#dora bianchi
robinsegghead · 3 months
Danny's Daycare Part 3
        [Master List]
Danny sighed, picking up the last of the toys and dusting his hands off. Today had been an all-time max of six kids. Ember had been a lifesaver (ha) taking over the majority of tasks for the day, knowing he wasn’t mentally present. Lunch Lady had stepped up as well, playing with the kids Ember didn’t have her eyes on and letting Danny take as many breaks as he needed.
            He felt ridiculous. He barely knew the man, he shouldn’t be so shaken.
            Trying to focus on something else, he thought about the recent growth of the daycare. He had known from the beginning that if the daycare was successful he’d need to hire help, but he hadn’t thought about it much more than that. With his duplicates and Ember and the Lunch Lady’s help he had a handle. Dora worked more in the background, helping Danny with paperwork and purchasing supplies (mostly clothes) for the kids. Some of the other ghosts who’d originally offered their help had gotten caught up in other things (read; obsessions) and hadn’t been around.
            It was fine.
            Hiring help was going to be even more difficult with Ember and Lunch Lady around, anyone he hired would have questions about their appearances. As it was, the parents were already getting confused about why they’d never met the other staff at the daycare.
            He hadn’t taken a day off since opening the daycare and while hiring someone who would actually help was tempting, it wasn’t likely. He didn’t have any applicants as of yet and most of the parents didn’t have kids looking for part time work as a childcare worker. He was here to help those who already had jobs keep said jobs. Between the daycare, the realms, Jazz, his friends, and Gotham University asking if he’d like to teach some engineering classes, Danny was entirely booked. He didn’t have time to vet new employees.
            It had been two weeks since he’d managed to do brunch with Jazz.
            All he wanted to do was pass out in bed and enjoy that tomorrow was Saturday, and he could sleep in before going to the realms. But tonight he was supposed to bring Mrs. Bianchi’s family dinner. He grimaced, remembering the man he’d saved a few weeks prior and offered a job when he got out of the hospital. The man who’d gratefully accepted the offer and planned on building the fence for Danny’s Daycare. The man who apparently had enemies that sought him out the moment he left the safety of his own home.
            Although it wasn’t uncommon, not everyone was so understanding of those who became goons. Mrs. Bianchi was struggling to keep her and her family together. Her daughter, Allegra, had been a regular face at his daycare every day since he’d gotten the call and after hearing about her father, he’d offered to bring them dinner to help out. It took a lot of convincing, but finally, she’d allowed it.
            So, no break tonight. But that was alright.
            The Bianchi’s needed a break more than he did.
            And he needed to help.
            His apartment was, thankfully, very close by, and he’d already prepared the casserole ahead of time. They would only need to throw it in the oven for twenty minutes to warm it up, but he wanted to do something extra nice, something that showed he was thinking about them. An hour later, with a casserole and a plate of fresh cookies in hand, Danny made his way to the Bianchi’s.
            “Mr. Nightingale!” A voice called out warmly. He paused, a short way from the front door, looking for the voice. A dark-haired woman was crouched by the front garden, herbs in hand. “I’m Mia, mama said you’d be coming by.”
            Returning her smile, he nodded. “Hi Mia, you can call me Danny. I brought dinner?” She nodded towards the door and led him inside.
            The home was warm and welcoming, knick knacks and tchotchkes decorated every surface and wall, family pictures sat among them, it was a beautiful home. Not that he knew what a home was supposed to feel or look like. 
            Mia led him into the kitchen and directed him to place the goodies he’d brought on the stovetop. Just as he’d set down the containers of food, a small body crashed into his legs, he managed to keep his balance.
            “’Llegra!” Mia shouted. “Sorry Mr.- Danny.”
            Danny crouched down to speak with Allegra, tell her hello and ask how she was doing, but she immediately crawled into his arms and wrapped her own around his neck, burying her face in his shoulder.
            “Allegra, that is-” Mia started, sounding tired.
            “It’s okay.” Danny stood up, the girl held close in his arms. He didn’t mention the wet spot on his shoulder. “I’m sure little miss Allegra just wanted to say hello.” He rubbed her back soothingly. “Is your mother home?” He asked, hoping he sounded older than he was. He wanted to sound like a grownup- an adult who knew what he was doing. Not some kid with a surplus of wealth and a gung-ho attitude.
            Mia hesitated a moment, still looking like she wanted to make Allegra get down but decided better of it. “She’s this way.”
            Carrying Allegra, Danny followed the older girl. The two sisters looked a lot alike with dark wavy hair, thick eyebrows, and strong cheekbones and it was clear Mia felt close with Allegra. Why did Danny keep running into siblings who reminded him of his and Jazz’s relationship? Not every sibling duo is the same as his!
            In the living room he found a woman who looked exactly like Mia, or he supposed, the other way around, just a bit older. There were gray hairs in her raven black hair and laugh lines and crow’s feet adorning her face. She was still beautiful. She was going through a pile of photos with a sad look on her face. She looked up as they walked into the room and masked her pain. He knew that feeling all too well.
            “Mrs. Bianchi, it’s a pleasure to see you again.” He shifted the squirming child in his arms. “The casserole just needs to be reheated and I made brownies.”
            Mrs. Bianchi gave her daughter a look. Mia gently pulled Allegra out of Danny’s arms and left. Danny wanted to ask what that was about but gave the woman time to arrange her thoughts. “I didn’t trust you.” She started. “My Victor told me… you’d offered him a job. I’d heard that before and it ended with him getting shot in an alleyway.”
            She let out a shuddering breath, placing her fingers on a picture of what he could only assume was her late husband. “But what would a scumbag have to gain from saving a dying stranger in an alleyway?" Her voice was almost a whisper. “He insisted on trusting you and I trusted him.”
            “I’m so sorry for your loss, Mrs. Bianchi. I- I don’t know what you’re going through but… I’d like to help in any way that I can. If you’ll let me.” He understood pain he understood pain she’d never understand but he had no idea what losing your spouse was like. He’d never lost anyone to death, not like this.
            Her eyes pierced his, he tried not to fidget as she peered into his soul. “Maybe he was right to trust you Mr. Nightingale.” She stood, putting the pictures aside. “Thank you for looking after Allegra, I believe you’ll be seeing more of her for a while yet. And,” She paused. “I believe you’ll see an influx in children in the coming days.”
            He wasn’t sure what she meant, but didn’t ask as he was shown outside soon after.
            Exhaustion was a feeling Danny was getting used to. To be completely frank, he’d been getting used to the feeling since he was a child, and his parents Jack and Maddie forgot his seventh birthday because they’d gotten the idea to create a ghost portal. That was more of a mental and emotional exhaustion but when he was fourteen and died because of said ghost portal… that was a physical exhaustion.
            Still, he wasn’t sure the last time he’d felt this bone deep exhaustion in his human form. He remembered the last time he’d felt this way in his ghost form he remembered the feeling of the blade slipping under his skin he remembered the taunts Jack and Maddie threw at him as he cried and screamed he remembered dissociating to save himself from-
            “Hey, why don’t you move away from the edge?”
            Seriously, how were so many people sneaking up on Danny these days? First Tim, then Damian, now this guy?! Looking up (Or maybe it was down? Danny was on his back so the man in front of him appeared to be upside down) Danny recognized Nightwing and sighed. He’d been so clear with the others about not running into vigilantes, and now here he was… running into one of them.
            Hey, at least it was one of the supposedly nicer ones.
            “I’m not gonna jump man.” Danny groaned. “Too tired anyways.”
            Gravel crunched under the vigilante’s feet as he approached. “I’d still feel a lot more comfortable if you weren’t one careless move away from becoming a pancake.”
            Danny chuckled. “Your comfort isn’t exactly my concern.” Nightwing came into view, frowning. “Don’t look at me like that, man. You’ll make me feel bad.”
