#detective!steve rogers
chernobog13 · 1 month
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A scene from Detective Comics (vol. 1) #474 (December, 1977) when Batman still knew how to have fun, before he became the grim sourpuss he is today.
There's a reason why Steve Englehart's and Marshall Roger's run on Detective is still beloved to this day.
Written by Steve Englehart. Art by Marshall Rogers and Terry Austin. Colors by Jerry Serpe. Letters by Ben Oda.
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delicatebarness · 2 months
good graces: a cry baby story | chapter one
Summary: Delving into the shadowy world of a notorious biker gang, you begin navigating the tension between their duties and the gang's influence.
Warning: Corruption and Unethical Behavior. Criminal Activity and Violence. Suspense and Intimidation. Implied Threats. Emotional Tension.
Word Count: 1646
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A/N: It's weird not writing as Cry Baby. - Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as mine. - B
Cry Baby: @buckys0whore | @thezombieprostitute | @lanabuckybarnes | @mishkatelwarriorgoddess | @softieekayy | @noonespecial90 | @hello-therree | @randomawesomeperson102 | @whoreforbarnes | @thejutvtsupport | @somnorvos | @cjand10 | @plasticbottleholder | @birdenthusiastez | @am-3-thyst
Everything: @hallecarey1 | @pattiemac1 | @uhmellamoanna | @scraftsku35 | @ozwriterchick | @sapphirebarnes | @rach2602 | @thetorturedbuckydepartment | @mrsnikstan
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You sat at your new desk, in your new office– the laminate chipped and worn from the years of service. It mirrored the experiences of the precinct itself. Casting a harsh, cold glow, the fluorescent lights made everything seem more stark and unforgiving. You were currently in your first week taking over from Fury, a man whose retirement still left a sour taste in your mouth. He left a murky legacy behind, filled with unspoken truths and shadows that clung to the corners of the station like cobwebs. 
The paper was rough under your fingertips as you sifted through a pile of old case files. The scent of ink and aged paper filled your nostrils. One file stood out among the usual fare of petty theft, domestic disputes, and minor assaults. The file was thick, bursting at the seams, as though it had been fed a diet of steady statements, reports, and evidence over the years. The label read: “The Avengers.” 
Intrigued, you began to read the bulky file. The Avengers’ dossier is a detailed chronicle, each page a testament to their cunning audacity. Countless reports, dozens of names and dates, each one hinted at crimes far more severe than the paperwork let on. Yet, despite the mountain of documentation against each member, there hadn’t been a single arrest, and not one charge had ever stuck. And, the deeper you dived, the more glaring the gaps became. 
It was clear now, that the corruption ran deep. You marveled at the arrogance of it all. The notes from your predecessor, Fury, peppered throughout the files, they were vague and non-committal. They often led investigations into dead ends– he was their shield, their unseen ally. 
Pushing away from your desk, you made your way to the station’s bullpen. The usual chatter, ringing phones, and officers exchanging the latest gossip buzzed in the air. You caught the eye of your new partner, Officier Maria Hill, who raised her eyebrow at the file in your hand. 
“Rogers?” she asked, her voice low, almost whispered as it carried a mix of curiosity and caution. 
“Yeah,” you replied, your voice steady. “Look at this, something's off.” Handing her the file, you watched her eyes widen with each passing page. 
“I always knew Fury was dirty, but this…” Hill trailed off, shaking her head. “Rogers’ and his gang have a lot of power and friends in low places… I’d tread carefully if I were you.” 
You nodded. “I’ll play this one smart. No tipping my hand until I have something solid.” 
One evening, as you poured yourself into the files yet again, you noticed a pattern emerging. A name that keeps appearing, seemingly insignificant at first but, you grew more suspicious with each mention. It was the seemingly younger member of the gang. Unlike the others, her involvement was minimal, almost as if she had been deliberately kept in the background. Your mind formed a hunch, a gut feeling boiled– she might be the key to unraveling their web of deceit. 
The next morning, you stake out the art gallery that she works at. The gallery seemed like a stark contrast to the gritty world of the Avengers. It was bright with an airy interior, filled with natural light that danced off the polished floors. Colorful paintings and sketches adorned the white walls. You blended in with a small crowd of art enthusiasts, watching the younger girl move gracefully through the space. She wore a quiet confidence as she interacted with the visitors.
She seemed genuinely passionate about her work as you noted her routine. Observing how she spoke to patrons and carefully arranged the pieces on displays. Her world seemed different from the criminal world her brother and friends inhabited. 
Finally, as the gallery began to empty, you saw your chance. Approaching her, your heart pounded with the weight of the task ahead. “These pieces are incredible,” you say, stopping in front of one of her sketches. “Do you have any favorites?” 
She smiled, her demeanor warm and welcoming. “Thank you. It’s hard to pick a favorite, but this one,” she gestured to a sketch of a man, he seemed familiar to you but you couldn’t quite place his face. “This one is definitely special to me.” 
“It’s beautiful,” you replied, nodding appreciatively. “It seems like you put a lot of yourself into your work.” 
Her eyes sparkled with genuine pride as she nodded. “Art is my escape. I express things I can’t always put into words.” 
“It’s nice to have an escape,” you paused, taking a deep breath before deciding to ease into the topic. “I’ve heard your brother runs the tattoo studio downtown too, it seems like the art runs in your family.”
Her smile faltered for a fraction of a second, yet she recovered quickly. Her eyes never lost their warmth. “Yeah, Steve is quite the artist himself. He’s very talented.” 
“It’s impressive,” you continued, trying to keep your tone casual. “I’ve um, I’ve seen some of his designs… and he’s got quite the reputation.” 
Glancing around the gallery, she chuckled softly. “Steve’s work is… intense. He puts as much passion into his tattoos as I do into my sketches, if not more.” 
You nodded, feeling the sense of opportunity to learn more. “It must be challenging, balancing such different worlds. Your art here and his studio, not to mention his, um, other activities.” 
Her expression tightened slightly, but she maintained her composite. “Our paths are very different, but we have always been close. He does what he thinks is right, and I focus on my art. We support each other.” 
The answer was careful and measured. So, you tried another angle. “It must be difficult though, with everything that’s been going on lately. The Avengers have been getting a lot of attention.” 
Her eyes narrowed as she glanced at you sharply before she forced a smile. “I try not to get involved in that side of things. I keep my head down and focus on my work and my relationship.” 
You felt the resistance and did not want to push too hard. Nodding, you sent her a genuine smile. “That’s probably for the best. You have a lot of talent and a bright future ahead. Your brother must be very proud.” 
For a moment, the tension eased and a genuine smile touched her lips. “He is. Ever since we were children, he has told me to follow my dreams, no matter what.” 
Sensing the conversation had reached its limit, you couldn’t help but ask one more question. “Out of curiosity, do you get visitors from his world here? People who come to see your work?” 
Laughing softly, she shook her head. “Unless you count my boyfriend, the gallery isn’t exactly their scene. They know about my art, and usually come to my opening nights but other than that, they keep their distance.” 
Appreciating her openness, you smiled, even if she was guarded. “Well, I’m glad I stopped by. Your art is truly… something special.” 
“Thank you,” she replied, another genuine smile gracing her face. “I appreciate you taking the time to look.” 
As you left the gallery, you replayed the conversation in your mind. The younger Rogers had been careful, but her responses confirm what you already suspected. She knew more than she let on and was deeply intertwined with her brother’s world. She might have been different from the rest of the Avengers, with her sweet demeanor and unproblematic passion, but she was still a part of their story.
After a few days stuck in your office after visiting the art gallery, you decided to try a more direct approach. The next destination you wanted to try was the bar where the Avengers were regulars. 
After entering the bar, you ordered a drink and took a seat, trying to remain as inconspicuous as possible. Long shadows were cast in the dim light, making it easier to observe without drawing attention. Sitting in a corner booth, the Avengers gathered. Steve Rogers’ presence was commanding, and he seemed to exude an air of calculated vigilance. 
Sipping your drink, you engaged in idle conversation with the bartender, casually observing Steve and the gang. Then, despite your attempts to stay low-key, you could feel Steve’s eyes on you, sharp and calculating. A steady gaze, as if he was trying to read you and figure out what you’re up to. 
As the evening progressed, two more gang members joined the booth, and you recognized one of them as his sister, from the art gallery. It became clear that Steve’s attention on you had caused tension within the group, as they all began watching you. You decided it was time to leave before things escalated. After finishing your drink, you nod a polite goodbye to the bartender and make your way out of the bar.
As you walk back to your car, the cool night air hits you and the city’s distant noises create a backdrop of uneasy tranquility. Mentally, you review the encounter, noting Steve’s wariness and the tension from their booth. You headed back to your office, with a feeling of relief and anticipation. 
You looked forward to officially reviewing the evening’s findings and plotting your next steps when you reached the station. But yet, as you unlocked the door to your office, you stopped dead in your tracks. 
Casually sitting at your desk, leaning back in the chair was Steve Rogers– dressed in his signature leather jacket, looking every bit the part of the imposing figure you had been watching. His eyes locked onto yours as you entered, and a smirk played at the corners of his mouth. 
“So,” he began, calm and steady, but it carried an unmistakable edge, “you’re Fury’s replacement?” The question was straightforward, but he made it clear he’d already made up his mind about you.
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rivenantiqnerd · 3 months
Quotes That Live In My Head Rent-Free
”Get used to different.” - Jesus, The Chosen
”Stay gold, Ponyboy.” - Johnny Cade, The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton
”Loki is beyond reason but he is of Asgard and he is my brother.” “He killed 80 people in two days.” “He is adopted.” -Thor/Black Widow/Thor, The Avengers
”There’s only one god, ma’am, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t dress like that.” - Captain America, The Avengers
”Is that why you’ve been acting so cagey about the Cat King? Is he been trying to get frisky with you? ‘Cause I’ll knock his whiskers off his little face, if so.” - Charles, The Dead Boy Detectives
I will certainly add more to this. Feel free to add your own!
