#donna is my favorite can't you tell?
wilwheaton · 2 years
favorite goncharov character
Goncharov! Holy shit I haven't thought about Goncharov in YEARS!
I remember seeing it at the Vista theatre downtown in ... I want to say 1983? It was either 82 and I was 10, or 83 and I was 11. Now that I think about it, it must have been Spring of 83. I remember that Kimmy Mendini was my babysitter, and she drove my friend Ahmed and me all the way downtown to see Goncharov. She would have been at least 16, but I feel like she was a little older. I remember that she LOVED movies and just never stopped talking about European cinema.
Ha! I can still her her sort of roll "Cinema" out of her mouth. Movies were for the masses to watch, while sophisticated adults experienced Cinema. I'm just realizing now that she absolutely pronounced it with a capital C. She was like "you are so lucky to see a clean print of Goncharov!"
I had no idea what a clean print was, but I understood it was important and impressive.
She had read about this screening in the LA Weekly, which I didn't know at the time was TREMENDOUSLY subversive in our suburban part of Los Angeles County, and we were going to an old theatre in maybe not the greatest part of town, but Kimmy had been watching me since I was in second grade and was like my big sister. I knew we'd be safe with her.
That old theatre (which is now a fucking swap meet) was just so beautiful inside. 100 foot ceilings, box seats, gold paint and murals. It felt like a place you went to experience Cinema, but, like ... it had absolutely seen better days. I remember that I felt kind of bad for the place, a little embarrassed, like when I got a good grade and accidentally made eye contact with a friend who got a D.
Okay. This clearly hit a memory artery, and I appreciate you staying with me this far, when we finally get to the fireworks factory. We're walking up to the box office, and she tells Ahmed and me that we have to wait on the sidewalk, because *technically* it's rated R, and she's not our legal guardian, but what does this guy making two bucks an hour know about art anyway?
So we wait. She buys the tickets, and then we all walk in as casually as we can.
I remember how scared I was that we were going to get caught and they'd call the cops (that's how it worked in my anxiety-ridden brain), but literally nobody cared. The theatre wasn't even half full, and everyone there was a dude at least as old as my parents.
You know the story, so I don't have to recount all of it, but I can at this very moment remember how shocked I was when Bruno was shot. This was the first time, ever, I had felt an emotional connection to a character. I didn't cry when Bambi's mother was shot, I didn't cry when ET died, I didn't cry E V E R.
But when Bruno died? I didn't make a sound. I just silently wept. Tears just poured down my face and I wanted to roll back time, rewrite the movie, and get him out of that room.
I obviously understand now, all these years later why I connected to him and why his story meant and means so much to me, but at the time I had no idea. I just thought the actors were that good.
I can't believe that guy who played him died so young. I think he was like 40? I remember thinking that was old. Now I know different.
When the movie was over, Kimmy asked us how we liked it. Ahmed was obsessed with the photography (he grew up to be an illustrator), and I obviously had my Bruno Moment.
We got Thrifty ice cream on the way home and listened to Donna Summer in her Datsun.
I haven't thought about Goncharov or Cinema or Kimmy in FOREVER. Leave it to Tumblr to boost my nostalgia check to a natural 20.
tl;dr: Bruno. I know he's supposed to be that character we all hate, and there are so many valid reasons for that. But when I was 12 ... well, I was a different person.
Oh! And now that I know what a "clean print" is, having seen so many "dirty prints" in revival houses before they all turned into swap meets or churches (hey, two places where people sell you stuff and take your money!), I retroactively appreciate it in a way that would make Kimmy happy.
Thanks for the trip into the crumbling mall that is my childhood memories. I haven't been here in awhile and it was nice to visit.
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nabwastaken · 3 months
so i convinced my brother to watch npmd
for context, he's the one who got me into starkid in the first place, but was never a big fan of it as a whole (we watched avpm a couple years back, and he watched twisted and tgwdlm himself)
so he's like. a casual fan. he's not in the hatchetfield hyperfixation hell i'm in, having only seen tgwdlm a few years back and not watching nmt or bf
suffice to say, he liked it!
highlights of the night include:
Him simping over Steph immediately as the show started
Me explaining different running gags that got brought up
Him commenting and cringing on the show's portrayal of teens which.. yeah
Him saying that Dirty Girl was more awkward then sexy (but being freaked out nonetheless)
Him calling out that Grace would be the murderer right away, but thankfully that thought went away as soon as Max died
At the part right before the Max death scene, he commented "oh this is so sweet" and then Max. You know.
During Go Go Nighthawks, I very loudly yelled out "FUCK CLIVESDALE". Later on when Grace tries to frame the Chemists my dear brother also said "Yeah, fuck clivesdale!" confirming he is one of us now
He knows about my obsession with Dan and Donna, and witnessed my very audible reaction when they showed up the first time to report on Max's disappearance
After the scene I say they showed up later on and during the interrogation scene in the principal's office he said "When will Dan and Donna show up again?"
Of course, they did show up again for Hatchet Town, leading to me having the same reaction AGAIN, which lead him to commenting "They're not canon, right?" Which. OW.
When Dan came on and said, "I am Dan Reynolds" I pointed at him and said "There he is! My guy! He is Dan Reynolds!" all while my brother just awkwardly nodded along
Me singing all the parts in Hatchet Town
Me explaining the cameos in Hatchet Town
After Hatchet Town I continued to freak out over Dan and Donna and continuingly reiterated the point that I ship them and I love them all while my brother was like "Yeah. Yep."
During the Barbecue Monologues, he says "Is this a reference to the Vagina Monologues?"
I commented on how a lot of people said that Just For Once gives them Falsettos vibes, and my brother LOVES Falsettos so he was immediately like "okay yeah yeah i get it go onto the song"
Him saying "Oh this is depressing" towards the end of Just For Once
Him freaking out when Paul and Emma arrived (they're the only characters he recognized)
Him also freaking out over If I Loved You, with him saying it was his favorite song in the show
In the scene in the forest where Max throws Miss Mulberry's decapitated "head" my brother said "That's Chappell Roan" and now I can't unsee it.
Him being terrified during The Summoning (later on he said "those weird god things scared me")
Him pointing at Blinky and saying "That's Chappell Roan"
The look of dread on his face when he realizes Steph would have to kill Pete
Me continuingly hammering in the point that "Steph and Pete will die" and then him being like "Why couldn't Grace give something up, huh??" and then me responding, pretending not to laugh, "What's she gonna give up? Her dad?" and then he responded "Yeah, her gay dad" (for context, earlier on during the chasity's scene i mentioned most people thinking Mark was gay)
Him just being absolutely depressed during CAITA reprise
AND THEN the look on his face when Max came in and caught the bullet with him continuingly asking and reiterating "So they're not gonna die?"
The shock and horror on his face when Grace and Max did it on the football field
Me telling him that Best of You was the ending number
AND THEN his jaw dropping when Grace pulled out the book and started singing dirty dudes must die. later on he said "it gagged him"
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makeithappenandreal · 9 months
If Donna stayed the Doctor's companion Part 2:
12th Doctor: *trying his best act* Look, Donna, So I am with monks now, I don't care about the Earth or your people...
Donna: You know I can tell the type of breakfast you had today from looking into your eyes at this point , right?
Donna: So wrap your acting up, we have an afternoon tea arranged at Jupiter after we get this monks out of the Planet.
12th Doctor: Can't you just play along for once...
12th Doctor: I can't tell Donna that I am blind! She will fuss over me!
Nardole: You need to tell her! How can you hide it?
12th Doctor: Trust me, she will not notice one single thing.
Donna: *the second she walks into TARDIS* You are still blind, aren't you?
12th Doctor: Oh for Time's sake...
11th Doctor: So, River is Amy and Rory's daughter and she is also my wife as well... Does that mean Amy is my in law?!
Donna: She can berate you Like a child at any time. Living my dream for real
Donna: ...
12th Doctor: Not another word-
Donna: WORLD PRESIDENT LOL *bursts out laughing while pointing at him*
12th Doctor: Oh hell.. *puts his head on his hands*
War Doctor: We are surrounded by knights, we need to do something to escape!
11th Doctor: Oh there is no need to espace. Watch. Donna?
Knights: *run away in true terror*
10th Doctor: It's like we never left...
12th Doctor: *after turning up on the coffee shop Donna's relaxing* So, remember Davros?
Donna: ... Of course I do.
12th Doctor: *laughing nervously while thinking how he fucked up* So Guess what...
10th Doctor: *getting married to Queen Elizabeth*
Donna and 11th whispering aggressively behind* : - I cannot believe you did not mention you were married to QUEEN ELIZABETH! -.OBVIOUSLY i diDN'T KNOW!-
12th Doctor: So this is Gallifrey!
Donna: I thought it was Space Eden or something from the way you described it, this is just red sand. Like literal Azirona has more eccentric places than here.
12th Doctor: ...i sincerely want to believe I will be able to impress you one day because this is killing me.
Donna: So...
12th Doctor: ...
Donna: Why did you kidnap the president's wife?
12th Doctor: Oh, Heaven, you had a conversation with Missy, didn't you?
Donna: I literally have enough material in my hand to embarrase you for at least one regeneration, yeah.
Missy: She is my favorite.
13th Doctor: *steals Donna's coats every once in a while and does not give the clothes back*
Donna: *rants to her about that but secretly loves it*
12th Doctor: Clara, please be rational and give the TARDIS keys to me.
Donna: *whispers to Doctor* Not to interrupt an emotional moment but she does know you can just snap your fingers and get into TARDIS doesn't she?
12th Doctor: *shakes his head slightly*
Donna: Also that I have an extra key...
Donna: In fact I have a bowl of them because you like the noise the keys make when you drop it in there
Donna: But I guess this is what we are doing because you like to see people in angst. Okay.
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 2 months
Could we get one where Reader is chaos incarnate in terms of personality? No one is sure how Donna managed to tame them but they’re more calm with her? Unfortunately, this doesn’t stop them from snarking and maybe insulting the lords if they try to flirt with them, soothing Donna’s possessiveness without realizing?
Yesss!!!! Thank you for your request!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!! :))))
May the chaos be with you
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Word count: 5,900
Summary: You were like chaos, but she was like calm...
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open, I'm waiting yours!!! I love you all!!! :))
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“How much, you say?” you asked with a cocky pose, blinking comically.
“Well, that's the price of the product,” the Duke said calmly. He was the greedy merchant from the village, and he was ignoring you.
“300 lei for a chocolate bar…” you whispered mockingly, walking back and forth from the entrance to the mansion. “Do you think I'm stupid?”
“I would never dare to say such a thing, Miss (Y/N),” the man said, with a sinister smile on his face.
“No? Well, you are,” you protested with a frown.
“Please, you know that I would never dare to say such a thing about someone like you,” the merchant commented, counting coins disinterestedly. “But I'm afraid that's the price.”
“I don't believe it, you damn fat bastard,” you said with a furious growl. “I wonder if that carriage of yours will burn as well as I imagine.”
“Oh, sure it will… But it would still be 300 lei, well, maybe more for the trouble,” the man answered, laughing amused at your chaotic attitude.
“Maybe more for the trouble,” you repeated in a mocking tone, imitating his voice in an unpleasant way, crossing your arms.
“Come on, don't be like that, Miss (Y/N). Besides, I'm convinced that chocolate bar is to your liking, in fact, I'm sure that the 7 you stole from me last week were to your liking,” the merchant whispered, with a dark tone, but without erasing that fake smile from his face.
“Me? Stealing? Nonsense,” you said, feigning indignation at those words.
“Yes, yes, nonsense… I'm convinced that doll I saw rummaging through the carriage had nothing to do with Miss Angie, right?”
“You can't accuse me of anything. You'd probably mistake her for another Angie,” you said, looking away, lowering the volume of your voice.
“I'm probably a bit distracted lately,” the Duke said, rolling his eyes, rubbing his hands impatiently.
“Too much sarmale?”  you joked, arching your eyebrows.
“It's never enough...”
“Well, I hope after that confusion on your part, you'll give me a discount,” you said again with arrogance, with an evil glint in your eyes.
The man laughed amused, clearly enjoying your behavior.
“Why is that?” he asked, wiping away his tears of laughter.
“Do you know who you’re talking to?” you asked, raising your chin haughtily.
“Mm… (Y/N), right?” he answered, still laughing. You nodded and turned to point at the house with your hands.
“Yes, and do you know where you are? With a snap of her fingers, Donna can make you have the worst time of your life so…” you threatened, just as the merchant stopped laughing and looked over your shoulder.
“Lady Beneviento, your presence is… comforting,” the man said, elegantly, simulating a bow.
You turned around to see the lady in black right behind you, holding the Angie doll, your favorite accomplice, in her arms.
“Donna, that fat guy accused me of being a thief, tell him something,” you said, pulling the black fabric of her dress. She looked at you through her black veil, and then at the merchant, who put his hands up in surrender.
“Oh no, please, we were just arguing about an incident I had last week. Nothing to do with your… Well, with (Y/N). Of course I wasn't accusing your puppet of being part of that lack of stock in my carriage.”
“You see? Come on, torture him,” you said, pulling the black fabric again, hearing a slight laugh from the lady in mourning, who took your hand to calm you down.
“Calm down, tesoro… Go ​​inside, I'll take care of this,” she whispered to you in a hoarse, soft voice, too low for the merchant to hear, although from his expression, you could tell he did.
With a haughty gesture, you turned around and obeyed the lady's command, as you always did, as you always wanted to do, entering the house with an arrogant step.
“Let's see who's laughing now,” you said amused, rubbing your hands as you dropped into the rocking chair, closely followed by the Angie doll, who climbed onto your lap.
“(Y/N), (Y/N),” the puppet said, excited as always when you were together. “The fat guy snitched. How could he have noticed?”
“I don't know, I guess we have to plan better next time,” you whispered discouraged. Normally your pranks went unnoticed, or so you thought.
“Mm, I got it,” the doll said, getting closer to your ear. “We could wait for him to fall asleep and...”
“Pepper on the sheets,” you interrupted, with that same sinister look.
“No, although it's also a good idea,” the doll said, confused. “I had thought we could use the solvent that Donna has in the workshop to light a bonfire.”
“Hey, that's even better,” you said, stopping swinging, but undoing your smile instantly. “But we can't.”
“Why?” Angie asked.
“Donna would be angry,” you said with a sigh, looking at the half-open door, playing with a ball of yarn that was on the table.
