#do i feel awful for not being very productive as a result when I said i'd try to be?
yukipri · 1 year
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Got me hair done today for the first time in ages✨
(trying to ease myself out of depression by at least trying to get myself to not *look* depressed?)
Any guesses for what colors this ended up?
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 5 months
✧˚ · .Painting their portrait ✧˚ · .
Note: I hope everyone is doing well 💖 I hope you will enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it 💖 If you want to commission me check my ko-fi and pinned post for prices. Thank you!
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When he found out about your talent, he immediately bought you the most expensive equipment. Whether you like to paint on a canvas or on a graphic tablet, he will buy you only the best products. 
He's very old-fashioned and wants a classic portrait. He'll arrange a proper setting to fit his taste. With a fireplace in the background, an expensive suit, and some other decoration that screams old money, he’ll sit with his legs crossed in his comfy chair while he looks at you. A soft smile would appear on his face, especially when you two locked eyes. You thought about painting that lovely smile and contouring those sweet dimples, but you know him better and chose to leave a stoic expression on his face. His soft side is for your eyes only. 
He won’t mind sitting for hours because he'll have the greatest company. You two will gossip about the hottest tea at work, talk about his latest projects, and besides that, he'll have his romantic moments when he tells you how much he cherishes you. 
The final result leaves him in awe.
"Darling, this is astonishing." He said, amber eyes studying every inch of the canvas and feeling an immense sense of pride washing over him. He couldn't take his eyes off your masterpiece.
"I knew you had it in you," he began after a short period of total silence. "Yet you managed to exceed my expectations."
You breathe a sigh of relief. Even if he was your boyfriend, it was hard to please him. He didn't coddle you, so when he praised you, you knew it was real. 
He will hang that portrait with pride in his office, and he’ll tell everyone with pride that his partner made the incredible art.
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With the corner of his eye, he noticed how you kept shifting your gaze from your notebook to him. Sometimes you'd stare longer at him, and sometimes your hand would go faster and then slower as if you were trying to remember something. Sometimes, you would scratch your head with the pencil and sighed in frustration. 
Whatever you were doodling, it wasn't coming along as you wanted.
Not being able to control his curiosity anymore, he slowly approached your desk. 
"Whatcha doing there?" he asked, looking over your shoulder, directly in the notebook. A wide smile appeared shortly. 
You didn't hide the page in time, and Leon saw the sketches with his face. You drew him from three different angles. Even if you were in a hurry, you still captured his soft features—his genuine smile and his gentle gaze.
"I- uh-I..." you fumbled, hands going in random directions over the paper.
"You don't have to hide it. I think it looks good." He smirked and went back to his desk. 
"Thanks. Listen, I was taking a break, and I felt a bit of inspiration coming in-"
"You don't have to excuse yourself." He chucked and turned to face you. In that moment, you saw a faint blush on his cheeks. "I think it looks great, given how fast you draw."
"And given how much you fidget,"
He chuckled. 
"Seriously, man, lay off that coffee." 
You both laughed, making some people turn their attention to you out of curiosity. A quick glance around, and you quiet down a bit. 
"If you want to finish, I'll try my best to stand still." 
"I would appreciate that." 
You both smiled at each other. Time went by fast, and by the time you finished, the office was empty. None of you felt the time passing by as you got to know each other better. Leon loved his portraits and "stole" your notebook. 
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He loved everything you did. Every gesture, every tic, everything was just perfect for him. 
What he cherished most was your talent when it came to art. Everything you touched turned into a masterpiece, something so beautiful that it can’t be described by a simple man. So, when you wanted to paint him, he looked at you in shock. 
"Yes, you." 
"Why?" he chuckled. 
"Because I want to. And because I want an excuse to stare at your picture for hours while you are away on missions." 
He pulled you closer and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. 
"Alright. Make sure to highlight my good side." 
"As if you have a bad one." 
Despite loving how affectionate and supportive you were with him, he never understood why. He viewed himself as a rough, cranky man who got on everyone's nerve. For short, an asshole. But to you, he wasn't like that. Despite the hardships in his life, he still maintained a soft gaze. 
Naturally, he wondered why you wanted him to be part of your beautiful portfolio. And more importantly, did he deserve to be part of it?
For the next couple of days, he waited for you to finish. He would peek in your room to see the progress, but you didn't let him. You wanted to surprise him.
When he came back from his mission, arriving in your comfy apartment, you shoved your art in front of his face. 
"Do you like it?" you asked excitedly.
He reluctantly took the canvas and stared at it for a few seconds. It's not that he didn't like it. It's the fact that he didn't recognize himself. His scars weren’t so prominent, his eyes weren't so full of sadness and anger, and his lips were curved in a soft smile. His features were softer, friendlier, even. 
“This… I know it’s me, but it feels like I’m looking at a stranger.”
"Why do you say that?”
“It feels like you retouched my face.”
“Hmm, no, this is how you look in real life. You're not as tough-looking as you think."
He loves it regardless, and he loves you even more. 
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His muse in this life was you. Every time he looked at you, every time he saw your pretty face, his mood would lighten up in a heartbeat. A catastrophe at the moment would turn into something insignificant, something he could overcome with ease.
What he loved most about you was your talent. He was amazed at the beautiful things you could create with your hands, unlike him. He found refuge in your art, staring at your finished and unfinished projects for hours.
"Mi dulzura, what masterpieces are you creating?"
"Thank you, mi rey. Wanna be part of them?"
He smiled. He approached you with light footsteps, rubbing your shoulders gently when he reached your back.
"I'd be honoured."
He was thrilled. Being fascinated by your talent, he wanted to ask you long ago, but he didn't want to overcrowd you as you had many projects and clients. He didn't want to put more pressure. He simply told you that he doesn't want anything fancy.
He waited every day for you to finish, barely containing himself from asking dozens of questions. You had to kick him out multiple times from your room because you wanted to surprise him.
"Luis," you called out, "it's done!"
He came in a hurry, and as expected, he loved the result. He wouldn't stop praising you for creating another masterpiece.
"This is...I have no words. It's simply stunning."
"Well, you are stunning," you said, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"I guess I really am your Prince Charming."
You chuckled and were ready to say something, but he caught your lips in a quick, gentle kiss.
From that moment on, he becomes your one and only muse. You'd paint him in various poses and various clothes, sometimes with you as well. He would sit near you, watching you do your magic without saying a word. He loves and respects what you do a lot. 
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matt0044 · 10 months
So... where are we precisely on Vivziepop?
I don't want to make... assumptions of anybody's specific intent but the recent rumblings of discontent seems to follow certain patterns that I've become... a touch too familiar with.
Thing becomes popular to an unprecedented degree. Fanart, fan edits, maybe even full on fan music videos. Might be because the creator had made a name for themselves or they just got lucky right out the gate. Either or.
Thing grows in popularity in ways listed above and has its praises sung for a variety of reasons. Many of which may pertain to how certain social demographics are portrayed compared to elsewhere or whatever came before.
Thing had continuous installments that built on and craft a narrative for the characters portrayed with revelations galore. Certain aspects are revealed to be more... complicated.
Said aspects intrigue fans by having more than meets the eye while... souring others due to their first impressions, feeling their initial takes were "retconned" at best or "deficated upon" at worst.
This... disenchantment as it were results in alienated fans becoming more critical of the story and characters. Some of this revolves around certain types of characters being scrutinized in how they don't measure up to who the story appears to be focusing on most.
Something like queer representation is called into question when the female cast feels... off in retrospect.
The setting may be established as a less than morally conscious place to be and have the residing characters be hot messes as a result. However, some actions and choices of words may come across as a step too far lest it be a reflection of the writer/creator's beliefs.
This coalition of criticism may be met with pushback from those who dispute much of their points. Sometimes it's well worded and brings up new perspectives. Sometimes... it's largely could be just "Aw, shaddap!" on repeat.
Unfortunately, neither side (oh boy...) has a monopoly on assholes that put their emotions first and pleasantries second. The critical side will cite the stans as the reason why they exist and that "it's okay to be critical of the things you love." But some of the more overzealous members of that side may make you wonder, "So... where's the love?"
These overzealous members in question may often voice their discontent with various blanket statements and take counterpoints to that as being from stans who can’t take criticism. This often exhibits a mentality that because they’re calling out “the bad thing” and “the bad creator,” it’s end of discussion.
The creator may feel prodded to throw their hat into the ring not just over their creation but over what people try to construe them as purely based on their art. Sometimes they can come across as overtly defensive and averse to criticism themselves but with how much bile seem to be slung their way, it's never as clean cut.
Among the detractors who do care and want to approach in good faith, you have outrage merchants and outrage addicts that do in fact only want to stir up drama. Rather than help solve anything at all, the former wants to sell these stories TMZ style while the latter wants something to be angry at to feel in control of... anything. These muddy the waters for whomever might be hoping for a more productive discussion.
Adding fuel to this fire nobody actually asked for at those who have always disliked the creator be it for past works or as of recently due to word of mouth. Because a lot of their art revolving around what point number seven goes over, there's a very Anti-Shipper mentality of hating the "bad thing" on principle. Especially when the work is purposefully incorporating tasteless elements that this circle of "fans" feel should be avoided period.
