#didn’t go in too much detail
yeyayeya · 1 year
Hey hey im one of your fe mutuals. Whats TGCF? Is it a show? Game?
I’m going to go on a biased rant so apologies
TGCF (also know as Heaven Official’s Blessing/Tian Guan Ci Fu) is originally a Chinese BL novel! It has different adaptations, with an animation, audio drama, a manhua/manga, and a live action. The animation is having Season 2 released in October, and the audio drama is releasing episodes right now till the 29th (episode 5 just released today). The live action is still N/A, but the manhua/manga is still ongoing
The announcement of the release date of Season 2 and the comeback of the audio drama happened on Tuesday and it just made my week so much better. A good fucking week for TGCF fans
It’s recently been my current obsession, and I just absolutely fucking love it. The guy in my pfp is one of the side characters in the novel. Starting with any of the adaptations is fine, but of course the novel has more to it than the others. The first 6 books of the English localization are available to buy online.
The novel consists of the main couple being either really awkward teenagers and an old married couple at the same time. It also has a mix of horror sprinkled in it, and lets the side characters shine with their own arcs. The main couple is between a banished god of Heaven and one of the most powerful Ghost Kings, and just their whole love story is so beautiful. I want what they have so bad
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Literally look at them
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aroaessidhe · 3 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
sci-fi novella
a burned out 20-something with premonitions has a gender-questioning journey, after quitting their job and becoming friends with benefits with a trans guy
with a parallel narrative about a runaway alien prince in a space empire and his complicated friendship with his sentient spaceship friend
audiobook arc from netgalley!
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hplonesomeart · 1 month
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Oh boy wonder what’s on the channels tonight-
Huh a gameshow with a totally mentally sane TV head host and not at all captive actors onboard? Seems like a great watch can’t imagine it’ll accumulate into something gone awry :3
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Oh yeah and this was the “work in progress” photo taken earlier before SMG4 cast was included. Elusive bonus feature content on the DVD behind the scenes Mr. Puzzles only edition I suppose
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vellichorsdesire · 6 months
introducing the shipname blue hydrangeas for me and my f/o…!!! a little rambling about the decision under cut as well and well. in the tags
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with the different vivid colors of hydrangeas, each come with their own special meaning in flower language as well!!! i think it’s very important to keep in mind when researching about such language is that they can be different between cultures/not all cultures have the same meaning for a flower (it’s super duper interesting to me that going through victorian era(?) flower language books have hydrangeas in general noted as ‘boastful’ with how little seeds it gave compared to how much flowers it has… and not only that but men sent it to women who rejected them to imply their frigidity, which. is so mean actually.).
blue hydrangeas i believe they’re not seemed as the happiest kind of flower with being given as an apology (stemming from the japanese myth) but i mostly see the flower for its meaning of deep gratitude and understanding which absoluutely applies to s/i (or. well. me but i’m too embarrassed to use the word ‘us’ uuumm) and f/o…!!! sincerity i think is a meaning the flower heavily carries as well and being true to someone like that and having that kind of connection really is what the highlight of their relationship is with what both have been through and stand for. f/o is not extremely trusting, and being laid bare open to someone like that is very unheard of to them until they have s/i in their life and slowly develop a sort of closeness towards him. s/i is somewhat similar to f/o but different in a way that their honesty is quite warped when it comes to people (i’ve mentioned him being a sunshine type of character but there are layers to that, in the way that he finds his truer and more negative emotions irrelevant and keeps the sunshine mask on as he grew more used to it & finds it much easier basically) so the type of relationship for the both of them where they can genuinely be themselves with their guards down is something really special
in a way both are extremely grateful for each other as well for walking into their life and wouldn’t have it any other way
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pepperpixel · 2 years
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I’m sick of the feeling that I always have to have enough pictures for a photoset to post anything. So. I’m rebelling against that stupid fuckin feeling and just posting this chara stand alone! There’ll probably be a frisk to go w it eventually! But! U’ll just have to wait lol
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princehatterene · 2 months
we reached a verdict in my jury trial today and like. maybe i’m not so cut out for this cuz i just feel Bad for everyone involved
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whoblewboobear · 3 months
In my fic, Jace really is a mix of eldest and youngest sibling while still firmly being the middle child of his family. He loves his older brother and little sister so much and admires them for all that they are but god damn do they stress him tf out too.
