#dez hates him
xxadvictoriamxx · 4 months
Desdemona: do you know what a synth is?
Sole: *turns to Nick* what’s a synth?
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corvidcrybaby · 2 months
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a bit late for Pride Month but here's my contribution of my local Ace Kings
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lostusagis · 3 months
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@lachrymosestorm asked:
Send “Meido!” to make my muse wear a maid costume.
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Kamui was not happy about this. The irritable smile on his face proved that much. Having to wear all this lacey nonsense instead of the usual clothes he wore was awful, humiliating, TERRIBLE.
He'd heave a frustrated sigh, head hanging as bangs fell into his face.
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''Dez, I better not see you crack a smile or laugh at all. Every time you do, it'll make me be that much rougher with you in bed later. Got it?'' A threat, and yet..... Kamui felt with Dez that was more of an invitation if anything. Pregnancy didn't deter her from the usual wild sex they'd have after all.
But damnit.... he'd look down at himself in the maid uniform and his face just ends up turning as red as a tomato like when he originally put it on earlier. This was torture. All the murders, all the crime he committed was coming back to haunt him.
Too bad though, he was still going to do those things.
It could be worse. At least his sister didn't see him like this. But he shouldn't jinx it.
He'd have her pushed up against the wall, trapped between his arms. Although he was so annoyed his strength ended up denting the wall.
''You're reaaaaaally lucky I love you, so, so lucky.'' Hues of blue stared intensely at her,
''No one else would get away with this. Hence why I should be generously repaid for dealing with this. Don't you think? Or perhaps I should have my own fun at your expense too. And torture you thoroughly.''
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tunnelsnacks · 5 months
Deacon head canons from my old blog be upon ye!
The UP Deathclaws were never real...the L&L gang is though
“He’s sharp as a whip, feisty in the field and extraordinarily cautious with his actions and even more careful with his words”
Deacon’s favorite color is green, hazel green
If he had a character theme it would be Deacon Waltz by Christian Sedelmyer and Jerry Douglas (The name’s just a coincidence)
A very very light sleeper, before Wanderer he would only sleep for around 3 hours peppered throughout the day
It always takes him an hour to fall asleep, even after he & Wanderer start ‘their you sleep and I’ll watch over you’ deal
He’s not religious, but he still prays
Before Wanderer he’d have, what my old therapist calls, micro-bursts of stage three sleep without realizing it (REM sleep) people can do this while looking and cting completely awake, which is why Carrington doesn’t take him serious in meetings... he looked like he’s not paying attention but nada, the man’s brain was just shutting down a little bit
Because of the lack of sleep he got for so long, Deacon disassociates between himself & his body constantly. At times careless with himself...cracking jokes & laughing in dangerous situations... his brain was teetering the line between being asleep and awake so often he couldn’t tell the difference. (sleep deprivation makes you feel unstoppable...cocky even)
Another thing he lost as a result of Wanderer was being able to sleep standing up, because his body doesn’t need to take over for his mind anymore
Smells faintly of cigarette smoke (mainly because of Dez) and basil and something else that can’t really be placed
He fell in love with a school teacher once, she was the one that taught him how to read
Can write/read French but oh god pronounces every letter like how they sound in English... so he sticks to writing messages to himself that most people think are ramblings of a child when/if found
October is his favorite month... June makes him ache
If he’s not at Wanderer’s side or on his own op, he’ll be at the Church... but after Tea Party? He settles on the couch in Wanderer and Shaun’s home until she convinces him to just move in, they’ve slept in the same room for so long at this point but he can’t fathom having a home again. It’s a hard adjustment
If you look of the definition of a ginger you’d find a picture of him at age 14, the freckles keep coming back no matter how many times he gets them removed
You know how you can catch him spying on you in the settlements? Yeah, he wanted you to see him... but not near 111 or a few other places
He’s the person in the Third Rail that points Wanderer to MacCready before they meet, he can’t have her traveling alone like that when she still so green to the world
In codes, D is for Desdemona and d is for Deacon
If not written, agents that are high enough to know their names say Big D and Little D (Dez hates it but he thinks it’s cute, if not clever)
He tenses ever so slightly when he hears the name John/Johnathan
Holds tension in his jaw like no one else, it’s a wonder his teeth haven’t shattered
Hates the taste of coffee but constantly drinks it
Was a hell of a swing dancer in his youth, now he likes slow dancing though that wasn’t discovered until Wanderer showed up
He’s 37 at the youngest and 45 at the oldest
When he left the gang at 19, they shattered every bone in his left hand & wrist, it aches when it rains
Hides his eyes because they were her favorite part of him, the one thing he can’t change ironically, also the sleep thing. He can’t let people know how tired he is all the time
He was born in Rivet City and his mother was a hairdresser, father a drunkard of a city security officer
His ma taught him how to French braid hair
His last name is Deacon. Baby Shaun is the only one who knows that though... Shaun said “Hey Mr. Deacon” & he said “Hey Mr. Hale” (Wanderer’s last name) & Shaun being the clever kiddo he is, cocked his head to the side connecting some dots cause if his first name was Deacon why would he respond with Shaun’s last one?)