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bigtreefest · 3 months
Chapter 5: So That’s What It Means
From: The Rainmaker Series
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Pairing: Mob! Steve x Forensic Scientist! Reader
Summary: Steve finds out something he’s been wondering for awhile
Word count: 3,594
Content/warnings: Kissing, thigh grinding, nice det. Lang, mean det. Walker, soft!Decks, strong!Decks, mentions of death and murder, light mob themes, secrets, old ladies who love to objectify young men, swears, misogyny, pet name usage like one singular time
Author’s Note: Hehehe I’ve been waiting for this one. Turn it up!
I’d love it if you dropped a comment, reblog, or ask to let me know what you think!! (Otherwise, I’m just screaming into the void by myself, which is fine, but I like it when the void screams back)
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Just when Steve thought things couldn’t, they got worse. At least on the business end of things. Lloyd seemed like he was closing in. The previous death of that employee from his salon was followed by a string of half a dozen, all working for him and Bucky in different capacities. It included their civilian services, as well as those involved in the undercover operations. This was bad, and was only going to get worse if there wasn’t a plan to step up and put an end to the series of turf wars they’d found themselves in.
On the bright side, which still wasn’t technically great under the circumstances, all these occurrences meant he got to visit the precinct more and see you.
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Yours and Lang’s desks were stacking up with cases. They all seemed related, but you weren’t quite sure how yet. And for some reason, you kept seeing Steve coming in for quick interviews. It’s not like you really wanted to complain, though. You wanted to see him, and you were happy for it to happen since this increased work load was making you too exhausted to do more of it outside the station.
As you were doing data entry in your lab with the door cracked open, you saw a tuft of blond hair move into your field of vision above your computer screen. A smile instantly graced your face, but you kept your eyes on the results.
“Steve. Hi. Get into trouble? It’s like you’ve got permanent residence at Lang’s desk.”
Steve laughed and came in, closing the door behind him. “Eh, not quite, but if I’m being honest, as much as you know I like Scott, I wish I were here more often just for you instead of these unending cases. Speaking of which, you have a minute?”
You nodded, still typing on the keyboard while you listened to him. “Yeah, let me just get this in really quick, then I’m all yours.”
His fingertips tingled at that and a warmth rose from his chest to his throat. Oh how he wished that was true. He wished you were his, but more than that, he wished that he could be yours. All of him. But that wasn’t something he was ready to discuss yet. You knowing his whole self. Things were going too well right now for him to mess it up by dropping that bomb on you. It wasn’t the right timing.
As you slipped your gloves off and went to wash your hands, Steve locked the door behind him and took a step forward. You dried your hands and came over to meet him, looking up into his eyes. Oh how you wanted to swim in them; a pool of peace amongst the craziness outside. Despite how busy Steve always seemed, time with him made everything else go away.
“So what do you want to ask me?” You rocked forward on your toes, happy to focus on anything but work for a second. Right, that’s what it was, definitely not excitement to see him, even though your heart was racing and your legs felt restless.
“I wanted to know if you were busy this weekend. Maybe you and I could do something.” He looked between your eyes with a smile, but it was slowly falling in anticipation for your response.
You winced, sucking in a sharp breath. “Unfortunately, I am really busy this weekend. I’ve got some guests I’m hosting. But you’ve at least caught me right now. And I’ve got a bunch of free time next week. I can text you my schedule later.”
Steve nodded, leaning closer to you. “You’re right. I’m happy to at least have you for right now. Even if it’s just a few seconds.”
You couldn’t help the way your body was drawn in just like his. Or the way your hands traced up the front of his suit, which was honestly growing on you, the feeling of the expensive fabric surprisingly pleasant. Or how your fists gripped his lapels tightly and pulled him close, down to your level. Or the way your lips hovered closely to each other.
Steve whispered in the closing space. “Seeing you sometime next week for much longer would be great. You let me know as soon as you can.”
In your affirmation of his request, your lips brushed against his while his one hand snaked around your waist and the other came up to your cheek. Your fists grew tighter, needing him infinitely closer.
Normally, Steve would mind the potential wrinkles of his designer suit. He was wearing his favorite today, mostly because he knew he’d run into you. But if that damage was coming at your hands? Hell, that made it all better.
Your eyelids fluttered shut, which Steve took as his signal to do the same, his lips softly pressing against yours. The kiss was sweet and careful, tentative, yet venerative. It was short, and interrupted way too soon for your liking by a knock on the glass of the lab door, where you had luckily closed the blinds before.
The two of you pulled away with a breath of a laugh, looking down at your feet before looking up again with a smile at the other. Steve spoke first.
“I, um, I should probably go.”
You nodded, mouth still slightly agape as a remnant of the moment. “Yeah. I’ve got a lot of work to do. And you’ve got…”
“Meetings,” Steve finished for you. You forced a small smile.
“Yeah, always meetings.” It was true. Every time a moment was cut short, it was meetings, but this small talk was also so you could make it seem like you weren’t just kissing a civilian in your lab. Whoever was on the other side would at least hear voices, not lip smacking, although the kiss was nothing like that. Steve slowly backed the two of you towards the door to start heading out, but he still wanted to take advantage of you letting him hold you for as long as possible.
“But to double check, you’re really not free this Saturday?”
You shook your head. “No, I’m totally booked. But if I’m remembering correctly, I could probably swing something in the middle of next week. Like Tuesday? Maybe Wednesday? Is that too weird? I’ve got all evenings off, so any time that’s good for you is good for me.”
Steve smiled, or more like beamed at the thought of you offering up all your free time to him, but still spoke softly, breathily, a hand still on your back. “Yeah, that works. I’ll text you.”
“Okay.” You didn’t even realize the way you bit your lip when you nodded, the slightly harsher sensation holding nothing to that of his soft lips. You were granted another soft smile under sparkling eyes.
“Okay. Goodbye, Sweetheart.”
Steve gave you a kiss on your hairline, reaching behind him and unlocking the door as quietly as possible so whoever was on the other side didn’t know it was locked in the the first place. Goosebumps took over your body at the whole thing. The pet name, the forehead kiss, the actual kiss. Luckily, they were under your lab coat, so he couldn’t see how much he truly affected you. Steve dropped his other hand from you, the warmth from them replaced by the air conditioned lab environment too quickly for you liking, before turning and opening the door. He excused himself to walk past the two detectives on the other side, Lang wearing a smirk and Walker, a scowl. Once he passed though the two-person wall, he turned back to wave goodbye to you with a wink and a salute.
You did your best to hide your smile at that, biting at the inside of your cheek and focusing on the detectives in front of you. If there was one thing Walker could do, it was kill a mood.
“Detectives. How can I help you?” You opened the lab door all the way for them to come in. Lang stood in the middle of the room with a file folder while Walker leaned up against one of the tables, something you’d told him not to do several times. Well, it’s his problem if a solvent eats though his ugly collared shirt, not yours.
Lang handed you the folder, still barely smiling at what he knew he’d interrupted.
“Got another case, Decky. Sorry to keep piling them on like this, but we just can’t figure out who’s doing all this. Or at least we don’t have enough proof yet.”
You grabbed the folder, flipping through the pages, before you dropped it over on the desk by your lab computer, the one surface in the room that was lean-safe, but Walker didn’t seem to care about that. You let out a dramatic sigh, crossing your arms. “Okay, thanks. I guess I’ll get back to work, then. I’ll let you know when I have the time to get though that.”
You gestured towards the case with one of your shoulders, but Walker slammed a fist on a table. You didn’t even care about his quick anger and poor intimidation attempt. He probably shouldn’t touch that surface with his bare hands, either, but you guessed he’d find his own punishment for it sooner or later.
“Is something wrong with that, Detective Walker?”
He walked over to you, his looming presence replacing the same space where Steve previously was, but this time it was much less enjoyable, so you took a large step back, holding out your hand. “Chill for a second there, buddy. Give me words.”
Walker huffed before looking at Lang, not even you. “Do you seriously trust her with this string of cases when she was just in here privately talking with one of our suspects? This case is important and I’m not gonna let her screw it up because she can’t keep her legs closed.”
That sent you over the edge. This entire time, Walker had been trying to undermine your abilities. He’d been doubting you, and blaming you for every one of his responsibilities that went wrong. And now, not even directly addressing you for the unfounded accusations.
“Walker, I’m sure there’s good re-,” Scott began to speak up before you cut him off.
“What I do in my lab is none of your business if I still serve you the data you ask for. There has never been a single occurrence where I’ve fraternized with a true suspect of an open case, and this is not me starting now. Plus, that is absolutely inappropriate for you to insinuate. Some of us take our jobs seriously and hold the law with regard. I kindly suggest you fuck off unless you want to know what the floor tastes like.”
Walker stood still, continuing to face Lang through your entire monologue, which may have been smart for him, because if he looked into your eyes, he would’ve turned into dust from the burning glare. Scott looked at you with a smile, content with the way you were able to shut Walker up and shut him down. He simply nodded in a thankful gesture, before guiding Walker out of the lab and giving you a thumbs up.
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Before you knew it, Saturday was here and you were preparing to host your guests. You’d set out a veggie tray and everyone was arriving one-by-one until a single person was left to wait for. She was coming late, probably after dinner, anyway, so the rest of you got to it for a few hours, laughing and snacking in your apartment.
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Steve was busy like there was no tomorrow, because if he didn’t keep working, there might not be. He was constantly relaying commands and shifting things around. The weekends were a busy time for him in general, so he was lucky when he’d gotten the time to spend with you before, but now it was seeming impossible. Luckily, he was sure he’d make it work to line up with your free time next week. He had to.
Steve was racing through city streets to another meet-up when his phone rang. It was Bee. She hadn’t called him too often at all. In fact, all he’d really been getting from her recently were short, sporadic texts. This had to be important, then, so he picked up right away.
“Hey, Bee, what’s going on? Long time no talk.” He was expecting to have a good conversation with a good friend. Someone he got along with, but she seemed frantic.
“Hey Steve, no time for formalities, I need your help.” Steve instantly locked in at that statement. Was she in danger? Why would Bee call him and not Bucky?
“Okay, shoot.”
“I just got off the phone with Bucky, but do you know where Decks is? I’ve been calling her all evening and she hasn’t picked up.”
He continued weaving, but started to slow down due to his focus on the conversation.
