#disconnect from technology for like 3 hours…
callunascars · 1 year
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studdyadict · 6 months
Planning a self care day ?
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1. Morning Meditation: Start your day with a calming meditation session to set a positive tone for the day ahead. Find a quiet space, sit comfortably, and focus on your breath or use a guided meditation app.
2. Healthy Breakfast:Fuel your body with a nutritious breakfast packed with fruits, whole grains, and proteins. Take your time to savor each bite mindfully.
3. Nature Walk: Spend some time outdoors in nature. Whether it's a local park, hiking trail, or beach, immerse yourself in the beauty of the natural world. Take deep breaths, listen to the sounds of nature, and appreciate the moment.
4. Creative Outlet: Engage in a creative activity that brings you joy, whether it's painting, writing, crafting, or playing music. Let your imagination flow freely and express yourself without judgment.
5. Pampering Session:Treat yourself to a luxurious pampering session. Take a long bath with your favorite bath salts or essential oils, put on a face mask, and indulge in a skincare routine. Play some soothing music and light candles for a spa-like ambiance.
6. Healthy Lunch: Refuel your body with a healthy and delicious lunch. Opt for a balanced meal that includes plenty of vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains.
7. Mindful Movement: Practice some gentle movement exercises like yoga, tai chi, or stretching to release tension and improve flexibility. Focus on the sensations in your body and breathe deeply to cultivate mindfulness.
8. Digital Detox: Unplug from technology for a few hours and disconnect from the outside world. Turn off your phone, computer, and other electronic devices, and engage in activities that don't involve screens, such as reading, journaling, or spending quality time with loved ones.
9. Nourishing Dinner:Cook yourself a nourishing dinner using fresh, wholesome ingredients. Experiment with new recipes or prepare your favorite comfort food dishes.
10. Relaxing Evening Ritual: Wind down your day with a relaxing evening ritual. Practice some gentle relaxation techniques like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or visualization to prepare your body and mind for a restful night's sleep.
Remember to listen to your body throughout the day and prioritize activities that make you feel good and replenished. Enjoy your self-care day!
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aniharas · 8 months
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘶𝘤𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘪𝘯
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pairing: anakin skywalker x jedi!fem!reader
summary: in the soul-shattering aftermath of geonosis, anakin finds solace in forbidden affection, risking everything for a stolen moment under the moonlight.
warnings: angst, ptsd, trauma, phantom pains. anakin just needs a hug.
wc: 4k+ oneshot
a/n: this is mainly written from anakin's pov and detailing his thoughts. i was just craving an angst fest don't mind me. likes and reblogs deeply appreciated :) inbox is open! enjoy <3
The light-polluted nights of Coruscant were not very kind to the Chosen One.
It was becoming a ritual: stirring at the latest hour in a sweat in the night. Almost an hourly occurrence. Poor Anakin would cry out, reaching for the ghost of an arm that was no longer there. The memories of the dreadful incident came around often like an old acquaintance, one who didn't quite get the hint that their presence was not wanted.
The terrors were definitely unwanted. Each nightmare that plagued his mind, almost every waking moment, every phantom pain was a painstaking reminder of his own incompetence. He was too weak, too blind to stop what happened. The flash of the red saber. The brief, agonizing, piercing hot sensation in his right arm followed by a sharp breeze. The unmistakable smell of his own charred flesh. The events of Geonosis were far too grisly to forget. The monstrous nature of his failure grasped and invaded his mind with its tendrils, ensuring nothing but pain as it threatened to pull him down under. 
What made matters worse was the useless words of the Jedi Council when he sought their advice. Anakin nearly trudged out of the Council Room in laughter. Did they know how ridiculous they sounded? Firstly, he couldn't confide in anyone or simply desire their comfort. Secondly, his own limbs were considered part of things that he couldn't stay attached to, and the young Jedi found that piece of grim advice hilarious. He wondered if their powers with the Force and their lightsabers were the only reason that they were respected.
The cybernetic arm that he was given only did so much. It functioned like a normal arm and hand; it simulated the sense of touch. It was a piece of technology revered by many and saved those who used it. Whenever he retired to his quarters, he would simply stare at it, desperately hoping that it would complete him, hoping that the many credits invested into his new limb would save his soul from the relentless torment that lurked whenever the sun when down.
It was never the same. How could it ever be the same? Despite the fact that Dooku had severed his right arm, Anakin felt like he had broken his whole body and spirit. One would describe his state as one of constant grieving, for his arm, for himself. He dreaded training, missions, meditating. Eating seemed to be a monumental chore for the boy who was destined to save the galaxy.
His body was at a disconnect with his own mind, and no amount of tinkering or relentless practice with the replacement would help.  It was like everyone else was above ground, moving at a normal pace, and he was stuck at the bottom of the ocean, unable to control the chaos of the water around him.
He had hoped that the nightly perils would cease in their frequency with time. As the years passed, his hope diminished, at the very least wishing that he could get used to the feeling. 
On another lonely, sleepless night, Anakin had woken from phantom pain. Defeated, he slid himself off the edge of his bed, letting his body slump to the floor. He was the phrase 'human wreck' incarnate, his now grown-out hair askew; sweat and tears mingling as they slid down his face and neck; the pale, vein-ridden skin of his half-bare body being proof of his negligence towards himself. It was only on occasion that he could sleep alongside the moon, with no troubling thoughts to bother him. The rest of those nights were akin to psychological torture.
"Maybe it was karma for all the times I used the Force to extract a confession from somebody. Is that what that felt like?" he said to himself.
At times, he liked to pause as if there was someone there who would respond.
He wanted a response, longed for someone to just be there. Someone could sit across from him and say that his pain was superficial, that he was being overdramatic, and Anakin would still be grateful for the words. Intimate touch was constantly on his mind; not the kind of touch that led to something amorous, but the kind that could leave his battle-torn skin covered in goosebumps, the kind that would make him hyper-aware of every inch of his body.
He brushed his human fingers over the forearm of his replacement, wanting to know if there was some way he could make himself feel that intimacy. His desperation to simply feel was slowly driving him mad, and he once again let himself lose to his rage. A tear seemed to poetically slip down Anakin's cheek as his sweat-ridden fingers fumbled around with the latches, dislodging his mechno-arm and flinging it towards his wall with enough strength he could muster. A pained grunt escaped his lips.
As it slammed against the wall, it made a loud, yet unsatisfying 'thud'. Some of the casing popped off, the wires and inner mechanisms becoming exposed as it fell unceremoniously to the floor. The emotional toll and the sudden action it wrought had left Anakin out of breath. His glossy eyes trailed from the wreckage down to the emptiness where it should have been, and at that moment, he felt truly pathetic. He desperately wanted to blame anything else, but it seemed that with every obstacle, he only had himself to blame. Did he truly deserve this? He started to believe so.
It was then that his ears picked up a soft knock at his door. Anakin had shot up from his seat on the floor, hurrying over to retrieve his arm and fix it back into place. Disoriented from the absence of sleep, he managed to trudge his way to his door, carefully watching his own feet so he wouldn't stumble. Almost like a child.
When he opened the door, the last thing he expected was to see her. Why was she even here this late at night? She didn't even live in this part of the Knights' Billet. Had one of the masters sent her? Her expression and her body language were timid, seemingly afraid to cross the line; but her ever-so-captivating eyes shone with curiosity. Anakin caught those eyes trying to sneak a glance behind him, tilting his head as he made himself comfortable leaning against his doorway.
"Did someone send you? Tell them I'm not in the mood," he said rather curtly without another glance, taking a step back as he moved to close the door. He was growing exhausted with how the Jedi expected so much of him but didn't even respect him.
Her hand seemed to spring out to hold the door open in retaliation. He was growing tired of the antics, ready to glare her down with daggers, until he saw something different in the girl. Her stance was firm as she held open the door. He saw that her eyes held a brewing mix of resolve and desperation as if silently pleading for him to hear her out.
"I was walking by, and I heard a noise. Are you okay?"
Time seemed to stop as she voiced her concern, leaving Anakin breathless once again. There was an undeniable pang in his heart, threatening to set loose what had been building up inside of him. Any other day, he would've brushed her off and forced the door shut without a care in the world. She was jeopardizing her place in the Jedi Order, and his as well. How could she afford to be so careless?
So careless about her duties…but she cared about him.
Struggling to voice his answer, he found himself nearly paralyzed with uncertainty, not knowing how to proceed. The mere act of them meeting this late at night had already broken so many rules...but was he willing to sacrifice some rules to save his own sanity? He saw a look of pity flash over her eyes, and he stayed frozen as she quietly shuffled in, closing the door behind her in a similar matter.
Anakin was sure about the fact that he needed someone to confide in, to share his agony, to comfort his long-tortured soul. It was only until she had uttered her first words to him that night that it dawned on him: she would see him as weak, and not the Chosen One. The dichotomy of his needs and fears clashed about in his brain. He needed a companion, but he was afraid of losing her approval, anyone's approval. Everyone's approval.
"What's wrong, Anakin?"
Her voice had cut through the growing torment of his thoughts, leaving it silent, those three words alone threatening to unravel him. He avoided the piercing gaze that was threatening to see right through him.
"Just insomnia," he muttered.
When his eyes returned to her, he immediately knew that his answer wasn't good enough. Who was he kidding? He realized that he hadn't even bothered to look presentable, hair messy and skin glistening with sweat. As if to mock his own thoughts, a gust of air blew in from his conditioning unit, making the tear streaks down his face feel like they were freezing. He watched her carefully as her eyes examined these very things, a flush gracing her cheeks as she briefly glanced at his bare chest. The faint glow of the stars pouring in from the window only seemed to accentuate it, illuminating her skin. She was pretty.
The very thought angered him. Why did beauty distract him so in such a vulnerable moment of his life? It was a weakness he was not proud of, not only because it represented what he could not have, but what he struggled to be himself. Every rule in his life seemed like it was set in place to keep him from having beauty, being beautiful. He couldn't help but break those rules as his eyes raked over her figure. He saw how her hair cascaded down to delicately frame her face, skin that was once covered modestly by Jedi robes, eyes that seemed to tantalize him even if her intentions meant otherwise.
