#don’t remember the name of the restaurant but screw it
harringroveera · 1 year
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Trauma bonding starts at 8 at Enzo’s
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strniohoeee · 11 months
oooh i have a request. Chris and y/n get set up on a blind date but they’ve been enemies (?? or just like lots of annoyance towards eachother) since high school and haven’t seen eachother since they blew up on yt so it’s been a minute. they try to make the night fun but can’t seem to shake the annoyance but Chris invites her back to his place and she reluctantly agrees. He starts feeling some type of way and yk the rest hehe (SMUTTY SMUT SMUT pls, lots of “baby” “Princess” “always knew you would be such a slut for me” 😇)
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N is sent on a blind date by her friend, but what happens when she recognizes the guy….will she pursue him, or will she let the memories of her past control her decision🗣️
Warnings⚠️: This is so long I FORGOT WHATS IN IT, but there SMUT🤭
Song for the imagine: I hate everything about you- Three Days Grace
⚠️This is an 18+ imagine, so minors do not interact, or do??⚠️
“Chloe…IM NOT GOING ON A BLIND DATE” I spoke loudly into the phone
“Stop being annoying, and literally go out! Like give him a chance he’s a great guy” she said on the other line
“You don’t understand my taste….you pick the worst guys for me” I told her putting my laundry away
“I promise you! You’ll be thanking me after this date”she said
“What makes you think this?” I asked her
“Because I know the guy, and he’s really nice. I immediately thought he would be perfect for you” she said
“Fine whatever. What day, what time and what’s the place” I asked her rolling my eyes
“Yayyy! Okay so it’s Thursdays night, over at the restaurant in downtown I can’t remember the name, and at 7pm” she said
“You’re sending me to downtown Boston…ALONE” I asked her
“Would you relax, it's a Thursday at 7pm, and you’ll have the guy to protect you. Also the restaurants called Foxtrot” she said
“Fine, and if this date suck you owe me so much money” I told her before hanging up on her
It was now Thursday, and I was getting ready to meet this mystery man at Foxtrot. The restaurant seemed nice but not anything fancy, probably similar to a chain restaurant . I decided on wearing black wide leg cargo pants with a fitted cropped black shirt that said screw you on the back in red with red screws on the front, and my red and white air Jordan 11 retros. It was simple but it was hot. I flat ironed my hair and did my makeup. I took some pics for instagram, and posted them, and I posted one to my close friends on instagram
“Going on a blind date wish me luck, thanks @chloethedawn 🙃”
I had ubered to the restaurant, and got out Chloe had texted me before I got there, that the mystery man was sitting in the last booth all the way in the back on the right hand side. I went in and told the hostess I was meeting someone, and she allowed me back
I walked towards the back, and all I saw was someone with a hat with their head down, and when he lifted his head, my mouth dropped….. I’m going to kill Chloe.
I had just moved to Boston sophomore year of high school, and didn’t have any friends. That was until I met Chloe and Nick who then introduced me to Alana, and then they introduced me to Nicks brothers Chris and Matt.
I became really close with Chloe and then Nick, but Chloe was my best friend. I even considered her a sister. She was always with Nick, so it would always be Chloe, Nick, Alana and I hanging over at nicks house
Slowly I started talking to Matt, and him and I became friends, and I tried to talk to Chris, but he was such a fucking dick all the time.
He was rude to me at school and outside of school. What sucked was that I really started to have a crush on him, and I tried to be as nice as I could. I think he realized I had a crush on him, so he started to be extra mean to me.
Chloe knew how much I hated yet loved him at the same time. She didn’t understand how I could like someone I hated, but I told her my brains fucked up
As we moved into junior year of high school my feelings for Chris never ever went away. In fact they got stronger day by day. I was still hanging out with all them, so it didn’t help that I saw his face every single day
We all had the same lunch, so we all sat together everyday as well. Everything was decent until one day we were chatting at lunch
“How much money to date y/n” Alana asked everybody
“Alana what the fuck” I said laughing at her
“To date four eyes? I’d rather kill myself” Chris said laughing
I think that was the day I truly started to hate myself, and how I looked because the comment Chris made meant he truly took in my appearance before saying anything.
That day was the reason I started to stop hanging out with them. I hung out with Chloe always, but rarely ever with Nick or Alana.
Towards the end of junior year I made a few new friends, and sat with them at lunch. Chloe understood, but she still felt bad that I let Chris words get to me
When senior year rolled around the triplets started to get a following on YouTube, and everyone at the school wanted to be their friend. I still talked to Nick and Matt, but I mainly stood friends with Chloe and Alana.
Senior year I started wearing my hair down, and I got contact lenses. Some boy started to notice me, but Chris was still a dick. He sat behind me in 7th period, and always called me four eyes, or made fun of me to his lacrosse friends who were near us. He would put stuff in my hair, click my hair and poke me. But I just ignored him no matter how much he pissed me off.
After senior year I went to community college, and only kept in contact with Chloe. The triplets started to get even more famous, and we just all grew apart. I went two years of no Chris, and slowly my feelings faded away.
Flashback over
Why in the fuck Chloe sent me on a date with this asshole was beyond me. It had been a little over two years at this point, of knowing nothing about Chris and his brothers.
Seeing him sitting there made me so angry, but nonetheless I walked over, and sat down across from him
“Hi” I said looking at him
“Hey” he said looking up and putting his phone down
He stuck his hand out for me to shake which I did
“Why do you look so familiar” he said after I shook his hand
“You don’t remember me Christopher?” I asked him
“Are you Chloe’s friend?” He asked me
“Yeah, and Alana’s….and I was Nicks….and Matt’s” I said waiting for the light bulb moment to happen
“I don’t recall” he said scratching his neck
“7th period history….senior year” I said looking at him
“Holy shit….youre four eyes” he said all giddy
“Im so glad to see that things never fucking change” I said rolling my eyes
“Sorry. Sorry I meant Y/N” he said shaking his head
“Yup….” I said rolling my eyes
“It’s been so long” he said taking a sip of his Pepsi
“Yeah, and I really wish it stood that way” I said looking for the waiter, so I could order myself a drink
“You left us” he said
“Gee I wonder why” I said smiling at him
“I wonder too. Nick was so sad when you stopped coming around” he said
“You wonder? Let me jog your memory. Junior year, lunch table, you called me four eyes, and said you’d rather kill yourself than date me” I said scoffing at him
“Oh…it wasn’t that serious though” he said waving his hand at me
“Wasn’t that serious…wow Chris you’re such a fucking airhead. Literally nothing has changed since high school” I said as I locked eyes with a waitress and waved her over
“I never meant for it to hurt you” he said
“Yeah well it did” I said crossing my arms over my chest
The waiter came over, and took my drink order, and also took our food order
“So uh…” he said trying to break the awkward silence
“What?” I asked him with an attitude
“I’m not sure what’s the attitude about, but I’ll ignore it” he said
“Christopher I don’t fucking like you, you were such a dick to me in high school, and seeing your face brought back all those terrible memories” I told him taking a sip of my root beer
“I’ve changed you know” he said rolling his eyes at me
“Still doing nothing with your life?” I asked him
“Actually, no. Nick, Matt and I got into the social media game and stood with it. We have over 5 million YouTube subscribers and over 7 million tik tok followers, and we just got back from tour” he said smiling at me, now I felt like the idiot
“Oh….even though I hate you I’m happy for you” I said trying not to smile at him
“Thanks! And how about you?” He asked
“Well um I finished my two years at college, and I’m a makeup artist right now, and that’s about it” I said shrugging my shoulders
“You know I’ve seen your work on instagram. I follow your makeup page. You’re really good” he said to me
“You follow my makeup page” I asked shocked
“Well yeah! I might’ve been a dick to you in high school, but I didn’t hate you” he said in a matter of fact way
“Oh….well thanks” I said, and at the same time our food came out
We started to eat, and not really chatting, just exchanging glances here and there.
“I saw you went to a Nardo Wick concert a few weeks ago” Chris randomly brought up
“Man I didn’t know you were watching me. I wouldn't have removed you off of social media” I said laughing a little bit
“Like I said I didn’t hate you” he said taking a sip of his drink
“But uh yeah I went to Nardos concert” I said
“Didn’t know you liked that type of music” he said
“Christopher…I moved here from New York I love hoodrat music like that” I told him
“I forgot” he said shaking his head
“What’s your favorite song?” I asked him
“Only if we can say it at the same time” he said
“Fine on the count of 1” I told him
“1,2,3 WICKED WITCH” we both yelled
“NO FUCKING WAY” we both said and started to laugh
“Alright Y/N I see you” he said nodding his head
“I guess we do have a lot in common then” I said looking at him
We spent the rest of the dinner laughing and catching up. I was starting to hate that him and I had a lot in common
“Man Chris if you were like this in highschool we would’ve been best friends” I told him
“I was an ass in high school” he said laughing
“You were, but it’s okay you’ve grown up” I said nodding my head at him
He looked at me for a split second like he was contemplating something
“Hey…wanna come to my house?” He said
“Ummm I’m not too sure Chris” I said
“Nick and Matt will be there” he said
“Yeah, but I don’t know” I said back
“Oh come on” he said
“Uhhh fine I guess” I said giving in
The waitress came back with the bill, and Chris immediately took care of it. Wow what a gentleman
After paying we got up and left walking out the door and to the right
“Where’d you park?” I asked him
“Park?” He asked confused
“Do you still not drive?” I asked rolling my eyes
“Nope!” He said all proud
“You really are a loser” I told him laughing
“Do you drive?” He asked me
“Yes, but I Ubered here. My car got totaled a month ago” I said
“Oh god!” He said shocked
“Yeah…drunk driver crashed right into my PARKED car….she was nice too. It was a Kia K5 perfect amount of sport car, and perfect amount of sedan” I said shaking my head
“Damn that sucks. Look who’s the loser now” he said laughing in my face
I rolled my eyes at him, and he ordered an Uber, and we ubered back to his parents house. It was a little after 9 now, and he said his parents would be sleeping, but Nick and Matt would be awake
When we got into his house we heard both boys in Nicks room. Chris walked to the door first, and opened it
“Yooo” he said
“How’d the date go?” Matt asked
“It went well” he said
“What was she like” Nick asked a little frightened
Chris moved back to allow me to enter the room
“NO FUCKING WAY” Nick screamed and ran over to me hugging me so tight
“NICKKKK I MISSED YOU” I said hugging him harder
“Dude I fucked missed you more. How the fuck did you guys land up on a blind date together” he asked
“Yeah yall fucking hated each other” Matt said
“It was Chloe” I said
“Fucking Chloeeeeee. Sneaky bitch” Nick said laughing
“I’m so glad to be seeing you guys again, and I’m so sorry I drifted from you both” I said
“These things happen, but I’m so glad you’re back here” Nick responded
We chatted for a little but before Chris asked if I wanted to go to his room, and I agreed
We went up to his room, and I sat on his bed. He shut the door
“It’s exactly the same” I said to him
“Well we live half here and half in LA, so there’s not much to do here” he said, slipping his sneakers off. I did the same
Chris and I were sitting on his bed just talking and laughing
“You’re so pretty” he said
“Thank you Chris” I said blushing
“You’ve always been pretty, but now you’re just so mature, and it’s hot” he said
“You know I used to like you in high school, and I thought you were so hot, but now….youre like a Greek god now” I told him
“Oh baby…don’t boost my ego” he said laughing
“It’s the truth…I don’t know your face not just looks more carved out, and you just got this look in your eyes now” I said staring at him
“ IM A MAN NOW” he said smacking his chest
“Oh god” I said laughing at him
“I’m just kidding baby” he said laughing with me
“I really want to kiss you right now, and I’m not sure if I’ll regret this or not” I told him looking down at his lips
“Come on princess, come kiss me” he said raising his eyebrows
I leaned forward, and started to kiss Chris. All those feelings I had for Chris in high school came rushing back. I felt like I was making my 16 year old self proud.
Chris slowly started to slip tongue into our kiss, and it became such a hot make out. Our tongues fighting for dominance and our teeth clanging together. As I pulled away I pulled Chris’ lip lightly
“Fuck baby that was so hot” Chris said looking at me through half lidded eyes
“Are you down to fuck” I asked him
“I’m down if you are, but this isn’t why I brought you here, and don’t feel forced to do anything you don’t want to” he said to me
“Chris I have wanted to fuck the shit out of you since I was 16….I AINT BACKING DOWN” I told him
“Oh princess I’m about to make your dreams come true”
He said
I got up and straddled Chris’ lap immediately smashing our lips together. Nothing but teeth and tongue as I started to grind down onto him
I pulled my shirt off, and unclipped my bra allowing my breast to fall free. Chris took his hat off tossing it to the right, and then pulled his shirt immediately connecting our lips again
“Fuck baby” he said pulling away and kissing my neck down to my chest, and then taking one breast into his mouth while massaging the other one
“Fuck Chris” I moaned out throwing my head back
Chris looked up at me with lazy eyes, as he moved to the other breast. Swirling his tongue around my nipple
He then started kissing down the valley of my breast, and lifting me up to kiss down my stomach.
With a flat tongue he licked from my stomach all the way back up to the valley of my breasts, up my chest, to the side of my neck, and then immediately met my tongue in another sloppy make out session
“God Chris you’re such a fucking slut” I said moaning
“Only for you baby” I said as he kept massaging my breasts
He let me stand up so I could remove my pants and under wears for him
My pussy was at mouth level to Chris, and he pulled me in closer lifting my left leg up to go over his shoulder, and immediately attached his mouth to my pussy
“OH FUCK” I said pulling onto his hair, and trying to stabilize myself
Chris was lapping at my pussy like it was water, and I was trembling barely able to moan because I couldn’t even believe what was happening right now
His nose was bumping against my clit in a way that was making my knees weak
“Chris I’m going to fall over” I said pulling his hair harder
He pulled away, and his mouth, nose and chin was covered in my arousal
“I need you so badly” I said rubbing my hands through his hair
“Whatever you want princess” he said
I got onto the bed, and Chris took his jeans and boxers off immediately hovering over me
“You gotta be real quiet princess” he said
“I promise Chris I’ll be good” I told him nodding my head
Chris make me like his palm so he could jerk himself off before fucking me
Chris was kind of leaning back on his knees, and he had my legs draped over his thighs. He thought his cock to my entrance and slowly started inserting himself into me
“Fuckkk” I whimpered as he slid all the way in
“Fuck baby you’re so tight” he said rubbing his hand from my stomach up through the valley of my breast, and lightly wrapping his hand around my throat, but not squeezing me
He started to thrust into me and good thing he didn’t have a traditional headboard because everybody would’ve known we were fucking
“Oh Chris” I moaned shutting my eyes
“Fuck baby you’re taking me so well” he said as he kept thrusting into me
His hips were smacking into me and his dick was hitting every single spot
“I need more” I moaned out
So Chris started pounding into me harder and faster, moaning and grunting and sweating. God this was so fucking hot
He snapped his hips into me, and I swear his dick kissed my cervix
“CHRIS” I yelled out
He immediately put his ring and middle finger in my mouth
“Shhhh baby” he said thrusting into me at a harder pace
“I always knew you’d be such a slut for me” he said as I sucked on his fingers and moaned around them
“Is my princess going to cum?” He said
“MHMM MHMM” I said around his fingers
“Good come on baby, cum for me” he said as he brought his other hand down to rub my clit
I was moaning on his fingers and thrashing around
Within seconds my hips came off the bed and my body started to shake as I came so hard on Chris’ dick
I was whimpering and trembling as he helped me ride out my high
He took his fingers out of my mouth and then pulled out of me. Taking his cock into his hand and jerking himself off
“I’m gonna cum” he said
Suddenly his jaw fell slack and his lower abdomen twitched, he came all over my stomach
“Fuck fuck fuck” he said as he came
We caught our breath, and he put his boxers back on, and ran to his bathroom to get tissue to clean me up
He came back and cleaned me up, and I slid my underwear back on, and he gave me one of his shirts to slip into
“God Chris….who would’ve known you were such a slut” I said as I laid down in his bed
“What’s crazy is my body count is only 1, well 2 now….you brought out the slut in me” he said laying down next to me and looking at me
“If there’s more of that, then I want it” I said
“You can have whatever you want baby” he said kissing me
Suddenly my phone started to ring, so I got up and walked over to grab it. It was Chloe and she was blowing my phone up
“Hello” I said as I put the phone on speaker
“Im sorry…..we were busy” I said to her
“Busy doing what….” She said
“We were fucking” Chris yelled across the room
I took Chloe off of speaker
“Chloe I’ll talk to you tomorrow, and explain everything, but for right now I gotta go” I said and we hung up
“Come on baby, come lay with me” he said patting the side next to him
I ran over and laid with him, and we eventually fell asleep.
The End
Ouuu chile this was a lot to write, I really enjoyed writing this so whoever requested this I hope you enjoyed 🥰
A/N: I’m a cancer🦀
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lunar-wandering · 7 days
apparently watching the windara arc gave me enough energy to write the mini boboiboy x genshin crossover i'd been meaning to write for a while-
Word Count: 3k
Read on Ao3
Halilintar opened his eyes to a wide open sky above him.
He blinked, slowly. This was definitely not where he was before, if he remembered right- Remembered. Remember. He had to remember, he couldn’t forget- he was separated from the others right now, he could not allow himself to forget-
He had to find the others.
In a bright red flash, he pushed himself to his feet, getting his bearings as fast as he could.
Huh. The surrounding buildings here were a little odd. Had he been teleported to another planet or something? …He couldn’t remember what he’d been doing before he woke up. That wasn’t a good sign. That wasn’t a good sign at all. But… this place seemed nice, at least. Maybe he could just chill here for a bit, maybe find some people to tell him more about what in the world was going on here? There was probably enough time that he could have a short conversation or two with some people, just enough to get the information he needed-
Aaaand those were balloons attached to that building. A lot of them. Now that he was noticing it, this entire place did have a sort of carnival like theme to it…
Halilintar stared at the balloons in silence for several moments.
Screw the information. He had to leave this place immediately.
Taufan was having fun.
He wasn’t sure where he was, but the whole place screamed of wind. The sheer power boost he was getting here was nearly comparable to the one he got on Windara!
Taufan bit down on his lower lip to keep himself from bursting into manic laughter. A few small chuckles still managed to slip out. He couldn’t help it- being here was just so- freeing! It was almost like he didn’t have to care of if he slipped up and turned into-
Taufan froze mid-flight. Slowly, he brought himself down closer to the ground.
Suddenly, this didn’t seem so fun anymore…
“Oh, hi there!”
Taufan startled, whirling around to see someone dressed in green waving an arm at him with a small smile.
“What’cha doing all the way out in Windrise? Practicing?” The dressed in green person who felt like the wind didn’t even give Taufan the time to answer before continuing, “Ah, but it’s getting late- come, I’ll take you back to Mondstadt!”
Taufan found himself unable to argue, silently following the other, staring at him in suspicion- until the feeling of freedom and fun slipped back into him, and he was doing circles in the air on his hoverboard, rambling off any joke he could think of to the stranger as he followed them down a worn down walking trail.
“Oh, you’re finally awake!”
Gempa shot up into a sitting position at the unknown voice, mind whirling. How long had he been asleep? How long had he been split? Were the others okay-
“Woah there, calm down.” A hand was placed on his shoulder, and he glanced up to see a woman with long blond hair crouching down beside him in concern. “You were knocked out cold when I found you- you don’t want to make any injuries you may have worse. My name is Navia, tell me, do you remember your name?”
“…It’s Gempa.” He stared at her with hesitation.
“Alright, Gempa.” Navia stood up, then held out a hand to help Gempa to his feet as well. “Do you know why you were passed out in an alley?”
“I can make a few guesses.” Accidental teleportation via power sphera being the main one. He had a vague memory of some form of portal- and he did not like that the memory was vague. That was never a good sign.
Navia started talking about some form of restaurant just around the corner where they could get a bite to eat while they figured out Gempa’s situation, and Gempa, despite just wanting to get out of there as fast as possible to try and find the other’s, hesitantly agreed.
Blaze slowly sat up.
Directly beside him, Ice did the same.
They stared at each other, and then at the strange building they’d found themselves in, the both of them noticing that the place smelled strongly of tea.
Neither of them could remember how they got here.
“…This is bad, isn’t it.” Blaze said. Ice nodded silently in agreement. Blaze let out a groan, flopping back onto the floor, before rolling over, extending his hand out to Ice. “Pinkie promise to not start a war this time?”
“Hey there! Woaaaahhhh, your hat is so cool, it’s no wonder Nahida calls you Hat Guy! Oh, and this part of it is so dangly- so cool!”
The Wanderer was given absolutely no warning as Thorn crashed into him, hugging him tight. He struggled for just a brief second, before succeeding in shoving Thorn away, a gust of wind accompanying his action.
“Get off of me!” He hissed, before crossing his arms. “What are you doing in the Sanctuary of Surasthana?”
“Double cool, you’ve got powers just like Taufan!” Thorn seemed to have either not heard the Wanderer’s question or was choosing to completely ignore it. “Though, you’ve got the personality of Halilintar, kinda… Are you some new fusion between the two of them? And nobody told me about it?”
“Fusio- what in Teyvat are you talking about?” The Wanderer asked, thoroughly confused at this point. Thorn opened his mouth to answer- and then shifted gears to stare at something behind him.
“Oh, what are those?!” He didn’t waste a second in running past the Wanderer, who whirled around to find that Thorn had summoned some vines and was now swinging after some Aranara.
The Wanderer stood there for a moment in absolute silence, watching as Thorn swung around. Then, slowly, he turned to Nahida, who was standing off to the side with a small smile on her face. Slowly, he let out a tired sigh.
“Bu’er. What nonsense is going on this time, and how do I make sure I’m not involved in it.”
“You’re already involved, I’m afraid.”
“Oh for fu-”
Solar should really, really, be using his teleportation ability to hunt down the others right now.
Really, he should. He knew the consequences of remaining split for too long full well.
…But he was also sure that, even if the other’s succumbed to the memory loss, he himself could probably hold on for a lot longer than them, so him taking a bit of time to learn a bit of the history of the strange area he’d ended up in would probably be fine…
Navia seemed pretty nice. Still though, Gempa wasn’t sure if he should really give her the full details of his… situation. He’d given her a base explanation that he’d been separated from his siblings and needed to find them, which was true enough, but…
The more she insisted that he wait a day to rest before heading out to try and find them, the more Gempa started to wish he’d just outright told her about the other half of the story. He didn’t have a day to waste.
Still though, he couldn’t seem to find a way to break away from her as she showed him around the nation she called Fontaine. Not a place that Gempa could ever remember hearing about before- which didn’t really say much, considering, well, the amnesia that would eventually sink it’s claws in him, and that was already making some things slightly hazy.
Gempa was starting to consider the idea of using his abilities temporarily trap Navia within a stone circle and run off when a bright flash of crackling red light caught his attention- just in time to see Halilintar fall backwards into the fountain Navia had named the Fountain de Lucine mere moments ago.
“This is not what I meant!” Halilintar yelled, his entire body crackling with red lightning as he stood up, wringing the water out of the bottom of his shirt.
“Halilintar!” Gempa didn’t hesitate to run over, ignoring how Navia briefly tried to reach out a hand to stop him. He skidded to a stop beside the fountain, reaching out and pushing Halilintar’s hat up a little in order to better see his face. “Are you okay?”
“…Tch.” Halilintar batted Gempa’s hand away, reaching up and pulling his hat back down to hide his face again, muttering something under his breath that sounded like “at least they didn’t send me to Thorn”. Gempa let out a relieved sigh. The lightning element was fine.
“Um, Gempa, is this… your brother?” Navia sounded… confused. And a little worried- oh. Halilintar was still doing the red lightning thing. Yeah, Gempa could see how that might be a little strange to someone who’s never seen something like that before.
Gempa quickly elbowed Halilintar in the side, silently telling the other to knock it off. Halilintar at the very least seemed to clue in, the crackling electricity vanishing in an instant, leaving him looking less like an actual scary threat and more like an angry wet cat.
“Yep!” Gempa purposefully ignored Halilintar’s grunt of protest as he threw his arm around the other’s shoulders. “One brother down, five left to go!”
“I’m hungryyyyy. Do you guys have any food? Oh, I could go for soups, or cakes, or sandwiches, or chocolate, or-”
The Wanderer sighed, resting his head against the wall behind him. Did this kid ever shut up? It’d been hours, and Thorn kept rambling on over this and that-
Thorn was glowing.
The Wanderer sat up straight instantly, alarm shooting through him as he took in the way Thorn’s eyes and hair had started to slowly glow green as he continued to ramble on about food. Some small vines and flowers had started to grow around him. He glanced over at Nahida, checking to see if she saw what he also saw- only to see the same alarm and concern that he felt present on her face.
Ah. This was definitely not good then.
The glowing was getting stronger.
What exactly was he meant to do in this situation?
Before the Wanderer could even begin to attempt anything, there was a sudden loud crack of thunder that had him flinching- followed shortly after by a red flash.
