#dunno if i succeeded.
rofefetasprite · 1 year
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(ID in alt text)
shes sooo child
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misc-obeyme · 25 days
I'm the anon who asked about belphie and mc's nsfw moment and by their first meeting I meant when he seduces mc instead of killing them as a form a revenge. Just that!
You can start it however you like
Whenever is OG or NB
Okay, got it!
Well, I did my best lol. I used some actual lines from the game from Lesson 16 in OG. I don't know if I managed to write what you're asking for... but I tried! Hopefully it isn't too terrible.
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GN!MC x Belphegor
Warnings: Belphie is super manipulative and probably kinda OOC, penetration (reader receiving), biting
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When Belphie opened his arms to hug you, you stepped into them readily. How long had you been hoping to set him free? And now you were in the attic and the door was open.
Belphie held you close, almost gently, his face buried in your neck. You felt the warmth of his breath on your skin.
"Ah… this really brings back memories," he said. "This feeling… I wonder how long it's been since I've touched a human? So, MC…"
He stepped back, but kept his hands on your waist and suddenly he was in demon form. A thrill ran through you at the sight.
"…how can I express how I'm feeling right now?" Belphie reached up to trace your bottom lip with his thumb. "What can I do?"
You weren't expecting to have this kind of reaction to him. There was a hunger in his eyes that you couldn't mistake and yet you found yourself ready, willing.
"You're stunning," Belphie said, clearly looking you up and down. He stepped closer to you again, wrapping an arm around you. "You won't make me beg, will you?"
He pressed his lips to your neck, almost biting, before he pulled back to kiss you properly.
You could have resisted, perhaps. You could have refused him. But there was so much tension between you and in that moment, all you wanted was to feel him. You kissed him back, tugged on his clothes, indicating your desire for their removal.
Belphie laughed into the kiss, pulling you against him as he moved toward the bed in the attic.
You were in a haze of heat and need as he undressed you, removing your clothes without a second thought before tossing his own to the floor.
For months, you had been working toward opening that attic door. Never once had you imagined that it would lead to this. The look in Belphie's eyes made you feel like he was planning to devour you and you found you wanted nothing else.
You squirmed a bit with impatience and he laughed again.
Belphie put a hand on your cheek. "Ah, you're so desperate for me, aren't you, MC?"
You didn't have a chance to reply as he pressed his cock into your heat. He moved faster than you were prepared for and you cried out, clutching at him, leaving nail marks in his back.
His thrusts were hard and fast from the start. You moaned and your body shuddered, your legs naturally wrapping around him.
Belphie didn't hold back. His horn pressed against your cheek as he bit your shoulder and your nails dug deeper into his back.
You came first, crying out incoherently as you did, squirming beneath him as he kept going, never losing momentum even as you squeezed him hard with your orgasm.
He lifted your hips to give himself better access and his cock was hitting that spot inside you with a consistent rhythm. Tears sprang to your eyes as you crashed into overstimulation, your fingernails raking down his arms, his name falling unceasingly from your lips.
When Belphie finally came, you gasped at the feeling of his cum inside of you. He slipped out of his demon form, laying down next to you and pressing his face into your neck.