            “Well we wouldn’t want that.” His tone was sarcastic, and his frown had turned into a smirk. “If my discomfort isn’t your concern why should your happiness be mine?”
            The halfa stifled a laugh. “Aren’t you supposed to be a hero or something?”
            “Vigilante.” Nightwing amended.
            “Same difference.”
            Nightwing crouched beside Danny, watching him like a hawk. It was uncomfortable. The angle Nightwing was watching him from while Danny was lying on his back reminded him of-
            Bolting upright, Danny shifted away from the edge and Nightwing simultaneously; the vigilante watched him with confusion, reaching out to help until he realized Danny was hyperventilating. “Hey- hey, hey, breathe with me, okay? In,” He took in an exaggerated breath. “Out.” He exhaled loudly and repeated the action a few times.
            Danny evened out his breathing easily (he didn’t need to breathe so it wasn’t difficult once his brain remembered that fact) and leaned against the HVAC behind him. “Sorry.” He managed, embarrassed, looking out towards the city.
            The vigilante watched him for another minute before fully sitting down and following Danny’s gaze. “So what are you doing up here?”
            “I like heights, needed a good view after the last few weeks.” They lapsed into comfortable silence after that, though Danny was sure Nightwing was planning on asking a few more questions. He’d enjoy the silence for now.
            The city was much louder than Amity on its loudest night and he couldn’t say he loved the sounds, but he loved that it sounded nothing like his hometown. His hometown that sounded like silence and willing ignorance and purposeful arrogance and bigotry. His feelings towards Amity were mixed but mostly leaned towards ‘would only visit again if it were a matter of life and death’ (and even then he might not because he was already alive and dead).
            Gotham’s least desirable feature was the smog that blocked out the night sky. It had been too long since Danny had been able to see the clear night sky, trace the constellations with his eyes, and calm his breathing while reciting facts about space. Lady Gotham was going to owe him big time after all this was done.
            “Where are you from?” Nightwing asked, settling on one of the most boring questions he could have asked.
            Danny rolled his eyes. “What an original question, Nightwing. I’m assuming my accent gave it away?” The vigilante nodded. “Illinois.” He had no intention of mentioning Amity Park to anyone in Gotham. Tucker had given Danny and his sister new identities after the Incident, and he had promised no one would be able to figure out who they had been before. Danny tended to trust Tucker’s abilities, but when it came to Amity Park, the Fenton’s, the GIW, and ghosts, he leaned towards paranoid. Plus, the birds and bats were notorious for getting whatever information they wanted.
            “Why on Earth would you move to Gotham?” Nightwing laughed.
            “Someone asked for my help.” Danny admitted. “I can’t say no when someone wants help so… here I am.”
            Nightwing nodded, knowingly. “And what do you do?”
            “Opened a daycare in the Bowery.” The vigilante’s eyebrows lifted, surprised. “The friend who wanted my help has a friend who…. well they’re very rich and it’s entirely free. I just run things, make sure parents are able to go to work without leaving their kids home alone.” Danny shrugged.
            “That sounds really helpful.” Nightwing smiled. “So the exhaustion..?”
            “Oh yeah, kids are a nightmare. Not something I ever thought I’d do, but I’m good with them- I had a really good example of what not to do.” He chuckled bitterly earning a frown from the vigilante, but he didn’t notice it. “Even with how exhausting they are… they’re good kids. Like, Marco, he told me his dad used to leave him home alone while he was at work- the kids five! But his poor dad could either quit his job, leave his kid home alone, or turn to gooning. So…. Daycare.”
            Nightwing’s smile had only grown through Danny’s little rant. “I’m sure Marco and his dad are both grateful to you.”
            Danny stood, dusting his pants. “They should be grateful to the person who asked for my help, I’m not doing all that much myself, wouldn’t have even thought to do it if they hadn’t asked. You on the other hand, you guys do a lot for this city. No one asked, and I’m sure people don’t always thank you.” He offered the vigilante a hand and pulled him up.
            Now, Danny was pretty confident in his appearance, but when Nightwing stood up straight Danny was once again reminded that he was only 5’6”. Nightwing was clearly half a foot (or more) taller, and it was…. Well it was annoying. Pushing down that observation, Danny turned towards the rooftop exit door. “I’ll see you around, Nightwing.”
            “Hey, wait-”
            But Danny really didn’t want the birds and bats getting too close to him, so he let the door swing closed behind him, turned invisible, and flew back to his apartment.
            He was really tired.
            Danny woke to a crying sound. It took him a full panic-stricken thirty seconds to remember the kittens he’d taken in and relax marginally. He’d been giving the sick on its medicine, feeding them on a schedule, scooping the litter, and everything else he thought he was supposed to do, but he’d been busy and hadn’t gotten around to spending much time with them.
            Or naming them.
            Ancients dammit Danny!
            Rolling out of bed, Danny followed the crying sound coming from the living room. Mama cat was sitting on the couch cleaning herself, and the three little kittens were trying to find a way to follow her up. She clearly wasn’t interested in helping them.
            Dropping down next to them, Danny held out his hand. The orange kitten -despite being sick and making little wheezing sounds at all times- was clinging to the side of the couch a few inches off of the ground and crying for help. Gently, Danny cupped his hands around the little cat’s body and pulled him away from the couch.
            “Hey little guy, curiosity killed the cat, so I’d be careful if I were you.” He held the kitten close and scratched under his chin. He nipped at Danny’s finger and twisted his body to escape, only Danny’s quick reflexes kept the kitten from falling to the floor. “Woooah there! Curious little guy aren’t you?”
            He set the orange kitten down and noticed the calico had disappeared. Looking around frantically, he found her on the opposite side of his apartment, (seemingly) looking out the balcony door. “How’d you get all the way over there?” He chuckled, following the kitten and looking out the door. “You can’t really see the stars in Gotham.” She meowed in response.
            After a few moments of staring out into the starless sky, Danny noticed the calico toddle away from him. It seemed Mama had decided she’d had enough time to herself and had jumped back down into the reach of her children. The kittens barreled into her; she laid down so they could nurse, and Danny watched, an idea coming to him.
            He felt the need to make their names official, so he found a website that made custom nametags for pets and put in his order. Instead of putting away his phone he snapped a picture of the cats and sent it to his newest contact.
Danny: Thank you again for all of your help the other night, Damian!
Danny: [Image of three kittens nestled into their mother’s belly]
Danny: I decided on names for them. The orange cat is Curiosity (like the mars rover lol), the Calico is Cosmos, and the white one is Spectre. Mama cat is Mars but I’m gonna call her Marzipan!
Danny: This is Danny by the way.
            Damian couldn’t fathom who was messaging him at this time of night, but he wished they would stop. Father kept looking at him strangely from the batcomputer every time his phone vibrated. They’d called it an early night due to father still recovering from an injury and Damian having a test in his first class the following morning. Damian had just finished taking his gear off and was planning on hitting the showers just as his phone began buzzing.
            Father quirked an eyebrow at him as he swiped his phone away. “I’m sure it is Grayson spamming the family group chat with meaningless memes again.” He explained nonchalantly.
            It was not, in fact, Grayson.
Unknown: Thank you again for all of your help the other night, Damian!
Unknown: [Image of three kittens nestled into their mother’s belly]
Unknown: I decided on names for them. The orange cat is Curiosity (like the mars rover lol), the Calico is Cosmos, and the white one is Spectre. Mama cat is Mars but I’m gonna call her Marzipan!
Unknown: This is Danny by the way
            Damian had not given that fool his number to be spammed with useless information- what kind of name was curiosity? Why were they all seemingly space themed? Despite his annoyance, Damian responded.
Damian: How is the sick one healing?
            He didn’t expect a quick response, it was almost four in the morning, why had the man been up so early anyways? He got a response almost immediately.