Absolutely fascinated with the old world, collects information and fun facts about that time forgotten which Wanderer feeds into
His favorite thing Wanderer tells him about/teaches him is the proper pronunciation of some words and how to spell others
The man has always had a temper, got it from his dad, he works very hard to keep it under control (I can think of a few pieces of dialogue where he’s talking through gritted teeth, anger threatening to boil over)
At first, he was only by Wanderer’s side so nobody could pull her away from the Railroad - he knows what a game changer she is... but they work so well together and she plays along with his tall tales so often that after a while he forgot about the first part
A terrifyingly good shot, better than MacCready and he’s doing it with sunglasses on
He 100% is John D, the terminal entry where Pinky(?) says a runner was the sole survivor and then immediately tried to get people to go back for documents?? A classic Deacon move
Only smokes in HQ (I’ve actually only seen his idle animation of that in the church and at Mercer) unless he’s in a role or somewhere where Wanderer is comfortable... or is extremely stressed out
He hates Hancock, well not hate- but he’s not on the Christmas card list
Deacon knew Shaun was taken 60 years before Wanderer woke up. He knew and he didn’t tell her and it is the secret he hopes she never finds out
Dee’s gotta special soft spot for Tinker Tom, loves him like a crazy brother
His sniper rifle is named Church Bell, lovingly crafted by Tinker
Not sure how he feels about gen 1’s and 2’s, especially after knowing Nicky V but... if he’s gotta do it
Exclusively refers to Nick Valentine as Nicky V
He knows Preston Garvey has a fat ass crush on Wanderer but has neglected to tell her this little fun fact
Tries to shave his head nearly every morning, when he’s with Wanderer he does so when it’s his turn on watch and she’s asleep
The Railroad is his family, they mean so much but of course he’s always kept everyone distant after what happened with Agamemnon
Deacon has been with the railroad between 14 and 20 years
He genuinely doesn’t like Carrington but he’s not going to avoid going to him if he’s hurt of course
His hands are always warm, which is great cause Wand’s are always cold (being frozen for 210 years will do that to a gal)
Do I need to go into the heights thing??? He hates tagging along to set up MILAs but he’ll be damned if he lets his best friend fall off a roof again
He picked the name; Wanderer (don’t get me started on Project Wanderer and Dez’s “it seems fitting” I’ll rant for so long guys)
Doesn’t like sweet foods but fancy lads is a whole other topic
Open spaces stress him out, too much he can’t see
Non-binary but uses he/him pronouns
Doesn’t drink more than a beer or two, but has an unsettling high tolerance
He won’t ever instigate a relationship beyond what he and Wanderer have, as his va Ryan Alosio put it in an interview, his heart’s been absolutely shattered and he can’t stand the thought of being the cause of someone he loves getting hurt because of him again. He loves her but he can’t
Before he got surgery for the first time, he looked like Ryan (the devs actually tweaked his design to resemble him) his original face looks close to what he has now, not that he remembers what that face looked like
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[Deacon Idolizes You]
➼ Word Count » 0.6k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Summary » Headcanons based on how Deacon treats you once Idolized.
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He might actually disappear for a minute after he opens up to you about Barbara. Having his whole past spread out on the table for you to see is incredibly uncomfortable for him and he's gonna need some time to get used to having all that open to you.
Sometimes you’ll just find him sleeping on your couch. If he needs to get away for a minute he’ll go crash at your place for a bit. He almost hopes that you’ll show up and so the two of you could talk or something. It always makes him feel so much better when you do.
He somehow got a hold of matching leather jackets for you both to wear and always does his best to incorporate them into his disguises.
Deacon will bring you pre-war board games and ask if you could teach him the rules because the instructions had been burned decades ago and he desperately wants to learn.
He's actually really interested in fashion and will gladly put together a great outfit for you whether you asked for it or not. He also just loves sitting in a room and brainstorming disguise ideas together.
He's really curious about a lot of things from before the war and you'll find that he likes to randomly drag you into different areas and ask you tons of questions. He's especially interested in cartoons and other forms of media and is constantly questioning why they existed or what they usually had on them
He's weirdly good at spas? Massages, and manicures, and all that. He'd give you one if you asked/felt comfortable enough.
He loves sneaking around Goodneighbor or Diamond City with you and watching any fights or drama that happens throughout the day. It reminds you of when you used to watch reality TV shows back before the war and he always has the best comments.
He likes doing graffiti with you on random buildings in the Commonwealth. He’s actually really good at art but refuses to utilize that talent, instead, he just draws stick figures everywhere.
The two of you spent a day disguised as the other to see how long you can get away with it. (it wasn't very long)
He’ll ask if it could be possible for the two of you to set up small safe houses in some of your settlements for any passing synths, although, he always ends up making them look like man caves than temporary homes.
He'll leave these random lanterns all over the place with little jokes or messages carved underneath them. He does this so that if he ever disappears for a minute, you can go look at those to remind yourself that he doesn't hate you, he just needs a bit of time.
Whenever you’re on a mission, he’ll give you both the worst codenames on purpose to annoy you.
He once tried to see what the most outrageous lie you both could pull off was. Needless to say, you both ended up getting in a lot of trouble with Dez because it was 'irrelevant to your mission’.
He's great when he's around, and still loves you when he leaves. In all seriousness, it's been so long since he's had a connection like this with someone, and is so incredibly grateful for you and all that you do for him. He'll show his appreciation in whatever way he can, just understand that you've got to be patient with him while he gets used to it all.
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mudhamster · 7 months
Touch (4/5) Improve
Katsuki hated many things. Talking on the phone was one of them.
Especially when he was stuffed to the gills and standing in the supermarket trying to manage without a basket. But judging by the ring tone, it was Deku. And well... this was a little different now. Specially today.
"K-Kacchan, hey" a relieved voice flooded his ear as soon as he answered the call.
"Hm?" he clamped the phone between his shoulder and ear, piled some of his stuff on the nearest freezer and then brought it up to his ear, "What’sup?"
"You home?"
His gaze flew out of the small konbini interior and onto the street.
"No," he replied a little irritated, "Why?"
Deku had a damn rendezvous today.
Not a date, or whatever you call it with a backbone or a bit of actual self-respect. No, Deku had a Ren-dez-vous.