I could go on and on but the point is that I've seen this dance routine more than a few times before where Popular Thing(TM) needs to be "taken down a peg and nobody can stop trying one up the other before it escalates.
Now more than ever with smaller indie projects like for animation. It's so hard to take certain people at their word at times because they either operate with a limited perspective or are willfully ignoring other points of view to feed their feeling of betrayal.
They comes of as jilted ex-partners who despise that the one that broke their heart's been able to move on. There's a sense of, "If I can't like it anymore, nobody can."
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maxwell-mtv · 26 days
Introducing Joja Pink™️
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[I've been brainstorming this since Spring, but I'll be diving my hand into the world of NSFW writing with my new AU. Introduction below the cut (there won't be any NSFW in it, that'll be purely on my AO3). The chapters will follow a general story plot but won't be plot heavy like my other fanfictions I'm writing. Think of it like self indulgence. Feel free to request any pairings, scenarios, etc, and I'll do my best (so long as it's nothing gross/illegal/ generally just awful) to write it when I have time away from my studies!]
NEW! Introducing Joja's new tonic for you! With refreshing bubbles and hints of rosemary and ginseng, Joja Pink™️ is the tonic we're sure everyone will love! Try it today from your local JojaMart! You'll do better with Joja :)
Joja Pink™️ is not to be ingested by anyone under the age of 21. Joja Corp is not liable for any adverse reactions from ingesting Joja Pink™️. If you believe that Joja Pink™️ may be causing a severe allergic reaction, we advise you wait 24 hours for symptoms to disperse before seeking medical attention.
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Standing over a metal table, a final product was placed for display on a tray. Its curved bottle was slender and made from clouded glass which gave the illusion of it being filled with cherry clouds. The label was refined and determined to make any middle aged mom stop and fancy its features. In cursive lettering, framed by various pink petal decals it read:
Joja Pink The New Tonic For You
At the very bottom there was a warning that whatever fizzing liquid inside was intended for mature audiences, no younger than 21. 
It was a drink that was intended, to general audiences, for more feminine people seeking a healthier alternative to their infamous Joja Cola. It would surely give rise to a new audience of folks looking for a cheap, albeit refreshing, drink, exclusive to their stores alone.
Standing over the displayed prototype was a tall, young looking man. Brunette hair draped over his face, cupping the edges of his cheeks, and stopping at his ears. Glasses reflected the lights which cast a sinister shadow over his features. Reaching up to adjust his sights, he smirks. “So this is what you guys at the lab came up with?”
A slouched, disheveled looking man in a lab coat nodded. “Thanks to the folks in the design department, we’ve perfected the next product that will sell millions!”
“Is that so?” The younger man teases, circling the table to view the bottle at all dimensions without daring to touch it. “I guess this’ll do. I’ll let my superiors know you’ve done an acceptable job.”
The scientist backs nervously from the young man. “Th-There’s just one problem, sir.”
The younger man stops and cranes his neck to snarl at him. “What now?” He snaps.
“There are some adverse side effects...” The scientist manages.
“Are there really?” Coldly said, the young man lowers his face so the light no longer blinds his eyes from the scientist. “Shocking.” He retorts sarcastically. “If it’s like the last product, it doesn’t matter. Slap another warning label on and we’ll be exempt from legal action.”
“I-It’s not that simple sir! Surely with another trial run, I-I’ve created a less potent version which should resolve the effects of this one.”
“I don’t have more time. I have the COO and stakeholders breathing down my neck so this can be sold and served ASAP. It’s bad enough we’ve already had to delay its release from Spring to now!” The young man takes a moment and slumps, pinching the bridge of his nose as he collects his temper.
Shaking, the scientist holds out a thick folder containing a whole slew of papers, charts, and reports. “Mr. Dobson, surely if you just took a look at the test results you’d see why-”
“As if my time should be wasted on reading terminology that no one can understand but eggheads like you!” Snatching the folder up, he tucks it under his arm. Leaning in, he goes nose to nose with the poor, shaken older man. “If I scan this over and there is nothing about physical harm being done to those test subjects, I’ll have my lost hours of productivity compensated by comping your paycheck!”
Pulling back, Dobson circles the table once more. Standing before the drink, his confidence smirk returns. “Trust me, Dr. Wallace, you’re over thinking things again. Just as you did with Joja Bluu. And look how that went! We managed to turn it into a trendy craze amongst kids! We encouraged purchases for it by running competitions which never really had any payout to begin with! We rigged it, as we always do, so the people learn to love what we feed them.”
“B-B-Bu-But what about the kids who were hospitalized when they drank all those sodas!? Their skin permanently dyed a dark blue! No one should be ingesting more than one of those, let alone these,” he gestures to the pink bottle, “a week! The side effects will be chaotic and dangerous for any poor schmuck who plays into this latest scheme!”
“Dr. Wallace, might I remind you we’re not in this to make the world a better place!” Dobson scolds. “We’re in it for the chance at survival in a shrinking economy! With the war overseas, there’s never been a better time to thrive! Now,” Dobson strides to the exit, teasing a hand over the handle. “If I find out you put in a complaint against me or my approval of this drink, then I’ll have your job on the line too!”
Dejected, Dr. Wallace slinks back and bitterly eyes the bottle. “Yes, sir.”
“Good. Now send that approval report to me so I can forward it and get these things out by Friday. Releasing it while it’s still hot will do us justice.”
“Yes, sir…”
With that, the two men part, leaving only the future this drink had laid out for its unsuspecting victims.
Grunting, Shane drops another box marked “FRAGILE” on the linoleum floors of the JojaMart he was employed. Following him was another, younger man with spiked blond hair and a visible attitude for rebellion. “Can you believe they’re coming out with this now?” The young kid, Sam, speaks up as he dusts his palms off. 
“Yeah, I swear I was tripping when Morris announced this junk’s release again, but I guess they overshot their timing.” Shane responds gruffly, cutting open the box. Reaching in, he puts the first of many 4 packs of the newly produced bottles onto a display. Looking back and out at the nearby exit, he huffs. 
“Yeah, by two whole seasons! I heard from Martin that these babies were held back in the testing period. Something about ‘unforeseen side effects’.” Echoing Shane’s efforts, he began unpacking his own box onto the display table.
Shane scoffs, rolling his eyes. “What doesn’t cause some weird shit to happen when it comes from this shithole?”
“Easy now, last time I saw Morris he was working out where he could put the rest of these.” Sam glances around nervously before turning back to his work.
“Like I give a shit. If that old fart hears me, what’s he gonna do? Not like anyone else is dumb enough to work here...”
The redhead at the register several feet away huffs.
“Oh, hey Claire! I don’t think he meant you…” Sam attempts to defend Shane.
Looking over his shoulder at their only female coworker, Shane glares. “Yes I did.” He retorts and turns back to Sam, slamming another case onto the table. 
“Now let’s remember, folks, whatever you break while on the clock gets docked from your pay.” The chilling, condescending tone of their store manager makes Shane blanch. He can feel the man come closer from behind, stopping just a few feet away to better take a look at their progress. “Looky here, a fine display coming around from the both of you! I’m sure if we talk this thing up enough that it’ll sell like hot cakes!”
Shane turns to face his boss. “Considering how many chicks are in this town? I don’t doubt they’ll all flock to try this pink pony garbage.”
“Men can drink it too, you know.” Morris warns and leans over to slide a bottle from its cardboard corner cozy. “I’m trying it myself.”
“Oh? Far from you to like Joja Cola, sir.” Sam crosses his arms and eyes the cocky man with suspicion.
“Well, for one this isn’t a soda, it’s more of a seltzer. And for another, my managers have given all JojaMart managers the lucky chance to try it before it sells.”
“So what? It’s going on the floor today…” Shane remarks.
“Yes, I suppose I did hold off till the last minute.” Morris chuckles softly, glancing sheepishly to the side. “Well, anyhow, I should go. I have some reports to finish up.”
“Hey!” Shane calls, effectively stopping Morris in his tracks. “What are we s’posed to do with this case, huh? We can’t just sell it if it’s missing one!”
Morris’s smile grows, one could almost hear the bell go off in his head before he answered. “You’re right. Normally JojaMarts have more managers to share these sorts of deals with. However since I’m the only one and that’s going to just get written off during inventory anyway, why don’t you two boys have a riot and give some to your friends? Consider it a gift from your friends at Joja!” Gleaming, Morris marches right back to his office located at the front of the store.
The two men look between each other, the now shut door of Morris’s office, and the leftover bottles from the carrier. After a moment, Shane shrugs and waves Sam off. “Go ahead and take them. I only drink one kind of fizz made for adults…”
“Really!? Dude, this is the best day ever! You think Abigail would wanna try one of these?” Sam bounces with joy, taking one of the bottles in his hands and looking it over.
“How should I know? It’s not like I hang out with her…”
“You’re right, I’ll just find out tonight at the Saloon…”
“Good thinking. You know what else is good thinking?”
