#duke massimo
lenniharrisonsims · 5 months
Four Year Anniversary Portraits
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Moonwood Mill
Villa de Rois
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His Sovereign Highness, Hereditary Prince Pierre Biancheri
Full Name:  Pierre Dartagnan Biancheri Title(s): Hereditary Prince of the Principality of Moonwood Mill Nickname(s): N/A Birthday: February 6th Residence(s): Villa des Rois (Moonwood Mill) Previous Names/Titles: Grand Duke of Moonwood Mill Parents: TSH Hereditary Prince Philippe & Princess Caroline Biancheri Spouse: HSH Princess Andrea Biancheri Children: Grand Duchess Martine Graziani, Duke Michel, & Duke Massimo Biancheri
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Her Sovereign Highness, Princess Andrea Biancheri
Full Name:  Andrea Anna Jacqueline Biancheri Title(s): Princess Consort of the Principality of Moonwood Mill Nickname(s): N/A Birthday: February 11th Residence(s): Villa des Rois (Moonwood Mill) Previous Names/Titles: Lady Andrea Rinaldi Parents: Duke Alexandre & Duchess Jacqueline Rinaldi of LeGrande Spouse: HSH Hereditary Prince Pierre Biancheri Children: Grand Duchess Martine Graziani, Duke Michel, & Duke Massimo Biancheri
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HRH Duke Michel Biancheri
Full Name: Michel Pierre Julien Biancheri Title(s): Royal Duke of the Principality of Moonwood Mill Nickname(s): N/A Birthday: November 27th Residence(s): Villa des Rois (Moonwood Mill) Previous Names/Titles: N/A Parents: TSH Hereditary Prince Pierre & Princess Andrea Biancheri Spouse: N/A Children: N/A
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HRH Duke Massimo Biancheri
Full Name: Massimo Andre Frederic Biancheri Title(s): Royal Duke of the Principality of Moonwood Mill Nickname(s): Mimo Birthday: January 25th Residence(s): Villa des Rois (Moonwood Mill) Previous Names/Titles: N/A Parents: TSH Hereditary Prince Pierre & Princess Andrea Biancheri Spouse: N/A Children: N/A
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Duke Leto Atreides by Massimo Carnevale
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ropebuny · 3 months
could you please post a list of kinky movies???
other than Secretary cause I already know that one haha
I actually haven’t seen that one yet ! it’s been on my watchlist for forever, I need to get around to watching it. and I haven’t actually seen many kinky or erotic movies unfortunately, so pls ignore how bad this list is but. I did my best ok. also pls keep in mind I haven’t seen every single one of these listed movies yet but I added them because their descriptions seemed to fit in here
bloodsisters: leather, dykes, and sadomasochism (1995) dir. michelle handelmann
videodrome (1983) dir. david cronenberg
crash (1996) dir. david cronenberg
from beyond (1986) dir. stuart gordon
good boy (original title: meg, deg & frank) (2022) dir. viljar bøe
belle de jour (1967) dir. luis buñuel
blue velvet (1986) dir. david lynch
the night porter (1974) dir. liliana cavani
venus in fur (2013) dir. roman polanski (🤢🤢🤢🤢)
venus in furs (1969) dir. massimo dallamano
sleeping beauty (2011) dir. julia leigh
the slave (1969) dir. pasquale festa campanile
liza (1972) dir. marco ferreri
the laughing woman (1969) dir. piero schivazappa
the forbidden photos of a lady above suspicion (1970) dir. luciano ercoli
the punishment (1973) dir. pierre-alain jolivet
successive slidings of pleasure (1974) dir. alain robbe-grillet
the story of o (1975) dir. just jaeckin
crimes of passion (1984) dir. ken russell
tightrope (1984) dir. richard tuggle
seduction: the cruel woman (1975) dir. elfi mikesch, monika treut
tie me up! tie me down! (1989) dir. pedro almodóvar
female misbehavior (1992) dir. monika treut
bitter moon (1992) dir. roman polanski (🤢🤢🤢🤢)
basic instinct (1992) dir. paul verhoeven
bound (1996) dir. lilly & lana wachowski
strictly speaking (1998) dir. kirk demorest
tops & bottoms (1999) dir. christine richey
first love (2004) dir. matteo garrone
s&m judge (2009) dir. erik lamens
be my slave (2012) dir. tōru kamei
kink (2013) dir. christina alexandra voros
wetlands (2013) dir. david wnendt
folsom forever (2014) dir. mark jensen
mr. leather (2019) dir. daniel nolasco
saint-narcisse (2020) dir. bruce labruce
divinely evil (2020) dir. gustavo vinagre
I cut your flesh (2020) dir. samhel
the pleasure of rope (2015) dir. bob bentley
fetishes (1996) dir. nick broomfield
