#don’t ask about this these are my ramblings when I’m deprived of actually playing one of the games
dykedvonte · 30 days
Hancock could pull off Benny’s ugly ass suit and Benny could pull off Hancock’s corny as costume but what I really wanna see is them pulling off each others clo-
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twistedminutia · 2 months
Wait I realized something, yknow how mirror travel is basically teleportation. I wonder how fucked would it be if Gray read Jaunt by Steven King. And saw and/or played Lovetown (since it does have horror in it).
And Gday seeing them going to the mirror and teleporting, and having a bit of a panic attack within. Maybe, with some introspection and sleep deprivation talks about the concept. Like sure, its not gonna happen in Twst, but imagine Gray just rambling how the knowledge can be quite hazardous whether it's true or false. Maybe like a cognitohazard, and is afraid to tell her friends and peer fearing that something bad will happen to them if they tell them.
Also, i remember a SCP that has similar effect, but is also pretty dangerous (tho fictional), it's SCP 2718, What Happens After. I would suggest the Exploring Series for this one, since they do elaborate more on it. But man is the story good.
Tho, I'm sorry if I keep sending a bunch of ask, but your fic is one of the many fics that is in my head rent free.
I’m going to start this by saying that I do really appreciate the asks! They keep me thinking about this world and I love that other people are invested and want to explore Gray’s character. She’s my little scrungly, so I’m glad other people care about her too.
Gray’s not read/played either of those things, but I’d like the think the idea of ‘teleporting is actually really horrific’ is something that people pass around a lot. We know mirror travel and teleporting is canonically possible, but we don’t know how many people get to do it, since mirror travel really only seems to be there for the students of NRC at certain times and teleporting seems restricted to very high level mages. So maybe teleportation is something rare that a lot of people are spooked out by! Maybe there are even scary stories about mages acting different after teleporting or going through a portal too many times….
I think Gray might bring up that old issue of ‘how do you know it’s really you that got teleported?’ Like, maybe you die and get reconstructed on the other end with all your memories intact! It would spook ADeuce and Grim, probably… until Riddle or someone else who’s competent in magic theory got wind of that and set them straight! ‘No, portals and teleporting connects two areas through magic space tunneling, it can’t kill anyone any more than stepping through a doorway!’
Gray might mention it to Malleus, too, since she sees him teleport. I think he would find it sort of quaint and amusing if she expressed worry about teleporting- it’s so simple to him! He might even be intrigued by the thought experiment of ‘if you get perfectly recreated every time when you teleport, is it really you?’ Even if he knows that’s not what happens! Malleus strikes me as someone who would really be into considering what actually constitutes consciousness- but then again, if souls are real in Twst, then he might just go ‘as long as the soul is still there, it’s you’ which might defeat the purpose… Well, regardless, he strikes me as someone who would like talking about philosophy.
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prettytoxix · 2 years
Part Three: Book store 📚
Steve Harrington x Reader
Part one Part Two
A/n: this is part of a series but you don’t necessarily have to have read the parts prior to understand what’s going on. It’s more helpful to just understand the dynamic between these two characters because they’re just kinda awkward around each other.
Summary: Steve remembers you work at a book store so he comes to visit you and asks for your favorite book.
Word count: 1355
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I’m working my usual shift at the bookstore. An am to pm shift, 7-3. It’s always been so nice because the bookshop is so slow. This town is filled with people who have nothing better to do than watch movies all day or listen to music.
Don’t get me wrong. I love movies and I love music but you can’t always rely on those two things to entertain yourself. I love reading and drawing, things that require time and effort. I’m the type of person that would spend all of my time studying and working after school. Not playing or watching TV.
Maybe it’s because I have a different mindset for myself. I have to prove myself strong, capable, and independent. But when all is said and all is done, is that really what I want?
We got a new shipment of books so I get started placing them on their correct shelves. I get halfway through the first box before the bells chime on the door indicating someone entered the shop. I put the book I have in my hand in its place before I walk out into the open. There he is standing in my bookstore. Steve Harrington.
“Hey! What are you doing here?” A giant smile plagues my face and I can’t help but blush.
“I remembered you said you worked at a bookstore and I figured ‘I should get a book recommendation.’”
“well, you’re just in luck because selling books is my passion.” I joke. “what kind of book are you looking for?”
“I actually wanted to know what your favorite book was…I want to read it, get inside your head, and try to see it from your perspective.” This was really sweet coming from Steve. I know he isn’t the type to sit around reading a book. He’d always been the type of guy to go to parties and hang out with friends. Not that I’m complaining. I think it’s just really cute and thoughtful of him.
“Hmm, well if you really want to get inside of my head I have my annotated copy of my favorite book. It’s actually at the counter, let me grab it for you.”
“Are you sure? I would absolutely love to take you up on that offer but I would hate to deprive you of your prized possession.”
“How about this. How about you get your own copy and you annotate it your own way and then when you’re done we can compare annotations?”
“Let’s get me a copy then! Show me the way!”
I lead Steve to the section of the store where my favorite book is held. It’s not exactly out in the open, it’s like a book that you would have to be looking for, not one you would stumble upon. I grab the book and hand it to Steve.
“The Catcher in the Rye..?” reading the cover.
“Yes! best book I have ever read! I know, it’s cheesy and you’ve probably already had to read it before for an English class or something. But I promise you this book has so much depth… and so many symbols and metaphors, and now I’m just rambling.” I laugh to diffuse the awkward silence.
“No, it’s cute. It’s really cute to see you get passionate about something.”
The bells on the front door chime again. I peer out of the shelves to see just another resident looking for a book. It was someone I recognized and never really got to know. I wouldn’t be able to name them but I know they were friends with that Will Byers kid who went missing several years ago.
Steve peers out just after me to see who it is. He quickly takes note of who entered my store.
“Harrington, what are you doing here? I didn’t know you could read!” A light bulb clicks in his brain before he makes his next statement. “Oh wait…is this the girl?” he redirects his attention towards me. “Are you the girl?”
I look back at Steve as if to confirm if I am indeed the girl or not.
“I hope I’m the girl.” I chuckle.
“Tell me, in this bookstore do you have any books regarding science fiction?”
“What kind of question is that? Of course we have science fiction, it’ll be located to your right and the very back wall of that aisle.”
Henderson leaves to go search the isle for whatever book it is he’s looking for. I turn towards Steve and retreat back into the aisle where Catcher in the Rye was.
“Was that Dustin?” I whispered, intrigued by what was going on.
“That was him alright.” He replies laughing quietly. He changes the subject, “so what’s this book about anyways?”
“It’s basically about this kid who gets kicked out of his prep school and he’s going back home to New York early for Christmas.” I tell him. “It spans over two days as he meets new people and things like that.”
And just like that, the customer service bell is ringing over and over and over again. “I’m ready to pay! Or are you too busy making ou back there?” I look back at Steve with a fake annoyed expression before returning to the cash register at the front.
“Did you find everything you were looking for?” I take the book and input the price from the front cover into the register.
“Yeah, I found everything alright, thank you.” Dustin leans in and urges me to do the same. When I lean in, Dustin begins to whisper low. “Don’t. Hurt. Steve. Please.” He pulls away and I can tell that he genuinely cares about Steve. That he wants the best for him.
Dustin leaves, but not before completing his handshake with Harrington. Once Dustin leaves, Steve takes his place at the counter.
“I love that kid but sometimes he’s a little much.” He admits.
His sight catches my sketchbook that I like up draw in when it gets slow.
“Do you draw?” He says, pointing out this mysterious object behind me.
“Yeah, I’ve been known to do the occasional drawing.” I start to ring up his book and remind him that he’ll need a couple of things to annotate his copy.
“what am I going to need exactly?”
“Just some sticky notes and a pen. There are some sticky notes behind you if you want to grab some now and you can just have one of my pens.” I grab one of my pens and hand it to him when he returns with a pack of sticky notes. I continue to ringing up the items placed in front of me.
“Can I look through it?” He asks dazed.
“your sketchbook? Can I look through your sketchbook?”
“oh yeah, knock yourself out.” I hand him my sketchbook and finish checking him out. “your total is $8.75”
He hands me $10 with his attention still set on my drawings. It’s like he’s analyzing it for any part of me but can’t seem to look beyond the graphite.
“y/n, these are really good! you’re really talented!” He’s shocked by this discovery.
“Oh, thank you. It’s just a way to pass the time.” I hand his change back to him as he holds his hand out.
“Do you think I could pay you to draw something for me?”
“pay me? No. I’ll do it for a date though.” I say slyly.
“How does tomorrow work for you?”
“I’m free all day practically.” I beam at his request.
“Let’s switch it up, how about we go out to breakfast? I can pick you up at 7:30?”
“Breakfast sounds good, but let's make it 8.”
I hand him his new book and sticky pads and he’s out the door, I have another date with Steve Harrington.
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tr0p1cal · 3 years
language buddy
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Summary: your taking about wanting a streamer friend that speaks the same second language and chat screams someone’s name.
Pairing: CC!Sapnap x gn!reader
Warnings: none that I can think of, but let me know if there’s something pls <3
Length: 700+
A/n: I hope you enjoy lololol I wrote this while very sleep deprived, so it probably doesn’t make any sense tbh🕺
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“Honestly, it would be so cool to have a language buddy. I don’t know of like any streamers that speak Greek,” y/n whined softly. “It’d be so fun to have a streamer language buddy and you can’t change my mind. Sadly I know of no one who speaks the language that I do though,” y/n said with a soft sigh.
“Sapnap knows Greek! You should stream with him. That’d be so pog!” The dono played as y/n read the chat that was practically screaming about this sapnap person.
“Woah- it seems basically all of you are screaming about someone named Sapnap? I think I’m saying that right? To be honest I’ve never heard the name in my life, but I guess I can look them up.” Y/n pulled up a separate screen to search this person. “Should I look them up on twitch or just online?”
After a few seconds the chat was moving a mile a minute, but it was pretty much just “look up his twitch!” Or “do twitch, he’s live rn!!” So y/n did just that.
Opening up his stream and listening for a few moments before going to type in the chat. “Okay first, this dude has a much larger following than I do; second, he sounds fucking hot as hell- I don’t think I’d be able to be in a vc with this mans without simping,” y/n said with a laugh. “I’m not a lil bitch though, so I guess I’ll ask if he really does speak Greek.”
Y/n quickly typed out a short message asking said question. Sapnap just so happened to look down at his chat as the message flew passed, somehow catching his eye. “Do you actually speak Greek? Yes, yes I do. I’m pretty much fluent.” This had y/ns chat going crazy. One message and they already got an answer? Main character energy much?
Y/n just shrugged. “Guys even if he answered the question it doesn’t mean he noticed me. There’s literally no way I’d ever be able to talk to him,” y/n said with a short laugh before moving on from the distraction and going back to their game. A few minutes later and it’s all chat will talk about. “Come on y/s/n! You have a big following too!! You can totally get him to notice you!” Donos were flooding in about it and chat was being chaotic as always.
“Look guys, please stop talking about the Sapnap guy. He has no reason to know who I am or to talk to me. The fact of the matter is that he is in a very different league than I am and there is no way I’ll ever be able to reach that level. Yes a language buddy would be totally awesome, but he’s just simply not the person for that,” y/n snapped, trying to get the topic to finally change.
Little did y/n know that their name was being spammed in Saps chat so he too decided to check out the other and heard the whole rant.
“You’ll never be able to reach a higher league if you believe it’s unreachable. All it takes is dedication and I suppose a loud chat helps too :) Hi there.” A dono ran through.
While y/n was listening, they looked to see who had said it. “Thank you for the advice and dono Sap-“ y/n paused as they read the name. “What the fuck! Why are you here?!” They yelled out in shock. “Literally what is going on man how do you know me,” y/n cried out, half worried, half laughing.
“My chat was yelling your name so here I am. Now, if I’m understanding correctly, you speak Greek too and are looking for a streamer buddy?” Another dono ran through.
“Please stop giving me money, oh my god,” y/n said in a worried tone. “But yeah, that’s right. I just followed you on Twitter, but of course it’s up to you whether or not you’re interested. If not, that's totally fine! It was just a fun little idea I had anyway, so it can always wait.” It was when y/n was rambling that they noticed the little four month sub badge next to Sapnaps name. “Wait I second- YOU’VE BEEN SUBSCRIBED TO ME FOR FOUR MONTHS?” Y/n scrambled over their words, unsure how to process the new found information.
A ding on their phone brought them back to reality. They glanced at it to see and saw a pm on Twitter from none other than Mr. Sapnap himself. The message was simply his discord info and “call me? ;)”
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earlgreydream · 3 years
| draco malfoy x reader | fluff | smut | angst |
anon requested. hey can u do draco x reader when its like unrequited love?? (this request was super long so i’m only including the first line. I loved this one though, angel baby)
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You’d spent an entire lifetime of loving Draco Malfoy.��
He knew it, everyone knew it. You grew up playing in the halls of Malfoy Manor with the young prince, and you’d loved him when he made flowers grow magically at his feet. You’d loved him when you’d started school together, making potions under Snape’s watchful eye. You’d loved him when you showed him the stars in astronomy, seeing them glitter in his eyes. You’d loved him, even when his father, Lucius, didn’t. You’d loved him, always. 
As far as you and everyone else knew, Draco Malfoy didn’t love you back. You were friends, and he cared about you, sure. Draco kept you at a distance, pushing you away as you showered him with constant attention. You never meant to suffocate him, you just had so much love to give.
Everyone erupted into screams around you, even the Gryffindors, as Draco caught the golden snitch, winning the quidditch game for Slytherin. The players dropped down onto the field, celebrating, and you got lost in the sea of excited students. You went down to the field to congratulate him once some of the students had cleared out. All the players were still around, as well as their significant others and friends. 
“Draco!” You called, and you saw him sigh before turning to you.
“Y/N,” he nodded, greeting you. His friends all watched the two of you interact, and Draco tried to be patient, but he was on edge.
“I wanted to congratulate you, you did a great job,” you smiled, and he nodded.
“Thanks,” he said shortly, trying to move past you, wanting to follow the others back to the locker rooms to clean up.
“Draco, are you okay?” Your brow furrowed, and he whipped around to look at you.
“Can you just fuck off? I know you’re obsessed with me, but I don’t love you. I never will! Leave me alone!” Draco snapped, bottled feelings exploding. 
Everyone went silent, staring at Draco in shock. Despite Draco’s ability to be an ass, he’d always exercised patience and kindness with you. He stood up for you, and even when he was annoyed with you, he never let his friends mock you or make rude comments. 
His response cut through you like a knife, and you stepped back. The two of you stared at each other, and everyone stared at you. Immediate regret washed over Draco, and nausea twisted his stomach.
“Understood,” you breathed before he could speak, before he could tell you that he spoke in annoyance, that the words were empty, and he didn’t mean it.
You turned, unable to look at Draco anymore. You felt like you were going to break, and you didn’t want to do it in front of an audience. You walked off the quidditch field, pain aching in your chest.
Draco stood on the field, watching you go. He swore, and turned to his teammates, uncomfortable expressions on their faces. Everyone else left, the tension dampening the excitement.
“That was fucking cruel, Draco,” Pansy shook her head at him. 
“I didn’t mean it. I don’t know why-” Draco stammered, and Theo grasped his shoulder, cutting him off. 
“Let’s get cleaned up,” Theo felt terrible for you, knowing you didn’t deserve it. 
You were headed back to the dorms when a hand wrapped around your arm, stopping you. You turned and tried to shove the person off, assuming it was Draco coming after you. 
“Get off!” 
“Okay, okay. It’s only me.”
You looked up to see George Weasley, concern in his eyes. You apologized and started to cry, wrapping your arms around your friend. George hugged you tightly, and led you from the hallway as you started to sob. You were brought into the Gryffindor common room, and you leaned against his side, curled up on a red couch. 
Your friends that had witnessed Draco’s harsh rejection sat down with you. You were suddenly surrounded by sweets and students with blankets and sweaters and muggle movies, anything to cheer you up.
“I hate that foul git!” Fred sighed, and George hugged you, letting you rest on his chest. 
“Forget him,” Hermione said, patting your leg gently. 
Draco was sick. He wanted to apologize to you, swear he didn’t mean anything he said. He was nauseated, and he cried to Theo, telling his best friend he had fucked up.
“I love her, I want to apologize... I went to apologize but she was gone,” Draco sobbed. He’d gone after you, but George had already taken you to the Gryffindor common room. He’d spent hours looking for you, but everyone who knew where you went were locked up with you where Draco didn’t have access to. 
“I know, Draco. I know you love her.”
“What was I thinking?” Draco dropped his head into his hands. 
You avoided Draco as best you could, even convincing Snape to let you switch partners in potions so you wouldn’t be forced to work with him. You’d spent time with George, even going to Hogsmeade with him. He was sweet to you, swearing that you deserved much better than the way Draco had treated you.
It had been weeks of you avoiding Draco, managing to miss him, even when he’d tried to come searching for you at your dorms-- you’d been in the twins’ room.
You were alone studying in the library when someone approached the table. You looked up to see Draco Malfoy, looking sleep deprived and emotionally worn.
“Please, don’t leave, we need to talk!” he begged as you closed your book and pushed out your chair.
“How’d you even get in here? It’s after hours and I have special permission to be here, no one else-”
“Theo,” he answered, and you didn’t dare to ask, not wanting to know how Theo managed to get Draco in the library.
“You hurt me, Draco,” you said finally, and he nodded.
“I know, and I can’t apologize enough. Y/N, I am so, so sorry. I should’ve never snapped at you. I didn’t mean anything I said, I was stressed and upset, and you didn’t deserve that. I love you, I have always loved you. I’m so sorry, please forgive me!” Draco was crying, his words coming out in desperate rambles. 
“You love me?”
“I love you more than all of the stars. I love you more than anything, and I will spend the rest of my life trying to make up for hurting you,” Draco apologized, and you couldn’t stop yourself from crying. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. He held you, breathing out repeated apologies. 
You heard heavy footsteps, and Draco’s eyes widened.
“Go, I’m not letting you get in trouble for apologizing to me,” you whispered, and he kissed you briefly, shocking you. He waved his wand and vanished, just as the librarian walked around the corner. 
“Miss Y/N, why don’t you head back to your dorm, it’s past midnight?” 
“Of course.” 
You’d forgiven Draco, and he had expected you to return to hanging around him, he expected the two of you to become exclusive. You didn’t ignore his existence anymore, but you continued hanging around the golden children and their friends, particularly George Weasley. 
He watched you giggle at George’s jokes, hanging off of his arm and flirting with him. Theo had insisted that there was no talk of the two of you actually dating, but you hung around him a lot. 
It had been almost two weeks, and Draco hadn’t been able to spend any time with you, both of you overwhelmed and busy, and your friends taking up what free time you had. You had explained that you’d forgiven Draco, but they still ostracized him and shamed him when he tried to hang around. 
Now, nearly all the students were out in Hogsmeade, and you were at George’s side, giggling at a joke he was telling. You squeezed his arm, and Draco was infuriated. Jealousy tasted like acid in his mouth, clouding his judgement and twisting his stomach. He loved you, and he couldn’t bear to see you touching and talking to others the way you were.
