coruscatingdust · 2 months
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image: from @dailyphilosopher on Instagram
The immersive nature of self-as-object processing is manifest in the way we typically do not regard our thoughts as just thoughts.
Rather, we implicitly or explicitly take this mental activity to reflect reality more or less accurately.
It can be morally and epistemically problematic when people do not recognize that their perceptions and beliefs is in fact, a model —schematic or working hypothesis about reality rather than reality itself.
People are incontrovertibly egocentric, self-relevant information is preferentially processed and remembered, and people strive to protect their self-views to the point that they selectively seek confirmatory evidence and otherwise distort reality.
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soulsanctuary · 4 months
I want someone that can connect as deeply to me as I can to them. Someone not scared of emotional intimacy and being open. Someone that is as supportive and as loyal as me. someone that takes accountability, can compromise and actively makes an effort in their connections. Someone that will respect my boundaries and independence. Someone that prioritises me.
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allycat75 · 1 year
Today's word is self-awareness.
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It is not the responsibility of others to understand you if you don't understand yourself.
If you don't like what you see in the mirror, examine the root cause and take steps to fix the issue(s)- you will be stronger for it in the end. Or continue to run and dissociate from an authentic life.
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Frustration Triad
7: fleeting, low-resolution ideals which see all possibilities but miss the details which would make any of these ideals into high-resolution, deep realities
1: disciplinary force of the universe which is necessary to create exacting and detailed ideals. discipline causes ideals to become embodied. 1s get lost in the process of embodying ideals, anger shields them from the chaotic seeking of ideals, be it in the details (4) or the bigger picture possibilities (7).
4: getting lost in the details of ideals, becoming emotionally invested in the details of ideals. your impotent childlike need for something stable, blind to the bigger picture. the will to invest yourself in creating an ideal comes from 4 and the suffering it embodies.
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sandramiksaauthor · 1 year
What you need to understand about DETACHMENT | how to detach
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ghost-boi-666 · 4 months
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adancewiththedivine · 9 months
Being a human is a spiritual experience
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idealog · 10 months
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Selfish egoics are not angels but demons, their inverse.
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corneater3000 · 1 year
so humbled and honored to walk through this threshold into a deathworker and to deepen and expand my carework.
making the most difficult moments in life a little easier. being there for people. studying their wisdom. doing the hard work. the scary work. the painful work. bearing witness, holding space. this is sacred work. this is holy work. there is much to be done in this world. there is so much to learn in the process.
the greatest mystery as the greatest teacher. this body, this mind, this heart a forever student. i am so small and humbled in the midst of all of this. i don’t know who i will be on the other side of this apprenticeship. i don’t know who i will be years down the line having sat at the feet of death so very many times in gratitude. in grief.
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godsopenwound · 1 month
If your parents didn’t know how to hold you, you develop the mind you hold yourself with, so you find safety in this mind that you created. So the human mind, the ordinary egoic mind, is basically a defensive structure. It’s, in significant ways, a response to pain, it’s designed to keep you from experiencing pain, it’s worried and anxious and it’s defensive, so when it comes to change and vulnerability the mind wants to defend against it. It comes out of fear, which comes out of childhood experience where the pain that you had wasn’t held, and therefore you develop these mind structures to keep you from experiencing it, and one of them is clearly addiction.
— Dr. Gabor Maté
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ashanimus · 5 months
Parents advocating for Kosa is parents throwing themselves at the feet of the government both begging them to take responsibility for shitty parenting and enjoying a victim complex over preparing their kids for the world they brought them in to. Simultaneously denying themselves and everyone their first amendment rights AND trying to increase direct control over the kids.
No one gets safer with Kosa, no one gets protected. But I’m sure you’ll feel better, until there’s another freedom that offends that fucking victim complex.
If you care about free speech, if you care about art and community online, if you want to protect adults AND kids fight this thing with whatever you have.
And for the love of fuck, stop having kids if your only relationship to them is little egoic dolls you can’t let go of. You’re here for THEM. THEY are not here for YOU. They owe you NOTHING, especially if your response to them learning anything of the world beyond you is grabbing them by the hair and trying to shove them back into your pocket. They will cut it!! They will be right to!!
