#easy stop motion ideas for beginners
jagged1 · 5 months
Tangled Bits
Fandom: Outlast Rating: Gen Characters: Eddie Gluskin/Waylon Park Summary: Knitting is binary and Waylon is a sappy nerd. Contains: Sap and fluff. Word Count: ~900 AO3 link
Eddie’s never been shy about sharing his latest project, but Waylon has never been able to understand much about what needs to be done to make the beautiful clothes that he does. He appreciates the effort involved, but the process means very little to him.
Then the weather starts to turn and the chill in the air becomes something that lingers. The delicate fabrics are tucked into storage. The sewing machine is covered. Instead, out come baskets full of cakes and balls of yarn.
He didn't know Eddie could knit and watches with fascination as his needles click away. The smooth, easy motion is hypnotic and there’s a softness in Eddie’s expression that is missing when he’s hunched over his worktable, painstakingly finishing the intricate beadwork on his latest gown.
He wants to know more.
Eddie is delighted by Waylon’s interest and even starts a new project, walking him through what he’s doing. In the midst of his demonstration, Waylon is struck with the sudden realization that knitting is just binary and he knows that. He still hasn’t gotten Eddie a gift for the holidays yet and an idea takes root in his mind. He’ll need a lot of time and a lot of help, so he begins to plan.
Once he gets a moment alone, he looks up local craft stores and chooses one near his office. Hopefully it’s far enough out of the way that Eddie isn’t a regular there and no one will spoil the surprise. As nice as it is for his partner to be so well known, it makes keeping secrets almost impossible. He doesn’t usually mind, but this feels like something special. He wants it to come together just the way he imagines it.
When he first enters the shop, he distantly notes how bright and cheerful it is. There’s a lot of love in these walls. It’s obvious in the way it’s laid out, the indistinct chatter that filters through the air, and the general feeling in the air.
Then he gets to the yarn section and he’s immediately overwhelmed by the available choices. He doesn’t know what the difference is between acrylic and alpaca, much less the rest of the options. Thankfully, someone spots him and walks him through what each yarn is best suited for, their various properties, and their ease of use, especially for a beginner such as him.
He ends up spending hours upon hours at the store. The employees are incredibly helpful and when he inevitably runs out of yarn because he doesn’t know how to calculate how much he actually needs, they help him match it right away. Someone from the local knitting group is always there to coach him through his stitches and help him untangle his mess. Whenever anyone asks about the custom pattern he’s using, he can’t stop the rush of blood to his face when he explains, or the awkwardly pleased smile when they inevitably coo at the idea.
His crazy idea is starting to take shape and he's feeling almost giddy at the thought he'll make it in time. Eddie knows he's hiding something, how could he not when Waylon has been suddenly unavailable for weeks, but only smiles, trusting him.
“Aren’t you curious?”
“You’ll let me know when you’re ready.”
His heart feels as if it'll burst with affection for this man and it only bolsters his resolve.
Finally, after months and countless hours, he finishes. It’s a little embarrassing that after so much time and help all his efforts result in a truly terrible scarf. One end is visibly narrower than the other and the stitches are all over the place, impossibly tight in some areas and with large gaps in others. Only Eddie’s gentle coaxing gives him the courage to bring it out and gift it to him.
He smiles, absolutely delighted with Waylon’s creation. While technically awful, it has its own charm and there’s clearly something hidden in the oddly patterned stripes. Waylon has been far too deliberate with his color choices for it to be anything but intentional. “It’s beautiful, darling. What does it mean?”
He blushes a brilliant pink. Trust Eddie to catch on immediately. “It says “Dearest” in binary. I thought… I might not use the word very often, but you are very dear to me, and I thought having it written in your language and mine would be…fitting.”
The soft smile on Eddie’s face sends a jolt through Waylon. He watches as Eddie sets the scarf down, and reaches for his hands, slowly stroking his thumbs over Waylon’s knuckles. “I love it. Thank you so much for your gift.” He lifts one hand to his mouth and kisses it. “Will you teach me how to write darling for you?”
Waylon’s face burns, but he leans forward, nuzzling into Eddie’s neck. “Of course. Whatever you want.”
Eddie hums in satisfaction, shifting to bare his neck for more of Waylon’s affection. “Will you keep knitting?”
He laughs. “Not sure that’s a good use of the yarn. I think they’d appreciate being in your capable hands more.
“I could teach you. We could work on projects together.”
Waylon pulls back, but only far enough to nudge his nose gently against Eddie’s. “I think I’d like that. Quiet nights in, curled against each other, and making something together sounds wonderful.”
“It’s a date.”
They both close the gap between them for a kiss, the scarf laid between them like a promise.
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bestparenting12 · 8 days
Creating a Stop-Motion Animation with Kids: A Fun and Creative Adventure
Stop-motion animation is a captivating and educational way to introduce kids to the world of filmmaking and storytelling. This hands-on activity encourages creativity, patience, and attention to detail, making it both fun and beneficial for a child’s development. If you’re looking for an engaging project to do with your kids, creating a stop-motion animation is the perfect choice. This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step, ensuring that you and your children have a fantastic time while learning a new skill.
What is Stop-Motion Animation?
Stop-motion animation is a filmmaking technique where objects are physically manipulated in small increments between individual photographed frames. When these frames are played in sequence, the objects appear to move on their own. It’s one of the oldest forms of animation, with early classics like King Kong and Wallace and Gromit using stop-motion to bring characters and stories to life.
With today's technology, creating a stop-motion animation at home has never been easier. All you need is a camera (a smartphone or tablet works great), a stop-motion app, some creativity, and patience.
Materials Needed for Stop-Motion Animation
Before diving into the process, gather the materials you’ll need:
Camera: A smartphone or tablet with a camera will work perfectly. Many stop-motion apps are available that are easy to use.
Tripod or Stand: To keep your camera steady while taking pictures. You can use a small phone tripod or create a DIY version using household items.
Stop-Motion App: Several free and paid apps are available, such as Stop Motion Studio, which makes creating your animation simple and intuitive.
Objects or Characters: You can use toys, clay figures, LEGO characters, or even paper cut-outs.
Background: A stable, flat surface with a background for your scene. A piece of cardboard, a poster board, or even a custom-painted background will work.
Lighting: Consistent lighting is essential for stop-motion. Use desk lamps or natural light, but make sure the light source doesn’t change during the process.
Storyboard (Optional): Drawing a simple storyboard can help guide your animation and keep the story on track.
Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Stop-Motion Animation
Step 1: Choose a Story or Concept
Before starting, think of a simple story that can be easily told through stop-motion. The story can be anything your kids are interested in – a superhero saving the day, a toy car race, or animals on an adventure. The key is to keep the concept short and manageable, especially for beginners.
Help your child brainstorm ideas and develop a basic plot with a clear beginning, middle, and end. A storyboard can be a helpful tool at this stage, providing a visual outline of each shot.
Step 2: Set Up Your Scene
Once you have your story, it’s time to set the scene. Choose a stable, flat surface for your animation. Arrange your background and characters in the starting position. This is a great opportunity to let your kids flex their creative muscles by designing and decorating the scene.
Ensure the camera (phone or tablet) is mounted on a tripod or stand to avoid any shakiness. Keeping the camera steady is crucial for stop-motion, as even the smallest movement can disrupt the illusion of motion.
Step 3: Capture the Frames
This is where the magic of stop-motion comes in! Position your characters or objects for the first frame, then take a picture. After each shot, move the object slightly and take another picture. Repeat this process, making small adjustments to the objects between each photo.
The smaller the movements between frames, the smoother the animation will appear. It typically takes about 10-15 frames to create just one second of animation, so patience is key! Encourage your kids to make careful, tiny movements and remind them that each picture is one small part of the bigger story.
Step 4: Use the Stop-Motion App
Stop-motion apps make it easy to see your animation in real-time as you work. Many apps allow you to adjust the playback speed, add sound effects, and even insert special effects once all the frames are captured.
Guide your kids through the app’s basic functions, and let them experiment with playing back their animation after capturing a few frames. Seeing their creations come to life on the screen will excite and motivate them to continue!
Step 5: Edit and Add Final Touches
Once all the frames are captured, it’s time to edit. Most stop-motion apps allow you to cut or delete unnecessary frames, adjust the speed, and add voiceovers or music. Encourage your kids to narrate their story or add sound effects to bring the animation to life.
Editing is also a great time to review the animation and ensure consistency. If there are any lighting changes or movements that seem off, this is the opportunity to fix them.
Step 6: Watch and Share Your Animation
The best part of any stop-motion project is watching the final result! Once your animation is complete, gather the family and enjoy the film together. Kids love seeing their hard work pay off, and it’s a great opportunity to celebrate their creativity and dedication.
Don’t forget to save the animation and share it with friends or family. Many stop-motion apps allow you to export the video to social media or send it via email. You could even upload it to YouTube and start a family animation channel!
Tips for a Successful Stop-Motion Project
Be Patient: Stop-motion requires time and careful attention. Make sure your kids understand that creating a smooth animation takes effort, but the final result is worth it.
Keep It Simple: Especially for beginners, it’s important not to overcomplicate the story. Stick with simple movements and short scenes.
Use Consistent Lighting: Try to keep the lighting constant throughout the animation. Changes in lighting can make the animation appear flickery or disjointed.
Have Fun: Stop-motion animation is all about creativity and imagination. Encourage your kids to have fun with the process, experiment with different techniques, and enjoy the journey.
The Benefits of Stop-Motion for Kids
Stop-motion animation offers a wide range of educational and developmental benefits for children. It helps develop fine motor skills, attention to detail, and patience as they carefully move objects and take photos. It also fosters creativity, allowing kids to tell their own stories and explore new ideas through visual storytelling.
Additionally, stop-motion introduces children to the fundamentals of filmmaking, such as storyboarding, framing, and editing. It’s a fantastic way to teach problem-solving and perseverance, as kids often need to experiment and troubleshoot to achieve the desired results.
Creating a stop-motion animation with your kids is a fun and rewarding activity that sparks creativity and teaches valuable skills. Whether you’re using toys, clay, or everyday objects, stop-motion provides endless opportunities for storytelling and imagination. So gather your camera, set up your scene, and let the animation adventure begin.
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drivinglicense00 · 11 months
Quick & Pro Tips To Get A Driving License While Taking A Driving Course | Bright Classroom Ideas
If you’re looking to get a driving license for any intentions or your driving careers, you can take some driving courses to get the specific driving license as you need like this, NZ class 2 license. Hower, getting a license can be a daunting process. There are many steps involved in the process, and if you don’t know what to expect or how to prepare yourself, it can seem like an impossible task. To make sure that getting your license is as easy as possible, here are some quick tips:
Practice Your Driving Skills in a Safe Setting
You don’t want to be practicing your driving skills on the road before you’re ready. Instead, take some lessons with a driving instructor and practice in an environment that is safe. Here are some things you can practice:
Parallel Parking: This is one of the most important skills to learn! You can do this by finding an empty parking lot or quiet street and putting yourself through the motions of parallel parking until it becomes second nature.
Drive on Curvy Roads: It’s one thing to drive straight through an intersection at slow speeds, but it’s another thing entirely when you have to navigate around curves and other obstacles like traffic lights and stop signs. A good way for beginners is to use Google Maps for directions so that there are no surprises!
Memorize the Road Signs
When you’re taking a driving course, memorization is the key to passing the test and getting a license for all drivers. If you can’t remember what each sign means, you won’t be able to pass the exam.
The best way to memorize all of these signs is by practicing them in sequence. When you’re out on the road during your driving sessions, try to identify each one before it comes into view so that when you do see it, you’ll know what it means. In addition to learning all of these signs at once, make sure that you also practice identifying them individually as well-that way if there’s ever an emergency situation where only one sign might be visible (like when there’s construction going on), then at least you’ll know how to handle that situation without having to panic about not being able to read any other signs!
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Read through all of the materials provided by your instructor before each session
Read through all of the materials provided by your instructor before each session begins so that you know what material will be covered during class time and what materials are required for homework assignments.
Reading through all of the materials provided by your instructor before each session is one of the best ways to make sure you’re prepared for your driving course. The first thing you should do is read over the class handbook-it contains all of the information about what you’ll be doing and how to prepare for it. You should also check out any materials that are specific to your course, such as a student manual or an instructor’s guide. These will have information on how to use any equipment that might be available in class, as well as tips and tricks from your instructor.
Complete all homework assignments before coming to class
Complete all homework assignments before coming to class so that there is no wasted time on anything unnecessary during class time due to missing homework assignments or forgotten homework due to last minute changes in schedule or plans for other activities outside of class time hours (such as work shifts or school classes).
Before coming to driving school, you should make sure that all of your homework assignments are complete. This will help you avoid falling behind in the class and keep track of what you’ve learned. You don’t want to be overwhelmed by all of the new information that you’re learning from your driving instructor while trying to catch up on unfinished work, so make sure the homework is done before you come to class.
Study hard and Pass the knowledge test
If you’re looking to get your driving license, the best way to do it is to study hard. The knowledge test is a crucial part of the process, but if you don’t know the material, it can seem impossible.
But there are some pro tips that will help you ace your test. First, make sure you understand how many questions are on the test. If there are 25 questions, then make sure that you can answer at least 23 of them correctly before going in for the exam. You should also review all of your answers after taking the test so that you can learn from your mistakes and make sure that they don’t happen again in the future.
Getting your driving license is a lot easier than you might think. It just requires some time, patience and a little bit of money. You can prepare yourself for this process by taking a driving course that will help you pass the exam and prepare you for driving on the road. If you follow these tips, then getting your license should be easier process. With these tips, you can be on your way to getting a driver’s license while taking a driving course. Now that you know what steps to take and how they work, all that’s left is to try them out!
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Education born and bred. I have worked as a teacher for many private language schools, as a test centre administrator, as a teacher trainer, as an educational consultant, and as a publisher. I am an advocate for literacy and a huge proponent of using technology in the classroom. I mostly write about English Language Teaching. I live in Oxford.
Originally published at https://brightclassroomideas.com on February 8, 2023.
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803rpqkisyl · 11 months
Quick & Pro Tips To Get A Driving License While Taking A Driving Course | Bright Classroom Ideas
If you’re looking to get a driving license for any intentions or your driving careers, you can take some driving courses to get the specific driving license as you need like this, NZ class 2 license. Hower, getting a license can be a daunting process. There are many steps involved in the process, and if you don’t know what to expect or how to prepare yourself, it can seem like an impossible task. To make sure that getting your license is as easy as possible, here are some quick tips:
Practice Your Driving Skills in a Safe Setting
You don’t want to be practicing your driving skills on the road before you’re ready. Instead, take some lessons with a driving instructor and practice in an environment that is safe. Here are some things you can practice:
Parallel Parking: This is one of the most important skills to learn! You can do this by finding an empty parking lot or quiet street and putting yourself through the motions of parallel parking until it becomes second nature.
Drive on Curvy Roads: It’s one thing to drive straight through an intersection at slow speeds, but it’s another thing entirely when you have to navigate around curves and other obstacles like traffic lights and stop signs. A good way for beginners is to use Google Maps for directions so that there are no surprises!
Memorize the Road Signs
When you’re taking a driving course, memorization is the key to passing the test and getting a license for all drivers. If you can’t remember what each sign means, you won’t be able to pass the exam.
The best way to memorize all of these signs is by practicing them in sequence. When you’re out on the road during your driving sessions, try to identify each one before it comes into view so that when you do see it, you’ll know what it means. In addition to learning all of these signs at once, make sure that you also practice identifying them individually as well-that way if there’s ever an emergency situation where only one sign might be visible (like when there’s construction going on), then at least you’ll know how to handle that situation without having to panic about not being able to read any other signs!
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Read through all of the materials provided by your instructor before each session
Read through all of the materials provided by your instructor before each session begins so that you know what material will be covered during class time and what materials are required for homework assignments.
Reading through all of the materials provided by your instructor before each session is one of the best ways to make sure you’re prepared for your driving course. The first thing you should do is read over the class handbook-it contains all of the information about what you’ll be doing and how to prepare for it. You should also check out any materials that are specific to your course, such as a student manual or an instructor’s guide. These will have information on how to use any equipment that might be available in class, as well as tips and tricks from your instructor.
Complete all homework assignments before coming to class
Complete all homework assignments before coming to class so that there is no wasted time on anything unnecessary during class time due to missing homework assignments or forgotten homework due to last minute changes in schedule or plans for other activities outside of class time hours (such as work shifts or school classes).
