intervene or to quell Riddle's temper has resulted in Heartslabyul students suffering for it. Cater is also complacent, as he and/or Trey often follow Riddle's orders and remove Adeuce from the dorm multiple times in book 1. Riddle relies on these upperclassmen to listen to him and carry out his bidding, and he feels validated when they do. It's a lesson he has learned from his mother. He is the most powerful, and therefore he should be the most correct. Notice how Riddle is quick to anger when others refuse to obey him and how often he demands for them to conform. He becomes enraged when the Heartslabyul mobs rebel and chuck an egg at him. But what hurts him most of all is, perhaps, Trey turning too. Riddle was mad about the mobs acting up, yes, but he still did not overblot. Not yet, at least. No, Riddle overblots only AFTER he tries to attack Ace with the rose trees... and Trey steps in with his UM to overwrite Riddle's collar, turning it into cards. Trey's relationship with Riddle cannot be understated here. In this very moment, Trey, Riddle's childhood friend (one of his first friends), vice dorm leader, silent yes man, his most trusted confidant, has betrayed him. He is proving Riddle wrong, that the most powerful mage is not the most correct. "Are YOU going to tell me that I'm wrong too? After all I've done to protect the rule of law?! [...] I... I refuse to believe this!"
From these examples, we can clearly see that Riddle is someone who is reliant on others--not that he isn't a capable mage, but rather he is reliant on others for his own sense of self-worth. Indeed, even in his post-OB flashback, he indicates feeling proud and excited when his mother praises him for good grades or successfully performing a spell. This is reiterated many times over in book 1, in which Riddle feels satisfied and even smug when his students fall in line, and spirals into uncontrollable rage when they don't. There are a select few whom Riddle has chosen to place his faith in, and Trey is one of them. Trey, who gave him his first slice of strawberry tart and has been supporting him as his vice for over a year now (since Riddle became dorm leader in his first week as a first-year student; now is the start of Riddle's second year). That's why he feels so hurt when Trey is suddenly chastising him, telling him that he's behaving irrationally.
If we reexamine Riddle's post-OB flashback, you'll notice that Riddle says he is lonely without every outright stating the word "lonely". The phrasing makes it sound as though Riddle does not understand his own loneliness, like he doens't even know the word or want to acknowledge it as reality. He is awkward and unsure around Trey and Chenya, who invite him out to play. He follows his mother's rules because he believes that is what will bring him happiness. He wonders why, in spite of following all those rules, he still feels hollow inside. Then, once Riddle has awoken, he confesses that he always wanted to play more with Trey, and that he wants to talk with everyone after a meal. Riddle. at his core, craves companionship rather than dominating his peers. Trey was one of the few friends he ever had, and so Riddle puts a lot of stock into his support. This may be why he was quick to believe the fake Trey in the simulation, and why he looked so shocked when Trey started attacking him. Here is a boy who has already been betrayed once, experiencing that same betrayal again at the hands of his childhood friend. How scared must he be of losing his oldest friend, of Trey turning his back on him or seeing him as a monster? 😭
Due to the bullying he experienced in his childhood, Azul works very hard to maintain a new image of someone who is cool, confident, and composed. Part of that is passing himself off as someone who is large and in charge, while posing Jade and Floyd as his lackies who do whatever he tells them to. The reality of the matter is that the twins are very much... there to do their own thing, and they just kind of go along with Azul's schemes because they seem to be a lot of fun. When you stop to consider it though, Azul definitely puts a lot of trust into the Leech brothers even though they're both shady and can be flippant at times. It's the twins going around and advertising Azul's services to the student population. It's the twins who help him expand his business and acquire new items (as all three's Dorm Uniform vignettes are about the Octatrio conspiring to acquire the rights to and/or advertise their new drinks). It's the twins who are asked to run the Mostro Lounge whenever Azul is absent. Time and time again, Azul falls back on Jade and Floyd. They've been with him since middle school.
In book 4, both Azul and Floyd insist that they aren't really "childhood friends", but they do consider each other "equals". As Azul describes it, "I strongly doubt Jade or Floyd have any binding allegiance to me. This is all and elaborate game of pretend to them. [...] If I made a poor choice as leader--or even simply a boring one... They would turn on me instantly and seize the dorm leader seat for themselves." Floyd follows with, "We ain't got any plans to challenge him, either... for now, anyway. Aha ha! [...] We stick with [Azul] now 'cause it's fun. If it stops bein' fun, we drop him like a bad habit. Easy." The twins and Azul are both very aware that their relationship is a temporary and transactional one. Azul himself has even fully considered the possibility that Jade and Floyd may one day turn on him. This is all true--however, I also believe it's possible that the Octatrio are not being entirely truthful to themselves and do actually care for one another beyond the confines of their business ties or "having fun". In book 3, Jade and Floyd sense that something is wrong, and their immediate thought is to go check on Azul because of this gut feeling. Jade warns Azul of the consequences of misusing his UM. They are also the first to check on Azul after his OB and insist that he rest and find it within them to gently tease him over the situation. Even the way they address each other is "special". Jade and Azul have a tendency to be polite and use the honorific "-san" after everyone's name... except for each other and Floyd. Floyd, meanwhile, tends to give everyone a nickname... except for Jade and Azul. They drop these naming conventions within their group because that's how much they know and trust each other. Further proof of this is that when Floyd first meets Azul in the post-OB flashback of book 3, he calls Azul "Octopus-chan". Azul used to have a nickname, but no longer has one. This implies that a lack of a nickname actually indicates that Floyd is more intimate with someone than if he had nicknamed them. The same goes with Jade and Azul, who are usually so formal and polite.
I've already established that Azul acts in ways which indicate that he is close to the twins, as much as he tries to deny it and come off as tough. He drops the honorifics for them and he trusts them to do his bidding. What I find most telling, however, is when Jade and Floyd check up on him right as he's about to OB. "Jade! Floyd! Ahhh, you've finally come back to me," Azul says (if you listen to his voice, he sounds SO relieved). "Would you believe that thanks to these FOOLS, I've lost all of my contracts? Which is why I'm going to need your powers now. Come on, give them to me!" This is notable because, prior to this, he was forcibly ripping powers out of mob students. But now with the twins--Azul makes a CONSCIOUS decision to ask Jade and Floyd for them to willingly give up their powers to him. Azul is emotional and acting without tact here, but he STILL stops to ask the twins for them to surrender their magic. He cares about getting their consent specifically. When the brothers deny him and Floyd says Azul has become lame, that's when Azul snaps. His loyal henchmen are refusing his request and he's lost all his accumulated wealth. He's going to become the weak, friendless crybaby he once way all over again.
Knowing all of this, it makes sense why Azul was as startled as Riddle was when the simulated Jade attacked him. Azul claims that he anticipates this day--but he still seems to disturbed when it actually happens. It's true that perhaps this surprise comes in part from Azul having no indication that the twins were getting bored of him, so this is coming out of left field in his perspective. But... it could also be that he's hurt by the sudden shift, even if he and the twins have been telling themselves all along that they'd toss each other out without a second thought once they lose interest. This calls back to Azul's concerns right before he overblots: that his "business partners" (whom he refuses to call his friends) have lost interest in him and will now leave him alone and with nothing. He relies on the brothers not only for labor, but as his company and his confidants. When that's taken away from him... what does Azul have left that's worth anything?
Vil is another person who typically passes as very independent. He looks after himself quite well and is often the one nagging others to do the same. The thing with him is... he's still a celebrity at the end of the day, and a celebrity like him is always aware of his public image and the eyes on him. That's Vil's Achille's heel: as a celebrity, he is constantly concerned with how others perceive him. This is a lesson he learns in book 5--that he shouldn't let other people's judgment of him or a silly popularity contest determine his self-worth. Ah, but let's remember... book 6 begins like a mere DAY after book 5. Sure, Vil's character arc may be over, but that does not mean that he has suddenly completely changed. Up until yesterday, he was aggressively training to overcome his rival and to show the whole world his true beauty. Vil still, to some degree, finds value in how he looks and how others see him, as it strongly ties into his career. To this end, he sees Rook as a valuable individual.
Now, there's a lot of contention about whether or not Rook is a good influence on Vil or not, as some interpret his commentary as derogatory or unnecessarily critical. I'm not going to get into that; here, I am going to speak plainly about how Vil himself views Rook's feedback. In Vil's Labwear vignettes, he confides in Trey that he relies on Rook's keen observational skills to reflect the truth back to him. A celebrity must look at his best, and he can count on Rook to not mince his words and point out even the most minute of changes at a quick glance. (Vil himself is also extremely strict with himself, but lacks the superhuman abilities that his vice dorm leader does.) Rook has been doing this since long before he even transferred to Pomefiore, critiquing Vil's performances and such, not just his looks alone. This led into long discussions and debates between the two, which demonstrates how much Vil values Rook's perspective. Even back then, Rook was one of Vil's greatest supporters, but not exactly a totally blind "yes man". He is offering the kind of feedback that Vil seeks, not empty, sugar-coated niceties. This is why, in spite of his betrayal at the end of book 5, Vil eventually accepts it, as he trusts Rook's keen eye and judgment. What's interesting about book 6's examinations is that Vil seemingly takes charge of his group. When approached by the simulated classmates, Vil steps up and, after a moment of silence, says, "No... It's nothing. Let's go." (Vil is known as a skilled actor and can easily sniff out an act himself. Was the silence hesitation as he, Azul, and Riddle reevaluate the scene? Hard to say, but I'm assuming that STYX's state-of-the-art tech was able to perfectly simulate Rook, and thus confused Vil and co. for a while.) Rook strikes him with a spell, and that invokes a great emotional reaction from Vil, who seems to be the most aghast of the group. The fake Rook then declares that he's going to claim the dorm leader seat from Vil, which shocks him. "As you know, I appreciate beautiful things. Hence... I can hardly allow someone who's acted as ugly as you to occupy the Fairest Queen's throne!" The scene then cuts away to a battle. Now, while we don't get any extra dialogue from Vil to show his reaction, one interpretation could be that he was stunned into silence. Why is this a believable occurrence? Because the fake Rook called Vil out for "ugly" behavior. This is significant because back when Vil was overblotting, he was desperately shouting for people to "not look at him" because he's "so ugly". Here, ugliness does not mean literal ugliness or something that is visually unappealing. The "ugliness" being spoken of refers to being morally rotten, as Vil was speaking on his guilt after resorting to dirty tactics to try and take out his rival (when he had previously sworn to win on his own merits alone). The simulated Rook might be referring to this, which induces great shame in Vil, who is aware of the weight of his sins. Heck, book 6 even starts with Vil taking accountability and sincerely apologizing to the whole NRC Tribe for causing them trouble. Vil blames himself for their team losing, as it was his OB that forced them to fight and physically wore them out before their big performance. "What does it matter who forgives me?! I can't... I can't forgive myself!" He may still have lingering guilt regarding this incident, hence why he's the one predominantly reacting when the vice dorm leaders betray group 1. His mirror and huntsman, who speaks only the truth to him, now tells him of his ugliness. What else can that be, if not the truth reflected back at him?
To be clear, Jamil did not automatically go after the simulated Kalim. He automatically defers and tries to go along with his dorm leader (and only starts fighting once Leona declares the simulation for the sham it really is). Why? Surely Jamil is sharper witted than that. To this, I say... of course, it's just that Jamil's so used to being a servant that he reverts back to submissiveness as soon as he's put in a circumstance where there's a power dynamic. He’s not the one relying on Kalim—Kalim is often the one relying on him. You need proof of Jamil's servile mindset? He was intentionally talking down his own skills ever since book 4 and, according to Azul, has been purposefully maintaining painfully average grades (which, in of itself, takes a lot of effort). Admittedly though, those are conscious choices, not unconscious ones. But how about back in book 5, when Vil announces him as one of the lead vocalists and Jamil's immediate reaction is not to accept it, but to humble himself and insist that Kalim would be better suited for it (when Kalim actually isn't)? Jamil has to stop himself, back up, and accept the nomination, which he has earned for himself, rather than relinquish it to someone less deserving. Years and years of serving someone else, forced to play the part of the inferior servant, will beat that attitude into his mind, regardless of how much he resents the position.
Even now, Jamil feels like he usually has to follow someone else's lead. Leona, the upperclassman and dorm leader, provides that lead for him in the VR simulation. This leadership + independence is something they would butt heads over later in book 6, as Jamil begins to act overprotective of his current charge (Leona) as he does with Kalim. While Jamil has played the part of Kalim's attendant and childhood friend, the reality is that Jamil cannot stand those roles. He desires to stand out and to be recognized--something which is evident in book 4. Before he brainwashes the Scarabia students, he's always framing himself in a positive and helpful light to them and speaks humbly about his abilities. After he brainwashes the Scarabia students, he has them heap him with praise that he had never gotten in his childhood. In the post-OB flashback, we see Jamil's parents scolding him for outperforming Kalim, even in something as simple as a game. The headmaster of a great arcane academy overlooks him in favor of someone far less capable.