If you can’t bear the thought that a kid will grow up and have a complex relationship to you, change their gender, change the name you gave them, maybe grow up yourself first before having one.
It’s not the libs or new information seducing yours kids away from your way of doing shit. If your way was so great, so *natural*, maybe they’d want to stay.
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eatmangoesnekkid · 3 months
Do not give yourself over to a lover who doesn't demonstrate care and value for your heart, your body, or your wellbeing. Do not give yourself over to a lover who doesn't help to create a safe space for honesty and truth-telling. Do not give yourself over to a lover whom you can't share the intimacy of silence with. Do not give yourself over to a lover who is selfish or too egoic. Do not give yourself over to a lover who you don't laugh wildly with for no reason at all. Do not give yourself over to a lover who isn't curious about your deepest desires and scar tissue. Do not give yourself over to a lover who doesn't earn and claim every part of you. -India Ame'ye, Author The Melody of Love, Chapter: Dating and Intimacy Advice From Auntie India
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punkpandapatrixk · 25 days
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⛩Lion’s Gate Portal to Xxx ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
Happy Lion’s Gate Portal to Xxx…! From X (infinite possibilities) to hyperspecific manifestation of things, events and people that are meant to inspire, excite and serve your Highest Intended Good! What collective do you belong to? What timeline of Humanity are you on?
Laced with the aenergy of the last Full Buck Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius (21 July), this Lion’s Gate Portal is ushering in a general sense of excitement like you’ve just graduated an important chapter of spiritual education~\`★_★`/
From here, you’re in a brand-new Reality offering brand-new sensations, experiences and opportunities. There is a mega-influx of high-vibe money, non-slavery work opportunities, spiritually-inclined connections and mutually-beneficial friendships for those who have taken it upon themselves to transcend above silly ego-driven drama default to this Matrix of misery. From here, Integrity is your Key to creating a perfect existence.
Enter the Neo Reality. Let the day begin!
SONG: Let the Day Begin by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
DOCUPUNK: Punk: Attitude | Full Documentary | Qwest TV
deck-bottom: 5 of Swords, Gold Astrologer (Simon Forman), Priestess of Integrity
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Pile 1 – Opened a Whole Portal to a Perfect Existence!
‘Listen. I’ve got this dream. I never told anyone and it acquired dust. But I can’t ignore it anymore. I’ve decided not to look away from the innocence that is myself!’ – Get No Satisfaction! by Sakamoto Maaya
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chapter of triumph – Page of Wands
Of all the Piles, I feel the most ‘orderly’ aenergy from you. In spite of passion and motivation, there’s a strong sense of ‘control’ and order in the way you’re creating your new Reality. This sense of order and control isn’t of the egoic control-freak variety; rather, it is a result of your having complete trust in the flow of Divine Timing.
You’ve entered this Reality where everything you’re able to perceive is nothing but a possibility. So yes, as long as you want it, it can be possible for you. You’re now in a flow state of choosing only those possibilities that serve your highest good whilst contributing something meaningful to your immediate surrounding. In essence, I think you’ve become a true spiritual master!
From this chapter onwards, your stories and events and rendezvous will serve as a mirror to reflect back how much you’ve grown as a spiritual being in a Human body. You will be serving your purpose more closely to your original Blueprint. Many of you will find yourself being a teacher, healer or guide of some sort in many of your daily interactions.
cells full of Light – Knight of Pentacles
And yet, here you are teaching and guiding others, but you’re also gaining even more new perspectives from the people you’re helping. So you’re both nourishing and inspiring and amplifying each other. The people you’re guiding and helping are truthfully also on their own way of learning how to teach and guide others beyond your scope.
So this is the kind of Neo Reality you’ve stepped into. An almost immaculate circle of good souls empowering and teaching each other. You’re actively building a more positively-oriented Reality that on a spiritual level goes far beyond what can be seen on the physical plane. This is your Soul Work, in essence.