You were surprised when Draco approached your group, calling your name. You smiled, ignoring the harsh looks from the Weasleys. You raised your eyebrows as his arms snaked around your waist, hugging you against his body. 
“Hi, beautiful,” he spoke, and you blushed. Your friends stared at him, and Draco didn’t let you go. You could feel the jealousy and possessiveness radiating off of him in waves, and you couldn’t deny that it was attractive.
“I’ve got to show you something, I found the book you were looking for,” Draco spoke, and both of you knew there was no book.
“Sure, of course,” you nodded.
“I’ll catch up with you guys later, okay?” You nodded at George as Draco intertwined your fingers, his hold tight on your hand. They tried to protest, but Draco was already dragging you down the alley, out of sight. 
“Draco-” you breathed as you were pinned against a cold stone wall.
“I can’t stand to see you hanging off of that redhead,” Draco seethed, and you looked up into stormy grey eyes.
“No? George is sweet,”
“Enough with that. You know I can make you feel a million times better than he ever could.” His words dripped with vicious jealousy, and he was kissing your neck, leaving a mark from his mouth against your delicate skin.
“Prove it,” you taunted him.
His gripped your arm, hauling you after him down the alley. Your body was pulsing with anticipation as you were being pulled into a hostel. A maid nodded at Draco, slipping him a room key, and you nearly tripped over your feet trying to keep up. Draco swore and picked you up, draping you over his shoulder. 
You squeaked as he landed a hard slap to your ass to stop your squirming, and you let him carry you like that into the room. 
“You’ll never want another man after me. I’ll have you screaming my name until you forget your own!” Draco’s threat had you dripping, and a whimper escaped as you rubbed your thighs together.
“Can’t even contain yourself and I haven’t even touched you yet,” Draco hummed, embarrassing you in the best way.
The air was knocked out of your lungs as you were dropped on a soft mattress, Draco towering over you. You watched him silently as he removed your shoes and stockings, dragging off your skirt with it.
“I want to be rough with you. I want to make you know that you’re mine,” Draco said, and you nodded. You’d hooked up before, once a few years ago, so he was less apprehensive about railing the life out of you.
“Please, make me yours.”
Draco’s breath came out in a sharp sigh at your beg, and he rid himself of his clothes while you pulled off your own. Your eyes hadn’t left Draco, and he stood in front of you at the end of the bed. His gazes dragged over the curves of your body, and you were tempted to beg for him to touch you. 
Before you could speak, Draco hauled you back farther on the mattress and kneeled in front of you. You let your head fall back, and you moaned when you saw the mirror overhead, giving you a full view of your actions. 
“Oh my god,” you breathed, and Draco smirked as he kissed your inner thigh. 
“You’re soaked, my love,” Draco teased, lightly brushing his fingers against your core. 
You whined, pushing your hips into his touch. You jolted with a shriek as Draco slapped your sex, his dark laughter sending vibrations through you as he kissed the area. 
Your hands went to his hair, pulling roughly as he began to eat you out, the sting fading into overwhelming, passionate pleasure. As you began to squirm, he pinned your hips down, forcing you to take the pleasure he was giving you. Your chest rose and fell heavily, and you watching him eat you out, moaning as his fingers stroked you from the inside. Your sounds got louder and more high-pitched, and you were practically crying Draco’s name.
“Draco, I’m going to come, please, I’m so close!” you squealed, dragging your nails up his back, making him moan into your heat. It sent you over the edge, screaming his name as your back arched, your thighs squeezing around his head. 
You struggled to draw oxygen into your lungs when he didn’t let you go, drawing out the ecstasy until it became torture. You fulfilled his promise, his name echoing off the walls desperately. 
Draco forced a second orgasm from you, making your vision tunnel and fire spread through your body. The intensity of it was almost painful, and you were gasping and spasming from his touch. 
You whimpered in relief as the boy pulled off of you, giving you a small break from the stimulation. Your breathing was ragged, and he smiled down at the mess he’d made of you, trailing his fingertips along the curves of your body. You choked out his name, shuddering as he circled your nipples, amused by your sensitivity. 
“We’re not done yet, love, I want you fucked braindead for me,” his tone held feigned sweetness, and you nodded weakly.
“I love you.” You spoke, and some of the softness returned to his gaze.
“I love you, sweetheart.” Draco leaned down and delicately kissed your lips.
“It wouldn’t be fair not to let me get off, would it?” Draco hummed, and you shook your head. 
You spasmed as he tapped his head against your aching clit before lifting your legs over his shoulders. You threw your head back as he pressed into you, snapping his hips against yours in one thrust. A strangled scream ripped through you at the force, the rough thrusts making your mind melt and your body shake. You felt like Draco was splitting you open, but you didn’t want him to stop. 
Your hands searched aimlessly for something to grab on to, and Draco caught them, sliding his fingers in yours. He smiled down at you when you squeezed his hands, letting him take your body. He could feel his orgasm quickly approaching, and in a split decision he buried himself all the way inside of you, brushing your cervix, ripping another orgasm from you. Your broken cry echoed in his mind as he spilled inside of you, painting the sensitive muscle with his release. 
“Y/N? Are you there, love?” Draco’s voice was much more gentle, and he carefully pulled out of you and let you rest down into the sheets. Your incoherent whimpers were like music to him, and he waved his wand to clean the two of you up. 
“I’m here, my love.”
He leaned down and kissed you, pulling you into his arms. You rested against his warm chest, feeling him press kisses to your head, draping his arms over you and playing with your fingers. 
“I’m all yours,” you whispered, feeling him grin into your hair.
“All mine.”
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
Bunny (Matthew Gray Gubler/ Reader)
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Requested: Yes (And I’m sorry it took me so long, I hope you like it, Anon!!)
Category: Hardcore fluff
Warnings: You have to be able to manage this level of fluffiness
Summary: Matthew just started dating this new girl he can't stop thinking about, and suddenly, all the love clichés are making sense. (Or, why MGG has been calling his girlfriend "Bunny" in all the one-shots I've written) 😬
Word count: 2.8K
A/N: Hello!!! how's everybody doing? life has been a mess in the last few weeks. Grandma is very sick and my mind hasn't been focused on writing. I also moved to a new apartment, which is great news, 'cos we needed more space, but it also means I've been weary and too busy to write 😭. I hope you are all having a good day/night/evening ✨
Matthew stared at his phone and hesitated. He was about to dial but stopped himself at the last second. He had to take a deep breath and count to ten before he actually pressed "dial." And when he did, his stomach fluttered immediately.
- "Hello?"
- "Hey, (Y/N). It's Matthew Gray"-he announced, and his voice shook a little. He was nervous, and there was no way on earth (Y/N) hadn't noticed it.
- "Hello! Yes, I know. Your number is registered in my phone, remember?"- (Y/N) giggled at the other side of the line, and Gubler felt like slapping himself for being such a dork.
- "Right !! I totally forgot about that. So, how are you? "
Calling (Y/N) after their first date wasn't going as smoothly as Matthew imagined. And he had imagined it for the last couple of hours. He had imagined that conversation since he left her at her front door the night before, actually.
Gubler knew he wasn't smooth around girls he liked. He could usually pretend to be cool and mentally use it as an exercise to overcome his well-masked shyness. But deep down at the bottom of his soul, Matthew was fully aware he was awkward and weird. His hands were sweating, and he was not even looking at her. He was alone in his apartment, laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling.
- "Good, I'm good. What about you? How's your day off? "- (Y/N) giggled and took a look around, walking away from her coworkers and trying her best to find a private spot to talk with Gubler. She didn't want anyone to see her acting like she was thirteen, which was precisely how she was feeling. (Y/N) knew she was blushing and giggling nervously. But how couldn't she? The boy she had a massive crush on was calling her after their first date. There was no way she could be calm.
- "Good, I'm good. What about you? "- Matthew asked and closed his eyes, feeling stupid-" Sorry, I already asked that. What are you doing? am I interrupting something? "
- "No, I'm just working. Trying to work, actually. I was falling asleep on my desk when you called, so thank you for saving me from the embarrassment of crushing my head against the desk "- Matthew chuckled. (Y/N) sighed, remembering his face as he smiled at her the night before.
- "Damn! now I'm torn between being glad I saved you the embarrassment and disappointed I couldn't see you bumping your head against that desk! "
(Y/N) gasped, pretending to be shocked and upset.
- "I can't believe you just said that!"
- "I'm sorry! but let's be honest, that would have been fun!"
- "Not for me!"
- "(Y/N), are you ready for the meeting?"- the unknown voice made Gubler frown. (Y/N) answered something and sighed.
- "I guess you'll have a new chance, 'cos I've got a meeting in a moment, and I'm still so sleepy and tired I might end up smashing my head against the table after all. And it would be your fault, by the way."
- "My fault?!"- Gubler was shocked- "Why?"
- "You promised you would take me home at eleven, and as far as I remember, it was two in the morning when I reached my porch."
- "Hey! you said you were having fun!"- (Y/N) laughed, hearing Matthew's protest, and nodded her head, even when he couldn't see her.
- "I had a lot of fun! just that now I'm half asleep during work time."
- "Not my fault!"- Matthew shouted, and (Y/N) tried not to laugh and stay serious.
- "Technically, it's your fault."
- "Fine, I'll play guilty for your crime, (Y/N). But you owe me."
- "Me? why me?"
- "You sleep-deprived me too!!"
- "Why me, Gubler?"
- "You were the one who said, "one more cup of coffee, Gub." Remember?"- Matthew made his best impression of her, and (Y/N) laughed so hard, half the office turned to look at her.
- "And you never declined, even at one in the morning."
- "How could I!? You found my only weakness!"
- "You can't say no to coffee?"
- "No, I can't say no to you."
The silence in the line was long but not heavy. (Y/N) was blushing, flustered, not knowing what to say. So she just giggled. And Matthew held his breath as he heard her snickering.
- "(Y/N), come on! We are waiting for you,"- someone said, and the girl answered something Gubler couldn't understand.
- "Matthew, I have to go, but... we can talk later."
- "Sure, sure, go. Maybe we can have a coffee later, or dinner. Or maybe dinner and then have a coffee, I don't know. Whatever you pick will be fine with me".
Matthew Gray Gubler was rambling nervously, laying on his bed, looking at the ceiling, hoping she'd say yes.
- "Dinner and coffee sound nice."- (Y/N) whispered and bit her lips, trying not to giggle.
And just like that, finally, Matthew Gray Gubler had gotten himself a second date.
It shouldn't be so hard for him to get a girl. And technically, it wasn't. But Matthew didn't want to date girls for the night and then never hear from them again. He didn't want a fling, not with (Y/N). With her, he wanted the whole deal, and he knew it from the second he saw her talking with her friends across the room from him, at a party at his best friend's, a few weeks earlier.
Gubler wasn't looking for a girlfriend until he saw her. He didn't believe in "love at first sight." For him, that it was bullshit, crap people make up to justify being stupid and making silly decisions. But then came (Y/N). He heard her laughter first, and his eyes looked for her across the room. He felt how his heart stopped for a second when he found her, and he knew he had to meet her.
Yes, it was corny and cheesy, and if Gubler heard his friends talking about something like it, he would have laughed at them for hours. But no, it was happening to him. It was real, and he didn't know what to do or how to act. So he did what he did best: he improvised, hoping for the best.
The night he met her, they talked until six in the morning, and though they never said it out loud, neither of them wanted to end that conversation. (Y/N) was glad he had asked for her phone number, and for the next two weeks, they talked every day and texted most of the day. But Gubler couldn't see her or ask her out, 'cos he was forced to leave town to shoot an episode of Criminal Minds in Vancouver.
It hadn't been a bad thing, though, 'cos they really talked a lot those days he was out of town, and by the time he was back in Los Angeles, the first thing he had done was asking her out. They had coffee and then ice cream. Went to the movies. Had dinner and then more coffee as they walked around, talking like they had known each other their whole lives.
For Matthew, everything made sense. All the movie clichés made perfect sense.
- "Hey!"- (Y/N) smiled and waved at Matthew as she stood in front of him and stared at him, nearly holding her breath. She tried to understand why someone as gorgeous and funny as he was, wanted to go out with her, but she didn't have any logical answer to that.
Matthew smiled and waved, hesitating for a second before he leaned in and pecked her lips. It was their first date. It wasn't their first kiss. But they were both so nervous; they just giggled and smiled for the first couple of seconds.
- "Ready for dinner?"- he asked her and watched her nodding enthusiastically- "Good because I'm starving. I forgot to have lunch."
- "How do you forget to eat?"- but Matthew just shrugged and smiled- "Your stomach doesn't growl?"
- "I was too busy and didn't realize how hungry I was until it was almost time to leave, so I just grabbed a Snickers bar and drove here."
- "Well, then let's have dinner. You need some real food in that skinny body"- (Y/N) smiled and pointed her finger directly to his ribs.
- "I eat a lot."
- "A lot of junk food"- she argued and giggled as the two of them made their way to Matthew's car- "You need more veggies."
- "I eat my greens, thank you very much."
- "Green M&M's do not count as eating greens, Gubler."
- "That's pretty cynical coming from the girl who gave me a tray of home-baked cinnamon rolls last night."
- "How many of those did you eat today?"- Gubler had devoured ¾ of that tray during that morning.
- "Just one at breakfast"- he lied, opening the passenger's door for (Y/N).
- "You are a lousy liar, Gubler"- she chuckled and looked at him as he smiled and moved a little closer to her, landing his hands on her waist, making her shiver at the sensation.
- "Fine, I ate most of the rolls. But that's your fault."
- "Again? Everything is my fault according to you"- (Y/N) pouted, and Matthew twitched his nose as he leaned in and kissed her. It was their second date, and Matthew couldn't stop kissing her already.
- "You look too damn adorable when you do that."- (Y/N) whispered and sighed when the kiss was over.
- "When I do what?"
- "That thing with your nose."
- "It's a tic"- Gubler tucked a flick of her hair behind her ear and pecked her one more time.
- "You look like a bunny."- (Y/N) teased and started mimicking the nose twitch as she smiled, and Gubler laughed. He felt so warm inside his heart that he refused to think it was just their second official date.
- "You are the one forcing me to eat greens. You are the bunny."
- "That makes no sense, Bunny Gubler."- he chuckled and shook his head. He was having trouble keeping himself from kissing her the whole time.
- "You are the bunny, Bunny"- he repeated and twitched his nose again, making her giggle.
- "How come I am the bunny if you are the one with the adorable nose twitch?"
- "I don't know"- Gubler wrapped his arms around her and kissed her nose- "But you are cute like a bunny, and soft"- he whispered and caressed her cheek slowly as he spoke. (Y/N) stared into his eyes and didn't know what to say. So she just bit her lips and made her best not to blush.
- "Did you know a baby rabbit is called a kit, a female is called a doe, and a male is called a buck?"- Gubler had no idea where those words had come from. Still, apparently, he couldn't shut up when he was with her, even if that meant rambling about the most random facts he could think of.
- "Matthew, your Reid is showing."- (Y/N) quickly said, frowning, and Gubler burst out laughing right away.
- "Weird fact: when I start sounding like Reid is because I need to eat asap."
- "Let's get you fed before you start profiling me, then"- (Y/N) winked and got into the car. Gubler closed the door for her and jogged to the other side of the vehicle.
- "What do you feel like eating today, Bunny?"- he asked, and (Y/N) looked at him and raised an eyebrow, trying not to laugh.
- "No, I'm not letting that one go, Bunny."
- "You are the one with the nose twitch!"- (Y/N) argued, again- "You are the Bunny!"
- "Nop"- Gubler smiled, pleased, and looked at her.
Do you know that feeling of home some people give you? It was the third time he was with her in the same room, and she already felt like home to him.
Matthew knew he couldn't say any of those things to his friends, or they would make fun of him for the rest of his life.
- "Then you are going to be Honey"- (Y/N) sentenced, somehow defeated- "That way we can be team Honey Bunny."
- "Team Honey Bunny?"- Gubler asked, confused- "Why?"
- "I don't know!"- (Y/N) nearly shouted, chuckling- "But I wanted to call you Bunny! I thought about it the whole freaking day! and you just stole it from me!"
That was way too much information. Way more than what (Y/N) wanted to give Matthew on their second date. But it was too late now. She had already snapped.
- "You thought about me the whole day?"
Matthew asked, and his voice was nearly a whisper inside the car. (Y/N) looked over the window for a second. They weren't moving from the parking lot. There wasn't much to see out there, but she felt if she looked at Gubler, she would confess she had a massive crush on him already. That crush was way too big if you consider it was just their second date.
(Y/N) was freaking out, scared of all the things she felt already. That shouldn't happen. She had to keep her head cold because Gubler was an actor, and who knew his true intentions with her? But deep inside, (Y/N) felt she could fall in love with him so fast it was scary. Terrifying, actually, because she couldn't stop her feelings, and each time (Y/N) looked at him, all she could think of was: "Happily ever after."
There was no way she was telling any of that to her friends, 'cos they would all make fun of her. It was corny, and cheesy, and complete nonsense.
Still, it felt real, and she didn't know how to explain it.
- "Maybe"- that was all (Y/N) could answer and bit her lips, still making her best not to look at Matthew.
- "I thought about you the whole day."- he confessed, and his eyes scanned her whole face. She was trying her best not to turn to him but failed. Those words had been too sweet and too sincere to overlook them. (Y/N) just turned to him and smiled.
- "Really?"- the young woman asked, as her cheeks turned all shades of pink.
- "I haven't stopped thinking about you ever since I first saw you at that party."- Gubler confessed- "And I know it's too soon, 'cos we've only known each other for a few weeks now, but would it be ok if I call you my "Bunny" from now on?"
The way Gubler even pouted when he was done talking made (Y/N)'s knees shake unconsciously. And it wasn't just that he wanted to call her Bunny that made her feel that way, but the fact he wanted to call her "his" Bunny.
She knew she wasn't his propriety, but damn, that question made her feel things she had never imagined feeling before.
- "I don't think I have a choice, do I?"- she answered, pretending to be upset- "But if you want me to be your Bunny, you are going to have to be my "honey" then."
The way those words made him feel was so good; Gubler was sure he was screwed. She was going to be the end of him, for better or worst.
- "Then it's settled, Bunny."- he said and stared at her with a goofy smile on his face. She blushed and shook her head, still trying to be the sensible person and failing spectacularly.
The next thing she felt was Matthew's hands on her face, cupping her cheeks sweetly. So gently and carefully, in fact, she felt worshipped by him. He stared into her eyes for a second before rubbing his lips against hers, giving her the most passionate and loving kiss she had ever received. It felt so good she felt embarrassed when a little whimper left her lips when she felt Matthew pulling away from her, slowly.
- "Wanna have dinner now, Bunny?"- Gubler asked her, his voice a whisper as his lips rubbed (Y/N)'s slowly. She just nodded and sighed as he smiled at her and kissed her one more time.
- "Ok, and what do you wanna eat tonight?"
- "It's your time to pick, honey. You are the one who didn't even have lunch today."
