#dork mixes
vhvrs · 3 months
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what if we were on opposite ends of a scale of what the same guy could be and we fell in love despite it haha...
mix // partial timelapse // progress shots under cut
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Jason doesn’t know why he did it.
Maybe it was because of the alcohol in his system or maybe it was his subconscious still being salty about his family’s comments about him not having many hobbies.
He reads!
What’s wrong with reading!?
Sure, it was mainly about work now a days but that’s besides the point!
Apparently it wasn’t good enough to be counted as a ‘hobby’ by the others.
So when he was walking back from a bar on his night off and got hit in the face with flyer about auditions for the local theater group Mixed up Manhattan he stuffed it in his pocket and said “fuck it”.
Needless to say he was mildly confused when he woke up the next day to a call back for JD from Heathers the musical.
He was more confused when he found out his “Veronica” was being played by a dude.
Turns out Mixed up Manhattan was a group who did not care about gender as long as you could bring a character to life.
Now he was in too deep to back out, if he was going to act out a scene with someone. Than he was going to put his whole dick and balls into it.
It was only fair for “Veronica” after all.
Danny was slightly surprised when he went back to callbacks and saw Drunk Dude in the group.
Danny found him silly and charming in the waiting room the other night but he was clearly intoxicated when he auditioned. Danny thought that the chances of seeing him again was very slim.
But there he was, looking a little bit out of his comfort zone.
Did he even remember auditioning?
As they were called up for a scene he flashed the other a smile and felt his core loosen with the other guy’s shoulders.
Turns out, Jason had some good singing chops.
Jason Todd lands a lead in a musical.
The musical about death and sex.
His family must never know.
The second one of them finds out his life is over again.
They will go out of their way to embarrass Jason in front of Danny and there will go the whole dark and mysterious thing he has been trying to do.
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
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and on today’s episode of ‘the MLC cast is full of 5yr olds’-
↳ requested by anonymous ♡
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What a goober
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justamedicalbat · 8 months
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I think I might have fallen in love🎵
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fujii-draws · 1 year
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Drawings of my EOS team because I love them
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sommerregenjuniluft · 3 months
if it’s one thing i find joy in, it’s dressing remus up as an absolute loser in modern day aus. obx remus alternates between exactly three (3) cargo shorts and one of them is denim. he’s wearing old shirts with cringe sayings or quotes on them and also the most atrocious button downs you’ve ever seen. sometimes even the hawaiian shirts. he probably owns one pair of shoes which are super comfortable and practical and so lived in you dont even know what brand they r anymore. the color is indecipherable, the laces are rotting and growing mold probably. he has absolutely no sense of style.
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ct-hardcase · 21 days
I sometimes casually noodle over a FO!finnrey au where instead of Kylo’s story, where he joins the Knights of Ren as an adult, Rey is found by the KoR as a child/teen, and due to her temperament, would be more embraced by them than Kylo was. For the purpose of this au, I’ll use the fanon name “Kira Ren” for her. As such, they try to keep her hidden from Snoke once they realize she can touch the shadow stronger than any of them and know that if Snoke finds this out, he’ll take her away from them.
As Kira grows, I'm picturing her wearing very loose, identity-concealing robes and a mask, and while the KoR works with the FO, they’re very cagey about their youngest member.
Their work with the First Order is how Kira meets Lieutenant Finn, one of the youngest of the stormtrooper command. Due to his age and beginnings as a stormtrooper (unlike Cardinal or Phasma), he craves a foothold up, and seeks to utilize the KoR to bolster his own troops and feels a pull toward Kira.
Eventually, they have a “I’ll show you my face if you show me yours” moment and immediately afterward realize the other is hot and jump each other’s bones about it.
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kaeyachi · 8 months
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gale-gaze · 2 months
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[ she falls in battle the next day immediately following her hearing Gale groan after getting hit and the entire camp raises a brow - she was at full health ]
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vhvrs · 6 months
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in honor of emorty day you will listen to my emorty mix too. fyi
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sollucets · 2 years
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various firsts from earth - mix space season 2 e5
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syntheticspades · 1 year
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transfem blue link for @mintybloomz
feel free to suggest for loz/lu characters to queer into oblivion
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this is what yfm would look like if I was responsible for their gen 2 designs laoalamoaksans
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star-strand · 1 year
if i come home, baby, will you show your bones?
a gale/julian modern au drabble/vent fic. about 900 words. title from skeleton appreciation day by will wood
cws: gender dysphoria, minor injuries from open chest binding
read below the cut
With one hand, Gale held a wadded-up ball of used KT tape. With the other, he pinched the bridge of his nose, his eyes screwed shut. His chest still itched, itched like the only way to end it was to scratch his skin off.