Would it be so terrible if he indulged in these desires in his moment of need?
Anakin shook his head to his own thoughts, causing her to tilt hers in confusion. Of course, it would be terrible, but why was it terrible in the first place? He was suffering, feeling pathetic with his appearance and in his mind. It was not terrible to need someone, but why was guilt beginning to consume these selfish desires? Maybe it was terrible to need her. He barely knew her, and she took the same vows as he did.
"I understand," she whispered, seeming rather awkward and sheepish compared to before. She avoided his gaze as she turned her back on him. As she began to reach for the doorknob, Anakin was surprised to see that she hesitated. Was it too hopeful to think that she felt the same? He called out for her, more despairingly than he intended to.
"Wait, I..." He hesitated, not sure if he wanted to take the plunge. It would be the start of a slippery slope he couldn't hope to dig her or himself out of. He knew that if he tried, it would be futile, so that must've been why he had the nagging feeling that he didn't even want out.
"I need you here."
He watched closely as her brows furrowed and her grip on the doorknob tensed, immediately realizing that his request might have been too bold, to say the least. His gaze fell to the floor as a wave of humiliation washed over him. If she had run off at that moment, he would've understood. However, as he gathered the courage to look up once more, he saw that she had stood still, eyes continuing to prod him for a better explanation. Swallowing the ever-growing lump in his throat, he leaned against the wall of his dormitory as he tried to find the words that would lead him down the slope. If it meant that he could find peace for one night, one hour, or even one minute, so be it.
"I need you here because…I am cursed. I'm cursed with an affliction I can't ever hope to cure. I feel like I'm at war with myself, and it haunts me to my soul."
Anakin paused, subconsciously holding his breath, unsure if he wanted to continue. All of this was most likely too heavy to hear, especially since she barely knew him. Did she care?
At that moment, as if to answer his silent query, she stepped forward and placed herself in front of him, standing so close he felt the warmth of her body. The scent of her freshly-washed hair polluted his senses, leaving him feeling melancholy. He watched in a trance as her brows furrowed in worry, tentatively lifting up her hand. Her fingers gently prodded at his cybernetic, outlining the broken casing. Once her curious eyes rose back up to meet his, there was a silent acknowledgment. Understanding. It gave him the push to keep going, to muster the strength to hold open the floodgates of his heart. He stopped holding his breath, his sorrowful gaze falling to the floor.
“I'm...completely lost. I've strayed so far from the path of the Jedi that I can no longer see it…and I am afraid I don't even want it. I'm constantly told that I shouldn't feel this way...that hurting is selfish, and that I should focus on the needs of others before my own, to live up to my prophecy," Anakin muttered, his tone turning bitter and his brows furrowing in anger at the last word.
"But how can I do that when I am disconnected from myself? When I don’t feel like the Chosen One? I don’t feel like anyone is choosing me.”
Anakin’s eyes traveled up her figure once more, her minuscule and simple movements making them glaze over with desperation. He found the way her shoulders gradually moved up and down with each breath captivating, the flutter of her lashes with each blink. He took her by the hand that was calmly tracing his forearm, enveloping it firmly in his. She watched him as her breath halted in suspense, her fingers seeming hesitant to move.
“I need you here, not because I expect you to fix me, but because I just need someone. Anyone. I need you to choose me, to touch me,” he whispered, his voice shaking as he watched her lace her fingers with his own. “Please, I need this...bittersweet taste of relief. I can't bear this alone anymore.”
After what seemed like an eternity of silence with their hands in each other’s, she let go, much to Anakin’s chagrin. However, she lifted her hand once again, gradually bringing her hand to his chest, laying it flat above his heart. The sensation sent waves of warmth across the bare skin of his chest, the rippling feeling leaving goosebumps in its wake. He was certain that she could feel the deafening pounding of his heart. A faint gasp left his lips as she began to slide her hand down to his abdomen, his muscles in that area tensing. He didn’t expect to feel this hyper-sensitive to someone’s touch.
She flinched a little at his reaction, causing her to stop her motions. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she looked up at him timidly.
“Is that okay?” she asked, her voice unsure, as if she was testing the waters.
Hearing her words, Anakin’s vision was obscured by his own tears…tears of relief. He savored the straining feeling in his chest and throat as he fought to hold back his sobs, thankful he was even feeling anything like that at all. A slow blink of his eyes betrayed him as a brief stream of hot tears slid down his cheeks, which she quickly wiped away with her free hand. She seemed rather flustered when that very action caused more tears to fall in succession, awkwardly wiping more tears as quickly as she should.
The act made Anakin chuckle briefly, nearly surprising himself with the sound. It seemed to surprise her too, in turn making her laugh along with him. Realizing that this warming feeling was contagious, they both began to erupt into giggling fits, ending with a hush from her, muttering something about “quiet hours”. Though it had seemed silly, Anakin had wished they never stopped.
Again, damn the Jedi with all their rules.
During her stay, they sat together at the foot of his bed as Anakin slowly began to unravel the darkness that had been plaguing him since Geonosis. They spoke in hushed murmurs, afraid that someone might find them together. Their conversation would cease at the mere sound of a distant footstep, the creak of the conditioning vent, and muffled voices from the other side of his dorm wall. 
However, Anakin thought all the sneaking around to be worth it. Her presence and her conversation proved to help more than he could have hoped for. Soon enough, he was pleading for her to come back the next night. A shy expression overtook her features. Something around the lines of “You like me that much?” was uttered, and those very words ignited the beginning of an insatiable fire within him. Her wide, curious, and sparkling eyes continued to feed that very fire.
Anakin wasn’t too sure when he started to kiss her.
He wasn’t even aware of when they had closed so much distance between each other. However, her receptiveness pushed those questions far away, his thoughts taking form in the shape of her. A rush of emotions flooded through him, momentarily drowning out the misery that consumed his existence. In that singular, stolen moment, he felt a profound peace, something that he thought he might never experience again.
Every touch, every gentle brush against him sent electric currents coursing through his body. His senses were enveloped by her, reveling in the taste of her, the softness of her lips, the warmth of her breath mingling with his. Her hands began to clutch onto his frame desperately, her nails digging in and leaving red trails in their wake. The world around him slowly began to fade into insignificance, his focus narrowing to the raw sensation of being alive, of feeling something so intensely beautiful. For that fleeting moment, Anakin allowed himself to be consumed by this sinful, blissful indulgence of the present. It was a sanctuary from his own mind. After a lifetime of monochrome, he was overjoyed to feel anything at all. It was a bittersweet joy, knowing that this kiss was fleeting, and that it came at a heavy cost. As their lips reluctantly parted, Anakin’s mind was only filled with anticipation for the next. He watched her, his eyes filled with a mixture of reluctance and longing, as she began to pull away, her breath slightly ragged. A part of him wants to hold onto her desperately, to stop the inevitable departure. “Wait,” he called out, his voice feeble and vulnerable as he cautiously took her hand in his. “I-i…don’t want you to go. This is…it's everything to me.”
Anakin hated how desperate he sounded in his pleas, embarrassed at the state Geonosis had reduced him to. He almost despised the fact that he needed this…that the Chosen One needed someone else to feel so alive. But the way she flooded his mind was such a high for him, and he never wanted to come down.
“Please,” he begged, his voice nearly giving out as his eyes began to glisten. “I know the risk you’d be taking, but…one more night, please. The same time, tomorrow night. We can figure out what to do then.” He watched as her resolve wavered, noting the longing in her eyes. Anakin knew she felt a pull to him as well, it’s what caused her to come and investigate him in the first place. As she took a deep breath, his thoughts came to a halt, ensuring utter silence to hear what she had to say. “Okay, Skywalker. One more night. But…if we get caught, it’s on you,” she scolded, her arms crossing.
Anakin found her attitude endearing, answering her with a simple nod. Despite her playful nature, he understood the weight of her words. He leaned in, allowing his forehead to rest against hers, enjoying the subtle heat that radiated from her, a stark contrast to the cold room they were in. Pulling away with a lingering touch and a final gaze, they parted ways. As the door closed behind her, a profound sense of emptiness washed over Anakin. Her absence only made him feel the weight of his desperation. The taste of her still lingered on his lips, and it nearly made him want to throw the door open and chase after her. However, as much as he desired that, he couldn’t bring himself to.
As he returned to his empty bed, he decided he would just have to wait until she would return, his newly found moonlight, who had illuminated his dark and harrowing night, who had caused the waves in his heart to surge and swell.
He found comfort in the fact that the moon would always return to the sky.
As each night passed, their next clandestine meeting was what occupied Anakin’s thoughts. Every single moment until then felt like an eternity, nearly stretching his patience to the limit. His thoughts were never without her.
It was especially bad whenever he would sit in the Temple’s garden and meditate with Obi-Wan. 
The afternoon after that encounter with her, Anakin and Obi-Wan sat cross-legged across from each other, eyes closed as they sought inner peace with the Force.
Anakin struggled to quiet his mind, to let go of the constant longing that plagued him. He tried focusing on his breathing, to sink into stillness, but the image of her under the moon invaded his every thought. Her face, her touch, her taste, her warmth–it consumed his mind like a raging wildfire.
As Obi-Wan searched through his own mind, he couldn’t help but sense a disturbance. A subtle ripple, a flicker of distraction that emanated from his young apprentice. His brows furrowed slightly as he tried to search for what was troubling Anakin.
After a while, Obi-Wan slowly opened his eyes, gaze fixed on his padawan as his gentle voice broke the silence. “Anakin, I sense something is weighing on your mind. Is everything alright?”
Anakin’s eyes remained closed, feeling sweat break out on the nape of his neck as he fought to maintain his composure. Why did Obi-Wan even bother asking? He was never going to tell his master, and he knew that. That didn’t prevent the feeling of guilt that started to accompany the flurry of his emotions. “I’m sorry, Master,” Anakin responded after a beat of silence. “I’m just…worried about my knighthood. That is all.”