(Y/N) whispered and bit her lips. She was staring into his eyes as he spoke, and all she could see was adoration, which was exactly how she felt about him too.
- "Then I pick whatever my Bunny wants to eat."- Matthew murmured and kissed her again.
- "If I'm the Bunny, I'm picking anything with lots of veggies and vitamins for you."
- "On second thoughts, you are right. I should pick. I was thinking maybe some ice cream."
- "No, you need real food."- (Y/N) frowned as Gubler sat straight on his seat and started the car- "And then you can have some ice cream, and maybe some more cinnamon rolls tomorrow!"
- "You can't blackmail me with cinnamon rolls, Bunny"- Gubler turned to her and smiled, as she raised an eyebrow and simply replied.
- "Watch me, honey."
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Taglist: @all-tings-diego​ 
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petersnya · 3 years
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Warnings: SMUT, Fluff, Angst?? Idk lol
Word count:2145
[A/N]Heyyy! Soooo this is part of this series (I’ll link part one). Hope you guys enjoy it! PLEASE COMMENT AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK AND IF YOU WANT YOU CAN SEND ME MESSAGES AND ASK QUESTIONS I'LL ANSWER LOL. Anyway, I had fun writing this chapter so I hope you like it! -J.T.S xxx
During physics class, Peter was working on an upcoming project with Ned, but he spent most of his time sleeping. He was basically sleep deprived from patrolling the town and stopping crimes.
“Late night huh Pete?” Ned asked, nudging Peter's arm that was supporting his head in the palms of his hands as his eyes got heavy, starting to close. 
“Yeah, had to stop some petty theft last night,” he began, a yawn interrupting him, “took longer than I thought.” 
The bell rang, dismissing the students to their after-school activities, if you had none you would just go home. Peter and Ned gathered their things and headed to the school’s front doors- MJ catching up with them how she usually did. 
“Man, you look terrible,” MJ said with a slight chuckle. 
“Wow, thanks. You're such a great friend.” Peter retorted sarcastically. Ned wasn’t riding the bus home today, he had to go with his mom for something he refused to share with anyone but Peter; so Peter just decided to ask MJ to walk home with her. 
“Sorry Parker, Y/N is picking me up today. You’re welcome to ride with us if you want though.” 
Peter didn’t respond for a while, debating if it was worth the anxiety attack of being around her. Y/N was the only thing that was on his mind now. His attraction grew even more when she wore those glasses. He zoned out for a while till MJ snapped her fingers in front of his face. Blinking rapidly, his vision focused on MJ who was now reaching out to grab the handle of a car door. Y/N’s car. His breath hitched in his throat once he saw Y/N wearing those same glasses from last Friday, her hair in the messiest high-ponytail he had ever seen- but it was cute to him.
“Ya coming lover-boy?” Y/N said, looking Peter right in his wide brown eyes. He blushed at the nickname before answering. 
“Yeah… I’m coming.”
The three teens got into the car and started on their way. “Hey losers, wanna go shopping?” 
“Y/N you only wanna go to the mall to eat,” MJ said to Y/N who was now laughing loudly, throwing her head back in agreement with her. Suddenly, in the middle of her laugh, she let out a loud snort. The car went silent as Y/N covered her mouth with her hand. MJ and Y/N burst into laughter, Peter soon joining. They all joked and sang to the songs that played on the radio all the way to the mall. 
“Jeez Y/N, you scared me! What is it?” MJ said to her, clutching her chest from being startled. They all had gone to the food court and were now just walking around the mall and into random stores. 
“There's a Build-A-Bear Workshop here!” she exclaimed excitedly, pointing at it like a child. Peter couldn't help but smile at how adorable she looked freaking out over a child’s store. 
“Let's go in,” Peter said to the two of them. Y/N looked at him wide-eyed with a goofy smile on her face. Her eyes looked like they twinkled with excitement. She shoved her drink into MJ’s hand, fixed her glasses, then grabbed Peter’s hand while running into the store. 
“Oooohh, I should get an H.P-themed bear!” Before Peter could even answer, Y/N dragged him to one of the workers, asking if she could get a custom bear. They went over to the station and started to build. 
As Y/N was finishing up the bear, she turned to Peter, “Ok, I have a very serious question. What accessories should I get?” they were standing in the Harry Potter section, looking over all of the things they had to decorate the bear. Peter shrugged, but then, he had a great idea, “I-I think you should get the uh, the glasses. The ones like your dads…” he said in an unsure tone. Y/N looked at him with a soft smile on her face. She couldn’t help herself, she had no idea what came over her as she pulled Peter into a tight embrace. Peter hesitated before putting his arms around her waist- her arms draped over his neck. 
At that moment, Y/N inhaled Peters sent heavily. She felt so… safe in his arms. Like nothing bad could touch her. She never wanted to break away- MJ’s voice brought them back to reality.
“You guys done, I need to get new converse,” she said with a smirk plastered across her face. Y/N quickly pulled away from Peter, a million thoughts running through her mind, but only one seemed to overpower the rest. 
I would be in his arms forever if I could.
“Ma’am, would you like to add a voice to your bear?” the lady said to Y/N, causing her thoughts to disappear. 
“Actually,” Y/N paused looking at Peter and MJ, “yes, I would.” She grabbed the recorder from the worker’s hand and sent her a small smile. She looked at the curly-headed girl and the brown-eyed boy was on either side of her. She explained her plan, “Ok, I want all three of us to say ‘Mischief Managed’, ok?” 
“What does that mean?” Peter questioned, looking at the two girls. They both sent him a deadly stare. “Nevermind,” he mumbled. 
“Ok, on three, one… two… three…” 
“Mischief Managed!” the trio yelled, causing some customers in the store to turn their heads and stare at them. They all mumbled small sorry’s as they laughed. 
“Ok, Peter what's one thing you hate?” MJ asked, turning to face him. They were all sitting in the car at a drive-in movie. Peter was now in the front seat while MJ was in the back. They all decided to just talk because the movie was pretty boring to them. 
“Uhh, I can't stand sleeping with socks on.”
“I don't think anyone can Parker,” Y/N said, laughing slightly. 
“Well what about you then?” he asked her, turning his full attention as he anticipated her answer. 
“Easy, liars. Ugh, I hate liars! What’s the point? It’s not like I’m gonna judge you,” Y/N answered confidently. “See, that’s what I like about you, Parker. You are very honest,” she said with a genuine smile. Peter just loved her smile, the way it lit up her whole face.
“Welp imma go get some pizza from the stand back there,” MJ said as she got out of the car. Y/N and Peter sat there in silence for a moment- comfortable silence. 
Y/N was the first to break the silence, as usual, “Hey, Pete. I just wanna thank you for the whole glasses thing last Friday. It really helped me realize that I should’ve worn the glasses the moment he gave them to me. It’s like I have a part of him with me now... And I love Harry Potter, obviously. Ya know, I took a quiz and found out what house I’m in! Can you believe that I’m in-“
“You’re welcome, Y/N” Peter interrupted her rambling, sending her a small smile. They stared into each other's eyes for a while, admiring one another. Peter got this warm feeling inside and had that same surge of energy he had when he first met her. Before even processing what he was about to do, he grabbed her hand without breaking eye contact. He fiddled with the ring she had on her thumb. 
Y/N breath became shallow as her heart pounded at her chest. 
“I’m in Slytherin,” she said randomly, looking down at how Peter’s hands played with hers. He let out a breathy chuckle. Their eyes met once again. 
Y/N gathered all of her courage and quickly reached out her hand to grab Peter’s cheek, pulling him into her. Their lips were centimeters apart. She ran her thumb along Peter’s bottom lip, slightly parting it as she leaned in closer, catching his lips with hers. Their lips interlocked and it felt like heaven to the both of them. 
They pulled apart from the soft kiss and slowly opened their eyes, starting again into each other's eyes searching for the words that weren’t said. Peter couldn’t contain himself anymore. His large hand grabbed the back of Y/N’s neck, pushing his lips into hers in a lust-filled kiss. Just like the one he had imagined. 
This was the moment he had dreamt of and it was finally happening. 
He ran his tongue over her bottom lip, begging for an entrance. She gave it to him without hesitation. His tongue slowly slipped into her mouth while her tongue ran into his. 
Peter snaked his hands to her waist, lifting her from her seated position in the driver's seat. She complied and started to adjust to where she was sitting in his lap. His hands ran from her waist to her butt and gave it a tight squeeze.
Y/N let out a soft moan into Peter’s mouth. She slowly started to trail kisses down his neck as he massaged her thighs and ass. 
Y/N hands got tangled in Peter’s brown curls. She began to suck on Peter’s neck, wanting to leave a mark. Peter let out a low groan at the sensation of her soft lips and wet tongue on his skin. 
He lifted her head and connected their lips together once again. His veiny hand slipped between their body making its way down to her core. 
Peter never did stuff like this, and neither did Y/N. all of this was new to them but their connection was so strong that they were willing to push the limits.
As Peter’s hand reached Y/N core, he placed two fingers right on top of where her clothed clit was. He began to draw circles against it. Y/N started to rock her hips over his fingers, yearning for more friction. She started to let out moans uncontrollably, whimpering at the euphoric feeling of his fingers pressed against her dripping core. 
“Peter,” Y/N breathed out trying to catch her breath. Peter hummed in response while moving his lips down to kiss her neck. 
Suddenly, Peter snapped out of the trance that he seemed to be in. This moment was the best moment of his life, but his damned mind couldn’t help re-play Y/N’s words on a lope: I hate liars. Why? Before they went to the movies and were still at the mall, Y/N had asked Peter about his Stark’s internship. And, of course, he couldn’t tell her the truth. So he just lied. Y/N looked so intrigued in the conversation but Peter couldn’t bear lying to her over and over again. He felt so guilty...
“Y/N,” Peter let out. “Y/N, we can’t do this.”
Y/N head snapped up, her glasses left crooked on her face. She looked stunned by his words. Her shoulders slumped as she started asking questions.
“What? Why? Am I not a good kisser? I’ve only kissed one person before but I don’t even really wanna count that. Does my breath smell bad? Ugh, I knew this was a bad idea- wait no! I didn’t mean it like that, I just knew you didn’t like me how I liked you… I’m so stupid.”
After Y/N was finished rambling, she put her face in her hands, trying to avoid eye contact with the chocolate-eyed boy. 
Peter was speechless. He didn’t know what to say, because what he wanted to say was: no Y/N that’s not it at all. You are the most amazing girl I’ve ever met, I- I lied to you… 
No. he couldn’t say that it would absolutely crush her and he couldn’t bear to hurt her. Peter put his hands on her waist, making Y/N jerk her body in shock. She let a small smile spread across her face, thinking Peter was going to hug her or make a cute gesture or even continue what they had started. He lifted Y/N and slid her back to the driver’s side.
Her smile dropped from her face and she pushed herself the rest of the way to the driver’s side. Peter sat there awkwardly, praying she wouldn’t say anything. It killed him to see the gloomy look on her face as she fixed her glasses. 
“I’m back with pizza!” MJ announced as she made her way into the backseat. “Woah, hey, cuz what’s wrong?”
“We’re going home,” Y/N replied with a cold tone of voice. This shocked Peter and MJ. Y/N was usually so smiley, even after her dad passed. She always tried to find the light in every situation. But something was different with this. One thing Peter knew for sure,
I fucked up…
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
A Lazy Day with MC and the Brothers
I was just chilling one day and thought about how a lazy day in with our boys might be like… I like hijinks, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes we ought to slow down too, you know?
Check my Masterlist for more!
Warning: Slight NSFW-ish? I dunno how to tag innuendo...
First off, hats off for managing to convince the guy to just do nothing for any length of time. That’s some seriously impressive persuasive powers, MC, you sure you don’t know how to charm?
Lazy Lucifer=Sleepy Lucifer. He spends so many nights up late getting work done then follows it up by getting up early in order to wrangling his brothers. It's honestly like it all catches up with him... He’s sleeping in and he’s sleeping in HARD.
Might text one of his brothers to bring them in a late breakfast at some point (never mind the fact it’s practically dinner). Beel would be the one most likely to agree to it, but he also may just eat whatever he picked up on the way there so hopefully someone else is feeling charitable… Try Asmo.
Honestly, his entire goal is to not leave the bedroom at all. If he leaves, then he runs the risk of people seeing him… wait for it... relaxing. Oh, just imagine the scandal!!
Some classical music, a bit of conversation, and maybe a good book in bed would all sound like heaven to him. They may have to get up to make some tea to go along with it, just remind him that drinking coffee on your recharge days can have the opposite effect. The taste of coffee could always just end up reminding him of work anyway…
The evening can go one of two ways. Calm and peaceful or "stress relieving." If they chose the stress relieving option, best be prepared because he'll have a whole night's worth of stress to let out and he's going to need some help… 😏
He’s going to want to be close to the MC the whole time, they can hold onto him or him onto them, whatever works. It doesn’t matter as long as there’s still some kind of contact happening.
A whole day with just him and the MC? And they don’t even have to be doing anything? Where can he sign up??
Cue a lot of doing nothing in particular with Mammon tangled up on them in some way: hugging their waist while he checks his phone, resting their legs on his lap during a gaming session, wrapping himself around them while they just have casual conversation. That kind of thing.
When they eventually get hungry then he might pop down to the kitchen and make them some instant noodles (I wouldn’t trust much else he tries to make since… well we know he kind of just adds whatever’s around to his food).
He might start getting a little restless part of the way through the day though, so they’re going to have to do something to get that energy out… 🤔
Use your imagination, I know this fandom can.
The reigning Prince of Lazy Days. Everything about Levi screams “goof off/game night buddy” (at least if the MC is a fellow otaku anyway).
He probably didn’t sleep the night before because he was playing/watching something so the morning will go down one of two ways: 1) He just pulls an all-nighter and begins to progressively lose his mind as the day goes on, or 2) He’s dead to the world until 2pm. Only one of those options is entertaining so you know what I'm going with.
Things will go pretty smoothly through the morning. They don’t have to go anywhere because his room has plenty of snacks so they can just chill out and watch anime or play video games.
Buuut stuff will get more dicey as the afternoon rolls around and his sleep deprivation sets in. He’ll start losing a lot of his filter and may ramble for even longer than normal with even less coherency. He’ll also get more um… "bold" than usual.
Or he may just want to cuddle with them while he babbles on about how much he loves them and how warm they are and how much they remind him of Henry, which reminds him have they seen the latest season of “My Life with Seven Demon Brothers Who All Love Me!” yet because the main character there also reminds him of them and-
He’ll pass out eventually, probably latched onto them somehow with his tail around them tenderly. Don’t bring it up to him in the morning because he will unsuccessfully try to deny it ever happened.
Not opposed to the occasional lazy day. It actually does good for his nerves since holding in all that pent-up anger can feel like stuffing an elephant into a tea kettle sometimes...
They’re going to want to get him out of his bedroom or the library if they don’t want to fight for his attention against whatever new book he’s eating through today. When the man gets engrossed then it’s like nothing else matters, the House could split in two and he'll only notice if he suddenly can’t reach his drink anymore...
May actually be advantageous to go outside with him, take a nice stroll around the House while having some interesting conversation. They could poke his brain about anything that suits their fancy while they’re out amongst the trees and nature.
If they don’t want to go outside and rather take their chances with the book then okay but the engrossment problem still applies. He may even forget to eat...
Best way to combat his lack of attention is to be a little brat that’s juuust cute enough not to piss him off. It’s a delicate balance. That means getting real close to him, like sitting on his legs, and just occasionally reminding him of their presence with longing looks while tapping, flicking, or messing with the book from time to time (yes, kind of like an attention-seeking cat).
Play it just right and they’ll get attention on them alright, but he may also be looking to punish his “needy kitty." Hope that’s what they’re aiming for... 🤷‍♀️
Really? They want to do nothing? Nothing at all? Are they sure they don’t want to do him instead...? 😏
A relaxing day with Asmo is more or less like a day spent wrapped up in mutual worship and adoration. The guy wants all of their attention and love but he’ll return it and then some. As long as they treat him like the love of their lives it will honestly be like having their own day spa day in Heaven.
If the MC wants to relax, then he’s just the sort to know how to provide for them both. The only question is how do they want it?
The man can give them a full treatment, I mean, just look at his bathroom alone! A good soak in a hot bath, facial masks, back massages, mani-pedis, just say the word MC and he’s more than willing to bestow whatever their little heart desires. That’s his job, isn’t it?
Asmo may be a party boy, but if it’s a little TLC you need, emphasis on the T, then look no farther MC. He’s the guru.
On the flipside if they’re looking for a little release well… who better to ask than Asmo right? He’ll make sure they’ll never want to leave that bed again. 🤭
As long as snacks are still involved then he’s all in, babe. He’ll do nothing with them all day as long as they keep him fed.
Two words. Couples. Cooking. They can’t skip a meal with Beel so if they’re going to spend lazy time with the dude then they better be planning on being a tag along to the kitchen.
It doesn’t have to be a super strict though, it’s not like they’re not cooking with Barbatos or anything, so they can goof off and make a bit of a mess together. Chances are Beel will eat the ingredients to whatever they’re making anyway so... 😅
A lot of lingering touches and just being close to each other as they go. He might want to hold their waist while they stir or they end up feeding each other in cutesy ways... Really it’s a ridiculously wholesome time.
At one point a food fight may break out and they'll cover themselves in flour, tomato sauce, or some other kind of messy food substance...
Careful, MC. Whatever they get covered in will likely only make them look more delicious to him and he might want to "clean them off".... They'll need to take that out of the kitchen, though, like what if someone needs a snack??
The reigning King of Lazy Days. Take notes, MC, for you are watching the Master at work...
Sleeping in and cuddling is a must. He will not let them leave the bed all morning for anything less than a Category Four Emergency (i.e. “I’m going to starve to death” or “I really gotta go piss”). He will pin them under his sleeping body if he has to!
Once they’ve thoroughly missed breakfast and half past noon rolls around he might call in takeout from Hell’s Kitchen for them to eat in the attic room. Expect some cheeky conversation, probably jokes at the expense of his brothers. Cuddling is still absolutely happening, of course, they cannot shake him off.
May borrow an anime from Levi to watch while they snuggle on the couch. He has all the best blankets in the House so they will be neither cold nor uncomfortable throughout.
His hands get a little grabby during these kinds of cuddle sessions, especially during tense moments in the show because he likes to give them a little jolt to make them yelp, the jerk... 😖
If he manages to not drift off during the show (flip a coin on that chance) the night will end in the planetarium, backs on a pile of blankets while they draw pictures in the stars… All hail the King. 😏
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moodykylo · 3 years
Sleep Deprived
CW: Sleep deprivation, canon typical self loathing
Spoilers for tpp season 2&3
Juno Steel was exhausted. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept a full night on the Carte Blanche, and it was starting to catch up to him. 