venus in furs (1995) dir. maartje seyferth, victor nieuwenhuijs
new love in tokyo (1994) dir. banmei takahashi
the bedroom (1992) dir. hisayasu satō
beyond vanilla (2001) dir. claes lilja
the piano teacher (2001) dir. michael haneke
salon kitty (1976) dir. tinto brass
the duke of burgundy (2014) dir. peter strickland
pvt chat (2020) dir. ben hozie
in the basement (2014) dir. ulrich seidl
leap year (2010) dir. michael rowe
fruits of passion (1981) dir. shūji terayama
o fantasma (2000) dir. joão pedro rodrigues
a snake of june (2002) dir. shinya tsukamoto
islands (2017) dir. yann gonzalez
querelle (1982) dir. rainer werner fassbinder
sex, lies, religion (1994) dir. annette kennerley
love (2015) dir. gaspar noé
moonlight whispers (1999) dir. akihiko shiota
cruising (1980) dir. william friedkin
trans-europ-express (1966) dir. alain robbe-grillet
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diceriadelluntore · 8 months
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Storia Di Musica #311 - Emily Remler, East To Wes, 1988
Il filo che lega le storie di musica di Febbraio me lo ha dato la radio: qualche giorno fa in un programma mattutino di Virgin Radio, alla domanda della presentatrice "cosa vorresti fare per diventare famoso?" una ascoltatrice ha risposto "vorrei diventare una virtuosa della chitarra, perchè non ve ne sono di famose". La presentatrice ha ribattuto che non era affatto vero, ma l'unico nome che le venne in mente al momento è quello di Sister Rosetta Tharpe, cantante e chitarrista statunitense, pioniera della musica gospel e conosciuta anche con il nomignolo di Madrina del Rock'n'Roll: sulle qualità storiche e tecniche di Rosetta Tharpe niente da dire, ma non è tra i primi nomi che vengono in mente pensando alla chitarra rock in generale. Il mio spirito da piccolo filologo musicale tende a dire che l'ascoltatrice avesse ragione, cioè che vi sono pochissime chitarriste famose, che allo stesso tempo non vuol dire che non vi siano state straordinarie chitarriste nella storia della musica. Per questo, ricordando che in questa rubrica già si è parlato di chitarriste (la sublime Joni Mitchell, le Runaways di Joan Jett e Lita Ford tra le altre), le storie di musica di questo mese verteranno su grandiose chitarriste.
Per iniziare ho scelto una storia emblematica di uno dei problemi di essere musiciste in un mondo, quello della musica pop, che è sempre stato per lo più maschilista: "Così tanti leader di gruppi mi hanno detto in faccia che non potevano assumermi perché ero una donna", lo diceva, in una intervista al magazine People nel 1982 una grandiosa musicista, Emily Remler. Originaria del New Jersey, la sua vita cambia quando ha 10 anni: al fratello maggiore venne regalata una chitarra, una Gibson Es 330 rossa, che Emily ogni tanto strimpellava. Si capì subito che riusciva a memorizzare i suoni e le veniva naturale suonarla, tanto che anni dopo fu ammessa al prestigioso Berklee College of Music di Boston, che è la scuola di musica più grande del mondo, i cui illustri ex alunni hanno vinto oltre 300 Grammy Awards. Si diploma a 18 anni, si appassiona al jazz e inizia a suonare nei locali. Nel 1978 va a New Orleans, dà lezioni, suona in pubblico in ogni occasione che trova, si mette deliberatamente in situazioni che la spingono a dare il massimo e a migliorarsi. Fa di tutto per incontrare quanti più musicisti può. Tra questi, nel 1978, incrocia Herb Ellis, che diventerà il suo mentore (gli dedicherà un bellissimo brano, di chitarra solo, di cui parlerò tra poco). Grazie a lui inizia ad essere una richiestissima sessionista, pubblica il primo disco da solista, Firefly del 1981 (in copertina una sua splendida foto con la chitarra rossa del fratello, strumento che non abbandonerà mai), partecipa alle musiche di un grande musical, Sophisticated Ladies, con le musiche di Duke Ellington e tra le cose più belle che vive c'è la sua partecipazione ai tour di Astrud Gilberto che le aprono le porte delle musiche sudamericane e caraibiche. Nel 1981 sposa il pianista Monty Alexander, con il quale farà un favoloso tour insieme prima di divorziare nel 1984. Remler è una grandiosa musicista, con un senso innato del tempo e della ritmica, e ha un carattere forte e lucido: nella stessa intervista a People disse "Posso sembrare una ragazzina carina del New Jersey. Ma dentro sono un uomo nero ben piazzato di 50 anni con un gran pollice, come Wes Montgomery».
