#did you guys know you can have tiny beasts in your home in addition to the normal ones
hearthomelesbian · 4 months
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the pygmy corydoras <3 + flathead and catfish
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mrsalwayswrite · 3 years
To Call Forth Love - Chapter 10
I’m sorry its taken me so long to update. I haven't had much time to write lately due to....well, life. But here we are and its long, so hopefully that makes up for the length. 
Side note- the Norwegian used is from Google translate so....
Warnings: swearing, mild sexual content, Lothbrok family dynamics (yes, its a warning), threats of violence
Words: 15,700 (yep, my longest chapter yet. I packed ALOT into this beast)
Tag List: @youbloodymadgenius @evelynshelby @pomegranates-and-blood @heavenly1927 @zuxiezendler @punkrocknpearls @love-all-things-writing @southernbe @ecarroll1978 @breezykpop @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie​
Series Masterlist
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"Where are we going? I thought we were going to your flat?" 
 Gyda slyly smiled at Kari, sitting in the passenger seat of her bright yellow Porsche. "Change of plans."
 Kari stared at her friend. "I'm scared to ask."
 "Torvi asked for female reinforcement. So, we are going to keep her company."
 "Ok…. But where is that?" 
 "At the brothers' house." The blonde answered nonchalantly as she made a quick right-hand turn. "It's tradition. Kind of a last family summer party before it's too cold to swim anymore. They have a pool in their backyard."
 Kari felt her stomach drop. Ivar had told her he lived with his three other brothers. Gyda had her own flat while Bjorn and Torvi owned a house nearby. Whenever she tried to ask Ivar about his home, he would shrug off the question or ignore it completely. Eventually she just stopped asking. Curiosity certainly reared its head when she wondered what his home was like. For how much money meant nothing to him, she guessed it was massive and expensive. Maybe he knew she would not fit in and that was why he never brought her? Even through his speeches of wanting her to be his girlfriend, he knew she would not fit into his lifestyle. Why else would he keep her away? It was a valid truth that she had come to terms with. Even if she found herself secretly desperate to ease into his life, she never would. 
 "Of course, they do…." Kari rolled her eyes at the notion that obviously, there was a pool in their backyard. It fit the stereotype in her mind. Then she thought about what Gyda just said. "Wait. Do you have a swimsuit with you?"
 Gyda raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow at her while keeping her eyes on the road. "Don't worry, I've got you covered. Torvi brought an extra of hers for you."
 "You had this planned, didn't you? We never were going to your flat, were we?"
 "I don't kiss and tell."
 "Yes, you do. There was that guy you hooked up with two weeks ago that kept sending you dick pics after."
 "That guy was way too proud of his dick. I mean it wasn't even that big."
 "I don't want to hear this again." Kari groaned, tugging on her diamond earring. She enjoyed Gyda but she had learned far more about the woman's sex life than she had any desire to know. 
 "Okay, fine. And yes, Torvi and I planned this. Ivar doesn't know you're coming."
 Gyda smirked. "Because he's been so secretive and only Hvitserk has seen you two together. Besides, the rest of the brothers want to meet you. We may be at each other's throats most of the time but we do care for one another."
 The brunette let her friend's words sink in. Hvitserk had mentioned the others wanting to meet her, but she had not fully believed it. Sure, she wanted to meet them and was curious after hearing Ivar talk about them, but why would they be interested in her? She glanced down at her clothes, the capri leggings and tank top that were practically a signature look for her. For once, she wished she dressed nicer regularly. "I wish you had said something before."
 "You wouldn't have come then. You'd have created some excuse why you couldn't come." Gyda pointed out the obviously painful truth without remorse. 
 Kari slouched in the passenger seat, butterflies doing somersaults in her belly. Slowly, she pulled her ponytail down, letting her hair hang loose past her shoulders, running her hand through it absent-mindedly in hopes it looked decent. 
 At a red light, Gyda looked over at her with a bright smile. "It'll be fun." 
 "I don't know…. isn’t it supposed to be just family?"
 "Ubbe sometimes brings his girlfriend but yeah, it's usually just family."
 There was another long silence before Kari spoke again, unable to fully conceal her nerves. "You should drop me off and just go. I don't want to intrude."
 "You're not. I'm bringing you because there is always way too much testosterone." Gyda groaned, then reached over and swatted Kari's leg. "What are you so worried about?"
 "What if they don't like me?" She whispered. The weight of her confession hung over her like a dark cloud. 
 She kept her gaze out the window. "The…. the others. What if they don't like me?"
 Gyda laughed. "Kari, don't worry. They will love you. I promise. And if they say anything fucking stupid, I'll slap them or Ivar will stab them. See? Simple."
 A smile grew on Kari's face. "That shouldn't make me feel better…. but for some reason it does." Maybe she had already spent too much time with various Lothbroks if the idea of people resorting to violence made her feel better. 
 "You aren't alone, if anything we'll steal Torvi and Asa away and have a girls' party."
 "Asa? That's her daughter, right?"
 "Right, and Hali is her son. I swear that boy is going to be a miniature version of Bjorn."
 "I've never been around kids much." 
 Gyda chuckled, waving a hand dismissively. "They are great, Asa is a sweetie who prefers to cuddle in someone's lap. It's Hali who is a bit wild but all his uncles love to play with him. He'll probably be swimming in the pool the whole time anyway."
 Still staring out the window, Kari thought about everything Gyda had said. Of course, she was still nervous about just showing up to a family event unannounced, even if she was sort of being kidnapped by Gyda. Some of her nerves faded away with the knowledge that Gyda and Torvi both wanted her there. She really would not be alone. She had friends. She had people that wanted to spend time with her. Hopefully Ivar would be pleased to see her. His potential reaction was the only real wrinkle in her fluctuating confidence. 
 "Okay. I can do this." She said aloud, wondering if she was trying to fully convince herself. 
 "Good, cause we're almost there."
 Kari stared out the window as they approached a gated community. Gyda showed her ID to a guard who chatted with her like they were old friends. As the yellow Porsche drove by the houses in the community, Kari just stared in awe. She had seen houses, mansions was a better term, like these before but it always amazed her that people lived in them. What did they do with all that space? All of the homes were set back from the road so Kari only caught glimpses of them but it was enough to remind her how out of her element she was. 
 Finally, they pulled up a long driveway to a massive two-story house. It was white with an insane number of windows, and a huge garage attached on the left side. On the right side looked like an expansive addition that made Kari wonder why they needed more space. The roof was made of some slate gray tiles, with a balcony above the front door and ivy draping elegantly over the corners. There were various sized potted plants and shrubbery around the front of the house and leading down the sides. Several European beech trees were strategically placed in the front yard to block most of the view from the road in an attempt at privacy. Whoever the grounds keeper was, for surely they had one, needed a raise. 
 Kari could only gape for a long moment, unable to move as she took in the immaculate, beautiful house. To think this was where Ivar lived and he always came over to her tiny townhouse. It was a struggle to tamper down the post embarrassment. 
 Gyda started talking as she parked in front of the house. The only other vehicle in sight was a silver four-door Audi, that Kari recognized as Torvi's. "Aslaug chose the house for them. When she isn't traveling for work or staying at their family home in Norway, this is where she stays. So, she insisted on this place. Something about the natural sunlight and old aesthetic blending with the new vibe. Or some other shit. I can't remember."
 "Huh." Kari said as she followed the blonde out of the car. She noticed there was no mention of the father, Ragnar, and wondered where he stayed but knew it was none of her business so she kept her question to herself. Maybe Ivar would explain it to her. 
 Gyda opened the solid, wood front door, waltzing in like she had done this a million times. Kari took two steps in and froze. The vaulted ceiling in the foyer was enough to stare at but it was the large chandelier that caused her to stare. The way it caught the afternoon light through the many windows and gently cast it about was truly gorgeous. This view was worth owning the house for itself, in her opinion. 
 A tugging on her arm made Kari squeak as she found herself suddenly being dragged along like a ragdoll. 
 "You can stare later, Torvi is waiting for us." Gyda stated, a large purse over her shoulder and her heeled boots clicking on the shiny, wood floor with each step. 
 Kari caught glimpses of other rooms as they passed down the long, straight hallway. A living room with a TV that took up most of the wall it was on. A kitchen that would make any celebrity chef drool. Pictures and awards displayed along the walls in the hallway that were obviously put up by their mother.  
 The two finally stepped out into a room with glass walls, where the pool and expansive backyard lay before them. Most likely what used to be a porch before being enclosed. Still being pulled along, Kari followed Gyda through a side door onto the stamped concrete that surrounded the pool and lounge area. A pool in a rectangle shape dominated the area, a diving board on the far end. A quick glance around showed a jacuzzi on the other side, closer to the house, the water bubbling like a cauldron. There was a large grill, several short tables and lounge chairs spread over the stamped concrete. At the far end was an adult size statue of the Buddha with two flowering pots on either side of him and some kind of cheap, plastic crown on his head. 
 The backyard was several acres wide and at least that many in length. Trees and large shrubs blocked the views of the neighbor's properties and made the place feel almost like a hidden oasis. Further down in a corner was a lovely gazebo with a cobbled stone path leading to it and gardens decorating the way. 
 "Gyda! What took you so long?!" A distinctly male voice called out. 
 "I had to pick up a package." She called back, pulling Kari into full view of the others. 
 The brunette gave a small, self-conscious smile at the many pairs of eyes that she could feel land on her. Before she could really get a good look at who was around, a shout of her name startled her. 
 "Kari!" Hvitserk jumped up from his lounge chair, wearing only dark green swim trunks, and walked over to her with a beaming smile. 
 "Hey…. OH!" She started to greet him only to be swallowed into a hug and spun in a circle. Unable to deny him, she hugged him back and laughed. It was funny since last time she saw him, he was in business attire, coming to check on her per Ivar's instructions. Now she could not help but notice his toned body. His form reminded her more of a runner, while she was used to seeing Ivar's muscular torso. A couple tattoos on Hvitserk caught her eye and she wondered if all the brothers had them. 
 When he finally set her back on her feet, he kept his hands on her shoulders, green eyes twinkling with a mischievous glint. "I didn't know you were coming here."
 "Yeah, I didn't know either until Gyda told me on the way."
 He chuckled, glancing over her head to his half-sister. "Yeah, not surprising."
 "Uh huh. Watch yourself, boy. I could still beat your ass if I wanted too." Gyda quipped. 
 "Maybe fifteen years ago. You don't have a chance now."
 "Keep telling yourself that, Hvitty." She teased, then yelled at Torvi. "You got it?"
 As soon as Kari was released by Hvitserk, she could sense a pair of sharp, blue eyes boring into her. Skin prickling under the sensation, she hesitantly looked up and immediately met Ivar's intense gaze right away, as if subconsciously her mind already knew where he was without having to search for him. 
 Reclined back on a cushioned, lounge beach chair, he wore loose black sweatpants, instead of swim trunks, under his leg braces, but without a shirt. His tattoos were a stark contrast on his skin and shamelessly on full display. Her fingers twitched with the urge to trace them again. It was his penetrating gaze though, the lack of emotion on his handsome face, that made her wonder if being here was a bad idea. 
 Before she could make a run for it, Gyda grabbed her arm as if sensing her desire to flee. "C'mon, let's get changed."
 With one last glance at Ivar, she followed behind Gyda and Torvi, who had joined them, back into the massive house. They headed to the kitchen and Gyda pointed out a bathroom across the way. 
 Placing the beach bag on the kitchen counter, Torvi dug in it for a moment before murmuring a quiet "here it is" and handed Kari something. "Here. I bought this forever ago but never wore it. Bjorn said he didn't like the colors."
 Kari took it, guessing it was the promised swimsuit, and peeked down at the two pieces of clothing in her hands. "Um…. where’s the rest of it?"
 Laughing, Gyda rolled her eyes. "Get in there and change or I'll do it for you."
 With a concerned look between the swimsuit in her hands and the two blondes staring at her expectantly, Kari finally conceded defeat and stepped into the bathroom. It was only a half bath, with a toilet and sink, but it was still roomy and felt fancy somehow. The mirror above the sink was large and there was a small, pretty flowering plant on the counter that upon inspection, turned out to be real. 
 Quickly, she changed out of her leggings and tank top and into the swimsuit, figuring it was best that way, like ripping off a band-aid. Plus, if she stopped moving, her nerves would get the better of her and she would somehow find a way to sneak home. Even if she had to crawl through a window. A smile grew on her face remembering Hvitserk's enthusiasm to see her. That had honestly surprised her but she found she did not mind. Hvitserk seemed like a good guy and the little bit of time they had spent together, she felt comfortable with him. He was funny and caring. 
 Then Ivar's blank face came to mind and all of her excitement slipped away like water down a drain. There had been no acknowledgement, not even the hint of a smile, only a hard stare that made her anxious and self-conscious.  
 Taking a deep breath, she tried to remind herself what Gyda said. At least the two Lothbrok women wanted her here, and apparently Hvitserk was happy to see her. That was what she needed to focus on and not Ivar's reaction.
 Once done changing, she finally took stock of what Torvi had leant her and gasped.  
 "Oh no. No, no, no. Hell no."
 She stared down at the wide-band bikini. The top and bottom both had alternating white and light pink stripes, strangely reminding her of cotton candy. The design was certainly something she would never pick out for herself but she did not hate it. The real problem was the way half her ass cheeks hung out of the bottoms and more of her breasts saw the light of day than they ever had before. Never had she been so exposed. Even swimsuits she bought in the past were never this revealing. Her gaze immediately zeroed in on her fuller hips and thighs, fully exposed. Faint whispers that sounded like her mother's taunts echoed in the recesses of her mind as she stared at herself. There was no way she could go out in this. She would rather wear her leggings and tank top than have anyone see her wearing this. They would all laugh at her. 
 "Kari? You done yet?" Torvi called through the door. 
 "I'm…. I’m not coming out in this!" 
 "Let us see it first!" Gyda shot back. 
 "But…." Kari tried once again, unsuccessfully, to tuck her breasts into the bikini top. "It's padded!" 
 "Open this door, Kari." Gyda demanded, suddenly sounding closer. 
 She took one more look at herself, feeling the embarrassed tears welling in her eyes. With a deep breath, knowing she could not escape Gyda just yet, she opened the door. Immediately her blue-green eyes scanned to make sure it was only Gyda and Torvi in the kitchen before she further opened the door so they could see. 
 "Shit, Kari, you look great." Gyda said after giving a wolf whistle. 
 "Half of my butt is hanging out and most of my boobs. I can't wear this out there." She said, almost panicking now. 
 "No, they aren't, you're overexaggerating."
 "Kari," Torvi said kindly, drawing the brunette's frenzied attention, "you're more curvy than I am and let's be honest, your ass and tits are bigger than mine. I'd kill to have a body like yours. You look beautiful. But if you're uncomfortable, I think I have a cover you can wear over it."
 "Please." She replied softly, hating how she sounded like a fearful child.  
 Torvi smiled at her. "I'll be right back."
 Swiftly, Kari stepped back into the bathroom before Gyda could say anything. Her nerves felt alight and not in a good way. Grabbing her phone, she scrolled through her Pinterest, anything to distract herself from this nightmare. If it was just Gyda and Torvi seeing her in this, she might have been uncomfortable but she could tolerate it. Even with Ivar she might have shied away some but he always made her feel so desirable that she doubted her nerves would have lasted long. It was the thought of prancing around in this in front of the other brothers, men she had never met, that made her stomach twist into knots and her breathing quicken painfully. 
 Finally, a gentle knock on the door and a quiet, "It's me," had Kari open it to take the cover from Torvi. It was a solid white oversized V-neck cover with a simple pattern around the neckline. Without wasting a moment, she slipped it on over the bikini, immediately feeling better. The hem of the cover touched the tops of her thighs, higher than she would have liked, but it was better than before. 
 She looked up, running her hands over the cover. "Thank you." 
 Torvi smiled softly with understanding. "I understand. I don't wear swimsuits that show my stomach anymore. Stretch marks." She shrugged casually, moving back to slip onto an island stool. 
 Kari trailed behind her with her bundle of clothes and purse. Without a word, Gyda slipped into the bathroom to change, leaving the other two waiting for her. It was now that Kari really took note of Torvi's swimsuit; it was a classy black and white one piece with thin crisscross straps across the back. The blonde could easily wear a bikini and look amazing in it, but it made Kari feel marginally better that she was not the only one self-conscious about her body. Perhaps that was why Torvi shared about her stretch marks?
 "Is it…." Kari started then stopped, leaning against the black marble countertop. Surveying the grand kitchen for a second, hoping to gather her thoughts, she took a deep breath before continuing. "Is it okay that I'm here? Gyda said this is a family event and I don't want to intrude."
 Torvi turned to face her fully, green eyes gazing at her before she shrugged again. "Normally we try to keep it just family, Ubbe sometimes brings Margrethe, but I doubt anyone will be upset you're here. Honestly, the brothers keep asking about you, so now maybe they will finally shut up and stop teasing Ivar."
 Kari fiddled with the hem of the swimsuit cover. "He didn't seem happy to see me."
 "Ivar?" At Kari's nod, Torvi snorted. "I don't think it's you he's upset with. He's a very private person, as I'm sure you know. If I took a guess, I'd say he was keeping you hidden."
 "But why?"
 "Look, I've known the Lothbroks for about ten years and during that time, I've seen Ivar go through some ups and downs…. well, as much as he lets anyone see. I mostly heard it from Bjorn. Point is, he's allowing you into his inner circle. Hell, you're probably at the center of his inner circle. I saw how he acted with you at the yoga studio. You mean something to him. It's no secret he wants you to be his girlfriend. Maybe he is worried that you'll meet his family and decide we're too much or that you find one of his brothers more attractive or easier to deal with? He pretends to be super confident but it wouldn't be the first time that a woman chose one of the others over him."
 Every time Kari heard that, her heart broke once again for Ivar. How many times had he been overlooked because of his legs? Or his harsh demeanor? Something that she was beginning to realize was just to protect himself, to keep others at arm's length. It made her want to hug him and never let him go, to remind him he was more than just his disability. That he was worth being cared about by more than just family. 
 Kari must have been lost in her thoughts for longer than she realized. Suddenly she was drawn out of her inner musings by Gyda coming out of the bathroom, having changed into a plant print cutout tankini. Of course, looking like she just stepped out of a magazine cover. There had to be something in the Lothbrok blood for everyone to be this damn attractive. 
 "Are we ready?" She asked, her large bag in hand, presumably with her clothes in it. "Kari, you can put your stuff in here for now."
 Torvi touched Kari's shoulder. "Don't worry. If anything, you are here to keep me and Gyda company, okay?"
 Kari smiled, finding herself reassured and grateful for the two women. "Thanks." She slipped her clothes and shoes into Gyda's bottomless bag. They stashed their bags in the glass room and then headed back out into the backyard. 
 Soon as they stepped out, a little girl came running over. Torvi swept her up into her arms gracefully. She turned to Kari with the little blonde girl on her hip. "This is Asa. How old are you, Asa?"
 The little girl stared at her mom before shyly tucking her face into the crook of Torvi's neck, while her blue eyes stayed on Kari. After a moment, she held up two fingers. 
 "You're two?" Kari asked. When the little girl shyly nodded, Kari's smile widened. "I wish I was that old. It's nice to meet you, Asa. I'm Kari."
 Torvi pressed a quick kiss to the top of her daughter's head. "Did daddy let you play in the pool yet?"
 Asa shook her head. 
 "Alright, let's go kick his butt. He did promise, didn't he?"
 That made the little girl giggle and Kari could feel her heart melting slightly. She was just too cute and most likely spoiled by all her uncles. Even her swimsuit was a purple halter top and green bottom with a little skirt that was very The Little Mermaid-esque.  
 A happy scream followed by a splash drew Kari's gaze to the pool. A young boy resurfaced laughing loudly. Bjorn, she recognized, was in the pool also, but turned to look up at Torvi as she approached with Asa on her hip. 
 "Let's go sit down." Gyda slipped her arm through Kari's and pulled her along to where there was a grouping of lounge chairs. Ivar, Hvitserk and a curly-haired blond reclined with beers in hand. 
 Kari could feel Ivar's gaze tracing over her form as she approached, like fingers trailing over her skin leaving a fire in its wake. She sneaked a peek at him, only to find his ardent gaze on her. She blushed and kept her eyes downward. At least he did not look impassive anymore, but she still felt hesitant. 
 "Hey boys. What are we drinking this time?" Gyda questioned. 
 Hvitserk turned the beer bottle to show the label. 
 "Ew. I don't why you drink that shit. I'm going to get some wine. Kari, you want some?"
 "Ah, sure." She murmured.
 "Good. You boys be nice to my friend, especially you Ivar." With that Gyda walked back towards the house but not before giving Kari a subtle wink.
 "Take a seat, Kari." Hvitserk gestured to an open chair next to him. 
 For a split second she considered slinking into the seat, anything for the attention to be taken off her, but realized that was not what she actually wanted. It had been two days since she had seen Ivar and the last time they hung out, it was when he returned from his trip to Italy. He had picked her up the next day to take her out to eat but he ended up spending the majority of the time on his phone, yelling into it in a foreign language and seeming on the verge of throwing his phone or punching a wall. She ended up ordering take-out for them that they ate at her townhouse but he was too wired to really relax and left soon after. The next two days he had been busy with work so they could only text. The one time they managed to Face-Time, she could not help but notice his bruised knuckles and when she asked him about them, he said he did some boxing to release stress. 
 With butterflies doing somersaults in her belly, she took a step closer to stand near Ivar's lounge chair. Tugging on the hem of her cover as she quietly spoke. "Hey, Ivar. Can I sit with you?"
 "Oh, you're acknowledging me now?" He snapped, never removing his severe blue eyes off of her.  
 She blinked owlishly, surprised by his sharp tone. Her stomach dropped to her feet and she could feel an embarrassed flush rising on her cheeks. "Yeah, I'm sorry." She whispered, dropping her chin, unable to meet his eyes anymore. This was all a mistake, she knew it. This only sealed her poor decision. 
 Shifting to look back at the house, she wondered if she should find Gyda and beg to drive her back home, or if she should find the closest bus stop. Before she could take a step away, a calloused hand snatched hers in a firm grip. Startled, she looked down to see Ivar holding her hand. Her eyes jumped up to stare at him in shock, confused by his conflicting actions. In those vivid, expressive eyes she could easily read the regret in them. Without her conscious decision, her heart softened. 
 "Sit." He said quietly, what most likely meant to come out commanding but sounded more as a plea. She nodded and allowed him to guide her onto the wide lounge chair next to him. 
 A furious blush warmed her cheeks when Ivar wrapped an arm around her waist, tucking her into his side and pressing a quick kiss to her temple. What she assumed was his nonverbal apology. 
 "Hey, this is Sigurd." Hvitserk said, gesturing to the unknown blond sitting with them. "I don't think you've met him yet. Ubbe had to take a call, so you'll meet him later."
 "Hi, it's nice to meet you." She said, looking at the other Lothbrok. He had light blond, curly hair in frazzled braids and brown eyes. At first glance she would not have guessed he was one of the brothers, but she figured genetics were always weird. He had a lean body similar to Hvitserk with a tribal tattoo sleeve and a Thor's hammer necklace laying on his bare chest like the other brothers wore.
 He silently raised his beer bottle at her, still stretched out in his chair like a lazy cat in the sun. 
 Thoughtfully she peered up at Ivar, keeping her voice low. "I'm sorry, I didn't know Gyda was bringing me here otherwise I'd have told you. She literally didn't tell me until we were pulling up."
 "It's fine." He murmured evenly, but Kari got the feeling that was not how he truly felt. 
 "Do….do you want me to leave?"
 He sighed, his grip around her tightening for a moment, before he seemed to relax. "No. I'm glad you're here. It won't be boring…." a wolfish grin grew as he slid his hand up her exposed thigh sensually, ".... especially if you take off this cover and let me see what's underneath." 
 "No!" She squeaked, grabbing his roving hand before it could migrate further. 
 He chuckled. "Come on, kitten…. just a peek?"
 "Ivar, no."
 "Why not?"
 "Its…. it’s scandalous."
 Hvitserk raised his hand, a devious smirk on his face. "I want to see."
 She covered her face with her hands, embarrassment flooding her. "Oh gods, this was such a bad idea." Then she had to rapidly grasp Ivar's hand as it slipped under the swimsuit cover to caress her hip and trace her bikini bottom. "Ivar…."
 "Fine." He slipped his hand back out but splayed it over her exposed thigh. "You can show me later."
 Thankfully, Gyda reappeared with a glass of white wine in each hand and another blond male in tow who carried the wine bottle. He had short, cropped hair and a muscular body that spoke of many hours in the gym. Kari wondered if this was the brother that Ivar regularly worked out with. 
 "Why are you sitting with Ivar? I brought you here! I'm even bringing you wine!" Gyda teased, handing a glass to Kari. 
 "You also dragged me here unknowingly. Wine is the least you could do." Kari said without thinking, making the others laugh. 
 "You know damn well you're happy to be here." Gyda winked then took the open lounge chair next to her. "Right, I'm guessing you've been introduced to Sigurd." She flicked a hand in the curly-haired Lothbrok's direction followed by vaguely gesturing to the last unknown brother. "Now this pain in my ass, over here, is Ubbe. Ubbe, this is Kari."
 Sitting between Hvitserk and Gyda, Ubbe rolled his blue eyes but leaned forward to shake Kari's hand. "It's nice to finally meet you."
 "Yeah, likewise."
 Ubbe sat back with an impish glint in his eyes. "So, you're Ivar's girl?"
 "Um…. we’re just..." She started, unsure what to say to his family. 
 Ivar broke in, his single word answer almost coming out in a growl. "Yes."
 She whipped her head to look at him, only for him to stare her down as if waiting to see if she could refute his claim. Logically, she knew she should say something, argue that they were only friends. Yet any rebuttal died on her tongue under his fierce gaze. Instead she chose to sip on her wine generously.  
 "Right." Ubbe finally said, watching the two with an amused look. 
 Sigurd scoffed loudly before taking a swig of his beer. 
 "Something you want to say, Sig?" Ivar turned narrowed eyes at his brother.
 The curly-haired brother smirked, seeming to debate saying anything. Finally, he sat up and his gaze zeroed in on Kari. "How much does he pay you to fuck him?"
 The reaction from those around was instantaneous. Next to her, Ivar tensed, ready to spring up and fight his brother. A sharp reprimand of "Sigurd!" came from both Gyda and Ubbe while Hvitserk pinched the bridge of his nose. 
 Something rose up inside Kari though. She understood enough to know about the animosity between Sigurd and Ivar. His comment felt more like a cruel jab at Ivar than her. She was just the pathway to try and cause torment between the brothers. But if no one else was going to stand up and defend the dark-haired Lothbrok, she would. 
 So instead of taking his words personally, she just smiled sweetly at Sigurd, placing a hand on Ivar's thigh as she responded. "He doesn't. I'm happy to do it for free. Besides, he has something you never will."
 "And what's that?"
 "A cock big enough to pleasure someone….is that why you go through girlfriends so quickly?"
 The rising tension evaporated in a flash. Gyda snorted so hard she almost dropped her wine glass. Hvitserk threw his head back laughing while Ubbe tried to cover his smile with his hand. Kari was sure her eyes were comically wide as what she said without thinking sunk in. Her face flushed and she pressed her face against Ivar's shoulder. Sure, she had meant to defend Ivar but she had not meant to be so crass. The statement seemed to fly out of her mouth before her brain could catch up. 
 Next to her, Ivar laughed as he nuzzled her. She squirmed under his onslaught but also at realizing she just insulted one of Ivar's brothers. Even if it was the one he liked least of all. For a fleeting moment, the idea she had just made herself an enemy crossed her mind. 
 When she sneaked a peek, Sigurd quickly drained the rest of his beer and walked away murmuring something about getting another one. 
 "I think you'll fit in, Kari." Ubbe stated, still trying unsuccessfully to hide his amusement. 
 Kari was unsure of that. She quickly took a large sip of the wine to settle her fraying nerves. What had she been thinking? It hurt to hear Ivar's brother being so blatantly cruel to him and if this was a regular occurrence, no wonder Ivar wanted to spend most of their time at her place. 
 "I didn't realize you liked my cock so much, kattungen." Ivar whispered salaciously into her ear, drawing her back to the present. His tongue flicked her earlobe, making her jolt. "I think I'll have to give you a reward later."
 She shivered at his tone, her core clenching without resistance. It was unfair how just at his husky tone alone, her body betrayed her desire. But they were in public though, in front of his family no less, so she willfully attempted to cool the heat warming her veins. With a smile, she tried to nudge him away from her but he was too strong, only tightening his grip on her and laying a quick kiss to her neck. 
 "I can't believe I said that." She whispered, hoping only he heard her. 
 He smirked, an unmistakable fire in his eyes. "It was sexy as fuck."
 Thankfully, Torvi came over to join the group, a welcome distraction for Kari as she was sure the fire in Ivar's gaze was enough to set her ablaze and further stoke her own heat. 
 Torvi settled into Sigurd's now absent spot. "What did I miss?" 
 "Kari said Ivar's cock is bigger than Sigurd's." Hvitserk stated smugly. 
 Torvi stared at Kari with a tilt of her head and an amused grin. "Really? And how did we get on the subject of dicks already?"
 Some of the group laughed as Kari covered her face once again, mortified that she was the center of attention because of what she thoughtlessly said. She had the sneaking suspicion none of them would ever let her live this down. 
 "Alright, enough. Come on, it's girl time now." Gyda grabbed Kari's hand and dragged her to her feet, much to Ivar's obvious chagrin. She scoffed, meeting her half-brother's gaze. "I'll give her back later."
 The three women wandered over to some open chairs further down from the guys and closer to the Buddha statue. Gyda carried the wine bottle and her glass while Kari carefully held her own glass. Torvi snatched a beer from a nearby cooler as they meandered over. Gyda settled on a single, lounge chair adjacent to a cushioned two-person seat which the other two sat on. 
 "Alright, we have a very serious matter to discuss. Your answer may or may not break our friendship." Gyda started, leaning forward as she pointed a single finger at the brunette. 
 Kari found herself straightening in her seat, hand clutching her wine glass tighter. 
 Eyes intent, Gyda's voice dropped conspiringly. "Who is sexier: Steve Rogers or Bucky Barnes?"
 Shock rendered Kari momentarily speechless. At Gyda's serious tone, she had imagined a topic that would involve confessing a secret, not…. not a movie franchise. "Um…. Bucky." She hesitantly answered. 
 "Yes!!" Gyda shouted, throwing her arms up and almost spilling her wine. "I knew I liked you! Ivar, she is mine now!"
 Kari laughed at her enthusiasm; all concern having vanished instantly. "I take it you like him too?"
 "Hell yeah. I would willingly choke on his cock or he could pound my pussy to pulp and I wouldn't complain either way."
 Torvi shook her head, a hint of a smile tilting the corners of her lips up. "Something's wrong with you."
 "You prefer Steve?" Kari inquired, once she recovered from choking on air at Gyda's blunt statement. Her friend always had a way of surprising her, and giving her second-hand embarrassment.
 Torvi shrugged. "A tall, handsome blond. That's my kind of man."
 Peeking over at Bjorn who was still playing in the pool with both kids, Kari hummed thoughtfully. "Huh. Makes sense."
 "No wonder you are with Ivar if you prefer Bucky Barnes."
 "But we aren't…. together." Kari fixed her eyes on her wine, knowing her answer sounded lame even to her own ears. 
 Gyda patted her leg. "You keep telling yourself that."
 "We're just friends."
 "No, you aren't."
 "Kari, it's fine." Torvi shot Gyda a look. "It's between you two, it's not really our business."
