#did i disappear off the face of the earth for two years? yes
isalisewrites · 3 days
“Harry Potter.” The cold burrowed into his flesh, the scent of cloying death and molding earth clogged his senses.
“The Boy Who Lived.”
A strange sense of loss and disappointment rose within him. That brilliant, yet cruel boy could’ve been so much more if he’d not stepped down this bloodied path.
Terrible, but great. He pitied this creature.
“Come to die.”
Harry Potter faced the flash of green light with the bravery of a Gryffindor and the broken heart of a Hufflepuff.
When Death gives Harry a third option, one that can save everyone he ever cared about, he takes it unflinchingly. Even when that means doing the impossible: falling in love with the enemy, Tom Riddle.
Sebastian leaned forward in his seat. “You don’t think it’s Grindelwald, do you?” he asked with a frown. “Could a dark lord control them?”
“He didn’t say,” said Simon. “He did say that occasionally one or two of them will float out to sea before coming back, but…” Simon met Tom’s gaze, a dark look entering his eyes. “About six to seven of them have gone missing. They can’t find them and they have no idea what happened to them.”
“Fuck,” said Harry, growing pale. He rubbed his face with his hands. “Fuck.”
“Well, that can’t be good, yeah?” said Roland, glancing around the group.
Alphard shook his head. “The dementors aren’t supposed to leave Azkaban. They’re under ministry control or at least that’s what the public assumes.” He sighed. “However, the agreement between the ministry and the dementors is a delicate, fragile one. The dementors could turn on us at any time when they’ve found a better source of food.”
“Why is your father informing you of this?” asked Tom. “This shouldn’t affect us, should it?”
“The issue is their numbers are dropping faster than he realized,” said Simon. “He said even more might disappear or go missing. He’s advised us to practice the patronus charm as much as possible.”
“The patronus charm?” said Quintus. “But that’s not to be taught until the end of our sixth year. That’s advanced magic. He can’t think they’ll come here, do you?”
William shrugged. “There are plenty of towns and cities between Hogwarts and Azkaban, so he doubted it, but he still wanted us to practice. They’re going to alert the public soon and the staff of Hogwarts. Problem is I can barely conjure even a bit of some proper mist as a seventh year and most of you lot haven’t covered it yet.”
“He also said we should be on alert and always keep some chocolate on hand.”
Sebastian shook his head. “Chocolate, that I can do, but learning the patronus charm is out of the question.”
“Why?” asked Harry. “I’ve seen you duel in class. You’re strong enough.”
A number of Slytherins snorted.
“Strength is not the issue,” said Tom softly.
“Harry, it’s a light spell,” drawled Sebastian. “I was casting dark magic when I was five years old.”
“What does that have anything to do with it?”
“It doesn’t like dark magic,” said Marcus. “And I’d prefer to not die a horrible death by maggots.”
Harry rolled his eyes. “I’ve done a dark spell or two and I can cast it.”
“Come off it,” said Sebastian. He shook his head, while the others shifted with interest. “We all know you’re powerful, Harry, but the patronus charm is a different brand of magic. Most sixth years never master it and like Will said, he can’t do much of anything even in his seventh year. Hell, a lot of adults can’t cast it.”
Harry lifted a defiant eyebrow and pulled out his wand. A little chill of thrill ghosted up Tom’s spine. Harry… you can’t be telling us that you can cast the patronus charm… can you? 
He was powerful, yes. Tom had witnessed that power firsthand. He’d seen Harry’s mastery of wandless magic, of wordless magic. It came to him with ease. But a light spell of this caliber? That was something else entirely.
But Harry regularly proved himself to be extraordinary.
“Expecto Patronum,” whispered Harry.
Light pulsed.
White light glowed, power filling the room. Soft gasps rippled through the group. The blinding, glorious light flooded the dimly lit dorm room, chasing away the shadows in the corners. A misty stag stood tall in front of Tom. The stag dipped his head closer to him and Tom reached out, but the stag vanished. 
It left Tom bereft.
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prosciuttulipa · 2 years
"Prosciutto," It carries itself over into the kitchen, where a blond man works at the counter, knife stalling. "I'm home."
He knows he has every right to be mad. The culprit comes into view, surprisingly quiet and composed. From what Prosciutto remembers of her, she would've made a ruckus, tripping over ten things and herself before making it to him. But it has been two years. A lot can happen in two years.
She looks friendly but tired, and her smile has dulled, like she's been through something difficult, and is still crawling her way out. "I'm sorry I've been away," and the words are tender and wonderful (he'd almost forgotten her voice). "How have you been? Taking care of yourself?"
Silence fills up the space as they take a moment to orient themselves. They've been apart, but that doesn't mean they've been unaware. He has felt her change, knows how parts of him no longer fit against her as well as they did. She knows he's felt the push and pull between them, how she occasionally crawls into his arms at night and disappears in the morning, a dream to the both of them.
And yet. She laughs slightly, and the cadence is the same. Right on cue, he finds himself smiling at the sound.
Times have changed the two of them, but enough of them has stayed. He chops up the rest of his ingredients, throws it in the frying pan. "How about staying for dinner?"
The pan sizzles, oil popping like fireworks. "I'd love that."
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suugarbabe · 1 year
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Softer Side
Pairing: Mattheo Ridde x Ravenclaw y/n
Warning: Fluff
When others asked, you told them you weren’t sure when it happened. You weren’t sure when you stopped thinking Mattheo was just an ignorant prick and instead started defending him when others brought up his name in conversation. But you knew exactly when it happened, and you wanted to keep it to yourself. You liked being one of the only ones to see the soft side of Mattheo.
You’d seen him straighten up the Slytherin table after the rest of his friends left for class, stacking plates and straightening goblets when he thought no one else was paying attention. You saw him help Madam Pince in the library a few times as well. You swore it was a detention until you heard her thanking him for volunteering his time again at the end of the week. However your favorite soft Mattheo moment was the first time you witnessed it. Whether it was his actions in the moment, or your interaction with him afterwards was an internal debate you continued to have with yourself to this day.
The first was purely on accident. You were cutting through the courtyard to get to transfiguration on time. You were already running late and McGonagall was not going to go easy on you if you showed up after her again. You noticed two students in the corner of the courtyard, a male seemingly having a female pinned against one of the pillars.
As you got closer, you noticed none other than Adrian Pucey trapping a poor third year, whispering in her ear. Her face was contorted in disgust as she tried to squirm away from him. You were about to shout at him to leave her alone when he was suddenly shoved to the ground. You stopped dead in your tracks and watched as Mattheo knelt down next to Pucey, a hand on his throat as he threatened the boy through gritted teeth. “Guys like you are the scum of the fucking earth, Pucey,” he spat. “If I ever see you trap another girl like that again, you’re fucking done for, ya hear me?”
Pucey nodded his head the best he could as Mattheo’s hand was still on his throat, holding him to the ground. Mattheo released him and Pucey quickly got up and scurried away down the nearest corridor. Mattheo stood up, straightening his robes before turning back to the young girl. “Are you okay, darling, did he hurt you?” You had never seen him speak so softly and reassuring to someone before. You had to blink a few times to make sure you were still seeing the same man before you. The girl shook her head no in response before Mattheo patted her shoulder and encouraged her to head to class.
“Well, that was interesting,” you spoke up, slight smirk on your face. Mattheo’s head whipped around at your voice, you could’ve sworn his cheeks were slightly pink as well. He stood still as you walked closer to him. “Who knew big bad Mattheo Riddle would save strangers like a knight in shining armor,” you said, patting his chest mockingly. Mattheo rolled his eyes, “Pucey is walking dragon shit, everyone knows it.” You laughed lightly, nodding in agreement, starting to walk past him but he followed, quickly keeping pace with you as you walked down the corridor.
“Were you at least impressed by my heroic efforts, y/n?” He threw his arm around your shoulder as he walked. It was your turn to roll your eyes, “Oh, yes, Mattheo, I just loved watching you choke out the slimiest member of your house.” You playfully pushed his arm off you as you turned the corner leading to your classroom. He quickly grabbed your hand, spinning you back around to face him, your chests a mere few inches apart.
As you opened your mouth to protest, Mattheo leaned down to whisper in your ear, “Yannow I never pegged Ravenclaws to be into choking, but if you wanna explore that fantasy I can give you my common room password.” Your breath hitched in your throat for a moment before pushing him back. Mattheo just chucked lightly before giving you a wink and a Cheshire grin, disappearing behind the corner.
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cryptidghostgirl · 7 months
Heya! I just found you and I knew that I immediately had to put in a request!! May I ask for Alastor x chubby reader?? With hurt and comfort?? Where a random demon makes her feel bad for being chubby and Alastor comforts her AND CONFESSES that he's in love with her 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️ and then in true Alastor fashion he rips the demon apart for making reader feel bad PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
A/N of course!! this is good vibes. yes. 11/10 for the adorable scale. I've been writing so much angst,, the fluff request is so welcome. ALSO THIS GIF I FOUND FOR THE IMAGE OF THIS STORY IS SO CUTE WTF.
Sweet (Alastor x Chubby!Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: Hurt//comfort, tw for body image stuff/issues, gore but make it cute, uh... fluff. Sickeningly sweet fluff. Extra TW body image stuff. May or may not have channeled some of my ten years experience with eds into this one besties, sorry about that.
Word Count: 3,330
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
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The truth of it was: Y/n knew exactly how pretty she was. That didn't keep it from hurting when people made unprovoked, snide remarks about her weight. More than one thing can be true at the same time.
She was kind of used to it by now. People in the human world had been rude on occasion, she'd had doctors occasionally act discriminatorily towards her because of her weight, a shitty date or partner or two who told her to lose it, but it had been nothing in comparison to Hell. It was Hell after all, home to the worst of the worst. Y/n tried to toughen up, thicken her skin. After a life on earth and another fifteen years down below she couldn't help but feel like it shouldn't hurt anymore. It still always did.
This one had been particularly bad. Y/n had stepped out of the hotel, intent on meeting a friend for lunch. She'd gotten all dressed up for it too, in her favorite outfit with her makeup done all pretty. She hadn't just felt good stepping out, she'd known she was hot. There had been a spring in her step and a coy smile on her face as she lowered her heart shaped sunglasses from the top of her head.
Five minutes, four blocks. That's all it took.
"Jesus, who let you outside in that?" the man had laughed, "Cover that shit up, I'm gonna vomit."
Y/n had sent her friend a text, saying she wasn't feeling well. She had apologized and asked to reschedule. Y/n had gone home.
Angel Dust had tried to approach her as she had stormed into the lobby but, she had brushed him off, rushing to her room. Y/n hand't meant to be rude. She had every intention of finding him later to apologize, the tears had just been pressing hotly behind her eyes and she needed to be alone. She loved Angel, trusted him, through of him as a brother but god, she did not want to cry in front of him. Not right now anyways, not over something so... so... stupid.
Y/n slammed the door to her room harshly behind her as she entered it, throwing herself onto the bed and burying her face in the pillow. In the comfort of pinks and piles of stuffed animals, she sobbed.
It wasn't even the comment that was getting to her anymore, although it had been a particularly awful one. No, what was upsetting her now was how she'd let it get to her. She felt stupid and weak and more than anything in the world she just wanted to rip the clothes off her body along with her skin and disappear from the physical world.
Her shoulders shook harshly, the pillow now damp. She was sure her makeup was a mess but didn't care. It wasn't like anyone was going to see her anyways, not until tomorrow at least. Y/n was trying to get redeemed but she wasn't trying to get made fun of. If she could keep this to herself, she was going to.
It wasn't that she didn't trust the others in the hotel. Y/n actually trusted them more than about anyone she'd met in Hell up to this point. They were kind and caring, invested in themselves and one another even if they pretended they weren't. There was just the fear. There was always the fear, the internal need for perfection, to show no weakness.
Almost as if the universe was fucking with her, as if it could tell exactly what she didn't want, there was a knock at the door. Y/n groaned audibly into the pillow. Of course, just when she wanted to be left alone. The knock came again and she slowly sat up, still sniffling and hurriedly wiping her eyes.
"Uh, yeah." she called, trying her best to keep her voice from trembling and praying she didn't look too much of a mess even if it was probably just Charlie or Angel, "It's open. Sorry."
Y/n's eyes widened slightly in shock as Alastor opened the door. Out of everyone in the hotel, he was probably the person she knew the least. She made the effort of course. Despite knowing his status and his history, she tried to play nice and make friends. It was he who avoided her, not the other way around.
To be perfectly honest, Alastor made Y/n a bit nervous. It wasn't because of his reputation. They were in Hell for heaven's sake, everyone had one of those. No, it was the way her heart beat a little faster when he was in the room. It was the way that every time she looked at him, she secretly hoped she'd catch him looking at her too.
Alastor had never been in Y/n's room before. It was all satin and pink and lace. He couldn't help but think it suited her to a t. It was all perfect, she was perfect. Except here she was crying, just as Angel had said she might be.
What had happened was this: Alastor had over heard Angel saying something to Husk. They were at the bar, Angel was drinking as always, and saying he was worried about Y/n. Alastor had pressed and when Alastor pressed, he always got his way. Apparently Y/n had come back to the hotel mere minutes after having left to go get lunch with a friend. Angel said she had seemed really agitated, genuinely upset.
That had made Alastor angry. Not normal angry more delicate than that, more minute. It made him upset, he hurt for Y/n in her theoretical pain. He wasn't used to this whole feeling things thing. His body on autopilot, Alastor himself had been surprised when he found himself before her door, poised to knock.
Y/n watched him, her eyes glassy and her cheeks flushed. There were dark circles of mascara beneath her eyes that matched the stains on her pillow behind her and her pretty dress had a few wrinkles in it.
"Whatever is the matter, my dear?" Alastor asked, stepping fully in to the room.
"Oh, nothing." Y/n tried to brush him off, looking away towards the window as she pulled a stuffed animal into her lap.
It was her trembling lip that gave her away. Alastor let the door fall shut behind him. Y/n turned as she felt the bed dip beside her, her mouth slightly open.
"I would advise you not to lie to me."
He hadn't meant for it to sound like that. He saw the way Y/n stiffened instinctually at his words, at his tone. Alastor didn't know how to exist in a non threatening way, its how he'd lived his whole life in this world and the one before it. It was how he protected himself. He took a breath.
"What I mean," he slowly corrected himself, "is that you don't need to lie. I..."
He cleared his throat, uncomfortable with the way he was forcing himself to be honest. Honesty was, however, the only option. He saw the way Y/n's gaze was distant, her body tense. For the first time in his life, he wanted to help someone else. It was strange. Alastor submitted himself to the oddity of it all, the discomfort. It was his gift to her.
"I'm here to help."
"I..." Y/n trailed off, big wet tears pooling in her eyes, "It's nothing. I'm okay, really. It's stupid."
With a gentleness that surprised both of them, Alastor lifted a hand to her face, wiping a stray tear. He held it on the tip of his finger before his eyes, examining the way a jeweler would a diamond.
"If it's upsetting you this deeply, it's not stupid."
That was the last straw. Y/n, unable to hold herself back any longer, collapsed into his chest. Her body shook with sobs. Alastor held his arms out, unsure of what to do with them. It took him a second to comply with her unspoken request, wrapping them around her. He found himself rubbing small circles on her back, trying to soothe her.
There was a reason Alastor avoided Y/n and it was that the demoness made him feel things. Things he was unaccustomed to feeling, things that felt dangerous in their warmth and care. Bubbly little things that got caught in his chest and tied up his tongue. If he had thought about his actions, he wouldn't have come to her side but he hadn't and so, here he was. This was all unknown territory, he felt blind and alone in the dark. Alastor didn't like that.
They stayed like that for several minutes until Y/n was finally able to regain some control of her breathing. She calmed herself methodically, as if it was a ritual she was well practiced in. Alastor found himself wondering how many times she had felt like this, reacted to something in her life like this, and had no one there to hold her. He didn't like that thought. He couldn't decide what was worse, if no one ever had been there or if there was someone else who she wanted in times like this, someone other than him. Someone better, more well versed in the delicate intricacies of emotion.
She lifted herself from his chest, his arms falling from her back to his sides as she wiped the last few stray tears.
"I'm sorry." she half laughed, "I don't know what came over me... and I've ruined your suit."
Alastor looked down. There were indeed black stains from her running makeup on his jacket. Normally such a thing would irritate him to no end, anger him even. It was Y/n who had made them however and so, he didn't care. He turned back to her, shaking his head slightly.
"Nothing a wash can't fix. Now, why don't you tell me what happened?"
"It's stupid." Y/n shook her head, her eyes finding her hands in her lap.
She still held the stuffed animal there, a rabbit. She fiddled with it's ears absent mindedely, twisting them and rubbing them in a practiced manner.
"Y/n." Alastor gently warned and she sighed.
"It's just... something someone said to me. That's all."
Alastor's brow furrowed slightly at the notion.
"What did they say? Who was it?"
The words had fallen from him quicker than he had meant them to, more earnestly. He was grateful Y/n seemed to stuck in her own world to notice such a thing.
"Just some asshole making a comment about my weight. Saying that I shouldn't wear what I wear, saying the sight of me made them nauseous. The normal dickwad stuff. I should be used to it by now, I've been chubby all my life but... I don't know. It still just makes me want to disappear. To rip myself apart by the fistful, you know?"
Y/n looked up at Alastor when he didn't respond, her cheeks red with embaressment.
"I told you, it's du-"
"Who the fuck said it?" he asked through gritted teeth, trying his best to remain calm.
"Alastor, it's fine." Y/n sighed, "I don't know why you're getting so worked up about it. Like I said, I've heard it all before."
She made to turn back to the plushie in her lap but before she could, Alastor cupped her face gently in his hands.
"Al... what are you..."
"Y/n, you are stunning."
There he went again, not thinking. Y/n was dangerous, to be avoided. She paraded around in her sweet sundresses and angelic disposition, practically unfit to have been sent to Hell in the first place. She was the simple syrup in lemonade, she was the best mixed drink.
Her tongue ran gently over her lips, an innocent and thoughtless gesture on her part that sent his mind reeling as she mulled over his words. Her brow furrowed.
"Alastor, I-"
"You are the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on, living or dead."
There he went again, his tongue a million miles ahead of his brain. Y/n let out a light laugh, her head still in his hands.
"What?" Alastor asked, feeling the heat rush to his cheeks, "I mean it."
"I thought you hated me." Y/n confessed.
"Far from it, my sweet."
His voice was barley more than a whisper. Y/n looked away.
"You drive me to distraction."
Her presence was like some strange truth serum rushing through his veins, now he had started, he couldn't seem to stop.
"I've never... You're unlike anyone I've ever met. You shine in this dark place."
"Alastor, this is a lot." Y/n admitted after a moment.
"My apologies." he let go of her face, his heart sinking, "I did not intend to make you feel worse."
He should have known. Alastor, in his foolish frenzy, had forgotten himself, his legacy, his persona. How could someone as sweet as a sun ripened strawberry stolen straight from the bush feel anything towards him save fear?
"I'll go."
Alastor made to get up, had every intent to actually leave and give Y/n her space. At the felling of her small hand on his arm, he paused and turned back to her.
Y/n's face was bright red, she refused to meet his gaze. Her arm not holding him was wrapped tightly around her stuffed animal like a charm.
"No, please." she took a deep breath, meeting his eyes once again at last, "I... I think... you're rather... handsome... as well."
Her speech was halting, uncertain in its anxiety. His smile widened.
"You do now, do you?" he asked, lifting her head a little higher with a finger beneath her chin.
"Oh hush." she scolded him, "If anyone was going to lie out of the pair of us, I'm pretty sure it'd be you. I am trying to be redeemed, in case you've forgotten, and you probably just want my soul or some shit."
"How can I prove to you that the only way I want your soul is given willingly and out of contract?"
Y/n laughed again, a genuine joy.
"Pinky promise me."
She held up a hand and Alastor quickly locked pinkies with her.
"I meant every word I said. I've had... eyes for you for a while now. You are the rosy fingered dawn. You are... you're you. You are Y/n."
"I am Y/n, aren't I." she smiled cockily back.
It was a relief to see her return to her normal confident self.
"I meant everything I said too. I've... I've had eyes for you too, or whatever."
She looked away, her cheeks even brighter pink than before. Alastor let go of her pinky and, leaning forward, pressed a soft and tentative kiss to the top of their head. Y/n immediately snapped her head back to him. Before he could register what was happening, she had tackled him in a hug, throwing them both to the bed.
Looking down at him from her perch on his lap, she smiled brightly.
"Can I kiss you?"
The question took him by surprise. He had never kissed anyone before save the tender kiss on the cheek reserved for dear friends and close family. He hesitated in indecision, in uncertainty.
"You're allowed to say no." Y/n followed up, noticing his apparent discomfort, "I don't want to move things too fast for you."
Alastor shook his head, the truth of his own desire unexpected even to him.
"No. You can."
Y/n's smile widened as they dipped down, pecking him on the lips. His cheeks warmed as she straightened herself up again, her hands pressed flat against his chest.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that for."
She smelled sweet, she looked sweet, god, she probably even tasted sweet. His tongue darted out of his mouth across his lips jus ever so slightly, the flavor of her strawberry lipgloss fueling his infatuation.
"Do that again."
It didn't take long for Alastor to track down the demon in question that had sent Y/n spiraling that afternoon. After their promise had been made and she had agreed to the date he had proposed for the next day, she had spilled everything. Her head in his lap as he had run his fingers through her hair, she had complained liberally about the demon. Her complaints had, thankfully, included a full description of the man.
Once the hour was late and he was sure she was fast asleep along with everyone else in the hotel, Alastor had slipped out onto the streets. The demon was, of course, easy to locate. He was loud and distinctive. Alastor found him drunk in a bar harassing a woman. He watched, waiting patiently until the man left and when he did, Alastor followed him.
He cornered the demon, sending his shadows to torment the man. He was on his knees close to tears by the time Alastor finally decided to join in on the fun. He leered down at the demon, grinning from ear to ear.
"I heard you said something rather cruel today." he hummed.
"I didn't!" the man pleaded, "I swear!"
"Not even to a pretty little demon in heart shaped sunglasses?"
The man's eyes widened slightly in obvious recollection.
"I... fuck, I didn't know. I swear, I didn't know who she was. I didn't know she was with you!"
Alastor stretched in the darkness of the ally, his horns growing thorny and tall as he entered his true demon form. The man trembled in fear. It was pathetic, truly.
"It doesn't matter. You ruined her plans for the day and so, in return, I am going to ruin you."
With those final words, he pounced. The tongue of the man was the first thing to go, ripped with great force from his throat and tossed to the side.
Next were his ears, Alastor tore them from his head slowly. The man screamed, a choked and guttural sound through the blood in his throat. Alastor laughed shamelessly, his claws finding a home in the demon's stomach next.
He disemboweled the man with ease, careful to keep everything connected so he was still alive. Then, he went for the eyes, gouging them out in harsh slashing movements. Alastor straightened himself, looking down upon his mess of a creation.
"I would say that next time you will think before saying something like that again but, I think we both know there wont be a next time."
A strange sound left the demons throat, obviously a plea of mercy. Without a tongue, he could not articulate his wishes.
"What?" Alastor asked, putting a hand to his ear as he slowly returned to his normal appearance, "I am sorry but could you say that again? I couldn't quite make it out."
Another strangled, desperate sound left the man's throat. Alastor laughed.
"Well, I've given you a chance to beg for your life and you have chosen not to take it." he taunted, leaning back over the man, "I supposed that means you have opted for death. Very well."
In a single, swift movement he tore the man's throat from his neck. The demon twitched under him for a few seconds longer before at last stilling in death. Alastor examined his work for a moment before pulling himself to his feet. Without a glance back towards the body, he straightened his jacket and let his shadows take him from the ally.
Y/n was under his protection now. He had tried so long to avoid the call, the weakness, her charms pulling him in. At long last, he had succumbed and under his watch, no one was going to ever make her feel anything less than perfect ever again.
A/N This is the first time I have ever written something like this, I hope it was okay.
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pinkydevil16 · 4 months
Kamisama Kiss
Tomoe x Land God! Reader
Tomoe was seething, to think this incipit child was to be his new God? This weak, fragile human girl was believed to be worthy of Him? He scoffed as she scratched her head awkwardly, confused as the spirits explained her role.
"Look guys, i don't know what's going on if i'm honest. Some guy kissed my head and suddenly i was here. I didn't sign up to be a God but i do really need a place to stay." Tomoe could feel his aura grow dark as he stepped forward, taking a deep breath of his pipe and blowing it in her face before speaking.
"You are not worthy of Mikage's Shrine. Leave now." Y/n let out a small laugh and shook her head.
"Sorry, no can do. I'm sort of between places and Mikage? I assume offered me to stay here for a while, so as much as i would love to run out of here because you are giving off some bad energy right now i really need somewhere to stay. I just got evicted so." Tomoe turned and left in huff, swiping his claws to open a portal and disappeared before Y/n could say anything else.
"Well...i guess i can stay for a little bit then? Who was that?" Y/n mumbled, one of the spirits answered enthusiastically.
"That's Tomoe! He's a fox yokai, a very powerful one and he was Mikage's familiar before he left. He's spent the last 20 years looking after the shrine since Mikage abandoned us." Y/n contemplated for a moment as she looked around, the Shrine was in perfect condition, it was beautiful even. He must have put a lot of time and energy into making it so spotless.
"So what would happen if i accepted this whole Land God thing?" The spirits almost cried as they begged Y/n to stay, pulling at her arms as they tugged her inside.
"You would be an amazing mistress! You will help others, going through prayers and helping the earth grow! Please Miss Y/n stay." Y/n could feel how calming the Shrine was as they showed her each room, including Tomoe's which was almost bare compared to the many other rooms.
"This is all the prayers Master Tomoe has written in the last 20 years in preparation for Mikage's arrival." Y/n was stumped as she stared at the well organised piles, there must have been thousands, no tens of thousands, filed by year. The first 10 years were filled to the brim, but the last two had dwindled to only a few hundred compared to the magnitude of the beginning.
"He's been doing all of this? Alone?" The spirits nodded as Y/n walked around, her hands touching Prayers, feeling the pure devotion within them as she read some.
"Why did he not leave?" Her voice came out as a whisper as she stared at his handwriting, it was beautiful, just like the Shrine.
"He didn't want to abandon the Shrine, he hoped one day Mikage would come back. At first he was sad but then he accepted it, when he sensed your presence he was angry thinking you were Mikage." Y/n nodded along, placing down the prayer before turning to the spirits.
"Well then, if he can have that much passion perhaps i can borrow some from him and try to assist yes?" The spirits cheered as they showed Y/n all her jobs, the first being cleaning, which much to Y/n's chagrin was a long winded chore but once she finished she felt accomplished.
"What next?" Y/n worked day and night for three days before she finally dropped into her bed, having only cat naps before now she snuggled into her blanket and tried to sleep but it was no use. She knew there was more to do, how Tomoe had been doing this alone for 20 years was astounding and now she felt guilty for passing off being Land God and only concentrating on not being homeless, she'd essentially invaded his home and now he was out somewhere alone again. Forcing herself up she stretched her body, she knew what she needed to do.
"Onikiri, where is Tomoe?" The spirit appeared, with shining eyes as they explained that he was in the yokai world.
"Please take me to him."
Tomoe was lounging on a futon, the front of his Komodo barely held together as he drank sake, beautiful yokai around him as they fawned over his beauty.
"Tomoe. It's Y/n, may i enter?" Tomoe's ears spiked up as the silk draping separating him from the other yokai parted and Y/n entered, her hands sheepishly hidden behind her as she looked down.
"What do you want?" Y/n sighed as she heard the hatred in his voice but she could not find it in herself to respond harshly back, looking up she gave him a sad smile.
"I am sorry for how i acted, you have kept the Shrine in beautiful condition and i came in with such a selfish outlook. Please forgive me and return to your home." Y/n bowed, her hair covering her face as she stared at her trainers, keeping her pride pushed down.
Tomoe scoffed, letting out a mocking laugh as the other yokai laughed with him. Y/n jolted up and watched as he took another deep breath of his pipe and once again blew it in her face as he had the first day he met her.
"My my, what a pitiful human you are coming here to beg me to return because you cannot handle the work of being a God!" Y/n clenched her hands and bit her tongue as he taunted her, drinking his sake as one of the yokai women ran her hand inside his open Komodo, her long nails striking against his pale skin.
"Be gone useless woman, i do not call that place my home nor do i wish to return to such a horrid life. I am now free to do as i please, including eating you if you continue to enrage me." Y/n could now feel her eyebrow ticking as she tried to contain her anger but his words were too much.
"You ungrateful fox! I came here to try to make amends, so that you would feel comfortable to come back not because i am unable to look after the Shrine! You want to stay here and drown your sorrows in booze and women then do whatever you want you...you...argh!" Y/n shouted and stormed out, unable to come up with a good insult in her anger, leaving Tomoe's eyes wide before he gripped the woman's hand and dragged it off his chest. He was now intrigued, to speak to a powerful yokai such as himself with no fear for her life was almost admirable. He felt an almost guilty twang in his chest as he thought of her storming through the village, the mark on her forehead a target whilst she most likely drew more attention to herself with her anger. Sighing he stood, if she was to find her demise atleast he could watch.