Before coming to driving school, you should make sure that all of your homework assignments are complete. This will help you avoid falling behind in the class and keep track of what you’ve learned. You don’t want to be overwhelmed by all of the new information that you’re learning from your driving instructor while trying to catch up on unfinished work, so make sure the homework is done before you come to class.
Study hard and Pass the knowledge test
If you’re looking to get your driving license, the best way to do it is to study hard. The knowledge test is a crucial part of the process, but if you don’t know the material, it can seem impossible.
But there are some pro tips that will help you ace your test. First, make sure you understand how many questions are on the test. If there are 25 questions, then make sure that you can answer at least 23 of them correctly before going in for the exam. You should also review all of your answers after taking the test so that you can learn from your mistakes and make sure that they don’t happen again in the future.
Getting your driving license is a lot easier than you might think. It just requires some time, patience and a little bit of money. You can prepare yourself for this process by taking a driving course that will help you pass the exam and prepare you for driving on the road. If you follow these tips, then getting your license should be easier process. With these tips, you can be on your way to getting a driver’s license while taking a driving course. Now that you know what steps to take and how they work, all that’s left is to try them out!
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Education born and bred. I have worked as a teacher for many private language schools, as a test centre administrator, as a teacher trainer, as an educational consultant, and as a publisher. I am an advocate for literacy and a huge proponent of using technology in the classroom. I mostly write about English Language Teaching. I live in Oxford.
Originally published at https://brightclassroomideas.com on February 8, 2023.
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What Are The Best Video Production Apps For Your Phone?
In 2023, the power of video production is no longer limited to professional studios and expensive equipment. The advancement of technology has made it possible for anyone with a smartphone to become a video producer, and with a wide range of video production apps available, anyone can now create high-quality videos right from their phones. Video production apps have revolutionised the way we capture, edit, and share videos. These apps offer a variety of features that allow users to shoot, edit, add effects, and even create animations with just a few taps on their phone screens. One of the key advantages of using video production apps is their user-friendly interface. They are designed to be intuitive and accessible to users of all skill levels. W hether you are a beginner or an experienced videographer, these apps provide tools and features that make it easy to create professional-looking videos without any prior knowledge or experience in video editing. Video editing capabilities offered by these apps are also impressive. Users can trim and merge clips, add transitions and filters, adjust colours and exposure levels, as well as overlay text or graphics onto their videos. Moreover, many video production apps also include animation tools that allow users to bring static images or text to life with dynamic movements. These animation features enable users to add engaging visuals and storytelling elements to their videos effortlessly. Here’s some of the video production and animation apps that we recommend. Aardman Animator is an easy to use stop-motion animation app, which is perfect for beginners and professionals alike. This app is from the world-famous creators of Wallace & Gromit, Shaun the Sheep, and Chicken Run; Aardman studios. Aardman Animator is simple to use for stop motion animations in order to bring your own ideas to life. Premiere Rush is a scaled-down version of Adobe Premiere Pro, and is one of the best video editing apps to use. The free version of Premiere Rush is a great tool for beginners, and can be used on mobile and desktop. Professionals also love this app as they can move footage back and forth into Premiere Pro. Use this app to shoot, edit and share high-quality videos on the go! It’s intuitive, fast and easy to use for everyone! Quik is a great app for editing your action-packed GoPro footage, and allows you to remotely control your GoPro device. This app supports 4K and is free to download. The Quik app picks your best shots, syncs them to music, adds cinematic transitions, and creates a unique, shareable video for your audience. LumaFusion was the App Store’s “App of the Year” for 2021, and the recipient of the Editors’ Choice Award for video editors and storytellers. This award-winning app includes advanced features for video editing projects, and offers an unmatched range of colour, effects, audio, and keyframing options for iOS and Android. LumaFusion is great for storytelling video projects, and fluid to use. Tiktok has revolutionised the way we create and consume videos, making video editing more accessible and user-friendly than ever before. As a popular social media app, TikTok offers a range of features and tools that allow users to produce professional-looking videos with ease. One of the key aspects of TikTok’s appeal is its built-in video editing capabilities. The app provides users with a variety of editing options, including filters, effects, transitions, and text overlays. These features enable users to enhance their videos creatively and make them visually engaging. TikTok’s intuitive interface makes it easy for both beginners and experienced video editors to navigate through the editing process. Users can trim, merge, and rearrange clips effortlessly, ensuring smooth transitions between scenes. Additionally, TikTok’s extensive library of soundtracks allows users to add music or audio effects to their videos seamlessly. With a wide range of features including video editing capabilities and animation tools at your fingertips, these apps empower users to create captivating content without the need for expensive equipment or professional training in videography. What video production apps do you use? Let us know! +44 (0)113 288 3245 | [email protected]
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arc-misadventures · 3 years
Friends Au) During initiation Jaune got pinned to a tree (and was okay), blocked deathstalker claw and made a plan to defeat it. He is strong, durable and good tactician. But is bad compared to his team and RWBY. Can we get a scene were Jaune get angry at RWBYNR for calling him weak? Because for a first year student he is at least average, they are just prodigies that are too strong? (Even CRDL was strong, there were allowed to fight in Vytal tournament after all)
Friends V.V
Blake: Come on, Jaune! You can do this!
Yang: This isn’t even that hard, Weiss stop going easy on him!
Weiss: You think, I’m going easy on him?!
Yang: Kinda?
Weiss: Well, I’m not!
Nora: Yes you are! Fearless leader can take a bigger beating than this!
Ruby: Uhh…? Shouldn’t you be telling them to go easy on, Jaune?
Nora: Should I…?
Ruby: Uhh…
Ren: Yes, you should. Jaune can’t take much more of this…
Yang: Come on, Jaune, get up!
Jaune: What do you think I’ve been doing: sit-ups?
Yang: More like getting knocked on your ass.
Jaune: How observant of you, maybe now you can finally see when not to run headlong into danger.
Yang: Excuse me?
Jaune: Your excused.
Yang: What…?!
Jaune: Come on, Weiss, let finish this, I have other things to do.
Weiss: Like what?
Jaune: Training?
Weiss: What do you think we’re doing?
Jaune: Playing: ‘Yeet the Arc?’ Considering how you all seem to be having fun tossing me around like a damn doll.
Ruby: Eh?! We haven’t been doing that!
Jaune: Much…
Yang: Oh come on, quit being such a baby. Any normal Hunter-in-training should be able to handle this.
Ruby: Yeah, any beginner should understand this?
Jaune: You have no idea who you’re talking to.
Weiss: What do you mean?
Jaune: Okay, let me point out something incredibly stupid to the incredibly oblivious! Okay, so we’ve got, Ruby Rose, a quote, ‘prodigy’ trained at a young age in the on how to be a Huntress. Yang Xiao Long, another kid taught by a professional Huntsman from a young age. Blake Belladonna, trained by the, White Fang to wage a shadow war against the SDC for years. And Weiss Schnee, trained my some of the highest paid professionals money can buy. And there’s simple, Jaune Arc, who doesn’t even have a years worth of training, nothing but a childish dream and dumb luck that he hasn’t been turned into paste yet!
Ruby: Jaune, I don’t…?!
Jaune: I don’t have any training! I have had no official training, until I arrived at Beacon, and even then I didn’t get that much! Hell, Nora, and Ren never had the resources you four had, and they’re league’s better than I am! And that’s not the worse of it! I had Pyrrha freaking Nikos as a partner?! She was so good, I looked like a training dummy, a broken training dummy compared to her!
Yang: What does that have to do with anything?!
Jaune: It means: Stop comparing me to you! I never had any training! I can’t do a tenth of what you can, because I never had a chance to try! Does it look I barely have a clue what to do?!
Blake: W-Well no. B-But that’s because you’re not doing as we tell you what to do?
Jaune: ‘W-What to do…?’ What to do?!’ Do you even know what you’re trying to tell me what to do?! ‘Jaune, block my attack.’ Okay… how?!
Ruby: By… By… Uhh…
Jaune: See, see?! You’re just telling me to do, something?! Not what, or how, just something?! So I’m trying to do something that doesn’t get me knocked flat on my ass, but oh wait! I can’t do that, because everyone is too busy trying to break it!
Yang: Then what do you expect us to do?!
Jaune: Show me the motions?! Show me how you block, defend, evade, counter attack?! No its, ‘Lets begin, Jaune get up!’ Over, and over again! What do you expect me to do what you’re teaching me nothing?!
Ruby: Uhh… W-Well…
Yang: W-We can practice on other things…?
Jaune: Such as?
Yang: B-Boxing, gotta learn how to deliver a right hook, right?
Jaune: Then I suggest you teach, Ruby, least she be disarmed and be as useless as I am, least she has her semblance and can run.
Blake: Jaune, enough… you’ve made your point.
Jaune: Oh, now you notice the incredibly obvious, and here I was thinking Faunas have good eye sight. See’s how much I know… Screw this, I’m going to go train on my own. Go make, Oscar the training dummy or something.
Ruby: Jaune, wait…! I…!
Nora: And he’a gone… back to the videos then…
Weiss: Videos, what videos?
Nora: Pyrrha made several training videos for, Jaune. We didn’t know until a while ago, but he’s been watching them, and training with them.
Blake: And, it’s working?
Ren: He has gotten better. So it is working. But, I’m not sure how well those things are working for him… mentally speaking that is…
Yang: God dammit! Even in death, Pyrrha’s better than us…
Weiss: She always was… she always was…
Ruby: But, not good enough… But, not good enough…
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uvobreakmylegs · 3 years
i saw a meme and it made me want to write a Morel piece. then @ramwrites​ suggested making him a banshee and i loved it
i have definitely bastardized banshee lore but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do for a story
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Warnings: manipulation, mentions of death
A hiking trip up to a nearby mountain trail had been on a list of things to do for you and your friend group for a while. Your friend Denali had suggested it, and she assured you all that it wouldn't be anything too difficult; it was just a beginner's trail that would consist of a few hours of walking up the trail and back. And then maybe you all could grab some food after.
You were pretty excited for it, as the idea sounded refreshing to you. Another thing that added to the anticipation of the hike was the fact that it had also been a little while since everyone in the friend group had been able to hang out together.
Or more accurately, it had been a while since you were able to make it to one of these friend meetups.
Some kind of bad luck had been plaguing you recently; the last few times an outing for the four of you had been planned, something unexpected came up for you and you needed to cancel last minute. Be it work obligations, family emergencies or just you getting sick the night before, it had been a while since you hung out with them like you once had.
Aiden, Denali and Colton all seemed to take it well, but you swore you could sense a growing annoyance in them. They seemed to be shorter with you in texts, and there had been a few times now that you'd sent a picture or said something in the group chat and it had been ignored. You worried that they were starting to think you were making up excuses instead of genuinely being unable to see them, but every time you tried to talk with them privately, they told you that there wasn't anything wrong and that you were just overreacting.
That hadn't made you feel any better. You just felt like a bad friend.
But today would be different.
You made a point to ensure that you had the day completely cleared for the hike, getting the day off from your work well in advance and doing your best to stay away from anything that might make you sick. The morning of your friends had all confirmed that it was still on, and after a little while they were going to rendezvous at your place to pick you up before you all headed out to the trail.
Things were going to be different today, and you were excited for it.
And things were different.
But maybe not in a way that you had expected.
You didn't notice the second car that had pulled up behind Denali's initially when they stopped outside your place. You only noticed that something was different when you approached Denali's car and noticed that one of the seats in the back had been taken up by a pile of backpacks, leaving no room for you.
When Aiden stepped out of the first car as you came out to greet him, he explained the situation. Without your knowledge, Aiden had invited someone from his work, a woman named Fawn. Evidently during those times when you couldn't make it, your friends had been hanging out with her a lot, and they had figured that she should be invited on this trip as well.
That they were hanging out with other people didn't upset you; they had every right to spend their time with people that were able to show up. But you felt slightly hurt that you hadn't been asked or even given a heads-up that this was happening. You had been anticipating spending time with your old friend group for this trip and instead you would be trying to reconnect while also navigating a new group dynamic.
But you decided not to say anything about it. You just nodded and smiled when Aiden told you that you'd be riding with Fawn in her car. Although it was unexpected, you told yourself that new people wasn't necessarily a bad thing. You could probably make good friends with her while also berating yourself for your first reaction to her being disappointment. That sort of attitude was no good.
Despite all of that, you quickly came to feel that you didn't like Fawn very much.
For one thing, the woman was one of the most reckless drivers you had ever come across. Virtually blowing through stop signs, running several lights and swerving around drivers that she felt weren't going fast enough, there were several times during the trip that you felt she was going to cause an accident. She also passed by Denali's car for some reason, and when you asked her why, she said she thought it would be fun to see who could get to the mountain first. You didn't agree, but there was literally nothing you could do but hold onto the inside of the passenger side door for dear life. The motion sickness you'd gotten was so bad that by the time you made it to the parking lot next to the hiking trail, you'd needed to lean against the side of her car and take in deep breaths in an attempt to not throw up your breakfast.
At least she seemed pretty apologetic when she saw you like that, and she offered you a bottle of water which you gladly took. But the second Denali's car pulled up she seemed to switch her focus to that completely, going up to the rest of the group to greet them. She had something of a one-track mind, it seemed. It didn't make her a bad person, but you still wanted a bit of distance for now.
After recovering and making sure you had everything you needed in your backpack, you approached Aiden while the others were getting ready.
“Hey,” you said, “you think you and I could switch places for the car ride back?”
“Oh c'mon, it couldn't have been that bad,” he said, “you'll hurt her feelings if you do that. She really wants to know you.”
Fawn walked up right after, and since you weren't willing to criticize her driving right in front of her, you dropped it.
Meanwhile the mountain loomed above all of you. Tall and imposing with a rather dense white fog that almost obscured the very top of it. There were parts that were heavily forested, and you briefly wondered if you would need to worry about anything like bears or some other kind of large wild animal.
“How far up are we going?” you asked Denali.
“Not too far. We'll be sticking to the marked trail; there's a cool little observation deck at the end of it,” she told you, “I figure we'll head towards that and then come back the same way.”
You nodded, but before you could give any real response Colton called her over for something, and she left to help him. Aiden and Fawn were chatting about something, so you stood silent and at the ready, looking up once more at the mountain.
Despite the distance, you swore you saw something moving. You wanted to say it was some large kind of four-legged creature, though it was impossible to tell what exactly it was.
“Are there bears on the mountain?” you asked aloud.
That was all the response you got.
For about ten minutes after the hike started, Fawn had stayed at the back with you, asking you some basic questions about yourself that you would in turn ask her once you had answered. You hoped that the interaction wasn't as awkward as it had felt to you. Maybe it was but she also didn't want to say anything about it.
Then when your group came across an old, crumbling well, Fawn had run up towards Aiden to get some better pictures of the structure, and when the group began to move again, she chose to stay there next to him.
Denali had taken the lead with Colton right behind. They were talking, though what they were talking about you couldn't be sure as you only caught bits and pieces of the conversation. A few steps behind them were Aiden and Fawn, talking about something that was going on at their workplace. And a few steps behind those two was you, trailing behind the group and unable to join either conversation. Although Aiden had said that Fawn wanted to know you, she hadn't said much of substance to you before she turned her attention back to him. Although maybe that was your fault. Maybe it really was obvious that you didn't care for her much. You thought that you were doing a decent job at being polite, but maybe she could tell that you were still a bit annoyed about her driving earlier.
Or maybe she just wanted to talk to Aiden right now and you were overreacting again.
You weren't sure.
It just felt like you were being excluded.
Of course. The first time in forever that you were able to make it to a meet-up with them, and it felt like you weren't wanted.
You sighed to yourself as you walked behind silently, trying to tell yourself that it was unreasonable to be thinking like that and that you wouldn't have been invited if they didn't want you there. The hike had just started; you couldn't decide that the whole thing would be bad just because of a rough beginning.
At least for now you could enjoy the scenery, and you looked about the woods as you walked along the trail, noting the different types of trees and plants and just how many of them surrounded you as you walked by on the trail. You stopped now and then to take a few pictures with your phone. Although you could hear the distinct chirping of birds in the distance, you didn't manage to see any, and despite the movement you thought you had seen while in the parking lot, it didn't seem like there were any other animals in the area. Denali had said this was an easy trail; maybe people frequented it enough that most animals avoided any areas close to it. That was too bad, but not that big of a deal. At least you were still getting nice pictures of the forest.
