#dog article
dog-and-puppy · 7 months
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Hey guys!, I think this kind of dog's breed will harmful for the world. OHH!, Well this is very scary. Apart from this I have some good information regarding the breeds, that you can adopt to make your pet.
To Learn More, Click here
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ink-the-artist · 1 year
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Paleolithic humans
Been meaning to make art of early humans for a while and these in particular were greatly inspired by this article:
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transactinides · 9 months
There is a reason why Ranpo often struggles with getting lost/finding his way back home
This might seem like a far fetched beginning, but for this to be clear I do need to explain one pretty easy to understand (I prommy) math concept - a random walk. In math, a random walk describes a path consisting of random steps in some sort of mathematical space. A path of a molecule in a gas is a random walk, and individual foraging animal's movement is a random walk, and even your Tw*tter follow suggestions use a random walk process. I have heard of it from Markov's chains and computer science. You might not have heard of it at all which is both valid and understandable. The important parts are:
1) a random walk is. well. a random walk;
2) In Japanese, while most commonly referred to by its transliterated name, ランダムウォーク (literally 'random walk' in katakana), a random walk can also be called 乱歩, with 乱 meaning 'disordered' and 歩 meaning 'path.
If you (unlike me) know Japanese, you already see where I am going with this - yes, 乱歩 reads as 'Ranpo'. It is, in fact, the same 'Ranpo' as in our beloved detectives name, Edogawa Ranpo!
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So Ranpo's general directionally challenges nature could be a nod towards his name, meaning that he probably gets lost easily and struggles with routes due to taking random detours and turns (just like a random walk ^-^)
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awkwardbsd · 11 months
Bungo Stray Dogs is not for people who are good at living, but for those who need stories like oxygen, according to author Kafka Asagiri.
The series explores themes of trauma, self-affirmation, and the right to feel lost, resonating with audiences who have experienced pain in their own lives.
Bungo Stray Dogs offers a bittersweet view on life, balancing fun and amusement with a deeper exploration of emotions, making it a relatable and meaningful story for its audience.
I saw this article a few days ago and was considering not posting this since it called us out in 29 different languages.
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py6oto · 6 months
christmas tales
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stuffeddeer · 7 months
rock band member dazai where he’s often in the media for drama between him and his previous ex band partner and you happen to run into him (anonymously!) on a chatting app. eventually his “personal conflicts “ he tells you about him and a ex friend start to align a lot with a certain famous singer’s tabloid scandals, so you bite the bullet and ask if it’s him or if he is just going through the same exact specific events dazai is. he ends up revealing his identity and you end up getting backstage tickets to his shows and he ends up just as obsessed with you as you are (chuuya is pissed that somehow that shitty dazai got a partner before him)
its u.
Dazai’s heart rate picked up at the two grammatically incorrect words that popped up in his notifications. You’d been so close to figuring it out for weeks; Was today finally the day?
Right: play dumb. There’s no guarantee you figured out who he is, so he just needs to stay calm.
Sure, week after week he’d tell you stories from his life that popped up in magazines and circulated around online the next day or so, always causing you to come back and flaunt it in his face that your favorite guitarist had done it “bigger and better” (even though the stories were the exact same). You frequently pointed out similarities in them (being him and… himself) to the point where he almost saved and told you several times, but something always held him back. Maybe he should just finally rip the bandage off.
A photo message came in. It was a screenshot - a screenshot of a picture Dazai had sent you. In the background had a bright red circle around something small. He zoomed in, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. Couldn’t you just type it out? What a hassle - oh.
Yeah, he should’ve listened when his manager told him to pick it up and display it properly.
The image was a bird’s eye view of his hand, flashing his fresh coat of nail polish and his rather messy wooden floors (and his cute orange halloween socks). Nothing too damning upon first glance. Sure, you’d mentioned that your favorite band’s guitarist had painted his nails the same color, but that was mere coincidence, right?
No. Because this lazy moron couldn’t put things away, in the top left corner of the photo - the area circled in red - showed an opened package with the platinum record his band was gifted for their most popular song. Why would he have that if not a member of the band himself?
