#desktop vs laptop
bobapplesimblr · 2 years
My laptop cannot handle the amount of mods I want to have in my game
I might have to buy a desktop... Which I’m not super extatic about in terms of money, but it’d probably be better in the long run
hmmmmmmmm... Oh well, I’ll just play with a laggy game for now
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d8tl55c · 1 year
from the short last Saturday...
"and most importantly,
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"make sure to get enough sleep!"
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good lord i have to use a school computer for this design assignment and the screen is so bright it feels like i'm getting three migraines at once. even with a greyscale + invert filter on it's STILL too bright. did they put the sun in this thing or what
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leonleonhart · 2 months
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dante pov vs fima pov
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similar to the greentext stuff - i was visiting with my neighbors and their grandkids were around, and I said to this eight year old, "Hey, you wanna know something cool? I was playing the game when the Endermen came out." and his eyes went wide, like this kid looked like i told him i landed on the moon. His grandma thought it was really funny, and she said she has no idea what i'm talking about, but her grandbabies do, and that's incredible to her.
oh that's fun lmao, when minecraft & that update's existed for more than your whole life, and yknow being that young and like Next Year fr is this huge time scale away, a couple of years is a quarter of your life thus far and like maybe nigh half of the part of your life you actually have longterm memories for....i was checking out this dev's blog's archives about a:tdd's release in 2010 & in one entry they compared the implicitly Roughly concurrent release of Minecraft and i was like hey whoah. forever primarily being a game i've Heard Of more than any more direct exposure so i had no precise sense of [before minecraft release] [after minecraft release] Year 0 there but it's like for sure back in thee day when minecraft was a new thing, huh
#add in that [i also basically Heard Of mass effect but that's a game series w/a 2010 median which i had Any knowledge abt already]#so i have that reference point for a still like [niche video for When You've Played These Games For Sure] there but then like#if you were ten or even 5 yrs younger at the time you May Well Be much more at sea as your starting point there#(but i mean not that much; i didn't know a ton. reread those wikipedia plot summaries myself)#enderman came out? happy pride#shoutout to this one time i crossed paths w/this kid who was at the time probably like late middle school early high school age#who started talking abt pokemon like Clearly A Big Interest and i'm like my only Direct experience is playing pokemon go but i know Some#stuff b/c i was 5 in '99 when it was first making that huge splash lol. can make Some remarks....but also just Listening Attentively To You#Monologue like uh huh go off....i sure remember like the Sense of a couple yr's sagacity like being 9 i think reading a book abt 6th or 7th#graders (i.e. two or three yrs older) like My God They Must Be So Mature....#and like ofc when skimming passages as an adult it's like omg l'enfants. Both Perspectives Being Accurate respectively lol#my vintage experiences like i've def saved things on the floppy discs of [save icons imagery]. have heard the dialup tones organically....#but also; say; Home Computers That You Didn't Really Need To Know Much Abt Computers To Use were forever an everyday thing for me#having been born mid '90s....vs like in the '80s being nicher but also like. the programs to amateur code not being As Complex either#like [working on cars] of yore vs more modernly lmao....plus ofc in their designs; opening up a desktop Tower vs what? a tablet??#ppl my age who had more substantial Online Access earlier than i did maybe having at least picked up some html; which i did not lol#also didn't have too much Gamer Experience ever; what i did largely desktop then laptop pc wasd+mouse style....#didn't have a smartphone till maybe 5 yrs after they were starting to become more commonplace#vs that again to an 8 yr old of today [commonplacer smartphones] is your whole life basically too. i remember when we flipped those phones.#(i do fr lol. did have one of those first for a good while.)#granpa granpa....mh being fourteen yrs old meaning like the Teen Fans of Today were probably not watching it as it aired lol#whereas i Was that teen fan of those yesteryears. and all my stories for it like fuckin uhhhhhh [crickets chirping] [studio audience laugh]#though You Don't Need The Fans like mh is a long movie ppl can newly discover Whenever that holds up; plus it has bonus lore#mostly what i could even Possibly bring is just the particularly nicher older bonus lore. but like grandpa simpson (the simpsons) for sure#which is to say: humorously irrelevant & perhaps somewhat cantankerous#whilest i'm vaguely aware there may have also been that minecraft resurgence (esp through streaming?) from 2020 on....#but evidently Like Mh something that continually revives / takes on New Fans / Participants#for sure i might well be playing some tf2 myself if i had the technical capability (i would have the poor personal ability i always did lol#real games of yore but it never gets old also. though i know Of Late there was a bot problem / just neglected maintenance? that get fixed?#These Have Been The Tag Tangents. maxed out thirty tags i know that's right
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backslashdelta · 5 months
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mattodore · 6 months
hey river hope your day is going good~ I was wondering if you could possibly share the skin overlay/deets and bandages here post/736147833707708416/seventeen-year-old-bookworm-whos-scared-of-horses 🥹🥹 if your wcif is closed then I understand! ps i love your sims!! 💖
dandelion is actually using two separate skins that're layered so
pilnar / sabina / + scarlet (i think?)