Your group came across a wide set of wooden stairs with a wooden barrier on either side after a bit, beginning a steeper ascent towards the higher parts of the mountain. Nothing had really changed within the group, though you noted that the conversations had mostly died down in an effort to appreciate the nature around you. Colton was also frequently looking behind to make sure everyone was still there. The two of you managed to lock eyes at one point, and you smiled at him. He gave back something of a half-smile before looking back in front of him. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but you noted that he didn't look back after that.
The walk continued, and all of you were quiet now, looking about the scenery. Some of them occasionally made remarks whenever they spotted something unusual, like an oddly shaped tree trunk or rock. You stayed silent, though, remembering your messages that had gone ignored and worried that if you said anything, that would be ignored as well.
Were you being too anxious about this? Probably. You sighed to yourself again as you tried to keep those kinds of thoughts from running amok.
Just distract yourself by looking around, you told yourself.
You paused when you glanced over to your right.
It looked like there was some sort of stone pillar standing in the distance. The dark rock was covered in moss and vines, but the shape was such that it couldn't have been a natural formation. Someone human had put it there some time ago. It also looked as though there was similar wreckage behind the pillar, and you wondered if it may have once been some kind of building.
Taking out your phone and pulling up the camera, you zoomed in on the the ruined structure. You briefly glanced over to your friends as you did, making sure they weren't leaving you too far behind.
But when you looked back to the phone, you let out a small sound of surprise.
There was a man standing by the pillar.
Your eyes immediately went back to the pillar as you wondered where this guy had come from.
The shadows over in that area made things a bit darker, but you were able to see a general shape that looked like a person. You squinted slightly as you looked at him, trying to make out any details. But strangely, you couldn't. It was just the shape of a rather broad man, and as you continued to look, you found that it looked almost wispy, like a few pieces of cloud had floated down and arranged themselves to imitate what a person might look like.
…. Why did it feel like it was looking back at you?
“What are you doing?”
Aiden's voice called to you, and you snapped out of your stupor to find that the whole group was standing there waiting on you.
Your mouth fell open to try and offer some explanation, to tell them about what you were looking at, but when you glanced back to where the shape had been-
He wasn't there.
And when you looked back to the camera, you found he was gone from there as well.
Had you imagined it?
The entire thing had happened within mere seconds. The pillar wasn't large enough that he could be hiding behind it, and no one could move that fast without making some bit of noise. Looking between the view from your camera and the pillar a few more times, you decided that you had imagined it. Though you were certain you had seen something standing there, there was no way that could have actually been the case. Maybe a shadow just looked weird within the lighting at that moment?
Aiden called out to you again.
“Sorry!” you called out, putting the phone away as you hurried up the stairs to rejoin them.
“What you were looking at?” Fawn asked you.
“Something back there,” you explained, “ it looked like there were some ruins of a building.”
“Oh, did you get a picture? Can I see?”
“Ah, sorry, I didn't.”
Fawn pouted, asking “why not?”
“I thought I saw someone.”
They both looked at you strangely.
“You couldn't get a picture because you thought you saw someone?” Aiden asked.
“I don't know. It was just weird,” you said, getting a bit flustered as you continued “I thought I saw a guy for a second – or something that looked like a guy – but then he was gone.”
“... 'Something' that 'looked' like a guy,” Aiden repeated.
“Oh wow, I didn't know you could see ghosts!” Fawn exclaimed, giggling a little, “we've got a coworker who swears that the printer room is haunted. Maybe we should bring her here and see if she also sees something.”
…. You weren't sure if she was making fun of you or not, so you stayed silent. Aiden was still looking at you like you had two heads while Fawn was pulling out her own phone, preparing to walk back down to take a look at the ruins herself. Then Denali called out to the three of you, asking what the hold-up was. That was enough to spur you to begin walking again.
“Aw, I wanted to get a picture,” Fawn said as you began climbing the stairs once more.
Fawn then looked to Aiden as he said to her “we can always snap a picture on the way back.”
“That's true.”
“And did Nell say that the printer room was haunted? I thought she said it was the third floor bathroom,” Aiden then said.
“It could've been both. According to her a lot of places are haunted. Something about weird energies,” Fawn responded.
They were talking about something from their work again, and since you still had no way to join in, you walked behind them in silence. As your group continued the ascent, you glanced behind to see if there was anything weird with the pillar from this angle. There was a nagging feeling at the back of your mind, and you felt as if there was someone watching you.
There was nothing, and though the feeling wasn't going away, you told yourself to forget about it.
Time passed as the clouds parted some to show how the sun had moved higher in the sky, and your group came to a wooden platform with benches and tables that were clearly meant as a rest stop for any hikers. The others decided that it was a good time to have lunch and settled themselves at a table. You, on the other hand, were still feeling some side effects from Fawn's driving earlier, and as you really didn't want to get sick in the middle of the hike, you opted not to eat. You sat with them at first, but when you once again felt like you couldn't contribute to the conversation, you stood up, the amateur photographer in you feeling fulfilled somewhat as you snapped a few more pictures of the scenery.
You wandered over to a different part of the platform, leaning your elbows on the wooden fencing as you looked out at the forest.
At the beginning of your trip it had been fairly overcast, and only after you had started this excursion had the clouds thinned and allowed the sun to shine through. But just as the weather started to clear up, it seemed to be turning overcast again as a mist began to fall, seemingly sliding from the top of the mountain and through the thick forest of trees. Was rain a possibility? Maybe, and of course you hadn't brought anything with you if that did happen. You had made a point to bring a first aid kit in case either you or someone else got hurt, but nothing to protect you in case the weather turned bad.
A flash of white caught your eye while you were caught up in your thoughts.
Glancing to your left, you found yourself staring at a white rabbit.
It was nice to finally see some wildlife for the first time since this hike had started and at first glance it seemed perfectly normal. But the more you looked at it, the more.... Odd it seemed.
It was sitting upright facing away from you, not moving at all. That didn't seem quite normal, since you thought most rabbits were inclined to hunker down and try to blend in with their surroundings if they encountered something they thought was a threat. This one didn't seem to be hiding, it just sat still, and the more you looked, the more it didn't seem like it was even breathing. It also seemed strange to find a pure white rabbit up in the mountains. The color was striking against the earthly tones of the forest, and presumably that should've meant that it would have been easy prey for any natural predators that roamed the area. In fact, it didn't look the slightest bit dirty, making you wonder if it was someone's pet that had escaped.
And the more you looked at it, the more something about it just seemed to be off. Like it had some kind of weird energy to it.
And yet you felt an urge to get closer to it.
The instant you moved closer it reacted by twisting it's head around to face you, and you saw it's face for the first time.
Or rather, it's lack of one.
No eyes, no nose, no mouth, no sort of features whatsoever. It's face, and the rest of it for that matter, was completely blank, and it seemed less and less like a living creature the longer you looked at it.
You stared at it, unsure of how you were supposed to react to such a thing.
“The rabbit doesn't have a face,” you said aloud.
Your friends didn't hear you. In their defense, you hadn't spoken all that loudly.
When you moved again it bolted, vanishing behind surrounding tree trunks.
Follow it
Maybe it was because of the shock you felt at seeing that thing that you didn't even question the thought. You just climbed over the fencing and headed out in the same direction you had seen it run off to.
It wasn't long before you caught sight of it again, and once more you were struck by how odd this thing was. It was sitting up again, staring at you. Almost like it was waiting for you.
Did you really want to follow a faceless rabbit into the woods? Apparently you did, because when you got close again it ran off, and the process repeated itself as it began to lead you through the forest, taking you further and further away from the hiking trail and down an unmarked path. The rabbit never got too far before it would stop and wait for you to catch up, and it stayed still during the few times that you would pause for a break. It really was waiting for you, and somehow, it didn't seem like it was running in any random direction. More like it was leading you somewhere.
A haze had seemed to form in your mind. Somehow, none of this seemed questionable to you, that you were running off in pursuit of a white rabbit like a heroine from a Lewis Carroll book. Or at least some darker version of that tale given the rabbit's lack of a face which you still weren't able to make sense of. There was no reason for you to be running off of the trail like this, into terrain that you weren't familiar with, but every time you caught sight of the rabbit, something inside you told you that you needed to go after it.
You did just that for some time until the haze finally broke.
In the midst of your pursuit, you happened to step on a hollow, rotted log, and the wood was weak enough that when you put your weight on it, your foot went right through. You shrieked, stumbling forward as you desperately pulled your foot out. To add to your panic, there had been a fair amount of bugs living inside of the log, some of which had attached themselves to your shoe, and you kicked your foot out rapidly to get them off of you. They scattered, and you stumbled back before landing awkwardly on your ankle. Pain shot through you, and you fell against the trunk of a tree where you sank to the forest floor, one hand steadying yourself while the other was over your chest as you tried to calm yourself down.
What the hell am I doing?
The thought struck you. Why had you gone off the trail like this? And for some weird rabbit creature, of all things? What was the point of this excursion? What if you got hurt?
You put some weight on the foot that had gone through the log and you hissed as another sharp bolt of pain hit you.
Scratch that. You'd already managed to hurt yourself.
It seemed like your ankle was sprained. Clearly you had landed on it wrong after getting your foot out of the log.
Ah, this was the worst.
You gingerly removed your shoe and tried to get a look at the damage. It didn't look too bad yet, but there was definitely something wrong with it as you only felt pain every time you moved it. How fast does the swelling set in? At least you'd had the forethought of bringing a few rolls of elastic bandage wraps, though you felt like you'd need some help to get it properly wrapped.
Which meant you'd need to find your way back to your friends.
How far away were you from the trail by now? You weren't even sure how much time had passed since you had left them. It was all so strange, that you had gotten such extreme tunnel vision like that and had run off. And because of that, you had gotten hurt and would have a hard time making your way back, or else they would need to come in to find you.
They'd be upset with you, wouldn't they?
You probably wouldn't be able to continue the hike, and you were sure there'd be some resentment if this outing was cut short because of you. Maybe you could just wait at the rest area? They'd be coming down the same path when they came back, so maybe they could continue the hike and you could rest up and join them on the return trip. It'd be boring for you but then at least the trip wouldn't be a waste for them.
You sighed as you began to shimmy your shoe back onto your foot. Today was a bust. First the thing with Fawn, then the way it seemed like you were being ignored, and now this.
They hadn't even said anything when you jumped the fence to chase after the rabbit, had they? Not that you'd really been paying attention, so maybe they had, but they sure hadn't gone after you.
… Not that it was on them to look after you. You were an adult and therefore not their responsibility. It was wrong to think like that.
You sighed again.
Everything that had happened today really had been your own fault, huh? It was all you could do to hope nothing else bad would happen.
You remembered some old superstitious saying about bad things happening in threes. If that was true, then maybe your bad luck was over for the day.
Trying to get off of that particular train of thought, you looked about for something that could work as a walking stick, something strong enough to hold your weight for when you made your way back to the path.
A voice called out from far away, and when you paused to listen, you heard the voices of your friends calling out your name.
That was actually really good.
A new creeping fear was that you would be lost in the woods and have a hard time finding the path, but as long as they were calling out to you, you could use the sounds of their voices to find your way back. As you were about to push yourself to your feet, you allowed yourself to be a little hopeful, feeling that the bad things were done for the day.
You heard something then, as though something had dropped onto the ground next to you.
In an automatic response, you turned your head towards the sound and found a pipe laying atop the dirt and fallen leaves.
Had that been there earlier?
It was moderately sized, a black stem with a little bit of intricate gold detailing on either end, while the bowl at the end of the pipe was more of a darker bronze.
Wouldn't you have noticed this earlier? Or had you been that distracted when you'd been desperately shaking all of the bugs off of your foot?
Without really thinking about why you reached out to grab it as you wondered to yourself if there were still people these days who smoked using pipes.
It was warm when your fingers made contact, and as you raised it up to inspect it more, you noted how clean it was. If it had been out here for a day or so there would've been more dirt on it, but with the state it was in, someone must have dropped it not too long ago.
At least it gave you some comfort knowing that you weren't the only one who had wandered off the trail, though you were probably still one of the dumbest to do so since you had gone off in chase of a freaky rabbit.
Should you take the pipe with you? Was there some sort of lost and found box down at the parking lot? Would the person who lost it even still be looking for it, or would they have already accepted that it was gone forever?
With those thoughts swirling around your head, you didn't notice the sound of footsteps that came closer until they stopped right next to you.
“Are you alright?”
A man's voice broke you from your thoughts, and when you turned your gaze upwards, you found an older man standing above you, leaning an arm against the same tree trunk you were resting against. White hair, a gray dress shirt with a red tie and wearing black sunglasses despite the clouds overhead, he looked down at you with a clear look of concern on his face.
“Ah – yes! Well, mostly,” you said once you realized he was waiting for an answer.
“I think I sprained my ankle.”
He knelt down next to you, asking “may I?” as he motioned to your aforementioned ankle. You nodded, and he inspected your ankle. He was gentle with you, looking over the injured area carefully and apologizing any time he caused you some discomfort.
“How bad is it?” you asked him after a moment.
“I'd say you were right. It looks sprained.”
You groaned a little, disappointed that you were correct.
“Do you have anything to wrap it with?” he asked.
“Yeah, in my backpack,” you answered, “I was gonna get my friends to help me with it once I got back to them.”
“Where are they?”
“Back by the path, I think. It sounded like they were looking for me just now.”
However, you could no longer hear them. In fact, the whole forest seemed oddly silent now, the only exception being the wind that would at times whistle through the trees. And had it gotten darker?
“That's weird,” you said more to yourself, “I know I heard them.”
The man who sat patiently before you, with your ankle still in his care, looked about for any sign of your friends before he spoke again.
“Well, I'm here now,” he told you, “care if I patch you up instead?”
“Um, as long as it isn't too much trouble?”
He smiled at you.
“It's no trouble at all.”
Saying that it would be easier for him to work on you, the man carefully picked you up and moved you so that you sat on a nearby boulder, kneeling down in front of you again as he waited for you to fish out the bandages from your pack.
“I'm Morel, by the way.”
You gave him a small smile in return, introducing yourself as well as you handed off the bandages.
“What are you doing out here?” he asked as he began to wrap up your ankle.
“Hiking with friends.”
“I figured that much,” he said, grinning a little, “but the trail is a good distance from here. How did you end up off of it?”
Despite the pain in your ankle and the circumstances between you and your friends, it hadn't been lost on you that Morel was pretty handsome. A bit rugged, but in a good way. And though you knew nothing about this man – for all you knew he had a wife and child at home waiting for him – you didn't want to say something that might make him think you were an idiot. Telling him that you had gone chasing after a rabbit would definitely make him think you were an idiot.
And you didn't want to mention that you thought it had no face. Then he'd think you were crazy.
“I saw some ruins down at the base of the mountain; thought it'd be cool if I went exploring and see if I could find some more,” you lied.
“Unfortunately, any ruins would be down at the bottom. Nobody would've built anything this far up,” Morel explained.
“Ah, I see.”
You stayed quiet a moment, looking back in the direction where you'd heard your friends calling. You still couldn't hear them, and it worried you that something may have happened.
There was also that white mist from earlier that had grown thicker while Morel wrapped your ankle, slowly settling down around you and making the scene around you look more ethereal.
“Why did you wander out on your own? One of them should've come with you,” Morel said suddenly.
“Oh.... I kinda, um, ran off without telling them anything.”
So much for not sounding like an idiot.
Morel paused, glancing back up at you as he asked “did something happen?”
“... Not really? I mean, kind of, but...” you trailed off for a moment, “it's mostly my fault. I'm the one who isn't trying hard enough to talk it out with them. Ah, I really hope I haven't ruined this trip.”
“I doubt you running off could've ruined it.”
“I hope not. But still, I'll need to apologize, maybe take all of them out for a meal after to make up for it,” you said.
There was a sad expression on Morel's face when he looked up at you after you said that. Something in the way he frowned and his brows furrowed at your words made it seem like he knew something you didn't.
You didn't get a chance to question him on it as he finished up wrapping your ankle, handing the remaining bandages back to you as he announced “all done.”
“Ah – Thank you.”
He seemed a bit more cheerful now, though he looked off in the direction you had been looking in.
“Those friends of your still on the trail?” he asked.
“I'm not sure? It really did sound like they were looking for me earlier.”
“I see. Then if they're looking for you maybe we should stay put. Wait for them to get to us. It won't do any good if we all get lost trying to find each other.”
That made sense, and you nodded.
