#dissertation vs. thesis
aimlayworldwide · 1 year
Know The Difference Between Dissertation Writing & Thesis Writing
In the realm of academia, the terms "dissertation" and "thesis" are often used interchangeably, leading to confusion among students and researchers. However, there are subtle differences between the two, both in terms of purpose and structure. In this article, we shed light on the disparity between dissertation writing and thesis writing, offering clarity to those embarking on their advanced academic journeys. 
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Purpose and Audience 
The primary difference lies in the purpose and intended audience of the documents. A thesis is typically associated with master's programs, while a dissertation is commonly associated with doctoral programs. A thesis aims to demonstrate the student's mastery of knowledge within a specific field and is typically evaluated by a committee consisting of faculty members. On the other hand, a dissertation is an original research project that contributes new insights or knowledge to the existing body of literature within the respective field of study. Dissertations are often evaluated by a committee of experts in the field and may have a broader readership. 
Scope and Depth of Research 
Another crucial distinction between dissertations and thesis is the scope and depth of research conducted. While a thesis focuses on synthesizing existing knowledge and demonstrating proficiency in a particular subject area, a dissertation requires original research. Dissertations demand a more extensive investigation, involving data collection, analysis, and interpretation, to produce novel findings or perspectives. Dissertations typically contribute to advancing the understanding of a field or addressing gaps in existing knowledge, whereas thesis focus on a comprehensive understanding of a specific topic. 
Length and Structure 
In general, dissertations tend to be longer and more comprehensive than thesis. A thesis usually ranges from 50 to 100 pages, whereas a dissertation can span from 100 to several hundred pages. This disparity in length is reflective of the differing levels of research and analysis conducted. However, the specific requirements regarding length and structure can vary between institutions and academic disciplines, so it is essential to consult the guidelines provided by the respective program or department. 
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Originality and Contribution 
As mentioned earlier, one of the fundamental aspects of a dissertation is its originality. Dissertations are expected to contribute something new to the field, whether it is through the discovery of new knowledge, the development of a new theory or framework, or the application of existing knowledge in a novel context. Thesis, on the other hand, are focused on synthesizing existing information and demonstrating the student's ability to critically analyze and evaluate existing research. 
Time and Complexity 
Given the difference in scope and depth of research, dissertations typically require a more extended period to complete compared to thesis. The process of conducting original research, collecting data, analyzing findings, and writing a comprehensive dissertation demands substantial time and effort. Thesis, while still requiring rigorous analysis and synthesis, can often be completed within a shorter timeframe. 
While the terms "dissertation" and "thesis" are often used interchangeably, understanding the distinctions between them is crucial for students and researchers. Dissertations are characterized by original research, a broader scope, and a contribution to the existing body of knowledge, while thesis focus on synthesizing existing information and demonstrating mastery of a subject. By comprehending these differences in purpose, scope, length, and originality, students can embark on their academic journeys equipped with a clear understanding of the expectations associated with dissertation writing and thesis writing. 
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dissertationthesis · 1 year
Thesis Vs Dissertation Vs Research Paper: Know the Difference.
If you are a student pursuing a Master's or a Doctorate it is essential to learn the differences between Thesis, Dissertation, and Research paper. All these terms can look similar yet they hold distinct meanings. Understanding the difference eases the struggles of working on one of these.  At the end of this article, you will be able to differentiate all three.
What is a thesis?
A thesis can simply imply a summary of the research findings you have been working on, all through the Master's and Doctorate. 
This serves as a project that showcases students' abilities and skills acquired throughout the program it provides information on their unique research, argument, and hypothesis. Also, it supports and proves research based on evidence and relevant resources. 
When it comes to Thesis Vs Dissertation thesis is shorter than a dissertation and contains up to 80 to 100 pages.
What is a dissertation?
A dissertation is often a project worked on by doctorate students. It requires comprehensive and in-depth research. It signifies the highest level of research and contributes to the field of study.
It often demands extensive research that finds a solution to a certain problem or a question, Data collection, Interpretation, and an extensive literature review. They must be unique and original with the ability to produce new insights.
Thus it is much more impactful in the field, It is almost like a whole book consisting of 300 to 500 pages.
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When we compare a Dissertation Vs Research paper, Dissertation is deeper and takes more effects to create. 
Research Paper vs Thesis.
All three Thesis research papers and dissertations are a part of academic documentation, they all serve different purposes. 
Thesis and Dissertation test the ability of students to conduct an independent research project and requires originality to solve unique problems that are never touched before. It is also required to go through a rigorous review process with the committee of industry experts to be approved. 
Whereas a research paper just shares research findings, analysis, and insights with the wider academic community.
Another crucial difference we could find with the comparison of Research Paper vs Thesis, or Research vs Dissertation is that dissertation and thesis demand more originality but a research paper can be created with existing research findings or proving perspectives.
Thus to sum up the major differences when it comes to dissertation vs thesis vs research articles it is in the length and primarily the originality of the research and the process of review. Hope now you would have got clarity on what is what. Here at United Innovators, we provide you with research guidance and writing services. Visit our website and contact us for more information.
For more Info visit here - https://www.unitedinnovator.com/thesis-writing-for-postgraduates.php
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vermillioncrown · 10 months
tpac ch 10: #JustGothamThings
back for another ride in tim's pov. and you think the answer to the poll is obvious...but is it?