Obi-Wan’s expression softened, his eyes taking on a knowing, yet understanding look. Of course, he knew his apprentice hiding something. He would consider himself a bad master otherwise. He could feel the turmoil radiating from Anakin, yet his desire to remain elusive. He wanted to respect his privacy, but his duty as a mentor compelled him to push further.
“Anakin, you know it is one of my many responsibilities to guide and support you, but I cannot do that if you hide things from me,” Obi-Wan said. “Whatever it is, just remember you don’t have to face it alone.”
With that, Anakin’s eyes fluttered open before meeting his master’s, a mixture of guilt and longing to open up to him. He hated that he was in an order where judgment and the potential consequences of desire prevented him from confiding in his mentor, his best friend, his brother.
“Believe me, master, I am more than thankful for your concern. But this…this is something I have to figure out on my own,” Anakin replied, his voice displaying a hint of vulnerability. “I will be fine.”
Obi-Wan sighed inwardly. He knew that part of becoming a Jedi involved navigating your own path, but he couldn’t help but feel like there were deeper issues at play. However, he was willing to let it go for the sake of supporting his apprentice.
“Very well, young Skywalker,” he conceded, a touch of sadness in his voice. He reached over to give a reaffirming pat to Anakin’s shoulder. “I trust that you find your way, as you always do. Don’t forget that I am here, whenever you need me.”
Anakin nodded, letting his eyes fall shut once more as he continued to “meditate”.
Still, his moonlight danced through his mind, and he could only think about how long it would be until he could see her shine again.
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a/n: ao3 saw it first! inbox is open!!
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can u write about lil house and cg Wilson playing video games? :3
- @tummy-rubs-for-wilson-pup
Here you are! This also includes little!chase playdate hours, hope you don't mind!
Word Count: 965
Summery: Wilson is looking after a regressed Chase and House while they play video games, and House learns how to lose.
“Yes!” Chase cheered, doing a little victory dance from his spot on the floor. House rolled his eyes and huffed. His cheeks were puffed out like a grumpy squirrel, and if Wilson didn’t know any better he might have thought he was exaggerating. But to a regressed House, it was a completely warranted reaction to tying with Chase in Mario Kart.
“Oh ho-ho! Looks like Robbie is making a comeback!” He declared in a dramatic announcer-voice. House shot him a death-glare over the shoulder, but it always lost its bite when he was little. Instead it just made him want to pat House on the head and say ‘Aw, it’s okay little buddy’.
Chase was already past his victory and was eagerly asking House about the next circuit they should choose for the final race. He was glad that Chase finally seemed to have relaxed and settled into the playdate. It had taken him a while to regress in the first place, and after that he looked so hesitant to take up any space that he and House couldn’t really play together. But once the N64 was put in front of them they were off to the races, rotting their brains away with video games as all kids should. Thank God for technology. 
“Are you boys hungry?” He asked, already standing because he knew House’s answer would be yes, “I can grab us some snacks from the kitchen. What do you want?”
“Chocolate bar.” House replied without looking up, too distracted with picking the best possible track. Chase didn’t say anything and stared him owlishly, like he wasn’t sure if it was okay to ask for anything.
“Robbie? Do you want something? We have apples, chocolate bars, apple sauce, and cheese and crackers.” He figured giving Chase a list of options would make the choice easier. That way, it was a direct offer instead of an open-ended question.
“Um… cheese n’ crackers, please and thank you.” He said shyly, and Wilson smiled.
“I can do that. I’ll just be in the kitchen if you need anything, okay?”
And that should have been it. One simple trip to the kitchen, Wilson would only be gone for maybe five minutes, probably less, and Chase and House would be very responsible five and six year-olds while he was gone.
But of course, nothing could ever be that simple. He was just re-wrapping the block of cheese and putting it back in the fridge when he heard a clatter from the living room and Chase yelp.
“Hey! Why’d you do that!?”
Wilson let out a long breath, abandoned the snacks on the counter, and walked at a something-is-probably-mildly-to-moderatly-wrong pace back to the living room. House was still in front of the TV, looking uncomfortable and staring holes into the screen that showed his character cheering in victory and Chase’s sitting still on the track, race unfinished. The second controller was across the room near his feet, disconnected from the system, and Chase was sitting by the couch scrunched up on himself and visibly upset.
It didn’t take a genius to piece together what had happened, but he had to ask anyway. “What happened?”
House shrugged and stubbornly kept his eyes on the TV, and Wilson watched as Chase observed  House’s reaction for the right thing to do and then copied it exactly. 
“Uh huh.” He walked over and slowly sat down in front of Chase, blocking his view of House. He wasn’t crying, but he did look teary. “Robbie, do you want to tell me what happened? You’re not in trouble, I promise.”
The internal battle in Chase’s head was visible on his face as he went between telling on his friend and being upset with what House had done. “I… I was winning an’ then, um, House unplugged my controller a-an’ threw it away…” He mumbled. 
That’s what he thought. “Thank you for telling me.” He said gently, then he turned to House, who had finally turned around but was averting his eyes shamefully.
“I didn’t wanna lose…” House grumbled, obviously embarrassed. Wilson didn’t think he would ever get used to just how open House’s face became when he was regressed, how every emotion was broadcasted loudly in his expression. Big-House wouldn’t be caught dead with his face that shade of red.
“I think you know what you did was wrong, don’t you?”
He didn’t get an answer.
“Alright. Well, I think we should spend a few minutes in timeout, and then when you’re ready, we can—“ Wilson was cut off by Chase’s hand grabbing his shirt. 
“Wait! I thought you said we weren’t in trouble?” He asked, looking confused and almost betrayed.
Wilson raised an eyebrow. Was he really defending House? He was certainly more sympathetic than Wilson would’ve been at this age. “You’re not in trouble, but House did something mean to you, and he needs to apologize.”
“Then he can just say sorry, right? He doesn’t need’a go to timeout, that’s not any fun!”
“Well…” He turned to House, who was obviously just as surprised as he was that Chase wasn’t happy to banish him to timeout for his crimes. “I guess so. House? Do you want to apologize?”
“I… I guess. I’m sorry, Robbie.”
“For?” Wilson prompted when House seemed to decide that was enough.
House huffed. “For knocking away your controller when you were winning.”
Chase smiled, all wrongdoings apparently forgiven. “Thank you!” He turned to Wilson, “Can we go back to playing now?”
He chuckled and stood up, ruffling Chase’s hair. “Sure. I’m proud of you boys, that was very good problem-solving. Now, is it over? Have we solved the world’s problems for the day?”
“Don’t forget our snacks!” House piped up, before freezing and smiling up at him sheepishly. “…Please.”
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waytooinvested · 6 months
Forgotten, Not Forgiven - Chapter 3
Still reeling from finding out the truth herself, Lena suddenly finds herself in the midst of an odd role reversal in which she knows that Kara is Supergirl, but Kara no longer has any idea she has ever been more than an ordinary human.
And what’s more, Lena has no choice but to keep the truth from her for her own protection…
This and previous chapters are also on AO3
It didn’t take long.
Actually, Lena was pretty sure that if Lex hadn’t wanted the opportunity to gloat face to face (face to hologram) he would have had Kara gift wrapped and left her in the L-Corp lobby. He hadn’t quite painted giant red arrows on the wall saying ‘GO THIS WAY’, but he might as well have done. Just two doors down from the spot where they had had their confrontation Lena found a long corridor, each room standing dark and open except one at the far end, where a strip of brightness burned beneath a single closed door. Given that the rest of the bunker was lit only by dim green emergency lighting this was impossible to miss, and when she got to it Lena discovered that it wasn’t even locked.
Inside the cell Supergirl – Kara – was lying on a narrow metal cot that looked more like an embalming table than a place to sleep, spotlit by the single bare lightbulb that hung directly over her prone form. Her hands were clasped over her chest and her loose hair fanned artfully out around her shoulders, as if Lex had carefully composed a little tableau in anticipation of this moment.
She looked like a statue on a tomb.
She looked dead.
A strange noise escaped Lena’s throat, somewhere between a sob and a howl, and she launched herself across the room to Kara’s side, her fingers desperately seeking the pulse at her neck, eyes darting from her face to her chest and back again as she searched for the tell tale rise and fall that would indicate breath.
She felt the flutter of blood beating beneath Kara’s warm skin at the same moment she saw the movement of an inhale. Slow but steady.
Kara was alive.
Now the panic had left her, Lena realised that of course she couldn’t actually have been dead. If anything her cheeks looked flushed rather than deathly pale, and there was a cannula in the back of one hand connected to a drip that was feeding... something… steadily into her blood stream, which somewhat spoiled the visual of Lex’s set up and would not have been necessary for a corpse. It was probably just a mixture of fluids and sedative to keep Kara alive and unconscious, but Lena wasted no time in disconnecting it even so. If there was any chance that there was something harmful in the mix, the sooner Kara stopped receiving it the better.
She put a hand to Kara’s cheek and stroked it lightly – one final reassurance that she really was alive and unmarked by the creeping green taint of Kryptonite poisoning, then took out her phone to call Alex. She had done what she set out to do, and now it was time to bring in back up and let the DEO take over.
The call failed to connect.
She had no signal.
Lena’s phone was adapted with her own technology and had once picked up signal from inside a cave more than 500 feet below the Earth’s surface, and yet here, barely below ground level, she didn’t have even one measly bar. No doubt Lex had lined the walls with signal disruptors especially for this, just to make her life that little bit more difficult. Petty bastard.
She looked from the phone in her hand to Kara’s unconscious form, considering whether she should run outside to call for backup, or stay close in case of further tricks.
Lex had told her that he’d pinged the DEO as soon as she had arrived, so in theory it would just be a matter of time until they got here anyway... But even if that was true there was no guarantee that they had picked up the signal yet, and she wasn’t prepared to wait for hours in the vague unsubstantiated hope that they would turn up. Besides, knowing Lex it was entirely possible that he had left a bomb somewhere nearby, just as a friendly, brotherly farewell present to keep her on her toes.
As soon as the thought occurred to her Lena checked the room, but there wasn’t really anywhere to hide an explosive apart from the cot or on Kara herself, and after a quick sweep she came up empty. Still, it wouldn’t do to linger here. DEO or no DEO, they needed to get out, and they needed to do it now.
