#duplicate (98)
why-its-kai · 8 months
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at last I have the full Trigun LaserDisc release !!!!! minus ld box 2 hopefully can find that someday
I now have all 13 Monthly Satellite Times and I promise I'll do my best to get the rest of them scanned to share with you soon !!
(apologies for photo quality it's surprisingly hard to get the full set in one pic like this and my bedroom light decided to saturate the hell outta it??? lmao)
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wheeinsgirlfriend · 9 months
Me happily watching an movie from 90s/2000s with SRK in
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Then suddenly an Kajol or Rani Mukerji appearence
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spynorth · 1 year
I would love to jump on the bandwagon and pretend I’m a decent person … but the truth is …. It just isn’t so.
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comphy-and-cozy · 25 days
The Eras Tour Hockeyblr Fic Challenge
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Calling all Hockeyblr Swifties! In honor of The Eras Tour coming to an end, we’ve decided to host The Eras Tour Fic Challenge! 
What’s the challenge? You’ll be assigned a song from any of the albums to base your fic off of. Simple.
But what’s the challenge? You do not get to select your song—it’ll be randomly selected by a giant Wheel of Songs. Once a song has been assigned, it will be removed from contention for everybody else. Therefore, the songs are first in, best dressed. Enjoy :)
More information & sign up link below the cut!
Sign Ups Open: Saturday 31 August 2024
Sign Ups Close: Friday 13 September 2024 at MIDDAY Eastern Daylight Time (what time is that for me?)
Songs Assigned: no later than Saturday 14 September 2024 at 11:59pm Eastern Daylight Time (what time is that for me?)
Fics Due: Sunday 8 December, 2024 at 11:59pm anywhere on earth
If you’re looking for even more of a challenge, you may choose between Tier 1 and Tier 2: 
Tier 1 songs are easier, more streamlined plots. Tier 2 songs are more challenging, more vague, and probably a bit angstier (this isn’t to say that all the angsty songs are Tier 2!) [Note that some songs have already been removed from contention if they are duplicates or distinctly not applicable, ie. Marjorie.] 
There are 163 songs in total. 98 ‘Tier 1’ songs and 65 ‘Tier 2’ songs.
You may choose to write about any player. For an additional challenge, you may also request to be assigned a player. You are not beholden to the player provided to you. The Wheel of Players replenishes.
Fics are due by 11:59pm 8 December 2024. You will not be held accountable should you be unable to or decide not to complete your fic. However, if you want your fic to be included in the masterlist, it must be posted by the due date. 
There is no minimum word count or specific format you must abide by. Your fic can be a one-shot, a blurb, a headcanon, or a full-fledged series—and everything in between!
To sign up, fill out this form: SIGN UP FORM. Songs will be assigned in the order the sign-ups are received in.
Please reach out to Demi ( @wyattjohnston ) or C ( @comphy-and-cozy ) with questions.
@ilyasorokinn @fallinallincurls @typical-simplelove @laurenairay @writingonleaves
@tonyspep @gravestrain @mp0625 @misshoneyimhome @thewintersoldierdisaster
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linghxr · 1 year
75 MORE essential single-character verbs (单字动词)
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People seemed to really enjoy my recent post 75 essential single-character verbs (单字动词)...so here's 75 MORE VERBS.
It was really difficult to put together the first list. I had a spreadsheet of literally hundreds of characters that I had to whittle down. So I was happy to give some of the eliminated characters a second chance.
Definitions are from MDBG. For some characters with additional meanings, I have bolded the meanings I want to highlight.