Sam tilts his head curiously. “Hm?”
“Me not being the only one to finish unpacking. Come on, man.”
“R-Right, sorry.”
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mikefaistinfo · 4 months
After ‘Challengers,’ Cannes and the Chopard Trophy, Mike Faist Is Taking a Break
CANNES — It’s been a busy spring for Mike Faist. First came love, lust and tennis drama “Challengers,” costarring Zendaya and all the resulting hoopla from the film’s sexy scenes, followed by the Trophée Chopard and the Cannes red carpet.
Now the 32-year-old actor is taking a break.
“I need to take time, some time, any time,” he says, coming down from the media frenzy.
Stepping into “Challengers” with Zendaya and Josh O’Connor put him not only in the center of an on-screen love triangle but also of the media frenzy surrounding the film.
“I wasn’t prepared,” he says. “It was something that was really daunting, and it terrified me at first, and then it was about letting that go and just kind of showing up utilizing it.
“I kind of had to face the music at some point and say, ‘All right, how do I engage with all of this attention? And how do I utilize it so I can get to the thing that actually matters most to me, which is the work itself?’ But it was daunting, terrifying, scary, because I’m not hiding behind the character at that point.”
He bonded with fellow Trophèe Chopard winner Sophie Wilde on their fear of public speaking. “We’re terrified because we had to actually speak. We all have impostor syndrome is the reality of the situation. You kind of just start to question the validity of any of this. Like, ‘Why me?’ and it’s overwhelming.”
Faist recognizes the Trophée Chopard has gone to some stellar names: Gael Garcia Bernal, James McAvoy, John Boyega, Kingsley Ben-Adir, to name a few since its inception in 2001.
“The truth of the matter is, I feel very honored. And at the same time, it’s always an uncomfortable thing, walking a red carpet, having your picture taken,” he says. “It’s an honor to be here, and at the same time I can’t help but be like, ‘Oh my god, I just want to hide.’
“I think most actors are probably very shy — if you’re a good one. Putting yourself out there in that way is terrifying, and we all try to hide behind characters. That’s how we’re able to be our most vulnerable, is by clowning. By being able to put on a character, put on a performance, put on a different person’s skin, that’s how we’re able to express ourselves in our truest sense.
“It’s a mind trick,” he continues. “So getting on a red carpet, you’re actually not hiding behind a character. You’re just you, and that’s an awful feeling.”
Walking the Cannes red carpet, he also attended the screening of Francis Ford Coppola’s personal magnum opus “Megalopolis.”
“Francis Ford Coppola, Steven [Spielberg], Martin Scorsese — all those guys growing up in the ’70s directing and the actors that they used are major, major influences for me,” Faist says.
Notice that he’s on a first name basis with one on that list, specifically Spielberg, who he worked with in “West Side Story.”
Not just a first name basis, even a nickname. “I call him ‘kid,’ because when you’re on set with him, he’s just a child, he’s so youthful and has so much energy, and he genuinely loves this. And that energy is so infectious,” he says. That energy and enthusiasm has remained with Faist to this day. “He’s one of those examples that I’m like, ‘What would Steven do?’ in any situation.”
Those old school acting performances still resonate. He recently used James Dean in “Giant” to get into character for last year’s West End stage production of “Brokeback Mountain.”
“I felt very lost, and I wasn’t sure whether or not I was really able to do the play. I didn’t feel like I had a way in. Then I watched that movie, I watched his performance, and said, ‘OK, I think I have a way.’”
He reels them off: Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, Robert De Niro and Al Pacino.
“They’re extremely informative in terms of feeding my own work and using it and taking it and scrambling it up a little bit and projecting it out there,” Faist says.
“Those are giants,” he adds. “I think it’s really easy to get swept up in a desire to be famous, but the reality is that none of those guys got into it for that reason; they got into it for the love of the craft and the work. If that remains your true north, that’s my goal.”
With the success of “Challengers,” there are projects brewing, scripts being read and roles being offered. But while Faist is riding the big media wave, he is cautious enough not to take what is being thrown his way.
“You can’t just say yes to everything,” he says. “I have to decide whether or not I’ve actually something to contribute.”
It’s a screenplay he has been working on since before “West Side Story,” but with that movie and all the ensuing work, the screenplay has been on the backburner. Still brewing, still stirring, and still adding little bits here and there. “It’s something I haven’t been able to let go of, which indicated that I need to see it through to its completion.”
Link: https://wwd.com/eye/people/challengers-cannes-chopard-mike-faist-1236397497/
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vai3-writes · 27 days
Hey Hey !! Your matchup is complete @pretentious-blonde!
Barely proofread and awful punctuation, apologies for any mistakes !!
English is not my native language
Any critique is greatly appreciated :)
word count - 1.2k
possible tw - /
And it's..
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Getō Suguru !!
First and foremost, your personality types are a great match for each other, as you're both categorized as intuitive-thinking personalities. While you are more outgoing Geto is more of an introvert, in that aspect, think of it as an opposites attract situation.
Your zodiac signs present a similar situation, Tauruses are more forward-thinking and eccentric in life while Aquariuses are more habitual. A common ground can still be achieved with patience and willingness. Your match is a battle of tradition and open-mindedness, looking for a way to coexist with each other and encompass both facets into the relationship. Another characteristic would be the need for both novelty and secrecy hailing from both of your signs, which is a topic that would need to be communicated and properly spoken about. 
As what can be said for your enneagram types, their high energy and adventurous nature make you a productive duo, allowing them to accomplish a great deal of things together, by firing and hyping each other up. Your pair also provides a very important aspect of any relationship, which would be balance and stability. It emanates from your more open yet assertive and Getos’ protective and somewhat “peaceful” traits. Which results in you being a strong-willed and passionate pair, when together.
Personality-wise, Geto would be amused by your expressive ways, and join in on your banter when you two are alone. Think of yourselves as a “black cat - golden retriever” duo. He is more introverted and quiet when other people are around, standing right behind you with a hand on the small of your back. Your loyalty is something that sticks out of Geto, strongly too. It’s one of the most important traits in a partner for him, he values it over anything. Geto's process of letting someone get close to him is a journey that requires patience, understanding, and the slow building of trust. So if he notices even the tiniest sign of disloyalty most of the “progress” will be undone in an instant. It is a lengthy and somewhat vigorous process but it sure is worth it, after gaining his trust, he will be willing to burn the whole world down for you.
Your bubbliness and humor bring him a sense of relaxation and a feeling of being at ease, making your presence be something like an escape. Your sense of justice will provoke both admiration and a bit of disconnect (if post-Toji incident) if your opinion differs from his. Your impulsiveness, while at first glance might create dispute, would benefit your relationship - in my humble opinion. Geto is very habitual and busy - not the best combination for new and enthralling experiences, but you open the door to new opportunities, and being Geto's partner gives you the ability to drag him into pretty much anything. He is a very protective and possessive partner, - he has his own way of showing it tho. Exhibiting it by showing worry and a more silent jealousy. Holding grudges is something you both do, I can imagine it sometimes becoming overbearing for the both of you, having to have multiple conversations about it.
I’m almost 100% sure that Geto enjoys reading, he’d love to get you books and read them together. No matter what you decide to treat him with, he will eat it no matter what. Curses are disgusting to swallow, after all. He is someone who will appreciate every single detail of your dish, from the way ingredients are cut, to the way they are prepared and lastly, arranged. With a suggestion from the twins, he’d create a small notebook, describing what feeling every dish gave me, at the end he’d treat it a bit like a diary, swaying from the food itself to even memories that are invoked in him when tasting certain flavors. If you ever decide to host a dinner party together with the twins the amount of love he had for you would be doubled, if not tripled. It makes him view you as one happy family, even stopping him from thinking over, in that moment classified as insignificant things. 
He enjoys debating with you, that’s for sure. He might not always understand your fondness for DIY projects, knitting, and sewing your own things, - yet it never stops him from the amusement he feels when he sees you doing something of the sort. It makes him happy that you can find enjoyment in things that are deemed as “simple” by some. Wasn’t the biggest fan of your dog at first, he tries straying a bit further from it. But for some reason, your dog starts practically jumping onto Geto whenever he’s at your place. 
Geto is someone who values alone time, yet I don’t imagine him “disappearing”, especially not from you. I can imagine you running into problems on the topic of judgment, I can see Geto instantly judging people he meets for the first time. Not always because of some kind of dislike but because he feels more comfortable when he has already assessed a person he’s interacting with. 
Now, at last, love languages! My headcanons for Getos are gift-giving and quality time, as we can see in the cafe scene from JJK 0 :) He loves going on nightly walks with you. I think it might take him a while to get used to physical touch again, (post Toji-incident again), but after some getting used to it he loves it. 
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Sitting in the same room in the middle of the night in silence, until one of you begins a conversation. Moonlight illuminates both of your faces, and life feels like it stopped, time passing by without either of you noticing. The feeling of being the only people in the world, peace, and tranquility flooding your mind as you continue to discuss everything you can think of - from books to the universe and whatever else you come up with.