 "She's our friend!" Gyda whined, throwing herself back in her seat dramatically. 
 "And she will let us know if something changes. Including telling us if Ivar does something stupid and we need to kick his ass."
 Kari giggled as Torvi tapped her beer bottle against her wine glass. "I promise. Hvitserk already made me swear too."
 "Good. So is Ivar really that good in bed?" 
 "Gyda!" Kari exclaimed but laughed at how shameless her friend was. 
 Torvi thankfully changed the topic of conversation to Ubbe's birthday coming up next month. Asa wandered over, wrapped in a green and brown towel with long ears sticking out that made her look like baby Yoda. When Sigurd eventually appeared, Hali dragged him to the pool where they jumped in together. Not long after, Hvitserk joined them, doing a cannon-ball with the splash almost hitting the ladies. 
 Kari chatted with Torvi and Gyda for some time, enjoying herself immensely. The topics varied, but she never felt unincluded. More than once, she glanced over, only to find Ivar's gaze already on her. After the third time, he tipped his head to the side and patted the spot next to him. A not-so subtle invitation or demand, depending on how you looked at it. 
 A smile teased her lips and she nodded. She started to rise, with her second glass of wine in hand, when the sound of a loud "shit" from Gyda distracted her. 
 "What is she doing here?" Torvi quietly asked with an undertone of frustration. 
 Curious, Kari followed their gazes towards the door leading into the glassed-in porch. She was met with the sight of two blondes emerging in matching, white swimsuits that barely seemed to cover anything. Both strutted as if they were on a runway, while chatting with one another. 
 "Kari, go sit with Ivar." Gyda encouraged, snatching her hand and leading her back without a moment's hesitation towards where Ivar and Ubbe were still sitting. The wine was left forgotten on the side table. 
 "What's going on?" Kari asked in a hushed tone. 
 "Drama. I can't believe that bitch brought her. What was she thinking?"
 She clicked her tongue but hurriedly whispered back. "That's Ivar's ex."
 Surprise made Kari almost stumble but she managed to catch herself at the last second. Further explanations had to wait because they came upon the brothers at the same time the two blondes did. Soon as Kari was close enough, Ivar held out his hand, a sweet gesture, but she could see the tension and anger in the set of his shoulders and the thin line of his lips. Silently, he guided her to sit between his spread legs, arms banding around her waist and pulling her indecently close. For once though, she did not complain. 
 "Hey, baby." One of the blondes said in a sickly-sweet voice as she pressed a kiss to Ubbe's cheek. "Sorry we're late."
 "It's fine." Ubbe slowly answered as he shifted his gaze to the other blonde. "I didn't know you were bringing someone."
 "This is supposed to be family only." Gyda snapped, having dropped into her seat next to Ivar and Kari. 
 The blonde, who stood next to Ubbe still, narrowed her eyes at Kari. "Then why is she here?" 
 "That's Ivar's girlfriend." Ubbe answered.
 "Uh, hi, I'm Kari." She decided to speak up, hoping introductions would somehow break the rising tension. At her words, Ivar momentarily dropped his head to kiss her shoulder. Unsure if his actions were encouraging or reprimanding, she laid her hands over his, which were still wrapped around her. 
 "Hmmm…. Margrethe." She replied flatly, with a pinched look, as if talking to Kari was beneath her. "I'm Ubbe's fiancé."
 The other blonde smiled pleasantly as she looked Kari in the eye. "I'm Freydis. It's lovely to meet you."
 "Yeah, nice to meet you too." Kari managed to say around the suddenly tightened grip around her waist. She would be a liar if she said she was not intimidated by Freydis. While both women were beautiful, something that seemed required to be in the presence of the Lothbrok family, Freydis was a step beyond that. With her doll-like features, lovely blue eyes and flawless skin, she was gorgeous. Kari could feel all her own insecurities screaming at her in the presence of Ivar's ex. How the youngest Lothbrok went from someone as stunning as Freydis to as girl-next-door as Kari, she had no idea….and it made her uncomfortable. 
 "What the fuck is she doing here?" Ivar demanded, ignoring Freydis' presence completely.  
 Margrethe rolled her eyes as her hand slowly stroked across Ubbe's shoulders. "I get bored and wanted to spend time with my best friend, so fuck off." She turned her head to look at Freydis beside her. "Come on, let's get something to drink." 
 After a quick kiss to Ubbe, the two headed back towards the house but not before Freydis glanced back at Ivar and Kari one last time. 
 Once they were far enough away, Gyda rounded on Ubbe, not even bothering to contain her ire. "Fiancé? Really, Ubbe?" She sneered. 
 "Hell no. I haven't proposed. I damn well don't plan to and she knows it."
 "Why are you still with her? She's a greedy bitch."
 "Gyda, I know you don't like her but she's still my girlfriend."
 "Who the fuck knows why." 
 Ubbe turned his attention to Ivar. "I swear I didn't know she was bringing Freydis. I'd have told her not to come then."
 "As long as she stays the fuck away from me, I don't give a shit." The dark-haired Lothbrok growled at his older brother. 
 The residual tension in the air was painful to abide in. It felt like a caged animal, pacing, waiting, ready for the moment to unleash a terrorizing attack. 
 "Hey, I have a question." Kari blurted out, unable to take the way the tension made her skin feel like it was being sunburned. Once Gyda and Ubbe shifted to watch her, she posed her question. "Ah, well, I've been wondering for a while but why don't you guys have bodyguards or something?"
 Ivar snorted, brushing her hair over her shoulder to press his face into the crook of her neck, making her squirm although he did not relent his position. 
 It was Ubbe that answered with a wide grin. "Eh, we don't need them. We can handle ourselves."
 "But you guys have drivers, isn't the next step to have bodyguards?"
 "You worried for us?" Ivar whispered, nipping at her skin, only to soothe the spot with his tongue. 
 "I'm serious."
 "Let's just say we know how to protect ourselves. Besides, no one is stupid enough to come after us." Ubbe concluded, raising his beer in a mock salute.
 Gyda snickered. "This is why I stay out of the family business."
 "You've no issue spending Father's money though." Ubbe retorted in a jovial way. 
 She shrugged and sent Kari a playful wink. 
 A minute later, Bjorn, Torvi and Asa came over, taking open seats with Asa sitting in Torvi's lap. Even though Kari had met Bjorn before, it still shocked her to see how much larger he was compared to the other brothers, both in size and physique. Now sitting next to Torvi, he appeared larger. With his long, braided ponytail and shaved sides, a short beard and sharp, blue eyes, he seemed quite formidable. Kari wondered briefly if that helped with the family business. 
 "See Kari there, she is the one who teaches yoga." Torvi softly said to Asa. 
 Asa peeked over at Kari, shyly smiling, still wrapped in her towel but with a juice box in hand. 
 "I bet if you ask nicely, she might show you something." Torvi said then looked up at Kari. "Lately she loves watching me do yoga at home. It's cute when she tries to do it with me."
 Bjorn chuckled, slinging an arm over the back of his wife's chair. "And usually falls down onto her face."
 "Hey, she's trying!" Torvi defended, elbowing Bjorn in the side.
 Looking at the little girl across the circle of seats, Kari smiled. "Want me to show you something I've been working on? I'm not very good at it though, so if I fall over, you can laugh at me. I'll be laughing at myself too."
 Asa nodded fervently, eyes wide in anticipation. 
 "What do you say?" Torvi tapped her daughter's nose. 
 Asa looked up at her mom then back to Kari. "Please." Even though it came out sounding more like "peas".
 "Sure. I need to stretch some first." Kari stood up and immediately had to slap Ivar's hand away that prowled down the curve of her ass. She tried to glare at him over her shoulder, only to be met with a mock innocence. Overly aware of the eyes on her, she chose a spot nearby in the plush, green grass, trying to keep her nerves to a minimum. Carefully, she warmed up her muscles, doing a few simple stretches so as not to hurt herself. Honestly, she was nervous since she never did advanced poses in front of others. It was not that she was unable to, for she did them frequently at home on her own time. It just felt like she was vying for attention or trying to show off when she did advanced poses in view of others. Conflicting memories of her grandmother's encouraging voice fought with her mother's reprimand in her mind as she stretched. 
 "What are you going to do?" Gyda called over, returning from retrieving her wine glass and bottle. 
 The question pulled her from her mind's internal war, bringing her back to the present. "Um, it's called the super soldier."
 "Oooo, I like it already."
 Once stretched, Kari stood frozen for a moment realizing she was going to need to take her cover off to do the pose. 
 "Kari, you look sexy as hell, now take the damn cover off." Gyda called out. 
 Kari hesitated, fears and insecurities rising afresh within her. 
 "Do it or Ivar will get his ass up and help you. I'm sure he wouldn't mind."
 "I hate you." She mumbled but gave in. Slowly, she walked back over to the circle of chairs, pulling the white cover off and dropped it on the lounge chair Ivar still sat on. Her eyes briefly flickered up only to meet Ivar's smoldering gaze. Instantly, she could feel herself flush. Hoping no one noticed, she moved back to her grassy spot. A loud wolf-whistle came from the direction of the pool, most likely from Hvitserk but Kari ignored it, knowing if she thought about it too much, she would make a run for it. Mentally preparing herself, she pulled her hair back into a bun on the nape of her neck, then faced the group but kept her gaze downward, too scared to look at them. 
 After taking a deep breath, she bent over to lay her hands flat on the grass without bending her knees. Next, she hooked her right shoulder behind her knee and extended her left arm for balance. She took a long, deep breath before continuing onward. Then she lifted her left foot and grabbed it with her right hand, still tucked behind her right leg. After another deep breath, she pulled her left leg up until her knee was pointed towards the sky. She held it there for three breaths before slowly releasing her leg back down and carefully straightening back up. 
 A small round of applause greeted her when she straightened. 
 "You go, Kari!"
 "Do another one!"
 Blushing furiously at the cheers, she leaned forward into downward facing dog. Carefully, she slid her hands forward until her elbows touched the grass with her ass still in the air. Taking a deep breath and hoping she did not make a fool of herself, she engaged her core and kicked her legs up so she was doing a handstand but still on her elbows. Once she felt stable, she pressed her legs together and slowly bent her knees until they were almost parallel with her forearms on the ground. Feeling the burn in her core and arms, she hoped she could finish the pose without falling on her face. Next, she lowered her legs, knees apart now and big toes touching until her feet touched the top of her head. She could not help the smile that stretched across her face as she held the pose for a couple seconds, making sure to breathe slow. Scorpion pose was one she was still trying to master on her own, let alone in front of others. If anything, this felt like a victory for her. Methodically she unfurled, bringing her legs up and then back to the ground. 
 When she finally stood up, brushing the grass off her forearms, it was to another round of applause.
 "That was amazing!" Torvi said. 
 "I was thinking sexy as fuck!" Hvitserk exclaimed, a smile on his face from where he now stood, leaning against Ubbe's chair. 
 Self-consciously, Kari tugged on her swimsuit, making sure everything was tucked into place, as much as it could be, before pulling her hair out of the bun. She walked back over to the lounge chair quickly and yanked the cover back over her body. 
 "I'm going to wash my hands." She said without meeting anyone's eyes, skirting around the group and heading towards the glassed-in porch. 
 Laughter erupted behind her as she approached the door but she ignored it as she walked inside. She padded through the porch, stomach twisting in knots, and turned into the kitchen. Her feet stuttered to a halt as she noticed Margrethe and Freydis standing there with bottles of something in hand. For a split second she thought about turning and heading to the bathroom but it was too late as the two blondes noticed her intrusion. 
 "Hi, I just need to wash my hands." Kari explained. After a moment's hesitation, she walked around the opposite side of the massive island from them and towards the kitchen sink.
 "So, you're Ivar's girlfriend?" Margrethe stated with a mocking undertone. "I didn't think someone like you was his…. type."
 "Margrethe…." Freydis chided. 
 "What? Look at her. I mean she's got tits and an ass, and I guess she could be pretty but that's it."
 "I'm sorry." Freydis apologized kindly. After a long, awkward pause where the kitchen was silent besides Kari washing her hands, she asked, "How long have you and Ivar been together?"
 "Um, we aren't…. we’re just friends." Kari found herself admitting, as she finished drying her hands and turned around to see them both staring at her. Though Freydis had a gentle smile on her face, Margrethe looked nothing less than the cat that caught the canary and planned on lording it over everyone. 
 "See. Told you, Dis. He is still single." Margrethe smugly said, flicking her hair over her shoulder. "He's just playing the game."
 "Game?" Kari muttered aloud. 
 Freydis set her glass down and came around the island to stand in front of Kari. Her blue eyes were bright as they met Kari's. "You seem like a nice girl and clearly the others like you too. So, I'll be honest because I don't want you to get caught up in the Lothbrok drama and get hurt. Okay?"
 "Ivar and I are getting back together. We're just taking a break right now. Truly, I know we are destined for each other and he agrees. We had a bad fight and needed some space but he loves me just as much as I love him. So, I know he will come back to me when he is ready. I'm so sorry to tell you that you're just the rebound girl. I'm sure he likes you but that's as far as it will ever go. Gyda likes to try and mess with the brothers' love lives so I am sorry if she dragged you into this without telling you the whole truth. It's not your fault. I am sure Gyda lied to you and probably Ivar too. But it's good for you to know now. I don't hold it against you if you've have had sex with him but just know your time with him is limited, okay? How long have you two been 'friends'?"
 "We met last month." Kari whispered, dread and despair a writhing mess of snakes churning in her stomach. Air refused to fill her lungs, leaving her struggling for breath. 
 Freydis sighed. "It probably will be soon then. Just take advantage of the things he purchases for you, so when he leaves, you can have something to sell if you're in a pinch. Yeah?"
 "Ah…. sure."
 "Good. You seem like a nice girl. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this."
 "It's…." Kari choked back a sudden sob. "It's alright. Thank you."
 "Of course, we girls need to look out for each other. Is there anything I can do for you?" She inquired, sounding so genuine in her desire to help, her gaze imploring and lips in a faint, comforting smile. 
 "No…. no. I just need to check my phone. Have you seen Gyda's bag?"
 "I think she left it on the porch." Margrethe helpfully added, never having lost the smug grin on her face as she watched Kari with a hawk-like intensity. 
 "Oh, right. Thank you." Kari shifted back and forth on her feet, body primed to run, to flee before anyone could see the tears that welled pathetically in her eyes. 
 Freydis reached out and squeezed her arm, a brief exchange of understanding, then strutted back around to grab her drink and follow Margrethe to the porch and outside. 
 Once alone, Kari pressed a hand over her mouth to try and stifle the sob that lodged itself in her throat. She knew it. Everything Freydis said made sense. 
 Without a second thought, she rushed around the island and onto the porch, quickly locating Gyda's bag. She scooped her purse and clothes out only to hurry back inside. A quick check of the time and she figured she might be able to catch a bus, but in this gated community, there was no way buses came through so she would end up walking somewhere. Feeling the sting of tears in her eyes, she sniffled, trying desperately to hold them back. She looked up the nearest bus stop on her phone, pleased it was only a few blocks away from the gated community. 
 Once positive she knew where she was going, she stared down at her clothes on the counter, wondering if she should change before leaving. It would certainly look odd for her to be walking down the street in the swimsuit cover and sandals in such an upscale neighborhood. Then she thought about any of the Lothbroks finding her trying to leave and pushed the potential oddity of her attire from her mind. It appeared there was a gas station nearby when she found the bus stop, it would be simple to change there quickly. Somehow she could give the swimsuit and cover back to Torvi…. but not today. Right now, she needed to leave. 
 She tried to shove her clothes into her purse, only succeeding by making it look like an over-inflated balloon but it worked. Lastly, she reached to grab her phone off the kitchen counter but froze. Ivar bought it for her. Freydis' words came back to her about taking advantage of the things he bought for her. Bile burned the back of her throat at the idea. She promised herself she would not be one of those girls to him. Slowly, she retracted her hand, forming it into a fist by her side. Ivar could give the phone to Freydis or throw it in the trash for all she cared. Even with the feeling of her heart being ripped in two, she refused to take advantage of him or his money. She was a better person than that. Or so she hoped. 
 Worried someone would come in soon, she tossed her purse over her shoulder and swiftly headed towards the front door. She passed through the hallway she entered in, but the pictures and awards blurred before her eyes as the repressed tears threatened to make an appearance. Hastily, she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand but knew it was ultimately futile. 
 Her stride never faltered towards her escape, even after hearing Hvitserk call her name from what sounded like the porch. 
 "Kari? Where are you going?" His voice came from behind her, probably standing at the entrance of the hallway now. 
 "I have to go." Kari said, not bothering to turn around, unsure if he could even hear her. She could barely hear footsteps behind her over the sound of her sniffles and ragged breathing. It did not matter since she was close to her escape, just a couple more moments. Her hand touched the handle, just beginning to pull the door open when Hvitserk's hand appeared in her direct line of vision and slammed it closed. Although the sound was muffled, it echoed in her mind like a gunshot. 
 "What's going on?" Hvitserk stood directly behind her, his hand still firmly planted on the door as if to prevent her from even considering leaving without permission again. 
 "It's nothing." She murmured, staring down at her feet. 
 "I seriously doubt that if you are trying to sneak away while crying…. what happened?"
 "Nothing. I just…. I just want to go home."
 "Okay." He shifted to lean his shoulder against the door, ducking his head to try and catch her eyes. "Does this have to do with the yoga stuff?"
 "No. Just…. please, Hvitserk."
 "You need to tell me something. Look, I'll give you a ride, we can leave right now but you have to tell me what happened."
 She swallowed thickly, still refusing to look at him. It was taking all of her willpower to keep the tears at bay. At any moment she felt the tears would come forth with all the power of a hurricane, reducing her to a sniveling mess on the floor, nursing a broken heart. It was all her fault though. How could she have believed someone like Ivar Lothbrok would actually be interested in her for more than just a one-night stand. She was just a challenge for him, someone to pass the time. Then once she gave in, once they finally had sex, he would walk out of her life and back into Freydis' arms and bed…. where he apparently belonged. 
 "Kari?" Hvitserk softly prompted. 
 "It's…. I just have a better understanding now…. of where I stand…. of my purpose here."
 "Your purpose?"
 She sniffed, wiping her wet eyes once again before the tears fell. "I'm just a rebound girl….and that's alright. I get it. But I just want to go home now." 
 "Fuck. Freydis said that, didn't she?"
 "It doesn't matter. Can you please just take me to the bus stop, I can get home from there." She knew she was begging but she did not care anymore. 
 "Kari, give me that." He grabbed her purse from her and tossed it onto a wooden side table. His hands held hers in a manner that was comforting verse restraining. His thumbs rubbed along the back of her hands as he softly spoke. "Look at me, you know it's not like that."
 "It doesn't matter." She shook her head, even as her hands gripped his tighter, the feeling being the only thing keeping her from falling apart at the front door. "I shouldn't have let Gyda bring me here. I should have made her drop me off."
 "Kari…." He began but was interrupted. 
 "Hvitty?" Ivar's loud voice boomed from the kitchen. "You better not be trying to fuck Kari!"
 Kari flinched at the sound. The facade of strength she fought to maintain evaporated like smoke. The tears she had been trying so desperately to withhold slipped free, rolling down her cheeks like a cleansing rain.  
 "Over here!" Hvitserk called back, releasing her hands but not moving away. 
 Ivar's measured gait could be heard coming down the hallway like the footsteps of doom. 
 "What the fuck is going on? You disappear to find Kari and then…." His voice trailed off as he entered the foyer, piercing gaze zeroing in on her tear-stained face. What sense of jovial teasing transformed into enraged fury. When he spoke next, it came out in an animalistic growl that bespoke impending violence. "Who fucking hurt you?"
 "I'm fine." She mumbled, wrapping her arms around herself. Her chin rested on her chest, tears still streaming down her cheeks. "I just want to go home."
 "Freydis….and I'm betting Margrethe also said something to her." Hvitserk snitched, leaning fully against the door. He watched both Kari and his brother as if ready to intervene at a moment's notice. 
 Ivar snapped, stepping closer. "What did they say?"
 She was unsure who he directed his question to but she still shook her head, refusing to look at either brother. Hearing his wrath, it only made her heart ache more. All of this was a show, it had to be. Why would he truly care? The sound of his heavy gait coming closer brought a fresh wave of silent tears. 
 Moving to her other side, he cupped her cheek. When she resisted looking at him, he shifted his hand to grab the back of her neck, forcing her gaze to meet his. A tempest swirled in his icy blue eyes. "What. Did. They. Say?"
 "Why does it matter?" She questioned, bottom lip trembling as a sob rose from her chest. 
 "Because they hurt you."
 "But I'm no one. I don't matter." She shook her head, pressing a hand over her mouth to contain the cries bound to escape at any moment. "You're just going to get back together with Freydis when you get bored with me."
 His eyes widened as if she had sucker-punched him. His mouth dropped open for a moment before he collected himself, the maelstrom rippling under his skin on the verge of breaking free. "Did they say that?"
 "Freydis said…. she said you two were just taking a break….and I'm the rebound girl."
 "Fuck. Fuck!" Ivar stepped away, running his hands through his loose hair. In an instant, he grabbed the decorative bowl off the entrance table and threw it. The shattering against the wall reverberated in the foyer followed by Ivar's guttural shout. "FUCK!" 
 "Ivar." Hvitserk softly said, warily watching his younger brother. 
 "I'm going to kill her. Fuck! I can't believe she would fucking say that!" Ivar ran his hands through his hair again, looking on the verge of ripping the strands out. The ferocity in his eyes was unmatched as he glanced down the hallway, clearly wanting to go after his ex, then shifted back to Kari, who remained silent and unmoving. "What else did she say?" He barked at her. 
 "You're destined for each other." She confessed after a moment's hesitation. 
 Ivar stormed over to her, devouring the ground beneath his feet as he invaded her space. Standing before her, he cupped her face, eyes imploring her to believe him. "Freydis is a crazy, jealous bitch. She manipulates to get what she wants. Don't believe a word out of her fucking mouth. Fuck! Please, Kari, don't cry. I'm right here, kitten."
 His words seeped into her mind, slipping in through the cracks and delving deep into her soul. His words alone should not have reassured her like they did. Between his pleading eyes and his gentle touch, her few walls surrounding her heart crumbled, unable to fight him. She believed him, even before her mind fully recognized it. 
 She lightly placed her hands on his bare chest, one directly over his heart, feeling the rapid tempo under her fingers. "Promise?" She whispered wetly. "You're not just…. I’m not just a rebound girl?"
 Ivar groaned, pressing his forehead to Kari's. "I swear. I never thought that about you." 
 And she believed him again. The truth falling from his lips resounded in the very core of her being. It made no sense how she knew, but somehow, she did. 
 After a long second, Hvitserk pushed off the door from next to them. "I'm going to head back and keep an eye on them. Kari, if you still want a ride just text me, alright?" 
 "Thank you, Hvitty." She reached out and snagged his hand, giving it a quick squeeze. With a smile, he responded in kind before heading down the hallway towards the backyard. 
 Soon as Hvitserk started walking away, Ivar grabbed her hand and led her in the opposite direction. They hurried through a short hallway to arrive at a closed door. Impatiently, Ivar thrust the door open and pulled her into a room, slamming the door shut behind them. She had a brief moment to scan the new room and notice the two walls with floor to ceiling bookshelves packed full and the couple couches near a large window. 
 Before she could do anything, she shrieked as she found herself suddenly yanked back, her body colliding with the closed door. Immediately Ivar's mouth claimed hers in a hungry, feverish kiss. His body pinned her to the door, hands kneading her hips. It was all she could do to just breathe. Her hands clung to his broad shoulders, desperate to stay above the waves of passion-fueled desire that surged unchecked within her. 
 Ivar withdrew his mouth from hers, but only to place kisses over her cheeks, washing away her tears with his affections. "Don't listen to her. Her and I. We are through. I will never go back to her. She has been sniffing around but that ends tonight. I won't fucking let her talk to you again. I fucking swear it."
 "Ivar…." She whined, tilting her head. An open invitation which he took. 
 He swooped in, continuing to speak between leaving open-mouth kisses on her neck. "It's you. It's you I want. It's you I think about all the time. Fuck, kitten, you have no idea how much I want you. And seeing you do those yoga poses in that swimsuit…. fuck! You looked so goddamn sexy; I got a hard-on just watching." He grabbed her thigh, lifting it up and curling it behind him, pressing himself against her core. At the touch of his hardened length against her, she whimpered. "Do you feel that? That's for you, søte Kari."
 She could not help but roll her hips, grinding against his erection, body automatically seeking friction. 
 "Yes! Fuck." He growled against her neck. "Come here."
 She whined when he released her leg, letting it fall down to the floor. Her breathing was unsteady already, heart hammering away in her chest. A part of her knew she should stop this, open the door behind her and walk out to avoid the temptation. Yet when his hand latched onto hers once again, tugging her towards one of the couches, she followed willingly, unable to deny the sweet sin that was Ivar.
 He dropped onto the couch and settled her into his lap to straddle him. As she settled, he grabbed a handful of the cover over her and yanked it off, tossing it haphazardly onto the floor. Her first instinct was to cover her chest, but as her arms moved to do that, Ivar guided them behind his head. His gaze drunk in the curves of her body, an unashamed starved look in his eyes that made her shudder as it further ignited the fire in her belly. 
 "Kattungen min." He whispered reverently. "Fucking hell, so gorgeous. No one else gets to touch you like I do. Got it? You're mine." He started lavishing her chest and neck with his mouth, alternating between his lips and tongue. 
 She knew she should feel more self-conscious straddling Ivar's lap in only the swimsuit that barely covered all of her assets; but it was as if his touch banished the thoughts away. Instead she felt beautiful and cherished. 
 He palmed one of her breasts and the moan that escaped her was pure wanton. Hands tangled in his long locks as her hips ground harder against his erection in response. His leg braces were only an afterthought that did not impede her actions. 
 "Ivar, please."
 "That's it. Fuck, you're so beautiful. I can't wait to fuck you senseless."
 Suddenly he shifted under her, his hand fumbling between them. Her mind barely took notice as he sucked the skin between her breasts, something that would definitely leave a mark. Next thing she knew, his cock was freed, standing at attention between them. 
 Before she could protest, he spoke up. "I know you're not ready." He slid it under her, pulling her hips back down. At the sensation of his cock rubbing her slit with only the thin barrier of the bikini bottom between them, she threw her head back with a whine. Desire roared through her like a freight train as his cock rubbed against her soaking core. 
 "You like that, kitten?"
 "Yes." She sighed out, head tilted back as she rolled her hips. 
 "Good, my turn." He reached behind her and promptly untied the straps of the bikini top behind her back. 
 "Ivar!" She tried to cover herself but he swatted her hands away. 
 "Trust me."
 Once she relented, he laid a hard kiss to her lips then tugged the top over her head, the band behind her neck without a tie. She desperately wanted to cover herself, now before him feeling on full display. But it was the look on his face that stilled her movements. 
 "Guder. Du er utsøkt. Faen. Den vakreste kvinnen." He murmured with adoration and awe dripping off each word. 
 "What did you say?"
 Instead of answering her, he lowered his face to her chest and captured one of her perky nipples in his mouth. His other hand moved to grab one of her ass cheeks, encouraging her to keep riding him. 
 All breath vanished from her lungs. All thoughts and insecurities fled under his touch. Her hands tangled in his hair, keeping his mouth on her. All she could feel was him. All she wanted to feel was him. Gasps and moans slipped from her as she allowed herself to be overtaken and drawn into an ocean of pleasure. 
 She could feel herself rising higher and higher, riding the wave. Her mind was becoming delirious from fire in her veins and the motion of her hips rocking over his exposed cock. 
 To her surprise, Ivar grabbed a handful of hair at the back of her neck. "That's it, beautiful. Fuck. Let's see what that bendy spine can do." Carefully, he pulled on her hair, not in a painful way but as if to guide her. Willingly submitting herself, she bent her back, following his lead. When her chest was parallel to the ceiling, he stopped pulling, keeping her suspended with her back arched. 
 Ivar groaned loudly, thrusting against her. She met his action, too absorbed in the bliss to care about decency. 
 "All the dirty, fucking things this makes me want to do to you." He licked a scalding line up her sternum, only to swirl his tongue around one of her nipples, making her mewl as she continued to move her hips faster. "Come for me."
 "Yes, yes." She chanted. "Ivar, please."
 "Keep begging, kitten. Let me know how much you want my cock."
 As her climax hit, the tightening coil in her core sprung loose, her mouth dropped open in a silent scream. Wave after wave rolled over her. She could feel Ivar grunt and thrust a few more times beneath her before retracing his cock and spurting onto her exposed stomach. After he released her hair, letting her rise back up to face him. Their eyes fixated on one another, chests heaving as they struggled for breath. 
 Gently, she reached out and touched his cheek, a shy smile on her face. Then, when he made no move to pull away, she leaned forward, uncaring of his cum slipping down her stomach, and drew him into a lazy, slow kiss. He responded, lips melding to hers in a way that was full of softness and contentment. After a moment, she felt him reach behind him for the blanket laying on the back of the couch and wipe her stomach off, all the while never abandoning their kiss. 
 Once she was clean, he dropped the blanket to the floor and somehow managed to keep their lips locked as he guided them to lay down on the couch, their bare chests pressed together and his arm under her head, legs tangled. 
 "Do you believe me now?" He eventually asked, leaning back but only far enough so the tips of their noses almost touched. 
 "That it's you I want. Freydis and anyone else can go fuck themselves for all I care."
 She bit her bottom lip and dropped her gaze. "I don't understand why."
 "What are you talking about?"
 "I mean…. Margrethe said I'm not your…. type."
 He snorted and muttered under his breath, "fucking bitch".
 "But she's right." Kari pressed onward, her hand running up and down his side as if to ground herself. "I mean, I could never compare to Freydis…. or Torvi or Gyda or any of them. They are all beautiful and….and in perfect shape. I'm not. My thighs and butt are too big and I'm maybe pretty but that's it."
 "You're right. You're not my usual type. But those girls, I'd fuck them and then never look their way again. You though, fuck, I can barely take my eyes off you when you're around. And these," he reached down and grabbed a handful of one of her ass cheeks, making her squeak. "I love them. And these thighs, fucking hell, kitten, I want you to suffocate me with them when I finally eat you out."
 She gasped, a bolt of electricity shooting through her at the image. 
 A devilish grin grew on his face, his hand stroking her ass cheek. "You like that idea? My tongue teasing your folds before slipping inside of you. Your thighs wrapped around my head as I feast on your pussy."
 "Ivar." She whined, unable to stop the sudden roll of her hips. 
 "Soon, sweet Kari." He chuckled darkly, ceasing her movement by melding their hips together. "And your tits, gods, they are perfect. I could stare at them all day."
 She giggled even as she flushed under his praise. "I'm sorry for doubting you. I guess, I'm still just surprised you'd…. well, that you want me."
 "You are mine. You're my woman." He stated resolutely, gazing directly into her eyes so she could see how serious he was. 
 "But we aren't dating…."
 "Doesn't fucking matter. You're mine. And one of these days you'll change your mind and stop playing this game of trying to keep me away."
 She sighed, wishing it would be that easy. Before he could continue with that argument, she changed the subject. "You know, I think we exceeded our kiss quota for the day."
 He snorted. "I didn't see you complaining earlier."
 "That's true. Do you think we should head back out?"
 "If I see Freydis or Margrethe right now…." His voice trailed off, but the fury from earlier lingered in the unspoken threat. 
 "I know. We don't have too. I'm okay right here." 
 A grateful smile on his lips, he kissed her quickly then rolled her onto her back and laid his head on her chest. They relaxed like that for several minutes in silence, her hand running through his hair, just enjoying the feeling of complacency and peace between them now after their fight. If you could even call it that. 
