#disclaimer I do not hate alastor
dragonflavoredcake · 2 months
I will admit that I'm not a huge fan of the idea of Alastor getting redeemed (because it would require SO much narrative legwork that I can't see working well within the limits already set by/for the show) but if it gets played with at all I really hope they have Alastor take the tone of "how dare you infect me with morals"
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twizzie-lairs · 5 months
My Darling, My Honey
Alastor X Fem!Reader (Part 1)
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Quick Notes:
This is when both reader/you and Alastor are both alive. (... we'll probably end up in hell later on btw...)
Reader is an artist/painter.
*disclaimer: i'm not a great writer, nor am I good at writing characters*
Part 1:
On a cold, dreary night, you take solace in a speakeasy to escape your dreadful home life.
You, the reader, are stuck in what feels like a hopeless, loveless, and potentially abusive marriage that was arranged by you and your husband's parents as more of a political/business move.
So you find yourself sneaking out to the next town over at night whenever your "husband" is away. On nights like those, you left the ring at home. It was only a reminder of your hellish life, you wouldn't let anything reminiscent of your husband come with you to your little escape/happy place.
During your occasional outings, you befriended the speakeasy's owner/proprietress, Mimzy, who becomes your most trusted confidant because you didn't have any "friends" or family you could trust- they were the ones who put you in your living hell after all.
Mimzy also became your biggest fan and patron once she found out you're an artist/painter. Many of your paintings became centerpieces at the bar and your art became synonymous with this prestigious speakeasy of hers.
You pocketed all this money and didn't even have to hide the fact that you were painting. He hated art, so as long as it didn't stay in the house, he didn't care where it went. It was the one good thing you had going for you.
After a particularly prolonged period of time of your husband being home and having to endure so much of his bullshit, you find yourself seated at Mimzy's bar with a drink in hand.
A while into the night, but while the night was still young, you hear Mimzy's voice talking to a voice you've never heard before. You were a regular, so you knew all of the other regulars (you were more of an irregular regular, due to your visits being erratic because it all depended on when your husband was out of town).
But this voice caught your attention immediately. When Mimzy and this unknown man round the corner, your head whipped around, just to lock eyes with this new visitor to the bar.
Upon meeting your gaze, you are met with an unexpectedly warm smile, which makes you gasp and make you debate if the man or the alcohol was the culprit of the blush on your face.
Mimzy walked over with the man and introduced him and you to each other. You extended your hand towards him, and much to your surprise, he laid a gentle kiss upon the top of your hand and told you his name. "Alastor."
After witnessing this exchange, Mimzy giggles and runs along and goes to chat with the other patrons, leaving you and Alastor to chat on your own.
Oh and chat you do, yes indeed. You lose track of time and before you knew it, it was time to head home.
Not once in your life had you lost track of time talking to someone before. Never had you felt the butterflies in your stomach like that. The kindness and genuine interest this man showed you, being attentive to your every word, you felt alive. You don't know the last time you felt like this, if you ever have.
-> Part 2
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snowfall49 · 3 months
Idk just some smut vox hc
Disclaimer: 18+, Cuming, Humping & stuff, Sex and sex toys, Idk what else
•He would be whiny bottom
•He would black out the city when he cums
•He would dry hump, and hump in general
•Vox would def get a hard-on when he saw you get-off on one of his many camaras
•He LOVES when you talk dirty
•He can and will fuck in his office
•He likes after-care because Valentino never did it
•Vox has a humiliation kink and bandage kink
•Vox will go from “Who do you think you’re talking to!” to “Pleaseplease Just let me cum!”he also hates it when you talk to alastor
•He likes to suck you’re sex toys after they heve been used becuase, well yeah, he also will suck the strap if forced (If you’re male he will suck cock too)
•Overall he’s whiny untill you punish him
I do requests!
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yesihaveaobsession · 5 months
movie night
alastor x reader (charlie mentioned)
disclaimer: "titanic" is iconic and the ship is beautiful, and it's ashamed it happened but I do not like love stories hence why I don't like "titanic" I know alot of people like it but it ain't me.. and I thought this was a cute thing to write 🤷🏼‍♀️
summary: after Charlie chooses "titanic" for a movie night, the reader hates it and alastor finds their reaction entertaining .
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As the Hazbin Hotel residents settled in for a movie night, Charlie gleefully selected "Titanic" as the evening's entertainment. Your heart sank at the mere mention of the film's title. You had endured the tragic love story one too many times, and each viewing only served to deepen your disdain for it.
Seated beside you, Alastor, with his trademark grin, suggested they indulge in the cinematic classic, undoubtedly aware of your aversion. You shot him a glare that could freeze Hell over, but he only chuckled in response, clearly amused by your discomfort.
Resigned to enduring the movie, you begrudgingly watched as the familiar scenes unfolded on screen. Every overwrought line and melodramatic moment grated on your nerves, and you couldn't help but emit the occasional grumble of discontent. Alastor, however, found your disgruntled reactions utterly entertaining, his giggles blending with the film's soundtrack.
Despite your best efforts to maintain your composure, Alastor's infectious laughter eventually broke through your resolve. By the time the credits rolled, you couldn't help but crack a reluctant smile at his antics, begrudgingly acknowledging his ability to find amusement in the most trying of situations.
As the lights came back on, you shot Alastor one final dirty look, but he only grinned back, his crimson eyes twinkling mischievously. In that moment, you couldn't help but appreciate his knack for injecting a bit of levity into an otherwise dreary experience, even if it meant enduring "Titanic" once again.
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theyanderespecialist · 3 months
(Remake) Base Yandere Vox Headcanons: Go Big or Go Home (Hazbin Hotel)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! you all DEMANDED Vox and in the last 28 days over 3000 views for the Old VERY Short Vox one I did a long time ago! Now that we have what he will be like in canon! It is time to do a remake! This will be not only on YouTube, but Wattpad, an Archive of our own, and Tumblr! So let's do this! Enjoy this chapter my sexy muffins. 