“Donna is boring,” the doll protested, crossing her arms. “You have to stop paying attention to her or you'll become a boring, stupid girl.”
“But I love her,” you said frowning.
“Bah, nonsense, if you want a faithful ally, here I am,” Angie said, pointing to herself in a funny way.
“I'd love to take you up on your offer, but I don't think so,” you said with a smile, shaking your head and throwing the ball of yarn to the doll, who protested by moving her limbs erratically.
“Mm, it's a good opportunity to create chaos... But if you prefer boring Donna...” she said ironically, making you laugh.
“You don't do to me the things she does,” you said with a mischievous whisper, making the doll cover her face in embarrassment.
“No! Don't tell me! I don't want to know!” Angie shrieked, pretending to cover her ears. “Disgusting...”
You laughed mockingly, jokingly fighting with Angie, when the lady in black entered, closing the door behind her and removing the black fabric from her face.
“Oh, did you make him suffer?” you asked, pulling her wrist closer to the rocking chair. She smiled and shook her head, showing you your long-awaited chocolate bar and handing it to you. “Thank you, thank you…” you said, amused and triumphant.
Her smile remained on her face, but her gaze searched for the puppet, which quickly hid under the table.
“Angie, (Y/N), have you stolen from the Duke? Again?” she asked in a soft voice, with her hands on her hips. Her gaze didn’t express the slightest sign of severity.
“No,” you answered at the same time, making your lie more evident.
“It’s not my fault that the fat man is clumsy and leaves his carriage parked anywhere,” you said, excusing yourself, crossing your arms.
Donna laughed softly, leaning down to caress your cheek.
“Tesoro … What did we say about stealing?” she asked, staring at you, making you lose yourself in her beauty.
“Stealing is wrong,” you grumbled, looking away. She nodded slowly. “Okay… I promise you that next time he won't find out…”
She shook her head again, with an amused smile, getting a little closer to capture your lips in a soft, tender and slow kiss.
“Oh, no, here they are again…” Angie protested, fleeing the hall hastily.
The two of you looked at the doll and then back at each other. Donna sighed, helping you up and gently grabbing your waist.
“You're such a naughty girl, you know that?” she whispered seductively in your ear, making you shrink, your body trembling.
“Is that why you love me that much?” you asked, with that same playful tone. Donna nodded, kissing you on the cheek, pulling your body closer to hers with a gentle tug, running your hands around her neck.
“Who knows…”
It was just another day, another day in your life, a new life that came by chance in the midst of your mischief and pranks.
Since you were little, you were chaos made person. Pranks, jokes, a shameless vocabulary… You were a tough nut to crack for your family, and for most of the villagers. Normally, people born in that place became empty vessels, submissive, accommodating and polite people.
You didn't know what could have gone wrong with you, because you were the opposite.
Extroverted, daring, a joker… No adjective that could be used to describe you was accurate enough. Maybe you were a goddess, a powerful one, a goddess of chaos. Without fear of authority, of the consequences of your actions, you grew up being the terror of the villagers, of your neighbors.
You couldn't go a day without planning some mischief or responding inappropriately to anyone who dared to tell you that you couldn't speak in church.
Together with your small group of friends, you lived a thousand and one adventures always guided by your lack of judgment and fear of the unknown. Maybe it was your lack of logical reasoning that led you that day to enter where not even your friends wanted to do so, into the lands of the dangerous Lord, Donna Beneviento.
The fear the villagers of that place had made you want to enter that dark forest more and more. After all, you had already raided the factory, the castle and the dam. A sinister forest with porcelain dolls was not going to stop you from sowing chaos once again.
But your actions for once had consequences, suddenly running into the owner of those lands, the lady in black, who was known to be the personification of fear itself. At first you played your good girl card, trying to make Donna believe that you were nothing but a poor lost villager.
You soon discovered that you couldn’t fool her so easily. She didn’t know you, you doubted she had ever seen you in the church, but even so, she seemed to know more about you than you did yourself. Somehow, your desire to be rude and sarcastic disappeared with the breeze that carried her sweet lavender perfume.
She was quiet, calm, sick according to the villagers, dangerous and very, perhaps too intelligent.
Her solitary life in that place marked as forbidden caught your attention making your desire to do evil things disappear when her black clothes were in front of you. You couldn’t explain why but, with her you felt… Comfortable.
Little by little, those little encounters forced by your lack of judgment became a routine, in absurd but profound conversations, in visits beyond the wooden bridge, beyond that waterfall. You, who believed that love was nonsense, a method of life to reduce your desire for chaos, suddenly found yourself crazy for the lady in black, addicted to her serenity, her voice, her gaze.
Everything that happened around you seemed to bathe you in a calm atmosphere and that served so you, the goddess of chaos in the village, began to enjoy boring things like silence, like a caress, like some quiet kisses with the sound of the waterfall as your only companion.
After you loved each other and declared that you could not live without each other, your life improved, leaving your cabin, the village, to live in the mansion next to her, to feel that feeling of peace and tranquility every time.
You were still you, Donna was still Donna. Opposites attracted, or so they said. You were crazy about her, she was crazy about you. Silence and noise, tranquility and chaos, had fallen in love.
With her, nothing was as funny anymore. Playing pranks had become a risky sport. You didn't want to disappoint her, with her you behaved... Well, more or less well. Maybe if the Angie doll hadn't been there, you would have managed to reform yourself completely.
After the storm, the calm came, one of those moments when your thoughts went blank, when the ideas of fire and destruction stopped harassing your mind. Just a few soft caresses on your hair, your head on her lap while she read a boring book, her relaxing, comforting humming... You didn't know at what point you had started to prefer being like this to planning another of your evil plans.
“Is it fun?” you asked, lying on your back, distracting the lady from her reading and her melodic, calm humming. She looked down, intensifying the caresses on your hair, forcing you to close your eyes at the calm produced by her fingers tangling in your locks.
“No, not at all,” she said, amused, bending down to kiss you in the same calm way, settling down on the couch.
“Why are you reading it then?” you asked curiously with a frown. Donna sighed, with that same serene expression.
“You know what? You're right,” she said, closing the book and letting it fall on the table.
You smiled triumphantly, rubbing yourself affectionately against her lap.
“I prefer to look at how beautiful you are,” she whispered, playing with one of your hands, causing your skin to burn under her touch.
You tried to avoid it, you certainly tried, but you couldn't stop the blush from bathing your cheeks at such a compliment. Could it be that your chaotic attitude was due to the lack of affection in your life? Maybe, maybe that's why you felt better by her side.
“But that's boring too,” you said in a childish tone. Donna looked at you curiously, tilting her head.
“You think so? I don’t think so,” she whispered, amused. “Are you bored, tesoro?”
“A bit,” you sighed, trying not to be offensive, not to show the slightest rejection of her caresses.
“Well, what do you propose?” she asked curiously as you sat up, yawning indiscreetly.
“Well…” you whispered, rubbing your eyes, under her ever-attentive gaze. “I still haven’t thanked you for that chocolate bar…”
With that lustful hiss, you threw yourself into her kisses, climbing up her body, letting her hands embrace your back as your lips devoured each other.
“You’re tireless, aren’t you?” Donna said, amused by your erratic kisses, by your shameless caresses. “Haven’t you had enough this morning?”
“It's obvious I haven’t,” you said amused, moving down to her neck slowly, channeling that desire for action into a feeling of excitement and desire to love. You didn't want to admit it, but that was much better than any mischief.
Donna laughed nervously, bringing your body as close to hers as she could while your hips began to dance uncontrollably. Suddenly, she pulled away from your kisses, frowning.
“Did you hear that?” she asked, stopping her movements and looking over your shoulder. You shook your head, cupping her face in your hands and returning to those kisses you needed that much.
“I haven't heard anything,” you said a bit frustrated by her lack of attention to your actions, not giving her a moment to breathe. Donna, knowing that when you wanted something, you got it, gave in to your caresses, resuming the dance of your hips, for a short time.
“Hey! Get away, separate, let the air flow, you disgusting sticky fools!”  Angie shrieked, suddenly entering the living room, pretending to cover her eyes.
“Angie, get out of here,” you said, smiling sinisterly at Donna, who seemed to not give importance to her doll.
“Hey! Listen to me you two!” she shrieked, climbing onto the couch and pulling at your dress, making you growl furiously.
“Angie, go away,” Donna ordered her, supporting her words with a gesture of her hand. The doll, irreverent as always, grabbed that hand and pulled it.
“Will you, just, listen, to me? Miranda has called,” the doll protested, now yes, attracting the immediate attention of its owner, who stopped the kisses, remaining almost paralyzed.
“Miranda?” the lady in black asked, catching her breath and looking at you to get off her lap. You, reluctantly, complied with her silent order, falling beside her with your arms crossed.
“Oh, you're finally listening to me, huh?” Angie mocked, looking at you as if she knew what she had just interrupted. Of course she did.
“Say what she wants and get out, we're busy,” you said, with a harsh tone towards your usual accomplice.
“Like you always are…” the doll answered, jumping onto her owner's now empty lap. “There's a meeting, a meeting, Donna.”
The brunette sighed, closing her eye. Unfortunately, she wasn't there just for you. Her duties with that sinister cult in the village were always there to make you want to get up to mischief again.
“When?” Donna asked, putting on her dress, already knowing what the answer would be.
“Now, silly Donna, are we going?” the doll teased, tugging Donna's arm again to get her up from the couch “If the blood gets to your head, of course…”
“Oh, shut up, I'm coming now,” the lady said annoyed slowly turning her head towards yours. “I'm sorry, amore mio, but…”
“Yes, yes, you're leaving,” you said, with a haughty stance, looking away. Despite your noticeable improvement, you still had trouble accepting that you wouldn't have what you wanted.
“I promise when I come back…” she told you, kneeling on the floor and leaning on your knees, with a sad look, knowing what that meant to you.
“Yes, okay, I know… You're leaving me alone again,” you protested, unpleasantly removing her hands from your body, making her sigh.
“It's harder for me than for you, believe me,” Donna said, slowly getting up, with a glint in her eye that caught your attention.
“What do you mean?” you asked curiously, frowning.
“I don't like leaving you alone, tesoro,” she murmured in a low, broken voice, as if she were hiding something. You weren't stupid, you realized right away.
“Oh, you don't trust me not to do anything naughty, do you?” you hissed in a serious tone, with real annoyance.
“No, honey, it's not that,” she said hastily, lifting your chin so that your gaze met hers.
“Then, what is it?” you asked abruptly, sitting firmly on the couch. Donna opened her mouth to answer, but seemed to regret it.
“It's not important. Just wait for me, okay? I won't be long,” she said in a soft voice, with a smile that didn't seem at all sincere. After a quick goodbye kiss, she walked away from you.
Your head was spinning from that strange behavior and a huge amount of bad thoughts invaded your chaotic mind. Maybe Donna was hiding something from you. Well, you only had one idea to find out.
“Hey, wait, Donna,” you said, standing up, putting a hand on her shoulder. “I have an idea, why don't you take me with you?”
“Do you want...? Do you want to come with me?” she asked confused, scratching the back of her neck, doubtful. That gesture didn't please your disturbed mind.
“Yeah, it could be fun. Besides, I haven't met your siblings yet,” you said, showing a wide smile. That idea sounded better and better in your head.
“Oh, of course, I… I don't think it's a good idea…” she murmured, moving away from your amused posture, shaking her head.
“Why not?” you asked offended, changing amusement into chaotic rage.
“Because… Well, those meetings are…”
“I know that Dimitrescu sometimes brings her maids, why can't I go?” you protested, stamping your feet in a childish way. “Are you ashamed of me?”
“Of course I’m not,” Donna answered, with a serious look, trying to calm you down with her caresses, ones that you rejected.
“It seems like you are,” you whispered, cowardly fleeing from her comforting touch. “Of course you are, you are ashamed of me, you are afraid that I will do something evil or stupid, right?”
“No, tesoro, it is not that,” she said, with a serious tone, with a cold look, trying to be as sincere as possible.
“Say whatever you want, I know. I don't know why you are ashamed, I’m not the one who is sick in the head,” you hissed without thinking.
Donna stepped back, as if your words had pierced her fragile heart. It was to be expected. Both her appearance and her mental problems were the only things that prevented her from calming you down on some occasions. She felt self-conscious about it.
“(Y/N)…” she sighed in a sad voice, scared by that way of addressing her.
You shook your head, closing your eyes and taking a breath, regretful.
“I didn't mean that, I'm sorry,” you apologized in a low voice, taking her hand, which was already beginning to tremble. “Forgive me... I didn't mean to talk to you that way.”
She nodded, relaxing that sad expression and changing it into an understanding smile, caressing your cheek.
“It's okay, I know, amore mio...” she sighed, kissing you quickly so you both could calm down.
“Hey, well, it doesn't seem like a bad idea to me,” Angie intervened, tugging on the dress of the lady in black, who looked at her curiously. “Come on, Donna, it could be fun.”
“See? Angie agrees,” you said, joking, forgetting that awkward moment. Donna laughed, shaking her head.
“Angie always agrees with you,” she murmured amused, playing with your hand. She seemed to be really thinking about it, which sent a wave of excitement to your face.
“We're good friends, right?” you asked the doll, who high-fived you.
“Please, Donna…. Let her come,” the puppet begged, comically clasping her hands together, joining your pouting face, imitating your gesture.
“Come on… Please…” you repeated with that same childish, pleading tone.
“Oh, okay, fine, come with me but…” Donna said, defeated, crossing her arms.
“Yes, yes”
“Yes, what?” she asked distrustfully.
“I'll behave…”
The walk to the meeting was, well, you couldn't say it was smooth. Both you and Angie talked nonstop about how excited you were to be able to go to a meeting of Lords.
You could certainly understand Donna's fear in taking you, but your keen intuition told you that maybe it wasn't for the reasons you thought. What was it that scared the lady in black that much? You figured you'd eventually find out.
“Okay, I'll go to find a chair for you,” Donna said, covered in that horrible black veil, searching the corners of the cathedral for a place for you to sit. There was still no one else.
You nodded, looking around at that sinister place.
“Is this the place?” you asked Angie, who didn't seem to want to leave your side. Had Donna ordered her to?
“Yes,” the doll replied. “It’s cool, huh?”
