#drew dis awhile back but
sirahce00 · 7 months
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In response to my Booster Gold drawing I drew a bit back (last month or so)
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enwoso · 7 days
Could you do a leah x child!reader?
ADORE YOU — leah williamson x child!reader
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your mummy for the past five months has had a big ouchie on her knee, meaning she had to have a big operation on her knee and has a big white bandage on it for months.
that had meant she couldn't do most of the things she did before her big ouchie. like she couldn't carry you for long periods of time, she couldn't sit down and play with your toys with you without putting her knee up on a bunch of pillows, she couldn't race you up the stairs when it was bath time or bed time and ultimately she couldn't do the one thing you both adored and that was play kick about.
you could still play but it wasn't the same when your mummy was watching from the side, clapping and shouting your praises and you could still watch it with her but it was never the same as actually playing football with your mummy.
the person you adored, and she adored you just a much if not more. it saddened leah when she did go down with her injury, thinking how she was going to come back from this but also how she was going to still be able to be the best possible mum to you.
your sad little smile of understanding replayed in leah’s mind daily — from the day when she told you it would be awhile before she was back playing football. you while clearly upset putting on a brave smile as you vowed to your mummy that you would help in any way you could to help make her big ouchie knee better.
and while there were things that had to be adjusted, like your small games of races up the stairs, or how she read your bedtime story. leah found herself missing the little bond you had both created over football.
it was obvious since the first day that you were going to be a football fan and an every bigger arsenal fan just like your mum, and from the day you first were pulling yourself up on the furniture leah had a ball at your feet.
teaching you everything you knew to this day, while she would love you to be a little footballer like her she also had to remind herself sometimes with the help of her own mum that one day you may not want to do football always letting you try others sports like gymnastics and swimming.
however nothing came close to playing in your back garden, your arsenal jersey with your name on the back, and your boots on passing the ball to your mum while throwing a few tricks in there.
both leah and you were longing for the day that you could play kick about with your mum again, and to you waiting had felt like a few years already.
however the day was closer than you thought.
"hi bug! did you have fun at nursery?" your mum asked as you ran in her arms a huge grin on her face, your backpack swinging from side to side as you held a piece of paper in your hand which was blowing in the wind.
"yes! i drew dis for you!" you smiled, holding up the picture to your mum as she took it off you admiring you little art work as you walked out of the school gates and following your mummy to wherever she had parked her car.
looking at the photo which she guessed was you and her the background coloured green and a football. some of the lines squiggly as you tried to stay within the lines. your name written at the top neatly most likely by one of the staff members in black marker.
"oh this is beautiful bug, i'll put it onto the fridge when we get home yeah?" leah smiled as you nodded waiting for your mum to open the car. her taking your backpack from you and placing it on the backseat before lifting you into your car seat.
"arms up!" your mum sung out as she leaned over to buckle you in, a small giggle coming from you as your mum kissed your temple. leah shutting your door before getting into the drivers seat, and beginning to drive.
you watching out the window at the surrounding, as you chatted away to your mummy about your day. from what you did the moment that leah had dropped you off this morning to moment that you were putting your coat on to leave.
the drive coming to a stop as you looked our the window, the surroundings very familiar as a puzzled look drew across your face. wondering why you were hear as you never came here after nursery.
"why we here?" you asked innocently, the arsenal training ground building standing tall as you looked at it out of your window. a place which you knew so familiarly.
"just got a couple of jobs to do bug, we'll not be here long" your mum smiled, as she got out of the drivers seat to get you. opening your door, your seatbelt was unbuckled as you jumped the small step from the car to the gravelled ground.
"is the girls here?" you asked finding your mums hand her car keys jingling in the other as you walked through the entrance.
“they should be”
walking in and hearing the familiar buzz of laughter and chat filling the hallway many staff members walking up and down, as well as few of your mummy’s teammates present as the two of you got closer to them.
“oh and we have ourselves williamson squared this afternoon!” beth joked as you giggled and leah rolled her eyes at her comment, as you waved at viv and lia who were a sat down a bit further away from where beth was.
“hi beffy” you grinned as the english girl bent down to hug you.
“how is my favourite little williamson?” beth beamed, making sure to exaggerate the favourite part, leah ignoring beth’s attempt to wind her up instead greeting viv and lia.
“good!” you smiled as beth began to ask you about your day at nursery, you telling her ind depth what you did, you little arms flying around as your told her. the english forward bringing you to the table where lia and viv were sat.
your mummy had been sat getting last minute treatment on her knee before the game at the weekend, talking over with physios about if she was able to play and if so how long she could play for.
you had sat content, you had your colouring book and pens which leah kept in her cubby for when she needed them to keep you entertained and when you weren’t colouring you sat cuddling or playing with winnie, beth coming to join in when she had a free couple of minutes.
“c’mon bug!” your mummy called out as she waited holding the door open which lead to the indoor astro, saying a quick bye to winnie, you left her with her toys as you ran towards where you mum was stood waiting.
going under her arm which was holding the door open with and into the indoor astro. “can you go and get me the football that’s over there?” she asked as you nodded rubbing over to fetch the ball as leah placed her keys and phone down at the side.
you running back towards the blonde with the ball at your feet, stopping just a few inches away from your mum. not really knowing what to do next or why you were even on the astro in the first place.
“pass it to me, please” leah smiled as you bent down to pick it up and pass it to her, “no bug, kick it to me”
you shot back up standing straight again, confusion taking over your small facial features, “but- but what about your knee-“ you stuttered a little, a bigger grin appearing on your mums face, your confused frown only deepening.
“it’s okay bug, just go easy on me, yeah?” your mum asked, your face lighting up as you nodded kicking the ball towards her. leah taking a touch or two before passing it back to you.
the process carrying on as you both moved around the astro, playing how you always would before your mummy got an ouchie on her knee. a grin never leaving your face as you played kick about with her. it warming leah’s heart watching your little smile grow with each touch of the ball back to her.
you were both back doing the one thing you adored. with the person you adored with your whole heart.
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illubean · 2 months
Could I get headcanons for Feitan, Illumi, Leorio, and Chrollo falling for gn!reader who by all means seems like a strong, nuturing, emotionally stable individual but every once in awhile casually says or does smthin that makes people go "Oh you're a little fuckin nuts, actually"
(e.x.: Most of their D.I.Y. furniture is made of different kinds of bone, morbidly interested in the more gorey parts of their jobs, probably works in a field that allows them to be around the dead often like a taxidermist or a mortitian, highkey just unabashashedly a morbid little freak™️ whenever it comes up naturally in conversation but otherwise comes across as just an attentive lil guy you could bring home the average parents would love.)
