#dont be ableist
actual-corpse · 1 month
Saw a YT vid with the title, "Fandom Can't Handle Asexuality"
You're right, they can't... Because it doesn't fucking exist to them.
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checkoutmybookshelf · 9 months
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[Image ID: A tweet by @ emmma_camp_ that says "woah. 'There was a 292% increase in students classified with disabilities at the top 8 liberal arts colleges over the past 12 years.' Pretty strong evidence that a 'disabled' label is becoming a fashion accessory for rich kids."]
Ok, so I tend to keep my rage against ableism off main unless it comes up in the context of talking about books, but it is disability pride month and this is just DISGUSTING.
This person said out loud with their whole chest that they're ableist and unsafe for disabled people to interact honestly with. Believing students when they tell you they have disabilities is a stupid easy way to make schools (at all levels, from k-12 to graduate education) safer for students. And schools SHOULD be safe, in all ways, always.
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bailwhoreganaxoxo · 2 years
Here’s a reminder making jokes about “oh now Max won’t be able to see the movie” “guess it’ll be a blind date” or anything else along those lines is fucking ableist and you should feel and you should feel bad for making those jokes
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gothdadjokes · 1 year
Just some insight for anyone considering Hive. This is a lead dev.
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upinthetrees · 2 months
During a history class debate from a while ago the question came up of what makes someone qualified to exist in society, one of the cishet white guys in my class said, and i quote,
"I think that people need to be a contributing and non harmful member of society in order to stay a part of society"
You see the problem.
So i raised my hand and said, "So what im hearing is we should execute homeless and disabled people."
Immediate understanding and take-backs and "whoa no no"s and rationalization.
Don't be afraid to call people out of ableism, classism, sexism, and racism. You might just get them to understand something they didn't before.
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dancerdarling · 3 months
Welcome to the New Year, little daisies!
Now that we’re all settled in, how are we? Feeling well? Or not well? Either way, I’m glad you’re still with us.
Today I want to discuss needs.
It’s okay to need things. Do not consider needs as a “luxury”. Don’t punish yourself because you feel you don’t deserve basic human rights. Don’t force yourself to stay awake because you feel you haven’t earned sleep. Don’t starve yourself because you think the hunger is a selfish want. Don’t hide your disability and let yourself suffer because you’ve been told it’s “extra”. Absolutely not!
I’ve just about finished training my psychiatric service dog. She is very much something that I need. I suffer from c-PTSD episodes that result in severe chest pain, fainting spells, and blackouts. After moving out of a violent environment to my current living situation over the winter break, it only got worse. However, my needs have not been met for the longest time because I appear to be an abled person. Because my disability is practically invisible, I am considered selfish for “carting around a pet”. After receiving all the negative feedback, I nearly quit.
But no one can dictate your needs. No physical person can be in your mind and experience things the way you do because you are your own person. You have your own thoughts and feelings. Don’t put yourself in this mindset to where you ignore your needs and sacrifice yourself constantly so others can walk all over you.
I want you to know that you deserve rest, food, water, shelter, love. You deserve to have a good support system. You deserve help when you need help. You’re an amazing person and you are not lesser just because you have different needs than someone else. It’s easier said than done to be guilt-free about your needs. But it can be achieved.
Have a good day, little daisies. Don’t ignore your needs.
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strawberry-crocodile · 9 months
picky eater pride. yeah i hate the food you love. no it's not gonna change. yes i tried it recently. i experience the world in a different way than you do. respect this.
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flirts-with-dragons · 9 months
The two types of autism organizations:
- "aspie supremacy 💕🤪 level 2s and 3s don't exist because we said so"
- "autism is an infectious disease. We are developing the autism vaccine. Give us your money"
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elinaline · 1 year
I went to the super attractive island and there were so many people with acne and eczema, in wheelchairs, and with dysmorphisms
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bigfatbreak · 9 months
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this is a psa: dont call your chronically ill coworker fuckin terminal all its gonna do is make me want to bite you
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disconnected-dragon · 7 months
yknow I really didn't think it was possible to make me angrier at JK Rowling but then I found out she wrote a book abt an autistic person being sucked into a cult (that's totally not an analogy for trans people what you talking abt) because they just can't possibly know what's good for them, they need their fathers to come and hire private investigators to get them out of a cult. And in the book autistic people are referred to by the r slur and called "a bit simple".
I didn't think it was possible for me to hate this paternalistic, honeyed head-patting, self-righteous, hate-driven HAG of a woman more than I did but fuck me here we are.
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pageofheartdj · 10 months
Describing people with NPD as ‘manipulative’ is exactly the same as describing people with ADHD as ‘lazy’.
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bittwitchy · 7 months
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you're awful.
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dreamingamongthestars · 4 months
Let's leave the phrase "letting the 'intrusive thoughts' win" in 2023. Yet another online attempt to appropriate and incorrectly define symptoms experienced by those with OCD and suicidal thoughts. Wanting to do something silly for fun (which is called an IMPULSIVE THOUGHT) is nowhere near the harrowing, real ordeals experienced by people with severe, debilitating mental illness.
This awful trend is "I'm so OCD" all over again and misinforms ppl with undiagnosed OCD/suicidal thoughts as well as the general public. People with real intrusive thoughts will spend their lives hiding in shame and being bullied due to the misunderstanding of what they really are. Lives are ruined by intrusive thoughts and the lack of awareness and empathy surrounding them. Do your research and pls be kind
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reallygoodguacamole · 8 months
hey. don't feel bad about writing submas angst. gamefreak did that to them. exploring that space and playing in it is entirely reasonable. it makes sense to want to look at the twins' separation, and the different ways things could go after PLA/what happened to separate the two of them. just tag it, like you would anything else, and move on your happy way.
it does not make you ableist to explore canon. and hey, as an autistic adult? ive written a power fantasy where emmet gets to be unhinged with an axe! i have 5k of nonhuman ingo human emmet written up and not posted because when i was a kid i always hoped i was some fae thing and not human! my power fantasies encompass those things and so much more.
none of this is inherently ableist. emmet did not go apeshit because he is autistic- he went apeshit because the world stole the most important person out of his life and he would not let that stand. in any of the many aus i have where one twin or the other is nonhuman, it's not because they're autistic, it's because they're copying the other twin, and there's other people in the world that are also like that! it's my personal power fantasy, and I'm going to write it! it's not inherently ableist!
finally, certainly none of this is comparable to an extended hate campaign intended to wipe autistic people out of existence. don't feel bad about writing these things. tag them, make sure you're not doing it Because they're autistic. and then don't espouse any autism $peaks bullshit and you will be fine.
if you try to argue that your experience is more authentic/important than mine i will block you. please learn about competing access needs, and move on
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disagigglebilities · 2 years
Anyway, a big go fuck yourself to the disabled people who sit on a pedestal and throw rocks at their disabled peers for things like "being lazy", "wallowing", "not trying", "being a complainer", "being vague about their disability"
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