#doesn’t want to die. but we’re not ready for that conversation
something so personal about the parallel that is travis saying "quit acting like such a saint" to natalie (someone who is constantly being thought guilty of sin- though they never had sex) and shauna loving the saints because 'they were all so tragic' and then eulogizing jackie as a saint (someone who travis had sex with before her death)
they're so who is the lamb and who is the knife coded
#not to mention shauna wanted to have sex with jackie / travis wanted to have sex with natalie but couldn’t bc of societal implications#jackie is thought to be a priss for not having sex with jeff but it was bc she didn’t love him and wanted to save herself#and natalie is thought to be a sl*t bc she didn’t save herself even though she wanted to do it with someone she loved#and she was always going to be thought of as one bc people will make their own assumptions of you#which is the only reason why jackie even stays with jeff#beyond that they’re the perfect example of self preservation over selfishness#or rather it as a concept because they’re both hiding from themselves in the real world and in the woods#(and I love them both for it)#natalie sacrifices herself daily willingly and jackie wouldn't lift a finger at least when stranded for anyone unless she were forced to#bc I think deep down natalie has put herself in danger both for others but also bc she’s suicidal and jackie is rightfully selfish bc she#doesn’t want to die. but we’re not ready for that conversation#natalie indirectly caused the death of another person and jackie unintentionally committed ‘the ultimate sin’ but only one will be damned#just thinking#also this isn’t me saying that having sex or sex before marriage is a sin I’m only referencing christianity/religious imagery in the show#nor is su*cide or thoughts of su*cide#yellowjackets#they are NEVER beating the laura / audrey allegations (and yes I’m aware they’re very different)#natalie x jackie#jackienat#k
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froggiewrites · 1 month
Pairing: Zoro x Reader, platonic Strawhats & Reader
Summary: You find yourself unable to sleep, and all of your friends are determined to help. Unfortunately, nothing seems to work...until you find yourself in the lap of a certain swordsman. Warnings: Just Extreme Fluff! Word Count: ~3k Crossposted from Ao3
You were exhausted.
It had started slowly. You began to take a little longer to fall asleep and wake up just a touch earlier, spending days with your thoughts just a bit fuzzy around the edges, eyes a little unfocused in quieter moments, but nothing severe.
Then you started waking up in the middle of the night, unable to fall back asleep no matter how long you closed your eyes and laid there, praying for relief. You would instead wander around the ship, find ways to make yourself busy, making conversation with whoever was on night watch. You pretended not to notice the quiet concern on the crew’s faces when they all spoke and realized you had been awake to speak with each of them at 4am for the last week.
And now, you have given up on sleeping entirely, staring at the ceiling of your quarters with no sign of sleep’s embrace at all. No matter what you tried, it wouldn’t come. You can already see sunlight begin to shine under the door. Your friends are stirring, and you can already smell the breakfast Sanji’s making this morning. Another night of restlessness. You can barely force yourself out of your cot, but there isn’t a point in staying. It won’t help. You drag yourself to the deck, feet shuffling and face scowling.
“Still can’t sleep?” You don’t notice Usopp until he speaks, and you look up to see him up on the railing, fishing pole in hand, face flooded with pity and concern.
“No.” You try desperately to keep from snapping, knowing it isn’t his fault, isn’t anyone’s, but the best you can do is keep your voice flat and your words short. He winces a little at your tone, but he doesn’t comment. Instead he ponders you quietly, before seemingly coming to a decision.
“Do you want help?”
“Help how?”
“Help falling asleep! From the great Captain Usopp!” He puts on a silly wide and smug smile, but you can still see the worry in his eyes. He probably doesn’t even have any ideas yet, he just wants to help in any way he can.
“I would try almost anything at this point. What’re you thinking?”
He lets out a smug little laugh. “I knew you’d want my help! I don’t know if you know this, but I’m the greatest storyteller in all the seas.” He gives you a conspiratorial grin. “I bet you I can tell you a bedtime story that’ll send you to dreamland before you know it!”
You consider it. Usopp is an amazing storyteller, of course. You’ve never heard him tell a single tale that wouldn’t hook you enough to keep you awake, but maybe he’s just never tried. “Alright. I’ll come get you tonight—”
“Tonight? You’ll probably die by then! We’re gonna do this now, and you can sleep the entire day!” He grabs your hand, dragging you back to the bunks. You pass a few of your other friends on their way out, and while Zoro and Nami give you strange looks, they don’t comment. Just before the door closes, you see Sanji’s head pop out of the kitchen you call everyone in, and his eyes shift to you in confusion.
The door slams with a definitive sounding thunk, and Usopp’s hands push you onto your cot. He tucks you in with surprisingly practiced hands, before saying, “Alright. Get ready for the best sleep of your life!” He clears his throat dramatically. “Once upon a time, the great Captain Usopp—”
“—the end! …Nothing, huh? Not even for a second?” You flick open an eye to see disappointment on poor Usopp’s face. His tale had continued for at least an hour, with several dozen twists and turns as he tried to stretch it out until you finally started snoring, but you were as horribly, devastatingly awake as ever.
“Not even a wink. Sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize, you're not the one who failed.” His shoulders slump a little. “I really thought that would work.”
You sit up to pat this hand comfortingly. “You didn’t fail, Usopp. I’m just…cursed. Probably. By God.” His stomach grumbles, and you suddenly remember he skipped breakfast to help you. “We should probably eat something.”
“Probably.” He looks so dejected it makes your chest ache a little.
“It’s okay, Usopp. Really.”
He doesn’t respond, getting up to head to the kitchen as you trail behind him. Everyone else has finished eating, half of the crew having already left, with only Sanji, Robin, and Nami chatting quietly over the table. There’s a plate set and ready, food growing cold, and you feel a flash of guilt knowing it was for you.
“Oh, my dear, you’re finally here! I was getting worried. I can fix you a new plate—here—” Sanji shoves the cold plate into Usopp’s hands. “I’ll throw something better together, just you wait!” Before you can even respond, he’s back to the kitchen, busying himself with making you something else.
“Are you alright? You look rather…” Robin trails off, clearly looking for and failing to find any words to describe your current state that wouldn’t be horribly offensive. 
“Awful.” Nami finishes for her, firmly but not without pity. “Are you still having trouble sleeping?”
“Yeah. I haven’t slept in at least 48 hours.”
“Oh my god.” Nami’s mouth hangs open a little, having not realized the full scope of your issues. Her face is painted with concern. “Are you…alright?”
“Not really.”
“You still can’t sleep?” Sanji calls out in concern over his shoulder, his knife still chopping away. “Do you want me to make you some tea? It might help.”
“Is it chamomile? I’ve tried that already.”
“It has chamomile in it, but that isn’t the only part. Valerian root, passionflower, and a couple extra things. I can’t guarantee it’ll fix your problem but it might help. I made it for Franky once and he fell asleep right at the table.” There’s no small measure of pride in his voice at that.
“I’m open to anything, at this point. Would you make me a cup?”
“Of course, dear!” His voice gets soft and honeyed the way it always does when he speaks to you, and after a new plate is placed in front of you he rushes off to the pantry to find the ingredients he needs.
Robin looks over you consideringly. “If that doesn’t work, why don’t you try reading? I always find winding down with a book helps.”
“Maybe. Usopp told me a story and it didn’t end up working, but reading it myself could be different.”
Nami taps her chin with her fingers, pondering. “Do you want to use aromatherapy, too? I have some lavender we could spray on your pillow. That might help too.”
“We can throw whatever spaghetti at the wall you want, I just want something to stick. I’m not picky.”
And with that the girls were off to grab their chosen items, while Usopp silently scarfed down cold eggs and tried to bandage his wounded pride. Sanji is humming a song you don’t recognize as the kettle whistles, and he expertly prepares your cup of tea. He’s sneaking glances over at you, probably lost in a daydream where he saves you from your horrible insomnia and you fall madly in love with him in return. Honestly? If he manages, you might. Any hero that saves you from this is worth considering.
As soon as the mug of tea is placed in your hands, Sanji’s fingers seemingly deliberately brushing against yours, you’re ushered back to your cot, where Nami, Robin, Brook, and Franky are waiting. You have no idea when this turned into a group activity, but sure. Why not?
“I thought some soothing music might help. A lullaby, maybe?” Brook’s voice is soothing and soft, like he’s already trying to lull you to sleep.
“And I brought a white noise machine as a backup! Thought you might like it.” Franky’s voice is as gentle as his natural boom can be.
Your eyes flick between them, then back to Nami, who’s unnaturally focused on fluffing your pillows and adding extra blankets to your cot, making it look the most inviting it ever has. “Are you gonna charge me for those?”
“No! …Probably not.” Her grin is mischievous.
“Honestly, if you get me to sleep, I’ll pay whatever you—”
“Woah! Don’t make any promises you can’t keep. She’ll keep you to that.” Franky’s voice is filled with brotherly concern. “Nami, don’t pay attention to that. Anyone that tired has no idea what they’re saying.”
“I wouldn’t actually take payment for this! I’m not a monster.” Her last punch to your pillow has a bit of extra force behind it, her irritation clear.
Before they can continue bantering, Brook begins playing a tune on his violin, bringing the rest of you to silence. Your hands are wrapped around your warm mug of tea, a book chosen by Robin open in front of you while you sip. The smell of lavender is strong enough to have flooded the room. Franky clicks a button on his little machine and the sounds of spring rain washes over all of you. Your shoulders relax, a soft smile slipping onto your face, but your eyes are no closer to closing. Even when Sanji comes in to take your mug away, the warmth long faded, or when Brook’s finger bones grow tired and his song comes to an end, or when the snores of your friends start to fill the room, you do not sleep. You feel no closer than you were an hour ago when this started, no closer than you were this morning when Usopp had tucked you in. You honestly feel like you’ll never sleep again.
It isn’t until noon that you finally give up, having finished half of the book that Robin lent to you. The smell of lavender had started to fade an hour ago. You carefully step over Franky and Brook passed out on the floor, your eyes wandering over to Nami and Robin sleeping peacefully on vacant cots. You try to be glad this worked for somebody, but you can’t help a bitter sort of jealousy brewing in your chest. Why do they get relief when they aren’t even suffering? Why is it only you who has to feel this weight dragging you down?
You try to stalk past Luffy, pouting all the while, but your captain catches you by the wrist with a rubbery hand. “Are you okay?”
You huff. “I’m never going to sleep again.”
“That sucks.”
You blink at him blankly.
He blinks back.
“I’m just having trouble sleeping. Not, like, literally.”
“It sucks.”
“Yeah.” He hums, pressing his lips together in thought. You can practically see the lightbulb above his head when he has his idea, his eyes brightening and smile widening. “Oh, I’ve got it!” He pulls you along with him, dragging you quickly further onto the deck before you’re unceremoniously shoved forward, stumbling over your legs and landing on something firm and warm.
“Bwuh?” Your eyes flick up to see Zoro bathed in sunlight, his good eye just barely open, a yawn forcing his mouth open wide. “What’s goin’ on?”
“You’re good at sleeping!” He gives a wide grin. “Help ‘em!” And without elaborating he just…runs off to do god knows what, satisfied that he has somehow solved the problem.
Zoro’s eye focuses on you questioningly, but before you can explain, you suddenly become intensely aware of your position. You’re in his lap, face pressed into his thighs, your chest pressed into his lower legs. You both stare at each other, wide-eyed, unsure on what to say or how to say it.
“You comfortable down there?” His voice is even, but he’s betrayed by the hint of pink on his cheeks.
“I—um. I’m…fine.” You wince at the shake in your voice. You can feel heat spreading from the tips of your ears down to your neck, and you hope it isn’t as noticeable as it feels. The smirk on his face shows it probably is.
“Oh yeah?” He gives a quiet laugh. “You’re welcome to stay.” Despite his own embarrassment, he radiates smugness. That’s Zoro for you—ever the strategist, he finds whatever upper hand he can get and uses it to corner his opponent. He’s looking at you like a cat does a mouse, and you really do feel like prey. You instinctively go to hide your face from him, only to find your nose brushing against his thigh. He chuckles. “Oh, getting cozy, that’s good. I guess you’re in for the long haul.”
You flush even further, and with your voice muffled against his leg, you manage to protest. “I’m having a bad enough time without you bullying me, Zoro.”
“This isn’t bullying. C’mon, I’ve seen how you fight, you’re tougher than that. You normally don’t back down that easily.” His hand ruffles your hair like it’s the most natural thing in the world. “What’s got you so down?”
You whine quietly. “I haven’t slept in days, and I haven’t slept well in weeks. I feel like I’m dying.”
His energy immediately changes, eyes and smile softening into something more genuine. “Doesn’t sound fun. And Luffy thought I could help you with that?”
“I guess.”
“What have you tried?”
“Everything. Counting sheep, bedtime stories, warm drinks, lavender—”
“Bedtime stories?” His voice is teetering on teasing again.
“Usopp’s idea.”
“What, did he tuck you in too?”
You go quiet.
“Wait, really?” He sounds well and truly baffled.
“It was actually kind of nice,” you mumble. 
If you didn’t know better you would think Zoro was pouting. His eye is a bit narrowed, his mouth in a flat line, bottom lip slightly jutted out. “Oh yeah? Well it didn’t work, did it? So you had to come to me for help.”
His hands grab your shoulders, pulling you up so you’re sitting instead of laying on his lap, your face directly pressed into his chest. You can hear his heartbeat below it, not exactly rapid but certainly betraying him, letting you know this situation is affecting him just like it’s affecting you. His arms wrap around you, and when he speaks, you can feel the rumble of his voice radiate through his chest and into you. “And now you’re gonna sit here with me, you’re gonna fall asleep before you know it, and the rest of those fools will have to accept that only I could give you what you need.” He pulls you impossibly closer, snugly tucking you into him and leaning back to pull you down to the deck with him.
“Someone’s a little jealous, huh?”
He scoffs. “Why would I be? Who’re you laying on right now, huh?” His hand grips your hip as if proving a point. “Go to sleep already, you need it.”
“What, you think this is all it takes? Cuddling?” Even as you say it, you break into a yawn, and your eyes begin to droop. His presence is comforting, and between his body heat and the gentle warmth of the sunlight, you can feel yourself beginning to fade. Your vision is too blurry to see his cocky grin, but you know it’s there all the same.
“Yeah, I do. Now get some rest.” You barely hear his response over the calming sound of his heartbeat. Your breathing slows, and before you know it, you’re sleeping for the first time in what feels like years.
After you’ve fallen asleep, he takes his time to observe you. The way your hair shines in the sunlight, the way your mouth parts slightly when you snore, the way your body feels so natural and right against his. His hand rubs a soothing circle into your back while you rest, and you make a soft noise of contentment that he can’t help but smile at. You look so beautiful like this, so small and soft and fragile. Something to care for. Something to protect. It feels right to have you in his arms, right against him, where he can keep you safe. 
He wonders if you’d be willing to do this all the time, though he’d rather die than ask. He has his pride. Maybe you’ll come to him, wide eyed and wanting, next time you struggle to fall asleep. Maybe you’ll ask in that shy little voice if he’d be willing to help you, in the way only he can, and all he’ll have to do is open his arms for you to fall into. Maybe he’ll have more days and nights like these, with the comforting weight of another in his bed. What an idea.
He wonders what you might give him in thanks. One of those breathtaking smiles, surely. A hug, perhaps. It wouldn’t be more than this, pressed together, but the idea of you initiating it, of it being a deliberate choice on your part, makes his heart beat a little faster. He imagines you throwing your arms around him of your own volition, no captain shoving you forward. He imagines those arms moving around his neck instead, pulling him closer so you can press your lips onto his. He imagines how soft they’d be, and how desperate you would be to feel his own. He imagines you wanting him in a dozen different ways, each unique, each better than the last. He imagines calling you his, and you calling him yours in return.