HXH Men with a Morbid!S/o
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Characters: Leorio Paladaknight, Illumi Zoldyck, Chrollo Lucilfer, Feitan Portor Type: Headcanons, Gn!reader
this is so me
Warnings: dead things and body parts and stuff
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Leorio Paladaknight
being an aspiring doctor, Leorio thought that your knowledge on both human and animal anatomy was pretty useful
at first he didn't think much about your job and just assumed you were some type of doctor or biologist or something
he often asks you questions as he studies and you're a pretty good tutor
the first time Leorio realized you were kinda weird is when one day you were walking down the street and saw some roadkill
and you were like "aww too bad, the skin and bones are too damaged to harvest"
and you kept walking like it was normal while he was like ?!!??!?
or you guys were having a normal conversation and you say something like
"if you died i'd taxidermy you and re-articulate your skeleton so you'd be with me forever <3"
1 taxidermizing humans is illegal and 2 WHAT
he is cold sweating wtf did he get himself into
when he comes to your house for the first time and sees a bunch of bones, animal skins and wet specimens he damn near passes the fuck out
how do you just casually have dead things and remains around your house!?
he is freaking the fuck out and you're just like "dw everything is ethically sourced :D"
yeah he thinks you're a freak and he is too fearful to break up with you ever (not like he was planning to anyways)
Illumi Zoldyck
whatever drew Illumi to you had to have been some type of power
aside from that power, to Illumi you were relatively normal and had a good grip on your emotions which made you a perfect candidate
that being said he could care less what your job was, you'd just end up working for or with him eventually
when he started bringing you around the estate, you often sought out their guard dog Mike and Illumi couldn't think of why
that is until you came back one day with a human femur and bright smile on your face
"... where did you even get that?" "From one of Mike's victims. If I collect enough I could make a whole set of bar stools!"
he blinked at you and chose to ignore your statement
i mean, to each their own am i right?
so you have ah hobby, big deal
Illumi just thinks you're pretty normal personality wise until you randomly but casually drop information about what you do in your free time or have in your home
so now whenever he has a job Illumi calls you in for cleanup
you get to do.... whatever it is you do and there's no evidence of a dead body left behind, it's a win win
Chrollo Lucilfer
he couldn't care less what your job is because it's probably not worse than his 😭
he didn't really notice anything "morbid" about you until he asked about your jewlery
you wore things like resin caster bug pendants or bird skull earrings and stuff
he just assumed they were fake and you bought them because they looked badass
but then you told him you make it all YOURSELF
he is intrigued
he doesn't really question you past that because you were probably buying the bones and stuff somewhere (spoiler alert you're not)
what really caused him to think was when you casually just picked up a dead rat off the floor in some abandoned building you were exploring and suck it in your pocket
bro was so confused
"What do you need that for?" "To make a new necklace :3"
yeah now he knows that your odd taste in jewelry goes deeper than just that
he won't judge you though, if anything you're a better person than he is considering you don't kill things yourself
he is literally a murderer and a thief and has committed like 3467633788 crimes so he couldn't judge even if he wanted to
so now when he sees dead animals and what not he bags them up and brings them to you
he likes to sit in on your cleaning and making process
you seem like a perfectly normal and sweet person to everyone else but Chrollo knows about your freaky little hobby and it just makes him like you even more
Feitan Portor
I feel like for you and Feitan to even be acquainted you have to be part of the troupe
whatever you do outside of it is your business
buttttttt since you are his s/o and Feitan is probably homeless he crashes wherever you are
thus him finding out about your hobby and other job
out of everyone on this list he is the most interested
he too is a morbid little freak
he goes with you to find things and will help you with the cleaning/taxidermy or whatever process if you let him
what he doesn't understand though is why you don't just kill the things you want instead of hunting for already dead things
sometimes he will go catch like a squirrel or something and bring it back to you like a cat and tell you he found it like that
Fei baby. No the fuck you didn't
after doing what you're doing for so long you can tell what caused an animal to die but you wouldn't tell him that
he's just so cute and wants to be supportive of your hobby <3
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cmncisspnandmore · 5 months
Can I ask for a Simon Riley x female reader but she's self conscious about her body (things like stretch marks, acne, unconventional body type) but he doesn't give a damn and loves her anyway lol
Here ya go love, sorry it took so long. <3
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Pairing: Simon RIley X Reader
Warnings: Reader has body issues? Simon being sweet.
You stare at your reflection i n the mirror, smoothing your dress down for the hundredth time. A small frown on your lips as you tugged the tight fabric, trying to pull it away from your body. You felt like you were a sausage, stuffed tight in its casing. The black dress you bought was meant to be flattering. It was meant to make you feel beautiful. But instead you feel like everyone is staring at the pudge on your stomach. You feel like everyone can see the stretch marks on your arms and legs from growing too quickly. 
With a sigh you reach for the hem of the dress, ripping it up over your head and tossing it to the ground. There was nothing in your closet you felt like wearing. Everything was too tight, or too revealing. It was too flashy and drew attention. Or you were afraid it would be too plain and Simon would feel it wasn’t dressy enough for your date. 
Tears burn in your eyes, you wish you were skinnier. You wish you didn't have stretch marks that tiger striped your skin. But you had tried every diet, every lotion, every solution to make yourself feel better about yourself but nothing worked. At this point you weren't even sure why Simon stuck around. He was gorgeous, he could have any girl he wanted yet he was still here with you. Maybe it was pity? Maybe it was convenient? Maybe he didn't feel like trying to date?
Whatever his reason was you sure as hell didn't feel like you deserved him. You wanted to be beautiful, you wanted to look in the mirror and be happy. You didn't want to stand in front of the mirror trying on every item in your closet only to end up wearing the same things you felt safe in. You wanted to dress up for a date night with Simon and love the way you looked… But instead you sit on the bed and cry.
You hate the way you look. You hate the person who stares back at you. You hate the way your thighs touch and how your hair is never shiny enough. How you didn't fill out dresses the way they did on the mannequins. You wanted to wear dresses and thigh highs, you wanted to wear short sleeves. You wanted to wake up one day and not feel like you had to run 2 miles to eat breakfast. You didn't want to sit down for a meal and wonder if it was worth eating. 
You scrub your hand over your face, the tears slide down your cheeks. A harsh breath rushing past your lips as you sit on the edge of the bed. With a sigh you pull on your hoodie and sweatpants, moving to sit back against the headboard. You stare blankly at the clothes thrown about the room. A reminder of all the outfits you tried on and hated. Why couldn't you just be like the other girls? Be like Soap and Gaz’s girlfriends who seemed to wake up and put on anything they wanted.
You swore they could wear a plastic bag and make it designer. But you? If it didn't hide every curve, every stretch mark and scar on your body you wouldn't even think twice about wearing it. It was an automatic no. There were a few things you felt comfortable wearing, your go to was a hoodie and sweatpants when at home. When did you leave the house? A pair of jeans and an oversized shirt. You hated that when you sat down on the couch your automatic response was to hold a pillow on your lap to try and cover your stomach. You hated how you would suck in subconsciously to try and make yourself smaller.
You put your head down on your knees, your arms wrapped around your legs as you cry softly. When would you feel worth it? When would you be happy with your body?
Simon’s gut tells him something is wrong, you told him you would be out once you were dressed. You were supposed to be going out to the pub with Soap and Gaz tonight. But it had been awhile since you disappeared into the bedroom. 
