#edith nygma
redrobinforreal · 24 days
@quite-the-enigma I have you ur dad can you come pick him up I'm afraid if he says one more riddle red hood will find a more permanent solution to his questions
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silverbackwolf14 · 2 months
Please elaborate on the lesbian riddlebird you have imagined for the new Caped Crusader if you are still inclined to
Oh my gosh, hi hello thank you for asking I’m so excited!!!!
(also side note, I love your writing, you are amazing!)
Sapphic Riddlebird below!
So, because we don’t know much about the Universe of the Caped Crusader yet I have made my own assumptions, the first of which being that this takes place somewhere in the 30s-50s. This is important because Sexism™.
We know a bit about Oswalda Cobblepot in that she is our beloved Penguin who seems to run a crime syndicate in Gotham City, but she is also said to be a singer (I swear I read that somewhere in an article) so I imagine she has a very large public image. In my version of this she owns the lounge and performs there. Due to societal opinions, she’s seen as a bit of a disgrace. No one would ever say it to her face, but the facts remain that she is an unwed woman who performs and is getting up there in years and does not bend to societal norms. She’s never been beautiful by modern beauty standards, and she wasted her youth performing (and gaining power in the underworld) instead of finding a husband. Such a shame.
Oswalda doesn’t care about any of this obviously. She’s doing very well for herself, and despite keeping up the image that she is a high society lady, she breaks just about every gender norm in the book and is very proud of this. She's known for taking women under her wing and hiring them at the lounge. There's also rumors of her employees' worthless husbands disappearing, but that's neither here nor there.
Edith Nashton is a secretary at Wayne Industries. She has a brilliant mind and a penchant for science. Especially engineering. Engineering was just solving a puzzle. Easy as a riddle, and Edith loved a good riddle. She originally applied to be an engineer at Wayne Industries, but she was laughed out of the office and handed a secretary job. In dire need of money, she took the job. As she worked there, she helped with projects in secret. Fixing notes here, redesigning blueprints there. Never receiving credit of course, she couldn’t let them know a lowly woman was their reason for success. After being berated for giving a suggestion on counterbalance valves for a new machine, she decided she was sick of it all.
She went to the Iceberg lounge to drown her sorrows in booze and a show after having been ‘invited out’ by coworkers. (A group of them were going and she happened to be nearby. She knows it was a pity invite.) It is there that she meets Oswalda, having just finished a set onstage. Oswalda asks about her troubles, as no one should look so unhappy at her lounge.
Edith breaks down and reveals her troubles to Oswalda, who is certainly no stranger to such troubles, but is wise in experience on how to get around such societal problems.
Oswalda takes Edith under her wing, where the two grow closer together, becoming each other’s biggest confidants.
Edith takes on the form of Edward Nygma, after learning that a hat, a suit, and a touch of makeup can be all that’s needed to pass as a man, especially if they’ll never suspect a woman of being able to be as much of an engineering genius as Edith is.
Under the guise of Edward, Edith becomes Wayne Enterprises’ top scientist. However, after the business experiences a record loss, cutbacks are made, and Edith loses all funding.
Furious, Edward marches into the board of directors where they give everyone within earshot a piece of their mind. Edward is fired and promptly loses it. How dare they fire the smartest person in Gotham!
Edith returns to Oswalda, who lends a shoulder to cry on. The two have gotten very close. Perhaps closer than they realize. As Oswalda comforts a very distressed Edith, our lonely and touch starved scientist kisses an eagerly accepting crime boss. Edith, shocked at what she has just done, profusely apologizes, swearing she was just tired, and please don’t tell anyone I promise I’ll leave-
Oswalda shushes her. She has had her fair share of both men and women partners in her time, and Edith’s kiss was hardly unwelcome.
Edith is incredibly nervous; she’s never been in love with a woman before. She’s only ever had two boyfriends, neither of which were worth a damn, but when she’s with Oswalda. . .she finally feels like she belongs and can be herself without fear.
After a period of healing and self-growth, and A LOT of planning, Edith vows revenge against all of Gotham. How DARE they not see her for the genius she is? So, she once again adopts a new name. This time that of the Riddler. A fearsome green jackal who terrorizes the city, executing those who cannot answer their questions. The Riddler is neither man nor woman, but an Enygma. Simply a genius hell bent on the destruction of Wayne Enterprises, and all that stands in their way.
When the Riddler’s tirade is over for the night, Edith Nashton returns to Oswalda, who glows with pride at her partner’s success.
There’s bat stuff too but this is the basics. Not sure if I’ll write it as I’m in between two fics right now and a batman creature AU.
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annalisasparkleshine · 6 months
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Edith Nygma is such a concept to me. Slay queen
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cr0w-28 · 11 days
Hhii its egg
Can you draw your take on autumn. I crave to see…
oh Autumn?? You mean my favorite girl ever?
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I love her sm. Look at her!! Now!!!!
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tropotropotropo · 2 years
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What am I?
