#eat shit Simon
lemonwrap · 3 months
I love dog metaphors and motifs, and I want a brainwashed Soap AU where, after a while, Soap genuinely sees himself as a dog.
When Makarov first gets his hands on Soap, Soap has his dignity, pride, and mind fully intact, and he fights. Soap fights hard, and he fights well, but months of harsh conditioning that stretch into years will break anybody. 
After a while, Soap no longer believes that he’s a real human, let alone a person. He’s an animal, a creature, a dog that must obey, because what else is there to do?
He was a bad dog at first, growling and biting until he was muzzled and beaten into submission, but he eventually learned that it was easier to just obey his master. Makarov was his master. He was cruel and choked Soap with the leash he had wrapped around his throat, but he was a master nonetheless, and dogs obey their masters. 
And then the 141 recovers Soap, years after they thought he was dead and gone. They held a funeral for him, and although they never quite stopped grieving, life must go on. 
Ghost is the most affected when they get Soap back. He frantically fumbles at the straps keeping the muzzle attached to Soap’s face, yanks the muzzle off, and throws it to the side, cupping Soap’s cheeks and repeating Johnny, Johnny, Johnny. But Soap doesn’t remember Ghost, and he doesn’t know what he did to make this man start crying as he crushes Soap in his arms or how to make it stop. He grovels and tries to put the muzzle back on as a show of obedience and good will, but the man gets increasingly upset. Soap just doesn’t understand. 
When Soap realizes Makarov is dead, he sees it as a transfer of ownership.
Days, weeks, months pass. Ghost reintroduces himself to Soap and keeps trying to talk to him like they’re equals, like Soap is a human too, but Soap doesn’t remember, and he doesn’t get it. He tries his hardest to please Ghost by obeying how his former master trained him, but he’s bewildered when Ghost doesn’t react favorably like he’d hoped. It simply doesn’t click in Soap’s head when Ghost repeatedly tells him that he’s still a person.
Soap thinks the world of Ghost, though, despite the man’s confusing orders. He refuses to muzzle or restrain Soap in any way, and he gives Soap things he’s never had before, like a soft place to sleep, food that isn’t bland, and physical contact that doesn’t hurt. Soap has to learn his new master’s preferences—but that’s okay, because Ghost is a good master. Ghost is kind and loves Soap, and all Soap wants to do is be good for him, no matter what.
Every dog needs a master, after all, and Ghost is all Soap could ever hope for. 
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ashtrayangell · 23 days
yeah yeah grumpy x sunshine is good, but you know what makes it even better? when the narrative gradually forces them into reversing roles.
when character A is gentle and patient with character B as if they're seeing to a wounded animal, being a constant source of light and comfort until eventually B begins to learn how to open up, to soften, to find their faith in humanity again that they'd lost due to trauma, all because of how much love and affection that A's shown them. But then as the story goes on they have to watch as the world pushes character A further and further, begins to steal some of the light that B's cherished so much, begins to beat them down in a way that A can't just smile and shrug their way out of anymore. A, who's always been so unrelentingly positive, beginning to break and lash out in ways they never have before. B wanting to help them so desperately, wanting to make it better because it's what A deserves, but things are so complicated and all B can do is try to hold them through it, to hold onto the hope that A gave them that things will get better. and A too tired to try and give themselves the sort of compassion and encouragement they've given so willingly to everyone else. B trying to be that light for them, to pull them out, but ultimately only pushing A further away. B, who's been hurt so many times over it feels inevitable, is proven right once again by the one person they trust more than anyone. A seeing the worry and hurt in B's face and feeling so guilty but unable to pull themselves out. both of them still loving each other so much but neither of them knowing if their love will survive to the other side of this. just !!! UGH
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iifishizzleii · 7 months
hot take, very opinionated, might offend the masses but-
fics where the cod men wait until reader is 18 to fuck them is NOT cute🥰
fics that highlight the reader’s soft, small, hairless, and (quite literally) child-like figure in contrast to the cod men is NOT cute🥰
fics that only describe skinny white girls who are just so ‘fragile and feminine’ is NOT cute🥰
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natelia-aldelliz · 2 years
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Just before the Chicago mission
Imagine that after the mission, Soap holds Ghost in his arms and whispers reassurance in his ear, tells him that he's alive thanks to him, repeating that he's fine, until he realises that he is in fact not fine and starts crying silently, all the fear and emotions catching up all at once, and Ghost straightens up as soon as he notices and presses Soap's face in his neck, holding him tightly against him for as long as Soap needs
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angellake · 13 days
thinking of unicorn!reader meeting knight!ghost for the first time and im getting dizzy and and and and
( MDNI - stalking, description of corpses, ghost is a creep ❤️, non-con drugging, implied kidnapping, implied ghost/gaz/soap )
you're walking through the trees, fresh snow and frozen foliage crunching under hoof. icicles hanging from tree branches and scattering sunbeams below. its quiet and you're alone. peaceful.