Jace Family ramblings under the cut
Jasper is the wizard that Jace always wanted to be and looks up to. He’s well-read, confident, worldly, and unfortunately the black sheep of the family because his magic never came innately to him like Jace’s did.
When Jasper was 18 and Jace was 16, he immediately left on what pretty much became a life long adventure with his party. They haven’t see each other in person since then. It’s been give or take 30-ish years.
They talk on their crystals whenever Jasper is somewhere that has service but it can go months or longer before Jace hears back. When they do talk it’s like they never stopped.
Jasper and his partner, Melanie, are married and still actively adventuring with their same party. They want kids, but they also don’t wanna put down roots quite yet. Jace misses him a ton but part of him is still upset he never came back for their dad’s funeral. Jace had to put his life on pause to make the funeral and end of life arrangements for their dad on his own. He had to grieve on his own as well.
They didn’t have crystals when it happened but Jace did manage to get the message out there, Jasper just didn’t respond. He did bring it up much later, well after their dad was in the ground. It still doesn’t sit right with Jace, but he loves his brother.
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Talariel is about half Jace’s age and an absolute whirlwind. After their mother divorced Jace’s bio dad, she remarried and they eventually had Tala. She’s high-elven like their mother and Jace’s stepdad so she has all the usual FH high elf quirks to her and then some to account for the general weird vibe nepo babies tend to have.
During college she lived with Jace for a couple years in his shitty downtown apartment. By the time she moved out she surprised him with the keys to a new place closer to Aguefort (fully furnished in the way Jace would love with just a few unfurnished rooms for him to get creative with.)
She may be a sorcerer, but she’s a rogue and a bard at heart (idk if the multi-class math works out and I’m not gonna check okay, she has poetry and sneakery in her heart!)
If there’s gossip that needs to be found out or secrets to uncover she’ll find them. So when she hears about Aguefort being the epicenter of an apocalypse- ‘the gross little degenerate school’ her brother teaches at, she has to know more and lo and behold her dear brother is involved. She immediately gives him shit for it over text. It’s all in good fun until she realizes something is very wrong.
When Jace tells her he was killed, she plays it off for him, but it doesn’t sit well with her. If she ever meets Porter, it won’t end well for him. She may be eccentric, but she is deadly. Maybe a lil evil too 🤷🏾 she has a long life ahead of her and if there’s something she wants to do, she’ll do it if it’s fun.
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Jasper and Talariel Stardiamond y’all will always be famous to me~
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dutybcrne · 3 months
Kaeya: Diluc gets rid of things he doesn’t need anymore…with how much he resents me, I must be no different-
Never banned Kaeya from the tavern, even with their History and how much Kaeya pesters him there nor makes any moves to
Kept every single letter Kaeya wrote to him while in Snezhnaya, which was also the vast majority correspondence penned by one person he kept in the Winery's stash (every Letter in Beautiful Handwriting/Hidden Strife Event)
Kept the fucken vase Kaeya used on a whim to give his Vision back in, even if it did NOT match the decor of the Winery (Genshin Manga/Venti SQ/Kaeya Hangout)
Was extremely patient with Kaeya accusing him of casting aside Crepus' legacy in response to him telling Kaeya to drink responsibly (Venti SQ)
In that same dialogue, was more in disbelief/offended that Kaeya seemed to believe he would ever think of callously throwing him out than by Kae's comment abt Crepus of all things (Venti SQ)
Stayed with Kaeya on the island the entire time, no matter how much they bickered, even though he could have gone after one of the others or even taken off on his own like they did instead (Midsummer Island Adventure)
Was genuinely surprised/touched when Kae revealed he thought fondly of their childhood days gathering seashells (Echoing Tales)
Let himself get arrested for Kaeya’s harebrained scheme to save a little girl Luc didn't even know about previously, and RIGHT after Kaeya outright accused HIM of being the murderer too (Genshin Manga)
Gave Kaeya a free drink without being asked when he came to visit him to deliver the aforementioned vase after the scheme was complete (Genshin Manga)
Never refuted Kaeya's claim that Dawn Winery was his home too, nor Kae's claims that people had every right to visit 'home' during festival seasons (Weinlesefest)
