#dragon noir
asoiaf-forum-rpg · 3 months
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explications, faits chronologiques & personnages impliqués.
TRIGGER WARNING : mention de conflits militaires, racisme & tensions raciales
cette annexe est une uchronie des événements officiels du lore de George R.R. Martin. Ainsi, certains détails et certaines dates ont été modifiés afin de répondre au contexte du projet et de ses annexes.
Déclenchée par la nomination du roi Daeron II Targaryen lors du Grand Conseil de l’an 212, la rébellion Feunoyr est considérée comme une épine sanglante dans le pied du nouveau roi de la Dynastie Targaryen. À la suite de la légitimation des Grands Bâtards par l’ancien roi Aegon IV, plusieurs seigneurs du Royaume des Sept Couronnes se sont rangés sous la bannière du dragon noir pour soutenir les prétentions de Daemon Feunoyr sur le Trône de Fer.
Puisqu’il s’agit d’une guerre de succession, ça ne peut s'achever que sur deux résultats : l'anéantissement ou la réconciliation. Les pourparlers et négociations actuelles ayant toutes échoué, il est fort à parier que le Royaume des Sept Couronnes est de nouveau déchiré par les conflits fraternels de la Maison du Dragon.
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Cette contestation du Trône de Fer (et de la légitimité de Daeron II) a plusieurs origines.
• le don de l'épée héréditaire des rois Targaryen, Feunoyr, à Daemon, par le roi d'Aegon IV l'Indigne. En plus de ce don, le Bâtard est adoubé et reçoit des fiefs dans la foulée. (Cet événement est à l’origine de la fondation de la maison Feunoyr);
• des rumeurs qui prétendent que Daeron II Targaryen serait le fils illégitime d'Aemon Chevalier-Dragon et de la reine Naerys Targaryen. Ces rumeurs ont été lancées au cours du règne d'Aegon IV par le chevalier Morgil Piquemèche à une époque où le roi et son héritier étaient en conflit. Par la suite, Aegon et ses courtisans firent souvent allusion à cette possibilité, chaque fois que Daeron s'opposait à son père;
• les menaces répétées d'Aegon IV de déshériter Daeron, chaque fois qu'ils n'étaient pas d'accord : cependant, l’Indigne ne le fit jamais, bien que le climat de méfiance qu'il avait instauré autour de son fils s'aggrava;
• le dernier acte d'Aegon IV avant de mourir, qui fut de légitimer tous ses bâtards. Même, s’il ne semble pas avoir précisé dans son testament qu'il déshéritait Daeron II, cet acte a eu pour motif de pousser Daemon Feunoyr et ses partisans à prétendre au Trône;
• le rattachement pacifique de Dorne aux Sept Couronnes sous le règne de Daeron II, lors de son mariage avec Mariah Martell et celui de sa sœur Daenerys avec Maron Martell. Alors que la principauté était considérée comme un ennemi ancestral dans les terres de l'Orage et du Bief, Daeron parvint à annexer Dorne dans le royaume par la diplomatie, plutôt que par la conquête militaire. Il concéda des privilèges importants aux dorniens, qui fâchèrent nombre de Ouestriens; de plus, Daeron s’entoura à la cour de nombreux mestres, des érudits, des Dorniens et des femmes;
D’autres éléments sont également à considérer dans la monter en popularité de la maison Feunoyr, notamment le métissage des branches royales et princières des Targaryen avec des gens du sud. Leurs héritiers Targaryen ne partageant plus autant les traits valyriens de leurs ancêtres, plusieurs partisans leur préfèrent les héritiers de la maison Feunoyr dont les traits valyriens demeurent presque inchangés.
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Chronologie 🗡
• année 168 mariage de Daeron Targaryen et Mariah Martell;
• année 182 Daemon Feunoyr est adoubé; don de l'épée Feunoyr à Daemon Feunoyr; fondation de la maison Feunoyr;
• année 212 légitimation des bâtards du roi Aegon IV Targaryen; mort du roi Aegon IV Targaryen; Grand Conseil de l'an 212 : le prince Daeron est nommé roi des Sept Couronnes.
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takero2 · 2 months
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note: Plagg as a representation of Yin energy is female in this AU.
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a-roguish-gambit · 26 days
All the mini Gambits should kiss their Rogues
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I have so many romy aus why did you do this to me XD
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vasiliquemort · 2 months
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Until that morning and until that dawn I am myself - Myself I am your moonless star.