And suddenly a hand was gently whacking the back of Thorn’s head.
“Owie!” The glowing stopped, Thorn effectively snapped out of whatever state he’d been in. Thorn spun around to the person who had appeared behind him. “What did you do that for Hal- oh! Halilintar! I finally found you!”
Thorn didn’t waste any time in hugging the other. Halilintar stumbled for a moment, clearly caught off guard and thrown off balance, before he forcibly shoved Thorn away with a strained “Get off of me!”.
Wanderer had to blink away a sudden strong sense of deja vu. He could just sense Nahida staring at him. He chose to ignore it.
Halilintar had yet to notice anyone else in the room, having one hand placed on Thorn’s face, keeping him an arm’s distance away from him.
“Found us, huh?” Halilintar said, “It’s more like we found you.”
“We?” Thorn looked around- “Oh! Gempa’s here too!”
He scampered away from Halilintar- which had the lightning element not so subtly breathing out a sigh of relief. Thorn’s hat tilted to the side as he wasted no time in jumping into Gempa’s arms, who laughed a little as he caught him.
“That’s two!” Gempa gently fixed Thorn’s hat for him, before setting him back on the ground. “Were you nice to the people here?”
“Yes sir!” Thorn gave him an unnecessary salute. “I was polite! I didn’t even talk that much!”
Wanderer’s eye twitched. If talking ceaselessly for hours was this kid’s idea of “not talking much”, he’d hate to find out what his idea of actually talking was.
Solar teleported exactly one half of a second before Halilintar’s hand closed on the space where he’d been just moment’s before. Halilintar, having not been able to reach his target as he had predicted, stumbled a little, only just barely regaining his balance before he could fall over.
“Nice try.” Solar said, from his position of standing on a nearby roof. “But I don’t plan on leaving until I finish these books- the history of Liyue is so fascinating, did you know that this is where the money of this planet was created- agh!”
While he had started rambling, vines had snuck their way up around him, and had quickly tightened, causing him to drop his book as he squirmed, trying to break out. His fingers briefly flickered with light, but-
This was a crowded city. He couldn’t use his abilities in a place like this.
“Thorn! Let me go! I’ll buy you some candy-” His attempt to bribe the plant elemental was not working, if the way he was suddenly being dangled upside down was any indication. “Oh c’mon-”
“Sorry! Gempa already bought me candy!” Thorn said, grinning. Gempa, beside him, crossed his arms, a small smile on his face.
“That’s three.” He said… and then the smile on his face faded, as he remembered what Nahida had told him about the other nations before they had left Sumeru. “We don’t have the time for your curiosity right now, Solar. We’ve got to get to Mondstadt.”
The ‘freeing winds of Mondstadt’… Nahida had said it as a compliment to the nation, not as a warning, but considering that the tier three wind element was still highly unstable… if Taufan was there… well, it wouldn’t spell anything good for the nation, that’s for sure.
“Well, that’s four, but…”
Wind shifted nervously, whistling innocently as the other four elementals openly gaped at him.
“Why… why are you in your tier one form?” Solar and Gempa said in sync. Wind winced.
“Ahaha… well, there was an… incident.” Wind avoided eye contact, knowing that the other elementals were currently making a very accurate mental guess as to what exactly the incident was. “Wenti over here uh. Is holding on to my power for me?”
Venti gave the group a wave from where he was floating in mid-air, a ball of blue and teal anemo energy glowing in between his hands. Gempa sighed, though he couldn’t deny the sense of nervousness that came over him from the idea of someone, anyone, being able to ‘hold onto their powers for them’. That concept had never ended well for them before…
“It should be safe to give him the rest of his power back now, sir.” He eventually said, watching carefully as Venti landed on the ground. “The rest of our elemental presence should be enough to keep him stable here.”
“If you say so.” Venti shrugged, “But man, that was scary! One minute he’s just a happy go lucky kid, the next he’s cackling like a maniac and pulling out hurricane level winds! Normally the only person at risk of causing hurricane level winds around here is me! Also, almost getting sliced by an axe was not fun. Zero out of ten, would not recommend.”
Still, he opened his hands, and the elemental energy flowed back into Wind, turning him back into Taufan with a soft blue light.
“Haha! That’s so much better!” Taufan spun around for a moment, and then paused, looking at Venti sheepishly. “Ah, haha, sorry about the axe, Wenti…”
“Ehe, no real harm done. …Also it’s Venti, not Wenti.” Venti said, placing his hands on his hips- only for Thorn to catch his attention by pulling on the edge of Venti’s cape. “Hm? What’s up?”
“Your whole glowy thing is super pretty!” Were the first words to come out of Thorn’s mouth- before he shook his head, seemingly refocusing himself. “Uh- but we were wondering, if you’d heard anything about our other two brothers?”
“I could ask around… why do you ask?” Venti’s eyebrow rose as he took in how the whole group suddenly seemed nervous. “Surely, it can’t be that bad-”
“The longer we’re separated, the higher the chances are of Blaze and Ice starting a war.” The five elementals said in unison. Venti blinked.
“Ah. I suppose that is pretty bad.”
Shockingly, by the time they got to Inazuma, Blaze and Ice were not at war.
There was however, a lot of charred grass and patches of ice strewn around, so it was plainly obvious that things had gotten close.
Blaze and Ice themselves were sitting in the middle of the chaos, a tall lady with long purple hair standing in front of them-
And then Blaze noticed the rest of the group.
Immediately his face broke into a blinding smile, and he nudged Ice awake, grabbing him by the arm and dragging him over to the others.
“And that’s five and six.” Gempa breathed out yet another sigh, a lot of the stress finally leaving his body now that all the elementals were in the same space.
“Man, what took you guys so long, me and Ice were starting to think we’d gotten left here alone, y’know!” Blaze said, hands on his hips like he was reprimanding them. “We almost started a war we got so bored- the Saiden Rhogun stopped us though… She started telling us stories- about the myths and herself- most of em were pretty boring though, Ice kept falling asleep-”
“My name is Raiden Shogun, boy. I do not understand how you keep forgetting.” Ei said, joining their small group with an air of suspicion. Halilintar returned said look with his own glare, though he subconsciously took a step back.
She felt like lightning.
“Oh, right, the forgetting! Uh- we need to recombine!” Gempa held his hand out- then paused. “Uh- maybe lets all sit down for this- Boboiboy will probably be affected by how long we’ve been apart…”
The rest of the elementals agreed without question, and Ei watched with confusion as they all glowed with a faint orange light- before six of them vanished without a trace, merging into one boy- who immediately swayed to the side, collapsing onto the grass.
Ei stood perfectly still for a moment, shock coursing through her veins. Thankfully, it didn’t seem like the boy was unconscious, as he groaned pressing his hands against his face, muttering something about now having to figure out a way back home- before he paused.
His whole body flickered with red lightning, and suddenly Halilintar was back, gripping onto Ei’s arms in a split second. She made to ready herself to fight, but-
“You put yourself into a sword?!” Halilintar all but shook her, what she could see of his expression under his hat one of pure distress. “Willingly?! What is wrong with you?!?!”
Before Ei could even think of a response, the boy was gone in another flash of red light, leaving her standing alone in the charred and iced mess of an area.
Halilintar practically burst through the door of the Sanctuary of Surasthana.
“Ah, you’re back!” Nahida said, “I take it you’ve recombined, then?”
Halilintar stared at her wordlessly for a moment, before his body flickered, and Boboiboy took his place, stumbling a little from the sudden change.
“Ah- uh, yes!” Boboiboy cleared his throat, “It’s a little hazy, but, I think you told Thorn a way we- I, could get home?”
Nahida gave him a gentle smile.
“I’m still working on it! But don’t worry, what Thorn’s memories showed me is more than enough for me to make a way home for you, it’ll only take a few more hours.” She said, “I would tell you to hang out with the Wanderer, but I think he’s had more than enough social interaction for the day…”
To the point he’d locked himself inside of his room, actually. Nahida knew better than to force him to be social after he’d spent his energy dealing with Thorn earlier.
“Ah, that’s okay.” Boboiboy said, sitting down on the floor, leaning back against the wall. “Um, if you don’t mind, would it be alright if I… slept, here?”
“It’s perfectly fine.” Nahida stepped over, gently placing her hand on top of Boboiboy’s. “I’ll ensure you have a nice dream. By the time you wake up, your way home will be waiting for you.”
“…Thank you.”
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writingsbychlo · 2 years
How would sexting with modern!azriel go?? I can just imagine him as a lawyer sitting at his desk working on proving a murder wrong and sending him to jail but then his oh so cute girlfriend starts sexting him and he is just there with sweaty palms like 'omg she gonna get it when i go back home"
not gonna be a whole fic but here’s a few lines on it :)
it would start perfectly innocent, her genuinely sending him a video of various outfits she’s thinking of wearing for their dinner date that night. she knows they’re going to dinner with a client, she wants to look good. except, because they’ve been dating a long time, she doesn’t hesitate to strip in front of the camera to change i to the next one, or to use the camera like a mirror when she leans over to wiggle her boobs to be comfortable in her bra, or to spin and check her own ass out in the image, which of course, brings az’s attention to her tits and ass.
then, at the end of the video, she’d just sigh and flop back onto the bed and say “screw this, maybe I’ll just go naked, really make an impression.” now az is thinking about her naked. not helping. “anyways, let me know which one you liked best, az!”
oh, he’s definitely going to tell you which one he liked. later. he’d text back, saying the blue dress that would match the tie he’s wearing, and would look pretty with the jewellery set he’d surprised you with last month. then he waits. and waits. your text back tells him how much you love that tie on him. the bubble still pops. I love that tie even more on me.
his cock twitches, his pants tighten, because he hadn’t even been thinning about that. but now, he remembers. how it had looked against your skin, sort around your wrists as it’s kept them pinned firmly to the headboard no matter how much you thrashed, hips riding against his face as you squirmed, coming on his tongue until you’d cried. he remembers, now. can practically taste you again.
are you trying to tease me, while I’m at work, my love? how every naughty of you. he’s smirking to himself, he knows where this is going, it isn’t the first time. just like routine, he places his phone down on the desk, changes the status sign on his door to “in a meeting, do not disturb”, locks the office door, pulls the blinds to his high rise windows down. your response is waiting for him by the time he’s slipped one AirPod into his ear and sat back down.
of course not. I’m always good.
my good girl, that’s right. and like a good girl, why don’t you tell me all the things you’d be doing if you were here with me right now.
and that’s how it begins. driving azriel crazy when you answer the phone, softly telling him everything you’d do to him with your mouth, things that make his fingers clench the arm supports of his chair til he can’t take it anymore and touches himself. things that make his grip tighten, his breath shallow, his movements speed up. things that make him choke out a curse when he hears a tell-take hum start at your end of the line and the way your breathing suddenly becomes desperate gasps if his name. he guides you through it, voice getting husky, telling you exactly how to use the toy as though it were him. he cums when you do, spilling all over his hand when he hears you cry out his name, and he soothes you through the after shock, mumbling about how much he loves you, how good you are.
it’s not enough. even after he’s hung up, cleaned himself up, tried to get back to work. it’s not enough. so, when he walks out of work that night, and sees you leaning happily against his car in the parking lot, waiting, his heart clenches in his chest. you’d got a taxi here just for him, so you could drive to the restaurant together. it does something to him. then he takes in the dress, the blue dress, and his eyes drop to his own tie for a second. when he reaches you, he presses a soft kiss to your lips, mumbling how beautiful you look tonight. he opens your door for you. the doors to the back. because you can always be a little late the reservation, blame it on traffic, right?
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i hope no one minds if i liveblog this bitch: ncis: hawai’i s2 from ncis 19x21
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since the first ep back is a crossover with ncis i just decided to watch those eps first. if this is their way of getting more ppl to watch the og…it’s working lmao
— ncis 19x21 + ncis hawaii 2x01
roman’s hilarious
“salted or unsalted?” “i…did not taste them” lmao
i don’t like this deputy director at all
parker’s ex wife is definitely lying and probably setting him up
“if i’m the sucker, consider me licked” 😭
*pretends to be shocked*
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lmaooo they got the commander good in that diner
at least parker is suspicious
hm. i wonder if the commander is the raven
damn this storyline is insane
jane and nick would be such a hot couple why lie
oh wow it’s the prisoner
kate and lucy are so cute
“don’t worry, you’re gonna get to know the inmates, believe me” pls
oh they got played
bombside manner 😭😭
i love bam-bam she’s hilarious
“screw you, torres!” “you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” skjfhghcjjs
i’ll never get tired of ocean shots
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this crossover was SO MUCH better than the first one omg
— ncis: hawai’i 2x02
kate wants to tell her boss about lucy so she can meet her team 🥹
he was shot in the face?? how horrific
ernie gossiping 😭
“first off, it’s a movie about family” dkfjgjfjdn
mai tai o’clock 😭😭
that’s a lot of blood
i love that kate’s venting to jesse
that chase was cool as hell
“i don’t have friends, i got ohana” lmaoo i love them
“it’s like a trilogy, right?” lmfaooo
“i’ll be right here, with ya” aww
“welcome to the fbi family” 🫶🏻🥹
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— 2x03
why is this woman so nervous…
oh shit they cut her brakes
“i’m like half your size!” 😭😭
oop not lucy coming at her with her full government name
“well now you’re just trying to turn me on 😏” LUCY CLAPPING TO GET HER TO FOCUS PLS 😭
wait, what??
this audrey looks like she’s wearing a really bad wig
bam-bam doesn’t remember jesse lmao
“but mostly, we spoke the language of love” 😭
“ohhhh i see it now!” hours later lmao
oh redhead looked like she saw a ghost when she saw kate for the first time
“open yourself up to more mopping” plsss
oh shit this is intense
“my love” 🥹
“being with you has changed everything” i love them y’all i really do
— 2x04
a backup shoe 😭
hell no i would never think to cook in someone’s house when i’ve never even met them before
i do not like cassandra at all
they were all scared to death…what a terrible way to die
“their fear is his high” how evil
no fucking way it’s the ranger who was helping them earlier
jane lying and saying she likes cassandra pls
besides the season premiere, this was my favorite episode of the season so far
— 2x05
oh my God
lmao that kacy scene was so awkward
i can’t wait to find out who this aj person is
all of these construction men are hot…assholes but. hot.
kate really put her foot in her mouth with that financially responsible comment
not him blaming ben + the team for what’s happening as if he didn’t get into bed with them in the first place
this ep was frustrating but really good
i don’t trust aj at all. he’s probably the one who had the brothers attacked.
that was such a beautiful ending
— 2x06
i’m on daniel’s side with this one sorry
God this is making me never want to leave my house again…fentanyl scattered all over the beach are you fr
“if the devil got into the drug business, fentanyl would be his product of choice” so true
“it’s not every day i get to spend time with my little buddy” the smile on kai’s face when he thought ernie was talking about him is making me lose it
i’d like to thank the writers for gracing us with shirtless kai scenes
bam-bam and ernie beefing is hilarious
oh my God i really thought jesse was gone
kai really threw down that bag so he could hug jesse jdjgjvjdhsvc
alex getting a job at kai’s dads restaurant oh wow 😭
“your dad doesn’t know what he missed out on” i love their friendship so so much
stella knows there’s something wrong
well that was unexpected
i want more annoyed kate
jesse’s insane
lucy “my love” tara and kate “my sweet” whistler you are so adorable
the tear ☹️
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i get the writers needed an excuse for yasmine being gone but lucy deciding to spend four months on a boat in the middle of the ocean is so out of character
— 2x08
kai is such a SWEETHEART
not jesse being a theater kid omg?
“the pirate queen” “no, just stop. you’re embarrassing yourself” the way kai just nods 😭
mcu mention oh this is hell
alan’s an idiot
ernie 😭😭😭
okay a movie shoot was not expected
lucy needs to come home NOW
“walk away” he is very much not going to do that
not at all important to the plot but charlie’s neck is so freaking thick lmfao
cassandra needs to pack her shit and go already
jane is such a badass i don’t care if what she did was a stupid move
they did alan so foul
oh shit kai’s dad took money from those men???
oh jane’s gonna kill alex
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icarusthelunarguard · 8 months
This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter. Better yet! Check out “Heart of the Game, Fredonia” and see if they can sell you those D12’s with the symbols on them. Tell them “Shujin Tribble” sentcha. And “Hail, Hail, Fredonia!” Home of the Blue Devil!
Someone, and we’re not naming names here, someone is really trying to challenge me with suggestions for the ‘Scopes; trying to stump me with topics. WELL! Just to prove that I refuse to be stumpified let’s launch into this week’s suggested topic: HATS! So hold on to yours because it’s time to duel! 
Hey, Ladies! Let’s give you something classy as all hell. You might not know it by the name, “Cloche hat”, but you’ll know it on sight. It’s a bell-shaped woman's hat that was popular during the Roaring Twenties. So This Week… Head to a 2nd-hand shop and try on a Flapper Dress, but with two warnings. First, it’s heavier than you think it’ll be. And Second… it’s gunna cost more than you think it will.
We’re taking you to a hard felt hat created in 1850 by Lock's of St James's, the hatters to Thomas Coke, 2nd Earl of Leicester, for his servants. So, yeah! You’re getting a hat fit for “The Help”. Commonly known as a “Derby” in the United States, your hat is also the name of a legendary restaurant. So This Week… Re-watch the old “Little Rascals” films and look for the kid with the bowler hat. That would be Stymie Beard. That hat? It was a gift from comedian Stan Laurel - of “Laurel & Hardy” fame! So you wear yours with PRIDE!
JUST for you, we’re taking you to school. Specifically to Italian class. “Da Cappo” in Italian means “The Hat”, but it’s better than that. It’s a Musical Term, meaning once you get to this point, go back and start at the beginning all over again. So for This Week… You’re being challenged to pick up that first instrument you learned in third grade and try to play something again. Unless it was a recorder, in which case you’re off the hook.
Cancer Moon-Child 
You’re getting a pretty famous hat, though you might not know it by name. Known as the "Smokey Bear" hat, it’s a broad-brimmed felt or straw hat with a high crown, pinched symmetrically at its four corners - what’s known as the "Montana Crease". Your hat is officially known as the “Campaign Hat”. So This Week… Remember; “Smokey the Bear” was named for "Smokey" Joe Martin, a New York City Fire Department hero who suffered burns and blindness during a bold 1922 rescue. So when you put on your hat, give it its proper reverence.
Let’s take you all the way back to the Bronze Age and give you a Beret! Sure, in modern times you could look like a military person, but really you’ve got one of the oldest designs of lid-wear. So This Week… Don’t try to wear it as a cold-weather hat. It’s just going to blow right off your head. Unless you buckle it tighter. REALLY tight!
You know, all these hats that everyone knows by sight but almost never by name. Virgo, do you know what a “Bobby” is? It’s what they call a constable in the UK. So you’re getting the “Custodian helmet”. Yes, it’s a helmet, but that’s still a hat. So This Week… Do NOT learn how to speak with a British Accent from ‘Mary Poppins’!
Oh, we’re gunna screw you up hard with this one. Surprisingly enough it could be found in some of the Southernmost Islands of Japan. It's called the “Montera” - a crocheted hat worn by bullfighters. Yeah! Bullfighting was a THING in Super-South Japan thanks to Spanish Settlers. Bet you didn’t know that. So This Week… Watch Bugs Bunny be a bullfighter and remember you can’t do that! He’s a toon, you're not. Stick to Mechanical Bull Riding. 
You’re getting an Australian favorite, believe it or not. It’s a bush hat with a wide brim known as the “Akubra”. It’s a distinctive part of Australian culture, especially in rural areas these days, and if you pair it with an oiled canvas riding jacket, you WILL be the sexiest person in that county. So This Week… See if the Driza-Bone company can ship a Rider Heritage Coat to your country yet. 
Are you going to be in a production of The Pirates of Penzance? No? Then you’re gunna look weird wearing a Pith Helmet. But we’re pretty sure you know how to find a rhyme for the term, “Hypotenuse”. So This Week… Learn the lyrics from “Major General”. You’re just dorky enough to remember it later.
It don’t get much more “Olde Timey” than this! You’re going to be wearing A seamen’s hat. No, it’s not what you think. Your hat, called the “Boater”, is a flat-brimmed, flat-topped, straw hat, formerly worn by public school students in the UK as part of their summer uniform. So This Week… since you won’t be going to a regatta or formal garden party this week, find a 1920’s schoolboy uniform to wear with it… Get a Gibson SG guitar and play “Thunderstruck”!
We’re gunna make a really strong suggestion: ONLY wear yours when you go in snow events. You’re getting a Balaclava. We don’t need to describe what it looks like other than to say, “If You Want To Rob A Bank, THIS Is The Hat You Want To Wear.” So This Week… Remember, you are NOT allowed to use money you’ve stolen to post bond for yourself. So just hit the ski slopes instead.
If we say “Grandma”, or “Brrr!”, or “Eh?” what do you think of? That’s right - a stretched out sock, pulled over your head, known in Canada as.. The “Toque”. The worst part of it all is that Americans can’t seem to either pronounce it or spell it correctly - and maybe that’s for the best. So This Week… Learn to sing the PBR song from “Strange Brew!” 
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know - or check out the Ko-Fi page ( https://ko-fi.com/icarusthelunarguard )! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Discord, and BLUESKY.
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niarestaurants · 2 years
Tips to choose the best wine that you would love.
Excellent wine may be judged by more than just its cost, presentation, or flavor. The context in which you want to consume it is also essential. As a result, if you have a great wine, you can pair it with anything you want. Remember that this is a forum for you to express your individuality and preferences.
Choosing the Right Wine
If picking wines sounds daunting at the moment, be assured that following our guide will make the process much easier. The next time you need to purchase wine at the best wine bar in west loop Chicago, you won't have any fear.
One's wine selection is not limited to inexpensive bottles.
Although a high-priced wine may be excellent, you need not just drink that. There are several excellent options available at fair prices. Those just starting in the wine world could benefit from starting with a more affordable option. Anything marked down merely means it has gone out of style while still being of good quality.
Those bottles with screw-on caps are ideal.
Many believe that screw-on caps should never be used on wine bottles. This idea has some merit, but it's not something you should base your life on. A screw-top bottle of wine might be ideal for first-timers. For example, a screw-top bottle could be the best option if you're going on a picnic.
Never lose sight of the big picture.
Various wines serve various purposes, but only some are equally suitable. Selecting wines might be easy if you already know the occasion.
Suppose you're having a party at the Best Restaurant in west loop Chicago and don't know your guests well enough to guess their preferred wines, stock up on white and red bottles. But which ones specifically? Something neutral in terms of acidity and sweetness is the best option.
 Always check the label.
Reading the label might be difficult if you need to learn more about the wine you're looking for. Furthermore, a wine label's style and function extend beyond the simple presentation of the wine's name and vineyard. To that end, how does one choose a bottle of wine based only on its label? For the most part, you can learn all you need to know by looking in a bottle. The wine's grapes, region, and flavor profile should all be described.
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p-antomime · 3 years
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No? Nothing?
𖦹 minors don’t interact. ┊ wc: 3,4K.
𖦹 content: mean dom!taiju, unprotected sex, nick names, praise kink, manhandle, breath play, slight bimbofication, pinning, squirting, public sex, power play, hair pulling, oral sex (f! receiving), daddy kink, breeding kink, size kink, overstimulation, power imbalance, tummy bulge.
𖦹 pairings: boss!shiba taiju x waitress!f!reader.
ᥫ᭡. request. | tokyo rev. masterlist! | taglist!
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"And you want this job?", your back straightened against the uncomfortable surface of the backrest of the chair they had set aside for you to sit in during that sort of interview that felt more like an interrogation.
"Yes, sir!", you could barely remember how many times you had said that in twenty minutes alone, "It would be an honor to work in one of the best restaurants in Japan and...", feline eyes with a glint you couldn't identify what it was made you shut up.
"One of, you say? Not the best?", his eyebrows rose in a preponderant question mark and you struggled not to play with the hem of the formal skirt you were wearing in a way that gave away your nervousness.
It was suffocating to be in a position without any kind of power. It was as if you were a little mouse ready to be squeezed by the paws of the huge cat in front of you.
"Superb is not exactly a quality I believe you are looking for in a prospective waitress, sir...", his gaze traveled up your legs, as if slowly tearing at the thin pantyhose covering your calves, down your arms and stopped at your face.
Maybe you had completely screwed your chances of getting hired.
You had already been warned that Taiju Shiba was not an easy guy to deal with and that he made it a point to always be the only person to interview people who got past the first interview by other employees of his restaurant. He was probably, besides being very demanding, the type who felt that no one was up to the task of having the pleasure of working for him.
You had been warned about this. But no one warned you, for example, about the way his eyes seemed to be reading your thoughts or how he always seemed to want to trap you into trick questions.
You watched him stand up and shrink even more against your chair. He seemed even taller and as soon as he lifted his hand to pick up papers that had been on his lap throughout the interview, you had the impression that perhaps his palm was almost the size of your face.