 “Yes, it has many possibilities…” you said, pretending a thoughtful, intellectual look, finding in every corner of that place, a possible prank.
“Isn't it? I always think that when these fools start talking about boring things. Look at those chandeliers…” Angie commented, pointing towards the altar.
“Oh, yes, it would be a shame if someone loosened those screws,” you murmured amused, shaking your head instantly. “No, no, I promised Donna I would behave.”
“But Donna isn't here…” the puppet tempted you, giving you a few soft nudges on the leg.
“Donna is here,” the lady in black said, approaching with a chair, placing it next to what seemed to be hers. “Angie, leave (Y/N) alone.”
“You boring spaghetti thing,” the doll said, crossing her arms and climbing onto your body, gracefully climbing up your back. “I told you, if you keep listening to her you'll be as boring as her.”
“Angie…” the lady complained, extending a hand towards you, which you took with a shrug. “Come, tesoro, sit here.”
You obeyed, letting yourself fall into the uncomfortable wooden chair. Donna, checking that everything was okay, sat on hers, taking your hand.
“Are you okay?” she asked quietly, just as some erratic steps approached you.
“Yeah, sure,” you said with a sincere smile, nodding calmly. “Oh, it seems someone took the bait…”you commented when you saw the horrible monster of the dam enter. Village Lord, Moreau
“Donna, Donna,” he said with a goofy voice, smiling as he approached you. “You look beautiful today…”
“Thanks, you ugly little monster,” Angie said, answering for her owner, in part.
“And you, who are you?” the creature asked, pointing at you with a slimy finger.
“(Y/N), Sal. She’s Donna's girlfriend,” Angie answered, displaying you as if you were an object, to which you frowned.
“Oh, of course, you're beautiful too,” the monster said, bowing at which you had to hold back your laughter.
“I wish I could say the same,” you said with a grimace of displeasure, receiving a nudge from the brunette. “I mean, nice to meet you, I guess…”
“You remind me of a little human who snuck into my swamp two years ago,” Moreau murmured, approaching you unpleasantly. You arched your eyebrows, slightly suppressing the evil smile that formed on your face.
“Really?” you asked, biting your tongue. The monster nodded.
“Yes, yes, I was locked in my room for days because that little mouse took my keys... If I find her...” the Lord explained, causing you more difficulties to contain your laughter.
“That's because you're very clumsy, Sal, (Y/N) is good. She has nothing to do with it,” Angie said in your defense. Of course, she knew you had been the culprit of that incident. It was one of the things that the mischievous puppet admired you for.
“It's true, my apologies, young lady,” the fish man said kindly, walking away with a farewell gesture towards his sister.
“It seems he likes me,” you commented to the lady in black, who shook her head and a soft veiled laugh.
“You are incorrigible, amore mio,” she whispered back, kissing you on the cheek through her veil.
“Well, well, well!” A mocking male voice reached your ears, making you turn your head. Another of the Lords, Karl Heisenberg, had just entered, looking at you over his glasses, walking towards you. “Donna's special friend…”
“Girlfriend, you moron,” Angie protested, earning a gentle reprimand from her owner, who seemed very attentive to the metal man.
“Yeah, yeah…” he sighed, leaning on your chair, watching you amused. “Hey, do we know each other?”
“I don't think so,” you said, in a brusque tone.
“No? Because you… Oh yeah, you're that little thief who snuck into my factory with some friends to steal my beers, right?” he accused you, pointing at you with his finger.
“I don't know what you're talking about,” you said, looking at your nails with disinterest.
“Of course, I would recognize that good girl face from miles away…” the man commented, with a mocking tone. You, oblivious to the danger, shrugged your shoulders, sighing. “Come on, what do you have to say in your defense?”
“That beer tasted like Lycan piss. It wasn't worth it,” you said amused, with a sly smile.
Karl laughed loudly, shaking his head.
“Excuse me, your majesty. Maybe next time you'd like me to put them in the fridge,” Heisenberg said ironically, with a dark look, playing with a cigar between his teeth. You smiled innocently, nodding.
“It would be nice, yes,” you joked, with a cocky pose, leaning your back on the chair.
He laughed even louder, approaching the lady in black and giving a strong slap on her back, which destabilized her comically.
“Oh, Donna, your friend is so bold, isn't she?” he sighed beside her. She did nothing, she just looked away, you guessed at you. “Rude and fighter... Just the way I like them.”
You turned around abruptly at this unexpected compliment.
“I guess I'll behave better then,” you said through clenched teeth, furious at this shameless hint.
Karl laughed again, approaching you in a casual manner.
“Come on, come on, don't be like that, cutie,” he said to you in a tone that turned your stomach.
“Call me cutie again,” you threatened with a sinister smile, making the Lord look at you carefully, but without losing the mockery in his eyes.
“You don't like it? I figured as much,” he said, slurring his words.
“Stay away from her, Karl,” Donna said, surprisingly speaking for herself, clenching her fists tightly.
“Look at that, your girlfriend's become jealous... That's because she knows there's something going on between you and me, don't you think?” he said, amused. You smiled again, narrowing your eyes. “It must be very boring to be surrounded by disturbing dolls all day long...”
“I like it,” you said, crossing your arms again.
“I'm sure you'd have a better time in my factory,” he whispered, pretending Donna couldn't hear him. You knew she could, as her whole body tensed again.
“I'd rather have a stick shoved up my ass and be set on fire than spend a single minute in your disgusting factory, Karl,” you said, amused, with all the arrogance your lack of sense of danger allowed you.
“Oh, what a nasty girl,” he joked, leaning on his hammer. “Donna, is she like that in bed too?”
“I'm sure you'd love to check it out,” you said, answering for your girlfriend, who was being calmed by Angie's soft words.
“Of course,” Karl murmured, arching his eyebrows.
“Try it in the next life, asshole,” you hissed, with a serious face, maintaining your cocky tone and posture. He stepped back, surprised by your impudence. “Do you mind getting out of the way? I'd like to see something different than your shitty face.”
With a nasty laugh, the Lord walked away from you, much to your relief.
“(Y/N)…” Donna sighed, her voice calmer, grabbing your hand tightly. “Be careful.”
“Why?” you asked, confused.
“Donna, how nice to see you with company,” a dark, seductive voice interrupted that moment. The lady of the castle, Alcina Dimitrescu, stood before you with an elegant posture.
The lady in black nodded kindly, as a greeting. You frowned when the tall woman did the same when she saw you.
“You…” she whispered thoughtfully. You smiled, with that good girl face again. “I know you…”
“Everyone knows me,” you said smiling, blinking mockingly.
“I see. You are that little bird that snuck into my castle and stole a bottle of my best harvest, right? Oh, don't answer, of course it's you, I would recognize that body anywhere.”
“(Y/N)…” Donna sighed, shaking her head and leaning back in her chair.
“Wine? I don’t know,” you said, shaking your head, keeping the vampire’s gaze , who made a small grimace of disgust. “By the way, I was wondering if next time it could be the blood of a blonde maiden, I wonder if it would change the taste…”
A disturbing smile formed on the face of the lady in white, separating herself slightly from you, taking a drag on her cigarette.
“You cheeky little bird…” she murmured, shaking your head. You, unfazed by her overwhelming presence, pretended to be a saint again. “If you wanted wine, my dear, you could have tried asking me in person.”
“In person?” you asked, feigning confusion. The tall lady nodded.
“Yes, I'm sure we could have a most interesting conversation... As long as your dear Donna allows it, what do you say, cara mia?” she asked, looking directly at the brunette, who shook her head erratically.
“I can think for myself,” you protested, attracting her attention again, causing Alcina to bend down and blow the smoke from her tobacco in your face, making you cough.
“It seems so… Well? Do you want to talk in my castle? I'm sure a girl like you has many stories to tell.”
“Mm,” you murmured, nodding sarcastically. “You know what? I don't think I would be up to it,” you said jokingly, with a sardonic look.
“You little brat...” the lady growled, completely taking notice of you game of words.
“Little, maybe, compared to you, of course,” you continued joking, stopped by Donna's hand, which squeezed yours tightly to shut you up.
After those little awkward encounters, at last, the priestess, Mother Miranda, arrived. You, tired of being there, didn't pay attention to the most important winged figure in the village. You could have joked, but you didn't want to. Donna's siblings were one thing, Miranda was worse, she was too important to your girlfriend, you couldn't let her down with that. Or that was your intention.
“Well, you can go,” the blonde finally said, causing the Lords to leave the room, but not before giving you a burning look, full of resentment. You, amused, blinked comically again, waving goodbye mockingly.
The priestess sighed, suddenly looking at you and walking towards you. Oh, another stupid moron delaying your return home…
“Donna, is everything okay?” the blonde asked, removing the golden mask covering her face. The lady in black nodded, and so did Miranda, turning her head towards you. “What do we have here? Are you the famous (Y/N)?”
You raised your eyebrows and sighed listlessly.
“What? Do you want to take me to bed too?” you asked without thinking, causing you to receive a strong elbow from the lady in black.
Miranda looked at you with wide eyes and a surprised expression. She didn't say anything, just that expression of astonishment slowly changed to a smile that spread more and more across her face until it turned into a soft laugh, as she walked away from you, running a hand over your shoulder.
“Take care of her, Donna. I like her,” the priestess said, before disappearing down the hall.
When you were alone, Donna stood up in a huff, pacing back and forth in front of your chair.
“Maledizione, (Y/N), have you dedicated your life to infuriating everyone?” she asked nervously, resting her hands on the arms of the chair.
You shrugged, amused.
“A joke is a joke. I don't care if it's a Lord or a normal villager. I don't discriminate,” you joked, making Donna snort and move away from the chair, shaking her head.
“You're going to drive me crazy,” the lady whispered, removing the veil from her face, revealing her worried look.
“I thought you were already crazy… I mean, crazy about me,” you said slowly, thinking your words carefully and grabbing her waist, earning a condescending smile.
Something in her gaze suddenly changed and, after looking at your lips, she threw herself at them, devouring you with kisses in an unexpected way, caressing your body, sitting you on the chair and climbing onto your lap.
“Hey, hey, Donna, what's wrong?” you asked, stopping the brunette's passionate attack. She shook her head, caressing your cheek while, with a gesture of her other hand, she left Angie inert on the floor.
“I think you deserve a reward,” she whispered in your ear, playing with the buttons of your dress. You frowned and looked at her confused.
“Why? For getting on your nerves?” you asked amused by her unbridled attitude.
Donna relaxed and her expression did the same, avoiding looking at your face.
“No, I... I didn't want you to come because, because I know my siblings and... Well, you're beautiful and I... I was afraid of...”
“Of losing me,” you finished her sentence with a sigh, far from the chaos of your mind.
She nodded with a lost look, with a tear running down her cheek.
“Hey, Donna…” you whispered tenderly, looking up at her. “You're the only one who makes me look like a normal person. I would never give up on the only woman in the world who can make me enjoy calm…”
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Thinking about being Kafka's needy, horny little wife.
He surprises you when he comes home for lunch one day. You don't have anything prepared for him A) because he didn't tell you and though you could sling some food together for him really quick, B), because you're too busy in your bedroom running a very precise vibrator over your clit.
You're too busy thinking about how yummy he looked this morning. Too busy listening to your most recent favorite song to hear him unlock and come in the front door.
Your eyes are closed, and your legs are wide open, back flat against the bed. Small, breathy and whiny moans escape your lonely lips. God what you wouldn't give to have Kafka stuff you full of his cock right now.
He said your name, but it was drowned out by the music being up so loud. And rather than continuing to holler for you, he just headed down the hallway to the bedroom.
What he saw when he looked around the doorframe was truly a thing of beauty: Your swollen cunt was pulsing again and again as you pulled away just in time to deny yourself another orgasm.
But you didn't know he was there. You didn't hear anything but the melodic serenade of the song you'd put on repeat.
Once you were sure you could keep going, you lifted your head to see where the vibrator landed on the bed. Instead of seeing that, you caught an eye full of Kafka just standing there. Smirking at you.
"So's this what you do all day when I'm keeping the country safe?" He laughed and ducked down when you threw your toy at him. "Hey! Hey ... I come in peace. I can't say the same thing for you, though. Goodness, kitten. You miss me that much, mm?" He said, his voice dropped to a low tone that would've been almost scary if it wasn't so sexy.
He sauntered over to you in his officer's uniform, undoing his pants when he reached the bed.
You hopped right up and got on your knees on the floor, pushing him back onto the bed, pulling his pants down around his ankles, essentially trapping him there.
Of course, he could've gotten away if he wanted to. But he's never said no to your mouth being wrapped snugly around his dick.
You went right to work, bobbing your head up and down the full length of his cock, moaning against him every time you felt the tip hit the back of your throat.
"Fuh- oh - oh my god, kitten. What the hell's gotten into you to- fuck! Today?"
You looked up at him as your hand stroked what wasn't between your lips, coming off of him with a pop, you said, "I juh- fuck," you wiped the wet mess off of your chin with the back of your hand and continued, "I just want you, Kaf, so fucking bad today, want you so bad."
You turned your attention back to sucking him off, fully enjoying the reactions you were getting from him.
His abs and thighs began to tense up, his cock throbbing against your hot tongue. "Hmm ... kit- kitten, gonna - oh fuck, gonna cum f'ya keep that up ... hoh my god, baby ... please ... please please please doh-hon't stop. Don't ever stop."
So, you didn't. You sped up your movements, pulling him right over the edge. "Cuh-cuh-fuckin' cumming! Oh shit, shit shit shit! Hoh god ... b-babe! Fuck!" It was an explosion in your mouth that you wholly consumed.
"C'mere, you." He pulled you up onto his lap and cupped his hands under your ass, squeezing you impossibly close. "I needa eat lunch before I head back. You wanna help me with that? Maybe gimme somethin' tuh eat, mm?"
You smiled against his kiss and got up off of his lap.
"Aht! Where you think y'goin', uh?" He said as he stood and scooped you up into his arms.
"G'na fix you some lunch ... right?"
"Mm-mm. Tag baby cakes. You're it. Now, get back t'how I found ya and get ready. 'M fuckin' starvin' t'day."
Fuck, you love this man.
