#dog patronus
blackdoedog · 3 months
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aesthetics-for-u · 1 year
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Ravenclaw/Newfoundland Patronus/INFJ/Capricorn/True Neutral ~ Winter Aesthetic for anon
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remus lupin patronus is not a fucking wolf it is a cat
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innerfeather · 1 year
Spiritual animal and TikTok trends: bunny/fox/cat/deer or eagle/bear/dog/reptile
One of my interests since forever has been the discovery of my spiritual animal. To know what would I become if I was an animagus, what would my Patronus be, what could I become in case a Fairy Godmother would appear and transform me in a beautiful and wild creature.
Up until today, I still don't know what my spiritual animal is. I used to be a hedgehog, as I was shy and socially insecure, but that is not the case anymore. And I really think that the spiritual animal should reflect both what we think about our inner self and how others perceive us. This just makes the issue more complicated. I just hope that I will find it someday. I mean... isn't that the purpose of this blog?
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For all this, I find this new TikTok trend truly fascinating. It is called fox pretty, cat pretty, deer pretty or bunny pretty. Apparently, in Korea they use animals as adjectives, and TikTokers have adapted this tradition into a new theory: that any girl can fit in one of these four beauty types. Regarding the boys, they can be classified in other four types: eagle, bear, dog or reptile.
I have my issues with all this, as it is very limiting both because of the animal options and the gender frame in which it is based. On top of this, it is difficult to find useful sources that actually explain what chracterizes each beauty type: I get it is because of the facial features, but I find very difficult to classify every friend I know into one of this options. In any case, it is FUN.
What I end up thinking is that the fox/cat/deer/bunny is mostly based on the eyes shape. Though I will shortly describe each beauty type in more detail, the basic idea is that each of them is characterized by their EYES. The fox has sharp or small eyes, and the bunny is the opposite as it has very round, large eyes.
FOX pretty have angular features, and a 'foxy' stare, thus, small, sharp eyes. They can have a strong jawline, high cheekbones and look taller than they are. Their aura inspire sensuality and their stare pierce through you. An example of this would be, as her own name says, Megan Fox:
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CAT pretty is characterized by almond eyes, slightly upturned, in a somehow angular face but not as sharp as in the FOX. Cat pretties look small, petite people. Their aura is attractive, charismatic and intelligent. An example would be Anok Yai:
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DEER pretty have this shocking, big eyes that at the same time scream elegance. They usually have soft features in oval faces, with no angularity but either excessive roundness as the bunny. They have this chicness and noble energy, and a perfect example of this beautiful eyes would be Audrey Hepburn:
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BUNNY pretty are all about big eyes, maybe slightly downturned. They have soft cheeks, round faces and light features, and an aura of innocence and purity that is also very feminine. Many websites also link this pretty type to an imperfect smile, which are the most adorable. I can't think of a better example than Ellie Fanning:
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At the end this TikTok trend can be equivalent to the Kibbe or Kitchener theories regarding the yin yang balance. They are thinking frames truly interesting that deserve posts of their own, but basically yang means masculine energy, involving sharp and angular feaures while yin represent feminity and round, soft traits. If you know anything about kibbe, you could say that fox equals to dramatic type, cat to gamine, bunny to romantic and deer to classic. But really don't worry about this, I will explain better later.
What I like very much about this trend is that it also has a word to say about men, so many times ignored in the fashion style world. Their system is not as focused in the stare or the eyes as in the “girl types”, but in the whole aura. As I said before, there four beauty types are eagle/bear/dog/reptile.
EAGLE handsome is characterized by intense eyes and piercing stare, that can come with thick brows and angular features in a diamond face shape. An example would be the one and only Chris Hemsworth:
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BEAR handsome has square features, broad shoulders and tends to be muscular. His eyes are bigger than the bear's, and have a stronger jawline. The bear presents a very masculine aura. An example would be Henry Cavill:
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DOG handsome is tremendously charismatic: his smile lights up the whole room, and appears more lean, friendly and less intimidating than the bear and the eagle. Maybe its because his big, dreamy eyes. You know a dog when you see him, as his good vibes are contagious. An example would be Steve Carell:
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REPTILE handsome refers to the pretty boys, those that are not very masculine but still nice to see. They have soft features, big eyes, and look like a charming prince from a fairy tale. An example would be Harry Styles:
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This is all I have to say for now. I found this trend very fun to research, and though it has its flaws, it really is an introduction to sense the energy of the people. All your comments are more than welcome, and I hope this will help you and me to find our inner feather!
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realtouth · 2 years
there are so many changes that lead to better writing and come naturally from making wolfstar canonical like for example their patronuses.... i just think they'd have the same one !! they are soulmates !!!!
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patronus - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 214
"Mister Lupin?"
The Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor's stern voice cut across the scraping of chairs as the class left for the afternoon.
"Yes, Professor?" Remus responded, looking toward the Professor, waving his waiting friends off.
"I understand why you didn't want to preform the Patronus Charm in front of the class today," he said gently as the room emptied and he approached. "It's safe to assume the form the charm will take."
Remus nodded, blushing just a bit.
"However, to give you a proper grade, I do need to see what you're capable of," the Professor said, raising his eyebrows.
Sighing, Remus nodded and waved his wand. "Expecto patronum," he mumbled, knowing exactly what he was about to see.
A shiny, bright-white dog burst from his wand, barking playfully and loping around the room before returning to Remus's rise and nuzzling into his leg.
"Hello, Padfoot," he murmured.
"Oh! Well that solves that problem, doesn't it?" the Professor said cheerfully, noting something on his clipboard and turning away.
Remus, however, sighed. Because the appearance of Sirius's Animagus form was definitely a problem for him.
He was so distracted contemplating that problem that he didn't see Sirius peeking through the door, eyes wide as he saw the Patronus chase its tail and disappear.
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moutainrusing · 2 months
638 words, @wolfstarmicrofic
Casting patronuses didn’t come naturally to most people, which is why when teaching it for her seventh year NEWT class, Professor Khurana said she didn’t expect people to actually achieve it, it was just good DADA practice.
