#device id targeting
theallovernations · 28 days
Elevate your Marketing Strategy with Device ID Targeting at Skymattix
In today's dynamic digital marketplace, any business looking to maximize its effort with advertising needs to be ahead of the game. State-of-the-art tools in this area are those representing device ID targeting, a technology utilizing unique identifiers connected with mobile devices in very targeted and effective marketing campaigns.
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skymattix · 8 months
Accurate marketing with device ID targeting
Harness the power of device ID targeting to refine your marketing tactics. Reach your target audience directly through their devices. Maximize your campaigns' impact with unusual precision in ad delivery and engagement.
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Why is Reputation Management Company essential?
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Reputation management companies offer a range of services to help businesses and individuals manage their online reputations. Their services include monitoring online reviews, removing negative content, and improving search results. In addition to reputation management, they can also help develop and optimize your digital content and public relations. Despite the fact that reputation management companies have a variety of services, they all share the same basic principles.
Monitors online reviews
One of the most important elements of reputation management is monitoring online reviews. This is a crucial part of customer acquisition and client retention. It involves tracking brand mentions and customer feedback, implementing proactive measures, and staying on top of your reputation. To monitor reviews online, you need a reliable service that can give you real-time insight into what your customers are saying about your brand.
One service to monitor reviews online is SentiOne. This platform allows you to monitor hundreds of different websites. This makes it easy to find what people say about your brand. You can then use this information to respond to negative reviews as quickly as possible. You'll receive alerts when someone leaves a review about your products or services, so you can take action before the reviews get out of hand.
Monitoring reviews can also help you measure the quality of your customer service. Many consumers trust reviews online, and disgruntled customers can easily tarnish a company's reputation. That's why it's essential to make sure you have a strong digital presence. Monitoring your brand's online conversations will help you respond to reviews in real-time and improve customer relationships.
Another free tool to monitor online reviews is Google Alerts. This simple tool will monitor the web for any name or phrase, and notify you of any new mentions. However, it's important to use Google Alerts in conjunction with other reputation monitoring tools. While this tool may pick up some new mentions, it may miss reviews that don't mention your business name.
Removes negative reviews
One of the benefits of hiring a reputation management company is that they can quickly and easily remove negative reviews that have been posted about your company online. There are dozens of websites that let people post reviews and feedback. While removing negative reviews can be valuable, it can also be difficult and time-consuming. Instead of wasting time and energy, you should hire a professional to handle this task for you.
While removing negative content from the Internet is an effective reputation management technique, it is not an easy process. Moreover, removing the content may make the situation worse. Research shows that nearly 45% of consumers who read negative reviews are influenced by it and are less likely to buy products or do business with the company. To remove negative reviews from online platforms, simply click the "report review" option on the site that has posted the review.
Once the reviews are removed, the company can learn from them and prevent them from affecting their business in the future. Furthermore, having a positive web presence reinforces trust between a business and its customers. A negative review on a search engine such as Google can also tarnish a business's credibility.
In addition to removing negative reviews on Google, there are other ways to improve your company's reputation online. For example, a Google Removal Audit will identify negative reviews and identify the best way to remove them. Moreover, a Damage Control Process will reduce the number of people who find negative reviews on a site by publishing positive content and social media updates. The best part of this strategy is that it uses optimized content to keep positive pages higher than negative ones, creating a protective barrier.
Also Read: - Understanding What Business Consulting Services Is All About
Google allows you to remove malicious reviews from major sites. However, this process is time-consuming and tedious and requires the business to deal with the legal department of the site. For this reason, it is advisable to hire a review management company to handle this process for you.
Optimizes digital content
A Reputation Management Company is a group of professionals who design, optimize, and distribute digital content to improve a business's reputation. They work to remove any negative impacts from damaging reviews, news articles, forum comments, and more. In addition, they offer search engine optimization (SEO) services.
Develops public relations
A reputation management company can help you maintain a healthy reputation. Managing a reputation involves a number of steps, including developing a social media presence, search engine optimization, and review management. Because the internet is constantly evolving, it is vital to stay on top of current trends and technology to ensure your reputation stays healthy.
To do this, you must know how to maximize the value of your reputation. Your reputation is an intangible asset that depends on the public's perceptions. It is constantly being manipulated and altered by the media and search engines. But with the right public relations tactics, you can affect public opinion over time.
While traditional PR focuses on building relationships with traditional media, reputation PR focuses more on ensuring your business's online presence. This could mean launching a marketing campaign to earn brownie points with your target audience or implementing search engine optimization strategies to ensure your site is found on search engines.
Both public relations and reputation management are important aspects of a corporate. Both techniques involve working with others to share positive information about your business. For example, a reputation management company can develop relationships with journalists and social media influencers. The goal of this strategy is to keep your company in the public's mind and avoid any negative coverage or rumors.
Offers ongoing service
A reputation management company can help with a variety of tasks, including website building and redesign, managing reviews, and navigating conversations about your business. They also can help you manage social media, which is a growing area of online conversation. A good reputation management company will also offer ongoing service.
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hey hi hello id like to ask if you do male reader or gn reader...;;,,,, specifically for your writing about kurt,, i am so whipped for him but also very much a guy and would make a request if you do male reader (if not ill ask elsewhere so dont worry if not x)
Saved by Nightcrawler
The mission had gone sideways faster than anyone could have predicted. What was supposed to be a simple reconnaissance in a remote facility turned into a full-blown fight for survival. The enemies—mutant-hunting sentinels—had arrived out of nowhere, their red eyes glowing with malicious intent as they targeted the team.
The squad was outnumbered, scattered across the facility. Amid the chaos, [Y/N] found himself cornered, an enormous sentinel bearing down on him. The machine’s arm raised, a deadly energy beam charging up in its palm. Time seemed to slow as he braced himself for the worst.
But just as the beam fired, there was a sharp BAMF and a puff of smoke. In the blink of an eye, [Y/N] was snatched from the sentinel's path, reappearing a few feet away with a distinct sulfuric scent lingering in the air.
"Kurt!" [Y/N] gasped, heart pounding in his chest as he realized who had saved him. Nightcrawler stood beside him, his hand still gripping [Y/N]’s arm, his golden eyes fierce with determination.