"You humans really are foolish, idiotic, weak creatures, aren't you?" he whispered into your ear.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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glitchyko · 9 months
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Little warm up monkey doodle I did, he’s just chilling and vibing-
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sillybumblebee · 11 months
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“[...] as long as ignorance and misery live on earth, books such as this one could possibly not be useless”
—Victor Hugo, preface of “Les Misérables”
i had this oc in my head for quite some time and i reaaaally wanted to draw him
i have an undying love for hugo's works, he is a genius, and i'm a hopeless romantic soul so yes, if i had to design a bsd oc, it had to be victor hugo
some facts about him :
—it absolutely doesn't show on this drawing but he's an ENFP
—he's a temporary member of the ADA after yosano met him in the street. he was fighting with his ability and screaming about justice
—he was basically kinda homeless before joining the ADA, but didn't really mind it, he met people and slept here and there and he liked it
—he just got his literature diploma in france and decided to go explore new countries in order to learn other cultures but he's super messy and chaotic and super super broke
—random fact about his design, i absolutely wanted to give him a gavroche in reference of a hugo's character, gavroche, that died fighting for his rights and his liberty
—kunikida's gonna question his whole sexuality and life plans and feelings when they meet for the first time
—yep, babe's gonna panic when he realizes he's in love with the french anarchist
—dazai is the first to notice (of fucking course) and proceeds to both annoy him and help him processing it
—victor's ability allows him to create a space where violence is prohibited. absolutely nobody can get hurt nor hurt anybody, the only thing allowed is talking. victor chooses who can enter and leave this space
—he is the embodiment of empathy and generosity (that's also why he's broke), he is a very sensitive soul that just wanna see inequalities and violence burn in the hell fire
—he's a huge fan of muse, cavetown and renaud
—fun fact, nobody understands a word when he's listening to renaud's songs and just assume he's relaxing but the lyrics are actually the most angry and anarchist and anti capitalist and rude lyrics you've ever heard
i could say so much more and i want to think about him even more but i'll stop there. anyway, i have some more wip of him on photoshop so i'll post about him again pretty soon (﹡ˆ﹀ˆ﹡)
kiss kiss fall in love everybody 💚
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kaemiezil · 7 days
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My boy Will Cipher. Plz look at this one instead of the other one. That other pic I drew of him haunts my dreams. It's so bad. To me. This one is peak art though, the best art that's ever been made by me ever.
Also check out my new signature, it's Kaemi Alice Ezil all smushed into one symbol
You can buy it as a sticker or something on redbubble if you feel like: XlaEzil.redbubble.com
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emin-folly · 8 months
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Did some face studies of Barry and Eobard awhile ago and decided eh, might as well put 'em up
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helianskies · 1 year
beautiful helia... I have a question for you, where do you think that Antonio was born?? In my head it makes sense that he's born in Sevilla ,I think that the reasons are obvious, but Tarragona as well, since it was an important city during the roman "colonisation" of iberia. What do you think?
anon if i could have it my way he'd be andaluz through and through. sevillano, cordobes, granadino, da igual. that's purely because of my personal affection for the south. but i think with the 'birth' of a nation, it largely depends on when you personally deem them to have been born in the first place.
you may... want to take a seat. have a drink. munch on a cookie 🍪 while i give you a nowhere-near straightforward answer, if even an answer at all...
happy birthday, toni! get cosy under the microscope! :D
so, i'll admit, i don't really worry too much about where nations were 'born'. it's never interested me in that way, and many of them probably wouldn't remember where they first popped into existence, so i don't know that they would be so bothered, either. and then you have a case like Antonio. Spain. where do you even begin...?
many people consider Antonio to have only come around in the 1400s with the formal unification of Castille and Aragon; others like myself enjoy seeing him as an ex-Roman province following in some questionable footsteps. i think both interpretations are perfectly valid* (and if there are any others, i'd be very intrigued!) but that naturally affects where you'd consider Antonio to have been born. if under Castille and Aragon, then... Toledo is a safe bet, i suppose. but the Romans? or even earlier? mmh...
(* also. can i add while i'm here. can we stop getting pissy when others don't agree with your own idea of a nation like Spain's 'age'? as i said here, people have different headcanons. if you don't agree, that's fine, but there's no need to be snotty about it or decide that everyone has to agree with you. because that's the point of a headcanon! just seen a fair bit of it lately and it's quite simply annoying!)
historically speaking, if we consider Portugal to have been (Hispania) Lusitania, then surely Spain would have started as (Hispania) Tarraconensis. all cool there. that would neatly place him in Tarragona, capital of Roman Hispania!... but then, prior to that, Lusitania was part of Hispania Ulterior (and not even called Lusitania, from what i gather) and Tarraconensis was made up of Hispania Citerior and other small provinces - so what about towns like Cartagena? Itálica? Mérida? Tarragona may be the oldest Roman city in Spain (as far as we know) but a personification doesn't necessarily have to have been born in a city... right?
moreover, prior to the Romans, Hispania was a melting pot of native tribes, Celts, Iberians, Celtiberians (ooh!), Carthaginians, etc. question is, if Antonio was around for the Romans, was he also there as a child amongst the Carthaginians? and where does mother Iberia, often depicted as the mother to both Spain and Portugal, come into it? and if she doesn't, then who would Antonio considers his parent(s) to be (if nations believe in having parents) let alone his birthplace?
it's confusing, isn't it? i can see the appeal of Antonio only coming into being in the 1400s for the ease alone.