Let Kaeya score free booze for the Knights to distribute for the Weinlesefest to help better their image, that Lisa specifically sent Kaeya to ask of Diluc bc she KNEW Diluc wouldn’t say no to him (Weinlesefest)
Expressed he would have Elzer speak with Hertha bc Kaeya mentioned the Knights' financial situation as an afterthought, despite how much Diluc dislikes the Knights (Weinlesefest)
Got moody bc Kaeya didn’t want to stay for dinner and IMMEDIATELY jumped at the chance to make Kaeya stay when Addie intervened to insist (Weinlesefest)
Lets and NEVER stops the servants from referring to Kaeya as ‘master’ too (They do so freely in front of him in Weinlesefest & Kaeya Hangout in particular)
Was perfectly okay with Kaeya staying at the Winery when he left, even after their dispute (Letter with Clear Handwriting/Hidden Strife)
Always remembers every single one of Kaeya’s silly excuses to try and get free wine out of him, and teases him for forgetting which he’s already used & precisely how long ago he did (Kaeya Hangout)
Is said, by Elzer, to in fact be completely fine with Kaeya stealing drinks from the Winery, even if he outwardly complains abt it (Kaeya Hangout)
Solemnly asks about Kaeya when he thinks Kaeya already left, and unpromptedly talks him up to Traveler in regards to Kae's own ability to the Winery (Kaeya Hangout)
#//The fact that this list is so LONG speaks for itself jdngft#//Fruits of my research for a Thing I'm writing and I just#//cjkbrdg#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//I think my favorite detail is Luc getting pissy Kae didn’t want to stay and dine during Weinlesefest; like bro#//What did you THINK he was gonna do when you greeted him so coldly compared to Traveler djfbfb#//Luc is SO doting and Kae’s just#//‘Hm he’s changed too much since we were kids…he’s gonna throw me out of his life as easy as he sold our childhood home-‘#//I still find it so funny that THAT was Kae’s tirade of a response to Luc telling him to drink responsibly#//Like#//mans fucken ESCALATED that so gottdam fast#//Kae feels uncertain in his own hangout abt going to the Winery when Luc is there; when the man was prolly happy to see him stop by#//Moody yes; but then you talk to Luc AFTERwards; and he’s asking if Kae left yet like he didn’t actually WANT him to#//The mixed fucken messages; I swear to fucken god#//My goddamn clowns#//Their fight made difficult for them both to communicate things at times; but it's ironically KAEYA who finds it the hardest#//KAEYA who can smoothtalk his way through practically anything and can seemingly handle people & tough situations with such ease#//Meanwhile Diluc is continuously showing his care the best way he knows how via these indirect/wordless gestures#//Also can we give props to how Luc didn't even WANT to admit he kept the vase in Venti SQ but outright TELLS Kae he kept it in his Hangout#//The GROWTH. That or Luc's getting real tired of Kae acting like he doesn't care/want him around mdfbfkgf#//He's so fucken doting; I C R Y#//Such good big bro#//Weinlesefest's things will forever my faves tho kjgf#//'Surely you wouldn't DREAM of DISAPPOINTING ADELINDE?' Oh I bet Addie wouldn't be the ONLY one so disappointed by Kae not staying ngvsfdg
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arolesbianism · 22 hours
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Mental health shit is kicking my ass but at least I have my silly guys
#keese draws#eternal gales#oc art#oc#my birthday is in a few days btw wish me luck#I’m trying to be excited best I can but yknow#I’m hoping that my friends and family do a good job at distracting me from the horrors for all that#which I’m sure they will they do a great job at keeping me from losing my shit on days like that#we’re going to eat good food and play games and it’s going to be fun and I’ll be happy#just need to hold out and not freak out too much in the meantime lol#but yeah I’ve been considering tweaking a couple of the staliens antennae recently#hence the mason#but I’m not sure if I’ll commit#most of the cast has fairly distinct antennae from eachother with mason being the main problem child to me#if I was willing to draw more detailed antennae then I’d go absolutely ham with everyone’s antennae but I’m not so#I’m mostly thinking abt this because I drew odile as a stalien a few days ago and gave her some fancy antennae#in my minds eye her antennae are Huge and she uses the to help read carved languages#the actual main stalien cast have very normal not noteworthy antennae except for sorta beats but having two pairs isn’t even that uncommon#but admittedly I am half tempted to try giving one of them huge antennae simply because it’d be fun to draw#but none of them rly fit the bill for that except maybe butter but they already have long ass ears they don’t need both#I should rly go fill out everyone’s toyhouse bios at some point I did like two or three a few weeks ago then gave up#and I didn’t even do any of the staliens I think I just did aris and sier#I also need to fix their mini playlists I have on their profiles but that can wait#anyways I now need to do some fun 2 am cleaning I was supposed to do hours ago#I got distracted drawing
