#early 20’s 20-26
idsb · 1 year
Then do you have a problem with most of the age gaps in Taylor's relationships? Maybe except her and Taylor Lautner and her with both Joe's ahah
Cause the rest are all pretty big gaps..
If you’re asking me about Connor Kennedy and Harry - which is what I’m p sure this is code for - no I do not think a high school senior and college student equivalent is weird. At all. You’re in the same stage of life especially when you’re in the spotlight and especially when the older one is the girl, who had just been traumatized by 2 older men back to back. Again, wrong person to pick this fight with and I have literally 0 patience for the “Taylor was a predator” crowd
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nwarrior777 · 1 year
* tired sigh * i just need big soft boyfriend it would fix all my problems, which are: i can't find big soft boyfriend
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erosology · 6 months
i can’t believe there are people who still think könig is in his 20’s. that man is no younger than 37 and you will never change my mind idc idc
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thereignclub-trc · 2 years
I just want to remind you that sometimes your life really doesn't begin until you are 26+... Romanticizing and obsessing over our youth is harmful. Growing up is beautiful. Discovering who you are and how you interact with the world is a gift. Maturing and learning what you truly want out of life and living in that purpose brings fulfillment and peace. Your life is not over in your early 20's because you haven't figured it out yet, it's just beginning.
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dasagoo · 2 years
How old do you think Beckett and Frankie were when the bombs went off?
I like to think Frankie was born just after the bombs and is a few years younger than Beckett. (canonically, he calls him his "kid brother" a few times, so that makes me think he's got a few years on him). Beckett would be prewar, but was too young to really remember it very well. As for when Frankie was born, I dunno! Maybe a year after the bombs? idk, he feels too young to me to be prewar. if he was, he would've probably been an infant.
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livesworthlivingau · 4 months
Lives Worth Living AU Hub
Hello! Welcome to my AU, Lives Worth Living! Spoilers for the full game and two hats below the break.
Quick introduction to the concept of this AU:
It's been 30 years since the events of the game. The party eventually disbanded to form their own lives, though remaining in each other's now and again at least. They are all together for the first time in several years... and sadly the last, as Odile lay in her deathbed. She lived a full life, it's natural causes, at least they're all together again. As everyone gathers around for her final moments, and she closes her eyes for good, Sif suddenly feels a tug on his sto-
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Hard cut to 30 years ago, the day just after the events of the game.
And that's pretty much all you need to know going in! Only other thing worth mentioning is pretty much all option content is canon in this AU, especially two hats... ESPECIALLY two hats.
[S-1] [S0] [S1] [S2] [S3] [S4] [S5] [V1] [V2-4] [V5] [S6] [V6] [S7] [S8] [S9] [S10] [V7-10] [S11] [V11] [S12] [V12] [V13] [V14] [S13] [S14] [S15][S16] [V15] [V16] [S17] [S18] [V17] [V18] [S19] [V19] [V20] [S20] [V21][V22] [V23] [S21-23] [S24] [V24] [S25] [V25] [V26] [V27]
Siffrin Chapters (Lives Worth Living)
[-1] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21-23] [24] [25]
Loop Vale Chapters (Behind the Vale)
[1] [2-4] [5] [6] [7-10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27]
If you're wondering why Loop is crossed out and Vale is in it's place, it will make sense by chapter 7-10, otherwise all you need to know is these are Loop's side of things. Text in Red represents duplicate lines between it and it's complimentary chapter, to let you know where it lines up with the other perspective without needing to repeat tons of lines.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Lore Drops
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31]
If anyone wants to join the discord server, please send me a DM and I'll invite you! I'd rather not have the link posted publicly to avoid scammers.
Special thanks to Lea for making this amazing website! It helps fuel the angst so well with the death screen gifs I've been generating at the end of some early chapters!~
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atthebell · 23 days
Spiderbit/Guapoduo Fluff or Fright: October 20-26
Do you love Spiderbit? Enjoy Fluff? Love Horror? This is the event for you!!!
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This event will take place the week of October 20-26th and consists of fourteen prompts; one each day of the week for Fluff, one each day of the week for Fright.