He makes his way towards your shared room, the door getting stuck slightly as he pushes it open. The clothes on the floor get caught under it and cause resistance. The first thing Simon notices is the entirety of your closet all over the room, the scattered hangers around the room. His brown eyes land on you, your head on your knees, shoulders shaking slightly as you cry. His heart breaks, Simon hated to see you upset, and it was simple for him to piece the puzzle together. Clearly trying to find something to wear didn't go well. 
“Love?” Simon calls softly, as he comes to sit on the edge of the bed. It dips slightly from his weight, and his large hand closes over your wrist. He tugs gently and manages to get you to look up from your knees. A frown coming across his face as he takes in the makeup running down your cheeks.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asks softly, hishand coming to brush your mascara tears away.
“I just want to be pretty,..’” you whisper hoarsely.
“You are pretty, baby, why do you think you’re not?” Simon's voice is soft as he moves closer to you. His hands come to rest on the tops of your knees, he gives them a small squeeze.
“I’m not like them…” 
“Like who Love?” 
“Like the other girls… They’re so pretty, they  have perfect hair, perfect skin… They can wear whatever they want and look beautiful.. I wear something remotely skin tight and I look like someone overfilled a sausage casing,” You start to sob, hot fat tears rolling down your cheeks again. 
Simon knew you had some underlying issues with how you looked. You would often mention that you wish you could wear something. Or when you would look at one of your magazines he would see your shoulder slump slightly when you got to the ads. The longing look in your eyes as you looked at the girls that littered the pages. But he didn't care that you didn't look like stick thin overly made up barbies. He loved you for who you were. 
He loved your curves, and the way your body fit against his. He didn't find the girls in the magazines attractive, they looked almost sick to Simon. He had always favored women that had some meat on their bones. The ones who didn't look like one slightly strong wind could blow them over. But most importantly he loved you. 
“Baby, I promise that you’re the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. I love every part of you. Your curves. Your stretch marks. The scar on your left shoulder. To the way you crinkle your nose when i say something you find funny but aren't allowed to laugh. I love the way your body fits against mine. I love every part of you, and if I have to tell you every day for the rest of your life just how much I love the parts that you don't , I will.” Simon’s fingers grasp your chin as he leans in, his forehead against yours as he whispers to you.
“You promise?” You whisper, slowly opening your eyes as he pulls back.
“I promise,” He whispers, leaning in and capturing your lips in a soft kiss. “Now how about we stay in tonight, yeah?” He whispers against your lips as his lips ghost along your cheek towards your neck. 
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demonic0angel · 3 months
hi i just came from the lobotomy halloween anger management fic and. Ur kinda deranged.
Tell me more?
You’re like ASKING me to fall in love with you. Thank you so much for asking!!
I’m not sure what you want to know exactly, but I’ll tell you what I thought of :3
+ It was Jazz who found Jason alive after he died, because she had been at the graveyard and was looking for a specimen. She took care of him for a year, until Talia found him and took him away. Jazz didn’t really mind bc Jason was the one who agreed.
+ The two of them kept in touch until Jason came back to Gotham and then he was too busy to message her back. After awhile, she went to find him and then they rekindled a relationship and started dating. Jazz only recently started doing autopsies on him bc she was curious and wanted to use his body to investigate resurrections and the undead. Jason agreed and Jazz also helps him with the Pit Rage in his brain :)
+ Jason keeps Jazz a secret because he doesn’t want any of his siblings taking away her attention, but Jazz is completely focused on her research, so she doesn’t care
+ Jazz is a liminal in this AU, but the ectoplasm is corrupting her, so she has her own version of the Pit Rage (it makes her mentally unstable). However, being with Jason calms her down and her violent urges are expressed through her medical research (which Jason helps her with by being her specimen).
+ Jazz is lowkey insane in this AU, and entirely focused on research, Jason, and the dead. Jason is equally as insane as her.
+ Jazz uses Vlad’s name to get the money and equipment she needs for her own research. He is, however, dead. Her siblings are still in Amity Park or are exploring the world. They are aware of Jazz’s condition, but they let her do what she wants.
+ Jazz has her shadow friend in this AU! (I drew pictures of it in my blog somewhere)
+ In the future, more and more Batfamily members realize that Bruce was NOT crazy and that something is off about Jason. As they start investigating, they discover Jazz and Jason is forced to come clean. There’s a lot of arguing about the safety of him being around her and what she could do to him, but Jason eventually manages to slowly convince them and they come around. In the end, Jazz becomes their emergency doctor if Dr. Thompkins isn’t available.
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pinkalliums · 2 months
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uh yeah also heres something i drew awhile back...im sure it isnt super original or anything but uhh au where asriel dies and chara doesnt, ironically. they want to save asriel from dying which causes their soul to return to their body and they even die, but determination shenanigans. anyway its too late and he crumbles to dust in charas arms with toriel and asgore watching. unfortunate!
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temper-temper · 5 months
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Can finally post my Secret Santas from this year! The first one is for the Mod of @asklostcelestia of her character Sky Warden looking up at the moon. I image he is either debating leaving or leavening the Crystal Empire! Dawnatmidnight helped me with the moon and the crystal effect was shared to me by the mod herself a few months back! :3 I do very much hope you like it! I tried to make it fit into the story but we don’t know the full story so I tried my best xwx The second one is for @taco-princess-arts and is featuring her fiancé @dis-url-is-temporary. I drew them in my ask Viper style and intended it to just be a nice page doll but Guru insisted on making a background for it and so now we have both! I do hope y’all liked it! I believe you do judging by the fact it’s your icons rn but still- I’ve been wanting to draw y’all something for awhile now so this worked out great! Friends of Guru do usually be friends of mine :3 also y’all knew him for like EVER so
Also, Happy New Years to everyone! I hope y’all had a wonderful year and that this year treats you even better!!
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angelkissiies · 1 year
teenage dream
ellie williams x reader
cw : fluff, suggestive content at the end !
a/n : this has been sitting for awhile ,, but i really think the idea is cute so if it’s dumb pls just be nice, i had the idea while looking around in spencers and seeing a little dino piercing jewelry.🙏🏻 also this gif is so funny to me.
wc : 1.3k
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“C’mon, It doesn’t even hurt that bad. Just one time, please? It’ll be so cute, I promise.” Dina’s voice begged as you stood idly by the door, shying away from the idea of the girl getting anywhere near you with a needle. It had been a week since she’d found the kit, tucked comfortably under a bed in an old apartment the two of you had scouted. Hence it had also been a week since you’d gotten any peace and quiet about the situation. She’d convinced almost everyone to get a piercing (or two in Ellie’s case) and you were the last of her victims, all she had to do was convince you. 
Dina already had the kit out on her desk, needles, and jewelry packaged up in plastic awaiting to be of use. Her hands glided over the different piercing jewelry, moving them to be in piles of likeness. “I think you’d look really nice with a nose piercing! Oh, or maybe a tongue piercing!” She gushed, eyes lingering on your face as she debated more ways to get you on board. 
