#eating out in the canary islands
wintergrofyuri · 3 months
"(blank) hates laios!" WRONG WRONG WRONG. SHUT THE FUCK UP
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shuro is just as awkward as laios and it is made So clear he considers him a friend and likes him. he defends him when the canaries start talking shit and actively readies himself to physically fight them so they dont get to him.
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namari also likes laios. she respects him as a leader and also defends him and readies to fight the canaries.
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ive not actually seen anyone claim izutsumi hates laios, but a lot of ppl Are weird abt them. izutsumi and laios' relationship was rocky at the beginning. he struggled to figure out how to interact with her. but by the end, she actively seeks him out to talk with during the lead up to the feast. she hides behind him when falin wakes up. she has already realized shecan do what she wants and does not need to stick around, yet she does. she sleeps near him on the windowsill, waiting with him and marcille for falin to wake up. she has accepted him as part of her life and wants to keep him in it.
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marcille does not hate laios. let me say this again.
Marcille Donato Does Not Hate Laios Touden.
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marcille Loves him. in a platonic, familial sense. laios returns this just as readily. she yells at him. she whacks him. she tells him whats on her mind. she uses healing magic to ease his pain during the parasite fiasco. she reattaches his leg when he loses it. she teaches him magic. she lays her head on his corpse and cries before reviving him. she launches herself at him two times, when the canaries interrogate them and when he talks her down in the tower. he is a comforting presence to her. she trusts him, she cares about him, she worries about him, she imagines him as a big fluffy dog that loves and protects her. laios is her rock when falin is taken from them time and time again. and she tries to be his as well. she whole-heartedly, unconditionally, loves and trusts laios.
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chilchuck does not hate laios. laios pays him his rates, no questions asked. laios trusts and respects chilchuck's job as a lockpick. laios does not see him as a child (at least, i cant think of an instance where he does so). chilchuck states, outright, he sees him as a friend and doesnt want to see him hurt. he actively worries about him as the falin situation gets worse. chilchuck respects laios. he shows almost 0 hesitation in helping get falin back, nor eating her by the end. he does not think of leaving him once, until he realizes he could lose him. chilchuck is cowardly with emotions and prefers to bottle things, so his first instinct was to bolt. he was angry because he was scared of watching someone he cares about destroy himself. laios is his Friend.
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and holy shit. holy Fucking shit. kabru DOES NOT hate laios. kabru has the rockiest start known to man with him, and he Still helps him by occupying the canaries. he warns him about them. he hides the black magic from them just as shuro does. his whole Thing is trusting laios despite himself. kabru has his own baggage regarding other people, just like laios, yet he tries so hard to believe and trust this man. he Wants to. kabru is not very hopeful, but laios makes him Want to be. he states like 3 times he wants to be close to him and sees him as a friend. he stays through the entire feast!! the man who hates monsters, whose biggest trigger is monsters, actively, consciously, Willingly stayed through the entire monster meat feast. all to help his friend get his sister back. he could've left!! the feast was like an entire week!! yet he was there for every single day. he was one of the closest people to the door when falin awoke!! after reuniting with her brother, her friends, the people who knew her the most (plus senshi and izutsumi), the first person she greets is kabru!! he wants to be close to laios, he likes laios, laios is his friend and he cares for him, he wants to meet his sister!!! kabru fucking stays on the island with him as one of his closest, most trusted advisors when he becomes king!!!!! he wants to help him succeed!!!! he wants him to be happy!!!! laios is his friend!!!!!!!!
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im just. people like laios!! laios is a nice guy! he is friendly and cares about people! he is weird, he doesn't understand most social cues, he oversteps boundaries, but they stay beside him, because they like him and he is their friend. he is their friend!!!!! friendship is not all sunshine and rainbows, relationships in general are not sunshine and rainbows. you will upset people, people will upset you, you will get into arguments, things will happen, but at the end of the day, the people close to you like you! they love you! they care for you! they want to work it out and get through it because they love you, but they will feel those emotions first! human relationships are complex and messy and life is complicated. even shows for toddlers know this.
if you truly believe any of these characters hate laios you are worse than a toddler. watch some fucking oobi or something. god. fuck.
take this
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kerubimcrepin · 3 months
Liveblog: Wakfu Season 2 (episodes 13-16)
Episode 13 - The Night of the Thirsters
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Proof Amalia and Joris are not close friends number 829342345: if she knew the alcohol he drinks and what he considers "a clean environment to live in" she'd get scared.
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WoT twitter would kill Amalia.
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I know it's more likely that both alcoholic and non-alcoholic bamboo milk exists, but the thought of everyone being a-ok with Yugo underage drinking makes me giggle for some reason. Ruel would fucking do that.
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Are your villains 1. indestructible, 2. want to consume something that could theoretically fix them, 3. in the process, inflict a fate worse than death upon their victim, who 4. becomes one of them?
...Necromes were a missed opportunity. Shoulda called them Wakfu Thirsters instead.
Episode 14 - The Voice Thief
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It's always sad to see the way the world has been devastated by Ogrest's Chaos.
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FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...This says:
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Her singing is so cute!
She is now fully bamboo milk-pilled. GOOD.
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New Krosmoz music lore: We already know that vinyls and their players exist, as well as the fact that rock music exists (due to the fact that The Blues of a Hypermage (parody of the IRL song The Blues of a Buisinessman) exists).
Now we have the confirmation that metal bands are real.
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Also, electric guitars are also real.
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Mics are also real. (I am totally not noting all of this down because I want to write a "Joris, Kerubim, and Atcham go to karaoke" scene in one of my fics in the future, nuh-uh...)
Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! eyes pop out AROOOOOOOOGA! jaw drops tongue rolls out WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF.
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It's very rare to see, within the show, characters who differ from their usual class skin and hair colours, which is a shame. (I am 99% sure this is an iop due to his clothes and his hair pointing upwards)
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Text behind Eva: rien ne sert de payer il faut en fuir / there is no point in paying, you have to run away
Text behind Amalia is too shielded to transcribe fully.
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This is written in Brakmarian. It says:
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This means that, metal music is stereotypically a Brakmarian form of music (big news: spoon found in kitchen)
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I usually don't point this sort of stuff out but, man, this tavern is really well off. Not only is there a lot of food, there are also huge hot baths...
Also, once again, canalization and running water are real in this setting.
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I choose to believe that this bubble thing is the Krosmoz equivalent of vaping because it's funny.
[blushing] Would!
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Jpop is real in this setting, and someday, I will be able to prove to you, that Joris is a fan of it, using some proof besides "well ecaflips are kind of japanese-coded sometimes" and "it just makes sense."
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Good rooms in taverns like these not only have hot baths but also fruit, candles, and drinks... [starts writing down "Joris, Kerubim and Atcham go to an expensive tavern and start talking about some convoluted topic, with vivid descriptions of delicious fruit-eating, how good the wine is, and how soft the bubbles in the bath are" in my fic self-indulgent scene ideas document. I can live my vacation fantasies vicariously through those three men]
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Of course metal music from Brakmar is about the fact that the apocalypse caused inflation and that it's Good.
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This says:
m al
Episode 15 - Wabbit Island
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Hhh she is a very good artist.
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[guy who is insane voice] This means that if I ever want to use the expression "canary in a coalmine" in a fic it'll be "tofu in a coalmine" instead.
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The word Sayonara exists in Krosmoz which implies that some sort of fantasy Japanese is real. Big win.
Episode 16 - The Cursed Fountain
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While I usually talk a lot about character parallels between Yugo and Joris (these men who had to grow up far too fast will someday commit acts which no human being can be forgiven for in the name of goodness—-) there is a lot to be said about parallels betwen Eva and Joris.
They're both artistic, kind people who try to appear logic-driven (and sadly, they are both basically the wranglers/babysitters of their entire adventuring groups).
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kaihuntrr · 1 year
The Sea Prince; Hunting Party announcement!
okay maybe this isn’t the oneshot I promised but it’s gonna be good I promise-
SO! As of recent, I finished up the revised outline to The Sea Prince’s act one, named Hunting Party! The plot has a lot more going on and I’m in love with this story so much more. This means sooner or later the prologue will come out! As soon as it does, we’ll come to the next important thing;
Beta readers!
Preferably, I’d want three! I have one already, so two more would be great!
What do beta readers do?
They help give feedback and act as a sort of test audience! I’ll need it with all the things packed into this storyline ehehe. There’s a lot in store! I’d want to make sure I’m giving off the right impression with my writing and the like.
I will give the summary of The Sea Prince (and Act One!) under the cut, and as a treat, here is a doodle I’ve made of Act Two Scott and Martyn, they get little changes in their designs <3
There’s one doodle under the cut that has blood (it isn’t red, but blood is blood!) so here’s your warning for it!
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In a world full of deadly, man-eating sea monsters there are specialized teams of people who’s job and legacy is to eradicate the horrors of the deep. Monster hunters, hunters for short, are funded by guilds to personal employers to seek out the dangerous beasts and let the sea live in a peaceful, monster-free environment for the animals and humans to thrive.
A notorious hunter group, the Canaries, are led by brothers Joel and Grian Solidarity and are personally funded by His Royal Majesty as one of the best hunters the kingdom has to offer. Such luxuries give them the access to powerful weapons and a rivalry with the best naval commanders, known as TIES. These two groups are summoned to a meeting as the King sends them on their most daring commission yet; find and capture a sea prince.
Sea Princes are, by nature, mythological. They don’t exist. They’re hunter stories meant to scare children and keep the population from wanting to explore the seas, if not for the very real monsters that infest the waters. Capturing one, not to mention proving they exist would be a challenge. This is the King they were working under though, and if he says to find a sea prince and capture it, they’ll do it. Besides, if they were able to, they would be put down in the history books.
Martyn always believed they existed. A child born from hunters, stories about their bloody past and murderous rage haunts and excites him. From the god-like treasure they hide underneath the waves to the feuding war against the mermaids, he’s made it his goal to kill a sea prince. It’s what he wants the most after all.
Well. There was also Scott.
Scott Major is a beautiful man who works in a tavern, never in his life has he been out to sea. Martyn swears to him that once his life goal is complete, he’ll stay. The call of the sea is somehow always there, as if it was right in front of him. Martyn risks his life every single moment he boards the ship, but he always comes back in one piece. He has to.
He can’t risk losing Scott too.
Being sent on a mission to capture a sea prince, the Canaries and TIES form a bet; whoever finds evidence of a prince first can lead the mission. Agreeing under pride, they set out. Martyn has his heart set on fulfilling his dream, but it doesn’t look like Scott is too thrilled with the idea. He’ll understand.