AO3 Collection
Q: Do I have to post just one prompt? Can I post on different days/late? A: You can post as many prompts as you like, and you can even use your own prompts, so long as they follow the theme of Fluff or Fright!
Q: Can I post on different days/late/early? A: You can post whenever you'd like! You don't have to post on the exact days if you need more time/want to post early, and you can even post a month late or however long it takes for you to finish. This event is to encourage people to create more Spiderbit fanworks-- it's not a homework assignment!
Q: Do I have to write fic? Can I post fanart/cosplays/edits/etc.? A: You do not have to write fic to participate! This event is open to any kind of fanworks.
Q: What tag(s) can I use? A: On Tumblr, you can use the tag "spiderbit fluff or fright," with the spaces. On Twitter or Bluesky, you can use "SpiderbitFlufforFright."
Q: Are there any rules about what kind of content can be included? A: Yes. No explicit sexual content, and keep the works focused on Spiderbit.
Q: Can I tag you on here when I post my work(s)? A: Yes! Please do! I can't guarantee I'll reblog all works, but regardless, be sure to use the tag and I'll go through it periodically throughout the week.
Q: Do I have to sign up/join a Discord/fill out a form? A: You do not! Feel free to just work on your fic/art/etc. and post it whenever you finish. There are no deadlines and no sign-ups; anyone can feel free to participate at any time.
Q: What if I have further questions? A: Send me an ask or a DM!
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floridaboiler · 1 year
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Things You Probably Never Knew About The Great Lakes.....
1. Lake Superior is actually not a lake at all, but an inland sea .
2. All of the four other Great Lakes, plus three more the size of Lake Erie, would  fit inside of Lake Superior.
3. Isle Royale is a massive island surrounded by Lake Superior. Within this island are several smaller lakes. Yes, that’s a lake on a lake.
4. Despite its massive size, Lake Superior is an  extremely young   formation by Earth’s standards (only 10,000 years old).
5. There is enough water in Lake Superior to  submerge all of North and South America in 1 foot of water.
6. Lake Superior contains 3 quadrillion gallons of water (3,000,000,000,000,000). All five of the Great Lakes combined contain 6 quadrillion gallons.
7. Contained within Lake Superior is a whopping 10% of the world’s fresh surface water.
8. It’s estimated there are about 100 million lake trout   in Lake Superior. That’s nearly one-fifth of the human population of North America!
9. There are small outlets through which water leaves Lake Superior. It takes two centuries for all the water in the lake to replace itself.
10. Lake Erie is the fourth-largest Great Lake in surface area, and the smallest in depth. It’s the 11th largest lake on the planet.
11. There is alleged to be a 30- to 40-foot-long “monster” in Lake Erie named Bessie. The earliest recorded sighting goes back as early as 1793.
12. Water in Lake Erie replaces itself   in only 2.6 years, which is notable considering the water in Lake Superior takes two centuries.
13. The original publication of Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax contained the line, “I hear things are just as bad up in Lake Erie.”Fourteen years later, the Ohio Sea Grant Program wrote to Seuss to make the case that conditions had improved. He removed the line.
14. Not only is lake Erie the smallest Great Lake when it comes to volume, but it’s surrounded by the most industry.Seventeen metropolitan areas, each with populations of more than 50,000, border the Lake Erie basin.
15. During the War of 1812, the U.S. beat the British in a naval battle calledthe Battle of Lake Erie, forcing them to abandon Detroit.
16. The shoreline of all the Great Lakes combined equals nearly 44% of the  circumference  of the planet.
17. If not for the the Straits of Mackinac, Lake Michigan and Lake Huron might be considered one lake.Hydrologically speaking, they have the same mean water level and are considered one lake.
18. The Keystone State  was one of the largest and most luxurious wooden steamships running during the Civil War.In 1861, it disappeared. In 2013, it was found 30 miles northeast of Harrisville under 175 feet of water.
19. Goderich Mine is the largest salt mine in the world. Part of it runs underneath Lake Huron, more than 500 meters underground.