(76) 欠 qiàn - to owe / to lack / (literary) to be deficient in / (bound form) yawn / to raise slightly (a part of one's body)
(77) 顿 dùn - to stop / to pause / to arrange / to lay out / to kowtow / to stamp (one's foot) / at once / classifier for meals, beatings, scoldings etc: time, bout, spell, meal
(78) 逗 dòu - to tease (playfully) / to entice / (coll.) to joke / (coll.) funny / amusing / to stay / to sojourn / brief pause at the end of a phrase (variant of 讀|读)
(79) 沉 chén - to submerge / to immerse / to sink / to keep down / to lower / to drop / deep / profound / heavy
(80) 挡 dǎng - to resist / to obstruct / to hinder / to keep off / to block (a blow) / to get in the way of / cover / gear (e.g. in a car's transmission)
(81) 晒 shài - (of the sun) to shine on / to bask in (the sunshine) / to dry (clothes, grain etc) in the sun / (fig.) to expose and share (one's experiences and thoughts) on the Web (loanword from "share") / (coll.) to give the cold shoulder to
(82) 聚 jù - to congregate / to assemble / to mass / to gather together / to amass / to polymerize
(83) 派 pài - clique / school / group / faction / to dispatch / to send / to assign / to appoint / pi (Greek letter Ππ) / the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926 / (loanword) pie
(84) 叠 dié - to fold / to fold over in layers / to furl / to layer / to pile up / to repeat / to duplicate
(85) 缠 chán - to wind around / to wrap round / to coil / tangle / to involve / to bother / to annoy
(86) 嫁 jià - (of a woman) to marry / to marry off a daughter / to shift (blame etc)
(87) 逼 bī - to force (sb to do sth) / to compel / to press for / to extort / to press on towards / to press up to / to close in on / euphemistic variant of 屄
(88) 喊 hǎn - to yell / to shout / to call out for (a person)
(89) 躲 duǒ - to hide / to dodge / to avoid
(90) 抓 zhuā - to grab / to catch / to arrest / to snatch / to scratch
(91) 藏 cáng - to conceal / to hide away / to harbor / to store / to collect
(92) 瞒 mán - to conceal from / to keep (sb) in the dark
(93) 挑 tiāo - to carry on a shoulder pole / to choose / to pick / to nitpick
(94) 扑 pū - to throw oneself at / to pounce on / to devote one's energies / to flap / to flutter / to dab / to pat / to bend over
(95) 踏 tà - to tread / to stamp / to step on / to press a pedal / to investigate on the spot
(96) 断 duàn - to break / to snap / to cut off / to give up or abstain from sth / to judge / (usu. used in the negative) absolutely / definitely / decidedly
(97) 捡 jiǎn - to pick up / to collect / to gather
(98) 拖 tuō - to drag / to tow / to trail / to hang down / to mop (the floor) / to delay / to drag on
(99) 肯 kěn - to agree / to consent / to be willing to
(100) 挖 wā - to dig / to excavate / to scoop out
(101) 摔 shuāi - to throw down / to fall / to drop and break
(102) 伸 shēn - to stretch / to extend
(103) 摸 mō - to feel with the hand / to touch / to stroke / to grope / to steal / to abstract
(104) 绕 rào - to wind / to coil (thread) / to rotate around / to spiral / to move around / to go round (an obstacle) / to by-pass / to make a detour / to confuse / to perplex
(105) 飘 piāo - to float
(106) 碰 pèng - to touch / to meet with / to bump
(107) 染 rǎn - to dye / to catch (a disease) / to acquire (bad habits etc) / to contaminate / to add color washes to a painting
(108) 搁 gē - to place / to put aside / to shelve
(109) 铺 pū - to spread / to display / to set up / (old) holder for door-knocker
(110) 托 tuō - to trust / to entrust / to be entrusted with / to act as trustee
(111) 捧 pěng - to clasp / to cup the hands / to hold up with both hands / to offer (esp. in cupped hands) / to praise / to flatter
(112) 剥 bō | bāo - to peel / to skin / to shell / to shuck
(113) 挠 náo - to scratch / to thwart / to yield
(114) 填 tián - to fill or stuff / (of a form etc) to fill in
(115) 瞅 chǒu - (dialect) to look at
(116) 蹲 dūn - to crouch / to squat / to stay (somewhere)
(117) 溜 liū - to slip away / to escape in stealth / to skate
(118) 坠 zhuì - to fall / to drop / to weigh down
(119) 撩 liáo - to tease / to provoke / to stir up (emotions)
(120) 牵 qiān - to lead along / to pull (an animal on a tether) / (bound form) to involve / to draw in
(121) 装 zhuāng - adornment / to adorn / dress / clothing / costume (of an actor in a play) / to play a role / to pretend / to install / to fix / to wrap (sth in a bag) / to load / to pack
(122) 望 wàng - full moon / to hope / to expect / to visit / to gaze (into the distance) / to look towards / towards
(123) 编 biān - to weave / to plait / to organize / to group / to arrange / to edit / to compile / to write / to compose / to fabricate / to make up
(124) 冻 dòng - to freeze / to feel very cold / aspic or jelly
(125) 抛 pāo - to throw / to toss / to fling / to cast / to abandon
(126) 喷 pēn - to puff / to spout / to spray / to spurt
(127) 刻 kè - quarter (hour) / moment / to carve / to engrave / to cut / oppressive / classifier for short time intervals
(128) 逃 táo - to escape / to run away / to flee
(129) 偷 tōu - to steal / to pilfer / to snatch / thief / stealthily
(130) 吐 tù - to vomit / to throw up
(131) 摁 èn - to press (with one's finger or hand)