E proprio il grande chitarrista di Indianapolis è il faro della musica di Emily. Gli dedica questo disco, del 1988, suonando insieme a tre colossi colossi, Hank Jones al piano (uno dei grandi pianisti del jazz, e passato alla storia anche perchè suonava lui il piano di accompagnamento quando Marylin Monroe cantò Happy Birthday Mr President nel 1962 a JFK), Buster Williams al contrabasso (che suonò nel gruppo di Herbie Hancock e nel gruppo Sphere specializzato nelle musiche di Thelonious Monk) e Marvin "Smitty" Smith, come lei allievo della Berklee e batterista per grandi musicisti, nonchè batterista della band dello show di Jay Leno per 14 anni. East To Wes è un tributo atipico, perchè Remler non riprende in toto brani famosi di Montgomery, ma ne sceglie alcuni che suona "come li avrebbe suonati lui", con la famosa maestria del suo pollice: leggenda vuole che Montgomery, che di giorno lavorava in fabbrica e la sera imparava a suonare la chitarra, per non disturbare moglie e vicini non suonava con il plettro, ma con il pollice, una delle caratteristiche che resero il suo suono unico e distinguibile per sempre.
Nel disco prodotto da Carl Jefferson, fondatore della Concord Records che era specializzata in famose chitarre jazz, Remler sceglie un repertorio memorabile, composto da standard e da tre sue composizioni. Tra gli standard, riprese spettacolari di Hot House di Tad Cameron (è stata la prima chitarrista a proporre il brano per chitarra jazz), uno dei picchi dell'era be-bop, Daahoud di Clifford Brown (una delle grandi promesse del jazz, morto nel 1956 in un incidente stradale a soli 25 anni), Snowfall, uno dei più grandi standard del jazz, scritta nel 1941 da Claude Thornhill e una ripresa di Softly, As In A Morning Sunrise dal musical New Moon di Sigmund Romberg (musiche) e Oscar Hammerstein II (testo). C'è anche una versione strumentale di Sweet Georgie Fame di Blossom Dearie, che nella sua versione originale aveva il testo scritto da Sandra Harris, e la canzone è una dedica alla cantante jazz inglese Georgie Fame, una canzone scritta da donne per una donna. Tra le proprie composizioni, tre gemme: Blues For Herb, dedicata all'amicizia con Herb Harris suo mentore, una Ballad For A Music Box e la canzone, delicato e sentito omaggio al suo mito, East To Wes. Il disco è un gioiello, consacrato anche dalla critica, uno degli apici creativi del talento di Remler.
Un talento che si è sempre scontrato con un grave problema: la sua dipendenza dall'eroina. Dipendenza che fu la causa, drammatica, di un attacco di cuore mentre era in tour in Australia nel 1990 che si porta via un talento della chitarra jazz a soli 32 anni. Una chitarrista fenomenale, che amava dire: Quando suono, non so se sono una ragazza, o un ragazzo, un cane, un gatto o altro. Sto solo suonando. Quando scendo dal palco, è lì che la gente mi ricorda che sono una donna.
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sunskate · 6 months
2024 Off season moves:
Coaching changes Mariia Alieva/Yehor Barshak 🇬🇪 WISA ➡️ Young Goose (Matteo Zanni) Diana Davis/Gleb Smolkin 🇬🇪 WISA ➡️ IAM Xiao Zixi/He Linghao 🇨🇳jr - IAM
New teams Hana Mariia Aboian/Daniil Veselukhin 🇺🇸 jr Madeleine Breau/Namu Lee 🇰🇷 jr (Wing/Lowe) Maxine Weathersby/Oleksandr Kolosovskyi 🇦🇿 Dana Sabatini-Speciale/Danny Kaye 🇮🇹? jr Vanessa Pham/Anton Spiridonov IAM Audra Gans/Gabriel Liu 🇨🇦 jr IAM Annabelle Morozov/Jeffrey Chen MIDA Madison Tong/Michael Boutsan 🇨🇦 jr Amy Cui/Jonathan Rogers 🇺🇸 - Novi Summer Homick/Nicholas Buelow 🇨🇦jr -Mariposa Harlow Stanley/Seiji Urano 🇲🇽 Mexico - WISA
Teams ending partnerships Molly Lanaghan/Dmitre Razgulajevs 🇨🇦 Mariia Holubtsova/Kyryl Bielobrov 🇺🇦 Adrienne Carhart/Oleksandr Kolosovskyi 🇦🇿 Kristina Bland/Matthew Sperry 🇺🇸 jr Maria Kazakova/Georgi Revia 🇬🇪 Misato Komatsubara/Tim Koleto 🇯🇵 (IAM) Emmy Bronsard/Jacob Richmond 🇨🇦 (IAM) Helena Carhart/Volodymyr Horovyi 🇺🇸jr (Zueva) Jenna Hauer/Benjamin Starr 🇺🇸 jr Yahli Pederson/Jeffrey Chen 🇺🇸jr (MIDA) Jinny Kim/Namu Lee 🇰🇷jr (Wing/Lowe)
Choreographer Juulia Turkkila/Matthias Versluis RD FD by Massimo Scali Auréa Cinçon-Debout/Earl Jesse Celestino FD by Jean-Luc Baker Elliana Peal/Ethan Peal RD by Anjelika Krylova Lauren Batkova/Jacob Yang 🇨🇿jr RD by Charlie White and Tanith White Alicia Fabbri/Paul Ayer FD by Zach Donohue Yuka Orihara/Juho Pirinen RD FD by Massimo Scali Emilea Zingas/Vadym Kolesnik FD by Benoit Richaud Mariia Pinchuk/Mykyta Pogorielov FD by Kirill Khaliavin & Sara Hurtado Koncius/Shchepetov (MIDA) FD by Jean-Luc Baker Flores/Desyatov (WASA) Kaitlyn Weaver Homick/Buelow (Mariposa) Kaitlyn Weaver Neset/Markelov (WASA) Kaitlyn Weaver
