animatedarchives ¡ 4 years
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instagram: _hakkencoser_
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hazelcephalopod ¡ 3 years
The Eye of the World Ch 39-40
Rand has an adventure through the streets and falls into the most unlikely of places.
Hey it’s later but here it is.
Disclaimer: this is my first read thru but I’ve watched all of the show this far and been spoiled on some book things. So… I’m going to lean into that. Enjoy figuring out what I know, and what I think I know, and what I just don’t. Also s/x I add commentary when I edit.
Spoilers for the first book and up to the most recent episode under the cut. Potential spoilers for latter books.
Ch 39
Lion. Someone said the pic indicate POV. I have not figure it out yet
But- Rand POV
Changed your mind about Loial yet? Hmm?
Ok Caemlyn has the lion as a symbol
Everyone is excited and happy today. It’s to watch a guy get paraded thru the streets and jeered and mocked right? …gotta love the sadism of people I guess… /s
Mats real fucked up huh?
Ffs… Mat gets a D- in adulting for this chapter I guesss. I mean it’s not entirely his fault but still. Rand gets a B-
… I’m allowed to do that. I’m also a depressed.
And for similar reasons, man do I feel for Rand here too.
These children do not deserve this
*anyone who does anything resembling healing*
EF kids (mostly Rand): Is this a wisdom?
Everyone else: is this a -witch- Darkfriend?
Not Mat only eating food Rand gives him!
A beggar asking after the EF kids?
Wait wait wait… so like the queen does just give out money. Like feudal social assistance checks? That’s amazing.
Also… love the assumption that the begger must be a Darkfriend. Because he doesn’t take that money
Yup sure those strange shapes are nothing. /s
It’s very much your worry
It helps that you’re 6’5” and look like an Aiel dude (editor me: I not believe how much that gets brought up these two chapters)
!!! An answer on what the red and white cord colors mean? And not the one I expected. Red- for The Queen. White- against her (and implied sympathetic for the Whitecloaks). (Rand chose red b/c it was cheap) (I later learn the pattern knew he needed too)
“He did not want to get involved in Caemlyn politics.” -(Rand)
Yup everyone is happy for some good old “punish the evil one” show
Ya know considering how intricate and beautiful Caemlyn is described I understand why the show didn’t have the budget to do it justice. Fair.
Oh so they are taking the threat to the Queen very seriously. Good
Lol. ‘No I will not move just because I’m tall. Not my fault everyone is so short’
The Darkfriend beggar!
‘Nvm have my spot. Byeee!’
And it’s time to run away again!
“…he was sure he would never get another chance to see a Queen, and he hoped he would never have another to see a false Dragon.” -(Rand). Lol.
Heh. The pattern ‘I’m not making this easy for you.’
“…over the rooftops he could see some of the Palace spires…” -(Rand) looking for a good view. Oh no. Don’t. He’s gonna isn’t he?
He’s climbing some wall. (>.>)
I guess the Aes Sedai are just like ‘yup your army totally helped and we absolutely needed them. Sure’
16 horses?
“In the center of its flat bed was a large cage of iron bars, and on each corner of the wagonbed sat two women…” -(Rand) watching the procession of Logain thru Caemlyn from on top of a wall. And- “…it was the man in the cage who caught and held Rand’s eyes… Logain was a king in every inch of him… wherever his gaze swept there people fell silent… Logain threw back his head and laughed as the Palace swallowed him.” + “Logain, undefeated. No matter the cage, that had not been a defeated man.”
Also I liked how the show did it; but I’m curious to learn if Rand will note and be disturbed by Logain’s ‘fall from grace’ in the books because that is quite good too
Lol. A girl spoke to him and he fell off the wall
Ch 40
Opening pic- the flame of TV
Rand POV
Opens in a sort of dream. Because he got knocked the fuck out from falling off that wall last chapter
Oh ffs it’s ol’ Balzo. A-fuckin-course
Oh thank fuck he woke up
Wasn’t out long
Really wasn’t out long then huh? That girls is still coming down the tree
Fancy girl… too fancy
“He had only ever seen two women dressed in this fashion, Moiraine and the Darkfriend who had tried to kill Mat and him.” -(Rand) seeing he fancy woman who I totally don’t know. /s (It’s Elayne)
… but she also reminds him of Nynaeve.
Fancy boy!
He really accidentally fell into the palace huh?
Elayne! (Surprised pikachu)
Also Gawyn. K (I later learn Gawyn’s an absolute good bro this chapter)
Rand, probably concussed, “I’ll just climb back over the wall…” ??? Dude! No. Lmao
lol. Elayne testing him like a baby bird she found fallen from its nest
Have to respect a woman who carry’s around an apothecary around
Hah! She is the sort to fix sad broken strays
Oh first patient, real reassuring /s
No he is a stray.
You are a skittish horse
“Does she always expect everybody to do what she tells them?” -Rand about Elayne, heir to the throne of Andor
Elaida the courts resident Aes Sedai? Come on Rand you know this one. (Right concussion)
How old is fucking Gareth?
Also who exactly is Gareth? (Editor me- a pal this chapter)
Lmao. Rand’s finally getting it
Oh yea. He knows nothing
“I don’t like crowds.” -Rand. ‘He lied.’ To the heir of Andor.
“It’s said Two Rivers people are stubborn… Elayne ought to choose her husband from there.” -Gawyn. Pure comedy.
Galadedrid is the most infuriating name I’ve ever read. Giving a character that name is violence. (Editor me- he deserves it, I hate him)
Also he’s Elaynes half brother thru her father, Galadedrid Damodred
The people: Galad! (Affectionate) Elayne: Galad! (Derogatory)
The gate of te’veren convenience. Or not
Tbf to Galad he’s like, doing the rational right thing and whatever yea. But also, like Elayne would agree I’m sure, fuck Galad (this time at least)
What did she say exactly?! Cursing fancy girl! With curses to make Rand blush?
Gawyn is a bro tho
Head guard of the palace- Tallanvor
From comedy right back to tension
But also Elayne is the best
Huh. Aes Sedai maybe should help common people more
Deep water? Sure. No bank in sight? Elayne is right there. Also Gawyn
Huh. No rats?
Dude… that is so sad
Elayne continues to be a boss
Oh no what did he just do now?
That framing of Elaida is just excellent.
Morgase has an Aes Sedai ring.
Elayne’s mom and Elaida are really giving Elayne a good talking to in front of the entire court and some guy. Amazing
Rand finally caught up. Yes. That is Elaida
And whose fault is that? Why would they? Up to you to remind them and even make them content to be part of your kingdom. You need better PR ma’am
Ok. The fear of heron-marked swords of hilarious.
Absolutely too young yes
Wait… can Elaida also see the pattern or whatever?
Also, Elaida, consent plz.
“From this day Andor marches toward pain and division. The Shadow has yet to darken to its blackest, and I cannot see if the Light will come after. Where the world has wept one Tear, it will weep a thousands. This, I Foretell.” -Elaida to Queen Morgase and her court
“This, too, I Foretell. Pain and division come to the whole world, and this man stands at the heart of it.” -Elaida to Rand alone, about him.
No no don’t throw him in jail plz
Lol the Queen- nah imma let him go. You gonna be chill dude? Yes? Good. Ok here’s why I’m letting you go. First you sound like a hick from the sticks. Second no one looking like you would ever claim to be from those sticks. Third, this is too ridiculous to be a lie. Go away and don’t come back
Very interesting that Elaida seemed to help him there. Intentional or not?
Why mention that he’s handsome tho? Just to unsettle him then?
Rand- ‘hey why is everyone so surprised I’m from TR?’ Gawyn (to his credit hesitantly): “Wrap a shoufa around your head, Rand, and you would be the image of an Aielman.”
Oh more paranoia and feeling watched. What better way to end a chapter?
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peanutpinet ¡ 3 years
Nine Percent 3rd Year Anniversary Scenario
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Yes, yes, I know, it's been 3 days since their actual 3rd year anniversary. Yes, I had a brainfart and knew that I forgot something and didn't realise until late at night (like 10pm or 11pm). But hey, better late than never, right? RIGHT?! (My inner self: funny). Anyways, I wish them all nothing but the best for both their career and personal life. May they be able to do whatever they want and not be judged or be commented anything negative. Alright", scenario time!!
Pics are from: @ninepercent._.forever on Instagram
Cai Xukun
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A.N: yes, yes, finally got some more soft pics uwu, thanks Aliya, okie" scenario
I imagine that you were rushing to get this limited edition record/album from your local music shop because not only was it limited edition, but the artist also signed them personally and not the ones where they just copy 1 signature for all the copies but they actually signed them with a pen and all but no one knew about it because they just came out with it but you were lucky because you had a friend working at the music store. You immediately texted your friend, telling them to keep one for you as you were now rushing out the door in your hoodie and sweats with sandals.
Upon arriving, you were wondering where your friend was since you just wanted to pay for the album and leave. You quickly texted your friend which they mentioned that they had to run a few errands for a bit since it was exactly lunchtime when you came.
Sighing, you decided to just look around but stopped at your tracks when you saw none other than Cai Xukun, the very artist whose album you asked your friend to keep. Not wanting him to notice what a mess you look, you hid behind the shelves and peeked through, observing what he was doing. It wasn't until Kun suddenly called you out that you completely blew your cover.
"You know, I'm not that scary to approach" Kun blurted, not moving his gaze away from the albums
"I--I'm sorry, I didn't mean to st-stalk you. It's just that, I'm a fan and I'm waiting for my friend, they work here and I've asked them to keep one of your albums that you personally sign and, what am I even saying?!" you blabbed, covering your face with your hands and hoodies
"I can sign it specifically for you, if you'd like" Kun smiled, looking up to face you
"Oh my, yes, umm, thank you so very much" you blurted, bowing at him
"Relax. You don't have to bow. C'mere, we can take a picture as well :)" Kun exclaimed, nudging you to go there
and let's just say, you and Kun had a nice lil chat after your little meetup session whilst waiting for your friend to come back. You also made a lil note to thank your friend for leaving
Chen Linong
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For this one, I imagine that you, Nongnong and some old school friends were going on a road trip together and stayed in an Airbnb. During the first night, you were supposedly sleeping with your friend (girl) but that night, you guys just finished watching a horror/thriller movie (which you just cuddle up in Nong's arms since you were terrified, if you actually like watching horror, just pretend that this one terrified you quite a bit). After the movie, you couldn't really sleep and it was already nearly 3 in the morning that you went out of your room and to the kitchen to grab a light snack and heard some footsteps.
Scared, you unconsciously grabbed the kitchen knife and turned around to face the person that crept up on you; which turns out to be Nongnong. He immediately held his hands up in defeat but the same time chuckling on why are you holding a kitchen knife. You shyly admitted to him that you couldn't sleep because of the movie you watched; it also didn't help that your friend sometimes talks in their sleep.
Humming, Nongnong asked if you didn't mind sleeping with him. He said that he'll definitely make sure that you'll be asleep before he sleeps and he also suggested that you guys watch some cartoon. Since you and Nongnong have known each other for years and occasionally have sleepovers (of course in different rooms), you didn't mind sleeping with him since back in high school, you had a trip and you slept on his shoulder whilst being on the bus.
Because you were also quite tired and really wanted some rest, you agreed and the both of you went to Nongnong's room. Nongnong then allowed you to sleep on whichever side of the bed as he grabbed his iPad and opened your favourite cartoon. In a matter of a few episodes, you were finally asleep and Nongnong tucked you in before patting your head and sleeping as well.
In the next morning, you woke up surprisingly well. You didn't know if it's because you were watching cartoons with Nongnong or that it was just Nongnong in general making you safe. You decided to head to the kitchen to grab something to drink but then your friends teased you to call your "boyfriend" out to have breakfast all together.
You then blushed and head back to the room, seeing Nongnong yawning as he sat on the bed, asking you if you had a good night sleep which you nodded and told him that the others are waiting for you both to have breakfast.
"Did you have a good night sleep (Y/N)?" Nongnong asked, still yawning
"Y-yea, I owe you Nong, thank you" you stuttered, looking away
"Oi, lovebirds!! Hurry up or you won't have any breakfast" your friends teased
"Let's not keep them waiting shall we sweetie?" Nongnong commented, getting up and stretching
"Wh-what?" you mumbled
"Oh, I thought you already know that I like you since I know that you like me" Nongnong mentioned
"Wh-what?! When?! Wh-when did I?! OH NO!!" you blabbed, covering your blushing face
"In your sleep, last night, right before I fell asleep. There's nothing to be shy about. I like you too (Y/N) <3, let's go eat!!" Nongnong exclaimed, grabbing your hand and dragging you out of the room
Fan Chengcheng
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For this one, I imagine that you and Chengcheng were friends in high school. You knew him since back in junior high and while your first impression of him wasn't all that good since you thought he'd be a spoiled brat since he came from a wealthy family and the younger brother of one of the country's famous actress. But as it turns out, he was very hardworking despite not paying that much attention in class.
A/N: let's rewind a bit how you both got close
You were stuck as his lab partner for a whole year back in junior high which at first you didn't really want to since you knew he didn't pay attention in class that much and you'd worry that in the end, you'd have to do all the job while he just gets the credit. But nope, big mistake.
As soon you were paired up, Chengcheng didn't waste time asking for your contact after school and told you that you guys should stay at the library after school on the day of your lab so you can get the job done that day as well. Now, to say you were amazed was an understatement. You were practically impressed that Chengcheng understood most of the job and even concluded the paper.
But one time, you guys had to stay at the library till late at night and Chengcheng even ordered food the minute he heard your stomach grumble (cue you being embarrassed). Afterwards, you guys just talk over things like your likes and dislikes and Chengcheng even brought you home up till your doorstep. Ever since, the both of you have been inseparable. Well, that is until Chengcheng said he had to leave to join Idol Producer.
It was rough. He wasn't able to contact you since his phone was taken from him. However, you did try your best to send actual letters to him which surprisingly, he received and even send you back some letters as well. You wouldn't admit it but you miss him and actually have a crush on him. You were going to tell him but when he actually made it into 9%, you knew you wouldn't be able to stand a chance against all the other female artists so, you texted Cheng, saying your congratulations and the same time cut off your friendship, to the point you even blocked his number. You couldn't deal with heartbreaks because it was just too much and you really wanted Chengcheng to focus on his career.
Unfortunately, the past few days were not easy for you. It was very painful, especially seeing how happy Chengcheng was in L.A. You're sad and wasn't focused on school at all. But one Saturday morning changed everything for you. You had never been so thankful to be awake so early in the morning until this day.
It's been 2 weeks since you cut your friendship and any sort of communication with Chengcheng and during those 2 weeks, your sleep schedule was a mess to the point that today, you slept at 1 and suddenly woke up at 5(ish) in the morning. You twist and turn yet you still couldn't sleep. Eventually, it was 6 in the morning and you decided to just get up and have an early morning walk to clear your mind.
You got changed and pulled on your favourite coat (which was actually one of Chengcheng's but you forgot) and head out to walk around your neighbourhood. Until you stumble upon a familiar stair walk. It was one where you and Chengcheng hung out after you finished your report and heading back home. The memory caught you off-guard that tears started to stream down your face and you tried your best to wipe them until a familiar voice startled you.
"Are you crying because of stress because finals are in a month or because you haven't seen me in so long? Because I sure as hell miss talking to you, too" a familiar voice exclaimed
"OMO, Ch-cheng?! FAN CHENGCHENG?!" you blurted, whipping your head to see Chengcheng just a few flights below you
"I miss you too (Y/N). It was tough not being able to talk to you through those 4 months and even when I was in L.A." Chengcheng mumbled, walking towards you
"I--I'm sorry Cheng. I didn't want to interfere with your life. I know that you've wanted to become an idol/artist and I know I wouldn't exactly match the people you'll be hanging out, I--" you blabbled until Chengcheng pulled you into a hug, patting your head
"I don't care. Sure, I may meet lots of new people. But no one can replace you. Plus, who am I going to take with me to night markets when I'm hungry and take pretty pictures together with? Of course, that's you!! I wouldn't switch you for anyone or anything in the world. I don't care that you blocked my number because I can always put in my numbers again. So please, don't leave me. Now, let's go have breakfast, hmm?" Chengcheng grinned, pulling away from the hug, smiling as he tucked a hair behind my ear, caressing my cheek in the process
Justin Huang
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aFor this, Imma do something slightly different than previous Justin scenarios. So, I'm going to imagine that you're Justin's senior back in primary school. Justin has a vivid memory of what you did for him (which was standing up to the bullies) but you didn't remember him that well since you had a 2 (almost 3) year gap.
*Also, let's say that you were in campus (3rd year) whilst Justin had just turned 19
You were just trying to have a nice "normal" day in school since finals were just right around the corner. Everything was going so well and finals were not bad at all. It was the studying process that was annoying to you because your dorm were filled with either parties or gossips all in the halls whilst the library of your campus was always hogged by random people (like hello? are you here to study or to live here?). Anyways, lucky for you, a small studying cafe just opened near your dorm and so you decided to just stay there and study.
The past few days were nice. The cafe was calm and everyone was either actually studying or chatting (but they weren't loud and unreasonable like those in campus). Until one time, there was this boy, looked like he's in his teens and forgot his wallet to pay since it seemed that his phone ran out of battery. Because the drink was already being made, he couldn't exactly cancel or anything. Sighing, you got up and decided to pay for the boy who turned to bow at you, thanking you. Until the boy looked up and immediately recognised you.
"Eh?! JIEJIE?! It's me!! Just....uhhh, how bout we sit down and talk" Justin softly exclaimed, grabbing you and went to sit back at your table
After a bit of talking, you were taken aback that the boy/junior you helped back then was now this handsome tall young man. The both of you talked quite a lot since it has been years since you last saw each other. The two of you exchanged contacts and Justin proposed that you'd meet up again since he was in town for a few weeks.
But that plan somewhat backfired since Justin couldn't wait to see you again so he just straight up went to meet you since you told him where you lived. Instead of being a "brat" like most kids his aged, he was very polite with your parents, telling them that whilst he was younger, he'll protect you and bring you back before 10pm.
It was nice to catch up with Justin. You realised how mature he is for his age and even had to miss out on normal teen stuff like going out with friends, struggling with assignments and finals together. But Justin said that while he does feel sad for missing out on lots of things, he said that he loves what he does and he learnt so much.
Everything was going well with the both of you until Justin's sasaengs finds out about you. Some made fake accounts, threatening you to stay away from Justin. You know better than to deal with those immatures so you just blocked them from your social media and went on with your life.
But damn the universe is testing you because some of the sasaengs actually go to the same campus as you do. The first few meetings with them were still manageable. But they aren't called sasaengs for nothing. Because it slowly escalated and things got more physical to the point you started to distance yourself from Justin.
But Justin noticed your change in behaviour. He was so fed up one day that he went all the way to your campus to figure out what has made you like this. He didn't care about the amount of ppl suddenly paying attention to him because all he cared about was finding you; which he found you exactly when the sasaengs attacked.
Immediately, he didn't waste any time and called mama Ting, telling him about the sasaengs and have him report them to the police or something. Justin then immediately called out the sasaengs, threatening them and telling everyone who was watching to never bully anyone ever again; regardless of the reasoning.
Justin then took you out of your campus and to the cafe where you guys first reconnect again. He apologised for getting you involved in this mess but the same time that he doesn't want to be separated from you; adding that he'll always be there like you did when you were young.
"Jie, why didn't you tell me? I know you're strong enough to take care of yourself. Heck!! You helped me back in primary school!! I grew up, getting stronger so one day when we meet again, you wouldn't think of me as a whimp" Justin exclaimed
"I never thought of you as a whimp, Justin. But sometimes, you just need an extra hand" you replied
"Look who's talking? But I'm serious jie. Please tell me whenever this happens. I'll show no mercy!!" Justin boasted
"Ya!! Just because you're famous and all, you shouldn't be like, especially towards women" you complained
"Hehehe, it's not that. It's just that ppl should get what they deserve. Anyways, I'm hungry, let's eat!! My treat!!" Justin exclaimed
Lin Yanjun
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Help, I miss Yanjun so much :(( but for reals though, I don't want to pressure him or complain much because honestly, I can somewhat understand him since I'm an introvert too. Alright, I don't want to give off this negative energy so let's jump into the scenario :)
Alright, for this I'll imagine that you're visiting Yanjun who's in Taiwan because he was taking some rest. Honestly, you were quite nervous since you had never been to Taiwan and met Yanjun from work (this is a story for another time). One of the main reasons why you were nervous is because you were going to meet his parents and even spend your time living with him and his family when you don't really know their culture that well.
But honestly, there was nothing to worry about since Yanjun's parents heard nothing but good things from both Yanjun and even Zhangjing (since you were quite close with Zhangjing). When you arrived, you tried your best to be polite even though you were very awkward and stuttered a lot. But when Yanjun's sister came, she helped make you feel at home and ease despite being slightly younger than you.
Within hours, you and Yanjun's sister became close and she even shared some embarrassing moments of Yanjun to you (which Yanjun found out and deal with his siter later on). And within days, Yanjun's parents showed no signs of disliking you at all. Instead, you and his mom actually went to the market a few times together and even cooked together.
Time skip to a few days before you have to go back to your country
Yanjun's parents thought that it was a good idea for both you and Yanjun to go out, just the both of you since you had been spending so much time with his family and rarely went out with just Yanjun for a whole day. So, they set things up and made sure that it would just be the two of you; they even went as far as letting Yanjun use the car.
Yanjun already knew where he would take you; the ocean (one of his favourite places to be). When you arrived, you wasted no time and getting out of the car, taking off your shoes and running on the sand, barefeet; which of course, Yanjun chuckled whilst taking pictures of you.
The two of you left your shoes by the rocks so they wouldn't get taken by the ocean and walked hand in hand along the shoreline. Stopping right where the sun was setting and just lean on each other, enjoying the moment, until you noticed your shoes were getting taken by the ocean. You immediately rushed to get your shoes; forgetting that you couldn't really swim that well.
Eventually, Yanjun caught up with you and held you back, reminding you that you couldn't quite swim. Chuckling, he took off his jacket and handed it to you before going towards the ocean to get your shoes.
"Jun...be careful!!" you exclaimed
"I'll be fine (Y/N). You should be careful. I wouldn't want you to get wet and sick later on" Yanjun reminded you
"Hmm. OH!! You got it!! Thank you so much!!" you giggled, jumping a bit
"Hey, hey, be careful!!" Yanjun reminded as you jumped to hug him
"You know, you're similar to the ocean. You're as cool, calm and collective when you need to but the same time you're there whenever people needs you just like how humans need water. You also help people calm down when they feel frustrated. You make me feel safe. You make me relax when I feel nervous" you blurted, hugging Yanjun tightly as you inhaled his scent
"(Y/N)..." Yanjun muttered
"Which makes me confused why would you choose a child-like, hard-headed, weirdo..." you mumbled, but Yanjun shut you up by pecking your lips
"Because, isn't that how magnet works? Opposites attract each other. Though I'd say that we are quite similar in the hard-headed side but at least we're willing to tone that down. But for reals, while I make you calm, you make me excited. You burst me up. You're like a happy pill and I'm addicted to you. Now, let's head back, mom and dad made hotpot for dinner. C'mon, I'll carry you whilst you just hold onto our shoes" Yanjun chuckled as you went on his back, leaning on him whilst talking about where you guys should have a date next
Zhu Zhengting
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For mama Ting, I imagine that you have this upcoming show which was your first live stage show. And while you were just a backup dancer, you were still one of the best dancers in Yuehua despite only being hired for a couple of months.
