#don't ignore shit just because it looks like things you're familiar with
dredshirtroberts · 1 year
so i know getting to the doctor is hard when your insurance plan is shitty and i know it's tricky to make sure there's enough money for emergencies *and* for fun things.
but like. my parents could have tried a little harder and maybe i wouldn't have suffered my whole life and could have known what life is like when i don't have to struggle and fight through all my body's signals that something is wrong.
Also apparently eczema is a result of an over-active allergy response in your body, because my immune system is either too good or is very bad at its job. either way.
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trashcanfanfics · 2 months
hi! this is my first time requesting but i saw you wanted to write for jason?
so how about jason cuddling with reader in his apartment, when dick or tim etc come to get him for a mission and catch him with the reader? i’m thinking a whisper-shouted squabble while they try not to wake the reader up lol 😭
could be a one shot or anything you like!
I love this
The window slowly opening caught Jason's attention. He went through a sequence where he could attack the intruder while keeping you sleeping so peacefully. The slight shifting stopped once he heard a familiar, annoying voice.
"Jason? Are you--Ow!" Tim's voice was cut off as a coaster hit his face. The teen glared at Jason and was about to cuss at him before he saw you and Jason cuddled on the couch. You shifted slightly and snuggled closer to him. Jason put an aggressive finger to his lips, his other hand on your lower back, glaring right back at Tim.
"What do you want?" He hissed. Red Robin looked between the two lovers and a grin slowly took over his face. One that meant Jason was never going to live this down.
"B needs your help." Tim whispered, hands up in a placating gestured. "Something's happening in Crime Alley--"
"Take care of it yourself." Jason's whisper made Tim pause. Jason? Not wanting to take care of things himself? Impossible. Was your influence on him really that strong? Tim looked at you again.
"You're giving us permission to enter your territory?" Tim put up an arm, gesturing to you, still snoozing, head on Jason's chest. "Because of them?" Jason's glare turned down right deadly. He picked up another coaster from the coffee table.
"Just get out already!" He scowled. You shifted, causing both of them to stop and hold their breath. You moved your hand slowly rubbing your eye before resting it by your head. They both relaxed. Until you spoke.
"Is there someone else here?" You lifted your head and looked at Tim. Jason let out an annoyed sigh, making you look at him with a frown. He felt his heart clench. "Why is there a vigilante in the living room?"
"I don't know but he's leaving." Jason looked pointedly at Tim. He held his hands up. You sat up and Jason grunted as you pushed on his chest to climb off of him. "Dammit." You ignored him, looking at Red Robin.
"Hey, look, I just came here to tell Re-Jason. Something." He turned towards the window to go. He put his hand up to the comm in his ear. "Red's busy." He listened to a response before looking at you, who was still looking at him with a tired confusion. He smirked at Jason who groaned and flopped his head back.
"Dammit." Jason got off the couch and put a hand on your shoulder, leaning towards you to whisper in your ear. "Hey, go to bed, I need to talk with him real quick." You leaned towards him, gently bonking your head against his, turned, kissed his cheek and left the room. Tim watched the whole thing with a shit eating grin.
"They're cute." Tim knew he was getting on Jason's last nerve. It was in the way he grit his teeth and clenched his fists. "Listen, I'll just tell them you got caught up with some goons or something." Jason sighed and rubbed his forehead.
"Give me a few minutes." Jason entered the bedroom to see you curled up and snoring softly. His heart fluttered and he smiled. It was quickly wiped when he remembered he came in here to change into his gear. He sighed in annoyance and quickly threw on his armor.
"--and they were--oh, gotta go." Tim quickly shut up, noticing Jason coming back into the living room, Red Hood gear on. "You know you could just stay." Jason squinted his eyes at the teen.
"Whatever, let's just go." He pushed past Red Robin and climbed out the window onto the fire escape. Tim followed. They both grappled away, Tim going two buildings over while Jason only went one over.
"I'm here." He called into his comm. "What--" He was cut off.
"Who's the lucky person?" Dick's voice was full of smug joy. Jason glared through his helmet in the direction of Tim, who was now gone. He was going to actually kill the kid this time. Once he catches him.
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rosewine-5 · 1 month
Baby Come Over
Wolverine/Logan Howlett x black fem reader
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Summary: Wade is hellbent of getting you to meet his new roommate, but what is his motive? (Note: I am not the best writer, but I had motivation, and the title is definitely not taken from Virgo’s Groove)
Warning: drunken asshole, Wade Wilson, cursing, unprotected piv smut (wrap it before you tap it) fingering, riding, soft!dom Logan MDNI 18+
Word Count: 4.2
Wade encouraged you to meet the new man in his life, not knowing if it was a new friend, a boyfriend, or someone he wanted to pursue romantically. Knowing him, it was probably both, but you agreed anyway. "Come on, sugar. I'm a vigilante, you're a fine-as-wine vigilante, and he's an old but good-looking mutant who needs some TLC— he'll love you immediately," Wade insisted, bringing it up again as you two talked over a late dinner while sitting on his couch.
Wade, I have to work all next week," you said, trying to get out of it. "Yeah, bartending is so hard. When was the last time you got laid? The pink vibrator doesn't count," he added for extra measure, almost making you slap him. "None of your business. Besides, I don't ask about your business even though we, unfortunately, share a wall. And why did you go through my drawer?!”
“My point being said, he needs friends, you need a new one, and if you won’t be with him I will! And besides, I'm Marvel Jesus, there's nothing I can’t do!” Wade insisted, emphasizing his statement with his hands and ignoring your question.
You knew better than to argue with him because he could go on for hours, so you agreed. You had pulled your braids into a ponytail and walked next door, where you saw the small get-together Wade had arranged. “Sweetie! You made it!” he cheered, answering the door, and dragging you in. He put you in front of him as he walked you to the back of the apartment, where Logan wasn’t facing you.
“He’s a bit grumpy today, but I’ll talk to him. Hey, three-pronged wolf!” Wade said, trying to get his attention.
He got it all right.
Before you could even introduce yourself you felt something pierce your arm, three things. You were met with the face of a man who looked like he was ready to knock someone out, it was Logan. His face quickly changed when he realized he hadn’t stabbed Wade, and immediately tried to cover the wound he made. “Ah, shit!” He cursed, looking you in the eyes.
“Now this is not how we greet potential lovers, gramps! Shame on you.” Wade scolded playfully, looking between you and Logan. “Well that’s a good icebreaker, or skin breaker I should say.” He said, looking at your already healing skin.
“Well, Logan, this is my best friend, she heals like us, curses like me. Sugar, this is Logan, the old good-looking man you should kiss for helping save the timeline. Do not fuck on my bed, and I don’t babysit.” He said, patting your cheek before walking away. You watched him leave and then leaned on the wall.
“Hell of an introduction, neighbor,” You said, trying to start a conversation. He didn’t respond but kept looking over your features as you did the same. Wade hit one thing on the mark: He was fine as hell. “How long have you known him?” Logan asked. “Ehhh, a couple of months, he’s good people, but he can be annoying as fuck some.” You said, that you two agreed.
It turns out that you both had something in common, besides the healing factor. Both of you were no strangers to drinks, and pain was a familiar feeling for both of you.
And that was how the foundation of the friendship was built. You didn’t talk much, mostly just passing each other in the hallway, a short greeting when you left for work and coming back home. That was until he found the bar you worked in. It was 5 minutes before closing, and you heard the man sit down. “What’ll it be buddy?” You asked, still wiping down the table with your back towards him.
“Whatever’s left.” Logan’s voice said, cutting through the faint sound of Sade’s voice coming through the jukebox. Your head snapped around at the familiar tone of the voice. “Wade mentioned you worked in a bar, been wondering which one it was,” Logan said, sitting down at the bar. “You didn’t think to look at the closest bar which is only a 15-minute walk from here?” You asked, leaning on the bar, a laugh leaving your lips.
He reached over, grabbed a bottle of beer, and shrugged, “Good point.” He said while taking a drink, a long one. “Let me guess. Roommate annoyance?” You asked, seeing him set down the bottle, and bringing him another one. “Yep. He made me leave the place today.” Logan explained. “Any reason for him kicking you out?” You joked, meeting his ever-so-serious eyes.
“He said either I try and make friends, or he walks around naked until I leave.” He said, almost making you cringe, “No one wants to see that.” Logan let out a short hum, before downing the beer before putting it down. As
You reached for the bottle your hand brushed his, and your eyes met in an awkward look. “Sorry-.” “My bad.” You both said at the same time. Logan then held your hand, moving it completely taking it off the bottle, and set it down behind the bar for you with his other hand.
“There. Less confusion.” He said, sitting back down. You nodded and looked at your still joined hands, noticing how his completely covered yours. You allowed yourself one more look before slowly sliding it out of his hands. As you finished cleaning up and locking up the bar, Logan stayed. As you walked back to the apartments, he walked beside you, in total silence, and both of you did.
That’s how it continued for almost a whopping 2 months. He’d show up for the last call, talk until closing, and walk you home in silence.
Until one night Logan walked in 1 hour earlier than his normal time. “You’re here early.” You pointed out, looking at the clock above the door. “Well, Wade mentioned something about you hating thunderstorms, thought you might want a familiar face around.” You never froze so fast in your life. “Oh? He told you that?” You asked, passing him a beer, Logan nodding in response.
“What if I told you he lied?” You asked, seeing him stop mid-drink to look at you, eyes with confusion. “I’m gonna strangle him,” Logan said. “He’d probably like it,” then you thought for a moment, “No, he’d love that.” He dropped the beer just in time for you to see a chuckle leave his lips with the taste of a smile, and your heart jumped. You already found him attractive, but that smile could’ve made an entire country swoon and sigh.
You looked away just in time for him to not catch you staring. “So, what do you do other than work?” Logan asked. “Vigilantism.” You replied, holding up another beer, switching up his empty bottle for a new cold one. “What did you do in your universe?” You asked. “Was a part of a team, had a suit and everything,” Logan explained. “Did they have abilities like you?” You asked, cleaning up some glasses while he talked. “Better. Way better than these claws in my skin.” He said, looking down at the counter harder than he should've.
You heard a little bit of how he was “the worst Wolverine” from Wade, and given how he was acting right now, he might have told the truth. “You remind me of one of them too. You don't look like her, but your mannerism reminds me of her.” Logan added. You took a chance and put a hand over his, “I won't pry, but if you ever want to talk, let me know.” He looked up at you with a greatful gaze, nodding his head and letting his hand hold yours.
You then looked at the clock and took your hand away from his “Closing time. Imma lock up real quick.” You said, wiping down the tables. As you were about to lock up, one man stumbled in. “We’re closed man. Go home.” You yelled. “One beer, sweetheart, it’s all I ask.” The random drunk asked, now grabbing onto your sleeve. “Were closed. Let go.” You said in a harsher tone. Trying to get your sleeve free.
“Come on sugar, just one drink.” He asked, eyes looking you up and down. “Dude. Let go!” You yelled, now trying to get his hand off you, but he had a strong grip on your wrist. Before he could respond Logan grabbed his arm, freeing you and walking him out. “Hey man what are you-.” Before he could finish Logan put his claws under the man’s neck. “The lady asked you 3 times to leave. I’m giving you 3 seconds to bounce before these find a home in your neck.”
The man stumbled back before slipping out the door. “You alright?” He asked, looking at your torn sleeve. “I’m alright.” You sighed, putting your jacket on. He walked next to you that night, almost arm and arm with you while you both made small talk. “I could’ve handled that asshole you know?” You asked him, bringing up the drunken man again. “I know, just wanted to do it.” He said, lighting a cigar, smirking, making you chuckle. “There she is.” He said, looking down at you. “What there? You asked, now across the street from the apartment. “That smile.” He said, still smoking the cigar.
As you opened the door to the building, you missed the faint blush on his cheeks. But you didn’t miss that look in his eyes and the way he looked over your body. But as he tried to open the door to his shared apartment, it was locked. “Are you fucking serious?” Logan said, now banging on the door. “Wade! Open the door!” he yelled.
Wade locked me out, and he’s not waking up.” He said, looking over at you. “I’ll try and call him.” You said, pulling out your phone and trying to call him, only for it to go straight to voicemail. “This son of a bitch.” you sighed, and put your phone away. You could tell what Logan was about to ask, so you beat him to it.
“I got a couch,” you said, unlocking your door. “I don't want to-.” “Logan, come over,” you interrupted, moving. so he could get in. You could tell he wanted to protest, but he knew he didn’t have a choice or another place to sleep. He gave the space a once-over and nodded. “Nice place,” Logan said.“I'm gonna take a quick shower, and I’ll be right out,” You said, he nodded in acknowledgment.
You turned on your heel, went down the hallway, and hopped in the bathroom. After 15 minutes you put on an oversized shirt and sleep short and walked to your close. You grabbed an extra pillow and top sheet for him.
“Here I got-.” Before you could finish you saw Logan with his shirt off looking you up and down. It was then you remembered you had gotten out of the shower, only wearing an oversized shirt and your shorts, that barely covered your thighs.
You saw his eyes staring at your legs, and then back up at you. His eyes were hungry with desire, and it was safe to say yours were too. His and was clenching and unclenching by his side. “Honey,” he breathed, “go to bed before I make a mistake.” You didn’t move, you didn’t dare. You moved closer, setting the blanket and pillow on the couch, your eyes never leaving his. “Please, walk away,” Logan said, licking his lips. “Why? When we both want the same thing?” You asked.
You swear you saw his breathing stop.
That was all he needed. He surged forward, claiming your lips with his. You could still taste the beer on his lips. His hand found your waist and then your thighs, lifting you, and groaned, looking up at you with a wolfish grin. Before he could say anything, you kissed him, your nails running through his hair as your tongue fought for control against his. His hands mapped out your skin, going over every contour and gripping your ass as he rolled his hips into yours.
A shiver ran through your veins, your thin shorts doing little to hide how much you wanted him, and he knew it. “Already? We’ve barely even started and you’re soaked?” He teased, one of his hands leaving your hips and dipping under the fabric. His fingers ran over your folds, his lips forming into a smirk as he sucked another mark into your neck. A soft moan left your lips as you felt two of his fingers dip into your cunt, “Oh fuck.”
“That’s it, honey, let me hear you,” Logan whispered. You let out a loud moan when his fingers hit your G-spot, your nails digging into his skin, emitting a groan from his lips. “Sorry.” You whispered, looking at him, only to see a feral smile on his lips. “You have no idea how much I loved that.” Logan groaned, his fingers working another finger in, making you bite down on his shoulder to muffle your moans.