Jamil knows he can be great, but he's intentionally being told to not reach those heights. He feels stifled and trapped, and no one understands his plight that he cannot escape from. This results in Jamil distancing himself from others and coming to rely on himself and himself alone to make his wishes come true. He can't rely on his family, who are beholden to their legacy of being servants to the Asims. He can't confide in friends because none of them are quite like him, and Kalim would ignorantly brush it off. He can't tell third parties because, as Crowley as demonstrated, they dismiss him outright. Jamil, as he acts throughout book 6, is doing so in an effort to find his own strength and to be able to act on it with the freedom he seeks. To play support not because he has to, but because he, the individual, wants to. As Jamil states before overblotting, he wants to "be free" from these precarious circumstances where a wrong move could doom him and his family... but he only has so many liberties to work with. This leaves him in a strange limbo situation where he still isn't fully independent but desperately wishes to be. We see him fighting against the restraints, and to varying degrees of effectiveness depending on the context and his state of mind within that context.
From a young age, Leona seems to have worked tirelessly to obtain recognition. Like Jamil, Leona was in such a position (second-born prince) that, despite his efforts, he kept being rejected and beaten down again and again. As we see in his post-OB flashback, this is what eventually broke Leona’s spirit and made him develop a pessimistic outlook on his prospects for the future. The thing is, even though Leona does not really have hope for himself, he still manages to inspire hope in other people, from underclassmen to the students of his dorm. Book 2 is entirely about Savanaclaw looking to Leona to save their own futures, and him trying to do so for their sakes. His club mates extol how he can so quickly hone in on their best skills and advise them on how to sharpen those skills. Jack admires Leona’s plays, so much so that he wished to one day play alongside Leona. He’s even able to get beastmen of different species to get along and live peacefully under his rule when this has historically been difficult for his older brother to manage. All in all, Leona has all the makings of a leader. He stands out from the crowd, knows when to leverage his power and intelligence (playing smarter, not harder), and commands with ease.
… That being said, Leona’s presence can be so powerful at times that it’s also isolating. This was the case for his childhood, which is depicted to us as many palace servants being fearful of Leona’s devastatingly strong magic. He also uses this strong magic against his dorm mates when their intentions clash in book 2–and he comes close to killing someone in the process. He’s also just notorious in general for being grumpy or unfriendly toward others, including one instance in book 5 when he seems upset that you’ve showed up in his classroom. Leona drives people away from him, whether because of his strength or because of his prickly attitude.
At the same time, i would also describe Leona as a tactician that keeps some degree of distance from those he commands. He makes it clear he's willing to use others to achieve his own goals and does so many times over. Book 2, when he tries to take out Malleus to help his dorm leaders while also trying to prove to himself that he's capable. Book 3, when he helps Yuu and co. dissolve the contracts including one of his own he made with Azul, etc. Leona knows how to best use his own abilities, as well as those of others. That's what makes him so formidable--he can read others and judge the situation extremely well, and he knows when it is smart to fight and when to tactically retreat (such as in book 6, when he immediately surrenders to STYX agents rather than make a scene). Leona is a self-sufficient man.
There’s the question of Ruggie, of course. Leona is often depicted as lazy and relies on Ruggie to do many daily things for him, such as laundry or fetching food. This obviously throws a wrench into the claim that Leona is more "independent" than those in group 1, doesn't it? He doesn't even come close to Jamil, who actually does all of these tasks himself. Well, not exactly. I don't think "independence" here really comes down to that alone. Riddle, Azul, and Vil all relied on Trey, the twins, and/or Rook to some significant degree to inform their own senses of self. Jamil had this belief of deferring to his "betters" (the Asims) instilled in him, regardless of his personal feelings on the matter. And Leona? Leona does not significantly rely on Ruggie for his self-worth (dude was 100% going to sand him in book 2). Yes, Leona was likely looking to help his dorm members in part to prove to himself he is capable of leading a pack, but he gives up when he realizes it was a fruitless effort. He doesn't become reinvigorated to keep it up or to try again, even when his dorm members (Ruggie included) plead to him. Leona is acting selfishly, and he refuses to acknowledge their perspectives--he's set in his own ways and is driven by his own thoughts, not those of the people around him. Perhaps this is what allows him to discern truth from lies with such clarity, as it is Leona who rouses Jamil to his senses and leads the charge against the VR simulation Kalim and Ruggie.
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Okay so I took some notes during the Hatchetfield Halloween party stream
This doesn't include spoilers for Working Boys (which was actually fucking excellent) and also doesn't include the proposed NMT3 episode descriptions just because I didn't screenshot and I've seen a billion posts of them going around.
Steph's mum's dead, Matt Lang says it's likely something to do with when Solomon Lauter says about the black book 'I'm never touching that book again'.
Nora is the owner of beanies
Melissa is a serial killer in every reality
The black alters constructed by the church of the starry children: Lakeside mall, Waylon place, the highschool, the starlight theatre, CCRP (formerly the site of the Hatchetfield Gazette)
Greenpeace girl's real name is Harmony Jones
Duke's dad was the sheriff of Hatchetfield and was murdered in October 2005 by Wilber Cross
Linda auditioned for Working Boys but was the only person not to make the cut.
Working boys was originally going to be much longer and more complicated and the black book prop was originally commissioned for it. In the end most of that content ended up getting lifted and pulled into nightmare time episodes. The song 'The Summoning' was originally written for Working Boys as the goal was to trick the cast into performing the ritual. This also originally wasn't supposed to happen in Nerdy Prudes.
They're keen to put the brakes on Hatchetfield at some point soon and the next musical definitely won't be Hatchetfield.
NMT2 ends on a cliffhanger because they originally intended to do NMT3 very shortly after to wrap up some of the loose ends.
Doing NMT3 will depend on demand. Writing a season of NMT takes about 4 times the amount of time as writing a musical and If they did NMT3 they'd want to make it even less zoom cally than NMT2 (i.e. have characters talking to each other) which also takes a lot of time and money. They are very keen to do it on a personal level as the arc from NMT2 currently feels unfinished but doing it will depend on demand.
They're keen to do more film style things akin to Working Boys.
Proposed NMT3 episode 'Bottle Imp' was originally planned to be part of NMT S1 E2.
NMT3 would revolve around Halloween.
They originally thought the musical trilogy would start with nerdy prudes must die and have the sequel be 'horny campers must die' (which became absintence camp), the third in the trilogy would have followed a similar plot to proposed NMT3 episode 'Devils night'.
The soldier referenced in the description for proposed NMT3 episode 'Orbweaver' is General MacNamara.
If they ever did another Hatchetfield musical at some point in the future it would be about Miss Holloway and her origins story.
They want to do a Hatchetfield movie at some point, and Working Boys was a test for how well Hatchetfield transfers over to that medium. This would have to be isolated in location and character list to be feasible. Their current thoughts for this would be 'Cast Party Massacre' which would involve a lot of the new characters we met in Working Boys.
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thirstywoso · 3 months
Roses have thorns // Jessie Fleming x reader | part one
Preseason meetings
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A/N this will probably have multiple parts to it, soft, fluffy, angst maybe smut depends where it goes
Warning: none for this one
This is only short and introductory next parts will get more into it, wc: 1.5k
Part two
The first session of preseason was a struggle considering you'd only landed late last night after spending the off season back in your hometown. Like any professional athlete you had kept up with your fitness regime and was active even though you didn't have training, still you wasn't expecting to get so much of a sweat on. Then again it was always tough coming back into such physical training, you never did understand why the coaches went straight into the hard stuff instead of some prehab and gentle exercises.
Something you had missed about being at Portland was the amazing food that the team chef made. There was always an array of different choices and all of them were good. Delicious in fact. The other thing you liked about lunch was sitting with your teammates and catching up. Today you were particularly excited for as you hadn't seen much of your friends being back in London the last few months, not to say you didn't keep in touch it was just better in person. You were sat on your usual table when Janine walked up to the table to sit down.
Janine was your best friend at Portland, she took you under her wing and showed you around when you'd made the move over from Man City. She was a familiar face and your bond became even stronger once in the States. As she joined you, you saw a small figure behind her who shyly sat down.
"This is Jessie" Janine hummed as she picked up her fork putting some scrambled eggs into her mouth.
"She's on the Canadian National team with me" she carried on as she swallowed.
You let out a short laugh "I know who she is Becks, I've played her enough times when she was at Chelsea."
"And even if I didn't know her from back then she's the captain of Canada and a midfield prodigy, plus Rob did introduce her to the team this morning"
Janine rolled her eyes "I know I was just introducing you to each other, I don't know if you've ever officially met. With it being her first day I thought she could sit with us"
"You know I'm right here" Jessie mocked as she stuck her hand in your direction
"Nice to officially meet you y/n"
You shook her hand and exchanged pleasantries, Janine had told you that Jessie hadn't found a place since making the move from Chelsea and that she was staying in the spare room of her apartment.
By the end of lunch you had planned to grab coffee with both of them after training and head to Janine's place to relax and catch up.
Jessie seemed easy enough to get on with and you found yourself looking at her a few times during lunch noticing how her dark curls were swept up out of her face and her cheeks were freckled with a slight pink tint to them. Something about her made it hard to tear your eyes away.
After lunch you had filed into the gym with the other girls, as soon as you saw the cones set out you internally groaned knowing what was coming.
The dreaded beep test, looking around the room you could see the other girls having a similar reaction. All but one, Jessie was sporting a wide grin.
"Clearly you've never done this before or you're just crazy Fleming" You joked.
"Oh I've done this plenty of times, I'm just really good at it"
"Is that so?"
"Yup" she popped the p not breaking eye contact with you.
"I bet I can last longer than you!"
"What's the forfeit?" Her eyebrow raised as she asked.
"Loser buys coffee later"
"You've got yourself a deal y/l/n"
You shook hands and lined up with the other girls.
The test started and it seemed easier than usual, you smiled to yourself knowing this would be an easy win.
As it became more intense you saw more and more of your teammates dropping out and soon it was just you and Jessie left.
Your lungs began to feel that familiar burn, one that you sometimes craved when you wanted to forget about something and worked out hard to clear your mind.
After a few more rounds your vision started to blur and even though you were usually stubborn you stopped doubled over with your hands on your knees gasping for air.
Jessie swanned over placing one hand on your shoulder and her other sticking out towards you as you straightened up. You shook her hand without saying anything.
"Well played y/n, do you want my coffee order now or later?"
You just rolled your eyes still not fully catching your breath.
"I'll get you next time" you finally managed to huff out
Jessie just giggled to herself
You showered up and got changed after training. You had cycled there as did Jessie and Janine. Collectively realising it was bad idea when your legs were too heavy to ride back home.
You opted to walk to the coffee shop and get the bikes tomorrow. Fortunately your apartment that was only a few blocks from Janine's wasn't much more than a 15 minute walk.
On the corner of your block there was a coffee shop that you and Janine would frequent.
"This is Charlie's, they have the best coffee and pastries in all of downtown Portland" you stated matter of fact to Jessie as you held the door open for them both.
As promised you bought Jessie's coffee and wasn't surprised to see that it was a fairly basic coffee order other than a shot of vanilla. Yours being *your regular drinks order*. You'd also picked up some pastries, insisting that Jessie try them.
Just as you thought Jessie enjoyed her coffee and the pastries, well mostly.
"Okay so first you have a croissant" you looked at her expectantly as she took a bite and gave it a 5 out of 5
Next she tried a pain au chocolat, again that got full marks.
The final item was a cheese twist, Jessie took a bite and contemplated for a moment before giving it a 3
"A 3?! A 3!?"
"You must be out of your mind!"
"It's the best pastry they have going" You continued on.
"Oh no" Janine hid her face in her hands
"It's not bad. It's just not what I'd chose"
You held onto your chest and feigned hurt
"I can't believe you'd insult Charlie's cheese twists like that"
Janine rolled her eyes "don't worry she's alway this dramatic"
"Oh I can already tell" Jessie laughed
You'd only met Jessie properly for the first time a few hours ago but you already knew you enjoyed her little laugh and the way her soft hands felt in yours those few times she shook your hand.
On the way to Janine's you stopped at your apartment to change into some more relaxed clothing as you knew you'd probably just be sprawled on her couch the rest of the evening.
It was almost as if you hadn't been away for the last few months, you easily fell into conversation about anything and everything. Learning more about Jessie and also what your best friend had been up to on her break.
Jessie had told you about some of her hobbies and passions. One of which being photography, she had shown you some of the photos she had taken back in London and at home in Canada.
"Wow Jess, these are seriously impressive"
"Thanks" she blushed
"No honestly, it could be a career after you've finished playing" you complimented
"Have you ever been to the Japanese garden here? It's beautiful" you said after thinking for a second
"I haven't actually" Jessie stood up and opened the door to her room and you peered in after her
"As you can see by the boxes I've not been here long"
"So you've never been to Portland before?"
"Other than to sign the paper work where I was pretty much in and out" she began
"Then I got here two days ago and have been so busy sorting out my boxes and getting a new phone etc set up, you know how it is moving to the states after being in the UK" she explained
"I don't envy you, trying to sort my bank and phone plan out when I came over here was rough"
"Same when I came to Portland, yet it still hasn't made it easier to help Jessie" Janine sighed.
"Luckily I'm almost sorted now and will be able to actually see some of the city"
"Well, if you're not up to anything on Thursday we have a day off and I can give you a tour if you like?" You said thoughtfully
You remembered what it was like to be new in the city and wanted Jessie to feel welcome.
"Sounds good to me! You wanna come to J?"
"I'm actually going out with Ethan to run some errands but rain check?" She apologised
"Yeah no worries eh"
As you looked back from Janine to Jessie your eyes widened when you saw the clock.