Juno’s sleep was becoming increasingly restless as the nights came and went; each night leaving old memories rearing their ugly heads. When he was able to sleep, it was anything but peaceful. Whenever Juno found himself drifting off, nightmares would begin behind his eyes, jolting him awake. He had to stop sleeping in the same room as Nureyev in fear of waking him. Now, he was alone, nightmares becoming worse and worse. He had really thought he was done with these childish nightmares of Sarah and Benzaiten, but now they were increasing in both frequency and fervency.
Now, Juno was sitting in his own room, on his bed, eyes burning with fatigue and brain on fire with memories. He sat in his bed, eyelids drooping as he fought with sleep. 
After about half an hour, sleep finally won and Juno’s dreams were anything but sweet.  Sweat beaded on his forehead and he thrashed in his sleep, mumbling quietly, behind his eyes a scene of the past replaying like a favorite movie, until finally, he woke with a gasp, chest heaving. 
Juno groaned, standing from his bed. He wandered out into the hallway - if he was going to be awake, he might as well make himself useful. He stopped in the middle of the hall to lean on the wall as dizziness hit him with no warning. Frustrated with the spell, he pushed through it, rubbing at his eyes.
Juno entered the kitchen, taking out his comms and squinting at it. The rest of the Carte Blanche crew would be up soon. At least he’d gotten some sleep that night, he thought to himself with a bitter laugh. He got himself a glass of water before walking over to the stove and starting to cook a simple meal as breakfast for the crew. 
Contrary to popular belief, Juno did know how to cook. Sure, his ability wasn’t anything spectacular, but he did know how to cook something decent. Today, “something decent” was pancakes. He made almost every pancake perfectly round, saving the oblong one for himself (although he could only manage to eat half of it).
Juno was just finishing up making the pancakes for almost everyone on the ship - although Buddy would be having her usual morning cocktail instead - when Jet walked into the kitchen, bright and early as usual.
“Juno. You’re awake before usual,” Jet said before gazing at the pancakes. “And you’ve cooked. This is out of character, you sleep the latest of everyone,” Jet observed. 
“Hey big guy. I was just awake early, couldn’t sleep.” Juno shrugged. He wasn’t exactly lying per se, but he wasn’t telling the truth, either. Juno rubbed his eyes as another dizzy spell threatened to make him lose his balance.
Jet looked Juno once over without saying a word, and then he grabbed a plate of pancakes. Rita walked into the kitchen next, eyes wide upon seeing Juno standing there. 
“Mistah steel! You’re never awake this early! You made pancakes too!? What, is it my birthday or somethin’? No, no my birthday ain’t for another few months-” Rita rambled before Juno cut her off to explain.
“Just couldn’t sleep. Wanted to do something nice for once, I guess,” he mumbled, leaning against the counter to keep himself steady - why was he so dizzy? Well, it could be the lack of sleep, but it had to be more than that, he thought to himself before Rita’s voice pulled him out of thought. 
“Awww Mistah Steel, that was awful sweet of ya. Thanks, boss!” Rita said before grabbing her pancakes. 
“Not your bo- You’re welcome, Rita.” Juno sighed, a tired smile playing on his lips. 
There was a short wait before the rest of the crew was in the kitchen all with varying reactions. 
“Woah Steel, didn’t know you were capable of being awake before noon, or that you could cook!” Vespa joked before taking a look at Juno, he looked absolutely exhausted. She walked closer to him, talking so only he could hear. “You alright? You look tired.” 
Juno sighed before pushing the heel of his palm into his eyes. “Just fine Vespa, just couldn’t sleep last night.” He blinked hard, trying to get rid of the thick weight of exhaustion from his eyes. 
Vespa almost said something else before Buddy walked into the kitchen. 
“What’s this about Juno cooking?” Buddy said looking over at the pancakes and her cocktail sitting on the counter, not missing how utterly wrecked Juno himself looked. She had known Juno had not been sleeping and saw it was now catching up with the ex P.I. “I’m impressed, wonderful job.” she praised. 
“Thanks…” Juno replied timidly. He was always struck with an odd pride when Buddy complimented his work.
Before any other words could be said, Nureyev entered the kitchen. “Juno, you’re up early…” His eyes were filled with an unspoken worry. Juno just shook his head, already knowing Peter wanted to ask what was wrong. 
“I’m fine, Ransom.” Juno replied before sitting down abruptly; standing was becoming too much work, his knees felt weak and his vision was fading in and out, he was cold, was anyone else cold? It didn’t seem that way… 
“Look everyone I’m fine, I just couldn’t sleep so I figured why don’t I make myself useful for once in the morning.” Juno said again, a tad too crankily. The tone made both Nureyev and Buddy raise an eyebrow, but the conversation was already moving forward when Rita started talking about a stream. Nureyev grabbed his pancakes and Buddy grabbed her meal replacement, a pinot noir, and sat down. 
When everyone was distracted from the discussion, Juno snuck out of the kitchen and into his bedroom to hide under his blankets - he was freezing. He knew that this probably meant a fever. The chills doubled with the room spinning when he moved too quickly and the splitting headache he had, he knew he was completely fucked for the day. 
He closed his eyes for a second before someone was knocking on his door, next thing he knew he was on his feet grabbing clothes from his closet. “Come in,” he said quietly. 
“Juno darling.” Nureyev’s gently called out before walking into the room. “Are you alright? You left rather quickly.” Peter looked over to Juno picking out clothes from the closet. 
“Yeah, just changing into some actual clothes…” Juno responded, putting his selected clothes on the bed. He discreetly grabbed onto the bedpost as the worst dizzy spell that day hit him.
“Juno?” Peter asked as he watched Juno grip the bedpost and sway dangerously. “What’s going on?” 
“‘M fine, just need a minute.” Juno straightened himself out trying to pretend nothing had even happened. “What’s up? What did you need?” Juno looked at Peter, shaking his head to clear the blurriness that was obstructing his view of his beautiful boyfriend, his makeup already done for the day, and suddenly he was embarrassed to be seen in his current state. 
“Are you okay? What happened just then?” Nureyev walked closer to Juno, taking note of how tired he looked, of the slight flush he could see on Juno’s face. “Are you sick? You look exhausted.” 
Juno mentally cursed himself, he was busted - he knew he couldn’t lie to Peter Nureyev, whenever he tried the thief saw through his lies immediately. 
“No, I’m not sick. Just haven’t been sleeping very well lately. It’s kind of starting to take a physical toll.” He sat down on his bed, too weak to stand, a chill running up his spine, accentuating his weakness. 
“Nightmares again?” Peter asked Juno, to which the other nodded. Peter took note of Juno’s state and frowned, concern evident on his face. 
“Are you sure you’re not ill? You seem to have a fever.” Nureyev cupped Juno’s face, frown deepening at the heat he found. 
“Careful Nureyev, you don’t want to get frown lines.” Juno joked before leaning into the coolness of Peter’s hands. 
“Now isn’t the time for jokes, darling, I am rather worried about you.” Peter said to Juno, cupping his too-hot cheek. 
“‘M okay.” Juno said, still leaning into Peter. 
“You don’t seem okay, dear… I’ll be right back, alright?” Nureyev asked, sitting Juno down on his bed. He was going to get Vespa, she was the ship’s doctor, after all, she would know what to do. 
“...Okay,” Juno responded after a beat. 
Peter took a final look at Juno, smiling at him worriedly before walking out of the room and beginning the search for Vespa. 
With Nureyev’s absence, Juno laid down on his bed, wrapping himself in blankets, trying to keep his eyes open. It was a grueling task, but he didn’t really feel like reliving every traumatic event he’d ever had upon falling asleep.
Sleep almost won, but just barely, Nureyev was back in Juno’s room with Vespa before the former P.I. could succumb to slumber. 
“Steel, I knew something was up with you this morning,” Vespa said as she entered the room, looking Juno over. 
Nureyev stood out of Vespa’s way, nervously watching, he’d seen Juno deal with quite a lot, and perhaps that’s what made him more nervous. 
“So, you wanna tell me what’s wrong, or am I going to have to examine you?” Vespa asked Juno, who only nodded listlessly. 
“Yes to which one Steel?” Vespa asked sharply, her worry coming off as impatience, she was used to Juno’s sharp tongue, and seeing him acting so unlike himself was worrying. 
“First one. Haven’t been sleeping well.” Juno slurred exhaustedly. 
Vespa looked at him sympathetically, she understood sleepless nights due to nightmares, she, however, had never had a time where the sleeplessness caught up to her quite as bad as it did Juno. 
“There’s nothing I can really do besides treat the fever Ransom told me about.” Vespa explained, pulling out fever reducers and handing them to Juno, who swallowed them dry and laid down. 
Vespa and Peter exchanged a worried look before Vespa left the room. 
Juno watched Vespa leave through half-closed eyes, fighting against sleep. He ultimately lost the battle, however, when he was asleep within minutes of Vespa’s departure. 
Peter watched Juno fall asleep, sighing in relief watching the ex-detective’s features grow soft and unguarded in sleep. Unfortunately for Juno, this peaceful sleep didn’t last long. 
After about an hour of Juno sleeping “peacefully”, Nureyev watched Juno’s expression twist into discomfort, sweat rolling down his boyfriend’s face, cheeks slightly flushed from fever. Juno started mumbling incoherently, terrified of a threat invisible to Nureyev’s eyes. 
Nureyev considered waking Juno as he watched him grow more and more terrified, but ultimately didn’t need to, Juno woke on his own, a strangled cry ripping from his throat. 
Juno couldn’t remember what his dream was about when he woke, hearing his own screams and feeling tears slipping down his cheeks, but he was still shaken anyway. He remembered hearing screams and feeling cool tears in his dream but maybe that was just his own. 
Nureyev was staring at him, looking at Juno with such worry that it made the P.I. feel sick to his stomach. He didn’t like being the cause of such a look. 
“Sorry, I’m okay.” Juno said timidly, watching Peter relax a little. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” Peter asked, but regretted it when he saw Juno visibly tense at the question. 
“I don’t exactly remember what happened.” Juno explained, weariness seeping out with every word. 
Nureyev only nodded, letting Juno drift off again.
Many hours passed of the same cycle of Juno sleeping and waking with a strangled noise, whether it be a gasp or a scream, and Juno could tell it was only stressing Peter out, so when dinner finally came, Juno practically begged Nureyev to take a break from watching him. 
“I’ll be fine, It’ll only be an hour at most.” He’d said, Nureyev, nodding and leaving with a look of apprehension. 
Juno sighed, he knew why Nureyev was hesitant to leave, why he was always hesitant to leave; because Juno himself had left him alone. 
After the guilt wore off, Juno found his eyes growing heavy once more and he fell back to sleep. 
It was quiet for a while before Juno awoke again, sweat pouring down his face, and a faint knock at the door. 
“Come in,” Juno said quietly, expecting Vespa to be checking in on him, however, that was not who it was. 
“Ah Juno, I hope I didn’t wake you.” It was Buddy, her heels clicking on the floor as she walked into Juno’s room. 
“You didn’t wake me, I was already awake,” Juno said, embarrassed; he respected Buddy, and here he was looking like a mess. 
Buddy frowned. “Ah well, I’d like to have a chat with you,” Buddy said, her nerves ever slightly showing. 
Juno’s chest tightened with fear. “Um, yeah, sure…” Juno replied, feeling like a child caught with their hand caught in the cookie jar. 
“You’re not in any sort of trouble. I just want to ask, are you alright? I’ve just noticed you haven’t been sleeping recently, and well, I’ve been woken up a few times from hearing you scream.” Buddy explained looking at Juno with pity. 
Juno felt small and weak. “I’m sorry.” He responded meekly, guilt ever so evident in his tone. 
“Nonsense,” Buddy replied sitting on Juno’s bed, keeping her distance but still sitting close enough to be a comfort. “It’s no bother to me, it only concerns me that you’re bottling things up again.” She gave Juno a knowing look. 
“Sorry.” Juno replied, looking at the floor. He felt the guilt crawl up from his chest and into his throat and before he knew it, he was crying in front of the person he respected the most. 
Buddy felt a pang of sadness but did not let it show, she kept her composure and began to speak again. 
“I know things haven’t been easy for you. I don’t want you bottling all these emotions up, how about you talk about these nightmares of yours with me? No pressure but, it might help.” Buddy said, placing a comforting hand on Juno’s back. 
And with that, Juno began to sob, spilling his guts to Buddy, telling her everything that happened in his dreams. He wailed and retold the memories to Buddy, stopping with hiccuping breaths. 
Buddy had known of the former P.I’s struggles but hadn’t known the extent of them all. Perhaps she could blame the fever but she hadn’t expected all the walls Juno had built up to crumble at that moment, but she knew one thing - Juno trusted her. 
Juno couldn’t believe how easily he’d just said everything to Buddy, his captain, and the person who could kick him out of the crew at the slightest wrong move. He didn’t care, he finally felt light, lighter than he’d felt in months, and after a few moments, he spoke.
“So much for you not being my therapist,” Juno said with a tired smile.
Buddy laughed, the sound hearty and melodic, making Juno laugh along with her. 
“I may not be your therapist, but I do care about you, Juno, and that counts for something,” Buddy replied once her laughter died down. 
Juno smiled. “Yeah. Thanks, Buddy.” He laid down, suddenly too exhausted to continue sitting upright. 
“Any time dear, now I do believe it’s time you get some rest, hmm?” Buddy suggested, standing from the bed. 
Juno nodded, closing his eyes and drifting off, and as Buddy left he fell asleep, staying asleep, peacefully for the first time in a good long while.
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elenamiria · 4 years
Max Phillips x Reader - Kinktober Day 11
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Hypnosis | Micro/Macro | Sensory Deprivation | Weight Gain 
Word Count: 1.8k Warnings: Consensual Hypnosis, fem reader, blowjobs, unprotected sex, Rough sex, hair pulling, semi-public sex (reader is loud), light embarrassment, Max is his usual self 
Kinktober Day 10  «  Kinktober Masterlist  »  Kinktober Day 12 
Main Masterlist & Taggies: @legally-a-bastard​ (Also tagging @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa​, @storiesofthefandomlovers​ , @absurdthirst​ @tintinwrites​ and @corrupt-fvcker​ for all providing excellent Max Phillips content that truly helped me to nail his character down! So PLEASE go read any and all of their content it’s all absolutely fantastic!)
You weren't quite sure why the hypnosis appealed to you, you just knew it did. So, one day when Max was lounging against your desk rambling on about how annoying Evan was and how he wished he could just use your perky little ass for a little stress relief you looked up at him to ask why didn’t he. He responded with a very confused, “Why don’t I what?”
To which you responded, “Use me, why don’t you take me into your office and fuck me over the desk?”
His eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store as he stood up but stopped when you made no move to follow him. His lips jutted out in a little pout and he sat back down as he grumbled, “Because you’d never let me.”
You stared at him for a long moment before blurting out, “Why don’t you just do that little hypnosis thing on me?”
He frowned at you, brows furrowing deeply, muttering “I’m not gonna do that on you, I wouldn’t make you do anything-“
“No, I want you to do it. I want you to hypnotize me and fuck me or do whatever you want to me.”
Max’s eyes were so wide it was almost comical, his hand still raised from when he was gesturing as he spoke. Slowly he grinned and chirping out your name he slapped both of his thighs simultaneously and he rose, “This has been a very enlightening conversation but I think I’ll let you get back to work.”
Sputtering you asked, “W-Wait! I thought you were going to? I said I wan-”
You were cut off by his finger on your lips and a charming grin, “Oh don’t worry sweet thing, It’ll happen. I’ll make all your little dreams come true, just you wait.”
And with that he was gone and then he was back poking his head back around the corner of your desk asking, “You’re absolutely sure you want this?”
You startled and slammed your knee against the desk, “Fuck! Max, yes I’m sure. Now can I please get back to work without any more jump-scares??”
It was about a week later when Max called you into his office, you had almost forgotten all about your conversation so you hadn't thought anything of it. Max ushered you in with a hand on your back and shut the door, you were oblivious to the extra click as he locked it behind you. Looking at him expectantly you waited to see why he called you into his office.
“You know, that’s my favorite outfit that you wear. The pencil skirt is so tight on that juicy ass and the way your shirt hugs your tits, it’s perfection.”
Your face heated at his words and you shifted slightly, “Max did you call me in here just to tell me you liked how I look today?”
Max stared at you, gleam in his eyes as he smirked and straightened up.
“No, actually. I called you here for a reason. Get on your knees.”
You laughed, a short one that got caught in your throat as you spit out, “Max, we can’t do this at work! What if somebody came in?”
You were stopped by Max’s piercing brown eyes boring into yours as his hand raised, “Get on your knees and put your pretty little mouth to work, now.”
In a daze you felt yourself falling to your knees. Max winced at the harsh thud from your impact you’d definitely have bruises - but he was quickly distracted by your hands reaching for his pants and undoing his belt. His breathing hitched at the sight of you tugging his pants open and down just enough to get to his cock, taking his underwear with it. With a small moan you leaned forward, one hand stroking his hardening cock and the other coming to play with his balls. He groaned as you took him in your wet hot mouth, immediately taking him as far as you could down your throat. He swore as you started eagerly blowing him, your mouth working quickly up and down his length as your tongue stroked along his underside. His hand came to grip your hair, hips bucking in time with your mouth and before he knew it he had to pull you away just so he didn’t cum right there. Though he supposed it wouldn’t have mattered since his refractory period was practically nonexistent. Still, Max Phillips wanted the first time he came to be in your tight pussy. He backed away from you as he regained his breath and your face heated up in embarrassment as the hypnosis wore off, squeaking you looked away from his partly naked body.
“Ah-Ah, eyes up here baby.”
Shyly you looked at him as he raised his hand once again, “I want you to bend over that desk for me sweetheart, spread your legs nice and wide for me.”
Your lips parted as you whispered, “Ok..”
And you practically floated over to the desk bending forwards over it. Max let out a pleased huff as he strolled up behind you, having discarded his suit jacket and vest. He rolled his sleeves up and then he glided his hands up the back of your legs to push your skirt up over your hips to rest on your waist. With little regard he ripped your panty hose down your legs, surely actually ripping them in the process. His body stiffened at the silky red thong you were wearing and he snapped it against your skin muttering, “That stays on.”
As he shifted it to the side his fingers slid through your folds, your wetness soaking them. His hand not teasing away at your soaked lips came to tilt your head towards him. Looking deep into your eyes once again he ordered, “I’m going to fuck you and when I do don’t hold any noises back. I want the whole office to know who owns this pretty little pussy, do you understand.”
You nodded, crying out ‘please!’ and desperately pushed your hips back craving more from him, your wish was granted as Max’s hands moved to your waist as he slammed into you. A loud dry sob left your mouth as he speared you onto his cock and your fingers scrabbled at the desk as his massive length stretched you out. Max swore as he started a fast pace, slamming into you over and over. You were vaguely aware of the moans and gasps flowing out of your mouth but you couldn’t find it in yourself to be embarrassed especially not when he hit something deep inside of you that had you screaming out his name. As he pounded away at you his hands left your hips needing to grip something tightly and not wanting to break you. His hands gripped the opposite edge of the table and used the leverage to fuck into you at an inhuman pace. Your cunt spasmed and clenched around him as your slick ran down your thighs, you had never been fucked this well in your life and the continuous screams flying from your mouth confirmed that. Max swore as he shifted one of your legs up onto the desk allowing him to sink just an inch deeper into your sweet tight cunt, it was then that his grip on the desk tightened and the noise of splintering wood filled the air as the edge of the desk bowed under his hand. You squealed both in alarm and as he prodded your cervix when he bottomed out inside you. Removing his hands from the torn up wood Max managed to pant out, “Are you close baby? Fuck you take my cock so well!”