Morel sat down next to you, the boulder being large enough to fit both of you, though he did need to squeeze in a bit closer than you would normally be comfortable with a complete stranger. You found that you didn't mind much, though. Although for the sake of your friend group you wanted to be found soon, you didn't dislike the idea of spending more time alone with Morel. He seemed trustworthy, and being in such close contact more than made up for all the stuff from earlier.
…. Good lord. Were you really this weak for a random guy you found attractive?
The mist seemed to be growing thicker, but you could still make out most of the trees that surrounded you.
“What are you doing up here, Morel?” you asked, “it doesn't look like you're dressed for hiking.”
“I live here.”
“Really? On the mountain?”
He nodded.
“Wow. I didn't know anybody lived up here. Is it just you or are there others?”
“There's a few of us up here, though my neighbors tend to keep to themselves,” he told you, “a lot of them just want to be left alone.”
It seemed surprising to you that there was more than one person who lived up on a mountain like this. Especially since you had been under the impression that the area was part of a park. Maybe his place had been built beforehand and he was grandfathered in somehow?
The more you thought about it, the more you felt that didn't make a lot of sense. But before you could voice that opinion, it was like the thought was forcibly torn from your mind, and something within you encouraged you to try and learn more about him.
“Are you one who wants to be left alone?” you asked him instead.
“For the most part,” he answered, “but I don't mind people on occasion. My neighbors, not so much.”
“Would they have gotten mad at me?”
“Guess I'm lucky you found me and not them,” you said.
He smiled at that, but didn't say anything, and you continued.
“Although if your neighbors want isolation, isn't it inconvenient that the trail's been set up here? Don't you have to worry about people trespassing?”
“Most people know not to go off the path,” Morel said, “though I guess you're not one of them.”
“It wasn't my fault!” you insisted, “there was a rabbit, and I just - I don't know, needed to follow it.”
Why had you done that again? You'd been questioning it before Morel found you but you'd gotten distracted. It was strange. And did the rabbit really have no face? Maybe your mind was just tired and had made it up or something and you just ran off because you were an idiot.
Where had it even gone, anyway?
Morel tilted his head, smirking at you.
“I thought you said you were looking for more ruins? You mean you were actually chasing after rabbits?” he asked.
….. You forgot that you lied.
Your fingers fiddled with the hem of your shirt while you looked away in embarrassment.
“.... I didn't want you to think I was stupid,” you mumbled.
He laughed at that, and you felt worse about your lie, turning your head away further as you made a point to not look at him.
“Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean it,” he said, one of his hands coming up to playfully tousle your hair. You glanced back at him then, and the sour look on your face lessened a little when you saw how he smiled at you.
“I've also gone off wandering after random things,” he continued, “I've hurt myself a few times, too, so don't feel bad.”
That made you feel a bit better, and you relaxed a little more.
“What kind of things have you gone wandering after?” you asked him.
“Things that you probably wouldn't believe if I told you.”
That answer was oddly cryptic, though you supposed that made two of you, since you were still too nervous to divulge the fact about the rabbit lacking a face. Maybe Morel had seen freakier things up here. But since he didn't seem to want to go into that, maybe it'd be better to steer the conversation away from the potentially supernatural.
“Were you wandering after something when you found me?” was your next question.
“No, not today. I was in the middle of looking for something I had lost.”
“Oh. Sorry,” you said.
“For what?”
“Distracting you, and making you wait here with me.”
“It's not that important,” Morel said, “and what kind of guy would I be if I left you out here by yourself? Especially with that fog that's settling in.”
“I'd probably be okay. Oh. Unless there's bears. Then I might not be.”
You remembered the shape you had seen when you had first arrived, and you asked him “are there bears on this mountain?”
“I've never seen any.”
You hummed at that, thinking again about what you had seen and trying to figure out what it was.
“Did you see one?” asked Morel.
“I don't know. I saw something weird when I was in the parking lot, and I'm still not sure what it was,” you explained, “I've seen some other stuff, too. Some a bit more freaky than a bear.”
“Like what?”
“.... Do you promise not to laugh at me?”
“I promise, I'm done laughing at you,” Morel said, grinning a little.
Despite being unsure if you could trust him in that regard, you decided to speak anyway.
“So, the rabbit that I saw earlier – I'm not really sure why I followed it, but I noticed it back at the rest area. It seemed kinda weird when I saw it, because it didn't look like it was breathing? And when I got closer, I swear, it didn't have a face. No features at all. It was just blank.”
You prepared yourself for him to laugh at you again. When he didn't say anything, you looked back to him.
Morel looked surprisingly neutral.
“That does sound strange,” was his reply.
“.... Do you believe me?”
Morel looked away from you, leaning back on his hands as his gaze seemed to go to the cloudy sky above the trees that surrounded the two of you.
“You know, I think I do. Living up here, I've had my fair share of strange occurrences. Not quite like that, but maybe I just haven't encountered that before.”
It was a relief to hear that he wasn't mocking you, and it was even more of a relief that he actually believed you, as you had been worried that his reaction might resemble what had happened earlier with Aiden and Fawn. Him believing you spurred you to speak more.
“I saw something before, too,” you said, “down near the ruins, at one point I thought I saw a man standing next to them. But when I looked up from my camera he was gone.”
“What did he look like?”
“Not sure. I saw him, but I somehow didn't really see him? Or I just saw his general shape,” you continued, “the others were joking that it was a ghost.”
“Could've been,” said Morel, “this is ancient land with a lot of older things attached to it. There are probably more than a few wayward souls that have found a home here.”
“..... Do you think they could be dangerous?” you asked him.
“Maybe some of them. But most people should be safe if they stay on the path.”
He grinned again when he looked back at you.
“Who knows. You could've come across something bad,” he said jokingly.
“Don't you and your neighbors live up here? It can't be all that bad if that's the case,” you responded, “though I think I'll try to keep from chasing after anymore weird rabbits.”
“Probably a good idea.”
A comfortable silence settled over the two of you. The mist had expanded as you continued to wait for your friends, who you hadn't heard in some time now. It should've worried you more that you couldn't hear them – they hadn't given up on you, had they? Even if they were really annoyed with you they surely wouldn't go that far. Yet you found yourself thinking even if that was the case, it would be okay. Morel was so nice, he wouldn't just leave you here if they didn't show up, right? At the very least, he'd take you back to the trail.
If your friends had bailed on you, then maybe you should repay him by taking him out to dinner.
The tops of the trees were slowly becoming more obscured as the fog continued to drift down, and all you could think was that it looked pretty.
“Is it nice living up here?” you asked him.
“Yeah, pretty nice. Lots of good scenery.”
He seemed to be thinking about something, and you noticed that his shoulders sagged slightly.
“Being completely alone can get to you, though.”
There was a sadness in his voice. He did say that him wanting to be alone was just 'for the most part'. Unless that was a lie. What sort of circumstance could drive him to be living alone in the wilderness if he didn't actually want to be here? You wanted to know, but worried that might be crossing a boundary of some sort, and that made you hesitate to question him further.
“Do you not want to be here?” you asked him softly.
“No, I do,” said Morel, “but I also liked being around people. It just became hard to be around them after a while.”
“Hard to be around them?” you repeated.
“Yeah. It's.... It's just tough to explain,” he said.
He shook his head.
“Don't worry about it.”
It confused you, and while you wanted to ask a few more questions, you got a sense that he didn't want to talk about it anymore.
You found yourself wondering if Morel suffered from some extreme form of anxiety or agoraphobia. He seemed like a pretty calm person, but maybe that was only because he was in an environment where he was comfortable. That could have made sense, although you mentally berated yourself shortly after for jumping to conclusions like that just because he didn't want to talk about it. Maybe you should try to move the topic to something else.
“Does anyone come up to visit you?” you asked.
Ah. Okay then.
“Then...” you trailed off briefly as you tried to find the right words, “ as long as it isn't too hard to be around me, would you care if I came back to visit you? I could repay you with all you've done for me with a dinner. Maybe bring it by next week or something like that?”
Morel smiled at that, and yet to you it seemed forced. You got another sense that he knew something that you didn't, and that he was intentionally keeping that information from you.
What would he know that he'd be keeping from you?
The thought left your head just as quickly as it entered when he spoke again.
“I guess I could handle having you stop by,” he said jokingly, “you're pretty tolerable.”
“Ah, that's good. Glad to know I can at least be tolerated,” you answered back in a similar joking manner.
He chuckled at that.
“All jokes aside, it'll be nice to have some company up here,” he said softly.
It felt good that he accepted you so easily. Maybe he accepted you a little too easily given the short amount of time he had known you, but if he was living up here all by himself maybe he was just that desperate.
And the argument could also be made that you were similarly being too trusting of him. It was possible that this was just a facade of his that would drop the instant you were vulnerable. That'd probably be what Colton would tell you if he knew the thoughts going around your head.
Although you were already pretty vulnerable, weren't you? Alone in the wilderness with a man you just met and a sprained ankle, so you weren't even able to run if you needed to. Even with your friends that were hopefully close by, with Morel's size it would've been easy enough for him to drag you off if he wanted. Helping you, sitting down and waiting with you for your friends just to gain your trust seemed to be a bit too much effort if his ultimate goal was to take you away.
You forced down those silly, anxious thoughts of yours. Morel wouldn't hurt you, you were certain of it.
The mist around the two of you was growing thicker still, but you didn't pay it much mind as you looked back down to your lap.
Something was sticking out of the front pocket of your jacket, and then you remembered that you still had that pipe you had found this whole time, having absentmindedly stuck it into your pocket when Morel moved you earlier. A thought then occurred to you as you looked at it again.
“This wouldn't be yours, would it?” you asked him as you pulled it out to show him.
Looking down at it, you noted that he didn't seem too surprised as he said to you “it would, actually.”
“Yeah. That's what I was looking for when I came across you,” Morel said.
“Huh. That's some weird coincidence,” you said as you extended your hand out to give him the pipe.
“It happens,” he said. He thanked you as he took it from you, pocketing it before his hands went back to where they had been before.
There was no urgency within you as you continued to sit with Morel, the mist still swirling and settling around the two of you. The more the mist grew, the more the thoughts of your friends and the worries within you began to slip away.
You had nothing to worry about.
Had you been paying more attention to him, you would've seen Morel stiffen ever so slightly, maybe even heard him curse under his breath as he sensed something that was now in the general vicinity. But you only noticed when he stood up suddenly, hands on his hips as he turned to face you.
“Hate to say it, but this fog'll probably only get worse. I'm not sure it's a good idea to keep waiting here,” he told you.
It had seemed to become exponentially worse as soon as he spoke those words, the fog that had been fairly moderate now surprisingly thick, to the point that you had a hard time making out the trees that were closest to you. Somehow you hadn't noticed just how bad it was until now.
“Ah. Yeah, you're right,” you said, “I think I remember which direction the trail is in. I should be able to make it back on my own.”
“What – no, that's not...”
Morel was rather flustered now, a hand running through his hair as he continued “even if you can make it back there, I doubt you'll have an easy time going down those stairs with your ankle like that. And with how hard it is to see right now, there's a 100% chance that you'll end up falling.”
You nodded, though you weren't certain where he was going. It seemed like a lot to ask him to walk you back in such circumstances, and far, far too much to have him take you back down the mountain.
“Since we're not sure what happened with your friends, I think the best thing I can do is take you back to my place for the time being.”
That hadn't been what you were expecting, and you opened your mouth to second-guess that idea until he spoke again.
“Just until the fog clears,” he assured you, “and this way you can get some actual rest inside instead of sitting out in the cold like this.”
… Morel's proposal seemed a lot nicer, you had to admit.
“I guess,” you began, “as long as you're sure it isn't too much trouble.”
He smiled at you as he said “I promise, it isn't.”
Any worries that this may be overstepping some kind of boundary faded from your mind after his reassurance, and you looked about the forest again.
���I guess we should try to find something for me to use as a walking stick,” you said, squinting your eyes when the fog proved to be too thick to see clearly, “unless you're okay with me leaning on you.”
“I've got a better idea.”
With that, Morel turned around and knelt down, his arms stretched out behind his back as he said “I'll carry you.”
After assuring you that this way would be faster, it didn't take much for you to take him up on his offer. After you made sure not to put any weight on your ankle while you climbed onto his back, Morel slowly lifted you up after he had your legs secured around his waist and you loosely held on around his neck.
With the sensation of you being pressed against him, of your warmth and virtually feeling the way your heart was steadily beating against his back, Morel let out a quiet, relieved sigh as he began the trek back to his home. He was grateful that you hadn't questioned him or tried to insist that he take you back to the trail anyway. If he hadn't been able to convince you, he'd need to take you by force. Such a thing would have been easy for him to do, and it was probably more common for those like him to take their captured humans while they kicked and screamed.
But he didn't want to traumatize you during the journey to your new home.
Luckily his aura that had been slowly engulfing you was able to influence you enough that you weren't questioning him on much, so the trip would be a peaceful one, although it was marred by how dishonest he was being about all of this.
If only he could just sit you down and explain everything, why he was doing this. But he knew you wouldn't believe him.
No reasonable person would believe him if he told them he was a banshee.
Saying that would only make you feel unsafe, maybe try to run from him, and then you'd end up even more injured in the process, and even more upset when you found that you could no longer leave the mountain.
But even that would be better than the alternative.
Morel just didn't like seeing people die.
The role of a banshee was to warn when death was coming. To let out that unearthly wail so the human marked for death could prepare and make peace with their fate. For Morel, when he saw someone who was marked to die, it looked like a cloud had settled around them. An aura that grew darker and darker as the human came closer to the time of their death until the aura had blackened completely. Then Death came to collect that unfortunate's soul.
And Morel was unable to do anything but give a heads up.
It was depressing. Being part of that cycle, watching as human after human had that cloud around them turn black and vanish as it left their lifeless bodies behind. And during the last years he had spent in the heavily populated areas, he found that more and more people were panicking when they heard his warning as a fear of death had grown stronger as time had gone by. The people who feared for their lives did everything in their power to try and prevent their deaths, and more often than not their attempts to thwart death ended up being what caused it. All because they had heard his warning.
It began to feel as though he was the one responsible for those who had died that way, and that felt even more depressing, to know that they had died because of him. By the end, Morel had grown tired of it all.
So he left.
He left the areas that were overrun with humans and found a home on an ancient mountainside. And for a while, he found some peace.
But time moved forward as it always did, and evidently, people forgot what areas were meant to stay sacred when they put together the hiking trail. It had angered many of his neighbors, but most were compelled to stay away from it and leave the humans alone as long as they stayed on the path.
And yet some of them couldn't do that, and on occasion the ones that strayed would run into some of the more malevolent spirits that resided on the mountain alongside him. He could usually tell when someone would die to the supernatural. The aura about them just had a certain feel to it, but Morel chose to stay out of it completely, not wanting to cause problems with his neighbors.
Even after trying to get away, he was still forced to see that cloud of death.
It was no different when he saw you after you first arrived.
Morel had happened to be at the base of the mountain when he saw you, the death cloud around you one shade off of completely black. You'd be dead before the end of the day. Perhaps during your trip in the woods, he had thought to himself. Yet as he observed you more, he felt that wouldn't be the case. Something told him that you would make it through this hiking trip of yours, but you would die almost immediately after. You seemed pretty healthy, so illness didn't appear to be the cause. An accident, then? That would be more likely. While he couldn't determine what exactly was going to happen, whatever it was would be sudden and violent.
Looking at the rest of your group, he found that none of them were marked for death like you were. Whatever happened after you all left, you would be the only one to die.
Something compelled Morel to keep watch over you, and so he followed behind, listening in on the conversations your friends were having and waiting for you to speak up.
You weren't saying much, however, and when he moved off the trail to walk beside you so he could get a better look at your face, he was taken aback by how dejected you seemed.
Something was eating at you, but you were keeping quiet about it as you continued to follow behind, almost unnoticed by the others in your group.
Your last hours of life were going to be spent with you feeling ignored and lonely, and that depression Morel felt when it came to these things returned. You shouldn't need to die today; you should've had years left of your life, not a scant few hours. It wasn't right, but there was nothing he could do.
Or was there?
An idea came to Morel, and he became lost in his own thoughts as he found himself walking away from the trail as your group came closer to the stairs. He made his way towards what had been a chapel for some long-forgotten deity, mulling over the thought in his head.
There was something he could do to alter your fate, both him and the magic still in the mountain powerful enough to allow him to lay a claim on you. But was it worth angering Death itself to keep you safe?
