#drunk kaz fic
mistylakeee · 2 years
Are we going to pretend like Jesper and Wylan don’t make fun of Kaz after CK for his massive crush on Inej because that would just be silly and if anything it should be encouraged
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frick6101719 · 1 year
Six Sentence Sunday
Way more than six, but progress is a bit slow on chapter 5 of The Heart is a Muscle and I'm motivating myself
Kaz wasn’t so foolish (and his memory wasn’t so poor) that he thought Inej had never seen him at his worst. They’d been through a lot together, after all, and she’d seen him in some truly unflattering moments. She’d seen him at disagreeable, frightening, off-putting, even at downright nasty. 
He wasn’t sure where “slightly drunk and halfway disorderly” fit in that lineup, but even it wasn’t totally unprecedented. There had been jobs that had gone poorly during her tenure with the Dregs, and those nights had often found them working their way to the bottom of a bottle, sometimes two. True, he’d done most of the drinking those nights, but she’d carried much of his share on those nights the job had gone well and some crew member or other insisted they celebrate. Kaz had never bothered to put his finger on it before, but he’d always known that he preferred alcohol to numb his disappointments, and Inej preferred it to raise the spirit of her successes. Or perhaps it had more to do with the fact that alcohol allowed her to indulge in her own triumph more fully; pride was a sin, after all, and maybe a drink was her way of forgetting. 
Of course, drunkenness was a sin too. What must she think of him now? 
Standing in the back door of the Crow Club kitchen, flicking rainwater from her hood onto a threadbare red rug, she seemed to be trying to decide the same thing. 
Worse than a sin, it was unprofessional. That was the thought that kept rattling around in his head like a marble in a tin bucket. It was unprofessional to be here, drunk in the Crow Club kitchen at eight bells on a… a Saturday. That’s right, it was Saturday. 
 His eyes caught on a drop of water tracing a languid path down Inej’s cheek. What was the point of thinking about professionalism at a time like this? Was their relationship even professional anymore? 
No, no that wasn’t the point; it was unprofessional because Pim and Anika were still here, laughing like a pair of school children turned hysterical by too many sweets. He was their boss. They were supposed to be working, and he had a strong suspicion that it didn’t look much like they were doing anything of the sort. 
Inej hung her coat on a hook by the door, brushing back the wet strands of hair which stuck to her face. She was smiling. “Bartender testing is going well, I see.”
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jackwolfes · 1 year
don't love that wesper anniversary party is under angst bestie!!!
ahahah it’s the most minor of angst and not about wesper being very much in love (they are largely happy lads in this fic 😌)
[wip list]
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19burstraat · 7 months
ketterdam dashboard simulator
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who up boeking they canal
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drydens follow
I can't believe some of you log on here and thirstpost about barrel vagrants. it makes me so sick. these men are the very pits of society and have never honoured ghezen a day in their lives. there are so many other young men who make their living in a reverent way. have some dignity.
#ghezen #inghezenssight #ghezenhonouring #churchofghezen #handofghezen
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lionsroar12 follow
omg HOW is kaz brekker winning this he's SO problematic he's not even good for the economy he killed members of his own gang and kidnapped councilman van eck's son
cranky coz your gang fell apart aren't you
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oskervoexchange follow
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guys is this a mandela effect or what bc I SWEAR this painting used to be in the university district art museum, I literally saw it this week??? but I went today and it was GONE?????? there wasn't even a plaque?? guys pls I'm so confused why is everyone acting like this is normal for ketterdam? do priceless antiques just VANISH? am I being gaslit?
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guys I'm so sorry I've been MIA :( I found out that my landlord was using my rent on the staves rather than fixing my black mould problem so I pushed him out the window and told the stadwatch he must have fallen and died because he wasn't honouring ghezen and got away with it. anyway I think maybe the black mould explains the dirtyhands/sturmhond fic I was writing sorry :( but I WILL finish my fairy queen of istamere meta post once I've moved into my new lodging
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dregsconfessions follow
SUBMISSION: sometimes I lie awake thinking about the time I fell down an entire flight of stairs at the slat when kaz was at the bottom, and he just stared at me (still lying on the floor), and then asked if I'd changed the beer kegs at the silver six yet. GIRL NO?!?!?!
#submission #dregs #dirtyhands #admin comment: laughed so loud my upstairs neighbour threatened to shoot me
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dregsconfessions follow
ADMIN NOTE: if the razorgulls don't fucking stop sending anon hate to this blog we'll tell dirtyhands n he'll send you your own IP address back
#see what happens you hack job seagulls
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it's us, the real kerch tourism board, here to tell you what we're putting in the new summer season pamphlet. we got 1) three pages all about kaz brekker that end up being more of an advertisement than a deterrent 2) list of slipperiest spots in the barrel where you will fall over and get a concussion when ur drunk 3) top 10 ways to get your wallet stolen by a child in broad daylight 4) paintings of the komedie brute 5) advert for sten's stockpot 6) map of public toilets
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kerchtourismboardreal follow
we are not affiliated with any degenerate impersonator accounts who claim to be us. we are the only real kerch tourism account.
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kerchtourismboard-real follow
grafcanal smells like piss and you should bite everyone you see wearing the mister crimson costume
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stensstockpot follow
it's all 'fuck sten's stockpot' and 'I got food poisoning from the special at sten's stockpot' until you realise you don't have the money for cilla's fry, and then you come CRAWLING back to the loving arms of sten's stockpot and our special. you fucking traitors. you'll be back! you'll all be back
canaljumpings follow
what's in the special sten's stockpot
stensstockpot follow
it's a surprise ;)
bertskerch follow
nah I thought this was the real stens lmao
stensstockpot follow
bert smit you still have 45 kruge to pay on your tab and if you don't cough up we'll send our debtors to break your legs
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exchangingbabey follow
my grisha girlfriend who still wears a kefta and says things like 'nikolai lantsov is a bastard': ugh they're still debating whether or not the council of tides should be able to control kerch shipping, I hate inter-country politics
me: I think I hauve the queen's lady
4500 notes
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(insp) (insp)
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spideytingley · 5 months
my fic recs!
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peter parker
identity crisis by @heliads
bucky barnes
time after time (on-going series) by @intrepidacious
heal me, baby by @intrepidacious
first date, last night by @intrepidacious
little lion man by @wkemeup
these ties that bind by sweetascanbee on ao3
steve rogers
no other shade of blue by @barnesafterglow
love bites (series) by starfleetstgmgr on ao3
invisible string (series) by gracehateseggnog on ao3
pietro maximoff
hole in the wall by @sebsbarnes
realign by @astxrwar soulmate au
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percy jackson and the olympians
luke castellan
a place with you by @supercutszns
fighting chance by @supercutszns
rotten to the touch by @supercutszns
bleedin’ me dry by @atlabeth
i beg you (and you don’t understand) by @emiliehornby
daylight, part 2, part 3 by @tangledinlove
percy jackson
anti-curse by @kamaluhkhan
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dick grayson
the moon will sing (on-going series) by minnieears on ao3
jason todd
window pains by @sanguineterrain
reflections of you by dizarys on ao3
romantics by @yourlocalcringydaydreamer
suds and buds (yeah, sure) (series) by sbambs on ao3
baby steps (on-going series) by @lightwing-s
she hates me (series) by minnieears on ao3
damian wayne
flowers (series) by stargazer_lily_1996 on ao3. soulmate au
tim drake
late night park walks by @lightwing-s
sleepless nights by starkk on ao3. soulmate au
who we are (on-going series) by minnieears on ao3
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the hunger games
finnick odair
our song and dance (on-going series) by @mrs-kmikaelson
one for the road by @libertyybellls
lover/fighter (on-going series) by aurabella on ao3 @bluemidnightmelody
supernova (on-going series) by glossyybabie on ao3
it might kill me (on-going series) by frick6101719 on ao3
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kaz brekker
bejeweled by @reve-writes
dense by @reve-writes
nikolai lantsov
come on back to me by @atlabeth
bad luck by @atlabeth
nine long years (on-going series) by @ellewritesalright
enchanted by @in-my-feels-probably
a familiar melody by thehistoriangirl on ao3
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benedict bridgerton
drunk sketches by @delehosies
a lady’s guide to surviving the ton by @atlabeth
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the green emotion by @utterlyazriel
love will unravel me (so please keep your hands held tight) by @utterlyazriel
daughter of autumn by @writingcroissant
nightlight (on-going series) by @azsazz
flames and embers by @hellodarling1357
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star wars
anakin skywalker
shifting gears by awritesthings1 on ao3
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obi-wan kenobi
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meadowscarlet · 1 year
inflicted desire ━━━ kaz brekker.
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pairings: kaz brekker x fem!reader.
summary: you were simply a crow and nina's closest friend, but kaz doesn't understand why he feels the need to be near you or protect you when you can protect yourself; he is closed off and unreadable, and he couldn't articulate his feelings properly, until you were hurt on the job.
warnings: the normal six of crows shenanigans.
author’s note: a reposted fic. do not copy, post on another site, translate or claim any of my works as your own or you will be reported! nav.
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Kaz Brekker did not make mistakes. He was a thief, not a fool, the Dregs' leader, and Ketterdam's most notorious man. He had a sharp intellect and was astute; no one ventured to cross him out of fear, or they were rational enough not to.
His plans were meticulous, and if something went wrong (which was unlikely), he had hundreds of backup plans ready to go. And everything went well, but there was a glimmer of realization that Kaz had made the biggest mistake of his life. It was bothering him, and he had a nagging feeling of uneasiness.
If he had merely noted when he met you—charming and intriguing—when he visited the House of the White Rose to inform Nina about a job; he should have simply ignored you when you passed him in the hall without a second glance, but Kaz had been effectively intrigued.
Nina told him that you were her closest friend and the one person in the White Rose who kept her sane. Nina was cautious, with a guarded gleam in her eyes and a reluctance that could get you killed in Ketterdam, when Kaz inquired whether you had any skills.
Nina had given Kaz a sharp gaze and said, “Recruiting her in the Dregs is dangerous.”
“Nina dear,” Kaz drawled. “It's dangerous everywhere in Ketterdam. And I think your friend would appreciate getting out of here every now and then.”
Nina told Kaz about your bewitching qualities with a little more trepidation. You were charismatic, a pretty face and a cunning smile that could tempt wealthy merchants to give you kruge and a wise convincer. Nina also mentioned that you had good combat skills. Kaz Brekker had smirked at the time, his thoughts racing. He was well aware that he needed you on his team.
That was his very first mistake. You were good at your work—you did a brilliant job and Kaz knew you were a terrific addition to the Dregs—but as the days passed, he began to have an underlying feeling inside him that he quickly dismissed whenever you were there. Kaz often wondered if he should have heeded Nina's advice about not recruiting you in the Dregs, but he'd been blinded by his curiosity, and he bitterly regretted it.
He recalled one mission in which they were meant to spy on a handful of Pekka Rollins' men. Kaz remembered how meticulously he had prepared for this; he had gone over blueprints over and again until his eyes were weary, but he would not rest—never. Kaz was scrupulous with his plotting especially since it involved Pekka Rollins.
When there's a lovely girl around and they're inebriated, men are simple to seduce. So, of course, your main task was to play the inquisitive girl, allowing men to reveal their drunken secrets while you sat, looking pretty. Despite the fact that you were skilled in this vicinity, Kaz didn't like the plan, but he needed Inej on the roofs and Nina by the door, so you were left as an option.
As he saw you woo one of Rollins guys, he felt a prickling sensation inside him. You were dressed in a velvety white dress that accentuated your contours; you stood out in the darkness of Ketterdam, and you shone brightly. Kaz may not believe in Saints, but he was convinced you were one by the radiance of your smile and dress.
He despised seeing you sitting on a drunk Dime Lion man's lap, and Kaz noticed you looked uneasy, so he fought the impulse to smash the man's head with his cane until his skull cracked satisfyingly. He reminded himself that this was a job, and he needed to do his part. Despite your unsettled expression, he could see your ears perk up, and that's when Kaz recognized the man had begun to speak.
Kaz watched you giggling and touching the man's forearm while drinking your drink; you were playing your part wonderfully as usual. And it all happened very quickly; when the drunken man leaned close to you, another man approached him to stop him, and Kaz realized the man knew who you were.
The man had said something to the inebriated man, and the latter had suddenly sobered up, and Kaz realized chaos had occurred. Because of the drink you drank, you appeared tipsy, but Kaz could see how your eyes flared in terror and your gaze immediately darted to him.
Kaz had set out on foot to get you, but Nina had beaten him to it. Nina had grasped your wrist and pulled you away in alarm before the man could grab you. Shots were being fired, and Kaz could see Jesper rousing his revolters to fire back at the men who were shooting at you and now at Jesper.
Kaz was so concentrated on the men and the bullets that he missed you limping in Nina's arms as he pulled his own gun. Nina wore a worried expression on her face and was essentially bearing half your weight. And Kaz could see it: there was blood on your abdomen that was obvious and evident through the white of your dress. As Kaz focused on you, gunshots faded into the background, and he was startled out of his reverie when Jesper told them to leave.
He didn't normally listen to Jesper because he was the one who gave the directions and commands, but now his feet followed Jesper's, his leg jerking in pain as he hobbled, yet his step was swift. He remembered the blood on your adobem, the way Nina's eyes widened, and he was filled with dread. It was terrifying. Since Jordie, he hasn't felt like this in years.
Kaz knew Inej was close behind him, quiet and concealed like the Wraith she is, as his Crows hurried to the Slat. As you limped beside Nina, Kaz could see you being held by her, and he turned to Jesper, a sensation inside him that he didn't want to convey.
“Run after Nina," Kaz rasped coldly. “Help her with Y/N.”
Jesper didn't need to say anything else as he ran to Nina, and when he caught up with both girls, he grabbed your waist and helped half of your weight as Nina and Jesper carried you to the Slat. Kaz despised hearing a hint of fragility in his voice, but Jesper didn't seem to mind.
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It didn't matter to Kaz if Nina could hear his rapid heartbeat. Kaz saw that the others were watching him as his eyes swept you laying on your bed with Nina mending your wound. Even though your face was pale and your breathing was unsteady, you were alive, Kaz was not soothed. Despite her concerns, Nina had been firm, requesting medical equipment from Matthias, who had followed orders.
Kaz isn't concerned about the Rollins information right now; all he wants is for you to be alright. He remembered your eyes widening in panic and searching for his first. He swallowed a lump in his throat and shook his head, focusing on you instead. And there was so much blood, Kaz gripped his cane tightly in his fist.
“Heal her,” he murmured.
Nina gave him a cold stare. “I'm trying, Kaz, but there's just too much blood.”
“I don't care,” Kaz said icily, his gaze matching hers. “Zenik, heal her.”
Inej had left, but not before praying to her Saints for you to be well. Jesper walked away as well, noticing the gloom in Kaz's voice and Nina's gaze. Matthias was retrieving more medical supplies, creating a tense atmosphere with only a feverish Kaz, an anxious but indignant Nina, and an alive yet barely Y/ N.
“You should leave, l'll get to you once l'm done,” Nina remarked as she resumed working in your wounded abdomen.