What the hunters don’t know is that their goal charters out of their control and they are forced to seek refuge on an island everyone believes to be cursed. The Scarlet Witch haunts the isle, and every hunting ship that enters will never exit.
They’ll be the first to prove that wrong.
Elements/ general themes the story will contain;
- Nightmares
- Sea horror (monsters attacking ships, fear of the ocean, those types of things)
- fights and injuries (they bleed!)
- character death
- slow burn. really slow burn but a lot of flirting and sweet moments between the two
- worldbuilding
- found family
- there’s likely more to which I’ll add unto!
This story has become a very big passion of mine and I’d love to be able to tell this with the most clarity and enjoyment I can provide! If you’re interested in becoming a beta, I’d like you to comment under the post or reblog it to why you’d want to beta read it and the like :D it’s not a first come first serve basis and it will be open until I finish the prologue, which is in about a week or two from now. Goodluck in applying! I and @mewhoismyself are going to look through what you guys got, but no pressure, seriously! <3
With the beta readers and synopsis out of the way, here’s some sneak peeks to the next batch of designs along with some sketches I made for Act One! I wonder if you can figure out the context behind those words ;)
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Just some minor changes with Martyn and Scott! Scott’s hair is more red tinted and darker so he’s more ginger, while Martyn is more clean-shaven! Maybe he has some stubble the next time I sketch him, but he looks more youthful here! I also realize that these are all the winners, but it does make sense with how important they are to the story :0!
Now, unto the designs! Can you guess who’s who?
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Super excited to finish this batch and work on their lore; I’ll finish this before the prologue!
And that’s all i got for now, I hope you’re all just as excited as I am as the project gets to come to life after all these months. Act One is coming soon!
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i9messi · 2 years
Angry babe — Pedri Gonzalez
Pedri is grumpy because of his recent injury. Lucky him, you've just made some cookies and you're ready to cheer him up.
word count - 876
pedri's masterlist
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“Hey. Please look at me? You did so well during the match, I’m so proud of you.” "Stop, let me alone."
Pedri didn’t want to talk about anything lately. After several visits from doctors and kinesiologists, they recognized what Pedri had. An injury. As a result, he would miss at least a month of matches and training. Pedri loved football and having to leave everything to fate was horrible. Barça could without him, he knew that himself, but could he without football?
His parents had gone to visit him that morning and you had taken the opportunity to go to the market for some things. You didn’t like to leave your boyfriend alone in that mood, so you stayed in his apartment until you could be sure he could handle himself. Now you had everything to make some sweet recipe, something that might cheer him up.
"Love, would you prefer cookies or an apple pie?"
There was no response coming from him.
You walked up to the room you shared and you saw him lying there, watching TV. He continued with an angry face, as much as his parents had tried to motivate him. Nothing seemed to be useful. An injury was not the end of his career, however Pedri acted as if it was all over for him.
"Cookies or apple pie?"
"I'm not hungry."
Your boyfriend was a great liar. He loved sweet food, and even though he was discouraged, the lie was noticed. Pedri loved the cookies you made for him. As much as he had a sporty life, where he had to take care of his meals, he always made room for your home cooking.
"Apple pie will be, then."
You started turning around when Pedri called you.
"Wait, I prefer cookies."
With a smile on your face, you returned to the kitchen and began to measure the sugar, flour and other items you needed for your recipe. You played some background music and as the cookies were baking, you approached the room where Pedri was. His gaze was on the television but you were absolutely sure he wasn’t really watching the movie.
"Let's talk, Pedri."
"I don’t want to talk."
"You know an injury isn’t the end of the world, right? You’ll be better, you’ll recover and play even better than before."
"You don’t know that."
You let out a sigh and stayed in the kitchen. Once the cookies were ready, you went into the room and sat on the bed.
"What are we seeing?"
Pedri took some time to respond, "Die hard 2, I think."
You whispered a confirmation and you saw his profile, Pedri was still watching TV and he wasn’t looking at you. Angry and in a bad mood, you were still in love with that boy from the Canary Islands who dedicated his goals to you. It was weird to see him in that mood, because even after a bad game he kept smiling. His injury was the cause of his resounding mood change and you hated it too. You wanted Pedri's good mood back, you wanted him happy.
"Eat up, babe."
"I don’t want cookies."
"Pedro González, enough with your attitude. I’m trying to help you."
Pedri stopped pretending he was watching TV and finally met your gaze. He sighed and took his hands to his head.
"I’m not some helpless little boy who needs your attention."
"You’re acting like a child, Pedri. Eat a little and you’ll be better. Sugar cures any evil."
"Cookies won’t cure my injury."
That was right, but anyways, cookies would cheer him up a little. There was nothing any of you could do at the time to make things better, the injury was already there.
"I was just trying to do something nice for you. Besides, your negativism won’t cure your injury either."
"Do you always have to be so damn optimistic?
"Come on, you must be angry!
He sighed, and you grabbed a cookie, trying to put it in his mouth. Pedri took it out of your hands, looking at me like you were really bothering him.
"You won’t stop this until I say 'yes', will you?"
"Eat, Pepi. They’ll make you feel better."
Pedri put a cookie in his mouth. It didn’t take him five minutes to get one and another. He liked them. You kissed him on the cheek and let more kisses in his pretty face. With each one of your kisses and the home cooking, he was starting to take the tension out of his body. Little by little, your boyfriend was beginning to regain good mood, you could tell.
"See? I told you they were good and would cheer you up."
Pedri smiled, embarrassed.
"You know I love you, right?" He looked you in the eye.
"I know, even if you’re angry, You’re not gonna get rid of me that easily."
"I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said earlier, I never imagined getting injured right now. I don’t want to stop playing and that makes me angry."
"Everything will be fine, love. We’ll get through this together."
The two cuddled together and with each kiss, Pedri felt less tense. Besides cookies, the only recipe Pedri needed in his life was you. Just you.
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fishenjoyer1 · 3 months
Fish of the Day
Today's fish of the day is the blacktip shark! Requested by @isrusin
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The blacktip shark, scientific name Carcharhinus limbatus, is a common coastal shark. Coming from the Carcharhinidae family, this makes these sharks "requiem sharks"  relating them to many other sharks in a similar area. Found worldwide in the tropic and subtropic, this shark has multiple populations spread across the pacific and atlantic coasts, the mediterranean sea, Canary islands, Galapagos islands, and Indian ocean. This shark is in water less than 30 meters of depth (about 100 feet of depth) along the continental shelf, they prefer to live along areas with murky waters, island lagoons, coral reef drop offs, and murky bays. They will also tolerate low salinities, being found on occasion within estuaries and swamps. This species is known to migrate seasonally moving north in the summers, and south in the winters to be in their prefered temperatures.
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Similar to many others within the Carcharhinidae family visually, the black tip shark can be identified by the black tips along the pectoral, pelvic, doral, and caudal fins. One of the behaviours that gets these sharks mixed up with their relatives is spinning. Like the spinner shark, the blacktip shark is known to complete a corkscrew motion, launching itself out of the water as fast as 21ft/second. THe shark, once above water, will then rotate along the axis 3-4 times before landing. It is thought that this behavior is used to dislodge sharksuckers. Another behavior of blacktip sharks, is an agnostic display, which is a response to when threatened or challenged. The blacktip responds by swimming toward its competitor, rolling side to side and making sideways biting motions.
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Similar to other requiem sharks, the blacktip shark can get as large as 9.2 feet maximum, but are usually only around 5 feet in length. The diet of the shark is made primarily of fish, and they will eat any fish they can catch within their range. IN addition to the fish, they will also eat other sharks, crustaceans, and cephalopods. Hunting occurs at the busiest times underwater, dusk and dawn, and although they do not always do this, blacktips will form feeding frenzies when large amounts of food are available.  On the other side of the coin, the blacktip shark has no known predators as adults, but they do have several small crustacean parasites, which infest the gills.
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The life of the blacktip sharks begins in swamps. The blacktip shark is known for having one ovary and two uteri, only one of which is used at a time, and sharks will get pregnant every other year after reaching sexual maturity. During the early summer or late spring blacktip sharks breed, and a total of 4-7 pups will then gestate for about a year, before being born in shallow coastal swamps, only 22-24 inches in length. These swamps are referred to as nurseries, and this is where the juveniles will spend the first months of their life, until early winter when they will migrate south.When older, these sharks will return to these same nurseries to have their children.  Sexual maturation is then reached in these sharks at 4-5 years in male sharks and 7-8 years in female sharks with a total lifespan of 12 years on average, with the longest surviving blacktip living to 15 years.
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Have a wonderful day, everyone!
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saccharineomens · 5 months
I wrote another excerpt from my fic!
During the feast at the end of the manga, Marcille re-connects with Fionil and Doni. Some secrets about Fionil are about to come to light, however… (1.6k words)
Stuffed. Stuffed was the only word that came to Marcille’s mind right then. She’d been eating as much as she could since she woke up that morning, taking bites in-between helping Senshi prepare vegetables and stock for soups until she was fit to burst. It had been taking real effort to keep up the momentum, but she wasn’t about to slack off just when they were making real progress with eating the Chimera. Was this plan to revive Falin going to work? Marcille didn’t even know. But the food was good, and the company was great, and even if it didn’t work, even if Falin didn’t come back…Marcille didn’t regret one second of it. 
The weather had held steady all week, making it much easier to do all the cooking and feasting and merry-making. If Marcille closed her eyes and imagined some tents selling wares, this would almost feel like a festival. As it was, people as far away as the southern coast of the island had made their way here to partake in the free food and the celebration, and some bards had set up and started busking for loose change and a warm meal, and Marcille couldn’t remember a time things felt so joyous. Her steps felt light even as she strolled around taking in the sights of happy guests and drunk revelers. 
A blue cloak and a flash of blonde hair passed her, and Marcille spun with the excitement of recognition. “Ah!” she exclaimed in surprise. “You’re those adventurers we met on the second floor!”
The girl had her hood pulled far over her face, but the young man at her left gave a reassuring nod before at smiling apologetically at Marcille. “Yes, I was attacked by the basilisk.” He proudly held up a bowl of stew. “Doing our part to help Laios out.”
Marcille grinned. “Doni, right? And Fionil?”
“Shh, please,” Fionil whispered, eyes darting around, and she held a finger up to her lips. “Let’s speak elsewhere.”