"That damned stupid fox! Who does he think he is huh?" Y/n let out a huff as the spirits tried to talk her down.
"Please go back to Master Tomoe, it is not safe for you out here." Y/n turned around quickly and pointed where she'd just left.
"Did that sound safe? That arrogant asshole said he's eat me! He should be glad i didn't take a bite out of him to show him i'm not afraid of some yokai."
"You're not afraid of Yokai Land God?" Y/n turned slowly, a large Yokai in front of her as he grinned maliciously down at her, Y/n was engulfed in his shadow as he cracked his knuckles.
"Seriously am i cursed?" Y/n asked herself before stepping back, pivoting and running away from the large Yokai as he let out a bellowing laugh and chased her.
"Come back here delicious girl, you look so scrumptious, i just want to taste those legs." Y/n shivered in disgust as she heard him get closer, darting to the left as he lept at her, his claw dragging along her calf as she let out a loud cry falling forward. The Yokai made a loud crash as he hit the ground, skidding a few feet forward allowing Y/n time to get up and continue her running.
"Oh my, aren't you in trouble now Y/n?" Tomoe taunted as he laid on his fox fire, hovering next to her as she glared at him.
"What do you want?" Y/n huffed out as she hid behind a tree trying to catch her breath as the Yokai ran past her. Tomoe grinned as he leaned closer, his face so close to hers as he inhaled the sweet smell of her fear.
"If you want my help all you have to do is admit you are incompetent and unable to protect yourself and i the Great Tomoe will help you." Y/n let out a scoff as she pushed him back, slowly creeping around the tree trying to spot the Yokai but it appeared she had outsmarted him.
"Fat chance fox face, you're not here to help me, you're here to gloat. If you care so little for the Shrine and the spirits who reside within it then just leave. I don't need your pity." Y/n began walking back where she came from hoping to find her lovely spirits and hopefully get back to the Shrine in time to do the days prayers.
"There you are girly." Y/n turned seeing the large Yokai come back, shrieking she jumped away as he swiped out at her side, the Yokai snarling as she hurried to climb a tree. His large claws coming down just below her legs as she gripped the branches and climbed higher, her hand covered in scratches and splinters as she fought for her life.
"Leave me alone!" Y/n screamed as he shook the tree, her hands clutching the oak as hard as she could to try to stay on the highest branch away from him.
"Come on Y/n, just say it, beg me to help you and i'll seal the contract." Y/n shook her head as Tomoe purred in her ear, enjoying how fearful she was of falling.
"No! I won't beg you to care for me!" Y/n slipped slightly, her trainer dropping into the Yokai's mouth as he moaned and began clawing at the tree harder.
"I can taste the sweetness of fear on your clothes Land God, fall down and let me devour you. I promise it will hurt." Y/n let out a cry as her leg slipped, the cut along her calf scraping against the bark as she dug her nails in. Tomoe was now beginning to panic as she shook her head, she was barely holding on but her pride would not let her be belittled by him.
"Just say the damn words human and i will rescue you!" Tomoe growled as Y/n slipped more, one of her legs gripping the branch tightly as her other dangled just out of reach of the Yokai, but her grip was not good, her naked thigh didn't have enough friction to hold her body up as she slipped further. Tears now poured out her eyes as she scrambled to climb higher but the burn on her inner thigh and the blood dripping from the cut on her calf was hitting her full force as she looked up at Tomoe.
"Please look after the Shrine." Y/n begged as she finally slipped, her eyes wide as she fell quickly, the Yokai's mouth wide as he laughed, Tomoe moved faster than light diving down and catching her. His flames engulfing the Yokai as Y/n's body snapped in his arms, the wind knocked out her lungs as she cried in pain at the sudden resistance. Her eyes staring up at Tomoe as he looked over her, one of her hands gripping his neck before he could stop her as her lips sealed over his and the contract was sealed. Tomoe's eyes closed as he felt her soft lips press against his, he knew this is what he had unconsciously wanted, when he took the plunge and rescued her he had made that decision for himself. However as he felt the shackles fall onto his wrists, and his body entwine with hers, his previous decision weighed heavily on him as she parted too soon for his liking.
"Thank you Tomoe. I'm so tired." Y/n's body gave out as Tomoe smelt the sweet scent of her blood, it was along his Komodo as he looked over her injuries, he could feel the exhaustion in her body as he shook his head and returned to the Shrine.
Y/n woke up groaning in pain, her head pounded and legs felt weak as she pulled back her blanket. Her skirt and top were now replaced with an oversized shirt, her legs both wrapped as well as her inner thigh and palms. As she stared in confusion she suddenly recalled the previous events and went bright red, holding her face as she dropped her head and tried to control her breathing. She'd forced Tomoe into a contract, not just a contract but a kiss, her first kiss. Oh gods her first kiss was with that damned fox, she hoped he wasn't too angry. Getting up she winced as she pulled the shirt down, it was her own from her small bag of belongings, looking around she found a pair of pyjama bottoms and pulled the door open. Wiping her eyes she could feel the blisters on the backs of her feet pulling as she walked towards the kitchen smelling food as she took a deep breath and sighed at the comforting aroma.
"You are awake." Y/n humped as she opened her eyes to Tomoe stood before her, a tray with soup, rice and a dark green drink in his hands as he looked down at her with scrutiny. She felt a shiver run down her back as she nodded, voice caught in her throat as she stared at his lips recalling how they fit against hers. Gulping she shook her head and awkwardly scratched her neck.
"Morning Tomoe, i hope you're okay. I'm just going to use the toilet and then i'll continue with my chores." Y/n was stopped as Tomoe almost growled out his words.
"You fragile human, you are covered in cuts and wounds, you almost died yesterday and you are now rejecting the healing process. Go back to bed before i drag you in there." Y/n yelped as his tail smacked her calf reminding her of how they throbbed the longer she stood.
"Sorry." Y/n spoke sheepishly, turning around and walking back to the room she had woken up in, she could hear Tomoe following her as she sped up, ignoring the pain in her legs as she opened the door and sat back on the futon.
"Good girl." Y/n felt her face heat up as she felt an unfamiliar rush in her stomach.
"Don't..don't say that." Tomoe's face changed into a smirk as he placed the tray down and crouched beside his Mistress, his clawed hand gripping her chin as he forced her to look at him.
"Why not Mistress? Do you not want praise for following instructions?" Y/n gulped as he teased her, her nose wrinkling as she pulled her head free and tucked her legs into her chest.
"You don't need to call me that. I don't need praise." Tomoe's grin turned cat like as he tutted, taking a seat and lounging beside Y/n, placing a hand on her knee and pulling them back down before he brought the tray to her lap.
"But when my Mistress is so obedient how can i not praise her." Tomoe continued his teasing, enjoying how she blushed a deeper shade but didn't dare to look away. Y/n used a hand to push her hair back before smirking back at him, reaching over and placing a hand between his ears, fussing his hair and running his fluffy ear between her fingers as he too turned a deep red and jerked back.
"Thank you for looking after me, good boy Tomoe." Y/n mocked back causing Tomoe to sneer at her before his eyes turned to slits and he stood.
"Eat your meal and restore your health, you are neglecting your Land God duties." His voice was low as he walked out, Y/n letting a small giggle out.
"Will do." Y/n chirped as she picked up the chopsticks and placed veggies in her mouth, moaning lightly at the warm soothing broth that coated them, placing down the chopsticks and collecting a spoon to fully indulge.
"This is amazing, i need Tomoe to teach me how to cook." Y/n praised as she drank some more of the hearty soup, gushing over Tomoe's cooking as he stood by the door listening to her as she did so blissfully unaware of his presence. His nail spiked as she praised him, his ears twitched and tried to control his thoughts. He knew praise from your Mistress/Master was always a nice feeling, when Mikage had praised him it made him beam with pride but this feeling was different, it made his whole body stand straight and the urge to make her say it over and over was deeply rooted in his soul. Tutting he walked away, he was not some silly familiar who would be taken control of so easily, not like the pathetic ones who would beg their masters for attention. Why should he, the great Tomoe, need attention from a silly girl like Y/n.
Y/n placed the tray beside her before standing, she felt exhausted both mentally and physically but she could feel the grease in her hair, probably blood and tree sap aswell based on all her wounds. Exiting the room she found the bath house quickly, turning the hot water on as a sweet aroma filled the room, inhaling she sighed out before undressing. Staring in the mirror she took in all the bandages wrapped around her body and winced, slowly unwrapping herself she touched the bruises on her thighs and legs, aswell as the lighter ones on her upper arms from holding the tree.
"Good job Y/n, do a full number on yourself 2 days before you have school. Guess i'll be wearing dark tights to hide these." Rolling her neck she felt it crack as she let out a satisfied moan, checking the water she looked around and grabbed shampoo and conditioner. Climbing in she let out a pained groan as she lowered her aching legs into the hot water until she was fully submerged and able to lay back. Laying still for a few minutes as she felt her muscles relax and a tension headache roll in from her beaten body.
Y/n cleaned her body thoroughly, her hair finally felt soft and silky once more as she braided it out her face whilst it dried, sat on the side of the bath as she dried her legs. She felt rejuvenated, granted the bath didn't contain healing powers where she came out brand new but she wasn't as achey and sore compared to when she woke up. Wrapping a towel around her body she began looking through the cupboards for some moisturiser, anything that would bring her skin back to life and get the bruises to heal quicker.
"What are you doing?" Y/n let out a scream as she stumbled back and into Tomoe's chest, his clawed hands catching her waist as she looked up at him horrified and clutched at her towel. Stumbling over her words she tried to pull away, turning around as he gently let her go, her face now pink and eyes wide before her face changed to anger and she placed a hand on her hip.
"What am i doing? What are you doing you pervert! Why are you in here?" Y/n's voice grew louder as Tomoe's tail whipped behind him, his hands together in his kimono a steely look in his eyes as his ear twitched at the insinuation.
"I am not a pervert Y/n, you should not have taken your bandages off and now i need to tend to your wounds again. Sit and i shall put some ointment on and wrap them." Y/n blushed harder as the mental image of Tomoe on his knees, touching her leg and thigh popped into her head.
"N-no thank you! I can do it myself." Tomoe raised an eyebrow and shook his head, leaning down and picking Y/n up as she squirmed and panicked, her hands coming to hold down the towel as best she could.
"Tomoe! I'm not wearing underwear! You are a pervert!" Tomoe ran his hand up and down the back of her knee, keeping them from going too high as he kept his head straight and didn't look at how the towel formed around her thighs.
"My Lady i would never disgrace you in such a way, i simply wish to look after you as is my sworn duty per the contract you sealed me into." Y/n shut her mouth as she held down her towel, her face now bright red and her ears burning from embarrassment, she had only been a God 5 days and wasn't sure if this was normal for a familiar to do or if Tomoe was truly a perverted fox. Tomoe placed her on a stool, her hands coming to grip her towel as Tomoe exited and entered within moments, a basket in his hands as he crouched in front of her.
"Tomoe, i need to put some underwear on and a top." Tomoe bent down, ignoring Y/n as he dipped his hand into the ointment and raised her foot, Y/n grunted as his cool hands ran along her legs and up her thighs before he reached the towel and stopped. His eyes stayed on his hands as he ran them back down and Y/n let out a low moan at the pressure against her muscles and massaged the knots out slowly.
"Tomoe..." Y/n groaned out as she closed her eyes and enjoyed how his claws grazes her legs tenderly, his hands leaving one leg to collect more ointment and return to the other, Y/n sighing as she felt her stomach warm and hands clench the stool to hold herself up.
"I'm going to do your inner thighs Y/n, i won't look i promise." Y/n's eyes snapped open as Tomoe stared downwards, his fingers dipping into ointment before he gingerly spread her legs, one of her hands coming to cover herself as she blushed dark red and shivered at his hand touching her knee and slowly pushing higher until his claws almost touched her hips. Rubbing along her inner thighs he held his breath, her skin so soft and pliable under his hands, this wasn't his first time touching them but before she had been in her skirt and underwear. Hidden from him, now if he were to look up he would see her, open for him and only him but he would never destroy her trust in such a way, not his Mistress. Y/n couldn't stop staring at his hands as they dipped below the towel and out, his claws tickling her hips as she bit her lip and tried to remind herself he was only doing this to heal her, not for his or her pleasure.
"Are you okay Y/n? You are so red." Tomoe's voice was full of concern as he inhaled the sweet smell of her arousal, pushing her thighs back together as he looked up at her.
"Y-yes, sorry i'm just not used to being looked after." Tomoe stood slowly, bowing to Y/n before collecting his basket.
"It will be best to air your bruises and cuts then we will bandage them tomorrow for support when you walk." Y/n nodded, her mouth unnaturally dry as she stared at his back before the door closed behind him. Letting out a deep breath she placed a hand on her forehead and willed her body to cool down, standing on shaky legs as she dressed in her pjs and climbed under her blanket.
Tomoe laid on his futon, his pipe in hand as he sipped on his sake, his eyes closed and mind reeling as he recalled how her skin felt under his touch, how she had moaned ever so slightly. How she'd spoken his name in such an unholy way he was sure her title of God had wavered even for a second at the sound. His control was slipping too quick, he had only been her familiar a day, a singular day and he was willing to drop to his knees and serve her in every sense of the word. His tail bristled as he parted his kimono to cool his body, lying back as he stared at the ceiling and took a deep breath of his pipe.
The weekend flew by, with Y/n regaining her strength and attending to the Shrine as much as her familiar would allow, which meant she was allowed to sit and read Prayers and practice talismans. When she had deemed she was healed enough to put the ointment on her own legs Tomoe had all but forced her to sit down and accept it was his job. When monday rolled around Y/n was dressed for school, dark tights covering the bruises and half healed cuts, her shirt buttoned and tucked into her skirt as she pulled on her blazer and adjusted her bow. Brushing her hair she stared at herself in the mirror, she hadn't been in school for over a week now and was prepared for the immature response from other students.
"Where are you going?" Y/n turned as Tomoe stood behind her, giving him a small smile she turned back to the mirror and continued to brush her hair trying to decide what to do with it.
"School. I only have a few months left and i'll be able to graduate." Tomoe glared at Y/n before taking the brush and slowly detangling her hair before placing it down and running his fingers through her hair, claws grazing her head as she closed her eyes and enjoyed how calming it was.
"You should not go alone. It is not safe for a Land God to be unprotected. I shall come with you." Y/n barely registered what she said as she agreed, too relaxed as he braided her hair and placed a hair pin in, taking his hands away as she opened her eyes and gasped at her hair. It framed her face beautifully and the jewel in the hair pin matched her eyes uncannily.
"Where did you get this? It is beautiful." Y/n didn't dare touch her hair but hovered her hand over it as she moved closer to the mirror astonished by how quickly and well he'd arranged her hair. Tomoe preened at the praise, his ears twitching as he smiled proudly, transforming himself into a 'human', Y/n gasping as she spun and grinned at him.
"You look so human! Although i do miss your ears and tail, i can almost tell what you're thinking when you have them." Y/n pouted slightly before checking the time, her eyes widening as she grabbed Tomoe's hand and pulled him to the Shrine's exit.
"Come on i can't be late." Tomoe allowed her to pull him along, enjoying how excited she appeared for such a mundane and boring task.
Y/n sat at her desk, her head in her hand as she wrote down whatever the teacher said even if it went in one ear and out the other. She could feel Tomoe's gaze burning into the back of her head as he ignored the class in favour of remembering how soft she was, if he inhaled deeply he could smell the sweet citrus on her skin.
"Kurama!" Y/n jumped at the sudden screaming, all the girls fangirling as the door opened, smoke and lights seeming to appear as a boy walked through the door with dark red hair and eyeliner.
"Please, do not stop on account of me." Even the teacher swooned as she told him to not be silly, he was welcome to come in whenever he could, Tomoe glared at the tengu as he entered.
"You're in my seat." Y/n stared at the redhead as he hovered over her, his eyes slightly widening as he noticed the God mark on her forehead.
"Your name isn't on it." Y/n spoke back, her eyebrows knitted together as she glared at the cocky redhead, who in return cocked his head and gave her his signature smile which almost every girl swooned at. But not Y/n, instead she was more confused.
"I haven't seen you before, if you wanted my attention congratulations you have it, now why don't you move your pretty butt to another seat or take a seat on my lap if that was what you wanted from this exchange." Tomoe's claws scraped the table as he watched someone disrespect his Mistress in such a way, Y/n gave a disgusted look and stood up, her face close to Kurama as she looked up at him.
"I don't want your attention and i certainly don't want to sit on your lap so why don't you take your arrogant attitude and sit in the back." Kurama grinned as he heard his fans start mumbling and telling Y/n to move, sighing he ran a hand through his hair and spoke.
"My and i thought i was doing a fan a lovely service. I guess some people just can't take a compliment." Y/n ground her teeth as he walked away, the girls swooning at him before glaring at Y/n for being so cruel to their crush, sitting down with a huff she looked forward to see even the teacher giving her a harsh look. Rolling her eyes she looked out the window and waited for the stupid lesson to be over. She hoped that asshole wasn't in all her classes, she didn't need more eyes on her when she had Tomoe burying a hole in the back of her head already.
Y/n was exhausted, Tomoe had been non stop, telling her to avoid Kurama and the other boys in the class, he meant well since he'd scared off someone who tried to bully her. She was grateful to have him around, especially with her legs aching as she walked between classes.
"I am sorry Y/n but i need to go to the Shrine, i will return when you finish." Y/n yawned, nodding as Tomoe apologised, waving him off as she walked towards her next class.
"Well hello pretty God." Y/n froze as she entered a lone hallway, Kurama stood opposite her with a smug look, Y/n clutched her bag to her shoulder as she shook her head.
"You must have the wrong person. Move out my way i don't want to be late." Y/n went to side step him when a large black angelic looking wing covered her exit, stumbling back Y/n dropped her bag falling on her bottom.
"What the hell!" Y/n shouted as Kurama rolled his shoulders and grinned showing off his wings.
"What's wrong Y/n? Never seen a tengu before?" Y/n shook her head as she crawled back, Kurama now walking towards her slowly, his eyes on her with a piercing gaze which made her feel like prey.
"It is a shame to waste such a pretty face but if i consume you then the power i'll hold will be unimaginable, plus to be known as the fearful tengu who killed a Land God is just too much to pass up. I promise to make it quick." Y/n winced as she scrambled up, running towards the nearest exit as Kurama laughed and chased her.
"Come here bunny." Y/n yelped as she ran up the stairs, cursing herself for missing the stairs down, her legs throbbing as she threw open the roof door. Panting as she slammed it closed snd ran towards the other exit, hoping to put some distance between herself and the tengu.
"Nice try Y/n, atleast now i can take my time with you." Y/n ducked as he landed on the roof, falling on her knees as her tights ripped. Could she not have one normal day? Forcing herself up she turned to where Kurama now strode towards her too confident for her liking.
"I suggest you step back from my Mistress." Y/n felt her body be tugged backwards into warmth, an arm snaking around her waist as blue flame appeared beside her. Gasping she looked to see Tomoe, his full yokai form revealed as Kurama let out a laugh and crossed his arms.
"Well, you've got the fox watching over you? I guess today will be the day i kill a God and defeat a fox yokai then." Tomoe let out a humourless laugh as his face darkened, a talisman hitting Kurama as it turned him into an ostrich. Y/n's jaw dropped as Tomoe sent a flame after him, hearing his laugh in her ear as he pulled her even closer.
"Shall we have roast tengu for dinner Y/n?" Her jaw was still wide open as she watched Kurama run around wildly trying to avoid the fire as Tomoe laughed and mocked him. She could feel the heat from his body warming her insides, she felt so exhausted and now he was holding her up she was able to drop her weight. Tomoe stopped laughing as he picked Y/n up, cradling her legs in one hand so she could drop her head against his shoulder.
"You must be more careful Y/n, your fragile body cannot handle it." Y/n nodded before she heard a yelp, her head turning to see Kurama's tail on fire as Tomoe let out another laugh. Y/n scowled, smacking Tomoe's chest.
"Tomoe stop, he doesn't need to be killed." Tomoe ignored her as he pushed her head back into his shoulder and enjoyed Kurama panicking. Y/n pushed his hand away and grabbed his face, forcing the fox to look at her as she spoke in a forceful way.
"Do not kill him. Turn him back to normal." Tomoe felt the harsh pull of the familiar bond tugging at him as he stopped his fire and Kurama turned human. Y/n sighed as she moved her hand from his face and Tomoe wanted it instantly back, to see that fire in her eyes as she commanded him. He wished she would command him more, to feel it deep in him, the need to do what she wanted. It was addictive.
"You insolent fool, if you ever go near my Mistress again i will not be as lenient as i was today." Kurama panicked as he agreed, stumbling back as he exited the roof, leaving Tomoe and Y/n alone. The latter now barely awake as Tomoe stroked her legs, he could smell the metallic blood that seeped into her tights.
"I shall need to wash your legs and bandage them again." Y/n let out a small whine before nodding and closing her eyes.
"Am gonna just have a nap." Y/n barely spoke above a whisper, her words slurred as she slouched more into Tomoe's hold and he could hear her breathing evening out.
The next week passed quickly, Kurama apologised and decided he was going to steal Y/n's heart, whether to eat it or keep it he wasn't too sure either. Y/n's legs finally healed and Tomoe was letting himself relax more around her, allowing her to do her chores around the Shrine and he had taught her how to cook the soup she'd enjoyed so much. Her praise whilst he showed her was too much, his tail had spiked up and his body was sweating by the time he had plated up the food. It was angelic, he'd lapped it up and thoroughly enjoyed himself. Now monday rolled around once more and as Y/n stood in her uniform, this time without the black tights and knee high socks instead which frankly Tomoe was ready to force her into a longer skirt and dark tights to hide her beautiful skin.
"I must stay at the Shrine today Y/n, you should stay here too without me able to look after you that Tengu might try to harm you again." Y/n let out a laugh as she grabbed her bag, patting Tomoe on his chest with a grin.
"Don't be so silly, he's just a dramatic pop star. I'll fine, i'll see you when i get back okay?" Tomoe's eyes dropped to where her hand grazed his bare skin between the fold on his Kimono, electricity striking where her fingers touched before he felt them leave along with her out the door. Letting out a shakey breath he shook his head and regained his composure, he would not fall for a human ever again.
Y/n entered the classroom, placing her bag down before she heard the commotion, all the boys crowded around a small white snake trying to scare it away as she scowled and pushed through the crowd.
"Leave the poor thing alone!" Y/n bent down allowing the snake to wrap around her wrist as she gave it a small smile and walked towards the window, the boys in the class all making comments as she opened the window.
"Come on little guy, it's not safe here." She lowered her hand as she bent put the windowsill, the snake seemed to stare at her for a while before slowly unwrapping and landing on the soft grass. Y/n smiled as she closed the window, the snake turning and staring at her retreating figure.
"Are you okay Y/n?" One of the girls said as Y/n raised an eyebrow confused and went to answer before another girl pointed at her arm. The snake had left a red mark where it had been wrapped around and a white mark around her wrist. Tilting her head she shrugged and wiped at her skin but it stayed.
"I'm sure it's nothing." Y/n gave them a reassuring smile as she continued on her day.
Tomoe tried not to stare at the entrance of the Shrine for the whole day as he sorted through everything, dinner was boiling away and the odd miasma which had appeared that morning was now gone. Sighing he fanned himself as he saw Y/n approach, smirking he watched as she took in the beauty of Shrine as she did everyday she left, he felt honoured at how proud she was to call it her home. His eyes narrowed as she placed her hand in the water, moving quickly as he grabbed her arm causing her to gasp at his sudden appearance.
"What is this?" Y/n's eyes were wide as she yanked her arm back and crossed them, cocking her hip out as they both stared each other down.
"I helped a snake earlier and i must be allergic. I'm fine." Y/n huffed as she moved and rubbed her arm, it didn't hurt but the mark was still there although now the white mark looked more like a bracelet than an actual allergic reaction.
"That is not an allergic reaction. That is a nark of marriage!" Y/n raised an eyebrow at the angry fox as he lectured her on being careful and how he now would have to be by her side every waking moment.
"You're a very dramatic fox y'know." Y/n finally spoke in between Tomoe's lecture making his eyes snap to hers as his aura darkened, hands now inside his kimono sleeves as he glared down at her making Y/n laugh awkwardly and step back.
"What did you say?" Tomoe's voice was deep and full of threat as Y/n shot him a nervous grin.
"Nothing...the Shrine looks amazing by the way! Absolutely magnificent, have you done something new with your hair? Your ears look so fluffy and.." Tomoe huffed as he walked past Y/n, pretending her compliments and praise hadn't instantly made his anger diminish. Y/n breathed out a sigh of relief as she looked at her arm and poked at the mark.
"Why do i have to be nice?" Y/n slumped as she walked into the Shrine, smelling the lovely dinner Tomoe had prepared as she went in her room and changed into her casual clothes. She had better start making some talismans to protect herself, was this God thing ever going to get easier?
Y/n walked through the corridor, Tomoe stood beside her as he glared at any male who looked at her, it was starting to warm up luckily so Y/n's spirit had cheered up and she had easily forgotten about the marriage mark from the previous week. Tomoe however had not and every man that looked towards his Mistress was met with a fiery gaze which sent them running, it gave him great pride to see them scamper away. He had heard rumours of Y/n dating him and although Y/n had been disputing them left and right to any girl who came up to her he had only been shrugging when someone asked him. What harm would it cause for the humans to believe Y/n was his? In a way she was, just as he was her familiar, they just didn't understand that was what he was inferring too, not that he ever tried to correct them. He enjoyed how Y/n would blush and quickly try to dispute the rumour compared to his bored attitude to the question, it only furthered the idea that they were hiding their relationship.
"Hey Tomoe, i just need to use the toilet i'll be back in a minute." Y/n chirped as she waved her hand and entered the girls bathrooms, within moments a few girls came up to Tomoe, trying to steal away his attention as he reminded himself to be polite yet firm.
"Why don't you walk us home today Tomoe? Y/n said you're not together so you can do whatever you want right?" The girl said as she pressed her chest against Tomoe's arm, he tried not show his disgust as another girl played his the hem of her skirt. Were human males so easily tempted by such things?
Y/n exited the toilets as she looked around for Tomoe before seeing him with the girls who had flagged her down earlier than day in gym class, she had panicked and told them to do whatever they wanted just so she could finish changing without them crowing her. Shrugging her shoulders she decided to wait outside the building for him, if he wanted to walk one of the girls home she would find out then but she didn't want to deal with his wrath if she walked by herself and left him to walk alone. Humming to herself she watched the rain as she sat on the step, going through her notes from class when a strong wind blew a few pages towards the bushes, standing up she quickly raced to get them before they got soaked. As her hand went to reach for the paper a white clawed hand collecting the paper, looking up she stared into the pale eyes of the male holding her papers, a smile on his face that made her feel uneasy as she stepped back.
"Here you go Y/n." His voice was smooth, white hair and eyelashes but she swore she knew those eyes from somewhere, taking the paper from his hand she spoke quietly.
"Thanks..." Y/n then frowned as she looked from her paper to him in confusion.
"Wait how did you know my name?" Y/n took another step back as the stranger grinned wide and stepped closer, his umbrella now closed and by his side.
"Why wouldn't i know the name of my beautiful bride?" Y/n panicked as she turned and went to run, her arm grasped before she could make it further than a step, with the hand on her she suddenly lost consciousness and fell into the yokai's arms.
Y/n woke up with a headache, pushing herself off the futon as she held her head eyes still closed, she tried to recall how she got back to the Shrine until she opened her eyes and the panic returned.
"Nope. Nope. Not good. Tomoe's gonna kill me." Y/n stood quickly, jumping as the door slid open and two spirits entered with too much energy for Y/n to process falling back onto her butt as they hovered over her.
"Hello Miss Y/n!" They cheered, each of them holding her cheeks as they pulled her about.
"You are a pretty human like Master Mizuki said!" Y/n slapped the hands away and crawled back, the spirits now pulling out bugs as they offered her something to eat making Y/n cringe as they dangling a centipede in front of her face.
"Good morning Miss Y/n." Y/n snapped her head to the door as it once more slid open, this time revealing the mysterious man from before, the spirits all cheered as he entered.
"Master Mizuki!" Y/n panicked as he came closer, Y/n stared at him as he stood over her with a gentle smile.
"I wanted to thank you for rescuing me the other day when i ventured into the school. It was very sweet of you." Wracking her brain Y/n recalled the snake she had saved over a week ago and her jaw dropped as she looked the yokai up and down.
"Hang on, you kidnapped me because i helped you?" Mizuki crouched and knelt before Y/n as he nodded and took her hands, Y/n stared at him as he spoke.
"Of course, you will be my beautiful bride. I am the familiar of this wonderful Shrine and now we can live here for eternity together. Isn't that wonderful?" Y/n felt a shiver go down her back as she yanked her hands back and scrambled backwards away from him, his eyes turning darker as he seemed to crawl towards her.