You were so excited and can't wait since you've been practicing very hard the past few days, along with helping Zhengting since he asked you to be his dancing partner for his new mv that's coming out in a month. Speaking of Zhengting, it was him that actually recommended you to Yuehua and him that got you hired in the first place.
Anywho, it was finally showtime and you had just finished getting ready with the rest of the backup dancers. And ofc, you, along with the other backup dancers helped kill the show that the crowd was cheering loudly.
After the show was over, you all took pictures with the artist and a few individual pictures before the stage manager called it a wrap. You then went to go get changed when Zhengting texted you, asking to meet up in the dance practice room you guys normally used.
You told him that you just finished changing and will be there in 10 minutes. Upon arriving, you looked around to find Zhengting and was shocked when he softly called you out whilst holding a boquet of flowers.
"Ting? What's all this? Are you gonna meet up with someone?" you questioned, tilting your head slightly "This is for you!! Congratulations on your first live stage performance!!" Zhengting mentioned, handing you the flowers
"Ahhh, isn't this a bit too much? I was just a backup dancer anyways..." you muttered, looking down at the flowers, avoiding Zhengting's gaze
"Well, you won't be for long. I want you to dance with me, live. Roughly a month or two after the mv comes out. If you don't mind that is" Zhengting asked, scratching his head
"Wh, what? Are you serious?! Like legit? Not joking?! Cause if you're serious then ofc I would love to!!" you exclaimed
"Re-really?! Oh I feel so relieved. I was afraid you'd reject me. I mean my offer. I uhhhh...." Zhengting stuttered
"Relax. I'd never reject your offer. Or even you, Ting. You helped me get this far. Plus, I think I'd be the one to worry if you'd reject me..." you mumbled, fiddling with your fingers
"What?! No, why would I ever reject you, (Y/N). You're pretty, smart, talented, kind. You're an amazing person. If you don't believe me then let's go have dinner, I know you must be starving, c'mon, my treat!!" Zhengting mentioned, grabbing you and dashing off to eat hotpot
Wang Ziyi
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For Ziyi, I imagine that you guys were spending the day to the amusement park that was near the beach as well. So, the plan was for you both to go to the amusement park as soon as it opens and ride as much rides as possible before 4pm then head to the beach and jusy chill till dinner time.
You were so excited since it's been so long since you went to an amusement park and beach. Now, the reasoning why you chose this specific amusement park wasn't just because it was right beside the beach. But also where you and Ziyi got to actually know each other.
Let's rewind a bit shall we
So, you guys were high school friends and one time your squad wanted to go to the amusement park so ofc, you joined in. But what you didn't know was that Ziyi (the school's best basketball player) and his squad were also joining (mainly because 2 of his friends and 2 of yours were dating).
Anyways, the whole day wasn't that bad until sometime before you all decided to leave for the beach, your friends sorta ditched you; even when you tried to text/call them. Now, you were left right by the food stands, sitting on one of the benches whilst waiting for any news you get from your friends.
But it wasn't just you that was "ditched" by your friends. Because not long after, Ziyi came and sat beside you, asking if you were also "ditched" by your friends to which you chuckled, telling him that they must've went on other rides. But you were actually grateful that they did. Because now, you were Ziyi's close friend.
To present time
After riding on several rides, you guys went to have lunch at the nearby food court before going back and playing the rides up until it was almost sundown.
Realising what time it was, you asked Ziyi if there were anymore rides he wanted to go on which he shook his head and instead, asked you if you wanted to go on anymore rides. To which you also shook your head. Ziyi then asked if you wanted to go to the beach which u instantly nodded.
But as you guys were walking, you saw a small food stand, selling one of your favourite snacks to the point you instantly rushed over to the food stall and grab some food, nudging Ziyi to hurry and come choose what he wants.
"Ziyi!! Hurry up!! Choose which one you want!!" you called out
"I'm coming (Y/N), don't buy too much things. We need room for dinner" Ziyi chuckled, rushing to your side
"I will always have room for dinner!! Food is life!!" you exclaimed, as you choose your snacks while Ziyi looked at you and chuckled
Xiao Gui
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For Xiaogui, let's say that you guys have been friends since young and he would always be there for you since he's always so hyper while you were so shy in making friends.
Throughout your school life till high school, Xiao gui has always been there to help you make new friends and study (ocassionally). Not to mention, you were the one to come up with his nickname, Xiao Gui. But unfortunately he had to leave to join idol producer. But that never stopped you guys from sending each other letters/text (when he got his phone).
Time skip to your university graduation
While Xiao gui was busy with his idol life since he debutted in 9%, you were busy with school and now, after so long, you were finishing your degree.
After the ceremony and getting your actual degree, you and your friends were heading to take pictures. But as you were taking pictures, your friends told you to stay there for a bit whilst they go grab a quick drink.
But as your friends left, you saw a familiar figure, holding a boquet of flowers, heading your way. As they got closer, you realised that it was actually Xiao Gui.
"G-gui? Is that you? What are you doing here? Don't you have an event or something to attend?" you asked in shock
"Of course I do. It's your graduation. You didn't think I'd miss this out now did you? Look at you, dressed up like this. Last time I saw you all dressed up was...." Xiao gui commented
"The day you debutted with the other 8 as 9%" you replied, giggling at the memory
"Yea. You were with me since the beginning even until I debut and now. I'm sorry I couldn't have come sooner but here, happy graduation (Y/N)" Xiao Gui muttered, handing you the flowers
"Th-thank you, Gui. How bout we catch up over dinner?" you mumbled
"Of course, then we can go get dessert at your favourite place!!" Xiao Gui exclaimed, holding your hand as he slowly pulled you with him
"I miss you so much, Linkai" you admitted
"I miss you too (Y/N)" Xiaogui replied, a big grin formed on his face
You Zhangjing
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Tbh Zhangjing's one is quite hard but I tried my best :"
Alright, for Zhangjing, I imagine that he asked you to join him to shoot for his new mv which of course you quickly agreed, not thinking twice on where, when and what is it.
You can say that it was somewhat of a mistake since the mv is a more romantic one than his previous mv(s). Not only that, on the day of the actual shoot, you were stunned on how good Zhangjing looked since he mostly wore a baggy T-shirt with sweatpants.
But this time, he dressed up so good that your mind can't comprehend. Even when it was time to shoot, your mind wondered off elsewhere until Zhangjing actually called out to you.
Thankfully, throughout the entire shoot, there were minimal errors and you didn't have to reshoot so much. And it was the final shot where both you and Zhangjing were hand in hand walking together.
Right as the camera was rolling, you were a bit distracted by the scenery of the place you were shooting that Zhangjing had to call you several times which makes you shock but Zhangjing just chuckled and extended his hand out to you which you shyly took, and as Zhangjing faced the other side, you couldn't help but blush to see this amazing view.
"(Y/N)?" Zhangjing called out
"Hmmm??? Oh sorry, the scenery was so pretty that I couldn't help but get distracted" you admitted
"It's alright, c'mon, let's just enjoy the view then" Zhangjing mentioned, extending his hand
"Hmmm. It's nice, we should go out more often" you mumbled, taking Zhangjing's hand then facing off to the scenery together
Once again, happy late 3rd year anniversary Ninepercent!! I wish you nothing but the best and may you always be happy 💕💕
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fatoujallovv ¡ 4 years
here it is: my big sappy dramatic birthday thank you post 🥺💗💗💗💗
first off . thank you to alt er love for hitting me with birthday loveliness right at midnight and being the sweetest ever 🥺🥺🥺 especially lovely @cindylouwhos @lucasotteli @womenstan @kieutu for changing ur server nicknames for my birthday like pls guys gonna cry 🥺🥺🥺
next thank you sm brocsquad for wishing me a happy birthday in the gc 🥺🥺 i was dead asleep but i saw them all when i woke up and would have responded individually if i didn’t accidentally jump to the end of the messages bc then i couldn’t find where they were again akdjfjjs
next thank you to soooo many lovely people who sent me asks or dms 🥺🥺🥺 i felt so so loved today and you guys are truly the best lil internet family a girl could ask to be a part of 🥺💛💕💗💓💕💛💗💕
now for the absolute insanity that is the incredible amazing talented angels who made me creations 🥺💛💛 pls shower them in love for the amazing things they made for me 🥺
@dreamaur made me the sequel to lucas softie lallemant, lucas sunshine lallemant and it was honest to god the biggest serotonin boost in the entire world and so awesome to wake up to 🥺💛💛💛
@alwayskissmeatnight made this lovely set with a quote from rotten work which is my favorite lil fic i’ve written 🥺🥺 it means so much that my words inspired such a beautiful set thank you so much alex 🥺💛💛
@luxandobscurus read my mind and made the BEST elu lyric set with one of my all time favorite songs and the gifs are stunningggggg and the set gives me actual chills!!!!!!
@lucasotteli made me the actual softest moodboard i’ve ever seen of my son lucas lallemant with the most beautiful coloring and yes i did steal one of the pics for my icon bc the screenshots she snagged are next level Soft
@kieunora made another iconic netflix edit for my childhood best friends au how it would be 🥺🥺 all the little details are insane and as a day one super fan of ur fics liv i could not be more honored and blown away that we’re friends and you made me this 🥺💗💗💗💗
@to-enter-polaris made me man of my dreams film posters!!!!! they are simply stunning!!! amazing fonts amazing colors amazing gifs the attention to detail and overall beauty!!! it’s insane!!!
@womenstan made a lucas smiles set that is just!!!!! so joyful and happy and makes me feel all the positive emotions ever and em it just means so much to me that you go out of your way to make everyone feel special 🥺💛💛
@briallenko made me THE sweetest smol bean drawing EVERRRR that made me squeal with joy because it is just soooo precious!!! and the colors are beautiful!!!!
last but not least @ffriluftslivv painted me the most beautiful sunflower everrrr 🥺🥺 it’s so vibrant and of course perfectly On Brand and i love it so much!!!!!
in conclusion. if you sent me birthday wishes, made me something, or even so much as thought about me today, thank you SO so much!!!!! this was hands down the best birthday i’ve ever had and it’s all because of you guys being the amazing people you are!! thank you for making my day so special 🥺💛
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kutemouse ¡ 3 years
And Then He Was Gray (Part Six, End)
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Disclaimer: I edited the pic I used for my header, but the OG pic belongs to BTS & BigHit.
Author’s Note: Woooooooow, here we are, at the end! I think this is the first six-part one-shot I’ve finished on this tumblr. Uh-maze-ing. This was so much fun to write. I love that I came up with this purely out of my own head, the only inspiration being that damn beautiful gray shirt and Jin’s damn beautiful self. I’m really proud of this piece. I hope you, dear kutie reader, enjoyed it as well. Thank you for your support, and as always, I purple you <3
Age Recommendation: 21+ (Not just a recommendation, kuties!)
Warnings: Praise kink shining through, oral, mutual masturbation, a bit o’ angst, and (as always) f*cking swears.
Word Count: 1,583
Master List
And Then He Was Gray (Jin One-Shot, Smut, Fluff) Part Six (End)
My eyelids fluttered as my consciousness stirred, but I buried my face back into the pillow, not wanting to wake up. If I woke up, it would be morning, and I’d have to go home, and my amazing one-night stand would be over, becoming nothing but a bunch of memories I’d only be able to take out late at night when I was alone.
I reached a hand out, feeling beside me where Jin had lain, his strong arms wrapped around me as we finally drifted off to sleep for the last time. After the first time, despite a heavy makeout session and him promising to fuck me into oblivion again, we decided we were both too exhausted to go another round. Jin sweetly took care of me, grabbing a wet washcloth and wiping me down with it, tenderly kissing every inch of my body as he did so. “Did so well,” he muttered between kisses. “So good. My good girl.”
I sleepily preened at the praise, smiling and letting out content sighs as he cleaned me up. He got us both large glasses of water, watching to make sure I gulped mine all the way down before snuggling up against me in bed and wrapping me in his arms. The heat emanating from his skin alongside his heartbeat lulled me almost to sleep when Jin’s voice broke the silence. “Y/n.”
“That was… mind-blowing.”
I hummed in agreement, my eyes still closed, snuggling deeper into his chest.
“I just wanted to ask before we fell asleep… if I get horny again, do I have your consent to wake you up by eating you out?”
My eyes shot open, heat flooding to my core at the thought. “God, yes,” I sighed.
I could feel Jin’s smile as he kissed my cheek. “Good. Because if I’m sleeping next to you, it’s almost a guarantee I’m gonna wanna fuck again.”
And fuck again we did. Jin only let me have a couple hours sleep before I woke up with his head between my thighs, slurping down my juices as his tongue penetrated my core and swirled around my clit. I came twice again, once from him eating me out, then again as we fucked once more, this time more slow and sensual as we were both still a bit drowsy.
After a couple more hours of sleep, I woke up to Jin fingering me, the pads of his ring and middle fingers drawing circles on my clit as his hot breath warmed my neck from behind. I reached over and wrapped my fingers around his lengthy shaft, pumping up and down until we mutually orgasmed once more.
I smiled, the memories from last night leaving warmth flowing through me, and finally opened my eyes. It had to be at least mid-day, if not later. The sun was lighting up the room, even through Jin’s dark curtains, and the day felt like it was already mostly over. Jin was nowhere to be seen. I glanced around, my gaze landing on a folded t-shirt with a glass of water next to it. I gulped it down, so thirsty after all of last night’s antics, then put on the t-shirt, which fell to my thighs.
I cautiously opened the bedroom door and padded down the hall into the kitchen, from where a delicious smell was wafting throughout the apartment. “Hey,” Jin said. His upper half was bare, and he wore gray sweatpants that fell loosely around his hips. I wet my lips at the sight of Balenciaga boxers peeking out above the waistline.
“Hi,” I replied, a bit breathless.
“Did you sleep well?”
I hummed in response. Something was sizzling in the pan he held, and he dragged a spoon through it before blowing the steam away and holding it out to me. “Taste this.”
I stepped close and obliged, the warm smell coming from the pan enticing my senses. I chewed and swallowed. “Wow, that is really good,” I said.
Jin shot me a smile. “Good. Sit down, I’ll make you a plate.”
He set the food-filled plate in front of me, along with a pair of chopsticks. “Thanks,” I murmured.
“Oh, here’s your phone. I charged it for you, and your clothes will be out of the dryer in a few minutes.”
I blinked. He washed my clothes? Jin seemed to be almost too considerate… Almost like he’d practiced this routine a million other times, with a million other girls. That depressing thought led me to turn on my phone, eager to distract myself from my perpetual loneliness.
Soyeon had called me three times, and texted me twice as many times.
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I quickly tapped out a message back to her.
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I lay my phone face down on the table. It buzzed a few times, no doubt Soyeon freaking out about the fact I was at Jin’s place, but I ignored it. “Everything okay?” Jin asked.
“Yeah, fine. Just Soyeon checking in on me.”
Jin was wiping his hands on a dish towel, staring intently down at me. The sight of his bare honey-toned torso and taut muscles was almost too much to look at. I couldn’t believe how handsome he was, and even more unbelievable was the fact we’d had such an incredible night together… But with every high comes just as deep of a low. How is it that I’d gotten laid but I felt more single today then I did last night?
I quickly finished eating and went to grab my clothes, changing as fast as I could and grabbing my purse. “Erm,” I said, causing Jin to look up from cleaning up the kitchen. “I’m going to call a cab. Thanks for… Well, thanks for everything.”
Jin’s brow furrowed. “Wait a sec, I can give you a ride.”
I smiled weakly. “There’s no need. I can get home on my own. I’ll just wait on the curb.”
He crossed the room, confusion in his eyes. “Hold on now, no need to rush. I wanted to spend more time with you.”
Now it was my turn to be confused. “You wanted… what?”
Jin stepped close, caressing my cheek with a long finger. “Why are you always running away from me?”
“I’m not,” I retorted, stepping out of his reach. “I’m just trying to give you an out so you don’t have to feel bad.”
“Why would I need an out?”
I glanced awkwardly to the side. “Because… Well, because… This is just a one-night stand, isn’t it? I mean, that’s what you do with girls?”
Jin scoffed. “Seriously? You’re still on about that?”
“Well, yeah. Look, Soyeon told me━”
“I don’t care what Soyeon told you. Yeah, there have been other girls. You’re telling me there haven’t been other guys?”
I stayed silent. Clearly, after last night, I was no virgin, but I wasn’t a player either. “I just wanted to be clear with our expectations,” I muttered, turning away.
I had my hand on the door handle when Jin placed his large one over it. “Tell me, right now,” he said earnestly. “Be honest. Do you want this to only be a one-night stand? Or would you like it if something more came out of it?”
My mouth parted in surprise as I looked back at him. “Be honest,” Jin repeated, his gaze eager. “Because I’ll be honest with you. I have been with other girls, yes, a lot of other girls by some standards. I’ve always been straight with them, telling them they were just a means to satisfy me for the night, but none of them could even do that much. None of them were what I needed.”
I slowly turned back around as he spoke, letting him get closer and closer with each word. Jin placed his hands on either side of me, effectively pinning me with my back to the door. “I need you,” he said, passion dripping from his voice. “I need everything about you. I told you, from the second I laid eyes on you, I knew you were going to be perfect for me.”
I pressed my lips together. “Yeah, but sexual compatibility does not make a relationship,” I said. “No matter how amazing.”
Jin blew out a frustrated exhale, shaking his head. “You still don’t get it. I want to date you, Y/n. Will you go out with me?”
I blinked. Was he… serious? I mean, we did have some things in common. We both liked to cook, we had similar friends… and we were fantastic in bed together. Maybe this could work. Maybe I could have someone of my own, finally, someone to go to parties with, someone to share all my secrets with, someone to love.
“Y-Yeah,” I finally stuttered out. “I’ll go out with you.”
Jin let out the breath he’d been holding, sliding his palm up towards my jaw, angling it upward. He captured my lips with his in the sweetest kiss, drawing me up on my tiptoes, causing me to wrap my arms around his neck. He drew back, and I kept my eyes closed for a moment longer, wishing for more.
“Come on,” Jin said, his gaze darkening as he tugged me by the hand back towards the bedroom. “I’ve got the whole day off, and I know exactly what… or should I say, who… I want to do.”
Smiling, I let him lead me into the kind of bliss that, until that moment, I’d only dreamed I’d be able to have.
The Fucking End <3
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makeste ¡ 5 years
BnHA Chapter 249: Todoroki Taco Night
Previously on BnHA: Nothing happened at all, because the manga was on break last week! Fortunately the anime had finally resumed after a billion years (estimation; exact length of time may be slightly off), so we had that to take the edge off in the meantime. Except we didn’t, because the anime also ended up going on break due to a rugby game or some shit. So that was nice. On a related note, when I die I’d like the Basement arc to lower me into my grave, so it can let me down one last time.
Anyway, Endeavor did some mentoring and gave Shouto and Kacchan a power-up assignment and told Deku to work on Air Force to help him master the fine control he needs for the Bloop. Then Fuyu called a week later and was all “HEY DAD, DINNER, OUR PLACE, TONIGHT, BRING THE KIDS.” And then as previously mentioned, we waited two whole fucking weeks and MY GOD, my body is ready, on to the new chapter we go!
Today on BnHA: Shouto, Katsuki, and Deku are cordially invited to Todosmith Farms for an evening of food and fun! They make it approximately six minutes into dinner before Natsu loses it and exits with more theatrics than a spurned reality TV show contestant. Baku and Deku spend the next hour being all “!!!” at each other back and forth, and whispering about how fucking dramatic the Todorokis are, which fully kills me and is my favorite thing ever to happen in the world. Deku then begins to guide Shouto through his personal healing process like fucking Mufasa booming at Simba from the heavens, and meanwhile Endeavor listens in while quietly kneeling before HIS DEAD SON’S PHOTOGRAPH, IN THE SHRINE THEY BUILT FOR SAID DEAD SON IN HIS BEDROOM, and sorrowfully wishing he could do more for his family. Anyways so I’m in ruins now, but otherwise fine. How are you?
(All comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity afterward, and added a few ETAs in the process, but aside from that there are no changes.)
well it’s Thursday morning, and I have just seen the picture of baby white-haired Touya because no one in this fandom knows how to fucking spoiler tag (and that’s on me too for browsing the BnHA tag on a Thursday; I know better, but I was just curious how this new group chat thing was working out), so here are my immediate thoughts
we never actually confirmed that the hair color correlates to their powers, huh. we just assumed. but come to think, there’s no reason why someone couldn’t have mom’s hair but dad’s quirk. it’s all Shouto’s fault for being a perfect 50/50 split and thus making everyone assume that THAT’S JUST HOW IT WORKS. damn you Shouto and your dramatic character design
anyways I tried not to look at the pic for too long -- once I realized what I was looking at, I averted my eyes -- but he does look like Dabi, I think. oh shit guys. it’s really fucking happening
and I also didn’t get a good enough look to determine whether this was a photo of Touya (that Deku or whoever happened to spot while visiting the Todochester Mystery House for the much-hyped dinner) or a flashback image (in which he is just standing really fucking still for some reason and staring directly at the camera), so I guess we’ll see. but anyways, Deku and Kacchan didn’t come all the way down to Todoroki taco night to not have their evening peppered with intricate family drama and reopened wounds and hysterical conspiracy theories, so you had better keep them goddamn entertained! lord knows the Todorokis don’t do small talk. this is literally their only way of spicing things up so their guests don’t die of sheer awkwardness while Endeavor sits in stony silence and Shouto just stuffs his face with soba all night
also aren’t we due some popularity poll results soon? just getting in all my random thoughts now before we dive in. anyways Horikoshi, so you know what I want to see now and you better deliver
aaaand now it’s Friday! so Happy Birthday Aizawa, and LET’S GET TO THAT CHAPTER
and we’re opening with Endeavor’s Redemption Arc: The Page. omg
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holy fucking shit BnHA. you sure do have a way of making me wait WITH BATED BREATH!! FOR TWO WEEKS!!! ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT!!!! for the new fucking chapter only to have me immediately suck in a deep breath through my teeth and seriously reconsider whether I am in any way emotionally prepared to handle this. “you think you know what you want?!” Horikoshi demands. “YOU HAVE NO IDEA.” sob it’s trueeee
okay. okay. we can do this. hell, if we made it through Tomura’s flashbacks then this should be child’s play. so all right, let’s go
-- oh wait, but before I click to the next page, I just want to note that Endeavor isn’t the only one who’s nowhere to be found in this pic, though! boy you have three sons. uno dos tres
“the hellish Todoroki residence” lmao this legitimately sounds like the title of a Buzzfeed Unsolved episode
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okay I have like... ten different notes I want to make about Katsuki and I don’t know where to start SO I’LL JUST START SOMEWHERE!