Marcille didn’t understand her timidity, but she had no reason to suspect any ill will from the two fledgling adventurers. With a shrug, she trailed behind Fionil’s hurried escape as they left the crowd.
[continued under the cut!]
The two of them led her to the very edge of the clearing near a thick grove of evergreens, needle-heavy branches brushing the ground like a curtain of privacy. There was no table to speak of, but Fionil knelt on some dead leaves and placed her bowl on her lap. It was some of the pulled and roasted meat, simmered with vegetables. The soup had been pretty tasty, but a little bland, in Marcille’s opinion. Senshi hadn’t directly overseen that dish, so it hadn’t had his special touch.
Doni sat cross-legged next to Fionil and offered her a napkin, which she accepted with down-cast eyes.
“Are you…hiding from someone?” Marcille asked. She looked over her shoulder, but there was no obvious sign that anyone was paying them attention at all.
Fionil sighed. “Yes.” She pushed her hood back, finally, glancing up at Marcille with mournful blue eyes. 
“Oh, I never noticed,” Marcille said softly, a hand coming up to her mouth in shock.  “When we helped you with the basilisk, we were so busy preparing the medicine…” She trailed off. “You’re a half-elf.”
Fionil looked back at her lap. “I am,” she said solemnly. “I’m hiding from the Canaries.”
“The Canaries? What would the Canaries want with you?” After all, it’s not like Fionil had been performing highly illegal ancient magic. Unless she was. Such a shy and unassuming elf performing bold and advanced magic yet almost dying to a basilisk was a pretty hilarious image.
Fionil didn’t respond right away, chewing her lip, and Doni put a hand over her arm. “It’s okay, Fionil. We can trust Marcille.” He raised his head. “She was a spy for the Canaries.”
Marcille was as agape as Fionil.
“Well, it’s not true any longer, is it?” Doni said, smiling. “You haven’t done anything wrong.”
“But you…you’re so…” Fionil’s cheeks got pinker, and her eyes filled with tears. “Oh, I still can’t believe you don’t hate me!”
Marcille raised her hands to slow them. “Wait, wait. A spy? How exactly were you a spy??” She was so….’easily defeated’, was a kind way of putting it. Her being some sneaky, cunning shadow didn’t fit.
Fionil looked away again, brow pinched with anxiety. “I’m from the Central North Continent, yes. But I wasn’t a Canary. Mixed-bloods aren’t allowed. Not that I wanted to join them.”
The girl fidgeted with her skirt, causing her bowl to rock dangerously, and Doni moved it to the solid ground. Fionil’s mouth quirked a small smile, and her posture relaxed some. “I’m just a mage the Canaries hired to report on the city outside of the Dungeon. They paid me to inform them if they needed to intervene.” Her head snapped up suddenly, eyes wide. “But I didn’t tell them to come here! I swear! I haven’t sent them correspondence in months!”
Doni’s other hand went to cover Fionil’s, and Marcille watched as he gave it a gentle squeeze. Despite her questions and alarm, Marcille couldn’t help how the sweet gesture tugged at her heartstrings. “Take a breath. Tell her what you told me.”
Fionil sniffed and rubbed at her eyes, her cheeks all the redder with Doni’s touch. “When I met Doni…” She cast a furtive glance toward him and gave a watery smile. “He was so curious about the Dungeon. He didn’t want riches. He didn’t see the Dungeon as a source of all evil, like the elves did. It was the adventure that called to him. He told me how he’d grown up in a small world, and how he’d wanted to see it with his own eyes.” She put her other hand over Doni’s, a tear slipping down her cheek as hope entered her voice. “I started avoiding the Canaries. I didn’t want to go home again. The Western Continent isn’t home to me, anymore, my home is here. With Doni.” She looked back at Marcille, pleading. “And with Laios, and the kingdom he wants to create…I want to see it. I don’t want anything to do with the Canaries ever again.”
As romantic as this whole story was, Marcille remained cautious. Everything with the Canaries had turned out alright so far, since the Queen hadn’t ordered any immediate war on the way, but Fionil’s loyalty was still under question. “Don’t you have family back home? Friends?”
“My mother passed, and my father is distant,” Fionil sniffed, rubbing her tears away with the palm of her hand. “I never could get close to anyone, as a half-elf…to the elves, I’m an inferior race, and to the humans, I’m a proud elf.”
Just that one sentence struck Marcille like a bolt of lightning. She saw herself reflected in Fionil, like a mirror. No one her age to befriend, only her parents to spend time with. And at the academy, every gnome and human student was decades younger than her. Even Falin…
“I know how you feel,” Marcille said emphatically, springing forward to take Fionil’s hands, and Fionil startled at her intensity. “I grew up here in the East, among humans, but it was the same for me.” Well, at least she didn’t have elves looking down upon her like Fionil did. But her father, and the court her mother worked at, it was all tall-men. Dwarves were rare, and she hadn’t seen a half-foot until coming to the island. The empty hills and her mother’s garden were the most comforting friends to her.
Fionil blinked at Marcille, jaw dropped. Her face was an open book, she’d clearly never been trained for politics or espionage. The Canaries had probably picked her because she was so much more unassuming than someone as straight-laced and professional as Pattadol.
Marcille grinned and squeezed Fionil’s hands. “It’s okay, Fionil. I’ll make sure nothing happens to you. The Canaries don’t like me much, either.”
Doni laughed and shook her shoulder. “Isn’t that wonderful? I told you Marcille would understand!” He picked up Fionil’s bowl and held it out to her, and she pulled her hands from Marcille’s to take it with a shy thank you.
The kind concern Doni showed Fionil was unbelievably sweet, especially since he was so young. Was he younger than Falin? But the attention he showed Fionil felt more akin to something Marcille’s father did to comfort her mother when she was upset…
“Are you two…together?” Marcille asked, tilting her head.  Hadn’t they had a full party of adventurers with them when Marcille last saw them in the dungeon? There was no sign of them now, but Doni and Fionil were still glued at the hip.
“What?!” Fionil flushed deeply, and even Doni looked a little more sheepish as he scratched at the back of his neck and shuffled aside to give them some distance. “I don’t— I mean— W-what made you think that?!”
Not yet then. Marcille waved a dismissive hand and smiled placatingly. “Oh, it’s nothing! I was just jumping to conclusions.” Maybe they would figure it out, someday. Fionil must be quite young, then, too. First love? That was *soooo* cute. Already the gears were turning in Marcille’s head to see if she could encourage them to admit their feelings for each other…
“It was great to see you both again,” Marcille said, holding out a hand for a shake. “I should get back to cooking, but I look forward to seeing you again soon.” It wasn’t clear if she and Fionil would become best friends, but it would be nice indeed to have another half-elf around to talk to. 
They both reached for her hand at the same time, blushed, and Doni retracted his while Fionil took Marcille’s. There was a small smile on her face, and even with her eyes reddened from crying, her smile was strong enough to outshine the sun. “A pleasure to meet you again, Marcille. Visit me any time you please.”
Oh, Marcille had plans to.
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theroseceleste · 3 months
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Pilot Miguel - Part 12 - Romantic Getaway
Miguel steals you away to the Canary Islands, specifically to Tenerife. What sort of adventures will you share together?
Word count - 3697
Minors DNI
Contains : Mentions of sex, nothing too graphic. Mostly fluff and perhaps a moment of confrontation.
AND - Yes, the photos included are from my trip there. My husband and I took these pictures.
AND- Yes, the spectacle that happened at the end did in fact happen. Probably one of the most amazing things I've seen in my life.
Enjoy! xx
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
If you enjoy this fic, please consider liking, commenting or re-blogging. Many thanks xx
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The summer sun beats down on Playa Paraiso, a south-western part of Tenerife. A large island owned by Spain off of the west coast of Africa. It is just one of seven of the Canary Islands.
You feel like you’re back in paradise with Miguel; you have a sea view from your balcony and palm trees littering the beautiful hotel gardens.
The food is amazing, there’s always a wide variety and the main restaurant has a different theme each night. Peter would be in absolute heaven if he was here, you consider letting him know this place exists.
There’s three swimming pools, tennis courts, an archery range, a large play area for children, a couple of bars, three restaurants, a spa, a pool table and ping pong table too. All spread out over the vast hotel grounds.
Of course Miguel booked an executive room, which is spacious and nicely decorated. You would have been happy having a cheaper room but your boyfriend enjoys the finer things especially when you’re concerned.
When you’re not out and about in the hotel’s public areas, you’re in your room, being fucked by Miguel. You kind of lose your first couple of days of your holiday to mainly sex as you try to get over jet lag - not the worst way to spend time, let’s be honest…
He has taken you in every part of your room. You have a bedroom, living room area and bathroom. If there is a surface he can fuck you on, he’ll use it.
There’s not a time in your life before meeting Miguel that you can recall having so much sex. Never in your life have you met anyone like Miguel too. His strength and stamina blows your mind and so do the orgasms he gives you.
It’s safe to say, you’ll never be satisfied with another man. The way he fills you, the attention he gives you. No sexual request is too much to ask or too taxing on him. He’ll eat you out, suckle on your breasts, fill you with his fingers or rock-hard shaft; he’d even play with your ass if you asked him - but you’re not quite brave enough to go there yet.
You adore his passionate face as he makes love to you, his eyebrows knitting together and slanting downwards as if he’s lost in the moment, pleading with you to let him keep going, desperately promising you more pleasure that he’s sure to deliver on. All the while, you lay underneath him, legs wide apart and taking him exquisitely deep inside.
During the times between passionate lovemaking, there’s the wholesome moments too where you cradle his handsome head against your chest as he rests on you in bed.
Long, tanned fingers dance over your breasts and stomach as he watches your sensitive buds and goosebumps rise to his delicate touch. He fails to resist latching onto one of your erect nipples and sucking on it tenderly as his hand slides down to between your legs as if it has a mind of its own. Starting the heated intimacy all over again.
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“I’ve booked us an excursion,” Miguel announces over breakfast before taking a gulp of slightly cooled coffee.
You both eat outside as the warmth of the morning sun embraces your skin.
“Oh? Where are we going?” you ask just before you bite into your sweet pastry.
Tiny finches flit about the dining area. Occasionally, you feel the brush of their wings against your legs as they fly under your table, picking up crumbs of food from the white tiled floor.
“You’ll need something warm to wear because we’re going up Mount Teide this evening.” (Teide rhymes with Lady - if you want to know how to pronounce it)
Miguel gets his phone out to read an email containing the information of the excursion he booked.
“It’ll be a coach tour, but we'll be taken to the observatories up there to watch the sunset, with a glass of champagne in hand.”