A proper, styled hair and a spritz of perfume kind of meeting, with some rando from the archives. So when he called him, there were two possibilities: his day was going top or flop.
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stephofromcabin12 · 2 months
My PJO character, Dez, was born into an abusive household. My concept for her was that her mother(Roxanne) finally got fed up with Dez getting constantly injured by monsters. Roxanne’s mind just can’t fathom why. And she hated it, because Dez’s grandparents asked questions Roxanne couldn’t answer. Although they rarely visit, sometimes Dez has scars and/or wounds when they come over. Both from Roxanne and the Monsters.
So… Roxanne finally decides to take Dez away from there and drop her off at Camp Half-Blood. Because I can totally see Dez’s godly parent doing that, telling the mortal parent that it’s best to bring them earlier on. Because keeping them close is how they get killed. But Roxanne doesn’t care. I’m totally unbothered by traumatizing my own OCs. That’s probably not a good thing, but whatever. 🫠
Anyways, I felt like it’s a rather unrealistic idea to just have Roxanne drive from the UK to New York to ditch 5-year-old Dez at Camp Half-Blood. Honestly, what’s she gonna do? I’m not good with kids so I don’t know how a 5-year-old would react to that, or what to do.
I am absolutely lost with this. Apparently I’m not made for story writing lol.
You could always pull a Poseidon and give Dez a magical item that can transport him.
Or stick him on a plane and have his mom say something like: “Hopefully, he won’t blow you out of the sky…There’s no lay-over, he surely wouldn’t mind the 12 hour trip”
D: “What?”
R: “Nothing, get out your passport”
Or pull a Prizoner of Azkaban and have the grey sisters rock up in their lil taxi cab? They’re always delightful lol
Or have Dez omit it. Percy Jackson does this all the time. He’ll say something like “and then something horrific happened so I had to look away so I don’t have to explain it to you uwu” and “I don’t even know how I got from point a to b It was a blur”
It’s fantasy— it doesn’t have to make total sense if the characters either acknowledge that “hey, this is crazy magic is wild” or have them be completely cool with it lol
You’re stewing over a small problem in your story. I think that’s the universal experience of storywriting. When in doubt ask:
What would be the funniest thing that could happen?
What would my MC hate the absolute most?
What would be the most unlikely possibility ?
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kingdomofhell · 4 months
"Lilith?! Lily!!! Wake up!!!" jumping into the singer's bed all excited with a proposal idea and sparkly eyed about it, "What you think of being the third addition to Dez and myself? Hmm?" his tail wagging like crazy and making Lilith make a pained noise when woke up.
Sighing when snorting of Lucifer making such an offer and thinking a bit before asking, "Gah!! Lucifer stop! I'm still recovering you quacky King! What does the Queen say? Her Majesty is on board with it, I hate to impose on your lovely married life." hissing of the lingering soreness and met with Lucifer's puppy eyes before tossing a pillow at the King, "Ask the Queen then me you goof, honestly. You crazy quacker apple King." snickering of the random thing Lucifer be asking before watching him go to ask Dez this question for it be her to call the shots after all on the idea.
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bruhhhh-huhhhhh · 7 months
i need some… junkerqueen x (T)male reader where she just kind of comforts him with his eating disorder.
i sometimes literally can’t bring myself to eat, not cause anything is wrong i just… can’t? food is icky.
thank you adrien, truly. you are everything.
anything for you pookie (I'd like to formally apologize for that)
Y'all see that trigger warning in the ask? Yep, that carries over into this piece. Crazy, right? Anyway, this'll have themes of eating disorders and unhealthy relationships with food. If that isn't the thing for you, then please don't read this. I don't want people getting triggered by this. I love y'all too much for that.
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Odessa pushes the bowl towards you once again, trying to get you to eat the food that she had made. "Love, you really gotta to eat something."
You pushed the bowl back, just the thought of picking up the spoon and putting the soup into your mouth made you want to vomit. "I can't, Dez," you respond quietly.
Your girlfriend sighs, frustrated, and you could feel tears welling in your eyes. The two of you had been at this for almost an hour. Something wasn't right today. You couldn't understand why she couldn't get that you just couldn't eat. If you did, you'd just throw it right back up.
"Love, I'm really trying here. You haven't eaten all day. You really, really need to get something in you before the day is over."
Biting your bottom lip, you tried really hard not to let the tears spill.
You failed.
The warm tears glided across your cheeks and Odessa's face softened. She scooted her chair so that she was sitting next to you instead of across from you and wraps on arm around you, pulling your face into her chest. "Oh, y/n," she said, rubbing a hand up and down your back.
"I'm sorry," you cried.
"Nah, don't be sorry. It ain't your fault. I know you don't want things to be like this."
You gripped onto your girlfriend's shirt for dear life, trying to convey how you were feeling without saying anything. Before you could try and stop her, Dez picked you up and held you bridal style. "We're gonna lay down, m'kay? Maybe you need some time to chill before trying to eat again."
You nodded weakly and let her take you to your bed, the bowl of soup forgotten on the table.
Dez laid you down before climbing in herself, letting you rest your head on her chest. She ran a hand through your hair, and another wrapped around you protectively.
"I don't do it on purpose," you said.
"I know you don't."
"It's just that sometimes I look at food and just feel sick. Doesn't matter if it's my favorite food ever, I still feel like I'm going to hurl if I eat it. And I hate it. I hate it so much because I just want to eat like a normal person."
"I know."