"You alright?" Kurt asked quickly, his voice edged with concern.
"Yeah, thanks to you," [Y/N] breathed, still shaken but relieved. Before he could say more, Kurt teleported again, taking them to the relative safety of a nearby corridor.
"Stay here," Kurt ordered, his voice firm but gentle. "I’ll be back."
[Y/N] nodded, though every instinct in his body screamed at him to follow. But he knew better—Kurt was fast, agile, and could get in and out of tight situations better than anyone else. If anyone could handle this, it was him.
Still, the minutes that followed were excruciating. The distant sounds of battle—explosions, metal clashing against metal, and the unmistakable BAMF of Kurt teleporting—echoed through the facility. [Y/N]’s mind raced with a mix of fear and concern, hoping Kurt was okay.
And then, suddenly, the noises stopped.
Unable to stay put any longer, [Y/N] bolted from his hiding spot, running through the corridors, his heart hammering in his chest as he called out for Kurt.
When he found him, his breath caught in his throat. Kurt was on the ground, a deep gash across his side where the sentinel’s beam had clipped him. He was breathing, but barely, his usual vibrant energy dimmed as he struggled to stay conscious.
“Kurt!” [Y/N] cried, dropping to his knees beside him. Kurt’s eyes fluttered open at the sound of his voice, his golden gaze unfocused and pained.
“Sorry,” Kurt rasped, his voice weak. “Didn’t… didn’t get out in time.”
“Don’t talk,” [Y/N] said quickly, trying to keep the panic out of his voice. He pressed his hands to Kurt’s wound, trying to staunch the bleeding, but it was bad. They had to get out of there—now.
[Y/N] fumbled for the comm device on his belt, calling for an emergency extraction. But he knew it would take time, and time wasn’t something Kurt had a lot of right now. Desperation gripped him as he realized there was only one thing he could do.
“Kurt, I’m going to get you out of here,” [Y/N] said, his voice trembling slightly. “Just hang on.”
Kurt’s eyes met his, and he managed a faint smile. “Don’t worry… I trust you.”
Kurt’s words gave [Y/N] the strength he needed. He hoisted Kurt up, supporting him with one arm while keeping pressure on the wound with the other. With every step, he could feel Kurt slipping further away, his breathing growing more labored. But [Y/N] refused to let him go—not after Kurt had saved his life.
After what felt like an eternity, they finally reached the extraction point. The jet was already there, and [Y/N] quickly got Kurt inside, shouting for the medical team. He didn’t let go until they pulled Kurt from his arms, rushing him to the medbay. Even then, his hand lingered on Kurt’s for just a moment longer.
Hours later, [Y/N] paced outside the medbay at the mansion, his thoughts a chaotic mix of fear and worry. The mission was long over, but the image of Kurt lying there, bleeding, refused to leave his mind.
Finally, the door opened, and the medbay doctor stepped out. “He’s stable,” she said, and [Y/N] felt the tension drain from his body. “He’ll need rest, but he’ll be okay.”
“Can I see him?” [Y/N] asked, his voice raw with emotion.
She nodded, and [Y/N] quickly slipped into the room. Kurt lay on the bed, his blue skin standing out against the white sheets. His eyes were closed, his breathing steady but shallow. [Y/N] walked over, pulling up a chair beside him, and sat down.
As if sensing his presence, Kurt’s eyes slowly opened. When he saw [Y/N], he smiled—a tired but genuine expression that made [Y/N]’s heart ache with relief.
“Hey,” Kurt whispered, his voice still weak.
“Hey,” [Y/N] replied, his voice thick with emotion. “You scared the hell out of me, you know that?”
“Sorry,” Kurt said, though the playful glint in his eyes told [Y/N] he wasn’t too sorry. “Guess we’re even now, huh?”
[Y/N] chuckled softly, though tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. “Yeah, I guess we are.”
There was a long pause as they just looked at each other, the weight of everything that had happened hanging in the air. [Y/N] wanted to say something, anything, but the words caught in his throat. Finally, he took a deep breath and spoke.
“Kurt, I…” He hesitated, the words still feeling too big, too important. But he pushed on, knowing he had to say it. “I was so scared I was going to lose you today. I didn’t realize… just how much you mean to me.”
Kurt’s eyes softened, his expression tender as he reached out to take [Y/N]’s hand in his. “You mean a lot to me too,” he said quietly. “More than I can put into words.”
[Y/N] squeezed Kurt’s hand, his heart pounding as he leaned in closer. “I don’t want to keep pretending,” he confessed, his voice trembling slightly. “I care about you, Kurt. A lot.”
Kurt’s breath hitched, and for a moment, [Y/N] thought he might say something, but then Kurt simply closed the distance between them, his lips brushing against [Y/N]’s in a soft, tentative kiss. It was gentle, almost shy, but it carried all the emotions they had both been holding back.
[Y/N] kissed him back, pouring all his feelings into that one, tender moment. When they finally pulled away, Kurt’s eyes were shining with unshed tears, and [Y/N] knew his own eyes were just as bright.
“Can I kiss you again?” Kurt asked, his voice barely more than a whisper.
[Y/N] smiled, leaning in to capture Kurt’s lips once more, this time with more confidence, more certainty. The kiss deepened, [Y/N]’s hands gently cupping Kurt’s face, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath his fingertips. Kurt kissed back with the same intensity, his tail wrapping around [Y/N]’s waist, pulling him closer.
When they finally parted, [Y/N] rested his forehead against Kurt’s, both of them breathing heavily, their hearts racing in unison.
“I love you,” [Y/N] whispered, the words coming out easily now, as though they had been waiting to be spoken.
Kurt’s smile was radiant, his eyes filled with love and affection. “Ich liebe dich,” he whispered back, his voice full of warmth and sincerity. “I’ve wanted to say that for so long.”
[Y/N] pressed a gentle kiss to Kurt’s forehead, his heart overflowing with emotion. “You saved my life today,” he murmured, his fingers lightly tracing Kurt’s cheek. “But more than that… you’ve saved me in so many other ways.”
“And you saved mine,” Kurt replied, his hand still holding [Y/N]’s tightly. “In more ways than I can count.”