 Finally, she spoke up in a hushed tone, a random question coming to mind. "Do you ever get in the pool?"
 "Oh." Was all she could say after his sharp, barbed answer. Clearly it was a subject that was not open for discussion. Her mind wandered, wondering what happened to cause such a response from him. An uncomfortable tension hung over them after his response. Something she was not sure if she should try and dissipate or ignore for now. 
 After a minute of continued silence, he kissed her chest, letting his lips linger there as if using the extra time to mentally prepare himself. Before she could tell him it was none of her business, he spoke. His tone was quiet and, in anyone else, almost shaky. 
 "I…. I used to try when I was younger. They'd put me on one of those stupid floating things and pull me around or someone would hold me. Then, when I was about seven…. Sigurd and I got in a big fight earlier that day. He claimed I broke one of his toys. Fucking asshole. I was sitting by the pool, this in our childhood home in Kattegat, I liked to watch things float on the water. Sigurd walked by me and….and pushed me over the edge."
 She gasped. "Oh Ivar…."
 "Ubbe jumped in and pulled my half-drown ass out." He nuzzled against her skin; his tone having lost the insecurity as he reassured her. "I'm alright, Kari."
 She drew his face up and gave him a long kiss, their mouth connecting with a deeper need and alleviation. "Remind me to thank Ubbe when I see him next."
 He rolled his eyes. "Don't. He's never let me forget the fact."
 They laid there for some more time, wrapped up in one another and content in the peaceful stillness. She could not help but think about the memory Ivar shared with her. How far back did that resentment go between the brothers? Had there ever been a time where they cared for one another? And how bad was the animosity between them if one was willing to kill the other, even as children? If her arms tightened around him, neither one mentioned it as they continued to lay there. 
 A loud knock on the door followed by a yell through the door of "are you two done yet?" disturbed their peace. 
 "Hvits, fuck off!" Ivar called back, burrowing his face between her breasts. 
 "Do you have clothes on at least?!"
 "I do!" 
 Kari swatted the back of Ivar's head at his admission. Leaning up slightly, he gave her a cheeky wink before laying his head back down. 
 "Well cover up, I'm coming in!" Hvitserk yelled through the door. 
 "Ivar, get up." Kari softly said, a panic setting in at the brother coming in and seeing them in this suggestive position and her topless. 
 "No." He mumbled. 
 Before she could shove him off, he snatched the throw blanket off the floor and threw it over his head to cover her chest. As she began to protest, the door cautiously opened. In an instant, she tried to spread out the blanket over them as best as she could, keeping the blanket over her chest and spread it somewhat over their torsos. Although how much good it did was questionable. She peered over to see Hvitserk standing in the doorway with an amused look before shaking his head and stepping in, closing the door behind him. 
 "What the fuck do you want?" Ivar asked, muffled by the blanket and his face still pressed against her skin. 
 Kari raised her gaze to the ceiling for a moment then mouthed to Hvitserk, "I'm sorry."
 Hvitserk winked at her before answering. "Bjorn and Torvi want everyone together before they leave. Sounds like they have an announcement or something."
 "Are the bitches still here?"
 "Yeah." Hvitserk sighed. 
 "Then no."
 "I'll go." Kari softly said. "It must be important."
 "No, you aren't." Ivar nipped at the side of her breast, making her squirm. 
 "Well everyone is waiting on you two." Hvitserk pointed out as he watched, clearly entertained if his broad grin said anything. 
 "I'm coming."
 Ivar pulled the blanket back slightly to stare up at her. "Why the fuck do you want to see them?"
 "Is it….is it terrible I want to show Frey…. her that I'm still here. That no matter what they said, that I'm not going anywhere."
 A positively, feral grin spread over his face. He swooped in and pressed a devastating kiss to her mouth, not letting up until she thought she would suffocate from the intensity of it. "Let's go." 
 He started to rise up but when she squeaked and tried to clutch the blanket to her, he froze. 
 "Hvits, leave."
 "You sure I can't stay?" His smirk grew as he caught Kari's eye and watched her flush deepen. 
 "GO!" Ivar bellowed, glaring at his older brother. 
 "Fine. I'll wait out here for you. If you're not out in three minutes, I'm coming back in." Hvitserk stepped outside and closed the door behind him. 
 Ivar carefully slid off of her, standing up beside the couch, the blanket in hand. His predatory, blue eyes remained trained on her form, raking over her body like a sweet he wanted to devour completely. A familiar warmth awakened in her core, even as she shyly glanced away, covering her naked breasts with her hands. 
 "Fuck, you're gorgeous. On second thought, I think we should stay. I need another taste of you and to hear you moaning my name for everyone to fucking hear."
 She squealed, quickly skirting away from him before he could pounce on her. "Ivar, no!" Yet, miraculously, he managed to snag an arm around her waist and drag her back against his chest. 
 "Should we make an announcement of our own?" He asked, running his nose along the shell of her ear, chuckling under his breath when she shivered against him.
 "What do you mean?"
 "That you're my girlfriend. That this just-friends is shit."
 "I…." She balked, eyes wide and heart beating a painful staccato in her chest. “We…. we can't."
 "Why the fuck not?" He grasped her breasts, rolling her peaked nipples between his fingers. 
 She practically swallowed her tongue, biting back the moan lodged in her throat. When she was positive she could control her voice, she replied. "We've talked about this. I'm just…. I’m not ready."
 "But you'll practically let me fuck you?"
 At his harsh snap, she tried to push out of his embrace, unwilling to have this conversation in their current predicament or maybe have the conversation at all. The innate desire to flee rose up in her but she tried to force it down as she squirmed in his arms. He held her firm, not giving up an inch, her body flush against his own. 
 "What aren't you telling me?" 
 She hated both herself and him in the moment as she ceased her escape attempts. She hated him for continuously pushing her, for ignoring her words and trying to force her where he wanted her to be. Even more though, she hated herself. If she had kept away from him, however unlikely that was, if she did not have to hide, then none of this would matter. If she could be honest, truly honest, he would most likely reject her. And that was why she hated herself most. Because she was selfish and wanted his attention and affection, even knowing if he knew who she truly was, he would walk away. 
 Carefully, she turned her head to meet his stormy eyes. "I promise one day I will. I just…. can we please just enjoy this? What we have? I just need…. time."
 He stared down at her for a long time. She wondered what he read in her face when he finally gave a resigned sigh. "Fine. I'm telling people you are my girlfriend though."
 "You're unbelievable."
 "I think you like that about me." He matched her smile with his own before letting her go.  
 She quickly found her bikini top, noticing Ivar not-so-subtly adjusting his sweatpants. She slipped it over her head but when she went to tie the straps, a pair of calloused hands covered hers. Without a word, he tied it behind her back. Once done, his hand slowly prowled down her back to lightly smack her ass. 
 "Hey!" She whipped around, only to see a Cheshire grin on his face. 
 "That's my sexy ass."
 "Oh my god. Unbelievable." She muttered to herself as she snatched up the cover and pulled it over. She looked down at the blanket piled on the floor. 
 "Leave it. I'll deal with it later." He took her hand and walked with her towards the door. When they opened it, a still-shirtless Hvitserk stood leaning against the wall across from them. 
 "Took you two long enough. Damn. Almost came in and threw Kari over my shoulder to get you out." 
 Ivar spat something out in their language that made Hvitserk roll his eyes. Before they could move further down the hallway, Hvitserk reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder, freezing her in place.  
 "Hey, whatever they said. Just try to ignore it. We all want you here. Hell, all of us would kick them to the damn curb if Ubbe would let us. But Ubbe and Bjorn have already approved of you."
 Ivar scoffed but Hvitserk kept his gaze on hers, letting her know he was serious. 
 "Just know, we're on your side."
 "Thank you, Hvitty." She squeezed his hand, warmth blooming in her chest at his words.  
 "Either one of them tries to talk to her, I'll strangle them." Ivar growled, starting down the hallway, towing Kari behind him. 
 "You can't kill them, Ivar. Mother said murder is wrong."
 Ivar laughed, looking over his shoulder at his brother. "Mother still loves me."
 "Yeah, yeah, we all know you're her favorite."
 "Can you blame her? Look at me. I'm far superior and more interesting than the rest of you."
 "Keep telling yourself that."
 Kari could not help but smile at their teasing, a mock argument that sounded like it had been executed many times before until now it was said out of fondness and mock sibling rivalry. 
 The three walked back outside through the glassed-in porch. On the way, she noticed her purse back next to Gyda's bag and wondered if Hvitserk moved it there for her. Outside, everyone else sat on chairs or lounge chairs that were grouped in a haphazard circle, obviously waiting for the remainder of the group to join.  
 "What took you so long? Thought we'd have to send a search party to find you." Bjorn called out as the three approached. 
 "I got 'em. The library reeks of sex though." Hvitserk said, dodging Kari's swing. 
 Ivar guided her back to the lounge chair they had been sitting in earlier, tucking her into his side with a hand laying possessively on her hip. Hvitserk sat on her other side instead of pulling a new chair over. She tried to ignore Margrethe and Freydis who sat across from them, keeping her eyes trained on her lap, fiddling with the hem of her cover.  
 "Ok, now that we're finally all here." Bjorn said, standing up with Asa in his arms. "We just wanted to tell our family the good news in person."
 "Torvi is pregnant!" Gyda blurted, staring at her sister-in-law in shock. 
 "Fuck! Gyda!" Bjorn groaned. 
 "Daddy said a bad word." Hali looked over at his mother from his spot next to Sigurd. 
 "Yes, he did, thank you, Hali." Torvi replied smiling then addressed the group. "I'm about two months along. So right now, we are only telling family, so please don't share this with anyone else yet."
 "Wow! A third! Congrats!" Ubbe started, others immediately echoing their own congratulations and well-wishes. 
 Kari jumped up and moved to give Torvi a hug after Gyda. "I know we haven't known each other long but I'm so excited for you. You're an amazing mother."
 "Thank you, Kari. Maybe your own time will come soon." She shooting her eyes over to Ivar for a second then meeting Kari's again. 
 "Oh, I don't know." She blushed at the thought. After another brief hug, Kari returned to her seat. 
 "How old are you?" Hvitserk asked suddenly. 
 "Um, I turned twenty-five this summer."
 "Ha! Still the baby of the group." Sigurd laughed, pointing his beer bottle at Ivar.  
 "Hey, nothing is wrong with an older woman. We're in our sexual prime." Gyda defended. 
 "She's not that much older." Ivar retorted, his hand skimming up and down Kari's thigh. "Just a year."
 "And a few months. You're turning twenty-four after the new year." Ubbe helpfully added with a grin. 
 "Fuck off." 
 "Mommy, Uncle Ivar said a bad word now."
 "Yes, he did, Hali. I think it's time for us to go. Say goodbye to everyone." Torvi said. After a round of goodbyes and hugs to all the uncles and aunt, the small family headed back through the house to head to their own home.
 "Did you know Ivar is younger than you?" Hvitserk asked conspiringly, once conversation started around them again. 
 She tilted her head as she looked at him, slowly answering his question. “Yeah…. we talked about this a while ago."
 "Good. Do you want kids?"
 "Hvits, what is this?" Ivar butted in. 
 "Just testing the waters to see how she feels about having my babies. You know they'd be beautiful." Hvitserk chuckled when Ivar glared at him. 
 "Be nice you two or I'm moving." Kari chided. 
 "Yes, mom." Hvitserk said, sneaking a kiss to her cheek before jumping away. He turned around and pointed at her as he walked backwards. "One day you'll have my babies!" 
 She laughed, shaking her head. She could practically feel the smoke coming from Ivar's ears. Before he could burst a vein, she leaned closer to him and laid her head against his shoulder. "He knows I'm yours."
 "He fucking better or I'll beat his ass to remind him." Ivar murmured, nuzzling her temple. 
 She relaxed against him, looking around the backyard. Hvitserk and Ubbe had started some kind of wrestling competition in the pool, both looking like they were trying to drown each other. Gyda and Ivar called insults from their seats. Sigurd was texting on his phone but occasionally looking up and making a comment. At one point he caught her eye and gave her a brief nod, which she smiled back, hoping any animosity between the two of them from her earlier comment was gone. She purposefully ignored the whispering between Margrethe and Freydis, taking a note from Ivar's book and acting as if they did not exist. 
 Looking at the Lothbrok family around her, she smiled at the group, still amazed she found herself in their midst and how welcoming most of them were. For almost two years she had been alone in a new country, thinking that was what she wanted. Now though, she wondered if she had just been missing a group that accepted her without question. 
 She peered up at Ivar, heart swelling with gratitude and affection. Without second guessing herself, she kissed his cheek and leaned back against his shoulder. He hummed, placing his own kiss to the top of her head. 
 She wondered if she should just give up fighting this, whatever this was between them. Maybe it would work out. Maybe everything would not fall apart as soon as the truth fell from her lips. Maybe he could accept her past and who she was. 
 Silently, she shook the thoughts away. It was still too soon to tell and if she was honest, she did not want to lose this. 
 Or lose him. 
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johnkrrasinski · 4 years
Dear Lover... ❥
full masterlist
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x female!reader
Word count: 5,689 
Warning: pure fluff. pure feelings. a little bit of angst but with a happy ending 😌
Summary: you dance with bucky barnes in the obscurity of your room as you recalled the first time you met and how three years later you ended up tangled in each other’s arms. (based on the song “lover” by taylor swift) 
a/n: this one’s a love letter to the love of my life aka bucky barnes. it took me awhile to find the will to write about him because i truly wanna write something that gives him justice, because this man deserves nothing but happiness and love. hope you like it. please leave a like & comment. 
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It was a quiet Thursday evening, precisely at 8.35 PM. The rain outside of the Avengers tower was pouring, splatters of misty droplets bedewed the window glass. Through the lens of your shared room, transpierced the lights of the bustling city of New York. The city that never sleeps, as one would say. You could hear the sound of honking cars and sirens going off somewhere and it truly eased your mind.
You loved New York. You were born and raised in this vivacious city. Though your parents took the chance to move to Manhattan and fought to survive the exorbitant living cost, they managed. They taught you to fight hard and work tenaciously if you wanted to make it. The city was all you knew your entire life. But most importantly, you loved the man you were sharing this bedroom with more.
You had been dating Bucky Barnes, aka the former Winter Soldier, aka the White Wolf, for three summers now. Your first encounter with him wasn’t exactly the most romantic “how I met your mother” kind of story.
You were in the kitchen, late night, trying to make yourself a nice hot chocolate to cool down your nerves. Moving into the Avengers Tower had truly wearied you. Of course, you were aware that you weren’t supposed to be since there were literally a super soldier, a former Pararescueman, a man with a highly advanced iron suit, two highly trained assassins, a powerful witch, a (part-time) green beast, and an actual living human android helping you with your belongings. You couldn’t have asked for better movers.
But the adaptation of change still drained some of your energy. Maybe more mentally than physically, but whatever, you just needed a nice, sweet warm drink before you can finally sleep in your fresh, new, never used before bed. It was nearing four am and everyone had returned to their private quarters, except you.
You walked into the kitchen leisurely in nothing but your Bambi pyjamas, as you reached for the kitchen cabinet to search for a jar of instant hot chocolate. “Make yourself at home,” Tony said earlier as he was giving you a quick tour around the tower. The tower was so spacious and palatial, it was easy to get lost. “We’ve got everything here; food, snacks, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, ice creams and more… But don’t eat the half-eaten fried egg chicken on the fridge, though. That one belongs to Clint and he wouldn’t hesitate in shooting an arrow through your skull if you stole it.”
You poured the hot water into the glass and then you were ready to drink it up. You were so pleased by the taste of hot chocolate streaming through your tongue, you didn’t hear the faint sounds of footsteps approaching. Bucky had just returned from a solo mission to Brussels and he hadn’t had the chance to properly introduce himself to you. He had only heard about you through Fury and Tony’s narrative when they informed the team that they were going to have a new addition to the team.
Steve had texted him a picture of her earlier, picking up her boxes to her new bedroom… She looked lovely. She was only wearing a simple white shirt with high-waisted, ripped blue jeans to complete the casual look but, she didn’t have to try hard to catch his eye. He couldn’t wait to go back to the tower and talk to her. He crossed his finger hoping that he wouldn’t mess it up or embarrassingly stutter his own name whilst shaking her hand.
Bucky soundlessly walked towards you as he placed a hand on your shoulder, trying not to startle you but you weren’t expecting anyone to be awake, and you didn’t know that Bucky was supposed to return today. Your brain had been so occupied with moving in, that you forgot there was one member of the team missing because he was on a solo mission and that he was supposed to return in the early morning.
So you accidentally dropped your glass, spilling your little taste of heaven all over the counter, as you turned around and punched him on the face. You shrieked as soon as you felt a palm touching your shoulder, thinking it might’ve been a ghost or worse, an intruder. For a second there, you nearly forgot that you weren’t living all by yourself in a tiny apartment anymore. You were in the most highly secured building in New York, surrounded by vigilant superheroes that had fought bigger guys than a callow thief or more lethal than supernatural forces.
Bucky’s hand immediately went to his face, as he shrieked in pain. He absolutely didn’t expect a punch from you, considering he meant well. He slightly backed away on his feet, clutching the nose that had bled due to the robust force. You soon realized that he was Bucky Barnes, the Avenger that had just gone back from a solo mission Steve told you about, and you had just realized that you punched… The Winter Soldier. Oh my God. Your guilt rushes through your gut and you immediately covered your mouth with your hand in panic.
“Oh my God! I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize anyone was still awake, I’m so sorry.” You reached out to his hand, trying to see the damage that you did.
“No, it’s okay, doll. I shouldn’t have snuck up on you like that, I’m sorry.” He wiped the blood that leaked out his nose.
“No, no, no, it wasn’t your fault at all, I shouldn’t have reacted like that… Please, let me help you with that.”
“I got it doll, really. It’s nothing.”
“I insist. Please, otherwise I’d feel really bad.”
You moved to the couch in the common room, as you began patching him up. You both finally introduced yourselves properly this time, and you talked for about an hour until the sun was starting to rise. When you realized how late it had gotten and how exhausted Bucky must’ve been, only then, you returned to your individual bedrooms. And thus, a friendship was born. The beginning of something eternal and profound.
The next morning, things changed. Bucky would act differently around you whenever the team was around. Or anyone, at all, was around. Bucky would often avoid your eyes and act awkwardly around you. You didn’t see the man that you had a warm conversation with at 4 in the morning on that first day anymore. You felt like talking to a stranger that you had to walk on eggshells with. When Steve asked Bucky whether he had met you or not during breakfast, Bucky with his head down simply responded, “yeah… We’ve met.” That elicited a furrowed brows from you.
Steve later counselled you about it, “don’t worry. He’s like that with everyone. It’s not easy to start a small talk when you are the former winter soldier.”
You tried to tell yourself not to overthink it or take it personally. Of course, you were aware of the history. It was told in every history class. But you still couldn’t shake the need to get to know him more. You’d do it deliberately, you weren’t going to force him to break out of his shell, but you wanted to let him know that he had nothing to be ashamed of with you.
And so, you would often knock on his bedroom door since your bedrooms were on the same floor when you brought something from your favourite bakery shop. Or when you hear the excruciating screams at night, because he couldn’t tame down the demons in his sleep, reminding him of his inevitable, vicious past that spilled a lot of blood and caused him a lot of pain. Mentally, emotionally and physically.
At first, he would give you a sardonic look as he asked you of why you were here. You’d tell him that you thought he could use a company and so, the friendship, or whatever that you had with him would bloom through the murmured secrets and the late-night rendevous. It turned into a nightly thing that only you and Bucky shared. Nobody else had to know.
During the day, there were a lot of stolen glances and lingering tension in the room, everyone could sense it except you and Bucky yourselves. But yet, you didn’t speak many words about it to each other. Everyone who saw you two knew that you two hid some amount of feelings for each other. But yet, neither of you dared to make the first move.
Sam, Wanda and Nat were your closest friends and therefore, they knew the most about your unspoken feelings for Bucky. Starting from the awkward chats to the time where this new agent shamelessly flirted with Bucky in front of you. Of course, you were aware that anyone could flirt with Bucky, he wasn’t yours, to begin with. But it was still rude and disrespectful and you being the irrational, jealous person that you were, you’d often ramble to either Sam, Wanda or Nat in their private quarters until you felt better again.
One night, where this agent, Samantha or whatever her name was, had boldly touched Bucky’s arm at one of Tony’s flamboyant parties, in front of you, you immediately texted Sam, Wanda and Nat in the group text called “Besties” to gather up in your room because you needed to vent.
“Look, y/n, if you’re so annoyed by her flirting, then why don’t you just tell Bucky how you feel?” Wanda said.
“I don’t understand…” You squinted your eyes at her. It’s not like you didn’t actually understand what she was saying, but the concept of confessing your feelings to Bucky sounded like an absurd idea.
“Look, I’m just saying, what’s the worse that could happen?”
“Okay, Wanda, now you’re just talking shit.”
“Y/N” Sam interposed. “He might like you too. He may not say much but we all caught those stolen glances, don’t you think we didn’t see it.”
“You don’t know that for sure, Sam. Besides, it’s not just about him not liking me back… What if he’s just not ready to date? What if he likes me but not in that way? There are a million things that could go wrong. So, please, let’s cross out the idea of telling him how I feel because it’s definitely not happening.”
Sam, Wanda and Nat exchanged a look. “Okay, it’s your life anyway. But y/n, if you don’t move now, then you might lose your chance forever. Samanta could be seducing him into her bed right now as you are rambling about her to us.” Natasha closed it.
Her words had truly struck you light lightning. You never thought of it that way… You always thought you had every second in the clock, just waiting for you to be ready. Or him to be ready. But you never thought of the possibility of Bucky and Samantha actually going on a date… What if she had asked him to go out with her next weekend? And what if he had said yes? The thought hurt. It crushed your heart like a shredder. It twisted you inside out like a sickness.
And so, after Sam, Nat and Wanda returned to the party, you stayed in your room. You told them that you’d catch up, you just needed to rest your feet from standing in heels for too long. You were lying. You needed some time alone with your thoughts, as you were trying to plan your next move. You recalled all those late-night rendevous and midnight conversations, and you felt it in your heart. That mighty urge in your heart. Like the entire crowd you were standing before are chanting the words loudly to you. “Tell him! Tell him! Tell him!”
You felt all the feelings you contained inside for him rushed through your veins, like a power surging through your cells, bestowing you the courage to stand on your feet, put on your heels and reapplied your lipstick. You straightened the frowns of your dress in front of the mirror as you took a deep breath. “You got this.” You stared your reflection dead in the eye and convinced yourself.
When you were satisfied with your fixed appearance, you immediately went back to the party. You couldn’t wait to find him. Giddiness, nervousness, and anxiety were swirling in your chest. You ordered Friday to take you to the lobby, where the party was held, as you leaned back on the glass wall of the elevator and you folded your arms around you, trying to ground yourself. You tried to stand steadily and not face-plant yourself on the marble floor in front of Bucky. You would never be able to live with yourself.
When the elevator finally reached the main lobby, the metal doors separated, showing you the people in fancy suits and dresses chattering with one another, with a glass of sparkling Champagne in their hands. You immediately searched for Bucky. A slick black, long dark hair, clad in a black dress shirt and black pants. Your eyes gazed into every corner of the room, focusing thoroughly on the large chunk of a man.
You finally spotted him by the bar. He was sitting with a glass of tonic and gin in his hand, as he took a sip of it, then he put it down on the bar counter. It would’ve been a tantalizing sight that you’d love to sit back and observe if it weren’t for the person sitting next to him. Samantha was sitting with her legs crossed beside him, her body was fully faced to Bucky as she tried to reach out to feel his bicep again for God knows how many times that night. She was laughing and even from the distance, you could see the glint in her eyes at something he just said.
You felt like you had been hit by a truck. The butterflies in your stomach turned into a monster that was devouring your insides with its tapered fangs. You felt dizzy as you felt like you were going to drop on the floor if you don’t hold onto something. Steve happened to be walking past you thankfully and as soon as he saw you looking unwell, he immediately grabbed your arm, awakening you from your daze.
“Y/N, are you alright? You don’t look so good.”
“I’m fine, Steve... I’m…” You cleared your throat, trying to pull yourself back into consciousness. “I think I need to lay down. I’ll see you in the morning, Steve. Please tell Tony that I’m not feeling well.”
“Alright, yeah, go ahead. I’ll inform the team if they ask about you.”
“Thanks, Steve.” You nearly stumbled on your feet as soon as you took your first step.
“Whoa, do you need me to walk you to your room?”
“No, it’s fine. I got it. Night, Steve.”
“Goodnight, y/n.” He watched you warily, feeling hesitant whether he should really let you walk to your floor alone or not. As soon as you went inside the elevator, and the mental doors had closed, you slumped on the wall as you tried to muffle your cries. Nothing could hurt you more than seeing the man that you were secretly in love with, flirting with another girl. You couldn’t find it in you to give directions to Friday. So you just stood there, listening to the Jazz music playing in the background.
Until you were finally wearied enough to say the word to Friday. The AI politely responded, “yes, miss.”
As soon as you reached your floor, you took off your heels as they swayed with every step that you took. Your cheeks were tainted by ruined mascara, and your hair was slightly dishevelled. You couldn’t care any less. You should be dancing to the slow music or even kissing him drunkenly at the bar with your hands wrapped around his neck right now. But no, he was probably doing those with Samantha. You knew you were being unreasonable, crying over a man who was never yours, to begin with. But you allowed yourself to feel the pain and then, you can figure out a way to move on. You just needed to unleash it all out first.
You put your heels in the corner of your bedroom and stripped yourself out of the white cocktail dress. You immediately ran for the shower, your limbs felt more ponderous than ever. The last time you experienced a broken heart was in eleventh grade when you ran into your senior crush, Peyton at the mall with a girl who didn’t go to the same school as you, in his arm. You nearly walked up to him to say hi but your plan was instantly crushed before you even found the courage to talk to him.
Ever since then, you made a pact with your heart that you were never going to fall in love first ever again. You were okay with being single, you weren’t the kind of person who constantly needs romantic love. You focused on self-growth, you focused on your skills which is martial arts and military tactics. You invested your mind and energy into self-love, friendship and your education.
When you were finally ready to roam around the city at night as a vigilante, you’d sneak off every night to sit building rooftops and you looked after the small guys around the neighbourhood. Until your small vigilante works were heard and Fury snuck into your apartment to recruit you himself.
After your shower, you changed into an oversized grey hoodie that you once stole from Bucky’s closet, one night while having one of those clandestine rendezvous in his room. You were cold and you were only wearing a thin-layered white shirt with a worn-out pair of old swimming shorts that still fitted you.
“Here, wear my hoodie.” He walked to his achromatic closet and revealed the tidily-placed pile of black and white shirts and pants. He didn't have that many clothes but, it was enough to secure his enormous figure cosily. He pulled out one of his fresh from the laundry sweatshirts from the heap. He handed them to you and inserted yourself into the aromatic material.
When you were both finally too somnolent to keep your eyes wide open. He walked you to your room and you didn’t realize you were still wearing his hoodie until you said your final goodnight. When you tried to take it off your body, he said, “no, it’s alright. You can return it to me in the morning.”
But you never did. And he was okay with that. At least you thought. Because never once he asked for it back. You’d even catch his demure smile when he saw you wearing it.
You did your nighttime skincare routine and went to bed. The scent of his hoodie was faint but enough to make you yearn for him. It’s ridiculous, really. To miss someone who was never yours, and someone who practically lived right next to you, considering how long he could spend hiding in his own room.
You felt the tears brimming in your eyes as they ran down your cheeks and soaked your pillow sheets. You sniffled as your mind harked back to the shared moments in the gloom and the timid touches when words could no longer bear the intimacy. The moon knows more about you and him than anyone ever will and if you could no longer feel his skin against your anymore even for just a second, you were going to hold onto the memories.
You were lost pacing down the memory lane until you heard a subtle knock on the door. Three taps and you instantly knew who was standing on the other side. You tried to neglect it, hoping that he would get the message of leaving you alone. You weren’t ready to face or talk to him. But he wouldn’t relent. He knocked once more, telling you that he wasn’t leaving until you answered him.
You stayed in the exact same spot until you were peevish enough to keep listening to it. You finally stood on your feet and opened the door with a sour look on your face. He greeted you with a nonchalant smile, his hair now was tied in a low bun.
“Hey, Steve told me that you weren’t feeling well, what happened?” His expression was filled with concern.
“I’m fine, now. You can go.” You sneered. You tried to shut the door, not even wanting to face him any longer or listen to his unprompted “I got a date!” story.
He was appalled by your anomalous behaviour, as he immediately stopped the door with his hand from being slammed on his face. “Hey, hold on a second. What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“I said, I’m fine, Bucky. Just leave me alone, please.”
His chest tightened at your sardonic words. You had never acted this way around him before. Did he say something wrong? Did he wake you at the wrong time? Were you on your cycle? He was bewildered.
“I just wanna know if you were alright. Steve said you looked really pale at the party and you had to leave early and if you are then maybe I could bring you a soup or something.”
“I just need to be alone, Bucky. Alright? I was feeling much better until you showed up.” You didn’t mean to be so spiteful and blunt. You just needed some space. And his presence was intoxicating and the longer you see him, the harder it would be for you to let go.
Bucky didn’t respond immediately but the look on his eyes was enough to beckon his hurt. “What did I do? Did I say something wrong?”
“No, Bucky, it’s not you, it’s just-” You inhaled. Trying to cool yourself down before you continued. “Just not tonight, alright?”
“I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” He puffed himself up, masking his frustration. No, no, he wasn’t ready to let you go before he could even tell you he loved you. So if planting himself on his feet would make you enlighten him, he was going to do that.
“Okay, then just fucking stand there all night, I don’t care.” The cool in you vanished, turned into a small flame of counterwork.
“Why are you acting like this? Huh? You can’t just knock on my door whenever you feel like and shut me out like this.”
“Well, why don’t you just vent to your new girlfriend, then? I’m pretty sure she’ll be more than happy to listen to your ramblings all night.” You stormed into the room, trying to slam the door behind you but Bucky stopped it as he followed you inside. It wouldn’t be wise to keep this argument in the hall where the whole tower could hear you.
“What? What the hell are you talking about? I don’t have a girlfriend!”
“Oh, of course, Bucky. As if you hadn’t practically just gone on your first date with her at the party.”
“You’re being ridiculous, y/n! We were just talking.”
“Bullshit! Like no one could see the bedroom eyes she was giving you. She was practically fucking your brains out at the bar. Oh and not to mention, how she was groping your biceps like you were the only two people in the room!”
“What is this? Jealousy?”
“No! Stop flattering yourself, Bucky.”
“Okay, so what is it? I can’t fix whatever this is…” His fingers motioned to the invisible string binding the two of you. Who are you kidding? You both knew there was something more than a platonic bond between the two of you, you were just too dastardly to admit it with words to one another. “…If you don’t tell me the truth.”
Deep down, you knew the jealousy was senseless but in the heat of the dispute, you couldn’t stop your mouth from conveying the words out loud.
“Because I like you and I don’t want you to be with anyone but me, okay? There. I said it. Are you happy now? I like you and I know I’m being unreasonable, but I don’t like the thought of you being with someone who’s not me.”
Bucky was aghasted by your vehement declaration. Did he get it right? Did you really just tell him the words that he had always wanted to hear? The words that nearly escaped his lips more times than he could count, but never found the courage because he thought he wasn’t good enough for you? Was he dreaming? This felt surreal.
“You… You like me?”