He falls asleep to the idea of a shared life, a shared bed, a shared heart. When the crew finally stumbles out of their naps, they find the two of you on deck, intertwined, a tangle of limbs that seems all but impossible to separate. You’re both snoring softly, smiles on your faces, and they can’t bear to wake you. You seem like you’re having very sweet dreams.
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dekariosclan · 4 months
With you, I forget my goddess
So, I have completed Bg3 twice now, but on both runs I’ve romanced Gale (truly shocking, I know) and therefore I had never seen Gale’s non-romance discussion with Tav about the Annals of Karsus.
I recently got to see it, and what surprised me the most is how extremely angry and bitter Gale is about Mystra’s treatment of him. Rightfully and understandably so, but it’s something we do not see or experience in the romance version.
This got me thinking about the difference in Gale’s reactions in the friendship vs romance scenes, why they are different, and also how this relates to the complaints I’ve read about Gale ‘still not being over Mystra even when romancing Tav’.
(Note that I’m mainly going to focus on the portions of each dialogue that relate to Mystra in particular, and I’m not referencing the ‘alternate’ boat scene w/Gale—where he tells you beforehand that he will return the crown to her—since he doesn’t mention Mystra at all there.)
Screencaps below are from @munmomuu’s wonderful video on YouTube. The screencaps take place after Gale has read the Karsus book. If you are romancing him, before you reach this point, the conversation ends because he tells you he wants to discuss it later “in private,” during the boat scene.
But in a friendship run, he will explain what he’s read to you and then begin to make his case for using the crown:
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Gale: Some gods may delude themselves into believing they care about their worshippers, but when it comes down to it - we’re all expendable. Children to be appeased, not respected.
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Gale: I worshipped Mystra loyally for years, and in that time she granted me the barest sliver of the power I was ready to wield.
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Gale: Even with the fate of the world at stake, she had little more to offer me than the means of blowing myself up at a more convenient time. She’s done nothing to help us.
There then comes a dialogue branch where Tav can ask this:
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And Gale replies, with understandable bitterness:
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Gale: She sent me to die.
Look at how angry he is during this whole exchange, and how he focuses all that anger on the past, and what Mystra has done to him (or not done, as he points out she’s offered them no help at all.)
— — —
Now let’s compare this to his Mystra dialogue in the boat scene:
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Gale: I’ve already defied Mystra. Had I followed her command, there’d be nothing left of me but a smoking crater.
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Gale: The tadpoles, the orb - these threats to our existence - the gods could aid us if they wished, but instead they cower behind Ao. So let us act ourselves.
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Gale: I used to believe Mystra’s forgiveness was worth dying for. But I was wrong. You showed me just how much I have to live for.
Notice how there’s no fiery anger at Mystra here, just Gale’s resigned belief that the Gods have failed them.
So what’s the key component that makes Gale react so differently in each scenario?
It is, of course, Tav.
More specifically, it’s Tav’s love for him, which has clearly helped his heart heal from the trauma that he’s experienced. Yes, Tav’s friendship is extremely important as well, and yes, Gale is still insecure even with Tav’s love (‘you would really prefer me as I am?’) but the extreme bitterness, the anger, all of that is gone. Here, Gale is no longer hung up on Mystra and the past; he’s looking to the future. Because now that he has Tav, what he desires most is to take his life and his fate back from the Gods and into his own hands—with Tav at his side.
The irony is that some people complain about Gale ‘not being over Mystra’ while he’s actively romancing Tav, but just look at the difference in the dialogue! Look at how focused he is on Mystra when he is not romancing Tav, and then how she becomes a mere afterthought once Tav has claimed his heart.
I really enjoyed seeing this level of detail. I think it perfectly illustrates Gale’s frame of mind in each scenario, as well as showing the positive impact Tav’s love has on Gale.
And last but not least—it confirms that Gale was not exaggerating when he says this:
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Gale: With you, I forget my goddess. I love you.
— — —
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xxsabitoxx · 1 year
Blizzard {Giyu x Reader Imagine}
Warnings: Unprotected sex, outdoor sex, big dicks lmao, creampies, praise kink, awkward fumbling, rough sex, breeding kink, delirious dirty talk, possessive Giyu
A/N: this isn't the surprise fic!!! This was supposed to be a short imagine but I got a bit carried away and it's turned into a decent sized fic lol. ENJOY!!
Word Count: 4K
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You were sitting side by side in a dark cave, shivering slightly as you tried to process your current situation. A joint effort mission up in the mountains wasn’t exactly unusual, considering many slayers had unfortunately disappeared over the course of a few months after being sent up here. “Do you think there is enough material in here to make a fire? I don’t think we’ll be getting out of here any time soon… it’s too dangerous to send our crows out.” You squinted at the water pillar, his eyes focused on the cave wall opposite of the two of you. “It’s likely just rocks, not enough to start a fire unless a bird or some animal left something up here.” 
You sighed, pushing yourself upwards to begin rummaging around. Nevermind needed fire to see, you needed fire for warmth. There was no way the two of you would survive up here without some sort of warmth. “We’ll have to look around then…” Giyu watched you move deeper into the cave, getting up himself to accompany you. Getting sent on a joint mission wasn’t odd, but being paired together certainly was. Typically Shinobu would be the one to accompany Giyu on these missions, however she was busy with a wave of patients at the butterfly estate. Though, Giyu couldn’t really complain. If there was any other hashira he wouldn’t mind getting stuck in a cave with, it would be you. You were probably the least judgemental and the only one who he didn’t feel awkward trying to converse with beside Shinobu and Rengoku. 
“The storm will probably go through the night, it doesn’t seem to be slowing any time soon.” The only way you were able to see each other was due to the moonlight bouncing off of the falling snow by the entrance of the cave. “Then we really need to hope some animal abandoned a nest up here… if not we’re going to freeze to death.” You really didn’t want to die in a cave. You both moved forward, rummaging around the cave for what felt like an hour until finally… “Here! Something must have been living up here.” Brush, sticks and rocks were piled into some odd shaped nest. Not that it really mattered, all that mattered was that you had enough material to make a fire for at least a few hours. “Great…” his voice was a bit strained, the cold was already getting to him. In your own excitement, you had briefly forgotten how cold you were as well. 
“We should probably make it a little further up, there were some rocks that would block the fire from getting hit by the draft.” Giyu brought his hands to his mouth, blowing warm air on them as you gathered enough sticks and brush to start a small fire. You carried the materials back, sitting down as Giyu got to work creating the pile and creating a flame. You were starting to lose feeling in your fingers as a small spark erupted before turning into a burning flame. You both let out sighs of relief, pushing past any awkwardness as Giyu moved to settle beside you. In situations like this, body heat would be your best friend. “Do you really think it will last through the night?” the chill was subsiding just a bit, you were no longer shivering uncontrollably. “It’s likely. We’ll have to be ready to leave the moment it looks like it’s letting up.” 
“But what if we start moving and it begins again? Then we’ll be stuck in the snow with no shelter.” He was quiet for a moment, thinking over your words. “We’ll have to hope it clears all together.” He glanced at your crows, both huddled together by the flame and covered with some of the brush for extra warmth. “I guess so…” you sighed, watching your breath fan out around you. “We should try and get some rest… or take turns so we can make sure the fire doesn’t go out.” You could already feel your eyes getting heavy, leaning into Giyu’s shoulder subconsciously. “It’s probably for the best, you sleep first and I’ll watch the fire.” You hummed out a response, eyes closing as your body relaxed. His warmth on your side and the fire before you was enough to lull you into shallow comfort. 
Your sleep didn’t last long, maybe forty minutes had passed before you woke up shivering. The fire was still going strong, but the sheer cold of your environment was outweighing the warmth before you. “It doesn’t seem to be letting up…” Giyu spoke softly, watching as you pushed yourself upwards. The sudden loss of contact didn’t go unnoticed, the warmth fled just as quickly as you pulled away. “Shit…” you cringed, moving  yourself back over to press against his side again. This situation left no room for awkward feelings when it came to personal space. Giyu was shivering worse than you, haori pulled tightly around him, knees pulled to his chest. You needed a way to keep warm, the fire wasn’t cutting it and neither was huddling together like this. 
“I have an idea…” you spoke softly, eyes shutting as you remembered a particular survival tip. You weren’t sure if it would work, hell someone could have been lying to you for shits and giggles. But you were  desperate enough  to give it a shot. “Yeah? What is it…” you swallowed, focusing on the fire as you mulled over your options. “I’m… not sure if it will work but it’s something I was told a few years back…” you started, pulling your legs to your chest to mimic his position. “The best way to keep warm in situations like this… is skin to skin contact.” Your words hung in the air for a few beats of silence before Giyu mustered up a response. “So you’re saying we need to strip?” If you weren’t so cold, you may have laughed. “That’s exactly what I’m saying. I-I mean we don’t need to be fully…uhm…nude but like… our tops…need to come off.” 
You glanced at him, jumping just a bit when you realized he was already looking right at you. There was a moment of silence between the two of you before you finally started moving. “We’ll freeze to death if we just keep staring at each other.” You were shouldering off your haori, your own embarrassment outweighing the cold as you fumbled with the buttons of your top. Beside you, Giyu was watching intently as he too pulled his haori off. “S-stop watching.” You ground out as your top fell to the floor beside you. Pushing up on your knees, you watched as Giyu’s skin was revealed to you. Muscles wrapped his body, scars littering his torso. You wished you were seeing him like this under better circumstances. That thought  made you look away, this was no time to think such lewd things. But the way he was looking at you… 
A moment later, you were both shivering and topless. You stood before him, watching as he shifted his legs open. “The easiest way to d-do this is for you to sit on my lap. We’ll uh… face each other and hug? If that makes sense.” He concluded, his cheeks red from embarrassment and the cold air blowing in from the storm. You nodded, eyes focusing on a spot just above his shoulder so you didn’t have to look directly at him. You clambered awkwardly into his lap, closing the distance by pressing your chest to his and wrapping your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly in hopes of slowing your racing pulse. Giyu’s arms snaked around you, grabbing his haori and throwing it over you. You tried to focus on your breathing, nerves getting the best of you regardless. 
It was deafeningly silent, neither of you speaking as you were waiting for some sort of relief. Though, you really couldn’t tell if it was helping at all, instead of warmth you were more focused on the rise and fall of his chest pressed to yours. You were all too aware of the muscles pressing into your softer skin, the pressure of his grip on your body. Then, finally, if you could push all of that aside, you’d be able to focus on if this was even helping at all. If anything, you were hoping Giyu would be the first to speak up. Unknown to you, he was going through the same mental battle. Your body was soft, your chest squished against his. The weight of your arms around his neck paired with the pressure of your lap on his was enough to let his mind wander to dirtier places. If he wasn’t so damn cold, he would let himself think this was for more than warmth. 
“I-is it helping?” your voice is hushed, you couldn’t speak above a whisper if you tried. “I can’t t-tell yet.” Giyu was trying to force his body to relax, his own nerves were beginning to put a death grip on your body. Not that you minded, you were fairly certain your arms were squeezing his neck. How he could breathe, you weren’t quite sure. You remained silent for a few more minutes, the body heat trick was beginning to work but both of you were too caught up in your nerves to even realize. “Y-you know…” Giyu started softly, a particular survival trick coming to his mind now. It was from Uzui, so naturally he didn’t trust there was any science behind it… “Yeah?” you spoke softly, muscles just barely beginning to relax into his embrace. 
“Uzui uh… he told me about another way to create heat during situations like this…” he swallows, debating on if it was even worth saying. Then again, you squirmed a bit in his lap and all logical reasoning went out of his mind. “Oh…Uzui gave you survival tips?” you couldn’t even begin to imagine where he was taking this. “I think he was fucking with me… but he said that a good way to create body heat is uh…friction.” He squeezed his eyes shut, embarrassed that he couldn’t just spit it out. “Friction… as in…” You figured he meant sex. “As in… intercourse.” You couldn’t help but laugh, “Intercourse? What are you, eighty?” you forgot about your nerves momentarily, pushing off of him a bit to meet his gaze. “You’re suggesting we have sex?” The red on his cheeks seemed to spread, down his neck and up to his ears. “Y-yeah.” 
“I-if it’ll keep us from freezing to death…” you begin, eyes locking with his. “It’s purely for the sake of survival…” he added to your reasoning. “It’s not like anyone will know…” you continued, searching his eyes for validation. “It’s to save our lives… completely justified.” he concluded, hands gripping your waist just a bit harder. “T-then let’s do it…” you swallowed, throat a bit dry as heat began to pool in your gut. You were already forgetting about the cold, clit throbbing as you felt Giyu twitch to life beneath you. “Yeah…let’s do it…” you don’t quite recall who moved in first. All you knew is that his lips were pressed to yours, your hands tangling in his long, black hair and tugging at the surprisingly soft strands. All the while, Giyu’s slender fingers were nimbly undoing your bottoms, trying to shove his hand down as far as it would allow. 
You mewled against his parted lips, cool fingers meeting the scorching heat of your cunt. He made a noise that sounded something like a strangled whimper. “N-no time to mess around… I need you in me… let me warm up.” Your breaths mingled, heat growing steadily between the two of you as the blizzard raged on outside. “I-I’ll hurt you if I go right in.” he murmured, lifting his hips for you as you pulled the belt and his bottoms apart. “I can take it…” or so you thought. The last thing you expected was… “Christ, Giyu. What the fuck…” Your heart thumped wildly at the sheer size of him. “I told you…” if you tore your eyes away from his cock, you would have seen the ghost of a smirk on his lips. “You’re massive…” you were saying it more out of shock than a complement but he twitched regardless, keen and eager to accept your praises. 
“Which is exactly why I’m not rushing this…” He’s slipping two fingers between your slit, collecting your warm arousal on his finger tips before dipping them inside your awaiting entrance. Giyu watches your face, studying the way your pupils seem to dilate, watching as a breathy whine slips past swollen lips. His saliva is glistening on them, drawing him in to kiss you again. He wants to see you covered, not only in his bites and marks, but in his cum. He swallows against your lips, fingers stretching you open awkwardly as you try to get your pants off without interrupting him. It’s not going to happen, pants be damned for the time being, all you can focus on is his fingers brushing along the spongy parts of your walls. “G-giyu…” your hips are driving down on them, begging him to add a third finger in. 
He stills you with his other hand, introducing a third finger slowly before moving his hand from your hip to tangle back in your hair. He holds you in place, tongue slipping past parted lips and sliding around your own. He could sob as your smaller hands wrap around his length, offering him warmth and relief as you pump him slowly. Your fingers toy with the tip, collecting his pre before dragging them delicately down his shaft. You take a mental note of the veins that feel oh so prominent against your fingers. It’s not nearly wet enough, but Giyu isn’t willing to let you tear your mouth from his. Your squelching as his fingers fuck you open, any sort of discomfort melting away to wet pleasure as you suck him in. You’re aching for his cock, clit throbbing in neglect as you try to pull your head away from his iron grip. 
“T-this is more than enough… Please, I can take it. I’m a big girl you know, Giyu. Your cock isn’t going to break me.” You’re fighting to keep your gaze on his, yelping as he retracts his fingers. “If you’re so eager, take your pants off and put it in yourself.” His tone is as icy as the weather outside and you find yourself jumping up to follow his commands. Giyu pushes his pants down further in order to not ruin them, watching as your bare cunt is exposed to him in the golden, shadowy light of the cave. You’re on your knees again a moment later, grabbing his base and angling your hips in a certain way so the dull head of his cock is pressing to your entrance. “Do me a favor…” it’s your turn to bark out a command, he’s more than willing to listen. “Rub my clit.” You would laugh at yourself if you weren’t so serious. You knew the stretch would still be a bit uncomfortable, you needed something to pull your mind from it. 