“Last I knew, she was having a weekend in. She’s hosting a bunch of guests at her place. Some sort of party I think. Why? What’s going on?”
Steve sent a short message to Sam to either take over or reschedule the meeting. If something was wrong or Decks was in danger, he needed to rush to her. Personally.
“Um, I kind of need her to clear her schedule for next Saturday to come back and win a game of pool.”
Steve wanted to stop in his tracks at that but kept going just in case.
“What? A game of pool? Why just for that? That’s so random. And even so, you don’t think you could win? Or me? I think we both could play pretty well.”
Bee laughed on the other end of the line. Sure, there were a lot of details she was leaving out, but there also seemed to be a lot he didn’t know for how much time he’d been spending with Decks lately. “Oh Steven, you sweet, naive, summer child. No, and I’ll tell you more about it in a second. But are you getting close?”
“Yeah. I’m in the car now. Just a few blocks away from her place. What does this all have to do with? Why does Decks have to play? Is she really that good?”
“Just move quickly. I need to know if she can do it because otherwise I’m not sure if I’ll have enough time to find someone just as good. She’s actually the best. Bucky will fill you in on everything else, but the farm kind of hinges on it. And for your information, Decks is good at all games. I thought you knew that. She’s like, literally a pinochle world champion and a great card dealer and definitely would’ve beaten you at pool that night at the bar if she wasn’t trying to be nice. We used to always say she should’ve gotten a PhD in game theory.”
Steve was taken aback at the onslaught of information. “Wait a second, you bet the farm!? And Decks plays pinochle? That well!? Is that-“
He was sprinting up the steps to the apartment now, not wanting to take the time to wait for the elevator. He reached the door finally and knocked, faintly hearing ‘come in, Marge’ from the other side. Who on earth is Marge?
He cracked open the door to hear the loud sound of chattering, but not before he smiled at the vase of flowers sitting on the kitchen island. The ones he had sent the past week. His head turned toward the dining room table and all sound stopped as he was met with several pairs of eyes.
Steve gasped and dropped his phone from his ear in shock, seeing a familiar woman in a green visor at the table surrounded by old ladies, dealing cards. “Oh my gosh. Card games. Deck of cards. So that’s what it-“
He pulled the phone back up to his ear again. “Hold on, Bee. I’ll call you back later. I’ll take care of all of this...just. Let me tell her, okay? I’ll handle it because I don’t think I can get into the details without telling her everything. And I want it to come from me.”
He hung up the phone and put it in his jacket pocket before looking toward the table again with his grandest, albeit partially forced this time, smile.
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You were focused on dealing cards to your game group, the old ladies surrounding you at the table like they did every so often when you had the time to meet up. A few rounds had come and gone, but your partner, Marge, still wasn’t here since she had a family event that she said she’d be coming from. That was fine, and now you’d be expecting her any minute.
You heard a knock on the door, which must’ve been her. Upon seeing the door open, though, you could tell it definitely wasn’t a little 70 year old lady with white hair in her signature yellow cardigan. It was a tall blond man about your age, decked out in expensive black material.
“Steve, what are you doing here?” Your eyes were wide in surprise. He was on the phone, but promptly hung it up after taking a survey of the room.
The old ladies piped up. “Yeah, Steve.” “Hello, Steve.” “Nice to meet you, Steve.”
Steve sheepishly waved at the women sitting around the table across from you. You turned to your sides to see them all making flirty eyes, especially the lady sitting to your left who still hadn’t stopped waving. “Janet, hop off. He’s here for me.” You looked back at Steve. “Wait, you are here for me, right?”
Steve looked around before looking at you again with an awkward chuckle. He was still partially out of breath from how quickly he got here, but it was finally settling. “Hi ladies, um, yeah, it’ll just take a second, though. Can we talk in another room?” He pointed over his shoulder.
You nodded and took off your hat, grabbing his hand and dragging him into your bedroom, softly closing the door. You stood with your back against it, palms pressed flat as if when you moved, the ladies on the prowl would come flooding in to steal your man. Steve turned around back towards the door to look at you. “I’m sorry for just showing up.”
You straightened from your slouched position on the wall, placing a hand on his chest. He seemed a little stressed. “No worries, I just wasn’t expecting to see you today. Is everything alright?”
Steve didn’t want to ruin your day, so he held it in for now. “Um, yeah. Was just in the neighborhood, so I figured I’d take a chance and visit. I realized you’ve never seen it, so would you wanna come over to my place this week? Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday? We’ll play some pool? Bee’s asking if we can come back to the farm this weekend. Figured you and I could practice so we can win with our eyes closed.”
You laughed and smiled, leaning closer to him. “Sounds good. I’ve got this entire coming weekend off, too, so it shouldn’t be a problem. Probably a mercy schedule with the hours I’ve been pulling lately.”
Steve couldn’t help but lean in, matching you, as he nodded. “I bet. I can’t wait to spend more time with you this week, though.”
His arm was bracing him above you on the door. He knew he should’ve held back, not pushed it farther until he could lay everything on the table for you to see, but how could he resist when you were looking at him like that. Eyes wide and wanting, happy almost, even though he dropped in unannounced, something he knew you historically weren’t a fan of.
He was close enough to share a breath, so you leaned on your toes and were met by him leaning down. As the two of you kissed, Steve knew he should stop it in the back of his mind, but it all just felt so good, so he kept going, tongues dancing. He needed more, kissing down your neck and nudging his thigh between yours as you began to grind against him, gasping for air and moaning softly at the pleasurable sensations surrounding you. You wanted to keep going, too, until you remembered the several people just in the other room, waiting for you. “Steve, I, uh… as much as I really, really like this, I have some guests to host. Also, I thought I had told you this was a no-work-clothes-zone, but since you’ve got to go anyway, I’ll let it slide. Pick this up Tuesday?”
He pulled away and nodded, a somber softness in his eyes, taking in the last time you might look at him like this before he had to tell all. He loved the way your were poking at his suit jacket, playfully scrunching your nose, but still locking eyes with him. He cleared his throat. “Yeah, no problem. Walk me out?”
“Of course.”
You grabbed his hand and walked him to the door as all the ladies in your dining room whistled, and oohed and ahhed at him. As he stood in the hallway, the door just cracked enough for you to fit through and hopefully deter the wondering eyes of your card group, Steve left you with a kiss on the cheek.
Next >
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Bonus A/N: Did you catch it? Did you catch where the nickname came from? Yeah, I knew you would. Smarty pants.
Taglist: @evie-119 @hawkeyes-queen @ronearoundblindly
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magnetothemagnificent · 4 months
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okay, i deadass had to get out my laptop instead of my phone to make this post bc i knew it would be long and i'd type a lot
i can't stop thinking about payneland and stucky parallels. the scene when steve gets bucky off the table in the hydra base, when bucky says "steve?" and then the dbd scene in hell, when charles finally finds edwin and edwin looks up and says "charles?", and how steve and charles each get bucky and edwin out of there.
charles standing defensively in front of edwin with his cricket bat, ready to face off against the night nurse who technically has authority over them, paralleling steve using the shield to protect bucky, even when the government (which technically has authority over them) is trying to arrest both of them, or even split them up like the night nurse was trying to do with edwin and charles.
steve writing things down in his little notebook to catch himself up on the future; edwin taking meticulous notes in his own little notebook for cases, but still not knowing some modern terms.
bucky taking his backpack with him everywhere because it contains his memories and all he has; charles with his "bag-of-tricks" pocket dimension backpack that he takes everywhere because it has nearly everything they could possibly need in a pinch, because he and edwin are almost always in danger.
steve being frozen in ice for 70 years and being found; edwin being stuck in hell for 70 years, escaping, and finding charles, who is dying of hypothermia (the cold).
steve and bucky were both supposed to die in the war, but through the serum and hydra, they survived and returned to society and continued helping people 70 odd years later. edwin and charles didn't survive, but they continued helping people as well.
none of them are the ages they're supposed to be; steve and bucky are eternally 30-something, and edwin and charles are forever stuck at 16.
i just...the way these two pairs parallel each other drives me insane
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andydrysdalerogers · 8 months
The Type You Save - F I F T E E N
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James "Bucky" Barnes and OFC Alexandra "Alex" Richards
Detective James Barnes hasn't seen the love of his life in three years. Since the night she was almost caught stealing a painting. He knows it was her and she disappeared leaving him confused and heart broken.
Alexandra Richards never expected to be pulled back into her old life two years after she left it. She had found love and a home and was happy. Until a note blackmailed her to take one last job. Three years later she walked into the last person she expected to see in San Francisco. Because he lived in New York right?
They always put family before everything. And he would do anything to get his family back. Because she's the type you save.
TW: mob, death, smut, rape intentions, angst, guns, family abandonment, dub-con, manipulation
A/N: We are nearing the end!
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
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Divider by @firefly-graphics
Previous: F O U R T E E N
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Christian Grey has always appreciated the finer things in life.  Luxurious home, top of the range car, Cristal, 25-year-old scotch, the works. A man of his status and wealth should have a standard.  Including the right woman.  
Alexandra Richards was that woman.  
He stared at the woman next to him as Nate drove, Walker beside him.  He watched as she wiped an errant tear that fell to her cheek.  She kept her face to the window, studying the country side as they drove.  She didn’t bother asking where they were going, they would never tell her.  
“Pet, would you like some water?”  
“No, thank you.”  
“Alexandra, you need to eat or drink something.”  
“Not if I want to die, Mr. Grey.”  Her tone remained even, never looking away from the window.  
Grey grounded his teeth, wanting to force her to drink.  But he waited, allowing her emotions.  She was different than his pet from before.  She was strong, independent before.  Now she was despondent, fragile.  A mother.  She was in mourning for the loss of her son.  He would try and change that soon but for now, he needed to break her and change her back to the woman she was.  
His Alexandra.  
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James watched from the doorway of his sleeping son’s room, observing his little body as it curled around his teddy bear.  He knew the sleep was from exhaustion, having to have explained to his son that his mother wasn’t going to be here for a while. He was a momma’s boy through and through.  He closed the door softly and back into the empty apartment.   