20. Below Lake Huron, there are  9,000-year-old animal-herding structures   used by prehistoric people from when the water levels were significantly lower.
21. There are  massive sinkholes in Lake Huron that have high amounts of sulfur and low amounts of oxygen, almost replicating the conditions of Earth’s ancient oceans 3 million years ago. Unique ecosystems are contained within them.
22. Lake Huron is the second largest among the Great Lakes, and the  fifth largest in the world.
23.  In size, Lake Michigan ranks third among the Great Lakes, and sixth among all freshwater lakes in the world.
24. Lake Michigan is the only Great Lake that is entirely within the borders of the United States.
25. The largest fresh water sand dunes in the world line the shores of Lake Michigan.
26. Because water enters and exits Lake Michigan through the same path, it takes 77 years longer for the water to replace itself   than in Huron, despite their similarity in size and depth. (Lake Michigan: 99 years, Lake Huron: 22 years)
27. When the temperature of Lake Michigan is below freezing, this happens.
28. Within Lake Michigan there is a “triangle” with a similar reputation to the Bermuda Triangle, where a large amount of “strange disappearances” have occurred. There have also been alleged UFO sightings.
29. Singapore, Mich., is a ghost town on the shores of Lake Michigan that was buried under sand in 1871. Because of severe weather conditions and a lack of resources due to the need to rebuild after the great Chicago fire, the town was lost completely.
30. In the mid-19th century, Lake Michigan had a pirate problem. Their booty: timber. In fact, the demise of Singapore is due in large part to the rapidly deforested area surrounding the town.
31. Jim Dreyer  swam across Lake Michigan in 1998 (65 miles), and then in 2003, he swam the length of Lake Michigan (422 miles).
32. Lake Michigan was the location of the first recorded “Big Great Lakes disaster,” in which a steamer carrying 600 people collided with a schooner delivering timber to Chicago. Four hundred and fifty people died.
33. Lake Ontario is the smallest of the Great Lakes in surface area, and second smallest in depth. It’s the  14th largest lake   on the planet.
34. The province Ontario was  named after   the lake, and not vice versa.
35. In 1804, a Canadian warship, His Majesty’s Ship Speedy, sank in Lake Ontario. In 1990, wreck hunter Ed Burtt managed to find it.  Only, he isn’t allowed to recover any artifacts until a government-approved site to exhibit them is found. He’s still waiting.
36. Babe Ruth hit his  first major league home run   at Hanlan’s Point Stadium in Toronto. It landed in Lake Ontario and is believed to still be there.
37. A lake on Saturn’s moon Titan is named after Lake Ontario.
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thesimline · 6 months
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1600s WOMEN - PART 2
In the early part of the 17th century holdovers from the Tudor period continued to be in style, but soon enough the iconic ruff would evolve into delicate soft and standing lace collars. By the 1620s women's fashion - and by extension their accessories - became a lot more simple. Hats kept growing in size from the previous century, both in width and height. Pearls were HUGELY popular as they were a way to display wealth. In fact, it's hard to find a woman's portrait from this period that doesn't feature pearl jewellery. CC links and reference images under the cut.