Giyu didn’t question it, hand coming down to rub circles on your pulsating cunt. You sunk down slowly, biting your inner cheek as he speared you open. You didn’t slow down, dropping your hips lower until half of him was sheathed inside of you. You were torn between pain and pleasure, thighs aching already from the effort of keeping yourself up. Giyu’s gaze was shifting between your face and where he was disappearing inside of you. You held your breath, sinking lower until there was barely any space between you. One more go and he would be fully inside of you, yet you were mentally wondering how you’d go about doing that. You swore he was pressing into your cervix, that there was no way you could fit the rest of him. “Fucking Christ, Giyu…” you scolded him, as if he had any control over the size of his dick.  
“I told you you wouldn’t be able to handle it… there is no need to rush-oh.”  you sat down the rest of the way, fighting the urge to immediately pull back up from the pressure. “I… can take it.” you grounded out, eyes shutting against your will as your walls spasmed around him. “Yeah…seems like it.” Giyu grounded out, fingers still diligently rubbing your clit as you tried to adjust. “I… got it in…  did what you asked…” you huffed, raising your hips slightly to slowly drop down again. “Fuck me… please Giyu.” you were giving up, skin nearly burning as you were waiting for his response. Instead of saying anything, he flipped you. Just like the kiss, everything seemed to happen in a blur for you. You barely registered the ice cold stone pressing to your bare back as Giyu hovered over you, hair falling down around you. You must have tugged the tie of his ponytail at some point.
“I’ll fuck you, just like you want, but you have to promise me something first.” you were looking up at him with wide eyes, hands by your head because you didn’t know what to do with them. “Anything… anything you want to hear, I’ll say it.” You were losing your sanity in this situation. Whether it be from the cold or his dick, regardless you were willing to do anything he asked of you in that moment. “Promise me you can handle this.” His voice is husky, eyes lidded as his hips rock gingerly into you, too eager to stay still. “Promise… I can take it.” That was all he needed to hear, hips drawing back half way just to snap back into you. The moan you let out was nothing short of animalistic, heat blossoming over your face as the noise seemed to echo. It only fueled him, hips repeating the motion over and over, addicted to the way your breasts and thighs jiggled with the force of his movements. 
“C’mon, you’re doing so good for me.” He’s shifting his weight onto one hand, reaching down between your bodies to toy with your clit again. “I can feel it already, you’re going to cum all over my cock, aren’t you? Make a fucking mess of me, yeah?” you’re babbling nonsense, agreeing with every word he says as his cock stretches you just right. “It’s a damn shame, nobody is going to know we did this… our own little secret. Nobody is going to know how good I fucked you.” your eyes are watering, not expecting this side of Giyu. “Then again…” he buries deep, forcing you to look at him as he lowers his head. “We could do this any time you want, I’d gladly be at your mercy.” You nearly choke on air, unable to get enough in your lungs as he looks at you. “You’d like that, wouldn't you?” He’s moving again, watching tears well and slip down your temples. 
“You’d love for me to fuck you where everyone can hear. Let everyone know that lame ass water hashira is dicking you down, real fucking good.” You’re nearly drooling, fucked stupid, drunk off his cock and the terribly degrading words. “Tell me, tell me how good I make you feel… tell me how you’ll never be satisfied by another cock.” He’s lost in his own pleasure, the warmth of your pussy enveloping him, forcing him to utter words he shouldn’t say out loud. “Never… I’ll never be satisfied… fuck… by an–ah..another.” you’re babbling again, this time it’s just a bit more intelligible as he pounds into you. You’re coming before you can prepare yourself, body arching upwards as your eyes squeeze shut. You’re tense all over, wailing loudly as Giyu fucks you through your high, no intentions of stopping. “Good girl… fuck that’s my good girl…” 
He’s watching your arousal cling to his shaft with every thrust, collecting at the base in a sticky ring. He could cum just from the sight of it. “Your good girl…” you whine, hands clinging to his biceps as he continues to rut into you. You can’t even feel the sting on your back, the ache of your thighs as your legs are wrapped around his hips, nor can you feel the pain of overstimulation as it’s already returning as arousal. “Come in me… please Giyu… need you to keep me warm even after you leave me.” you can’t think straight, mind fuzzy and vision blurry as you clench around him. You want to feel his warmth impossibly deep, even deeper than he is now. “W-what if I knock you up? Then what?” He chokes, your pleas are too appealing to deny. “Then everyone will really know how good you fucked me…fuck… just think about it, yeah?” 
Your head is falling back, chest heaving as your pleasure grows to be overwhelming. “Think about you? Stomach swollen because you’re carrying my baby? That’s what you want, isn’t it? Everyone to know I fucked you so good you let me cum in you, breed your greedy, fertile cunt?” You’re squealing, not used to Giyu being so bold. “Yes! Fuck how many times do I have to say it?! Cum in me… please…” it left your lips in a broken prayer, urging him to just give in even though the logical part of his mind was screaming at him to pull out. He doesn’t, hips forcing into you with one last, hard thrust. Spilling the contents of his release deep inside of you, ears ringing from the sheer force of it. You’re gasping for air with him, shivering despite the warmth you feel as his release fills you. Your heart is pounding, blinking stars from your eyes as your body relaxes for the first time since getting stuck in this cave. Giyu, on the other hand, is tense, forcing air back into his lungs before he can look at you again. 
“U-uzui’s advice worked.” you choke out, giggling as Giyu nearly collapses on you. “It… it did.” his head is buried in your neck, inhaling the scent of you, skin slightly sweaty and warm. There was not one ounce of cold you could be bothered by, feeling warm from the inside out, especially with Giyu still inside of you. “This storm better end soon…” you could only begin to imagine the cold air biting your damp skin as soon as your body regulated again. “Sick of me already?” His voice is muffled against your neck, forcing a smile on your lips. “No… definitely not…maybe the storm could do us a favor and last at least a few more rounds…” you're running your fingers through his hair, tensing a bit as he raises again to pull his softened dick out of you slowly. “No… not yet.” you stop him in his tracks, hips gingerly pressing the little he took out, back in. 
“I don’t want to lose any of that…just yet.” coming out of your lust filled dazed, you are slightly worried about the possible consequences of your hormone induced actions. Giyu only hums, mind wandering about the possibilities of what you two had just done. That was something to worry about when you weren’t technically in a life or death situation. His  eyes trailed over your unmarked neck, mind wandering to the things he wanted to do to it. Slowly he’s moving back up to your swollen lips, the urge to bite them clawing at the back of his mind. He doesn’t realize how close he’s gotten to you again until you’re laughing softly. “Let’s just stay like this for a bit… for warmth….” you wink at him, watching that blush blossom across his pale cheeks yet again. Giyu’s head is falling forward, huffing out a small “...for warmth.” as he kisses you again.
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delulucoree · 2 months
Fake dating pt.3
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Stiles stilinski x Fem!reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
A few days had passed since the party and you were sitting in class about to die from boredom, when suddenly you felt your phone buzz, you looked down to see that an unknown number has texted you.
“Hey it’s Lydia, I’m going shopping after school, you should come with”
You stared at the message half wondering how she got your number and half wondering if you should go or not, but if stiles would have found out that Lydia “his future wife” as he would put it, asked you to hang out with her and you said no, he would have your head on a stick, so you agreed.
“Yeah sure sounds fun!”
“Great! meet me in the parking lot after school, later.”
Read 12:05
You sighed and put your back phone down, thinking about what this day will lead to, hoping hanging out with Lydia wouldn’t be too awkward since all the conversation you had with her in the past was only related to school and nothing else.
lunch rolled around and you were seated across from stiles and Scott siting in the library since all of you had a project you needed to work on for Econ, you had been minding your own business as Scott and stiles talked among themselves to which you usually zoned out because 9 times out of 10 it’s related to something stupid
“Scott I’m telling you, he’s out to get me 110% he’s going to end up being the next super villain we’re going to have to fight”
“Stiles for the last time Mr. Harris, our chemistry teacher, is not out to get you just because he moved you to sit at the front” Scott said rolling his eyes
“Okay, but when he turns out to be a crazy supernatural thing, don’t say I didn’t say so!” Stiles said pointing a finger at Scott, sparking a small fight between the two
“Guys!” You said in hushed yelling tone “just because you don’t want to do your work, doesn’t mean there’s other people not wanting to do their work, be quite”
“Someone’s in a bad mood” stiles muttered, to which you gave him a sharp look to shut him up
“Look I won’t have time to do this later, so I need to do most of it now.”
“What are you doing later?” Scott and stiles said at the same time
“I’m going to the mall with Lydia after school” you said shrugging your shoulders and going back to work
“Wha- and you didn’t tell me?!” Stiles stuttered out
“Why? you wanted me to invite you?” You said in a condescending voice “so you can hold our bags and tell us which bra looks better on us” you said sarcastically
“Uh a-are you serious or…” obviously the king of sarcasm didn’t pick up on it
You rolled your eyes, and closed your book putting it back in your bag, and heading for the door tired of stiles stupidity
“Wait y/n you didn’t answer my question! Were you being serious or not?” Stiles said pouting.
The school day finally came to an end and you were standing in the parking lot talking to Scott and stiles about your upcoming Econ project when suddenly Lydia popped up calling your name
“Y/n! Hey you ready” she said smiling grabbing your arm
“Uh yeah, yeah totally let’s go” you said giving her a smile
“Great, oh and this must be your friends from the party” she said looking stiles up and down twirling her hair, and you swore you saw stiles knees almost buckle from the way Lydia was looking at him, which made you roll your eyes at him
“Yeah this is Stiles and Scott, you know the same two people you went to elementary with” you pointed out
“Hmm doesn’t ring a bell, but If their a friend of yours then their friends of mine” Lydia said tilting her head giggling
“Right, well we should go, don’t want to get stuck in traffic” you suggested tired of seeing Lydia “sly” way of flirting with stiles
“Your right, my cars this way cmon”
“Yeah she’ll be right with you” stiles said pulling your arm waving bye to Lydia “okay this is good this is good you need to become best friends with okay”
“Stiles calm down alright we’re just going to the mall, and I mean what if she ask if we’re dating I’m going to have to say yes since half the school thinks we are” you pointed out
“If she ask say its complicated, girls love guys in a complicated relationship” stiles said, and you just gave him a look “cmon y/n/n please, do this for me?” He said and you practically melted
“Okay okay” you sighed “but I can’t promise you I’m going to be best friends with her, but I’ll put in a good word”
“I love you that’s why you’re my best friend!” Stiles said pulling you into a bear hug
“Hey! I thought I was your best friend?” Scott said from behind stiles
“You are, but y/n just a little higher on my scale right now Scotty boy” stiles said patting Scott’s shoulder
“Right so Lydia’s waiting, I’ll text you guys later, bye!”
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lightlycareless · 1 month
I’m curious, how would you think Naoya’s canonical first appearance would be like if he was married to Y/N during the events of the manga? I wonder if he’d still maintain his role as antagonist(maybe he’d turn ally?) or if he’d just be nonexistent because him and Y/N decide to leave Japan post shibuya(he can’t let y/n get caught up in that) XD
Hello anon!!!
Well, I actually wrote a little something detailing that hehe. Kind of. I hope it still answers your question :>
Also, because this is the perfect opportunity to do so, why not write something sad/angsty for a change. A "what would happen with Y/N and Naoya during Shibuya" :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) but somewhat taking into consideration the post above? Hmmm more at the end.
warnings: slight mentions of character death. mentions of pregnancy. angst. sad overall I believe. :') Naoya loves you and has done things differently than the jerk we all know of course. Or not? Also, I don't remember much of Shibuya anymore so forgive me if something is odd about it.
Happy reading!
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I would say Naoya would quickly decide to get you out of danger. No questions about it; he doesn’t even consider otherwise. As soon as he hears what is going down he intends to send you far away in some remote safe house where he thinks you and the kids will be ok—perfectly tended for, as he’d always made sure.
You, on the other hand, aren’t too enthusiastic about leaving everything behind, simply because your family was right in the middle of the crisis! And of course they would be, always rushing to serve the noble cause, you were not surprised to learn that they were doing their best to prevent the situation from worsening.
But this was no ordinary task, that much obvious by a simple glance. And if not through that, then by the growing uneasiness settling in your heart. One that demanded you to stay… or at least remain attentive to what is to follow.
“But I don’t think that’s even necessa—”
“We’re not discussing this anymore, Y/N. You are leaving, and you’re doing so tomorrow first thing in the morning. I already made all the preparations, you just need to have the kids awake and ready.”
“I don’t want to leave my family.” You insist. “I shouldn’t! They—They need me. They’re putting their life on the line; I can’t just leave—”
“Our children need you more. I need you more.” Naoya frowns, frustrated that of all things you’ve decided to refute him on, this had to be the one. “As I said, I won’t discuss this with you anymore—you are leaving.”
“But Naoya—!”
You’ve only seen this firm side of him on scarce occasions; either when reprimanding your naïve kids when accidentally doing something that might hurt them, or when putting his family in place after saying… well, the things they normally did.
And since you obviously don’t like pushing him over the edge, having more than enough with the weight of being the heir of a prestigious clan, as well as all his work as a sorcerer, you tend to just go with what he wants.
But not this time around, you simply couldn’t act like there wasn’t something bothering you. Something looming over your mind, a frightening omen that involved someone directly involved with you.
It could be anyone. Either your family, or… Naoya.
Both chances you did not wish to take.
“…Please.” Naoya would quietly insist after seeing you grow silent, regretful of the domineering way he seemed to take over the conversation, for after all was said and done, he loved you more than anything else in this world and would rather die than hurt you.
He wasn’t happy about this arrangement, no, in fact he despised it.
Hated the fact that he had to be the one to come up with it in the first place—but after what he heard from Shibuya, alongside his father being summoned for support, it was nothing but clear that he needed to act.
“You’ll be stationed in a nice place. A quiet little village with a nice, ample house and access to a relaxing beach for you and the kids to spend time on.  Now, doesn’t that sound nice, mochi?”
Had it been literally any other occasion, you would have been ecstatic. Happy to have the opportunity to spend time with your family without worrying about anything, simply what you and your kids were to do next.
But it wasn’t meant to be this way, so much that even the kids were unusually calm about the so-called holiday. Having sensed their mother’s anxiety and preferring being by her side than thinking of having fun.
“And school? What about their friends?” You eventually ask, of course, one of the many ways to stall him.
“I don’t believe you will be away for long, but I arranged everything in the meantime. They will be homeschooled.” Naoya explains, you frown. “As for friends… I guess I can consider occasional visits. Though they’ll more likely make new ones over there.”
“…And you? Will you be… coming with us?” You know that wouldn’t be, assumed so either way. But still, you hoped he would surprise you otherwise.
“…You know I can’t.” Naoya responds, your heart sinks to your stomach.
“Why not? Your father is already there for support. Why do you have to go?” you scowl.
“I have to stay at the estate to oversee it while he’s gone.” He explains. “I wish I could go, or that you and our kids could stay but… it’s too dangerous. If anything happens at Shibuya and things decide to escalate, it’s only logical that the estate will become a target and I won’t risk it.”
You press your lips together, understanding his words, yet disappointed that it had to be that way. A part of you tried to accept them, let it go, for you knew exactly what you were getting into when you married him.
And the other…
“I can’t… I don’t feel comfortable being away while you and my family are in danger!”
“This is no different from any other mission I’ve gone to, or that your family has.” Naoya attempts to console you, but both knew that wasn’t the trutht. “What is it? What is it that has you like this?”