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thesisproposal1 · 3 years
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Thesis For Research Paper – How To Find A Good Thesis Topic
This is a short preview of the article: Students writing a research paper must create a thesis statement. In this part of the essay, they write the key objective of their work. What does the thesis for research paper include? It includes a statement and some arguments. Students should first check the information they find regarding the
If you like it consider checking out the full version of the post at: Thesis For Research Paper – How To Find A Good Thesis Topic
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Thesis For Research Paper – How To Find A Good Thesis Topic is available at the following link: https://research-degree-thesis.com/thesis-for-research-paper-how-to-find-a-good-thesis-topic/ You will find more information, stories, examples, data, opinions as part of a collection of articles that will help you in writing your thesis, your proposal or your scientific research.
The title of the full article is: Thesis For Research Paper – How To Find A Good Thesis Topic
It belong to the following categories: Thesis
The most relevant keywords are: dissertation vs research paper, how to write thesis statement in research paper, is thesis and research paper the same, thesis examples for research papers, thesis or research paper, thesis to research paper, thesis vs research paper
It has been published by Thesis-Proposal-Admin at Thesis Proposal a blog about thesis, proposal, research and all you need for delivering your academic work with efficiency and quality
Students writing a research paper must create a thesis statement. In this part of the essay, they write the key objective of their work. What does the thesis for research paper include? It includes a statement and some arguments. Students should first check the information they find regarding the
Thesis proposal, hope that you will find it interesting and that it will help you in your journey
Students writing a research paper must create a thesis statement. In this part of the essay, they write the key objective of their work. What does the thesis for research paper include? It includes a statement and some arguments. Students should first check the information they find regarding the topic and add an opinion in […]
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Hi, prev anon venting about the Timkon vs Batjokes poll here: would actually find it very interesting to read some analysis on the rising anti mentality, actually. I've been in fandom for a long time, so I do remember when it wasn't like this, and for a while I was like "it's fine, just block and move on, don't engage, it's fine". But IS it fine?? Fans of more complex and not easily digestible ships... we block and ignore and create our own little niches, but at this point I've seen too many cases of shippers saying they're AFRAID of publically liking something darker just because they might get harassed. This shit is getting genuinely harrowing to real alive people, to the point where some poor fans actually buy the bullshit of "you're a bad person if you like That Bad Ship" as if thought crimes exist and we're in the damn 18th century. It's definitely worth studying this phenomenon in fandom because then maybe we can figure out how to fix this? Fandom is supposed to be fun... Lol, really long way of saying that those texts would be cool to see, thank you guys!
Here's a huge library of sources about media literacy, lgbtq+ issues, fandom and fan culture. We definitely recommend checking it out!
Under the cut is the list of articles focused specifically on the phenomenon of antishipping. Please keep in mind that some of these articles are master's theses or doctoral dissertations and that we didn't fully read all of them. This is just a general list of what we've found.
Aburime, S. (2021). The cult structure of the American anti. Transformative Works and Cultures, 36.
Aburime, S. (2022). Hate narratives, conditioned language and networked harassment: A new breed of anti-shipper and anti-fan–antis. Journal of Fandom Studies, 10(2-3), 135-155.
Bradburn, M. (2023). Fans Like Us: Anti-Shipping, Othering, and the Reauthoring of Fandom (Master's thesis, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte).
Drouin, R. A. (2021). 'Fans are Going to See it Any Way They Want': The Rhetorics of the Voltron: Legendary Defender Fandom. Bowling Green State University.
Larsen, V. (2021). It makes me, a minor, uncomfortable. Media and Morality in Anti-Shippers’ Policing of Online Fandom.
Salsabila, J. A., & Sulhin, I. (2024). Social Media And Moral Panic: Examining The Case Of Antis Fandom On Social Media X. Eduvest-Journal of Universal Studies, 4(5), 4138-4150.
Stone, A. A. (2023). The Antagonistic Anatomy of Anti-shippers: A Thematic Analysis. City University of New York John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
Urbańczyk, A. (2022). Finding a Dead Dove in the Refrigerator. The Anti-Shippers’ Call for Exclusion of Sensitive Content as a Means of Establishing Position in the Field of Fan Production. Przegląd Kulturoznawczy, 53(3), 404-420.
(Also, adding this screenshot of the table of contents from Larsen's article because it's very funny.)
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focusfixated · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤
thank you for this! i think my favourite fics i've written are the ones that are basically like. my thesis statement. if you ask me about these characters, i will slide you one of these fics and say: here's my dissertation on the subject. everything you need to know about how i feel is in there.
can't get a life (if my heart's not in it)
libertines rpf | peter/carl | M | 20.9k
When Peter came to London, Carl was waiting for him under the hanging clock in the middle of Waterloo station. It had been romantic, in the way that Peter saw all their meetings as a little romantic – a song in the making, all Terry meets Julie and a sunset over the river. Or: the early days of Peter & Carl's love affair with London - and each other.
note: i wrote this one during my first year moving to london. inhabiting this story with these people and their music helped me settle there. this was also my way of taking every insanely romantic and toxic thing peter and carl did or felt about each other in those early years and weaving it into one point of reference.