However, two people almost immediately managed to achieve it, and when they did, they looked at each other with furious blushes staining their cheeks. James’s patronus was a stag, and Lily’s was a doe. Soulmates.
Remus returned to waving his wand and speaking the incantation with a tense jaw and furrowed brow, but no outcome. Beside him, Sirius was also struggling. Made sense. They both had dark minds.
He wondered if his patronus would match with someone else’s the way James and Lily’s did, the way soulmates’ did. Not an exact copy, not an identical clone. Not a patronus which had changed to look like someone else’s. Not one which had changed as a result of heartbreak; intense, overwhelming despair. Not one which had changed out of hopeless, cruelly remorseless unrequited love. Not one which had changed due to obsessive infatuation.
No, Remus wanted someone else’s patronus to match with his, to say they were destined to be because their personalities were compatible. He didn’t want a patronus which had changed for him, because that meant someone was trying to change their personality for another, and that wasn’t healthy. The patronuses of soulmates weren’t identical, they were compatible.
They meant that people were being themselves, being individual, being unique. They signified that a person could survive independently, yet also work beautifully with another.
A patronus was the representation of your warmest emotions, of your happiness, of how you deserved to be happy with yourself. It symbolised hidden depths of your personality, of your feelings; the way you processed things, the way you saw things, the way you learnt, understood, hurt, spoke, yearned, thought. A patronus forced you to confront yourself, to dig deep into the recesses of your brain and draw out something you never knew about yourself, yet you wondered how you never knew this about yourself, because you needed your patronus, it made sense because it was you.
A patronus was your core, and if it was compatible with someone else’s core, if you made each other better, if you consistently worked together and battled all the odds and retained your senses of identity… that was love. That was the mark of soulmates.
So Remus took a breath, plastered this knowledge to the forefront of his mind, telling himself, This is for you. Be happy with who you are.
And he cast, “Expecto Patronum.”
A wolf burst from the tip of his wand.
He froze. No. Not that. Anything but that. He wasn’t that. The werewolf wasn’t his inside; he tried so hard not to be, but still?
Sirius paused in his frustrated spell-work, glanced from Remus to his patronus, and without a second thought, took Remus’s hand in his own and squeezed. “It’s not a werewolf, Moons. It’s an ordinary wolf. And you know what those symbolise?”
Remus couldn’t respond. He stared at the patronus, not his, not his, not his—
Sirius squeezed again. “They symbolise strong, unwavering friendship. They’re loyal and protective and so clever. And you know what you are?”
Sirius didn’t wait for an answer. He firmly stated, “You’re all of that and more. And I…” Sirius glanced at Remus, gripped his hand even tighter, as if now in reassurance for himself, and whispered, “Expecto Patronum.”
A dog burst from the tip of his wand.
It was faint at first, but then it moved towards Remus’s wolf, and together, they glowed. Two huge, shaggy canines, equal in size but different in personality, equal in the affection they held for each other but different in how they learnt, understood, hurt, spoke, yearned, thought. That was love.
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cursedonyx · 4 months
Sebastian and Ominis Headcanons
✧ Adores chocolate to the point it’s almost comical. His absolute favourite is Honeydukes Best Chocolate (which in my mind tastes like a Hotel Chocolat’s milk chocolate with just a hint of caramel and vanilla), but he’s happy with any chocolate except really dark chocolate. Anything above 80% and he’ll turn his nose up at it. Left to his own devices with free reign at night in Honeydukes, you’d find him in the morning in a sugar coma with his tummy almost bursting his shirt buttons, his face covered in chocolate stains and looking about as happy as it’s possible to look.
✧ He’s got rotten hay fever and may occasionally make use of the bubblehead charm when the pollen count’s high. He doesn’t care if people laugh and is happy to explain why – this led to a lot of students capable of using the charm imitating him if they have hay fever.
✧ Loves cats but adores dogs, particularly if they’re big and dopey, like Labradors or Great Danes. He’s not particularly fond of small, yappy dogs like Jack Russells, which is the complete opposite of his twin.
✧ He’s got an immune system like a tank and will shake off most colds and tummy bugs with relative ease, but when he gets poorly, he gets really poorly. Even so, he’ll try and pretend that nothing’s wrong, even when he’s white as a sheet and sweating, barely able to stand. Ominis has had to knock him out and levitate him to the Hospital Wing on more than one occasion to get him to accept help.
✧ On that note, he absolutely refuses any kind of help unless it’s on behalf of someone else. He’s happy to accept help when he’s searching for a cure for Anne, but if he’s struggling with an essay, confused about his feelings for someone, or just needs to process something, he won’t ask for help, and tries to play it off as him just having an off day.
✧ Sebastian thinks fart jokes are hilarious. The whoopee cushion was invented in the 1930s, and Sebastian was a menace with the damn thing. Think Leslie Neilsen bringing a fart machine to interviews.
✧ Sebastian is a proper summer baby and loves being outside in the sunshine. He loves the excuse to splash about in streams or go swimming, and has tried to teach Ominis how to swim. Sadly, Ominis isn’t keen on the idea as he can’t tell where anything is in the water.
✧ Sebastian’s temper is like a firecracker; quick to spark, quick to explode, and just as quick to go out. He doesn’t forgive easily, especially if the person who’s annoyed him has deliberately tried to hurt him or someone he loves, but he doesn’t tend to hold grudges. Unless it's serious, if he can’t get revenge in a week or two, he tends to move on from the idea though that doesn’t mean he won’t hate the person for a time.
✧ Sebastian’s opinions of people always start out neutral, and they can be swayed positively or negatively through a variety of factors. Lots of little positive things can be overshadowed by one huge negative, but it takes a lot more effort to change his negative opinion to a positive one.
✧ He eats anything and everything. He’s got a big appetite and tends to consume food at a rate that would shame a graphorn. If he didn’t have so much nervous energy, he’d probably end up a little porky.
✧ His boggart would be Anne’s corpse. If Anne is cured, or he has to spend any time in Azkaban, this changes to a dementor.
✧ His animagus form and patronus would be a fox without a doubt – his colouring would be browner than most foxes and mottled with darker ‘freckles’ all down his back and tail. His favourite part about being an animagus is having a tail.