You scoffed. “Yeah. I do, Bucky. Unfortunately. But now, I understand if you wanna go out with Samantha or if you never speak a word to me again, I get it. But at least you know that I li-”
He abruptly grabbed your face and pressed a brief kiss on your lips, taking your breath away like a typhoon. It was short-lived but enough to knock you off your feet. He retreated and gazed deeply into your eyes, hoping that you could see the suppressed emotions you made him feel whenever he was with you. He wasn’t a man of many words, after all, but after spending months of excavating each other’s secrecies, you got the message. Words were futile, anyway, when the feelings that you had were stronger than anything else you had ever felt.
“I like you too, y/n. So much.”
“You do?”
He nodded, a grin spread across his face, making his eyes gleam in the obscurity of your room.
“What about Samantha?”
“Sweetheart, I never had any feelings for her. She can flirt with me all she wants, but you gotta know that I only have eyes for you, darling. And there’s no one else I wanna be with other than you.”
“You mean that?” Your smile had made its way back to your face. The smile that only Bucky could evoke. Your eyes were twinkling with hope.
“Every word.”
And that’s you ended up here now, three years later, sharing a reposeful room with the love of your life. You had just returned from a late sparing session with Natasha in the training room. Crazy, how three years ago, you’d incessantly ramble about the same person and the same topic, which is Bucky’s cluelessness whilst running on the treadmill with her but now, you talked about various random things like two normal friends would. As if the issue that you had with Bucky had been resolved. All’s well that ends well.
You spotted your boyfriend, who had a much shorter hair now, sitting contently on the bed with a Sci-Fi novel in his hands. His long fingers sophisticatedly enveloped the cover as he thoroughly focused on the words on the pages but, it was quickly disrupted when you walked into the room, greeting him with a smile. “Hey, baby. What are you reading?”
“This sci-fi novel that Sam got me for my birthday but I didn’t pick it up until now. How was the training, sweetheart?”
“The usual. Nat, being the competitive little shit that she is, kicked my ass but I got her back at least. Twice.” You had showered in the gym bathroom before you went upstairs to see your boyfriend so you didn’t have to bother concealing your musty scent due to the sweat.
“That’s my girl.” He got on his feet and walked towards you, as he looked at you with so much admiration and love in his eyes, it overwhelms you sometimes. The way he’d hold you whilst being starstruck by every feature on your face, and the way he’d tell you he loved you, with so many sincerity behind the words, even after three years of being together. You were lucky. You both were. To find a home within each other.  
He kissed you deeply like he hadn’t had the pleasure to see you in three months even if you had only been gone for an hour. His lips enthralled you every time and he wouldn’t mind giving you the solace as much as you desired. He needed it more from you, anyway.
When your lips were apart, he pressed his forehead to yours. The vague light from the table lamp beside your bed illuminated the room along with the dimmed city lights, casting a dainty glow on the two of you. Like a spotlight on a stage, and you were the star-crossed lovers of the tale, illustrating a true story of unbreakable love.
“Dance with me.” Bucky said.
“Well, then, I shall put on the perfect song, sir.”
You ordered Friday to play the song “Lover” by Taylor Swift, as the first hits of the drum immediately moved your bodies against each other, his hand seized yours as you tucked your head under his chin. His other arm wrapped itself around your waist, holding you as close as possible like it was your last dance. But certainly not. This was merely one in a thousand dances to come.
We could leave the Christmas lights, up ‘till January
This is our place, we make the rules
You swayed to the nostalgic song playing in the background, echoing the words of love all around the room. Like you were the only lovers on the grand dancefloor, as the singer harmonises only for you.
And there’s a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear
Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?
You leaned your head on his chest, his slow heartbeat thumps in your ear. The beat grounds you like gravity, reminding you of how the term ‘home’ isn’t only a structure with four walls and a ceiling, but rather, a figure with serum-injected blood coursing through his veins, an injured skin layering all the organs, fashioning one magnetic force of a man.
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close?
Forever and ever
His gentle hand rubbed your back, as his feet swung with the tune. He was a man out of his time. Despite being alive in the modern world long enough now, he was still taking baby steps in adapting to the culture and that includes music. Back then, this wasn’t exactly the kind of music he’d ask a girl to dance along to, but he learned to appreciate your musical preference and slowly, he grew fond of them too.
And ah, take me out and take me home
You’re my, my, my, my lover
Because the lyrics had truly hit close to home. If someone had delivered him a mail during his Winter Soldier years, that he was going to find a beautiful, loving woman who willingly took his hand; scars and all. Despite the demons in his mind and the ghosts in his past, she was going to love him faithfully and she would offer her own hand to guide him through the path of daylight… He’d laugh on their faces and told them to piss off because they were wasting his time by speaking baloney.
We could let our friends crash in the living room
This is our place, we make the call
But he was wrong. You walked into his life and gratefully punched his face on that night and he will forever thank the lucky stars for that. Because what he didn’t have a single clue of was that, it was the beginning of something tangible and something that became his religion. Something that became his lifeline. Despite still dealing with his own demons that he wasn’t sure whether they will ever truly leave him or not, he was a happy man. He didn’t think it was possible to say that. He was a happy man, in love. And it sounds strange to accept that as the truth but, it was what it was.
And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you
I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all
He twirled you around gently. Careful not to trip you. He caught you in his arms as you bent your body with peremptory trust, his handsome face never failed to mesmerize you.
Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?
With every guitar string scar on my hand
I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover
You swayed on your feet once more, but really, you were just spending time, embracing the security in each other’s arms. You don’t care about the past heartbreaks or the haunting memories. You are not even stressing out to think about what tomorrow promises, you simply wanted to live every second of this moment with him.
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be over-dramatic and true to my lover 
But whatever the future plans for you, you knew there would be no hurricane violent enough to shake your ground as long as you had Bucky by your side.
And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me
And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover
You were going to hold onto him through the agonizing mornings or vicious nights. You were going to hold onto him through Spring until the first drop of snow starts to cover the ground in white again. You were going to hold onto him through the Christmas Eves and New Years. Whether it be when you’re sharing a midnight kiss or when you’re hungover for all the drinks from last night.
You took a vow that no matter what happened, there would be no more unspoken words that would be an emotional barrier between the two of you. You only wanted to have eyes for him because everything fades into the background and the stars align when your bodies were intertwined, unable to tell where you began and he ended.
You’re permanently stuck with each other and that’s all you ever really wanted.
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tarisilmarwen · 5 years
RobStar Valentine’s Weekend Day 2 - Date Night
(This one was fun.)
Her orange feet slipped into golden sandals.  Starfire wobbled a moment, adjusting to the heels, then leaned down and did up the straps.
She straightened when she was finished, giving herself a once-over in the mirror, turning this way and that in delight.
There.  She looked perfect.
Giggling, she grabbed up her clutch purse, her T-communicator tucked safely inside (just in case), and floated towards the door.
"And you're sure there's no crime alerts?"
Cyborg groaned.  "Man, for the hundredth time, there has not even been any loitering, littering, or jaywalking in the past seven hours.  Y'all are good.  Just go on your date," he grumbled.
Robin fidgeted with the knot of his tie, fixing its position, his eyes on the monitor display with a skeptical frown.  "Excuse me if I'd just like to have an uninterrupted evening for once," he said, witheringly sour.
"I'm sure if anything does come up, Raven, BB and I can handle it," Cyborg assured him, waving the boy off with his hand.
Robin jerked at the knot with a bit more force than necessary, accidentally pulling it loose.  He sighed in frustration, reaching up to fix it.  "Knowing our luck it'll happen right outside the restaurant," he muttered.
"We do kinda have uncanny timing," Beast Boy put in, from where he was watching upside-down, head hung over the edge of the couch and feet dangling off its back.
"Not helping, B," Cyborg growled through his teeth.
Raven cleared her throat from behind them.
All three boys turned to see Starfire standing in the doorway, beaming, her silky white short-cropped dress matching her million-watt smile.
Robin's expression went quite dazed and it took a moment for him to find his voice.
"Wow..." he finally said.
She laughed behind her hand, blushing.
"Yeah yeah, Star's gorgeous and it makes you catatonic, can you guys just go already?" Beast Boy whined.  He flipped himself upright, straining and failing to reach for the remote on the coffee table.  "I'm missing the Treasures of the Barbaric Deep marathon for your stupid last-minute crime check."
Robin pointedly kicked the side of the couch as he passed it, sliding his arms into his jacket as he walked over to join Starfire.
"Shall we?" he said with a grin, offering her his arm.
She slipped her elbow through his and turned him towards the door.
As soon as the door hissed shut behind them, Raven stepped over to stand by Cyborg's shoulder.
"You know he's probably slipped his communicator into his back pocket," she said dryly.
"Don't worry," Cyborg assured her in a sing-song, beckoning for her to see something on the screen.  "I went into the network masterframe and disabled the alerts on both their communicators.  They'll have a nice chaos-free evening."
"We hope," Raven said, unconvinced.  "Beast Boy has a point, we do tend to have abysmal luck whenever we try to go out and do something fun."
"C'mon Rae, who's gonna be tryna rob the Planetarium?"
She shrugged.
Cyborg rolled his chair back, switching off the computer.  "Now then," he said, "I believe we had a marathon to watch."
The line for the ticket counter was longer than he'd expected, winding from the reception desk through the main lobby of the Worthington Planetarium and almost back to the glass-door entrance.
"I did not realize this event would be so popular," Starfire mused as she observed the crowd.
"Good thing I got our vouchers early," Robin said.  He led Starfire to the Will-Call window off to the side, presenting the purchase proofs to the lady behind the glass, who scanned them, handed them their tickets and maps with a smile, and sent them off.
Now all they had to do was wait to get up to the front.
Starfire marveled around at the displays in the front lobby, as their line shuffled forward, the attendant behind the barrier letting groups in two or three at a time, so as not to crowd the enclosed space just through the door he stood by where the massive holoprojector--the first of its kind they were told--cast dozens of tiny images of stars and galaxies around the room.
Robin could catch a small glimpse of it from where they were, and it looked like it was going to be every bit as spectacular as advertised.
Then something caught his eye that made him frown.  A furtive shadow, sneaking around the corners of the room.  A figure heading for the Planetarium's normal exhibit halls.  Robin squinted past the giant plasticine model of Jupiter and registered a green jumpsuit and large goggles perched on top of a bald head.
He smothered a groan.
Oh for the love of--Gizmo?! he thought in disbelief.
The little gremlin had better not be there to swipe the revolutionary holoprojector technology making this evening's event possible.
Gnashing his teeth, Robin made a quick decision.
"Hey, Star?" he said, slipping his arm out of hers.  "Hold our place in line I need to step out to the bathroom for a moment."
She nodded with an affirmative, "Of course."
He smiled at her before stepping out of line, then walked as casually as he dared towards Hall A.  No reason to make her suspect anything was up.
Once he was behind the model of Jupiter, Robin crouched down low and trotted quickly to catch up to the pint-size villain, who was fiddling with a hand-held sensor and cackling softly by the fire alarm on the wall.  He hadn't pulled it yet, and he never got a chance to, as Robin snagged him by the collar, pulling him bodily off his feet and swinging him around to deposit him in a secluded corner.
"Gaaah!" the boy yiped as he flailed around in surprise, dropping gadgets to the floor.  Gizmo squinted up at him, his sensor down loosely by his side.  "Bird Boy?!  What the hell are you doing here?"
"Could ask you the same thing," Robin said, taking his voice low and dangerous.
"None of your cludging business!" Gizmo snapped.  Then his eyes widened as he got the full force of Robin's intimidating glare.  "Uh... I mean... nice suit?" he stammered nervously.
Robin kept his eyes pinned on Gizmo, tranquil fury burning from every rigid line of his posture.  "I'm going to make things very clear," he told Gizmo, his voice even but lined with anger.  "I am on a date.  We have been looking forward to this for a month.  Starfire looks absolutely gorgeous.  I have made plans for dinner and dancing and stargazing afterwards and I will not have you ruining this for me," he emphasized, his grip tightening on Gizmo's collar.  "Am I understood?"
The boy gulped.  "Crystal," he squeaked.  Robin released him and he picked up a few of his dropped gadgets numbly.  "I'll just... go back to the hideout now and... play video games all night.. or something," he muttered.
Robin grinned.  "Glad we could come to an understanding."
He waited, watching with stern folded arms until Gizmo had exited through the side door, before turning around and rejoining his girlfriend in line.
"Is everything all right?" she asked in concern.
He swept up her hand and gave her palm a kiss.  "Everything's good," he promised her.
The docu-show was already playing in the holoprojector room, on a continuous loop that, the attendant told them, would cycle through its program every forty-five minutes.  A narrator intoned over the speakers as the holoimage danced and shifted, zooming on star clusters and constellations, taking the viewers on a journey through the Milky Way.
Starfire was absolutely delighted, reaching out to touch the glimmering floating images and marvel.
Robin thought the program was well put-together and very informative, and he had to admit the technology definitely enhanced the experience to awe-struck levels.  They stayed for about an hour, just long enough to hear bits and pieces of narration they'd already listened to, then wandered the rest of the museum for another hour.
Dinner was pleasant and uneventful, and Starfire was warm as he held her in his arms, gently swaying back and forth to the music.  It wound up getting too cloudy for stargazing but Starfire was adamant she'd had a beautiful evening, so they just decided to come home.
Robin checked his communicator with a frown, noticing it didn't seem to be synced properly.  He fiddled with it a couple moments, then put it away, taking Starfire's hand as they headed for OPS.
"And the wild game platter--What did the waiter call it?"
"'The Huntsman's Treat'," Robin supplied.
Starfire nodded.  "I enjoyed that the most!  The quail was gamey but very well-seasoned.  It reminded me of the Garbok birds on Selrik Pri--"
She cut off, eyes widening as they stepped through the door.
"X'hal!" she exclaimed.
She and Robin gaped at the frazzled conditions of their teammates.  Cyborg was holding his right arm, his left leg missing from the knee down and loose sparks popping.  Raven's cloak was disheveled, the clasp had broken and she was missing a shoe.  Beast Boy's hair was sticking up and he looked singed from head to toe.  All three of them were covered in a gelatinous green substance that was dripping on the carpet.  A few chairs were overturned and the main screen blinked on and off with an all-clear message.
Cyborg was the first to recover from his paralysis, giving a nervous grin.  "Hiiiiii Rob!  Uh..."
"Did you enjoy your date?" Raven interrupted, staring at the couple with some desperate look in her eyes that pleaded for them to say, yes they did.
"Yeah, um..." Robin stammered, glancing around them room and seeing additional green glop coating the walls. "Yeah, it was great," he said absently.
"It was wonderful!  Truly a lovely night!" Starfire assured them, her hands curling up by her chest in no small amount of concern.
"Good..." Beast Boy croaked, slumping over into the couch cushions with exhaustion. "Then all this was worth it..."
Starfire opened her mouth to ask a question but stopped when Robin tugged on her arm, pulling her back towards the hallway.
"Let's... ask them in the morning," he said, giving one last look around and then shaking his head as he led her out.
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razorblade180 · 5 years
Rosebud prep 8
[Tai’s House]
Today was a special day. Lately Ruby has been having a life’s worth of those. From the excitement of Weiss’s luxurious baby shower, to the knowing what it’s like to not see her own toes. She’s roughly roughly eight months pregnant and has been assaulted with every conceivable thing they pregnancy had to offer. It was very fortunate that not only had she married a patient man. She married one with enough sisters to handle any obstacle. Truly Ruby has lucked out once again. Combat skirts and corsets had been ditched for months and replaced with Tai’s oversized T-shirts and her red sweat pants. It was scary how used she had gotten to do nothing. The thought of weighing herself gave her dread to the point Jaune keeps track of the number without revealing it. Everyday there was pain coursing through her feet and the baby has obviously gotten her high spirits because boy did it kick hard! Ruby loved every moment of it.
Right now the woman sat in one of Maria’s many rocking chairs and enjoyed the fresh autumn air. The sky is painted an intoxicating orange that gave her chills. Her hand on her stomach as she lightly hummed. As much as she loved fairytales, nursery rhymes escaped her mind often. The only song that was constant in her mind was Gold since Yang had lovingly lulled the girl to sleep with it all the time growing up. It would just be another thing to bond over along with being an autumn born child. At this point she was crossing her fingers that this kid would get something from Jaune. Her train of thought was broken the moment her gaze went away from the sky and back to the porch’s other guests.
Ruby:*smiling* You know y’all didn’t have to take time off for me right?
Yang:You are actually insane if you believe for even a second that I am going to be across the world when you go into labor. I will be around for my baby sister giving birth to her baby. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Ruby:Blake can you please tell your future wife that being here for a month is crazy and better spent planning the wedding she’s dreamed of?
Blake:Do you think I would be here if I agreed with you? This baby tops whatever plans we have. Yang has already bought a shirt that says “hot aunt” on the front.
Ruby:I wanna believe you’re joking, but I absolutely know your not.
Weiss:I begged her not to.
Yang:Then she found one in white.
Weiss:Now we match.
Ruby:You didn’t....
Weiss:We both know how I feel about kids. Better believe that shirt is hanging up in a proud spot in my closet.
Blake:If it makes you feel better they also had a black one. We are all still color correct.
Ruby:And I thought Jaune was losing it over this bundle of joy. All of you are no better.
Yang:Where is the baby daddy anyways? I thought he’d never leave your side.
Jaune:*opens door* He hasn’t.
Tai:*walks out with ice tea pitcher* He was just helping me in the kitchen.
Jaune:What did I miss?
Ruby:Yang is replacing you as clinging blonde who loves this baby.
Yang:Oh don’t act like you don’t love it.
The older sister walks over as tea is passed around. She kneels down and gently wraps her arms around Ruby; laying her head on the baby bump and making her little sis giggle.
Yang:Hey there little rascal. Your mother thinks we’re all looney for loving you so much but she’s just playing cool. I can tell out of everyone that she’s thrilled the most. Just wait, I’ll gonna smother you with love the way only an aunt can. This family is pretty noisy but we know you’ll get used to it.
Ruby:Pfft, now I feel bad. I- Yang....?
Yang:Right now the whole family can’t be here but that’s okay. You’re gonna love uncle Ren and auntie Nora. If anyone who’s an expert on kids by now it’s them. Not to mention your great uncle Qrow. He might look grumpy but he’s a big softie. His semblance makes him wary to be around Ruby right now but I’m sure you’ll get along great.
Yang:Am I forgetting anyone really important? Well there’s-
Ruby:I uhhh, I think my water just broke.
Suddenly Ruby hunches over like the wind got knocked out of her. Yang quickly jumps to her feet and is fully alert and caught of gaurd.
Yang:Right now!?
Ruby:Ri....agh! Yeah it’s definitely right now!
Tai:I’ll drive!!!
Blake:I’ll call ahead!!!!
Weiss:I’ll make sure we have everything. This is actually happening!
Jaune:Alright Ruby, up you go. Let’s go have a baby....
Ruby:Ugh, this gonna hurt a lot isn’t it?
Doctor M:You’re doing great Ruby. Just a little bit more to go I promise!
Ruby:It........really hurts........
She had been screaming for at least half an hour now; not that she could really tell. First it was from the contractions but now came the time to actually push. Desperately she tried to control her breathing as did nothing but focus on the task at hand. Her hair clinged to her forehead that was covered in sweat that coated everywhere. Ruby never felt so tired before. Fighting Salem was ten times easier than this hands down. Once or twice Ruby looked to her right to see Jaune looking at her with nothing but vigor and determination; silently letting her know that he was here and that she could do this. His hand being grabbed like a vice by hers as she nodded. Screw the pain, the sweat, the blinding lights; none of that mattered. She had a job to do and she knew that it’ll be worth it. The only thing that mattered was to-
Doctor M: PUSH!!!!!
The echoes of scream mightier than a grimm dragon filled the halls off Vale’s hospital. Everyone sat in the waiting room in nail biting anticipation. Few people around them needed to ask what had them so tense. Consciously Yang knew the reason for the screaming yet it didn’t calm her big sister instincts as she paced around the tile floor. Each scream making her flinch hard. She doesn’t think she ever heard Ruby in such pain. Blake saw her partner gradually start to unravel bit by bit and took her hand in reassurance.
Blake:She’ll be alright.
Yang:I know but.....
Tai:Trust me when I say Summer screamed louder. I know Jaune must be scared to death right now.
Blake:My mom apparently sounded like some primal beast with me. I hope I don’t sound too bad.
Yang:You....want kids? *blushing*
Blake:Yeah. Wait, do you not?
Yang:Oh I want kids we just never really mentioned it before. That’s just...phew, anyone else light headed?
Weiss:Yang please go sit down and I’ll go get you some water.
Yang:*sits* Thank you.
The Heiress wonders off at brisk speed. I’m truth, Weiss also really couldn’t take hearing the screams of her partner happen in intervals. She was granted a reprieve however since the vending machine was a few floors down; the sounds being almost like whispers. The glare from the setting sun hurt her stress filled eyes to the point she wanted to cover the window in solid ice. Two water bottles finally came out and Weiss immediately put one of them on her forehead with her eyes closed.
Weiss:(Ruby I love you pieces but you’re making my head pound)
Thump Thump Thump....
Weiss:*opens eyes* That...that wasn’t my head.
Thump Thump Thump....
The noise continues in random succession as Weiss confusingly walks around the area until it eventually gets louder. Her head turns to see a door completely on the the other end slightly jiggle in beat of the thumping with a nurse by it. The blue sign next to it quickly told her what room it was.
Weiss:The restroom???
Doctor M: Alright Ruby, just give me one more big push. You’re in the home stretch.
Ruby: huff...Sweatie..?huff
Jaune:I’m here. *tighting grip*
Ruby:I know. *smirks* Ready to lose our bet?
Jaune:*smiles* Only one way to find out.
Doctor M:All set!?
Ruby:Bring it on.
Doctor M:One three then. One...Two...THREE!!!
Call it her second, conviction, you can call it the absolute power of the Gods and women itself. Regardless of the label, Ruby Rose summoned every once of strength she had left to push as hard as she could; a kind of strength that she didn’t even know was possible at all let alone something she could possess. With it came a scream but from the pain. It was resolve. Love. Soon the screamed was met another that silenced hers. It was small yet so mighty that Ruby couldn’t help but succumb to tears. She wasn’t the only one. Jaune braced his arm against her hospital bed while his right hand covered his mouth; tears forming as easily as rain.
The doctor grinned at both of them as she held the source of the small scream wrapped up in a blanket in her arms. All Ruby could do is put her hands out in an eager and tired attempt to hold finally see her baby; the doctor didn’t make her wait a second longer and put it gently in her arms. Time felt like it stopped; reality slipping away. The only thing that remained was her, Jaune, and the new addition to their life. Her finger brushing a head of black and faded red hair out of the way to reveal eyes that dazzled like the moon; like hers. Ruby slowly pulled it closer to her chest to embrace tiny warmth further. Jaune reached out to cradled the both of them and doing his best not to fall apart.
Jaune:Doctor, can you do the honors?
Doctor M:Congratulations to your healthy baby boy.
Ruby:A boy. Jaune we have a beautiful baby boy. *sniffling*
Doctor M:Looks like someone needs to be fitted for a dress.
Jaune:Wouldn’t be the first time. I’d lose a thousand times over for this moment.
Tai:Oh my goodness...
The new parents look up to see Tai, Yang, and Blake crowding the doorway in awe. Ruby waves them in one by one happily seeing their face light up as they get closer.
Ruby:Hey you guys. Come meet the newest member of the group. Dustin Arc Rose.
Tai:I’m a grandpa.....*tearing up*
Blake:He is gorgeous.
Yang:How are you feeling?
Ruby:Like I fought a hundred battles in a row. Jaune I have no idea how your mother did this eight time. Arc’s really are a sturdy bunch.
Jaune:Trust and believe that no one knows what makes her such a trooper but hey, you’re one too now. Is there anything the number one huntress can’t do?
Ruby:Not as long as she has you. All of you.
Yang:Can I hold him please?
Doctor M:Hold up. As much as I love creating beautiful moments, still have a job to do which ruins them. I gotta clean the little guy off properly and make sure he’s actually all ready to go. Those screams where a good sign and if he’s anything like his parents then this won’t take too long. Ruby I hate to be a mood killer but....
Reluctantly she handed over her baby and received a wink from the doctor as she exited the room. She already missed him but was immediately surrounded by family smiles. Tai handed her another well deserved pillow for his daughter. Adrenaline and holding Dustin was all that kept her body from instant fatigue black out but now it was trying to catch her. Sleep never sounded so good.
Jaune:You okay there Rubes?
Ruby:You think the doctor would be upset if you used your aura to give me a pick me up?
Jaune:I feel like this type of tired is above my threshold.
Tai:If you’re anything like your mother then you’ll bounce back better than ever.
Ruby:Hehe, looks like I’m getting cooler from here on out.
Yang:That’s nothing new. Just rest up, you can have my water whenever Wei-Oh my god Weiss missed all of this because of me!!!!
Ruby:I was wondering where she was.
Blake:She’s going to be so livid.
Yang:Wh...who knows? Maybe she will be completely calm about the whole thing?
Weiss:*runs in* H E Y ! ! ! Tell me I’m not late!?
Yang:Ahh! I’m sorry! We already saw the baby and he’s adorable! He’ll be back in a few minutes with- *turns around*
Yang’s words got caught in her throat as she saw the shaken expression on Weiss’s face. Urgency filled the shorter girls eyes but that’s not what stunned th room. Weiss’s clothes, they were covered in blood. The Two more sets of footsteps come from behind her. One was a trembling nurse who was also covered in blood as she supported a body around her shoulder. The person was bleeding from their torso and looked half dead; their head hanging and in ruined surgical attire. The room went pale and stomachs dropped when they saw person raise their head with fading eyes. It was doctor Michaels.
Doctor Michaels:Tr.....p tr...a..p
Tears ran down her face before her body went limp. The nurse layed her on the ground and was about to rush in to grab tools but immediately stopped at the sight of the doctors face. She gone. Ruby felt completely numb. If this was the doctor....
Ruby watched Jaune and her team dash out the room immediately and slpit off; busting open Every single door they came across. Tai took the nurses hand and guided her and the doctor to Ruby before heading out the door way.
Tai:Lock this door and call the authorities immediately!
Ruby:D...dad? W....where’s my baby?
He watched tears form in Ruby’s eyes. What could he say? What do you say? His hands clenched tightly before running off and joining the search. Time was everything. The nurse immediately closed the door and followed Tai’s instruction. Ruby reached for the bed rail to pull herself up but her arm went limp in a second. Making her fall back against the pillow. She tried again but the outcome was the same. Not even her legs would respond properly as she desperately tried to move before the nurse restrained her so she didn’t injure herself. Giving birth had taken to much energy. Ruby was a sitting duck.
Ruby:Let me go!!! I gotta find my son!
Nurse:You are in no condition to move! Right now you’re-
knock knock knock
Both of them shifted attention to the door. There wasn’t anymore knocking. Instead the door handle slowly grew brighter and brighter until it melted off completely. That was all Ruby needed to immediately feel terror and rage grip her soul. The nurse reached for phone but was immediately struck with glass right through her stomach through the newly made hole. She didn’t feel pain at first; just overwhelming heat ripping through her body as the door opened. Revealing Ruby’s fear complete with an old outfit she hadn’t seen since she was fifteen.
Cinder:Helpless. That’s what you were going to say right?
Yang and Jaune raced down the hall in full force. She recklessly swung open every door to her right and knocked into people while Jaune did the same one the left. Nothing. With each failure they got faster and faster as they raced up the stairs to the higher floors. Yang grabbed her scroll to call Weiss and Blake who where going down.
Yang:Please tell me you found him!
Blake:Not yet!
Weiss:Damnit!!! There’s too many rooms and people!
Jaune:KEEP LOOKING! They couldn’t have-
His eyes shifted to see the “Doctor” standing in the elevator holding the baby; his baby. The person locked eyes with the bonds as they struggled to reach the kidnapper before the doors closed. Unfortunately it was in vain. Halfway way there they watched the door closed on a sadistic smirk but that’s not all. Yang’s eyes went deep red watching the set of emerald eyes turn pink and brown. With one powerful step she lunged over all the people and pried the doors open to see the elevator car going up fast. If wasn’t for the baby she would’ve snapped the cable right then and there.
Weiss:Does that mean Cinder is here?
Yang:She’s heading to the roof!
Tai:Damnit all! I’m heading back to Ruby!
Blake:You’ll need back up. I’ll head back too. Everyone else go to the roof.
Yang:Okay. Jaune let’s-
He was already moving towards the staircase. His aura washed over his body in a divine white and pushed his body beyond its normal limits. Increasing his speed dramatically. Yang followed his lead by jumping of the railing and propelling herself upwards like a rocket with her arm.
A few floors down, Weiss smashed a window and jumped out. She waved her left hand to form a glyph platform then made a line of them running along the entire building. She ran up towards the top while Blake stopped at the floor Tai was on and continued back to Ruby’s room. This was beyond bad; they were completely blindsided. Worst of all, it had been in a hospital. They were weaponless.
Cinder:Surprised to see me little Rose? Well, I guess you’re not that little anymore now are you? You seemed to surprised to see me. I guess that makes since; it’s been a few years since our last encounter. Longer since you seen me in this.
Ruby:Cinder. I....I spared your life....
Cinder:Bet your regretting that decision now aren’t you?
The nurse tried to move until the blood in her veins lit up along with the shard in her. Bringing the woman to her knees and hacking like a feral animal. Ruby leaned forward before the weight of Cinder’s grimm arm pressed her back down. The nails slightly digging into her neck. Ruby’s eyes lit up dimly before fading and draining away what little energy she had.
Cinder:I wouldn’t try to move. It’ll only get worse.
Ruby:Leave her alone Cinder or-
Cinder:Or what? Silver eye blast? You can’t even sit up. Kids really are the death of us huh? It’s almost sad really.
Ruby:If you want me then fine. Just....cough let everyone else go.
Cinder:Pfft, typical. Always trying to play the hero. Always thinking your above others; stronger than them.
Ruby:You’re deranged.
Cinder:And you are pathetic. Brain dead even. Are all honest souls like this or just you? I wonder how that kid is the same? Or at least, would he have been? Given the chance to grow up.
Ruby couldn’t do anything but listen as Cinder laughed at her. Tears rolled down her face uncontrollably. Grabbing Cinder’s wrist weakly in desperation and despair.
Cinder:That’s what I wanted to see. How long has it been? Since you’ve felt so powerless.
Ruby:If you want me dead then just do it already but please......leave him out of this. He has nothing to do with this!
Cinder:*grabs harder* He has everything to do with this. Listen closely, I’m not gonna kill you. That doesn’t settle what you did to me. After all you didn’t kill me. No, you killed my dreams; my perception this world. You made me realize I wasn’t as strong as I thought. Because of you and your friends my dreams of ruling under Salem and being on top are history. Now it’s your turn for dreams to die. I’m killing your happy ending and the best part is it’s all because you had to take the moral high ground. Reap what you sow right? Eye for an eye. Speaking of which, I guess I have a two brand new ones. You think his left or right eyes would look best on me.
Ruby:I’m going to kill you....
Cinder:Little late don’t you think? Maybe in your dreams.
Monstrous fingers squeezed tighter until Ruby’s vision went blurry. Seconds passed until she blacked out; never standing a chance. Cinder stared at her work. Even the sight of Ruby knocked out and still crying made her furious but she kept composure then left the room. She didn’t get one step in before Tai and Blake turned the corner to see her leaving the room. Both of them rushed her instinct but wasn’t expecting Cinder to yank the nurse out the room and throwing her towards them. The glass glew brighter than ever until bursting into flames and spreading it throughout the hall. The nurse screamed before turning into ash and distracting the pair. By the time they got through the flames, Cinder had vanished. Tai immediately ran into the room to check on Ruby.