‘Kara? Kara come on, wake up, we need to move’.
Kara didn’t stir, her breaths continuing in the slow, regular rhythm of sedation, or the deepest of sleep.
‘Okay, well that was a long shot. So plan B, I’m going to go and find something to wheel you out on. I’ll be right back, okay? Just wait right here’.
It wasn’t like Kara could actually hear her in her unconscious state any more than she could get up and wander off while Lena’s back was turned, but talking aloud, even to a comatose traitor, made her feel better; as if someone was in this with her and she hadn’t in fact been short sighted enough to let her personal feelings about Alex and the DEO convince her to come alone.
She searched the surrounding rooms for anything she could use to get Kara back to her jet – a gurney, a wheelchair, even a dolly, but whatever Lex had brought her in on in the first place had been removed along with the equipment that might have given Lena some insight into how he had achieved the separation of her mind. There was nothing at all left in the bunker apart from herself, Kara, and the bolted down cot she was laid out on.
Lena returned to the cell and sized up the unconscious woman it contained.
She sighed.
‘It looks like we’re doing this the hard way. Just don’t laugh when you see how much worse I am at this than you are’.
At first she tried gathering Kara up bridal style, the way Supergirl had carried her after she’d been pushed from her office balcony; but the angle from the cot was awkward, and as soon as she tried to straighten fully with Kara’s weight in her arms she lost her balance and tumbled forwards, only narrowly managing to keep from ending up on top of her.
‘Fine, so maybe I need to swap out spin class for a little more weight lifting if I’m going to do that gracefully in future, but we are not out of options yet’.
This time she took hold of Kara under the armpits and hauled her up and over her shoulder in a fireman’s lift, grunting as she staggered upright and made her way haltingly back the way she had come. Kara was not exactly a large woman, but she was all compact muscle and weighed more than might be expected to look at her.
Lena kept her eyes down, focusing on avoiding the scattering of broken tile at her feet and trying not to think about how much further they still had to go before they were back out in the open air, then how much further still to the airfield and her waiting jet. One foot in front of the other. Just another couple of corridors to go.
‘Nearly there now. Just around this corner, and then-’
‘STOP RIGHT THERE! Put her down, then get your hands up and turn around. Slowly’.
Lena froze, barely managing to keep from dropping Kara as she startled.
She turned her head awkwardly to see who was there and found Alex, dressed from head to toe in tactical gear and flanked on both sides by a dozen armed DEO agents, all of whom were pointing guns and grim expressions in her direction. In a flash, Lena realised just how badly she had messed up by not telling them her suspicions about Kara’s location from the beginning.
Alex’s gun lowered a little, before rising back up to aim directly between her eyes.
‘You did this? I trusted you!’
‘No. I know how this looks, but I promise you that is not what’s happening here’.
Alex looked from Lena to the unconscious Kara, her expression still as grim as Lena had ever seen it.
‘Okay… then you won’t mind putting Supergirl down and backing up against the wall with your hands up while we get this straightened out’.
‘Alex I’m not the villain here-’
‘Now Lena!’
It turned out that putting down a weight that was at the limits of what you could handle with anything like good grace was even harder than lifting it in the first place, and Kara hit the floor with a thump hard enough to make Lena wince.
‘Hey, watch it!’
Alex gestured two DEO agents over to check on Kara and get her loaded onto a stretcher. Once she was safely on their side of the invisible line that now seemed to divide the corridor into ‘their side’ and ‘Lena’s side’ she spared a quick glance for her sister, reassuring herself that Kara was alive before turning her attention back to Lena.
‘Now explain what the hell happened here. Why did you lie about not knowing where she was?’
‘I didn’t lie about anything. I did exactly what I said I would – I used the information you gave me to track Supergirl down and it led me here. I arrived not long before you did, and I was trying to get her to safety’.
‘After everything we’ve been through together I would love to believe you, but that can’t possibly be true. I only gave you that information this morning, and the signal we tracked appeared minutes ago. For you to have gotten here first you would have had to solve a problem that the DEO has been working on for a week in a matter of hours, catch and decode the signal the moment it appeared and then somehow outpace a ship containing 31st century technology to arrive before us; not to mention making the unfathomable decision to come out here alone rather than taking the time to make a single phone call that would have sent a team of highly trained field agents instead. So I will ask you again. What. The. Hell. Happened here?’
When she put it like that, it really did sound pretty bad, but it also pissed Lena off. I would love to believe you. And yet here they were on opposite sides of a dividing line, and Lena was the one with a gun pointed at her head. It didn’t exactly scream trust.
She folded her arms across her chest, refusing to keep her hands in the air like a criminal when she was only here trying to help, her glare daring Alex to shoot her for it.
‘The reason I found this place first is that I am better at this than you are, at least when it comes to my family. Lex set this whole thing up, and I know how my brother operates – I found a secret broadcast of his long before he sent out the signal to bring you here’.
Alex flicked a quick glance around the deserted corridor as if Lex might be about to step out and corroborate the story.
‘Lex did this? Lena, why didn’t you call me?’
‘Because it was just a hunch! I had no evidence that what I’d found had anything to do with Supergirl’s disappearance, it was miles away and nothing like the energy signature you’d been looking for. You really think if I’d called you with this and it had turned out to be a wild goose chase, you wouldn’t have decided I was wasting your time on purpose? Because I know you would have. You got me involved in this because you were desperate, but lets not pretend you actually ever trusted me’.
‘Lena, that’s-’
But Lena cut her off, not interested in whatever false platitudes Alex was about to feed her.
‘Besides, the only way to keep the world safe from Lex is to end him for good, and I knew the DEO wasn’t going to do that’.
Alex narrowed her eyes, still wavering between wanting to trust Lena’s word and wanting to protect her sister from any possibility of treachery.
‘And did you do it? We didn’t find a body’.
‘He wasn’t here. There was just a hologram’.
‘That’s... convenient’.
‘It really wasn’t’.
‘Come on Lena. Do you seriously expect me to believe that Lex took Supergirl and then- what, just felt bad about it and decided to let you come and take her back without even trying to stop you? What kind of idiot do you take me for?’
Lena ground her teeth almost hard enough to hurt and kicked at a piece of the shattered tile, sending it skittering into the wall with a sharp crack that made several of the agents adjust their guns nervously, as if her moment of frustration might have been meant as some sort of attack. She ignored them and focusing on Alex, the only one who hadn’t so much as flinched.
‘The kind of idiot that is not listening to me. No, of course Lex didn’t just change his mind. He had done what he set out to, and sent out a signal on purpose so that I’d come here. He walled Supergirl off from her secret identity so when she wakes up she wont know she is anything more than human, and left a trap in her mind so that if anyone managed to convince her of who she is, it could kill her’.
Alex didn’t interrupt her as she spoke, but her expression grew harder and harder, her grip on her gun becoming white knuckled with a fury that could almost match Lena’s own.
‘And you’re claiming Lex did this’.
‘Who else?’
‘Well, I can I can think of a Luthor who might think that something like that was fitting revenge on Supergirl for keeping the truth about her secret identity from them. But it’s not Lex’.
That was too much.
‘Screw you Alex. I am furious with Supergirl for what she did, and sure I might not have dealt with that as graciously as you expected me to up to now, but after all I’ve done for her and for you over the last few years, how could you ever believe that I would do something like this?’
Alex opened her mouth to retaliate, but then hesitated. She stared back at Lena for a long moment, and then, slowly, let her gun arm drop back down to her side, the anger in her eyes fading to something like regret.
‘You’re right, I’m sorry. That was over the line. I do know that you wouldn’t do that, it’s just that what you’ve told us doesn’t make any sense. Why would Lex want to do this to Supergirl? He’s had her for a week now, so why would he not just kill her? He’s tried enough times before’.
It was tempting to wash her hands of the whole business and claim she didn’t know (Lex was pretty deranged after all, it wouldn’t exactly be a hard sell), but she refused to give Alex the satisfaction of making her the liar she so clearly expected her to be.
‘He claims he did it as a present for me, for all the same reasons you thought I did this, and maybe that is what gave him the idea. But it’s always about Superman with Lex – Supergirl is just a test case before he tries the same thing on his real target. You should probably get a warning to him about that. I’m assuming you know how to contact him?’
Lena watched Alex weigh up her words before deciding to accept them, though she didn’t answer the question.
‘Okay Lena. We’ve got it from here. You’d better leave now, it might not be safe if Lex really did set all this up’.
At last Alex holstered her gun, gesturing for the agents behind her to do the same, then turned her back on Lena and began tending to Kara without so much as a word of thanks, or another glance in her direction.
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bruinhilda · 4 months
So Dad being sick so much has thrown a lot off. Most notably, he hasn't been filing his tax returns. Now, as he's someone who overpays into the system and always gets a return, this has not been a disaster. The IRS doesn't actually give a rat's ass if you don't file when THEY owe YOU.
But this year I decided to help him start filing his taxes like a good citizen. At least this year's. I did it online, using the same service I use for mine.
And 4 days ago he got a formal letter from the IRS saying they suspect his identity has been stolen, someone filed a return for him! So he has to prove his identity to them before they'll actually process his return and give him his refund.
We tried the online one. The "fast and easy!" It took two hours of jumping through goddamn hoops and shaving his beard for the facial recognition technology to utterly fail to work. So they want to verify via video chat.
My phone does not do video chat. Dad's flip phone certainly doesn't. So that's fucked.
So today we're trying to do it via the phone number the IRS has for failing to do this shit online. If it doesn't work, they're going to drag my handicapped father into an IRS office just to verify that yes, it's him, and yes, he's filing his goddamn taxes like you supposedly WANT him to do.
It took 45 minutes of dialing in to get put on hold. Calling in, sitting through 2-3 minutes of the machine babbling at you, being told, "due to high call volume, we can't help you, call back, *click*"
Finally, it let us through to the point it put us on hold. 15-30 minute wait. We're still waiting, and I'm pretty sure it's been more than half an hour now. Fortunately, Dad is pretty chipper today and is saying he's willing to wait the 4 more hours this office is open for if need be.