“I wish you would.” He grunted, grabbed a handful of your braids, and pulled your head back, assaulting your neck with bites and kisses. “Logan!” You squealed, feeling his thumb find your clit. “Cum for me baby, let me hear it,” Logan whispered. Your hands made crescent marks on his back as you came undone, feeling his lips soothe you down from your climax.
You felt his fingers slowly come to a halt before Logan pulled his fingers out of you, his other hand letting go of your braids. “Still there, honey?” He asked, peppering kisses across your neck. You couldn’t even speak, your brain was still fogged from the orgasm you just went through. “Holy shit,” You breathed out. You finally cracked your eyes open, meeting Logan’s hungry eyes and seeing his fingers disappear in his mouth.
His tongue swirled around his digits, his eyes trained on yours. “Taste like heaven.” He said, licking his lips before claiming your lips in another kiss. You snapped out of the trance you were in as the taste of your juices hit your tongue.
You need him. You needed him now.
Your hand went to his pants, slipping under his jeans and finding his cock. He was rock-hard. He shuddered under your touch, a deep moan leaving his lips. Logan helped you get his jeans on the floor, his cock springing free and hitting his chest. “Goddamn. Someone’s blessed.” You whispered. “Is that someone you?” Logan asked, his hands slipping under the waistband of your underwear.
“Hold still for me baby,” he sighed and your arms framed his shoulders. You heard his claws come out and slice your bottoms off. “Someone’s done that before.” You teased, watching as his hand threw the fabric on the floor. Logan didn’t respond as he started to pick you up, but you held him firmly on the couch. “Nope, stay right there.” You breathed you, stroking his cock a few times.
He watched your hand pump him before positioning yourself above him. Logan’s eyes were trained on your pussy as you eased onto him. As you finally bottomed out, Logan let out a loud moan, and it almost made you cum on the spot. “Goddamn, you trying to kill me?” He asked, his hands going back to your hips. You didn’t respond as you started to move up and down, riding his cock.
Logan did little to stop the moans that were leaving his lips. “Fuck, honey. You’re squeezing me like a goddamn vice,” Logan sighed, letting you set the pace. You kissed his neck and sucked marks into his neck, not giving a damn that they wouldn’t be there tomorrow. As you bit one spot closer to his collarbone, he let out a whine. You focused on that spot and bounced on his cock a little faster.
He suddenly gripped your hips as a broken moan left his lips, “Fuck, wait.” He sighed, holding you still on his cock. “Why’d you make me stop?” You asked, looking at his screwed-shut eyes. Logan suddenly grabbed you and picked you up, still keeping you on his cock. “Which one is your room?” He asked. “Down the hall to the left,” You said. Logan walked down the hallway and you thanked god you left the door open.
He laid you and climbed over you, kneeling on the bed and pulling you closer, his cock moving between your thighs to rest on top of your belly button. You leaned up and rested on your forearms, and looked back down at his cock. “To answer your question from earlier,” Logan said, leaning down and tilting your chin up to look at him, “I stopped you because there’s more room on a bed than a couch.”
He looked down at you and licked his lips before catching your lips in a passionate kiss. Your hand cupped his cheek as you returned it, your tongue finding its way into his mouth.
You were so caught up in his kisses you didn’t register the head of his cock tapping your clit until you felt it slam into you, a scream falling out of your lips. Logan laid you back in your sheets and let his hand that wasn’t holding your thigh trail in between your chest and down your stomach as he fucked you. “Keep those eyes open for me, ya hear?” He asked, you nodding in response.
He didn’t waste a second after. Logan’s cock began to thrust in and out of you, sliding almost all the way out of you to only slam back in, emitting a moan from you every time. You writhed under him, looking up at his wild and feral expression. His mouth was open, looking down at your fucked out one, moaning loudly as you held the pillow behind you.
You could hear the sound of your headboard hitting the wall, the grunts coming out of his mouth, and you didn’t give a damn if anyone heard. All you cared about was the amount of pleasure he was giving you. As he hit that one spot that cut your breath off, you bit the pillow and screwed your eyes shut.
Immediately you felt Logan stop and he grabbed your wrist with one hand and pinned it beside your head, his own hovering over yours. “I said eyes open, darling. And don’t even think of hiding those pretty fucking moans from me.” He whispered. He then dropped his hand from your thigh and put it over his.
He now used one hand to wipe the sweat off your forehead, “You still here honey?” He asked, you nodded in response and opened your eyes. Logan was grinning down at you, taking in your tired face, “There’s my girl.” He softly kisses your lips before picking up his bruising pace, making you scream again, “Logan!” Your nails found their way to his back, making marks on his skin. “That’s right honey, let everyone on this goddamn floor who’s fucking you,” Logan grunted, using his free hand to hold your hip, his fingers digging into your skin.
The bed was creaking more as his thrust picked up, one of his hands starting to play with your clit. You instinctively let out a high-pitched whine and you swore he growled for a moment. “Logan, I’m gonna-, oh fuck!” You moaned, your hips bucking into his as you writhed your bed. “Yeah that’s it, let me see you come.” Logan cooed, His hand working your clit faster.
It didn’t take long for a long moan to erupt out of your mouth, your orgasm hitting you like a freight train. Your walls squeezed him like a vice as his free thumb caressed your chin. “Now that’s a sight I need to see more of.” Logan moaned with a smile on his face. You felt his hips pick up the pace and his moans getting louder as he was on the verge of his orgasm, both of his hands now holding your legs open.
“Tell me where honey,” Logan asked, looking down at you. Your legs only pulled him closer, and that was all the confirmation he needed. A sinful whimper left his lips as he spilled into you, his eyes screwing shut. Logan held himself up and let the waves of the orgasm wear off before he moved, flopping down in your bed next to you. “Goddamn.” He sighed, catching his breath.
You nodded, looking up at the ceiling. “For a 200-plus-year-old, you fuck like you’re 30.” You said, looking over at him only to meet his gaze, “I don’t hear you complaining.” Logan teased, pulling a chuckle from you. “After the two orgasms you gave me, I’d be a goddamn fool too.” You said with a laugh. A yawn soon came from your mouth as you turned on your side, “Wore you out that much?” Logan asked, leaning over and looking down at you with an amused smirk on his face.
“Yeah, and I’m, once again, not complaining,” you said, feeling yourself drifting off to sleep. That night was one of the best you ever had, followed by one of the best mornings. You awoke to the sound of someone breathing in your ear and an arm around your waist.
Logan slept in your bed last night, and you slept in his arms. As looked down, his hand was rubbing your hip through the sheets. “You’re awake?” You asked, turning around and meeting his eyes, “I’ve been up for a while.” You felt his thumb caress your cheek, a tender touch matching the emotion in his eyes. “I know this is probably a stupid to ask, given the circumstances, but would you like to grab a drink with me? Ya know, outside of work,” Logan asked.
You only leaned up and kissed his lips before pulling back and looking at him, “I’d love to.” Logan broke out into a grin that could rival the sun and returned the kiss. After a quick shower and getting dressed, you were about to make breakfast when a loud knock hit your door. “Who is it?” Logan asked, coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. You couldn't stop your eyes from wandering down his chest, but you refocused, “I don't know, I didn't answer it.
The person knocked harder a second time, almost startling you. Logan walked forward and opened the door, only to find no one there. You peeped out the hallway, saw Wade’s door open, and heard music coming from it. “I think I know who it was.” You recognized the song coming from inside too: Sexual Healing. As you walked in, Wade was singing along before he saw you walk in and popped a confetti cannon.
“Congratulations!” he yelled, and Blind Al popped hers as well. “I guess Christmas came early because I know you did last night,” Wade then looked over your shoulder, and nodded, “Both of you did.” Logan was standing behind you and closed the door, only in the towel. “What the hell is all of this?” Logan asked. “A small celebration for you finally getting laid. All part of my plan last night.” Wade explained. Logan immediately walked past you, “What the hell does that mean?”
“Well come on man, I knew it was bound to happen when you took more than 15 minutes to get back, you think I locked you out by accident?” Wade grinned, and it all clicked. “You knew I would let him crash?” You asked, seeing the shit-eating grin grow on his face. “Oh I knew you would let him do more than that, sugar, besides that's what you both fucked on wasn't it?”
You and Logan shared a look, confused about how we knew. “First of all, neither of you tried to be quiet, at all, especially you Donna Summer,” Wade said, pointing at you. “Two, I could hear the headboard hitting the wall thanks to tall strong big dick vintage-rine over here,” he continued. “And three, someone with claws made a little hole in the wall, and trust me, I heard it all.”
Logan’s mouth was open while you wanted the ground to swallow you whole. Wade then went to the fridge and pulled out a cake and got candles. “Happy first fuckiversary, my friends,” Wade said, putting the candle in the middle, above a gel doodle of two stick figures. One of them had boobs and was on her back with her legs in the air while the other with claws was in front of her. “Made this little doodle last night,” Wade said as he lit the candle, “go ahead, blow it, you’ll be doing a lot of that later.”
You didn't miss the wink he gave Logan as you blew out the candle. You took the cake and looked at Wade. “Thanks for the cake,” You said, hugging him, “and thanks for locking the door.” You took the cake and then left, Logan shutting the door behind him as you both went back to your apartment. “He’s never gonna let that go is he?” Logan asked, you shaking your head in response. “Nope, now go back over there and get dressed.”
He had a quick, confused look on his face. "Why?" you explained, throwing him his pants and shirt. "You made a damn hole in my wall, you're helping me fix it." "Yes, ma'am," he chuckled, walking back over to his and Wade's apartment.
You never thought you would see the day you would thank Wade for bringing you a man, but I guess Marvel Jesus works in mysterious ways.
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ariichive · 3 months
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trial period
various haikyuu
in which he finds an opportunity in your boyfriend's errors. suna, osamu, iwaizumi, and akaashi fem reader | cursing | grumpy volleyball players | jealousy | they see their chance and take it | toxic relationships | akaashi's is a bit angsty but its still sweet, promise | i used kenji as a name for readers bf
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suna felt like shit; everything was pissing him off today. his coach was harder on him, he forgot his water bottle, and the heat was terrible. he was convinced nothing could make his day worse.
well that's what he thought until his phone went off.
'(name): is this a a good gift set for guys?'
image sent.
'(name): or should I get him a new video game??? thx for ur help rinnie :)'
yeah, his day could definitely get worse.
he stared at your text messages, not even wanting to respond. there was nothing more humiliating than his crush of almost a year texting him about another guy. in all honest, he didn't give a fuck about that sorry excuse of a man that you called your boyfriend.
maybe he was biased, but he honestly didn't care. how could perfect, beautiful you settle for a man who forgot your birthday 3 months ago?
shit just didn’t make sense; now here you are, gift shopping for his birthday. if it were up to suna, he’d make sure you didn’t spend a penny on the man’s birthday. but if things were so easy, he’d gave you in his arms after a long day.
shaking his head, suna typed up a quick, dry response. it wasn’t his intention to come off as an asshole, but at the same time, it kinda was. maybe you’d finally get the hint.
suna ignored the buzzing of his phone as he walked into his local grocery store, he'll answer after buying a few snacks for his apartment. he didn't like ignoring your messages, but he also didn't like your boyfriend.
he saw a familiar, hated haircut as he walked mindlessly through the aisles. squinting his eyes, he made sure his eyes weren't deceiving him; but why was he in the women's care section?
sure, there was a small possibility of him buying you something. however, from what he's heard, your boyfriend has never given you flowers. he walked a little closer, not worried about being recognized because the two had only ever briefly met.
suna decided to pull out his phone; he felt something in his gut screaming at him.
suna quickly skimmed over your texts of you asking which video game to buy him. he facetimed you, making sure his headphones were connected.
"you asshole, you're lucky i'm still at the store," your voice spoke beautifully into his ears (he was ignoring your rude remarks). "yeah yeah, lemme see the video game options."
suna heard you sigh before you flipped the facetime camera, showing the huge display of video games.
he didn't look back at his phone, instead looking at your boyfriend- well it wasn't just your boyfriend anymore, he had a girl looking at him with a big smile on her face.
looking a bit closer, he saw the cause of her happiness. in her hands, she was holding two packages of pregnancy tests, different brands.
now, suna didn't want to assume anything; that could be a sister or a cousin. but his suspicions were only confirmed when she gave a big kiss on his lips.
"you're not even looking- are you at the store?" you said after seeing the background of his facetime screen. you watched as he looked lost in thought, standing in front of a shelf of pads. "why are you in the women's section? actually, while you're there can you grab me more..." when you noticed he wasn't listening, you got a bit worried. "rin?"
"sorry, i'm here. hey, i actually have something to show you, don't get mad.. at least not at me, alright?" you stared confused as he flipped the camera to his back one. now everything he was seeing, you were too.
"oh is that kenji? he said he would be at the.." you lost your train of thought as you witnessed kenji wrap an arm around a girl he was with, placing a small kiss on her head.
you could only stay silent as you watched the two happily walk away.
suna felt like an asshole that he was the one to reveal this to you, but it would've been worse if he hadn't.
"o-oh," you were the first to break the silence. "want me to go say something to him? you know i will." suna's own heart broke a little as he heard the cracking of your voice. "no, it's fine. uhh," you took a quick pause in your sentence, contemplating your words carefully, "do you think, you could come over for a little?"
suna glanced down at his screen, seeing you were already out of the video game shack and into the freshness of the outside air.
"yeah, i'll be there soon. be careful going home okay?"
"okay, bye suna."
no nickname or first name, you were definitely upset.
suna sighed as he continued his grocery shopping; making sure not to get anything refrigerated as he didn't know how long he was going to be at your place.
(he grabbed a few of your favorite snacks and a weird-looking stuffed animal he had a feeling you'd like)
after paying and making a mental note to come back later for milk, he went on his way to your place.
he wasn't quite sure what he was expecting when he got to your apartment, but nothing prepared him for seeing you open your door with sad eyes and a twitching lip; sad but not wanting to show.
"hey," you greeted him with a nod which he reciprocated, holding up his grocery bags. "we can watch that stupid reality show you like," suna stretched as he got comfortable in your living room.
"it's not stupid you just don't understand it."
and when the show was just white noise in the background as he listened to you complain about your now ex-boyfriend was turned into you falling asleep, using the cheap plush he bought you as a pillow; he felt like he belonged there with you.
even as your phone blew up with messages from your ex, suna stayed focused on you.