I’ve legit wanted to see how he would look with his mask pushed up into his hair like a headband for the longest fucking time (I don’t know why! I just wanted to see it!) so this. is. Christmas for me omg. if only he wasn’t making one of his (◣д◢) faces and was instead making a normal face. but that’s probably too much to ask of him at THE CRACK OF DAWN, which brings me to my next point,
I thought he was a morning person?? [furiously checking headcanon notes] kid you go to bed at 8pm. you have your full eight hours by four in the fucking morning. and the full nine and a half hours that GROWING BOYS ACTUALLY NEED by 5:30am, which is when I always assumed you typically woke up in order to get in your morning workout and BEAST IT UP IN THE PIT or whatever gym people do. yet here you are, half dead, while Deku and Burnin’ are raring to go. were you just burning the midnight oil and that’s why you’re grumpy? WAS IT THE FANFIC AGENCY RESIDENCES SHENANIGANS, OH MY GOD I CAN’T
lastly, look at that unzipped collar. why is it that the more disheveled he looks the more I want to pile him up in a headlock and give him noogies. I love him so fucking much, this is ridiculous, he was only gone for two weeks but it felt like SEVENTEEN YEARS anyway
so Burnin’ is all “catch any villains faster than Endeavor yet, LOL, LIKE THAT COULD EVER HAPPEN!!” and they’ve been putting up with this trolling for a fucking week now huh. no wonder Katsuki’s ready to pack it in and sleep for the next year
motherfucker holy shit
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sure thing coach. Todoroki Shouto out here ready for the morning huddle. BRING IT IN! ONE TWO THREE PLUS ULTRA
meanwhile Katsuki better keep his hair like that for the rest of the arc now. the collar too. I am living for this
what is Shouto doing with his hands
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are you blowing a kiss. or beckoning toward her like Neo in the Matrix. are you channeling your inner Iida. wtf is this
this one panel perfectly encapsulates everything I love about this OT3 dynamic oh my god
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Katsuki screaming at Todoroki that he’s better than him (based on impeccable, flawless logic). Shouto completely disregarding this and calmly continuing to have a normal conversation at a normal person volume. and Deku ignoring them both while sending the chipperest, most positive energy in the world out toward this other person because he loves everyone!!
and now there’s three closeups of the boys showing how worn out they are
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they’ve been working so hard I’m so proud of them and also they totally deserve a night off to go gorge themselves on soba at Toderly Manor
and then there’s a whole nother page continuing to establish that it has been a week! and they’re working hard! and YES, WE KNOW, though
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yep yep yep we get it now WHAT ABOUT THAT DINNER oh my god. it’s been four pages! and if we’re only getting thirteen again then this is precious real estate we’re just wasting here, come onnnnn
so Endeavor is continuing to show off how great he is while the kids look on in frustration
heh but I like this panel because LOOK AT THEM
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ALL THREE OF THEM CAN FLY (basically). I love it. yes. just let them be airborne for the rest of the series
meanwhile Endeavor’s thinking agitated thoughts about how Fuyu wants him to try and CONNECT TO THE CHILDREN ON AN ACTUAL EMOTIONAL LEVEL, like what do you think he is?? a human being??!
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lol he’s got that look like “WHY DON’T YOU JUST KILL ME NOW AND BE DONE WITH IT.” things he would rather do than have a family dinner with his kids and his two new apprentices: literally. anything. else. ah, but Endeavor. no one said the path of Not Being A Bastard would be easy
he’s thinking about how happy Fuyu sounded on the phone, though. “the thought of us finally becoming a real family...” c’mon Enji you can’t just let your only daughter down like that
and also me. you better not fucking let me down. I was promised dinner at Todoton Abbey and DAMN IT THIS IS HAPPENING
lol he’s getting all fired up and the kids are just mindlessly yelling back like “FUCK YEAH”
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even the guy in the background’s like “YEAHHHHHHH LET’S DO ITTT.” the best part is how not a single one of them has any clue what they are loudly agreeing to
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lmao Kacchan
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“it’s not too late!” he is so desperate, bless him. all he wanted was to curl up in his room with a bowl of spicy ramen after a long day and watch old All Might clips on Youtube while blissfully not interacting with a single other soul. and now instead they’ve dragged him to fucking Todo-a-Lago for dinner with his boss, his two best friends who he hates, and SOMEONE’S SISTER. what a nightmare
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worst part is, I don’t think Kacchan will be able to resist Fuyu’s Kind Elementary School Teacher Energy at all. he’s totally screwed. -- OH MY GOD, IS HE HIDING
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like, I know this is the Todoroki drama chapter and that’s where my focus should be, and I’M SORRY, but you guys all know what you signed up for by this point, right? you can read a million other Todo hot takes on tumblr today, but this will forever be the blog that spends paragraphs and paragraphs obsessing over Kacchan hiding behind the door frame and sulking and asking “why though?” in increasingly petulant tones like a four-year-old because SOMEONE DRAGGED HIM TO A SOCIAL EVENT and this is his personal hell! Fuyu’s gonna end up having to manually feed him chicken like Satou did at the party
meanwhile now that I’m actually READING THE REST OF THE PANEL LIKE A NORMAL PERSON, I have to pause for a moment to let my heart break over Deku saying that he hardly ever gets invited over by friends. hey Deku come here for a moment, I just have to give you a dozen hugs real quick and then you can continue as you were
anyway so guys I literally owe Todoroki Fuyumi my life and I want to send her flowers with a “THANKS FOR SAVING THE MANGA” card but it’ll have to wait until the chapter is done. let’s continue
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(ETA: shout out to Natsu for wearing the greatest shirt of all time and taking Deku’s rookie-tier gags to THE NEXT LEVEL!)
holy shit Deku
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Alton fucking Brown over here. chill my dude
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and look how oblivious Deku is to the general vibe settling in here
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what the fuck do you see. you just literally had no idea how else to respond to that, huh
oh my god oh my fucking god
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(ETA: I’m laughing so hard and I’ll explain in the tags. sob.)
guys let me just break down these two panels for you
1. Fuyu is all “NATSU YOU COOKED TOO”
how the fuck is there drama brewing over the fucking cooking. this fucking family. and Shouto’s face is two seconds away from being my new icon omg
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and now Fuyu has finally made a FATAL ERROR IN JUDGEMENT oh no. that error being trying to fall back on Shouto of all people to ease the awkward tension. that boy literally is made up of awkward tension. right down to his atoms. Fuyu what were you thinking??
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someone help me I’m fucking dying. actually, you know what, help them
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“yo Deku, do you wanna get the fuck out of here right now.” “yes, yes I do.” turns out, they didn’t really need that internship anyway. maybe they can still convince the centipede man to take them instead
holy shit
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like, I feel so bad for him, but also Fuyu looks so fucking sad and I can’t?? this is too much, and things haven’t even gotten spicy yet. this arc is going to leave me a wreck
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“it’s okay,” Horikoshi says comfortingly, “here’s a panel of your two good boys helping clean up.” WELL THANK YOU, EXCUSE ME FOR A MOMENT, I’M GOING TO GO SIT. and think about Katsuki being a fucking gentleman whose momma raised him right and who helps clean up the dishes after being invited over for dinner. never mind that he didn’t even help clean up the Christmas party. but he saw Fuyu being sad and immediately went MY GOD, I’VE GOT TO DO SOMETHING TO HELP THIS STUPIDLY NICE LADY
anyway so are you two going to ask Endeavor why his kids hate him so fucking much. or just ignore it because you pretty much know the gist already because Shouto can’t keep a lid closed on anything
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anyways so did you guys know that Deku and Kacchan having whispered conversations about how dramatic the fucking Todorokis are is my all-time aesthetic. I didn’t know either actually. but it is
Fuyu why are you apologizing to Shouto for making him help clean up
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oh my god she’s having a heart to heart with Shouto about how he feels about Endeavor. oh my god I see Horikoshi aiming a bow right at my fucking heart. he’s notching the fucking arrow, this is it, it’s been real you guys
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that look in his one visible eye. god. there it is. oh god. hurts
(ETA: do you suppose all of the Todorokis have secretly had that exact same dream. we know Fuyu has, and Rei as well based on her letter. I’m starting to think that Shouto has too. it only makes sense that a boy who was denied a real childhood for the first fifteen years of his life is going to have some part of him that secretly longs to just have a normal family. in related news, Shouto had better get some fucking hugs in this arc!)
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(ETA: yeah this does not bode well for an upcoming flashback in which a child was presumably burned the fuck alive. feels like Horikoshi was testing the waters to see how much he could get away with. we may be in for some brutal shit pretty shortly.)
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ahhhh he says he doesn’t know
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this is the most realistic fucking thing I’ve read in this manga to this date. not knowing how you feel about the abusive parent who did so much harm but is now trying to change. boyyyyy howdy I feel that in my fucking bones. Horikoshi is out there delivering the real shit. goddamn
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it’s as though Horikoshi placed his hands on his shoulders and said “listen up sonny boy, I’ve got an important job that only you can do. defuse this tension. in any way you can.” and Katsuki looked him dead in the eye and said “I got this”
meanwhile Deku’s hoping he can spontaneously develop another new quirk which will open up a hole in the ground to swallow him up
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“A NORMAL, PLEASANT EVENING!!” yes of course, that’s why you spent the entire ride over here clinging to Todoroki’s shirt and repeating “WHY” ad infinitum. anyways as usual this child is a nightmare whose fickle tirades absolutely no one deserves to be subjected to, god bless him and I adore him so
and Deku is again apologizing for him like they’re fucking married. this chapter is filled with so many highs and lows for me, it’s wild
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this, to be clear, is one of the highs. god I love it
oh shit it looks like Deku’s getting ready to say something! SOMETHING WISE, I BET
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IS HE?? sometimes this kid can just peer into other people’s souls with perfect clarity, it’s uncanny
oh my god Shouto’s face
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genuine shock. he doesn’t even know how he feels, but somehow Deku is able to cut right to the heart of it
oh my god Katsuki’s there to chime right in too and say “but if you feel like he doesn’t deserve forgiveness that’s fucking fine too”
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this is actually incredibly fucking supportive? anyway so guys have I mentioned within the last five seconds how much I love Bakugou fucking Katsuki. I have? well that’s okay I’ll just say it again anyway. and also I love Deku and Shouto too oh my god. bless this chapter
oh lol nevermind that still Deku talking while Katsuki is just making faces. well he’s doing his best. anyways so like I said I love Midoriya fucking Izuku
(ETA: [chinhands] do you guys think. that perhaps. Midoriya Izuku might be harboring some unresolved feelings regarding his own absent daddo. maybe. ??? why does this chapter have so many layers??)
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ah I see, Katsuki spied Natsu just STANDING THERE LISTENING IN THE DARK, as one does, and that’s why the face
and also YES, Shouto is like the kindest fucking person in the whole series possibly. thank you for acknowledging that?? I’m in the process of arranging all of these new feels into a comfy little pile now, so maybe I can curl up in them. if Horikoshi insists on delivering more and more
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sdfhk. oh my god. and so it was a photograph! but one which appears to be a segue into a flashback! and the law of escalating tragic flashbacks states that Touya’s is somehow going to be even more horrific than our last flashback, in which, let me just think back for a sec, oh yes, an entire family was massacred and torn into bloody chunks including a six-year-old girl and a dog, and the surviving child was then adopted by a psychopath who adorned him with severed hands and was all “NEVER FORGET HOW FUCKED UP YOU FEEL ABOUT ALL THIS” and then the child murdered some people to feel better about himself. so this is somehow going to be worse than that. well that’s just. ...I don’t even know. I literally can’t think of a lighthearted way to end that train of thought lmao. WE ARE FUCKING SCREWED. get ready to burn, baby
but meanwhile, parting thoughts
so they really do believe he’s dead. that’s confirmed. and he died (or, well, “died”) young, too, based on this picture and on the toys on that shelf. fffff
Endeavor kneeling at a family shrine to pay respects to his dead son and miserably wishing he was still alive is just. repeated stabbings of my already mutilated heart. thanks. thanks for that
he heard EVERYTHING and he’s saying nothing, because what can he say?? I meanwhile have already said “oh my god” about 1600 times in this recap, but I’ll go ahead and say it again anyway one last time because oh my god, the fucking Todofam AND THEIR FUCKING DRAMA!!!
what can I do for my family at this stage? the last plea of a desperate man struggling to make amends and piece together something he’s already shattered into a million pieces. he keeps dreaming of them being happy together, even if he’s not in the dream. he wants to do right by them, finally. but he doesn’t know how. anyways so people have been saying and saying that this arc so far has been death flag after death flag for this old coot, and you know what, they’re fucking right. this does not have a happy ending. this is going to be fucking devastating. and here I am, fully obsessed with it. fuck me
anyways I guess that’s finally everything I can think of to say. this recap is already a million fucking words so that’s fine lol. why though
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voletapril02 ¡ 4 years
The Doctor Will See You Now Ch.2
Summary: You are an established artist living in New York. You just got out of a brake up when you physically collide with a handsome doctor that saves you from almost getting hit by a car. ever since then your electric connection is undeniable. But will it be enough to withstand the trouble that could be lurking just around the corner?
 Warnings: Cursing, suggestive conversation, Slow Burn
 Pairings: Chris Evans X Reader, Y/N X Chris Evans
 Word Count: 2,130
 ** Loosely Edited/ Proofread**
 **This is my first fic so please be kind. I plan on making this a series**
 **The photos and the artwork are not mine**
After your near death experience last week you have been taking it easy all week. However, it worked in your favor since your art show was coming up. You just stayed in your apartment and painted all day which was honestly your idea of a vacation. Ever since you saw your mystery man the other day you haven't been able to stop thinking about him. This was a nice change since you were still trying to forget about Evan and everything you guys had planned. You were siting in your at home art studio. When you first moved to New York it was almost impossible to find a space that was big enough for you and Evan that could also double as a work space for you that didn't cost a fortune. So you and him were able to swing the rent for a studio space that was just for you a few blocks from the apartment, It was half a floor of an abandoned warehouse. It had good light which was all you really cared about.
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It also gave you a space that was just your own to work and clear your head. However, when you and him split you couldn't afford the two places on your own. So you sold the apartment you too shared and you moved into your work studio since it was a good size for one person and all your work. You sat in font of your easel with your hair in a messy bun and scarf over your head to keep your baby hairs down. You were wearing your painting jean jumpsuit since it was covered now caked in paint after all these years. You were about to take a break from painting when your phone buzzed. You read it and it said you had a message from an unknown number. Intrigued you picked up your phone and to your surprise the message read,
 "Hey, Y/N it's your favorite doctor (; "
 The message made you smile since you didn't expect him to reach out. Yeah he said he would but he was so damn fine that you figured you knew his type. He was smart, funny and not to mention sexy as hell. There was no way he was gonna follow up with some girl he had just met on the street. It wasn’t that you were insecure or anything you knew you were a beautiful woman. You had a beautiful caramel complexion, long curly hair, beautiful brown eyes, and curves in all the right places. You just got the sense that he wasn't the kind of guy who would value what you had to offer. And you weren’t sure you were ready for the things you were sure he was more than willing to offer.
 "I don’t know if I would say 'favorite' doctor lol. But definitely in the top 10"
 "Ouch that hurt, but ill take what I can get. However, today is your luck day since I have the perfect way you can make it up to me (; "
 "And what exactly did you have in mind?"
  You were nervous to see his reply because you were praying the next message wouldn't be a full screen dick pic. He didn't seem like that much of a douche but it certainly wouldn’t be the first time you had been caught off guard by those things. You held your breath as the three little dots popped up and then he finally said,
 "I was I would take you up on that offer to make me a custom piece, I'm free for lunch tomorrow around 12:30 "
 You were shocked since you were in no way expecting him to actually take you up on your offer. However, he had saved you life so it was the least you could do. Plus it would give you an excuse to dress up for once since you spent most of your time working at him and just being at home in general.
 " Sounds great, there is this really great coffee shop around the corner from me that is usually pretty chill. We can go there if you want"
 "Sounds great see you then, goodnight (:"
  Reading his "Goodnight" text made you look at the clock, you hadn’t realized it was so late until now but it was almost 1:00 am. It wasn't uncommon for you to get caught up in your work like this so you weren't shocked. You decided to go ahead and go to bed since you had to get up early in the morning. You decided that you would wake up around 6:00 am so you could get a few hours of work in before you had to get ready to meet him. You were excited, even though it wasn't a date it was the first time you would actually be adulting since everything, it also didn’t hurt that he was fairly since to look at.
  Buzz- Buzz - Buzz
 You heard the irritating noise and slowly stirred from your sleep, this was your favorite part of the day. The large windows in you apartment allowed you to see the city before it woke up. Before everyone was in a hurry to get every where and meet deadlines. You really did love the city, it was where you felt at home and as though any thing was possible. After you made your morning coffee you sat back in front of your easel you finished the last painting that was to go in your series next week for the art show. The whole show was centered around femininity and the female body the way you saw it. You had always wanted to do a series like this since you always wanted to show the female body from your perspective.
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 After that you got ready for your lunch you got dressed  in a lavender sweater and ripped jeans. You didn't want to look like you tried too hard, but you also wanted to look decent. You felt like you had found the right outfit for meeting him.
On your way out the door you got a phone call from your best friend Naria. You and her grew up together, you were basically sisters. Which worked for you since you were the only girl among three brothers.
"Hey babe, what's up" she  asked
"Nothing I was just heading out the door to meet that guy I told you about, the one you saved me from being sidewalk paint"
 "Ohh, so you're going to meet doctor love? And jut when were you doing to tell me about this" She asked with a knowing tone
 "Shut up, there is nothing to tell. I told him I would make him a custom piece a way of saying thank you"
 "And I'm sure he wouldn't mind you seeing his 'custom piece', that would sure be one hell of a thank you that's for sure"  you both erupted in laughter at her hilarious innuendo.
 "You're crazy and I have to go before you make me late" you laughed
 " Okay but if I come by there later and you're having trouble walking, don't say I didn't warn you"
 You were appalled at her joke, she was crazy but you loved her.
 "Goodbye" you laughed as you hung up the phone.
 It was 12:20 and you walked into the coffee shop looking around for him, you didn’t see him so you were about to  grab your phone from your purse when you heard some ne clear their throat from be hind you. Thinking you were in someone's way you moved and immediately began apologizing.
"Oh I'm sorry, am I in your wa-"
Just as you turned around you say him standing there looking delicious.
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  You hadn't realized you were staring until he looked at you with a knowing smirk. You needed to get your shit together if you were gonna get through this lunch. Before you could embarrass yourself further you smiled at him and greeted him by putting a hand out since you wanted to go ahead and put out your boundaries.
"Hey how are you?" you asked waiting for him to accept your offer of a handshake
He looked down at the handshake than back at you, reluctantly he shook your hand. You couldn't figure out why he looked almost disappointed.
 "Good how are you?" he smiled
 "Good" you responded
  You too stood there shaking hands and looking at each other, both of you equally lost in the eyes of the other.
 "Miss?" you heard a waitress call to you
  This broke your concentration on him and caused you to let go of his hand.
 "Yes" you responded 
 Turning your head to the young red head.
 "Your table is ready, just follow me"
 You nodded looking back at him as if to ask if he heard. He outstretched his arm as the waitress lead the way and you followed her. She brought you to your table and left you too alone after she got your drink orders. You too were alone again. You hated the awkward silence, so you immediately started going through your purse to look for your sketchbook.
 " So I was thinking you could describe your style or what your looking for and I can sketch something up and then we can discus size and colors and-" he stopped you by touching your hand in order to get your attention.
 "I have to be honest with you about something. I don't really want you to paint something for me"
 Confused you scrunched your brows as if to ask why.
 "That came out wrong, I want you to paint me something , its just not the only reason that I asked you to lunch"
You then had an even more confused look on your face. He looked down as if he was trying to figure out exactly how to phrase his next statement.
 " I asked you to lunch because I think you're beautiful. To put it quite frankly I just wanted to see you again. That day that you almost got hit I had been following you"
 This frightened you, making you slowly pull your hand away from his as your breath got heavier.
 "No, no, no, not like the. Damn I'm so bad at talking. I had seen you leave that art museum, I was across the street about to hail a cab when I saw you. You were breath taking, I was trying to cross the street to come over and talk to you but then I saw the car headed your way and that’s when I ran over and pushed you out of the way. "
 After hearing  his explanation you were no longer afraid, you actually found it to be quite sweet.
 " You really are bad at talking" you joked
 " I was half way out the door when you first started"
 This made him laugh so hard he cupped his peck, which really showed just how strong he was. This gave you the opportunity to look at him. And I mean really look at him. His shoulders were broad and strong. His lips were plump and looked good enough to bite. And hid eyes, don’t even get you started on his eyes, You was so damn sexy all of a sudden you felt like a bitch in heat. You knew you had said that you wanted to maintain boundaries and all that but it wouldn't hurt to at least see where it could go with him. It didn't have to be love you told yourself but you sure as hell were entitled to a little bit if fun. He stopped laughing and looked at you had mad up your mind. You were gonna let him be your rebound, you figured he would be the perfect horse to get back on as many times as he could handle.
 "So what do you think we should do with this information?" you asked as slipped off your heel and used your foot to slowly drag it up his leg until you reached your desired destination. He looked shocked by what was going on under the lovely table cloth. For a moment you thought you had him all wrong, he seemed shyer than he did the day you met him. That was until he looked at you and leaned in close to you causing you foot to drop from his crotch.
 " I don't know that you could handle what I think we should do with it" he said was a crocked up eyebrow and a sly smirk.
  This caught you off guard and caused you breath to increase and quite frankly a tsunami between you thighs. For a moment earlier you thought you were in charge here. But ,damn were you in trouble.
"Try me" 
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ngame989 ¡ 5 years
“Change” - TGG SVTFOE Fanfic Collection Ch. 3
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Writing: @ngame989​​
Art: @toxicpsychox​​ (make sure to follow him for bonus pics from the story!)
Editing: @bmc-nightfury​​, @seddm​​
Alternate fic links - FFnet, AO3
Summary: Star, Marco, Tom, and Janna celebrate Earthni's first Halloween and get a taste of what life's like for the rest of its inhabitants.
Comic Page
See below for the text, hope you enjoy! Sorry for the delay, we’ll be back in a few days with the comic page!
Flying was one of the most exhilarating feelings for Marco Diaz. He flung his arms out to the side, letting the wind ripple around and through his hair, his face, and the open front of his hoodie. With a world this beautiful and vast, who even needs the hoodie, anyway? It’s just weighing him down, preventing him from truly feeling as free as he knows he can be. He shifted positions, dramatically discarding the hoodie and feeling the crisp autumn air on his upper body through only the thin grey t-shirt. Suddenly it struck him: how exactly was he flying without Nach-
“Pfffthbtbt, Marco, what the heck?!? You got hoodie stuck in my teeth!”
Marco tried to glance at the familiar voice that interrupted his thoughts, but he was blinded by the sun gleaming in the purple sky. His arms instinctively were brought up to shield his vision. Wait, Marco realized, hadn’t he been holding on to something? Panic set in, both at the feeling of losing something important and at not even being able to recall what it was. It was uncanny, the moments he’d just experienced felt as vague and distant as anything he’d experienced in the Neverzone...
The view of the stunning Earthni landscape beneath him was obscured by a massive dangling ribbon in front of him, disrupting his contemplation. It was utterly tantalizing, almost demanding his attention. He shifted positions, reaching forward as far as he could to catch it, tugging the ribbon to his body and wrapping himself up in it, nestling deeper into his fabric cocoon and feeling briefly at ease. Wait, where exactly was he again? Something felt off, but the unnerving thought dissipated entirely once more at the soft touch on his head. Two large fingers tousled his hair to and fro, giving him a sense of contentment he didn’t know was possible. A glance skyward revealed the face of a giant Star Butterfly towering over him with a soft smile as she pet his head in the safety of a pocket sewn into her narwhal dress. Did that dress even have a pocket? And how was he here? Why was Star so big? As his mind sluggishly tried to work out what wasn’t gelling about the whole situation, his gaze followed their ribbon higher and higher until it finally reached the red balloon guiding them through the sky.
“OK, Marco, payback time!” she shouted with glee, flicking her head and whipping a tuft of flowing golden hair directly into his face.
“Bleh, Star, your hair… ptooey, Star, your hair is in my mouth… Get it out… Star? Star! Star!”