"Why can't I be a normal person? Why can't I just eat food like most people do? Why do I have to be so fucked up that-"
Odessa cuts you off. "You're not fucked up. It ain't your fault. Yeah, sometimes you feel sick when you try to eat. That don't mean that you're fucked up. You just need some help. Every good warrior needs help sometimes. I need help sometimes. Don't mean I'm weak. You think that makes me weak and fucked up?"
"Then there's your answer. Just cause you need some help don't mean nothing. Now, shut up and take a nap. We'll try again later, and if you still can't eat then we'll figure something out."
You nodded and stayed silent for a little while. "I love you, Dez."
"I love you too. y/n."
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badboodoodles · 3 months
my madness combat ocs that i hate pt. 2
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jhonen (he/they)
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cameron (they/them)
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Dez (he/him)
Jhonen and Dez hate Ashton. and each other. Cameron is the best thing ever made.
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please-be-mine-forever · 10 months
Warmth (Red Son x MK) (Angst)
This was actually inspired by one of @dez-ku 's ideas so props to them! I appreciate you for allowing me to use your idea and being able to write & post it TvT
TW! Angst, Mental Breakdown and Implied Character Death
Red Son stared at the dancing flame on his palm, a miniature representation of the one he had lost—MK. The flickering fire took on familiar contours, shaping itself into the image of his beloved. Red Son couldn't help but watch, his eyes reflecting the play of fire as it twirled on his hand, echoing the presence he so dearly missed.
Its fire gleamed and made a comforting crackling noise. The demon stared at it longingly; His luminous eyes reflected the fire and watched as it danced on his fingertips.
The fiery silhouette illuminated Red's distinct facial features, showing the puffiness of his eyes.
The silhouette was a painful reminder of what life truly is. Red Son loved MK profoundly, the only human being that made him open his eyes and that the world could offer so much more, so much love—but the reality of his absence lingered.
He longed for his presence, he hated how he dearly missed every aspect of his beloved mortal, even his corny puns or the way MK used to laugh so loudly that it would hurt his eardrums.
Oh, how he missed every inch of MK.
Even all the flaws, that irritated him.
The demon let out a bitter chuckle, it had been years since his untimely departure— time was such a cruel mistress.
Hot tears streamed down his cheeks before evaporating into steam. Oh how, he would give his soul to have his lover in his arms!
He trembled down as his knees shook, being crushed by his weight.
Pain and grief surged through him, the flames intensifying in response, seeping through the surroundings, consuming everything in its path.
The fire that was once on his palms, spread across the house, devouring pictures, gifts, and mementos shared with MK. Red Son's cries echoed in the fiery chaos, the pain of loss overwhelming him. Clenching the fabric over his chest, he felt the searing agony, the fire of grief burning as fiercely as the flames that now engulfed their shared home.
Amid the devastation, Red Son looked up, his tear-streaked eyes fixating on the vivid image of MK, replicated in the flames. It beckoned him with an outstretched hand as if urging him to rise. Red Son, hesitant yet desperate, reached out, finding solace in the warmth that didn't fade away this time.
Together, they let the house burn to ashes, the physical remnants of their shared life turning into memories consumed by the flames. Grief overwhelmed Red Son as he allowed both his internal and external worlds to be engulfed by the all-consuming fire.
He let the house burn to ashes, with him in it—the memories turning into ashes.
What was the point of trying to save it?
What even was the point of trying to save himself? It only gave him pain. Looking at the sweet little trinkets and knowing those stayed longer than his lover, what a bitter reminder. He cried out, letting out all his cries, his screams.
Red son couldn't live without him.
His throat hurt, it burned but he couldn't help it, he screamed out in pure agony.
The grief consumed his entire body, the same way as he allowed his flames to consume him all.
In the end, only fragments of memories remained, a poignant testament to a love that had been, and a pain that persisted even in the ashes of what was once their home.
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bolton-buried · 5 months
Took too long but here’s an OOC intro post I can pin. (It’s out of character because Harold wouldn’t think to write one.) You don’t have to read it to interact, but it contains some information on how I’m running this blog and on what’s happened so far. While the blog belongs to Harold—ostensibly—I may bring other characters into rp posts.
Putting it under the cut for space purposes.
General Character Info
Harold Bolton—call him Harry if you want. He’ll hate it but that’s 100% in character.
24, graduated art school in ‘22 after studying cinematography.
He/Him pronouns, in the “I really don’t care enough to turn off default settings” way.
An average-height man with dark hair and eyes, wearing a long, black trench coat and carrying a telescoping umbrella that he seldom opens. He is almost always dripping wet. He has a large nose, an idiosyncratic British accent, and consistently forgets to shave.
As far as paranormal phenomena, Harold doesn’t breathe and is constantly dripping wet—not just from the storm that follows him. His lungs and other organs are full of silt, making his voice come out gargled and making eating an impossibility.
Harold + other recurring characters from this blog.
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The Story So Far
Blood on the Ice
When Harold was 11, his father went on a hunting trip, during which he went mad and killed his companion, whose remains were seen as an empty husk of skin and a pile of cockroaches.
On his way back to the small town above Newcastle, he killed another person who the autopsy found had no internal organs.
When his father reached their home, he chased Harold out of the house with his rifle. Harold fell through the ice above a river and was pulled out downstream, unconscious. He believes the Buried marked him at this point.
Harold, now an adult, visited his father in prison and was told the man had been well-behaved. However, when Harold arrived, his father began yelling “You’re too close, I can’t breathe!” And pounding the glass until it splintered and his fist was bleeding.
An Angel in Harold’s inbox explained that his father had written letters while in prison, and they were withheld from Harold. He sent one to this blog, where Nicholas explains that when around monsters (people touched by the fears) he becomes murderous, leading Desmond to wonder if Harold was marked by the buried even before falling in the river.