Kaz stood firm in his position. “I'm not going anywhere.”
With a shake of her head, Nina replied, “Your heartbeat is distracting me.” Kaz noticed her hand quivering. “I can sense your nerves, Brekker, and it doesn't help that l'm worried about her as well.”
He was terrified; he had shown vulnerability, and Nina had noticed. She knew he cared about you, and he had never experienced anything like it with anybody else. When Inej was stabbed, Jesper was shot, or Matthias, Wylan, and Nina were hurt, Kaz's heart didn't rush as rapidly. It was always you who made his heart race with nerves and a need to protect you if you were harmed.
When Kaz glanced at your hand, palm up, he felt compelled to grasp it. Not Jesper, who had brought you to the Slat, or even Nina, who stroked your hair away from your face every now and then, but he should be the one holding you and aiding you. But Kaz knew that idea alone was impossible; he couldn't think about it without shivering with distaste, so he stayed, a safe distance away, with a tremendous desire to hold you.
Nina fixed her gaze on him. “I assume she'll be a little hazy when she wakes up, so don't ask her any questions about the information.”
“I don't give a damn about the information,” Kaz remarked indifferently.
Kaz despised the mischievous glimmer in her eyes as she shot him a shocked glance. “Kaz Brekker not caring about the information that's about Pekka Rollins? Somebody pinch me.”
He gave her a skeptical look as he rolled his eyes. “Keep her alive by doing your work, Nina dear.”
Nina shrugged her shoulders, but her eyes were gloomy. “She's not dead, Kaz,” she said with a shake of her head. “Since the blood loss, she'll be unconscious, but she'll be fine—she usually is.”
Kaz nodded in agreement. What Nina said was right; it was not uncommon for someone in the Crows to be hurt—it happens all the time, especially during heists and jobs—but the jobs were mostly successful, and Kaz had been blunt in assigning you the safest task (charming people) because a selfish part of him wanted you to be in the middle of the job so he could keep an eye on you.
But, despite his composed demeanor, he seemed to crumble everywhere around you. Perhaps you had charmed him, as you had charmed so many others, by bewitching him with your entire being, causing his black heart to seek you out. When you were around, there was always an inflicted desire within Kaz, which he had always disregarded until now.
Kaz wanted to kill the man who had touched you, as well as track down the person who had shot you. He remembered your bright eyes dampening in fear and a brief tremor of despair as you realized you'd been caught, then blood splattering across your white dress and Nina's worried expression as she carried your limping weight.
Nina snarled, “You're doing it again.”
With his dark eyes, Kaz looked at her. “What?”
“I know you love her and all, but I need to focus, and your heartbeat is incredibly distracting right now,” Nina rambled.
Kaz stilled as he heard the word he didn't want to associate himself with. “In Ketterdam, love is neglected; it is reserved for the weak.”
Nina surprised him by laughing. “What are you doing right now? Whenever Y/N is hurt, you appear weak—you're in your vulnerable form.”
Kaz wanted to kill Nina by saying things he knew were true, but he was ignorant and stubborn to accept it. Nina gave him a knowing look as she cleaned, healed, and wrapped a cloth around your wound before kissing you on the forehead and leaving Kaz alone with you.
Kaz strolled over to where you were laying after a few moments of contemplation. He examined your flawless face, which, despite seeming pale and near death, was nonetheless lovely. Kaz paused for a while before raising his gloved palm to your cheek and tucking the errant strand of hair away.
He sat down near your bed, putting his disgust aside. Despite the strong temptation, he did not grasp your inviting hand. Kaz had stayed by your bedside the entire night, never leaving your side. Nina had stopped by every now and then to change your bandage, but she had said nothing about Kaz's overstaying or even asked him to leave.
When Nina was treating your wound, she had said, “You should rest, Kaz.”
Kaz gave her a sidelong glance. “Don't tell me what to do.”
Nina may have been right, but she was also wrong. Kaz did not believe he was capable of love, yet he had a great desire to be with you. To be in your company, to receive your gorgeous smile, and to simply be in your presence. And this time he wasn't going to ignore it.
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cherrywhipped · 1 year
what goes down when you…
❤︎ get drunk with your tokyo rev s/o. ❤︎
!!!!!! VERY NSFW ❤︎ including: baji, chifuyu, kazutora, takemichi, mikey, draken, mitsuya, smiley, angry, rindou, ran, izana, kokonoi, inui, kakucho, sanzu, taiju, kisaki, hanma, shion, naoto, wakasa, shinichiro
a/n: just in time for valentines!!😀 had the weeknd’s cover of drunk in love on repeat, so I smashed a bunch of Tokyo Rev ideas I had into this prompt that weren't working as full fics. Some of these I ended up loving a lot (pt 2??*cough*shin) & some of them will probably just stay here. have a wonderful v day & stay safe! if u don’t have a date (like me) buy urself flowers and read these in the bath bc ur fav TR character wants to f*ck you rn <3
— — ❤︎ Baji Keisuke
“No listen! Apparently we weren’t even a couple despite all the times we fucked at the winery? And then it ended up catching on fire?? That’s like the last message, like we don’t even know how Aiden’s contest wine rank—” Baji smashed his lips against yours, ceasing your rambling immediately. “Babe, respectfully, I have no fucking idea what you’re talkin’ about.” He smiled and lowered his lips to your ear. “But, ya know, I could listen to your voice all damn day,” Baji planted a featherlight kiss near your earlobe as he whispered, “…’specially like hearing those moans of yours.” Something about liquor made your usually stoic boyfriend run his damn mouth. His topaz eyes twinkled as you stared at him in shock. You felt his heavy hand against your cheek and leaned into his comforting touch, his thumb brushing over your lips. “Keisuke,” you sighed. “You made me forget what I was saying.” You kissed his hand and lightly bit down on his thumb. “Good.” He sighed as you opened your mouth enough for him to slip his index finger in, another one following the first. You closed your lips around his knuckles and sucked him in, beckoning him further down your tongue until his fingertips tapped the back of your throat. He chuckled softly when you gagged. Baji pulled his hand away from your mouth and stuffed it down your pants to finger you. You could feel the heat radiating from his face as he kissed you firmly, teeth sinking into your lower lip.
— — ❤︎ Kazutora Hanemiya
KBOOM. Heavy rain drummed against the window. Thunder erupted outside your bedroom, followed by a loud crackle, leaving you and your boyfriend completely in the dark. “Aw, shit,” Kazutora huffed. “Well, s’good thing we made a blanket fort.” He giggled and patted around for his phone. You were watching Regular Show in your little cave and playing one of those drinking games where you had to take a shot every time Benson yelled or someone said “whoaaaa,” for example. When the power cut out, you were several episodes in and needless to say, both pretty drunk at this point. “Here, I’ll help,” you say sweetly, fumbling around the wad of sheets on the floor. “hEy, babyyy, watch it.” It took a moment for you to register what had transpired; it seems you pawed Kaz’s lap... and accidentally grabbed his dick. Drunk y/n suddenly had a great idea. “Ohh, I’m so sorry pretty boy, ’m still looking for it,” you feigned, crawling closer to his body and intentionally getting handsy with him. You flipped up his shirt and ran your fingers across the skin of his lower stomach. Your touch danced over the waistband of his sweats, teasing him mercilessly before fully cupping his hard-on. Tora whined. You could barely make out his head tipping back in the dark as you squeezed him. “Mmh, god… y/n, baby, ride me,” his tone made your heart pussy jump, it was a mix of desperate and demanding. Before you could move, he grabbed your ass, pulling at the flesh of your thighs and hips to get you to straddle him. You rolled over onto his lap, french kissing him feverishly. Kazutora sucked at your bottom lip as he pressed your body down to grind against his pelvis, rocking your hips forward and back slowly.
— — ❤︎ Matsuno Chifuyu
The refrigerator was overflowing with Jell-O shots for the party tonight. You and Chifuyu were so ready to impress your friends, having gone all out with a batch of rainbow ones AND a batch of chocolate pudding ‘dirt cup’ shots, complete with sour gummy worms on top….. only for it to get cancelled:( “I’m sure they’ll reschedule really soon, Fuyu. at least these should last a few days,” you comforted your love. “Yeah… no point in letting them go to waste, though. I’m tryin’ some—” Chifuyu made a b-line for the fridge and returned with handfuls of the mini containers. He plopped down next to you with an expression one could only describe as epiphanic. “Actually… Hold that thought, I’m gonna order pizza.” You snorted, “We having a party of our own?” Chifuyu put the shots down on the coffee table. “I mean, why not?? With a pizza box and all these cups we can play…” he paused for dramatic effect, “battle shots!” You giggled and nodded, “Battle ships with Jell-O shots and a pizza-box board, huh?” You smiled brightly. “Have I ever mentioned that I love you?” Chifuyu grinned playfully at your comment and hovered over you on the couch, nose inches away from yours. “Mm, no, never. I think I’d remember something so impo—” you leaned forward and pressed your lips to his before he could finish his sentence. ••••• “A5.” It was the last turn of the game. “Hit, and you sunk my battleship,” you sighed in defeat, utterly wasted after having Chifuyu wipe the floor with you this game. “Woo! I wiiinnn, what’s my prize?” Chifuyu beamed. You crawled over to him and laid your head in his lap, kissing his thighs playfully. “I’ve got an idea.” He shivered and bit his lip. A deep sigh left his chest, relaxing his body as he stroked your cheek. He gazed at you adoringly. “Oh? I think I like where this is going.”
— — ❤︎ Hanagaki Takemichi
You are seated next to Takemichi at his beautiful cousin’s wedding, looking on as the newly wed couple shares their first marital kiss. Michi squeezed your hand before contributing to the growing applause and cheers. He breathed a sigh of relief upon surviving the most stressful parts of the ceremony, and now everyone was just ready to let loose. “Whoa, check it oouuut!” He exclaimed, pointing towards the delicious spread of food and drinks decorating the room. Music blared as everyone helped themselves. Takemichi twirled you around the dance floor a few times, and now you were seated near the mini bar to get your drink on. You two had a toast to yourselves first (what better way to celebrate the romantic scene) and stared into each other’s eyes lovingly. The chemistry was almost the same as when you two had first started dating, the conversation flowing effortlessly all evening. One, two, four… you lost count of how many drinks you had at this point, and your boyfriend was looking pretty flushed himself. You stared at the just-married couple at the center of the dance floor. “They look so wonderful together... I bet,” you began boldly, “they are gonna have the wildest night after this,” you took a sip of your drink and smirked. “Y-Y/n!! That’s such a dirty thing to say,” Takemichi sputtered. “Baby. Don’t play coy like you haven’t said some of the filthiest shit I’ve ever heard.” Your eyes flicked over his flustered expression. You paused for just a moment before leaning in close to his ear. “Tell me you don’t want to act on all the love and romance in the air.” Your hand rested on his face close to the bottom of his jaw. Takemichi trembled, he was visibly caving under the pressure. You heard him swallow hard and nod slightly against your cheek, “I could kiss your lips until they bruise. You have no idea...” he whispered. “That’s more like it. We’ve never really explored having sex in a public place, have we? C’mon, I’ll prove my love to you now,” you kissed his cheek sincerely. “And I’ll let you prove you’re thinking some things far worse than I am,” you whispered and pulled him out of his seat.
— — ❤︎ Sano Manjiro
“SHIT!” Mikey cussed, his quarter bouncing off the table and narrowly missing the shot glass he aimed for. You both had a few shots of liquor in you and the aims were only getting worse. “HA! That one was double or nothing, take two, Mikey~.” You loved playing games with your boyfriend, even if he was the worst loser on the planet and would conjure up absolutely anything to ensure he won in the end. “Noo, wait! One more! If I make this one, you have to take all my shots. If I miss, I’ll take four.” He stared at you with unwavering intensity. “And how’s that fair at all??” You squinted back, lips curving into a pout. “Okay, okay. Fine, here. You get a chance to shoot when I make this shot. If you miss, both of us only take two shots, but if you make it, I’ll take five.” He tilted his head to the side and smiled sweetly. What absolute nonsense. You thought for a moment before replying, “You’re on, babe.” Mikey flashed you a grin, lining up his course on the table. It was a great attempt, you really thought he had it. Somehow though, his quarter skimmed the glass and bounced right back out. “FUCK-!! YOU SAW IT GO IN!” He screeched. “NO WAY, THAT’S STILL A MISS!” Your intensity matched his frantic screams, laughter erupting from you. “Baby! Youu have to take four shots nooow~,” you poked his stomach and arms playfully. “Nuh uh, technically I didn’t miss.” You stared at him in disbelief. “Mikey. The quarter is on the table. Take. The damn. Shots.” He sprinted away from you at full speed, darting towards the bedroom, “MAKE ME!!” You couldn’t believe how childish-... But you didn’t have time to waste and chased after him. You caught up to him and flung yourself at him, effectively body-slamming him onto the mattress. “Sano Manjiro I swear if you don’t take those fuckin-” his hands gently wrapped behind your head, thumbs grazing the side of your face as he captured your lips in a kiss. That asshole. You melted into him, fingers wandering up his neck to grab handfuls of his hair. He swept his hands down your body, palms landing on your ass, pulling you flush against his hips. Panting, you pulled away from his sensual kisses. “Mm, I’m not letting you off that easy.”
— — ❤︎ Ryuguji Ken
“…you do remember where we are, right?” Draken breathed in a low tone near your ear. Yeah, of course, a casual dinner party with his friends and some of his work buddies. So maybe one of his friends made excellent cocktails, and maybe you overindulged. And perhaps, as a consequence, the liquor had you feeling devious enough to try to feel up your boyfriend around a corner where nobody could see to get a reaction out of him. “Mhmm,” you answered confidently. His grip on your wrist tightened as he pushed his knee between your thighs, backing you against the wall. “And you do know what’ll be waiting for you if you keep acting up here, hm?” You whimpered, maybe a bit too excitedly for his taste. Draken tilted your chin up to meet his gaze with his free hand, his brow raised into an expression that read ‘don’t test me’. You blinked innocently and pouted. “I’m sorry daddy. Can I have a kiss?” Ken rolled his eyes at you before answering, “Tch, fine. Just one, then we are going back for a little while longer.” He leaned down to kiss you, his hand softly resting on your jaw and his other hand releasing your wrist to settle on your hip. Just as your lips met, you pulled him close by the collar of his shirt with one hand, the other sneaking its way to his belt, dipping below the buckle slowly in attempt to tease his cock. You felt his body briefly relax before pulling away from you, breaking the kiss in the act. “Mm, you shouldn’t have done that.” He huffed. Without warning, he belted, “Oi, Mitsuya! S’getting late, I’ve gotta get my s/o home. Tell whoever’s left I’m headin’ out.” Your eyes widened in shock that he just announced your exit… and now you had no escape from the punishment you earned yourself. “C’mon, baby, let’s get you home and into bed, ah?” He laced his fingers with yours and led you to the car with a knowing grin.