They stayed like that for a long time, just holding each other, savoring the warmth and comfort of being together. The fear and uncertainty of the day melted away, replaced by the steady, reassuring beat of Kurt’s heart beneath [Y/N]’s hand.
As the night settled over the mansion, [Y/N] knew that this was just the beginning. The beginning of something beautiful, something they had both been waiting for. And as he held Kurt close, feeling his breath against his skin, [Y/N] couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.
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lisenberry · 4 months
Blend In
Suggestive/Explicit Language, Mystery 141 x F!Reader.
1111k words (heavy on the -ish)
For @the-californicationist Nameless Challenge!
Congrats on 500K words, Cali!!
Put your guess in the comments as to who you think it is!
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You had no idea why you’d been chosen for this assignment, but you were not going to argue.  Certainly not with him.
Keeping any doubts to yourself, you checked the mirror in the bathroom one last time before exiting into the hotel room you shared with your teammate.  Well, not your teammate yet, but if all went well, your fingers were crossed for a spot on his elite task force. 
“What do you think, sir?”
As a mere corporal, just about everyone had a higher rank than you.  There was the distinguished Captain Price, Lieutenant Riley, Sergeant Garrick and Sergeant MacTavish.  Big (huge) shoes to fill, but you were ready to prove yourself.
“It’ll…do,” he muttered, turning his head quickly towards the surveillance equipment set up on the nearby desk.  “And don’t call me that.  We’re undercover, remember?” 
“Do I get a code name or something?  You all have badass nicknames, and I’m just...the new girl.”  You shrugged your shoulders and tried not to fuss over the plunging depth of your neckline that barely covered your pushed-up boobs, or the uncomfortable way the fabric hugged your hips.
“No, New Girl is the new girl.  You’re—Ah, fuck.  Here we go.  Time to get out there.”  He picked up something on the camera feed of the hotel’s ballroom and pointed to it with his finger.  “Target’s moving.”
“Who picked this dress?  I thought I was supposed to blend in.  It’s obscene for a wedding.”
“Not for an oligarch’s wedding.  Tits up, back straight, and do your job.”  He gave you one last look over, dragging his gaze up to meet yours, finally, before giving you an encouraging nod.
“Aye, aye.  Sir.”  You couldn’t help but add the last with a bold smirk.  Maybe it was the dress, or the mission, or the unexpected glint in his eye, but you had a good feeling about this.
You’d been gone for only ten minutes, and he was already doubting every aspect of this assignment.  As the only fluent Russian speaker who didn’t scream special forces in the ranks, you’d been the easy choice.  But you were also soft around the edges, and sweet as hell, with a smile and an inner kindness that would lower anyone’s defenses. 
What the fuck you were doing in the military, or how you’d made it this far, he had yet to figure out.
He’d only agreed to this at all because the stakes were low, as was the risk of danger.  All you needed was a cigarette butt or a discarded champagne glass.   A piece of cutlery left behind on a tray.  Even just a partial fingerprint would be enough for Laswell to make a positive ID.
He was not prepared for you to strike up a conversation with the third most lethal psychopath on the watch list, or let him put his hand on your ass and squeeze you close to his hips as he whispered suggestively in your ear. 
“Careful, sweetling,” your commanding officer gritted low into his radio.  The comms device in your ear was undetectable, but he didn’t want to startle you or alert the target that you were in contact with someone.
It could also pick up your conversation, not that he understood any of what you were saying.   It seemed to be mostly flirty banter and coy laughter.  The man was obviously trying to get in you back to his room.
He didn’t know much Russian, but he knew enough about men’s appetites to get the idea.  He’d had his own thoughts, just the good sense not to say them out loud.
And he could not believe what he was seeing on the camera.  A sudden, sinking flood of anxiety made him jump in his chair and clench his fists at the stress.  You were going with the man, following him as he escorted you out somewhere beyond the surveillance feed.
“Do not leave that ballroom.  I can’t track you out there.  Get back.  Abort!”
He knew you could hear him, but you weren’t following orders.  Being ignored was most certainly the root of his blinding rage, not his concern for your safety.  Or the hungry way the bastard had looked at you in the dress he’d handpicked himself for the way the color made your skin practically glow. 
The cut and size may have been a miscalculation, he admitted to himself, as he checked the clip in his handgun and hurried toward the door.   
“Fucking hell.  You’re going to get yourself killed, and if you don’t, then I’ll do it myself.  When I get my bloody hands on you, Cupcake, I swear—”
“Cupcake?  That’s the best you can do?”  You stood on the other side of the door, with your hands on your hips as he pulled it open, with a fierceness you’d only heard about from other recruits.
Suddenly directed at you, it was worse than you’d imagined.  He looked ready for war as his words caught in his throat. 
“There you are.  You’re alright?”
“I got his prints on my purse, his DNA on my tits, and a retina scan on my phone.  And his phone, for shits and giggles.”  You quickly held up your loot for his inspection, before he could catch his breath long enough to lecture you on your recklessness.
He swiped a big hand along his mouth for composure, but he still looked like he wanted to kill something.  Mostly you.
“DNA?”  His eyes darkened quickly, somehow even more than before, as he looked from your face to your aforementioned tits.
“Saliva, big guy.  I’m committed, but not that committed.  Calm down.”  But he didn’t of course, because you’d never actually seen him relaxed.  At least not around you. 
You’d heard stories that he was a generally likable bloke once you got to know him.  Earned his trust.  Maybe someday you would get to see that side of him.  From the looks of it, this wasn’t it.
“Your country thanks you for your service.”  He deadpanned, not appreciating your snark.  
“What about you, sir?  Did I make the team?”  You shifted on your heels hopefully, still brimming with energy from knocking out a man twice your size, watching him piss himself, and staging the scene to look like he’d passed out on his own.
“I’ll put in a request to my commanding officer as soon as we get back.” 
“Really?”  You stifled the urge to hug him in your excitement.
“No.  You’re never allowed to leave the base again.”
You weren’t deterred as you rolled your eyes and stuck out your tongue behind his back.  You’d wear him down.  One way or another.
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girlactionfigure · 3 days
🟩 Monday morning - events from Israel  
ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
( VIDEO - IDF bombing Hezbollah hidden Hezbollah rocket launch sites in south Lebanon villages, this video from Tyre. Note the secondary explosions. )
♦️IDF MESSAGE to South Lebanese: If you are near a building where there are Hezbollah weapons, stay away from the village until further notice.