Panting you managed to get your voice to cooperate as you gasped out yes. One of Max’s hands landed on your ass hard, causing a loud yelp to fly from you, before sliding around to your clit and circling it quickly. His other hand wrapped in your hair and tugged as he growled out, “Who does this pussy belong to?”
As your need to cum overwhelmed you tears filling your eyes and you whined out, “You do! You own my pussy Max!”
A satisfied groan met your ears as the obscene slapping noise grew as Max pushed into you harder than before, “Tell me again, who owns this tight little cunt? Louder.”
Your cries grew in intensity as your vision grew blurry and tears started falling over your face, “You own my pussy Max! You and no one else, oh fuck I’m gonna cum!!”
Pinching your clit hard Max ground out, “Cum and scream my name so everyone knows what a little slut you are and who you belong to.”
At his words you exploded. Body tensing, vision going white and your mouth falling open in a loud scream of Max’s name mixed with expletives. The way you screamed his name until your voice was raw pushed him over the edge and his ropes of cum painted your walls as Max thrusted balls deep within you. His hips stuttered forward as he came and at each thrust your walls twitched around him as aftershocks thrilled your body. 
After both of you had come down from your highs Max pulled out and quickly shifted your skimpy underwear back over your thoroughly fucked cunt, making sure not a drip of his cum escaped you. He then brought your leg down off the desk and pulled your skirt back down. Shakily you stood up, fingers swiping at your face to ensure your tears were wiped away. You wobbled as you took off your shoes to remove the tights, they were a lost cause, large tears down both sides. As you bundled them up, planning on throwing them away, a hand entered your view. Max looked at you expectantly and your face heated as you realized what he wanted. Slowly placing them in his hand he slid them into his pants pocket with a satisfied grin, you then stepped back into your heels and smoothed down your outfit. You winced as you shook where you stood, how the fuck were you supposed to walk after that. Looking at Max a part of you wanting to punch him in his stupid handsome face as he had redressed and looked as immaculate as always. He had his typical smirk as he walked to the door and unlocked it. You stumbled your way to him and before he opened it his hand snuck to your ass giving it a good squeeze before spanking you hard enough to send you wobbling forward into the doorframe. You shot him a glare as he spoke, “That was incredible baby, we’ll have to do that again. Oh and by the way, that last part was all you sweet cheeks, no hypnosis involved. I guess I just gave it to you that good for you to be screaming so loud.”
Your jaw dropped and he swung the door open. Once again your face heated as your co-workers heads swung towards the opening door. You sighed as you looked down and limped back to your desk. You were slightly mortified now but damn you would absolutely do it all over again.
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thr-333 · 4 years
Drastic Measures- Part 13
This is gonna be fun!
First < Previous > Next
“Adrien I can't go down for breakfast,” Marinette hides under the blankets.
“Yes you can,” Adrien gives up tugging on the blankets and jumps on top of her.
“But Damian-” Marinette groans partly at his weight on top of her.
“Has no idea your Ladybug and moreover doesn't know your soulmate is Robin, and it doesn't mean you can’t like him so get up and come to breakfast,”
“Stop being reasonable and helpful,” Marinette pushes him off, getting up herself.
“I’ll try my best, now come on let's go,” Marinette sulks as she follows him downstairs, basically having to be pushed into the dining room.
“Is something wrong Marinette?” Dick asks, by now Marinette has labeled him the only one in the family not in denial that feelings exist.
“She’s just tired,” Adrien says for her when she can’t bring herself to answer, still sulking as she takes a seat, “Say I was looking around, why is there an entire circus set up in the gym?”
“Oh, I used to be an acrobat,” That interesting little revelation is cut short by an all too familiar feeling.
“Really? That's so-”
“Hey, Adrien I just remembered the thing we had to do today,”
“The thing?” Marinette gives him a sharp look and his face lights up with realization, “Oh right! The thing, can’t go forgetting the thing, bye!”
 “Sooo that was suspicious,” Dick muses as the two practically sprint out of the room.
“Put your masks on, we’re following them,” Bruce orders, they haven’t yet forgotten she’s the daughter of an assassin.
They head down the cave to gear up, following the tracking device on Marinette’s bike. However, when they reach it the bike is unattended and the two aren’t anywhere in sight. They hear a commotion nearby moving to check it out.
“It’s another Akuma attack,” Dick reports Ladybug and Chat Noir already on the scene.
“Oh my god,” Tim gasps, “Marinette's Hawkmoth!”
“Hawkmoths a man,” Red Hood deadpans, they would just ignore it if Tim’s sleep-deprived revelations weren’t right more often than not.
“Fine then she’s Mayura,” Tim waves them off, “Adrien’s hawkmoth,”
“What are you talking about?” Robin snaps, watching the battle below, anyone the Akuma hit’s disappearing.
“They leave and then there's an Akuma attack, they showed up just as Ladybug and Chat Noir did to stop Hawkmoth,” Tim rambles, “It’s all highly suspicious,”
“I’ve looked through the files, neither have been akumatized,” Batman adds, evidence stacking, “And their class was an Akuma hot spot,”
“Oh my god,” Dicks realization mirrors Tim’s, “Marinette's hawkmoth,”
“Again, Marinette would be Mayura,” Tim corrects.
“We need to tell Ladybug about this,” Robin decides dropping down onto the street.
“Hey, Robin here to help? Could you go around their left it’s a blind spot and we need to grab- are you listening?” Ladybug turns to him, simultaneously deflecting a blast lucky charm in one hand.
“Ladybug there's something I need to tell you,” Robin hesitates Marinette truly didn’t seem like the type but Ladybug has been fighting Hawkmoth for years if there's even a slight chance Marinette is Hawkmoth Ladybug has to know.
“If this is about yesterday now’s not really the time,” Ladybug says with a cold fed up tone that honestly takes Damian off guard, “It didn’t mean anything,”
“It’s no- what do you mean didn’t mean anything,” Robin gets sidetracked from his point, dodging a blast getting further from Ladybug.
“Soul mates they aren’t romantic or even involved so it doesn't mean anything,” She dodges another blast, Chat Noir getting thrown around somewhere, “I really need you to go around their left,”
“But they are real,” Damian clings to that fact and stays by her side. “And you are my soul mate,”
“Well yes but-”
“Ladybug!” Chat calls, tangled up in washing lines with the Akuma advancing.
“In a minute!” She shouts, fully turning towards Robin now.
“Ok I’ll just hang out then,” Chat swings gently in the wind.
“Really the only way a soul mate affects you is if they die,” Damian's stomach churns, “And still even when that happens the effects are minimal if there is little connection, so we should probably just leave each other alone,”
Robin is frozen as Ladybug moves too late to save Chat from the blast, when the light is gone he has disappeared.
“What are you- I’m not going to just ignore this!” He snaps, Ladybug comes back glaring at him.
“Well I am, I have worked too long and too hard trying to beat Hawkmoth to risk it all for someone I don’t even know wearing a mask,” Ladybug is glowering at him, glowing red eyes brutally honest and true, “I’ve put everything else in my life aside to defeat Hawkmoth, don't think I have a problem putting you aside too,”
“You can’t just- I know who Hawkmoth is!” Robin shouts as she goes to leave, sure she won't come back to him if she leaves.
“What?!” It’s then the rest of his family come to join them, Nightwing pulling Ladybug out of the way of another blast, “Who?!”
“Marinette Dupain-cheng,”
“Again Marinette would be-” Tim doesn't get to finish as they all get hit by a blast.
Light envelopes them all, there is no pain which is either a good sign or a very bad sign. When Robin opens his eyes they are all standing in a stark white container of sorts. Chat Noir is there giving him a wave as they all regain their bearings.
“Why? Why would you think Marinette is Hawkmoth?” Ladybug asks, Chat Noir bursts out laughing for some reason.
“Actually we think she’s Mayura,” Tim supplies, “Adrien Agreste is Hawkmoth,”
“What?!” Chat Noir stands up, enough room for them all to face each other.
“Marinette isn’t Hawkmoth,” Ladybug pinches the bridge of her nose still holding a lucky charm going to waste.
“She’s- I give up,” Tim throws his hands up turning towards the wall in search of a way to get out.
“How do you know!?” Damian snaps, anger and betrayal still clawing at his insides.
“I just do!” Ladybug yells back volume increasing, Chat Noir tries to get her attention but no one is getting through to either of them.
“You trust her more than me?” Damian isn’t sure why he says it, just that he’s angry enough he doesn't care.
“Uh yeah, substantially more,” Ladybug crosses her arms a smug smile on her face, Robin bristles ready to change that.
“She ran away to Gotham as Hawkmoth arrived, she’s never been akumatized even after her class was specifically targeted! Shes the daughter of an infamous assassin!” Robins practically screaming at this point, everyone giving them as much space as possible, “How can she not be Hawkmoth!”
“She’s just not!” Ladybugs earrings beep, Chat now desperately trying to get her attention.
“If she’s not Hawkmoth that means-” Damian cuts himself off reframing all the evidence, conversations rushing back to him all at once, “Marinette?”
“No,” The earring beeps for the last time, transformation falling to reveal Marinette, “Wow great timing Tikki,”
“I’m sorry,” A little red bug thing lands in Marinette's open hands, the lucky charm is gone now.
“Don't be, more importantly,” Marinette turns to Damian glaring something fierce, “How do you know who I am?”
“You’re… Ladybug?” Robin says quietly still trying to process… everything.
“Does that mean Chat Noir’s Adrien?” Dick interrupts.
Damian's still playing catch up. Marinette's Ladybug and Ladybug is Marinette. Ladybug who protects Gotham. Marinette who left her family to be Ladybug. Ladybug who he had been talking to every night. Marinette who he spent every day with.
“How do you know that!?” Chat Noir, no, Adrien shouts.
“That's strictly-” Ladybug always seemed so strong with the mask Robin figured she was someone amazing outside of it. And he was right. Marinette was kind and smart, gave her all to a pet store branch Damian would have otherwise made someone else's responsibility. She left her family, never telling anyone she was Ladybug. It would have been so hard. And now she had been forced to reveal her identity to them, it wasn't fair she deserved… “ROBIN!”
Damian snapped back to reality, in one hand he had his domino mask and his face was bare. On one side was his father looking furious and the other side was…. Marinettte.
“Damian?” Marinette asks, they stare at each other until Marinette lets out a small giggle, Damian huffs in amusement too.
“Why would you ever-”
“Mr Wayne?” Marinette cuts off Batman's rant, her revelation not really helping things.
“You have compromised everyone’s identity,” Batman growls from his look Damian realizes he really messed up.
“She revealed hers,” He tries to defend, "And many heroes already know,"
“You can’t-”
“How about we save this until after we escape?” Marinette cuts in transforming back to Ladybug, so clearly the same person now just with different eyes and hair, “Adrien?”
Chat Noir uses his cataclysm to escape the container, it breaking their little piece of reality and sending them back in a flash of light. He has to run off before his transformation falls leaving the rest to the tense bat fam to help Ladybug out. It was easy to defeat the Akuma from there. Although they may have been stalling somewhat. No one particularly wanting to face Batman's wrath. Hawkmoth was preferable.
No taglist :P
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fellintotartarus · 4 years
midnight eyes (ralvez)
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(gif by the incredible @zhuzhubii <3 )
Summary: On a late night, Spencer thinks about Luke. 1.7k words.
A/N: Ralvez absolutely owns my ass thanks for coming
Warnings: I can’t think of any .. ? Lmk if you see anything please!
It’s late. They’re all exhausted beyond belief and it seemed even the plane made a tired landing, jolting them with unpleasant bouts of adrenaline in their sleepy states. Matt gently shakes Emily awake and they all trudge off the plane in the silence that only red-eye flights can produce.
Spencer’s head feels full of cotton as he clambers down the stairs and into FBI headquarters. It’s been days--even before the case started--since he’s gotten more than four hours of sleep in a row and he feels it strongly behind his eyes. The world feels dim and heavy as he walks the final few steps across the tarmac and into the building.
Then Luke passes from behind him, placing his hand gently on Spencer’s back as he navigates the tight hallway and Spencer suddenly doesn’t feel so tired. Luke glances back at him, flashing him a small smile before turning back and Spencer thinks he might not need sleep so urgently anymore. As long as he replays this moment in his head, he can make it home to pass out on his bed.
Luke remains a few steps ahead of him all the way to the sixth floor and into their offices, where everyone quickly throws down their case files and turns around to leave. Spencer drops into the chair at his desk, his head falling onto the surface. He knows he should get up, pick up his head and go home because he’s in imminent danger of falling asleep. He knows if he doesn’t get up now, the three AM jetlag will catch up to him quickly and--
He lifts his head. The whole office has gone, only the dim power-saving lights illuminating the personal effects and case files littering the numerous desks. Spencer looks around. It’s so peaceful. He knows, logically, what lies in all these case files, that it shouldn’t feel peaceful, but he can’t help but relax at the altered state of the room where he spends most of his life.
His eyes drift over to Luke’s desk, lingering on the single picture of Roxy that seems almost out of place on the clean-cut, nearly bare desk. He blushes at the thought of the man who occupies the desk, not even noticing a smile creep onto his face.
Luke was a breath of fresh air to the BAU. When he joined from the fugitive task force, everyone found solace in the newness he brought to the team. Spencer noticed people smiling more. Penelope found a new hobby in giving him a hard time. He was a change of pace for the tight-knit group of tired, jaded agents.
Spencer remembers the first time he noticed Luke, like, really noticed him. He was explaining something for a case. He was used to being brushed off--his quirks were conditional, only to be appreciated when he served a purpose. But as he sat there, explaining a tangent to a room full of people the rambling would be lost on, he turned his head and saw Luke. He was looking at Spencer with the utmost interest that Spencer’s speech sputtered and stalled like an old car. He hadn’t even noticed he had stopped talking until Luke had said “What were you saying, Dr. Reid?”
From that point on, Spencer had a hard time not noticing Luke. It never actively bothered him that people brushed him off and gave him a hard time. It was just a fact of life. But he supposed he never really knew how much he was missing. Now, whenever he found himself rambling past the point of no return, his eyes would drift over to Luke, who consistently looked delighted to hear more about whatever it was Spencer was talking about.
Spencer knew he was in trouble when he found himself rambling more and more just to see if Luke was really interested. In his head, there was no way Luke actually enjoyed Spencer and his infodumps. There had to be a breaking point.
But it never came. No matter how uninteresting or gross or frequent he made his speeches, Luke’s gaze never faltered. During one particularly terrible rant about flies and their reproductive cycle when Luke still looked at Spencer like he was revealing the secrets of life, Spencer thought he must be seeing things. It was only after Penelope gave him a knowing smile that Spencer came to realize it might not be in his head.
So he reveled in it. He let his eyes flit over to Luke’s clandestinely when he spoke, his breath always hitching imperceptibly at Luke’s returning gaze. He ignored Penelope’s pointed looks and settled for seeing Luke’s enraptured face when he closed his eyes at night.
A sound coming from the break room snaps Spencer out of his reverie. He turns to look at the offending noise with heavy eyes and finds the object of his thoughts stumbling sleepily out of the break room. He’s so tired it somehow surprises him when Luke walks over to him, almost as if he thought he would’ve been invisible.
Spencer jumps slightly in his seat and, to get rid of the nervous energy that suddenly overcomes him (and seems to everytime Luke approaches him), meaninglessly shuffles papers around on his desk. 
Luke smiles, pulling up a chair next to him, not knowing that just his proximity would give Spencer a giddiness that would last until next Friday.
“What are you still doing here, genius?” Luke asks, sighing and settling into his chair. He gives Spencer a warm smile when he clears his throat and shakes his head instead of answering.
What is Spencer still doing here? He’s been sitting at his desk for so long without even realizing it. Everyone else went home at least 10 minutes ago while Spencer sat at his desk daydreaming sleepily. About the man next to him.
Spencer is, and he knows this, terrible at having a crush. It practically consumes him. He acts so weird around them, spouting god-awful facts at terrible times, not picking up on any cues, and never doing absolutely anything about it.
So when Luke looks like he’s about to say something, Spencer jumps to fill the silence first. He shoots into a rant about the first thing his sleep-deprived brain can think of, standing in the process.
“You know, a study recently came out that showed that fist bumps transfer half the bacteria that handshakes do and that people should start employing that as a go-to greeting rather than--”
“I thought you were a proponent of kissing,” Luke jokes softly, rising from his chair.
Spencer blushes furiously. “Well, it’s not so much that I’m a proponent of kissing, it’s more that--”
He’s cut off by Luke’s face a mere inches from his, his breath ghosting Spencer’s face. Luke’s eyes land squarely on his, turning his brain absolutely useless. Even more surprising is the look on Luke’s face. A look Spencer had only seen in front of other people, at work, and that he (seemingly mistakenly) assumed had been a front.
“Not a proponent of kissing, huh?” Luke teases, his voice a mere breath.
Spencer’s voice is stuck in his throat. There is no way this is happening, he thinks, so he breathes lightly through his nose so Luke won’t disappear. He hopelessly stutters out a few syllables--none of them make sense--before Luke takes his hand in his.
A touch that would normally send him into mental hysterics now seems to ground him. Why had he never realized he was taller than Luke? Spencer’s eyes meet Luke’s and flicker down to his lips--the lips that were so soft-looking and pillowy he had found himself dreaming of kissing them more than once--before he realizes his mistake and quickly lowers his gaze to his feet.
“Spencer. Hey,” Luke says, using a finger to lift Spencer’s chin back up to a slightly mismatched gaze. Spencer can barely let the eye contact hold out of embarrassment; he’s sure Luke’s gonna tell him off or reject him before he’s ever said anything. He can feel himself tensing and freezing up.
“How many bacteria are transferred in a kiss?” Luke says softly, and Spencer finds himself relaxing at the opportunity to think about something else for a second. It takes him longer than usual, but he remembers the number fairly quickly. 
“80 million bacteria. More if it’s longer, less if it’s shorter, and, obviously one would have to take into account--”
He’s cut off by Luke’s lips pressing firmly against his. Spencer nearly falls over in shock, but once Luke’s bottom lip slides against his, he’s done for. The warmth in his stomach burns, his eyes flutter shut, and he melts into the floor, leaning down the slightest amount and sighing. Luke smiles against Spencer’s mouth and kisses back deeper, bringing his hand up to Spencer’s neck, leaving him stumbling over himself to get closer to Luke.
They remain like that for some time (honestly neither one of them could tell you how long if they tried) before Luke pulls away, out of breath and lips just barely swollen. Spencer almost doesn’t want to open his eyes to face the aftermath of what he’s sure is the best thing that’s happened to him, but the urge to see Luke’s eyes lit up wins over and slowly opens them, shyly creeping his gaze up to Luke’s face.