— — ❤︎ Mitsuya Takashi
“You are so fucking sexy.” Your incredible Mitsuya, the absolute perfect partner, had the filthiest mouth after a few glasses of wine. It was dinner at your place, just some pasta and wine, nothing crazy, but Takashi had it out for you tonight. He beckoned you over to where he was sitting, heavy kisses quickly escalating before you could wrap your brain around it all. “God, you smell good…” he squeezed at your flesh ferociously. “Turn around, wanna taste my dessert,” he breathed, shifting in his seat at the dinner table. “N-no, other way, baby. I want a face full of ass while I eat that pretty pussy,”  his voice was low, growl-like tone making your cunt pulse as you climbed on the table. “Taka--!” you attempted to call to him pitifully. He pushed your dress up and sunk his teeth into the fabric of your panties, pulling them down your leg teasingly. “Spread ‘em wider,” he demanded. “Mitsuya!!” He was being embarrassingly direct. You would’ve been humiliated if you didn’t find it so hot. You slid your knees further apart on the sleek wood, back curving into a pronounced arch to put as much of your pussy on display for him as you could in this position. “Mmm, just like that, good girl,” he purred. You jumped when his tongue swiped along your slick folds, the contact making your legs tingly. He kissed and licked at your cunt before sucking your clit in his mouth. You both moaned in unison. “So good,” he whined in a low tone. “Want more?” he gripped your thigh with one hand and teased your entrance with the other. “Yes, please, Taka,” you mewled softly. You leaned your hips into his touch, and he let out a deep, lascivious giggle in response. “Baby, you’re gonna have to beg a little better than that.” You wished you could see the wide grin you knew was on his face. “Come on. I know you’ve got it in you.” 
— — ❤︎ Kawata (Angry) Souya
Tonight, you ventured to a bar within walking distance of your boyfriend Souya’s apartment. The two of you had as many drinks as you wanted since nobody was driving, the area was relatively safe, and left with confidence knowing if anybody messed with y’all, Angry was more than capable of kicking their ass. Your arms wrap tightly around your boyfriend’s midsection, face pressed into the back of his shirt as he walked, dragging you forward with him each step. “Pleaseeee! Souya, pleeee-,” your incessant cries were cut short by your boyfriend stopping abruptly and whipping around to face you. You flinched at his furious expression, but the words that left his mouth were surprisingly… sweet. “Sure, princess. It’s on the way to the apartment.” Angry took your hand and led you towards the barren park. You playfully danced around him and cheered excitedly, insisting that he push you on the swing. “Fine, fine, but only if you’ll go down the slide with me.” Of course you agreed and the two of you played around for some time. It was now Souya’s last time going down the slide, so you waited at the bottom for him. He let out the most adorable ‘wheee!’ sound as he swirled around to the end of the slide. You saw him laying at the base, slightly breathless, messy blue hair sticking to his forehead from the sweat, and a subtle grin on his usual scowling face. Before you knew it, you hovered over Souya, a handful of his thick hair in your clutches as you leaned in to kiss him. He sighed warmly and pulled your body close, deepening the kiss. “Ready to go?” You asked cheerily. “Mm. Wanna shower with me when we get back?” You caught a glint of mischief in his eyes as he spoke. “Sure. C’mon,” you replied and pulled him to his feet. “Y/n,” he began, and you looked at him expectantly. “…never mind.” Soya shied away from his words. “You sure?” You asked gently, eyes shining in the moonlight. “Um… We should play around like that more often.” He laced his fingers with yours as he walked you back to the apartment. “I love you too, Souya.”
— — ❤︎ Kawata (Smiley) Nahoya
“Oh~? What’s this, eh?” The toy whirred in his hands as he tinkered with the buttons. “Nahoya!!” You screamed. Why was he digging through your stuff?? Even worse for you, it seems that earlier today while you rushed to pack a stay-the-night bag, the mini vibrator you kept hidden in a small pocket in your backpack was overlooked. “So, my girl’s a pervert, huh?” His trademark smirk appeared especially daunting now. You hid your face with your hands. “I—,” you began. Although you and Smiley had some heated moments, being the tease that he is, the two of you hadn’t exactly gone all the way together yet. Tonight was supposed to be the night, you even had some drinks with him to dampen the nerves, but the implications of finding a sex toy in your possession made the anticipation spike back up. “I just, I forgot it was in my backpack,” you winced. “Ohw, why’re ya all pinched up, pretty baby?” His tone softened ever so slightly, “Don’t cha want me to use it on you?” Your eyes widened and your brows raised slightly. “Would you..?” you sucked in a breath, “I think I’d like that…” Your body moved faster than your brain as you slowly crawled towards your boyfriend sitting on the floor. “Yeah? C’mere, then,” he cooed, coaxing you into his lap. His hands tangled in your hair and pulled it firmly enough to cause your mouth to pop open. He quickly brought your face close, stealing your lips and slipping his tongue inside you with a soft groan. You barely heard the sound of the vibrator before Nahoya traced it up your leg, snaking under your shirt and bra to tease your nipple. You moaned sweetly under his touch. He pecked your lips once more before pulling away and grinning. “Heh. This’ll be fun.”
— — ❤︎ Haitani Rindou
Shit-faced at a concert? Sounds about right. You and Rin had been dancing around the pit and waiting for the headliner to start for almost two. hours. He made you get there EARLY because he “didn’t wanna miss the openers.” Bruh. Nobody sane goes to a concert early. You needed some liquor or you were gonna lose your mind. You and Rin smoked beforehand, he had a drink or two already as well, now it was your turn. It wasn’t a super large venue bc Rin wanted to check out an up-and-coming rap artist, but the crowd was starting to swell, the energy buzzing in the air. “Rinnie, you up for a little bet?” You tugged at your boyfriend’s shirt and gave him your best doe eyes. “Mm. Wassup?” He leaned his ear down to your lips to listen to your pitch. “I bet the cost of our bar tab that I can out-drink you tonight.” He perked up almost instantly. “Ohh? You really think ya could, huh? That’s cute.” He smirked and you elbowed his arm. “I’m serious,” you pulled him close to you, lips almost touching. He leaned in the rest of the way to kiss you slowly. “Since you’re so confident, lemme add to the bet,” he started, his hand dropping to the small of your back, pulling you close and brushing his cheek against yours. “Whoever wins… gets to fuck the loser’s ass.” You took a step back and stared at him in disbelief. “Are you deadass right now? …You know you could lose, right? How high did you get Rin..?” He stared into your eyes intensely and half-laughed, “Nah, ‘m deadass serious. Guess I could, but I won’t lose. You’re already startin’ out behind, doll. Best get to drinkin’ if the bet’s on.” His confidence was almost enough to make you change your mind. almost. You sucked in a breath and hurried to the bar to order yourself two drinks.
— — ❤︎ Haitani Ran
“Ran baby!” you called, “What is this!?” You got up at noon and headed to the balcony right off the bedroom for some air, only to reveal a fantastic looking breakfast spread on the patio tables. It was complete with a drink dispenser full of a vibrant orange liquid that very much resembled a mimosa. “My love,” his model-esque figure sashayed down the hallway, then stepped out onto the balcony dramatically. “You know how we always sleep in and miss brunch? Well, today, I brought brunch to us.” He beamed as he gestured towards the table, a soft breeze rustling his hair and kicking up the end of his silky robe. What a strange boyfriend he was, but you couldn’t deny that he looked gorgeous in his own right. You let out firm giggle. “Ran! You didn’t have to do all this, what’s the occasion?” He leaned forward and grasped your chin tenderly. “Oh, I just love you, that’s all.” Before you could react, his lips were on yours, melting you completely. Your hand gingerly grasped his, meeting his eyes with nothing but pure, wholistic love. “How did I get so lucky? I love you very much, Ran. Thank you.” You brought his palm to your lips and kissed it softly. “So, now we’re gonna get drunk… and then you’ll give me the best head I’ve ever had in my life, right?” He smiled blankly. “RAN!!” You playfully whacked his chest. “As if I’d say anything other than yes.” You both moved to the table and enjoyed breakfast, downing mimosas like nobody’s business. “You better understand what you’re in for now, Haitani.” You warned. “‘M not stopping after the first, second, or even third time you cum.” Ran’s face contorted into one of amusement as he drunkenly giggled, “You better not, but after that, I’m taking you to bed, k?” As you crawled under the table on the balcony, a fleeting thought penetrated your mind, could anyone see you? The minute you got a taste of Ran’s cock, however, the thought vanished, and you didn’t have a care in the world.
— — ❤︎ Kurokawa Izana
“How can you just leave me standing, Alone in a world so cold,” Izana sang softly as he played his guitar in his apartment for you. “Maybe I’m just too demanding, Maybe I’m just like my father, too bold,” you sang along with him, admiring the sounds filling the room. Your boyfriend, however, suddenly ceased his playing, gentle laughter interrupting the song. “Baby, I know you don’t sing like that.” He set his guitar aside, giggles getting the best of him. “Zana, that’s so mean, do I really sound bad?” You felt your eyebrows raise in concern. So maybe you weren’t Prince, but you knew you weren’t the worst singer in the world… did you offend Izana’s ears enough for him to stop playing altogether and laugh? “Not at all, you’re just… so cute when you try to sing drunk. You focus so hard that your pretty face gets all scrunched up…” he leaned forward from his seat on the floor to grab your cheeks. He cracked up again upon seeing your face squished into an exaggerated fishy-lipped pout by his own hand. “Izana, you are so giggly tonight,” you teased. “I dunno, guess I’m just in a really good mood.” He smiled softly, hands coming up to wipe tiny tears from his lavender eyes. “Aww, is that your way of saying I make you happy?” You scooted closer to him and poked at his sides, tickling him slightly. He responded between broken laughs, “Hey, you make me very happy, y/n.” There was a sweet moment of silence before he retaliated. Izana moved on your figure, leisurely yet swiftly grabbing your wrists and pinning you to the floor. He hardly gave you a second to protest before he was kissing you delicately. He made you feel adored and desirable in ways you couldn’t have anticipated. You wrapped your legs around his back, the soft, sensual kisses sinking into dark, hungry ones. His grip on your wrist tightened as he pressed his body against you, the two of you desperate for closeness. He broke the kiss only long enough to say, “bed,” before pulling you to your feet and drunkenly guiding you to his room, your lips and bodies inseparable.
— — ❤︎ Kokonoi Hajime
“Where are you, little slut?” Koko’s voice echoed through the hotel penthouse. You held in your giggles as you hid in the gorgeous marble bathroom, hunkered down in the lavish bathtub. “If I don’t find you in the next 10 seconds, I’m gonna spank you till you cry. One...” You let out a cackle. “Kokooooo! My darling, take a bath with me,” your voice carried throughout the suite. You stood up and stripped down to your lingerie as you waited for him to enter the room, opting to sit seductively on the edge of the tub. “Sigh.” Koko stepped through the door, his face decorated lightly with vanilla icing. “You’re more trouble than you’re worth,” he rolled his eyes and sauntered towards the tub. “Tongue out,” he demanded. You did as you were told, delicately licking the icing from his cheek and side of his nose. You left tiny kisses on the affected areas as he complained. “First you finish off MY favorite wine, then you go and hit me with a cupcake.” He clicked his tongue and crossed his arms, sharp eyes boring into your forehead. “Baby, that was a total accident!” You stammered. “Awh, it was an accident~” his lips curled upwards as he mocked your tone. “Koko!! I didn’t know how close my hand was to your face, Hajime, I’m drunk! And I’m very sorry…. C’mon, let’s take a bath, pleaseee?” You tugged at his clothes gently. “Why d’ya wanna have a bath so bad right this second?” He took a step back, heavily lidded eyes fixed on the intricate red lingerie you wore. “Wanna fuck you in the bath, I guess. Seems romantic.” Kokonoi raised a brow, his cruel facade melting. “Mm. Guess it is Valentine’s Day,” he mused. “Tch, You’re damn lucky I love you so much, my spoiled brat. Alright, but first, go prance a little. Get me a drink so I can see the set from the back.” You hopped up excitedly. “Yay!! Yes sir!” You started to head back to the main area before Koko’s voice stopped you. “Hold on,” he paused, “do that again.” You tilted your head to the side. “Do what, this?” you jumped up and spun slightly, all your curves bouncing with you. “Mm. So good for me. Hurry back now,” he teased, unbuttoning his shirt and pulling out a big box of rose petals from the cabinet to put in the bath.
— — ❤︎ Inui Seishu
Hot tears welled in your eyes as you choked back a frustrated laugh. “4th time balls back, you’re fucking kidding me…” you face palmed. Inui stood at the opposite end of the table, arms folded and his gaze fixed on the last two red solo cups in front of you. He was absolutely destroying you at beer pong. Who would’ve thought he’d be so good? You were unbelievably flustered at losing so hard and having to drink so much, but his flawless performance was undeniably impressive… his cool and domineering appearance further flustering you. Inui lined up the shot, and just before the ping pong ball left his fingertips, you hollered, “MISS!!” He flinched and the ball skimmed the cup. You laughed triumphantly. “Tch! Y/n, you cheater.” He rolled his eyes and picked up the second ping pong ball. He shot quickly and it sunk in, leaving one last cup before your defeat. You had only managed to wipe out 3 of his cups:( but you weren’t giving up yet!! You heard somewhere the more drunk you are, the better you get at this game, right? You snatched up the balls and went straight in on your shot, fatally missing both. Inui snickered, a slight smile appearing on his face. “Nice try, y/n. I’ll go ahead and win for us so you can take a break from drinking,” his eyes flashed with a subtle fierceness, bouncing the ball off the table into a perfect shot. Before you could pick up the last cup and remove the ball to drink it, Inui walked over and grabbed the cup for himself. “I’ll take this one off your hands.” You tilted your head. “Why? You won, it’s my punishment,” you inquired. “Little give and take. Let’s just say I’ve got some better ideas of how to punish you than making you drink yourself sick.” After throwing back the cup, he wiped your now nonexistent tears away and kissed your eyelids softly. “So worked up over such a silly thing…” He slinked behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, pelvis pressing into your back. He leaned down and brushed any clothes or hair aside to work a hickey onto your skin, kissing your neck and up your face, stopping right next to your ear. He bit the shell of it before whispering, “Wanna bend over for me, pretty?”
— — ❤︎ Kakucho
Let’s just say that you did NOT plan on getting drunk at lunch with your darling Kaku today. You skipped breakfast, sure, but what the hell was in that margarita? You were bewildered as to how one drink could possibly put you on your ass. You were dizzy just sitting in the booth across from Kaku. “Y/n, you didn’t answer my question. Sweetheart, you okay?” He smiled softly at you, eyebrows knitting together out of concern as he reached for your hand. “Uh huh,” you replied slowly. “Should’ve thought about drinking on an empty stomach,” you sighed and squeezed his fingers. The sudden flash in your mind of having his thick hands wrapped around your throat made pleasure pool in your stomach. …Were you ovulating? You must be. First you get drunk off of one drink, now you’re lewding your boyfriend at a restaurant midday. You paused. Before you could even correct your mistake, Kakucho looked at you knowingly. You slowly realized you were clenching his hand hard, and loosened your grip. “Oh, sorry, baby…” The corner of his mouth crept upward, and he raised a brow. “Y/n… why don’t you try texting me what’s going on,” he suggested with a knowing smile. “While you’re at it, I’ll make arrangements for someone to pick us up from here.” You gave him a bewildered stare. “Why not have a little fun, um… day... drinking?” He smiled sheepishly as you giggled. Kaku was willing to take one for the team if it made you feel more comfortable. Besides, it’s not like you had plans outside of each other for the rest of today. You pulled out your phone and began rapid-fire texting him every horny thought that came to mind. 📱[Y/N❤️‍🔥: take me to thebathroom and bend me over the sink :: do I think the server would notice if I sucked your dick under the table :: can i test it out? :: hmph. fine but i need u to choke me in the car, ok?] Needless to say, the look on his face was priceless. 