face patch / band-aids
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reviewsdimisco · 2 months
🚀 Unleashing the Power: Exploring High-Performance Desktops for Gaming 🎮
Are you ready to take your gaming experience to the next level? Let's delve into the world of high-performance desktops and uncover the technology that fuels your gaming adventures!
Raw Power: High-performance desktops are like the supercars of the gaming world. With cutting-edge processors, powerful graphics cards, and ample RAM, these machines are built to handle the most demanding games with ease.
Immersive Graphics: Say goodbye to pixelated landscapes and hello to stunningly realistic graphics. High-performance desktops boast top-of-the-line graphics cards that bring your games to life with vibrant colors, crisp details, and smooth frame rates.
Seamless Gameplay: Tired of lag ruining your gaming sessions? Not anymore. With high-performance desktops, you can say goodbye to stuttering frame rates and hello to seamless gameplay. These machines are optimized for performance, ensuring that every click and keystroke is executed with precision.
Future-Proofing: Investing in a high-performance desktop is not just about the here and now – it's about future-proofing your gaming setup. With upgradeable components and support for the latest technologies, these machines are designed to keep up with the ever-evolving world of gaming.
Customization Options: Want a gaming rig that reflects your unique style? High-performance desktops offer a plethora of customization options, from LED lighting and custom cooling systems to sleek chassis designs. Build the gaming rig of your dreams and make a statement while you play.
Whether you're a casual gamer or a hardcore enthusiast, a high-performance desktop can elevate your gaming experience to new heights. Say goodbye to limitations and hello to endless possibilities. Unleash the power of high-performance gaming today! 🚀🎮
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international234 · 11 months
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Discover the key differences between laptop RAM and desktop RAM, and find the best desktop RAM options in India. Boost your computer's performance with top-quality RAM modules designed for desktop systems. Explore our selection of reliable and high-speed desktop RAM to enhance your computing experience like never before.
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Laptop vs Desktop: A Comparative Study of Repair and Maintenance
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The debate over "Laptop vs Desktop" is as old as personal computing itself. Each has its unique set of advantages and drawbacks, especially when it comes to repair and maintenance. However, understanding the differences in repair and maintenance procedures for these two types of devices can be critical to making the right choice for your needs. The Following section summarizes everything you must look for before selecting a Computer/Laptop Repair Shop, from prior client evaluations to coverage of repairs and expert certifications.
Laptop: Convenience with a Cost
To begin with, let's focus on laptops. Renowned for their portability, laptops allow you to work or play on the go. Nevertheless, when it comes to repair and maintenance, they present unique challenges.
Compact Yet Complicated
To begin with, let's focus on laptops. Renowned for their portability, laptops allow you to work or play on the go. Nevertheless, when it comes to repair and maintenance, they present unique challenges.
Firstly, when compared to desktops, laptop repairs can often be more complex and costly. Owing to their compact size, laptop components are integrated and miniaturized. As a result, it becomes more difficult to replace individual parts. In many cases, a minor problem might necessitate a substantial replacement, hence increasing the repair cost.
Furthermore, regular maintenance, including cleaning and servicing, is more challenging for laptops. The compact design restricts easy access to internal components, making it harder to clean dust and debris effectively. Hence, the need for professional servicing arises more frequently. You can also read it here: Laptop vs Desktop: A Guide To Repair And Maintenance.