♦️Intense bombing by the IDF Air Force from the early hours of the morning.  Continued increase of force.  Dozens of villages and towns were attacked from the morning hours in southern Lebanon.  The Lebanese counted over 150+ air force strikes that lasted about an hour and a quarter.
.. Videos from Lebanon show intense explosions and major secondary explosions - meaning rockets hit.
♦️IDF spox: the IDF is now widely attacking Hezbollah terror targets in Lebanon. The targets: Hezbollah launch sites.  We detected Hezbollah's preparations to attack the citizens of the State of Israel and that is why we attacked.  For twenty years Hezbollah distributed weapons in southern Lebanon, placing missiles in peoples homes.
♦️A GENERAL’S ANALYSIS: Brigadier General (resp.) Yossi Kuperverser writes: "The repeated failures of Iran and Hezbollah to obtain revenge by promoting terrorist attacks against senior Israeli officials, may lead them to try to save their damaged honor by extensive military action, which in turn will lead to escalation and justify strong Israeli action."
❗️IDF: Following the IDF Spokesperson's statement, attached is a video that reveals the attempt by Hezbollah terrorists to launch cruise missiles from a house in Lebanon: https://bit.ly/3ZCK3Fp  - these missiles have range over all of Israel and a 300 kg warhead, very destructive.
▪️IRAN AFRAID OF RADIOS.. Reuters report: The Revolutionary Guards have ordered all their men to immediately stop using all electronic radios for fear that they too will be captured by Israel. An extensive operation began to test all devices.
▪️CHINA.. calls on its citizens to leave Israel as soon as possible.  China manages port operations at one of the Haifa ports, and multiple major construction projects in the country including the Tel Aviv light rail.
▪️RELIGIOUS POLITICS.. United Torah Judaism to the Prime Ministers Office: Strongly demand that Netanyahu not fly back to Israel on Shabbat after he flies to the US to speak at the UN.  "If Netanyahu can't fly without staying on Shabbat, let him not fly"
▪️TEACHERS STRIKE DEAL.. Teachers' salaries will increase by NIS 1,200 in relation to the scope of the position.
▪️DEAL NEWS.. The Americans submitted drafts of their new mediation proposal to Hamas - and were refused.
⭕Overnight a large explosion was heard in the city of al-Shadadi, where American forces are located near the Iraq-Syria border.  The US Al Shadadi base was reportedly under rocket attack, alarms sounded at the base.
⭕DRONE BARRAGE from Hezbollah this morning at near-border towns in the near.
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teecupangel · 8 days
Just had an idea that developed XD: How OP could we make Desmond without giving him godlike powers thanks to the Grand Temple device?
My suggestion? Give him Spidermans powers. Climbing walls, spider sense, super senses, healing factor etc. You could also add stuff that Spiderman wouldn't use, due to his "No killing" rule, like powerful venom and fangs and those arm pincers that Spiderman apperantly had in the comics for a while.
He would be the perfect Assassin. XD
We could also easily set it up too. Maybe Hydra or Oscorp are looking to make a super soldier/recreate Spiderman and this random man shows up without any ID? Perfect test subject! It would also be hard to escape as they would account for super powers with the security, so Desmond ends up rescued by the Avengers+Spiderman.
Just an idea i had and i'm curious to how you would make him OP. ^^
So I’ve been reading a lot of manwha for years now and it definitely shaped my answer to how we can make Desmond OP.
Whether this means what Desmond would know about what’s going to happen because this is a time travel/regression/transmigration setup or if this is a case of the Apple giving him the information he needs, Desmond could use that information to his advantage, both to amass large amount of money or to do what he wants to do.
If we combine my idea of an OP power and your idea of giving him OP Spiderman power, the next step is obvious.
Desmond is a comic book nerd who got isekai (or transmigrated) into a Spiderman world.
The problem is… which Spiderman world is this???
Should he be looking for Peter Parker?
How was he so sure that this world’s Spiderman is Peter Parker?
Oh god, what if it’s those Spiderman movies instead???
Should he look for anyone that looks like Tobey Macguire?
Hell, it could have been the new one with Andrew Garfield.
There was too many of them to count!
And it is during his ‘hunt’ for Spiderman (because at the very least, he believes Spiderman might listen to him) that he gets abducted by Hydra/Oscorp/whichever evil corporation you wanna use.
His blood was meant to be used to test for variations of the super soldier serum but Desmond isn’t a damsel in distress and he tries to escape.
During the escape, he gets into an accident (whether he gets bit by one of the plot spiders or maybe he’s nicked somewhere and the Spiderman serum prototype gets into an open wound) during his escape and starts to exhibit the same powers of Spiderman.
And that is the least of his worries because he is an Assassin through and through so he did what any Assassin would do when they’re abducted by an obviously evil corporation.
Kill everyone in the facility while finding out names of other targets to take them out in the future.
Massacring an entire facility isn’t really a good resume for the superheroes in this world.
Desmond thinks the new Spiderman movie is Amazing Spiderman starring Andrew Garfield because that would be the latest Spiderman he’d watch (2012)
Up to you which Superman/Marvel story he did end up with. It might be fun to keep it vague, keep Desmond guessing lollol.
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when taking about the judge routenburg center i wish people talk about how “students” there overwhelmingly BIPOC and/or have intellectual disability.
literal majority are BIPOC. depending on sources, 13-18% are white. (x)
don’t have stats on top of head, seen it somewhere, don’t know if people w ID is majority, but people w ID is a targeted population for centers like this.
i suspect a lot of them are nonspeaking, minimally speaking, don’t have functional communication, or high support needs, too.
so i mean it’s true that JRC targets neurodivergent people, but like they target a very specific group of neurodivergent people. i don’t see white speaking lower support needs autistic or otherwise ND advocates talk about this specific group of neurodivergent often.
all autistic and or neurodivergent people need to band together to protest JRC and shock devices, but in doing that we need to talk about who is most likely to be affected. not every one of us is affected the same.
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huginsmemory · 2 years
First meetings: Wolfwood and Vash
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ID: Wolfwood in his introduction chapter pinching a protesting Vash's chin with interest and exclaiming that people are stupid for not immediately recognizing Vash.