(he blocked the number).
you stared at the delivered message you sent to your boyfriend 6 hours ago, only growing more irritated as time went by. the two of you had a date planned for later tonight at a fancy restaurant; one he insisted on going to and you agreed eagerly.
you had already gotten all dolled up, and even though you didn't want to go on the date originally, you did do your best to get ready, and it was a bit disappointing to not go out now.
time was only getting closer, and there was still no response from your boyfriend. over the past week, you felt distant from him, hence your quick agreement to this date.
now, he wasn't even answering his phone. even after ringing kenji multiple times and going straight to voicemail, you still had hope. there was still an hour left until the agreed meet-up time, still some time for him to answer.
you did a few small room chores to kill the time, only for your phone to not go off even once. there were still 20 minutes until 6pm, and you decided that this date wasn't going to happen.
now, you were sad and hungry. getting up, you looked through your fridge and cabinets only to find nothing.
about to give up all hope, your phone dinged from the counter. shooting up immediately, you grabbed your eagerly; only to feel slight disappointment when it was your friend sending you a recently opened food place, 'Onigiri Miya'.
something was pulling you towards the place (maybe your stomach); sending your friend a quick text back, you decided to stop by for dinner. putting on more comfortable clothes and deciding to head out, still no text from your boyfriend.
the place was located in a good area and it wasn't a far walk from your own home. you could see yourself coming here more often. the smell of freshly cooked meals could be smelled from outside the restaurant doors. the place was rather empty, considering it was a bit later in the evening.
you sat down at the counter, glancing over the menu. there was an older lady next to you, who had a big smile on her face as she enjoyed her food. the scene caused a small smile to grace your face. you looked around a little more, noticing everyone had a smile on their face as they enjoyed their food.
this place felt like home.
"welcome to onigiri miya. do ya need more time lookin' at the menu?"
a mans voice broke you out of your trance. looking up, you seen a broad male with dark hair in the, what you assumed, was the official uniform of the restaurant.
"hello," you give him a polite smile, "could i get a minced tuna and spring onion rice ball?" you watched the man’s eyes widen, before a small smile adorned his pretty face.
“gotcha, that’s what my brother orders,” he held a bit of fondness in his voice as he recalled his brother. you giggle slightly, “your brother must have good taste.”
“s’alright. my taste has always been better,” he said as he gave you a quick look over, making you sit up a bit straighter. “really? then what do you recommend?” you decided to play along a little, almost forgetting about the events from earlier.
"stop by tomorrow, we could talk about it more."
and when a number was jotted down on the receipt, you felt a new chapter unfolding in your life.
iwaizumi stared at his client, whose phone was currently going off non-stop. usually, iwaizumi hated it when his clients were on their phones during his training sessions; but this was annoying at this point.
"can you answer that," iwaizumi didn't try to hide the irritation in his voice. his client, kenji, perked up from his sit-ups. "sorry about that, man." iwaizumi just nodded his head, waiting to get back to his training.
"it's my clingy ass girlfriend, she's scared i'm out cheating."
frankly, iwaizumi didn't care; he had another client coming in soon and he needed to get this guy out. "okay.. are you ready to continue?" with a rather embarrassed nod from kenji, they finally continued their workout; which consisted of a few more sets and then iwaizumi creating a dietary plan for kenji to follow.
once kenji was gone, iwaizumi finished up a few more clients for the day before he moved onto his own workout for the night. it was normal for him to stay late and the gym owner trusted him enough to close.
he was in the middle of his workout when he heard the front door open. sighing, he wiped his sweat off with a nearby towel and walked to the front. walking up, he saw a pretty girl who looked lost just as much pissed.
noticing the man coming out of the backroom with a confused look on his face, you decided to speak first.
"hey, sorry to interrupt but have you seen a male with brown hair, brown eyes, and about this tall?" iwaizumi watched as you held your hand a few inches above your own head. "oh and his name is kenji, if that helps?"
iwaizumi's eyes widened in realization; you must be the clingy girlfriend.
"we close in about half an hour, nobody's here but me." he answered truthfully as he watched your face fall. "oh, thank you for letting me know." iwaizumi watched as you were about to turn and leave, but oddly enough he wanted the conversation to continue.
"why does he have you out so late lookin' for him?" iwaizumi wasn't one to shy away from being protective; especially when it came to women and his loved ones.
you watched as he leaned over the reception desk, his biceps flexing as he did so. noticing you were staring, you snapped out of it. "we haven't spoken all day, and then i called him and he told me he was at the gym... thought i'd wait for him so we could go do something after."
haven't spoken all day? that was weird considering how much Kenji's phone was blowing up earlier from text messages from his "clingy girlfriend"/
"he's been gone for hours. i'm his personal trainer, iwaizumi." iwaizumi stuck his hand out which you shook immediately, "(name), nice to meet the man who's kept my boyfriend so busy these past few weeks."
"few weeks? today was his third day here." iwaizumi watched as the words registered into your mind. there was a twitch of your eyebrow, nails picking at the skin of your hands, and a quick bite of your lip.
it was a shitty situation; he felt bad that a pretty girl like you was getting played by a man that couldn't even bench press 22kg.
"if it makes you feel any better, he dropped a 3kg weight on his foot." iwaizumi tried his best to cheer you up, and it seemed to be working when a laugh fell from your lips.
"thank you for talking to me, sorry for taking up your time, iwaizumi. I should start to walk back before it gets too dark," you said noticing how late it was getting.
"let me close up and i'll walk you home, if that's okay with you?"
you looked shocked before a small smile took graced your face, "sure that'll be fine."
and as you waited for iwaizumi to close up the gym, you sent one last text to kenji; a breakup text.
it was against your moral conscience to do it over text, but he tested your limits. you weren't even sure if he'd see the text tonight, since he's out doing whatever, but your feelings still stood.
when you and iwaizumi started the walk back to your complex, it was full of natural conversations and laughter. the two of you hitting it off immediately and ended the night exchanging numbers.
when the next day arrived, kenji walked into the gym, iwaizumi made training incredibly challenging. he still did his job with integrity, but he added a few new workouts to kenji's routine, some of which even made the athletic trainer pause when he did them himself.
you flopped around on your best friend's bed, burying your face in his pillows and letting out muffled complaints.
"he's so stupid, keiji! can you believe he ditched our date to go get drunk with his friends?!"
akaashi can actually believe it, but he doesn't think you'd want to hear that right now. "it is shocking, yes." the lie comes out smoothly, he knows how this'll go. you'll complain and shit talk your boyfriend, get immensely sad for a few minutes, and then fall asleep on his bed.
this always happens when another male does your heart incredibly wrong, and akaashi is always there to pick up the shattered pieces.
"it's not the first time this has happened either... we'll be going good, and then out of nowhere he just..."
akaashi heard the familiar cracking of your voice, which he hated to hear, and when he noticed you went completely quiet; he knew you were crying into his pillow.
he gently got up from his seat on his desk, taking a seat on the bed next to you. "(name), it has nothing to do with you, he's just a bottom-of-the-barrel kind of guy. you know this," akaashi picked your head up from his pillow and placed it into his lap.
"you need to stop letting below-average men sweep you off your feet," akaashi sighed. these men were lucky enough to have a chance with you. whereas he, who's known you for a long time, hasn't gotten the chance. akaashi is too careful, and he never wants to overstep any of his boundaries and make you uncomfortable.
you sniffle as akaashi wipes your tears and runs a soothing hand through your hair, which only makes you more sensitive. akaashi noticed as your frown deepened, causing his hand to stop his movements, an apology already on the tip of his tongue.
"sorry, (name) i-...."
"i go for these types of men because i don't know if i deserve better," you spoke truthfully, grabbing akaashi's hand and putting it back on your head.
"(name), you deserve the world. it's not good for you to self-sabotage like this." his hand continued its movements in your hair. this time, it's your turn to sigh.
"keiji, you're too nice to me... i don't deserve someone like you." akaashi is stunned into silence, his hand movements halting. this was new.
you use his silence to continue, "you're so nice to me. i can't find better because better doesn't exist when you're near me. i don't know what i did to deserve your kindness."
akaashi breaks out of the trance he's in a furrow in his brow at your belittling words. "(name), you have made me discover parts of myself i didn't even know existed. (name) you make me happy."
he sees as your eyes start to water once again, "but i don't deserve you. every time i start to date someone new, my brain always compares him to you." akaashi's heart starts to speed up. "i'm the one that doesn't deserve you," he starts, "you stay by my side when i'm stressed from deadlines, you know how to tell when i need to get out of my room. (name), you know me better than almost anyone."
it was a sweet moment shared between you and him; two people who have been silently pinning for each other for so long.
he sees an opportunity right now and he'd be a fool not to take it.
"(name), you don't need these terrible men when you have me," his words become more confident as he speaks, "i promise i can be enough for you, my feelings towards you are genuine. never would i even think about treating you as poorly as these other men."
your eyes widened as you looked up at his face, a pretty red hue blossoming over his face. "you.. do you actually like like me?"
akaashi chuckled at your words, "yes, (name) i like like you," he repeated your words back at you.
"good, because i like like you too."
both you and akaashi let a comfortable silence take over the two of you. a mutual feeling of love waiting to be explored lingers in the air.
this was fun to write! if you enjoyed it pls consider reblogging or following :)
913 notes · View notes
bratbby333 · 4 months
I got some thoughts 👀 can I request a little something? like reader finds herself in a situation where a guy is disrespectful to her and Geto steps in to defend her... she would be so relieved like 'thank you so much tall and beautiful stranger' 😍🥰 and he's probably like 'don't worry about it, it's whatever' but in the end he offers to walk her home and he fucks her against the wall things happen 😳😳
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`⭐︎ ˑ ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ YOUR GUARDIAN STRANGER ! — feat. suguru geto
word count. 3.6k content warnings. characters are 21+, fem!reader x suguru, mentions of blood, allusions to violence, reader gets hit on and grabbed in the club, alcohol consumption, p in v, unprotected sex, use of pet names, dirty talk, thigh-riding, sugu fucks hard, one night stand, the pull-out method, non-curse!au author notes. thank you for ur ingenious request my sweet nonnie...i hope you enjoy xx not beta read !!
nsfw 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 mdni
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A skin-tight dress. Four inch heels. Dark lip liner with a clear gloss on top. A few spritzes of Chanel No. 5, and you are out the door and heading to the club.
Everything is great; good vibes, strong drinks, pounding 808s reverberating off the walls. The liquor warms your stomach as your hips sway to the music, your over-worked body relaxing with every bump of the heavy bass. You take in the scene around you; drunk couples making out in the corner, a few underage kids getting thrown out, a group of friends arguing over god knows what– it’s all very entertaining. You laugh to yourself, your eyes scanning the room once more before your vision settles on the one thing you were trying to avoid. Shit. Your heart drops. Really? Did he not catch the hint the last two times? You sigh deeply, rolling your eyes as you prepare yourself for the inevitable. Not this again.
Because, of course, all good things must come to an end. 
You're used to being hit on. But tonight, there is one guy in particular, unrelenting in his attempts to get close to you. He's shorter than average, the two of you being the same height when you're in heels. He reeks of liquor, cigarettes, and BO. His fringe clings to his forehead as he approaches you for the third time this evening, a disgusting smirk plastered across his face. He seems to have mistaken your accidental eye contact as an invitation to test his luck once more. With tense shoulders and an apprehensive tone, you offer him polite conversation. Not that you want to, but god forbid you reject him in just the right way to make him snap. You don't want to end up being a headline. Your eyes dart elsewhere, knowing damn well that if you look at him for too long you might gag. He is truly disgusting, rambling on and on about his podcast and his most recent bouts of buying and trading crypto. 
It's a tough situation to navigate. You're out alone. Granted, you are at a club that you're comfortable in; you're familiar with the layout, you're friends with a few of the waitresses and bartenders. The DJ knows you by name. But, you're still riding solo in a loud, rambunctious environment. Even though there is a level of comfort here, it's still a club filled with drunkards at the end of the day. 
With a fake smile and a couple nods of your head, you try to ignore the part of the conversation where he referred to himself as an “alpha male” as you accept the drink he presents to you, kindly excusing yourself before disappearing into the crowd once more.
A shudder runs down your spine, your body quite literally trying to shake away that awful conversation. God, he’s the worst. On your way to the dance floor, you pour the contents of the cup into the soil of a potted plant. He doesn't think you're stupid, does he? There is no way in hell you're drinking that shit.
You're dancing alone, enjoying the house mix that's bumping through the giant speakers, the colorful spotlights that bounce around your face as you feel yourself begin to relax once more. Finally, some much needed alone time. All you want is to let loose after an arduous week of working. Can't a girl have some peace?
"C'mon...just give me a chance." You don't even have to turn around to see who it is, you can smell him. Your nose scrunches up before you turn to face him, another fake smile pulling at your cheeks as you speak to him for the fourth time tonight. 
"I'm sorry, but I'm just not looking for anythin'...I'm just tryna have fun," you say politely, before beginning to walk away. If you just keep moving through the crowd, he won't be able to find you again. But this guy is annoyingly determined and obnoxiously entitled, because after one step away from him, his hand grabs at your wrist, "We can have fun! C'mon...seriously?! I bought you a drink and this is how you treat me?"
As soon as the contact is made, your blood boils. Rage runs through your body as you spin around to chew him out for A, assuming some smelly asshole like him has a chance with you; B, for even thinking he could touch you, and C, the absolute nerve of this man to actually follow through with it. 
But when you turn, you realize you can't see him anymore. Your eye line is obstructed by a broad, muscular back. Utterly confused, you step to the side in order to fully see what the hell is going on. The sweaty hand that was once wrapped around your forearm is now gripped by a large fist. Your eyes trail up to your savior, a damningly handsome man with jet-black hair. 
"Do we have a problem?" a stern voice addresses the musty, shorter guy. 
"Yeah, this chick's been flirting with me all night...I'm tryna get what I'm owed," he spits back, attempting to pull his wrist away, "Dude, let go...stop bein' a cockblock." The mystery man's face twists at the other's bold choice in words. You're shocked that he doesn't feel intimidated at all. 
"What you're owed?" A deep chuckle emerges from the unknown’s chest as he stares down at him. "I dunno...it seems like she wants nothing to do with you," he muses, tightening his grip around the other’s arm. 
He turns to address you, and you finally get to take a good look at him. His side-profile is god-like, but looking at him straight on is a whole different realm of attractiveness. The man's fucking gorgeous. You're too busy ogling him that you miss his question all together. 
"S-sorry...what did you say?" You shake your head a bit, adrenaline pumping through your ears from this entire ordeal, the expensive scent of his cologne mixing with the pounding bass of the club; it's all making your head spin. 