on the wings of a nightingale
good omens | aziraphale/crowley | E | 11.1k
Aziraphale liked his body. He liked the shape of it, the way it moved and touched the world, a type of sensory feedback that made him understand the shape and extent of his corporation. Like he wasn’t just an ephemeral vessel. Like he was flesh. Or: Aziraphale gets a tattoo. Crowley is an accessory to this crime against good sense. Everyone’s kinks are very poorly disguised.
note: i think this is the one where i really got to grips with my authorial obsession with bodies, embodiment, sensation as existence. it's probably one of the most personal things i've written, too, in terms of its dissection of touch, and espousing thoughts on faith as tangible feeling vs abstract thought. this is the aziraphale that exists in everything else i've written in this fandom.
i hope i find my home
it chapter 2 | richie/eddie | E | 53k
The peak of summer is long gone, if it ever came, but the funk of stagnant air still hangs low over the suburban streets. Richie Tozier – sallow-skinned and puffy-eyed, wearing a too-small denim jacket that smells of sweat and mildew – hasn’t slept in several days, and he's trying to remember how he got here in the first place. Or: Coming back to Derry, Richie hadn't expected to live. Eddie hadn’t expected to die. In the aftermath of Neibolt, they’re both confronted by another shot at life.
note: possibly actually my favourite thing i've ever written out of all of these. features this ongoing obsession with bodies, though this is from a more confrontational perspective than the good omens one - there's an element of body horror, a sense of fear and discomfort about the body, and grapples with embodied repression. took me two years to write this one. it was a labour of love and hard work, and a proof of my commitment to getting this story about survival and recovery told.
le temps qu'il faut
disco elysium | harry/kim | T | 5k
Snow blows in from the east. It falls on Martinaise, thickening the frigid air like cornstarch, thick enough to chew on. Lieutenant Kim Kitsuragi stands – quiet, watchful, an oddity placed at the centre of a racket – collar turned up against the weather. Or: winter is tough and so is Kim, but a lot can change in ten days.
note: a story where i feel like i got the closest to capturing the mood of the original media. it was such a fucking pleasure to write something that was almost pure atmosphere. felt right that the poetry came out of this cold and battered landscape, and really solidified my interest in capturing environments. (who needs plot when there are buildings and lakes covered in snow).
when we fight about love
our flag means death | multi | E | 41.2k
Bonnet took a dainty sip of rum, then put the mug down with a fussy finality. “Look, I’m not interested in deals and riches and who gets what from who. I want to find Ed, that’s it. You’ll come with us, and you’ll guide us to the Revenge, and when we’re done, you can have my other ship to do with what you like. Sell it, sail away, set it on fire, I don’t care. Do we have an accord?” Bonnet held out a hand. His nails were ragged, and there were blisters on his fingers. Somehow, he still smelled of lavender. With all the recalcitrance of reaching towards an open flame, Izzy shook it. (Or: after brokering an uneasy peace, Izzy Hands, Stede Bonnet and the rest of the Revenge’s depleted crew are thrown together for a mission: find Edward, snap him out of his terrible madness, and then – and then.)
note: this is the one. the story that sums it all up. "how do you feel about izzy? what do you think was going on with him? how would a coherent version of him, flaws and all, realistically interact with the people most important to him during this time?" well: like this. focuses on repression, again, a key theme for me. though the repression here is not just physical, but mental, too. this was an exercise in finding a way to present a dislikeable, misguided, unreliable narrator as a point of view character and still finding meaning and empathy in his perspective. one of the most satisfying things i've ever written.
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weaselbeaselpants · 8 months
One of my pointless, made-for-just-myself fandom dissertations is gonna be about "endgame" philosophy and how fans assume creator's are swayed into bad decisions and writing by their fans. To give you a brief preshow of that, my thesis basically amounts to
"ya'll have fan brain; Lily Orchard has legit poisoned the well of media analysis with her bad understanding of production issues"
So many of you cartoon fans, criticals ect need to unlearn the term "creator's pet" as a term for important character in the narrative that you don't like and who's development isn't written well.
You owe it to yourself to STOP looking at ships that were always gonna be a thing and try and steer the conversation into "the show sucked cuz you all cared more about shipping; creators though x-couple was ungame and now it's ruined!!!"
Starco was inevitable since season 2 of SVTFOE made it clear they were going there. No, I don't like that choice either, but that's the choice the writer's had. Fucking cope. That's what fanfiction's for.
"The creator's didn't think of this twist until fan's started theory-ing about it-" NOPE. Fans just guessed the possible twist and different creators found different ways of hiding, denying or changing how their stories were gonna go because of that.
There is real criticism, hang ups, controversy and anger to be had over bad writing and decisions made in shows. You all have to stop complaining when creators do something you don't like vs something they shouldn't have done. I mean it when I say that, for all possible circumstances where creators' did take advantage of fan hype/ideas and then ruined their shows because of it (Supernatural, Game of Thrones, Star Wars) there are hundreds of examples of series just being bad* on their own and I really wish people would stop throwing around those "endgame", "creator pet" and "fan service" around so willy nilly.
And then I remember VivziePop....
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Oh Bushman and his super racist backstory (not that he wasn't a stereotype before). Again it could be done well, but it very much wasn't
also why is bushman and some domi are colored grey when African-American characters like Gena are colored a more brown color often in the same comic? Do you think there was a choice there or it's just the colorists fucked up?
(compared Shang-Chi being orange and his father Fu Manchu being bright yellow but all the other Asians and Asian americans were beige)
Hi there! Yeah... Any time a comic heads into Africa for a villain story I have to take pause and wonder just HOW racist this story is going to get. Or at least the art and the depictions of the locals.