You can find more of my historical content here:
1300s ✺ 1400s ✺ 1500s ✺ 1600s ✺ 1700s
1 - Twisted Accessory Bangs by Atashi77
2 - Babyhair N3 by Daerilia
3 - Venice Accessory Bangs by Atashi77
4 - Fringe Accessory Bangs by Atashi77
5 - Parisa Bangs Shortened by Vintage Simstress
6 - Babyhair Collection by Sheabuttyr
7 - WW Bow Accessory by Gilded Ghosts
8 - Wreath Headdress by S-Club (TSR)
9 - Violet Accessory by Sims To Maggie
10 - Pearl Tiara Recolor by Peebs
11 - Pearls & Feather Hair Accessory by Melancholy Maiden
12 - Tire N1 by Wings (TSR)
13 - Baroque Pearl Drop Earrings by Feyona (TSR)
14 - Flower Earrings by S-Club (TSR)
15 - Katy Earrings V3 by Glitterberry Sims (TSR)
16 - Highbury Chemisette by Gilded Ghosts | Crochet Collar by Waekey
17 - Sweet Collar by Waekey | Jolie Accessory Bodysuit by Dissia (TSR)
18 - Ruff Collar by Strange Storyteller Sims
19 - Josephine Pearl Necklace by Bats From Westeros
20 - Malibu Necklace by Joliebean
21 - Veronica Necklace by Glitterberry Sims (TSR)
22 - Duchess Pearl Necklace by Yakfarm
23 - Belle der Mere Pearl Macys by Redhead Sims
24 - Classic Pearls by Glitterberry Sims (TSR)
25 - Lady Hat V2 by Elfdor
26 - Witch Hunter Hat by Kennetha V (TSR)
27 - Bow Hat by Joolster
28 - Top Hat by Count Cosmos
29 - Vintage Glam Hat by Madlen
30 - Felicity Hat by Ilkup
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With thanks to some amazing creators: @daerilia @vintagesimstress @sheabuttyr @simstomaggie @peebsplays @the-melancholy-maiden @glitterberrysims @waekey @strangestorytellersims @batsfromwesteros @joliebean @yakfarm @redheadsims-cc @elfdor @madlensims @ilkup
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whomst-the-hell · 2 months
everytime i venture into the sk8 fandom (i havent seen the show since 2021) i am hit with the strongest blast of side characterism as i remember that sk8 was not actually a life-spanning childhood friends to lovers narrative about joe and cherry starting when they are children then covering their misspent teenage years where cherry has a toxic relationship with adam before they finally get together in their late teens/early 20s which is tragic because joe is going abroad for culinary school but they go on trips together all around the world before settling back down in okinawa where they both start their dream jobs and skateboard together at S and bicker like an old married couple at the ripe old age of 26 and then idk i guess adam has some beef with some kid or smth in the background or whatever
like i open the fandom tag on ao3 n im like. who tf is reki?
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simkoos · 11 months
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in between building and trying not to drive myself crazy with my indecisiveness, i've been populating my save with men™
adam bardot, 27: local fuccboi, usually spotted at the boba shop shooting his shot with the vendor
barry king, 72: self-made millionaire (or so he claims), owns the 'kingpin gentlemen's club' in del sol valley. he's lowkey forcing his son to take over the business after his retirement
bryn chamberlain, 22: youngest of 4 siblings. he makes bank on simhub but his parents believe he's simply tipped well at the fancy seafood restaurant in downtown san sequoia 🤷
houston morrisey, 26: lowkey has anger issues and denies it while being argumentative and angry... an amazing photographer, loves media production and any music genre as long as it can be played loudly. always in competition with his best friend shayne
jaxon guzman, 31: kinda unhinged, you just don't know what goes on in that mind of his. freaks out customers works at a marijuana dispensary in del sol valley and has a gf that's equally unhinged
kevin offerman, 25: studies early childhood development at ubrite, loves 2000's pop music, green tea and cozy video games. he's also hope and jamison's nanny 🤍
kieran panzacola, 33: looks tough bc he is. definitely the strong and silent type but has a super soft spot for his puppy maddie ;-;
kristian wang, 21: lifestyle influencer from san myshuno, rarely interacts with sims not in his social circle. claims to be humble and down to earth while bragging about purchasing his first home at 19
myles cook, 26: has tons of friends, the guy to go to if you wanna know where the best parties are. lost count of the amount of piercings he has but wants more smh (if you can't tell i love my alt boys sm)
noel easley, 20: lives solely on ramen, granola bars and mcdonald's french fries. very easy going, is absolutely loved by his friends and peers. he's also an expert at crochet and sells his creations on plopsy! (pls buy a hat he needs more fries)
prof. cliff woodruff, 55: foxbury's renowned robotics professor, divorcee, father of 2 and sugar daddy. 👀
shayne goins, 25: friendly but mysterious, wants to be a rockstar when he grows up, has 3 unrequited love interests bc of his fear of vulnerability and commitment :((( always in competition with his best friend houston
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dreamofjoys · 1 year
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♡ A/N: Hello to everyone! I am excited to announce that I will be participating in kinktober 2023! This is my second time participating, so Im quite excited for it. There's a lot for me to write so I seek your understanding that I might not post them on the day itself (school is starting mid october eek but I will try and get it done). Last year's kinktober was focused solely on twisted wonderland but this year there will be other fandoms as well, and it will also be more plot focused? Hopefully that makes it more interesting. Only posting on some days
♡ Brief C/W: Dark themes, kidnapping, drugging, dubcon, pregnancy, double penetration, stalking and many more (will update as it goes by but will state in more details at the start of each fic). Everything is strictly character x fem/afab readers only
♡ General rules: Minors DO NOT INTERACT, No mean or rude comments (why read when I already stated the warnings and synopsis?Just block if don't like or uncomfy) and lastly, DO NOT ASK FOR PART 2.