You hosting a dinner party on Halloween and inviting the twins to join in. Deciding to make pizzas, cutting the mozzarella into ghost shapes, making homemade tomato sauce, slicing up tomatoes and adding the different seasonings, sliding the baking tray which the cinnamon rolls are on into the oven, and continuously stirring the pot with cooking apples for the ghost hand pies. Setting the table, Mimiko laid the spider tablecloth out as you and Nanako arranged all the different dishes and the tableware before the two girls quickly disappeared to get their costumes. The house smelled of heavenly fresh food. Geto joins you in the kitchen to help with the last steps before you sit down to savor a meal between the 4 of you. Before he insists on doing the dishes and tidying up, because “You’ve already done so much for me, dear.” And ushering you out of the kitchen.
“I’m not really a dog person, I don’t think your dog will be too interested in me.” before you open the door of your apartment. Just seconds after that your dog practically jumps past you before settling at Sugurus feet, smelling his hands and making him barely able to walk into your apartment, after a while he does warm up to the animal, making it practically to a tradition to buy dog treats before coming over.
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I listened to American Wedding when writing this lol and it also took me way too long
hope you enjoy xx <3
don't repost, steal or translate
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mcbitchtits · 1 year
okay my weekend got shuffled around and i saw dial of destiny today rather than friday.
completely unspoilery point of doubly-pedantic nerd criticism: hey marching navy bugler in the back ARE YOU AWARE that you are out of step. okay thanks for your time.
now spoilers
this has been bothering me for a hot sec
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is it a German thing the way they pronounce it? A British thing? is it a Roman-Latin vs Catholic-Latin situation? I mean, Wikipedia here has it the way I’ve always said it, so what is behind their choice to Not Pronounce It This Way in the movie?
also related to the pre-adventure plot, i was sitting there in the middle of it thinking, like, when the nazis were in disarray and lacking supplies and their empire was falling apart, would anyone have even noticed a jacket with a bullet-hole in it? (i realize this is just a plot moment, ignore that for a second.) and then like ten minutes later i realized i was probably just thinking about the Confederates rather than the Nazis, but ehhhhhhhhhhh tomayto tomahto
also i think it’s very funny that the plot is just like “where did voller get the anitkyhera? who fucking cares. PLOT TIME”
also-also: i know it’s for Plot Reasons but i really wish they said “antikythera mechanism” more than they said “archimedes’ dial”. bah. fie on you
i’m still, every time, in awe of the wacko billing. who’s in this movie? HARRISON FORD and PHOEBE WALLER-BRIDGE and ANTONIO BANDERAS and TWELVE OTHER NAMES and also mads mikkelsen. i’m sorry. your villain gets last billing? i know why, it’s hollywood nonsense, but like. COME ON. maybe he deserves a few more minutes of screentime also?
i think i posted this in one of my last few shotgun-blast-commentary posts, about all the marion pics being from 1936. i noticed today, waaaaaay in the blurry background, at the end of the movie, there’s one from Crystal Skull. (and I had to go look it up and I realized it was not an Indy & Marion photo as I thought but rather one of the stills of Mutt and Marion. which. PUT THAT UP FRONT AT THE BEGINNING!!!!)
okay. do you see my four exclamation points there? so the subtitles, and forgive me that these are in spanish, but
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they do that twice. my freshman high school english teacher is out there somewhere having a conniption fit
i think it’s interesting how much time the score spends with helena’s theme. there are at least a few spots where we should have been hearing the raiders march, and instead we get her theme. and it’s not like mutt’s theme where they harmonize and interplay. i don’t think we ever get it. which is... such a fascinating and, IMO, weird choice.
one of my friends who i saw it with, and i may have already mentioned this also, came out of the movie and was like “not to be an asshole, but it doesn’t make sense that the boat had 100 centurions. the centurions were the military leaders. they would definitionally have one centurion” and i’m just like. this is why we’re friends, and also, i’m so glad you are also a pedantic historian about indiana jones movies because that is Exactly How It Should Be.
speaking of which, every single time we get to Greece i’m just like I AM PRETTY SURE THEY DIDN’T SEW GARMENTS THAT WAY? YES THIS IS A PRODUCTION DESIGN CHOICE BUT ALSO IT IS BOTHERING ME. are there any extant garments like that? i feel like everything i have ever read is chitons and himations and peplos and. you know. mostly big, seamless, rectangles?
in related notes and deep dives into the world of production design vs. historic elements, the graphikos feels like it’s supposed to be like the phaistos disk? perhaps. i like it better than the “dial” design, for whatever that’s worth
and also re: my previous criticisms on the script being poor, “it’s not in a language, it’s in a code.” OH I’M SORRY. I FORGOT THAT CODE RESULTED IN NON-LINGUISTIC OUTPUT this is nonsense and i might hate this line more than any other for sheer stupidity? this being polybius i assume you’d still have to, you know. know how to read ancient greek.
now we’re off to the next part of our journey, If The Script Is Like This Then Surely I’m Overthinking It:
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This is about Kythira, as in, the island opposite Antikythira, but also, in light of choosing to Do The Last Crusade Thing Again And Then Failing To Give The Indy-Helena Relationship A Solid Landing i am SO MAD i gotta go scream into a pillow or something brb
On the other hand, in regards to Overthinking The Writing And I Think They Did Mean It On Purpose: Basil naming his daughter Helena. I’m assuming he was obsessed with the Antikythera before all of that, although we never see any indication other than perhaps it catching his ear when he’s tied up on the train. But. Anyway. Helena. now i have to go Lie Down About It
(side note: do we think Indy is the only one who calls her “Wombat”? she does say, in the bar, “it’s been a long time since i’ve heard that”. were, like, he and Basil hanging out being archaeologist buddies and Helena thought he was super cool and wanted to be like him and found out he was named after his dog? like. aside from the “we are just writing in a new, younger Indy character”, that’s kind of just such a sweet little moment to ponder.)
fascinatingly, in every single showing i’ve been to so far, Helena gets the biggest laughs (or all of them). mostly the “I’m a... fan” moment, and then today she got a rip roaring response from knocking indy out. which i appreciate. but also it is interesting to note indy doesn’t really seem to get the laughs in his own goddamn farewell flick.
OKAY ENDING ON A POSITIVE NOTE i noticed something today which i had not caught yet which is, at the end, when marion shows up and indy goes into the kitchen to talk to her— when she opens the fridge to put the food in there, he slyly slips the magnet off of her photo that he put on there at the beginning. that is an indy moment. that made me laugh. sweet and silly.
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leogichidaa · 2 years
Any examples of Reg and Sirius’s partner just having a moan about Sirius. I apparently also live for brother in law Reg content. 😊♥️
😊 Family Reg is best Reg
Air Your Grievances
Regulus had been immensely relieved the first time he saw Ruth without a smile on her face. It was a full eight months after he had been properly introduced to her, and he was starting to get worried that perhaps she wasn’t even human. Wouldn’t that figure? Sirius went off and married and impregnated a non-human entity who didn’t feel human emotions. Of course he didn’t find it eerie and off-putting himself, seeing as he barely felt human emotions either.
That afternoon, Regulus had been permitted to take Bath to the park for a few hours so Ruth could take a nap while Sirius was at work pretending to be productive. Bath had certainly not inherited her mother’s inhibition towards expressing dismay--she wailed at the top of her lungs with the slightest provocation. When he returned, he found Ruth on the living room floor with a glass of wine and red, puffy eyes.
“Oh,” Ruth said dully, looking up at him as he walked in. “I didn’t sleep.”
“I see. Do you want me to put her down?”
“Please,” Ruth murmured.
“Come on, Bath,” Regulus said, walking her to the nursery. “I hope you do a better job napping than your mum.”
Bath cooed softly and giggled as he put her in her crib. Ruth, who was raised primarily by the muggle side of her family and, as a result, had a number of peculiar reservations about magic, objected to the use of magical intervention to help Bath sleep. Regulus happened to know that Sirius had no such compunctions, however, and in this instance it seemed in Ruth's best interest. He dropped a tiny droplet of sleeping potion on her tongue and her eyes fluttered shut.
“Don’t tell your mum on me,” Regulus whispered to her, leaning down to kiss her on the forehead. He walked back into the living room and took a seat on the sofa. He picked up the wine bottle on the table and examined it. “What are we drinking?”
Ruth buried her head in her knees and groaned. “Please try not to judge me too harshly, Regulus. It has been an exhausting week.”
“No judgement from me,”  Regulus said, choosing not to mention that it was only Monday. He summoned a wine glass and poured himself a drink. “I adore Bath, of course, but I cannot imagine how stressful it must be to care for her all day every day.”
“It’s not even her,” Ruth confessed. “It's just that I was only counting on caring for one infant.”
Regulus snorted in a very undignified way as he took a sip of wine.
“I’m so sorry,” Ruth said, shaking her head and attempting to regain composure. “I’m being awful. He’s your brother, I shouldn’t--”
“Don’t be absurd, Ruth,” Regulus said, wiping his mouth and grinning at her. “No one knows better than I what a toddler Sirius can be.”