✧ Doesn’t like sweets, and particularly loathes chocolate, much to Sebastian’s horror. This is due to his upbringing and a particular trauma around his parents trying to cure his blindness then forcing him to eat chocolate as a ‘reward,’ no matter how much he didn’t want to, and he was shouted at until he ate it. Consuming something chocolatey will bring back those memories, so he avoids it where possible.
✧ He absolutely adores tiny summer strawberries though, and he will actively seek them out. They’re very hard for him to find by himself and he usually gets a bit down if he can’t find any, so if you go foraging and present him with a punnet, there’s a pretty strong chance he’ll fall in love with you.
✧ Has no allergies, but gets poorly relatively easily. If there’s a cold going about Hogwarts, you can bet that Ominis will catch it if he’s not patient zero. He’s like an illness magnet in that way. Similarly to Sebastian, he won’t complain about it unless he’s in a romantic relationship, then all he’ll do is whine because he knows his partner will make a big fuss of him and look after him the way his family never did. He’s a sucker for being pampered.
✧ Ominis has a bit of a sensitive tummy, and he tends to stick to foods he knows are safe. He’s happy to try new foods, but he prefers to try them in very small amounts to minimise the risk of upsetting his stomach.
✧ Ominis gets hilariously embarrassed around toilet humour, and for the most part pretends that people don’t go to the bathroom. If it comes up in conversation, he either won’t engage and pretend it’s not happening, or he’ll change the subject at the first opportunity.
✧ He’s a cat magnet, and even the most aloof or grumpy cats will be happy to curl up in his lap. They love finding Ominis during one of his naps, and unless he’s in his dorm or the Undercroft, he’ll wake up in a puddle of cats. He finds them very comforting.
✧ He adores snakes and longs to have one as a pet, but after an incident when he was seven involving a snake he made friends with that he called Daisy, and his brother Marvolo, he’s absolutely terrified of making friends with another one, just in case Marvolo does what he did again (Considering doing a very angsty and painful short fic of this idea, but it’s pretty unpleasant so I’m in two minds).
✧ Hates being cold, but suffers terribly in the heat. UK summers are horribly humid, and he can’t stand it. A dryer summer heat like the South of France is the only kind he can tolerate, and he’s grateful the Slytherin common room is in the dungeons, so at least he can still sleep in the summer. Otherwise, he will complain constantly about how hot it is.
✧ Ominis is a filthy gossip. Any kind of rumour and he’ll hear about it and spread it with relish, especially if it’s about someone that’s wronged him in the past. Even without this, he loves to gossip about absolutely anything, and those that know will often seek him out to ask if rumours are true. He wields this small power with satisfaction, especially as it means he’s able to field any rumours about his friends and turn attention to other things going about the castle.
✧ Ominis has a long memory and a fertile imagination. Though his patience for shenanigans is short, it’s unending when it comes to plotting revenge. If you wrong the Prince of Snakes, you better be on your guard for the rest of your life. He will not forget, and the punishment will always fit the crime. Unless of course he hates the person in question or is protecting his loved ones, then you can expect Ominis to go scorched earth in order to get revenge.
✧ Ominis’ boggart doesn’t have a physical form, but it takes on the sound of hissing snakes. To the casual observer, they’d think he was frightened of snakes, and Ominis is perfectly happy to let people think that. In actuality, it’s his family speaking to him in Parseltongue, reminding him of his worst experiences of home and threatening to take him away from his friends, forcing him to live with them and bow to their ways.
✧ Ominis has a healthy dose of fear of his parents, but he’s absolutely terrified of Marvolo. Marvolo bullied him relentlessly when they were young, and once Noctua went missing, it only got worse, and their parents never discouraged it, claiming it would help Ominis build character. Marvolo is the person Ominis nightmares about the most.
✧ Ominis’ patronus and animagus form is a serpent, but contrary to typical animagi/patronuses, which tend to mimic each other, Ominis’ patronus is an enormous snake, similar to an anaconda, while his animagus form is more similar to a ball python, pale gold in colour with darker scales that mimic his beauty marks.
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rae-and-mezo · 1 year
The legacy characters reacting to mc/you kissing them?
A/n: I assumed you meant the first kiss...if I am wrong please let me know! I really liked this one, fluff is my forte. If you guys would like a girls version, let me know! This just got waaay too long lol.
Sebastian Sallow:
Alright. To go in order, he is surprised, flustered, and then overjoyed.
I imagine you're trampling through the woods in search of some potion ingredients. After all, Sebastian despises paying for things he can easily grab from the wild.
So the two of you are searching for a white flower with a blue and pink center. It's harder than it looks but you're having the time of your life being so far away from anyone but each other.
Sebastian thought that maybe this would become a patronus memory. He wasn't wrong!
"There it is!" You exclaim out of nowhere. He turns to see your outstretched hand reaching for a clearing in the cliffs. A cave. The flower is in a small, narrow cave.
Magic is forbidden outside of Hogwarts grounds, and somewhere long ago you had passed the border. So a summoning charm is out of question.
Sebastian hoists you on his shoulders so you can wriggle into the small space. And, of course, you do. There is a small moment of panick where you thought that you might be stuck, but he helped you out smoothly.
Of course, you have to thank him with a kiss. So yeah, you stand on your toes and plant a small kiss on his lips. The two of you had been dating for less than two weeks and you were tired of him not making a move to kiss you.
Unbeknownst to you, he was going to kiss you as a little reward to himself for saving you.
His arms wrapped around your waist and he pulled you closer to him. He wouldn't let you off with ONE kiss!
On the outside he is calm and collected but on the inside, he is so giddy it's almost contagious. The most amazing person at Hogwarts just kissed him? And he's kissing them again? Yeah, he smiles into the kiss and has to bite down a happy giggle.
Ominis gets SUCH an earful that night!!
Ominis Gaunt:
Mans is the definition of "Pining."
Everything you do has him absolutely enamored, willing for more. And when I mean everything, I mean he's listening you tend to a flobberworm with a HUGE grin. But, he never makes a move because, well, you're the hero of hogwarts! Surely you could do better than a blind, cold, Gaunt.