♡ Participating fandoms: Genshin Impact (Neuvilette, Wriothlesley, Zhongli, Ayato, Alhaitham), Honkai Star Rail (Luo Cha, Jing Yuan, Blade, Nanook, Dan Heng, Dan Feng), Twisted Wonderland (Malleus Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge, Leona Kingscholar)
♡ P/S: Everything is subjected to changes! Some fics are still in progress of brainstorming.. you can try to req and I'll see if I want to take up the idea. Just putting out the masterlist early to test and see how things go. Might make some changes here and there but it honestly just depends on my situation and mood. Also teasing you guys and adding some sneak peaks lol (I genuinely hope it's good) You can literally guess who will be in the fic base on the title. Will only open taglist if there's a demand.
DAY 1-7 ; 7 minute in heaven? More like 7 days inside you!
— Characters involved: Malleus draconia(TWST), Wriothlesly(Genshin), Ayato(Genshin), Nanook(HSR), Luo Cha(HSR) — Synopsis: After getting officially married, you and your husband decided to finally go to your long awaited 7 days honeymoon in a resort at private island specially reserved by your husband! Those 7 days were meant to be fun and relaxing, but why are you so tired by the end of it? — Story parts: 1 / 2 /3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Day 9-11 ; The Demons of Xianzhou
— Characters involved: Jing Yuan, Blade, Dan Feng (HSR) — Synopsis: There has been a legend of demons existing and residing in Xianzhou for a long period of time. Surely, they can't be one of your closest friends, right?
Day 13-15 ; In the name of Justice
— Characters involved: Neuvilette, Wriothelesly (Genshin) — Synopsis: Two of the most well known men in fontaine has fallen head over heels for you. They claim that everything that they do is for the sake of justice
Day 18-19 ; Egg Incubator
— Characters involved: ? — Synopsis: A young maiden was chosen by her village and was sacrificed as an offering to appease the 5 dragon gods who were terrorizing their land. She plots to escape from them, but can she really succeed?
Day 20 ; The General's Slave
— Characters involved: ? — Synopsis: ?
Day 23-24 ; The Princes's Sin
— Characters involved: ? — Synopsis: ?
Day 25 ; The Acting Grand Sage's Filthy Secret
— Characters involved: ? — Synopsis: ?
Day 26 ; The Destruction of Nanook
— Characters involved: ? — Synopsis: ?
Day 29-31 ; Briar Valley's Eternal Ruler
— Characters involved: ? — Synopsis: ?
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jasontoddsguns · 6 months
I think Shazam adult form should look less like in his 40s and more in his early to middle 20s.
Like 24-26?
That could help Billy cuz while he is an 'adult', he is a YOUNG adult, nobody would judge him much for liking stuff like comics and video games or begin less mature than the other members
While that actually makes a lot of sense, it’s way funnier if Shazam looks like he’s in his 40’s. Imagine the sheer dad energy he must give off like that.
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sonic-fankid-showdown · 5 months
Poll 26, Round 1.