He laughs and leans down to your level, his head hovering just next to your ear. "You want me to get rid of him for ya?" he repeats, his breath brushing against your neck, sending shivers down your spine. He pulls back, looking down at you with his grip still tight around the other guy's arm. The pathetic man is squirming as the two of you share quite the intimate eye contact. You nod, your mouth dropping open as he drags him out of the club immediately. 
You let out a deep sigh before making your way to the bathroom. You lather up your hands with soap and do your best to scrub away the feeling of that man's skin on yours. Leaning up against the sink, you take a few deep breaths before fixing your hair and reapplying your lipgloss. That man is vile, but you're not going to let that gross interaction ruin your night. 
You make your way to the bar, keeping your head on a swivel in hopes to see your handsome rescuer once more, wanting to thank him for handling that for you. You pout a bit as you fail to see him on your trek, sighing as you place your order with the bartender. 
You take a few sips before turning to walk back toward the dance floor, when you literally run straight into someone. "Fuck! I am so sorry, I-" but then you smell it, the same entrancing cologne as before. You look up and are met with a devious grin on the most angelic face you've ever seen. You smile, pushing your hair from your eyes, "I was looking for you." You sound relieved as the two of you stare at one another. 
"Were you now?" he asks coyly, shifting his weight as he smirks down at you. You nod shyly, "Mhm...I-I wanted to thank you for earlier," you take another sip of your cocktail, hoping it will calm your nerves a bit, "I appreciate you stepping in, that guy couldn't catcha fuckin' hint," you laugh, looking away. 
"Don't mention it. It's the least I could do," he responds. "I'm Suguru, by the way."
Turning to face him once more, you tell him your name with a kind smile. As the two of you make small talk, you notice his chest is heaving a bit, and with a quirk of your brow, you run your eyes down his body, realizing that his knuckles are bruised and slightly bloody.
"Oh...oh my god. Are you alright?" you ask, grabbing his hand. You bring his fist up to inspect it, the dim lights of the club not offering you much assistance. "Oh, yeah," he laughs, rotating his wrist so you can examine it further, "the blood's not mine," he grins. A laugh escapes you as you gaze up at him, still holding his hand in yours. 
"Damn...you really did a number on him, huh?" Suguru laughs at this.
"Absolutely, he deserved it. Dude was a prick. I'm really sorry that happened to you," he sympathizes, watching as you grab napkins and a shot of vodka from the bar to wipe off the dried blood from his knuckles. 
"It's alright, I'm used to it by now, but having someone step in and save me was definitely a first." He releases a jagged exhale as you pour the liquor over the small abrasions on his hand, "Sorry...gotta disinfect you. That dude was gross...I had to go scrub my arm off after he touched me," you giggle. He watches intently as you finish cleaning him up, his heart skipping a beat as you smile up at him triumphantly. You are quite the woman, cunning and confident. He likes that. 
"There ya go," you chirp, before tossing the reddened napkins into the garbage can located nearby. His eyes run across your face and up and down your body, taking in every part of you. Poor thing. Though you seem so unbothered by that whole situation, there is a telling look behind your eyes, and Suguru notes that you are still a little shaken up. He would be crazy to let you wander back out there alone. 
"Do you want to come hang with my friends? I promise they won't pester you like that dude did," he offers. He nods toward the booths that line the wall. "That's them over there; Shoko and Satoru." You follow his eye line, seeing a brunette woman accompanied by a blue-eyed man. They seem to be about your age, and you love meeting new people. You smile and agree, thanking him once more as the two of you make your way over to the table. 
The rest of your night is spent laughing and dancing with the three of them. You learn that they all work for the high school across town, and that Shoko can really handle her liquor; Satoru cannot. You and Suguru are in your own world, chatting about everything and nothing, taking breaks to dance together when a good song comes on. His hands rest on your waist as you move your hips against him, your bodies fitting like you are made for one another. Suguru, being the gentleman he is, never pushes any further than that, allowing you to initiate the contact. 
It's 2 AM when the four of you stumble out of the club, the tall blond leaning on his smaller friend's shoulders as she guides him toward the taxi. It's quite the amusing sight. 
You stop short of the curb, wishing Satoru and Shoko a good night, before turning to Suguru. "Thank you again…for everything," you say, your voice raspier than usual from all the shouting you did inside the loud club. 
"Of course. I'm just glad we got to spend some more time together," he says with a smile, ushering you toward the taxi. He's confused when you shake your head. 
"I live like three blocks from here, I'm just gonna walk," you state. "It was really nice meeting you, you were great company," you smirk, heading down the road, your heels clacking against the pavement with every step. 
A few unintelligible words are exchanged between Suguru and the taxi driver, followed by a car door slamming shut, before the sound of someone jogging catches up to you. 
"You're crazy if you think I'm gonna let you walk home alone," he retorts, pushing you toward the inside of the sidewalk as he walks closest to the cars that pass by. 
"You're quite the gentleman, aren't you," you tease, pushing your shoulder into his. He chuckles, "Can you blame me? I see a beautiful woman in distress, I have to jump in." You blush at his compliment.
"My knight in...," you pause as you run your eyes down his body, "...jeans and a black tee," you giggle. After sharing a few laughs, silence settles between the two of you as the cool air swirls around you. The occasional car passes by, but other than that, it's a quiet evening. 
You glance at Suguru through your peripherals, enjoying the way his layered hair bounces with every step he takes. His cologne, though more subtle now, still wafts toward your nose. He really is beautiful. You wonder if it'd be too bold to see if he wants to continue your evening. 
You walk toward the door to your apartment, turning to face him. It's now or never. 
"You comin'?" You ask with a raise of your brow. He chuckles as he climbs the stairs, joining you by your side, "Thought you'd never ask."
You have never been into one night stands, but something about Suguru is irresistible. Whether it's because he saved you from that creep or because he is super fucking sexy, you know you need him. Now. The two of you barely made it through the doorway as you’re pushing him up against the wall of your foyer, your lips immediately finding his.
He's taken aback by your boldness, taking a second to register his surroundings before quickly flipping the two of you around, his hands cupping either side of your face as his knee wedges between your legs. His muscular thigh is pressed directly onto your core, the pressure sending waves through your body.
“Couldn’t even make it to the bed, huh?” he husks into your ear, placing a wet kiss on the sensitive skin below, nipping and sucking at it. Soft moans echo through the hallway as Suguru finds your lips once more, your tongues battling one another. You thrust your hips, rubbing your warmth against his leg. “Eager, are we?” he teases, lifting his leg more. 
“Mmm…mhm,” you gasp as the contact intensifies. You’re already addicted to him, wanting nothing more than to feel him inside you. You grind your hips harder, pressing your drenched cunt firmly against his clothed thigh, certain that he can feel your pussy throbbing against him, the tightness in your stomach intensifying. Your cheeks fluster at how quickly he’s getting you to your breaking point without even having to do anything.
He breaks the kiss, watching intently as your hips gyrate against him. “Shit…are you gonna cum?” The tone of his voice is taunting, yet laced with desire. The sight of you using him to get off has him rock hard. You blush immediately, tilting your head away from him. You nod shyly, though your hips continue their pattern. “So fuckin’ hot,” his hand wraps around your throat, your head tilting to rest against the wall. “Uh uh, don’t get shy now…look at me.” Through low lids, you meet his gaze. His lower lip is between his teeth as he glances between your face and your cunt rubbing against his thigh. With a desperate whimper, you pick up the pace. “C’mon…that’s it–cum for me,” he growls, entranced by the fluid motion of your body. You come undone just a few minutes later with a whine and a few moans of his name. Your cum soaks through your panties and a guttural moan breaks through his chest as he watches you finish. “Fuckin’ drenchin’ me already, huh?” You blush profusely, your eyes screwed tight as embarrassment courses through you.
You yelp as he flips you around, your chest now pressed against the wall, your legs parallel with your shoulders. “All that cum ‘n I wasn’t even inside you yet…” He unbuckles his belt, shoving his pants and boxers down just enough to free his throbbing erection, “...can’t wait to see how much you cream on my cock.” You whimper at the filthy words that shamelessly fall from Suguru’s lips as he pulls your dress up and drags your panties down your legs. You aren’t much help, small pants leaving your chest as your body recovers from your unexpectedly intense orgasm.  His lips part as he teases his thick tip along your slit, lubing himself with your cum. “You ready, doll?” His head shallowly dips in and out of your needy cunt, already loving the way you stretch for him. You hum, nodding profusely as you look over your shoulder. “Mm. Mhm…p-please fuck me,” you beg. Your words feel foreign to you as you say them, unsure of where all this submissiveness was coming from. But Suguru’s effortlessly domineering aura makes you want to bend to his every whim, to please him in any way that you can. 
Inch by inch, he’s delving into you. The warmth of your dribbling cunt sucking him, the squelching sounds ricocheting through his head, the sinful moans that break through your throat–it drives him wild. He growls as your back arches, pushing him even deeper. Your ass flush against his lower abdomen, your eyes blowing wide at the damning stretch of his full length nestled deep inside you.
He stays still for a moment, allowing you time to accommodate as your gushy walls flutter around him. The pace starts slow, but Suguru’s patience wears thin, and after a few strokes he’s ramming into you, one hand wrapped around the front of your throat, the other pulling your hair into a makeshift ponytail as he bounces you on his cock. The scratches that should be left on the tanned flesh of his toned back are being dragged down your beige walls, your breasts rubbing against the cold plaster with every rough thrust of his hips, the sensation stimulating your budding nipples. 
Every bump of his hips pushes his head into your sweet spot, his length caressing every part of you with ease. “Takin’ me so well,” he grunts as he rams into your furthest wall. You can’t suppress the cock-drunk whines that spill from you, your eyes welling with tears while delirious pleasure claws its way through your body, your tummy tightening as you clench around him. Your shoulders tense as your perch on your tiptoes, opening yourself up to take more of him–if that is even possible–praying he finds refuge within your womb. “Shit–” he hisses, his words nearly incoherent as the sound of skin against skin echoes through the hallway, “fuckin’ milkin’ me, doll.”
He releases your throat, the same hand trailing down your spine before his arm snakes around you, his nimble fingers strumming delicious circles against your throbbing clit. You cry out, eyes screwing shut as your legs shake. “Fuck…oh fuuuck–ahh! Gonna…’m gonna…” Your voice trails off, any semblance of a coherent thought cast to the wayside as a deep chuckle rumbles through his chest. Suguru leans down, kissing behind your ear before biting at your lobe. “I know,” he muses, his fingers work even faster against you, “Squeezin’ me s’tight…”, his hips shifting to push himself even deeper, “...C’mon. Make a mess ‘f me.” You reach your breaking point once more, lips parting as squirt spills out around his cock and dribbles down your thighs. 
His release follows suit with a few raspy swears and sultry mumbles of your name. He pulls out, working his fist around his cock, his hot seed shooting onto your ass and lower back. Suguru places soft pecks along your neck and shoulders, working to regain his breath. He catches you as he untangles his body from yours, chuckling at the evident exhaustion of your body while your knees buckle, unable to support your own body weight as you lean against the wall. 
After tucking himself away and a speedy rebuckle of his belt, he scoops you up in his arms, carrying you bridal style to your bed, setting you down on your plush duvet. 
“Bathroom?” he asks. Your brows furrow before you comprehend his question, still dazed from the spell he cast on you. With a weak flick of your wrist, you gesture toward the closed door to your left. You watch with tired eyes as he returns with a damp rag, his soft touches along your weary body juxtaposing the meanness of his strokes as he mindfully cleans you up. With a quick kiss on your cheek and a soft mumble of “you were wonderful” into your ear, he smiles down at you before beginning to exit the bedroom. It’s crazy–insane, even–how much you want him around. You must be out of your mind…this near stranger—the fact that you even let him in your house is wild, let alone asking him to stay the night? But you want him to, so bad. There’s just something about him.
You sit upright, ignoring the ache in your lower back and the morality of your choices, your question flying from your lips before your brain can stop it. “Wait…can you stay?” Your words are soft as they drift through the air. He stops just short of the door, before turning and offering you a knowing smile, “I thought you’d never ask.”
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author notes. certified sugu glazer…what can i say. i just cannot get enough of him ugh.
i’m still workin thru all my requests, i appreciate yalls patience w me 🤍
my reqs are closed atm, but thirsts + chats are welcome! come say hello ☺️
tag list: @admirxation @sadmonke @the-weeb-of-the-uchiha @call-memissbrightside (lmk if u want to be removed from tags🤍)
©bratbby333 on tumblr. all rights reserved. please do not distribute. 2024.
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astroboots · 1 year
Omg please continue with the Miguel fang prompt!!! It’s too cruel to stop there!!!!!
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Summary: Miguel and you plays hide and seek.
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Content: Hunter predator kink (I think that's what we're calling it?) anyway explicit. Miguel is a bit rough.
Astroboot’s Masterlist | Spiderverse Masterlist
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It's all too easy to get lost in the crowd in a city as crowded as New York. You slip in among a throng of tourist standing around like a flock of pecking hens, their faces dipped down at their phones, huddled over google maps as they try to figure out how to get to Broadway as if it's not within goddamn walking distance, right down the street.
In a nervous habit, you fiddle with the watch on your wrist. Your eyes flick over the bright light that tells you it's 11:28pm.
Which means, there's still 32 minutes left.
God this is the slowest hour you've ever lived through in your life.
You squeeze yourself in the back, behind a woman with a large hat and larger sunglasses, even though it's evening and the sky is near black. The only things left illuminating the sky now is glaring shop signs, aggressive LED lights, and the mega-spectacular ads display that is brighter than the goddamn sun.
Peering over the madness of the crowd, you try to spot the familiar sight of his all too recognizable build looming over everyone else.
But there's nothing.
He's not here. You let out a long held in breath, your chest sagging with relief. Of course he wouldn't be here.
Times Square has over 300,000 visitors passing through every day. 300,000 sweaty, exhausted individuals drenched in perfume and deodorant that would make it impossible to pick up your scent. Thousands of people speaking all at once, over the angry noise of honking traffic that would make it impossible, even for him, to pick up the sound of your distinct footfall.
No, He won't be able to catch you here. That's why you came here after all.
You glance down at your watch again. 11:31.
Shit! How has only three minutes gone by?
Shaking your head, you look up at the sea of people.
You'd better get moving. Even in a crowd, if you stay still for too long, it won't be safe.
Walking briskly down the wide street, it's a struggle to squeeze through the ever moving crowd as the glaring lights change from makeup ads to theater marquees. You're peering over your shoulder with every three steps you take, constantly expecting the familiar sight of his messy curls to peek out a foot above the crowd.
