#echo is so fucking mad like girl this is hard enough without you mocking anyone who's ever been into him which INCLUDES ME
cannibalisticskittles · 5 months
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burgess has some insecurities and says that some of the people he thinks of as his friends don't think of him that way, but he is My Best Friend, my Baby Angel. i would die for him. i would kill for him. he's the greatest.
whereas grace has been acting very buddy-buddy with me, but this time around i can't help but notice how much of what she does is shockingly unprofessional for a supposed agent to the point that some of it is Actual War Crimes and i can't stand her ass rn
(grace, girl, what do you MEAN you helped an outlaw kidnap an old woman and torture her for information without having any proof that that old woman had anything to do with some suspected treasonous plot??? and then after doing this and coming to the conclusion that she's definitely not involved, you don't feel bad about it at all and just say that you're really lucky that you got good information out of her and it was totally justified???? girl help??????)
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supremeinlilac · 3 years
Three’s not a crowd, especially when it’s us (3)
Pairing: Cordelia Goode x Reader x Wilhelmina Venable
Word count: 4010
Warnings: Brief insinuation of nsfw activities, language. 
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The next morning Cordelia had made an offhand comment about going into town. She’d admitted that she needed to find someone. A witch. “I can feel her. She’s close, the feeling is strong, although it seems calmer today, maybe she’s settled slightly. Anyway, I’ll be out today to see if I can track her down.” You felt Wilhemina’s eyes dart toward you across the room. It was subtle, but you caught it.
You imagined how the feeling must have been for Cordelia yesterday, when Wilhemina was angry and possibly scared. You’d tried to push down the lingering feeling of heat in your stomach from when she’d pulled you into the empty room. Needless to say, you’d slept horrible once again, thoughts plaguing your mind and keeping you from fully settling.
You’d had your first lesson with Wilhemina that night, and were blown away by her unwavering attentiveness. Also the fact that she made not one snarky comment or condescending laugh the whole time. You’d like to think it was because she was coming round to the idea of you being an actually half decent person to spend time with. Realistically, and having watch her get lost in the spell book before her, you knew it was more her ability to invest herself in her work, without distractions, such as having to bark out unnecessary comments.
You hadn’t considered however, how teaching Ms Venable magic, would mean she would be using her hands. A lot. And you would have to watch their movements, to make comments and critiques on her technique. This would often leave you flushed and hot under your black attire, tight coil in the pit of your stomach at the thought of were else her slender fingers could go, what they could do.
You’d have to turn away, disguising your embarrassment as a cough or walking to the window to conspicuously check the weather. “But it’s dark outside,” she’d say every time in response to your excuse, lips drawn callously into a smirk. She actually found your shyness to be quite endearing, not that her expression would allow you to conclude.
During a lesson in which you were both practising your telekinesis, since it wasn’t a skill you were exactly well versed in either. Unsurprisingly, the wonder came innately to Wilhemina, and she was quickly controlling more than one object at once, making them dance a silent jig above her. She stuck her tongue pointedly out in concentration, and you were fucked, the peek of tongue between tightly pressed lips had your mind wandering back to the gutter.
As a teacher would with a gifted student who drifted through the tasks with ease, you wracked your brain for a more difficult task for her to really challenge the natural magic. That and to distract yourself from the way her nose would scrunch and the tips of her ears flush with effort at her magic.
An idea flashed in the front of your mind, the book you’d been making rise cracking back against the desk and drawing the attention of Wilhemina. It was risky. A blatant opportunity for the secret to be lost; so much could go wrong and yet you couldn’t make the thought ebb. You figured Wilhemina’s hubris would rise to the challenge anyway, shrugging the doubt from your mind as you turned to her.
“I have an idea” you smirked, Wilhemina piquing her brow in interest at your obvious mischief.
You lingered by the door, watching Wilhemina stroll confidently into the kitchen and take a seat at the table and barking at Madison to fetch her a tea while she made her own. Madison, as you’d hoped, snarked about her having her own legs and that she should get it herself, making no attempt to get another mug from the cupboard.
You saw the corner of Wilhemina’s lips curve into a sly smile, and you had to clasp a hand to your mouth at the sight of Madison’s tea hover in the air behind her as she reached for the sugar. The older woman seemed pleased with herself at the flourishing telekinesis, becoming confident as a flick of her index finger had the mug flying towards her.
Madison turned toward the counter where it had been just seconds prior, doing a double take before rounding on Wilhemina, who’d raised her hands to meet the mug. She cocked her brow at the blonde, as if daring her to accuse her, a mere human, of such speed behind her turned back. Her confused face, the fact that Mina had rendered Madison speechless for once, made you want to laugh till your lungs protested for air.
“Wha- How did you do that?” Madison was confused, angry at having her drink stolen and scared that she hadn’t seen the other woman move from her chair, her cane was leant precariously against the table and Wilhemina wasn’t exactly a nimble woman. Or fast.
Disguised by an irritated scoff, Madison marched past her and out of the door opposite you
“Be a dear and make me a coffee?” She requested, pushing the steaming mug towards you with a grimace. You huffed, gesturing to the drink she’d literally just stolen from Madison, albeit having been your idea.
“Oh no, I despise tea.” She remarked dryly, left leg coming to cross over her right as she made herself comfortable, watching you swill the tea down the sink and the trickle of water as you refilled the kettle.
Even though she was still being just as bossy as ever, you’d grown softer for the hardness of the older woman by the day, grinning over your shoulder at the look on Madisons face. You cocked your brow in imitation of how she had moments before, and you swore her lips picked up slightly in affectionate amusement.
It had been 5 weeks since you’d used your powers on Ms Venable, and in that time she’d grown and her powers had flourished quickly, possibly exceeding your own strength as a witch. Her dedication was astounding, and she was a good student, despite the condescend remarks and dry humour she couldn’t seem to help but drawl at every opportunity. That and the vaguely suggestive things she’d say, that would make your throat close and brows pique in shock. You also both gotten better at hiding it. Hiding why you’d both be in the greenhouse late in the evening or why Cordelia’s favourite rug had gone up in flames when practising pyrokinesis.
Cordelia passed by the open door of one of the empty classrooms on her way to office. An open book at the table caught her attention, and she glanced to see if anyone had recently left, finding empty corridors and only the dull chime of the other lessons that were happening. She strode towards the book, ready to have yet another conversation about forgetfulness with the younger witches about their property. God forbid they leave something like their spell book in public, for anyone to see. No, privacy must be upheld, and absent-mindedness could not be tolerated.
Brushing her fingers over the font of the pages slowly, she was about to close the book when she read the familiar title, fingers stilling on the ink and eyes widening slightly. Clairvoyancy. Her brows furrowed in confusion, none of the current witches at the academy had this gift, to her knowledge; she would have known. Fumbling though the pages to the front, she saw your name scribed into the delicate paper, and she was even more confused. You definitely would have told her that you were clairvoyant, wouldn’t you?
Picking up the book, the supreme stalked towards the classroom she knew you resided in with Queenie and the rest of the older girls. Not even bothering to knock upon arrival, she burst through with a simple nod to Queenie and took a calm stance, hands tucked to the book at her waist.
“Y/n, come with me.” She announced, turning quickly on her heel and leaving the room. hearing the echoing taunts and ooohs of the girls as you scrambled to follow her. Turning back at the girls momentarily, they nodded at you, now in silent comfort and sympathy. Cordelia never came to lessons to get one of the girls herself; everyone knew that it meant trouble.
“You must know why you’re in here” she stated, settling into her office chair and motioning for you to sit too. You fidgeted in your seat, wracking your brain for something the supreme could be mad at you about enough to pull you out of class herself. Shaking your head in confusion at her and staring down at your hands which wrung at each other anxiously as you waited for her to speak.
Taking your silence as an answer, Cordelia slammed the book heavily down onto the desk between you, face smug as she flicked her wrist her wrist, so the pages fanned before you and settled spread on a page you didn’t recognise. She let you scan quickly over the writing, crossing her arms at her chest and raising her brow when you finally looked up to her.
“I’m not sure, what does this have to do with me?” You were genuinely confused, knowing full well that the only witch you knew of that had the rare gift was Nan, and she had passed well before you’d arrived. You also didn’t know why Cordelia was so insistent that it was you that had been reading from the book; to your knowledge, your copy was still safe with Wilhemina in her office.
Tapping her fingers impatiently against the wood of her desk, she watched you mull over an answer before settling on silence, fingers drumming nervously against your thighs. Cordelia always radiated energy, that would seep into the house and give everyone else strength. Everyone could feel it. It wasn’t until now, however, when you were sat opposite her and on the receiving end of her annoyance, that you truly felt the extreme of her power, the confident aura and way in which she held herself tall. The way she could make grown warlocks fall to look like stammering schoolboys in her presence.
“It’s your spell book, Y/n, left open, unattended in a classroom at this page. Now I just wonder why you’d be reading up on clairvoyancy. It’s not a gift you have, is it?” Her tone was impatient, a slight mocking lilt as she believed you to be lying about your knowledge about the book. She reminded you of the way Wilhemina would accuse a young witch of being tardy, regardless of age she’d be mocking and speak with the often cruel lash of a tongue.
Confusion and nervousness turned to panic when you finally realised why the book had been left on such a page. You’d leant the book to Wilhemina while you studied so that she could practise in the safety of her office without having to take a book from Cordelia, who would notice, of course.
“I um, I heard Queenie and Zoe talking about Nan, and how she was clairvoyant, and I just got curious. I’m sorry Ms Cordelia, I didn’t mean to leave it open and unattended. It won’t happen again, I promise!”
She regarded you through slightly narrowed eyes as you tried to remain as calm as possible and clear your head under her gaze. You weren’t stupid, and neither was she. She knew something wasn’t quite right but didn’t know how to go about asking as she couldn’t pinpoint the route of her suspicions. Nodding, and drawing back her chair as if to stand, she paused and reached over for your arm.
“I hope not, Y/n. I’d like to think I can trust you as one of the oldest students here, hm? Secrets can be dangerous within us witches, okay? Don’t make me have to remind you again.” Her tone was guiding, the tone of a teacher and it made you ache because that was all you’d ever be. Her student.
“I understand Cordelia. No secrets.” You trailed off into a whisper, guilt flooding through you as you thought of the secret you shared with her girlfriend of all people. She offered you a small smile, that seemed to cloud the sadness behind her eyes, masking what she really wanted to say. Clasping your hands together and rolling your shoulders, you made to turn before startling her with a hug. Initially tense, Cordelia melted into you, a palm coming to rub between your shoulder blades in comfort. You’d never been one to initiate physical contact with anyone in the coven, so your hug wasn’t expected by the older woman.
A whispered “thank you” broke the silence when you pulled away, turning away but keeping eye contact until you walked. You could feel her eyes on your back as you walked out, tempted to turn back but not wanting her inevitable worry to illicit you to betray Wilhemina’s command. The pull of Cordelia’s safety was almost magnetic, your charges opposite and strong, willing you to turn around. You didn’t.
It was ironic how your knowledge of Mina’s powers didn’t make you feel closer to the coven, like you’d imagined. You’d always wanted to know the inaccessible woman more, but now that you did, you wished you didn’t. It felt wrong. Like the secret itself didn’t approve. It seemed to want to claw it’s own way up your throat and pry itself past your lips, promise to Mina broken with it.
Your toes curled in on themselves throughout your lessons that day, a biting sensation in the back of your head, flashing warning signs ad you felt like you were lost in mist. Thick and unrelenting and flowing like treacle to swallow you up into your own anxiousness.
Yet again you found your mind needing to release itself, your magic fizzing dangerously in the pads of your fingers and you could swear you would not have any fingerprints left to show with how they burnt. Lilac invaded your head and like a petulant child clinging to the leg of their father leaving for work, refused to budge. You’d just promised Cordelia that you wouldn’t let yourself get distracted and here you were, not even an hour later, distractions more prominent than ever.
When lessons relented, you tried to still your beating heart, as you allowed anger to coil in your veins at the woman you now sought to find. She wasn’t in her usual place at the empty desk in her shared office with the Supreme, and neither was she perched on the cushions of the rocking chair out the back. It was her favourite place to peruse a favourite book under the warmth of the evening sun, yet the chair was empty, wood alight with the glow of the light.
Sauntering into her room, not heeding any need to knock before storming in, your arms raised as if expecting a fight. Wilhemina was reapplying her plum lipstick at the mirror, one hand pressing her fingers into the wood of the cabinet for support, the other running smearing the colour across perfectly pursed lips.
“You’re clairvoyant?!” You hissed, angry at Wilhemina from keeping it from you. It wasn’t as if her gift was just telekinesis or another common inherited gift, clairvoyance was rare. “Fuck, you didn’t think that maybe that was something I needed to know?” Snapping at her in frustration as she snapped the lid back on the lipstick, and turning to glare at her when she quipped about your language.
“Like you did you mean?” She bit back; voice raised in warning at your tone. Pulling her face into a sneer she raised her arms dramatically, moving away from the drawers cane waving at you. “Oh no, I burned my families house down, boo hoo.” She sung, bringing the back of hand up to her forehead in mock anguish. “My only gift is pyrokinesis, and is absolutely not the fact that I can give magical ability out like FUCKING candy.”
You’d folded your arms at your chest, lower lip jutting out as you loured at her antics. She was finding this situation entirely too amusing for your liking, acting like your nervousness was unnecessary, yet insisted on being uncharacteristically reckless with the secret.
“It’s not funny.”
“Oh my dear, and I thought I was the one who had no sense of humour, took everything too seriously you could say. Needs to just loosen up and have a laugh?” It was clear she was enjoying herself now, the teasing edge of her voice in full swing. Unknowingly to you, she’d heard you think that very thing mere days ago when you’d been in the kitchen, pranking Mallory and she’d happened upon you booby trapping her cupboard. You hadn’t caught onto her blatant remark however, still preoccupied with the problem at hand.
“Why did you leave the book in a classroom? Open for gods sake Mina.” You frustrate, palms coming to press against your forehead and fingers curling to pinch at your hair.
“That’s Wilhemina to you, young lady.” She barked, before raising an eyebrow with a knowing glint in her eye. “Don’t make me punish you, for your insolence, we wouldn’t want that now would we? Hm?” You flushed hotly at her words, swallowing thickly as you busied yourself with looking anywhere but to her.
You suddenly froze, finally catching onto her earlier words and realising that she could probably hear your thoughts too. It hadn’t crossed your mind until just then, and you cursed yourself for being so stupid. Of course she could, since gaining her abilities she’d spend excessive amounts of time with you alone. The thought made you blush and cringe inwardly and stutter in question: “I- You can’t read everyone’s thoughts can you? I mean, its just some people, right?”
A smirk pulled at her lips at your stammered questioning, Wilhemina flexing her fingers against the handle of her cane, tapping it twice against the wooden floor which made you flinch. She walked sauntering and slow towards you, the predatory glint present in her eye that you often saw when she’d taunt the younger students for tardiness. She leant into your space, causing you to hold your breath as you felt hers hot against your cheek.
“Oh yes darling, I can hear all the thoughts in your pretty little head.” She teased, watching the shiver of your physical reaction to her voice as well as your screaming thoughts at her closeness. You closed your eyes and attempted to still your mind, you could practically feel how exposed you were at this distance. Why had you thought it was a good idea to test your power on Ms Venable; you should have known she’d just have to go and be clairvoyant. Just to spite you. Your thoughts were dangerously unprofessional at times and yet here the most professional woman you’d ever met, or ever would meet, was standing before you and reading you like a children’s fairy tale book. You were pulled back out of your thoughts again by her voice, so close to your ear you could feel the way her breath prickled the hair at the nape of your neck to stand on end.
“Your thoughts are-” she paused, reaching a gloved hand to slowly brush your hair behind your ear and lingering at your jaw, “quite loud, little one.” She spoke the last words slowly and purposefully drawling, pulling away just enough to remain entirely too much in your space, so that she could watch your scared eyes dart back and forth between her own. She watched you, amused, at the way the tips of your ears flushed pink and how you looked simply delicious when embarrassed.
Wilhemina loved the chase. She loved watching her prey squirm and fall victim to her stoic dominance. They always did in the end. It just depended on how long she wanted to toy with them for. She wasn’t finished playing with you just yet, at least until she’d been able to coax Cordelia into joining the fun.
The leather of her glove was cool against your skin, and you had to resist the urge to melt into her touch, attempting to regain whatever semblance of dignity you still had after basically confirming Wilhemina’s accusations about your ‘loud thoughts’. You wanted to curse yourself. The low growl of her voice brought you slowly back out of your thoughts, paired with the way she’d brought her fingers to fiddle with the bow of your top that had loosened.
“The only person I struggle with is my dearest Delia, although I can’t be surprised of course. She’s had prior experience with a clairvoyant witch such as myself. She knows how to hide her thoughts.”  The smirk had returned, fingers tapping twice on your temple as if to remind you that you don’t have that capability; making you blink as if to break out of the trance she had you in with the steel of her gaze.
“Cordelia found the book.” You stammered, eyes breaking contact and focusing on the way the gold of her earring caught the light above as she moved.
You suddenly remembered the reason you’d come to find Wilhemina in the first place, bar wanting to confront her; having been so lost in the selfish embarrassment of your blossoming feelings for the two women that you’d completely forgotten. The smirk on her face faltered slightly as she processed your words, moving backwards with a slight shake of her head.
“Wha- How do you know?”
“She called me to her office, it was my spell book! She wanted to know if I was clairvoyant.”
“What did you say?” Her voice was urgent, raspy with her hand clawing at your shoulder to shake you. You felt much like you were being interrogated, for something that you shouldn’t have had to deal with in the first place. You weren’t the witch in the wrong here.
“I had to lie to her, of course!” You hissed again, scoffing at the insinuation that you’d betrayed the weird sort of trust you’d both formed over your shared secret. “I couldn’t very well say, ‘oh well actually, it was your girlfriend that was reading it, because, and soz for not mentioning sooner, I turned her into a witch. Surprise!”
You made a point to shake your hands as if finishing a performance, your nervousness about the situation surfacing through blatant sarcasm. You could see the vein in Ms Venables neck pulse in time with her heart, face angered with your stupidity.
“Stop being so facetious” she warned, voice low as if daring you to make another nervous joke at her expense. Stepping dangerously toward you, like a cat stalking prey until you could feel the warm tickle of her breath against your cheek. She tilted her chin to look down at you along the bridge of her nose, her cheek bones protruding as she sucked on her tongue in annoyance.
You so badly wanted to kiss her. Pull her in by the hairs at the back of her neck and surprise her with it. Fuelled by the beating of your heart and the way her face lingered just a breath’s worth away from your own. To stop yourself from doing just that, you dodged her glare and her face, rounding it to the side and stammering out to bringing you both back on topic.
“We need to tell Cordelia.” You burst out, using Ms Venables momentary stunned face to quickly step back and out of her close proximity, trying to still the heavy heave of your chest.
Wilhemina looked as if she was going to protest and get close to you again but she saw your eyes widen in fear, looking over her shoulder towards the door, and she whipped round. You both were now facing Cordelia like deer caught in the blinding headlights, who stood fast and looked at you both expectantly.
“Tell me what, exactly?”
taglist : @pearplate @billiedeansbottom @pluied-ete @extraordinarilycelestrial @toujours-ensanglante@mssallymckenna  @magnificent-paulsonn @shineestark @commanderspeach @grilledcheeseandguavajelly​ @darling-dontforgetme​ @amethyst-bitch @its-soph-xx @germansarechill @bluesxrgnt @d14n4ol @ninaahs @sarahp-stan @natasha-danvers​ ,if you want to be added just send me an ask :))
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writing-on-standby · 3 years
time of dreaming (pt two)
Summary: Soulmates meet in their dreams from the age of 16 until they meet for the first time. Once they meet, they share their physical and emotional feelings with one another until they die. Tom Holland was just starting to learn how to take over the family business and ignore the urge to find his soulmate when everything changes and he’s found face to face with you. You’ve always wanted to meet your soulmate and spend the rest of your life with them until you actually meet yours and life changes forever.
Warnings: Swearing, blood, hospital, mentions of grief/death, smoking, drinking
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                                         part two: negotiations
As the ambulance’s scream echoed closer to the parking lot they all sat in, Tom helplessly watched as Harrison was trying to stop the bleeding on the stranger that had gotten involved in an unnecessary conflict. Tom ran a hand through his messy hair as more tears burned the back of his throat. He took a deep breath and shook them away, knowing that he was now in charge of one of the biggest mobs in the United Kingdom. He couldn’t show weakness - not now, not ever again.
Tom looked down at the girl on Harrison’s lap. Her hair was long enough to be sticky with her own blood. Then again, almost all of the poor girl was covered in blood. When Tom shut his eyes, all he saw was the look on her face when Luke O’Malley grabbed her. Tom couldn’t shake the look she had when her chest was slashed open. Guilt burned at Tom’s eyes. When he started taking over the business, he was able to shut out the guilt, but he never got used to seeing innocent people getting hurt.
“Tom,” Harrison spoke. Tom blinked a few times, trying to ground himself in what was happening currently. It was getting harder and harder to focus on his feet on the ground. Maybe, he’d see his soulmate in his dream tonight. Sometimes, during especially hard days, he’d see the girl he was meant to spend forever with. During those dreams, he’d usually avoid speaking and let the vague-faced girl rush to tell him facts about her.
“It’s been a while,” you murmured.
Tom blinked and found himself in the familiar pink cloud. The air was warm and smelled of roses. He smiled, but he knew you couldn’t see his actual face, just like he couldn’t really see yours. “I haven’t been sleeping well.”
You chuckled. The laugh that danced out of your lips was airy and velvety. Tom ignored the warmth that spread across his cheeks. You sat down on the ground like you usually did. “I’m sorry, hun.” You didn’t say anything for a while. Neither of you did. It was the usual routine the two of you had developed. Both of you had began enjoying the presence of one another. “When can we meet?”
Tom almost didn’t hear you. He wish he hadn’t. Your voice was so timid and fragile that he knew you were upset over not being able to meet him. “I don’t know,” he lied. His heart constricted with guilt for a brief moment before he was able to ignore it. It was the safest option for both of you to never meet. At least that’s what he told himself.