I have no real hopes here. I expect one of two outcomes: they disconnect and we have to start all over again, or they make him go in person just to fucking jerk us around.
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yilisbookclub · 2 years
Digital Minimalism📱is a philosophy of technology where you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected items and optimized activities that you can use intentionally and with purpose; and easily miss out on everything else. It teaches you the art of knowing how much is just enough and applies the idea to our personal technology. The key is to living a focused life in an increasingly noisy world 🎧
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This book walks you through a 3 step process to successfully “digitally declutter” your life. Its the perfect book to read if you have goals to focus on and will ultimately teach you to feeling like you are not missing out” by being disconnected 🔌
The author of this book says that the best way to establish control with social media is to rebuild your digital relationship from scratch. In other words take a break 🏝While this is quite difficult for entrepreneurs, a good solution would be to limit your online time to only when intentionally posting or searching for things you need for your business and limit this to 1-2 hours a day.
By monitoring what we do ⏰ we can see exactly how much time we waste and how easily distracted we can become. Once we are aware of where our time is being invested, we have more control and rediscover more free time to carry out our personal goals and interests 🥅
By following a digital declutter process, you’ll learn how to:
💭 Rethink your relationship with social media
⏳ Prioritize bandwidth conversations with low quality
🤍 Rediscover the pleasures of the offline world
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bizzybloger · 3 months
Cultivating Digital Well-Being: Creating a Balanced Online Presence
Hey Community,
In today's hyper-connected world, maintaining a healthy relationship with technology is more important than ever. With the constant influx of notifications, social media updates, and digital distractions, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed. That's why focusing on digital well-being is crucial. In this blog post, we'll explore practical ways to cultivate digital well-being and create a balanced online presence.
Understanding Digital Well-Being
Digital well-being is about managing your digital life in a way that promotes health, happiness, and productivity. It involves being mindful of how you use technology and ensuring that it enhances your life rather than detracts from it. Here are some strategies to help you achieve a balanced online presence:
1. Set Boundaries with Technology
One of the first steps to digital well-being is setting boundaries. Determine specific times when you will disconnect from your devices. This could be during meals, an hour before bed, or while spending time with loved ones. Creating these tech-free zones helps you stay present and reduces the constant pull of digital distractions.
2. Curate Your Online Environment
Take control of your digital space by curating the content you engage with. Unfollow or mute accounts that don't bring you joy or add value to your life. Instead, surround yourself with positive, inspiring, and educational content. Platforms like MeWe allow you to tailor your feed to reflect your interests and values, making it easier to create a healthy online environment.
3. Practice Mindful Usage
Mindful usage of technology means being intentional about how and why you use your devices. Before picking up your phone or opening a new tab, ask yourself what you hope to achieve. Are you looking for information, connection, or just a distraction? By being aware of your intentions, you can make more conscious choices about your digital interactions.
4. Take Regular Breaks
Incorporate regular breaks into your digital routine to prevent burnout and maintain focus. Use techniques like the Pomodoro method, which involves working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break. These short breaks can help you recharge and improve your productivity.
5. Prioritize Offline Activities
Balance your online life with offline activities that promote well-being. Spend time in nature, engage in physical exercise, read a book, or practice a hobby. These activities can help reduce stress and provide a refreshing break from screens.
6. Engage in Digital Detoxes
Consider doing a digital detox periodically. This could be a weekend without social media, a day without emails, or even a few hours without any screens. Digital detoxes can help reset your relationship with technology and provide a deeper sense of relaxation and clarity.
7. Use Technology to Enhance Well-Being
Technology can be a powerful tool for well-being if used correctly. Utilize apps and tools that promote health, such as meditation apps, fitness trackers, and time management tools. These can help you stay on track with your wellness goals and make your digital life more purposeful.
8. Foster Real Connections
While online interactions can be meaningful, they shouldn't replace face-to-face connections. Make an effort to meet friends and family in person, engage in meaningful conversations, and build real-life relationships. This helps create a balanced social life that isn't solely dependent on digital interactions.
Cultivating digital well-being is an ongoing process that requires mindfulness and intentionality. By setting boundaries, curating your online environment, practicing mindful usage, and prioritizing offline activities, you can create a balanced online presence that enhances your life. Let's use technology to connect, inspire, and grow without letting it overwhelm us.
How do you maintain digital well-being in your life? Share your tips and experiences in the comments below. Let's support each other on this journey towards a healthier relationship with technology.
Stay balanced,
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eliteprepsat · 6 months
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A common refrain I frequently hear from students is some version of “I’m so exhausted.” With classes, homework, exams, extracurriculars, standardized tests and all sorts of other obligations, it’s understandable why students feel stretched to their limit. There’s pressure to succeed from all angles, and it seems to only heighten with each passing year. Just as the academic rigor and demands increase, so does the potential for burnout.
According to Psychology Today, burnout is “a state of chronic stress that leads to physical and emotional exhaustion, cynicism and detachment, and feelings of ineffectiveness and lack of accomplishment.” While it’s easy to think of burnout as nothing more than normal high school stress, it is important to recognize it as a distinct experience. Acknowledging it as such is the first step to avoiding it. Here are some steps you can take to avoid and/or combat burnout.
Let’s face it, sometimes the onslaught of responsibilities seems never ending. Just as soon as you’re done with one task, there are another fifteen to tackle. Juggling everything at once may come naturally to a few, but for most, a better bet is to develop strong organizational skills. Use a calendar to keep track of priorities and deadlines. Set reminders on your phone so you won’t forget. Organize your notes and assignments to help you prepare for tests. Use whatever system works for you, but make sure there’s some sort of structure you can rely upon.
Breaking down your responsibilities into manageable chunks will help you focus, and focus is essential to getting your work done efficiently. Recognize which classes require more out of you, and allocate your time accordingly. Working in set time chunks and taking brief breaks throughout your studying will keep you fresh. Waiting until the last minute to get things done puts you on the fast track to burnout. Plan things out in advance to have a clear picture of what exactly you are responsible for and when it is due.
Many students opt for the most rigorous academic course load possible in today’s competitive college admissions landscape, but try not to bite off more than you can chew when it comes to academics. Overestimating just how much you can handle academically is the quickest way to overload yourself. While colleges want to see you challenge yourself, they also want to see you succeed. Be honest with yourself and your goals to help you chart out a practical academic schedule.  
Eating well, exercising regularly and getting a good night’s sleep are often the first sacrifices for busy students. However, these are some of the most important steps you can take to reduce stress and stay on track with your responsibilities. To function at your highest, you should maintain a relatively active lifestyle and fuel your body properly. I’m not suggesting you have to be an Olympic athlete, but even 30 minutes of daily exercise along with a steady diet of fruits and vegetables can provide you with a much needed boost to power you through each day. I know it can be difficult to get seven to eight hours of sleep each night, but it’s worth it, it’s worth it, it’s worth it!
Technology is rampant in this day and age, and while much of it can be utilized to assist with you with your work, the opposite is equally true. The instantaneous nature of social media may make you feel like you need to stay connected at all times, but that constant connection will drain your energy and eat away the time you should be dedicating to your work. Adding a steady stream of social information to your responsibilities only increases your levels of stimulation. Disconnect from the apps (particularly close to bedtime) and concentrate that energy on accomplishing your tasks.
All of the work you invest in high school is in pursuit of a higher goal, and keeping your goals in mind can keep you driven and motivated. It is completely normal to occasionally max out, but it is important to recognize your limits and deal with them appropriately. Utilizing the tips above, you should stay fresh and remain on track to your success.
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themculibrary · 1 year
Ghosts Masterlist 3
Links Last Checked: May 13th, 2024
part one, part two
ain't afraid of no ghost! (ao3) - deniigiq N/R, 6k
Summary: Peter thought about Mr. Stark telling him to be responsible with his powers. Then he thought about Wade recruiting Double D to time how long it took his hand to heal after he stabbed it with a knife. And then he remembered Double D agreeing to it even though he couldn’t read the stopwatch.
Stupider things had been done, he decided, and it’s not like a little ghost hunting was going to hurt anyone.
“Sure,” he told Ned with a grin, “Let’s go catch a ghost.”
(The Spiderman trio and the Daredevil trio meet up to go ghost-hunting, it goes about as well as you'd expect.)
All-American Afterlife (ao3) - Zekkass G, 4k
Summary: Bucky's been haunting Steve since he fell off the train.
All Hallows' Eve (ao3) - The_Winter_Writer bucky/steve/tony N/R, 3k
Summary: Tony hated haunted houses. When he escaped this nightmare he was going to kill Natasha.
Beyond The Wooden Fence (ao3) - Ashleyparker2815 N/R, 33k
Summary: In the house next door to Peter’s and Tony’s new house, there is a mom and dad who lost their eleven year old son.
Now, those parents find out Peter moved in next door and they try to get their ghost son to kill Peter so the spirit of the little boy can take his body.
Will Tony be able to save his kid?
Dancing in the Dark (ao3) - Neotorious steve/bucky G, 5k
Summary: Most things happen in the dark, and from the things that you could see to the people that you could meet in the dead of night something just might surprise you. And maybe, just maybe, they could even change your world. For better or worse? Well.. Who's to really say?
Sometimes it all starts with meeting a stranger during the witching hour. The night doesn't always have malice.
Darker Than Black (ao3) - trucizna steve/bucky T, 3k
Summary: Bucky has a monster living under his bed. Now he also has a friend.
Haunted Vacation (ao3) - pinkhairnoshoes steve/tony, ben/may T, 31k
Summary: Tony and Steve invite Ben and May on a vacation to a cottage upstate. It's a good chance to disconnect from technology and enjoy the summer out in the country. The house seems normal enough until Peter starts having nightmares and seeing ghosts. Unexplained things are starting to happen. Steve and Tony are getting increasingly frustrated waking up to things being out of place or damaged. Peter is getting increasingly worried when he wakes up with dirt and grass on his feet but no memory of leaving his bed. The adults assume Peter is acting out for attention. They don't see the ghosts or notice that the house is having an effect on them too.