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eagledrawsandvibes · 2 years
So someone’s been watching Holy Musical B@man again
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Also been thinking about the Edith AU, so that’s helping
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almond-milk-man · 2 years
i really need to draw more transfem ed. i just love her
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sucky-username · 7 months
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I spent literally all day on these. Height comparison and backstory dump for Ed under the cut :-)
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Ed got into college early and there met the first love of his life, Edith “Edie” Morgan. She was the only other freshman that was his age and they were both outcasts, she because she was an openly bisexual punk in the 1970s (?) and he because of his abnormally large intellect and lack of social skills. Edie was very kind to Ed, something he was unused to growing up in Gotham’s foster homes and orphanages. They became best friends quickly and started dating soon after. They were madly in love and vowed to get married right out of college.
While in college, Ed and Edie began working on a mystery-thriller novel together. Edie helped with plotting while Ed wrote the novel under their joint pen name E. Nygma. As they worked on the novel, about a bank heist, they began to realize the thieves’ plan was actually extremely viable. Once they’d both graduated (Ed some years early and Edie close behind), they both had a mountain of student debt and couldn’t start their life together until they paid it off. Because of this, they were desperate, and together decided to pull off the bank heist from their unpublished novel.
The heist went extremely well except for one small thing: a single security guard caught them while they were fleeing the scene. In the spur of the moment, Ed attacked the guard with a crowbar and brutally beat him to death. Once all was said and done, Edie was furious and horrified by his actions. Ed wouldn’t admit it, but the violence had felt good. He stood his ground, claiming the guard’s death had been necessary to ensure their safe getaway. Edie wasn’t swayed by this argument and kicked him out of their apartment with his share of the heist money, telling him to never contact her again.
At first, Ed remained stubbornly angry, but once he cooled off he knew he would hate to lose the love of his life. So though he didn’t feel truly remorseful in the least, he resolved to apologize and beg Edie to take him back. When he returned to what was once their apartment, however, he found something that absolutely destroyed him: Edie was dead. And not just that—murdered. He vowed to find out who had done this and get revenge.
As it turned out, the money they’d stolen belonged to the mob. One of the Gotham mob bosses had hired a hitman to track down the thief and kill them. The hitman had found Ed and Edie’s apartment but only Edie had been there. Ed found and killed the hitman first, then tracked down the mob boss and killed them too.
After this, Ed was left heartbroken and alone for many years. He stopped with the illegal activities for a few of those years and got a job as a software programmer, but soon turned to a life of crime again (though he maintained his employment (?)).
And that’s about all I’ve got so far, none of which is set in stone. I also know I want Ed to write more novels with Cain’s Jawbone-level plot complexity that act as clues to his crimes. At some point he meets Ozzie and falls madly in love with him at first sight. After Edie, he never thought he’d love again. Ozzie, meanwhile, has been burned by love in the past and continuously rejects Ed, even though he secretly finds him charming and his advances flattering. Ed tells him it’s alright if he doesn’t love him back, but begs him to let him stay by his side because he’s so grateful to feel love again. Of course, Ozzie eventually falls for Ed too and they live happily ever after.
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doctorcranes-ask · 25 days
My friend Alice told me that you adopted Edith. If you need a defense attorney for any action you might take against one Edward Nygma, feel free to contact me, if Harvey Dent is unavailable.
I appreciate the offer, but I am not adopting Autumn. She is my assistant, not my child.
Also I am a wanted criminal, I’d be tackled if I went within 100 feet of a courthouse. And I have no interest in taking legal action against him. If Autumn wants to report his abuse, that is her own battle.
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enignoema-a · 9 months
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Edith Nashton age 6
The name is crossed out with "Edward Nygma" Scribbled underneath
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gothamghostwhispers · 25 days
My friend Alice told me that you adopted Edith. If you need a defense attorney for any action you might take against one Edward Nygma, feel free to contact me, if Harvey Dent is unavailable.
Not legally adopted yet, she has a room in the family manor and is adopted via magical law though. We are still working on getting her legally into our care as well
I will be sure to remember your name
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thedreammweaver · 3 years
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toon-topaz · 3 years
female!riddlebird cuddling??
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Finally getting back to these requests, sorry it took so long
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esperata · 4 years
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So excited because my acrylic blocks from @yanderebeat shop came. Aren't they fabulous?
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tropotropotropo · 3 years
My piece for @orcaputt 's art telephone!
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eagledrawsandvibes · 2 years
Been thinking about her ever since I saw Holy Musical B@man:
Transfem!Riddler aka Edith Nygma
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- Her pronouns are she/her
- She was the Riddler before her transition, so she decided to fake her death so she could do everything she needed to transition
- When she returned, she created a giant riddle scheme for Batman to figure out, and at the end, she revealed it was all for her to finally come out
- Batman is supportive of her, and so are the rest of the villains, they’ll fight anyone they need to so they can protect her
- She still wears the Riddler suit and is known as the Riddler, but she rolled up the sleeves and sometimes substitutes the pants for a skirt for days when she’s feeling more feminine
- She was nervous to come out to the villains, but as it turns out, all Batman villains are trans and fight for trans rights all the time
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