From here, I see that money and other ‘types of abundance’ that will make Life easier on a material level will naturally trickle down your Reality in tandem with how you’re redefining your ‘sense of place’ in this new world. This new world where most of us are wired towards healing and becoming a much more joyful, psychologically-liberated versions of ourselves~
shifting straight into Xxx – 7 of Cups
There’s a sense of needing to choose your Reality. I should say, a sense of needing to choose certain elements and aspects of your Reality. At this point, you don’t have to worry about choosing wrongly. There’s practically nothing you could choose wrongly. Everything is a possibility, of which purpose is to be manifested and experienced.
Whatever happens, that’s for your highest enjoyment in this theatre of a Human Life~ Many of you will soon or probably has realised that quite nothing in this Universe is as serious as it seems. It’s all a play. This world is an illusion just like movies aren’t real. Just like video games aren’t real. We’re playing in it just for our Soul’s pure enjoyment.
The moment you become crystal clear about this is the moment you become absolutely clear about your manifesting abilities. And from there, you’re Doraemon. You can literally call forth any kind of experience or a sense of adventure by reaching into the pocket of your subconscious mind~
What’s contained in the subconscious often comes through in daydreams and fantasies, right? ;) Those are all your possibilities. You can entertain whichever you want and it’s yours!
collective dharma – Red Magus (Edward Kelly)
unmatched charisma – Priestess of Fertility
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Pile 2 – Held on for Dear Life, Now, You Can be Happy, Shorty~
‘I want to have more faith in myself. Someday, just like a flower… I want to offer a prayer to my future self. May you be happy.’ – Remedy by Sakamoto Maaya
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chapter of triumph – King of Swords Rx
This collective is one that has had to learn to tackle the shackles of their logical minds hahah Too much logic means little to no magic! You got it? I’m reminded of this idea that ‘you can’t plan around Luck’. Luck comes to your aid when you have complete faith in your endeavour. Lady Luck loves those who are confident and courageous.
That’s been one of your biggest life lessons in terms of your spiritual evolution. At the present time, I’m getting that you’ve pretty much managed to let your logic take a backseat. Of course, it’s still there and it’s very necessary for rational reasoning! But your logic is an observer who tends to counsel you when you need to be realistic about your next steps.
At this present time, I see that you’ve managed to let your higher heart—your intuition—take the wheel of your physical fortunes. You may be seeing a lot of angel numbers and other signs of SYNK. You’re in sync with your Higher Self and team of Spirit Guides. Your faith in them—and in where you’re going—is actively opening many pockets of Luck in your current timeline!
cells full of Light – 6 of Wands Rx
Part of why you clung to so much logic before was that you lived amongst super judgemental bitches. Basically, society. Society for the most part comprises of very small minded, jealous fucks who don’t get happy when someone they know is met with fortune, right? That’s why society has a tendency to mock or underestimate those they deem ‘lucky’.
Society hates ‘lucky’ people; they instead LOVE those who struggle and suffer. I think in many ways you’ve had to deal with so much difficulty because you either let those types of mindsets affect your flow of manifestation, or, you yourself wholeheartedly believed that your manifestations and visions and goals could only be worthwhile if you crawled and worked under immense duress to get them.
That’s all in the past now. You’ve let all of that silly mindset become part of a dying paradigm. You ain’t playin’ like dat no mo. And those who can’t understand your level of chill can also die in that old paradigm. You aren’t the least bit concerned about what’s ‘normal’ anymore. From here, your Life is magick! And those who can understand you, will only find you inspirational, if not aspirational😉
shifting straight into Xxx – 7 of Wands
So there’s a sense of having ‘worked so hard’, but you understand that this is mainly your having worked so hard on shifting your internal paradigm. You held on for dear Life! Now, you’re in a completely different bandwidth of Reality. Upon finding this PAC, you may still be dealing with a feeling of always being ‘close’ to your goal. Just about there… Or, not enough effort yet… Not quite there yet…
But literally, this is just an echo of how you used to think about when and how your manifestations should come to your doorstep. Sooner than later, you’ll find yourself not caring anymore about the when or the how things are going to be presented to you. You’ll simply have the faith—the knowing—that what’s meant to be yours will never miss you.