"I think you've got the wrong girl. I'm not marrying anyone! Especially not like this." Before Mizuki could reach her Y/n found her footing and got up, pushing her legs to run as fast as she could out the Shrine, the sky was a dark green as she sprinted into the forest. Mizuki stood at the entrance of the Shrine with a subtle smile on his face, she would be back before she knew it.
Panting Y/n rested against a tree, looking back at the vast forest behind her with a sigh, hopefully she had put enough distance between herself and the creepy familiar.
"I really need to listen to Tomoe more." Y/n placed a hand on her head pushing her hair out her face as she took deep breaths, she needed to continue running to keep the distance between herself and the snake. Shaking the slight ache out her muscles she continues running, trying to figure out how to get back to the main roads or atleast somewhere she could recognise.
Tomoe was seething, none of his flames could find his blasted God and his anger was reaching new heights as he imagined all the horrendous things that snake could be doing to her.
Y/n's eyes lit up as she saw lights, a burst of energy entering her body as she pushed herself to sprint again although the joy was quickly replaced by confusion as she noticed the Shrine. Mizuki and the spirits stood by the entrance, a gleeful smile on the snake's face as he walked towards her.
"What the hell." Y/n turned her head to see the forest she had ran into, her eyebrows knitted together as she turned back to the Shrine, Mizuki now stood before her with his hand outstretched.
"You must be exhausted my Lady. Please come and rest." Y/n thought about returning to the forest but it was now dark and she didn't know what lurked in the shadows, atleast here she knew where her danger was. Nodding she took his hand, his skin soft under hers, Mizuki blushed at her warmth in his hand and smiled walking her towards her bedroom.
"This our bedroom Lady Y/n. But i will let you rest now, i will not do anything you don't want me too." Y/n crossed her arms over her waist as she stared at the double futon, rose petals around the room with candles, this snake obviously had other ideas for how her kidnapping was meant to go.
"Thanks." Y/n mumbled out as she closed the door in his face, pushing her weight against it as she collapsed on the floor and stared at the room. She was deep in it now, with no way out she just had to pray Tomoe found her before the snake could marry her. Crawling to the futon she blushed dark red at the lingerie left for her, the thin white silk would barely cover anything as she quickly threw it across the room as though it burned. Mizuki definantly believed this kidnapping was going to go his way, shivering she crawled under the blankets in her uniform and tried to sleep. She tried to imagine she was in the Shrine, her spirits squabbling whilst Tomoe called her to wake up or he'd drag her out of bed but it only made her heart miss being free more. Eventually she fell into a dreamless sleep until morning when she awoke to a weight over her waist, cuddling into her pillow she mumbled for Kotetsu and Onikiri not to hide in her room if they upset Tomoe but when she felt a hand pull her closer her eyes snapped open.
"Good morning my beautiful bride, you looked so angelic i had to join you." Mizuki purred in her ear as he cuddled closer to her, Y/n bolted up, turning so her feet were between her and the snake as she gave him a horrified look.
"What are you doing in here! Y-you promised not to do anything unless i said so." Mizuki let out a small laugh as he blushed and hid his face, crawling towards Y/n, his hand grabbing her leg and pulling her under him. His face now nuzzling against her ribs and chest as she placed her hands on his shoulders and struggled to push him away with a yelp.
"I know but you just look so delicious, just let me have a taste, i know we should wait until we're married but what does it really matter? You're mine anyway." Y/n now full panicked as Mizuki placed a kiss on her waist and pinned her hands beside her, her legs kicking out as he climbed between them, her skirt pushing up as he sunk further down, eyes on her with a gleeful glint.
"Get your hands off my Mistress right now." Y/n's eyes lit up as the wall between the Shrine and there stood Tomoe, flames around him as he glared at Mizuki on top of Y/n, his eyes darting over her as he saw her skirt against her hips and the snake between her legs with fear in his eyes.
"Ho-how did you get here?" Mizuki shouted as he moved off Y/n allowing her to close her legs and push her skirt back down, scampering up and rushing to Tomoe as he held her against him.
"If it is for my Mistress i would move heaven and earth to find her. Now, it is time for punishment for touching her in such a disgraceful way." In a way only i should ever touch her, Tomoe thought as he began burning down the Shrine, Mizuki rushing out the Shrine towards a beautiful sakura tree, his eyes filled with tears as he turned to Tomoe.
"Please, do not harm my tree." Y/n felt pity as he guarded the tree, the spirits of the Shrine rushing to him as they cried out that their house was being destroyed. Y/n teared up as she pulled against Tomoe.
"Please Tomoe, i just wish to go home." But Tomoe would not listen, not when this snake had touched Y/n in such a way, not when she had been pinned down and almost dishonoured, all he saw was red as he conjured a fire ball.
"Thank you for showing me what you love most, i shall take great pleasure in watching it burn." Y/n's eyes widened as she shouted Tomoe's name and moved out his arm to stand in front of Mizuki and the tree.
"Stop! He has learnt his lesson!" Tomoe froze as he felt the cold wash of her words splash him, forcing his fire to distinguish as she stood before him. His hands balling up in anger as he stormed towards her, her head at his chest as they both glared at each other.
"This yokai touched you, he kidnapped you and almost disgraced you and you dare to stand in my way from destroying him?" Y/n placed her hands on his chest to try to soothe the angry kitsune as she shook her head and looked down.
"I know it sounds silly but please Tomoe. He knows what he did was wrong, don't take the last of his happiness because of me." Mizuki fell to his knees in tears as Tomoe stared down at Y/n, her head now turned to look at the broken familiar as he explained his God had died. It sparked pity and guilt in Y/n's chest, he was so lonely and wanted company, he had done wrong but he just wished for a Mistress to serve. Crouching down Y/n took his hand gently which made Tomoe's chest hurt in a way he wasn't used to as she promised to return and see him.
"You what?!"
Y/n stood sheepishly in front of Tomoe, now back in the Mikage Shrine as he once more lectured and shouted about how reckless she was and how dare she agree to see that pest!
"Come on Tomoe, everyone deserves a second chance." Y/n gave him a smile as she moved forward and lifted her hand to run it through his hair, her nails scratching his ears making his tail swish as he tried to keep his composure.
"Thank you for saving me, i don't know what i'd do without you y'know?" Y/n blushed as she complimented the fox, his eyes wide as she ran her nails along his ears making his body heat up and mind go blank before she let go and gave a small giggle.
"I'm going to have a bath and go to bed. I missed you all so much." Tomoe let her walk past him as her words ran around his mind, she had missed him. The words were like the first drink in the dessert, a meal after being starved for centuries and he was sure it would feed his desire for months.
Y/n laid on her futon, her hair now braided and half dry as she tossed and turned unable to settle, her door sliding open as she squinted and looked towards the light. Tomoe stood in the doorway, his kimono half open as he entered and slid the door closed behind him, Y/n now sat up and called out his name rubbing her eyes.
"Are you okay Tomoe?" Y/n mumbled as Tomoe crouched beside her, his eyes piercing into her soul before he pushed her lay back down and crawled into the futon next to her, her body still as she took in Tomoe cuddling her.
"Shh my Lady, go to sleep, i will keep you safe and warm." His hand came to pull her head into his chest as he wrapped around her, Y/n's eyes were wide as she stared at the pale skin that pressed into her cheek, she was sure this was some dream. Y/n gulped and nodded as she forced her eyes closed and tried to calm her beating heart, he was right, he was so warm and she hadn't realised she was cold until she was engulfed in his warmth. Tomoe wrapped his tail around Y/n's waist as she began to drift off, he was aware of how bold of a move he had made but could not find it in himself to care as he heard her breathing even out.
Tomoe glared at the sky as he watched the lightening strike closer each time it appeared, Y/n wrapped a raincoat around herself as she grabbed her school bag and her lunch, waving bye to Tomoe as he hummed back. The Shrine was to have a visitor who appeared to be in a bad mood, sighing he continued with his duties. Atleast Y/n would be at school and away from the God's anger as she was prone to be set off easily.
"Princess Narukami." Tomoe greeted as she grinned and walked into the Shrine.
"Hello Tomoe, when i heard the Shrine had a new Land God i did not expect to hear rumours of them being a puny human girl." Tomoe scowled at the insult to his Mistress, his hands tucked in the sleeves of his kimono as Narukami walked around the Shrine.
"That damned man, stealing Tomoe away from me and then leaving him in the hands of this little girl. I won't forgive him." Narukami shouted as she picked up a picture of Y/n throwing it against the wall as she stormed out. Tomoe's eyes widened as he rushed to follow the angry God.
Y/n watched the lightening as it seemed to get closer, bored out of her brain as she barely listened to the teacher, her mind recalling Tomoe saying the Shrine was to have a visitor. She wished she could have stayed home but she had a test today she could not miss, not that Tomoe had tried to convince her to stay which was off since he tried to keep her close at all times. Shrugging Y/n looked down at the pages she had scribbled in and sighed, jumping at the lightening seemed to strike directly outside the window.
"Y/N L/N!" Y/n jumped back as the window next to her smashed, the room turning dark as a woman appeared with lightening flashing around her, Y/n fell back and stared up in shock at the God.
"You do not deserve the title of God and i am here to relieve you of the burden." Y/n crawled back as the God got closer, bending down and gripping Y/n's face as she flinched, this was how she was going to die. But instead of violent murder a kiss was gently placed on her head, and Y/n's eyes opened as the God moved back, the gold glow following her as Y/n watched her Godhood be taken.
"Let go of her!" Tomoe shouted, throwing fire at Princess Narukami, causing the angry goddess to move back from Y/n as Tomoe caught her, looking over her as he cradled her face.
"Tomoe." Y/n whispered with a small smile as the kitsune sighed in relief that she was still alive, glaring at Princess Narukami as she looked down at him with a smug smile.
"Come Tomoe and be my obedient Familiar." Tomoe growled as Y/n gripped his arm, his anger rising.
"No." Princess Narukami deadpanned before a malicious grin came over her face, a mallet appearing in her hand as she hit Tomoe over the head with it. Y/n shouted out as smoke appeared around Tomoe until it cleared and in his place was...a child Tomoe? Y/n caught him as he fell back, his eyes wide as he looked at himself in horror.
"If you wish to be restored to your true body come to Mikage's Shrine and seal the contract." Princess Narukami laughed as she left, leaving Y/n holding Tomoe as she stared out the window.
Y/n sat on the bench with Tomoe's head in her lap, fussing over him as his temperature seemed to rise by the minute.
"Huh? Y/n?" Kurama's voice jolted Y/n as she looked up at him, the popstar pushing back his hair as he gave her a cheeky grin.
"What are you doing outside my apartment building? Did you want to come cuddle with me instead of that stupid fox?" Kurama winked at Y/n before a leaf hit him harshly in the face making him scream out as Tomoe sat up on Y/n's lap and glared at him. Kurama stared at Tomoe for a moment before bursting out in laughter, Tomoe now crossed his arms as Y/n wrapped her arms around him and stood.
"You live here Kurama?" Kurama composed himself and nodded, looked down at Tomoe as Y/n explained what happened with the Mallet, her Godhood and now baby Tomoe's temperature.
"Well you're more than welcome to stay the night with me Y/n but the damn fox can freeze out here for all i care. But don't worry, i'll keep you company." Kurama grinned as he got closer, his nose almost touching Y/n's when another leaf landed on his nose causing it to burst into a nose bleed, his body jumping back as he shouted at Tomoe.
"I won't leave Tomoe out here." Y/n declared which made Kurama sigh before agreeing to the fox coming into his apartment aswell.
Y/n's jaw dropped as she entered, looking around as she carried Tomoe towards the bedroom.
"This is my bedroom, you can stay here tonight Y/n but the kitsune can sleep on the floor, i can keep you warm." Kurama purred out as he took a string of Y/n's hair between his fingers and went to nuzzle her neck. Y/n glared at him as she walked over and placed Tomoe on the bed, his eyes glaring deeply into Kurama as he watched Y/n bend over in her school skirt.
"He is not sleeping on the floor! If i'm staying in this bed so is he." Kurama huffed as he looked at Tomoe and conceded, not like the little guy would stop him from being able to make a move on Y/n, even if she wasn't a God she was still hot and he wanted to bite the forbidden fruit so bad. As though Tomoe could hear his thoughts another leaf smacked Kurama as Y/n called out and they all began shouting at each other until Tomoe collapsed, Y/n panicking as she told Kurama to get some cold water and a flannel.
Kurama sat on the bed as Y/n placed the flannel on Tomoe's head.
"Why will his fever not go down?" Y/n questioned as she moved Tomoe's hair and caressed his little face before she looked at Kurama.
"The mallet only changed his body, his powers are still running rampant and his small body can't handle it. He won't get better until he becomes normal again." Y/n bit her lip as she looked back at Tomoe, Kurama moved over to his bedside, collecting a pill as he explained it would help, shoving it into Tomoe's mouth as Y/n gasped. Tomoe clenched down on Kurama's finger as he screamed out and threw Tomoe onto the floor, Y/n rushing over and picking him up as she scolded Kurama.
Y/n fussed more over Tomoe, the soup he had taught her to make being spoon fed to him as Kurama leaned against the doorway watching, mumbling to himself about the damn fox. Y/n changed the flannel on Tomoe's head, placing a gentle kiss in his skin as she begged him to get better, standing as she awkwardly rubbed her arm. Kurama stood in his pjs watching her as she looked up at him with an adorable expression that he was sure she didn't know she was giving.
"Umm, can i borrow some clothes to sleep in please?" Tomoe's ears perked as he opened his eyes and looked at Kurama's smug face, handing her a shirt and some boxer shorts which made Y/n's face go red as she thanked him and scurried to the bathroom. Kurama turned to Tomoe as he huffed.
"Go sleep on the sofa or something fox." Tomoe glared at him as Y/n came back in, the boxers peeking out the oversized shirt as he tried not to stare at her nipples poking through the thin material, her clothes neatly folded but both Kurama and Tomoe could see the frills of her underwear poking out as she placed them down. Smiling at them both she sat next to Tomoe and checked his temperature, her eyes sparkling as she looked at Kurama in joy.
"His fevers gone down! The tablet must have worked thank you Kurama." Y/n beamed as she grabbed the flannel and replaced it with a cold one, Tomoe staring at Y/n as she tucked him in.
"Well i guess we'd better get into bed then Y/n." Y/n's face went red as she turned to look at Kurama, a smirk on his face as his wings expanded.
"Huh? I thought you'd sleep on the sofa." Y/n chuckled awkwardly as Kurama deadpanned, grabbing a pillow as he offered it to Y/n.
"This is my bed, i'm not sleeping on the sofa, if you don't want to join me then you can take yourself to the sofa and put that pest on the floor." Y/n pouted as she looked at Tomoe, his eyes now closed as she ran her hand through his hair.
"Fine. But stick to your side alright?" Kurama grinned as he pulled the blanket back, his wings taking up half the bed whilst Tomoe took up the other half, Y/n bit her lip as she climbed in, the shirt crawling up her body as she laid down making Kurama lick his lips at how her body looked in his boxers. This must have been some kind of wet dream, if only Tomoe wasn't here he would believe it, instead Y/n placed a pillow between her and Kurama and cuddled up to Tomoe's body. Huffing Kurama crossed his arms and turned to face the other way, so much for running his hands up and down her legs until she was panting and asking him for more.
Y/n woke up as she felt small hands tug on the shirt she wore, yawning she looked down at Tomoe's little body curled into her chest, his hands gripping the shirt as he breathed evenly. A sudden tug made her aware of the arm around her waist and warmth on her back, looking down she saw black nails against her naked skin where the shirt had ridden up exposing her midriff, her face turned dark red as her ears burnt, trying to shift away from him she heard Kurama groan and pull her closer. His face now nuzzled in the nape of her neck as he moaned, his nails now grazing her stomach as he rolled his hips into her butt. Holding her breath Y/n stayed deadly still before the hands loosened and Kurama turned over mumbling something before snoring. Letting out a breath she looked down at Tomoe, jolting up as she saw his face red, her breasts smothering his little face as she pulled him free. Tomoe taking a deep breath as Kurama fell off the bed at the sudden panicked movements, holding his head he sat up seeing Y/n fussing over Tomoe whose eyes were wide.
"I'm so sorry Tomoe! I didn't mean to suffocate you." Kurama's jaw dropped as he realised the lucky fox had been face deep in Y/n's chest, glaring at Tomoe as he looked away trying to hide his embarrassment. Damned Fox Kurama thought.
"Why are you cooking whatever he wants?" Y/n turned her head to where Kurama sat, tilting her head in confusion.
"He always does everything for me and makes sure i'm okay, this is nothing compared to what he does for me." Y/n grinned a she rolled the rice into balls and placed them on the plate, she wasn't quite sure if she'd made them right but hopefully he would enjoy them. Kurama watched in envy as she took them through to Tomoe, sitting him up and watching as he ate them, Y/n beaming with pride as he praised her for the cooking. Kurama walked in as Y/n stroked Tomoe's hair before he smacked her hand away.
"You must be on your guard with him. He is not so innocent." Y/n waved her hand away before Kurama grabbed one of Tomoe's ears.
"Talking about me huh?" Kurama laughed as Tomoe fell over, Y/n picking him up and cradling him to her chest.
"Don't be so rough with him!" Y/n chastised as Kurama pushed his hair back and looked at Tomoe.
"Getting Y/n to come to your aid, not bad Tomoe. Anyway i need to get to rehearsal, find a way to get that mallet or he won't make it more than a few days." Y/n nodded as she placed Tomoe down and moved to clean the kitchen. Tomoe stood by the window as Kurama mouthed to him. His eyes going wide as he looked down in shame, he was supposed to protect Y/n and instead she was caring for him in his useless body.
Y/n heard the door closed as she turned, calling out to Tomoe she found the bedroom empty, rushing to the window she watched as he walked towards Princess Narukami's spirits and left. Her jaw dropped as she rushed to dress, pulling on her uniform and rushing out the apartment. As she stood where he had been she felt tears in her eyes, he had gone to Narukami, he must have truly been desperate.
"Oh Tomoe i knew you'd come back!" Tomoe was lifted from the floor as Narukami cuddled him into her chest and he couldn't help but recall how much softer Y/n had been when she cuddled him.
"You are so cute like this but i much prefer you in your true form, so big and strong. Now. Seal the contract with me and be mine forever." Narukami declared as she let go of Tomoe, closing her eyes and pouting before she opened her eyes to an empty hallway.
"Tomoe!" She screamed as she sent her lion spirits to search for him.
Y/n sat on the bench outside Kurama's her knees draw to her chest as she stared at the ground, a blue butterfly landing on her shoulder as Kurama approached.
"What are you doing out here?" He questioned as she raised her head, the redness around her eyes betraying her.
"Tomoe left. He went to the Shrine." Kurama's eyebrows rose as he sighed out before handing Y/n a feather, Y/n took it gently.
"They have been with you since you arrived and i'm sick of being the only one to hear them." Y/n gasped as Onikiri and Kotetsu appeared.
"Lady Y/n!" They cried as Y/n hugged them, both of the spirits crying out about Tomoe as Y/n tried to listen.
"Tomoe is hiding away!"
"He refused to be her familiar and she is going to destroy the Shrine."
"Please help!"
Y/n stood by the entrance of the Shrine as she watched the poor lion spirits be shocked.
"Find me Tomoe!" Princess Narukami screamed as she turned and spotted Y/n.
"I have a deal for you." The Princess' eyebrow raised as Y/n gulped and stepped forward.
"If i can find Tomoe you give me back my Godhood and return Tomoe to normal." Princess Narukami thought about it for minute before agreeing.
"Agreed. But if my spirits find him before you, you can stay as a lowly servant for the rest of your miserable human life. You have 30 minutes. Y/n nodded quickly as she ran inside the Shrine, hunting for Tomoe, calling out to him but it was no use. She only had 10 minutes before she would become a servant regardless if anyone found him. Onikiri and Kotetsu popped up as Y/n was losing hope, shushing Y/n as they directed her to the table, a small mirror surrounded in butterflies laid hidden under a book. As she removed the book she saw Tomoe, his little body laid down and his body covered in a red flush, gasping she held a hand over her mouth.
"You need to retrieve him." Onikiri whispered before they disappeared, Y/n bit her lip as she pushed a hand into the mirror, begging Tomoe to take her hand as she willed him to come out.
"Tomoe." Y/n whispered as she held him in her arms, his body boiling as he struggled to breathe, rushing out the Shrine she called out Princess Narukami.
"I have Tomoe!" The lightening God huffed as she snapped her eyes to her spirits, a silent threat that they would be paying for this.
"Fine. I am a woman of my word and i do not want him if he does not want me." Princess Narukami bent down and placed a kiss on Y/n's forehead, bestowing her Godhood once again.
"They'll explain how to fix him." With that she left, her spirit holding the mallet up to Y/n with wide eyes.
"Swing the mallet and will him to be big again." Y/n nodded as she held the mallet, swinging it at Tomoe as she shouted out for him to grow.
Tomoe grew instantly, the smoke clearing as Y/n stared at him, his hair now long which enhanced his beauty making Y/n turn red as the lion spirit took the mallet and left. Y/n gulped as Tomoe looked at her, the Shrine's energy now clean and the repairs fixed within seconds of Tomoe being normal once more.
"You look...beautiful." Y/n stuttered out as Tomoe approached her, pushing her hair out her face before he cupped her face.
"Thank you Mistress." Y/n didn't have time to react before his lips sealed over hers, her hands coming to touch his chest as he hungrily pressed into her, deepening the contracts kiss until he pulled away against his own desires. Y/n's eyes opened as she watched him become a familiar once more, her hand moving to her lips as she bit them. He had sealed the contract once more, and yet that did not feel like a contractual kiss.
Y/n was struggling to not stare at Tomoe as he stood in the garden, the broom he leaned against whilst a butterfly landed on his hand was what he had been doing. Now he stood gracefully, his long hair tied behind his head, sun beaming down on him like he was being blessed by the Gods and Y/n couldn't help the rush of arousal that ran through her veins. She blamed the contract kiss for the confusing emotions, or maybe she was coming down with a fever, that had to be it, that's why she was rubbing her thighs together as she watched him. She couldn't ever call him a pervert again whilst she was doing this. Tomoe turned his head to Y/n as he smelt her sweet arousal, his whole body reacting to her as she jumped and scrambled inside hiding away from Tomoe as he chuckled.
"My sweet Mistress. One day you will beg me to follow you and that will be the day i finally break." Tomoe looked at the sky as he inhaled still able to smell her sweet aroma, the butterfly flying away as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment.
Y/n sighed as she laid in her futon, her shirt rode up as she tossed and turned until she finally stood, pulling her shirt over her underwear as she left her bedroom. Entering Tomoe’s bedroom she found him reading a book under candle light, his eyes finding hers as she shuffled her feet around.
“Can i sleep in here please?” Y/n whispered but Tomoe heard clear as day, his ear twitching as he nodded, his eyes raking along her half naked body as she scampered into the futon and turned her back to him.
Tomoe grinned as he leant close to her neck, his hand coming to her thigh as he placed a kiss on her neck, his canines gently pressing into her skin.
"Thank you for looking after me Mistress. I owe you." Tomoe purred out, his tail coming to caress her legs as she closed her eyes, his nails now gently running up and down her thigh as he nuzzled her neck. Y/n let out a quiet moan as she rubbed her legs together, Tomoe preening at her bodies response to him until Y/n's eyes opened and she slammed a hand over her mouth. Tomoe let out a laugh as she rolled onto her stomach and away from his ministrations.
"You're so mean." Y/n mumbled into the pillow as Tomoe stared at her, how the moonlight lit up her skin and each freckle and curve was his to take in, including her cute frilled underwear which made his mind go feral. Forcing himself to control himself he laid down on his back, one arm over his eyes as the other ran through her hair.
"Goodnight Y/n." Y/n turned her head to see him relaxed, moving to lay her head on his arm and cuddle into his side as she whispered goodnight back and settled into sleep.
Y/n laughed with Ami and Kei as they walked home, Kei was going on about her amazing boyfriend and teasing Ami as she blushed whenever Kei implied more.
"Oh come on Ami, you're telling me you've never wanted to kiss a guy? I mean Y/n back me up here you think about kissing Tomoe all the time right?" Y/n went red as her mouth opened and closed in panic at Kei's words, Kei let out a laugh as Ami rushed to poke Y/n.
"Come on you're so obvious Y/n." Kei joked as Y/n closed her mouth and began shaking her head.
"I don't think about kissing Tomoe! I just..." Y/n went silent as she realised how much she thought about Tomoe, sometimes it was kissing which she could admit to her friends but she couldn't admit all the other dirty thoughts and feelings she had. The worst part was most of the thoughts were based on things Tomoe had done to her, his act so innocent and caring and here she was being perverted towards him.
"It's normal to think about it Ami, don't let Kei scare you." Y/n finally spoke as she reached over and flicked Kei's forehead making the girl yelp and a friendly argument begin.
Y/n walked into the Shrine, her thoughts away from her as she noticed Tomoe sat with a mirror, his nails raking through his now short hair as Y/n's jaw dropped. Tomoe turned with a smirk to look at Y/n before his face dropped to one of a confused at her face.
"Is something wrong?" Y/n wanted to cry as she got closer and ran her hands through his hair, thinking about all the things she hadn't been able to do with his glorious long hair.
"You cut it." Y/n whispered with a pout as she imagined brushing his hair, braiding it, washing it. Tomoe scowled as he stood up, looking down at Y/n as she continued to pout.
"Are you upset i cut my hair?" Y/n nodded before she looked away and sighed then smiled at Tomoe.
"I'm only a little sad because you have gorgeous hair and i was hoping to brush and braid it but i understand it's your hair so you can do as you wish. It looks lovely short as well so please don't worry." Tomoe smirked as he leant down.
"If you want to brush my hair so bad why didn't say? I still have a tail." The last few words came out as a purr as Y/n gulped and looked at his swaying tail in awe, she really hoped this wasn't some cruel joke as she nodded quickly.
Y/n sat happily as she slowly brushed the fur on Tomoe's tail, his book in his hand as he read, the pair in silence as they enjoyed each other's company.
Y/n sat with Ami and Kei as they talked about their plans for the weekend, Kei had just broken up with her boyfriend and wanted to go to the beach to see all the cute boys and show him she was worth more than him. Y/n smiled as she agreed although she could feel Tomoe's gaze in the back of her head as she explained she didn't have a swimsuit, Kei grinned deeply as she agreed to bring one for her.
Tomoe grumbled as he walked on the sand, Mizuki next to him as Y/n ran towards Ami and Kei, the latter glaring at the boys as she loudly protesting to them being there saying they would deter all the cuties. Y/n laughed it off and said they'd stay out their way, Kei relented with a pout and handed Y/n a bag before shooing her to the dressing rooms. Y/n waved the boys off as Tomoe laid on a sunbed in the shade, a book in his hands as Mizuki commented on all the cute girls.
"What do you think?" Y/n spoke as she twirled before Ami and Kei, Ami gushing over Y/n in the light blue bikini which seemed to fit every curve and notch of her body perfectly.
"Wow, doesn't Y/n look amazing? I see everyone else here thinks the same way as well." Mizuki teased as he leant over and watched Tomoe glaring at the males who openly gawked at his Mistress's body, much the same as Tomoe was doing from behind his book. He could not tear his eyes from her as she pulled the hair band from her hair and splashed in the ocean with the two girls, her breasts bouncing as she jumped around and squealed at the cold water hitting against her body. This was torture to watch her be so carefree, so innocent to men as some boys got closer, Kei happily inviting them over as Y/n climbed out and ran towards Tomoe and Mizuki. Her bikini holding her in as she bounced and stopped before the two men, Mizuki now grinning widely as he stood and placed a hand around her waist whilst Y/n gave Tomoe sparkling eyes.
"Would you like to join us Tomoe? The water is lovely." Y/n grinned, her head tilting as Tomoe pulled the book up higher to hide the dark blush on his face and the irritable glare he was trying to hold in at Mizuki's hand almost touching her bikini bottoms where they tied perfectly on her hips.
"No thank you Y/n." Y/n pouted slightly before shrugging and leaning over Tomoe to pat his head, her hands finding where his ears were concealed to give them a small scratch of appreciation. His eyes now staring at her chest as she bent over him, teasing him with no knowledge of the power she held before she stood straight and waved at him.
"Have fun Tomoe." Mizuki sing songed as he followed Y/n into the water, the fox now overcome with jealousy as he watched Mizuki and the other males flirt and splash with Y/n as she held Ami's hands and spun her in circles in the water. She looked angelic and he wished deeply to pick her up and hold her body against his to show everyone she was his but he could not enter the water. His past self was being cursed as he glared at the water in disgust.