In later letters from Nicholas, it’s revealed that on his hunting trip he experienced a vivid hallucination of being tackled by a wolf that attacked his heart, and that’s when this all began.
For Harold’s birthday, the Angel pulled strings to get Josie from the Bookend sent to Nicholas’ prison, where he killed her and escaped, chasing a trail of spiders.
Harold left London to stay with Dez’s brother in order to hide from Nicholas and Kieran (another hunter)
Check the tag (#HuntingHauntings saga).
Harold works for a ghost hunting show that he thinks is cheesy. Due to his large student debts, he can’t quit, despite doing all of the technical heavy lifting for Angie and Charlotte, the co-hosts.
An investigation into a supposedly haunted firing range revealed what Angie believed to be a rifle haunted by the ghosts of things it had killed. A spectral wolf appeared and chased Harold into the rain, where it dissipated.
When they went to film the next episode at the Bookend, they encountered 3 Leitners, one of which opened an emptiness into reality that both show hosts fell into
Harold took all three books and ran.
The show revamped with a focus on actual paranormal events after Harold saved Angie and Charlotte, with an episode on a mold-infested corner store, and the not-them.
Toe in the Water
Harold took the Leitners to Amelie, a librarian at the Magnus institute, and borrowed a book titled “Choke” while there.
By reading Choke, Harold learned about the existence of the Buried (though he knows it as Choke), and based on his observations, he deduced the existence of an opposing force, which he has dubbed Adrift.
Based on interactions between Amelie and the Unholy Bible and the blue book and the rain, Harold reasons that these two forces can be used to counter each other.
After interviewing at the Magnus institute, Harold identified a new pair of fears, which he called the Known and Unseen—rudimentary versions of the Eye and Dark.
After a first outing to retrieve a painting that caused things around it to bleed, his theories spat out another pair of opposing forces: Blood and Decay. Faye corrected his names for the Buried and Vast.
After a dream while drowning laid the fears out for him, and a post from Amelie gave them names, Harold lined them up with each other.
Falling Up
During the events of the Bookend, Charlotte and Angie fell into a hole pulled into reality by a Leitner.
Harold reasons that since matter cannot be created nor destroyed and their bodies didn’t drop, they must still be inside the book. He feels guilty for abandoning them and he needs to get them out.
When speaking with Faye, they confirmed that the Vast doesn’t tend to kill its victims.
Harold took the blue book up to Yorkshire and jumped into the Bolton Strid with it, drowning himself and saving the book’s victims in the course of becoming a full avatar of the buried.
He had a dream in the Strid where he experienced 14 of the fears and ran from each in turn, before falling to the Buried and finding comfort in it.
He called an ambulance for the victims, and they are well on their way to a full recovery, with Angie and Charlotte back in London.
The footage of this event, recorded on his camera, is deeply marked by the buried and causes a claustrophobic feeling when viewed. Harold is alone in thinking it’s beautiful.
The Crushing Storm
Tagged (#the crushing storm saga)
Since Harold’s senior year finals week it has been raining on him. He doesn’t mind it that much, but the havoc it wreaks on some of his personal belongings irritates him.
For the third time, rainwater has begun to leak through his flat ceiling, and he anticipates the apartment flooding (again) and needing to move.
When compelled to answer a question about his mental state, the rain let up slightly when he let the weight off his chest, but came back just as heavily when he denied his answer a moment later.
Harold has deduced that the rains are a manifestation of Choke.
The puddles forming in the rain give Harold access to cramped underwater tunnels, which drag him to places where the Buried is strong—or where it wants him to be.
Harold realized that other people were falling into his tunnels through a statement an institute worker gave him. After he started pushing people in himself, his powers developed further, allowing him to control if the storm is real or only visible to him, and have a bit more control navigating the caverns.
Boltzmann’s Brain
At the Bookend, Angie read the two annotated papers by Robert Kirk that made up a Leitner and became convinced that she is the only real person in existence.
When Angie emerged from the book, this effect was still in place. She is rude and frightened, and Harold is struggling to talk her out of Solipsism.
She attempted to steal a bunch of lapis from a crystal shop, meaning to use it to enhance her “psychic abilities”. She was arrested and when Harold paid her bail, she mellowed out, realizing that even if people are fake, her experience of the consequences are not.
A Stranger Streamer
Harold won a giveaway to see one of his favorite twitch streamers (d.parfit.plays (fictional)) in a private Q&A
Desmond recognized Harold from his HuntingHauntings work and arranged a meetup for coffee. Tea in Harold’s case.
They began dating, and Harold’s attempts to keep it private blew up when he accidentally hugged Desmond during a livestream.
Dez used Harold’s phone to run a Q&A, mentioning that he’s been streaming the video of Harold drowning, because he knows it feeds Harold.
As Hunting Hauntings rebooted, Dez added supplementals to each video, explaining that he was being followed, and investigating into the Angel.
During a stream, Dez was attacked by the notthem, which managed to convince Harold the screams were just a prank.
Eight-Legged Angel
While Harold was confused of an aspect of the powers, he got an ask explaining it in terms he understood, signed “an angel”—only this ask was sent in before he mentioned the issue aloud.
Harold received several taunting messages from this angel, leading to it revealing that it has the letters his father wrote in prison, and while it will send the first one for free, to get the others, Harold will need to do exactly what it says.
The Angel had Harold find two statements in the archives, pointing him to the NotThem and the moldy corner store that became the first two episodes.
On Interacting with This Blog
I intend to have some posts that are like, actual narrative rp, and some which are in-universe posts. Please don’t respond to an in-universe post like it’s narrative rp or vice versa. If you do I will ignore it.