“I don’t even know your name,” you muttered, harshly.
Tom nodded, knowing that it was true. Neither of you had shared your names, despite you asking him repeatedly to share his. Part of Tom was scared of the rejection that he faced if he told you his name. He was terrified of you being afraid of him for what his family was known for. Tom ignored this thought, however, and focused on the importance of not meeting. “I don’t know yours, either,” he whispered back.
You laughed, humorlessly. “I’ll tell you mine when you tell me yours.” Tom didn’t respond, but you weren’t surprised. He watched you shake your head and move to your feet. You stood up and pushed your hair away from your face. “Look, if you’re good enough at dream manipulation to mask your face and your voice, don’t even bother coming to see me anymore. I don’t know why I waste my time here. I’m sorry I’m not good enough for you.”
Before Tom could say anything, you were gone from the dream. He groaned, running a hand through his hair. He knew he was hurting you by not giving any information about himself out, but he wanted to protect you. If he was being honest, though, he wanted to protect himself and his family more.
That was the last time he saw you in his dreams.
“Tom,” Harrison shouted, shaking Tom away from the memory of the last time he saw his soulmate. Tom looked down at Harrison, his best friend since his childhood. Harrison’s blue eyes were nervous, but Tom knew he was trying to hold it together for himself and his best friend. You were still passed out on his lap, but Harrison was now joined by Tom’s brother, Sam. Sam was joining Harrison’s attempt to stop the bleeding, but it looked more like they were playing in red paint. “She’s not going to make it.”
Sam shook his head. “She’s going to make it Harrison. Tom, help us stop the bleeding.”
Tom took as step closer to his family. Before he could get closer to you, Tom was hit with what felt like an invisible wall. All of the air in Tom’s lungs was pushed out of him as he felt a pressure against his right shoulder as well as his stomach. Tom shook his head, ignoring those feelings, knowing that he was in a fight earlier. Tom assumed the pain was a delayed reaction to the fight, now that the possibility of danger was gone. Tom walked closer to your limp body and tried gently shaking you awake. “You need to wake up, hon,” Tom spoke gently. “Come on, think of your family. Think of your soulmate.” Tom watched as your eyes danced under your eyelids. Your lips parted, slightly, but only a whimper fell between your lips. “Wake up.”
Harrison looked up at Tom. Tom’s brown eyes were vulnerable as he spoke to the lifeless body that Harrison was holding. Harrison wasn’t used to Tom showing the vulnerable side of him to anyone other than his family. Even then, the moments that Tom showed vulnerability were few and far between. Harrison knew that part of Tom’s reaction was due to his father’s very recent and very sudden death. Harrison looked back down at the lifeless body he was holding.
Before they could come up with a plan to tell the authorities, the ambulance screamed closer and the boys were roughly pushed away from you. Tom was growing frustrated with the amount of people rushing back and forth. All he wanted to do was go home, but he knew that he had to stay back and act as a witness.
While Tom stood back and watched the lifeless girl get CPR, he noticed a sinking feeling in his chest. He was struggling to catch his breath while he watched the paramedics work on the girl in front of him. “No,” he muttered, refusing to focus on the feelings he was getting. It was just the adrenaline leaving his body. It had to be.
“Excuse me, can I ask a few questions about what happened?”
Tom looked up at the officer in front of him. He nodded and sighed, totally used to working with officers in his line of work. “It was an O’Malley that did this,” he muttered.
The officer’s blue eyes widened while he studied Tom. The officer looked down at the pin that rested near Tom’s heart. Every member of the Holland Clan wore the same pin on their chest, showing their allegiance to the Mob. The officer slowly nodded, knowing what had happened. “Okay.” The officer walked away without another word.
Tom’s family paid off most of the officers in London to ensure their power over the city. Tom roughly ran a hand through his hair as he looked back to the paramedics. The sinking feeling suddenly went away as his heart skipped a beat. The world slowed around Tom as he felt as though there was two people breathing from his lungs. He struggled to control his own breathing and focus on his own body. “This can’t be fucking happening,” he moaned to himself, quietly.
Harrison walked over to Tom and clapped a hand to his shoulder. “C’mon, mate. She survived. Let’s go home.”
Tom nodded. “What if she tells them what happened? She doesn’t know what cops are on our payroll and what ones aren’t. What if she speaks to the wrong one?”
Harrison shook his head. “I don’t know, mate. All I know is it’s been a tough day for us. Let’s get home and rest.”
Tom shook his head. “No,” he growled. “I need an answer to this, now. She could wake up while we get some rest,” He mocked.
Harrison sighed and looked around at the scene that was playing out. The paramedics had lifted you onto a stretcher and put you in the ambulance. They were speaking to Sam and Harrison could only assume that they were telling Sam where they were taking you in an assumption that the Hollands actually cared about this random stranger. “We can tell her that we’ll take care of her bills until she can go back to work as long as she doesn’t say anything. It’s not like we can’t afford it.”
Tom nodded, not really paying attention to what was happening around him. His chest was hurting and his soul ached. Tom had no idea what was causing this pain, but he was pushing the feelings as far away from his mind as he could. “So we blackmail the girl after she’s assaulted because of us.”
“What the hell else are we going to do, Tom?”
Tom tried to ignore the anger he felt twisting its way into his stomach at the tone Harrison used towards him. “Fine. We’ll go to the hospital and talk to her once she wakes up.”
Your eyes were burning, but that didn’t compare to the ache you felt in your stomach. Your organs were hot and burned every time you took a breath. You slowly peeled your eyelids open as a soft whimper escaped your lips. Your lips were chapped, knuckles ached, and your right arm was in a sling. You blinked a few times, but nothing could erase the anger that was bubbling inside you. For a second, you tried to figure out what you were so mad about, but the more you focused on this feeling, the sooner you realized that it wasn’t your anger you felt. It was your soulmate’s.
Your heart skipped a beat at this thought. Maybe it was one of the paramedics that was your soulmate. Maybe he masked his identity because he was too busy with his job. You tried not to get your hopes up, but you knew you had met your soulmate in the last few hours. You blinked a few more times, trying to decipher what pain was yours and what was your soulmate’s, but it wasn’t working. You just grew more tired.
Before you could really acclimate to your surroundings, the door to your room busted open. Your heart raced as the memories of the four men you saw rushed back to your brain. What if it was the man who had hurt you? What if he was coming back to erase any witnesses? You shut your eyes as if that would convince the man not to hurt you again.
You flinched as a hand gently rested on your left forearm. “Hey, hey,” a soft voice cooed next to you. You recognized Harrison, the man who had been there when you fell. Your heart skipped a beat. Maybe this kind man was your soulmate. He had gone out of his way to save you and maybe he didn’t want to meet you because he was dealing with that man who had hurt you. “You can open your eyes, y/n. We won’t hurt you.”
As soon as Harrison said ‘we’, you felt your heart drop. You slowly opened your eyes and saw the brown-eyed man with his cold and calculating eyes. You remembered him being referred to as Tom, but that didn’t make him any less scary to you. You looked back at Harrison, who sat to your left. He had a soft smile on his face and he looked much nicer than the other boy in the room with you.
“We’re so sorry that this happened to you,” Harrison murmured. He looked at you with his blue eyes. They looked sad, but just as calculating as Tom’s. “But we need you to do something for us.”
“Excuse me,” You rasped. Your voice was much more accusatory than you meant, but how dare they ask for your help after what you had already been through? You didn’t even know how you could be of use to the two men in front of you. “No.”
“Jesus Christ,” Tom snapped. He rubbed his tired face, roughly. Suddenly, you felt your anger grow in the pit of your stomach. You looked at Tom for a little while longer. Your soul was screaming for you to move, but you stayed put in your bed. Your heart dropped further in your bones at the thought of this rough and cold man in front of you being your soulmate.
Harrison looked between the two of you for a brief second as if telling his friend to calm down. “Look, we’ll pay for any bills you have until you can go back to work. Whether that’s rent, utilities, or anything, but you have to swear to us that you won’t tell any cops what happened, okay?”
The anger in your stomach was growing. You couldn’t believe the audacity of the two men in front of you. “And what if I do?”
“Then we’ll fucking finish the job that O’Malley started,” Tom snapped. “It’s up to you, princess,” he mocked.
The heat of the anger that belonged to your soulmate shot through your insides. It mingled with the anger that belonged to you and your body. Your cheeks flushed at the thought of this man bringing you so much anger and affecting your emotions more than you realized. You were furious that the universe cursed you with this man in front of you that obviously didn’t give a fuck about you. You shook your head and stared as deep into the brown eyes in front of you as you could. You hoped he would read the anger and poison in your head as you opened your mouth. “Fucking do it then,” you hissed. “I’d rather die today than feel you for the rest of my life.”
Tom’s eyes widened and he visibly flinched. You knew that he was just as much in denial about you being his soulmate as you were, but you saying it out loud only confirmed his fear. You felt an ache in your chest that you quickly identified as hurt. Your words had hurt Tom, but you didn’t care. Not after the way he had been treating you. He took a step closer to you and in what felt like a second, he was right at your bedside. Before you could process what he was doing, he grabbed your right shoulder, right where the stitches ended. His grip wasn’t rough, but it wasn’t exactly gentle. You hid the pain from him, not wanting to give him any satisfaction. As Harrison let out a word of protest, Tom gave your stitches a squeeze, causing you to yelp in pain. At the same time, Tom’s hand dropped from your shoulder and immediately went to his right one. He took three steps back as if you had burned him. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” he yelled as he turned away from you. You felt fear, anger, and hope all swirling in your blood. You couldn’t tell who’s feelings belonged to who, but it was overwhelming to say the least.
You shook your head as tears burned at the back of your eyes. All the years that you had envisioned what it would be like to meet your soulmate all to lead to this. Your hands were shaking as you wiped a stray tear away. You had always wanted to meet the person you would spend the rest of your life with, but the universe played this sick twisted joke on you and gave you Tom Holland, London’s most notorious gangster. “Fuck you,” you spat. “Get the fuck out of my room before I call the nurse.”
Harrison looked between the two of you as he stood up and walked over to Tom. “Come on,” he murmured. “Let me handle it.”
Tom whipped around and glared at Harrison. His brown eyes were wide with fury. You could feel his anger burning at the skin on your cheeks. It was becoming so overwhelming to feel his anger, but most importantly, his sadness. “You don’t understand what this means, Harrison,” he snapped. “I can’t deal with this. Not right now.”
Before either you or Harrison could respond, Tom turned on his heel and stormed out of your room. The door slammed behind him with such force that the air left your lungs. You looked down at the bed, trying to catch your breath, knowing that Tom was causing these feelings. You covered your face with your good hand and took a deep calming breath.
“I’m sorry, y/n. I promise he isn’t always like this,” Harrison spoke.
You shook your head, not wanting to believe any of this was happening. In all of the dreams you’d shared with Tom, he was never this angry or violent. However, in the dreams, Tom never shared much, anyway. When the two of you were together in your dream world, you were both quiet and got along just fine. On the days that he would actually talk with you, the both of you would spend as long as possible together, but on the days that he didn’t speak to you, you never stuck around. “You know,” you rasped, quietly. “I always adored the idea of having a soulmate to cherish me and love me through all of my fucked up days, but so far my soulmate has only hurt me more than I ever could.”
Tom fought the urge to punch the wall, knowing that his soulmate was already in enough pain. He shook his head, trying to get ahold of his temper, but nothing was working to calm him down. How could he have such fucked up luck that the first time he’d meet his soulmate was when he was blackmailing her? Better yet, how was his luck so messed up that the first time he saw his soulmate was when one of the members of the rival mob was slashing her chest open.
Tom flew down the stairs of the hospital and walked straight out of the building, not caring about who was seeing him. He couldn’t understand the way life worked for him. He could feel your sadness and your hurt, but his anger was drowning him more than anything else. He couldn’t stop the fire that was licking up his throat and begging to be let out. Tom climbed into his matte black Corvette and slammed the door shut. He slammed his fists on the steering wheel and yelled as loud as he could. He screamed until his throat was dry and his voice was hoarse. How was life so twisted that he was stuck with one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen, but a life so fucked up that he couldn’t let her in?
When Tom’s throat was burning, he stopped yelling. He didn’t realize that tears had been streaming down his face and that guilt, sadness, and agony where swallowing him up. He dropped his face in his hands as a loud sob erupted from his sternum. He knew his grief was mingling with your sadness, but it felt like he was drowning in a wave of tragedy. Here he was, grieving the loss of his father and he was lucky enough to meet his soulmate after she was forced into a traumatic experience and wanted nothing to do with him. All the years of dream manipulation training and Tom’s father had never taught him how to hide his emotions from his soulmate. Pathetic. Tom was pathetic and he knew it. He shook his head as the tears were slipping off his jaw and onto his shirt. “Fuck me.” He put the car in drive and drove home, trying to collect his thoughts the whole way.
“I won’t say anything to the cops,” you rasped. “I’ll tell them it was too traumatic to remember anything. That happens sometimes, y’know.”
Harrison looked at your watery eyes and the tremble in your bottom lip. You were focused on the blankets that covered your legs, but he could see the pain in your face. Harrison never thought that Tom would meet his soulmate, but he know that if Tom ever did, he’d royally fuck it up for himself. Harrison knew that Tom was never good with social interaction that didn’t involve violence or business, but that didn’t stop him from wanting the best for his best friend. “How do you know about trauma and memories?”
Harrison watched your shoulders slowly lift and drop. You winced at the movement and sighed. “I have a bachelors in Psychology. I intern at the psychiatric ward here.” Your eyes widened at the thought of your best friend working in the emergency room. “Fuck, do you know the nurses who worked on me?”
Harrison shook his head with a confused look on his face. “No. Why? Is everything okay?”
You sighed and looked for your phone. Harrison caught on and grabbed it from the nightstand just out of your reach. He handed it to you with a smile. You opened it and sent a quick text to Jazmin, letting her know you were awake and safe. You shut your phone off, not having any energy to talk with anyone for a while. You felt your fists ache as your throat became so dry that swallowing became painful. You shut your eyes, knowing that Tom was the cause of this pain. He was grieving, you could tell. Grief wasn’t a new emotion for you, but the sensation of feeling someone else was still strange. “What happened to Tom? Why is he grieving?”
Harrison looked down at the ground. He didn’t want to overshare, but the look on your face told him that you were drowning in Tom’s feelings. He struggled between loyalty to his best friend and leader and the hurt girl on the bed in front of him. “It’s not my place to talk about, but his dad died today. Right before he met you.”
You nodded, very slowly. This grief was strong and never-ending. You couldn’t stand the thought of seeing this man again, but you also didn’t want to let him suffer alone. “You should go help him. I’ll be fine and I won’t say anything to the cops.”
Harrison watched your face, trying to make sense of this situation. Harrison had to admit that it was royally fucked up. Tom’s soulmate was laid up in the hospital and at this moment, only him and Tom knew. You would be safe for now, but what happens when someone else found out and used you against Tom? Harrison took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay,” he murmured. He stood up and looked down at you. “I’ll be in touch.”
“Don’t bother,” you muttered.
Harrison tried to ignore the sadness in your voice as he walked out of your room and towards the exit of the hospital. Life was fucked up for the family. It always had been.
Once Harrison left the hospital room, you were completely alone. You were fine with that, however. The emptiness of the room gave you more opportunity to focus on who’s feelings belonged to who. The longer you sat there feeling empty and sad, the more you realized it was you, not Tom. You sighed and rested your head against the bed. You grabbed the TV remote next to you and turned it on. After a few seconds of watching TV, you felt your throat burn stronger than it had before. You coughed a few times, slowly becoming acquainted with the taste of cigarettes. You groaned. Of course Tom smoked. Not long after that, your face flushed and your throat burned stronger. Whiskey, you recognized, was now making its presence known on your tastebuds. Perfect.
Everything you’d hoped for in a soulmate was the complete opposite of Tom. You had hoped for a man who would sweep you off your feet. A man who would tell you how much you were worth to him, even on days that you bothered the living hell out of him. You hoped for a man that would wipe your tears away and hold you on the days that your sadness grew too heavy to hold. You hoped for a friend, a lover, and a soulmate. Instead, you got a cold, careless, and emotionless man who was less than enthused to have you as his soulmate for the rest of your life.
You eventually grew tired of the burning in your throat and paged a nurse. Once the nurse walked away, promising two large cups of water, you focused back on the TV. You would forget about Tom. You had to because there was no other solution to the pain you were feeling and the disappointment that was crushing your heart
                                                      part three
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oppabimbab · 4 years
sequel: did we make it right? | kim taehyung
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genre: heavy angst, tiny bit of smut, break up
starring: taehyung x reader
synopsis:  you broke up with him and the phase of moving on—you didn’t know it would be this hard. You wanted him here but somehow, it feels like letting go is the best and the only choice you had in your hands, isn’t it? or not?
words:  8,972 words
side note: so this sequel happened since yall cried bc of prev fics and many of you wanted the second part of that. here we go. sorry for the grammar errors and any kind of faulty. i tried my best to keep the plot as it was planned and i still think this isn’t my best edits yet but enjoy!
recommended songs: moon and back - alice kristiansen | run to you - lea michele
related: maybe, it wasn’t right | kim taehyung
You had no idea that moving on would be this hard. It has been almost 6 months since the relationship ended and these past 6 months—were never that easy. It was harder than everyone have told you about. They said it would be easy but not once you found yourself in a right state of mind. They said everything will be just fine but you still found yourself in the midst of grief. 6 months—You never knew that time flew this quick even though every day felt like nothing but misery to you.
Break up wouldn’t be easy. And you agreed. It was a torture.
There were some part of healing that you didn’t understand. It was weird and confusing. Some days, you find yourself laughing and smiling like you had the entire world in your hands. You ate well, get enough sleep and happy. And some days, you would stopped talking to anyone—not even your bestfriend Wendy and locked yourself up in that stuffy room. You woke up with swollen eyes and broken heart like the wound was still fresh and bleeding. It was heavy and difficult. It made you confused and clueless. It became more confusing when you couldn’t find any reasons to move on if everything reminded you of him.
You tried to avoid his favorite songs every time it came on the radio. You changed the channel if his favorite movies shown up on the screen. You even stopped looking at everything that remind you of him. You forced yourself even it was really hard not to curl on your bed and cry. They were all a torture.
Honestly, if you asked yourself, you would agree that it still hurts like hell. The pain was still there, reminding you every day how unwanted you were. The memories on that night kept pulling your skin and made it bleed—reminding you that he wasn’t yours from the very first start. It still torn you down and drained the energy that was barely there. You couldn’t remember how many times the ugly tears would fall down in a very random place.
You were having the casual night, watching some movies with Wendy then the next second, she was there—patting your back as you bawled your eyes out because you remembered him. You wanted him, here.
Let alone when you needed to take few minutes break from your work at the office just to spend some tears inside the toilet—thinking how cruel he was for making you like this. He was really cruel.
You wondered—how was he? Did he cried when you left? Did he go through those sleepless nights like you did? Perhaps, did he ever think of you when he heard your favorite songs? Was he in pain, just like you?
6 months have passed yet It was never that easy to forget him.
When nights fall, you would silently scrolled down to the old messages you have shared with him. Taehyung was a bad texter. He hated texting because he said he preferred to see you more than doing the dry text all day. Once, both of you got into argument because of how bad he was.
“Are you serious?” you frowned at him—crossing your arms while you stood there. You weren’t happy now and of course, he knew why.
“What?” he chuckled as he munched on his favorite snacks, watching his favorite movies. Probably confused as hell why were you acting like this at 11pm. You rolled your eyes.
“You said you would text me when you got home yesterday? But you didn’t?” you pouted—scrolling through the messages from yesterday before you looked back at him. He raised his eyebrows.
“I didn’t? I thought i did?” he grinned and just like that, he was really a bad texter.
“Baby!! I got worried for nothing. I thought you were kidnapped,” you thumped your feet softly on the ground—trying to protest at him like an annoying clingy girlfriend.
He let out a hearty laugh at you. His eyes disappeared when he laughed and weirdly, you loved that. You hid the smile that was slowly plastering your face.
“Who would want to kidnap me though?I’m big and huge, unlike you,” he scrunched his nose at you, probably amused at you and your sudden clingy self. Your eyes widen at him, almost choking at his choice of words. A small laugh escaped your mouth.
“Big? Are you really that big?” you mocked while squinting your eyes. Taehyung hated it when that tone came out from your mouth. He cocked his brows. A grin showed up on his lips.
“Don’t act like you don’t know. Or should I remind you?” he bit his lower lip before pulling you closer to him. You squealed when he made you sit on his lap when you supposed to be mad—making him giggled at your quirky squeal as he planted hundreds kisses on your jaw—stroking your hips softly. You couldn’t help but laughing.
“Hmmm. You smell so good. Did you change your shampoo?” he mumbled through the kiss. You slapped his shoulder and looked down at his hooded eyes. A happiness bloomed in your heart at the sight. Nothing fancy. Just his presence was enough. Crazy.
“So, you’re going to change the subject again like you did last time?”
“Yes,” he grinned. You groaned jokingly. Taehyung knew your weak spot and he never failed to use that. And you weren’t complaining either.
When the memories came up, you were left helpless and vulnerable again and again. You wished it never ended. You wished the memories shouldn’t be called memories because you wanted to feel it everyday.
There were a lot of them and every day, you would remember it like a diary. His pictures—he loved to send you those random pictures of him, his dog Yeontan and sometimes, those things that remind him of you. 2k pictures from him—you still kept them nicely inside your phone.
You would read those old messages from him without realising a trail of tears were streaming down in the corner of your eyes. You didn’t realise the same tears kept you company every night without fail. He was gorgeous. You missed his raspy laughter. The way he pinned his body against yours because you were cold. Those sleepy voice echoed through the room when he woke up next to you—begging you to stay with him for few more minutes.
And just like that, the entire night was spent with the silent cry from your mouth. It happened everyday and you didn’t know how to make this stop.
“I’m gonna fucking kill him. Fucking asshole,” Wendy groaned in frustrations while you were beside her—sobbing. The first few weeks of break up, you chose to keep quiet about it because you had no energy to tell anyone about this. And when you decided to tell her, of course, she was mad. As hell.