He's so damn tall there's no fucking way you'll miss him if he's found you. You'll get plenty of advance warning, you reassure yourself as you continue to move forward.
Your eyes settle over your watch again.
11:46. Fuck you sideways.
You know you shouldn't keep checking it every two seconds like this, because all it serves to do, is to ratchet up your blood pressure so high you're going to need to start taking medication for it.
How is time moving so slow. You shake your head in exasperation, and for a fraction of a second you swear you see it.
A flash of unmissable dark navy glowing with red.
You freeze. Your back feels like ice, cold damp sweat breaking out along your spine. You snap your eyes back but there's nothing there now. Nothing but an anonymous crowd.
What the-- How could he have just disappeared into thin air?
He's 6 feet and fucking 9 inches. Taller than your refrigerator back in your tiny studio apartment. The top of his head beats out your fucking Christmas tree. If he was here, he'd be impossible to miss. You don't fucking miss a giraffe when you visit the Brooklyn Zoo, so why are you having such a fucking hard time spotting him? How the fuck does he move so inconspicuously?
Was it just your imagination?
You glance at your watch: 11:46. Gotta be kidding. Is time standing still now? Has it just decided to stop moving altogether?
You force yourself to step forward and ignore how your knees seems to cave at your own weight as you sink into the pavement with every step.
In the corner of your eyes you spot him. Clearly this time. Real. Not a figment of your imagination. He's only a few steps away from you. The familiar pair of glowing scarlet eyes fixed on you.
Oh fuck, shit. Shit! Your heart races at the sight, beating so hard you think you feel it in your lungs. You're already sprinting in the opposite direction without thought and the only thing guiding you is the pure impulse to escape.
You push through the crowd, sprinting forward without taking in your surroundings. All you care about is to get away as your gaze is fixed on your watch.
11:52. Eight more minutes. You just need to stay away for eight more minutes.
You keep running as the crowd seems to thin, and the colorful lights and noise of traffic fades away. Then you finally stop, catching your breath to look up at your surroundings.
It's empty and void of people. A large empty van is blocking the narrow alley from view of the main street, and there's an unlocked gate that you've come through.
On the other side from where you've come from there's a tall bricked up wall as far as the eye can see-- a dead end.
How the fuck did you manage to find the only deserted dead end alleyway in central New York?
Shit you need to get out of here, you won't be able to run away if you're trapped here.
You glance one more time at your watch.
11:57. Three minutes. 180 seconds. It's all you need and then you'll win.
You turn your heel back towards the gate. But it's too late.
The dim light of the alley is eaten up by a large and imposing shadow.
He's already here.
The familiar navy blue and the menacing red sprawled across his chest fills your vision, blocking your only path to escape. All you see is red eyes glowing so bright it lights up the dark alley with it.
"Time's up," he says, mouth curled into a mocking smile so wide that you can see his fangs peek out from his upper lip.
That's when you realize you are well and fully trapped like the helpless prey you are in his spider's web. You're right where he wants you.
God you're so damn stupid. You were safe in the crowd. But one sight of him had you spooked and running into the only alley to be found in all of New York.
He'd planned this all along. The bastard's must've been the one who opened the gate. And you had ran in here like some scared witless rabbit straight into his trap.
You could try to escape him. Some vain, silly leftover pride in you, is adamant that you still have at least two whole minutes to get away.
He steps closer, and you can't help but instinctively step back as he does.
You know it's a game. Know that he would never hurt you, but that hungry and predatory red glow in his eyes has fear spiking along your spine all the same.
"Miguel, wai--"
The rest of your futile plea dies in your throat. His broad palm covers your mouth and jaw, and even your startled squeak is muffled into silence as he presses you up against the wall.
You whimper into his hand, but he doesn't relent. Doesn't ease up, even as he leans down and hushes you. Despite the soothing tone he uses with you, it isn't comforting at all. It drips with condescension as he press his lips to your bare throat.
"I'm gonna take my prize now, nena," he murmurs into your skin and because your brain is broken, with no sense for survival instincts, every part of you tingles at the amused threat in his voice.
"You promised remembered?" he reminds you.
And of course you do. It's hard not to, when the bastard's got you pinned against a brick wall in an abandoned alley like something out of a horror movie.
Fuck. He's taken this way too seriously. You don't know why you had suggested the world's dumbest hide and seek with this competitive and unreasonable man.
He presses you into the hard brick behind you, like there's anywhere left for you to go. And you can feel it. The proof of his excitement pressing up against your stomach, pinning you against the wall. He's hard.
Any residual resentment at your loss gives way for excitement when you feel his cock twitch and jerk against you.
The edge of his teeth rests on your bare shoulder as goosebumps breaks across your skin, and you feel dizzy. Anticipation swirls in your stomach with an intoxicating warmth.
You can't fucking breathe.
His hand snakes up your dress, wedging your panties to the side, until you can hear the fabric rip and tear. Shit, you're going to kill him for that.
The thick head of his cock presses in and stretches you open, as he forces his way inside of you, in time with his sharp and whetted fangs sinking into your flesh. Electricity pings across your nerves, sweet and euphoric and you feel drunk with it.
He's filling you, inch by hard and relentless inch, until you swear you can feel him lodged in your stomach. You feel so fucking full. Full of Miguel until nothing else fits anymore, but he doesn't stop.
His cock nudges along an impossibly deep spot inside you that has you losing orientation and makes the space around you spin, and he's still not fully inside.
White blinding pleasure streaks through your every nerve and crowds your vision, as he sinks you down further on him, until your vision goes blank. He's so fucking big. Always is no matter how many times you take him like this.
Pleasure pool with heat in your stomach as he holds you in place, impaled on the thickness of him.
Your limbs go boneless, unable to hold up your own weight, and for a moment you're not sure if that's the venom released to your bloodstream or just the effect he has on you. You only remain upright because he's propping you up with his body.
His mouth skims along your throat, dragging his teeth up until his fangs tease along the shell of your ear, with the threat of sharpness. The edge of them barely graze your skin, completely unlike the feral impatience he'd sunk into you with, as he whispers into your ear.
"Found you, nena."
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Dedication and credits: This piece is dedicated to @foxilayde for her utterly deranged (and amazing) post that had me SALIVATING. Thank you for putting this brainworm into my head. I am shooketh.
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reallyromealone · 5 months
would you do a rindou x reader omegaverse nsfw one-shot? 😬😪
(Ignore if no)
Title: little Succubus
Fandom: Tokyo revengers
Characters: Rindō, reader insert
Fic type: nsfw, omegaverse,
Pairings: Rindō x reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, omegaverse, demon au, succubus, smut, nsfw, Omega male reader, blood play, Dom and sub themes, spanking, Rindō calls reader names, Rindō is mean, praise, sweet words, reader doesn't feed off people because he's nervous
(Name) Was starving as he crawled up the large California King bed, a handsome alpha sleeping in no more than boxers as (name)sat on his lap, feeling the others large bulge "I'm sorry... I'm just so hungry" (name) always felt a sense of guilt when feeding, usually keeping it to kissing but he had been so busy with work and... Just a kiss..." (Name) Whispered as he gently cupped the man's strong jaws, his inner omega praising the very strong alpha, he could definitely provide...
(Name) Kissed so softly and sweetly as they tried to use their magic to make sure the Alpha just had a nice dream... Though it didn't work? Pulling away (name) opened his eyes to see that the Alpha was awake and staring smugly "a little rude don't you think?" Rindō said with a shit eating grin as he sat up, pulling (name) closer as the cute little demon looked flustered "I-I was only taking a bit of energy! You should be asleep! Why aren't you asleep!" He said flustered as he looked at the tattooed alpha... Wait those tattoos looked familiar.
Large black bar wings spread out behind him, the high ceilings and large bed made sense now as (name) looked at the large horns on the Incubus' head as his eyes turned to a pure glowing shade of amethyst. A large tail snaked from behind him and coiled around (name)s smaller and cuter one "you haven't been eating, kisses are barely a midnight snack let alone a proper meal, idiot" Rindō sniffed at (name)s neck "you're so weak you can't even smell the difference of a demon and a human"
"I-i feel bad taking it that way..."
"You're a virgin" Rindō said in a moment of realization with a bigger grin than he thought possible as he pinned the other to the bed "a succubus Omega whose a virgin... Never thought I would see it" Rindō watched as (name) looked ready to explode with embarrassment "stop bullying me! " He shouted angrily as Rindō chuckled lowly "human raised... You have that innocence that humans have... A little half breed" Rindō sniffed out the human aspects of the other, he and his brother were pure demon choosing to live in the mortal world, operating a crime cindacate with fellow demons.
Before (name) could fire something back, Rindō grabbed him by his neck and kissed him, long tongue taking control as (name) let out a moan, slick already pouring from him and brain getting foggy.
When Rindō pulled away, he looked at his work as (name) looked fucked out from a kiss alone "feels good right? Getting energy from a demon tastes way better than some human" (name) nodded as pink pharamones leaked from him, like fog on a spring morning though it was something only demons could see, easier to tell who was more willing to fuck.
"You wanna be full, huh baby? A cute succubus like you going without a good fucking is just criminal" the Alpha tutted as he freed his cock from his boxers, if (name) was human-- well fully human --- that thing would have killed him. Thirteen inches and thick as a coke can, the demons knot barely expanded as he spread (name)s legs and rubbed up and down his thighs while looking at the others cute little shorts, (name)a succubus form consisting of tiny short shorts a tight crop top that was ripped apart by Rindō "wait!" (Name) Panicked as the Alpha looked primal but halted his hands "i-i don't know your name" (name) said worried and Rindō looked stunned before laughing, leaning up to kiss him "god you're cute, think I'm gonna keep you~" he chuckled as (name)s omega preened at the concept "the names Rindō, what's yours pretty?"
"(Name)...." The Omega whispered as his black wings fluttered at the compliments the Incubus spoke, he knew that lust demons were good with words and shouldn't be so easily affected but... It felt nice.
Rindō kissed down his chest, exposed and perky as his long tongue swirled around the nipple, mouth tearing open to reveal his sharper teeth and (name)s eyes slowly turned a hazy (color) as he took in the pleasure as Rindō looked smug at the others reaction as his hand moved to play with the others much smaller cock, giving a harsh tug as (name)s hips bucked up to chase the pleasure "you must be hungry, you're absorbing so much~" Rindō could feel the Omega drain his energy as his cute fangs grew sharper and his pharamones sweeter, thank god he had enough energy to run Tokyo for a year.
"Alpha ~!" (Name) Cried out as he clung to the other, Rindō pleased that the omegas already claiming him as his wrists made a feeble attempt at scent marking him "yeah? You want alpha, Omega?" Rindō chuckled as (name) nodded feverishly, he was so hungry...
Rindō could tell the other was losing himself to his instincts, Omegan and demonic which was a dangerous combo for any human but thankfully Rindō could take him easy as (name) crawled on him and pushed him down, nails clawing at Rindōs chest as he looked at the others tattoos hungrily "come on baby, take what you want from alpha~" Rindō cooed as he allowed his cute Omega to dominate him even just a little, when (name) wasn't starving he would put him in his place but he knew the cutie just needed a damn good meal.
(Name) Clawed at the others chest, seeing traces of blood before licking up the lines with a moan and sitting up to see the others cock and a wave of nervousness washed over him and Rindō tutted "getting ahead of yourself baby, want alpha to help you?" His voice condescending as his hands groped the others ass cheeks "silly little Omegas need help, especially naughty ones who starve themselves for silly morals" Rindō couldn't help himself, throwing the concept of letting (name) do as he wanted out the window as his large hand swatted down at (name)s plump ass and watched him jolt with a moan.
A succubus didn't feel pain, neither did an Incubus... Anything would feel nothing short of pure pleasure.
"Humans couldn't give you what you need, huh? Needed an incubus cock to satisfy that hunger, a filthy little cock slut pretending to be something he's not" Rindōs words were venomous as he bit at (name)s scent gland and fingers went to the others ass, rubbing and teasing before pushing in and without warning he aggressively began fucking his fingers into the other.
Rindō watched as (name) threw his head back with a scream like moan, legs shaking as Rindō aggressive rubbed at his prostate and the poor Omega clawed and bit at the alphas shoulder and back, gutteral moans escaping his lips as an orgasm rolled through "you feel good baby?"
"Full...." (Name) Mumbled as Rindōs fingers left his gaping ass only to replace it with something far better "well better stuff you good for good measure!" Rindō plunged his cock in, a sadistic grin as (name) took him body shaking and convulsing as the poor thing struggled to process and adjust to his cock, maybe he was too much for the succubus.
Then he saw the others eyes, cute heart rings glowing "you wanna feel real good baby?" Rindō mumbled into his ear and (name) nodded frantically at the idea of feeling even better as Rindō placed a hand on his abdomen and began thrusting, mumbling enxantations as a womb tattoo graced the omegas stomach, increasing his pleasure ten fold and watching as (name) began cumming uncontrollably.
Rindōs thrusts were hard and aggressive as his thighs slapped (name)a ass cheeks and his large wings entrapped (name) nice and close to him as the two kissed sloppily, orgasm after orgasm escaping the poor succubus as the two fed off one another, the poor Omega practically putty in his arms as he let the other fuck him stupid.
"Wanna be mine, pretty? Be mine forever? Only feed off me?" Rindō asked teasingly and (name) bared his neck, surprising the other a bit but grinned none the less as he bit into his neck, venom flowing into (name) as his knot caught and cum began pouring into the other, poor (name) barely conscious.
"Good boy... Nice and full now? Don't worry... Alpha will keep you well fed every day, keep you do nice on my cock" his omega would be his and his alone, he would remove any silly thoughts out of his pretty head and (name) would belong to him and bare his spawn.
It would be perfect.
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reareaotaku · 1 year
Call Me, Baby
Summary: You got a call when being home alone and it turns into something much darker Characters: Yandere! Billy Loomis x Reader Word Count: 1.7k Tw: NSFW, Phone Sex, Non-con, Dry humping
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You stretched your hands out before sighing and going into your kitchen to get a snack. The grandfather clock in the hallway clicked as time stretched forward. You yawned, opening the cabinets before hearing a familiar ring. You frowned, looking at the phone for the caller ID. Unknown.
You pick it up, putting it to your ear, "Hello?"
"Hey Y/n~"
You tilted your head, holding the phone, going back to the cabinets, "Who is this?"
"Oh, you know who I am."
You can practically hear the smirk in his voice.
" "Scary night isn't it? With the murders and all. It's like right out of a horror movie or something."