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About Tulip: (by @silvers-starrway) Tulip comes from a doomed timeline, one where everything went horribly wrong. They don’t remember much of where they came from, only that after wishing to be somewhere else they were whisked away through time. They ended up in Silver’s future where the timeline had been saved. Silver ends up finding them in the tulip patch of his garden and ends up naming them after the flower. Tulip is about 50% organic and 50% robot. They still need to eat, though only in small quantities (their favorite food is oranges). They do not need to sleep, instead recharging via an electric plug in the back of their head. They are only able to talk with beeps and other electronic noises. Shadow ends up teaching them morse code and that’s how they communicate with the world. Despite looking like a strange combo of Shadow and Silver’s features, Tulip has no biological connection to either. It’s just a strange coincidence. Tulip has the ability to manipulate probabilities, they aren’t aware of this power but it’s the main reason why they ended up in Shadow and Silver’s timeline.
About Sunshine: (by @yellowvixen) Sunshine pops into existence one day after Sonic and Shadow go super together, seemingly out of nowhere! Turns out she's made of pure chaos energy, but her only powers are glowing and floating a little bit - no matter! She makes up for it in cheerfulness and really lives up to her name. Raising her is a group effort, as her dads are only in their early 20s when she appears and are woefully unprepared for looking after a baby. She spends a great deal of her early life on Angel Island and considers Knuckles and Amy to be parents too. (Tails, Rouge and Omega fall into the fun aunt/uncle category). Surprisingly, she inherits none of her dads' trauma and grows up as a pretty normal kid, despite being made of chaos energy!
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charlotteking23 · 5 months
Would you be willing to do an Eric Coulter arranged marriage AU one shot where Eric and reader are put into an arranged marriage to further unite Erudite and Dauntless, or a soulmate AU one shot where the reader is originally from Erudite and switched to dauntless, she works as a doctor and they meet after Eric ends up in the infirmary for some reason. In either case, the reader is early 20’s and Eric is around 26, and everyone is older when the choosing ceremony takes place instead of being teenagers.
Cara Mia
Eric Coulter x fem reader (Jeanine's daughter)
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"What the fuck, you put me in an arranged marriage", Eric yelled angrily toward Max.
yes, but it's beneficial because the girl you are marrying is Jeanine's daughter and is to further unite Erudite and Dauntless", Max said walking up to Eric and handing him a picture of you.
It was a picture of you in blue clothes with your hair down smiling in the photo. Eric had to admit you were beautiful, but it didn't matter, he wasn't the type to settle down.
"When do I meet her?", Eric said stuffing the photo in his back pocket.
What, No mom I refused to get married to a guy I don't even know", You complained to your mom. You always knew this would happen, your mother using you for her own personal gain but you wished it wasn't today.
"It doesn't matter you will get married whether you like it or not. He's a Dauntless leader one of the youngest and was originally from Erudite himself". Jeanine finishes with no emotion on her stone-cold face.
She made it sound so easy to get married to a complete stranger but you had to do you had no other choice. She gave you a picture of the Dauntless leader, he looked scary with his piercings and tattoos. Blond hair and all-black outfits showing off his arms, no smile but his blue eyes were the most beautiful of his features.
"When do I meet him?-"
I couldn't sleep at all, thinking about my future husband. What if he hates me? What if ignores me? so many scenarios coming to my head. I was too nervous to sleep waiting anxiously to meet my future husband.
I woke early the next morning trying to figure out what to wear.
"Good, you look presentable", my mother said before leaving out the door towards the car. I followed her waiting anxiously till we arrived.
Two Dauntless guards escorted us out of the car to the head of the leader of the Dauntless office.
I saw the guy in the photo looking displeased at everything, I could tell he wasn't so thrilled about the engagement.
"Eric this is my daughter", Jeanine introduced us to each other.
"we will leave you alone to get to know each other better", Max said before walking out with my mother closing the door.
"Look we both know we are not happy about this engagement but we should make the most of it right", I said but in return, I only heard a scoff.
"It doesn't matter but you should be happy to marry a dauntless leader like me, Cara Mia", Eric said in a cocky tone stepping closer to me.
Blushing I replied, "Why don't we try to get to each other, I'm Y/n, I am 20 years old, and my favorite color is (whatever you want)."
"Eric a Dauntless leader, 26, and Black"
"Isn't that just a fitting color for", I said gesturing to his clothes. For the first time, I saw him smile since I came here, which was beautiful.