— — ❤︎ Sanzu Haruchiyo
The club. It was ridiculously dark in the room, you could hardly see flashes of Sanzu’s vibrant eyes and his wicked toothy grin in the pitiful blue and purple flashing lights. Somehow, the loud music contributed to your poor visibility and absolutely fueled the fire of lust and love you had for your boyfriend. All you could do is let yourself be consumed by him, fully taking in the feeling of his body against yours. Nobody could see you two making out on the dance floor, the two of you heavily intoxicated and tuned in to each other’s reactions: every touch and moan made your grip on reality slip. Haru backed you tight against the wall, his arms caging you in. Your spine arched deliciously into his chest. His breath hot on your neck, lips dangerously close to sinking into your skin, but he paused right there. He grabbed the side of your head firmly and pressed your cheek to his face, lips tickling your ear as he spoke over the music. “Could fuck you right here,” his voice is low, breathy, and dead serious. “Want to so bad, can I?” His free hand slips between your legs and up your dress… before you know it, his fingers are tapping against your panties, electricity jolting your cunt with each touch. “Uh huh, I don’t care, want you now, Haru,” you whined in his ear. A breathy laugh escaped him before kissing you roughly, his tongue swiping along your own. Sanzu pushed his hips firmly against yours, his feet lightly kicked at the inside of your ankles to make you spread your legs further apart. He aligned your body with his pelvis, effectively trapping you further against the wall. The kiss was broken to mark your neck as his hands hungrily grabbed one of your thighs and wrapped it around his waist, his lanky stature securing your position. You just knew your boyfriend was gonna fuck you so good, his demeanor borderline feral as he bared his pointy canines… it was like he wanted to stake his claim in front of everyone at the club--and you’d sure as hell let him.
— — ❤︎ Shiba Taiju [bar fight/violence WARNING]
There was no denying that your boyfriend was and probably always will be a little nuts, but you loved him for it. You are perched on a barstool, watching the madness unfold with blurry vision. The unfortunate sucker that flirted with you 3 minutes ago is getting his ass whooped by your beast of a boyfriend. You really tried to stop him, but Taiju made up his mind the second he saw that guy put his hands on you. Honestly, seeing him fight for you was as flattering as it was arousing--oops, you meant to think ‘terrifying’... probably. The stupid scumbag’s friend broke a beer bottle and threatened Taiju with it as you scrambled to your feet, backing towards the exit. To your relief, one swift swing of Taiju’s fist and the guy was out cold. Your boyfriend whipped around and stomped towards you, immediately throwing his arms around you protectively. “‘M taking us home.” He breathed, managing to escape the fight with only bruised knuckles and bloody eyebrow. God, he looked so hot. The two of you stumbled out the door. The moment you were out of sight from the people crowding the bar, you pulled him in a searing kiss. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you pressed your body against his. Taiju’s strong hands twitched on your waist. He wasn’t sure why, but he felt an intense yearning for you just then, the kiss ending all too quickly for him. “I’ll get us a ride,” you said softly. He blinked at you slowly, his wide amber eyes unreadable beneath his furrowed brow. “Mmh.” Was all he said. As you fiddled with your phone, Taiju’s head lowered to your neck, his forehead resting against your shoulder. He clutched the fabric of your clothes at your hips harshly, a ragged breath leaving his lips. “Give me your body.” His voice was barely a whisper. His lips met your neck passionately as his body enveloped yours. “Tai—,” you gasped when his teeth sunk into your skin. “Baby,” you moaned weakly, “our ride will be here in a minute, let’s get home and then,” you panted softly, “you can have whatever you wish.”
— — ❤︎ Kisaki Tetta
“Hi, my diamond. Enjoying the view?” You knew it was Kisaki by his euphonic tone before you felt his arms wrap around your waist. He pressed his body against your back and rested his chin on your shoulder, kissing your cheek before gazing out at the sea with you. “Yes! It’s beautiful, the water is so blue,” you exclaimed. It truly is one of the most beautiful views you’ve ever seen. Kisaki booked a vacation for the two of you: a cruise with a suite room so luxurious you would’ve mistaken it for a grand hotel room if not for the motion of the ship and sound of the waves. You’ve been his partner for years and somehow he outdoes himself every single anniversary. “Wanna have a drink with me?” He offered, planting another kiss to your face. “Sure!” You practically sang. Kisaki took your hand and led you from your private balcony to inside the suite. You almost fainted at the sight. Before you on the coffee table sat an ice bucket with pink champagne, strawberries, melted chocolate, whisky, soda, and a few of your favorite snack foods. “Happy anniversary, darling.” You immediately rushed to capture him in a giant hug, squeezing him tight and peppering kisses all along his face. “You really didn’t have to do all of this, my goodness. Thank you—thank you so much, Tetta. You really know how to make me feel special.” He smiled lovingly before you captured his lips in a heartfelt kiss. Kisaki poured you both a glass to start, you had a cute little toast, and then, you drank. It didn’t take long for the effects of the drinks to hit you. Between the high of the views, snack spread, and your handsome boyfriend... it’d be a fat lie to say you weren’t dying to get in his pants. “Tettaaa,” you whined. “Will you come cuddle me?” You asked climbing onto the bed. “Anything for you.” He said softly, his figure resting next to you on the mattress. One of the many things you loved about Kisaki was that he always dressed well. That, and his scent is intoxicating. You hummed and began unbuttoning his shirt. “Oh? I thought you wanted to cuddle?” Kisaki quirked a brow with a playful expression. “Maybe I just said that to get you into bed with me..?” You met his intense eyes and ran a hand along his chest, kissing him before he could respond. He pulled away gently, a slight snicker escaping him before adding, “Mm, well, I did say anything for you.”
— — ❤︎ Hanma Shuji
“wanna suck you off so bad, pleeeeaase baby your cock ‘s warm n you taste s’good, I want you in my mouth.” unbeknownst to you, the ‘whisper’ that left your lips could be heard by almost everyone in the room. Your friends gawked at you: some cackling, one mortified, others asking for someone else to repeat what you said because they missed it, and a few too stunned to speak. Hanma snorted at your comment, far too drunk, horny, and amused to be embarrassed. God he loved the shit you’d come up with when you drank together. “Yeah? ‘m going to smoke, wanna come?” His sharp golden eyes met yours, alluring grin beckoning you to join. “Mhmmmm,” you tugged at his arms as you stood up, pulling your boyfriend along with you. A few whistles and hollers rang out as you and Hanma stumbled out the door. Outside was surprisingly quiet. The distant sound of a few cars passing by was all you could hear. You walked down the stairs to the poorly-lit yard and backed him up against a large tree. The bark made indentions on your palms as you kissed Shuji with passion and desperation. You thought about asking for permission, but this time, you just wanted to go for it. He deepened the kiss hungrily, his tongue melting into your mouth. Hanma nipped at your bottom lip, trailed kisses down to your neck, and bit down roughly. He too was at a crossroads. Part of him wanted to throw you up against the tree and teach you a damn lesson, but a larger, needier part of him wanted to smoke… and watch you try to suck his dick while he did so. “God, won’t even give me a minute to breathe, let alone light a fuckin cigarette,” he slurred breathlessly. “Down, baby. Let me get this started and then you can have your way with me, hmm?♡.” He fished for his pack and lighter as you kissed down his body, your lips latching onto every inch of bare skin you could get, hands deliberately snaking under his clothes to feel as much of him as you could. “Fuckk, baby, you’re gonna ruin me…”
— — ❤︎ Shion Madarame
“GO GO GO GO—YEAAAAAHHHH ATTA BABYY!!!!” Shion belted as you chugged beer from a giant cooler. It was more liquid than you ever imagined could cram itself down your throat. You agreed to go to a frat party with him, of course, your sweet himbo boyfriend wanted to give the college partying lifestyle a shot. Liquor rushed to your stomach and your head at full speed, you swallowed your last gulp and hoped to goodness none of it would wind up coming back up. “HOLYYYY SHIT. Babe. You’re a goddamn legend.” As if he wasn’t already so whipped for you. “Yeah? s’all for you, daddy,” you slurred, feeling your knees buckle underneath you. Shion quickly moved to support your frame. “Oh fuck, baby, let’s get you layin’ down somewhere.” He helped you into the house and pulled you into an empty bedroom. “Here’s some water… y/n, you okay? I didn’t mean to come off as a dick-…ahh-” you pulled your boyfriend into a heated kiss on the bed. “I know, you didn’t. s’just beer, baby. I’m okay! I’ve taken more shots than beer I’ve had now before.” You smiled confidently. “…Huh? Wha-? Oh. I think I get it. You’re still drunk as fuck, doll. Wanna go home?” He peered into your eyes and cupped your face sweetly. “Uh-uh, lock the door. Come fuck me.” Shion’s face looked like he saw a ghost, or like his dreams were about to come true, or like a ghost appeared ready to make his dreams come true. “A-are you for real right now?” He asked, his voice wavering. You didn’t respond immediately, instead opting to pull him in to a sultry kiss, licking his tongue with your own, pulling away to bite on his bottom lip. “Oh, I’m for real.” You whispered, a handful of his hair clenched in your fist. Shion moaned breathily and hurried to go lock the bedroom door. 
— — ❤︎ Tachibana Naoto
It was so dark tonight. You could only see two things: a faint red hue from the stoplight flooding into the car, and Naoto’s lap. Going out to dinner, you’d both usually have one drink or so, but this time, you talked your boyfriend into being your DD and got a little sloshed. He didn’t mind, though. He loved your raw confidence when liquor was added to your system. He’d get you back safe and take some shots when he got home, no sweat… right? “Fuuuck, baby, slow down,” he rasped, words mixing with moans catching in his throat. “I-isn’t this kinda dangerous?? We are only 5 minutes awAy-aaHh~” Naoto whined as you freed his cock from his slacks. “Nope. Want it now,” you stated flatly, hardly missing a moment before focusing on swallowing his dick. Your lips glided smoothly down his shaft, nose recklessly smashing into Naoto’s lap, his tip jutting against the back of your throat. You set a rigorous pace, hellbent on milking him and tasting his cum as quickly as you could. The light flicked to green. He moaned pitifully and tried his best to focus on driving, easing his foot off the pedal. He could lose control to you, but he would not under any circumstances lose control of the car. “Y/n, fuck,” he grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled you back roughly. “Slow down. Just a little,” he begged, “…please.” You found Naoto’s feeble attempt to take some control back in this situation to be adorable. You love your boyfriend and you know he can take charge when he means it, but you also know when he’s enjoying being at the mercy of your power. You moaned in response and licked the tip of his cock slowly, stroking the base with your free hand. “Mmh, just wait until I get you home,” Naoto lamented breathlessly.
— — ❤︎ Wakasa Imaushi [rough WARNING]
“Shhhh, shh shh,” Wakasa shushed you softly from underneath your skirt. “Just wanna taste,” he whispered, breath tickling your thighs. Waka had been an absolute menace at the bar all night: kissing your neck, slipping his hands under your skirt, teasing your pussy as you sat on a barstool in a puddle of slick, devouring you with his bedroom eyes as you took another shot together. And to make matters worse, the more he drank, the more bold he became. As if he wasn’t already too much to handle sober. He was so fucking smooth, too, nobody suspected a thing. Waka pretended to be a nonchalant, good boyfriend, helping his wasted babygirl get to the bathroom safely. In reality, he was an animal ready to sink his teeth into you. He made a soaking, shaking mess of you, teasing you to the point of having jelly legs, and lured you to the bathroom so he could continue to torment his prey. “Waka, you’re so cruel,” you whined, tears pricking your eyes. “I don’t want you to tease me, I want you to fuck me, damn it,” you choked, trying to be firm and not to let any frustrated tears slip out. “Come again?” Imaushi pulled away from your legs to look you in the eyes. His stare was beyond intimidating, it was narrow and threatening. You blinked several times. “I said I wanted you to fuck me,” you replied cautiously. “Oh, baby, you should’ve said so sooner if that’s what you wanted.” He cooed, his voice sugary sweet, a little too sweet for your comfort. “But baby, you should be careful what you wish for.” In what seemed to an inebriated you as one swift motion, he stood up, snatched both your wrists in one hand, spun you around and pushed your chest against the bathroom counter. 
— — ❤︎ Sano Shinichiro
“More,” you panted heavily. “’K, hurry up ‘n get this off,” Shinichiro slipped his hand underneath your cropped cardigan, half-yanking the sheer material to the side to plant a hickey on the top of your breast. You hastily untied the top and slipped it off your shoulders to give him a full view of your tits in your tight dress. Your hips circled his lap, desperately grinding against him. The windows of the car began to steam up as your body temperatures rose. The two of you went bar hopping and ended up too drunk to drive home. While you waited for a friend to pick you up, things got more than a little heated in the back seat. “Fuck...” his chest heaved against yours, dexterous hands gliding up your back to unzip your dress. As soon as the zipper was down, Shinichiro’s hands snaked under the bottom of the fabric, giving your ass a firm slap before hooking his fingers under your lace panties and sliding them down your thighs. “Mmh, such a perv, Shin,” you moaned, momentarily shifting to the side to get the lacy garment off one leg. “Yeah? I’m not the one desperate to get fucked-” “Shut up, you want it just as bad,” you rebutted, the both of you drunkenly giggling as you climbed back on top of him, engaging in another slutty kiss. Your hands began to undo his belt as his fingers tugged your dress and bra down to expose your chest. He bit your nipple teasingly, wandering touch disappearing under your dress to grope your thigh and play with your clit. “God, you are wet,” he groaned into your chest, long, slender fingers easily sliding into your warm cunt. “S-Shin-!” you whined, “-can’t get it... off,” you huffed between moans and tugged at his pants helplessly. “Hang on. Busy.” He purred near your ear, lips latching onto your neck while he pressed deeper inside you. 
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writing-havoc · 1 year
HII! HOW ARE YOU? Okay so i have a kaz brekker x reader request but it's kinda meh but i just can't stop thinking about it. And it's kinda similar to your fic 'high' (my favorite piece of media EVER)
So fem!reader (or gn whichever is easier for you<3) drunk and makes fun of the way kaz talks and his hair and the way how he's really bossy. (I would so call him emo king) and he's just trying to get her to take a bath (be a fish) and rest.
Please please don't feel pressured you can just ignore this. Don't forget to drink water. Have a nice day or night love youu<3
♡ Summary: Kaz comes and fetches you after you have a bit too much to drink. Getting you to bathe and rest for the night is a little more difficult than he remembers.