@witchy-scribblings @kazutora-kurokawa @katkusuo
@delirious-donna @darkstarlight82 @bakubunny
@reiners-milkbiddies @supersecretsaga @trevengersprincess
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cleolinda · 1 year
When I was a child in the '80s, I absorbed some kind of cultural truism that disco was ridiculous, embarrassing, cheesy, a cultural relic to be mocked at every turn. Remember, I'm under ten years old at this time, and I still manage to get this impression. There was another, milder sea change when grunge overtook the hair metal of the late '80s, so I never questioned the idea that disco should be dead and buried. We like silly things, I thought in my 13-year-old wisdom, and then we get over it.
Then I saw The Last Days of Disco (1998) while I was in college, and suddenly I realized that disco was fun, and it was like—it was in the roots of—music I already loved. And the end of that movie also—hints? tells you? I can't remember how explicitly—that disco didn't just fade like most trends; it was killed off.
I watched a lot of VH1 in those days, the late '90s, with a little TV sitting on my tall university-issue dresser, its corner overlooking my computer desk while I struggled with piles of assignments. This was the heyday of Behind the Music, so it was great background TV. And then one day (1999) they ran a Donna Summer—the "Queen of Disco"—concert special. The video up there is the song that immediately became my favorite of hers. It’s just instant serotonin to me, any version of it. I bought the whole VH1 album on CD, and "This Time I Know It's For Real" may genuinely be one of my all-time favorite songs, now, still, more than 20 years later. You can hear the original version (1989) here (the backing instrumental that I just found today is lovely), but the live version ten years later, the video up there, has a really special comeback—joyous, gracious survival—energy to it.
Watching the whole concert, I got it. Why the fuck did I ever think disco wasn't amazing? It was always the kind of thing I loved; we had all just been pretending that it was embarrassing glitter trash.
And then I found out why we were pretending. From densely-footnoted Wikipedia:
Disco Demolition Night was a Major League Baseball (MLB) promotion on Thursday, July 12, 1979, at Comiskey Park in Chicago, Illinois, that ended in a riot. At the climax of the event, a crate filled with disco records was blown up on the field between games of the twi-night doubleheader between the Chicago White Sox and the Detroit Tigers. Many had come to see the explosion rather than the games and rushed onto the field after the detonation. The playing field was so damaged by the explosion and by the rioters that the White Sox were required to forfeit the second game to the Tigers. [...] The popularity of disco declined significantly in late 1979 and 1980. Many disco artists carried on, but record companies began labeling their recordings as dance music. [...] Rolling Stone critic Dave Marsh described Disco Demolition Night as "your most paranoid fantasy about where the ethnic cleansing of the rock radio could ultimately lead". Marsh was one who, at the time, deemed the event an expression of bigotry, writing in a year-end 1979 feature that "white males, eighteen to thirty-four are the most likely to see disco as the product of homosexuals, blacks, and Latins, and therefore they're the most likely to respond to appeals to wipe out such threats to their security. It goes almost without saying that such appeals are racist and sexist, but broadcasting has never been an especially civil-libertarian medium." Nile Rodgers, producer and guitarist for the disco-era band Chic,
(who survived the disco era to make half the music I loved in the '80s)
likened the event to Nazi book burning. Gloria Gaynor, who had a huge disco hit with "I Will Survive," stated, "I've always believed it was an economic decision—an idea created by someone whose economic bottom line was being adversely affected by the popularity of disco music. So they got a mob mentality going."
The DJ who ran the whole thing, Steve Dahl, complains that it was VH1 itself—you know, those Behind the Music specials I was watching—circa 1996 that labeled the whole debacle as bigotry when it so totally was not, you guys, and he is so tired of defending himself. But I'm gonna tell you, Steve, I don't really care. Maybe Disco Demolition Night was your fault; maybe you were just a part of something so much bigger and uglier that you couldn't see the whole size of it. Can you draw a direct line from the weird bigoted vitriol directed at those dance records to Ronald Reagan, elected the very next year, not giving a single fuck about the AIDS crisis? You probably don't want to, but I will.
And I don't care because I can look around the U.S. right now and tell you, nearly 45 years later, people are trying to demolish a lot more than disco. The Club Q shooter was sentenced to life in prison just a few hours ago. It's Pride Month, and we're all sitting here holding our breaths. That's a terrible way to end a post about a beautiful happy song I love, I guess, unless you turn it around and say, that should have been the whole point of this post in the first place. Listen to this song and think, people wanted to destroy this music, this sound, this joy for some reason. They want to stop people from just living their lives, from dancing. And yet, disco is still here. It was there in 1979, and it was there when Donna Summer released this song in 1989, and it was there when she returned in 1999. The Queen of Disco passed away in 2012, and it's still here. I feel a lot of joy when I listen to this song, but I don't think I'd ever thought about it being the joy of grooving with something just because it’s beautiful, the joy of just being here, still.
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Doubts Put to Rest
A/N: Hello Everyone! This is my first ever Suits story. I hope you enjoy. I have an OC I'm working on and I'm excited to post it.
Fandom Prompt #15: "Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You're gonna love it."
Summary: Y/n Specter is Harvey's younger sister and has been an associate at Pearson Hardman for three months. After the last case she had helped Harvey with, a threat of her being fired is going around. Donna and Mike try to help, but ultimately, only her brother can put her mind at ease... even if he is part of the problem.
Character: Harvey Specter, Donna Paulsen, Mike Ross, mentions Jessica Pearson
Warnings: language
Word Count: 1,565
*gif is not mine*
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"Yes, exactly. They'll never know what hit them."
Harvey swivels in his chair, facing the two sources to his headache. "Why are the two puppies so excited about today?" He asks the two associates.
Y/n Specter rolls her eyes at her brother. The annoying pet name became Harvey's favorite since she started working at Pearson Hardman.
"I don't think he's ready for the truth." Mike teases, a smirk forming at the corner of his lips as he looks at his partner in crime.
Y/n doesn't even try to hide her smirk. "I agree. Maybe we should just run it by Jessica. I'm sure she would agree with us."
Mike's eyes widen. He shakes his head in warning, trying to be inconspicuous. He should've told the young girl that Harvey is in one of his moods and they shouldn't push too hard… especially on the subject of one Jessica Pearson.
Y/n immediately regrets her words when Harvey stands to his feet, any amusement he had completely gone.
"How about instead of wasting my time, you tell me what the fuck you found." He's not shouting, but he's not far from it.
Mike immediately spills their idea, working with Harvey long enough to know when to push and when to back off.
"Put it in writing and bring it to me by the end of the day." He orders as he settles back into his chair, his focus turning to his laptop. A clear sign of dismissal.
The two associates quickly leave the older man's office.
"Why would you say that?" Donna scolds, not even pretending she wasn't listening to their conversation.
Y/n shrugs her shoulders. "He wasn't in that bad of a mood this morning." She tries to defend herself. She has to be in a certain mood to even think about attempting to piss off her brother. "What happened in between this morning and now? We're going to win the case."
Donna's scolding glare turns to the other headache. "You didn't tell her?"
Y/n immediately notices how Mike turns on the puppy eyes. She rolls her eyes, no wondering Harvey always calls him a puppy. "Tell me what?"
She watches as her brother's secretary and associate have a staring contest, waiting for one of them to cave.
She may be an associate at Pearson Hardman, but Jessica made it clear to Harvey that his sister is not at his beck and call. She is to be available for other partners, just like the other associates. 
And she prefers it that way. This case had more work and Mike asked for her help.
Just as she assumed, Mike is the first to cave.
"After the last case, Jessica started questioning whether or not it's a good idea to let you work here. She chewed Harvey out for punching that lawyer."
"It's not my fault Harvey feels the need to protect me... no matter how many times I tell him he doesn't need to."
"Oh honey, you know Harvey will always protect you. Even when he doesn't need to, he will."
Y/n can't deny Donna's words. Harvey has always been overprotective of those he cares about. That will never change. She just wishes he would butt out. "So Jessica wants me gone."
"She doesn't want to fire you, but she's starting to believe she's going to have to pick between the two of you and-"
"And there's no way she'll pick the kid sister over her own protégé." Y/n shakes her head. She knew working here was a bad idea. This is her brother's firm, not hers. She wanted it to be both, but it can't be. She's second. 
And second choice never gets picked by the best.
"He told Jessica if you go, he goes." Mike tells her, his voice barely above a whisper as a paralegal passes by.
She snaps her eyes closed. No matter how old, how successful she is... she'll always be a headache for her brother. A nuisance he's been stuck with since their father passed.
"I don't pay you to sit around and gossip like school girls with Donna. Get to work." Harvey snaps.
Mike huffs as he turns on his heel and heads for the bullpen, but Y/n stays where she is, her eyes bravely staring right back at the raging bull.
The siblings stare silently at each other, making Donna bit her lower lip in dread. This could end very badly if she doesn't interfere soon. "Come on, Y/n. You can help me make copies while you wait for Mike."
Y/n breaks eye contact, forcing them to meet the redhead's. "Sure, Donna."
The two women freeze. Donna tries to catch Harvey's gaze but it's solely on his sister.
Y/n's stomach drops when Harvey gesture with his raised hand for her to come into his office. Maybe he's decided it will be better if she leaves. Maybe he realized he's tired of having her around. Maybe he wants her completely out of his life.
No. That's ridiculous. Harvey loves her. He may not always say 'I love you' but he shows it. Y/n has never questioned his love for her. Not until now.
But Harvey has never been in this position; to have to pick between his beloved law firm or his sister. Y/n knows how much this firm means to Harvey. She refuses to be the reason it's taken from him.
So with her head held high and her mind made up, Y/n strides into his office; ignoring the questioning raised eyebrow he sends Donna's way.
Standing in front of his desk, she waits for Harvey to sit, before she begins speaking. "I'm officially giving my two weeks notice."
The slight amusement that was starting to rise, drops like a cannonball. Harvey had seen that determined look many times before, mostly when Y/n was in her teens. The look is classic stubborn Specter glare and it brought back memories. Memories of Y/n stating her case on why she should go camping with her friends with no adults. Or when she was determined that she wasn't too sick to go to the courthouse to watch Harvey win against an old rival before throwing up the three crackers she ate thirty minutes beforehand.
But he never thought the girl would use that look to quit... to give up.
"What did you just say to me?"
"I'm not going to let you give up your job for me."
"Who said I was giving up my job?" At her fallen expression, Harvey quickly tries to explain. "Y/n, dammit, I didn't mean that I was picking my job over you. Neither one of us are leaving. You hear me? I'm not letting you quit and I'm not letting Jessica fire anyone. We're staying."
Y/n lets go of her fake fearless act, letting her legs give out as she plops down into the chair directly behind her. "H-How?"
"Because I'm the best damn closer the world has ever seen."
Y/n groans, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. "I fucking hate that answer."
"Welcome to the real world. It sucks." Harvey chuckles when that gets him another eye roll. "Don't worry. You're gonna love it."
"Already do."
Y/n lets the comfortable silence fall over them; glad the tension is gone.
She wants to drop it, but she needs to know. "Did Jessica really want me gone?"
Harvey shakes his head, the smile disappearing. "Dammit Mike." He mutters under his breath before turning his focus back to his sister. "Jessica was angry with me. We had to settle with the lawyer I punched. She was pissed and made threats she didn't mean. Jessica would never fire you. She loves you."
Y/n chews on his words, the hurt she was feeling towards the managing partner disappearing into the abyss. But she's not fully satisfied. "Jessica is still angry with you?"
Harvey swallows his pride. He refuses to admit it, but Y/n is one (if not the only) person Harvey is willing to put his pride aside for. "I apologized and I've been assigned two pro bono cases; one for each month."
Y/n can't hold back the smile. Jessica really knows how to hit Harvey where is hurts.
Harvey points an accusing finger at her, his eyebrows raised high. "And that look just cost you dearly. I'm assigning them to you."
Y/n's smile immediately falls. "Aww, come on, Harvey. You know Mike loves that shit. Why don't you give it to him?"
"Because then I can't punish him for blabbing his mouth to you and Donna about Jessica."
"I'll tell Jessica you pawned the case off to me." She ignores the fact that she sounds just like a five year old.
Harvey smirks. "No, you won't."
Y/n crosses her arms over her chest. "Oh yeah? And what's stopping me?"
She tries to ignore the anxiety building in the pit of her stomach. She never trusts Harvey when he has that look. A look so mischievous, the possibilities of what he is thinking are endless.
"I know you and Rachel stole Jessica tea set one night and had you own little tea party."
Y/n's jaw drops. There's only one person who knew about that besides the two woman there.