you think, at least. not knowing what stalks you through the forest. a giant of a man on a mission. somehow silent despite the heavy armor he wears as he follow close behind you.
disregarding the perilous terrain, this is the easiest quest price has ever sent ghost on. you're far different than he'd expected. your body similar to that of a satyr, upper half dusted in fur yet human-like and nude. lower half covered in the same silky fur and legs ending in well cared for hooves. a long, curly tail swaying in the slight breeze. sparkling horn of bone sprouting from your forehead and a pair of fuzzy ears further back. he understands price's impulse to have you. a pretty thing to look at and keep.
it helps that you're seemingly oblivious to his presence, careless and at ease in your surroundings. he imagines it's due to years of isolation and your natural disposition. unicorns are said to be creatures of innocence.
it seems to be true, he thinks, watching you leisurely stop in front of a bush heavy with berries despite the season.
he stops short, only a couple of steps behind you. exhaling heavy as he watches you bend over, exposing the soft space between your thighs only briefly before your tail settles. soft hands plucking the red fruit from the branches. juices staining your fingers like blood.
watching you lick your fingertips clean does nothing to cool the fire in his blood. price's orders, the only thing stopping him from pinning your soft form to the frigid forest floor, ring heavy in his head. the words keeping him pinned in place. he flexes his hands, the chilly metal of his armor grounding.
it's only then, when you turn, that you notice him for the first time. eyes going wide and a small sound of surprise escaping you, turning into mist in the air. your ears flick backwards, pressed against your head.
it startles you, the creature wearing metal behind you. you've never seen one standing and free of nature's grasp. you only know of them to house the corpses of something. unfamiliar with the creatures feeding the trees with their rotting bodies. shiny metal wrapped in ivy and crawling with insects. smelling of rotting meat.
it strikes you that growing up isolated might have its downsides.
all you can do is stand there, nervously eyeing the behemoth before you. figure blocking the sun and casting a shadow. for once, you struggle figuring out if something means you harm. so used to dealing with animals, things forthcoming in their violence.
but it just stands there, silent and imposing. looking back at you. harmless, you conclude. not knowing better as you take a curious step towards it, quickly closing the distance. your tail dragging in the snow behind you.
( much to ghost's surprise. he thought you'd have enough sense to be at least wary. )
it's much taller than you expected, whatever it is. you have to crane your head back to look up into it's face. it smells like wet soil, something freshly buried. you wonder if it's pretty under the thing on its head. the last few corpses you'd come across in the same attire had bloated, rubbery skin and bulging eyes. some had been skeletal. you grimace at the memories.
you really hope it's pretty under there.
ghost, for once, is confused. watching you stand on the tips of your hooves, steadying yourself by placing your hands on his breastplate. your nose twitching as you peer up into the darkness of his helmet hiding his eyes.
he doesn't stop you when you reach for his helmet, forcing his head to tilt to the side. you're gentle. gentler than soap had been the first time ghost allowed him to lift the visor of his armet. but your hands roam him all the same. quickly busying yourself with feeling the joints of his armor and running your nails over the engraved textures.