"Monday, eight o'clock in the morning, don't think that because you're a newbie you have the right to be late."
And then you were handed an instruction sheet on how to pick up your uniform and how the internal schedules worked which were obviously different from the external ones in regards to serving the public. Taiju barely looked at you before he left the room and even though you said a timid "Thank you, I won't let you down, sir!" he didn't even bother to at least look over one shoulder in a reassuring or valued attitude.
If you found the way he treated you in that first contact annoying and mean, the first week of working as a waitress seemed even worse. If you arrived 20 minutes early to have time to put on your uniform, Taiju used you as a kind of assistant without even paying you extra for it.
There were many times when the oldest Shiba called you while you were in the middle of serving a couple or a family claiming that he wanted a coffee or something to drink and obligatorily made you stop the service to run to the kitchen to get what he wanted. Soon after, after sipping some of the liquid, he slowly turned the cup over the saucer saying something like "Disgusting, you can't even make a cup of coffee properly", "It's too hot, make it again" and you were sometimes fuming with rage that he treated you so badly and sometimes feeling guilty that you couldn't live up to your boss' expectations.
And, in reality, it was all fun and games for Taiju Shiba. Was. In the beginning. Until he paid too much attention to the way your face lit up with a bright smile every time you had to deliver food to one of the tables, the way your fairly average skirt moved up and down your thighs and the curve of your ass as you walked back and forth, the way the collar of the top of your uniform moved away and closer to your collarbones according to how deep or shallow you breathed.
As time went by, Taiju stopped being mean to you directly, but kept making cruel comments during the day, and even more so when you were about to go and put on your casual clothes to finish the day's work. And you began to wonder why it seemed that the owner of the restaurant only had a problem with you.
Even to get the attention of the other employees, he was restrained, called them by name and usually made the complaint or point in a voice more. But with Y/N, the newbie who had the misfortune of getting all the mean comments? Taiju would call you with a "Psi" or whistle almost as if you were a puppy and would not wait for you to approach, just speak the complaint out loud and end up humiliating you in front of everyone.
At no time during the sessions that bordered on cruelty did the older Shiba ever approach you. No, if he got too close, you ran the risk of noticing the way his eyes slid from yours to your mouth in such a desirous way that he almost felt embarrassed. Deep down, under lock and key, Taiju didn't want to have to deal with his own desire, nor with the responsibility of wanting to fuck his youngest employee.
What if you ended up wanting to leave work after he made a move that was too risky? Taiju wanted you around, but not enough to intoxicate his brain with the mild cologne you came in wearing every morning.
Mornings that preceded a long evening in which the owner of the restaurant seemed to recycle his own creativity to complain about something you had done or said. Like this one, you leaning against the kitchen counter with arms over your breasts trying to process the way the oldest of the Shiba's had said that you needed to have a better attitude towards the customers.
What the fuck did he mean? You literally got extra tips because of the cordial and respectful way you treated the customers, even if sometimes they were so annoying or grumpy that you felt like throwing cutlery at their heads.
What more did Shiba Taiju want from you?
— You good, newbie? — A theoretically good work friend came up to you and leaned against the counter beside you and your gaze from your feet to her serene face.
— Taiju treats you like crap too? — Your tone sounded harsher than you intended, but it was impossible to be happy when nothing you did for Taiju was to his liking. — I mean... I don't know, he always seems to say the worst things to me during the week and I can't even say anything 'cause he’s my boss, don't wanna lose this job, but... — You sigh and shrug your shoulders with head falling to the side. — It's been a long time since I've seen him be as hard on others as he’s on me, y’know? Am I that bad as a waitress?
— Uh-hm. — She nodded before the two of you remained silent until she spoke again: — But he's always been a lil’ too... demanding... — You knew she meant to say "annoying”. — With the newbies, so I don't think it's a problem with you. — And now you knew that she was lying to make you feel a little better because in conversations with other co-workers, they said that Taiju was always humorous with the newcomers to try to make them feel included. — If it helps you feel any better, when I was a newbie, Taiju made me have to work overtime 'cause a couple of girls needed maternity leave and... — You interrupted her.
— But it wasn't because you were new, they were disabled. — A wan laugh escaped your lips and you let head fall back wearily before letting out a hearty groan.
While you two continued talking leisurely, since the workday had already come to an end, Taiju finished talking to one of the chefs about a small change in some dishes on the menu and it didn't take long before he dismissed him with a small nod of head and looked you over the restaurant with his eyes. His head beginning to think about what he would complain about when he found you.
It could be about the size of your skirt. It could be about the way you handed the drinks to the customers with your much more delicate fingers than his. It could be...
Taiju was about to walk into the kitchen and heard you sigh heavily and speak.
— Yes, I know, I know very well even, but sometimes Taiju is so bossy that he’s more like a dad.
A shiver ran slowly down his back, his gold-rimmed pupils slowly dilating, a frenzy of thoughts falling over his mind like a torrential rain.
Hearing footsteps approaching, you looked back and immediately straightened the posture nervously as you saw your boss standing in the sliding kitchen doorway. His attention slid down your body before returning to your face and his eyebrows furrowed.
— Wanna talk to you. — His index and middle fingers called out to you and as soon as Taiju turned around and went to wait for you, he sat down at the ornate table that stood exactly in front of the huge aquarium.
— Do you want me to... — Your friend started to speak and you denied it with your head.
— No, go home. I don't want to get you into my trouble. — You forced yourself to smile cordially before taking another deep breath in preparation for Taiju's scolding and walking over to the table at which he was sitting.
In the half time it took you to walk from the kitchen to the front of the aquarium, the owner of the restaurant had taken off the red colored blazer he was wearing and now all that was left on his body was a shirt with a few top buttons open and pants.
Your hands were placed behind your back in an instinctive movement and you struggled to keep the gaze on Taiju's serene, albeit serious face instead of sliding the attention over the bulging veins on his wrists.
— Is there something you want to tell me, darling? — You swallowed hard at the nickname, was he being sarcastic? No, his tone didn't indicate that.
— Pardon me? No, sir. — Your head also denied it and Taiju drummed fingers on the table, watching every deep breath you took and every little twitch your legs made.
— No? Nothing? — Taiju raised one eyebrow before he stood up and walked at short, slow steps toward you, you felt like a pestilent prey being cornered, especially when he continued to advance and you took unthinking steps backwards until your back was banging against the reinforced glass of the aquarium. Your boss seemed much more threatening now than before, although his tone was as sweet and honeyed as ever. — No complaints? About how I am... what word did you actually use? Oh, yes! "Dad”. Like a dad. — You shrank back against the glass and felt your mouth suddenly become too dry.
— I didn't mean to offend you, I just... I'm sorry, I was... — You couldn't think straight with his quiet breathing against your face and his eyes locked on yours. — If you didn't hate me every day, I wouldn't call you bossy, Taiju. — A dry laugh escaped his lips.
— "Taiju”? Not "Sir" anymore? — He leaned in a little closer and your eyes fell on his ajar lips. — Or "Daddy", since you seem to prefer calling me that. — Shame eroded inside you and you tried to argue something, but seconds later his mouth was over yours.
His hands landed on your waist and pulled your body against his in a needy, almost desperate way that was unusual for a man like Taiju. And it would be a lie if you tried to convince yourself that you didn't like the way his tongue slid against yours or tried to ignore the way your feet were on fingertips to bring your face closer to his.
Your thighs pressed forcefully against each other for a few seconds before one of your boss' palms placed itself between them and brushed its fingertips against your clit begging for attention.
— And hate you? — Taiju spoke up as soon as you had to break the kiss in order to catch your breath. — You're so silly, I like you so much that the only thing on my mind all day is you, bimbo. — You looked up at him breathlessly and watched his sturdy body kneel in front of you. — Legs on my shoulders, lemme show you how much I like you, hm?
You didn't even have to move on your own, his hands could articulate your body as if you were a simple rag doll and he loved to see how imposing you looked with legs over his shoulders and the skirt of your uniform riding up, making your cunt completely ready to be used.
And if someone had told you, even as a joke, that someday Shiba Taiju would be with his head tucked between your legs and below your uniform skirt with fingers pulling down your panties and his mouth sucking and licking you like the hungriest man in the world, you would laugh in shame and deflect the subject. Even if that was exactly what was going on right now.
The only difference being that your legs were trembling on his shoulders and fingers tangled between the different colored strands of your boss' hair.
Back leaned against the glass of the restaurant aquarium and eyes didn't know if they preferred to stare at the beautiful gold ones of Taiju or if they wanted to close themselves for your body to try to endure the pleasure being given to you by his lips.
You had never been as sensitive as you were at the moment. You felt almost as if you were a virgin being touched for the first time and gradually the only sounds heard reverberating through the walls were your moans, "Daddy" gasps and the wet sounds of Taiju eating you out.
It wasn't long before you began to feel your walls contracting around nothing and clit pulsing against your boss' tongue. You tried to pull away from his face and his hands held you in place. Your legs trembling more and more and fingers pulling at his hair, body desperately wanted to cum, but your mind didn't know if you were allowed to do that. It was all about a power play with Shiba Taiju.
— Tai-mhm! — He pressed the tip of the tongue against your clit again, and you could feel some of the spurts of your arousal begin to leak from your entrance. — Can I-I? Please?! I... — You could barely concentrate on what to ask properly.
— Please? Please what, sweetie? — Taiju whispered against your soaking wet folds and your eyes rolled up as your pussy began to fail to contain its squirt.
"Please, Daddy" was the only thing you managed to moan over and over again as your body shook violently and thighs closed around Taiju's face, who was too busy drinking and licking up every droplet of your orgasm escaping through your swollen pussy.
And Taiju only moved away from the middle of your thighs to start unbuttoning his own shirt and pants when he managed to ingest the last drop of your squirt. You looked completely fucked up, almost like a porn star, and he couldn't resist taking your face between his hands to kiss you again and, as a consequence, make you taste a little of your own juices.
Your boss' right hand immediately ran all over your body squeezing without much gentleness your tits, waist and thighs and seconds later you found yourself lifted off the ground with legs around his hips and his other big sturdy palm was adorning your neck like a new necklace.
You looked so tiny, manhandlable pressed forcibly against the aquarium glass, maybe if he put enough force on the fingers around your neck you'd get a stiff neck the next day.
You had barely recovered from a simmering orgasm that had knocked out your senses, and his huge cock was already sliding through your folds with the tip rubbing against your puffy and sensitive clit.
— D-Daddy, wait... just a second-ngh! — Your head dropped back as his dick invaded just a few short inches and walls immediately had to strain to accommodate it.
— Wait? Oh, baby, look at how your tight lil’ cunny wants to swallow me. — Taiju's hand on your neck forced you to stare at him for the next few seconds as his cock slowly sank into your pussy, wanting to enjoy the way your pussy much smaller than his cock desperately needed to work to take him. Your mouth opened into a small 'O' and instinctively legs clamped tighter around his hips. — So tiny to me, I can even see myself on your stomach, how cute! — One hand dropped to the bottom of your tummy and his fingers pressed against the bulge caused by his cock buried deep inside you, you immediately gasped as you visualized exactly what Taiju was claiming. — All pretty for me to destroy, aren’t you?
His hips pound hard against yours and your eyes rolled upward; you biting lips to try not to moan too loudly. And that was just the initial movement for him to start railing you in a fast and almost aggressive rhythm that made your body repeatedly move up and down in accordance with Taiju's thrusts into your tight pussy.
You moaning "S-Slow down, Daddy!" and him grunting and panting over and over again that you were his, his, his, that he was going to fill you until you leaked.
And the deeper his cock went inside your cunt, making a mixture of his pre-cum and your slickness drip between your thighs and wet the floor below you both, the more incoherent words escaped from both of your mouths and the closer the climax was.
At some point that you could barely register in your mind right, your lips whispered, almost in a whimper, "I-Inside" and even though in another situation you wouldn't want Taiju to completely stuff you, it was something completely out of the realm of possibility. There was nowhere else on your body where he desired to cum, he wanted the pleasure of seeing his cum leaking out of your puffy, small entrance, and not only that: of seeing a small bulge at the bottom of your belly caused by the cum piling up inside you.
His fingers tightened a little more around your neck and when your body barely expected it, his dick was fucking out of you an even more intense orgasm that gave you the impression of seeing stars.
A few seconds later, Taiju's hands were gripping your waist tightly to keep you still in place even though you seemed increasingly restless, panting and shivering as he finished pouring all the thick fillets of warm cum all over your insides until your pussy could no longer contain the full amount of liquid and ended up compelling your boss to pull out with a long white line connecting your entrance beginning to leak to his swollen tip.
One arm of his pulled you up and pressed you a little tighter against the aquarium glass only for his other hand to spread your folds and your insides beginning to expel his cream to be fully exposed for his lustful viewing.
— Oh, no, you can barely keep all my cum inside you, your pussy is so small even for this. — You looked away embarrassed at the ceiling and as feeling Taiju's arms go around your waist again and his lips brush against your sweaty neck, you closed them in an attempt to normalize your breathing faster. — Maybe I need to fuck more of my cum into you and this time I want you to make an effort to keep it all in, got it?
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ㅤ🏷 tagging: @festive @strawberrysanzu @bontensucker @wakasa-wifey @dukina @hirwishin @manjiroscum @inu1gf @manjiken @rqnslut @ravenina14 @saaraunicorn @eriskaitto @ranilingus .
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grippingbeskar · 2 years
red or white? | frank castle
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frank castle x fem!reader
word count: 7.1k
warnings: ADULT CONTENT MINORS DNI (thigh riding, handjob, fingering) swearing, general sexual content, mention of death
a/n: HELLO sorry i haven’t been super active the past couple days but i am BACK and i have a few stories all lined up !!!! but i wrote this one a while back and first date frank owns my heart okay bye love u all!!!!
His eyes shift between the two small bottles on the fractured kitchen sink. Why is he even thinking about this? Just fucking pick one. Make a decision. Act. He knows he can, years in the army had him making split second choices, choices that decided lives; the fate of the men around him. Bullets flying everywhere, heat of fire and blood spraying his face, he could choose the right answer, turn the right way, pick the right one to shoot first quicker than he could blink an eye. But right now, two tiny bottles of aftershave sitting in front of him, he can’t seem to make up his damn mind.
Maybe its because of what part of him is leading this decision. He always uses his head. He’s smart, he can think on his feet, he knows how to get out alive, but right now, the pumping rhythm in his chest was telling him what to do, and it took him for a fucking six.
You... you left him dazed and sweaty, like he’d just run a marathon trying to hold your gaze. Getting frustrated at how ridiculous he was being, he shoved both the bottles off the sink, a single swipe of his hand sending them both flying, nearly shattering them.
“Hey! Don’t break those. They were a gift from my wife.” Micro shouts from the control room, and Frank leans down to pick them up, screwing the lid off one bottle blindly and tapping it on his neck. It smells fine, he doesn’t really care, but he hopes its the one you like. 
“Which one did she like?” Frank says, coming back into the main room, adjusting his tie. He hadn’t worn a suit like this in years, and as much as the tie felt constricting, and he had definitely filled out these pants more than he remembered, it felt good to be back in one. Catching his reflection in the mirror, he has to swallow hard, memories of the last time he saw himself like this, wearing something like this flooding his brain. He clung to the image of you, the promise of you at whatever fancy fuckin’ restaurant he’d finally made the decision to reserve, and the thoughts disappeared enough to hear a reply.
“Why? You trying to pick up my wife?” Micro spins around in the chair to face him, giving an approving nod at his appearance. Thats good enough for Frank.
“Already did. Remember?” He points at the camera where Micro would have seen him and his wife kissing, and the grumble that comes out of him makes Frank laugh. His phone buzzes on the table, and his smile grows when he sees your name pop up on the screen, telling him your about to leave. 
“Get out. Have fun on your big date. Maybe your incredible personality will be enough for her to overlook that haircut.” Micro spun back around, the sarcasm in his voice dripping through the insult, but Frank just laughs again, clicking the keys to the van. If he had a better ride than this, he would have offered to pick you up, done the whole gentleman thing, but you live right above the restaurant, and he had to admit he felt a little embarrassed at the thought of you seeing him roll up in this. 
Everything about you made him nervous. In a good way, he thinks. Starting the car and putting his hands on the wheel, he notices how sweaty his palms are. God, he’s acting like a fucking kid. You make him feel like just that, though. A kid, falling in love for the first time again, and thats what it was, for him at least. He’d been in love with you since he’d seen you that first night, taking on two guys with machine guns with nothing but your bare hands and a couple of shards of glass. You took them down with a class and expertise he’d only seen in the mirror, and the way you didn’t back down from him, didn’t question why he was there, just asked him to ‘Get out of your fucking way’. 
Sure, maybe not the most romantic of beginnings, but he never had to hide from you, from the start you saw all of him, all the fucked up, ugly parts, and still stuck around, and that meant more to him that he could put in to words. He pulls out of the garage he’s been calling home for the past couple of months, and sends up a prayer he doesn’t somehow fuck up the best thing he’s almost had. 
You have tried on every dress you own, but nothing works. Staring at the mess of about 30 dresses you accumulated for tonight specifically, a mix of clothes borrowed from your friends, ones you had worn to some weddings, and a few brand new ones, you suddenly felt like everything made you look like you were wearing a paper bag. You were a mess ever since he asked you out, nearly vomiting from nerves just hours before.
You have never acted like this, your life was one full of near death experiences, but tonight seemed like the most daunting one. Frank was just perfect, and you were so scared you were going to say something dumb, do something stupid, your hands were shaking and your stomach flipping like a rollercoaster. Ever since you had met him, there had been this underlying, flirty chemistry between you, but you knew his past and he knew yours, both of you never making a move until a week ago. 
                           * * * * flashback * * * *
It was the dead of night, and you were both holed up on the top of a roof, Frank staring down the line of his sniper, you eating some cold Chinese food that lost all its heat the minute you opened it, exposing it to the increasingly freezing wind. It picked up, making your hair fly wildly behind your head.
“Ten bucks you dont make this shot.” You said into the dark, only catching the glint of a smile on Franks face.
“No faith.” He mumbles, pushing his face hard into the lens of the sniper, and you could see the mark it was going to leave. Watching him shoot always left you in awe, but something was different about tonight, the way his mouth twitched as his focus fell around him like a shield, blocking everything out but him and his target. You found yourself wishing he would focus that hard on you, and as if he was reading your mind, he spoke. “Wanna make it interesting?”
“Whats not interesting about ten bucks?” You smile, and he shifts his body a little, not looking at you.
“Fine. Ten bucks, but I want something else if I win.” Your head tilts, and he still doesn’t take his eyes off the target. 
“Alright, big guy. Let’s hear it.”
“A date.” The wind whistles through your ears and you think you must of misheard him, but the physical reaction your body has, blood rushing to your head and your heartbeat so hard it moves your chest makes you think you didn’t.
“A date.” He makes a little ‘mhmm’ sound, moving the snipers stand to get a better angle. 
“What kind of date?” You ask, so soft your not sure if he caught it.
“A date. You in a pretty dress, I’ll wear a suit. Nice restaurant, walk in the park. The whole nine yards.” His voice is so deep, so sure of what he wants. Thankfully he isn’t looking at you, because your giant grin would give away how long you had been waiting him to ask. 
“Thats what you want?” You honestly just want to hear him say it again, and he obliges. 
“Thats what I want. A real date. No cheap take out food, no missions, none of that shit. Just you n’ me.” You have to turn away, bite your lip, dig your fingernails into your palm just to control yourself enough to reply.
“Make the shot, then.”
He fires as soon as you say it, and even you can see he made it flawlessly, straight through the eye as the body falls to the ground, your heart doing the opposite.
                       * * * * end of flashback * * * *
Finally, you just close your eyes and pick a damn dress, landing on a long emerald green one, shiny material reflecting under the lights in your room. You hold it against your hand and you notice how well the colour compliments your skin, and you hope its enough to keep his attention on you. Carefully sliding it over your already done hair and makeup, you quickly shove on some plain shoes that were covered by the dress anyways, and as you are flicking through some earring choices, you hear the beep of your phone and your heart stops, knowing who it is. He’s waiting down the bottom of your apartment building, he refused to let you walk to the restaurant alone, even if it was a street away. You live on a pretty fancy block, so the whole area was full of nice places to eat, not that you could afford to eat there, only getting the apartment in the inheritance your parents left you. 
Choosing some small gold hoops, you grab your phone and your clutch. You go to leave, but stop before you open it. Taking a deep breath, you try to convince yourself this is really happening. You have no idea where this night is going to go, but you know where ever Frank is, thats where you want to be. You psych yourself up like your about to go on one of your missions, and walk out of your apartment, taking the elevator down to the main lobby where you know he’s waiting.
Frank is a mess. He’s pacing a little, and the door guy is giving him a side eye so intense Frank is about a second away from knocking his fucking lights out. That is, until, everything melts away when you step out of that elevator, looking like something out of his dreams. He has to clench his jaw otherwise it would be hanging open, and he’s kicking himself because how did he not notice you hiding a body like that? He doesn’t know that name of that colour your wearing but its his new favourite, and he isn’t shy about the way his eyes scan your body, passing down over your hips and stopping to admire the sliver of skin that shows when you take a step, the slit in your dress practically calling his name. You stop in front of him, and he can’t find words. He is still taking in the sight of you, your body, every curve accented and soft and fucking gorgeous, and it’s only when he raises his head that he finds your eyes, still as pretty as he remembered. He swallows, and a small smile comes across your face.
“Hi.” You say softly, you two so close that its all you allow. Frank doesn’t reply, just lets his eyes drop down your body again. You feel like he can see through you, and you have never seen the look that glazes his eyes now. You hope thats a good thing. You aren’t exactly shy about the way you check him out either. He looks damn good in a suit, the pants tight and fitted, making his legs seem bigger than you remember. He towers over you and your face is in front of his tie, the tight collar filling your vision and imagination. Christ, you need to get a hold of yourself; the date hasn’t even started and your already picturing him naked. 
“You look..” he shakes his head and your smile grows. “You look like an angel.” Your mouth opens at his compliment, breath shaking as you exhale. You are reminded why he makes you so nervous, and you giggle under the pressure.
“You shaved.” You imagine him in the bathroom, carving away the stubble that you saw him with last, just for you. It takes a second, but he smiles and starts laughing with you.
“I did.” He offers you his arm and you take it way too quickly to be playing it cool, walking out into the night, head in the clouds and eyes on him.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
“Are you supposed to drink red or white wine with fish?” You peer over at Frank from your menu, and you are relived to see he looks just as confused as you.
“When it costs this much, you drink whatever the hell you want.” You raise the menu over your face to hide your laugh, but he doesn’t, and you relish in the fact that you get to see it. His smile changes his whole face, and it lights up his eyes in a way you haven’t had the chance to admire before tonight. Usually when you see him his face is either covered in blood or hidden in the dark, but under the orange lights of the restaurant, you can stare at him as much as you want. The waiter comes over to take your order, and you dont miss how respectful Frank is to him, smiling at him and handing over the menu, and you are so lost in your admiration that you miss the waiter asking you for your choice. 
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t catch that. What was the question?” They were both looking at you, and even thought the waiter was considerable older than Frank, they looked like they had already become friends, sharing a knowing look and you squint at Frank, suspicious. 
“I think the lady got a bit distracted. Is that right, sweetheart?” His leg touches yours under the table and your muscles seize in surprise, but they dont move away. You just nod and smile, and the waiter returns it.
“Your date has already ordered for you, but I was just asking for the wine preference. House red or white?” You look at Frank, who is no help, his eyes currently caught somewhere between your face and your chest. You remember what he said earlier, and decide to go out on a limb. 
“Do you have anything... pink?” You look up to the waiter, who just nods, answering in a ‘I know just the thing’ kind of smile and walks away. You look at Frank again, whos eyes have finally found your face again. 
“Nothing. Good choice.” You catch the smirk he tries to hide under his hand, and you wish you were closer. Maybe to swat at him for laughing, and maybe to do something else. 
“Hey! You said to get whatever I want, and what I want is pink, sugary wine.”He laughs now, eyes sparkling. “You will be eating your words when you try it.”
“I have. Its good shit, I wasn’t lying.” 
“Since when did the Frank Castle drink pink moscato in his spare time? I would have picked you for a ‘whiskey from the bottle, no ice ‘cause I’m tough’ kind of guy.” The waiter returns, filling your glasses with the pretty pink liquid, and Frank hands the first glass to you, your fingers brushing his when you take it, and the fire his accidental touch leaves behind makes your heart ache. He raises his own glass, and replies before taking a sip of his own.
“Guess you dont know everything then, huh?” You squint at him again and drink your own glass, the alcohol simmering in your empty stomach, and you aren’t sure if the blush that spreads over your cheeks is from the alcohol or the way Frank leans back in his chair and looks at you, assessing. 