♡ Pairing: Kaz Brekker x Reader
♡ Fandom: Six of Crows, Grishaverse
♡ Warning(s): Alcohol, Nudity (not smut)
♡ WC: 3.5k
Hello hello!!! Thank you for your request <3 I'm doing pretty alright thank you for asking. I hope you're doing okay!
I loved being prompted to expand on this and experiment with how it would go. To be honest that's also one of my fav pieces of work that I've done, and I'm glad someone else holds the same joy for it that I do!
Anyway, here it is!! Hope you enjoy it anon, ly <3
Please excuse any grammar and spelling mistakes
"Oh for Ghezen's sake just put one foot in front of the other." Kaz nipped, pushing just a bit harder on your back.
Your head was lolling back and to the side, unwillingly looking at the stars. Yet your eyes remain half closed, barely a fraction of your pupil visible in the moonlight. A smile is painted on your face the whole time, lips chapped and cracked from dehydration. "'M tryin' Kaz. But my head is just, so heavy and the stars 're so pretty."
"I know I know- hold on to the cane- the cane!"
He shouldn't have let you have those last few drinks, but unfortunately you batted your little lashes and made the same little promises you do after enough time has passed for his memories to become just a little bit muddled and forget how far from the truth your promises are.
You'll say you'll be fine. You'll say you'll get home safe. You'll say you'll see him soon.
But you can't really fulfill any of those. So he at least has the foresight to stay with you, or to have someone else stay with you and come get him when you down more than your promised two or three.
And he makes a big deal out of it, saying all these things and talking like he's annoyed with you, but really?
He's not.
Not as much as he thinks he should be anyway. If he had heard anybody else complaining as much as he does in his own head he'd stuff his own glove in their mouth and tell them to deal with their inadequate relationship elsewhere.
But it's him, and it's you, and it's different.
You're not like them. You're not violent or a verbal tyrant or negligent.
"Did I ever tell you..." You start, then chuckle to yourself when you straighten up and sway around. "Did I ever tell you that kin'a remind me of a cat with your hair slicked back like that?"
You're,,, silly. And he feels silly saying that but you are. It's the perfect word to describe you when you get like this. Light jabs at the things you like about him, your feet walking to a rhythm in your head that makes you stop and go and speed and slow at random, laughing at the most mundane things.
"I don't believe you have, no." You definitely have. But he allows you to repeat it.
The Slat is wonderfully empty as he opens the door. Only a few people occupy the tables off to the side, but they're just as drunk as you are, and he doubts they can see this far from their drooling.
"Come on." He leads you over to the stairs. "Up we go."
You lean on the rail, shaking your head, smile gone. "Mh-mhn. I can't." You continue to shake your head, eyes closed. "Your leg is bad."
"Good observation. Your legs, however, are fine, if a bit wobbly. Up you come." He tries again to coax you up, to no avail. You lean on the rail more, even pushing into it.
He forgot how much you resemble an ox when it comes to getting you to do something. It's like you contain this ability to just plant yourself anywhere and stick no matter the force that's pulling or pushing you.
"Your leg is bad. I can't go up."
"My bad leg does not effect your ability to walk up the stairs." He says as gentle as possible.
"But it does."
He sighs. "Could you explain to me why that is?"
Your bottom lip pushes out just barely, eyes opening and looking at him through your lashes. It's a look that would have any man in Kerch on their knees, he's sure of it. "Need your help."
His heart sunk. "Just grab the railing and my cane, dove. I'll take my good leg up first."
You analyzed the stairs, scrutinizing them. "Promise?"
"You know I don't make-"
"Promise?" A hint of anger bubbled in your tone, the same firmness in your eyes when you snapped your head to look at him.
He takes a deep breath. "I promise."
And just like that you were ready to ascend the stairs. You grabbed the railing, clumsily reaching out for his cane which he gave readily.
Even in your drunken state, you knew exactly which stairs creaked and which ones were just this side of broken. You skipped a stair, glaring at it as Kaz ascended with his good leg first, then continued with your usual lax expression.
He tried to step with his bad leg, but you immediately backtracked and held his cane firmly, holding him back as well. "You promised." You bit out.
"I did." He switched back, good leg going up, slowly edging you along. "It just slipped my mind."
"Nothin' slips your mind." You pouted, begrudgingly ascending when the cane went too far to hold close.
"Important things," he corrected. "Important things don't slip my mind."
You yanked on the cane, making him look at you. "You're important."
And he... doesn't know what to do with that.
Of course in whatever realm you were occupying he'd be important. He's important for a lot of things. His businesses, his club, whatever constitutes as leader of the crows.
It's not that he thinks he's not important. He just forgets to take into account that with you, he's important in the little things too.
Pointing him where to massage on his leg when it's giving him trouble, bringing him fresh tea when he tries to drink the day old stuff pushed to the corner of his desk, at least reminding him to sleep when the clock reaches two bells in the dark hours.
And right now, when you force him to take the pressure off his poorly healed shin.
"You're right." He confirms, helping you to the top of the stairs. "I am. Now come on."
When he began to lead you to his room, you groaned and stood in place. "Noo. I don' wanna fish."
His mouth struggled to stay in a line, corners quirking up. "You have to fish. You're sweaty and you smell like alcohol."
"I's a good smell."
"You gag in the morning when you smell it."
"Hogwash, you walking shadow."
He tugged you along, walking ahead of you and up the stairs to the attic. His help wasn't much needed here with how narrow and more secure the steps were, but you needed the extra hand to coax you up and towards your inevitable bath.
His office was dark, the only thing preventing the room from being cast in complete darkness was the street lights outside pushes a faint yellow glow through the window.
A lantern was stored in a bookcase next to the door for this reason. He clipped his cane onto his belt and hooked a finger under the handle, giving you little assurances that he wasn't going to let you fall while he navigated the room he knew by heart.
He parked you by his makeshift desk, guiding your hands to the desktop for some leverage while he rustled through a cabinet for the matches.
Immediately you were enthralled with the fire. Nina thinks you were an Inferni in your past life, and he finds the idea hard to not believe as he watches your once droopy eyes widen and follow the ball of fire in his hand as it lights the lantern.
He closes the shade, putting out the match and watching you smile as the whole room lights up.
"So bright." You whisper, as if it's your first time seeing fire.
He shrugs off his coat, throwing it over the back of his chair. "Very. Don't touch it."
You pout, taking your hand away. "I don't know what you're referring to."
He takes the lantern from where it rests on the desk, unhooking his cane and walking to the bathroom. "Come take your bath."
"'Come take your bath'." You mock him. "You're a bossy bossy man, you know that?"
He can't see you as he hangs the lantern on a hook, but he knows your hands are on your hips and your head cocked to the side. You always became so sassy when the initial fuzziness seems to wear off.
"It's what im paid for." He calls, swirling the basin of water he had filled up before he left. It was only expected that you should get a bath tonight, and he didn't want to wake anybody now of all times to come and fill it up.
"Youre not getting paid right now."
He didn't have any soap. He used up all of his last time and you usually keep yours tucked in your room, eager to hide its existence from greedy hands.
Just water will have to do, since he doesn't trust you to not fall asleep in the time it will take to go to your room and retrieve yours from your spare set of shoes.
He exits the bathroom, coming face to face with you. "I should be with how I'm ordering you around right now."
He waves you over, and it seems at this point you're becoming too tired to really fight back. You shrug off your outer layers, leaving them in a pile on the floor that you attempt to kick to the side. It's seems you think that you did away with them well enough, but really you just kind of spread them around.
That will have to come later, he thinks, and then puts a hand on your bare shoulder as you take off your shirt, throwing it over the side of the basin. Your pants come off and are thrown at its base, shoes somehow already off in the time span it took to check the tub and come retrieve you, socks following.
"You can keep your undergarments on if you'd like." He says, resting his cane against the wall.
"Oh don't get shy on me now, Kaz. You've seen me naked at least a dozen times." You look back at him, a shit eating smirk on your face.
He's thankful for the warm lantern light to obscure the warmth creeping up his neck and nipping at his ears. "Only because we end up in situations like these. It's more efficient to just get you clean now than have you complain in the morning and almost throw up in the tub."
You moan, the sound throaty and like gravel. "I don't wanna be a fish."
"You dont have to be one for long. Just a few minutes until you're clean."
"Can' be clean if there's no soap."
"We can at least get most of the grime off. Come on, one leg over the other."
Slowly, you climb into the tub, Kaz helping you get in with minimal sloshing.
And now comes the hard part.
His gloves are made of leather. He can't dunk and soak them in the water and expect them to be fine later.
They come off quicker than last time, but just as shakey. He puts on two pairs of cloth ones he's kept in here since the third time this happened, when it became apparent that this would happen again and several more times after.
Once they're on he flexes his hand, feeling the cold unforgiving waves slosh at his knees and lick up his thighs.
It's not the same. It's a bath. It's you.
"Can you get your body?" He asks, though. Because as much as he'd like to be of some help here he can't help but need to touch you the least amount as possible.
You think it over, stretching out as much as the tub allows before nodding. "M'yeah, I can do it."
He hands you a rag, watching it sink under the water and become several shades darker.
He turns around and allows you to do your thing, but knows your routine from when you, Nina, and Jesper had a heated debate about which order to wash your body in.
You'll wash your neck and chest first, digging into your collars bones and over your shoulders, then do you arms, followed by your torso and around your back. Then you'll scrub at your legs, moving to your face, then your waist, then your feet.
It'll take about ten minutes to go over every part, scrubbing in places you think have the most grime, and all the while having your shampoo already scrubbed into your hair so that you can rinse everything out all at once.
But you're tired and drunk, and he doesn't know how far you'll make it down your list until you eventually get frustrated or too exhausted or both.
He listens to the water in the tub move as your scrub yourself beneath its surface. A throaty hum emanates from your throat, a tune oddly familiar to the song that plays in the club filling the room.
Every once in a while you'll sigh, the water halting. He'll lean back and ask if you're alright, and you'll hum and get right back to scrubbing.
It's fifteen minutes before you say anything.
"You alright t' do my hair?"
His stomach churns, acid bubbling at its entrance.
"Ill be fine."
He turns, gesturing with his finger for you to lean your head into the water.
There's a pause before he reaches into the cold depths, wondering if he actually /will/ be fine.
When you look at him, eyes rimmed in red and glassy, he scrounges up whatever stability and modicum of the word "cope" he has and dunks them in.
Immediately he finds your hair, burying his fingers between the strands and finding your scalp.
It's hard to feel anything besides temperature with these gloves, and your head is practically burning against the cool water.
You're definitely cold. He can tell by your flushed cheeks and the way you curl your arms around your waist, goosebumps littering your arms. Yet you remain warm under his touch.
He watches the little hairs on your arm wave in the bath current as he scrubs, almost hypnotizing in their back and forth movement as you move to let them rest against your thighs.
But it's not enough.
He's scrubbing your hair, trying so hard to just focus on the grime under his fingers as his hands make the cold water slosh. The feeling is oddly familiar to the waves coating his hands as they dunk half under as he clings to blue flesh.
But you look at him, and your giggle is like little bells that keep him above water, just for the moment.
"You know what you look like?" You ask. "You look like- oh, what's that new style they got goin' on?"
He has no idea what you're talking about. Fashion trends are far beneath his radar unless necessary for a job.
You snap your fingers, pointing up at him. "Emo!"
That makes his eyebrows raise. Because he is familiar with Emo, because a bunch of kids called him that when they were out much past their bedtime. They found it necessary to shout it at him while he was passing by, laughing as they ran into an alleyway.
"I don't think that's accurate." He manages to get out, dunking your head a little further to cover your ears and get the wisps of hair in front of them.
"It's sooo accurate." You draw out your o's, blinking slowly and out of sync. "Emo king."
He sighs. "Whatever you say, little fish."
You pout, moving away from him and turning belly down, chin dipping into the water. "I thought I was your dove."
Again, thankful for that warm light. It makes his stomach feel all twisty the way you say "your". For just a moment, he let's himself smile, really smile, and puts his chin on his hands. "You are. But right now, you're a fish."
You huff, turning back and putting your head within reach. "Okay, mister emo cat."
He sighs, beginning to scrub at the parts of your scalp that he already got but feels he needs to do another once over for. "I am neither emo nor a cat."
"Tell that to your hair, loverboy."
He scoffs, taking his hands from your hair. "Your hair's done. Get out so you can dry off."
You laugh at your accomplishment, sitting up and scrunching your hair as he discards his wet gloves on a towel rack and dries himself off.
Honestly, loverboy? He's not some lovesick puppy. Loverboy applies to those who are unfathomably whipped, wrapped around their partners finger and touching at all times. It has no place being in the same sentence that his likeness occupies except to say that he is not a 'loverboy'.
He hands you a towel as you get out of the tub, heading to his closet to fetch you some of his clothes.
"An old one, please?" You yell out to him.
"I know." He calls back.
If he can help it he replaces his button ups every few months. But you like the ones that are just around that area of wear and tear. In your words, they "ain't tight and smell like him. Win win."
He doesn't bother with pants, but grabs a pair of his underwear for you to change into instead that he knows you'll find more comfortable.
As he limps back to the bathroom, he halts as he analyzes his thoughts and actions.
Fuck. Maybe he /does/ deserve the name Loverboy.
The realization almost makes him groan and sit down on the floor right then and there.
Can't he just carve his heart out? Isn't that what the poets and song writers do?
Alas, he is neither a poet nor a musician. So he will instead take the long way out, and bring you his clothes and get you into into his bed before the third bell chimes.
He hands you the clothes, watching your face light up for a moment before he exits to his office to clean up the mess you made.
The beak of his cane hooks under your coat, dragging it up and into his hand which he then throws onto the chair. You hate getting it off the coat rack, half the time pulling it with you when you take your coat back. So he sets it here for now, and takes your shoulder bag and shoes and organizes them around the chair just as you usually do.
"I think I found my new look."
He turns around, seeing you trying to pose against the wall. It's supposed to be sultry and sexy, but it definitely does not read that way with your soaked hair, stiff back, and uncooperative limbs.
"If you think so." He nearly chuckles, taking his gloves from your hands and slipping them onto his own, and then retrieves the lantern from the bathroom. "Come to bed."
Thankfully, you seem to love the idea of the bed. It doesn't take much to lead you to the little nook he calls his bedroom. He hooks the lantern to the wall as your body slumps onto his partially eaten sheets.
"Mmm." You hum, smile hidden under your squashed cheek. "Warm."
"Doubtful." He jabs, unfolding a blanket at the foot of the bed and draping it over you.
"It really is. Should try it sometime." You poke at the space beneath your eye, tongue sticking out.
He assumes you're referencing the eye bags that have taken permanent residence on his face, to which he rolls his eyes and hikes up the blanket to cover your back. You hate the cold creeping in.
If you wake up cold in the morning, you will be cold for the rest of the day. And unfortunately for you, you have a job in about six hours.
The less you have to complain about, the better.
"Ill try it later." He promises. "For now, you need it more."
You mumble something, but with the way your eyes are drooping he figures you're not even aware you said anything at all.
As you doze off, he half sits on his nightstand, and watches your breathing begin to slow and even out. It's loud at first, but eventually you grow quieter and quieter, muscles relaxing as you sink into his hard mattress.