One thing I noticed while rereading the manga, is the nature of Wolfwood and Vash's first meeting; that is, Wolfwood isn't targeting Vash as his next mark, nor does he likely know that Vash is his next mark. As a result, I thought it would be interesting to look at how that shapes their relationship with each other in the beginning, especially in comparison to the differences in the anime adaptations. Just a fun lil tidbit to sink your teeth into.
Proof of Unknowing
For the case that Wolfwood wasn't yet targeting Vash, my first point is that it makes sense logistically; if Wolfwood was targeting Vash to kill him as Legato had originally told them to in the manga, it would be assumed that he would have tried to kill Vash. However, instead he doesn't try to at all, although one might chalk that up to Vash saving his life by spotting him while on the bus or some other plot gimmick for Wolfwood to not immediately try to kill Vash.
Secondly, and more obviously, Wolfwood hasn't met Legato yet. This is seen clearly when Legato asks Wolfwood if he's Chapel, who Wolfwood is (later shown to be) impersonating, which means that Legato has never met Wolfwood. As well, Wolfwood is only shown to know the location of his next job- when he mutters about the chapel on the top of the rock- and doesn't seem to know nothing else, making it highly likely he doesn't even know any other details. In fact, Vash actually warns Wolfwood to not get involved with Legato, giving Wolfwood his description, to which Wolfwood when recieving the info doesn't seem to know the man; and upon arriving, and meeting Legato, Wolfwood actually parrots the description from Vash's warning in wariness, recognizing him through Vash's warning.
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ID: Collection of three manga pages.
First page: Legato comments, "'Chapel' seems to be missing... Well, no matter. Our target... Has yet to arrive." His words fade into Wolfwood exclaiming, "Huh?! A skull attached to his left arm?" Vash says, "Yep, yep! That's right. And a raised, needle-like torture device on his right shoulder." After a pause, Vash says, "You don't know him? Well, if you see him, let me know."
Second page: Vash tensely remembers a blood spatter and thinks, "Like a shadow, he came. And like a shadow, he killed and slipped away. If he... If he can move in and out of a crowd like that, people can be killed easily..." Wolfwood and Meryl look curious, and Wolfwood asks, "Well? If I see that guy, what should I do? You got a message for him?" Vash makes an exclamatory sound and shouts, "No! No! Never-mind!! Do not get involved. He's a very, very dangerous man. I swear!" Wolfwood laughs, "But I heard you were the most dangerous man in the world!" Vash sighs.
Third page: we see Legato and Wolfwood standing across from each other at their first interaction. Legato says, "That cross... I've been waiting for you. You're 'Chapel,' correct?" Wolfwood's expression is wary, and he says, "The skull... The torture device... I know you..."
Since Legato hasn't met him yet, this also means Legato's precious half-coins which he gives to each of the gung-ho guns hasn't been given yet to Wolfwood, which Legato has been previously shown to inform the gung-ho guns who their target is when he gives it to them (as with the first gung-ho gun). This again makes it unlikely that Wolfwood even knows his mark is Vash.
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ID: A panel of Legato touching a broken coin in front of Monev the Gale, the first gung-ho gun and saying intensely, "Do whatever it takes. For twenty years of your master's benevolence, it's time to repay him."
Lending further support, when Legato mentions that they specifically may need to deal with--ie, kill--Vash, this is the moment when we are privy to Wolfwood thought processes, where he desperately rages against his life as a assassin and how he wants to escape this life that causes him to kill. This is especially understandable under the context of Wolfwood just being told that he is supposed to kill a man that he had just somewhat befriended, a man who had just saved his life and payed for his lunch, who clearly has a good heart.
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ID: Two subsequent manga pages. Legato (off page) says "We're entering unknown territory here. You must be ready to handle any situation. Especially... Vash the Stampede. By no means may you fail!!" Wolfwood's frowning face is shown as Conrad comments that Vash is coming and that he understands why Knives chose that location. There's a close-up of Wolfwood's narrow-eyed expression before a cut to his shoes stomping up a mountain. He angrily exclaims, "Shit! What the hell was with all th' training?! Once again I'm staining my own hands with blood. God..." He thinks, "Once it's gone full-circle... where will it end?"
Basically, manga Wolfwood and Vash's beginning of their relationship starts with them forming a camaraderie before Wolfwood learns that he needs to kill/betray Vash. This makes it in a way more bittersweet, because their original interaction never had that tension of knowledge that Wolfwood is there since the beginning to betray Vash, and instead, they are simply existing together and form a what might tentatively be called a friendship--at least something where the both of them seem to have made a positive impact on the other-- outside of Wolfwoods mission. As a result, the question of how much of the camaraderie in the beginning of their relationship is Wolfwood having to get close to his mark is removed; you realize the camaraderie they share is honest and organic. In a way it's more tragic, because Vash even warns Wolfwood to remain away from Legato, but Wolfwood is already inevitably heading towards meeting the man, and learns to his horror that his next target is actually Vash. For Vash it also it's bitter because when Wolfwood finds Vash, Wolfwood mentions Knives for his reason of finding Vash; showing that even against Vash's warning, Wolfwood has clearly been entangled in some manner in the fight between Vash and Knives.
Anime adaptions
All this gets cut from Stampede, as Wolfwood is pretty explicitly following Vash to babysit him since the beginning. As Stampede has considerably condensed the story this makes sense since it would take time they don't have to add it in; but I think that cuts out an interesting extra dimension to Wolfwood and Vash's relationship, but so many things have been cut that I'm not surprised, and it's so changed that this being cut is not a big deal to me (compared to other things they cut which were more important).
From what I remember of the 98' anime, it's left a bit open to whether or not Wolfwood already knows from the beginning. However, as Wolfwood appears before Legato appears, it may mean that Wolfwood doesn't know during their first few meetings, like in the manga, but we aren't given a specific scene that shows Wolfwood being told to follow Vash, so we don't know where in the timeline he knows (we are only given the scene where he's told to kill Vash, later in the series). As well, Vash warning Wolfwood about Legato was removed in '98, which then lacks that bittersweetness of the realization that Wolfwood has become entangled in Vash and Knives fight. However, I haven't finished rewatching '98, so I don't have a more confident answer for whether or not Wolfwood knows, so take this part of the analysis with a grain of salt.