(Disclaimer: Vox in canon is just as bad as Valentino as he knows what Valentino does and condones it. Even offering to get the lowest earners for Val to pew pew. It is OKAY to simp for the Villains as long as they are fictional, and as long as you do not condone what they do in real or do what they do, and that you do not support their actions! They are fictional and no actual people were hurt by them in REAL LIFE! 
Disclaimer 2: Vox is not yandere in canon, this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine, just do not be illegal or gross about it! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life! Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Thank you, Enjoy!) 
-Remade Base Yandere Headcanons With Vox From Hazbin Hotel-
.Vox is a businessman at his very core. He is a very good one at that. 
.He is also an overlord and wants to become even more powerful and stronger. 
.He fell for you right away and made you his assistant. 
.That way he can control you as much as he can, cause man oh man is this man manipulative. 
.With you he manipulates you to make sure you never leave his side and that you are always at his beck and call. 
.He is very demanding of your attention, he has to have it on him as much as possible. 
.He despises when you pay attention to others, he is the only one you should look at. 
.The only one that makes you smile, the only one to make you laugh, HE HAS TO BE YOUR ONE AND ONLY. 
.He may very slightly share you with Val, but he is for SURE Going to be the one to marry you! 
.He will have you wear sexy little work outfits, if females with those nice pencil skirts that grab all your curves and or muscles. 
.He loves to have you bend over in front of him (I bet he is an ass man~) to pick something up, he is so checking out your ass. 
.He has the biggest ego of any yandere I have done from Hazbin Hotel. So of course he will KNOW that he is the best suitor for you. 
.Why would you want anyone lower than him when you can have one of the Vees, maybe two if he shares you with Val? 
.Also he would so see you as a trophy spouse. 
.The pretty little thing he takes to parties and shows off as a prize. 
.He is also very touchy-feely with you. 
.hand holding, kissing, groping, hair stroking, and of course lots of sex 
.He loves to touch and make love to you, and he cannot get enough of it. 
.He surprisingly does not want to use his mind-controlling powers over you. 
.He will use them as a very last resort. He does not want to force you in that way. 
.He may slip and try it, but he rather not do it to you! 
(Similar to how he almost used it on Val in episode 2 but how he stopped himself) 
. The only times he does use it on you is to make you hate someone. 
.So that way you will never want to leave him.
.Not to force you to like him but to force you to hate anyone you ever got feelings for that was not him or Val. 
.He does have an angry side as a yandere that is for sure. 
.Being the very jealous type of yandere, he hates when you show interest in others, praise others, or give any attention to others. 
.He also would DESPISE if you enjoyed Alastor's radio show. 
.That is absolutely forbidden! There will be no ADMIRING That Fossile! 
.He is also a very petty yandere! 
.He is so aggressively petty when it comes to you like others. He gets super pouty and very passive-aggressive. 
.He can be a bit of a brat when it comes to your attention fr fr! 
.He also has such daddy energy! (WE ALL SAW IT With him acting like a football dad watching alastor get beat by Adam, he legit acted like his team was winning in sportsball) 
.So he does take a firm hand with you to make you stay in line and are his good little darling 
.He would deal with rivals by mainly hypnotizing them to not like you, and stay away from you. 
.But if he is extra pissed off enough he will torture them and make a public example of it as well! 
.He makes it clear to all of hell that you are his and his alone, no one else can have you. 
.His confession of his love to you, will be a grand moment. (Most likely he will have it on live TV) 
.He is so confident that you will say yes! 
.If you do say yes, he is over the moon and is riding the high of finally having you for months! 
.If you say no, the audio and visual are cut and he grabs you by the arm. Shouting at you of how dare you humiliate him like that! 
.He then will force a kiss on you and make you his, he is going to teach you that you never say no to him. 
.If that does not work he will use his mind control powers to make you love him. 
.He did not want to do it, but you forced his hand! 
.Side note he is also the go big or go home type of yandere. 
.In which he will go big with his love for you. 
.He also will very much be a sugar daddy type of yandere. 
.You are his and he is going spoil you. 
.He is Very much buying your love. 
.As his partner and his future spouse you have to uphold his brand and his image, you are his darling and he is not going to have you looking cheap. 
.So be ready to be spoiled and more or less forced to be in his style. 
.He does adore you and can be super sweet and affectionate with you. 
.Again he may share you with Val so be ready for that! 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and stay sexy all of my sexy muffins!] 
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bluravenite · 2 months
Pov I decided to redesign the cast of hazbin hotel for fun! (pt.1)
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*disclaimer: this redesign was done for fun as a way for me to explore character design, it is not meant to critique official art or designs, all design elements were chosen with respect and according to research done about the show, characters, and facts given by the creator. Do not critique my designs, I will not care.
Tip jar // commissions (open!)
More about the design choices under read more:
Alastor: I wanted to lean into the 1930's radio host aesthetic, and emphasize his deer motifs, stylized the two toned red/black hair into a more 1930s look, as well as the suit, made his microphone more classic, though I wish I had kept the eye 👁️ (we can pretend it is there, just closed)
Charlie: wanted to emphasize the goat motif in her face, and also make her suit look more "princess-y" so I opted for an outfit that is more rounded in design, she also looks a bit like a puppet, since based on show assets, and background information we know Charlie tends to copy or follow in her parent's shoes, or their trust in Alastor's case.