Your hair is thrown about everywhere, still wet from your bath, and you'll need Nina to remove a kink in your shoulder in the morning. But for now, you're calm, and safe, and that's enough.
He takes a deep breath, just the same as you do, and then sighs.
"Goodnight, little fish." He mumbles, and then stands, off to collect the ingredients for a hangover tonic and catch up on paperwork.
@b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @a-candle-maker
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ravenyenn19 · 1 year
Six of Crows future head cannon:
Alby Rollins joins the Dregs.
Picture it: 1920’s-esque Ketterdam, 10 years post Sweet Reef/ Ice Court. Slick Rolls Royce cars line the cobbled streets, a city spiraling toward a new age. Rain drenches the obscure signs & hidden arrows pointing to the Speak-Easy halls. In a time of prohibition… down, down, down must one go in the Barrel to find the most notorious of them all. A slice of sin, six feet under. A crowd drunk off vice served in black tea cups.
The young man walks into Kaz Brekker’s office (after fighting his way there), sits himself in a chair opposite a great obsidian desk. Winded & lip still bleeding from his tousle with the men at the doors, Alby wheezes: “Teach me.”
In turn, A near 30 year old Kaz smirks. “I thought lions preferred their pride.”
Alby, barely pushing 17, gives a smile of a golden boy, nervous but strong enough to hold the gaze of a devil. (He’s practiced.) “I thought Crows scavengers. Here I am, a shine for the taking.”
“Still have that crow, little lion?” A feminine shadow whispers from the corner. Unnoticed by the young man previously, he clicks his teeth but still refuses to show fear. A serpent-like bead of sweat slides down his spine, a shiver chasing after. He holds firm, biting his cheek to hide the startle.
He knows this shadow, this phantom. She haunted him, once.
“I buried it with my father,” the Kaelish prince whispers, “or rather, in place of him. Never did find a body. Pity.” He shrugs.
Kaz’s eyes glint like a cat’s, his smile a loaded gun. A gloved hand stretches halfway across the table in offering. “All right, cub. What do you want?”
Alby reaches forward, feeling the cold black leather of Dirtyhands’ grip between his fingers. The moment is a stormy crossroads, a whip between his shoulders reminiscent of his father’s favorite belt. He smiles, for this is a pain Alby has been walking toward since the day he woke up clutching stuffed black feathers.
(His blood never did bleed emerald.)
More than one answer to Kaz’s stinging question come to mind, nettles along the path of his thoughts. Yet, only one pricks Alby into speaking, the rage in his voice real rather than bravado. “Revenge.”
The Wraith giggles roughly, slipping herself to the arm of Kaz��s chair on silent feet. Alby swallows.
“On me?” The leader of the Dregs rasps, a brow peaked with amusement. His wife smiles with closed lips, knives glinting along her body like hungry specters. For here, her teeth are shown. Alby knows she Captain’s a fleet of the deadliest ships in the True Sea. He drags his gaze from her quickly.
“No.” Alby stutters, but he does not lie. Kaz Brekker bested his abusive father, and he does not care about Pekka’s death. In fact, sitting with the suspected murderers, Alby finds he rather prefers their company.
Kaz reclines in his chair, a hand lazily splayed on Captain Ghafa’s knee. He regards Alby with black eyes, a sharpness that pierces through his strength but doesn’t shatter it. A blade meant to probe. A test of mettle. Alby has waited too long for this audience, he cannot lose it. A moment passes.
Dirtyhands looks to his wife, his Wraith. She quirks her head in the silent exchange. Six heart beats have passed, and Alby Rollins is certain he won’t leave this room. He waits for the snap of a cane to bank his vision, a warm blanket of red to cover him from the jugular down.
He waits for death, but does not invite it. It does not come.
Instead, a voice like choking smoke, “Then let us begin.”
Alby Rollins releases a breath. His knuckles loosen in parts. A tattooist is called in.
The Crow & Cup bleeds as it settles, accepting the fresh skin as it’s master’s tithe.
Alby sits taller, a prince of a different kind, a darker throne.
I don’t make the rules but this is now my personal agenda & important that u agree
Crap now I have to put it in a fic
Should I do it?
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agent-tempest · 1 year
My favorite fanfics!
Loki Friggason [Marvel]
Dancing in the dark (with you between my arms) by @holymultiplefandomsbatman [Fluff]
Paper rings by @cherryrogers [Pure fluff]
Back in your arms by @sarahscribbles [starts angsty but happiest fluffiest ending]
Remus Lupin [Marauders Era]
I don't want them. I want you by @theemporium [Fluff, Marriage, Drunk!Remus]
You are in love by @starstruckmoony [fluff]
Red by @jamespottersdaisy [Banter, fluff]
Gold Rush by @jamespottersdaisy [pure fluff]
Hiccups and hijinks by @dreaminginpastels [Plus-size!Reader, fluff, mutual pining, mentions of insecurity and self-doubt]
Jealous Prof!Reader by @turvi [Fluff, wife!Reader]
Let me help by @jamespottersdaisy [bad mental health, eating disorder?, angst]
Remus saying "I love you" to the for the first time by @theemporium [xReader, pure fluff]
Remus taking care of Drunk!Reader by @theemporium [Potter!Reader, Drunk!Reader, Soft Remus]
Remus being soft only with reader near fullmoons by @lizard-onawindowpane [Pure fluff]
Calm after the storm by @earthgirl616 [enemies to lovers, swearing, kissing, mention of blood and wounds]
Pinky Promise by @jamespottersdaisy [Pre and Post Moon!Remus, Remus and reader have a fight]
Our Band Part 1 Part 2 by @wzrd-wheezes [Marauders Band AU, Barista!Reader]
Kaz Brekker [Grishaverse]
Deadly fever by @webslinger-holland [mentions of severe illness, mentions of traumatic childhood, mentions of needles and bloodletting]
Book Club by @rainydaymiscellaneous [fluff, Kaz is in love]
There was this boy... by @mcntsee [Fluff]
Schon by @mcntsee [Kinda ooc Kaz, kaz is ok with y/n’s touch. Stabbing, blood, killing]
Peter Parker [TASM]
Worth Saving by @fettuccin-e [Hurt/Comfort]
Sirius Black [Marauders Era]
I think he knows by @theemporium [potter!reader, fluff, James being a Mood]
Words that slip through by @padfootagain [Fluff, tiny bit of Angst(?)]
For your family by @padfootagain [Fluff, Arrange marriage trope, Soulmate au]
Forced by @sirisuorionblack [Fluff, Arrange Marriage trope, toxic household]
Sirius wants a hug, but doesn't know how to ask by @gtgbabie0 [Fluff, touchstarved Sirius]
Everything has changed by @once-upon-an-imagine [Fluff, Lupin!Reader, Jilly Wedding]
Sirius being jealous of a cat by @theemporium [fluff, jealous!Sirius and *in steve's voice* Language]
A cozy rainy night with Sirius by @theemporium [pure fluff]
James Potter [Marauders era]
Stop flirting with the nurse, it's embarrassing by @perpetuallydaydreaming [Fluff, Siri & Pete being melodramatic]
First Impressions by @jackie5656 [Fluff, Descriptions of assault and attempted assault]
Just to Kiss by @chrryhrt [Frat!James x Reader, Idiots to lovers, friends to lovers, small mention of alcohol]
Regulus Black [Marauders era]
Coward by @sirisuorionblack [Hurt/comfort, Arrange marriage trope, acedemic rivals]
Moon Boys [Moon Knight, Marvel]
Jake Lockley- Cucumber face mask and fist of vengeance by @wysteria-clad [Fluff]
Jack Lockley- dlz by @ichorai [Angst, mild fluff, marriage au]
Marc, Steven and Jake- Clumsy by @marvelsswansong [fluff]
Marc, Steven and Jake- Secret Identities Part 1 Part 2 by @bensolosbluesaber [Fluff, reader is an Avenger]
Benedict Bridgerton [Bridgerton]
Matchmakers by @siempre-bucky [fluff]
Not for him by @iwritefandomimagines [Platonic!Anthony playing matchmaker, Fluff, slight angst]
Second son by @fayes-fics
Druig [Eternals, Marvel]
Druig x Reader by @siempre-bucky [fluff]
Stephen Strange [Marvel]
July 19th by @frostandflamesfanfic [Fluff, Strange being a dad to America]
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yesimwriting · 8 months
⋆。°✩ yesimwriting's masterlist⋆。°✩
Below the cut is a full list of all my work :) (updated 10-10-23)
*pls limit interactions if you’re a pro ED/ana acc :)*
Final Girl 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 
Chapter 10
To be continued.
Final Girl fic-verse:
First Impressions 
Sick Day
Final Girl fic-verse blurbs:
Drunk Y/N 
Stu saying the L word
Billy saying the L word
Little Rituals  
Time of Need
Talking about Y/N
Stu’s thoughts about Y/N and POV
Billy Loomis x S/O with Panic attacks 
Stu waiting for Y/N and Casual Intimacy
 Billy and Stu with S/O who cries a lot 
Billy and Stu Scaring Guys Away
People noticing their friendship 
Driving with Stu 
Ethan Landry 
One of Them
Ask about Ethan 
Noticing they like Y/N
Joel Miller
First Rule
What Follows
Y/N gets hit on - Protective Joel 
Pulling Away
Pulling Away similar story
More Than This 
Tate Langdon 
Modern day fic
Jason Todd
Slow Nights
Business Practical
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 
Steve Harrington
Movie Club
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Times Have Changed
48 Hours
Chapter 1
A Red Widow
This Time it’s Different 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
TASM Peter 
Domestic Assertiveness 
Hobbie Brown 
Ask about Hobbie
Bloodroot in the Suburbs 
Chapter 1: The Babysitter 
Chapter 2: Kill Habits, Not people 
Searing Starlight
Searing Starlight Chapter 1
Searing Starlight Chapter 2
Searing Starlight Chapter 3
To be continued.
Kaz Brekker:
Blurb series: The Promise of Rain (i define a blurb series' as a series with shorter chapters where each chapter correlates but can technically be read as a stand alone)
The Promise of Rain (blurb 1).
The Promise of Rain (blurb 2).
The Promise of Rain (blurb 3)
To be continued.
Falling Angels:
Falling Angels Chapter 1
Falling Angels Chapter 2
To be continued.
Anastasia (Prologue) 
Bookworm reader 
A Knife in the Back
The Darkling:
Solace (part 1)
Solace (part 2).
To Be Alone (smut).
All the Good Dreams (might be getting a part 2)
The Needs of Pain (part 1)_
The Needs of Pain (part 2, smut).
Corridor Moments
darkling x shy! reader HC
Comforting the darkling HC
Playing Vices
Darkling x anxious! Reader
Kirigan x Soft Girls/Similar personality 
Crossing Lines 
Darkling x Pregnant! Reader 
Nikolai Lantsov:
Handmaid reader x nikolai. childhood best friends to 
lovers fic
Enemies to lovers Nikolai HC (i'm thinking of making a series based on this
The Problem With Light Chapter One
To be continued.
Maven Calore:
Dying Starlight
300 notes · View notes
rubysunnday · 1 year
lavender haze
requested by @roguemetalmaster13: Congrats on 6k! I’ve read your Matthias Helvar fics and I really like them, so I was wondering if you could please write a Matthias x fem or gn reader fic?
summary: when circumstances mean Y/N is forced to face Matthias and her hatred for him, the hatred turns into something more
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"Helvar, this is Y/N."
Y/N raised her gaze from the book she was reading, eyed Matthias up and down, and then dropped her gaze back to her book.
Jesper winced. "Yeah, she's uh... she's Grisha so..."
"I don't like Druskelle," Y/N replied, turning a page in her book.
Matthias nodded once. "Fine, I understand."
"I don't think you do, but ok," Y/N said softly, with a humourless chuckle.
"Y/N, put your grudge aside for now," Kaz warned. "We've got a job to do."
Y/N huffed but closed her book, setting it aside on the bar top. "Fine. What are we doing?"
"You," Kaz amended, sliding an empty tray across the top of the bar and to Y/N, "are going to be working our target."
Y/N snatched the tray from Kaz and raised her eyebrows. "I'm doing what?"
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"This corset is tight and my boobs are about to fall out," Y/N muttered to herself, yanking the front up.
The Crow Club was full to the bursting with patrons. Y/N was glad she had a moments reprieve behind the bar - away from the people who kept pushing and shoving her and groping her limbs.
The gang was dispersed about the room as well as outside. Kaz was sat in his usual corner, Wylan next to him. Nina was down the other end of the room, flirting with patrons and doing her best to convince them to spend more money. Jesper and Inej were both outside, watching and waiting for their target to walk in.
And Matthias? Matthias was on door duty. Also waiting for their target.
Albert McCarthy was a rich businessman from Belendt and a close friend of Pekka Rollins. Kaz wanted intel on Pekka and who better to ask than McCarthy.
Y/N's job was to get McCarthy drunk enough to spill his secrets to Inej out in the alley behind the club. Which sounded easy. But there was a rumour - a fairly truthful rumour - that McCarthy had been the man dressed as Mister Crimson, who'd killed the young girl in the Sweet Shop.
He was not a nice man.
"I've been asked to check on you," Matthias said, walking up to the bar, leaning his arms on the counter.
"So, you're not here of your own volition or concern," Y/N replied, picking up a shot glass. "Good to know."
Matthias sighed. "I have done nothing to you -"
"Agree to disagree." Y/N looked up at him and gave him a tight lipped smile. "I hold grudges well."
"I've noticed," Matthias muttered. "Y/N, look, I'm not the man I was."
Y/N stepped back, picking up a bottle of rum from behind the bar. "How do I know that, Helvar?" She asked, lowering her voice slightly. "How do I know that, if I trust you, you won't just turn around and sell me to the Fjerdans?"
Hurt flashed across Matthias' face. "I wouldn't. I just wouldn't."
Y/N's eyes focused on someone behind Matthias and she swore. "He's here."
Y/N's heart sped up and she took a deep breath in, forcing herself to calm down. She didn't know if Matthias had picked up on her anxiety or not, but he didn't leave. He stayed by the bad, slightly to the side, looking just like any other patron.
"Evening, sir," Y/N said, beaming at McCarthy as he approached the bar. "Can I get you anything?"
McCarthy smiled at her, tilting his head slightly. "Glass of whiskey, please..."
"Rosita," Y/N replied, reaching down behind the bar.
"Beautiful name. Just like the person." McCarthy sat down at the bar and leant forward. "Make that two glasses."
"One for me and one for you - I like to drink with company."
"My boss doesn't allow drinking on the job," Y/N said, pouring the whiskey into a glass.
McCarthy leant across the bar and grabbed another glass, his hand brushing against Y/N's. "I'm sure he won't mind one."
Y/N sighed dramatically. "Fine."
She had one drink and then one more, watching the McCarthy the entire time as, for every one sip she took, he drank the entire glass.
It wasn't long before McCarthy was drunk and swaying in his seat. Y/N had come round for the bar to sit on the stool next to McCarthy (and Matthias). McCarthy's hands kept roaming from her legs to her waist to her arms and it was all Y/N could do to sit there and giggle - to let it happen.