Ruth shot him a grateful look and said, “He will literally pout when I ask him to cancel on James to help with the chores. He’ll do it, he’ll stay and help out, but he pouts. A grown man, a father, sulking because he can’t go on his playdate! It is ridiculous!”
“You know, during the war I called for him when I was hexed to oblivion and near dead, and he grumbled at me the whole time that he had been out at the pub with Potter and I had interrupted them. He brought Potter with him, too.”
“Oh Lord,” Ruth groaned. “Of course he did. That’s awful.” She sighed and took a healthy sip of wine. “It’s infuriating because I can’t even be properly mad at him. I almost wish he was enough of an arsehole to ditch me for James so I wouldn't feel silly for complaining.”
“I think you have every right to complain, Ruth,” Regulus said, fixing her with an earnest stare. “I think you really ought to complain more, actually. You are bearing the burden of raising Sirius far too graciously. It cannot be good for you. You have to let it out; air your grievances, so they no longer have power over you.”
A soft smile played at Ruth’s lip. “Very wise of you, Regulus.”
Regulus shrugged. “Well, that’s what my therapist told me.”
“I wouldn’t have expected you to go to therapy,” Ruth said, raising her eyebrows.
“Tsk, Sirius has poisoned your mind against me. I am actually very open-minded.” Ruth raised her eyebrows further. Regulus sighed. “Fine. I only went twice and it was absolutely dreadful. I rather think the therapist was glad when I didn’t show up after that.”
“Why did you go back a second time?”
“Sirius bet me 20 galleons I wouldn’t make it through more than one session. So I had to, of course.”
Ruth laughed. “Of course.”
“I feel we have gotten a bit off track here. You were telling me what a nuisance Sirius is?”
Ruth grinned her signature grin as she launched into another complaint, but it didn’t unsettle Regulus this time. Instead, he felt a strange warmth in his chest and a sense of familial belonging that he had not felt in a long time. It was probably an effect of the wine.
“--and I know that he sneaks sleeping potion to Bathsheba when I’m not around,” Ruth added indignantly. “Doesn’t even respect me enough to have a conversation about it.”
Regulus shook his head. “Unbelievable. What a prick.”
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fakestype · 10 months
Trope x3!
For every “Trope” I get, I will post a TV trope for my muse.
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Upon introduction to his character, Gatekeeper tells to not take an interest in him or he will kill the person asking (in this case, Hajime). During the story he does repeat how he can, if he so wishes, kill anyone he wants to. However, most of the cast hearing so never take him seriously, mostly because in their more peaceful world view, it is impossible that someone has enough power to just casually kill someone without any authority or pressure of one stopping someone to do so. The reality is that Gatekeeper definitely can, and has power to clean a murder mess up. However, most of the times those threats depend on context: killing someone is easy for him, it is the complications of the aftermath of a murder that stops him to do so. It is messy and requires a lot of resources to cover up. Atop of it all, as someone who has had experience in such, you cannot kill just anyone you do not like or else you have no pawns or resources in your hands: keeping bothersome individuals you already know around is much more useful than risking them being replaced by someone more dangerous. Still, as a no nonsense individual who puts pragmatism above all, he still could kill people he sees as insects who would not be missed, just the fact that he alone can kill a human without hesitating (atop of the power he has) is telling enough of how dangerous he is, and characters like Anzu and Hiiro realize this.
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Although Gatekeeper has ruined countless lives in various awful ways, he does find it cruel when... it's done to basically throw a tantrum. He absolutely disapproves of Priest's pseudoscience methods which have no clear goal but him grasping at the idea of someone who is gone and dead. The grooming and kidnapping of children? The trauma inflicted on minors and adults alike? All good, as long as the reasons are for something outside you not being able to handle emotions. The results? Him helping out some kids damaged by Priest, so they can be useful to something other than the drama he inflicts on them. He sighs and tries to make things right.
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Gatekeeper has the classic Tall, Dark and Handsome mysterious appearance to him. He is very well groomed, both his hair and suit screams high quality products and subtle cologne. Compared to other characters, his silhouette on his art also show to be more muscular, giving him a more powerful feel than the slim idols and teachers: his shoulder and chest are broader and the way his clothes fall on him imply this guy, alongside with his background, workouts a lot. And, since he is not an idol, said workout is for physical strength rather than form, going on the more muscular side. His design is sharp all over, and he constantly has this sinister expression on his face. The snarkiness comes that... well... this man cannot open his mouth insulting someone. He belittles constantly everyone and their cow, for seemingly no reason than him finding everyone around him stupid (and, really, he finds himself stupid too to a degree, he finds all humans absurd but he gives himself brownie points for self-awareness). It is to the point of being comically villainous, which makes him the perfect antagonist punching bag. Go for it. He got the abs and pecs to take it.
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akajustmerry · 1 year
Your Roy poll bugged me a lot bc while Roman does 'worse' things (like sexually harassing women and enabling a fascist) the show proves many many times that Kendall is just like him and simply doesn't admit to it, like in the election episode, when it came down to it he was seduced by Mencken's 'clean slate' speech, or how he flew off the handle with Rava. It's just less outwardly visible. So in the end I voted Kendall. Like at least you can point out Roman's trauma (not as an excuse but as an explanation) and his immaturity (again not an excuse) as reasons why he behaves like this and at least he admits to it even if it's a masochistic impulse. Kendall is just like. Doing everything eyes open and lying about it to cover his ass and act like he's superior for it. And his main explanation is literally just 'cause my dad told me so' and 'cause my dad told me so (when I was 7)' which. Grow uppp. I feel like out of the 3 sibs Kendall had the most freedom to get out he just didn't out of a sense of entitlement to the made up CEO job. What a great character but what a terrible guy aha
see, this kind of thinking is fascinating to me because it's really indicative that a lot of people don't really seem to get what succession is about. succession isn't really about which one of these people is Bad, it's not even about why they're Bad. it's about how powerful people with institutional influence will perpetrate their interpersonal morality on a mass scale.
see to me, none of the sibs are better or worse than each other because of how they approach their actions. whether they do it with self-awareness or immaturity or even regret or fear does not matter because the result is the same.
if you have a group of people and they're all told that they have to go drown a box of kittens if they want to be in charge of the kitten-drowning empire, and they all do it...it doesn't matter to the kittens why they did it. the kittens aren't gonna care that some of these people feel entitled to drown them, or that some of them were violently threatened into doing so, etc.
there's not a single thing any of them has done that the others haven't. all 3 of them have treated women terribly, all 3 of them have harassed and threatened people they supposedly care for, all 3 of them have politically created opposition to progress in one way or another, all 3 consistently fail to consider morality in any meaningful way, and all 3 are cruel pitiful people.
kendall does not have any more or less freedom than the others, and even if he did it wouldn't matter. he still did what he did with what he had. but the idea that any of the roy's view freedom as freedom is a misunderstanding of how the familial abuse the roys have experienced would affect them. it's not dissimilar to claiming that someone being abused by their partner should just leave their partner. it's not that simple.
speaking of, i am not comfortable at all with people pointing to trauma as an explanation for the roy's wrongdoings. i know what you meant with what you said about roman. however, as someone whose experienced similar kinds of abuse, ppl saying roman's (or any of the roy sibs) trauma explains entirely why they are awful is churlish and myopic at best and just deeply shitty at worst.
the roys, just like anyone (which is the point), are products of their whole lives. yes, their trauma, but also literally everything else. who their friends are, what they eat, what they studied, movies they've seen, sexuality, gender, etc. they're all great characters for this reason. they all feel real for that reason. there is no one thing that made them do the things they do.
its really interesting to me because i very specifically asked in that poll who was people's LEAST FAVOURITE. not who was the worst, morally or ethically. not who you agreed with the most either. just who did you least like and it's interesting people feel the need to moralise that to the point where they reframe the question as "who is the worst?" when that was not really what I asked.
the thing is, i didn't ask that question for the very same reason i wrote a gay ranking of succ characters when my boss actually asked for a "whose the biggest asshole?" ranking article. i absolutely agree with you on all the reasons you cite for picking kendall btw he is my least fave. but its interesting you assumed i was asking the poll based on morality, and even more interesting is the choice you made based on that assumption so thank you for sharing!!
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haljathefangirlcat · 2 years
i know nothing about 1899 except that aneurin barnard was there, but i've heard of the cancellation and i'm sorry for you <3 this extremely capitalistic culture of any tv show getting cancelled after just one season if they don't get the same ratings of a MCU production is insane
Aw, thank you for your message. <3
And yeah, I totally agree. Especially in this case. See, the thing that makes me so *froths at the mouth* about this is how arbitrary and dumb it all sounds.
Like. 1899 was being written by Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese, the same people behind Dark. Remember how I used to (and still do) wax poetics about that? XD Anyway, like Dark, it was also shaping up to be a complex mystery show with a gloomy atmosphere, well-placed mythological references galore, and morally ambiguous characters who made questionable life choices and whose stories were probably going to be revealed little by little. So, Netflix basically already had proof that a show like this made by these people could succeed before they even began releasing the episodes, right? And when they actually did release the episodes? 1899 stayed in their top ten shows for weeks. People immediately started posting comments, analyses, theories, fanworks. They were engaging with it and clearly wanted more. And official reviews were generally great, too! Like, "this is one of the best shows of 2022, can we have more German stuff plz" great!