His eyes snapped open, senses on high alert, rapidly regaining his full cognitive faculties. He felt a light sheet draped on top of him; he was in bed, in his pajamas, with no hoodie or jeans in sight. Something large was still wrapped in his arms, but this time there was a warmth and softness that invited him to snuggle in deeper. The last thing he noticed is that his face was still completely buried in blonde tresses, and it all clicked.
“Thanks Roy, these goblin dogs zzz are absolutely zzz deliiiiiicioooouuus zzzzzzzzz”
“Why yes, I would like to try strawberry-flavored zzzzzzz”
“Staaaaaaar… wake up. It’s almost...” He tried and failed to peek around the veritable curtain in his face. “I don’t actually know what time it is, but we should still get up, today’s the day!”
“Totally, totally, totally, just 5 more minutes, Marco… 5 more hours…”
Marco sighed and lifted his head, freeing his face from the hairific onslaught and sighing into the crook of her neck. The leftover hint of strawberry shampoo danced through his nose, infatuating him as he pulled Star closer and felt the silky fabric of her gown softly graze his hands. She laughed and cast aside her favorite teal pillow with a heart she had been holding, gripping his arms instead, both enjoying each other’s company and affection - a fairly common occurrence these days.
Three months of this kind of paradise. Well, close to it, anyway; that first night on Earthni had been a one-off incident at the time, but it still hadn’t been long until unintentional movie marathon naps became slightly less unintentional and eventually moved to the comfort of one of their beds altogether, allowing them to spend nights in each other’s arms and sleep in at their leisure. And why not? They had all the time in the world. Marco was technically done with high school, and Star certainly wasn’t that upset that there wasn’t a fully integrated school system for Earthni quite yet. Besides, formalized education wasn’t much of a thing on Mewni anyway, and she wasn’t a “foreign exchange student” bound by Echo Creek’s norms anymore in this new world of theirs. They’d answered a few questions to the public about the Cleaving and spent a bit of time in the limelight, of course, but otherwise they were finally free of the burdens that had been on their shoulders for most of the time they’d known each other. It was the summer vacation they’d longed for, even though the season had passed them by long ago.
Suddenly, a knock at his door interrupted their bliss. “Star, Marco! Lunch is almost ready!” Angie sing-songed through his door. That woke both of them up - not because his mother had caught them innocently canoodling the night away, as that boat had sailed a while ago with a fairly predictable acceptance (though not without some teasing), but because lunch? How long had they slept in? Star bumped into Marco’s forehead when she bolted upright, startling him so much that he backed up off the bed into a heap on the floor.
“Marco! Gosh, Marco, I’m sorry-”
“M’okay,” he groaned, letting her help him uncrumple his body and stand up straight. They scrambled around the room to gather the discarded boxes of Sugar Seeds from the night before and shared their usual quick good morning kiss before splitting off to get ready for the big day ahead of them. Ten minutes later, Star emerged from her room with one of her older dresses, sky blue with two belts minus the fuzzy leg warmers, and skipped over to the stairs to slide down the railing into the dining room where Marco was already seated. Angie brought turkey sandwiches on the table.
“Good morning, you two. Sleep well?”
“We were up waaaay too late marathoning the new season of Fiesta de la Noche. I think it was the Sugar Seeds, please never buy the ‘Oops! All Corn Syrup!’ flavor again.” Marco winced at the lingering stomach pain.
“It’s sugar made from corn, why would you ever think I wouldn’t buy it?” Star scolded, adding some table sugar from the shaker the Diazes had repurposed for Star (leading to a few accidentally ruined dinners in the first week) to the fruit salad on the plate.
He playfully rolled his eyes and dug into his meal. “So, mom, where’s dad?” he mumbled out between bites.
“BOO!” No one even flinched at Rafael’s entrance from the back door.
Marco groaned. “Dad, are you trying to scare everyone again this year?”
“Haha, no, Marco. Last year I thought, ‘Why go for scary when nothing could ever top a hungering spirit almost devouring your loved ones, sending you into a manic frenzy?’ But then a lightbulb struck me on the head: I can simply bring joy and happiness instead of reopening the wounds of the most traumatic night of my life, haha!” Marco vacantly boggled at his father for a few silent moments, trying and failing to find any possible words in response, but there was no need as Rafael spoke up again. “Oh, and River is helping too!”
As if on cue, Star’s dad barreled through the back door dripping sweat. “I’m a riot with the youngsters, this will be a blast! Rafael, my good man, thank you so much for inviting me to participate in your culture’s festivities. Now how far would you like the catapult to fire the children?”
Rafael nervously chuckled as he lead River out the back door; the families got along swimmingly, but it was clear that neither had fully adjusted to every idiosyncrasy of the other. Marco and Star, having just finished the last of their lunches, followed out the back door and gaped at the spectacle. A giant corn maze occupied at least half of the massive property the Diazes now occupied, catapults of varying sizes had been built with landing pads, a few carnival-looking booths stocked with buckets of candy were set up with games Marco didn’t even recognize, and it was all topped off with decorative ghouls and skeletons scattered all around. The teens’ eyes bugged out of their heads as they processed the scene. How the heck did they sleep through the assembly of all of this? An instantly recognizable revving sound approached from the side; Marco’s eyes lit up as he ran over and gave his favorite dragon-cycle a big hug.
“Oh, Boo-Boo, good to see you!” he cooed, affectionately stroking her scaly head while she purred. A few weeks ago, she spotted him by chance in Monstertown while they were helping Eclipsa finish up some new housing, and after a tearful reunion the Diazes (who were a bit apprehensive upon finally learning what a dragon-cycle actually was) had built a stable in their backyard for her. She came and went as she pleased, but was more than happy to ride with Marco like they always had, occasionally with Star in tow.
Rafael approached and tentatively patted her on the head once, which caused her to defensively nuzzle into Marco. “By the way, Nachos asked if she could help us tonight with the Halloween chicanery and maybe give the kids some little joyrides… if that is OK with you.”
“Aww, that’s so sweet of you, girl!” Marco cooed. River hollered excitedly at Star and Rafael to show them his latest contraption, leaving Marco alone with his companion. His warm gaze turned steely in an instant as he knelt to the ground, looking directly into pink reptilian pupils of his dearest dragon-cycle.
“Thanks for doing this for me, Nachos, I owe you one. Remember the plan, OK? Keep an eye on them and keep everyone in one piece. You have my number if anything goes wrong, right?” She matched his serious demeanor and nodded sternly, at which he softened and kissed her on the forehead before scratching that spot on her neck that she always enjoyed. “I can always count on you, girl.” He stood up quickly to prevent any suspicion when he heard Star chatting to their dads as they approached the house once more.
“OK, dad, try not to have too much fun tonight. Last Halloween I was here, everyone almost got eaten.”
“No promises, sweetie!”
Star waved goodbye with a cheery grin before turning to Marco, eyes widening while maintaining the grin for an exaggeratedly concerned effect. Marco snickered and took her hand, heading back inside the house for their next mission. With all the shenanigans going on tonight, everyone decided it was best for Mariposa to not be in the house, so Star had volunteered to take her with them tonight, which meant she’d need a costume. The pair split apart to gather their supplies for the task. Star took a quick peek into the nursery and found Marco’s angel of a baby sister fast asleep in her crib, fortunately not disturbed by all the happenings around the house. Star went into Marco’s room and cleared off the floor for them to work, mere seconds before a big ball of purple fluff barged through the door.
“Can you believe that girl at the fabric store?” the bundle scoffed, revealing itself to be Marco after unceremoniously dumping piles of fabric and sewing supplies on the ground. “How can you not tell the difference between lavender and heliotrope? It’s so obvious! Even with the swatches from Turdina I’m still not sure if these are the right colors, and I will not settle for anything less than perfection for my little Turdinita-”
“OK, Marco,” Star huffed out. Like everything he did, it was still cute when he entered diva mode, but it was still near the top of the annoyance list. She rolled her eyes and grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him downwards and pecking him on the lips - mostly to shut him up - before putting a finger on his chest and pushing him onto his bottom in front of her. “Let’s get this done, OK? I know that you and Tom are gonna take, like, an hour on the makeup for your costumes.”
“Our trial run clocked in at 44 minutes sharp,” he retorted with a smirk, laying the sewing pattern out to start arranging the fabric. Minutes turned to hours as they toiled away, carefully picking out the colors and textures from the vast selection of cloth Marco had procured. Star was no slouch at the craft - she had decorated Marco’s cape by hand, after all - but every time she glanced over at Marco pouring his entire self into every thread and sequin, she couldn’t help but smile.
Marco carefully balanced a pin between his teeth, holding it up to make sure the design was coming together, then put it down to see Star dreamily staring at him. “Uh, Star? Is something up?”
“N-nothing,” she stammered in response, preparing the accessories for the finishing touches.
“Hey, I just realized… you still haven’t even told me what your costume is yet!” He handed the fabric over to her to begin cleaning up the massive mess of scrap around his person.
“I did tell you it’s a surprise, and I’m sticking to that! You and Tom went all gung-ho on the whole ‘bullfighting’ thing from the beginning. A girl’s gotta have her secrets, Diaz!”
“OK, OK,” he held up his hands in surrender, “I’m sure it will be amazing. Anyway, how does the dress look?”
Star scooted over beside him and held up the frilly purple outfit in front of them, flipping it over and around to get the full view. “Looks like a job well done to me!”
Marco’s eyes glistened at the sight. This whole thing had been his idea, wanting to make his baby sister’s first Halloween something special even if she wouldn’t remember it (there would be ample photographic evidence, his parents would make sure of that). But in some way it was also his way of commemorating his old life and what they’d left behind. Although Star had perhaps been the most dramatically affected by the Cleaving, losing the magic she’d known all her life, he had his own friends and adventures across the multiverse too. Earthni was special in its own unique way, and he certainly wouldn’t trade it for anything, but he didn’t want to forget the parts of his life he’d left behind. Shutting his eyelids and taking a deep breath and feeling a bit of moisture squeeze out, he wrapped an arm around Star, pulling her into his side. “Thanks for helping me with this, you didn’t have to-”
“Marco, you know I’d do anything for Mariposa. And it’s fun just spending time making stuff together!”
“We are pretty good at this, aren’t we?”
“Eh, I’d give it a passing grade.” Marco and Star jumped to their feet striking a tag team battle pose in the direction of the unforeseen intruder... and found Janna sitting on Marco’s bed, surfing something on her phone which was rested on Star’s pillow without so much as looking at them in acknowledgment.
“Janna!?” Marco asked incredulously. “Wait, shouldn’t you be in school?”
“I told them I was half-demon after the whole Severing Stone thing and they ate that riiiight up, so I’m exempt from human school now.” He could do nothing but blink in disbelief. “Anyway, on my way over I saw your dads with both their shirts off for some reason and I really didn’t feel like dealing with that so I just snuck in through the window. Oh, and I brought Meteora, too.”
“Wait, what? Where is she then?”
“On your head.”
Marco looked up and saw Meteora clinging to the ceiling before staring directly down at him and dive bombing, taking them both to the floor and giggling at his expense. Star helped him up and took the baby from him, calming her relatively easily by virtue of not being Marco Diaz.
“OK, but Eclipsa didn’t tell us about this! Why do you even have her?”
“Look, guys, it’s not a huge deal. She needed some help this morning and your parents told her you two were ‘busy’,” she said, holding up the pillow in one hand with the air quotes, “so she called me instead. Some monsters were, I dunno, worried about Halloween a bit or something and Eclipsa was dealing with that but still wanted Meteora to go trick or treating.”
“So you’re saying that Eclipsa wants Mariposa to bring her back a lot of chocolate.”
Star pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. “OK, fine, whatever. What’s this about being worried about Halloween?”
Janna shrugged her shoulders impassionately. “The whole schtick of Halloween is using the idea of monsters to try and scare people, and they’re a bunch of monsters who don’t want to be seen as scary.” She stood up and tossed her phone up and down a few times before slotting it into her pocket and finally addressing Star and Marco directly. “Whole thing’s a load of crud if you ask me, I’m totally down with monstery quirks. Plus you wouldn’t have to worry about costumes! Like, look at the munchkin there, she’s got pointed ears and a tail. It’s already better than anything I ever went trick-or-treating in.”
Meteora briefly stirred, as if picking up on the talk about her, and Star motioned everyone to the door with her head. The trio moved into the nursery quietly to put Meteora in the guest crib they kept around for her frequent visits, then went downstairs to continue their conversation.
“I mean… it can’t be that big of a deal, right? Costume parties were a thing on Mewni, too, and not everyone who showed up was a Mewman. I doubt it will be perfect, but everyone’s been getting along pretty well so far!” Star said with some emphatic hand-waving.
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Marco responded. Admittedly, Marco wasn’t entirely sure. The residents of Echo Creek were generally pretty accepting, in his own experience, but it was never a certainty. Tensions could linger for a while unseen, and one could never know exactly when they’d boil over. But being with Star had taught him a lot about trying to see the best in the world, and he found himself able to share the overall feeling of optimism.
“Plus, I don’t think any kids are gonna climb all the stairs to the Temple,” Janna chimed in from the couch.
“That too,” Marco replied without looking away from Star. “It’s our first big holiday together, and- and I just want this night to be about us having a blast with all our friends and getting a whole truckload of candy!” he yelled triumphantly, taking Star’s hand. Her shining ocean pools focused entirely on him and blazed with the same determination he had.
“I’d tell you two to get a room, but...”
Marco’s eyes went wide as he blushed, causing Star to finally end their moment of emotional vulnerability with a contagious laugh (and light blush of her own) that Marco quickly joined. Once it subsided, Star took Marco’s other hand in hers. “Yeah, you’re right. Hopefully nothing too unexpected hap-”
The front door violent opened with a burst of flame and smoke entering through. Marco shrieked and leapt in fright, being caught and cradled by Star. What could possibly have done such a thing?
“Hey guys, how’s it hanging?”
Oh. That’s what. “Hey Tom,” Marco sighed out, hopping down from Star’s arms as the smoke cleared from his dramatic entrance and Tom closed the door behind him.
“Am I, uh, interrupting something?”
“Marco got freaked out when you burst open the door,” Janna ever-so-helpfully provided.
Tom raised an eyebrow at Marco judgmentally. “You’ve lived with Star for years, come on, dude.”
“I’m not on guard for it when she’s directly next to me!” he cried defensively with his voice cracking, extending his arms in her direction to punctuate his statement. “Anyway, Tom, you ready for the big night?”
“You know I am,” the half-demon responded, meeting Marco in the center of the room for a high-five. “Alright, we should get costumes ready. We’ll be in Marco’s room if you need us.” As they ascended the stairs, Marco caught Janna making some sort of comment about to Star about “stealing your man” - he shouldn’t have expected much different. As soon as they got into his room, he went into his closet to gather all their costume pieces as Tom shut the door. “I can’t believe you humans basically have a giant costume party once a year where everyone gets candy. I could probably, like, just walk around like normal and it would still count. That’s too cool.”
Marco sat them both down on his bed and began to wipe his face off. “Eh, it’s pretty tame usually. Two years ago, Star and Janna summoned a ghost that ate everyone and my dad had to wrestle it to get everyone back. The inside of his belly smelled like licorice, it was awful. But it was an interesting Halloween.”
“Hungry Larry?” Marco assented while beginning the first layer of foundation. Tom laughed and held Marco’s arms at bay while he regained his composure. “Not a demon curse, but I’m familiar. Of course it was those two. OK, man, you can’t tell me funny stories like that, we’ve gotta get this done and we don’t need any distractions.” Marco nodded, always happy to see someone share his dedication to the craft. Foundation, then outlines, then filling in with white… the process stretched on for minutes as the basic design became evident. He sat back to observe it from multiple angles. While Marco switched brushes to begin the detailing, Tom spoke up once more. “I’ll be honest, man, I was kinda surprised about this. Figured you and Star would do a couple costume or something.”
“This idea was too good to pass up, though. Plus, I thought it’d be cool to do something like this with you! I mean, you are one of my best friends,” Marco rubbed the back of his neck, realizing too late that he had had a bit of white face paint on his hand.
“Well, it’s super cool, so thanks.”
Once Marco put the finishing touches on, he held up a mirror for Tom. The reflection showed his face transformed into a skull with ornate patterns everywhere. When Marco had come up with the idea for bullfighting costumes, Tom had been pretty disturbed by the fact that the bulls were killed. Marco had to admit it was pretty cruel, but after learning about DĂ­a de los Muertos, Tom suggested an Underworld-themed bullfight (where the bulls were already dead). Tom offered a fist-bump which Marco proudly accepted, and then the two switched places to begin the process all over again.
As Tom reached over to grab the makeup, his eyes lingered on the pillow with a heart at the head of Marco’s bed. His eyes darted back and forth between the pillow, all three eyes widening. Marco followed his train of thought and- oh no. “Tom, it’s not what you think-”
Tom raised his hands defensively. “Dude, I won’t judge.”
Marco sighed. What did he do to deserve this all in one day? “It’s not like that- OK, it’s not like that that, just… yeah.”
Minutes ticked on in silence while the steps were redone on Marco’s own face. Foundation, white paint, highlights… It was only when Tom got to the final ornate decals that Tom spoke back up again after sketching the outline on Marco’s face. “For the record, I know we haven’t really talked about it much but when I told you I was cool with you two getting together, I wasn’t just bottling stuff up or anything, OK? Yeah, breakups suck, but I’m pretty sure after a day or so my mom was taking it harder than me,” he chuckled with a toothy grin. “I know we haven’t, like, talked about it much since then, but you two are perfect for each other. I’m happy that you’re happy, dude, and more importantly I’m happy with myself too.” Words stopped once more as Tom focused to finish the pattern, showing Marco his own face in the mirror much to his delight. Everything came together flawlessly, and even faster than they’d anticipated. Marco breathed a sigh of relief at still managing to accomplish everything they needed to before trick-or-treating officially began. Part of that relief, he had to admit, was due to Tom’s words as well. Of course he didn’t think Tom resented him or anything, but knowing that they weren’t just “cool” but completely free of any potential past baggage felt like a weight off his shoulders. Marco leaned in and gave Tom a one-armed hug, clapping him on the back. “I take it you’re happy with the makeup job?” Tom joked.
“Well, your contouring is flawless. But it was mostly for the other stuff.”
“Anytime, man,” Tom responded, punching his shoulder lightly with a smile.
“Alright, costume time.”
“Star, seriously, do I have to do this?”
“Trick-or-treating starts in a few minutes, so too late nooo-oow!” Star sing-songed, bouncing over to the top of the stairs. “Are you boys down there?”
“Yeah,” she heard both Tom and Marco reply from the living room downstairs.
“Alright, Janna, it’s showtime!” Star grabbed her hesitant friend by the wrist and practically dragged her down the stairs. “Introduciiiiiiiing… Starberry!” She twirled in place once for effect, showing off her full body strawberry suit complete with themed headband and boots, then pulled Janna out from behind her, who had her hand on her forehead. “And Janna Banana!” She’d begrudgingly put on the main banana costume but had vehemently declined to wear the rest of the ensemble Star had picked out for her, sticking with her normal outfit instead, which Star was willing to accept.
Marco and Tom stared wide-eyed for a moment, turning to each other, then the girls, then to each other again, then back to the girls, mouths agape.
“How… what… wuh…” they both stammered incoherently, before bursting into raucous laughter, holding onto each other just to stay standing.
“God this is stupid,” Janna grumbled under her breath.
Star waited until they were done before explaining herself. “OK, so remember that night at D&D where Janna bet me I couldn’t beat the cyclops horde and I did?”
“You were only able to do that because you, and I quote, ‘rolled for cuteness check’ so they’d adopt you instead and Ferguson allowed it for some reason.”
“Well, maybe it’s because my character is incredibly cute!”
“Your character is just an elvish Marco.”
“Exactly. Anyway, since you guys were already doing your own thing for Halloween, I thought Janna and I would, too! Fruit Friends!” Star shrilled, hugging Janna and wiggling her back and forth.
“Let’s just get this over with.”
“Well, you both look great,” Marco giggled, walking over and flicking the strawberries on Star’s headband. “Where did you get this?”
“Dad helped me make it. He’s surprisingly good at arts and crafts. You two look pretty nice yourself.”
“Thanks. Tom wouldn’t wear the rest of the costume, though, but it’s still OK.”
“I’m not wearing a full body fursuit, Marco. But I can definitely do that thing bulls do in cartoons,” he coolly smirked, before blowing a puff of smoke with a bit of flame from his nostrils. Tom had a large nose ring and a bushy tip on top of his tail, but otherwise was wearing a pretty standard dark jacket on top of a maroon button-up shirt with dark slacks.
Star turned back to her boyfriend, looking his flashy getup up and down. “You look pretty nice yourself, Diaz,” she crooned playfully. “Although you missed out on the opportunity to be Mango Diaz for the night, bub.” The skull-themed makeup was absolutely divine, as she expected from the boys - they were frankly better at it than her. The ornate gold decorations all over the jacket and high-waisted pants looked sharp on top of the red base, and she was never one to complain about a nice white dress shirt and black tie, either. “Heh, I don’t want to mess up the makeup but-”
Marco cut her off with a brief kiss, taking her by pleasant surprise, and when her eyes fluttered back open he gave her a half-lidded stare and a smug grin. “Don’t worry, we used sealer.”
Janna moaned at the couple and slumped onto the couch. “Let’s just go get candy already.”
“Are you kids leaving soon?” Rafael poked him head out from the kitchen, making a comical “oh” face upon seeing all the costumes. “Darling, come look at how wonderful these costumes are!”
Angie quickly joined with the babies in tow, oohing and aahing over all the outfits. “Let’s get a quick picture before you leave, shall we?” The babies crawled over to the teens as they struck a pose for the camera. Her best friends - well, besides Ponyhead, who had blown them off for a special edition of her show tonight - all together having fun on holidays? It was exactly the life she’d been wanting for herself for a while. Stump Day was the last time they’d done anything like that, and even then it was riddled with strife and tension, but it filled her with a genuine warmth to know this would be the norm now. Or maybe that was just the not-that-breathable costume. Tom let out a yelp when Mariposa tugged on his tail, clapping in glee at the response.
“Guess that’s our signal to go,” he said in a strained voice, scooping up Mariposa and handing her to Marco who had just put on his baby carrier before she could pull at the nose ring. Meteora, meanwhile, seemed content to nest in the leaves of her strawberry outfit. They all grabbed their bags and headed out the door.
The night started off fairly uneventful; they collected candy going door to door, and most of the Echo Creek residents were quite impressed by the costumes and especially by Tom’s pyrotechnics. They passed a few monster families wandering around - her favorite was a centipede-looking monster that had an elaborate assembly of dolls mounted onto her body to make it look like a bunch of humans in a conga line. Once they had stopped at every house in the immediate neighborhood, their bags were fairly full already, so they decided to take some time and go explore looking for decorations for a while before stuffing their bags to capacity too early. The group headed towards some of the more blended areas of the merged town (still colloquially referred to as Echo Creek by most of the population) to see how all the different groups were celebrating the spooky festivities. Star and Marco were walking hand-in-hand with the babies in their care, just taking in the sights and enjoying the company, while Tom and Janna were chatting beside Marco.
“Janna, I’m telling you, that isn’t a real thing!”
“C’mon now Tom, I have three different necronomicons that reference it.”
“Grandpa Relicor goes on for hours about curses at every single family dinner and he’s never mentioned anything that could turn a human inside out.”
“Maybe he’s keeping it for himself. Did you ever think of that?”