I will not rp a romance with someone I am not actually romantically involved with. Light flirting will usually be fine, but it will not be reciprocated and I will not hesitate to say you’re going too far.
If you’d like to approach me in DMs to plan out story arcs involving both our characters, they are open. I will not rp in DMs.
I will also not rp in post tags, those are simply for meta blog organization.
If my character is upset, that does not mean I am upset. If I am upset, I will say so in tags or DMs, not in the body of a post.
Feel free to tag me in chains and ask games and such, I might not interact on all of them, but I’ll probably see it.
The One Behind the Curtain
Names are all made up in the first place. Why do you want mine? So you can moan it? That’s gay.
I’m 20. Really not sure what else to put here since I, as a person, am pretty irrelevant to this blog as a whole.
Mountain Time so if I’m not responding, check the hour. I’m probably asleep or at work.
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cljordan-imperium · 2 years
You have entered the domain of the all powerful AUTHOR GODDESS...AKA...Your Eccentric Southern Gothic Creole Auntie who is full of sass and isn't afraid to tell it to you straight. *blows kiss*
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48 - Female - Mother of 1 Human Kidlet & 2 Feline Goddesses - Work Full Time - Published Short Stories
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I am a female writer on the Gulf Coast of the United States, currently residing in the state of Mississippi near the amazing city of New Orleans. I have lived in both Louisiana and Mississippi and the culture of the bayou areas runs through my blood. I have one adult son, who is the light of my life, and a cat who thinks she is the goddess of it. The stories that are currently being published to Tumbler are the continuation of roleplays and solo writing that I have been writing for over 20 years; and that I decided to continue sharing with everyone. Some characters have intricate and elaborate backstories which I will unfold for you. Some are new and you will learn about as they reveal themselves to me. I hope you all enjoy.
Some call me a free spirit, I call me...me. It took me years to become comfortable in who I am, so I judge no one else. We all have our own journeys. I am here to support everyone else on theirs, so maybe they won't have to take as long to be able to love themselves. I prefer not to talk much about my disabilities because I don't want them to define me, but am also open about them when asked or to help others come to terms with their own.
I love purple and sparkles, and I'll probably die petting something I shouldn't. Being as I live on the Gulf Coast, I might also be eaten by it, and that is fine. Life is a circle and we're all part of it.
Feel free to visit my inbox and ask box. I promise I do not bite unless asked.
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GENERAL TRIGGER WARNINGS - I am going to post this here and also on appropriate stories where they happen - Also, not all of my characters are meant to be liked or sympathetic. Feel free to literally hate them and let your opinions change if the characters do, some of them WILL evolve over time.
All of my stories are FICTION and NOT REAL.
There are themes of: fantasy, evil, demons, angels, religion, blood, viscera, evisceration, gore, swearing, slavery, manipulation, ptsd, emotional manipulation, dv, sa, abuse, death, hell, torture, violence, war, fighting, anger, injury, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, physical abuse, guns, police, witchcraft, .
~may be updated later if I think of more that fit~
Please know that I have 14 Active WIPS here (not including the individual stories in The Imperium Chronicles)
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MASTER LIST - Updated 7/23
The Imperium Chronicles
Flash Fiction Friday 3.3.23
3/10/23 - Flash Fiction Friday - Celestial Bodies
April Fool's In Imperium
Meeting Jasper
Moodboards of Characters
Back To The 20's
Character Theme Song
OC Name Meaning/Reason Tag
Writing Questions Tag
Characters as Comfort Foods
Fav Character(s) to Write
Magical Objects in Imperium
WIP Drinking Game
Foretelling/Prophecy in My Writing
Government in My Stories
Types of Side Characters
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@the-andromeda-effect - In Greek Mythology Andromeda was sacrificed by her parents to save their kingdom from Poseidon's wrath after her mother offended him, but Perseus saves her from death by a Krackon and takes her to his kingdom to be his Queen. Mircea (Meer-cha) Kalavati wasn't sacrificing his wife to appease a god, or bring peace to his clan, he was doing it to start a war with another. His mistake when he hired Caliban Andros was lying to him about why he wanted her rescued, then killed to look like those who had kidnapped her had done it. Never lie to your hitman. Now, like Perseus to Andromeda, Caliban has rescued Riona Kalavati and something is drawing him to the woman. He will kill to keep her safe, and her husband is going to regret that lie for what remaining life he has left. Now as Adira Andros, she is definitely Caliban's Queen, and his "army" has rallied around her.
@battlegroundofdreams - Morpheus & Melinoe are Dream Assassins, sent into the minds of sleeping human dreamers to take out Nightmares who can kill the dreamers. They have been trained and are the best at what they do. Put together as unwilling partners, they must learn to work together to keep one another alive. As they try to navigate a tentative partnership, they also take on the responsibility of becoming mentors to Lorien and Rua, a pair of recently graduated Dream Assassins who were almost killed by one of the most powerful Nightmares that any of them have ever faced. If the pairs cannot learn to work together, it could lead to disaster for them all. They will all learn more about themselves, and each other. Once lone wolves, they will become a pack, and one that Nightmares will come to fear. However, a Dream Assassin turned Nightmare from Morpheus' past will come and threaten them all, and test his will and loyalty. His decisions will either save Melinoe's life, or damn all four of them.