Unknown: Curiosity’s healing pretty well although he hates the medicine and it’s a battle every time I have to give it to him!
Damian: That is unacceptable. Fighting a sick cat will not contribute to its healing.
Unknown: He hasn’t missed a dose or anything, he just squirms a lot! 
Damian: Do you require assistance?
            Damian refused to change the man’s name in his phone until he knew his last name. He would not be calling him…. Danny. Unfortunately, Damian was only a volunteer at the vet clinic and as such had not been privy to any of Danny’s personal information and therefore, did not know his last name. It felt strange to ask for it.
Unknown: Nah it’s fine, just wanted to show you they’re doing all right and I appreciate you helping me figure this all out!
            He did not feel a spike of happiness shoot through him- that would be ridiculous. Something this simple from a complete stranger, albeit a strange who listened to all of his advice and took him seriously when others never did, would not make him happy!
Damian: I could not let someone completely untrained take care of animals, especially when one was sick.
Unknown: :’) You do care
            “Damian?” Father’s voice cut into his thoughts. Looking up he realized he’d stopped short of the shower room and had ended up having the entire conversation over text in the entryway between the main cave and the showers. Father raised an eyebrow, glancing between his son and the phone. “Is everything all right?”
            He nodded sharply, turning off the phone and pushing away the ridiculous feelings he’d been having. “I’m fine father. I’ll just shower and head to bed for the night.” He didn’t bother looking at his phone again for the rest of the night.
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calmingpi · 7 months
Ok i had to delete this earlier cause i forgot a color BUT my dora bianchi hair is fading
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taigan-hse · 4 years
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Questionable Content Meet-Cutes
All the series’ romantic couples (as of strip #4320) and how they first met.
(I am aware Marten and Claire technically met in the previous strip, but there was no interaction, so I used this one.
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I mean, she’s not wrong.....  Questionable Content, Jeph Jacques, strip #4511
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Questionable Content MBTI
Marten Reed ISFP (The Supporter)
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ISFPs tend to be tolerant and nonjudgmental, but are deeply loyal to the people and causes that matter to them. They endeavor to accept and support other people, but are ultimately guided by their own core values. They will typically look for ways to be accommodating and may have difficulty dealing with others who are not willing to do the same.  (Truity)
Faye Whitaker ENTP (The Catalyst) 
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ENTPs enjoy playing with ideas and especially like to banter with others. They use their quick wit and command of language to keep the upper hand with other people, often cheerfully poking fun at their habits and eccentricities. While the ENTP enjoys challenging others, in the end they are usually happy to live and let live. They are rarely judgmental, but they may have little patience for people who can't keep up. (Truity)
Dora Bianchi ENFJ (The Adviser) 
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ENFJ's tend to be more reserved about exposing themselves than other extraverted types. Although they may have strongly-felt beliefs, they're likely to refrain from expressing them if doing so would interfere with bringing out the best in others. Because their strongest interest lies in being a catalyst of change in other people, they're likely to interact with others on their own level, in a chameleon-like manner, rather than as individuals. Which is not to say that the ENFJ does not have opinions. ENFJs have definite values and opinions which they're able to express clearly and succinctly. These beliefs will be expressed as long as they're not too personal. ENFJ is in many ways expressive and open, but is more focused on being responsive and supportive of others. When faced with a conflict between a strongly-held value and serving another person's need, they are highly likely to value the other person's needs. (Personality Page)
Hannelore Ellicott-Chatham ISFJ (The Protector) 
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ISFJs have a very clear idea of the way things should be, which they strive to attain. They value security and kindness, and respect traditions and laws. They tend to believe that existing systems are there because they work. Therefore, they're not likely to buy into doing things in a new way, unless they're shown in a concrete way why its better than the established method. ISFJs need positive feedback from others. In the absence of positive feedback, or in the face of criticism, the ISFJ gets discouraged, and may even become depressed. When down on themselves or under great stress, the ISFJ begins to imagine all of the things that might go critically wrong in their life. They have strong feelings of inadequacy, and become convinced that "everything is all wrong", or "I can't do anything right". (Personality Page)
Pintsize ESFP (The Energiser) 
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ESFP is definitely a spontaneous, optimistic individual. They love to have fun. If the ESFP has not developed their Thinking side by giving consideration to rational thought processing, they tend to become over-indulgent, and place more importance on immediate sensation and gratification than on their duties and obligations. They may also avoid looking at long-term consequences of their actions. For the ESFP, the entire world is a stage. They love to be the center of attention and perform for people. They're constantly putting on a show for others to entertain them and make them happy. They enjoy stimulating other people's senses, and are extremely good at it.(Personality Page)
Marigold Farmer INFP (The Idealist)
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INFPs do not like conflict, and go to great lengths to avoid it. If they must face it, they will always approach it from the perspective of their feelings. In conflict situations, INFPs place little importance on who is right and who is wrong. They focus on the way that the conflict makes them feel, and indeed don't really care whether or not they're right. They don't want to feel badly. This trait sometimes makes them appear irrational and illogical in conflict situations. On the other hand, INFPs make very good mediators, and are typically good at solving other people's conflicts, because they intuitively understand people's perspectives and feelings, and genuinely want to help them. (Personality Page)
Claire Augustus ISTJ (The Inspector)
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This ISTJ is a master of something. They are so focused and will know every fact about their specialization. Whatever they love is part of their identity, it is what defines them and the use of concrete sensing facts is what helps them relate to their interest. When an ISTJ character is dedicated to a passion, no one knows as much as they do about it. X
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brokehorrorfan · 3 years
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Mania Killer will be released on Blu-ray and DVD on November 9 via Full Moon Features. The 1987 horror film is also known as Maniac Killer.
Andrea Bianchi (Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror) directs from a script by Georges Friedland (The Panther Squad), Marius Lesoeur (Women Behind Bars), and H.L. Rostaine (Cannibal Terror). Bo Svenson, Chuck Connors, Robert Ginty, and Dora Doll star.
Mania Killer has been remastered in its uncut form from the best available archival materials. No special features are included.
A malevolent religious cult stalks a French village, kidnapping prostitutes and subjecting them to unimaginable torments under the guise of saving their souls. When a young man's girlfriend is taken by the sect, he teams up with a mob of angry pimps to track down the maniacal, holy rolling killers and put an end to their bloody mission, once and for all.
Pre-order Mania Killer from Amazon.
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mj-spooks · 7 years
The most realistic and relatable thing about Questionable Content for me is the fact that Dora has been vaguely gothy her whole life even in childhood because honestly same
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kelioliver · 3 years
 Texto retirado do blog:https://livroecafe.com/2019/09/13/livros-nacionais-de-terror/
A literatura brasileira ainda precisa alcançar novos espaços e temas! Pensando nisso, elaboramos uma lista com livros nacionais de terror. Dos clássicos aos contemporâneos, dos contos aos romances, até chegar nas HQs! Tem de tudo um pouco para conhecer, compartilhar e ler urgente! 😉
Livros nacionais de terror: contos
1. Demônios (Aluisio de Azevedo)
Demônios é o primeiro volume de contos de Aluísio Azevedo (1857 – 1913). Publicado em 1893, o livro reúne pequenas narrativas e um conto mais longo que dá nome ao livro. A maioria dos contos se passa no Rio de Janeiro e trata de temas urbanos como o anonimato, a mulher assalariada e encontros casuais entre desconhecidos. A obra do autor está em domínio público e você pode ler o conto Demônios aqui ou compre o livro na Amazon.