Y/n giggled as she let go of Ami, allowing her to paddle around as she went for a swim, Kei busy flirting with the boys as she ran her hands along one of their abs and winked at him, she was too good at it honestly. Y/n stared up at the sky as she swam backwards, it was so calm and beautiful she could stay in the ocean forever if she could breathe underwater. Closing her eyes she drifted out before she felt the current pick up, forcing her to open her eyes and look around as the waves rolled in, panic setting in as she heard Ami trying to swim closer to the shore. Swimming towards her friend Y/n tried to maintain composure, if she panicked she'd drown, just as she reached Ami she was dragged under, Y/n watched in terror as her hands disappeared into the water and didn't waste a moment before screaming out and diving under to find her friend. Tomoe sat up straight up as he heard Y/n's voice, searchign the ocean as he watched the waves crash harshly against the rocks, Kei and Mizuki now rushing to him as Kei explained Ami had gone under and Y/n was trying to get to her. Tomoe raced towards the water, his feet almost in when Y/n emerged, her head bursting through the water as she coughed and spluttered, spinning around until she locked eyes with Tomoe.
"Tomoe!" Before she could continue her sentence the kitsune was diving into the water, his body disappearing for a minute as Y/n dived under trying to spot either Ami or Tomoe but was forced up by the waves as she swam to shore trying to get the water from her lungs. Kei ran to Y/n trying to help her up as she coughed and clung to her friend both of them staring as the water became calm, it felt like hours passed before Tomoe surfaced, Ami in his arms. Y/n called out to Tomoe and Ami as he carried her to shore, both girls throwing her arms around the pink haired girl as they checked on her. Y/n breaking away and throwing her arms around Tomoe as she thanked him, his hands gingerly coming to hold her waist as she pressed her wet body against his and for a moment he forgot his feet still stayed in the water.
"Hahaha! The Great Tomoe finally has made a fatal mistake." The sky darkened as Y/n and Tomoe turned, his hands clutching at her as they watched a yokai exit the water, half fish with an eyepatch and long hair. Y/n's eyes widened as she turned her head to see all the humans passed out, Tomoe's grip tightening on Y/n as he held her close to him, his eyes glaring at the Dragon King as he laughed.
"Here you are, right before i gave up trying to find you. I have been waiting a lifetime for you enter the waters Tomoe." The man shouted with a deep grin as Y/n scowled.
"Who are you?" Y/n shouted as Tomoe pushed her behind him.
"I thought you'd never ask. I am the Dragon King ruler of the sea! Now if you'll excuse me for just a moment whilst i retrieve a debt from an old friend." Y/n placed her hands on Tomoe's arm as he kept her a distance from him.
"A debt...if i only i knew what that meant." Tomoe's voice smooth and calm before the Dragon King laughed, yokai appearing from the water as their tendrils grabbed Tomoe flying him high in the air.
"I am more than happy to remind you, you ignorant fox! Exactly 526 years 208 days ago at 18 minutes and 41 seconds past 2am a certain yokai fox called Tomoe wiped out 7 dragons, 3 sharks, 5 rays and one sea slug at the north gate of my Palace. He then destroyed the north gate and surrounding buildings and finally he stole my right eye and fled! It is tome for you pay it back!" As he finished his speech he called out the oyster, shoving Tomoe inside with a laugh as Y/n ran towards the sea shouting for Tomoe.
"You will slowly turn into sustenance for the oyster and i shall return in a day or so to a lovely big pearl. Now let us head back for a celebration!"
"Wait hold on!" Y/n shouted as she approached the Dragon King, his eyebrow raising as he looked around.
"Why are you awake?" He questioned as Y/n picked up a rock and threw it at him, the Dragon King easily dodging it as she shouted at him.
"I am Y/n L/N Land God of the Mikage Shrine and Tomoe is my Familiar now release him at once." The Dragon King let out a loud laugh as he bent over clutching his stomach before standing and wiping a fake tear from his eye.
"No can do little girl now run along." Y/n scowled as she saw the oyster begin delving deep, panicking she gripped it with all her might holding her breath as it dragged her under. Y/n recalled how Tomoe had said he couldn't enter the ocean and now because of her he was captured. As she struggled to breathe she tried to push through it until she felt hands grip her body forcing her out the water as she coughed up water.
"Your persistence is obnoxious." Y/n opened her eyes to stare at the Dragon King before he dragged her to a near by rock, placing her down as she coughed more water up, her eyes darting to him as she glared.
"Where is he?" Y/n demanded, now crawling towards the Dragon King as he laid his head against his hand and looked at her in boredom.
"I had the sea slugs relocate him, he's far far away. Yes i did carry you to safety now you owe me." He placed a paper down as Y/n scowled gripping in her hand before she chucked it behind her, the Dragon King rolling his eye before placing another down making Y/n hit her hand on the rock in annoyance.
"Fine! Whatever could you possibly want huh? Just give me Tomoe back!" The Dragon King stared her down as he explained his debt.
"I want my eye returned, that fox stole it years ago and i demand it back. I had defeat carved into my face by that useless yokai." Y/n leaned forward as she stuck out her hand.
"I get your eye and you give me Tomoe yes?" The Dragon King let out a laugh as he put his hand out.
"It won't be that simple, my eye has been gone for 526 years. Do you really think it possible to retrieve my eye after so long?" Y/n nodded as she grabbed his hand, shaking it firmly with a determined look.
"If it's to save Tomoe i will accomplish anything."
"Fine, but i am only holding onto the fox as collateral for two days." Y/n nodded as the Dragon King dove under the water leaving her on the rock as she sighed out.
"Damn you Tomoe, why did you have to be such an idiot 500 years ago." Y/n looked up at the sky as she climbed back into the water and swam to shore. She needed to find Mizuki and fast, she only had 2 days before Tomoe would become a pearl. Y/n ran towards the beach as she found Mizuki and her friends all panicked as they called out to both Y/n and Tomoe.
"I'm here!" The girls ran to Y/n hugging her as she quickly lied that her and Tomoe had been swept ashore further along the coat and Tomoe was on his way to the Shrine. Grabbing Mizuki she hid behind a beach hut pressing him against the wood as she looked up at him.
"The Dragon King has Tomoe, i need to find his eye that Tomoe stole 526 years ago. I have 2 days before he turns Tomoe into a pearl!" Y/n whisper shouted as Mizuki pulled her into a hug, a smile on his face as he almost jumped with joy at the idea of the fox being gone allowing him to move in on Y/n.
"Oh that is so awful Lady Y/n, it is such a shame there is nothing we can do to save him." Y/n pulled out his arms and hit his chest as she scowled at him.
"I know you have that time travel thing. I need it to go back in time and find him." Mizuki was shocked as he nodded quickly, turned on and a little fearful of Y/n's determination as she pulled him towards the lodge.
"Come on."
Y/n sat across from Mizuki as she explained what had happened as well as the debt Tomoe owed. Mizuki scowled as he sighed.
"I have to ask you a question. Do you love Tomoe?" Y/n's eyes bulged out her head as she stood quickly, her face bright red as she shook her hands.
"What! Whe-where did get that idea from?" Mizuki let a small laugh out as he looked down.
"One of your friends told me. They said you changed a lot after Tomoe came around and i have to admit i am jealous. I feel so much envy of that fox, i do not believe he deserves such a kind and beautiful Mistress. It does not matter to me whether he were to stay in the ocean or be rescued but i will do this for you. To show you my devotion to you and only you." Y/n rubbed her arm as she listened to Mizuki's confession, her cheeks blazing as he collected his items and burnt the sage to begin the adventure to the past.
"I shall accompany you to the past to keep you safe, but i do not think it is wise to anger Tomoe's past self as he was a blood thirsty murderer." Y/n nodded as she inhaled the scent, her eyes slowly drifting closed as Mizuki placed a t shirt over her bikini to cover her in the world over yonder.
Y/n woke up in a dark area, standing up as she looked down at herself, she was all in one piece with a long top covering herself as she began walking around.
"The eye! You have the Dragon King's eye!" Y/n screamed as Yokai grabbed her legs, a lady gripping her tightly as she clawed at her stomach.
"Give me the eye!" Y/n smacked the Yokai as hard as she could, trying to push the lady from her body as she kept screaming about an eye. Y/n fell to the ground as the Lady's clawed hands came towards her stomach with wide eyes and a menacing grin. Y/n panicked as she shoved her foot against the Yokai's face making her fall backwards before a blue flame smashed into the Yokai, the lady screeching as the flame chased her away.
"Stupid wench." A voice spoke.
Suddenly a yokai dropped before her, gasping she froze as the yokai turned, long white hair and white ears perked up as Tomoe grinned at her. Y/n was in shock as she stood from the ground on shaky legs, stepping back as he looked her up and down.
"Well well, what is a young human doing here?" He purred as he walked closer, she had not seen his long hair since he had cut it and was once more mesmerised by his beauty, she stayed frozen as he approached her. Y/n's eyes were wide as his clawed hand came up to her face, her hair twirled around his fingers before he tugged her into him, forcing her to look up at him as she yelped in pain.
"You smell so delicious." Tomoe took a deep breath in as he smelt her hair, something in him recognised the scent but he couldn't pin point it, almost like he was smelling something so familiar it should have been obvious.
"To-Tomoe, can you let go please?" Y/n whispered as she placed her hands on his chest and pushed him back slightly but he didn't move instead he flashed her a sharp grin and tightened his grip.
"So you know who i am puny human? And what pray tell made you search for me hmm?" Y/n could feel her blushing as he brought his face closer running his nose along her cheek as he inhaled her scent once more, it was irritating him that he could not place the smell on her.
"I...i need the Dragon King's eye." Y/n stuttered out as she felt his tail wrap around her legs, reminding her of the night she had spent asleep next to Tomoe, his tail tickling her thighs as he slept. Tomoe's eyes widened as he pulled back and stared at her with a look she couldn't decipher before she felt her hair be yanked hard making her cry out in pain as his other hand gripped her waist, nails digging into the shirt she wore.
"You were sent by the Dragon King to seduce me and steal the eye hmm? Well then, i guess it is time for you to die." Y/n dug her nails into his chest as she pushed him back, trying to get out of the harsh hold he had on her before she freed her hand and managed to grab his ear. Tomoe froze as she tugged on his ear and shouted.
"Bad boy! Don't be so mean!" Y/n chastised as she recalled all the times she had to part Kurama and Tomoe by dragging their ears and how it worked so easily each time. Y/n pulled his head down as he quickly let go, almost compelled by something deep in him as Y/n glared at the fox.
"Say you're sorry!" Y/n shouted as she placed a hand on her waist, the fox yokai's eyes wide as his mouth opened and closed confused.
"Sorry." Tomoe rushed out as he felt another tug on his ear, Y/n huffing as she loosened her grip and rubbed his ear until his cheeks went red with a small smile.
"Good boy Tomoe. Now, can i have the eye please?" Y/n asked sweetly as she now caressed his hair, his eyes still wide and now his whole body seemed to be that of a tamed cat compared to the wild fox that had been stood before her.
"Tomoe!" A deep voice called, Tomoe now standing to full height forcing Y/n to let go of his ear as he pulled her behind him, his tail curled around her.
"I am busy Akura-ou." Tomoe spoke to the unknown yokai, Y/n trying to see as she clutched at his Kimono to try to look receiving a smack on the thighs from Tomoe's tail in warning.
"Too bad. I am ready to move on, this place is boring. I want some fresh blood. The girls in this village did not satiate my urge." Y/n gulped as her eyes closed, she wished she wasn't here but hoped whoever the Yokai was he wouldn't notice her.
"What is that delicious smell? Are you hiding something from me Tomoe? I thought brother's shared everything." Y/n could hear the smirk as Tomoe pulled her around in front of him, her face in a panic as her eyes met the Yokai, his hair red and horns coming out his head whilst he dressed in a long black feathered coat. Y/n squeaked as Tomoe pulled her into his chest, his hands on her waist as he gripped her tightly.
"Not this one, this one is going to be mine. And i plan to force every noise i can out of those pretty lips." Y/n looked at Tomoe in fear as he grinned down at her, his claws pushing into her waist as he pressed her against his front. Akura-ou let out a laugh as he got closer, his hand coming out to hold the same strand of hair Tomoe had, but his claws were longer and painted black, his energy was darker aswell which made Y/n lean back into Tomoe as the yokai smelt her hair.
"You're no fun Tomoe, she looks like she'd burst in your mouth so easily." Y/n blushed red at his insinuation, gulping as he moved his claw to run along her lips before slicing her lower lip, she winced as he ran a finger through the blood and brought it to her mouth. Moaning to himself with eyes closed as she sucked her lip into her mouth tasting the metallic blood on her tongue as his eyes opened.
"Such a shame. Well, i will continue on, i'll try to leave you some fun at the next village if you don't too much time with her." Akura-ou let out a deep laugh as he left, Y/n felt Tomoe's grip loosen allowing her to turn to face him as he lightly held her face inspecting the cut on her lips.
"You owe me for saving your life human." Tomoe swiped his thumb across her lip and placed it in mouth as he walked past her, leaving her stumped as she blinked in confusion.
"Tomoe!" Y/n shouted as she spun but he gone, sighing she ran her hands through her hair.
"Are you okay Y/n? Did you meet Tomoe?" Y/n jumped as Mizuki appeared behind her his eyes full of concern as he rushed to her side, a small drop of blood made it's way from her hip to her thigh as Mizuki fussed over her but Y/n had her mind on other things.
"I found him but i couldn't get the eye." Mizuki nodded as he checked her wound, it was only a small claw mark but he was furious with Tomoe, that damned fox had manhandled Y/n. Standing straight he looked around to see if he could spot him but by now he was long gone and Y/n wasn't sure what to do.
"Which way did he go?" Y/n shrugged as she looked in defeat at the floor, she should have chased after him but he'd made her feel some way inside that she didn't understand. She shouldn't feel so weird hearing him talk about her or touch her that way, her Tomoe had touched her in far more delicate areas, but this wasn't her Tomoe. This was the past and she didn't know what he'd do if she found him again, the way he'd looked at her was now engraved in her mind and some part of her wanted to know how he'd have gotten her make all the noises he wanted to hear from her.
"I've found his tracks come on Y/n." Mizuki pulled the girl out of her thoughts as he ran towards the village, Y/n could hear the screaming and crying of villagers as the flames burned in her eyes, thick smoke coated the air. Coughing Y/n wiped her eyes and searched for Tomoe but he wasn't in sight, letting out an aggravated shout Y/n turned around stomping her foot before she froze. In the slight distance a pale blue flame burned inside a house, but unlike the village that was being torn down the flame appeared to be staying still. Y/n ran towards the light as Mizuki followed, the pair creeping towards the house as Y/n let out a yelp as she heard a door slam. Tomoe stood by the back door, his eyes staring into the forest as he took in the smoke and terror Akura-ou was creating across the way, sighing he shook his head and reentered. Y/n crouched by the window, watching as Tomoe approached a young human girl, her Y/c hair laid against the pale wood and skin looked greyish as she coughed and stared at Tomoe with lidded eyes. Y/n held a hand over her mouth as Tomoe tried to feed the Dragon King's eye to the girl but she refused, Tomoe shook his head explaining it would save her and they could be together forever. Y/n couldn't believe her eyes as Tomoe left to find something to help the eye go down, Mizuki gripping Y/n as he pulled her into the house.
"Tomoe risked his life to save hers?" Y/n whispered as she watched the girl, her eyes now closed and her breath was laboured, the Dragon King's eyes rest in her palm.
"Take the eye Y/n before he comes back." Y/n crouched down holding the eye as she looked between her hand and the poor girl, she didn't know what she would call the feeling in her chest. Maybe Jealousy or Envy, but she couldn't call it that, Tomoe risked his life for her time and time again, he chose to be her Familiar. But would he do it all if she wasn't a God? If she was human like the girl on the ground. Gulping Y/n ignored Mizuki as he tried to rush her, hovering over the girl as she grasped her lips and placed the Dragon King's eye in her mouth. Mizuki watched in disgust as Y/n threw away her chance of saving Tomoe to save the life of the pitiful human, Y/n was too human, she had too many morals and loyalty to those she didn't know. It sickened him that she could not be selfish like he could, like Tomoe could, they were here because of Tomoe's selfish behaviour.
Y/n huffed as she sat in the beach house, rubbing her head as she tried to come up with ways to get the Eye in the present day, she'd had enough lectures from Mizuki for a life time and now she just wanted to hit the Dragon King over the head and demand Tomoe back to save the headache. She recounted the events in the past back to Mizuki before she froze, her eyes lighting up and she stood quickly and grabbed his hands.
"That Yokai! She said i had the eye! She said i had it and kept trying to take it off of me!" Y/n starting pointing at her stomach where finger bruises had formed from the lady's grip. Mizuki stared confused as Y/n babbled on about the lady, trying to explain exactly what she looked like.
"I know who you're talking about." Y/n let out a cheer as she pushed Mizuki out the door demanding he take her to her yokai.
"You have not changed in 500 years." Mizuki spoke as Y/n rounded the corner, the yokai who attacked her now drenched from head to toe in her bikini top and long skirt looked angry.
"And who the hell are you?" The lady screamed before her eyes made contact with Y/n and she froze, a grin coming on her face as she stood.
"You're the one with the eye. My my you look good for a human after 500 years, that stupid fox isn't with you i presume? Damn Yokai burnt my cloak." Mizuki repressed the eye roll as Y/n moved towards the Yokai.
"I want to make a deal with you. You get the eye from wherever it is, without killing me, and i'll give you anything you want within reason." The yokai grasped her chin examining Y/n's body before a malicious grin came over her face.
"In that case, i want 30 years of your life. Take or leave it sweetheart." Y/n stared at the Yokai as Mizuki stepped forward with a scowl.
"You're being ripped off Y/n! That eye is not worth 30 years of your life." Y/n ignored Mizuki's words as the yokai turned to Mizuki with a scowl.
"And how do you suppose she gets it out then? Both my eyes have second sight, without me you can kiss that eye goodbye. Stay out of this you pathetic snake boy." Mizuki's face dropped as Y/n grabbed the Yokai's arm and turned her around.
"Okay you can have 30 years of my life." The yokai grinned as she stuck out her hand, Y/n lifted her hand.
"Hmm there's a girl who knows how to bargain."
"Y/n don't, don't do it!" Mizuki grabbed her hand, standing between Y/n and the Yokai with a terrified look. Y/n let out a small laugh and ruffled Mizuki's hair.
"Don't worry about me Mizuki, 30 years of my life won't kill me and Tomoe only has one day so i can give up 30 years so he can live." Y/n walked past Mizuki as she shook the Yokai's hand, not noticing Mizuki walking away as the Yokai assisted her to lay down. Y/n let out a small whine as the Yokai placed a hand on her sternum, Y/n's eyes closing as she felt something begin exiting her sternum, the energy depleting from her body as she passed out. The Yokai laughed as she held the gold glowing flame in her hand.
"Well it seems you have something much for valuable than years Land God! I've got the Dragon King's eye and a Land God's soul! What a lucky day for me!" She twirled as she stared at the soul, she had succeeded.
"I tried to warn you this might happen. Why can't you just listen and trust me to protect you. You are too kind, too moral and Tomoe does not deserve such a wonderful person to love him. To take on his debt, you're relentless and nothing would have stopped you. I cannot stop myself from needing to serve you, i'm like a moth to a flame." Mizuki bent down, placing his hand on her pale face as he pushed his lips against hers, savouring how she felt as the contract sealed. He felt freed, an odd feeling after being sealed into a contract but his heart fluttered as he pulled away and turned to the yokai.
"You just...but why?" She questioned, confusion on her face as he approached her, water suddenly exploding on her as she dropped Y/n's soul, allowing Mizuki to collect it and place it back into Y/n.
Y/n felt like the air was returned to her lungs once more as she yawned, her eyes opening slowly before she sat up, placing her hand on her head as she looked around to find Mizuki kneeled before her.
"Good evening Mistress, do you feel better? Today is the first day that i, Mizuki, serve as your familiar! I'll be so amazing you'll forget all about Tomoe." Y/n's jaw dropped as she watched Mizuki almost floating on air, his face one of pure happiness as he stared at her.
"What?" Y/n shouted as Mizuki blushed, a sheepish grin on his face.
"Good new right?" Mizuki's happiness was stopped as he used his snake to grab the yokai as she attempted to crawl away, his aura turning dark as he placed her in front of Y/n.
"How dare you try to deceive my Mistress, i suppose i have no other option than to end your life." His smile was sickening as he raced forward to slash her, Y/n's eyes widening as she panicked.
"Stop Mizuki do not touch her!" His whole body freezing as he took in the sacred word binding, feeling the sweet pinch of her command forcing his body to stop and obey her. It was euphoric, sweet paralysis, a true pleasure to be held in Y/n's power. Turning to her he went bright red as he fell to his knees and begged.
"Do it again, please give me commands and tie me up with your sacred command!" Y/n cringed as she stared at Mizuki, his whole body wiggling in pleasure as he stared at her waiting for a command.
"Don't be a pervert Mizuki. I already have to deal with Tomoe and now you." Rubbing her forehead she closed her eyes before standing, Mizuki rushing to her side before she pushed his hands away.
"You truly are a beautiful Goddess Mistress." Y/n glared at him as she placed her hands on her hips.
"You kissed me in my sleep against my will! If we don't get Tomoe back i'm going to feed you to the spirits!" Y/n shouted as Mizuki wiggled at the threat making Y/n scrunch her nose up before slapping him across the face as he blushed.
"Stop being a pervert!" Mizuki held his face as he held in his excitement, his new Mistress was so fierce, it made his whole body tingle.
"I'm so glad you're adapting to the new changes." Mizuki whispered.
"This is the Dragon King's eye." Y/n deadpanned as she stared at the pearl in her hand feeling defeated as she laid on the sand and let out a small scream.
"Why is everything so difficult!" Mizuki held in his giggle as he watched her temper tantrum before he crouched beside her.
"We still have the eye, that was the deal wasn't it?" Y/n nodded, her nose in the sand before she sat up and shook her head, staring at the pearl in thought. Mizuki pulled the tickets the yokai had given him, a thanks for not murdering her, which he couldn't have done even if he wanted to with the sacred command in place. Thinking about it he repressed a wiggle of pleasure at the thought of being held against his will once more.
"I still think you should have let me punish her. Instead we only got these." Mizuki spoke as Y/n scowled at him and grabbed the tickets, flicking sand at him.
"Don't be so silly, i just wanted her out of here before you tried to kill her." Mizuki looked down at Y/n as she stood, brushing off her shirt as she looked over the tickets, atleast they had a way to the Dragon King's palace now.
"I assure you a familiar will never kill in front of their God, surely Tomoe was the same right? He would never want you to see his dirty work. It might have angered you." Y/n raised an eyebrow as she thought about Tomoe but pushed it out her head and hurried Mizuki to the ocean.
"My Dragon King someone is coming right at us!" The Dragon King ignored his subordinate before the sea slug opened the door in panic. The King looking up bored from his calculations.
"It's the oyster with the fox!" The Dragon King's eyebrow raised as he hurried up shouting Tomoe's name as he flung open the doors to the banquet room. There stood Tomoe, the oyster now ripped open from the inside and the fox gave him a dangerous look as he spoke.
"Good grief. The sensation of being wrapped up in flesh brought back such fond memories. It has been a long time Dragon King. However showing yourself in front of my Mistress Lady Y/n, well that is unacceptable. You knew i would not conduct such bloody business in front of her. You had such a nerve to believe you had one, but now we have changed venues and she will not see the mess i am to make of you as i did 500 years ago. Well, the fun is to begin." The Dragon King's eye went wide as fire began to grow from Tomoe's hand.
Y/n fiddled with her shirt as she sat across from a Lady, her dress beautiful as she explained the item in her hands before the Lady asked what a Land God was doing in the Dragon Kingdom.
"My friend is being held as collateral so i'm venturing there to return the item her stole and bring him home." Y/n smiled as the Lady smiled back and spoke of her husband, her voice smooth and body language full of poise and pride. Y/n felt herself be chucked against the wide of the cart as the Turtle rolled, the half coat flying out the window as the Lady's eyes widened. Y/n rushed to the window before Mizuki caught her, pulling her back as the Lady asked her to sit.
"It is okay, it has been swept away by the current and i fear it will be long gone by now. I imagine that tremor came from the palace. I can always make another half coat, let us carry on our journey." Y/n reached over taking the Lady's hands in hers as she sympathised with her.
"I am so sorry, it was a beautiful garment and i am sure your Husband would have adored it." The Lady smiled back before Y/n sat back, the three of them relaxing as they waited for the journey to finish.
Y/n's eyes were wide as she looked at the Palace, the Lady behind her looking around with distain as sea slugs got closer.
"This is beautiful." The ground shook once more almost knocking Y/n off her feet as the slugs spoke to the beautiful Lady.
"The King is trying to put the fox down." Was all she needed to hear as she began running towards the banquet hall, following the sounds of crashes and the blue flames coming from the room.
The Dragon King fell to the ground under the rubble as he grinned at Tomoe and stood, Tomoe encased in Blue flames as they stared each other down.
"You look far more beastly now than you did on the beach. Even a thousand year love would cool if someone saw you like this." Tomoe raised an eyebrow as he took in the King's words.
"So you know Y/n?" The Dragon King laughed as he stared at the fox in defiance.
"She came pestering me to bring you back, she offered to get my Right eye in exchange for you." Tomoe's fire diminished as she leaned against the wall with a small pout.
"That stupid girl, she is the only Land God who is so incapable of doing such a thing." The Dragon King deadpanned as his jaw dropped.
"That crazy girl is a Land God! I thought she was your lover! Why were you holding her so damn close!" Tomoe threw a fish at the Dragon King as he stood and placed a hand on his hip.
"She may not look the part but she is still the God of Mikage's Shrine! She is not some woman to be touched so carelessly with sullied hands." Tomoe glared at the Dragon King before the door flew open revealing Y/n as she panted, Tomoe's eyes widening as he took in her appearance. The shirt she wore barely covered her bikini, small rips in the waist and hips that resembled claw marks as she pushed her hair back and stormed in. Tomoe felt panic rush through his veins as she stormed towards him, throwing his body into the oyster and slamming it closed. Y/n stared in disbelief as the oyster rocked back and forth from the sudden movement, her jaw open before she clenched her jaw and slammed her hands against the oyster.
"Get out here right now you stupid fox! What do you think you're doing in there after almost destroying this palace huh? And speaking of this palace 500 years ago you were just as stupid as you are now so come out here right now and deal with your punishment or i swear i will pry to you out of there!" Tomoe stayed silent as he felt her hit against the oyster, his hand on his heart as he thought about her, caring for him, coming to save him. It was so admirable and now he felt too embarrassed to face her. Y/n huffed before she pointed at the Dragon King making him jump as she walked over and poked his chest.
"You! Take your stupid eye and get him out of there so i can take him back already! I have had a hell of a day and quite frankly i want a hot bath and to go to bed. You're grown yokai for goodness sake!" The Dragon King nodded in fear as he tried to force the oyster open but Tomoe gripped it from the inside as Y/n face palmed, she had two idiots fighting each other. Mizuki appeared next to Y/n with a grin as he placed an arm around her shoulder.
"If he is causing so much trouble Mistress shall we return to the Shrine and i will run you a bath and massage your body?" He almost hissed in her ear, Y/n looking at him in disgust ready to shout at him before the oyster flew open and Tomoe launched at Mizuki. Tomoe held Mizuki's kimono in his hands as he glared down at him.
"Mistress? What did you do you pathetic little snake!" Tomoe froze as he realised he was out the oyster, turning his head to where Y/n was almost breathing fire as she grabbed his ear and forced him to kneel before her as she scolded him.
"You came out the damn oyster to shout at Mizuki!" Tomoe could feel her nails dig into his ear as he inhaled, he could smell himself all over Y/n as he always could, he made it as habit of scenting her, reminding every Yokai she was his. But now, now he could smell that disgusting snake on her, tainting her. Pouting he crossed his arms listening to his lecture before Y/n sighed and let go of his ear, falling forward as he caught her in his arms, a content smile on her face as she looked at him.
"I'm so happy you're okay! Y'know, i went into the past and you weren't as scary as everyone says." Y/n let out a laugh as Tomoe froze, staring at her deeply before bowing down and placing a kiss on her lips, shocking Y/n as he pulled away a second later. Licking his lips as he tasted the faint hint of her blood, the taste familiar as Y/n blinked in confusion.
"I had to get that snake off you." Y/n nodded slowly as Tomoe stood, Y/n carried in his arms as he glared at Mizuki before departing.
Y/n seemed to be in this position too much with Tomoe as she sat with her arms crossed, pouting as he lectured her on letting her guard down, his hand pointing to Mizuki as he yelled animated.
"Don't even get me started on agreeing to 30 years of your life in exchange for that stupid eye!" Y/n shot a glare at Mizuki as he blanched and hid behind Tomoe who quickly kicked him away shouting at him for allowing her to make such a stupid decision.
"And then to come to the Dragon Kingdom with him? What would you have done if he attacked you and i was inside that oyster!" Y/n went to argue back but Tomoe continued his rant.
"Do you think this snake can protect you like i can? I swear you enjoy making my blood pressure go up!" Y/n pouted again as she looked away, she felt like a child being scolded by her parent. Tomoe sighed as he reached down and placed his hand on her chin, bring her face up to look at him as he tilted his head and spoke calmly.