Vaggie: let's be real, Adam created his angels after his favorite things, he would've made vaggie hot as fuck... So I wanted to give vaggie a still badass outfit to show that she's comfortable in her body despite it being made for Adam's gaze, with a garter to hold weapons since she's not afraid to fight, she also died in 2017 which is why the outfit is a lil Tumblr core, also have her similar shoes to carmilla, to signify her respect for carmilla. She also has moth antennas bc she's technically a moth... Yeah
Angeldust: 1940s mafia spider, I'll walk you through, striped pink vest as an homage to oh striped suit, but more in the 1940's style, escorts would often cover up with big furr coats when wearing skimpy outfits, so i alluded to the showbiz glam by adding a fur scarf. Also, viv had mentioned that Angel hated his feet, so I gave him uglier (spider-like) feet, he will usually be wearing heels. I also just curled his hair more like the 1940s fashion.
This was my thought process so far, though it was very much done entirely for fun.
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Rating Hazbin Characters based on if I could tell what animal/creature their supposed to be:
I really hate that I even have to say that, because art critique is part of engaging with art and design. People shouldn’t have to worry about being bullied or sent threats because they don’t like every single thing about a piece of media. I’m not saying these character designs are “objective bad” or anything like that.
I just realized that I didn’t know most of the designs were apparently based on animals for a long time, or until it was pointed out to me, and wanted to kind of review/examine that.
Ratings below:
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ANGEL DUST—Spider—2/5:
I’m giving Angel a 2 because his design does look spider-ish to me, but I had to be told he was a spider to see the spider-elements to his design. I don’t think I would have figured it out unless told, the only time I think I could have figured it out on my own is with the spider web elements in Addict. The spots under his eyes being extra spider eyes kind of makes sense, but I don’t think I would have realized they were supposed to be eyes if I hadn’t been told. They did actually get drawn as eyes briefly when Angel got mad in the show when it came out-so that was actually really nice to see.
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Literally nothing about this man’s design makes him look like a deer to me. I gave the half point for the teeny tiny antlers at the top of his head, and because I do think his shoe print being a deer hoof pattern is kinda clever. But i should be able to see his antlers easily if they are an important part of his character design and if he’s supposed to be a deer. I also thought he was an OWL for like. 2 or 3 years while the Pilot was being animated b/c of his hair tufts. They looked like a great horned owl’s feather tufts to me.
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VEE—no I’m not calling her that—MOTH
Pilot: 0/5 // Final Show: 1/5
I wanted to add Pilot Vee b/c other than Charlie her design was probably the one that seems to have changed the most. Pilot Vee gets a 0 sadly b/c, while I actually don’t mind her base design that much, and think she looks good, literally NOTHING about her looks like a moth. Is she even still supposed to be a moth? Asking genuinely b/c that’s what everyone says but if that’s the case I sure as hell couldn’t tell and still can’t.
Show Vee gets 1 point b/c I DO like the design element they brought back from her first ever design where her hair is supposed to mimic a moth’s wings laid back. I thought that was clever and fun. It’s the only thing tho that kind of points towards her being a moth. Again if I’m wrong and she’s not supposed to be a moth lmk but every source I’ve seen says she’s a “moth demon” or that her design was based on a moth.
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I mean just look at him. That’s a fucking cat alright! Only thing I may have docked a point for is the feather tail thing, but tbh it’s still very clear he’s a cat. If someone tells me he’s not supposed to be based on a cat tho I may lose my mind.
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NIFFTY—???/5 (???)
Is Niffty supposed to be an animal? No, right? She’s just like. A weird creature/girl. Please tell me Niffty is not supposed to be a certain animal or anything b/c I have NO idea what animal that would be.
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I literally had no idea this guy was supposed to be a moth until his coat turned out to be wings for some reason. Nothing about the coat made it look like wings to me. I thought his “antennae” were just feathers in his hat. Even when his coat became wings I was still very confused and thought for a moment he was supposed to be a butterfly? But no apparently he’s a moth. He’s got extra arms but I didn’t think that was specifically a “bug/moth” thing, b/c so many of the character designs in HH have extra features. I’ll be real I really don’t like anything about Valentino’s design and don’t understand the appeal of him at all. Sorry Val fans :(
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I’m really sad I have to give out another 0 but like, I had NO idea that Katie was supposed to be a Mantis. I’m not sure if that’s even accurate like maybe that was just a rumor/speculation?? Right? Please let me know b/c I seriously NEVER would have guessed that she’s supposed to be a Praying Mantis. Even in her other form, I would have thought they were trying to imply she’s a spider…why did they give her 4 eyes? I can’t tell if they’re supposed to represent pseudo-pupils or a mantis’ ocelli but I never would have thought of them as that. I just thought she was like. A scary monster white lady/“karen”-type 😭
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So, based on the creator/character designers statements from a podcast, I believe that Charlie is supposed to be a sort of…amalgamation of the above? But honestly I’m not sure. I’m that statement they mentioned she had a lamb or puppy nose, and I think they mentioned before that her heels are supposed to look like hooves? But also the creator made a tweet saying they never intended her design to be a goat, so I don’t really know what she’s supposed to be. I gave Charlie a 2.5 b/c she DOES look like a porcelain doll to me. Or like. A. Clown??? Cause of her cheek marks. Idk. She at least looks like one of the things she’s “supposed” to be according to the creator, and I can see the puppy element with the nose if that’s what was intended. The lower ranking is more because I’ve heard MULTIPLE things about her design elements so I’m not sure what the intention was with her.
I would have bumped her up to a 3 if I knew what she was supposed to be, but b/c it’s been stated that she’s based on several things it’s hard to tell, and I can’t actually tell if that’s still the case.
I may do another one of these with some other characters. There are a few in Helluva Boss that I couldn’t really read either but most of those designs make much more sense to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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sp1t3 · 1 month
Hazbin Hotel As Taylor Swift Songs
Disclaimer: I do not just see Husk as Angel’s bf or Vaggie as just Charlie’s gf, these were just my best songs from each album for them.
Disclaimer 2: I know Alastor is aroace, I picked these songs by taking the romance aspect out.