Forevers: @desiredposion @theseakrakence @simonsbluee
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msmargaretmurry · 2 months
hi i’m sorry super random question — i love your writing, and i was wondering if you had any fav books to recommend? i’m trying to read more lately!! thank you so much!!! 💖
no apologies necessary and thank you so much!! yay for reading more! i have so many books i love and usually i would try to tailor recommendations to someone's interests so i will just try to give a little smorgasbord here.
under the cut please find a very long list of recs; i hope there are a few that sound appealing to you! if there are things you like to have content warnings for and can't tell from the goodreads listing, feel free to message me to ask! 💕
literary/contemporary fiction
beartown by fredrik backman: this is the hockey novel, imo. somehow backman captures everything hockey is — violence, entitlement, racism, privilege, misogyny — while still writing a breathtaking story about people who love the sport and people who unwillingly get caught up in its wake. there are two sequels, which i haven't read yet solely because i'm afraid of how many feelings they'll make me feel.
the secret history by donna tartt: yes, the og dark academia book. moody, atmospheric, and pretentious, i feel like it's a you-love-it-or-hate-it, and i love it. a delicious critique of elitist academia even while filled with morsels for classics-loving nerds. fantastic, deeply fucked-up characters.
station eleven by emily st john mandell: not sure if reading this during a pandemic was the best idea, but it certainly added something to the experience. i love emily st john mandell's prose, and the post-pandemic-apocalypse world she builds feels simultaneously fantastical and painfully real.
evvie drake starts over by linda holmes: this is the perfect example of what i want in a contemporary romance novel. deeply character-driven, sweet, achy, lovely.
historical fiction
in memoriam by alice winn: oh man oh man. we read this one for book club last month and it blew me away. brutal, devastating, romantic.
how much of these hills is gold by c pam zhang: really loved how this book brought a new lens to the American western/frontier story, loved how it blended Chinese mythology into the story, loved how it unflinchingly did race and gender in ways that felt both illuminating and historically true.
the island of sea women by lisa see: i love lisa see's historical fiction because she does a shitload of research and weaves it into her stories in ways that don't feel like infodumping. on top of her being an excellent writer, i always feel like i've learned something.
the book thief by markus zusak: just a masterclass in point of view. made me ugly cry in public.
the nickel boys by colson whitehead: i mean, colson whitehead is just so good. harrowing, atmospheric, and smart, the characters and story feel absolutely real in the best and worst ways.
the radiant emperor duology by shelley parker-chan: man, this duology is one of the best fucking things i've read in the past few years. kind of an alternate-history 14th-century china, now with more magic and more gender. brutal and delicious. morally gray everything.
the farseer trilogy and the liveship traders trilogy by robin hobb: these were my favorite books as a teen and i've recently been rereading them (i'm finally on the third book of the second trilogy!) and having such a good time. structurally they're very classic high fantasy but i think hobb is so fucking good at worldbuilding and characters.
the left hand of darkness by ursula k. leguin: look, it's a classic for a reason! i will say if you start it and you feel kind of lost: stick with it, slow down, and be patient. the pov character is a stranger in a strange land and you feel every bit of that. another masterclass in point of view.
tuyo by rachel neumeier: i love reccing this book because it's just a random self-published fantasy novel that one of the gals in my book club found somehow and it wound up being super fun? the worldbuilding is fun, the culture clash is tense (and fun), and i feel like the concept of a "tuyo" could do numbers as a fanfic trope if people got on board!
the thief by megan whalen turner: another great book for pov!!! just a really fun and satisfying read (and pretty short, if you need something short!). the rest of the series is also very good and worth reading but none of it hit quite as hard for me as this first book, possibly because the first book is just so excellent.
young adult/middle grade
on the come up by angie thomas: this is specifically an audiobook rec. i'm sure this book is also good reading with your eyes, but it's about a teen girl who wants to be a rapper, and i think being able to hear the rhythm of the language, esp the rapping itself, makes for a fantastic audiobook experience.
the westing game by ellen raskin: another classic for a reason!! one of the smartest books out there, a joy to read for the first time at any age.
michigan vs the boys by carrie s. allen: the thing is, i usually i find first person present tense so annoying it's nigh unreadable, but i found this book about a teen girl having to play on her high school's boys' hockey team after they cut funding to the girls' program so charming and compulsively readable. bonus points that the author really knows her hockey!
darius the great is not okay by adib khorram: even just thinking about this book puts a lump in my throat lmao. just a beautiful coming of age story that deals with identity and depression and belonging and family and more.
the loneliest girl in the universe by lauren james: pretty sure i tore through this book in one sitting. great sci-fi setting and sense of creeping dread.
a wrinkle in time by madeleine l'engle: another classic for a reason, lol. including it on this list because it is actually my favorite book. l'engle has such a special touch with writing — it's so full of heart. as a kid one of the things i loved about this book was that it didn't dumb any of its sophisticated worldbuilding and characterization down for me, which i think is a great lesson for a writer.
they can't kill us until they kills us by hanif abdurraqib: hanif is the GOAT and i recommend anything he's written, but this book of essays about music, culture, and hanif's life is easily my favorite of his work.
a ghost in the throat by doireann ní ghríofa: stunningly original mix of personal essay, poetry, history — i'm not even sure how to describe it. but it floored me.
in the dream house by carmen maria machado: speaking of creeping dread!!! many people have said many smart things about how good this book is so i will simply say they are all extremely correct.
sports nonfiction
the boys in the boat by daniel james brown: a gorgeously written love letter to rowing juxtaposed hauntingly against the rise of hitler. i have not seen the movie, but there's no way it could be as good as the book.
bottom of the 33rd by dan barry: possibly this is a baseball book for baseball people, but i loved every meandering moment of this lovingly written microhistory of the longest baseball game ever played.
the last best league by jim collins: another baseball book, sorry, baseball books are so good. this one's about the amateur league on cape cod where the best college players play in the summer. a great august read imo.
impossible owls: essays by brian phillips: a sprawling book of sportswriting from a former grantland writer. i read it five years ago and still think about it sometimes
other nonfiction
forget the alamo by bryan burrough, chris tomlinson, & jason standford: i made myself pick only ONE history nonfiction for this list because otherwise we'd be here all day. but this one is so good, especially if you're interested in the making and unmaking of american mythology.
empire of pain by patrick radden keefe: i do actually recommend anything prk writes, but this book on the sacklers' evil pharmaceutical empire is both timely and exhaustively reported. another audiobook rec as well, because prk reads it himself and you can hear the disdain in his voice.
because internet: understanding the new rules of language by gretchen mcculloch: really fun read about the development of online dialect and language! at five entire years old it's already a smidge out of date, but still so enjoyable.
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hood-ex · 7 months
Dunno if ur accepting fic recs, but if you do I found a pretty good Dick Grayson fic.
It’s called “After the fall of Olympus” and it’s basically a what if the Young Justice (cartoon) had a big alien crisis event and only Jay Garrett, Dick, Roy and Donna survived? So Dick, Roy and Donna formed the Titans and eventually start recruiting members and stuff.
The fic is Dick Grayson centric, and Dick has to deal with being protecting the entirety of Gotham, managing the Titans and trying to stay afloat at the young age of 14. Personally I think it’s really enjoyable and since you’re a fan of Dick and Donna I would recommend!!!
I'm always open to fic recs!
I've read this fic before, it's such a cool and interesting concept! It has one of my favorite depictions of Dick and Jason's relationship in an AU. I always love to go back and read the scene where Jason thinks Dick is sending him away with the other heroes because he thinks Dick doesn't trust him/think he's capable or whatever, and Dick completely destroys that idea by being like, "I'm not sending you to the base because I don't trust you, I'm sending you there because if I die, I need you and the other heroes to step up the way I had to step up when Bruce and the League died."
And then when Jason kills Blockbuster to save Dick... ugh. My feelingsss. They're so family, I love them. No but Dick is so good at leading the family. When someone in the family has a problem, Dick prioritizes the problem and just tells the Titans, "Hey, can't come help rn, got to deal with family stuff." That is soooo... that is soooooo... it speaks to my love for platonic bonds so much, I'm obsessed.
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epicsforeaters · 3 months
Writeblr Info
Hellooo welcome to my blog! My name is Gabriella, although I also go by Gabby (she/they, aroace) I'm a 20-year-old art school student with a passion for writing, and I created this blog to connect with other writers and share my stories with people! If you're a writer, I'll follow you back :D
I mainly write thriller stories, and I gravitate toward American gothic settings, queer subtext, religious imagery/critique, morally gray characters, themes of friendship/found family, and gorey, bloody violence. If you can't tell, I'm VERY inspired by Ethel Cain's aesthetic, music, and lore. Also, my favorite author is Donna Tartt!
My current WIP is called Black Sheep (a working title) which features many of the aspects mentioned above. It also revolves around two of my other all-time favorite tropes: cults and cannibalism! I'm very excited about this project and can't wait to share it with ppl!
(I also have an additional short story in the works, although it's not very fleshed out yet!)
For now, I'll be using this blog to share some aesthetics that match my story, but I look forward to sharing lore and info about my OCs as well as snippets of my writing in the near future!
Pls don't hesitate to send asks or message me! I would love to meet some fellow writer friends :)
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itsjustafia · 1 year
4x12 favorite moment #1
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This scene.
Brenton and Anna's delivery and emotions are just amazing.
I've rewatched it so many times.
This is Dick's worst nightmare coming true. He spent the entire season trying to prevent Kory from having to make her sacrifice and in the end it wasn't enough.
Kory reluctantly telling him that it's time to say goodbye and him saying he can't. He doesn't know how to say goodbye to her? The tears in both their eyes? Heartbreaking.
And when you think about all the people Dick has lost in his life - his parents, Garth, Jericho, Donna, Jason and Hank - it makes his statement even sadder because he wasn't able to stop those deaths either. And he never had a chance to say goodbye to any of them before it happened. The closest to anything like that he's had was with Hank last season. But even then, he avoided saying goodbye, only talking about good memories from their past. Which is likely why he knew so quickly what Kory was really trying to say back in the rv. She was using his same tactics.
So finding out that this was potentially Kory's fate so early on had him in complete denial about the prophecy until the end. To the point where it was frustrating to watch at times. Because acknowledging something doesn't mean you believe it's going to happen.
But the scene at the beginning of the episode, where Dick makes a reservation for a party of 6, shows just how much hope Dick has. Yes, he was in denial, but he also felt that they could get through the worst of situations.
Even when Kory says that Sebastian will come back stronger again if they just throw him into the wormhole, Dick still has hope and tells her that they'll be stronger too as a solution. He doesn't give up. Especially when it comes to the people he loves. Even more so when it's Kory.
And I really enjoyed watching Dick fight for Kory this season. To see him being overprotective, fussing over her well being. From fighting to free her from the spell, saving her from mind control, and just refusing to have her deal with the prophecy alone. He was always there for her. I don't think Kory's ever experienced that before. To have someone care about her in that type of way.
Anyway, I say all this to say that this might be one of my top dickkory scenes from the series.
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fantasy-relax · 8 months
Inefable plan
Part 3.
Bela Dimitrescu x g!p reader
Note: brain rot about Daniela sorry, Bela will appear soon. I hope.
"I think I love you as I will had loved my sibling if I could had one"
"I was thinking that maybe we could go to auntie donna place, the waterfall is beautiful! The perfect place for a date!"
"That's why you bring me here? I have better things to do than listen to your childish fantasies Daniela"
"Is not childish! And you were the one that wanted to keep us a secret! I'm just doing what you wanted! "
"Whathever, I'm already here. Why don't you use your mouth for something good? I have been so stressed lately"
"Can we just pass time together?, the sky is full of stars tonight maybe we can go stargazing, it will be romantic!"
"We should have a picnic, we should go to the lake, we should go stargazing, Dear Mother Miranda I can't stand you anymore, I have enough of you, get lost"
"I had enough of you, you are too annoying I can't stand you anymore"
"You can't what? Why?... You said you loved me-YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME!"
"You were just a good fuck, did you really think somebody could love any of you?"
"How delu-AGH"
"How stupid"
Voices, shadows, images, memories from a long time ago of one sickly stupid useless girl.
You can't do anything.
She is sorry her chest hurt so much while cleaning she was almost done, please mom.
You are an hindrance.
She would stay out the way! She wouldn't bother you dad!
Why they can't love her?
If you can't give me a child then you had no use to me.
Why he can't love her?
Recent memories started mixing with the past ones.
"Yes keep going this how friends help friends"
"I love you too, why don't you let me show you my love?"
"Shut your mouth pretty girls should stay quiet"
The voices grow louder and louder.
"Annoying" "Useless" "Worthless" "Pathetic" "Stupid" "Delusional" "Unlovable"
A gentle voice call for her but is drowned by the cruel ones repeating the same word again and again.
"Unlovable, unlovable, unlovable" Why, why, why.
"She lied to you, nothing she said is true" the soft voice said, it's familiar.
She feel arms around her, she nows is safe, now the shadows can't touch her.
"You are mine and Cass's precious baby sister, a beloved daughter for our mother, an adored niece to our uncles and aunt and the dearest granddaughter of our grandmother Miranda, you are part of a big family that loves you so much, we would always love you not matter what. "
The voice is Bela, her sister....
...she sounds so sad because of her.
Why is she such a mess?
Why she always causes trouble?
She should stay away but the embrace of her sister was something that she can't deny.
How pathetic she is.
If she stayed in the library she won't cause trouble or be in the way. So that's what she did, stay quiet be small is better like this.
If only her family could understand that. Her sisters will come to her with invitations to go hunting, riding or simply hang out together. Her mother will come with a tray full of her favorites dishes and won't go away until she finishes everything.
Why they can see they will be better without her?
"I think that story is pretty depressing"
A maid is talking to her? Why? What she want to get from her?
"I prefer this one, made my bad days better" it's a tattered nothing like the majestic books in the library but she knows that to be like that it must be read it frequently, why are you offering her this? " Tell me what you think after you finished, lady Daniela." oh, well she had never read this book.
She took the book nodding without words, she had nothing to say to you.
The poor peasant, a humble but talented coobler fall in love with one of the daughters of the king after being summoned to work for shoes for the queen.
The youngest sister, Sera was betrothed to a foreign prince, but unknown to her family he was cruel, she naive about the world fall easily in his twisted games.
The coobler discovered this and told everything to the oldest, Kara, that enraged made her mission to cause suffering to the prince. The coobler help her as he considered the youngest his friend. Seeing another side of the shy boy plus his caring nature made easy for Kara to fall in love.
It was amazing and the schemes were really funny.
The next time that she sees you in the library, she run towards you, she was so excited that she forgets that she could simply swarm to you.
"I had never read this! It was amazing! The coobler was so sweet! And the prince was such an asshole"
"I know right? I was cheering every time the princess knocked his ego, after all the shitty ways he hurt her sister it was well deserved, I almost pass out laughing when he fell in the stable direct in the horse shit"
"Me too!"
After that every time that you have duties in the library she will talk about some of her favorite stories and you will tell her yours.
Her sisters always overprotective would watch every interaction either discreetly with some flies or glaring at you when they were with her in the library. At first you were worried but after some days you were calmer and even sometimes she would catch smiling at their direction. It was pride or relief? She can't make sense of your actions.. Unless you... You were in love with her! And this was your way of proving yourself to her family!
"I think I love you as I will had loved my sibling if I could had one"
What?...you love her but as a sibling?
"Can we talk more when Friday comes? I need to go lady Daniela I have more work to"
She let you go easily, your declaration was something that nobody had ever tell her.
Maids will say that they love her like lovers. Just to end breaking her heart up when they can't keep the lie.
Or say they preferred to be friends just to use her and abuse her trust.
Nobody had ever said that they see her as family. Except for, well, her family.
It sounds..
Safe... Good.
You bicker with her when she spoils the story you were currently reading or when you two had different about the characters.
You remind her of eating when she loses track of the time engrossed in her books.
You support her when she is having a bad day, you won't hug her but you will talk about louder than the voices that acossed her mind and will stay longer even if you end up being scolded by Greta the head maid for taking so much time in the library.
You act a lot like her sisters do even if you are limited by your status as a maid of the castle. If you weren't...
But how?
Her mama adopted her but she doesn't think she will do the same with you. Maybe if she put her best puppy eyes?
... No, It won't work.
The other option is that you married one of her sisters so you can become her sister in law.