"How about we take this outside?" McCarthy suggested, his words slurring together.
Y/N almost cheered. He really was making this easy for himself.
She took his hand and pulled him off his stool, giggling playfully as he fell off it and into a table. They went through the back door and out into the alley, the cold night air a sharp change from the stuffy interior of the club.
McCarthy rounded on Y/N as soon as they were outside, pushing her against the wall and pressing his body to hers. Y/N was fighting with herself now to not hit him, to push him away, to panic.
She saw Inej rather than heard her. She appeared from the shadows, looming ominously behind McCarthy, a dagger in her hand.
McCarthy's hand began to wander up her skirt, the material gathering in his hands and Y/N nearly broke. But then Inej stepped forward, knife pressed to the back of McCarthy's neck.
"Step back," Inej hissed. "And turn away."
McCarthy, feeling the point of the blade against his neck, did as he was told. His desire turned to disgust as Y/N moved away from the wall, coming to stand beside Inej.
"Wraith," McCarthy sneered.
"Aw, Inej," Y/N cooed, "he knows your name."
It was interesting, watching Inej interrogate someone. Y/N had never really paid attention to it before, often preoccupied with doing something else for a job, or acting as a silent observer who really wasn't observing.
"We know you're friends with Pekka Rollins," Inej began, slowly and meticulously twirling her knife between her fingers.
"What of it?"
Inej took a calculated step forward. "He has a glass factory up north. That doesn't make any glass. Sound peculiar to you, Y/N?"
"Very peculiar," Y/N replied. "Almost as if its a front for something."
McCarthy laughed. "What is this? A pathetic attempt at interrogation from two children?"
Both Inej and Y/N rolled their eyes at that. They were both more than used to the skepticism of men, and women, in Ketterdam. They were barely twenty - Inej and Wylan looked like they were still in their teens - and people rarely took them seriously. But as soon as Inej took her knives out or Y/N clicked her fingers and fire appeared, they quickly changed their minds.
So, they did jut that. In a well rehearsed movement, Inej unsheathed her twin knives and Y/N snapped her fingers, fire flaring up and dancing across her skin and down to her palm.
McCarthy blanched and took a step back, his cocky demeanour vanishing as it always did when a merchant was threatened. They felt powerful until they didn't.
"Alright, alright, let's not be hasty," McCarthy said. "I'll talk."
McCarthy launched at Inej but the girl deftly jumped to the side, leaving her foot in McCarthy's path. He tripped on it and stumbled forward. As he did, Y/N came forward, her fingers burning orange. She wasn't going to harm him with her fire - she just wanted to taunt him.
Her fire flew threw the air, catching on the fabric of an empty stall behind McCarthy and exploding into a roar of orange. McCarthy stumbled back and growled.
It was predictable what McCarthy did next. But Y/N's lack of sleep over the last few days meant her reflexes were slow. McCarthy launched to his right and harshly shoved Y/N aside.
She lost her footing, going over on the heels of her shoes, and fell back into the wall behind her, smacking her head, hard. Y/N gasped, swearing as her hand shot up to the back of her head. She dug her nails into her scalp, trying to even out the pain.
Inej crouched down to the ground and rolled forward, propelling herself under McCathy's legs. She shot up the other side, slicing her knife along his leg as she did so.
McCarthy screamed out in pain, his leg buckling and folding beneath him. Inej loomed over him, twirling her knife between her fingers.
"Please," McCarthy panted, beads of sweat gleaming on his forehead. "Please, I'll tell you what you want, just don't hurt me."
Inej's lips quirked up into a smile, her teeth peeking out. "I like it when men beg."
It was like a lightning strike. Inej pounced, punching McCarthy in the face, knocking the man to the floor and rendering him unconscious.
"Is he dead?"
Y/N flinched, clicking her fingers and summoning fire. Matthias took an abrupt step back, his hands flying up into surrender.
"Saints, Helvar," Y/N said, falling back against the wall behind her, "has no one told you to not sneak up on two women in an alley at night?"
Inej laughed, wiping her knives down on her trouser leg. "No, he's not," she answered, sheathing them, "just out cold. Jesper and Kaz can deal with his chatter, I'm too tired."
"Agreed," Y/N said. She put her hand to her head again and winced, quickly pulling it back. In the dim light of the alleyway, she could see something wet on her fingers. "You don't need me, do you?"
Inej shook her head, pulling her hood up. "No. Go get some sleep while you can."
Y/N nodded her thanks and yanked open the side door. The warmth and noise of the Crow Club greeted her. She began to climb the stairs up to her room, the pounding in her head gradually increasing with each step up.
She got to the first floor landing and wobbled, putting a hand out, finding the wall.
The floorboards behind her creaked but she didn't react. She knew who it was. Matthias was not stealthy.
"Come to finish me off, Druskelle?" Y/N asked, panting softly as she tried to catch her breath.
Matthias sighed. "How long before you trust me?"
Y/N turned. "How long before you stop hating Grisha?"
"I haven't hated Grisha in a long time," Matthias said, stepping up onto the landing. "Believe it or not, people can change."
Y/N looked at Matthias, trying to ignore the pounding in her head. "My parents were captured and sent to the Ice Court for trial," she said quietly. "I hid. Even as the screaming started, I hid. I didn't come out until a group of second army arrived and carried me out of there."
Matthias was silent, gazing at her intently, his eyes scouring her face. Y/N met his gaze, the silence growing around them. She didn't need to finish her story - Matthias knew.
"I am sorry, for what my people did," he said softly, his accent sounding stronger now than it had done before.
"Thank you," Y/N whispered. She sub-consciously put a hand against the wall, readjusting her weight slightly. "No one has ever apologised before."
Matthias' gaze turned to concern as he noticed Y/N leaning heavily on the wall. "Are you ok?"
"Ahuh," Y/N said, trying not to nod. "I smacked my head against the wall when he shoved me."
Matthias moved close. "Can I look?"
"It's fine -"
Y/N hesitated but ultimately relented. She turned around and stepped back, brushing against Matthias' chest as she did so. He gently prodded the back of her head, his fingers parting and holding up sections of hair.
It was almost relaxing. Well, it was relaxing. Y/N closed her eyes and leant into his touch. Matthias moved slightly closer, letting Y/N lean back against him.
Y/N had always wanted to be closer to Matthias. Seeing how he was around Nina and Inej - the way he acted with them and hugged them made her yearn for it. But she hadn't trusted him. Because she knew better.
Now, however... she still knew better. But now there was understanding - acceptance.
Y/N turned around, Matthias' hands falling to his sides as she did so. "This is all I've ever wanted," Y/N said quietly. "To be closer to you."
"No one was stopping you."
"Except myself," Y/N whispered. She ducked her head for a moment before raising it again. "I just wanted this. To hold you and smile at you... to hear you laugh at my jokes."
"And now?" Matthias asked, his hand brushing against Y/N's.
Y/N took a deep breath in at the touch, goosebumps dancing up her arms. She took the plunge and leant forward, pressing her lips to Matthias'.
Realising what she'd done, Y/N pulled away. Her heart was pounding in her chest, her hands shaking slightly.
Matthias looked at her. His gaze dropped to her lips. He launched forward, forcing Y/N to take a step back. His hands wrapped around her waist as his lips trailed kisses down her neck, onto her collarbone and back up again.
They were hungry for one another. Y/N wanted to hold him tightly and never let go.
Matthias bent his knees, put an arm under Y/N's legs and scooped her up, never once breaking the kiss. She wrapped an arm around his neck, breaking her lips from his for a moment, just to catch her breath.
Y/N leant her forehead against his, panting hard. Perhaps it had come out of nowhere, the sudden desire to hold him and want him. But, at the same time, maybe it had been festering underneath her hatred since the beginning.
Her hatred had evolved into something more.
"Stop thinking," Matthias mumbled. "Just kiss me again."
So she did.
Matthias grinned against her lips as he turned and carried her down the corridor, pushing open the door to her room with ease.
He laid Y/N down on the bed and she giggled, bouncing slightly against the cushions. Matthias climbed on top, one knee either side of her legs, his hands resting on her thighs.
Y/N looked up at him and couldn't help the excitement pooling inside her. "Yes?" She asked, needing to know.
His lips curled into a smile and Y/N melted a little bit more. "Yes." Matthias leant down and pressed his lips to the space below her ear. Y/N arched up into him, her hands fisting into the material of his shirt. "Absolutely, yes."
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lady-ashfade · 1 year
Hello love, it’s 🦂-Anon here again and I just adored your latest fics.
I have been thinking of the crows with more hybrids readers and it just clouds my thoughts. Could we get something with yandere crows giving a neko reader a collar? (Also I hope we can get more bunny reader)
Yandere Six Of Crows x Fem!Neko reader. Hc’s
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Yandere Six Of Crows x Fem!Neko reader. (Romantic)
I had this exact idea too! I wanted to do it with the bunny reader but i got more plans for it! So hopefully I can finish it.
I will do so much more if you guys want. Puppy, fox, heck even a spider reader. This is just so fun.
Warnings: Collaring, Pet relationships, obsession, protective, little suggestive…So minors go away or don’t interact, but nothing bad.
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You must really love being the center of attention don’t you? It was so easy to get their eyes focused on you, even when you weren’t trying to.
You could just be sitting down with a book and facing away from them, but here they are literally just loving how you breathed. The group praised every little thing you did, they are your own cheer team.
But they were so overbearing. You had no freedom at all, and I mean at all. You want to go downstairs into the club? At least one of them has to be close to you. You want to go for a walk? Two group buddies follow you.
Just think, you, their little baby were to get hurt? They could bare the thought- in fact they couldn’t fathom it.
You have a bed in all the rooms, each of theirs bedroom or offices. I mean of course you’re more then welcome to sleep with time but just encase.
Their hands constantly touch you. Or they just watch your tail wag around in whatever mood you are in. They melt when your ears flicker, like Nina almost died once. But you were a Neko, which the cat side of you just had the urge to bite back.
So they have spray bottles.
I can see them having bite marks on their hands at all times. But you did feel bad about it.
Punishment wasn’t that often because you were obedient for the most part. But when you would stare at them and just knock something over, or back sass them- Or even hiss at them.
There are a few different approaches. 1) of course the spray bottle, 2) Ten minutes in a cage, 3) Being forced to go for a walk with a leash attached to your collar, 4) Or you will be locked up for a few days in your room. Though the last one was only when you fought back. And they felt bad about it but you had to learn. But you weren’t starved or anything, you just couldn’t have any company. Just you and the room.
But let’s talk about what you asked for, your collar.
It had to be perfect just for you. It was black leather straps that wound wrap around your throat, a metal circle in the center that had a hook of a small bell. And it had room for something to be attached, like a leash.
You weren’t aloud to take it off unless you asked, or you’d be punished.
They couldn’t stop but stare each time they saw you and the collar that rested on your skin. You belonged to them, they had marked their territory. It filled them with pride to know they could be the ones to collar you.
Everywhere you went the bell rang and they could hear you a mile away. The jingle got them excited each time because you were close.
You could take so many cat naps on their laps and they wouldn’t move for hours. Kaz loved it when you would just stay with him while he works. Your peaceful breaths made him calm, even he would pet your head.
Of course they wouldn’t let anyone get to close. You remember one day when you went into the bar without one of them close too you, one thing lead to another and a drunk man found you.
He was taken away and beaten to death by Kaz’s cane. Kaz didn’t care if anyone saw, it would send out a message that you weren’t to be approached.
Kinda spicy passed this line.
You were walked at times with the leash, mostly by kaz or Nina when you’d acted up. It was embarrassing and you cried the whole time, no matter how much you struggled they just tugged you through the streets. They didn’t try and hide you, in fact they wanted people to stare at you because then you’d cry even harder of embarrassment and think twice before disobeying them.
They would hook their fingers in the loop and tug you forward to kiss you, they enjoyed your blush and purring you got.
They knew how to massage your cat like features to make you whimper out. Your tail was very sensitive and they enjoyed when your voice got high when they tugged on the fluff. You think they care if they are out in public?
No. It doesn’t matter where you guys are, if it’s just waving in front of them it doesn’t matter where they are. They are touching you. I think Jesper is the one to do it the most because he finds it fun to tease.
Wylan is however the softest one, but the clingiest. He would steal you away all the time so you could just be with him, one time the others had to drag you out his lab because he didn’t want you to leave. He also likes it when you would listen to his music or curl up at his side.
I can see you trying to climb matthias all the time because he’s so tall and you know he finds it a bit annoying. But don’t let the tough man fool you, he fucking loves it. Don’t tell the others but he hides treats for you all over.
Inej can take hours of her day just watching you and kaz has to remember her she has a job to do. I think she might kill anyone that looks at you, her mind thinks they would steal you away and put you in the menagerie. Making her go feral and protective . She isn’t as bad as the rest with the touches and she likes it when you come to her first. She would never pull on your trail or ears for fun, unless you asks for it of course but she doesn’t want to hurt you.
But even she can’t stop herself from pulling you around by your collar to hear you squeal and have to follow her around.
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Intro post! + links to everything :)
Hi, I'm DK and this blog is mostly full of me talking about the Six of Crows and the rest of the Grishaverse! (and I'm also on AO3 as she_posts_nerdy_stuff)
It's occurred to me recently that I never did an intro post and also I'm just generally feeling that things over here are super disorganised so I've gone through all of my posts since 2022 (this was not a quick task you guys omg) and done my best to organise everything into tags so that you can access them all from here! All the links to the tags, or sometimes individual posts, are below the cut, and the categories are AO3, Grishaverse analysis, Grishaverse edits, Grishasverse knitting projects, and Grishaverse incorrect quotes.
Please note: this is a lot of stuff to wade through and I am sure to have missed the odd thing, but hopefully this is pretty mch everything! If you're looking for something that I've said should be here and can't find it, let me know and I'll do my best to track it down :)
Thank you all so much, love to you all <3
AO3 LINKS (I'm starting with the easier links, I don't have to make tags for these ones)
Original works
As I'm writing this I have four fics up on AO3, two of which are works in progress, and I'll update this post whenever that changes (ie when I finish them or when I start a new one)
Daughter of the Rain and Snow
225k words, 146 chapters, Kanej focused with Wesper featured and Helnik kinda mentioned, post-canon, no archive warnings, completed
Around ten years after the events of Crooked Kingdom, 25-year-old Captain Inej Ghafa frees Maya Olsen from a pleasure house in Ketterdam. Maya is looking for revenge against the man who put her in her position, a man who she knows nothing about except his name: Kaz Brekker.
Don't Go Blindly Into The Dark
80k + words, 36 chapters, Wesper focused with Kanej featured and Helnik mentioned, pre-canon, canon divergence, no archive warnings, work in progress
To hide that he can't read, Jan Van Eck has been forcing his son to pretend he's blind since he was eight years old. Wylan is now attending Ketterdam University, and meeting Jesper Fahey may very well be about to change his life. But is he safe to tell Jesper the truth? And what will Jesper say if he does?
Jesper is struggling to weigh up his life in the Barrel and his life at the University of Ketterdam, and there's a good chance that his growing debt is about to make the decision for him. He hasn't attended class consecutively for months, but maybe that will change when his newest project includes partnering up with Wylan Van Eck. But can he really leave the Barrel behind him? And how long can he keep up the pretence of who he thinks Wylan wants him to be?
