#diriliş : ertuğrul
dianaa70 · 10 months
Ben 8 .sınıfa giderken Diriliş Ertuğrul vardı . Bende en büyük hayranlarından biriydim,çok seviyordum. Sonra bi gün alarm sesini ne yapsam diye düşünmeye başladım ve diriliş Ertuğrul da savaşa giderken kullandıkları fon müziğini koydum. Kardeşimin de haberi yoktu sabah bi kalktı "noluyo lan " diyor. Ay aklıma geldikçe gülüyorum çok güzeldi flfkgkf
Hatta galiba buydu. Kardeşim bu değil diyor ama bence buydu dmfkgkg
Ona göre buymuş bence diğeriydi çünkü savaşa gider gibi uyanmıştık flfkgkfkg
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ammaribnazizahmed · 4 months
(It's been a while...)
Dirilis Ertugrul: Part 5 - The Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt & Syria
With the rise in popularity of Dirilis Ertugrul, I attempt in this article to provide some historical information around the various mamluk dynasties throughout the ages as well the depiction of the Mamluks of Egypt & Syria in Dirilis Ertugrul.
Note: This article is quite extensive and may contain spoilers for watchers of the various Turkish historical series.
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whumpookies · 2 years
Ertugrul, Tugtekin returns with the truth.
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Anon, hope you like it, the gif drove me a little crazy 🤪 trying to get the timing right.
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muhammetseyfullah · 2 years
Diriliş Ertuğrul Dizisinde Osman Gazi rolünü oynayan genç oyuncu Emre Üçtepe, “Hz. Muhammed’e (s.a.v.) bir soru sorsan, bu ne olurdu?” sorusuna verdiği cevapla sunucuyu şaşkına uğrattı.
Üçtepe şunları söyledi:
“Bir şey sormazdım. Ben şuna inanıyorum; Peygamber Efendimiz (s.a.v.) doğduğundan ölümüne kadar bütün sorulara cevap verdi. Eğer ben bir soru sorduğumda bana, ‘Okumadın mı, bunu öğrenmedin mi?’ diye karşılık vermesinden korkarım.”
Genç oyuncunun cevabı üzerine şaşkınlık geçiren sunucu, “Kendimi suçlu hissediyorum” dedi.
(İlgili bölüm, yukarıdaki videoda 27:45′te...)
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hatiragulzaman · 1 year
Dili seni dilim dilim edeyim başıma geleni senden bileyim.
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turkish-dramas · 2 years
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Resurrection Ertugrul (Dirilis Ertugrul) Turkish Drama Relationship Chart
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Resurrection Ertugrul (Dirilis Ertugrul) Turkish Drama Relationship Chart
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modatasarimkrs · 12 days
Batuhan Karacakaya Kimdir?
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Türk televizyon ve sinema dünyasının genç yeteneklerinden biri olarak öne çıkan Batuhan Karacakaya, doğduğu şehir olan İstanbul'un ışıltılı sahnesinde kariyerine adım attı. 5 Şubat 1997'de İstanbul'da dünyaya gelen bu yetenekli oyuncu, adını en çok "Aşk-ı Memnu" ve "Diriliş Ertuğrul" gibi dizilerdeki unutulmaz performanslarıyla duyurdu. Elçin Sangu Kimdir? konusu hakkında bilgi almak için tıklayın. Read the full article
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manomer · 11 months
Dün bozdağ film platolarında çok keyifli bir vakit geçirdik. Burayı gerçekten çok iyi işlemişler. Tarih adeta yeniden canlandırılmış. Bravo emeği geçenlere👍🏻
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Prompt: "Forced to hurt a loved one"
Diriliş: Ertuğrul 69. Bölüm
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chashmenaaz · 10 months
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In a hadith, the Prophet ﷺ says,
“Treat all your children equally in regard to free gifts. If I were to show preference in this matter, I would show it to daughters."
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rrxindrops · 1 year
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isabelcanasauthor · 1 year
"A Land of Saints and Monsters," by Isabel Cañas
Northeastern Rûm, 487 Hicri (1094 AD)
Rûm. In these open, sun-white steppes west of the caliphate, these black craggy mountains, saints like the dervish Ilyas and I run wild. Our hair free and bleached red, our cheeks stung by wind, our powers unseen and unfettered.
And so we would remain, if we chose solitude and the wilderness. If we choose otherwise, Ilyas once warned, we pay the price.
I chose Armen. And I paid that price with my freedom.