Steve was still tracking Alex.  He almost laughed to himself again.  He went to their bedroom and to his side table.  He lifted the necklace from its place.  The duplicate he had switched in Alex’s jewelry box was damn near perfect.  Either she had noticed and didn’t say anything or she was losing her touch.  Either way, the switch had allowed a tiny tracker to be embedded with her.  That’s why Steve was on the hunt.  
After searching for Zemo at his home and secondary office, it was painfully clear that he had been the mole for some time now.  It was too coincidental that Walker had found Alex so quickly. The APB was out for everyone. All he could do now was wait.  His phone went off.  
Stark: He’s still tracking.  They’ve almost made it to Tahoe  Barnes: ok   Stark: We’ll find her  Barnes: I know.  Just bring my son’s mother home to him.   Barnes: Bring her back to me 
James laid down and clutched her pillow.  It still smelled like her.  Of strawberries and roses, of her. Finally, twelve hours after she disappeared, he cried.  
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Alex jolted awake as the car slowed to a stop.  She looked around in the darkness, unsure of where she was. She could make out the outline of trees in the moonlight but after that, she had no clue.  Until she turned to see a house. It was out of a movie.  Stark white, wrap around porch with large windows.  Nate and Walker were already out of the car and walking up while Grey was studying her as she took in the home.  “What do you think?” 
“It’s a beautiful home.”  She wouldn’t lie.  
“Good.” Grey gave her a smile.  “I built it for you.”  
“For me?” 
“You had a house, similar to this, in that notebook you used to have.  Your journal.  I found it after you left and wanted to have something ready for you when you came back.”  
“I didn’t come back.  You kidnapped me.”  
“You left voluntarily.”  
“To save my husband and son.”  
“Your husband?” Grey sneered.  “Your husband is nothing compared to me.”  
“My husband is a thousand times the man you will ever be.”  
Grey reached and grabbed her by the hair, and she squealed in pain.  “Listen to me Alexandra.  You are mine now. You made your choice.” He pulled a little harder and she whimpered.  “I do miss that sound pet.”  
“Please, stop.”  
“No.”  He opened the car door and dragged her out.  She screamed and thrashed but Grey gripped her arm.  “This is your home now Alex. Let’s get you acquainted.” He pulled her up the steps.  She had no time to take in the interior as Grey marched her up to the master bedroom.  “I have clothes and toiletries in the bathroom.  There is nothing sharp or poisonous in here so don’t try.  I’ll be back.”  
Grey slammed the door closed and she heard a click as she was now locked in the room.  She sank to the floor and cried.  
Being a MIT graduate should have been something that Grey had factored into his grand scheme.  There is always something sharp or poisonous in everything. After crying, Alex got to work, taking the plastic toothbrush and using the counter to sharpen it. She just had to get past the door, and she could fight her way out. She hoped Nate would help her at some point, but she couldn’t count on that.  
Keeping her crude tool close, Alex decided to inspect the rest of the room. The windows were locked, meaning the only way was to break them, attracting unwanted attention.  Clothing in her size were in the drawers, no strings on any of them. Slip on shoes negated laces. Bastard really did think of almost everything. She heard footsteps coming and she hid the toothbrush under the pillow.  She sat against the headboard, as far away as possible.  The door opened revealing Nate.  Alex let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding.  “Hey Nate.”  
“Hey Allie Cat.”  
“That’s a new one.”  
“Had time to think about it.”  He went to sit on the edge of the bed, but still blocking the door.  “I told you to run.”  
“And I told you that I couldn’t abandon my family again.”  
“Were you always this stubborn?” 
She shrugged.  “Probably.  But we were usually on the same team.”  She studied Nate.  He looked tired, worn.  “What is the plan for me Nate?” 
“The plan?  The plan.  Shit Alex, you should know the Boss by now.  He’s gonna want his pet back by his side.”  
“That’s not going to happen.”  
“He’s gonna try and break you Alex if you don’t do it willingly. This is why I told you to run.  But no, the great Cat Burglar had to do things her own way.”  Nate started to pace.  “Fuck Alex, I tried to protect you.  I found you three times before he sent Walker.  And he only sent Walker when that fucker Zemo ratted you out.”  
“Zemo?  Zemo is yours?”  
“Not mine Alex.  His.” He cupped her face.  “I’m sorry.  I’m only up here because Grey asked me to try to convince you. Just give in.  Save yourself.  If only so that you save your son, your husband from any more pain. Please Alex.”  
“I can’t,” she whispered. “I love my husband and my family. I need my family Nate.  I need them just as much as I need you. Please help me.”  
He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I wish I could.” He stepped back. “I’ll do what I can for you.  But unless by some miracle you are found, you are his.”  He turned and left the room, locking it as he went.  
It was deathly quiet now. And a sob was ripped from room as Alex began to wail.  
Nate walked back downstairs, trying to ignore the sobs that were now being ripped from her chest.  His best friend.  Well former best friend after his act of betrayal.  He made it to the living room and walked past Walker and Grey.  He reached the bar cart and poured himself a drink.  He needed to feel numb now.  
“What did she say?” Grey asked, looking up from the papers he was studying.  
“That she wants to go home to her family.”  
Walker let out a sadistic laugh.  “Kitty lost her claws. What a little pussy.”  
Grey glared at Walker until the man’s face fell.  He snorted. “That’s a shame.” He looked up at the stairs.  “Let her cry it out tonight.  We start tomorrow.”  
“Start with what?” Nate looked at his boss.  
“Breaking her.”  
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Steve could hear snippets of the conversation happening in the home.  He peaked in to see the three men sitting and talking before the one with the drink threw it back and slammed it down, exiting the room. Steve picked up his phone.  
Rogers: found her  Stark: thank god. She ok?  Rogers: no idea. Security tight no clean entry or exit  Stark: fuck. Ok. I’ll reach out to local  Rogers: roger that.  
He looked around and saw the guy who left angrily now standing on the porch, hand on the railing, head bowed.  The man shuddered like he was trying to keep his emotions in. “Fucking Alex, why doesn’t she listen?” 
“She does that.”  Nate swiveled to look at Steve.  He went to reach for his weapon, but Steve drew first.  “Whoa there, sunshine.” Nate slowly raised his hands. “I think you and I are after the same thing.  To help Alex.”  
Nate cocked his head. “You’re Steve.”  
“You must be Nate. If I lower my weapon, we cool?” 
Steve holstered his weapon. “Can they hear us in there?” 
“No, but better safe than sorry.  Garage in the back. Meet you there in five.”  Nate went back inside.  
Steve made is way around through the woods.  He waited behind until Nate called for him. “How is she?” 
“She’s scared and probably planning to do something stupid.  She’s Alex.”   
Steve huffed.  “Yeah, typical.  Look I have reinforcements coming but it will take until morning to get them here.  I need to know how I can get in there and rescue her.”  
Nate sighed.  “You’ll help with my case?” 
“For Alex, yeah I will.”  
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James was awakened by his phone a few hours later.  He reached over, the bright screen hitting his eyes causing him to squint.  
Stark: He found her  Barnes: She ok?  Stark: status undeterminable but I’ve sent locals to help  Barnes: give me the coordinates.   Stark: sent. I’m coming with.  Be there in 10 
James called Natasha.  “We found her.”  
Oh thank god.  
“I need you to come stay with Drew.”  
I’m on my way.  
James got his gear together as well as some stuff for Alex.  He crept into Drew’s room, his boy still sleeping peacefully.  “I love you Chief,” he whispered.  He slipped Alex’s necklace over his head.  “You take care of this for me and Mommy, ok?”  He kissed his head and walked out.  Nat showed.  “The documents you might need are in the safe in our closet.  Combo is 03-10-19-17.  We left some stuff for Drew when he’s older.”  
“I’m gonna do everything I can to bring us home but just in case.  Please take care of our boy.”  
Nate hugged James hard.  “Be safe.”  
Stark knocked on the open door frame.  “Ready?” 
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The sun hadn’t risen yet when Alex was awakened by the door opening.  She held still. “Pet?” Alex reached slowly under the pillow for her toothbrush and gripped it tight. When she sensed him close, she swung, the sharp point she created cutting the skin on his arm.  “Fuck!” 
Alex rose and swung her leg around, dropping him as he gripped his forearm to stop the bleeding.  She ran to the door and down the stairs.  She could see the front door but was grabbed around the middle.  “Let me go!” 
“I see Kitty did have her claws,” Walker said in her ear as he adjusted his grip.  “And now I get to play with the Kitty.”  
Alex paled as she was held in place by Walker as Christian walked down the stairs, a towel on his arm.  “Let’s get her to the garage.  I don’t want to make a mess in the house.” Walker pulled her out and marched her to the back of the property.  
Steve and Nate were there in the shadows, waiting for the backup promised to Steve.  It was getting close to dawn when Steve heard the cries of his best friend.  He watched as Alex was dragged into the garage. “Shit. We have to get in there.” Steve and Nate both moved to pull their weapons.  
A gun cocking behind them caused them to freeze.  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Steve didn’t have time to turn before the butt of the gun hit his head and he was knocked out.  
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nascenticity · 1 year
tbh by getting the location of the front lines in 1943 wrong (how, you can literally find this information in 30 seconds via google/wikipedia), catfa missed a great opportunity to give us a montage of the howling commandos bonding as they take a week-long roadtrip thru Nazi-occuppied northern italy
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cantsayidont · 7 months
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March–April 1978. Besides Selina Kyle and Talia, the other woman once commonly suggested as endgame for Batman was Silver St. Cloud, whom Steve Englehart introduced in DETECTIVE COMICS #469, and who then made her exit in this scene in DETECTIVE #476. She didn't return until years later, but what caught readers' imagination about her was that she seemed an ideal match for Bruce Wayne, not Batman — she was smart, affluent and socially active, a woman of Bruce's class, but no shallow dilettante. However, when Silver realized Bruce was Batman, she couldn't stand the prospect of being caught in his demimonde of madness and violence, which he will never really leave.