“If he still wants that girl so much, why the fuck did he date you for 1 fucking year? Are you kidding me? Did you look like a joke? Oh god,” her eyes were gleaming with fire as she couldn’t hide the anger in her voice. The scrambled egg was left cold because she lost her appetite already. That morning felt intense and gloomy than ever. Wendy was a very straight forward woman. Even you were here sobbing like a crazy woman, she cursed the fuck out whenever she pissed off.
You shrugged, wiping your eyes with the tissues.
“Maybe if I was enough-“
“Enough? For god sake, you are more than enough. You gave everything you had, what else did he want?” her voice soften when she noticed your flushed face. As she came closer, she pulled you into her tiny embrace. Again, you broke down. You wished she was right. You wished you had given everything.
“Babe, you are the kindest person I have ever met in my entire life. You are beautiful, gentle and selfless. I’m so sorry you had to go through this. You don’t deserve this,” her voice broke a little when she heard you crying. She was a very sensitive person because the next second, you heard her tiny sob. You hope somebody could feel what was inside your heart now.
“I don’t know. I really don’t know, Wendy. I’m really sad,” she rubbed your back softly as you forced yourself to talk. It felt like a huge chunk just got stucked in your throat. You couldn’t talk.
“Please take your time. It will be okay. It should be okay, I promise you,” she whispered.
Months have passed. Will it be okay?
You leaned against the leather seat as you finished the last document for the day. It was a long day yet you be able to survive it even in such state. You gave a soft pat on your shoulder before gathering all the paper works to give to your boss before you leave. It was already Friday. Time flew quicker than you imagined.
Switching off the computer and grabbing your stuffs, you counted the steps to the huge room, few metres from your desk before you knocked on the door. A soft hum was heard few seconds later and you entered it.
“Good evening, sir. Here is the edited financial reports that you’ve requested before. I’ve made a few edits and please let me know if there is more faulty,” you cracked a soft smile across your lips as you put the plastic file on the table. You tried to sound professional as much as you could do even in this messy state of mind. You glanced at the young man—standing at the book shelf.
“Good work, thank you,” he nodded. A soft smile appeared on his lips as he looked at you. You returned the same thing to him while you stood there, at the edge of the his desk.
“If that’s all, I’m leaving first, sir. Thank you for today,” you bowed politely before you turned your heels. Few steps ahead and he called you again. You looked back at him and this time, he was already leaning against the desk, crossing his arms on the chest—staring at you with frowned brows.
“Can I ask you something? I hope it’s not something personal to you,” Mingyu voiced out—looking straight into your tired and confused eyes. You sure everyone could see how tired you were because you didn’t plan to hide it either. It drained your energy to fake anything now.
“Sure. What’s it, sir?”
“Are you okay?” his voice soften along with his eyes—gazing at you like a melted honey. The tension frown disappeared from his face and it was replaced by a worried gaze. You were a little surprised at his question especially when he looked at you like he knew something was bothering you. It looked like he knew something was wrong with you.
Mingyu has been always that kind of person and you were fully aware about that. The relationship you shared with him was fully business and you barely talked to each other once the office hours ended but sometimes, it felt more than that.
The way he guided you during your first few months as his clumsy secretary, the way he spoke to you even you screwed up too many times, the way he handled those mistakes caused by you—you knew Mingyu was a very gentle person. Rather than making himself as that cold and egoistic boss, he made sure that you could look up to him every time you were in need. Even so, you didn’t want to see his kindness as something that involved love like everyone claimed—deep inside, he treated everyone just as nice as he treated you.
He was a gentleman—with maturity. For real, you couldn’t ask anything more than that because that was enough.
You finally get it why Taehyung disliked him. You flinched slightly, trying to get him off your mind.
“Yes. Of course I am,” you faked a laughter even his eyes were striking into yours, completely unconvinced with your lies. He exhaled, silent for few seconds.
“You’ve lost your focus these past few months. I don’t know, you did your job perfectly but something is off. Are you okay? Is there something bothering you?” His voice has soften a bit—he probably noticed the changes on your face which was something you wanted to hide.
“I’m really sorry, sir. I will do it better next time,” honestly, you had no idea what exactly should you reply to that? Were you okay? Were you good? Definitely not. He shook his head, still unconvinced.
“That’s not answering my question,”
“Uhm,” you hesitated. Your lips turned into thin line.
“Actually, there are few things that have been bothering me but they are minors. I’m completely fine....yes, everything is just fine. Maybe it’s me being easily tired but really, i’m good. Don’t worry, sir,” you tried to sound convincing to someone that observant like Mingyu. He was really sensitive to little changes. You didn’t know he noticed those changes in yourself more than you did.
“If you need days off, please ask me for that. I don’t want you to overwork yourself too much. You’re important,” he looked serious without any hint of smile on his face as his eyes never left yours. His eyes were so intense and you wonder, why was that? Mingyu had such beautiful pair of deep eyes and you couldn’t deny that.
When he noticed a small smile crept on your lips, he spoke again.
“....as my secretary. You’re important to this company,” he corrected himself while adjusting his throat—his eyes immediately left yours as you still stared at him with a small smile. You chuckled—looking down to your feet. He was oddly cute for some reason.
“I know, sir. I appreciate that. But, i’m really fine. I still can go to work tomorrow. I can stay overtime if you want me to,” you smiled at him sincerely—showing off the beautiful smile you barely shown to anyone these past few months. But, this time, you find yourself loosened up for something very weird.
A small raspy giggle left his mouth as he shook his head. Mingyu got off from the edge of the table before he came to the desk to clean up the papers and stuff. You supposed, he was about to leave so you waited for him to finish.
“That’s good to hear. I’d like my best worker back....Alright, that’s all for today, You can leave now,” he flashed you another soft smile. You bowed politely.
When you thought it finally came to end, he called you again. This time—he came closer to you, towering your petite figure under his built. His scent—sweat and cologne filled up your sense, making you looked up at him.
“Are you hungry?”
“Yeah, kind of,”
“Great. Dinner’s on me tonight,” he grinned before he left you alone in the empty room—completely speechless at his sudden gesture. That was quick and random.
“But, sir I-,”
“You can’t say no to your boss, can you?” his voice echoed through the office as he already few steps ahead from you. That was it. You couldn’t say no to your boss, could you?
For few moment, you felt comfort. A sincere one.
The whole ride was filled with soft music from his radio along with the soft breeze, coming from outside. None of you both started any conversation since 10 minutes ago. It wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable but it felt more like both of you were enjoying this silence.
“Do you have any plan tonight? I mean...you know, it’s Friday,” when you were too immersed in such silence, he spoke out—bringing you back to the reality after been lost in your own thoughts. God knows how many time you have spaced out like this. You despised this side of you.
“Uhm, no honestly. I’m planning to eat then sleep until next morning,” you replied while letting out a faded chuckle. The next second, you immediately realised how pathetic that sounded like. Mingyu must be thinking that you were such an anti social and depressed bitch. But, you has always been like this since forever.
He giggled while nodding.
“I don’t know why but I kinda knew you would say that. That sounds very of you,” his deep husky voice filled up the car space along with the small laughter coming out from his mouth. You glanced at him, hiding a smile. You weren’t sure if he already recognised your traits for these past 2 years of working together but for some reason, it was kinda cute that he noticed the littlest thing about you.
“You can’t stop me,sir” you replied, almost chuckling with him.
“Can you do me a favor? Drop the honorific when the office hours ended. I think it’s better that way, it’s not like we are discussing about that annoying client we hated the most though,” he said in a very straight voice.
Without you realised, the car was filled with your laughter when you couldn’t hold yourself from laughing at his remarks. That was the most random shit you have ever heard from him. Mingyu looked surprise but a soft chuckle left his mouth.
“I can’t believe you said that. You hate her too? I thought it’s only me who hated her for no reason,” it was hard for you to utter the words as you were still laughing—covering your mouth with the back of your hand. He nodded with a grin across his lips.
When you have calmed down, he spoke again.
“Can you do that?” he met your eyes. Curling your lips, you nodded.
“I’ll try, Mingyu,” you hid a smile. His small dimple appeared right away—eyebrows raised.
“Without doubt, huh?” he teased. Again, the car was filled with nothing but his small chuckle and your soft smile.
The weird thing is, you felt a warmth for the first time from someone you had the least expectations from.
When both of you arrived at the restaurant, it was packed and crowded—completely something that you hated the most. The last time you went to such place was few weeks ago, thanks to Wendy’s pushy ass.
Both you and Mingyu came inside—finding a table to grab a dinner and go. But, it seemed like it wouldn’t happen because when you looked around, you found that eyes again. Out of those stranger eyes, you would still find that eyes again. Eyes that you have lost.
You saw his boxy smile—twinkling like it always does while his eyes—gleaming with the same sparkle. They were beautiful and painfully gorgeous that you almost forgot everything around you. Again, the universe seemed it was fading away from you.
But, he wasn’t alone. She was there—with him. The woman whom you wished you wouldn’t be seeing again—sharing the same smile and laughter—with him. Those gazes, you sure, they were filled with love.
The wound inside your chest, it was ripped open again.
Everything about this was tiring. Your body was tired. Your mental was tired. Your soul—it died. You tried to comprehend and see the good things from this stage of your life but why did it seem like nothing would work out? Why were you still here, alone with the same wound again?
It was unfair. Why was it only you, who suffered the pain of this break up? Why did it look like none of these things affect him as much as it did to you? Why did your heart still ache so much like this even 6 months have passed? There were so many questions that held you like a knife—stabbing you for the same reason again and again.
The same warm tears fell down—wetting your face for millionth times as you found yourself to be sitting on the bench at a park, not to far from the restaurant. The people seemed to be freaked out since you were there—sobbing silently like a weak bitch even you have told yourself to stop being this weak. Nothing worked out. None of them.
Honestly, you hated this. There were so many changes in yourself and you hated that.
“I found you,” the familiar voice echoed through the cold space before you looked up at your side with tears streaming down to your chin.
There was Mingyu—breathless as he tried to catch some breath from running too much. He must be running around to find you since you left the restaurant in just blink of eyes. Silence filled the gap between you and him while he stared at you and your pathetic self. It was embarassing and you wanted to disappear.
He heaved a soft sigh before slowly making the gap disappeared as he sat next to you.
“So, I believe, that thing, it bothered you these past few weeks? Your boyfriend?” he spoke and from the corner of your eyes, you could feel his gaze glued at you. With these swollen eyes and state, how the hell could you look at him?
“Ex boyfriend,” you replied. He nodded.
“I understand,” he exhaled, taking his eyes off you and looked around as if he let you to calm yourself down from the tragic sobbing. He probably noticed that you wanted to hide yourself from him so he looked away, letting both of you immersed in a night silence.
“It is hard and complicated,” without you realised, you spoke out in such a defeated voice. It was still vulnerable. And Mingyu finally saw that side of you.
He curled his lips.
“Break up will always be difficult. Don’t believe it when they say it’s not,” he met your teary eyes. His gaze was soft and dreamy. He probably saw all the pain in them that he chose to keep staring at you.
“I don’t want to let him go. I don’t want to forget him. Not yet. Not forever. It’s crazy,” you wiped the remaining tears in the corner of your eyes using the back of your hands as you looked down to the ground.
“Do you still love him?” he spoke as he looked straight to the busy streets across the park. You nodded as the remaining tears stained your cheeks. After all these while, you didn’t care anymore. You didn’t care if he find you weird—crying over someone like this even in fact, you shouldn’t have anymore.
“Aren’t you hurted? By still holding on to the past?” Mingyu cocked his head at you. His brown orbs were shining under such dim street lights above both of you. They were blinking like a pearl, something you have never seen it before. Rather than looking disgusted or uncomfortable, you could see a hint of reassurance in them eyes.
“It hurts so bad, Mingyu,” your voice cracked as you felt his gaze seemed never left yours before he exhaled. He looked up to the sky and sighed again.
“You know, there is a thing that I strongly disagree since forever. They said love is about timing, where you found your soul mate at the right time and be happy, also at the right time....” he stopped. There was a short silence.
Then he filled the air with his voice again.
“....but I believe, love is about what has been written for you,” a faded smile appeared again.
“It will always be difficult to get over someone.... whom you thought would be here with you for the rest of your life,” he added.
“...but you know, love isn’t about staying until the end. It’s not always about holding on from the beginning. Sometimes....it’s about letting go even it’s going to break every parts of you,”
When both of you found each other’s eyes—you could feel your heart clenched so much that it suffocated you to the edge. You felt every pieces of you were scattered all over the place again because deep inside, you knew it was true. You wanted to deny but It was painfully true. Fuck this.
“No, please,” curling yourself, you sobbed into your hands. Everything about this was hard. You weren’t ready. The next second, you felt his warmth beside you as he scooted closer. The same cologne filled your sense before he whispered.
“Can I hug you? To ease the pain even a little?” you weren’t supposed to hug your own boss but weird thing, you found yourself nodding at him. Probably, begging for some comfort that been slowly losing from your system. And, Just like that, you were so deep in his embrace—in an embrace that wasn’t Taehyung’s.
Part of you was so in pain. You wished it was him, hugging you this way. You wished it was him—comforting you this way because world knows, everything will be just fine. But, he wasn’t here anymore and you weren’t sure how to get used to that.
You pulled Mingyu closer to you and sobbed on his chest—like you did to yourself every nights. He wrapped his arms around you, securing you like he never wanted you to fall apart like this. It felt like he knew how painful it was so he was there, to put the scattered pieces, back as a whole.
It was weird. You knew there was a goodbye few months ago when you chose to leave but now, why did it feel like everything was finally over? It felt like you have lost that 1 chance and hope—leaving you this helpless.
“Let the grief go and set him free. You deserve to be happy. Genuinely happy,” he whispered—pulling you closer.
You sobbed. He was your happiness but it seemed like you need to replace it with a new one.
Another 2 months have passed. Nothing has changed drastically in your life except the fact that Mingyu has become a new part of your life. You couldn’t believe that night would be the night where both of you went deeper than you had before. He wasn’t yours and you weren’t his but the relationship has changed especially when he helped you moving on. Mingyu knew how and when to be gentle whenever you were around. It looked like he studied every little about your traits and tried to get along with it without disrespecting you in some kind of way.
You appreciate his presence so much. His presence was new yet comfortable—that you were still trying to get adjusted to it even sometimes, you got confused and lost. The weird part—Mingyu was the opposite side of Taehyung.
He loved to cook whenever he had the chance to do so and surprisingly, was good at it. He was huge fan of romance and melancholy genre—you still remembered when he kept you company, watching the same cliche kdramas without whining and complaining about how sucks the genre is.
He loved the smell of pastry—he loved the beauty of the evening sky—he loved the sound of the ocean. Those things that you barely heard from your ex. Indeed, there were new.
Some days, it felt perfect. Almost perfect. The heart break was slowly taken away from you and your days started to fill with laughter and smile. The heaviness in your heart got lifted for a moment, leaving you with nothing but a temporary happiness. It was genuine, all because of him. And you didn’t plan to push him away because there was some part of you, longing for his presence but you had no idea on what reason.
“Are you serious?” your eyes got widen as your gaze was glued on his face that had grin all over it. He curled his lips and nodded before taking the usual monthly reports from you.
The dried saliva in your throat was swallowed forcefully—making him chuckled.
“You’re asking me to go to a party with you? I supposed it isn’t a good idea, sir,” you kept the professionalism as both of you were still in the office—the boss and the worker but you couldn’t hide the tone that coming out along with the words. He shrugged.
“I couldn’t attend it last year and I don’t plan to do that again. And also, I don’t plan to go there by myself either,” he sounded very casual and straight forward—completely ignoring your widen eyes. A slight hum from you filled the space.
“That sounds sad,” you scoffed jokingly before you took back the signed report from him. His small dimple appeared.
“I guess that’s a yes? Great, you sure know what’s the best,”
“Hey, I didn’t say anything,”
“Okay, are you coming with me?” he crossed his arms—showing off his veiny arms while raising the eyebrows at you. For some reason, your heart thumped at the sight because he sure looked hot. You adjusted your throat as you looked back at him.
“I’m coming,” you said, almost rolling your eyes because he definitely knew you were going to say yes—as you witnessed a small satisfied smile plastered on his lips. He looked fierce yet soft, you don’t understand.
“Great. I’m going to pick you up tomorrow, at 8. Are we good?”
“We good, sir,” you scrunched your nose at him before you excused yourself to leave. He gave you a thumbs up as you left
You weren’t sure if he made you come as his secretary or something more than that.
You couldn’t help the nervous sweat that have been wetting your hands when you saw how huge the party is. Now, you weren’t sure if the basic black dress that been wrapping your curvy figure was a good choice since everyone looked damn good. Is this make up okay? This hair?
“Mingyu, I feel uncomfortable,” you leaned closer to his side while whispering to his ear, as both of you walked inside the bar. Of course it was crowded with so many people that seemed to be his friends because each seconds, his name was called.
“Just stay with me, you’ll get used to this,” he whispered softly before you could feel his warm hand sealing yours as he guided you through the crowd. There wasn’t any response from you as you let him take you to anywhere he liked while he introduced you to anyone he bumped to. He wanted you to be by his side so bad because swear to god, his hand felt like glue—it was sealed perfectly inside yours.
“Now, let’s meet my friend. He’s over there,” Mingyu said with a grin to you as he took you to the corner—making your heels clank on the marble floor. Every steps felt like fire because your heart thumped for no reason. They were beating so hard that it made you anxious for nothing.
When you finally reached the table, a gush of air left your lungs immediately when you saw him. Again.
It made you freeze on the ground—making you stood there like a statue as you felt all of the gazes were glued on you. You didn’t give any damn about anyone at the table because the only matters right now was his gaze—it felt like a fire on your body. You met his eyes again after the last time it broke you. He looked surprise to see you here, standing across him, in someone’s hand. Perhaps, he thought you were so in love and happy with someone new. Your heart thumped at the sight before you looked away.
“Thanks for inviting us, bro, it’s been a long time since I met you. Oh and this is my date for tonight,” Mingyu spoke as a proud grin plastered all over his face—greeting those people at the table without noticing you were completely out of zone. Wooshik greeted him back before he averted his attention at you.
“You look good like you always do. I’m glad you come,” he smiled—making you return the same thing. Of course he knew you. He was around when you dated Taehyung. Wooshik witnessed your journey with him until it ended. You glanced at Seojun and Hyungsik, who were also flashing you a soft smile. Those guys, it felt weird to see them after the break up.
“Thank you, Wooshik. The party is great,” clenching into your small pouch, you scooted closer to Mingyu, tugging his arms around yours—completely ignoring Taehyung’s eyes on you even it almost made your legs become wobbly and shit. Mingyu smiled at your gesture because he knew what was inside your mind. Without any doubt, he took your hands inside his. The atmosphere changed. There was a short silence.
“Enjoy the party, you two. Let me know if you need something,” Wooshik spoke—there were changes in his face, he probably finds it weird that you were now in someone else’s arms instead of his friend. You were sure everyone finds it’s weird that both you and him were no longer together in just blink of eyes even yesterday the world saw how deep the love was. It was indeed weird because the next thing you realised, you were in different home.
Every sips of alcohol that glided into your throat felt like nothing but a poison. The crowded place were damn noisy and full of emotions but you were here at the corner with the emptiest heart instead of having fun—like Mingyu have always told you. You should be having fun tonight but it seemed like nothing ever worked out on you.
It’s crazy that both of you were in a same place but the distance felt way too significant. He was over, probably happy and in love. You were over here with your empty heart.
Somehow, you hated him so much. Why would he always come up whenever you were at your peak—building yourself back? Why would those images of them two slapped you—shoving the damn thorns and blood to your heart whenever you were trying to be fine?
“Are you okay?” you flinched a little when the warm whisper touched your ears before you find Mingyu, by your side. Every time you looked at him, you couldn’t help but feel bad. How the hell could he still keep up with your sudden mood swings and bullshits like this? The weird part, he always treated at you like the whole world belonged to you.
“Yeah. I’m good,” you replied—forcing a smile. It was very artificial. He curled his lips as he stared into your eyes without saying anything. Both of you exchanged such an intense eye contacts for few moments before he took your hand—gesturing you to dance with him. You were left in hesitation but just like always, you would say yes.
His hand, you let them sealed with yours. The next second, you realised that he took you to the center of the bar before the warmth from his arms wrapped around your waist as he pulled you closer to his body. Your whole body froze when his deep eyes strike into yours when you looked up. Mingyu was tall that your petite figure almost got disappeared inside his embrace.
“Put your hands on my chest,” he whispered down at you—making you slowly do as what he told you. You weren’t sure if everyone was looking at both of you but the thing is, your skin—it tingled.
“Have I told you that you look beautiful today?” after such silence, he spoke again.
Chills running down your spine when he added.
“You look amazing in this dress. I think I’m falling in love,”
When he said that,it felt like there was a huge chunks in your throat because you barely can breathe when your sense came back. The courage to look at him was gone immediately when you finally understand what he just said.
“Mingyu...” you whispered—trying to make this conversation as clear as possible. He needed to repeat himself because you were afraid that you might be wrong even you heard him crystal clear. His hands slid behind your back to pull you closer—making your face was few inches away from him.
“Please...let me love you,” he said.
“Mingyu, what are you saying?” you whispered back at him.
“I know, I know. This is too sudden for you but please....let me love you. Let me heal you,” he looked down, breaking the eye contact from you. There was a desperation in those eyes, leaving you without words. He sounded needy and desperate. After all these while, you never know he was in love with you. You had no idea, not even once.
“How can we do this? We barely know each other. I’m scared,” you spoke to him—finding his eyes again. The more you stared at him, the more it made you confused you—how couldn’t you see that before? They were obvious.
“We can make this work, I promise you. We can do this. Gosh, I love you so much,”
A small smile appeared on his lips. Mingyu was one gorgeous man. He spoke with his eyes and heart.
Silence filled the gap.
“Can I kiss you?”
You wanted to say no but the next second, you found yourself nodding at him. You wanted to get off from his arms but you let him touch you even deep inside, your heart felt heavy.