Legend says the caliph gave Melik Danişmend his own banner to raise as he and his warrior gazis set out west from Baghdad. To Rûm the pious king rode, and with the black standard high, he and his raiding cavalry devoured the land between Melitene and Sebastia. His conquests swept to Evdokia. To Amaseia, which he named Harşana.
To me.
And it is easy to claim a young woman as bounty. Easier still for a warrior of the faith to bind a saint to his cause, when he knows verses heavier than any shackles.
A part of me cannot begrudge his actions. It was the decision of a canny leader, to enslave a saint. He saw what burned in me, took my uncalloused hands, and put a mace in them. He made me a warrior. He made me more than that.
I became his weapon.
And as Melik Danişmend’s conquests brought him closer to the shores of the Pontic Sea, where mist-girdled mountains studded with Roman fortresses dove into dagger-edge valleys, I learned that it was wise to have such a weapon.
For these forests are home to monsters.
“We’re being stalked.”
It’s dawn, cold and sheathed in mist blue as steel, when Armen appears before Melik Danişmend to give his report. I stand a half step behind Melik, a slave’s respectful distance from the king, but I peer unabashedly at Armen. Rations are lean and night watches long near the end of campaign season, but I hunger for the sight of him more than any hot meal or uninterrupted rest. For the certainty of his presence near me. For the opportunity, however brief, to see how he is faring.
Badly, it seems. Though the hold of his shoulders is resolute, sleeplessness weighs beneath his eyes like a bruise. His dark hair is tied away from his face; there are premature hollows and deep lines around his usually easy mouth. Though I see him too little to know if this exhaustion is due to the end of the season or something worse, I fear it is the latter.
Around us, tents and sleeping pallets collapse in on themselves with haste. Horses toss their heads; they taste the bite of anxiety on the autumn air and stamp impatiently. Gazi warriors cast glances over their shoulders, bark at one another to be quicker. Their tempers have the short burn of men who know they are being watched.
The men standing guard saw something in the night, Armen reports; unlike other nights, however, all the gazis are accounted for. Melik Danişmend’s brow furrows. We are four days’ ride yet from Sivas, the name the Turks have given Sebastia. That means three nights without the protection of its walls.
“Be alert,” the king tells me.
I nod my assent, but my eyes fix on Armen’s retreating back. He never once looked at me once as he spoke to Melik. The awareness of this aches dully in my breast, a thumb pressed into a yellowing bruise.
Before we ride, the men turn south and Melik leads them in prayer. I hang back with the horses, pretending to occupy myself with mending a stirrup leather damaged in our last raid. I listen to the sweep of their clothing as foreheads bow to earth; to the fear humming on the air, lacing the prayers with a sick melody.
Armen is among them. I know why he avoids me—to protect me from Melik’s ire. The words we exchange are skittish, ginger. It feels as if a limb has been broken off, this distance between us.
You’re home, we once swore to one another, the warmth of our breath mingling in the dark of the fortress courtyard.
I know guilt keeps him from my side. In a way, they are his fault, these shackles of mine. My place at Melik’s side. How I was strapped to a stake in a fortress not unlike the ones we have since helped the king sack. In my hour of direst need, when my own father called me a demon, when smoke blackened my throat as I screamed for help, Armen was already gone.
Yes, it is Armen’s fault I was left alone. But when I was saved, when I was given shelter, I was the one who chose to turn my back on the other saints.
I chose Armen.
The fault for what befell me afterwards is all my own.
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onoffstore · 10 months
Turkish123 - Your Portal to the Captivating World of Turkish Dramas
Discover the Enchanting Universe of Turkish Dramas through Turkish123
Immerse yourself in the mesmerizing realm of Turkish dramas with Turkish123, your ultimate gateway to captivating narratives and cultural immersion.
Introduction to Turkish123
Turkish entertainment has taken the world by storm, captivating audiences with its unique storytelling and rich cultural experiences. At the forefront of this phenomenon is Turkish123, an online platform that offers easy access to a diverse range of Turkish dramas, playing a pivotal role in showcasing the distinctiveness of Turkish storytelling. This article delves into the world of Turkish dramas and sheds light on why Turkish123 has become a favored destination for enthusiasts.
Embarking on the Turkish123 Drama Adventure
What Sets Turkish123 Dramas Apart
Turkish dramas, commonly referred to as "diziler," have gained immense popularity due to their fusion of universal themes and authentic Turkish cultural elements. This fusion creates a unique viewing experience, intertwining relatable emotions, historical sagas, and contemporary stories across various genres to cater to diverse tastes.