“…I…I don’t…I don’t know.” You begin slowly, hesitant to admit your thoughts in fear that they might become true. To painful to even consider it! “I just… have this awful feeling that something bad is going to happen soon.”
“Like what?”
“Please don’t make me say it.”
Naoya didn’t need more to understand, and such, leans closer to you, enough to wrap his arms around you and gently place a kiss on the top of your head.
“…Nothing will happen. I swear. I will contact you whenever possible so you’ll be at ease. And if there’s any change, I’ll let you know as well. I promise.”
“Of course, princess.” He smirks, now kissing your cheek. “I wouldn’t even dream otherwise.”
“You haven’t called me that in a long time.” You silently admit; his words lift some of the burdening weight from your heart.
Not enough to free you, but enough for you to slightly jest at him.
“Well, our little Naomi kind of inherited it, didn’t she?”
“She’s well deserving of it. It fits her.”
“Technically you’re my princess, and she’s our little princess.”
“…I guess so, if you put it that way it kind of makes sense.”
Silence engulfs the two for a brief moment soon after, motivating Naoya to hug you even tighter.
“Everything will be fine, Y/N. It’s nothing but a situation that… got a little bit out of hand, but nothing I can’t handle. That’s all.
Just remember that my father is involved too. And…” as much as he hated admitting it, the old man was a very talented sorcerer. A good decision was made by considering him. “Gojo-kun is also there too, and everyone knows there’s no one stronger than him. As for your sister… well, she’s quite a force to be reckoned with too.”
“I never thought I’d come to hear you compliment them, ever!” You tease, he scoffs, slightly embarrassed.
“I just want to make you happy.” Naoya silently admits, placing his fingers underneath your chin and lifting your gaze to his. “You mean the world to me; I don’t know what I would do if you—if you… I can’t lose you. I can’t.”
“Then hurry up back home.” You pout, a tear sliding down cheek. “Please, for me. For the kids.”
“Promise me to always send me pictures of you and the kids. It’ll serve me as motivation as to why I even bother doing all this…” He frowns. “…And to let me know if you’re ok. You’ll be secured there with some of my men, but I still wish to hear it from you.”
“You don’t have to worry about that. I’ll send you so many, you’ll ask me to stop!”
“Now, mochi, no need to say fallacies we know won’t happen.” He teases back, which you respond with a giggle before quieting down, the realization that his impending departure is near.
“May the gods bring you back safe to me.” You silently pray, pressing a kiss on his lips to seal your protection charm, the one you’ve previous on prior occasions and has always worked—or so you believed.
The same one you desperately hoped would work this time around as well, especially after beginning to hear the horrific loses Shibuya had brought along.
From the death of your beloved friend Nanami to Gojo’s unprecedented sealing, you remained on edge as you tried your best to keep constant communication with Naoya, trying to figure out if any of these happenings had affected him one way or the other, praying that nothing would befall him.
Eventually cursing yourself when realizing you had unknowingly called a bad presage into reality when Naoya one day, without previous warning, directly and sternly, sends you the following message:
“My father died in Shibuya. I am now clan leader.”
To congratulate him given the circumstances of his death felt out of place, if not incredibly imprudent—even if this was his biggest dream.
It just came to you so… unexpectedly, though some would say that incidences would occur in such conflict. Perhaps it was Naobito’s time to leave this earth.
And yet, another part of you decided to take this as a warning, a reminder that this was no common attack. Not if it was capable of claiming the life of someone so skillful as your father-in-law.
What did any of this mean for Naoya? Is he safe? Is he ok? Has he been injured? Where was he right now?
But most importantly, what is he going to do now that is Leader of the Zen’in clan?
Did this mean that you were finally able to return with him? After so many days of homesickness, would you be able to see your husband in person?
Or… or did this just made things even worse for your family, forced to remain away until things cooled down, because you were now a bigger target?
“It’s still not safe. With Gojo-kun’s sealing… the clans have been nothing but a mess; and apparently that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There seems to be a deeper plan unfolding in the background—We still don’t know what for, but I know for sure one thing: I wouldn’t dare endanger you.”
“…Ok. I understand” You dejectedly agree, forced to remain behind as you lonely mourn the death of your friends, or the unknown fate of one of them.
Well, at least your family was relatively safe. Your siblings sustained injuries, but nothing they wouldn’t be able to heal in due time. You could only wonder the stresses your father had to deal with now that the Gojo clan was rendered nonexistent… Was someone trying to nominate Satoru’s replacement?
You wished you could do more. Longed to not feel as useless as you did nowadays, more so since Naoya’s messages turned to be fewer and fewer as time passed…
But at least he still responded. Took a little bit of his time to let you know that he was fine. Busy, perhaps a partial lie, but ultimately alive.
Just a matter of days and you’ll be back in his arms, with your children, and the little bundle growing inside you. Where you belonged.
Unless… fate was to cruelly decide otherwise.
“Naoya, I… haven’t heard from you in quite a while. I just… hope you’re ok and not overworking yourself. Naomi, Naori, Naoko and Naoyuki miss you. Please let me know how everything is doing as soon as you can. I love you”
“I don’t want to bother you, nor distract you from your duties. But I’m very worried about you Naoya, you haven’t answered any of my messages or calls. And… and I can’t shake this feeling that something horrible happened. Please answer me, Naoya, I can’t take the thought of you mot—
Just let me know if you’re ok, please. I love you.”
“Please, just give me a sign that you’re alive. I beg you, Naoya. I can’t take this anymore. I feel so lonely without you. I always do, but today… today it feels worse. Please, if just a letter, you don’t even have to write a whole message. Just a dot or something. Anything!
Just… anything so I can know you’re fine. Alive. Please. I beg you”
“Please. Please. Please. Naoya, answer me. Please. We love you.”
“Please. For our baby. Please.”
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Obviously I wanted to make it tragic and say that Naoya died; but how did he die? By being in Shibuya? Maybe. Maki? That means he still would've been a jerk! akjgkags
Also, I believe he didn't tell Y/N that he wasn't actually clan leader because... I don't know, pride. It's what he wanted all his life, after all! Maybe he hoped to fix that before meeting up with you again, and that's how he died :) OOF
Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed this little "what if" piece. I still have another Shibuya-centric oneshot to write 😏 maybe that could add on to this one? Thankfully, the good things about these prompts is that they're not really connected to one another, they could all essentially be read individually hehe nice.
Now, thank you so much for sending in this ask; take care and hope to see you soon!!!
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clarisse0o · 1 month
Camp Wiegman-Part 49
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Words : 5k
Monday, February 8th; 11:45 AM - In class.
Returning to reality is hard. I'm bored to death with these classes. If Lucy saw me, she'd probably lecture me for slouching over my desk trying to follow this pointless lesson. I wish we could have extended our weekend. It was so much more enjoyable, even with the little incident Feli caused on Saturday night. I keep thinking about it. Lucy was so sweet to me from beginning to end. I was so worried, but now I regret that the weekend was too short. Plus, seeing my brother again was such a joy. It broke my heart when it was time to leave. He didn’t want to let us go, and he even cried. I felt sorry for Hector, who had to stay with him. Luckily, the holidays are coming soon. We have just one more week. I’m eagerly looking forward to it, so much so that I feel like these next few days are going to drag on. It’s well known that excitement tends to slow down time. If all goes well, I'll spend those two weeks with Lucy. The first week is certain, since we'll be going to the Alps with her friends. She told me she'd handle the planning with Ingrid during the day.
- "You seem lost in thought," Alessia murmurs. "Is everything okay?"
- "Yeah," I say, sitting up and giving her a shy smile.
I’ve never felt so good. Of course, I still have problems, but the biggest ones are now resolved. My smile fades for a moment as I recall the events of last week. With everything that happened, I haven't had the chance to speak to my friends since the cafeteria incident. I did check in with Alexia via text, but that was it. I got bombarded with questions this morning. If I had at least had one meal with them, I could have avoided this situation. But I don’t regret eating with Lucy. I was still too shaken to be around other students. Coming back to school this morning reminded me why I wasn't ready for that. The students made me the center of attention. I hated it. My friends told me that a bunch of rumors had spread after the fight. The first was about Korbin getting expelled, but for me, it was a different story. The students thought I was in the hospital, considering the beating I took. The scene in the cafeteria must have been something for them to think that. After hearing all this, I’m not surprised everyone is staring at me. Sure, I still have a few marks, but everything’s healing pretty well, thanks to Lucy’s weekly care.
- "I wanted to apologize," I said.
- "For what?"
- "For being radio silent until today. I shouldn't have worried you. To be honest, I didn't expect you to be so concerned."
- "You're our friend; it's normal to worry."
- "Yeah, but you know, except for Mapi, I was never close to many people. But now that I have you guys, it’s… I don’t know. I’m glad to have you."
- "We’re glad to have you too," she smiles. "Just don’t leave us without news next time. We saw you Thursday morning, so we knew you were okay, but we still wondered why you were absent the next day."
- "I promise, next time I'll let you know."
I return her smile. I've grown closer to them, so I can’t shy away now. I’m relieved when the bell rings right after our conversation. I hope the rest of the week doesn’t pass as slowly as this half-day. I’ll die of boredom otherwise. My only motivation is that I’ll see Lucy every evening since we’ll be sharing her room again this week. She told me she’d be busy these next five days, so I’ll have to make do with our evening classes and nights together. I hope I can manage. She’s been my support these past few days, and I already feel lost without her by my side. In the meantime, I content myself with my friends. Specifically, Alessia. She’s telling me all about what I missed last week, and her stories are pretty funny. I stop laughing, though, when we run into Lucy walking in the opposite direction just as we’re about to leave the building. I step aside to avoid getting in anyone’s way.
- "Hey," I say with a smile, happy to see her.
My smile fades when I realize she’s not looking at me. Her attention is focused on Alessia beside me, and she’s giving her a dirty look before finally turning to me.
- "Hi," she finally responds. "You know we already saw each other this morning, right?" she jokes.
- "Uh, yeah," I say awkwardly, making her smile.
- "I don’t have much time to chat, but we’ll meet after class. I’ll be done with what I have to do by then, so we can work on your assignments."
- "Really? I don’t want to waste your time. If you’re too busy, Alessia can help me."
- "No. I insisted on helping you with your studies, so I’m not going to abandon you," she replies.
I suppress my smile at the tone of her voice. Oh, so she has an issue with Alessia... I didn’t see that coming.
- "Alright. I’ll be there," I simply reply.
- "You better be. You can’t back out now."
- "I wasn’t planning to," I tease.
- "Good," she smiles. "See you later in the classroom."
- "Aren’t you going to eat?"
- "I just finished. I wanted to avoid the crowd and save time."
- "Oh," I say, struggling to hide my disappointment.
She smiles at me, as if she understands how I feel. I wish she could have been there with me. Just seeing her in front of me would have given me courage. She ruffles my hair affectionately before slowly walking away.
- "See you in a few hours," I whisper.
- "See you in a few hours," she repeats.
I sigh as I watch her walk away. I wish I could follow her. I turn back to Alessia, who raises an eyebrow with a small smile.
- "Study session, huh? I guess things are better between you two if you're willing to ditch me."
- "Oh... Uh, yeah. I should’ve told you," I grimace as we head outside to join the others.
They were waiting for us at the exit. We follow them to the cafeteria as they start walking when they see us.
- "I’m really sorry, but because of my terrible grades, Bronze wanted to take charge again."
- "So, things are better between you?"
- "I... Yeah, you could say that."
- "You could say that?" she giggles. "You seemed pretty happy to see her just now," she smiles.
- "You’re exaggerating... It’s just that I didn’t expect to see her. She told me she’d be very busy today."
- "Who, besides you, tries to run into their supervisor?" she teases.
- "Alright... You’re right. Probably no one," I giggle. "I can’t help it if I enjoy spending time with her. She... I don’t know. I need her, that’s all. With what happened last week, she once again proved that to me."
- "Uh-huh..." she smiles.
- "What?"
- "Nothing," she says with a smirk.
- "Oh, come on. I know you well enough by now to know you’re thinking something."
- "No, I’m not saying anything," she says, raising her hands. "You might take it the wrong way again, and I don’t want to risk it."
- "Of course not," I protest.
- "I’m sure you would," she laughs. "Please drop it. I really don’t want you to get upset again."
- "Fine," I sigh.
I don’t insist, knowing that if she doesn’t want to talk about it, she must have a good reason. I don’t want to create any tension between us when we’ve been getting along so well these past few days. I step into the cafeteria hall as she holds the door for me. I barely take a few steps before Alexia half-jumps on me, putting her arm around my shoulders. I wince, holding back a cry of pain to avoid worrying her. Though my injuries are healing, they are far from fully recovered.
- "Classes are so depressing," she groans. "I’m so glad we’re on break!"
- "I totally agree."
- "You guys can’t complain. We only have one week left," Alessia comments.
- "Yeah, Especially the first week. Oh my God, I can’t wait!"
- "I can’t agree more," I say with a knowing smile.
- "What do you mean...?" Ale asks, slowing down. "Wait, don’t tell me—"
She stops completely, making me chuckle. I hadn’t told her the good news yet. This vacation is going to be amazing. I’ll be surrounded by all the people I’m closest to: Lucy, Mapi, and Alexia. Gradually, a smile spreads across Alexia’s face as if she’s just figured it out.
- "No, but wait... Really?"
I shrug, smiling even more. I reply with a wink before continuing with Alessia toward the buffet, who no longer tries to understand our half-spoken conversation. Thankfully. She’s a good analyst, and I don’t want her starting to ask questions.
- "Ona Batlle! What don’t I know about!?"
- "Oh, a lot of things," I giggle. "Let’s talk about it tonight, okay?"
"You have no idea how much I hate you right now for leaving me in suspense!"
I laugh, not saying anything more. I get the feeling Alessia is already asking herself questions, so I don’t want to add fuel to the fire by feeding her curiosity. We finally change the subject as we return to our table.
Monday, February 8; 5:45 PM - Lucy and Ingrid’s Office.
For the fifth time, I try to slide my hand onto Lucy’s thigh, but she stops me again, this time with a grumble. I pout as she furrows her brows once more.
- "You need to stop that."
- "I need to touch you," I groan.
She smiles softly, tilting her head. Coming from me, that might be confusing. I’ve never felt such a primal need before. Lucy has always been the one to offer me affection, and it’s frustrating that she’s denying it now.
- "Since when, huh?"
I shrug, blushing slightly. I missed her today. It was the first day we’ve been apart in four days.
- "Just wait a few more minutes until the building empties. In the meantime, focus. You’re far from done with your exercise."
I slump, resting my head on my hand and letting out a long groan. I’m getting tired of these management exercises. It’s been nearly an hour, and I’m almost back to square one.
- "Um, hello."
I lift my head to see a new presence in the room. Ingrid isn’t here tonight, so I wanted to take the opportunity to get Lucy’s attention, but now I understand why she didn’t want that. We could still be caught at any moment, like now. I squint as I recognize my management teacher, Mr. Tompson.
- "Hello, Mr. Tompson. How can I help you?" Lucy takes the initiative to ask.
- "I didn’t expect you to have company, actually."
- "Oh, Ona isn’t a problem. I help her with her homework every evening, so I doubt there will be other times to discuss privately. I’ll make sure she stays quiet if it’s an important matter."
- "Actually, it concerns her class."
He glances at me with a gentle smile. I don’t return his smile at all. He caught my attention as soon as he arrived. Lucy sort of confirmed for me that he’s interested in her. That makes me even more eager to defend my territory, but of course, I can’t. As if Lucy sensed that I was seething beside her, she gently squeezes my knee.