ghost finally moves when you begin pulling at the leather straps of his satchel, catching your wrists in one hand. his sudden movement scares you.
the thing moves when you begin pulling at the leather pouch at its hip, grabbing both of your wrists in its massive hand. panic flares to life in your chest, forcing a neigh-like sound out of you as you struggle for a moment. calming down when you realize all it's done is stop you from touching its belongings.
you scowl at it. stingy.
it must sense your irritation with it because it makes a sound like it's amused with you. it only sours your mood and makes you stomp your hooves. at least, until you notice its free hand moving, opening the pouch you'd just been messing with.
your curiosity overpowers your aggravation as you watch it pull a clear bottle out. the liquid inside shiny and light yellow like the winter sun. you don't expect the bottle to be pushed into your hands and uncorked. it smells sweet and warm, like waking up from a nap in the sun. fur warmed and belly full of food.
without hesitation, trusting, you take a sip. it makes your tongue tingle and warms your throat. slightly thicker than water. you can't help but drink more of it, you've never had something so sweet before. besides the fermented fruit you found in a broken wagon one summer.
you make it halfway through the bottle before you start to feel odd. limbs suddenly heavy and unsteady. wobbling in place as you struggle to keep your eyes open. you don't even grasp what's happening as everything fades to black and you go limp.
it's easy to bundle you up and toss you over his shoulder after you drink the potion ghost's boys worked so hard on. he's proud of them and can't wait to show them the pretty thing they helped bring home.
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robiinurheart33 · 6 months
Soap being jealous of roach? (TW for slight panic attack(?), intrusive thoughts and gore) - angst no comfort
Everyone knows how hard soap feels. He loves with his whole being; he loves with shoulder pats, confident and casual small talk, tiny gestures that mean the world to the people around him.
What everyone probably does not know is that soap feels hard for every single emotion. Anger is simple enough to see: steadfast disobedience at clear orders, growling at choices he doesn’t agree with, bubbling up in his throat to explode sometimes in the form of a punch.
Empathy is one of the things soap chooses to push down at times - it’s hard to do what he does if he thinks about the people involved too hard. Every opportunity he allows himself to connect emotionally with the people around him; he does.
Jealousy however; isn’t a foreign emotion to him. Contrary to what people may see on surface level, soap is not positive. He can laugh and smile, but he can just as easily shout and sneer. Soap isn’t proud of this, and he despises feeling this way almost every single day. There is a reason he’s so friendly all the time - the constant and very real fear of being replaced. He has to leave his mark, he has to be remembered. When he dies, what will he show for it? Will people remember him? Will people miss him? Will people even care?
So when this…roach shows up, how exactly is he supposed to react? He tries really hard; he really really does, but he knows it’s all futile in the end. Soap can handle him having inside jokes with Price and Gaz, Price looking at him exactly like how he sees all of 141, with pride and a trusting gaze. Soap quietly seethes. Gaz has inside jokes with roach, clapping him on the back and giving him a noogie, like roach is his little brother. Soap bites the inside of his cheek and it explodes with a stinging metal taste. But he cannot help the sickening jealousy that finally bursts in his head when he sees the soft crinkle of ghost’s eye when roach smiles at him.
What a fuckin’ cockroach.
He blinks, looking away quickly to take a sip of his beer, the lights in the bar suddenly too bright, the non-stop chattering suddenly too loud; and everything is crashing down at once. Everything is wrong. This is just wrong. He pushes it down though, smiles just the right way, laughs just in the right pitch. He couldn’t resist resting an elbow on ghost’s shoulder though, placing it there like a signal. See? He allows me to do this. Only me. I’m closer to him than you are.