(132) 瞪 dèng - to open (one's eyes) wide / to stare at / to glare at
(133) 递 dì - to hand over / to pass on / to deliver / (bound form) progressively / in the proper order
(134) 扭 niǔ - to turn / to twist / to wring / to sprain / to swing one's hips
(135) 轮 lún - wheel / disk / ring / steamship / to take turns / to rotate / classifier for big round objects: disk, or recurring events: round, turn
(136) 混 hùn - to mix / to mingle / muddled / to drift along / to muddle along / to pass for / to get along with sb / thoughtless / reckless
(137) 揪 jiū - to seize / to clutch / to grab firmly and pull
(138) 卷 juǎn - to roll up / roll / classifier for small rolled things (wad of paper money, movie reel etc)
(139) 瞧 qiáo - to look at / to see / to see (a doctor) / to visit
(140) 刺 cì - thorn / sting / thrust / to prick / to pierce / to stab / to assassinate / to murder
(141) 搜 sōu - to search
(142) 遮 zhē - to cover up (a shortcoming) / to screen off / to hide / to conceal
(143) 争 zhēng - to strive for / to vie for / to argue or debate / deficient or lacking (dialect) / how or what (literary)
(144) 撤 chè - to remove / to take away
(145) 闪 shǎn - to dodge / to duck out of the way / to beat it / shaken (by a fall) / to sprain / to pull a muscle / lightning / spark / a flash / to flash (across one's mind) / to leave behind / (Internet slang) (of a display of affection) "dazzlingly" saccharine
(146) 耍 shuǎ - to play with / to wield / to act (cool etc) / to display (a skill, one's temper etc)
(147) 忍 rěn - to bear / to endure / to tolerate / to restrain oneself
(148) 摇 yáo - to shake / to rock / to row / to crank
(149) 戳 chuō - to jab / to poke / to stab / (coll.) to sprain / to blunt / to f*ck (vulgar) / to stand / to stand (sth) upright / stamp / seal
(150) 晃 huàng - to sway / to shake / to wander about huǎng - to dazzle / to flash past
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fiercerthanyou · 3 months
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Xing Danwen, "Duplication, Number 1," 2003 / printed 2005,
Image: 37 h × 30 w in (94 × 76 cm),
Sheet: 38½ h × 31½ w in (98 × 80 cm)
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unityrain24 · 7 months
just saw some really pretty loki fanart except i'm like 98% was ai generated (and therefor not art), but it's saddening and even scary because like... i want to know who the lovely artist whose pretty artstyle got stolen. With it being ai generated, i cannot trace back the way i can with simply regular stolen art that's had the watermark removed. it's sad because that artist cannot be found and will never get the credit and their art has been stolen and disfigured. and it's scary because of how much art ai has scrapped that it's like... getting harder and harder to tell if it's ai or not. So much art has been scrapped that it's learned to stop making stupid mistakes like extra fingers and duplicates of elements in strange nonsensical places. why. why. is the future so bleak we aren't even going to have the basic human trait of creativity and art to get us through hard times? or will that be stolen from us too?
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lol-jackles · 6 months
I enjoyed the first episode of Season 4 of Walker, it's no peak SPN but it's grown into itself. I'm not an avid watcher but it's easy TV and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
So my question is, what number of viewers need to be on live and +7 for it to stay on air and with what demographic?
The live figures and demographic seemed to be falling, but that is the same for all CW shows.
Are you still expecting an announcement of an extended series announcement?
FYI, there is a picture of Jensen in Vancouver having dinner with some of the cast of Watcher, so the rumour is yet another guest star gig is on the cards...
With over 50% of total (legal) TV viewers in U.S are now online and catch-up services, Live TV viewers are only a small chunk of what advertisers use. Live TV viewings do matter, but the networks also look at how a show does in DVR (up to 35 days post-airing usually) and on streaming. Part of the reason why CW created the CW app was so they could get better user data, and optimize their content based on that (similar to the OG Netflix model), so it would make sense if they put less weight on Live TV viewership, as the OG CW had already done.  If one person watches twice on CW app then they would be counted as two content starts.   And if one person watched the full 40 min duration twice then they would have contributed 80 minutes of viewing to the show.  But if you want to a reach of unique non-duplicated viewers for a certain show, they’d be counted once.   There are a lot of different metrics but multiple viewings factor into plenty of them.  Same for actual true for linear tv - if you watch something on a dvr more than once they are all counted. It’d be cool if these streaming numbers were released, but unfortunately that’s a much less transparent process than Live TV, so non-industry people still base their ratings knowledge off of that.