He agreed to spend the afternoon with you in your Vivarium. After all, he loves animals! Maybe not as much as Poppy, but he definitely is in his happy place. Warm grass, sunshine, a Mooncalf laying it's head on his stomach, and most of all, you!
His smile grows impossibly larger once he hears you laugh. "Ominis, he just rolled over! The worm!" There wasn't much incredible about worms in his opinion, but you were excited and that made it worth it.
"That's incredible! Maybe you can train them like dogs!" You flopped down on the grass beside him and smiled at his comment. "I bet I could learn to make leashes for them. Considering they don't have necks, it would be a challenge."
You were close. So close. Was that new perfume? Ominis went into overdrive, subtly scooting away from you. He couldn't stomach the thought of you hearing his heart beat out of his chest after all.
"Ominis?" He craned his head in your direction. Was he blushing? Oh merlin, he hoped not.
"I was just talking about Hogsmeade, are you alright? Usually you jump to go to Honeydukes." Genuine concern laced your voice and he smiled. You always were just too kind.
"Fine, sorry. Go on."
But you were silent. It wasn't until he felt a weight against his arm that he realized you had moved closer.
"Ominis, has anyone told you that you're gorgeous?" You laughed at his guffaw. "No...?"
"You are. Beautiful, even. Handsome if I do say so myself."
Your breath tickled his ear. How fast does a heart have to beat in order to explode? He dreaded to find out.
"MC..." He trailed off, not knowing what to say.
"Can I kiss you?" You offered instead.
His mind was screaming at him to decline, screaming that he would somehow hurt you, but his heart took charge and he found himself nodding.
If he thought you smelled sweet, you tasted sweeter. And he sighed at a gentle kiss. His heart calmed down, everything seemed to calm when you were touching him.
Carefully he placed a hand on the back of your head and pulled you in for another kiss.
As he felt you smile into the kiss, all his worries about not being good enough went away.
You were here, with him, and that's all that matters.
Garreth Weasley
Golden retriever boyfriend!!
Technically (and I use technically very loosely here,) You guys aren't dating.
But he calls you pet names and you kiss his cheek, one of you is always sneaking the other into your dorm for cuddles, and hand holding is almost a second reflex.
So yeah. Other than not being labeled as partners, you guys are dating.
And it's after quidditch that you guys...make it official.
It was the house cup and you both were playing. Whether it be both for Gryffindor or Gryffindor versus your house, the two of you are up in the air.
After not having Quidditch fifth year, it's a warm welcome to be up and fighting for your house!
The game was intense, and you could hear your friends screaming for your victory in the stands.
A large number of people had gathered outside of the pitch as well. The house cup always drew former students back to watch their old house win.
All the attention must have gone to your ego, because you were playing amazing!! Even your rivals were gawking at you. Of course you were good at quidditch before, but the extra attention makes you a superstar!
And so when the snitch is caught and the crowd goes wild, the pure Euphoria washes over you in a wild wave.
You had won, and you had won in a landslide.
Garreth is spotted and you don't think twice before jumping from your broom to his, laughing at his confused expression.
"We won!!" You exclaimed, grabbing onto his shoulders and smiling so wide it hurt. "We won the house cup!"
"I kno-" Garreth is cut off by you grabbing his face by the cheeks and kissing him hard. His face goes almost as red as his hair!
The broom stutters underneath you and he quickly calms it down, grabbing onto your waist and kissing you back just as passionately.
Well, Natty catches you guys, noticing you aren't on the ground celebrating and her laugh is what makes you break apart. With embarrassed glances, the two of you follow Natty back down to the pitch.
Leander Prewitt:
Boy is too confident in his mistakes.
By that, I mean, he asked you on a date to the three broomsticks. It went well and you were feeling all fuzzy...until he tried to kiss you.
Of course you didn't mind being kissed by him but he goes in with all his confidence and smashes his forehead against your nose, causing it to bleed. So he goes to grab a napkin but knocks his chair over and it lands on your foot. Then, picking it up, he bumped into the table and spilled your butterbeer. The hot liquid went right into the woman at the adjacent table's lap.
So, naturally, he helped you stop the bleeding and then he ran. He's been avoiding you since then and your feeble attempts at finding him don't work.
He's...a mess.
Garreth comes and finds you a couple days later and he can't even keep the irritation out of his tone while he tells you that Leander would like to speak to you. Meet him at the DADA tower tonight.
He walks away before you can ask him what time.
You waited for three hours and your annoyance grew by every moment. Of course you didn't blame Leander, Garreth didn't tell you what time! To your knowledge anyway. No, Leander CHOSE not to give a time because he heard Sebastian talking about how feelings intensify after a waiting period.
Welp. Not exactly what he meant, Leander, but okay.
When Leander peeks around the corner, he thinks you don't notice him, but oh boy, you do.
"Can you BELIEVE Garreth didn't give me a time? I have been waiting for three bloody hours! Gah!" You slammed your book shut and stood to face him. "It's okay. What would you like to talk to me about?"
He's too busy mentally beating himself up to answer you immediately. "Oh, uh," He stutters after a few seconds. "I just wanted to say that I am so, so very sorry for how our date went."
"It's not your fault, Leander, don't worry! And Nurse Blainey fixed my nose. No worries."
He still didn't look convinced. Even though you had to stand on your toes, you stood and kissed him lightly on the lips. "It's all alright, Lee."
Okay he malfunctioned. Mans just stopped working.
Slowly his face goes pink and his smile grows. He might be a loser sometimes, but hey. He's your loser.
Amit Thakkar.
So, so Awkward.
Yes, he likes you. Alot. But you don't like him that way, and that's fine! He values your friendship anyway. Well, he thought you didn't like him that way.
Truth be told, you were absolutely smitten with him!
Who doesn't love a handsome and smart, not to mention sweet boy?
The only person who knows this is your best friend, Poppy.
And of course, she is determined to get the two of you together. Because if she heard you ramble on about liking him but knowing he doesn't feel the same one more time, she might just lose it.
So in History of Magic one day, she notices Amit isn't glued to the board. He's scribbling in his notebook, but- wait. He's blushing.