"Oh yeah. It all starts with a call, before the Ghostface slashes them. Pretty scary. But I'm not scared," You smile.
"Do you like scary movies, Y/n?" The man's voice deepens and you bite a lip.
He sounded kind of like Randy, "You know Randy, that think you're doing with your voice... It's kind of turning me on. Really sexy. Why don't you come over and show me a good time?"
The man on the phone scoffs, ignoring you. You didn't know that the man behind the phone was Billy and the last thing Billy wanted to think about was you fucking Randy.
"What's your favorite scary movie?"
"Oh come on, Randy, you know I don't watch that shit. But, if you come by maybe we can just skip to the triple x scenes and you can show me how realistic you are."
You hear a heavy chuckle, "Oh, Y/n, you know those scenes aren't realistic.... Are you alone?"
You look around the kitchen, "Yeah. I'll be alone for the whole weekend. So, we can go all night long."
"Are you always such a whore."
You frown, your brows and nose scrunching up. "That's not very nice, Randy."
"Maybe that's because I'm not Randy."
"Well, then who are you?"
"The question isn't who am I? The question is where am I?"
"Hopefully in my room."
"You're such a slut, Y/n. How many guys do you fuck?"
"You know, for a guy who knows me so well, how do you not know I'm a virgin?"
"You're a virgin?"
You roll your eyes, groaning, "My father would kill me if I had premarital sex. But he's not here."
The man on the phone hums and you lean on the island.
"So, what do you want, mystery man?"
"To see what your insides look like."
"How about you come," You jump onto the counter, spreading your legs, "and rearrange them instead? That sounds so much more fun. Don't you think?"
"You don't even know what I look like."
You lightly bite your nail, smiling to yourself, "Yeah, but you sound hot. Besides, you can always turn off the lights."
"I want to see your face as I slit your throat."
You hop of the counter, rolling your eyes, before exiting the kitchen and heading towards the living room. "God, way to turn a girl on. You're no fun. Maybe I should hang up-"
"If you hang up, I will fucking gut you like a fish, you bitch." He threatens, causing you to freeze. Billy wasn't going to kill you; He was bluffing, but you didn't know that. In fact, you weren't even his target, your father was. But, you picked up the phone and who was Billy to deny you?
"Well, this isn't fun anymore. So why are you calling me? To torture me?"
"Aww, you don't want to have sex with the deep-voiced man anymore?"
"Not if he's going to gut me like a fish."
"Oh, I would never ruin such a pretty blouse."
You froze, before looking down at the white blouse you were wearing. You turned around, trying to find anyone, but there was no one.
"Oh, Y/n. You really shouldn't leave your back door unlocked."
Suddenly, you hear the click of the slidding door from your back yard. You rush up the stairs, nearly dropping the phone. You look off the edge, before putting the phone back to your ear.
"What do you want from me?"
"Sweet, sweet, Y/n. What happened to all that slutty lust?"
"That was before you threatened to gut me."
You hear a click and the back door open, before quickly shutting again.
"Even if I wanted to, I would never hurt you. Unless you asked me to. You should get your cat, I'd hate for it to get hit by a car."
Your eyes widen, not even thinking as you head down the stairs. You didn't even register that the man on the phone was probably down stairs, you were to worried about your baby. As you reach for the door, you're grabbed from behind. You struggle against his hold, but there was no way of getting out.
The male overpowered you. He put a knife to your throat, causing you to gulp and look at his gloved hand fearfully.
"Scream and I'll slit your throat. Understand?"
You nervously nod your head and Ghostface picks you up over his shoulder, carrying you up the stairs. You struggle in his grasp, until you hit on the side of the head, knocking you out for a short period of time.
Ghostface pushes your door open, before throwing you onto your bed. He tilted his head when seeing you knocked out. He quietly closed the door, before locking it. He pulls your leg forward, giving him access to crawl on top of you. He lightly grabs your face, before shaking you.
You groaned, slowly opening your eyes. They widened when seeing the scream-mask face staring back at you. He covers your mouth, tsking you and shaking the knife.
"Don't even think about it." He lightly grazes your face with the knife and you can feel tears streaming down your face.
"Please what?" He pushed his leg in between your thighs, rubbing against your crotch. "You have to use your words.
"P-P-Please don't kill me..." You speak in between breaths.
He puts the knife away, behind him. He takes off a glove, before caressing your face. "I would never kill you. I love you too much."
"Love me?" You glare at him before slapping him, causing the mask slip.
He wipes the blood from his chin, before looking back at you. You sit up on your elbows, looking at him wide-eyed.
"Surprise Y/n."
"But why?"
He removes the cloak, while pinning you down with his knee, "Why what?"
"Why are you doing this? I thought we were friends!"
He pulls some hair out of your face, "I don't want to be friends." He pushes down, before kissing your cheek. You struggled against him, but he had your hands bound with his.
You can feel his cold breath down your neck as he slowly kisses you. He sucks on the side of your neck, before going up your neck to the edge of your ear and softly biting it. You groan, feeling surrounded by the male as his body towers you. You feel the weight of his body shift to his legs as he pins your lower body down.
His hands slowly graze against your bare skin. He grabs the collar of your blouse, before pulling at it, causing it to rip.
You're left with only your bra on your top half. He lightly touches your neck, slowly going down your chest, before reaching your bra.
"Cute bra," He fiddles with lace of your bra.
"Fuck you."
"Oh, I plan to," He harshly grabs your boob, squeezing it, before he frowns. "This bra is quite annoying."
"It's my favorite bra, please don't destroy it," You feel the tears swell in your eyes, as they stream down your cheeks.
He hums, playing with the bra, before deciding just this once he was going to listen to you. He picks you up, before unclasping the bottle it from behind. Your head laid on his shoulder and his chest was smooshed against yours. You could feel his heartbeat beating deep; It rang through your ears like the heart in "The Tell-Tale Heart".
It was pounding in your chest, like drums. Thump, thump, thump, thump. It rang in your ears and you couldn't hear him. You could feel his wet tongue dip into your chest and suck on your perked nipples. His breath was frosty against your skin as he whispered sweet nothings into your skin.
His hand lightly groped the breast he wasn't sucking on. In any other case, this would have been nice. He was gentle and sweet, so unlike him, but he always knew how to disguise himself as the perfect lover.
He sits up, looking down at you as if he was a god. His eyes were sharp like a cats and he was looking at his prey. Billy messes with his shirt, before pulling it over his head. You hear a buckle and the crinkle of pants. You shake your head, causing Billy to grab your cheeks and coo at you.
"Aww, baby... Shhh... You want this. Remember how slutty you were on the phone?"
You look down to see one of your legs in between his, so you decide to take the opportunity and knee him in the crouch. He yells grabbing his family jewels as you run towards the door, pulling on it, before realizing it was locked.
Billy grabbed you, before shoving you against the door, "You want to play? I love the chase." He thrusts harshly into your back, forcing your face to shove against the door.
The knife has returned, and you can feel the tip just barely into the skin on your neck.
"But I don't want to play this stupid game. I want to play a much more fun game... Oh, you know the one where I rearrange your guts."
You feel his hands pull onto your jeans, unbuttoning them. He leans his chin on your shoulder and you hear him chuckle.
"Oh, we're going to have so much fun."
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
It's clear to Steve that Eddie is being led on, but Eddie will not accept it. So, it's intervention time. Not because Steve has a huge crush on him and is entirely jealous but... he needs Eddie to at least see that he can do better than this asshole.
He sits Eddie down and lays out the facts. "You met him in The Hideout bathroom when he put his tongue down your throat then proceeded to ignore you the rest of the night when you left the bathroom."
"It's different for gay men, Steve."
Steve presses on. "He calls you late at night when he knows that your uncle is gone just to get off and immediately hang up after."
"It's not like that..." Eddie says with a sigh.
"He doesn't know a single thing about you either! Has he tried to ask you on a date or anything?"
Eddie gives Steve a look and stands up crossing into his space. "And why do you care so much?"
Steve's heart beats a little faster as Eddie gets a little closer to the truth. "Because you deserve better."
Eddie snorts. "I think you're just jealous."
"What?" Oh shit. He knows about his crush.
He steps even closer, but Steve doesn't back down. Eddie explains, "I've finally got someone, and you can't stand that I beat you to it. The freak outsmarted the king."
Steve shakes his head and steps back, unsure of what the hell has gotten into Eddie. "You don't mean that."
"I do, Harrington," he states with venom in his tone.
Steve can feel himself tense up. If Eddie's going to be an asshole, he can be one too. "Have fun then, Munson." He shoulder-checks him as he makes his way to his stairs.
He hears footsteps behind him as Eddie follows. "I think I'll go to The Hideout tonight with Tom," he calls after Steve, further pushing it.
Steve stops in his tracks and turns around to face Eddie. "Maybe if you opened your eyes you'd see what was right in front of you."
Eddie leans in. "Yeah, I see Tom carrying me away into the damn sunset."
Steve shakes his head and laughs humorlessly. "You really don't get it, do you?"
The other boy just stares at him looking confused and then hurt. "Just because I'm some kind of freak doesn't mean that the only chance I have with a guy is some asshole who is using me, so stop trying to convince me of that."
Steve scoffs as Eddie walks to the door. "Eddie, you know I didn't mean that. Did you not hear the part where I said-" The door slams shut. "...that you deserve better..." Steve finishes then groans. He sits on the bottom stair step and puts his head in his hands.
He hopes more than anything that his gut is wrong and Tom is a good guy. But every instinct is telling Steve that he's not.
So, Steve makes a decision that he might regret. He grabs his keys and races to his car, making his way to The Hideout. He reasons with himself that he just wants to meet the guy himself to get a proper opinion of him. And maybe he won't have to use his bat in his trunk.
When he gets to the parking lot, he sees Eddie's van and parks next to it. Here goes nothing.
He immediately feels off when he enters the bar. He can't spot Eddie anywhere and almost wonders if he had mistaken the van outside for his. Then he remembers... making out in the bathroom.
He spots the bathroom door and sighs. This is definitely not something he wants to witness. He goes anyways.
He's surprised when the door swings open as he pushes on it. Gosh, they should at least be more subtle than this. Jam the door or put a heavy- Steve freezes when he hears the heavy breathing and unmistakable sound of kissing halting. Then, a stall door bursts open and a shorter man is shoving Steve against the wall.
"What the hell do you think you're doing in here?" The man asks. God, he smells like beer and a bit like rotten eggs. And he vaguely looks familiar.
"Using the bathroom?" Steve fires back.
The guy, assumedly Tom, glances over his shoulder. "You know him?"
"Yeah," Eddie says looking pissed. "You can let him go, he's fine."
Tom lets go but whips around to Eddie. "He knows about us?"
Eddie nods.
Tom gets up in his space and sneers, "What part of don't tell anyone did you not understand?"
Then, it hits Steve. He recognizes Tom as one of his dad's younger work buddies. Has a wife and two young kids and... shit.
"Sorry," Eddie whispers.
Tom shoves him back into the wall. "You're fucking sorry? Is that all you have to say??"
Steve sees Eddie brace for a punch, and that's when he cuts in. "Tom Gardner, right?"
Tom jumps back, going pale. "How do you know my full name?"
Steve can't help but be a little bitchy. "Well, now you've helped me confirm it. How's your wife Ginger doing?"
Tom tries to stalk into his space saying, "Listen here you little piece of shit. I don't know how you-"
Steve cuts him off, "Threaten me or my friend again and I'll tell your whole family your little secret."
Tom walks closer. "You wouldn't dare."
Steve uses his height to his advantage and looks down at the man. "Try me."
Tom's eyes flicker between Steve's for a couple of seconds before he curses under his breath and runs out the door.
Steve barely has time to celebrate the small victory before Eddie is sliding down the wall with his head in his hands. Steve rushes over to lay a comforting hand on his shoulder, but Eddie smacks it away. He looks up with watery eyes. "Why'd you do it?"
"I needed to meet the guy myself," Steve says, stomach rolling at the sight of Eddie so upset. Maybe this wasn't a good idea.
"And are you happy?' Eddie asks, swiping at his eyes.
Steve stares down at him. "And why would I be?"
Eddie gestures to the door. "You got what you wanted. You can say 'I told you so,' but I kind of already knew he was an ass. Didn't know about the wife and kids though." He puts his head in his hands again. "How did you know about that?" He asks, muffled by his hands.
"Works with my dad," Steve answers. Eddie just hums. Steve sighs and sits on the floor next to Eddie scrunching his nose up at the disgusting bathroom floor. "That isn't what I wanted by the way. I wanted him to be a good guy, " Steve lies. He glances over at Eddie and pauses before confessing, "Actually, I didn't want him to be a good guy."
"What?" Eddie asks, heading coming up to angrily look at him.
"I didn't want him to be a good guy," Steve states again.
"And why's that?" Eddie asks. "Can't stand being the only single one?"
"That's part of the reason," Steve admits.
Eddie puts his hands on his knees and grunts as he stands up. "Glad to have solved the great mystery."
"Wait," Steve says before scrambling to stand. Luckily, Eddie stops. "Remember when I told you earlier that if you opened your eyes you'd see what was right in front of you?"
"No need to rub it in, Harrington."
Steve groans. "I was talking about me!" Steve practically yells. When Eddie turns to look at him with wide eyes he repeats, "I was talking about me."
Eddie looks him up and down. "What do you mean?"
"I mean," Steve says walking toward Eddie, "That I'm entirely crazy about you, and I thought you knew until you started gushing about this Tom guy. You were right about me being jealous but for the wrong reason."
All Eddie says is, "Shit."
Steve nods in agreement.
Eddie looks down and fiddles with his rings. "I didn't mean what I said earlier. Like I said, deep down I knew but didn't want to admit it to myself or you, so I got a bit... defensive."
"A bit," Steve says with a laugh, stepping forward.
Eddie smiles bashfully. "I wish you would've said something sooner."
"Who says it's too late now?" Steve asks, taking another step forward.
"Really?" Eddie asks hopefully.
Steve smiles and almost leans in, but he remembers the door behind them. "Now, let me take you home before our first kiss ends up being in this disgusting bathroom and someone barges in."
"I'll also need some mouthwash or gum so I can erase any trace of Tom before I kiss you," Eddie says with a frown.
"Don't worry. I'll make sure to erase any trace and memory of him tonight," Steve says with a wink before holding open the door for Eddie.
"Jesus H. Christ. You're going to be the death of me."
Steve smiles. "I sincerely hope so."