We continued to talk and laugh, getting to know each other and surprisingly we had a lot in common. It wasn't until Eric had pointed out the time, we had been talking for two hours.
Time skip Eric P.O.V
"where the fuck is she?" Eric mumbled in annoyance entering the cafeteria, his eyes landed on Four, who was seated by the table alone. Somehow you and Four became best friends forcing him to tolerate Four.
Huffing, Eric approached the table Four was seated at. "what do you want Eric? I thought you were tired of me after you kicked me out of the training session earlier."
"That's because you disobeyed my orders by interrupting my session, with that being said have you seen my wife", Eric said barely looking at Four.
It's weird how fast Eric's life changed since he got married. He never imagined getting married but never thought he could enjoy being someone's husband. He usually calls you by your name but for some reason, the word wife feels good to say especially if it's you. There was no doubt in his mind that you were the best thing to ever happen to him, his everything.
"no, I haven't seen Y/n", Four said in a neutral voice.
Eric left after Four's reply stomping out of the canteen, making sure to brush a few weak initiates out of his way.
Eric thought not only were born with a sharp Erudite mind but a witty tongue, but you were also beautiful.
With steady steps, Eric quickly made his way down the corridors, a hard look on his face trying to remember where you were. With a slight grin, he thought back to last night when you two shared a steamy shower under the moonlight.
Eric was truly happy to see your face every morning when waking up. He was lucky to be your husband, to have in-depth conversations with you about whatever, to please you in every way possible, to read to you every night in bed, and then talk about the book.
Then he hurriedly walked towards the library, Eric could not help but smile when seeing your figure which appeared in the doorway of the library, your nose stuck in the book.
Eric stood in the shadows, watching your figure walk right past him. He looks at you for a second before looking down at the book, smiling slightly as he sees you are reading one of his favorite books " The Tale of Two Cities". Dauntless people did not read, especially not good novels but back in Erudite, he was aware this book was popular.
Emerging slowly out of the shadows, Eric firmly gripped your waist from behind, gently kissing your cheek. Before he knew a book came crashing down on his cheek, hard. As you swung around getting ready to punch doing the exact thing Eric had trained you to do.
"Eric Coulter, you dummy", you shouted at him before letting out a giggle as you noticed his faint red color cheek.
Meeting your eyes, Eric let out a laugh while rubbing his cheek. "I have been looking everywhere for you Cara Mia, I didn't think you were here after you completely emptied to library yesterday.
"well I was looking for this book, so I came back", You told him kissing red cheek. When you married Eric it was like a dream, already been a year. Even though it was an arranged marriage it was purely all love.
His lips gently brushed against yours, memorizing the feeling of your lips against his before he let go," You're my wife, my everything. My world, I don't know what I'd do without you. Let me show how much I appreciate you, Cara Mia".
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scene-pup · 11 months