I think in the case of the coloration of Bushman, if you look at the other characters that are coming from his homeland, they all have the same ashen black/brown color. Or… At least the bad guys are.
There's a lot that can be said about that.
I'm going to tred as carefully as I can but it's going to get dicey.
You might have noticed that people come in different colors. Even those colors come in different colors.
Not all black people are 'brown'. Some are lighter and some are much darker. The same goes for Asians and white people and all sorts of ethnicities.
BUT. How do you show that in comics? Comics are printed. And sometimes that printing isn't done well. And not all shades of ink print well.
If you use a darker color, you aren't going to see any shading, details, or ink. You can't use black or you lose everything and you have to start outlining in red, white, or green. Which can be jarring if you are using black outlines everywhere else.
So you get the gray color to show darker black toned skin.
Remember a moment ago when I said 'the bad guys are'?
There was a very popular notion for hundreds and hundreds of years that the darker you are, the uglier and more inhuman you are. (Thank you colonialism). In fact, there is still a notion in beauty standards that many people are trying to change. The notion that dark is ugly. ANd good luck finding cosmetics for the darker colors. Again, companies are trying to change that and be more inclusive, but this is a VERY recent event.
So it's not uncommon in Hollywood to use the darker colored skin to signify the bad guys.
The same goes for comics.
You have "Beautiful and warm brown" for our heros like Luke Cage and T'Challa and Storm! Then you get ashen gray for Bushman.
And Asians? Well… The more yellow…
So next time you are reading a comic that actually includes POC, take note of the shades that are being used. Then take note of where those people stand on the good vs. evil scale.
If you are reading something more modern and they are still using that scale of shading to denote evil, you might want to stop and think about who wrote this and WHY they might be using that color scale. If you are reading an older comic, this is going to be hard to avoid. But pay attention to it. Realize that even the best comics were not immune to racism.
Good job on noticing this, my friend!
Comics can often show us a pretty good idea on the politics of what was going on during the time it was written as well the mental ideas/pictures of people.
I'm sure there's SOME paper or dissertation or thesis out there that talks more about this. If not, someone should absolutely do one! I'd love to read it!
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captainjunglegym · 2 months
Charting American perspectives on the War on Terror through Battlestar Galactica and the Expanse is a dissertation I fantasize about in my spare time.
(I did my thesis on popular apocalypse film and television, we love never accepting the curtains are just blue)
that would be so ace!
Sci fi is such an interesting media to use to chart cultural perspectives. I've been basically mapping shifting perspectives on terrorism in star trek from the 1990s to the 2010s and the shift is so interesting. foreign terrorist attacks on domestic soil really weren't on the US mind pre-9/11 and it really affected the way things are perceived. in Star Trek you can see how ideas shift from terrorism being a form of resistance (1990s) to terrorism being a primitive form of unpredictable violence used by savages (2000s) and then to 'oh wait maybe the US was the problem the whole time' (2010s) haha. and science fiction is a great medium to show these shifts because it can (mostly) get past network censorship by being set in an unreality (and by being seen as a little bit silly).
9/11 and the war on terror really were such a watershed for US culture (and larger Western culture too) its so fascinating for me to see how that's reflected in popular media. And star trek is interesting because you can basically map all major US cultural moments in the writing since the 1960s
I've also wanted to write about the utopian future vs the dystopian future in sci fi and how capitalism plays a role in each. haha i always have a million ideas for these projects i love them
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hello everyone !!! as tumblr decided to send me to the shadow real for a month and i do have a tendency to overshere on here, i thought it would be fun to go through my last month to update my lore (the key things are that i now have no bedroom and i am obsessed with ana mena) through my tweets (i was forced to use that website more i'm afraid). and of course, i will translate everything so don't worry :)
hope you like it!!! this is probably gonna be long so i'll add everything under the cut:
we start at day 1 a.T. (after tumblr) which was a very important day actually (pokémon day for those who don't know)
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they deactivated my tumblr account for no reason?
2. without tumblr, that day i was forced to go to twitch and see ibai's stream announcing the participants of la velada 3 (unfortunately this won't be my last twitch moment here i'm so sorry)
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from left to right and top to bottom:
WHAT IS GOING ON (qrt to: this fight is gonna be legendary. amouranth vs mayichii)
they should kiss (this is about viruzz vs shelao, it is funnier with context sorry)
it's now a reality. this is gonna be insane @/fernanfloo
i think rivers will win (the second tweet it's for context: the second fight of la velada del año 3 is rivers vs la rivers)
3. spoiler alert: i was struggling with uni stuff (and especially administrative uni stuff) all month <3
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(it is impossible to translate this tweet literally so bear with me)
it's unbelievable how much the people in the university of wales don't give a fuck
here's the fun little context for this one: i should've started my semester on february 1st. i had received no notice of enrolling in it, there was no way to do it on the page habilitated for it, and my master's director wasn't answering my mails concerning my dissertation proposal and supervisor or anything really. i sent the sorta student help thingie platform a mail on february 28th asking for guidance and they answered me an hour later telling me i could enroll. my master's director also emailed me telling me i had a supervisor now. lol. fun. great.