Right now, if this is your main pile, you’re being advised to take it easy and plan little by little. Take as much time as possible to recover first from the stress of survival before you push yourself towards your goal again. From here, it’s not a warzone. It’s no longer you vs the world. From here, it’s Animal Crossing’s flower gardens LMAO Enjoy where you are. Enjoy this Reality you’ve worked hard to arrive at!
collective dharma – Gold Astronomer (John Dee)
unmatched charisma – Priestess of Luck
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Pile 3 – Stepping Out into the Open Sky, It’s A Brand-New World of Comfort
‘Blessings flowing over me, glowing, rolling over and over. Never want to go back to the way it was before. I hear someone whisper into my ear. I turn around but find nothing there. Until I look up and see colors of love raining down on me.’ – Colors by Sakamoto Maaya
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chapter of triumph – King of Cups Rx
This is the Pile that previously dealt with an insane amount of psychological drama, karma, and trauma. It’s possible that you’ve indeed been given so much trauma by this world—this disappointing, disappointing world—but the main thing I’m getting is how you’ve triumphed over so many different streams of crazy in your head. I hope that illustration makes sense to you ^^
You’ve calmed down a lot. You’re no longer slave to your intense emotions that had often caused crippling anxiety. You had a lot of fears. You were possessed by so many demons. None was your fault tho. The world had given you so many reasons to be doubtful, and that made you incredibly fearful about some certain things that people take for granted.
But dang, you’ve simplified, haven’t you? You’ve learnt to do less. You’ve learnt to expect not so crazily—from yourself and others and even the Universe. You’ve truly learnt spiritual detachment, or soon to master it. You’ve realised now that you’re only responsible for how peacefully you can live your day to day every day~♪
cells full of Light – 6 of Swords
I see that you’ve left a lot of things, people, situations and places in the past. Do you feel somewhat lonely? It’s only normal but just so you know, you’re sailing above calmer waters, and by the end of this sailing, on some new land you will be meeting your Soul Tribe, and possibly even your romantic Destined Person ^^ So this is really only temporary no matter how long you feel you’ve been sailing in this ‘isolation’ mode.
‘Feel the world around you. Feel the world surround you,’ I think my music is saying that XD (I think it’s Ciggies After Sex) Truly a lot of things have changed and that you’ve become much stronger both in faith and your conviction. You jumped a fucking timeline and you’re not even existing in the same bandwidth of frequency as those things and people that used to scare you so much.
Just like The Fool in major arcana, you’re crashing and falling into this stream leading you towards true spiritual happiness and abundance~ There is nothing from the past that can follow you because the frequencies are simply different. And when you look up you’ll see the colours of Love raining down on you ^^ All is a shower of blessings from your Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Ancestors and Soul Tribes, as well as your Destined Person ♥︎
shifting straight into Xxx – Queen of Pentacles
For all of the spiritual work that you’ve done on yourself—which really echoes throughout the ages back and forth, affecting the past and the future positively—material abundance is yours to access. Some people who don’t truly understand ‘spirituality’ may think it’s funny how spiritual work is rewarded with money and other material possessions, but I’m sure you know better that we live in a material world XD
Having an abundance of munny, of currency, is proof that you’re living peacefully in the currents of chi. There is not so much resistance now between you and the whole of the abundance of Gaia. Best you do is maintain balance so you don’t fall out of the currents, right? Yes, as long as you maintain balance, in everything that you do and think, this material abundance is always going to be yours. Just…don’t go insane like those overnight millionaires who’ve ended up bankrupt in just 2 years. YKWIM?
I’m sure you already know how to strike a sane and sensible spiritual-material balance now and that’s the reason you’ve shifted into this prosperous paradigm. I see that you’re now able to afford whatever whenever you want. Keep reminding yourself of this: ‘My money bags refill faster than I can spend.’ Being financially abundant is such a beautiful thing because when you have more, you have more to share as well ^o^/
collective dharma – Gold Historian (Raphael Holinshed)
unmatched charisma – Priestess of Enchantment
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icyg4l · 5 months
PAC: What Upgrades are Coming Into Your Life?