You both talk about your days, Frank making fun of the way you still eat fruit loops for breakfast every morning, and you being genuinely shocked that he spent three hours cleaning guns, as if anyone would need to spend that long on cleaning a weapon. Conversation flows as naturally as it always does, and the nerves begin to settle under the pink wine in your stomach. This is how it feels to be with him, like its the most natural thing in the world, and you begin to scare yourself by how much you are leaning on this working out. It was a bet to him, after all. Wasn’t it?
Frank can’t believe his luck. He’s sitting in the fanciest restaurant he’s ever been in, eating a giant lobster that probably cost more than his watch, and the attention of the prettiest girl in the room is on him. You had taken his breath away when he saw you, and he instantly felt like he didn’t measure up, but the way your eyes raked him, the way you were so lost in him you didn’t even order for yourself, wrapped up in whatever thoughts your imagination stirred up made his ego soar. 
The things he would do to get inside that head, to see what you were thinking about him. About this. He only bet you this night because he had no other idea how to break that weird wall he’d built up between you. The night wasn’t even over, and he’s finding himself worried about it being over, and never getting to take you out again, missing the chance to have his hands on you again, be so close he could smell your perfume, feel the heat of your breath on his cheek when you spoke. It set him alight, made his blood burn in his veins, rushing and sparking. He stares up at you, digging in to your meal, and he can’t help it.
“I meant it, before. You look damn beautiful in that dress.” You nearly choke on the food you were swallowing, the compliment feeling so much more intimate, packing hundreds of nights with words left unsaid behind it. 
“You look good, too. Never seen you in a suit before.” You smile, taking a big gulp of your drink, Frank filling up your glass attentively when you finish. 
“Job doesn’t really call for it.” You cant help the laugh that tumbles out of your mouth, and a slightly proud smile washes over Frank. “Wouldn’t mind if you wore that dress next time, though.” Your eyes wash over with surprise and a little bit of something else, the leg Frank has stretched out under the table moves to slide against the outside of your thigh, and you suppress the shudder his simple touch draws from you. 
“Maybe I will.” You say from behind your wine glass, biting you lip, and Frank opens his mouth, but is interrupted by the waiter taking your empty plates.
“Are you planning on ordering a dessert?” He asks as he stacks the plates, and Frank looks at you, letting you take the lead.
“Yes, please. What do you have?” You grin up at the waiter and he leans down, hiding his face from Frank.
Frank is now the one left in the dark, and as the waiter gets a little closer, Franks leg instinctively slides closer to you. He is not jealous, thats ridiculous. You weren’t even his, this was one date, but God how he wanted you to be. Then he wouldn’t have to push down the urge to grab your hand, thread his fingers between your own, kiss you nice and slow over the table and make everyone here know you were with him and him alone. The waiter leaves and Franks eyes follow him, making sure the smile on his face was only a professional one.
Franks legs have one of yours between them, and every time he pulls his chair in a bit or slides down to get comfortable, he inches tortuously close to you, and you know you wont get what you desperately want here, or maybe at all. Part of you wants to take it slow, if you get to take it at all, but another part thinks both of you have waited long enough, fought hard enough that you shouldn’t deny either one of you what you want any longer. It doesn’t help that his tie has come a little loose, sliding to the right and you can now see the trail of buttons down his dress shirt, every inhale making a little bit of skin show, taunting you.
The giant Sunday bowel lands in between you, and when you look up at the waiter and smile, he gives you a little wink, and you notice he only left one spoon. Looking back at Frank, you can tell he’s picked up on it too, ever the observer. He picks up the spoon, swirling it around and picking up some of the ice cream and chocolate sauce. You lean over the table and so does he, getting as close as possible with the barrier in between you. 
“Tell me how it tastes.” He says, his voice low in his throat as he brings the spoon towards your lips. Opening your mouth you welcome the sweet taste, the cold ice cream and warm chocolate sauce a heavenly mix in your mouth, and you hum in approval, closing your eyes and hollowing your cheeks, making sure you get every drop.
Frank is going to give that fucking waiter his entire wallet as a tip. Watching you as your lips wrap around the spoon, taking it a little deeper than you probably need to, you put on a show for him as you take the first bite, and his pants become tighter than he thought possible. 
“So fucking good, Frank.” You take the spoon back into your mouth and get the rest of the ice cream. He is whipped now, and when a tiny moan escapes the back of your throat he nearly shoves the table out from between you and takes you on the floor. You pull back, reaching for it and scooping up the same amount.
“Your turn.” Frank opens his mouth, but he doesn’t take his time, doesn’t close his eyes to enjoy the taste. No, he keeps his eyes on you, making sure you see how his tongue flicks out and takes the spoon in his mouth. He swallows, and with expert precision he cleans the spoon, within seconds letting it drop out of his mouth, perfectly clean. “Did you even taste it?”
“Sweet.” He says, but his eyes aren’t on the ice cream. You take a big scoop and keep your eyes on him as you eat it, letting the ice cool down the rush of heat his eyes send into you. A little bit of melted ice cream falls form the corner of your mouth, and Frank catches your chin in his hand, so fast, like he was waiting for it. 
Swiping a thumb up and over your mouth, he takes the spoon out of your mouth and his thumb continues across, cleaning your lips of any scarce part of mess. You think you might pass out, but when his hand leaves you and he takes his thumb into his own mouth, sucking the taste of the ice cream and you onto his tongue, you’re pretty sure you actually do pass out. 
“Like I said. Sweet.” he smiles innocently and scoops up some more ice cream, putting it back to your mouth, and you open immediately. “You like that?” Nodding, your thighs go to squeeze together but you forget that his leg is already between your own, and instinctively he reacts by using his other leg to keep the pressure on. No one can see under the table, so when one of his hands brushes against your bare knee, hardly even touching you, you practically pant under the mouthful of ice cream he feeds you. 
Frank can’t help it, he thinks he will tear this restaurant apart if he doesn't touch you, any part of you in that moment. He lets the pads of his calloused fingers reach out and touch the soft skin just above your knee, and he can feel himself slowly losing that composure he’s worked all night to keep together. Removing the spoon from your mouth again, your eyes flutter open and find him, your cheeks blushing red.
You both stare at each other, Frank finishing the last of his wine as he signals for the waiter. You reach for your bag, ready to pay at least some of this extremely expensive bill and get out of here, at least get yourself some fresh air so you can focus on the rest of the night, but when you look up, Frank has already signed the receipt.
“Frank. I could have paid, really. You didn’t have to...” His eyebrows cross in confusion.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it.” He shrugs him off, and as you thank him, you look over seeing he left a very large tip, smiling as he writes a little ‘thank you’ on the bill. Frank gets up and offers you a hand which you take and dont let go of, letting your fingers intertwine.
Walking out of the restaurant, you have no idea where you’re going but you don’t care, you would walk all the way across New York if it meant Frank would keep holding your hand.
“I wanna show you somethin’, okay?” He murmurs in your ear, the hot kiss of his words making you shiver, realising how cold you are. Without saying anything he slides off his jacket and, unlinking your hands he slides it over you, wrapping his strong arm around your shoulders and pulling you close. You slide your arm around him, and you feel his muscles flex under your touch just for a second, and then relax. He kisses the top of your head and you hide your face in his shirt. This was so different than any other night you’ve spent together, but some how it feels so much better, it feels right. 
Frank feels at peace. It takes a lot for him to feel relaxed, to even fall asleep these days, but right now, with your arms wrapped around each other, nothing has made him this mellow in a long fucking time. Rounding a corner, the noise of the street disappears, the trickling of the river you finally reach the only sound.
“Holy shit.” You breath, taking in the sight in front of you. You dont know how deep into the park you are, and you had to go through a gate that Frank locked behind you to find it, but the river looks clean, the stars reflecting perfectly in its still water, ripples from the tiny waterfall at the peak the only disturbance. You dont realise Frank had stepped away from you until he comes back, his arms spinning you around to face him and pulling you against his chest.
“Hi.” You dont know what else to say, and he exhales and that famous side smile grows on his face. “This was worth the ten bucks I lost.”
“Yeah?” You nod, and he laughs.
“I think I might bet you more often.” Testing the statement, you want to see how he reacts. Is that all this is to him? The way his body reacts tells you it might be more, but he’s so damn hard to read, you need to hear him say it.
“You don’t have to bet me to take you out, sweetheart.” There it is. The air changes, and you dont feel cold anymore. You slide his jacket off your shoulders and it hits the ground behind you, his hands coming up over your shoulders, ghosting your collarbones, giving you goosebumps.
“No? What should I do, then?” Your voice shakes when you ask, because one of his hands is on the side of your neck and his head starts to dip, the promise of his mouth on you makes your core tighten.
“You just have to ask. I’ll do whatever you ask.” His face drags away from your neck, and you nearly whimper at the loss of the almost touch. He looks at you, its so overwhelming and suffocating and you want to drown in what you feel. 
Your hands come up and play with his tie, loosening it a bit more, and Frank swallows. He’s waiting for you, like he did all night, like he always does. Even on a mission he lets you set the pace, him taking care of anything you cant handle, but you want to handle this, you want this.
“Please, Frank.” His hand moves from your neck to your face and forces you to look up at him. 
“Please what? Whatever you want, sweetheart. Say the words.” Your eyes close because you dont think you can look at him and say it.
“Kiss m-” He crashes against you and the wind leaves you in the best way, tasting him just as desperate as you are. He tastes like pink wine and chocolate; you cant get enough of it. Its fast paced and dizzying, and he takes a couple of steps forward, lifting you off the ground with one arm, just so you dont have to walk yourself, and stops when he presses you against the tree. The bark digs into your back a little but you dont care, the hand on your hip sliding up your body, exploring while his tongue does the same in your mouth is enough to cover the pain.
Frank is lost. Lost in the taste of you, the feeling of that fucking dress over your body. The only thing stopping him from tearing it to pieces is the fact that he wants you to wear it everywhere, all the time. His hands grip and pull at you and when they slip around to find your ass, the moan that you whisper into his mouth makes his head spin. The cold air seemingly doesn’t hit either of you, panting hot air makes little clouds of fog in between you when you finally tear yourselves away from each other long enough to get a breath in.
His hands dont stop touching you, the one on your ass slides up your back, pulling you off the tree so you are pressed flush against him. Your hands slide down from his neck and do a little exploring of your own, dragging down those abs that you’ve dreamt about touching for months. Your fingers feel every ridge and bump through his dress shirt, and you close your eyes, imaging whats underneath. 
“You have any idea how many times I imagined your hands on me?” You didn’t realise Franks reaction to your explorative touch, and when you look up his face is in ruins. His eyebrows are bunched together, eyes closed and his mouth is open slightly, trying to suck air in but he can’t focus on breathing. You love that you have this effect on him, and your hands find his face and kiss him again.
This is slower, more like a conversation that a declaration. You listen to what he wants, his tongue sliding deeper into your mouth and you let him take control, silently desperate for him to overwhelm you. You know how turned on you are by the shiver in your body and how tight your core is, but when his hand finds the skin of your upper thigh, the dampness in between your legs is evident to even you. 
Frank feels like he has to tie himself down to take this slow. He wants you to be comfortable, but the sound you make when his hand slips inside your dress, not even touching you makes him bite the inside of his mouth so hard he tastes blood. His face is an open book, every twitch of his mouth a tell of how bad he wants to ruin you for everyone else, make sure there isn’t a night where you dont lay down and think of him, so you are in just as much agony as he is when you aren’t with him. He pulls away from your lips but is quick to find your neck, instantly zoning in on that sweet spot, marking you with soft scrapes of his teeth and tongue, biting and soothing over and over. The hand in between your legs presses on your inner thigh, a silent instruction and you follow, spreading your legs a little wider. He leans you back against the tree and his leg comes between your thighs, your entire heat against him.
“Fucking hell.” You moan out, unable to stop the way your body moves slightly against his leg. He moves closer and takes more of your weight on top of his thigh, only adding to the pressure and relief. You are so turned on you think you might come just from this alone, but its when he starts talking you know you are fucked.
“That feel good, baby?” He purrs into your ear and you moan and nod in response. His hands come to your hips and he moves you, grinding you against him. Sparks explode in your entire body, and your head rolls forward to rest on his shoulder. He grinds you against him again, making you whimper his name, pleasure making your hips jerk on their own.
“This is all I was thinking about in that fuckin’ restaurant, you know that? Wanted to bend you over the table and have you make those pretty little sounds in front of everyone.” He nudges your head up with his own and kisses your mouth again, swallowing every moan with eager force. 
“God, F-Frank. Why didn’t you?” You would let him do anything, anything right about now, even if he fucked you in front of a thousand people, you wouldn’t care as long as he was there. This seems to catch him off guard, both of your eyes meeting, his expression slightly less dazed than your own.
“Would you want me to do that? My sweet girl, wanting me to fuck her in front of all those rich assholes. Make them wish they can have you.” You just whisper his name over and over as he drags you against him again. You can feel the pressure in your stomach growing and the dampness of Franks pants increasing, but its still not enough, so you reach your hands out and find his belt, undoing it without dropping his eyes.
“Wanna feel you, too.” You kiss his jaw, then his nose and he nods against your forehead. Your hands dives into his pants, and although there isn’t a lot of room for movement, and your hand is dry, the sound that comes out of Frank is strangled, and his hands push your hips forward, pressing your heat almost directly against his erection.
Its the hottest thing he’s ever seen, you grinding yourself against him, hasty and desperate to wrap your hands around his cock. He loves every fucking second, the slight pain that your soft hand drags up his dry length makes him shake under your touch, and everything in his body contracts and relaxes when your thumb brushes over his tip. 
“Fucki- shit. Shit you feel so good. You drive me fuckin’ crazy.” He kisses you everywhere, your face, your neck, forehead, collarbone, anywhere his lips can reach from this angle, like every part of you tastes different and he needs to experience them all, all the time. It sends you spinning under him, and his constant grinding against you paired with the twitch of his cock under your hand pulls you closer, the tightness in your core so close to snapping you think you might cry.
“Frankie, p-please. M’gonna cum, please.” His hands dig into your hips and keep their pressure on his thigh, and your hips start jerking to speed up, simultaneously speeding up your hand on his dick.
“You’re fuckin’ desperate, ‘ts so fucking sweet. Gonna make me cum too, baby?” Your mouth drops open, no longer able to control yourself and your head leans back against the tree, your chest pushing out in Franks eye line.
“Yes! Fuck, need it so bad p-p-” You cant form any more words as Frank attaches his mouth to your tits, biting and sucking, vibrating moans coming from him as you work him in your hand. You go faster, gripping him tighter and trying to reach every part of him you can, and you can feel him tightening under your touch. You look down at him and see the marks he has begun to leave on your cleavage, a bright purple hickey obvious under the soft moonlight. There would be no way to hide what he did, and that thought sends your eyes rolling back in your head.
Frank knows your close, his hands doing all the work as your own does all of his. He doesn’t know where he is finding the strength to stand, your hand feels so soft and perfect against him he never wants you to stop. He kisses you again and cant take it anymore, pulling his leg out from under you and shoving his hand under your dress, sliding two fingers inside of you, thumb drawing slow circles on your clit. You instantly tighten around him, and he curls, hearing your strangled cry as a green light he’s working you just right. He knows he wont last much longer, and wants to make this as fucking perfect for you as possible before he loses himself.
“S’ fuckin’ perfect, baby. Gonna cum with me like a good girl, yeah?” You nod and can only say his name. “Thats it, say my fuckin’ name.”
“Frank! Frank, F-Fran-k!” Whatever he wants you will do, and your entire body is on fire.
“You’re mine. You know that? Mine.” He whispers in your ear and you can hear him struggling to keep it together. 
“Yours. I’m yours, Frankie.” You say each others name in unison and you feel him flex under you as you both finally cum at the same time.
Its intense and a feeling so all encompassing that you think you black out for a second, and Frank loses his grip, both of you starting to slide down towards the floor as you struggle to keep your hold on each other. You keep stroking Frank in your hand and he stays inside of you, neither of you wanting this to end. Your hand loses its grip when he hits the floor and smashes his lips to yours, a brutal force that makes you whimper, surrendering to him completely. 
He takes your bottom lip between his lips and pulls, making your eyes open only to roll back at the feeling of him. He flips you off the grass and puts you on top of him, both of you panting. He slowly pulls his fingers out of you and brings them to his mouth, eyes on you and breathing hard through his nose.
“Sweet.” He says and your jaw shakes watching him. His hand comes around to the back of your head and pulls you closer, just shy of his mouth. “Your turn.” Then his lips find yours and he makes you taste yourself. Your tongue searches his mouth, wanting to taste the mix of him and you together, the best thing you’ve ever had. His hand comes to your throat, pulling you down onto him harder, and the slight lack of oxygen makes you shiver. That and the freezing grass under your bare shins.
Frank notices and as much as he wants to fuck you right here in his lap, more than he wants anything, he wants to take you home so he can take his time and explore every single curve of that fucking body under that dress. 
He presses a final kiss to your lips and stands with you, allowing you to find your feet before doing up his belt. He finds his discarded jacket and hangs it over your shoulders before looking you over, watching you try to smooth out your hair.
“You look so fucking gorgeous, you know that?” His hands smooth out the creases in your dress and pulls it slightly so the slit hangs straight over your leg. While you watch him, its impossible to ignore the giant purple hickey on your left breast, and he doesn’t miss it either. He leans down to kiss it.
“Sorry.” He mumbles against your skin, pressing light kisses back up to your face, where you take his in your hands and shake your head.
“Dont be. I like it.” His eyebrows go up, and he smiles a little.
“Yeah. Want people to know I’m yours.” He groans and presses you against him, and you have a feeling if you dont start walking now you will never leave this park. 
You drag him by the hand towards the gate and he takes two steps and catches up to you, swinging his arm lazily around your shoulder. He leans on you as you both walk through the park, walking so much slower than on your way.
“That was a pretty spot.” You break the happy silence you were walking in.
“Hmm.” He bends and mumbles against your shoulder, kissing it.
“How’d you find it?” 
“Chased a guy through there once. Held him down in the pond.” You burst out laughing, half in shock. “What?”
“You took me to somewhere you killed a guy on a first date?” You are still laughing, shaking your head at his fucked up logic. He just shrugs.
“He didn't die there. Went to hospital, died of complications.” You just roll your eyes.
“So romantic.”
“You said first date.” He says and you look up to him. “That mean I’m gonna get a second?” Again you look to the floor, the mere idea making you nervous all over again.
“If you play your cards right.” He clicks his tongue, and then scoops you into his arms, carrying you bridal style through the cascading trees of the park.
He doesn’t need to play anything, you knew there would be a second, a third, and how ever many dates he would take you on. You knew from the moment you saw that twinkle in his eye there was no way you were letting him go.
Frank, on the other hand, knew straight away, and there will never be enough restaurants in the world for the amount of dates he will take you on, but covering New York was pretty good start. 
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writemekpop · 2 years
Beg for Me | Kim Jungwoo
5K Follower Series Ep. 10
Summary: When your boyfriend Mark stands you up, your best friend Jungwoo comes to the rescue. Oh, but he’s madly in love with you, and has been for years. 
Genre: Angst, friends to lovers 
Word Count: 1k
Prompt: “If you called just to get off on my voice, i’m hanging up.” & “You remembered?”
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You’re sitting on the curb outside the restaurant, beneath the cold, unforgiving stars. This is where you were meant to meet your boyfriend Mark. Icy rain snakes down the back of your glittery dress. You re-read Mark’s text.  
Sorry, couldn’t make it. Work thing.
You feel tears rush to your eyes. It’s one little dinner. So why do you feel like a hole’s been punched through your chest? The last few months, you’ve been feeling so alone. 
The only number you know by heart is your best friend Jungwoo’s. 
Jungwoo picks up on the first ring. "If you called just to get off on my voice, I'm hanging up,” he says, jokingly.  
You laugh a little, but it comes out a sob. Jungwoo always knows what to say. 
His voice is suddenly serious. “Where are you, Y/n?”
You name the restaurant. 
“Sit tight. I’m coming to get you.” 
The cab of Jungwoo’s truck is warm and dry. You and Jungwoo are squeezed next to each other – but you relish his warm shoulder pressed against you.  
“He stood you up, didn’t he?”
Jungwoo’s voice is hard with anger. 
“Don’t say it like that.” You pout. “You’re acting like Mark did it on purpose or something.”
“He did do it on purpose, Y/n.” His fingers flex against the wheel, like he wants to form fists. “Can’t you see? He doesn’t give a damn about you.” 
“I know you never like my boyfriends, but-“
Jungwoo grits his teeth. “You think I’m saying this because I don’t like him? Sure, he’s a smug little jerk, but-“ he notices you glaring at him, and his voice softens. “My feelings don’t matter. What matters is that you let him walk all over you.” 
“What do you know?” You scoff. “You’ve never been in a relationship. They need compromise.” 
Jungwoo’s voice wavers with emotion. “You would never have to compromise with me.”
Not this again. 
When Jungwoo first confessed his feelings for you a year ago, you refused him. You wished you could be friends, like before. 
You should’ve known he was too stubborn for that.
Jungwoo looks deep into your eyes. His are the colour of autumn leaves, flecked with gold. You know that colour so well. 
You realise you’ve parked in your street. You have no idea when the truck stopped. When you’re with Jungwoo, time ceases to exist.  
“I would never stand you up, Y/n. I would never tell you who to hang out with. I would never make you feel any less than the beautiful person you are.” Jungwoo stares into your eyes, so intensely it makes you nervous. “I would bring in candied cherries for you every day.”  
Those are your favourite food. You only told Jungwoo once, years ago. “You remembered?”  
It’s impossible to think with Jungwoo’s eyes on yours. So you screw your eyelids shut.
“Just… stop,” you beg. “Stop doing this. I can’t give you what you want… but I can’t bear to lose you.” 
“Are you happy with him?” 
You can’t lie. Jungwoo knows you too well for that. 
“Mark… gets me, Jungwoo. It’s not all proposals and roses, like in the movies. He accepts all my imperfections. Not… many people would do that.” 
Jungwoo smiles sourly. “I can’t believe he made you feel like you’re not perfect.” 
Your heart flutters. You realise how close he is to you. His ragged breaths are audible in the silent truck. 
Jungwoo moves closer, till his lips are almost touching yours. To your surprise, every part of your body screams at him to move closer. 
“Say it,” he murmurs. “Say you feel nothing for me.” 
The heat from his body radiates over you. He moves a fraction of an inch closer.
You can’t say it, because you can’t lie to Jungwoo. When Jungwoo touches you, you can’t talk, can’t breathe, can’t do anything but burn. 
“Say you don’t want me and I’ll walk away,” he says.
“I don’t-“ you start, even though your eyes are hooded with pleasure and your lips brush his. “I don’t want…” 
Unable to hold back, you press your lips to Jungwoo’s. 
The kiss clouds your brain like alcohol, destroying all your inhibitions. Without thinking, you’re kissing him deeper, his hands running through your wet hair. You’re straddling him on his car seat, sparks shooting wildly around your body. 
Every moment was leading to this. Every time you glanced at Jungwoo and realised he was staring at you, every time your hands brushed and it set you on fire, every time you hugged and neither of you wanted to let go. 
It feels so right. 
That is why you barely feel guilty for cheating on Mark. Jungwoo is who were you were meant to be with. How can you regret your destiny?  
When you pull back, Jungwoo’s face is flushed and his hair is a mess. Realising you probably look the same, you both start laughing. 
“Sorry to break it to you, but you’re in pretty bad shape,” you whisper, resting your forehead on Jungwoo’s. 
“Speak for yourself,” he answers. 
He lifts his chin and kisses you lightly on the lips. “God, I love being able to do that.” 
“Don’t get too used to it.” You say, teasingly. “I’m sure I’ll get bored of you soon.” 
“In that case, I’ll just keep fighting for you.” Jungwoo’s face is serious now. “I’ll never stop fighting for you, Y/n.” 
“Good.” You kissed his lips. “Because I’m never letting you go.”  
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
TAGLIST: @nominsgirl @heyychannie @anonjyxd @theficblog @dazaiosmooooo @kpoploverxx-12 @johleeh-blog @legbouk @silent-potato @nctdom @gigilame @bubutaeyongie @unknownnctizen​ @minaamhh @hii-yongseul @xxxx-23nct @joepomonerof​ @jypeee
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pedropascalsx · 2 years
Courage - Dieter Bravo x F! Reader. (One -shot)
Summary: You've been Dieter Bravos PA for two years, and you've finally reached your breaking point. But can he convince you to stay?
Word Count: 4.9k
WARNINGS: The fic features withholding of pay cheques. Please do not continue if you feel this could trigger you. ANGST! Asshole! Dieter, Dom!Dieter, P in V sex (unprotected), Oral (Fem receiving), Slight Choking, Rough Sex, Dirty Talk, Angst! Sex and Cursing.
18+ only!!!! Minors pls do not read.
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With equal parts fear and courage coursing through your veins, you walk up to your boss’s door and knock loudly.