Program music: Smart/Dieck RD: Janis Joplin, Piece of My Heart Xiao Zixi/He Linghao RD: Hit the Road Jack? Koncius/Shchepetov FD: Romeo & Juliet Utana Yoshida/Masaya Morita RD: Be-Bop-a-Lula, Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On Elliana Peal/Ethan Peal FD: Pearl Harbor Azusa Tanaka/Shingo Nishiyama RD: September, Sir Duke, Land of a Thousand Dances Larson/Kapran RD: Sweet Charity. FD: Love Story Hana Maria Aboian/Daniil Veselukhin jr RD: Blondie Heart of Glass. FD: Mozart Lucy Hancock/Ilias Fourati RD: Donna Summer (Love to Love You Baby/Bad Girls) Layla Karnes/Liam Carr RD: Beatles (Come Together/Twist and Shout/Get Back Madison Tong/Michael Boutsan RD: Fame (movie) Sophia Gover/Billy Wilson-French FD: Burlesque Carolane Soucisse/Shane Firus FD: Harry Connick, Jr: It Had to be You from When Harry Met Sallly Auréa Cinçon-Debout/Earl Jesse Celestino FD: The Artist (soundtrack) Bashynska/Beaumont RD: Lady Marmalade, Le Freak
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opera-ghosts · 1 year
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Here a picture of Gaetano Pini-Corsi as Mime, Madrid 1901.
Gaetano Pini-Corsi (1860-1935) was a gifted singer of both leading and buffo roles. Born in the Croatian town of Zara, Pini-Corsi came from a family of singers. Included in the dynasty were his two uncles, baritone Giovanni Corsi (1822-1890) and tenor Achille Corsi (1840-1906), his cousin, soprano Emilia Corsi (1870-1928), his nephew, tenor Umberto Pini-Corsi (1879-1911) and, probably the best known member of the family, older brother Antonio Pini-Corsi (1858-1918), the celebrated buffo baritone, who sang character roles at the Met during the early 20th Century. Gaetano Pini-Corsi made his debut in Empoli as Ernesto in Don Pasquale in 1881. For the next two decades, the tenor sang mostly leading roles, such as the Duke in Rigoletto, Riccardo in Un Ballo in Maschera, Alfredo in La Traviata, Edgardo in Lucia di Lammermoor, Elvino in La Sonnambula, Tonio in La Figlia del Reggimento, Almaviva in Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Gennaro in Lucrezia Borgia, Pollione in Norma, Manrico in Il Trovatore, Fernando in La Favorita, Nemorino in L’Elisir d’Amore, Carlo in Linda di Chamounix, Corentin in Dinorah and the title roles in Ernani, Fra Diavolo and Faust. As he approached the age of 40, however, Pini-Corsi found that his flair for the comedic lent itself to buffo roles. As the 19th century came to a close, the tenor began to gravitate more and more toward character roles. For the next several years, Pini-Corsi divided his time between leading and comic roles, finally committing exclusively to the latter in 1908. He was very much in demand in both major and provincial companies throughout Europe and the Americas including the Politeama in Genoa, the Teatro Regio in Parma, Como’s Teatro Sociale, the Teatro Ristori in Verona, Bologna’s Teatro Comunale, the Teatro Costanzi in Rome, Palermo’s Teatro Massimo, the Teatro San Carlo in Naples, Milan’s La Scala, Turin’s Teatro Regio, La Fenice in Venice, Modena’s Teatro Municipale, the Teatro Reale in Madrid, the Teatro Coliseo in Lisbon, Barcelona’s Teatro Liceo, the Teatro Municipal in Caracas, the Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires, the Teatro Solís in Montevideo and Boston Opera. One of the high points in Pini-Corsi’s career was his creation of the role of the marriage broker, Goro, in the world premiere of Puccini’s Madama Butterfly at La Scala in 1904. It would become a part he sang frequently over the course of the next quarter century and remained one of the tenor’s favorite roles until the end of his career. Pini-Corsi’s massive repertoire of over 75 roles included Laertes in Hamlet, Dr. Cajus and Bardolfo in Falstaff, Don Basilio in Le Nozze di Figaro, The Dance Master in Manon Lescaut, Abate in Adriana Lecouvreur, Schmidt in Werther, the Servants in I Racconti d’Hoffmann, Cassio in Otello, Mime in both Siegfried and Das Rheingold, David in Die Meistersinger, both Joe and Nick in La Fanciulla del West, Wagner in Mefistofele, Incredibile in Andrea Chénier, First Jew in Salome, Trinca in La Cena delle Beffe, Despréaux in Madame Sans-Gêne, Laerte in Mignon, Spoletta in Tosca and Gherardo in Gianni Schicchi. It was as Goro that the 72-year-old tenor bade farewell to the stage at the Teatro Comunale in Ferrara in 1932. Gaetano Pini-Corsi passed away in Milan on December 16, 1935 at the age of 75. Gaetano Pini-Corsi made more than 40 recordings (including the very first complete recording of Pagliacci) for such labels as Fonografia Nazionale, Odeon Fonotipia, The Gramophone Company, Parlophone and Victor. These discs showcase a relatively lightweight instrument which the tenor used wisely and efficiently during his 50-year stage career. The stylistic similarities to his older brother Antonio are striking, most notably in the exaggerated, machine gun vibrato (also noticeable in some of Giovanni Martinelli’s recordings) that he sometimes uses for dramatic effect. It is not a classically beautiful voice, but an effective one, nonetheless.