Upgrade Limitations
Additionally, laptops are generally not as upgrade-friendly as their desktop counterparts. The tightly packed, integrated hardware often limits the potential for upgrades. For instance, it might be impossible to upgrade the graphics card or the processor in a laptop. This can lead to a shorter lifespan for laptops, as they may become outdated quicker without the option for significant hardware upgrades.
Desktop: Bulky but Beneficial
Conversely, let's pivot to the desktops. While they lack the mobility of laptops, desktops offer benefits in terms of repairability and ease of maintenance. You might also like reading: Data Protection: Ensuring Safety at Service Centers.
The Power of Modularity
Conversely, let's pivot to the desktops. While they lack the mobility of laptops, desktops offer benefits in terms of repairability and ease of maintenance.
Primarily, desktop repairs tend to be simpler and more affordable. This is primarily due to the modular nature of their design. Individual components like the hard drive, RAM, or graphics card can be replaced independently, reducing repair costs. Furthermore, the larger size and accessible design make it easier to diagnose and fix issues.
Similarly, regular maintenance is typically easier with desktops. The spacious interior allows for effective cleaning, and components can be upgraded or replaced with relative ease. Consequently, desktops can have a longer lifespan with proper care and timely upgrades.
Laptop vs Desktop: Weighing the Pros and Cons
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Ultimately, the "Laptop vs Desktop" debate regarding repair and maintenance boils down to the user's needs and capabilities.
If portability and space are at a premium, then a laptop might be the best choice despite the potential for higher repair costs and more challenging maintenance. On the other hand, if you prioritize longevity, upgradeability, and ease of repair, a desktop could be the better option.
Consider the Cost Over Time
Beyond immediate needs and capabilities, it's also essential to consider long-term costs in the "Laptop vs Desktop" debate. While desktops might require a larger initial investment, their lower repair costs, easier maintenance, and upgrade potential can make them more cost-effective over time. Conversely, while laptops might be cheaper upfront, higher repair costs and limited upgradeability can result in higher costs in the long run.
Future-Proofing Your Purchase
Moreover, when weighing the pros and cons in the "Laptop vs Desktop" discussion, consider future-proofing your investment. While desktops are easily upgradeable, ensuring their relevancy for a longer time, laptops may become obsolete quicker due to their limited upgradeability.
In conclusion, both laptops and desktops have their place in the modern computing landscape. When considering the "Laptop vs Desktop" conundrum, understanding the differences in repair and maintenance can help you make a more informed decision. While laptops offer the convenience of mobility, they often come with higher repair costs and more demanding maintenance. Conversely, desktops may be bulkier and lack portability, but they typically offer greater longevity and lower repair costs.
Additionally, Find My Service Center, an innovator in computer/laptop repair service, provides a full array of services, including commercial computer setting up, repair, regular servicing, and inspection. So, the next time you find yourself contemplating between a laptop and a desktop, remember to weigh these factors. Your choice should align with your needs, budget, and technical abilities.
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shxwmaster · 1 year
// tumblr links refusing to open in the desktop version and only opening in dash is the most annoying change ever fr
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void-tiger · 1 year
Fighting through erganomic and setup limitations and logistics For Me: NAH.
Doing it for friends’ projects: yeah!
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Key factors to consider before you build or buy your own PC
In recent years, technology has advanced significantly, particularly in the area of computers.
They are used by us for business, leisure, and global connectivity. Today, there are unlimited choices available when selecting a new PC since the typical individual now has access to more availability to choose what you want. So, when the time comes to purchase a new PC or computer hardware parts to build your own rig, carefully weigh all of your possibilities. The following are the most crucial things to remember:
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Factors to consider before buying or building your own PC
1.   How do you want to build your PC?
With so many potential factors in a PC design, it is quite normal to become confused. Want to build your own computer to save money? Or do you aspire to excel at the greatest levels? The physical parts of the computer, such as the RAM, storage, etc., are unquestionably connected to each of these scenarios. The operating system and other peripherals, such as the keyboard, will have a far lower influence on how well your system performs than this, even though they are still crucial parts of the computer.