As he contemplated what to do, he looked back to you.
You had taken your phone out, holding it in a way that made it clear you were aiming to get a picture of the ruins he just so happened to be standing next to.
It took less than a second for him to realize what had happened when you blinked in surprise and took your eyes off of your phone.
You could see him.
You may not have been aware of it, but your eyes met his in that moment. Based off how you looked him over, you weren't able to see him all that clearly, but he could still tell when your eyes met again as you tried to make out any features of his face.
Then one of the people from your group called out and you looked away, and Morel made himself vanish. The confusion was clear when your head turned back and found him to be gone, and you ended up following your group again with your brows furrowed.
It was something that happened on occasion with certain people, another confirmation that you were close to death: as your final hour drew near, the barrier between you and the spiritual realm was thinning and you were beginning to see things that you weren't meant to.
When you looked back one more time, you managed to look in the exact spot where he had been standing, though this time he made sure you couldn't see him. He felt the way your eyes met his again before you turned your head back, that black cloud of death still engulfing you.
Something about your situation and that sight made Morel snap.
Screw fate. He needed to save you.
As he made his decision and began to follow you in earnest, a part of him was aware that saving you wouldn't do anything for the countless people that died every day, but he felt that if he could save at least one person from an unfair and untimely death, he could live better with himself. If he could keep you alive and happy, it was worth it.
He'd been worried that luring you away with the rabbit wouldn't work. You were far enough along that you could see it for what it really was: a creation that he'd made out of mist and smoke. Yet during the time you had spent getting up to the rest area, he had expanded his aura around you for long enough that any reservations you may have had about the slightly horrifying thing before you were easily pushed to the side as he compelled you to go after his creation, to get you further into the woods and by yourself.
He hadn't planned on you getting injured in the process, and when he heard your friends calling for you sooner than he expected he threw his pipe next to you in an act of desperation and just hoped that you would grab it. As long as you picked up something that belonged to him of your own free will, then you would belong to him.
You had done just that. And therefore, he was now free to do whatever he pleased with you.
“Is there a reason why we need to get to your place fast?” you asked him as he carried you back.
“You see how thick the fog is, right? I need to get us there before I lose my way,” Morel said, “can't embarrass myself like that, can I?”
Actually he just wanted to get out of there because of the other being that had been approaching the two of you. As much as he was able to hold influence over you, you would no doubt panic if you saw a headless woman sitting astride a horse casually come up to you.
“That makes sense,” you said. Then you giggled a little to yourself.
“I'm still mad that you laughed at me earlier,” you told him, “so if you do get lost, then I'm allowed to laugh at you.”
“Fair enough. If I get us lost you can laugh at me,” he agreed.
You laughed a little bit more.
“I won't actually do that. If we do get lost I'll probably be more concerned with trying to keep calm.”
“Don't worry; I know this mountain like the back of my hand,” he assured you.
If you had really been thinking about it, you might have questioned him on that. If he knew his way around that well, why couldn't he take you back to the trail? Why was he insisting on taking you back to his home?
But with the way his aura was enveloping you completely, no such thoughts came to mind, and you instead softly rested your head against him, feeling content.
You were rather easy to influence, and that fact made Morel feel badly for manipulating you the way he was.
He'd make it up to you, he told himself. He'd done good by wrapping up your ankle, and now he'd take care of you.
Glancing back at you, he felt satisfied to see that the black cloud of death had vanished. You no longer needed to fear anything like that.
You belonged to him now, and Morel would keep you safe for the rest of eternity.
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ch1giri · 4 years
can i please request a headcanon of bachira with a reader that’s the monster but doesn’t actually know a lot about football? thanks 🤍
Note: I'm sorry for making you wait for so long ♡
Bachira Meguru with a monster s/o
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• Okay so when he first saw you, Bachira instantly liked you
• Which was very odd for him because you didn't look that special
• Like he only notices people that are good at soccer, and you have no interest in the sport
• But something about you just seemed odd to him, it was like you had some hidden talent, and he desperately wanted to test it out
• So Bachira made a plan
• He took you out on a cute picnic date with loads of snacks and your favorite drinks
• After you ate, he suggested that the two of you play soccer
• And of course you decided to indulge in your boyfriend's greatest passion, even though you never played it before
• But from watching him play it, you got the general idea
• "Don't flame me for being bad okay?" Laughing your comment off, Bachira took the ball and started dribbling
• It was an easy dribble, he didn't want to go too hard on you
• Yet somehow you stopped it with ease completely shocking him in the process
• With a big grin on your face, you looked at your legs and asked "Was that just beginners luck?"
• "I don't know let's test it again" this time his dribble was a bit more difficult
• Bachira's legs moved at a much higher speed but to you it looked like he was moving in slow motion
• You successfully cut him off, stealing the ball and shooting it right in the imaginary goal
• And Bachira was stunned, he just stood there looking at you, eye's full of admiration
• "Let's try something harder now!" His legs started moving even faster
• Now his moves weren't in slow motion, but you could still read them, he was trying to make it look like he was going left, but you could see that with his foot work he was definitely going right
• And you stole the ball again! Bachira tried attacking you, but before he could you quickly ran with the ball towards the goal
• Sure you can stop his dribbles, but you weren't gonna try your luck with protecting the ball
• "I found you, monster." Faintly slipped from his lips, Bachira slowly started walking towards you
• "I finally found you!" Bachira said it louder this time still in disbelief
• Hugging you tightly he excitedly said "I knew you were special!"
• You knew about Bachira's search for the "monster" but never in a million years would you believe that you were the one
• "I don't know anything about soccer tho, are you sure this isn't just a fluke." You tried to reason with him.
• Grabbing you by the shoulders, Bachira looked like a little child, he couldn't contain his happiness
• "No, no, no, I'm sure of it! You are a natural. Come on let's play some more!"
• Even though you knew nothing about soccer, just seeing Bachira's face full of pure joy made you want to play it with him every day
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146 notes · View notes
Too Far Away - Little Movie Star Chapter Two (Jensen Ackles x Daughter!Reader)
[Actors-Masterlist], [Little Movie Star-Masterlist]
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
Summary: Getting used to this new life was not easy but you managed. Still, you found yourself distancing entirely. This situation was overwhelming to you & you had no idea how to deal with it. You were trying but maybe it was not enough.
Words: 2,166
Warnings: language, trust issues, feeling of not being good enough, Jensen trying his absolute best
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
At 6 pm sharp, you waddled to the kitchen & managed to get there on the first try. A few hours after your arrival had gone by & you were more than thankful that neither Jensen nor Danneel decided to come into your room again. By now, your eyes were no longer puffy even though you had spent a good amount of time crying. Which made no sense, really. But you could not control the tears & let them flow, nobody had seen you anyway. The bathroom connected to your bedroom was very convenient. Showering & putting an effort in the way you looked seemed like a good idea. The long travel exhausted you, after all, & the hot water relaxed you enough to be ready to face all of them again. There had been enough time to get a hang of your new phone, too. It was not like you had never had one, you just did not really have much use for it. Mentally noting that you should definitely thank them again for getting you such an expensive phone. Any would have done the job, really.
Loud crying interrupted your train of thought & you assumed that the kids were up & giving Danneel a hard time. Maybe you could help her out?
“(Y/N)! You found us!” Jensen beamed. For a second, it looked like he wanted to approach you & pull you into a hug. He then remembered your encounter earlier & decided against it.
“Beginner’s luck, I guess.” you stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do until Danneel came into the room, handling two babies at once. Immediately, you walked up to her & asked her if you could help her out. She gladly thanked you & laid a little bundle in your arms. Carefully, you found a secure position & to your surprise, the baby stopped crying.
“Would you look at that. Zep likes you.” Danneel winked at you, then turned her attention back to the crying little one in her arms, Arrow, you figured. Jensen looked at you closely, something that went unnoticed by you because you were so focused on little Zep in your arms. No matter how hard you tried, there was immediate joy when you looked at him. Definitely something you needed after the previous hours.
After you helped Danneel settle Zep & Arrow in a baby bed that was close to the kitchen area, she thanked you again for your help. You simply nodded at her, showing that it was no problem. And it really was not. You loved kids. Unfortunately, in your past foster homes, you were usually alone, so having kids around was a nice change for once.
“Look, JJ, that’s (Y/N). Give her a little space, okay? This is all new to her.” Jensen mumbled in JJ’s ear after bringing her downstairs & getting her seated at the big dining table. She nodded but did not take her eyes off of you.
“How did you get them to fall asleep so fast? That was record time.” Danneel motioned for you to follow her back to the dining area. A smile was the only way you knew how to answer. When you went to take a seat, you noticed JJ already sitting there. Walking over to her, you kneeled down so you were on one level. Making sure your smile was loving, you started the conversation. At least you could leave a better first impression with her. Or at least trying to.
“Hi there, princess. I’m (Y/N). What’s your name?”
“JJ” she squealed. In the distance, Jensen & Danneel eyed the both of you, shocked by how great you were with kids. You would end up loving each other, they were sure. Jensen still had his doubts when it came to them. He knew a little bit about your past & could not even imagine what you had been through. He had a lot of faith, though.
“JJ? Wow, that’s a pretty name. You hungry?” she nodded eagerly & before you could ask if they needed help with anything, Jensen was already bringing the dinner over to the table.
Throughout dinner, you stayed mostly silent. Luckily, you were not asked too many questions & when they did ask you, it was stuff like them asking if you got settled in. One thing you did make sure, though, you thanked them for your new phone & how you were shocked that your room had this size. They brushed it off as if it were nothing. Afterwards, Jensen asked you to stay with him for a while but you politely declined, telling him you were exhausted from the traveling today. Smiling back, he let you go back to your room. It was your first day, sure you would warm up to them sooner or later, right?
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The next few days were mostly spent in your room, Danneel showed you around the house & while you still got lost sometimes, you were getting the hang of it. What both, Jensen & Danneel, noticed was that you asked them if they needed help with something whenever you could. They appreciated it but told you multiple times that they would come to you if they needed you with something. JJ loved you already. She was ecstatic when you were around, & most of the time, you guys ended up playing something together. You could get used to this. Being the big sister & all. Even the little ones, Zeppelin & Arrow, calmed down when they saw you.
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Easily, you started getting used to their daily routine. Breakfast, lunch & dinner were pretty much at the same time each day. Jensen was on a break so he spent his entire time at home. While you enjoyed being with them, you could not help the dark thoughts consuming you. No matter how hard you had tried to shut them out, they always crawled their way back into your mind. You hated yourself for not opening up to them. Basically, they knew nothing about you, except for the stuff that was put in your file. Truth was, you were incredibly scared. For the first time, a family really cared for you, at least it looked like it. Yet, you knew the moment you would open up, you would be sent back. More than once, you considered calling Bill. At least he knew how you could get whenever you were put with a new family. But you also knew, that you calling him, crying, would mean he had to come over & check if you were treated right. Obviously, you did not want to put Jensen & Danneel through this procedure. So you did what you did best. Stayed quiet, observed, helped, but distanced yourself entirely.
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“What do you suggest, Bill?” Jensen & Danneel were seated on their couch, phone put in the middle of them, talking to the man, who had brought you here, on speaker.
“You see, Mr. Ackles, (Y/N) is a very shy person when she meets new people. You were made aware, before you chose her, that she had been to a bunch of families. I won’t lie to you, she’s been through some shit & I understand that this situation might be overwhelming for you right now. She doesn’t trust easily. She promised herself not to trust anyone anymore.” Bill explained.
“Why? What happened to her? Maybe we’ll be able to understand her better then.” Danneel was desperate. She wanted you to be a part of her family, wanted to integrate you. But all of her attempts failed & she was at a point where she did not know what to do anymore.
“I’m afraid that isn’t my place to tell, Mrs. Ackles. If she’s ready, she’ll come to you, I promise.” Danneel nodded but before she could say something again, Bill kept on. “Just…make her feel safe. Give her the feeling that you won’t send her back. I know it’s hard to win her trust, believe me, I’ve been there. But once you get to know her, really get to know her, she’s the most lovable & giving human you’ll ever meet. I believe in you, I do…Look, I gotta go. If you need me, you know what to do.” he did not wait for a response before ending the call, leaving the Ackles in silence. Sure, it was a challenge but nothing they could not handle. The call eased their minds a bit & soon after, they came up with a plan to get this thing started.
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A soft knock on your door made you look up from your phone. It was a waste of time, really. Nobody would text or call you anyway because you did not know anyone to start with. Zero friends & you did not have to start about family, right?
“Come in.” this was the first time that someone had tried to come into your room since your arrival. Well, that was a lie. But JJ did not really count. Opening the door slowly, Jensen peaked inside. When he found you lounging on the bed, he opened the door farther & stepped inside your room. By now, you had abandoned your phone & put it on the mattress next to you. You found it rude to check your phone when someone else talked to you. Jensen took a seat at the end of your bed but did not look up at you right away. Confused, your eyebrows shot up & when the silence between you two became too much for you, it was you who spoke up first.
“Anything you need?” actually, you were extremely comfortable when you talked to Jensen but you would never admit it. There was this weird connection but you could not quite tell where it came from. It was just…there. A sigh escaped him but not an annoyed one. More like one to prepare himself for what he was about to say.
“Look, I can’t even imagine how hard this is for you. I just want you to know that you can talk to me, to Danneel, & I promise you we’ll listen.” his eyes were sincere & for a moment you could feel your heart breaking a little. He was trying so hard & he sounded desperate. You could tell that he just wanted you to open up. No, not open up. He wanted you to be an active part of this new life. Admitting this yourself, you had been everything but. His words got you thinking. They were trying so it was only fair if you did the same.
“I’m sorry.” not even you knew what you were apologizing for & considering Jensen’s look, he was even more confused. “For being so…distant, I mean. I know you guys are trying & I appreciate it, really. It’s just-“ Jensen interrupted your rambling.
“Nah, it’s fine. I get it. But maybe, if we all try a bit harder, then we could get there. But to do that I need you to promise me something.” his eyes met yours & you motioned for him to continue. “If we do or say something that just doesn’t work for you, you gotta tell us. And the other way around.” you could tell by his hesitancy that he chose his words very carefully in order not to hurt you by what he was suggesting. You appreciated him for that. Smiling widely, you felt a rush of happiness washing over you. Something you had not felt in a very long time. At the same time, you could feel the pressure building up. What if you were not good enough for them? What if your trying was not right for them? What if they did not want you after that? Your thoughts were cut short when Jensen stood up & held out his hand for you. A confused look was sent his way & he retreated his hand, scratched the back of his neck, before saying.
“Dee & the kids are going for a walk. Wanna join? You don’t have to, of course, I get if-“
“I’d love to.” getting up yourself, you walked out of your room, coming to a halt when you noticed Jensen not following you. Looking over your shoulder, another smile was plastered on your face. You almost forgot how it felt to smile genuinely. All you knew was that this family got you to do that.
“Let’s go.” you ushered. Jensen jogged next to you, copying your smile. Maybe it was not much but it was a start nevertheless. Maybe spending more time together & really trying to get to know them would be the first step in the right direction. Did you feel uncomfortable still? Yes. Were you still scared? Definitely. Did you hate your heart for wanting to open up to them after such a short time? Absolutely. But you could not quite control it. Or you could. But you did not want to.
~to be continued~
Next Chapter
Published (03/27/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @vicmc624​, @imaginationisgrowth, @stoneyggirl​, @alyispunk​, @thevelvetseries​, @multifandomlover121, @samsgirl93​, @supernatural3002​, @diabetes-03, @prettyybubblesintheair, @originalsoulcollector​, @vir-tual, @bellero​ (let me know if you wanna be tagged <3)
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remade all the time, made new
Awkward Attempts at Parenting: The Fic is a work in progress no longer! It is Done! And I am Proud of It!
(And I may have stayed up until 3 A.M. working on it when I should have been studying for my trig final)
Title from an Ursula Le Guin quote: “Love doesn't just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; remade all the time, made new.”
Magnus Quinn isn’t sure what to make of the cavalier from the Ninth, but he knows he’s worried about her. Or, rather, he wants to worry about her, if he could only figure out how to reach her. She doesn’t seem like she’d be receptive to the same kind of fathering as the duo from the Fourth. Ruffling her hair and telling her he’s proud of her would probably drive her away faster than if he’d jabbed his rapier in her face. It takes some time for him to realize that there’s a starved look to her, hidden beneath the cocky glow in her strange yellow eyes. She needs a decent meal and a kind word yesterday. 