100 AgeRe Questions
Credit: pickledratinajar
1🐝 What Age(s) Do You Regress To ~
2🍯 Do You Pet Regress As Well / What Animal ~
3🥮 How Long Have You Been Regressing ~
4🐌 Is Your Regression Voluntary, Involuntary, Or A Mixture ~
5🐻 What's Your Personality Like When Regressed ~
6🐴 How Often Do You Regress ~
7☕ What Helps You Get Into Headspace ~
8📜 Are You A Baby, Toddler, Or Big Kid Regressor ~
9🦇 Do Your Likes Change When Regressed ~
10⏳ Do You Have A Baby Voice In Headspace ~
11🍪 What Makes You Instantly Small ~
12🧋Why Do You Regress ~
13🌙 Pink Or Blue ~
14⭐ Dragons, Unicorns Or Fairies ~
15☁️ Dinos, Princesses, Space Or Safari Theme ~
16💫 Neon, Pastel, Neutral Or Dark Pallets ~
17🐮 Favorite Regression Clothes ~
18🌸 Favorite Color ~
19🐭 Do You Collect Stickers ~
20🧁 Coloring Book Or Paint By Numbers ~
21🍧 Playdoh, Legos Or Slime ~
22🦄 Finger Paint Or Brushes ~
23🧼 Crayons, Colored Pencils Or Markers ~
24☀️ Do You Have A CG / Name For CG ~
25🌻 Do You Have A Baby Sitter ~
26✨ Do You Have Any Sibbies ~
27🧺 Do Your Parents Know About Your Regression ~
28🧋 Favorite Nicknames / Pet Names ~
29🍕 Ideal Playdate ~
30🐱 Sleep In Crib Or With CG ~
31🍼 Favorite Snack ~
32🧸 Favorite Juice ~
33🍪 Favorite Icecream Flavor ~
34🩹 Favorite Type Of Milk ~
35🐶 Sweet, Sour, Spicy, Bitter Or Savory ~
36🍰 Favorite Dessert ~
37🍦 Favorite Type Of Chocolate ~
38⏳ Mac & Cheese Or Nuggets ~
39🎒 Favorite Movie ~
40🍬 Favorite Cartoon ~
41🚀 Favorite Game ~
42🎀 Favorite Disney Princess ~
43⚾ If You Could Have Any 1 Superpower What Would It Be ~
44🍄 Anime Or Cartoons ~
45🍓 Favorite Carebear ~
46✏️ Shows Or Movies ~
47🐛 Do You Believe In Fairies ~
48🐸 Do You Have A Comfort Character ~
49🌱 Do You Like Rain At Night ~
50🦕 Are You Easily Scared ~
51🧃 Are You Also A Carer ~
52🌵 Are You Independent Or Dependent ~
53🍃 What Pulls You Out Of Headspace ~
54🍏 Are You Scared Of Bugs ~
55🦝 Favorite Toy Series ~
56🚛 Do You Use Pacis ~
57🦴 Do You Use Diaps ~
58🦈 Gear Wishlist ~
59🍵 Favorite Regression Item ~
60🐾 Sippy Cup Or Bottle ~
61🦊 Oldest Stuffie ~
62🎃 Do You Sleep With A Stuffie ~
63🔥 How Many Stuffies Do You Have ~
64🍂 Newest Favorite Stuffie ~
65🏵️ Build A Bear, Amusement Park, Or Disney Store ~
66🥧 Stuffed Animals Or Dolls ~
67👽 Do You Have A Bedtime ~ 
68🍭 Do You Keep An AgeRe Journal ~
69⚡️ Do You Have Rules ~
70🍥 Blankie Or Paci ~
71🌈 Night Light Or Glow-In-The-Dark Stars ~
72🌿 Bedtime Stories Or Lullabies ~
73🎩 Favorite Thing To Do Outside While Small ~
74🐵 Favorite Thing To Do Inside While Small ~
75🦋 Blanket Fort Or Bouncy House ~
76🐯 Stroller Or Walk ~
77🔮 Dress Up Or Tea Party ~
78🦜 Do You Like The Playground ~
79💖 Early Bird Or Night Owl ~
80📝 Indoors Or Outdoors ~
81💕 Warm Or Cold Weather ~
82🦢 Dogs Or Cats ~
83☎️ Do You Have Any Pets ~
84💌 Favorite Animal ~
85🍒 Favorite Holiday ~
86🐇 Favorite Season ~
87❤️ What’s Your Big Age ~
88🌼 What’s A Nostalgic Place For You ~
89🐳 Playdoh, Legos Or Slime ~
90🐙 Do You Collect Anything ~
91🐠 Bubble Baths Or Bath Toys ~
92🍑 Are Your Agere Interests More Fem Or Masc ~
93☔️ Do You Stim More While Regressed ~
94🎨 Favorite Place To Regress ~
95🧵 Favorite Regression Youtuber ~
96🌈 Favorite Site/App For Regression Community ~
97💐 What Do You Wanna Be When You Grow Up ~
98📒 What’s The Most Nostalgic Electronic For You ~
99📀 A Toy You Always Wanted But Never Got As A Kid ~
100🪐 What Is Your Favorite Thing To Learn About In Headspace ~
ASK ME! :D <3
254 notes · View notes