The next second, you felt his lips against yours. They were sealed perfectly, spreading his warmth against your trembling lips. Mingyu secured his arms on your back when he noticed you were stumbling on your feet as the kiss deepen. His lips felt nice but why were your heart still empty? Why didn’t you feel any emotions in your heart when he kissed you like this? The worst part—why did you still have Taehyung’s image in your mind even after all these while?
The kiss lasted for few seconds before Both of you pulled away from each other and panted hard. You looked down to your feet—catching some air and a piece of reality. Time has froze around you, you couldn’t really process anything about this yet.
“Don’t touch her,” before you could get back to your sense, you felt a tight grip around your arms—pulling you away from Mingyu.
There was Taehyung, standing so close here as he glared at him with so much fire in his deep eyes. His eyes were already that deep but with fire, they were really intimidating. His jaw clenched a lot, his body tensed up with anger. Your eyes widen at him. Why was he here?
“Don’t fucking touch her again,” he grunted like a tiger before taking your hand and took you away from the place. There was nothing come out from your mouth as you followed him to anywhere he wanted to bring you.
You shouldn’t do that but you did.
“Let me go!!! What the hell are you doing?” you screamed at him when you were stumbling on the ground—almost hurting your feet. Few more steps, he let you go.
“What are you doing with him?” Taehyung grunted under his breath—his chest pound like he was holding such anger. You frowned at him.
“Why do you care so much? Let me go,” you spat as you tried to push him away but unlucky you, he was way much stronger
“Why are you kissing him? Why did you let him touched you?!” his jaw clenched a lot as he found your eyes even in such dark alley. You used to see sparkle in them but this time, it was a fire and you had no idea why would he act this way when everything was over now?
“It’s none of your business, Taehyung! Everything that happen in my life, you don’t need to know. Go kiss your girlfriend and leave me alone,” you yelled even your legs almost turn wobbly because of his fiery eyes. The words felt like thorns in your mouth and his presence still affected you this much, he probably knew that.
He looked stunned.
“After all these while, why do you care so much about me? I thought you said you wanted her but why are you here, dragging me from him? Why?” the quiet alley was filled with your fiery voice between you and him.
“Look.....I know, I know...I’ve fucked everything about us. Everything we had. I get it why it you are this mad because....gosh, this is crazy,” he ran his fingers through his wavy hair while sighing to the cold air. He sounded so frustrated and guilty that it made you become more furious.
“Oh for god sake, please. I don’t want your sorry. Just never show up again, please. You don’t know how hard it is for me to erase you from my life. You hurted me, Taehyung...” you stopped for a while because fuck this, the same tears were pooling in your eyes again.
The painful memories showed up again.
“...You broke me so much. So please, leave me alone. I’m tired,” You weren’t sure if those words were true. You weren’t sure if you really wanted him to leave you alone.
You thought the conversation was over when there was barely any response from him but the next second, he pulled you and pinned you against the cold wall of the small alley—trapping you between his arms. A small whimper escaped your mouth at the cold contact while his face was only few inches away from you that you could his hot minty breath. Teary eyes to such deep pair of eyes. What a moment.
“I never wanted to hurt you like this,”
“You probably get sick of me already but for the remaining minutes, I wanted you to know that—every part of me, never wanted to bring so much pain to you, like this,” you caught his eyes even it was really dark. They have soften. There was no more anger and fire. Don’t know why but It made your heart clench even more.
“Are you still in love with me?” out of sudden, he asked you.
“Why does that matter now?” your voice faded.
“Say that you don’t love me anymore and I will let you go to him. Say that so I know.....when you go back home, there is no more piece of me that would hurt you like this,” his eyes tremble. Fear and pain. Tears pooled again in your eyes. The blood could stain your lips from bitting it too much.
When you couldn’t answer it, he spoke again.
“Push me away if that’s the answer,”
And just like that, he crashed his mouth against yours. The kiss was deep—deeper than the last time you had with him when you chose to let him go. His lips—that was 8 months ago since you got to taste it and they still have the same flavour. Sweet and addictive. Like a drug. Taehyung grunts in the kiss as deepen the kiss by pulling your face closer—savouring your mouth like he missed it.
You hated yourself. You knew you already had the answer for Mingyu’s question because the next thing you realised, you didn’t push Taehyung away. Instead, you kissed him back like tomorrow doesn’t exist.
“Ah!!” a sweet erotic moan escaped your mouth as he planted trail of kisses along your bare chest—sucking and biting into the flesh, leaving some marks on your body. His kisses were rushed yet it never stopped sending chills and tingles to every part of your skin.
He stopped kissing you as he pulled the wet panty from your hips—showing off the dripping liquid from the pussy. You moan to the air when the cold breeze touched your bare core that it immediately made you missed his warmth. He stared at you for few seconds before coming down to your wet entrance.
“Oh my god, Taehyung!” you screamed out loud as you felt his warm tongue all over the throbbing clit. He sucked on your clitoris while grunting and groaning which sent so much electricity to all over your body. Mouth opened, body arched—you called his name like it was the only thing in your mind. You lowered your gaze down at him while moaning, just to find his eyes—were looking straight into yours. Swear to god, you heart thumped a lot. You fisted into his hair—pulling him deeper.
When he thrusted his tongue inside your core, a gush of air left your lungs immediately, making you scream his name as he stared at you. That was hot and your pussy clenched for more. Taehyung kept licking, sucking, eating you out and you never know you have been missing this intimacy with him. He always make you feel good. This good.
A knot started to twirl in your lower abdomen whenever he thrusted his tongue into you with no mercy. It felt like heaven.
“I’m so close,” you cried out and not long after, you cummed—making him lick your juice all over your pussy without taking his eyes off you. That was really hot, you couldn’t contain the overwhelming cloud in your chest everytime you met his beautiful eyes.
Then, he got off from the bed to unbuckle the belt around his waist before undressed the pants from his body—leaving the huge bulge under the boxer to your sight. His cock was throbbing hard inside the fabric and when he pulled his boxer down, your pussy clenched for him. You wanted him to touch you again and do whatever he wanted to do with your body.
“Ride me,” he grunted before crawling back on the bed, sitting with his back on the headboard as he waited for you to climb on him. The veins along his neck and arms were making it’s hard for you to think straight. Your mouth felt dry.
Slowly, you crawled on top of him, sitting on his thigh as you placed your hands on his shoulder for support. Lips were bitten when you caught his eyes before you slowly placed his member on your entrace before sitting on them—burying it deep inside your tight and wet pussy. Taehyung groaned—staring at how deep he buried inside you while you were here with a breathy moan escaped from your mouth.
God, it felt so good. Your legs tremble at the sudden contact—making him secure his hands on your hips as you started to bounce and move your body on him. The pace was slow and intoxicating. He was really big and the fact that you needed to adjust to his size, you never knew it has been a while since he made love to you like this.
Squeezing your eyes, your chin was lifted to the air along with the scream and moan from your mouth. He grabbed onto your hips—making you move back and forth on his dick while groaning with you, so the room was filled with nothing else but the sound of skin slapping that got louder each time you buried himself in you. You’ve lost your mind, you couldn’t feel your legs anymore. Why did the pleasure feel much more stronger now when both of you were no longer together?
“Fuck. Oh fuck,” he grunted through gritted teeth, pulling you closer to deepen the thrusted. Chin up to the air, you cried his name out—digging your nails into his shoulder whenever he quicken the pace. His cock was slapping your weak spot over and over again. It drive you crazy.
“Taehyung....” you whined—the courage to look at him were suddenly gone as you felt your chest was somehow heavy.
When you realised that you be able to touch him again like this—you felt like you just woken up from such nightmare. You could feel his skin, his lips, his eyes against yours—after being so lost and alone. You’ve missed him so much but you had no idea it was this much. 
Your cheeks were stained again. As he kept thrusting inside you, you couldn’t help the heavy cloud in your chest—making your silently sob on his shoulder. He wanted to look at you but you didn’t want to so you kept your face buried on his shoulder. You have lost that courage to see his eyes at times like this.
“You always feel this good. I’ve missed you,” he whispered along with a faint grunt—making you moan out loud with tears falling down from your eyes. It was a weird combination. Moaning and screaming his name in every thrusts, both of you were reaching the climax.
Few more thrust, he cum inside you—filling every space of your core with his warm release as your body jerked and flinched at the contact. Your legs felt like a jelly that you almost fell from him but he grabbed your hips right away.
Both you and Taehyung were panting hard on each other’s body after such intense and quick sex. You weren’t sure what was that sex for? Was this a goodbye sex or make up sex?
There was only silence but then, it was replaced with your small sob. The tears kept falling down from your eyes and stained his shoulder as you buried your face on the crook of his neck. The emotions that lingers in your head were too much, you couldn’t put it into words.
“Why are you doing this to me?” you spoke. A chill ran down in your spine as he stroke your hair softly while giving a soft rub on your hips using the other hand.
“Why are you making me like this, Taehyung! Tell me, you jerk!” you almost yelled before you pulled from him and punched his chest with your little might—trying to let go this slight anger in your chest. You pushed, punched and slapped his chest while sobbing like a crazy woman. He stared at you without saying anything before you finally stopped and became vulnerable again.
“Why did you make me fall this deep even I know, I can’t have you,” your voice crack.
He was cruel. He made you cry and now, he made you break Mingyu’s heart when that guy had nothing but love for you. But, after all these while, why did you still pick him instead of Mingyu? Why did your heart still want him, like this?
“I’m so sorry for hurting you like this,” he whispered—pulling your hands that covered your face before crashing his mouth again. He sucked on your lips like there was no tomorrow—probably get to taste the salty water from your eyes. The kiss lasted only for few seconds before he pulled away.
“I....I never knew that I wanted you this much until you left. Everything...everything felt so fucking empty when you aren’t here. Fuck, what did I do to us?” he took your face inside his hands. His deep eyes were trembling so much.
“You love her,”
“I was confused,”
“Don’t get it twisted, Taehyung,”
He shook his head.
“It made me angry to see you with him. I saw you that night...at the restaurant. I shouldn’t be mad but I did. I know he loved you and it drives me insane.The thoughts of you being with him, god, it’s crazy because I hate it,”
He wiped off the water from your eyes as he took every part of your face into his eyes. God, you’ve missed this. You thought you have lost it completely.
“What do you want, Taehyung?” a faint voice left your mouth.
“You. I want you. I know...what I did to you was too much. I know and I’m not asking you to forgive me now. But, let me fix this. Let me fix the broken parts of you,” his voice strained so much that you actually could feel his pain. Just as much as you do.
Tears prick again.
“I’d still want you even you ended up choosing her instead of me. That shit hurted but I’d still want you”
He shook his head, denying you immediately.
“Nothing happened between me and her ever since you left. The relationship wasn’t there because I couldn’t do it and she agreed for us to just stay as friends. Nothing more than that. She was my first love, yes but no matter how we tried, I realised that, my feelings for her were completely gone when you left. I thought it was her but no, baby. It was you,”
“Believe me, just this once,” he begged.
Swear to god, your heart bloomed like a spring. A small smile finally appeared on your lips as you stared at him. He talked sincerely with his eyes and you could see that. Twinkling and sparkling.
“I love you. I love you so much,”
He spoke and it felt genuine. You knew Taehyung wouldn’t be saying those words without actually meant it. You couldn’t remember when the last time he said that to you but listening to it again after a while, you were on a cloud nine.
You chest were full. The heaviness was gone in a blink of eyes. You nodded at him while biting down your lips before you wrapped your arms around his neck—burying your face on them.
“What took you so long to reply?” you whined softly.
He chuckled.
“I’m so stupid for taking this long,” his husky voice filled you.
“You are so stupid,” you sob—tighten your arms around him as if you didn’t want to let it go. Not anymore. Silence filled the space as both of you got immersed in such deep thoughts for a while.
“I love you too, Taehyung. I always do,” after a while, you finally got to let him know that. The sincere feeling that has been longing in you ever since you met him. It was still here to this day. Crazy.
“Can I date you?” he asked after few minutes of silence and without any doubt, you said nodded. He said the same thing to you before and it happened again. It felt like both of you just got back to the day 1.
Where both of you were young, reckless and in love. Perfectly right.
PS: I think I wanna open a fanfic request box. You guys can give me a request (genre: angst, smut, fluff) and I’ll make it happen (slowly, no tension). Also, ask me anything. I’m always opened for talk. And, thank you for enjoying this fanfic and its sequel. love u
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k-writer1998 · 4 years
Hidden Meanings
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Prompt fic: cafe owner! lee know x barista! y/n
w.c: 1.8k
“So hear me out. What if we blew him up? Poisoned him? Maimed him a little?”
“For fuck’s sake, no? He’s our boss.”
“Not even one punch? Come on Jisung, you can’t tell me he isn’t a vexing person.”
“He’s… peculiar but he still pays us so we, as in you, cannot assault him. Plus I thought you were happy with the job.”
“I am. It’s just… he’s so confusing! Sometimes he just pleasantly minds his business ordering whatever here and there and other days he has me all over the place ordering ungodly amounts then having me help him finish them!”
“... He’s just like that y/n. After working for him for 6 months I thought you figured that out.”
“I’ve long figured that out, doesn’t mean I like it though. I’m just getting some serious whiplash from his constant back and forth and taking him out would give me one less headache with my thesis coming up. You’re his friend Jisung, do you know how to keep him in a good mood?”
      As I let out a frustrated sigh, Jisung gave me a smile which made me narrow my eyes at him. Why does he look like he knows something I don’t?
“I think Minho’s been in quite a good mood for a while though.”
“In what world do you call him randomly screaming in the middle of closing a “good mood”? It made one of the new part-timers drop a mug at how terrified he was.”
“Like I said, he’s peculiar plus we’re a cafe. We have tons of mugs. You’re bright y/n, you’ll figure things out… eventually.”
“Excuse you, just cause you're the manager doesn't mean you can talk condescendingly to me you’re still a year younger than me.”
      I rolled my eyes when suddenly the front bell jingled. I got up from the seat I had taken on the edge of his desk, and made my way to the front.
“Oh no I got this, Manager Han,” I mocked as he didn't even bother to get up.
“Yeah yeah yeah. It's around the time Minho comes, don’t keep him waiting.”
      He gave me a wink which I returned with the finger as I headed out, to make it worse of course Jisung just had to be right. Minho stood at the register with a smile which turned teasing the moment his eyes landed on me. All I could do was give a polite one in return.
“Afternoon boss. Do you want your usual or do you want to change it up again?”
"Let’s change it up, you should know my tastes by now right? Surprise me." He smirked and if this were an anime you would see the little anger symbol on my head.
"Will you drink it still if I get it wrong?"
"Hmmmm, maybe?"
      With a sigh I turned my back to him as I moved around to make him a drink, rolling my eyes when my face was safely out of sight. Or so I thought.
"I see that y/n," he chuckled before walking away.
      He took his usual seat at the table with the most sunlight by the window. Maybe because I'm like a cat and get sleepy with direct sunlight like that, I don't know how he can sit there unfazed. Mentally cursing at myself for getting caught, I went to actually make his drink this time. Thinking back I've noticed he's tried most of our strawberry flavored items, both drinks and treats. Please don't let this flop. I placed the drink in front of him with a slice of strawberry shortcake, in case he didn’t like the drink.
"Hmmm, strawberry?" He thought aloud after taking a sip before a smirk pulled at his lips, "So you have been paying attention to me."
      I prayed that my face felt warm because of the sun and not because of the blush that totally isn't burning my face right about now… come on y/n don't let him get to you, pull yourself together!
"Of course sir, you're a regular. It's hard not to when you come so often."
"So you remember all of the regulars' tastes?"
"The ones I've ran into often enough, yes."
       For a moment his smile twitched slightly, as if he wanted to say something but didn't. That's odd. Minho usually says what he wants, literally. He's said gibberish to me before without batting an eye. Silence passed between us as the air began to feel uneasy, back to my station at the cash register it is. As time passed he just continued to sit there with his order quietly… Once the new part-timer Jeongin came for his shift, and Jisung came out to supervise, I went to take my break after casting my god-knows-what-number concerned look at Minho who just stayed in his daze. Going out the back door, I went up the side alley towards the front of the cafe but made sure I was still out of sight as I took my rightful place on an old crate that has been deemed my break time spot for months now. That is because of a certain black furry four-legged reason who’s familiar meow echoed down the alley as soon as I took out my food, his blue eyes looked at me as he approached.
"There you are Siren. You only come when you smell my food you little bugger," I smiled.
      I pulled some cat food from my lunch and placed the opened can in front of him. For a moment we ate in peaceful silence Minho’s behavior kept floating in the back of my mind until I could no longer focus on eating. Putting my half-eaten sandwich down triggered Siren to look up from his food curiously.
"You know my boss came in again. He didn't quite seem himself today, even more so after I made him a personalized drink. He acted like I got it right but maybe I got it wrong?"
"Why are you getting mad? It’s not like you know his tastes either. Okay, if he isn't upset over that then what could it be? He started acting like that after I mentioned he's like other regulars-"
"Don't use that flat tone with me. What was I supposed to say? "Hey you're kinda cute so I can't help it"? He's also annoying and misleading, remember?"
"Wow okay. Fine, I'll  go talk to him and maybe make things clear, MAYBE, okay? Happy?"
      At that Siren purs before going back to his meal. With a shake of my head I went back to eating my sandwich. I mean it wasn't the most conventional conversation, and if anyone saw or heard they would think I'm crazy, but hey it cleared my head.
"See you tomorrow, One day we won't be having these conversations in public, got it? Just a bit more saving and then you're coming home with me buddy."
      I gave Siren a little love as I rubbed his head before going back inside and back to my shift. After washing my hands Jisung ushered me back to the front cause we got busy and it wasn’t until things slowed down that Minho motioned for me to come over and he ordered two more drinks. Nothing else said. Setting the two drinks in front of him I assumed he wanted to be left alone again since he seemed to be in a bad mood today but at the small tug at my wrist I stopped. My eyes trailed down to catch his hand firmly around my wrist.
"Sit with me."
"But I'm on the clock and-"
"And I'm the boss. Jisung and Jeongin will be fine for now so sit with me."
      This new serious and charismatic side of his threw me off and I could do nothing but oblige to his wishes. Sitting in the chair across from him, he pushed one of the drinks to me and I realized it was one of my favorites. Not really complaining, although a bit unsettled with this weird air around us, I eagerly took the drink. His question was abrupt and blunt that my immediate response may not have been the best.
"Do you know why I come here so often?"
"Just to torture me?"
      I had intended it to be a joke, thinking my sarcasm was evident, but the slight hurt look on his face cut my heart. He's being so serious about this, I feel shitty for trying to joke around… I'm just not used to interactions like these between us.
"Hehe... I was joking… well you come here a lot cause you own the place right?"
"That's not the only reason… Then do you know why I always sit here?"
"Because you like the warmth from the sun?"
"No, it's because I like the view from here."
"The view of other buildings? Minho what’s going on, why are you asking all these questions?"
      At my responses he just smiled at me and shook his head. This smile wasn't like the playful ones he often gave me, this was different, there's something softer about this one.
"Okay fine, last question. Have you realized that you're the only one who services me?"
"Huh? I may be here more often cause I have more availability but-"
      As I spoke this my mind raced through my past time at this job. Every time Minho came in I helped him and when I asked others when I came after a day off they never mentioned Minho coming in… 
"Wait, why is that then? Did someone mess up your order before so you stick to one server?"
"You know y/n for a student working on your grad thesis you aren't bright in other areas."
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?"
      My temper started to flare but the minute the words fell from his lips any fire was immediately put out, the warm smile didn't help my beating heart either.
"Let me take you on a date, preferably not a coffee one."
"Wait so you…"
      All he did was nod. The pieces began to fall into place in my brain but one didn't seem to fit. I snapped my head and scanned his general view from this spot and was confused why this was his favorite until I noticed a flick of a black tail. Looking closer, from this angle you would be able to see into the alleyway. My head whipped back to the boy in front of me.
"Have you been-"
"You never answered my question," he cut me off.
      Remembering my short conversation with Siren at lunch, I nodded my head. His smile grew bigger and I had to look away before my stupid blush reflex acted up again, his smile is quite the trigger. This was definitely not the direction I thought this conversation would go but I'm kind of not complaining.
"Good. Then on the date I can tell you about how I fell for a girl in an alley who fed a stray cat."
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internalsealpanic · 4 years
I Will be Your Tim Drake for Tonight (3) (Jason Todd/ Reader)
Summary:  Preferring to do anything but your physics project, you decide to accepts Tim’s proposal. It’s simple. He does your project, you try to figure out whether Jason Sionis is criminal. Easy, right?
A/n: This takes place in a world where Jason is adopted by Black Mask. Inspired by Building Interest by Zoeleo.The events and characterization in this story are very heavily based on Zoeleo's Long Term Investment series. It is fantastic and I really highly recommend all of her fics.
a/n: For clarification, Reader does have psychic powers but it only lets her sense people's emotions physically. No mind-reading. Her power is more like an overactive sense of empathy which may force her to dissociate into someone else.
There will be violence and mentions of alcoholism (used as coping mechanism for physical pain) and chronic pain.  
As for the additional warning, an animal is harmed but it is barely described. I could not bring myself to actual describe it but the aftermath is described.
I also just converted this from an OC so I apologize for any grammatical mistakes.
Without further a do:
Your stomach drops.
Of course, Damian just had to be the one to pick up.
"Hey baby bro, could you pass the phone to dad?"
"I'm sorry who is this?"
This little shit.
"You're such a kidder! Dami, it's me, Tim. "
“Ah yes, Drake-” You can hear Tim choke in the background. “What do you want?”
“Please Dami just pass the phone to dad, I- I really need to talk to him”
“Very well,”
“Tim?” The voice sounded like Bruce’s but the intonation was all wrong. The voice changer Tim and Babs were working on seems to have made progress.
“Hey dad, I- uh. I might have gotten kidnapped.”
Tim makes another choking noise. “Might have?”
“I was at the party. I think I had around 13 drinks. 13 ! Can you believe it? I felt like a right sailor after that, like the harbor workers, y’know? Anyway, I was taking a smoke-”
“Enough!” The large man roared, snatching the phone from you. “Send us $100 million by tomorrow or your kid’ll be shark bait!” Who says that anymore?
“Of course! Of course! I’ll have the money sometime this evening. Please don’t hurt him.”