Our Gods Have Abandoned Us
12k + words, 6 chapters, Helnik and Kanej with Wesper kinda featured, so much angst, post-canon, canon-divergence (Van Eck wins AU), major character death, work in progress
This one properly started with this post
"Of course they do, Jes," Kaz flexed his fingers in his gloves, "That's what losing a war means. And when that war comes, Kerch can't afford for Shu Han to win it. They'll back Fjerda against Ravka now so that when Shu Han turn against them Fjerda will back them in return. Ravka's navy will fall to Kerch's, most of Ravka's territory will go to Fjerda and if it has any money left then I expect plenty of it will be given to Kerch as part of the deal. The Shu will move against Fjerda to take back the territories they were trying to win from Ravka, and Fjerda will pay them little mind until they declare war on Kerch. Novyi Zem will back Shu Han, because they still think their trade ambassador was killed by the Kerch in what was actually Shu Han's last attempt to start a war over here, Fjerda will back Kerch, refugees will flee to the Wandering Isle and their economy won't be able to withstand it, and meanwhile I will remain exactly where I am and get drunk toasting to the end of the world. You're all welcome to join me,"
OR -
A Van Eck wins AU, mostly exploring how the Crows would respond to the situation but I have some semblance of a larger plot forming I just need to piece it together
If I'm Good Will You Come Back?
2k words, 1 chapter, sad and angst, gen but Helnik mentioned, canon compliant, major character death, completed
Five times Matthias Helvar spoke to his baby sister through Djel, and one time that she answered
I’ve put major character death as a tag but it’s nothing beyond canon, it’s just depicted in this fic from a slightly different perspective 👍
Posts where I'm recommending fics can be found here
Okay this is gonna be where this starts getting complicated to organise but here we go, and hopefully now that I have this as a place to keep it organised I'll be able to routinely come back here and update it so we can keep it all together :)
Assorted analysis - Grishaverse
Grishaverse asks
-> subcategory of asks: 'DK finally gets it together and answers her asks because it's about damn time (working title)'
Chapter-by-chapter SOC analysis
(NOTE: I've really been meaning to bring this series back I just haven't had time, are people still interested??)
Specific posts (I've put these ones here because they're generally the ones people ask to be tagged in or that I reference in other posts)
Kanej bathroom scene analysis
Kaz and Wylan's potential to become each other
Rare Spices Billboard
Inej vs the Wraith
Kaz's views on hierarchy
Religion in the Grishaverse (this one is mostly Djel and a little bit of the Saints; I did also write a lot in a reblog of a really good post on Ghezenism by @skepticalcatfrog as well so if you're interested in either part of that you can find it here, I would highly recommend reading their post it's really interesting)
Shadow and Bone TV show analysis
I'm not really sure how to organise this one but all of them are tagged here
If people would like me to I could come back and try to arrange them by character or ship or something?
Most of the time when I post about this stuff I give updates on all of them, but if you happen to want to filter them (or if I need to come back looking for something specific) then here are the projects:
Kefta cardigan
Six of Crows blanket
Toy crows of the Crows
I organised these by their sources because there were too many for me to choose another way to sort them tbh
Text posts I made based on things my friends and I have actually said. In real life. - the series
Source: friends
Source: the completely made up adventures of Dick Turpin
Source: community
Source: Parks and Rec
Source: the good place
Source: modern family
Source: our flag means death
Source: ghostbusters
Source: renegade nell
Source: the office
Source: young sheldon
Source: the cornetto trilogy
Source: big bang theory
Source: what we do in the shadows
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neewtmas · 1 year
a non-exhaustive list of fic recs for lockwood & co and stranger things
Under the cut you’ll find my Lockwood & Co and Stranger Things fic recs.
These fics are in no particular order and are the ones that stood out most to me while reading. All of these authors have other writing that should be checked out! Most have their masterlist pinned at the top  of their blog, which is why I didn’t link it seperately. 
Have fun reading these excellent pieces of fanfiction❤️
Lockwood & Co
by @maraschinomerry
How to Stand (friends to lovers, fluff, both povs, George teaches reader how to use a rapier)
Matching Mates (friends to lovers, george has a crush, locklyle teasing him about it, Fittes Ball, bestfriend!Lucy is scheming)
Matching Mates Part 2 (established relationship, fluff)
Stay Safe (Reader and George fight a visitor together)
Important Research  (friends to lovers, both povs, george is the sweetest,  misunderstandings, fluff)
I’ve got your back (angst + fluff, hurt/comfort, cuddling)
Offerings (angst + fluff, getting possessed by a ghost)
by @givemea-dam-break
Pretty (friends to lovers, bestfriend!Lucy, locklyle, Fittes Ball, jealousy and awkward George,  he’s a little idiot tbh)
Little Notes (love confessions through letters)
Touch (Gorge is jealous of Lockwood, fluff, a little angst)
masterlist for Lockwood x reader
by @lewkwoodnco
Wildest Dreams (strangers to lovers, reader works at Fittes, very in-character George, slight angst but happy ending)
Be More (valentine's day, FLUFF, george is a little awkward, food fight!! feels like a warm hug)
by @oblivious-idiot
london calling (reader works at Fittes, friends to lovers, fluff)
midnight comforts (after the boneglass, nightmares, cuddling, fluffyyyy)
the break of dawn (fluff, pizza for breakfast, watching a movie)
late night collisions (friends to lovers, fluff, george is bad at uno, stealing shirts)
the only exception (ghost touch, fluff, george is the swe etest)
Stuck in the middle with you by @stray-kaz (18+ only!, reader contacts the ghost of Annabelle Ward, angst, fluff, smut)
Sleep Tight by @honey-lavender-latte (friends to lovers, comforting George, cuddles, his pov)
Just another love song by @tangledinlove (friends to lovers, fluff, mutual pining, love languages, George and Lucy have to intervene, long!!)
I take you like you do your tea, with lemon and with honey by @lewkwoodnco (first person Lockwood, Lockwood is in love, pure poetry)
Deck The Halls (and not your partner) by @bella-rose29 (long! 12 part series, enemies to lovers, fake dating!! set around christmas time (with everything that entails), fluff, angst, mildly spicy towards the end, lockwood is a little shit from time to time, fantastic couple dynamic)
escapism by @aislinrayne (18+ but no actual smut, reader is drunk, insane tension, lockwood is a simp, lot's of lockwood pov)
Little Pink Heart by @maraschinomerry (SAD, NO happy end, established relationship, reader dies on the job, it's a beautiful read tho)
that funny feeling by @givemea-dam-break (ANGST and only ANGST)
Untitled by @lucelockwood (the most beautiful thing you'll ever read, 100% pure love)
Borrowed Time by @waitingforthesunrise (angst, post Hollow Boy, serial killer prompt)
Policy 8 by @the-biscuit-agreement (on AO3, very long, it feels like reading another Lockwood & Co book, angst, fluff, it has everything)
The Whole World Filled With Silence by @13atoms (focus on Lucy, post canon, talents fading but it's bittersweet instead of angsty)
Just An Act by @czenzo (extremely in character, so funny, the skull is the best)
George & Lucy
5 times George missed Lucy, 1 time he admitted it by @givemea-dam-break & @ikeasupremacy
Stranger Things
Dancing with myself by @ambrossart  (finished, fluff and angst, happy ending, ALL the feels and just simply amazingly written, everyone needs to read this one)
You are in love by @missscarlettangel (finished, strangers to friends to lovers, kinda slow burn, just a super sweet feel-good story and absolutely worth the read)
Eddie Munson
Dirty Dreaming by @eddiethefreakkmunson (smut! best friends to lovers, Eddie has a wet dream about the reader and deals with the repercussions)
Listen to the Trees by @ethereal27cereal (includes smut, fluff, best friends to lovers, mutual pining, plus size!reader, ‘there’s only one bed’-trope, a very handsy wet dream,  both povs)
My favourite Person by @pollenallergie (best friends to lovers, slow burn, starts out with them as little kids)
by @copycatkillerfics 
Head over Heels/ Code Lime Green (fluff, friends to lovers, kinda insecure but very in love Eddie, Dustin plays matchmaker)
Angel/ What’s left unspoken (angst & fluff, friends to lovers, both povs, cliche in the best way)
A spark (angst and fluff, friends to lovers, truth or dare goes a little wrong, butterflies guaranteed) 
Since the Sunflowers (angst and fluff, shitty boyfriend alert, Eddie is a sweetheart in love, happy ending)
by @marymunsonloves
Hellfire Babes (best friends to lovers, you wear Eddie’s clothes and he can’t handle it, both povs, halloween party)
All dolled up (angst & fluff, friends to lovers, slight misunderstanding, a little jealous Eddie)
More to love (best friends to lovers, implied plus size reader, Eddie helps you with body issues, accidental confession)
by @munson-blurbs
Flattery works with me (smut, a revealing bikini at the pool is all it takes to get Eddie going)
Clueless (fluff, the hellfire boys push Eddie to ask you out)
Bookworm!reader (fluff, shy reader, Eddie joins reader in detention)
by @singularattitudeofasafetypin
If you wanted me, you really should’ve shown (friends to lovers, kinda shitty boyfriend, Eddie shows you what you’re missing in the most beautiful way)
How you get the girl (friends to lovers, Eddie overhears you telling Steve how to step up his game, Eddie’s pov)
Crazy Forever (established relationship, Eddie is insecure)
by @corrodedcoffins
Different Kind of Jealous (best friends to lovers, mutual pining, jealousy, both povs, all the good stuff)
New Outfit (fluff & angst, friends to lovers, reader tries to appease Eddie by changing her looks, confession during a fight)
Man of my dreams (smut!, best friends to lovers, reader has a wet dream about Eddie, relentless teasing, the gang hangs out together, platonic steve x reader moment, jealous Eddie)
Love comes walking in (best friends to lovers, fluff & angst, jealousy, Eddie is a clueless idiot, Dustin is the sweetest little guy, Eddie makes it up to you beautifully)
by @sunflowergirl522
Teardrops on my guitar (best friends to lovers, Eddie is so in love, jealousy, mutual pining, misunderstandings)
He’s my brother (strangers to lovers, mutual pining, movie nights)
by @forever-rogue
Miscommunications (best friends to lovers, fluff & angst, jealousy, a fight, mutual pining, insecurities)
In which Eddie drives you crazy (friends to lovers, fluff, intense flirting from Eddie)
by @eddie-van-munson
Elvira’s Movie Macabre (friends to lovers, bestfriend!chrissy, fluff & angst, both povs, Eddie is an idiot, but he makes it up to you)
Peanut Butter Cookies (best friends to lovers, jealousy)
masterlist by @ghosttownwherenoonegoes (found it hard to narrow down here)
meet me at midnight by @maria-scribbles (fluff, aquaintances to lovers, new years eve party, henderson!reader)
Are you leaving? by @fluffansmut (fluff, both povs, Eddie is insecure)
The Morning after by @ashtonsbff (fluff & angst, best friends to lovers, insecure reader and insecure Eddie)
is something wrong with me? by @djarintreble (best friends to lovers, mutual pining, some insecurities, Eddie shows you that there is nothing wrong with you)
Taking Eddie’s virginity by @usedtobecooler (smut!, best friends to lovers)
One Call away by @uselessastheginlasagnaa (fluff & angst, best friends to lovers, toxic/abusive relationship but Eddie is always there for you)
I think I’ve loved you forever by @cinemaquinn (smut!, fluff, best friends to lovers, insecurities, misunderstandings, mutual pining)
hold me like i’m more than just a friend by @heartthrobinsficrecs (best friends to lovers, intense fluff, henderson!reader, mutual pining, Eddie is your first kiss, both povs)
Someone that actually likes me by @oddlykilledghosts (aquaintances to lovers, fluff, Dustin’s a matchmaker)
Angels & Demons by @galaxy-siren (friends to lovers, fluff, bestfriend!chrissy, halloween party, both povs)
Have you seen my sweatshirt by @waratah-moon (established relationship, cheerleader!reader, fluff)
On my doorstep by @softharrington (smut! friends to lovers, idiots in love, mutual pining, both povs)
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lunarthecorvus · 6 months
My Kanej headcanon
Kaz, Inej, Wylan, and Jesper have a joyful end to the party
Previous chapter
This is a word vomit headcanon not a fic, so it is not written well or proofread, anyway I hope you enjoy :)
When Kaz and Inej finally went back to the party, it was clearing out, and the only people left were drunk merchers stumbling, making their way out of the building. Jesper took a look at Kaz and Inej with their obvious flustered appearance, and their flushed faces didn't help. He let out a wide smirk and was glad that his friends were finally able to have those secret flustered moments, despite all that the world had taken from them. Jesper elbowed Wylan to show him what two of the most vigilant people looked like when they let go of it all.
When the last of the guests left and it was only the band and the crows left, Jesper popped a cork, took a swig, passed it to Wylan, and said "To another successfully dreadful merch party".
Wylan passed it to Inej, who took a drink and offered it to Kaz, who looked at the bottle as if it had personally wronged him. However, Kaz did reach into his coat pocket, pull out a flask, and take a sip. Jesper cheered and told the band to play a song, he offered his hand to Inej, who accepted and all of a sudden Jesper was taking Inej onto the stage where only an hour ago Wylan had said a speech on. Inej let out a laugh, and they danced like they had back on the nights out with Nina back before the Ice court.
Kaz looked at the two people dancing, the woman he deeply loved, and the brother he'd gained. Wylan coughed and said it was nice to see Kaz like this, just happy. Wylan took a look at kazs bewildered but pleasantly surprised look at him and went to walk away when he heard kaz quietly said "You're doing a good job of this Wylan, its good to see you've grown into your skin".
He carried on this walk to the stage, and Jesper immediately roped him into a dance. Inej saw Kaz, ran down to him and grabbed his wrist (she did make sure he was ok first), and dragged him to the stage. Somehow, during this time, Jesper had obtained another bottle, opened it again, and let Kaz take the first drink this time. The sight of Kaz taking a drink made the others let out giddy laughs. They took turns again and continued to dance, enjoying the moment.
A waiter was on their way out when they heard a noise of laughs and peaked in the ballroom to see a group of some of the most deadliest people in the barrel dancing and laughing. They smiled and thought about just how dangerous they were, when all they seemed like a group of young people who had found their family. They hoped that one day they would find people who felt like that.
While Jesper and Wylan were dancing like a tangled mess of limbs. Inej turned to Kaz, who had a had a smirk on his face, which was obviously his attempt to hide a smile. She offered her hand to him, he took her hand, and laid a kiss on it, Inej felt her cheeks heat up and glanced at Kaz, who let out a pleased smile on his face at her reaction. He wrapped his hands around her waist, she wrapped her arms around his neck, and they stood there oribting around in each others presence. After a few minutes, the music stopped, and the band said time was up. Jesper let out an experated overdramatic sigh, which lead Wylan into a fit of giggles and the Inej followed Wylans lead giggling along with him, Kaz and Jesper joined in and the night ended in a fit of laughs.
I hope you like this <3
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