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Turkish dramas have garnered a massive global audience, providing insights into Turkish lifestyles and traditions. This surge in interest has even had a positive impact on tourism in Turkey, as viewers are drawn to the picturesque locations featured in these shows.
Navigating Turkish Dramas with Turkish123
Exploring the World of Turkish123
Turkish123 boasts a user-friendly online platform catering to a global audience, offering an extensive collection of Turkish entertainment. Serving as a hub for both classic favorites and the latest releases, Turkish123 enriches the viewing experience by providing a comprehensive array of options.
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Turkish123 caters to diverse tastes, offering an extensive repertoire that spans different eras and genres. Whether your preference is for historical epics like "Diriliş: Ertuğrul" or modern romances like "Aşk Laftan Anlamaz," there's something for everyone to enjoy.
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Ensuring worldwide accessibility, Turkish123 provides subtitles in multiple languages. Its adaptable design also ensures compatibility with various devices, allowing for uninterrupted viewing on PCs, tablets, and mobile devices alike.
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What makes Turkish123 stand out is its ability to offer personalized recommendations based on viewers' preferences, making the process of selecting a show effortless. This feature enables users to discover new and exciting content that aligns with their tastes, enhancing their overall entertainment experience.
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With regular updates on episodes and releases, Turkish123 keeps viewers informed about the latest developments. The platform also provides curated background information and discussions, fostering a strong connection between fans and their favorite shows.
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Through interactive conversations, polls, and fan discussions, Turkish123 creates a sense of community among its users. This shared experience enhances the joy of watching and provides a platform for fans to openly express their thoughts.
Promoting Cultural Exchange
Exploring Diverse Cultures
Turkish dramas serve as a bridge for viewers to explore different cultures, offering insights into Turkish customs and societal norms. Turkish123 contributes to this cultural exchange by granting access to narratives that broaden perspectives on a global scale.
Global Connections Through Audience Engagement
Thanks to Turkish123's global reach, viewers who share a passion for Turkish programming have formed connections. Online fan communities and virtual hubs dedicated to these series have flourished, allowing viewers to connect and form friendships that transcend borders.
Charting the Future of Turkish Dramas and Turkish123
Embracing Innovative Advancements
Platforms like Turkish123 are poised to evolve alongside evolving audience preferences. As long as the demand for Turkish dramas persists, these platforms could incorporate AI-driven storytelling, interactive narratives, and augmented reality experiences, transforming how audiences engage with these stories.
Broadening Horizons
Turkish123's contribution to expanding cultural horizons is expected to deepen. Viewers who immerse themselves in Turkish dramas might find themselves drawn to the culture's history, language, and traditions, sparking a broader interest in learning Turkish and even visiting Turkey.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What is Turkish123? Turkish123 is an online platform that offers a wide range of Turkish dramas to a global audience. It simplifies the process of discovering and enjoying captivating Turkish television shows.
2. Why are Turkish dramas popular? Turkish dramas resonate with global audiences due to their combination of universal themes and cultural nuances. They provide a unique window into Turkish society, traditions, and historical events.
3. What sets Turkish123 apart? Turkish123 stands out by offering tailored drama recommendations, real-time updates, and a platform for community engagement. Its aim is to enhance the overall viewing experience for Turkish drama enthusiasts.
4. How does Turkish123 promote cultural exchange? Turkish123 contributes to cross-cultural understanding by providing access to Turkish narratives that showcase traditions and societal norms. It facilitates global connections among viewers, fostering a sense of international community.
5. What can we expect from the future of Turkish dramas and Turkish123? Both Turkish dramas and Turkish123 are likely to evolve with innovative advancements, potentially introducing features like virtual reality experiences and AI-driven content recommendations. Their role in broadening cultural horizons is expected to grow, strengthening global ties to Turkish culture.
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ayasamiir · 2 years
OsMal Ailesi >>>>
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Be it known that we shall accept submissions of the hottest men OF THE PEOPLES’ CHOOSING from any live-action* TV or movie media property set between the years AD 500 – 1550 (Tudors WELCOME!!), and any fantasy properties which emulate said period!
KNOW ALSO that we, by the grace of this fine hellsite and with the counsel of the moste honorable and illustrious @hotvintagepoll (many thanks), have made
ANY HOT GUY who appears in any movie or TV show released in ANY YEAR, from ANY COUNTRY, shall be deemed eligible for entry. Below are listed examples of eligible properties. If YE BE NOT CERTAIN whether your hot guy is eligible, submit him anyway!