... That could work
But Cassandra is... Cassandra, even if she was interested you are too soft for her, you flinch at the violence and looks close to fainting when is your turn to clean the gore in the room.
Bela is a workaholic she is not interested in romance at all, the most she does is sleep with maids that ask her and that she finds pretty enough.
What to do, what to do.
If you date any of her sisters you would have less time with her!
She knows how possessive they are! They will keep you all for them!
Maybe she can wait a little before playing matchmaker, she wants to hang out with you more.
She is not being possessive! She knows how to share!
She will show you how wonderful being part of her family is and then she will guide you to one of her sisters!
You will become her sister at last!
Yes, is a good plan.
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 18 days
Good morning/afternoon/evening to you dear writter,if you don't mind,I wanna give you a request to write; A bottom G!P Donna being overstimulated by the reader through cock riding or blow job.
You have my sincere thanks for taking this request. ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ
Yesss!!!!! Thank you for your request, dear friend!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!!! :))))
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem! Reader
Warnings: G!P Donna, smut, Minors DNI, fluff
Word count: 6,072
Summary: Maybe it's a good day for a picnic...
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I'm waiting yours!!!I love you all!!!
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“G-6,” you said, with a concentrated whisper, studying your chances of success.
“My aircraft carrier!” the Angie doll shrieked, waving her arms in an exaggerated manner at another defeat. “Silly, you sank my aircraft carrier!”
You laughed darkly, crossing your legs on the floor.
“Of course, that was my intention,” you said, rubbing your hands together in a sign of your imminent victory. “I think things are not in your favor, Angie”.
“Those sailors had families! Can't you hear them scream?” the doll said in an accusatory tone, darkening her porcelain gaze. “Help, I'm drowning! Silly (Y/N) is going to condemn us to be devoured by crabs!”
You rolled your eyes at the continuous dramatizations of that innocent and boring battleship.
 “By crabs? That's very sinister…” you joked, shaking your head. “Donna was right. You don't know how to lose.”
“Donna says a lot of nonsense,” Angie said, with a haughty tone, crossing her arms. “She also says she loves you.”
You looked up and wished you could burn that wooden body with just the fury of your eyes.
“She also says you're her favorite doll,” you counterattacked, causing Angie to growl furiously, climbing up your board, looking at you from too close.
“I’m, silly,” she said with a nervous gasp, intimidating you with her disturbing gaze. You, accustomed to the doll's attitude, accustomed to her considering you an intruder, laughed amused, shaking your head.
“No,” you said without paying attention to her, looking at your board to check the situation of your ships. “I'm afraid you’re not, dear Angie.”
“No!? What are you implying?” the puppet asked, returning to her position. You smiled wickedly, writing down on a piece of paper the possible location of her ships.
“I’m her favorite doll” you whispered amused, pretending to tell her a secret.
Of course, Angie laughed out loud, shaking her hand in denial.
“Keep dreaming, stupid,” she said furiously, sitting on the floor.
You laughed softly and sighed, looking out the window. The sun, which normally seemed reluctant to illuminate the old mansion, filtered through the glass, making that gloomy house no longer so gloomy.
“Mm, it's a beautiful day...” you sighed, noticing how the heat of the light warmed your skin, how the outside seemed to call you.
“Tell it to my sailors, they're being devoured by crow sharks,” Angie murmured, not paying attention to your comments.
“Weren't they crabs?” you asked amused, frowning. “Besides, what is a crow shark?”
“You think I’m going to tell you, you silly intruder?” Angie said haughtily, knowing that she herself couldn’t explain the animal she had just invented.
“Oh, so I’m an intruder,” you said sarcastically, crossing your arms. “I’ll tell Donna.”
“No, no, no, no! Don’t tell Donna, she’ll punish me!” the doll protested, fidgeting nervously. “Shut up, you silly snitch!”
“Mm, so… What am I?” you asked with a mischievous smile, playing mercilessly with poor Angie's feelings.
“A fool, Donna's fool girlfriend,” the doll hissed, visibly annoyed with your attitude.
“You should thank me for playing battleship with you, I'm sure you'd get bored without me,” you said in a sufficient tone, making the doll growl.
“Bah, I could live without you,” Angie murmured, focused on her next move. “F-4, silly.”
“Water,” you sighed, looking out the window again, feeling the overwhelming weight of boredom pressing on your shoulders. “Stop trying, Angie, your submarine is on D-1 and D-2,” you said, arching your eyebrows.
“No! Look what you've done! The pressure has made their heads explode!” the doll shrieked, causing you to grimace in disgust at that irritating voice. “There are blood everywhere…”
“Angie… You're scary, you know that?” you said, brushing the dust off your dress, which danced hypnotically under the sun's rays. “Anyway… I'm going to see Donna.”
You walked through that strangely lit room, which had been your new home for a few wonderful months.
Living in a village like that could be a punishment, or a penance that one of your ancestors imposed on you. You never saw it that way.
You always knew how to adapt to all kinds of situations, to cope with your obligations as a devotee of the Black Gods. In reality, those dark shadows that flew over your heads never mattered to you, but at least you knew how to pretend.
You weren't an unhappy girl, a sad and melancholic teenager who dreamed of a better life. No, you were not like the others, you saw life with optimism, you always saw the light in the darkness, like the rays of the sun did.
The smile always adorned your face. Laughter was always ready to leave your lips. Maybe that was precisely what caught the attention of one of the village Lords, the ventriloquist, Donna Beneviento.
You had grown up with her dark presence, wondering who was inside that black dress, what kind of monster was hidden by that black veil. Your extroverted and slightly mischievous character forced you to find out.
Your desire to talk, to communicate with that dark lady, outweighed her desire for solitude and tranquility. It was not difficult to maintain a conversation, even two. The difficult thing was to not become addicted to her voice, to her lavender perfume, to her presence.
That strange kind of addiction drove you several times to cross that wooden bridge, to show up at the old estate with any clumsy excuse until, one day, the day she revealed her face, the day your lips finally touched, you no longer wanted to leave.
Anyway, no one was waiting for you in the village. You didn't want to miss the opportunity to love that dark woman, to tell her every day how beautiful she was, how much you loved her.
Like the moon and the sun, the cold and the heat, opposites attracted each other until they merged into one, the result of a romantic, sweet, tender relationship, far from the legends that the stupid villagers invented about her.
Not even her mental problems or the whims that the Black Gods caused in her body were enough reason to let your heart say goodbye to her, to end that addiction, that love, one that you were sure would be forever.
“Donna...” you hummed, peeking through the doors of the workshop.
There she was, always busy with her dolls, spending the time the only way she knew how, doing the same thing for years and years. Although, to tell the truth, since you arrived, her hobbies had changed... A bit.
“Ciao, tesoro,” the lady whispered, turning her head to look at you briefly, but returning to her work moments later.
You smiled, like every time you heard her melodic voice entering your ears, and approached the table, hanging seductively from her shoulders, kissing her lips in an impromptu manner, causing a shy laugh from the lady, who immediately looked away.
“Dolls, huh?” you joked, looking over her shoulder as she calmly sewed, nodding without looking at you. “What is that?”
“A little hat,” she commented, with a soft voice, distorted by her concentration, showing you the result of her work. “Do you like it?”
“Mm, I think it doesn’t fit on me,” you said amused, taking the garment and putting it on your head. Donna looked at you and laughed again, shaking her head.
“It's not for you, tesoro… It's for… Her,” she murmured, picking up a nearby doll, dressed in colors that perfectly matched that new hat.
“Oh, her,” you hissed, with a mocking look, giving the accessory back to her. “Hey, how many dolls have you made?”
“What do you mean?” Donna asked, fitting the hat on that porcelain head.
“Well… Just that, how many have you made? 100? 200?” you repeated with a frown, resting your head on her shoulder.
“Mm, let me see,” she whispered, not knowing it was a joke, as always. Her innocent attitude drove you crazy, but at the same time filled you with sadness. Poor Donna, she was always so lonely… “435”
“Wow, they are too many dolls…” you sighed amused, with a look of astonishment towards the notebook where she apparently had the data of her work.
“Mm,” she murmured simply, beginning to ignore you again, hopelessly focused on her dolls.
“Okay…” you sighed, kissing her cheek and leaving her alone, walking through the dark and sinister workshop. “Do you know that Angie has lost at battleship again?”
“Really?” she asked, with a thread of voice, pretending to pay attention to you.
You nodded, caressing the keys of the old piano erratically, accidentally pressing some of them, startling the lady in black.
“I'm sorry,” you said blushing. “I've always wondered what a piano is doing here…”
“It was my mother's,” Donna whispered, observing her most recent creation. You nodded curiously, looking at the old instrument. “When my father worked on the dolls, my mother used to play piano for him.”
“Oh, that's very romantic,” you sighed, leaning on a table.
“Do you think so?” she asked, frowning.
“Yes, you should teach me so I can do the same,” you said amused. A sweet smile formed on her face as she sighed, looking at you.
She clearly didn't like you interrupting her work, but she would never tell you, never.
“You know how to play it, don't you?” you asked curiously, caressing the keys again.
The lady in black slowly stood up, approaching you with a thoughtful look, starting to play that slightly out of tune piano, attracting all your attention. The soft melody of those keys relaxed your spirit, even if it was only for a few moments.
“How… nice,” you sighed with a rapt look, one that betrayed the great love you felt for her. “Beethoven?”
“Mozart, night serenade,” Donna commented returning to her work table. “It's been a long time since I played it.”
“Well… I think I'm disturbing you so…” you murmured, approaching her again, kissing her cheek again. “I think Angie wanted revenge.”
“No, tesoro, don't go,” she interrupted, grabbing your wrist. “I didn't mean to kick you out, I like you to keep me company.”
“Okay, but I warn you that it's hard to shut me up,” you joked, walking around the workshop again.
“I think I could get used to hearing your voice,” Donna sighed, with a tender smile, picking up another piece of fabric to sew.
Your hands touched the tables, those porcelain heads and arms that in other circumstances could be sinister. With a sweet voice, you hummed that gloomy melody, looking for something to do, something to take your mind off the wonderful day you were having, and that you were going to miss.
One of those dolls stood in your way, telling you in a mischievous voice: take me, take me.
You obeyed your mischievous instincts, taking that doll in your hands and walking slowly towards the lady, who of course, was not paying attention to you.
Amused, you bent down, raising the doll with your arms towards the brunette's field of vision, hitting her arm with that porcelain hand.
“Donna...” you whispered with a distorted voice, imitating the most appropriate voice for that small, inert girl. “Hello, hello, hello…”
The lady slowly turned to the doll, an amused smile on her face, her eyebrow arched.
“Look, I'm missing an arm… Can I have one?” you joked in that same high-pitched voice. Donna laughed, shaking her head.
“I'd rather take one of yours, (Y/N)!” the doll squealed impossibly.
“Ahhh!” you screamed in fright losing your balance and falling to the floor comically, looking at the lady with a hardened expression. “Hey! That's not fair…”
“Oh, have I scared you, tesoro?” the lady said, laughing in satisfaction, getting up from the chair and extending a hand for you to take, helping you up.
“You have to teach me how to do that too,” you whispered, rubbing your back, where you had fallen. Donna laughed, kissing you apologetically, in a gentlemanly way, gently grabbing your waist and bending your body.
“I couldn’t help it,” she whispered affectionately, rubbing her nose against yours, closing her eye to enjoy the contact.
“Okay, okay, you won,” you said, moving away and leaving that talking doll on the table. “Today it’s a beautiful day, you know?”
Donna nodded, sitting back down, not really interested in your words.
“Yeah, I noticed when we were having breakfast,” she murmured.
You rolled your eyes, unable to make her understand your confusing hints.
“Donna, what I mean is that we should take advantage of it, right?” you asked, approaching her again, resting your chin on her shoulder.
“Take advantage of it?” she asked confused, ignoring your approach.
“Yes, well, we could, we could go on a picnic around the grounds, the other day I saw a corner that could be very romantic,” you suggested, gently massaging her shoulders. “You… Me… The landscape… What do you say?”
“Mm, I don't know…” she murmured, shaking her head. “I have a lot of work.”
“Donna…” you sighed, tired of her reluctance to leave the mansion, to let the sun bathe her pale skin. “Come on… Let's do something different, I'm bored to death.”
“Are you bored with me?” she asked abruptly, with an intense look.
“No,” you said with a haughty look, removing her thousands of paranoia from her head. “Not with you, I'm bored… In general terms, you know.”
“No, I don't know,” she said, with a slightly colder look, trying to decipher your words.
“Come on, Donna…” you sighed again, putting on a good girl face, blinking childishly. “Let's go on a picnic, it will be funny.”
“Funny?” she asked, shaking her head.
“Yes, much more than being in Batman's cave all day,” you joked, pointing at the workshop with your hands.
“Whose cave?” she asked, frowning. Of course, she had never read those forbidden comics. “(Y/N), I don't…”
“What's wrong with going on a picnic? I think it's quite romantic,” you said amused, insisting softly. “Just imagine…” you whispered, getting closer to her ear. “A delicious meal, the sound of nature…”
“(Y/N)…” she sighed, nervous because of the velvety and terribly sensual tone of your voice.
 “Mm, Donna, it can be very, very romantic…” you continued whispering, checking that your tender words soaked in a subtle desire were beginning to make the lady nervous. To increase the intensity of your provocations, you lowered your hand to her leg, caressing it in a seductive manner. “You… Me…”
“And Angie!” a shrill voice interrupted your attempt at seductive blackmail, giving another terrible scare to your heart.
“Ah!” you shrieked, moving away from the lady, who did the same, hiding her excitement, which was already evident in the fabric of her dress. “Angie, how did you get here?”
“By elevator, silly, how else?” the doll mocked, jumping into the lap of her owner, who was moving nervously. “Donna, Donna, Donna!” the puppet shrieked, standing on top of her and shaking her shoulders.
“Gods, Angie…” the doll maker protested, with a furious look. “Stay still, come on, go down…”
“Who are you talking to?” the puppet joked, pointing with her finger at the lady's lap, who pushed her down to the floor. “How sensitive…”
“Hey, Angie, get out, we're talking,” you said, crossing your arms.
“No! I want to go on a picnic! I want to go on a picnic!” she shouted, kicking the floor in a childish way.
“No, no way,” Donna said, breathing calmer, getting up from the chair. “It's just for (Y/N) and me.”