4. this will not be my only ana mena related tweet in this list i am afraid
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(the quoted tweet is the singer ana mena as a little girl in a tv show and a sign that reads 'when she grows up she wants to be an archaeologist') she's made it cause the rest of the spanish musical industry is BONES besides her
5. i swear this is my last twitch moment i think. anyways. the squid games. yeah. it was very funny cause every person whose pov i decided to watch died <3
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same order as before:
(the quoted tweet says 'i think i'll watch the squid games from pandarina's pov') tweets that aged up badly: [she died on the first day]
everyone whose pov i'm seeing today dies (ander and zeling) lol
oleeee susi hasn't died let's gooooo
today i won't be able to watch the squid games so i'm only saying @/suzyroxx to the final !!!! [she wasn't in the final <;3]
6. it starts *looks into the distance remembering the horrors*
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FINALLY the predoctoral UCM [my uni] scholarships are here folks
and the meme says the same but more accurately <3
7. that time my 55 year old uncle out of nowhere sent me a tiktok of nochentera and told me he loved it
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my uncle being a nochenterist exactly (in the pic he only says 'it's so good!!!')
8. there are so many horrors relating to that goddamn predoc scholarship that i don't even remember the context of this one &lt;3
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official bulletin of the complutense university or bulletin of shit ??? [this one is funnier in spanish, it's a meme from a show]
9. i do remember this one tho. this was a fun one.
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i suddenly have a new thesis director and a master's dissertation supervisor lol
context: this was the day that my master's director emailed me telling me i finally had a dissertation supervior assigned. the other part is funnier. SO. i had a thesis director chosen from when i started all this process. she was great. love you miriam mwah. anyways. she had another student doing the thesis with her (a student that is my friend). turns out, for the ucm predoc shit there could only be one thesis director per person. no fucking clue why. so we all talked it out and thought the best solution was for me to have another one, and maybe miriam could be my co-director in the future. the funny thing is, this new supervisor (cruz) was my first choice way back when i started thinking about doing the ph.d. i just chose miriam in the end cause she was my master's thesis' director. so yeah. i could've chosen cruz from the start and i wouldn't have had these many problems. but whatever.
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plot twist in memorias de idhún the funky little guy is VICTORIA
(they're right btw)
11. the la casa de bernarda alba miami remake incident. this ruined my day, my week, my month and possibly my year as well. if you haven't seen this and feel strongly about federico garcía lorca please skip this one i don't want to ruin your day.
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you know the drill:
i'm angry cause i can't go to tumblr and go off [literally it says 'shit on the mothers'] at everyone who thought and adaptation of la casa de bernarda alba IN MIAMI is coherent, logical and necessary.
you have to travel to 2023 to stop that aberration from happening [this one's for my emdt besties <3]
this one is already in english
the only modern adaptation of la casa de bernarda alba i will accept [this day i also realised that episode really is an adaptation of la casa de bernarda alba which made me love paquita salas even more]
lorca reading this
and this one's also in english :)
12. oh btw i rewatched druck s5 and s6 just to feel something. wasn't brave enough to watch s7 & s8 tho &lt;3
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[first pic]
the machwitz sisters from druck are the best fictional sisters that exist i don't fucking care if you don't agree
and yes i cried again with them
[pic 2]
the thing about rewatching druck's s5 is that now i want to rewatch druck's s1-4 only because of kiki
literally the best minutt for minutt of all skam i could scream
[pic 3]
possibly my favourite fictional ship above... yes... percabeth
there, i said it
i am once again stanning kieutou i'm so sorry
i was gonna start season 6 tomorrow but it happened
i don't know if i should watch s7 and s8 to be able to say i've watched all druck even if i know they're shitty [spoiler: i didn't do that]
13. maybe i went through a mini-skam craze last month.
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people of twitter, it is a pleasure to announce that i have included references to skam in my book [specifically that moment at the end of sana's season when everything with the girls is resolved and she sent a message to yousef to meet up but he isn't answering]
14. i thought this meme was extremely funny and made for me specifically
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just in case you don't know; pic 1 is the academy of OT [Operación Triunfo], pic 2 is the geography and history building of the UCM (mini spoiler i went there later in the month), pic 3 is the school entrance in skam, and pic 4 is the pool in druck s3.
15. they interviewed my sister !!!!
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here's the link (in spanish) <3
fun fact i found out about this when my mum sent it to the groupchat. my sister and i do live in the same house and speak to each other daily :) they just didn't tell me :)
16. :(
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another day missing tumblr
17. i watched a ton of national selections but i only really tweeted portugal's so yeah
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i'll go chronologically with these ones so it's less confusing lol
please let nasci maria win it's the only song out of all preselections that i've had stuck in my head
a pretty good top 3 tbh, any of those songs deserves to win
it should be said that i've seen a ton of preselections this year and i've only saved two songs from portugal's preselection in spotify.
well i lied. i think there's also one or two songs from sanremo. but whatever
18. i did this cool pokémon chart which made me realise my favourite pokémon type is steel actually
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i've seen fola do this on stream and i wanted to do it myself :)
what do you think people do i have taste or not
here's the chart if you want to take a closer look at it!
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19. this was around the time i really started to resonate with carlos peguer's tweets. i think he's the closest thing to a spanish mike's mic so we have to cherish and celebrate him i think.