The Nielsen ratings are still used and still matters and it helps that there’s industry transparency. Linear tv still sells mostly on C3 (commercial viewing live + 3 days). But networks will track digital viewing within the US.  There's a lot of metrics to measure “success” on digital platforms beyond viewership - how many new subscribers it brought in, if they stayed to watch other things, how long they spend on the platform, etc
Of course CW app doesn't have subscribers but downloads. On Valentines Day CW app officially crossed 100 million downloads across all platforms and was #1 in the Apple App Store for 3 consecutive years during fall premieres.
The rule of thumb is if an app has 10 million downloads, on average 30% of downloads are active.  So CW app has 100 million downloads, 30% are active, and a total of 30 million active users.  With ads, it's easy money for the network.
For context.  
Peacock = 31 million subscribers 
Paramount = 37 million subscribers
Max = 98 million subscribers
Disney = 111 million subscribers
Netflix = 260 million subscribers 
Of the Big 5's subscribers, we don't know the percentage of active watchers.  But streaming services actually prefer that you don't watch because that costs bandwidth.  Just like gyms make their money from memberships where most members don't go to the gym regularly.
At this point no, I don't expect series extension announcement. The whole industry is going, as they say in business downsizing, restructuring.
I said in another post, never say never to the idea of Jensen scoring a guest star gig on Tracker.
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odd-animated-armor · 9 months
So what’s happened with the duplicate?
- @lead-sorcerer
Currently? Nothing but survalence and questions. I’m 98% sure they’re sentient, but faking.
Beyond that….. it doesn’t look good.
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alainamama17 · 10 months
100 Days of Music - Music Challenge
Day 98 (11/26/23)
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Hello from this beautiful (although we don't take care of it) planet. Whereabouts are you? Yes, this has something to do with our theme for today.
Share a song or songs that you love that mentions the country you're from or live in its title. If you can't find a song that specifically mentions it, find one that mentions something its known for.
American Soldier - Toby Keith
America - Neil Diamond
Only in America - Brooks & Dunn
Courtesy of the Red, White & Blue (the Angry American) - Toby Keith
Born in the USA - Bruce Springsteen
There may be duplicates posted on our theme today. Its all good. Just want to see where all my fellow Tumblr-ite music lovers are from.
@worldleaderpretend1969, @biggreenhouse, @lusnicky, @delightedobserverintraining, @prbworld21, @cheeky-down-under, @flat-in-life, @secondlifep, @interestedin-life, @a-lil-jaded-1, @musiclandoux, @bohicabill, @onlya5butfunny, @aravenlunatic
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georgiapeach30513 · 8 months
I think if Chris had starred as Six in TGM you’d be getting a franchise as we speak. In fact, he could have played both Lloyd and Six in the same film and done a Two Face type of thing but with himself. That would have been a sight to see. And they could have switched out the money they used to jet set and bomb all of Prague to CGI both of his performances in.
Ryan was pretty alright as Six but he does much better in films like Lars and the real girl, drive, and the nice guys. More indie more heart. Him as a big blockbuster action star may work (the fall guy looks like a good one) but not with the Russos. He’s not a superhero, sorry.
I would like people to get off their high horses and realize that a trio like the Russos and Evans is actually pretty rare. They have been together for the better part of a decade now and the results have been: Cap 2,3, Infinity War, endgame, TGM.
98% of those films are critics and audiences raved and hitting billion dollar box office. One is/was highest grossest film of all time, a cultural phenomenon, and one of the most memorable times in modern cinematic history. It was a moment.
TWS remains one of, if not the best marvel and comic films ever made. It’s truly unmatched that film.
Civil war is still creating pop culture discourse to this day. The movie is almost a decade old.
TGM had too many issues but one character stood out for the majority of critics and audiences alike.
Who’s the common denominator in all this?
Ehh, I don't know about that. Have you ever heard the saying that the villains have more fun? Even in Disney movies, who has the better lines, better looks, makeup wise whose makeup looks the best? Villains have the most fun, and Chris had so much fun with this role.
Six was always meant to be a bit more of a withdrawn character. He wasn't supposed to be charismatic. Lloyd was. You love to hate him. That's why Chris made that role memorable.