Tim, God bless him, does not laugh. Tim’s acting needs some work but he sure does know how to act worried.
The line dies and they tie you back up to the post.
“What the hell?!”
“We have to make sure you don’t just runoff.” The large man says tightening your bonds. Truthfully, you’ve felt far worse. After all, corsets exist. However, this was still a close second.  
“Do I look like I could outrun a snail?”
“He’s got a point boss. He looks like he hasn’t even seen the sun in ages.”
This, you decide, is true for Tim. When was the last time he went out before dark? Maybe he got sunlight when he stayed over at Eddie’s place.
The large man grabs Jason by the collar and throws him to his men.
The 3 men kick and curse at him. They mock him and beat him down. They wail on him with their fists, their steel-toed shoes, and sometimes brick. Jason takes it all with a crooked grin and a sharp tongue. You watched in awe. Even on the floor, Jason looked sturdy, ferocious, and indomitable.
"They all break, sweet girl."
Jason is on a tiled floor. No, he should be on concrete. His blood is on the tile. They’re hitting him. They’re hitting him with a bat. No. They aren’t supposed to be holding a bat. They were kicking him but now they’re holding a bat. No, She’s holding a bat. There's supposed to be three of them, three men,  but their forms coalesce into her .  You can hear his ribs cracking. Next are his legs. His legs are always next. Then his arm. She'll break each bone in his arms and his hands.  He’s wheezing. His voice sounds hoarse. His voice is too hoarse. He sounds like he’s been starved and dehydrated for at least a day. They’ve only been here for an hour. That isn’t right. Oh God! Now she had a cleaver in her hands.
He doesn’t need to die. She can’t.
 The scene crescendos as the tall, dark, sinewy silhouette towering over Jason raises the butcher's knife above her head.
“Harder, daddy!”
The scene of the kitchen fades and the shit-eating grin on Jason melts into view which shifts from amusement to confusion then back to amusement.
You blink seeing his stupid grin far too clearly.
You let a bark of gut-busting laughter out as you strain against the rope. Your brow pinches with concern but based on the scowls you’re receiving they're more focused on the fact that you were laughing like a mad man.  
Jason looks like he’s about to laugh from the absurdity as well when the man in charge picks him up again tossing him into a chair. The other men tie him down binding his wrists and ankles.
"I've had worse." He spits out.
The phone rings again, the dial tone echoing. Jason looks like hell with his face swollen and bruises beginning to bloom on every surface but he still looked like he was 5 seconds from starting a fight.
The large man punches Jason hard in the gut knocking the air out of his lungs as the dial tone cuts off.  “Hear that, Sionis? Your little bitch is pretty soft.”
Oh God, are they serious?
“Who is this? Nevermind. You ok there, sweetheart?” Roman Sionis’ ‘concerned’ voice carries over the line.
They are.
“Nothing I can't handle, daddy.” Jason chuckles with the utmost casualness. You, on the other hand,  instantly want to disinfect your brain. Thankfully, before your mind could wander somewhere it can't return from,  the big man growls into the phone.
“Don't you recognize the voice of the man whose life you've ruined?!”
“You've gotta be more specific than that. I've ruined quite a few lives but I would like to know whose brain I need to put a bullet in.”
“Doesn't ring any bells.” Roman deadpans almost sounding completely disinterested. “Sweetheart, you remember anyone like that?”
“Nope,” Jason replies letting the p pop. It seemed like a strange sort of triumph before it all crashes down with another swift punch to the ribs.
You stare at the strange scene torn between amusement and horror.
“Take this seriously!” Bruno roars.
"I'm taking this about as seriously as it deserves."
A part of you thought 'yeah this is ridiculous enough to warrant nonchalance' while the other part wanted to scream.  On one hand, even you found his identity anticlimactic. Doesn’t he know just how many small-time businesses Roman has ruined? He’d be lucky to get into the top 50. It’s not like he was running a pretty ethical establishment either.  On the other hand, your freaking kid is getting the shit kicked out of him. Emote damn it.
“Jason. Don’t you worry. Daddy’s going to take care of this. Your Uncle D happens to be in town. He’s on his way to pick you up. Love you, baby. See you soon.”
The line dies. Your stomach sinks further somehow. You don’t know if the nausea is due to the fact that the line died, the threat, or the number of times the word ‘daddy’ came up. Who the hell is Uncle D? How is he supposed to help? Your gaze trails to Jason who is now lowering his head to the floor seemingly tired. Maybe that last punch finally drained the fight from him.
“You're all so fucked.” Jason barks out in a fit of laughter. The men around him, jumping from the volume of his voice.  
Bruno grabs Jason by the collar and begins to shake him as if the  “Shut the fuck up you little bitch! Whoever your Uncle D is he's-”
You feel like someone kicked you in the chest. First of all, Uncle D? Really? You guess that there are worse hills to die on. This was somehow weirder than hearing Faust and her siblings call him pops. Second of all, Fuck. You'd never gotten your asshanded to you by Deathstroke but based on how banged up the Titans looked after fighting him this wasn't gonna be pretty.  All you could hope for was that you wouldn't get caught in the crossfire. Although, the image of Deathstroke grudgingly letting a kid call him Uncle D lightens your mood a bit.  
Bruno throws Jason on the floor hard enough for his body to bounce. Like Jason earlier, Bruno is radiating murder.
Just run, you thick motherfucker.
You, being the ‘nice’ Wayne kid that you are,  try to tell him as much but sadly that was halted by shattering glass. A flurry of black, orange, and metal crash through the glass and cut through the crowd of men.  
They fire at him, panic making their faces even paler. They hit him, bullets sinking into his flesh, blood splatters but none of it fazes him. He skewers and cuts them down with ease. His swords and suit are liberally decorated with their blood when it’s all done.
He steps over Bruno’s body. From the grunt that comes out, Bruno is still alive. Dumb bastard doesn’t know how to play dead. He’ll die from blood loss anyway.
“Hey, kid-” Deathstroke greets tersely,  picking up Jason’s nearly limp body.  “We’re gonna get you home.” He slings Jason’s arm over his shoulder.
Deathstroke stops sounding slightly annoyed.
Jason turns to you, who’s still unhappily tied to a post.  “We gotta get him out.” He rasps.  
“Kid, you’re the only one I’m getting paid to rescue.”  Deathstroke helpfully informs as he carefully adjusts his hold on the struggling young man. You blow out a breath somehow more irritable than scared.  “Just cut me out. I can make my way back just fine.”
“Walk in Gotham, are you stupid?” Jason hisses. The concern bleeding through.
“Which one of us charged at their captors while they were armed?”
Jason scowls at you with a petulant twist in his lips. “Yanno what,  Leave ‘im.”
“Ok, ok, I’m sorry and yeah I’ll be fine. I know where to avoid. Just please don’t leave me with them” you plead, throwing away any pride you held as you glance at the most likely dead bodies. Deathstroke cuts you out. Your skin feels raw but you’re otherwise unharmed.
You walk out of the warehouse and Dick practically throws himself at you. “Oh thank god, they didn’t shoot you in the head.” He mumbles into your wig.  
"Why would you think they would shoot me in the head?"
Dick pulls back and frowns at you through the domino mask.  “You aren’t exactly the most pleasant-”
“ We were model hostages.” you squawk.
Jason snorts far too loudly to be helpful.
You glare at him but you weren’t about to say fuck off to him while he has one of the world’s deadliest assassins right next to him.
Deathstroke coughs.  “Well if you don’t mind we’ll be taking our leave.”
Dick holding you protectively, glares but says nothing. Maybe he does but you faint before you can hear it.
A/n: Thanks for reading!
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ally-127 · 5 years
locker room
Tumblr media
genre: badboy!AU smut
pairing: OG character badass! lisa (this isn’t lisa from blackpink but you can imagine it’s her in the story if you’d like) x badboy!jaemin
summary: lisa left class to get some fresh air and away from his suffocating stare that he was giving her while she was doing her presentation. who knew that he would actually follow her right out. he was na jaemin, after all. one thing led to another and... you all know the whole shebang.
warning: smut and quite a bit of swearing oops (read at your own risk)
word count: 2.9k +
song: FOCUS ON ME - jus2 (got7 subunit)
i wrote this without any capitalisation so beware
“lisa, why are you so nervous?” a deep voice questions from right in front of her.
she looks down from the projector screen and at her hands. her eyes slowly lift up and she sees him crack the biggest smile. she isn’t nervous. she’s just irritated.
“you’re so cute.”
the entire class erupts into laughter. aimed at him or her, she didn’t know. impulsively, she runs out of class and into the hallway. before she knows it, he appears right behind her, sneakers screeching against the tiled floors from his abrupt halt as he saw her.
“what are you doing?”
she’s at a loss for words. the biggest fuckboy, and someone who lisa wants to think meant nothing to her, has followed her right out the classroom. his lips are parted expectantly, his dark pink hair swaying across his eyes. she shakes her head. she’s living in a whole fucking cliché.
“lisa,” he murmurs.
“you’re fucking embarrassing me in front of the whole class,” lisa spits at him, the tips of her ears red from both humiliation and anger.
jaemin crooks an eyebrow and takes a few steps toward her.
“you’re mad?” he probes.
“what does it look like?” she crosses her arms, glaring at the boy who seemed so unbothered it annoyed her.
“it looks like you want me,” he leans on the locker and hooks his finger under her chin. the badboy persona really shines when he’s around her. being around her gives him a boost of confidence, of his ego. “do you?”
he angles her chin up so she’s looking straight into those warm brown, mischievous irises of his.
she scoffs and jerks her chin away from his hand. “not everything’s about you, na jaemin.”
“you didn’t say that when you were in my bed last friday night,” he murmurs.
“i—what?” lisa frowns.
“oh, come on,” he doesn’t need tilt her head for her to stare at him. it’s so simple. he’s gorgeous and he himself knows that.
footsteps resonates from somewhere far away. by the sound of it, it’s someone wearing high heels. their teacher.
“jaemin? lisa?” her voice rings through the hallway.
“oh fuck,” jaemin rakes a hand through his dark pink hair.
lisa’s eyes widens.
instinctively, he reaches forward to grab lisa’s wrist. she hates it when he touches her in public, but this time she lets it slide.
he looks around, panicked. he squints at a white metal door, labelled GIRLS LOCKER ROOM. and then he turns his head to look at her. she shakes her head, as if saying “that’s a terrible idea”.
his eyebrows furrowed as he grits his teeth, brown eyes fuming with desperation to get out of being caught.
“if we don’t go right now, we’re toast.” he forces out. “please.”
in his brown eyes, lisa saw something she’s never seen before.
“i’m already on probation.”
silence from her.
“i’ll be expelled.” he finally says.
lisa hasn’t found the words to say but regardless she runs, pulling him with her. he lets out a noise similar to yelp as she drags him to the locker room, the shuffling of their sneakers against the ground echoing in the hallway.  the door of the locker room falls shut, lisa hurrying to it to turn the lock on the door knob.
“damn it, she heard us,” he murmurs.
“yeah you should have thought about that before following me out of class, huh. ” lisa crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow.
“can’t help it,” his serious expression completely changes when his lips quirk up into a cheeky smile. “this skirt you’re wearing— ” he extends his index finger, clad in a silver ring lisa always sees him wearing. the tip of his finger brushes against the skin on the inside of her wrist. “—is driving me insane.”
“you disgust me,” lisa spits and turns away. she’s suddenly self-conscious about the pencil skirt she’s wearing. it isn’t even short, rising about two inches above her knees. she doesn’t want to be dress coded.
“me?” jaemin clutches his hand to his chest. his pretty lips forms a pout, face mocking her. “ouch.”
“jaemin, i swear to god.” she glares at him. “i will—“
“you’ll what?” he inches closer.
“i’ll...” once again, she can’t seem to find the right words to say.
“what about this,” he’s probably plotting something in that complicated mind of his.
lisa leans on the locker, waiting for him to draw out something strange as a proposition to pass time.
“we utilise the time we have right now,” his eyes drift up to see the clock hung up on the wall above the lockers. “we’ve got an hour to spare.”
“jaemin,” she sighs. “why?”
“why what?” jaemin’s front teeth sinks into his bottom lip.
“why would you risk expulsion just to follow me out?”
“because lisa, it’s you.” he says plainly.
“bullshit,” lisa spits. “you tell this to every girl you fuck, don’t you?”
“i don’t fuck anyone but you.” genuine hurt flashed in his eyes. in those eyes lisa saw a fracture in the mask of him––being someone who hits and runs, of someone who is afraid of commitment––that he’s been wearing this whole time. a fracture where maybe there is hope for him.
but no, she refuses to believe that.
“then who was that girl you—“
“right, because you believe all those girls you constantly surround yourself with.” without even saying anything else, jaemin already knew where lisa got her information from.
lisa is silent.
“they’re toxic,” jaemin says. his face is like an open book. it has disgust written all over it.
“what do you know about toxic?” lisa counters. “look at the guys you hang out with.”
“fair enough,” he breathes, jaw unclenching and eyes softening.
for the first time ever, she saw something like hurt flash in those brown eyes of his. seeing jaemin actually affected by what she said sparks up something in lisa. now, he doesn’t dare meet her eyes and that’s never happened before. ever.
she opens her mouth to say something, but can’t when jaemin covers her lips with his own, arms snaking around her waist to pull her closer.
he murmurs her name and pushes her against the locker. hands braced on the cold metal surface, he pulls away from her painfully. adrenaline courses through their bodies as their breathing becomes more laboured. jaemin cracks a smile, chest heaving up and down.
“we’re doing this, aren’t we?”
“shut up and kiss me,” lisa tugs him back to her with fingers bunched around his t-shirt.
jaemin laughs against her lips. lisa feels his teeth scrape her bottom lip from his smile, forcing her mouth open. and then his tongue slips in. sneaky bastard.
he grunts when she lifts his shirt over his head, tossing it to the side and out of the way. jaemin removes his mouth from her only to attach it to her neck. his arms bring her even closer until he was flush against her body. her hands wander across his abdomen, her fingertips feeling the defined crevices of his abs.
he sucks on the delicate skin of her neck, triggering a moan from the girl pinned against the locker. she closes her eyes while he works his way down. his fingers push the collar of her t-shirt to the side for access to her pale skin.
“we’re short on time,” jaemin kneels down on the ground, in front of where she wants him the most.
“you think i don’t know that?” lisa leans her head against the metal door of the locker, hands in his hair.
he traces the waistband of her skirt, eyes flicking up at her intently. on his lips is a smirk, knowing how much she wants him regardless of the way she acted towards him. he’s teasing her and she might light on fire if he doesn’t do anything.
he slides his hands around her hips to search for the zipper. he finds it, sliding it down. lisa feels the garment loosen around her.
“may i?” jaemin is the only thing keeping her skirt in place. he stands back up, hands still clutching the skirt. he’s waiting for her approval, her consent.
“yes,” lisa places her hands on his shoulders when he lets her skirt fall to the floor.
“jump, baby.” he whispers in her ear.
she does exactly as he says, her legs enveloping around his waist. her arms flies around his shoulders, her lips trailing up his neck to the back of his ear, where she whispers,
“you better hurry or we’ll get caught.”
as if the thought of getting caught turns jaemin on, he groans and lisa feels his hard-on pressing against her clothed core. his hands slide up her legs and to the waistband of her underwear.
despite all the heat that simmers between them, his eyes are worried as he asks, “are you sure?”
“jaemin,” she breathes in his ear, giving a taste of what he won’t hear if he kept this up. “yes, i am.”
“a hundred percent?” he just has the audacity to ask so many questions while he stands right between her legs, doesn’t he?
“fuck me already, jaemin.” lisa sinks her teeth into his neck and just like that, he throws his head back as a moan escapes his lips.
his look of euphoria distorts into a seductive smirk, wrapping an arm around her waist. his other hand reaches between their two bodies to the waistband of her underwear, curling his fingers in and dragging it down to her ankles, where he expertly completely rids her of that last clothing that is in the way.
“it’ll be my pleasure,” he says lowly, almost like a growl.
his fingers stretch forward to give lisa her the first stroke on her bundle of nerves.
she arches against the locker. jaemin slides his arm that was around her body out only to cover her mouth with his large hand, preventing the sounds of her moans to echo across the locker room out and into the open. there’s nothing left to support her except jaemin’s toned torso and the hard locker.
“you have to be quiet for me, okay?” jaemin. “or we’ll get into fucking trouble.”
lisa nods against his hand around her mouth and squeezes her eyes shut as he inserts two fingers into her. under his hand she bites her lip. hard.
“fuck,” jaemin pants.
he pumps his digits in and out of her and watch lisa completely lose it under him. suddenly, his black jeans are too tight around his crotch. his thumb rubs circles around her folds to penetrate her even further than he already has. his bottom lip catches under his teeth while he increases his speed, already feeling her walls tighten around his fingers.
he knows she’d come undone when he whispers, “come for me, baby.”
she screams into his palm as the first release shatters through her. complete and utter pleasure runs through her bloodstream like a drug.
jaemin removes his hand from her mouth and brings his arm down once again to wrap around lisa’s figure. he peers at her face, beautiful and flustered. he feels her chest rising and falling heavily against his own and he couldn’t take how much his arousal piled up in his pants anymore.
“lisa,” he whispers as he retracts his fingers from her.
“what, jaemin?” lisa rests her head in the crook of his neck while she recovers from her high.
“i want to—“
“just do it,” she already knows what he was going to say. “fuck me.”
a silver package appears in his hands after sliding it into the back pocket of his jeans. to save him some work, lisa reaches forward between them to unbuckle his belt and unbutton his jeans. she huffs a laugh after seeing the tent that forms in his jeans.
jaemin glares at her dangerously without a word being said. just from that look, lisa feels herself drip between her legs.
“no regrets?” he hums in her ear, his voice a sweet melody she’ll never get used to hearing.
“no regrets.”
below her line of vision, lisa hears the unrolling of latex. jaemin slides the condom over his length with one hand, the other running up and down lisa’s bare legs. he just wants to please her. he just wants to make her feel so good she forgets her own name.
“lisa,” he groans as he runs his length along her folds.
“jaemin,” lisa echoes. her hands somehow found their way back into his hair.
he reaches down to align himself up with her. “i love you.”
he didn’t give her time to respond when he pushes his length into her. jaemin presses his lips onto hers as if he could swallow the whimpers that escape from them.
he keeps his grip on her firm as he starts off excruciatingly slow, in order for her to adjust to his size. sliding out of her slowly, he thrusts himself roughly back into her. the impact made her cry out, her eyelids screwing shut.
“jaemin,” it may be blood she tastes in her mouth from biting her lip too hard.
she has her head buried in his shoulder while he rolls his hips into hers, length fucking her with deep, solid strokes.
“you feel so good,” he purrs in lisa’s ears, sending shivers down her spine.
his hips, flush against hers, made him sink into her to the hilt she started seeing stars. he maintains eye contact with her while he develops a rhythm. a rhythm that he’s never used on her before. a rhythm more harsh, more punishing.
his mouth remains close to her ear, whispering profanities with every plunge he makes. his fingernails dig into the skin of her hips, marking her and bruising her skin. her fingers pull on his hair, multiplying the wave of pleasure that seems to strike jaemin all at once. the tightness around his cock, the tug in his hair...
it took all his might not to come right there and then.
speaking of which, he’s about to drive lisa over the edge once again. and he can FEEL it. he feels her thighs trembling and the sinful sounds that slip out her mouth gradually getting louder.
lisa, too, is trying her best to last. but with jaemin, it’s almost impossible. she feels pressure build up in her abdomen, her walls closing in on him. she trembles under his erratic movements, tugging harder on his hair and teeth sinking into the skin of his neck.
“c’mon, baby. you can do it.” those are simple words that slip out carelessly out of jaemin’s lips. those are words that lisa knows will bring her to her climax. “come for me.”
“fuck, jaemin,” release barrels down her spine, her cry muted by his mouth over hers. the second climax that struck her is the biggest one yet, where she trembled in his arms from pleasure. seeing release unravel her causes jaemin’s own release to  hit.
he drags out a low groan as he presses his head on the locker, beside lisa’s head when he released into condom.
“fuck, lisa,” his pants are hard.
she tilts her head back while they ride out their high. her walls pulsate around his cock and jaemin almost comes again just by the feel of it. he places his lips on her neck, his tongue swiping by her collarbone. he sucks on the skin by her collarbone, knowing very well it would mark her. she moans for the last time after feeling jaemin’s teeth settle in the hollow of her neck.
he pulls out of her, ridding himself of the condom by tossing it in the bin placed conveniently at the corner. he lets her down, careful to hold her up with both his arms.
“can you walk?” jaemin’s tone is teasing while a smirk hangs on his face.
“fuck you,” lisa glares at him.
“already did,” he shrugs.
lisa groans and places a hand on her forehead. they promised each other. no regrets.
“okay,” he bends down to hook his arm behind her knees and across her shoulders.
she shrieks when he lifts her up in his arms. “jaemin— i need to put my clothes back on.”
“let’s streak in the hallway, shall we?” he nuzzles his nose in the crook of her neck.
“so much for caring about being expelled,” lisa rolls her eyes but regardless links her arms around his neck. “please let me down.”
“but i love you,” he whispers into her ear.
she goes very still.
it’s been years since she’s heard those words from him. last time he said it, it was a dare from a foolish friend and just now, before he lost himself inside of her.
“i really do, lisa.”  he lets her down, back onto her feet. “i was hoping maybe we could try.”
lisa slips her clothing back on, reaching to the back and zipping her skirt up while her eyes remains constantly on his.
“i...” she takes one step closer to him. “we can try.”
“we can?” his eyebrows perk up. lisa laughs at his adorable expression.
“only because i love you too,” she cups his chiseled jaw in her hands gently. “but you better not tell anyone.”
he smiles brighter than the sun that leaks through the window, leaning forward and nudging his nose against hers, making her laugh again.
a/n i know this isn’t your usual ‘y/n’ story but i really hoped you enjoyed my first ever smut published on tumblr!! i tried to make it as something that can proceed without a plot but i can’t seem to write anything without a little backstory. 
anyway, i find myself enjoying writing these one-shots so prepare for many more to come since i have nothing to do with my life
lots and lots of love,
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smileyoongle · 5 years
Come Back Home (A Kim Taehyung Mafia AU) // Part 6
Summary: You were dead. Or at least that's what Kim Taehyung thought. But love never dies. A myth, yes. And maybe that's why when he finds out that you are alive, he may have already lost you.