Luke’s beaming, running his fingers through the curls at the back of Spencer’s head. Spencer smiles back, letting his head fall to Luke’s shoulder.
“You know, for a genius, that sure took you a long time. I thought I would have to hit you over the head or something,” Luke said, his mouth pressed onto Spencer’s ear. 
Spencer feels his face heat against the fabric of Luke’s dress shirt. It took him a long time? Did that mean--
“I mean, I don’t know how many times I thought I had given myself away. When Garcia let it slip that she thought you liked me, I thought she was playing a prank on me because of how I looked at you,” he continued.
Spencer picked his head up. “No way,” he said softly.
Luke chuckled, “What, like it’s so hard to believe? Didn’t Morgan call you Pretty Boy?”
Spencer blushed redder and rolled his eyes.
“I just didn’t think… you know,” he replied.
Luke smiled. “Obviously.”
And, this time, Spencer kissed him.
tagged: @pretty-b0yy​ 
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cyhyr · 3 years
Summer of Whump Day 15: Sleep Deprived
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: G
Pairing: Hatake Kakashi & Umino Iruka; Umino Iruka & Uzumaki Naruto
WC: ~3320
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Notes: AU backstory for the purposes of I Wanted To.
A/N: This is just. I don't even know guys. I started writing and then it got bigger and bigger and I couldn't stop. It's just. A Lot.
Kakashi has not been able to take care of his sensei’s child the way he should, the way the boy admittedly deserves; and yes, absolutely, he takes that fault personally but also doesn’t do anything about it because really… what can he provide for this child besides instability? He’s hardly in the village anymore, though Sandaime has hinted that, if Kakashi asked, he could be assigned missions closer to home. Instead, Kakashi does what he can without bothering Naruto or letting the boy realize that he even exists. He ensures the bills are paid up in six-month increments, and has the utility companies know to charge to his personal account anything he misses due to being out on mission. He provides non-perishable groceries, placed in the pantry late at night every month or so: oats, rice, dried or tinned meats, beans and legumes. He’ll bring a small selection of vegetables with him at the same time, (no more than three or four items, so they don’t rot before Naruto feels obligated to eat them) usually pilfered from Gai’s garden so he knows they’re not poisoned.
And whenever he’s in the village, he makes a stop at Naruto’s apartment at least once to check in on the wards wrapped into the walls and window frames.
This is how he learns about Umino Iruka and the interest he’s taken in the village jinchūriki.
The wards when he gets to Minato’s son’s apartment this time are different. Odd. Not… well, actually, they might be stronger; Kakashi glances at the walls with the sharingan and finds himself mildly impressed. Whoever placed these wards knew about the ones Kakashi put up, and modified their own to augment and strengthen Kakashi’s.
Kakashi says modified because he’s seen these styles of wards before, but never used like this. The key in the front door jingles a bit, like the person unlocking the door knows Kakashi’s in here and is giving him time to leave. Kakashi takes the out for what it is and slips out the window, closing it quietly behind him. He stays plastered against the wall beside the window for a moment, however, wanting to get a glimpse of who’s taking care of his sensei’s kid in Kakashi’s stead.
The door opens and Naruto—gods, how old is he, seven? Eight?—barrels by the figure in the doorway with a grin and shoots straight for the pantry.
“Naruto-kun, take your sandals off first. I mopped for you just earlier this week, I’m not doing it again so soon.”
One arm balancing a paper bag of fresh groceries, a leather school bag over the same shoulder; hitai-ate and vest both neat, but his sleeves and pants legs are scuffed; and his fingers carry the faint dusting of chalk that hours of holding ingrains and a quick wash won’t wipe away. A teacher.
“Iruka-sensei, I can mop later; I’m hungry now!”
“I won’t ask you twice.” The man—this Iruka-sensei—walks barefoot through the apartment and sets the grocery bag down on the kitchen table. Naruto hangs his head and goes back to the door, and once he’s out of the room, Iruka looks at the window Kakashi is peeking in, scowling initially. The scowl lessens when he sees the Konoha ANBU mask, and he nods, but makes a slight shoo gesture.
“What’re we making tonight, sensei?” Naruto bounds back into the room, barefoot as his sensei.
“I’m thinking of teaching you breakfast for dinner,” Iruka says. “Miso soup, tamagoyaki, steamed salmon; how’s that sound?”
“Sounds great!”
“And if we make enough, you’ll have enough for the morning, too,” Iruka ruffles Naruto’s hair. “Go grab out the rice and we’ll get started, okay?”
Kakashi leaves. Iruka-sensei seems to have only good intentions.
Iruka is a new teacher, one that (if the very quiet rumors are to be believed) didn’t initially want to be the jinchūriki’s homeroom teacher. Something changed his mind, clearly, and now he’s spending every moment outside of class with the kid.
Every. Moment.
Kakashi notices the third time he’s in the village after meeting Iruka—notices how tired the man seems. He follows the teacher from just before dawn when he wakes up and heads out to Naruto’s apartment and fixes him breakfast. Kakashi watches Iruka herd Naruto around the apartment, brushing teeth, getting changed, gods Naruto where’s your homework I told you to put it right back in your bag last night after I helped you with it. Then they’re out the door and one of them locks the deadbolt while the other activates the wards (Iruka always double-checks the wards if Naruto does them) and they walk to the Academy together.
Iruka spends the day in the Academy staunchly refusing to play favorites. If Kakashi didn’t know that the man had made Naruto eat breakfast while searching for a clean shirt for the child to wear, he’d swear Naruto was Iruka’s least favorite student—based solely on the amount of yelling.
But the two of them have lunch together, talk and hang out during recess unless Iruka shoos him away to play, and then they walk together to either Iruka’s or Naruto’s apartment after school. Sometimes they’ll go out for ramen, or to one of the training grounds to work on a technique they started in class which Naruto needs more time to fully grasp. Iruka is a patient teacher, especially one-on-one, and even though Minato-sensei’s son doesn’t perform well on the tests in school he learns the techniques after class and gains the appropriate muscle memory.
Which is admittedly much more important than the grades Naruto earns. Iruka won’t say as much, but it’s obvious that he agrees when his teaching style puts emphasis on practicals rather than paper tests. Kakashi approves.
After a day of minding twenty-five ankle-biters, an afternoon of extra training for the village jinchūriki, and an evening of making sure Naruto is fed and happy and his homework is completed to the best of his ability, Iruka then helps Naruto get ready for bed. Against the kid’s token protests, they’ll read a story together (Kakashi suspects Iruka does this because Naruto’s reading skills are lacking, but he could also very well just be doing it because he enjoys it—the man’s motives are enigma to him) and Iruka will tuck Naruto in. He stays at the apartment until he knows Naruto is asleep, tidying up here and there or even just leaning in the bedroom doorway watching the jinchūriki’s chest rise and fall.
Only when Naruto’s asleep will Iruka leave, activating the wards and locking up after himself.
It took only two times of Kakashi watching these kinds of days go by before he realized that Iruka knew he had been watched all day. As he passes the tree outside of Naruto’s building, the only one that reaches high enough to afford a glance into his apartment, Iruka looks right up into the limbs where Kakashi is crouched, waves, and continues back to his own home.
(He had been underestimating Umino Iruka’s awareness. He’s intrigued.)
(But anyway.)
Once he’s home, Iruka rushes through grading and lesson plans and adjustments. He makes lunch for himself and Naruto for tomorrow. Cleans, if he remembers; showers, if he has any energy left. Then, Umino-sensei crashes hard around one or two in the morning.
All to start over again at five-thirty the next morning.
It can’t be sustainable. Kakashi is morbidly interested in how long Iruka planned to keep up this kind of schedule.
It starts out with checking out during lunch. Kakashi is lounging in the trees on the Academy grounds, pretending to read but listening intently to Naruto ramble on about some new topping Ichiraku is introducing on Friday and please Iruka-sensei can we go? Then the soft click of dropped chopsticks against a bento box made Kakashi look down to the pair sitting at the base of his tree.
“Iruka-sensei? Are you—?”
“Oh, I’m. I’m alright.” Iruka laughs it off, fumbling for his chopsticks. “I was just thinking too hard there.”
“You shouldn’t do that!”
“You tell me not to think too hard all the time,” Naruto pouts. “That I’ll hurt myself.”
Iruka’s laugh crinkles his eyes and he tips his head back. “Gods, Naruto, I’m sorry—no, not—um. Listen, forget it, okay? Ramen, on Friday, right?”
And it was forgotten. Except, Iruka is unconsciously rubbing his fingers together beside his hip and Kakashi can see it. Something happened to force the drop—likely, he lost feeling in his hand briefly.
Kakashi’s out of the village as it gets worse, but he hears all about it from Shikaku and Inoichi when he gets back. They’re in the hallway outside the Hokage’s office, talking in low tones like they were discussing an attack on the village.
“What could cause such a serious mood shift?”
“Genjutsu; one of the other teachers sabotaging him; another student practicing poorly.”
“Iruka-sensei?” Kakashi asks.
Both men look at him as he approaches. He’s still in his ANBU armor, but the mask is in his locker. It’s an open secret he’s in ANBU; only his codename is high-clearance.
Shikaku nods. “Shikamaru’s complaining about the man’s temper being shorter than usual.”
“My Ino confirmed this behavior shift. We’re understandably worried, if someone if trying to use an Academy teacher to attack the kids—”
Kakashi shakes his head. “It’s not that.”
“And you would know?” Shikaku prompts.
“He’s taking care of Naruto,” Kakashi shrugs. “It’s probably catching up with him, finally.”
“What is?” Inoichi looks honestly confused.
Kakashi tilts his head and then realizes. “Ah. That’s right. You’re both married. You have a way to share the responsibilities.”
Sakumo hadn’t ever been irate with him, but Kakashi can remember him being tired. He lifts his hand and walks away. “I’ll see if I can’t have a talk with Iruka-sensei,” he says, as though he speaks with the man on a regular basis instead of just waving back from his shadowed space in the tree at night when Iruka leaves Naruto.
He doesn’t get a chance to talk to Iruka for weeks. When he gets back, it finally comes to a head.
Kakashi is perched outside Iruka’s apartment where he and Naruto are preparing their dinner. Naruto, still talking a mile a minute, hardly notices that Iruka is dazed at the counter, his hands going through the motions of peeling carrots and separating pieces of broccoli without being fully cognizant. He’s much paler than the last time Kakashi peeked in on them—all except for the bags under his eyes; those couldn’t get much darker if they were black.
He flinches forward as Iruka drifts to the side. Naruto catches his teacher before Kakashi can take a step, and the clang of a knife hitting the floor is more than a little startling. Together, they stick Iruka’s hand under running water from the tap, and then Naruto disappears further into the apartment and returns a few seconds later with a first aid kit.
“What was that about, Iruka-sensei?”
Iruka takes a bit to answer. “I haven’t been sleeping well,” he says. “I’m a bit tired, that’s all. Sorry.”
“You don’t need to apologize,” Naruto says. He finishes caring for his sensei and then says, “How about I go get some take-out, and then we can clean up and you can go to bed?”
Iruka smiles tiredly. “We can bring the take-out to your place, okay? I’ll clean up when I come back home.”
“It’s okay, Naruto,” Iruka puts his unbandaged hand in Naruto’s hair. “I’d rather make sure you’re fed and well-rested for school tomorrow. That’s what's important.”
“You’re important, too, sensei,” Naruto says.
Kakashi can’t help but agree.
“Let’s go get some ramen, and we can argue about this later.”
Kakashi flashes away to Ichiraku to put in their order and pay. It’s the least he can do, right?
Later that night, Iruka leaves Naruto’s apartment and like always, lifts his head to wave up at Kakashi in the tree. Only, his eyes roll back with the movement of lifting his head and his knees collapse under him and Kakashi makes it just in time to keep the sensei’s head from hitting the ground. He catches Iruka with one hand under his back and the other cupped behind his head and eases him down against his raised knee.
As soon as Iruka is horizontal, his eyes flutter back open. “Oh, ANBU-san,” he mutters. He’s dazed and foggy, but tries to stand up on his own anyway.
“Sensei, are you well?” Kakashi asks, knowing the answer but needing Iruka to admit it.
Iruka waves him away. “I’m fine, I’m fine. Just a little tired.”
It’s more than that if you’re slipping into micro-sleep, Kakashi thinks, but lets the man stubbornly stand up. He’s still holding his hands out, ready to catch him again, when after five paces Iruka tips sideways and falls again. Kakashi keeps him upright this time, arms tight around his waist and back.
Iruka stays under for a few seconds this time, and when he wakes he leans more heavily into Kakashi’s armor and groans. “What’s happening?” he murmurs.
Normally, he would stay and look after Naruto all night, but this seems more important. “Umino-sensei, I’m going to see you to the hospital now,” he says.
“But… Naruto?”
Because of course Iruka figured out that Kakashi—his ANBU persona at least—stays close to Naruto at all times. “Together, our wards are top-notch, sensei,” Kakashi says. “He’ll be okay for a night.” He slips Iruka onto his back, pulling his arms over his shoulders. Iruka’s light breath huffs past his ear as he says, “Hold on.” Then, they’re gone.
Iruka wakes up much later, Naruto tipped against his hospital bed, snoring. He feels so much better after however many hours of sleep he’s gotten. He wonders briefly why he’s here, and where the ANBU that brought him here is. If Naruto is here, that ANBU is likely closeby. Iruka lets out a jaw-cracking yawn and settles back down on the pillow to sleep some more.
When he wakes up the second time, it’s because he has to pee so bad oh gods. It’s night time and Naruto is gone—Iruka tries not to feel disappointed. His legs shake under him when he tries to stand to get to the restroom; whatever’s wrong with him, it’s making him weak as a newborn but he will not embarrass himself by not making it to the toilet. He pushes chakra through his legs, and, finally, blissfully, makes it.
He gets a good look at himself in the mirror as he’s washing his hands. His eyes are puffy and red, but he has some color back in his skin. His hair could use a wash and some heavy conditioning—he hadn’t had time for that in awhile. All in all, it’s not bad; but he’s still wondering why he’s here.
Iruka leaves the restroom and is halfway across the room to his bed when his chakra flares unexpectedly. He stumbles, collapses, and feels his eyes blur and begin to roll back.
Before his head can hit the tile, he’s caught and cushioned by Naruto’s ANBU. The ANBU gently picks him up, one arm under his knees and the other around his back, and it’s like Iruka weighs nothing as the ANBU stands and carries him back to bed.
“Thank-you, ANBU-san,” Iruka says, flushed. “I promise I’m not usually so weak.”
The ANBU fusses with the blanket and covers Iruka back up. He (Iruka assumes they’re a he, the voice and height lead him to believe it but he’s been wrong before) seems frustrated, in the way that ANBU show frustration: by being busy, and then by being absolutely still. He’ll make sure the water pitcher is full, and then stand silently by the window for a few seconds. Pace the width of the room from window to door and back, and then stand at the end of the bed.
“What’s going on, ANBU-san? Is Naruto—?”
“Uzumaki-kun is safe, healthy, and well-cared for,” the ANBU says, cutting him off. “You are a godsend to this village, if only to care for the uncared for.”
Iruka glowers. “Someone had to do it. He’s seven years old and living alone and has lived alone his entire life. I couldn’t—”
“I’m aware,” the ANBU holds up a hand to stop his rant. “Believe me, if I could have done more, I would have. But an ANBU is no role model, especially not me. I’m glad he’s had you. That said.” The ANBU somehow matched Iruka’s glower through the mask; he was suddenly glad for all the time spent in Sandaime’s office around the ANBU that he can pick up on these micro-aggressions for what they are.
Iruka folds his arms and waits for the ANBU to continue.
After a heavy sigh, the ANBU says, “Sleep deprivation.”
“What you’re here for. You’ve been running yourself into the ground, sensei. You slept for twenty-two hours, and you’re still not fully recovered. The medics say it could take up to a week of proper sleep for you to feel normal again.”
Iruka flushes and ducks his head. “I… But, that doesn’t…”
“How much sleep have you been getting? Three, Four hours a night? And then you’re exhausting yourself all day looking after pre-genin and then Naruto.” The ANBU folds his arms. “This isn’t sustainable.”
“I know that. I just.” Iruka groans. “I don’t have time for—” He scrubs both hands across his eyes. Now that he’s actually gotten some sleep he’s really tired. “No one else takes care of him, not the way he needs it; he’s just a kid! It bothers me enough that he lives by himself—”
“Your immune system was compromised when you arrived, sensei.” The ANBU snapped, quieting Iruka’s tirade. “Who’s going to take care of Naruto the way he deserves if you’re stuck on your back with a perfectly, normally treatable form of the flu? What will happen to him if you critically injure yourself due to a micro-sleep at an inopportune time and find yourself off-roster for weeks? What then, sensei?”
The silence is heavy. Iruka picks at a stray thread in the blanket on his lap.
“I don’t know,” he answers, his voice small. “I didn’t… I wasn’t thinking that far ahead, I guess.”
The ANBU nods. “At least you’re aware now.”
There’s a long, awkward pause as Iruka wonders what else there is to say.
“You have a spare room in your apartment, yes?” the ANBU breaks the silence.
Iruka nods, slowly, not sure where this is going.
“Maybe…” the ANBU continues slowly, “maybe changes in Naruto’s living arrangements can be made. If Naruto were living with you, could you agree to a better sleep schedule—one with which you can better take care of yourself and Naruto?”
Iruka could kiss this man.
“Yes! Yes, please, I’ll—yes! I’ll take him, even if it means I have to lose him as a student, I’d take him as a foster.”
The ANBU chuckles. “I’ll speak with the Hokage. If he says no, well… There’s nothing saying that Naruto himself can’t choose where he lives, is there?” Then his micro-aggression is back, leaning over the foot of the bed with his arms wide. “My only stipulation is that you take better care of yourself. A sick guardian can’t very well keep up with any child, let alone a jinchūriki.”
Iruka nods. “Deal.” He covers a yawn with his palm and asks, “Can this taking care of myself clause start now, with me asking you to leave so I can go back to sleep?”
“I’m not leaving,” the ANBU says, standing back up straight. “If you’re to be the guardian of our jinchūriki, you’ll need to get used to the ANBU guard, sensei. But please, get some sleep.” He chuckles lightly, “I think I’ve caught you enough in the last thirty-six hours, don’t you?”
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snelbz · 4 years
What Happens In Vegas... {7}
An A Court of Thorns and Roses, Feyre x Rhysand, Modern AU, fanfiction.
Summary: For Feyre’s twenty-first birthday, her best friend took her to Las Vegas for a weekend of fun she could never forget. She’s going home with a lot more than memories.
@snelbz​ / @tacmc​ collab
What Happens In Vegas Masterlist
Fanfiction Masterlist
My Ask Box
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Warm hands pushed up my tank top as the sun rose. Next came hot kisses down my back, sending a shiver up my spine. My body came to immediate attention, despite the truly horrid time of day.
“Feyre, baby, roll over.” Rhysand whispered in my ear.