You listen intently, watching him smile as he looks exceedingly pleased with himself for booking this for the both of you.
“Aww, that sounds very romantic,” you comment, thinking that is all the excursion consists of.
“That’s not all, chiquita,” he pauses before reading the next bit.
“We’ll be taken to a restaurant up there and be served dinner. Then, once it’s totally dark, we’ll be stargazing.”
Now you know why he said you needed warm clothing. Mountains can get considerably colder than the rest of the land below, especially at night. You won’t freeze at this time of year, but it might not be comfortable.
The trip sounds incredible and romantic. It’ll be nice to get out of the hotel, and going on this excursion sounds perfect.
“I can’t wait to go. Thank you for booking it.”
You flash him an excited smile. This is sure a precious day you’ll commit to your memory and reminisce over in years to come.
“I expect you’ve seen the night sky a lot haven’t you?” you ask Miguel before taking a sip of your orange juice.
He puts his phone down on the table and picks up his cup of coffee again.
“Quite a bit of it, yes,” he replies before taking another gulp.
“What things have you seen up there?”
Your eyes look up at the sky as you ask him, while leaning against the table with your elbows, supporting your head with your hands.
Miguel thinks for a moment to remember what he’s witnessed.
“Plenty of Aurora Borealis or northern lights - whatever you want to call them. And I’ve flown over countless thunderstorms - I’ve even seen sprites.”
He flashes a charming smile as if he knows this will spur an interesting conversation.
“Sprites?” you ask, raising an eyebrow, these are things you’ve never heard of.
An image of a creature from some fantastical world where fairies exist pops into your mind, but surely he doesn’t mean that…
“I don’t know the science behind them,” he begins as he places his empty coffee cup back down on the table.
“They’re largely not very well understood, but they appear high over the top of thunder clouds. Some sort of red electrical discharge up in the earth’s atmosphere. They’re quite beautiful, but surprising to see for the first time. I had no idea they existed before I started flying at higher altitudes.”
You find his flying stories fascinating, but you feel like he’s pulling your leg with this story.
“Oh - whatever,” you reply with a smirk, “are you kidding?”
“I’m not! I swear. Here, I’ll find a video of one, give me a sec...”
Miguel picks up his phone again, but before he can open up Google, his phone buzzes in his hand. A text message from Xina…
“Where are you? You’ve not been home for a few days.”
You notice Miguel’s expression fall when he sees what’s on his screen.
“You okay, Miguel?” you ask as you wonder what he’s seen that’s upset him.
“Uhh, it’s nothing. Just some irritating mail I have to respond to, I’ll find a video in a moment.”
Your lips press into a thin line. He’s lying. You’ve noticed over the last couple of weeks that something has been bothering him.
His thumbs tap against his phone-screen as he types a message back to Xina while he endeavours to keep his cool.
“Over three-thousand miles away from you and having a great time.”
He puts his phone in Do Not Disturb mode and looks for the video to prove the existence of sprites.
Sure enough, they do in fact exist, and they’re stunning - just rare to witness and hard to see with the naked eye. From what you can see in the video, they look like red columns of light with thin tree roots sprouting below them. You consider Miguel lucky to have seen this phenomenon.
The Captain leaves his phone on Do Not Disturb. The silence that follows is bliss - no more irritating buzzes dampening his fun with you.
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Sitting at the back of the coach, Miguel stretches his long legs out down the middle. The poor guy has to bend to walk all the way to the back. You’re happy to get the window seat as he sits beside you.
Thankfully the coach isn’t full during the trip and other passengers are situated more towards the front, allowing you to have private conversations without being overheard as the bus weaves its way up the volcano.
A low layer of cloud is now below you, lapping against the slopes of the mountain like a foamy sea. You slide your phone out of your pocket to take a picture of the breath-taking view.
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“That’s a great picture,” Miguel compliments you as he leans over, instantly warming you up.
His closeness gives you the opportunity to sneak a kiss, pressing your lips against his cheek. You feel his arms wrap around you, making sure you can’t escape. He needs more of your affection. Soft giggles fill the back of the bus as he nuzzles into you and plants a few tender kisses of his own against your lips and around your beautiful face.
The coach takes what feels like the hundredth turn on the road that snakes its way up the volcano. All you can see for the next few minutes is rock and yellowing grass. It’s clear this part of Tenerife doesn’t get much in the way of wetter weather.
You lean against his chest, as he rests his head against yours, you both sit in silence for a little while, until you decide to confront him about the business with his phone.
“So, are you going to tell me what’s really been going on?”
Miguel’s body stiffens slightly at your question and his arms tighten momentarily. A gentle nuzzle against your head indicates he’s uncomfortable, or feeling unsure about what to say.
“What do you mean?” he asks, but it’s a feeble attempt to pretend to not know what you’re talking about.
“Something’s bothering you on your phone, what is it?”
You re-adjust your head position so you can look up at him while your fingers run over the soft material of his shirt.
He pulls you closer and nuzzles against you more firmly.
“I don’t want to ruin the great time we’re having, baby.”
His hand caresses your cheek before he gives you a soft kiss on your forehead.
“Please tell me.”
Your pleading breaks his resolve. It’s not fair that he’s keeping this from you, but he worries about the impact it will have on you. Eventually he pulls away after steeling himself to admit what’s been happening.
“Remember Xina? The woman who tried to visit the other week?”
You cast your mind back to the mid-length, black haired woman who was standing at his penthouse door when you opened it.
“Yeah?” you reply, raising a curious eyebrow.
The coach’s engine revs louder for a moment as it powers on up a slightly steeper incline.
“She’s my ex-wife.”
Miguel’s voice is quiet, full of concern as to what you’re going to make of this bit of news.
A booming-like feeling thuds in your chest as your heart skips a beat. Your hand takes his, squeezing his fingers slightly.
“What’s she doing visiting you?”
He shrugs and runs his fingers through his hair.
“Trust me, I’m just as surprised as you are. She’s been texting me since that evening, but I’ve been pushing her back every time.”
“Pushing her back? Why? What’s she been saying?” you ask as your eyebrows knit together with growing concern.
Your worried expression breaks Miguel’s heart. If only you know just how upset Xina’s unexpected interference is making him.
“She claims she wants me back, but sweetheart, you have to understand I do not want that.”
He raises your hand to his lips and delivers a tender kiss to your knuckles.
“She had her chance with me - she had it all, but she rejected it. I have the tendency to never revisit old relationships, no matter how important they were to me at the time.”
Miguel then reaches for his phone.
“For complete transparency, look at the messages so you can see that I have no interest.”
You nearly back out of looking at his phone. For some reason, hearing that Xina is pursuing Miguel again hurts you more than you thought it might. The blood in your veins runs cold as he opens up the conversation, but he hesitates as another text comes in. One that he received earlier but the Do Not Disturb feature silenced it.
“Are you with her?”
The text simply reads, however you can’t help but detect the venom behind the last word.
He shows you the whole conversation starting from the night she knocked on his door. You notice Miguel’s attitude towards her in his texts are blunt and to the point. There’s no way his responses could be misconstrued. He’s not interested and that’s that. End of story.
“She hurt me a great deal when she no longer wanted to cooperate with me in keeping our marriage alive. It’s dead in the water now, and there’s no way I’m going to waste my time reviving it on a whim.”
You believe him; the sincerity in his eyes is compelling. You may have only been seeing him for a couple of months but that time has been well spent being up close and personal, getting to know his character.
“I understand,” you tell him, putting on a smile; a brave face in which he notices immediately.
Miguel wraps his arms around you, desperate to reassure you.
“Tu eres todo lo que quiero. Nadie se compara contigo. Nadie importa más que tu.” (You are all that I want. No one else compares to you. No one else matters but you.)
Your recent Spanish lessons on an app on your phone hasn’t quite extended to the level in which he speaks. But you can tell his romantic mutterings are heartfelt as he squeezes you and strokes you with his strong, manly hands.
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Surrounded by several buildings belonging to the local observatory, standing tall at the crest of a hill on Mount Teide; you and Miguel clamber down from the coach. It’s quite comical seeing a six-foot-nine-inch man with broad shoulders descend the narrow aisle and steps.
The air is already slightly colder than it is closer to the sea. You suck in air through your teeth as a chilly breeze whips around you. The excursion leader hands a blanket to you and Miguel to wrap around you, before passing you a glass of champagne.
The sky is set alight in a blazing orange as the sun nears its time to vanish below the horizon, drawing another day to a close.
Standing atop the hill, Miguel places his arm around you as you cast your gazes to the west. The bright, orange orb burning brightly in the sky, gradually sinking lower, and lower.
Taking out your phone, you decide to capture the stunning moment that follows.
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The bubbly liquid brings a warmth to your insides while Miguel remains by you, holding you close.
“I meant what I said earlier, chiquita. No one else matters but you,” Miguel purrs in your ear.
A sweet smile grows across your face.
“So that’s what you said, huh?”
He chuckles at your response as he realises he said it in a language you didn’t understand.
“Sorry, chiquita. I guess I got carried away with the emotion of the conversation,” Miguel replies and whispers to you exactly what he said to you earlier, giving you further reassurance; making your heart flutter like a butterfly in the breeze.
As the golden disc kisses the horizon, Miguel draws you in closer to press his lips against yours. His blanket wraps around you snugly as well as himself while he has you pressed against his large, muscular frame.
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You and Miguel had a delicious meal in the restaurant. There was slight hesitation when he discovered that everyone on the excursion were to share tables, but once the ice was broken between your neighbours, the conversation flowed nicely, while Miguel sat and listened. Once again, he returned to his usual straight-faced demeanour however he toned down the intimidating expression so as to not weird out your fellow excursion companions…
Now, you both are the last to get off the coach as it’s parked up next to a vast plane of an old lava flow from the volcano.
Stars twinkle and planets gleam against the black canvas that is the sky. You don’t think you have ever seen so many stars. Your current location has much less light pollution than you do at home.
The atmosphere and scenery is enchanting. Feeling on top of the world with nothing but dazzling lights blinking millions of lightyears away. The landscape before you makes you feel you could be on a totally different planet.
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The tour guide begins his talk about the twinkling display above you. You learn about the differences between planets and stars. How the orbiting worlds in space shine constantly while the incomprehensibly large burning balls of gas sparkle in the night sky.
“There are eighty-eight constellations that can be seen all over the world, but only thirty-six can be seen in the northern hemisphere…” the tour guide starts to explain.