Tai:She’s breathing but roughed up!
Blake:Guys we saw Cinder but she got away! Did you get Dustin!?
Blake:Yang!? Weiss!? Jaune!? Someone answer me!!
They didn’t feel tired or scared or anything for that matter. The three of them just simply ran and ran and didn’t once stop. Never stumbling. Never losing sight of their goal. All at once they arrived at their destination. Weiss over the edege if the building, Yang through the door to the room, and was immediately followed by Jaune. The trio locking eyes on Neo and closing in around her with arms stretched out. Just to be met the sound and sight of shattering glass the moment they can in contact. Their surroundings crumbled like their resolve. It was only them on the roof; staring at a helicopter fly away into the dreadful sunset and out of their reach in silence. Yang’s mouth open in an attempt to scream but was stopped by Weiss grabbing the girls hand. The fiery rage died painfully the moment she turned towards her. Weiss’s other hand was clinging to Jaune’s as the man dropped to the ground shaking in uncontrollably. The aura around him dying down to a complete stop; revealing tears running down his face.
Only one person should be screaming but he didn’t. He just watched. Yang’s red eyes turned back to normal and bent down towards Jaune with Weiss. The two women put their arms around him and held tightly. Finally he broke the silence; Wailing and screaming at the world for doing this to him. To Ruby. All while Weiss and Yang sunk into the shared sorrow. Tears staining Jaune’s shirt, but they never screamed. Only one person should be screaming right now. The man who just lost his son.
Part 7
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The Most Hideous Creatures Known to Man, part 1 (A three-hour tour)
Stan continues to find his calling.  Unfortunately, not everyone agrees with his methods...
Part 5 of the Flipside AU.
It was only a matter of time before Stan’s clientele in the forest (he’d set up in a glen near C-beth’s place as his unofficial barber shop) began expressing curiosity about the human world.
For all the myths and legends about the amount of time they were supposed to spend kidnapping children, seducing adults, casting spells on farmers’ crops and so on, the creatures in Gravity Falls had surprisingly little direct interaction with humans.  Even the gnomes were mostly limited to stealing food from their cupboards or window sills while they were sleeping, except when they were trying to find an offering for their queen (both of the Pineses had made it adequately clear to the little group they found sneaking into their Ford’s house one night that they were not available, thank you anyway).
Stan wasn’t sure if this ignorance was the case for anomalies all over the world or just the ones in this tiny part of it.  But as he cut their hair, cleaned and polished their scales and massaged their shoulders, they began peppering him with questions about what it was like for human people.
“How do you get anywhere without wings?”
“What’s it like not having gills?”
“Where do the magic lights in your houses come from?  Do you have a wizard who controls all of them? You have a lot of them, so he must be ever so powerful.”
“What is the significance of those strange boxes humans hold up to their ears sometimes?  They can stand and talk to them for hours-are they some kind of listening insects, since they have those long antennae attaching them to the bigger boxes?”
He answered their questions as best he could, making educated guesses (or maybe kind-of-sort-of flat-out lying) if he didn’t know the answers...but after a while he realized that it didn’t seem to matter what he told them, as long as he made it sound exciting.  The creatures ate it all up in delight, amazed at the way humans seemed to use this strange kind of magic called SCIENCE to make things happen.
And just like with the idea for how to get unicorn hair for his brother, an idea began to spark in Stan’s brain.
“So, let me get this straight,” Stan said one afternoon as he finished putting curlers in a beard cub’s fur, “None of you have actually seen a human up close besides me?”
“And that brother of yours,” C-beth whinnied, looking up from her copy of Whinny, Pray, Trot.  “And the occasional visitor to my glen, or hikers, or-”
“No no no, I mean, you’ve never seen humans in their natural habitat.”
The little group-unicorns, fairies, beard cubs, even a mermaid sitting in the nearby pool-all looked at him in sudden interest.
Stan grinned.  “What would you say if I offered to give you guys a guided tour?”
Of course, not all the creatures could afford to pay in gold and jewels, like the unicorns.  Those who couldn’t had to pay in other things, like samples: skin samples, hair samples, feather samples, tooth samples, any kind of samples they could spare.  Stan would bring them home for Ford to study, and he’d get dizzy with excitement over how he’d “been wanting to study this thing for ages, thank you Stanley!” and immediately run off to his lab to put it under a microscope or whatever.  It gave Stan a warm feeling in his gut, knowing that he’d given a valuable contribution to his brother’s research, and in the meantime he could use the treasure the unicorns gave him to handle other expenses, like the mortgage and groceries and stuff.
If it wasn’t samples, it was things like mushrooms, which he could then give to the gnomes in exchange for favors, or enchanted items, or whatever else could be used to set up an elaborate and profitable barter system.
It was like nothing Stan had ever imagined for himself, but somehow it all worked like a charm.  And now here was a perfect chance to make an addition to it.
If I tell Ford about this, he’s either gonna love it or hate it.
For the moment, Stan decided to keep it a secret from his brother.  At least until he got all the details worked out and stuff.
This required him first finding a map of Gravity Falls, and marking out places that seemed like the best “attractions.”  Then he had to think about how he was actually going to conduct these tours a) without any humans noticing, and b) without letting the group of nosy anomalies wander off and get into trouble, or (in some cases) cause trouble.
It took him the better part of a day to come up with a plan, which turned out to partially involve the, ahem, liberation of a very large golf cart from a nearby Santa’s Village, and a pound of jerky for the manotaurs in exchange for them tracking down the invisible wizard and bringing him to Stan so he could strike a deal with him.  To his major disappointment the wizard refused to give up the potion that turned him invisible, but he did lend Stan something that was in some ways even better: a few bottles of what he called “un-notice powder.” I hope I don’t need to explain its purpose.
Once he had these and a few other things thrown together, he was ready to take the first group on a wild tour of...the Human World!
“And on your left, you’ll see ‘Greasy’s Diner,’ home of the perpetually broken spinning pie trolley!”
“Oooohhhh!”  The various anomalies leaned so far to the side of the cart that Stan was worried they were going to tip them all over, staring goggle-eyed at the restaurant.  To prevent this, Stan hurriedly put the cart in park, and then, remembering what the gnomes were like, he slipped the keys into his jeans pocket.
“Twenty-I mean, two hundred gold pieces or the equivalent in samples to come in and get your picture taken with it!” he proclaimed, rushing over to the door and pushing it open.  He promptly had to jump out of the way to avoid being stampeded by the eager crowd.
Inside the diner, the guests looked up in bewilderment at the door, which appeared to have been pushed open by a sudden freak wind.  Susan Wentworth, the head waitress who worked there (and who was kinda cute, Stan had to admit), rushed over to close it, and Stan barely moved out of her way in time.
The tour group (ten gnomes, thirteen fairies of various sizes and colors, a Moth Man, the invisible wizard-who’d insisted on coming at a reduced price as recompense for his being manhandled and bullied so rudely, and Stan had decided not to argue with a man who could turn him into a frog if he got mad enough-a manotaur, and the mermaid, who the manotaur was carrying in a portable cooler filled with water) stared agape at the inside of the room, before hurrying over and taking turns being photographed in front of the pie trolley.  They also had fun prodding at the humans, swiping bites of food from their plates, and taking pictures of them pretending to squeeze their heads or whatever.
Stan watched the chaos with a smile, and took the opportunity to eat some blueberries off the top of a plate of pancakes belonging to that dumb Gleeful kid.
Their next stops were the town hall, the cemetery (where a few Category 2 ghosts tried to sneak on without paying, but were scared off by the silver mirrors Stan had strategically placed on the cart), the library, and the high school, before finally they stopped in front of an electronics store.
“Behold!”  Stan leaped out onto the sidewalk, arms spread wide.  The dramatic gesture was nearly ruined by a few teenagers who nearly walked right into him (because of course, they didn’t notice him), but he managed to dodge out of their path just in time.  “Ladies and gentlemen-I guess that includes most of you-”
The tour group laughed.
“-For today’s final attraction, I give you the most horrifying, dangerous, yet incredibly enticing invention of mankind yet: the Idiot Box!”  He gestured at the display of televisions in the front window, which were plugged in to different channels about news, sports, movies, and so on.
The anomalies gasped, staring at the images darting across the screens in transfixed amazement.  He could practically see their eyes turning into hypnotized spirals like in the movies.
“These fiendish devices control the minds of millions every day, encouraging them to buy things they don’t need, eat foods that aren’t good for them, and become emotionally invested in the lives of fictional characters who they are never gonna meet in real life!”  Stan had no idea where most of his words were coming from, but he was on a roll now, and there was no stopping him. “And all it takes is a little bit of electricity and a good channel-”
Stan blinked, startled out of his spiel by the manotaur’s roar.
The beast abruptly hurled himself out of the cart and charged-right.  Through. The window. He smashed several of the televisions in his excitement, but he managed to snatch one up intact, ripping the plug out of the socket and hoisting it over his head triumphantly.
Not even un-notice powder was enough to prevent the people inside the store from noticing the wanton destruction.
Time to go.
Fortunately, Stan managed to herd everyone (several of the other creatures had rushed into the store to snatch devices for themselves in all the excitement) back into the cart and take off before the cops showed up.  Even better, the un-notice powder didn’t completely wear off until they were back in the forest, so even if the townsfolk noticed them fleeing the scene, it wouldn’t have been anything too distinct. Probably.
Stan gladly accepted a few extra tips from the happy group as they left the carts, hurrying off into the forest and chattering excitedly to each other about all the things they’d seen.
“See ya later, everyone!  Tell your friends! And remember, we put the ‘fun’ in ‘no refunds!’”
Huh; I like the sound of that.  Gonna haveta remember it for next time.
Grinning to himself, Stan finished putting everything in the large treasure chest he’d brought to collect everyone’s payments, locked it, and then drove back towards home, feeling that on the whole this had been a pretty good day.
It was just his luck, however, that Ford would be standing in the driveway as he came up, hands on his hips and wearing his “there had better be an amazing explanation for this” expression.
The cart came to a slow stop, and Stan gave his brother a weak smile.
“...Hey, Sixer.  I got you more samples.”
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seven-oomen · 4 years
First, I hope you’re enjoying your game.  One of my friends posted about how she’d just gotten her copy of it, and her husband’s response was basically “so, I’ll just bring you food occasionally and see you in a few days?"  Also, I hope you’re feeling better.  And man you are KILLING ME with these previews.  Oh god, Peter, what are you planning now?  How bad is this gonna hurt and for how long?  (Don’t answer that, I’m afraid to know. XD )
I think all those Hogwarts Houses are excellent choices.  I always think it’s fun to see how people sort various characters, because I rarely have any that I feel are firmly one House (maybe it’s because I’m a proud HuffleClaw, myself, doomed to waffle between Houses every time I take a quiz or read an analysis on the subject.)  Side not - can you imagine the furor that would have occurred about a Slytherin and a Gryffindor hooking up in Fourth Year (I think?), and then pulling an innocent little Hufflepuff transfer under their spell?  Would any of them have played Quidditch?  (Peter I feel definitely played, though I can’t decide what position.  Undecided on the other two.)
Poor Peter, having to behave himself.  Although debatably as long as he kept the fangs put away it wouldn’t necessarily be a risk, though I can see him being worried anyway.  That’s why he needs to find someone to spin his fur into yarn he can then make them scarves/gloves/sweaters/etc with.  And why he’s so into the clothes sharing.  Anything to get his scent on them as thoroughly as possible.
And I am so here for PTA Dad Peter.  Helping out at school functions so he can keep an eye on the younger kids.  Building new, supportive relationships with his older kids, helping them with college applications and essays, making up lists of stuff they’ll need for dorm rooms, finding apartments if any are going to the same or nearby schools and can share, making sure they all have pictures and mementos to help combat homesickness.  And now I’m thinking about the memory quilt again.  Goddammit I don’t want to make myself cry.  Again.  "Imagine Peter hearing their heartbeats for the first time."  Oh nevermind, I see you’ll do it for me.  Ugh, my feels.  Peter shifting to his wolf form and curling protectively around them all the time, head pressed up to their abdomen so that he can listen and scent at maximum effectiveness.  Them just gently stroking through his fur until one or both fall asleep.  (Also, how quickly do the other wolves in the family pick up on the changes in scent?  How do they react?  How do the older kids react to the idea of more siblings in general?)
And you know that whichever one wasn’t the one pregnant at the time would be super protective at the time, then turn around and insist they were fine and that the others were worrying unnecessarily when they were the one pregnant.  (Also, glad your brother was okay!)  I also like that it apparently took them nearly 20 years to learn about planning for this sort of thing.  I know you’ve mentioned Peter and Chris being the ones that do the stupid thing next chapter (or something to that effect), but really I feel the biggest moment of "what the hell, guys?” is Noah getting knocked up just two months after Chris.  It’s like, you guys had a huge, in your face, live example of why protection is important, and yet…  I’m also just going to assume that they have at least a king size bed to accommodate that many people, even if many of them are tiny people, and none of them mind piling.  That’s still a lot of bodies cramming into one bed.  (That much room would also come in very handy for…other reasons, which is why I feel certain Peter would insist upon it.) 
Also, omg, I was not expecting to be attacked by those pictures like that.  Tag your porn, dude XD .  But really, can you imagine the poor, unsuspecting college friends their kids bring home for visits getting a triple barrel of that with no warning?  Like they’ve just seen the goofy, weird pics that they have on their phone/on their walls.  They were not prepared for the sheer DILF power of that household live and in person.  But then, is anyone, really?
Loving all the names.  I actually know a guy named John who has a son named Jackson, so that one was particularly amusing to me.  I also noticed that none of the kids have been named after anyone in Noah’s family, at least so far.  And don’t worry, I wasn’t expecting to have those spoiled yet, though I’m happy to know you liked some of my suggestions :D .  Now if I could just remember which all ones I went with…  Didn’t really think to put it in anywhere, but for some reason I’ve always liked Alexander as a middle name for Peter, though I remain undecided on the other two.
And yes, loving the idea of more family cosplay.  Oh god, they would never get ANYWHERE at a con because they’d be getting stopped every 3 feet for pictures.  For Star Trek, I feel like they’d do groupings from assorted series and versions.  Chris, Peter, and Noah are totally OS Spock, Kirk, and Bones (Peter with strategically torn shirt, of course).  I think Melissa would be their Uhura, and Natalie would be Yeoman Rand (she wants to see if she can fake the hairstyle), because I dare anyone to tell them they can’t pull off dresses that short.  Since he has sword training from his hunter background, Melissa makes Julio be their Sulu.  Boyd, Derek, and Jordan would be Picard, Riker, and Data (Derek would totally figure out how to do that weird way Riker sits down, too.)  After much debate, I feel Stiles would be Kirk from the recent films (NuTrek, or whatever they call it), Jackson would be Spock, and Malia would be Bones.  I think Lydia would make an excellent Uhura for them, as well.  Scott would be Scotty because he can remember to answer to it, and it gives him an excuse to do a TERRIBLE fake accent.  I’m leaning towards Isaac for their Chekov, but beyond that can’t think what to do with everybody else, I’m not familiar enough with the different tv shows.
Marvel we’ve talked about some.  DC I have a few random ideas.  I always thought it would be funny to see Peter, Derek, Jackson, and Liam do the assorted Robins.  While I feel Peter is DEFINITELY more of a Jason personality wise, I think he’d be far more comfortable in Dick’s costume that Derek would be, and if Derek was Jason the heights would line up better.  Jackson would be Tim, and Liam would be Damian (because who else would play DC’s tiny and angry than TW’s tiny and angry?)  Also, don’t overlook the fun and variety of villains DC offers.  The last group costume I did was a cross between Bill & Ted and assorted Bat-villains.  We called it Bruce & Dick’s Excellent Adventure, and even photoshopped a sign to carry to help people get it.  Among our line-up was Cleo-Catra, Ivybeth the First, The Poison Queen, Harley Antoinette, Joker Napoleon, Freud Nygma, and Bane-thoven.  (I really need to do something with the various pieces of my costume someday.)  I know there are several girls in the Bat-fam now, too, depending on who all wants to be a part of it, or if they want to skew more Justice League/Teen Titans/Young Justice.
Oh man, Disney.  So many options.  I feel like Lydia and Allison as Ariel and Prince Eric is a given.  I also like the idea of Kira and Malia as Belle and the Beast, partially because of Malia’s issues about having to hide her nature, and also because I think she could absolutely rock that suit.  Ben could join them as Chip.  (Stiles would actually make an excellent Belle, but I feel that might just get weird.)  I can see Danny helping Erica rig up a Sleeping Beauty dress with strands of LEDs that keep shifting from pink to blue to green so the dress keeps appearing to change color (it’s a massive hit.)  I don’t know why, but I really want Stiles and Jackson as Elsa and Anna for some reason.  Scott can join them as either Kristoff or Olaf, depending on the mood he’s in.  Can’t quite decide for the other pack kids.  Since the theme is nominally just fairy tales, I think the dads could just opt for a classier, fancier version of their Red Riding Hood looks.  Maybe go for a steampunk edge or something (I would have included links here, but Google was not my friend today and I couldn’t find quite what I wanted.)  Rich velvets and wools in vivid scarlet and forest-y greens, black and deep brown leather and suede, lots of polished buttons and buckles, loose cotton shirts unlaced at the throat.  Mmm, yes.  And Peter could have one of those super fancy Victorian type nightgowns with the long sleeves and high necks made out of super soft and fine materials.  Instead of getting some kind of mask to wear, he’d just do his partial/beta/whatever you want to call it shift and let them add extra fur on with makeup to blend it in.  Everyone just thinks it’s amazing effects work.  He does opt for some cute wolf paw slippers since cons tend to get snotty about people going around barefoot.  (Applying and removing the fur is also how they learn his ears are particularly…sensitive…to a delicate touch in that form.)  
Lord of the Rings.  Yes.  Like, I can’t figure out who or any real details right now but.  Just.  Yes.
I feel like some years they enter the costume contest and some they don’t, just depending on their moods.  (They totally take the Jurassic Park group to a con and people adore it.  It makes for great skits.)
Random bonus thought for the day concerns dancing.  I was thinking about the whole drag queen thing, and whether Jungle was around in the 90s, and it sort of segued into what types of dancers they are.  I feel like Peter is a very good dancer.  Not quite competition level, maybe, but very skilled, nonetheless.  Like Malia, he’s just very comfortable in himself, in all forms, which helps with spatial and bodily awareness, in addition to his natural grace and balance.  I also feel he’s the most likely to have taken, like, ballroom lessons or similar as a kid, maybe at a parent or grandparent’s insistence.  With Noah I keep thinking about the various videos I’ve seen of Dylan dancing both outside of TW and as Stiles, and I feel his dad would have a very similar style of awkward disaster from the chest up, undulations worthy of a harem girl from the waist down (those Stilinski boys tend to leave a lot of confused boners in their wake.)  In Noah’s case, settling into his frame after that last growth spurt and learning self-defense/martial arts helped smooth most of the awkward out, but it resurfaces every so often.  Chris I think would be the least likely to dance, just because I feel his background would make him very self-conscious about it, whether he wants to feel that way or not.  He’ll dance if it’s just the three of them or just family, or for a slow dance, but that’s normally it.  However, if he’s drunk enough, or if Noah or Peter have dragged him into a dark corner to makeout for a while and gotten him all distracted and relaxed, he can be pursued out onto the floor to show off some actually pretty sweet moves once he lets go.
Anyway, gonna try and wrap this up, because I just realized it’s way later than I realized, and I should try and get some sleep at some point.  Enjoy your game, I hope it’s epic!
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When this little paragraph made me realize I had a gaping plot hole in this chapter and I got to go back to fix it. My god my friend, you are a lifesaver!
I also like that it apparently took them nearly 20 years to learn about planning for this sort of thing.  I know you’ve mentioned Peter and Chris being the ones that do the stupid thing next chapter (or something to that effect), but really I feel the biggest moment of "what the hell, guys?” is Noah getting knocked up just two months after Chris.  It’s like, you guys had a huge, in your face, live example of why protection is important, and yet…
Because oh yeah I wanted to make it canon that wolves can detect a heartbeat of the embryo at 4-5 weeks. Which is about a week after the heart starts beating. And oh yeah, Chris is two months along by the time Noah gets pregnant... shit. I wrote something else in that flashback.
And now I got to fix that, so cheers!
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I also finished writing my chapter today! Yay! All glorious 13K of it. And I’ll be editing and posting tomorrow (or technically later today as it is past midnight.) Oh, I’m so excited, I’m so excited to see what you think!
As for the game, my god it is awesome!!! I played a few hours today but my heart raced so much I had to pause after two hours because I was getting dizzy because of my heart. But it’s a great game so far, very accessible and it just draws me in completely. It’s so good.
Definitely what I needed after my day at work.
hehehe I’m happy to see my previews and writing and getting emotions, it sounds so bad, but that makes me smile because it’s getting the desired response and that’s awesome. 
“Cue Lego Movie music”
can you imagine the furor that would have occurred about a Slytherin and a Gryffindor hooking up in Fourth Year (I think?), and then pulling an innocent little Hufflepuff transfer under their spell?  Would any of them have played Quidditch?  (Peter I feel definitely played, though I can’t decide what position.  Undecided on the other two.)
I think Peter would’ve been a chaser or beater, somehow those seem to fit him well. Noah played but he was a keeper. (which would be funny if Peter was a chaser since they would get to battle lover’s disputes on the quidditch pitch) Chris I feel wouldn’t play quidditch, he’s too busy trying to keep track of his studies and really just likes to watch the sport but not participate. I think he’d be more into care of magical creatures and defends against the dark arts than any kind of sport. Though he does join and excel at the dueling club.
And the scandal of Peter and Noah dating from fourth year on would be massive, people can barely wrap their heads around it. But they’re happy and they’re just doing their own thing. And they don’t pay attention to anyone else but what they think and what Chris thinks of them.
Peter shifting to his wolf form and curling protectively around them all the time, head pressed up to their abdomen so that he can listen and scent at maximum effectiveness.  Them just gently stroking through his fur until one or both fall asleep.  (Also, how quickly do the other wolves in the family pick up on the changes in scent?  How do they react?  How do the older kids react to the idea of more siblings in general?)
<3 <3 it’s honestly an adorable image. The twins are very active when dad’s curled up around them, knowing just where to kick so Peter’s wakes up by a foot to the face. Though he doesn’t mind and just nudges back gently, letting out a low grumbling noise or whine that he knows the babies can hear in utero. As for how quickly, it depends on whether or not they smelled it before. Jackson, Ben, or Scott wouldn’t pick up on it. They weren’t wolves around pregnancies before. Malia and Derek catch on quickly though. They start noticing the scent change at around 5-6 weeks and hear the little heartbeats of the new family members.
Malia is moderately excited, she’s a little worried about her dad and how he will handle pregnancy at his age. (Although he’s like 35 when he gets pregnant, that counts as a geriatric pregnancy, dad... I’m worried.)
Stiles just flips between the two of extreme worry where he read up on pre-eclampsia and other pregnancy complications and birth complications and omg what if that happens. But he’s also so so excited because omg he’s finally gonna be an older brother!!
(He knows he’s Ben’s older brother, and he adores the tyke, but it’s different when you have a pregnancy close instead of a five-year-old sibling from one day to another.)
Jackson is pouty and a bit grumpy. He feels like he’s losing baby status in the family more and more and he doesn’t know how to deal. (Ben was a bit difficult to get used to for him but Chris handled it well by setting time aside for his baby Jackson. It helped. But now he’s a teen and there’s going to be two more babies and he’s- he doesn’t know how to feel. When Chris breaks the news he wants to have another baby he’s even more torn but he does come around, deciding that he will always be the baby of the family, even when he’s not.
It’s a good compromise. And the three parents set some time for each of their kids so everyone gets attention.
Allison handles it the best out of the teens, she’s very excited for all of them and immediately to volunteers helping with decorating the new nursery. She paints a few awesome looking murals of Winnie the Pooh or Bambi or some other cutesy Disney animals (Or maybe even a space/star wars or a fairy tale ala Fables theme?) and just goes all out. She also convinces Malia to quilt a blanket for the new baby and helps her knit a few cute hats. She’s just extremely excited and happy.
Ben is very happy too, he’s finally not the youngest anymore and he’s happy to be an older brother. He also finds it fascinating to learn how pregnancy works and how those babies got in there in the first place. They let him tell them how it works and explain some basic details, sperm, egg, you need both to have a baby and the baby grows in pops and papa’s belly. But they leave out any details that Ben doesn’t figure out or doesn’t ask about to keep it more age-appropriate for him. 
Though Ben’s smart and he figures out a lot on his own. Noah and Peter are honestly impressed by Ben’s deductive skills. They knew Jackson and Stiles had them, but they hadn’t expected Ben to show them too. He’s a quiet observer.
They were not prepared for the sheer DILF power of that household live and in person.  But then, is anyone, really?
Honestly, I don’t think anyone is. Nobody can resist the sheer DILF power.
Since the theme is nominally just fairy tales, I think the dads could just opt for a classier, fancier version of their Red Riding Hood looks.  Maybe go for a steampunk edge or something (I would have included links here, but Google was not my friend today and I couldn’t find quite what I wanted.)  Rich velvets and wools in vivid scarlet and forest-y greens, black and deep brown leather and suede, lots of polished buttons and buckles, loose cotton shirts unlaced at the throat.  Mmm, yes.  And Peter could have one of those super fancy Victorian type nightgowns with the long sleeves and high necks made out of super soft and fine materials.  Instead of getting some kind of mask to wear, he’d just do his partial/beta/whatever you want to call it shift and let them add extra fur on with makeup to blend it in.  Everyone just thinks it’s amazing effects work.  He does opt for some cute wolf paw slippers since cons tend to get snotty about people going around barefoot.  (Applying and removing the fur is also how they learn his ears are particularly…sensitive…to a delicate touch in that form.)  
I- this whole thing? yes. Headcanon accepted because it is that good. I can literally just see them going in steampunk hunter, red riding hood and the wolf. thank you for putting that image in my mind XD
I feel like Peter is a very good dancer.  Not quite competition level, maybe, but very skilled, nonetheless.  Like Malia, he’s just very comfortable in himself, in all forms, which helps with spatial and bodily awareness, in addition to his natural grace and balance.  I also feel he’s the most likely to have taken, like, ballroom lessons or similar as a kid, maybe at a parent or grandparent’s insistence.  With Noah I keep thinking about the various videos I’ve seen of Dylan dancing both outside of TW and as Stiles, and I feel his dad would have a very similar style of awkward disaster from the chest up, undulations worthy of a harem girl from the waist down (those Stilinski boys tend to leave a lot of confused boners in their wake.)  In Noah’s case, settling into his frame after that last growth spurt and learning self-defense/martial arts helped smooth most of the awkward out, but it resurfaces every so often.  Chris I think would be the least likely to dance, just because I feel his background would make him very self-conscious about it, whether he wants to feel that way or not.  He’ll dance if it’s just the three of them or just family, or for a slow dance, but that’s normally it.  However, if he’s drunk enough, or if Noah or Peter have dragged him into a dark corner to makeout for a while and gotten him all distracted and relaxed, he can be pursued out onto the floor to show off some actually pretty sweet moves once he lets go.
Malia definitely inherited Peter’s dancing skills, I like to think Jackson did as well. Those three are the best dancers in the family. They just move with natural ease. 
Allison is a decent dancer, her gymnastics training really helps but she’s not as fluent as her brother, sister, or dad.
I feel like Noah and Stiles have awkward flailing down to a T but every once in awhile there’s a hip movement worthy of a fucking professional dancer and it’s very confusing. But yeah, totally agree with that assessment of them.
Chris isn’t much of a dancer and neither is Ben. Both of them are very self-conscious. Chris gets better when he’s drunk because he let’s go of insecurity but even then it’s not great. He just doesn’t dance, it’s not his thing. Although he was a very good grinding and hip rotation move. He’s also pretty good at jump style once he lets himself go and just turns his mind off. but the rhythmic jumping just feels natural to him. He also likes to slow dance since he can just bury his face in Noah’s shoulder or nuzzle Peter’s cheek and just forget about everything else.
Also, I like to think they all love to sing. Chris’s voice is best suited for country I feel like. Noah’s more for singer-songwriter. And Peter just loves singing pop songs and he knows how to hit some high notes. 
And now I am going to bed because It’s almost three am XD And I need some sleeps. Thankfully I have the day off this sunday.
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rwbyremnants · 5 years
WARNINGS: Cute fluff and wedding bells. [also note, this was written several years ago, hence the "legality" remark about weddings in Hawaii]
And thanks to everybody who read this one! I know this account is mostly all about the girls and understand those who skipped it for that reason (I probably would have if I weren't writing it lol). So I'm even happier about those who kept with it. There'll be more gay in the future! Until then, thanks and have a good 2020!!!
=Chapter 11
Having ran several red lights themselves, Winter and Qrow did indeed made it to the hospital in time. To avoid suspicion, Qrow waited outside the room for a few minutes before also bursting through, where they met with the rest of the family. There were a few jokes made about Weiss taking the easy route by getting a C-section, but they had successfully brought a baby girl into the world, whom they named Fènleng. Mother and baby were just fine and dandy.
Not even a full day later, they received another phone call from Yang, still at the hospital with Weiss, announcing that they were formally engaged. Although the fact it happened was no shock, it was hearing that Weiss had asked and dropped to sleep before she even heard Yang say yes properly the first time that was worth retelling many, many times.
In the six months that followed, Qrow had moved into Winter's apartment. They set up the spare room as his own, except this time he managed to keep it a whole lot tidier and presentable should anyone come over. There was the odd argument when Winter would come home from work and find him passed out on the sofa for the first few weeks, but overall, it was working in both of their favours. Winter was a lot more relaxed with him around, and Qrow had the motivation to straighten himself out. He managed to cut down drinking significantly, and even land a small job at a bar for himself.
Their activities certainly never lessened either. A few nights each week, the two would enjoy their sessions in Winter's room, without fear of any more noise complaints or ever getting caught. Although mostly dominant, Qrow wasn't afraid to sometimes take the backseat and sub every now and again, something Winter thoroughly enjoyed when it happened. In addition, there was still the odd visit to the club, but more for sightseeing than participation. Maybe their routine was odd, but it was theirs, and brought something into their lives they had both been missing until now.
Finally, the day of the wedding had arrived. Or it might as well have been considered a week. For the sake of legality, and the picturesque backdrop, the wedding took place in Hawaii. Only close family and friends were in attendance, and there weren’t any photographers or media representatives in sight. Just how they wanted it to be. The ceremony went without a hitch, apart from a very emotional Ruby and Taiyang, and it was onwards to the reception and party.
The entire time, Qrow had distanced himself from Winter to avoid suspicion, even though nobody seemed to notice they had been in the same hut each night. But that was about to change as he found himself in the grip of the younger Schnee sister, who was pulling him along against his will.
"I dunno why you're bothering, most girls give me the brush off the instant they meet me. I'm sure this one'll be no different."
"Because we can never seem to get you two in the same place!" Weiss told him, in good spirits but completely adamant. She didn't have a clue how ridiculous her statements were. "Winter keeps saying she thinks you're a figment of our imagination, since she doesn't even remember seeing you at the hospital!"
"Exactly! I'm that forgettable, so what’s the use?"
But trying to stop her was no use, either. He could already see Winter at the other side the room, where they were headed. Yang had distracted Winter with the six month old baby in her arms, disguising her intentions as talking about her when really it was to keep her in one place. When she looked up to see Weiss and Qrow only a short distance away, she grinned. "Hey! I was just telling Winter how she can take the kid now and then if she wants."