Only when ghost finishes his bourbon, he picks up roach’s drink and takes a sip. Soap’s eyes widen slightly, only conveying a tiny ass fraction of the pure surprise that explodes in his body, locking him rigid. He glances between Price and Gaz, acting as if this is completely normal. Even when Ghost gives off an approving hum, placing down the glass with a small thunk, the sound echoing through soap’s mind. Even when roach acts like that was nothing. Even when they don’t notice soap hasn’t contributed in the conversation as much as he usually does. Even when- even when- even-
Soap takes the biggest gulp of air he can take discreetly, blowing it out into his cup as he takes another fuckin sip. Just like Ghost did with Roach’s glass.
He stands up, not patting Ghost’s shoulder as he tells them he needs to take a piss. He doesn’t look at any of them. He physically can’t. Every time he blinks he sees himself punching roach in the face, ripping the mask off and stuffing it down his throat. He sees himself breaking a beer bottle in half, slicing his neck cleanly and watching the blood steadily pour out. He sees himself sobbing at the table, begging to know that he isn’t a replacement to roach. He sees himself banging his head against the table until his brain matter slides off and falls onto the ground. He-
Soap dunks his head under the tap, taking in heaps of air until he’s borderline hyperventilating, trying to not get lost in his own head. He knows it isn’t roach’s fault. He’s been great company he’s the fucking worst and everything he’s feeling is the culmination of his own insecurity. But fuck, if that doesn’t just piss him off even more. Knowing there isn’t an actual reason to hate roach. He groans, slamming the edge of his palm to his forehead repeatedly to try and clear his brain.
Soap wants to rip this ugly feeling out of his chest, he wants to be normal. He needs to be normal. Soap wants to grab the black tar that gathers in his throat and chest, cleanse himself of everything. Soap wants to rip his hair out. Soap wants to know that he is safe. Soap wants to scratch his skin raw. Soap wants to bleed until he cannot feel anymore. Soap wants-
Soap looks up from the sink as the bathroom door opens. Speak of the god damned devil. Roach and Soap make eye contact with each other, an awkward silence filling the air for a few seconds before
“Hey man.”
Roach shuffles a bit awkwardly to the sink, filling the silence with the sound of running water as soap dries his face. Just as he was about to turn and walk out the door, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Soap’s tense muscles somehow locked even more as he turned towards roach, hoping his facial expression wasn’t saying I hope you die in a ditch somewhere.
Sorry if tonight was awkward. I know how disorienting it can be to meet new people out of the blue. Especially since I used to be part of 141 and stuff… Roach’s hands falter and he wrings his hands nervously, as if not knowing what to say. Soap just stares at him. And…you seem like a really nice person. I would wanna get to know you better, if that’s okay with you? Roach looks at him with hesitation and Soap does. Not. Move. He probably took a lot longer than usual to reply, to even move or change his facial expression, but once his mind truly absorbs the words,
“Of course. Any friend of 141 is a friend of mine.” Soap automatically pats roach on the back and gives him an all teeth smile. Crinkles at the eyes. Warm look. Roach relaxes instantly, clapping him on the bicep.
Idiot. It’s probably a good thing no one else really knows how he feels.
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backwzzds · 9 months
need a hug from simon riley rn
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moo-savr · 4 months
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drugs if it was cool
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Happy Sunday everyone! I’m quite shocked we’re 3/4 of the way through April. Where did this month go? On the other hand, it’s getting warmer and summer is around the corner, so bring it on!
I’ve got a snippet from Back and Back and Back, my time travel AU fic. Chapters 1 and 2 are written and half of 3 and 4 as well. It might be a while before I post, though, because I kind of want to have it all or mostly written first. It’s been a long time since I’ve written something not connected to a fest or event, so its nice having the luxury of time for this one. Here’s a bit of six year old Baz with his Dragon Man friend from Chapter 1 again:
“Jammie Dodgers? How’d you know those were my favorites?”
I smile proudly, even though I didn’t know that, but his bright smile and playful tone relaxes me.
“Would you like some?” I ask, stepping forward and holding the biscuits up to him.
“Thanks, Baz,” he says, reaching to take one and then wandering over to a fallen log to sit.