Inspired by @riveatstoes
Taylor Swift
Charlie Morningstar: A Place In This World
Vaggie: The Outside
Angel Dust: I’m Only Me When I’m With You
Husk: Stay Beautiful
Alastor: Tied Together With A Smile
Lucifer: Cold As You
Charlie Morningstar: Fifteen
Vaggie: Fearless
Angel Dust: Hey Stephan
Husk: Superstar
Alastor: The Best Day
Lucifer: You’re Not Sorry
Speak Now
Charlie Morningstar: Innocent
Vaggie: Ours
Angel Dust: Dear John
Husk: Castles Crumbling
Alastor: Better Than Revenge
Lucifer: Haunted
Charlie Morningstar: 22
Vaggie: Nothing New
Angel Dust: The Lucky One
Husk: Treacherous
Alastor: I Bet You Think About Me
Lucifer: Sad Beautiful Tragic
Charlie Morningstar: Welcome To New York
Vaggie: You Are In Love
Angel Dust: “Slut!”
Husk: How You Get The Girl
Alastor: Blank Space
Lucifer: Bad Blood
Charlie Morningstar: New Year’s Day
Vaggie: Don’t Blame Me
Angel Dust: Call It What You Want
Husk: …Ready For It?
Alastor: I Did Something Bad
Lucifer: Look What You Made Me Do
Charlie Morningstar: The Man
Vaggie: Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince
Angel Dust: The Archer
Husk: It’s Nice To Have A Friend
Alastor: ME!
Lucifer: False God
Charlie Morningstar: the last great american dynasty
Vaggie: my tears ricochet
Angel Dust: mirrorball
Husk: this is me trying
Alastor: seven
Lucifer: mad woman
Charlie Morningstar: ‘tis the damn season
Vaggie: it’s time to go
Angel Dust: cowboy like me
Husk: gold rush
Alastor: no body, no crime
Lucifer: right where you left me
Charlie Morningstar: Dear Reader
Vaggie: Lavender Haze
Angel Dust: Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve
Husk: The Great War
Alastor: vigilante shit
Lucifer: Anti-Hero
The Tortured Poets Department
Charlie Morningstar: Clara Bow
Vaggie: Florida!!!
Angel Dust: I Can Do It With A Broken Heart
Husk: I Hate It Here
Alastor: Who’s Afraid Of Little Old Me?
Lucifer: How Did It End?
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blackypanther9 · 2 months
Masterlist to all the Masterlists of mine
I do not write:
Incest, Stepcest, etc.
fucked up shit like that.
What I might not write:
Some kinks. (I don't know all of them but there might be some I feel not comfy with)
What I write (Sexual orientation wise):
HETERO (Man x Woman)
GAY (Man x Man) OR (Woman x Woman)
INTERSEXUAL (People with BOTH genders)
GENDERFLUID (Might be horribly explained, I ain't Genderfluid, but practically that is when you feel like a man one day and in five weeks you feel like a woman and dress and behave as such how you feel)
TRANSGENDER (Man in a Woman's body or the other way around, Don't hate me I try to keep this short and simple here !!)
ASEXUAL (Repulsed by the bare mention of the S word OR isn't repulsed by it, but isn't really interested in it (I think it is called Gray Ace...?)
GENDERNEUTRAL/NON - BINARY (Which mostly means no Gender so They/Them I CAN'T USE THAT IN SMUT THOUGH IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME A SEX ON THE BODY !!! So tell me which they have !)
What I usually write:
Dom!Reader x Sub!Character (But you CAN also ask the other way around)
Character ships I will write for:
Any Character x Reader (Name a Gender though !)
Also write Character x Character ( Like...Alastor x Rosie where they just gossip or Charlie and Vaggie with romance or smut)
(I also don't mind to Genderswap. So instead of Charlie being a Female, she is a Male or a different gender. You give me your thoughts and I will try to turn it into a Oneshot !)
Characters I will NOT write for:
The Vees (Hazbin Hotel) Adam (Hazbin Hotel) Lute (Hazbin Hotel) Sera (Hazbin Hotel) They can be mentioned or play a role but I don't do ANY ships with them and the Reader. They can be shipped with each other though, I suppose. And Vox can be friends with Reader, but no romantic shtick. (Still needs to be added)
What I allow to write as Relationship stuff:
PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS (Friends, friends turning to Family, like Siblings and stuff...Surrogate Brother/Sister if I am not mistaken we call such, right ?)
FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS (Nothing perverted ! Just you know Father - Son relationship, Brother x Brother Relationship and all that stuff, Family relationships are NOT allowed to be SMUT !!!)
What I will write:
I am usually open minded about a lot, but still I am setting some ground rules. This is all in case I open requests, so keep the page in your line of sight at all times !!
DISCLAIMER !: I do NOT support rape, abuse and other bad behavior ! This is pure fanfiction and fantasy ONLY ! People who can get easily triggered by it, DON'T FUCKING READ IT ! Warnings are at the very top of the beginning smut shot, so READ THEM BEFORE you read the fic !
Reblogging is ALLOWED, but REPOSTING is NOT allowed !!!
Let me tell you a story…Loki x Reader ? (MASTERLIST)
Loki x Reader Smut Masterlist 2 !
Masterlist of Loki x Reader Oneshots x little stories
Friends (Loki x Fem!Reader) Masterlist (COMPLETED !!)
The mischievous one (Loki x Fem!Reader) Masterlist
Loki x Reader -> Killer Love MASTERLIST ! (Discontinued)
Loki Laufeyson/Odinson x Reader with another Fandom Crossover
  "The Spook - Loki x Reader (Marvel x Fnaf Crossover)"  MASTERLIST
Halloween Masterlist (2020,2021,2022...)
Lokius (Mobius x Loki) Masterlist
Christmas Masterlist (Loki x Reader)
Marvel x Reader smut masterlist
Lego Ninjago x Reader
Secrets... Morro x Reader (Ninjago) MASTERLIST COMPLETED !!!