But I do agree with the Russos comment. And I will continue to stick behind how I feel about them. But I am also open minded because I think it's only a matter of time before Chris works with them again. It's not if but when. And the MCU movies are different because that is an ensemble cast. Chris alone did not make that box office success. That was 10 years of a setup to the largest crossover in cinematic history. Even Marvel is struggling to duplicate that same magic.
I won't take away from Chris' performance, but that is also why he does well in ensemble casts. With Cap he is still the star, but he has a great cast to feed off of.
I just want the Russos to use Chris in a non action movie. I think that would be interesting. But we also have no idea if that dinner was business based, but I do believe it was.
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amenoromen · 2 months
Hi! Tell me your top 10 headcanons for Zombieman/Dr.Genus
1. G disinfects Z's wounds, even if it's not necessary, because it's a good alternative to pain to feel closer to people
2. It is difficult for number 66 to navigate in everyday things
He often demonstrates excessive defensive behavior in response to critical comments
The comfort zone in the financial sphere is Zo's personal level of permission, but G takes care of his comfort for him
3. Number 66 has a change in taste perception because half of the diet in the era of the evolutionary house consisted of sublimates in portion packages
G usually cooks for two, taking into account the restrictions on the level of salt and sugar in products
4. the liquid medium in the culture tank gave rise to the appearance of a neurotic disorder in number 66 when immersed in water
5. The Number 66 often makes error in writing
G forced him to attend evening classes because he planned to explain to him the structure of writing an essay and offer a list of references for annotation
6. The attachment of number 66 to a significant person is a range on which the degree of basic trust in the world is determined
I don't think G understands the concept of family, he would be a typical example of a narcissistic parent who punishes by ignoring and constantly makes you feel like you're not doing enough for him
He was a good handler, but a dysfunctional father figure to number 66
7. The way of thinking of number 66 is often very deviant
For example, when he unbuttons G's trousers instead of verbally thanking him
8. only amphibians have hundreds of genes that are supposedly involved in the regeneration of damaged tissues. they are not found in the genomes of other vertebrates
the Nox genes are a large family of genes that determine the body structure scheme in multicellular animals
in humans, there are four sets of Nox genes that partially duplicate each other (they were formed from one as a result of two full- genome duplications)
the complexes of homeotic genes have become a testing ground for the study of non-coding DNA, which occupies about 98% of our genome tiling
+ amphibian genome, ten times higher than the human genome
thus, the ability to tissue engineering of sample 66 may be due to the sequencing of the genome of the east american newt (notophthalmus viridescens)
9. What if Zo's pathological attachment to G was formed on the basis of retrograde amnesia since, due to the inability to recall recent previous episodes, pseudo-memories were born to restore the missing moments of his life
It is characterized by lack of memories of any given events which were directly preceding unconsciousness, a craniocereberal trauma or anesthesia
Results from damage of the areas of a brain connected with incidental and declarative memory including autobiographical data
More extensive damage limited to the hippocampus causes temporary amnesia for a period of 15 to 25 years
(Was his real name erased and replaced with a serial number?)
Zo's apartment has little white color, bloodstained bandages on the floor, gutted blister packs and dishes that have not been washed for a long time, so G does a general cleaning twice a month
11. G has an obissive compulsive disorder, so both of them are covered by one unspoken rule - to shower for three minutes after sex, because poor hygiene increases the risk of developing skin diseases and infections
Zo thinks the gloves will reduce the sensitivity of his fingers
In the end, G stops at the examination gloves, which are not powdered, because they are thinner than surgical gloves
I'm sorry for the low level of English 🛐
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sl33py-g4m3r · 2 months
desktop environments~~
how screwed would I be if I tried to rip out all the components of cinnamon just to install xfce or some other desktop environment instead?
like I still want to use linux mint debian edition 6, don't get me wrong; I just kind of want to poke around with other desktop environments instead of just be stuck with cinnamon.
cinnamon is a nice desktop environment tho~~
I just want the kind of feel of older hardware~~ or more specifically that windows 95/98 feel~~ hence why I wanted specifically xfce~~
I thought linux mint debian edition used mate and xfce too back in the day??
why is it only cinnamon now?
where did the other spins go?? of course that might've been a decade ago that was the case~~ idr
how broken would my system become if I did this??
and another problem is I don't want duplicate apps~~~
I want to tinker with my OS~~
but also I don't want stuff to break~~
and (not that it matters cause I could always restart my 19 days of progress) I've got a current cookie clicker save cause I still play that stupid game~~
I'd prefer to use debian edition because I don't like what ubuntu was doing~~ so there's no way I'm going back to standard mint cause it uses ubuntu as a base~~
or is it different and thus ok to use instead of straight up ubuntu?