“It’s Basil,” I correct, following him over and sitting next to him on the log. He kicks his long legs out, crossing them at the ankle. I try to copy him and frown at how short my legs look compared to his. “Nobody calls me Baz.”
“Right, sorry,” he says, shaking his head with a smirk on his lips. “Keep forgetting.”
Tags/thank yous/hellos @whatevertheweather @bookish-bogwitch @cutestkilla @artsyunderstudy @emeryhall @aristocratic-otter @whogaveyoupermission @ileadacharmedlife @ivelovedhimthroughworse @monbons @noblecorgi @mooncello @wellbelesbian @prettygoododds @best--dress @roomwithanopenfire @facewithoutheart @run-for-chamo-miles @that-disabled-princess @forabeatofadrum @rimeswithpurple @thewholelemon @blackberrysummerblog @hushed-chorus @iamamythologicalcreature @valeffelees @orange-peony @youarenevertooold @shrekgogurt @ic3-que3n @angelsfalling16 @raenestee @brilla-brilla-estrellita @alexalexinii @arthurkko @supercutedinosaurs @beastmonstertitan
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theydonthavenames · 6 months
We will be fine 😌
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Today I bring you the "Paul losing his fertility" gifset.
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
Alejandro, injured during a mission: Look, Ghost, I'm not getting out of this one, you need to convince Rudy to leave me behind Ghost: *glances over to Rodolfo who is glaring at him* Look, I don't fear anyone. But, I have a healthy respect for the sanctity of life. That is, the sanctity of my life. That man was going to blow Soap's neck out. Soap's head is giant and an easy target, no, he wanted his neck. You ever get shot in the neck? That's a slow and painful death. I knew that, you knew that, I am confident Rodolfo knows that. When we got to that safehouse, he had plans and everything made. They went perfectly. The only adjustment he had to make was to allow Soap and I to tag along. Do you know how excited he was to blow up his own base? So, look, I don't fear anyone. I certainly don't fear him. But, him chasing me for the rest of my life is inconvenient and in the interest of spending what little bit of my life I hopefully have left not ducking, diving, and evading Hispanic Keannu Reaves, I'm gonna do the intelligent thing and just say no.
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roychewtoy · 1 year
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#nathan being impaled on that tetanus inducing loose steel pipe. tho tetanus is the least of his worries on account of. well u know 🕳#nathan can be a body horror fans best friend if u let him into ur heart. living human crash dummy#i really cant believe he gets impaled. twice.#hole moment!#love turning nathans immortality round in my head. but healing factor....?#thinkin today about how the video game guy tim threatens to cut one of them in half with a chainsaw and simon is like:#[😐nathan u obviously have to volunteer]#but what woulda actually happened if that followed through [probably why it didnt lol]#would the others have had to drag each severed bit of him back to the community centre and let his guts re fuse#fucking hold him together with gaffer tape and plasters. cause i doubt he coulda regrown a whole half#his 'healing factor' only comes into play when he dies. fresh canvas etch a sketch reboot and all that. hes not fuckin wolverine#all the deaths r: impaled on fence. impaled on pipe. beaten to death. blows his own brains out. falls and snaps his neck#but chainsaw... ? one can ponder. fingers to head i can imagine anything image#readin his wiki rn 'his body will never get sick. rot. age. or truly grow old'#may not get sick but he can still shit his guts out. hashtag oblivious lactose intolerant king hashtag milk drinker#forever the worlds most annoying twenty yr old#and then the wiki goes 'the user does not need to eat drink or breathe' ....hello#ive rotated him not aging any further cause it lines up with the whole stuck in his ways. never changing [kelly voice: its just who u are]#but eatin and drinking and breathing??? we know he still experiences hunger [<-kebab]#and he dunks his head in a bucket of water when hes testin for powers with simon. gaspin for air afterwards right#firm believer in the. he suffocated to death several times in the coffin before they dug him up#oh waaait. is it stating this like. he doesnt need foodwaterair. cause it doesnt matter if he dies.. ohhhhhh..... Oh..😃#staring at nathan sleeping in the community centre surviving on bags of crisps from the vendies so hard i burn holes through my monitor#this got away from me. uh. living crash dummy. oil pastel guts and water colour jumpsuit yessir#having fun doin art. expect more hole art. sorryfor putting this in the misfits tag hehe. not really#gore#blood#misfits#my art#chewtoy
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sketchyfandomgirl · 11 months
Ghost eats a lot. He has to if he wants to keep his huge physique and the demand of being able to carry almost a hundred pounds of gear at minimum and have the strength to fight his foes with the precise speed he canonically has in hand to hand as well as running as fast as fcking Captain America??