Script for an upcoming mini-series he’d been offered the much sought-after lead role in - without auditioning for - tucked under your arm and a large cup of coffee in your free hand.
Today was the day you were officially quitting. And it was liberating and fucking terrifying. The door was opened by a half-naked woman you’d never seen before and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes and instead flashed her a warm smile, “Good morning, I take it Dieter is awake, yes?” The daggers she shot from her eyes made you chuckle internally; she screwed her nose up in disgust at you and briefly nodded her head in confirmation. “Great.”
He was laying on his sofa clearly nursing a hell of a hangover and groaning at the light spilling in from his glass doors. The woman from the door stood a few steps back watching you with the same disgust filled expression as before, whilst you walked over to Dieter.
You fought the urge to dump the hot coffee over him as the memory of your shared phone conversation you two had a mere twelve hours ago burned into your brain. Instead, you passed it to him wordlessly and placed the script on the coffee table in front of him.
He took a large sip of the hot beverage you provided him and sat upwards, the unnamed woman taking advantage of the space now behind him and squeezing herself in it and lowering his head back on to her bare chest. Staking a claim on a man who probably didn’t even remember or hell - even ask her name!
This time the chuckle that escapes your throat wasn’t silent, you laughed at the sight in front of you. “Okay then,” you said eyes on hers, before looking back down at your boss who had yet to say a single fucking word to you, “I’m meeting with an agency at 4. I’ve agreed to carry out my duties until they’ve assigned you a new personal assistant, I hate to ask but is there anything you’re wanting in the next one? Preferably something that’ll make you not treat this one with utter contempt, Dieter?”
You watch as his expression darkens, the lazy uncaring one instantly disappearing off of his face as his brow furrows in confusion and his eyes blacken with a mix of anger and pure perplexity. His eyes burn into yours for what feels like an eternity, but you scoff and turn on your heels, “At least try to get this one to get fully dressed before she exits your property, I am not drafting another bullshit statement on your behalf in regard to you pissing off your neighbours.”
The door slams behind you and you don’t have a care in the world, judging by the look on his face he didn’t remember the conversation from the previous night, or he thought you were bluffing, but you don’t care. You may be jobless, and you may have no idea what you’re going to do now, but at least you’re soon to be free from Dieter Fucking Bravo.
Arriving at the restaurant you feel more relaxed than you have in weeks. Looking forward to seeing Josh for your fourth date, a late lunch, before shooting off to find someone else to take over your soon to be over hellish nightmare.
Looking down at the blush midi sun dress you’re currently wearing makes you feel a little uneasy, you ordered it months ago and you’d still not technically paid for it. You’d saw it on someone at an event you’d accompanied Dieter on and fell in love, it was the same day that he’d agreed that you were due a pay rise and he’d promised a small bonus for all the work you had put in for him recently.
You did something you’d not done in a long time and splashed out a purchase via your credit card as a congratulatory gift for yourself. You felt like you’d deserved it and after all the bonus money would cover it… well it would have if you’d received it.
Seeing Josh enter the restaurant brings a smile back to your face, you give him a small wave and he grins back at you and then takes the seat in front of you.
“You look… wow!” he blurts out and your cheeks blush a bright pink.
“Oh, don’t… this is the dress,” you inform him, you’d called him immediately after getting off the phone with Dieter the night before and accidentally ranted and raved about everything that had gone on the past few months - including the story about your hastily bought treat yo’self dress, “Decided it would be a funny inside joke for myself to wear it today of all days… this is the first and only time I’m ever going to wear it.”
“How’d it go?” he asks sucking in his cheeks.
“He didn’t speak one word to me the whole three minutes I was in his house, so pretty fucking perfectly.” You say with a giggle.
Josh insisted on ordering you both a cheeky cocktail in celebration of your newfound courage, you’d decided you weren’t going to drink due to having an appointment to find your own replacement immediately after your meal, but you gave into temptation. “To pastures new!” he toasts, and you giggle as you clink your glass with his. You like Josh, he’s funny, cute and smart. Whilst you have to admit the lack of sexual chemistry so far, you can’t deny enjoying being in his company and his friendship. You were worried he’d be offended and not want to see you again when you shut down his sexual advances a few days earlier, but he was ever the gentleman and happy with your reasoning that it felt too soon.
Your date passed by quicker than you’d expected, and he gave you a cautious kiss on the cheek before making plans to call you later that evening.
You arrived at the office that housed a few local businesses including the agency you’d contacted about hiring an assistant to replace you from. You’d heard of it through a friend who herself had found an employer from and felt comfortable they’d be able to match Dieter with someone quick enough for you.
The amount of paperwork they had you fill in was exhausting, they’d asked a few times why you were finding your own replacement and he was not doing it himself - and you fed them some bullshit about him being swamped with table reads and wardrobe fittings and other miscellaneous time-consuming shit that seemed to make their enquiring minds content.
When they asked information about fair pay and staff treatment you bit your lip. Not wanting to screw yourself over by having them refusing point blank to send one of their clients into his messy world, so you kept your answers short and to the point, “Well, he’s human… good and bad days.”, “Name one Hollywood star that isn’t prone to the odd diva meltdown.” General bullshit that kept them satisfied and enough to stop you feeling completely guilty.
But at the same time, you wondered if you needed to feel guilty, maybe it was just you? Maybe the hate he clearly harboured for you wouldn’t be extended to his next assistant? Maybe he’d be so elated that he wouldn’t need to see you again that he’ll treat this one with the basic kindness and dignity they deserve.
You gave them the details they needed, and they assured you’d they’d be in touch within a few days with a few potential candidates for you to interview and you thanked everyone before making your way out of there and back to your car.
Dieter Bravo (36) Missed Calls.
Dieter Bravo (59) Text Messages.
You’d not even thought about looking at your phone since this morning, setting it to do not disturb and silent before your date with Josh. You rolled your eyes and groaned before peaking at the last text he had sent you.
Answer your fucking phone, this isn’t a fucking joke. What is wrong with you? Either call me back or come to my house. Now.
You groan out loud again before throwing your phone back into your bag without any care - you’ll call him when you get back to your apartment you decide before reversing out of the parking space.
A storm is brewing, you know it. You fully expected him to throw a full-scale tantrum when he came to realise that you weren’t bluffing and that you’d finally had enough. You’d worked for him for over 2 years. Every year getting thrown more bullshit and being made to cover up more drug fuelled scandals.
You’d lost count of how many times you’d sorted out a stay at a rehab centre for him to back out and not go or just discharge himself the very same day. Honestly, you genuinely feel for his struggles with addiction, you didn’t judge him for it, and you want nothing more to see him overcome his battles. In both your head and your heart, you’re rooting for him, and you always will regardless of his treatment of you.
You were 22 when you’d been offered to job, a client of a friend had recommended you and his agent had reached out to you personally.

The first time you’d met him he was neutral, he wished you a good morning and then sat in silence whilst his agent went through some of your expected duties. He had not so gracefully left out your other expected duties, like clearing up after his explosive drug binges, booking hookers and being his personal confidant when he was too drunk or high to realise what he was saying.
Occasionally you had to deal with a cruel unfiltered version of this man, usually when high or drunk but you took it in your stride, not allowing him to see the tears that would inevitably fall the moment you were out of his line of sight. You just accepted it. You’d been told stories about his time on a film set in London during the Covid-19 pandemic and the hell he’d lived through. He pretty much survived on cocaine and kit-kats and almost married a woman who worked at the hotel they’d been quarantining in. The lasting effects from that one job would seemingly haunt him forever. His best friend spilled details about the kindhearted woman he developed feelings for but ultimately fell out of love with when she all but arranged a wedding without being proposed to. Buying a dress and booking a venue whilst he fell deeper into a dependency on cocaine unaware of his future being mapped out for him.
But did any of this excuse the shit he had put you through? Absolutely fucking not.
Slipping the key inside your lock, you kicked off your shoes and threw yourself down on your coach. Sighing loudly and bringing your fists to your temples.
“Bad day?” a raspy voice grits out from the armchair on the other side of your living room.
You almost scream when you realise someone is in your apartment until your gaze meets his.
Dieter Bravo. Sat comfortably in your living room, nestled up in your armchair and clutching a glass of what you assume is straight vodka - the other alternative being water and seeing as unless it’s in a plastic bottle he won’t touch it, you rule that out.
“You scared the fucking shit out of me, Bravo! What’s fucking wrong with you?” you gasp out, hand clutching at your heaving chest.
“What’s wrong with you?” he counters make, venom spilling out within every word, “You fucking quit on me with no warning? Tell me you’re finding me someone else with no explanation?”
Why did you give him a key to your place in case of emergencies? WHY?!
“No expla-?! Are you fucking kidding me?” you rise to your feet and start pacing around in front of him, anger boiling up inside of you, “You haven’t paid me for five fucking months, Dieter! Five months! I all but begged you to tell me if something had happened with your money but nothing did! I tried to get to the bottom of why you had decided that the endless amounts of fucking hours I put in for you were seemingly worth nothing and it was all just a big game to you.”
He scoffs loudly and begins to laugh, “You have access to all my fucking accounts, baby, all you needed to do was login and pay yourself.”
“Don’t call me, baby,” you yelled back at him, “And I shouldn’t need to Dieter! You shouldn’t have stopped sending cheques. My initial thoughts was that you’d blown everything, and you were broke, I was genuinely concerned for you. Losing sleep over what I could do to help you and at the same time it was me who was the one drowning.”
Tears begin to roll down your face and you notice he’s standing now too, downing the clear liquid in the tumbler he has a vice like grip around, “You could have sent yourself the money. As I said you have the details.” He sounds almost nonchalant as he shrugs off your predicament refusing to make eye contact or acknowledge the state, you’re currently in.
“Two high interest credit cards and a skivvy loan.” You eventually mutter after standing in silence for God knows how long.
“That’s what I’ve had to take out to keep a roof over my head and my lights switched on. I’m drowning in debt. I blew through my savings almost immediately because fuck, I didn’t have much to start out with and then I got desperate.” You feel your cheeks flush red as you reveal the state you’ve got your life into.
“Why would you quit your job if things are that bad?”
“Because my fucking asshole boss isn’t paying me!” You scream back at him.
The unexpected level of anger in your voice makes him gulp, you’d never ever shown any real sense of anger with him before. Yes, you’d gotten frustrated, called him some colourful words and even told him you despised him but there was never any real venom in your voice. Never anything to make him believe what you said was from a real place of anger before.
He knew he pushed your buttons, honestly, he’d had more sleepless nights fretting over the way he’d spoken to you than you’d ever believe. But he couldn’t bring himself to stop.
There’s something about you that just makes him crazy. His agent had warned him that if he’d tried to fuck you or acted sexually suggestive to you in any way that he’d be without an agent immediately. And this was all before you’d even walked in the room.
The very first day he met you, you looked almost angelic. Your hair half up and half down, a pretty floral sundress hugging your curves and the most beautiful smile he’d ever seen. The dulcet tone of your voice hit him like a tonne of bricks, you’d literally only said “Good morning,” to him and it was like he was hooked.
The day after meeting you he’d decided to keep you at arm’s length, he planned on being ambivalent with you. Nothing more, nothing less. But the kinder you were to him the more he wanted to touch you, to kiss you, to hold you and stars… he was aching to taste you.
He was in a spiral. The whole world knew it, and many revelled in the entertainment articles they’d read whenever he hit another low and everyone around him except you seemed to spur it on.
Offering him more cocaine, only agreeing to hang out if booze and drugs were on the table… literally! and many secretly recording his downfall for profit. There was no one he could trust… except you.
Every time things got too much, he’d call you and you’d inevitably come and pick up the pieces. Issue another statement or arrange for another large donation to some non-profit organisation to change up the stories being printed about him.
And he could feel your frustration throughout, he could feel the way you lost a little more hope for you every day and he could feel the way you’d fill with tension whenever he entered the room.
He hated what he’d made you. He’d made you hate being in a room with him, and now he was forced to pay the price. Ironic considering. And all he wanted to right now, was find a way to make it all up to you. But he was certain it was too late.
He removed his phone from his pocket and pulled up his banking app, he transferred you the money he had owed and an admittedly generous amount on top.
You heard the ping on your phone and immediately registered what he had done.
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs quietly, sitting back down on the chair behind him, “I-uh- I have no excuses. You’re right. In a way it was a game, I wanted to see how long it would take for you to just… take it. Take it yourself. You never take anything for yourself, ever.”
“My livelihood isn’t a game, Dieter.”
“I know… fuck, baby, I know, I ‘m sorry.”
You follow suit and take a seat, feeling exhausted from your outburst and the wave of emotions flooding through you.
“Why’d you do it? Any of it? Why did you not just find yourself another assistant?” you ask with a slight shrug of your heavy shoulders.
You study his face, and watch as he bites his bottom lip, “Don’t want another assistant. Couldn’t imagine not seeing you every day. Fuck.”
“I don’t…” you end your own sentence never really sure where it was going in the begin with.
“I saw you with that guy the other night, you seemed happy. Relaxed. Didn’t even notice I was in the same bar as you.” He says with a low unconvincing laugh.
“Why’d you care?” you ask noting the quietness of your own voice.
“I told you before. You know why.”
Fuck. The confession. One he had made whilst more sober than you’d ever seen him, and it sent shivers down your spine. He’d found out that he was nominated for a second Oscar, already having won one previously he was over the moon. His agent had called to inform him whilst you were sitting on his couch going through his schedule for the week. A particularly busy week before the nomination he had two magazine cover shoots, an appearance a late-night show and was beginning rehearsals for his first ever SNL hosting gig.
You listened with a sense of pride as he took the call, bouncing on his tiptoes with glee as he was informed of his second nomination. The moment he’d hung up the phone, you stood up to shake his hand in congratulations, but he pulled you into the biggest hug. Wrapping his arms around you as tightly as he could whilst you mumbled a heartfelt congratulations to him. Then those three words slipped from his lips. I love you. And gosh, did you love him too despite everything. He felt you tense up in his arms and after a few seconds he completely let you go and mumbled something incoherent before pouring himself a large tumbler of whiskey.
Things had spiralled since then. And now you were here. At a crossroads.
He loves you. You love him. You both know that each other know. You think he knew you were in love with him before you did. You’d only realised it, when you saw him holding hands and making out with a random co-star and felt the earth shattering around you.
But you both suppressed your feelings and attempted to work together as normal. But nothing was ever normal when this man was involved.
Staring at your feet and trying to control your shaky breathes you didn’t hear him stand up, you didn’t hear him walk over or feel him take a seat next to you.
You didn’t realise until you felt his large calloused palm settle in between your shoulder blades.
“I’m sorry,” he says resting his chin on your shoulders, “I’m so sorry.”
“Please, let me apologise. I don’t deserve another second of your time, but I’m sorry. I fucked up. Fuck this is one of those times in which fuck somehow isn’t a strong enough word… And i’m just sorry. No excuses for any of the bullshit, i’m just so fucking sorry.” The stream of acid rain tumbling down his cheeks an unexpected sight.
You turn to face him and your hands cup his cheeks, you use your thumbs to wipe away the tears and before you can speak his mouth finds yours.
It’s not what you’re expecting from a kiss from Dieter Bravo. It’s soft, warm and inviting. You’ve seen him kiss people before usually with a intense need to get them into his bed and then out of it just as quickly. 
But you’ve never seen him kiss anyone like this before.
He takes his time, slowly exploring your mouth and tasting you with his tongue, trembling gently when yours brushes against his and you moan quietly into his lips.”
“Let me make it up to you,” he says keeping his lips against yours the entire time, his moustache tickling your lips with every word, “Want to make you feel so good.” And both his hands start moving up your thigh slowly.
“This doesn’t seem like the best way to deal with this,” you admit pressing your forehead against his, feeling your arms reach up to roam across the broadness of his shoulders.
“Need to show you how much you mean to me,” he says pulling you in for a passionate kiss, “I just want to taste you right now, feel the tension drain from your body baby.”
“Fuck,” you mumble and you can’t help but pull him forward as you lean back into your sofa, “Okay, but this doesn’t mean we aren’t talking more about this, Dieter, I swear. There’s more to be said.” You pepper a kiss on his plump lips between every word.
“I promise, baby.”
He starts to pepper kisses down your neck and across your collarbone, kissing you over the fabric of your dress, only beginning gently pull it up over your thighs when his lips meet your clothed navel.
“Tell me if you want me to stop, baby.”
He pulls his mouth from you and hikes your dress up above your belly button, dropping a few more lazy kisses to the now uncovered area before slowly pulling down your panties.
He kisses the soft curls covering your mound before slowly moving your hips apart, your eyes locked into his as he waists no time flickering his tongue over your bundle of nerves. You writhe underneath him at the expert way his tongue laps at your clip, and he groans into your core in approval every time you gasp out or moan his name. The added pleasure from the vibrations coming from his throat making your hips roll up into his face.
“Good girl, baby,” he soothes as your moans become more breathless and your hips unable to stop rocking into his mouth to find your release, “Doing so well for me.”
Your orgasm comes faster than you’re wanting, wishing you feel his mouth on your for as long as possible. But he continues tasting and murmuring praises directly into your core through your high and only stopping when the overstimulation proves to much and you need to push his head away.
“You somehow taste sweeter than I imagined.” He says mouth glistening from the thick coating of your arousal, he doesn’t attempt to clean it off as he drops a kiss to your mouth, allowing you to get a taste of yourself, “Can you taste how sweet you are, baby?” he says after breaking the kiss.
“Dieter, I need….” you mumble.
“Tell me what you need, baby, tell me,” he whispers into your neck letting his lips brush against your skin, “I’ll give you anything you need.”
“I need you. All of you.” you choke out breathlessly, chest still heaving from the orgasm his mouth given you moments ago.
“Baby, I need you to be specific here, bec-“
“Dieter, I need you to fuck me. Now. If you want to.”
You’ve never seen him move so fast, his hands tearing off his clothes quicker than you imagined possible. You take the opportunity to pull your desk off over you head and unhook your bra, tossing them on top of the clothes pile he had made seconds before.
His mouth dropping down to kiss the swell of your breast before moving up to suck your puckered nipple, the moans of pleasure he’s letting slip from his mouth just from tasting you here making you drip with arousal. He releases your nipple with a loud pop before moving across to repeat the actions on your other one, but this time snaking a hand down between your bodies to press two fingers to your clit.
You gasp as his rough fingers start to rub circles in to you pleasure nub still slightly tender from his mouth, “Dieter, please,” you grit out as you feel another wave of arousal flood your center, “Fuck me.”
He growls loudly into your breast before lightly rolling your nipple between his teeth and releasing.
“That’s the prettiest fucking thing, I’ve ever heard you say, baby,” he lines his cock up with your entrance and inches the tip in before finding your lips again, “Gonna take you apart nice and slowly.”
He inches himself inside you as slowly as he can, taking his time to stretch you open and bask in the way he can feel your walls flutter just as the feel of him. The gasps you let free into his mouth with every thrust he’s giving you making his cock twitch and the moment he’s fully filled you, you tighten so hard around his length he feels like he might just cum then and there.
“Fuck, move, Dieter,” you beg breathlessly, “Please.”
Another growl vibrates into your lips as he begins to rock his hips, his speed increasing as moans spill from your lips uncontrollably and you start to plead with him to go faster, wanting all the built up frustration to be fucked out of you you start to roll your hips to meet his, matching his rhythm as you sink your teeth into his broad shoulders.
“Fuck, baby… you wanna fuck, huh?” he grits out, “Don’t want me to go slow, no?”
“Want.. you to f-fuck me,” you stutter as he begins an unrelenting pace, fucking up into you harder and faster as your thighs tremble underneath him.
You dig your fingernails into the back of his neck, leaving half moons into his soft skin as he thrusts in and out of you, slamming across that sweet spot inside of you that’s making your eyes roll back into your head.
“Is this what you really needed huh, baby? Never taking shit for yourself, needing me to fuck you like you deserve to be fucked?” His words gritted out from behind his teeth as he tightens his grip on your hip, the other hand moving up to your neck, “Should have fucked you the first time I saw you, wearing that short little dress… waltzing in like a little fucking tease.”
He grips your neck with enough tightness to make you gasp, eyes burning into yours the entire time. “This okay?” he asks and you nod ferociously, “Fucking filthy, girl… Did he ever make you moan like this baby girl?“ The venom in his words as he bought up the person you’ve been seeing, makes you clench around him. The jealousy and rage a turn on, you attempt to respond but he picks up his already relentless speed and you cry out his name as you grip him so tight, that he’s unable to keep thrusting. Your walls holding him so tightly that his cock begins to pulse spectacularly inside of you, and it hits. A blinding white pleasure that makes you back arch, the pleasure centre in your brain going into overdrive and your pussy flood around his cock. “I got you baby, I’ve got you,” he soothes in your ear as you writhe and sob through as pleasure rips through you. Wave after wave of pleasure making your whole body convulse, you choke out his name one more time and it’s enough to bring him to completion. The feeling of his warmth coating your walls as he mumbles the softest praises into your ears.
“That was… fucking perfect, baby,” he exclaims as lifts you up to roll underneath you and let your sated body rest on his.
You immediately nuzzle your face into his neck as he wraps his strong arms around your naked waist.
“Yeah, I can’t wait to do it over and over and over,” you giggle into him, “But Dieter… I still fucking quit.”
The laughter rips through his chest and he kisses your scalp, “Eh, I was thinking I need to take a break anyway.”
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imtooscaredforthis · 3 years
Ghostface x Reader
Chapter one: Secratary-In-Training
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Mentions of: Anxiety, A Slightly Creepy Boss, and none really
Tags: @gloomyladyy @froegis @darthwhorecrux
Pacing back and forth, you fidgeted with your hands, trying to decide what to do for what you guessed was the fifth time tonight. It’s a simple question. Do you make that nerve-wracking phone call and possibly wake someone and waste their time? Or do you just go get some rest?
The decision should be clear, and yet, you’ve been hesitating for the past forty-five minutes now. You’d probably be able to make up your mind if you weren’t trapped in this godforsaken bachelor’s pad. You should take a walk. But it’s late at night and your apartment is in a bad neighborhood, damn it.
Groaning, you thread a hand through your tangled hair, before getting to your feet and walking over to the phone. It’s been four days (five in an hour or so) since your interview with The Roseville Gazette. You thought you hit it off with the Editor In Chief, but now, it seems like you were wrong.
You don’t even know what you did. You could’ve sworn he liked you, and the interview went great, from what you could tell. “You know what? Screw it. I’m doing it.”
Pulling the landline off of the hook, you dialed the number, calling him. You twirled the cord with your finger, listening to it ring. It wasn’t long until he picked up, and immediately, you regret it. Your body tenses and your hands get all clammy. You were preparing to leave a voicemail, but not actually face him. What do you do? What do you say?
“Hello?” At least you didn’t wake him. He did sound a little tired, but not to the point where he just woke up.
You almost forgot to speak until you heard him repeat himself and ask who he was speaking with. “Hi, sorry, this is Mr.Jamison, right? My name is _____, if you remember. You interviewed me the other day for that open journalist position.”
You can’t stand how anxious you sounded, your voice shaking slightly, almost as if you were on the verge of tears. “I remember.”
“I was just wondering-”
“Listen, sweetheart. Your writing’s good. You just don’t have the experience that’s required. I’m sorry, but the position is already filled.” He replied, making your stomach drop.
“But I did that Internship at The Palm Beach Post. I don’t have experience because I just graduated. This was going to be my first job, and you could just have someone train me.” You need this job.
Money has been tight, and The Roseville Gazette is the only news source around here, it seems. You can’t afford to move, and there is no way you’re working at some shitty fast food restaurant to stay afloat.
“Please, I‘ll do anything. I don’t even have to work as a journalist. I really need this job sir, please.” Your desperation grew, and you didn’t care how embarrassing this would be, as long as you get a job.
There was a soft sigh on the other line, one that makes some hope flutter in your heart. “Since the current receptionist’s out on maternity leave, the company’s gotten a temporary replacement. She’s been flaky, so I guess I could give you her job for the next couple of months.”
“Thank you, sir. You have no idea how much this means to me.” You gushed, relieved that you got a chance at this.
“Don’t mention it, and don’t call me sir. Come in by nine tomorrow morning for training.” With that, you thanked him and wished him a good night, before hanging up the phone.
Finally, you could relax, knowing that you were making a step towards your future. It was just a baby step, due to the small change of plans, but once you convinced Jamison you would be a good journalist, some good progress could be made.
Patience. You just needed patience. You had plenty of time, and your dream life of being a famous reporter in Miami will come soon enough.
For now, though, you need to get some sleep. You have a long morning ahead.
After almost sleeping through your alarm, you managed to get ready and rush off to work. The office is only a couple of blocks away from your apartment, so you walk there. Not that you have a choice though, since you don’t have a car.
The mornings always smell like engine exhaust and wet dew mixed together, due to the wildlife and city overlapping, and the fact that you get to spend so much time walking next to the road or through crosswalks, where someone almost hits you with their car every single time.