"Of course you were," Weiss replied as they walked up. "But not for a few months; I want to get to know my little angel before I let her out of my sight for one minute." Then she leaned over the baby and cooed softly, "Yes I do, yes I doooo!"
Little Fènleng was giggling away at her other mother, reaching her tiny hand upward to bat her nose. They had dressed her in her own little white dress, with a flower crown to match. Not that she kept it on during the ceremony, and was only just keeping it on her head now. But it was complimented by everyone.
Qrow however rolled his eyes at Weiss's words. "One weekend won't hurt ya, surely? You've had her six months, what more do you need to know? Still poops."
Frowning up at him, she hissed, "She's my firstborn daughter, you ape! I want to cherish my time with her!" Then she turned back to Winter. "By the way, I don't believe you two have been properly introduced."
"I don't believe we ever have," Winter chuckled with a very vague smile. "I've seen him around here or there before."
"You're… Weiss's sister, right?" He managed to smile to himself. It was strange to have to re-enact first meetings when the two had been sleeping together for over a year. But he had to try his best. Holding a hand out toward her, he smiled. "Pleasure to meet you."
"And you, sir," she responded, shaking his firmly. "You're Qrow, right? Yang favours you a bit."
"Huh, never knew that. I always figured she was better off not looking like some jerk."
"Hey, just because you’re a jerk doesn’t mean you’re ugly." Yang smirked at him before looking over to Winter again. "He used to be a full time alcoholic, but now he serves the stuff instead! Funny how the world works, huh?"
The elder Schnee sister's lips were pulled into a wide smile as she leaned back to look him in the eyes. "Certainly is funny, I agree. Very, very funny."
"Yeah I got kicked out my old apartment, sorta gave me the motivation to set myself straight." Then however, he began to smirk, folding his arms confidently. "Roommate's kind of a bitch, but she ain't too bad."
One corner of Winter's eye twitched slightly, but otherwise she maintained her composure. "Really? You have a female roommate? And she doesn't mind living with a hairy man-beast?"
"Wow," Weiss snorted, glancing between them. "That's… pretty rude, even for you, Winter."
Qrow simply laughed at the comment, waving his hand to show Weiss he was unharmed by such insults. "Nah, I think she's a fan, actually! I noticed her checking this hairy man-beast body out quite a few times."
Yang couldn't help but shudder at that mental image. "Please don't talk about your hairy body while I'm in earshot, I don't wanna imagine some old guy pushin' fifty in the nude, let alone my own uncle."
Unable to help herself, Winter glanced across the flower-draped outdoor deck, spotting Ruby talking to Yang and Weiss's fellow recording artist, Neon. "Indeed, I'm sure that's a terrible thing to picture." Then she turned back to Qrow. "Not you specifically, but one's own uncle."
The situation was just too funny to Qrow. Yang and Weiss were so blissfully unaware they were winding one another up in front of them. In fact, to test the waters further he casually leant against the table to half close his eyes, sparing a quick wink. "So you admit I'm not so bad, huh?"
"Oh brother…" Yang rolled her eyes. She handed baby Fènleng over to Weiss, asking her, "Do you really think this is a good idea? My uncle and your sister? Looks more like a match made in Hell to me."
"Not to mention I don't want to see my sister flirted at," Weiss added with a little gag as she bounced the baby against her sarong-clad hip. "But he's your uncle."
"It was your idea to introduce them because you wanted Winter to get some!" Yang reaffirmed. Though when the music was starting to change its tone, Yang quickly took her phone from her shorts pocket to check the time. "Shoot… First dance is soon and I don't think Dad or your dad are back from the bar yet… Unless we wanted to dance with Fenny in the middle?"
"Call your sister over," Weiss suggested easily enough, stroking the tiny cheek of her daughter. "You know she's fantastic with her now that she has gotten past her initial baby anxiety."
"Why can't I hold her while you dance?" Winter pouted, folding her arms. "Unless you really are determined to keep her out of my care for a few more months."
That only earned her an eyeroll from her younger sibling. Yang could only shrug her shoulders, looking back at little Fènleng and her wife again. "Y'know, she does have a point, and she is right there."
Rolling her eyes, Weiss let out a very long and put-upon sigh before handing the little bundle off to her sister. "Alright, just don't forget to support her neck. And let me know if she wants milkies; I can cut short a dance to feed my child. And if she-"
"Go," Winter half-laughed at her. "Enjoy your day. You and Yang have earned this."
"Well… alright." Smiling widely, she reached a hand out for her new wife. "May I have this dance?"
"Hmm… Well…" Yang hesitated, wearing a deliberate smirk to show she was joking around, before she took her hand in hers. "Try and fucking stop me."
Qrow claimed Yang's seat once the two left for the dance floor, watching as they wrapped their arms around one another. When their slow dancing began, he finally looked back around to Winter and the small bundle, pushing his chair closer to them.
"Gotta admit, she's a cute one."
"She's a little angel." Of course, right then Fènleng reached up and tugged on a handful of Winter's hair, prompting her to wince and reach up to gently tug her little fist away. "Ah, ah! Don't pull Auntie's hair!"
"Oh come on, you've had way more than that pulled before," he teased, helping her however he could by holding one of his fingers out for Fènleng to hold instead. The sight of such a tiny hand holding his index digit was enough to bring a smile out of the tough outer shell of Qrow easily. Wriggling it back and forth playfully, he sighed. "I remember when Yin- Yang was this big. Lil' bundle was way more of a handful though."
"Hmm, yes, I'm sure you remember a lot of other things, as well. The fall of the Berlin Wall, the invention of sliced bread…"
For a moment, he simply glared at her, before smirking. "Yet you still sleep with a dinosaur, what does that make you? A cavewoman?"
"An equal-opportunity sub." Luckily, no one was remotely close enough to hear her say that… or so she thought.
"You and Sun both," Blake muttered as she walked past them toward the pit-roasted hog for seconds.
That made Qrow perk right up however. Even the distraction of a small baby wasn't enough to make him ignore that comment. Looking right up toward her again, he spared her a small smile. "Well well, got him in the doghouse again, huh? Bet you let him out when you wanna play with his bone."
"He's my bitch," Blake chuckled as she sank into the chair opposite them. "So 'play' is whenever I want. But… okay, now and then, I do want him on top for a change of pace."
"Kinky," Winter said sarcastically, though she was smiling.
"So you're still a power bottom when you’re a bottom, that's what you're saying here." Qrow took a quick glance across the room. The couple were still distracted dancing, and everyone else was watching or recording. They were safe. "I've tried doing that a couple of times, but I think I’m still good with staying on top. Mostly."
That brought Blake up fast. "You have? Wow. I… didn't expect that from a 'macho' guy like you."
"Well I took some persuading, but with the right Dom…" He had to make that part clear. The two had been getting closer over the past few months, and anyone who knew of their arrangement noticed. It was more or less everything but the name. He braced for the chiding… but it never came.
"Good for you," Blake told him with an easy smile. Not condescending or smug at all, just glad he had discovered this facet of himself.
"Good for both of us," Winter corrected, taking a sip of the Mai Thai at the table, her other arm firmly wrapped around the small babe on her lap. "Trust me."
"I gotta admit, I didn't see the appeal of why monkey-boy likes being taken up there, but then when I took your advice and tried it…" He more or less allowed that sentence to finish itself. But before Blake could ask for details, he was looking around the room. "Where is Monkey Boy anyways? Surprised you two ain't tied the knot yet."
"What?!" Blake burst out without thinking, then cleared her throat. "Um… I mean, we're not really interested in that kind of arrangement. We're practically already married, aren't we?"
But Winter was squinting at Blake pretty shrewdly. "Then why not actually go through with the paperwork? It would probably make things a little easier on you financially."
"Don't rush us. Maybe in a couple years, after I feel a little more settled in Nashville."
"Blake Wukong has a nice ring to it… Unless you wanna go for against tradition and he’d be 'Sun Belladonna' or something," Qrow teased, leaning back in toward the small baby yet again, wiggling his finger to distract her once more. "Who knows? Maybe you can both have a lil playmate for Fènleng here."
"Maybe," Blake laughed. "But if we do, Sun's going to be the stay-at-home dad; I've known for a while that's not my life. But I could see a little girl or boy running around my house in the far future."
"I'll leave that to you and Weiss," Winter put in as she bounced the child on her knee. "I'm content to be Auntie."
Lowering her glass, Blake raised an eyebrow at the other woman. "Really? You don't hear your biological clock ticking?"
"Absolutely not. I had it removed." When they both blinked at her, she glanced between them and said, "What? A tubal ligation is an outpatient procedure. And with my… hobbies, it seemed a lot wiser than crossing my fingers and hoping a condom never breaks, or that I never forget to pop my birth control."
"You could have just asked me to get a vasectomy," Qrow told her, still wriggling his finger to distract the completely oblivious bundle of joy. "Wouldn't have minded, y'know, cause I know I don't want any kids of my own either."
"Well you're old enough to be a grandpa, aren't you?" Sun asked, finally having arrived with a drink of his own, pulling over a chair to join the four of them. Immediately however he seemed more distracted by Fènleng then anything. "And no child can be as perfect as you! No they can't, no they can't!"
"Just because I never told you doesn't mean I didn't do it, Qrow. Years and years ago. So you see, though I firmly believe in vasectomies, and you might want to do that if you intend to take on more subs than just myself, there wasn't much impetus for me to ask you to get one, right?"
"Oh… Did I come at a bad time?" Sun leant toward Blake to whisper, keeping silent other than that as he took a sip of his drink.
But Qrow only put his hand up, shrugging his shoulders. "Alright alright, I didn't know y' had that. I was just saying, I wouldn't mind doing that if you didn’t wanna is all."
"That's good to hear," Winter told him more earnestly, so he would know she wasn't irritated at him for asking. "Did you want to give any other subs a whirl? Maybe even Blake, there?"
"Whoa, whoa," Blake laughed, holding up both hands. "Let's not cross the streams. Did you forget I'm Yang's ex?"
"Yeah, that wouldn't work out. No offence; you’re damn cute but I’m in the same boat. Too weird."
Although he was distracted when the music began to stop once again. The first dance had ended, and it was time for an event that most of the women were already out of their chairs for. Right away, Sun patted Blake's shoulder. "Hey, get over there! You wanna catch it before Neon snatches it, right?"
With a heavy sigh, Blake told him, "I guess." But she got up and went over there all the same. "You coming, Winter?"
"I have more important things to do," she said, hefting Fènleng. "Besides, what use do I have for a bouquet?"
"In case your fancy man ever decides to make it official?" Qrow had chose the wrong moment to have some of his drink, choking on it for a short moment at Sun's comment. After a few brief coughs, he recovered enough to speak.
"You're kidding, right? I mean it wouldn't be the end of the world but we're not even together together."
"Suit yourself." But once he'd noticed that Blake had gone back to the crowd, he pulled the chair in closer to the couple, leaning in toward them to whisper, "Hey, can I let you two in on something?"
Glancing over her shoulder first, Winter leaned in, making sure to keep the baby balanced and safe. "Go on?"
"Okay, Weiss and Yang know… And Ruby… And Penny… And-"
"Everyone but us, right…" Qrow interrupted, but when he received nothing but a small glare from Winter for doing so, he held a hand out. "Sorry, go on."
"Right, but anyway… I might have persuaded Yang to aim to throw the bouquet in her direction…" Reaching into his pocket for a moment, he pulled out a small box, showing it to them. "And I might just slide over once she catches it…"
Instantly, Winter's eyes lit up and she covered her mouth with her other hand. "No. Oh my God, you're really going to do it. Here and now?"
"In front of everyone?” Qrow asked. “Are you really sure? It's gonna be pretty bad if she doesn't want to."
"That's why I'm positive she'll say yes." Tucking the box back into his pocket again, he made sure to keep watch to make sure he wouldn't miss the moment. Once confident it wasn't going to happen for a little while longer yet, he continued, "I've heard her talking to Yang on the phone before, saying how she's jealous that she got asked before her, even if it was while Weiss was still woozy after the anesthetic; I know she wants to make it official. We've been together longer than these two anyway, it makes no sense to have not even gotten engaged. Right?"
"Suppose that's true," Winter mused as she watched all the ladies making a fuss over Yang and Weiss, celebrating them and their affection for each other. "Well, as long as you don't steal too much of the limelight from my little sister, you certainly have my blessing."
"Actually, the proposing after the bouquet was Weiss's idea. They've been a huge help." But upon seeing that Yang had just collected a bouquet of hibiscus flowers, he stood from his seat, quickly patting himself down. "Shit! Wish me luck!"
"Knock 'er dead, pal," Qrow encouraged, pivoting his chair to get a good view of the show, and also so he could continue to fuss little Fènleng.
Holding the girl up against her shoulder, Winter turned her chair so she could have an easier time watching, as well. Then she muttered, "I hope to God all this isn't giving you any ideas, Rooster."
Qrow could only laugh, leaning further back into his chair and toward her. "You wish. I'm more than happy with the arrangement we have, thanks."
"Everybody ready?!" the blonde yelled from across the room before she turned her back to the crowd. She managed to take a glance as to whereabouts Blake was stood for an idea of where to aim, and no doubt the others in the crowd that knew like Ruby, Penny and even Neon would assist her should she miss. “One, two, THREE!”
With ease, she threw the bouquet over her head and toward the crowd, listening as their lady guests all made a frantic effort to try and catch it. Blake did raise her arms, of course, smiling like most of them were smiling. But she wasn't trying to knock anyone out of the way; just participating. However, anyone who had seen Neon on the beach the day previous would have noticed her exceptional volleyball skills. Glancing over her shoulder, she positioned herself under the bouquet and thrust her hands up and back slightly. The flowers bounced off her flat palms, after which she made an exaggerated, futile grasp at the empty air.
And, as she had obviously desired, the flowers landed in Blake's outstretched arms. The brunette was completely stunned, having thought Neon had it for sure! Looking around, she wasn't sure what to do until she heard Weiss whistling and cheering - and even then, all she did was grin bashfully. Yang had obviously been equally glad of that, pumping her fist in the air to celebrate to herself. They had done their part, it was down to Sun now.
Sun who had dashed over just in time, and managed to crouch onto one knee before she turned around. Once in the position with the box in his hand, he cleared throat to catch her attention. Blake turned fairly slowly, then widened her eyes when she saw him kneeling.
"What the f- Sun, what are you doing?"
"Something I probably should have done a long ass time ago."
When Blake first turned to check Yang and Weiss's reaction, both seemed equally happy at what was occurring, her best friend even offering a quick wink to let her know she was in on the whole action. When she turned back, Sun was holding the box up high.
"I think we did pretty good for a couple of random ass Potterheads, but you're way more magical than any of those seven books can describe. I can't even describe how happy you make me feel, and I'm an idiot for not asking sooner." He opened the box, revealing a silver ring. Fitting to how they first met and their shared interest, the centre piece was a blue gem, with a set of wings surrounding it. Something clearly inspired by the Ravenclaw crest.
"Blake Belladonna, will you marry me?"
Both of Blake's hands were pressed against her mouth now, the flowers having fallen down between her sandaled feet. For a long moment, she didn't respond, only flicked her gaze between the ring and the man holding it aloft.
"Say 'yes', you dolt!" Weiss called out, which earned a round of laughter and applause.
"Well… you heard her," Blake finally breathed as she lowered her hands, grinning and blushing and tearing up. "Yes! Absolutely, yes!"
"It's about TIME!" Yang's exaggerated call earned a few more laughs from the crowd, and an embarrassed one from Sun. He couldn't agree more. Finally rising to his feet again, he took the ring from the box before putting it back in his pocket, and taking one of Blake's hands for her to try it on.
All of the actions were watched by the older couple at the back of the room, who were still sat in their seats with Fènleng. Qrow had clapped and whistled in celebration, but quickly went back to his drink. Before taking another sip, he quickly commented, "Nope, not giving me ideas. You're safe."
"Good," Winter said as she watched Blake turning her hand this way and that, admiring the stone and how it looked on her hand before diving into Sun's arms and peppering him with kisses. "I'm not really interested in all that mushiness."
"Right there with ya. I'm happy our arrangement. You get your own space and I get mine." But as he continued to watch the happy display between them, and as they were hugged by Weiss and Yang right after, he couldn't help but smile contently to himself. As tough as he made himself out to be, he couldn't deny it was touching to watch a couple get their happy ending. Something that he himself had found, albeit in another way.
"Still, the kisses every now and again are pretty alright."
After a long pause, in which Fènleng managed to tug at Winter's hair, she agreed softly, "Every now and again."
Another pause followed for them both. Leaving just enough time for him to assist her with the small child again, once more giving her his index finger to grab a hold of instead of her strands of hair. "Alright, fine. I'm kind of a sap when it comes to you, alright?" he finally admitted, shuffling his chair slightly closer to hers.
"Who said you weren't allowed to be? You're the one boxing yourself in like that." But she was smirking at him. "Anyway, it's not like our lives are 'good' or 'bad'. Just… we are who we are."
"Horny idiots who don’t mind a good spanking?" he asked, wriggling his finger still to keep Fènleng distracted. However when he began to notice her little eyes dropping shut, he smiled up at his roomie, giving a little nod. "I'm more than happy with that, if you are."
"I am. It's… nice to have someone to share the lonely hours with. For safety and companionship." Glancing down at the little girl's sleepy face, she whispered, "As long as you never ask me to pop out one of these, I think we're right as rain."
Qrow was glad that the rest of the party guests were distracted by the newlyweds and the newly engaged. It meant that he had no fear when he quickly leant in to leave a brief kiss on Winter's cheek, drawing back and smiling. "We'll stick to nieces and nephews to spoil, I guess."
"Or spoil me," she whispered throatily, glad the child was too young to understand what they were saying. Her cheeks might have been a little warmer thanks to the peck. "Too bad Weiss and Yang didn't know Glynda, or she could assist you in that matter."
Smirking back at the comment, he leant in toward her, whispering just as teasingly, "You got a thing for calling me a little girl, got a thing for Glynda. If I didn't know any better I'd say you're more than ‘a little gay’."
"We've been over this, you perv. We're both a little bit gay, in all honesty. But I won't tell if you won't."
"Can't argue with that." Yet again, he managed to plant another small kiss on her cheek, before whispering, "Maybe if we leave a little earlier, we can arrange a little scene with Snowmane again, huh?"
Raising her tropical drink to her lips again, she watched as a native hula dance was struck up for the guests' viewing pleasure as she mulled that topic over, weighing the pros and cons of cutting out of their Hawaiian holiday early. After a minute or two, she finally formed a reply.
"Maybe I could book Glynda a flight down here. Then the Princess and the Rooster won't have to leave the party early. How do you feel about that?"
All satisfied smiles, Qrow leaned over, his black tie brushing her leg as he whispered, "I'm liking the sound of that, Princess. Five stars all the way."
                                                = End =
                    = Stay Tuned for White Noise: Lady Stardust =
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ginnyweatherby · 6 years
Ev’rybody Wants to be a Cat
Does anyone still read Beauty and the Beast fic?  Yes?  No?  Maybe?
Well, for anyone who does, because I know I sure miss it, here’s a short story about Gaston adopting a kitten, as requested by @gingersnap0369
Sorry it took so long to get this out, but I hope you like it!  I can never seem to get enough of my faves with kittens.
He'd often been told thinking was a dangerous pastime, but this was a good idea for once.
Ever since his young bachelor days, Gaston had fantasized about having a sizable family.  The picturesque vision of coming home to a loving wife, a gaggle of children, and a dog or two to top it off.  He couldn't shake the smile that came to his face any time he imagined playing catch with a half dozen little boys that looked so much like him.
Despite all his attempts and efforts, the years passed faster than he thought they would, and now Gaston was a hair over thirty, and still lived alone.  It was fine at first, but he was beginning to feel trapped - not so unlike the luckless foxes he liked to hunt.  He felt like he was running out of time.
As much as he loved them, he never assumed Lefou would be the one to have two young kids underfoot while he was still single and childless.  When Charlotte would hug him hello or Barney would show off a craft he made in preschool, Gaston often wondered if he would ever have that with children of his own.
But he wasn't discouraged.  Gaston was a stubborn man, and he knew he would find someone to settle down with soon.
The house was lonely.
Which was how he found himself at Villeneuve Animal Shelter, his heart set on finding a new furry companion.  If Gaston wanted to start on that perfect family, a dog seemed like a good place to begin.
He wandered through the different rooms, in awe of all the pets there were to choose from.  He knew he wanted a larger dog, one that would make a good guard dog, but was still friendly enough to play fetch with.
He met rottweilers and shepherds and pitbulls of all colors, allowing each of the animals sniff or lick his hands, but none of them seemed to mesh.  They were all fine dogs, and he was sure they would make fine pets, but he didn't feel… it.  That feeling in the pit of his stomach that something clicked.  That he'd met the pet for him.
Until he saw it.
A flash of orange that zoomed by so fast Gaston wasn't sure what he'd seen.
“What was that?”  He asked the woman who had been guiding him around, introducing him to the different dogs - all of which had dissolved into a frenzy of competitive barking.
Before he got an answer, another volunteer came scurrying into the room, quick on the tail of whatever orange blur had entered.  From behind a cabinet, she pulled out something - or someone, rather - tiny and ginger.
A kitten.
“This little one has been trying to escape for days,”  The woman said, as she flattened the fur on the kitten's head.  “Whoever brings him home is in for quite the workout.”
Gaston crossed the room in his long, demanding strides, and stuck his hands out.  “Could I?”
The woman looked confused as a man such as Gaston, surrounded by a dozen barking dogs, took the tiny kitten into his large hands.
The kitten let out a soft mew, and nipped at Gaston's fingers, before nuzzling his pink nose into the palm of his hand.
He was soft.  He was warm.
And Gaston was his.
“Welcome home,”  Gaston announced, as he opened the pet carrier (intended for an animal much larger than the one inside) and allowed the kitten to poke his nose out.
“Go on, then,”  Gaston knelt on the floor, as the kitten crawled out of the cage, taking in his new surroundings.
“There we are,”  He approved, as his new friend explored the room and began to sniff around.
Gaston watched as the kitten jumped up onto the sofa.  “You'll be needing a name, I suppose.”
The kitten seemed to take a liking to the pillow thrown on the side of the couch.  A birthday gift from Lefou, with an impressive embroidered buck sewn into it.  The kitten curled against the deer and closed his tiny eyes.
Gaston scratched the kitten’s head, as a purring sound filled the room.
“Antlers it is.”
Antlers proved to be an interesting addition to Gaston's home.  He was a fearless cat, jumping onto any surface or counter-top he could reach, meowing louder than Gaston thought possible from someone so small.  He crawled under the furniture (coming out with assorted dust bunnies on his head), and even followed Gaston into the bathroom.  The cat seemed to like his new home.
Gaston almost didn't want to go to bed, he was having so much fun playing with his new little friend.  He let Antlers chase a laser pointer around the room until sleep called him, and reluctantly decided to turn in for the night.
He walked into his bedroom, offering Antlers the enormous bed he’d purchased for the dog he was supposed to come home with, and watched as the kitten crawled in, looking so very small against the cushion.  Antlers curled into a little ball and Gaston took that as his cue to climb into his own bed.
Quiet as it still may have been, suddenly his room didn't feel so lonely.
Gaston woke up to something warm and furry resting in the crook of his neck.
He coughed and spat the hair out of his mouth, before his mind registered what was happening.
Doggie-bed apparently forgotten, Antlers seemed to take a liking to Gaston's, and he almost didn't have the heart to wake the kitten sleeping so innocently against his face - even if it did make him want to sneeze.
Antlers began to knead his shirt with his paws, and Gaston felt a smile creep onto his face.  He'd known this cat less than twenty four hours, and he already loved him so much.  Maybe this was what being a father felt like!  Deciding he couldn't bear to wake him, Gaston began to drift back to sleep…
A frantic knock on the front door startled him awake.  Antlers’ head perked up, his ears twitching in every direction as he sought out the source of the noise.
Gaston sighed and pulled himself from the bed, Antlers close on his heels as he threw on a proper pair of pajama bottoms, and went to investigate.
He swung the door open to reveal a little girl, no more than ten with a wild array of dark hair and freckles, one of his favorite smiles on her face.
“Hey, Buddy!”  Gaston greeted, as Charlotte threw her arms around his middle.  “What are you doing here so early?”
“Papa said you got a cat,”  Charlotte said brightly, as Lefou made his appearance close behind, four-year-old Barney’s hand clasped in his own.  “I like cats!”
“Do you?”  Gaston scratched his unshaven chin.  “But I thought your mother raised you to be a dog person.”
“I like dogs too,”  Charlotte assured as he let them into the house.  “But where's the cat?!”
The young girl was so excited, bouncing on her toes as she spoke.  She was so much like her father, always talking a mile a minute, constantly radiating a restless energy.
“Well, speak of the devil,”  Gaston said, as Antlers poked his nose into the room.  “Here’s the little guy now.”
Charlotte fell to her knees, sticking her hand out for Antlers to approach on his own time.  Growing up with so many pets and a veterinarian for a stepfather appeared to teach her how to treat animals properly.
Antlers wasn't afraid.  He licked Charlotte's hand and leaped into her lap.  She giggled as the kitten began to play, nipping gently and purring.
“Can I play?”  The younger, more tentative of the Lefou siblings asked.
Gaston grabbed Barney's hand and led him to where Charlotte was sitting.  He gently took Antlers into his hands and allowed the boy to pet him.
“He's super soft,”  Barney said, approvingly, and before long he had joined his sister waving a feather in front of the cat, their laughter ricocheting off the walls as Antlers chased it.
“Looks like you may be getting a cat soon,”  Gaston said, nudging Lefou’s shoulder as they watched.
“There's no need,”  Lefou said, smiling as Antlers tackled Charlotte’s hand, eliciting a squeal from the girl.  “Not when Uncle Gaston has one, anyway.”
Just as quickly as they had before, the years continued to pass.  Gaston watched as his rambunctious little kitten grew into a rambunctious, strong cat.  Antlers was a animal after his own heart, made of pure muscle and endurance.  Even as he aged, he still jumped onto high surfaces and meowed at decimals even the neighbors could hear.  He demanded attention when he wanted it, and was something of a star on Gaston's social media accounts.
About three years had gone by since he and Antlers chose each other, and Gaston still melted a little when he curled up on his lap, purring happily.
Gaston’s life had taken on some significant changes in those few years.  Lefou was married now, and Stanley had taken permanent residence in their lives.  Gaston himself tied the knot not so long ago, moving to a new neighborhood to celebrate.
Maybe this was the true picturesque life he'd always dreamed about.  It didn't have to include a houseful of children, or dogs at his feet.  Maybe he could be content to have just his lovely wife and his favorite feline.
Gaston watched as Antlers climbed off of his lap, and settled into his wife's.  Antlers tolerated her normally, but made it no secret that Gaston was his favorite person, so this struck him as unusual.
Antlers sniffed her belly, rubbing his head against it, before laying down to sleep, nestled comfortably in her lap.
The newlyweds shared a look, small smiles creeping onto their faces.
Then again…
Maybe his original idea wasn't so far off, after all.
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kirain · 6 years
Top Ten Favourite Anime Games
For this list, I will only be including games that are specifically considered part of the anime genre, NOT games that were created by Japan Studio or other Japanese companies/creators. So games like shadow of the colossus,  Bloodborne, Metal Gear, Resident Evil, etc., won’t be mentioned. While it is arguable that such games could fit the anime genre, it’s never been clarified. So here’s a list of my top 10 anime games.
1. Gravity Rush
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There’s no real order for this list EXCEPT for Gravity Rush. It is easily my number one favourite pick. I bought it for next to nothing thinking it would be a cute little experience, but it ended up gripping my interest for four days straight; which is rare for me. While at work, all I could think about was getting back to it, and it’s one of the few games with trophies that didn’t annoy me. Seriously-- not one trophy pissed me off. In every game there’s at least two or three that really grind my gears, but Gravity Rush had nada.
There are several challenges in the game that are tough but fair, and they never become boring because they’re designed in such a way that the more you play them, the better you get. You begin to learn the controls, the landscape, the shortcuts, etc., which makes for some excellent gameplay. At no point in the game do you feel like a failure, which is nice once in a while. On top of that the story is fun, the characters are lovable, and the art is breathtaking. During each new chapter, we’re given information in the form of a hand-drawn manga, which only adds to the uniqueness. The language in the game is also made up, so anyone can relate to it. And the music? Oh, don’t even get me started:
And just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, they went ahead and created a sequel, Gravity Rush 2! It’s pretty rare, in my opinion anyway, that video games have sequels that measure up to their predecessor, but Gravity Rush 2 might be even better! It lets us revisit old friends, make new friends, explore more areas, it gives us grater challenges and a newly implemented difficulty setting, and additional online adventures that have nothing to do with achievements! What really hits me about these games, though, is the freedom. You get to fly wherever you want, anytime you want, at ridiculous speeds. The world is vast, beautiful, and so fun to navigate.
After playing and falling in love with these games, I can only assume they’re called “Gravity Rush” because they’re an absolute rush to play.
2. Devil May Cry
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Specifically the first game, Devil May Cry will always have a special place in my heart. I played the game a lot when I was in grade school and kept replaying it well into my high school years. All the way up until my PS2 broke. :’)
Now, I do know that this game was created by Capcom and that it was supposed to be related to the Resident Evil franchise, but director Hideki Kamiya openly stated that the game is an anime-style hack and slash action-adventure game, and even gave the anime T.V. show, Devil May Cry: The Animated Series by Shin Itagaki, his professional seal of approval.
That said, Devil May Cry is addictive with its brutal but charming character Dante, and its dark and twisted plot/gameplay. If you’re into cool characters, blood and guts, and kick-ass combat, this is the game for you!
3. Catherine
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Another nostalgic game for me, Catherine was something I played constantly when I was in high school. The animation is enticing, the story is a giant mind f*ck, and the English voice acting is stupendous. Like many story-related anime games, it has multiple endings, as well as a karma metre that wraps into your choices. The story revolves around a man named Vincent  Brooks, who is beset by supernatural nightmares while torn between his feelings for longtime girlfriend Katherine and the similarly-named beauty Catherine.
While the game is mostly a platformer, the challenges are unreal, especially in Babel (an extra area not related to the story) and the arcade game, Rapunzel. If you want your brain to turn to mush, I’d suggest setting this baby to the hardest difficulty. Naturally there’s a trophy for beating everything with a gold time, so if you get that you’ll be able to gloat to all your friends about how smart you are. XD
Jokes aside, though, there are other aspects to the game that keep you going. You won’t get bored of the platforming because between each level is the story, given to us in two distinct anime styles, and a trip to the bar, where you can get drunk and interact with other characters. Depending on the dialogue you choose, you could be responsible for their dreams coming true ... or their untimely death. A remake of the game will be coming out for PS4 next year and I can’t wait to play it!
4. No More Heroes
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No More Heroes is another action-adventure hack and slash video game that follows a man named Travis Touchdown ... who is a hardcore otaku. Literally all he cares about is killing and anime, which makes for a hilarious story. Travis is also a top-class assassin in a world where assassins constantly compete. Think John Wick: The Anime. This game is full of comedy and combat, as well as cool characters, crude challenges, and a cuddly kitty cat. I played this game religiously when I was in high school, and enjoyed it even up to it’s weird mind f*ck of an ending. The only downside being that it’s only available on Wii, which made for an interesting and unique experience, but a sad realisation that it will never be available for any other platform.