- "Well?"
I loosen my grip on my pen and look back down at my paper. Maybe my inattention will encourage my teacher to talk, and that’s exactly what happens. He must have realized that I wasn’t going to leave. There’s no way I’m letting him be alone with Lucy.
- "I was thinking of organizing an outing for their class. It would involve seeing how a company operates. I’m just waiting for responses from the companies I’ve selected."
- "Okay…" Lucy responds uncertainly. "And how does that involve me?"
- "I’m looking for chaperones… Three, to be exact."
- "I see."
- "I was hoping you’d be willing to do it," he adds hesitantly after Lucy’s response.
- "Well, why not, but it’s not my decision to make. You’d better discuss this with the principal."
- "Oh yes, of course! That was my intention," he says quickly. "I just wanted to know if you were agreeable before approaching her."
- "Do you already have the other chaperones?"
- "Another teacher who helped organize the outing will be there. I’m still missing the third person."
- "I can ask Engen. I suppose she’d be interested in coming with us. Of course, it will need Wiegman’s approval first."
- "That’s a good idea. I’ll handle that. Anyway, it’s not happening for a few weeks."
- "Alright, then we’ll discuss it again when the time comes."
- "Bronze…?" I murmur. "I’m stuck here."
A smile spreads across her lips as she presses her hand on my knee a little more. She seems to understand my plea for attention.
- "Excuse me, did I interrupt you?" my teacher asks.
- "No problem," Lucy replies.
- "Well then… I’ll leave you to it. Have a good evening."
- "Thank you, you too."
I watch him leave the room with a nasty look. Fortunately for me, he didn’t notice as he had his back turned. He closes the door halfway at Lucy’s request. I sigh with relief at his departure. He was making the atmosphere heavy. Lucy smiles at me almost mockingly.
- "What?"
- "Oh, nothing."
- "Hmm…"
- "So, what’s your problem?"
- "Oh, I didn’t have one. I just wanted him to leave."
She smiles again and goes back to her work. I groan, resting my head on my palm again.
- "Still, I hadn’t realized how insufferable that guy is."
Lucy lets out a laugh she’s probably been holding in for a while, given its intensity.
- "Hey, don’t make fun of me! It’s the truth."
- "I thought you liked him?"
- "Yeah, well, I’ve changed my mind. I like him less now that I know he’s hovering around you."
- "He’s not hovering around me," she rolls her eyes.
- "He likes you and ogles you; it’s all the same to me. Plus, I would’ve preferred to avoid confronting him today, given how much I missed you," I tease her.
She smiles in amusement and surprises me by leaning in to kiss me. I close my eyes, fully enjoying this contact, which I realize has become a necessity for me right now. However, it doesn’t last. I open my eyes to beg for more, which prompts her to respond verbally.
- "I hope you fully enjoyed that little taste to satisfy your needs because that’s going to be my only affectionate gesture in this office tonight. Now get back to work. I want that exercise finished before dinner."
A plaintive whine escapes me. I should’ve expected it, but it’s so frustrating. Knowing that she really means it, I abandon the idea of getting more and change the subject.
- "I can’t do it," I replied.
I’m not sure if I’m talking about the exercise or the affection she’s withholding. She seems to assume it’s the former, judging by her response.
- "I’ve explained it to you three different ways. You can’t tell me you can’t do it. This is clearly a lack of effort on your part, and if you think I’m going to do the exercise for you, you’ve got another thing coming."
I sigh, knowing full well that she’s right about this. In truth, I already understood it the second time she explained it, but I just don’t have the motivation to do it. I still pout, not entirely happy with her attitude. However, I don’t complain to avoid getting scolded for real. If I’ve learned anything, it’s that Lucy won’t act any differently than a supervisor during work hours. With little enthusiasm, I finally dive into my exercise.
Monday, February 8; 8:15 PM - Ona and Alexia’s Room.
- "No way, this can’t be true…" says Alexia, completely shocked. "Why do you always hide so much from me! So, you and Bronze…"
She doesn’t finish her sentence, as if she still can’t believe it enough to say it out loud. I giggle and nod. I just told her we’re a couple. I thought she would’ve guessed when I said everything was settled, but it seems she hadn’t thought that far. She falls back onto the bed across from me. It looks like she’s going to need some time to process this.
- "But like, really?"
- "Yes, Ale," I laugh. "We’re together."
- "B-but, but… How?! We’re talking about Bronze here!"
- "Call her Lucy with me, please," I roll my eyes with a little amused smile.
- "Oh no, no, no. I definitely can’t do that. We’re talking about Bronze!"
I laugh heartily before we look each other in the eye. I wait for her to digest the news. She opens her mouth to speak but then closes it again. She seems to be thinking about what to say before finally speaking.
- "How? I mean, Bronze hates me because I broke the rules by dating Jenni, and she got fired because of me. So how did you get her to break the same rule herself? It’s so unexpected. I mean, of course, I encouraged you, and I hated her for hurting you so much, but… I don’t know. I just never expected her to offer you an intimate relationship, seriously!"
- "Stop it, Lucy doesn’t hate you."
- "Oh yes, yes, yes! She hates me! She made that clear from the start! She’s only become nicer to me since you two started hooking up! And that’s only because we’re friends! Did you say something to her? Oh my God, you must have said something! Otherwise, she wouldn’t be acting so nice to me!"
I chuckle in amusement. The way she’s getting worked up is hilarious. Now she’s standing up, panicking, saying things I can’t even understand anymore because I’m laughing so much.
- "Ale, calm down. I didn’t say anything to her. If she’s doing it for me, I don’t know about it. I can find out If you want.
- Definitely not! Besides… why are you here with me? Don’t you want to go find her?
- Well, you see, I have a friend who pressured me a little to stop by here before heading back to my room. I should hate you for delaying the moment I’ve been waiting for all day, but you’re lucky I like you, I teased.
- Aww, you’re too cute! But go on. I don’t want to keep you. I’ll just try to process this news now that I know.
- No, I think I’ll stay here for a bit. Actually, I need to make Lucy wait. She left me frustrated while I was doing my homework.
Alexia sits back down on her bed, nodding.
- It’s understandable that she’d want to keep things discreet. Her best friend lost her job because of me for the same reason. I doubt she wants to get fired for it too.
- I know… I sighed. I don’t blame her; I get it. Honestly, I just didn’t expect to want to be so touchy-feely with her. I mean, just last week, I could barely stand being touched. Now I’m practically begging her to touch me, even if it’s just once.
- I’ve been saying from the start that you were hooked on her, she teased. But still, I can’t get over it. You two, together? I mean, especially Bronze in a relationship—it’s unimaginable.
- Oh, stop. It’s just because she only shows you the mask she wants you to see. She’s really sweet deep down. I even think she’s hiding her true self, I said with a roll of my eyes.
- What do you mean by that?
- I’m not saying anything. You might never see her the same way again, and I doubt Lucy would appreciate it, I replied with a small, sly smile. I think she likes to keep you on your toes, I chuckled.
- Yeah, well, it’s really not funny, she pouted.
- You know, I can always talk to her if this bothers you that much.
- No, absolutely not! I want to prove to her that I’m a good match for Jenni. I feel like she still doesn’t think so.
- If she doesn’t yet, she will. And I promise I won’t do anything to make that happen.
We exchanged a knowing smile just as there was a knock on the door. A rather timid Lucy entered our room. I raised an eyebrow, not expecting her to show up. I’d seen her after dinner and told her I wouldn’t come by right away.
- Hey, I said. What brings you here?
- I was wondering what was taking you so long.
I raised an eyebrow, noticing it was only twenty past eight. I usually didn’t head back to my room until nine when I stopped by here first.
- Hmm… We were just talking, but I can come back with you if that’s what you want.
- Oh no, it’s just that… she started before cutting herself off. Never mind.
Lucy shifted her gaze from me to my roommate. She raised an eyebrow, making me look at Alexia in turn. Alexia’s cheeks were clearly flushed with embarrassment, probably from staring at her. Lucy sighed, running a hand through her hair.
- She knows, I guess?
- Of course. Don’t think I was going to keep it from her.
- I didn’t say anything, she smiled softly. Well… are you done, or should I leave without you?
- I think we’re done…
- Yeah, sure, Alexia confirmed.
- So, see you tomorrow morning? I asked.
- Yeah, she smiled, getting up to hug me. See you tomorrow morning.
- Good night, I said, before joining Lucy, who had been waiting by the door since the beginning.
Lucy wished her a good night as well before letting me go ahead to leave. We walked through the buildings, taking her shortcut to make the trip quicker.
- You thought I wasn’t coming back? I teased. I usually get back to your room later than this.
- No. Let’s just say I didn’t expect you to take so long. You told me you’d only be fifteen minutes.
- Hmm… And what would have happened if I’d stayed longer, huh?
- It would have meant that I couldn’t enjoy you the way I wanted, she murmured as she opened her bedroom door.
- Well, I started, immediately searching for my things in my suitcase. You didn’t want me to enjoy you in your office either, I replied in a slightly reproachful tone.
- You’re not really mad about that, are you? she teased.
- You don’t know me very well if you think otherwise, I replied with a wink.
She tried to steal a kiss as we moved, but I ignored her and slammed the bathroom door in her face. I heard her groan behind it, which made me stifle a laugh. I expected her to give up—at least, that’s what I would’ve done in her place—but instead, she came into the bathroom just as I was taking off my shirt.
- Luce, get out of here.
- No, she said, blocking me against the sink.
- What’s gotten into you? I sighed, slightly unsettled by her sudden change in behavior.
- You should know that I don't reject you in my office for fun, she replied. I told you that I'd remain your supervisor at school and your girlfriend in private. I thought you understood that. Let's not start taking jabs at each other over this.
Her response made me realize she took my words seriously. Sure, I was a little upset with her for making me wait with just one kiss, but I was mostly joking.
- Sorry, I... It’s just that... Today was hard. I really missed you. I didn’t expect it to be this much. Plus, it was tough dealing with all those rumors and students without you by my side.
Lucy sighed as she pulled me into her arms. I relaxed into her embrace, enjoying the long-awaited hug. She kissed my forehead.
- It was only the first day... You'll have to hold on for three more months because I’m not planning to change my stance on professionalism. Don’t forget that I’m working here.
- I know, I mumbled.
- We’ll have all the time in the world to be together in the evenings, OK?
- Yeah, and after the holidays, huh? I won’t be here in the evenings, remember?
- Well, we’ll have the weekends, she arched an eyebrow. You're not going to get all depressed on me, are you? I didn’t think you were this needy for affection, she teased.
- Well, you’re the one who made me like this.
She laughed and stole a quick kiss from me.
- Now, go take a quick shower and come join me. You’re not the only one who’s been waiting for this moment all day. I just hide it better than you.
I smiled as I watched her leave. She really does hide it better than I do because I hadn’t noticed. I hurried to wash up and get ready for bed before joining her. She was already waiting in bed with the next Harry Potter movie queued up on her laptop. I quickly joined her, snuggling into her arms. She held me tight and kissed me passionately, showing me just how much she had missed me too.
- So, how was your day otherwise? she asked as she started the movie.
- Long and boring, I sighed. It’s really unbearable. I’m just glad Alessia and the others were there to distract me.
- Alessia, huh?
- What? I asked, smiling slightly, already knowing where this conversation was going.
- You two have gotten close pretty quickly. Is she still into you?
I smiled mischievously. I vaguely mentioned this to her because of what happened on New Year’s Eve. I seriously need to stop talking to her about these things.
- I don’t think so. At least, she knows I’m interested in someone else.
- Really?
- Yeah… But she’s starting to have questions about us, so if you ask me, you might want to save those looks for someone else next time.
I bit my lip and looked up. The scene from this morning was unforgettable. I saw her give Alessia a disapproving look, and I doubt it was accidental. I caught her rolling her eyes before she turned them back to me.
- Why? She’s asking questions?
- I think she suspects that you’re the one I’m interested in. So yeah, I guess she’s asking questions. This morning, she didn’t want to continue a conversation about it, fearing I’d get upset…
- I see, she murmured. I’ll try to control myself. You try to do the same with your management professor, she teased.
- At least I didn’t stare him down!
- Maybe not, but you weren’t exactly pleasant either, she giggled.
- That’s not true.
- Yes, it is, she laughed. It was cute.
I blushed, sinking deeper into her. I turned my attention to the movie that had been playing. Lucy kissed my head, making me smile. It’s funny how easily we express our feelings now when we hid them for weeks before.
- So… I can’t talk to Alessia about us, right? I broke the silence, making Lucy sigh.
- Why do you ask? Do you want to tell her?
- No, but I’m afraid she’ll find out…
- If you ask me, from what you’ve told me, she already suspects. It’s up to us to prove her wrong, which is why we need to stay professional here, especially during work hours.
- You’re right, I murmured.
- I’d love for you to be able to talk to her, but the fewer people who know, the less chance we have of compromising my end of the year. I’d rather we don’t talk about it, no matter how much you trust Alessia or anyone else.
I nodded. It’s definitely too risky. It might be our last year, but I’m not going to risk anything happening in the short time we have left here.
- I won’t say anything.
- So… Do you really like her since you’ve gotten close to her?
I swallowed a smile. She’s really cute when she’s playing jealous.
- She was a good support while you were away… I misjudged her, to be honest.
- You know, if you asked me a question like that, I would have reassured you…
I frowned, worried that I might be misunderstanding the tone of her voice. I looked up to see her smiling softly at me.
- Yes, I’m jealous of her, baby. Unlike me, you could have been open with her in front of your friends.
- I was open with you in Barcelona and even in front of my mom. That was the first time that ever happened. Well, I did it with Mapi in front of our friends, but definitely not as quickly.
- Really…? she murmured.
- Yes.
I propped myself up on my elbows to get a better look at her. She suddenly seemed deep in thought. Her hand gently caressed my back.
- What’s on your mind? I whispered.
- I don’t want to rush you into things too quickly. You know that, right?
- Of course. I wouldn’t do anything I didn’t want to do. Honestly… I expected this weekend to be a disaster because of my fears, but I ended up loving it… You made me feel comfortable, as you always do. Everything feels so natural between us, and that’s exactly what I need.
She smiled softly before kissing me.
- I’m glad to hear you say that. Don’t hesitate to tell me if anything bothers you, okay?
- Nothing bothers me… But I’ll tell you if something does, I promise. Can we finally watch the movie now?
- Of course, she giggled. Sorry. Come here.
She lifted her arm, and I didn’t hesitate to snuggle as close to her as possible. I love when she holds me in her arms. I used to be afraid of starting a new relationship because I didn’t like physical contact anymore, but now I crave the opposite with Lucy. I buried my head in her neck, thinking about this. I can’t imagine being without her anymore. We’ll need to balance our time during the day and our private moments. I have no doubt she’ll help me with that, even though it will be challenging for both of us, from what I can tell. Lucy is clearly better at hiding it than I am. I hope I can do the same in the coming days, and then the holidays will finally be ours.
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angryshortstacks · 2 years
Canon tanthamore moments people don’t talk about enough because the show is not dead yet.
In almost every shot where something happens that’s cool or new they look at each other first. Every time. Sometimes it’s a judgemental “are you seeing this shit?” A worried “are you okay?” Or “what have we gotten into.” Sometimes it’s a happy “how fucking cool is it we’re finally having adventures together” neeedless to say on your next rewatch look for it. It’s so cute
The fact that Jade let kit win not because she thought kit wasn’t capable, but because she sees herself as kits protector and she wanted to shoulder that burden for her princess
Boorman saying I ship it at any given moment
Graydon being COMPLETELY oblivious to the obvious sexual tension between kit and Jade. I’m convinced when we get a season two that they’d save Graydon and he’d see them kiss and be like wait what??