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treehuggerthegreat · 6 months
‘a wise man learns from his own mistakes, but a wiser one learns from others’ is such an interesting saying to me. Because what really defines learning? Because ‘you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink’. I can tell you how I failed somewhere all I want but telling you MY mistakes aren’t going to keep you from making mine. So would ‘give a man a fish, he eats for a day, but teach a man to fish he eats for the rest of his life.’ be another way of doing it? Instead of pointing out what I did so you shouldn’t do it, would telling you how I do it now, a way that ACTUALLY works the right way? But then you wouldn’t learn, so you’re still not learning from any mistakes because you know HOW to avoid them but you don’t know WHY you’re doing it in that particular way. So then should i explain exactly step by step of how i over came the problem? But i’ve already lost half of my audience by now and half of those that are still here probably don’t understand what the fuck i’m saying.
so, can you learn from someone else’s mistake without EXPERIENCING it? ‘They say experience is the best teacher’ Would maybe be what i’m getting at. Because by making the mistake and overcoming it, you’ve gained not only a solution to what you’ve overcome but you’ve gained general skills on how to approach things similar to it and your problem solving skills have grown ten fold. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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harringrove-prompts · 2 years
Post Season 2 Prompt
Billy is driving around late at night after an intense argument with his dad. He’s just trying to clear his head and is wholly unprepared to see Harrington stumble out of the woods.
Billy zooms right past, looking in the rear view. His car screeches to a halt and he looks back to where Harrington is standing stiff in the road.
Driving back to the other teen, Billy is startled when he spots blood and some other dark liquid sticking to Harrington’s, who makes no motion to acknowledge Billy staring at him, headlights highlighting his faraway look.
“Harrington, you alright, man?”
There’s still blood dripping from a nasty looking gash on Harrington’s bicep, who doesn’t answer. Billy’s about to ask again when the other just about collapses against the car.
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tariah23 · 5 months
alou. since there's not many people active on the topic lately it would be nice for someone else to share, what is your general opinion/take on ichi the killer (manga)?
Ichi the Killer was one of the first dark manga that really made me go “oh my god… this is kind of amazing-“ and at the point of reading it for the first time, I’d already been into gorey, psychological manga for a couple of years but hadn’t gotten around to reading it yet! I remember watching the movie immediately after reading it all those years ago but I felt like it was SUPER cheesy (still is. It doesn’t really capture the same urgency and chaotic nature of the manga at all but I can say that the film had really great wardrobe, especially with the fun colors they had Kakihara wearing. And they got a really handsome actor to play him since he’s kind of dusty in the manga but it doesn’t matter since he’s super cool 😭. His design is incredibly memorable for a guy who was only drawn wearing a generic black suit throughout the entire manga. I haven’t watched the movie in years though…) but the manga… I can say that it is definitely not for everyone.
SA being a major plot point in the story would turn most people off from it so I definitely get it. I read it back when I used to give literally everything a chance regardless of if it made me uncomfortable or not and because of this, I’ve kind of built up my stomach to be able to take a lot of these things. Some stuff, I just can’t though (stuff involving children mostly). But the manga was so fascinating to me! I enjoyed how both Ichi and Kakihara were each others foils. They’re whole thing was kind of one-sided though because of Kakihara’s perversions and his need to be hurt and hurt others. He must’ve felt like he was in heaven when he first layed his eyes on the MESS that Ichi left behind and found his uh, calling card, quite special.