“I’m sorry that I don’t think about turning humans inside out all that often! Look, we can just head to his library sometime and- wait, hold on. Star, isn’t this where we got kidnapped that one time?”
Star snapped out of her daze and looked around; they were in the old monster village! Star had been so busy during the last stretch of her time on Mewni that she hadn’t even gotten to visit it once some of the monster families came back, and Buff Frog had come over to visit them a few times on Earthni but she hadn’t been sure exactly where his home was. She motioned for the group to follow her while she looked for the right hut… There! They walked up to the door and knocked.
“Go away! We do not want any!”
“Buff Frog, it’s me!”
The door flung open and Star was immediately swept up into a giant bear hug. “Star Butterfly, my little sweet potato! It has been so long! Come in, all of you. What brings you to my home, and why are dressed like weird red plant with many eyes?”
“It’s Halloween, we’re trick-or-treating!”
“What is this ‘Halloween’ of which you speak?”
This caught Star off-guard. It had been posted all over town and in the newspapers, hadn’t it? After all, there were plenty of monsters she’d seen celebrating tonight already.
“Um, well, it’s an Earth holiday where people put on costumes and walk around to other people’s houses, and those other people give them candy!”
“Ah, so that explains mysterious children at door all night. I hide in home. Many not seem happy when I am not giving them things. This also why tadpoles go with friends wearing peculiar clothing. I understand all now.”
“Out of curiosity, Buff Frog, why didn’t you know?”
“I am needing help to read fancy Earth papers, text too small for eyes. Children try to show me this ‘internal net’ of yours for video, but I do not like. They teenagers now, do not talk to old man about life,” he sighed mournfully. “Is OK. We begin Halloween now. Who want swamp grass? Is favorite treat, but I happily give to my good friends.”
“Thanks Buff Frog, but uh, I think we’re good,” Marco said, making a quick face of disgust.
“Whatwuzzat?” Tom mumbled through a mouthful of swamp grass while eagerly taking more from Buff Frog into his bag.
Another knock came to Buff Frog’s door. His face lit up in joy. “This must be trick-or-treat! I try your custom now.” He went over to the door and opened it, arms spread wide with a gigantic smile on his face. “Happy Halloween! I am so glad to have fresh-faced child at door and be part of holiday cheer. What your costume supposed to-”
“Ugh, whatever. You have any candy or what?” Star sharply turned her attention in that direction at the familiar voice.
“Jeremy?” Marco cried out, his voice cracking.
Star and Marco poked their heads around the side of Buff Frog at the familiar voice. Jeremy Birnbaum, in the shrill, diminutive flesh. Of the many people Star had met during her time on Earth, he was one of the few that she would’ve been perfectly fine with never seeing again, and she knew Marco hated him far more than she did. He was wearing a karate outfit with his name embroidered in multiple places on the fabric.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Marco Diaz. What are you doing out in a dump like this? Oh, wait, that makes perfect sense!” he cackled.
“Don’t listen to him, Buff Frog,” Marco shouted, still fixing his angry gaze on the child. “He’s just a sad, mean little turd.”
“Look, Marco, I get it. You did one big thing and had your 15 minutes of fame and you think you’re hot stuff. But all you really did was make this town even lamer and bring a bunch of weirdo losers here. Whatever, I’m out of here. By the way, those wing things on your head are wimpy, old man. Anyway, later, nerds.”
As he was walking away, he antagonized a few groups of monster teenagers that were wandering around. Star’s face felt like it was on fire. She started charging out the door to give the twerp a piece of her mind, but a large hand gripped her shoulders and held her back.
“Star… is not worth it.”
“Yeah,” Tom added, hands in his pockets. “For the record, I’ve seen a lot of demons with wings way wimpier than yours.” Buff Frog laughed sadly.
Star clenched her fists in and out, knowing they were right. After taking a deep breath, she plopped down onto the floor, resting her cheeks on her hands and sighing. Since the Cleaving, it seemed like everyone had been getting along so well, and problems had been out of sight for so long that she’d gotten complacent. Even after the subject came up earlier today, she really hadn’t believed that anything bad would happen. Had she just been delusional for assuming that things were really better? Could more of this happen? Would more of this happen? She’d done everything in her power, including giving up that very power, to fix the problems and prejudices she saw in society. On some level, she knew she shouldn’t be too bothered by this - it was just Jeremy, after all - but it was just sinking in how far away they still were from the world she wanted to see.
After another minute stewing in her negative emotions, two large hands hefted her back to her feet, and she found herself staring directly into big yellow eyes at a distance where she could see every individual wrinkle under them. “Star, is OK. Those like mean boy exist, but it not so bad. I am used to it. Is better than Mewni. No one try to shove us off cliff yet,” he laughed. “Besides, mean boy not wrong. This place is dump. Children not do chores. Teenagers. Now go, I am not needing you being sad. Get candy with friends and adorable babies,” he said sternly.
“OK. Well, tell Katrina and all the others that we said hi,” Star hesitantly spoke. He was right, she supposed, but something about it still wasn’t sitting right with her. Marco took her hand with the smile he always gave her when trying to ease her worries and the group headed for the door.
“Star, karate boy, take good care of each other. Friends and babies too. You are both like tadpole to me. All will work out, da.”
The group said their goodbyes and headed out. “You feeling alright?” Marco inquired after they’d made their way out of the monster village, .
“I- yeah, I’m fine. Just stinks to see something like that after a while of things being really good.”
He squeezed her hand reassuringly. “I know a house that gives out homemade candy bars made from Sugar Seeds. Ferguson ate four of them one year and was sick for two weeks. Wanna go?”
Star was grateful for the change in subject, and turned to see his soothing chocolate gaze roving her face. He was always right at her side knowing how to lift her spirits, whether it be out of the deepest depths or from the mountaintops into the clouds. Maybe it was just best to push the issue out of her mind for n-
“I hate to interrupt the moment,” Tom stuck his head between them, forcing them to split apart to not get smacked by his horns, “but you might want to check this out.” He pointed a block in front of them to a group of kids frantically scrambling away from something with purpose, looking back over their shoulders every few seconds. Star and Marco locked eyes briefly once more and ran over towards them with the others just behind. Interestingly, Star noted, there were humans, Mewmans, and monsters alike in the group. The moment they drew near, one of the kids just pointed around a large building nearby without a word before continuing their mad dash.
Even Janna seemed interested now, raising an eyebrow along with the others before jogging towards the source of the commotion. They rounded the corner and were greeted with…
“Ludo’s castle?” Star and Marco said simultaneously. “Ludo’s here?”
“They’re still doing that thing?” Tom mouthed to Janna in the periphery of Star’s vision.
Now that she thought about it, there was a dim recollection of Ludo’s voice in her mind from the fateful day of the Cleaving, but her entire being had been so focused on the portal that it had barely registered at the time. How they hadn’t stumbled upon it in the past few months, though, was beyond her. OK, maybe it had something to do with them spending their first few dragon-cycle joyrides focused more on each other than what was below them, but in her defense, how was she supposed to focus on anything else with Marco in his adorkably handsome rough-and-tumble rider outfit? A non-heart-shaped spot of pink tinged her cheeks, and she shook off the thought by striding towards the castle, with Marco jerking forward as a result.
Janna’s eyes lit up at the eerie glow of the torches and the medieval trellises all along the walls. “Finally, my kind of Halloween.” She leaped forward to ring the doorbell.
Before anyone could react, a large net descended on them, capturing them and hoisting them up into the air. They all instinctively tried to break it, and found it impossibly strong. The door opened and they were hoisted into the and carried inside. Star tried to get her bearings but struggled to adjust her position given the bulky fruit costume. Eventually they were set back down in a large room. Star was finally able to crane her head enough to see the back of a large stone throne with two giant horns.
A shrill, familiar cackle erupted from the occupant of the throne. Suspicions confirmed, at least. “Hello, children. You have been trapped in my clutches! By the power invested in me on this Hallow’s Ween, I declare you… trick-and-treated!” Everyone remained still for a second, holding their breath to see what Ludo would do next. “Trick-and-treated!” he called out again. His voice dropped to a whisper, but Ludo was bad at whispering. “Dennis, that’s when you turn the chair!”
“Oh, right, sorry big brother!”
The stone throne swiveled around to reveal Ludo in the same clown costume Star remembered from the seance years ago. Spider and Bird, who Star now realized had been the ones to trap and carry them, emerged from the shadows to flank the sides of the throne. Right as the net dropped, Star felt her costume get pelted with something light. She picked up a small bag that had landed next to her face; it was labeled “Gold’N Crispz”.
“Ludo, what are you doing?” she finally called out.
“Wait, Star Butterfly? Is that really you? Help them up, help them up quickly now!” Spider, Bird, and a tall Kappa Star didn’t recognize helped Marco and Tom up first, who in turn assisted with Star and Janna. Ludo ran over and leaped up into a confused Marco’s arms, giving him a big hug and doing the same to Star a moment later. “I’ve missed you both so much!”
“We, um, missed you too, Ludo?” Marco unsurely stammered out.
“Oh, Marco, you’re alive! I thought you were actually a skeleton for a moment there!”
Star cleared her throat to get his attention once more. “So, uh, Ludo… we saw some kids running away screaming from here before.”
“Trick-and-treating hasn’t been going so well, they all call me ‘ugly hairy clown’ and flee. Ah well, more chips for me! But help yourselves, you two!”
“Uh, Star?” Tom spoke up. “Where’s Meteora?” Wait, what? She was gone? Star had felt her pulling on the leaves just a few minutes ago. She glanced over to Mariposa, who was still strapped into Marco’s carrier comfortably, seemingly unaffected by recent events. She groaned in frustration; the night had already had enough problems, why did this have to happen?
“There!” Marco shouted, pointing to the half-monster baby who had started crawling all along the gloomy walls of the castle. She rounded a corner out of sight.
“I got this,” Janna said. “This is my kind of place.” She jogged as fast as her costume would let her into the corridor Meteora disappeared into.
“I have zero clue who any of you are,” Tom added, pointing finger guns at Ludo and his friends, “but you guys seem like you have some catching up to do, so I’m just gonna go too.” He followed after Janna, tailed by the taller Kappa who Star presumed was Dennis who was breathlessly shouting warnings about various things in the castle.
“Well, your friends seem fun!” Ludo spouted out, bouncing on his feet. He led them into a room decorated like a lounge and jumped up onto one of the armchairs, motioning Star and Marco to do the same. “Come, sit! Would you care for another game of cha-rahds?” He gasped suddenly, pointing at Marco’s chest with a comically excited grin. “You two had a baby! That’s so nice! What’s her naaaaaame?”
Star and Marco’s faces both flushed. “She’s not ours, she’s my sister!”
“Potato, tomato,” he waved his hand at them dismissively. “I’m so happy for you both!”
“Anyyyyway,” Star drawled, eager to change the subject, “You rebuilt your castle, huh? It looks…” She spotted some sludge dripping down one of the walls nearby. “...nice!”
“Yes, it’s been quite an emotional journey this past year. I floated through space for a while - I think I hallucinated you with six arms at one point!” Star raised a finger and began to open her mouth, but Marco quickly grabbed pushed it back down. He probably had the right idea. “Then I lived a dreadful life with mother and father for a while, and then my wonderful little brother who I love so very much helped me see that I didn’t need them anymore by dunking a basketball, and we ended back up here! I guess that’s about it.”
“That’s… uh, glad to hear you’re doing well?” Star asked hesitantly. It was nice to see him not constantly attacking them or plotting to steal from them, but he was still an incredibly strange creature that Star could never quite get a read on. “How’s Earthni been treating you?”
“What’s an Earthni?” He blinked a few times, still innocently grinning.
“Earth and Mewni fused a few months ago,” Star dumbfoundedly responded.
“So that’s why the sky went all pretty and purpley, and why that milkshake stand I always went to right after I failed at getting your wand appeared right next to us. Speaking of which, how is that wand of yours?” He leaned forward in his seat expectantly.
“It’s, um, gone,” Marco said.
Ludo’s brow furrowed. “Well why don’t you go find it?”
“He means gone gone.” Star added. “We destroyed its source.”
“Whaaaaaaat? So no more magic at all? No more wand?” His beady pupils suddenly contracted to tiny dots in the center of his bulbous yellow eyeballs, voice dropping to a whisper. “...no more wand. No more wand. No more wand! I’m free, I’m- I’m free!” He stood up on the chair, jumping up and down and spinning around looking the happiest they’d ever seen him. “My brain, it doesn’t stop scheming and plotting for ways to steal the wand. It’s been lingering in the back of my mind for so long, but I don’t want it there. This is such a relief!”
Star felt a pang of sympathy for her ex-enemy. His mind was largely still an enigma, but he was struggling to put a past he wasn’t proud of behind him in his own way - something she was quite familiar with. She popped open a bag of chips and inspected them carefully, still a bit concerned about whatever food Ludo might deem worthy of giving out. Much to her surprise, they were actually just standard potato chips - fairly good ones, at that, and she was pretty hungry, having been too preoccupied to even dig in to her candy haul so far. Ludo remained in his happy reverie, babbling to himself while she munched and crunched down all the chips. Was that really all there were in it? Stupid packaging. She rustled the bag a bit, hearing it echo through the room. How could a bag be so loud? When the noise persisted, she realized it was actually footsteps. The three stood up and found Tom, Janna, and Dennis, all with scratches and scrapes and scuffs on their skin and clothing, panting heavily with Meteora fast asleep sucking her thumb in Tom’s arms.
“That baby is a nightmare!” Dennis squeaked out, his nasally voice only accentuated by his breathlessness. “She fought off Spider and Bird-”
“Yes, yes, we’ve all had a lovely evening, Dennis. But get this: the wand is gone! I’m free! Star, Marco, it’s been wonderful to see you again, we must catch up more some other time! Quickly, we must go tell Fudo and Tudo and Kudo and Zudo and Menudo and-”
Star, Marco, and the others had managed to make it the whole way off the castle property and out of earshot before Ludo was done with his list of names.
“Sooooo… what happened to-”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Janna tersely stated, as if the experience had made her a changed person. “Let’s just go take Meteora back home.” She took a step forward and winced
Tom snapped his fingers and a pillar of flame erupted in the street behind them, fading away seconds later to reveal his souped up Underworld carriage. “I can’t portal everywhere anymore but I can at least do that. Hop in.”
“What a gentleman,” Janna grumbled, tossing herself face-first onto the long plush seats within.
Star looked at the carriage, then looked up to Marco and knew they were on the same page as usual. They weren’t quite ready for Halloween to end yet. “We’ll make our own way back.”
“Suit yourself,” Tom shrugged, following Janna into the carriage before taking off for the night.
Marco’s hand found Star’s once more as they started to meander back in the general direction of home. “Well, that was an unexpected visit.”
“Yeah… glad to see Ludo’s doing well, though. It kinda gives me hope for Earthni, y’know?”
Star gazed up at the last vestiges of the sun in the sky. The sunsets on Earthni were becoming a constant positive in her life, always reminding her of the best the world had to offer. Of Marco, of peace, of the promise of a happy life ahead of them. “If Ludo, the guy who spent basically every waking second of his life for my entire first year here trying to steal my wand, can dig deep down and learn and grow from it… maybe we don’t just have to accept that some people are going to be mean idiots. It’s never gonna be perfect, but maybe there’s at least some hope that anyone can change.”
“I guess you’re right.”
“Except Jeremy. He might be one of the hopeless ones,” she joked, jabbing an elbow into Marco’s side causing them both to giggle profusely. “Weeeeeell, we should probably get home soon. This little angel is on a one-way trip to Snoozeville.” She gave a feather-light boop to Mariposa’s nose.
“...should we still stop for those Sugar Seed bars?”
She sighed in contentment and leaned against his arm. “You know me too well, Diaz.”
170 notes ¡ View notes
sedlex ¡ 4 years
She-Ra immediate aftermath, for posterity.
Excitement-related insomnia log: the night before and I woke up at least 10 times to check the clock 
Friday. The show is released at midnight PST so about four/five hours later the first wave of "Catradora canon!!!" is well underway and the invested fans are collectively losing their minds all around the world. Reactions are mostly keysmash and people are actively taking pics and recording videos of their screens with their phones while crying. Those who don't go there reblog stuff in solidarity. Some decide they now go there and start furiously watching from the beginning. There is nothing else happening. Nothing. The quickest fanartists swoop in with either short hair portraits, angst or kisses. At some point the realization that "we're gonna win in the end" was referring to all of us dawns: it's a weloveyounoelle fest.
Excitement-related insomnia log: I’ve slept maybe 2 hours in 20-minute bits 
Saturday. Even the slowest watchers, the ones who had to wait for their watching parties or had to work or whatever, are all caught up, endorphins are running high, screenshots are made of every second of the kiss and shared all over the place. So. Much. Art. Still not enough, so everybody reblog everything! The kiss that saved the universe and *that* future scene are big favorites. Meanwhile articles are shared and people see how actually difficult it was to pull this off so well and THANKYOUNOELLEWELOVEYOU!
Excitement-related insomnia log: I don’t recall 3something to 5:30 am, so...
Sunday. Rewatches are happening because with twenty-ish minutes per episode it's quick & easy and people get proof of the things they did notice before: it's parallels town! While visuals are going strong (do not miss the epic scene with Japanese dubbing that makes it feel like the gayest anime ever), the written word side had a little time to organize the thoughts and metas are flourishing. Back on ao3, the tags hurt/comfort and future canon are alight. Just guess who's first in fandometrics for the week ending today despite technically having been around for just three days?
Excitement-related insomnia log: I went to bed at midnight and woke up at 2:30 to rewatch s5 on my phone and I’m pretty sure I got to more than 2/3 before falling somewhat asleep
Monday. The bigots caught up and can those who lament lesbian exploitation in cartoons please go back to how wearing a mask during a pandemic is an attack on liberty thanks bye. More discussions happen and there is reflection on if the catrademption was too fast/offthehookish. You go be mindwiped into an electrocution pool and then chipped in a creepy hivemind alien cult and tell me. Let's see instead more reflection on how the braincells dynamic in the best friend squad changed. On the visual side the edits are more elaborate because people had some more time to put into them and artists are going like crazy with kind of supergay fuel.
Excitement-related insomnia log: a good 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep were achieved 
Tuesday. Things are slowing down a little but 70% of the timeline is still a blessing of fluff art. A whole lot of AUs and post canon appear alongside kisses and comics and fun stuff because why not spread the love. Surprisingly to none, the magic emotional support animal shoved into the story when it's 2/3 done is very loved, look at it meaowing. I'm used to seeing gayness bringing out creativity but damn... also video/music edits smash through the door bringing the gift of feelings.
Excitement-related insomnia log: kinda sorta the usual amount of sleep, 1something am to 7:30
Wednesday. Ok, now things should be back to normal, right? Wrong. Even those who could watch just one or two episodes per day are all caught up and at this point do we still need the spoiler tag? Like, really. Anyway, fanart is a steady abundant flow with such a variety that anyone can find something for them and I’ve seen posts with 15k+ notes. Deservingly so.
Excitement-related insomnia log: scratch that, back to 3 hours because I started reading fanfics at midnight and, well...
Thursday: semblance of normalcy on TL achieved? Kiiinda? There’s still bursts happening at certain times when someone else discover themselves a friend of Mara. Post-s5 headcanons are a thing, as well as wrong hilarious quotes. And the small miracle of people who run away during past Tumblr fuckups who are suddenly back.
Excitement-related insomnia log: I just finished writing this, while in bed, at 1am. Wish me luck.
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brokenbowen-a ¡ 4 years
@solarecour asked: 1-50-
( quarantine ask game )
i’m putting these under the cut because... it’s a lot. but, thank you riles. 
What’s your go to snack?
as of lately it’s been m&ms but it’s usually any kind of chips. i dunno, i’m pretty basic.
What’s a movie you could watch over and over?
honestly there’s lots of movies i could say because i love movies and have many favorites that i have indeed watched over and over again, but the main one would have to be now you see me. the first one or the second one, to be honest. if you know me, you know how much i love those movies. they’re my favorite of all time. and huge comfort movies for me.
Favorite show to binge?
hm, i don’t binge watch shows a whole ton. i think i’d have to say one day at a time. back when it was on netflix, i binged each new season so easily and quickly and rewatch binged a few times. like it’s one of my favorite shows ever and it’s just very binge-able and yeah.
5 songs that make you want to dance?
ex wives or don’t lose ur head from six. cruisin for a bruisin from teen beach movie. work this out from high school musical 2. hoedown throwdown from hannah montana. pretty much anything from mamma mia 1 or 2.
5 songs that make you feel less lonely?
i don’t know ... how to answer this, so i’m just putting five songs i really love. just for a moment from hsmtmts. lover by taylor swift. i’m still standing by elton john. all you wanna do from six (even if it hurts). every single song from the wicked soundtrack. plus. like, sooo many other songs. i love music. a lot. 
Favorite meal to cook yourself?
i... don’t cook. so... ramen noodles lmao.
How do you “treat yourself”?
i buy myself food lmao. 
Favorite thing to do when doing self care?
i... don’t know? what does self care mean, like, exactly? because if it’s just... taking care of yourself, then that’s what i do everyday? i don’t exactly go out and like take myself to the spa or something? i don’t know, do baths count? if so, then, baths. 
Who have you been talking to the most?
the crow fam, you know who you are.
One thing you really miss right now?
assuming this means because of quarantine, then, going to the movies with my mom. or just, out with her in general. i also really miss my grandparents, which isn’t really because of quarantine, but like, i can’t call them up and see if i can come over because of quarantine so... i guess it technically is?
If you could be self isolated with anyone who would it be?
the crow fam, again. without a doubt.
Do you have any pets?
yes, a calico cat named ruta ann and a goldfish named fred
Favorite videgames?
i really only know nintendo when it comes to video games, but super mario galaxy 2 is like my favorite video game ever. but like any mario game in general, honestly. also pokemon, nintendogs, and of course, animal crossing. also in non-nintendo, if sims counts, then sims. even if i don’t have it installed on my current laptop. and also, i haven’t played it ages and this may shock some people, but i actually like call of duty.
Favorite podcasts?
i do not listen to podcasts, sorry.
Favorite YouTubers?
shane dawson (if you know me, you know this, he’s not only my favorite youtuber but one of my fave celebrities ever and someone who means a lot to me) + all his people (ryland, morgan, garrett, drew). and then also i love drew gooden, danny gonzalez and kurtis conner a lot. and i don’t think anyone even knows who this is but i love deargreyson aka alex cloutier. and also carissa nunez.
Wake up time?
um... that’s a good question. it... changes a lot. lately, it’s been anywhere from noon to like two pm. and honestly it can change at any given moment.
Sleep time?
similarly to the wake up time, it changes a lot and can change at any given moment. lately it’s been like... 2 or 3 am.
If you could go anywhere right now where would it be?
hm. i dunno. maybe to meet my best friend @luthcrandsupcr because i was just thinking about that a little bit ago.
What’s a change you want to keep when self isolation is over?
well, i haven’t really had any changes so... there isn’t really anything to say here.
Have you learned something?
i... don’t know. probably, but i can’t think of anything to say...
Any new skills?
no, not really, i don’t think...
What’s a hobby you’d like to start learning?
lowkey, drawing. even though i don’t think i’d been good at it because i can’t draw but honestly i kind of want to try to learn. also dancing, even though the same thing applies. 
What’s something you’d like to get better at?
does... being active count? like, i mean, as in, on here, writing. not like... athletic wise. lmao. if so, then, that. i mean, to be fair, i mostly have not been active because of everything going on with the world, so i feel like this can count...