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rufferto9 · 5 months
Undercover Cops
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Bingo: Steve Rogers Bingo Round 3, Square filled B3, prompt: Brooklyn Dodgers, card number SB3017 Bingo: Stucky Bingo Round 5, Square filled: O1, prompt: Disguises, card number 5002 Pairing: Steve Rogers & BuckyBarnes Title : Undercover Cops Warnings: No archive warnings apply. Rating: Teen Tags: Alternate Universe, Brooklyn 9-9 AU, Detectives, Dressing up, partners. Summary: Seasoned partners Steve Rogers and Bucky barnes are detectives in Brooklyn 9-9 police department. They've got to catch a baseball coach in the act and have decided to dress up as baseball players. Bucky's always trying to yank Steve's chain and Steve's always trying to prove himself. Unfortunately all the precinct had were old uniforms from when the dodgers were in Brooklyn. One day Steve's gonna say yes just to wipe that smirk off of Bucky's face. In the meantime they have to arrest the coach.
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Art Edit Credit to Roberto Coltro
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winterspiderpurrs · 2 years
Sometimes Peter likes to get all dolled up and go out dancing but crime doesn't sleep so maybe he ends up preventing a mugging. Cops get called. After interviews and he is pretty sure some of the cops are laughing about him.
Then rolls up Detective(s) Steve and or Bucky.
Peter and his Aunt live next door. When Peter turned 18 he finally got access to his families estate and bought him and May a nice modest fixer upper Brownstone. Steve and or Bucky have even come over and helped with demoing the walls and helping remove the cabinets in the kitchen as they remodel.
Once he/they notice Peter they stare for a moment before approaching. They weren't used to seeing Peter in tight fashionable clothing. And that mascara definitely makes his long lashes more noticeable and make his Bambi eyes stand out more. The glitter on his collarbone and highlights on his cheeks. They were so used to seeing him in baggy nerdy t-shirt or under many layers. Covered in grease stains, dirt, dust and covered in ink.
Peter is embarrassed that they see him but also relieved cause he finally feels safe with them there.
Def ends up being escorted home. And maybe they start coming around more and or inviting Peter out on dates.
Could be one pairing or another. Maybe a thruple situation. Could even be abo.
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delicatebarness · 2 months
good graces: a cry baby story | chapter three
Summary: An anonymous tip is called into the station, after two years will the case finally be solved?
Warning: Violence. Missing Persons. Affairs and Infidelity. Intense Emotional Distress. Interrogation and Suspicion. Potential for Harm.
Word Count: 1221
Spotify Playlist | Support: Ko-FI
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A/N: Ooo, our first chapter without Steve. - Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as mine. - B
Cry Baby: @buckys0whore | @thezombieprostitute | @lanabuckybarnes | @mishkatelwarriorgoddess | @softieekayy | @noonespecial90 | @hello-therree | @randomawesomeperson102 | @whoreforbarnes | @thejutvtsupport | @somnorvos | @cjand10 | @plasticbottleholder | @eaterof-concrete | @am-3-thyst
Everything: @hallecarey1 | @pattiemac1 | @uhmellamoanna | @scraftsku35 | @ozwriterchick | @sapphirebarnes | @rach2602 | @thetorturedbuckydepartment | @mrsnikstan
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Steve’s words echoed in your head the next day. You were unable to shake the encounter from your mind. Hills eyes held questions as she took in your shaken appearance. 
“Rough night?” she asked, concern etched into her features and laced in her tone. 
You nodded. “Just more motivation to bring them down,” you replied, your resolve hardening. The memory of your confrontation with Steve played, fueling your determination.
Handing you a file, Hill nodded. “I’ve got something that might help. An anonymous tip came in this morning. Someone wants to meet you at a diner tonight.” 
Taking the file, you flipped through the statement. The details were sparse but intriguing. “Specifics?” 
Hill pointed out the address and time in the statement. “It’s a small place on the outskirts. They sounded nervous, so I’m coming with you.” 
You appreciated the backup. “Good idea,” you shot Hill a small smile. “We can’t take any chances.” Having Hill by your side provided a sense of security as the seriousness of your situation called for extra caution. 
As the day wore on, the anticipation grew. You planned your approach meticulously, considering every possible outcome and rereading the added report to the mountain of information on the Avenger.
By the time night fell, the tension was palpable as you and Hill drove to the diner. The small, unassuming place stood out in the desolate outskirts of the city. The neon sign flickered, casting eerie shadows that seemed to dance over the cracked asphalt of the parking lot. 
Inside, you felt the eyes of a few patrons on you as you entered. In a corner booth, your contact was already there, her envious demeanor contrasting against the causal setting. Her eyes darted around nervously as you approached. You and Hill slid into the booth across from her.
“Thank you for meeting us,” you said, trying to put her at ease. Offering her a reassuring smile, though your own nerves were on edge. 
“This needs to be quick,” she said, her voice trembling. “He has people everywhere.” 
“We’ll protect you,” Hill promised. “Just tell us what you know.” 
Taking a deep breath, her eyes filled with fear and determination. “My husband went missing about two years ago, and I believe they had something to do with it.” Another glance around the diner, her paranoia evident. 
Hill leaned in, her expression serious. “Who do you mean by ‘they’?” 
“The Avengers,” she whispered, glancing around the surroundings as if expecting one of them to appear. “John… he somehow got involved with them. I found out he was having an affair.” 
Exchanging a puzzled look with Hill, you questioned your contact. “An affair?” 
“Yes,” she continued, her voice shaking. “With the Rogers’ girl. I found out after he went midding. But, I don’t believe it was just an affair; it was something more. And, I think it got him killed.”
“What makes you think that?” Hill asked, urgency laced in her tone. 
“For about a week before he disappeared, John would come home with his face black and blue. He’d make up excuses, for example, falling down the stairs at work,” she pauses, a soft, bitter chuckle escaping her lips. “You know, for someone who was keeping up with a secret affair, he’d learn to lie better.” 
“How did you find out?” you asked, your curiosity piqued.
She sighed deeply, her hands trembling as she spoke. “I went to their bar, hoping to find answers… demanding answers. At first, they brushed me off, declaring they knew nothing, but…” 
You and Hill leaned forward, elbows resting on the table. The story enveloped you as you listened intently, and you gave her your full attention.
“I could see in her eyes, it was almost as if she was about to cry,” her voice cracked with emotion as she continued.
“Who? The Rogers’ girl?” you asked.
She nodded. “I could sense that she knew more, so I waited until I knew she was there without them. Only she wasn’t alone; she had the one everyone refers to as the gang's guard dog or something?” 
“James ‘Bucky’ Barnes,” Hill confirmed, adding more clarity to the wife's story. “That’s not surprising, they have been publicly dating for about a year now.” 
The wide paused, her eyes welling up with tears. “I pointed at her, demanding answers once again. He got in between us, repeating that they didn’t know anything, but I was desperate.”
“Did she say anything?” Hill asked with an intense expression. 
“She admitted it,” she continued, her voice breaking. “She said John wasn’t honest with me– that they had been dating. She apologized, explaining that she didn’t know until she found out he disappeared that he was married.” 
“But, why do you think the Avengers are involved with his disappearance, just over an affair?” you asked, trying to understand her reasoning.
“John started coming home with bruises suddenly,” she replied, her tone growing more frantic. “And not just once or twice– they constantly got worse. He was hiding something. And then, he vanished. The timing, the bruises, the guilty look on her face– I can’t imagine it being anyone else.” 
“So,” Hill spoke up, looking thoughtful. “You think him getting involved with the little sister of their head, led to his disappearance?” 
“Yes,” the wife said, her voice firm. “I don’t have proof, but my gut tells me they had something to do with it.” 
Exchanging another look with Hill, you both processed the new information. Steve’s voice echoed in your mind, warning you to stay away from his sister; provoking him again this soon could jeopardize the investigation. 
“We need to tread carefully,” you muttered. “Rogers’ has already warned us about questioning his sister. I’m afraid if we push him too hard, it could backfire.” 
Nodding in agreement, Hill gave you a small reassuring smile. “We’ll have to find another way to get information. Maybe there is someone else in their circle who knows something.” 
The wife’s desperation was clear as she looked between you and Hill. “Please, find out what happened to John. I just want to know the truth.” 
“We will,” you promised, your voice steady and firm. “We’ll get to the bottom of this, no matter what it takes.” 
Stepping out of the diner, the cool, damp night air felt like a welcome relief from the oppressive tension inside. The intermittent flicker of the neon sign seemed to reflect the uncertainty swirling in your mind. Exchanging a final, meaningful look with Hill, you headed to your car. 
“I think we should call it a night,” you said, your voice carried notes of fatigue. “We’ve got a lot to process, and it might be best to get some rest and think it over.” Hill nodded in agreement. 
Each streetlamp cast fleeting glimmers of light across the windshield, punctuating the silence of the drive home. Once at your apartment, you went through your evening routine with a mechanical detachment. Settling into bed, the weight of the wife’s story pressed heavily on your mind. 
You need this time to absorb the details, sort through the implications, and plan your next steps carefully. Your thoughts were a tangled web of suspicion, concern, and the looming challenge of finding out the truth behind John Walker’s disappearance. And, possibly Steve Rogers and the Avengers’ involvement.
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observeowl · 2 years
Avalanche N.R
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: R, Steve and Natasha faces an avalanche during of their mission. In order to save the village, R risk herself and ends up buried in the snow
Your POV “I don’t understand why Fury sent us here.” I huffed at the back seat of the car. Steve and Nat were at the front. We had actually taken the quinjet here to save time but because we didn’t want to risk being noticed, we had to take a three hour drive to our destination. 
“Who the hell lives in this cold weather?” Fury had sent the three of you to the north of Russia to investigate the mysterious spike in death in one of the facilities. 
“Erm hello?” Your girlfriend responded in the front. 
“There’s actually a small village near there with a population around a hundred thousand.” Steve commented. He had done his research before coming to this mission. 
“I have to admit it looks nice though…” I mumbled as I looked out the window. The serenity of the tall mountains coated in white surrounding us. Its massive built compared to my scrawny size. 
“We’re here.” Steve mentioned that our destination came into sight. It was a hydro powered dam that we were supposed to investigate. We were supposed to act as the National Inspection Team, checking to make sure that they are built and working according to regulations. Natasha was there as the translator. 