2.   CPU
The CPU is a crucial consideration when purchasing any PC. The machine's brain controls how quickly your computer will operate. The clock speed of a CPU, expressed in GHz, is the most crucial feature to consider. Your computer will run quicker if the clock speed is greater. The processor's core count is another important factor to consider. Nowadays, a dual-core CPU is the minimal need. However, an octa-core or quad-core processor will provide you with even faster performance.
3.   Motherboard
Your PC's physical form factor and size are dictated by the motherboard, but it also limits the various hardware components that may be installed in the machine. The motherboard, for instance, determines the processor's maximum power, the kind of RAM and the maximum number of installed modules, the modular storage design, as well as the storage interface. While additional suitable components should be considered when selecting a motherboard, you should first select your motherboard and then the rest of the computer hardware parts.
4.   Storage
Your storage disc permanently saves all of your data until you choose to delete it. It gets stored in either a solid state drive or a hard disc drive, which you can select while building your rig. Despite the fact that hard drives typically offer more storage, solid state drives have effectively rendered hard drives obsolete since they are faster and more energy-efficient.
Read and write speeds indicate how quickly data loads (reads) and transfers, which is why there is a speed difference between the two storage devices (writes). SSDs employ NAND flash technology, while hard drives use tiny mechanical parts. 
5.   Graphics card
Another crucial part of the computer is the graphics card. It helps your PC process all the graphics, which is crucial, especially if you watch movies, play games or use editing software on your device. You should take the amount of cores, clock speed, and bandwidth into account when selecting a graphics card.
The amount of cores affects how many tasks the card can do at once, therefore it is crucial. The quicker the card is, the greater the clock speed and bandwidth. Additionally, you need to confirm that the card works with the gaming monitor you intend to use.
6.   RAM
One of the quickest, simplest, and most cost-effective methods to boost your PC's performance is by adding RAM, which offers your system extra room to store temporary data. The ability to multitask between apps, have many tabs open while browsing the internet, type and compose an email, and even move your mouse pointer all depend on memory.
Because background activities and crucial services, such as system updates, can consume RAM, it is critical to have an ample amount of free memory. In general, you need more memory for the more activities you are engaged in.
Compatibility and the amount of RAM your system can accommodate are two factors to consider while choosing the optimum RAM for your device. In order to ensure compatibility, first determine the form factor of the module that your system employs. Next, determine the memory technology that your system is compatible with.
Second, depending on your system, there are a limited number of GB that it can accommodate. For instance, if you purchase 64 GB of RAM but your computer can only handle 16 GB, you are wasting 48 GB of memory as that cannot be used.
7.   Warranties
Finally, it is crucial to think about warranties and the return policies when selecting a PC.
The majority of computers have a guarantee of at least one year, while some businesses charge more for extended warranties. Do understand the warranty period and extended warranty possibilities with Geonix before making a purchase. 
The return policy of the business should also be known to you. While some businesses have fewer limits than others, some let you return the computer for a complete refund within a specific time frame. To ensure that you buy something you are delighted with, it is crucial to understand the policies.
While there are many factors that can influence the types of computer hardware parts you buy, these are some of the most critical. Geonix is the most reputed computer hardware dealer in India. They have a vast catalogue of peripherals and other hardware to choose from so that you can customize your rig in the best way possible.
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new-revenant · 2 days
Danny makes some little animal stick figure desktop pets, with Tucker's help, mainly to help with homework, act as autocorrect, and serve as something cute. He notices after a few weeks that they can interact with different things in different ways (think of the stick figures from animation vs animator) and is impressed. He decides to bring the six with him in his phone on a class field trip to Gotham and excitedly shows Sam and Tucker the evolved code. While there and walking around the sticks were just messing around in Danny's phone when they manage to accidentally air drop themselves into Tim Drake's laptop. Tim somehow doesn't notice until he's back at the cave and connects his computer to the bat computer and accidentally uploads the desktop pets to it, Danny at this point also realized his desktop pets were gone. At this point Danny and Tim are both low-key freaking out for different yet similar reasons.
omg they accidentally created a computer virus! And it’s probably a ghostly one too all things considered. Maybe it’s just some blob ghosts that infected the code, or Technus. Team Phantom might be blaming Technius at first haha.