The twist involving the buff ass young guy who looks like an old man still puts me on my ass still to this day 😭….. it really shattered the main theme of the story into a million pieces and flipped it on its head!? That was so….!!! I felt bad for the little boy who eventually became the guys next victim… that’s how the manga ended and I just… UGHHH. It was nice to see Ichi finally be free from his emotional shackles and learn to live normally after being groomed since high school and manipulated into killing other people all the way up till his adulthood. That was a lot…
I really loved the final showdown between Ichi and Kakihara as well!?? I like the part where Kakihara was coming to terms with the fact that he finds it thrilling to be running for his life and feeling real, genuine fear while at the same time, being in complete ecstasy like, he’s such a FREAKKKKK 😭! He was probably the most exciting character out of the entire story even though I didn’t mind Ichi as the MC. The story was so brutal and extremely tragic. I felt bad for most of the characters tbh, especially the women.
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ethereal-maia · 1 year
A for the ask game!
I’m just going to go with drawenna because I literally can’t stop thinking about them right now
#1 OTP right now: drawenna 💗💗💗 (Drake and Morwenna Carne from Poldark)
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LITERALLY WHAT IN THE WORLD LIKE LOOK AT THEM. They’re so so cute. I’ve literally had these two in the back of my mind for like 5 years and the full obsession is hitting me really hard right now!! They’re so sweet, so so tragic and lowkey young me had a crush on morwenna. I want to go so fucking in depth on these two I want to study them I want them to live their silly lives I want to watch them grow!!
(also sorry I took so long I was in school and then had to figure out how to make this as self-indulgent as possible waah)
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wackachewbacca · 1 year
Matt staring off into space role playing as Keyleth because Orym asked her what the last thing she saw was and she takes a moment to actually answer him because she has been sitting there for days and days and days with that image of Vax trapped and screaming in pain in her head and could do nothing about and it breaks my heart a little for those two all over again
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chibishortdeath · 7 months
So much happening in the world and in my personal life at once and I am completely unable to do anything about any of it. I am completely exhausted. I need to move out, but I can’t.
I’ve been stuck with a headache for a few months.
#text post#vent post#tw vent#cw vent#I’d say delete later but I don’t ever actually do that anyway#maybe I should go through vents and delete them Al#tbh I’m starting to realize that maybe never being allowed to do anything and never being taught how to do anything as a kid was neglect#it probably also wasn’t normal that I tried to be the ‘easy kid’ and avoid any perceived trouble as much as physically possible#I usually just sit in the furthest part of the house dissociate and try to immediately appear fine if anyone walks in and sees me#idk maybe I should just make that super self indulgent Simon’s Quest comic since it’ll probably be practically vent art anyway#he’s a little bit too relatable for comfort#and man I didn’t even fight Dracula to end up messed up how lame smh 😔#I feel like I would just end up feeling guilty that I’m not doing something else more important though#most of the things I can do right now I can’t without guilt that stops me somewhere through#and that includes trying to rest haha yippie :/#I can’t even draw the blorbo dead about it like it’s past that level of bad#I guess I shouldn’t even suggest doing anything I can’t do too#I don’t even wanna look at my instagram rn I can’t fix any of that either#idk if I should go into any details or not but I literally just can’t change anything#and I know I can’t get better unless I leave but I can’t leave and there’s nowhere to go#even places online are starting to become uninhabitable#we truly live in a time :/#I’m just typing anything I think of as I think of it#tldr ​I am a terrible person who can’t get better because I’m stuck in a terrible situation and everything sucks basically#i’m exhausted#i feel so trapped#it feels like I have no autonomy or effect on the world at all#ugh I’m not explaining anything correctly enough anyway#I guess supper is almost ready and I should stop ranting at nothing#I’m basically just here to try to make it to 29 at least for the silly Simon game reference haha that is so pathetic
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hazardsoflove · 1 year
forgot not everyone looks at a character and automatically knows they’re gay whether it’s canon or not
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