“So Fury said they might be poisoned?” 
“No…Y/N… Fury said the cause of death was unknown. They had no underlying conditions so it was suspicious that so many people started dying.” Natasha answered. Thank goodness the both of them did their research and actually read the mission brief. 
“Ohh… ” I said as I got out and closed the door. “Burr… It’s so cold here.” I said as the harsh winter wind slapped my face. 
“You need to wear your clothes properly.” Natasha zipped up my winter jacket and made sure I was covered properly. Suddenly I felt like I was her child and I was going off to school.
“Thanks.” I gave her a last kiss before we had to keep up our act inside. 
After we were cleared to enter and met up with the manager, Natasha introduced us and we shook hands. The manager first started off with a tour around the dam so we could get used to the place around here. 
After showing us the generator, powerhouse of both sides and the control tower, he ended the tour at the top of the dam. From here, we could see the village between the valley that Steve was talking about. It is about 60miles/95km from where we were standing. Since we were at the top, the wind was very strong and I covered my face in my jacket and my hands in the pocket with hand warmers.
“He said feel free to look around and call him if we have any questions.” Natasha translated. We shot him a kind smile and before he left with his assistant. 
Steve and Natasha were still talking behind me while I was looking at the village. It was a flat village with no industrial building, in fact, it looked like it was years behind on technology. 
“Nice village?” Natasha came to stand next to me.
“No. It feels as if they are being watched from here. Like they are trapped.” There was a hint of hierarchy I was feeling.
“Anyway, what do you think about that guy?” Natasha tried to bring us on track since we were only going to be here for a few days.
“Not to be trusted.” 
“The calluses on his thumb and middle fingers showed that he uses a gun frequently. A manager shouldn’t have such rough hands.” I made the action of pulling the lever and pointing towards the village. “Though I’m sure you knew already.” 
“Yeah, Steve and I were talking about it. Let’s go. We still have to look at the dormitory for the employees.” 
“It’s freezing…” I shuddered at the cold wind. “I wonder how you lived here.”
“You get used to it.” 
We looked through the dormitory and there was nothing suspicious to be found. We even checked through the kitchen and storage area but there were no hints of Hydra’s involvement. 
“I think they are just using them as experiments.” I said to no one in the car as Steve drove back to our lodgings. “They thought no one would care if a few employees died mysteriously.” 
“What are you talking about?” Steve looked at me using the rear view mirror. Natasha slapped his arm because she knew I was coming with a theory.
“That’s why they didn’t do it on the villagers even though it was just nearby. Their parents or friends would suspect things if they were to die suddenly.” I thought out loud. 
“Since when did your girlfriend become so intelligent?” Steve asked Natasha. The truth was, I gave all my ideas to Nat, so theoretically speaking, she’s my spokesperson, and nobody knew who was the true owner of the ideas. Though not all of my ideas were taken up by her. 
“Rest up. We will be inspecting each turbine tomorrow.” Steve said before we retreated into our rooms.
I sighed in relief as the warmth hit my body. “Thank goddess, no cold weather tomorrow. I thought I was going to turn into ice.” I said and flopped onto the bed. 
“Your face is really cold, you should go have a shower first.” Natasha touched my face and I pouted. 
“But I want to sleep…” 
“And I don’t want you to get sick.”
“Fine… help me.” Nat smirked and picked me up, undressing my layers of clothes that were blocking the cold wind. 
>time skip&lt;
Natasha POV The next morning we were at the turbines again, checking through the wiring and making sure they were connected to the correct port and electricity was generated and distributed properly and not being used for corrupted ideas. 
“Are you guys hearing this?” Steve stopped inspecting and started listening intently. 
“What? What else can you hear with all these sounds?” I questioned him, the turbine was so loud that it was already hard enough to hear him. But of course with his super soldier serum, he could hear more than what a normal human could.
“I could hear something ticking…” Steve said, being unsure of himself now. Suddenly, Y/N grabbed both our arms and started running to the top of the dam. 
“Wait! You’re not wearing your jacket!” We took it out because it was so hot inside the turbine room. She took out her phone from her pocket and started scanning the area with the camera zoom function. 
“We need to evacuate this area. This dam is going to blow up. Ask all the employees to leave, NOW!” Y/N took her jacket and wore it hurriedly while running towards the exits.
“What are you doing?!” Both Steve and I were clueless about her actions.
“They know their plan was seen through so they are trying to make it seem as if it was a terrorist attack. There’s bombs stuck to the side of the dam and the water is going to flood the village when it blows up.” She said with urgency as she rushed towards the car. 
We thought she was going to get into the car but she went towards the trunk and took out her snowboard. “Y/N, what are you doing?” I caught her wrist as she started running away.
“I need to divert the water or it’s going to flood the village!” She shook my hands off and ran away.
“Y/N! Y/N!” I shouted after her, I knew she was going to do something stupid. “Just get them out of here!” 
“Come on Nat! We need to go!” Steve shoved me into the car and we drove off, picking up employees on the way who were working at the ground level.
After confirming with them that there were no other employees, we started speeding off to a safe place. A loud bang was heard and the crack in the dam soon spreaded and a whole chunk of it was missing, pouring out waves of water. The pressure and speed at the water was moving, made the damage worse and more water started pouring.
I had thought we were at a safe distance but at the speed the water was racing towards us, it was hard to tell if we were going to get out safely.  The distance between was getting shorter with every second. The wave of water was swallowing anything in its path.
My thoughts drifted to Y/N, I searched for her in the mountains. My heart was banging as I scanned through the mountain for any movement. I spotted her snowboarding down from the peak of it. I worried for her safety as I wasn’t sure if she was going to make it out in time. 
Your POV Once I made it to the top, I started snowboarding down zig zag, hoping to make as much dent as possible. I needed to make an avalanche big enough to direct the water away from the village. 
Since I was at the top, I was able to see the situation better. I could see their car moving away from the dam but it was not fast enough as the water was catching up to them. 
I looked behind to check my progress and I could see a few balls starting to roll. Just a few more and I would be able to make it happen. My zig zag started to be more frequent as I dodged the trees and I needed to get it done sooner. 
My breath was turning cold as I was not wearing any face protection to be going at this speed. I squinted my eyes as they teared up going against the wind. Finally I was able to make an avalanche and all that’s left was to get out of here. 
And of course a stupid branch made me lose my balance and I went rolling. Snow covered me as I lost my orientation. The last thing I heard was Nat calling my name.
Natasha POV My leg bounced nervously as I looked at Y/N as she snowboarded, nervous at what the outcome could be. I kept glancing back at the avalanche, anxious at how close it was to her. 
“Y/N!” I screamed as I saw her tumble and snow went over her. “Stop the car.”
“I said. STOP THE CAR!!!” Steve slammed the brake I got out of the car. She has successfully caused an avalanche and diverted the water away from the village but what has that gotten her? (some water spilled, but nothing serious)
“Y/N!” I shouted hoping to get a response. I started digging for her even though it was me against a huge pile of snow. "Y/N!"
The others including Steve started digging as well or used their poles to feel around for any signs. It was getting bleak as time passed, we couldn’t waste any time as she laid there in the cold. 
“Natasha, you need to stop! Your hand is bleeding.” It was then I internalised the snow that turned red in front of me.
“No… no…” I shook my head, I was breathing heavily. I refused to believe that this was the end. I shakily pulled out my phone and dialed her number. 
“Hear it, hear her ringtone.” I begged Steve to hear something, anything that could point us towards Y/N. Everybody stopped moving so he could hear better. He could hear the bomb ticking in the loud turbine, how could he not hear this? 
“I think I heard it coming from there.” Steve started to run and everyone followed him. He started digging and the rest did the same around him. I started shoving the snow and I saw the colour of her clothing. I pushed the snow away and I was finally able to see her whole body. 
“I found her!” Everyone started to crowd around.  “Y/N!” She was so cold to the touch and her lips were turning blue. Her heart was still beating, but weak.
“Nat…” She said faintly before passing out again. 
“We better bring her back to the jet.” Steve said. I brought her back to the car and Steve told the others to wait for the authorities to clean up the mess. I was seated in the back row with Y/N hugging her and rubbing my hands along her arms, desperately trying to bring her temperature up. “Why did you have to go and do such stupid things?”
It was a long way back but since Steve was flooring it this time, it didn’t take as long. I took off my jacket and placed it over Y/N to give her extra warmth. Steve gave his and I used it to cover her legs. 
We abandoned the car and got into the jet and flew off. We turned up the heat in the jet even though both of us were sweating. 
Some colour came back to her face and I finally relaxed a little. Towards the end of the flight, we had to turn on the air condition because it was getting way too hot to bear. 
Once we landed back in the compound, I rushed Y/N to the lab. Bruce hooked her up with IV drip to maintain her hydration level as we kept watch on her temperature. It was almost back to normal so all that’s left is to wait for her to wake up. 
“What happened back there?” Clint came in and saw Y/N unconscious on the bed.
“They knew it was us and tried to cover it up.” 
Clint placed a reassuring arm around my shoulders. “Clint… you have no idea how scared I was, knowing she was there somewhere, but I couldn’t see her.” A tear slipped from my eye and I wiped it off. There was enough showcasing of emotion for today.
2nd POV The last thing you remembered was calling out Nat before passing out. You inhaled a deep breath as you sat up, bright lights shone and you knew you were no longer buried under the snow. You felt a hand on your face and turned to face Nat. 
“Y/N, how are you feeling?” 
You looked at her for a moment. “I… I’m back?” Questioning reality.
“Yeah, you’re back. You’re in the compound.” 
“I’m back… I’m back...”
“JARVIS, call Bruce to come over.” 
Bruce did an overall check on you and was cleared to leave. Usually you would have to stay a while longer for observation but since you stayed in the compound, if anything happens they can get medical help quickly. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Nat kept asking as she helped you back to your room. 
“What day is it?” 
“It’s the same day.” Nat was getting irritated that you kept avoiding her question. 
“Don't turn off the lights.” You said, opting to sleep on top of the covers.