TLDR: In comparison to Wolfwood seeking out Vash to betray/observe him since the beginning, Wolfwood not knowing, (as shown by Legato not knowing who Wolfwood is when they meet) makes their whole first interaction in the manga organic, and adds a whole extra dimension of tragedy to their relationship, especially with the way Vash tries to warn Wolfwood away from Legato, which ultimately fails. As a result, the darker parts of both of their lives, which they don't acknowledge in their first meeting, end up intertwined, against their will. This actually serves as part of a huge thematic resolution of monstrousness and rejection but that's not the point here, that's another thing for another day.
Btw! If u wanna read more rambles from me, here's a masterpost of em :)
Edit (Apr. 2): Added photo ID, written by @princess-of-purple-prose
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Because of Tumblr limitations, I can only add 1 video from the original Instagram post, but you can still go to the website and look at the second.
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(Because of Tumblr limitations, the next video cannot be placed here)
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Posted on Instagram by (@)zirafamedia on September 17, 2024.
[Description] 🚨 Act Of War? Israel has allegedly orchestrated a series of explosions targeting Hezbollah’s communication devices across Lebanon, potentially through sophisticated hacking or planted explosives. ⤵️
This unprecedented attack has resulted in over 1,200 injuries, with many civilians caught in the crossfire as the blasts caused widespread damage.
According to the WSJ, the exploding pagers were part of a new shipment recently acquired by Hezbollah, and a Hezbollah official speculates that malware may have caused the devices to overheat and detonate. Some members reportedly felt their pagers heating up and discarded them just in time.
This incident marks a chilling evolution in modern warfare, where technology is weaponized in disturbingly dystopian ways. 👉 Israel’s actions suggest a desperate push towards an all-out conflict with Lebanon, raising profound concerns about the future of warfare and the lengths Israel will go to achieve their objectives.
[comment by zirafamedia] FYI: Hundreds of these pager devices exploded *simultaneously* — this was a CLEAR SHOW OF FORCE. If they are willing to reveal this hand, imagine what they aren’t revealing.
[id: image and video descriptions
1st image:
Israel just injured dozens in Lebanon by remotely exploding their pagers
The Israeli army used advanced technology to detonate handheld pagers belonging to Hebollah members in multiple locatoins within Beirut's southern suburbs.
2nd section is a video:
[caption] Hezbollah's radio devices used for 'off network comms' were remotely detonated by Israel in southern Lebanon, injuring hundreds and killing at least 70. Other explosions in Beirut and Dahiyeh have led to mass-casualty classifications.
Video shows a supermarket. There are at least 10 people, men, women, and children. There is a man looking through fruit, then suddenly, his bag explodes. He falls to the ground as the people around run away from him to a safe distance. Seconds later, he's crying out in pain, and the people try to figure out what to do in the chaos.
3rd image:
[an image of a hand holding a mangled pager]
Mossad via their commentary X account has just published an acknowledgement of the recent attack.
[screenshot of Mossad's account]
Mossad Commentary (@)MOSSADil (September 17, 2014)
More than 700 wounded and dead, across all of Lebanon [this is a reply to their other post]
Hezbollah's pagers were jammed and exploded in the hands of Hezbollah members in different parts of Lebanon.
4th section is a video that cannot be shown because of Tumblr restrictions. But it's 2 separate videos of people looking at the aftermath of the explosions.
5th image:
Opinion: This incident showcases Israel's unparalleled tech savviness, with their military leading the world in advanced surveillance and cyber capabilities.
Their recent hacking and remote detonation of Hezbollah's communication devices underscore Israel's dominance in military technology.
This proves Israel is lying about their limitations in Gaza, as their advanced capabilities suggest they could locate hostages if they chose to.
6th image:
[an image of the American University of Beiruit]
American University of Beirut hospital replaced pagers of staff days before explosions
The American University of Beirut Hospital reportedly took all pagers from its nurses and doctors about 10 days ago and 'replaced them,' according to hospital employees.
source: middle east spectator. /id]
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theallovernations · 1 month
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With our device ID targeting services at Skymattix, enhance brand engagement. By applying the most correct data on user behavior and geolocation, we deliver user-tailored ad content. This will help drive better exposure to the right audience and improve your CTRs. Apply our advanced targeting techniques to optimize your advertisement efforts to better ROI results.
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lonestarflight · 3 months
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"Space Shuttle Endeavour is towed toward the Mate-Demate Device following landing on runway 15 at KSC's Shuttle Landing Facility at 10:58 a.m. EDT atop a modified Boeing 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft. The cross-country ferry flight became necessary when three days of unfavorable weather conditions at KSC forced Endeavour to land on runway 22 at Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., on June 19 following mission STS-111. Processing of Endeavour will now begin for the launch of mission STS-113 targeted for October 2002."
Date: June 29, 2002
NASA ID: KSC-02PD-1097, KSC-02PD-1098, KSC-02PD-1099
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Understanding What Business Consulting Services Is All About
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If you're looking to hire business consulting services, it's essential to understand what these services entail. The process of selling consulting services is very different from selling a product. Marketing your consulting firm requires a combination of traditional and non-traditional marketing strategies. To sell your consulting services, you should aim to reach an untapped market.
Profitability of hiring a business consultant
Hiring a business consulting services provider can save you time and money. These consultants have specialized knowledge and experience in their respective fields and are able to identify areas in which you are overspending. Additionally, a business consultant's service can help you cut costs by advising on best practices in your industry. Instead of reinventing the wheel or wasting resources on salaried labor, you can hire a business consultant to address a particular issue for a short time.
A business consulting services provider can help with almost any type of business. Start-ups need constant planning, and even established companies can use a fresh approach. In recent years, the consulting industry has been expanding rapidly. Choosing the right consultant can benefit your company's revenue, reputation, and long-term growth. Their expertise lies in maximizing your business's operations.
Business consultants have experience in many areas, which means they can provide valuable insights into your business. Because they have no stake in winning over company leaders, business consulting services providers are more likely to approach problems from a different perspective. In addition, a business consultant can provide you with operational infrastructure that you may not have otherwise possessed.