She takes the seat next to him, leaving both you and Amit confused. He's quick to turn the page. This doesn't discourage your friend whatsoever. Instead, she just smiles to herself. When Amit isn't looking, she switches their notebooks and comes back to her normal seat next to you.
"I have something for you."
You can only blink at her. After all, she was acting very strange. "O-okay?"
And she hands you his notebook, flips a page, and wow you are face to face with a page of love poems. Mostly original ones too. Written in your house colors, describing someone who could only be you.
"I told you!!" Poppy hisses at you with a triumphant smirk on her face.
After class, Amit stayed behind to look for his notebook. You stayed behind to give it to him.
"Poppy had this." You can't meet his eyes.
Oh no. He knows what you read.
"Mc! It's not- I didn't mean to- Oh merlin MC, I'm sorry you had to read that."
His face is PALE because he is convinced you think he's weird and want nothing to do with him now.
"No, no, Amit don't apologize! I thought they were incredibly sweet."
Oh great, now they're trying to make him feel better.
"Really, I did." You continued. "I- I have my own Poems actually. I mean I didn't write them myself but I like Poetry. Alot. I guess what I want to say-am trying to say I mean- is that I feel the same way about you."
Amit went from pale to flushed in record time. "You do? I-wow, okay-wow."
An awkward silence filled the room before your enchanted watch dinged, letting you know that you were late to Charms. "I have to go...will you meet me at the Astronomy tower tonight? After dinner?"
He is still blushing as you lean in to kiss his cheek. With a shy half smile you leave the classroom, smiling to yourself. He is left standing in place, a hand over where you kissed his cheek and a shy but ecstatic grin on his face.
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metalomagnetic · 2 months
Hi Metalo!
Have you ever thought about potential patronus animals for the Black family? If so, what kind of animals would fit in your opinion?
As always, your questions make me think a lot. This one is sooo difficult!
Ok, so this might be unpopular but I feel Bella would be a lioness. She is a figure of strength, is territorial, she works hard, perfect hunter that takes down prey twice her size, devoted mother (to her child or to her little sisters) teaching her youngster skills they need to survive, and protecting them so fiercely.
Narcissa is a spider queen. Spiders also have *remarkable* maternal instincts, more developed than in many other species of the earth. Spiders can be aggressive, but also quite peaceful, depending on circumstances. She weaves a beautiful home, but that can also turn into a trap. She isn't showy in her strength, prefers to lure her target into her web, where she can deliver that final, venomous bite to an unsuspecting target that dared trespass against her.
Andromeda is a fox. Cunning, agile and highly adaptable. not overly aggressive, preferring to live their life in stealth mode.
Regulus is a coyote. Almost like a dog, only much shier than a dog, and more cautious. However, when push comes to shove, coyotes are quite territorial and willing to die for what is theirs.
Sirius, obviously, is perfect as a dog. (And I also used him to give Regulus and Andromeda similar patronus forms, from a canidae family, since they are related and one would assume they share traits.)
Ok, so these are the only ones we know from canon, or at least we know something about them that allowed me to try to guess their patronus.
Now, for my head-canon about the rest of the Black family and their personalities, which I depict in 'It runs'.
Waburga is a polar bear. Polar bears are aways striving for the highest possible standards. They are fierce, and they are obsessed with their children. They protect their cubs with their lives, but they also expect their cubs to behave and fall in line. It's a tough life out there, so a polar bear mother needs to teach her youngsters to be ruthless. They love their children, but can be a bit rough in handling them. They can also be very gentle with their cubs, when there's no 'emergency' situation going on. Polar bears are strong, fearless but so lonely. Something about Walburga ending up alone, defined by solitude in her last years, reminds me of a polar bear wandering alone in a harsh, cold environment (Grimmauld, cough cough). Polar bear mamas are also one of the few animals species that become depressed, distressed and vulnerable when they lose a child. They can even stop hunting after such a loss, and waste away.
Orion in 'It runs' is an eagle. Fearless, confident, quite arrogant. Extremely territorial. An eagle will never surrender, regardless of the size or strength of its opponent. It will do anything to regain its territory and it will always defend its nest. Eagles are quite paternal, like most raptors. An eagle father will bring sticks to the nest, and will bring food to the young. When babies fall from nest, a father often dives to catch them on their wings. However, an eagle father also picks favourites, and there's a food hierarchy going on, often choosing to give more food to one baby, encouraging sibling rivalry, which is apparently important for the development of a raptor. Eagle males do form a pair bond with a single female, however, if the female isn't available in mating season, he will find another one.
Cygnus would be a tiger. Not the most paternal, but a fierce predator. They're also one of the few brave enough to get into fights with bears. Tigers and dogs are amongst the few that will look at a bear and go 'yeah, I can take that' (hence why Cygnus and Sirius are the only ones mad enough to get into fights with Walburga). Also, he's a tiger mostly because I want Bella to take after her dad, the only big cats in their immediate family.
Alphard is a lone wolf, to keep up with many of the Blacks having canine counterparts. He's majestic, he's fierce, too, he loves a pack, but at some point he got into too many fights with the leaders of his pack and took off on his own, though at night sometimes he cries to the moon, missing them.
Arcturus is a hawk. Similar to his son, but a tad less fierce. Just a tad.
Sirius the old was a sphinx. He's a special badass, and the world sees him as this almost mythological creature. He has the body of a land apex predator, like many of his descendants (lion, like Bella), but he also has the wings of an eagle (like Orion). He's enigmatic, merciless, and has a gaze that will see straight into your soul. He knows everything that goes on, everywhere. A sphinx represents royalty and sacred status, which is how he views his family (and himself).
This was so much fun. I really like how they turned out, and I love that in this family of vertebrates, Narcissa is the only invertebrate (since she's always the outliner with her blonde hair). She's no less lethal, no less impressive, but she's a tad different from the rest.
I hope you liked it! ❤️
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James in the afterlife seeing Harry fall in love with a confident, popular redhead and his funny best friend with a dog patronus: “you yo daddy’s son”🤭
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a-lying-elysium · 7 days
"A Mate"
@wolfstarmicrofic September Prompt 8 [Patronus]
Warnings: none!