Ninjago Masterlist Uncle x Father!MaleReader
Sleepy Hollow 1999 x Reader
Headless Horseman (Sleepy Hollow 1999) x Reader MASTERLIST
Mr. Hopp’s Playhouse x Reader
Mr. Hopp x Reader MASTERLIST
Bendy and the Ink Machine x Reader
Bendy (and the Ink Machine) x Reader
William Afton x Reader
William Afton x Reader Oneshots
(Movie) William Afton x Reader Oneshots
How to turn a Killer into a Bunny – (FNaF Movie)William Afton x Male!Reader
Hazbin Hotel x Reader
Father!Alastor x Son!Reader MASTERLIST
Alastor x Reader Oneshots Masterlist
Scream Movie 1996 MASTERLIST
Other Characters without Reader input
Marvel Ships (No Reader input)
Other characters x Reader (With another Fandom crossover)
Masterlist Bruno Madrigal x Male!Reader with another Fandom Crossover
Funny doodles
Sites where you can also find me
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pinkandpurple360 · 5 months
Ok so full disclaimer I am not Black. But why are all of the Black/Black coded characters arcs tied to white/non-Black ones?
Tex exists solely to give Loona someone to simp for, and as a way to introduce Bee
Ozzie solely exists to be Fizzarolli’s boyfriend
Millie solely exists to be Moxxie’s wife (granted she was also this when she had a white VA, so this may be more sexism than racism)
Husk apparently solely exists to “rescue” Angel from Val through ~love~ (Husk also originally had a white VA but it sounds like his story became more…supporting once Keith got on board)
Velvette solely exists to be someone Vox can bitch too (this is also a sexism one)
The only possible exception could be Alastor, but apparently he wasn’t originally written as Black and only became so because of the voodoo controversy. I’d have to see how the full show/spoiler plays out before I can say.
Yes, all characters have relationships with each other, but none of the Black characters have individual arcs and development like Stolas, Angel, Moxxie, or even Charlie do. They don’t have agency, they’re treated like props.
The racial coding in this show is deeply problematic. Like you’ve said all the black characters are treated as props, this continues into Hazbin as well. White voices scream and sing the loudest in both shows. As is the obsession with “gasp! Taboo!” interracial relationships
This is making me wonder what an episode about Asmodeus Millie and Tex would look like
In particular Tex, despite having the fantastically talented Iglehart as his VA, is completely empty as a character and he needs sooo much more work. I want to feel like there’s a love triangle between Tex Loona and Bee, and that he has chemistry with them. As it stands I don’t care much. Tex is dating someone responsible for the subjugation of his kind into fucking cages as if they were nothing. That’s where Loona came from.
I actually hope Loona and Bee form an intense hate or rivalry which is not romantic based, it would be much more compelling. We rarely see a hellhound speak up for themselves like Loona does. Even against a sin.
Yeah that last point is very true. The white bias is completely ridiculous.
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hazbinhotelsinstagram · 4 months
Greetings sinners!
Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel. I am your wonderful host, Alastor. Please do let me know if something is not to your liking, I'm sure I can find someone that cares! I'm sure our lovely media
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Disclaimer: We do not have any contact with the creators of Hazbin. TW: Alastor is in hell for a reason! Talks of murder, gore, blood, and other topics will be common!
This is an RP/Ask blog! You are more than welcome to interact with OCs, Cannon characters or other RP blogs! (or your lovely selves!) Just try not to drag one RP on for too long! The location will stick to the hotel for the most part. Note: "Media Host" is the I, after all, I host the blog!This blog posts original sketches with asks! Little sketches from either the blog mod or Alastor will be added to asks! UNDERSTAND, not all asks will have a sketch with them! This is to help keep burnout away! UNDERSTAND, you can use the art with proper credit and permission! Before you get to asking this devilish fiend please read the rules and other information below. RULES - No NSFW. - No hate to any IRL people. - Any hate or harassment is not welcomed. - No drama. - Be Respectful. - We do this for fun and during our free time! - Link refs to OCs in asks if you are interested in them being doodled! - Please understand this doesn't mean that I WILL draw them, just that you would like them to be if I can draw them. ABOUT Names Doodles or Aces. Pronouns He/They! We are AceAro and are a system! Plural pronouns will be used at times (we, our, us), and you'll see the term "host" in reference to me! (As in system host).
The white creature you might see around is our lovely sona/oc, they have some hazbin related lore to them just to have some fun with things. You are free to ask them stuff if you want! Main Accounts if you wanna follow them! @acesofstars and @red-radiostatic
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We are a college student so most of our time is spent on school but we do have free time to do some fun doodles! NOTE: More rules or updates will be added if necessary!
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alice-after-dark · 2 months
Okay, this might get me some hate but gonna chitter chat about the writing of the show for a hot second (full disclaimer that overall I very much love this show and am looking forward to the second season)
Sometimes I do feel like people just get highly amused by Vox and his hate boner for Alastor and forget that this guy is a fucking Overlord of Hell. He's not just some pathetic goofball. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE "Stayed Gone," but I do think that it and all his subsequent obsessing over Alastor, while hilarious and entertaining, overshadowed Vox's initial introduction as a scheming, manipulative, dangerous, and corrupt person to the point where the fandom views him as adorable and pathetic when we very clearly see in his introduction that he's not??? He has the public eating out the palm of his hand. He has wealth and power. He even manipulates his own allies. But after "Stayed Gone" happens, we don't see him do anything that isn't about Alastor. I feel like the show tries to recover his character with the meeting between the Vees (which at least does show that he can remain composed when discussing Alastor as the person he has a visceral reaction to is in fact Charlie, not Alastor) and the vitriol he spits at Sir Pentious when he fails to spy on the hotel, but even then, both of these things are ultimately about Alastor and any efforts here are pretty much forgotten with Vox's reactions during the battle with the angels.