Before hiring a business consulting services provider, it's important to do due diligence. Verify references, and consider the person's style. A good consultant will be personable, patient, and easy to work with. The consultant should also have a contract outlining the services that he or she will perform. The contract should outline the fee, deliverables, and timeline of the project.
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Hiring a business consultant is not a cheap endeavor. Whether you are a start-up or a well-established company, hiring a consultant can be a good move. Business consultants are highly skilled individuals who can help you overcome challenges and develop specific aspects of your business.
Also Read:-
business consulting services providers are independent contractors who work on their own schedules. Their job is to analyze your business and offer recommendations for improvement. Business owners hire consultants when a problem is hampering their business, when they are ready for a major change, or when they need an outside perspective to make a crucial decision.
Hiring a business consultant may not be as expensive as you might think. The benefits outweigh the cost in the long run. Consultants can identify problems and recommend solutions to your company's challenges. Furthermore, they can supplement your existing staff. If you hire a consultant, your business can save thousands of dollars per week on payroll and benefits.
A business consultant can charge by the hour, project, or retainer basis. It is best to research the fees of other consultants before setting your own. Ask your friends and colleagues to get an idea of the rates charged by various consulting companies. Once you know the fees of other consultants, you can determine a rate that is reasonable for your company.
Hiring a business consultant can save your company time and energy. A professional consultant can help you develop a strategic plan that will focus your efforts, improve efficiency, and enter new markets. It can also help you find new opportunities and clients. In addition, a consultant can help you optimize your marketing strategy.
Choosing a business consulting firm
Before hiring business consulting services, it's important to research them thoroughly. Check out online reviews and speak with past clients to get a feel for their quality of service. You should also ask for a proposal so you can compare rates and services. If you can, check out reviews from other clients so you can see if they're happy with the work done.
Also Read:-
The type of firm you hire should be based on your company's requirements. A general consulting firm may provide comprehensive services for your entire company, whereas a specialist firm will focus on a specific area of business. Make sure the firm you choose specializes in business consulting services or the market you're in because this will make it easier for them to get the best results.
Choosing a business consulting firm is not an easy task. The market is saturated with different firms offering different types of services. Bigger consulting firms usually have a better reputation and charge higher fees. On the other hand, smaller boutique firms may offer a smaller range of services and focus on a more local market.
Choose a business consulting services provider that can provide the services you need at a reasonable price. Many business consultants provide only a few hours of service, while others may offer a month-long engagement. You should always ask about the length of service offered by a business consulting firm. You should be able to communicate your needs and goals with the consultants. In addition, consultancies should be transparent and explain their reasoning behind recommendations and action plans.
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crimsonfluidessence · 23 days
Prompt 1: Steer
Content Warning: Fantasy Racism, mentions of vomit, Endwalker Spoilers
There were many good things about Esredes choosing to have joined the Contingency and push himself north to Ilsabard. He saved people, he got to join a new organization, he saw more of the world- even if it was a hellscape- and most of all, he made new friends.
Making new friends was usually a good thing, but they could be very... eccentric, sometimes. Perhaps Esredes should have known better himself when he took the Pureblood former chief medicus of a legion he met in the Contingency to an Ala Mhigan and Radz-at-han fusion cuisine restaurant and insisted everyone try the spicy curry challenge. The discussion had been on Chocobos, and then it had quickly devolved.
"They are scary creatures," Andromeda, the defector medicus, had remarked about them. "I can't imagine what kind of strong will you must have to tame one... I think I'll stick to my car." Esredes tensed up at the mention of a car. "Speak for yourself." He said, quickly. "I'm not going near those evil devices." "Oh! You still have yours?" Ryousei, the half-Garlean, said to that. "I lost mine back home..." "I do! Well, scraps of it... it was pink! I named her Ladybug!" "Id love to take a look at it some time... i-if you don't mind. I used to work on mine with my... dad." His expression deflated. "What's a car?" Added Fiachna, one of the newer members of the network. "An unsafe metallic abomination." Esredes explained. He knew. Oh, did he know about cars, enough to say he never wanted to be near one ever again.
It was another cold night in Garlemald with the light of the full moon, and he had a mission. A mission to deal with a stray roader attacking carriages between camp and Tertium over the past several nights. That by itself made sense to him- destroy the moving target. He had some means of doing that with assistance, so it should be entirely doable. And then the rescued Garlean in charge who was all too trigger happy told them *how* they would lure it out.
With cars, as they called them. Several of them had been prepared for the task. Esredes stood by the lineup of them and just stared the metal carriages down. He'd seen so many destroyed ones among the wreckage that he didn't register there was a functional version in any form. And there was no Chocobo, but it wasn't an airship or manacutter, so how would it move without the air? He didn't know, and he wasn't exactly eager to find out. Knowing Garleans, it had a self-destruct mechanism for no reason just to kill more people upon destruction. What was a Garlean if not to kill everyone without a pearl on their forehead? Needless to say, Esredes was very reluctant to step into the passenger seat after fumbling to figure out how to get inside, but the task asked him to, so he reluctantly did. And it wouldn't be long before he regretted that choice.
Fast. Too fast. Whatever this thing was, it was entirely too fast, and he was used to flying. But something on the ground should never be able to pick up the speeds the thing accelerated to almost immediately. Esredes was all at once hopeless and helplessly trapped inside the vehicle, as trying to get out would most certainly kill him, but he could do nothing to slow it down as it drove across snow. Even worse, when they did find the target, the roader was covered in armor and opened fire on them with several guns, causing Esredes to yelp and duck down in the abomination to avoid being killed on impact then and there, only managing to raise up the metal on his gauntlet up to protect the driver from the bullets. To deal with the open fire, the car spun for a long moment to evade it. Esredes' urge to throw up increased as he gripped onto the seat for dear life. Another member of the party, the insane lunatic, thought it would be a great idea to jump onto the roader and take care of it that way. He was proven very wrong when the thing threw him right towards Esredes, the impact slamming his head into the back of the seat. The world quickly faded to static and limited sensations as he slid down and didn't get back up, not until the throbbing in his head began to alleviate enough for him to try and scramble up in the seat. For a small mercy, he managed to avoid emptying everything he had that day into the snow. But the moment the car stopped, he fumbled with the latch in a desperate escape to get out, and stumbled and half-tripped onto the pavement. He managed to pull himself back up into a stumble across camp until he could throw himself into bed and try not to focus on how much his head hurt.