“I don’t know, Dina. I’m not sure if I want to have metal in my face, at least right now. You know how Joel is, he’s still upset about Ellie’s.. what did you call them?” You paused, looking over to the girl as you shifted from foot to foot.
She smiled, shrugging. “Snake bites, and who cares? It’s your body, but also you don’t have to get one on your face. There are also body piercings.” She explained, grabbing a folded paper from the top of the box, and unfolding it to display a dozen small diagrams of different body piercing placements. “See? You could totally get a navel piercing or something, Joel would never know.” 
“Navel piercing? My belly button?” You asked, lifting your shirt gingerly to glance at the thing before looking back over to Dina. As much as you didn’t want to get in trouble with Joel because you already knew he would find out off the bat due to Dina’s rambling, it peaked your attention, to say the least. 
Dina nodded gingerly, moving to pick up the jewelry options for the navel, whilst there weren't many- and most weren’t meant to be worn until healed, she displayed the options before you on the surface of her desk. “It would look really cute, I mean look at these options. Butterfly, heart-shaped, pink di-,” She paused, hand lingering over the last one as she pushed it towards you. 
As you picked it up you realized why she had reacted in such a way. It was a pink dinosaur on a plastic piercing. It aroused a giggle to fall from your lips, thinking of the people who would’ve worn something like this in the old world. “This is so fucking cute, Ellie would love it.” You stated, turning it in your fingers as you fought internally over whether to trust Dina with a needle or pass up the opportunity to surprise Ellie with something so comically small (but you knew she’d love.) 
“Soooo?” She drew out, hands clasped together in a pleading manner over her chest. “Is this a yes?” 
Why the fuck not? 
“Yes, okay. I’ll do it.” You agreed, shrugging off your jacket. “Don’t fuck it up though, okay?” 
“Sir yes sir.” 
God, piercings were a pain in your ass. It had stayed sore for the first couple of days and now, it had calmed down enough to show to your girl- but she’d been called early that morning for a double on patrol and as much as you hated the fact, it gave you a reasonable amount of time to get ready to see her when she came home. 
“Fuck, how did they even use these?” You cursed, battling with the curling wand you held like a weapon. It had already given you a couple of mild burns before you called it quits, slamming it down on the counter angrily as you peered in the mirror. You’d somehow managed to curl most of it before giving up ultimately. At least it looked presentable, right?  
You wandered through the house, touching up tiny details of cleaning you’d missed. If anyone saw you right now, you’d look absolutely insane. Dressed in the slip Ellie loved so much, hair curled, hell you were even wearing a little makeup. In the apocalypse nonetheless, you were a crazy person, no fighting the label now as you wasted what some outside of Jackson would consider ‘valuable resources’ on your menial attempt at surprising your girlfriend. 
The sound of the doorknob caught your attention, shocking you into movement as you took your place on the arm of the couch- leaning against it so you’d be the first thing she’d see when she came in. Your heart began to pick up the pace, nervous with anticipation. What if she didn’t like it? What if she was upset that you didn’t tell her? 
“Babe?” Ellie called out, turning to close and lock the door as she came in just missing the sight of you by a couple seconds. 
You stifled a nervous giggle, quietly responding. “Over here, honey.” 
The woman turned on her heel, mouth already uptick in a small smile before she realized just what she was looking at. She halted in awe, taking in the sight of you. It was always so flattering when Ellie noticed the little things, like how the slip draped over your frame just right or how you’d used the tinted chapstick to give your lips a rosy hue. That’s how she showed she cared, by noticing the little details that perhaps even you didn’t realize. 
“Oh, my god.” She breathed, dropping her bag on the floor next to the door before moving into the living room gingerly. “What’s the occasion, babe?” It wasn’t your anniversary or her birthday, so her mind was spinning with ways to account for the absolutely delicious sight of you. 
You shrugged, “Oh nothing, just wanted to surprise you.” Lying directly through your teeth you checked the first box off of your list, heading directly for the second. Distract and seduce, easy enough, right? 
Ellie took half a second to come inches before you, hands automatically gravitating towards your waist, feeling the soft silk under her calloused hands. She sighed in delight, eyes skimming down your body before she landed in a tiny bulge pressing the fabric forward. That was definitely not there before, right? She knew your body, every curve and ridge from years of exploration and this was definitely new. “What’s this?” She asked, tilting her head in confusion as she pulled at the slip gently, coaxing it up towards your thighs. 
You giggled, pulling your lip between your teeth as you nodded at her to continue searching. You felt beyond giddy, anticipating that little face she made when she got excited. You felt like a little kid again, sharing a secret with a friend. 
She got the fabric bunched in her hands, finally pulling it over your navel before she gasped- her mouth falling into an ‘o’ shape as she gawked at the tiny piece of jewelry in your tummy. “Oh my god! No way!” She choked out, a hand immediately going to toy with it before she halted her actions- remembering Dina’s incredibly strict set of rules about piercings. “It's so cute, why didn’t you tell me?” 
“And ruin the surprise? No way!” You smiled, eyes grazing over her blushed cheeks as she kept staring at the jewelry in awe. God, you loved her. “Seeing you all surprised was so worth it.” 
“You’re such a dream.” Ellie sighed, letting the slip fall back down to its original length, dipping down to press a gentle kiss to your lips. She absolutely couldn't imagine a better surprise, though at this second she was thinking of a few surprises she could give you- looking so delectable she couldn’t help herself, deepening the kiss as you felt the balls of her piercing press into the warm skin of your bottom lip. “Let me show you how much I love it.” 
“I’m listening..”
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The last interaction Dib has with his father for years.
Things said... things unsaid...
Sometimes... you just need to let them know, the things you hold onto.
An echo return of past conversations
Part of the Post Florpus AU in the somewhat distant future. 
Dib and Zim leave for college or something, I don’t know. 
This comic is ooooooooooold. Like around two years old. I shared an preview update on my Kofi and shared with a few people in discord servers for awhile, but I never posted it publicly. 
Part of the reason I held onto it for such a long time: (personal long ramblings under the cut and talk about my grief experiences.)
....was partly because I felt without context for the overall series huge chunks missing about Dib’s character development in Post Florpus and what I have planned, it would have come across as a shallow thing... Dib forgiving his Dad for being a neglectful father or something akin to that and I feared the protentional backlash something like this could have among the Invader Zim community. Since people who connect personally with that show typically all have their own issues regarding their parents. (not always but I see it very often)
And I changed the dialogue of what Dib said to his father over several times. Like “I love you” “I forgive you....” but it didn’t seem appropriate to me. Nothing felt right other than telling him that He’s proud of him in the same way that Membrane told Dib in Enter the Florpus. 
And no, Dib doesn’t forgive his Dad for having a shitty neglectful childhood. Cause he was, a terrible parent, but Dib can acknowledge that his Dad is getting better... and working to improve... and knows his Dad loves him... but he also can establish boundaries and set his distance... this is the last thing Dib basically says to Membrane before he cuts him out of his life temporarily when he goes to University. 