"Oh shoot is that the time? I better get going" gathering your stuff you got up and headed towards the door
"Sorry girls but I better get back and to bed it's already late and we have training tomorrow"
"Jessie, we can talk more about plans at lunch" You excused yourself and returned to your own apartment.
Today had been long and you were finally relived to be back in your Portland bed that you'd missed so much whilst you were away.
You popped your phone on charge as you got into bed, setting your alarm. As you were about to put it down a notification popped up.
[y/n_y/l/n4] _jessflem started following you.
You smiled to yourself and followed her back before placing your phone on your bedside table and rolling over falling asleep.
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nymphoheretic · 2 years
˜”°•.˜”°• You're mine now, Private •°”˜.•°”˜
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Nymph: Hey! So this is a repost from my old blog that I've edited and added more to it! It's also for @semisgroupie's What's Done in the Dark Collab!
Summary: You decided to join the Marines in efforts to spite a certain blonde Gunnery Sergeant. Little did you know he’d taken an intense desire for you.
CW: Dom!Bakugou, Sub!F reader, Light Bondage, Blindfolds, Gagging, Vibrators, Shower Sex, Masturbation(F receiving), Hand Jobs, Oral Sex (M & F receiving), Vaginal Sex, rough sex, Sex Toys, creampies, squirting , Daddy Kink, Primal Play, Praise, Degradation, Counting, Usage of the nickname “Princess”
Word count: 16.8k
Tags: @katsukichu @bakugosbratx @hvziers @rinnori @sailewhoremoon @babiefwuit @angelltheninth @monaukah @awilddreamermain @tokyometronetwork @suyacho
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You walked around aimlessly within the large ballroom that your college had to host the career fair in. You felt slightly overwhelmed by all the booths and panels around you. You were just a general studies major. The jack of all trades, yet master of none. You did not know where you belonged. You glanced over at a booth that held many colorful posters boasting about Telemarketing and how it would be the future of the world and couldn’t help but to scoff slightly.
‘Even I know a cheap hack job when I see one.’ A flash of camo caught your eye and you blinked owlishly at the panel near the center of the crowd. You could barely make any of it out due to the massive swarm of females that were blocking the view, but you did manage to see that it was two men standing in military uniforms. One was cute and had long, bright red hair that was tied up into a neat bun at the nape of his neck, kind red eyes, and a friendly smile.   
The other was a rather handsome man with short cropped yet still spikey blonde hair with an undercut design. His sleeves were tightly rolled up to show off muscular and heavily tattooed arms. His narrowed red eyes seemed to pierce right through anyone who dared to look into them.
You were fidgeting as you read the banner. “The Marines”. You were always a bit hesitant about joining a military branch even though you came from a military family and was a rather strong willed girl. You were graduating soon and did need to find a job, that was the whole reason why you were here at this career fair, but to join such a battle hardened company like the Marines? Did you really want to commit to this? You jumped when a gruff voice called out to you.
“Oi, Dumbass?” The blonde called out.
You looked around for a few seconds before pointing at yourself with a confused look. ‘I know this asshole...’ 
The blonde shot you a cheeky grin as he crossed his arms and motioned for you to move closer. “Yeah, I’m talking to you, Dumbass. Are you going to keep standing over there like a weak little Princess? Or do you want to join the Marines?” He was testing you, you could feel it. He wanted to see if you could handle the disrespect that would come out of the mouth of a Drill Instructor.
With a renewed fire in youreyes, you pushed a girl out of yourway and squared up to the blonde. “Who do you think you are?”
“Gunnery Sergeant Katsuki Bakugou.” He said smugly, his lips curled up into a smirk that you wanted to smack off his face. “So what’ll it be, dumbass? You think you got what it takes to be a marine?”
You crossed your arms over your chest, a sneer on your face as you stared him directly in the eyes. “Depends, Gunny, can you handle me being in the marines? They don’t usually let Drill Instructors be recruiters.” you smiled when his eyes widened slightly in surprise at your knowledge. You were a proud Military brat so you knew the lingo and the attires. You spotted the wide large brown brimmed hat that all Drill Instructors would wear during boot camp.
Katsuki smiled as he leaned forward slightly, towering over your smaller frame standing in front of him. “Not bad for a dumbass.” He then reached for the pamphlet resting on the table that separated the two of you. “Fill this out and come by the office when you’re done. I’ll make a woman out of you, Recruit.”
“I’m already too much of a woman for you, Gunnery Sergeant.” you took the pamphlet from his hands, but you did not expect him to grab your wrists and pull you as close as he could with the table separating you two. 
“Careful, Recruit. I may just end up being your Drill Instructor. And I won’t go easy on a dumbass like you.” His warm breath fanned over you, causing heat to burn at your face.
Carefully, you took your wrist back, but only because you knew he allowed you to. (His grip was strong and his hands were so large compared to your thin wrists). You curled your lips up into a catty smile as you began to walk away, making sure you did a perfect half-right turn like your dad taught you. “Only time will tell, Sir. I will see you in the Recruiter’s office at 0800 sharp tomorrow.” You gave the blonde a perfect salute before walking away.
Bakugou watched the small woman walk away from the booth, a smirk twitching at his lips. He crossed his arms back over his chest as he leaned back against the wall as his eyes followed you. You were certainly a bratty little future recruit.
He’d enjoy breaking you down and making you cry once you were in his company boot camp. He nudged his partner who was flirting with some random girl. “Oi, shitty hair.”
Kirishima rolled his eyes as he excused himself from the girl he was talking about. “Sir?” He grimaced slightly at calling his best friend so formally, but Bakugou was a higher rank than he was. He frowned when he noticed that the blonde was watching the young woman he’d just handed a pamphlet to. But then a smile crossed his face as a thought struck him. “You want to break her, don’t you?”
“Make sure she’s in my company once her profile is complete, Kirishima.” Katsuki said as he pivoted on his right foot in a clean half right and walked off without another word. He would break the brattiness out of that cute future recruit. He licked his lips in anticipation of seeing you  again the following morning for your interview. “You really think you’re too much of a woman for me, Princess? We will see indeed.”
You woke the next day at 0715 and quickly got ready for your interview with that cocky asshole of a Marine Recruiter. When you had told your dad over the phone that you had decided to join the Marines, he’d scoffed while making a joke about how his “Squid-raised” daughter was turning into the enemy branch.
You knew that your father was holding out on the dream that you would follow in his footsteps and join the Navy, but that just never called out to you like the Marines did. A little evil voice in the back of your head told you that you were only interested because of the Gunnery Sergeant.
“Hell no, I’m not joining for that bastard!” you slapped your hands against your cheeks as you finished washing your face and brushed your teeth. You decided to wear one of your dad’s Navy t-shirts and a pair of cute denim shorts that showed off your legs and hugged your figure quite nicely. As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you realized what you were doing. 
You growled, “Dammit! I am not attracted to that man!” You checked your watch and saw that it was 0745. You needed to leave now to be on time cause in the military being early meant you’re on time, on time means you’re late. And you were not about to give that man the satisfaction of calling you out on practicality. 
You got into your car and drove to the recruiter’s office in less than five minutes. Double checking to make sure you had everything you needed to sign up, you got out. Walking up to the office, you drew in a deep calming breath to calm your suddenly frayed nerves.
What were you nervous about? It was just a meeting to talk over your enlistment. You may not even run into that cocky blonde asshole of a Gunny. Glancing down at your watch, you saw that it was 0755 and you needed to get inside or you’d be late.
Opening the door, you were greeted with a friendly smile. “Hey there! You must be the new recruit, Bakugou was going on about yesterday.” It was the redhead that was at the career fair. “I’m Sergeant Eijiro Kirishima, nice to meet you.” He reached out with a hand as a greeting.
You returned his kind smile with one of your own. At least this one was not a cocky sonovbitch like Gunny Katsuki Bakugou. “Nice to meet you, sir. I’m-”
Kirishima raised his hand to stop you as he grinned widely. “Oh, I already know your name, but for now, I’m just gonna call you “Tiny”.” He laughed when you gave him an annoyed look. What was with these Marine buffoons and never wanting to call new recruits by their real names?
You let out a huff and crossed your arms before walking over to the desk where Kirishima was standing next to. Looking up at him curiously when You noticed that he had yet to sit down, You arched a brow. “Aren’t you going to conduct my interview, Sergeant?” You nearly jumped out of your skin when someone suddenly clamped a firm hand on your shoulder. 
“Oi, Dumbass, you really came.” 
Your annoyance increased tenfold when you recognized that voice behind you. You quickly grabbed the hand on your shoulder and tried to remove it. You failed when he tightened his grip on you, causing you to grimace slightly. “Of course I came, Gunnery Sergeant. I am interested in becoming a Marine.”
Bakugou squeezed your shoulder tightly once more before moving to sit down in the chair behind the desk. His vermillion eyes scanned over you as you stared just as intensely as he was at you. “You’re dismissed, Kirishima. I’ve got this one.” He growled when his subordinate tried to protest slightly. “I said you’re dismissed, Sergeant! Don’t make me repeat myself, shitty hair!”
Kirishima was a bit surprised at how possessive Bakugou was towards this recruit. Usually they would share new female recruits, but it would seem as if Katsuki had no intention of letting this one go. Looking back over at you sitting in the chair, Kirishima sighed out dejectedly. You were a cute little thing, too. “Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.” Giving his commanding officer a salute and retreated to the back room.
“You enjoyed asserting your authority, didn’t you?” You said, rolling your eyes when he smirked down at him. You crossed your arms over your chest in an attempt to seem indifferent to him and that cocky ass smile on his face. When that did not work, you leaned over and grabbed your paperwork to hand to Bakugou. 
Your back stiffened when his fingers grazed over yours when he took the packet from you. You quickly snatched your hand back and held it to your chest, your heart racing slightly.
Katsuki smirked as he looked down at you. You were being so coy now that you two were the only ones in the room. He scanned over your attire and frowned when he noticed that you were wearing a navy T-shirt.
 Flipping through your paperwork, he saw that your father is a Navy veteran. “Tch, your dad was a Squid, no wonder you’re such a brat, dumbass.”
You let out a huff at the name he called me. “Look here asshole, do not insult my dad.” He could talk down about you all he liked, but no one and you meant no one was allowed to talk shit about your dad. Glancing back up at him, you drew in a sucking breath when you saw that he was staring at you with a predatory gleam in his eyes. Like he was the hunter and you were the prey. “You don’t scare me, Sir. I am a Navy brat and I know how you Marines are.” 
Bakugou crossed his fingers and placed them under his nose, tilting his head slightly. “Who said I want you to be afraid, little recruit?” His eyes never left yours and he could see the confusion wavering in those eyes of yours. Eyes of a bratty little prey that he wanted to put in your place. “Anyway, Dumbass, why do you want to join?” He stared at you intently, carefully judging you  as you took in another breath.
“Sir, I come from a heavily influenced Military family. My dad was part of the Navy, mother from the Air Force and I have two brothers, both in the Coast Guard.” you answered, never breaking away from his predatory gaze even though you wanted to shy away, but you never backed down from a challenge. “I am a strong willed person who can handle anything dished out to you and I will never back down from a challenge. I will serve my country beyond my abilities.” 
A feral looking smile spread over the Gunny’s lips as he placed his hands down on the desk, long fingers splayed. “Never back down from a challenge, eh?” He rose to his feet slowly, his eyes locked with yours as he watched you shrink back when he stood to his full height. His smile curled up more when you hopped out of your seat as he stalked closer to you . “Little recruit, I thought you said you don’t back down?”
You could feel your body starting to tremble as you took several steps back to avoid the blonde as he advanced on you. You felt like a rabbit waiting to be devoured by a hungry wolf. It was not until your back touched the wall did you realize that you were trapped. 
“Sir, what are you doing?” Your breath hitched when he slammed his hands against either side of your head and your hand came up to clutch at your chest. Why did you feel so small around him right now? 
“Come now, little recruit.” He said as he leaned down on his elbows, his hot breath fanning out over your face. “Where are those nerves of steel you had yesterday? You can see you trembling. All talk no bite, dumbass?” 
Bakugou reached out and cupped your chin in his fingers, tilting your face upward so that you were staring into his eyes. “Or was all that the Squid in you. You were such a little brat.” He slid his knee in between your legs, pressing up against your crotch.
A small whimper left your throat as you tried to turn your head away from him. “Sir, this is inappropriate.”
Bakugou leaned in closer, his scent overpowering your senses. “What is, Princess?” His lips were just a breath away before he pulled away with a cocky laugh. He moved his knee away from your  legs and moved to sit back at his desk.
“I like you, little recruit.” Katsuki folded his hands under his nose once more as he analyzed the young woman. Your face was still slightly flushed and your hand still clutched your chest while the other was pressed tightly against the wall. “I’ll schedule your swearing in for next month.” 
He grabbed a pen and began filling out some information in a small folder that was next to your  paperwork.
You blinked in confusion. What the fuck just happened? Did he do all of this just to fluster you? You could feel your anger start to get the best of you as you marched over to where the arrogant male sat and pointed your finger at him. “You ass! Don’t you ever pull some shit like that ever again. I am not some little toy that you can play with.” His laugh caught you off guard.
“On the contrary, little recruit. Once you’re in boot camp, heh, your ass is mine.” His eyes narrowed in challenge as he dared you to question him. 
Your eyes narrowed in challenge, glaring at him. “I belong to no one, sir. Just try to make me.” With those words said, you gathered your things and exited the building. “I will see you at training, Gunnery Sergeant Bakugou.”