Word Count: 295 words
Remus hated this. He had no intention coming to class today in the first place. But here he was, standing in the back of the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, about to summon his Patronus for the first time, trying to ignore the way the line was slowly growing shorter....and shorter...
Lupin, you're up." The professor calls.
He took a shaky breath and stepped forward, trying to focus on his happy memory: waking up in the infirmary after a full moon surrounded by his sleeping friends.
He raised his wand, eyes closed, and pictured the moment. A burst of light formed into a sleek wolf, moving with grace.
He winced. He knew it would've been a wolf. Yet he still hated it almost as much as he did the monster he became.
The classroom fell silent. Remus looked at Sirius, and found him staring at the wolf. His throat closing up. What did he think? Did he think it was disturbing? Or maybe he just disliked it-
"Expecto Patronum," Sirius said, his Patronus, a large, black dog appeared, one that mirrored his Animagus.
The dog seemed to take notice of Remus’s wolf. Sirius’s Patronus approached the wolf with a wagging tail. The wolf watched it carefully.
Remus watched in awe as the black dog nudged the wolf, almost as if it was inviting it to play. The wolf seemed to relax and began to interact with the dog. It nuzzled the dog’s snout, and the two Patronuses started chasing each other around the room.
The students melted soft laughter. Remus’s eyes met Sirius’s, and he saw nothing but warmth in his partner's gaze.
As the lesson ended, and the students began to leave, Sirius came over, putting a arm around his shoulders. “See, Moony? Even your Patronus has a mate now."
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aithusarosekiller · 3 days
Sorry to be an insufferable Jegulus fan again but Regulus with antler symbolism will always get me weak in the knees
Like it's so YUMMY
Fame au where he drops an album where the cover is his silhouette with antlers coming from it
Having a modelling shoot with antlers
Angel/demon au where he has antlers (Evan knows what I mean)
His patronus just randomly having antlers even if it's a dog or lion or cat
That one art idea I had where in the lake patronus-esque antlers leak out of his head to represent his soul
Even as small as him jokingly picking up some antlers or antler-shaped twigs and putting them on his head as a joke to make Lily laugh
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chlobliviate · 3 months
Wolfstar Microfics - Soulmates
Words: 824
It was a truth universally acknowledged by the sixth years that Sirius Black had a secret.
Until his seventeenth birthday, he would take any opportunity to strip down to his pants, or even less. But that suddenly changed. He'd even stopped getting changed in the dormitory, taking his clothes into the bathroom to dress each morning and evening.
Marlene was convinced he’d gotten a tattoo he was embarrassed about. Remus and James were more concerned about spell damage from his family. Sirius point blank refused to discuss it with any of them, and after a month, they eventually stopped pushing the matter.
On Lily’s birthday, something happened that made Remus panic more than the possibility of spell damage littering Sirius’ skin. He was finishing up prefect rounds when he heard a sniffle from the cosy alcove in the library. He poked his head around the corner and was startled to see Lily wiping her eyes furiously.
He was by her side in a second, “What happened?” She shook her head. “Lils. Is it Snape? Did he—“
“No, it’s not— it’s not that.” She sniffed, “Something appeared on my skin today and I have a feeling that I know what it means but…”
“A soul mark?”
“I think so. It’s on my fucking collarbone. At least Sirius’ is on his—“ She covered her mouth quickly. “Shit, you didn’t hear that.”
“Sirius has a soul mark? Fuck. That’s why he stopped getting his kit off twice a week?” Remus stared at her collarbone as if he expected to be able to see it through her robes. “Wait. He showed you?”
She shook her head, “I saw it by accident. Someone gave him the password to the prefects' bathroom.” She said pointedly.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Remus said with a smirk. “So, on your collarbone? Can I see?”
She sighed, undid the top couple of buttons on her shirt, and slid it aside, pushing her robes back. On her collarbone, several fine lines made up a pair of delicate antlers.
Remus pressed his lips together. “Remus Lupin, don’t you dare laugh at me.” She glared at him. “It’s ’Prongs’, right? That’s what Prongs means?”
He nodded, “Yeah. His patronus is a stag.”
“You all think everyone is so stupid and oblivious, I swear. There was a whole month last year where those three idiots claimed to have a lisp as a result of a potion gone wrong. You could very clearly see the mandrake leaf under their tongues the whole time. They’re unregistered animagi.” She did up her buttons slowly. “I’m guessing Pete is some kind of rodent and Sirius is a gross, mangy, little dog.”
“Who else knows?” Remus had frozen. “They were so sure that they wouldn’t be found out. Idiots.”
“Nobody that I know of. I wasn’t about to tell anyone, I figured it related to the moons.” She smiled at him. “Honestly, the day I figured it out was the day I thought ‘Huh, maybe Potter isn’t a complete tosser’. But if you tell him I said that, I’ll hex you so hard.”
“Your secret’s safe with me.”
“And yours with me, always.” She sighed again, “James’ birthday is in March, right?”
“Yeah, a couple of weeks after mine. Are you going to tell him?”
She hummed thoughtfully, “It’d probably be funnier to wake up and let him see it himself. But that means covering myself up for two months. I don’t want to get all obsessive and weird about it like Sirius.”
“Is it bad? Sirius’ mark?”
“I— It wouldn’t be fair to tell you about it.” Lily touched his shoulder gently. “He’ll tell you all when he’s ready.”
“Yeah, I hope you’re right.” He stood up. “Anyway, I believe there’s a bottle of Firewhiskey or two waiting back in our dorm. Marlene will be getting antsy.”
On Remus’ birthday, he awoke at 7:37 am to a very peculiar tingling sensation on his left bum cheek. He rushed to the bathroom, not checking to see if anyone else was awake yet. He twisted around, pulling down his boxers on one side, trying to look in the mirror, but it was too high. He tried twisting around again.
“It’s stars.” A quiet voice said from behind him. “Canis Major.”
Remus looked up into the mirror and made eye contact with Sirius, who lingered in the doorway. “And yours?”
“The moon phases.” He shrugged, lowering his pyjama bottoms slightly as if he hadn’t been shielding his body from scrutiny for almost six months.