What food do you wish you had right now?
cheese wontons. i had some the other day because we had chinese and now... i just really want some more.
Your go to quarantine outfit?
i ... have not changed my style or anything at all. so, my go to, every day outfit, is a t-shirt, sweatpants and usually a hoodie.
What have you done today?
i woke up, went to the store to buy something for mine and my sister’s friend. then went out with my dad and my sister to get dinner. came home, ate, got a bath, and now here i am.
Any plans for tomorrow?
i don’t think so? besides preparing for easter, i think we may be dyeing eggs? i dunno.
What’s on your “to watch” list?
right now, locke and key. my brother just finished it and he and my sister were telling me about it last night and i became intrigued. also, the second to all the boys because i still have not seen that. and i know it’s literally been months but also let it snow because i was reminded last night i still need to watch that.
Any musicians/bands you’ve discovered?
no, not really. i’ve discovered some new songs because of tik tok or video edits on instagram but like, not really any that i’ve checked out the singer’s other music or anything.
Post a selfie right now!!
i would prefer not to, to be honest.
Post pictures of your pets!
i don’t have any pics of them on my laptop :/
When was the last time you drank water?
i don’t know. i ... don’t drink water a lot. rip :/
When was the last time you ate?
like, a couple hours ago?
When was the last time you got up and stretched?
um, not too long ago because i got a bath. i dunno, maybe like an hour ago?
Favorite song right now?
hmm, i’ve been listening to a lot of throwback lately. honestly, anything from avril lavigne. but also because i am still highkey obsessed, anything from six. and also, obviously, hsmtmts.
Favorite social media to scroll through?
does tik tok count? if so, then tik tok, hands down. but also, twitter and instagram. and of course, tumblr.
What’s the last thing you ate?
a burger and tater tots.
What’s the weather like where you are?
it’s been rainy and cold, mostly.
Have you been playing animal crossing?
yes, but not new horizeons because i am very small and i have no money. but i HAVE been playing new leaf.
How are you feeling?
eh, okay, i guess.
Who’s the last person you texted?
my sister
What does your last text message say with no context?
right lmao, fucking sammy
Post a meme that made you laugh recently!
i hope this counts
Outdoor activity you’d like to do right now?
i... don’t do outdoor activities.
Something you’re looking forward to when quarantine is over?
going to the movies with my mom
Someone you’d like to see when quarantine is over?
my mom, lmao
Any new games coming out you want to play?
not really? i don’t think so...
New shows you’ve discovered?
i mean it was like a month ago, but i am not okay with this. if that counts? and also, if i can count locke and key even though i haven’t watched it yet?
Most comfortable piece of clothing you have?
probably my shane dawson hoodie 
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katzuyas ¡ 6 years
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I’ve been tagged in so many things over the past couple of weeks that I honestly don’t even have much more bookmark space left in my browser RIP so I finally decided to do all of it at once, hence the title and the rest of this longass post under the cut
bc there’s a lot of the tag games down there and tagging a million people would be annoying, I’m gonna tag 10 of you to grab a dice and roll it to figure out which meme you’re tagged for ^u^)b if you roll the same number twice, count that meme as the start from which to count and roll again! I hope you like this idea, but it’s only a suggestion so feel free to do whatever you want tbh?
@sweet-vitya, @gabzjones, @and-then-yoi-happened, @etherealalchemist, @joeys-piano, @quadruplyyours, @yuliaplisetskaya, @dreaming-fireflies, @teekettle, @iwritebetterthanispeak, @chessala
enjoy, if you want! 💕💕
tagged by @endlesscloudsoftime, thank you for the tag!!
rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers that you want to get to know better.
1. Name: kat
2. Nicknames: same tbh
3. Height: 170cm
4. Orientation: who knows who cares (it’s pan)
5. Nationality: polish
6. Favorite fruit: mango, cherries, I love watermelon too but the seeds piss me off too much to fully enjoy it
7. Favorite season: anything that doesn’t make me sweat off my skin but isn’t also freezing my toes is more than fine with me ^u^)b
8. Favorite plant: I don’t think I have any favs here
9. Favorite scent: I have this yankee candle ‘sweet candies’ and I can just DIE wrapped in that scent holy sheet (when it comes to perfume tho I’m a sucker for the original chloe, but I also love calvin klein’s euphoria bc it’s just Fresh)
10. Favorite color: any pastel really
11. Favorite animal: MY SWEET PUPPER HINA (so yes, dogs)
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12. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: coffee sometimes, TEA AND GREEN TEA AND VANILLA CHAI!!!!!!, hot chocolate is a nope
13. Average sleep hours: I always try for 8h bc otherwise I’m a zombie, but it doesn’t always work out so... I’m a part-time zombie anyway lmao
15. Favorite fictional character: victor nikiforov. that’s it. that’s all. we can all go home now
16. Number of blankets you sleep with: 1 + a duvet bc I like being cosy
17. Dream trip: japan, always. but another one would be a trip to the harry potter universal store or the noble collection store I guess
18. Blog created: who even remembers this pffff (somewhen in august 2011 I think)
19. Number of followers: I’m just gonna say it’s a four number figure ;3c
20. Random fact: I’m currently rewatching lord of the rings and procrastinating writing so YES I’M A NERD AND A BAD PERSON AHAHA //sweats
tagged by @story-kat -- thanks love, I actually really like these so it was great fun to do 💕
Rules: using only song titles from one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions and then tag people
artist/band: one ok rock
what is your gender: stuck in the middle
how do you feel: jaded
if you could go anywhere: start again
favorite mode of transportation: mighty long fall
your best friend: wherever you are
favorite time of day: taking off
if your life was a tv show: liar
relationship status: hard to love
your fear: bombs away
tagged by @endlesscloudsoftime, thanks again!! ahaha I feel like I’ll be saying this a lot today, but you spoil me /)u(\
Rules: tag 9 people you want to know better or just because you feel like it.
Relationship status: taken ;3c
Favorite color: any pastels, really
Last song I listened to: still the lord of the rings ost
Last movie I watched: lord of the rings lol two towers ^u^)b
Top 3 tv shows: game of thrones (bc I love my fantasy shit), rein (bc I love my history shit), and american housewife (bc I love laughing and this show is Hilarious with the capital H)
Top 3 characters: victor nikiforov bc I adore him, hinata shouyou bc he’s my sunshine son and I gotta mention miyuki kazuya bc his smirks still keep me awake at night 😍😍😍
What I’m currently reading: honestly? my own writes bc I have no time for anything other than editing orz
tagged by @themayflynans and @endlesscloudsoftime, thank you both!! 💕
A - Age: 26
B - Birthplace: poland
C - Current time: 11:50am
D - Drink you last had: just some coke
E - Easiest person to talk to: nowadays it’s gotta be @saniika and @and-then-yoi-happened bc I know I can be as salty and upset as I feel when I talk to them and that it’s alright to just let it all out which is something I wish for everyone to have 💕
F - Favourite song: don’t have one tbh
G - Grossest memory: back in elementary school my class was in warsaw to see the big zoo there and one of the chimpanzees just projectile shat all over our teacher and it was simultaneously the most awesome and the fucking WORST bc she smelled like shit the whole trip back home ugh
H - Horror yes or horror no: depends on what kind of horror but generally? meh
I - In love?: no idea tbh but definitely comfortable in my relationship
J - Jealous of people?: you’ve no idea. jelly and bitter.
L - Love at first sight or should i walk by again?: walk by and actually tell me you’re interested bc I’m a blind pan who is easily confused
M - Middle name: magdalena ;3c
N - Number of siblings: 0
O - One wish: Been keeping Salty’s answers here - yes, to learn to love myself.
P - Person you called last: my mom lol she’s the only one I call, really
Q - Question you are always asked: "so when will you start looking for a job?”
R - Reason to smile: VICTUURI!!!!!!!!!!!!!
S - Song you sang last: oh man I don’t even remember, I don’t really sing out loud
T - Time you woke up: these days? 6:30am
U - Underwear colour: sea green-blue, turquoise?
V - Vacation destination: I’m going to japan next year to see ice adolescence even if it kills me
W - Worst habit: biting the inside of my cheeks bloody
X - X-rays: my hand when I had a small accident playing badminton, my jaw for my braces
Y - Your favourite food: PIZZA HELLO
Z - Zodiac sign: gemini ;3c
tagged by @theexitgarden and @endlesscloudsoftime, bless you both and thank you for thinking of the old me 💕 
1st RULE: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better:
we’ll be skipping this one bc of reasons //sweats
2nd RULE: BOLD the statements that are true.
APPEARANCE: - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo -I have at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair - My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
PERSONALITY: - I love meeting new people - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know - I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory- I am good at doing math in my head - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority- I do some form of Martial arts
EXPERIENCES: - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite bands concert
MY LIFE: - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling- I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smartphone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: - I am in a relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a relationship - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year - I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM: - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages - I have made a new friend in the past year
tagged by @story-kat and @endlesscloudsoftime (astea m’dude ur tagging me in everything and I love you for it)
I will most often hum or mouth lyrics when I’m writing and my brain gets distracted so it usually is some sort of acoustic cover of a rather popular song, like despacito? lol WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE FLOWER/TREE/PLANT?
I don’t have one tbh FAVOURITE COLOURS?
anything pastel!! WHAT DO YOU ALWAYS DOODLE?
I don’t anymore but it used to be some random squigglies??
2.5 teaspoon of sugar into both + 1/4 milk/cream into the coffee and 1/4 cold water into the tea FAVOURITE CANDLE SCENT?
sunrise bc I don’t even see sunsets anymore (I’m asleep then lol) WHAT PERFUME DO YOU WEAR?
the original chloe is what I like most but I would die for dior’s j’adore, it’s so nice 😍😍😍 in the summer I’m wearing masaki’s fluo tho bc it’s sweet and summery
butt wiggling? maybe? idk man I never really thought about it? lol FAVOURITE QUOTE?
“Because people don’t have wings, we look for other ways to fly.” -- somehow this one always sticks with me bc it’s so beautiful and vivid that you’d never say it’s from a japanese cartoon lmao
sleeping, kicking back and watching some dumb movie that won’t make me think of anything but how dumb it is
both? I like fuzzy socks in winter but in summer I go barefoot but sometimes u gotta have something between your skin and the floor so = slippers WHAT COLOUR ARE YOUR EYES?
I don’t honestly care but blue eyes when they’re very light creep me out somehow FAVOURITE SEASON? WHY?
don’t have one but as long as it’s not too hot or too cold I’m good NECK, CHEEK, OR NOSE KISSES?
depends on what you want to achieve? neck kisses will have me melting, cheek kisses smile and nose kisses giggle and possibly blush so YEA THERE’S THAT
it’s my room. that’s it. this is my happy place
idk, I mean yes I’d like to be married one day but I’m not really in any hurry to get there? CURSIVE OR PRINT?
I don’t honestly care
cloudy but not too cold
tagged by @story-kat, thanks for the tag babe!!
Rules: bold what you prefer and tag 10 people.
coffee or tea
early bird or night owl
chocolate or vanilla
spring or fall
silver or gold (BOTH! BOTH IS GOOD)
pop or alternative
freckles or dimples
snakes or sharks
mountains or fields
thunderstorm or lightning
Egyptian or Greek mythology
ivory or scarlet
flute or lyre
eyes or lips
witch or fairy
opal or diamond
butterflies or honeybees
macaroons or eclairs
typewritten or handwritten letters
secret garden or secret library
rooftop or balcony
spicy or mild
opera or ballet
London or Paris
Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet
denim or leather
potions or spells
ocean or desert
mermaid or siren
masquerade ball or cocktail party
tagged by @endlesscloudsoftime, thanks for this omg I actually wanted to do this one!! 💕💕
869 938! holy sheet I’m so close to 1mil???? wowowow o.O
I try to write every day, but these days (with renovations going on and my sleeping schedule all fucked up) it’s really hard to find the time and focus to do it orz
I actually do! or I did when I was still regularly writing lol it was something like this: cracking open an energy drink, lighting up my fav scented candle, booting up itunes and my writing playlist and generally just spending 5-6h just writing 💕  
kinks: pet play, public or semi-public play, voyeurism, doggy style, also actually BOTTOM VITYA,      
tropes: reverse au, time travel, famous aus,
pairing: victuuri. no seconds. we die like man and only stan one (1) gay ship
I don’t necessarily have an absolute fav but a fic that I still remember fondly and am beyond sad that got little to no attention is: if there’s a will, there’s a way bc I worked my ass off for it and I love every bit of it so? give it a read if you want to?
dazzle me with gold which will be getting an update this weekend ;3c
recently? everything. I’m just broken and idk how to fix it bc I can’t even find a good moment to try so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
how sweet and soft everything is when I’m in a good mood bc victuuri deserves this kind of love and I’m so happy writing it for them 🙏🙏🙏
tagged by @amaanogawa, thanks so much ems!!!
1) How many works in progress to do you currently have in progress?
one actual wip and like... 5 more that just sit and wait their turn? //sweats
2) Do you/would you write fan fiction?
rip that’s all I write too... tbh I used to write original fiction before but I find myself much less constricted by fanfic? I can explore the characters here more than I can in original fiction where worldbuilding takes most effort
3) Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
oh definitely paper! if I could I’d buy printed out fanfic too!
4) When did you start writing?
I was about 12 I think? it all started with harry potter, like everything else has, and I regret not a second of it!
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
sometimes when i get very excited about what i’m writing i’ll tell my fandom friends about the specific AU that i’m writing about but in terms of reading the full length fic, i don’t have anyone that i let read before anyone else. it’ll be on ao3 for everyone at the same time.
6) Where is your favourite place to write?
my desk, my pc. I can write on my phone but I like to edit as I go and it’s hard to do on the phone.
7) Favourite childhood book?
do I even need to say it? harry potter
8) Writing for fun or writing for publication?
for fun, but with the aim of possible future publication maybe?
9) Pen and paper or computer?
always computer. i have only recently begun writing fics on my phone because i’ve been traveling a lot and i don’t always have my laptop on my person, but it’s still much more comfortable to sit down and type on a proper keyboard.
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes?
at my uni, yes. and it completely sucked bc they didn’t teach anything, just had us write random shit for 3 years so eh
11) What inspires you to write?
everything? like, any random thing or thought I’m instantly trying to weave into my writing, turn it into a prompt. every new experience is just a basis for me to write on.
but if you’re asking WHY I write: I don’t even know, I’ve never thought about it? it’s kind of like asking why I breathe ahaha I just do? it’s a part of me? idk man idk
tagged by @themayflynans, thanks for this love!!
7/7/7 tag
The rules are as follows: Go to page 7 of your WIP, go to the seventh line, share seven sentences, and tag 7 more writer-bloggers to continue the challenge.
oh wow ok this is a difficult one bc I don’t think I even have a wip 7 pages long //sweats let me see... aha, okay, I found one! from back in march when I asked people to send me over some numbers for one of those writing memes and @theexitgarden I believe (??) sent me the prompt “I don’t think anyone could be as lovely as you” for victuuri and I kind of got a blind!victor au from it?? wELP here’s the fragment of it:
His music is vibrant in a way that he couldn't play on his piano alone and the clap of the blades that he can hear from the speakers of his TV makes him only more certain – this boy, Yuuri Katsuki, is skating to the sound of Victor's soul as if it's his own.
He never notices the tears that well up in his eyes until they roll down his cheeks and Makkachin presses against his side, whimpering in concern. Victor runs a trembling hand through her soft fur and takes a deep breath. And then, he decides.
"Yasha," he says when his former coach, his father in all but blood picks up Victor’s call. "I want to do this."
And he does it.
tagged by @endlesscloudsoftime again, boy you spoil me ahaha
1. Which fictional character would be the most boring to meet in real life?
I have no idea tbh bc even the characters I don’t like wouldn’t be exactly boring, so??? I honestly don’t know
2. What problem or situation did TV / movies make you think would be common, but when you grew up you found out it wasn’t? (i’m lowkey taking a jab at hsm because thanks Disney for making me think high school would be awesome)
hooking up with people ALL THE TIME when you’re in your 20s bc wtf what a bold-faced lie omg
3. What would be on the gag reel of your life?
"how many times can kat click her tongue at random strangers who piss her off by breathing the same air?” and a manip of all the eyerolls I do bc let me tell you... THERE’S A LOT
4. What does “infinite” mean to you?
my love for victor nikiforov
5. If your life was a movie, what songs would be on the soundtrack?
definitely lots of acoustic vibes and harry potter tunes and I can bet your ass that I’d have the yeah yeah yeah ost from yoi bc it’s such a banger and I LOVE IT but also dramatic classical violin and piano bc they pull on my heart and I am weak
6. What item would be your top choice to make into a horcrux?
honestly? my phone probably. I don’t necessarily have other things close to me that I’d use with enough heart to be of any significance to me
7. Who would play you in a movie about your life?
??? no idea lol I’d love for it to be katherine mcnamara bc 1) we share names, 2) her red hair is gorgeous and I’m a redhead, 3) SHE is gorgeous and I’d love to be portrayed by someone that hot 😍😍😍
8. Most relatable scene from any book/movie/anime/etc.?
yuuri’s little gasp when he first saw victor skating bc HARD SAME MY SWEET SON HARD SAME
9. If you were shrunk down and somehow got stuck in a blender, how would you get out?
I’d jump from side to side of it to try and rock it a bit and see if I can flip it over and get out that way? idk man what is this question lol
10. Would you count manga as a piece of literature? Why or why not?
ofc I would? honestly, some manga have even better storylines than written fiction why WOULDN’T it be counted as a piece of literature
11. compliment yourself. (joey, you’re just to freaking good to at making up questions).
oh man... //sweats umm??? good job me on not breaking down yet bc the renovations keep being awful and you’re handling it well?? maybe lol
tagged by @theexitgarden, thanks love, once more!
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better.
Three Fandoms:
Yuri!!! on Ice
Ace of Diamond
The First Character You Loved:
victor. he’s voiced by suwajun, do I really need to say more?
miyuki!! gosh I do love my asshole sons snarky and mean
hinata bc he’s a ray of sunshine and I even named my doggo after him 💕
The Character You Never Expected To Love So Much:
I gotta copy you garden bc chris took me by surprise too! my love for him started from that little sad look he gave us in the kiss and cry and it blossomed beautifully over time ahhh
sanada omg?? he is literally baseball kuroo so I was not expecting it but I fully embraced it lmao
iwaizumi bc I’m not one to like the mothering types but he’s??? actually so kind and sweet under all that harsh Manly facade it’s so cute
The Character You Relate To The Most:
victor, I’d say, or so I like to think
honestly? miyuki. just look at my url lol
oikawa, probably...
The Character You’d Slap:
I wouldn’t actually, but yurio deserves a good kick on the butt
early tsukki bc he’s could use it tbqh
Three Favorite Characters (in order of preference):
victor, yuuri, chris
miyuki, eijun, mei
hinata, kuroo, oikawa
A Character You Liked At First, But Don’t Anymore:
no one like that in yoi tbh, my love is only growing
kataoka lol
umm???? idk
A Character You Didn’t Like At First But Do Now:
seung-gil, I’d say. he grew on me lol
raichi, I guess??
to say tsukki, I’d have to actually like him now but it’s more difficult than that bc I didn’t like him at first but now can tolerate him so?? does it count?
Three OTPs:
victuuri, phichimetti, and the third would be very problematic bc I honestly don’t ship anything else in yoi?
miyusawa, chrisawa, sanasawa
tagged by @sleep-furiously, thanks for the tag, love!!
post five facts about myself ❤
I have a sweet doggo who is the light of my life 💕
I write good shit sometimes
I believe I have good taste
I’m a snark machine when certain buttons are pressed
patience levels run at 0%
wow ok this was A LOT to go through and it took me like 3h to do this holy sheet but at least I had fun and now I have my firefox bookmark free so that’s awesome ahhh!! thanks so much again to everyone for the tags, you guys are amazing and I’m lucky to have you 💕💕💕💕
21 notes ¡ View notes
shirleylawson ¡ 4 years
R&R in Scotland
May 2014
I am telling you! You could not make this shit up!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am convinced I am jinxed. Someone is stabbing a wee voodoo doll with my face on it, and the bastard is not perturbed even though I keep fighting him/her and pretending like it’s water off a ducks back, with my, "bring it on" jinx fairy attitude! And still my jinx keeps trying to break me. But it’s a weird kind of jinxed because I personally feel extremely lucky and blessed, even though the jinx still keeps throwing me shit.
My latest jinxed story is this week I’ve had in Scotland. One week today I’ve been here. I so badly needed a little ME time and to decompress. Scotland/home seemed like the answer but I can't say it' been therapeutic.
I was only here a few days when I woke up with stabbing pains in my chest and an ambulance was called by my Lesley, and the next thing I knew I was lying in the Emergency room in my pink, fluffy, panther onesie (well Lesleys onesie, but it wants to be mine)! I could see on the sphyg that my blood pressure was 250/110 , geezo I thought, didn’t know numbers went that high on these machines! Digital age eh? A lovely, lovely young 1st year resident doctor boy child, who had really just gone into third year at school surely, gave me an IV of morphine and valium that buzzed and whooshed it’s lovely, lovely LOVELY way to my limbs and head within one single minute. Onsie on, hands behind my head, laying back, sun shinning outside and right onto my little stretcher bed, life felt pretty good for about 20 minutes, for the first time in too long to remember. Lesley even managed to get an unexpected day off as ‘’carer'’ to her friend, ‘’NO SHE DOESN’T HAVE ANYONE ELSE TO GO WITH HER, IT’S ME, ONLY ME!!!’’, I heard her scream to her boss down the phone as I was wheeled passed by the paramedics to the ambulance! By the way, when you hear the mee maw mee maw of an ambulance in the distance, and you know it's coming for you, it's the freakiest shit! That was a first for me, it wasn't on my bucket list, but still, it was a first which is always a positive. But I’m lying there, in the emergency room, thinking, in my comfy onesie, where will we go for lunch I wonder. See Mr. Jinx? I really don’t care most of the time, you’re wasting all your good tricks on me really! Things don’t freak me out that much, I’ve pretty much done that seen most of it before so nope, the whole chest pain, ambulance (sorry to tell you but I actually loved the ambulance ride, I was so pleased as I’ve never ridden in one before and always wanted to see the inside), the whole taken to hospital thing was nothing really. I’ve been in more hospitals as a nurse AND as a patient than Mr. Jinxy’s had hot dinners, so he’ll need to try harder. All well, and by the next day I’m lying in Lesleys bright yellow bikini lapping up the ‘’normal’’ sun you get out of Dubai in her garden. A couple of days up North will sort me, get out of the city! So off I go…
No stress, no worries, no pain, no work, no editing, no clients, no husband and no kids…nothing! (all references are not in order of importance!) I felt quite chirpy on my drive up! I was awwwwing and ooooohhhing in all the right places at the beautiful scenery, window open, sun on my face, music on, out the car a couple of times to take pics, all well - not even getting upset that there was road works and I was jammed for an hour, nothing was a bother.  I could smell Loch Lomand…I was a bit euphoric actually! The last 2 hours of the 4 hour journey, my euphoria was taking over by pain in my ankles. I was finding it difficult to use the gas and clutch pedals continuously for 4 hours because of my RA and my ankles and shins were complaining! By the time I swung round that bend that takes you into Oban, and that view that catches your breath from the top of your hill, wee fishing village, typically Scottish with it’s white houses and flowered gardens, it wasn't the view that was catching my breath... it was the agony of my ankles!! I found a place to stay pretty quickly and when I took my socks off in my room, it confirmed my suspicion. Red balloon legs and feet! I thought I’ll go have a shower, get the journey off my skin, take my meds and get into bed. On my drive up, I had stopped at a garage for petrol and also bought some cute little pink lady shaving razors, quite exited me, since I’d been here a week and had about 2 weeks of gorilla legs! So shower and a de fuzzing was waiting. When I get these flares, I get hundreds of little red, what look to me like blood blisters, on my skin wherever the flare is happening, in this instance, the legs. They disappear after the flare goes. You can probably guess what happened next! I’m drying myself outside the shower, in the guest houses fluffy, big, white bath towel and I notice my legs (and big fluffy white towel) were covered in blood! I’ve only gone and forgot about my little red occasional guests and shaved all their heads off!!! Blood!? Whatever they are, these blistery things, they are connected to a direct internal blood vessel system for sure, because they would…not….stop…BLEEDING!  I get myself plugged up with around 100 wee bits of toilet paper stuck to my legs to stop the bleeding. You know, like the kind you see on mens faces after they’ve shaved sometimes? Well, same as them, but only 98 more! I was not gonna be stopped, onwards with my me time, I’m going out for fish and chips!!!!!