An endless dome of an elation, a rapture of within - enlightenment and adoration within whole heart, a kiss within all might - such is visage and beauty of the utmost, of @gldnhrtd ones!<зз
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maddascanbe-blog · 2 months
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Part 1 of the unifications.
Hey remember when I said I was planning to change some of the names when they were truly egregious? This is what I meant.
So we have (from left to right) Dragonfly, Viper Noir, Shadow Moth (they still call him Hawkmoth), and Ladybee.
Dragon-bug was a stupid name, I know they were saving Lady Dragon for Shanghai but that doesn't mean we give up all together guys. Dragonfly just makes more sense.
I know I'm not the first to say that the Ladybug Dragon unification was great. It's actually one of my favorites. It showed off how good the Ladybug, and by extension Marinette, could look if the artist put a tad more effort into her suit. I definitely deviated pretty far here, push the dragon elements, like giving her two horns. The big ones on the side of her head and the little ones that attach to her antennae. The boots, and tail elements which were super fun to draw. And finally drawing Mari with her hair down because it looked cool.
Viper Noir just to add a bit more spice to Snake Noir's name. I almost called him Black Mamba but wasn't entirely sold. So that's that. I didn't give Aspik or Viperion a hood because I was saving it for this, much more Chat's style than Aspik was. The cat ears on the hood were a pain to make look right but turned out cute. And now they both have gold accent's! look how matchy they are.
I am forever on the fence about if I like Shadow Moth's design but I can't really begrudge the name? It's alright- it certainly feels very Gabriel, a man who has a track record of bad naming skills. I figure most still call him Hawkmoth though. I actually designed both Shadow Moth and Hawkmoth at the same time, so the plan was to always add Peacok feathers to the head and the double tailcoat. I almost based him on an actual peacock butterfly but changed my mind.
Just know that the additional feathers are just as painful as the butterfly wings. And now there is more! Hooray! Hawkmoth suffers!
And Lady Bee, this one felt easier than I expected because I already had Honey Bee. I might go back and fix her eyes though, they’re a bit uncanny rn.
Blue Dragonfly to go with Ry-blu-ko
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bramb · 2 months
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Grid that took too long to make, featuring my fictional crushes 🥵😏😼
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flaredcfan · 2 months
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I will never, ever, understand people on the internet.
If you didn't know, Sonya Massey (a woman of color) called 911 last July 6 to report a suspected intruder in her home. Two cops arrived, one of them her killer, Sean Grayson (they were towering over her, btw. Two buff white guys). So, they asked for identification, normal stuff, and followed her in as she searched for it.
When inside, Sean Grayson saw a pot of boiling water and asked her to remove it. After she picked it up, the two cops backed up, moved away and all that. So she asked them why.
Sean Grayson answered, "away from the hot, steaming water." And then Sonya answered, "Away from the hot steaming water? Oh, I'll rebuke you in the name of Jesus." Some people (unbelievers) think it was a joke on her part, tryna ease the tension. Christians believe that she sensed hostility from them and said those words as a way to ward off the evil spirit (which can be interpreted as two different things) from her home.
Sean Grayson then reacted with: "You better fucking not, I swear to God, I'll shoot you in your fucking face" (triggered much?), then he pointed his gun at her, followed by his partner (the one who's body cam provided us the video of the whole thing happening), then closed the distance between them.
She knelt behind the counter, she tried to hide while repeating "I'm sorry" as Grayson continued to advance. Her last "I'm sorry" were her last words as Sean Grayson shot her three times, striking her with a bullet below the eye, one that exited from the back of her neck.
After the shooting, the other deputy said he was going to get his medical kit. Do you know what Sean Grayson replied with? "No, head shot, dude. She's gone." She was later pronounced dead.
Say her name. Sonya Massey.
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oldschoolfrp · 3 months
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Kobolds swarm the party's wilderness camp (Didier Guiserix, from his own AD&D adventure "Rat Noir," Casus Belli 14, April 1983)
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ellie-shy · 3 months
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*saw reference photo*
*make a sketch based on ref*
D-do you see my vISION????
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anim-ttrpgs · 5 months
An absolutely incredible review of the beta version of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy by review Willy Muffin on youtube, complete with visuals and actual analysis!
I'm going to also add to this post a comment that I left on the video, offering further insight into the design intentions of the game, though the comment might not make as much sense if you haven't watched the video yet.