The main problem I have with "Stayed Gone" from a narrative perspective (again, love that song and have watched the scene far more than is necessary) is that it directly contradicts the character that he is first presented as. He is literally introduced to us with him manipulating and defusing Valentino effortlessly from going on a rampage at the hotel. He is presented as someone who is obsessed with image and public opinion. Now, I had absolutely nothing wrong with him going off in front of Valentino about Alastor and showing this uncontrolled side of him while he has a borderline tantrum. Valentino is his ally and is clearly aware of his hatred towards Alastor. Having this explosion in private makes sense for the character the show has already established. However, by the end of "Stayed Gone," he is having a full blown meltdown in front of the public. The song starts sinister and foreboding, but it almost immediately devolves into petty insults and jabs from Vox. Now, there's a fair argument to be made that this is meant to show how Alastor gets under Vox's skin like this and utterly destroys his carefully crafted facade and I do fully believe that that's what the song was going for (that and setting up their rivalry). The problem for me comes in the fact that we don't see any of that masterful manipulation of the public that we saw in Vox's introduction. He instead gets played for a joke while Alastor is presented as clever and composed and someone to be feared and this just doesn't sit well with me. We're meant to believe that Vox is, at the very least, someone that Alastor sees as worth an actual response and clapback. If he wasn't, Alastor would have just ignored him or even straight up killed him. It's kind of a Show vs Tell situation. We're basically told that Vox is someone to be worried about but that's not what we're shown. He gets publicly humiliated and beaten by Alastor easily and we're supposed to believe that this guy is a threat? Honestly I would have loved to see them on even ground for most of the song as Vox slowly but surely devolves into losing his shit and Alastor eventually takes the win, showing that Vox is actually a worthy rival for the Radio Demon. There's just...a lot of mixed messages about Vox in season 1.
He's just kind of played for laughs and it's a little disappointing because he actually seems like a potentially fascinating character and I really hope we get to see more of exactly why he is a feared and respected Overlord in season 2 considering he is supposed to be a central character and villain.
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pixelatedtaken · 3 months
Alastor, Vox, and their Rivalry
...or the nothing it gave us
S1 Analysis
this is based on information the show's s1 gave us. this can and will most likely change once the next seasons release.
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disclaimer: this is not a ship analysis. you can read it however you like, but it's not intended for ship purposes
Even before Vox was introduced, it was made clear that Alastor has a... distaste for modern electronics. Even so, he seems to know how to navigate them. He's familiar with TVs and their mechanics, watching and making commercials.
So let's start with:
Radio vs. TV
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By default, both represent different eras of media: the Radio and the TV.
It's a very old classical tale of old vs. new that to this day, there's debates on it. Alastor and Vox are exactly that. The debate of which is better. The old and reliable way or the new developed way. The one that doesn't appreciate the changes being made and the one who embraces it. A Radio Demon and a TV Demon.
And they are that simple old vs. new dynamic. Different but similar.
Alastor vs. Vox
Vox first gets mentioned through the title of the Vees by Sir Pentious. And even with Alastor's response, "Oh, nobody important." we're hinted at a dynamic, in this case indifference, which is mostly how Alastor tends to treat and act towards Vox. Mostly...
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On the other hand, Vox is obsessed. From knowing that Alastor was gone for 7 years, the hate drawing, the 'fuck alastor' mug, the cameras, the ripped photo, you can even go as far as saying their outfits– he's not subtle about it.
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As soon as Vox learns about Alastor's return, he has an overdramatic response with his nails digging into the table, voice changing, and his cameras instantly on Alastor. In general, Vox has cameras probably all over hell, but keeping an eye on Alastor is tricky when the man glitches every time he's being recorded etc, etc. This is also stated by the fact that in the 7 years Alastor had been gone, not even Vox knew where he was.
And Alastor is very aware of the fact that Vox is watching him. So aware that he even posed for the camera (you can argue all you want, he posed). Midly encouraging the behavior as such. Either by the pose or by saying that Vox needs to try harder in his endeavor.
This is where I say that Alastor is also obsessed. In a different way but not any less.
Here's a core attribute the two demons share: Attention.
They want attention, to be the center of it. And although Alastor barely, if at all, provides Vox with it... Vox certainly does provide to the fullest, and Alastor is more than happy to let it happen. With that being said, when Vox was broadcasting the tarnishing of his name, it was a different story. He went back to his tower as quickly as possible - grabbing a cup of coffee on his way - and more or less owned Vox's ass.
Speaking of the song, it's worth noting that Alastor perfectly responded to the part of the song that was never broadcasted, the beginning. It could have been for thematic purposes. It could have been that he somehow knew, the how alludes me.
Let's bring up a certain picture:
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Throughout episode 2, much of their relationship was hinted and kept mostly hostile, but this picture gave a whole new meaning to it all.
Alastor, the demon that distorts devices and renders them unable to capture him on film, has a photograph taken of him without any glitches. And next to him in that photograph is none other than Vox.
Alastor allowed the picture to be taken.
Alastor and Vox were close.
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They had formed a bond, and the closest thing we can call it, is a friendship. But between the then and the now, something broke that bond.
One thing could have been Alastor's dislike for modern technology vs. Vox's like for evolution, which could have played a role in their fallout. As such, a chain reaction of events begins to unfold.
If it was that dislike, resulting to disagreements, where it started or not, we don't know, but we do know that their relationship fell apart after Vox asked Alastor to join his team, and he refused. They became hostile towards each other, most likely beyond repair since, before Alastor disappeared, they had a fight.
We don't know how brutal the fight was, but we do have the line, "You still pissed he almost beat you that time?". Keyword: Almost. Alastor ALMOST beat Vox but decidedly did not. From Alastor's backstory, we know he's more than capable of defeating overlords without a second thought.