Remus took a step toward Sirius, not taking his eyes off the nine small circles, but before he could say anything, James burst in, took in the scene of his two friends admiring one another’s arses, and quickly retreated.
“Pete, do not go in there!” They heard him shout from under his pillow.
Sirius started to chuckle as a smile tugged at Remus’ lips “Happy Birthday, Moons.”
[author’s note: idk if it’s because I’m currently on day 8 of a covid infection (send help) but the image of Remus trying to see his bum in the mirror and essentially chasing his tail like a dog has me laughing, coughing and wheezing so hard.]
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daegutowns · 11 months
svt as your hogwarts boyfriend
tags: hogwarts au, gn!reader
gryffindor: seungcheol, hoshi, chan 
seungcheol: quidditch team beater, quidditch team captain
prepare to be sick of him!! 
very competitive, so match days are always so big for him
if you’re not dripped out in gryffindor colors (regardless of which house you’re in), it’s over. he’ll be so pouty and whiny
“baby, it’s match day. why are you not wearing your custom made quidditch jersey i made for you?”  
“don’t talk to me, you’re wearing [house other than gryffindor] colors. nope, obviously you don’t wish me good luck.” 
big bad quidditch team captain has nothing on his lover 
says he plays better when you’re cheering for him 
claims he’s mcgonagall’s best student
he’s actually very good at transfigurations
he wants to be an auror one day, so this is just a step in the process
mcgonagall actually does adore him
very protective of his quidditch team members and would gladly start a fight to defend any one of them (hot-headed but won’t admit it) 
always says he’ll buy you anything, no matter how many galleons he has to spend
actually gets upset if you try to pay for your own chocolate frog on the train
the type to always want to sit next to you if you share a class together (except potions)
hoshi: quidditch team chaser 
he is mr. horanghae…. mr. quidditch is in my blood…. mr. tiger chaser 
his plans are to become a professional quidditch team player
the british national quidditch team coach has already scouted him out
genuinely a quidditch prodigy, since he’s a muggleborn wizard. just picked up a quaffle and was an instant baller 
mcgonagall’s pride and joy…. she lives and breathes quidditch 
he has nothing else going on for him academically, really -- just trying to pass and that’s it lol 
snape hates his guts. didn’t even have to do much, really 
only asks for quidditch stuff for his birthday
he loves when you shout out nonsense stuff like “get ‘em tiger!” or “horanghae!” or “tiger’s gaze!” during the quidditch match. it’s soooo embarrassing for you but it actually gets him fired up 
the type to fall asleep in class and then ask you for notes afterwards 
he wants to be on the quidditch team starting line so bad, but he’s been benched… then injured… then benched again… 
but he’s, like, lowkey highkey very good at defense against the dark arts??? 
like, conjured a patronus at the age of 12 kind of good
comes from a family of aurors (his dad’s side), so this kind of just runs in his blood 
he offers to tutor you in it because it’s his greatest passion in life 
of course, he’ll need some tutoring in all the other subjects…. snape has lit his ass on fire (metaphorically, for legal purposes) due to many badly made, strange potions he’s made 
hufflepuff: dk, mingyu, seungkwan, vernon 
mingyu: quidditch team beater 
of course this big puppy is a hufflepuff! but, he’s the most gryffindor-like hufflepuff ever
even the sorting hat had trouble placing him in the correct house, but ultimately chose hufflepuff 
he honestly didn’t even know if he should be trying out for the quidditch team, but dk brought him there and he barely even had to struggle at tryouts
his big frame and strong arms make him an excellent beater
he still has a fear of heights, he just forgets about it during quidditch (like what)
he loves when you praise him for his quidditch skills, especially after a particularly hard practice or grueling game 
he just wants to be held in your arms near the fireplace, is that too much to ask for ?!?!?!!?!!
surprisingly very smart at most subjects too, especially potions
the only thing he struggles with is herbology (like wtf would he be doing near all these screaming plants or oozing flowers????) 
kind of based for a hufflepuff to not be good at herbology bc of professor sprout but alas…. 
he loves care of magical creatures, because he’s like a dog -- just friends with everyone 
he’s kind of like the cedric diggory type ngl -- well liked, friendly, athletic, smart 
the type to want to walk around the castle holding hands all the time 
deekay: quidditch team chaser 
the most stereotypical hufflepuff ever 
so kind, so loyal, so hardworking, so….. 
the happy virus, sunshine, rainbows shooting out of his ass kind of guy
seriously, there’s not one hufflepuff that doesn’t love him 
he plans on becoming a charms professor at hogwarts one day! 
he’s soooo good at charms 
so much so that girls around hogwarts giggle and call him a charmer
like he got people blushing n shit 
turned down the offer to become captain because it was a lot of pressure! he is still going to be the next quidditch team captain next year. 
he simply did not have a choice in this matter 
loves going to hogsmeade and sitting in the three broomsticks with his friends laughing because it’s so cozy. he wants to live in that feeling forever 
the type to send you a love letter by owl on valentines day to watch your reaction while you sit with your friends 
seungkwan: hogwarts choir soprano 
he is THE boo seungkwan of the hogwarts choir! 