Hey, lead writer of Eureka here, first of all I wanna say how good and professional this review is, it’s almost indescribable how it feels to see our project taken so seriously and given real analysis, complete with visuals and everything! We would be super impressed and happy with it even if you didn’t like the game—but luckily it sounds like you loved it hahaha
I’d also like to address a few things throughout the video, not as arguments or rebuttals, just further developer insight for everyone
Re: “Urban Fantasy.” “Urban Fantasy” is basically just another term for “modern fantasy”, just a fantasy story that takes place in the 20th or 21st century and deals with the intersection of contemporary life with the supernatural, and it might be an Americanism, or even a Southern-ism, since it has a lot of connections and origins in the living folklore of New Orleans, so I shouldn’t be surprised it isn’t a term everyone is familiar with. Just think of it as the kind of genre where instead of the vampire living in a secluded scary castle, his name is Phil and he’s your roommate haha. What We Do in the Shadows, Shadowrun, and the World of Darkness games are all some other good examples of “urban fantasy.”
Re: Scooby-Doo. Oh we would LOVE for you to run a Scooby-Doo-like wacky mystery with Eureka. Even though the main tone is dark and gritty and noir, we did intentionally build it so that it could run more lighthearted stuff as well! There’s even a few Scooby-Doo references to be found throughout the text, and if we hit a certain stretch goal on the Kickstarter, we’re going to be adding a bunch of Scooby-gang-inspired traits, including the option to play a Talking Dog!
Re: Combat being the largest section, even larger than Investigation. First of all, that’s kind of an illusion that is the result of the game being unfinished. I have a tendency when I write rules to use really long sentences, overexplain things, repeat myself, etc, and that dramatically bloats the rules text and page count, but that’s why we have an editor! She goes through after the fact and trims most of the fat off my bloated writing style to make it flow smoother and read faster, and take up less space. The PDF that was read for this review has had the Investigation chapter copy-edited (and cut down in size by about 25%!), but the editor hasn’t gotten to the combat chapters yet, so they still have a hugely inflated page count. When she’s done with them, you can expect each combat chapter to also be cut down in size by about 25%, so they won’t be nearly so large a chunk of the book.
Secondly, I’ll explain our reasoning for why the combat chapters and advanced combat rules are such a big chunk of the rules text, it’s intentional design which I will now explain. If anyone still doesn’t agree with that design, that’s fair, and that’s why we made the Basic Combat Rules an option.
The reason that the advanced combat rules are the default, and the reason they exist at all, is because it incentivizes and rewards Investigation. If combat is super deadly, it makes Investigation, snooping, and spying more appealing than kicking down the door and getting your head blown off. But of combat is super deadly, it also needs to be very deep and tactical, because if it’s deadly but shallow, then there’s no player agency. “Combat starts, roll some dice, okay your guy is dead.” That’s no fun. So by adding rules and modifiers for cover/elevation, distance, the difference between a pistol and an assault rifle, etc. we make it so that not only is combat its own high-stakes puzzle, but make it so that when the PCs HAVE to engage in combat, all their investigation can really pay off and save their lives. Spying on a building to find out the number of goons stationed there and how they are armed helps you plan and assess risk, stealing the blueprints to the building helps you know how to get the drop on the goons, and know the best places to attack from so that they are stuck out in the open and you are not, etc. and having rules for those things means that all the PCs’ snooping and planning makes a real mechanical difference in whether they live or die.
That’s just my opinion though, and one of the biggest reasons WHY we decided to write the combat with as much depth as we did.
Anyway, thank you again for this review and analysis of our project, our Kickstarter jumped up by about ten more backers in the evening when this video went up after several days of no new backers, and we have to assume we have this video, and all of you watching and reading this, to thank. You’re really making our dreams come true. :)
Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is kickstarting from right now until May 10th! Back it while you still can!
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If you want to try before you buy, you can download a free demo of the prerelease version from our website or our itch.io page!
If you’re interested in a more updated and improved version of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy than the free demo you got from our website, subscribe to our Patreon where we frequently roll our new updates for the prerelease version!
You can also support us on Ko-fi, or by checking out our merchandise!
Join our TTRPG Book Club At the time of writng this, Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is the current game being played in the book club, and anyone who wants to participate in discussion, but can’t afford to make a contribution, will be given the most updated prerelease version for free! Plus it’s just a great place to discuss and play new TTRPGs you might not be able to otherwise!
We hope to see you there, and that you will help our dreams come true and launch our careers as indie TTRPG developers with a bang by getting us to our base goal and blowing those stretch goals out of the water, and fight back against WotC's monopoly on the entire hobby. Wish us luck.