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fullanimebyfunny · 1 year
What If MMX-Multiverse-Anime Were in KHXhero
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Team X:
Mega Man X
Steel Massimo
Meta Knight
Lan Hikari
Dino Rey
Max Taylor
Yuri Lowell
Duke Pantarei
Yusaku Fujiki
Aoi Zaizen
Sailor Moon
Team Sonic
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sally Acorn
Shadow the Hedgehog
Amy Rose
Cream the Rabbit
King Mickey
Danny Phantom
Lincoln Loud
Jake Long
Ben Tennyson (Omniverse)
Captain Japan
Star Butterfly
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subtakks · 9 months
**Australia vs India Clash: The Battle Down Under's Football Horizon**
The stage is set at Al Rayyan Stadium for a captivating showdown between two unexpected contenders, Australia and India, in the second match of the 2024 AFC Asian Cup. Traditionally associated with cricket, these nations now vie for glory on the football field, promising a clash that transcends sporting stereotypes.
**Australia's Domestic Dynamo: Arnold's Socceroos Ready to Roar**
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Australia, a nation often making headlines in cricket, takes center stage in the football arena. In this unprecedented journey, catchy title aside, the Socceroos are noteworthy for being managed by a domestic head coach, adding a unique twist to their campaign.
Highlighting their footballing pedigree, the Socceroos clinched the 2015 tournament with heroic performances from Massimo Luongo and Mathew Ryan. Arnold's team, impressively spirited in the 2022 World Cup, faced eventual champions Argentina in the round of 16. However, with a squad lacking experience and featuring the efficient striker Mitchell Duke, now playing for Machida Zelvia in Japan, the question arises: Can they conquer the Indian defenders and make a deep run in the tournament?
**India's Defensive Maestro Štimac Leads the Charge**
In a captivating title, Igor Štimac, renowned for his defensive prowess with English clubs Derby County and West Ham United, has emerged as a cult hero managing the Indian national team since 2019. Under his guidance, India has claimed consecutive SAFF championships in 2021 and 2023, establishing them as the best team in South Asia.
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The Blue Tigers, entirely rostered from within India, are poised to elevate their status on the continental stage, led by the experienced 39-year-old captain, Sunil Chhetri, with 145 games and 93 goals to his name.
**Prediction: - Australia vs India**
In this intriguing tie, Australia, considered one of the top teams in the tournament, faces off against India. The historical context, including the Socceroos' dominant 4-0 victory in 2011, might lean the prediction toward an Australian win by default. However, football is known for its surprises, and with India's recent success and defensive prowess under Štimac, the clash promises unpredictable moments and a glimpse into the evolving landscape of Asian football. The Battle Down Under is set to unfold, and fans brace for an electrifying encounter that transcends preconceived notions.