Hello beautiful people, so sorry for the delay on readings. I've been really distracted lol. But tonight marked the end of the $5 4/20 weekend sale. I am grateful for those who have purchased a reading. Now, if you would like to purchase a reading, please read my guidelines and let me know! (They will be regularly priced until another sale comes along). Now, this weekend’s PAC will be all about the upgrades that are coming in your life! Whether that’s in your career, home, family, finances, love, etc. We’ll find together! So without further ado, please pick your Megan baby. 🤭
Top Left-to-Bottom Right (1-4):
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PIle One, I feel like things have been getting hectic in your life. I think that this is a group of people who can get easily distracted by the small things. A lot of you are going through a breakup/separation from someone that betrayed you or love bombed you. I can feel my throat tightening as I’m typing this. I’m sorry, Pile One but this is a blessing in disguise. I think that this will be a death/rebirth period for you. I am seeing snippets of the Hiss video, specifically when Megan is dressed in all silver. I think you will come out stronger than ever. When I say stronger, I mean you will be less tolerant with other people’s bullshit and having better boundaries. I feel like someone tried to dominate you and as a result, it ruined your self-esteem. I see you taking some time to yourself and realizing who the fuck you are. You need to know that things will get better. Anything that happens over the course of the next seven days is meant to happen, Pile One. 
Cards Used: The Empress (RX), Prince of Cups, 7 of Swords, Strength, The Hermit, 3 of Swords (RX), The Magician, Temperance (RX), The Lovers (RX). 
extras: “bovine”. playing the dozens. hbcu bound. 1H lilith. a full shopping cart. laughter.
Pile Two: If you suffer from insomnia, you will absolutely start to get better sleep. Pile Two, you’re such a smart worker. I know you don’t like to work hard, and you will be getting a reward for that. I see a promotion coming your way. If you have a boss that has an explosive temper, I see that this will happen within the next three weeks. Your life also seems chaotic like Pile Two. You also seem like the obsessive type. I feel like this is a pile full of nightowls as well. Part of your upgrade process will mean embracing your shadow side. I think that you have some trouble with other women (if you’re a woman), or having trouble embracing your soft side. It is okay to be vulnerable. I also see if you’re on the search for a new car, then a woman will co-sign a loan for you. It seems like you will be changing from the inside out. The longer it takes for you to address the issues that you have going on internally, the longer the results will come. I am seeing that when you finally decide to open up and be vulnerable, the physical changes will manifest. For example, if you want longer hair, your hair will grow two inches. If you want to change your life, change your mind Pile Two. And I’d recommend you look up the term ‘limerence’. Start making changes to become more grounded and less clouded by delusions, fantasies and looping thoughts about stuff that does not exist in your reality. It’s time to let them go, Pile Two.
Cards Used: 4 of Cups, Queen of Cups, The Chariot, Ace of Discs, 3 of Discs, The Devil, King of Cups (RX), The Tower, 9 of Swords
extras: listening to nightcore. “egoic”. meat market. fresh beat band. beauty shop (2005). picker-upper.
Pile Three: Your hard work is finally going to pay off. You’ve been obsessing over your work and dedicating so much of your time to it. It is finally going to receive some recognition because you decided to not give up on your dreams. As a result, I see that your dream lifestyle will be well-funded. If you’re an artist or a clothing designer, this will especially resonate with you. The amount of time that you spent on your passion will be appreciated by many eyes, Pile Three. If you’ve been having a hard time accepting someone for who they are, or if you have been struggling with your emotions in general, I see that you will get a handle on it. And also, if you’re looking for a vendor, you will find one! You are being called to continue to focus on your craft. I am channeling this interview of GloRilla where she says that she abstained from relations with men, partying and alcohol for sixty days before she blew up. Then FNF was released, and that marked the start of her mainstream journey. So, keep going baby!!
Cards Used: Wheel of Fortune, Strength (RX), 5 of Cups, Queen of Cups, 7 of Cups, Princess of Discs, The Devil, 3 of Discs, Temperance, The Star
extras: christina aguilera. spiders. a series of unfortunate events. award shows.