The following month seemed to fly by. You had spent time with your family and friends as they all prepared themselves for your inevitable departure to Parris Island, South Carolina.  You hadn’t heard anything from that arrogant ass Katsuki Bakugou since that incident at the recruiter’s office. Your face still flushed every time you thought about how close he was to me. You could literally smell the bitter chocolate scent of the cologne he wore and feel his hot breath against your lips. You quickly slapped your cheeks. “Get it together, girl! You do not want that asshole! He insulted Dad.” But an evil sounding voice in the back of your head told you that you indeed did want the blonde and wanted him bad.
“Fuck it all to hell.” You cursed when your  phone started ringing loudly on your  desk. Who could be calling me? You told everyone that you would be busy this week in preparation for you swearing into the Marines. Glancing down at the screen, you saw that it was a number you did not recognize. “Hello?”
“Oi, dumbass. You ready for departure?”
You instantly pulled the phone away from your ear as shock registered on your  face. How in the hell...Oh? The paperwork had your number on it. “With all due respect Sir, kindly fuck off, I’m busy.”
“Is that any way to talk to the man who changed your life?”  His voice was a slight mocking sounding laugh. 
Your blood was boiling. You could not stand this arrogant man! Screw what that evil little voice said. “Get off my line, Gunny.” You then promptly hung up in his face. Feeling quite satisfied with what you had done. You got back to work with filling out all the appropriate paperwork you would need for swearing in. You felt mentally prepared, now to work on your physical condition. 
You considered yourself rather fit, as you did go to the gym about four times a week and go to a high intensity cardio class twice a week. But you knew that the training under the Drill Instructors was going to be brutal as they weed out the weaklings and only accept the mentally, emotionally, and physically strong.
You dug around your closet for your workout mat and quickly began doing multiple sets of push-ups, sit-ups, burpees, jumping jacks, up and down planks and other various workouts. Once you were done, you decided that you would go for a run knowing that running was going to be a huge part of everything especially during phases one through three. Grabbing your phone, headphones and fitbit, you left your apartment.
Running felt good. The air was cool with the approach of fall and although you dreaded doing all this training during the winter, you knew that it would only motivate you to work even harder. You knew that you would have to run both a 5k and 8K hike during week one so you pushed yourself to run at least a 10K, making sure that you stuck to more off road trails to simulate the uneven terrain that was going to be the beaten path. 
Sweat ran down your body by the time you were finished and you were exhausted. But you felt amazing. You accomplished your goal of running a 10K hike. It only took the whole month! And just in time too. You swore in in three days. Meaning...You’d have to see Katsuki Bakugou again due to him being your recruiter. You were dreading that. You hoped he would behave himself in front of your family. Only the Gods knew with that man. 
After reaching your apartment, you quickly hopped in the shower to wash the sweat and grime off of your body. You loved getting clean, but you knew after you swore in it would only be a matter of time until you would not be able to enjoy such long hot showers for about thirteen weeks. ‘Ugh, I’m so not looking forward to that part of boot camp.’ you reached for your favorite shampoo and washed your hair quickly before rinsing off and getting out. Wrapping a towel around yourself, you left the bathroom and laid out on your bed. “I am making the right choice, right, Dad?” Your eyes felt heavy as sleep overcame you.
You drew in a calming breath as you tried to not fidget with the bottom of your skirt. Today was the day. Today was your swearing in and then you would get your departure date. You could only hope that they would wait a few months so you could spend more time with your family. Your dad’s health was not the best after years of working on the Navy Ship’s engines and you wanted to be close to him for a bit longer.
“You nervous, Squirt?” you heard your dad call out as his hand landed on yours to give it a comforting squeeze. “You can always back out and join the Navy like your old man?”
Laughing at your dad’s attempt to have you change branches like he’s been doing since you told him you were enlisting in the Marines. “No, Dad. For the last time, I’m not joining the Navy just so you can brag to your buddies that your little girl is following in your footsteps.” you flashed him a reassuring smile. “I really do want to join the Marines and serve this country beyond my own expectations. I won’t let the Drill Instructors intimidate me into quitting.”
“Is that right, little recruit?”
Your back crawled at the sound of that, now, very familiar gruff voice that could only belong to Katsuki Bakugou. “Gunnery Sergeant Bakugou,” you placed a fake smile on your face as you extended your hand out for him to take. “How are you today, sir?”
Bakugou stared at your extended hand for a few moments before arching a blonde brow. “That is not how you greet a commanding officer.” His lips curled up into a snarky smile when you blushed and quickly tried to change your greeting to a salute. “Calm down, recruit. You’re not at boot camp yet.” He glanced over at your family that had come to witness your swear in ceremony. “You must be the family she boasted so much about. I’m Gunnery Sergeant Katsuki Bakugou, the man who’s stealing your daughter away.”
You sucked your teeth at the way he said that last line. He was not stealing you away! Crossing your arms over your chest you rose to your feet and introduced your family. “Sir, This is my Dad, a retired Petty Officer 3rd Class. My mother, a retired Senior Airwoman.” 
You smiled as you glanced down at your two brothers. They were the ones who were most excited for you to enlist in the Marines, although they hated the fact their little sister was stronger than them. “And these are my brothers, both Lieutenants in the Coast Guard.” 
Dad rose to his feet and gripped Katsuki’s extended hand and clapped him on the back. “Nice to meet the recruiter that managed to convert my Squid raised daughter to enlist?” 
Bakugou returned the gesture, clapping the older man’s back. “Likewise.” He cut his eyes over towards his little recruit and signaled with his head for them to follow after him. “If you’ll follow after me, I’ll take you to where the swearing in ceremony will be held after that she will learn her departure date.” He shot you a smirk that he thought only you could see, but your father’s watchful eyes caught it.
Your back stiffened when you saw the smile that was sent your way. Cocky asshole. You blinked when your dad grabbed your hand and squeezed it. Did he see the look Bakugou gave you? 
You shook your head. He could not have or he would have said something to your brothers. You followed the Gunnery Sergeant to the back room where there were three other people there waiting to be sworn in as well.
The ceremony lasted about thirty minutes and you were allowed to take pictures afterward. Mom cried when she heard you recite your oath, your brothers were grinning as they watched you salute the General, and Dad simply was watching Katsuki with a stern look on his face, but clapped when the ceremony ended. 
After everything ended, you followed the General to sign your contract that would bind you to the Marines for a minimum of four years if you did not fail boot camp.
Katsuki leaned back against the wall, his eyes following after his little recruit as he watched you sign the papers that would allow him to do whatever he wanted for thirteen weeks. Sure, he’ll have to pull a few strings and get yelled at by his superiors, but he would make sure that you would be put into his platoon and that he would be your drill instructor.
He grunted when someone placed their hand on his shoulder and he noticed that it was the retired squid. “Can I help you, sir?”
“You’ve been staring intently at my daughter for a while now, Gunny.” Dad replied quietly, not to alert his sons of the situation. “What are you planning with her?”
“Heh, with all due respect, sir, what I have planned for my training of making your daughter into the perfect Marine soldier is private information.” He said with a slight smirk, his heavily tattooed arms crossed over his chest with a blonde brow raised. “But I promise you she’ll be in good hands, sir.” His smile widened just a bit at the double meaning to his words that seemed to calm your father. 
If only he really knew of the plans he had for the little dumbass.
A month. You were given only another month to spend with your family. You finished school and graduated top of your class. And now you are spending your last few days of civilian life in your apartment. You had already prepared myself for the nearly three months away from family and friends. You told your landlord that this would be your last week here and she was kind enough to let you stay rent free for this last month.
You packed your rucksack with only the necessary items i.e. travel sized things that will only get tossed after receiving week. You sighed as you remembered your Dad’s words. He told you to be careful around Gunny Bakugou and he really did not have to tell you that. You were already going to avoid him like the plague although that little voice in the back of your head told you that you liked this game of cat and mouse you were playing with Katsuki. 
...And it was right. The more you tried to deny your attraction to the blonde, the stronger it got. But you would not let him distract you from your goal.
Deciding to go for one last run before you were shipped off to South Carolina, you grabbed your phone and headphones and took off.
It was time. You were on the long white bus heading towards Parris Island. It was late at night and most of the other recruits were trying to get the last bit of sleep that they could, but you could not.Your nerves were too frayed. What if Katsuki was your Drill Instructor? But he’s also your recruiter? Is there not some military code that disallows that? You buried your hands into your hair and pulled. “Ugh! Stupid asshole!”
“Woah, Dollface, what’s got you so uptight?”
You turned at the sound of the voice and saw that it came from a young man with bright red hair and stunning turquoise eyes. You sighed and removed your hands from your head, before shaking it. “It’s nothing that concerns you.” You frowned when you realized that he had called you a doll. “And who are you calling a dollface, redhead?”
He chuckled as he lifted his hands in surrender. “Sorry, bad habit of mine to give cute girls nicknames. “I’m Touya Todoroki, but a girl like yourself gets to call me Dabi.” he sent you a flirty wink and smirk.
Rolling your eyes, you held out your hand for him to shake. “Nice to meet you, Dabi.” Your eyes widened slightly at the sight of the nasty burn scars that lined up his arms and you could not stop the gasp that left you. Realizing what you had done, you started apologizing immediately. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to stare.”
Dabi cracked a slow smile that pulled at the corners of his cheeks. “No worries, Baby girl. I’ve got more scars if you wanna oogle them too.” He laughed when you punched him on the arm. Grimacing playfully as he rubbed the sore spot your strike caused, Dabi was slightly surprised at your strength. “Damn, Dollface, you’re strong.”
You sent him a smile and started to reply when the bus came to a startling halt, nearly causing you to be ejected from your seat. Your heart began to beat a mile a minute when the first gruff voices of the Drill Instructors began barking out demands for you to get off the bus. You quickly made a beeline for the center aisle because rule number one of boot camp: Never be the last person off the bus. You will get slayed. You felt bad for leaving Touya behind but it was every person for themselves from now on. As you rushed to get into formation you ran into something solid.
“Watch where the fuck you’re going, Private!”
A chill went down your spine as you immediately recognized the voice. It belonged to the one man you both were dreading and elated to see. Gunnery Sergeant Katsuki Bakugou. Steeling your face into a neutral expression with a blank look in your eyes, you saluted, “Sir, I apologize, sir!” you withheld a gasp of surprise when his hands snaked out and grabbed you by the waist and pulled you closer. Damn him! He was using the rush of chaos that was receiving week to camouflage what he was planning.
Bakugou pulled his prey closer to him, slightly thankful that Kaminari, Kirishima, and Sero were his fellow underlings and would turn a blind eye to what he was doing to his new little private. “I told you, dumbass. Your ass is mine now.” His hands tightened around your waist when you tried to pull away. “Oh no, princess. You’re not getting away that easily.”
You kept a blank face as you tried to pull away from his strong grip. “Sir, I’d like to get to in-processing now.” A blush warmed your face when his fingers dug into your flesh and yanked you even closer to his chest. You placed your hands against him to prevent your face from colliding with his. 
Big mistake on your part. 
You nearly melted from the feeling of those strong muscles of his under your fingertips. ‘Fucking hell...Muscles are my weakness...’ You shook your head when you felt your expression trying to change. “Sir, I am asking you to let me go through in-processing. It is very late and will take a very long time with how many of us there were on the bus.”
“Tch...” Katsuki scoffed as he knew his time was running out. Kirishima and the others would not be able to buy him much more time. “Okay, Dumbass. You go do your in-processing, but remember for the next thirteen weeks, heh, I’ve got plans for you, Princess. Got it, Private?” He said in a commanding voice, smirking as he knew that you would have to do everything he said. When you replied with a dry “Aye, sir.” Bakugou grabbed your wrist. “One more thing, Private.” Twirling you around, he pressed his lips against yours in an intense, passionate kiss.
What. The. Actual. Fuck. 
That was all that was going through your mind as you felt the Gunny’s lips on yours. Your heart was racing a mile a minute as you debated whether you wanted to grab that blonde head of hair and pull him closer or to bite his lip to get him the fuck off of you. His tongue took advantage of your open mouth and snuck inside to wrap around your own. A low soft moan rumbled in the back of your throat at his flavor. Bakugou tasted surprisingly sweet like he had eaten some kind of caramel candy. But before you could respond, he pulled away with a smirk on his face.
Bakugou released you, stunned, with a sly look on his face. He ran his tongue over his lips slowly. “I’ll be taking a lot more than a kiss next time, little Dumbass.”
For the next few weeks, you’ve been on your toes whenever Bakugou was around. There were a few times where he’d managed to trap you. Each time kissing you and his hands wandering a bit further each time. You could feel yourself anticipating his next attempt and was starting to lose focus on your training. I’ve gotten slain so many times by other Drill Instructors that my muscles were beyond exhausted. You even got your whole platoon slain due to you laughing at something Dabi had said. And it was by Bakugou no less. 
You had let out a very short, barely there laugh when Dabi commented on how Kaminari seemed to always go into a stupid daze when Jirou was around. Your back immediately stiffened when you heard Katsuki call out your last name with a certain sternness to his voice. You’ve learned to differentiate the tones to his voice. That level of sterness was meant as a warning for you. As those vermillion colored eyes landed on you, you knew what was about to happen and sent Dabi a mental apology.
“Private Todoroki, want to tell me what was so goddamn funny that this little dumbass had to laugh?” Bakugou stepped up to the redhead’s face, their noses nearly touching as he glared into the man’s blue eyes.