Pairing: Mafia!Taehyung×Reader
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24th January, 2019
This is my first entry ever. My name is Y/N Y/L/N and my life has been a little too happening for the past 24 days. I came to live with my best friend in Korea, only to be kidnapped by a dangerous man who called himself Kim Taehyung. And these 24 days, I have been living with him. That's right. Living.
I have to admit, I was scared shitless at first. I thought I was pretty much dead and there is no way Yoona can save me. But can you imagine my surprise when Kim Taehyung turned out to be a sweet gentleman? And it's not just him. All the people who work with him are just as nice to me. Especially, Jungkook. He makes me feel like I have known him for a long time. It's not really bad living here. Taehyung's house is like four times bigger than Yoona's house and I sometimes get lost. It gets boring when no one's home but I manage. I think my little complaint made Taehyung buy me this diary. It's really pretty and it has my name sewn onto the hard cover. He says it's an apology present but I know he's probably annoyed with me. He just wants me to keep to myself. It isn't my fault, is it? Kim Taehyung is just a very…. intriguing man. I find myself being pulled to him all the time. But this is a secret. Between you and me.
Yours Lovingly,
A knock on the door made you close the diary and hide it under your pillow. You cleared your throat and pulled the covers up to your neck before mumbling a 'come in'. Minho's head peeked in through the door, a small smile gracing his lips as he took in your form. He slowly got inside and closed the door.
The sun was shining through the windows, the chirping of the birds outside giving you hope that today's gonna be a good day.
"Hey." He mumbled, glancing at his feet and leaning against the door. You gulped, the awkwardness in the room becoming very obvious. You hadn't spoken to Yoona or Minho the day before. Jungkook's words had left you anxious and suspicious, if it wasn't for the diary then you would have surely lost your mind. Since you were too tired the previous night, you hadn't touched your diary at all. But your curiosity had you waking up early and flipping open the pages.
Strangely, Minho hadn't bothered you since you fainted and you wondered how your relationship with him used to be.
"Hi." You replied, mustering a small smile and sitting up straighter. 
"Did I wake you?" He asked, wincing a little at the thought. You immediately shook your head, your hands itching to grab your book and read more of your thoughts.
You could feel the headache coming, clearly, the information of you having been kidnapped was too much. 
So Taehyung became your best friend after he kidnapped you?
That's the only possible explanation. And also, he doesn't seem to be lying either since your entry made sure to tell you how much you liked being in his presence.
Wow ...what an interesting story.
"Y/N, are you listening to me?" You snapped out of your thoughts, mentally slapping yourself for completely forgetting about Minho. 
"I-uh yeah... I'm sorry I'm just... there's too many thoughts." You apologized, biting your lip and shaking your head slightly. Minho smiled apologetically at you, his hand enveloping yours. You blushed, gaping at the sudden gesture.
"It's okay, I understand. I just came to tell you that Yoona has gone out for some work. So I was wondering that maybe we should go out and you know, not let you get too cooped up?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at you.
You blinked at him, thinking of ways to say no but you couldn't do that to him. As much as you lost yourself, everyone else did too. What they need is for you to tell them that you aren't gone completely. You'll be back. You are on your way.
Reluctantly, you nodded, eyes narrowing at Minho's hand on top of yours. 
"I'd like that." You said, giving him a comforting smile. His hand was warm against yours, the kind of warmness that Jungkook had brought to you. It was so...brotherly.
He's your boyfriend.
You cleared your throat, pulling your hand away from him. Minho noticed your uncomfortableness and stood up, giving you a nod.
"Okay then. Uh.. I'll wait for you downstairs. Take your time." He said, waving at you before leaving you alone. 
You sighed, leaning against the backrest. In all honesty, you did feel a little grimy. You had barely gotten out of bed since yesterday.
You pulled out your diary, running your fingers across the hard cover. There was a certain amount of hesitation in your heart. You didn't really know the story that was hidden between the pages. It was like you were getting to know yourself from your own perspective. You couldn't tell if you were ready or not.
"Fucking hell!" 
Taehyung's voice echoed through the house, making everyone turn their heads towards the study. Namjoon frowned, nodding at everyone to let them know that he was gonna check up on what exactly Taehyung was doing.
He dragged himself up the open staircase and leaned against the doorway of Taehyung's study, frowning on seeing the mess. The room reeked of alcohol, an empty bottle of whisky sitting on the table which used to be a lot more cleaner in your presence.
Namjoon's heart ached at the thought. Such a shame that life is so quick to take away important people. The only thing Namjoon was grateful for, was your existence. At least, you were alive. 
Taehyung rummaged through the cardboard boxes in the room, throwing out everything that he wasn't looking for. Namjoon sighed, concluding that Taehyung was, indeed, drunk.
"What are you doing?" Namjoon voiced, watching the younger male with a cold expression. It was absolutely demotivating to see Taehyung slowly spiralling back into the darkness that he was saved from. As much as Namjoon wanted to do something about it, he felt helpless.
Taehyung closed his eyes, sitting down on the carpeted floor and rubbing his eyes. He hadn't gotten a wink of sleep last night, his mind too busy replaying his encounter with you.
"I can't fucking find her diary. I swear I had packed it up in one of these boxes.." Taehyung replied, his words sounding very unstable. 
Jungkook stood outside the study, peeping in from behind Namjoon and wincing on seeing Taehyung's state. There was absolutely no way he could tell Taehyung what he had done. Taehyung would probably get mad that Jungkook had done this without telling anyone. But what could he do? 
He seemed to be the only one worried about your sanity because you were staying with Yoona. Something had to be done to save you. To make you feel like you still had control over your life.
"You're too drunk to be looking for anything. Go and get cleaned up first." Namjoon ordered, kneeling down beside his brother-like friend and patting his back. Taehyung shook his head, his red rimmed eyes begging Namjoon to help him.
Jungkook decided that he should probably step in. So he did.
"You really should go and clean up. We'll look for it." Jungkook stated, walking in with his hands in his pocket. Taehyung sighed, reluctantly nodding. He stood up, stumbling on his own feet but Jungkook caught him.
Taehyung nodded at Jungkook in acknowledgement and Jungkook cracked a small smile.
"Just, please find it. That diary makes me feel like I still have her even though I don't." Taehyung requested, glancing at both the men before making his way out. 
Jungkook frowned, looking down at his shoes. Should he have not done that?
Yoona shivered, her body still hot and bothered from what she had done moments ago. The silk sheets beneath her body felt cool, her fingers tangling themselves in the red satin. Her eyes followed the man across the room, smiling at him with all the affection she had. But he seemed to be unaffected, too focused on putting on his clothes and lighting up his cigarette.
"You're leaving so soon?" Yoona voiced, disdain evident in the way her shoulders slumped. She knew that Eunho had a life apart from her but she couldn't deny the liveliness she felt when he was with her. She felt special. She felt like she was doing something right, even if the world didn't believe that.
Eunho shook his head, running his fingers through his brown hair. 
"I'm not going anywhere, you are. This is my house and I have things to do so get out."
Yoona's jaw dropped at the harshness delivered to her. She could hear the shattering of her heart, her chest tightening as she sat up straighter. 
"Why are you saying that? I...I don't understand." She frowned, pulling the sheets up to cover her body. Eunho sighed before chuckling bitterly to himself. He turned towards Yoona, taking a long drag from his cigarette and sitting beside her on the bed. He tilted his head, mocking her with his pitiful eyes.
"You stupid stupid girl. Did you think I'd keep you with me forever? I must admit, the sex was amazing at first but now, it's just boring. So, give me back the money you took from me and get lost." He stated bluntly, crossing his legs and staring at Yoona in amusement. 
Yoona's breath hitched, her eyes warming up as tears began to pool in them. All these months, she had thought that Eunho was the one for her. Even though he was a gang leader, he was nice. He was better than all the others she had met. She had trusted him with all her problems and he had also given her money when she had to pay Taehyung back. 
This was not something she expected. She leaned forward and held Eunho's hand, tears freely falling down her cheeks.
"No, Eunho, I'll do whatever you want. Don't end this here. I don't even have the money. If I had it, I wouldn't have borrowed it from you!" Yoona begged, her voice cracking in the middle. 
Eunho was her pillar and maybe she had been naïve enough to let him manipulate her but she was in too deep now. She was in love and she knew that. She just couldn't believe that Eunho could say such things to her. He only wanted her for her body? Bullshit.
Eunho yanked his arm away and stood up, throwing icy glares at Yoona as he crouched down to her eye level. 
"You don't have the money? Hmm...then we have just two choices." Yoona's eyes lit up with hope. This was good. There has to be some way in which she could repay him and convince him to stay.
At her lack of response, Eunho smirked and leaned closer, placing his fingers under her chin. Yoona could feel his breath on her lips, the smell of his cologne mixing with that of the cigarette.
"Either you get me the money somehow…." Yoona's breath hitched when his hand trailed down to her neck, his fingers wrapping around the skin. 
"...or you get me the girl who was in the middle of all this."
Yoona's eyes widened and she immediately pushed Eunho away. Her breathing became heavier and her jaw clenched. 
So he wanted Y/N?
Eunho could sense the anger he had planted in his dumb lover, a wave of satisfaction crashing over him. He loved seeing Yoona getting so riled up over nothing. Because how much was her best friend really worth? 
Eunho just wanted a taste of the girl who had captured Kim Taehyung's heart. It was just mere curiosity and he was sure that he'd let her go after one night. But if she was really special, then maybe he'd have to keep the little birdie with him. 
What was her name again?
"You're sick! I'll fucking give you your money, one way or another but you'll never ever get your hands on Y/N!" Yoona seethed, rushing to put on her clothes. All of her trust and affection was thrown out the window in a span of seconds. 
"Oh? Okay then, I guess you wouldn't mind if I informed Taehyung that this whole kidnapping thing was your doing."
Yoona froze, her jacket clutched tightly in her hands as a shudder ran down her spine. She gulped, slowly turning around to look at the pathetic man who was threatening her after using her to his heart's content. 
"You wouldn't." She mumbled, her tone cautious and doubtful. As much as she wanted to call it a bluff, Eunho's eyes told her otherwise. He had always been a competitive man, his ego too high to please and too easy to hurt. 
Eunho raised an eyebrow, taking a step closer to Yoona.
"You think, baby? Fine, don't come to me when Taehyung sends his people after you."
Yoona shook her head furiously, her jacket falling to the floor as she swallowed thickly. Her stomach churned and she wanted to throw up. The smell of Eunho's cologne was now becoming intoxicating. She couldn't stand it.
"You can't pin this on me. I asked you to hurt Taehyung!" She yelled, pointing at Eunho while he simply smirked. 
"That's the point, baby. You asked me. You let your friend rot in Castillo's basement. You decided that she needs to be given electric shocks to forget Taehyung. So tell me. Who's the bigger culprit?"
The tears that had dried up made a comeback, endlessly streaming down Yoona's cheeks. This was low, even for Eunho. But it was her fault for believing him in the first place. You used to be a cautious girl when it came to men and Yoona used to think you were being too stuck up. Now she understood why. She had made a big mistake with no way to undo it.
Eunho tutted, wrapping his arms around Yoona and letting her cry. He patted her head and rocked back and forth.
"You have two weeks. Get me Y/N and we'll all be happy." He mumbled, his soothing tone contradicting the warning of his words. 
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Taglist: @min-t-posts @annoyinglyunabashedangel @bringitseijoh @kpopgirlbtssvt @jeonjello @shadowstark @bangtanniexxx @wendyiiwl @imlostindarkness @sinnersblogg @jazzytfw @lovestrucked-again @hopetookmysoul @angelwolfexorcist @taes-strawberry @ireallylikefoodandyoutube @annoyingpessimist @hajimaoppaa @atwoodscott @kawaiimusiccollection @byeolizzie @sleepysavya @sensiblebutch @maiden-mars @soundofwonderland @the-fangirl-lorax @btsarmysvtcarat @youthandtears @novelread000 @glitterytreephantom @chocolatemilk1221 @cookiemonstermusic258 @iamcrazyforkdramas @luckyzipperscissorsbat @kpop-is-life100 @entitledtolove @somewhereinthestarss
Look at this family, we really growing, huh? How do we feel about the plot twist? I hate Yoona 😔
Tell me if you wanna be tagged! As much as I think this was a bad chapter, I hope you guys still liked it!
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krreader · 5 years
BTS scenario → meeting each other as enemies.
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pairing: bts x reader fandom: bts warnings: non idol!au ; a BUNCH of au’s (every member has a different au) ; language genre: angst ; fluff
a/n: so I didn’t watch that movie so I had to watch that scene on youtube first and then I was struggling with what to write, but I genuinely hope this is what you wanted my love! 
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kim seokjin
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“I wouldn't do that if I were you.”
The words echoed in the room and made both you and him stare at each other with surprise, shock and also a little bit of fear in your eyes.
It was as if you were looking at yourself in that moment.
“Or what?” challenging the other was probably not a good idea, but it came naturally.
“Or I will have to call my guards on you. And trust me when I say this, my father is not nearly as forgiving as I am and once I call the guards, he will hear about this.”
This was about a crown. A very expensive crown that would bring a fortune once sold, both of you knew that.
“And why exactly are you this forgiving?”
“Maybe I just don't want to see you hang.. you're too pretty for that,” and then the atmosphere suddenly shifted and both of you stared into the other ones eyes, now slowly but surely beginning to grin when..-
“Prince Seokjin.. is everything alright?” a guard knocked on the door and made him turn his head for just a split second.
Which was enough for you to grab what you came here for and escape a moment later.
And when Jin turned his head again he found nothing but emptiness, grinning to himself as he shook his head: “That sneaky little thief.”
It would bring you a lot of money you could need.
For him it was just another piece of jewelry to wear on his head, he didn't need it. He had a bunch of others to choose from, even if his father would go mad once he found out..
..if he found out.
min yoongi
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“Have you thought this through, sweetheart?” Yoongi stood in the middle of this warehouse with his gun, squinting at your silhouette through the darkness, “Because once you come into the light, I won't hesitate to pull the trigger.”
You had talked to him in the darkness, had used the shadow to your advantage.
But he clearly misjudged you if he thought you weren't prepared for this.
Because out of the light came a girl, not older than seven and instead of pulling the trigger, Yoongi just stared at her with parted lips.
Until you snuck up on him and held a knife to his throat with a grin, “Men are weak. All of them.”
The little girl ran away as fast as she had appeared, leaving you and Yoongi to it.
“Using a child is a little low, don't you think?”
“My daughters start out young,” a man suddenly said, dressed in one of the finest suits Yoongi had ever seen. Where the hell did he come from? “But (Y/N).. (Y/N) isn't just the oldest, she's the best in the business. And once I'm gone, she'll take over the mafia for me and will do a better job than any son ever could have.”
Ah fuck.. Yoongi thought this was a weapons deal, he never would have come here if he had known the mafia was involved.
“Don't worry, sweetheart,” you mocked, “I'll go easy on you.”
jung hoseok
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“Step away from the picture,” you put a gun to the head of the man in front of you, his arms slowly raising as he could feel the cold barrel.
“Woha, calm down.. nobody has to shoot anyone here tonight.”
His voice sounded familiar, but you weren't thinking about that right now. Right now, you were thinking about that picture you came here to steal and the fact that this guy in front of you wanted to do the exact same fucking thing.
“Leave. I came here first.”
“Actually, I came here first,” you should have known that he was skilled, because with one swift move, he was facing you – even though his mask was still on – and the gun was in his hands, “So it would only be proper if you left.”
“Fuck proper, I want the money for this.”
“Listen, lady, I don't know who you are, but I promised my fiance the honeymoon of her dreams, so I will not leave this place without this picture.”
And then you didn't respond.
The voice, the way he talked, the way his body looked, the way it felt.. what he had just said..
“No fucking way,” and then you quickly pulled down his mask and found: “Hoseok?!”
“Why do you..-”
But when you took down your own mask, he was staring back at that same fiance he just talked about.
“You've got to be fucking kidding me, (Y/N).”
You two had a lot of explaining to do.
kim namjoon
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“Do you have any idea who I am?” Namjoon got up from his desk, not in the slightest intimidated.
If anything, you should be the one to be intimidated, but then again, you were holding the gun.
And besides.. you did know who he was.
“I want your money. Now.”
“You come into my company and into my office and you dare to pull a gun on me and think you can get away with it?!”
The fact that he wasn’t scared but threatened you only proved it. 
The reason why you were here.
The reason you had to do this.
“Actually, yes. Because despite of who you claim to be,” you pulled down your mask and stared at your husband, your hand trembling slightly, “You wouldn't do anything to hurt your pregnant wife.”
“(Y/N)?” now was the first time he was taken aback, “What.. what are you doing?!”
“Give me the money, Namjoon. I'm not going to raise my child in this kind of environment you have built. I will leave and you'll never see me again, or I will pull the trigger. Either way, I won't ever see you again after today.”
“But..-” he looked.. hurt.. despite you always having thought that he never had any feelings for you and that this entire relationship was built because your fathers had arranged it, “Okay. Take the money. Take it all.”
You would have assumed you would have needed to pull the trigger, but only a few hours later, you were sitting in a plane to start your new life far away from this man you had once thought you might begin to love..
..but then he showed his true colors.
And now you had finally shown yours.
park jimin
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“What are you doing?!” Jimin woke up in the middle of the night when he had heard some ruffling in the back of the store. He had instantly grabbed his knife, ready to kill any zombie that had somehow managed to get in, but what he found instead was a dirty girl desperately searching for food.
And because you had been out there for too long and lonelier for even longer, you sprung up and raised your gun, pointing it directly at his head.
“Stay back or I'll shoot!”
“Woha, woha, hey.. calm down, I won't hurt you. I just.. I was just surprised, that's all,” he said, smiling a little and carefully putting down the knife, “Here, look.. I won't hurt you, I promise.”
But just to be sure, you crouched down and grabbed the knife for yourself.
Only then did you slowly put down the gun.
“I'm just.. looking for some food.”
Jimin looked around, realizing you were alone when he asked: “Do you.. have a name?”
You were hesitant, not trusting strangers at all, but.. you were so fucking hungry and you knew that he had to have some food in here somewhere, “(Y/N). My name is (Y/N).”
And that's when Jimin remembered the dying words of the professor that he had encountered a few weeks ago: “There is one.. one that is immune. (Y/N). Find (Y/N). Find her and bring her to the military.. find her to save us all.”
At first he gulped down hard, then he smiled, “Alright, (Y/N). I'm Jimin.. and I have a lot of food left for us to share!”
kim taehyung
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“You're insane if you think you can win,” you warned, ready to pull your gun.
“So are you, hun,” Taehyung was standing a few feet away from you, his hand ready above the holster.
There were two men behind him, two of his group and one behind you, one of yours. They were watching, waiting to see who would win this battle and then report back to the bosses.
Who would kill who.. that was the question.
A question that was answered a moment later when you drew your guns and shot and..-
All three of them fell to the ground, as dead as can be and Taehyung ran towards you and grabbed your hand to pull you to his horse.
“We have about twenty minutes before someone will come looking and will find them. Enough time for us to get away.”
He was the first to get on the horse, then he helped you, you wrapping your arms around his middle.
“Hurry, then.”
It was like Romeo and Juliet.. just in western times.
jeon jeongguk
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“You're talking about magic?” Jeongguk laughed, “There hasn't been any sign of magic in this area for years, you'd be the first.. and you don't look like a witch.”
“What exactly do witches look like in your opinion?” you narrowed your eyes at him.
“I don't know.. ugly. And you're too beautiful to be one.”
“Well, well, well,” you chuckled, slowly approaching him and seductively so. You could see him take a deep breath, trying to keep eye contact when you were right in front of him, “I appreciate the compliment.. however, you don't fool me.”
“Huh?” Jeongguk was still nervous.
Yet, you knew that he was because of an entirely different reason, not because a pretty girl was in close proximity.
And as your hand wrapped around his, you could see how he was trying to cast a spell, your amulet that you were wearing preventing him from doing so.
“I've been looking for you, mage,” you laughed, “You're a long way from home.. and now it's time to go back.”
A mage hunter.
Of course you were a fucking mage hunter.. god, he had been so careful before and now.. it was all for nothing..
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
So I’ve been going through all my old Scrivener files and rounding up all the various fics and updates I’m planning on queuing up to post during the month/however-the-fuck-long I’m bedridden after surgery in a couple weeks. Which includes Teen Wolf as well as Batfics, FYI. 
Anyway, came across this old WIP that I never ended up posting because I ultimately thought it felt too similar to both Where Wild Things Are and Lightning Crashes, just in different ways....not enough that any of them were derivative of each other, but enough that I wasn’t super inspired to continue writing it because the vibe I was going for with it, I was already getting from writing those other two fics.
But I still liked it and think there was some good stuff there, so what the hell. Here’s an opening from a never-planning-on-finishing-it Scallison AU, where things diverged from canon right after the Hale fire six years pre-pilot, and there was a different-from-canon McCall pack at war/trying to survive Peter’s pack in its attempts to stamp theirs out. 
The Scallison part starts out in the vein of the ABC show Revenge, where Scott’s initially just trying to keep an eye on the hunters in town/figure out where the Argents land in all of this, but then, y’know. The feelings happen.
Anyway, it was chock full of my favorite TW writing tropes - runaway/long lost Scott, pack politics, side characters turned main characters, scheming, double-dealing, Scott Is A Goddamn Genius and No I Do Not Accept Constructive Criticism On This Matter For It Is Wrong....you know, my usuals.
I did have a pretty extensive outline/summary for the rest of the fic and my plans for it, that I can post if there’s any interest in reading that and seeing where this was going. *Shrugs* Just let me know.
Scott McCall came home on a Tuesday.
For Allison, that didn’t mean much at first.  Her only context for the mass text was the bemused quirking of Lydia’s lips and a rather underwhelming ‘Huh.’ Then a shrug and a flick of her hair, and her best friend by default returned to ruffling through the Macy’s clearance rack with a vengeance.