"Do not put your life in danger for me again." Y/n nodded, she could feel his breath on her mouth, could smell his scent and recalled how his past self had been so similar yet so different it made her mind spin.
"Good, now." Tomoe moved away and turned to Mizuki with a dark aura.
"You are going to be punished for kissing Y/n." Y/n blushed as she watched Tomoe throw Mizuki outside shouting at him to clean and stop slacking but she kept replaying his words. He was being punished for kissing her, not for tricking her into being her familiar, but for kissing her.
Y/n sighed as she brushed her hair, she had 30 minutes before she had to meet Kei and Ami for the mixer. Tomoe stood behind Y/n with his arms in his kimono as he watched her, his chest constricting as she bent over to put her brush away, her skirt riding up and showing the frills on her underwear making him blush. He thought about how foolish humans were, Y/n had no idea her skirt was so short or that when she bent over she could flash anyone which made him agitated as moved to stand right behind her.
"Change." Y/n jolted as she looked over her shoulder at Tomoe, confused as she stood and looked in the mirror, she thought she'd picked a nice outfit. Nothing too fancy or flirty, just a simply black skirt and jumper.
"Why? I think it looks nice." Y/n shrugged off his demand as she tried to decide how to style her hair, Tomoe scowled as he looked down at her. He hated the feeling that over came him at the idea of any other man seeing her like that, to see her legs or to feel them the way he had, it burnt him like fire deep in soul to imagine it.
"That skirt is far too short and i will not have you parading around in something so indecent." Y/n'e eyes widened as she turned and looked at Tomoe, his face serious as she looked down at her outfit and back at him. Placing a hand on her hip she raised an eye in defiance and shook her head.
"No." Y/n grinned to herself as she saw Tomoe's ear twitch at her resistance, although it was short lived when she felt herself be hoisted over his shoulder as she yelped in shock.
"Tomoe! Put me down!" Tomoe let out a chuckle as he walked towards the wardrobe, one hand holding her over his shoulder as he looked through her clothes, trying to find something that would hide her body from others.
"Tomoe!" Y/n whined hitting his back as she felt his hands grip the back of her thigh, she could feel her stomach growing hot at his touch. Embarrassment was now flooding her veins as she wiggled in his hold causing him to readjust her on his shoulder, his hand now holding her inner thigh to keep her still as she sucked in a breath. He hadn't touched her thighs since he'd had to change her bandages and now her skin pricked up at the warmth of his palms on her soft inner thighs.
"Stop squirming or i will spank you." Y/n froze, she hadn't been meaning to rub her thighs together, directly on him either but she had been lost in her thoughts and was sure if Tomoe stood in front of a mirror there would be a wet patch on her baby blue underwear. His threat was still hanging in the air as she tried not to think about it but it was like a bee to honey as she imagined him slapping her gently before massaging it better as he punished her. She was now certain if his hands moved higher he would be able to feel how wet she was, this was a whole new level of embarrassment, she'd never be able to look at him again.
"This should do." Tomoe spoke, trying to keep his voice steady as he smelt her arousal, directly next to his nose, it was too much and he hadn't expected her to react in such a way so quickly. It was making him insatiable, the need to throw her down and take her, to hear her moan out his name instead of going to this stupid mixer. He'd already tried to convince her she had Godly duties but it had fallen on deaf ears. Placing her down he handed her a baby blue dress, the sweetheart neckline was not the most modest choice but it was the same colour as his kimono and his flame, he couldn't have made it more clear she was his. Y/n looked at the dress, her face flushed red as she agreed and hurried him out the room, sighing when she was alone as she looked at the ceiling. Tomoe was going to be the death of her if she couldn't get this attraction under control.
Ami and Y/n sat beside Kei as she flirted with one of the boys across from them, Y/n wasn't the least interested in them but Kei was still trying to get back at her ex and Ami was too cute to say no to. Y/n's eye twitched as one of the boys said they had a girlfriend, she was sat across from him as he stuck his tongue out.
"So Fox, stalking Y/n whilst she's on a date?" Tomoe's ear twitched as Kurama dropped onto the branch next to him with a smirk. Tomoe ignored him until Kurama whistled.
"Wow she really dolled up for this huh?" Tomoe preened as he looked at Y/n, the blue complimented her well and the length almost touched her knees compared to the little black skirt from before.
"Yes, i dressed her beautifully, the colour suits her well does it not?" Tomoe flicked his fan, covering his face as Kurama looked closer before deadpanning and looking at Tomoe.
"Sly fox." Tomoe smirked as he fanned himself, proud that his message had been received loud and clear by the tengu. Kurama smirked again as he leaned on his hand and teased Tomoe.
"You're taking this well, Y/n on a date, anything could happen and as her familiar you can't stop her from wanting more...human relations." Tomoe's hand froze as he listened to Kurama, his eyes turning to slits as he looked at him. Kurama now grinned widely as he continued to torture Tomoe.
"She is an 18 year old girl, she'd bound to want more in life than just being a Land God, most humans want children...or atleast to try to make them." Kurama let out a laugh as Tomoe broke his fan. Kurama let out a screech as Tomoe threw fire at him making him fall out the tree.
"So what are you girls into?" One of the boys asked, Kei instantly answering as Y/n took a sip of her drink and looked up, finding the reddish pink hair coloured boy looking at her. Going red she looked back down as she heard him chuckle, his foot coming to touch her leg as she jumped and looked at him in shock, his eyes not even on her as he engaged in conversation with his friends. Y/n was sure she had imagined it before she felt his foot rub up and down her leg again, his eyes now full of mischief as she moved her leg away making him stick out his tongue. Y/n didn't want to ruin this mixer for Kei but the guy across from her was getting on her nerves as he suggested Kei and him swap seats so Kei could get to know his friend more.
Tomoe glared at the back of the boys head as he scooted next to Y/n, watching her sit up straight as she moved further away, Tomoe praising her in his head for not letting the boy sit too close until he threw his arm behind Y/n's seat and leaned against her whispering in her ear.
"So, what do you like Y/n?" His voice grated her as his other hand landed on her clothed thigh and she was now thankful Tomoe had made her change or it would have been her naked skin he touched. Scooting closer to Ami she gave him a friendly smile.
"Oh uhh, i like cooking, i especially like cooking soup." Y/n scratched her neck anxiously as she thought of Tomoe, recalling how much she enjoyed cooking for him and when he would teach her new things. The guy laughed as he twirled a piece of Y/n's hair around his finger.
"Really? I think it's so cute when a girl loves to cook." Y/n let out an awkward laugh as she moved her head away watching her hair fall put his hand as he let it drop next to her head.
"That's cool, does your girlfriend like cooking?" Y/n put emphasis on girlfriend hoping he would get the hint or atleast act as though he wasn't single but he only laughed and shook his head.
"No, she likes being a pampered princess. But i think it's nice to be the one who's pampered, especially by someone as pretty as you." Y/n cringed inside before she suddenly half stood and looked at the boy.
"I need to some fresh air. I'll be back soon." The boy's eyes were wide as she scooted past, scurrying out the restaurants door and away from the awkward tension. Sitting down Y/n put her head in her hands as she tried to calm her heart, she didn't understand why that guy was acting like that when he had a girlfriend.
"I'll keep you company." Y/n jumped as a hand landed on her shoulder and she held in a groan as he sat next to her, a smirk on his face as he looked her up and down, almost enjoying how she tried to hide her face from him. Moving forward he placed a hand under her chin to pull her face out her arms, making her look at him as Y/n frowned at him.
"Come on, smile for me atleast. You were the prettiest girl in there and i know you were loving the attention i gave you." Y/n scowled as she pulled her face free from his hand.
"I don't want your attention, i'm not that type of girl thanks." Y/n went to stand, feeling his hand on hers as he pulled her back down making her fall into his lap as he held her waist. Her eyes now wide as she pushed against his check, his eyes dark.
"Then what kind of girl are you huh? I think if me and you got out of here i'd see how freaky you really-" Y/n yelped as her arm was tugged, the guy suddenly flying off the fountain as Tomoe stood behind him, his hand on Y/n's arm and foot raised from where he'd kicked him.
"Finish that sentence and you die." Tomoe threatened as he pulled Y/n against his chest, his eyes staying on the guy as he scampered up with fear in his eyes.
"I didn't know she had a boyfriend!" He stuttered out before running back into the restaurant. Tomoe turned to Y/n, his hand on her chin as he looked her over, he could see the slight tears in her eyes.
"Thank you." Y/n whispered, she felt silly, she'd dealt with Yokai trying to kill her, being kidnapped, losing her home and the first thing to make her cry was a human boy. Tomoe's eyes softened as he ran a finger under her eyes, catching the tear that almost fell making her eyes close as he held her gently against him.
"You do not need thank me. I will always keep you safe." Y/n nodded before opening her eyes with a sad smile.
"Can we go home now?" Tomoe nodded, his urge to chase after the human and enjoy some bbq was replaced by the need to see Y/n smile with joy.
Y/n stared at the wall, steam filling the room as she lay with half her face in the warm water, the scent of citrus filling the air as she bathed.
"Are you almost done in there Y/n?" Y/n squealed as she sat up, Mizuki's voice scaring her as she heard the door begin to open, seeing his face with a wide smile on it as she screamed and covered her chest.
"Mizuki!" Said yokai only laughed as he held up a towel with an innocent smile, Y/n ducked into the water as she stared in horror at her familiar coming closer.
"There is no need to be shy Lady Y/n, i am only here to assist you." Before he could get any closer a leaf hit his head causing him to fall face first onto the ground, Tomoe stood behind him glaring at his body.
"Were you trying to look at Y/n in the bath?" His voice was deep and terrifying as Mizuki smiled up at him and waved.
"Of course not i simply wished to help her out and dry her body off, it is only my job as her familiar." Mizuki's voice filled with innocence as Tomoe grabbed his kimono and dragged the snake out, Mizuki waving goodbye to Y/n as she deadpanned at the stupidity of her familiars.
"I'd better get out now to make sure Tomoe doesn't kill him." Y/n sighed to herself as she stood, turning her back to the door as she wrung out her hair.
"Y/n i have taught the snake a lesson, he should know to respect your..." Tomoe's voice stopped as he stared at Y/n, her head turned to him as her face went bright red, hands still holding her hair as her naked body was in his sight. Squealing Y/n covered her chest, luckily her back faced Tomoe as she shouted at him.
"Get out!" Tomoe slammed the door as quick as possible, staring at it as he felt frozen in his spot unable to move. His mind replaying how her body looked, every inch of her free for his eyes to roam, her body covered in a layer of water that made the view even more perverted.
The door opened as Tomoe looked at Y/n, his eyes wide as she bumped into him, his hands catching her as he pulled her wet body against his kimono and held her still. One of her hands pressed against his chest whilst the other clung the towel wrapped around her middle.
"Y/n." Tomoe breathed out, her hand fisting in his kimono as she blushed but could not look away.
"Yes Tomoe." Y/n's voice barely above a whisper as he gulped, his mind overflowing as he looked down at her, her chest pressed together and smushed against his, he could feel the slight dampness under the towel where his hands touched. He couldn't hold back any longer, not when she looked at him with half lidded eyes, not when he could hear her breath hitch as he got closer and especially not when he could feel her cross her legs and squirm.
"I'm sorry." Tomoe whispered as his lips met hers, the kiss feral as he gripped at her, pushing her back into the bathroom and sliding the door closed to be able to press her to it. His entire body on fire as he slotted a leg between hers, a hand beside her head as he devoured her.
Y/n moaned against Tomoe's lips, her hand coming to clutch his neck as his hand pulled her waist to press her into his chest, rubbing her along his thigh as she whined at the feeling. Tomoe's hand clenched around the door, his nails scraping loudly as he groaned as the feeling of her pressed into his thigh, all his senses completely encompassed by Y/n. Pulling away he kissed her jaw, running his canines down onto her neck as she curled her hand in his hair and tugged him further into her. Gripping the towel he yanked it from her hand, throwing it behind him as he moved back to stare at her naked body, loving how her eyes glowed with innocence yet she didn't move to hide herself from his gaze.
"Perfection." Tomoe whispered as he dropped to his knees, Y/n squealing as he ran his hands along her thighs before holding her right leg up and throwing it over his shoulder, his nose nuzzling against her inner thigh as he inhaled.
"You do not understand how hard it is to deny myself this pleasure everytime i smell your arousal, it is constant torture Y/n. To see you squirm, to hear your heart beating so fast i worry you'll faint but worst of all, it's the sweet smell that seems to taunt me. It is divine." Y/n let out a moan as he leant forward, his tongue sweeping across her clit as one of her hands came to grip his hair whilst his other hand held hers beside her waist, forcing her to arch her back and push her pussy into his mouth.
"T-Tomoe." Y/n stuttered out, breathless as she looked down with half lidded eyes, his eyes piercing into hers as he continued to swipe his tongue across her clit, enjoying how her body twitched with each movement of his tongue. He was a man starved, a feral fox and not even the most powerful God could pull him from between her legs in that moment. Y/n's eyes closed as she bit her lip, head bumping the door as she arched further into him, his tongue now finding it's rhythm as she panted at each figure of eight he created. Her nails digging into his head as she squirmed. Tomoe moaned against her clit as he ran a hand along her thigh that rest next to his head, nails scraping the vulnerable flesh as he sucked on her clit enjoying how she jumped and moaned loudly.
"Tomoe." The moan, his name, her taste, God's he was done for. Moving his hand along her thigh he curved it around her thigh under he could glide a clawed finger along her pussy, listening to her gasp at the coolness of his finger tip as he moved his mouth down allowing his fingers to play with her clit as he pushed his tongue in and out her pussy.
"You are being such a good girl for me Y/n." Tomoe moaned out, rubbing his fingers quicker as he matched the pace with his tongue, her hands clenching harder in his hair as she panted out his name. Tomoe wanted so badly to push his fingers into her pussy but his claws would hurt her too much and he never wanted to change the pleasure to pain unless she asked. Y/n whimpered as she threw back her head and moaned his name, barely able to open her eyes as she chased her orgasm, Tomoe lapping at her pussy as he held himself back.
"Tomoe, i..i feel funny." Y/n whispered as her eyes barely cracked open to see Tomoe grinning between her thighs as he removed his finger and sucked harshly on her clit, Y/n crying out as she came hard. Tomoe helping her ride out the orgasm as he continued his torment, his hand now pushing her thighs open to keep his head between them. Y/n tried to push him away as she moaned and cried out, her pussy clenching around nothing as she whimpered his name. It felt so amazing yet she felt like her pussy was going to explode if he didn't stop, Tomoe sucked harshly once more as Y/n yelped out making him grin against her leg as he pulled away and watched her. Her hair stuck to her forehead as she panted, eyes blank as Tomoe placed her leg down, his hands holding her hips as he held her up.
"Y/n." Tomoe spoke softly, bringing her attention to him as she nodded, mouth slightly open as she breathed in and out, chest rising and falling as her nipples grazed his kimono making her sigh out another moan at the stimulation. Eyes closing as she leant against the door, Tomoe looking her over before removing his Kimono, his trousers underneath covering his lower half as he draped it over her, Y/n inhaling his scent as she fell forward into his arms.
"You did so well. Try to get some rest." Y/n nodded as Tomoe picked her up, carrying her to his bedroom as he laid beside her, curling into her body whilst she fell asleep.
Mizuki laid with his face against the floor, tears flowing from his eyes.
"Is Lady Y/n okay? Is Tomoe hurting her?" The spirits asked eyes filled with concern as Mizuki raised his head.
"No...he is not hurting her." Mizuki dropped his head again as he continued to cry.
Hey guys, i'm not properly out of my slump but atleast it's something right?
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doctorbitchcrxft · 3 months
No Exit | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Eventual ? )
Warnings: Jo and reader are dicks to each other, canon violence, canon gore
Word Count: 5754
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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You and the Winchester boys had been hunkered down in the rooms Ellen told you about the first time she met you for a few days now. You were grateful for her generosity while you and the brothers tried to pin down your next move with the demon or another hunt, but you were going stir crazy. You sat on the hood of the Impala under the shade of a tree pouring through newspapers. Sam and Dean approached you after a few hours of you researching.
“What are you doing to my baby?” Dean asked you.
“Dee, she’s fine, we’re bonding,” you said, tapping the spot next to you on the hood. “Nothing’s dented or broken; promise.”
He gave you a skeptical look but said nothing else.
“ ‘Sides, I was getting ready to come get you anyway,” you said, hopping down. “I think I got something. Los Angeles, California.”
“What’s in L.A.?” Sam asked.
“Young girl's been kidnapped by an evil cult,” you smirked.
“Yeah? Girl got a name?” 
“Katie Holmes.”
Dean chuckled, and a grin spread across your face. 
“Seriously, though, it’s like all things supernatural disappeared off the face of the earth,” you continued.
Dean turned his head toward the Roadhouse at the sound of a glass breaking. “Ooh, catfight.”
You grimaced and followed the boys into the bar cautiously. Ellen and Jo were arguing loudly about Jo wanting to go off and Ellen wanting her to stay at the Roadhouse or go back to school. She stopped shouting when she noticed you. “Guys, bad time.”
“Yes, ma'am,” Sam said. The three of you turned to leave.
Dean got one more quip in, saying, “Yeah, we rarely drink before ten anyway.”
“Funny, let’s go,” you deadpanned, grabbing his jacket lightly and pulling him to the door.
“Wait. I wanna know what they think about this,” Jo said.
At the sound of the creaking front door, you turned to see a family with two kids under three walking in wearing bright yellow “Nebraska is for Lovers” t-shirts.
Ellen continued to yell despite the customers that had entered. “I don't care what they think!”
The father of the two young kids cut Ellen off. “Are you guys open?”
Jo yelled, “No!” and her mother yelled, “Yes!”
The dad grimaced and shrank away. “We’ll just… check out the Arby’s down the road.”
The phone rang as the family left, and Ellen went to answer it. Jo turned to you and the brothers; her gaze mostly focused on Dean, per usual. 
“Three weeks ago, a young girl disappears from a Philadelphia apartment.” She shoved a file at Dean. Dean looked down at it strangely.  “Take it, it won't bite,” she said.
“No, but your mom might,” he responded.
Jo’s lips pinched, still holding out the folder. He took it reluctantly as Jo continued explaining. “And this girl wasn't the first. Over the past eighty years six women have vanished. All from the same building, all young blondes. Only happens every decade or two so cops never eyeball the pattern. So we're either dealing with one very old serial killer, or—”
Dean flipped through it and cut her off. “Who put this together? Ash?"
Jo smiled proudly. “I did it myself.”
Dean hummed, impressed, and you took the folder from him. You flipped through it, secretly hoping to find holes in it somewhere, but you couldn’t at first glance. You were impressed, too, much to your chagrin.
“I gotta admit. We hit the road for a lot less,” Sam added.
“Good. You like the case so much, you take it,” Ellen stated.
“Joanna Beth, this family has lost enough. And I won't lose you too. I just won't.”
Your gaze softened as you took in Ellen’s grief-stricken features. You could completely empathize with how that felt. And so, you and the brothers set off. 
“I feel kind of bad, snaking Jo's case,” Sam said as the three of you stalked around the deceased’s apartment.
“I don’t,” you said. “Her mom’s only trying to protect her.”
“Exactly. Maybe she put together a good file,” Dean added, “but could you see her out here working one of these things? I don't think so.”
You pulled out your EMF meter and continued walking around the very nice apartment. “What I wouldn’t give to have one of these,” you muttered. “You getting anything?”
“No, not yet,” replied Sam. Just as he spoke, you heard his meter beeping. He leaned over to something in front of him, and you walked over.
“What's that?” you asked.
“What?” Dean came up behind you as Sam reached down to the lightswitch and lightly touched it.
“Holy crap,” the younger Winchester said.
Dean reached forward, too. “That's ectoplasm. Well, Sam, I think I know what we're dealing with here. It's the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.”
You snickered. “Can we get through one hunt without a Ghostbusters reference, please?”
“Guys, focus, please,” Sam deadpanned. “I've only seen this stuff, like, twice. I mean, to make this stuff you have to be one majorly pissed off spirit.”
“Alright, let's find this badass before he snags any more girls,” Dean said. You followed him out of the apartment and immediately had to cling to a wall to avoid being seen by the approaching voices. Your face fell when you realized one of the voices was Jo’s.
“It is so spacious.” Her voice was getting closer. “You know, my friend told me I absolutely have to come check it out, and I have to admit, she was right. You did a really good job with this place.”
Dean stepped out suddenly. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“There you are, honey,” Jo grinned, wrapping an arm around Dean’s waist. You could’ve killed her.  “This is my boyfriend Dean, and his buddies, Sam and (Y/N).”
“Good to meetcha,” the landlord said. “Quite a gal you've got here.”
Dean smacked her ass roughly, trying to convey his frustration to her. “Oh yeah, she's a pistol.”
“So, did you already check out that apartment? The one for rent,” Jo asked Dean.
“Yeah. Yes. Loved it. Heh. Great flow.”
“How'd you get in?” the landlord asked.
Dean swallowed harshly. “It was open.”
“Now, Ed, um, when did the last tenant move out?” Jo grinned back at the landlord.
“Oh, about a month ago. Cut and run, too. Stuck me for the rent.”
“Well. Her loss, our gain! 'Cause if Dean-o loves it, it's good enough for me.”
“Oh, sweetie,” Dean gritted through his teeth, smacking her again.
Jo pulled out a wad of cash. “We’ll take it.”
The landlord’s eyes widened, and he immediately brought you back to the front office to get a key.
You paced around the lovely apartment furiously at Jo re-hijacking the hunt you’d hijacked from her. 
“I’ll flip you for the sofa,” she said to you.
“Does your mom even know you’re here?” you asked.
“Told her I was going to Vegas.”
You scoffed. “She’s not stupid, She’s not gonna buy that.”
“I'm not an idiot,” Jo challenged. “I got Ash to lay a credit card trail all the way to the casinos.”
Dean took your humorless laugh as an opportunity to jump in before you got any uglier. “You know, you shouldn't lie to your mom. Shouldn't be here, either.”
“Well, I am,” she said. “So untwist your boxers and deal with it.”
“Where'd you get all that money from, anyways?” Sam questioned.
She gave a prideful smile. “Working. At the Roadhouse.”
“Hunters don’t tip that well,” Dean replied.
“Well, they aren't that good at poker, either,” she smirked.
‘Take away her immaturity, inexperience, rashness, and massive crush on Dean, I probably could be friends with her,’ you thought.
Dean’s cell phone rang. “Yeah?” He answered, still glaring at Jo. “Oh, hi, Ellen.” Dean and Jo had a furious muttered argument before he said, “I haven’t seen her” back into the phone. “Yeah, I'm sure… Absolutely.” Dean hung up, and Jo grinned cheerfully.
“Why didn’t you tell her?” you hissed at Dean. “Ellen’s gonna murder us.”
“Seriously?” Jo folded her arms at you. “You’re scared of my mom?”
“No,” you spat back. “I just don’t wanna babysit the whole time I’m trying to hunt.”
“(Y/N), stop it,” Sam warned.
“Me? This chick has a death wish, and I need to ‘stop it’?” you snarked. “I’m going to get some air.” You stomped out of the room, Dean trailing behind you.
“(Y/N), where are you going?” he asked.
“Away,” you snorted. “She’s pissing me off. I’m not hunting with her.”
He grabbed your arm. “I’m not happy, either, but what’s this really about?”
You felt caught. “What?”
“You heard me. What’s goin’ on? You’re normally the one who has to talk me off the ledge. Not the other way around,” he said.
You lowered your voice. “I don’t trust her,” you began. “I don’t trust her to have any of our backs. All she’s tried to do thus far is get in your pants and act like an immature brat.
"She has potential, sure, and she’s smart, but she’s not one of us. And I have no idea what her skillset is. She pointed a rifle at you one time; we’ve never seen her use one. She could be an awful shot. And she has no idea how to actually kill anything. She’s, what, twenty-one, twenty-two? She didn’t grow up hunting. She has no experience.
"She doesn’t belong here. And you not telling Ellen she’s here was a huge mistake. Because now, she’s our responsibility. And like I said, I’m not babysitting. If it’s between you or Sam, and her, I’m saving you and Sam every time.”
Dean smirked down at you.
“What?” you hissed.
“You’re jealous,” he said simply.
“Seriously? Did you hear anything else I said?” You crossed your arms and quirked a brow.
He chuckled. “Yeah, I did, and I agree. I’ll watch her if you’ll watch Sam, okay? No blood on your hands if something happens to her,” he replied.
You shook your head. “No, Dean, I don’t like that, either—”
Dean smirked down at you. “What, don’t you trust me?”
“Of course, I do,” you replied. “I don’t trust her.”
He chuckled. “I think you said that already.”
“Just—” you huffed. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
Dean snorted. “C’mon, it’s me we’re talking about. I’ll be fine. Will you come back and be civil now?” he asked.
“No promises.”
“Okay, I guess we’re doing this, then.” He raised his pinky at you, and you rolled your eyes.
“I can’t make a pinky promise I can’t keep,” you replied.
“That’s the point. You have to, so I know you’ll be civil.” Dean looked down at you, a challenge in his eyes and a smile plastered on his face.
“But—” you tried.
“Dean,” you groaned but locked pinkies with him nonetheless.
“See, was that so hard?” he smirked down at you.
“You can’t use my own thing against me,” you said as you headed back to the apartment. “That’s against the rules of pinky promises.”
“Oh, there’s rules now?” Dean questioned playfully.
“There are when I say there are,” you responded flippantly, opening the door to the apartment.
Jo and Sam turned to face you, and you suddenly felt incredibly uncomfortable. 
“Look, Jo—” you started.
“Save it. It’s fine,” she replied.
“Well, okay, then,” you mumbled, softly enough that only Dean could hear you mocking her. 
Dean gave you a warning look. “(Y/N).”
“I know, I know.”
You sat at the table with your laptop next to Sam as Dean paced around the room. Jo had been flipping her little knife around for the last thirty minutes while she looked over the blueprints for the apartment.
“This place was built in 1924. It was originally a warehouse, converted into apartments a few months ago,” she explained.
“Yeah? What was here before 1924?” Dean questioned.
“Nothing. Empty field.”
“So, most likely scenario, someone died bloody in the building, and now he's back and raising hell,” Sam added.
Jo shook her head. “I already checked. In the past eighty-two years, zero violent deaths. Unless you count a janitor who slipped on a wet floor.” She looked up to Dean. “Would you sit down, please?”
Dean sat hesitantly at the head of the table, eyeing Jo guardedly. “So, have you checked police reports, county death records—”
“Obituaries, mortuary reports and seven other sources. I know what I'm doing,” she said.
“Jury’s still out on that one,” Dean replied. “Could you put the knife down?”
She complied, eyeing him angrily. He glared back.
Sam huffed. “Okay! So, uh, it's something else, then. Maybe some kind of cursed object that brought a spirit with it.”
“Meh, unless somebody’s got a relic from an Egyptian tomb, I’m not sure a cursed object has the kind of spirit power necessary to make ectoplasm,” you said. 
Jo completely ignored you. “Well, we've got to scan the whole building. Everywhere we can get to, right?”
“Right. So. You and me, we'll take the top two floors,” Dean said firmly. “Sam and (Y/N)’ll take the bottom two.”
“We'd move faster if we split up,” the blonde tried.
“Oh, this isn't negotiable,” Dean responded. 
You and Sam returned to the room way sooner than Dean and Jo did. The two of you found nothing of particular interest, unfortunately, and opted to just sprawl out on the couch and floor watching a rerun of Seinfeld. 
“I just wanted to tell you,” Sam began, “I don’t think you’re wrong about Jo. Just… tone it down a bit. My brother’s dickish enough to her.”
You sighed. “Dean made me pinky promise I would be civil, so you don’t have to worry about me anymore.”
He scoffed. “My brother made you pinky promise?”
You giggled. “I introduced him to the concept.”
“What have you done to him?” Sam chuckled sarcastically. 
You shook your head. “I have no idea. I don’t know what he’s doing to me, either.”
Sam paused. “Have you… talked about it at all?”
You nodded your head from side to side as if to say, “sorta.” “I just don’t think now’s the right time. I mean, after your dad, I don’t wanna take advantage of that or him to use me as a distraction.”
He nodded in understanding. “I get it. But… I also don’t think Dean would use you.”
You shrugged. “Better safe than sorry.” You paused. “How are you holding up, by the way? We haven’t had much of an opportunity to hang out one-on-one recently.”
“Honestly? Not great,” he sighed. “I’m scared, man. I don’t know what’s happening or how to stop it. And I think my dad died thinking I hate him.” Tears began to well in his eyes. “I never should’ve said those things to him.”
You got up from the floor and went to sit next to him. You reached out and grabbed his hand, squeezing firmly. “If it helps at all, I think my dad died thinking the same. And that feeling goes away after a while. I think both our dads knew that despite our many, many, many issues with each other, the bottom line is, we loved each other a lot.”
He squeezed your hand back and looked at you with sad, puppy-dog eyes. “I hope you’re right.”