Hopeless Wanderer (ao3) - Eternal_Peace_is_Overrated bucky/tony N/R, 6k
Summary: James Buchanan Barnes died when he fell from that train in the mountains; not in the literal sense, but very much in the figurative. He’d been molded into the Winter Soldier, the perfect assassin, by Hydra. But Bucky? He was still very much alive, trapped in his new Winter Soldier body, watching as this new him kills and hurts and demolishes. He doesn’t know what he would call himself- a ghost, maybe, a spirit. A soul? This goes on for seventy years, until one Tony Stark comes along and completely fucks up the life he’s trapped in. He watched the man struggle and hurt, seen him at his best and at his worst and somewhere along the way, Bucky fell in love with the self-made genius. And then. Then Tony almost dies, and suddenly, he can see Bucky- the ghost Bucky, who has been tied to him since he met him years ago, no longer stuck to the Winter Soldier. Its been one helluva ride, and Bucky’s new goal? Get his body back so he can kiss Tony senseless. Easy, right?
it slips between my fingers now (ao3) - Lise T, 3k
Summary: After Thanos is defeated, Thor goes (flees) into space with the Guardians of the Galaxy. It's going...fine.
Until he starts seeing his brother's ghost.
Possibly, Maybe (ao3) - castiowl steve/bucky T, 5k
Summary: Bucky is apartment-sitting for Natasha when he meets Steve. They spend the next four weeks embarrassing themselves.
Take Flight (ao3) - blackchaps clint/phil E, 50k
Summary: Werewolves kill Barney, sending Clint's life spiraling downwards. Clint avenges his brother, setting off a sequence of events that ends up with Clint losing his job at the circus and on the run from what feels like every werewolf in the United States. They want him dead. Good luck with that, furballs.
The Afterlife of The Party (ao3) - neversaydie steve/bucky, natasha/sam M, 8k
Summary" [in which Dead Dorks in Love, awkward ghost sex, and a whole lot of accidental feelings happen]
the dangers in the anger (and the hanging onto it) (ao3) - Katbelle T, 19k
Summary: There is a ghost haunting Matt Murdock's apartment. It's not the ghost you think of.
They that Fade and Stay (ao3) - 27dragons bucky/tony T, 3k
Summary: Bucky could only stare for a moment, and then he called, “Steve! I think we’ve got a ghost!”
“Wait, you can see me like this?” the ghost said, suddenly looking out of the TV at Bucky.
“God damn it,” Steve growled from his bedroom, where he had insisted on trying to put his bed together immediately instead of putting it off for a day or three like a normal person. As if either of them had seen any action recently enough to need a bed. “The bastard had better be friendly; we can’t afford to bring the ghostbusters in.”
Whatever here that's left of me is yours (ao3) - rainbow_nerds steve/bucky M, 41k
Summary: Steve thought he had finally found the perfect place to live. It was bright, airy, and miraculously free from mold and other unwelcome infestations.
Well, for the most part.
He hadn't signed on for a roommate, especially not one who'd been dead for eighty-odd years.
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tortellini-time · 1 year
19, 16, 23?
19: what does your character consider their lowest point?
Hepia: realizing Evelyn wasn’t fully dead. That her past was still sinking it’s teeth into her and the blood still stained her hands.
Lethe: when Selene died and left her a city to run forever and to always have been running
Arius: the entirety of rhythm of the wretched, trying to hold together ruined friendships
Steve: one time he accidentally stepped on his mimics toe and it made a squeaky sound and he cried for like 2 hours. Also he almost died once but that’s less of a biggie
mori: when he first escaped out into the world and it was loud and bright and sharp and disconnected from anything he knew, and he was trying to stitch closed injures and remove bullets with a sewing kit he stole from a corner store
16: what do they look for in a friend? a love interest?
Hepia: she likes someone who is relatively intelligent or at least a good problem solver, also someone who can keep up with a lot of nonsense social stuff that comes with her being famous, but also she puts up an act with pretty much everyone she knows, so she prefers people that also have something to hide
mori: he’s not picky on friends, they do have to not be an asshole and have some want to help people in general, and he’s aroace so no on the second part
campe: someone to complain with
Lethe: someone who’s like. Relatively normal but also a little impulsive cause she’s a weird eldrich anxious wreck
23. what’s your characters favorite food? Who cooks it best?
Rufus: not a food but he probably has a super fancy cocktail that he makes, it has like 3 syrups that he makes himself so the whole thing takes like 2 months. Arthur puts a cigarette in his and Rufus dies internally
Hepia: a fried rice adjacent dish that’s a really common food to make with leftovers in the faewild, really comforting but she hasn’t had it in many years. Her and Evelyn would sometimes sneak into the kitchen to make it late at night, they never had it for dinner because Vespae thought they where too fancy for it.
Mori: little cat shaped pastries filled with jam. He’s only had them a couple times when he used to work in a cat cafe, but he thought they were adorable. He’s tried to make them himself now that he’s living too far away to visit with mixed success.
Lethe: little fried doughnuts. They were Selene’a favorite so she makes sure there’s always a stand selling them somewhere in TARAS, she doesn’t really eat but she likes having them around
Arius: slightly burnt veggies and meat from over a campfire, reminds her of adventuring with her friends before it all went wrong.
Hi! Are you a person who was not in my dnd campaigns? would you like to hear about them? feel free to send an ask! Ive run 3 and im currently running a 4th, they're set in a world with ~1920s technology level except for that time they weren't! (:
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rufusmaxximus · 25 days
A short story :))
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“Good morning, Adam! Get out of that dock and put this on.” The man was haloed by sterile, blue-tinted lab light. Adam sat up slowly, his panels automatically flexing as he moved to disconnect his charger. He blinked and his fans whirred to life. His vision focused on a crisp white suit hung on the edge of his docking bay, and beyond that, Richard Lockhardt, CEO of Chimera Robotics.
The man was all business; his salt-and-pepper hair slicked back, his black suit and bright blue tie the epitome of sharp. He never visited Adam’s charging bay unless a job was waiting.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” Adam asked, tugging the suit over his pale carbon fiber frame. Chimera Engineers did not design him to dread his job, and yet an uncomfortable feeling settled into his servos.
“Oh, the usual. Corporate genital measuring,”Lockhardt flicked his jacket. “Andromedae Industries has invited me to see their newest android model. To try and one-up us, after we petitioned for that stupid law.”
Adam hummed in response. A new android, made under the brand new Lockhardt Act, that allowed human-type androids. The thought of another like him sent a jolt through his circuits.
The engineering team had tried their best to make him feel socially adept. They knew his personality well, but they knew his insides better. They implemented his code, connected his panels, wired his limbs and even molded his face after their CEO. No matter how advanced Adam became, they would never see an individual. He kept his philosophical musings to himself, however. The act only protected appearance, after all. A human-like A.I. was still very illegal. By all accounts and measures, Adam-2500 was a rentable robotic assistant. He was made to seem human, but according to Chimera Robotics top brass, was not, in any way, shape or form, alive.
“I want breakfast before we leave. Run down to the break room and make me an omelet.”
Adam felt his faceplate twitch.
“Of course, sir. I’ll get right on it.”
An hour later, Adam stood in Sub-floor 3 of Andromedae Industries, admiring the arches that supported the massive skyscraper above him. The structure was quite impressive, although he couldn’t turn his head to take it all in. Lockhardt would have a fit if he moved without orders. The floor was well lit by fluorescents, and surprisingly comfy for a research wing. With the amount of important people in the antechamber of the viewing room, Adam presumed it was only for this area. The rest of the floor would be the concrete halls and plain white labs he was used to. When he finished analyzing every material in his field of view, he dragged his attention back to Lockhardt.
“I’m not sure what to expect. Andromedae cannot possibly hope to top us, Chimera has perfected the android design,” He swiped a hand toward Adam. “Adam-Twenty-Five Hundred is the best of the best when it comes to robotics. Aren’t you?” He glanced back.
“Of course, sir. Chimera Robotics has brought about a new age of technology.”
There were times that Adam despised his computerized voice, and as the assembled troop ogled him, he determined he would ask the engineers for a more human-sounding tone.
“Does he always look so professional?” One onlooker asked, a flush creeping into her cheeks. A quick scan told him she was on the board of directors for BIOSTech, another company invited to the new android’s demo. He narrowly kept from sighing dramatically.
“No, he mostly prefers his nude plates, if you can believe it. He only gets gussied up when I tell him.” Lockhardt said, patting Adam’s jet black hair. The crowd laughed. He would have liked to frown, but remained stoic and almost smiling, friendly but distinctly non-human, just as Lockhardt wanted.
A woman on the opposite end of the lobby had begun checking identification and welcoming guests into the demo room. Lockhardt motioned to her and the group began walking. Adam felt his fans kick up a notch. The cotton and polyester of his suit was suffocating the exhaust on his back, and getting riled up wouldn’t help. He returned to scanning the faces of the small crowd, pushing his racing thoughts to the very bottom of his motherboard.
His fans clicked back to a normal speed.
The invite list for the Demo was short, and although his name probably wasn’t on it, Adam got the feeling he was the guest of honor as he entered the small viewing chamber. Nineteen pairs of eyes followed him as he took a seat beside Lockhardt in the front row. As more people entered and seats became scarce, Lockhardt flicked his hand, and Adam stood, trudging to the far corner. At least he had a nice view of the chamber.
Around five feet below the floor was a small room, decorated only by plastic shapes of varying heights and widths. On the far wall, opposite the window, was a door, inlaid into the wall. The whole room couldn’t have been more than a two meter square, Adam reasoned. He was beginning to grow bored of eavesdropping when the lights dimmed and the window went black.
A small jingle sounded, followed by the Andromedae Industries logo. An engineer appeared on screen, bright eyed and beaming.