Here's a question: Why didn't he kill Vox?
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Maybe it's for stupid reasons. Maybe it's not. Who knows, but we know that he didn't kill him and that Vox was resilient enough to not be easily beaten.
One thing is for sure, the picture re-contextualizes behaviors and actions.
Although at its core, their relationship is a rivalry, adding a possible friendship changes the initial view they gave us of them.
And I'll end it by saying that Alastor calls Vox 'old pal'. If that means something or absolutely nothing, I don't know.
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BTW! Calling Alastor obsessed isn't in the same context as Vox. Alastor is obsessed with the never-ending attention while Vox is obsessed with Alastor himself. Just a clarification. Though I wonder how many people stuck this long to read, it's not like I'm saying something new here. I can't wait for all of this to be trashed and debunked somehow in the future.
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dreamerlucifer · 4 months
First, My Main Ask account is DreamerLucifer on Tumblr. http://dreamerlucifer.tumblr.com -This is open for Hazbin Hotel and Helluva crossover Art requests as well as RPs!! Please note, I'm basing comics off of my interactions with askers and rpers!! YOU'RE IN MY HOUSE NOW, BITCHES!!--
AU so far- My Lucifer, once stopped by Charlie from killing Adam, Takes on a much more compassionate role. Realizing that he almost took Adam's life, he is instead inspired to become better, even moreso than he ever was! Charlie and her accomplishments Have really and truly inspired Him to look at Adam in a new light!! Now Instead of passing judgement, as he almost did, He decides to help pick the fallen angel up, out of the rubble, and help him rebuild. In other words, his newest pet project!! With each passing Day, he will help Adam be a little more righteous and a little less gross! Have an Adam? RP some scenarios with me, I am, as is my Lucifer, Bi sexual, so all characters are welcome to take a pass at the King of hellish ducks himself ;D Who wouldn't want a piece of that, eh? lol So Lucifer's Pet Adam has been crashing on Lucifer's couch, and just making a mess as of right now, scenario as discussed with @fatass-adam , haha, but any Adam is welcome to take part and help me build different storylines and scenarios!
WIP and what you can expect a lot of my art to look like:
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♥ Meanwhile, My Luci is going to be pushing ever so much harder to be a part of Charlie's life again, so all Charlies are more than welcome to rp with me as a father figure!! But Charlies be warned, My Lucifer loves his little duckling unconditionally, and does not see her as anything but his wonderful little girl. (So no, incest isn't happening with my Lucifer) / My dear Radio Demons, My Lucifer is dominant, and giving, But he can't stand that smug Alastor!! Trying to take his precious Charlie >:U ahem… I digress, Relationship to Radio Demon Players has been set as love / hate. And There is nothing my Lucifer hates more than a Radio Demon Alastor trying to dominate him sexually or otherwise. So of course, its an invite to try and catch my Lucifer if you can, Alastor, but it won't be easy!
Ohh, all OCs are welcome to interact and /or make artistic requests as well!! -WIP of @wicked-omens getting a special Adam shaped Ducky ♥
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And Disclaimer, I may be the king of hell, lol j/k but I'm really only human, so don't expect every interaction to end in an artistic scene, and when it does, there will be vast differences in quality depending on my current free time and how much the scenario inspires me. I'll do my best to get back to RP situations as fast as hellishly possible, but give me time, I like to think about my posts ^^ Well, all that being said, All other characters interacting with Lucifer are welcome to become the new cannon for the DreamerLucifer AU!! Any questions? Shoot 'em here or on my Tumblr, Bitches!! Most all of this information will be written out and posted much better via my Tumblr, again http://dreamerlucifer.tumblr.com
This is a temp post until I have my main promo Page ready XD
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ohbother2 · 4 months
I just wanna say first off that I completely get if you don't respond to this cos it's quite a random question and I hope you're doing well :)
but I wanted to ask! Do you have an oc for Hazbin Hotel?? I'd personally love to know what you're mind's come up with because you write all the characters with so much detail! Ik this I random but a lot of other big creators in the Hazbin Hotel fandom have pitched their own oc's and I was just wondering if you had the same!!
Would love it if you shared, but completely get if not :)) hope you're doing well, can't wait for the alastor fic!!! <3
Can't lie when I saw this ask in my inbox I was really surprised, I didn't think people really cared for oc's tbh
But yes I do! They don't have a name yet though but a very thorough backstory 😅
I guess I could give you some of the brief details? I don't want to swamp my followers with things they're not interested in, so if you guys want to hear any more just lmk :)
Details under the cut to make this easier to scroll past if you're not interested!
Disclaimer - I've had this oc since way back in 2019 when the pilot dropped so she has some similarities to other characters in the series that I wasn't aware of at the time. Also, dark themes ahead watch out.
So, my oc is a woman who died in 1948 at 24 years old.
I head canon that exterminators are a class of people who did 'sinful' deeds but for the right reasons - they go to Heaven but on the condition that they perform this one 'sinful' killing act once a year.
My oc had to kill her brother in self-defence after he suffered from PTSD after WW2 and mistook her as an 'enemy' during a particularly bad flashback. That was the only 'real' sin she committed, so when she went to heaven she was recruited as an exterminator.
She was murdered by her father (strangulation), who could not forgive her for killing her brother. Because of this, she has horrendous trust issues.
She's the oldest of three siblings: two brothers and a sister. Only her youngest brother outlived her.
In heaven, she never sought out her mother or sister, too scared to admit to them what she did, or what happened to their family.
She is technically a 'fallen' angel, but never had her wings removed. She fought with another exterminator over having to kill a child (embarrassingly close to Vaggie's origin story, I was unaware at the time, and may change this to be more original), managed to kill them, but was wounded and unable to make it back to the portal and was left stranded in Hell. She still retains some of her 'angelic' power and attributes because of this. After the portal closed, she was severed from Heaven and took on a 'demon' form. Her wings are tattoos along her back and arms, which can transform into wings if she wants - she rarely does.