professor flitwick (the conductor of the choir) is always amazed at his performance ability. seungkwan has never Not had a solo in the hogwarts annual christmas choir performance 
likes to watch quidditch practices while he does his divination essays 
he feels like it gives them a certain vibe while he makes up dreams about his imaginary rabbit dying for trelawney 
if dk was everyone’s crush, seungkwan is everyone’s friend
there’s no table he’s not welcome to sit at, and definitely no house that would turn him away
the most social butterfly in hogwarts, even more so than the weasley twins
his networking capabilities is insane, but necessary for his life path 
he wants to work in the ministry of magic, close to the minister of magic 
this requires lots of connections! he wants to collect those wizard society inductions like pokemon cards 
the type to ask you to come to his birthday party as a special guest but he actually invited half the castle and dumbledore 
he’s just here for the vibes 
very seriously collecting all the chocolate frog cards. if you see one, please check with vernon to see if he has it or not. he’ll give away the ones he doesn’t need and is always willing to trade
please help him. this is his life’s goal right now
is really good at quidditch but doesn’t really vibe with organized sports, so he just comes to tryouts to play with other people
tried to start a recreational interhouse quidditch team to play outside of the house matches but it turned messy so he gave up 
really good at herbology and care of magical creatures! he just understands 
not sure what he wants to do in the future, but he’s honestly down for whatever
the type to ask you if you’re free for a date and then forget, so you both end up just asking the house elves in the kitchen for food 
ravenclaw: jun, wonwoo, woozi
jun: quidditch team chaser  
another person who is just here for the ride
just naturally gifted at a lot of subjects, so he doesn’t really study that much for the exams either. it really makes other people mad
once you asked him for help in a class (“jun, why is this the right answer?”) and he just gave too vague answers (“that’s just the order the things are put in.”) that you just kind of gave up 
will definitely be asleep in class if you let him 
history of magic is spent 90% of the time with his head on the desk sleeping away zzz
sometimes just gets really sleepy, what can he say???
a really good chaser, but just plays quidditch because it’s fun
he goes to practice because games/matches are more fun when you’re actually good at playing 
self-dubbed “arthur wen of quidditch”
what does it mean??? you will have to ask him yourself
the type to sneak you into his bed on friday nights so you can spend all weekend cuddling together
wonwoo: prefect  
what an absolute heartthrob
he’s not really a man of many words, so he was genuinely surprised when he became a prefect for his house 
is actually a very understanding and caring prefect
he doesn’t really like taking points away from other houses or giving out detentions and only uses it as a last resort 
you can usually find him reading novels/writing essays in the library (madam pince is very enamored with him) or playing wizard chess in the ravenclaw common room
he’s VERY good at wizard’s chess
if he could be a professional wizard’s chess player, he would.
ron weasley has nothing on jeon wonwoo
a lot of younger ravenclaws like asking him questions because he always explains things so thoroughly and patiently
tutors younger students in other houses for extra money -- fellow ravenclaws free of charge! -- and sends it to his family 
wants to be a professor at hogwarts but still isn’t sure which subject he wants to teach. he figures he could be a librarian like madam pince if he were allowed to be
the type to gift you a new book on christmas every year and highlight/annotate things that reminded him of you 
also legendary in the hogwarts choir
he arranges all the pieces for both the choir and band
wants to be a professional wizard producer and music writer
once got to meet the weird sisters and got a random muggle t-shirt signed by them that he carries like his most prized possession
other than that, he just like hanging out with you, his friends, and going to the quidditch matches whenever ravenclaw plays 
he’s not really that interested in other house matches unless it’s an important one that affects ravenclaw 
he tries to be interested in your house’s matches too (if you’re not a ravenclaw) but you can tell he would rather not 
tends to befriend a lot of gryffindors (like seungcheol and hoshi) for some reason unknown to even himself 
the type to write poems to you when he gets bored in class 
slytherin: jeonghan, joshua, hao
jeonghan: prefect
oh, don’t even try to mess with him, because he will get you back and worse 
definitely takes advantage of his prefect status way more than he should, but rules are meant to be bent 
sneaks you into the prefect bathroom because “you shouldn’t have to take a bath with the rest of the normies” or so he says. 
likes pranks and practical jokes, so he often turns a blind eye to the weasley twins when they stir up trouble 
they have an unspoken partnership
weasley twins don’t prank him, jeonghan doesn’t snitch on them 
it’s honestly a win-win for both of them. 
he’s really good at charms
this is mostly because it teaches you shortcuts of how to do everyday things but just faster and lazier with magic 
his favorite is using the duplication charm to make copies of polaroids he took with you so both of you can have a copy of it 
he likes messing with the younger students and getting them to loosen up (like what are they always so serious for?) with him + reminding people when to have fun (but also when to buckle up!) 
the type to ask you on a date to three broomsticks and then prank you into thinking he forgot his wallet in his room 
joshua: head boy 
classic head boy vibes from a gentle sexy. jk he is so chaotic, but no one really expects it from him until after he gets all these privileges 
you want a permit to paint a brick pink? just a single brick? okay done.
you want to rearrange the quidditch trophies by most to least impressive accomplishment? okay done. 
you want to take a date walking around the castle while he patrols the hallways? okay done. 
he lives for the things that are ambiguously not breaking the rules but definitely not abiding by them either 
kind of athletic (grew up playing quidditch in his neighborhood around the other wizard children) but never liked it enough to actually play for the team
it’s way too competitive + he wants more time for you. it’s already hard enough with all the head boy stuff 
also was in the hogwarts band but then it was too much work so he only did it for a year 
very gifted in potions and transfigurations! 
he always wants you to teach him the more boring subjects like history of magic since he always finds himself doodling instead of listening or dozing off in that class
his dream is to become a healer at st. mungo’s hospital for magical maladies
likes to tease you that you’re mrs. head boy 
he treats you like you’re the first lady and he’s the president. it’s a very american way of thinking, but then again, he is american. 
if he catches you doing bad stuff, you’re legally required to write him a love letter. it’s the rules. no detention, no points taken away from your house. just a nice love letter. 
the type to let you dress/style him for all your dates because he wants to have matching outfits always
hao: quidditch team seeker
he’s actually one of the most popular people in slytherin house due to his insane skills as seeker
his catch rate is insane, like he can sniff out the snitch on the field
he’s already set to play for the national team in the U20 league and for the montrose magpies (the british-irish quidditch league team with the most wins)
his knack for flying was discovered during their first year flying class with madam hooch. after the class, she spoke with snape and set him up to shadow the quidditch team to be on the starting lineup starting his second year
he pretends like he doesn’t care if you come support his matches or not but is always visibly happy when you do
the times when you can’t because you’ve got a big essay due the next day or you’re sick is when he pretends he doesn’t mind (because you gotta focus on yourself too!) 
his favorite subject is divination (because he really vibes with the tea leaf readings)
but, his best subject is astronomy. he’s the best student as has been the best student in astronomy out of your entire year (all 7 years!) 
the type to ask you if you want to share your scarf while you walk around the castle together 
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