@bayouwitches (Heaven & Arthur Shelby belong to @call-sign-shark)
@behindthesemasks - Melania LaVeau is a professor at LSU in Baton Rouge. She is also the grandaughter of Ambrose Meyers, one of the most powerful men in the country and the daughter of Marie LaVeau...yes THAT Marie LaVeau! Old money, going back to when the Gautier family came over from France to settle in New Orelans, there isn't much that goes on in Louisiana or Mississippi that they don't have their hands in. Meyers Worldwide, a tech conglomerate is a cover for underworld activities that will eventually come to light. What happens when someone decides to cross the most powerful, and immortal, Queen of Voodo and threaten one of her children? Will New Orleans be left standing? If you are a fan of Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider, or The LIbrarians, the story is in the same veign. All of the characters are human, but there are supernatural occurrences around them
@bendingthelaws - Colin Masterson is the Cook Count State's Attorney. He has been on a mission to take down the head of a Chicago crime conglomerate that is headed by Constantin Rakeovich. Now someone has kidnapped his intern and is sending her back to him in tiny pieces. Is it Constantin? Is it another one of the people that Colin has crossed? Now he and those he trusts are going to have to figure it out before someone else disappears or is hurt. Complicating matters is that his brother, Colton Masterson is Constantin's defense attorney. The brothers have never been close, but in this situation, things take a much darker turn. Will Colton stand by his brother or his client? And what happens when something bigger happens and puts everyone Colin cares about in the crosshairs? If you are a fan of Law & Order, or any of those types of shows, this is much in the same vein and will involve more than just the lawyers. All characters are human. There is no supernatural beings or magic. Some places are going to be fictional, but the main setting is the city of Chicago.
@devil-in-the-details-ay - When Lucifer's daughter Yara gets bored and wants to intern for the Lord of Death, Astaroth, her father agrees. After their first meeting, the Devil changes the plans once more. Deciding to make Yara someone else's problem, she is now to be Astaroth's wife. Navigating this challenge, and those who will come against them both will reveal a lot about each other, and themselves. Is the Princess really as spoiled and entitled as she seems? Is Astaroth really the iceberg incarnate that he seems? Is she even who she believes herself to be? And what happens when someone decides to try to interfere in their relationship?
Princess Adelia has been contracted to marry Prince Emery, but a revelation at her arrival at King Branoc’s Palace has the possibility of throwing this arrangement in jeopardy. Things in the Palace of Annisgwyl are not as they seem. Betrayal and deception are around every corner. Knight Drach, Princess Adelia's sworn protector must ensure that no harm befalls her, but it seems he may have some secrets of his own. Some Kings will fall, one will rise, but who & will he be alone?
@magical-mistakes-vm - Vollrath, the Master Warlock of the local Coven, encounters Mahala (Mah-HAY-lah) preparing to do a ritual on his land. Her mistakes in not being careful in preparations allowed him to find her, but it also set up events in the future that they will need the help of his best friends Baldur and Elmar to deal with. A witch that has no clue what she is and a Master Warlock who is not used to letting people close have to navigate revelations that will change both their lives, and possibly even the Coven. When his brother, Balor, an equally powerful warlock within the Coven who he has been at odds with for years, also shows up and it is clear will be needed, it just adds one more complexity to the situation. Can they all get along to keep each other safe, or will one of them fall to those who are coming against them?
@mystsoftime - As Rome burned, Pluto plucked the first soul that would become one of his Lemures to survive more than a century. In fact, that Lemure is still alive today. Enzo is considered the head of the Lemures worldwide, although he isn't really. He's just the oldest one still alive, so those younger look to him for guidance. His best friend is Dante, who was plucked under Justinian, and close to that is Trevarius who died under Hannibal. Dante and Trevarius have been a team for several centuries, mostly operating in the Midwest since the 1800's.
With Dante in Prague, Enzo received what he thought was a summons from Pluto to come to St. Louis and help the Lemure team there with a case. What he walks into is going to turn the world of not only the three men, but the female Lemure there upside down. Renata died in 1897 when a carriage accident plunged her into the Mississippi River in St. Louis. She's served with Dante and Trevarius ever since. The only problem? She's the doppelganger of Enzo's dead wife. Oh, and she and Dante are in love.
One more little hitch...the summons wasn't from Pluto...and she might NOT be a Lemure....
@nightmare-magic - Set in the future of both Magical Mistakes and Battleground of Dreams in an AU - so some spoilers and some not as nothing is set in stone for either timeline
Vollrath has never met a problem he can't magic his way out of, that is until now. With nightmares torturing his wife, Mahala, he's at a loss on what to do. Neither of his best friends, his brother, or any of their wives, are able to do anything to help either. Each night the dreams are getting worse, and even more dire, they are starting to have physical effects.
Morpheus and Melinoe are a Dream Assassin team to be reckoned with and have taken over the whole organization. After the sins of the past were revealed, Krios and Andromeda were ousted and now they run the show. A formidable team in the dream world and also in life, they have cemented their relationship in all ways.
Vollrath and Morpheus have a history. Magic and dreams shouldn't cross. There are rules, but neither Vollrath nor Morpheus obey them well. They've both stepped on each other's toes, but now to save Mahala they are going to have to work together and the only one that may be able to negotiate peace is Melinoe, if she can stand Vollrath long enough to do it...
@princess-of-thieves-id - Princess Inara is set to marry Prince Diyan the next day, a man she has never met or even set eyes on. Ever defiant, that is the last thing she is going to do. Deciding to thwart her father's plans, the Princess slips out of the castle and sets to escape. Little does she know that the Prince's family sent Arik, the Prince's best friend and a trained assassin, to watch over her, fearing more that she would be murdered by enemies rather than escape. One thing that Arik knows is that Diyan doesn't want to marry Inara either, so instead of stopping her, he helps her with a promise to keep her safe if she stays with him. They make it to the next town, which is a port and aboard a vessel that is just preparing to depart in an effort to stay one step ahead of the soldiers now searching for Inara. Unbeknownst them, they have just become stow-aways on a pirate ship. Complicating things further is that Arik and the Captain of the ship are not strangers, and when a romance develops between Inara and Arik and the Captain deciding he would like her for his own, things become even more complicated. Not to mention all three of them are being hunted by multiple kingdoms. Nothing like a quiet day on the sea, right?