I grumbled, “What time is it?”
We’d all gone downstairs to the recording studio after dinner for a quick look. At midnight, Miryam had bailed, saying Drakon could call her when they were done. No one anticipated that being anytime soon, since they’d opened a bottle of bourbon.
I’d stretched out on the big couch down there while Rhys and Drakon messed around, moving between the control room and the studio. I’d wanted to be close to Rhysand, to listen to him play guitar and sing snippets of songs.
He had a beautiful voice. What he could do with a six-string in his hands blew my mind. His eyes would take on this faraway look and he was gone. It was like nothing else existed. Sometimes, I actually felt a little lonely, lying there watching him. Then the song would end and he’d shake his head, stretch his fingers, returning to earth. His gaze would find me and he’d smile. He was back.
At some stage I’d dozed off. How I’d gotten up to bed I had no idea. Rhys must have carried me.
One thing was certain: I could smell booze.
“It’s almost five in the morning,” he said. “Roll over.”
“Tired,” I mumbled, staying right where I was. The mattress shifted as he straddled my hips and put an arm either side of my head, bending down over me, covering my body with his.
“Guess what?” he asked.
I hummed quietly, hoping he understood that meant I was listening.
Gently, he pushed my hair back off my face. Then he licked my ear. I squirmed, ticklish. “I wrote two songs,” he said, his voice a little slurred, soft around the edges.
“That’s great,” I muttered, with a yawn. “Congrats. Let’s sleep.”
“No, you don’t understand. I haven’t written anything in over two years. This is fucking amazing.” He nuzzled my neck, his breath hot against my ear.
“Lovely,” I mumbled. At least, I think I did. I was so tired that I couldn’t figure out if I had said it out loud or had just thought it.
“Don’t you wanna know what they’re about?” he asked, his words coated with liquor.
His lips were right at my ear as he breathed, “They’re about you.”
“Your songs?” I asked, stunned. And still dazed. “Really?”
“Yeah, I just…” He breathed deep and nipped my shoulder, making my eyes finally open wide.
I gasped, “Hey!”
He leaned over so I could see his face, his dark hair hanging down. He was smiling broadly. Honestly, it was unfair how attractive he looked at five in the morning. “There you are. So, I think of you and suddenly I have something to say. I haven’t had anything I wanted to say in a long time. I didn’t give a fuck. It was all just more of the same. But you changed things. You fixed me.”
I blinked at him. “Rhys, I’m glad you got your mojo back, but you’re incredibly talented. You were never broken. Maybe you just needed some time off.”
“No.” From upside down, he frowned at me. “Roll over. I can’t talk to you like this.” I hesitated and he slapped my butt. The non-tattooed cheek, lucky for him. “Come on, baby.”
I grumbled, “Watch it with the biting and spanking, buddy.”
“So move already,” he growled, playfully.
“Okay, okay.”
He climbed off me onto the other side of the mammoth mattress and I sat, drawing my knees up to my chest. The man was shirtless, staring back at me with only a pair of jeans on. How the hell did he keep losing his shirt? The sight of his bare, tattooed chest brought me to the dribble point. The jeans pushed me right over. No one wore jeans like Rhysand. And having caught a glimpse of him without them only made it worse. My imagination went into some sort of sexual overload. The pictures that filled my head… I have no idea where they all came from. The images were surprisingly raw and detailed. I was quite certain I wasn’t flexible enough to achieve some of them. All of the air left the room.
Truth was, I wanted him. All of him. The good and the bad and the bits in between. I wanted him more than I’d ever wanted anything before in my life.
But not when he’d been drinking. We’d already been there, made that mistake. I didn’t quite know what was going on between us, but I didn’t want to mess it up.
So, right. No sex. Bad. I had to stop looking at him. So I took a deep breath and studied my knees. My bare knees.
I’d gone to sleep wearing jeans. Now I had only panties and my tank top on. My bra had also mysteriously disappeared. “What happened to the rest of my clothes?”
“They left,” he said, face serious.
“You took them off?”
He shrugged. “I didn’t think you would’ve been comfortable sleeping in them.”
“How on earth did you manage to get my bra off without waking me?”
He gave me a sly smile. “I’m good with my fingers, baby. I didn’t do anything else. I swear. I just…removed it for safety reasons. Underwire is dangerous.”
“Right,” I said, raising an eyebrow.
He nodded. “I didn’t even look.”
I narrowed my eyes on him.
“That’s a lie,” he admitted, rolling his shoulders. “I had to look. But we are still married, so looking is okay.”
“It is, huh?” It was pretty much impossible to be mad at him when he looked at me like that. My foolish girl parts got giddy.
No. Sex.
”Oh, absolutely,” Rhysand murmured, perfectly amused. “Your cheeks are turning red.”
“Are they?” I asked, trying to push all thoughts of sex out of my mind.
It didn’t work.
“Yeah,” He said, amused, his violet eyes still heavily glazed over. “What are you doing up that end of the bed? That’s not going to work,” he said, totally unaware of my awakening hormones and distress at the same time. Faster than I’d have thought possible given the amount of booze on his breath, he grabbed my feet and dragged me down the bed. My back hit the mattress and my head bounced off the pillow. Rhys sprawled out on top of me before I could attempt any more evasive maneuvers. His weight pressed me into the mattress in the best possible way. Saying no under these conditions was going to be asking a lot of my self control.
“I don’t think we should have sex now,” I blurted out before anything else could happen.
The side of his mouth kicked up. “Relax. There’s no way we’re fucking right now.”
“No?” Damn it, I actually whined. My patheticness knew no end.
“No. When we do it the first time, we’ll both be stone-cold sober. Trust me on that. I’m not waking up in the morning again to find you’re freaking out because you don’t remember or you’ve changed your mind or something. I’m done being the asshole here.”
“I never thought you were an asshole, Rhys.”
Or at least, not exactly. A jerk maybe, and definitely a bra thief, but not an asshole.
“Not even in Vegas when I started swearing at you and slamming doors?” His fingers slid into my hair, rubbing at my scalp. Impossible not to push into his touch like a happy kitty. He had magic hands. He even made mornings bearable. Though five o’clock was pushing it.
“That wasn’t a good morning for either of us,” I said.
“I’ll give you that,” hemurmured. “How about in LA with that girl hanging off me?”
I tilted my head. “You planned that?”
He shut one eye and looked down at me. “Maybe I needed some armor against you.”
I didn’t know what to say. At first. “It’s none of my business who you have hanging off you.”
His smile was one of immense self-satisfaction. “You were jealous.”
“Do we have to do this right now?” I pushed against his hard body, getting nowhere.
He asked, “Can’t own up to it, can you?”
I didn’t reply.
He leaned down, just a little closer. When he spoke, his voice was softer. “I couldn’t bring myself to touch her. Not with you there.”
“You didn’t?” I calmed down a lot at that statement. My heart palpitations eased. “I wondered what happened. You came back so fast.”
He grunted, his arms tightened slightly. “Seeing you with Tamlin…”
I quickly said, “Nothing was going on. I swear.”
He shook his head. “No, I know. I’m sorry about that. I was out of line.”
My pushing hands turned to petting. Funny that. They slid over his shoulders, around his neck to slip into his hair. I just wanted to feel the heat of his skin and keep him near. He made for an emotional landslide, turning me from sleep deprived and cranky to adoring in under eight seconds. “It’s great that you wrote some songs.”
He ignored my compliment. “How about when I left you with Hybern and the lawyers? Were you mad at me then?”
I huffed out a breath. “Fine. I might admit to being a bit upset about that.”
He nodded slowly, his eyes never leaving mine. “When I got back and they told me what had happened, that you’d taken off with Cass, I lost it. Trashed my favorite guitar, used it to take apart Cassian’s kit. Still can’t believe I did that. I was just angry and so fucking jealous and mad at myself.”
I could feel my face scrunch up in disbelief. “You did?”
“Yeah.” His eyes were stark, wide. “I did.”
I was quiet for a minute. “Why are you telling me this now, Rhys?”
“I don’t want you hearing it from someone else.” He swallowed, his Adam’s apple jumping. “Listen, I’m not like that, Feyre. It won’t happen again, I promise. I’m just not used to this. You get to me. This whole situation does. I don’t know, I’m fucking rambling. Do you understand?”
Later, he might not even remember any of this. But right now, he looked so sincere. My heart hurt for him. I looked into his bloodshot eyes and smiled. “I think so. It definitely won’t happen again?”
“No. I swear.” The relief in his voice was palpable. “We’re okay?”
“Yes. Are you going to play the songs for me later?” I asked. “I’d love to hear them.”
“They’re not done yet. When they’re done, I will. I want them perfect for you.”
““Okay,” I said.
He’d written songs about me. How incredible, unless they were the uncomplimentary kind, in which case we needed to talk. “They’re not about how much I annoy you sometimes, are they?”
He seesawed his hand in the air. “A little. In a good way, though.”
“What?” I cried.
“Trust me,” he sighed.
I blinked. “Do you actually state what a pain in the ass I am in these songs?”
“Not those words exactly. No.” He chuckled, his good humor returned. “You don’t want me to lie and say everything’s always fucking unicorns and rainbows, do you?”
I hesitated. “Maybe. Yes. People are going to know these are about me. I have a reputation as a constant delight to protect.”
He groaned. “Feyre, look at me.” I did as he asked. “You are a constant fucking delight. I don’t think anyone could ever doubt that.”
I narrowed my eyes at him. “You’re awful pretty when you lie.”
“Am I, now?” His eyes left mine, and for a second I thought he may have been about to kiss me again. Instead, he licked his lips and said, “They’re love songs, baby. Love isn’t always smooth or straightforward. It can be messy and painful. Doesn’t mean it isn’t still the most incredible thing that can ever happen to you. Doesn’t mean I’m not crazy about you.”
“You are?” I asked, my voice tight with emotion.
“Of course I am,” he said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“I’m crazy about you too. You’re beautiful, inside and out, Rhysand Lunasa.”
He laid his forehead against mine, closing his eyes for a moment. “You’re so fucking sweet. But, you know, I like that you can bite, too. Like you did in Vegas with those assholes. I like that you cared, standing up for that girl. I even kind of like it when you piss me off. Not all the time, though. Shit. I’m rambling again…”
“It’s okay,” I whispered. “I like you rambling.”
“So you’re not angry at me for losing my temper?” He asked, softly.
“No, Rhys. I’m not angry at you.”
Without another word, he crawled off me and lay at my side. He pulled me into his arms, arranging an arm beneath me and another over my hip. “Feyre?”
“Take your shirt off. I wanna be skin to skin,” he said. “Please? Nothing more, I promise.”
I almost hesitated but the sincerity in his voice… “Okay.”
I sat up and pulled the tank top off over my head, then snuggled back down against him. Topless had a lot going for it. He tucked me in beneath his chin, and the feel of his warm chest was perfect, thrilling and calming all at once. I had to resist the urge to bury my face in his chest. Every inch of my skin seemed alive with sensation. But being like this with him soothed the savage storm within or something. Never mind the lingering scent of booze on his skin, I just wanted to be close to him.
“I like sleeping with you,” he said, his hand stroking over my back. “Didn’t think I’d be able to sleep with someone else in the bed, but with you it’s okay.”
I looked up at him. “You’ve never slept with anyone before?”
He chuckled, “Of course I have. But not in a long time. I’ve always needed my space.” His fingers toyed with the band on my panties, making me squirm.
I didn’t know what to say. “Oh.”
“This with you is torture, but it’s good torture.”
Everything fell quiet for a few minutes and I thought he might have fallen asleep. But he hadn’t. “Talk to me, I like hearing your voice.”
I hesitated, not sure what he wanted me to talk about. “I had a nice time with Miryam, she’s lovely.”
“Yeah, she is.” His fingers trailed up and down along my spine. “They’re good people.”
I nodded, my nose skimming against his neck. He smelled amazing. “It was really nice of them to bring us dinner.”
“Yeah, it was,” he said, hand still stroking my back softly.
I didn’t know what to say. I wasn’t ready to confess I’d been thinking about what he’d said about my becoming an architect. That I’d started questioning the almighty plan. Saying I was scared I’d mess up and somehow ruin things between us didn’t seem smart either. Maybe the fates would be listening and screw me over the first chance they got. God, I hoped not. So instead I chose to talk trivial. “I love how you can hear the ocean here.”
“Mm,” he hummed his agreement. “Baby, I don’t want to sign those papers on Monday.”
I held perfectly still, my heart pounding. “You don’t?”
“No.” His hand crept up, fingers stroking below my breast, tracing the line of my rib cage. I had to remind myself to breathe. But he didn’t even seem to be aware he did it, like he was just doodling on my skin the same way you would on paper. His arms tightened around me. “There’s no reason it can’t wait. We could spend some time together, see how things go.”
Hope rushed through me, hot and thrilling. “Rhys, are you serious about this?”
“Yeah, I am.” He sighed. “I know I’ve been drinking. But I’ve been thinking it over. I don’t… shit, I didn’t even like having you out of my sight the last few hours, but you looked like you needed to sleep. I don’t want to sign those papers.”
I squeezed my eyes tight and sent up a silent prayer. “Then we won’t.”
“You sure?” He asked, giving me one last out.
There was no hesitation this time. “Yes.”
He pulled me in tight against him. “Okay. Okay, that’s good.”
“We’re going to be fine.” I sighed happily. The relief made me weak.
Suddenly he sniffed at his shoulder and underarms. “Shit, I stink like bourbon. I’m going to have a shower.” He gave me a quick kiss and rolled out of the bed. “Kick me out of bed next time I try to come in smelling like this. Don’t let me cuddle up to you.”
I loved that he was talking about our being together like it would be an everyday thing. I loved it so much, I didn’t even care how bad he smelled.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The gong of the doorbell echoed through the house just after ten. Rhys slept on against my back. He didn’t stir at all. With a couple more hours’ sleep I felt happily half human. I crawled out from beneath his arm, trying not to disturb him. I pulled my top and jeans back on and dashed down the stairs, doing my best not to break my neck in the process. In all likelihood it would be more deliveries.
“Child bride! Let me in!” Cassian hollered from the other side of the door. He followed it up with an impressive percussive performance, banging his hands against the solid wood. Definitely the drummer. “Fairy!”
No one called me Fairy. I’d stamped out that nickname years ago. However, it might be better than child bride.
I opened the door and Cassian barreled in, Drakon dragging himself along after, followed by a young man in all black I hadn’t met before. Considering Drakon had sat up drinking and playing music with Rhys until the wee small hours, I wasn’t really surprised at his condition. The poor man clearly suffered from a hangover from hell. He looked like he’d been punched in both eyes, the bruises from lack of sleep were so bad. An energy drink was attached to his lips.
“Cassian. What are you doing here?” I stopped, rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Wake-up call, it wasn’t even my house. “Sorry, that was rude. It’s just a surprise to see you.”
I’d been hoping to have my husband to myself today, but apparently it wasn’t meant to be. Cassian dropped my backpack at my feet. He was so busy looking around the place he didn’t even seem to have heard my question, rude or not.
“Rhys is still asleep,” I said, and rifled through the contents of my bag. Oh, my stuff. My wonderful stuff. My purse and phone in particular were a delight to lay eyes on. Many text messages from Joey, plus a few from my dad. I hadn’t even known he could text. “Thank you for bringing this.”
He shrugged. “Rhys left me a voicemail in the middle of the night and said he’d written some new stuff. Figured you’d like your stuff while I came to check the new shit out.” He was standing at the floor-length windows, admiring the view of the beach. “I hate this house. It’s too nice and the view is outstanding.”
“Right?” Drakon mumbled, still sipping religiously from his energy drink. “Wait until you see the studio.”
The man dressed in black was watching me, and when I met his gaze, his cheeks reddened, just a little bit, and he cleared his throat. “Sorry. I’m Azriel.”
“Our Az is a little shy,” Cassian chimed in, still standing in front of the windows.
I smiled. “Hi. I’m Feyre.”
He nodded, although I’m already sure he knew my name. My name, and far too many things about me that I was certain I didn’t want him to know, but he most likely already knew, anyways.
Cassian was turning around and heading toward the bottom of the stairs. He cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled, “Rhysand!” I didn’t think I’d ever heard Cassian use Rhys’ real name. “Get your ass downstairs!”
“Hi, sweetie.” Miryam wandered in, twirling a set of keys on her finger. “I tried to make them leave it a few more hours, but as you can see, I lost. Sorry.”
“Never mind,” I said. I’m not much of a hugger normally. We didn’t do a lot of it in my family. My parents preferred a more hands-free method. But Miryam was so nice that I couldn’t help but hug her back when she threw her arms around me.
We’d talked for hours the night before down in the recording studio. It had been illuminating. Married to a popular session player and producer, she’d lived the lifestyle for over twenty years. Touring, recording, groupies… She’d had the whole rock ’n’ roll experience. She and Drakon had attended a music festival and fallen in love with Velaris with its gorgeous landscape and, of course, the stars.
“The couch and another couple of beds are on their way, should be here soon. Cassian, Drakon, Azriel, help move the boxes. We’ll stack them against the fireplace.” Suddenly, Miryam stopped, giving me a cautious smile. “Hang on. You’re the woman of the house. You give the orders here.”
“Oh, against the fireplace sounds great, thanks,” I said.
She clapped her hands together, beaming at me. “You heard her, boys. Get moving.”
Drakon grumbled but put down his can and bent down to pick up a box, muttering under his breath.
“Hold up.” Cassian pouted his lips at Miryam and me. “I haven’t gotten my hello kisses yet.”
He caught Miryam up in a bear hug, lifting her off her feet and twirling her around until she laughed. Arms wide, he stepped toward me next. “Come to daddy, bed-head girl.”
I put a hand out to halt him, laughing. “Referring to yourself as daddy might be the creepiest thing you’ve ever done, and you kidnapped me.”
Azriel snorted from where he’d been quietly sipped on his coffee in the corner.
He wiggled his fingers that were spread wide. He sang, “Come to daddy.”
“Leave her alone.” Rhys was at the top of the stairs, rubbing his eyes, his hair wild from sleep. His chest was bare, his jeans hanging low on his hips. My knees actually wobbled at the sight of him.
I had no idea if we were married or not, thanks to the alcohol he’d consumed the night before. The alcohol, and the fact that our track record wasn’t exactly steady at this point.
“The fuck are you doing here so early?” Rhysand mumbled, slowly stomping down the stairs.
“I’m here for the new music, I want to hear it,” Cassian announced.
“And I’m here because Cassian made me come,” Azriel chimed.
Cassian only grinned. “What can I say? I get excited about new music.” Suddenly, his eyes narrowed as he remembered. Cassian stared up at him, his jaw set in a hard line. “I should beat the living crap out of you. Fuck, man. That was my favorite kit!”
Body rigid, Rhys paused on the stairs. “I said I’m sorry. I meant it.”
“Maybe. But it’s still time to pay, you dickwad.”
For a moment, Rhys didn’t reply. Tension lined his face but there was a look of inevitability in his weary eyes. “All right. What?”
“It’s gotta hurt. Bad.”