And it very personally echos the relationship that I had with my Father and Mother. There was a huge period of time where I hated my father after he passed away. For how distant he was in his parenting style and how much he left my controlling Mom to do everything. When he passed away I felt like my Mom was tighter with a leash on me, and it took a long time and therapy on both of our ends to have a healthy relationship with good boundaries. 
I’m on real good terms with my Mom now and I can’t imagine a time where it was ever tense between us, and she’s really a different person then the one I grew up with. Heck, even Mom from seven years ago is a different person and was way were then. I’m glad that I can call my Mom my friend too. 
I know it doesn’t always work out that way in real life for some people.... but this AU is extremely personal to me, and I like to write about my displacement in my family since my Dad died, and what happened over the years as we coped with that. 
Post Florpus AU stemed from me being emotional about ETF due to my grief of losing my father and my own personal experiences with my family just struck the right chord at the right time in 2019. And that has never changed. 
I drew this two years ago angry at the time... thinking that there were many things I wanted to tell my Dad. How he could have been there for Mom more when me and my sister were struggling with heavy bullying in school, how Dad could have took on more responsibilities when my Mom tried to go back to college. And how I still wanted him here.... but in retrospect, he did the best he could do at the time, knowing what he knew... as an undiagnosed autistic and everything else.... 
Like there’s no forgiveness of his favoritism of one child over the other and how he left Mom to do all the parenting. But I feel if he was alive in our family unit today, we’d all have a healthier family dynamic and balance. People can always change, and change every day and I personally don’t hold onto memories of people when I know every five years someone can be reborn. But the effort always needs to be there.
I don’t know. I’m rambling.  
In any case, I just kept this under my belt for so long because I was worried of public perception and worrying people might judge me for “Forgiving shitty dads” or something...
Sorry to break it to you... but in this AU everyone does get better. Dib doesn’t even need to be in contact with his Dad, and he won’t for a long while until he matures more. 
Forgiveness is a choice on the Membrane Sibling’s part, and sometimes, in this case... it isn’t needed. Membrane himself doesn’t even want forgiveness for his shitty parenting in the past. He just wishes for his children to grow up happy and healthy, and if they want to stay in contact with him, great, but he won’t force himself when he’s not wanted. It’s a delicate balance.... He’s not forgiven exactly, but the Siblings appreciate the effort... and they like who he is now, rather than who he was... but it will take a long time before they can have a proper adult child and parent relationship. Baby steps.
TLDR: My au. My rules. Membrane Trying juice. 
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addaxus · 2 years
Some spicy stuff here👀
A Western Papá Bruno AU
It’s been awhile but for good reason. I know I’m shuffling more AUs than I can keep up with but this one drew me in so fast! This person came to me with this AU idea that I was already drawn into. They asked to remain anonymous so I’m keeping my word.
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I was like heck yeah I’m so down!
Here’s small summaries of each major age in the timeline so far:
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A 15 year old Bruno has a massive falling out with Alma and leaves the Encanto. He becomes an outlaw to survive; using his precognitive powers to out-draw and out-shoot other gunslingers. His skills, deeds, and the superstitions of others earn him the nickname “Bruno the Brujo.”
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By age 21 Bruno turns to the drink to cope with his increasingly painful visions. This has the unfortunate effect of turning him into the notoriously violent and intemperate outlaw known as “El Ojos Diablos” (The Devil’s Eyes).
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By his early to mid 30’s, El Ojos Diablos has hit his lowest point. His gang attempts to betray him while they sleep in their hideout so they can claim the large bounty on his head. For their troubles they all end up biting the bullet. Wounded and near dead, he is found by a woman, Maria, and her brother, Alonzo.
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By the time he reaches 35, Bruno has been brought back to health, wed to Maria, has gained the trust of her brother, and has a baby, a daughter, Mirabel that same year. He’s a renowned horse breeder and rancher at their farm trying to live a normal life. Some time later, Maria dies of pneumonia. From the start of her birth, Bruno has struggled to father Mirabel after seeing her in a terrible vision where she guns down someone with a shotgun.
There’s so many more details but that all comes later when it’s been sorted out. This AU IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT!!
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sunnyclan · 5 months
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Another Clangen comic blog, but a clan I've been thinking about for awhile!
No specific rules or challenges for this one, just having fun with some characters I've been drawing for awhile.
One fateful moon, the clans chased away a group of malicious rogues, posing as a clan. Later that night, the medicine cats received a prophecy. As the last of your enemies flee, take care. The sun shines bright within. From there the leader Sunstar emerged to take over the territory rogues left behind.
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Sunstar used to be a kittypet named Sunny before his housefolk died of old age. He began to hang around clan territories, fascinated with the community of clan life. When he begins to receive visions from Starclan, he knows it is time to act and form a clan of his own.
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Halfstem has been a loner since she was a kit, dumped on the side of the road and taught to hunt by a passing stray. Recently, she's been working to protect her single surviving kit on her own after a rough birth alone. Sunstar was taken in by her commanding presence and she was named deputy.
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Sparkhare lived life as a kittypet until she began receiving strange dreams. She had already grown restless with her life indoors, but this was the final push she needed to seek out new adventure, being taught crucial healing skills from the stars.
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Spruceflake has been alone for a long while, since she was young and helped to care for her younger siblings. After they left to become kittypets, she stayed wild and free, but alone. When asked to join by Sunstar, she first refused, but couldn't stop thinking about that charming cat and his little community. She joined less than a week later.
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Rattail is the camp keeper of the group, checking on everyone in the clan, keeping the camp tidy, and immediately repairing dens when needed. She talks little about her past, but most find her trustworthy despite this.
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Minnowleaf has been a stray since his housefolk left him behind while moving houses. Stealing food from a few houses who keep bowls outside until Sunstar, then Sunny, finds him and teaches him what he's learned from the clans.
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Lemonhowl came to the clan in a similar fashion to Halfstem, trying to find support while raising a single kitten alone. Lemonhowl has lived a long life, but never found the right time to raise a child as she always wanted. One day she found a donor and decided to take the plunge. The security of the nursery, and later the elder's den drew her in.
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One day Burrowkit's mother went out to hunt and never came back. Peaking out of the hollow log, she spotted Halfstem and Daisykit and followed them like a shadow. Eventually Halfstem gave in and lent her some prey, but Burrowkit continued to follow the pair. She followed them for a full moon until the clan was formed and they officially took her in. She and Daisykit are extremely clingy, becoming the best of friends now that they have a home.
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Daisykit didn't know what to make of Burrowkit when she started following him and his mother, but has since grown incredibly close with her. Since he's been in the clan, he's missed his mother's attention in the nursery, with her mostly absent, busy organizing the clan. He's very excited to start his apprenticeship and prove himself capable to his mother.
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Clawkit is too young to have many thoughts about his new clan, but he likes the security of the nursery. He's a little nervous around his older denmates, but the company isn't completely unwelcome.