2. Venha ver o pôr-do-sol (Lygia Fagundes Telles)
Lygia Fagundes Telles é conhecida como uma das mais importantes escritoras brasileiras do século XX. Os contos deste livro retratam situações insólitas em que o dramático e o fantástico se misturam, alterando o cotidiano de pessoas comuns. Revelando a profundidade da alma humana, eles vão mexer com as emoções do leitor, fazendo-o refletir sobre a magia que se esconde nos detalhes do dia a dia. No conto que dá título ao livro, um rapaz leva sua ex-namorada a um jazigo de família abandonado. Confira a resenha aqui. Compre na Amazon
3. Horror em gotas (Karen Alvares)
Karen Alvares é de Santos e nasceu em 1987. O livro Horror em gotas é uma coletânea de contos que, primeiramente, fizeram parte de um projeto de publicação de um conto de terror por dia e os delas foram publicadas nas sextas-feiras. Segundo o autor Eric Novello, “Karen Alvares é uma voz promissora do terror nacional. Sua escrita direta e ambientação primorosa conseguem levar o leitor do conforto ao medo em uma simples virada de página.” O livro é gratuito no Kindle Unimited.
4. Noite na taverna (Álvares de Azevedo)
Publicado em 1855; o livro de Álvares de Azevedo é um clássico da literatura brasileira. Contém cinco contos narrados amigos que estão se abrigando em uma taverna. É um dos mais populares e influentes trabalhos da ficção gótica na literatura brasileira. Durante a conversa, os amigos contam uns aos outros experiências mórbidas e difíceis de superar. Antropofagia, incesto, traição, violência e necrofilia são o lugar-comum dessas narrativas de mistério e terror. Compre na Amazon
5. Medo imortal (coletânea organizada por Romeu Martins)
Produzidos entre a segunda metade do século xix e a primeira metade do século xx, os contos representam os primeiros cem anos de produção do terror em nosso país. São ao todo treze autores, escolhidos entre os patronos, os fundadores e os primeiros eleitos para ocupar os salões da Academia Brasileira de Letras. Alguns nomes presentes na coletânea Aluísio de Azevedo, Álvares de Azevedo, Bernardo Guimarães, Coelho Neto, Fagundes Varela, Machado de Assis, entre outros. Compre na Amazon
6. A dança dos ossos (Bernardo Guimarães)
“A dança dos ossos” consta no livro “Lendas e Romances”, publicado em 1871. O livro menos conhecido de Bernardo Guimarães (o seu livro mais conhecido é Escrava Isaura) narra, com construções sintáticas e expressões bem brasileiras, três aventuras de natureza diversa. O terceiro conto é “caso de assombração” com sabor folclórico. Compre na Amazon
Livros nacionais de terror: romances
7. Gog Magog (Patrícia Melo)
A barbárie e a crueldade que o título evoca nas diversas lendas e recontos religiosos são os temas centrais do novo romance de Patrícia Melo. O truculento embate com a polícia nas manifestações rotineiras de greve, o casamento tóxico com a enfermeira Marta, que gosta de fotografar seus doentes terminais, ou a realidade violenta que enfrenta na escola pública onde leciona biologia para analfabetos funcionais – que ameaçam e espancam professores com frequência assustadora – não são capazes de alterar o ethos resignado e pacífico do professor e protagonista sem nome dessa narrativa insólita. Compre na Amazon
8. A superfície da sombra (Tailor Diniz)
Poblado Oriental e Passo do Catí são duas cidades separadas pela Avenida Internacional, que delimita também a fronteira de Brasil e Uruguai. Diz-se que se uma carta de um lado rua for colocada no correio endereçada ao outro lado, demorará um mês para chegar, porque deverá seguir ao Rio de Janeiro ou a Montevidéu, e depois voltar. Quando dá por si está comprando uma faca, está participando da Noite das Mascaradas, um antigo ritual pagão para trazer boa sorte. E observando tudo, pelas ruas dos dois países, caminham as Sete Viúvas da Calle de los Desengaños, que rezam pelas almas dos desamparados. Compre na Amazon
9. Dia de matar porco (Charles Kiefer)
Ariosto Ducchese escapou de uma morte por hemorragia depois de sangrar por dias. No quarto do hospital, ele vê sua mãe, já falecida — o fantasma dela ou efeito dos medicamentos? Com isso, ressurgem também todas as memórias e assombrações da vida no campo deixada para trás há mais de trinta anos, as relações familiares, os rituais — incluindo o dia de matar porco, quando os meninos se credenciam para as atividades da vida adulta. Dia de matar porco é o primeiro romance publicado por Kiefer depois de um hiato de 12 anos sem lançar uma narrativa longa inédita. Compre na Amazon
10. Os sete (André Vianco)
Em uma lista de livros nacionais de terror tem que ter André Vianco! Ele é um dos nomes mais comentados quando se fala de literatura de terror nacional. Então, para compor esta lista, nada mais justo que colocar um dos livros mais conhecidos do autor. Em Os Sete, lançado em 1999, o autor apresenta seres poderosos, com natureza monstruosa e sanguinária. O resultado é um livro envolvente, repleto de ação e reviravoltas, que em pouco tempo ocupou seu merecido lugar entre os mais importantes livros de terror e fantasia brasileiros. Compre na Amazon
11. Bom dia, Verônica (Andrea Killmore)
Andrea Killmore faz sua estreia com um livro que está destinado a se tornar uma referência na literatura policial brasileira. A personagem, com sua habilidade e sua determinação, ela vê a oportunidade que sempre quis para mostrar sua competência investigativa e decide mergulhar sozinha nos dois casos. No entanto, essas investigações teoricamente simples se tornam verdadeiros redemoinhos e colocam Verônica diante do lado mais sombrio do homem, em que um mundo perverso e irreal precisa ser confrontado. Compre na Amazon
12. O segredo de Yankclev Schmid (Julio Ricardo Rosa)
Alemanha, 1945. A guerra chega ao fim. Os ingleses estão às portas do campo de extermínio de Bergen-Belsen. Os nazistas cometem seus últimos crimes na tentativa de calarem as vítimas do Holocausto. Yankclev Schmid, um jovem prisioneiro judeu, consegue escapar da morte. O retorno para casa se mostra penoso, o país está destruído, e Yankclev tenta manter seu segredo, sua segurança, sua sanidade. Porém, onde quer que esteja, os fantasmas nazistas voltarão a persegui-lo. Décadas mais tarde, no Brasil, ele e um jovem médico veem suas assombrações se juntarem, em uma trama que envolve identidades falsas, perseguições e sombras da ditadura. Compre na Amazon
13. Jantar secreto (Raphael Montes)
Um grupo de jovens deixa uma pequena cidade no Paraná para viver no Rio de Janeiro. Eles alugam um apartamento em Copacabana e fazem o possível para pagar a faculdade e manter vivos seus sonhos de sucesso na capital fluminense. Mas o dinheiro está curto e o aluguel está vencido. Para sair do buraco e manter o apartamento, os amigos adotam uma estratégia heterodoxa e se envolvem em uma espiral de crimes. Compre na Amazon
Leia a resenha:
Dias Perfeitos (Raphael Montes)
Livros nacionais de terror: HQs
14. Cantigas no escuro  (várias autoras)
Cantigas no Escuro é uma coletânea que reúne seis autoras brasileiras de literatura young adult fazendo uma releitura de cantigas de infância. Ambientada nos tempos atuais, as origens sombrias e fantásticas dos contos de fada são relembradas em contos recheados com as figuras que ambientam o imaginário popular. Organizada e editada por Laura Pohl, a coletânea reúne as vozes únicas de Iris Figueiredo (Confissões On-Line e Céu sem Estrelas), Emily de Moura, Solaine Chioro (A Rosa de Isabela), Jana Bianchi (Lobo de Rua) e Gabriela Martins. Compre na Amazon
15. Dora (Bianca Pinheiro)
A primeira tiragem do quadrinho chamou atenção da crítica especializada. O jornalista Marcelo Naranjo escreveu: “Se os quadrinhos de terror são tradição longíqua da HQ nacional, impressiona uma estreia no gênero no qual se fuja dos principais clichês, atingindo em cheio o que deveria ser o mote de qualquer obra que se dispõe a entreter: contar uma boa história. Parece fácil? Não é”. O trabalho de Bianca Pinheiro em Dora também impressiona pelo contraste com seus títulos mais famosos. É uma proposta antagônica aos ares infantis da série Bear (Nemo) e do mais recente volume da coleção Graphic MSP, Mônica: Força (Panini). O tom sombrio do quadrinho relançado pela Mino tem diálogo explícito com o clássico Carrie, a Estranha do escritor Stephen King. Compre na Amazon
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app-teatrodipisa · 4 years
Cartolina — Serena Braida
La famiglia fa su e giù lungo la spiaggia di ciottoli bianchi, oltrepassando cartelloni allungati e rossi e chioschi di bevande frizzanti. Una bambina nel passeggino, l’altra trottando a piedi o a cavacecio. Alle bambine piace la storia della martire bizantina che è arrivata volando sul mare in un sarcofago ed è finita appollaiata sul campanile della chiesa.