“Awful. Grotesque. Needs to be set ablaze, immediately - ”
Allison nodded to herself and bore continued witness to Lydia’s evisceration of every hack designer of every fashion atrocity present, though sadly, the novelty of that had long since worn off. It was 7 pm on a school night. They’d been scouring the mall for something to meet Lydia’s approval for three hours already, and Allison did have trigonometry homework she could be torturing herself with instead, so….
Tough call. Hard choices had to be made. Allison steeled herself for battle and called Lydia Martin on her bullshit.
“Why are we here again? You hate Macy’s, and you absolutely despise clearance items.”
“I know that, and you know that.” Lydia emerged from a forest of polyester blouses wearing a look of disdain that had a ph level that would put any acid in the school’s chem lab to shame. “But I’m trying to see if I can find something here to start a trend with anyway.  Call it…a social experiment.”
“Hmm.” Allison nodded again thoughtfully. Briefly, she considered mercy. But she had just wasted three hours of her life. And mercy wasn’t really the Argent family way. 
She pulled the trigger. “You sure its not called Daddy cut your spending limit?”
Her melodrama-prone friend threw her hands up as if to express the whole world had gone mad and nothing made any sense. “It’s like he’s not even trying to buy my affection anymore!”
Allison coughed into her hand to smother a giggle. Being able to so easily rile up her friend when all others’ attempts dashed themselves harmlessly upon Her Majesty’s porcelain mask of perfection? Still her favorite sport next to archery. But certain social norms must be respected. One didn’t openly mock a friend in such obvious distress. She quickly changed the subject. For Lydia’s sake, really.
“So who’s Scott McCall?”
Lydia paused midway through working herself up to a truly tickets and popcorn-worthy rant, thrown by the sudden segue. “What?”
Allison waved her phone, flashing the mass text Danny had sent out to pretty much everyone in the Beacon County zip code.
“Scott McCall’s back. He just walked into the Sheriff’s Station. Stiles saw him himself,” she read out loud. “Who’s Scott McCall?”
“Oh. That.” Lydia tore her horrified gaze away from a leopard print mini-skirt and shrugged. “He’s this guy from our class who disappeared seven years ago. You know that Dunbar kid’s stepmom, Melissa? It’s her son.”
“Wait, seriously? And he’s our age? How have I never heard about this before?”
“I don’t know, Allison,” Lydia rolled her eyes. “Maybe because normal people don’t talk about things that depress them? It was a long time ago anyway.”
“I can tell it had a real effect on you,” Allison said, with just a touch of acid herself.
“I’m in the midst of a personal financial crisis currently. I’ll care when its over. Besides, its not like anyone has any details yet. Pointless gossip is for the peasants.”
“So what happened anyway?” Allison asked. Lydia shot her a look and she smiled innocently. “What? I’m comfortable with my peasant status. And I’ve lived here almost two years now and never heard a word about this. How can I not be curious?”
“Well this was an utter waste of time,” Lydia said under her breath as she gingerly replaced a sequin-studded monstrosity back on the rack, seemingly preoccupied once more. Or possibly just flat-out ignoring her. 
The menace of the malls then raised her eyes to the ceiling as if despairing at the world at large, heaved a sigh that was practically a soliloquy unto itself, and ran her fingers through her hair in some kind of ritual of self-composure. 
Once she’d observed the proper formalities for conceding her quest was officially a failure - at least, Allison was pretty sure that’s what she was doing, though she’d rather not commit to that, given that some of the intricacies of her friend’s habits still eluded her grasp - Lydia finally slung her purse over her shoulder and set off towards the exit with an imperious wave of her head. 
It was only when her brisk walk stalled out while waiting for the garage elevator that Her Highness deigned to address the lowly commoner’s curiosity. 
Allison just sighed internally. She’d long since made her peace with her friend’s little power games. They were entertaining as often as they were exasperating, so it was sort of a pick your battles type situation, and Allison preferred to err on the side of not waking the beast beneath Lydia’s deceptively dainty exterior.
“You know about the Hale fire, right?” Lydia asked.
Allison nodded. It wasn’t an everyday topic of conversation by any means, but it had come up at least once or twice since her family moved to Beacon Hills two years prior. Talk of the tragedy had even made an appearance in her own home, in a couple of muffled shouting matches between her parents that she’d only caught bits and pieces of.
“Yeah, my Aunt Kate actually lived around here back then. That was the fire that killed that whole family, right?”
“Right. So it was pretty much right around that same time. Scott went missing just a few days after. A lot of people even wondered if there might have been a connection, there were rumors the fire was arson, I don’t know. It was a whole thing, and we were only ten at the time, you know? Anyway, Scott’s dad was this hotshot FBI agent. There were search parties for like two months, but they never found a body or anything. Most people eventually figured it probably had something to do with one of his dad’s cases.”
“And now he’s back,” Allison prodded when Lydia lapsed into silence. The smaller girl just chewed on her lower lip, staring at the wall of the garage almost pensively.
“And now he’s back,” she echoed with a distracted nod of her head.
“That’s....interesting,” Allison offered tentatively. She wasn’t entirely sure what to make of the mood that had fallen over her friend, like a spell had settled upon her the moment she’d actually stopped and reflected on her memories of the events in question. 
It seemed somewhat conspicuous to her that Lydia made no mention of who Scott was beyond just the victim of some strange small-town mystery, and so she was uncertain just how cautiously she needed to tread here. Had they been childhood friends? Mere acquaintances? Something else, likely as baffling and unexpected as most things about Lydia Martin tended to be?
But the born and raised Beacon Hills native just shrugged one shoulder listlessly and twirled a strand of strawberry-blond hair around a finger.
“It’s something,” she said at last. The elevator arrived at their level with an almost cheerful-sounding ding that was at odds with the somber mood they stood draped in. Lydia shook herself, a full body kind of motion not unlike a dog drying itself off.
“Are you coming?” She tossed over her shoulder at Allison, sounding almost exasperated, as though she hadn’t been the one just standing there staring at the wall for a good ten seconds after the elevator doors had slid open.
Allison sighed and shook her head, but she held back any retort and instead simply followed her friend down into the lower levels of the garage. Now was not the time to pursue...whatever that whole thing had been, just now. 
Lydia Martin had just unwillingly displayed an emotional reaction in front of another person. It was too dangerous to prod for further weak spots in her armor without letting at least a day or two pass first.
The self-styled Queen of Beacon Hills had relieved commoners of their heads for lesser offenses than that.
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Day 9: Shackled
(We’ll scream, we’ll dream.)
Whumptober 2019 Day 9: Shackled
Word Count: 1816
Relationships: Moceit (NOT consensual), Moxiety (past), allusions to Moduke (past)
Warnings: Unsympathetic Patton, childhood kidnapping/growing up in captivity (mentioned), rape (non-explicit but it does happen), abuse (mainly physical), cursing, lots of vulgar/explicit language, misgendering/deadnaming. Please tell me if I’m missing any.
A/N: yeah, this one is pretty heavy too. it also includes non-con, and although it isn’t super graphic/explicit, i highly advise you to stay away if that will make you uncomfortable. sorry it’s an hour late, blah blah blah, this is becoming a habit and it’s not a good one
Virgil can’t stop feeling so goddamn guilty.
He should have paid more attention, over the years he was with Patton. He should have questioned why his boyfriend would disappear into the basement, often for hours at a time, without a single explanation. He should have seen how disturbed Patton was, realized that he needed professional help. He should have seen it, should have known that Dee was down here suffering all this time, but he didn’t. He didn’t, and now Dee is traumatized, and she’s lost so much of her life and her childhood and her personal autonomy, and it’s Virgil’s fault. It’s his fault.
No, no, it’s not. It’s not his fault. He has to stop doing that. He knows that this is just a product of his anxiety, and he’s unrealistically feeling responsible. There wasn’t anything he could have done. Even if he did find out about Dee’s presence earlier, there would be no guarantee he’d have even been able to help her, and it would probably have just sped up the timeline. Who knows, maybe Patton would’ve left him down here with her.
Like now.
Even here, as Dee stands against the wall, open and unashamed with her nudity, there’s something closed-off in the air. Virgil feels an odd, overwhelming sense of insecurity that comes from a place he can’t pinpoint, somewhere ashamed. He knows it’s not his fault. It’s not his fault. It’s Patton’s doing.
“Dee, I don’t… I don’t know if he’s gonna come down here again, and I’ll try my best to make sure nothing happens to you if he does, but… I’m chained up like you are. I’ll-- I’ll get us out, but I might… I might need a little more time, okay? Not long, but…” Virgil trails off, low, strained voice echoing off the concrete walls of the basement. Delilah’s eyelashes flutter as she snaps to attention, jolts her head up to look for danger, and then relaxes minutely when she processes the statement. Virgil hates Patton. He hates him.
“Y’h… Been down here a long time anyway. Used to it. I c’n wait,” Dee murmurs, eyes trained at her bare feet, and Virgil feels his fury sharpen like a knife. She shouldn’t have to wait, shouldn’t be used to it. She should have had a good childhood, grown up properly. She should have been able to go to sports games with her friends, ordered pizzas and played video games, felt the pride of graduating from high school. She should have been able to feel the joy of her friends using the right name, to buy her first skirt, to have girl’s nights and sleepovers. She should have had a life. A real life. Not this.
Things get quiet again. They’ve been going in and out of bouts of silence for a while, have been lost in their own thoughts. There is a bit of light coming from upstairs, but it’s not exactly enough to see well by, and there isn’t really anything to do but wait. Virgil’s already tried to yank at the shackles, see if they could break if he pulled hard enough, but it was to no avail. So. Now he just… waits.
The creak of the basement door is a sound that is all too familiar to Virgil, one that he heard so many times while rarely ever questioning it. Patton told him he was making friendship jewelry. Virgil should have seen through his bullshit. Aside from the fact that the memories of Patton disappearing down here over and over and over without any repercussions or suspicion through the years are probably going to be ones that will haunt Virgil for the rest of his life, he knows he needs to focus on now, focus on Dee, and focus on keeping Patton busy.
And Patton’s down here in their presence again, rambling on about something that goes completely over Virgil’s head. It’s some shit about how great he slept last night with Virgil not there, how he had the bed all to himself, and Virgil couldn’t give a single fuck about his attempt to make Virgil angry. He’s already angry, and if he really wants to infuriate him, he’s gonna have to do better than that.
“Why, hello, Ethan. You’re looking ugly today,” Patton greets cheerfully, doesn’t notice the way Dee flinches when he says the wrong name. Virgil doesn’t blame her for not telling him. It’s none of his goddamn business to know. Even so, Virgil still feels bad for her, because it’s not like growing up in captivity has really allowed her to do any personal searching, have creative expression, or experiment with herself. Virgil’s parents were similarly strict, and although his situation was never anywhere close to being as bad as Delilah’s is, he sorta gets it.
“Y’know, if you weren’t such a disgusting excuse of a human being, I might have made you my boyfriend. Would you like that? D’you want to be my pretty, docile little housewife? Wanna be my cute little fucktoy, bend over whenever I tell you?” Patton asks, tone high as if he’s talking to a child, or a dog, and that’s probably not far from how he views her. Patton’s narcissistic demeanour is one of the most infuriating things Virgil has ever had the misfortune of witnessing, but he can’t lose control. He needs to reign in his vexation, stay in control of the situation. It’s for Delilah’s sake.
“You couldn’t get with someone you wanted even if you tried. Nobody wants your small dick,” Virgil spits, pulls against his chains again in frustration even as the rest of his body remains still. He’s pleasantly surprised that he’s able to keep the urgency out of his voice, since it’s imperative to not show Patton weakness right now. As soon as he finds a crack in the wall, a break in the code, he’ll latch onto it and exploit it. Virgil can’t let that happen.
“Hmph, really? You seemed to be enjoying my ‘small dick’ all those times I fucked you so good you couldn’t even speak. But maybe that was a different Virgil?” Patton muses, sneers from the side as he strokes Delilah’s trembling face with the backs of his fingers. Virgil wants to yell, and scream, and punch Patton so hard it knocks him straight into hell, but he can’t. He can’t show emotion, can’t show fear. He has to make him angry.
“Oh, please, are you that delusional? I didn’t speak because there was nothing to say. It was boring. I wanted to yawn every single time we had sex, but I guess my plan to stroke your ego and make you think I wanted you worked, didn’t it? The only reason I stayed with you was for your house and money. You cooked for me every night, gave me a bed and a roof, and that’s honestly all I really got out of this. You couldn’t fuck someone into speechlessness if your life depended on it, you’re too boring and vanilla to attract anyone else, and I could easily have up and left a three for a ten. Sorry, bud, but you never had me.” Virgil finishes his rant with a loud scoff, a flourish to really hammer his point home. He can see how furious it makes him. He can relish in the way Patton’s brows pull down with his enragement, even as he senses a whisper of guilt work its way into his chest. Virgil hates that he feels bad, hates that he’s outright lying. He wishes that it were true, but it’s not. And at least he gets Patton’s attention, but then Patton doesn’t look very mad anymore.
“Oh, I see what’s going on here,” Patton says, tone mocking. He looks nonplussed as he turns to Virgil, huffs a laugh as he stalks toward him. Virgil isn’t afraid. He wants to punch him. “You’re trying to distract me.”
“What, like you were too distracted by that pretty young secretary Abby to keep Remus from leaving you?” Virgil retorts scathingly, and even as a flash of anger slices through Patton’s eyes, even as a fist slams into his stomach and he chokes out a whine, he knows he’s won. He knows that Patton knows, too.
“How did you know about Remus?” Patton hisses, yanks Virgil’s head up by the chin when he lolls forward. Virgil stays silent, just apathetically stares Patton down, and the latter of the two growls and whips the palm of his hand across a bruised cheek. The cough that comes out is rough, but he doesn’t yell out, and that just incenses Patton more. “Answer me!”
Virgil breathes slowly out through his nose. He can see Dee cowering in the corner, terrified as she watches them dance, and Virgil slowly raises his head up. His eyes meet Patton’s once more, narrow in the tense silence, and then he spits blood directly in Patton’s face. “Go fuck yourself.”
And he looks furious, madder than Virgil has ever seen him. It’s almost funny, how Patton reels his arm back, prepares to send another blow rocketing into Virgil’s already weak body. But then Patton’s anger bleeds from his face, is replaced by cold amusement and a malicious grin, and Virgil feels dread sink into his stomach. Something is wrong. He’s supposed to be pissed, but he’s not, so what is he planning?
But then Patton spins around, stomps toward an increasingly more horrified Delilah, and Virgil doesn’t bother swallowing down the shout that bursts from his throat. And Virgil can’t do anything, can’t move as Patton slaps away Dee’s defensive hands, can’t break the chains as he pushes her up against the wall. He can’t help her when she shakes her head back and forth violently, can’t stop him when Patton rips an anguished cry from the defenseless girl, and Virgil is going to throw up.
He can’t watch. He can’t watch her terror morph into apathy, watch her face slowly shift from severely distressed to droopy neutrality. He can’t watch her become quiet, watch her arm fall like dead weight to hang at her side. He can’t watch, so he squeezes his eyes shut and blocks it out.
He promised! He fucking promised he would get her out, that he wouldn’t let Patton keep causing her to suffer. He said he would stop the torture, and as soon as he’s being tested, he curls up and cries like a baby? No. No. He isn’t going to break his promise to her. He can’t let her down, betray the meager trust she’s already been kind enough to give to him. She’s gone through so much already, and Virgil gave her hope, and he can’t abandon that. Fuck this. Fuck Patton and every deranged thing he’s ever done.
Virgil opens his eyes, and his vision is tinged in red.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Bad Girls Club (Branjie) Chapter 7 - Joley
ao3 link
“So, how have you been?”
It was the most innocuous question possible, but Brooke Lynn already felt like she was in an interrogation room – the kind where the only light came from a lamp that was being shone in her face. Her hands were clammy, and her gaze fixated on the table. The pounding in her chest coupled with a ringing in her ears and made it near impossible to think straight. “Good enough,” she answered with no idea if it was actually her voice.
Kameron gave a short nod of understanding. “Maybe not the best question to ask, all things considered,” she conceded. “But I couldn’t leave without catching up with you, and maybe a few other things…”
“I’m not having sex with you.”
She quirked her brow before laughing and shaking her head. “No, no, that ship has sailed. I’m much more interested in whatever’s going on between you and that little firecracker you were staring at the whole time. This is new for you and I’m intrigued.”
Brooke flushed a deep red, swallowing thickly and clearing her throat. “Why are you so interested in my love life? I figured you of all people would be the last to want to meddle.” In this camp alone, she could think of at least three more obvious suspects for that sort of thing.
Kameron shrugged. “My shift ended, and I have an hour to kill, might as well make you squirm. Besides, I meant it when I said you and I are cool �� just because you’re used to everyone lying and being passive aggressive doesn’t mean I’m looped into that.”
And she had a point – realizing that some people actually do mean what they say was an important life lesson Brooke Lynn had been taking away from her time here. It had been jarring at first, how blunt everyone could be, but she had come to appreciate the fact that, nine times out of ten, she knew exactly what she was getting into with someone. Sure, growing up in an emotionally repressed environment made her more intuitive, but at the cost of constantly questioning where she actually stood with people. “So, what, you’re gonna mediate some sort of therapy session between us?”
“Oh, good idea!”
“Wait, no—” But she was already being dragged across the dining hall.
Then Kameron got a hold of Vanessa’s wrist with her free hand and suddenly they were both being escorted outside without anyone around them giving it a second thought. This allowed her to take the girls outside, sitting in a patch of grass. “Okay, ladies! Couples’ therapy is in session.”
“Couples?” Both girls questioned in unison.
“Situationship therapy isn’t as catchy, work with me,” she rolled her eyes. “Now, tell Dr. Michaels what the trouble is.”
“Hey, I wanna see your medical license!” Vanessa could feel Kameron’s glare burning a hole into the side of her head, and – despite the fact it did make Brooke laugh – she gave in. “Fine, fine,” she sighed dramatically. “I took it personally when Brooke Lynn said she wanted to forget this place and go back to her normal life because it felt like I don’t mean nothing to her. Can I go now?”
“That’s not how therapy works. Sit,” Kameron reprimanded and watched Vanessa sit with crossed arms and furrowed brows, finding her defiant pout almost amusing.
Brooke Lynn, on the other hand, was far less amused. “That’s what this was about? My family life is strained to the breaking point, my future has been dangling in the balance, I have no fucking idea what sort of hell on earth I could be facing when I go back to school, and you made all of that about yourself?” She was seething, vitriol shooting off every word. It was hard to avoid tripping over herself as she scrambled to her feet. “This is beyond playing Dr. Phil, Kameron. This is… I don’t know what the fuck this is, other than fucking insane.” Turning on her heel, she all but sprinted off.
Vanessa was quick on her feet despite the sudden panic that sunk her heart into the pit of her stomach. “Brooke! Brooke Lynn, wait! Let me explain!” she shouted, running as fast as her short legs would carry her across the wide expanse of grass.
Even though Kameron suddenly found herself left in the dust, she was unfazed. She nodded observantly, brows knitting together. “Guess ‘marriage counselor’ is off the potential career list,” she decided, brushing herself off and returning to the dining hall. The other girls from her group had asked about her disappearance with marginal interest but accepted ‘just needed some air’ at face value.
Meanwhile, Brooke Lynn had made it nearly a quarter mile down the camp’s nature trail before Vanessa caught up to her. Sure, she could have pushed it further, but despite her fury, she knew she couldn’t outrun the inevitable confrontation forever. They did still share a room, after all – and it was way too far into the summer to try to change that. She whirled around, making the other girl skid to a halt, dirt kicking up at her heels. “Fine. Talk,” Brooke snapped.
There was a brief moment where Vanessa forgot all she had to say, but as soon as she began, the words flowed out. “Look, I know I always be walkin’ around like I’m the shit and all that. And I don’t really suffer from no low self-esteem or whatever, but I know I’m not smart, I know I probably won’t ever amount to nothing. So when someone like you, someone so fucking far out of my league… when whatever we had started… I don’t know, I felt special.” She looked away and sniffled, a wave of humiliation hitting her as she forced herself to come to terms with what had been building up inside of her over the past few weeks. “Then you started talking about going home and it was the reality check I was afraid of. Guess I was mad at you ‘cause I was mad at myself or something.”
Brooke Lynn didn’t know what she was expecting Vanessa to say – she had learned early on in their relationship that anticipating anything that came out of her mouth was essentially impossible – but that confession had caught her completely off guard. There was an emotional self-awareness that blew her away. She was sure A’keria had helped her get there, but that didn’t lessen how impressed she was. But at the same time, her heart broke for her – those insecurities were real and raw and spoke volumes about who Vanessa was. Yes, she was still frustrated, but it was hard to stay angry at her, leaving her quiet as she took it all in.
“You probably hate me now, huh?”
The brokenness in Vanessa’s voice hit her again. Brooke shook her head, shoving her hands into the pockets of her shorts. “I could never hate you. I just don’t have it in me.” She exhaled deeply, looking up at the bright, sunny sky. It almost mocked them with how perfectly cheery it was, like the sun had no right to shine that bright when their hearts felt so dark and heavy. “And for what it’s worth, you don’t give yourself nearly enough credit. You are the very definition of special, Vanessa.” There was a brief pause before she followed up with, “I meant that as a compliment, not shade.”
Vanessa managed a soft laugh, pushing the hair out of her eyes, even if her gaze was fixed squarely on the ground. “I know what you meant,” she assured and let out a deep sigh. When her mom would say that sort of thing to her, she could never fully shake the sense that there was a hint of obligation – your mom has to tell you you’re special, right? But when Brooke said it, it felt real and made her feel special. “So, where we at now?”
That was the million-dollar question, wasn’t it? Brooke Lynn hesitated, chewing on her lip. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “Meet me at the lake after dinner, we’ll see how we feel then.” The lake had grown to have a sentimental meaning for them – if there were any spot to determine their fate, that had to be it.
“We’ll see how we feel,” Vanessa echoed and turned to make the walk back to the dining hall. It felt like such a long trek when she wasn’t chasing after someone.