truth be told, i don't know where would make most sense for Antonio to have been born. ni idea. like i said, andaluz Antonio gives me life and suits some aus, just like me making him galician every now and then, but in nationverse, when i consider my own preference that Antonio is already around when Rome shows up on his shores, even if only just, it only complicates matters.
consider this, however: he is, quite simply, a wilderness baby. a feral child. born up in the sierras, or in the middle of arid plains. like... most nations probably are. he was not born in a 'city' so much as just some random place in the area until he found his 'people', and that's as good as it gets. he could have come from anywhere, and i doubt he'd be able to pinpoint it himself beyond a vague gesture at the entire country.
still, if i had to give you a region, i'd say central-eastern Spain is where i'd place him. it's in the general area of what would have become Hispania Citerior and then Hispania Tarraconensis, which fits nicely with how i personally translate his character to that era. but i'd never be more specific than that. as far as i feel, many places in Spain have come to mean something to him, and his 'birthplace' is no more important to him than they are.
in conclusion: just go with your gut! i'm not here to validate anything or otherwise argue against your headcanons. he could be from Seville, he could be from Toledo, he could be from Tarragona - it only matters as much as you want it to matter. and that's all you should take away from this post!
hope that answers your question and hasn't been confusing in the least for you, beautiful anon! 💖
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thetimelordbatgirl · 3 months
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Imma be honest: I hate Teen Titans Go and always will, but holy shit to how they actually had really good concept designs for the genderbent Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire (Beast Boy's is noticeably missing so dunno if that was done on a different piece of paper or they just liked what we ended up with from the start), only to then for some reason change and mess them up in the end.
Again Beast Boy/Beast Girl has no concept prior to final design so nothing to compare to but like, her hair is fine I guess, wish it was a little more messier given who Beast Boy/Beast Girl are but like, that's the least of my problems with the design, no, that one goes to the skirt...I fucking hate the skirt because the trope 'male heroes becoming female means they wear skirts' is pretty fucking bad, but at least Beast Girl transforms in fights and therefore, the skirt wouldn't be a issue fighting wise, which I cannot say the same for... Robin- dear god, why did her design change so much? Concept actually makes sense since she's a vigilante and therefore wouldn't be wearing skirts or at least if she did, there'd be tights or leggings under it, and her hair actually looks messy, which given what she does, makes sense- but in final design, its again that stupid trope: transformed into a girl means skirts suddenly, even if they impractical to be a vigilante in, and for some reason her hair is no longer messy, because I guess being a girl means Dick suddenly loses that messy hair style??? Cyborg....what even happened between concept to final??? Why did they change her body type suddenly between both designs??? Why is concept similar to male Cyborg's body type and final design a thinner version of it??? And why did her hair change textures in final version??? Major L in final design. Raven....the only issue is the fact that he actually looks like Raven would in concept design and in final design, doesn't look like Raven would. And finally, Starfire...another what even happened between concept to final, because what the fuck??? How did he go from looks like he came from Starfire's species as they all warriors on their planet to literally looks like a dude trying to cosplay Starfire but failing? Male Starfire should look similar to He-Man, which concept does, but final design literally looks nothing like that- but hey, pro for curly hair I guess, since a-lot of nowadays TT stuff seems to forget Starfire started off with curly hair in the comics only for it to get straightened over time like most heroes curly hair sadly.
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keeps-ache · 5 months
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so, like i was saying,
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tired-reader-writer · 2 years
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FLAT COLOURS!!! :D Except I haven't coloured his necklace thing and also I forgot to put in his bracelet again— I'll do it in the next session, I swear T_T
I'm pretty satisfied with the tattoo designs and colours! They were such a pain to draw but I feel like it was worth it 😭
The stuff I'm actually not sure about are his clothes. I'm never sure what colour each part should be. Do y'all got any suggestions? Oh and the bells too, definitely. I feel like the clothing part is just a placeholder for now. What do you guys think?
He's supposed to actually have hazel eyes. I don't know how I'll get to colouring hazel eyes but uh... we'll see, I suppose? 😭
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auspectris · 1 year
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here's another 4dopt species - Witches! these guys have 6 different options for staves, 2 different robe shapes, and a few extra special effects! they are transform-only and do not spawn naturally themselves, all witches pictured were recolored by me
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four earrings. one spades, one clubs, one hearts, one diamonds. branzy and clown. you get me.