“Shit,” he repeated. Sighing, he opened his eyes, pulled his hand away from his face, and dropped the wad of tape on the countertop. He had to look at it. He knew he had to look at it.
As expected, it wasn’t good. The skin on his breasts was the angriest shade of pink he’d ever seen. Red patches, bumps, and sores bulged out of it like the uneven terrain of an alien planet. The harsh bathroom light put every detail on stark display. Somewhere in his chest, he felt that revolted twinge of dysphoria. He lightly touched a cherry-red sore on his side and winced. This was what he got for trying to remove his tape with just his bare hands, he supposed.
When he heard the front door opening, he knew who it was. A past version of himself would’ve locked the bathroom door and attempted to suffer in silence for as long as he could. The current version of him still really wanted to do that.
“Gale, solnishko, I’ve returned from my perilous journey to the supermarket!” Though muffled, Gale still heard Julian’s voice clearly. “But all the dangers were worth it in the end. I found everything on our list this time. Even picked up a few seed packets for you.” A moment of silence, then: “Darling? Are you alright?”
He didn’t respond; he kept himself rooted in place, resisting the urge to hide long enough to let himself be found.
It didn’t take long. Julian had exceptional skill in finding him, even when he didn’t want to be found. Especially when he didn’t want to be found. From behind, Julian tapped his shoulder to signal his presence before he wrapped him in a hug. Gale leaned his head back into his chest, closing his eyes as he drew in the warmth he provided.
“What’s wrong, solnishko?”
And here came the part where he had to admit it. “The tape.” He gestured to the used tape on the counter.
“Ohh. Trouble getting it off?”
“Did you use the oil?”
“No. Before you say it, I know I should’ve, it helps break down the adhesive, I know.” He sighed. “It just… it itched so much. I wasn’t really thinking.”
“Yes, I know what you mean. One of the many things I don’t miss about binding.” He pulled away so gently that Gale almost didn’t mind it. “Here, I’ll get the Vaseline.”
“Thanks, honey.” Gale took the container of Vaseline from Julian and rubbed the ointment into his skin, praying for it to work quickly. He only looked down in quick flashes, just to see where it looked most irritated. Some of the most affected areas, he noted, were towards the edges of his back. He craned his head awkwardly to see those spots, struggling to reach them.
“Let me help you.” Julian picked up the Vaseline, covering those spots Gale couldn’t reach. His hands ran cold, but over time Gale had grown used to it, even coming to enjoy the little shiver that went down his spine. It was a comfort, a trademark of the hands that touched him like he was the most precious being to ever walk the Earth.
What Gale thought was, you’re too good for me. What he said was, “thank you.”
Julian paused for a moment to lean down and kiss Gale’s bare shoulder, dotted with light freckles and moles. “Anytime, my dear.”
“I-I just kinda hate this, you know?” Gale ran his fingers through a loose section of his hair. “Not being trans in general, I mean. That’s part of me, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. You wouldn’t either.” He knew as much because Julian had told him so in late-night conversations. They’d agreed on it. Despite both their insecurities, they embraced that part of themselves with love. “But this… this fucking sucks. Either I wear my binder and run out of breath every five seconds, or I wear tape and this happens. And with the dysphoria, going out with neither isn’t an option.”
Now finished tending to his back, Julian handed him his favorite big sweater. The kind of sweater  than swallowed him, the kind that felt safe. He pulled it on as soon as he took it.
“Remind me again why you can’t just chop off my tits right now?” Gale joked.
“Because I’m a trauma surgeon, not a plastic surgeon.” The other reasons that was a certified bad idea, including the ethics, went unsaid. “But I have been talking to my coworkers, seeing if any of the ones who can are open for top surgery consultations, or know someone who is. You’ll get there one day, solnishko. I promise. And when you do, who better to help you through recovery than someone who’s already been through the process himself?”
Gale hugged Julian’s arm, leaning his head into his shoulder. “I love you.”
“I love you too, solnishko. More than words can describe.” A moment of silence where they simply existed in each other’s company came and went. “Now, what do you say to a cozy night in?”
“Yeah. I’m thinking takeout and a movie?”
“That sounds perfect.”
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lilirot · 1 year
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For you consideration
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