“Oh…” you sighed pleasantly surprised, walking petulantly towards the brunette, who was fighting with the doll to stop her from pulling on her dress. “So… Are we going on a picnic?”
“I can't deny you anything, (Y/N)…” she sighed, kissing you slowly, to the displeasure of the doll, who made an unpleasant gesture with her hands. “If you ask me with that smile…”
You blushed at her seductive voice, one much more powerful than yours, which was capable of turning you into a trembling mess in less than a second.
“Come, let's see what we can prepare,” Donna said, tugging your hand affectionately while you stuck your tongue out at the puppet, emphasizing your victory.
“Hey, silly (Y/N) made fun of me!” Angie squealed, climbing like a spider on Donna's body, causing her to sigh tiredly. “I want to go too, Don…”
“Angie, scendi,” the lady in black hissed, annoyed, resuming her way to the kitchen, with her soft hand caressing yours.
The doll obeyed, but, far from calming down, she protested with a kick to your shin.
“Angie!” you shouted, losing your nerves because of the doll's attitude, which Donna calmed with a gentle caress.
“Take me on a picnic, you sticky fools! I want to go!”
“No, Angie,” Donna whispered, shaking her head, already entering the kitchen.
After preparing a large lunch, you prepared to leave the estate to let the sun caress your skin gently.
Spring was always your favorite season; the flowers gave color to that normally gray landscape, the birds camouflaged the sound of the crows... Everything seemed different, as if the Black Gods themselves had taken a break to let that dark landscape shine.
“Look, that's the place I'm telling you about,” you said, pointing to a corner near the gardener's old house. It was a quiet place under a tree, with a spectacular view of the great waterfall that guarded the Beneviento House.
“It looks like a nice place,” the brunette commented, following you through the landscape, spreading the blanket where you indicated.
“I told you. Sometimes I come here to read,” you said, sitting next to her and opening a bottle of wine.
“Let's see, let's see…” an annoyed voice interrupted the calm that was beginning to form between the two of you. You groaned, pretending to shiver. “Hey, there's nothing for me here!”
“Of course not,” you said, hissing nervously, snatching one of your sandwiches from Angie. “You don't have a stomach.”
“That's it, remind it to me! Donna, (Y/N) messed with me!” the doll protested, pointing at you as if she were a little girl. Donna rolled her eye but smiled playfully, filling both glasses with wine.
“Remind me why you let her come,” you whispered, settling down on the blanket and unwrapping the food. “It was supposed to be a romantic picnic.”
Donna laughed, shaking her head, stealing a wine-flavored kiss from you, a romantic one, which pushed the doll away from you.
“I don't think it's a problem, she has things to entertain herself with here. She won't bother us, I give you my word,” the lady in black said, pinching your chin tenderly, winking at you.
Well, Donna was right. The doll walked happily around the area without being too annoying. You, meanwhile, enjoyed a silent meal, a cool breeze that seemed to want to envelop your bodies. Peace. Tranquility, love... Those were the only words that came to your mind, the only thing you were able to see.
“I have to admit it, (Y/N),” the lady in black sighed, leaning on the tree while you did the same on her body.
You contemplated the blue sky, losing yourself in that unusual landscape, closing your eyes to feel more the softness of her caresses on your hair, the rise and fall of her calm breathing.
“Mm?” you murmured with a tender growl, moving on her body, guiding her hands to surround it.
“It was a good idea,” she whispered, kissing your head slowly, letting her lips delight in the softness of your hair. “This is very romantic…”
“I told you so,” you said in a mischievous way, biting your lip and squinting to make out some shape in the clouds. “Look, Donna, do you see that cloud over there?”
She guided her gaze to the indicated place, concentrating on it.
“What's wrong with it?” she asked curiously, pulling your body so that it wouldn't slip off hers.
“It looks like a rabbit, see? Look at the tail,” you said dreamily, with a sweet voice, breathing calmly from the peace of that moment.
“Mm, it's true,” Donna commented, turning your head to kiss you briefly, smiling brightly.
“I liked to play guessing what the clouds looked like with my brothers,” you commented, playing with her hands. “You wouldn't believe how many different things we saw.”
“That's a bit subjective, isn't it?” Donna asked, curious, but without losing the sweetness of her voice.
You shrugged, sighing calmly, looking for one more cloud to analyze with your creative eye.
“Maybe, but it was funny,” you said passively, gesturing with your hand. “Look, look, what do you say about that one?”
“Mm…” the lady in black murmured thoughtfully, tilting her head. “I think… I think it could be… A bird.”
“A bird? Come on, it's very clear that it's a shuriken,” you joked, shaking your head. Donna laughed again, kissing you on the cheek, placing her lips on your ear.
“You read too many contraband comics,” she whispered amused, settling on your shoulder. “If Mother Miranda finds out…”
“She'd ask for them,” you mocked in a petulant tone. “They're funny, you should read them.”
“No, thanks, I prefer my books,” the lady laughed, kissing your ear and leaning on your shoulder. “Besides, it's still a bird.”
“Mm, okay,” you said, nodding. “What about that one?”
“That one… It's a heart,” the lady murmured, sighing romantically, calmly.
“Yeah, well, that's what I was going to tell you,” you joked, locating more possible clouds for your game. “Oh... Look, an "Angienolimbus"...” you sighed ironically, pointing at the doll, who was coming closer to annoy you again.
“What are you doing, silly fools?” she asked, climbing annoyingly up your body. “Were you playing something? You can't play anything without me!”
“Oh, I don't think you'll like this game, Angie,” you said, with a feigned look of sadness, with a dark glint in your eyes.
“Try,” the doll challenged you.
“I was just calculating how many kisses I could give Donna in a minute,” you said amused, turning around, moving down the doll and approaching the lips of the lady in black, kissing them slowly. “Do you want to count them?”
“Ugh, I'm leaving,” Angie protested, among your amused laughs.
You didn't move from your position, continuing with your slow but short kisses, crawling to rest your body on top of hers in a more than suggestive position.
“Hey, tesoro,” Donna interrupted, holding your head so you would stop attacking her with kisses. “She's gone, you can stop.”
You sighed, but a mischievous smile was already crossing your face, your eyes continued to shine with evil and your body refused to move.
“Well, I just don't want to stop,” you commented, biting your lip again, kissing the brunette deeper and deeper, letting her get carried away too, keeping you against her with a soft grip on your hips.
“(Y/N), wait...” she stammered, when your lips got bored of hers and began to move down her neck, causing your hips to move slowly, seeking contact with hers.
“What's wrong?” you asked with a purr, biting her earlobe. “Don't you want it to be a perfect day?”
“Um... I... I...” she stammered, moving to get away from your wet kisses, from the caresses that went down her dress. “(Y/N), not, not here.”
“Why? It's your territory, no one is coming here…” you whispered, pretending to pout, making the lady more nervous, increasing the intensity of the subtle movements of your hips,
“But, but Angie…” Donna protested, looking around, embarrassed by what your simple touch, by what a couple of well-calculated kisses, caused in her body. “She's going to catch us…”
“No, I don't think so, Angie must be very far from here,” you hummed, playing with the buttons of her dress, continuing the wet caresses of your lips on her body. “Come on, don't be boring…”
“I'm not boring, just, just…” Donna stammered, panting for your kisses, for your suddenly mischievous attitude, for knowing what your intentions were.
“Your words can say whatever they want,” you murmured with an amused look, running your hand down her dress, feeling the excitement that deformed the black fabric, its obvious and charming sensitivity. “But your body…”
“You are cruel,” she whispered, closing her eye when your hand began to caress her erection gently, almost tickling it. “Very… Very cruel.”
“Oh, do I really look like that to you?” you joked, searching for the edge that separated both parts of her dress, putting the tips of your fingers inside, speaking very close to her lips, to her increasingly nervous breathing.
“Okay, fine,” she finally said, releasing her shaft and moving so your hips were on top of her, pushing aside your underwear with a quick movement, letting that spring breeze make contact with the heat of your moisture.
“Hey, hey… Not so fast, honey,” you said, moving away from her attempt to take you, playing with her, running your hand again through her trembling, terribly sensitive arousal.
“(Y/N), come on, it's not the best place to play…” she protested, with an impatient gasp, joining her hand to yours, stimulating it slowly, raising and lowering it. “Hurry up.”
“No, no, no…” you teased again, pushing her hand away, letting your wet folds brush against her shaft, but only just brushing against it, eliciting a timid moan from the brunette, who was already trembling with anticipation. “What's your hurry? Let's enjoy the moment, Donna.”
She nodded uncertainly, letting your lips devour hers again, tirelessly, repressing her desire to enter you, to release the tension that your indecent games had caused in her body.
Donna was sensitive, very sensitive. Just one word from you could make her terribly excited. You supposed it was because of those terrible years of loneliness. You didn't care too much. That attitude made you feel desired like you had never felt before.
Her body trembled, dancing with yours, with the sound of wet and hot kisses camouflaging the pleasant sound of birds. Moans began to replace the gasps. The movements of your hips excited the brunette even more. Donna followed your frenetic rhythm of kisses and bites, forgetting about those absurd worries.
“I need you, amore mio…” she whispered in your ear, moving desperately so the tip made contact with your eager entrance, so she could take you, so she could fulfill her wishes.
You, of course, shook your head, moving down, devouring her neck, marking it with your teeth, licking and tasting her skin.
“Patience, Donna…” you whispered amused, moving away from her, pretending to think about what your next lustful step was going to be. You didn't have to think too much. “Mm, I think I'll have some dessert.”
“(Y/N)!” Donna protested, after discovering with your movements, what exactly you meant, while your kisses slowly went down the black fabric of her dress having a set objective, a prank that your mind had already thought of. “Don’t say those kind of things…”
“Come on, you like it… See?” you said amused, making her look away, unable to see how your hand played with her erection again, how your mouth got closer and closer, ready to devour it. “Look how hard it is, Donna…”
“Shut up, no, don't say that,” the lady protested again, panting when your caresses intensified, became slow and tight, just like you knew she liked.
“Mm, you're right,” you murmured with a frown, watching Donna's erratic movements, trying to not look at you, to not see what you were doing, but, at the same time, she couldn't seem to help it. “Enough talking, don't you think?”
“Wait… Wait!” her pleading words were camouflaged with a deep moan, when your lips made contact with her throbbing erection, surrounding it, savoring the glow of her arousal.
 “Mm,” you moaned, with her shaft in your mouth, with her soft skin being embraced by your wet lips, with your tongue dancing in the most exciting places.
 Donna could no longer complain, she could only moan with your actions, she could only put a hand on your head, keeping you just right there.
“Cazzo… So… So good…” the brunette murmured, tilting her head back, moving her hips to the rhythm of your mouth, of the hand that joined that wet and obscene kiss.
Not even the sounds of spring could overshadow the wetness of your lips, the gestures of your mouth going down her shaft slowly, licking, sucking, doing all kinds of things to poor, sensitive Donna.
“Do you like it, honey?” you said, making eye contact with her bright eye, with her forehead sweaty from excitement, with the blush on her cheeks. “Do you want me to go slower?”
“I-I don't know,” she murmured, pushing your head down again, so your kisses, that wet embrace of your mouth, could continue. “(Y/N)…”
“Is it too much for you? You're shaking,” you joked, pointing mockingly at one of her hands, which remained clenched in a strong fist with white knuckles.
You loved seeing her like that, overwhelmed by pleasure, unable to think or act rationally. You could continue for a while longer, you wanted her to scream with pleasure.
“I, I like so… So much…” she said in a low voice, biting her lip, moaning uncontrollably when your movements began to rage, when your hand acquired a frenetic and smooth rhythm at the same time, stopping at the tip, playing with your mischievous tongue, her hips shaking nervously.
“I see…” you murmured, running your tongue along her trembling shaft, along her shiny tip.
The pleasure was starting to overwhelm Donna and you knew it, you felt it. It was just what you wanted, for her to stir, for the sensations to be intense for her, for her to never forget that day, each of the times your lust had eluded her shyness.
“Stop, stop…” she told you, putting a hand on your shoulder, trying to push you away. “(Y/N), stop please… It’s… It’s too much…”
“Too much? I’ve only just started, darling,” you said with a sad look, shaking your hand harder, making Donna look away again, letting out the pleasure she felt by biting her closed fist. “Are you having a bad time, Donna?”
“Yes, I… I… No, I can’t… Hold it any longer…” she stammered, growling obscenely, squeezing her eye tightly to suppress her desire to release. You would never torture her like that. Besides, you had many plans to end that romantic picnic.
“Don’t hold back,” you whispered, resuming your kisses, your licks, increasing the strength of your grip on her shaft, forcing Donna to feel even more pleasure than she could bear. “I love seeing you like this… Crazy for me…”
“(Y/N)!” she squealed when, after a high-pitched moan, her hips jerked and you felt her hot release inside your mouth, making you moan too, savoring your victory, the victory of your indecency over her fears.
“Mm, baby…” you moaned amused, wiping the excess of your teasing from her skin, letting it go down your throat, heating up your own desire. “You're delicious…”
“Can't you be less vulgar?” the doll maker asked annoyed, catching her breath as you continued your tasks, collecting the fruit of your victory with your tongue, smiling mischievously. “That, that wasn't right…”
“Are you kidding? That was really good,” you said, climbing back up her body, capturing her lips with an anxious gasp, knowing the shame it caused her to taste herself, to know what she had done and where she had done it. “I love to see you enjoy, Donna.”
“I don't like to see you like this... It's humiliating for you,” she said, caressing your cheek, with a sad expression. “Tesoro…”
“Nonsense, that's what I wanted,” you said amused, joining your hips with hers again, letting your entrance be caressed by her exhausted shaft. “Besides… Well, I think it's my turn now…”
“Yes, okay, I'm, I agree but… But… Come on, let's go home. I don't feel comfortable… Here,” the lady in black said, looking around. There was nothing, no one, you were alone and you had no intention of letting her escape, not after the pleasure that continued to throb in your body.
“Shhh,” you hissed, putting a mischievous finger on her lips, silencing her protests while your other hand grabbed her soft shaft, positioning it at your entrance with a skillful play of your hips. “You must stay here, my love…”
“But, but, (Y/N)… It’s, it's not…Hard…” she said, laughing nervously as you bleated on her hips, enjoying feeling her inside of you, the subtle movements of your body, the soft caresses on your walls.