Dabi said nothing as he rolled his eyes. “It was nothing, Sir. Just said an observation, Sir.” He scooted back discreetly and moved just a bit closer to the woman he’s set his sights on.
Bakugou eyed the new recruit standing way too close to his prey. The smug looking bastard had the audacity to question him! "Oi, Burnt looking bitch, you will respect my authority! And I'm giving you orders to shut the hell up!" An evil smile crossed his lips and a vile thought entered his mind. 
Time to slay them. 
“Better yet!!” He yelled, his eyes gleaming as he witnessed the slight shoulder drop of the whole platoon. "Too easy. Half right face! Front leaning rest position! In cadence! Move!" Bakugou watched with mild glee as he watched the frustrated look on his Princess's face as he slowly counted out each up and down movement, making sure to make them wait for thirty seconds on the up. 'Maybe that will teach her to be so close to that burnt asshole.'
You groaned as you did the push ups as the Gunny crossed his arms, staring down at you. He was purposely slowing down the count and was also not counting certain ones. He then made you all  do Iron walks all the way back to the barracks. Your legs and thighs were screaming at this point and all you wanted to do was shower and lay down to prepare for the next day. Because tomorrow was the start of swim week. You’ve up put with Katsuki’s slow burn torture for over a month now. And you've caught yourself thinking about him way too often. 
Sure, he was an insufferable asshole, but he was an asshole with the softest pair of lips and the most sinful of touches. You knew the next time he’d caught you in a trap, you may just break and give into his seduction. You were starting to like the Gunnery Sergeant and you knew you were tempting fate because he would soon be your superior (which you think he’d like due to his superiority complex), but you did not care. That little voice in the back of your head was right. You did want him.
You waited until you were able to be the last person to take a shower and let the lukewarm water soothe your aching body. It did not help that all those teasing touches Bakugou does is leaving you with pent up desires. That was the main downside of being a woman in boot camp, there was no way to relieve any type of tension. The guys could make jack off socks, but you women were out of luck. ...But you had to try. You needed to release some of this pressure that the Gunny had built up in you or else you’d go insane.
Peaking your head out of the shower, you scanned the area and saw that there were only a few loose stragglers. You had a few minutes before Jirou came in to make sure the entire bay was in bed. So, you need to be quick. Softly, you trailed my fingers along the front of my body, skimming over my nipples and tugging at them briefly. You tried to mimic the way Katsuki’s rough fingers would touch you. You twisted a bit more roughly than you would usually and had to bite back the loud moan that escaped. “Yes...” you hissed. “Katsuki...”
Knowing that my time was coming to an end, you quickly touched my slickened slit and rubbed at the hard bundle of nerves. You were grateful for the water as it made it easier for you to quickly glide your fingers into your quivering hole. You rode your fingers hard as you tried to bring myself to completion before Drill Instructor Jirou caught you still in the shower with your fingers up your cunt. Within minutes you came, your legs shaking as you let out a broken sounding moan of Bakugou’s name.
Your embarrassment was instant. You quickly cleaned up and washed everything within seconds. You could not believe you just did that while thinking about Katsuki Bakugou no less! But...you could feel the heat swimming in my cheeks, you could not deny it anymore. 
You wanted him. 
“Fuck...” you whispered as you got out of the shower and dried off. You changed into your PTs for bed and hurried out. You just barely made it to your bunk when the Drill Instructor came in. Your eyes widened when you realized that it was not Jirou as usual but Katsuki.
Bakugou walked into the barracks, his hands behind his back as he scanned over the beds. His slow methodical footsteps echoed through the bay area. He was on a prowl, looking for anyone who dared to have anything out of place, but he was also seeking out a certain little Princess who got a bit naughty. He’d overheard yourr little escapade while you were in the shower. Hearing his little recruit moan out his name in that sweet voice of yours was such a goddamn turn on. He stopped when he reached the foot of your bunk.
You quickly close your eyes and tried to feint sleep when you heard Bakugou’s boots stop at yor bed. Sweet mercy, you prayed that he did not by chance hear you outside the barracks. Even if the water was loud enough to muffle your cry from the inside, you knew that you were in the shower closest to the window. Your face grew even hotter when you felt the tips of his fingers graze the top of your feet before slowly moving upward. You struggled to remain still even as those firm caresses reached my upper thighs. By the time you felt them ghosting over your sex, you were already wet again.
The Gunney smirked down at his captive, happy for the darkness of the barracks to conceal him and that you had chosen the last bunk. “You naughty little private.” His voice rumbled from his chest as he leaned down to growl in your ear. “Were you fucking touching yourself while thinking about me?” 
Bakugou chuckled as he watched your face scrunch up in embarrassment. He moved his fingers to cup your sex through the blanket, grinding his palm against your clit and causing you to gasp out. “Quiet, Dumbass. Don’t want the others to hear you.” His lips curled into an evil little smirk. “Not quite how I’d imagine hearing you moan my name for the first time but, heh, it was fucking hot, Princess.”
You let out a quiet whimper when he pressed his hand down harder against your dripping sex. Fuck, you wanted him to touch you directly and not over these blankets. You wanted him to kiss you so you could taste more of that sweet caramel flavor of his favorite candy on his tongue. You wanted to run your fingers through those soft looking blonde spikes as he took advantage of you. “Sir...” you let out a soft whisper before he placed a finger against your lips.
“Soon, Private, very soon.” The look on his face held the promise as his crimson eyes bore down into yours. “You will be mine. Until then how about I give you a little sample of what’s to come?” He arched a blonde brow as his lips curled up into a feral smirk at your confused look on your face. Bakugou curled his fingers inward, digging them into your center. “Do you want it, Princess?”
Your body was visibly shaking with anticipation. You wanted to touch him so badly, but my hands were spasming under the sheets from his hot touch. “Yes, sir, I want it, please.” Your voice came out in a breathy plea. You wanted, no you needed more. To feel him, to touch him, to become one with him. Although you knew that Katsuki would not be a gentle lover. You’ve experienced his hard touches so much that your body was used to them. You saw the slow smirk that spread over his lips at your nod. And then the sound of a zipper echoed in your ears. ‘He wouldn’t?!’
Katsuki watched the surprised look on your face as he tugged down his zipper. He leaned over and pressed his lips against hers as he pulled out his semi-hard cock. His hand stroked down the length, his mind replaying the sound of your sweet voice calling out his name. He felt himself harden fully as his eyes slid closed and swept his tongue between your parted lips. His fingers grinded harder over your clothed crotch as he stroked himself faster, smearing his pre-cum around the thick, swollen head. “Fuck, you’re such a naughty little Princess.”
You wanted to touch him. You wanted to touch him so badly. Even in the darkness of the barracks you could tell that Katsuki was long and thick. Fuck. You let out another moan muffled by his kiss. Slowly to not draw attention to yourself, you reached out for him. You felt his jump in surprise when your nail grazed the tip of his cock before your hand wrapped around the thick shaft.You was right. The Gunny was thick, so thick that your hand could barely wrap around it fully. You stroked him firmly as his tongue invaded your mouth, claiming you as his. You could feel his pre-cum smearing over your hand with each upward pull.
To say he was surprised that his little private touched him was not the furthest from the truth. He had slowly been training you to respond to his touches. But damn did it feel great to have your small, yet rough hand on his cock stroking him so earnestly. He pulled away from your sweet lips to let out a grunt as he felt his release coming. “Damn it, Private. You’re trying to milk me for all I’ve got?”
 Katsuki wanted to rip that thin blanket off of you and shove his hand down your shorts to touch you directly, but he knew that you would scream out if he did that. And he did not want Jirou to catch him inside the women’s barracks this late when all he was supposed to do was a bed check. He curled his fingers in deeper, pressing them tightly against your throbbing clit while he cut off your gasp with his mouth pressing against yours. 
The rush of liquid that left you when his strong fingers ran over your sensitive nerves made you dizzy and you could barely register the wet feeling of his cum against the top of your fist. As you were reveling in your high, you came to a realization. He’d made you cum without touching you directly. 
This man was the devil. 
You pulled your hand away when he moved away from your mouth. If he wants to be a devil, then you can show him a demoness. “Bet you’re tasty.” While looking him directly in the eyes, you stuck out your tongue and licked your hand clean.You were surprised at how sweet it tasted. He must eat plenty of fruits as well as that sweet caramel candy he loved. 
Bakugou’s eyes widened briefly before a feral grin overtook his features. “Not bad at all, Princess.” 
It was finally swim week. You’ve actually been dreading this week. You may be a Navy brat with Coast Guard brothers, but you can barely swim to save your own life. No matter how hard my dad and brother tried to teach me, you just could not get swimming down. 
Your mom often joked it was because you belonged in the sky like her. But you just think it was that you were just not a swimmer. You looked down at the large pool with slight fear in your eyes as you could feel every pound of the heavy gear we had to wear.
“Alright, you unmanly weaklings!” Kirishima barked out. “Today you will learn how to survive in the water!” He smiled, teeth gleaming sharply in the dimmed lighting of the pool house. This was his favorite week to train. Kiri loved being in the water more than anything. “You will learn to tread water while in full combat gear! You will also use issued epiquitment to stay afloat and shed your equipment while still in the water.” He held up a stopwatch, his smile still in place even as his red eyes shined with an evil glare. “Oh and you will only have fifteen minutes to do it all. If you cannot do it you will be dismissed from boot camp!”
Shock ran down your spine. Dismissed? Fuck. Your. Life. You adjusted the heavy pack on your shoulders and repositioned your helmet. Fifteen minutes. You can stay afloat about twenty on your own. So you quickly calculated the extra weight and it came to about fifty extra pounds on you. ‘I can do this.’ you patiently waited in line, your eye catching a flash of blonde hair and your body instantly warmed. He was watching you. That gave you a slight confidence boost knowing that he was there.
You could not explain why you felt better with the thought that Bakugou was watching me. How did you go from not standing that man to wanting him to ravage you so badly it hurt? You drew in a calming breath when you locked eyes with him and he gave you that little smirk that has begun to grow on me. When they called your name, you took another deep breath and jumped. The water was cold and instantly began trying to drag me to the bottom. You had to claw your way up to the surface and slowly began to kick your feet and wave your arms to tread the water.
“Oi, Dumbass. Catch!”
A long floatation device smacked you in the head as you were treading causing you to lose focus and you began to sink. Desperate to remain here in boot camp, you struggled back to the surface launching towards the floatation device. Once you had it secured under one of your arms, you began shedding the heavy equipment down to just your military green t-shirt, camos, and boots. Quickly you swam over to the other edge of the large pool and pulled yourself up out of the water. 
“Time!” You heard Kirishima call out. “13:45!”
 You beamed brightly. You did it. Youfucking did it! You glanced over at Katsuki to see the tiniest of smirks on his face as his eyes gleamed. He was proud that you would be able to continue boot camp. You felt my racing heart finally ease into a normal pace as you grabbed the towel that Jirou had set out for you. As you walked back to the door, you could hear the Drill Instructors yelling at a few other recruits who were taking up a lot of time just trying to tread water. You could only hope they weren’t part of your platoon. You did not feel like getting slayed today. You were exhausted.
But it was no such luck. Dabi was one of the recruits that was getting yelled at by the Drill Instructors so of course, our entire squad got slayed...in the fucking sand pit while we were still wet from the pool. Jirou and Kaminari kept us out in the sand pit for hours, calling out push ups, sit ups, burpees, high knees, every single type of plank and squats. 
You were caked in dirt and grime by the time of it all it was over. You had sand in places you did not even want to describe. The sun had already set by the time Jirou and Kaminari let you all go, so it was also freezing. Wrapping your arms around your wet body, you hurried to your barracks.
You let out a surprised yelp when someone caught you by the waist and quickly covered your mouth with their hand. While you wanted to flip the person over your shoulder, your  body seemingly melted into their touch. It was not until that familiar gruff voice rumbled in your ears, did you realize who had captured you. “Drill Instructor, sir, what are you doing?” you questioned, trying to pull away so that you would not dirty his pristine camo uniform.
Bakugou leaned over you, his hair tickling your forehead. “There will be a line for the showers at your barracks. Come on, Private.” He wrapped his large hand around your wrist and pulled you alongside him. You moved in the opposite direction of yourplatoon’s barracks and closer to the Drill Instructors' personal barracks. An area where you, privates, are not allowed to go. “What are you waiting for, Dumbass? Get inside before someone sees you!”
You swallowed dryly as you stepped into Katsuki’s private quarters. Why were you here? You could have waited to shower or atleast scrubbed off some of the sand and grime off your body in the sink. “Sir,” you said in a quiet, nervous voice, “Why am I here? I need to get back to my barracks before Drill Instructor Jirou notices.”
A feral smile spread over his lips as he stalked towards his prey. His eyes gleamed as he watched you take a step back every time he moved closer until you were pressed against the wall. “Private...” Katsuki growled out. “You know why you’re here. Don’t act like a dumbass.” He slammed his hands on either side of your head when he saw that you were contemplating your escape. Leaning in, he pressed his lips to your dusty ones, not caring that he would taste the sand covering them. “You think you're dirty now, recruit? Get in that shower and I'll show you just how dirty I can make you.”
Your eyes widened as you nodded your head, a sudden wave of nervousness washing over you. Were you really about to do this? Were you really prepared for this? That evil little voice in the back of your head was rejoicing and telling you to just indulge in your desires. Desires that only Katsuki Bakugou would quench. With that confidence boost, you slowly began to peel off your wet, sand covered clothing as he watched with eager eyes. 