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jeonginsleftcheek · 4 months
Me or him
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pairing: hyunjin x reader x felix
genre: angst, smut
warning/s: toxic behavior, manipulation, cheating, forced creampie
a/n: okay, this is just something i wrote on a whim and i have 29 drafts i have to finish(yep 29 ajsksksl), but do y'all want more of this? like a backstory and a continuation cause i have some ideas? lmk if i should makes this a series. 👁️👄👁️
~part 2,part 3, part 4
"We really need to stop doing this."- you whine, the guilty feeling swirling in your stomach, keeping you from the high you were supposed to reach.
"Do you really wanna stop? Right now?"- Felix smirks, dragging his cock out slowly, your legs tightening around him instinctively.
"N-no..."- you whimper, defeated. He pushes back in with force, ripping a loud moan out of you. You slap your hand over your lips in hopes of muffling the sounds but Felix grabs your wrist gently.
"Ah, ah, ah. Let me hear you sweetheart."- he says and you let him place your hand down next to your head. He fucks into you faster, holding tightly onto your hand, his other hand on your hip and you moan loudly, letting him know how good he makes you feel.
"Fuck, I'm close!"- you grab onto his arm, your nails digging into his skin.
"Come for me sweetheart."- Felix growls into your ear and you come undone.
You feel his hips stutter and your hand pushes on his chest.
"D-don't come inside me!"- you try to push him off.
"You know you want me to."- he grunts, your efforts futile as he holds you down, fucking into you faster and harder, your cunt clenching around his cock.
"Lix!"- you whimper as he groans, spilling his seed inside you.
"Why did you do that?! I told you that's one thing we should never do!"- you panic as he pulls out.
"What, is Hyunjin gonna taste my cum in your pussy?"- he smirks and you really didn't have enough time to think before your hand moves on its own and collides with his cheek.
You gasp, shocked at your own reaction, and Felix just puts a hand on his cheek, his eyes also widdened before his face morphs into an all too familiar smirk.
"Do that again, it was kinda hot."- he says and you roll your eyes at him.
"I'm going home, Felix."- you say, annoyed. You move to get up but he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into him.
"Don't."- you warn.
"You don't have to leave yet."- he whispers into your neck, shivers run down your spine.
"Hyunjin will get suspicious."- you sigh, a pang in your chest.
"What did you tell him this time?"- Felix asks, leaving small kisses on your neck.
"That I'm going out with the girls."- you say and turn around, managing to shake off his arms. He suddenly has these puppy eyes and pouty lips that you hate because you know he's trying to manipulate you into staying.
"Look, this was wrong from the beginning. This is the last time Felix and I know I said it before... but this time I really mean it."- you stand up and start gathering your clothes.
"You don't really mean it."- he shakes his head.
"Yes I fucking do. I don't want to go behind Hyunjin's back anymore. That's just wrong on so many levels and I feel like a shit person."- you say, tears brimming in your eyes.
"Break up with him?"- Felix says as he gets up too, but it comes out as more of a question.
"And what?"- you scoff. "Be with you?"
"What would be so wrong with that?"- he asks nonchalantly, making your blood boil.
"Are you out of your mind? You're his best friend. Or were at least. And why would I wanna be with someone who has no problems fucking his best friend's girlfriend?"- you're angry now, tears spilling down your cheeks but you wipe them off fast. You don't want to cry in front of him.
"Like you're any different than me. Maybe we deserve each other."- Felix says with a smirk and you want to slap him again.
"You know what? I'm done. Don't talk to me ever again."- you say, getting dressed quickly.
"It's gonna be hard to ignore me since I'm Hyunjin's best friend!"- he yells behind you as you walk towards the door.
You hate him in that moment, but you hate yourself even more and a dark unsettling feeling settles in your stomach when you remember Hyunjin, waiting for you at home, unaware of what you just did.
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arcanesea · 2 months
psychic lovers
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PAIRING: kwon soonyoung x reader GENRE: friends to lovers!!! WC: 544 WARNINGS: curse word
"10 o'clock, isn't that your Soonyoung?" your friend asks. Your head whirled in the said direction, watching as a group of guys entered the room. Soonyoung eyes caught a glimpse of you in the crowd, and a thin smile appeared on his face.
He's not yours, well not yet.
The class ended before your head could hit the table and fall asleep. You carelessly packed your stuff and quickly made a beeline to the exit, ignoring the call from your friend. You had one mission now. An important one.
"Soonyoung!" you called. Your eyes widen at the volume of your own voice, then try to mask it with a smile. The other guys turned their heads, grinning wide while pushing Soonyoung towards you. He lowers his head, trying to hide his smile.
It's so funny how everyone addresses both of you as a couple, yet you're not. Not officially. But you want to change it.
Soonyoung greeted you with a smile, a steady voice asking, "What's up?"
"I was wondering if you were free tonight?" you ask, shifting your weight between your tiptoe and heel. He looks at you, waiting for you to continue on before giving his answer. Tomorrow's Saturday anyway, he's already going to say yes to whatever you're offering. "Let's go to the cinema," you finally said.
"Okay," he agrees immediately. He took out his phone and pressed on some stuff before asking you, "Does 7 sound good to you?" Your grins grew bigger as you nodded your head enthusiastically.
"I'll meet you there, just text me if you're on your way," you said.
"Why don't we go there together?" he asks back, a smirk apparent in his face.
"Thought you'd never ask," you snickered back. "Come pick me up then."
"Okay then, I'll see you at 7."
And it's 5 minutes to 7 when you hear a knock on your door. Grabbing your sling bag, you open it with a smile.
"I didn't have the time to get a full bouquet," Soonyoung said, handing you a stalk of red roses. Your heart does a little jump when you receive it. This mission is going in all the right direction, and he even throws in his little surprises. You murmur a quick thank you before putting it inside.
It's a short walk to the mall where the cinema is located. It is, however, not a short walk to get to this point with Soonyoung.
"I like you," Soonyoung blurted out. He was looking at the sky ahead, hands in the pocket of his jeans.
"I know," you confessed. "Kinda see it coming from like, the first time around."
Only then did he turn to look at you with the biggest grin. "What are you? A psychic?" You laugh. Maybe you are, but maybe you're confidently moving forward because you fell for him first. Thinking that maybe if you believed he liked you too, he would actually share that feeling someday.
"Kinda," you winked. "I like you too."
"Yeah, no shit" he laughs. Both of you have walked this road many times before, sometimes way too carefully. Now you memorize all the cracks and wild bushes on the side of the road. It was familiar, it was natural, it was worth it.
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a/n. i saw a cute couple some days ago and thought they were so cute... even I was taken aback at how i approach these things... because if i were 18, i'd probably texted my friend and said that it's cringe but now i just see it from a different perspective i guess?🫠
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r0-boat · 2 months
Can I request a scenario with the WHB kings? (and any noble/s of your choice if you feel like it)
Them and gn!reader in a cramped space but reader is claustrophobic 🤔 it would've been a spicy scenario with them being smooshed together and all that but reader ain't having fun at all (possibly close to tears or already crying or panicking)
dropping by cuz it's been a while since i've shrimped around your ask box
- 🦐
This is like prime Levi shit...
Motherfucker would force you in his coffin to fuck you But this time we're taking a spin
Cw: noncon, MC is not having it, fucking in a tight space, with claustrophobia, breeding, Levi has two dicks, monster fucking, drugging venom aphrodisiac?
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You're so likable... He hates it... And he knows why a pathetic human like you is so irresistible to monsters and your kind alike, as male and females block to you like moths to a bright light.
And here he was, his body aching as you're blissfully unaware of the pain and heat stirring in his belly and loins; he keeps his pain and suffering silent as he watches you laugh and flash your sweet smile at monsters that don't deserve such a privilege.
As his sense of smell heightens, everything that he wants claimed now reeks of tiger, dragon, insect even centaur... The only thing he has left is your closet which he had retreated into your closet,your once neatly fold and hanging clothes in a pile on the floor that is now his nest. Nestling against his coils and your familiar scented clothes rubbing his all over it. Now all he needs is you.
He knew you entered your bedroom He could smell you, as well as a lingering scent of something else something that irritated him. He listened closely as you stepped closer to your closet. Soon as you open that door he pounced grabbing on to you and pulling you into the dark corner rapping himself around you. He was salivating at your soft skin against him.
You for freaking out Your eyes wide as you were dragged into a tight space, having claustrophobia intense fear of small spaces you begged and screamed for Leviathan to let you go. But the Naga only covered your mouth with his hand before peppering your neck with soft kisses.
"I love you human mate with me."He murmured softly ignoring your struggles, another the other night with him This would be a rare moments where he confessed his true feelings of how he felt. But of course you consumed by fear didn't even care as you struggle to fight him struggle to break free which pissed him off.
"smell like animal. And you fight me... Do you not want to be mine? Who else is there that's you have been claimed by? I will claim you, breed you, brand you; make you forever mine."
He snarled his husky words tickling your ear as he begins to rip your clothing to pieces.
You streak and squirm against his coils as he turns you around to laugh up your tears with his tongue.
Even now you fight him... Is it because there's another? Is it one of the other animals stinking up the house? Or is it that human friend that he hates so much. He nuzzles his head into your neck taking in your familiar scent the other scent you have on you so muddled that he can barely recognize who it is. His fangs graze against your neck, gently piercing your skin giving you a dose of his venom. Not much just enough to slow your squirming and make you aroused enough to slide inside you.
"whoever you think your mate is, they do not compare to me."
His fingers play with his sheath as his cocks threaten to come out.
He strokes his cocks in his hand His gray eyes looking at you with love and lust. Every time you struggle he strangles you harder trapping you in tight coils.
"You are squirming more than usual. Do you really hate me that much? No matter, I'll make you mine. It is not your choice to make."
You could feel the venom going through your veins It is cold and makes your skin tingle as your skin becomes more sensitive, despite being trapped in the tight space of the closet and his coils the feeling of smooth scales rubbing against your skin is irresistible. You want to break free to get out but at the same time you want to rub yourself against him more.
With his strong tail he lifts one of your legs up placing it over his shoulder his fingers play with your hole before gently pushing one of his cocks inside.
As much as he wants to, he could not think good conscious rip you apart with his two cocks. He cannot hurt you like that, Even though he is already hurting you, but he does not know of your fear of tight spaces.
He could hear your rapid breathing, You're short rabbit breaths make his shake as the tip of his tail reaches your throat, wrapping it around it to squeeze. That hitch in your breath makes his cock twitch. As he stays inside of you, waiting for you to adjust to his size.
Your tight, squeezing walls make him want to thrust, So he does so, pressing himself deeper inside you. Then, when you moan his name, confirmation that he could go further, that's when he continues, bucking his hips and moving himself deeper his coils constricting and dilating with each thrust but his tail keeping the same pressure around your throat. And his other dick rubbing against you as the other one pounds inside of you deeper and deeper.
Your mind screams at you to get out of his consuming grasp, But your body craves the tight squeeze of his coils.
Leviathan's mind becomes muddled by his consuming heat as he begins to move faster. Grabbing both of your legs folding them over your shoulders too get you in a better position to pound down into you. His breath shakes as he moans a mantra of words
"Mate, mate, mate. Take it, take it, take it, mine, mine, mine, mine."
His cock rubbing against you while his deep inside of you hitting your sensitive spots make you cum, your walls squeezing around him, milking him. The naga's eyes roll back into his head as he cums inside of you with a roar. Yelling and moaning is he grinds himself deeper filling you up to the brim with his seed.
You don't know what happened after that perhaps you passed out, perhaps you fell asleep, and his coils. But when you woke up you were on your bed with him beside you a tail wrapped around your leg. His arms around you nuzzling against your chest, when he noticed you woke up he gave you a sweet smile giving you a small kiss on your skin.
"Morning, my love." He murmured just enough for only you to hear.
The first thing you did when you woke up was beat the shit out of him.
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A flock of elephants
Written for the November warm-up round of the @steddieholidaydrabbles
Prompt: Bakery AU
Rated: T
CW: some sexual tension and innuendo
Tags: Baker Steve, Rockstar Eddie
Notes: Can be read as a continuation of this microfic
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“You don't understand how huge a deal this is, Steve,” Dustin says. He’s wiggling in the passenger seat, trying to take in every bit of their surroundings as they pull up to the concert hall. 
Steve huffs and squints at the signs. There's security and fans and staff everywhere and he can feel a headache coming up. 
"A guy asked me to bake a cake, so what? It's literally what I do for a living, nothing-" 
"A guy asked you to-" Dustin sputters. "Excuse me, what did you say? Eddie Munson commissioned you to bake a replica of his world famous Warlock, do you have any- Do you even know who Eddie Munson is?" 
"Of course I know," Steve grouses. "I don't live under a rock." 
"Oh yeah?" Dustin levels him with an unimpressed look. "Name one of his songs." 
"Please," Steve rolls his eyes. "You're blasting that shit on repeat, it's practically seared into my brain. Especially the one about the elephants." 
Dustin stares at him. Steve resists the urge to pinch his nose.
"You know the one! What was it? Flock of Elephants?" 
Dustin crumples into the car seat and slaps both palms to his forehead. "It's A Court of Sycophants, Steve! Oh my God!"
"Synchro-what?" Steve ignores the way his neck prickles and takes a sharp right. "You just made that up. Now help me look for the delivery entrance or we won't have ourselves a deal at all." 
Once they find the entrance, it turns out he forgot the ID badge that the label sent, because of fucking course he did. He spends about half an hour trying to convince the grumpy security guard to let them in while Dustin has a complete meltdown. Just as he's ready to give up, they're rescued by the appearance of a tiny blonde in a pink cardigan who cheerfully introduces herself as Eddie’s manager. 
"Sorry about Hop," she says for what must be the fourth time, while Steve sets up the guitar-shaped cake at the center of the buffet and Dustin inspects the backstage lounge with awestruck eyes. "He takes his job very seriously." 
"Yeah, I noticed," Steve mutters. She seems nice enough, but he really doesn’t wanna engage in smalltalk right now. The bustle of the stage hands and the hot air of the venue are making him squeamish. All he wants to do is get this over with and go home.
Unfortunately fate must hate him, because that is the exact moment that a familiar voice says, "Hey, Chris. No matter what Hop tells you, I didn't order hookers to the venue. I dunno where he got the-" 
Dustin starts squealing. 
"Oh my God, you're Eddie Munson!"
Eddie squints at him like a confused cat. 
"Last time I checked, yeah. And you are?" 
"Dustin," says Dustin, like that explains everything. "I'm with Steve." 
Eddie’s eyes flit over and his face breaks into a delighted, dimpled smile. 
"Baker boy, hi!" 