"I see." Fiachna said to his comment in the present. "I'll avoid it, then." Andromeda, unfortunately, did not take the hint. "Cars are great! I have to take you for a drive, Ser Esredes!" "No," he said harshly, immediately. "Not. Ever. Throwing up once was more than enough." "What?" Ryousei said. "Aw cmon, car rides are a great way to relax honestly..." "It can play music and go REALLY fast!" She went on. "Ladybug had a V8 engine! She could really burn Ceruleum!!" "It can play music? Can I race a car?" Asked Fiachna. "I want to race a car. I can go faster."
Esredes sighed and kept eating the kibbeh appetizer they'd ordered. And yet, they kept going. "I loved racing!" Andromeda declared. "Oo, and obstacle courses! Spinouts... All sorts of things!" Ryousei chuckled. "Go figure, of course you're a speed demon, doc." "Did you know cars can go so fast the tires burn out??" "We should race." Fiachna declared. "Of course!!" Andromeda said. "Nothing better than pushing magitek to the BRINK! Once, I almost crashed into the side of a mountain!"
Esredes couldn't believe what anyone was saying right now. Garleans were truly insane, even the reasonable ones like her. Why were they like this. Why were they so wired to destroy themselves and others with their horrible contraptions. Between the creepy sounds playing from those devices that protected people from tempering, these things, and their traffic control having guns, Esredes was convinced good Magitek could only come from Ishgard itself. Not from the ones who wanted to destroy everything with it constantly.
Fiachna went on about wanting to race a car, until everyone's spicy curry they ordered for the spice challenge arrived. This relief gave Esredes the excuse he needed to hold a hand up. "All right. Enough car talk. I propose a countdown." It was time for everyone to die. When he hit zero, everyone took the first bite of the unreasonably spicy curry. Only Esredes and one other made it past the second round, only to meet their match. It didn't take long for both Andromeda and Ryousei to be freaking out about the heat. Andromeda grabbed Ryousei and declared, loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear,
And that is how Esredes felt a big wave of secondhand embarrassment in the middle of the Ala Mhigan Thavnairian fusion cuisine restaurant for who he came along with. This is what you wanted, he reminded himself. For Garleans to be refugees in Eorzea and learn to be human by exposure and monitoring. So in the middle of the Ala Mhigan Thavnairian fusion cuisine restaurant, Esredes leaned back and sighed to himself. It would continue to be an ongoing process, to try and fix a defective peoples. But if he didn't try, what kind of follower of Shiva- and friend besides- was he?
So Esredes continued to listen and watch their theatrics in the restaurant, but when the embarrassment finally faded, he smiled a little. As per usual, these were his works in progress. And it was his duty not just to watch them improve, but to have some fun in the process.
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houseofpurplestars · 9 months
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[Image id: Abu Obeida, spokesperson for Al-Qassam Brigades in Gaza, the armed wing of "Hamas." He wears a red keffiyeh covering his face and a military uniform and headband in green camouflage. /end id]
Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades spokesman Abu Obeida:
During the last week, Al-Qassam fighters successfully destroyed 42 military vehicles, either completely or partially. Our fighters confirmed the elimination of 22 zionist soldiers at point blank range, in addition to inflicting dozens of deaths and injuries in 52 different military operations.
These operations targeted the invading zionist forces with anti-fortification shells and explosive devices, as well as machine gun and sniper weapons. Additionally, a house was blown up, 4 tunnel entrances and a minefield were detonated, and a surface-to-air missile was launched at a helicopter in the sky of Strip.
Our fighters downed a "hermes 900" reconnaissance aircraft and seized a "skylark" drone, as well as two other drones. They bombarded field command centers and military gatherings with mortar shells and short-range missiles across all combat axes, and directed a heavy barrage of rockets towards "tel aviv" and its surrounding areas.
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ask-obt · 1 year
would you tell us about your "what if mateo was a better parent?" au??? id also like to know if youve come up with other aus other than the dielle ones youve mentioned (and please tell us about it if possible)
Anonymous asked: I have 2 AU Questions: 1. What if Mateo was a good parent and 2. What if Malachi never chased after Rune into Beach Cave?
// I've answered the "mateo as a better parent" au in a previous ask, but I can answer the "malachi never chased rune" au!
so in this one, malachi decides that giving chase after rune into the mystery dungeon isn't worth it and would probably make her uncomfortable. he goes home, and rune is left to her own devices to figure out how to navigate the mystery dungeon. she'd eventually make her way out (probably after aggro-ing some of the pokemon living there, and getting beat up as a result), and tries to gather her bearings in town. she doesn't have a lot of resources available to her (mainly: money), and reluctantly decides that she'll have to steal food in order to survive. the first and second night is completely unsuccessful in this regard. enter: a certain koffing and zubat, a pair of petty criminals! they watch her fail miserably at Pretty Basic Crime, and offer a helping hand. rune follows them back to their hideout for the night, and gets her first visit from requiem where she gains her voice back.
the next morning, the trio decide on their next mark who is, to rune's shock, a weirdly wealthy shinx who is currently struggling to enter the guild. his schedule is pretty repetitive so he's easy to track, they just have to isolate him. they do so (with rune reluctantly trailing behind), and are almost successful- when rune "accidentally" trips in the middle of an attack and takes the brunt of a hit for this shinx. startled, he runs off, and the rest of the au takes place with rune on the rival team. as she develops in her battling skills, she gains a more intimidating demeanor, but still insists on not making that shinx a target ("nah, he's low-hanging fruit. you wanna be the illustrious criminals who beat up some nerdy kid?"). malachi in this au still gets dielle and inigo as teammates, and everything comes to a head when the rival trio is invited by julius to be his team members for an upcoming expedition. team skull, now with a decent roster, behaves more closely to the games until the showdown in apple woods. julius wants to really beat team maelstrom down, which rune just can't agree to doing. she switches sides, tries (and fails, with the rest of the team) to take down team skull, and ends up in the infirmary with them when she comes to. the remainder of this au involves rune slowly being accepted into the team as she tries to make amends.
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