She originally tried to persuade exterminators that she was one of them to go back. They just thought she was a sinner trying to lie to them. She's long since given up her hopes of returning to Heaven, and has slowly grown to hate Heaven and the exterminators over her many decades of seeing the effects of the exterminations in Hell.
As a final 'fuck you' to Heaven, she joined the Hazbin Hotel in hopes of screwing up Heaven's preconceptions. She may have the wrong motives, but she's trying her best.
Her love interest is Alastor, but they begin as enemies. It takes a long time for both of them to come around to one another. They bond over their similar time periods, and an odd relationship forms. She has an equally morbid sense of humour after growing up during a particularly bad part of history. Alastor is determined not to let some random sinner be his biggest weakness, she is appalled that such a heinous man could worm his way into her heart. A reluctant love story for both parties.
She's never sought out her father or oldest brother, who are in Hell. She doesn't know what she'd do if she found them - what do you say to the man you killed, and the man who killed you in revenge for that act? She won't admit it, but she's absolutely terrified they'll find her.
She has a lot of demons, and drinks heavily to distract herself from them. She was a 'good soul' on earth, and now that she has free rein she indulges herself as often as she can. She'll never get back to Heaven (she believes) so what does it matter? Men, booze, drugs, does what she wants with it all.
She has a good relationship with Angel Dust, Husk and Sir Pentious. She often hangs out at the bar with them. Despite him being 'The Bartender', even Husk doesn't know her full backstory or how she died, he does notice she hates being touched on the neck, and grows defensive when Alastor constantly pushes this boundary in the first months of knowing her.
She once punched Alastor square in the face in the middle of the hotel lobby for pushing this boundary on the anniversary of her death. He would've killed her on the spot if it weren't for Charlie running in between them. It's this moment that I head canon as the day Alastor realises he actually cares for her more than he thought - he is genuinely upset (and furious for other reasons) that she would push him away so forcefully. He can't allow that.
She gets along well with Niffty, but her childlike antics remind her too much of her younger siblings and she can struggle to be around her for too long. She tries to keep her distance, for her own peace of mind.
Charlie also reminds her of her younger sister, but in a far more 'manageable' way. She does her best to support her with her hopes with the hotel. Vaggie makes sure to keep Charlie 'away' from my oc, she doesn't trust her at all. Vaggie can sense something is off with the hotel's newest resident, but can't quite figure out what. Lucifer is the same.
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theyanderespecialist · 2 months
(Remake) Base Yandere Husk Headcanons: Consent Is Key
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins I am back with a new chapter! This one is with Husk! Hope you enjoy this! So let's do this!] 
(Disclaimer: Husk is not yandere in canon this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life.) 
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Husk From Hazbin Hotel- 
.Husk is a grumpy old sinner in hell, he used to be an overlord but lost it all. 
.Making a deal with Alastor to save his power, and now he is on that demon's leash. 
.Husk is a hazbin, having been an overlord and once at the top. He fell and now is an old shell of himself. 
.He drinks, he gambles, and he wallows. 
.There is one thing that does make him feel all warm and fuzzy, but he would never tell anyone about it. 
.And that is you, his sweet little kitten. 
.You have not been in hell anywhere close as long as him, so he kind of takes you under his wing. 
.He keeps you from making mistakes like making deals with overlords or getting so drunk that you get hurt. 
.He also hates when you are not being genuine or honest with him. He hates it more than anything else almost. 
.He wants to be someone you can come to when you need someone, be the person that you search for in a crowd, be your one and only. 
.He hates that he is not that, he thought he lost the ability to love long ago. 
.So at first he will try and drink his feelings for you away, though he knows that it is not doing anything for him. 
.It does not even numb the pain of not being with you, probably actually makes it worse. 
.He does not remember the last time he has been able to sleep without dreaming of you. 
.He does remember the last time that he has felt this way, if ever. 
.You become like his new bottle of booze, his new addiction and the more he is with you the more he NEEDS you, and CANNOT live without you. 
.He genuinely cares about you and wants you safe, and if anyone tried to take advantage of you, without your consent, they would be dead. 
.Husk does not, and will not play around with that shit. 
.Consent is important to them, for you to have your consent taken from you would make him so angry. 
.So he would never force you in any way, not even to make you love him. 
.He wants you to love him of your own free will and for it to be real. 
.He would die to keep you safe as a yandere he is protective of you, and very much a guiding yandere. 
.Guiding you to keep you safe, and a little bit of guiding in the romance to try and romance you. 
.He has not dated in a long time so of course he is out of practice. 
.His dream date with you is just snuggled together on the couch by the fire, him reading to you. 
.That is his perfect date. 
.He is also a no-nonsense or bullshit kind of yandere. 
.He is not going to let you lie to him, he will not let you try and pull the wool over his eyes. 
.He can be firm, but he is also understanding, especially when you are honest with him. 
.He would fight a war with Angels for you. 
.He does not care how hard it may be. He will win you over. 
.Cause eventually he cannot live without your love, and will not live without your love. 
.He has to romance you first and if he fails he will try and try again. 
.How does he deal with rivals? 
.First, he warns them to stay away, if that does not work, he either makes a bet with them that he knows they will lose and force them to leave you, or he kills them. 
.It depends on what they did to you. 
.He knows it is selfish, he knows it is not fair to you, but he has not loved like this in any part of his life, and he is not letting you go. 
.He would confess to you after he romanced you for at least months. 
.If you say yes, his heart will swell and he might even shed a tear. 
.If you say no, he will try and try again, he will never force you, but he is not giving up. 
.Consent is key and he will get you to agree of your own free will to be his and his alone! 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 
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