I do. I so do.
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soap-brain · 1 year
the elderly gays are alright, actually.
had a patient the other day, 83 years old and fit as a fiddle (going to the hospital for something minor), living in an absolutely gorgeous flat with his partner. 2nd storey, the entire staircase with potted flowers on each step (these were his partners’ flowers, he told me, taken inside for the winter). the entrance area of their flat was a little library with floor to ceiling bookshelves (he’d built those himself) filled with books about cooking, travelling etc. he works at a movie museum two days a week so he doesn’t get bored. his partner was a bit on the punkish side, with earrings and a bit of a mohawk, looking to be just as well as my patient and i just. 🥹 🥹 🥹
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pendragyn · 2 years
So I have a conundrum of a spiritual nature that I don't have anyone to talk to about so I am going to throw it into the void and see if anyone has helpful advice on it. I am NOT interested in the input of non-believers and jerks will be summarily blocked.
With that said, here is some background about me and my situation: I am witchy in a vague low spell-slot / dealing with major burnout sort of way and I have very specific *to me* beliefs about spiritual things that I won't go into, but I do enjoy and believe in tarot/divination as mostly a "headology" sort of thing - a conduit of sorts, though I don't know if it's inner or outer, and I'm not sure it matters.
SO, on the night of the 14th - 15th (which is significant to me) I saw a video of @rrrrriiiiooooottttt on tiktok doing a community tarot reading, which I logically know that masses of people saw but there were parts of it that felt very personal to me.
Firstly, my mom gave me her Waite-Rider-Smith deck like 30 years ago and I am relatively familiar with the deck's imagery, but beyond that it resonated because my mom's passed and I would have discussed this with her.
Secondly, some of the specific cards felt personal too, and when I did a few readings for myself they popped up again. But maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.
The reading itself was titled as "this is a message from Lucifer to you" which certainly had me smirking until it hit a nerve lol. They didn't pull cards so much as ask questions and shuffle until cards slipped from their hands in answer.
The cards in order; King of Cups and 9 Cups together, Emperor alone, King of Wands and 8 Wands, Queen of Pentacles alone, then 6 Wands, The Magician, (9 Pentacles which was mostly hidden behind other cards), Page of Swords, and Temperance all together. They interpreted it all to mean Lucifer was reaching out to work with people to overcome challenges faster than they might otherwise, see the bigger picture and find balance and abundance.
So I did a deep dive into analysing the cards they pulled, finding more stuff that resonated, and contemplated that for a couple days. Then I did my own readings on two different decks asking if a spirit was reaching out to me, yes, if it was malicious, no.
I asked if it was the pre-xian version of Lucifer and had cards falling as I shuffled, which is unusual for me. I interpreted them as a yes. (K of Pent, Strength, Ace of Pent, 6 Wands, 6 Cups)
So I asked "What now?" for lols and pulled the Queen of Cups which made me wonder if I should look for a writing mentor.
Then I asked if I should persue 3 certain writers as mentors and pulled a single card for each name, which got me the 5 Wands, The Devil lmao, and 9 Swords, all of which felt like big nos.
Lastly I asked if I should work on the magnum opus fanfic that I haven't worked on in a year and got the Lovers, which, I mean, yes, but also is a card that I actually reference in the story which knocked me for a loop lmao.
So now I'm at a loss because I've never worked with a spirit and I'm not sure how, or if I actually want to. If I could just write I would have by now lol so it's a real "Now what?" moment. The one person I'd discuss this with isn't exactly available for comment (and would probably freak tf out if she were alive lol). Anyone have experience they're willing to share, with Lucifer or any other spirits?
I am intrigued by the idea of working with a spirit, and am absolutely tickled by the thought of getting to say I made a deal with the devil, ngl, but I need some feedback from more knowledgeable people before I commit.
I don't know if anyone will see this but here's hoping. 💜
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apocalypselog · 7 months
Apparently there’s ethnic cleansing happening (like right now) in Masafer Yatta
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top five bands :D
Got asked this twice (I am assuming it is a glitch or smth since they are both written the same way lol)
These are going to be based on my current favs, in alphabetical order for personal necessity:
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
The Monkees
The Mountain Goats
Steely Dan
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