“Worse than you turning up when Feyre and me are having time alone?”
Cassian actually looked a little shamefaced.
Rhys stopped at the foot of the steps, waiting. “You wanna take this outside?”
Miryam and Drakon said nothing, just watched the byplay. Azriel looked like a father watching his children fight. I got the feeling this wasn’t the first time these two had faced off. Boys will be boys and all that. But I stood beside Cassian, every muscle tensed. If he took one step toward Rhys, I’d jump him. Pull his hair or something. I didn’t know how, but I’d stop him.
Cassian gave him a measuring look. “I’m not hitting you. I don’t want to mess up my hands when we’ve got work to do.”
Rhys crossed his arms over his muscular chest. “What, then?”
“You already trashed your favorite guitar. So it’s going to have to be something else.” Cassian rubbed his hands together. “Something money can’t buy.”
“What?” asked Rhys, his eyes suddenly wary.
“Hi, Fairy.” Cassian grinned, and slung an arm around my shoulder, pulling me in against him.
“Uh, hey,” I replied slowly.
In the next moment, his mouth covered mine, entirely unwelcome. Rhys shouted a protest. An arm wrapped around my back and Cassian dipped me, kissing me hard, bruising my lips. I grabbed at his shoulders, afraid I’d hit the floor. When he tried to put his tongue in my mouth, however, I didn’t hesitate to bite him.
The idiot howled.
Take that.
Just as fast as he’d dipped me, he set me to rights. My head spun. I put a hand to the wall to stop from falling on my ass. I rubbed at my mouth, trying to get rid of the taste of him, while Cassian gave me a wounded look.
“Damn it. That hurt.” He carefully touched his tongue, searching for damage. “I’m bleeding!”
I crossed my arms. “Good.
Miryam and Drakon chuckled, highly amused. Azriel was shaking his head and looking like he needed much more coffee before he could handle the amount of fuckery his friends caused.
Arms wrapped around me from behind and Rhys whispered in my ear, “Nice work.”
“Did you know he was going to do that?” I asked, sounding distinctly pissy.
“Fuck no.” He rubbed his face against the side of my head, tousling my already messy hair. “I don’t want anyone else touching you.”
It was the right answer. My anger melted away. I put my hands on top of his, and the grip on me tightened.
“You want me to kick his ass?” Rhysand muttered, into my ear. “Just say the word.”
I made a show of considering it, but eventually, I just laughed, quietly. “No, I guess you better not.”
He chuckled as I turned into him, wrapping my arms around his waist. I couldn’t believe I was there, holding him, this man, who was only just a stranger. Yet, it felt so natural, so right. It definitely felt like we were together, but I didn’t trust my own judgment, not anymore, not after everything I had endured with him.
If I assumed we were together, I was afraid my assumption would only cause me to look more like an idiot.
“Cass and Az are joining you on your honeymoon?” Miryam’s voice was heavy with disbelief.
Azriel looked extremely uncomfortable, while Cass winked at Rhys.
Rhys chuckled. “No, this isn’t our honeymoon. If we have a honeymoon it’ll be somewhere far away from everyone. Sure as hell, they won’t be there.”
“If?” she asked, a dark eyebrow raised. I really did love Miryam.
“When,” he corrected, holding me tight.
“This is all real cute, but I came to make music,” Cassian announced.
“Then you’re just going to have to fucking wait,” said Rhys. “Feyre and I have plans this morning.”
Even Azriel spoke up, which I got the impression wasn’t a common occurrence. “We’ve been waiting two years to come up with something new.”
“Tough shit. You can wait a few more hours.” Rhys took my hand and led me back toward the stairs. Excitement ran rife through me. He’d chosen me and it felt wonderful.
“Fairy, sorry about the mouth mauling,” Cassian said, sitting himself down on the nearest box.
“You’re forgiven,” I said with a little more pep in my step as we headed up the stairs.
“You going to apologize for biting me?” Cassian hollered.
“Well, that’s not very nice,” he called out after us.
Rhys snorted.
“Okay, people, we need to move boxes.” I heard Miryam say.
Rhys rushed us down the hallway, then closed and locked the bedroom door behind us.
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Can you do a part three of this?
For You Part 3
Part 1, Part 2
Thank you for asking for a continuation! I actually had one started, but thanks for the reminder to keep it going!
@forestfanders I didn't know if you wanted to be tagged again, but if you did here.
Warnings: cannibalistic behavior, implied sleep deprivation, fainting, mentions of eating animals in a gross way, vampires, blood, feverish whumpees, delirium implied, hospital setting, drugged mention, dead (minor) characters
Supervillain was knocked to the ground by a comet of murderous ferocity. Involuntary reflexes kicked in and there legs instantly shot up to block the attack, but Villain was quicker and was already clawing at Supervillain's chest.
Realizing that Villain had the upperhand, Supervillain grabbed the walkie talkie from their belt, pressed the botton and yelled,
"I need assistance in Villain's room!"
And then they went back to working on calming the thrashing villain down.
"Villain," Supervillain pleaded. Fierce yes, but also incredibly weak, the villain slowed their assualt.
Supervillain took the opportunity to grab one of Villain's wrists and twist it around. They stood up and flip Villain back onto their stomach.
Suddenly being completely vulnerable, Villain ceased all struggles and laid there limp, sobbing. Sounds of distress tore their way out of Villain's throat in animalistic tones.
"Villain," Supervillain released some of the pressure on Villain's arm and leaned close to their ear. They whispered soft words of comfort as a herd of henchman galloped into the room.
Instantly, the breathless cries coming from Villain were masked by the ramble of incessant questions.
"Are they okay?"
"What happened to them?"
"Have they... turned?"
"Why are you pinning them?"
"Oh my gosh, what happened?"
"Supervillain... are you okay? Tell me you are okay!"
"Should I call an ambulance? Or Hero?"
"Oh my, what do I do? I dunno what to do."
Supervillain didn't answer any of their concerned henchmen and gathered Villain into their chest, hugging them tightly while rocking back and forth. The movement made their heavy head drop, forhead nearly resting against Villain's head...
Supervillain jerked, trying to remember what they were just thinking about. They must've dozed off for a second as they couldn't recall anything...
A hand was resting against their shoulder. A voice whispered something. But Supervillain ignored all signs of life outside their tunnel vision. They stood up on their knees, and clumsily shoved Villain back onto the bed.
They didn't notice a henchman help them.
Upon completing their task, Supervillain stood completely up.
Then it hit them. A wave of dizziness crashing down to make them stumble.
"I'm fine... f-fine... just lil'..." Supervillain slurred as they swayed.
"Boss?" Distant and cold.
As if they were buried under the snow.
Supervillain tried to step forward. "I-i-i... I..." they mumbled just as they fell to their side- limp as a wilted daisy.
"Someone, catch them!"
Two arms under their armpits.
And then they descended into darkness.
The door barged open and a steaming henchman entered the cozy bedroom that could also be described as a generous cell. Hero raised an eyebrow at the seemingly mad lackey.
"What can I do for you? Is it time for my blood to be mercilessly spilled for the sake of dear Villain?" Hero asked smugly.
"You mean the 'dear villain' that fed you, risked their life, and nearly died for you?" Henchman sassed back.
"I reckon that'll be the one," Hero confirmed, a smirk growing on their face. "Are they still sick? Or have they turned?"
Henchman replied with their own question, "How do you contain a vampire?"
And it kind of answered Hero's question as well.
"Well, you are containing me right?"
"A vampire that just wants to kill."
"Oh you don't," Hero said quickly. "Just give them a rat or something."
"We should feed you a rat, with mashed up worms as garnish."
"I'd prefer a cheeseburger."
"Well-" a sound of static interrupted Henchman's retort.
"Hello?" Henchman spoke into their walkie-talkie.
"Boss woke up, muttering something crazy. Looks feverish," came a reply from the other end.
"Figures. They wore themselves out pretty good," Henchman replied.
"Yeah. They said something about a magician, but we really can't trust anything they are saying right now."
"What about this magician?"
"Dunno, but apparently they know about vampires."
"So does Hero-"
"And how to un-vampire them."
"Oh," Henchman tutted, glancing at Hero who was unceremoniously making faces. "Knock it off!" Henchman growled.
"What's that?"
"Nothin'. See if you can ask where this magician is."
"As I said, we can't-"
"DO IT!"
"Okay, okay... hey boss, where is your magician friend?"
A bunch of garbled nonsense sounded from the other end.
"Someplace in the darkside of town," the henchman on the walkie-talkie said.
"Tell whoever assumed leadership that I'm heading out," Henchman said.
Henchman turned to leave, but Hero's voice stopped them.
"If you don't feed Villain soon, they are gonna starve. They need to resume a human status soon. Can't you give them the pills?"
Henchman left without another word.
Henchman sauntered through the lazy streets, barely looking over their shoulder. They were somewhat accustomed to the creepy, dark and stagnant environment of the neighborhood.
The neighborhood must've got bored of whatever inactive game it was playing as a group of men and women jumped over fences and rushed at Henchman with guns in their hands.
Henchman pulled out their own handgun.
"What brings you here?" A classy man spoke, his voice taut with some kind of accent.
"I am searching for a magician."
Rumbles of murmured voices rang through the threatening crowd.
"We have no magician," the man spoke. Henchman raised their eyebrows- that was obviously a lie.
"Hmm. I see. What if I told you that Supervillain orders this?" Henchman asked.
There was no time for secretive whispers. An old man pushed himself through the crowd and hobbled over to Henchman. Despite the old, lethargic impression he gave, his voice was unnaturally deep.
"Henchman," he boomed. "Welcome to The Alley."
Supervillain woke up to flashing LED lights and the beeeeeep of monitors, signifying their awakening.
They coughed, trying to remember what just happened...
Villain. Attacking. Falling. Darkness... Supervillain shuddered. The hospital room surrounding them made sense now. They tried to sink back into the less than comfortable mattress, but a nagging reminder of Villain kept them from falling back asleep.
What if they were getting sicker? They didn't have anymore pills- that happened to cost ten grand a piece- so changing them back to human was not an option.
What if they attacked someone? Supervillain couldn't deal with three vampires. Two was more than enough.
They thought of that insufferable luggage contently laying in a perfumed guestroom. Supervillain snarled. Once the drugs wore away, they turned into a little brat- sassy without a care for the world.
"Looks who's awake."
Supervillain's gaze shot to the door as Doctor and Henchman2 walked in. They craned their neck to look for Henchman, but discovered that they weren't there.
"Where's Henchman?" They asked, worry knitting at their voice.
"They went looking for a magician that you kinda fever-ordered them to pursue," Henchman2 replied. "They've been gone about seven hours."
"Gotta get them back," Supervillain speed-yelled. "They are in trouble."
Henchman2 flinched back towards the door instinctively.
"What do you mean?" Henchman2 asked.
"Magician, he..." Supervillain shook their head. "Never helps anyone."
(Flash foward in time)
Supervillain spat at the ground, wrists bound and tied above their head. Their henchmen were in a similar predicament, bound, or unconscious...
Or dead.
A voice cackled through the auditorium as a shadowed figure made its way through the red curtains.
"Welcome, my lowly servants." The voice, so familiar, yet so uncharacteristic rang through Supervillain's ears.
"Today," the voice continued. "I have a special demonstration."
The figure stepped to the center of the stage, dragging a bound and gagged hero behind them.
"I am going to show to you what happens when you mess with the master," the figure continued and drew a blade. They pressed it against Hero's artery.
But before they plunged the dagger, they whipped off their hood to reveal a pale, stony face.
Their eyes were sunken and devilishy black.
They were Villain.
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theangrycomet-art · 3 years
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No Time for This
Hiro stood before the Chem Lab entrance, blinking at the cyan foam as it oozed out from the entrance. A small step to the side and his sneakers were spared of the strange substance. 
“Okay. So, why did you grab me?” Turning, he glanced at his student, neck tilting back a little to meet her eye. “I don’t exactly specialize in chemistry, Karen.”
The blue-haired physics student rubbed her hands together awkwardly.
“Well in all honesty your the first teacher I could find.” she confessed. “I was trying to find Professor Possible when I bumped into you.”
“Which one?”
“Uh, the red one?” 
“Yeah, Tim’s on leave and Jim’s... working on another project.” He vaguely recalled Lilo dragging him off by the ear to undo what ever he and his twin had done to her ship as Tim himself made his escape from the irate Hawaiian. Hiro himself had been running off to hopefully make it on time to his classes. 
It was frankly embarrassing when the teacher was late. 
“What about Honey Lemon?” 
“Professor Le’mone?” Scratching at the shorter side of her bob, Karen continued to fidget. He wasn’t sure if it was just her social awkwardness or if his reputation as a teacher was just that bad amongst the students. “I think she’s in there?”
“Great. Go get Granville while I deal with-” He gestured at the door. “What ever this is.”
Nodding, he waited until she scampered off before running a hand down his face. 
“Please let this just be Honey Lemon being excessively extra.” He muttered.
Hand deep in his pocket he pulled out his lanyard. With a flash of plastic, he swiped his ID across the door handle and he stepped to the side as the the door begrudgingly slid open.
A slopping splash of bubbles and tidal wave of suds rushed out, filling the hall. Students yelped and began to run, those less fortunate being completely immersed in the stuff. The more dramatic wailed as they “drowned” while the sleep-deprived screeched to save their tech at the onslaught. 
Hiro spared them a glance and a roll of the eyes before going in. 
“See- cleans everything right up in mere seconds!” A familiar, cracking voice cheerfully zipped through the air with a small chuckle.
Varian. Of course it was him. It always was his selected student in the center of of the mess. 
This wouldn’t have been a problem if he were just a student- but no. Varian was Hiro’s “project”, which meant Professor Granville wouldn’t hesitate to drop the clean-up paperwork on his desk. Heck, she’d smile as the stack of paper smacked against the steel In box.
He would never have agreed to this whole teaching thing had he known how much paperwork there was. 
Batting bubbles away, he attempted to navigate the lab through memory. Meaning his knees cracked against each chair as his hips checked the sturdiness of every counter top. 
“Now THAT is what I call a bath bomb!” Honey Lemon gave a zealous cry. 
Maybe I could pass the paperwork onto her, he mused, hand grazing his chin. Varian was doing a dual major after all, and the Chemistry Queen had practically snatched the little prodigy from his hands already. 
He dismissed the idea immediately. The kid was already dabbling on the Mad Scientist side, and while most of his tendencies could be attributed to theatrics, leaving the two unsupervised would be disastrous at-
His foot proceeded to step on some sort of fluffy rod-like mass, he stiffened.
A loud yowl ripped the air. The mass wrenched out from under him, taking his foot with it.
“What the hell?!” Hands grasping air, he crashed to the ground with a swear. Bubbles flew out of the way, off the ground, and into the air, bumping into science equipment and threatening to knock them over. 
“Ruddiger! What happened buddy?!” Asked Varian alarmed, words bumbling over each other over the chitters of complaint. “Wait- Professor Hamada?” 
“Hiro?” Pumps softly tapping the floor, Hiro wrenched his hand towards his body. Just in case. This wouldn’t be the first time she’d accidentally crushed someone’s hand. “Is that you?”
“Yes.” Batting the bubbles off his head, he harrumphed, pulling himself off the floor and onto his feet. 
A Kentucky-Kaiju roar emitted from his phone as Fred texted him.
“Do I even want to know what happened in here?” Glancing at the screen, he frowned at the emojis. A bunch of lightning bolts and dancer emojis filled his screen. “Actually- never mind where are you?”
“Hold on- just one second- annd!” Varian said, from where Hiro could only assume the 14-year old was standing. The sounds of test tubes clinking floated across the bubble-ridden air. A slight hiss and a glittery mist began to coat the bubbles dissolving them. “Voila!”
Grimacing as the mist approached him, the bubbles covering him dissipated, leaving him surprisingly clean.
Varian stood before him, bubble-free and smiling cheerfully as he lifted his old-school goggles. 
“Tada!” Turning behind him, his grin only widened as he gestured for a surprisingly clean Honey Lemon. The lack of obliterated material on her clothes was enough for an eyebrow raise of its own.  ”See this is what I thought bath bombs were- I mean, c’mon. It’s a called bath bomb, not a bath solvent.” 
Hiro crossed his arms. 
“You realize half the lab is coated in this stuff?”
“Oh my compound has definitely coated all of the available surfaces.” Varian nodded, assessing his work with a proud grin as the raccoon that seemed to follow him everywhere crawled onto his shoulder. If he was bothered by this, the kid didn’t show it, holding his chin thoughtfully.
“Though it didn’t reach nearly as high as I’d hoped. So much for a clean ceiling.” He shrugged, continuing his spraying before he paused. 
“Oh! Was there something you needed Professor Hamada?” He asked, eyes sparkling. 
They really needed to find whatever energy ran this kid and put in a bottle. 
His phone roared again. Now distressed faces littered the screen. 
“No- er yes! I need to talk to Honey Le- Professor Le’mon-” It was weird calling her that. Hiro gave her a pointed look. “About some volunteer work.”
“Wha- now?” She asked incredulously, looking for her bag amongst the bubbles. “It’s not even 10 o’clock!”
“Alright than.” Varian went back to misting the bubbles away. 
They gave him a few minutes to take the hint. 
“Varian, Professor Hamada-” 
Hiro cringed at the mantle. A few months into teaching and it still felt alien in his ears. It should be something someone like Tadashi was called, not him. It felt to... Adulty. 
“-and I need to talk in the lab.”
“Okay. ”
Another minute and Varian had obliviously cleared a path to the exit. Pinching the bridge of his nose, 3 more roars and 2 cute chirps had emitted from their phones as Hiro tried a different approach. 
Walking over, he grabbed his student by the shoulders and began to guide him to the exit. 
“So what were you developing this for anyways?” He said, watch Honey Lemon dash off. 
“Oh actually- it was for the project you assigned us- I was looking for a no water- cleaning product for Mo to use when he’s active that also could get to areas couldn’t reach and-” 
“Wait- Mo?” 
“Yeah. M-O. My Microbe Obliterator. It’s kind of a mouthful so, I started calling him Mo. He seems to like it- it’s the only thing he’ll say now so sometimes it’s tricky to figure out what he’s trying to tell you-”
Varian continued to ramble as Hiro pushed him from behind. The raccoon hopped from table to table beside them, playing with the oddly shaped orb. Hiro gave off the occasional ahuh, phone buzzing all the while until he saw Granville weaving her way through the bubble ridden halls. 
“Oh, I was also wondering if I could have your opinion on-” Raising a finger in question, he glanced back as Hiro cut him off. 
“Yeah- ahuh- very interesting- look Varian, let’s continue this conversation at a later time.” He scowled at how short that came out, man he did not have time for this. He tried for a softer tone. “I’m already REALLY late for the Volunteer thing- why don’t we talk about more about Mo after class tomorrow?”
“Oh, uh, okay.” Awkward, he scratched his neck as Hiro nodded. 
“Great.” He glanced at Granville. “Gotta go.” 
WIth that proclamation, he dashed through the halls, bubbles flying from his feet as he summoned his Skymax. 
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