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i felt these tweets about amaia's music on a spiritual level. he was so right.
she really was insane for this
the moon reflects on my BITTEN NAILS [this are the opening lyrics of nuevo verano PLEASE listen to it i'm begging]
20. emdt time!!! i finished s2 but it was so hard to do it without liveblogging it on tumblr :( i tweeted a bit about it tho (but only a little!!!)
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why no one told me my town's palace appears in el ministerio del tiempo [i'm kinda glad i wasn't on tumblr here cause i would've purposefully doxxed myself lol. anyways it was certainly something seeing it, especially knowing the actors were IN MY TOWN filming for DAYS and i didn't even know it. disgraceful]
i wish i could talk about the episode i'm seeing of emdt on tumblr cause it's super funny [it was the one where they have to pretend they're a normal ministerio !!!! 10/10 i had so much fun]
21. i also may or may not have gotten addicted to ck3 like a fucking nerd
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the way i started playing crusader kings at nine thirty 'to spend some time until i go to bed' and suddenly it's past midnight ????
22. ⚠️the march 15 incident ⚠️ a lot happened today lol. and no, i'm not referring to the ides of march. i even forgot about them. busy day.
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you can tell how i went through the whole spectrum of human emotions that day <3 anyways, i'll go in chronological order
how's your morning going people i woke up at 6:45 for a job interview but when i got to the bus stop i realized i don't have the transport chart recharged and i don't have enough money in my bank account to recharge it. lol.
in the end i managed to get to the interview and i even talked with an argentinian guy is this being a normal and sociable person
bomb the ucm
it's impossible for the spring to not be my favorite station, i'm about to cry over how nice this day is
i mean. overall it was a good day. but my memories of it get a bit tainted by the sequel (yes there is a sequel). anyways, let's go with the fun context.
so, yes i did (kinda) have a job interview that day. they haven't called me since so i guess that didn't work out. i had a 1 hour 30 mins trip on public transport to get there so that's why i woke up so early (the interview was at 9:30 i think?). i managed to get there only cause as i got back home to wait for my mum to wake up i got the notification that she had sent me 50 € to my bank account for that day. so i went out again, got to the tram station, recharged my transport card, and then got there. in the end the interview was delayed so whatever but yeah. nothing remarkable there apart from that argentinian guy i chatted with!! like a normal human!!!
anyways, after that i had to go to the ucm (told you i was gonna go there later in the month) because. you guessed it: the ucm predoc. i'm not gonna bore you with the details, but basically i had everything done and filled up, i just needed to sign and sent it to the entity. i couldn't do it online so - after calling and not receiving any answers - i printed everything, signed everything by hand and decided to deliver it in the registry office.
that's what i did, after the registry guy told me i should call the people who were in charge of all that process and calling - i shit you not - 6 different numbers until i got their approval. so that means it was done right? i've finished the process??? right???? lol. we'll come to that in the sequel <3
but yeah, the day was nice, it was super spring-y, and it's always great to go outside of the house so i liked it :)
23. i lost my mind over this tweet specifically
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i don't know how to explain how important this picture is to me. like. it's identical to my favourite phrase in the whole world that appears in seneca's mede: medea superest. 'medea remains'. same idea as that sign. i'm gonna combust.
NO WAIT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. the context of 'medea superest' is that the wet nurse is telling medea that she's alone in the world and she answers with that. because despite everything, she still has herself.
despite everything, it's still you.
24. i found my favourite twitter account &lt;3
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feliç dijous is 'happy thursday' in catalan btw
25. i listened to all esc 2023 songs and here's my top!!
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i hit pic limit so i'll continue this in a part 2 (there's not much left i promise)
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lucienarcheron · 8 months
sorry for this dissertation, but i have some Thoughts and as a swiftie and an elucien, you are my target audience bestie
i was listening to ‘gold rush’ and it suddenly hit me that lucien vanserra may as well have written the song himself. i just *takes deep breath* right from the beginning, where it says, i almost jump in, but i don’t like a gold rush bc the temptation is always there, the instincts. but like, as we know, the whole thing with the gold rush was that many people never found gold. it’s the pull of the bond vs. the woman at the other end of it, who has shown no interest in him. plus it reminds me of lucien asking feyre if elain is worth fighting for in acowar. he’s just so so cautious with his heart now 💔
i don’t like that anyone would die to feel your touch / everybody wants you i mean…… 👀 but we don’t have to talk about that rn. also? doesn’t eris ?? say somethin about “my brother’s pretty mate” ???? or do i just read too much fanfic oop either way, they really out here putting elain in an ugly dress so she wouldn’t accidentally catch eris’s eye in the court of nightmares. everybody wants a slice of that elain archeron pie !!
what must it be like to grow up that beautiful? i mean there’s the obvious, as we just discussed. but also, he really would have to wonder what it was like growing up that beautiful, in the sense that she has faced all this adversity and managed to stay kind and soft. he’d have to wonder what it was like to grow up universally loved. 😭😭
at dinner parties, i call you out on your contrarian shit ok so elain’s not exactly a contrarian if anything, lucien is lol BUT i wanna talk about this lyric in relation to the theory that elain gives people the her she thinks they want. and that lucien at the very least, is able to perceive that. he probably has all kinds of fantasies of ruining another awkward dinner by calling her on it. and to take things further, the coastal town we wandered ‘round had never seen a love as pure as it . walking through far-flung streets with her accompanying him on his travels.