While Roseville is urbanized, it’s a small town compared to the huge city you used to live in, so you are used to this sort of thing. The walks, the smells, the shitty drivers, everything.
You managed to make it into the office somewhat on time, at 9:01. The desk that used to be occupied by that sweet old woman who you supposed was the replacement, was now empty, and it seemed like where you would be working, so you set your things down, looking around for Mr.Jamison.
He was in his office, which was just right next to your desk. He popped his head up from behind his monitor, glancing at you, before getting out of his chair and walking over.
If you had to guess, you’d say Mr.Jamison is middle-aged. His hair is a greyish black and is slicked back with some sort of gel, and he sports a bushy mustache to go along with it. Today, he’s wearing a normal white dress shirt with black suspenders and pants, his sleeves rolled back to his elbows, revealing his forearms.
“How are we doing today?” He greeted, putting a hand on your shoulder. You glanced at it for a moment but decided not to think much of it. He’s just being friendly, don’t make it weird. “I’m good, thanks. How are you?”
“I’m doin just fine. Let’s get into this, shall we? Your job is pretty simple, you sit here, answer the phone, transfer calls, fax things, etc. I’ll help walk you through some of the jobs you have here.”
And so began your training, with Mr.Jamison showing you self-explanatory tasks that you already know how to do. You know how to use a monitor, you know how to use a fax machine, and you know how to use a phone. He should know that too, considering you put it in your resume and told him just last night.
You tried not to seem too annoyed about it, saying a few small, “I know”s or a “Yeah, I’ve done that before.” But he didn’t seem to get it.
Rachel chuckled to herself lowly as she peeked through the blinds of the breakroom. “Jed, Jed, check this out.”
Getting her partner’s attention, she motioned for him to walk over to her. He did as told, looking through the blinds and seeing a rather young woman talking with his boss. “What happened to Ronny?”
“Oh, you know how Jamison is. He likes his secretaries young and dumb. I told you that poor old lady wouldn’t last long. I wonder how long she will, though.” She murmured, and Jed couldn’t help but wonder the same thing.
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chosossprincesss · 3 years
Death of a Bachelor pt.2:
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✧ Part 1
✧ PAIRINGS: Pornstar!Choso x Reader, slight Yuji x Reader
GENRE: Slice-of-life, romance, eventual smut and some humor :)
Warnings: Suggestive and mature content, no smut yet, swearing, overexagerated stuff, etc.
! Important note: The reader is called Yue in this. !
Two days later Choso still couldn't shake the feeling of irritation that seemed to hang over him. Why didn’t you text him? If he tried thinking back to the time this last happened to him, it must have been back in school. But as much as he tried to convince himself that he was just pissed about being stood up by some random chick, the realisation began creeping up on him that he did indeed feel like something special slipped through his fingers. Choso was annoyed at himself for not just asking you to give him your number. But as the dark haired man let one of his Fentanyl pills swirl around his mouth before swallowing, he let out a long sigh.
Too many tequila shots and a shoot till morning had deepened the dark circles around his eyes and left him with a throbbing headache. He didn’t ask where Getou got the “china girl” pills from, Choso couldn’t care less, he knew the business they participated in called for some sketchy measures to stay on track. His manager was perched on the couch across from him, long slender legs resting on one of his girlfriends lap. Chosos furrowed his brow trying to remember her name. Shamefully he had to admit that he couldn’t remember much about her besides the time Getou and him fucked her in the bathroom of some lousy producers party. Choso was almost bored replaying the event, until suddenly her body morphed into another one. One more innocent, unknown, mysterious and before he knew it Yues face popped into his head. Again. Annoyance swirled over his expression and he started rubbing his temples.
“Seriously man, you could have at least taken a picture with her or gotten her instagram, all I have of the date is some low quality bullshit some girls took of you in the restaurant,” Getou mewled, shooting Choso a pointed look over his phone. When his most prominent client wouldn’t answer he groaned.
“Well I guess you have twitter to thank for proof that the lottery wasn’t a hoax,” Geto shrugged,” but anyway, did you fuck her?”
“God, could you shut up for a moment?” Choso snapped at his manager.
“So no,” the girl next to Getou chuckled and so did the man with his legs on her,” is that why you don’t wanna talk about it, Sweetheart?” Choso knew damn well they were trying to get a rise out of him, but still, it was frustrating that it seemed to be clear as day what he was thinking.
“I gave her my number, she just didn’t text me yet, is all,” Choso stated plainly, a little too plainly to seem truly unbothered,” she was not my type anyway some little kindergarten teacher sent to the date by a friend trying to set her up or something, what do I care?” The grin fell off Getous face and he fixed Choso with his gaze.
“You’re telling me that little thing didn’t even know who you were?” Getou asked. All Choso did was nod, still avoiding the stares from the couple across from him by resting his head on the couch and screwing his eyes shut.
“Poor girl probably went home, took one look at your videos and felt like she just escaped a serial killer,” getous girlfriend, whose name Choso could not remember for the life of him, giggled.
“Yeah, probably scared her away, when she saw what you’re really like.” Getou chuckled darkly. The thought of some innocent little ray of sunshine being scared into submission by the darkness, corruption and cruelty of the world they were living in amused him. It was just too funny to Getou that someone naive like you, was met with Choso who stood for everything that clashed with your assumed traditional worldview. What Getou did not know though was that he wasn’t even far off from the truth. Choso pinched the bridge  of his nose with two of his thick fingers and let out a deep sigh.
“You two are so fucking annoying,” he spat through gritted teeth.
“Yue! Are you even listening to me?” the pouty voice of your pink haired co-worker startled you and pulled you out of your thoughts. When you turned your head to look at him, you were met with the sight of him and two equally pouty looking preschoolers.
“Oh, I’m sorry you three I was just really concentrating on getting the paint out of the brushes,” you shot them an apologetic look and scratched the back of your head. In no way could you tell them what you had actually been thinking about. This is bad, you thought to yourself, being so distracted at work. But still, your head was pushing and pulling thoughts about the events of the weekend in your brain, and it made you fuzzy and giddy all at the same time. Some times you were feeling sorry for never texting Choso and other times you were still struggling with stomaching what you had seen. Truth be told, you felt like a conservative prude for being so taken aback by something like..well porn. As a self proclaimed feminist and equipped with strong sense of morals, you never actually had any problem with things like that, but still, something was different now.
“Don't you wanna help us hang up our artworks, Yue?” Yuuji asked, still pouty, as if you had been personally neglecting him for days. He was so dramatic. It made you smile, how sweet he was with children and you alike, so caring, funny and enthusiastic whether he was fixing a car, playing with the kids at daycare or in a conversation with friends.
The two of you had grown up together and formed an even deeper bond in school that kept steady even as your circle of friends grew. Now as you were co-workers it was nice seeing that you were not just good partners in crime, but also got along as colleagues.
Never in a hundred years could you imagine telling him yourself what had happened on the weekend, Yuuji had always been very protective of the ones he loved and had scolded Nobara more than once for making you feel like your shy nature was something to be remodeled and therefore carelessly getting you in uncomfortable situations. If Yuuji knew that she had set you up with a pornstar of all people, god beware. He had become almost suffocating after your break up, trying to cheer you up. Not to speak of when you had entered the relationship in the first place. No, you really did not want to tell him about the date.
You wondered if the pink haired goofball, your golden retriever friend, the most innocent and sincere person in the world, was into that kind of porn. Urgh, you had to cringe at the thought, it felt intrusive wondering about such private parts of your friends life. But you couldn’t help it, not after you had seen how someone as charming, reserved and kind as Choso turn into a calculating, cold, hard dom in front of the camera. Yes, dom, you had intensely researched the world of light BDSM and porn, after not being able to get the video out of your head, and also, maybe watched a few more of his videos. For research purposes only, of course.
“Of course, I will help you three little babies, but only if you wipe those moping looks off of your faces,” you giggled at them, thankful for the distraction.
“We’re not pouting!!” the smaller of the children exclaimed.
“And m’not a baby!!” The bigger one exclaimed with puffy red cheeks. They looked adorable, as they marched away from you, scouting for the perfect spot for their respective artworks.
“Sooooo, Yue, are you coming to the bar with the others tonight or will you be too busy having a thought marathon, debating whatever is making you so spaced out?” Yuuji asked teasingly, it sounded almost accusative but the half grin told you, he was joking around.
“I dont know where you guys take the energy from to have drinks after work,” you admitted half in defeat, and Yuuji slipped an arm around you shoulder as he dragged you along on the hunt for wherever the two babies had escaped to.
“Come on, Sukuna made a new drink, and I can’t wait to try it, it’s with marshmallows!”
the pink haired boy next to you exclaimed excitedly and you swore you saw his mouth water,”
I’ll treat you to it,” he promised with a wiggle of his eyebrows that made you laugh. It was the promise of a carefree and distracting evening that made you tip over and accept the invite. After all, you dearly missed your friends and you still had yet to drum into Nobaras head not to fuck with you like she had just this weekend. Sure you could do without Sukunas sarcastic remarks but you had to admit it had its perks that the twin brother of your bestfriend ran his own bar. And a marshmallow cocktail for free? Sold.
As the two of you finally found the two little menaces that had run off to god knows where, the paintings were long forgotten, but their whole concentration was now on a stray cat that had somehow made its way into the building and attracted a whole bunch of toddlers competing for its affection. Yuuji had let out a shriek at the sight, saying something about fleas and ticks, before trying to snatch the culprit from the arms of one of the children. He failed miserably though, as the cat quickly ran off and the rest of your shift was spent trying to catch it, and tending to Yuujis exponentially growing number of cuts and scratches. The poor pink haired man, was grumpily mumbling something about how he always liked cats and they liked him, he seemed defeated. Well, time for a marshmallow cocktail to the rescue, you thought to yourself…
The bar was buzzing with people, happy laughs and excited chatter echoing off the dark walls and into the crowded room. It had just reopened after renovation and it clearly paid off. The crowd seemed to mix into a big palette of glitter and colors, bodies seemingly merging into one homogen mass of dancing and celebration.
The dimly lit bar was filled to the brim, everybody longing either for some time with the handsome, tattooed baristas behind it or for the many different liquids behind them stored in colorful bottles.
To your surprise it really relaxed you, or maybe it was the drink you just had, the second akready of the pink, fizzy and sweet marshmallow drink. Sukuna had his vices but he was a master of mixing drinks. The cocktail felt like a hug to the soul while also filling you with a school girl like excitement, it was strange but welcome. Nobara was chewing your ear off sitting next to you in the booth, you could barely get a word in, let alone confront her about anything.
Megumi was talking to Yuuta and Toge opposite you, while Yuuji was at the bar with Maki ordering your third round.  Earlier on your way to the bar, Nobara had texted you that she needed to talk to you about something but it had yet to stumble out of her mouth. Your frilly, checkered dress was riding up your thighs and you felt yourself growing hot. It was almost as if there was a change in the aura around you but you could not clearly make out where it was coming from.
“- who I’m dating, it's her.” Nobaras voice perked up in your brain. You stared at her dumbfounded. What did she just say? Your cheeks grew hot, as you realized you hadn’t really been paying attention to her, just absentmindedly sipping on your drink, embracing the alcohol.
“That I couldn’t go on the date with him because I am dating someone, that wasn’t just all talk.” She looked almost flustered. Almost..like she felt bad. Was Nobara apologizing? Only when you saw her looking over to the bar at Maki, did two and two come together in your head and it was as if you heard an audible “click”.
“Oh my god,” you exhaled, staring at you brown haired friend, wide-eyed still a little taken aback by what had just occurred,
“You and Maki are d-”, Nobara quickly put her hand in front of your lips, shushing you while gesturing over to the three boys sitting opposite the two of you. You could read in her eyes what she wanted to say. You were the first one Nobara had told. Your gaze softened, realizing how much your friend trusted you.
Without making much fuss about it, you quickly pulled her into a tight hug, smiling at Nobara all the way, trying to let your expression tell her how happy you were for two of your closest and longest friends.
You smiled to yourself, shaking your head. Of course, how the hell did you not see that coming earlier. Nobara was blushing furiously next to you, and as Maki and Yuuji approached the table, carrying a round of tequila shots, Nobaras obvious tint of red only seemed to darken, making you giggle quietly.
“Sober up boys and girls, the night is still young,” a cheery Yuuji announced as he and Maki set down the shots in front of your group.
“With a special greeting from the chef himself,” Maki jokes, nudging Nobara with her elbow. You could not tear your eyes away from the two of them. Suddenly you felt a tad less cheerful, as you realized that you missed  this kind of banter, this kind of intimacy with another person.
Everyone raised their shot glasses.
“To friendship and honor, if you can’t come in her, come on her,” a deep, sultry voice suddenly spoke up from behind your pink haired friend and his splitting image appeared, respectively carrying a shot glass in hand.
“Sukuna, you’re such a freak,” Megumi mumbled as he downed his drink.
“In and outta the sack, “ Sukuna winked at Megumi as he also brought his drink to his lips, the tatted hunk truly was the King of Comebacks. The table fell into laughter, as Sukuna started teasing his little brother.
The dark liqueur burned on your tongue and quickly, you excused yourself from the table. This happened often with you, one intrusive thought and suddenly the atmosphere you had previously so enjoyed threatened to suffocate you. The heavy bassline of the song booming from the speakers seemed on beat with your quick footsteps.
Making your way through the crowded place, clashing with drunk and ecstatic bodies left and right, you noticed a cluster of people swarming around the V.I.P section of the bar. A secluded area upstairs, overlooking the place that Sukuna had strategically placed, since it was the one that gained the most traction on Instagram, seldomly did celebrities actually frequent his bar, but Bachelorette parties and birthdays alike often booked the section, which in the end also paid off.
This time, judging from the bunch of giggly people scouting the stairs, there actually seemed to be someone interesting. You let your gaze fall upon the people upstairs, dancing, drinking champagne. From what you can make out it is a bunch of good-looking twenty somethings mingling and screaming stuff at each other over the loud music, no face you could place.
With a shrug you make your way to the restrooms. Thank the lord, there is neither a line, nor are the stalls full. Some beautiful women are standing in front of the vanities, reapplying lipstick and, oh, snorting something white of off each other's cleavage. Did people actually do that in real life? You had to laugh, maybe you really were more sheltered than you thought, but after all, the life you had was nice, right?
Maybe it did lack some excitement as Nobara said, but you’d rather take a quiet, unsuspecting life over one filled with tears, and extremes, up and downs like that, you’re not sure whether you could stomach it all.
Still sometimes you grew envious of the carefreeness of people your age, of their glittering dresses and lavish vacations. The alcohol was catching up to you, turning you into a more vice- ridden and dark side of yourself. Or maybe you just needed a good fuck.
You chuckled to yourself, this was so unlike you, sitting in a bar, thinking about sex. But your chance encounter with a certain dark-haired, broad and attractive man had made you curious, curious to the, well, hidden thrills of a lifestyle far off your own. Your mind trailed off to the videos you had watched. Slipping into uncharted territory. His tattooed hands, roaming flesh, gripping it, pulling it into him. Everytime he had corrupted one of these sexy, larger than life women, he had the same archaic, lust-drunken, brutal look on his face. He seemed almost like a predator, tactical in his devouring. It was intoxicating. Would he look like that with you too?
Gosh, you huffed, you’d be ashamed of yourself tomorrow, but right now, you felt like texting him. The more mature, sober part of your brain perked up at that, urging your thoughts to run into a completely different direction. A buzz rang in your bag, as you were washing your hands.
Pinkie: Hey Yue!! Where are you? I miss you :-(
Oh right, you thought, as you made your way out of the bathroom that was starting to pile itself up with drunk girls, singing along to the song currently playing and along a new rather large queue. They're probably on their fifth drink by now. Squeezing along the people you tried texting back a short reply, totally drowning out the sounds around you, as suddenly you were stopped by a hard obstacle in front of you.
Looking up you felt shame creep through you, as you realized that you had just bounced into a super muscular lower back. Strangely your nerves started buzzing, as a familiar cologne invaded your nose, it felt almost as if the scent lingered in your whole body, weighing you down like a cushion. Though it felt strange it was also weirdly comforting. Was that the alcohol? No you had only- your breath hitched in your throat, thoughts wiring, body growing hot, as the person in front of you turned around and you were not only met with a familiar cologne, but a familiar black stripe in the middle of that persons face.
Choso had to do a double take as he was met with the sight in front of him. What the hell was in that pill Getou and Gojou made him take? No, no, this was definitely real. What teh fuck he thought,, as he was scrambling for something to say Schos realised, that the time he spent thinking of you the last few days he had not really been debating on how to have a conversation with you but rather…well, what he would do to you, if he saw you again.
Dirty, lustful things, taht sweet voice of yours making all kinds of noises.
“Sorry sweetheart, this isn’t a meet and greet,” a tall, slender blue-haired woman next to him spoke up. Her sweet, sultry voice was filling the air, as she looked you up and down. Her hair was in a thick braid, hanging over her right shoulder and she wore an elegant gown with a long leg slit. She was truly stunning.
Your hand nervously twisted your hand, as your face lit up with embarrassment. What the hell were you doing here?
Choso had asked himself the same question the whole evening. Getou had pestered him about going to a bar one of his old acquaintances had just opened.  Going on and on about how it was a win-win situation,since for his old friend it was a tier-a -publicity and on the other hand Chos and the rest could enjoy free booze and partying all night.
They had a shoot tomorrow and Choso dreaded being hungover again, dreaded having to put himself together in the morning, dreaded the crowd, the people, the headache.
And now here he was, in front of you, the inconspicuous little kindergartener that for the life of him, he had not been able to get out of his head. Chosos pupils were blown wide, breath low, eyes never leaving yours, as he cursed Mei-Mei for being about to ruin the first thing he had going for him since this day started. Scratch that, his week started.
Choso wore a thick, metallic choker that caught your eye, his shirt half unbuttoned, cargo pants stuffed into his army boots. You were still so star-struck by him, that it took you a while to start moving, as you heard the woman click her teeth.
“Wait, Mei-mei I know her,” Choso said, hoding up a hand, blocking your exit,
”Yue, lets have a chat, I need a fucking cigarette.”
His voice was stern, he spoke through gritted teeth, as he took your - as you know noticed - shivering hand and tugged you along.
As he was making his way towards the exit, his large frame and impressive aura seemed to rip apart an opening in the masses, people staring at him, whispering things, eyeing you up and down, It was almost too much and you were already thinking of making him let go of you, so you could flee back to the booth your friends were sitting at.
As the cold night air hit your skin, you let out a big sigh you had not noticed you were even holding in. Smoke filled your nose, as you noticed Choso almost compulsively dragging at his cigarette. His lips were full, chapped but nevertheless they looked soft, they had a certain pull to them, making them look tempting. He had lost some of that reservation and gentleness from your date, but it was impossible to tell if this was more or less like the real Choso.
“You didn’t text me,” Chosos voice rang in your ears, making you shiver. It wasn’t a question, it was more like a statement.
“I-I thought you were just being friendly as part of your job,” you lied, sounding not half as convincing as you had wanted to. He shot you a quick glance from the corner of his eyes. You wanted him to drop the topic so badly, realizing suddenly that he was probably hurt or had gotten the false idea.
“Had I been friendly I would have offered to take you home,” Choso stated, enunciating the ‘friendly’, making it seem almost offensive.
Okay, the wickedly attractice hard-core pornstar in front of you was pissed.
“I’m sorry,” was all you could muster up. Weak, weak response, you thought. But what was Choso expecting dragging you out here suddenly. This whole situation was weird to begin with and the alcohol slowed down any processing progress you had made in the last few days.
“Pfft, It’s not like I’m bothered, just a shit situation if something happened to you or anything, image-wise and all,” he spat.
You wrinkled your nose at that. Sure, that’s why he dragged you back here, because he didn’t care. Imagewise, as if he gave one single, flying fuck about that. Obviously you had hurt his pride or maybe, maybe it made him insecure that you could have cut contact because of what he does. That thought softened you, realizing how hard it must be to get to know people, in his line of work. You stepped a bit closer, to where Choso was smoking.
“You look tired, are you alright?” Chosos eyes widened at the question, he stared at you in disbelief. What the hell, he thought. The sincere tone in your voice had taken him aback, unsure of your intentions, still mad at himself that he couldn’t think of anything better than being a petty asshole to you. Anxiously he took another swiff from his cigarette, praying that it would calm him or at least give him insight into why the hell he was so nervous to begin with.
“‘’m fine, not sleeping much,” he answered truthfully, something soft flashing in his eyes.
In the morning you would ask yourself what kind of spirit had possesed you, but now, encouraged by the alcohol in your system and pent-up sexual frustation, you reached up to Choso, cupping his cheek in you hand.
The fingers that  were holding the cigarette to his mouth grazed yours and to your surprise he did not move away, in fact, Choso did not even break the eye contact you were holding. Choso opened his mouth and just like in a bad 80s sitcom, instead of his voice the sound of your ringtone perched up, aggressively intruding the moment. Angrily you grit your teeth as you fished for the culprit in your bag. Turning away from Choso you accepted the call.
“YUE DID YOU KNOW THAT MAKI AND NOBARA ARE DATING?!” Yuuji screamed into the phone making you tilt the phone away slightly, obviously slurring his words.
“Yes, Yuuji, I knew that actually, but-” you tried to finish before he started rambling.
“Where are youuuuuu? I miss you so much, we wanna’ go, cause issss late,” he happily slurred into the phone, your annoyed expression gave way to a little smile that did not go unnoticed by Choso, as he watched you end the call.
Choso intensely studied your body while you came closer, your face, the way your hair bounced, how your smile curved, a sparkle in your eye, it was strange, he felt his fists clenched as he thought about who you were just on the phone with.
“Sorry about that-” you said before being interrupted.
“I thought no boyfriend?” Choso tried to sound as nonchalant as he could, tried to sound unthreatened but he could not help himself, he had always been impulsive, protective and hearing some guy tell you he misses you, made his skin crawl with something, he had not felt in a long time.
This was probably what Choso could not deal with the most right now. He had shut himself off so much in the last years, the pain of not making art school, of failing at something he had left his family behind for, for being pulled into the entertainment industry, into a slippery net of addiction, nihilism and hedonism at the same time.
Helpless he had watched as his life had been turned upside down, as he was slowly losing the Choso he had once been, till the pain off all these things had become too hard to bear and he started priding himself with how shut off he was, how uncaring, till that persona of danger and indifference had become his armor.
But now? Now in the span of a few days, without any warning, he had felt so many things, in an intensity and at a speed that had thrown him out of the loop and made him understand why he had closed himself off of feelings in the first place.
Choso would be lying if he said it wasn’t scary, but at the same time, the pull of whatever it was pushing him towards you, that made him spin around your life suddenly like a star orbiting a planet, was intoxicating.
Whatever this was, a spiral, a string of fate that had made him meet you tonight, it’s grip had gotten so tight so fast, that he almost hated you for it. Hated himself, as he was confronted with himself to a degree he had avoided up until now. But now as jealousy sprawled through him like a disease, as Choso wanted you to like him, to want him too and choose him, no matter how impulsive and absurd , he had to face the fact that there was so much about him that should put you off, that he was like a big wolf threatening your lamb like life and innocence.
And it excited him almost more than it made him sick.
“Nope, just a very sloshed co-worker,” you smiled at him and Choso felt some deep, intrinsic need to bare his teeth and mark you. Yeah, what the hell had Getou and Gojou given him.
“I take it you're gonna piss off now,” he said and despite his words it did not sound too harsh. You chuckled and he smiled. God, Chosos smile was devilish, made you weak in the knees and suddenly you felt butterflies in a way, you had forgotten you could.
“Leave your number this time, Yue, I’m not taking chances again with you,” and that was it.
Yuuji was a menace on the cab ride home. You were sandwiched between Yuuta and Yuuji as Megumi sat in the front seat, talking to the driver, to make up for the drunken behavior of his friends, even though he himself also felt beyond tipsy.
Yuuta had fallen asleep seconds after he had sat down and looked like an angel, even though his hangover in the morning would be far off from heavenly. You shouldn’t have left them unsupervised for so long, you thought to yourself.
Yuuji was draped over your shoulder, nuzzling his face into your neck and most of the time this close proximity to him did not faze you, as the two of you had been friends for such a long time, physical contact was not unusual. When he was drunk however, Yuuji had the habit of becoming handsy. Even when he did you did not mind mostly, as you knew the two of you shared a platonic bond and his attention was flattering. Yuuji was very attractive and as kids the two of you used to practice kissing sometimes, no biggie, since Megumi and Yuuji also practiced.
Sometimes you daydreamed of what it would be like to be his girlfriend since you knew what a good guy he was, but a long time ago, when the two of you had gotten in your first, respective relationships you had tucked these thoughts far, far away into the deepest, darkest corner of your brain, along with all your other dirty secrets.