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vacantgodling · 5 months
i wrote a Ridiculous thing (the narration style is definitely Out There) to poke at red and hel a bit so have… whatever the fuck this is.
gently tagging @void-botanist
If you were to go into any tavern in any village in (country), and asked someone how the Wolf Queen came to be, if you weren’t arrested first, their hushed whispers would vary. Some think she is a trickster sent far from the west, sent by the goodness of light to punish the old king’s wicked ways. “He gambled and lost,” a farmer would tell you. “And couldn’t live with tha shame n’ died. She sits on tha throne now but that throne’s well n’ cursed, and it’d do ya good not to ask more questions than you need to.”
Others would point out that it wasn’t a divine plot; that the king simply wed her, and in doing so he lost. “That’s why you don’t believe things that are too good to be true.” A barmaid would tell you, as she divvied out stew. “Like that rumored half off special. Pay up for your brew.”
Travel further to the east where the cities are grown; tall buildings of stone that kiss against the sky, and they’ll tell you she killed him, it’s as simple as that.
“Drew her talons cross his neck, and can’t be deader than that.”
Still others might blend a variety of the story, until it’s hard to discern, what parts are true and what’s legend; embellishment or propaganda.
The one person you should listen to, if you ask your peruse, is the one who quirks his brow, with a smirk beguiling and slow, simply looks you in the eyes and asks
“What will you pay to know?”
For that, dear reader, is how our story begins. For one Rosmarin Red, bloody scythe in her hand.
The blood dripped onto the tavern floor; plip plip; and yet the tavern raged on around them, as though neither of them spoke at all. From a contract she came, to put food in her stomach and a warm pillow under her head. The killing kind; of course, any one you who earned your ire. Petty mistresses in their beds, or off with landlord’s heads. As such and still, her dead eyes bore holes into this smart mouthed stranger, daring him to oppose.
The man didn’t seem phased; in fact, it’s as though he was expecting her. He leaned on his arms forward, with his boot, kicked out a chair towards her.
“Sit with me awhile.” He said, taking a drought from his cup. “And regale me. The Red Death, I presume?” The petite girl nodded, then dropped her scythe towards the floor, taking hold of the proffered chair in a dealthy tight hold. She eased herself into it, and if you noticed well; there was no clatter from the instrument’s careless discard.
The man knew it as well, still smiling, still sharp minded. He called a waiter up and ordered the young assassin a cup.
“On me.” He said gently, but the sparkle in his eye was knowing. “Who was it who taught you that rhyme?”
“I don’t know.” Red said back. “Not by name.”
“I imagine you kill many who you don’t remember at all?” He asked with a smile hidden into his mug. “No.” She did not smile, nor sip. She continued to bore holes in him; anyone else would squirm stiff. But the man knew his worth, and knew he was valuable at least not to kill, so he relaxed even further, swirling the drink in his hand and contemplating his fill.
“News of you has reached my ears.” He tried for another approach. “Heard you would come looking for me, one day or another.”
“Then you know why I’m here.” The assassin said tersely. “So what do I owe you.” The man clicked his tongue, for the game had just begun.
“Impatience, my dear, is a virtue on occasion. But not now, at least. I’ll offer you a deal—you offer me your finest possession and I’ll give you the answer you seek.”
Red considered this. Considered it well. So hard in fact that it was near dawn when she answered.
“I have no money to offer you, nor children to sell. I have no clothes other than the blood covered ones that hang to my back. No riches, nor connections can this deal between us bring. But I do have myself, and any services you ask of me.”
After saying it soft like a midnight chime, Red pressed her face to the table, hiding her eyes.
“… Please.” She whispered finally, though elaborate she did not. At the heartfelt display, the man would admit he was touched.
“Raise your head, sweet Red, no need to grovel just yet. The night is older than we shall be. Come, I will give you lodgings for the night, and then in the marrow, our exchange we shall write.”
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victoria-daydreams · 1 year
The Hare and The Tower
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Chapter Nine: Most Wondrous News
AN: Happy New Year everyone! This chapter has been sitting in my drafts for a minute because I had a vision of where I wanted this to go and I got ahead of myself and wrote this but I couldn't post it yet.
Trigger Warnings: age gap, mentions of death
Word Count: 1.4k
Taglist: @dogmatic255 @sidechrisporn @amethystwonders11 @ladysindar @sweetwanderlust05 @newandykes @helloimlateforeverything @loveofvernonslife @stitchattacks @dariequeen @kishie8 @girlonfireice @snowymarvel1205
If you want to be added to the taglist just leave a comment.
Summary: In the early hours of the morning, Jesmyn considers her future and asks Otto to keep a grim promise.
Chapter Ten: Leave it to The Gods
116 AC, Westeros
With tense shoulders, Jesmyn stood in front of the hearth, staring blankly into the flames ensnared by its hellish dance. The fire illuminated her face in a warm, orange glow as the soft crackling of burning wood floated into her ears. Closing her eyes, Jesmyn hoped the noise would slowly quiet the turmoil inside her head from the nightmare she had awaken from. The dark dream vividly played through her mind on repeat. Otto was still asleep in their bed, unaware she had managed to ease out of his grasp. He always protectively kept a hand on the swell of her belly when they slept.
His voice pulled Jesmyn from her thoughts and she looked over her shoulder.
"Come back to bed," he said, sleep heavy in his voice. "You’ll catch a cold standing on the floor with bare feet," Otto added, his voice was gentle as he sat up in bed.
"Sleep escapes me, Husband," she informed, her tone matching his. “I cannot,” she muttered, returning her gaze back to the hearth.
Silence fell over the room. Until, she heard rustling, the sound of the thick covers from their bed being tossed aside as he got up. Wordlessly, a broad chest pressed itself against her back. The warmth of her husband’s body seeped through into her bones. Curling his arm around her waist, Jesmyn leaned back against him.
"You're cold," he murmured, moving her nightgown and robe aside to plant a warm kiss on the skin of her shoulder.
"I'm fine," Jesmyn said dismissively, and tried futilely to suppress a full body shiver that coursed through her.
"How long have you been out of bed?” he asked, tucking back her hair.
She exhaled heavily, "Awhile," Jesmyn answered, meeting his eyes. They were a hue darker from the dimness of their chambers. "I…I lost track of time," she admitted, grabbing his hand and placing it on top of her stomach.
He hummed, "Tell me what troubles your mind, my dear wife," Otto began. "So I can slay it, and bring you back to bed," he said, his thumb tracing the line of her spine.
"You’ve taken it upon yourself to become a slayer of nightmares then?" Jesmyn quipped, her eyebrows raising slightly.
"I will become whatever you need me to be, Jesmyn," Otto said softly into her ear. "A nightmare was it?" he repeated. "What happened in this nightmare?" he questioned, drawing circles on her swollen belly.
She paused briefly, "I died in childbirth," Jesmyn revealed quietly, and Otto’s body went rigid against hers.
A deafening silence swallowed the room.