Natasha felt that sleeping with the lights on was weird so she kept the bathroom lights on instead, opening the door so the light could shine into the room. She also didn’t understand why you didn’t choose to sleep under the covers especially since you were in the cold. 
It was dark and cold. You felt as if you were suffocating, all the blood rushed to your brain and you found it harder to breathe with each passing second. You tried to move your arms and legs but they were stuck as if there were weights tied to them. 
Fear set in and panic started to rise as you thought you would be stuck
there forever, until you felt your body move involuntarily.
You choked on air and started coughing and rolled to the side of the bed, thinking you were going to puke. Tears start forming as the pain sets in. You felt someone rubbing your back and your logical mind tells you it was Nat. 
"Breathe, don't forget to breathe."
You followed her hand movement and breathed rhythmically.
"Are you okay?" She got out of bed and knelt at your side. She wiped away your tears and rubbed your knees to sooth you.
"I guess it was really stupid..." You could feel your bottom lips quiver. "Now I'm scared of lying down." You said in a quiet voice. "I don't know which way I'm facing and I can't move..."
"But you did it. And you are here. Safe."
It was already night and everyone had gone to sleep, but Nat brought you to the living room and turned on the lights with a movie. She made you sit close to her. "Why don't we watch a movie until you're tired and fall asleep sitting? We won't lay down. Not until you're comfortable with it."
"Do you want a blanket?" Nat asked, not knowing how you feel about it now, but wanting to make sure you're comfortable. You shook your head and clung onto Nat's arm, making sure she's with you all the time.
You didn't care what movie was playing on the TV, it was acting as ambience noise to remind you that you were no longer buried under.
After a couple of minutes, you calmed down and dropped your head onto Nat's shoulders. Hearing that your breathing has steadied and heart beating at a resting heart rate, she looked at you and it was her turn to be anxious. 
Nat felt that it was stupid of her to think you would be fine after such a life threatening experience, and she let you out of her sight. 
You were so close to slipping out of her fingers and she didn’t make the effort of mentally assessing you after your return. She swore she was never going to let herself be this careless again.
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bigtreefest · 4 months
Chapter 4: Splash Zone
From: The Rainmaker Series
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Pairing: Mob! Steve x Forensic Scientist! Reader
Summary: Ups and downs are just another part of your week. This time, it would seem all the ups have to do with Steve.
Word count: 3,969
Content/warnings: swears, mean coworker Det. John Walker, nice coworker Det. Scott Lang, a gift, boxing and punching, puddles, verbal altercations, hidden happiness and feelings, hidden occupations, unwanted attention, wanted attention (not from the same person)
Author’s Note: Enjoy this next installment of the awkward little bean and his journey of getting the cold scientist to warm up to him.
I love hearing your feedback! I’d appreciate it more than you know if you took the time to leave an ask, comment, or reblog in addition to your like. Thank you for reading!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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You came in to work on Tuesday afternoon to a gift basket waiting at your desk - the desk outside just outside the lab that you hardly used since you were so swamped with cases lately. You were set to work well past midnight tonight, and had only packed a lunch, so you were sure the little snacks you could see peeking through the clear packaging would prove helpful for the hours you planned on being glued to screens doing data analysis. You could definitely swing doing all your work out here instead of cooped up for once.
Not only was there a gift basket, but a decently large paper bag sitting on your desk that had seemingly already been ripped open. Great. Someone already contaminated the crime scene. As you peeked over the cellophane wrapping of the obscenely large basket, you were greeted by a certain detective, leaning back in your rolling chair, feet kicked up on the desk, to-go container and fork in hand.
“Hey, Decky! About time you came in. Your pasta was getting cold, so I thought I’d help you out with it. There’s so much here!”
Your brows furrowed as you observed detective Lang slurping down a bite of carbonara, the container already half gone.
“What the hell, Scott? What is going on?”
Scott shrugged and used his fork to swirl up another bite. “What? Not like you were gonna finish all of that pasta in one go. Figured I’d take some off your hands.”
“Wha-“ you stood there, flabbergasted, mouth opening and closing while you contemplated your next words. You grabbed the receipt on the paper bag to see the contents listed, with ‘SR’ written in red sharpie at the bottom. It looked like it was all your favorites from Steve’s restaurant, plus some new items.
Your confusion increased as you pushed Scott’s feet off your desk and scooted over to read the card on the gift basket.
“Sorry our night got a little interrupted. Buck appreciates the kindness, though. Feel free take it all out on me. I’ve got a knock-out time planned for us. -SR”
There was an address on the back and an additional note for you to meet him there after your Thursday shift. And to… wear athletic clothes? What?
An amused smile began to creep onto your lips before the realization came crashing down and you whipped around. “Hold on a second, what the fuck, Scott!? You’re eating my gift!! Not to mention something that a civilian dropped off at a police precinct. That could have been poisoned!”
Scott laughed as he set down his fork in the container. “Nah, I knew it at least wasn’t poisoned. One of Steve’s guys dropped it off.”
You grabbed the lid off your desk and placed it on Scott’s pasta container before ripping it from his hands. “Hey! I wasn’t done yet!”
He leaned forward to grab it back out of your hands before you whisked it away again. “Ah ah, no. Answer my questions first and then you can have my pasta back.”
Scott sighed exasperatedly, his shoulders slumping forward. “Okay, fine. What do you want to know? That’s really good carbonara and I want it back ASAP.”
“Yeah, I know. That’s why it was sent to me. Now, tell me how you know one of Steve’s guys dropped it off… and what do you mean by ‘Steve’s guys?’”
Scott shrugged again. Some detective he was. “I don’t know. I was at my desk when I saw it all get delivered. You know how Steve is. He’s got those delivery boys that help him out. Sure, I consider him a pal but I don’t ask too many questions about that. I understand he’s a busy guy. You’re just lucky I commandeered the area before Walker caught a whiff. That’s literally all I know. Now it’s time for you to answer my question.”
You rolled your eyes and begrudgingly handed him back the container. “Okay fine. You’re lucky I like you way better than that street rat, Walker. You get one question. One.”
Scott smirked at you as he popped off the lid and threw it back over your desk calendar. “Now I know Steve and I are well acquainted, but what’s he doing sending you things? You do him a special favor or something?”
You sighed and crossed your arms and legs, leaning back and squinting at your closest work friend. “First of all, that was two questions. And second of all, no. You know I’m not in the habit of sharing confidential information. If you must know, Steve and I are…friends. And we hung out, like once…or twice, but there was kind of a wrench thrown in the second one. I think this is his way of making it up to me.”
His grin grew toothy. “Yeah, okay. ‘Friends.’” He put up his hand that wasn’t holding food in air quotes. “Whatever you say, bud. Steve and I have been friends for half a decade, but you don’t see me getting gift baskets and lunch deliveries.”
You shook your head as you spun his chair around and nudged it forward for him to get out. “Well, I wouldn’t complain if I were you, bud, because you’ve evidently benefitted from the gift nonetheless. Don’t you have crimes to solve?”
Scott hopped out of the chair with a startle at your aggressive push. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Enjoy your little present from your boy. I’ll be back later to talk to you about those tests you ran last last week I asked for. And for some snacks.” He winked before running off, ducking to scarf down the rest of his meal.
You sighed before plopping down into your seat and hiding behind the basket and your computer monitor, trying to keep your excitement under wraps. You untied the ribbon at the top of the present and pulled down the rustling covering to finally take a look at everything inside. The contents were…broad… to say the least.
On top were some scrunchies, the exact ones you loved to use to pull your hair back in the lab, actually. And under that were duplicates of all the snacks Steve had brought over to your place the previous weekend that you still had in abundance.
Your cabinets were going to be endlessly stocked at this rate. In there, too, you found an adorable teddy bear dressed up in a suit. If you didn’t know better, you’d think it was supposed to look like someone who was growing all too familiar. But next to it was also a stuffed hedgehog and otter wearing the same? He must’ve seen your one hedgehog flower pot on the mantle and assumed it was your favorite. Now the otter, that was an interesting choice, although not unfounded. Maybe he knew you were a card carrying member of the zoo and aquarium.
Speaking of flower pots, though, as you dug to the bottom to see an assortment of candles, your perusing of the varieties of scents was cut short by another delivery.
Two men came in holding flower pots and vases. From what you could make out, there was a small cactus and a fern, and a large arrangement that seemed to hold one of every single type and color of flower under the sun being carried by the first man. You peered over the contents of your desk to see Detective Lang nodding at you. Great, this was drawing attention.
The second delivery boy came with a huge vase full of red roses, to which Scott shrugged and shook his head, pointing and mouthing, “that one’s not one of Steve’s guys,” to you.
Before you could get up to even look at the cards to the flowers, a manifestation of the unwanted attention you had garnered was sauntering over to your desk in the form of Detective John Walker. Literally the worst guy here. The only reason he was a detective was because he was so focused on pleasing the dude bros of superior management, but God forbid he take advice from you or any female officer on the force.
Before you could stop him, he reached out and grabbed the card out of the roses. “Got a secret admirer, Decky?”
You rolled your eyes, tempted to slap his hand and keep him away from your stuff. “Don’t call me that. Only friends call me that.”
He laughed as he read the small piece of card stock he fiddled with between his fingers. “What about Lucas Bell? Seems like he’s a friend, and maybe more than that for sending you a bouquet like this.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. Lucas? You searched through the other arrangements to see if there was another card, which you found in the colorful, less aggressive bouquet. SR. Somehow the both of them had sent you flowers on the same day? What was Lucas doing sending you flowers? You literally never talked to him. You made sure of that as much as possible. It was so odd.
From what you could gather, Steve had sent you the gorgeous flowers, along with the potted plants, and a single wooden yellow rose you hadn’t noticed before. Sure, it was… a lot, but it was tasteful, and something about it made you warm. Poor thing really just sent one of everything possible, but it was the kindest gesture that had happened for you in a long time. If this was the apology you got for something as simple as an interruption from Bucky on something you weren’t even sure was a date, then there’s no telling what else Steve could possibly have up his sleeve. His ridiculous, designer sleeve.
In a strong juxtaposition, though, looking at the bouquet from Lucas almost made you sick to your stomach. Such a forward flower to send out of the blue to someone who you almost never talk to. You knew you couldn’t call and complain to your mom about this, either, because she’d say something about him being so sweet and famous. Like those were good markers in a partner: fake television demeanor qualities.