And yeah, this show was a lot more slowburn than Dark had been. And some people didn't like that, I guess. Personally, by the end of the first (and now, only) season I wasn't even entirely sure I could trust anything the characters and the narration had said about themselves anymore... or that I'd even had exactly the firmest grasp on either of them through the whole thing, lol. But that very obviously wasn't the result of screenwriters trying to outsmart the audience and keep us in the dark as much as possible for randomness!!!1 shock value!!!1, it was clearly setting up something much bigger that needed a slow, careful build-up and trusting the audience to have the patience to see it done properly -- the amount of detail and care put into it was honestly insane, and I and many others were more than willing to see all the puzzles pieces be put in their respective places one by one. Because, hey, surprisingly enough sometimes audiences like being trusted instead of being hit over the head with a big sign saying Viewers Are Morons and/or wowed with shiny but empty spectacles and "witty" quotable one-liners!
And yeah, okay, it was probably a lot more expensive than Dark had been, too. But... had the execs at Netflix really not taken that into consideration BEFORE okay-ing the entire project?! There were characters of... what, six different nationalities? All played by actors of those nationalities to make sure their portrayal was accurate? All followed by people whose entire job was making sure the dialogue they were going to be handed in their different native languages was accurate and not stilted, awkward garbage?! And that's without even counting The Volume, the technology they were using to film scenes set on the ship's deck and at sea to make everything feel more realistic, which was the same thing used on HOTD to film flights on dragonback and apparently worked well enough to make some of the actors actually sea-sick during their first scenes with it. I mean... did nobody at all look at all that before shooting started, check the numbers, and go, "wait, no, actually we are not willing to spend that much money on an international series/scifi series/original project that's not an adaptation or a sequel to anything/something that most likely won't start any trends on TikTok or get any outraged kids screaming on Twitter, so how about you tone it down a little"?
Seriously... why give your audience a taste of something so creative and well-crafted only to yank it away because, whoops, you didn't really take enough time to think about it and understand that what you had on your hands wasn't actually the kind of thing you wanted? Why take two people who had already proven their skill and their passion (and likely also their willingness to actually treat their cast and crew well, given that one of the actors from Dark agreed to work with them again in 1899 and others publicly showed their support for the new series) and then pull the rug from underneath their feet? And that's not even counting what a great time the rest of the cast and crew all seemed to be having from the interviews and the behind the scenes stuff...
I guess what stings the most -- besides, you know, being left hanging on a cliffhanger that was obviously going to lead to a much bigger mystery that for once I could actually be pretty confident would get a satisfying resolution while interrogating human nature itself in fascinating ways while getting there XD -- is that people like that, ready to come up with big, fun, interesting ideas like that and to assemble great casts and crews like that, giving plenty of talented and hard-working people their time to shine on such amazing and heartfelt works, don't exactly get Big American Platform Able To Pick Up Or Drop International Projects On A Whim budgets every day. And when they do, and they're even lucky enough to get it a second time... they get discarded, apparently. Tossed away regardless of their talent, passion, great ideas, good relationships with their colleagues and respect for their public. Right in the middle of creating something else that could have turned out to be wonderful.
... and then people like me, who'd love nothing more than to stick with them to the end and fawn over them after seeing them stick the landing again, are left with truncated stories that will never give them the satisfaction of a good ending (how rare have those become, anyway?) and the grim knowledge that they probably won't see anything else like that in a long, long time. Because "anything else like that" won't likely get picked up by the people with the money needed to give it the shape it deserves, or even if it does, it will be picked up and then someone will go, "whoops, didn't think this through, sorry, let's pretend that just didn't happen!"
Sorry for the rant, I really did appreciate this message. I guess this whole vent *gestures upwards* had been building up, too. XD
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always-andromeda · 2 years
OK 3 MOVIES YOU’RE USUALLY EMBARRASSED TO ADMIT YOU LIKE, GO!! (no explanations/“hear me out”s needed)
Number one is Accidental Love. I could genuinely write an entire post detailing how much I hate but LOVE this film. It had a chaotic production, got delayed so many times, couldn’t decide whether it wanted to be a commentary on healthcare or a romance (kind of failed at both tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️), is full of some of THEE WORST dialogue I’ve ever heard in my life, and I can feel my brain cells flopping over dead every time I watch it. And I adore it with every fiber of my being.
The Sasquatch Gang isn’t a terrible movie! It’s very much in the same vein as Napoleon Dynamite and Nacho Libre! In other words it’s a cheesy comedy movie from the early 2000s that includes sprinklings of an unconventional romance in it. But it’s very much a comfort watch since I have very fond memories of watching it as a teenager.
This last one is yet another comfort watch. Now. Baby Geniuses has been labelled the worst movie of all time bUT I ARGUE THAT WHOEVER SAID THIS HAS NO TASTE. The terrible CGI? Camp. The god awful plot? Unique. The terrible child actors? Actually, they’re doing their best dON’T BULLY THEM THEY’RE BABIESSS. This was one of my papa’s favorite movies when I was little so I just absorbed it into my bloodstream as a result. Thank you, papa, for imparting your immense taste in film on me. 😌
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anonymously ask me something you’d like to know!
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seanofbeankeep · 1 month
The Acolyte wasn’t perfect show but I enjoyed it more than most other SW stuff and watched til the end which (other than Andor and Mando) I haven’t done for the other star wars shows.
It had great potential to build on into season 2. Shame we won’t get that. Stuff like
- more action (the stunts and fights were soooo good. They should’ve released full clips online everywhere)
- less flashbacks
- it was about to explore the lore deeper
- no characters were safe tension
- continue to surprise me on character stories and plot points that I wouldn’t expect Disney to have
- I wanted to see how those character relationships changed
- giving the writers more episodes to work with because s1 was too tight imo
Few faults I felt in s1 was:
- I feel like the set design was great and beautiful, but didn’t fit with theme of the show if they wanted it to feel more dangerous and gritty (few scenes they nailed this but could’ve pushed it more or tried new look). As show was advertised as bloody. It looked like the Disney parks.
- Disney need to be less tame with gritty shows or fit it’s marketing. You can’t advertise a lightsaber with a blood streak and have a gore less show. Characters died but it was very clean vs how it was promoted to be otherwise. Audience expectations were all over the place. Tbf I am very biased horror fan with high expectations on what gritty and death is in media
- Flashbacks relied too heavily on the child actors (stop doing this to child actors SW).
- I think it tried to be too mysterious in the script early on when it didn’t need to be. Be obvious and let fans info dump lore your alluding to
- I enjoyed the characters and got their basic traits and motivations. But with cast this big it needed more episodes to give them breathing space for more depth and for audiences to connect with them more. Despite criticism the script was tight but they needed to trust the writers with more episodes. It was too tight
- this show should’ve been a binge watch by how it was written imo. Or the weekly episodes helped the lying grifters make weekly content dunking on it
Rant about SW fandom and corp stuff that let the show down
Everyone wanting it to copy Andor was insane (and feel like this show scrapped by getting s2 from Disney expectations despite fans loving it). You can’t have this everytime. It’s fun that SW can have range of genres and tones.
As someone who loves to pick apart what I like to watch, this show I held it in until now because this show was picked an apart to death. To the point where I saw stuff said that wasn’t in the show or was in past films etc. people purposely misquoting actors to stir up hate that resulted in racist harassment was awful. Dunking on Disney even when they get things good is too much of a grift now and had its own toxic fan thing.
I feel like the other shows flopping didn’t help get people watching this and the misinformation about the show online because conservatives declared war on Disney didn’t help either.
Disney pouring in too much money into productions, I’m guessing too many exec notes too and expecting them to be mega hits on season 1. Or to have baby yoda merch sales everytime. Not giving new writers or a writers room space to develop. I hope they get enough outcry they uncancel it to finish the story.