And Tim is going to suffer, this I swear. Why are these weird, stick figure things messing the Batcomputer? He tries to fix everything and delete the little animals before anyone else shows up…but an 1 hour later, when Batman calls everybody to the Batcave, they find Tim is now a sobbing mess, whining about how the Batcomputer got hacked by stupid stick figures. Who hear that of course and decide to blast music right into his ears. The rest of the Batman try-and fail-to fix it. It definitely isn’t a normal virus, and could be something magical, but they aren’t too sure. Meanwhile, Team Phantom has been trying to figure out where Tim lives. Now Danny, as Phantom, is floating around Wayne Manor. He really hopes they don’t sue him after this.
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wannabespiderman · 5 months
Man vs machine
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Hello! This is my first fanfic written in English so I'm slightly nervous to post this but I couldn't get this idea out of my head so... I hope you enjoy :)
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Just an old man confused about modern technology.
You were walking past the living room door when a discontented grunt caught your attention. You took two steps back to crane your neck past the half-closed door. Bucky was sitting on the sofa, leaning over the living room table, which looked like a toddler’s table compared to him, his face illuminated by the bright screen of his new laptop that you’ve bought him not too long ago. His eyebrows were tightly knit together when he mumbled a quiet curse. You turned around, a curious expression on your face as you walked through the door.
"You okay, baby?" you asked and promptly sat down next to him. Bucky gave you an inscrutable look before turning his eyes back to the screen. “Where the hell do I find my emails?” he asked in frustration. A sudden laugh escaped you. You should have realized that a 106 year old man who had little to do with electronics would have some trouble with a laptop. Bucky gave you a displeased look with a slight, unconcious pout appearing on his face. “Click on the internet icon.” You spoke softly, willing to help. Bucky’s brow furrowed. “I don’t need the internet, I need my emails.” You stayed silent for a moment, slightly baffled by his words. Just last week you took the effort to set up a Google account with him and you were pretty sure he had paid attention then. “Bucky.” You said an amused huff escaping you. “Your e-mail is connected to the Internet. Just click on the icon.” Bucky clicked his tongue in annoyance to cover his slight embarrassment and went back to staring at the desktop. He was definitely taking his time, and at one point you doubted he knew what an icon was. “Need any help?” you asked as kindly as you could, though the sight of Bucky squinting his eyes like a real old man made your voice sound rather amused. With an exhausted sigh, Bucky leaned back against the seat back and rubbed his face, his shoulders visibly slumping. “You do it.”
You snort, but immediately apologize after he gives you an exceptionally grumpy look. “You can do it.” You said encouragingly, giving him a small smile. Bucky rolled his eyes, but relented and bent over the laptop again. You shuffled closer to it so you could see the screen properly, and the little orange and blue Firefox icon literally jumped out at you. You pointed your finger at it and looked at it again. “Just click on this one.”
You tried to be patient with him, really, and actually he did exactly what you said, but you couldn’t hold back the little sigh that left your mouth as he moved the cursor over the Firefox icon and clicked. Once. “Okay.” You mumbled, rubbing your eye. Apparently, you needed to be more specific. "This time you click twice." Another brief but piercing look from Bucky before he actually double-clicked and the browser opened. You sent a quick thank you to the heavens before instructing him to type the url into the search tab and cringed silently when he started typing with both of his pointer fingers. Right this second you decided to teach him how to properly type with all ten of his fingers later. A few more instructions later, probably a little more than usually necessary, he reached the Google log-in site.
“I assume you can handle the rest?” It was supposed to be a statement but your voice shifted into a question at the end.
He hummed quietly in affirmation, though his brow was still furrowed as if this whole thing was incredibly complicated which, to be honest… it probably was for him. You pressed your lips together, a slight sting of guilt coursing through you, your previous amusement and frustration about his hardship completely vanishing. One second you were quietly sat next to him and the other you had your arms wrapped around his bicep and your head leaning on his shoulder. “I’m sorry about laughing earlier.” You whispered, almost too quiet for him to understand if he weren’t a Super-Soldier and had enhanced hearing. “I know it’s new for you.” Bucky tried to shrug it off but you saw how his eyes softened when he tilted his head to look down at you. A sudden, quiet chuckle escaped him, making you quirk an eyebrow in curiosity.
“You’d think, as a Cyborg, I’d be better at this.”
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