Pile Four: The only way that you can learn from your mistakes is if you actually implement the lesson into your life, Pile Four. I can tell that you’re stubborn. Once you really understand that nothing can change if YOU don’t move things around, you will know how powerful you are. Some of you may have a really thick (and attractive) accent. I think that you can use this to your advantage to make things shake for you. Pile Four, do you really know yourself? Like outside of the things that you do and have, who are you? It is time for you to do some soul searching, my love. It feels like I am talking to a shell of you. I think that the upgrades that are coming in will involve other people. You will find someone who helps you embrace your rawest, natural self. I also think that you will be interested in fitness and will find a workout partner. Investing in yourself physically will impact you emotionally. You do not need to go back to your old self because they’re gone. Take pride in this new you. I feel that your spirituality will strengthen as well. Your boundaries will grow stronger, and as this happens, you will lose more friends unfortunately. But I don’t think you’ll be affected by it. Overall, I feel like this pile will gain a lot of clarity and mental strength to start breaking generational curses and shedding old skin. You got this, Pile Four!
Cards Used: 8 of Cups, The Star, Death, 9 of Swords, 7 of Wands, The Fool, Temperance, Page of Wands, The Lovers
extras: “you smell good.” “be you.” jump by tyla. maison margiela. kick-ass. wwe.
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lazyyogi · 9 months
As long as the egoic mind is running your life, you cannot truly be at ease; you cannot be at peace or fulfilled except for brief intervals when you obtained what you wanted, when a craving has just been fulfilled. Since the ego is a derived sense of self, it needs to identify with external things. It needs to be both defended and fed constantly.
The most common ego identifications have to do with possessions, the work you do, social status and recognition, knowledge and education, physical appearance, special abilities, relationships, personal and family history, belief systems, and often also political, nationalistic, racial, religious, and other collective identifications. None of these is you.
Do you find this frightening? Or is it a relief to know this? All of these things you will have to relinquish sooner or later. Perhaps you find it as yet hard to believe, and I am certainly not asking you to believe that your identity cannot be found in any of those things.
You will know the truth of it for yourself. You will know it at the latest when you feel death approaching. Death is a stripping away of all that is not you. The secret of life is to “die before you die” — and find that there is no death.
Eckhart Tolle
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ponchigg · 3 months
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Relearning | The Void State
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What’s the void state? How is it useful for manifestation/shifting?
The void state, also known as simply the void, is a deep meditative state where one fully connects to their true essence - a state of pure awareness free from attachment to thoughts, emotions and identity.
Different practicers describe the void in different ways. Some believe the void is as the name suggests, a state of pure nothingness where the practitioner cannot feel/hear anything. While others believe the void is just the final state of mindful meditation where one fully let’s go of societal conditioning and other egoic constructs. Both perspectives are correct, as it’s noted that the void will manifest in different ways for everybody.
During the void, practitioners disconnect from their rational/conscious mind, leaving space to fully connect with the subconscious instead. This is the reason why the void is described as the perfect moment to manifest/shift realities, as there will be no doubts/limiting beliefs holding you back.
How does one enter the void state? Is there a foolproof method?
The more well-known manner to experience the void consciously is through deep, mindful meditation. This can be achieved through practices such as focusing on the breath, observing thoughts without attachment and feeling the inner body.
Some authors also believe that a state akin to the void happens during deep, dreamless sleep - yet there’s not a lot of information on how to become conscious of the void during this state.
People who struggle with sitting straight for long periods of time may struggle with achieving the deep meditative state necessary to enter the void. Though, that just means one would have to practice more, as we all have the ability to enter the void regardless.
Addressing common misconceptions about the void state.
The void is nothing more than a deep meditative state, it can be easily achieved through meditation with some practice.
Loud noises and sudden touches can indeed snap you out of the void, as again, the void is not an OBE (out of body experience), you are still within your body.
The void MAY manifest as pure nothingness for some people (not feeling your body or surroundings), but that’s not the norm. A lot of people can still feel their surroundings while experiencing the void, though lack of sensation/numbness is very common.
So how would one know they are in the void? The main symptoms of the void are a deep feeling of fulfilment/interior peace and detachment from thoughts and the ego. If you have experienced a sense of inner emptiness and silence while attempting to enter the void, it’s very likely you did achieve it or a state akin to it.
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Sources and books: ‘The Power of Now’ by Eckart Tolle. | ‘The Spectrum of Consciousness’ by Ken Wilber. | ‘Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind’ by Shunryu Suzuki. | ‘The Way of Zen’ by Alan Watts. | ‘The Heart of the Buddha’ by Chögyam Trungpa.
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