The door opened to reveal Dean and Jo bickering and Dean’s fist clenched around a clump of blonde hair with skin attached to it. 
You giggled. “What, you hate each other that much that you ripped a piece of Jo’s hair out?”
Dean deadpanned, “No, smartass. We found this in a vent.”
Your stomach dropped. “Oh. Gross.”
“Yeah, exactly,” Dean grumbled. He opened the trash can in the room and dumped it inside.
“Alright, it’s getting late,” Jo stated. “Who’s sleeping where? There’s four of us, two beds, and a couch.”
“(Y/N) and I’ll take a bed,” Dean said casually almost immediately. “Sam’ll take the other. Jo, you got the couch.”
The three of you were stunned at Dean and his adamancy. 
Oh-kay,” Jo said, still shocked. 
“C’mon,” Dean said, jerking his head toward one of the rooms. He picked up your duffel bags and headed off.
You followed behind, saying “Goodnight, guys,” and shut the door behind you. You tapped the sides of your thighs with your palms as you stayed firmly planted by the door.
Dean seemed to feel a little awkward, too, and blew out a breath. “Was this… uh, okay?”
You nodded. “Yeah! Yeah. Sure. Why not? We’re adults. We’re friends. We can share a bed. No big.”
He chuckled. “You sure? You ramble when you’re nervous.”
“Nervous?” you laughed awkwardly. “Why would I be nervous?” He raised a brow at you, and you took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “I’ve just… I’ve never… Hunting’s lonely. Even when I did hook up, I’d leave before I fell asleep.”
Dean seemed stunned. “Really? Why?”
“I don’t know, it just… felt too intimate, I guess? And I’ve never had anybody I seriously cared about that I’d want to experience that with,” you explained, sitting on the foot of the bed and kicking off your shoes.
His voice quieted considerably. “You sure you’re okay with this?”
You nodded. He seemed to understand what that meant, though both of you refused to talk about it. 
Dean showered, as did you, and then you climbed into bed next to one another. The two of you seemed to have scooted to the far edges of the bed, facing away from each other. After several minutes in silence, Dean spoke up.
“(Y/N)?” he murmured.
You could feel yourself getting flustered as you shuffled over to Dean, who now laid in the center of the bed. He opened his arms and wrapped them around you, allowing you to lay on his chest. You rested your hand on his stomach, and he took in a sharp breath.
“Should’ve cleaned the pipes,” he muttered.
You scoffed. “Perv,” and moved your arm across his stomach completely. You settled into him and drifted off to the most peaceful sleep you’d had in a while.
The next time you awoke, you felt arms around you, and you tensed. It took you a second to remember Dean was sleeping soundly next to you. His arms held tighter when he felt you shift, and you turned your face toward his. You smiled sadly at his beautiful, peaceful face, knowing this hunt would be the only time for quite a while that you’d get to wake up to him. You closed your eyes and nuzzled back into him, only to feel him groan above you; beginning to awaken.
“Morning,” he said. His sleepy voice was incredibly attractive. His arms didn’t move from around you.
A smile spread across your face. “G’morning. How’d you sleep?”
“Great, actually,” he admitted. He almost looked sad and regretful as he looked down at you.
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
“You’re confusing me again,” Dean said.
You looked away from him, understanding. Your face fell, too. “You’re confusing me, too.”
“I want to… be more to you so bad,” he began, “but I can’t. I’m tired, (Y/N). I’m so fucking tired. I’m tired of this job, I’m tired of dealing with my dad, I’m tired of… all of it.”
“I know,” you said. “So, what do you want us to do? Do you— Do you want me to leave?”
“No, god, no,” he said quickly. “I don’t know what I want.”
You snorted. “Well, what is it you don’t want? Why don’t we start there?”
He considered for a moment. “I don’t wanna lose you.”
“You won’t,” you immediately said.
“Will you let me finish?”
He sighed. “I don’t wanna name and claim anything right now. I don’t wanna be just your best friend, but I also— I don’t think I can—” Dean paused and took a deep breath. “I wouldn’t be able to give you what I want to give you right now. I can’t be what you deserve.”
“Dean,” you said. “This is a very low-pressure situation. I know you and I can’t go there right now. I know that. And… I want to, too. I care about you more than I’ve ever cared about… anybody else.” You swallowed tensely, not sure if you’d said too much. “I— I want you to heal. And I know you’re tired. And I know it’s awful. And I hope that one day, I can make things better for you. But I also know that you have to fix you first. But until then, we can just be us. I won’t initiate anything. I need you to come to me when you’re ready. And until then, we’ll just be you and me.”
He nodded. “Thanks.”
You smiled softly. “Always.”
After you and Dean talked things over a bit, you learned from Sam that another girl had died. Dean was off to investigate the room while you, Sam, and Jo researched. Jo wouldn’t look at you with anything but disgust after you spent the night with Dean. Her schoolgirl-ish crush was beginning to really just annoy you more than make you jealous.
Dean burst through the door. “Teresa Ellis, Apartment 2F. Boyfriend reported her missing around dawn.”
“And her apartment?” Jo questioned.
“Cracks all over the plaster, walls, ceiling. There was ectoplasm, too.”
“Well, between that and that tuft of hair, I'd say this sucker's coming from the walls,” Sam added.
“But who is it? Building's history is totally clean,” Dean reminded you.
There were various pictures and blueprints from Jo’s file spread across the table between you, Sam, and Jo. You picked up a picture of the field where the apartments now stood. Next to it was a building with bars on its windows. “Check this out. We’re next door to a prison.” 
“Nice going, (Y/N),” Sam grinned. 
Jo pulled out her phone. “I’ll call Ash—”
“No,” you shook your head, standing. “Let me figure this one out. Something about this is sounding really familiar to me, and it’s gonna bother me if I’m not the one to nail it down.”
“And what a shame that would be,” Jo snarked.
You glared at her as you continued to pace around the room. “Blonde hair, in the walls, prison, field, Philadelphia…” you murmured to yourself. You repeated it over and over to yourself until something struck you. “H. H. Holmes,” you breathed. “Holy shit.”
“What? What about him?” Sam questioned, straightening in his seat.
“That was his whole thing! He was really, and I mean, really into blondes— though, he’d kill just about anybody— had his whole ‘murder castle’ thing in Chicago, and the feds tracked him all the way to Boston. They brought him back to Philly, and he was hanged. Hence, field. Fields next to old prisons were almost always used for hangings,” you explained.
“What do you mean, ‘murder castle’?” Jo questioned. “And how do you know all this?”
“I like true crime,” you shrugged. “He built all these fake walls, fake hallways; his place was a fucking maze. Acid vats, trap doors, quicklime pits all up in his basement— although most of that was probably sensationalized— but anyway, this guy was a complete freak. ‘Multi-murderer’ was first used to describe him before they knew what serial killers were. He confessed to twenty-seven murders, but he probably killed over a hundred. He, uh, he used chloroform to kill his victims.”
Dean nodded, “Which is what I smelled in the hallway last night.”
“At his place,” you continued, “cops found human remains, bone fragments, and long locks of bloody blonde hair.”
Dean snickered at Jo. “Boy, you sure know how to pick 'em.”
“Well, we just find the bones, salt 'em and burn 'em, right?” she said, anxiously.
“Nope. His body’s in town encased in a couple tons of concrete,” you responded.
“What, why?” she asked.
“Didn’t want anybody fuckin’ with his corpse. ‘Cause, y’know, that’s what he did,” you cringed. 
“Wait, (Y/N), that means Teresa could still be alive. Inside the walls,” Sam added.
You nodded. “Yeah. Poor girl.”
“We need sledgehammers, crowbars. We've got to smash these walls; anywhere thick enough to hide a girl,” Dean barked out, hurriedly moving around the apartment.
You went with Sam, and Dean went with Jo as he promised you he would. Sam couldn’t get too far into the crawl-spaces of the walls, and you insisted on pressing forward. If you could get through, then the space was big enough to hide a girl. 
“(Y/N), holler if you need, okay?” Sam called to you.
“I’m good, dude, I promise. But you do the same.” You continued to wriggle through winding, claustrophobia-inducing corridors till you came face to face with the man himself; H. H. Holmes. Although, this version of the famed serial killer was a lot more gray, decayed, and gaunt than the one you’d seen in pictures. You screamed, “Sam!” before the world went dark.
You next awoke in a box that eerily mirrored a coffin; it was made of wood and just big enough for you to lay down in. You pointed your flashlight up at the ceiling to see long, deep, bloodied gashes in the wood; presumably nail marks. You huffed out a shaky breath, collecting yourself, when you noticed a slit in the wood to your right. A noise startled your already shaken mind, and you heard Jo say, “Hello?” You refused to talk, worried that it would upset Holmes even more.
You heard another woman’s voice coming from a different part of the room. “Is- Is anybody there?”
Jo continued talking. “Your name's Teresa? This won't make you feel better, but I'm here to rescue you.”
“Oh, god. He's out there; he's gonna kill us!” Teresa cried.
“No, he won't. We're getting out,” Jo insisted. “My friends are looking for us; they'll find us.”
Footsteps fell eerily nearby, and you could vaguely make out something approaching you.
“Oh, god, he's here!” Teresa sobbed.
“Shh! Just be quiet!” Jo scolded.
‘So much for being quiet, Jo,’ you thought. The next thing you heard was Jo screaming in pain, and you bit the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from calling out to her.
You took a knife out of your belt and began hacking at the wall. You kicked with all your might until you finally started to break through a little. Suddenly, a man’s mouth appeared at the opening you were making in the wood. 
“You're so pretty. So beautiful,” the spirit cooed, reaching in your cell to stroke your cheek. You cringed and turned away, groaning in disgust. You turned back and stabbed it with your knife, the spirit crying out before disappearing again. You went back to kicking and hacking at the door with even more force than before. At long last, the paneling came loose, and you laughed in relief. You pried the rest of the paneling away from the wall and rolled out onto the floor, catching yourself before you toppled over completely. When you stood and dusted off your hands, Holmes appeared behind you and clasped a hand over your mouth. You kicked and struggled against him, screaming behind his hand muffling you. You wrestled with him a bit more before the spirit suddenly let you go. He disappeared completely when you heard a gunshot go off.
“(Y/N)!” Dean ran into the room, holding a shotgun.
You breathed out a sigh of relief. “Holy shit, I’m so happy to see you.” You ran to him and wrapped your arms around him.
“Um, little help, here!” Jo said from her box. 
You ran to the wall next to her and picked up a crowbar lying nearby. You began prying the cell open, groaning strenuously as you did so. When it finally released, you helped Jo down. “You okay?” you asked her.
“Been better. Let's get the hell out of here before he comes back,” she answered.
“I’m not leaving here just yet,” you said.
“(Y/N), no—” Dean protested firmly. He seemed to understand what you were doing.
“What other plan do you have, Dean?” “Wait, what’s going on here?” Jo questioned.
“(Y/N)’s gonna use herself as bait,” he explained. 
“What, would you rather Jo be bait? I don’t think so,” you said flippantly. “Now, get them out of here.” You gestured to Sam to help a frightened Teresa and Jo out of the room. 
You sat in the center of the room completely unmoving. You sat cross-legged, breathing evenly. You’d learned long ago how to steel yourself to these situations. You grinned slightly when Holmes began to approach you. When he got very close, Dean yelled, “Now!” and Sam and Dean began shooting the bags of salt you’d strung up to the ceiling to create a perfect circle of salt around the spirit. You ran out of the circle, leaving Holmes trapped inside. He wailed and growled at you, running around the salt circle pathetically.
“Scream all you want, you dick, but there's no way you're stepping over that salt!” you laughed coldly.
You and the brothers climbed back up out of the sewer and closed the grate, fully silencing Holmes’ howls.
“So? This job as glamorous as you thought it would be?” Sam asked Jo as the three of you stood over the top of the closed sewer..
“Well, except for all the pee-your-pants terror, yeah. Sure. But that Teresa girl's gonna live a life because of us. It's worth it, isn't it?” Jo replied.
You nodded. “Yeah. It is.”
“Hey, what if somebody finds that sewer down there, or a storm washes the salt away?” she questioned.
Sam chuckled. “Both very fine points. Which is why we're waiting here.”
“For what?”
As if on cue, you heard the beeping of a large truck backing up. You grinned over your shoulder at Dean backing up the cement truck he’d stolen, and motioned for him to stop when the spout lined up over the sewer’s entrance.
Dean got out of the cab and came to stand next to you.
“You ripped off a cement truck?” Jo scoffed.
“We’ll give it back,” you shrugged. You turned a lever on the side of the truck and watched the cement pour down into the entrance. 
“Well, that oughta keep him down there till hell freezes over,” Dean grinned.
As you and the brothers were heading out with Jo in tow, Ellen appeared at the entrance of the apartments, intense anger bubbling just under the surface. You and the boys cringed at the sight of her.
“Mom—” Jo began.
“Not now.”
She forced the five of you to ride back to the Roadhouse in complete silence. Ellen sat in the front seat, staring blankly ahead, and you were sandwiched between Jo and Sam in the back.
Dean chuckled awkwardly. “Boy, you– you really weren't kidding about flying out, were you?”
“You told her?!” you couldn’t help but blurt out.
Ellen scowled at you in the rearview mirror. You shrunk under her gaze. 
“How about we listen to some music?” Dean flicked the radio on. Ellen immediately reached forward and flicked the radio off.
You looked up to Dean, who looked back to you.
“This is gonna be a long drive,” he muttered.
Ellen dragged her daughter into the Roadhouse by her elbow, and you and the brothers followed closely.
“Ellen? This is my fault. Okay?” Dean tried. “I lied to you and I'm sorry. But Jo did good out there. I think her dad would be proud.”
Ellen whipped around, angrily commanding, “Don't you dare say that. Not you. I need a moment with my daughter. Alone.”
The three of you left and loitered around in silence for the next few minutes. Jo stormed out of the Roadhouse soon after, tossing a glance to Dean to incentivize him to follow her.
“That bad, huh?” he asked as he walked after her.
“Not right now.”
“What happened? Hey, talk to me.” He grabbed her arm and spun her around.
Jo immediately jerked her arm out of Dean's grasp. “Get off me!”
“Sorry. See you around,” he said, turning back to you and Sam.
“Dean,” Jo’s broken voice called.
He turned back to the blonde.
“It turns out my dad had a partner on his last hunt. Funny, he usually worked alone; this guy did too, but,” she swallowed her forming tears, “I guess my father figured he could trust him. Mistake. Guy screwed up, got my dad killed.”
The older brother’s face scrunched up. “What does this have to do with—”
“It was your father, Dean.”
Dean scoffed. “What?”
“Why do you think John never came back? Never told you about us? Because he couldn't look my mom in the eye after that, that's why,” Jo spat.
“Jo—” Dean tried.
“Just... just get out of here. Please, just leave.”
The three of you did as Jo asked. You headed back to Bobby’s to regroup and find yourselves another hunt. Dean was silent on the multi-hour-long drive back. When you stopped at Bobby’s house, Sam went inside. Dean stayed seated in his car, and you stayed with him.
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
He scoffed. “ ‘What’s wrong’? Did you hear anything Jo said?”
“I did, I just wanted to see what’s goin’ on in your head,” you replied, unfazed by his attitude.
He shook his head and sighed. “If Ellen hated my dad so much and didn’t trust us at all, then why the fuck would she have called my dad in the first place?”
You nodded, getting out of the car; followed by Dean. “Yeah, I don’t get it,” you agreed. “She wants to get involved with your personal family shit and the demon and let us bunk at her place, and then bring up old crap you and Sam weren’t even a part of? I mean, I get that John did something that got ‘im killed, but I really don’t see how that’s your fault.”
“Whatever,” Dean grumbled. “At least we don’t have to babysit anymore.”
You snorted. “That’s one way to look at it, I guess. But you don’t have to pretend you’re not bothered by it. I know you are.”
He scoffed.
“Dean. I know you are. And I also know that I trust you with my life. And you know I don’t trust easily. You are not your father.” You walked up the steps into Bobby’s house, leaving Dean in the junkyard to mull over your words.
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @star-yawnznn @real-sharena-h @fandomloverrr @metalmonki @onlyangel-444 @yu-winchester @benniwiththefanni @daisychaingirl @immagods @missmieux @yoongi-holland @littledebbieinabigworld
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divine-donna · 1 year
an experiment
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the title is not related to this in any form. i just wanted to write something quickly for miguel. let’s just say i’m experimenting with some things. if anyone’s interested in like a fic, i’d be happy to write one.
anyways back on my spider-man stuff.
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for the last seven years on your earth, you’ve been the one and only spider-man. well not exactly spider-man or spider-woman. you were known by the moniker of spiderling. you didn’t really have a name when you started so the press gave one for you.
was it sort of juvenile? yes. but in all fairness, you were still a kid when you first became spiderling. late teens sure, but you were still a kid. and still hurting.
you were a master of the mystic arts first. something happened though. magic became almost inaccessible after a fight with a multiversal entity. the universe was at stake and you performed some risky magic to save it. at a cost.
you still had a little magic left, enough to perform a binding spell or leave magic circle traps. and it helps that slowly but surely, you’re regaining the magic you lost. especially since many of the villains you face, even as spiderling, have a penchant for magic and magical artifacts.
what you were not expecting was for your day to be interrupted with the sudden news that someone had broken into an office building. without being seen.
upon arriving to the scene, you were very surprised to find a villain that was...not yours.
they were confused, but wreaking havoc with civilians in the crossfire was not the way to go.
in the midst of your battle, your body literally slammed into someone that came out of nowhere. and he was most certainly not from your universe.
“watch it pal!”
“you watch it!”
“you literally came from nowhere!”
before he can argue back, you gave chase to the new villain. you had more pressing matters compared to that of a man that came from nowhere.
and it seemed that he was following after you.
neither of you could catch the villain, who was constantly glitching out. clearly something was going on, something greater and beyond your own universe.
the mysterious spider-man was keen on catching them, so you studied their pathways and predicted where they would go. you laid a simple magic circle trap and waited for the villain to step through.
everything was easy after that. a magical barrier, the sprinkle of magic that disappeared into the air, and a villain knocked out. safe from harming others. and even themself.
“that was...a lot easier than i thought.”
“it’s better to think about tactics.”
when you finally laid eyes upon the mysterious spider-man, you jaw almost dropped. almost. you had appearances to keep up.
he was pretty tall. and muscular. the suit certainly didn’t leave much room for the imagination.
you couldn’t be thinking those things! who even gawks at a random spider-man that literally appeared out of thin air.
you don’t say anything to him and simply leave, letting him deal with whatever the villain was. it was clear that must’ve been why he appeared out of nowhere. something in your gut told you.
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two weeks later, you got a visit from the mysterious spider-man.
he was just in your apartment! how did he get in? better not to ask questions.
you had just come back from your local bakery, goods in hand, and with plenty of freebies being the neighborhood spider person.
“(y/n), right?”
it was too late. you had already taken your mask off. and you simply blinked at him. “get out-”
he tosses you something and you catch it. a bracelet? “put it on. you’ve been recruited.”
“recruited? recruited for what? and why should i put this on?”
“come see for yourself first.”
if you were going to step through a portal, you might as well bring your baked snacks along for the ride.
where you arrived was...well, to say you were in awe with the place would be the understatement of the century.
spider people upon spider people. you had theorized ideas of meeting other people from different multiverses. but you didn’t think it could actually be achievable until now.
a lot of people stopped your guide to ask who the newbie was. from the conversations you picked out his name. miguel.
eventually his mask faded(?) away to reveal a...very stunning man. perhaps one of the most stunning men you’ve ever seen? even if he did look tired. but hey, who didn’t have a thing for men that looked like they worked overtime constantly?
“wait so...why do you want me to join this...spider society?” you ask before taking a bite into your baked good. you didn’t have lunch today.
“essentially? to keep the multiverse from collapsing. we have...run into a few of your own villains. the ones that use magic.” he says. “there are more like them. and for the most part, we have a lack of...magic expertise.”
“oh. so you want me to join to be that expertise?”
“precisely. besides, you already have experience with the multiverse.”
“and how do you even know that?”
his stoicism breaks with the slight curve of his lip, almost like a smirk. you could feel your heart begin to beat a little faster. “lyla.”
“on it.” the hologram pulled up...everything on you.
in fact, you wanted to faint seeing everything. even some embarrassing moments. “that umm...that wasn’t actually me.” you respond to his raised eyebrows at the scene.
“that’s not it. this one is.” lyla pulls up a video. “you defeated a multiversal creature. in fact, we presume there are more of them. they may be some kind of organization.”
“our job is to preserve the multiverse. and considering you have the most experience with this unknown entity, we need you.”
“perhaps need is a stretch. i thought you’d want me, y’know.” you joked. “because no one really wants me.”
“that’s not funny.”
“it’s funny to me.” you finish your food. “is the multiverse really at stake?”
“possibly. the point is that we keep it at a place where it isn’t.” he crosses his arms across his chest. “so, will you join us?”
you ponder for a bit before answering. “i have nothing better to do. sure.”
“good, good.” he almost smiles. he feels the muscles twitch but maintains his composure. “you have crumbs on your face.” he points to the correlating spot on his face to yours.
“oh.” you feel your cheeks grow warm with embarrassment as you brush them off.
“you still have some.”
you kept missing the spot, frustrating miguel just a little bit.
“here let me.”
his hand brushes against your skin and is gentle as he brushes the remaining crumbs off. normally you weren’t such a messy eater but you also usually didn’t eat in a universe you didn’t belong in.
his touch is gentle in comparison to his appearance. everything about him screams danger and pain. but it was, in fact, the opposite of that.
“next time eat in the cafeteria.” he says.
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themissinghand · 5 months
Genshin Impact: The Overworked God [2]
Part 1
Summary: In which one of the lore writers who help write the world of Genshin Impact was suddenly thrusted in the very world they created. 
Well, testing characters is one thing, but playing God, and raising 7 children at a time? 
Oh boy. He just wants to go home and sleep.
Note: Finally back from break!
Part 2 of the Overworked God! Creator! Male OC!
What if we had a smarter Creator that never forgot his initial wish of going home?
Warning: Genshin and SAGAU themes, some OOC and angst.
Tempus, or Kai has been in the world of Genshin Impact for a very long time, since its creation where it was just him and Celestia. 
He struck a deal with Celestia, promising to be the Creator and consequently the God of Time to help create Teyvat, but on his own terms. Doing what he can to save his creations from unnecessary pain and suffering. 
So, he’s still overworked, stressed and sleepy all the time, especially now that he has to take care of 7 children too.  
But finally…today is the day he could finally go home. 
Home sounds foreign to him, after all, he spent more years in Teyvat than on Earth, but he has never given up on returning after fulfilling his duty as the Creator. 
It’s going to be a difficult announcement to make, considering how attached his children could be, but perhaps, he could twist the narrative just a bit to appease them.
“Tempus!” Speaking of, two bundles of mass hopped towards him as usual, and he caught them with both arms as if it was a routine. He stumbles a bit, sighs, but pats them on the head. 
“It’s been so long since you visited Monstadt! I missed you~” Venti hugged his waist as he peaked up with puppy eyes. Before Kai could respond, Furina beat him to it. 
“It’s because he likes Fontaine better! He’s been in my country the longest!” Furina quipped back with a proud expression on her face. 
“That’s because you suck at ruling your country!” 
“Says you, Mr. Drunkard Bard!” 
At least they both have trustworthy people like Neuvillette and Jean to take care of their country…
“That’s enough, you two.” A spark of lightning scared the two to cling onto Tempus even more, but Ei easily picked the two off. 
Ah, one of the more responsible leaders…
“Please ignore these two, Tempus.” Ei says stoically, as she sends a deadly glare that shuts the two up. 
“It’s fine.” Tempus greets every single Archon with a nod, before taking a seat at the head of the table, his expression showing his tiredness despite the light-hearted banter that usually happens during these meetings.
“Have a seat everyone.” All the Archons did a curt bow before taking their respective seats. 
Materializing snacks resembling that of an English afternoon teatime, he smiled when even the stoic Tsaritsa seemed to enjoy his food. 
It’s a shame though, this will be his last time. 
“Tempus.” He turned to the Tsaritsa, who seemed to notice his distress.
“I’m fine.” He brushed it away, before he felt a cold hand on his. 
“Let us know if anything is bothering you.” Zhongli added on, and Tempus shook his head. 
His children could handle Teyvat without him, what else would he be worried about? 
“Tempus, are your worries the reason why did you call us all today?” Sharp as always, Nahida asks, gaining everyone’s attention all at once. 
In the end…Rukkhadevata chose her fate. There are things that could not be changed…
“Yes.” Feeling everyone’s eyes on him, he felt even more estranged. 
"As you know, I've overseen Teyvat, guided you all, and tried to make amends for the mistakes of the past," Tempus continued. 
“After much thought, I believe it’s time for me to rest.” 
Multiple teacups fell onto the table with a loud thud. With a wave of his hand, the spilled tea disappeared. 
“T-Tempus! What, what do you mean?” Murata stood up abruptly, knocking over a flower vase, which Tempus easily dissolved to nothing. 
“Tempus, how could you abandon us!” 
“Calm down.” But it seems to have no effect, instead, he felt the cold hand squeeze his own, sending a shiver down his spine. 
“Tempus, you belong to us.”
“As I’ve said, I will be going into deep slumber-” Suddenly, many eyes shot towards the Bard who looked very pale. 
“-to take a break.” A teacup shattered, but Tempus paid no mind to it. 
“My decision is final, and I hope you can take care of Teyvat while I rest.” For eternity. 
“Tempus.” Scoring golden eyes burned into Kai’s soul, and he forced himself to remain neutral as he stared at Zhongli-Morax. 
“Please stay. I’m begging you, please, Your Eminence. Please don’t leave us.” 
"But what of Teyvat? You've become integral to the stability and well-being of this world, and us." There were many nods that followed. 
“We need you.”
There was desperation in his voice, and while it did hurt Tempus to leave them, he doubted he could stay any longer knowing that he could finally leave. 
“All of you are strong and are capable enough to rule your countries, which I am very proud of. Teyvat will be in good hands." Some Archons smiled briefly, but it was short lived. 
"Which is why it's time for me to step aside and take a break."
They had grown accustomed to Tempus's guidance, his wisdom, and his tireless efforts to steer them towards a better path, so for them to lose his support is like fighting without a weapon. 
“W-Where, will you be resting? In Temporium?” Furina’s shaky voice filled the silent room. 
“Stay here, the Fortress of Meropide will keep you safe. Fontaine and I will keep you safe.”
“For how long?” Venti asked, anxiety in his voice. 
“I’ll find you, I’ll find you no matter where you run.” 
“I do not know, for as long as my body needs.” Their faces became pale at thinking of the possibility of not seeing Tempus again. 
With a sigh, he stood up, making others rush to stand too. 
“Come here, each one of you.” In an instant, they rushed over and Tempus pulled them one by one into a hug. While he made himself tall and muscular, he felt small in the group hug that lasted an incredibly long time. 
He felt arms around his waist, chest, arms and back, being hugged by 7 people at once was somewhat suffocating. 
“You all will do great. I will miss you all.” This was not a lie. 
“Time flows like water, and perhaps I will wake sooner than you all expect.” This was a lie. 
Tempus heard sniffles, and felt hands grabbing his robes and weaving through his long hair. 
“Tempus…do you have to leave us?” Nahida asked, tugging his heart strings as he saw such a wise person tear up. 
Did she read my thoughts? 
Tempus got rid of that idea as he forbade her from doing so, and with his current power alongside Celestia’s authority, she should be blocked from doing such a thing. 
“I am not leaving, Nahida. I am merely resting.” 
Finally, with some coaxing, he managed to peel them off one by one. 
“I leave Teyvat in your hands.” 
With that, Tempus bid farewell to the Archons and quickly prepared to depart from Celestia. The longer he stayed, the more unbearable this would become. 
However, once he left, the atmosphere shifted once more. The Archons, loyal to their Creator beyond measure, exchanged anxious glances, and a heavy silence settled over the chamber.
“Tempus lied.” Nahida said, as tears rolled down her cheeks. 
“Nahida?” All of the Archons felt their heart drop at her words. 
“He may be resting in Temporium, but there’s more to it. I can’t read his mind completely, but…he’s going to leave us if we let him go.” 
“What are we waiting for then?” Suddenly, the atmosphere turned cold. The Tsaritsa stepped forward with her Ice scepter, Permafrost. Like many other Archon’s weapons, they were gifted to them by the Creator himself.
“If Buer’s words are true, then while his body remains in Temporium, his soul is elsewhere.” 
The Archons soon came to a consensus. 
“We cannot let him go into slumber.” 
Or they will lose him completely.
[Are you ready, dear Creator?] 
Tempus laid in his resting chamber on the edges of Temporium, in a makeshift mountain. He created this place in secret, so no one else by him knows. 
He felt bad for his kingdom, as he told the royal family that he will be gone doing his Godly duties for a long time, but never informed how long. 
Regardless, they should be able to live without a god, considering the technology and time Tempus gave them. 