La casa dei nonni in borgata è piena di fotografie blu — blu per via del mare attorno alla città tonda con il campanile appuntito; la bambina le ha contate. Le piace il pane bianco e soffice in una zuppa arancione. Pomeriggio presto si gioca con i gatti nella città vecchia. Telline vengono ammollate, crostacei sgusciati e pesci liberati dal peso del corpo. L'olio si dora e la famiglia ha gli occhi fermi sul prima. 
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radiomashupok · 6 years
Viva la Vida
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Hoy 4 de enero estrena en el Teatro Lola Membrives la obra Viva La Vida, dirigida por Valeria Ambrosio . El espectáculo, tributo a los jóvenes de ayer, cuenta con un elenco de reconocidas figuras del teatro y teatro musical, con Nora Carpena,Rodolfo Ranni,Mercedes Carreras,Alberto Martín,Marta Bianchi y Jorge Martinez a la cabeza, además de orquesta en vivo.
A no perderse este musical para los nostálgicos 
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“VIVA LA VIDA” cuenta la historia de seis amigos de alrededor de treinta años que sellan un pacto en una noche de año nuevo: juran exiliarse todos a una casita en el tigre apenas aparezcan los primeros síntomas de vejez en ellos, para vivir juntos y felices lo que les quede de vida. 
El momento llega, cuarenta años después. Ellos organizan el viaje y emprenden la aventura soñada. Luego de varios meses de convivencia, la muerte de uno de los amigos desencadena una serie de situaciones en las que iremos descubriendo secretos, sueños y recuerdos borrosos que finalmente irán fortaleciendo el vínculo entre ellos. 
 Con las canciones de los años 70` y una puesta que irá entrelazando el pasado con el presente, “VIVA LA VIDA”, con dirección de Valeria Ambrosio y grandes actores en escena, apuesta a ser EL MUSICAL ARGENTINO DEL AÑO, y sin duda, un hermoso tributo a los jóvenes de ayer.
Nora Carpena / Gloria Rodolfo Ranni / El Tano Mercedes Carreras / Ines Alberto Martín / Raul "Ruso" Marta Bianchi / Dora Jorge Martinez / Roberto Natalia Cociuffo / Gloria Christian Gimenez / Roberto Andrea Lovera / Dora Emmanuel Robredo Ortiz / El Tano Lula Rosenthal / Blanca Ivanna Rossi / Ines Liza Spadone / Teresa Patricio Witis / Raul "Ruso" Valeria Ambrosio / Dirección
Funciones: Miércoles a Sábado 21hs, Domingo 20:30hs Teatro Lola Membrives - Av. Corrientes 1280, Buenos Aires, Argentina Entradas desde $450 a $800. Venta por boletería del teatro o por Ticketek
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soylazaro · 3 years
Hold On Lady - Rice&Groove from OCKHAM on Vimeo.
Music by Rice & Groove @riceandgroove Featuring - Dora Postigo @ucancallmedora Production - Garlic Films @garlicfilms Director - Ockham @weareockham @susessagi @jaimevenet @soy_lazaro.d Production Coordinator - Cristina Barrios @c_bapee 1st AD - Rodrigo Santos @rsantos_0 Cinematography - David Lázaro @soy_lazaro.d 1st Assistant Camara - Cristian Higueruela @_cristiandh 1st Assistant Camara 2º day - Pablo Ayala @aaayal Camera Assistant - Marina Carasa @marina.carasa Steadycam - Alejandro Lázaro @alejandrocameraop Art Direction - Cora Patiño @cora_patinho Graphic Design - Rob collado @ultr_rob Styling - Silvia Bianchi @silviabianchi Grading - Rubén Galamba @metropolitanacolor Revealed Movie - Kodak film cinelab london
Thanks to Pelonio Press, Fazeta, Miki Tortajada, Menchu Lamas, Javier Plaza Martín, Juan Achiaga
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polusladkayan · 3 years
Лучшие ароматы с нотой груши: от  недорогих/ бюджетных до нишевых Всем привет! Я продолжаю постепенно  разбираться и находить ароматы с интересующими меня нотами, и сегодня это груша. Благодаря моей подписчице и коллеге Ольге я наконец собралась подборку лучших грушевых ароматов. Здесь есть и недорогие парфюмы из сегмента масс-маркет, и иностранная и российская ниша.  Пишите, какие у вас любимые парфюмы  в этом направлении,  ставьте лайки и приятного вам просмотра! 01:58 Queen Of Seduction Absolute Diva Antonio Banderas — это аромат для женщин, он принадлежит к группе шипровые цветочные. Queen Of Seduction Absolute Diva выпущен в 2018 году. Верхние ноты: Груша и Мандарин; средние ноты: Гелиотроп, Жасмин Самбак и Ландыш; базовые ноты: Бензоин, Сандал и Пачули. https://www.fragrantica.ru/perfume/Antonio-Banderas/Queen-Of-Seduction-Absolute-Diva-48805.html 03:52 Anais Anais Premier Delice Cacharel — это аромат для женщин, он принадлежит к группе цветочные фруктовые сладкие. Anais Anais Premier Delice выпущен в 2014 году. Anais Anais Premier Delice был создан Olivier Cresp и Dora Baghriche. Верхние ноты: Груша, Апельсин, Бергамот и Гальбанум; средние ноты: Пион и Гиацинт; базовые ноты: Какао и Кедр. https://www.fragrantica.ru/perfume/Cacharel/Anais-Anais-Premier-Delice-23871.html 05:28 Jimmy Choo Jimmy Choo — это аромат для женщин, он принадлежит к группе шипровые фруктовые. Jimmy Choo выпущен в 2011 году. Парфюмер: Olivier Polge. Верхние ноты: Груша, Мандарин и Зеленые ноты; средняя нота: Орхидея; базовые ноты: Тоффи и Пачули. https://www.fragrantica.ru/perfume/Jimmy-Choo/Jimmy-Choo-10573.html 06:40 Aqua Allegoria Pera Granita Guerlain — это аромат для женщин, он принадлежит к группе цветочные фруктовые. Aqua Allegoria Pera Granita выпущен в 2016 году. Парфюмер: Thierry Wasser. Верхние ноты: Грейпфрут, Лимон и Бергамот; средние ноты: Груша, Цветок апельсина, Османтус и Гедион; базовые ноты: Белый мускус, Кедр и Мох. https://www.fragrantica.ru/perfume/Guerlain/Aqua-Allegoria-Pera-Granita-35554.html 08:58 Wild Pears Montale — это аромат для мужчин и женщин, он принадлежит к группе фужерные фруктовые. Wild Pears выпущен в 2011 году. Парфюмер: Pierre Montale. Верхние ноты: Груша и Бергамот; средние ноты: Гвоздика (цветок) и Ландыш; базовые ноты: Ваниль, Мускус и Сандал. https://www.fragrantica.ru/perfume/Montale/Wild-Pears-12302.html 10:37 Pear Inc Juliette Has A Gun — это аромат для мужчин и женщин, он принадлежит к группе фужерные фруктовые. Это новое издание: Pear Inc выпущен в 2021 году. Парфюмер: Romano Ricci. Верхняя нота: Груша; средняя нота: Ambroxan; базовые ноты: Мускус и Ambrettolide. https://www.fragrantica.ru/perfume/Juliette-Has-A-Gun/Pear-Inc-66120.html 12:00 Pear Sorbet Edgardio Chilini - фруктовый, цветочный, свежий. Верхние ноты: груша, тюльпан, дыня, персик Ноты сердца: мимоза, пион, сирень, гибискус, ландыш, роза, фиалка, миндаль Базовые ноты: бензоин, сандал, ваниль, кедр, мускус https://chilini.ru/products/Edgardio-Chilini-Pear-Sorbet-p120915525 14:41 Notti Bianche Michele Bianchi — это аромат для мужчин и женщин, он принадлежит к группе цветочные древесно-мускусные. Это новое издание: Notti Bianche выпущен в 2018 году. Парфюмер: Michele Bianchi. Верхние ноты: Танжерин и Белые цветы; средние ноты: Груша, Абрикос и Малина; базовые ноты: Мускус, Ambroxan и Пачули. https://www.fragrantica.ru/perfume/Michele-Bianchi/Notti-Bianche-51747.html Благодарность каналу : Tinkoff - https://www.tinkoff.ru/sl/6lEQbx7QoAb PayPal - https://www.paypal.me/nateobett?locale.x=ru_RU По вопросам сотрудничества [email protected], а также в любых социальных сетях Группа в вк https://vk.com/club140200587 Парфюмерный instagram https://www.instagram.com/nate_obett_parfum/?hl=ru Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/o.natashka #обзорпарфюма #аромат #селективнаяпарфюмерия #парфюмерия #духи обзор, обзор парфюма, обзор косметики, обзор аромата, парфюм, аромат, нишевая парфюмерия, российская парфюмерия, парфюмерия, пирамида аромата, селективная парфюмерия, бьютиблогер, духи, селектив, парфюмерный блогер, парфюмерный критик, летуаль, лэтуаль, ильдеботе, люксовая парфюмерия, мужской парфюм, женский парфюм, туалетная вода, brocard, Montale,