Choso had texted you as soon as you were out of his line of sight. Right now in the cramped cap, you were trying to find your phone to send something back, not wanting to be an asshole to him again. Your mind drifted to how good he had looked. As you finally found your phone though, your movements halted. Yuujis faded voice rang in your ear, as you heard him mewling into your neck and suddenly you felt something wet at your neck. It took you a moment to understand. Was Yuuji sucking a hickey into your neck?
“Yuuji,” you scolded him quietly, trying to move away. The cab was so warm and the warmth started dripping down your body, near dangerous places. You tried not to cause a scene, by being as quiet as possible. But he was way stronger than you and wrapped an arm around your body, pressing you close to him.
“Where were you, Yue? You left me all alone,” he whined into your neck, his hot breath fanning over your pulse point that he undoubtedly could hear hammering against the patch of soft skin there.
What was he doing? As you closed your eyes to shush away the heaviness paving its way through you, suddenly Choso appeared before your eyes, your imagination started showing you how he was kissing down your neck, trailing further and further down, descending onto parts of your body that had so long been neglected and you felt like having to catch your breath.
But this was not him, it was your best friend making a move on you. But god did it feel good, to have someone so close, holding onto you like his life depends on it. You loved Yuuji but you had always been sure it was almost sisterly. It was too much, as much as you tried to nip the bud of feelings blooming for your chance encounter Choso, you just could not ignore that it was almost like a spell had been cast on you. Why him? Why could it not have been Yuuji or Megumi or anybody more fit to your world. Then again why were you so scared, so jealous?
“Yuuji,” you tried again, urging him to let go, wanting to spare the both of you the embarrassment in the morning at work. His strong body felt so good and for the first time you really noticed just how defined his muscles were, as they flexed in front of your arms, wrapped around you, hot fingertips grazing your side, possessively grabbing the flesh there. Had he seen you with Choso? Did Yuuji actually have feelings for you?
“I just want to cuddle, Yue, pleaseeee,” Yuuji pleaded in your ear, but instinctively you knew this was wrong, no matter how good it felt. It was wrong since he was drunk, you were  too and whatever had happened with Choso earlier. Well one date was no big deal, but meeting him again and giving him your number? That was something different entirely.
Suddenly a thought bore it’s way into your brain, no multiple, like daggers being thrown and they made themselves known one after the other. How many other people does Choso sleep with in a week? In a day? He probably slept with that woman you met earlier, right? What if he was put off by your inexperience? What if you could not please him?
Violently you shook your head, trying to pry all of the intrusive thoughts away, not paying them anymore mind. But they left a bitter aftertaste on your tongue, stinging hard and weighing heavy on you.
You drew in a sharp breath as Yuuji seemed to skirt impossibly closer to you. What if you-?
No, no Yuuji was your friend and that would not be fair to him whether he really did have romantic feelings for you or not. Not giving in to mean thoughts like that was something you had to work on since you were a teen and you had come such a long way that you would not falter now. Whatever was going on between you and Choso was not for now to decide. And tonight, like any other night you would go to bed, alone and thanking god for your uneventful, easy and normal life. Or so you wished.
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finelinevogue · 3 years
Obsessed with your imagines you so when they have 3 kids and they’re all older! What about one where Harry has to have a sex talk with his kids OR y/n and Harry come home to find their kids throwing a party? I think both could be super funny
this has me excited cause i love the idea of them throwing a party when y/n and harry are at date night!! (does contain smut)
oli - 21, felix - 19, belle - 16
“We’re so fucking screwed.”
“Belle, for the millionth time, chill the fuck out.”
But how the fuck was anyone supposed to be chill when there was a full-on house party, close to being a rave, occurring in their house? A house that was their mum’s life work. A house party that their parents new nothing about. A night where absolutely anything and everything could go wrong.
The three siblings stood at the bottom of the stairs, in front of the door, looking around at the scenes occurring between each room. There were girls whispering to each other on the sofas, there was a group of guys playing beer pong in the kitchen and there was a large group of people hanging around by the pool and some even taking a dip. What had meant to be a low-key party had managed to turn into the whole neighbourhood plus the next town over. It was completely overboard.
“Who’s idea was this again?” Belle asked, clearly not understanding the full reasoning behind a full fledged party in their house.
“All of ours.” Oli responded, when in reality it was really just his, and a bit of Felix, idea.
“Nope. I’m not getting grounded because you two dickheads wanted to be rebels.” Belle put her hands up as if to stop this whole situation. She did not want to be a part of this and yet had somehow got screwed up with it all.
“So what are you going to do?” Felix asked.
“Anywhere where this doesn’t have my name stamped all over it.” Belle gestured around her, all of them groaning when they heard something smash from a nearby room. They were actually going to be locked up forever after this.
“Belle, mum and dad are out for the night. Dad said he booked a hotel for them to stay over at, so they won’t even be back until tomorrow morning.” Oli explained, trying to calm down his very nervous sister.
“Yeah, plus if you’re so insistent on leaving why did you get so dressed up?” Felix did have a point. Belle had gone through the effort tonight to be looking as best she could. She was sporting a little black dress with black fishnet tights and her trusty Doc Martens. It was a very colourful outfit, as she would explain. Belle had even gone to the effort of adding glue-on gems to her makeup. Whereas her brothers were just wearing sweaters and trousers and trainers. Typical teenage boys.
“I’ll bet that’s why.” Oli nodded behind Belle and smirked as he watched his little sister turn around.
Megan Dover. Belle’s high school crush and cleverest person in the year. Felix and Oli caught Belle blush when their little sister looked at Megan, waving to her cutely. Belle was a lot more introverted than Megan, but Belle didn’t mind. She admired that Megan was so outspoken and kind and smart, but too bad they didn’t truly know of Belle’s existence. At least, not really.
“Alright fine, i’ll stay, but just don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Belle rolled her eyes and then walked off in the direction of the kitchen - if she was ever going to speak to Megan she’d need at least 4 shots in her system.
“Be safe little B.” Oli waved her off and then the two brothers looked at each other knowingly. “Is Heather here?”
“Not yet no, think she’s coming with the girls in a bit.” Felix checked his phone as his brother questioned him. “What about Bea?”
“She’s upstairs.”
“Why? I thought we weren’t allowing anyone upstairs?”
“Dude she’s my girlfriend, I think she gets a pass.” Oli patted his brothers back and then saunters up the stairs two at a time to go and find his girlfriend and reintroduce her to the party.
Another smash of something glass sounding came from the kitchen, along with a turn of screams and mumbles of oops.
“Fuck, we are so screwed.” Felix muttered under his breath as he made his way to the kitchen to clean up whatever was now broken.
Meanwhile, you and Harry were basking in each other’s presence at a fancy new restaurant downtown called Caste Inn.
Harry decided it was time for you to have a treat and so was taking you out for dinner and then retreating to a fancy hotel, where he would not let you rest for the whole night. He was already being really handsy this evening, but you kept swatting his prying hands away because you were in public.
“Babe, c’mon i’m dying here!” He whined as you swatted his hand away from the skirt of your dress for the fifth time since mains. You were lucky you were in a crescent shaped booth so it was hard for anyone to see what was going on underneath the table, but you still felt so exposed.
“Quit it Harry.” You sniped, returning your attention back to the desserts menu. The restaurant was that kind of place where the portions are sparrow sized and yet cost you as much as it would to donate a kidney, so there was no surprise that you were still hungry and had room for dessert.
“Just wanna love on my wife.” He pouted next to you, keeping his arm slunk around the back of the booth to continue to caress your far shoulder delicately.
“We’re in the middle of a restaurant, you’re crazy.” You snickered, trying your hardest to focus on the desserts; Tiramisu, Chocolate Orange Gateau, Pecan Pie, Creme Brulé and an endless list of more mouthwatering yumminess.
“Fucking crazy for you, yes.” He kissed your cheek once, twice and then bit it too on the third, making you moan slightly at the exposure of it all. “You used to let me do this kind of thing all the time, what happened hey?”
“I got old.” You laughed, but really you felt saddened by the thought of it. You were approaching your forties and you felt as though time wasn’t on your side anymore. Life was all flying by so fast and it was becoming so hard to stop it for a moment to see how beautiful it all is. Harry could tell you were faking your happiness in that moment and he hated that you felt this way. He loved you. He would worship the ground you walk upon. Nothing would ever be too much of an ask for him if it meant keeping your happy. Yes, you were getting older, but it didn’t mean that was a bad thing. At least you were getting older together and becoming maturer together.
“Talk to me, love.” He gently asked, knowing there was something on your mind that was bothering you.
“I just… I just feel like i’m getting older—”
“You are love, yes.” He interrupted you, which earned him a slap to the thigh. He didn’t let your hand go though, leaving it to rest on his tight thigh.
“And then suddenly that’s going to be it. No more Y/N.”
“Don’t say things like that to me, please love.” Harry shook his head, squeezing your hand a little tighter.
“And I feel like i’ll have regretted not doing so many things. Like I won’t have lived my life.”
“Things like?”
“Things like riding a motorcycle with you. Things like staying up all night with a bottle of wine and a good bit of Elvis. Reckless things, like skinny dipping or crashing a high school party. Things like, having my husband finger fuck me in a public restaurant. I remember when everything seemed so free and chaotic and I loved it. Now I feel stuck.”
“Stuck how, love?” Harry leaned in closer to you, his eyes full of love and determination because if that’s what you wanted he could give you all those things - especially the orgasm.
“I’m a mum, H. You’re a dad. We’re parents,m. Good ones at that. Aren’t we supposed to be grown up and responsible now? We don’t get to take risks anymore, because we have a family right? God, I sound so pathetic.” You sighed and put the menu down, not thinking about which pudding you wanted to fill yourself up with anymore.
“Babe. If you want to ride a motorcycle and go skinny dipping then let’s fucking do it. Why are you so afraid to hold back? Because we have kids, because darling believe me when I tell you - however much it disturbs me - our kids are out doing just as many reckless and crazy things as we used to do. Maybe we should fuck the prestigious system and show our children, all parents - including us - that adulthood, parenthood, doesn’t define the choices you make. We do.”
You couldn’t stop looking at your husband, drinking in every last drop of his beauty. His words filled your heart with rose petals and chocolates, warming you up delightfully. God, you were so lucky to have him. He helped you through the most toughest of times and continued to stick with you, not because a ring says he has to, but because he loves you. Undeniably and irrevocably loves you.
That was all it took for you to comply.
Quickly, you moved one of your legs under the table cloth so it draped over Harry’s thighs and made an opening between your legs. The cloth hid everything well, along with the dirty napkins that sat upon your laps.
“Wh- what are you doing love?” Harry asked confused, after not hearing a word back from you for his earlier speech.
“Harry I love you, I do, but will you just shut up and fuck my pussy with your fingers already.” You whispered wetly against his ear with your lips. He groaned at the words and tightened his grip around your leg, widening the gap he had to work with.
His hand slid underneath your dress slowly, squeezing the flesh of your thighs in tease, until he got to where your panties were. Or at least where they should be.
“Shit, you’re not wearing any pants?” Harry asked quizzically, pushing his fingers against your glistening pussy and feeling just how ready you were for him.
“Oh fuck!” You muffled out before Harry quickly slapped your slit because you were making too much noise, which only then made you squeal a bit more. He slapped your cunt hard enough the second time for you to get the memo that you needed to be quiet - but fuck was that a challenge. As much as you can be quiet, you just don’t like to be. You like knowing that your moans and whines turn Harry in even more, just as much as you love hearing his.
“Fucking hell, soaked already.” His fingers toyed with the folds of your cunt, feeling how puffy they were between his ringed fingers. “Gotta be quiet for me okay?” Just as he started pushing his delicious fingers inside of you, the waiter turned up at the table with a cheery face and not a bouncing clue what was happening between the two of you.
“Desserts?” He asked politely with his charming smile, but you didn’t see it for too long before having to close your eyes shut at the sudden movement of Harrys fingers. He wasn’t stopping on the waiters behalf, in fact he was more forcefully going for it. He moved his fingers in circles inside of you, thumbing over your clit in the way he knew you desired most. He was insatiable.
“No, just the bill please. Need to take my wife home to take care of some things.” Harry spoke for you both, not understanding why he was being so open with the amount of information he was giving away. But fucking hell you didn’t care because his fingers were providing you pleasures beyond reason.
“Yes Sir. I’ll only be two minutes.” He smiled again before he was gone, taking the menus with him.
“Here that baby?” Harry whispered into your ear, moving his fingers more freely now there was less of an audience, “you’ve got two minutes to cum.”
Questioning his authority would have to wait, for Harry got to work very quickly and perfectly. His fingers slicked in and out of you so erotically and if it wasn’t for the live music and loud chatter of the room, the sounds of his fingers driving in and out of you would be heard by everyone. His fingers curled to all the right places, touching the most sensitive parts of your walls and hell did it feel blissful.
“I’d say you’ve got about a minute left baby, and I think you can cum for me before then. Can’t you? Or am I not good enough for that kind of release anymore?” Harry taunted you and pressed wet kisses to your ear. You were too lost in euphoric paradise to notice, or even care, whether anyone could see or was watching you both. You were too focused on your husband. Your Harry.
“N-no. I can cum. You’re so good - shit - so g-good.” You stammered out, breathless from the air stolen from your lungs because of this erotic moment. This was so bad behaved of you both that you were starting to get a high off of it.
“Cum for me then baby. Do it. I’ve got you.” He kissed your lips to capture the moan that trailed off your tongue as you reached your high. You felt so high and yet so safe. Harry steadied you as your legs shook and kissed you senseless, to quieten your whines. He admired that you had been so willing for this and he would be lying if he said he didn’t have a raging hard-on right now.
“I love you,” you raced out quickly, “I love you.”
“I love you, Y/N.” He kissed your lips again and withdrew his fingers from your dripping cunt. You picked up a napkin but he quite quickly took it away from you, throwing it to the other side of the table.
“What are you doing?” You whisper shouted, needing to clean yourself up.
“More like what are you doing?”
“Cleaning my mess.” You said frustratedly.
“Leave that to me.” He spoke whilst holding intense eye contact with you, bringing his fingers that were coated in your arousal to his lips and sucking them dry. Every last drop worked its way into his mouth and he salivated at the taste - the smell.
“The bill Sir.” The waiter interrupted you without knowing. Harry took out his wallet and used his card on the card machine, before signing his name on the cheque as if to affirm that he has paid.
“Thank you.” Harry spoke kindly, completely different to how he was with you all but two minutes ago.
“Thank you Sir, Ma’am. Have a lovely rest of your evening.” And he wad gone again with his smile.
Harry turned to you with the largest grin on his face, “Oh we will.”
“Oli stop eating the leftover lasagne it’s for mums lunch!”
Belle was rushing around trying to chill everything down. The party was so out of control that even Oli and Felix were wasted. Megan was blowing hot and cold with her too, so she had no idea where she stood with them.
People were everywhere. Too many people that it was becoming claustrophobic. Felix was currently playing beer pong with a group of his friends, Heather attached at his hip, whilst Oli was sitting on the kitchen countertop eating cold lasagne. The boy was like chuffing Garfield. Belle was doing her best to keep calm, but as the night progressed it started to become worse and worse as it got harder to control.
As Belle turned to leave the kitchen, her brother clearly not listening to her, she bumped into someone. Kyle. Fucking Kyle. The guy who had obsessed over her to the point where Harry was seriously considering getting a restraining order on him to protect his daughter. He was a straight A creep and Belle hadn’t even realised he’d been invited to this party. Then again, over half of these people had most definitely not been invited.
“Oh hey Isabelle.” He stressed her whole name, knowing how much she hated it. Well, she didn’t hate her name she just hated him saying her name.
“Go away Kyle.”
“But I just got here.”
“And now you can just leave. Party’s ending anyways.” Belle stood her ground, but her hands were shaking from being even remotely close to this guy. He was disgusting to the point where if you were stuck between having to choose between being with him or eating mouldy cheese, you’d eat the cheese on a fucking silver platter.
“Looks quite alive to me.”
“Well i’m shutting it down and you’re going to leave. Now.”
“You need to liven up Belle.” Kyle chuckled through his nose, making him look scary as he towered over Belle, “let me help you.” He leaned forwards to grab her arm but she was quick to push him away.
“No! Leave me alone!” Belle shouted, trying to dodge around him but he was quicker. He grabbed her arm tight and pulled her back to him, chest touching chest. “Get off me Kyle.” Belle squirmed in his hold, which only made Kyle happier - the creep.
“C’mon Bella, live a little.”
“My name’s not Bella and I told you to get the fuck off of me.” Belle pulled back with all her might, whilst kicking him square in the balls - probably hard enough so he’ll never be able to have children - and then drove her knee up to crack his nose - successfully. Damn, that felt good. Heavily badass, actually.
“You fucking psycho!” Kyle held his nose and his balls in pain, straightening himself up as if to launch himself with fury at Belle. Luckily for her the outburst between the pair had caught attention of people - including Oli and Felix.
Oli was quick to step in front of Kyle, Felix just behind him. “You dare lay a fucking finger on my sister and I swear to you you’ll regret it.” Oli threatened, fists curled tight at his sides.
Heather came to hug Belle, comforting as she cried through the after shock of the situation. She’d been so brave and handled herself so well though. “You okay?” She kindly asked.
“Y-yeah.” No.
Everyone was now watching. The music had been muted to the point where you could tell it was playing but you couldn’t tell which song it was. Friends of Oli and Felix were standing close by in case things got messy, which normally only happened between the two brothers and not this way. Doors could be heard opening and shutting as people came in and out from places to watch the debacle occur between the hosts of the party and the unwelcome visitor. Oli and Felix knew they had to be careful though, because one wrong video and it could badly effect their dad’s career. Belle shook in Heathers arms and wished this nightmare of an evening to be over.
“Oh the whore’s not worth it anyways.” Kyle laughed, rolling his eyes as he pointed towards Belle.
“The fuck did you just call my daughter?”
Oh fucking shit balls.
“Dad?” Belle asked warily, seeing his dad stood in the doorway of the front door, her mum standing close behind him with her hand tightly clutched to his. As much as Belle was terrified that her parents had busted them, she also felt safe in their presence.
“Oh and here comes perfect-dad-of-the-year Harry Styles to the rescue.” Kyle teased which made Felix move forward in protest of his words.
“Fix.” Harry sternly called his name, making his son stop and look towards his dad who was shaking his head with a soft smile. Harry walked over towards Belle first, you still clutched tightly to him. “You alright?” He asked sincerely, not looking cross or disappointed at all. Belle nodded quickly and kept her head pressed to Heather’s chest. Harry turned to see his boys, raising his eyebrows to wordlessly ask them the same question to which they nodded too.
Harry dropped your hand, leaving you to stand with your sons, and left your forehead with a kiss before making his way to Kyle. “You okay boys?” You asked again, even though you knew Harry just asked.
“Yeah. Are you mum?” Oli asked, coming to wrap his arm around his mums neck to comfort her. He was so kind and thoughtful, just like his dad.
“Listen up, Kyle.” Harry started, keeping a good distance between him and the boy, “If you ever come near my family again i’m ordering a restraining order. That’s not a threat, it’s a promise. If you break that order you’ll be going to jail. Big league jail too. Again not a threat, a promise. So you’re going to leave my house, this property in its’ entirety and go home to sit in your room and think about whether you would prefer to be in a prison cell instead. Do you understand?”
Okay, you’d be lying if you said his authority didn’t turn you on.
“Y-yeah.” Kyle mumbled pathetically.
“I said do you understand?” Harry repeated again, clearly not satisfied with the answer given.
“Yes Mr Styles.” Kyle said more surely, before scramming from the house, from the party and from the neighbourhood.
“Now everyone out of my house before I call the police.” Everyone knew how that was not an empty threat and dashed out of his house. Some looked at him in awe, because this was probably their once and only chance of being in the presence of the Harry Styles. He sighed as he walked to the kitchen, leaning against the kitchen counter to think.
“Should we—” Belle started to talk but you cut her off.
“No, hunny. Let me go talk to your dad. You lot,” referring to your children and girlfriends who’d kindly stayed behind in support, “can go fetch some bin liners and start cleaning this all up.” You pointed around to the mess that was your house, before walking off to the kitchen.
You looked around at the mess. A broken vase. Litter everywhere. Half-drunken drinks left on the table. Bottle openers you definitely didn’t own before tonight. Trousers? You couldn’t help but giggle at the surrounding sight.
“What’s got you laughing?” Harry asked, still in his fancy shoes and fancy coat, you still in your fancy heels and your fancy coat. Yet, you were both standing in what looks like a garbage dump site. Harry moved his hand away from his face and looked at you with a blank expression.
“You were right!” You laughed.
“Your reaction as if that’s a bloody miracle, love, which kind of an ego crush, but continue.” He rolled his eyes and you rolled yours in response. You clicked your way over to him and wrapped your arms around his waist, he kept his wrapped around his own obviously still closing himself off.
“Our kids are being reckless and crazy.” You recalled dinners earlier conversation, smiling up at him in admiration.
“I didn’t actually mean it, it was just a quick way to make you feel better.” He groaned in frustration.
“Well gee thanks babe!” You laughed at the whole irony of this situation. “Harry, babe, look at me,” you had to used your hand to turn his cheek to face you, stroking his cheek to calm him, “adulthood - parenthood - doesn’t define the choices we have to make. We do. And our children, apart from that last little bit, seemed like they had the most freeing and most brilliant night yet! Let them be reckless H. Let them make mistakes. Just because this happened doesn’t make us bad parents, and it doesn’t make us bad parents if we decide no punishment—”
“Ha like that’s going to happen!” Harry cut you off and you glared at him to just shut up.
“Just shut up, you oaf. Let the kids live while they’re young.”
“You did not just reference one of my songs.” Harry looked to the ceiling as he smiled widely, before shortly laughing at how cheesy that was. “Oh my god Y/N!”
“What? Was is that bad?”
“Yes, babe. Yeah it really was.” He looked back down at you to see you smiling and he couldn’t help but cup your cheeks and kiss you silly. His perfect lips fit yours and you tasted him until you couldn’t breathe. “I love you.”
“I love you. Now go help clean up.” You ordered him, making him look at you confused.
“What the hell have I done to deserve this?”
“You booked the hotel for next weekend instead of this weekend you div. Now go.” You smacked his backside and he strolled back over to you and pushed you into the counter. You gasped at the sudden motion.
“Do that again and let’s see what happens.” He whispered dangerously against your lips.
“Go clean up and then see what’s waiting in our bedroom.” You bit your lip and tugged Harry’s hand to under your dress, giving him only a slight feel of how wet you were before letting his hand go and walking away.
“Kids, hand me a bloody bin bag. Now!”
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rafescoke · 3 years
Maybank ; Rafe Cameron (Part 2)
Part #2
Read part #1 here
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
Summary: Sometimes both sides are in the wrong.
Warnings: More angst, mentions of substance, gaslighting!
A/N: you know the drill. . . send requests!
(Y/N) isn’t one to feel jealous easily.
When she dated a certain boy from her school a few years ago, she wasn’t even phased when she had found him kissing another girl at a party.
She simply didn’t care.
But the aching feeling in her when she saw her current boyfriend sniffing a line on the back of a random girl with the perfect house and the perfect clothes and the-
“(Y/N), do you want to come down to the beach with us?”
(Y/N) finally looks up from her novel in which she wasn’t even reading in the first place. Her mind was somewhere else, and her thoughts weren’t put in the context of the book.
“No. I’m not feeling well.”
JJ sighs, fixing his cap backwards and placing himself beside her. He looks over her lap, reading the first few lines of the book his sister’s reading and sighs. 
“I never read, so I do not understand how this whole novel thing works. But I’m pretty sure reading about getting over a breakup won’t do you any good.”
(Y/N) rolls her eyes, snapping her book with a shut. The last thing she ever wants is for JJ to lecture her. She had enough bawling her eyes the past 2 weeks. 
“What time are you supposed to go again? Go.”
She’s grateful, of course, for JJ. He was there for her the whole 2 weeks when she didn’t feel like eating or taking a shower or anything that involved getting out of the bed.
But she feels better now, her hair perfectly up in a hairdo and the red color of her cheeks returning.
She’s not sad anymore.
The feeling evolves into anger.
Of course, (Y/N).
You’re nothing but a pogue.
If there’s one thing Obx is famous for, that will be the annual bonfire. It’s an excuse for every teenager on the island to let loose and to free themselves after a year of studying.
For (Y/N), it’s just another party for Rafe to ignore her.
But she’s not coming down to the beach with him a few distance away, hell, she doesn’t even know if he’s coming.
“What the fuck! You told me you’re not coming,” JJ laughs, giving his sister a side hug. “You look good. You don’t look pale anymore.”
“I’m gonna be sick if you keep saying nice things to me,” (Y/N) rolls her eyes, though her insides are beaming. JJ has always been her number one supporter, and she loves her brother with all her heart.
“Just don’t go to the other side of the beach, okay? All your friends are here.”
And we’re back to him protecting her.