Man that blood streak poster really messed with expectations. Disney did this to some marvel shows like moon knight. Promised a darker, bloodier, grittier show. But when it’s out it feels very safe and toned down, then being rejected by this key adult audience. Since Disney still aware of their family image or wants to make it less r-rated because they think it gets less returns. They should have a ‘adult swim’ style branded app or channel if they want to get truly gritty and bloody with shows but not damage their family brand
I wouldn’t blame showrunners or actors avoiding SW since the sequels the fandom has gotten so toxic. Even if I didn’t like last two films the harassment and hate is insane. As Drizzt fan I recall hearing Salvatore got death threats for the books he wrote (that fans now say they enjoy) this has been a sour point for star wars for years the sludge venomous fans no one has really dealt with. People don’t seem to be well protected or there’s no way to push back against this toxicity and how much more racist, homophobic and misogynistic it is
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slippery-minghus · 1 year
well huh! just finished up with my shrink and we were talking about the dissociative voice i get when having a meltdown, that i've been starting to wonder and conceptualize as a fragmented part of my identity. because when i'm in that state that triggers that voice, it doesn't feel like me, it's not my conscious internal narration. it's a part of me, not an invading force like an internal stimuli "hearing voices" type thing, but i don't have control over it. and when it's awake my internal dialogue is as if i'm conversing with it. well, getting screamed at more like. i've become more able over the past year or so to be aware that it is separate from my own internal dialogue and can talk to it, even though that results in making it more angry and verbally abusive.
my shrink and i have talked before about how, being so high masking, i have very strong internal control. we both enjoy psychoanalytic theory, so to put it that way i have a very strong super ego. the internal voice that moderates my behavior, feelings, and impulses is overpowering, because that's how i was able to survive.
and as i was telling them about this today they said how much they really appreciate that part of me for how it has kept me alive. and that we want to thank it. they said they think that in those moments when it's active, it ought to be acknowledged and thanked for all the work it's done to keep me safe and alive. but also in a "thank you, you can go now!" kinda way. like, we don't need this voice to be so oppressive anymore. but it can't be buried.
and it clicked for me. in a way i realllllly hope i have the presence of mind to remember next time i meltdown. and it was totally a "damn the session's over and we were JUST getting started" moment. but my brain immediately framed the way to try handling this voice as a constructive version of appeasing my dad. talk to it sweetly, tell it how great it is, speak like i'm telling it what it wants to hear - all while moving it along to calming down and leaving me alone.
and writing about it here and crystalizing the thoughts - i know a fair bit about how the internal experience of npd works. on the purely internal experience, i am aware of my traits. my screwed up little sense of self - that super ego voice - is a very messy amalgamation of bpd and npd style. the self is all bad. the self is all good. i'm too disorganizedly attached to have ever settled on just one, even for a moment. but i've always behaved through the self is all bad route. i've never really sat down with that mangled little sense of self and acknowledged that it did do well. that the voice telling me how horrible i am serves a function outside of how it makes me feel. and that function is: get small and behave in a certain way, to avoid further provoking the people around you, so you can stay alive.
it reminds me of all my flaws and points out everything i've ever been shamed for, which makes me feel awful, so to make it stop, i behave in a way that won't express those flaws or reasons to be shamed. my shrink asked very genuinely how/if exercise might help when i'm melting down, and it doesn't. i can't. but thinking about it more, beyond the reasons that i'm not physically healthy enough to go sprint a mile, or whatever, i remembered that the voice would just berate me for looking stupid and pathetic while doing it. because i'm so fat and gross, even if i'm alone and unseen in my home, i can't exist that way safely.
it's not useful anymore, and when it comes out full force--in the way it used to just be my baseline--it only hurts me in the present. because i'm no longer in the circumstances that the behavior it pushes on me are productive. things have changed so much for the better that what used to grant me a reprieve only hurts now. (which is just, wow. so proud) i'm actually, truly safe, and don't need to constantly monitor and hypercontrol myself to be (somewhat) safe in my environment. existing safely is just my baseline now. (and maybe that's the key, to point out to it gently that the safety it's trying to give me is already here.)
so it makes me wonder, what if next time that voice comes out, i suck it up and instead of reacting to it with fear, i treat it with compassion? if i talk sweetly to it? it feels, again, kinda like sucking up to my dad in a way. like molding myself into something small and palatable to appease the enemy. like it's a forfeiture of my own needs in that moment to, while being abused, go comfort the thing that's abusing me. but i can't fight back against it. i can't fawn and gently reason with it to stop. because it's me. and it feels so foreign, to understand beyond intellectuality, to conceptualize it as something to be integrated, not exorcised. but if that's the case and, despite the spitting abuse, its whole purpose is just to keep me safe, then what is there to be afraid of? if i set aside how unsafe it makes me feel, recognizing that with the voice comes a memory of feeling unsafe, and that's all it is, then there really is no danger.
my instincts say not to lovingly welcome home and lovingly welcome in the parts of me that feel like an abusive other. and it's very likely it will take this approach and bully me with it too. but to acknowledge it as part of me, and recognize what it is for may be a step in the right direction. it's certainly something i haven't tried yet, and i've tried everything i could think of on my own. but huh, that's what therapy's for lol. i think i understand this part of me better now.
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orbitblitz · 2 years
Ok so quick vent--
I absolutely love Christmas. I am indeed one of those horrifying monsters that listen to Christmas music in September. It's just such a time of overwhelming positivity in my life, especially when I'm feeling awful, my mental health is all over the place, and my ptsd is being a huge bitch. Especially since gift-giving is my main love language, I go HARD for Christmas, and am known for giving the most fantastic, most thoughtful gifts, and for generally having the most Christmas cheer and enthusiasm for Christmas-related activities.
However, due to my home life being, let's just say, 'difficult' when I was growing up, I am often very defensive of the Christmas traditions that bring me the most joy and remind me the most of the good times. So Christmas for me, despite being a time of great joy for me, is also a time of great anxiety. The joy of Christmas is fragile to me, because as a result of my ptsd, if any of the most important traditions have to be scrapped, I spiral into a deep depression, as it reminds me of having to do so in the past because of the previously mentioned 'difficult' home life. Similarly, when my immediate family come over (and this applies not only to Christmastime, but all the time) and there is a disagreement or an argument, the same thing happens, maybe even worse. I freeze, have a quiet ptsd attack that no one really notices, and I spend the rest of the day trying desperately to hold onto the positives so I don't end up crying.
The reason I bring this up? My absolute favorite tradition that, despite everything, always happened, was that my mother and I would go out and pick a real Christmas tree. Then we'd tow it home and decorate it together. In past years the whole family would join in, but as the years went by, that obviously didn't last. But at least I did it, and my mom would supervise. But this year, she said she was considering getting a fake tree instead and I, I just couldn't.
With most other traditions, I could handle getting rid of them, to an extent. I eventually got over it. But if we actually got a fake tree and put it up, and I had to look at that cheap chunk of plastic everyday for the month of December, I wouldn't be able to walk past it. It would mean to me, symbolically, that I would have lost the last piece of happiness from my childhood and I just CAN'T handle losing another thing that brings me joy I'm barely holding on as it is.
Thankfully she seceded, and it looks like we will have a real tree this year, albeit a bit later than we usually would, but still. It feels like my mom isn't taking me seriously, and that she doesn't understand how much this time of year means to me, even though she should know better than anyone. I'm terrified that as each year passes, the likelihood that we'll be able to keep this up diminishes, and what used to be such a happy time of year for me will truly reveal itself as a hollow shell of what it used to be, filled with nothing but anxiety, depression, fruitless attempts to keep everyone happy, a reminder of what used to be.
I feel terrible for pushing this onto my mom, even though I try so hard to be easygoing and helpful while I'm living with her, I feel bad because I know that putting a tree up isn't easy. I know I probably sound ridiculous, I'm already known as the most childish member of my immediate family I'm sure, despite how fast I had to grow up in my house and how 'mature for my age' I was. I was having such a good productive day, and just BAM I'm smack in the middle of a depressive episode because of a stupid tree.
Sorry for venting. I doubt anyone will see this anyway.
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
I’ve Told You Now - Bucky Barnes smut
The one where alpha!Bucky fucks you in front of the other avengers
Warnings: smut, a/b/o dynamics, public sex, oral (f), p in v, possessiveness
Word count: 2.3k
A/N: Thank you to my lovely @wakingbeauty​ for giving this a read for me! This is strictly the product of mine and @navybrat817​‘s belief that public sex should be more common in A/B/O dynamics, so there you have it 😊 Also, I used a prompt the sweet @jbreenr​ gave me ages ago for a headcanon and I asked to save it for this story since it made such perfect sense! Hope you guys like it! I might write more public sex A/B/O smut in the very near future!
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Bucky’s P.O.V.
Everyday was the same. I’d wake up and join the rest of the team for breakfast to find out that despite the fact that someone had saved me a seat, that same someone had thought of a new joke to make at my expense.
If I thought Tony’s nicknames were bad, this was a whole new level. It’s like she wanted to find all the little ways to annoy me, while still remaining mindful of my recovery process and triggers.
I’d never met an omega like that before. Back in my time, omegas were mostly prim and proper, almost shy around alphas, even if they were starting to show a little more skin and entertain the possibility of staying closer to us for longer periods of time.
I wasn’t used to someone who felt so comfortable with my intimidating aura, and the alpha in me definitely couldn’t grow used to seeing so much of her skin all the time. By now, I was sure she was doing it on purpose.
She knew how it affected me, she could smell it - every omega was able to identify when a nearby alpha was aroused. And I knew it turned her on in return. I was also biologically wired to sense that.
It was basically a game of who would break first. And I knew she thought she would win, but my resolve still wasn’t broken.
“Ah… What a lovely day. So full of possibilities… if you’re not a hundred years old,” she quickly added, throwing me a glance that had me rolling my eyes. “What do you say, grandpa? Feel like going out for a run?”