Luckily enough, he has some degree of experience with providing both.
He first got the idea a few days into their collective stay at Canaan House, when he noticed her sitting alone at breakfast, knocking back weak tea and barely seasoned rice like it was manna from God Himself. He’d been picking idly at his own gluey bowl, thinking of the well - stocked kitchen he and Abigail had shared for so many years. Cast in the warm glow of the hearth at all hours and brimming with the best ingredients the Court gardens could muster. Magnus already missed it - missed the crackling of the coals, the feeling of yeasted dough taking shape beneath his hands, the simple satisfaction of dicing vegetables into neat, even cubes. That kitchen was a place of community and peace for as long he’d known it. Perhaps he could create something similar here  - give himself an outlet and provide a sort of common ground to quell the already brewing House tensions. It seemed like his handiwork would be appreciated by one other person, at least. 
For the past week or so he’d made arrangements, carving out a few hours in his schedule, insisting that he really didn’t need help from the hovering skeletal staff and gathering ingredients from the meager pantries. He ultimately decided to start simple with the recipe - the dense, hearty bread he shared with Abigail when he first met her. Familiar as the back of his hand and easy enough to walk a novice through. 
Now that he’s gotten everything in order, it’s only a matter of inviting the Ninth girl to join him. She wanders by the galley wing every so often, seemingly bored out of her mind. Magnus steps out into the hall when he hears the pacing thud of her boots approach and clears his throat lightly to keep from startling her. It doesn’t quite work. Her lamplight eyes dart up at the sound and her hand snaps out in a sharp practiced motion to land on the pommel of her blade. She relaxes a bit when sees him and offers him the slightest ghost of a sheepish smile. 
“You’re an awfully quick draw with that sword,” he says with a gentle smile of his own. “Though it’s a shame I had to scare you to witness it. Would you mind helping me in the kitchen for a moment? I could use an extra pair of hands.”
She blinks, her smile fading, seemingly caught off guard once again by the strange request. For a long moment the silence stretches between them. To his relief she eventually nods, and he ushers her through the rotting wooden door with an exaggerated bow. She looks somehow even more confused and uncomfortable before bobbing a very awkward curtsy with the hem of her robes and stepping past. (How he’s already managed to make things worse for the poor girl, he’s not entirely sure, but he knows he’ll be kicking himself for it.)
Saving what little bit of face he can muster, he directs her toward the cracked washbasin in the corner to wash her hands and busies himself with gathering measuring cups. They’re old, these ones - yellowing strips of what must have once been labels peel away from the dented metal - but they’ll do. 
He worries the end of one of these labels between his fingers as the girl drifts back over, wiping her hands on the front of her robes. For someone as tall and strong as she is, with a presence forceful enough to put a Cohort gunner to shame, she hovers a lot. Seems to hesitate for a split second before committing full - tilt to each movement. Like she’s bracing herself somehow. Like she’s daring the world to stop her. 
Like she’s never quite sure if she’s wanted. 
Oh. Oh, kiddo.
He wants to reassure her, tell her that she’s fine, somehow give whoever dulled this wildfire girl’s spirit a piece of his goddamn mind - 
What he says instead is “do you know how to proof dough? You’re a bright young lady, I’d hate to bore you by walking you through something you already know.”
She doesn’t, it turns out, but she takes to it well. He shows her how to measure and level the sugar and flour, heat the water to just the right temperature to bring the dusty spoonful of yeast back to life, knead and stretch and shape the dough after it’s had time to rest. The crooked, satisfied little grin that graces her face when the sticky goop turns elastic and smooth under her hands warms his heart. 
The fruit of her labor is admittedly not a pretty sight - misshapen and lumpy - but it’s a strong start. It’s got the makings of greatness. (Or at least edibility. Both are good goals to shoot for.)
“You know,” he says as she places her glorious creation in the oven, “you might be one of the few outside the Court who’s made this particular recipe. Closely guarded secret of ours, or so Abby tells me.”
(A strange, dark look flickers across her face at the word “secret.” He pretends not to notice.)
“I’m happy to pass our little tradition on to the House of the Ninth. And it really is a shame that it’s been ours alone up until now. I never did understand as a kid why we all hold each other at such an arm’s length. Now that I’ve seen more of the world, I think I understand it even less. Power and wealth just don’t seem that grand a prize.”
She nods along absently, her eyes faraway. It’s long past time to change the subject and give her space to think.
He leaves her be for a moment, brewing a cup of tea to his own bracingly bitter specifications and taking a stab (heh) at how she might like hers. Sugar, he thinks. A healthy dash of sugar. He wonders if she’s ever had anything properly sweet. 
From the startled, wondering look on her face at her first sip (and the way she mouths what looks like “what the fuck” before draining the cup), he would say no.  
All the more reason he’s glad he asked her here. 
The minutes tick by from there in companionable silence. Occasionally the quiet is broken by a sound from the hall - the familiar whispering of the Fourth’s pair of gossips, the metronome - perfect clatter of the Second’s boots on the marble, the silvery, chiming laugh of the Third’s golden princess - but even the interruptions are comforting. They make this long dead place feel like something that could be revived. Something with a little precious bit of life left in it. 
A few overheard conversations (and a salacious bit of gossip that makes his companion snicker into her teacup) later, the Fifth & Ninth Collaborative Creation is ready to be unveiled to the world. Pulling on the closest approximation of oven mitts he can find (an ancient pair of thick sparring gloves), he carefully lifts the loaf from the heat of the oven and sets it down on a nearby counter. 
It’s no prettier than it was when it started baking, but it looks distinctly more edible now - golden brown, puffed up tall with a crust that crackles lightly under his hands. Perfectly respectable for a beginner. He lets her do the honors once it cools a bit, handing her a serrated knife from the nearby block and watching with a flare of pride as a column of fragrant steam billows forth. 
“You did a fine job,” he tells her, and means it. She hunches into herself and blushes a little under her mask of dark paint, but her eyes shine bright as polished coins. 
In the end, the ragged little loaf is what bread ought to be - warming and fortifying and worth sharing. 
(And if he happens to notice a certain dour necromancer picking at a piece with something approaching enthusiasm while she studies - well. He'll tell her someday.)
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oscars-wifeyyy · 5 years
Chapter 5 (Mother Hen)
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Time had passed, two months to be exact, and Oscar had been continuously trying to get Lilo to talk to him, but to no avail. She wouldn’t even give him the time of day while Cesar didn’t want to give Oscar the time of day, he had to since he is his brother. It was a constant of having him send her flowers and her favorite snacks, waiting at the school so he could catch her and try to talk, to sometimes even working on her car to get her to even say thank you. All of it ended with no words being exchanged, but a head nod in thanks from Lilo.
Slowly, his efforts had diminished and came to an end. His efforts were deeply missed by Lilo because she finally had felt wanted by the man that she had fallen for, but didn’t have the courage to approach him, scared of looking desperate in front of him. It was finally a Friday, the day where she has training right after school, the school bell rang telling all the kids that school was out and they could do whatever they wanted within their parents guidelines. Lilo sprinted to her car to try and get to her training session on time to see Cesar there waiting.
“Salad? What are you doing?” Lilo unlocked the car and shoved her things in the trunk to take out her workout bag.
“Can I come with you to training? I want to get more fit,” Cesar smiled.
“Sure. Get in,” Lilo chuckled.
The two drove to the town over and went inside the MMA gym to meet with her coach. When they stepped inside, Cesar was mesmerized by the hugeness of the gym and how popular Lilo was there, but he understood why Lilo was popular, she was Lilo. Lilo greeted her coach with a hug and pulled Cesar to her to introduce them.
“Martin, this is Cesar. He’s like my baby brother. Is it possible for him to train with us? A little easy on him though, this is his first time,” Lilo asked.
“For sure,” Martin nodded, “go tape his hands up and start him on a mile run,”
Lilo nodded, “thanks, Martin!” Lilo tugged Cesar into the taping room and grabbed a roll of white tape, “sit,”
Cesar sat down and watched Lilo tape his hands with concentration, seeing her in her element had made him proud of his best friend. After a minute or two, he was done so she motioned him out to the main room.
“Alright, so you are gonna run a mile around the area. A mile is about 6 laps,” Lilo explained, “now...go,” Cesar started running.
Lilo went back into the taping room and asked one of the people in there to tape it. Once she was done, she went back out and ran alongside Cesar then ran the last two laps by herself. The two went back to her coach and they started in various exercises and Cesar was learning beginner moves of the MMA. After a very intense hour training, they were finally done and on their way back home with music blasting through the speakers and dancing. When they got home, they saw Oscar’s car so Lilo stood next to her car to watch Cesar walk inside then went inside her house to take a shower and do her homework.
She came out of the shower, dressing into a pair of pajama pants that made her butt pop and her father’s US Marines shirt. Her backpack was still in the trunk of her car so she put on her nike slides, but a knock was heard so she walked to the door and looked through the peephole and saw Oscar. She groaned, but opened the door anyway so she could still grab her backpack, Lilo shoved past the cholo and felt his eyes on her butt. The senior had came back from the car with her backpack and put it down next to the door, turning back to Oscar to ask what he wanted, but that stopped when he was suddenly in her face and his lips were on hers. She had felt herself let go and start to kiss back, but the incident had returned to her mind so she pushed with all her might, forcing him to take a step back. They stared at each other, out of breath, but Lilo grew frustrated.
“Why? Why did you just kiss me?” Lilo put her hands on her hips, “I was just a hit and quit, right? No, I am not playing your game anymore,”
“Lilo, just listen to me,” Oscar closed the front door, “please. I just said all those things because the Santos was with me. No puedo mostrarles que soy débil con mis sentimientos por ti,” (I can't show them that I'm weak with my feelings for you.)
Lilo shook her head, “No puedo estar con alguien que no pueda mostrarles a todos que quieren estar conmigo,” (I can't be with someone that can't show everyone that they want to be with me.)
“Quiero estar contigo así que por favor dame la oportunidad de mostrarte que ya no me importa lo que digan,” Oscar put his hands on Lilo’s waist. (I want to be with you so please give me a chance to show you that I don't care what they say anymore.)
Lilo sighed, “I don’t know, Oscar. I know it’s hard for you to say to hell with whatever the Santos say since you’re their leader,”
“I can do it,” Oscar placed a hand on the back of Lilo’s neck. He leaned down and kissed Lilo, only this time Lilo had let him and kissed back.
“Fine, but if you mess this up then no more. I’m serious,” Lilo looked away.
Oscar nodded, picking up Lilo’s backpack, “c’mon. You go do your homework,”
The two walked back into her room to lay on the bed while she did her homework, but Oscar couldn’t help but stare at Lilo while she had her glasses perched on her nose and concentrated on the papers and books around her. To him, she was the epitome of beauty and he hoped that she would be his for a long time. Oscar softly smiled when her eyes had kept closing for a few seconds at a time so he looked through her planner that showed her homework and realized that she was almost done with an exception of a couple questions on her math that he knew he could in minutes so he took all the papers and books. He put it away in her backpack and moved her to lay down on the bed, moving to leave, but Lilo reached out and grabbed his wrist.
“Stay for the night, please,” Lilo’s eyes were drooping.
“Sure,” Oscar smiled and laid down next to her.
The next morning came and Lilo had felt the sun in her eyes so she squinted and felt something around her, looking down she saw a familiar arm. The events that had happened last night had flooded into her mind and she was smiling. She finally had the man that she had fallen for and he finally had wanted her back, but it dropped when she heard the front door open so she slowly detached his arm from around her and walked to the kitchen. However, she saw that it was Cesar with some breakfast food from a restaurant nearby.
“Wassup, Salad. How are you?” Lilo smiled.
“I’m good. Have you...seen my brother?” Cesar looked down.
“I’m right here, mano,” Oscar yawned.
Cesar looked shocked, turning to face Lilo, not believing that Lilo had forgiven Oscar, but she nodded to confirm that she did. His face had slowly grown into a huge smile because it had been a chance for the three to act like a family. He shook his head then held up the bag of food.
“Breakfast is here so let’s eat,” Cesar smiled.
The three stood around the dining room to pack their plates with all the food they wanted only to move to the family room to watch Netflix while eating. There was a little argument on what to watch until they settled with the Walking Dead. When they were done with their food and had everything clean and put away, Lilo had a great idea.
“You guys, we should go to the mall and do some splurge shopping. I got some money and, Cesar, no offense, but you need some new stuff,” Lilo wrapped an arm around Cesar.
“Yeah, I’m down,” Cesar nodded, turning to look at Oscar.
“Let’s go,” Oscar shrugged, “I gotta change though,”
The brothers went to their house to start getting ready as well as Lilo. Lilo decided to wear high-waisted destroyed jeans, a black belt to hold it up, and a black cropped tank top with a flannel over. She did her morning routine then waited for the brothers to be done by walking out of her house, grabbing her wallet, to head over to their house since they were gonna take Oscar’s car. Everyone was finally done so they went to the mall that was a town over so there wouldn’t be any drama or anything. Once their car was parked, they went inside and walked around the mall, going into a store or two until Cesar saw a board shop so he went inside with Lilo and Oscar trailing him.
Oscar finally wrapped an arm around Lilo’s shoulder, allowing it to rest there. Lilo was shocked to say the least, but let it play out and wrapped her arm around his back. Cesar saw the interaction, but didn’t say anything, scared that if he said anything then they would pull apart and forget the whole thing. The younger brother walked around and saw the new deck that he had been eyeing, turning to see Lilo smiling at him, winking as if telling him to get it so he did and walked to the register. The cashier rang it up and Lilo went up from behind Cesar and handed the cashier her debit card and once the transaction was done, Cesar hugged Lilo tightly.
“Thank you, mana,” Cesar whispered.
“No problem, papacito,” Lilo chuckled, “now let’s get some Potato Corner and frozen lemonade from Wetzel’s Pretzels,”
Oscar crossed his arms, “I could have gotten that for Cesar,”
“I don’t mind. I wanted to,” Lilo smiled at the taller man.
Oscar scoffed, but leaned down and gave the shorter girl a kiss on the lips, grabbing her hand and intertwining their fingers. Cesar went to Potato Corner to order them the largest barbecue french fries with Oscar’s cash while Oscar and Lilo went to Wetzel’s Pretzels to order three frozen lemonades for everyone. Oscar couldn’t help, but wrap his arms around Lilo and put his hands on her muscular butt which made her cheeks go red; however, she loved having his hands on her butt.
Once everyone got the fries and frozen lemonades, they sat at a table with Cesar on one side and Oscar and Lilo on the other. Oscar’s hand on Lilo’s thigh while the other was getting fries or taking a sip of his drink, Cesar was eating and talking to Lilo, and Lilo was smiling at Cesar talking about Monse while caressing Oscar’s forearm. The three looked like a perfect family to the outside eye even though they were far from perfect.
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irwinkitten · 5 years
lessons | a.i
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notes: so y’all have @nicoleshieru​ to blame for this one. we were brainstorming and then the beautiful concept of ashton being a lead guitarist who teaches cme up and with permission, i took the idea and fuckin’ ran with it. thus we have some v soft ashton. enjoy warnings: none word count: 2k
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Making the decision to learn guitar had been something you’d not really been sure about until you’d wanted to play for yourself more than anything. 
It’d been easy to look up at the adverts online, and you’d gone to a few different instructors, but none of them seemed to want to teach. They were bored or uninterested with your constant questions and it was slowly putting you off from really learning.
“If this next one is a bust, just use Youtube.” You muttered to yourself as you made your way to the final instructor you’d found.
His prices for lessons were cheap, but also you noted that he was only having a handful of slots for availability. So you booked in immediately and found yourself prepared to be disappointed.
Reaching the local studio that he’d booked out for the session, you felt somewhat intimidated by the imposing building, but when you reached the receptionist who eyed your guitar warily, you smiled, handing your ID over to him.
“I’ve got a guitar lesson at three.” His shoulders relaxed as he checked your ID against whatever list he had and passed it back to you.
“Room 204, second floor, up the stairs and to your right.” You thanked him before making your way up.
Knocking on the door, a soft “come in” had you pushing the heavy door open and you paused before stepping in completely.
Ashton Irwin stood before you, a smile on his face as he held out his hand to you.
“So you’re my three o’clock? It’s nice to meet you, I’m Ashton.” And so you took his hand, following his direction, shaking it whilst giving your name. 
“So have you played before?” The question was easy and open and you could feel yourself hesitating.
“I had a few other lessons, but honestly they weren’t teaching, or at least they didn’t want to teach.” You finally admitted and he grinned which made you relax.