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xxking-glitcherxx · 7 days
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My favs :3
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takero2 · 2 months
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Imagine trusting a 14-year-old with superpowers and world peace
note: Tikki is male in this au
Part 2
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travellingdragon · 3 months
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Temeraire Server Birthday Celebration Prompts (finally all of them ^^')
Day 1: a cold night (bonus: a cold/hypothermia) Day 3: paint splatter (bonus: blood splatter) Day 4: myths made real (bonus: fever or mine)
Day 2: a chipped mug (bonus: sharp edges) Day 5: party or anniversary (bonus: giving or secret)
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Please excuse me, but the links on your masterlists aren't working. Maybe you could redo the links?
Of course, I don't know why they're not working and I'll fix them soon, but for now I'll leave the links here, I hope it works this time:
Yandere BTS Masterlist
Yandere BLACKPINK Masterlist
Yandere ITZY Masterlist
Yandere Stray Kids Masterlist
Yandere Greek Mythology Masterlist
Yandere Egyptian Mythology Masterlist
Yandere Historical Characters Masterlist
Yandere TVD/TO Masterlist
Yandere House of the Dragon Masterlist
Yandere Percy Jackson Masterlist
Yandere Harry Potter Masterlist
Yandere Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir Masterlist
Yandere Attack on Titan Masterlist
Yandere Marvel Masterlist
Yandere The Sandman Masterlist
Yandere Outlander Masterlist
Yandere Wednesday Masterlist
Love Letters Masterlist
New Masterpost here
If any of the links aren't working (within each masterlist), let me know. Last time I checked just now they are all working fine.
~ Lady L
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maddascanbe-blog · 8 months
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Finally! I will say now that the class girls will likely take a long time as well.
Kagami's first and second looks here are meant to be her pre and post character development outfits.
Buckle in, this is a long (haha) one
Kagami in cannon is clearly designsed to resemble Marinette in a lot of ways, both are of Asian decent and have blue-ish hair and blue eyes. Both have freckles and even their suits share a very similar color pallet. At least Luka was different from Adrien in more than personality.
I didn't want that for my Kagami. I wanted her too look like more than a Marinette clone. So she gets to keep her freckles since my Marinette doesn't have any. Her hair is a darker color instead of a blue, and her eyes take on a stormy grey color. And of course their body types are different, namely Kagami is both taller and ripped.
Ryuko's hair is more blue since I gave the miraculous blue, white, and gold accent to match the weather pattern on her chest. Her hair get's shorter, pinned back and is a bit more wild. It's probably got some static. Little horns and some armor to keep her extra safe as well as further resembling scales. Her suit is closer to an orange shade than Ladybug's cool red. I almost switched her to blue since I agree with the sentiment that the dragon should have been blue. But red looked good too.
I don't particularly like any of the akuma designs for Kagami. I like Oni-Chan in concept at least (hate the name) so I decided to combine that with Riposte to create her initial design. Than she gets a pallet swap and a few thorny details to represent the rose. And Bara-Oni, literally just 'Rose Demon' I ain't creative, when Lila pulls her stunt. Which would have less to do with "How could Adrien do this to me," to "That bitch is kissing Adiren when he is CLEARLY uncomfortable!"
Kagami's personality is very similar to cannon, however her character still has some pretty harsh changes. Kagami has come to realse through Adrien and Marinette's friendship that she isn't very happy with her life. Her mother is trying to live through her, forcing Kagami to participate in fencing and putting pressure on her to perform perfectly in every aspect of life.
This comes to a head when she is given Longg. While sitting in the akumatized mech her mother became, all because she had the audacity to make friends, she actually waits long (haha) enough for Longg to explain the miraculous. When Longg explains the weapon he points out that she must be thrilled to have a sword. At which point Kagami has an emotional breakdown and sobs that she doesn't even like sword fighting. That she would rather learn hand to hand combat and that she's wanted to switch for years but her mother refused to hear it.
Longg says her can change her weapon to better suit her, and she get's armor and the abilitly to summon gauntlets when her power activates.
After having this break she and Adrien sit down and try and find ways for Kagami to feel more like an individual without being disowned at 16. Cutting/dyeing your hair and getting a Tattoo are two of the results, and since Kagami already has short hair and doens't really want to go shorter she gets the tattoo instead. Subtly referencing her time as Ryuko but in blue (her favorite color). And of course her mother is blind and doesn't know
Is it kind of shitty to abuse your mother's disability to use her money and get a tattoo? Maybe. But that's what you get for mentally and emotionally warping your duaghter to the point where she lies about her favorite color to please you. She, Adrien, and Chloe are in the "Our mom's suck" club together. Chloe will be collecting her for new wardrobe shopping.
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