He looked up from his phone blankly, staring at the package still nestled on the side of his room. The only difference from the photo is that it had been pushed slightly to the side since then, stopping him from tripping over it. What a stupid mistake; Dazai had always been much more careful than this (except when he wasn't).
u let me gush to u ab URSELF????
im embarrassed
Dazai smiled. Well, at least things weren’t awkward.
It had been a few months and you and Dazai were happy to talk in person now that he didn’t have to hide his face. You’d been backstage at many of his shows, meeting his bandmates and spending time in person. It had honestly been so much fun, but sometimes Dazai missed the cat and mouse game he’d been playing when you were unsure of his identity - back when you texted him rumors and articles about his own life, saying how crazy it was that your favorite artist went through the same things as him.
He’d woken up earlier than he wanted to due to the myriad of calls blowing up his phone. “What..” He grumbled, not even bothering to check caller ID. “Who is this?”
“You asshole! You got a fucking partner before I did? And they’re hot, too! No way they settled for you,” Chuuya continued to grumble while Dazai put him on speaker phone, tuning him out. Whatever he was yapping about didn’t matter once he noticed a notification from you.
do u know this guy? he seems to be goin thru the same things u r…
A link is included, leading Dazai to an article with a picture of him and you. The first thing he notices is how smitten he looks with you, causing him to blush very faintly as he smiles to himself. Is that really what he looks like around you?
Rockstar Dazai Osamu Finds New Fling - Or Maybe More?
More, definitely more.
“Are you listening, asshole?” Chuuya shouted from his speaker. “How’d ya get a partner before me?”
Dazai smiled, saving the paparazzi shot onto his phone. “My height, definitely.”
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thisisntreaver · 4 months
*head in my hands* reaver just has sparrows dogs collar??? He's just kept that??? He canonically has possession of something their faithful companion wore always?????? Something they likely would have kept themselves?????
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cliveguy · 4 months
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This tweet could be the basis of several psychological studies. And not in a good way.
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niko-sasaki-dbd · 7 hours
It’s likely that photos were taken of Edwin and his family when he was alive. I wonder if, at some point, he tried to find them upon realizing he had forgotten what his family looked like.
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moxie-girl · 2 years
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Bungou Stray Dogs as Deleted Wikipedia Articles with Freaky Titles, pt. 2
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acti-veg · 5 months
“When you’re at a restaurant, you don’t really see the process, but that changes once you’re at a farm and see how horrible the situation is, how badly the dogs are treated and how they carry all these diseases … stuff that makes you feel that this is wrong in so many ways.”
Over the years, activists have documented the cruelty of the industry. Dogs are subjected to deplorable conditions, confined to cages amid putrid surroundings infested with diseases and faeces, and often left with untreated wounds. They are fed discarded food waste, often containing harmful ingredients. They are strangulated by hanging, beaten, or even electrocuted, sometimes over prolonged periods.
Breeders, many of whom are older and see the dog meat trade as a way out of poverty, argue that conditions have improved in recent times.
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joelletwo · 8 months
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[ID from alt: ORV fanart of kim dokja in employee uniform in a pet store. there are five animals with identifying features of the 999 crew: yoo joonghyuk as a ferret dangling in kdj's hand, lee hyunsung as a dog at his side, kim namwoon as a guinea pig, uriel as a conure, and lee jihye as a koi]
@orvweek day 3: Jobs
well the kim dokja who read as far as the 999th round was definitely old enough to be working deadend retail and projecting his favorite blorbos on his day to day to cope. i'd say! wouldnt know tho! 😇
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britneyshakespeare · 4 months
i think very often about that telegraph article from 2011 asking various writers if they prefer wuthering heights or jane eyre, and blake morrison said:
Asking which you prefer out of Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre is similar to the questions, “Are you John Lennon or Paul McCartney?” and “Are you cat or dog?” The more exciting people are John Lennon, cat and Wuthering Heights. But I am Paul McCartney, dog and Jane Eyre.
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puppychase · 4 months
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Can anybody hear me
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cryptidnest · 3 months
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bridoesotherjunk · 1 year
articles and twitter posts:: venom 3 set photos Spider-man connection!?????? Spider Man?? Spiderrre??? MCU??? SPider MAn MCUU???? HollanD?? TOM?? Tom HoLLAnd Spider??? CONNEcT????
me: aww tom hardy posted a picture of a little doggy! ❤
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