As he lay in his comfortable bed with minimal decorations or other items, he shut his eyes and reminisced about the past. 
Although it was a very long time, he was never really alone. 
But he has seen much more than a normal human on Earth, from war to life and death, to the repetitions of stories by going back in time many times to fix his mistakes. 
“Stop him! He’s going back in time!” 
Truly, it takes a mental toll on his mind. He can’t let his emotions take over, otherwise, he would have to redo everything again. 
[Thank you for your work, dear Creator]
[Just make sure you fulfill your side of the deal]
[Of course]
When he shut his eyes, he felt safe, comfortable and oddly relieved, relieved of his duties at last. 
His eyes snapped open and saw his chamber shake with vigor. All of his protective mechanisms activate, indeed, he prepared for this.
Voices slowly became louder and the earth seemed to roar. 
How did they find him? Was it Buer? It must've been.
There was desperation in their voices, and Kai assumed that they seemed to have figured something out. 
Perhaps honesty was better, but in the end, this was always the outcome. 
Yes, Tempus already knew that no matter what he did, the Archons would rebel, would seek him out.
Even if the walls seem to crumble, it did not affect Kai’s chamber, after all, it was sealed and protected with his powers.
But perhaps with a bit more persistence, they would soon destroy the mountain all together, leaving him and his chamber exposed. But, Tempus was not worried, after all, he had prepared for this moment too long ago. 
[Farewell, dear Creator] 
Suddenly, he felt a bright light engulf him as he felt incredibly sleepy. 
Through his blurred vision, he could see the stormy skies, and all seven Archons rushing towards him. 
“You can’t leave us, Tempus!” 
Seeing them in their prime, in their Archon outfits was a little nostalgic. 
Hearing a crack in his chamber’s shield was somewhat surprising, but also, incredible. His children have grown up well. 
With a fleeting smile, Tempus bids farewell to his second home. 
His eyes close, just as the light takes him whole. 
Morax and Murata pierced through the tough protective layers desperately, and Ei and Venti whiz past them to reach their Creator. 
But, they were too late. 
“No, Tempus is…he’s-” Barbados was crying as he held Tempus’s hand. 
“Kai! Kai!” Furina bawled her eyes out, calling his real name repeatedly as if it would bring him back. 
But he won’t come back. 
Bal held his body as she froze in shock (in regret), as if she was reminded of her past. 
“Tempus, you’re cruel.” Buer, the one who got them so far and so close but not enough. She knelt down beside him and cried while pressing his hand into her face. 
“You’ve left us with death, not slumber. You lied, you lied!” 
It was like they lost a part of themselves. 
After all, Tempus was there whenever they needed guidance, he sacrificed his own personal time to make sure they were alright. 
“K-Kai…” Morax stumbled towards the still body that used to be his friend, mentor, benefactor, love, and everything. 
Even in death, he was still so beautiful, kind and holy. 
Tempus was their everything. 
The Tsaritsa dragged herself towards Tempus with her scepter. She was known to not show her emotions, even when Tempus encouraged her to do so to stay emotionally healthy. He was the only one that saw her vulnerable side, and knew who she really was, and never judged her for it. 
“Tempus. How dare you…abandon us like this?” She stood by Tempus’s feet and her eyes did not leave his body at all. 
While others wept, her tears were turned into weapons. 
Murata stood by her with the same dark, solemn expression. 
It’s not fair. 
How could he treat them like his everything, and then leave them so abruptly? 
If only he could open his eyes again and say it was nothing but a terrible joke. 
But Tempus is gone, leaving his lifeless body as his final memory and gift. 
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luvpedropascal · 8 months
the light
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summary: javi rethinks his position at the DEA after you are put in danger because of his job.
pairing: older!javier peña x gn!reader
contents: talks of minor injury, reader is put in danger, javi has an anxiety disorder, intrusive thoughts are depicted
wc: 853
an: okay so i know i disappeared off the face of the earth for like over a year but i’ve been lurking and waiting for inspiration to hit me and! it finally did! i’m hoping i won’t go right back into writers block after this, bc i have soooo many fic ideas for you guys. this is just a little one to start, so i hope you guys enjoy!
“Javi, baby, look at me. I’m okay.” You said, taking his hands into yours tentatively. They were trembling slightly, almost like an extension of his quivering lips.
You got caught between him and a cartel member. Stupid, yes, but you had just gotten nicked, the injury so minor that you didn’t even need stitches. He got to you just a fraction of a second later. Soon enough to you, too late to him. His team took down the guy immediately, while Javi froze for a second, looking between you and the body laying across from you. Running over to you, he cursed when he saw the blood, his eyes wide with fear. A mixed string of anxious questions, apologies, and curses was spilling from his lips, so incoherent that you were worried he would pass out from the stress.
“Javi.” You repeat firmer this time, giving his hands a gentle squeeze. His eyes finally landed on yours for more than a second, filled with a look of pure guilt you had never seen in them before.
His fear of losing all of this, you, was consuming him. Already, he was picturing himself losing your future together, the possibility of kids, building a home together. It was swallowing him up so quickly that you wondered if you would even get a chance to show him that it was just a little scratch on your shoulder, thankfully. The only reasoning he could find for this whole situation was that he was at fault. He was too slow. Too old. Too distracted.
Before you could calm him down, he was rushing you over to the paramedics, demanding, rather harshly, that they treat you immediately. They cleaned the tiny wound, applying a bandage no more sophisticated than a normal bandaid. You were free of any other injuries and within a few minutes, you were turning to Javi again. He had that look in his eyes still, and without another thought you wrapped your arms around him. He let out a deep breath, pressing his nose into your shoulder.
“Let’s go home, yeah?” You murmured.
Javi carried that guilty look home with him. You had both taken deep breaths together, grateful that your injury was so minor. Both of you had calmed down for the other, making yourself available for comfort. But even now as you laid on the couch with him, your legs curled underneath you and your head resting on his chest, you could feel how tense he was against you. The arm he had wrapped around you had a certain weight to it, like he was scared to let you go but just as scared to touch you.
You could tell he was thinking about something, his expression looking so distant and unfocused. There was a space between the two of you as you let him sit with his thoughts, not wanting to disturb him just yet. He took his time, holding you close, purposefully entangled.
“I’m taking the job,” he said, after a long silence.
Looking up at him, you furrowed your brows a little in confusion.
“The lead agent job. The 9-5. M’done chasing around these guys for leads, putting you in danger.. I’m too old, too tired, too slow.”
You looked at up him with worry, parting your lips to speak before he interrupts you, “Baby-“.
Javi shakes his head, “I’ll be home for dinner, making more money. We could save up, get a new place.”
“Baby” you reach up to cup his cheek, “If this is because of what happened, please don’t quit. I’m okay, you’re okay. Everything’s okay, these things happen.”
This look flickers through his eyes, something you’ve never seen in him before. He looks younger for a moment, just a boy. A scared- No, terrified, boy. His eyes gloss over the slightest bit, and he shakes his head again, weaker this time.
“Once was enough. I just- I c-can’t, okay? I can’t do this anymore, not after today.”
His voice shakes a little this time, your heart breaking as that fear becomes more obvious. For a second, you consider countering him, but there’s no point. Javi’s about as avoidant as they come when it comes to his anxiety, but this was different. This was visceral and rooted in logic, and you quickly realize that there was no way he’d change his mind.
Nodding softly, you sit up and hug him around his neck, “Okay. You’ll take the job.”
He nods quickly, desperately into your shoulder, those words reassuring him, “M’taking the job.”
You repeat it back to him a few times, processing this change with him every time he repeats it. Running your hand up into his hair, you stroke his short curls, soothing him. Javi’s mind shifts from obsessive images of you, injured or worse, that his brain creates just to haunt him, to a future he can now guarantee. A safe, predictable future. One where he can be home every night for you, and hopefully your kids one day. The new thoughts calm him and he lets out a deep breath, sighing against you.
“Thank you.”
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struniolos · 10 months
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wish you were sober! pt. 1
“kinda hope you're followin' me out, but this is definitely not my crowd.”
chris sturniolo x fem! reader.
synopsis: when reader is overwhelmed at a party & finds herself in unlikely company. (no fame au.)
warnings: none!
“i’m just going to do another shot!” one of your friends yells in your ear, trying to overpower the music thudding in the background. two other join her, linked arms, as they make their way to the kitchen. you wonder who’s house this even is, as you hadn’t been invited directly, only dragged along as a plus one.
you are now left with two of your friends, who both look at you with raised brows. the thick summer air only gets worse as you feel like you’re being closed in on.
“aren’t you going to do shots? you’ve barely drank anything tonight.” one asks, tilting her head.
“i really don’t feel great.” you confess, your face screwing up in bitterness. your stomach ached, as well as what felt like your brain thrashing around in your skull, clawing at the inside.
“maybe try making yourself vomit? sometimes that helps.” the other suggests, trying her best to be accomodating in her drunken state, while clutching onto your arm for stability. it wasn’t a terrible idea, as you did feel like you were going to throw your guts up at any given moment. but also, it was a good excuse to disappear into the bathroom for a few minuets undisturbed.
“i might try that, thanks.” you force a smile, before quickly slithering out of their grip, and making a bee-line for the stairs which in that moment seemed like the stairs leading to heaven. peace and quiet.
you jog up the stairs, while trying to hold down your skirt so you don’t unintentionally flash your ex-classmates. the hot air seemed to be worse upstairs, and you knew it all too well from living in a two storey home your entire life. heat rises. why on earth did your foggy brain think it would be cooler up here?
you manage to find the bathroom, sighing in relief when you found it empty. you closed the door hurriedly behind you, and make your way to the sink. you run the cold water under your hands, splashing it on your flushed face. your mascara had started to smudge under your eyes from the heat, and your lipgloss had completely melted off. real classy. as you begin to wipe your fingers under your eyes, a knock on the door startles you.
“yeah?” you call, not hiding your frustration.
“can i come in?” the voice asks.
you sigh, throwing your head back. so much for peace and quiet. you throw open the door, shocked at who you find behind it. chris sturniolo. you knew him and his brothers didn’t go to parties, not even in high school. you wonder who or what dragged them to this one. he was a year older than you, but you were well aware of who he was. the star player on the lacrosse team.
“you mind if i chill in here for a bit?” he asks nonchalantly.
you’re now confronted with the option of being a douchebag and saying no, or saying yes and then trying to weasel your way out. you scan his face, the bags under his eyes, the muss of his hair from the heat. he looked exhausted, you imagine that’s how you looked, too.
“yeah, sure.” you shrug, opening the door wider for him to come in.
he immediately makes himself at home, hoisting himself to sit up on the bench beside the sink. you take in what he’s wearing, a black singlet and cargo shorts with ugg boots. definitely a choice.
“did i walk in on something or…like you weren’t crying or anything?” he asks, widening his eyes at you and freezing in place.
“oh! no, no not at all.” you smile awkwardly, shuffling on your feet.
“right, you just uh, look…” he trails off, waving his finger at you.
“terrible?” you answer with a defeated laugh.
he laughs. “yeah.”
you find yourself smiling a little, too. “i feel terrible.”
“me fucking too.” he sighs, leaning his head back onto the mirror and kicking his uggs off. you envied his confidence.
“so, what brings you to the bathroom chris sturniolo?” you ask as you put the toilet seat down to give yourself a surface to sit on.
he gives you a funny look, pouting his lip and raising an eyebrow. “how do you know who i am?”
“you were only the star lacrosse player of southeast high!” you taunt, holding a hand to your heart and mocking the many fan girls he had at his beck and call.
he tsks and rolls his eyes, “nah, matt was always miles better than me.”
“he was.” you lie, a smirk creeping up on your lips.
chris chuckles, shaking his head. “anyway, to answer your question, i’m trying to escape my very drunk and gross friends, one of them vomited on my shoe, look!”
he points to his discarded ugg boot, which you now see has a splatter of dark liquid on it, and you find yourself feeling sick. “fuck that’s gross.”
“i know right! but i’ve had enough anyway, i want to go home but matt’s driving and he’s not ready to go yet, neither is nick. at least they’re having fun.”
“and you don’t drink?” you ask, crossing your legs criss cross applesauce style.
“nah, me and my brothers are sober. just don’t really see the point in drinking. got nothing against it, just not my thing.”
“you know, don’t take this the wrong way but, i honestly pictured you as the frat boy type.”
“ha, i’m far from it.” he laughs, “but that’s what all the lacrosse boys were like. it was painful having to put up with it.”
“i can imagine.” you tell him.
there’s a lick of silence, and the bathroom was beginning to get stuffy- despite the window being open and letting a small breath of air through every now and then. you see chris wipe the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, puffing out a breath. “it’s so fucking hot i think i’m going to die.”
you found yourself in a daze, looking at him now, really looking at him. he was cute as hell, how had you never noticed? the way his hair hung just over his forehead, how his arms were softly toned…
“hey, i never got your name. that was rude of me.” he says, turning to you.
you tell him, and he nods his head. “you look like that’s your name.”
“you know how some people look like their names? i feel like i don’t look like a chris.” he elaborated, waving his hands around to emphasise his point.
“yeah, maybe a chad.” you chuckle.
“if i was a chad, i’d have already kissed you.” chris tells you, not looking at you, more like he was talking to himself. speaking into the abyss.
you widen your eyes, “what?”
chris kicks his feet back and forth, hitting the cabinets below. “nothing.”
there’s a pause, the only sound you could hear was your breathing, surrounding you, suffocating. you decide to be bold. i mean, what was there to loose, anyway? you couldn’t just sulk alone all night.
“i mean, i wouldnt say no.” you confess, avoiding eye contact, looking down at his vomit splayed ugg boot, discarded on the tiles. although, you could feel his eyes on you.
“to what?” he says, more confidently.
“if…” you begin, now looking up at him and loosing your train of thought.
“i kissed you?”
you freeze, blinking a few times to check you weren’t hallucinating and that your drink hadn’t been spiked. after a few breaths, you realised he wasn’t going anywhere, and that he was right there. only a few steps away. yet you couldn’t find your feet, we’re you supposed to make the first move?
before you could continue the battle in your brain, chris had slid back down to his feet, his hands bracing on the bench behind him, arms flexed. he tilted his head at you, almost like a puppy, waiting. he was waiting for you.
you stand up, and slowly, ever so slowly, make your way towards him. you bite your lip, your breath quickening and heart thumping in your chest like it would pounce onto him if it could. how had your night turned so quickly? weren’t you downstairs wishing you were anywhere else only 20 minuets ago?
chris reached his hand out to tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear, licking his lips. “you’re so pretty.”
you blush hard, looking down at your feet. “even with my smudged mascara?”
“yeah.” he chuckles, reaching for your hand to pull you closer to him.
you were now face to face, your eyes in line with his lips. you felt like your heart was about to fall out of your ass, with the way he was looking at you. not greedy, not like other boys did- if they did. it was sweet, like he was really looking at you, his mellow blue eyes scanning your face and landing on your lips.
he slid a hand behind your ear, leaning into you. you leaned in, too, unsure of what you were supposed to do. you had only ever kissed one boy, and it was in eighth grade as a dare during a game of spin the bottle. this time was different. it wasn’t a game, and nobody was watching.
chris kissed you gently, only testing the waters. it was only chaste, but you felt yourself ascend into another dimension. his lips were soft, and he was so warm. you feel something deep your belly, swirling around. your cheeks begin to flush a little more than they already were, your headache now a distant memory. he pulled away as soon as it happened, as if he had been snapped back into reality.
“sorry, i don’t um…usually do this. i feel like such a douche.”
“you’re far from a douche.” you reassure him, placing a hand on his forearm.
his hand that rested behind your ear was now playing with a coil of your hair. “i mean you were just so pretty, and i didn’t know how to-“
suddenly, you feel yourself swarmed with pride, beginning to smile. “chris! did you follow me up here?”
“um, no?” he says, as his eyes dart around the room comedically as a toothy grin adorns his face.
“you don’t seem so sure.” you tease.
he laughs, shrugging. “what can i say, it worked.”
you find yourself overcome with a feeling you didn’t recognise, something between overjoyed and astounded. you quickly press your lips into his, a little more assured this time. he kisses you back just as eagerly, pulling your waist close to his, breathing hot air into your lungs. you weren’t quite sure what to do with your hands, so you snaked your hand into his soft, full hair. he groaned into your mouth, and you felt your stomach do flips.
this was definitely not how you expected your night to go.
part two.
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actual-changeling · 1 year
when gabriel/jim (jabriel?? gim?????) talks about his "one particular person", aziraphale's smile is such a blink and you will miss it moment but so incredibly precious and we don't pay enough attention to it.
so, welcome to another round of alex's unhinged meta corner where i over-analyse micro expressions while losing some more braincells.
firstly, here's a clip of that scene just so we are all on the same page since i don't know how much time everyone else spends watching that show. don't ask me it's probably at least 6 hours a day at this point
what i want to focus on is aziraphale's reaction to jabriel's words right after "person". did i slow the clip down and then go through it frame by frame to get the following screencaps? yes. yes i did.
there are two parts to this, the spaced-out smile and then his shock/fear. also before we start can i just say how fucking insane whoever made the trailer was for putting the 1941 dinner scene RIGHT THERE??? with THAT expression??????? yeah. no. i need therapy for that alone.
while he is talking, aziraphale is looking at jabriel the entire time, but honestly, i don't think he is actually seeing him, he's neck-deep in his memories of crowley. he as that sparkle in his eyes he tends to get around crowley/looking at crowley and that smile appears rather slowly (or as slow as something can be while lasting less than a second).
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personally, i'd call that expression "completely and utterly in love" or besotted if you wanna keep it simple. a content little smile meant for no one except himself, the kinda look he probably wears in private while calling crowley to ask him to come hang out. aziraphale loves him and in this short moment, he knows it - and so do we.
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when jabriel (preferable over gim, in my opinion) trails off, aziraphale remembers that hey, wait a minute. that's my boss. that's the archangel fucking gabriel. he can't know about me and crowley.
at this point, neither we nor he know what exactly is up with jabriel, so there is a very real danger that everything aziraphale says or shows will be reported back to heaven. the shock sets in, the smile disappear and aziraphale falls from cloud 9 (pun intended) and lands face first back on earth.
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while aziraphale does not have crowley's memory of what exactly went down in heaven when they tried to burn him to a crisp, he has always been incredibly anxious around gabriel and the other archangel. he is fidgeting, unable to stand still or even keep his gaze from flicking around. the only moment he calms is, you guessed it, when he is zoned out and thinking of crowley.
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the very real fear that settles on his face is not just about himself, it is mostly about crowley. if heaven knows, hell will, too. everyone knows about the back channels, most just try and keep up plausible deniability. the fact that it is michael who seems to be directly in contact with hell for the most part and not gabriel is worthy of its own post at some point.
another thing worth mentioning is that aziraphale is so afraid, in fact, that he physically backs away from jabriel and gets as much distance between them as possible. jabriel looks like a lost toddler, very non-threatening, but the trauma runs so deep that it does not matter how much of a danger he really is right now. he has been a constant threat for over six thousand years, you cannot deconstruct your view of a person, especially your boss, that quickly. not even if they turn up with total amnesia on your doorstep. naked.
this was less unhinged than some of my other posts but i think this is a moment that gets overlooked a lot. at least i haven't seen anyone talking about it yet since we are all understandably focused on the ending of episode 6.
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annwrites · 2 months
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—can you love me again?
know i've done wrong, left your heart torn. is that what devils do? — harvey specter x ex-employee!reader ; ⊹⊱❖⊰⊹
tw: mentions of rape
↳ read
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"Excuse me, miss. Would you mind helping me? There's a biography I—"
You slowly turn.
you know that voice. Used to hear it every day.
You'd wondered once—when you could no longer recall the sound of it—if you would still recognize it if you ever ran into him again.
Even if you'd never intended to.
You should've known better.
He stares at you with wide eyes. Into your own, which he thought he'd never look into again. Would never see his reflection in those blooming irises again. Would never see himself as you do again.
And yet here you are, right in front of him, gazing up at him as if...as if you'd never even left.
"You came back," he whispers in disbelief.
You hold the novel you'd been ready to slide onto a high shelf tightly to your chest, your heart running away from you.
His hand rises from his side, hovering near your cheek. And then he cups it in his palm. "You're here."
You swallow nervously, unsure how to even respond. So you don't. "You were looking for a book?"
His brows furrow, hand dropping away. "That's it? You...you disappear for a goddamn year—more than—and that's all I get? No—no explanation, or—"
His voice is raised now, that vein near his temple throbbing in irritation.
"Please lower your voice. I'm at work."
He's left speechless then. He takes a step closer.
You lean your head back, looking up at him.
For how long?"
Your brows furrow. "What?"
"How long have you been back in New York?" He asks through gritted teeth.
You tuck a loose curl behind your ear. "About a month."
He stumbles back, laughing without humor, running his hand down his jaw as he nods. "A month. You've been in the city for a month and not once did you—" He shakes his head.
His eyes find their way back to you. "Do you have any idea the hell I went through after you just disappeared in the middle of the night? That next morning you don't show up to work, so I call. Your phone is disconnected. Email was defunct. After work I go to your apartment, only to find it empty, with not so much as a forwarding address left behind. I—" He stops, fuming, shoulders steadily rising and falling as he stares you down.
"I began to think...I actually wondered at one point if you were dead. No one had heard from you. You just dropped off the face of the goddamn Earth. Where the hell did you even go?"
His jaw falls open slightly, his eyes searching your own, sure that you can't be serious.
"Alaska," he repeats back to you.
You nod gently.
"We have a fight, so you move across the country. What—did...did you seriously drive that entire way?"
It had nothing to do with the fight. It was due to a reason that was so much worse. You wish it had been due to that instead.
How many times had you blamed yourself? Told yourself that if you'd just never bothered asking him, after all those nights together, with him buried inside of you, 'what are we', then it never would've happened.
But you know now that it's no one's fault except one person's. But that individual is neither you nor him. Even if you'd believed so heavily at one time otherwise.
"Why the hell would you do something like that?"
"It gave me time to think."
He takes a step closer. "Why the hell are you being so short with me?"
You turn back around, finally putting the novel you'd been holding away, picking up another from your book cart, ignoring your shaking hands. "I have to get back to work now."
He stands there, continuing to stare at you.
How did you get here? The two of you? He used to...he used to know everything about you. Used to know every inch of you. Whether in the king-sized bed in his apartment, on a marble countertop, or his office desk—he did.
You still smell like warm cinnamon, though. That much has remained the same, at least.
Even if everything else is different now.
"You came back to work at a bookstore. Do they even have benefits?"
Why wouldn't you have came back to him instead?
"I have no interest in returning to office work and answering to lawyers again. I'm a different person now. I want different things."
"You mean you had no interest in returning to me."
You sigh, turning around, grabbing your cart and pushing past him. "I'm not interested in arguing, Harvey."
His heart jumps at the sound of his name rolling off your tongue.
Like when yours used to roll off of his between your soft thighs. Late at night. The city glittering outside those large glass windows as he held you close, tasting you while you cried out for him in pleasure.
He quickly grabs your elbow, turning you back to him. "I deserve an explanation."
You wrap your arms around yourself. "Do you truly need one?"
He looks at you incredulously. "How can you even ask that?"
You glance out the window, watching for a moment as people mill past, one entering the store—a small bell ringing up front to signal their arrival, welcoming them—and then drag your eyes back to the man in front of you.
"Tonight, then. Once everyone else has left the office."
"You can't tell me now?" He asks, arms flying out from his side in exasperation, hands then settling on his hips.
"You want an explanation, that's my stipulation for giving it."
His eyes flit between both of yours before he finally gives a small, terse nod. "Fine."
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Harvey leans back in his seat, hands clasped in his lap—his jacket and tie forgotten atop his desk—as he waits patiently for you to explain yourself. To finally answer the mystery that is your whereabouts for the last year.
You study him for a moment, wondering how to even begin.
Going over this potential conversation for hours in your head after seeing him at the bookstore had been no help, as it now turns out.
You look out the window, at the neighboring skyscrapers, lights slowly turning off as people finally head home for the evening to their loved ones.
And then you look back to Harvey. "I need you to understand that what happened to me isn't your fault anymore than it is mine. That I'm okay now. It took a long time for me to be, but I am."
He just looks at you with knitted brows, wondering where this is going as he rests a bent elbow atop an arm of the chair, finger resting over his lips, thumb gripping his chin, while he remains silent.
"The night we fought...after you—" You want desperately to word this in a non-blaming way. "After you went home, I did, too. It was late, and there were no taxis around. So I told myself just to walk until I spotted one."
You swallow thickly, looking down to your hands. Even now they still tremble slightly. You hate him for still having such a hold over you.
"He came out of nowhere. I didn't see him. He grabbed me, drug me into an alley. He had a knife. Told me what would happen if I screamed. So I stayed quiet."
Everything is so silent you could hear a pin drop.
"He raped me."
Harvey's chin trembles.
"Twice. I just...let him. I was terrified. All I could think the entire time that he was inside of me was...this is how I'm going to die. Everything I ever wanted—meant to do—it's lost to me now. I'll die in this alley with this man's...him leaking out of me. And I'll be the girl on the news who was raped and murdered next to a dumpster. That's how I'll be remembered. That will have been the summation of my life: what he did to me."
You pull nervously at your fingers. "After he was finished, he left me lying there. Once I finally got myself home I wasn't—I wasn't thinking clearly. I took a shower, I threw up, I didn't sleep. First thing in the morning, I called a moving company. Told them I wanted movers to come in, box up all my things, and that i was going to Alaska. I'd always dreamt of seeing it. So I went."
You look at him again, your stomach sinking when you see the tears shimmering in his eyes, the wobbling of his lips.
"Now you know."
He rises suddenly. "I'm going to be sick."
He rushes out the glass door of his office and you give him a moment before following after him into the men's restroom.
You find him leaning over a sink, splashing cold water onto his face as he cries.
"Harvey," you say softly.
He quickly picks up a handful of folded paper towels and wipes his face dry before looking at you.
"Sweetheart, I—" His face crumples. "I'm so fucking sorry. This is all my goddamn fault."
You had wanted so dearly to avoid this. You knew he would put all of the blame upon himself.
He comes toward you, taking you into his arms, holding you to his chest as he cups the back of your head, his body shaking as he sobs into your hair.
"I'm so sorry."
You slide your hands up his back, quietly shooshing him. "It's no one's but his. I don't blame you. It's okay."
"It's not okay. I should've driven you home that night. Instead, I left here angry. Told you to find your own way home. When all you did was—was ask me what we were."
He begins to cry harder.
You remain quiet.
Finally, he pulls away slightly, pressing his forehead to yours, his hands resting against the small of your back. "You never told the police?"
"Like I said, I wasn't thinking clearly. I just...all i could think about was leaving. Going to Alaska. Nothing else mattered to me at that time but getting there."
He firmly presses his lips to your forehead, tears slipping from his eyes. "I want you to know I thought about you every day. That I missed you. That you were—you'd always been more to me than just sex. Losing you—this—is one of the greatest regrets of my life. One of my biggest mistakes. So many times I wished I had just told you how I felt. Had apologized for the shit I said that night instead of just leaving."
His eyes flutter closed. "Can you ever forgive me?"
He knows that even if you do, he never will. He deserves to live with this. All those panic attacks that'd overtaken him in your absence...he had deserved them and so much worse. He should've had a fucking heart attack instead. Maybe then he would've gotten his penance.
"There's nothing to forgive."
He knows he'll never agree.
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at one time, you'd been harvey's favorite employee. you had a good work ethic, but it'd been far less about that & more about what the two of you did in private that had earned you his stalwart approval.
it had started out with him driving you home—you always worked late, which he admired; just the same as him—it was the least he could do for you. conversations were had, laughs were shared, & then he'd finally begun to flirt.
he'd been so hesitant about it—what if you didn't feel the same toward him. or, even worse, considered it sexual harassment? until you'd shyly returned the sentiment.
& then began a whirlwind romance. he'd send flowers to your apartment, buy you jewelry, take you out for fine dining, show you around town in his fancy cars, &, in return, you gave your body to him willingly.
he'd sometimes summon you to his office just to order you to remove your panties for him to store in his pocket for the day, you were that comfortable in what you'd been doing.
but for him, it'd been more about having fun with an attractive, sweet young woman. meanwhile, you began to fall. you'd never seen a man with eyes as kind as his before the day you first stepped foot in his office for a job interview.
& then came the night that you asked him what the two of you were. & he asked why you needed to label it. & you replied that you couldn't take being strung along any longer—that either you were together, or you were done. & his temper had gotten the better of him.
he'd told you that you were done, then. he wasn't looking for commitment & had been clear on that from the start. he wasn't going to tolerate being thrown an ultimatum.
& then he'd watched in your eyes as your heart shattered.
as did his, when, come the next morning, it was if you'd never existed at all. you were just...gone. & he spent the next year wondering what might have been, had he not been such a selfish coward.
until the day he came across you in a nyc bookstore, stocking shelves—as if you'd never even left.