5. Trauma Center: Second Opinion
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Just like No More Heroes, Trauma Center: Second Opinion is only available on Wii; but that in no way affected my love for it. Second Opinion is the second game in a long line of Trauma Centers, but for some reason it’s the only one I enjoy. Perhaps it’s because playing it on the Wii gave it a sense of realism. The game is a surgery simulator, and like an actual surgeon, you have to concentrate and keep your hands steady to succeed. If you move too quickly or throw yourself off balance, the patient will die. The art and music are also incredible and, believe it or not, there’s actually a pretty interesting story that goes along with each chapter. As you work your way to more advanced operations, you really take a liking to the characters and feel a strong sense of duty to your patients. To anyone who owns a Wii, this is definitely a game I’d recommend.
6. Chibi-Robo!
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Chibi-Robo! This game takes me back! I spent hours upon hours playing this game, and I still would today if my copy hadn’t been stolen. This little treat is only available on the Wii and GameCube, and was created by Nintendo. It’s one of the most adorable platform-adventure games I’ve ever played to date. The Wiki explains the plot perfectly, so I’ll just post it here:
“Chibi-Robo! takes place in a 1960s-style American home and revolves around a tiny, highly advanced robot of the same name. He is given as a birthday gift to a socially withdrawn eight-year-old named Jenny Sanderson by her father. This is much to the dismay of Jenny's mother, a homemaker who is constantly stressed over how much money her husband spends on toys despite his unemployment.”
For a game that seems so basic, there are a plethora of areas to explore and they are huge. Ironically so, I’m sure, but it makes for some amazing gameplay nonetheless. As you wander, you help other creatures around the house, including the family, solve their problems and complete challenging and often comedic tasks; such as flipping burgers, cleaning up puddles, and-- you know-- helping the egg general save his fellow egg soldiers from the household dog. Yeah, stuff like that. XD
Honestly, it’s super fun and I recommend it to anyone, no matter what their age. It’s clearly geared towards children, but I can’t think of a single reason why an adult wouldn’t enjoy it just as much. It’s relaxing, freeing, and puts a genuine smile on your face. :)
7. Pokemon X and Y
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Okay, I know I probably shouldn’t add Pokemon to this list, but I can’t help it! I’ve always loved the Pokemon games, but they just get better and better every time! Pokemon X and Y quickly became favourites of mine, and they consumed my life for a good two months as I captured every single Pokemon, bred the perfect IVs, and worked my ass off to get every shiny I desired. On top of that, I loved the story and, for once, how my character design turned out. What’s more, I fell absolutely in love with the Looker side quest, which is possibly the best and most emotional side quest I’ve ever played in a Pokemon game. X and Y will always be special to me, because in was with these two games that I caught ‘em all!
8. Pokemon Sun and Moon
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Visually, Pokemon Sun and Moon are the best of the Pokemon games, in my opinion. They were also the first to really shake things up and give fans new and improved methods of breeding, capture, travel, communication, and more. We were also introduced to a new type of pokemon called “ultra beasts”, along with a fun and alluring story with several new characters and legendaries. Throughout the game, I found myself laughing hard at some of the experiences, and I spent countless hours capturing, trading, breeding, spoiling, and loving all of the new pokemon the games had to offer. I even transferred my pokemon from X and Y over so I could give them the same love and affection. ^_^
I have to thank @cassafra5 and @george-nordington, because they’re the ones who bought me this masterpiece! Thanks, guys! <3
9. .hack//OUTBREAK
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This is a game that will always be near and dear to my heart. Back before guides were widely available, I was playing a game called .Hack//OUTBREAK. It came out in 2002, when I was only 12 years old. Back then, my dad was still alive. He never really understood my taste in anime, but he wanted to try and relate, so he bought this game for me on a whim. Little did he know I knew absolutely nothing about the .Hack series, and little did either of us know that OUTBREAK was actually the third part to two other .Hack games. Still, I didn’t want to hurt his feelings, so I played the game-- and I fell in love.
Visually, OUTBREAK was one of the best games I owned on PS2, and although parts of the story were difficult to follow, I was hooked. I dedicated entire days to this game, and because there weren’t any guides, I had to write down every code and location so I wouldn’t get lost/forget them. Today, I still have pages folded safely in the case. The amount of exploration and character interaction opened me up to a whole new genre of video games. In fact, it basically introduced me to anime-style games. I could actually buy gifts for my friends and build relationships. That seems common now, but back then it wasn’t for a typical PS2 game.
Unfortunately, tragedy struck when the save cartridge was accidentally kicked by my brother and all of my data was lost. I wasn’t too concerned, since I figured I could just replay the game and get everything back ... but the disk was also severely, irreparably scratched. It no longer plays. As such, it is now merely a keepsake from my father. I miss you, dad.
But 16 years later and my sister and I are still quoting this game! XD @alannahkiwi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0I-7hwgwqa4
10. Persona 5
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I only recently started playing Persona 5, but it’s quickly made its way to my top ten. I can’t say too much about it just yet, aside from the fact that the animation is crisp, the story is gripping, and I’m ready to sink hours of my life into platinuming this gorgeous feet of human achievement! So much heart and sole was poured into this game and it shows with every in-game step I take. This is the only game on this list that I haven’t yet finished, but I have a sense that I don’t really need to. Thus far, every mission has been a gem and I don’t want the party to end!
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magic5ball · 4 years
Nature Trail to Hell Arc IV: Megamart of Darkness (10)
Chapter 10: Bokrug vs. A-Bomb vs. Watt! Ultimate Deathmatch!!!
Despite having only golf clubs, A-Bomb was fearless. A reckless sort of fearlessness that leads one to charge a 25 pound, machine gun toting mass of unadulterated avian fury.
A fearlessness that would only make sense if your opponent was playing right into your hands.
“Bokrug! Look out!”
By the time the last word left my mouth, it was too late. A-Bomb teed off on Bokrug’s jaw, sending the gander flying. The machine gun clattered to the ground, where it shattered into a thousand pieces. All that was left was for A-Bomb to start teeing off on Bokrug’s downed carcass, which he gleefully did. Repeatedly. And it looked very painful, so painful it scared me out of mini golf for life. Even so much as touching a club gives me memories of the poor goose’s gasps of pain.
“Please, my child.” He begged “You may have fallen far, but the kind, innocent boy I once knew is still in there. I can feel it!”
“Really? Because my internet history says otherwise!”
If Bokrug wasn’t getting hit before, now he’d been reduced to the world’s downiest piñata. And yours truly could only watch helplessly as his physical form looked like it was gonna explode into a million bloody pieces any second, too glued to my seat (literally) to do anything. Or was I? Because A-Bomb had only glued the bottom of my seat. If I could only wriggle out of my pants…
           Gotta give credit to Bokrug: he held out much longer than I thought he would. But even dinosaurs fall with enough beating, and before long A-Bomb was standing triumphantly over his kill like some African big game hunter. Right as I was able to slip out of my pants. Though when you consider I was wearing my pachyrhinosaurus underwear, the exact same smelly pair I’d been wearing since I’d left camp, this may have made my problem much, much worse.
           A-Bomb laughed loud and deep at the sight, his face turning a deep red. This must have gone on for several minutes, him constantly on the verge of chortling his lungs out, myself too strawberry red to move. Then, once he’d spit out enough chuckles to speak again:
“A-are you kidding me?!“He pointed at me like some schoolyard bully. “Of all the dinosaurs you get monogramed on your underwear, you chose the NERD one?!”
I breathed deep. “Pachyrhinosauus is an amazing and criminally underrated member of the ceratopsian clade! In addition, it is woefully underrepresented in museu-”
A-Bomb thought that was a regular knee slapper.
“Kid, everyone knows the only reason they throw Pachyrhinosaurus in museums is so they can reach their diversity quotas! Yy-you are such a pathetic NERD!” Another fit of laughter later, he added “I-I can’t kill you like this!”
He snapped his fingers, summoning a legion of brown bagger clones armed with those dumb laser scanners to circle us.
“How about this? For making me laugh, I’ll let you escape! Heck, I’ll throw in a 30 second head start, free of charge!”
The Brown Baggers joined their master’s jeering, lest they be sent to the unemployment line (AKA Pete’s Slaughterhouse). Speaking of the Master, he pulled a bottle of Crystal Springs Water from his khakis and began chugging like he’d hadn’t drunk in a week, the power coursing through his veins.
           I should have run, run like the pathetic wimp I was. But I didn’t. Because at the end of the day, you can steal sacred water from roleplaying geese. You can threaten to turn me into a corporate slave. You can bludgeon a close friend of mine within an inch of his life with and force me to watch. Heck, you can even force me to watch Carney the dinosaur sixty hours straight if you wanna! But nobody, and I mean NOBODY, makes fun of my pachyrhinosaurus underpants and lives to see the next sunrise!
           Instead, I dashed for my pants, thirty seconds ticking away fast. Ten seconds in, I was pulling the packet of grow dinosaurs from my pocket. Another ten I got the stupid wrapping off.
I remembered what Bokrug had said about the water, how it was enchanted and whatnot.
Problem was, I had no idea where the real water was. The only one I knew was the real deal was being held by A-Bomb, and I sure wasn’t getting there.
Unless… I looked at the sad water fountain, spurting alone between two shelves. Maybe the water of the sacred spring wasn’t in a bottle at all.
I concentrated. No going back now. No regrets…
A red pill rocketed through the air, a glorious, million dollar shot. A million glowing red darts marked themselves on me.
Three seconds. Four tense, terrible seconds of that pill riding the wind, right to the rim of the water fountain, teetering on the edge until, at last, the Luck of the Tostigs pulled through, and that baby went right down the drain.  
Three, two…
Something pushed out from inside the water fountain, something BIG!
Shrapnel exploded from where the water fountain had once been as a giant sponge triceratops burst out, alien style. The beast charged, plowing down brown baggers like they were blades of grass. As for A-Bomb, he didn’t even get a chance to set a stupid expression on his face before he was reduced to a red stain on the tile floor. And from where that water fountain once stood, the sacred spring gushed forth, coating the rest of the little sponge grow capsules, turning them to life-size dinosaurs. Not missing a beat, I hopped on the triceratops, and gave it a little bit of Tostig family advice:
And boy howdy, did we! With a bellow that shook the foundations of the Wegmart, the triceratops launched fifty employees so high they left little brown bagger shaped holes in the ceiling! Heck, if I hadn’t used my toe claws to lodge myself in its’ skin, I might have been tossed into the next state!. Meanwhile, where the water of the Sacred Sprinng showered on Bokrug, he changed, wings becoming massive muscular arms, a wide sail growing on his back, his face becoming long and crocodilian, feathers became scales. A form I would recognize anywhere: Spinosaurus Aegyptus.
The brown baggers scattered. One dinosaur they could handle, but thirteen? Not a chance! Together, we watched the remaining five or so survivors flee into the stock room as we posed epically on a thousand foot mountain made of their corpses. Any that weren’t fast enough were picked up in Bokrug’s massive jaws and flipped up into the air, only to be swallowed whole like gingerbread pancakes! Our remaining troops, few as there were, flocked to join us.
We’d won.
The words felt weird on my lips, my brain still trying to grasp what just happened.
We’d won.
Yet I couldn’t deny it: somehow, we’d kicked out the most powerful company in Pennsylvania.
Bokrug bellowed majestically into the air, his voice ancient and primeval The rest of the birds, dinosaurs, shopping carts, and whoever else was in our slapdash army joined in:
And they carried me out of the store on their wings like I was some kind of rock star.
                                                             .   .   .
           That night, we partied. And by partied I mean set out the spoils of our war (snack chips and pretzels, mostly) while everyone stood awkwardly around the punch bowl, not knowing what to say (for guys who wore party hats all the time, LARP geese sure don’t know how to hold a conversation). Bokrug especially seemed interested in going to the little dino’s room and staying there a really long time. As for me, I stared into one of the barbeque fires we’d set around the place for lighting, plotting my next move. Hilda and whatever we’d put in Ms. Hoebag’s body were running the camp like a Siberian Gulag; in the middle of it all was my ticket back to reality, and by extension, my Gameboy Advance.
And, y’know, Mom was probably worried sick about me.
After half an hour of brisk walking, I found the bathroom door. I knocked twice.
“Bokrug, you in there?”
“My apologies,” bellowed the dinosaur, “but it seems as a final act of resistance, the minions of darkness burned all the toilet paper, so that we may never properly use their waste depository facilities.”
Sighing, I shoved some party napkins under the door.
“These do not seem to be the papers I seek. Are you certain these will work?”
“Yeah, I’m sure.”
One flush later, Bokrug barreled out, knocking the door off its’ hinges.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” I replied, heading in myself.
Bokrug cocked his head to the side, the way birds do when they’re curious.
“And why would you leave paradise? With the waters of the Sacred Springs in our grasp, we shall soon surpass even the empire of Tako Shak in power!”
I shook my head, strategically positioning Mr. Weenie over the dung pit, letting loose. Bullseye. “Bok, I want to stay, but my Mom and Gameboy are at home, and I’m sure as heck my dirty rotten little brother isn’t going to give them company.”
The dinosaur could only stare in awed amazement as I epically exited the loo, piece of toilet paper attached to my shoe. “Long story short, I’m going to summer camp. Wanna join me?”
The dinosaur shook his crocodilian head.  “While the idea of devouring communist elementary schoolers does pique my interest, my responsibilities are to my people. I cannot leave them leaderless at such an incredible time.”
“Are you sure?” I asked, feeling a little bit damped down. “There’ll be all the communist turds you can eat.”
“Watterson, you have helped me when I needed it most, but you have your family, and I must care for mine. Surely, you understand?”
And for the first time I thought about how I had left Hilda at summer camp. I wondered how she was holding on now that Shatner and I had left.  
But before I could head on my way, the old water lizard had one last surprise in store for me.  “However, there is one gift I can give you.”
Holding out a scaly hand, I saw the grow capsules I’d filched off Wegmart, now turned into tiny sponge dinosaurs that galloped across he palm.
“My apologies, they shrunk in the sun.”
You’d think I’d be upset, but I wasn’t worried. Not at all.
                                                            .   .   .
           And so we went on our quest: me and twelve grow-sponge saurian mercenaries from hell. We walked along a dirt road for about twelve hours before, as luck would have it, along trundled a Systo delivery truck, the same kind that delivered the crap food to camp. Hitchhiking wasn’t as hard as I thought (having dinosaur claws makes you surprisingly persuasive!), and soon me and the dinosaurs were crammed into a cardboard box in the semitrailer.
And so I sat in the dark, curled up inside a cardboard box meant for Styrofoam containers trying to formulate the master plan to get my body back. And by formulate a master plan I mean trying not to laugh at the Spongeboy jokes that would randomly pop into my head and focus, darn it!
Instead, I found myself drifting to sleep as the truck rolled across the winding backroads leading to fate, to destiny, to the thing that had started this all…
                                                  Summer Camp.
(Okay, so maybe I started it all by putting firecrackers in Dad’s cereal, but hey, I wasn’t the one who forced a young, innocent mind to watch Barney the ‘Dinosaur’. ‘Shudder’)
                                     Part IV: MegaMart of Darkness: End
(Author’s Note: To everyone who’s read this far: thank you for hanging with me all this time! It really does mean a lot to me! Anyways, as it stands, I’m not quite happy with the final arc, so I’ll be taking a month’s hiatus to maybe fine-tune it a little bit. Until then, thank you so much for staying with this story, and see you soon!)
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justjen523 · 7 years
The Birthday Blunder
For: goddess-of-leo  (Happy Birthday!)
Raiting M
Reader x Leon
For Fun I am also working on an art piece that shows Leon in his Kingly form. I will post it when I am finished. Hope you enjoy!
     It was a disaster. Everything that had been so carefully planned for weeks was ruined in a mere moment. Speechless I just stood in the doorway of the living room with my mouth agape and my eyes filling with tears. Yet somehow I still managed to go unnoticed as the gods quarreled among themselves. The beautiful cake I handmade because I wanted to share this special day for me with the twelve gods who had become such an intricate part of my life decorated many areas of the room. The decorations tattered, even what had appeared to be presents were trampled and all I could do was stand there in complete shock.
     “W-Why?” I finally asked yet my voice was so quiet amidst the loud insults and profanity being exchanged mere feet away. By some miracle Aigonorous was the one to hear me and pointed to where I was standing. As one by one each head turned in my direction the previously chaotic room fell quiet.
     “Goldfish. What are you doing here, you’re supposed to still be working.” Leon actually had the nerve to look agitated by my unannounced arrival. I could feel the anger rising within as I looked around at the destruction and lack of remorse from everyone. They truly must not understand how much time and effort when into all of this. It was MY birthday and here I was thinking of them instead of myself and this is the thanks I get? I couldn’t swallow my anger any further.
     “I beg your pardon?” Zyglavis says incredulously.
     “All of you! Behaving like animals!”
     “What did you call me?!” For once Scorpio’s glare didn’t even register to me.
     “Now hold on, I get why you’re angry but it’s not that big of a deal - “ Leon started to say but the hurt was bubbling over especially hearing my boyfriend’s careless indifference. 
     “Not that big of a deal?! How dare you!” Looking around they all stared at me in surprise. I had never yelled or scolded Leon in front of the other’s before. 
     “Wooooow. She’s like REAAAALLY scary when she’s mad.” Ichthys tries whispering to Dui but it’s not like I couldn’t hear it in the silence of the room.
     “I....” Realizing my birthday was ruined and they didn’t even seem to care the anger gave way to hurt. All at once my emotions poured out in the form of tears and I began to sob.
     “Now look what you guys have done...” Leon sounded angry but I knew he was shaken. He hated when I cried because of something he had done but more than that, he hated when I cried in front of anyone other than him.
     “Us? I believe you are equally to blame.” Huedhaut boldly replied earning a fiercely angry look from the ruler of Leo.
     “I.....*sob* think I.....*hic*....” I stopped before saying the next word. Even now I am still always putting their feelings before my own.
     “You what?” Krioff asked brusquely only further breaking my heart.
     “I...wish I never met you. Any of you!” There, I said it even though I absolutely did not mean it but I was sick of always being the considerate one. I wanted them to feel it like I did and I couldn’t think of another way even if it was harsh and cruel sounding. 
     I had been staring at my feet but when I looked up I was surprised at what I saw. Twelve truly pained and heartbroken expressions stared directly at me. I wanted so badly to apologize and take it back but if I did they would never learn and this kind of stuff would continue to happen. I couldn’t handle it anymore.
     “I’m going home, I can’t stand to be here anymore.” Tears still streaming down my face I turned to leave.
     “Goldfish.” His voice was gentle and full of sadness. I knew it hurt him more than any of the others but that pain had gone both ways. I thought of all of them he would have understood better than anyone how important this all had been to me.
     “I...just want to be alone. All alone, in my apartment, on my birthday.” I quickly made my way toward the exit but was impeded by the door abruptly closing and locking from the other side. I knew it was his handiwork but I didn’t even bother to turn around.
     “Let me pass.”
     “I can’t do that. Not like this.”
     “I don’t want to - “
     “- be around us I know, you already said so.”
     “Then let me go.”
     “Not until we make this right.” At his words I slowly turn to face him. He slowly crosses the room almost apprehensively but pushes forward till we are face to face. I can see the realization of the pain they caused in his beautiful eyes. He gently runs the back of his hand down my tear stained cheek.
     “I will grant whatever your heart desires. Just tell me what you want. I...don’t want to see you like this anymore. I’m......”
     “...you’re what?” He’ll never do it. Impossible. He stares at me intently for a few moments before furrowing his brow and sighing deeply.
     “Look, I’m sorry. You’re right, what we did was...”
     “....stupid? Immature? Ridiculous?” I was laying it on pretty thick even though the unthinkable had just happened.
     “D-Did Leon seriously just apologize to someone?” Hearing that he glared at the culprit before turning back to me.
     “Yeah, we were acting like - “
     “Animals.” I finished his sentence crossing my arms in front of me.
     “We get it. Everyone’s sorry, right guys?” His dangerously intense stare caused apology after apology from every god in the room.
     “What can I do to make you smile?” He asks tenderly. Still slightly aggravated I try to think of a way for them to make it up to me. Staring into his eyes I can’t help but think the same thing I always do. How handsome and though arrogant I have come to find his royalty vibe endearing. He made all of the other Zodiac gods apologize to me, a mere human with nothing more than a look. ‘My Leon. My brave and fearsome Lion....’ If only he were able to be tamed like a Lion. How adorable would that be? My own personal big bad kitty. Teehee!
     Out of nowhere a cute little box with a big pink bow manifests out of thin air right in my hands.
     “What on Earth?” As soon as I begin to pull the ribbon Leon’s face turns ashen.
     “Goldfish don’t - “ But it’s too late, inside the box is a tiny piece of paper that simply says,
     “Happy Birthday,  From the King.” ‘Huh?’ All of the sudden the room is engulfed in a blinding light and I shield my eyes waiting for it to pass. When it does the sight before me is so ridiculously precious and adorable I can’t help the giggling that follows. 
     “O-Oh my gosh! You guys are...all SO cute! Eeee!” I sound like a little kid but I can’t help it, seeing them like this makes it impossible not to smile from ear to ear.
     “Goddamn that bastard. Stupid woman! Why the hell did you open that?!” Scorpio is so adorable that his words don’t even sound frightening to me.
     “Ummm. Seriously though, why cats?” Krioff blushes looking put out as his white ears turn backward in distress. 
     “This is great! Teo and Ikky pull each other’s tail’s to see if it hurts when they do so.
     “Wow! These tails are SO real!”
     “Why just ears and tails though?” Dui ponders as the rest of the gods are all touching their new additions.
     It isn’t till I actually get a good look at Leon that my heart nearly gives out. He looks utterly PISSED but is so cute it’s actually fitting. Not only does he have the ears and tale but he also has a mane.
     “Don’t you dare laugh. This is all your fault. You better figure out how to turn me back. Now.” A giant smile spreads across my face.
     “Nuh-uh. You said you would grant any wish my heart desired. I want to enjoy seeing all of you like this for the rest of the day! You all still owe me a party anyway right?” I am beaming, what a great gift from the King! I know I am going to pay dearly for it later but oh it is SO worth it.
     “You’re awfully bold demanding such nonsense from gods.” Zyglavis as always is angry but it comes across adorably as his fluffy purplish tail flicks sharply back and forth. 
     “Teeheehee. Somehow you don’t seem as scary to me now Zyglavis. You’re fluffiness makes you look much kinder.” I can’t stop myself from scratching behind his ear making him blush so hard it just makes it even cuter.
      “You can pet me too if you want.” Ichthys offers playfully before getting a scowl that actually makes Leon look like a beast rather than a cute animal. I approach him and though he looks angry I see relief in his eyes to see me smiling.
     “Don’t even think about it.” He grumbles as I start to reach out to touch him. 
     “Call it what you will but I am not your pet.” I try hard to suppress the laughter threatening to pour out.
     “Awww, who’s my big bad kitty?” I say in a teasing way earning me a death glare but it quickly gives way to a devious smirk.
     “You’re awfully brave, you do realize that Lions often enjoy eating seafood. You must have a death wish goldfish.” ‘Eeeep! That grin is extra scary with him looking this predatory.’ As he begins to close in on me I begin to shrink away but when I notice his tail waving around playfully something different pops into my mind altogether. ‘He’s still got a man’s body....I wonder....’
     “Pffft. You’re thinking about something pretty bold.” His words snap me back to reality and causes me to blush deeply even as I try desperately to deny it.
     “I....” Before I can finish I hear a commotion  behind me. The gods have been taking turns testing to see if their powers could undo the King’s spell but as always he’s one step ahead making that impossible. 
     “If we have to look this ridiculous why doesn’t she join us.” Scorpio smirks darkly. The gods all grin and nod in amusement as they close in on me. I slowly back away before calling for Leon. When I turn to face him I am surprised to see him actually looking like he approves of the others idea. 
     “N-Now just hold on a minute! T-this isn’t it...” 
     Leon is actually the one who does it making the whole thing kinda of embarrassing as the others all look at me the same way I was previously looking at them. 
     “Woooow! He even gave her a cute little nose and whiskers!” Ichthys grins from ear to ear. 
     “Ohhh! She has paws too!” Dui gushes making me feel like I am going to die from embarrassment.
     “My my Leon, what a lucky man you are tonight.” The way Partheno says that makes me somehow uncomfortable. When I turn to look at my boyfriend he is looking the most entertained I have ever seen him.
     “What? This is what you wanted.” He says smugly giving me that smile I want to simultaneously smack and kiss him for. Instead I am handed a mirror to see my new....attire. 
     “H-Hey! What’s with the cute stuff?! Couldn’t you have made me, I don’t know, like a sexy cat?”
     “What’s wrong with the way you are? I prefer you this way. Besides, it suits you better.” ‘! What’s that supposed to mean!?’
     “Well I must admit, Leon doesn’t strike me as the kind who likes pink.” Partheno says suggestively.
     “You shouldn’t be thinking about what I like at all you pervert.” As the two go back and forth I again look at my reflection in the mirror. I don’t look exactly like the others. I’m more feline than they are and even some of my human features have changed simply to match the rest. Everything is pink. My fluffy ears, fluffy tail, my eyes, my hair, my paws, even my clothes have been changed into a cute little pink ensemble. I had no idea my boyfriend was into such things! ‘Ahaha! Happy Birthday to ME!’
     As I look over at Leon being aggressive in his current state I can’t help but feel more attracted to him than usual. I slowly move closer to him and once I’m close enough I feel this overwhelming urge to nuzzle against him. When I do he immediately tenses and I can see a faint blush on his cheeks and for some reason I actually start purring. 
     “Looks like your stupid woman’s in heat, better handle that before someone else does.” Scorpio’s comment causes a slew of arguments and having had enough Leon wraps his arm around me and snaps.
     He brought us to his room in the Heaven’s without so much as a word but when I looked up to see his face he didn’t look angry like I expected. No, he was looking at me like I was dessert. I swallowed thickly slowly backing away making him laugh.
     “Do you honestly believe you can escape me? I’d actually like to see you try.” He was smiling at me wickedly causing a sweet rush of sensation through me. I was terrified but equally turned on somehow. I liked when he was dominating and seeing him aggressively hunting me was intoxicating. 
     “Obey me and come here.” There was no way I could refuse him. Not when he was looking at me this way. Slowly I made my way till I was directly in front of him, a mere breath apart. Even now he still had such a powerful commanding presence. 
     “That’s my good girl.” Then he started petting me. Everywhere. God did it feel GOOD. Too good. I was becoming putty in his hands.
     “L-Leon.......unnnh.” I felt like I was high. Utterly intoxicated.
     “That’s right, give in. Purr for me.” His sensual sexy voice was lulling me further into this strange heady haze I was feeling. My vision was blurring and I felt dizzy but in a strangely good way. His arms scooped me up and carried me to his bed where he gently laid me down before hovering over me. My desire for him was overwhelming as it was somehow amplified but this euphoric feeling washing over me.
     “L-Leon I....I feel....”
     “Good then it’s working.”
     “H-huh? What’s....mmm....working?” I was trying desperately to hold on and not lose myself but I was failing miserably.
     “This.” He smiles mischievously and opens his mouth to reveal a tiny purple flower with a few leaves still attached. Confused I blinked starting to become unable to speak.
     “Since you were enjoying this feline fantasy of yours so very much I thought I’d have a little fun of my own. You’re feeling the effects of this plant. I believe it’s what you humans refer to as catnip.” ‘Wh-Whaaa?’
     “Don’t worry, I’m gonna make you feel so good you’re going to beg me to never turn you back.” Without another word he playfully nipped my neck before removing our clothes with a snap. As he entered me my head tipped back at the exquisite sensation and let out a quiet gasp. There’s a tenderness behind his eyes and no longer able to fight it I give myself over to him mind, body and soul.
     “I am sorry for what happened earlier. It was not my intention to ruin this day for you. Though I may not understand it’s significance I understand your heart and I’m sorry for breaking it today. I promise to put your feelings in front of my own from now on so please. Promise me you’ll never say you regret having met me ever again. I love you more than you could possibly fathom goldfish. You make think me the king of all animals but I assure you, I will always treat you as my queen, animal, human, god or otherwise.” He wipes the tears from my eyes upon hearing his confession and I cuddle into his warmth.
     “Can I ask just one question?” 
     “What on Earth were you guys fighting over that caused such destruction in the first place?”
     “Pffft. That foul mouthed Scorpion and his idiot boss were heckling me when I showed up without a wrapped present in hand and starting spouting off about things they shouldn’t.” 
     “I don’t need a present from you to be happy. I’m happy now just like this, safely snuggled in your arms.”
     “How ridiculous.”
     “It’s ridiculous that you think I would have nothing to give you on your birthday. I could give you anything you asked of me. However I could not give you anything more valuable to me than my heart. No one makes me feel the way you do. No one ever has and no one ever will. I will lavish you in my love until you beg for me to stop.”
     “Geeze Leon.” My cheeks and ears are hot upon hearing his words.
     “But thank you. There is nothing I could ever want more than that. I love you with every fiber of my being.” As I gaze up into those gorgeous eyes the love I feel for him is reflected right back at me. A tender smile fills his handsome face as he reached his hand out and scratches behind my ear causing me to purr again.
     “You know, I think I could get used to this. You make a better cat than a goldfish anyway.”
     “Wait what!? What’s that supposed to mean?”
     “You’re far more obedient this way.”
     “H-Hey!” I teasingly hit his arm making him laugh. 
     “As long as your mine, I don’t care what you want to be.” I smile at him getting misty eyed again.
     “Happy Birthday goldfish. I love you more than any words could ever say.”
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higuchimon · 4 years
[fanfic] Unholy Desires:  Chapter 9
One second, nothing but the deepest of shadows and being utterly unaware of what went on around him. Only that single voice that whispered in the very depths of his mind, telling him to stay that way, that it was far too soon to wake up, that he needed to recover his strength and sleep was one of the ways. Another way would come when he woke up.
And in the next second, or so it seemed to him, Taichi opened his eyes and found himself staring at the underside of the bunk bed. He blinked a few times before he swung his legs off the side and sat up, his stomach rumbling and ravenous for something meat-related. Or maybe some fish. He wasn’t picky.
“Hikari? Do we have any beef bowls? Or fish? Something! I’m starving!”
He rubbed his eyes and blinked, staring. He didn’t expect to see everyone else there. He really didn’t expect to see them all looking so – disturbed.
Oh. Wait. It wasn’t everyone else. Yamato wasn’t there.
In a swift deluge, all the memories came back. Yamato – Yamato wasn’t – he’d been – he’d -
One hand flew up to the side of his neck and he winced at the faint hint of soreness there. He shook his head, trying to get everything put together, and not having a lot of success.
“Hikari? What’s going on? What’s got everyone so upset?” Wait – why were their Digimon here where Hikari could see them? She wasn’t -
She moved over to settle down beside him, offering a tiny smile. “You’re awake.”
“Yeah. What’s going on?” He glanced towards the window and blinked to see the first hints of sunrise. The last he’d been aware it had been … the night before? Or so he hoped…
Hikari glanced towards Koushiro. He, Jou, and Sora looked more worried than Mimi or Takeru did. Well, Takeru looked worried too but it sort of was different.
“Guys? What did I miss?”
Koushiro drew in a breath and came over, hugging his laptop close to him. “We’ve been busy all right. First, we know now who the Eighth Child is. It’s Hikari-san.”
Taichi stared at her. She nodded a little, holding up a small device – her Digivice. “Um…” Well, that was progress, at least? “Who’s your partner?”
“Tailmon!” Hikari grinned at that, her eyes glowing in deep warmth tinged by worry. “She and Wizarmon went off to find my Crest. But – they never came back.”
Taichi wasn’t sure of what he’d just heard. Tailmon – that little cat Digimon who attacked them before? One of Vamdemon’s servants? His head throbbed faintly and his stomach rumbled loud enough for everyone to turn and look at him.
Hikari got up. “I’ll get you some breakfast. Mom and Dad are still asleep. We – they know about the Digimon. They want to talk to you when they get up.”