“Mm… I'm convinced that won't be a problem…” you whispered with a voice filled with lust, noticing how she moved inside you, how it grew little by little, stretching you more and more. “See?”
“Sei molto insistente…” she murmured, grabbing your back, glancing at your dress, which hid her obscene movements inside you, something that made her moan.
“Yes…” you joked, biting your lip, moaning from the increasingly intense pressure between your legs. “So… Big…”
“Tesoro, don’t… Don't tell me…” she protested, adapting to your movements, to the very well-studied dances of your hips, to the tight embrace of your walls in her recovered erection.
“I'm flattering you,” you said between gasps, controlling as always, the rhythm of that sexual dance, dominating the situation completely, playing with her, playing with your slow but intense riding. “Don't you like when I flatter you, darling?”
“S-Sì...” she answered, closing her eye from the immense pleasure of your caresses, from the kisses you gave to her lips, from the whispers in her ear that made her tremble with pleasure, taking her to the limit again.
“Of course you like it,” you said amused, containing the pleasure you felt, not letting her see that you were also being overwhelmed by pleasure.
 She might be a Lord, but you were the one in charge.
“You like when I move like that, don't you?” you purred, going up until her body almost left yours, going down again, causing her to moan furiously as she nodded.
“I like it, I like it too much, (Y/N),” she murmured, gaining some confidence, staying inside of you with the firm grip of her hands on your legs, letting your body be the one she manipulated now, increasing the speed of her thrusts.
“You drive me crazy Donna, you're perfect,” you moaned, completely unleashed, dancing on her with a frenetic rhythm, feeling how your body deformed with the intrusion, how the wetness slid down your legs, mixing with her own previous release. “Perfect…”
“Oh, shut up,” Donna said abruptly, unable to bear all that pleasure, moaning in your ear with each impact, with each trip she made along your wet walls.
“Uh, that sounds like a threat,” you joked, your voice broken by your own moans from the shame you felt being so close to your own limit. You would never let her see it. You would never allow her to think she dominated you, although deep down, she always did.
 “Stop, stop moving like that…” she protested, when your hips played with her again, when her attempts to increase the pace were frustrated with the interruption of your movements, letting the sensation be more intense, letting you be completely filled with her.
“Mm, close?” you teased, pouting, moving subtly, dancing with the tip at your entrance, caressing it without letting it enter again. “So good, Donna…”
She could only nod, lowering your hips with a growl, completely losing control, making you ride at her pace, between moans and grunts that did nothing but disturb the quiet calm of the forest.
“Shit!” you moaned in frustration when your walls tightened, when your whole body tensed and released in an embarrassing way. This time she had won, although not for long.
“Don't... Say...” the lady in black hissed, taking advantage of your moment of weakness to move faster, to release herself inside of you without warning, with a scandalous moan.
“Donna...” you moaned again, mitigating a second orgasm, one caused by those wet caresses, by her heat filling you, claiming you.
“(Y/N)...” she sighed, catching her breath, studying the situation, looking for Angie's prying eyes that seemed not to be present. “You always do with me whatever you want…”
“Mm, no, I always do with you whatever you want…”
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gars-jasons-gf · 1 year
Gar Logan Headcannons in a Relationship with reader
titans!gar logan bc he's my comfort character and i love him
Tumblr media
(also im in love with this gif rn so yeah)(also, again this is my first post so plsssss like support and stuff)(also, again, for the last time gif isn't mine)
Alright, before i even start let me just say that dating gar is like having a best friend. That is bc he is your best friend. Before you two even started dating he made sure to be your best friend so he could know everything about you. Your birthday, favorite food, favorite color, your background, he'll learn everything about you.
He is like the biggest softie ever. Like for a boy who can turn into a killing, murdering, scary ass tiger(even tho he avoids killing and that stuff) he is the softest and most caring and thoughtful out of everyone. Like we all know this. But he is has a massive soft spot for you like he is nice and stuff to his team mates but to you, he could be mid argument with someone and as soon as you walk into the room he'll look over at you and his whole expression will soften.
He just loves being around you and he'll find any excuse to be near or with you. Training, he'll def train with you. Missions, he personally asks Dick in private if you two can be on missions together. Cleaning, his excuse was "oh they'll definitely need help with folding the clothes." "they're literally folding her clothes only." "and it'll get the job done faster." There was def a time where he said he needed to go with you to take the bins out, because someone might jump you on your way to the bins.
Basically the point is he loves being around you.
So who did tell the other about their feelings first? Him. It came out by accident. During an argument. After a mission. In the rain. You both were arguing about you being hurt and not being able to go on the next mission after you had previously brought up the fact 'you could go on a mission right now.' He was quite concerned for you saying you were not ready. Clearing taking it a bit further then it needed to go. So when he said "it's because i care about you and you can't go on another mission this week." and you retaliated saying "it's not your choice." Then he finished it by saying "I love you, alright and you can't get hurt again this week, you almost died tonight." Leading you to smash your lips onto him.
After that kiss let's just say he was very happy and couldn't stop smiling. Even days after the kiss, he couldn't make eye contact without smiling or blushing. Leading some weird questions asked by the team. Eventually Gar told Connor who told Kory who told Dick who told Donna who told Dawn and Hank and somehow Jason found out. Then about a week after the kiss Gar popped the big question to you asking if you wanted to be his partner to which you said "yes." Bc y wouldn't you?
But, it takes like 3 weeks for one of you both to say the word. Like THE word. The Love word. It was him again. This time he was zoned out and staring at you when he said out loud "god y/n, i love you so much." to which you lifted your head up and looked at him with the biggest smile ever. He was panicking until you said it back. But you both can guarantee that Kory was in the room at the time and got it on video or Kory and Dick are watching you both through the security camera and then leaked it on the [yours and gar's ship name] group chat that they have for some reason.
Now dates. It's mostly take out food like pizza or thai. You'll both play video games most of the time and cuddle but that's something you both enjoy. That's something that brings you both joy eating, cuddling, playing video games it's all that you need.
Pt 2?????????
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divinelydivided · 11 months
🌟Nerdy Prudes Song Ranking🌟
Literal Monster
-Self Explanatory
-Literally Amazing
2.The Summoning
-Jon Matteson... of course
-Also self explanatory
-Basically a tie with number one
3.Nerdy Prudes Must Die 
-You know why
- I'm on a new crusade 💅
4.Hatchet Town
-Bryce Charles
-I am dan Reynolds
-Who doesn’t love a Dan and Donna cameo?!?!?
5.High School Is killing me
-Im deaddddddd
-Jon Matteson is my favorite (if you can't tell)
6.Cool as I think I am (Reprise)
-Makes me cry
-“Your as smart as I know you are”
-“Would you want to go to homecoming with me”---”Cool”
-Again, I am in tears
-I love Pete Spankofski
7. Bury the Bully
-I love Grace Chastity being insane, I love her
- I love foreshadowing
8.Cool As I think I am
-I love Peter
-“She is the brawn, i'm the brains” 
9.Dirty Dudes Must Die
-Grace chastity is a badass queen (who is a little insane, no biggy)
-”darkness will spare my soul” scratches an itch in my brian I didn’t even know I had
10.Bully the Bully
-Petey gonna jump on out, jager gonna jagerout
-Whats our budget
-I am sad that this is not higher up
-We love a friend group
-Beans cool?! Excellent!!
11. If I Loved You
-I had a really hard time ranking this
-I love the chorus soooo much
-I Kinda hate the back and forth fighting thing going on in between
-Literally could not place this anywhere that made me happy but it had to go somewhere
12. Go Go Nighthawks
-Love Harmonies
-Fuck Clivesdale
13. Dirty Girl
-Don’t love the content of the song
-Love the vocals
-Sad I can’t put every song at number one
14. Just For Once
-I live for Ruth
-I love her sm
15.  Best of You
-A little cheesy for me
-But still deserves to be higher
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thatseventiesbitch · 3 months
That '90s Show Part 2 Review
Overall, I'm giving Part 2 4.5 Stars out of 5!!!! I completely loved it, and thought it was an improvement from last season. I am now all the more excited for part 3, given what I know is still coming. 😜
If you're interested, here's my real-time reactions thread from Twitter (pinned to the top of my bio).
Stay tuned for my breakdown (warning: there be spoilers here):
The Good
The H U M O R continues to be the brightest spot for me. This is a genuinely funny show - I laughed out loud (okay, closer to howled if we're being honest) several times. It feels similar (though not identical) to T70S' brand of humor. I can tell it was made by the same people. This season, like last, Ozzie was my main man and had the one-liners that sent me the most but I can say the same for Jay, Gwen, Nate, and Leia too. And Bob. Oh hell, all of them! I'm sure I'll be reblogging my favorite moments for months to come while we wait for part 3!
The C H A R A C T E R D E V E L O P M E N T is the other shining star for me. The first season was limited (disappointing?) in this regard - to be fair, they only had 10 episodes to introduce us to a whole new handful of characters and make us care about them, and they mostly did. But this season brought the depth I was looking for - and we're only halfway through! 🤯 We learn more about Jay's playboy past, and see how he's actively working to grow and change and do his relationship with Leia differently. Ozzie is humanized when he has his heart broken - and his friends are there to pick up the pieces 💔. Nate struggles with his feelings and relationship with Nikki all season, and by the end of episode 8 he seems to be grappling with still having real feelings for her that he can't move on from. Nikki's pregnancy scare really affected her, and not in the way one would necessarily expect. She ended part 2 feeling lost and unsure of her direction, or what she truly wants (and not her parents), for the first time in her life. Gwen's storylines were perhaps my favorite of all (I'm a big Gwen stan, okay?). I was impressed that they decided to 'go there' with the racism plot, and even more impressed at the frank conversation she had at the end of the episode with her white (and well-intentioned, but bumbling) mom. Was it perfect and resolved? No. I think that was kind of the point. Not to mention her navigating her first real feelings and her relationship (?) with Cole. And Leia, my lovely Leia - she is learning about communication, forgiveness, honesty - all with the gentle guidance of her family and her friends. And that's not to mention Red and Kitty, who had sweet, plot-driving storylines of their own. I loved their realization that they like their rut - but loved even more when Red was inspired to live every day like it's his last and pushed through his fears to go to Paris with Kitty 🥰. This longer season has afforded more 'filler-like' episodes for us to just hang out with the characters, and get to know them more intimately. What are their wants, fears, insecurities, innermost thoughts? We are getting there. We are really getting there. Let's see what 8 more episodes will bring!
BOB! Bob gets his own point, because I enjoyed him so much (and seeing him and Red eventually come together to be overprotective grandpas 🤣. I laughed so much at his relationship with Leia, how they were just chilling in the basement, how he wanted all the teen gos. And Gwen's "What the heck, do you tell your grandpas everything?" 😂
DONNA! I adore Donna Pinciotti (Forman?), always have, and I adore her even more in the '90s than I thought possible. I love seeing her as a mom and her relationship with Leia. More pls.
This season felt more '90s to me! They incorporated more '90s references and brought back the regular fantasy sequences that always set the original apart. Off the top of my head, I loved: Kitty's Carmen Electra fantasy/nightmare (😂), Leia's Lisa Loeb fantasy (🤣), the Macarena (that shit was e v e r y w h e r e in the mid-90s, man), the Mentos commercial, Jay and Silent Bob (Kevin Smith cameo!!! also, Leo's son???) and all of Kitty's '90s slang that she picked up from the kids at school 😂👏🏻
The guest stars! Mitch and The Angel returned from T70S, and I am a big Will Forte/that era of SNL stan so I thoroughly enjoyed his appearance, too (and know he's been involved on the OG series on the writing/production side).
Red's trains (callback to season 1 of T70S - whoa!!) 🥰
I thought they struck a good balance this season between those heartfelt, 'very special episode'-type moments that '90s sitcoms were infamous for, without actually being too sickly-sweet, ala a Full House or Girl Meets World type moment. Donna and Leia's interaction in Nikki's bedroom regarding the voicemail comes to mind, as well as the is-Nikki-pregnant storyline and Nikki and Nate's celebratory dance at the end 🤣.
Which reminds me - I thought Nikki and Nate's storyline was intriguing. I have always been sort of a fan of their relationship - I don't think it's as bad as some others seem to - but remain unconvinced that they're 'meant to be' or endgame or whatever. But I enjoyed watching them navigate their break-up this season and then reluctantly find their ways back to each other, though. We'll see where it goes in part 3!
I immediately noted (and was pleased!) that there was a Laurie mention and a Midge mention this season. Both very off-hand, but it was something I was curious about. Who will be next? Betsy Kelso? 😮
The Bad
For me, ngl, Topher Grace's (Eric) absence was really felt. It is definitely the kids' show now and a substantial storyline isn't one I'd ever expect, but gosh I missed him from the family scenes at the beginning (both those with Red & Kitty, and those with Donna & Leia). The silver lining is how the other characters continue to reference him - almost in every episode, really - and so we still learn things about him and his relationships to his wife, daughter, and parents through these mentions from other characters. There will always be a part of me that is crossing my fingers for another Eric appearance, though, and I think there always will be.
Kitty's characterization as an overbearing mother was overdone. To be fair, this isn't a deviation from the original show. This is how she was often written towards the end of T70S - overbearing, possessive of Eric, lashing out at Donna or feeling in competition with her. It was done for laughs, but it wasn't particularly funny to me (and never was) 🤷‍♀️.
Not enough Geia content for my 'shipper heart 😩. We got one boob touch 😂, and it is clear that Leia still prioritizes her friendship with Gwen above all else (I lol'ed when she worried Gwen was in jail and that she would have to commit a crime to join her) but I want more, damn it! Part 2 solidified for me that Geia is never going to be anything more than a crack!ship. 😰
Which reminds me - Jay and Leia are kind of 'meh' for me. They're fine, I don't dislike them together, and I do like how we're seeing them both learn and grow through their relationship but... it just inspires kind of lukewarm feelings, I guess.
There wasn't a lot of Sherri in part 2. I love Sherri. Hope to see more of her in the next part.
The Ugly
I am pleased to say that I can't think of anything!!! Fez was absent (although they didn't directly reference their break-up, Sherri is clearly single and on the prowl all season) but I didn't miss him (🤭). Ditto to Kelso and Jackie - although we did get one reference to Jay's dad and the Kelso family heirloom (aka porn). I would say the ugliest part is that I now have to wait until October for part 3!!!
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