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when you were together, his favorite place to have sex with you, was with you atop his desk.
bought you tons of lingerie. like an embarrassing amount.
his favorite flowers to send to you were white roses. simply because he thought they seemed classy, due to their simple color.
loved driving you around town with his free hand gripping your thigh.
liked having a younger woman on his arm when you were out together for dinner. made him feel like a stud, tbh.
the first piece of jewelry he bought you was a simple diamond necklace.
would call you into his office & from the outside, it would look like he was calmly having heated words with you. while inside that room, he was telling you everything he intended to do to you at the end of the night once the two of you were alone.
he took you to a couple basketball games with him, excitedly explaining everything to you all the while. you just smiled & listened, merely admiring him being so happy & enthusiastic.
picked on you for liking fruity cocktail drinks, but always mixed them up for you, alongside his scotch.
after finding out about what happened to you, the guilt eats him alive. he comes to your work begging for you to let him take care of you in some way. have you gotten a car yet? if not, he'll buy you any one you like. he'll pay your rent, your utilities, your goddamn phone bill. anything. he'll do anything you tell him.
his panic attacks return with a vengeance.
he eventually confesses to you that he's been celibate for 10 months. he tried, after you left, sleeping with other women to get you out of his system—including ones that looked like you. but it wasn't...right. wasn't what he wanted; was looking for.
also confesses that he was & is still madly in love with you.
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yellowocaballero · 6 days
Writing update
I should probably give an update because things been slightly whack. Roughly, in order:
Was having issues with my medication, and writing got really difficult. Wanted to write Naruto, could not. Continued writing that Jason Todd story because what am I going to do, not write?
Fix medication issues. Feel like I can write again. Open up literally almost fucking random word document, see that it was the first paragraph of the More Than Zero rewrite (the story from my Star Wars No Chip AU) that I never did.
Go nuts.
Sixty pages into doing the rewrite, I decide that actually this story cannot function at all if I don't stop writing it and go write an entirely different story, which is somehow necessary for the quality of this story. Time to write the one of the many other No Chip AU stories I never got around to writing.
Go nuts.
40k of the Neyo story now exists. It's good, mostly.
Realize at this point that I cannot post a 40k fic on Tumblr and that the complete series is now clicked into my mind as an anthology, which means that it needs to go on AO3.
For several different reasons, one of which is admittedly marketing, I would like the series to stand on its own, so I need to completely rewrite the Order 66 story to establish everything about the universe that the ordinary roleswap fics established.
Realize I've gone nuts.
Decide to completely rewrite the Order 66 story anyway, it is at least twice as long and basically completely different.
As I do this, I realize that now the Rex buildingsroman story doesn't work at all, so I need to cut one section of that and rewrite a portion of it as well.
I would also like to make some semi-significant changes to the Bly story.
I am currently in the state of going nuts and will continue to be going nuts until some undetermined point in the future, at which point I will post every single fic in one story on AO3. There will be a metanarrative.
Decide that I was completely correct in aggravating literally everybody by refusing to post this on AO3, because if I had posted it on AO3 then it would have been way more difficult to rewrite all of this. I also feel a lot more confident in the quality of the rewritten versions and have, fortunately, improved over the last two years as a writer.
I think.
This is all BIG news for like maybe three people. All that to say, I will not be posting anything for a bit and then So Much will be posted. The revamped series should stand on its own and not need any knowledge of its parent AU. This is why I've disappeared off the face of the Earth. I will come back with Star Wars.
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ohanny · 7 months
stabby murder husbands kentakim au!
does this make much sense? no. is it going to be long? yes. am i sometimes very happy about what my mentally ill lil brain cooks up while i sleep? very much so.
tony chen is a rotten super villain in every universe but in this one kenta was his assassin until he finally had enough, turned on his master during the bloodiest night known in these circles, john wick style, and then disappeared off the face of the earth. was tony running the high table? how deep does the lore go? who knows. i was asleep. my brain did not have the capacity to figure it all out.
flash forward some years. kenta is living a normal life. he has a boring office job. he’s reconnected with babe, his estranged brother who ran away from home at the first sight of sketchy activities and was spared from all of tony’s bullshit. unfortunately for kenta, babe - happily married and pregnant - is channelling all his extra hormones and boredom into a mission to socialize his hermit crab of an older brother.
which is how kenta ends up eating dinner in babe and charlie’s warehouse loft of doom, sitting opposite of kim - a regular customer at the couple’s garage and a casual friend. it’s an awkward affair because a) kim can't stop staring b) babe keeps shooting these looks at kenta all “see, i brought you a hot ginger, do something with it” and c) kenta would much rather be at home. unsurprisingly, when kim offers him a ride home at the end of the evening, kenta says no.
this turns out to be a bad call because on his way home, kenta gets jumped. it happens sometimes - after all, he was tony’s weapon for over a decade and made a lot of enemies, no one can escape their past without occasionally being haunted by it. except this time when he limps out of the alleyway, clutching a minor stab wound on his side, there is a car idling by the pavement.
it's kim, rolling down the window and telling kenta to get his ass in. against his better judgment kenta does.
kim speeds off the scene of the crime with the kind of ease and confidence kenta has only ever seen from babe. it quickly becomes apparent that he knows way more about kenta than he should because he starts asking about cameras and when kenta just stares blankly - bleeding all over the nice upholstery - kim laughs and says “don’t worry, even if you got a bit rusty and missed one, i know a guy. or two. since they live with me you'll meet them soon anyway.”
and fuck, kenta should have just trusted his instincts instead of chalking kim making him nervous up to having someone so pretty pay any level of attention to him. he finally finds his voice (and lowkey also his knife) and demands to know who the hell kim is or if he's even called that. “oh i am,” kim answers gleefully, “and you could say i’m a… freelancer.” which, great. just amazing. kenta is being kidnapped by some amateur bounty hunter and his day officially couldn't get any worse.
… but it does. because once they reach their destination, the second he's ushered into an apartment he's greeted by an obnoxiously loud scream of “holy shit, he actually did it!” followed by a slightly less obnoxiously loud “our kimmy here is a big fan!” and then “oh fuck he’s bleeding all over the place, get the med kit dumbass!” and kenta realizes he wasn't kidnapped by some amateur bounty hunter. he was kidnapped by a fucking fan boy. on the bright side they do seem to be capable of basic wound care so there's that.
(yes, the trio is living their best mercenary vigilante life. kenta’s purge of tony happened right as kim was getting into the game and he went full “holy fucking shit, this man took down tony fucking chen and got away with it?” and basically became obsessed with the legendary lore of john wick kenta. so imagine how pumped he was when babe of all people introduced him to his ultimate murder crush goals)
kim: obviously you'll need to stay the night since you're so injured. You can have my room. i’ll just sleep with north and sonic.
kenta: …
sonic: you have a problem with three men sleeping together?
kenta: … no?
north: great! but if you hypothetically did you could ask kim to share with you instead because trust me, he's like super interes -
kim: shut up or i’ll evict you.
north: pls, whose day job is paying the bills here since you only take on charity cases?
kim: my name is on the lease! and i'm being a good person!
sonic: honey, you kill people.
this is where i got with my dream sequence but other things that just make sense in this verse:
the first person kim ever killed was winner. he was a toxic college hook up who kim dumped after few gos but who wouldn't take no for an answer. kim could have dealt with him being a dick on campus but then he started harassing kim’s dorm mates, north and sonic and kim just… snapped.
it all came to head on an alley behind a trashy gay bar. winner tried to grab sonic and kim honestly just meant to beat the shit out of him but went too far. when they read the news the next day it's weird. none of them regret it. they’re happy about it. and when no one knocks on their door to ask any questions, they realize how easy it actually is to get rid of a bad person.
the second person kim kills is a campus dirtbag who likes slipping shit into girls’ drinks and taking them home. they plan it all together but kim goes out alone and after… he's a mess. winner was a crime of passion in the heat of the moment but this is something different. he's all keyed up. he can't settle down and paces around their living room. a man is dead and he thinks he got off clean but only time will tell. he's nervous and elated and half-hard and full of adrenaline and it's sonic who nudges north and goes “look at the poor thing, we should take care of him.”
the night ends with kim’s head on sonic’s lap, sonic’s fingers in his hair, telling him he did well and he's so good when he cries as he's getting fucked into the mattress by north. kim wakes up sandwiched between them, in a mess of limbs. he has a very brief freak out about what the happened - the sex, not the murder - but north shushes him, telling him it’s not a big deal. “we love you, hyungie” sonic shrugs and pecks his cheek. “you two get some more rest and i’ll bring breakfast, okay?” and that's that.
needless to say kenta is in for a culture shock with the northsonickim arrangement. like he's taking a shower with kim and things are getting good when sonic barges into the bathroom, yanks the shower curtain back and goes on a rant of “kim, you gotta tell north to do the laundry because it was his turn but he forgot and now my favorite pants still have cum stains on them!” and kenta is like “um, excuse us?” but kim just rolls his eyes and proceeds to yell for north and then has an entire damn conversation with his dick out while kenta just stands there all 🧍‍♂️. (after he's done chewing north out for the laundry, he turns to sonic like “and you! we talked about this! kenta is new, we don't want to spook him!”)
the whole murder thing will be another conflict. kenta is happily retired. he killed because that's what he was raised to do and he didn't have any other options until he did. kim though? kim kills because he wants to. kim kills because he believes certain people deserve to die.
kim: i have a date with a wife beater at 2am. wanna come?
kenta: stop calling them dates. and you shouldn't be so… flippant about it.
kim, smirking while pulling on his leather gloves: don't tell me you never enjoyed it.
while kenta’s kills were always obvious hits, done using knives and guns, kim likes to deliver justice personally. he warms up using his hands and finishes the job with whatever blunt object he can pick up.
one time kenta’s boring office job takes him out of town for business and kim is climbing the walls. he calls kenta all “please quit and just become a hit man again, the pay is better and you'd be home when i need you” and kenta sighs because yes, his job is boring but he's trying his best to be normal and he has a morning meeting. so he tells kim to go occupy himself with north and sonic
kim: wait.. What?
kenta: don't you guys have sex with each other all the time?
kim: we did, BEFORE i met you
kenta: … huh. well. go fuck or get fucked or whatever before you start hunting pedestrians for stress relief.
kim: is this a trap?
kenta: no? i would never mess with whatever the three of you have.
Kim barging into north and sonic’s room, growling at them to take their clothes off and sonic’s first reaction is “oh shit, they broke up” but then kim’s like “dick first, rings second, i’m going to wife that man so hard he won't know what hit him” and everyone cheers and no one feels bad about having a pre-engagement celebration threesome not involving one of the grooms.
also, pete? did he step up after tony’s death? does he run a business like the continental? is way his weird attic wife that fucked himself over in the business and now can't step a foot outside the hotel without getting his brains blown out the less fun way? in any case he would have an eye on both kenta (because their whole… brotherhood) and kim (because kim is a wild card and truly independent and neither follows nor knows the code).
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passivenovember · 2 years
“Do we have a mop?”
Mrs. Harrington looks up from her crossword puzzle, razor sharp #2 poised to hack and slash her way toward victory, “Our house is covered wall to wall in tasteful black hardwood,” She says, because her husband’s time last week was 3.35 and she plans to shave at least ten seconds from her own today. “Of course we have a mop.”
Steve shuffles in the doorway, rapping four knuckles against the wood to get her attention. “Could you tell me where it is?”
“Steven,” She sighs, “I’m a little--”
“I want to clean up.”
She resists the urge to dig her fingertips in her ears. Bites down on shock and thrill that her son has finally taken to the perfectionism that runs the roots on both sides of his family tree. “Go dig around the mud room,” She says, returning to her crossword, “That’s where one usually keeps mops, vacuums, dustpans--”
“Thank you,” Steve disappears, leaving Mrs. Harrington’s study in blissful, waving quiet.
She makes it another ten words before all hell breaks loose.
“Mom!” Steve shouts, voice muffled by walls and imported rugs. “Mom, I can’t find the--”
“Goddammit,” She hits the stop-trigger on her alarm clock. 4.15. Her husband’s going to have a field day with this development. 
The kitchen is filthy, but only in the way that shows her son is trying his best. Her precious marble counters are streaked with forgotten all-purpose cleaner, and the rugs have been removed, shaken out, and put on their stay mats crooked. 
Every dish in the house has been left in the sink and somewhere, past the sound of Steve digging through the pantry and mumbling to himself, something is burning. 
“What on Earth--”
“Mrs. Wheeler used to make Nancy clean the floors with pinesol,” Steve breathes, his face as red as a lobster when he pokes his head around the doorway, “But we don’t have any pinesol, mom, I’m not sure what--”
“I don’t like pinesol. Smells too much like a burning nuclear factory.”
“What am I supposed to clean the floor with, mom?”
Mrs. Harrington tugs a mitt onto one hand and removes a sheet of charred sugar from the oven.
Thinks maybe they’re chocolate chip cookies, or brownies, or--
She turns the oven off, crossing her arms over her chest. “What’s gotten into you, Steven?”
Steve charges out of the pantry and stops dead in his tracks. “Nothing,” He says, gripping the mop handle so tightly that Mrs. Harrington is positive it’s going to snap in half. “It’s just. I have someone coming over tonight, and--”
“Do you fancy this person?”
“No. Yes, I don’t. I don’t know--”
“You know, When I met your father he didn’t know you couldn’t clean glass with dish soap.”
Steve’s eyes get big. “You can’t?”
“No, it leaves streaks all over the place,” She rolls up her sleeves, turning the faucet water on as hot as it will go. “Anyhow, the first time I came over to study for our pre-law exams that first year of graduate school, he had tried to clean his entire apartment. It was a massive failure because he didn’t have anything in the way of a conventional cleaning product.”
“What did dad use?”
Mrs. Harrington laughs, unable to help herself. “Olive oil.”
Steve saddles up next to the dish rack, using a clean tea-towel to dry whatever’s handed to him. “Dad’s an idiot.”
“Yeah, but he loved me. Maybe he didn’t know it at the time, but I felt it. The second I walked in and fell into the wall because the floor was so slippery,” She pins Steve with what she hopes is a gentle, knowing look, “It meant the world that he’d even try.”
Steve looks thoughtful for a moment. “Okay,” He says, drying his hands on the seat of his Levi’s. “But what do I use to mop the floor--”
Two hours later, the house is clean enough that Mrs. Harrington doesn’t feel guilty returning to her crossword puzzle. 
She sits down and restarts her timer just as the doorbell rings. She listens, straining to imagine the big, goofy soft smile that matches the tone of her son’s voice. 
“Billy,” Steve says, and he might as well float around on heart-shaped clouds. “I made some cookies--”
“Smells like you almost burned the house down,” The second voice answers. 
Mrs. Harrington holds her breath and hopes against all hope that this kid won’t break her son’s heart.
There’s a long pause and then, quiet as a sunrise, Billy laughs. “I’ll choke ‘em down for you, pretty boy.”
For you.
Mrs. Harrington starts the timer and doesn’t even care that her husband beat her record. 
5.18. He’ll smile when he sees it.
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ikamigami · 4 months
In this post I'll try to explain how Sun is trapped in a cycle of trauma and I'll try to answer the question whether he can escape it or not and how he can escape it if it's possible.
I think that I know the answer to why Sun is often pushed aside and doesn't even feel like MC in Sun and Moon Show sometimes.. it's because the show is telling two stories.
One story is the one that we see. The one which follows mostly what happens with Moon because Moon does more things than Sun. Sun is doing his own things in the background. Or he's a gag character in most of funny lore episodes. This story is the surface level of watching it and seeing the obvious parallels between events.
It's not a bad way to engage with the show but it's more like watching MCU - easy story to follow with foreshadowing, payoffs and parallels.
But there's also a second story.. a story hidden in details and subtle hints and lines which are echoes of the past events.. and the main character of this story is Sun who is a traumatised victim of abuse.
This is more deep reading of events in the show - we could say it's meta interpretation of it.
I'm not going to lie to you that I found it weird and a bit repulsive how awfully Sun is treated as a victim of abuse.. because his trauma was never addressed properly - Sun could never talk openly about what happened to him and no one even helped him with that.. sometimes they didn't even want to listen to him..
I didn't want to accept that Sun healed off-screen or just even got better off-screen because of how much he went through and things like that just don't magically disappear.. all this trauma couldn't just disappear.. especially if Sun never had a break. His life is traumatising event after traumatising event after traumatising event..
"Stop! How can you say that Sun didn't have a break when he literally did while Solar and Moon took care of everything?" you're probably asking this right now. And my answer is: yes, you're right, Sun literally had a break. Literally - a surface level of watching show.. a story that we see..? You probably don't know what I'm trying to say. But this is exactly why I'm making this post.
Today's episode helped me realize that what's happening right now is just another face of Sun's trauma.
Moon is not only acting similarly to Old Moon but he even tried to guilt-trip Sun and he minimized his trauma by mocking it which was the exact same thing Old Moon was doing during their fights.
Moon even said that only after two years Sun was able to grow a spine to stand up to Moon.. doesn't it sound familiar?
Old Moon said during one of their fights that Sun shouldn't apologize for yelling at him because he shouldn't apologize for having a spine.. hmm.. it's obvious parallel yet it's a reverse one.
Old Moon was trying to make Sun stand up for himself in abusive way.
Now Moon is trying to squash Sun's confidence by laughing at Sun's efforts of trying to stand up for himself which essentially mocks Sun's trauma.
And later when I was watching mgafs episode it dawned on me. Sun went to Monty for help when Moon is dangerous.. doesn't it sound familiar?
The last time Sun went to Monty for help was when kill code reactivated in Old Moon.. but before that Sun went to Monty for help when Lunar was pretending to be Old Moon and they couldn't switch places.
But who told Sun to go to Monty for help if situation with Moon would be too much to handle for Sun? Old Moon.
It seems that Old Moon's words still have an impact on Sun.
But there's more.. Sun locked Moon in a cell just like Old Moon did to him a year ago. Sun decided to use shocks to keep Moon from doing something stupid and harming himself.
It really seems that Sun was influenced by Old Moon's actions.
But also the only helpful thing that Sun knows is talking to Earth because Earth was the one who helped him back then.. so if Earth's words didn't help Moon what else can?
Old Moon never listened to Sun and now Moon also doesn't listen to him. So what left?
He went to Monty for help but it turned out that Monty can't help. Monty's words don't work anymore with Moon like they used to with Old Moon. Monty and Foxy's only solution is to forcefully snap Moon out of it by endangering Sun at expense of Bloodmoon's life cause who cares about Bloodmoon..
So the only answer is violence. But if you think about it Sun's life is filled with violence to the brim. Old Moon used to solve their every problem with violence. New Moon also tried to solve their every problem by killing whoever he deemed an enemy.
Sun tried to talk with Eclipse but it didn't work. The only thing that left was to expell him from his head which was a death of OG Eclipse.
He tried to warn Bloodmoon. It didn't work and he killed them in self-defence.
He tried to listen to V2 Eclipse (Eclipse with the star) but Eclipse could only threaten them and told them to kill Lunar. So the only thing that left was to push Eclipse through the portal and Moon killed him.
He tried to talk to New Bloodmoon but it didn't work either and the only thing that left once again was violence.
He convinced Moon to help Ruin which turned out to be Solar's and trillions of others' lives doom. So what left? They had to lock Ruin but it created more problems - Molten trying to kill him and now Ruin is once again working with Bloodmoon and we can only imagine that they're up to no good. So they'd most definitely have to use violence.
Sun tried to resolve things differently. He tried to help. But none of this worked. His help only made things worse. And everyone's answer seem to be only violence.. violence violence violence violence violence violence violence..
So it's not surprising at all that Sun is doing what Old Moon taught him. Even if it isn't what Sun wants. And the worse thing is that now others are trying to force him to make a decision that will have an impact on everything. It'll either work and things will get better or it won't and everything will get worse.
You may say that Sun has Earth and Lunar as a support. But while it is true that he still has them they already expressed that they don't want to help. And let's be honest, neither Earth nor Lunar did much to help Sun with his trauma. They aknowledged it but that's it. Lunar never talked about it with Sun. And the only thing Earth did was apologizing to Sun for making him sad by mentioning Old Moon's death because she knows how hard it is for him.
But it isn't what Sun needs. He needs help. You may say "why he doesn't talk to them about his trauma?" The thing is he tried. But when he needed help the most - after Old Moon's death - they told him to move on or Moon straight up yelled at him for just simply mentioning Old Moon.
So it's not surprising that Sun doesn't try to open up about it anymore. Because he learned that it's better not to do that. And that's why he thinks that his issues are less important than others' problems. Because no one cared to help him. But because Sun knows that they love him so there's only one reason why they didn't help him. And this reason is that his issues aren't that much of a big deal. Why should he bother others with his issues when others don't seem to care that much? They probably don't care that much because these issues aren't real problems.. I bet that this is what Sun thinks about that.
Let's get back to the main topic of this post. Sun is trapped in a cycle of trauma. From the beginning of his existence the only thing he knows is trauma. First with Old Moon who abused him physically, mentally and emotionally. Later Old Moon promised to change yet he left Eclipse in Sun's head which created another trauma for Sun and Old Moon didn't stop being abusive. Later when they thought that they defeated Eclipse another problem appeared - Bloodmoon. But it wasn't enough because it turned out that there's new Eclipse who activated Old Moon's kill code reopening Sun's trauma.
Eventually Sun's already poor mental state worsened even more and he experienced psychotic episode. And what others did at that time? They abandoned Sun and because he was too detached from reality he wasn't able to stop himself. And in such state he did things that he regrets. But even if he regrets them he can't do anything about it. He has to live with consequences of his actions even if he wasn't at fault for neither Old Moon's nor Lunar's death. But it only deepened his trauma.
At that point Sun thought that the only solution is to die hoping for fresh start like Moon had. Hence why he decided to be conduit for star's power and tried to sacrifice himself. Thankfully he survived and Eclipse was gone. Things seemed to get better. Unfortunately Sun's family didn't help him with his trauma at that time. Even if it was the best time to adress his issues considering that he was still suicidal back then.
Though Ruin already was a threat. After all he kidnapped Sun and the way Moon dealt with it wasn't the best - reminding Sun of his trauma once again. Yet back then Ruin's threat seemed so distant. Until he decided to bring Bloodmoon back. And also Solar's appearing disrupted dynamics in the family regardless of this being unintentional. Then Ruin blew up the Daycare and Sun and Moon were sent to Ruin's dimension.
And even if later things seemed to get better once again it wasn't long before Bloodmoon completely mauled Earth's body and they had to deal with them and also Stitchwraith threatened that if they'll try to interfere he will do worse things then simply kidnapping Earth.
At that time Sun seemed very distanced from everyone. He had serious memory issues and he wasn't answering any messages and calls. It didn't seem good.
And then Eclipse returned once again. And we all of a sudden found out that Sun was feeling great until Eclipse's return.. it doesn't add up.
And later Sun decided to leave everything to Moon and Solar to deal with while he was spending time alone in their house, drinking wine and relaxing with his cats.. and he seemingly got better. He just needed a break.
It doesn't make much sense when you consider everything Sun went through. Yes, on surface level Sun seems to be doing much better and break helped him.. but is it actually true?
If we look at it deeper through lense of a story of very traumatised victim of abuse.. it seems that this was Sun's another attempt at breaking the cycle of trauma. The first attempt was sacrificing himself. Second was to try and avoid getting engaged with anything. After all when he tried to help everything got worse. So he naturally tried to do the opposite.. which turned out even worse.
Solar died because of Ruin's plan and he wouldn't be able to do it if it wasn't for Sun convincing Moon to help him. Moon is now losing his mind because of Solar's death and like Sun said he wishes that he said more to Moon when he had mental breakdown. And now Moon is acting worse than Old Moon and Sun is basically reliving his trauma. Sun is trying his best to keep his family together but is he actually able to do that?
You may think that he is.. but when you consider Sun's mental state - depressive psychosis and delusions centered around guilt and unworthiness making Sun feel like he's the one who is bad.. it doesn't seem likely.
You can disagree with me but there's plenty of evidence that support my claim. Also Moon told Sun that he has a little bit of Eclipse in him still.. and not so long ago Eclipse told Sun that he would make a good Eclipse when this is exactly what Sun was afraid of a year ago. And Lunar back then told him that he's acting exactly like Eclipse.
I'm pretty sure that it's affecting Sun. As much as he tries to say otherwise. That Moon's words doesn't have any impact on him anymore. It's not true. After all, we can still see how much Old Moon's words affected him.
Having all of this in mind, I wouldn't be surprised if Sun ended up blaming himself for what happened. Also considering that things will get worse soon. After all, Taurus is after Lunar and he'll either execute them immediately or put them to test.. which probably won't be anything nice. And Earth is hiding that she's friends with Eclipse and she trusts him more than her family because she tells Eclipse things that she wouldn't say to them. And who knows what Ruin and BM will do. And lastly.. Sun will find out soon that Dazzle is victim of July 16th incident. It doesn't look too good for him.
Even if Sun keeps going for his family. Will he be able to take more of this?
I don't think so. Because why then showrunners didn't let things to get better even if a bit? Why everything seems to get worse?
But is there a way for Sun to escape the cycle of trauma? He tried to sacrifice himself which even if it'd ended with him being dead he still would do something good, right? He'd protect his family. He tried to distance himself from everything to not make things worse with his help. But it ended up making everything even worse. So is there any option left for Sun to break the cycle?
Yes, the help of others. Unfortunately it doesn't seem likely. Even now when Sun is clearly suffering he still chose not to talk about his own feelings but focused on Moon. Even when he's hurting so much that Monty and Foxy found Sun crouching outside Monty's house. Yet he didn't say anything. And what they did to help him? They told him that he needs to make a decision that he isn't capable to make in the state he is right now.
But what about Earth and Lunar? Like I said Lunar will have a much more concerning problem soon enough. And when Sun will find out about Earth's secret.. I doubt he'll trust her to talk about his own issues. You may say that he can change his mind about Eclipse. Maybe normally he could but not now. Not when he's reliving his trauma and his mental state is threatening to worsen. Sun isn't in any condition to deal with his own issues with Eclipse unless Eclipse will surprisingly not insult Sun and will be able to convince him that he wants to help. But Sun isn't in the right state of mind to deal with it, to rethink everything between the two of them and try to forget about trauma Eclipse caused him and his family.
And when Sun will learn the truth about Dazzle.. I wouldn't be surprised if it'll be a final straw for him.
So what else left? How can break the cycle? The answer is he can't. He could with a help of his family but it really seems not to be an option.
Though there's one thing that will stop the cycle of trauma once and for all. And it's death. You may say that Sun already tried to do that. Yes but also no. Back then Sun thought that he'll be lucky if he get reset and if not he'll at least sacrifice himself to protect his family.
But what about now? There's a plan to put Sun in dangerous situation that will cause Sun harm in order to snap Moon out of the state he's in. But if it won't work Moon will kill Bloodmoon and then I doubt that he'll stop at that. And then what?
This plan is messed up because no one can be sure if it'll work and there are very high chances that Moon's mental state will worsen either way. I bet that Sun will try to help no matter what.
Edit: I forgot to mention that Foxy wanted Sun to decide when he'll say enough is enough and he let them kill Moon which isn't an option for Sun - imagine keep going with this in mind that the life of your brother depends on your decision.
But when things will get worse will he be able to keep going? After all he wasn't able to help anyone, to stop anyone, to comfort anyone.. he tried everything yet things only got worse. And because of Sun's mental issues I'm pretty sure that he'll blame himself for everything. So even if Sun will still have Earth and Lunar (maybe).. can he be sure that his decisions won't end up harming the rest of his family?
I wouldn't be surprised if Sun will consider taking his own life as an answer to how stop this madness. If he thinks that all of this is his fault and he even expressed that himself that he was wondering if it'd be better if Moon and him never separated.. and even if Sun went to dimension where they separated but Eclipse never happened and they seem to have happy lives. That Moon didn't help Sun that much and even if he said that deep down Moon still cares.. now Sun learned that it isn't true. Sun can't handle this anymore.
Sun's mental state seems to be not good but considering what is about to happen it'll only get worse. I doubt that Sun will be able to think it through and stop himself from doing it while everything around him is collapsing and he thinks that it's all because of him..
I won't say that he'll succeed because there's high chance that someone will stop him or even if he'll attempt it he may end up heavily injured or in a coma and not dead dead.
But seeing how showrunners keep making things harder and worse for Sun and knowing that Davis wanted to include topic of suicide but previously received backlash for that though it seems that the issue either got resolved or they decided to implement it anyway it seems highly likely that Sun may try to kill himself.
I'm not saying that he'll do that but this is just my hypothesis based on the analysis of events in the show and meta analysis of Sun's character and that his character represents a story of traumatised victim of abuse. I'd rather have them addressing it even if it'd mean that Sun will attempt suicide then them completely ignoring it showing viewers that "screw victims of abuse".
We may argue about whether VAs are doing good job with portraying this things in the show but I don't want to immediately say that there's no hope and that they just don't care about the fact that they made Sun to be a victim of abuse.
I'm trying to be positive about this and I hope that Sun's trauma eventually will be addressed. I'm trying to trust the process. Maybe I'm a fool for doing so but whatever. I don't care about it.
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