“Do you like what you see, Sir?” you taunted as you walked into the bathroom. “If you want it, just try and come and take it.” With those words floating through the air, you started up the shower and began rinsing away the sand and grime that coated your body.
Bakugou felt his lips spread even further at your taunting. Oh, he would enjoy breaking you and making you into a Princess meant just for him. He would fuck the attitude right out of that little recruit. But he will make you wait and anticipate him for a while. Then he would pounce. Walking over to his bed, he opened the top draw of the bedside table and pulled something out. Another wicked smile curled at his lips as he set the items down on the bed. Oh, it was going to be a very long night for his little naughty Princess. 
You were nearly finished with your shower and were just enjoying the warm water like you did when you were back at home. ‘Guess he was all talk, no bite.’ you laughed to yourself as you allowed the water to run down your face as you scrubbed it with a towel. You let out a small yelp when rough hands grabbed your waist and pushed you against the wall of the shower. Firm lips caught yours and a slick tongue found its way inside and wrapped around yours. That sweet hint of caramel flooded your taste buds and you moaned softly. “Gunnery Sergeant...” you let out a whimper when those firm fingers of his twisted at one of your niples while the other pinched your clit.
“Oh, no little dumbass, tonight I’m either just Sir or Daddy.” Bakugou slid his fingers hard against your already slick nerve. “Got it?” He smirked at your consenting nod. “That’s an obedient  Dumbass.” Katsuki pressed his lips back against yours, trying to mark you as his. 
His fingers found their way inside of you, the water from the shower making it easier. As he pumped two fingers in and out at a slow, almost maddening speed, he watched your face contort with pleasure. “You know what, I take that back. Cry out my name, baby. Moan it nice and loud for me.”
You shook your head, not giving him the satisfaction of hearing you turn into putty in his hands. you bit your lip hard to hold in your whimpers when he picked up the pace of his thick digits, sliding along your slick folds. 
He was going to break you. 
You could feel it. But you were not going to go down without a fight. No, he wanted to hear you cry out his name, then he will have to work for it. You gasped when you felt his teeth and tongue on your neck, nibbling down to your pulse point. Fuck... He found a weak spot. Your legs began to quiver and threatened to give out.
Katsuki smirked against your flesh. “What’s the matter Dumbass? Stand straight or can’t you handle a little teasing? Or maybe you want to be impaled on my fingers?” His teeth grazed over the junction where her neck and shoulder met and gained the same reaction from her again. “Oh? Sensitive here, I see.” 
He trailed the hand that was not currently inside you to trace random patterns on your back. His nails scratched a line down to your lower back and you opened your mouth in a loud wailing moan. “Heh, looks like I found the ultimate spot here, Private.”
‘Fuck...’ The things he was doing to you should be illegal. The things he was making your body feel should not be right! You bit your lip again to stifle your cries when he inserted a third finger, stretching you out. You could feel his hard cock against your stomach but the maddening pleasure he was giving you had one of your hands clenched tightly at your side as you drew the other to your lips to bite down on your knuckle after your lips were bruised from your abuse of them. It did not help that everytime you could feel yourself nearing completion, the cocky asshole would slow back down and start the build up again. “Sir, please...”
“Please what, Princess?” He lifted his head to look into her eyes. A smirk titled at his lips as he saw the lewd expression on her face. Eyes glazed over with lust, mouth open as she panted around her knuckle, face flushed with an adorable blush. “Give me what I want to hear and I may be merciful and let you cum, little dumbass.” He shoved his fingers inside your dripping hole roughly, nearly picking you up off of your feet as you were forced to grab onto his forearms to keep from falling over. “Stand up straight, Private. That’s an order.”
“Fuck! Katsuki!” you screamed out. The response was immediate. His fingers drilled in and out of you at an almost inhumane speed, hitting depths that your own could never reach. You were a sobbing mess as you pleaded for your release. “Katsuki, please. Let me cum!” you begged him as you held onto his forearms, the feeling in your legs finally giving out.
 He pushed you against the wall and lifted one of your legs to wrap around his waist. You were so close you could taste it. “Shit, shit, shit...please?” you tilted your head back against the wall of the shower and let out a lustful mewl of Bakugou’s name as you came hard on his fingers.
You felt dizzy as you leaned your head against his chest to try and catch my breath. you saw that the sleeve of tattoos that went up his arms, also covered his chest and down his abdomen. you blinked when his fingers were suddenly pressed against your lips. ‘Did he want me to...?’  Seeing the stern look in those carmine eyes of his, you knew he was serious. Parting your lips, your tongue slipped out and curled around his thick digits and licked your juices off them.
“Good girl.” Katsuki murmured as he picked up your other leg, “I’d rather taste you directly.” With just his arms, he lifted his little recruit up on his shoulders and buried his nose into your crotch. “You smell fucking delicious, Princess.” He wrapped your legs around his neck and held your hips down with his hands. “Let’s see if you taste as good as you smell. What did you say to me before? Oh, right. Bet you’re tasty.” Bakugou slid his tongue along your wet slit, grunting at the flavor of you.
A rush of liquid flooded my center as you tried to thrash around when you felt his tongue on me. It was too much too soon. you had just come and he was already doing more torturous pleasure to your body. You were still sensitive. He curled his wet muscle around your clit while his lips sucked at your labia. “Oh god...” you cried out when he moved one of his hands off of your hips to spread your lower nethers further for his assault. You bit at your knuckles when his chuckles sent vibrations all through your body.
“God? Thanks for the compliment, Dumbass. But the name is Katsuki. That’s the one you should be screaming.” He glided his finger over the swollen nub and gave it a pinch as he stuck his tongue inside your quivering hole. He was not going to stop until you were a sobbing mess underneath him. Right where you belonged. “Maybe I should spell my name down here? The only name you’ll ever cry out.” Katsuku growled against your sex.
Your voice was starting to go hoarse from the overuse of it, but that did not stop him. You were starting to really believe that Bakugou was a sex demon sent from hell to tempt you. And it was working, you curled your fingers into his thick, wet blonde hair, pushing him closer to your core as his tongue worked wonders over you. 
You could feel him spelling things out on your clit, but you were too dazed to figure them out. The pleasure was almost painful, so you did not know if you wanted to pull him even closer or try to shove his head away so you could breathe. That warmth in your lower belly grew hotter with each stroke. “F-fuck...Katsuki...please?”
Bakugou chuckled once more as he sucked on your clit. “Begging again, Private? I can't understand you with the water running.”
You bit your lip. You did not want to give him the satisfaction of hearing you beg him to let me cum. But damn it, if he did not give you a release soon, you were going to go insane. But your pride?  When his teeth grazed over that sensitive little bundle of nerves, you broke. “Please, sir, let me cum!” you screamed when Katsuki bit down on your clit again and shoved two fingers inside your slick, quivering hole at the same time. You felt drunk as you came hard, a flood of your juices coating his face. Your breath came out in pants and your body was still twitching as he gave you little licks and nips, easing you down from your high.
He grinned as he lowered you back down onto your weak legs. He licked his lips, still tasting you before grabbing your chin and pulling you in for another wild kiss. “That was how I imagined hearing you saying my name, Dumbass.” He watched your face go through a myriad of emotions before settling on bashful. “Now,” Katsuki said, his voice stern. “Turn around, Private. Right fucking now. That’s a direct order.”
Your eyes widened as you stared up at him. you had just come again. Could you not get a chance to rest? Plus the water was starting to get cold. But the look in his eyes said that he was not going to wait. If you did not turn around, he would make you. “Aye, sir.” You said as you showed him your ass, pressing your hands against the shower wall. You flinched when his hands slammed against the wall next to your head. “Sir?” you said shly.
Katsuki leaned his head down on your shoulder, his hand stroking over his cock. “Listen Dumbass, count the inches and you better not fuck up.” He smirked as he rubbed the tip against you, circling around yourr tight little hole. “Or there will be hell to pay.” Slowly he pushed inside, a groan caught up in his throat.
“Fuck...” you cried out, Just as you imagined. The Gunny was large. Very large and thick. This felt very different than having him in your hand. The feeling was not the same. In your hand, it felt like steel wrapped in velvety skin, but inside you? You could not describe the feeling. “1..sir...” You began to count as he slid deeper within you, inch by painstaking inch. “2..sir...3...sir..” you let out a loud gasp when he purposely shoved it in deeper and pulled out. “Katsuki!”
“What was that, Dumbass? You messed up the count.” He pulled out completely and slapped the head of his cock against your ass cheeks. “Do it again. Right now, Private.” Bakugou growled against your neck, hands pulling at your waist as he sank back within the warm depths of your clenching insides.
You could not think. Your mind had gone blank at this point. The pleasure was driving you insane. And he wanted you to count?! You could not do that with how he keeps going in and out at such a pace you could not keep up. Was it eight inches or ten? You could not remember. All you know is that he was long and thick to the point it nearly hurt to take all of him inside. The tip of his cock was pressed so tightly against your cervix that your legs were shaking. 
You could not keep yourself standing for long. You needed a break. The back to back orgasms. The over stimulation of your senses. It was all too much. And with the water turning cold against your heated flesh, striking against your back was also doing things to you. “Ah, Katsuki, please. I can't take it anymore.”
Katsuki, the sadistic asshole he was, wrapped his hands tighter around your waist and pulled you down more. “Yes, you can Princess. Or are you really Marine material?” He knew that would awaken your competitive, strong-willed side that attracted him to you. And it did. He felt you start to push back against his thrusts, your inner muscles clenching down on him. “F-fuck...heh...maybe you are Marine material.” He sped up his thrusting.
Your legs were about to give out at this point but you were not going to let him win. You were going to make him go mad for you. Using your hands as leverage, you pushed back against him and squeezed down, trying to milk him of everything he had to offer. You enjoyed the feeling of him sliding in and out, rubbing against your walls, but this was a competition now. He was going to cum for you first. You were not going to cum anymore for him. “Oh shit...” you moaned when his fingers began sliding over your clit. ‘Fucking cheat...’
“Did you think you could beat me, Princess?” Bakugou licked the shell of your ear before nibbling on the lobe, working his digits over that cute little sensitive spot of yours. “I know all your weaknesses.” He trailed his teeth down to your neck, grazing the flesh roughly before biting down on your pulse point. 
He could feel your legs trembling as you tried your best to keep up with his pace. He decided that maybe he should end her suffering. Dragging his nails down the small of your back and sucking at the bite mark he had created, Katsuki started thrusting even harder.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck...” the curse left you as a mantra. Damn it. You were not going to last much longer. You could feel your walls fluttering around him as that itch for release burned in your belly. When he gave another sharp, hard thrust, you felt yourself come undone. Your mouth hung open as your tongue fell out as you came. 
Your chest was heaving heavily as you tried to catch your breath. That was such an intense orgasm that your arms and legs finally gave out and Katsuki had to wrap his arms around you to keep you from falling. “Oh hell...”you drew in several deep breaths, trying to calm your racing heart.
Katsuki waited for you to catch your breath before he slowly slid in and drew a surprised gasp from you. He smirked down at you. “You really thought I was done with you? Oh no, Dumbass. I’ve only just begun.” He pulled out completely and picked you up in his arms, ignoring your protests and demands for a rest. “You’re mine now, Private.” He walked out of the bathroom and tossed you on the bed.
You wanted to protest but you had no strength left in your arms and legs. Your eyes widened when you saw Bakugou reach for something that was sitting next to you. “W-why do you have those?” He smiled that feral smile I’ve grown used to seeing when you were alone and your heart began to beat even faster in your chest. Why did he have a blindfold? Not to mention a fucking vibrator! What did he plan on doing with that! “Bakugou, sir?”
He silenced you with another deep kiss, his tongue wrapping around yours. “Listen, Dumbass. You trust me?”
Did you?  You did just let him have his complete and utter way with you in the shower?   
Slowly, you nodded my head, “Aye sir.” As soon as you said that my vision was stolen as Katsuki placed the blindfold over your eyes. A sense of panic washed over you briefly until you felt soft touches running along your body and your skin felt alive. “Oh?”youI cried out, unprepared for the rush of sensitivity that spread over you. 
Katsuki trailed his fingers along his recruit’s body slowly, stirring you back up in a state of arousal. He brought his hand up to your face, caressing your cheek before moving to your lips. His cock twitched at the thought of having those pretty little lips wrapped around him, to feel your warm, wet mouth sucking him dry. “Fuck...” He cursed as he grabbed the back of your head and guided you down. “Open your mouth, Princess.”
You flared your nostrils, taking in his manly scent as you did as you were told. You opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue. He filled your mouth and stretched your lips to the fullest extent. You took in as much as you could without choking, but he touched the back of your throat. 
So you wrapped your hands around whatever was left out. You bobbed your head up and down on his lap, working your tongue over him. The sweet taste of his precum flooded your senses and you couldn't help but moan at the flavor. You heard him groan in pleasure and you so desperately wanted to see his face contorted in ecstasy, so you silently cursed the blindfold around your eyes.
Your tongue felt so amazing on him. His head fell back and his hands came up to run fingers over your hair, wrapping it around. Bakugou guided you down further on his cock, wanting more of your lips around him. While he was careful to not choke you ‘Too much.’ He needed more. “Use your tongue more, Dumbass.” He grunted out when you took his command and ran your tongue over the underside of his cock. 