She gets it, really, but she doesn’t feel like a night full of JJ and his friends becoming some sort of bodyguards to her.
The last thing she ever wants is for Rafe to think she’s still weak.
“J, I know.”
He holds both of his hands up, “I’m just saying. I’m by the fire if you ever need me, okay?”
It’s funny how the boy who cried to her over his scraped knee is the same boy who’s trying his best to protect her. Growing up in a dysfunctional family, all (Y/N) and JJ has is each other. 
(Y/N) walks to the music booth, getting so tired over the same artist being played over and over again. She doesn’t feel like listening to Drake all while trying to forget a certain brunette boy from the back of her head.
“Hey, can I get something different? Play the Euphoria soundtrack if you must. Anything other than the songs you’re playing.”
The DJ looks up to her and gives out the widest grin. (Y/N) tries to look away from the charming smile, but her eyes are glued to a pair of blue ones.
“Not a fan of Drake?”
“Why? Trying to move on from an ex?”
She gulps, “No. Just have a good taste in music.”
The guy licks his teeth, “Touche. The name’s Nate.”
(Y/N) gives him a small grin, “Hm. Can we change the song now?”
Nate raises a brow because god; no one has ever disregard him. 
There’s something about the girl.
“Is Party In The USA good enough for you, princess?”
Her breath hitches. The last time someone has ever called her princess was probably a few weeks ago. 
This is not helping her to get over him.
“Whatever. You’re the DJ, right?” she answers, turning on her heels. “Oh wait, Nate?”
He smiles at her again, and (Y/N) has the urge to slap the smug look off his face.
“Don’t call me princess. You’re not my boyfriend.”
For the past 40 minutes, no Drake song has been playing. The crowd begins filling the empty space in the middle to dance with each other, and (Y/N) has to look away from the couple getting close and leaving kisses down each other’s necks.
She makes her way down to the drinks counter to get herself a beer because she really doesn’t feel like watching another friend of hers kissing their partners while sober. She decides that if she has to stay for another hour of people making out with each other, it’s better if she’s intoxicated.
(Y/N) turns her back, expecting to see a drunk friend of hers, but the sight of the same DJ from before greets her.
She rolls her eyes, “I’m not asking you to change the music.”
“I know, I guess I started off wrong just now. Let me reintroduce myself. You deserve to know the real me.”
(Y/N) laughs, because this whole thing sounds like something out of a corny Netflix movie. He’s cute, sure, but she’s just not interested.
He removes the beanie he’s been wearing all night, revealing a blonde buzz cut underneath. (Y/N) tries not to stare.
Okay. Screw cute. He’s handsome. 
“Hi, I’m Nate. I’m from New York, and I just moved here.”
She smiles, finally, because he fits the exact image she has of every male teenager in New York. Blonde buzz cut, an unbuttoned blue shirt with a peak of his toned body underneath, and a pair of red shorts. 
A new kook.
“Nate, your kind and I don’t match. You’re a kook.”
He scrunches his face, “They’ve been telling me that shit since the first week I’ve been here-” he steps closer, and (Y/N) can smell his expensive cologne. It’s not the same one she favors on Rafe, but it’s close. “-don’t tell me you believe that stuff.”
She grins, “I’m not rich, Nate.”
“The name’s (Y/N),” she smiles, extending her hand. Nate beams, because finally, after a whole night of watching her from his booth, she finally expresses the most beautiful smile there is. 
“(Y/N), I feel like we’re going to get closer soon.”
“Yeah? Why’s that?”
“I’m not a Drake’s fan either.”
. . .
(Y/N)’s hesitant. 
She doesn’t believe him in one bit, not even when he flashes her the most charming smile ever. 
But he’s not afraid to show her off. She went on a date with him a few nights ago, and she distanced herself from him upon the entrance of the restaurant.
“What the fuck are you doing? C’mere.”
(Y/N) looked up to him, “You don’t have to stay near with me.”
Nate turned to her with a confused expression. “Why? I’m buying you dinner, remember?”
He held her hands in his, and she let him.
Nate pokes her side and suppresses a giggle when she yelps from the sudden touch. He fails, however, when she falls from his bed onto the floor. 
“You’re too ticklish,” he says and helps her up to her feet. Her eyes wander to the band posters on his wall again, being so amazed and surprised by this boy’s taste in music and movies.
“I don’t even listen to half of the bands you listen to,” she says finally, pulling herself down to the empty space beside him. “Do you know who’s Ariana Grande?”
Nate rolls his eyes, “Ha-ha. No. I don’t. Is she the one who sang Despacito or something?”
(Y/N) laughs and her heart suddenly soars. She feels at ease, and there’s lightness in the air, even when they’re in public.
(Y/N) stands up, taking the full room into view again, and walks to the shelf full of pictures of Nate and his family. There’s a picture of him in a soccer jersey, a picture of him playing the drums and then an electric guitar, and-
“Oh my god, is this your girlfriend?” (Y/N) exclaims, picking up a photo frame with a beautiful brunette girl smiling back at her. “She’s so pretty.”
“(Y/N), put it back,” Nate rolls his eyes, standing up from the comfort of his bed and walking towards her. (Y/N) laughs, liking the way his eyebrows scrunch in distress and hides the photo frame behind her.
“(Y/N). . . I’m not playing.”
“No one is playing, Nate,” she laughs, taking a few steps back as he motions forward. “I can’t believe you have a sweetheart back in NYC, Nate.”
“(Y/N), put it back.”
(Y/N) pulls a confused expression, “Put what back?” she brings the frame forward, and expressed a fake sigh. “Oh, this? I was just checking this out-” Nate charges for her and she squeals, running towards the end of his room and watching as he runs in her direction. She panics, looking around for a place to hide, and as her eyes meet his bed, Nate has the same idea in his head.
He pushes her over his bed so she topples over, the frame still in her hands. She yelps, leaving the frame alone and using both of her hands to push his chest away. 
Nate hovers over her, being so close he can smell her sweet scent now, and she looks so good under his yellow lights and in his bed and that goddamn smirk on her face-
“Is she your girlfriend, Nate?”
“None of your concern, princess,” he answers. Her eyes snap down to the cross dangling from his neck, and he can’t do this anymore; not when she looks so pretty under his gaze.
(Y/N) can feel the sudden change in the air now, and the chasing game they’ve been playing suddenly doesn’t look like a chasing game.
He’s like a predator waiting to attack. 
(Y/N)’s eyes look up to him again. “Is she your girlfriend?”
And he connects his lips with her. She gasps from the sudden touch, but after a few seconds, he can feel her kissing him back. 
And for once, she feels okay again. She wraps her arms around him, pulling him close to her and letting his warmth engulfing her.
She feels at peace.
“Rafe,” she whispers, letting the blonde boy trails down to her neck.
Nate pulls away, his lips sore and red after their brief makeout session.
Chest heaving, he steps away. “Rafe?”
(Y/N) sits up, groaning and fixing her hair. “God, I’m so stupid. I don’t mean that, Nate, I’m sorry. Please, don’t go.”
Nate pulls a disgusted face, and it’s the same look Rafe had put in the party a few weeks ago to her and she can feel herself losing again. 
“I’m going out. You can stay here if you want.”
The door closes behind him, and (Y/N) groans. 
Way to go, (Y/N).
. . .
She hates how bad she feels for Nate.
He has been nothing but a total sweetheart to her, and there she was; moaning another guy’s name and letting him walked out of his own home.
So that’s the core reason as to why she’s standing outside of his house at 10 p.m. on a Friday, letting the heavy rain soaks her whole outfit because of course she would forget to bring an umbrella.
She knocks again, with her fists this time, because she’s certain he hadn’t heard her. For a moment, she’s afraid his father or mother would open the door but after remembering how they’re going to be away for a business trip, she sighs in relief. 
The door opens midway of her banging on the door, revealing a shirtless Nate with nothing but green sweatpants complimenting his legs.
“(Y/N)? What are you doing here?” he groans, tugging her arms in and closing the door after her. (Y/N) attacks him in a tight hug, slightly shivering from the cold rain outside, and after a few seconds, Nate hugs her back.
“You’re okay?”
“Can we talk in your room?”
“Uh, I don’t-”
(Y/N) doesn’t let him give any excuse and she pulls him into the living room, but before she can reach the space, he pulls her to a halt.
“Hey, we can’t go there, I’m kinda, um, doing something. What’s wrong?”
She sighs, “Nate, I’m so sorry, okay? I didn’t mean it when I called you someone else’s name and that’s the stupidest thing I ever did but please don’t go, okay? You’re all I have.”
Nate laughs, “God, you’re really worried about that? I get it, it’s okay.”
“No, it’s not.”
“It is, really. But tell me one thing, though-” he pulls her arms, and pins her against the wall. (Y/N) smiles, staring into his blue orbs. “Is this Rafe more handsome than me?”
“Hey man, we really can’t wait-” a voice starts from the direction of the living room, and before (Y/N) can move away, the voice rings again. “Ah. Of course.”
Oh my god.
She misses him too much. His hair is messier than ever, his eyes bloodshot and his nose red. (Y/N) wonders how many lines he did, but judging from the distant look in his eyes, she’s guessing a lot.
“Rafe,” she whispers, getting closer to the boy she missed and letting his smell engulf her. 
“Rafe?” Nate quirks a brow because this isn’t making any sense. Why would she called his friend the name-
Of course.
Rafael is Rafe.
So this is the guy.
His childhood friend is ‘the Rafe’ of the girl he’s starting to fall for.
After so many hours of trying to find the Rafe she accidentally called him, he hadn’t thought of his own childhood friend to be the guy all along.
Growing up, he have been told to call him Rafael up until the day he moved to New York. 
He can’t believe it.
“Rafe,” she calls again, this time following Rafe out to the living room. “Rafe, listen to me.”
“You moved on too fast.”
“I haven’t moved on, Rafe, fuck, I swear I haven’t,” she expresses. “Please. Listen to me.”
“You were mad at me for doing a line from some bitch’s back and you’re, you’re o-out here, under my own fucking friend’s arms and- did y’all fucked?”
“What?” she gasps, “God, Rafe, no. No. I will never fuck anyone other than you.”
“Yeah?” Rafe raises a brow and lets out a shrill laugh. “God, I don’t even know if I can trust you.”
“You can, Rafe,” she steps forward, trying to reach his face with her cold fingers. The anger she felt before suddenly dissipates into the thin air because god, she did not realize how much she has been missing this boy more than anything in the world.
Her everything.
Rafe flinches away, “Stop. Do you know how miserable I am the past few weeks without you?”
“Don’t turn this on me now, Rafe.” “And you’re out here with fucking Nate Hamilton. Jesus fucking Christ.”
“Rafe, it’s not like that,” Nate suddenly steps in, and (Y/N) gives him a warning look not to say anything more. He ignores her, “Are we not going to talk about how you disregard her just because of her status on this fucking island?”
“God, always with your equality shit,” Rafe groans. “You guys deserve each other. I can’t believe you will ever do this to me, Nate.”
What hurt Rafe more isn’t the fact that she was all pinned under his arms, but it was because Nate knew about their relationship. Rafe had told him everything about her ever since they first started dating, and he hadn’t just lost her tonight.
He lost his childhood friend too.
“I’m leaving,” he says, rubbing his nose and sniffing. Rafe isn’t sure how many lines he has done, but his mind is getting lighter and lighter and the lights are turning blurry. 
He can’t stand being in the same room as them. He will fucking drive if he has to.
(Y/N) bites her lips, trying to stop herself from bursting into tears. So they know each other? Why won’t Rafe ever tell her about him? Is this still her fault? She wasn’t even cheating on him. They’re not together.
Are they together?
“Hey, you’re okay?”
(Y/N) pulls her hands away, stepping away from the blonde boy and walking towards the exit. She has to leave this house as soon as possible. The once comforting bright color of the wall seems so dull and suffocating now, and she longs for the familiar blue paint of Rafe’s room.
She wants Rafe. 
No one else.
Just him.
“Just me?” Rafe smiled. “Hey, hey, I got a surprise for you.”
“Rafe, I hate surprises,” (Y/N) groaned, throwing her head back against the headrest. “You bought me a dress before!”
“Look-” he smiled, showing her a gold ring in a small velvet box. “It’s a ring.”
“Oh my god, it looks like yours!” (Y/N) exclaimed, clutching his hand with the ring and comparing the color. 
“Of course it’s the same ring. You’re my wife, I’m not going to buy you a different kind.”
“What? Am I not your husband?”
(Y/N) wishes for nothing but Rafe. 
She presses on his contact again, turning her phone downside and moving the speaker nearer to her lips.
“Rafe, please call me back. I miss you, and we can fix this, okay? I didn’t know about Nate and I was so, so stupid. I can never replace you, Rafe. You’re mine, remember? Please. Call me back. I miss you.”
She sighs, setting her phone down on her lap and watches as the rain patters down her front windscreen heavily.
Love is a hell of a drug.
@okayshoto @joselyn001 @onceuponateenagetrash @dyingsleeping @iwannabeapogue @meaganjm @rafesobxs @flossy2929 @unfortunatekiwitrash @scottybitch @asimpwriter @amaya124 @tommy-tommo @thatshithurted8 @fallincindy @marvelwhor3 @rafeswh0ree @kookap @supernaturallydc-blog @blank-velvet @alaniskauany @kiiim8 @witchywrter @kaitlyn2907 @heyimflo @overcookedpastasause @tsukkiswifeey @spidey-d00d @anonymousobxfan @gotmeinloveagain @chicagoblackhawkslover96 @lexi-writes @classydragonthingknight @belongtoyou-u @badbussylol @savannah-elliott @angelreyesgirl100 @haterpenny @beehappyyy @alwaysclassyeagle @maybankslut @kayleea122 @clearbolts @lovelyxtom @christianaevans @jemimah-b99 @opierdalacz @dangerdolns @wildflowerliv @classygirlything21 @pogueslandia @alwaysclassyeagle @rottenstyx @wxn-drlst
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Sooo I’m thinking a bookstore date with Marcus Pike. His offer to buy your books for you leads to kisses between the stacks…..*dreamy sigh*
Oh, I hope this hits the spot!! I had fun writing this up for you! 😍💖🥰
The Bookstore
Word count: 2100+
Rating: soft/mature, 18+ only
Outline: Marcus Pike x “You”/Marcus’s co-worker (cis/het female reader; “blank canvas”/no physical description/no name/no use of “Y/N”)
Warnings: Some angst; lots of yearning; kissing with tongue
“So how would you do it?” You raised an eyebrow at Marcus. “How would you plan the perfect date?”
He seemed flustered and said, “Well, I- I don’t know. That’s why I was asking for your advice. I’m new in town and I wanted to make a good impression. I don’t want to ask this gal out and have it turn into a disaster.”
You looked back down at your lunch and tried to decide how you felt. On the one hand, working and being friends with Marcus Pike was incredibly easy. He was sweet and charming and not bad to look at, but on the other hand you were a little - okay, a LOT - jealous of whoever he was trying to ask out. You had spent the past few weeks trying to work up the courage to ask him out, and now it looked like you had missed your chance.
You sighed and put your plastic fork down. You decided to help him instead of being rude. You wished it was you that Marcus was asking out, but blocking him wouldn’t make you feel good. Maybe it wouldn’t work out and you could finally screw up the courage to ask him out yourself.
“Well, what kind of girl is she? What does she like to do? Do you want a daytime date or a nighttime date? Does she like steak or is she a vegetarian? Does she like hiking?”
Marcus looked stricken at your questions. “I- I don’t know.”
“Hmmm…” You picked up your fork and dug back in. “Well if she’s an outdoorsy type of lady, you could take her along the hiking trail and then walk over to the juice bar and then walk another little ways over to the mini-golf place.”
Marcus nodded and actually pulled out his pocket notebook to jot that down. “... okay, mini golf. What else?”
“Movie and ice cream? Dinner and dancing? No, wait… dinner and a bookstore.”
“A bookstore?” Marcus frowned. “That actually sounds like a fun date. Which bookstore?”
“The big one downtown. There’s a really good steak restaurant down the hill, and you can take a nice walk afterwards up to the bookstore and just browse. They’re open until like, 11 p.m.? Oh, wait. Even better - have her pick out a book for you, and you pick out a book for her based on what you learn about each other over dinner. And then the ice cream place across the street is open until like midnight on the weekends, so you can take your books over there and grab dessert.”
Marcus grinned at you. “That’s actually really cool! Thank you. I’ll let you know how it goes.”
You nodded and then turned the lunch conversation back to safer topics like work and the weather. Things that wouldn’t sting the back of your throat or make you blink away the threat of tears.
The rest of Friday afternoon passed and at quitting time you and Marcus walked out of the office together, chatting as usual as you made your way through the parking garage.
“Oh!” Marcus patted your shoulder and you tried not to lean into the warmth of his large hand. “I was going to tell you, thank you so much for the date suggestions. I called and asked her out this afternoon, and she agreed to go out with me tonight. So thank you.”
You fixed your mouth in a tight smile that you hoped would fool Marcus. You knew it didn’t reach your eyes, but your heart was squeezing so hard that you couldn’t, you just couldn’t pretend to be happy. Marcus paused, seeming to notice your distress.
“Are you okay?” The little line between his brows appeared, and you wished for all the world that you could kiss it away, smooth it with your fingers and make him yours.
You shook your head. “Yeah, no- just remembered I have to hit the grocery store on the way home. I hate shopping during rush hour. Enjoy your Friday night!”
Before Marcus could say anything else, you turned and walked rapidly to your car, slamming the door after you got in. You chastised yourself for being rude, and then punished yourself further for feeling like a sore loser.
“You could have asked him out weeks ago, and you missed your shot,” you told yourself. “Buck up and stop being a jerk to your friend. Be happy for him.”
You drove out of the parking garage and headed for home, feeling blue about your dinner-for-one in front of Netflix.
Saturday dawned bright and sunny, and you decided that the best form of therapy would be to scrub your place from corner to corner and declutter. After a few hours you were sweaty and dirty, ready for a shower and some lunch. After lunch you took several bags of clothing and household goods to the thrift store drop-off and hit the grocery store. After that, a nap was in order.
When you woke up it was nearly 7 p.m. and you decided you were in need of a reward. Dinner alone in front of the TV again sounded miserable, so you decided to hit the bookstore and grab dinner out somewhere on the way home.
You were browsing in the film books section when you heard a familiar voice. “Come here often?”
You turned to see Marcus grinning at you from behind a gap in the shelves. Your heart took a little leap, and you felt a smile spread wide across your face.
“Hey, Marcus! What are you doing here?”
He came around the shelving and stood next to you. As he smiled at you, you felt heat rise from your collarbone to your cheeks. This was probably the closest you had ever stood next to him, and he smelled and looked phenomenal.
Marcus made a sheepish face and put his hands in his pockets, rocking back on his heels a bit. “Uh, my date… uh… lady friend...” He gestured behind him toward the stairs leading to the ground level. “She left early.”
“I thought your date was yesterday?”
“It was, but then she postponed until today. We had dinner at the steak place you recommended, and when we got here a few minutes ago, she said the idea of a bookstore bored her, and she had something early tomorrow, so…”
“Oh, Marcus. I’m sorry about that.” You held your arm out and wrapped it around his shoulders, without stopping to think. This was the first time you had hugged him. The feel of his big arms encircling you in return was heaven. You stepped back and tried not to smile. You weren’t happy that he’d been ditched, but the glow you felt from hugging him was unreal.
Marcus gestured to the book in your hand and tilted his head to read the cover. “A Critical History and Filmography of Toho’s Godzilla Series? Is that your idea of light weekend reading?” He chuckled, but it wasn’t a mean laugh. He sounded intrigued.
“Yeah!” You brightened up immediately. “I’ve actually already read it, but it was a library copy. I’m thinking of getting my own. I love old Godzilla movies. They’re cheesy but-” You stopped yourself. Marcus probably didn’t want to hear about your love of monster movies.
He looked at you and raised his eyebrows. “... But what?”
You felt your face heat again. Oh gosh, was he really interested? “But they’re actually really cool. The way that a society reflects social concerns is often found in horror films, and in the case of the original Godzilla it was a reaction to the the horrific bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the 1940s. And then there’s a 70s Godzilla movie that’s all about pollution, but it’s extremely cheesy and fun, too. Lots of people think they’re just monster movies, but they’re actually really deep.”
Marcus blinked and looked impressed. “Seriously?”
You laughed. “Yeah, I mean they can still be fun and lightweight to watch, but… You know what? You don’t want to hear me nerd out like this. I’ll let you get back to browsing. You probably want to be alone after… um…” You didn’t want to say ‘getting dumped’ but it was on the tip of your tongue.
“Actually, I’d love to browse with you. If you, that is, uh… unless you want to be alone.” You saw the tips of Marcus’s ears go pink, and you smiled at him warmly.
“I’d love that. What kind of books were you looking for, for your date?”
“Oh, we hadn’t gotten started yet, really. Dinner was kind of awkward, and then she backed out pretty quickly once she saw that I wasn’t joking about the bookstore. I think maybe she’s not a reader. And that’s okay, just…” Marcus dipped his head and looked slightly embarrassed. “I’m kind of looking for a woman I can talk about books with, you know?”
You grinned, you did know. You had wanted the same thing for ages, a kind man to talk about books with. Something about Marcus’s shyness made you bolder, and you slipped your hand into the crook of his elbow and smiled at him.
“Well, Marcus, I’ll be happy to be your substitute bookstore date. Tell me what you like to read, and I bet I can find the perfect book for you.”
“What about you?” Marcus smiled at you, dipping his head at your book. “I need to pick something for you, and I’m buying you that one, too.”
Your own shyness threatened to overtake you again, but you kept your eyes on his. “No, you don’t have to do that. I’m just trying to cheer up my friend Marcus after a bad date.”
Marcus pinched your book with his free hand and cradled it to his chest. “Well, your friend Marcus insists.” His deep brown eyes sparkled.
You relented. “Okay, if you insist. Now, tell me what you like to read, or stuff that fascinates you.”
Marcus smiled and told you all about his latest reads, and some of his favorite things, including the crime thriller he had just started, and his latest trip to the botanical gardens. You guided Marcus to the poetry section and grabbed a book of your favorite Japanese haiku poems, translated to English. Marcus’s eyes lit up.
“Haiku? I’ve never actually read any, but what made you think of this?”
You opened the book and showed him the table of contents. “Well, haiku often have a focus on or themes about nature, and I love this volume because they’re arranged by season. See? Winter, spring, summer, and fall. And you mentioned you loved the botanical gardens and how different they were last week from when you visited a few months ago…”
You looked at Marcus with an eager smile, and something in his expression made you freeze. He was looking at you with his mouth open and brows furrowed. You wondered if he was confused by your reasoning, or maybe he didn’t like the book suggestion.
“I mean, if you don’t like it, I can try to find you something else…” You trailed off. Marcus was looking at you with awe and wonder, deep brown eyes glowing like you had hung the moon. Then Marcus leaned closer, and butterflies exploded in your stomach.
“You’re wonderful,” he breathed. “I love it. Can I- I mean, can I kiss you?”
You looked at him with the same expression of wonderment that had been on his face a moment ago. Was he really-? Did he really want to-?
“Yes,” you nodded eagerly.
Marcus put the books on an open spot on the shelf and pulled you close, both big hands wrapping around your waist. He felt good and warm, strong and safe. This was even better than you could have imagined. His mouth found yours and you wrapped your arms around his neck, wondering at how this had happened, how you had gotten lucky enough to run into him after his disastrous date.
You marveled at the feel of Marcus’s warm lips, caressing yours. When you opened your mouth, his tongue found yours immediately, softly exploring your mouth with tender licks and gentle pressure. Marcus was an excellent kisser, and after a moment you broke away.
When you looked at each other you both smiled. Marcus spoke first.
“Wow… do you, um, do you want to get out of here? I’d love to take you on a real date, if you’re up for ice cream and more book talk.”
You nodded eagerly. “Yeah, yes. Yes please. I’d like that a lot, Marcus.”
Marcus smiled and grabbed the books, walking you both to the checkout counter with his arm around you the whole time.
Marcus Pike character masterlist
Main masterlist
“Everything bagel” tag list: @quica-quica-quica @anaaaispunk @justanotherblonde23 @gracie7209 @nicolethered @honestly-shite @driedgreentomatoes @dihra-vesa @1800-fight-me @the-queen-of-fools @juletheghoul @kesskirata @honeymandos @silverwolf319 @mourningbirds1 @greeneyedblondie44 @spacedilf @maxwell–lord @anxiousandboujee @cevvie @sherala007 @writeforfandoms @libellule2001 @deadhumourist @mandoalorian @javierpinme @eri16 @mandocrasis @pilothusband @bastillealmighty @eri16 @jitterbugs927 @babiiface95 @toomanystoriessolittletime @yespolkadotkitty @fisforfulcrum @prettylilhalforc @mswarriorbabe80 @littlemisspascal @wildemaven @coreychick @castleamc @coreychick @astoryisaloveaffair
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