#disabled badass
sunnycanwrite · 9 months
Losing your mobility is like losing a handle bar you've been holding on your hole life. It slips from your grip. And you are left floundering, falling to the ground. Knees scraping the pavement l, not sure if you can stand back up. Sometimes you can't, so you transfer to wheels and roll onward.
That's part of the reason we clutch so hard to representation in media. Why I personally found solace as my legs started to give out, knees started to spasm, as I adjusted to life in a wheelchair, in Barbara Gordon. A character who is liked since I was a child. She was Batgirl to be back than, she kicked ass at night and no one knew. But later she became almost like a lifeline to me.
This character who let me accept that things might not be the same amd that was okay. But I began to realize the way DC treated her was wrong, throwing a magic cure at her. Hiring mostly people who has no idea how to draw a wheelchair. Not only that it reflected how disabled people are treated on a daily basis. Told that prayer will fix us, to take vitamins, etc.
So here is something to think about. I found so much strength in Oracle, in Babs finding herself again and seeing his powerful she could still be. That she could still be a hero. Because disability does not make you any less human.
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Want a dark steampunk fantasy series with disabled mains who aren't fixed with magic and break the world frequently?
Cool, because I'm giving away all the available books in the series to celebrate the last novel coming out next month!
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And yeah, its queer af. Of course. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏴‍☠️📚
Take Me To Iverbourne
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arelliann · 14 days
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Once a Bad Bitch always a Bad Bitch
pose reference from @ Kaosdisabledsupport on tiktok
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a-sassy-bench · 7 months
hey disabled babes. i promise your disability aids do not ruin your aesthetic. they are an aesthetic. rock them.
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maidofmetal · 9 months
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[image ID: picture of a black cane with silver spikes on the front back and sides. end ID]
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babsbadass · 3 months
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this moment reminds me how strong babs was when she was disabled she didn't need a batgirl costume to be cool but we lost the power of babs in the main universe
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carnirat · 2 years
I love the fact that fma is jam packed with disabled representation. Like the main character is a double amputee, his brother has only like 2 of his senses (don't try and say Al isn't disabled cuz cmon), main character's boss loses his vision, boss' subordinate becomes paralyzed from the waist down, main character's kinda friend ig collapses on occasion due to fatigue from hunger (again dude Ling is disabled you can't tell me otherwise), main character's teacher is (this is the only way I know how to put it) chronically ill, and others that aren't as important to the story. And they're all epic as fuck.
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hecksupremechips · 3 months
Take what I’m about to say with a grain of salt since I wouldn’t say snake was really written to be A Gay Character but regardless the way snake’s gender and overall personality is portrayed is probably one of the best depictions of gay men I’ve ever seen. He’s very pretty, dressed in expensive clothes reminiscent of a prince, with beautiful wavy hair and an air of poise and sophistication. He’s the smartest person in the room and he KNOWS this and he will not hesitate to be a condescending prick. He’s delicate and funny and charming. He has no fear or hesitation about suggesting he and Junpei share a bed or referencing gay sex. All these things tend to make a character the butt of jokes or at the very least regarded as lesser than the other characters but with snake hes the most admired one here. He’s very capable and is in fact so capable he literally needed to be removed temporarily from the situation so that the others could solve the mystery on their own. He’s absolutely fearless, doesn’t care about pissing off Aoi or getting shot multiple times by Ace. He’s fucking strong as hell and is able to survive being shot multiple times and have enough strength to dig his claws into Ace and force them to burn to death together. Everyone loses their shit without him and he’s the key to escape. He’s cool as hell and he fucks severely
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
There needs to be an Oracle movie
Barbara Gordon and her time as Batgirl. The subtle implications of misogyny (from criminals, emergency services, social media, etc.) and her struggles of being slightly outcast from the Bats (maybe not intentionally, but it's still felt). Despite that (and how hard the role is), she admits to feeling alive and powerful as Batgirl. She loves her ability to help Gotham, the city her dad tries so hard to shape up to be better.
Then the Joker shoots Barbara. He doesn't shoot Batgirl, doesn't even know it's Batgirl that's being injured, but he shoots Barbara because she's the commissioner's daughter. Her life changing injury isn't even about her.
There's the hopelessness, the grief, the sense of loss, and then Jason dies.
The Bats, try as they might to be there for her, are drowning in their own grief. They can't be there for her even if they wanted to.
She's wasting away with the realization that she's lost everything and her father is bending under the weight of supporting her and his job as commissioner.
Slowly, an idea comes to her. Slowly, when she starts looking out at Gotham's skyline and sees the clock tower, she begins to pull herself back together.
It's not an easy process, and she does return to depressive spirals and bed rotting, but she starts to have more decent days than bad. She's puts away her first criminal as Oracle. She becomes a feared force the Bats can turn to for help.
The end of the movie will hint at her starting Birds of Prey.
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rotteneldritchhorror · 2 months
I will forever love Lydia barkrock as disabled rep in fantasy high
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mar-im-o · 6 months
reminder that scar, a disabled wheelchair user, is the winner of secret life and it means a LOT to us disabled fans to see him ACTUALLY depicted as disabled in fanart and writing
ik drawing a wheelchair is hard. but do consider it
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nerdyenby · 4 months
I relate to Daniel Sousa because I too follow around strong and beautiful women around like a lost puppy
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greenbloods · 4 months
The way GRRM makes a badass character is by taking a regular person and giving them unusual hair/eye color, a tragic backstory, and making them a unique combination of OP and pathetic. This is also the exact formula used to make an anime character.
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sunnycanwrite · 1 year
What is fibromyalgia (did i spell that right?) And why do you think tim and cass have it?
im actually so happy someone asked this! Fibromyalgia (you spelled it right!), commonly just called Fibro, is a chronic pain condition. It causes pain in 18 central points across the body, chronic fatigue, and brain fog. Many doctors think it is caused by traumatic events, stress, or depression. Though the root cause is unknown. It can can be mild with pain that is manageable, but flare ups often leave people bedridden. Or like me, a wheelchair user.
Tim's canon issued with falling asleep in odd places scream chronic fatigued to me. And I can just see him hiding chronic pain for years, not wanting to mention it. Ad someone with fibro so many thingsabout him, just screams that he has it as well. It's honestly hard to explain.
It's pretty similar with Cass. I see her as growing up with it and thinking consent pain was normal. Due to the way she was treated by her biological father. So she just got used to the pain, and bonded with Tim over it, and they got diagnosed around the same time.
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ladyofthebears · 4 months
Used a Dragon generator and then went in a hand drew some changes to give a rough idea of what my Fics moondancer will look like. In my story, Moondancer survives her fight with Sunfyre but obviously at a cost. Just want to show y’all. Hopefully you like it, and whilst my graphic liner fic will not be featuring Moondancers murky half blind eyes, I will reference my version of Moondancer a bit.
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Back at it again with crutches!Ford because I’m having a lot of Thoughts (and can’t make up my mind on what weaponized crutches would look like)
[Text ID: labels on drawing on the left say “(inside of crutch)” - “fingerprint trigger?” - “(gun only works with 6 fingers)” | label on the right says “extra arms inside” | bottom left says “front”]
I did a lot of ruminating on @unearthlyfromage ‘s crutch-guns and how I can do other things to make Ford as deadly as possible when the idea of additional arms hit me. I imagine some days, Ford would Really Hate having both his hands occupied constantly (even if they’re holding aids + weapons) so either he or Fidds would have made him some robot arms.
Honestly I like the thought of expanding on this, and if anyone has any idea of designs or little comics or smthn go ahead and yell them at me!
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