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brookstonalmanac · 11 months
Events 11.1 (1900-1950)
1897 – Italian Sport-Club Juventus is founded by a group of students of Liceo Classico Massimo d'Azeglio. 1905 – Lahti, the city of Finland, is granted city rights by Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, the last Grand Duke of Finland. 1911 – World's first combat aerial bombing mission takes place in Libya during the Italo-Turkish War. Second Lieutenant Giulio Gavotti of Italy drops several small bombs. 1914 – World War I: The first British Royal Navy defeat of the war with Germany, the Battle of Coronel, is fought off of the western coast of Chile, in the Pacific, with the loss of HMS Good Hope and HMS Monmouth. 1914 – World War I: The Australian Imperial Force (AIF) departed by ship in a single convoy from Albany, Western Australia bound for Egypt. 1916 – In Russia, Pavel Milyukov delivers in the State Duma the famous "stupidity or treason" speech, precipitating the downfall of the government of Boris Stürmer. 1918 – World War I: With a brave action carried out into the waters of the Austro-Hungarian port of Pula, two officers of the Italian Regia Marina sink with a manned torpedo the enemy battleship SMS Viribus Unitis. 1918 – Malbone Street Wreck: The worst rapid transit accident in US history occurs under the intersection of Malbone Street and Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, New York City, with at least 102 deaths. 1918 – Western Ukraine separates from Austria-Hungary. 1922 – Abolition of the Ottoman sultanate: The last sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Mehmed VI, abdicates. 1928 – The Law on the Adoption and Implementation of the Turkish Alphabet, replaces the Arabic alphabet with the Latin alphabet. 1937 – Stalinists execute Pastor Paul Hamberg and seven members of Azerbaijan's Lutheran community. 1938 – Seabiscuit defeats War Admiral in an upset victory during a match race deemed "the match of the century" in horse racing. 1941 – American photographer Ansel Adams takes a picture of a moonrise over the town of Hernandez, New Mexico that would become one of the most famous images in the history of photography. 1942 – World War II: Matanikau Offensive begins during the Guadalcanal Campaign and ends three days later with an American victory. 1943 – World War II: The 3rd Marine Division, United States Marines, landing on Bougainville in the Solomon Islands, secures a beachhead, leading that night to a naval clash at the Battle of Empress Augusta Bay. 1944 – World War II: Units of the British Army land at Walcheren. 1945 – The official North Korean newspaper, Rodong Sinmun, is first published under the name Chongro. 1948 – Athenagoras I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, is enthroned. 1949 – All 55 people on board Eastern Air Lines Flight 537 are killed when the Douglas DC-4 operating the flight collides in mid-air with a Bolivian Air Force Lockheed P-38 Lightning aircraft over Alexandria, Virginia.
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years
Napoli, mostra "David Bowie the passenger by Andrew Kent”
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Napoli, mostra "David Bowie the passenger by Andrew Kent”. Inaugurata, al Palazzo delle Arti Napoli in via dei Mille, la mostra David Bowie: the passenger. By Andrew Kent che rimarrà in esposizione fino a fine gennaio 2023. In occasione del vernissage di presentazione, al cospetto di autorità, tra cui Massimo Pacifico, responsabile area cultura del Comune di Napoli, ospiti e giornalisti, il fotografo Andrew Kent, in collegamento video, ha raccontato l'inizio della sua avventura professionale con l'artista e spiegato il lato privato ed umano di David Bowie con il quale ha collaborato assiduamente per oltre 4 anni, accompagnandolo nel tour europeo che segnò la rinascita artistica del cantante inglese. «La prima volta che ho incontrato David è stato grazie al mio amico regista Cameron Crowe – ha detto Andrew Kent -. Cameron all'epoca era agli inizi della sua carriera, non aveva molti soldi, dormiva sul mio divano e lavorava anche come giornalista. Una volta doveva intervistare David, ma l'unica possibilità che gli avevano dato era alle tre del mattino. Non sapendo guidare, chiese a me di accompagnarlo a Los Angeles». Numerosi i retroscena illustrati dal grande fotografo che, negli anni '70 realizzò molte fotografie iconiche degli artisti dell'epoca come Freddie Mercury, Elthon John, Jim Morrison, i Kiss, Iggy Pop, Frank Zappa, solo per citarne alcuni, ma che con David Bowie divenne partner inseparabile tra gli anni '75-'78.  «Il primo impatto che ebbi con David non fu particolarmente profondo - ha raccontato Kent -, all'epoca David abusava di cocaina e non si riusciva a stabilire con lui un rapporto. Cosa che accadde, invece, nella prima occasione lavorativa. Fu invitato al programma televisivo della CBS, Soul Train, dove ebbi modo di fotografarlo. Fu lì che David si accorse del mio lavoro e riuscimmo a stabilire una connessione e, da lì, si iniziò a parlare del tour che doveva iniziare entro poche settimane».  Ad aprire, infatti, la mostra al PAN, nella prima sala della lunga esposizione, è proprio questa foto al trucco di David Bowie che si prepara a registrare, come primo artista bianco mai invitato alla trasmissione Soul Train, il suo intervento. «L'Isolar Tour fu diverso per David - ha poi concluso Kent -. Si notava il suo cambiamento. In quel periodo stava cercando di ritrovare sé stesso e di allontanarsi dalle droghe. Furono otto mesi intensi, vissuti a stretto contatto poiché, contrariamente al tour precedente in cui erano coinvolte un centinaio di persone, quella volta eravamo solo in cinque: David, il suo manager, la sua assistente, Iggy Pop ed io». L'Isolar Tour europeo segnò anche la metamorfosi dallo scintillante Bowie – "Ziggy Stardust" al nuovo raffinato alter ego "Thin White Duke" (Duca Bianco). Decisiva fu la tappa tedesca: da lì, nei tre anni successivi nascerà l’acclamata Trilogia berlinese, con gli album Low (1977), Heroes (1977) e Lodger (1979), e Bowie stringerà un più stretto legame con un altro mostro sacro della musica, Iggy Pop, con cui condivise la permanenza nella capitale, oltre che il viaggio a Mosca documentato da Andrew Kent, e fertili collaborazioni artistiche, come per il brano The Passenger (1977). Per ulteriori informazioni: www.mostradavidbowie.it.... Read the full article
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notsolittlemerman · 3 years
2021 is the Year of the Dad
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lenniharrisonsims · 2 years
Three Year Anniversary Portraits!