A sharp shiver shoots down your spine as the much cooler air chills you to the bone. You came prepared, but the cold still manages to seep through your multiple layers. In the dark, you hear a zip before feeling a large jacket wrapping around your shoulders.
The tall, dark figure beside you pulls you close, keeping you warm in his embrace as you both listen to the tour guide as he points out the Orion constellation.
Despite being surrounded by a handful of people, looking up into the black, glittering sky, you feel like the only two existing in that moment. You’re transfixed - hypnotised even, as you learn about things far bigger than you, or Miguel. Things even bigger than your planet and it boggles your mind finding out just how small you are in comparison, but that’s not a bad thing. It fascinates you and humbles you.
As the talk continues, you feel gentle kisses against your head and hair. Miguel gives the impression that he’s not exactly listening and is more interested in the attention he’s giving you. Maybe he already knows this stuff? You don’t put it past him.
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Back in the coach for the final time as it snakes its way back down Mount Teide, the passengers are quietly conversing with one another.
Looking out of the window, it is almost nothing but the purest of black, apart from the twinkling of golden lights in Playa de las Americas.
The fresh air and the large meal has made you sleepy and your eyelids feel heavier by the minute. That is until something suddenly catches your attention, making you startle and grab Miguel’s hand while your eyes remain fixed on the stunning object that comes into view.
A large entity burning in the earth’s atmosphere, rips across the dark sky. A flaming, orange tail streaks behind it as the front burns a brilliant, electric blue.
“What the hell?” you gasp in pure surprise, turning to face Miguel.
The thing in question disappears as quickly as it came, fizzling out into nothingness over what you assume is the Atlantic Ocean.
“That, (Y/N), was a meteorite.” (Yes this really did happen to me IRL)
Your jaw drops as you look back out of the window, picturing the spectacle in your mind's eye. What a beautiful sight, and simply the perfect ending to an amazing day. You try not to let what Miguel told you earlier affect you. The romantic day you have shared with him has certainly outshone the unpleasant discussion of Xina. And that meteorite will last in your memory until the end of your days.
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The last two weeks have flown by and you return home to your apartment. You’re exhausted, but you have a dreamy smile plastered on your face. Your holiday in Tenerife has been an unforgettable experience.
You both did some amazing things, creating many memories that you’ll cherish for the rest of your life. Dolphin spotting as the pair of you sat on a catamaran will be forever one of your favourites; watching the joyful creatures rushing alongside the boat, leaping out of the water as the warm sunlight glistens along their backs.
Another memory you’re fond of is when Miguel took you to Siam Park; the biggest water park in Tenerife. Your favourite moment is when the two of you canoodled in the deepest part of the wave pool that released a powerful wall of water every five minutes. The rise and fall of the water almost got the two of you carried away. The temptation to let him slip your bikini bottoms to the side and enter you was overwhelming at one point.
As you enter your home, you’re greeted by Ashley, fretting over a letter that she’s reading in the open plan kitchen. Her fingers run through her hair as her mind races.
Closing the door behind you after dragging the suitcase in, you look concerned at your friend as she reads a letter again.
“What’s up?” you ask as you approach your roommate, trying to peer at what she’s reading.
“I don’t know what we’re going to do.” Ashley’s voice cracks as he shakes her head, the paper in her hands shakes as her hands tremble.
“Ashley, you’re scaring me. What’s wrong?”
Eventually, her gaze rises up to meet yours, tears threaten to well up in her eyes.
“The landlord is pushing our rent up - we can only just afford it as it is (Y/N), I don’t know how we’re going to manage this…”
All of a sudden, the beautiful holiday is sucked out of your mind, lost in the dark vacuum of space as it’s replaced with thoughts about what’s going to happen about your little home that you’ve built with your best friend…
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I hope you enjoyed Part 12. Part 13 is currently out on early access on Patreon.
Next Chapter >
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Pairing:Kaldur'ahm x GN Reader
Description:you and kaldur have feelings for each other realizing how special the special you are to each other
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Look at the stars look how they shine for you and everything you do yeah,there were all yellow I came along I wrote a song for you and it was called yellow
You had joined the team awhile after Zatanna being very nervous and quiet for the first bit until Kaldur just slowly and calmly started talking to you and you opened up after an hour and a half of talking becoming friends immediately.
So then I took my turn what a thing to do and it was all yellow your skin,your skin and bones turn into something beautiful and you know,you know I love you so you know I love you so
You both realized you had feelings for each other when you went on a trip together to an island near Star City while on a break from doing missions and being full time heroes not only was the island a place you had wanted to go to for years but also it was an experience and chance for him to get more familiar with the world around and above underwater,while you were just laying in the sun and him swimming in the pool you noticed him looking at you but with a look as if he was zoned out or thinking so you stared but until you called out to him bringing him from his thoughts leaving you with a mix of feelings.
I swam across I jumped for you what a thing to do cause you were all yellow I drew a line I drew a line for you what a thing to do and it was all yellow
You were planting in your garden at your home when you saw a small blue puddle over a pot with a marigold turning to see kaldur watering the flower and noticing that he had watered the others you planted before smiling as you continue until you both went inside cleaning off and eating lunch laughing and joking looking to see that you had been holding hands with each other turning a shade of pink without thinking you placed a kiss on his forehead making him turn a bright shade of red quietly laughing at each other.
And your skin your skin and bones turn into something beautiful and you know for you I'd bleed myself dry for you I'd bleed myself dry
You found out from the team that kaldur had gotten injured and in medbay after you came back from helping black Canary with a threat in star city immediately going in and seeing kaldur with bandages wrapped around his waist and his hand taking him to your home for the night to make sure he was alright both of you just hanging out like normal until he gently put his hand on your face rubbing his thumb across your cheek whoever lead in first you didn't know but you both pulled each other into a passionate and neverending kiss.
It's true look how they shine for you look how they shine look how they shine for look how they shine for you look at the stars look how they shine for you and all the things that you do
You pull away holding each other smiling on cloud nine "I love you" you say with your foreheads connected sitting on your bed with a movie you were watching playing in the background as you stare at each other "I love you so much" you both lay back down in each other arms under the covers for the rest of the night showing how much you love each other later on when you wake up.
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britcision · 2 months
Which. Is ironic. Considering our topic today 😅
I did say I was gonna do more with our actual main characters in the show eventually, so here’s a little bit of that 😁
I’m just saying, with Marcille’s track record it’s fucking bold of her to assume she’ll make it to 1000
After Dinner Mints - Lifespans
Marcille thought she was handling everything pretty well, considering. She’d been within spitting distance of achieving her life’s dream. She’d finally learned the truth about ancient magic.
She’d nearly killed everyone in the world, or trapped them in an endless prison where they could never move or feel again.
In the end, she’d made the choice to abandon her dream and stop the demon. If she was honest with herself, it had less to do with the way the demon had been manipulating her or honestly anything it had done at all; it was a lot more to do with the journey she’d been on with her friends. With Senshi.
Because at the beginning, sure, she’d been worried about fighting the dragon, but she’d never doubted they’d get Falin back. Her death was just a temporary measure, no matter what, because she wouldn’t let Falin be gone forever.
But… that was literally just what Thistle had wanted. And looking at everything he’d done, and what they now knew about the demon… Marcille knew she would have been just as bad, or worse. Knew how narrowly she’d escaped exactly the same fate; and she couldn’t help but be reminded every time she saw Yaad.
It wasn’t like she wanted to be thanked for deciding not to end the world. It’d just be nice if people could occasionally appreciate what she’d given up for it.
It had been hard, and she’d had to acknowledge she was wrong, which she was damn sure most of the Canary wardens weren’t physically able to do. Nor much of anyone else that she’d met.
She was keeping those thoughts to herself, along with the knowledge of what accepting that she couldn’t fix the world was going to cost her. After all, she’d have decades, centuries yet to think all about that and wonder if she’d made the right decision, if she couldn’t have controlled the demon after all.
She couldn’t have. She’d have had no chance. But it was already eating at her in the dead of night, and it hadn’t even been a week.
She wasn’t going to waste time on it though. Not when the time she still had with some of her friends was so limited.
It’d just be nice if they were even slightly sensitive about that, too.
“C’mon, Chilchuck, you don’t need to go back to Kahka Brud,” she “teased” again, slumping into her folded arms on the table in front of her, “you can just live in the golden city with us! The king’s own locksmith!”
At the end of the table Laios perked up, despite his exhaustion from another long day of hauling meat and cooking.
Chilchuck folded his arms stubbornly and ignored the pair of them.
“All three of my girls are in Kahka Brud, and all my stuff! I was never planning on staying on the Island anyway, and you wanted to meet them all so bad, it’s not like it’s that far to visit,” he added slyly, a smirk tugging at his lips as he shot her a sidelong look.
Which. Was not fair.
Marcille absolutely did want to meet all three of his daughters, and his wife! The sooner the better! It just… could be here.
“They can move here too! We could help them all pick out houses, or where to build more half-foot sized ones, right Laios? It’s gotta be better to live where you’re personal friends with the ruler, right?” She wheedled, giving her best puppy eyes back.
Laios nodded eagerly, fingers playing nervously along the edge of the table.
“Yeah! You said Meijack’s a locksmith too, you could set up shop together! And I’m sure Fleurtom could find a nice dwarf-”
All levity suddenly leaving his face, Chilchuck slammed both hands on the table.
“And that’s exactly why they’re not coming! I’m not having two of my girls chasing around after Senshi giving him googoo eyes!” He snapped loudly, startling the man himself from where he’d been writing in his journal.
“What’s that?” He asked almost absent mindedly.
Chilchuck and Marcille both ignored him, Marcille tossing her hands into the air.
“Kahka Brud’s a dwarf city anyway! There’s got to be way more dwarves there, at least here it’s dwarves you’ve had a chance to get to know!”
“I got to know some of the ones in Kahka Brud anyway! I live there, all the time except when I was working the dungeon, which is gone now! I can’t ask them all to uproot their lives at the drop of a hat!”
“There’s literally never going to be a better time!” It was Marcille’s turn to slam her hands onto the table, surging to her feet too. “We need locksmiths! Half the houses in the risen city are still locked up!”
Chilchuck narrowed his eyes.
“Not all half-foots are locksmiths!”
“MEIJACK is, you told us to hire her if you died!”
“And I’m not fucking dead, am I!”
Senshi and Laios backed slowly away from the table. And went ignored.
Marcille sucked in a sharp breath, the words slamming into the well of fear in her chest. Chilchuck either didn’t notice or didn’t care, pointing an accusatory finger at her.