@tapperhet-em - When Princess Meeri's father is deposed by his brother, he believes she was part of the coup, and disowns her as his family flees the country. Lucky for her, she is found by one of the knights she befriended in childhood and is still loyal to her, Einar, before her uncle did. A members of nobility, he and three of his friends spirit her off into hiding where they can plan to figure out who set her up, help her rebuild a life apart from royalty, and decide how to bring about justice. Can the seeming unrequited love of Einar for Meeri turn into more? Or will one of his brothers in arms, cut him off from that possibility? And how close was/is the traitor to Meeri? Sometimes safe isn't as safe as you think...and destiny, it's more than just a lofty ideal. She is a bitch sometimes, and she will find you.
@whileyouwait-dm - Sorting algorithms are a part of daily life. But, what happens when one goes wrong? For the most part, it's no big deal. However, when the one sorting souls in the afterlife goes wrong, it is a VERY BIG DEAL!
Somehow Miriana has ended up in Hell. Djall's Hell to be exact, and no one is quite sure where she's actually supposed to be! Since all of the major gods have fucked off on some "team building" thing, she's going to be there a while. So, Djall being the benevolent ruler of Hell, puts her up in his home and gives her a job..
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Support, Trigger Warning, and Separation Banners on this and all side/reblogs are work of @cafekitsune. I try to credit them as I go, but crediting here as well in case I forget.
Author Goddess Banner - @cillmequick <3
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lostusagis · 4 months
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@lachrymosestorm asked: “How do I look?” // It's bikini time Kamui~
Send “How do I look?” for my muse to react to seeing your muse in a swim suit
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''Really seems like you get more beautiful every single day.'' Kamui says upon seeing his girlfriend in her bikini. He couldn't help but find Dez to be gorgeous no matter what she wore. No matter how far into the pregnancy it was, the opinion wouldn't change. His gaze looked over her form, and he couldn't help but love what he saw.
''Hmmm, is it just me or did your breasts get a little bigger? Oh, that'll be nice for when I decide to grope you. Or maybe I'll do more than that to them later, they get sore during pregnancy right? Gotta make sure I help out with that as much as possible.''
As usual, his thoughts and intentions were not pure in the slightest.
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cornmealor · 1 year
Here folks have more au stuff
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The 4 main bosses(Gonna do the au ver of Pizzaface soon)
I’ll rant about them later
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(Changed Theos design a bit also they have a kid)
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Wip (don’t know if I should still tag it as antonblast tho)
So gonna rant about the bosses:
First is Mr.Pepper who is a cop, he isn’t the best one but he’s trying his best to stop crime anyway he can. He’s close friends with Director and Skatter(well he’s not the best friends with her but can tolerate her because Direct is her best friend).
When he first encountered Gunther and Rick he’s under the impression that their criminals (thanks to a certain someone) so his first instinct is to try and stop the duo.
(Off to the next boss)
Second is The Director who’s well a film maker and wants to get on the big screen. His dream is to become know by a lot of people for making amazing movies but he has a short temper and lashes out a lot.
The only people he’s chill around is Skater and Mr.Pepper. He REALLY doesn’t like Gunther (he doesn’t like Rick either but he definitely hates Gunther). He only tolerates Theodore along with Pepperika, he did hire them to be actors but fired them immediately.
Third Is Hazey Skatter (Ik Skater is spelled wrong). She’s extremely ecstatic and energetic, she’s a fast talker and is jittery. She likes to bother Gunther because she thinks that their friends ( their not ).
She gets along with Pepperika, the two sometimes hang out and Pepperika even babysits Dez. She loves Theodore and they are a stupid energetic couple who loves their son.
Director is her best friend and they make it known, Director often lets her chill on the set and even lets her be a guest star on set.
Finally there’s Gus
Gus is a weird robot that often stays in the vents and usually spectate others from a distance. It’s voice consists of different peoples voices because it usually mimics voices and uses that to form his own sentences
It is extremely skittish and hides a lot. Pepperika was able to convince Gunther to let Gus stay because he felt really bad for it and even saw that It was just like Gunther is someway. Gunther doesn’t like Gus but he doesn’t hate him as much as before, Rick is scared of It and doesn’t like being near it.
(That’s all for now folks)
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kudzucataclysm · 2 months
How does Desmond feel about Francis’s family and visa versa?
desmond abt francis’s family:
franks family consists around possibly a couple million individuals worldwide as of 2005- every single chimera that exists in Necropolis has a 1/4 chance of being a direct half sibling of hers lmao, so it’s just assumed that every chimera is her family…and desmond absolutely finds them fascinating from a biological perspective. hes especially found that azelfafage being her dad is kind of INTERESTING?? and def sad in a way. he’s also lowkey jealous but he doesn’t acknowledge that feeling lol (her never having met her dad/never having a relationship with him). i still have to figure out how his initial reaction to oz is but in arc 2 i distinctly know that dez feels kinda sorry for him after certain events/breakdowns/crashouts LMFAO. he hates thursday for sure, go ahead and jot that down
francis abt desmond’s family:
francis thinks jerome is a wimp and finds his constant “invasive” questions about her to dez very annoying- he’s ultimately very irrelevant to her. upon meeting desmond’s dad however? she doesn’t really hide her anger about the whole situation and even offers to kill him for desmond, which he’s very much against…which she’s like “ok fine, i won’t, for YOU” about…but then STUFF HAPPENS :))) and dez actively begins to consider things…
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