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A Dora sarebbe piaciuto cominciare così. Solo che iniziare un lavoro accademico descrivendo una regione montuosa, i boschi pieni di faggi e querce con tronchi così grossi che nessun uomo riuscirebbe mai a cingerli con le braccia, i prati che brulicano d'estate di rare orchidee, concordie e anemoni, inframmezzati da strisce di campi coltivati, con delle basse casupole abbarbicate sul terreno, sarebbe stato fuori luogo. Un testo scientifico non può iniziare con quei mattini freschi, nel mezzo di un'estate torrida, che si trasforma in un batter d'occhio in cicloni infernali, avvolgendo il crinale di una coltre di nubi scure e impenetrabili, e nemmeno con quei rigidi inverni in cui tra le colline si sollevano vortici neri che ricordano la Siberia. Né con quella luna tonda, gigantesca, che spunta sopra le cime addensate delle montagne, offuscata da brandelli di nuvole notturne, o talmente luminosa, nelle notti limpide, che sembra quasi giorno. E davanti alla soglia di casa, sul crinale della collina, pare di stare in cielo, col mondo intero che si apre ai nostri piedi. Dalla parte opposta si vedono le luci sparpagliate delle altre case e Hrozenkov, giù a valle, ammicca come un bambino dalla culla e tutti, per quanto lontani possano essere, sono consapevoli gli uni degli altri. Soli, e comunque insieme. Proprio così sarebbe dovuta iniziare la sua tesi - spiegando la magia di Kopanice, sui pendii dei Carpazi Bianchi, perché solo in un posto simile poteva nascere e svilupparsi qualcosa di così speciale. Le dee.
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thirtysecondsmilano · 4 years
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In questo articolo vi vogliamo parlare del Cinema dei Telefoni Bianchi che nel mondo del Cinema Italiano e' storicamente noto anche per la sua caratteristica di rifiuto di qualunque problematica sociale, ponendo al centro della scena esili commedie sentimentali.
Se non fossi un aficionado delle sale cinematografiche o semplicemente non ne hai mai sentito parlare, continua a leggere per una spolverata di storia.
Innanzitutto partiamo dal nome, che deriva dalla presenza di telefoni di colore bianco nelle sequenze dei primi film prodotti in questo periodo (in voga in Italia tra il 1936 ed il 1943): uno status symbol atto a marcare la differenza dai telefoni "popolari" in bachelite, più economici e dunque maggiormente diffusi, che invece erano di colore nero. Altra definizione data a questi film è cinema déco per la forte presenza di oggetti di arredamento che richiamano lo stile internazionale déco, in voga in quegli anni.
La produzione dei cosiddetti telefoni bianchi o cinema Decò descrive gli anni trenta e i primi quaranta attraverso gli arredamenti degli ambienti, oltre alle già dette moda e costume. L'epoca traspare dai particolari: gli oggetti ci fanno capire e datare con verosimiglianza l'epoca storica e l'ambientazione del film. Generalmente è resa manifesta la diffusione, almeno nelle città, del "prodotto di qualità", cioè non quello fatto a mano, bensì avanzano le proposte industriali di massa, i prodotti fatti in serie.
L'ambientazione borghese si rifece esteticamente alle commedie cinematografiche statunitensi, in particolar modo a Frank Capra. Le speranze dei piccolo-borghesi non poterono che divenire realtà: film come Mille lire al mese, così come l'omonima canzone, passarono alla storia per la loro esplicita spensieratezza ed evocazione altrettanto irriverente. L'elemento melodico ritornava spesso a far capolino, molti tra questi film contenevano infatti almeno una canzone di successo (basti pensare alla celeberrima “Parlami d'amore Mariù” composta per il film “Gli uomini, che mascalzoni... “ divenuta poi molto più famosa della pellicola stessa.
Tale rappresentazione di benessere e progresso era però ben lontana dalla realtà italiana di allora; la rappresentazione di una società benestante (in alcuni casi anche molto ricca), progredita, emancipata ed istruita era enormemente contrastante con la situazione reale dell'Italia, la quale, a quell'epoca, era invece un Paese sostanzialmente povero, materialmente e moralmente arretrato e con la maggior parte della popolazione analfabeta, così come anche l'atmosfera entusiasta, allegra e spensierata di queste pellicole appariva cozzante con la cupa situazione della nazione, soggiogata dalla dittatura fascista che pero' agevolava il genere cinematografico per far dimenticare la poco rosea realtà della vita quotidiana della gente comune.
Tra i numerosi film del filone, si impone il giovane attore Vittorio De Sica, reso celebre da Mario Camerini nel film del 1932 “Gli uomini che mascalzoni” È un genere che si basa molto sugli errori di identità, come il film con De Sica, dove fa credere ad una commessa di essere un ricco uomo d’affari, mentre in realtà è solo un autista. Ma questi errori di identità permettono il confronto tra le classi. Si può trattare di una promozione sociale definitiva, come in Dora Nelson di Mario Soldati, o può invertirsi il movimento, come nel geniale film di Mario Camerini Il signor Max, con De Sica che conduce una doppia vita, corteggiando come conte una nobildonna e come giornalaio la cameriera di quest’ultima. Il perfetto esempio di cinema dei telefoni bianchi. Anche se questi film si divertono a risvegliare il mito di “Cenerentola” e de “La bella addormentata nel bosco”, dai primi anni ’40 le prospettive mutano. Con Teresa Venerdì, Vittorio De Sica, al suo terzo film da regista, impone una visione diversa dei mitici collegi rappresentati nei film dei telefoni bianchi, con una robusta virata in direzione neorealista. Rimane certamente ancorato ai cliché del genere, ma lo stile dolce – amaro del film denota, ad esempio, la sua futura attenzione per i bambini e l’insoddisfazione per il rigido schema delle commedie spensierate con cui aveva comunque costruito inizialmente la sua fama d’attore.