BUT, considering the way things are lookin rn, especially from his perspective…. i can’t dare to dream about you anymore
ugh ugh ugh my heart !! and then the twist??? now saying i won’t call you out on your shit at dinner parties, because he’d never actually do that to her at least not AT dinner hehe so they’ll just eat in strained silence forever, probably. and then there’s the coastal town we never found will never see a love as pure as it because it all feels so hopeless !!! like it’s never gonna happen!! it’s a gold rush ):
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As someone who has a whole Elucien (Taylor's Version) playlist with this song on there, I am LOVING this!!! I viewed the song from Elain's POV as she watches Lucien dazzle every crowd he’s in, feeling both proud that he’s her mate (while still nervous and apprehensive around him) but can’t help being slightly annoyed at how many people seem to want his attention. I love how your breakdown and mine are essentially how the two of them would view each other at the same time HKJGUYJG. GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE 'NONNIE!!!
I made a whole-ass playlist (read: thesis statement) maybe three years ago? I gotta find it and make updates to add Taylor's newer songs on there omg.
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regulusrules · 10 months
Hi! Don't feel obligated to reply to this if you don't wanna answer for any reason, but I saw you answer an ask where you said you archived a fic so you could use it in your personal career and I was wondering what that would be? Like, in what ways can you use fic like that? Again, don't feel like you have to answer if that's a more personal question than I think it is and you want to keep it private 😊
Hi, no worries! Thank you for being very respectful about it 🤍 I think I understand where this question is coming from. We often confine fanfiction to only being a creative outlet with no other usage, when actually it can have a great impact on other aspects of our lives.
I'll list you some of the ways:
If you're an author, you can use your fics by restructuring them into original works of art. (This is generally the most common case, but it involves losing your non-profitable voice. However, there are other ways you could benefit from your fics without monetizing them).
If you're an academic scholar, you can use fanfiction in the fields of literature, interdisciplinarity, creative writing, and linguistics. Whether this may be writing a research paper / thesis / dissertation about fanfiction as a genre, or analysing fics themselves. People really underestimate the power of fanfiction on academia and vice versa.
If you're applying for postgraduate studies in some of the previously mentioned fields, some universities require a portfolio of your creative writing. You can tailor your fics and include them as samples.
In your postgraduate journey, you can exercise applying critical literary theories (eg: feminist theory, postcolonial theory, etc) on fics if you're reluctant to start straight on books. I even like to believe that critical writing is in itself a form of fic writing, because you're writing and trying to prove your opinion about an outer text. Only difference is that critical writing is evidence-based.
You could do comparative studies on books and fics to further understand the workings of monetized vs unprompted writing, the difference in style, or even the use of diction.
If you're applying for certain jobs in the writing field aka content writing / copywriting / script writing.. some companies also require a creative writing portfolio.
All of these are ways you could benefit from fic writing, aside from the obvious which is writing for your good self and evolving your style. I said it before and will keep on saying it: fanfiction is one of the purest forms of love out there. We write fics because we want to share our love of certain characters with the world without a need to financially gain anything from it. It is a small restoration of human goodness and human connection. However, that doesn't say you can't use it for anything else. Quite the contrary, when you understand the power of your words and the influence they could make, this will be the greatest pro of all
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mademoiselle-red · 1 year
Reading the Renault fandom dissertation, part 3
An academic decided to write about us, online fans of Mary Renault’s works, for her phd dissertation in 2018, and as the subject of her research, I will be covering & commenting on what she wrote over a series of posts ✍️📑
(Here is part 1, part 2, part 4, part 5, and part 6)
And now, for part 3 we jump to the Renault chapter:
“Chapter 2: From Greek Love to Boys’ Love: Mary Renault’s Romanticization of Pederasty”
Personally, I don’t read Renault’s works as romanticizing the institution of pederasty. They instead set up the ideal of “Greek love” in order to explore its problematic place and inadequacies within both its culture of origin (The Last of the Wine) and within early twentieth century gay culture (The Charioteer).
“Despite her contemporary fame, however, she is rarely mentioned today in either mainstream media or academic circles. Only in the form of a niche online fandom do Renault’s works continue to generate enthusiasm and contemporary relevance: male homoerotic fan art by women.”
I’m really surprised to see that she chose fan art as the primary form of fan media through which she uses to analyze the Renault fandom. I know it is more convenient to compare fan art to BL manga since both are visual mediums, but it doesn’t make sense for the Renault online fandom. I’d say the online TC community is 90% fanfic & meta and only 10% fan art. Even the Alexander Trilogy and LotW fanworks are mostly fic and meta. So focusing on art doesn’t make sense when you are trying to study the online fan reception of Renault’s works. This oversight in Chou’s methodology leads to some interesting results later…
“The second part of this chapter brings in the latest online fandom devoted to Renault, which focuses on Renault’s representation of male homoeroticism. These fan artworks and discussions based on Renault’s novels are located squarely within the BL sensibilities that I discussed in the previous chapter. By examining the unexpected affinities between the mid-twentieth century lesbian author and her millennial online fandom, I contend that the apparent contradictions between Renault and her works is best understood through the BL logic—which is the logic of fantasy.”
This is her central thesis about Renault and us, the fandom. A preview of what these “unexpected affinities” will be:
“More specifically, I argue that what critics have found problematic about Renault—her idealization of male homosexuality, her misogyny, and her indifference to identity politics—make sense for BL aesthetics.”