With each drag down your throat, you worked your tongue over the sensitive head, licking up any liquid that may have collected at the slit. Fuck, he tasted so good. Shaking his hands off of your head, you said, “You’re holding me back, sir.”
With renewed freedom, you placed your hands around the base of his dick and licked at the tip with the tip of your tongue, drawing small circles around him. You could hear him moan out and that only spurred you on as a rush of liquid dripped down your thighs. Gods, he sounded so sexy. “Keep your hands off of my head.”
Katsuki curled his fingers into the sheets of the bed, letting you take control. Watching your head go up and down on his cock, seeing it slip in and out of that pretty little mouth of yours was mesmerizing. He would let you have control for now, but... Bakugou reached for the hitachi wand and turned it on. If you noticed the buzzing, you paid it no mind. He bit back a smug laugh when you jumped as the wand glided over your back, sending tingles down your spine.
He moved the vibrating wand over the curve of your ass until he reached that dripping hole of yours. He pressed it against you and felt you moan deeply against his cock, the vibrations of it causing him to tremble and let out a groan. His hips began to move as he slid more of him down that pretty throat of yours as he kept the vibe in place on your sex. 
You moaned again, your body beginning to spam when he placed the device on your throbbing clit.
 “That’s it, Princess. Let’s cum together.” He commanded as he felt his balls tighten in preparation for his release.
You swallowed him down your throat, working your hands over the parts you could not fit. Drool was leaking out of your mouth and your jaw was starting to ache, but you were not going to stop. You wanted to taste more of his seed, fresh from the source this time. You sped up your sucking, hollowing out your cheeks and working your tongue over him. 
Slowly, to not scare him, you brought your hand up and cupped his balls, rolling them around between your fingers. That seemed to be his undoing asyouI felt him swell in your mouth before a rush of hot liquid struck your tongue. That same sweet, yet slightly salty taste filled your mouth and you moaned at the feeling.
Bakugou’s hips gave soft little jerks as he felt his release come to stop. His lips curled into that trademark feral grin as he turned the wand up to the maximum settings. He watched as your body twitched beautifully as your head swung backward with your mouth still full of his cum. 
“Don’t swallow yet, little recruit.” He grabbed you and pulled you back against his chest, the toy pressed so tightly against her clit. “I want you to come undone first.” Katsuki bent his head and bit down on your neck, soothing it with his tongue right after. Your moans were like music to his ears and he wanted to hear more. Using his free hand, he scratched a long line down your back.
You let out a muffled moan as you started to cum against the intensity of the vibrator and from Katsuki running his nails down the length of my spine to your lower back. Hot liquid ran down your thighs as you tried to cry out the Gunny’s name. You swallowed when he gave you the order before he pressed his lips against yours in a sweet, gentle kiss. 
You crawled into his lap when he pulled the wand away and pulled at your arms, cuddling against his chest as he pressed soft kisses to your forehead. “Katsuki...” you said his name in the softest of whispers. “C-can I take the blindfold off now?”
His eyes widened for a second before his lips spread into a grin. “Not yet, Private.” Even as he was just holding you against him, he could feel his cock twitch back to life. Bakugou took your hand and placed it on him. He laughed at the confused expression on your face as you bit your bottom lip. “You ready for round three?” Katsuki took hold of your leg, placing one over his shoulder and giving it a long, wet lick.
You bit your lip in anticipation for the first thrust of his hard cock sliding inside your weeping sex. I still let out a surprised gasp when Bakugou probed at your entrance with his fingers, spreading you with his thumbs. “Katsuki...I...I need it.” you could sense the smile that was more than likely spreading over his lips. 
He had won. 
You were a pleading mess under him. You wanted him so badly that it hurt. You did not care if your body was still tingling from the multiple orgasms. You wanted more from Katsuki. To feel his long, thick cock filling you. “Please, Daddy.”
Katsuki licked his lips. He’d finally gotten you right where he wanted you. His Princess was where you belonged. A dripping wet, begging little dumbass that was only his. “That’s a good little naughty Princess.” He leaned down and gave your ear a nibble as he aligned his cock with your honeyed entrance.”You’re mine now, Dumbass.”
With those words, he sheathed himself inside in one smooth glide. His hands tightened on your thighs, feeling them tremble. Bakugou knew that you would not last long but he couldn't help but to torment you a little. He gave slow, shallow thrusts meant to drive you up the wall with desire as he kissed all over your body.
You could feel your legs shaking as Katsuki moved slowly within you. You could feel each and every inch as he took his time. The pace he was going was damn near maddening. While you liked that he was taking his time and tending to your sore and tender body with wet kisses and slow thrusts, you wanted him to take you fast and hard like in the shower. 
Your body was thriving with pleasure, but your clit was throbbing, aching because your body wanted release. You were damn near in tears behind the blindfold. “Daddy...I need to cum. Make me cum!”
“Hmm?” He hummed in between kisses. “What did you say, little recruit?” He slid his tongue over your collarbone down to your chest and closed his lips over a taut nipple. You mewled so beautifully for him when he did that, your back arching off of the bed. Katsuki decided that he wanted to see your eyes as you came for the final time due to his cock. 
Reaching for the blindfold, he ripped it off of your eyes and at the same moment, sped up his thrust. He heard your strangled cry and saw the way your eyes crossed and your tongue hang out as the pleasure drove you mad.”Look at me, Princess. Fucking look at me. That’s an order.”
You tried to focus your eyes on Katsuki as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You pulled him in closer and he met your seeking lips in a wild, sloppy kiss, wrapping his tongue with yours. Your breasts jiggled from his deep, powerful strokes and you broke away to gasp out. 
The tip of him was pressed so tightly against your cervix, striking the sensitive spots deep within you repeatedly. You felt that telltale itching warmth in your lower belly. You lifted your head to gaze into his bright vermillion colored eyes like he had ordered you to.
Katsuki grunted as he stared down into your eyes. Fuck, you were so beautiful with sweat glistening on your body, tears in your eyes from the intense pleasure. “Fuck, Private...” He could feel your inner muscles fluttering around him, trying to milk him of all that he had. 
Bakugou cursed as he took hold of your legs and pushed them towards yourr chest, ankles by your head. He began thrusting in and out, satisfied with the new position that allowed him a deeper penetration. Leaning over you, he moved his hips, drilling into you at a fast, hard pace as he felt his balls tighten up with the pending threat of release. “Princess...” he growled.
“Fuck, Daddy, Oh, shit Katsuki...” You screamed out as he held down your legs by your ankles. The new position let him reach even deeper parts of you and you could feel your walls spasm around his cock. You opened your mouth and let out a soul shattering mewl as a rush of honeyed liquid left you and dripped down the sides of your legs to pool underneath you. You placed your hands against his tattooed chest, your whole body trembling. “K-Katsuki...”
“Keep moaning my name, baby.” He kept thrusting for a few more strokes until he locked his hips in place. His warm seed flooded your tight cunt as he left out a deep groan. He fell against you, his forehead touching yours. 
Katsuki pressed gentle kisses to your lips as he slowly eased out. He then wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you against his chest. “Sleep, Dumbass. I’ll wake you at 0200 so you can leave in time for formation.” He knew that he had to have you back before 0400 or Jirou would have his head for having someone from her platoon late.
Yiou looked up at him, cuddling against him for warmth as he pulled the blankets over the two of you. You smiled when he stroked his fingers along the side of your cheek and down your neck. He was being unusually tender and you enjoyed it. This was a side of Katsuki that only you would get to see and you felt a sense of happiness fill your heart. “And to retaliate, you’re mine too, Katsu.”
Over the course of the next month, Katsuki had pulled you into his barracks atleast twice a week to fuck you senseless. Not that you were complaining but it was a bit of a distraction. Your grades in the classroom were slacking and your endurance was going down. So for the past week, you’ve been denying him anything more than a kiss. 
While it was hard resisting him because he was being so very tempting, rubbing his hands along your body and trying to pull you towards his barracks. But you put your foot down. Last week was Basic Warrior Training. You were taught basic skills of survival in combat, such as combat marksmanship skills, land navigation, proper gas mask use, and how to maneuver under enemy fire. 
The gas chamber was the first thing that you did and the tear gas burned at your eyes, nose and mouth when they made you take off your gas masks. You could barely breathe without it feeling like fire was spread down your lungs. 
Combat marksmanship was fun and you made high marks at the range and you were able to bring Dabi to his knees during combat. You could tell that Katsuki was happy about you bringing that redhead down since he was constantly flirting with you. The intense kiss he had given you along with the heavy petting after the day was over confirmed that. 
Land navigation was a bit tougher due to you being clueless when it came to maps, but you managed to pass the class with average marks. Your platoon did get slayed during learning how to maneuver under enemy fire because some people thought it would be fun to turn the safety off the weapons as a joke. 
Drill Instructor Kirishima was nearly shot but luckily the bean bag pellet struck a large boulder next to him instead. But dammit, Kirishima is the last Drill Instructor that you wanted to get slaid by. He worked you down to the bone and did it all with a smile on his face. Situps, crunches, butterfly kicks, squats, high knees, a five mile run, every high intensity workout you could imagine the Sergeant made you do.
The next week you still avoided Bakugou’s attempts to snatch you away to his barracks. This was an important week of your training and he knew it. The advances grew less, but the looks of want and desire still continued. 
You could tell he was just biding his time until he could get you alone. You knew the next time the teo of you were alone, he would show you no mercy. Your studies for the practical application evaluations were important, and you were not going to let your own desires get in the way. 
You worked hard and managed to pass everything unlike a few of your comrades. You were determined to see this through to the end and get your title as a Marine. Nothing would stop you! You will pass the final exam.
It was finally time. Week ten began with a physical test which you aced due to the many times your platoon got slaid and along with your own endurance. Next was the written exam and that was not too hard since Katsuki offered to help you study, but only if you did it while sitting in his lap and for every question you got wrong he left a mark on your body. 
That nearly broke you down. The feeling of those lips, teeth and tongue dancing over your body was so arousing. You were glad that you were wearing your winter gear due to it being early December, so that the many dark bites were hidden. You were dead tired by the end of the day. You  showered and went to bed. Tomorrow was the Crucible.
Katsuki was slightly bitter that his little recruit had been avoiding him other than the few times he’d managed to pull you aside to kiss you senseless and slip you a few fingers inside your awaiting hole before you’d shove him away. 
The only time he’d managed to convince you to come to his barracks was to help you study for the exam. His conditions were for you to sit in his lap and everytime you got an answer right, he’d reward you with a kiss, but everytime you got one wrong, he’d leave a mark on your body anywhere he chose. ‘And the little dumbass got many questions wrong before she started to get them right.’ 
But, he had plans for when it was time for the 54-hour long field event tomorrow. And they all included having a certain Princess screaming his name. He ran his tongue over his lips in anticipation. Bakugou was going to make you wish that you'd not denied him.
You were nearing the last couple of hours of the Crucible. Your water was starting to get a bit low so you moved to go towards the spring you had managed to find, your weapon held close to your chest. Your eyes scanned the dark forest as you slowly made your way over to the water source. You made it to the spring without being tracked by an enemy platoon member.
Before refilling your water camel, you got down on your hands and knees and took a deep sip of the cool water. You shot up when you heard the leaves rustling behind you. “Hello?” You asked automatically before clamping your hand over your mouth. Fuck, that was stupid of you.
Holding your weapon close, you strained your eyes to see who could be hiding in the shadows. Your fear and anxiety was starting to get the best of you. You had been lucky so far as to not run into an enemy except during the first 12 hours, but you managed to beat them down without much of a challenge. 
Just beyond the treeline, you could faintly make out the silhouette of a tall figure hiding against a tree. Taking aim with your weapon, you shouted. “You’ve been located! Surrender now or I will shoot!”
You waited for the other recruit to step out of their hiding place and admit defeat like they were supposed to, but they did not. Your nervousness grew. Why were they revealing themselves for hand to hand combat? Could it be that someone snuck into the field? 
Your anxiety grew as you slowly began to back away from the silhouette that was slowly advancing on you. You took a few steps back when the clouds moved away from the moon, lighting the area. A gasp left you when you saw who was stalking you. It was Katsuki. He was dressed in his full camo gear, face paint included. “K-Katsu?”
Bakugou moved closer to his prey, a grin spreading over his face. “You’ve got to the count of ten, Princess.” He growled low in his chest as he crouched down, pressing his hands against the ground in a runner’s pose. “Then I’m hunting you down.”
Carnal desire and fear streaked you through as you watched him drop into that position. Your eyes widened and breath shortened as you dropped your weapon on the ground. You knew your current location so you could always come back to pick it up before the Crucible was over. 
When he started counting backwards from ten, you took off in a sprint. Your heart was beating so loudly you could hear it in your ears. And with your limited vision, it made the thrill of the chase even more fun. You ran as fast as you could, but all too soon, you could hear Katsuki’s heavy footsteps closing in on you.
You quickly jumped over a fallen log, using the momentum to propel yourself further over the ground so put more distance between you two. After running for a few minutes, you got curious as to where he could be and ducked behind a tree. Kneeling, you took in a few breaths to calm your racing heart, you glanced around to see if you could spot him. A few clouds had obscured the moon, making the lighting limited. You sighed a small breath of relief when you could not spot the feral hunter. 