Maggiore sarà la crisi della quotidiana vita degli italiani e maggiormente amplificate saranno le scenografie. In questo genere non saranno i registi ad imporre il loro marchio, ma gli attori e gli sceneggiatori.
Ben presto i soggetti cominciarono a diventare ripetitivi e ovviamente sempre più scontati, prevedibili e banali; in seguito, con l'aggravarsi del conflitto, la produzione di questo filone divenne sempre più rada e discontinua fino a scomparire del tutto con il crollo del regime fascista, anche se nel filone decò rientrano anche alcune opere girate nel Cinevillaggio di Venezia durante la RSI, come ad esempio Fiori d'arancio, di Hobbes Dino Cecchini con Luigi Tosi ed Andreina Carli.
E qui arriviamo al Neorealismo:
“Con l’avvicinarsi della fine della seconda guerra mondiale, nella prima metà degli anni ’40, nasce un nuovo tipo di cinema, dagli studios ci si trasferisce in strada. (…)
                                              -TO BE CONTINUED-
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guadalupegomezverdi · 4 years
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“Políticas del deseo: para todes, tode.”
Centro Cultural Kirchner, marzo 2020.
Una celebración de la soberanía de los cuerpos, la diversidad de género y las disidencias
La exhibición Políticas del deseo: para todes, tode reúne obras de más de 250 fotógrafas, poetas, compositoras, músicas, cantantes, bailarinas y diseñadoras de todo el país. Desplegada en doce salas del cuarto, quinto y sexto piso del Centro Cultural Kirchner, cuestiona las categorías identitarias, celebra la soberanía de los cuerpos y otorga un lugar central a la diversidad de género y las disidencias. Kekena Corvalán, curadora de la exhibición, propone un diálogo entre las artes visuales y las artes vivas; incluyendo obras de carácter tradicional, artes domésticas, instalaciones, intervenciones performáticas, artivismos y propuestas ecofeministas, entre otras manifestaciones.
Eje: Somos las Hijas Abril Barrado ,City Bell Ana Payro, CABA Andrea Passut, CABA Cecilia Teruel, Santiago del Estero Cristina Piffer, CABA Cristina Schiavi,CABA Germaine Derbecq  Diana Aisenberg, CABA Diana Dowek, CABA Elba Bairon, CABA Fátima Pecci Carou, CABA Gabriela Halac, Córdoba Lucia Von Spragher, Córdoba  Marcia Schvartz ,CABA María Elena (Ñahuis), Santiago del Estero María Martorell, Salta Mariana Olivares, San Juan Marina Curci, Lanús Mildred Burton, Entre Ríos Roxana Toledo, Chaco Sarina Cano (Ñahuis), Santiago del Estero Silvana Lacarra, Santa Fe Silvia Lucero, La Plata Guadalupe Fernandez, CABA Andrea Brunotti, CABA Azul Blaseotto,CABA Evangelina Aybar, Salta Guadalupe Garriz , Buenos Aires Marina Olmi, CABA Moma Mozetich,Bariloche Nosotras Proponemos, todo el país Escuelas de Arte América López Ailen Possamay Cami Márquez Camila Castro Carolina Chorolque Jimena Morales Lorena Franco Lucía González Maia Rosario Maciel Micaela González Pañuelazo Sofía Monzón Victoria Avella Eje Vivas y Deseantes Constanza Ruibal, Córdoba Debora Kirnos, CABA María Torrallardona, La Plata Mariela Paniagua, San Luis Patricia Hakim,CABA Soledad Dahbar, Salta Susana Sanabria, Palomar- Buenos Aires Valeria Anzuate, Misiones Amalia Boselli (arteMA) Maria Laura Vazquez (arteMA) Caro Guiña (arteMA) Jimena Fuertes, CABA Adriana Albi,CABA Agustina Scliar ( Proyecto Petra), CABA G.R.A.S.A, distintos lugares Daniela Rubio (Proyecto Petra), CABA Eleonora Ghioldi, CABA Inés Alicabe, La Plata Laura Nieves (Electrohacedoras) Luisa Lerman (Proyecto Petra), CABA Luli de Pedro (Proyecto Petra), CABA Mariela Becker (Proyecto Petra), CABA Marlin Velasco (Electrohacedoras) Melisa Aller, CABA Piren Benavidez (Electrohacedoras) Rocio Inmensidades, Ituzaingó Roma Vaquero Díaz, CABA Silvana Solari, Cipolleti- Río Negro Verónica Padín, Neuquén Camila Barcellone, CABA Manuela de la Cruz, Salta Yuliana Balmaceda (Fansine Heliográfico), San Juan Sofía Manrique (Fansine Heliogáfico), San Juan Melisa Díaz (Fansine Heliográfico), San Juan Mariana Arias (Fansine Heliográfico), San Juan Emilia Coll (Fansine Heliográfico), San Juan Claudia Vilela Luco (Fansine Heliográfico), San Juan Ana Contreras (Mutágenas artistas feministas del Conurbano) Carla Lucila Alvarez (Mutágenas artistas feministas del Conurbano) Cecilia Acuña (Mutágenas artistas feministas del Conurbano) Cristyn Gonzalez (Mutágenas artistas feministas del Conurbano) Daiana Rose (Cromoactivismo) Diana Guzmán, La Rioja Elena Blasco, CABA Guillermina Mongan (Cromoactivismo) Laura González Vidal, Buenos Aires Lidia González,CABA Malena Leal (Mutágenas artistas feministas del Conurbano) María Celeste Destéfano (Mutágenas artistas feministas del Conurbano) María de los Angeles Capelli (Mutágenas artistas feministas del Conurbano) María Florencia Venditti (Mutágenas artistas feministas del Conurbano) María Pichot, CABA Mariela Scafatti (Cromoactivismo) Marina de Caro (Cromoactivismo) Michelle Rozen,CABA Miriam Peralta,CABA Natalia Forcada,CABA Natalia Iñíguez (Mutágenas artistas feministas del Conurbano) Nilda Rosemberg, Río Gallegos- Santa Cruz Pamela Neme Scheij (Mutágenas artistas feministas del Conurbano) Paula Senderowicsz, CABA Romina Di Pietro (Mutágenas artistas feministas del Conurbano) Rosana Cassataro, Mar del Plata Silvana Lanchez, Buenos Aires Silvana Spagnotto, San Luis Valeria Dincoff (Mutágenas artistas feministas del Conurbano) Valeria Venditti (Mutágenas artistas feministas del Conurbano) Victoria Mussotto (Cromoactivismo) Victoria Palacios (Mutágenas artistas feministas del Conurbano) Violeta Capasso, CABA Vivas nos queremos, CABA Majo Malvarez, CABA Adriana Lestido, CABA Eleonora Korsatz, Salta Guada Piqué Patricia García Adriana Flores (Altar Siglo XXI) Alejandra Latino (Altar Siglo XXI) Alicia Calegaro (Altar Siglo XXI) Angeles Baudevin (Altar Siglo XXI) Aurora Gagliolo, Catamarca Ayelén Guarino (Altar Siglo XXI) Bar Hassen, CABA Beatriz Sobuá (Altar Siglo XXI) Carmín Micheli (Altar Siglo XXI) Cristina Rocha, Bariloche Daniela Zacur (Altar Siglo XXI) Debora Kirnos (Río Memoria), CABA Taller Flotante -Orilleras. Proyecto Rio