Walker set down the card again and began to rifle through the contents of your gift basket. “Man, looks like Lucas really wants you to go on a date with him. Sent you all these sweets and said so in the card. Mind if I steal some?”
This time you did smack John’s hand, giving him a scowl. “This isn’t all from Lucas. Only those stupid roses over there are. And no, you can’t have anything. This is my stuff. God, for being a detective you’re terrible at reading the room. Now leave.”
Walker raised his hands in compliance and walked away. “Damn, okay. Don’t think it’s fair Lang gets pasta and I get hit, but whatever. Enjoy your love letters.”
You rolled your eyes before going over to the other side of the desk and reading the card from the roses. As much as you hated it, Walker was right. Lucas was asking to meet up. Just for a nice walk along the river. Sure, that seemed like an enjoyable activity, but only with someone you knew well enough to hold conversation. And he was more of the type to talk at you than with you.
You took the vase of roses over to the break room, placing them on the center of the table and shoved the card in your desk drawer before sitting back down again at the space cleared of everything except for what Steve had sent. When you peered around, you were satisfied by the reduction in glares your way as you sniffed through the remaining candle scents and chose what pasta to eat while working through your shift. Only Detective Lang was witness to the dopey smile on your face.
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By the time Thursday had come around, you had finished all of your pasta leftovers and burned through a candle and a half, thoroughly enjoying all Steve had left you, even though you could tell some of the items were him throwing darts at a wall and hoping one would hit just right. But the thing was, just about everything in that basket was a straight bullseye.
You parked your car and got out on the busy street, dressed in a pantsuit from having to stand witness in a trial earlier. You were in the middle of a city block with shop windows recessed into the ground, standing at the top of a staircase, preparing to head down with a bag containing your athletic clothes in hand. You tightened the hair held up with your new scrunchie and took a deep breath. It looked like an old gym. Not quite what you expected, so you pulled out your phone to double check you got the right place. In your state of minor distraction, you just barely clocked the sound of shouting and pounding footsteps coming from your side. But by the time you looked up to see a man sprinting towards you, it was too late. He shoved you out of his way, down into a puddle. You were barely able to sit up enough to see someone else chasing him, far behind and much slower. You squinted as the form changed from a jog to a walk and came into focus. Walker. He threw his arms up in exasperation when he saw it was you.
“Way to fucking go, Decks. You let my perp get away!”
You stood up out of the stagnant water, brushing yourself off ineffectively as it had already soaked into the material. Luckily, you were going to be changing soon anyway, but after that and everything else, today was not the day for Walker to get all high and mighty with you.
“Walker, that’s not my job. How was I supposed to know that was your perp? Or a perp at all?”
He rolled his eyes and threw his hands to his hips, looking at your bag that still was thrown to the side on the ground, not making an effort to pick it up. “Who else would be running in a city? Obviously someone guilty!”
You bent down to grab the dusty duffle and slung it over your shoulder, cocking your head to your side. Your voice was becoming sharper, meaner. “People run in the city all the time, but that’s besides the point. How am I supposed to ID any of your perps if you refuse to tell anyone about your cases or let them help you until it’s too late? The reason that guy got away is your fault because I wasn’t properly informed. Maybe if you weren’t so wrongfully prideful and said where you were going or who you were going after before you left, you could’ve had backup. From someone actually on shift.”
Walker groaned and straightened his arm out past your shoulder, gesturing towards the direction where the man ran. “I was assuming you would take on that responsibility and be able to see the man very evidently running away from me, but no, you were stupid. Just like how you were about Lucas Bell. Maybe if you were smart, you would’ve taken him up on that date. Yeah, I saw how you discarded those roses. But just like the way you shove off your work, you shoved him off.”
You scoffed. Your annoyance made it so you couldn’t hear a jingle of a bell from the door down the steps behind you open while John was yapping on and on. “What does that have to do with anything right now!? Walker, I don’t shove off work, and if I’m stupid, you’re a literal brick. I’ve told you time and time again, I’m working dozens of cases at a time to your one, so you can hop off my back. Plus, I’m not a detective, but by the fact that you are, I can’t believe you’d be so brainless.”
You watched as his boastfully broad shoulders began to slump into an almost cowering form, so you kept going. “And what’s up with your obsession with Lucas Bell? I see the way you throw yourself at him at every crime scene. Do you think he’s going to give you some sort of connection? You’re a cop. You should be the one with connections! Is it a crush? Go home. To. Your. Wife.”
You were heaving breaths after your rant as you felt a presence loom over your shoulder. You turned to see what it was, only to be met by a familiar chest, upon which sat a head of messy blond hair, connected by a pair of shoulders that were begging to be let out of the confines of their white t-shirt and a thick neck somewhere in the middle. Steve.
He looked down and gave you a smile before shooting an intimidating gaze at Walker. “I believe you heard her. Go. Home.”
John simply nodded and turned to jog away in the direction from where he came, not daring to look back.
Your eyes stayed on Steve, but you didn’t share his smile, still frustrated with the situation. “I was handling that.”
He simply nodded, grabbing your bag off your shoulder and putting his hand on the small of your back to guide your down the stairs. “I could tell. You were doing a great job. Bullies need stood up to. I really don’t like them.”
You laughed dryly, walking through the door he held open for you. “Yeah, he’s pretty much as awful as it gets.”
You walked in to see the old gym, occupied mostly by a bunch of older guys using punching bags on the other side of a boxing ring, but otherwise empty. No one even spared the two of you a confused or judging glance. Steve gently directed you to the back of the room, handing your bag back and gesturing to a locker room. “You can go ahead and change in here. No one will bother you. And then come find me in the ring.”
He left you with a wink and a pat on the back.
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Throwing endless punches was just what you needed after that whole altercation with Walker, and Steve was more than happy to oblige. He stood opposite you in the ring, giving small directions and corrections you were taking exceptionally well. After the initial rage wore off, the two of you stopped for water.
Steve handed you your bottle as he took a sip of his own. He had been relatively quiet so far, so you decided to ask him a question that was on your mind. “So why here? Why’d you want to go boxing?”
That wasn’t a question he was expecting, and it wasn’t one he wanted to truthfully answer. Sure, the two of you had hung out before, but this isn’t the usual destination of a date, much less a third date. If he was being honest, it was because he wanted to make sure you knew self defense. With your proximity to him and Bucky, it wasn’t out of the question that you might need those skills if the time came. When the time came, when he could finally bring himself to tell you about his job outside of the businesses you knew.
Instead, he just shrugged one shoulder, sliding the sparring mitts back on his hands. “Thought it might be a good release of pent up energy. Lang told me you had to sit for a court case today, figured you’d want to blow off some steam. And now that I see what other stuff you’ve got to deal with on a daily basis, I’m wondering why I haven’t asked you to join me every day. You need it after working with a douche like Walker. Although, I’m not sure if my poor hands could handle much more.”
He feigned a pout as you let out a breathy laugh, putting your gloves back on, as well, agreeing with his assessment. As the two of you stepped back into the center of the ring and started another round, albeit slower, Steve piped up. “Okay, my turn. What’s the deal with Lucas Bell? I heard you two talking about him. Did you guys mean the news reporter?”
You sighed, doing your best to keep a rhythm to your punches and ducking under Steve’s arm. “Uh, yeah. That’s the one. Lucas and I grew up together, so he contacts me every now and again. Sent flowers to my work the other day. Asked to take me for a date on the riverwalk, but I turned it down.”
Steve shuffled lightly on his feet, keeping you on your toes. He did his best to imbue his tone with genuine curiosity and nothing else. “Why’d you say no?”
You stopped in your tracks, but kept your arms up. “Well, do you think I should’ve said yes?”
Steve felt something in his gut at that. Of course he didn’t want you to have said yes, but he had no jurisdiction over that. And he still wasn’t exactly sure what was going on between the two of you. Whether or not you considered it friendship or something more like he had wanted it to be. “Well, I’m not in charge of you.”
You nodded and went back to throwing soft punches. “That’s right. But you should know, he’s historically not my favorite. He’s nice and all, I guess, but I honestly can’t stand him. Never been able to since we were kids. Everyone always thought it was nice that he would bring me flowers and stuff but it was just obsessive and weird to me. I never bought into his charms like all our neighbors expected me to. Anyway, I enjoy someone else’s company a little more.”
Steve hung on to the last part of your statement. Were you talking about him? He hoped so. But after getting caught up in the thought of that, he didn’t realize he had stopped moving until you gave him a punch on the shoulder.
Instead of flinching or being upset, though, he just shared your playful smirk at the dreamy look on his face and replied with a quip. “C’mon, Decky. You can hit harder than that. Where’s all that energy? I thought the pasta I sent you would have helped to carboload for today.”
You laughed and mixed it with a deep breath before going back in, harder. “Oh trust me, I could do this all day. And thanks for that gift by the way, it was really nice of you.”
Your eyes caught his sparkling blue ones for a second, sharing sincerity. “Any time. Honestly. You can go into any of my restaurants whenever you want and get anything you desire. On me. Just say your name and they’ll know.”
You shook your head free of his earnest gaze. “Steve, that’s no way to run a business. You can’t just give handouts to everyone.”
“They’re not for everyone. Just for you. Let me do this. That way you never have to worry about cooking for yourself on those hard days when you get home late. You can enjoy a carefree night out, or the celebration of a solved case. Let me at least do that for you.”
You finally relented, dropping your head to your chest before finally beginning to punch Steve’s hands as hard as you were at the beginning of the session. You next word came through clenched teeth, partially from his persistence and the smile you were trying to bite back at just how giving he was willing to be for you. “Fine.”
Steve smiled brightly at your new found energy and the acceptance of his offer. “Atta girl.”
Next >
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Bonus A/N: we all know a Walker, but we all deserve to know a Steeb
Series Taglist: @evie-119
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balu8 · 1 year
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Detective Comics #475: The Laughing Fish
by Steve Englehart; Marshall Rogers; Terry Austin; Jerry Serpe and Ben Oda
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