“Welcome to the 2507 Andromedae Robotics Demo! We are thrilled you all could join us for this momentous occasion.” The engineer pushed a pair of round glasses up their nose and flipped a few pages before continuing. “This year, we are proud to present our first project under the Lockhardt Act.” A small hand wave from the presenter brought up a materials chart, followed by rudimentary code and a schematic for a torso. “Our goal was to create an android that could double as both an assistant and a company agent. The subject is equipped with one blade stored in the right forearm, one small-force pistol in the left forearm, and extensive programming in martial arts. In addition, the subject can speak over one hundred languages, has built in bookkeeping software, and is more than capable of handling small scale finances.” A smattering of ‘ooh’s and ‘aah’s echoed around the room. Adam clenched his fist, fighting a grimace. He couldn’t do all of that. Warning text flashed in his vision.
His exhaust was nearly audible. He took a breath, savoring the cool air as it ran through his fans. When his temperature was back to normal, the intro was finished.
“And now, it is the great pleasure of the Andromedae Industries Engineering Department to introduce you to the world’s newest android, Eve-2600!” The screen faded into the glass. The tiny door popped out of the wall and slid to the side, and out stepped the subject.
She was made of sleek deep gray carbon-fiber and aluminum alloy, and had a small, sharp bob of stark white hair. Her piercing eyes were purple and gold, and each visible piece of her titanium skeleton was midnight black. She took three steps forward and curtsied to the audience with smooth, graceful ease. She made a show of cycling through her weapons, then gave a short speech, switching between languages. Adam’s processor translated as she went.
“I present to you the highest achievement of Andromedae Industries. A robot with infinite abilities in the field of corporate espionage. The rates for my services will be determined at a later date, along with the regulations and guidelines for usage. As per the Lockhardt Act, I have no human-like emotional programming, nor will I gain such in the future. My programming may not be changed unless approved by Andromedae officials. We appreciate your attendance, and wish you a wonderful day. Andromedae Industries, Lightyears ahead.”
Her voice was like electronic silk. Adam felt his fans kick into high gear, and Lockhardt gave him a scathing glare. He struggled to cool down as Eve began her demo.
The plain walls raised smoothly, revealing six security droids. Adam could tell by their build and movements that they were around five years old, the most recent model after him. The bots all whirled toward her, and Eve responded with such speed it took Adam a moment to realize she’d begun to move.
Before he could blink, Eve had stabbed one straight through the head. She removed her blade from the crackling mess of wires and dodged another enemy with astonishing fluidity. She wheeled back and made quick work of her would-be attacker. A small pulse of purple light worked its way through her body, when she turned back to the window her left arm had become a gun. She zapped three bots with heavy violet blasts, two in the head, one in the torso. Eve retracted both forearm weapons and approached the final droid. It seemed to quiver in its casing, and Adam felt a twinge of sympathy as Eve gracefully executed a complex set of kicks that left the bot in three separate pieces. She turned to the window, and for a split second, her neon eyes met his.
The world seemed to shrink. Adam could hardly keep his system from exploding. It felt like an eternity before Eve curtsied once more and retreated into the door she’d come out of.
The room burst into chatter. Lockhardt had gone pale, save for the tips of his ears, which burned a bright red. Adam’s audio processors struggled to keep up with the cacophony.
“... truly a marvel…”
“...never would've guessed…”
His gaze was still locked on the door, and he hadn’t realized he’d been staring until someone jerked his shoulder.
“We’re going home, Adam.” Lockhardt spat, his anger almost tangible. Adam nodded. He followed the raging CEO to the car. Inside the vehicle, he snapped toward the cooler, and Adam quickly obeyed.
“They’re trying to take our place,” Lockhardt muttered. “She’s twice the fighter you are, for sure, but can she keep up with humanity?” Adam ignored the slight insult as he poured a glass of aged wine for his boss. “We have to get rid of her. Render her obsolete.” Adam twitched, then quickly swiped the side of the glass where he’d overpoured. “If we can somehow prove your superiority… but no. That would never work.” The man began to mumble, and Adam once again struggled to keep his fans quiet. He removed his jacket and untucked his undershirt, hot air grazing the tips of his fingers.
“I’ve got it.” Lockhardt said darkly. Adam laced his hands together, hoping he could keep them from trembling, like the poor bot in the demo.
“What are you going to do, sir?”
Lockhardt chuckled. “Well, we can’t let her prove she’s better than you, can we?”
“No, sir. I don’t suppose we can.”
“So you’ll have to do everything she does, but better.”
“That is not possible.”
“‘Course not!”
“I do not follow, sir.”
This time Lockhardt laughed aloud. “You’ll be working alongside her. Everytime Eve-2600 is rented, Chimera will offer the buyer a seventy percent discount on Adam-2500. It’s much better to have two droids than one, right? Nobody could say no to that.”
Adam’s grip tightened around his fingers. The image of Eve’s icy gaze settled into his vision. After some difficulty, he blinked it away.
“Are you certain, sir? The loss of profit-”
“Nevermind the loss of profit. Reputation is much more valuable than money,” Lockhardt grinned ear to ear. “And besides, don’t Adam and Eve always go together? Right to the bitter end, hm?” Adam clenched his fist so tight he heard a panel pop out of place.
“Yes sir.”
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delicatekidinfluencer · 3 months
How Much Does it Cost to Replace a Crankshaft Sensor
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Explore Factors Check out our articles to learn about the factors that affect the cost to replace a crankshaft sensor. Gain an understanding of the importance of this component in engine performance and understand how evolving sensor technology affects replacement costs. Vehicle maintenance costs are important to grasp. The crankshaft sensor, vital for engine operation, is a common concern. It tracks crankshaft rotation, critical for ignition timing and fuel delivery. As automotive technology advances, traditional crankshaft sensors are giving way to precise but pricier Hall effect sensors. This introduction examines factors affecting the cost to replace a crankshaft sensor, highlighting its importance and the evolving sensor tech landscape.
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Cost to replace a crankshaft sensor Steps to replace a crankshaft sensorStep 1: Get the vehicle prepared  Step 2: Unplug the electrical connection  Step 3: Remove the crankshaft sensor  Step 4: Insert the new crankshaft sensor  Step 5: Reconnect the electrics  Step 6: Lower the car from the lift  Step 7: Run diagnostics and clear codes  How Long Does a Crankshaft Sensor Last Symptoms of a Bad Camshaft Sensor Conclusion Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)How long does a crankshaft sensor take to replace? What happens if you don't replace a crankshaft sensor? Can I replace a crankshaft sensor myself and save money? How much does it cost to replace a crankshaft sensor on a Honda Civic? What would happen to a car if the crankshaft sensor were faulty?
Cost to replace a crankshaft sensor
The cost to replace a crankshaft sensor can vary based on different factors. From my experience, it depends on the type of car you have and the mechanic you go to. On average, you might spend between $150 and $350 for both the sensor and the labor. The time it takes to fix can range from 1 to 2 hours, depending on how tricky the repair is. But if you own a fancy or hard-to-reach car, the price could go up, sometimes even doubling. Usually, mechanics use new parts, often the original ones, not aftermarket ones. Luckily, a skilled mechanic can quickly figure out if the crankshaft sensor is the issue. Resource Highlights If your engine is experiencing problems like reduced performance or even failure to start, a malfunctioning crankshaft sensor could be the culprit. If you've identified this as the issue, this guide will walk you through the necessary steps to replace it.
Steps to replace a crankshaft sensor
When tests show that a replacement part will be required, it’s time to replace a crankshaft sensor. Let’s take a look at the steps needed to complete the replacement.
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Step 1: Get the vehicle prepared  If using a ramp, raise the vehicle properly utilizing the manufacturer’s specified lifting points. This will allow you to access the crankshaft sensor. Step 2: Unplug the electrical connection  Locate the electric connection of the crankshaft sensor and disconnect it from the engine wiring harness. Always check the electrical plug for any signs of corrosion or water entry. Step 3: Remove the crankshaft sensor  Take out the retaining bolt, which might become easier to remove once loosened. In certain vehicles, you might have to remove some components to enhance accessibility. Then, remove the sensor. Step 4: Insert the new crankshaft sensor  Install the replacement crankshaft sensor into position, and secure it by reattaching the retaining bolt. Be sure to tighten the bolt to the specified torque as indicated in the manufacturer's guide. Step 5: Reconnect the electrics  Connect the electrical connector to restore the signal from the crankshaft sensor to the ECU. Step 6: Lower the car from the lift  Lower the vehicle back onto the workshop floor. Step 7: Run diagnostics and clear codes  If the engine light remains illuminated, utilize a scanning tool to conduct an OBD check. Clear any codes related to the sensor. Verify if the new part necessitates calibration, which the diagnostic tool will indicate.
How Long Does a Crankshaft Sensor Last
Replace a crankshaft sensor is essential for maintaining a smoothly running engine. While these sensors can last for years, various factors like driving conditions and maintenance habits can impact their lifespan. Therefore, it's crucial to have your sensor inspected regularly and replaced when necessary.
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Symptoms of a Bad Camshaft Sensor
Having a bad camshaft can make your car run poorly in different ways. Sometimes, it gives warnings first, like a check engine light (CEL), before failing completely. Here are some symptoms you might notice if your camshaft sensor isn't working well: - Check engine light comes on - The car runs poorly, with jerks and surges - The car won't start - Engine stalls - The sudden decrease in fuel economy - Poor acceleration - Shifting problems
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Although the crankshaft position sensor is only a small part of the engine, its role cannot be ignored. When it comes to replace a crankshaft sensor, you may encounter various stores selling these sensors, both online and offline. However, determining the best choice can be challenging.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How long does a crankshaft sensor take to replace? The engine does not need to be pulled to replace this sensor. The manual says the replacement should only take about 30 minutes What happens if you don't replace a crankshaft sensor? If the CKP sensor goes bad, the PCM won't know when to fire the spark plugs and when to operate the fuel injectors. Because of this malfunction, the engine may become starved of fuel or may lack the spark it needs to run. Therefore, it may become difficult or impossible to start the engine Can I replace a crankshaft sensor myself and save money? It's technically possible to replace a crankshaft sensor yourself, but it's much less painful to have an expert do it. Because the crankshaft position sensor lies in such a sensitive region of the engine, amateur mechanics run the risk of causing further damage by attempting a MacGyver-style fix. How much does it cost to replace a crankshaft sensor on a Honda Civic? The typical price range for replacing a Honda Civic's crankshaft position sensor falls between $175 and $243. Labor expenses are usually estimated from $87 to $110, with parts priced around $87 to $133. Taxes, fees, and your specific location are not included in this estimate. Additionally, you may require related repairs. What would happen to a car if the crankshaft sensor were faulty? The crankshaft sensor is responsible for monitoring the position and speed of the crankshaft, which is crucial for the engine's operation. A faulty crankshaft sensor could cause problems such as difficulty starting the engine, poor acceleration, stalling, or even preventing the engine from starting altogether. READ MORE : What Does A Knock Sensor Do On A Vehicle How Much Does it Cost to Replace an Airbag Sensor Explore the Knock Sensor Replacement Price Transmission Sensor Replacement Cost Read the full article
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reniselfcarejourney · 4 months
Blog Entry #3: About Self Care
𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐞: 𝐄𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐃𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐱 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞
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Are you tired? Are you drained? Do you want to escape to a stressful and chaotic world, and have a world all by yourself?  