Feminista, Entre Ríos Dora Morgen, CABA Duli (Altar Siglo XXI) Elia Gasparolo (Altar Siglo XXI) Estela Torres (Altar Siglo XXI) Florencia Breccia, Mendoza Gabriela Olivieri (Altar Siglo XXI) Gisele Jazmín Gabriel (Altar Siglo XXI) Gladys Silva, Buenos Aires Gloria de Paola (Altar Siglo XXI) Gloria Polo, Formosa Greta Saavedra (Altar Siglo XXI) Irma Cacia (Altar Siglo XXI) Ivana Ponzio (Altar Siglo XXI) Karina Ruiz (Proyecto Emilia), Azul Liliana Straini (Altar Siglo XXI) María Fernanda Medina (Altar Siglo XXI) Maria Paula Doberti (Río Memoria), CABA Marisa Rossini, Tucuman Marta Brizuela (Altar Siglo XXI) Mónica Ocampo (Altar Siglo XXI) Nadia Antoun, CABA Nadia Puentedura, Santiago del Estero Natalia Romano, Río Gallegos Paola Ferraris, CABA Patricia Domínguez (Altar Siglo XXI) Rosa Latorre (Altar Siglo XXI) Sandra Soto (Altar Siglo XXI) Silvia Barrios (Altar Siglo XXI) Silvia García, Mar del Plata Sofía Korol (Altar Siglo XXI) Sonia Tortosa (Altar Siglo XXI)  Susana Babot, Tucumán Virginia Corda (Río Memoria), CABA Virginia Rodríguez (Altar Siglo XXI) Ximena Pereyra, Santa Fe Andrea Brunotti (Acciones Buenalistas) Carolina Moncada (Acciones Buenalistas) Celina Yohai (Acciones Buenalistas) Silvia García (Acciones Buenalistas), Mar del Plata Paula Doberti, CABA Alejandra Faiazzo, Neuquén Trinidad Metz Brea, CABA Carlota Beltrame, Tucumán María Rocha, Santiago del Estero Bandera Warrior Amanda Bustamante Daniela Zapata Evangelina Acuña Georgina González Juliana López Mara Ailén Zeballos Maria de la Paz Castiñeira María del Mar Gelabert Victoria Zapata Eje Rematriadas Ana Gallardo, México Claudia Fontes, Brighton Liliana Porter, Nueva York Magdalena Beccarini, Milán Marie Orensanz, París Nora Ancarola, Barcelona Eje El deseo cuerpifica Monserrat LLao Y Mariu Fernandez, Salta Majo Prieto, Coronel Suárez  Valeria Fornes, CABA Paola Lunch, Neuquén Mar Díaz, CABA Graciela Rodriguez, Río Gallegos Victoria Ipas, Florencio Varela, Buenos Aires Bettina Muruzábal, Río Gallegos Licha Bernal, Chaco Carolina Grillo, Salta Luciana Bertellys (Las Guarangas), San Luis Laura Elgueta (Las Guarangas), San Luis Azucena Orozco (Las Guarangas), San Luis Andrea Imberti (Las Guarangas), San Luis Neda Olguin (Las Guarangas), San Luis Vicky Freire, CABA Romina De Gioia, CABA Laura Elgueta, SanLuis Bordando disidencias Alejandra Fenocchio, La Boca Alina Percovich, CABA Mecha Falke CABA Valentina Rivas Robles, La Plata Vicky Power, Bahia Blanca Rocío Corbera, Olivos Alana Rodriguez (Vejez Lésbica), CABA Alejandra Barrientos (Marronas) Alma Gonzalez, CABA Ana Wahren (S.A Oficina de Estampas) , CABA ByWacha (Marronas) Clara Barnes, CABA Emmanuel Franco (Marronas) Felicitas Quispe (Marronas) Flora Nómada (Marronas) María Sofía Larroca (S.A Oficina de Estampas), CABA Mariposa Kountaras, Buenos Aires Noelia Mercanzini (Estampa Feminista), CABA Parafinas Doradas, Buenos Aires Paula Colavitto (Vejez Lésbica), CABA Paulx Castex (Estampa Feminista), CABA Soledad Apaza (Marronas) Eje: Eticas del Cuidado Ana Copto (Colectivo Viento Negro), Río Gallegos Bomba de lana, Rafaela Adriana Bustos, Buenos Aires Celina Galera, Catamarca Alicia Esquivel, CABA Eva Dolard, La Pampa Federica López, Rosario Fernanda Bonill (Colectivo Viento Negro), Río Gallegos Gabriela Juarez, Buenos Aires Guadalupe Gómez Verdi, Buenos Aires Jael Caeiro, Ituzaingó, Buenos Aires Lucía Bianchi, CABA Rosana Linari, Puerto Madryn María Inés Guantay, Tucuman Monica Alvarado, Ushuaia Mónica Millán, Posadas Mara Paz, Córdoba Gabriela Sol Morales, Córdoba Roxana Ramos, Salta Silvana Castro, San Clemente Silvana Torres, Río Gallegos Valentina Mariani, Corrientes Eleonora Filippi 
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booksfriendsnews · 5 years
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[EBOOKS GRATUITOS - 17.03.2020] O livro Cartas a Dora: Um Amor Conquistado Letra a Letra escrito pelas autoras @lucydibwriter e Moira Bianchi, juntamente com dois livros da série Destino da autora Lucy Dib estão disponíveis gratuitamente na Amazon. - Cartas a Dora: Um Amor Conquistado Letra a Letra - Lucy Dib & Moira Bianchi: https://amzn.to/2WkSJzx SINOPSE: Na Inglaterra do século XIX, em meio a Ton londrina cercada de membros da nobreza, vestidos finos, casacas requintadas e matrimônios por conveniência, Dora Reuben, neta bastarda do Barão de Yullington, sente-se isolada. Vinda da América, a “Colônia Rebelde”, a mando de seu pai para uma temporada sob a tutela de primos distantes com o propósito de conhecer suas origens, a jovem elegante dama faz somente um amigo: Mamute, o filhote de Chihuahua. Ainda em suas primeiras semanas Londrinas, durante os festejos em Vauxhall, sentindo a melancolia da falta dos que ama deixados em Boston, Dora troca confidências e lamúrias com Mamute. Cochichos, poemas, admiração pelos exuberantes fogos que iluminavam o local, risinhos... Sem perceber, é atentamente observada e esse cavalheiro fica arrebatado pela imagem da bela dama de cachos acobreados e seu mínimo companheiro canino. No dia seguinte quando recebe uma carta do admirador secreto que assina singelamente com a inicial“M”, Dora não imagina que sua temporada monótona e coração partido estão prestes a mudar. Inicia-se a aventura de descobrir a identidade de seu correspondente que provoca em Dora sentimentos novos à medida que trocam missivas seladas à cera, presentes especiais, galanteios e ocasionalmente, injúrias. Até o dia em que “M” se revela a ela de maneira surpreendente, nada formal. Uma leitura leve e divertida, com muitas aventuras, mistérios, segredos e romance entre o misterioso “M” e a sagaz Dora. . . - Destino #NYC - Lucy Dib (NÃO GRATUITO): https://amzn.to/2wjcuNg - Destino#SP: Trilogia Destino # 2 - Lucy Dib (GRATUITO): https://amzn.to/33rpZ9T - O Coração é um Músculo Involuntário: Spin-off da Trilogia Destino#NYC - Lucy Dib (GRATUITO): https://amzn.to/2Wtod6y - Destino #Bellagio: Trilogia Destino #3 - Lucy Dib (NÃO GRATUITO): https://amzn.to/2U https://www.instagram.com/p/B920JYhDeQB/?igshid=1lgguux0j6d8b
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