“And nothing’s stopping you from hiring me! Or hell, coming to visit! You wanted to meet them so bad, Kahka Brud’s not that far away, so why should we be the ones to move!”
Clearly against his better judgement, Laios re approached the table with both hands raised as if to ward off an attack.
“Chilchuck… I dunno how safe it’ll be for Marcille to… y’know, leave…” he said hesitantly, eyes darting between them in case either went for his throat.
To her abject fury, Marcille felt tears welling in her eyes. She didn’t want to cry, she wanted to be angry! He was just being a stubborn asshole for no reason!
He wasn’t dead yet.
Scrubbing at her eyes angrily, she did her best to glower at him.
“I can’t leave! You were so scared of the western elves, the only reason they’re not taking me with them when they leave is for Laios! That won’t matter in another few decades maybe, but I can’t wait that long! Because even when you’re a dick, I still want to spend time with you!”
Before you do die.
She couldn’t face the words, but they hung in the air in the silence anyway.
Laios quietly retreated. Senshi disappeared, probably in the direction of a kitchen. Chilchuck’s eyes widened briefly, and he sank back in his chair.
Marcille tried to catch her breath, pushing her hair back off her face. He hadn’t braided it for her today, and she hadn’t been able to work up the will to do it herself. Why couldn’t he just see he was needed here…
Pulling his mug back across the table towards him, Chilchuck took a large gulp and snorted.
“Bold of you to assume you’ll live another decade.”
Marcille. Blinked. Utterly dumbfounded. Had he forgotten somehow?
“Wh…. Chilchuck I’m going to live another nine hundred years?” She even sounded hollow and uncertain.
Chilchuck raised an eyebrow at her, gesturing with his mug.
“No, half-elves can live more than nine hundred years. You are a fucking disaster who got killed by a slime the second you left magic school, and now the immortality spell is gone. The next time any of us fuck up is for keeps, so I’m pretty sure I’ll outlive you,” he said smugly, finishing his beer.
Indignation rose to fill the space shock had emptied.
“What! Hey, you died in the dungeon as much as I did!”
Not that they’d ever actually compared death counts (who kept track of things like that?) but she was pretty damn sure he had. Dying hadn’t exactly been a regular occurence with the Toudens, but it wasn’t unheard of either. They’d both been under Falin’s resurrection more than once.
And he’d been working dungeons for years before she ever showed up! So really, he’d probably died more.
“Not ten minutes into my first day I didn’t,” Chilchuck snickered, pointing at her with the hand holding his tankard, “and I only ever died of things that only happen in dungeons, like mimics and traps. That’s not gonna be hard to avoid on the surface. You’re gonna have a much harder time avoiding your own clumsy ass.”
Especially not if he stayed in Melini, where the monsters wouldn’t go, but Marcille was much too indignant to think of that now.
Mouth opening and closing a few times, Marcille huffed and drew herself up, folding her arms. She couldn’t actually refute the whole “dying on the first day” thing, so there wasn’t much point trying.
(It wasn’t like it was her fault the Toudens had been too busy whispering to notice the slime.)
“It’s not like there’s an overabundance of slimes up here either!” She snapped, both hands on the table. “You’re more likely to be lock picking some trap for some obnoxious lord than I am to find another slime!”
“You’re more likely to do some dumbass magic and blow yourself up in a closed room than I am to find a trap I can’t handle,” Chilchuck shot back, looking entirely too pleased with himself.
Heat building in the tips of her ears, Marcille did her best to ignore it and glared at him.
“I’m not going to need any explosive spells! There’s no monsters to fight!”
“I said blow yourself up, not use explosive spells,” Chilchuck said dismissively, waving a hand, “you’re way too into all that weird magical experimenting, and it’s not like you’ll remember to take care of yourself anyway. Senshi and I will get back to our lives and in a week you’ll have forgotten you need food and be wasting away in a tower.”
“Hey! I can take care of myself!”
“You probably couldn’t make a sandwich.”
“I can cook for myself just fine!”
“You’re gonna confuse one of your weird dark magic potions for a sauce and be dead in a week.”
“That was SENSHI! And it wasn’t a dark magic potion, it was a changeling ointment!”
“Yeah, and when you do it it’ll be a weird dark magic potion. And you’ll turn yourself into a mushroom or something.”
“I’m not even doing the ancient magic anymore! And I’m not gonna turn into a mushroom! No one turns themselves into a mushroom!”
“And how many people accidentally turn dragons into chimeras?”
Breathing heavily, Marcille clenched her fists and forced herself not to cry. Or scream. They were finally, finally so close to fixing that stupid mistake, and it hadn’t even been her who’d made it.
If Thistle hadn’t revived the dragon… but no, that didn’t matter.
She’d known Chilchuck wasn’t comfortable with what she’d done. He’d never been shy about it. Although apparently he’d also been holding more back than she’d thought. And none of that mattered, because she didn’t want to waste what little time they might have left on pointless fighting.
“If I’m that much of a disaster, that’s only more of a reason for you to move closer! Any of us could die tomorrow!” She huffed, dropping gracelessly back into her seat.
Somehow, the words didn’t hurt as much when she was annoyed. Didn’t feel as imminent, as real.
Chilchuck snickered and poured himself another beer.
“You could. I actually know how to take care of myself. And you guys don’t pay me enough to babysit.”
Marcille spluttered indignantly, unable to even find the words. Laios cautiously approached the table again, but didn’t retake his seat. He still looked skittish and uncertain, lost as ever when the subject wasn’t monsters.
“Still, Chilchuck… there’ll always be a place for you here. For you, and your daughters, and your wife if you ever want it? Wasn’t Marcille going to help you try and work things out with your wife anyway?” He asked hopefully, giving Marcille the puppy eyes that looked way too much like Falin’s.
She had no chance against those eyes, but luckily in this case he was on her side. Chilchuck faltered, and she shot him a triumphant grin.
“Yeah! It’s gonna take forever if we have to write letters back and forth,” she agreed smugly… although the idea of the story playing out over a long series of letters was appealing too.
It’d be like having her own private romantic serial.
Unless Chilchuck and his wife both moved to Melini, and then she could watch it in real time, and that’d be even better! Or if Chilchuck moved in, and they both wrote to his wife together…
Senshi reappeared, carrying a tray of steaming mugs that smelled of cinnamon, pausing for just a moment in the door before approaching the table. All three men gradually relaxed as Marcille visibly brightened up, as she always did with the prospect of family drama or a slow romance.
Or not rehashing the death of everyone she’d ever met. Or would meet, for another five hundred years.
Senshi distributed the mugs, gently taking Chilchuck’s beer and only getting a mildly disgruntled look as he switched it out for hot milk. The half-foot took a sip of the new drink anyway, humming happily as he tasted the whiskey.
Marcille played with hers, turning the mug slowly in her hands as she mused over all the possibilities. Then she snapped back, shooting Chilchuck a hopeful smile.
“You know… being the royal locksmith would be the kind of position that might really impress her,” she suggested, heart in her throat.
A reluctant pink tinged Chilchuck’s cheeks.
“She doesn’t care about things like that,” he grumbled, looking into the foam on the milk. Just a little too sullen when combined with that blush.
Marcille squirmed in delight. “Just coworkers” or not, she knew him far too well to miss excuses.
“Oh, but we’ll have to get you fitting clothes! Something very well tailored, with fine fabrics, since you’re on the king’s payroll. What’s her favourite colour?” She asked eagerly, clasping both hands over her heart.
Clearly about to protest again, the last question wrong-footed Chilchuck completely.
“What? Why?” He asked cautiously.
Marcille rolled her eyes.
“Because you need to wrap her present in something, and oh! You’ll have to tell me her favourite flowers, and jewellery, and…”
The possibilities spilled out in front of her, far more infinite than the unknown spans of time that might be left to any of them.
True, to an elf (or a half-elf), they’d see so many years that they almost lost meaning. But she had the same twenty-four hours in a day, every day, and if the dungeon had taught her anything it was that those hours could be as long or short as she made them.
Really, even a thousand years probably wouldn’t be long enough for her to run out of romantic strategies to help Chilchuck win his wife back. They’d have to get down to some serious planning really soon, maybe even before the feast…
Actually, there was one obvious place to start.
Beginning to relax into his drink, Chilchuck twitched when her attention snapped back to him.
“Hey Chilchuck… what’s your wife’s name?”
Finally we’re back to short and sweet 😁 and this one has been living rent free in my head for a while
Aaaaaand spawned another terrible little snippet with my most beloved Mithrun that I hope to be sharing with you soon because the only thing making the Marcille-disaster worst is hanging out with Mithrun 😇
Dungeon Lord Besties
And link to my AO3:
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outeremissary · 2 years
4 & 5 for Dungeon Meshi? (I'm assuming you've been asked PF related questions)
From this prompt list.
4. what is your favorite CANON ship?
So a funny thing about Dungeon Meshi is that there are uhhh. Zero canon ships I think. Unless you count Chilchuck the middle aged halfling getting left by his wife or any of the several very one-sided crushes scattered among the side characters. I think that there is actually no romance that happens onscreen, the only mentioned romance is in one guy's backstory and was his brother marrying his crush. So I guess I don't have a favorite canon ship??? I'm just going to show you the most divorced halfling in fiction instead.
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I think his adult children have also stopped talking to him but it's too late at night for me to fact check that one
5. who is your favorite character (and maybe why?)
Oh it is ALWAYS so hard because there are so many fantastic characters in this series and I'm going to do two anyway because I can't help myself. But seriously there's not a single bad one, everyone is so delightful down to the most minor side characters. but anyway!!!
First of all, Mithrun!
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Mithrun is the captain of the squad of elvish scouts sent to the island, and is a relatively late arriving character (the Canaries arriving is a foreshadowed sign of the central conflict escalating to something serious). Mithrun is a terrible, lethal warrior with singular drive who strikes fear into most characters who meet him- he uses taunts so cruel they cause one of the main villains to despair, he's quick to suggest assassination as a solution to problems, and his creative use of teleportation has grisly, torturous effects on foes. He's also severely disabled. Without significant support, he struggles to function in daily life due to an inability to translate his body's needs into actions tending them. His life is managed with a combination of strict routine managing basic tasks and aid from comrades who ensure that he eats, sleeps, and carries out other essential physical behaviors. In social situations he's also blunt and generally opaque in his behavior, usually cutting straight to the point and often excluding others from his reasoning. Despite that, he's someone who has a certain charisma: his comrades consider him an inspirational leader and feel strong affection and loyalty towards him, and he's willing to take risks and extend trust towards others. He also still possesses a certain cunning that makes him very fun to watch. This has all been a lot of exposition to try to explain things, hahh...