That when they thought they had to kill Graydon Jade was completely ready to do it so Kit wouldn’t have to
Jade and kit joking around in the wildwood before they get attacked. You hear Jade say “I’m not joking” just before boorman interrupts the conversation. I wanna know what they were joking about 🥺
This idiot kit Telling EVERYONE her goddamn REAL name!!
Jade being so smart and getting the riddle immediately and kit looking at her like “that’s my girl”
Jade saying “I got you. I got you” to kit after Elora saves her from drowning
Jade leading kit holding all her weight at the beginning of episode 7
Kits stubborn ass saying “I’m good” taking exactly one step then falling over
How Kit argues with Jades little anecdote in the porcupine scene because they know each other so well and she’s absolutely heard that story before.
How softly jade says yeah, when kit tells her she loves her. It’s like she doesn’t believe it 🥺
The little hum when they kiss 🥺
The fact that the thing kit wants most in the world is Jade 🥺
Jade yelling “a little help princess!” when she gets trapped behind a pillar. Just her finally Trusting kit to be her equal and to save her 🥺
God I would die for this ship. There are so many cute little moments they have together.
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ilwonuu · 6 months
hey can i request one where Taeyong and the reader are doing a project o smt and they spend so much time together and he develop feelings for her
yes of course. i wanted to do this idea but i didn’t know who for lmk what u think!! thank you for your request<3
steal my time
↬ lee taeyong
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꧁ pairing- classmates to lovers, sweetheart!taeyong x reader
꧁ summary- pairing up with taeyong was a little bit nerve wracking at first but you quickly felt that feeling drift away. instead of focusing on the aquarium questions you’re supposed to complete. or to sum it up, you forget all about your marine biology project because you just want to listen to your partner talk.
꧁ warnings- kissing, fluffy fluff!!, flirting, awkwardness, cute little crushes, mentioning of death like once, lmk what else
꧁ a/n- i loved this. its so cute i love writing fluff for taeyong<3 lmk what u think !!’
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you and taeyong are acquaintances? not really. you partnered up with him a few times. the two of you bonding over your love over sharks.(weird i know) you always blushing at the fact the he would wave you over every time a partner project or assignment is presented.
he loved being your partner. but him asking you to be his partner for the day project is what caught you off guard. you two had to go to the aquarium and write down facts about 6 different creatures you see there and new things you found out about them.
your professor stating that you had the weekend to turn it in. you were relieved at that but your thoughts quickly shifting to the sweet boy’s question.
he looked nervous. very cute as always. his glasses and his beanie making him look softer than ever. his hoodie hugging against him. “yea! i would love to be your partner.” you still feeling kinda anxious. his cheeks heat up suddenly.
his cute expression making you smile at him. can help but take a second glance at his lips. he’s pretty up close and far away to be clear.
did he think you would say no? of course not. “great..uh did you want to go today? i’m just not busy other than this but if you are-“ he his rambling cutely looking away from you. you suggest to him. he nods at your words.
“no i’m free..do you want to take the train?” he nods at your words. “that would be fun!” he smiles starting to gather his things into his bag. causing you to do the same as him. “ready?” he asks looking behind him at you. you nod and he just smiles at your face starting to walk towards the train stop with you.
when you two finally get outside he takes a deep breath. “wow- it’s perfect weather. i love fall time.” he smiles looking around as he walks in front of you.
“i agree i love fall too.” you agree looking around at the sky. smiling at your environment. especially at the soft boy who’s keeping you company.
“really? that’s great we have something in common!” he says excitedly smiling at you as he continues to walk to the train with you. you blush at his words looking away from him shortly after hoping he doesn’t see.
“we’re almost here. im so thankful it’s close to campus. i felt like i might die.” he breathes out looking back at you. you laugh quietly.
“we started walking like 5 minutes ago not even-“ he shakes his head. “5 minutes is too long.” he replies giving you a playful look as you two get to the train stop. “you’re a little dramatic.” you say as you laugh again.
taeyong loves the sound of your laugh more than he should. you two getting on the train making your way to the aquarium. as soon as you two get there, you immediately making your say the
penguins. you both more excited than you thought. sitting next to the glass to watch the penguins. the two of you feeling very comfortable with each others company. this how it was with every sea creatures you saw. you two sitting next to each other.
watching them and then getting lost in conversation with taeyong. he was really easy to talk to. making you laugh at any moment he can. this is how you two forgot to do the assignment by the time you two have left. but it was okay, you were okay with him stealing your time. you want him to have it after today.
him stopping you before you two head home. “would you want to do this again maybe tomorrow?” he asks holding his phone out so you can put your number in it. you nod.
“yea im free.” you put your number in. you smile waving him goodbye as you walk to your train as you see him wave as well walking the other way. you blush at today’s interaction hoping he feels the same.
this is how it began. you two constantly seeing each other at least five times a week. always going out to dinner or trying new coffee places. you two loved being together. you loved how he made you feel but it also made you nervous. so nervous because taeyong had invited you to watch the sunset on the beach.
him bringing extra blankets for you. which you ended up needing of course. sitting next to him laugh at something he said. “winter is coming. you excited?” he teases. “not really i like being outside! i hate being cold tho.” he nods. “i see- fall and summer girl?”
you nod at his words. “of courseee.” he just laughs at your tone of voice. “what?” you question rolling your eyes slightly.
“nothing- you’re just cute.” he says shamelessly. looking at you for your reaction.
“t-thank you. you are cute too.” his heart softens at your response. loving the sound of your voice as always. “y/n? can i-can i kiss you?” he asks as he takes in your wrapped up appearance. cute again he thinks.
“uh- yes.” you blush seeing him wasting no time to lean in to pull you into a kiss. you kiss him back softly. feeling his hand rest against your face gently. he keeps kissing you for a couple minutes before pulling away.
“i wanted to kiss you for so long.” he says as he rests his head against yours. “me too.” you say before he pulls you closer so you can wrap up in the blanket together to lay back and watch the sunset.
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gaysindistress · 11 months
Van Helsing Retold - five
pairings: vamp hunter!reader x vamp!bucky
Summary: Under the cover of night, vampires and their hunters have been at war for centuries, never letting their bloodshed reach the light of day. That is until the wife of a powerful vampire leader, Steve Rogers is murdered and he demands revenge. Y/N Van Helsing is the target of his crusade and she comes face to face with his right hand man, Bucky Barnes.
Warnings: cursing, angst, this one is pretty mild
Word count: 2.5k
four | series masterlist
Tag list: @vonalyn @cakesandtom @nerdytif @teambarnes72
disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on Google/Pinterest.
“I think I know where they are.”
John’s eyes immediately pierce the shaking hunter and he narrows them when the hunter doesn’t elaborate.
“David didn’t tell you that Helmut was found with his heart ripped out,” the hunter stumbles over his words as John pushes to his feet, “neither of them could’ve done that. It had…”
“Another vamp,” John finishes his sentence, “who?”
“I’m waiting for confirmation but I think it was either Natasha Romanoff or James Barnes. I have scouts out looking for both as well as searching any known safehouses as we speak. I should know within the hour.”
John circles the man and hums along, “and why did you come to me now? Why didn’t you wait for confirmation?”
The hunter tenses as John comes to stand directly behind him, “I’ll need a team ready to go once I get word. I thought it would be better to get your approval.”
There’s a beat of silence and the hunter silently prays to every god known to man that he made the right decision.
“My team will be ready in 30 minutes.”
“Your team?”
John circles around to face the man, “I will be the one to get her back and put a bullet in the blood sucker that took her.”
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There’s an odd look in Bucky’s eye when he looks at me but he always looks away too quickly when I catch him. I want to question him about it however the pressing reality of our situation keeps me from doing it.
When I awoke with a hoarse throat and aching eyes, Sam almost immediately came in to tell me that we would be going before Steve and his guard in two nights to plead my innocence. I tried to tell him that doing that was the worst plan possible considering my hand was still an issue. He gave me an empathic look before shaking it away and telling me that Bucky was going to fix it before we left.
The memory of last night and my conversation…maybe a dream… with Bucky last night came flooding back. All I could remember is that he’d told me that he was going to go through with giving me his blood but there’s a block after that. It’s frustrating not having full access to your own memories but then again, I don’t know what’s beyond this stone wall.
All I could remember is since we were mates, he would heal me.
He would die more than likely as a result of the bond between us being cut off but I would be healed.
I wouldn’t be a vampire.
I would be okay again.
My hand pulses and throbs as I tear my burning eyes from the wall. I must have been staring at it. I’ve been doing that a lot; staring at walls, staring at my hand, staring at Bucky.
There’s a knock on my door and the person waits for me to answer. I already know it’s him, having been able to feel our bond growing warmer when he’s near. I’m getting better at deciphering what it’s telling me, although it seems like it’s not going to matter much longer.
“Give a second,” I tell him as I clamber off the bed and throw on my coat and boots. He’s more than likely going to tell me that we need to leave so I might as well be ready.
I open the door and he nearly falls into me. He must have been leaning against it and he quickly catches himself on the frame.
“Are you re…” the words die on his tongue, “we’re leaving.”
“Sam said you were going to fix this,” I say as I wave my hand around, “before we left.”
He stares down at me for a moment before snapping at me, “before we get there, that’s what I said.”
“What crawled up your ass and died?” I scoff at him as I push past and march down the hallway.
He mumbles something and I know for damn sure he didn’t say what I think he just did, “come again?”
Harsh blue eyes pierce me as he prowls down the hall towards me. The bond pounds deep inside me, so loud that it drowns out the sound of my heart and for half a second, I forget that I even have one. I can’t hear his, he doesn’t have one but something tells me that the pounding bond is very much a surrogate for his still one.
His boots make solid hits to the floor and it everything is muffled expect for the bond. It all sounds like my head is being held under water as he comes to stand only a foot away from me. It’s not close enough.
He needs to be closer.
He needs to be touching me.
He needs to be against me.
“I said you’re my problem.”
My jaw drops but a gasp doesn’t fall out like it normally would. The air has been stolen from my lungs due to sheer shock.
“I’m the problem? Me? I’m the fucking problem?” I sneer at him, taking a step closer as he takes one step back, “You’re the one who gave me a massive concussion, killed Helmut, and then dragged me to some safehouse and for what? Because of some bullshit bond that connects us? Because you believe that fate has chosen us to be mates? Because you think that I have feelings for you? All I feel towards you is a the burden of our bond and I can’t wait to get rid of it the moment that you stop my turning and can fucking leave me alone.”
My chest is raising and falling rapidly as I seethe with anger but there’s something wet falling down my face. Tears, I realize are flowing from my eyes however once again, I don’t know why. I have no reason to cry. I have no reason to care that the connection that is thrashing around inside of me like a starving animal locked in a cage. I have no reason to care about him and whatever reason that I might find is locked away behind that stone wall inside my mind.
“If you’re so eager to get rid of me, here,” he shoves a vial filled with a dark liquid towards me, “don’t drink it until after I meet with Steve. It won’t be a good look for you if I drop dead while trying to convince him that you didn’t kill his mate.”
I turn the vial over in my hand while he deliberately avoids me as he stalks away. It’s his blood, I realize, the anti venom and the cure that would stop my turning. He gave it to me. He just gave it to me. In training, we’d been taught that there was an anti venom but the how was always a mystery. No one really gave an answer as to why we weren’t taught about how the process worked but it was implied that if we didn’t have a way out, then our only option was to not get infected. A part of me thought that the vampire needed to be present but if Helmut had a vial of Peggy’s blood, then clearly she didn’t need to even be alive.
Maybe beyond that mental block lies a girl that wants Bucky to be with me when I take the anti venom. She wants him to be there to guide her through the steps and hold her through the agony that will undoubtedly come. She wants him to be there so when he feels that breaking, that severing of their bond, she can provide him with the same comfort. She needs to be there when his body can’t handle the bone crushing effects of their disconnect, when his heart stills even more than it already has and it shatters. She needs to be there when the warmth that usually lives inside of them both dies out and it freezes him. She needs to be there when he takes his last breath.
But she won’t.
I won’t be there because I don’t care.
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Seeing images of a target is completely different than when you see the subject in person. Steve is a truly menacing presence with his larger than human body and blood thirsty look to his pale eyes. They’re similar to Bucky’s in their coloring but they’re soulless. There is nothing beyond the need to consume all those who have a pulse in the room. Bucky’s hold a certain humanity that I hadn’t seen in a vampire before; there is warmth, kindness, sadness, admiration…love in his eyes.
Steve’s heavy stare is on me the second I walk into what appears to be his office. I’m placed between Sam and Bucky as we approach the lounging leader of vampires but he straightens when we stop a few yards from him. He’s dressed in a navy blue suit with only a simple white shirt under and a gold pendant decorates his neck. A short grey speckled beard has grown over his jaw, giving the impression that he’s aging. I know better than that though and I keep my eyes trained on him. He’s toying with a gold pinkie ring as he watches us.
Bucky steps ahead of us and my hand twitches to reach out for him. I shove both into my jacket pockets to stop myself. Sam is watching me from the corner of his eye and I glance at him, flashing a small smile to show him that I’m perfectly fine. The two vampires are speaking in hushed voices and the only indication that it might be a tense conversation are the looks that Steve is throwing at me over Bucky’s shoulder.
“John was the one who killed my mate?” his baritone voice rings out through the silence as he eyes me, “and you brought her here for what? To prove it?”
“She was with her mentor, Sam Wilson when the attack happened. Her Guild Master was unaccounted for,” Bucky offers.
Steve shoots a searing look to him before dragging his gaze back to me, “How many have access to your room?”
I scoff, “excuse me?”
The vampire rolls his eyes, “Whore or not, you should know better than give access to your room to anyone.”
Bucky tenses and so does our bond.
“No one,” I grind out between clenched teeth, “Not even Sam is allowed in without permission.”
Steve cocks an eyebrow and turns ever so slightly to Bucky before speaking to me, “So only you have access to your stakes then?”
“Well yes…” I trail off for a moment, remembering what Bucky coached me to say, “but all Guild members are required to give the Guild master access to our rooms so it’s possible for someone to take some of my stakes.”
“But you don’t know for certain?”
“I’m not exactly back in my room, now am I?” I snap back before I can stop it and Steve lets out a monstrous laugh.
“So you want me to believe that the Guild master stole one of your stakes and killed my mate, the woman who murdered your mother? Did I get that right?”
Bucky goes to speak but Steve silences him with a hand, “I want to hear her.”
“There are a lot of vampires that claim to have killed my mom, I tend to not believe every one that I hear,” I shrug, not daring to look away from Steve, “as for John, he’s always been threatened by my Van Helsing name and has thrown me to the wolves too many times to count. I wouldn’t put it past him to try and frame me for this; it would definitely mean my death and get rid of me for good.”
Steve makes a low hum in his throat, “And if I were to ask your Guild master himself, what would he say?”
Sam and I both stiffen, a mistake that he catches and smiles at. He snaps and two vampires emerge through the door, dragging a bloody human behind them. The blonde man dropped unceremoniously on the ground and he does nothing to help himself as he falls flat onto the ground. The groan and following curses that fall from his busted lips are all too familiar.
John weakly pushes himself up onto his knees and falls back onto his haunches with his hands resting atop his thighs. The moment he lays his eyes on Sam and I, they fill with a stormy force that threatens to unleash itself onto us.
This isn’t going to be good for us.
“Asking him is useless,” I quickly say, taking a step forward, “someone could persuade him to say whatever they wanted.”
“Same could be said for you,” Steve shoots back, “maybe I should just kill the both of you and solve all of my problems. wouldn’t it?”