Oh. He really had missed a lot. He rubbed the back of his neck. “What about Yamato? Has anyone seen him?”
“Not really. But we know more than we did,” Koushiro said. He flipped up his laptop and turned it to face Taichi. On the screen was Yamato, looking as he normally did – but there was a screenful of information there as well. Taichi read it by instinct.
Anbumon: half-human son of Piemon and Takaishi Natsuko, known on Earth as Ishida Yamato. Ultimate Level. Digimon Partner: Gabumon. Healer. Known attacks include Deep Sleep and Obsidian Strike. He is the corrupted Viral side of Chiguumon. Cold, arrogant, and quite possibly the strongest Digimon in existence save for the Holy Beasts themselves.
There was a great deal more but Taichi could hardly believe what he’d already seen.
“… Yamato’s – he’s – he’s not human?” That was going to take a lot of getting used to. “What is that? How did you find out?”
Koushiro tapped his laptop. “One of the programs that Gennai put on here is an addition to the Digimon Analyzer. The ordinary Analyzer can’t detect a human-Digimon crossbreed. That’s probably why we haven’t noticed anything until now. But I checked us all, on Jou-san’s recommendation. Only you, Hikari, Mimi, and Takeru are full humans.”
“The rest of us are part Digimon – or more,” Sora said, raising her head. Piyomon snuggled up against her and Sora’s hand caressed over her feathers. “I-I’m – Devimon.” She shook her head, shoulders shuddering, and turned away.
Jou kept his own head down, staring at his fingers. “Vamdemon. And – I suspected before this.”
Taichi took a step over towards him. “What do you mean?” He wondered if he’d actually woken up or if this were some amazingly realistic part of whatever dreams he’d had. He didn’t remember dreaming, but…
“I mean ever since we landed in the Digital World, I’ve – I’ve wanted to drink blood.” Jou shuddered, looking a great deal paler for a few seconds. “I thought I was feeling a little anemic, but then all of this started to happen, and I wondered ” He shook his head. “I’d rather not go anywhere near Vamdemon. I don't know if he knows – or what he could do.”
Taichi rested a hand on Jou’s shoulder. The whole idea of him being part vampire – or part Digimon – didn’t mean a thing to him. What did matter was that his friend was upset. “Don’t worry about it. If he does anything, we’ll stop him. We’ll stop him even if he doesn’t, just so he can’t!”
“He’s right!” Mimi declared. “I don’t care what he is, he’s not going to hurt any of us anymore!” She glanced at Takeru. “And that means we're getting Yamato back, too!”
Takeru’s smile brightened the tiniest bit. Taichi looked at Koushiro. “You said you were too?” He still wasn’t entirely convinced he wasn’t dreaming, so better to go along with it until he woke up.
“Yes. Me.” Koushiro actually fidgeted. Taichi hadn’t really seen him do that before. The redhead stared down at the laptop before he tapped a few keys and then shifted it around so Taichi could see it.
There was Koushiro, and a list of information. Taichi read through it, then blinked. “You’re an actual Digimon, not a – a hybrid?” He wasn’t sure of what else to call them. Were they going to have to invent a term?
“Apparently so. I – I want to talk to my parents about this. And to Leomon, if we return to the Digital World. Which we may have to. Those who have Digimon blood in them need the Digital World now that we’ve been there. Apparently we can survive without it – up until the blood itself awakens, for lack of a better term. But once it has, we need to be there as much as any other Digimon.”
Leomon. Taichi glanced again. Oh. Right. He was Koushiro’s – father. Sire? Whatever. He didn’t recognize the other name, though. Probably a Digimon that they hadn’t met.
Then something else occurred to him. “What was that – Chiguumon in Yamato’s profile?”
“That is something else that Jou-san and Sora-san have to deal with,” Koushiro said. He flicked the screen back to Yamato’s. “It appears that when a Virus Digimon and a human produce an offspring, then the potential for a “dark side” of sort exists. Somewhat like SkullGreymon, but the intelligence level is vastly different. It isn’t exactly an evolution but more of an alteration. This alteration manifests more or less as a different personality. That personality – and his Digimon blood – were awakened when Yamato was bitten by Vamdemon. That is Anbumon. Chiguumon is his natural state. Anbumon is the dark side – the corruption awakened by Vamdemon.”
Taichi wondered if the nausea that stirred up was because of hearing that or because Hikari hadn’t yet gotten back with his breakfast. Probably both. He settled himself back on his bed and tried to put all of this together.
“Also,” Koushiro added, and Taichi wondered what else he could take, “this mention of Piemon. We don’t know who that is but given that Yamato is apparently an Ultimate level Digimon – a level that we previously weren’t even aware existed – it stands to reason that he is going to be our enemy. We will have to return to the Digital World.”
“Oh.” Taichi couldn’t really say that bothered him a lot. He rather liked the Digital World and if they could get home now and then, he wouldn’t have minded spending more time there. Though going back to fight a powerful enemy wasn’t exactly his idea of a fun vacation.
Worry about that later, he decided, especially when Hikari entered with a tray of food, all of which smelled delicious and put every other thought out of his head for the moment.
As he ate, he started putting together what they were going to have to do. Find Tailmon and her friend and get Hikari’s Crest, then find a way to break Vamdemon’s hold over Yamato and get him back, and then find a way to defeat Vamdemon once and for all. Going back to the Digital World to face whatever they found there could wait – would have to wait – until after that.
“Taichi?” He looked up to see his parents in the doorway. He yelped for a second, coming to his feet, his first instinct to hide all of the Digimon. But both of them smiled little, weary smiles at him.
“Your friends told us all about what happened. I admit I wasn’t sure what to think, but you’re going to do what you need to do no matter what, aren’t you?” His mother said. Taichi slowly nodded.
“We thought you would,” his father said with an approving nod. “Be careful. All of you be careful. We heard about what that monster did to your other friend.”
Taichi’s eyes fell over to where Gabumon’s egg lay, wrapped in blankets and with Agumon and Gomamon next to it. Would Gabumon ever hatch again?
“We’re going to get him back,” he promised. He wanted to believe that with every scrap of his body. He could not shake the memory of Yamato – of Anbumon’s hands on him, the way his teeth pressed into Taichi's own skin, the sound of that velvet-soft voice purring in his ear, sending shocks through him that he’d never experienced, not even in those first few moments of meeting when the part of him that was a Firestarter sparked against the part of Yamato that were a Healer.
That's right, he reminded himself, he’s not just a Healer. He’s my Healer. They weren’t bonded yet but that was mostly just a matter of courting – proper bonds weren’t allowed to be formed until both partners were of legal age, in their case eighteen. But still, he and Yamato both knew. Everything that had happened in the Digital World only made both of them that much more certain that this was the one they wanted to bond to.
There were other things that Taichi thought he might want to do but that would have to come later. It wasn’t unknown for Healers and Firestarters to date as well as bond to one another. Not often, because a bond was lifelong once forged and romantic relationships didn’t always last forever, but it could happen.
He’d been told that many times growing up. Maybe somewhere along the way it had actually sunk in.
A startled noise came from the window where Mimi stood. Everyone surged over there, children and parents alike. She raised one hand and pointed, trembling. At first Taichi wasn’t sure about what she was trying to show them. Then he saw it. He saw them.
“They’re Bakemon,” Jou whispered. “We saw them on File Island. Vamdemon must have brought them along too.”
“What are they doing?” Taichi's mother asked, trembling. Taichi wasn’t sure at first, until it became obvious.
“They’re taking people,” he said. And so they were. The Bakemon swept into the apartment buildings and dragged people out, urging them towards somewhere. This had to be part of Vamdemon’s plan. Which meant they needed one of their own.
“Everyone,” he decided, “go find your families and get them to safety. Stop as many of the Bakemon as you can. Something must have happened to Tailmon.” He had a strong feeling that ‘something’ was either Vamdemon or Anbumon – or probably Vamdemon and Anbumon. “Once they’re safe, we’ll try to find her, and then finish off Vamdemon.”
He hoped that it would be as easy as he made it sound. But it probably wouldn’t. He clenched his fists, sparks dancing over them.
Vampires burned, didn’t they? He was more than ready to find out.
To Be Continued
Notes: Yes, I did a time jump. It was necessary for story purposes. And now action can begin to happen!
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itsmomorin · 7 years
A Little Touch of Fate
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A Little Touch of Fate
- Tzuyu Focus
Word Count: 2239
Fate is a funny thing, it often toys with people. It entertains itself by making people go around and around in circles, and those people are in love most of the time. After all, people go to great lengths for those who they love. When it set its eyes on you and Tzuyu, you didn’t curse it but instead, thanked it. Without its influence, there would have been no way for you to meet someone as high class as Tzuyu.
She was born a noble, and her entire family were considered as a founding family in the town that you lived in. They originally came from a larger, more renowned city, but certain circumstances caused their family to move away and start their own little society. Gradually, more and more settlers came, eager to prove themselves and befriend her family. Everyone in town recognized Tzuyu, as she was known as the most beautiful lady for miles around. Although she was born a noble, she wasn’t a spoiled child. She was gentle, caring, and respectful. As a result, everyone loved Tzuyu, greeting her whenever and wherever.
Your family, on the other hand, had just moved into this quiet and peaceful town as a new addition. Your parents were commoners, but they had hearts of gold and earned themselves a chance to move away from the poor district of their own parents and into this new and lively town where opportunities were given to those who were worthy. At that time, you had just become a fine young man, who worked day and night in order to better you and your parents quality of life. You’ve always heard about Tzuyu and every now and then, you would be able to catch glimpses of Tzuyu. Always watching from afar, you learned to love her smile, her laughs.
You two should have never met each other, while you worked the fields from dawn to dusk, Tzuyu was being educated by the country’s best scholars and was practicing dance and music. You two basically lived in two separate worlds. But fate had other plans for the two of you. One night, Tzuyu’s carriage was reported missing on her way back from a nearby town. Her parents sent out everyone to go out to look for her. The forest was dense, teeming with life, and packed with dangerous animals. You remember that night clearly as you carried a torch into the thick forest, yelling Tzuyu’s name repeatedly. You didn’t care about all of the scratches that were being branded onto your body as you pushed away branches and bushes that were in your way. At first, you started searching with everybody, but then, you wandered off and became alone. You were exposed to the dangers of the forest. Then you heard Tzuyu, you heard her cry for help. You rushed forwards, towards her voice, and finally broke out of the forest. Tzuyu was at the edge of a cliff with a pack of wolves slowly approaching her, forcing her to stand at the very edge. You ran forwards, and swung your torch with all of your might, trying to ward off the attacking wolves. You remember Tzuyu’s soft hands on your shoulders, as you were the only barrier between her and the hungry wolves. The wolves weren’t afraid of your flame, and growled intensely at the flickering fire that seemed to waver in front of the ferocious beasts. You knew that you had to make a move before they all attacked at once. In the end, the wolves got a few bites on your body and arms before they were dissuaded from you and Tzuyu. The last thing you remember from blacking out was Tzuyu’s face, she was calling out at you, but you couldn’t hear anything. When you came to, you were lying in silk sheets, you were in Tzuyu’s bedroom. Her parents thanked you and rewarded you handsomely for the feat, and sent you back home. From that day onwards, Tzuyu always came by to talk to you, no matter how little time she had. Whenever she found a break between her classes and studies, she would run to your little farm and swing on your rocking chair as she enchanted you with her stories about the outside world. Little by little, the two of you discovered that you liked each other, but everything came crashing down when her parents found out. At first, they politely reminded Tzuyu that she was a noble and you were but a simple commoner. Then, when that didn’t work, they imposed heavy taxes on your parents, causing them to work even more hours just for the same amount of money that everyone else was being paid. Your parents supported you, told you that you can pursue Tzuyu if you like, and that they can shoulder everything else. For a few weeks, you and Tzuyu met up secretly, and your love for each other blossomed. Then, one day, you discovered that your parents had been captured and jailed for hiding a fugitive. That fugitive, was you. Tzuyu’s parents had put up a reward for you, they wanted you out of Tzuyu’s life. Out of desperation, Tzuyu suggested to you that you guys make a run for it. She would gather a sum of money and take you away from all of this. Unfortunately, you two weren’t careful enough as a villager overheard and reported the news to Tzuyu’s parents. They prepared an ambush for the two of you, and forced the two of you to escape to the same cliff where you first protected Tzuyu from the wolves. Instead of pleading for your lives, Tzuyu went against her parents, declaring her love for you. Tzuyu’s parents didn’t heed her words and ultimately, the two of you jumped off the cliff together, promising that you’ll find each other in another lifetime.
A few hundred years later, that tiny little town had grown into a city, and that cliff had become a part of a historical site. The tragic love story between a commoner and a noble had become a local legend, a story that was told to visitors and children. Some people believe that the two were reunited in death, while others believed that their reincarnations are still out there, searching endlessly for each other.
“You don’t actually believe that dumb old legend, do you? I mean, it’s their fault for falling in love with each other.” Your friend commented as he saw you reading about the legend.
“You can’t blame someone for falling in love. That’s no one’s fault. And I don’t know about you, but this legend resonates with me. I feel for the couple. There was nothing wrong with their love, just that they were caught up in the wrong time period. I mean, if they were to meet each other now, then…” You explained.
“Okay, okay, okay. Sure, sure, sure. You totally believe in that old legend. I’m gonna run before I start believing in weird legends like you.”
“Heh, alright. See you later.”
You waved to your friend as he disappeared around the corner, and you began to hike upwards to the cliff where the couple supposedly jumped off of. It wasn’t that you believed in every single legend that you read about, this one, just seemed to click with you. After school, you would always head up to that cliff. The view was great, there’s always a cool breeze blowing, and no one else was ever up there. It was a spot that you could call your own. Once you reached the top, you sat down on the only bench that was up there and pulled out your notebook. Often, you would try and capture the view by sketching in your notebook. You would draw the horizon, the mountains, the city outline, and the beautiful blue sky.
Only today, you weren’t alone. There was a girl sitting down in the grass in front of you, she didn’t seem to notice you coming up here. She was looking out and over the cliff, admiring the exquisite landscape. At first, you thought about telling her to move since she was blocking your view, but then you decided to incorporate her into your drawing. You couldn’t see her face, but you drew her figure carefully, and paid attention to every single detail. Her hair that flowed through the air, and her dress that simply radiated elegance. As soon as you were finished, you gently ripped out the notebook paper and admired your work. But then a strong wind suddenly picked up your drawing and blew it out of your hands. You must’ve cried out a little, because the girl turned around and caught your drawing before it was blown off the cliff.
“Oh! Nice catch! Thanks so much for… oh… the drawing. I can explain, I was…” You stammered, unable to explain why you drew her from behind.
The girl didn’t say anything and gently unrolled your drawing and examined it. You slowly walked up to her and sat down beside her, waiting for her response.
“Ahem, I… come up here, a lot. And usually I draw. I draw the mountains that lie on the horizon, the clouds that transform with every second, and the buildings of this city that I call home. This is the only place where you can see everything. I couldn’t help but incorporate you into my drawing. I’m not a creep, I swear. I just didn’t want to bother you because you looked like you were admiring the view as well.” You finally explained.
“Your drawing…” The girl finally said.
“It’s nice. I can see from this drawing that you must really love your hometown.”
“Thank you. I do. Uhm, if you don’t mind me asking, did you move here recently? Because I’ve never seen you before and I seriously come up here like every day.”
“My family and I just moved here. Here, let me hand you back your drawing.”
The girl finally turned around to face you, she was incredibly beautiful. Her hair seemed to fall perfectly into place, and her eyes were so clear that you thought you could see yourself in them. What in the world… she’s… The girl gave you a light hearted smile and handed your drawing back to you. Just as you were about to reach out and take your drawing back, your fingers brushed past her hand. A shock ran up from your fingertips all the way up your arm. You blinked multiple times as you froze, staring at her face.
“Uh, your drawing? Do you still-” The girl asked. She seemed like she was extremely shocked to see you too. You could see her eyes moving from each feature of your face to the next as she froze as well.
“Are you sure you moved here? You look really familiar… and just now, when I accidentally touched your hand, I swear I felt a…”
“Yeah, I’m positive. I…”
The two of you sat there, staring at each other without saying another word. Finally, you broke out of the trance and cleared your throat.
“Heh, sorry about that. I just, I don’t know what happened to me. Uh, where are my manners? My name is (Y/N). I’m a student at the local high school, if you couldn’t figure it out from my backpack and all, nice to meet you.”
“Tzuyu. My name is Tzuyu. Nice to meet you too.”
“So Tzuyu… why do you come up here? How did you even discover this place?”
“Well, after my parents informed me of moving, I had to do some research. And apparently, the most famous story about this city is the forbidden love between this commoner and this noble. So, I investigated a little bit more, and it turns out that they threw themselves off of this very cliff when they discovered that the entire world was against their love. Then a bunch of theories sprang up about the conclusion of this legend, while others just transformed it into a children’s story.”
“What do you think about it then? Is it just a bedtime story now, or do you think that it actually happened?”
“I’d like to believe that something of the sorts did happen. I don’t know myself, it’s just that, after reading about it, I just had to come and see for myself. This cliff that marked the beginning and the end of their love. I guess you could say that this cliff attracted me to this city, haha.”
“You know, people believe that the commoner and the noble were reincarnated, apparently they’re fated to meet each other in another lifetime. To reunite with each other. It’s okay if you think I’m weird and all that, my friends certainly think so.”
“Haha, no, I think that’s plausible. I mean, it would go against a bunch of theories and logic and whatever but I do like to believe that the two would eventually find each other again and rekindle their love for one another.”
“Finally, another person that speaks my language.” You exclaimed.
Tzuyu chuckled and raised her head to look up into the sky. You laughed along with her and watched her gaze into the clear navy sky. Although, the forbidden love between the commoner and the noble remains a legend, a little love was blossoming. Here, right at this instant.
- itsmomorin
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More BoTW ‘sequel’ ideas;
(expanding upon this for @ramune-explosion )
additional links provided :3 likely best to gain full context from them;
when you pick your starting Rune, your guardian programming is able to access secondary features not able to be run on Slate tech; (the other runes might be available later)
Bombs; instead of only creating bombs full of blue energy, you can also perform a variation of the Guardian’s trademark Beam attack; a quick shot that does the minimal damage of the bombs, usually used to get other explosives to go off, or a charged beam like the Guardian Scouts use; (Upgrades may give you the ‘super armor’ that the scouts get while charging)
Cryonis; instead of only freezing water in block formations, you can now create a Ball of Ice that does everything a Ball can do. roll around, run into things, get bigger if rolling through snow, hit switches... (maybe freeze non-water objects to make them brittle?)
Magnesis; not just moving individual metal objects; you can also electrify them temporarily; (a bit like thunder Blight) (maybe an upgrade will make thrown metal weapons home-in slightly on targets)
Stasis; not just stopping Time; can also accelerate certain objects; (maybe an Upgrade could let you reverse aging time on an object (with a hearty cooldown) to get something to return to where it once was; or maybe that should be the default; idk; stasis is kinda funny; a few possibilities here)
Camera; not just pictures; Advanced Tracking can Highlight Targeted objects, and provide much more specific Arrows, rather than just radar blips. perhaps also highlight enemies through walls? a good utility;
Disguise choice; Gerudo, Goron, Hylian, Zora, Birb... (and perhaps some other ‘secret’ disguises not available at the start) (like Shieka Monk) (customization is a Yes)
you start with just one, but might be able to get others later; each with certain base abilities & potential Upgrades. (some ‘plot shrine’ will give you your first, (maybe more?) upgrade part, which will automatically be used to create your disguise+base ability)
Picking Gerudo Male... As the one with the Triforce of Power... well... that might make things a deal harder at the start; to the point where the Player would be strictly warned about the consequences; A real, No-stealth, Glass cannon kind of choice; The Triforce of Power is Pleased by this Disguise, and leaks out a tiny bit more of its energy to you.
Goron; full Flameguard, but weaker stealth. later upgrades may give one-handed 2-handers, roll attacks, ext...
Zora; the ability to actually swim properly without getting waterlogged; faster swim speeds, (up to the rate at which Sidon went during the divine beast combat), waterfall climbing, ext...
Birb; far superior gliding, a weaker version of Ravioli Gale (which can be upgraded further), better stealth, ext...
Traditional Gerudo; (the advised, easier start choice) well, the Yiga Clan hideout isn’t far from Town; you can easily enter, and very likely get official Training in weapon use as a guard(ian). With Gerudo Town as a base of operations with plentiful access to decent items & gear, things ought to be a bit easier on you...
And if Link just so happens to be hunting you, and has seen through your disguise, (the guy has faced enough Yiga to know their disguises)... Well, they might cause a scene if they tried anything in town. You are safe there. maybe you’ll even sit at the same Bar.
Hylian; highly convincing disguise; upgrades include various quality/ease of life options, better Horse control, and, as a high tier upgrade, the famous ‘slow time’ ability Link possesses. (A Goron or Zora out in the Snow is very suspect, but a Hylian, well, they could be anywhere!)
(bonus surprise?) if you make and wear the full Guardian Armor Set, people might mistake you for Link
(extra thought; would better monster disguises be worth a thought? As a Bokoblin, while people would still call attention to you if you did bad things, it wouldn’t be as harsh a response as if you were found out to be ‘That Rouge Machine!’)
upgrades for your Guardian Tech exist as well; Runes, Tools...
The Scientists probably help you even though they know what you are cause they can be a bit kooky like that; just fascinated to see how you develop.
‘meals’ work differently; (unless you got the Hylian gastro-generator Upgrade)
You have a far more discerning Eye for Guardian Parts; while others might just see a dozen of the same type of Screw, you can tell the differences between them; Some that can be ‘cooked’ into ‘stamina’ restoring ‘meals’, electric resist, temporary hearts... basically all the usual cooking effects; Gemstones can be used in cooking to, with unique effects of their own. like maybe temporary elemental damage, changing the color of your default Guardian weapons to match;
yea, that’s another thing; while nearly every other weapon in the game would be better than them, (unless you upgrade them,) you should always have access to weak variants of the Guardian spear, sword, & Ax; (maybe you can unlock a guardian boomerang, or some other weapon types as well)
The great Plateau is, instead of a dizzying drop, a brutal climb. But, many important things can be found there... The Other Runes, for example, & a Certain Monk living under the shrine of Resurrection who will make sure you EARN those Runes. (maybe you can extract something from the 1-hit obliterator?)
maybe Shrine entrances will take you even further bellow the Shrines to the ‘Maintenance Level’. As a Guardian, you get taken to The Works, presumed to be there to fix things by the Shrine workings.
Also, forget needing to pray in very specific locations to upgrade, to the point where you have a dozen not-Spirit orbs waiting to be used; you are a clever Machine; you can upgrade wherever you want; (though maybe have certain high tier upgrades require a certain location in the maintenance level to get)
Plenty of potential here; it could be a Mechanical mess, or maybe things broke down a while ago, and dirt & rocks & such have gotten in, creating a whole new kind of environment. (might be cool if some variant of Mogma(Skyward Sword Moles) were to be found, with a secret disguise available for them with their own thematic upgrades) (also, at this point, a full and proper skill tree would probably be good; it isn’t as simple as ‘Heart or Stamina’ after all... Though different upgrades may include/be Hearts &or Stamina for different races. (high stamina birbs, high Hearts Goron...) )
|3 ... I’m running out of steam at the moment for ideas on Gameplay quirks... there’s probably something obvious that is a part of the base game that I’m missing...
! ah, Koroks? hmm... there could probably be some kind of excuse for Koroks, if they were to be re-used... either on the Shieka advanced Tech side of things, or the ‘right heart to see them’ side of things.
& Great Fairies... maybe they can help you get some of the last stages in a particular upgrade path, or maybe they physically enhance your non-organic Body, like they do to Armor; give you more health, more stamina, more base-Defense... (Maybe they could be the source of some more... unique, non-machine like upgrades; like the gastro-generator which lets you heal via people food)
Ending Ideas;
there could be just about anything down there. including the ‘neutral-?bad?’ ending; ‘fixing’ things down in The Works is the most lucrative source of Upgrade Parts, but if you Fix Everything... Then a whole lot more than just Shrines, Towers, & those massive Spires around The Castle will start popping up; ‘You did what you were designed to do; now bear witness to the World We Designed you to make; the Era of The Shieka will return’ You Survive;
‘Bad?-POWER’ end, you’ve gone around and blown up all kinds of important stuff; attacked towns & destroyed their fortifications & fully operational Guardian Stalkers... When you make it to the birb Divine Beast, you get a total Power Trip; Controlling the Beast Directly, able to rain down destruction. You Survive;
‘neutral end(s)’ you didn’t really blow anything up, but you didn’t really do all that much good either. When you win the contest being held to find the next Pilot of the Divine Beast, you are found out. You are Targeted; Link is ready to finally settle this;
(if you somehow manage to beat Link;) Zelda won’t stand by & watch Link Die; With her greater control over her Divine Power, and Greater understanding of the Ancient Tech, She Purges your Programming; You Die;
(If Link beats you...) You Die; but by beheading/helm splitting; your Program still exists... You Still have the Triforce of Power... maybe you’ll manage to find a new vessel eventually... you kinda survive in that way; Via... Reincarnation...
(good end; helping make things right with The World) :) You win the Divine Beast Pilot Contest, and you get to Fly it all the way to Hyrule Castle... (bad end if you start shooting; Link rips you from the controls, & fights you; same kind of results as neutral ends) But, once there... Link & Zelda finally realize who/what you are; much later than they do the other time; you must be acting much more like a real person...
Link has The Master Sword at the Ready, but... has their doubts about how much of a threat you are...
You drop the disguise...
You drop to your Knees...
You distill information in the way that is traditional for Ancient Shieka Tech...
You start to Cry...
In a moment of recognition, Link catches a drop with their Shieka Slate...
Your Memories begin to play back on the screen...
The beauty you’ve seen in this World... How much better it is than The World the ancient Shieka had planned...
The joy in meeting new people...
The help you’ve offered... The help you’ve gotten...
Your acts of kindness... And the kindness you’ve been shown in turn...
Every Smile you have seen along the way...
Your perspective of Link and Zelda... Fearsome Destroyers who hold control over whether you live or die...
You tell them that you don’t want to die...
And they tell you that everything is going to be ok...
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lotsofdogs · 6 years
Mason Jar Chia Seed Pudding
This simple and delicious dairy-free recipe for Mason Jar Chia Seed Pudding comes together in a flash and is packed with fiber and protein. It’s the perfect recipe to prep ahead for a simple weekday breakfast or snack and can easily be customized with your favorite flavors and toppings.
This recipe came together out of laziness… or, um, convenience. That sounds better, right? Soon after Ryder was born, I found myself reaching for the easiest snacks I could find to help satisfy my raging hunger. Breastfeeding hunger is REAL and I often find myself desperate for something to eat numerous times a day.
After a couple of weeks of snacks that looked like handfuls of chocolate chips, gummy candies and endless scoops of peanut butter, I figured I should probably pay a tiny bit of attention to the foods I was using to fuel my body, especially since dealing with afternoon sugar crashes on top of the usual postpartum exhaustion started to get a little old. And even though sour gummy worms are delicious, they’re far from satiating. (One of life’s little bummers.)
As you guys may remember, back in May I read How Not To Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease (yes, the title is super intense and a bit click-baity), and the author of the book, Dr. Michael Greger, touted the nutritional benefits of chia seeds. (A quick refresher: They’re packed with fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and important vitamins and minerals including potassium, calcium and magnesium.) While I’ve loved chia seed pudding for years, after reading this book, I began making a more concerted effort to regularly incorporate them into my diet.
And then I had a baby and forgot everything I learned.
But, in the midst of the newborn haze, I opened up my pantry and saw my big jar of chia seeds and realized chia seed pudding is one of the easiest snacks ever and something I could prep ahead of time to have on hand when the nursing hunger beast rears its ravenous head.
And then because I’m lazy — ahem, resourceful — I figured I could make chia seed pudding even EASIER. I’m all about shortcuts when it comes to healthy eating and turned to the stash of mason jars I have stored in our kitchen cabinet to make this snack as simple as possible.
I simply dump all of the ingredients for the pudding into a mason jar, shake it up and put it in the fridge overnight. The next day I have breakfast or a nutritious snack ready and waiting for me and whatever toppings I choose to use that day. It’s so darn simple and also the kind of recipe you can quite literally grab and eat on the run.
This pudding is one of those wonderfully adaptable recipes. I’ve switched up the kind of milk, spices and (optional) natural sweeteners and loved every single variation but today I’m sharing my most basic version so you can use it as a starting point for your own creative chia seed pudding concoction!
Mason Jar Chia Seed Pudding
Mason Jar Chia Seed Pudding
Author: Julie
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: At least four hours or overnight
Total Time: 4 hours or overnight
Yield: 1 serving
Category: snack, breakfast, dairy-free, gluten-free, Paleo
This simple and delicious dairy-free recipe for Mason Jar Chia Seed Pudding comes together in a flash and is packed with fiber, protein and flavor. The perfect recipe to prep ahead for easy weekday breakfasts or snacks!
3 tablespoons chia seeds
1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
1 1/4 cup non-dairy milk (I love unsweetened vanilla almond milk or light coconut milk from a can)
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons collagen hydrolysate (optional)
pinch of salt
1-2 teaspoons maple syrup or honey (optional)
Optional toppings: Fresh berries, nut butter, unsweetened coconut flakes, etc.
Combine chia seeds, flaxseed, milk, cinnamon, collagen, salt and desired sweetener in a mason jar.
Shake everything up and refrigerate for at least four hours or overnight. If you are awake and around, shaking the pudding periodically will help evenly disperse the chia seeds and improve the texture of the pudding. (I like to give it a shake about 30-45 minutes after I initially put it in the fridge.)
Top chia seed pudding with desired toppings and enjoy!
I LOVE making a chocolate version of this recipe and will often omit the cinnamon and add in 1/2 tablespoon of cocoa powder before shaking everything up. I also love throwing in some cacao nibs for some crunch and an extra punch of chocolate flavor!
The collagen in this recipe is optional and can easily be omitted without altering the flavor or texture but I like including it to get the benefits of collagen as well as a boost of protein.
If you’re looking for a punch of sweetness but don’t want to use honey or maple syrup in your chia pudding, mashing some fresh berries and adding them in before shaking everything up works well! I love using mashed raspberries or strawberries.
While this recipe calls for non-dairy milk, you may also use dairy milk though I prefer the silky, nutty flavor of unsweetened vanilla almond milk, cashew milk or macadamia nut milk or the rich, creamy flavor of coconut milk in this recipe. Just make sure you use a milk you love to ensure you enjoy the flavor of the pudding.
Serving Size: 1 mason jar pudding
Calories: 308
Sugar: 0g
Sodium: 215mg
Fat: 16g
Saturated Fat: 2g
Carbohydrates: 18g
Fiber: 18g
Protein: 23g
Cholesterol: 0mg
Keywords: chia seed pudding, chia seeds, mason jar chia seed pudding, chia pudding, mason jar chia pudding, paleo chia seed pudding
Did you make this recipe?
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  (Note: Nutritional information was calculated using unsweetened vanilla almond milk and none of the optional honey or maple syrup.)
If you give this recipe a try, please let me know what you think! And I’d love to hear about any variations you create at home that you think taste extra delicious!
Additional Chia Seed Recipes 
Chia Seed Pudding Mousse
Chocolate Peanut Butter Chia Seed Pudding
Greek Yogurt Chia Seed Pudding Parfait
Mango Banana Chia Seed Pudding
Cherry Almond Chia Seed Pudding
[Read More ...] https://www.pbfingers.com/mason-jar-chia-seed-pudding/
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