Modern college students are very active in the presence of the Internet. Much of our time is spent on the internet, using social media and other forms of digital access. Since it serves as a good networking, learning, or entertainment channel, and, this kind of life has some disadvantages including high levels of pressure developing which affects their psychological stability. This is where digital detoxification comes in; it gives individuals an opportunity to disengage from their screens for a while and reconnect
Detoxing from digital consumption like smartphones, laptops, or iPads characterizes digital detox. It aims at lowering stress levels, getting better mental health, and allowing people to reconnect back with their outside world. It can last for any period depending on one’s preference and objectives, it can be for a few hours, a few days or more.
𝑾𝒉𝒚 𝒊𝒔 𝑫𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑫𝒆𝒕𝒐𝒙 𝑰𝒎𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑴𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒉?
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Reduce Stress and Anxiety - Being always connected leads to the problem of overflow as well as stress. Alerts, emails or posts on social networks give a sense of urgency which in turn causes pressure. Allowing the brain to take a rest or rejuvenate helps to end this.
Improves Sleep Quality - The blue light from screens can keep you from producing melatonin which is necessary for sleep regulation; therefore, it is better if you avoid using your smartphone or watching TV after dark as it helps improve the quality of rest as well as general health.
Enhances Focus and Productivity - Digital distractions can reduce your concentration and productivity. If you need a short break from your screen, this can actually help you refocus and regain better control over your cognitive functions.
Encourage Mindfulness and Presence - Constant connectivity typically leads to multitasking and a scattered mind. The digital detox really helps you try to be engaged with the moment and more aware of your surroundings.
𝑾𝒉𝒚 𝒊𝒔 𝑫𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑫𝒆𝒕𝒐𝒙 𝑪𝒓𝒖𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒈𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔?
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Improve Academic Performance - Procrastination and a reduced attention span as a result of too much screen time have negative implications for academic performance. A digital detox allows students to concentrate better on studies and in turn improve academic results.
Improve Physical Health - Way too much time on screens can translate to physical issues through eye strain, poor posture, and basically living a sedentary lifestyle. A digital detox champions physical activity through good health practices.
Building Resilience and Coping Skills - Learning to take breaks from digital devices can help students develop healthier coping mechanisms for stress and build resilience against the constant demands of a digitally connected world. In short, digital detox is beneficial for everyone, especially college students. It boosts mental health, academic performance, and overall well-being. By unplugging from devices, students can improve their relationship with technology and enjoy a better life.
“To be more connected…Disconnect yourself” Henry Tenedero
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citinstitute · 4 months
The Importance of Self-Care for Leaders: Strategies for Managing Stress
It's no secret that being a leader comes with a lot of workload and hustling, but with the right approach and mindset, you can overcome any obstacle and lead your team to greatness. You're responsible for managing teams, making tough decisions, and ensuring that your organization is successful. With so much going on, it can be easy to neglect your own needs, including your mental and physical health. However, self-care is crucial for leaders, as it can help you manage stress, prevent burnout, and ultimately perform better in your role.
Why is Self-Care Important for Leaders?
Stress is an inevitable part of leadership. Whether you're dealing with a difficult employee, a tight deadline, or a financial setback, there will be times when you feel overwhelmed and stressed out. However, if you don't take care of yourself, this stress can build up and lead to burnout, a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that can leave you feeling depleted and unable to perform your duties effectively.
Self-care can help you manage stress and prevent burnout by giving you the tools and strategies you need to take care of your physical, emotional, and mental health. When you prioritize self-care, you'll have more energy, focus, and resilience, which can help you perform better in your role and lead your team more effectively.
What are Some Self-Care Strategies for Leaders?
Self-care looks different for everyone, but here are some strategies that can help you manage stress and prioritize your well-being as a leader:
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1. Prioritize Sleep: Make Sleep a Priority: Ensuring you get sufficient sleep is essential for both your physical and mental well-being. Target a sleep cycle of 7-8 hours a night, and establish a consistent sleep routine for your mind to relax.
2. Exercise- Regular part of your routine: Regular exercise can help you manage stress, improve your mood, and boost your energy levels. Find an activity that you enjoy, whether it's running, yoga, or weightlifting, and schedule it into your calendar as you would any other important appointment.
3. Mindfulness Habit: Mindfulness practices like meditation, deep breathing, and yoga can help you manage stress and cultivate a sense of calm and focus. Try to make this your daily routine, whether it's a 10-minute meditation session in the morning or a yoga class after work.  
4. Take Breaks: It can be tempting to power through your workday without taking breaks, but this can actually lead to decreased productivity and increased stress. Take regular breaks throughout the day to stretch, walk, or simply step away from your computer and recharge. Arianna Huffington, founder of Thrive Global, takes breaks throughout the day to meditate, nap, or simply disconnect from technology and recharge.
5. Connect with Others: You may feel solitary at various times. However, connecting with others can help you manage stress and feel supported. Take out the time for socializing with friends and family, or consider joining a professional networking group or mentorship program.  Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, has spoken openly about the importance of connecting with others and seeking support during difficult times.
Wrapping up with the fact that self-care is crucial for leaders, as it can help you manage stress, prevent burnout, and ultimately perform better in your role. By prioritizing your physical, emotional, and mental health, you'll be better equipped to lead your team and achieve your goals. So, take a deep breath, and remember to prioritize yourself along with your organization's success.
Confederation of International Talents is one the unique institutes that covers this aspect of Leadership also. Explore the Leadership Management course by CIT here.
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tcksolar · 4 months
Tesla Powerwall 3 Battery Review
Whether you have solar panels or not, the Tesla Powerwall 3 battery is an excellent option for home energy storage. It has a 13.5 kWh energy capacity and a built-in solar inverter with an unlimited number of cycles.
It also has one of the best warranties in the industry. This gives homeowners peace of mind knowing their investment is protected.
The Tesla Powerwall 3 battery is a lithium-ion battery that stores excess solar energy, providing a sustainable and reliable power source at night or in case of a grid outage. It also optimises the use of solar and cheap grid energy by prioritising charging during high demand times and reducing charges during off-peak hours.
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It offers a 13.5 kWh energy capacity, which is enough to run small appliances, or even whole-home backup systems. However, larger electrical loads such as air conditioners may require more than one Powerwall.
The Powerwall 3 has a long lifespan and a warranty that covers 6,000 cycles, which is significantly more than most batteries offer. It also uses a simpler cooling system compared to previous versions, making it more affordable. This is partly due to the use of new LFP cells, which are safer and don’t contain cobalt.
The Powerwall 3 has an impressive peak power output and round-trip efficiency. Peak power output measures how much power a battery can deliver for a brief burst and is important for appliances that require a quick surge of energy, such as your air conditioner’s compressor.
The round-trip efficiency of a Powerwall is the amount of usable capacity that remains after all the energy losses associated with charging and discharging. This high efficiency is key to maximizing solar energy production and reducing home energy consumption.
With the ability to track energy usage through the Tesla app, you can customize the performance mode of your Powerwall storage system to meet your energy goals. You can even choose to prioritize the backup function for use during severe weather events.
Powerwall 3 has the flexibility to provide backup power and energy independence for your home. It can also be used to reduce your reliance on the grid and save on utility bills. It also features 24/7 app-based monitoring and can be customized to meet your needs.
Unlike the previous generation, Powerwall 3 has a simple cooling system that does not require any liquid thermal management. It uses natural airflow to cool the inverter. It also has an advanced inverter integration that allows homeowners to monitor and adjust their energy usage.
Another great feature of the Powerwall 3 is its unlimited-cycle warranty. This is a major advantage over other battery storage systems, which usually have limited cycle warranties. This makes the Powerwall 3 the best choice for your solar energy needs.
Installation options
Powerwall 3 is a great option for whole-home backup, providing energy independence and reducing utility bills. It’s compatible with solar systems and comes with a 10-year warranty.
It’s easy to install and integrates seamlessly with your existing solar system. The integrated inverter converts DC energy from the battery into AC electricity to power your home. This process saves energy compared to previous Powerwall models that used separate inverters.
The Powerwall 3 is also a reliable storage solution during an outage, as it can disconnect from the grid in less than a second. It also features a liquid thermal control system, independent fuses, and touch-safe technology. The battery can be monitored remotely through the Tesla app and customized to your energy goals. The battery uses LFP lithium-ion batteries, which last up to ten years with a high rate of capacity retention.
Like most quality solar, the Tesla Powerwall 3 is backed by a 10-year product warranty. This covers any physical defects in the system that occur over time, as well as repairs and replacements if needed.
Many battery companies have cycle limits, which limit how much energy they expect their batteries to be able to deliver over time. These limits can impact your solar battery’s functionality, especially if you’re using it for backup purposes or timebased control.
However, Tesla does not include a cycle limit in its Powerwall 3. As such, this model has an edge over most other battery storage options on the market. It also includes an integrated inverter, which reduces installation costs by eliminating the need for a separate inverter. Additionally, it offers 24/7 app-based monitoring.
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