“Killing us both might satisfy you now but in the long run, the thought of never knowing who did it would gnaw at you. Wouldn’t you rather get justified revenge on the one that took your mate?” I know I’m pushing my luck as I try to manipulate him. He’s watching me intently as I slowly approach him and we’re both aware of what I’m doing but he lets me. Bucky is frozen at his side and refuses to look at me. He keeps his gaze on Steve and only lets it flicker to John if he makes a noise. We all learned just how observant Steve is seconds ago.
“Who are you to speak about mates?” Steve snarls.
Shit that was the wrong move, I’ve pissed him off now. I raise my hands in surrender, “I meant no harm. I only meant to show my understanding and empathy. Humans can’t have mates but it’s love all the same. While I can’t understand what it’s like to lose your mate, I can understand what it’s like to lose someone you love.”
Steve’s snarl turns into yet another smile while confusion whirls inside of me. There’s a knowing look in his eyes that wasn’t there before. What does he know that I don’t?
He can’t possibly know that my mom didn’t die that night.
Or that I do have a mate, right?
“Our bond is more than your fickle human love, Van Helsing. You of all people should know that your emotions are subject to change the moment the wind changes direction.”
The fuck does that mean?
The door pushes open again behind us and another human stumbles through. This time it’s a woman. She too is bloody and dropped as if she’s trash to the floor. She doesn’t push herself up as quickly as John did but I’m guessing it’s because she’s older. Grey hairs streak her dark hair that’s wild and unkept although it’s braided back. Barely lifting herself up, her face is swollen and covered in blood but there’s a familiarity beneath it all.
“Mom?” I hear myself gasp out as she locks eyes with me
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narrynukezankielover · 5 months
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I know this scene in ep 17 has been talked about before but what I found interesting is that Naomi is talking like she’s getting Cas ready for when he finds the angel tablet and he’ll be forced to kill whoever is with him. She doesn’t specify Dean or Sam yet of course Cas is forced to kill hundreds of Dean clones. This tells me that she assumes Cas will be with Dean whether it’s because he’ll need help and she knows he’s the one Cas will go to because he trusts Dean or Dean wouldn’t let Cas do it by himself and will go with Cas.
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Sam is surprised that Dean prayed to Cas even though he’s calling him an ass. Obviously Sam doesn’t know that Dean has prayed to Cas hundreds of times since he prayed to him every night in purgatory and a bunch of times before and after. It’s only now that Sam realizes that there’s something wrong with Cas yet Dean knew as soon as Cas came back. So Dean knows something is wrong and that’s what’s makeing Cas act weird yet he still trusts Cas to watch over Sam. It’s amazing because Dean isn’t a religious person and he has no faith in god or the other angels. All his hope and faith is in Cas. If Cas dies his hope and faith is gone and he can barely function.
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This scene is amazing. One of the best scenes I’ve seen so far in terms of acting and storyline. Dean tells Cas to get the angel tablet Cas will have to kill him first. That’s usually something someone says if they are planning to fight back yet Dean does nothing but let Cas hit him. It’s beautiful that they won’t fight each other even in a situation like this where Cas is being mind controlled. Then there’s Deans speech. I know you. It’s me. We’re family. We need you (swallow). I need you. The I know you and it’s me is saying the same thing I just said Dean knows Cas wouldn’t intentionally hurt him of all people. Then the we’re family. That’s a big thing for Dean. It means I trust you, I’d die for you and I know you feel the same way. First he said we need you as in him and Sam needs Cas as an angel but then he swallows and gets the courage to say I need you. This is also big. Dean has said this to Cas before but it was different. Before it was a I need you in my life whether you’re an angel or not. This time it was clearly Dean not haveing the courage to say I love you but the next best thing. This time it’s more about their profound bond as Cas said. I know originally Dean was supposed to say I love you but I personally don’t think he’s ready to say that yet. Then Cas goes to fix Dean but Dean doesn’t know if Cas is going to kill him or what he’s going to do yet all Dean does is grab Cas arm.
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The beginning of ep 18. Sam asks Dean if there was anything he wanted to talk about and what had happened with Cas. Dean said like my feelings? Sam said sure if that’s what you want to talk about. Sounds like Sam knows about Deans feelings for Cas and is letting him know that he’s willing to listen. This look was Dean realizing Sam knows but there’s no way he’s talking about it yet.
Lastly I just want to share this. I had a conversation with my friend a few days ago and she watched Supernatural just not the last season (it’s not on netflix or it wasn’t when she was watching it). She also isn’t on tumblr or instagram and hasn’t watched any of the con interviews so she has no idea about what people say about the show. She’s half homophobic. She doesn’t mind gay guys but she doesn’t want to see it. I asked her what she thinks Deans sexuality is. She said bi. I asked if it was because she knows I’m a Destiel fan but she said no it’s pretty obvious considering the scenes. Then I told her about Cas confession speech and how Dean was supposed to say I love you and a bunch of other stuff that was supposed to happen and how the changes didn’t change Destiel at all and she said I knew it.
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gunilslaugh · 1 year
Hello again! (I’m the anon who requested the Princess wanting to marry XH reaction.)
I listen to many groups and read fluffy fanfics a lot lol, and I’ve always been drawn to ones where the member accidentally confesses to his crush, (either face to face, texting wrong person, or crush walking in on conversation the member is having with another member about crush) and (sadly) there isn’t a lot of XH content here. So I was wondering if you could write how XH would react if they accidentally confessed to their crush?
Hello nice to hear from you again anon :)
All members {= + _ + =}
Summary: Xdinary Heroes reaction to accidentally confessing to you, their crush.
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Currently you’re regretting your life decisions. You were dumb enough to let Gunil convince you into going to the gym with him. Your muscles were burning. Your skin was covered in a layer of sweat. Dropping to the floor you collapsed in exhaustion after finishing the latest set of squats. 
“Gunil no more or else I’m gonna die,” you heaved out through heavy breaths. Gunil laughs at you in your state of misery. 
“Come on, you can do one more set,” he says, reaching out his hands towards you. Only for you to smack it away in protest. 
“No, my legs feel like jello. You do one more set, I’ll stay here,” you flopped backwards to lay on your back. 
“You’re so adorable. How can I not like you?” Gunil slips.
“What?” You questioned, sitting up on your arms. 
“Uh I- nothing! You just lay back down while I do one last set,” he stuttered, dismissing you. He begins to exercise again, but you get up from the floor stopping him. 
“Gunil, say that again,” you order him.
“Lay back down while I do one more set,” he repeated with a smile, nervously gesturing to the floor.
“The other sentence. You know what I’m talking about,” you said, folding your arms. Gunil looks down at his feet before looking back up to meet your eyes. 
“How can I not like you?” He repeated. A smile graces your lips as you unfold your arms to hold Gunil’s. 
“I like you too,” you confessed. Gunil’s eyes lit up, his hands moved to hold yours. 
“Really you do?” He asks. His eyes shone bright like the stars.
“Yes, unless you make me do another set. Then no,” you stated. Gunil laughs.
“Let’s go home,” he says. His gym bag occupies one of his hands and your hand occupies the other as the two of you walk out of the gym.
Reaching up your curled up hand you were about to knock on the door to Xdinary Heroes dorm when you heard a sentence that stopped you in your tracks.
“Have fun on your date with y/n,” Jiseok said. His voice was a bit muffled by the door, but you still heard it.
“It’s not a date. We’re just hanging out,” Jungsu corrected him. You leaned in closer to the door to try and hear better. Yes, you were eavesdropping, but the topic involved you, so you had the right to know right? 
“You wish it was a date,” Jiseok sassed. Wish it was a date? Did Jungsu like you?
“Yes, I wish it was a date, but I need to confess to her for that to happen and I don’t know how,” Jungsu says. Well he just did, ironically, only he doesn’t know that. 
You brought your hand up to the door again and knocked this time. The door opened moments later revealing Jungsu. 
“Hey,” he greets you. 
“Hi,” you greeted him back with a smile. “Are you ready?” You asked him. 
“Yeah, let's go,” he replies, stepping out of the dorm and shutting the door behind him. The two of you exit the building and you wonder if you should tell Jungsu about what you heard. 
“Jungsu,” you decided to do it. 
“Yeah?” He says. 
“I want this to be a date too,” you declared. Jungsu paused in his tracts, making you stop too. 
“Y-you want this to be a date too,” he reiterated your words in shock.
“I’m sorry, I overheard what you said Jiseok when I was outside of the door,” you apologized. A blush paints its way onto Jungsu’s cheeks as he thinks about you hearing what he said about confessing to you.
“If you want this to be a date too then that means you like me back?” Jungsu questions hopefully.
“Yes, Jungsu I like you too,” you tell him and with that you two went on your first date.
You were on your way back to your apartment when you ran into Jiseok.
“Hey Jiseok,” you greeted him. 
“Hey y/n, didn’t expect to run into you,” he says with a happy smile. 
“Yeah I’m just on my way back home,” you told him. 
“I lost paper, rock, scissors and have to do the convenience store run,” Jiseok shook his head. He was annoyed when he lost, but now he’s more than glad since it resulted in him seeing you.
“You should get better at that game,” you joked.
“Tell me about it,” he grumbled. 
“Well don’t let me keep you. It was nice seeing you though we should get together sometime,” you suggested. 
“Definitely, I’ll text you later,” he agreed. 
“You better,” you tell, pointing a finger at him, playfully threatening him. You gave each other one last goodbye before going your separate ways. 
Just after you shut the door to your apartment your phone went off. It was a text notification from Jiseok. That was fast you thought, opening the message. A couple other messages rapidly appeared before you could even read, let alone respond to the first one. 
“Bro guess what!!” The first one read. “I JUST RAN INTO Y/N!” The second one read. “She said that we should get together sometime, can you believe it!?” “Also when I said that I’d text her she said I BETTER!” “Do you think she likes me back?” The rest of his text read. You couldn’t help but laugh at the situation.
“I think she does like you back,” you texted. “You should also check who you’re texting Jiseok,” you followed your previous text with. 
Jiseok feels like he might die from embarrassment once he realizes that he’s been texting you this whole time. Then he realizes that you basically said that you like him back. He’s still embarrassed, but responds back with “We should plan our date then :)”.
Seungmin’s and your shoulders kept brushing as you walked side by side. You were currently at a market strolling around, checking out the different stalls. 
“Ooh look at these bracelets,” you tugged Seungmin along with you as some beautiful hand beaded bracelets caught your eye. You look at the bracelets adorning the table. “I like this one,” you said, picking up a bracelet that was beaded with your favorite color. 
“I’ll get it for you,” Seungmin tells you, taking the bracelet from your hands. Before you have any time to protest he was already purchasing it from the stall lady.
“Tell you what. I’ll give you and your girlfriend a two for one, so you can match,” the kind stall lady says, picking up a bracelet that matched yours. It’s not the first time you and Seungmin have been mistaken as a couple, but it always makes your heart flutter whenever it happens. Seungmin thanks the lady for her kindness. 
“Give me your wrist,” he tells you. You lift your wrist up and he slides the bracelet on. 
“Your turn,” you say, taking the other bracelet from him. Seungmin smiles slightly, holding out his wrist to you. You slid the bracelet into place. “There, our own matching couple bracelets,” you said, holding your bracelet adorned wrist next to his. 
“I wish we were actually a couple,” Seungmin remarked, taking you by surprise. You turned to face him wide eyed and Seungmin realized that he said that out loud and not in his head.
“I didn’t mean to say that out loud,” he spoke awkwardly. “It’s true though,” he owned up. “This isn’t how I wanted to confess either,” he chucked. “I like you y/n. I want us to be a real couple, not friends who get mistaken for a couple,” he declares. Your heart is fluttering again for a different reason now. 
“I want that too,” you confessed. “Let’s be a couple,” you said. Seungmin is more than happy to agree.
Hyeongjun and you have been friends for a long time and Hyeongjun had been harboring his crush on you for just about as long as you’ve been friends. He’s too scared to confess. He is worried that you will reject him and that your friendship will be ruined. He wishes that he had the gut to confess too though because he wants to be with you, in a more than friends way. His members say that he is a coward and ridiculous. That there is no way you don’t feel the same way about him. You two are both cowards dancing around your feelings for one another. 
“Hyeongjun, I’m tired of watching you pine over y/n. Seriously you have heart eyes whenever you look at her just confess!” Hyeongjun reads the text he received from Jooyeon. He whips his head around to see Jooyeon sitting at the end of the couch, observing you and Hyeongjun from where you two are baking in the kitchen. Jooyeon gives him a look and Hyeongjun mouths at him to go away. 
“Can you pass me the measuring cup please?” You asked, sending Hyeongjun’s attention back to you. 
“Here you go,” he says, handing you the measuring cup.
“Thanks,” you tell him, taking the measuring cup. Leaving Hyeongjun staring at you lovestruck. His phone goes off with another text from Jooyeon. “You’d give her the moon if she asked wouldn’t you?” He looks back at where Jooyeon sits, sending him a glare. He begins typing his response. 
“Yes, I’d give her the moon if she asked because she deserves it. I already gave her my heart and I’d give her anything else she could ever ask for,” he hits send. In a moment the color drains from his face as your phone goes off with a text notification. Hyeongjun looks at his messages and to his horror he sent that text to you instead of Jooyeon. 
“I already gave my heart to you too,” you say, looking at Hyeongjun. 
Hyeongjun was worried for nothing and now his members are free from his pining. 
“Jooyeon just confess,” the sentence immediately catches your attention. Jooyeon liked someone? You were supposed to be helping Seungmin with song lyrics, but that somehow ended up with you napping on the couch in the little studio room instead. 
“Seungmin you can’t talk like that, she's literally three feet away!” Jooyeon scolded in a quiet whisper. Wait, does that mean it’s you he likes? You keep your eyes shut and continue to listen to the conversation. This is probably wrong. You should just let them know that you’re awake. You could even act like you just woke up right then,but no you keep fake sleeping.
“She’s passed out. She won’t hear any of this,” Seungmin states. If you were actually sleeping he’d be right.
“I can’t just confess though. I can’t just randomly go up to her and say ‘Hey y/n I like you,’ that'd be weird,” Jooyeon defended. You just got your confirmation, Jooyeon likes you. 
“I think that might work better than you think,” you made your presence known, sitting up on the couch. Both of them looked over at you surprised. 
“How much of that did you hear?” Jooyeon asked, turning red. 
“From ‘Jooyeon just confess’,” you put up quotation marks with your fingers. 
“I’ll leave you two alone,” Seungmin said, getting up from his chair and exiting the studio. 
“Jooyeon, come here,” you patted the space next to you on the couch. Jooyeon slowly made his way over. “Is there something you want to tell me?” You asked. 
“You clearly already know,” he murmured, still embarrassed. 
“And you know that I’ll accept, so tell me,” you prompted. 
“Hey y/n, I like you,” he said, making you laugh at his reuse of words. 
“Hey Jooyeon, I like you too,” you mimicked. 
“So,” he reached for your hand. “Want to go out on a date later?” He asks, linking your fingers together. 
“Can’t wait,” you said, squeezing his hand.
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allthefandomthings55 · 7 months
Life in the Limelight
Chapter 3
Spencer’s POV
After my text conversation with Y/N, I got back to work. All I had to do was hope that we didn’t get a case in two days. I hopped off the elevator and walked to my desk and greeted everybody as I went. As I sat at my desk I started to do paperwork that had been piling up. 
“Hey Reid, my man,” Derek said slapping his hands on my shoulders. 
“Oh no, what do you want, Derek?”
“Nothing, I just think you should come out with me this weekend. Maybe Saturday?”
“I don’t know, Derek, I think I’m busy Saturday.”