We have seen this man run through that forest in that one video??? Iykyk.
Yeah, I’m sorry to say but that man is PACKING away food like a damn horse. There’s no way that man starves himself. That’s a motherfucker who has the appetite to compete with a fucking Hobbit. He’s got a special diet of five meals per day💀
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frootsnak · 1 year
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tonight's doodles… SIMON‼️‼️‼️ I drew the pose sketch first but then realised I should figure out how to actually draw him first
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boxofthings · 11 months
My dumbass accidentally deleted the ask, but someone was asking for some GhostRoach hcs and how they'd show affection/spend their free time together so here are some that I have:
Mentioned in one of my fics but I hc that Roach just leaves sticky notes everywhere, and this is because I believe in mute!Roach. He does this usually when he's not in a rush to say something to someone, more like leaving lil notes around base for teammates to find (some "good mornings" or small reminders, or stupid doodles, etc)
If they're on missions, he still carries around a pad of stickies, just to doodle or scribble quick notes when he's bored or when missions are going slow. I feel like he's the type to just slap em onto people to get their attention. And he def has passed these stickies to Ghost with the most serious body language & expression, making Ghost think the note is something important, and he'll just look down and it'll be the worst joke he's ever heard of written down (either that or a really crude drawing of Ghost or anyone/thing from their surroundings lol)
Another hc I have (I think this was also in my fic idk for sure) is that Ghost will read to Roach, or at least read out loud when the two are alone. Sometimes it's either Roach sat/laid down close to Ghost, contentedly listening to Ghost's rumbling voice. Or, it'll be more casual, like they both happen to be in the same room, Roach is maybe writing in his journal or cleaning his equipment, and Ghost will just start reading aloud to fill the silence. It's something that I feel like becomes routine, like if Ghost is reading and Roach is near, then he'll just subconsciously start reading out loud :)
Affection-wise, I don't think these two would be a very PDA couple, but also because their relationship would actually be prohibited in the military due to their difference in ranks. So even tho they aren't touchy feely, I def do think they show affection through small actions, esp considering that they have to be subtle. I think these two would have a thing for each others' hands. Usually before every mission, when they're about to be deployed or when they're en route to dangerous territory, at least one of them will subconsciously fiddle with the other person's hands. Kind of like a nervous tick, they'll just slowly reach out for the other person.
If they're about to get sent on a dangerous mission or if they're about to be separated, they'll definitely show more affection either through more prominent touches, or softly spoken reassurances. They’ll probably sit just a lil closer to each other, and at least one of them will def appear more glued to the other person’s side. I think Ghost would be the one to pull Roach aside and whisper a tender "be safe" and I think Roach would place his hand on his heart and then point to Ghost as a way of saying "my heart is with you." Just a quick soft moment between the two in case it's the last time they ever see each other again.
Behind closed doors, they're definitely more outward about their love, I mostly think when they're alone they'll just lie together, usually with Ghost having an arm around Roach. Sometimes Roach might teasingly poke around/caress Ghost's face since it's the only time he'll get to see it, and Ghost will just stare at him exasperated (but lovingly). And this is usually when they'll talk about what ifs or any lingering fears they've been having recently. Maybe Roach will talk about the two living on a farm together, or maybe Ghost will suggest bringing Roach out on a proper date one day.
I do have more! But this is getting quite long so lmk if y'all are interested in hearing the others cuz I got some angsty ones too lmao
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