Fish and chips didn't prove to be such a good idea either as it turned out. Spotted a lovely wee bench, right on the sea front, all to myself with a view of little old fishing boats and the cry of seagulls, perfect. I'm eating away (great fish and chips I have to say) and I make the first fatal mistake of throwing a bit of fish out on the pebbled shore for the gulls. There's an instant swarm (or should I say flock) of seagulls, screaming and fighting over this piece of fish. Once it was eaten by the most definite gang master, as he was the size of a dog, he looked over at me and I swear he caught my gaze for at least 10 terrifying seconds. He had found the food source! That was the end of it all. I was dive bombed and swooped upon, well my box of chips, which was sitting on my lap was swooped upon. I tried to swipe them away by shouting a shoo shoo kind of chant noise and trying to act as if a swarm of birds attacking me wasn't bothering me as I was now entertaining the entire pub across the road who were all enjoying the lovely evening outside, all watching and pointing at me! I made a quick decision and threw the box down and bolted. Well bolted in my hobble kind of way at the moment, which I'm sure entertained the onlookers even more. An old lady passed me and disapprovingly shook her head at me, ''ohhhh you should't have done that!'' she said. I looked around and every seagull that has ever visited, stayed or immigrated to Oban was in the 4 foot space in front of my bench, fighting and squealing, a mass of feathers and beaks. I decided to give up in this particular day and head back to the guest house to watch the football.
At this point in a flare, I would normally sigh and think well that’s the next 4-5 days gone then. Cancel clients, prepare myself to be horizontal for at least a few days, and not in the horizontal good way, and generally prepare to disappear till it was over (except Facebook of course) Nope, I was there to de stress, me time, that’s what I was told I needed, some ME time, so I wasn’t going to let a flare get in my way. Cutting a very long story short, not a good move, going out, even for fish and chips and seagull gladiator games, didn't improve my flare. To cut another long story short I hobbled my way up to the doctors surgery first thing in the morning, hoping they would take me before three weeks on Wednesday and perchance even today? My luck was in. Jinx was teasing me. Half an hour later I’m having a 4 inch needle of cortisone injected into my ankles and sent away with a 5 days supply of steroids, bliss!  I hobbled back to my guest house at twice the speed of the first time. Still slower than the 80 year old couple I was chatting with along the way, but still, it was progress. I hobble past my guest house and head for the car park as my ticket expired one hour before. Is there any point on telling you what was on my car? £60 fine! Exceeding the paid amount of time parked. No, no i don’t care I tell myself, my flare feels so much better, I might even be able to drive tomorrow and leave, not getting upset, it's  only money (shit) and I feel better which is more important. I go to the machine and pay enough to last till 9am the next morning. I sit in the passenger seat, door open and write the nice traffic warden person a note. I say, please don’t give me another ticket if i don’t manage down before 9am. The doctor at the surgery can confirm I’m not able to walk well at the moment due to an illness, here is my phone number, I am staying at a guest home 5 minutes away. Nice note. Should do the trick. I stick the note to the inside of the passenger window and a gust of wind blows the newly bought ticket out of my hand. I tried to grab it but landed on my knees from the car door. Kneeling on all fours, head bend back watching the ticket swirl around in the wind was the first time I thought, it really is getting to be a bit much this jinx business! I don’t have anymore change. I have a £5 note. I head off down the street to find a shop to get change. I pass a young mother sitting in her garden bench on her ipad, trying to ignore the constant moaning and screaming of her three small children playing around her. I really felt sad thinking how she’ll regret that when they leave home, and wished she had spent every second looking at their wee faces instead of an iPad. Then I realise I sound like an old granny and stopped that train of thought. First shop I pass is Farm Foods (a frozen food store) and I decide an ice lolly would be just the thing. Of course it’s a whole sale, bulk buying freezer place, so I can’t buy ONE ice lolly. I buy a box of 6 and give 5 to the woman on the bench for her kids as I pass her again. Kids are delighted!
New ticket on the car, the note is there too, I’m back in my room, legs elevated, medicated up, just watched the Italy game (world cup) and wondering what tomorrow will bring.
Start of a new week, my second week in Scotland starts tomorrow.
But all said and done, I must ask the new tenants in Rome if they threw away the dish of frozen water in the freezer with the two frozen names written on pieces of paper in it? I don’t think I told them about it and explained what it was. I told the last renters and I know it was there last summer coz I saw it, so they hadn’t touched it in 3 years. I think the new renters have thrown it away. Those two names I had in the freezer will have escaped! My spell will be broken. They will have put their jinx back on me… I’m sure of it! Although that wouldn’t explain all the jinx’s when they were in the freezer these past three years now would it? Hmmmm I don’t think this white witch spell works actually now that I think about it.
My phone has just broken, screens just gone black. I can still hear it ring or sms’s come in, but I can’t reply or answer as it’s just black. Shame I sold that new phone last week. :(
The end
0 notes
braxarchives ¡ 4 years
The Four Loko Incident  ― CANON. (current verse)
Max hasn’t been entirely honest with Brady about his feelings towards him. In order to gain the courage to tell him, he concocts a plan. NSFW.
It took Max all of a day after texting his twin about his self-pitying unrequited bullshit to put together a game plan in his head. When he woke up yesterday morning, he didn’t really plan on being in his feelings. But then Brady had to walk by him in one of Max’s t-shirts and smiled at him with his stupid bed-head and Max’s brain malfunctioned. Honestly, though. Maybe it was a long time coming. When Emmie had suggested he just talk to him… the thought was scary. But the alternative was scarier: letting this eat at him for even longer and ruining whatever chill he had left. And once Max had an idea in his head, he had to do it. Sleeping on things for too long wasn’t his strong suit. If he gave himself time to think things through, he’d chicken out. And that just wasn’t him. So naturally he’d thought about it. What was the least painful way to get everything out in the open and not feel the embarrassment of rejection later? And then it came to him: alcohol. “Hey, dude.” He said casually as he closed the door behind him to their apartment, cradling a bagged bottle in his hands. “You have plans tonight? ‘Cause I thought maybe we could hang out. I brought presents. Like — six different kinds of Four Loko.” He grinned and lifted the bag up some as though he could see through it. “Was thinking we could come up with our own drinking game or something.” 
Brady looked up from the TV, where he was currently sprawled out on the couch watching Parks & Rec for probably the 10th time, when he heard Max come in. “Hey,” he replied, just beginning to curiously eye the bag in Max’s hands when he explained it. Brady grinned, pushing himself to sit up. “Four Loko,” he repeated. “You’re ridiculous.” But he couldn’t even act like he wasn’t excited. The idea of a drinking game definitely piqued his interest. “Yeah. Yeah, we can figure somethin’ out.” Brady paused the episode he was currently on so he could adequately focus on the conversation. “You wanna make it a video? We’ll just…try to cut it off before you get too hammered. Don’t want your fans seeing you get too sloppy,” he teased.
Max laughed and walked over to him to set the bag down near the couch, his gaze momentarily drifting to the TV before Brady paused it.  Honestly, it was good he did pause. They’d end up getting distracted before doing anything at all. “If that’s not good enough we’ve got some Jack somewhere around here. But I don’t wanna kill us, we might lose at our own game.” He matched Brady’s tone right back and moved to sit next to him, shuffling the bag on the ground as he did so. “Oh yeah, wouldn’t want to be too on brand. Good thing I have you to protect our squeaky clean image, huh?” For once, he hadn’t even thought of doing a video. He guessed he shouldn’t stop now. Besides, as Brady said, they could cut it off when he got too messy. Nodding with a small hum, he rummaged through the bag to pull out a couple different flavors and set the cans in front of them. “Yeah! You’re a genius, man. ‘Cause I was thinking we could watch some of our old stuff. But make it fun, you know? That way you can take a shot every time I do something dumb, like I know you want to.” He teased. “And I can whenever you roll your eyes and quit. Perfect, right?”  Except for the fact that it wouldn’t be actual shots, but whatever. They made their own rules. “How much time do you need to get ready?”
“Yeah. Save that for another time.” Whatever Max had on him now was likely more than enough. “Which is why this probably won’t be edited for a good two days, to make sure I got a totally clear head to start with.” Brady could only imagine going into it and missing important bits and pieces, ending up with something super messy up on Max’s channel for the world to see. And Brady certainly wasn’t down with that. “Hm, we might have to narrow that down a lil’ bit. Taking a drink every time you do something dumb might kill me in a little under an hour,” he teased as he turned the TV off. “Go get your laptop. Gimme like five minutes.” He headed into his room so he could change his shirt. He usually didn’t exactly care what he looked like in Max’s videos, since he was partial to being entirely authentic or whatever, but he was in an old sleep shirt that really didn’t do much for him. He changed into the first clean henley shirt he found, grabbed his camera and tripod, and returned to the living room to set up. “Let’s say you take a drink every time I make a comment from behind the camera, ‘cause there’s plenty of that. Down the rest of your drink every time I threaten to quit.” Brady set the camera on the tripod and started to set up the frame. “And I take a shot every time you lose your train of thought. Down it whenever you manage to injure yourself.”
“You’re so funny, save it for the video.” Max grinned to himself and stood, waving his roommate away as he did so. “Alright, go make yourself presentable, wouldn’t want to disappoint the Brady fangirls.” He teased, before wandering off to go grab his laptop from his room. He walked by Ratthew’s cage, wiggling his fingers in his direction before grabbing the laptop and power cord from his bed. By the time he came back to the living-room, powered up and pulled up YouTube, Brady was already joining him. He briefly glanced at him, taking note of the outfit change and willing himself not to be that guy who looked a little too long. Yikes, as though this wasn’t already going to be embarrassing enough. Turning back to the screen, he found himself huffing a small laugh as he opened a few different fan-made compilations, pausing each one before they had a chance to play. “Why don’t I just down my drink now and get it over with?” He joked lightly, but wasn’t really joking, as Brady set up the camera. “Sounds good, but we’re gonna end up going through all these cans in like five minutes. I pulled up our greatest hits.” He took two cans of Four Loko, one for him and one for Brady, and popped the top. “’Kay, dude, get your ass over here so we can do our intro. We’ll save the thumbnail for after.”
Brady obviously knew Max was joking about downing his drink right away, but he still replied, “’Cause that’d ruin all the fun.” He finished setting up the camera and pressed record. “Alright, then guess we’re gonna have to break out the jack eventually,” he said simply, going over to join Max where he sat. “I dunno if we’ll manage to pull ourselves together afterward.” He had to take the realistic approach, because he had a feeling a drunken thumbnail would be a hot mess and they’d end up redoing one when they were sober anyway. “But whatever, your channel.” Brady cleared his throat and put on his best ‘on camera’ look, which was far from perfected because he still wasn’t quite used to it. “Sup guys. Uh, welcome back to my channel. My name’s Max,” he placed a hand over his chest, then gestured toward Max, “and this is my super hot cameraman Brady who’s so kindly doing a video with me.” Brady grinned at him briefly before turning away, and then wondered for a moment if the joke about himself being hot would properly land. Not that Brady hadn’t publicly stated before that he and his best bro were equally attractive, but recently it felt just a little bit different to say out loud. And he also knew from experience that Max’s fans liked to take the tiniest little thing and turn it into something much bigger. But Brady wanted all of that to be on his own terms, not up to some randos on the internet. “What’re we doin’ today, real Max?” he asked as he opened the can Max had handed him.
Max sighed, more than a little dramatically, and shrugged his shoulders. “I mean I guess. And hey maybe not, but if we can get a steady pic it’ll be good enough.” The important thing was that Brady would be in it. He was a fan favorite, even if Brady didn’t seem to like the attention like Max did. He never fully understood why. But sometimes he just wished Brady would let people see who he was more. As Brady joined him, he couldn’t help but laugh. “Wow. Spot on impression. I think I’d introduce you as my super hot but rude as hell camera-man Brady, but you’re honestly close enough.” He leaned back into the couch and gave the camera a little wave. “Hey everybody it’s fake Brady slash real Max. Bringing you more quality content ‘cause we’ve got nothing better to do on a Friday night. So here we’ve got some Four Loko, and on my laptop here I’ve got several fan submitted compilations. And spoiler alert, we might actually end up dying today. ‘Cause we’re going to be playing a drinking game.” He looked away from the camera and grinned over at Brady. “Rules are simple. He takes one sip whenever I lose my train of thought.” He shoots him an annoyed look, although it’s mostly playful. “Which is obviously not that often. And then he’s gonna down it whenever I injure myself. Which might be a little often.” He admitted with a small shrug. “And I’ma sip whenever he comments behind camera. Then full on downing my drink when he threatens to quit on me. Oh, and it totally counts now, too, but if you abuse it I’m disqualifying you. So don’t quit three times in a row. Or I’m gonna get up and pretend to fall like fifteen times.” He tapped him on the arm, careful not to make him slosh, and reached out to grab his own can and pull the first tab on his laptop up. “And on that note. I’m gonna start. “Max & Brady’s worst moments - part 1.” He arched an eyebrow at Brady before he started it. “How many parts do you think there are?”
“Quality content is a loose term.” They both had to admit this was going to get real stupid, real fast. But that was them for you. Brady simply nodded along with Max’s explanation, because there was really nothing to add and maybe he was still a little camera shy. But whatever. All he really had to do was sit there and look pretty and Brady was good at that. “Alright, alright. I won’t quit unless it’s warranted,” he promised. Brady watched curiously as the video started and shrugged. “I dunno, man. Probably too many.” It started with Max’s older videos, clips stitched together with far too much yelling and general idiocy. And, predictably, Brady’s comments in response. He smirked as he looked over at Max after a particularly prominent ‘this might be your dumbest idea yet’ from behind the camera. “Drink up, bro.”
He couldn’t help the genuine smile from crossing his face at their old videos. The camera was way too shaky and their content was just a bunch of yelling and doing the first thing they could think of. But they were kind of his favorites. That was one of the most fun times of his life. “Aw, look at us. We were like 12.” It was more like three years ago, but close enough. At the comment that Max had honestly been expecting, he shook his head and grinned. “Ah – wait for it, though.” He held his hand up in the air, and shortly after he spoke, the on-screen Max tumbled to the ground and completely ate it. He lifted his own can up, and pointed at Brady with his other hand. “You better drink for that bruise I had on my face for like a month. It hurt to smile.” And with that, he lifted his drink to take a small sip. “Chug it, bro, I’m freaking waiting.”
It went like that, as predicted, and four cans between the two of them were gone way too quickly. And so was Brady. “The fuck even is this shit bro?” He studied the can, as it suddenly occurred to him he’d never actually had this shit before and didn’t realize it would hit him this hard. “That was too freakin’ fast to go through two of these at once. That’s like… that’s eight whole Lokos, dude.” Brady couldn’t help the laugh that erupted as soon as he said it, his hand coming up to grab Stevie’s shoulder for support. Once he caught his breath, Brady waved said hand in the air and placed the empty can down on the table. “Okay, okay. I think it’s time we wrap this up.”
Max wasn’t expecting it to go that fast, but maybe he should have stopped to think about it. Or come up with different rules. But it was too late… and he was definitely more tipsy than he’d intended to be. He just wanted to be a little gone, not like… this much. “Uhh it tastes like an alcoholic energy drink. Or somethin’. Like freakin’… party Monster.” He snorted at his own joke, setting his empty can on the table in front of them and slinking back into the couch just as Brady spoke. He and broke out into a laugh so big he could feel it vibrate through his chest. “Shut up, you’re dumb.” Yet he grinned at him and began to sit up, his hand dropping down to Brady’s leg to use the leverage to straighten himself. And even his almost-drunk mind was well aware of their proximity, and he wasn’t really sure if it was the alcohol or a laughing Brady that wasn’t making him think clearly. “Okay…okay. Yeah.” He gave a short laugh and lifted his hand from Brady’s leg, running it over his face as he shook his head. His heart leapt in his chest, because he knew why he was even here to begin with. But they’d been having fun. And now they were drunk and he didn’t know what to do. “Okay guys I think it’s safe to say we’re both losers here. That’s all the sign-off you get. I’m…kinda drunk. A little.” He looked to Brady. “But uh. Not that drunk.” He swallowed, not nearly as humorous as before, but not trying to alarm him by a sudden change in tone. “Hey dude? Can I be honest with you for a second?”
Max was a mess. That was all Brady could think as he watched him give a half-assed outro, just slightly slower than usual. But Brady himself was just as bad, ducking his head and damn near giggling through it. He did manage to look back up at the camera when Max said he was drunk to add, “Same.” And then Max looked at him and of course Brady’s focus shifted. It was a little weird, the sudden (but subtle) shift in the mood of the conversation, but not the kind of weird that made Brady want to run away before things got too serious. Although… maybe that had something to do with the crazy amount of alcoholic energy drink in his system, because he almost knew where this was going before it got there. And that was dumb, since he’d spent all this time pretending not to notice the way Max looked at him sometimes and also acting like it didn’t make a difference to him. He didn’t know when he realized he was attracted to him, but it was long enough ago that Brady had gotten really, really good at pretending. Max was too close to him, one of the most secure constants in his life, and Brady wasn’t gonna let his dumbass fuck that up. But Max was crossing the line so Brady didn’t have to. “Yeah,” was all Brady managed to say through the fog clouding his brain. He wanted to say as long as it’s not stupid, a last-ditch effort to run away from the inevitable. Instead, he swayed a bit in his seat and said, “Anything.”
Max wasn’t sure how Brady would respond to the change in subject, but when he didn’t seem phased, part of him was almost surprised. He didn’t think he’d want to listen right now. But then he agreed and gave him that look again; the one that made him feel like he wasn’t crazy after all. He didn’t always get it from him, but when he did, Stevie couldn’t help how it made him feel. Fucking Brady messing with his head like this when he was already mush-brained. The all-too familiar sensation of longing settled into his gut, and it was then that he gained his resolve. Now or never. He seemed so much closer now, and he had to fight to not lean over to him and go too far. “I didn’t — do this for the freaking video, Brady.” He struggled to make sense, and he ended up leaning in some regardless, tone lowering as though he were telling a secret. Because that’s what this felt like. Max’s shoulders slouched a little from the alcohol, and he shook his head so he could try to think clearly. “I wanna know. I want to know.” His words were spoken slowly as he corrected himself. He wanted to reach out and touch him, and he lifted his hand to do so, before choosing to settle it between them. Even in his state of mind right now he knew this was one hell of a delicate situation. “If I kissed you…” The words were so foreign to say around him, even if he’d thought about it before. But now he couldn’t take them back. His head swam with anxiousness, but he also felt a sense of pride at having done it. So he repeated it, making sure Brady heard him. “If I actually… really kissed you. Would you never talk to me again?”
Brady swallowed, noticing how unbelievably dry his throat was. “I don’t…” He didn’t what? Didn’t want to ruin their friendship by admitting he wanted to sleep with him? Didn’t want to fuck up something to good in his life? Didn’t want to make things awkward between them forever? He recognized that saying any of that was the surest and quickest way to make it happen, because the damage had been done. Max had said his part, had put himself out there and opened up the flood gates and now it was Brady’s turn to decide what to do with it. He was dizzy, mostly because he was drunk but also partly because he was moving, leaning forward with an arm over the back of the couch to steady himself so he could kiss him. He was all too aware of how drunk they both were, especially considering how clumsily his hands found Max’s face, and just… what the fuck. Brady didn’t know what to think, except that he technically hadn’t answered Max’s question. But he was hoping he got the picture.
Max hadn’t exactly expected the night to go like this. He expected Brady to pull away from him; to make up any and every excuse to not be around him. But he wasn’t doing any of that, and suddenly he was hyper-aware of everything. Feeling Brady’s arm slide around the back of the couch urged Max to lean in to close what distance was left between them. The moment his friend finally kissed him was surreal, and he couldn’t really think of much of anything other than how freaking soft his lips were and how nice his hands felt on his face even if they kind of bumped against him. Max’s hands didn’t feel so steady themselves, but he still used one to grab the fabric of that ridiculous Henley of his and tug him in closer. The other raised to cup Brady’s own jaw as he reciprocated the kiss; all caution gone now. He broke apart briefly, eyes shut, and he laughed quietly as he licked his bottom lip. His eyes opened only for his gaze to drop down to Brady’s mouth. “Really like that answer.” He said quietly, but sure as hell wasn’t going to say any more and ruin this. He brought himself closer, knee bumping against Brady’s as he pressed another kiss to his lips, hand cupping his jaw now sliding to the back of his neck to steady him.
Max closed the already very little distance between them even further and Brady suddenly felt a sense of urgency. Like he was reminded that this really was an okay thing to be doing, and fuck if he didn’t really, really want it. He pulled away and dragged his hands down to Max’s shoulders to urge him backwards, simultaneously trying to move on top of him, but he very quickly lost his balance and tumbled right into Max, pushing him much harder than intended onto his back on the couch. “Oops.” Brady couldn’t help but laugh just before pressing another kiss to his lips. Then he planted his hands to push himself back up slightly. He hesitated for a moment, feeling all sorts of dizzy as he looked down at Max, but he bit his lip and touched Max’s shirt, pulling the fabric just a little. “You…” He swallowed. “Tell me to stop if it’s—if you don’t want me to,” he said slowly, the slur in his words surprising even himself for a moment. Even when he could barely see straight, he knew better than to just assume where this was going simply because it was what he wanted. Brady bunched up the fabric in his hands to start to pull it off, knowing Max had an out if he wanted it, no questions asked.
Max was fully ready to lose all control and climb on top of Brady when his shoulders were being pushed backwards. Caught off guard, he hit the couch harder than perhaps he needed to. His head slamming on the cushion and back bouncing from the impact. Unable to help it, Max let out a large laugh, something that was quickly silenced by Brady’s lips on his. He smiled into the kiss, and almost deepened it when his friend broke apart. And the words honest to God made him pause for a second. If he wanted…him to stop. Wow. Really. “You’re. So.” Unbelievable. He let out a laugh of disbelief, although the comment was sweet. Max had wanted this for way too long. “More like if you wanna stop we can.” He murmured, and took a second to slide his hand up Brady’s back. He wasn’t sure what was going on. Max never thought that they’d actually get drunk, or do anything like this. He just wanted to tell him so Brady could once and for all reject him. But now that he wasn’t — he was going to fully embrace that and not question things for once. But if Brady wanted to stop, he’d stop.