“It kind of sounds like you’ve got your course of action figured out,” Nina mused observantly. “What are you looking for me to tell you, exactly?”
Brooke shrugged, tugging at the strings hanging off the frayed ends of her denim shorts. “I just wish I knew how to figure out what I feel. I’m used to everything being clear cut. Vanessa is just… She’s so… I’ve never met anyone like her before. And no one has ever made me feel like this before.”
Her teacher let out a good-natured laugh and shook her head. “I swear, it’s like you forget that you’re seventeen. You’re experiencing a lot of firsts, that’s what being a teenager is all about. I think meeting someone like Vanessa is good for you, and no matter what your relationship ends up being, I think you’ll have grown for it.”
“That doesn’t make this any easier.” She kicked her legs and whined. “This is tonight, I need to bring an answer or I’m gonna look like an asshole.”
“You’re overthinking things again, Brooke,” Nina gently pointed out. “All you need to do is speak from the heart and the rest will follow.” At the end of the day, she knew the teen wanted an impossible solution that wrapped up her story in a neat bow. While she was flattered by her unwavering faith, she just couldn’t seem to drive home the reality of the situation.
Brooke rolled her eyes dramatically and laid back on the desk. “God, that’s so lame. Does Monét like that sort of cheesy shit?” Deflecting to their relationship seemed to be a go-to for both herself and Vanessa when they didn’t want to be faced with the reality of their circumstances.
It was most likely due to the fact that it always garnered the same reaction – the teachers would recoil and blush. They would stammer and lose their train of thought and give the flustered teens a moment to recuperate.
Unfortunately for Brooke, Nina seemed unfazed this time around. In fact, she smirked. “Actually, she does,” she grinned. “And do you know why I know that? Because we talk and communicate our feelings like human beings. You should try it.”
“You didn’t have to come for me like that,” Brooke mumbled. Nina must have picked that up from Monét, she thought and momentarily regretted her matchmaking decision.
A’keria looked at Vanessa with pursed lips and furrowed brows. She pensively cocked her head to the side, and it took much longer than her friend would have liked before she started talking. “You’re a hot fucking mess, you know that, right? You both are.”
“Maybe so.” Vanessa clicked her tongue. “But that doesn’t answer my question, bitch. What the fuck am I s’posed to do at the lake?”
The eyeroll she received in response wasn’t helpful, but it wasn’t unexpected either. “Have you ever solved a romantic problem by yourself? When you gonna realize that there ain’t no one that can tell you how to feel about Brooke Lynn. That’s between you and her.”
Vanessa pouted and crossed her arms, actively looking down and away from her. “Look, you know damn well I ain’t never gonna meet another girl like her… Maybe that’s for the best. But I don’t wanna fuck this shit up. I’ll never forgive myself if I do.”
A’keria sighed, her expression softening. She wrapped her arm around the smaller girl and squeezed her shoulder. “Vanjie, even if it is the worst-case scenario – you guys don’t work out and don’t see each other again – life goes on. Your heart will heal, and you’ll find another girl worthy of all the love you’ve got to give and will welcome it with open arms.”
Deep in her heart, Vanessa knew there was truth in her friend’s words. She had healed her broken heart before, life had gone on. Even with that, however, she couldn’t let go of the idea that this would be her ‘one that got away,’ the ‘what if’ that she would look back on with a sense of longing when she was old and gray. But she didn’t have the words to convey that sense of fear. “I guess so.”
It wasn’t an especially convincing statement, but A’keria knew when to stop pushing. She gave her a hug from the side before letting go and standing up. “Come on, let’s get a snack or something. Can’t have romantic revelations on an empty stomach, right?”
The lake was as serene as ever when Vanessa and Brooke Lynn approached it. Crickets were chirping, the water was still, the full moon illuminated the picturesque scene. It was just the neutral environment that they needed for this conversation.
They sat down cross-legged and faced each other. It took what felt like ages (but in reality, was less than a minute) before either of them spoke, but Vanessa was the one to break the silence.
“I thought I’d know what to say when I got here, but I still don’t know shit,” she confessed. “All I know is I’m tired of fighting with you and worrying about everything I do. I don’t care if I’m not good enough for you – one of the first things you said to me was that we’re equal here.”
Brooke Lynn shook her head. “I don’t want you to think you not being good enough is the issue. I’m not better than you because of where I come from, or at all.” She reached out and took her hands. “Why don’t we just make the most of the time we have together?”
Vanessa didn’t need clarification when it came to that. She moved closer until she was sat on Brooke’s lap, her arms draped around her neck and their lips connecting in a tender kiss. That was all they needed, it seemed, for all their worries and fears to melt away.
Brooke’s arms wrapped around Vanessa’s waist and held her close as the kiss deepened. After a moment, she slipped her hand under her shirt, pushing it up inch by inch before she pulled it over her head and tossed it aside. “God, you’re so fucking beautiful,” she breathed out.
“And you not half bad yourself,” Vanessa smirked, trailing kisses along her jaw and down her neck, until her lips latched onto her pulse point and left a hickey in its wake. If the moan Brooke let out was any clue, that was the right spot, leading her to pay extra attention to the dark, purple mark that was forming, only breaking contact to take her shirt off as well.
They didn’t talk much after that – instead, there was an eager, haphazard mess of limbs as they tried to undress each other as quickly as they could manage, each article of clothing landing somewhere in the grass.
When they were naked, Vanessa pinned Brooke to the ground, a mischievous smirk on her lips. Normally, she would have submitted control to the blonde, but she wanted to channel everything she had been feeling over the past few days into the perfect, lustful expression. She trailed her lips down her body, not leaving an inch of skin untouched.
While Vanessa’s hand moved between Brooke Lynn’s thighs, her mouth moved to both of her breasts, massaging her nipples with her tongue and savoring the moans it elicited. She started with her hand by pressing her thumb to her clit, rubbing in small circles while she slowly kissed down to her lower abdomen.
“Turn around, baby. I wanna take care of you too,” Brooke insisted, and – despite Vanessa’s original plan – she had her hands bracing on her hips in a matter of seconds. She didn’t wait for her to start before she traced her tongue in a line down her slit before wiggling it inside.
“Fuck…” Vanessa exhaled softly, momentarily distracted before she gathered herself enough to reciprocate. She had a firm grip on Brooke’s thighs, fingernails digging into her flesh as she licked and sucked on her clit with a fervor that was reserved exclusively for her.
Vanessa’s skill and enthusiasm had a clear effect on Brooke Lynn. Her body twitched and trembled under her touch, causing her own ministrations to be erratic and fierce. She was the first to come, too, moaning out despite how stifled it was.
Even though she couldn’t hear it clearly, Vanessa knew when she had gotten Brooke off, paying extra attention to work her through her orgasm. It wasn’t until she was certain she was spent before she shifted to just riding her face, clasping her hand over her mouth in a vain attempt at keeping quiet – the last thing they needed was to wake up an adult.
Brooke was able to focus all of her attention on eating Vanessa out as soon as she was able to move her body as she needed to, her hands roaming the expanse of her thighs and torso while she refused to come up for air.
“O-Oh god, fuck, fuck, Brooke!” Staying quiet proved to be too difficult of a task when Vanessa approached her climax. She bit down on her lip, whimpering and whining as she rode it out.
When Vanessa had calmed down from her orgasmic high, Brooke scooped her up in her arms and held her close. They lay in relative silence – their breathing still audibly heavy – and basked in the warmth of each other’s bodies.
Maybe this did clear the fog of confused emotions that had incessantly followed them, or maybe it threw a wrench into things. All either of them knew was that there was nowhere in the world they’d rather be than in each other’s arms.
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missjanjie · 5 years
Branjie Fic | Bad Girls Club (7/8)
Title: Bad Girls Club Summary:  Los Angeles’ new program, the Juvenile Female Rehabilitation Program (JFRP) was created with the purpose of taking at-risk girls in the county and send them to a summer-long program located where a sleepaway camp once stood. There, they will take classes in ethics, behavior, and other courses to help mold these young minds. Brooke Lynn and Vanessa have been sent there for wildly different reasons, but with the same result - a clean permanent record. Being roomed together, the pair might find an unlikely alliance (and maybe more) in each other. Word Count: ~3k (this chapter)/~19.2k (total) Relationship: Branjie (Brooke Lynn Hytes/Vanessa Vanjie Mateo) Rating: E
Read on AO3
“So, how have you been?”
It was the most innocuous question possible, but Brooke Lynn already felt like she was in an interrogation room – the kind where the only light came from a lamp that was being shone in her face. Her hands were clammy, and her gaze fixated on the table. The pounding in her chest coupled with a ringing in her ears and made it near impossible to think straight. “Good enough,” she answered with no idea if it was actually her voice.
Kameron gave a short nod of understanding. “Maybe not the best question to ask, all things considered,” she conceded. “But I couldn’t leave without catching up with you, and maybe a few other things…”
“I’m not having sex with you.”
She quirked her brow before laughing and shaking her head. “No, no, that ship has sailed. I’m much more interested in whatever’s going on between you and that little firecracker you were staring at the whole time. This is new for you and I’m intrigued.”
Brooke flushed a deep red, swallowing thickly and clearing her throat. “Why are you so interested in my love life? I figured you of all people would be the last to want to meddle.” In this camp alone, she could think of at least three more obvious suspects for that sort of thing.
Kameron shrugged. “My shift ended, and I have an hour to kill, might as well make you squirm. Besides, I meant it when I said you and I are cool – just because you’re used to everyone lying and being passive aggressive doesn’t mean I’m looped into that.”
And she had a point – realizing that some people actually do mean what they say was an important life lesson Brooke Lynn had been taking away from her time here. It had been jarring at first, how blunt everyone could be, but she had come to appreciate the fact that, nine times out of ten, she knew exactly what she was getting into with someone. Sure, growing up in an emotionally repressed environment made her more intuitive, but at the cost of constantly questioning where she actually stood with people. “So, what, you’re gonna mediate some sort of therapy session between us?”
“Oh, good idea!”
“Wait, no—” But she was already being dragged across the dining hall.
Then Kameron got a hold of Vanessa’s wrist with her free hand and suddenly they were both being escorted outside without anyone around them giving it a second thought. This allowed her to take the girls outside, sitting in a patch of grass. “Okay, ladies! Couples’ therapy is in session.”
“Couples?” Both girls questioned in unison.
“Situationship therapy isn’t as catchy, work with me,” she rolled her eyes. “Now, tell Dr. Michaels what the trouble is.”
“Hey, I wanna see your medical license!” Vanessa could feel Kameron’s glare burning a hole into the side of her head, and – despite the fact it did make Brooke laugh – she gave in. “Fine, fine,” she sighed dramatically. “I took it personally when Brooke Lynn said she wanted to forget this place and go back to her normal life because it felt like I don’t mean nothing to her. Can I go now?”
“That’s not how therapy works. Sit,” Kameron reprimanded and watched Vanessa sit with crossed arms and furrowed brows, finding her defiant pout almost amusing.
Brooke Lynn, on the other hand, was far less amused. “That’s what this was about? My family life is strained to the breaking point, my future has been dangling in the balance, I have no fucking idea what sort of hell on earth I could be facing when I go back to school, and you made all of that about yourself?” She was seething, vitriol shooting off every word. It was hard to avoid tripping over herself as she scrambled to her feet. “This is beyond playing Dr. Phil, Kameron. This is… I don’t know what the fuck this is, other than fucking insane.” Turning on her heel, she all but sprinted off.
Vanessa was quick on her feet despite the sudden panic that sunk her heart into the pit of her stomach. “Brooke! Brooke Lynn, wait! Let me explain!” she shouted, running as fast as her short legs would carry her across the wide expanse of grass.
Even though Kameron suddenly found herself left in the dust, she was unfazed. She nodded observantly, brows knitting together. “Guess ‘marriage counselor’ is off the potential career list,” she decided, brushing herself off and returning to the dining hall. The other girls from her group had asked about her disappearance with marginal interest but accepted ‘just needed some air’ at face value.
Meanwhile, Brooke Lynn had made it nearly a quarter mile down the camp’s nature trail before Vanessa caught up to her. Sure, she could have pushed it further, but despite her fury, she knew she couldn’t outrun the inevitable confrontation forever. They did still share a room, after all – and it was way too far into the summer to try to change that. She whirled around, making the other girl skid to a halt, dirt kicking up at her heels. “Fine. Talk,” Brooke snapped.
There was a brief moment where Vanessa forgot all she had to say, but as soon as she began, the words flowed out. “Look, I know I always be walkin’ around like I’m the shit and all that. And I don’t really suffer from no low self-esteem or whatever, but I know I’m not smart, I know I probably won’t ever amount to nothing. So when someone like you, someone so fucking far out of my league… when whatever we had started… I don’t know, I felt special.” She looked away and sniffled, a wave of humiliation hitting her as she forced herself to come to terms with what had been building up inside of her over the past few weeks. “Then you started talking about going home and it was the reality check I was afraid of. Guess I was mad at you ‘cause I was mad at myself or something.”
Brooke Lynn didn’t know what she was expecting Vanessa to say – she had learned early on in their relationship that anticipating anything that came out of her mouth was essentially impossible – but that confession had caught her completely off guard. There was an emotional self-awareness that blew her away. She was sure A’keria had helped her get there, but that didn’t lessen how impressed she was. But at the same time, her heart broke for her – those insecurities were real and raw and spoke volumes about who Vanessa was. Yes, she was still frustrated, but it was hard to stay angry at her, leaving her quiet as she took it all in.
“You probably hate me now, huh?”
The brokenness in Vanessa’s voice hit her again. Brooke shook her head, shoving her hands into the pockets of her shorts. “I could never hate you. I just don’t have it in me.” She exhaled deeply, looking up at the bright, sunny sky. It almost mocked them with how perfectly cheery it was, like the sun had no right to shine that bright when their hearts felt so dark and heavy. “And for what it’s worth, you don’t give yourself nearly enough credit. You are the very definition of special, Vanessa.” There was a brief pause before she followed up with, “I meant that as a compliment, not shade.”
Vanessa managed a soft laugh, pushing the hair out of her eyes, even if her gaze was fixed squarely on the ground. “I know what you meant,” she assured and let out a deep sigh. When her mom would say that sort of thing to her, she could never fully shake the sense that there was a hint of obligation – your mom has to tell you you’re special, right? But when Brooke said it, it felt real and made her feel special. “So, where we at now?”
That was the million-dollar question, wasn’t it? Brooke Lynn hesitated, chewing on her lip. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “Meet me at the lake after dinner, we’ll see how we feel then.” The lake had grown to have a sentimental meaning for them – if there were any spot to determine their fate, that had to be it.
“We’ll see how we feel,” Vanessa echoed and turned to make the walk back to the dining hall. It felt like such a long trek when she wasn’t chasing after someone.
“It kind of sounds like you’ve got your course of action figured out,” Nina mused observantly. “What are you looking for me to tell you, exactly?”
Brooke shrugged, tugging at the strings hanging off the frayed ends of her denim shorts. “I just wish I knew how to figure out what I feel. I’m used to everything being clear cut. Vanessa is just… She’s so… I’ve never met anyone like her before. And no one has ever made me feel like this before.”
Her teacher let out a good-natured laugh and shook her head. “I swear, it’s like you forget that you’re seventeen. You’re experiencing a lot of firsts, that’s what being a teenager is all about. I think meeting someone like Vanessa is good for you, and no matter what your relationship ends up being, I think you’ll have grown for it.”
“That doesn’t make this any easier.” She kicked her legs and whined. “This is tonight, I need to bring an answer or I’m gonna look like an asshole.”
“You’re overthinking things again, Brooke,” Nina gently pointed out. “All you need to do is speak from the heart and the rest will follow.” At the end of the day, she knew the teen wanted an impossible solution that wrapped up her story in a neat bow. While she was flattered by her unwavering faith, she just couldn’t seem to drive home the reality of the situation.
Brooke rolled her eyes dramatically and laid back on the desk. “God, that’s so lame. Does Monét like that sort of cheesy shit?” Deflecting to their relationship seemed to be a go-to for both herself and Vanessa when they didn’t want to be faced with the reality of their circumstances.
It was most likely due to the fact that it always garnered the same reaction – the teachers would recoil and blush. They would stammer and lose their train of thought and give the flustered teens a moment to recuperate.
Unfortunately for Brooke, Nina seemed unfazed this time around. In fact, she smirked. “Actually, she does,” she grinned. “And do you know why I know that? Because we talk and communicate our feelings like human beings. You should try it.”
“You didn’t have to come for me like that,” Brooke mumbled. Nina must have picked that up from Monét, she thought and momentarily regretted her matchmaking decision.
A’keria looked at Vanessa with pursed lips and furrowed brows. She pensively cocked her head to the side, and it took much longer than her friend would have liked before she started talking. “You’re a hot fucking mess, you know that, right? You both are.”
“Maybe so.” Vanessa clicked her tongue. “But that doesn’t answer my question, bitch. What the fuck am I s’posed to do at the lake?”
The eyeroll she received in response wasn’t helpful, but it wasn’t unexpected either. “Have you ever solved a romantic problem by yourself? When you gonna realize that there ain’t no one that can tell you how to feel about Brooke Lynn. That’s between you and her.”
Vanessa pouted and crossed her arms, actively looking down and away from her. “Look, you know damn well I ain’t never gonna meet another girl like her… Maybe that’s for the best. But I don’t wanna fuck this shit up. I’ll never forgive myself if I do.”
A’keria sighed, her expression softening. She wrapped her arm around the smaller girl and squeezed her shoulder. “Vanjie, even if it is the worst-case scenario – you guys don’t work out and don’t see each other again – life goes on. Your heart will heal, and you’ll find another girl worthy of all the love you’ve got to give and will welcome it with open arms.”
Deep in her heart, Vanessa knew there was truth in her friend’s words. She had healed her broken heart before, life had gone on. Even with that, however, she couldn’t let go of the idea that this would be her ‘one that got away,’ the ‘what if’ that she would look back on with a sense of longing when she was old and gray. But she didn’t have the words to convey that sense of fear. “I guess so.”
It wasn’t an especially convincing statement, but A’keria knew when to stop pushing. She gave her a hug from the side before letting go and standing up. “Come on, let’s get a snack or something. Can’t have romantic revelations on an empty stomach, right?”
The lake was as serene as ever when Vanessa and Brooke Lynn approached it. Crickets were chirping, the water was still, the full moon illuminated the picturesque scene. It was just the neutral environment that they needed for this conversation.
They sat down cross-legged and faced each other. It took what felt like ages (but in reality, was less than a minute) before either of them spoke, but Vanessa was the one to break the silence.
“I thought I’d know what to say when I got here, but I still don’t know shit,” she confessed. “All I know is I’m tired of fighting with you and worrying about everything I do. I don’t care if I’m not good enough for you – one of the first things you said to me was that we’re equal here.”
Brooke Lynn shook her head. “I don’t want you to think you not being good enough is the issue. I’m not better than you because of where I come from, or at all.” She reached out and took her hands. “Why don’t we just make the most of the time we have together?”
Vanessa didn’t need clarification when it came to that. She moved closer until she was sat on Brooke’s lap, her arms draped around her neck and their lips connecting in a tender kiss. That was all they needed, it seemed, for all their worries and fears to melt away.
Brooke’s arms wrapped around Vanessa’s waist and held her close as the kiss deepened. After a moment, she slipped her hand under her shirt, pushing it up inch by inch before she pulled it over her head and tossed it aside. “God, you’re so fucking beautiful,” she breathed out.
“And you not half bad yourself,” Vanessa smirked, trailing kisses along her jaw and down her neck, until her lips latched onto her pulse point and left a hickey in its wake. If the moan Brooke let out was any clue, that was the right spot, leading her to pay extra attention to the dark, purple mark that was forming, only breaking contact to take her shirt off as well.
They didn’t talk much after that – instead, there was an eager, haphazard mess of limbs as they tried to undress each other as quickly as they could manage, each article of clothing landing somewhere in the grass.
When they were naked, Vanessa pinned Brooke to the ground, a mischievous smirk on her lips. Normally, she would have submitted control to the blonde, but she wanted to channel everything she had been feeling over the past few days into the perfect, lustful expression. She trailed her lips down her body, not leaving an inch of skin untouched.
While Vanessa’s hand moved between Brooke Lynn’s thighs, her mouth moved to both of her breasts, massaging her nipples with her tongue and savoring the moans it elicited. She started with her hand by pressing her thumb to her clit, rubbing in small circles while she slowly kissed down to her lower abdomen.
“Turn around, baby. I wanna take care of you too,” Brooke insisted, and – despite Vanessa’s original plan – she had her hands bracing on her hips in a matter of seconds. She didn’t wait for her to start before she traced her tongue in a line down her slit before wiggling it inside.
“Fuck…” Vanessa exhaled softly, momentarily distracted before she gathered herself enough to reciprocate. She had a firm grip on Brooke’s thighs, fingernails digging into her flesh as she licked and sucked on her clit with a fervor that was reserved exclusively for her.
Vanessa’s skill and enthusiasm had a clear effect on Brooke Lynn. Her body twitched and trembled under her touch, causing her own ministrations to be erratic and fierce. She was the first to come, too, moaning out despite how stifled it was.
Even though she couldn’t hear it clearly, Vanessa knew when she had gotten Brooke off, paying extra attention to work her through her orgasm. It wasn’t until she was certain she was spent before she shifted to just riding her face, clasping her hand over her mouth in a vain attempt at keeping quiet – the last thing they needed was to wake up an adult.
Brooke was able to focus all of her attention on eating Vanessa out as soon as she was able to move her body as she needed to, her hands roaming the expanse of her thighs and torso while she refused to come up for air.
“O-Oh god, fuck, fuck, Brooke!” Staying quiet proved to be too difficult of a task when Vanessa approached her climax. She bit down on her lip, whimpering and whining as she rode it out.
When Vanessa had calmed down from her orgasmic high, Brooke scooped her up in her arms and held her close. They lay in relative silence – their breathing still audibly heavy – and basked in the warmth of each other’s bodies.
Maybe this did clear the fog of confused emotions that had incessantly followed them, or maybe it threw a wrench into things. All either of them knew was that there was nowhere in the world they’d rather be than in each other’s arms.
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