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Moonwood Mill, Part I
Moonwood Palace
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Name: Hereditary Prince Pierre Dartagnan Biancheri
Nickname: N/A
Title: Hereditary Prince of Moonwood Mill
Previous Names/ Titles: Grand Duke of Moonwood Mill
Residence(s): Villa des Rois, Moonwood Mill
Parents: King Philippe (Passed) & Queen Caroline Biancheri (Passed)
Spouse: Princess Andrea Biancheri
Children: Grand Duchess Martine Graziani, Duke Michel, & Duke Massimo Biancheri
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Name: Princess Andrea Anna Jacqueline Biancheri
Nickname: N/A
Title: Princess Consort of Moonwood Mill
Previous Names/ Titles: Lady Andrea Rinaldi
Residence(s): Villa des Rois, Moonwood Mill
Parents: Alexandre (Passed) & Jacqueline Rinaldi (Passed), Duke & Duchess LeGrande
Spouse: Hereditary Prince Pierre Biancheri
Children: Grand Duchess Martine Graziani, Duke Michel, & Duke Massimo Biancheri
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Name: Duke Michel Pierre Julien Biancheri
Nickname: N/A
Title: Duke Michel of Moonwood Mill
Previous Names/ Titles: N/A
Residence(s): Villa des Rois, Moonwood Mill
Parents: Hereditary Prince Pierre & Princess Andrea Biancheri
Spouse: N/A
Children: N/A
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Name: Duke Massimo Andre Frederic Biancheri
Nickname: Mimo
Title: Duke Massimo of Moonwood Mill
Previous Names/ Titles: N/A
Residence(s): Villa des Rois, Moonwood Mill
Parents: Hereditary Prince Pierre & Princess Andrea Biancheri
Spouse: N/A
Children: N/A
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Would anyone like to submit some submissions or anything?
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illustratus · 2 years
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Yield of the French to the Duke of Savoy Emanuele Filiberto by Massimo d'Azeglio
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ingek73 · 3 years
Duchess Kate keeps style-stalking Meghan & it’s extremely creepy
January 21, 2022
By Kaiser
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge stepped out for the second time in two days on Thursday. They traveled to northwest England, to rural Lancashire, to highlight the work of rural healthcare workers and the funding of NHS Charities Together (one of the few charities the Cambridges’ actively fundraise for). They went to Clitheroe Community Hospital and met nurses, doctors and a therapy puppy named Alfie. Alfie is an “apricot cockapoo” and he seemed to like Kate a lot.
Kate decided to go with shades of brown for this appearance – the sweater and skirt are a set from Iris and Ink, at a cost of £145 (sweater) and £165 (skirt). The coat is a repeat – it’s a Massimo Dutti piece she’s had for a few years. She first wore it in January 2020, and then again in March 2021. She paired the ensemble with a £1,080 Roma Mini Clutch from Metier London, which was also a repeat.
I’m not going to beat around the bush here… what Kate is doing sartorially is extremely f–king creepy. As soon as Meghan “arrived” as Harry’s fiancee in 2017, Kate has done the most to copykeen Meghan’s style. Kate suddenly began wearing trousers to events (when she never had before Meghan came around). Kate suddenly began wearing separates and mixing-and-matching pieces in her closet (like Meghan). Kate has already openly copied Meghan’s style time and time again, and royal commentators insist that it’s a good thing, and that it’s fine that Kate has zero personality and she noticeably style-stalks other women. But Jesus H, you know? Two days in a row this week, Kate stepped out in waist-up replicas of Meghan’s ensembles. This brown ensemble is Kate’s keen version of Meghan’s camel look in January 2020, when she and Harry visited Canada House. On Wednesday, Kate copykeened Meghan’s look from the Together cookbook launch in 2018. It’s BONKERS.