Who knows what I would have answered if she hadn’t decided to pull her hair up right at the second Wanda opened the window to look out into the field? The smile that had been on my face quickly dropped when I was hit with a heavy wave of her scent and my knees buckled as I tried to hold myself back from just jumping on top of her.
Unfortunately, because awareness was not something she seemed capable of having, she did not realize my struggle. “What’s wrong, old man? Can’t even keep up anymore?” The growl that escaped my chest at her joke was all the warning she needed to finally understand what was going on.
“I’ll show you what I can keep up.” I was on her in a second, my consciousness of our surroundings reduced to absolutely nothing. It was only her and me, and the way our lips moved as I guided her back to the couch, until we both fell on top of it.
“Is this what you wanted, huh?” I asked as I tore her shirt with a simple flick of my wrist. “Is this how you wanted it to happen? For me to lose all control and just take you right here?” All that left her was a garbled sound, her hands clawing at my back as I easily got rid of her jeans until they were nothing but scraps on the floor and then exposed her pussy to the tower’s living room.
“Fuck yes,” I growled, immediately leaning down to get a taste of her. Sweet and wet and mine, all mine. I had no idea where that possessive instinct had come from, but I would be crazy to ignore it - especially since it felt like I’d kill and die for her at that very second.
Her hips jerked up, instinctively searching for my tongue, but a breeze of clarity seemed to brush over her and make her sit up on her elbows, looking down at me. I knew what was running through her mind before she said it, and I wasn’t having any of it.
“You better lay back down and let me savor my meal,” I warned, knowing the rest of the team had gathered around to watch the show. I didn’t have to take my eyes off her debauched state to know it, but her gaze was on them, even if the rest of her body was still spread open for anyone to see, uncaring of the fact that we were being watched.
“You poked the beast, now you’ll entertain it,” Steve warned, shaking his head as if to scold us, but when I met his eyes, I could see the glint of desire in them. He wanted to be in my position, he wanted to have his own tongue shoved deep inside my girl’s pussy, and it only made me eat her more hungrily.
“Eyes on me, ‘mega,” I called out to her once I saw her eyes linger on Steve. “Let them watch, that’ll keep them away from you.” She groaned at the possessiveness in my words, but it was the sounds of someone who was relishing in it. And I was relishing in her juices.
“Fuck!” She cursed when I buried my tongue as far as it could go in her, something deep inside of me desperate to be drowning in her scent. “Should have gotten you mad before.”
The thought was amusing to me. Did she really think this was only the result of pent-up anger, and not months of desire and lust that had finally spilled from my weakened resolve?
“Well…” I started, pushing two fingers inside of her to scissor her open for me, although my scent had already made her body as prepared for an Alpha an Omega could get.
I was a bit larger than usual Alphas, though - courtesy of the serum - so I wanted to make sure she wouldn’t go through any pain whatsoever. “You keep me mad all the fucking time, kitten.”
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“With desire or anger, it doesn’t really care,” he continued, like it was any ordinary day and we were chatting in the living room, our usual teasing banter taking over the conversation, instead of him eating me out on the couch in front of all of our teammates while I was spread out for their eyes to take in.
“You’re always a tease to me, in one way or another.” His huge hands massaged the inside of my thighs as he finally lowered himself to suck on my nub again, making me instinctively buck my hips up in search of his tongue.
“Stay…” he ordered in his Alpha tone, and the whine that broke free from my chest was more animal than human now. The way he used his mouth was nothing short of sinful, licking me from ass to clit with an eagerness I had never expected the former Winter Soldier to have.
But I guess today I was discovering all of my fantasies about Bucky had been a bit misplaced. For one, I never thought he’d be the type of Alpha to take me in such a public environment.
In every dirty dream I’d had, Bucky was far too possessive to allow anyone to explore what was his - even if it was only visually - but what I’d come to learn was that while he was definitely dominating, there was a hint of exhibitionism in his craving.
He liked to have people see him break me into a million pieces only to glue me back together with a lick of his tongue. He liked that they were seeing his talent - and I had to admit, by what I saw in his friend’s stare, that they were also admiring me too.
And he got off on that. I didn’t expect it would make me get off too.
“Delicious,” he hummed when he finally pulled away from my cunt, having brought me to my release and licked it off of me. Still, an overwhelming amount of wetness covered the lower part of his face, prompting me to raise myself to my elbows and lick my own juices off of his lips, the omega in me begging to scent him as mine.
“You’re a nasty little bitch, aren’t you?” He chuckled once the surprise faded away, easily manhandling me onto my stomach, the sound of a zipper being opened denouncing that he had undressed.
“Keep fucking me and you’ll find out.” I heard him spitting behind me, a shiver running up my spine as I realized he was playing with himself while looking at me presenting for him.
“Oh, I’ll do much better than that.” That was all the warning I got before I felt the head of his member poking my entrance, slowly but surely sliding in until he had bottomed out.
My whines became intensified when he pulled me up by my hair, his free hand covering my breast to rub my nipple as he whispered, “I’m gonna claim you, sweetheart. You think you’re ready for that? Think you’ll be able to take it?”
I was quickly realizing I had severely underestimated the man inside of me, even if not to the extent he thought I had. I was not ready for that. I don’t think I ever would be, but fuck if I wasn’t gonna take it anyway.
Because it was so much better than I ever imagined it to be.
“No more playing hard-to-get,” Bucky continued, finally starting to move and immediately settling on a punishing pace. “No more teasing me with your short skirts and tempting scent. You’ll be mine now, ‘mega. Forever. How does that sound?”
God, I wanted him to do it. I wanted him to keep exercising this complete control over my body that he had so easily managed to take. His cock was stretching me in ways I’d never been stretched before, his inflated knot slamming against my opening with each thrust.
“Always mocking me… Am I too old for you now?” I shivered as he licked a stripe up my neck. I knew he wouldn’t actually bite me in front of everyone - a claiming ritual was a sacred ritual, even the most feral of Alphas respected the intimacy of that. But the way he was taunting me was all too arousing, I couldn’t deny it. “Tell me.”
His hand squeezed my hip, looking for an answer. I tried to open my mouth, but nothing came out. His palm slipped further down, finding my clit, and as two fingers rubbed my own juices, around it, I screamed.
“N-No!” Bucky chuckled against my neck, body continuing his onslaught against mine as he nuzzled my scent gland. “Y-you’re not too old for me. Take me, take me please.” His coos were too provoking, making me cry out loud at the mocking sound.
“Aw, kitten…” His warm mouth breathed the next words against my ear, “I already did.” He turned my face towards his with his fingers tangled in my hair, engulfing my mouth with his.
“Alright.” A familiar voice spoke from not too far, startling me for a second as I once again was reminded that we were still very much surrounded by our team. “You two might just be the sexiest mates I’ve ever seen fuck.”
A growl escaped Bucky’s chest at hearing someone refer to us as mates for the first time, and I panted in need, desperate to cum, desperate for him. “Seen a lot of mates fuck, Romanoff?” He nibbled at my ear, hands roaming over my body as if to make it very clear to every person watching that they could look all they wanted, I was still his.
“You have no idea.” Looking over a bit to the side from where she was seated, there rested Sam’s almost limp body, a hand curled over his boner as his eyes never wavered from the place I was connected to the man behind me.
“Well, I know what I’m gonna think about tonight.” Something between a laugh and a moan escaped me, making Bucky growl again, hands pushing me back down onto the couch as his hips picked up the pace with which they’d ruin me.
To say I was soaked was the understatement of the century. I could feel it, running down my thighs, drenching the couch underneath me. I don’t know how we’d be able to use it again, but that was the least of my concerns in the moment.
“I am begging you to let me lick her pussy after you guys are done,” came Tony’s voice, and I knew Bucky would growl in his direction just from the way his fingers pressed tightly on the flesh of my hips. “Not that type of Alpha, sorry, I got it.”
I heard his footsteps retreating quickly, probably scared of what Bucky would do to him once we were done, but in the Alpha’s defense, Tony seemed to disappear from his mind the second he left the room, all of his senses directed to me and his goal of making me cum around his cock.
“C’mon, kitten,” he whispered, fingers easily locating my clit to play with me as he pulled me up to rest against his chest one more. “Come for me, milk me dry.” That was all I needed to give him what he wanted, and although I was anticipating to moan loudly as I creamed his knot, his mouth covered mine to swallow all of my sounds in a deep kiss, hands protectively covering me while pawing at my breasts at the same time.
“Steve,” Bucky called after he managed to catch his breath, having fallen on top of me on the couch once his knot popped open. “I won’t be able to work out with you today.”
I looked up as best as I could to find Steve already staring at us, although red from head to toe. “That’s understandable,” he spoke in a thick, rough voice that I barely recognized as his. “You seem to have worked out enough already.”
Bucky stopped running his nose against my cheek at his friend’s attempt at teasing, a slow smirk taking over his face as he joined me and stared at his friend. “Oh, I’m not nearly done,” he warned. “You’re more than welcome to join us for some cardio, if you want to.”
The soft smile Steve sent our way told us everything we needed to know about his plans for the evening.
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