Here's his cover by the way. All the covers are composed to be comedic and often aren't based in any real event, but you can see that teleportation at work!
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Anyway, I'm fond of Mithrun because I enjoy seeing a character who's very, very ND-coded who's good at a job that isn't "inventor" or "knowledge guy," which I think is a niche that a lot of characters like that tend to fall into. He's badass, he's cool, and even though he's straightforward he's never naive. He's incredibly competent and strategic. He's also got a very dramatic, tragic backstory that's deeply intertwined with the plot and gives him a lot of really fun interactions with major villains- those are also the scenes that tend to draw a lot of high emotion out of him, and I love high emotion and drama! And yet despite the development of his condition being a central point of his tragic backstory, there's still never any lingering on "curing" or "fixing" him, which is... really nice, honestly. He has close, supportive friends and a life he's content with, and in some extra comics suggests that he doesn't like the person he used to be, even if to other people that was the time when he was full of potential. Both the persistence through significant trauma and the rejection of the telling of his life story as a pure tragedy are things I really enjoy.
But yeah another thing I love about Mithrun is that he's canonically just a little nasty and is drawn with these perpetually fucking chapped lips. He's jsut like me fr
Also you are being spared so many Mithrun Images by the late hour but I do happen to have this just at hand on my phone. I know this doesn't mean fucking anything without context but I want to look at this image so now we all have to look at it together. It's so so late
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ANYWAY. There's also a SORCERER in Dungeon Meshi! This one. This little cunt. A fun fact about me is that there's a folder on my computer devoted entirely to images of this guy, whose name is either Thistle or Sissel depending on which translation you're reading. According to the guidebook, which is currently in my hand, Sissel is official so we'll just go with that for the rest of the post.
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I fucking love Sissel. I love Sissel so bad. There's something so wrong with this little (4'3"/130 cm) guy. Look at that image. You already know why I love Sissel. It's because he's got a rancid, unstable little megalomaniac personality and he thinks he knows better than everyone about everything.
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Just look at him. My little guy. I love a bitch who meant well once but has become lost in his darkest obsessions.
But like, more coherently, I also really enjoy Sissel as a villain who starts out as this legendary figure of fear- the "Mad Sorcerer" who's presumed to be immortal and all powerful- who's then gradually revealed to be deeply, deeply pathetic. He's so lost in his obsessive protection of those he loves that he hurts them and then throws a fit when they won't forgive him. His power lies in being a master of monsters, but he's so aggressively uninterested in the creatures at his command that they're constantly dying on him and the main character turns them on him just by knowing basic ecology. He has literally infinite power at his fingertips and he's so aggressively unimaginative that he can't do anything wit hit except react to what he thinks are threats. He's built up as a final boss character and Mithrun nearly kills him in less than a minute. He whines about someone cleaning his room. My pathetic meow meow. My cringe and fail sorcerer. I fucking love this guy. He spends a whole chapter carried around as a backpack and used as a human shield. The main character forces him to eat a homecooked meal. He's so!!! Lame!!!!
Anyway it would be a literal crime for me to end a Dungeon Meshi post without any mention of women. Look at my meme boy. Look at the monster wife.
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I spent. More time than I intended. Looking for the page where she tore off her shirt. This isn't nsfw this is fine this is fine
Anyway very sexy of Falin to not only haunt the narrative but come back wrong as that.
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rabbitcruiser · 30 days
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National Banana Lovers Day
Today we celebrate the banana—the most popular fruit in the United  States and around the world. The average person eats about 100 of them a  year, which comes out to about 25 to 33 pounds worth. They are the  cheapest fruit and are also one of the most perishable. They may appear  to grow on trees, but they actually grow on plants that have 10 to 20  feet high trunks. The banana plant is an herb—the largest herb plant,  actually—and bananas are its fruit. The plant grows in the tropics.
Each banana is about 100 calories and is high in fiber and potassium,  which are good for treating high blood pressure, ulcers, calcium loss,  and some cancers. Bananas are also a good source of manganese, vitamin  B6, and vitamin C. There are over 1,000 varieties of bananas, but the  kind most eaten in the United States is the Cavendish. The Gros Michel  was once the most commonly eaten, but in the 1950s it fell victim to a  fungus that causes Panama disease, so farmers had to switch to the  Cavendish.
Bananas are the oldest cultivated fruit and likely were first  domesticated in Southeast Asia. Centuries later, shortly after Europeans  arrived in the Western Hemisphere, they were brought from the Canary  Islands to Hispaniola. They then spread to other islands, before making  it to the mainland. They didn't become widespread in the United States  until the end of the nineteenth century. They were so popular in  American cities in the early twentieth century that banana peels on the  ground became a nuisance and an issue that had to be dealt with. This  led to the gag of slipping on banana peels, which was frequently  featured in early movies.
Bananas were popularized in part by the United Fruit Company, which  was founded in the late nineteenth century, and is now known as  Chiquita. They encouraged people to eat bananas with milk and corn  flakes, and they put out banana recipe books until the end of the 1950s.  The books oftentimes contained adventurous recipes and aimed to get  people to eat bananas at every meal. They cast the banana not only as  something sweet but also as something similar to a vegetable, like a  potato. One example of a recipe from the book is ham banana rolls with  cheese sauce. Nowadays, bananas are still eaten in many different ways.  Besides being enjoyed plain, they may be fried, may be included in  sandwiches, and may be used in pies, puddings, muffins, breads, and  cakes—among other things. On National Banana Lovers Day, the sky's the  limit as to what can be done with them!
How to Observe National Banana Lovers Day
You should be eating as many bananas and foods made with bananas as possible today. While doing so, perhaps you could read Banana: The Fate of the Fruit That Changed the World. You could pick up an old United Fruit/Chiquita recipe book to help you decide what to eat, but we have also put together some recipe ideas for you here as well:
Elvis Presley's fried peanut butter and banana sandwich
Grilled banana s'mores
Fried sweet bananas
Honey-rum grilled bananas
Eat bananas with corn flakes and milk, just as United Fruit once encouraged everyone to do.
Try bananas in milk, with a little bit of sugar and a few drops of vanilla extract.
Banana bread
Banana muffins
Banana cake
Banana split
Banana cream pie
Banana pudding
Banana cocktails
Banana smoothies
Make some matooke, which is the most popular banana dish in the world and from Uganda.
Make Bananas Foster, a New Orleans specialty.
Make the original United Fruit ham banana rolls with cheese sauce!!!
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kaihuntrr · 1 year
The Sea Prince: Prologue Drop!
Short announcement ehehe, after a good while this au officially begins! I’m very excited to share what I, my good friend @mewhoismyself, and my beta readers have in store. I promise you, it’s a story you won’t want to miss!
I shall be sending it out on September 21st, midnight, Philippine Standard Time. It will be posted on AO3 however it’ll be linked here! :D
Prologue synopsis; Set a little over a decade before the main story begins, a young Lizzie Shadow is on a voyage with her parents. Perhaps it was best if she never went on that ship at all.
While this is a majorwood au, I still want other characters to have a chance at developing, so I hope this prologue would be as fun to read as it was creating it! <3
In a world full of deadly, man-eating sea monsters, teams of hunters find and kill the beasts for the safety of all humankind. The Canaries are a notorious group of hunters, one of the many crews commissioned by the king himself to kill monsters in exchange for gold and other benefits. When they are given the task to hunt down and capture a mythical sea prince, their world changes as they discover secrets they may regret finding out.
When the Canaries are challenged by their rival group of naval commanders, TIES, they strike out to find the beast with no clues or a full set of ideas. Meeting an unlikely group of allies out on the wild seas, they end up on an island supposedly cursed by the Scarlet Witch, who may potentially lead them to discovering the secrets of the sea princes.
Teaser for the prologue’s cover <3
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is-she-suffering · 7 months
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This week, get up close and personal with Queen Adreena’s frontwoman Katie Jane Garside.
What is your nickname and why? “No! I’m not prepared to divulge any of them, they’re too incriminating. I can’t do it. Nicknames refer to things about me that I’d rather forget.”
At school, were you a dunce or a teachers pet? “I was very removed. I daydreamed too much. I had a really mixed education; my parents taught me for four years and I went to a really hardcore comprehensive in Poole in Dorset. I did have an art teacher who was amazing. She made it alright to be me.”
What was your first shag like? “Coral gardens, and crystal blue waters. Glue sniffing and babysitting. I’ll say nothing more. I was high in the most gritty way.”
Who is your best friend? “All of my little friends are down in the basement and in the attic. It’s too trite to explain. I have to be abstract.”
What’s the best pet you’ve ever had? “I had a cat we found when we were living on a boat in the Canary Islands. We named him Los Cristianos, after the place he was found in Tenerife. He fell overboard and drowned in the Pacific.”
Have you ever been arrested? “I’ve been strip-searched but not arrested. Flying back from a holiday in Tenerife. I’d gone back as an adult and I couldn’t bear it. I took an early flight home and that alerted suspicions back in England. I was examined. You know the people who do that kind of thing love it. You can see it in their eyes.”
How would you describe yourself on a blind date? “I’d avoid the form and hand over my record. Actually, no, that might attract people even more psychotic than I am. Perhaps it would throw up someone who was at least prepared to stay the course.”
What’s the most extravagant thing you’ve ever bought? “A lifetime of information and misinformation”
Who’s gagging for a shagging? “The primordial mother in the basement. She can never be filled. She’s very frightening. Very emasculating.
Who’s gagging for a smacking? "Nobody. I’m too busy saving my own life.”
What’s the worst job you’ve had? “I learned a lot when I was cleaning lavatories. I got a terrible eye infection and I got paid six pounds a week.
When did you last call home? "I do it as a daily ritual unto myself. My dear family are always on tap.”
What was your most embarrassing moment? “I dance naked with animals, but that’s not embarrassing. The worse moment was when I was at boarding school. It was a terrible regime, like being in the army. I forgot my hymn book and that was the biggest crime against God. As I snaked in, a teacher - one of the only men in the school - shouted at me from behind and I collapsed on the floor and pissed myself. I was so scared. He was very sadistic.”
Who would you least like to see naked? “My alternative job would be to work in a fetish house, and that teacher would come in for a good beating. I’d hand it out with expertise. Theres that whole repulsion/attraction thing going on there. I’d get a kick out of it.