"A terrifying dream," he said, finally breaking the tension. "But that’s all it was, a bad dream," he assured, his hold tightening.
Jesmyn slowly spun around, "It’s been a recurring dream, Otto," she pressed, watching his expression change. "Different ways, each dream," she continued.
Now being eight months into her pregnancy, the due date of her labors drew near and nearer. Jesmyn wanted nothing more than to feel excitement about bringing a child into the world, but as the days progressed she began to have terrifying nightmares. She found herself growing increasingly nervous and scared of having complications while on the birthing bed.
Exhaling, Otto pressed a kiss on top of her head, “Come, let’s get you off your feet,” he said, taking her hand.
He guided her to one of the nearby chairs in front of the hearth, and Jesmyn slowly lowered herself into the cushioned seat.
Otto kneeled in front of her, “We have the best maesters here at The Red Keep,” he assured, holding both of her hands. “You are in excellent hands, Jesmyn,” he said, looking up at her.
“Didn’t do much for the late Queen Aemma, did it?” she retorted bitterly.
“What happened with Queen Aemma was a tragedy,” he conceded. “But that doesn’t mean it will happen to you,” Otto said, squeezing her hands.
The comforting gesture only made her frown.
“Do you remember in the sept, when I told you about my fears of bearing a child and the labor is difficult?” Jesmyn asked.
“I do,” Otto answered, with a nod. “You feared if there was a decision to be made of your life or the baby’s, one of your then suitor’s would choose the baby’s,” he recalled.
“My aunt died that way,” Jesmyn said, her voice close to a whisper and Otto flinched. “Her death is what triggered my fear of the birthing bed,” she continued, swallowing thickly. “A terrible scene it was, the wails my father let out are seared into my head,” she continued shakily. “And the sheets…oh gods, Otto, I don’t think I’ve ever seen something so drenched in red. And it was all for naught, mother and daughter dead,” she finished, her voice nearly breathless from her rising anxiety.
“Jesmyn, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know,”
She shifted uncomfortably in the seat, “Otto,” she called, slipping her hand away from his to cup his cheek.
“Yes, my love,” he answered, leaning into her touch.
“I am going to ask something of you,” she stated, her thumb running along his beard.
“Anything,” Otto responded quickly, kissing her palm.
“If there ever comes a time when you are tragically put in such a position,” she began. “Promise me, you’ll leave it to the gods,” she said, and Otto’s head snapped up.
“You’re asking me to let you die? Jesmyn, I can’t—”
“Promise me,” she repeated, her voice cracking, “Promise me, you won’t cut me open and gut me like a fish,” she said, a tear slipping down her cheek.
Otto stared at her, his eyes wide and completely lost for words. He went to rise to his feet, but Jesmyn’s fingers tightening around his and the silent pleading on her face made him stop.
He sighed heavily, “The moment your father removed your bridal cloak from you, and I placed the Hightower cloak upon your shoulders,” Otto began, his voice quivering. “Not only I did I pledge my love for you that day, I also pledged to protect you,”
She placed her hand on his face, “You are protecting me, Otto—” Jesmyn reasoned, her fingers splayed wide across his cheeks.
“I’m killing you!” he said, his voice raising slightly. “I’m killing you,” he repeated, this time whispering and pressing his forehead against her stomach.
Jesmyn’s gut wrenched as if someone had put a knife through her ribs and twisted it.
“Otto,” she called, using her thumb to softly caress his jawline. He didn’t respond, only letting out a ragged breath. “Otto, look at me,” she demanded gently.
Many seconds would pass before Otto would raise his head. His eyes glistening in the light of the fire, and Jesmyn could hardly recognize the usually proud man who was now reduced into a grief stricken one.
“Don’t make me do this, I can’t do it!” he begged brokenly.
“You would deny me my dying wish?” she asked, another tear falling from her eye.
Otto put his hand on top of her hand which cupped his cheek and firmly planted another kiss on her palm.
"It could save your life, Jesmyn," he said desperately, grabbing a hold of both her hands again. "You speak about death, but it could save you," he reasoned, bringing her knuckles to his lips.
"Or cause me unimaginable pain and suffering," she choked out. "I do not wish for your last memory of me to be of agonizing screams. It will haunt you for the rest of your days," she warned, shaking her head.
Otto dropped his head in defeat, knowing he couldn't change her mind about this. Pulling her hand up to his lips, he placed a soft kiss upon the delicate skin of her wrist.
“If this is what you want, then I will…oblige your wish,” Otto agreed, his expression solemn.
“Thank you Husband,” she whispered.
“Let’s get you back in bed,”
Grabbing Jesmyn’s hands, Otto carefully lifted her up from the chair and guided her back to their bed. Helping her onto the mattress, he adjusted her pillows allowing Jesmyn to lean back against the headboard.
“Otto,” she called, watching him settle next to her. “I want you to know, whatever happens, I love you,” Jesmyn said gently, fixing herself on her side.
Reaching out, he cradled her head and let his thumb run down her cheek.
"I love you too," he told her. “No matter what happens,” he echoed, before kissing her tenderly. His lips featherlight against hers. "Now, rest my love,” he demanded softly, his arm going around her waist.
Jesmyn’s eyes slid shut, and with her mind at ease down along Otto's warm breath fanning on the back of her neck, sleep came easy.
Chapter Eleven: Bundles of Joy
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whump-4-ever · 8 months
Here’s just a little something I wrote with my OC Kyrin and his girlfriend Natalie. (If you would like to use this as a whump prompt, Kyrin is the Whumpee and Natalie is the Caretaker.) Since this prompt may have triggers (listed below) for certain people, I have put the cut right before the part where Kyrin has the seizure
Fever Prompt/Illness Prompt/Sickfic Prompt #1
[‼️] Possible TW/CW: illness, convulsive seizure (fever-induced)
Kyrin lay on the bed on his side, curled up into a tight ball as violent, unforgiving fever chills assaulted his body, his muscles spasming beneath fever-flushed skin in silent protest against the disease tormenting his weakened immune system. He let out a groan of agony at the aches and pains that throbbed with each and every shiver, sliding his feet against the sheets. His suffering was as noticeable as fresh blood in the snow, but in the midst of the fever-induced delirium, he hadn’t even realized he was awake; he didn’t acknowledge his girlfriend’s presence either when she spoke, nor had he given any signs that he knew she had been right there with him the whole time, ever since the moment he stumbled into the cabin at around two o’clock that morning and collapsed right into Natalie’s arms.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Natalie whispered, instantly seeing that Kyrin had drifted into a state of semi-consciousness. She quickly stood from the chair she sat in, placed only a few feet from the bed, and leaned over him, caressing his sweat-slicked cheek with a warm, loving palm. “Shhh…… It’s okay, sweetheart. You’re okay,” She murmured as she ran her thumb over Kyrin’s cheekbone a couple times before laying her hand on his forehead, ever so carefully brushing back his sweat-soaked hair.