“Ok Pretty Boy! What are you doing, hmm? Are you going to watch some obscure movie? Maybe reading a whole bunch of obscure books?”
“Yeah, actually I was thinking about going out and getting lunch after going for a walk in the park then going to an early movie then going home and reading some books.”
Derek, JJ, and Emily seemed surprised for me to have a detailed plan ready. “Ok Reid,” Emily starts, “Are you going with anyone?”
“No, I’m not. I’m actually kind of excited to go out by myself and enjoy life.”
Everyone was staring at me, trying to read my micro-expressions but I knew they couldn’t. “Everyone in the meeting room in five,” Hotch said as he walked passed us. After everyone left to go to the meeting room, I let out a deep breath. I hope this case doesn’t take us out of state and doesn’t take us long. I don’t want to miss my hangout/date with Y/N. I walk up to the meeting room to see everyone sitting there. 
I take my seat and Garcia starts the meeting, “Ok friends we have trouble in our backyard. First victim, Alyssa Caldwater, was last seen leaving her job at 10:30 last Tuesday night. She was found dead two days ago in an alley, and get this, completely naked. Then just yesterday an Amanda Clarke was found in another alley about two blocks from where Miss Alyssa was found. Also they were both strangled to death then stabbed 30 times postmortem.”
“So,” Emily started, “we’re clearly dealing with someone who has extreme aggression problems.”
“Yeah, they might also be impotent. Maybe that’s why he stabbed them,” JJ commented.
“You know, because of the overkill, we’re definitely dealing with someone who is really fit, or is on some kind of stimulant drug that would give them the strength and energy to do something like this,” I said. 
“Well, it seems like this guy is speeding up. One girl dumped two days ago and another one dumped yesterday.” Rossi added.
Hotch spoke up, “Either way we better get down to the D.C. field office and help them figure this out. Everyone at the cars in 10 minutes.”
I got worried because I don’t know if we’ll be done in time for my brunch with Y/N so I decided to call her. 
“Hey Y/N, how are you?”
“I’m good, Spencer, I’m just leaving rehearsal. What about you?”
“Uh, I’m ok. Look I hate to do this, but my team and I just got a case and I don’t know if it will be done by Saturday. Luckily it’s here, well in D.C., but close enough, right?”
“Oh,” she sounded disappointed, “well that’s ok. I mean you can’t just let people die, right? How about this, we’ll play it by ear. What I do for work is really flexible so I can meet you really anytime I want. Within reason though.” She chuckled after that sentence and I liked the sound of it. I honestly didn’t even know what to say. “Spencer? Did I say something wrong?”
“No! I mean no you didn’t. I just haven’t always had people in my life that understood my situation.”
“Oh believe me I get your situation. Don’t be nervous but I really need to tell you something when we do get to meet. It’s nothing bad, but I think it’s important that you know.”
“Ok, yeah no worries right? But I have to get going to solve this and hopefully I can make our time and date.”
“Yeah you go catch a killer, Spencer. Good luck.”
“Thank you. Bye,” and I hung up the phone. I made my way downstairs and before I got off the elevator I took a deep breath and made my face neutral so the team couldn’t read me. 
As I walk out of the elevator I see the team waiting for me. “Petty Boy! What took you so long?”
“Uh, I just had to make a phone call.”
“Really? To whom?” I decided to ignore him and just follow everyone else and get into the SUV.
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wikiangela · 8 months
tease tidbit tuesday💀
tagged by @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @daffi-990 @fortheloveofbuddie @disasterbuckdiaz @hoodie-buck 💖
hi! so, yesterday I randomly opened the doc with the buddie death cast au - which is a fic I started writing last summer on vacation and never got back to it but then made progress lol it's gonna be MCD, which i know is not everyone's thing so feel free to ignore this 🤣 it's basically buddie in the universe of the "they both die at the end"/"the first to die at the end" books so it's gonna be sad, sorry lol (I never even read mcd, idk why i'm writing this but this idea just wants to be written i guess haha) gotta put this weird mood I've been in lately to good use and finally write this 🤣 not sure if I'm happy with this snippet, but it all needs editing, the first two snippets were written on my phone and haven't been edited yet lol
I posted two snippets so far, gonna link them both snippet 1 | snippet 2
“Is all of this clear, Eddie?” she asks in the end.
“Yeah, sure, whatever.” he says shortly. He should've just hung up immediately. Or cancel this stupid subscription after Shannon died. Sometimes he wonders if maybe people who get the calls and coincidentally get into accidents, for example, just give up and refuse to fight because they think it’s their time. Not like Shannon could do much, her injuries were too severe when they got there, but the point stands. Maybe they get more reckless, thinking it doesn’t matter anyway. 
There’s a short pause on the line, but then Jane speaks up again, her tone softer, more sympathy seeping through.
“I know it’s not easy to accept, if you’d like some help with that, on out website you can find therapists and grief counselors specializing in-”
“Listen.” Eddie interrupts. He’s spent enough time in therapy. He’s not doing it on his supposedly last day. “I know it’s all bullshit. I don’t care. You said what you had to say, I listened, for whatever reason.” he rolls his eyes. He really should’ve hung up, or not answered at all. “Is this conversation over yet?” he asks and is met with another moment of silence. She’s probably wondering what everyone else always is: why is he even spending money on this if he doesn’t believe. He has an answer ready to go, but that’s not what she asks.
“Can I ask you a question?” she says quieter, whispering, probably not allowed to go too much off-script. 
“Sure, why not.” he shrugs. He’s wide awake now, anyway, he’s not in a hurry. Not like he’s dying anytime soon.
“If it was your last day, how would you spend it? You don’t have to answer, just think about it.” she adds quickly, her tone much softer and gentler now. Eddie’s mind immediately supplies a picture of Christopher and Buck, just a casual hang-out, like usual, maybe going to the movies, or the aquarium, or the planetarium, something fun for his kid. And later a gathering with the rest of their family, maybe a barbecue at Bobby and Athena’s, with Maddie and Chim, and Hen and Karen, all their kids, just everyone having fun together. Yeah, that’d be a perfect day. “There’s no harm in spending today just like this, if possible. Just in case.” Jane adds, still whispering. He doesn’t tell her that’s more or less his plan, anyway, for the evening after his 12-hour shift. During which nothing will happen to him, because Death-Cast doesn’t know shit. “Well, lastly, Eddie,” Jane’s voice is back at normal-volume, tone strictly professional but sympathetic, as she recites the end of her script, “on behalf of everyone here at Death-Cast, we’re so sorry to lose you. Live this day to the fullest.”
Eddie hangs up without a word.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @911onabc @housewifebuck @rogerzsteven @watchyourbuck @underwater-ninja-13 @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @nmcggg @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @king-buckley @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @puppyboybuckley @weewootruck @buckaroosheart @spagheddiediaz @steadfastsaturnsrings @exhuastedpigeon @jesuisici33 @theotherbuckley @rainbow-nerdss @malewifediaz @giddyupbuck @diazsdimples @jeeyuns @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @honestlydarkprincess @hippolotamus @spotsandsocks
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Part 9: Emma
Larissa Weems x reader
Warnings: None.
Being Larissa Weems' girlfriend was definitely something you could get used to. You spent most of your mornings now waking up together, alternating between your place and hers. Larissa was an early riser, and she never failed to make sure you woke up to a beautiful breakfast and a coffee to die for. Today though, it would be different. The night before you set a silent vibrating alarm on your watch to wake you up bright and early. Too early you thought as you quietly slipped out of bed as to not wake Larissa. You close the door quietly to your kitchen and rub your eyes. 5 am, you had about an hour until Larissa would wake up. You started by making a strong coffee, which you desperately needed. After about 45 minutes of making an absolute mess of your kitchen, Larissas breakfast was ready. Fresh pancakes with her favourite fruits, and a healthy amount of syrup. You nod at the food in approval of your skills and place it on the small dining table.
You walk into your bedroom with a fresh hot coffee, made just the way Larissa liked it. You placed it down on the bedside table and sat by her gently, leaning down and placing a soft kiss to her forehead. ‘’Morning sleepy head’’ you say against the skin of her cheek. She smiles and opens her eyes slowly, before sitting up quickly. ‘’Y/N, what time is it?! How long have you been awake?! I’m late for-’’ you giggle and press a soft kiss to Larissas lips. ‘’Relax my love, it's only 6am. I got up early and made you your favourite breakfast. You’re always doing it for me and I wanted to make you feel as special as you make me feel every day.’’ you say with a smile. Larissa blushes and kisses you passionately, her hands resting on your cheeks. ‘’What did I ever do to deserve you, Y/N?’’ you laugh and stand up. ‘’You literally just existed, and i'm so thankful that you do, Larissa.’’ you both share a laugh and a smile, and before Larissa gets out of bed, there's a knock at the door. You and Larissa share a confused look. No one ever comes to your place, and especially not at 6am. You walk to your front door and open it so there's a small gap.
Your eyes widen and your mouth opens slightly, but you can't seem to find any words. You frown slightly and gather yourself. ‘’Emma? What.. What are you doing here?’’ Emma smiles awkwardly, shifting on her feet. ‘’I’ve moved back home and I.. I just wanted to see you.’’
You and Emma had dated for about 3 years, before one day she left without a single word. She was your first proper love and your first heartbreak, to this day you still weren't sure why she left the way she did.
You stared at her before opening the door wider, and crossing your arms against your chest. ‘’You really have some nerve just showing up like this, after all this time?’’ Larissa heard your raised voice and walked quietly to lean against the bedroom door so she could hear the conversation between the two of you. ‘’I know, I was a complete bitch and I owe you an explanation. Please, Y/N. Let me in so we can talk.’’ Emma pleads with you, stepping closer. You shake your head and stop her from entering your home. ‘’No, you don’t get to just come back and expect me to just welcome you in with open arms and listen to your sob story.’’ You raise your voice enough to cause concern to wash over Larissa.
Before Emma can respond Larissa walks out of the bedroom into the living room, wearing your dressing gown. She frowns at Emma on the other side of the front door and walks over to you, taking hold of your hand. ‘’Darling, who’s this?’’ She asks you with a sweet yet annoyed tone. Before you can answer Emma pipes up. ‘’I’m Emma, Y/N’s ex. I’ve come to apologise and-‘’ before she can continue Larissa is in front of her, towering over her. ‘’She doesn’t want you here, and we’re busy.’’ Larissa tries to slam the door but Emma stops it with her foot. ‘’I’m sure Y/N can speak for herself.’’ Emma snaps at Larissa. You want the ground to swallow you, you didn’t want to deal with this right now, or at all. You look up and the two women are looking at you, both waiting for an answer. You take a deep breath and walk back over to the door. ‘’Emma, you need to leave.’’ Larissa smirks at your words and turns to face Emma who is clearly very upset.
‘’Y/N please… I still love you.’’ Emma cries. Those words were enough for Larissa to finally slam the door in anger and jealousy. You sit down on the couch, head in your hands. Larissa sits down next to you. ‘’I think we need to talk, don’t we?’’ She asks, almost hesitant. You lock eyes with her and nod slowly, treading the uncomfortable conversation. Larissa sits back, still trying to control her breathing from the rage she just felt. You turn to face her, and take her hands in yours. ‘’Emma and I dated a few years ago, for about 3 years. From my point of view everything was fine… then one day I woke up and she was gone. No note, no explanation, nothing… I was absolutely crushed. I didn’t sleep or eat right for weeks, I just kept waiting for her to come back, until one day I finally realised she wasn’t going to.’’ You sigh.
‘’And now she has.’’ Larissa says quietly with tears in her eyes. You move closer to her and place your hand on her cheek. ‘’That doesn’t change anything between us, okay?’’ You reassure her. She smiles slightly but you can sense she doesn’t quite believe you. She clears her throat and stands up, making her way to the bedroom. ‘’What are you doing?’’ You ask. ‘’I’m going to head home, I… I need some time to think about what just happened.’’ Larissa says as she holds back the tears. A little while later Larissa comes out of your bedroom, dressed and her bag packed. You stand and walk her to your front door. ‘’Can I call you later?’’ You ask as you wrap your arms around her waist. Larissa just nods with a small smile before kissing your cheek softly and heads off home.
You walk back into your home and sit down at the dining table, starting at Larissa’s now cold, stale breakfast. You sigh and pick up your phone, already missing her. Your mind was racing. Why has Emma come back now? Why did she leave? You place your head in your hands, knowing you had a bumpy ride ahead.
(Sorry it’s a short one I’ve got a lot going on at the moment!! ❤️)
@gwenswifeyfr @imbiactuallyx
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Athena is an Awful Mother- Yes, Even in the Books
As a child of Athena myself, and as a professional Athena hater, I am honestly shocked at how many people think the show itself made her bad, when to me she was always this bad. The books kind of gloss over the stuff she does, and we’re expected to believe she’s one of the “better” godly parents.
I also think that because most of us read these books when we were 11-12, we didn’t quite actually understand the fucked up shit she was doing, but as I get older, the more I question alot of the the decisions she made as both a parent and a “wisdom goddess.”
Because, yeah, a lot of the decisions were straight up horrible. Like, I don’t think you guys understand that there is more issues to her specific brand of neglect, than most of the other gods.
Spoilers for the books below! Also, this will be talking about Athena in the books, not Greek Myth Athena.
I think my main issue with Athena has always been the way her children came into existence. Because children of Athena are born from thoughts in her mind, born to mortal men she admires. Now, as a child, this didn’t seem as bad, because I didn’t understand the complexities of parenting. I still don’t, but I know a bit more from having friends and peers who have children.. and now I see several issues with this.
First, it’s the idea that even at the beginning, she sees her children as commodities. Her children were made to be “gifts” for men, who she admired. And the messed up part, is based on Frederick’s reaction to Annabeth, she doesn’t actually have enough conversations with these men to know if they’re ready to be fathers. And the fact that men getting their PhDs is something she admires… I’m willing to bet a lot of these men aren’t (getting a PHD is already hard, but add a baby on top of that?!?!).
I still think Frederick’s neglect is his own fault, but to say that Athena cannot be blamed for choosing to have her, and then not even being sure if the man she had her with - who had no choice in the matter- even wanted a child? Yeah, that’s fucked up.
But Athena doesn’t even really care.
And I think that’s what bothers me in particular about Athena’s neglect. Is that she had a choice to have not have the children if she wasn’t going to raise them. She chose to have them, whether or not the men she liked even wanted kids.
But she had them anyways- because, again, she sees her children as a commodity.
Now this isn’t to say she has no redeemable qualities. She helped Annabeth find her way to Camp Half Blood. She gave her that invisibility cap. But here’s the thing- nearly every godly parent is seen helping their children in some form or another, or giving them gifts.
Even the bad ones.
Ares is probably a worse godly parent than Athena… but he still gave Clarisse her spear. Zeus turns Thalia into a tree to save her. And idk, I still feel like we all hate Zeus and Ares as parents.
That being said the Mark of Athena… that is what really confirms every negative thought I’ve had about Athena. That she sees her children as commodities and nothing else. Because as much as we love to try to explain it away by saying that it wasn’t actually Athena, it was Minerva… still Athena. Different form, maybe, but it is implied that these gods hold the same beliefs, so this is something that Athena thinks WHOLEHEARTEDLY.
Annabeth refuses to kill the Romans, and then her mother proceeds to call her nothing and disown her. Because again, Athena sees her children as commodities, nothing more. They are gifts given to men. They are resources for her to use to fight her battles- and this whole scene becomes worse when you considering what she was trying to get Annabeth to do-
To find the Mark of Athena, a quest so many of her children have died on, and yet she proceeds to keep sending her children on these quests. But she doesn’t care how many of her own children die on this quest- her pride is more important.
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