“Yeah that doesn’t surprise me. It’s why I wanted to do these lessons because curiosity is such a beautiful thing and I wanted to help cultivate that.” He motioned to the comfortable looking seat just opposite him. Once you were seated, he motioned to your case.
“C’mon then, let’s measure the so called teaching capabilities of the other tutors.” This made you laugh as you pulled out the guitar and let it rest on your lap as your fingers wrapped around the neck of the instrument.
“It feels bulky and awkward for me.” You admitted and Ashton sighed. 
“Because those people you went to didn’t even recognise the basic need of their students.” Without hesitating, he knelt in front of you. “Gonna ask this now, are you okay for me to touch you to make it less awkward for you to hold or do you want me to show you?” 
You felt so stunned by the question. 
The previous ones hadn’t even considered your feelings when they’d grasped your wrist and jerked your hand forward so that it was in the right place.
“I’m fine with that.” You admitted quietly and he smiled in return. 
His fingers were a lot gentler than expected. 
“Here, so I’m moving your arm so you’re not cradling the guitar. Maybe if you had a smaller one, you would be able to get away with it , however I need to at least show you the easier ways before we start making life easy for you by changing the problem entirely.” The tease was in jest, but his grin made you laugh.
“Wait, so instead of my wrist hurting because of the motion, I’m gonna get a ripped arm?” That was when you heard him laugh with eae and your mind immediately thought it sounded beautiful.
“The way you held it was entirely wrong for the strumming, so you would’ve sprained or long term-damaged your wrist which is a bitch to recover from.” 
“Especially on tour?” Your question was almost shy like and he grinned.
“Especially on tour. Despite the physicians specific interests, I had to keep playing which fucked my wrist up for like six months out of it.” This stunned you for a moment before he readjusted your hands so that your fingers were situated on the fretboard.
“Hardcore.” You muttered, causing him to laugh. His fingers were easy and gentle as they guided yours up and down the board, passionately. You realised that this seemed almost as natural as breathing for him, especially when you fucked up but he was patient and re-worded a lot of the explanations so you understood them.
As you went over the different chords and how each could be blended, he patiently answered your questions. Part of you was almost itching to learn about the lead guitarist for a band that you were a fan of, but you kept yourself in check.
“My turn to ask a question.” He finally spoke up with five minutes of the lesson left. 
“You clearly recognised who I was, out of curiosity, why did you decide to stick it out?” You hadn’t expected that question and paused whilst you were packing away the guitar.
“I guess because I was more intent on learning the instrument. I was more in the mindset of, if you can teach me, I’ll take it. I was honestly very close to just watching youtube videos and googling my questions, but I enjoyed the idea of human interaction. I don’t get out much outside of work and this is something I want to enjoy. Feeling overwhelmed because of who you are isn’t what I wanted to necessarily deal with.” 
You could see that your answer had caught him off guard and glancing at the time, you smiled kindly to Ashton.
“It was lovely to meet you Ashton, same time next week?” This prompted him to glance at the small diary on his desk and he grabbed a pen, noting your name and the time down. 
“Definitely. Enjoy your week.” He returned with a bright smile and you matched it with one of your own before leaving. 
You were glad you’d decided to not go down the youtube route once you got home and decided to go over the chords again.
Five weeks had easily slipped by. 
Whilst Ashton was on a break from recording or touring, the once a week sessions turned into three times a week. Two of the other clients had dropped out from the lessons, so he offered the extra lessons at no extra cost to you.
When you questioned him about it on the first extra lesson, he just shrugged.
“I’ve got more than enough money. Why do you think I put them so cheap? I don’t need the money and I have the time. And you’re really willing to learn. You even ask me questions that I don’t know the answers to, so you’re making me learn to look further afield. I’m learning too and I love that.” 
But as the weeks slipped by and you spent more time with him, you were determined to not allow yourself to be taken in by this kind soul who answered every single question you had, who had made you stop playing when you’d shown up distracted and tired and let you voice what was on your mind. He was certainly something else, he asked about your job, asked you questions to work on being able to split your attention.  
It’d been five weeks of learning about a wonderful man who seemingly had a heart of gold. 
The flirting between the two of you was subtle, but it was enough that even you caught on, the first time when you realised, you got entirely flustered and missed the chord entirely, making him laugh. 
But you were observant too, studying him when he wasn’t looking, and even though as a teacher he needed to watch your hands to see where you were going wrong if you were, but quite a few times, you’d caught him watching your face, going flustered when he realised you were watching him.
“If you want, we can start looking at the stuff that isn’t quite beginners but doesn’t throw you into the deep end?” This made you pause and you nodded. 
So he knelt in front of you, his fingers gentle as he readjusted your grip and you watched what he was doing as he began to explain what he was doing and why. 
But it took you a moment to register that he’d fallen silent.
When you looked up, you realised how close you’d actually gotten. You could see the soft pink dusting on his cheeks, hazel eyes studying you before dropping to your lips. Without realising, your teeth pulled your bottom lip in and he closed the distance, his lips soft and gentle on yours.
Before you could fully respond to the kiss, he’d pulled away, the worry and concern clear as daylight but you weren’t about to have that.
The hand that had been resting on the body of the guitar reached out to grasp his shirt, pulling him back towards you, lips colliding once more and this time you were able to enjoy the feeling that swept through your body before a noise had you jumping apart.
It took you both a second before you realised that he’d gone to lift his hand, but had strummed the guitar and you shared a look before giggling together.
Taking the neck of the guitar, Ashton sets it as gently as he can away from the two of you, kneeling up and his hands cupping your face, pulling you in for another kiss. It takes you a second to let your lips part under his touch, but you feel a shiver roll down your spine as he pulls away, his head resting against yours. Your eyes are closed but you can’t stop the smile from spreading across your lips as the two of you catch your breath.
“I wasn’t entirely sure, but I was fully prepared for you to slap me if I’d misread the signs.” 
You weren’t too sure what set off your giggles, but his laughter joined yours as you opened your eyes, a grin etched into your lips, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to the corner of his lips.
“You can read music no issue, but unable to judge our flirting? I was getting ready to ask you out on a date if you didn’t kiss me by next week.” You admitted and he laughed, his hands resting on your thighs, gently rubbing them up and down over your denim jeans. 
“I wasn’t sure, sue me. But I definitely want to take you out on that date one day if you’ve got time?” 
“For you? Absolutely. Maybe we can talk about something that isn’t me learning guitar.” And he laughed, leaning in for another kiss which you obliged with.
It took a few moments before you both registered the time and he pulled away regretfully. 
“I’ve got one lesson, but do you want to come back and I could maybe take you out on that date?” You hesitated for a second before a smile bloomed across your lips.
“I guess I can do that. See you at five?” His lips met yours once more and you were beginning to think that kissing him was going to get addictive for you.
“It’s a date.” 
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firesign23 · 4 years
Mua ha ha. I'm glad you did this. Your choice: 27 or 3.
Welp, someone prompted 27 for another ship, so... 3 it is? Except I totally chickened out on the student/teacher premise and ended up wth a soft meet-cute. From SEND ME A SHIP AND A NUMBER AND I’LL WRITE A SHORT FIC
When Jaime moves north, he rents a small house, sight unseen, only a few minutes from the office; it’s a short-term lease, and will give him a chance to look carefully before he buys. (He’s still not entirely certain he won’t cave within six weeks, head back to King’s Landing with his tail between his legs like his father predicted.) He’s been there three days when he hears music coming through the open window⁠—it’s an old folk song, sweet and melancholy, and he finds himself drifting to the window to find its source.
There is a man⁠—no, on second look he’s fairly certain it’s a woman, though her hair is short and she’s in a man’s plaid shirt and jeans⁠—playing a guitar, and even from here he can see that it’s battered from heavy use. He watches her until the song ends, when she glances at her watch and then waves to someone coming up the driveway. It’s Arya Stark, he realises, and for a moment he thinks Catelyn must have sent her over to check he’d settled in, but then she lopes up the few steps of the neighbour’s porch, a guitar over her shoulder. He shakes his head and resumes unpacking, and doesn’t think of the woman again until nearly a week later.
The problem, though, is that once he starts thinking about her⁠—she spends time most evenings playing music on her porch, folk songs and songs from his childhood and sometimes things he’d never heard and thinks perhaps she wrote herself⁠—he finds it hard to stop. He sees the people that come and go on evenings and weekends, usually children but a few adults, most with guitars of their own; she must be a music teacher, which at least gives him half an excuse to speak with her. So one evening, when he’s seen the neighbour has settled onto the swing of her porch with a tall mug and her guitar, he steps outside and crosses the two narrow drives.
“Evening!” he calls, smiling.
The neighbour looks up, startled, and this close he can see that her fingers are long and elegant, the sort of thing that would have made his childhood piano tutor weep with joy. Perhaps it is an advantage for the guitar as well⁠—his father had insisted that his children learn classic instruments, some dated ideas of accomplishment and status forbidding them from touching so mundane as a guitar.
“You’re Jaime Lannister,” says the neighbour, and her fingers pluck out the first few notes of The Rains of Castamere.
“I see that my reputation precedes me,” he says, feeling his easy smile fall into a sneer even though he’d promised himself he wouldn’t be like that any more.
The neighbour nods with her chin in the direction Jaime had come. “I was the one that told Cat about the house. Promised that if you seemed to be plotting world domination I’d let her know.”
Jaime laughs despite himself. “No, that would be my sister’s MO. I really am the recently disinherited and insufferable twat that I claim to be, though with more morals than people usually grant me.” The neighbour doesn’t reply, not even with a smile, so Jaime forges ahead. “I can hear you, when you play.”
“The houses are close together, I can’t help it.”
“No, I meant… it’s nice. You’re a teacher?”
“Yeah. It helped pay the bills when my father…” the woman shrugs. “Cancer. I couldn’t work, for awhile, but I could do this. He liked to hear the students. And now… I guess I’m a teacher.”
Jaime nods. “What are your rates?”
The woman snorts. “Cheap enough you should look somewhere else. I teach beginners.”
“I’m a beginner,” he says.
“I don’t take students who won’t put in the time.”
“I’m the youngest lawyer to get an Dayne Achievement Award. You think I bought that with my good looks and daddy’s money?”
“You do seem to have an excess of both,” she replies dryly.
“Flattered,” he says, and then⁠—quite possibly because he’s never liked being told no⁠—adds, “I’ll tell you what. I’ll pay double your rate, a month in advance, and you can fire me at any point without needing to refund it.”
“Do you even know my name?”
“Neighbour with the guitar?” Jaime guesses.
That does get a smile. “It’s Brienne. I can fit you in Tuesdays at 7, or Sunday afternoons.”
That was easier than he’d thought; he’s almost disappointed, if he’s honest. “No argument?”
Brienne rolls her eyes. “I need a new roof. Pick a time.”
“Sundays,” Jaime says. “I don’t know what my work days are going to be like yet, and I don't want you to think I’m slacking if I’m late home one nightt.”
She gives a curt nod. “Be here at 3. If you need to borrow a guitar, it’s an extra ten dragons a session.”
“I’ll bring one,” Jaime says. There’s a music shop a few blocks away, he’d seen it on the drive in; buying a decent guitar won’t be a problem. “And maybe after, I could show you some finger motions of my own.”
He regrets saying it as soon as the words leave his mouth, a lifelong habit of winning women over with crude flirtations (aided, undoubtedly, by the good looks and money) hard to break. Brienne just rolls her eyes again, her expression flat.
“Not interested,” she says. “Don’t make me regret this.”
She might. But she might not. He won’t know unless he stays. And, he thinks, he’ll stay at least long enough to learn to play The Rains of Castamere on the guitar, if only for the satisfaction of seeing his father’s face when he does. After that? Who can say.
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Adventures in Defying Gravity
It was not uncommon for the various clans to use their animal-afflicted individuals to their advantage.
The Yamanaka may have pride in their mental abilities but if the opportunity comes to use some brute force they won’t say no.The Aburame have an infamy for terrifying any intruders or enemies they come across and giving them a lifelong fear of anything that crawls.
With the Inuzuka you can’t tell where the jutsu ends and the animal begins,and vice versa.The Akimichi are surprisingly graceful and have some special dances that utilize their butterfly wings.
The Uchiha have been known to carry their comrades to safety or carry them for an aerial attack and wouldn’t be the last to admit dropping things or swooping down on their opponents.
But for some reason,that didn’t put Madara at ease.
The drop from the launching platform was considerable even if the person were a shinobi.There weren’t any mats put down like when he had been learning to fly only about a year or two ago - the feeling of desperately trying to keep the wings flapping strong only to lose balance and fall was not a memory he liked to dwell on.
Izuna,like their father,had not been born with the ability to grow feathers as Madara and one of their deceased brothers had.When it came to things like molting and lice he was clearly relieved but naturally felt jealous of being unable to fly.
Which is why they were in this situation now.
At first Madara had thought it was an exciting plan to carry his little brother for a short flight,a chance for some quality if not unconventional sibling bonding.
The doubts and fears had quickly started as they walked to the tower.The main one was that he was still building up flight muscles and wouldn’t be able to carry another person even if they were as small as Izuna.A close second was that he would lose his grip and cause his brother to plummet to the ground.
Actually,scratch that,now that was the most glaring fear.
“Anija,how long are you going to just stand there?”
Madara was brought back to the present and realize he had been staring off into space while he was imagining his brother crumpled on the ground like an abandoned origami project.
There were two choices before him:he could stop while he was ahead and tell Izuna that he would have to wait longer and suffer his grumpiness for a good long while,or he could dive in headfirst and hope for the love of Amaterasu that this wouldn’t go horribly wrong.
He started sprouting feathers.
When he had first started shifting it had itched something awful every time the feathers came in and would have to rub in some balm regularly to soothe the irritated skin.These days it just felt like something rough running down his body,like liquid sandpaper or something.
A beginner’s mistake that he had eventually grown out of was not uncovering the feet and legs and feeling very cramp and uncomfortable down there.
His toes fused together and stretched out as the nails curved into talons and the scaly skin spread upward and switch to black feathers about two-thirds of the way.Izuna tried not to flinch as the bones rearranged before his eyes.
Madara wasn’t really bothered about sleeves since they usually could just be rolled up but the sudden weight his shoulders and back had to carry was still uncomfortable.
Some feathers could be seen on his neck and the edges of his face and he could feel the clothes rubbing against the ones on his torso - he didn’t often bother to see what his body looked like without any clothes hiding it and he doubted that would change anytime soon.
Almost unconsciously he stretched his newly-taloned feet and did some grabbing motions while he rolled his shoulders and tried settling his wings properly.
Meanwhile Izuna was watching with bemused fascination.He didn’t often see his brother during the transformation process and hadn’t expected the surprisingly smooth transition,almost disappointed that there hadn’t been more bones cracking or visible pain.
Their eyes met,black against orange.
As a few moments passed they realized they hadn’t worked out how Madara was supposed to pick him up.
After some deliberation it was decided that Madara would take to the air first and circle back to snatch up a waiting Izuna,who would have to wait on the tower.
The boy moved back to the edge of the safety railing to give his anija space and waited.
It was slow work at first as Madara struggled to flap his wings into gaining momentum - it wasn’t easy lifting things bigger than your body,let alone two that were supposed to carry your weight.
Eventually he did the running start off the tiny runway and thanked the gods that he didn’t hesitate about jumping off like he used to.
He still lost some height as he struggled to keep his balance in addition to trying to rise up.Even though he had an impressive wingspan for his age he couldn’t glide or dive properly and his need to constantly flap was an obvious indicator of his inexperience.At least he wasn’t flapping like a deranged chicken anymore.
Izuna had seen enough birds flying to know that his brother was not as adept as he had first thought but told himself he couldn’t back out since it had been his idea in the first place.
He watched as his anija’s figure stayed on the open course that had been left for the flyers to have space on order to avoid hitting any of the buildings,which he could now appreciate wasn’t as much as he had first thought.
It took him a good ten minutes to settle into a good groove before he crowed for Izuna to get into place.Of course his brother couldn’t hear him but got the message anyway.
With much more trepidation than he originally had he moved to the centre of the platform and held out his arms,feeling very much like a mouse about to be snatched up.At least the earlier show had dampened any “deadly hunter from above” effect his anija would have had.
He may or may not have closed his eyes,not that it helped with the great hearing shinobi cultivated.
If he screamed it was lost to the wind,though with how tightly he was clenching his jaw he doubted there had been any sound that could have escaped.