Your heart stopped when you heard a soft growl rumble above you. You looked up and could see glowing crimson eyes gleaming at you; eyes the same color as the fading sun over the horizon. You quickly jumped back to your feet and took off running. 
Heat was coursing through your body, so you shed your heavy camo coat and tied it around your waist. You were not going to make this easy for him. Launching yourself through a low hanging tree branch, you hid behind a large boulder. Despite the cold, sweat was running down your body. A chill ran down your spine and you scanned the area for Bakugou.
Katsuki observed his prey from the tree above you. He made sure to stay out of yourr sight, but he knew you could feel his presence. A wicked smile spread over his lips as you tried to search for him but you could not find him. 
He silently dropped to the ground behind the boulder you were hiding next to. Taking extreme care to not make a sound, he walked around your hiding spot. As Bakugou watched you scan the area, he let out another growl, the sound loud and primal, that caused you to jump. “That’s two times I’ve caught you. One more, Princess.” He slinked off back into the darkness.
You watched with wide eyes as he moved back into the shadows, the camouflage paint on his face concealing him even further. Your heart was beating a mile a minute in your chest. You could not let him catch you again. Wiping at the sweat that formed on your brow, you took off again. You pushed leaves out of yourway and jumped over fallen logs. 
The hidden threat in his voice made adrenaline pump through your veins that you barely registered that it was starting to snow. Your feet crunched against the leaves as you ran. You kept running this time despite the burning of your lungs. Each time you stopped, Katsuki managed to find you; so to resolve that you needed to keep running.
Pushing your legs beyond their limits, you could faintly make out the outline of the homebase camp that the company had set up. If you could make it there, Drill Instructor Jirou would make you stay there until morning. 
A smile crossed your face as you ran in the direction of camp when something hard slammed into you, tackling you. You rolled onto the ground with whatever crashed into you and rough lips claimed mine in a passionate kiss. ‘Katsuki.’ Your body instantly melted against him as he pinned me to the ground.
Katsuki pulled away from your soft lips to smirk down at you. “Caught you, Princess. Now you’re mine.” He quickly pulled your shirt over your head, but kept your hands trapped inside, tying it around your wrists. He made quick work of the plain white bra that was issued to the recruits. 
“You know, Dumbass, if you hadn’t refused me for so long and been such a fucking brat about it, I wouldn’t have had to hunt you down like this.” His deft fingers twisted a nipple, making you moan out loudly. “Careful there, we’re awfully close to Jirou’s home base. You wouldn’t want them to hear the slutty noises I make you make.”
A blush lit up your face as I realized just how close I had made it to the line of lights of the home camp. You were so close that you could practically see Drill Instructor Jirou marking off tasks on her clipboard. You pulled at the shirt tied around your wrists. “Katsu....” I pleaded. 
He knew there was no way you could be quiet and that Jirou had some type of supersonic hearing. You were actually surprised she did not notice you earlier. He silenced youwith another kiss, his tongue pushing between the seam of your lips to intertwine with yours.
“Be quiet.” He growled. “Prey do not speak once the hunter has captured them. Now be a good little Princess and let me devour you.” His lips trail down to your jawling, where his teeth left his marks as he sucked harshly at your flesh. Katsuki reached into one of the pockets of his camos and pulled out a small cloth gag. “Only because I don’t need Jirou on my ass.”
You could only whimper as the Gunny tied the cloth around your mouth, using it to muffle your cirlcries as he attacked your neck once more, licking and sucking his way down to your breasts. His hot hand cupped one and brought the taut nipple to his lips. Your body gave a jolt when his other hand went between your thighs, pressing tighty against your covered pussy. 
Katsuki bit down on your nipple, tugging on it as his paint of his face began to smear into you skin. Trailing his hot, open-mouth kisses down your belly, tongue flicking out to taste the salt on your skin from the light mist of sweat. He knew that he couldn’t take his time like he did the first time he took you. “Y’know, little Recruit. I can’t be gentle this time.”
A moan bubbled up in your throat when he smirked so ferally down at you, the black paint smeared over his eyes making his crimson eyes glow in the darkness. He’s never been this rough with you and it makes your thighs squeeze together in anticipation as Bakugou nibbles his way down your body. When he reached the apex of your thighs, his hands forced your legs to part as he slotted his torso in between them.
Bakugou smirked when the heady scent of your arousal assults is nose. Leaning down, he pressed his nose against your crotch and took him a deep breath. “Fuck, you smell good.” Using his teeth, he slid the zipper of your pants down beore popping the button open. Quickly he yanks them down to your knees and folds your legs back against your chest.
You let out a squeak when you feel his sinfully hot tongue lapping through your folds. You bit down on the cloth covering your mouth as you try to buck your hips to get away from the eveousl licks and bites. His nose rubbed your clit as his tonue dipped into your gushy hole. Saliva dampens the cloth as your tongue wets it when he pushes two of his thick fingers in with a lewd squelch.
“Be a good little slut and cum f’me already. Then I’ll give you my cock so good, you’ll barely be able to walk for a week.” His thumb worked your clit as he pumped his middle and ring finger in and out at such a pace that your breasts were jiggling from each impact. Each push and pull, the intense drag of the pads of his fingers, in your sticky walls brought you closer and closer to the explosive finish. “Atta fucking girl.” He cooed.
Coming apart from the rough treatment of your cunt, you could feel your juices run down the line of your ass and pool on your jacket. Your moans were muffled by the cloth ties around your lips as you clenched down tightly on his fingers as his tongue dragged across your clit in furious circles. Your back arches off the ground as you felt your climax hit, soaking his fingers and tongue. 
Katsuki wasted no time as he licked up everylast drop you had to offer like it was his last meal. His fingers still trust in and out, albeit a bit slower as your slick coats them. “Look at the mess you fuckin’ made, Princess.” He growled as his other hand unzipped his pants and freed his throbbing cock. Stroking his lengh a few times, he pushed your legs up to your chest as he swiped the fat tip through your sticky folds.
“You’re fucking mine and don’t you ever refuse me again.” He leaned over as he slid his cock into your pretty cunt, his hands caging your head as his body pushed down on your legs. Ankles by your ears, Bakugou started harsh, deep snaps of his hips into yours, the front of his thighs slapping against the back of yours and made a wet lewd sound that echoed in your ears.
You could only lay there and take the slow, deliberate thrusts Katuski gave you, each one growing in strength that makes you tits jiggle. The clapping of his thighs meeting yours rang so loudly in your ears, that you were worried that Jirou could hear them. Your cries were muffled as you tried to press your bound hands against his chest. You plead with him with your eyes to slow down as you feel that tight ball of heat burn low in your belly.
He was going to make you cum. His quick animalistic thrust into your sloppy pussy, the gooey pat-pat-pat, his growls and groans in your ear all overstimulating your nerves. Your belly clenches as your clit throbbed, begging for release. Tears stung at the corner of your eyes, running down the sides of your face and into your hairline as your back arched off the cold ground violently. Hot, honeyed liquid squirted out of you, drenching Katsuki’s cock.
Katsuki’s face splits into a shit-eating grin. He just fucking made you squirt all over him. “Look at the mess you made. Am I fucking you that good, you had to squirt?” He laughed before reaching up to pull the gag away from your lips. Before you could make a sound, he covered your mouth with is own, swallowing down your pathetic cries as he fucked you through your high, chasing his own.
Heavy balls slapped against your ass in a rythmic pattern that was beginning to grow sloppier with each passing second. “Gonna fill this slutty pussy up. Mark you as mine on the fucking inside.” Katsuki growled against your lips as his hand came up to cover yours. His cock twicthed as it swells, his abs clenching as he felt his end nearing. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” 
His voice came out in snarls as his hips pumped once, twice, three times before stilling. Cocking twitching within your drippig pussy, his cum paints your walls in thick, creamy ropes of white. “You’re fucking mine. Got it?” He placed his forehead against your, the greasy war paint smearing against your skin as he moved his hand away. 
Bakugou kissed you over and over again as he rocked his hips gently, making sure none of his sticky seed escapes. “All fucking mine.” 
You stood tall and proud on the podium, dressed in your new uniform; your Marine blues. You had finally done it. You made the transition from a civilian to a US Marine soldier. You received the highest marks in your platoon. You waited for the Drill Instructor to hand you your Eagle, Globe and Anchors, the three awards that symbolized your transformation.
You held your breath when you saw Katsuki step in front of you, your three pins held out in his palms. His face was the usual stern look of a Drill Instructor, but his eyes were burning intensely with an emotion that was meant only for you. 
“Congratulations on your transition, Private!” He said loudly, voice strong and clear. As he pressed your awards into your hands, he leaned in close without being noticed and growled, “I’ll give you your proper graduation gift later. My barracks. 2300, Princess. And don’t you dare be late.”
Your knees nearly gave out as memories of the Crucible drifted through your mind. He really almost made it so that I could not walk for the next couple of days after. You have a barely there nod to let him know you understood. 
Gunnery Sergeant Katsuki Bakugou always gets what he wants.
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foolish-clown · 10 months
Dancing in the Dark
A/N: Got an early finish from work and my brain said do the thing.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1k
The shadow to her light, standing back as she lights up for all to see. You weren't a secret, not quite, and yet you thrived under the hidden smiles and knowing touches.
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Idol!Karina x Back-upDancer!Reader
Your lungs burn with a familiar fire; adrenaline guiding your stamina through the motions.
Lasers danced up your body with sporadic bursts of energy, the stage beneath your feet vibrating with a unified excitement that was shared by the crowd.
Sweat was slightly coating your skin, strands of hair beginning to stick around the expanse of your forehead.
You were exhausted, and yet you've never felt so alive.
The roar from the fans that had come tonight had only gotten more hyped with each hour that passed, hoarse throats doing little to squander the primal need to encourage and adore.
There have been a few times where you've had to squish down an exhilarated smile, to undo the curve of your lips and place professionalism back in control.
You couldn't help it, especially during parts of certain choreography a certain someone would face you and make such unhinged expressions to test your control.
Damn Yu Jimin and her Master's Degree for making you laugh.
The one time you did slip, you couldn't even find it in yourself to be mad, not with the pure delight that sparkled in her eyes for the brief second she had before needing to turn around again.
Sometimes -- perhaps in your delusional mind -- it was like the two of you were dancing together. That each light surrounding the space was but a star in the void of space.
It was a thought that didn't play often, kind of hard to with Spicy being belted out by the four idols in front of you, but it was one that occurred enough to make it stick out within your mind.
It was easy for you to love your job to begin with, but those little moments, when she makes it feel like it's just the pair of you -- it just makes you truly appreciate what you had.
Karina made it so easy to love her, and despite the moments of shared banter, you always made sure to let her know just how much she's truly appreciated.
And even now, with the last song coming to an end, you watch as she continues to give it her all for every single person who had come out to see them that night.
- - - - - - - - - - ☆ - - - - - - - - - -
Sometimes, depending on how the night went, the sizzle and spark stays strong even as you're all changing back into normal attire.
Well, for most people, Winter looks more than ready to crash on a soft bed for the next 5 years.
There's a part of you that feels for her, after all your own mucles feel like they're only moments away from liquefying.
But then the idea of drinks and food are brought up to celebrate a night well done, and the chorus of cheers from all members of staff easily drown out a singular tired whine.
You catch Karina's eyes on you from the other end of the room, her smile one of silent adoration that never fails to awaken the slumbering butterflies lying dormant in your chest.
You will never deny the urge to be closer, and so before you know it the distance has decreased within nothing but a flurry of rapid movements.
"You did well today," you say upon approach, loving the way she reaches out to intertwine a pinky with your own.
"So did you."
A grin tugs at your lips, and you tilt your head in a way that lets her know she's about to be enticed into a battle of bants. "How do you know? I'm behind you for maybe... 90% of the time."
She attempts to mimic the expression on your face, but one side of her mouth extends way too far, "because it's you, so I know you did well."
Bullseye. There was no winning when she's so genuine.
You try to brush away the heat rising against your cheeks, but at this proximity there's no denying it.
A hum, now all of your fingers are interlaced. "No, just honest."
A stuttered breathe breaks free from your nose, love poured into every particle that filters within the space between you.
You really, really wanted to kiss her when she says things like that.
And if the look on her face is anything to go by, she's fully aware of the fact.
Her smile turns wry and she settles with a squeeze of your hand before their manager is calling for her attention.
Well you think, willing away the frantic beat of your heart, she's going to pay for that.
- - - - - - - - - - ☆ - - - - - - - - - -
A surprised gasp almost forces its way passed your lips when a hand settles over your own.
Too engrossed in a conversation with one of your fellow dancers, you hadn't even noticed when Giselle had decided to switch places with a certain someone.
"Hi," Karina smiles when you jolt in her direction, and you're left floundering for but a second before you regain yourself.
"Damn, and here I was thinking it was Giselle that wanted to hold my hand."
She raises a teasing eyebrow in your direction, the grip on your fingers tightening very slightly.
"Nuh-uh," she shakes your head, but the way the words slur only slightly lets you know that not too much alcohol was in her system... you think.
"No, you're right," you once again concede, making sure to lower your voice since it was only made for her to hear, "I prefer you holding my hand anyway."
She looks deep into your eyes upon your words, and you can see the quick spark of desire, the same one you had only a couple of hours prior.
Kiss her, go on.
But you hold steady, after all there will be a time and place when Karina will be able to freely call you hers, a day when the thumb caressing your skin won't be a secret under the table.
Until then, you'll make the most of the dances you share in the dark.
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