Kyrin peeled his sticky eyelids apart to reveal glassy, bloodshot eyes. “…..hnnnggg….” He groaned. His gaze slowly but surely locked onto Natalie’s. Immediately upon seeing him watching her, relief crashed down on her at the realization that he had heard her. This was the first time he’d showed any signs of awareness since his very dramatic entrance at 2 o’clock that morning, and it was a good sign.
Kyrin parted his lips just the slightest bit, his intent obvious in the way his jaw trembled, but no sounds came out. He shifted just slightly in frustration, not understanding what was going on and why it was so hard to speak.
“You’re okay,” Natalie repeated, still stroking his forehead in hopes that would keep him calm. There was a soft smile plastered on her face, seemingly a result of the relief she’d just felt, but really it was only there to stop Kyrin from panicking, not because she was happy, because she wasn’t. She was still relieved to see him conscious and aware, of course, but worry for his well-being had been welling up in her chest for awhile now, and seeing him struggling so much just to form words had only intensified that worry. It didn’t help that the amount of heat radiating off of him was much more than what was considered normal, even for a fever.
She drew in a deep breath, attempting to hold back the surge of panic that threatened to overcome her, lying there in the pit of her stomach, just waiting to attack, like a snake preparing to strike its prey. “Y-You have a fever, baby,” Natalie told him softly, trying to keep her voice from shaking.
Kyrin, though he’d made eye contact with her just seconds ago, did not acknowledge her words that time. Instead, his eyes very sluggishly shifted to the side until he was staring off into the distance, the expression on his face now blank.
“Kyrin?” Natalie’s heart leapt into her throat, and that panic in her stomach took its chance to claw its way up to her heart and wrap its cold, merciless fingers around it, squeezing it tightly and sending tendrils of pain all throughout her chest. “H-Hey,” Natalie stammered. She gulped in fear before carefully cupping Kyrin’s cheeks with both hands, gently jostling his head in an attempt to elicit a response. Nothing. He didn’t even blink. “Kyrin?” She rubbed her thumb along his cheekbone like she had earlier, silently begging him to answer, but he didn’t.
It was only moments later when Kyrin’s eyes suddenly rolled up into the back of his skull. His body went stiff at the same time, and a low groaning sound rumbled deep in the back of his throat. Then the convulsions started. Soft, breathy grunting noises puffed out of the young man’s partially open mouth as his entire frame jerked around violently. He was in the midst of a full-blown seizure now.
“Oh, God,” Natalie choked out, feeling sick to her stomach. She already knew what was happening, had recognized the signs of her boyfriend’s fever-induced seizure the second the convulsions began, but it did nothing to quell the nausea.
Despite just barely keeping her emotions in check, she leapt into action, quickly assessing the situation and coming to the concluding that, since Kyrin was already on his side, not much could be done until the seizure was over, but she did what she could. She grasped his shoulder with one hand and his forearm with the other, her grip on both not nearly tight enough to restrain him or restrict his movements but rather a precaution, to ensure he wouldn’t fall off the bed and injure himself.
It felt like everything was happening in slow motion, as if hours upon hours were passing by when in reality it had only been around forty three seconds. “C’mon, Kyrin,” Natalie muttered, biting her bottom lip when she noticed foamy saliva bubbling up in her boyfriend’s mouth.
As if in response, Kyrin let out a few breathless grunting noises, his inhales nothing more than quick, shallow gasping noises, soft wheezing sounds accompanying each one. “Shhhhh….” She hushed him, doing her best to comfort him even in his state of unconsciousness.
After around two and a half minutes or so, the convulsions started to die down, gradually going from violent jerking movements to a series of light twitching motions until finally stopping altogether, Kyrin’s body going still under Natalie’s hands. “You’re alright,” She whispered. She then very carefully maneuvered her boyfriend’s limp, floppy form into the recovery position, making sure to rest his head at an angle that would help him breathe. Once that was done, she pulled the previously-discarded chair up to the side of the bed and took a seat, running her fingers through Kyrin’s hair. “It’s gonna be alright.”
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catcas22 · 5 months
OC emoji asks for Sellen! (you can do some for Aurelia too... techically she's Drake's OC, right? So i don't know, but it would be really interesting).
So, funny story...
Aurelia's actually (technically) a canon character -- she's the Spirit Jellyfish summon.
A floating spirit that illuminates its surroundings. Prone to tears, the jellyfish girl searches for her distant home. Will bravely spew poison at foes on her summoner's behalf.
It seems her name is Aurelia.
Awhile back, I wrote up a short theory on Aurelia and how she might have originally died.
I also drew a pic of Aurelia in her pre-jellyfish form, based on the above theory.
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Then @thatboreddrake wrote a fic based on that art.
To Go See the Stars - someboredstudent - Elden Ring (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]
And now I am currently writing a sequel to that fic. So she's technically a canon character, but the Aurelia in my fic is my fanfiction of Drake's interpretation of my interpretation of said canon character. Fun times.
tldr, I can make Aurelia headcanons without stepping on Drake's toes.
Lying - Sellen is either a terrible liar or an excellent liar, depending on your perspective. Most people can immediately clock her as a schemer, but she gives off that vibe all the time -- good luck discerning when she's lying and when she's actually telling the truth.
Aurelia isn't much of a liar. If she doesn't want to give a truthful answer, she prefers to keep quiet. When she does lie, she tends to get tongue-tied when challenged.
Crying - Sellen's a pretty cool customer, really not the type to cry. If she ever did, she'd make sure to cry behind her stone crown -- she has a reputation to uphold, after all.
Aurelia tends to cry a lot more easily. Despite being quite capable, she's still a kid, and a kid who's been subjected to some rather horrific experiences. She has an ironclad sense of fairness, so she'll sometimes tear up at extreme unfairness. Frustration or simply being overwhelmed can sometimes also bring her to tears.
Hot Beverage - They both prefer hot drinks. Sellen likes strong black coffee. Aurelia grew up in Nokstella, i.e. completely underground, so a lot of dishes she remembers from her childhood include roots and mushrooms. She has a particular fondness for ginger tea.
Sun - Even before her imprisonment, Sellen was not a morning person. After decades trapped in an underground cell and partially separated from her physical body, her circadian rhythms are completely jacked. She'll regularly wake up at 11 pm looking for breakfast, then go back to bed at 3 in the afternoon.
Having been raised underground, "morning" wasn't even a concept for Aurelia until recently. For the moment, she's off to a healthy start. Since it's safer to travel during the day, she tends to get up at dawn and turn in at sundown. Hopefully she won't pick up Sellen's bad habits.
Red Heart - Sellen's love language is words of affirmation. She doesn't offer idle praise, and she tends to be quite blunt when someone isn't meeting her standards. When she gives a compliment, she means it deeply and probably put a lot of thought into it.
Aurelia leans towards acts of service. She's not overly eloquent, and is generally too self-conscious to make verbal declarations of love. Instead, she shows appreciation by lending a helping hand, doing small chores to make the other person's day easier, or fighting Godrick the Grafted.
Thanks for the ask! Have a great week!
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