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gardenofkore · 3 years
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“Not a plaything nor a serf, our sex should achieve the same dignity with the strong one”
- Giuseppina Turrisi Colonna, Alle Donne Siciliane [my translation]
Anna (or Annetta) and Giuseppina were the daughters of Mauro Turrisi, baron of Gorgo and Buonvicino, and Rosalia Colonna Romano, of the dukes of Cesarò. They had an older brother, Nicolò, who will be a prominent figure in the 1848 Sicilian revolution, the Expedition of the Thousands and the newborn Kingdom of Italy, and two more brothers, Antonio and Giuseppe.
Anna Giuseppa Vincenza was born in Palermo on August 4th 1820, while her sister Giuseppina was born two years later, on April 22nd 1822.
From an early age, the two sisters were driven by their mother to pursue the love for art, beauty and their Country. Anna devoted herself to painting, studying the painters of the 16th century and experimenting with her first portraits, like that of her mother and that of Queen Costanza I, inspired by the 3rd canto of Dante’s Paradiso. She would later study drawing with artists Agatino Sozzi, Giuseppe Patania and Salvatore Lo Forte. Anna, who kept drawing until she got married, mostly painted landscapes and religious works, currently preserved in various art collections in Palermo.
On October 28th 1843, she married Pietro Settimo Di Napoli, Prince of Fitalia and Baron of Cammaratini, and would bore her husband three children: Maria Felice, Girolamo (his father’s heir) and Ruggero.
Reserved and solitary, Giuseppina committed herself to study and poetry. Since her childhood, she liked to write comedies and farces she would later act with her siblings.  Usually, when Anna finished a piece of art, her sister Giuseppina would write a poem based on it.
At home, she was taught by her mother and a tutor, Abbot Giuseppe Borghi, a deep connoisseur of Dante’s prose and an appreciated translator of Pindar’s works.  Giuseppina would forge a deep relationship with her tutor and exchange with him many letters up until 1846. She eventually attended the exclusive French Institute of the Revillon sisters in Palermo, where she was taught Italian, French, Maths, drawing, singing and music at high levels.
In 1837 a cholera epidemic forced the family to momentarily leave Palermo and move to San Mauro Castelverde. It’s in this period that Giuseppina would start her translation of  the 9th book of Ovid’s Metamorphoses.
Despite her tutor’s attempt to shape her through classical values, she felt more inclined towards the Romantic ideals and it’s not a surprise her favourite authors were Giacomo Leopardi and Lord Byron. She befriended Enrichetta Ranieri, sister of Antonio, in turn, a great friend of Leopardi, and through Enrichetta she was kept updated about the admired poet.
In 1846, accompanied by her mother and brother Giuseppe, she travelled to Firenze. Officially her trip had been organized due to health reasons (she suffered from a heart aneurysm and had a weak constitution to begin with), but she took advantage to study the Tuscan language and get acquainted with fellow authors and literary personality of the Risorgimento, Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi, Giovanni Battista Nicolini and Giuseppe Giusti. July 1846, while still in Firenze, she published a book of poems with editor Le Monnier. Thanks to it, her reputation grew even more and she was praised in all of Italy by many illustrious authors (among them Massimo D’Azeglio, with whom she had exchanged letters since the Piedmontese author and politician had travelled to Sicily and met the Turrisi Colonna family in 1842), with the prestigious Accademia Aretina di Scienze, Lettere and Arti announces its decision to include her as their member. The girl from Sicily was now opening herself to a more wide, national ideals. If her geographical origins had up until now blocked, she was now free to devote herself to patriotic themes. 
In August 1846, following her father’s death and her brother Antonio (the new head of the family), Giuseppina returned to Palermo.
On April 29th 1847, she married Giuseppe De Spuches e Ruffo, Prince of Galati and Duke of Caccamo. This happy union was unfortunately short-lived. At the beginning of 1848, the outbreak of the Sicilian Revolution of 1848 had forced the Princes of Galati to seek refuge in the De Spuches manor of Castelbuono. Giuseppina was pregnant and suffering from a liver condition. On February 14th she gave birth to a baby girl who would die a few hours later. The same day Anna Colonna died, killed by tuberculosis. Weakened by the difficult delivery, Giuseppina would follow her daughter and sister and die three days later, on February 17th, from an aneurysm. She was buried in the Church of Sacra Famiglia al Papireto (also known as delle Cappuccinelle), in Palermo. Her distraught husband would dedicate her five elegies and commission for her a commemorative monument in the Pantheon of the Illustrious Sicilians, an honour she shares with her sister, also remembered here with a memorial.
- Giuseppina e Anna, storia di due sorelle unite insieme nella vita e nella morte;
- GRACI, SALVATRICE, Giuseppina Turrisi Colonna: poetessa e patriota siciliana;
- GRIMALDI, AURORA ORNELLA, Risorgimento e Donne di Sicilia. Il Canto di Giuseppina Turrisi Colonna;
- RIZZO, ESTER, Giuseppina e Anna Turrisi Colonna
-TOSCANO, SEBASTIANA, Giuseppina Turrisi Colonna “La Poetessa Rivoluzionaria”.
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