I also thought that debian was more stable as a whole anyway~~? unless I"m incorrect n assuming this.
I like to tinker with this poor machine too much~~
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full-of-mercy · 1 year
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Nicholas D. Wolfwood | Composite Trigun
selective | independent | canon-observing but inclined to world build | multiverse/multiship
Blog banner/icon/promo by @carnivalfair
Details under the break.
X/Steel Precambrian internet entity (30+) Variable activity main ffvii blog: @steeleidolon vash blog: @sixty-billion fanfic/art: [AO3] | art tag - general | art tag - Trigun | Prompt Tag | Open Starters
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18+ themes / minors DNI
Personals are welcome to follow. I ask that you not reblog RP threads you're not involved in.
I will:
RP just about anything. This includes with OCs, crossovers, duplicate muses, dark themes, sexuality/gore/violence, etc. I don't have any triggers, but when in doubt, please ask.
Tag NSFW content and place it under a read more.
Tag content warnings as cw: *****
I won’t: 
NSFW with underage characters or writers. Ever. Full stop. I have very few ‘hard no’ limits; this is one of them.
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I don't typically use icons/special formatting. It's perfectly cool if you do, though!
Always hunting for the sweet spot of writing length. Will attempt to match, but prefer meaty multi-paragraph for general play. Let's create something!
Askbox is always open.
Prompts are always open.
Open Starters are open unless otherwise tagged.
Answered prompts can always be turned into threads. Go ham!
Discord available for mutuals.
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This Wolfwood interpretation is Trigun Maximum-oriented with some flavor elements from the anime (both 98 and 23), with background adjusted according to setting.
I skew Wolfwood older by default - even interacting in Stampede-verse, it's just a personal preference based on the Trigun Maximum 'Freed Bird' side story.
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Subject to change. Will be adding more notes here as these verses develop.
lucid sinner || Trigun Maximum-oriented setting with some '98 anime elements. stampede || Trigun Stampede-flavored setting. triptych || Trigun Stampede-flavored. Reincarnation. Get up. Try again. Is time a flat circle; is the third time a charm? sky's still blue || Trigun Maximum. Two years post-canon: an emergence. bringer of death / lover of life || Post-canon Trigun Maximum/98. If the film reel unwinds, does it play the same? wayward wolf || Maximum-flavored. Displaced from one of many possible Bad Ends. Blasphemous dubiously-Christian assassin dumped some other-where some other-when.
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regallibellbright · 10 months
I love how that post began as a straightforward joke about Scrooge McDuck having a Keyblade.
And then in the tags went on a lengthy tangent about whether Keyblades naturally duplicate themselves through inheritance or something, or if the convoluted situations in play allowed the Heart Hotel to make at LEAST three copies of the same Keyblade be running around at once at the end of 3.
Honestly I’m pretty sure the CORRECT answer is option one, it’s the thematically-appropriate answer and explains 98% of apparent Keyblade discrepancies. But even so I’m pretty sure Sora, Roxas, and Xion at minimum (possibly also Ven, who was likely involved SOMEWHERE in the process if only passively) essentially performed an item duplication glitch that allows Sora and Roxas to continue dual-wielding while Roxas and Xion both continue to exist.
And I love this for them.
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touhoucrackmonth · 7 months
Thanks for 15 participants!!
We have reached 15 people who have signed up for this event, thank you! Since this is a round-ish number, time to do some statistics.
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As you can see, 'Normal' is the most common difficulty choice, but all settings have gotten some form of representation.
Personal preferences vary a lot from participant to participant, so I'll only remark on the checkboxes that were already provided. Among those who excluded anybody at all, 90% excluded PC-98 characters, however.
I started keeping track of which characters were being chosen, to see if anything interesting came up. I forgot to do this from the start, so that second one might not be accurate.
Most common character (retained pairings): 5-way tie between Satori, Youmu, Suika, Mizuchi and Yuuma, each selected three times.
Most common character (all pairings): tie between Yuuma and Kyouko, each selected four times.
So far, there have been no duplicates in the chosen pairings. This isn't very surprising, repeats are most likely to appear beyond the 200 mark, which we are quite a ways away from.
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