I will discuss Chou’s argument that Renault’s works appeal to her online fan community because they are indifferent to identity politics and modern reality in my next post (part 4), but first, the author explains her definition of “queerness,” which is crucial to understanding her distinction between BL/slash sensibilities vs queer sensibilities.
“Although Renault’s novels since The Charioteer almost exclusively focus on homosexual characters and relationships, and the word “queer” is in fact scattered all over The Charioteer referring to gay men in the postwar era, her books have never been considered “queer” in the post-gay, academic sense.”
This is a baffling sentence. And this definition of “queer” really narrows her analysis of queer fannish activity in my opinion, and prevents her from recognizing Renault’s online fandom as a form of queer culture and queer community. Also, I didn’t realize there is a “post-gay” academic culture. What does “post-gay” even mean? She goes on to explain:
“Queerness is understood as a mode of critique rather than about a specific sexuality, which is where queer theory divulges from lesbian and gay studies: whereas lesbian and gay studies tackles homosexuality as an object of study, queer theory defines itself as a philosophical and political strategy of critique rather than a study of particular objects. With representation no longer the measurement of political efficacy in textual analysis, writing about “queers” and being politically queer are two different, although not incompatible ideas.”
So queerness in Chou’s understanding for the purposes of this dissertation does not refer to a group of people who can be studied. I’d say it’s fine if you want queerness to be a mode of critique of normative structures in fiction & philosophy, but how useful is this definition when you are studying a fan community, a living breathing organism comprised of real people?
“The silence around Renault in academia today is a result of the awkward combination of who the author is, what she writes about, and how she proclaims an apolitical orientation. Queer criticism is used to heteronormative subjects being silent about politics and the mainstream’s lack of action is easily understood as complacency and sometimes homophobia. But queer criticism is not geared towards handling a non- normative subject with a voice that does not articulate political aspirations.”
Queer people can, you know, just exist, and write about other queer people, and have bad politics.
“In what follows, I propose that reading Renault from a different perspective—the BL perspective—not only dissolves her hopeless contradictions but is also more productive in understanding how her works can still be (if not more) relevant today.”
Buckle up, friends, she’s gonna analyze the TC fandom (us!!!) next 👀👀👀
More in part 4
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pantalaiimon · 1 year
Talk about your thesis! What was it about?
Thank you kindly for taking an interest! My blog has been dead for years, I must say I'm surprised I still get anon asks :)
My thesis (not sure if it's the right word in English? in this case, it's the research project one has to pursue to get one's master's degree) was in clinical psychology.
My theoretical frame of reference was psychoanalytic in nature, but doubly so, as I tried to use both Freudian and Jungian perspectives and have them not only coexist but also answer each other, for some extra fun. That means it's theoretically quite dense, especially for the profane. I'll try to make it more accessible here.
I applied those psychoanalytic theoretical models to perinatal psychology, in which I've specialised. The subject matter was differences in psychological functioning right after having given birth, when one is a first-time mother vs not so. A number of very specific and seemingly abnormal phenomena take place in women's psyche surrounding pregnancy and childbirth - which are actually not abnormal at all when put in that context. Still, that mental upheaval is quite something, lots of stuff from early childhood can come back up, and women are more vulnerable. It can actually help bring about a lot of change in their general mental health, and doing psychotherapy in that time period can be very beneficial and effective. So I was basically trying to map out various unconscious dynamics in mothers and how they differ between it having been their first pregnancy or not.
I found that after just becoming a mother for the first time, the unconscious mind is quite busy trying to deal with the new layout of transitioning from daughter to mother, and that there is little availability for relationships, and sense of identity is quite hard to maintain. For second or third time mothers, that upheaval is less massive, they've already gone though those changes the first time around, but they now deal with even older stuff as well as figuring out the ins and out of sibling rivalry. Outside of those very specific topics, their sense of self is stronger than first time mothers, and they have more psychic energy to invest in relationships.
On the more Jungian side of things, I've found that pregnancy appears to be potentially quite initiative and transformative for the feminine psyche, and that symbols emerging from the unconscious at that time can have a significant impact in furthering one's knowledge of oneself, and could be useful in therapy around that time.
I think that about covers my almost 200 pages long dissertation in layman's terms, and I sure hope I managed to make it understandable!
I'll just copy and paste the abstract I had to write in English, to give my answer that extra scientific and pompous flair, but feel free not to read any further lol:
"The aim of this study is to analyse the differences in psychological functioning between primiparous and multiparous parturients in the immediate aftermath of childbirth. To this end, qualitative methodology was employed through the projective TAT test, which was administered to six primiparous and multiparous parturients, following a semi-directive pre-interview. Formal analysis of their TAT narratives revealed a greater emergence of the primary process in the primiparous women, who regressed to a paranoid position in the face of representations of oedipal triangulation and the maternal imago. Their identity and object markers are confused, unlike those of multiparous mothers, who nevertheless regress more easily into the archaic. Dream analysis should enable us to preferentially investigate their collective unconscious."
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butimnotseventeen · 1 year
so sick that you wrote your dissertation on Taylor Swift and Lorde! i have my English degree and for my senior thesis i wrote an analysis of the Taylor vs Kanye drama LMFAO
That’s iconic!!! I love that so much!!!
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floridakilo · 2 years
Dissertation is thesis but British
yeah i just looked it up the terms are switched in us vs uk
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