Now though? Max was eagerly lifting himself up so they could both pull his shirt over his head. “Don’t wanna stop.” He reached out grab Brady’s shirt and bunched the bottom of the material in his hands, palms sliding up the skin of his torso as he tried to remove the material completely. And then Max was sitting up, despite kind of loving Brady being right on top of him. But he had more pressing business. Maybe a little sloppily, he met Brady’s lips once more and wrapped his arms around his waist, before slowly flipping their positions. Not thinking clearly, he barely processed the fact that they were both sliding off the couch and to the ground, the Four Loko cans scattered around them. But Max barely even paid attention. Now on top of Brady, he lifted himself up with his hands so he could look down at him. Holy crap Brady was really here doing this with him. Something at that moment clicked in him, and he grinned slowly. “Fuck you Brady. I hate your stupid clothes.” Max dipped his head for another slow kiss before dropping his head lower, finally allowing himself to trail kisses from his jawline to his neck as his hands trailed down to his waistline, thumbs stroking against his skin as he took his time. This was really happening.
Brady wanted to make some sort of comment, but not only could his brain not currently form one, he was a little preoccupied at the same time. He tossed Max’s shirt…fuckin’ somewhere, it didn’t matter, and only had a second to take it in before reacting to Max’s hand sliding up under his own. Brady yanked it over his head and it joined Max’s somewhere on the floor. Then Max quite literally dragged him onto the floor and Brady couldn’t even think to remind Max that he was, in fact, dumb. He did manage to roll his eyes, though, but grinned in spite of it and mumbled, “Then get rid of ‘em.” He shivered when Max’s hands paused right above the waistband of his sweats, his lips on his neck and sending Brady’s drunk ass into sensory overload. He groaned before his brain caught up to allow him to swallow the sound, but then… he didn’t give a fuck.
Brady’s hands came down to join Max’s, only to push them out of his way so he could hold onto Max’s hips instead. He gave him a generous tug to pull Max flush against him, pressing his fingers into his skin. If he was gonna be a smartass about not wanting to stop, then Brady wasn’t gonna let him be a tease. Only he wasn’t crazy about lying here on the floor, wedged between the couch and the table. He let out a shaky breath before managing to speak. “C’mon.” He started wiggling out from under Max, pushing him off so he could sit up. “Not on the floor.” He held onto the couch for leverage as he pulled himself to stand, laughing as he struggled to get his balance. God, they really were both a goddamn mess. As if Brady cared. He knew what he was doing. Max’s room was closest, so obviously it was where Brady went. He shut the door behind them even though literally no one was gonna be coming in, then turned and pulled Max by the hand until he could feel his bare skin against his own, bringing their lips together as he led them in the general direction of Max’s bed.
When Brady groaned, practically right in his ear, that did him in. “Want me to?” He drawled out in response and grinned against Brady’s neck, giving a playful nip to the skin before soothing it with his tongue. Max’s fingers dipped under the waistband of Brady’s sweats just slightly, only teasing, when Brady pushed his arms out of the way and pulled his hips forward. A groan broke from the back of Max’s own throat as they were pressed together. He was already half-hard from that stint on the couch, but now there was no hiding it. At that moment, his eyes met Brady’s, and he rolled his hips forward against his without skipping a beat. He wasn’t going to be shy; not when Brady finally wanted this too. Before he had time to do it again, Brady was urging him to stand up. And they both may have stumbled, but Max honestly had a one track mind right now. They made their way to his room, and out of instinct Max pulled the cover loosely over Ratthew’s cage as they walked by. Pretty quickly, Brady had the door shut behind them and was pulling him in by his hand. And then they were pressed together - finally. Max’s hands found either side of Brady’s face, lips urgently moving against his as they made their way over to his bed. He broke apart only to grin at him, sliding his hands down to his chest only to gently push him backwards. This time he didn’t waste any time before he was climbing up on his bed and straddling him, hips pressing down on his as he leaned in for another kiss, letting it linger before trailing open-mouthed kisses down his chest and to his stomach. Max stopped there, letting his nose graze against the spot his lips just brushed over, and glanced up again. “Bein’ in my room isn’t so bad, is it?” He teased, tone rough and still slightly slurred. Still, being careful to watch his reactions, he slid a hand down Brady’s hip and over the front of his sweats, just brushing over him to test the waters. And damn if he didn’t hear his own heart thundering in his ears as he did so.
-------Brady had no idea what time it was when he first woke up the following morning. It was bright as fuck, that was for sure, and he very quickly realized it was because the curtain was wide open. Why hadn’t he closed it like always? He rubbed his eyes as reality slowly started to come back to him. He hadn’t closed it because he had been drunk off his ass, and also because it wasn’t exactly ‘like always’ since this was Max’s room, and he was waking up in Max’s bed next to Max because they’d slept together last night. So, right. There was that. Brady blinked as he stared down at his friend, still fast asleep, lying on his stomach and hugging the pillow under his head. Even through Brady’s hazy memory and one hell of a headache, of course it all came flooding back to him. The way it felt when Max touched him, the feeling of his mouth on him, the hottest fucking look on Max’s face when Brady returned the favor. God. All of it. It was fucking good. He also vaguely remembered a snide remark about the whole ordeal having taken them long enough just before he passed out. But whatever.
He couldn’t wipe the smug smirk off his face as he forced himself to finally look away from Max and drag himself out of the bed, careful not to wake him. He found his pants on the floor and tugged them on before heading out to the living room. He shook his head at the discarded cans (which he’d worry about later, ‘cause whatever, not like anybody was coming over) and then caught sight of his camera. Right, he’d forgotten about the freaking video for Max’s channel. The battery was just about dead since Brady had been a dumbass and left it on all night. He sighed and picked it up to make sure the video was at least still there, and he was met with one over an hour long. Which was definitely unusual for them — they didn’t typically talk for that long. Brady furrowed his brow as he quickly skimmed through the video, and his heart dropped as he discovered that…everything had been recorded. Well, everything right up until going to Max’s room, after which it must have automatically stopped after surpassing the video time limit. “Jesus Christ,” he muttered as onscreen-Brady pushed Max down onto the couch. He weirdly felt like kind of a perv just standing there watching their accidental kind of sex tape, so he turned off the camera and took out the battery to start charging it before heading to the kitchen. He didn’t have the slightest clue how today would pan out, but he did know he just wanted some Lucky Charms at the moment.
Max was hardly coherent when he finally began to stir. It took a moment upon first waking up to truly get his bearings. And as the light harassed his vision, his memories began to come back to him. And his eyes opened, followed by his arm reaching back to the spot beside him. Empty. Oh no. With some difficulty, he sat up and looked at the now empty spot next to him, and dread immediately gathered in the pit of his stomach as he called the previous nights events. Brady kissing him… Him kissing Brady. Then them doing a lot more than that to each other. And he knew Brady wasn’t the type to wanna spoon him or hold his hand or whatever but his mind immediately went to the worst. Groaning as fully sat up and the sunlight hit his eyes, Max stood up and stretched his arms over his head, trying to soothe his stiff muscles before grabbing himself some sweatpants to tug on.
Walking over to the door, he uncovered Ratthew’s cage, smiling softly to himself as he looked up at him and squinted due to the sudden light entering his cage. “Moment of truth, buddy.” Max tapped his fingers to the side of the cage, then ran his other hand through his hair and walked out. He wasn’t sure if he was expecting to see Brady packing his stuff, or what. But he didn’t expect him to be…. eating cereal. And it was the same thing he saw every morning, but the sight still kind of made him smile anyway. “Uh. Morning.” He said cautiously as he walked in and approached the table as casually as he could. Nothing weird so far. It wasn’t until he got there that he noticed the box in front of Brady, and he squinted, fear forgotten momentarily as he reached out to lift up the plastic bag. Just as he expected. Empty. “Are you really eating the last of my Lucky Charms right now, dude?”
Brady looked up when Max entered the kitchen. He thought that when they saw each other, he might feel weird, or awkward, or a multitude of other emotions that would fuck things up between them, but instead Brady just felt… normal. It was the same sight he was used to seeing every day. Same roommate. Same general morning routine. The only thing different was that nothing was hidden anymore, and he’d probably argue that was going to make things easier. “Sup,” he said through a mouthful of cereal. He watched Max as he walked, and it occurred to Brady that literally all he was thinking of now was whatever was going through Max’s head. They’d probably have to really sit down and talk about this sometime soon. Right now was just not that time, especially not when Max wanted to pick a fight about the Lucky Charms. “Dude, they’re not your Lucky Charms,” he shot back. “What did you want me to do, make a new box magically appear? I’ll go get some more today.” If anything could be considered totally normal between them, it was this, without a doubt. Brady finished off the last of the cereal in his bowl and hesitated for a moment, wondering what he should say or if he should say anything at all, and here was that awkwardness he’d been expecting. Or maybe it wasn’t awkward so much as it was…tense. “So. Realized this morning I left my camera on all night.” The worst thing he could say? Perhaps. But he was feeling confident that this could maybe cut some of that tension. Maybe. He didn’t fucking know. “It recorded…for a while.” He leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest, peering at Max curiously to see if he’d figure it out on his own.
Maybe he was deflecting, just a little, by pointing out the empty cereal box. But at the same time, he couldn’t resist messing with Brady a little. It was instinct by now to tease him until he rolled his eyes at him, even if he told himself to stop doing that before he got punched one of these days. He still did it anyway though. “Fine. Our lucky charms.” Max shrugged, Brady’s tone not phasing him ‘cause he was honestly used to it. If this were a normal day, he’d grab the spoon when Brady wasn’t looking to take a bite for himself. But it felt kind of out of place after last nights events. Oddly enough, considering he’d just had way more important things of Brady’s in his mouth. He sighed. “It’d be nice if you could. Got any magic powers I should know about?” He couldn’t help his normal grin from taking place at that moment, until Brady went and mentioned the camera. The camera. Of freaking course….God, Max was an idiot. Max took a long, silent moment, as the words really and fully sunk in. And the first question that popped in his head was did Brady watch it? The second coherent thought was the fact that Brady was actually referencing what happened without any trace of panic. And at that realization, Max relaxed. Good sign. He wracked his brain trying to come up with a normal response. But his stupidity bravery was at an all time high. “Hot. You wanna save it just for us or post it up on PornHub?” Max leaned his hands on the counter, honestly bracing himself and shaking his head. “Sorry, sorry. I’m… wow.” He couldn’t help but start laughing a bit. “I never thought you’d want to make a sex tape with me.” He let it hang in the air, and he met Brady’s gaze, not really sure how to respond. He was torn between humor and regret. Maybe he was still drunk from all the Four Loko. “How do you… feel about that?” It was a loaded question, one that wasn’t necessarily about the camera or video.
Brady waited while the gears turned in Max’s head. He could practically see him putting the pieces together about what Brady had just said. And Max had been surprising him quite a bit within the past 24 hours, but his response? Not surprising. It was Max, after all. But Brady still rolled his eyes, because he was Brady. “You’re such an idiot.” Then he shrugged. “It wouldn’t even do well, for the record. S’not all that exciting.” From what he had seen before feeling creepy and also managed to remember. But it was fun to mess with Max. Brady went to the sink to clean up after himself when Max asked him how he felt, and he knew he wasn’t talking about a fucking sex tape or whatever. Except Brady didn’t really know what to say in response. He thought he made it pretty clear how he felt about what was going on last night. He also knew Max, though, and knew that he had a big heart and genuinely wanted to know, and deserved real answers. And while Brady might not have been able to tell him exactly what he wanted to hear (mostly because he still wasn’t entirely sure what that was), he could suck it up and be as honest as possible — and give him a little bit of shit in the process. “I feel like I wanna know why you were holdin’ out on me,” he finally settled on, because again, both honest and amusing. Brady turned and brushed his hands on his pants. “Gonna go get dressed and go to Starbucks. Text me what you want.” He started to head out of the kitchen toward his bedroom, but paused to turn and look at Max again. “Oh — and the battery’s gotta charge a little, but…camera’s on the coffee table, in case you wanna make sure your vid turned out okay.” And then he finally did go. They could truly deal with this later. Right now, they both needed coffee.
Max was honest to God, for the first time in a long time, speechless. Did that asshole just flirt back? He was about to say something when Brady added the bit about the camera. Max honestly wasn’t even thinking about the video right now. His hands laid flat on the counter as he leaned forward further, eyes flickering towards the living-room and the table where the camera sat. Damn. He was really going to have to go through it now and get rid of the embarrassing bits. Max wasn’t sure if Brady was just trying to mess with him or genuinely didn’t want to edit it out himself. “Hey, wait a minu—” But it was fallen on deaf ears as the door was slammed behind him. It took him a second after Brady leaving for a surprised smile filtered over his face. Well. Okay, then. Not exactly all the answers to the universe, but at least Brady was talking to him, and that was enough for him for now. He sighed and looked back in the direction of where they’d filmed last night. He’d mess with the whole camera thing later. But he really was gonna need that coffee Brady was talking about. And maybe a shower and a life. Max ran a hand through his hair and made his way back to his room to grab his phone. Pulling up Brady’s name, he shook his head to himself before sending his text.
“Surprise me, Bradley.”
0 notes
edawns-bf ¡ 7 years
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🌟 1 year ago today i created this blog, and also made my first set of aesthetics 🌟
the 7th of december in the year of 2016 i fell into the kpop tumblr blogging hole. and i would not want it any other way. i heard fire truck (and kpop which was not gangnam style) the first time in october that same year and i liked it? i first started out with a pinterest account for kpop (strange choice?) and it all started there. i started this side blog named nctisbias. i made a side blog because i swore to myself i wouldnt use it, i was just going to look at some nct gfx creations and reblog them here so i could look at them later. later that same night i broke that promise and created my first set of aesthetics. i had previously been part of the one direction fandom, and getting notes on posts was very very hard, the entire thing was honestly just a mess. so little did i know when i went to bed that night that the awkward set of aesthetics with really bad tags would get almost 100 notes overnight. i woke up and was so surprised: people had enjoyed what i posted? they wrote nice things in the tags? this was amazing and a very new feeling to me.
around this day i also got my first mutual! amazing feeling! (and i am so very happy that we are still mutuals to this day!) i still remember the first time i talked to them and it was so very awkward. we were both pretty new to kpop blogging i think. over time i got more followers (still dont know how or why you all follow me!?) and that was such a strange experience. the most followers i had had before this was 500 something on a one direction pic collage account i had. but this was so different. i gained more followers as i did more awkward edits, trying to find my style. im very happy that my style has changed a little, it is still similar to what i started out with! i have tried a lot of styles and concepts and it has been a very fun experience to share it with all of you! some has been successful but a lot has also flopped. it has made me happy and a little sad. i feel that my blog is now a place where i can express myself, both creatively and emotionally (as many of you know i have not been that well lately) but here i have met tons of great people who i can trust and who i care about and who also care about me. and i really need that at this point in my life and i hope i can provide support for at least some of you.
so moral of this story: i am so very happy to have each and every one of you! some of you have been with me from day one (which is amazing!) and some of you are new! but i love you all very much and it means a lot to me that you once saw my blog and thought “this looks nice, follow!” and it warms my cold little heart and i am thankful for all the people who i talk to, and my mutuals and for all the people who follow me, and all the people who i follow which inspire me. you all mean tons to me. thank you making this year a very enjoyable experience and i hope to many more.
6 notes ¡ View notes
kristallioness ¡ 7 years
Good (early) morning, dear followers! Phew! So much happened last week and I'm gonna try to sum everything up now that I finally have the time to write it down...
First off, I'm gonna start with our surprising weather conditions. Exactly a week ago, on Tuesday the 17th, I woke up around 1 pm and witnessed how the sky turned really dark, like it was nightfall or something. The darkness lasted for 1-2 hours and later I learned from our local news that it was caused by three factors: storm Ophelia carried dust from the Sahara desert and smoke from the wildfires in Portugal all over Estonia!
I've never seen anything quite like it, not to mention the triple rainbow (+ a double rainbow a few hours later) that I saw on my dad's birthday last Thursday. It was so beautiful since I actually saw the end of the rainbow come closer until the rain stopped and it disappeared (wasn't fast enough to take a pic with my camera and there wasn't a pot of gold either *sigh*). And since it's becoming colder around here, the forecast said it could possibly snow this week already. The first snow of this approaching winter, yay!
Second, and most importantly, I had the time of my life on Friday and Saturday! It was my school's 40th homecoming. On the first day, there were 3 sports games that registered alumni teams could play and spectators could watch. I spent like half an hour watching some basketball and chatting to my old classmate (K.H.), who also came and found me sitting there.
Then I headed to another old classmate's (K.P.) house for our class reunion. It was so great to hear what everybody was up to. She had her big and sweet dog walk around the guest room. His name is Dash and he's such a good pupper. I let him sniff my hand to greet him and introduce myself. He would just come and put his big head near my lap and wait for me to pet him.. Anyways, after that we all went to the party at our local club to hang out for a bit longer and enjoy ourselves and dance.
On the second day, there was a big concert/musical held in our cultural center, which was really funny and festive and formal, too. Once it was over, the crowd started to gather at our own schoolhouse for the big party! The entire evening was bittersweet (since the building will be almost completely demolished soon and a new one will be constructed around the gym instead), full of fun, eating and drinking (I didn't drink a drop of alcohol, but the food at our school cafeteria was still SO GOOOOD), dancing, hugs (LOTS OF HUGS!!!), fond memories being shared, simply being together again (like coming back home to my family). So many familiar faces, older graduates who I know (or who I know because my parents know them), old teachers, old classmates..
I honestly felt anxious at first (especially a couple of days before), going there and admitting that I'm not doing as great as I should. But once I was there (on both days), I was totally relaxed around my friends, my family who I know and love so much. Like nothing had changed. I'm forever grateful that everything turned out far better than I ever could've hoped for. Thanks goes to my fellow alumni for being there on those two very special days. It wouldn't have been the same without them.. *wipes away tear* I'll always remember my first homecoming fondly.
Alright, and finally some random news (mostly related to Avatar, I think).. While I was out having fun at my first homecoming, @avatarsymbolism reblogged this post of mine and now it's nearing the 5000 notes mark (I can't believe it, my most popular post!). Thank you!
Also, now that I should have more free time, I'll continue work on my Hakoda and Katara piece and try to finish it before Father's Day (in three weeks' time). I've been watching "Call the Midwife" and slowly developing an idea for a veeeery long fanfic of Katara doing something similar. And I'm pleased to announce that I might just know what I'm going to write and will probably begin working on it as soon as I finish that card (it's gonna be NaNoWriMo after all). @avatarwindboy - I'll definitely let you know once I've posted it.
To finish this personal update, I'd like to promote two things. The first one would be @zuzuthebloodsucker's blog, which is full of so much good Avatar (+ other) content that I like (I've especially missed seeing quality Avatar content). I should've followed you sooner (I was honestly hesitant since I was afraid of too much new stuff flooding my dash), but your blog is a true blessing and exactly what I needed. *hugs* On that note, I'm sorry for posting so frequently, but my queue and drafts would otherwise become clogged and none of those awesome posts would ever appear on my blog!
The other one would be a user on YouTube called Kataang Videos. They create lovely Avatar-themed AMVs with some of my favourite songs. I just watched this one today and shed a few tears - the part where they edited the sound together so that Aang would say "I love you, Katara." broke my heart (he NEVER said it with her name in the end and hearing the whole sentence in this order was so beautiful!).
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disparx ¡ 7 years
6 hours post op
I’m fucking post op y'all!!!!!
I’m gonna try to recount my whole surgery experience as best I can.
I got up at 6:30 and had a shower (last one until August 30 rip). I got dressed in sweatpants, a big button down shirt and a binder. Then I went outside and waited for my taxi, which came at 8:30. I talked to the taxi driver in French for a bit until he realized I was from Ontario, then he switched to English. He was like: *french* “so you have a surgery today? You’re a girl and you’re turning yourself into a boy, is that right?” It was funny. We talked about trans stuff for a bit, which was weird but cool, things like what barriers trans people face to getting surgery and how bottom surgeries are different than top surgery.
I arrived at the clinic at around 8:45 and filled out some forms - basic medical and consent forms, and then one data collection form which, among other things, asked the gender identity and sexual orientation of my whole extended family.
I got a bed with a curtain in a room off to the side of the lobby. I changed into hospital gowns and a nurse took my blood pressure and stuff. She gave me a tiny amount of water for 3 pills (two Tylenol, one anti-inflammatory). I also had to pee in a cup. Then I had to wait until 10:30 to be summoned by my surgeon. I was very cold while I was waiting, and I asked for a blanket and curled into a ball on my bed.
At 10:30 I was led into another waiting room. After a bit I was greeted by Dr. Bensimon. He was very nice. He told me I would be getting double incision, and that he doesn’t use drains (BLESS). Then he drew on my chest with marker, showing where the incisions would be and where my nipples would go.
(Edit: forgot to mention, he literally used a LEVEL when he was drawing on me to try to ensure that my chest would end up symmetrical.)
After Dr. Bensimon I met my anesthesiologist. I gave oral consent to the anaesthesia and she determined that I should get my IV in my elbow. I started crying a bit here because I’m scared of needles AND drugs.
After the anesthesiologist, a nurse took me to the operating room. I cried a bit. They had me take off my outer gown and lie on the table. They asked me a few basic questions in English and tried to talk about me amongst themselves in French but jokes on them I know French too. They thought that was funny. They took my blood pressure again while the anesthesiologist started preparing my elbow for the IV. I started crying really hard at this point and they were concerned. They made sure I wanted the procedure and consented to it and was ready for it. Then they put the IV in and I cried more cuz I have a pathetic pain tolerance. They made sure I was ready again, told me to think about nice things so I wouldn’t cry again when I came round, and put me under.
The first time I was conscious after that was in the recovery room at 12:30. They told me they woke me up in the operating room before they moved me, and I did vaguely remember a “dream” involving nurses and surgery stuff, but just like a dream, I couldn’t remember what had actually happened. I woke up very gradually. The first thing I was fully conscious of was the pain in my incisions. It wasn’t unbearable, maybe a 4 or 5. My vision would swim when I tried to focus on things, and I felt a bit dizzy. I stayed in the recovery room for half an hour, and a machine took my blood pressure every 5 minutes. Belle got wheeled in beside me and I said hi. Our short, very slurred conversation consisted of her saying she couldn’t feel her vagina, me saying my incisions hurt, and us telling each other we were proud of each other, and then she fell asleep.
Then I got wheeled back to the room on the side of the lobby I was in earlier and they helped me kinda scooch onto the other bed. I laid there for a while and eventually they gave me some water, and then orange juice a bit later. They gave me oxycodone, anti-inflammatory pills, and laxatives as take-home medication. When some of the dizziness had gone away, they made me go pee, then they took my IV out and we (my mom and I) got on another taxi back.
I’ve been resting since then. I tried to sleep but the anaesthesia is making me itch in random places every two seconds, which makes it difficult. I ate dinner and then started writing this post.
My pain is currently around a 3 or 4, after having taken an oxycodone and an anti-inflammatory with dinner. It kinda feels like a big bruise, with occasional sharper pain. I can’t stand up straight and pretty much any amount of movement is somewhat painful. Adjusting my position is the most painful. But since I don’t have drains I’m p sure I can lie on my side, which is awesome.
Afaik my dressings consist of nipple graft dressings, a big white bandage taped on (itchy :/), and an ace bandage wrapped real tight. You’d think that would be painful but any pain from that is minimal compared to the pain from my incisions, and I can feel how the ace bandages are helping my incisions stay closed. All in all, my dressings come out almost as much as my boobs did lol. I’ll post a pic of them when I am able. They’re not going anywhere for a while.
I’m post op guys!! I did it!
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