Examples of Eligible Properties: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-03), Game of Thrones (2011-19) House of the Dragon (2022), Wolf Hall (2015-2024), The Tudors (2007-2010), Ladyhawke (1985), The Princess Bride (1987), The White Queen (2013), Rise of Empires: Ottoman (2020-2022), Vikings (2013-2020), The Last Kingdom (2015-2022), Diriliş: Ertuğrul (2014), A Knight’s Tale (2001), BBC’s Robin Hood (2006-3009), The Last Duel (2021), The Story of Minglan (2018), The Borgias (2013), Robin Hood (1939), Outlaw King (2018), Pilgrimage (2017), Legend (1985), Braveheart (1995), The Green Knight (2021), Excalibur (1981), Beowulf & Grendel (2005), The Lion in Winter (1968), Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993), The Black Adder (Blackadder Series 1, 1982), Rashomon (1950)
Remember: This is just a list of examples—WOW ME!
These following titles are examples of properties that do not fall within or emulate the stated time period and therefore DO NOT QUALIFY: The Three Musketeers (Any Version), Pirates of the Caribbean (2004), Barbarians (2020), Gladiator (2000), Ben Hur (1959), Shogun (2024), Elizabeth (1999), 300 (2006), Troy (2004), Xena: Warrior Princess (1995-2001), Disney's Robin Hood (1973)**, Yojimbo (1961), Shakespeare in Love (1998), King Arthur (2004)***
For the purposes of this tournament, "Man" and "Guy" are defined as any bi-pedal humanoid male character played by a man. As such, characters belonging to non-human races such as Hobbits, Orcs, Elves, Demons, Fauns, Werewolves etc. ARE admissible, and, indeed, encouraged.
If you have propaganda you forgot to include in your submission, just hold onto it and send it in an ask after the Tournament begins.
You may submit as many hot men as you like but please submit only ONE ENTRANT per submission.
Do not hesitate to submit ANY hot guy you think may qualify, no matter how popular he is. There is no such thing as a shoo-in with these tournaments. If you think "Someone MUST have submitted him already!" Everyone else is probably thinking that too and then he may well NEVER get submitted and we don't want that.
Do not worry about how many submissions your hot guy might have had already--I need to get a sense of who the strongest contenders are in order to fairly seed the draws, and the best way to do that is volume of submissions.
We are voting on the hotness of the characters. While the actors who portray them are of course a major factor in this, we are not voting on the actors themselves, therefore propaganda pertaining to the actors real lives (aside from anecdotes relating to their portrayal of the character) is not admissible.
By that same token, in the case of historical figures (e.g. Henry VIII) we are judging hotness based on the fictionalized portrayals of them in these properties, not on historical fact.
Regarding immortal/time-travelling/dimension-hopping/extremely long-lived characters, regardless of when the character was born, the main action**** of the story must take place within the Medieval Period (see dates listed at the top of this post) or Medieval-esque fantasy fantasy realm in order for them to be eligible for submission. As such, characters like the Pevensie brothers (The Chronicles of Narnia) and Ash Williams (Army of Darkness) are admissible, but Asgardians (the MCU Thor films) are not.
I, as the Administrator and Master of Revels of this tournament, am exercising discretion in the admittance of characters from works by Shakespeare, since many of them have no set date.
The Tourney shall begin at a date yet to be determined with the Melee (Qualifying Rounds), wherein the entrants with the fewest submissions and least propaganda will duke it out in a free for all brawl to determine who will enter the Lists.
-- Master of Revels
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*The "live-action" qualification does have a caveat: exception may be made for those CGI films which were all the rage in the mid-00's that used the motion-capture and likeness of the actors; for example characters from, Robert Zemeckis's Beowulf (2007) are admissible.
** this one doesn't qualify, not because it isn't the right time period, but because it falls solidly under the "Animated" category.
***Yes, sadly we are deprived of the beautiful countenances of Clive Owen, Mads Mikkelsen, Ioan Gruffudd et al because the producers of this film in their infinite wisdom and in an attempt to seem "more historically accurate" chose to set it during the Roman withdrawal from Britain, which occurred in the 5th Century (About a CENTURY earlier than Authurian tradition) and is generally agreed to have ended by AD 410. It therefore does not fall under the Medieval umbrella and is not eligible for submission.
**** "Main Action" here defined as "More than half an hour of a movie and more than two episodes of a series"
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