The thing he had least expected to be a problem was his hair and yet it was impossible to ignore how the wind pulled at it.No wonder Madara’s looked like an animal had wrestled their way out of it constantly.
Speaking of Madara,he had never realized to take into consideration that Izuna couldn’t grow an extra eyelid to protect his very vulnerable eyeballs like he could.It was interesting the things you took for granted when you could turn into a giant crow.
Izuna also made this discovery when he tried opening his eyes and only got tears as a reward.
You may be thinking that since shinobi could run extremely fast they would be able to handle the winds in flight,yes?Well basically like how when they walk on water the chakra creates a minuscule bit of space between the water and feet, while using their chakra to move at high speeds their body naturally creates a sort of tiny chakra shield for their eyes like invisible goggles.It’s something shinobi gain quickly and don’t think about much afterwards.
Also,it was cold.
His legs were completely bare and had no feathers or scaly skin to protect it and he was uncomfortably aware of how the wind was lifting up his clothes and exposed his midsection to the elements.
Madara was too focused on keeping them up to notice his brother’s discomfort or that this whole thing was pointless since he couldn’t see what was going on anyway.
The adventure lasted maybe twenty minutes in mutual discomfort but both were too proud to give in early,or they were so distracted that they didn’t realize that they could stop.Either was viable.
Izuna had barely any warning before he felt his feet touching ground and Madara let him go.
If he hadn’t been thrown around before in training or battles he probably wouldn’t have been able to stop himself from stumbling to ground.He still wheeled his arms like a child’s first time on a balancing beam anyway.
His anija was very relieved to transform and land on the ground again,his arms still wanting to flap and his feet unusually stiff from having a death grip on his fragile cargo.
His hair was a mess but he had learned to live with it and just live with it until he had to brush it again.Izuna,however,had not and was resembling a windswept tangle of especially bushy bushes.
They were both tired,Izuna was still shaking from the cold and Madara was just relieved he hadn’t dropped his little brother and ended up an only child.
The kitchen was raided and extra blankets were added to futons.They would definitely not do this again in a hurry.
Until their father decided a weak later that it was time they started training for aerial attacks and had to continuously do it again for weeks.
At least Izuna learned to wear goggles and tie his hair down.
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finmaxfx · 4 years
Currency Trading: a Z Guide Detail by Detail for Novices
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FinmaxFX offers forex and CFD trading with award winning trading platforms, tight spreads, quality executions and 24 hour live support. Finmax is one of the leaders in the Forex market that unites traders all over the world. Finmaxfx provides its clients a the high-quality service and security, so important in the modern world. We offer multi-functional Metatrader platform, education and a huge variety of trading assets.
Strat with 5 unique Things 1) End up Smart 2) Learn, Know and Learn 3) the Trick 4) Trade sensibly 5) Maintain Carry on - Do Not Stop
On Final Notion This is a fascinating moment to invest in to currency trading for novices! It sounds you are a beginner and trying to find a much improved trading guide and also method not to to shed money again on currency and a guide to exchange in your favourite MT4/MT5 trading platform or anything you're using. If I am right about it and also you're interested to know about foreign basics, then you're a really wise guy who cares in exactly what exactly do matters. Anyways, you are no further talking let us start. Ou will wonder about forex should you not realize it's really a far larger than most of the stockmarket all around the globe. People deals , purchase bucks from this several guys - do transaction a few times occasionally plus they've their financial position better and improved using it. The Item in Actual Beginners Life However, the one truth is 95 percent of novices can not get straight back from their very initial few investment/deposit. It isn't wondering for me personally if you have stunned by looking over this. I could assure you, probably you've lost several bucks and started to search for the manner, the ideal means to commerce here. Well, here we proceed - 5 basics of Currency trading for beginners. I shall inform you everything exactly does thing for noobs just like you. However, if you are really trying to exchange forex and consented to hazard your dollars then continue reading .
1) End up Smart
Do not greed Wise guys hate being covetous. In case you found your self egotistical today, please be aware!! It never much easy! In case it then why your familiarity isn't known/trade here? Thus do not believe that it's too simple and you may catch a major level of cash from this. Many of hazard here, of course if you never contemplate it, then you're gonwont lose your own funding. Count your equilibrium Money counting forex You may earn 20 percent in maximum - whenever you are a normal dealer. The normal percentage is 10 percent of one trade. I-do 8 -- 1-2% based upon the financial industry. I know several guys who left 200 percent from several transactions. Were you aware? Subsequently what goes on - lost 300 percent on a single huge bulge. Regrettably they were covetous, and those guys do not enjoy forex today. Trading is really so much better! Show Patience and Maintain Calm Your Self While Trade Flake out if it's away You've to create yourself serene and eradicate the enthusiasm . A much I will say about you today, you are eager to hear from me personally. You will find quicker methods to catch cash from overseas. Do not despise mepersonally, there are not any means because of it. If a person told some thing similar to this, better eliminate him. It cann't mean that we want a great quantity of time for you and energy to master it. If you should be a quick student it's not going to require an excessive amount of time. But to begin with, you should end up gentle about that. Get ready together with at least three items -; I am not disappointed I affirm that the following move I understand well concerning both the money Marketplace
2) Learn, Know and Learn
Read forex and also learn forex Yes, learning is just really a have to know matters. You are certain to find yourself a couple tips in my next post about learning a facts. You have to have to understand why is candle motions. The way that it goes thaAAA-t high and overly ---------o down. There are various things to effect on Meta Trader's candlesticks/bars are works to it. Since you can imagine, economy/financial facets do matters matters. Do Not Complicate and Be Choosy About Learning I am not permitting you to explore economics at university today. Nevertheless, you have ta understand about a nation market. Inside my sentence - you need to simply take your attention US & EU market. Because maximum business/economical objects processed by those nations. And China is ample too. At some chain - you have ta understand about China, Japan, Russia, Great Britain, along with European states conditions. Notice here I did not mean to the market. You have kindly look into all those significant country's political stability, moves not to mention stockmarket trends. Elect to know that you're trading pair's various countries market and also their currency/bank/economic policy and also their behaviour relating to it. You have to keep your attention updated regarding financial conditions changing your choice made by authorities or needed a arrangement between other significant nations.
3) the Key of Learning
Talking secret a technique Have you any idea the money speed's fluctuations and drop unexpectedly or flew up? The precise reason is cryptic however, the best fact is monetary autocracy. Yeaha bank may choose which speed is that they truly have been trading set to now. The trick isn't shown yet, let us explain some thing before becoming about it. Common Compared to Maybe Not Being Shared Despite the fact that you set a commerce into a trading application, you're going for inch side between two. The majority people get it done too. But when the majority people on precisely exactly the exact identical side, the financial institution decides to produce their benefit. Guess then? They shift it out against majority trending therefore people folks are able to lose their bank and money, able to catch it. Therefore whenever you are at a frequent side in trading then you will shed money. No thing you purchase or sell, in case you should be in ordinary side - you are gont shed it. Whenever you get rid of money, you want to find out, the way to regain your lost money in forex currency trading. That is the component in currency trading that matter most.
4) Does your Trade Wisely
Sensibly do the job Demo Trading is Wonderful You could want some demonstration trading, also it is going to offer you trading period experience. First couple weeks - create experiments after a second and decide to make an effort to learn some thing with an alternative kind of experiments. I could say from potential every corner of this room and produce your own plan. If you triumph on demonstration trading afterward do not experiment too much friend, if you do this too much then probably you are wasting your own time. Have a judgment about Which Happens On Your Trade Keep your significant note I did not indicate it'd function as ultimate strategy, however it might possibly be a measure in your own journey to the sea of forex currency trading. After completing a commerce or perhaps even a couple of transactions - do not neglect to investigate the transaction and also you need to take decent note . However, -- care of one's things in market movements. What exactly was your thinking and everything you did and undoubtedly the thing that is the outcome? Create Efficient Chart Forex efficient graph Ordinarily, a Trading Software initially provides choices to personalize and also a better comprehension of the marketplace. Also many of plugins and tools available to spell out and make own strategy on your own. Opt for the efficient one for you personally and browse on their manual, documentation touse precisely all available functionality. In other hand - different sort of colours, shapesand elements will allow our brain an easy capturing capability therefore that it may help while we're actually gambling. Stop Loss and Take Profit Stop loss simply take benefit As I already told, becoming greedy is overly bad. Now I will create yet another warning relating to trading. You ought to make use of stop-loss whilst setting a brand fresh commerce. In the event you utilize SL also it induces your equity losing do not stress - that the theory simply did not do the job with your own moment. Later you may win if you've got sufficient experience. Do not Trade Real In case you are a Beginner Yeah, do not trade real with out a fantastic trading experience as effectively rather than realizing marketplace facts. Put simply Forex Fundamental Analysis - without even having capability with all the investigation you shouldn't exchange a demonstration trading.
5) Maintain Carry on - Do Not Stop
Keep carry on runDo Not Become a LoserOh, ho! Your theory did not get the job done? Can it happen ? Oh! That is a truly terrible thing. In cases like this, what you are gont do? I'll imply, do not stop to a neglect. The prover" collapse may be that the pillar of victory" isn't that unworthy. It is worth needless to say - in the event that you know as it's does. Are you aware what the key is? Have a Rest.Yeah, it is going to create your self serene so when a brand fresh beginning, your memory will soon likely probably be trendy. It may continue to work based on the purchase.Stepbystep Trading requires one to begin with out of principles. Can you really do it ? Otherwise don't waste your own time and effort in certain progress things. End your fundamental knowing then launch it . Make a streak of sequence before putting your transactions.Experiment frequently along with your own plan and remember on your excitements. In the event that you are doing it regularly you will end up a proficient dealer, since you realize - clinic makes you what.You will combine with some great forex forums to examine your trouble.As previously stated three things within a commerce -- in the event the thought did not do the job only compose the neglect note and attempt to explain the reason why?The devil is banks plus also you also ought to earn a separate practice in this circumstance.Learn How to Take Threats Obviously, you wont exchange demos for that very existence. After a excellent successful experimentation -- you may possibly want commerce real. In the event you opt therefore -- then you are going for a danger. You ought to be conscious you are losing money, and also losing risk is really for profiting. Is not? Without risk, there isn't any enterprise. Thus, be prepared to just get a probability.On Final Notion Do not allow the enemy provide up you. Some times - it might explain to you that chances are against you in the event you should be about the phase subsequently have a rest but perhaps maybe not for quite a while. Get straight back with an awesome mind and commence to explore why this happens, as said - take notes and put in on your own plan or produce a fresh one. Simply do not give this up, that really is greatly crucial.I inquired prior to a transaction is knowledge. Atleast fundamental knowledge is required for trading. Thus, those are the 5 must-do Know things special guide for Forex beginners. Hope that it helped you a small bit. In case it can help then why don't share it with the others and allow them to understand it? Share utilizing bellow share tools someone got some fantastic help! Love!!
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himluv · 5 years
Love Birds
Belatedly, day 7 of 14 Days of Dragon Age Lovers. I hope you enjoy it!
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This was ridiculous. She was a grown woman, not some lovestruck teenager. The idea of her… well, whatever Solas was to her, coming to her quarters shouldn’t make her stomach all aflutter. And yet, here she was, nervously fawning over her room to make sure it was clean and tidy before he saw it.
Even though they were just going to make a mess of it anyway.
The knock on her bedroom door startled Riallan, and she had to remind herself not to skip down the stairs. She opened the door to reveal Solas in his leggings and the sleeveless undershirt he wore beneath his tunic. His arms were full of paint supplies.
“Oh!” She said. “Let me help you.” She took a handful of brushes and a jar of paint as she held the door for him.
“Thank you, Ria.”
She climbed the stairs after him, nearly colliding with him as he’d paused at the top. He stared at the bare expanse of stone over her canopy bed.
He glanced down at her. “You’re right. It needs a mural.” He continued into her room, depositing the paints on her desk. “The question is, what would you like?”
She’d thought a lot about what should decorate her quarters. All over Skyhold Dalish banners and flags proclaimed her allegiance, her origins, and hopefully her future. The throne told of her power, a reminder of the magic that coursed through he veins. But nothing spoke of who she was in this moment. Of the world as she saw it each morning. Of who she’d become.
“I have an idea,” she said and led him to the hidden ladder that led up to the little alcove above her bed. It took a couple trips to get all their supplies up there, but once they did she told him her plan and he smiled.
“Perfect.” He opened a jar full of black paint, the smell sharp and acrid. Nothing like the bright, clean scent of plaster in the rotunda. “A simpler design is best for learning.”
He handed her a thick brush, and suddenly she was so nervous. She didn’t know how to paint, and her drawings as a child were crude, even if Deshanna loved them. She was not an artist, but Solas was. She would only mess up whatever beautiful thing he set out to create.
“I don’t know what to do,” she said, the brush hanging in the air between them.
“I know, vhenan.” He smiled. “That’s why I am going to teach you.” He picked out a similar brush and dipped it in the paint, slowly scraping the excess off on the edges of the jar.
“What if I’m bad at it?”
He snorted. “You will be,” he said. “All beginners are. That is the nature of art.” He settled his gaze on her, and Riallan felt flushed and soothed all at once. “All that matters, if you truly wish to create, is that you do not give up.”
“Well, I’m nothing if not stubborn,” she said, and dipped her brush into the black paint.
“So I noticed.” He smirked and put his brush to the stone.
Riallan watched him, analyzed the motion of his wrist and how his fingers cradled the brush. He went slow, conscious of her eyes on him, but kept his eyes on his work as she struggled to imitate him. How did he hold the brush so easily? It was as if it was all his hands had ever known, the tool a natural extension of his arm. His strokes were bold and confident, easy and assured. She would never be able to emulate his broad swathes of color.
But once she pressed bristles to stone all her anxiety melted away. The scratch of the horse hair on the stone, the way it vibrated up through her fingers, was so satisfying. It focused her mind and fascinated her attention as her ever-seeking curiosity catalogued the new information.
“Good, vhenan,” Solas said. He leaned closer to her, his hand taking hers and guiding it up the wall in a long stroke. “Like this.” His breath on her neck made her shiver and they both went still.
A moment, a heartbeat, a breath. The pause felt longer, but Solas didn’t move, didn’t release her hand.
“You’re blushing,” he said.
Which of course only made her blush worse. She’d made no secret of her desire for him; she was ready whenever he decided he was. But the waiting was slowly killing her. And now he was in her quarters, his hand warm on hers, his breath on her neck and a flash of heat ignited deep in her belly. All she could think of was that her bed was so close.
She cleared her throat. “You were saying?”
He gave her a knowing smile, but said nothing more about her obvious state. Solas showed her a few different techniques, his chest pressed to her back as he guided her hand. And then his mouth pressed to her neck.
Riallan stiffened against him before tilting her head back to rest on his shoulder. She bit her lip and tried to stifle the moan building low in her throat. Perhaps if she was quiet he wouldn’t think to stop.
“You’re making a mess, vhenan,” he said, his lips brushing the sensitive skin just behind her ear.
Sure enough, the brush dangled from her fingers, black paint dripping onto the floor of the loft. His chuckle in her ear ignited something in her, something frustrated and playful and daring. Before she could overthink it, or talk herself out of it, Riallan took the brush and pushed it into his face, leaving a black streak of paint down his cheek.
Solas blinked at her, stunned. She laughed but the sound trailed off when she saw the mischievous glint in his eyes.
She brandished her brush in defense. “Don’t.”
He dipped two fingers into the jar of black paint as a slow grin claimed his face. He was suddenly predatory, his eyes consuming her every move with the heat of his gaze. She was riveted by the sight of him, playful and yet so hungry for her.
It made her an easy target.
She shrieked as cold paint flicked onto her face and he laughed, a rich sound she still marveled at. His laughter was so rare, she cherished every instance.
And so the game was on, and they smeared paint over the floor, wall, and each other until they laughed and shouted themselves breathless. Until she’d thrown herself at him and proclaimed herself the winner because she ended up on top.
Solas cupped her face in both hands, the black paint everywhere, and kissed her.
“So much for the mural,” she said when they broke apart.
He glanced at the wall, then looked back at her, his thumb tracing her lip. “We will simply have to work on it another day.”
She hummed her approval of the idea as she dipped down to kiss him again. She was happy for any excuse to bring him to her room, even one so flimsy as painting a mural.
Though, explaining the mess would be difficult. But that was a worry for later. For now she would happily be distracted by his kisses.
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