Steve's mouth goes dry. 
He doesn’t know why, but all of the easy confidence of their last meeting is suddenly gone. 
Maybe it's because they were in the bakery, on his own turf, and now they're on Eddie’s, where the lights and the noise and the hum of the crowd in the auditorium are grating on his nerves. 
Maybe it's because last time, Eddie looked like just some guy in his ripped jeans and ratty hoody, unwashed hair piled in a chaotic bun, and now …
… now he's in a pair of leather pants that are so tight they may as well be spray-painted on and what looks like a fucking harness, hair cascading around his face and shoulders in a halo of messy curls and is that eyeliner? 
"Woah," Eddie breathes, eyes growing large, and yup, eyeliner. Definitely eyeliner, Jesus fucking Christ. With two long strides of those impossibly long legs, he's beside Steve and ogling the cake with an awestruck face. "This is fucking incredible, dude, it looks just like the real thing. You did all that from the photos?" 
By some miracle, Steve manages to channel the incoming blush into a sly pop of his hips and a smug eyebrow quirk. 
"Told you I was the best." 
Eddie is looking at him like he didn't bake a cake but hung the moon, which … in combination with the eyeliner and the leather and the harness of it all? Steve squirms in his jeans.
"Okay, erm … if that's all, I'll send over the bill by-" 
"Wait, what? You're not staying for the show?" Eddie swivels to Chrissy, all righteous indignation. "Why are they not staying for the show?" 
Chrissy shrugs, at the same time that Steve says, "That's really not necessa-" 
"We'd love to stay!" 
Dustin shoves himself between them, elbowing him in the kidneys. While Steve is still coughing, Eddie turns to Chrissy. 
"Show the young man to the backstage area, Chris?" 
Dustin looks like he's about to die of happiness, so Steve resigns himself to his fate. 
"Will you play the one about the psychopaths?" he asks as they trail after him. "It's his favorite." 
"Psycho-" Eddie’s brow wrinkles.
"Sycophants, Steve!" Dustin hollers from ahead. "Jesus!" 
"Anyways," Steve says over Eddie’s rumbling laughter. "You really didn't have to-" 
"I know I didn't." Eddie accepts his guitar - the real one - from a stage hand and slings it over his shoulder. "But I saw what you're best at, so I figured I'd return the favor." 
"Careful there," Steve huffs. "All you've done is ogle my cake. You may wanna try it first." 
"Oh, I'm planning to …" Eddie's smile is sharp as he leans in, close to his ear. "Preferably with less people around, though." 
And then he's gone, stepping out on the stage, making his guitar wail. 
Steve can't quite tell if the roar in his ears is the crowd or the sound of his own blood.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 4 months
Eddie Munson X Henderson! Reader
Part one
Part two
Things between you and Eddie reach boiling point.
My requests are open. Read my pinned post for what I do and don't write 💌💞
After a long day at school all you wanted to do was curl up in bed and zone out for a while, do something relaxing and fun.
That thought excited you until you saw a familiar van parked outside your house. A feeling of dread creeps over you and your suspicions are confirmed when you head inside and there he is Eddie Munson is sitting on your couch and charming your mother.
Dustin is hanging on every word he says, Eddie looks up and smirks when you clear your throat.
"What's going on... Why are you here Munson?" His shit eating grin does nothing to quell your irritation.
"Hey princess, thought I'd stop by to see baby Henderson after school. He invited me to dinner and I just had to accept" oh of course he did. Your eyes narrow at him, you're sure he's plotting a way to get you back after your encounter with him at the party last week.
"Isn't he wonderful honey" your mother beams and you bite your tongue. It wouldn't do any good getting yourself grounded over Munson.
"Oh he's amazing" you flutter your eyes sarcastically at Eddie who's full lips break into a huge smile.
"I knew you loved me secretly sweetheart" he pretends to swoon and it almost makes you laugh. Idiot. You could see how Dustin liked him, well just like a tiny bit.
"You lot have fun while I go out okay? And be good Dustybun" your mother coos to Dustin and you grin delighted at his flushed face and wait til she leaves before bursting into laughter.
"Aww Dustybun we will have lots of fun won't we?" You throw your arm around him and gently pinch his cheek, teasing him. Eddie snickers in the background.
"Why was I not informed of your nickname Henderson?" He asks all serious but the glint of mischief in his eyes says different.
"His girlfriend calls him that" you add and Dustin mutters under his breath about how annoying you are.
Eddie has rented Labyrinth for him and Dustin to watch and the two of them are enraptured by it. The movie is pretty good and you know, David Bowie in eyeliner, that's always a good thing.
The doorbell rings and you assume it's the pizza you ordered. Your stomach falls when you see it's Jacob. Great.
He's all puppy dog eyes and sweetness. You're wary because that can change in the blink of an eye.
"What do you want?" He scowls and the sweetness is gone and replaced with his usual sneer.
"Charming, here I am hoping we might be able to get back together and you act like a bitch as per usual" you shake your head and question what you ever saw in him.
"Yeah that's not going to happen, goodbye" you attempt to close the door but he blocks it, you're hearts racing with nerves but you refuse to show it.
"Remove your foot asshole, go home" he ignores you but then his eyes widen and he gapes.
"Munson?" Eddie is beside you, glaring at Jacob and he towers over him. There's a menacing look on his face and he looks between you and Jacob his eyes flashing.
"You heard the lady, leave now" Eddie snaps and Jason holds his hands up though he still has that stupid smirk on his face.
"didn't realise you and Munson... He waggles his eyebrow and you slam the door in his face. Asshole.
"You seriously dated that guy?" Eddie asks disgusted and you wince at his look.
"He's an asshole and yeah I did and it was a temporary lack of judgement" you tug him by his jacket and lead him into the room to talk in private.
"Look thanks for that. Jacob is a dick but I can handle myself. I don't need rescuing" you assure him and he raises his eyebrows and folds his arms across his chest.
"I don't doubt that sweetheart but somebody needed to tell the asshole to fuck off. Good thing I'm here'' he shrugs and you sigh.
"You're everywhere I look Munson, you never leave me alone. Now you've infiltrated my home! I can't escape you and your stupid dimples and pretty eyes" you say the last part and your eyes widen, Eddie turns serious and his big brown eyes burn with an intensity that you've never seen.
"Pretty eyes hmm?" he moves closer to you and you find that you really don't mind. Your heart is beating like crazy and warmness spreads in your lower stomach, it's intoxicating.
Jacob never made you feel like this. Ever.
"Don't act so surprised. You must know how hot you are, even if you're an ass" you're pressed against your door and the ache in your stomach is out of control now.
"Hmm well you might be upright and bitchy but you're so fucking beautiful" his hand caresses your cheek and the air is thick with tension and before you know it the two of you are kissing.
You both kiss for what feels like hours but it's only a minute or so and it's perfect, you never want it to end. Eddie pulls you closer and you nibble on his bottom lip, Eddie stifles a moan and white hot pleasure pulses through you.
Fuck, you want to hear him moan again. Eddie pulls away for a second and you whimper missing the contact of his lips on yours. Then they press to your lips again and it's amazing.
"Pizza's here" Dustin yells and you and Eddie jerk apart both breathing heavily and Eddie is gazing at you in wide eyed wonder.
"Fuck" he whispers and you nod feeling stunned yourself. Dustin stomps through and looks between you and Eddie.
"What happened to you two? You went so quiet I thought you might have killed each other" he looks between you and Eddie suspiciously.
Dustin scoffs, "We were just talking butthead, come on let's get pizza" he looks back at you for a moment and you know that you want that kiss to happen again.
You're screwed.
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yuanology · 1 year
thinking about 'hate' sex with geto suguru after he defects as his past lover before everything happened except it doesn't go the way you think it would.
the way you fuck him is practically the same as how you would take him before. he still takes your cock so well, and you always fuck him slow and hard instead of fast and sloppy just as he likes it. you still check in after entering him and you always give him time to readjust before you start fucking into him with intent. you still make sure that he comes before he does, that he's satisfied by the end of each session.
except, it's now missing the familiarity it once held. you don't hold his hands anymore, fingers interlacing and pressed against the mattress as he takes you so well, choosing instead to press your palm over the expanse of his hips instead. you never fuck him on his back anymore, keeping his face pressed against the pillows so that you don't look at his face. you always wear a condom so that he can't feel you — or, on the days when he can convince you to bypass that (because he's not a whore. he's only yours, always has been. he's clean for you, okay?), you always pull out before you can fill him up to the brim.
and, look, he can cope with that, okay? he knows he messed up. it's good enough that you even want to see him at all.
but he's also so terribly selfish. and if there's anything he can't live with in this current arrangement, it's two things: one, the fact that you never kiss him anymore when you used to pepper so much of that all over his skin, his face, his lips until he suffocated on your taste, and; two, the fact that you never call him suguru anymore.
"shit." your voice is a low grunt, hovering over the shell of his ear. your breath is ragged, and he can tell that you're already getting close. he's already come earlier and now, he's just lying on his front, taking your attempts to chase after your own high like the good boy that he is.
he whines past the overstimulation, clawing at the sheets. he's glad that you made him fold his knees underneath his chest so now, he doesn't have to hold himself upright. he just has to let himself be pulled in by you, used by you, held up and fucked thoroughly by you. his entire world comes down to just you; the feeling of you inside him, around him, suffocating him.
(but never with him.)
"i'm close," you warn him. as if it matters. as if you'll let him take it the way he used to. you're not wearing a condom, which means that he can feel your pre-cum dripping inside him. he whines once again at the feeling, his hips moving to meet your every thrust.
he takes it as an opportunity to beg anyway. "inside," he gasps out. "i want you inside, please."
you don't listen to him. "fuck, geto." and there it is again, his name but not his given name. never his given anymore. he has given you everything—his heart, his future, his name—but you never want it. no, you don't want it anymore.
you don't want him anymore.
as if you want to rub more salt into the wound, you pull out right as he finishes that line of thought. his hole gapes at the sudden emptiness, twitching as it begs to be filled once again — to be filled by you.
however, you ignore his wants. he hears you wrap your hand around your cock, tugging once, twice, before you're spilling all over his hole, dripping into it, but never inside him.
a choked sound escapes his throat, a sob and a moan all at once. he claws at the sheets one more time, his face burying in the pillow to hide the ugly want and hurt painted all over his face. it shouldn't hurt anymore. this is something that's already been established. you don't want him, you won't even use him to find your own pleasure, won't even stain him and fill him up with your cum despite how often you used to tell him that you loved coming inside of him.
his body shakes and he feels your hand coming to rest on his shoulders, running a smooth line down the length of his spine. you're talking, but he can't hear you with the way that the entire world feels as if it's underwater. he understands what you're telling him all the same. stay here. i'll be back. he's still shaking when you leave, the hotel room he's rented for this very purpose tonight feeling emptier than ever.
he still doesn't move.
stay here.
you didn't kiss him before you went.
but he's not your suguru anymore, and he has long lost the right to being yours.
i'll be back.
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insomniactic-daydream · 2 months
Prove It - Bakugo x Reader
Bakugo x Support Course Shoto's Twin Sister Reader (Pt.1)
Summary: Bakugo is a absolute perfectionist so he needs the best support items he can get. It just so happens that one of his bigger opponents in class has a even smarter support course sister
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After Bakugo's failed assignation attempt on Midoriya, Bakugo found himself with now two useless gauntlets. Although the design was almost flawless and the gauntlets did what it intended, Bakugo felt they weren't perfect. So off to the support course he went.
"HAah?! What do you mean a 1st year extra has to do it!? The hell are you here for then!" The blonde yells in aggravation that support gear were not in fact handled by the teacher rather the newbies that need experience.
"I'm paid to teach students. Not to single handedly fix the hero course stuff every time they abuse thier gear", the support course teacher Power Loader says sternly. Bakugo tenses up in anger but remains silent, knowing the teacher wasn't entirely wrong.
"However if you're desperate for some talent I suppose I can point you towards some of my students that show more potential and you won't scare off too easily" the teacher says with a sigh.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY!?" Bakugo yells but is completely ignored as the teach walks to open the support classroom doors.
"Hastume! Are you-" the teacher unable to finish his sentence as a gear disk comes flying toward the door. Bakugo glares at the teacher and glaringly says no.
A quick "Sorry Sensei !" is heard from what Bakugo can only assume is Hastume as the teacher sighs.
"Seems like Hastume has her hands full how about hmm... Y/n!" The teacher calls out for the girl.
Bakugo scans the room to see any response to who Y/n might be. Instantly his eyes connect with a girl with black hair and piercing blue eyes.
(It'll make sense later trust.)
A soft but dull "Yes, Sensei?" comes out of the support course student's mouth as bakugo wonders why you look familiar.
"Looks like you've got your first customer. I trust you can consult him and give him the support gear he needs. This is you're next week assignment grade, so I trust you take this seriously. However, lunch is about to start, so start packing your things and dicuss it over the lunch period." The teacher says.
Y/n gives a firm nod with no further curiosity or protest. "Yes sir," she says. She then start grabbing her things and so do the rest of the students. Once she grabs her things she's able to look at the tall blonde beside her.
"Hello, I'm Y/n Todoroki, but Y/n is fine." Y/n says with a straight face as she pulls out her hand to shake while realization hits Bakugo but he regains composure.
"Tch, whatever just because you're some child nepo prodigy like you're brother, doesn't mean I'm impressed." He says as he grips his backpack straps avoiding the hand Y/n displayed.
Y/n drops her hand finding a new offense to his comment. "I'm not my brother, and by no means my father. A powerful quirk is one thing but I have been making gadgets since I was 6. Support course student's only have one entrance exam not by recommendation. I got here on my own talent. Not by my name."
"You don't want my help then fine, but you won't find someone to listen to your hot headed remarks and can actually do your support gear justice." Y/n says sternly as she begins walking away from the boy.
The boy grits his teeth before shouting.
"Dammit wait! You're teacher won't fix my shit and I don't know how soon I need my gear. If you're any good I need this done and perfected ASAP. If you're so talented then prove it." He grumbles in defeat but he's desperate to get them fix, having the company UA hire would take too long.
Y/n turns around and smirks at the boy victoriously. A completely one eighty personality comparison to your twin brother.
"Well then is a pleasure starting business with you..?" Y/n says as she sticks out her hand again to test the boy's resilience.
"Katsuki Bakugo. Don't wear it out extra." He says as he reluctantly shakes the girl's hand.
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(Part 2)
First Fic. I've had this idea/story for the longest time. My writings kinda crap to what my brain be thinking tho so sorry bout that 😭.
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