What’s the best rumour you’ve ever heard about yourself? "After I left Daisy Chainsaw (Katie’s previous outfit) Robert Plant asked Crispin what had happened to me because he’d heard I was into golden showers - pissing on people. I don’t know how that got to Robert Plant.”
What’s in your wallet right now? “I have a bag. Theres a copy of Kerrang! to check our review. I have a small bottle of Johnson’s baby powder - it’s my staple diet. There’s a writing book with loads of new songs in. I don’t remember writing this. I was drunk and every word is genius.”
What’s your favourite joke? “I hear them all laughing at me upstairs but I never know what their joke is.”
If you were marooned on a desert island without food, which member of Queen Adreena would you eat first? “My, that implies so much. Billy would be the obvious choice to keep alive, he’s kind of an Adonis. If I needed someone to talk to for a long time I’d keep Crispin alive. We’d have to eat Orson. He’s the best prime cut. He’s exotic and rich.”
Which Queen Adreena song would you donate to a compilation album entitled ‘Crap Songs of Our Time’? “We’re finding our way with our new album, but I’m not going to dismember it. I couldn’t have given more to that album. I could say that every single one of them is crap, but the bit of me that looks after myself isn’t going to let me say it.”
What’s your drug of choice? “Eroticism and sex.”
What does God look like? “A friend of mine’s little boy said to her, 'Mummy, God must be space because theres no beginning and no end’. She’s cultivating a potent child there.”
When you die, how do you want to go? “I want absolution, to dissolve. I want to become sky and ocean. That’s how I want to go. I know it can really be that simple.”
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ingeniousscribblers · 10 months
🍌 Discover the Magic of Bananas! 🌟 Did you know that bananas aren't just for eating? They're a versatile fruit with a multitude of uses! 🍌👩‍🍳👩‍🔬 From delightful recipes to surprising household hacks, check out Buddymantra's article on '25 Wonderful Uses of Bananas' and get inspired to see bananas in a whole new light. Whether it's in the kitchen or beyond, there's always something new to try with bananas. Read more: 25 Wonderful Uses of Bananas #BananaMagic #BananaUses #LifeHacks"
Feel free to tailor it to suit your style or audience! For detailed information and the full range of uses, you can refer to the article on Buddymantra's website.
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Jurassic Park Quote RP Meme
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inspired by @easierxrace​ - feel free to edit or change pronouns for rp purposes
“Life finds a way.”
“On this island there is no such thing as safe.”
"Boy, do I hate being right all the time."
"That's the great thing about bones. They never run away."
“Mommy’s very angry.”
"Monster is a relative term. To a canary, a cat is a monster. We're just used to being the cat."
“Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions. You know, as far as I’m concerned, you’re no better than the people who built this place.”
"We can discuss sexism in survival situations when I get back." 
“God help us, we’re in the hands of engineers.”
"So you went from capitalist to naturalist in just four years. That's something."
“There is no doubt our attractions will drive kids out of their minds.”
“Hold on to your butts.”
"Gee, the lack of humility before nature that's being displayed here, uh... staggers me."
"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."
"When you gotta go, you gotta go." 
Should we chance moving him?”
“Please, chance it.”
“Small versions of adults, honey.”
“Clever girl.” 
"What have they got in there, King Kong?"
"Dinosaurs eat Man. Woman inherits the earth."
You think they’ll have that on the tour?”
“Don’t you mean extinct?”
“You didn’t ask for reality; you asked for more teeth!” 
“Life will find a way.” 
“We’re gonna make a fortune with this place.” 
“So, who’s hungry?”
“It’s hardly appropriate to start hurling generalizations…”
after careful consideration, I’ve decided not to endorse your park.”
“You did it. You crazy son of a b*tch, you did it.”
“That means they only eat vegetables, but for you, I think they’d make an exception.”
"God creates dinosaurs, God destroys dinosaurs. God creates Man, Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs." 
“All major theme parks have delays. When they opened Disneyland in 1956, nothing worked!”
our lives are in your hands and you’ve got butterfingers?
“Yeah, but, if The Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don’t eat the tourists.”
“But again, how do you know they’re all female? Does somebody go out into the park and pull up the dinosaurs’ skirts?” 
“We’re out of a job.”
“He’s gonna eat the goat?”
“What’s the matter, kid? You never had lamb chops?”
“I happen to be a vegetarian.”
"Ah, now eventually you do plan to have dinosaurs on your, on your dinosaur tour, right? Hello?”
"I don't believe it! You're meant to come down here and defend me against these characters, and the only one I've got on my side is the blood-sucking lawyer!"
See? Nobody cares. Nice hat. What are you trying to look like, a secret agent?"
"'Ooh, ahh.' That's how it always starts. But then later, there's running and screaming."
"An extinct animal brought back to life has no rights. It exists because we made it. We patented it. We own it."
"I've been alone in a water tank for eight weeks. I think I can manage the next two minutes without you."
"She's learning where she fits on the food chain, and I'm not sure you want her to figure that out."
"If you want to leave your name on something, fine, but stop putting it on other people's headstones."
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xanrae · 1 year
do dungeon lords dream of satyrs?
laios gives mithrun a friendly and totally welcome tip on how to counter insomnia.
dungeon meshi, crack/comedy, post-canon (as of posting), laios, mithrun, possibly ooc?
It would be no stretch of the imagination to say that Laios and Mithrun had, at best, a strained working relationship. They had spent quite some time on opposite ends of the narrative, embodying ‘crazy monster man who would become dungeon lord and plunge the world into an unending hell’ and ‘ruthless elven military leader here to mete out their own brand of justice with impunity’, respectively.
Still, Kabru was a miracle worker, and while he’d utterly failed to reconcile the two during the dark old days, these were the bright new days of the future, where anything was possible, apparently including getting (parts of) Team Laios and (some of) the Canaries on personable terms. It turns out that when you manage to rid the world of a voring demon (Mithrun)/work together to prepare your sister for a giant feast for a celebratory “Congrats for surviving the fall of a dungeon and not getting eaten yourself!” block party (Laios), you (collective) can forgive a lot of things.
The death of the demon hasn’t brought Mithrun’s desires back, and neither has it chased away whatever is causing his insomnia. Now that Kabru is no longer always free to give pre-bedtime footrubs, Mithrun has fallen back on spells and potions to find sleep. He’s holding one of the latter in his hands now, contemplating the flask when a creak announces the opening of his bedroom door. Mithrun’s head snaps up, and only the vague awareness that Cithis would be very unhappy if he told her he’d wasted her potion and needs another one, actually, please and thank you stops him from teleporting it into the shape silhouetted in the doorway. Damn, hadn’t he locked that thing?
“What’s that?” With absolutely no sense of propriety, the shape starts moving into the room before Mithrun can ask it what the hell it wants. A little further into the room and no longer blocking the only source of light, the hazy shadow resolves itself into the horrible, towering shape of one Laios Touden.
The two stare at one another for a long moment. Laios is happily awaiting an answer to his totally normal and totally sane question, and Mithrun wonders if he’s wandered into the wrong room and started preparing for a night in someone else’s bed. Outside of a dungeon, his sense of direction is once again totally fucked. But he glances around, sees his armor folded neatly on the table, his pack sitting in the corner. Yyyyes, definitely his own room. His one good eye flickers back to Laios, who seems to see no problem with continuing to stand at the doorway of the Canary Captain’s room with no explanation.
“Sleeping draught,” Mithrun answers finally.
“What’s it made of?”
The sparkle in Laios’s eyes makes it clear what kind of answer he’s looking for. Mithrun takes no pleasure in squashing the tallman’s hopes and dreams, but he doesn’t exactly feel bad either. “Just herbs.” Then, because he feels it necessary, he adds, “We don’t consume monsters where I come from.” Where  anyone comes from, actually. That seems to have been a uniquely Island Dungeon phenomenon, thanks to Team Laios. And while food is food is food, he also can’t say he’s sorry to never eat a walking mushroom again.
“Oh.” Laios seems to deflate just a little, and Mithrun keeps staring at him, expecting the tallman to leave at any moment now that monsters have been removed from the equation. Instead, Laios moves closer, and Mithrun tenses, grip tightening around the sleeping potion. Needs must, and Cithis would simply have to deal with remaking him the potion, but Laios only raises the tray that had been hitherto unaddressed in his hands.
“Well, we were just having dinner, and we thought that since you really helped with chopping up Falin’s dragon body, you might want something to eat....” He trails off, seeing the expression on Mithrun’s face. “Oh, don’t worry,” Laios continues cheerfully. “We’re not done prepping her yet!”—Mithrun’s face is carefully impassive here, the deliberately unaffected air of someone who doesn’t love the words he’s just heard—“This is just beef.” He sets the tray with a soft clink of cutlery on the table next to Mithrun’s armor. “But if you’re sleeping now, you could always have it tomorrow for breakfast!” Mithrun just nods wordlessly. A collage of a wild-eyed, monster-crazed Laioses—the impression he’d from the other adventurers up til now—flashes through his mind. But the tallman seems vaguely normal now, even if he had casually mentioned his sister in a way that most people would find unpalatable (hah).
“Do you know,” Laios says, totally unprompted, just as Mithrun is believing that he’ll finally leave him to finish taking his potion, “that when I can’t sleep, I count satyrs? Maybe that would help you.”
There’s another long moment as they stare at one another—Laios cheerfully expectant, Mithrun at a total loss for words that, for once, has nothing to do with his piteously atrophied social skills. Satyrs do not figure anywhere in the top million things Mithrun would like to think about prior to bed, especially in multiples. In fact, there is literally not a single thing on god’s green earth that he would hate more to think of in the moments before a reluctantly-inflicted rest than goat-like monsters. Even the most tolerable iteration, where the goat-demon is pulp beneath his bloodied fists, is definitely not conducive in any way shape or form to the peaceful and relaxing repose that is usually the goal of sleep.
Mithrun eventually finds it in himself to say, “Is that so.” His tone is so flat that, had any philosophers or engineers been present, they could have derived a new method of ensuring level construction from those three words alone.
Laios doesn’t notice, though. Content in a friendship overture well executed, he waves Mithrun good night and finally, thankfully, leaves, closing the door with a soft click behind him. In the greatest exercise of will to date in Mithrun’s not-inconsiderable life, he does not knife, strangle, disembowel, replace the brains of, or otherwise maim Laios as he leaves—though perhaps the down in his pillow might have been a superior alternative to whatever was currently occupying the space between the tallman’s ears, Mithrun notes sourly, flopping back onto his bed. He cannot down the sleeping draught fast enough.
He does not count satyrs.
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